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# |
English |
言語 |
Indian |
meaning |
Comment |
逆引き古語辞典からの出題 のつづき |
300 | lovely | T |
apirAmam |
* that which is beautiful, lovely,
pleasing, delightful |
あわれなり |
S |
rathajit らはぁちと |
mfn. (for 1. see under 1. %{ratha})
winning affection ,
charming , lovely AV. |
らうたし |
love |
S |
kAmAsakta |
mfn. intent on gratifying desire ,
engrossed with love ,
deeply in love W. |
かなし |
301 | abject | S |
ucchinna うっ
くひっな・し |
a. cut off, lost, abject,
vile |
いふかひなし |
メモ |
いふかひなし、は、vulgar, poor,
mean にはナシだった。 |
302 | [adr] prefix | メモ |
おどろく、は、aware, know, surprise
等には、皆、外れ、しょうがないので、音から検索した。 |
S |
adroghavAc |
(%{a4drogha-}) mfn. free from malice悪
or treachery裏切り行為 in
RV. AV. c. 言葉の詭弁を超越している、全て気付いている。を、驚く、という。 |
おどろく |
303 | negligent いい加減 |
T |
ikaz-tal |
01 to be careless, negligent;
1. to
slight, despise; 2. to
forget c. careless, indifferent 無頓着, unproper, inexact, shoddy 手抜き、は皆外れた |
意固地、依怙地 |
T |
iLakkari-ttal |
to relax, slacken; 2. to be negligent
in action; 3. to become weary,
dispirited, disheartened; 4. to yield before an opponent or a rival; to
lose in a race or trial of strength c. (otl) ilAkkA * 1. district 地区, jurisdiction 司法権; 2. department 部門 c. (otl) ari-ttal 08* 1. to destroy, extirpate; 2. to take away one's property little by little |
いい加減 |
304 |
irritate イライラ frustrat prefix |
T |
eRi-tal |
; 18. to displease, irritate,
insult; |
苛々 |
T |
muTagku-tal |
01 1. to contract 契約; 2. tobecome
lame びっこ or maimed 不具; 3. to be hindered, frustrated【焦
れったい】; 4. to bend; 5. to be
spoiled; 6. to abide, remain, stay; 7. to lie down |
もどかしい (むたげく?) |
305 |
scruple チクチク |
S |
zUka |
n. (g. %{ardharcA7di} ; derivation doubtful) the awn of grain R.
Sarvad. Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; a bristle , spicule , spike (esp. the bristle
or sharp hair of insects &c.) W. ; the sheath or calyx of a bud L.
; pity , compassion (in %{niH-zUka}) L. ; m. a species of grain (cf.
%{dIrgha-z-}) Sus3r. Bhpr. ; sorrow , grief. L. ; = %{abhi-Sava} L. ;
(%{A}) f. scruple , doubt L. [1085,3]
; Mucuna Pruritus L. ; the sting
of an insect (cf. above) , anything that stings or causes pain Sus3r.
Car. ; a partic. insect (produced in water and applied externally as an
aphrodisiac) ib. Bhpr. ; a kind of grass L. c. 良心の呵責 |
ズキズキ |
306 |
unsatisfied 気が晴れない |
S |
avitRpta |
mfn. unsatisfied , (as in one's wishes
, %{kAmAnAm}) R. c. 【英】obscure オブスキュア---- イブセチ、イブカシ【訝しい】(s-k, r-s) 【形】 1. (薄)暗い、よく見えない 2. ぼんやりした、はっきりとしない、不明瞭な、曖昧な、不透明な 【英】ambiguous アンビギュアス---- イブカシ (m 無音) 【形】 1. 多義の、複数の意味を持つ 2. 曖昧な、不明瞭な |
いぶせち |
307 |
inferior 拙い |
S |
zAMtanu |
m. N. of the father of Bhi1shma (in older language %{za4Mtanu} q.v.) MBh.; a partic. ★inferior kind of grain Sus3r. c. 拙い(つたない)とは。意味や解説、類語。[形][文]つたな・し[ク]1 能力が劣っている。ふつつか。「―・い者ですがよろしく頼みます」2 運が悪い。 【民】puzutiviraTTi (= a kind of ★inferior paddy maturing in 100 days) ふつつかラッチ (v-k) -- 劣る -- 【賛 】vadhara(= mfn. (connected with %{adha4s}) , lower , ★inferior , tending downwards ; low , vile ; worsted , silenced ;) おとる |
つたな |
T |
tAzmai |
1. humility 謙虚、謙遜、卑下; 2. ★inferiority, as in rank; lowliness of mind; 3. degradation, baseness; 4. poverty; 5. delay |
つたない |
308 | noble 高貴な |
T |
Atan2 |
01 noble person (TLS) |
あてなり |
T |
upayakulOttaman2 |
* one of noble extraction
生まれ on his
paternal 父親譲りの as well as
maternal 母方の sides c. ウパヤクロッタマン→ヤんクロタ・ナン→ヤんゴト・ナシ |
やんごとなし |
309 | complain |
S |
garh, garhate |
{garhayate} ({-ti}), pp. {garhita} (q.v.) [[,]] chide, blame, censure,
reproach, complain to (dat.) of
(acc.). -- {*ni} ({garhate}) find fault
with (dat.). {vi} reproach, blame, abuse, revile. --Cf. {vigarhita}. |
かこつ |
moan |
S |
kaj, kUjati, -te |
inarticulate sounds. cry, sing (of a bird), [[-,]] coo, caw, hum, moan,
groan, etc. --{anu} follow in crying etc. {abhi, A, ud, vi, sam} = S. |
愚痴る |
310 |
【好ましい】 | S |
alamarthatA |
f. or having the sense of %{alam} Pat. |
あらまほし |
311 |
suddenly |
S |
akAlahInam |
adv. without loss of time; at once,
suddenly. c. あかーらひーなム → あからさマ |
あからさま |
S |
tAjak |
& {tAja3t} adv. suddenly, at once. c. たーじゃく → ただちに |
直ちに |
S |
tAtkAlika |
, f. {I} lasting that (i.e. the same) time or belonging to it; happening at that moment, i.e. immediate, sudden. c. たーとぅかーりか → たちかーりか → たちまち |
忽ち、たちまち |
S |
atisahasA |
(instr. adv.) too suddenly. c. あてぃさはさー → あっといさはきー → あっと言う間さ c. = at once (at-at, o-yu, n-m, c-s) あっと いうまさ |
あっという間さ |
S |
muhur |
ind. (perhaps orig. `" in a bewildering manner 当惑している様子で"') suddenly , at once , in a moment (often with a following %{A4}) RV. AV. ; for a moment , a while RV. &c. &c. ; at every moment , constantly , incessantly (%{muhur-muhur} , now and again , at one moment and at another , again and again) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; on the other hand , on the contrary S3ak. c. むはぅる → にはか |
にはか、にわか |
T |
mun2ippAyccalAy |
suddenly; quickly (TLS) c. むにゃいっぱーいっさらーい → にはかにして |
にはかにして |
312 |
interesting かたはら ・いたし |
S |
kutUhala |
(fr. %{kutas} and %{hala} , `" calling out 大声で呼ぶ・言う"' ?) , curiosity 好奇心 , interest in any extra-ordinary matter Sa1h.
&c. ; inclination ,
desire for (%{prati} loc. or in comp.) S3ak. &c. ; eagerness ,
impetuosity ; what excites curiosity , anything interesting , fun
Pan5cat. ; (mfn.) surprising , wonderful W. ; excellent , celebrated W.
(cf. %{kautUhala}.) c. こっけい、笑い過ぎて脇腹が痛い cf. intrigue c. かたはらいたし → calling out interesting (l-t, n 無音, g-h, t-r, n 無音, ting 無音) 指摘:鳩摩羅童子 on 2010/06/24 --- 印度では「最大の関心事(最も気になること)」のことを「かたはら」と呼んだ、日本へは「interesting」もひっついて伝播され、意味も「みっともない」の方面に、原意は忘れられ、限定された模様。 |
片腹 |
313 |
comfort をかし、 おかし |
S |
okas |
n. wont ~しがち、心惹かれる, comfort
pleasure 喜び; wonted or resting
place, refuge 避難所, home. c. 風情がある。 いと おかし |
をかし |
313 .1 |
趣 |
T |
akkucu |
* interest, concern c. あっくす → おかし c. 趣 = interest interesting, what attracts one's attention |
ditto |
T |
AkarSakam |
* that which is attractive c. あーかるしぁかむ → おかしかむ → おかし |
ditto |
S |
AkRS |
%{-karSati} (ind. p. %{-kRSya} ; Inf. %{-kraSTum} Kum. ii , 59) to draw towards one's self , attract , draw away with one's self MBh. &c. ; ~ c. あーかぁーしゃ → おかし |
ditto |
314 |
pity 気の毒 可哀想 mercy |
T |
AvA |
1. an exclamation expressive of pity;
2. an exclamation
expressive of surprise or joy c. 感動して発する「あ、はれ」が転 → あっぱれ【天晴れ】、だって。 |
あはれ |
S |
kRpAya |
A1. %{-yate} (Pot. %{-yIta}) , to mourn , grieve , lament 涙涙 Nir. ii ,
12 ; to have pity MBh.: P. %{-ya4ti}
, to praise (cf. %{kRpaNyu4})
Naigh. iii , 14. |
かはいそう |
T |
kun2i-tal |
01 1. to bend, as a bow; 2. to
bow, make obeisance; 3. to stoop; to descend low; 4. to fall, as in
battle; 5. to pity, commiserate,
relent |
悲し |
メモ |
「 いとほし」は not
found. --- cf. f17 「いとしの」「いとほ」 |
315 |
feeble prefix あはれ fragile |
T |
avalam |
02* weakness 弱さ, faintness 脱力・失神・めまい, feebleness 弱弱しさ・悲哀 |
野説サンプル |
S |
abala |
a. weak, feeble; f. {A}
woman, maid. c. a = 非、 bala = power, so, abala = 非力→ weak c. 鎖骨(さこつ)= 肋骨(ろっこつ: rib ) or あばら骨の中の一番上の横骨、は柔道で言うところの、すぐ折れる弱い骨、で有名なのですが、このあばら骨の、「あばら」、と、「あはれ」は、親戚ですね。 ---- 誰か証明セラレヨ。 (胸/肩が開いた服を着た華奢な女の人から見える、露出した鎖骨は、あわれ、を感じます??。 or 異性 & 力強さも? を感じます?!) |
あわれ |
S |
avIrya |
a. weak, feeble. |
あはれ |
S |
bhaGgura | a. fragile 割
ない・か弱い, transitory,
changing, fickle 移ろい; crisp, curled, wrinkled. Abstr. {-tA} f. c. 川の泡(鴨長明、方丈記)、芥子(けし)の粒(餡パンの表面に付けている小さい粒々)、芥子粒(けしつぶ)。川の流れ の様に(秋元康、美空ひばり)、重き流れのなかに(椎名麟三) |
はか・ない |
316 |
stubborn 頑固な |
T |
koTAkkaNTan2 |
confirmed miser, as stubborn
refusing to give, opp. to
vit2a1-k-kan2t2an6 【民】kuRaccAtan2ai (= stubborn inflexible nature, as of a kuranvan6) 頑固ダナ(がんこだな) (R-n) |
かたくななり |
317 |
ふつつかなり |
T |
putuppazakkam |
new usage, practice or fashion; 2. work of a beginner; unaccustomed
effort, as of a novice 新米・入門者; 3.
or recent acquaintance 顔見知り |
未熟者 |
318 |
なかなか |
T |
nAkanakar |
the nether world 下界、地獄、冥土、暗黒街 c. 【半端に】 なかなか |
319 | remain prefix はしたなし 【半端だ】 |
S |
vAstavya |
a. remaining on the spot,
left (as worthless); belonging to an abode 住居; m.
inhabitant, E. of Rudra (lord of the remainders
of a sacrifice). c, 価値の無い余り、残り物 c. なし、は、強調。否定ではない。ex. 名古屋弁なも、の、なも、の如し、 c. 「みっともない」は、日本製で、中世の「見たくもなし」から変化したもの。だって。 |
端 |
S |
vAstuha |
mfn. left remaining on a
(sacred) spot
, remainder AitBr. v ,
14. c. remainder は残り、reminder は督促状、催促 |
ditto |
320 |
[nan] prefix 【普通だ】 |
S |
na + navaka |
novice では無い。ふつつか、ではない。 c. na = no , it is not so "' Ba1dar. ii , 1 , 35 Sarvad. ii , 158 c. navaka =1 mf(%{ikA})n. new , fresh , young Va1s. ; m. a novice 初心者 DivyA7v. ; (%{ikA}) f. = %{nava-zabdayukta} L. c. 優れてもいない、斜め・なり。良くも悪くも無く、イイカゲンで際立たない。 |
なのめなり |
321 | unreasonable unfair inconvenient disadvantageous fit ことわり 【不都合だ】 |
S |
kAraNavihIna |
mfn. destitute of a cause or reason , unreasonable. c. vihIna = 貧, entirely abandoned 放棄 or left &c. ; low 低 , vulgar下品 c. kAraNa = だ・からな= reason, 理由 |
びんなし (理・貧) |
S |
sacchalajA tinigrahamaya |
mf(%{I}) , n. consisting 主張 of defeat 反発
(in disputation 討論)
accompanied by self-refuting 反駁[はんばく] objections 難点 and unfair argumiziments 引数 Prab. |
ぐらははまや 【逆らってしまうもんね】 |
S |
aniSTa |
1 mfn. (3. %{iS}) , unwished ,
undesirable , disadvantageous ,
unfavourable ; bad , wrong , evil ,
ominous ; (%{A}) f. the plant Sida Alba ; (%{am}) n. evil , disadvantage. |
あいなし -- 外れ?? |
S |
Apta |
a. got, begot, attained,
accomplished, complete, abundant, apt, fit, able, true, intimate; m.
friend. |
合い無し |
S |
arha |
a. deserving, worthy, entitled
to (acc. or inf.); fit or apt for
(gen. or ---). |
ditto |
T |
kaTaiparappu-tal |
1. to arrange a show of goods in
a bazaar; 2. to make a show; to exhibit one's work in an attractive
manner with intent more or less to deceive c. 一言、断(ことわ)りの電話を入れる、の、断り。 |
ル |
S |
kRtapratijJa |
mfn. one who fulfils 満たす、守る a promise 約束 or agreement 同意. |
ことわりしたじゃ |
メモ |
合だ】。,,, たよりが無い or
便秘、の方では、ないらしい。 ■【便無し】(形ク): (1)折が悪い。都合が悪い。具合が悪い。ex. 「人目多くて ~・ければ from 源氏(夢浮橋)」 (2)似つかわしくない。ふさわしくない。あるべきでない。けしからぬ。 ex. 「細殿に ~・き人なむ、暁にかささして出でける from 枕草子 238」 (3)気の毒だ。いたわしい。 ex. 「語るも ~・き子故の闇 from 歌舞伎・水天宮」 ■不憫ふびん great pity かわいそうなこと。あわれむべきさま。 ■不敏ふびん --- 鈍い。not fragile ①才知・才能に乏しいこと。②敏捷(びんしょう)ではない |
322 |
poor |
T |
vaRuviyOr |
the poor 貧乏人、【貧しい】 わびし |
わびし |
323 |
indifferent |
S |
udAsIna |
a. indifferent, passive,
neutral; adv.
