Pond in Shaamar
![Pond in Shaamar](../jpeg/seeker.jpeg)
Four persons that were seeking for individual salamanders of Salamandrella keyserlingii and other amphibians, frogs (Hyla japonica and Rana amurensis) and toads (Bufo raddei), in a land covered with tall grass around a pond, inhabiting Shaamar, Selenge Province, Mongolia (photographed on 17 July 2005). Left to right: Khurlee (Mongolian State University of Education), Bergon (Zulaa's son), Taivan (Mongolian State University of Education), and Lhagba (National University of Mongolia). Lhagba was a Terbish's student that participated in a Shaamar project from 17 July 2005. I heard of his house was in Sukhbaatar near Shaamar.
Copyright 2005 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.
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