GM crops approved for open field cultivation (Type 1 usage) (Biodiversity Impact Assessment Investigative Commission) |
Crop | Trait | Application (Developer) | Name | Approval Date* |
Rapeseed | Glyphosate herbicide tolerance | DuPont | 61061, OECD UI: DP061061-7 | 09 December 2010 |
Rapeseed | Glyphosate herbicide tolerance | DuPont | 73496, OECD UI: DP073496-4 | 09 December 2010 |
Maize | Lepidoptera and coleoptera insect pest resistence + gluphosinate and glyphosate herbicide tolerance | DuPont |
1057 × 59122 × MON810 × NK603, OECD UI: DAS-01507-1 × DAS-59122-7 × MON-00810-6 × MON-00603-6 | 09 December 2010 |
Maize | Lepidoptera insect pest resistance + glyphosinate and glyphosate herbicide tolerance | DuPont | 1057 × MON810 × NK603, OECD UI: DAS-01507-1 × MON-00810-6 × MON-00603-6 | 09 December 2010 |
Cotton | Glyphosate and gluphosinate herbicide tolerance and lepidoptera pest resistance | Bayer CropScience | GHB614 × LLCotton25 × 15985, OECD UI: BCS-GH002-5 × ACS-GH001-3 × MON-15985-7 | 09 December 2010 |
Pima Cotton | Glyphosate herbicide tolerance | Monsanto Japan | MON88913, OECD UI: MON--88913-8 | 09 December 2010 |
Maize | Aryloxyalkanoate-type herbicide resistance | Dow Chemical Japan | DAS40278, OECD UI: DAS-40278-9 | 09 December 2010 |
* Technically, approval is granted after public comments have been accepted. |