{-vat}.【無関心・無頓着だ】 うとし |
うとし |
324 |
vain |
S |
vRthAzrama |
m. vain 無駄な exertion 努力 ,
useless 無益な
labour 労働
Pan5cat.【無駄だ】【空しい】 【暇だ】いたづらなり |
いたづらなり |
T |
veRuman2E |
1. in vain, without
2. without doing anything, idly |
わりなし |
325 | really 【本当に】 げに,いと |
S |
itthA |
adv. = {ittha3m} + right, well, really,
truly, indeed, even;
o. only emphasizing. |
いと |
S |
kAmam |
(acc. of %{kA4ma} g. %{svarA7di} , not in Ka1s3.) according to wish or
desire , according to inclination , agreeably to desire , at will ,
freely , willingly RV. TS. AitBr. S3Br. ChUp. MBh. R. &c. ; with
pleasure , readily , gladly MBh. iii , 298 Ragh. ; (as a particle of
assent) well , very well , granted , admitted that , indeed , really ,
surely |
げに |
T |
cATcAttu |
1. manifestly, evidently; 2. actually, really, directly c. Tamil 生まれ、はコッチ。 ---- 狂言言葉に採用されていますネ。 さてさて[感]そうかと驚きあきれた時や感心した時に発する語。なんとまあ。いやどうも。さてもさても。 |
さてさて |
326 |
arrogant 傲慢 高慢ちき |
S |
mahAmanas |
(%{mahA4-}) mfn. grreat-minded ,
high-minded , magnanimous
RV. MBh. R. S3is3. arrogant-minded ,
proud , haughty ChUp. MBh. ; c. 【無礼だ】 なめし→なめてる。生意気だ。 |
なめし |
326 .1 |
rude 無礼な |
T |
rustic 田舎っぺな, savage, uncivilized rude,
man c. rustic と rude は、親戚なんだ。 また、舎っぺ、は、勝手、に通じ る?!。 |
勝手 |
T |
mUkku |
02 rude talk |
むかつく |
T |
ottamalagkoTTu-tal |
to behave 振る舞う improperly 不適切, rudely,
insolently 侮辱的に |
おったまらげ こっつタル |
T |
iTakkan2 |
rude, saucyずうずうしい,
disrespectful person |
痛っかん |
S |
asaMskRta |
mfn. not prepared S3a1n3khGr2. ; not
consecrated Mn. Ya1jn5.
; unadorned Pan5cat. ; unpolished , rude (as speech). |
あさましい、 あさはか |
327 | endure patient bear 我慢する 【忍ぶ、偲ぶ】 |
T |
man2n2u-tal |
1. to be permanent; to endure;
2. to remain long; to stay; 3. to agree; 4. to persevere; 5. to be steady; 6. to abound;
1. to go near, approach; 2. to pull or tuck up one's clothes, as in
crossing a river c. 痛くない、と反復念じてしまう。観念/覚悟してしまう・ |
ねんず [念ずる] |
S |
abhinIta |
mfn. brought near ; performed L. ;
highly finished or
ornamented L. ; fit , proper MBh.
&c. ; = %{marSin} or %{amarSin} (? patient
or impatient) L. |
あふ [合わす] |
S |
samupavah |
P. %{-vahati} , to bear or
carry along with , flow with MBh.: Pass. %{-upo7hyate} , to be borne
near , approach Hariv. c. bear が、運ぶ、耐える、を同一視していますネ。 |
しのぶ (しぬぱば) |
T |
nOn2-tal(nOn2Ral) |
01 1. to endure,
bear; 2.
to reject; 3. to establish; 4. to renounce, as secular things 俗事; to
practise austerities 苦行、耐乏 c. 辛い・のに、我慢。 ~のに(接続助詞: though, although, even) 「本当は~な、のに、まっ、いいか」の精神 |
のにゃタル |
T |
kami-ttal |
03 1. to bear with, endure, forgive, pardon; 2. to support c. かみっタル → がま・ん【我慢】 |
我慢 |
328 | surprise 【思い掛けない】 |
S |
saMsarpaNa |
n. creeping 這う along , gliding ,
sneaking Ka1d. ; an unexpected attack
, surprise , Var Yogay. ; mounting 昇る
ascent 上昇 of (gen.) MBh. c. すずろ[ナリ]①何となく心がそちらに傾くさま。漫然。②そうすべきでないのに、事をするさま(イ)結果を考えず、むやみにするするさま。(ロ)思うよう にならないさま。何とも辛いさま。 |
すずろなり |
S |
vicitra |
mf(%{A})n. variegated , many-coloured ,
motley 寄せ集め ,
brilliant MBh. R. &c. ; manifold , various , diverse Mn. MBh.
&c. ; strange , wonderful , surprising
ビック・した |
T |
vicittiram |
1. anything diversely coloured or
curiously wrought; 錬金 2.
that which is diverse; 3. that which is queer of peculiar; 4. great
beauty, loveliness; 5. surprise,
wonder; 6. show, pomp 壮観; 7.
workmanship of anartisan; 8. self-conceit; arrogance; 9. greatness |
ditto |
329 |
early & morning 【早朝】 |
S |
tatprabhAte |
loc. ind. early
on the next morning
Vet. i , 18/19 and 23/24. c. prabhA =溢れる陽 P.%{-bhAti} , to shine forth , begin to become light , shine , gleam 閃光 → 早朝 c. tat = 時, at that time c. Ate = atho = 後 = next |
つとめて (たっとぷらべて→ たっとべて→つとめて) |
330 | hold 【そのまま】 |
S |
samudgrah |
P. %{-gRhNAti} , to raise o lift up ,
take hold of. seize on S3Br. |
さながら |
S |
yam, yacchati, -te |
({yamati, -te}), pp. {yata3} (q.v.) hold,
hold [[-,]] up,
lift, raise, erect, sustain, support; hold
back, restrain, check, stop; hold out
持ち続ける, offer, grant,
furnish, give (dat. or loc. of pers. & acc. of th., or acc. of
pers. & instr. of th.); |
やがて |
331 |
【さっきの】 ありつる |
無 |
previous, ... 外れ。 |
332 | 【偶然に】 おのづから [kara] suffix |
なし |
下記がありました。 |
音から攻めました。 これ、少し難しい。 |
S |
anadhikAra |
m. absence of authority or right or
claim.権威/権利/請求とは無関係 |
自ずから |
333 |
spirit |
S |
khacara |
moving in the air , flying MBh. R. BhP. ; m. a bird R. ; a planet
Su1ryas. Gol. ; the sun L. ; a cloud L. ; the wind L. ; an aerial spirit , |
心(こころ) |
334 | feeling | S |
pazcAttApin |
a. feeling regret or
repentance. |
恥かいたピン |
S |
kaNDUjuS |
mfn. feeling a desire to
scratch ,
itching Hcar. 44 , 7. |
感受性 |
335 | perspiration | なし |
下記がありました |
S |
saMsveda |
m. sweat , perspiration
MBh. ; %{-ja} mfn. produced from moist heat (as vermin) ib. |
汗あせ |
メモ |
要約summary の接頭辞に対応する Sanskrit の接頭辞 saM の発音は、母音のみ印象に残るようで、 saMsveda は、asveda に聞こえます。多分。 ・日本語の汗(あせ)の語感は、本当は、Sanskrit の単語よりは、英語の perspiration の音に近いです。証明:あせ、を破裂音にすると、 p 汗。 ---- 得体値の経験から一言いうと、日本語の一部は Sanskrit よりも英語から起した方が楽なケースがあります。 つまり、Sanskrit の中の複数言語部族※のうち、地理的にも言語的にも、ヨーロッパに近い所 に位置した部族が、日本語のご先祖の一構成員。例えば、インドより西にいた group。私の総合的印象の一つ。 ※Sanskrit の辞書の中 身を見ると分かりますが、一つの概念に対し、呼び方が異なる別系統の語彙が沢山出て来ます。その種類と全体単語数は、ちょっと普通ではありません。 |
336 |
dirty |
無 |
よごれ、きたない |
337 | call | S |
Ahve |
P. %{-hvayati} (but also Pot. 1. sg. %{A-huvema} AV. vii , 85 , 1) A1. %{-hvayate} (but also 1. sg. %{A4-huve} RV. ; aor. 3. pl. %{A74hUSata} RV. i , 14 , 2 , &c. ; Inf. %{-huva4dhyai} RV. vi , 60 , 13 , and %{-hvayitavai4} S3Br. ii , 5 , 3 , 18) to call near , invoke invite , summon , cite RV. S3Br. TS. MBh. Mr2icch. BhP. Pan5cat. &c. ; to provoke , challenge , emulate (in this sense only A1. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 31) RV. S3Br. R. Katha1s. &c. ; to call to (especially in rites said of the Hotr2i , who addresses the Adhvaryu by the A1-ha1va or A1-hva1na ; see below) AitBr. A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khBr. and S3r. ; to proclaim AitBr. S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.: Caus. %{-hvAyayati} , to cause to call near , send for ; to cause to summon or challenge or invite R. Ragh. Bhat2t2.: Desid. %{-juhUSati} , to wish to call near , to be about to call near: Intens. %{A4-johavIti} RV. vii , 56 , 18 , to call near zealously. |
呼ぶ |
S |
AbhAS |
%{-bhASate} , to address , speak to MBh. R. &c. ; to talk ,
converse with MBh. Katha1s. Hariv. ; to talk , speak ; to communicate ;
to call , shout MBh. Ragh. ; to name
Sus3r. ; to promise Katha1s. |
呼ぶ |
S |
havas |
n. an invocation , call RV.
お呼び |
338 | cry | S |
samAkrand |
P. A1. %{-krandati} , %{-te} , to cry
out together , cry or lament piteously MBh. --- cf. シュメール語 cry or shout - šeg [VOICE] (28x: Old Babylonian) wr. še; šeg10; šegx(|KA×KID2|); šegx(|KA×LI|); šed15; šeg12 "voice, cry, noise" Akk. rigmu 叫ぶ(さけぶ) ◎ cf. アッカド語 sigu, segu, once simgu (a cry of lamentation) Bab. s. sasu; ana s. eribu "to enter (a temple) to (recite) s."; as desig. of prayer; also in PNs sigugaru (a type of stone) jB lex., med. --- アナ・サケ・エリブ → サケ・エリブ→サケブ。 |
叫ぶ |
S |
mahAnAda |
m. a loud sound , last cry
, roaring ,
bellowing |
泣く |
S |
Arava |
m. (Pa1n2. 3-3 , 50) cry , crying
, howling ; crash , sound R. &c. ; noise ; thundering S3is3.
vi , 38 Katha1s. ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people VarBr2S. c. おらぶ:「徹底検証! 日本語タミル語起源説 ©」、は岩・国語辞典に載っていませんでした。 古語・動詞: おらぶ【叫ぶ, 哭ぶ】(古語・西日本特に九州地方の方言)さけぶ、大声を出すこと。 --- そもそも、叫ぶと、怒鳴る・怒り、は違う。なので、このタミル語サンプルはオカシイ。ケルン辞書には cry にこのタミル語は当然載っていない。サンスクリット語の方がこの場合近い。 cf. シュメール語 ér...pàd/pà: to burst into tears; to cry, weep ('tears' + 'to show'). --- 泣く、の方。 |
おらぶ 【古語】 |
339 | bamboo | S |
tugA |
f. (derived fr. %{-kSIrI}) Taba1shi1r (bamboo manna) Sus3r. |
竹(たけ) |
S |
satIna |
a bamboo L. ; c. 扶余語族の古代日本語一覧の bamboo には、 の, しの(篠)が登録されている。 |
篠(しの) |
340 | gate | S |
dvAr |
f. gate, door, opening;
entrance or
issue; way, means; |
ドアー 元祖 |
T |
kaTai |
; 7. entrance, gate, outer gate
way; c. かたい → かど c. gate/kaTai/門、英印日同族。 |
門、角、 かど |
T |
front gate of a house (TLS) c. 前の意の、mun、を門にした形跡あり。 |
門もん |
お門違い |
T |
門 + 違い |
合成語、よその家に行ってしまった |
見当外れ、 見当違い |
T |
kaNtiTTam |
guess by the eye, estimation by sight |
見当 |
違い |
T |
tikar |
another, different c. ちかる → ちがう |
ちがう |
外れ |
S |
pRthak |
ind. ( %{pRth} or %{prath} + %{aJc}) widely apart , separately , differently
, singly , severally , one by one (often repeated) RV. &c. &c.
; (as a prep. with gen. or instr. ; cf. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 32) apart or
separately or differently from L. ; (with abl.) without Prab. ; except
, save Bhat2t2. c. ぱぁーたく → はずく → はずす、 はずれ |
はずれ |
341 | front | T |
mun2 |
01 1. front;
2. previous,
prior; 1. antiquity; 2. that which is first or chief; 3. eminence; sign
of the locative |
むん |
S |
mukha |
face;,,,,,; the fore part , front ,
van (of an army) TBr. MBh. ; the
upper part , head , top , tip or point of anything VS. Br. MBh. &c.
(also mfn. in comp. cf. %{payo-m-} ) ; |
向こう、面、前 |
S |
agra |
n. front, top, summit, tip,
upper part, surface; ,,,
---); {agre} the same + from (to = {A}), c. agree --- same position → 同意見、賛成 |
agree 元祖 |
342 | marionette puppet |
S |
kuruNTa | m. yellow amaranth L. ; yellow Barleria L. ; (%{I}) f. a doll , puppet made of wood L. ; the wife of a Bra1hman L. | くぐつ 元祖 |
T |
AriyappAvai | kind of puppet show c. pAvai = 1. puppet, doll; 2. image, picture, portrait; 3. pupil of the eye; 4. woman, lady, damsel; |
あやつり(人形) 元祖 |
343 |
land |
無 |
くが、りく not found |
345 | light 軽い と 光 |
S |
kalyavarta | m. a morning meal , any light meal L. ; (%{am}) n. anything light , a trifle , trivial matter Mr2icch. ; (Pra1kr2it {kalla-vatta}.) | 軽い~ |
T |
calarAkam | light red | 軽い赤 |
S |
candra | mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{zcandra4} q.v.) glittering , shining (as gold) , having the brilliancy or hue of light (said of gods , of water [RV. x , 121 , 9 TS. vi] and of Soma) RV. VS. TS. vi TBr. i ; m. the moon (also personified as a deity Mn. &c.) | カンテラ |
346 |
oil |
T |
atipalam |
true croton oil クロトン油 plant
(TLS) |
あぶら |
347 |
sesame |
無 |
ごま not found |
348 |
seed |
T |
tAn2iyam |
1. grain, cereals シリアル; 2. coriander-seed
コリアンダー(香り付け・ニオイ消し用の葉)の種 |
種 |
349 | cotton | T |
pan2 |
1. bulrush, typha ; 2. cotton;
square or checker in
braiding bulrush; 4. tooth of a serrated sickle |
パンヤ |
無 |
わた、めん not found |
350 |
root | S |
nema |
; a root ;
food , rice ; |
根 |
T |
nEmam |
02 1. time; 2. evening; 3. share; 4.
fissure; 5. root; 6. upper part; 7.
hedge, fence; |
ditto |
351 | stem | T |
kagku |
01 1. ridge to retain water in paddy
fields; 2. dam, anicut;
3. side of a bank or ridge; 4. limit, border; 5. row, regular order; 6.
base of a palmyra stem; 7. cinder,
glowing coal; 8. shred, piece |
茎くき |
S |
ki |
interr. stem in {ki3m &
ki3s}. |
ditto |
352 |
bud | S |
maJjari |
& {-rI} f. = prec., blossom or bud
i.g. {-rI} often in titles of books (---). |
芽 |
T |
makuram |
1. mirror; 2. crystal; 3. flower-bud;
4. potter's wheel |
ditto |
S |
zuGgA |
f. the sheath さや or calyx 萼(がく) of a
young bud (esp. of a
fig-tree) Gr2S. Sus3r. ; the awn of barley &c. , a bristle L. ; the
waved-leaf fig-tree W. ; N. of the mother of Garud2a Suparn2. |
つぼみ |
353 | insect | S |
mazaka |
m. biting insect, gnat ブヨ,
fly. |
虫 |
T |
mUtAy |
02 cochineal insect
コチニールカイガラムシ |
ditto |
354 |
cunning |
T |
cAlakku さらっく |
1. cunning; 2. pretence, show; 3.
skill, cleverness |
ずるい |
355 |
submit | S |
sAdh |
,,, Ved. inf. %{sa4dhase}
, to go straight to any goal or aim , attain an object , to be
successful , succeed , prosper RV. ; to being straight to an object or
end , further , promote , advance , accomplish , complete , finish ib.
; to submit or agree to , |
差し出(い)づ 【古語】 |
356 | detail, examine 詳しい |
S |
kR |
1 ({skR}), {kRNo3ti, kRNute3, karo3ti,
kurute} ({karati}
& {karti}), pp. {kRta3} (q.v.)
make, do, cause or produce anything in or on one's self or others; ,,
{vi} make different, change, alter, divide. detail,
specify; |
くはし 【古語】 |
S |
pravistara |
m. circumference , compass.
extent ib. Pur. (%{-reNa} , in great detail
"'). -- 詳しく |
つまびらか 、つぶさに |
S |
sampravicar |
Caus. %{-cArayati} , to ★examine or consider carefully R. |
つまびらか |
357 |
surface |
T |
mInIr |
surface of
water 水面 |
みのも 【古語】 |
358 |
bubble |
T | nIrkkumizi |
water bubble
水泡 c.
逆転特性の可能性あり。mizi-nIrkku と加工伝言?? |
みなわ 【古語】 |
359 | dialect 訛り |
T |
malampASai |
of the kanika tribe
in the mountains of south Travancore トラバンコール丘陵, being a mixture of
malayalam マラヤーラム語 and tamil タミル語 c. 訛り、という言葉は、実は、方言で有名な部族名、だった。 「訛り族、訛り弁」という名前なの??? --- とすと、この malam 族は日本語に関与していますね。(訛り、という言葉の中に自分の名を隠した) ---- 宿題。 c. pASai = 1. language, speech; 2. secret language, expressive signs or signals, serving as a mode of communicating ideas; 3. a vow 誓い in which a person binds 結ぶ himself by oath 誓い to wreak引き起こす vengeance 復讐・あだ討ち on his foe 敵・仇 c. 鈍る、名前、とも関連。 |
なまり |
360 |
まほろば、 まほらま、 まほら |
S |
mahoraska これが、音・意味で bestな結果。 |
a. broad-breasted. --- 大なる御胸(みむね)の c. maho ≒ maha = great c. まほらーすか、飛鳥、が入ってますネ。→ 略して、まほろば、と言う。 c. まほ(古語)【真ほ】①よく整っていること②十分であること c. 岩・国語辞典に、まほろば、は載っていませんでした。 c. goo辞典。【まほら】 〔「ら」は漠然と場所を示す接尾語〕すぐれた立派な場所。まほらま。まほろば。 c. つまり、まほろば、とは「大なる母の御胸」、赤ちゃんの最も安心できる場所、という意味。 宇宙飛行士の毛利衛さんもNHKラジオで言っていました。 「大和はまほろば」、まほろばとは、最も安心できる場所。 だって。 cf. 宇宙の「まほろば」地球 cf. 千の風になって & Jupiter (YouTube) この Jupiter の作詞家・吉本由美ってかなり優秀 ---- My impression. 『倭(やまと)は 國のまほろば¹ たたなづく² 青垣(あをかき)³ 山隠(やまごも)れる 倭しうるはし4』: この歌は、古事記(中)にある、倭(やまと)建(たけるの)命(みこと)の『國(くに)思(しの)ひ歌』。 岩波文庫 古事記の注の引用: ¹ = もっともすぐれた国。書紀にはマホラマとある。ロバはラマの転音であろう。マは接頭語、ホは秀、ラマは確実性をあらわす接尾語。 ² = 畳重ねたようにくっついている。 ³ = 国の周囲をめぐっている青々として垣のような山の内に籠っている。 cf. 万葉散歩 --- Copyright(C) 2003 Hiroshi Ueshiba. All rights reserved. c. 4 = うるはし → elegant (e-u, l-l, g-h, n 無音, t-s) |
まほろば まほらま まほら |
361 | forget わすれる |
S |
apimRS |
A1. %{-mriSyate} (1. sg. %{-mRSye} ;
aor.Subj. 2. sg.
%{-mRSThAs}) to forget , neglect RV.
c. 得体値 {阿呆get} |
わふるス |
T |
ayar-tal |
01 1. to become weary, to faint; 2. to
lose consciousness, as
in fainting, sleep, or drunkenness 1. to do, perform 2. to forget; 3. to drive, as a chariot; 4. to
worship; 5. to desire |
わやータル |
362 |
deliver 渡す |
S |
kR |
hand over引き渡す, deliver.* c. deliveryデリバリ・配達、の言葉は、今や、半分日本語化しています。 |
わたす |
T |
ITERRu-tal |
to deliver, redeem
liberate 自由{じゆう}にする |
わたーす |
363 |
forgive 許す |
S |
amurz |
[@mwlc-ytn' | M @mwrz-yd, N
a1murzi1dan, a1murz-] forgive, pity,
have mercy on. c. 得体値{褒美give} |
ゆるーず |
364 | disaster わざわい |
T |
01 end, ruin, disaster,
death |
悪るっかい |
S |
vipatti | f. going wrongly , adversity ,
misfortune , failure , disaster (opp.
to %{sam-patti4}) MBh. Ka1v.
&c. ; unfavourableness (of time) Ka1m. ; ruin , destruction , death
MBh. R. &c. ; cessation 休止 , end MBh. xii , 9140 ; agony 苦悩,
(= %{yAtanA}) L. ; c. dis- (=separated) + aster ( = star) : 希望の星から見離された |
酷(ひど)い罰 |
365 |
bit, little, element わずか |
無 |
皆 not founf。しょうがないので, [vaz]
prefix の音で攻めた |
S |
vazika |
mfn. void
, empty Hcar. (written
also %{vasika} ; cf. %{vazi4n} ,) ; (%{A}) f. aloe wood MW. c. インドの原意は、わずか、では無く、空、のようです。 |
わじか |
366 |
suffer 患(わずら)う |
T |
azugku-tal |
01 1. to suffer, to be in
distress, in
anguish; 2. to be
spoiled, injured; 3. to grieve, sorrow, regret; 4. to be idle, lazy; 5.
to be disfigured; 6. to fear; 7. to sound |
あづげくタル |
367 | on purpose わざと |
S |
arthakarman |
n. an action on
(opposed to %{guNa-karman} q.v.) |
わざかーまん |
S |
artha -- わざ、技?? |
n. m. aim 目的, purpose, meaning 意味, sense,
object, profit 利益,
advantage of (instr.), wealth 富, property 財産, money, thing, matter,
business 仕事, cause, suit, action; o. --- adj. ~の為、having a thing for
object, for the sake of, on account of, for; acc., instr., dat. &
loc. the same adv. |
わざ |
368 |
separate 分ける |
T |
vaku-ttal |
01 1. to separate; to
divide; 2. to
apportion; to distribute;
3. to classify; to allot under different heads; 4. to divide; 5. to
assign, appoint; 6. to narrate categorically; 7. to expend
methodically; 8. to create, as for a special purpose; 9. to daub |
分くタル |
S |
varga |
(accented only in Nigh.) m. (fr.
%{vRj}) one who excludes or
removes or averts KaushUp. ; (ifc. f. %{A}) a separate
division , class
, set , multitude of similar things (animate or inanimate) , group ,
company , family , party , side (mostly ifc. e.g. %{catur-} , %{tri-v-}
q.v. ; |
分ーが |
369 | ship 船 |
S |
nAva |
2 = %{nau} , a boat , a ship
(in comp.
f. %{ardha-n-} ,
%{dvi-n-} Pa1n2. 5-4 , 99 , 100) ; (%{A4}) f. id. RV. i , 97 , 8. |
ナーヴァ |
T |
nAvAy |
02 1. vessel, ship; 2. the
naks2atra |
ナーブァイ |
T |
paNTAri |
01 1. treasurer or storekeeper;
treasurer of a religious
establishment; 2. a title of the ut2aiya1r caste; 3. ship cook; 4.
supercargo |
パンタリ |
S |
pariplava |
a. swimming, moving to and fro. m. ship,
boat; wavering,
unsteadiness, unquietness. |
パリプラバ |
370 |
colour 色 |
T |
vari |
06 1. fire; 2. colour; 3. beauty; 4. form, shape |
色(いろ) |
T |
ari |
07* 1. green; 2. yellow, brown, 黄褐色の, fawn 淡黄褐色 colour; 3. gold, wealth; 4. colour; 5. beauty; 6. emerald; 7. ceylon leadwort -> koTuvEli ; 8. vis2n2u; 9. siva; 10. indra; 11. yama; 12. fire; 13. air wind; 14. smoke; 15. light; 16. sun; 17. moon; 18. hill, mountain; 19. -> aritALam ; 20. lion; 21. leo of the zodiac; 22. horse; 23. monkey; 24. snake; 25. frog; 26. parrot; 27. the 22nd naks2atra -> tiruvONam 28. basil sacred to vis2n2u see tuLaci |
色(いろ) |
T |
ilaiccai |
colour |
色・イソイ |
S |
varcasa |
n. light, brightness, colour (---). |
色・カサ |
371 | thing | T |
1. person or
thing that
stands in front; 2. second person, the person or thing spoken to; 3.
cause; 4. that which is essential; 5. presence; 6. place of
manifestation c. 者、物、もの、の元祖 |
イ → もの 元祖 |
S |
kath |
cl. 10. P. (ep. also A1.) %{kathayati}
(%{-te}) aor.
%{acakathat} (Pa1n2. 7-4 , 93 Ka1s3.) and %{acIkathat} (Vop.) , to
converse with any one (instr. , sometimes with %{saha}) MBh. ; to tell
, relate , narrate , report , inform , speak about , declare , explain
, describe (with acc. of the thing or
person spoken about) |
事(こと) |
372 |
what |
S |
nAma |
1 ind. (acc. of %{nA4man}) by name i.e.
named , called RV.
&c. &c. (also with %{nAmatas} and %{nAmnA}) ; indeed ,
certainly , really , of course ib. ; quasi , only in appearance
Ja1takam. ; however , nevertheless ib. ; after an interr. = then , pray
e.g. %{kiM@n-} , %{kathaM@n-} , %{kadA} nevertheless , what then? pray
, what? |
何(なに) |
373 | view | S |
nirIkSaNa |
looking at , regarding (ifc.) BhP. ; n. look , looking at , observing ;
sight , view (ifc. f. %{A} ; cf.
%{dur-n-}) ; the aspect of the planets
Var. R. Sus3r. &c. |
見る |
T |
nOkkam |
1. eye; 2. eyesight, look, gaze,
glance, view; 3. aspects of
a planet; 4. appearance, expression, cast of countenance; |
眺める |
S |
lok, lokate |
mostly {lokayati (-te)} look, look at, view,
[[,]] contemplate;
perceive, know. -- {abhi} view,
contemplate. {ava} & {samava} look,
look at, contemplate, see, mark, |
録 |
S |
caks, caSTe, cakSate (-ti) |
see, look at, perceive; consider as (2
[[-,]] acc.); appear,
become, visible; show, announce, declare, tell, say. |
視 |
T | kATci |
sight, view; 2. form, apperance; 3.
vision of a deity, sight of a great
personage; audience; 4. exhibition; 5. attractive object of sight; |
景色 |
374 |
[sayo] prefix 左様 |
S |
sayoni | a. having the same (or along with the)
source or origin;
abstr. {-tA}Å f. or {-tva}Å n. |
左様に |
375 |
左様なら |
sayoni + ならば |
[感]別れ挨拶に使う言葉 さよう・ならば、これでお別れしましょう、の意。 |
さようなら |
376 |
salute |
S |
abhisambhU |
Ved. (perf. 2. sg. %{-babhUtha}) to
reach , come to , arrive
at RV. x , 18 , 8 , &c. ; to obtain the shape of (acc.) , be
changed into S3Br.: Caus. to salute
BhP. |
挨拶(あいさつ) |
377 | forehead ひたい |
T |
palam |
04 1. forehead; 2. leaf |
パラム |
S |
paTala |
n. (and rarely %{I} f.) a roof , thatch
Var. ; a veil , cover
Ka1v. Pur. Sa1h. (ifc. f. %{A}) ; a basket , chest , box Ba1lar. ;; a
(sectarian or ornamental) mark on the forehead
or other parts of the
body with sandal-wood L. ; |
パタラ → 額 |
T |
paTTam |
02 1. plate of gold worn on the forehead,
as an ornament or
badge of distinction; 2. an ornament worn on the forehead by women; |
パタム |
T |
OTai |
01 1. large water course, channel for
the conveyance of
water, rivulet, dyke; ,,,5. metal plate or badge for the forehead, as
an ornament; |
オータイ → おでこ |
378 | continue 続く つながる |
S |
tan, tanoti, tanute |
, pp. {tata3} 1 (q.v.) extend, stretch,
spread [[,]] (intr.
& tr.); last, continue; protract,
prolong, lengthen; |
つなぐ |
T |
toTu-ttal |
02 1. to connect, join; 2. to frame one
after another or
weave, as an argument; 3. to bind, fasten, enchain, tie continue, as a
series; |
続ける |
S |
i, eti, ayate, -ti |
2 ({i3yati}), {ite3} & {iyate}
(only ---), P. [[-,]]
{Iyate}, pp. {ita3} (mostly ---) go, come ({punar} again or back); go
to or towards, approach (acc.); attain, get; go or come from (abl.);
cease, pass away; go on, continue (w.
pres. pp.); |
依然 |
T |
izuttuviTu-tal |
1. to protract, delay, continue
off indefinitely; 2.
to drag, as into court |
居続ける |
389 | treasure 宝 |
S |
dhAmanidhi |
m. `" treasure
of splendour
"' , the sun L. |
玉(たはま) |
S |
dhanya |
mfn. bringing or bestowing wealth ,
opulent , rich (ifc. full
of) RV. &c. &c. ; fortunate , happy , auspicious Mn. MBh.
&c. ; good , virtuous L.~ ; n. treasure
, wealth L. |
富(たはみ) |
S |
zukra |
mf(%{A4})n. (fr. 1. %{zuc} cf.
%{zukla}) bright , resplendent
RV. AV. VS. Br. MBh. ; clear , pure RV. AV. VS. S3Br. ; light-coloured
, white RV. AV. S3a1n3khBr. ; pure , spotless RV. Br. ; m. N. of Agni
or fire R. ; of a month (Jyesht2ha = May-June , personified as the
guardian of Kubera's treasure) |
宝(つから) |
T |
vaippan2 |
who is a treasure c. 大昔の「べっぴん」は、男性込み?。 |
別品、別嬪 |
390 | alone | S |
svasaMhitA |
f. connection (only) with self , being
by one's self or alone , IndSt. |
さうざう・し 【古語】 |
S |
hitvA |
ger. leaving alone,
without, except. c. 一人ぼっち、は、本場インドでは、ひとヴぁ、だったんだ。 --- スゴイ!! |
一人ヴぁち |
T |
koTiyOn2 |
02 alone |
こっち寄るな |
S |
saMtyaj |
P. %{-tyajati} , to relinquish 手放す
altogether , abandon ,
leave , quit , desert MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to avoid , shun 遠ざける
(%{dUreNa} , `" from afar "') Bhartr2. ; to give up , renounce , resign
Mn. MBh. &c. ; to withdraw from (an obligation) Ya1jn5. ii , 198 ;
to yield , deliver up Katha1s. BhP. ; to leave
alone , disregard , omit (%{-tyajya} ind. `" excepting "')
VarBr2S. Ra1jat.: Caus. %{-tyAjayati} , to cause to abandon , deprive
of (two acc.) MBh. ; to rid of , free from(abl.) Bhat2t2. |
寂しいヤチ |
391 |
garden |
無 |
沢山あり過ぎて、にわ、特定出来ず。 |
392 |
soft |
無 |
やわらかい not found |
393 | hard | S | kaThara |
mfn. hard L. (cf.
%{kaThina}.) |
硬い |
S |
kaThina |
mfn. (Comm. on Un2. ii , 49) hard
firm , stiff (opposed to
%{mRdu}) ; difficult Megh. Sus3r. Pan5cat. &c. ; harsh , inflexible
, cruel Kum. Amar. &c. ; violent (as pain) Vikr. ; |
硬いな、難し |
394 |
tender |
S |
yAc |
cl. 1. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxi , 3) for %{yA4cati} , %{-te} (usually A1. in sense of
`" asking for one's self "' ; pf.
%{yayAca} Gr. , %{yayAce} Br. &c. ; aor. %{ayAcIt} , %{-ciSTa}
Subj. %{yAciSat} , %{-SAmahe} RV. ; Prec. %{yAcyAt} Gr. ; fut.
%{yAcitA} ib. ; %{yAciSyati} , %{-te} Br. &c. ; inf. %{yAcitum} AV.
&c. ; ind. p. %{yAcitvA} , %{-yA4cya} Br. &c.) , to ask , beg ,
solicit , c. 意味が、頼む、乞う、押し売りで tender から遠い。 → 後で、再チェック要。 |
優しい |
395 | strong | S |
zAci |
2 (prob. fr. %{zac} = %{zak}) , and
having the sense of `" strong "' in
the following
compounds. |
強し |
T |
kAvalkaTTu |
1. strong guard strict
watch; 2. strict
atention, to the diet
of a sick person |
怖(こわ)かつ |
396 | power チカラ |
メモ |
のものは見つかりませんでした。候補は下記です。 →有りました。#801の cicchakti, zakratva を見よ。 on 2009/12/02 |
S |
jaGghAbala |
n. the power of the legs,
i.e. running,
flight.* |
チャカラばら |
T |
irAcAtikAram |
* royal power or authority |
いらさチカラーむ |
S |
udAravIrya |
mfn. of great power. c. udAra = mf(%{A} and %{I} [gan2a %{bahv-Adi} Pa1n2. 4-1 , 45])n. ( %{R}) , high , lofty , exalted ; great , best ; noble , illustrious , generous ; upright , |
ウッダラヴぃりや → チカラ |
S |
uttara |
(compar.) upper, higher; northern, left
(opp. {da3kSiNa});
later, following, subsequent, future, last; being above, victorious,
superior, mightier, better. n. surface, cover (mostly adj. --- covered
with); the north. hinder or last part, sequel, consequence (---
followed by); answer, reply; defence, rejoinder (j.); superiority,
victory, power of (loc. of an
abstr.); chief part of characteristic;
excess, surplus (only adj. ---). |
ウッタラ →チッカラ |
S |
caturRddhipA dacaraNatala supratiSThita |
mfn. well-established on the soles of
the feet of the
supernatural power (Buddha) DivyA7v.
viii f. c. これは、外れの様な気がします。だから、は、だからのままが良い?!。 |
397 |
easy |
S |
anAyAsa |
a. exempt 免除する from pain or difficulty,
easy; m. abstr. |
し |
398 | short | S |
mitAkSara |
mfn. having measured syllables ,
metrical Nir. RPra1t. ; short and
comprehensive (as a
speech) Kum. ; |
みちかサーナ |
S |
muhUrta |
m. n. a moment , instant , any short
space of time RV. &c. &c. (ibc. , in a moment ; %{ena} ind ,
after an instant , presently) ; |
むふーるた |
T |
anything short
of the full
measure, as a piece of cloth |
短っかたーい |
S |
sUkSma |
mf(%{A})n. (prob. connected with
%{sUci} , p. 1241 , col. 1)
minute , small , fine , thin , narrow
, short , feeble , trifling ,
insignificant , unimportant |
少ない様 |
399 | deep | S |
paridhIra |
mfn. very deep (as a tone
or sound)
Ghat2. |
深゜い |
T |
03 to make a deep
impression, as ink or
paint -- パサイたる |
深゜さい |
400 |
dream | P |
xwamn |
[hwmn', h6mn' | M xwmn] sleep, dream. (cpd) | フム |
S |
yathArthaka |
(%{-thA7r-}) mfn. right , true , real
(with %{svapna} m. a dream which is
Katha1s. c. スヤスヤで、やすらか、なお眠り。 |
安らか? |
T |
mAyam |
01 1. illusion, false appearance; 2.
deception; 3. hypocrisy;
4. falseness, treachery; 5. spiritual ignorance; 6. dream; 7. uncertainty, instability; 8.
wonder, astonishment; 9. beauty; 10. wickedness; 11. lasciviousness;
12. blackness |
ま夢 |
401 | festival まつり |
S |
madhUtsava |
m. the spring festival (on
the day of the full moon in the month Caitra) S3ak. (v.l.) |
まつ゛つサーバ |
T |
maTTaiyaTi |
02 1. a
temple festival
in which dancing girls and temple servants take sides representing the
goddess and the God respectively and enact their love-quarrel; 2.
beating with the coconut husk, in contempt; 3. ridicule cf. 2009年06月07日発 ニダ速報・ 「迎鼓」韓国語 説 |
まったイヤティ |
402 | dedicate 奉納 |
T |
(= camarppi-ttal ) |
1. to offer, as food to god; 2. to dedicate,
as to god; 3.
to decorate with; to put on |
供(そな)ひタル |
S |
dAzati, dASTi |
, & {dAzno3ti} 1 make offering,
sacrifice, grant, [[,]]
bestow, dedicate, serve a god (dat.)
with (instr.), be pious or religious. C. {dAzayati} offer. --Cf.
{dAzva3s}. c. dedication = 棟上げ式、等のささげ儀式 |
出す dedicate 元祖 |
403 | God | T |
matarAkan2 |
1. God of love; 2. cock おんどり |
奉らかん |
T |
1. god; 2. nature of land
and seasons;
3. capital invested in
a business |
奉らほるる |
■ 雑記です。
>カミの語源はなんのでしょうか。∩∩ → 「神」のインド弁を調べた。 god 以外の派生の英単語は全て無視した。 on 2018/05 【サンスクリット語】 kAma (kAma)(= m. wish 願望, desire, longing for 乞い願う、切望 (gen., dat., or loc.); love 愛, inclination, lust, pleasure 喜び; pers. as the 【god】 of desire or of love 願望と愛の神;) かみ 【タミル語】kAman2 (= 01 1. the indian cupid キューピッド; 2. the buddhistic 【god】 of evil;) かみの 【サンスクリット語】 kAmajyeSTha(= (%{kA4ma-}) mfn. having the 【god】 Desire at the head 頭の中での神様にお願いすること, led by Ka1ma AV.) かみさま (+ま) 【サンスクリット語】 kaMja(= m. (fr. %{kam} = 3. %{ka} and %{ja}) , `" produced from the head 頭の中から生まれたもの“' , the hair 髪 L. ; `" produced from water "'N. of Brahma1 L. ; (%{am}) n. a lotus 蓮 R. ; Amr2ita , the food of the 【gods】 L.) 髪じゃ c. これは面白い。願望、髪、~かも、可能、叶う、も皆んな、「頭から出てきたもの」。 鴨川の「加茂」もコレ?。願かけ(がんかけ)もそう。考える(かんがえる)、感じる、もそう。 --- 「かん」関係で、「頭の中、発」の単語は未だ沢山ある、多分。 c. また、神経、精神、の「神」の字は、気持ちに関係。申して示す。 ■ root にも有る。 【賛】 kami({dhAtu}) m. the root 根 {kam}.) かみ 【賛】 kambhu(= %{u} n. the fragrant root of Andropogon Muricatus.) かび | |||||
404 |
wind |
S |
kazeru |
%{u} n. m. (fr. %{ka} , water or wind
+ %{zRR} Un2. i , 90
; c. かぜる → 先頭・カゼ |
風 |
S |
khazvAsa |
m. wind , air L. c. くはぁずヴぁーさ → 先頭・くはぁず → かぁず → カゼ |
ditto |
T |
kOtai |
02 wind c. こーたい → こち or かぜ c. 東風(こち) 上代語 風 ※1 【但し、「ち」は風の意、の日本的解釈は、インドでは該当しない様です?。】 ※1:南風(はえ) va、西風(ならい) malaiccAral、北風(あなじ) vanavAta :⇒ どれも皆、似た音は有るが今一しっくりしない。 |
東風(こち), 風(かぜ) |
T |
kOTai |
01 1. west wind; 2. summer season, as the time of the west wind; ~ c. こーたい → こち c. koNTal 【T】 こんたる = 02 1. east wind; 2. wind; 3. east → こち c. インドの夏は、日本では夏に該当しない。 |
東風(こち) |
S |
vrAji |
f. `" who or what moves (?) "' , a gale [= 強風、疾風] of wind W. (cf. %{dhrAji}). c. ヴらーち → あらし 【嵐】 or おろし c. gale → あらし (g-無音, a-a, l-a, + し) [= 荒らし回る人] cf. 疾風・はやち・はやて vAyugati 【S】 ヴぁーゆがち → はやち [= swift (s 無音, w-h, f-y, t-t)]#981 |
嵐, (六甲)おろし |
世界の風 |
by Google 翻訳 (「風」の各言語の第一候補群); ---- 誰か下記データに関し、地理と言語の類似性の関係を可能ならば解説して下さい。 発音 綴り 言語名 Anemos ?νεμο? ギリシャ語 Angin Angin マレー語 Angin Angin インドネシア語 balam ?? 韓国語 Brzina Брзина セルビア語 Ere Ere アルバニア語 Feng 風 中国語(繁体) Gaoithe Gaoithe アイルランド語 Gwynt Gwynt ウェールズ語 Haizea Haizea バスク語 Hangin Hangin タガログ語 Hava ??? ヒンディー語 K’ami ???? アルメニア語 k’ari ???? グルジア語 kaze 風 日 Kul?k Kul?k アゼルバイジャン語 Lm ?? タイ語 Rih Rih マルタ語 Ruzgar Ruzgar トルコ語 Szel Szel ハンガリー語 Tuul Tuul エストニア語 Tuuli Tuuli フィンランド語 Upepo Upepo スワヒリ語 Van Van クレオール語(ハイチ) Vant Vant ルーマニア語 Veja Veja ラトビア語 Vejo Vejo リトアニア語 Vent Vent 仏 Vent Vent カタロニア語 Vento Vento ポルトガル語 Vento Vento ガリシア語 Veter ветер 露 Veter Veter スロベニア語 Vetrot Ветрот マケドニア語 Viecier Вецер ベラルーシ語 Viento Viento スペイン語 Vietor Vietor スロバキア語 Vind Vind ノルウェー語 Vind Vind デンマーク語 Vind Vind スウェーデン語 Vindur Vindur アイスランド語 Viter Вiтер ウクライナ語 Vitr Vitr チェコ語 Vjetar Vjetar クロアチア語 Vyatur Вятър ブルガリア語 Wiatru Wiatru ポーランド語 Wind Wind ラテン語 Wind Wind ベトナム語 Wind Wind 独 Wind Wind オランダ語 Wind Wind 伊 Wind Wind アフリカーンス語 Wind Wind 英gust ガスト → 風 (g-k, st-z) [= 一陣の風、突風] c. to gush [= 噴出], O.H.G. [= Old High German] gussa "flood," both from P.Gmc. *gustiz, from PIE *gheus-, from root *gheu- "to pour" c. wind からの 風 導出はチト苦しい (w-h-k, n 無音, d-z), breeze ブリーズ・そよ風・地球の息 (breath/ breathe) → 風 (b-h-k, r 無音, z-z) も可能。 c. よく分かりませんが、アイルランド語って他と雰囲気がずれていて日本語に近いですね。少し面白いです。日→アイルランド語の辞書で単語チェックしましたが、英単語から日本語強引導出よりも、アイルランド語からの導出の方が楽、の雰囲気がありますネ。why?? → 要・継続調査 on 2011/05/05 鳩摩羅童子 cf. ゲール語基本単語 cf. "east" の言語別一覧 (www.websters-online-dictionary.org): ひがし gabashii (ナイジェリア), こち Kozi (タンザニア), あづま austrumi (ラトビア: a small country in East Northern Europe, one of the 3 Baltic states.)→ 日本語に似た単語なんてゴロゴロしていますネ。 cf. "wind" の言語別一覧 (www.websters-online-dictionary.org) |
405 |
window |
無 |
窓 not found ,,, 当然? |
406 | widow | T |
akkucai |
* Jaina widow-ascetic
禁欲(主義)者 |
悪妻 |
S |
anumaraNa |
n. following 追っかけ死(=殉死) in death ;
postcremation 後火葬 or
concremations 同時火葬 of a widow ; the burning 焼く of a widow with (her
husband's corpse 身体・しかばね or with part of his dress when his body is not
the spot その場 ; cf. %{saha-maraNa}). c. あぬまラーナ → やぬま →やまま → やもめ、と伝言ゲームされた?。 rootsは、with 一緒に死ぬ、の意、後家さんの殉死行為、又は、殉死後家の火葬行為の悪習名。 (西洋へは with ow, 東洋へは、やまま) cf. やもめの語源 |
やもめラーナ |
407 |
tail |
S |
cheppa |
(fr. %{se4pa}) tail Ha1l. 62
; 240. c. 尻(けつ)、尻(しり)の合いの子 |
しっぽ |
408 | today | S |
adyadiva |
n., {-divasa} m. the present (lit. today's)
day. |
宛宛ヴぁ |
S |
im roz |
today. |
今頃ズ |
409 | yesterday | S |
gatadina |
n. the past day , yesterday
W. ;
(%{am}) ind. yesterday W. |
去った日ーな |
S |
hyastanadina |
n. the day just past , yesterday
L. |
移安田な日な |
S |
hyastya |
mfn. hesternal , of yesterday
4-2 , 105. |
移安田や |
S | idA |
adv. now, this moment; w. {ahnas} this
very day; w. {hyas}
only yesterday. |
今だ |
410 | tomorrow | S |
zvastana |
a. of to-morrow 翌朝へ; n. & f. {I} the tomorrow or next day. c. zv = to v = 付ぶ, ,,,, あした |
付ぶ明日な |
T |
nALai |
1. tomorrow; pertaining
関係・維持 to a day |
否'来 |
T |
nALainin2Ru |
on the day after tomorrow -
- あさって |
否'来二以内 |
411 | morrow | S |
zvas |
2 adv. to-morrow, next day;
{zvaH zvas}
from day to day,
daily. --- あす |
付ぶ明日 |
S |
aparazvas |
ind. the day after to-morrow
Gobh. --
- 発音は、 as + apa と、逆転特質?? |
アパラ明日 →あさって |
412 |
morning |
S |
auSasa |
mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{uSas}) , relating to
dawn , early ,
TBr. ii ; (%{I4}) f. daybreak , morning
S3Br. vi ; (%{am}) n. N. of
several Sa1mans. |
朝 |
413 |
noon |
T |
pakal |
01 1. dividing, separating; 2. middle;
3. middle position,
impartiality; 4. middle or main peg in a yoke; 5. period of two
na1l6ikai ; 6. half of a ya1mam ; 7. midday, noon;
8. day, day time, as divided
from the night; 9. the morning sun; 10.
day of 24 hours; 11. the day of destruction of the universe; 12. sun;
13. light, radiance, splendour; 14. open place; openness c. よる(夜)から、ひと つ(一つ)、分ける → ひる (昼) |
昼 |
414 | night | T |
yAlam |
02 night |
夜(よる or や) |
S |
yAmIra |
m. the moon L. ; (%{A}) f. night
L. |
闇(やみ) |
415 |
dawn |
S |
vaibhAtika |
mfn. (fr. %{vi-bhAta}) matutinal 早朝の ,
pertaining to the dawn
, Vr2ishabha1n. |
暁(あかつき) |
416 | evening | T |
evening |
晩~ |
S |
padoSa |
3 m. evening, nightfall;
{-Sa3m} adv.
at dusk. |
晩 |
S |
yatrasAyaMgRha |
and mfn. taking up an abode wherever evening overtakes one
ib. やたら居残る c. やたら~する、の語源かも知れません。→ そうでした。インド産で した。 cf. やたら【矢鱈(当て字)】 from Wiktionary , 語源辞典 《や行》 「やたら、くたら。」 Yahoo!知恵袋 |
やたらサヤムグラ |
[yatra] prefix | S |
(yatrA) |
adv. (= loc. of {ya3}) where, when,
while, as, if. -- {yatra
({pi}) wherever, everywhere. {yatra kva ca} ({a}) the same, at any
time. {yatra kvApi} anywhere, here and there. |
やたら |
S |
yatra tatra |
used for the loc. %{yasmiMs@tasmin} ,
in whatever Mn. iii ,
50 ; vi
, 66 ; xii , 102 ; in whatever place , anywhere MBh. xiii , 3686 ; to
any place whatever , v , 5997 ; at any rate , indiscriminately見境なく、無差別に
, xiii , 514 ; %{yatra@tatrA7pi} , to whatever place , v , 1084
Katha1s. xxxvi , 101 ; [cf. Goth. {thathro1}.] |
やたら たたら |
S |
yAtrA |
f. going,
setting off,
travel, march, expedition; festive train, procession, feast, festival;
livelihood, subsistence; custom, usage; a kind of dramatic
entertainment. |
やたら |
417 | house | S |
vivah |
P. %{-vahati} (rai-ely A1.) , to bear
or carry off , remove
RV. MBh. ; to lead away (the bride from her father's house) , take in
marriage , marry AV. &c. &c. ; (also A1. , with or without
%{mithas}) to marry or form a matrimonial alliance together Gobh.
A1past. BhP.: Caus. %{-vAhayati} , to marry (a girl) to (gen. or
%{saha}) MBh. Pan5cat. ; (A1.) to lead home , take to wife Katha1s.
Vet. Pan5cat. |
家 (制度としての家) |
T |
il |
01 1. place; 2. house,
home; 3.
domestic life; 4. wife; 5.
lady of rank in towns or forest-pasture tracts; 6. family; 7.
constellation, zodiacal sign; 8. clearing-nut |
居る |
T |
illakam |
house c. いらか【甍】瓦葺(かわらぶき)の屋根。「~を並べる」。もと、棟瓦(むねがわら)のこと。 |
いらか |
T |
vITTiRappu |
of the roof of a house c. eave 【名】〔家の〕軒(のき)、ひさし◆通例 eaves |
ひさし |
T |
1. solitary house; 2. house
occupied by only one tenasntテナント/貸家; 3. house with only one
square; 4. final bliss |
店(たな)びつ |
S |
mUla むら |
n. (or m. g. %{ardharcA7di} ; ifc. f.
%{A} or %{I} ; prob.
for 3. %{mU4ra} see above) "' firmly fixed しっかりと固定されている"' , a root (of
any plant or tree ; but also fig. the foot or lowest part or bottom of
anything) RV. &c. &c. (%{mUlaM} %{kR} or %{bandh} , to take or
strike root) ; a radish 大根 or the root of various other plants (esp. of
Arum Campanulatum , of long pepper , and of Costus Speciosus or
Arabicus) L. ; the edge (of the horizon) Megh. ; immediate
neighbourhood (%{mama@mUtam} = to my side) R. ; basis 基盤 , foundation ,
cause 原因 , origin 源 , commencement 開始 , beginning 初め (%{mUlAd@Arabhya}
%{A} %{mUlAt} 村田 , from the begeginning ; %{mUlAt} , from the bottom ,
thoroughly ; %{mUlaM} %{kramataz@ca} , right through from beginning
DivyA7v.) Mn. MBh. &c. (ibc.= chief principal cf. below ; ifc. =
rooted in , based upon , derived 派生 from) ; a
chief or principal city 市 ib. ; capital (as opp. to `" interest
"') Sa1mavBr. Prab. ; an original text (as opp. to the commentary or
gloss) R. Katha1s. Sus3r. ; a king's original or proper territory Mn.
vii , 184 ; a temporary (as opp. to the rightful) owner Mn. viii , 202
; an old or hereditary 世襲の servant , a native inhabitant MW. ; the
square root Su1ryas. ; a partic. position of the fingers (=
%{mUta-bandha}) Pan5car. ; a copse , thicket やぶ L. ; also m. and (%{A})
f. N. of the 17th (or 19th) lunar mansion AV. &c. &c. ; m.
herbs for horses , food DivyA7v. ; N. of Sada1-s3iva Cat. ; (%{A}) f.
Asparagus Racemosus L. ; (%{I}) f. a species of small house-lizard
家とかげL. ; mfn. original , first Cat. ; = %{nija} , own , proper ,
peculiar 特有の物・奇妙な L. |
村 |
418 |
village 村 |
T |
muRi |
03 1. piece; 2. half; 3. broken half of
a cocoaunt; 4. deed,
written bond; 5. receipt written on a piece of ola; 6. piece of cloth;
7. rough cloth; 8. sprout 芽、芽キャベツ、もやし, shoot; 9. tender leaf; 10. leaf;
11. part of a village or town; 12.
room; 13. corner; 14. alloy 合金 of a superior quality, especially
bell-metal |
破片、村 |
T |
puRaccuRRu |
1. outlying parts of a town or a village;
2. environment,
surroundings |
部落 |
T |
puRakkazan2iyAr |
people who live outside 外部 the village
(TLS) |
部落アザニヤル |
S |
grAma |
m. dwelling-place, village
(also n.), community, tribe, race, multitude, troop, collection; pl.
inhabitants, people. |
鞍馬天狗 |
S |
asamAnagrAma |
mfn. not
belonging to or
being born in the same village Gaut. c. a- = not, samA = the same ,,,, 浅間山って、普通の山で無い、の意?? c. 九州の朝倉って、この親戚??,,,, 島根の岩倉、も親戚??? |
浅間長倉ま |
T |
Occan2 |
male 男子 belonging to a caste 城, members
of which usually
officiate 職務 as priests 坊主・宣教師・神主 in temples 寺 sacred to pit2a1ri and
other village goddesses 守護神 |
長(おさ)ニャ |
419 | chief | S |
guru |
; haughty , proud (speech) Pan5cat. ;
venerable , respectable
; m. any venerable or respectable person (father , mother , or any
relative older than one's self) Gobh. c. ex. 教祖など、の呼び名、で有名化。 |
グル |
T |
iRai |
01 1. height; 2. head; 3. supreme God;
4. Siva; 5. Brahma1;
6. king, sovereign, monarch; 7. eminence, greatness; 8. impartiality;
justice; 9. any one who is great as one's father or guru or any
renowned and illustrious person; 10.
superior, master, chief; 11. elder
brother; 12. husband, as lord of his wife; 13. inside of a sloping
roof, eaves of a house; 14. feather, quill; 15. wing, plumage; 16.
death, dying, extinction; 17. mango tree |
偉い |
420 | hear | T |
kAyccal |
1. heating, drying; 2. hear,
warmth, dryness; 3. fever, inflammatory state of the system; 4. hatred,
rencour |
聞くかる |
S |
parizru |
P. %{-zRNoti} (ind. p. %{-zrutya}) , to hear , learn ,
understand R. |
耳を張りつる |
S |
samupazru |
P. %{-sRNoti} , to listen to
anything (acc.) , hear , hear or perceive any one (gen.) , hear from or
be told by any one (abl.) MBh. R. BhP. |
耳を澄まふつる |
heard |
S |
suzuta |
a. well heard or much heard of i.e.
very famous or
celebrated; m. N. of an ancient medical author. --- 音がした |
音がすつーた |
421 | ashamed | T |
arai-ttal |
02 too be ashamed (TLS) |
あら痛たし, or 荒いタル |
S |
hrIjita |
mfn. overcome by shame , modest , ashamed
L. |
恥じた |
S |
pafsir |
[pps8yl-] be ashamed. |
ぱふしぃる |
422 | sorrow | T |
dance, exhibiting sorrow
and distress; 2. tax on public shows c. かつしヴぁり → くちおしい |
口惜しい |
T |
kotippu |
1. boiling, buddling up, effervescence;
2. heat; 3. fever; 4.
rage, anger; 5. grief, sorrow; 6.
flutter, flurried state of mind c. 口惜しい、の、別解 |
くちぷ・しい |
423 |
apple |
無 |
りんご not found |
424 |
persimmon |
無 |
persimmon (柿) 自身 not found |
425 | ficus イチジク |
S |
yAjJika |
relating or belonging to sacrifice ささげ物・生贄 , sacrificial S3rS. R. BhP.
m. a sacrificer , one versed in s-al ritual S3Br. &c. &c. (cf.
g. %{ukthA7di} ; = %{yAjaka} or %{yajJa-kartR} L.) ; N. of various
plants used at a sacrificer (a species of Kus3a-grass , barley大麦 , Ficus Religiosa , Butea Frondosa ツルハナモツヤクノキ
&c.) L. |
いちぢく |
T |
itti |
1. white fig, l. tr., ficus
infectoria 辞書に無、かぶれ? ; 2. stone-fig; 3. tailed ovaleaved fig c. いちじくの白い汁のこと、みたい |
いち |
T |
aTTAlai |
02 a tree, ficus acetosa
(TLS) |
あたらい |
426 |
chestnut |
S |
kiyAha |
m. a chestnut-coloured
horse L.
栗色の馬 |
栗 くり |
S |
vollAha |
m. a chestnut-coloured horse (with a light mane たて髪 and tail) L. c. (v-k) |
くり |
maroon |
無 |
maroon 仏語 マロン |
427 |
berry |
T |
Etukam |
mistleoe-berry いちご thorn とげ
(TLS) |
いちごアム |
T |
icagku |
mistletoe-berry thorn c. いちご (c-ch)
いちご |
S |
guJjA |
(= f. the Gunja berry (used as a weight).) c. ぐにゃじゃ → ぐみ (jA 無音) |
ぐみ |
428 |
garlic |
S |
mahAkanda |
m. garlic , radish and
other tuberous
plants L. ; Hingtsha
Repens ; n. dry ginger L. c. にんにく |
マハかんだ |
429 |
carrot |
S |
nAriGgakanda |
m. a yellow carrot L. (cf.
c. ニンジン |
ナリグガかんだ |
430 |
eggplant |
S |
mahoTihA |
or %{mahoTI} f. the eggplant
---c. ナス |
真ほティハ |
431 |
pear |
T |
muTimElmuTi |
panicled 《植物》円すい花序の golden-blossomed pear tree c. 梨の実だ (l 無音) c. 花序(かじょ)とは枝上における花の配列状態のことである。 c. 「なし」では無く「なしのみ」である。 これは、「有りの実(梨の異称。ナシが「無し」に通じることに基づく忌み言葉の言い換え。)」の言葉を生み出した原動力である。 |
梨の実 |
432 | corn | S |
marAra |
m. a corn-loft , granary
穀物庫 L. |
モロコシ~ |
T |
marikkan2mA |
corn flour コーンの粉 |
モロコシ~ |
433 | open 開ける 開く |
T |
agkA-ttal |
01 to open
the mouth |
あげかタル |
S |
aJjali |
m. ( %{aJj}) , the open
hands placed side by side and slightly hollowed (as if by a beggar to
receive food ; hence when raised to the forehead , a mark of
supplication) , reverence , salutation , benediction ; a libation to
the Manes (two hands full of water , %{udakA7Jjali}) VP. &c. ; a
measure of corn , sufficient to fill both hands when placed side by
side , equal to a kud2ava. |
あちぢぁり |
S |
apAr |
(%{apa-R}) , to open
by removing anything RV. v , 45 , 6 (Subj. A1. 3. sg. %{a4pa@RNuta4}) ,
ix , 10 , 6 (3. pl. %{a4pa@RNvanti}) and 102 , 8 (impf. 2. sg.
%{RNo4r@a4pa}). c. 西洋のopenアーペン、と、東洋の、開ける、アケール、の、中間的存在 |
あぺーる |
T |
pirakastam |
the open hand with the
fingers extended |
開げた手 |
S |
prakaTI |
(= %{-kaTa}) in %{-karaNa} n. making visible , manifesting ,
proclaiming Cat. ; - %{kR} (ind. p. %{-kRtya}) , to manifest , unfold ,
display Ka1v. Pan5c. &c. ; %{-kRta} mfn. manifested , shown ,
displayed Ka1v. Pur. ; - %{bhU} (ind. p. %{-bhUya}) , to become
manifest , appear Ka1v. Katha1s. ; %{-bhUta} mfn. manifest , open , plain Ka1v. Pur. Pan5c. c. 開示、啓のpro前進、visible可視化、の意を持つ、開く |
ピラカーチ → 開かーて |
履歴メモ |
tableの頭に設置した。 これにより、このサイトの利用状況が推測可となる?。 |
434 | potato prefix イモ |
S |
Alu |
(%{R} Comm. on Un2. i , 5) , an owl L. ; ebony , black ebony L. ;
(%{us} and %{Us}) f. a pitcher , a small water-jar L. ; (%{u}) n. a
raft , a float ; an esculent root , Arum Campanulatum L. ; (in modern
dialects applied to the yam , potatoe
&c.) |
アルー |
S |
ambuprasAdana |
n. the clearing nut tree , Strychnos Potatorum
(the nuts of this plant are generally used in India for purifying water
[cf. Mn. vi , 67] ; they are rubbed upon the inner surface of a vessel
, and so precipitate the impurities of the fluid it contains). |
ヤシの実?? |
S |
mAluvA |
f. a kind of sweet potato
L. c. イモのモ。 の先祖。ex. 今日のごちそうは、ま(るーヴぁ)でした。→ イも |
マルーヴァ |
T |
kaTalaTampu |
a species of seaside potato c. (じゃ)がたら芋 ???? |
かたらっイムぷ |
T |
maturavaLLi |
1. a water-melon; 2. sweet potato c. まくわ瓜、に見えます。 c. maturai (T) = 03 1. that which is sweet to the taste ---- i.e. matura = sweet |
まつら瓜 |
435 | [jisa] prefix 馳走 |
S |
aJjisaktha |
mfn. having coloured thighs (a
victim生贄?) VS. ; cf. Pa1n2.
6-2 , 199 Sch. c. アジサイ紫陽花のroots??? --- うっすらと色がついているから c. 味さ草、かも知れません。これが、紫陽花、に発展したのかも知れません。 c. 花の色が白から青紫色、紅紫色と変わるので、俗に「七変化(しちへんげ)」とも言う。 |
あじさくた |
S |
RjISa |
n. (%{arj} Un2. iv , 28) , the sediment沈殿物 or residueかす of Soma , the
Soma plant after the juice has been pressed out AV. ix , 6 , 16 VS. xix
, 72 TS. vi S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. &c. ; the juice produced by the third
pressure of the plant Sa1y. ; a frying-pan フライパン Un2. ; a particular
hell 地獄 Mn. iv , 90. c. Soma = 〔ヒンドゥー神話の植物の〕ソーマ◆酒のソーマの原料とされる植物で、マオウ(ephedra)ではないかと考えられている。 c. ご馳走、って、実はソーマを絞ったジュース/酒、の珍味のことだった?? → 誰か証明セラレヨ。 |
る・馳走 |
436 | lie うそ |
S | asatya |
a. untrue, false; n. falsehood, lie. |
うそだや |
S |
mithyA |
adv. wrongly, falsely, in vain. With
{brU, vac}, etc. speak
falsely, tell a lie; w. {kR} make
false, cheat; contradict, deny, w.
{kR} & {na} keep (a given word). |
間違え |
T |
02 1. to lie down; to rest,
as lowering
the head; 2. to pay
homage, bow one's head in reverence; 3. to incline the head sideways |
間違えタル |
P |
dro |
[KDBA < A kdb@; dlwb' | M drw, (N
daro1g+)] lie, deceit.
(cpd) c. ト゜ロを吐く、の、泥 |
ト゜ロ |
S |
kakSAya |
Nom. A1. %{kakSAyate} , to wait for any
one in a hidden place , lie
in ambush ; to intend anything wicked Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 3-1 , 14. c. ウソを隠す、の、かくす |
隠す・や |
S |
vizI |
A1. %{-zete} , to lie
outstretched BhP.
; to remain lying or
sitting R. ; to be subject to doubt S3am2k. |
偽(いつわ)る |
T |
vizu-tal |
1. to fall, fall down; to descend; to flow down; 2. to lie prostrate,
as in reverence; 3. to fall down exhausted; 4. to fall sick or ill 仮病;
to be bedridden; 5. to be defeated or overthrown; 6. to fall low,
decline, as prices; to sink to a lower level; 7. to be destroyed,
ruined; 8. to die; 9. to set, as the sun; 10. to fall into desuetude;
11. to settle; to be fixed; 12. to crowd together; to swarm; 13. to be
allotted; to fall to one's lot or share; 14. to be imprinted; 15. to
appear; to be formed; to come out; 16. to take place, happen; 17. to
pass; to pass away; 18. to rush, as against a person; 19. cf. vr2 to
exhibit desire; 20. to fall into position; 21. to devolve; 22. to be
born, used in contempt; 23. to issue, proceed from, as speech; 24. to
become detached; 25. to swoop; 26. to discharge, empty, as a river; 27.
to hang down, droop; 28. to fall into a rage; 29. to lose animation, as
face; 30. to be locked up, as capital |
ditto |
T |
fraud 詐欺・ペテン, deceit, lie |
たわごと |
437 | push 押す |
S |
udUh |
. P. A1. %{-Uhati} , %{-te} , to push
or press upwards , move or bear upwards ; to throw or turn out , sweep
out , push out AV. xi , 1 , 9 S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Comm. on TBr. iii , 8 , 4
, 3 BhP. &c. ; to bring out of Vait. ; to heighten (an accent)
Sam2hUp. iii , 3. |
押す |
S |
Atud |
(p. %{-tuda4t} ; perf. %{-tuto4da} ;
ind. p. %{-tudya}) to
strike , push , spur on , stir up RV.
x Mn. iv , 68 MBh. i , 195. |
打つ、押す |
S |
Ir, Irte |
C. drive on, send forth; push
on, press urge; turn, direct; |
押し入れる |
438 | pull 引く |
S |
hID |
%{hIL} , (cf. %{heD}) P. A1. %{hIDati}
, or %{hiLati} ,
%{-te} P.
(only in %{jihIDa} AV. ; %{jihILa} RV. ; and %{ahiDat} GopBr.) , to
pull , tear , make angry , vex , offend ; A1. (only in [%{a4-}]
%{hIDamAna} S3Br. %{jihIDe} , %{-Dire4} ; %{jihILe} RV. AV. ;
%{jihIDAna4} RV. ; %{hIDiSAtAm} TA1r.) , to be angry or wroth: Caus.
(only %{ajIhiDat}) to pull out (hair)
AV. |
引く |
T |
eHku-tal |
01 1. to pull with fingers,
as cotton;
2. to search for, as
true meaning of a passage; to sift, scrutinize; 3. to reach up, stretch
one's self in reaching for a thing; 1. to be yielding, pliable; 2. to
search for, as the true meaning of a passage; to sift, scrutinize; 3.
to reach up, stretch one's self in reaching for a thing; 1. to be
yielding, pliable; 2. to become unfastened, unclasped, unloosened; 3.
to spring back, rebound, as a bent bow; 4. to lift, carry, as a well
sweep; 5. to climb, mount, get up |
引くタル |
T |
icippu |
01 1. pull, strain; 2.
convulsion, contraction of the
muscles |
引っ張る |
T |
iNugku-tal |
to pull off, as a leaf from
a twig; to
pluck, as a flower
from a tree |
抜くタル |
439 |
gourd ウリ類、 ゴード luffa, cucumber |
S |
sapItaka |
m. Luffa Foetida or another species L. ; (%{ikA}) f. a large gourd or cucumber L. c. さぴーたか → すいか |
すいか |
T |
pIram |
01 1. sponge-gourd ヘチマ・スポンジ; 2. paleness through love-sickness; 3. portia tree; 4. siris c. ぴーらむ → へちま |
へちま |
T |
veLLari |
1. cucumber, cucumis sativus ; 2. mottled-melon, cucumis memordica ; 3. kakri-melon c. ヴぇっらり → うり |
うり |
T |
kuLaveLLari |
cucumbers raised in tank beds c. くらヴぇっらり → くらうり → きゅうり |
きゅうり |
T |
puTavimUlam |
a species of snake-gourd カラスウリ c. ぷたヴぃむーらむ → 前半・ひょうたん |
ひょうたん |
439 .1 |
これは、 少し外れ。 [valli] suffix 瓜(うり) |
S |
vallI |
(or %{valli} q.v.) f. a creeper , creeping
(often fig. applied to arms , eyebrows , lightning &c.) Mn. MBh.
&c. ; a class of medicinal plants (= %{vidArI} , %{sArivA} ,
%{rajanI} , and %{guDucI}) Sus3r. ; N. of various other plants (esp. =
%{aja-modA} , %{kaivartikA} , and %{cavya}) L. ; (only %{I}) N. of the
sections of partic. Upanishads(e.g. of the Kat2ha) ; = %{phala-vallI}
(q.v.) A1ryabh. Sch. |
瓜 |
S |
valli |
or {vallI} f. the
same. 同一 c. 瓜二つ、の言い回し、は Sanskrit産 |
瓜・二つ |
T |
valli | 02 1. creeper 這いもの; 2. a creeper with
bulbous バルブ状roots; 3. medicinal
4. young woman, lady; 5. a wife of skanda; 6. fetters; 7. upan2is2ad;
8. banner, standard; 9. battle-of-plassey tree; 10. a plant; 11.
marriage |
T |
cuvalli |
seed 種 of scurfy フケの pea 豆 c. cucumber の先祖? c. (Tamil) cukkam = 01 1. country cucumber; 2. mottled melon; 3. stealing, pilfering (Tamil) cukkAn2kAy = unripe cucumber |
きゅうり |
S |
hemavallI |
f. `" golden creeper "' , Hoya
Viridiflora L. c. へちま、の先祖?。 金色のツタ?。 |
へちま・瓜 |
[hema] |
S | hema |
2 m. a partic. weight of gold (=
%{mASaka}) L. ; a horse of a
or brownish colour L. ; N. of Buddha L. ; of a son of Rus3ad-ratha Pur.
; of the father of Su-tapas ib. ; = %{hema-candra} Cat. ; (%{A}) f.
Hoya Viridiflora L. ; the earth L. ; a handsome woman L. ; N. of an
Apsaras Hariv. R. ; of a river MBh. ; (%{am}) n. gold L. |
へま |
440 | blunder へま、大失敗 |
T |
piramattam |
1. intoxicant 酔わせる物; 2. intoxicated
state; 3.
negligence 過失・不注意; 4. blunder c. へま = ★語源は不詳。「下手(へた)な間」からか。 c. blunder = c.1340, from O.N. blundra "shut one's eyes" (the oldest Eng. sense was "to stumble around blindly"), from PIE base *bhlendh- (see blind). Meaning "make a stupid mistake" is first recorded 1711. [ from ETYMONLINE dict.] |
ぴらまったん |
S |
vibhrama |
m. (ifc. f. %{A}) moving to and fro , rolling or whirling about , restlessness , unsteadiness Ka1v.; violence , excess , intensity , high degree (also pl.) Ka1v.; hurry , rapture , agitation , disturbance , perturbation , confusion , flurry MBh. ; doubt , error , mistake , ★blunder (with %{daNDasya} , `" erroneous application of punishment "') Mn. ; illusion , illusive appearance or mere semblance of anything Ka1v. (cf. %{-bhASita}) ; |
へま |
S |
bhRma |
m. error, ★mistake. |
へま |
S |
sridh |
1 cl. 1. P. %{sre4dhati} (aor %{sridhat} , p. %{-sridhAna} ; cf. %{a4-sredhat} , %{a4-sridhAna}) , to fail , err , ★blunder RV. |
とちる |
S |
saMbhrama |
m. confusion, agitation, haste, hurry; zeal, assiduity; error, ★mistake. |
ちょんぼるマ |
441 |
heavy | 無 |
→有りました |
重い、 not found |
S |
anUnaguru |
mfn. of undiminished weight , very heavy. [42,1] c. あぬーなぐる → 先頭・あぬー → おもーい |
重い |
T |
kan2a-ttal |
02 1. to be heavy; 2. to be
abundant, copious, numerous; 3. to be stout; 4. to be hoarse; to break
as the voice of a youth; 5. to be honourable, noble illustrious c. かにゃあッタル → k 欠落化・あにゃあ → おもーい |
ditto |
441 .1 |
weight 重さ |
S |
Amra |
m. the mango
tree ,
Mangifera Indica MBh. R. S3ak. &c. ; (%{am}) n. the fruit of the
mango tree Sus3r. S3Br. ; &c. ; a
particular weight. c. 重いの roots は、マンゴー。 ???? ← ア・マンゴー ??? |
重〈い〉ら |
T |
amugku-tal |
1. to sink; 2. to be pressed down,
crushedつぶれる, as by a weight, mashed
つぶれた, as ripe
fruit |
重むげくタル |
T |
vimmu |
02 weight; burden |
重む |
442 | rope なわ つな |
S |
nAtha |
n. refuge 逃亡 , help AV. TBr. ; m. a
protector 保護者 , patron パトロン
possessor 所有者 , owner , lord 領主 (often ifc. , esp. in names of gods and
men e.g. %{goviGda-} , %{jagan-} &c. ; but also mf[%{A}]n.
possessed of occupied by , furnished with cf. %{sa-}) ; a husband 夫
(esp. in voc.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a rope
passed through the nose of a draft ox 牛 L. ; N. of sev. authors Cat. c. 縄張り、の縄。ex. 所有地の境を示す為。ex. 〆縄を張る。 |
縄(なわ) |
T |
nAr |
1. fibre, as from the bark of a
leafstalk; 2. string, cord, rope,
as made of fibre; 3. bowstring; 4. web about the foot of a coconut or
palmyra leaf; 5. love, affection, as a bond; 6. asbestos |
なう |
S |
zulla |
n. = %{zulba} "' , a rope
"' or `"
copper銅 "' , . |
綱 |
S |
phalottamA |
f. `" best of fruit "' , a kind of
grape without stones 種 L.
the 3
myrobalans ミロバランの実、訶子[かし] L. ; the benefit arising from sacred study
W. ; a small sort of rope(?) 小型のロープ W. |
ひも 外れ? →当たりカモ |
メモ |
rootsは、サンスクリットでした。 ヒモ、は、別語、調査継続要。 cf. ヒモ・紐 語源 |
prefix |
S |
phala |
n. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) fruit
(esp. of trees) RV. &c. &c. ;
the kernel or seed of a fruit , A1mar. ; a nutmeg Sus3r. ; the 3
myrobalans (= %{tri-phalA} q.v.) L. ; the menstrual discharge L. (cf.
%{puSpa}) ; fruit (met.) , consequence , effect , result , retribution
(good or bad) , gain or loss , reward or punishment , advantage or
disadvantage Ka1tyS3r. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; benefit
, enjoyment Pan5cat. ii , 70 ; c. ph の綴りは、Sanskrit のみで、f と等価。phala = fala = fruit = 果実。 |
S |
phalAdana |
m. `" fruit-eater "' , a
parrot オウム L. (cf. %{phalA7zana}). c. フルーツ・イータ → 果(実)食性の鳥 → オウム c. 甘い汁を吸う人、profit/ benefit の利を得る人 |
[ottamA] suffix |
~ottamA |
best of ~。 --- c.
おったま・げ、なる最上級語尾 |
小結論 |
結果の恩恵、と、③その恩恵の箱の蓋のヒモ、の意を表す。 日本への伝言ゲームにより、「最高級フ ルーツ=ふぁろったま」は、「ふぁま⇒ ヒモ」と略され、③の小型の種類のロープ、が前面に出た。 そして、裏の話として、①の果実を食べる悪い意味でのフルーツ・イータの概念が女のヒモと い う言葉を生んだ。 c. つまり、最高級フルーツを縛っていたロープをヒモ紐と言った。 c. 犯人のヒモをつかむ、という言葉も、尻尾をつかむの意で、③の意。 |
443 | male | S |
vRSa |
m. man, husband, male of
animals, esp. bull (old only ---), w. {gavAm} the first of the dice;
i.g. chief or best of (gen. or ---); E. of €iva, Vis2n2u, etc., N. of
sev. men. 321 (mwd) vRSakAma mfn. desirous of the male Kaus3. |
雄、♂ |
T |
ATUu |
man, human male |
雄、男 |
444 | female | S |
menA |
f. a woman (also the female
of any animal) RV. ; speech ( = %{vAc}) Naigh. i , 11 ; N. of the
daughter of Vr2ishan2-as3va RV. i , 51 , 13 (Sa1y.) ; of an Apsaras (=
%{menakA} , wife of Hima-vat and mother of Parvati1) Hariv. R. Pur. ;
of a river MBh. |
雌、女、♀ |
S |
mAtR |
1 f. mother
(applied also
to the earth, the cow, the sticks of attrition, in respectful address
to near relatives or elderly women i.g.); E. of Laks2mi1 & Durga1;
du. father and mother, heaven and earth; du. & pl. the sticks of
attrition; pl. the (7, 8, 9, or 16) divine mothers, or the (8) female Manes. |
マザー |
S |
anunAyikA |
f. a female
subordinate to a %{nAyikA} or leading female character in a drama. |
女 |
445 |
finger |
S |
vip |
2 mfn. inwardly stirred or excited , inspired RV. ; f. `" easily moved or bent , flexible (?) "' , a switch , rod &c. , the shaft (of an arrow) , the rods (which form the bottom of the Soma filter , and support the straining cloth) RV. ; a finger Naigh. |
指 |
446 | nail | S |
zaGku |
m. a pointed peg or wooden nail,
pike, beam, arrow,
spear, sting (lit. & fig.), N. of a serpent-demon etc. |
くぎ |
S |
kaNTaka |
m. (n. L.) a thorn S3Br. v MBh. Ya1jn5.
&c. ; anything
pointed , the point of a pin or needle , a prickle , sting R. ; a
fish-bone R. iii , 76 , 10 Mn. viii , 95 ; a finger-nail (cf.
%{karaka-}) Naish. i , 94 ; |
つかむ、つめ |
447 | pond | S |
icikila |
m. a pond
; mud , mire L. |
池 |
S |
akhAta |
mfn. unburied AV. ; (%{as} , %{am}) m.
n. a natural pond or lake , a pool
before a temple L. |
ditto |
S |
khAta |
m. n. ditch, well, pond; n.
hole. |
潟 |
S |
pAli |
or {-lI} f. the tip of the ear; edge,
margin, side i.g.; row, range, line; raised bank, dike; pot, boiler; an
oblong pond (only {pAlI}). |
堀 |
448 | step | S |
bhUmi |
({bhU3mI}) f. the earth, ground, soil,
land, country, place,
site, abode; floor or story of a house; step,
degree (fig.); position, part or character (d.); a person or thing
worthy of (---). |
踏み |
T |
oTukkam |
1. narrowness, closeness; 2.
self-restraint, self-control,
self-mastery; 3. reduction, contraction; 4. biding one's time; 5. place
of seclusion; retired spot; 6. place of concealment; 7. retreat,
retirement forr spiritual exercises; 8. involution, as of the elements
one into another; absorption, dissolution, disappearance, as of salt in
water; 9. gradual sinking, reduction step by
step, as of circumstances of the powers of the body; 10. end,
close, termination; 11. secrecy |
追付くカム |
T |
miti |
02 1. treading; 2. tread; 3. step
in a tank or well; 4. treadle of
weaver's loom; 5. food trampled and formed into a ball; 6. walking; gait |
道(みち) |
449 | star | S |
bhAsanta |
mfn. splendid , beautiful L. ; m. the
sun or the moon or a star L. ; the
bird Bha1sa L. ; (%{I}) f. an
asterism , Nakshatra L. c. 星ぁんた c. このSanskrit単語は、面白いです。頭は、星。尻尾は、サンタ = ステラ/ スター、です。 cf. 星を人は何と呼んだか?/ 京都府立洛東高校/ 西村昌能 ©,, 違うことが書いてあります。これによると、朝鮮語byuelは、次のタミル語に近いですね。 |
ばさんた |
T |
veLLi |
01 1. whiteness 白色; 2. silver, argentum
; 3. a silver coin; 4. star; 5. the
planet venus; 6.
sukra, the priest of the asuras,; 7. friday 金曜日; 8. an ascetic of
dharmapuram mutt who is said to have made interpolations in many poems,
such as kampa-ra1mayan2am, periya-pura1n2am, etc.,; 9. ignorance; 10.
semen virile 男性的 |
星゛ |
メモ | 想像力を逞しくすると、次も言える。 ・英語で、desire デザイア/欲望/欲しい・欲しい、の語源は、de + star説と、星の力で欲望がむき出しになる、説、の2つの大きい説ある(最新説は後者)。分かる?。 夜。真っ暗闇の中、夜空の星を見て、欲しい・欲しい、となるんだべさ。 --- 星ー・星ー、だってサ。 |
450 | move | S | aGk |
cl. 1. (connected , with , %{aJc}) A1.
%{aGkate} , %{AnaGke}
, %{aGkiSyate} , %{aGkitum} , to move
in a curve L. ; cl. 10. P.
%{aGkayati} , to move in a curve L. ;
to mark , stamp , brand. |
動く |
S |
aJc |
1 (connected with %{ac} q.v.) cl. 1. P.
A1. %{a4Jcati} ,
%{-te} , %{AnaJca} , %{-ce} , %{aJci-Syati} , %{-te} , %{aJcitum} , to
bend , curve , incline , curl ; to reverence (with inclined body) , to
honour ; to tend , move , go , wander
about ; |
ditto |
S |
utsArita |
mfn. caused to move ,
driven away
&c. |
移りた |
S |
uttRR |
(%{ud-} %{tR}) P. %{-tarati} and %{-tirati} (Ved.) to pass
out of (especially %{jalAt} , water , with abl). to disembark ; to come
out of A1s3vGr2. MBh. Hariv. S3ak. Mr2icch. &c. ; to escape from (a
misfortune , affliction , &c.) BhP. Katha1s. ; to come down ,
descend , alight , put up at Vet. ; to pass over ; to cross (a river ,
with acc.) ; to vanquish MBh. R. Ragh. Hariv. Katha1s. &c. ; to
give up , leave MBh. ; to elevate , strengthen , increase RV. VS. SV.
S3a1n3khS3r.: Caus. %{-tArayati} , to cause to come out ; to deliver ,
assist , rescue MBh. R. Hariv. Pan5cat. &c. ; to make any one
alight , take down , take off Pan5cat. Vet. ; to cause to pass over ;
to convey or transport across , land , disembark Pan5cat. ; to vomit up: Desid. %{-titIrSati} , to wish to cross MBh. |
移る |
451 | sing | S |
udgai |
P. %{-gAyati} (%{-gAti} S3a1n3khBr.
xvii , 7) to begin to sing ; to sing
or chant (applied especially
to the singing or chanting of the
Sa1maveda cf. %{ud-gAtR4}) RV. x , 67
, 3 AV. ix , 6 , 45-48. AitBr. S3Br. TS. La1t2y. &c. [187,2] ; to sing out loud S3is3. vi , 20 ;
to announce or celebrate in song , sing
before any one (with acc.) ; to fill with song S3vetUp. MBh. Ragh.
&c. c. gai = sing みたい?? |
歌う |
T |
naku-tal |
1. to laugh, smile; 2. to rejoice; 3.
to bloom, as a flower;
4. to open or expand; 5. to shine, glitter; 6. to hoot, as an owl; to sing, as a bird; 1. to despise; 2. to
surpass. overcome, defeat |
泣く、鳴く |
S |
parigai |
P. %{-gAyati} , to go about singing
, sing or celebrate everywhere TS. S3Br. S3rS. ; to proclaim aloud
(esp. Pass. %{-gIyate}) MBh. &c. |
声を張り上げる |
T |
pATu-tal |
01 1. to sing; to chant; 2.
to warble,
as birds; to hum, as
bees or beetles; 3. to make verses, compose poems; 4. to recite verses,
from a book; 5. to speak endearingly; 6. to praise; 7. to declare,
proclaim; 8. to abuse; 9. to sing in the game of pa1ti-y-o1t2t2am |
発するタル |
452 | old 古い |
S |
purA |
ind. (cf. %{pra} , %{puras} , %{pUrva}) before , formerly , of old (with %{na} , never "') RV. &c.
&c. ; in a previous existence VarYogay. ; (with pres. = pf.) from
of old , hitherto , up to the present
time (also with %{sma} cf. Pa1n2.
3-2 , 122 ; with %{na} , never yet) RV. &c. &c. ; at first , in
the beginning Bhartr2. (opp.
to %{pazcA} , %{pazcAt} Pa1n2. 5-3 , 33 Ka1s3.) ; soon , shortly (with
pres.= fut.) Ka1lid. Naish. ; (as prep. , mostly in earlier language ,
with abl. , rarely with dat. or gen.) before ; securely from ; except ,
beside ; (with pres.= fut. [cf. Pa1n2. 3-3 , 4] , once with Pot.) ere ,
before (sometimes with %{na} or %{na} and %{yAvat} [followed by
%{tAvat}] , with %{mA} or %{yadi} MBh. Ka1v. &c.) c. 接頭辞 pre, pra も purui{古゜い} の親戚だった、ですネ。 c. つまり、得体値の pre{鰤゜}は、pre{古゜} も可、ということになりました。 c. beggining → b ⇔ p ⇔ h, g ⇔ j, n ⇔ m のド・モルガンの法則適用、beggining = hajime |
古いや |
T |
toNTukizavan2 |
ripe, old man c. 歳・刻みした人、の意。 |
年寄り |
T |
kizam |
1. old, age senility
decrepitude 老衰・もうろく; 2. aged person, aged
animal or thing used as a tern of contempt |
刻む |
T |
kizamai |
1. majesty 陛下; 2. a kind of
time-measure, consisting of four beats (TLS) |
刻み |
453 |
attractied |
S |
AkRSTa |
mfn. drawn , pulled , attracted.
ゆかし |
454 | cherish | T |
Ompu-tal |
1. to protect, guard, defend, save; 2.
to preserve; to keep
in mind; to cherish,
nourish; 3. to remove, separate; to keep off; to ward off; 4. to
dispel; 5. to maintain, support; to cause to increase; to bring up; 6.
to consider, discriminate; 7. to concentrate the mind; 8. to clutch or
grasp tightly, as a miser c. cherish = ~を大事にする、大切にする、〔希望・イメージなどを〕抱く、〔アイデアなどを〕温める、〔いい思い出などを〕胸[心]にしまっておく |
思ふ |
T |
kaipiTi-ttal |
01 1. to take on hand, entertain, cherish;
2. to marry こいしい |
こひしい・恋しい |
455 | love | T |
iTTuppiri-tal |
to be separated from one's bady-love
only a short distance |
いとほし |
T | iSukku |
* love, devotion | いつくしむ | ||
S |
abhikAma |
a. affectionate, loving, desirous of
(acc. or ---); m.
affection, love, desire. |
愛 |
456 |
force 無理に |
T | valakkaTTAyam |
compulsion, force c. 日本では、あらがち、が、あながち、と、伝言ゲームされた様です。 c. 用法:あながち~とは限らない = ~、と強制的に言うことは出来ない。 |
あながち |
457 |
gradually 次第に |
S |
yathAyatham |
(fr. %{yathA} + %{yathA}) in a proper manner , as is fit or prroper ,
rightly , suitably , fitly ; one after another , by degrees , gradually AV. TS. &c. c. 徐々に、やっと |
やうやう |
458 |
extraordinary 普通でない |
S |
abhyadhika |
excessive, eminent; superior to; greater, stronger, more, dearer than
or by (abl., instr., or ---); excellent, extraordinary. n. adv. extraordinarily, very much. c. 古語は、おぼろけ、意味は、「程度が普通でないさま」。 c. あびやてか、が、伝言ゲームされて、おぼろけ。 |
おぼろげ |
459 |
fine 立派 |
S |
paJcaviMzatika |
mfn. (a fine) consisting of
amounting to 25 (Pan2as)
Ya1jn5. ii , 205 ; n. the number 25 MBh. ; (%{A}) f. see %{-viMzati}. |
はかばかし |
T |
paLApaLA |
word ironically expressing 'fine'
'bravo' c. La は 伝言ゲーム途中で、Ka に変化。あるいは、Sanskrit の音が伝言。 |
ditto |
メモ |
かばかし、の just な単語は見つかりませんで
した。しかし、雰囲気的には、当たり。 c. bravo は、brave 勇ましい、well done に通じます。reliable 頼もしい、のニュアンスが入っています。 c. ブラボー(男性用)、ブラバー(女性用)= well done、very good、のイタリア語 |
460 | measure 計る |
S |
paJca |
1 mf(%{A})n. spread out Uttarar. ; m.
(in music) a kind of measure. |
計る |
T |
pAkampOTu-tal |
to measure by the arm |
ditto |
461 | bee | S |
bhRGga |
m. a large black bee (f.
{A} & {I}). |
蜂 |
T |
puTpantayam |
bee |
ditto |
S |
puttikA |
a doll , puppet BhP. ; the white ant or termite 白蟻 (so called from its
doll-like form) Mn. MBh. Pan5c. ; = %{pataMgikA} , a small kind of bee Bhpr. ; a gnat ぶよ、蚊 Ni1lak. = %{pluSi}
S3am2k. Sa1y. |
ditto |
【アッカド語】 ■おまけ カメムシの方言 【出雲弁】はっとーじ, ハットウジまたはハトウジ(岡山県~広島県の山間部) 【賛】 pataMga(= mfn. flying RV. ; any flying insect 任意の飛ぶ昆虫, a grasshopper バッタ, a 【bee】 蜂, a butterfly or moth 蝶または蛾 S3Br. (%{-ta4Mga}) Up. (%{-tA} f. Prasannar.) ;) はっとーじ c. インド語で、羽がある飛べる昆虫のこと。 | |||||
462 | season 四季 |
S |
phalgu |
mf(%{U84} , or %{vI})n. reddish , red
TS. ; small
, minute , feeble , weak , pithless , unsubstantial , insignificant ,
worthless , unprofitable , useless VS. &c. &c. ; f. Ficus
Oppositifolia L. ; a red powder usually of the root of wild ginger
(coloured with sappan wood and thrown over one another by the Hindu1s
at the Holi1 festival ; cf. %{phalgU7tsava}) W. ; the spring season L. ; (scil. %{vAc}) a
falsehood lie L. ; N. of a river flowing Past Gaya1 MBh. Hariv. ; du.
(in astrol.) N. of a Nakshatra. c. ヒモの phal フルーツ fruit、小型 small、と同じ頭の単語。春の発音は、昔は fal だった、と言うこと。 |
春゜ |
S |
balAGgaka |
m. `" strong-limbed (?) "' , the spring season L. c. 春の別解。balA = power = strong ,,,,, 日本語でも、張る、に対応。 |
春゛(張る) |
S |
bhayaprastAva | m. season of fear or alarm W. | 冬゛ | ||
S |
AgrayaNa |
(fr. %{a4gra}) , the first Soma libation 飲酒 at the Agnisht2oma
sacrifice 捧げ物 (see %{gra4ha}) VS. TS. &c. [130,3] ; a form of Agni
MBh. iii , 14188 seqq. ; (%{I}) f. (scil. %{iSTi}) an oblation 奉納
consisting of first-fruits Comm. on S3a1n3khGr2. ; (%{am}) n. oblation
consisting of first-fruits at the end of the rainy season S3Br. AitBr.
&c. Mn. vi , 10 , &c. c. インドの雨季は、夏と秋の間にある??。 雨季が明ける → 秋、の解釈。 c. agriculture 農業、の神に、最初の harvest 収穫の sacrifice 捧げ物を agri する季節。アグリ → 秋、の解 釈。 c. Oblation = religious offering (in church.) ,,,, oblation の綴りも offer の変化。 |
秋 |
S |
nidAgha |
m. (g. %{nyaGkv-Adi}) heat , warmth , the hot season (May and June) , summer
S3Br. MBh. &c. ; internal heat , R2it. i , 4 ; sweat , perspiration
L. ; N. of a man (pl. of his descendants g. %{upakA7di}) ; of a son of
Pulastya VP. ; %{-kara} m. `" heat-causer "' or `" hot-rayed "' , the
sun L. ; %{-kAla} m. the `" time of heat "' , summer MBh. Ka1v. ;
%{-dhAman} m. `" having hot radiance "' or `" abode of heat "' , the
sun S3is3. i , 24 ; %{-ruci} m. `" hot-rayed "' id. Ka1v. ; %{-vArSika}
mfn. (months) belonging to the hot and the
rainy season MBh. vii , 1311 ; %{-sindhu} m. a river in hot
weather , one nearly dry W. ; %{-ghA7vadhi} m. the hot season Ragh. xvi , 52. c. 太陽が、煮だる、熱い・暑い季節。 茹だる(うだる)、とも言う。 |
夏 |
T |
Uzttal | 1. flesh; 2. stench; 3. hell; 4. opportunity, seasonable time | 季(おとと /おと) |
T |
vArttavam | season of a year | ditto | ||
463 | cockroach | S |
piGgakapizA |
f. `" reddish-brown "' , a species of cockroach L. |
ゴキブリ |
T |
karappAn2pUcci |
cockroach, blatta orientalis
ditto |
メモ |
が5種類あると考えるのが自然である。つまり、言語的に異なる5部族が、それぞれ サンスクリットとタミルのグループにいたと推測される。 |
464 | lice |
T |
cIlaippEn2 |
lice in cloths |
シラミ |
メモ |
なりそうな音を満たすのは1個のみ。 |
465 |
flea prefix |
T |
nAyccIrakam |
purple fleabane c. 14単語あったが、Sanskrit版のが無い |
のみ |
466 |
paddy rice |
無 | 稲、not found |
467 | earthworm ミミズ |
S |
mahIlatA |
f. an earthworm , dew-worm
L. |
ミミズ |
T |
nAgkUz |
earthworm |
ditto |
468 |
firefly |
無 |
ほたる、not found |
469 | mosquito 蚊 |
T |
kocu |
02 1. mosquito, gnat,
culex; 2. eyefly
which gathers in
clusters on hanging threads, muscidae |
蚊 |
T |
kocumUTTam |
to drive off mosquitoes |
ditto |
T |
macam |
mosquito |
ditto |
S |
mazaka |
m. a mosquito , gnat , any
fly that
bites or stings AV.
&c. &c. ; a partic. skin disease (causing |
ditto |
470 | leech ヒル |
S |
jalauka |
(m.), {A} f. leech. |
ちぁらうか |
T |
perukkAlaTTai |
a kind of leech (TLS) |
ヒル |
S |
piGgala |
= prec. a.; m. a man's name, esp. N. of an author on Chandas or
metrics, E. of sev. gods & demons; f. {piGgalA} a. kind of leech, a
woman's name. |
ditto |
471 | write 書く |
T |
01 1. to write; 2. to
scribble, write,
illegibly; 3. to
cancel, score out; 4. to feel giddy, to eb delirious, dizzy |
記録タル、 記す |
T |
01 1. to bend, cause to stoop; 2. to
break, cut; 3. to write
delineate, draw pictures; 4. to build, construct |
書く |
S |
kuc |
1. P. %{kocati} , to sound high , utter a shrill cry (as a bird)
Dha1tup. ; to polish ib. ; to go ib. vii , 2 ; to connect , mix ib. ;
to bend , make curved ib. ; to be curved or crooked ib. ; to oppose ,
impede ib.: to mark with lines , write
ib. xx , 27: cl. 6. P. %{kucati}
, to contract Dha1tup. xxviii , 75 ; to be or make small ib. vii , 3
(cf. %{kuJc}.) |
ditto |
472 |
read |
S |
yathAdhIta |
a. as has been read,
corresponding to
the text. |
読む |
473 |
sound |
S |
udgRR | P. %{-girati} , to eject (from the mouth) , spit out , vomit out or up , belch out ; to pour out , discharge , spout MBh. R. Mr2icch. Pan5cat. &c. ; to force out (a sound) , utter ; to breathe out ; to raise from Ra1jat. Katha1s. &c.: Caus. P. %{-girayati} (irr.) , to raise (sounds) , utter Pan5cat. | おどろおどし 【古語】 |
473 | amorous 艶めかしい |
S |
manmatha | m. (either an intens. form fr. %{math}
, or fr. %{man} = %{manas} + %{matha}
, `" agitating "' ; cf. %{mandeha} and %{mandhAtR}) love or the god of
love , amorous passion or desire
(ifc. f. %{A}) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; Feronia Elephantum L. ; the 29th
(3rd) year in a 60 years "' cycle of Jupiter VarBr2S. ; N. of a
physician and various other men Cat. ; (%{A}) f. N. of Da1ksha1yan2i1
ib. c. charm ~にも日本語に近いものが有ったが音が今一で没??。 |
なまめかし 【古語】 |
T |
mukamAyakkAri |
woman of fascinating
or charming face c. ka が ma に変化すると、完璧なのですが。意味的にはjust。 |
ditto |
474 |
sound ののしる |
S |
ninad |
P. %{-nadati} , to sound , cry out
, resound MBh. R. &c.: Caus. %{-nAdayati} , to cause to sound or
resound , fill with noise or cries
&c. ib. |
ののしる、【古語】 |
475 | odd, suspect あやしい |
S |
ayuga |
n. not a pair "' , one VarBr2S. ;
(mfn.) odd L. |
あやし、【古語】 |
T |
01 to suspect |
ditto |
476 |
heartless つれない |
T |
tiNNan2avu |
1. certainty; 2. heartlessness; hardihood; c. つんななイ → つれない (NN-ll) |
つれない |
477 | exaggerate 大袈裟 |
T |
cOTi-ttal |
02 1. to adorn, 装飾する beauty, decorate, l
as a town, a street,
dwelling, a person; 2. to prepare carefully, concoct 調合する・でっちあげ,
arrange; 3. to exaggerate,
elaboratel 丁寧, k as speech |
こちたし 【古語】 |
T |
pArATTukkAran2 |
1. fop 気取り屋, finical 気難し or showy 見せびらかし
person; 2. exaggerator c. ホラ吹き、のrootsは、Tamil だったんですネ。ホラを突く、という表現。 |
ホラ付からん |
S |
adhikArthavacana |
n. exaggeration
, hyperbole
Pa1n2. 2-1 , 33. c. これは、もろ梵語ですネ。 |
大袈裟バカナ |
478 |
neglect |
S |
mRdh |
1 cl. 1. P. A1. (Dha1tup. xxi , 10 )
%{ma4rdhati} , %{-te}
also cl , 6. P. A1. %{mRdhati} , %{-te} ; aor. %{mardhIs} ,
%{mardhiSa4t} RV. ; