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A male toad soon after breeding (Strauchbufo raddei*: Shaamar, Mongolia)

A male toad characterized by rugged skin during the terrestrial phase of the nonbreeding season (Bufo formosus**: Shimo-oginoto, Tendo-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

Six pairs of egg sacs including embryos at the blastoporic lip stage (Hynobius hidamontanus: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

An aquatic-phase female salamander (Hynobius hidamontanus: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

A pair of egg sacs (Hynobius kimurae: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

Egg sac mass (Hynobius kimurae: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

A juvenile salamander before hibernation (Hynobius kimurae: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

A male salamander immigrating to a stream for hibernation (Hynobius kimurae: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

A 1-year old larval salamander (Onychodactylus japonicus: Iwamuro-onsen, Niigata-shi Nishikan-ku, Niigata Prefecture, Japan)

A juvenile frog before hibernation (Rana ornativentris: Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan)

Two male frogs having an insufficiently developed nuptial pad in the water at the end of the breeding season (Glandirana rugosa***: Soegawa, Iide-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

An adult frog in May (Dryophytes japonicus: Umenokimae, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

A male frog in an irrigation channel adjacent to rice paddies during the breeding season in June (Pelophylax nigromaculatus****: Umenokimae, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

A juvenile snake dropped into an irrigation channel, having a small body of water, adjacent to rice paddies (Elaphe quadrivirgata: Umenokimae, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

A male frog having a yellow iris during the breeding season (Zhangixalus arboreus*****: Hataya, Yamanobe-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

A male frog during the breeding season (Zhangixalus arboreus*****: Hataya, Yamanobe-machi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

Burrow use by a juvenile salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii: Shaamar, Mongolia)

A male salamander under a decaying log (Salamandrella keyserlingii: Darhadyn, Mongolia)

Darhadyn Wetland (Darhadyn, Mongolia)

Red spider lilies (Elaphe quadrivirgata: Nishi-emata, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

Dandelion (Yatsuguchi, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan)

*formerly Bufo raddei or Pseudepidalea raddei
**formerly Bufo japonicus formosus
***formerly Rana rugosa
****formerly Rana nigromaculata
*****formerly Rhacophorus arboreus

Of each picture, personal use only is permitted!!
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