Aquatic-Phase Female

A gravid female just before oviposition that appeared in the water at night during the breeding season in the salamander Hynobius hidamontanus inhabiting Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (photographed at 2054 h on 4 May 2006). This was one of my favorite shots, which was naturally taken without touching her body. Note her right eye covered with the nictitating membrane in the water.
Accompanied Research Collaborators (alphabetical order): Iwao Hasegawa (Takefu, Fukui Prefecture), Masaichi Kakegawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Komatsugawa Senior High School), Fujio Kishi and Yuko Saikawa (Shirouma Association of Naturalists), and Koji Takada (Nagano Chausuyama Zoo).
Copyright 2006 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.
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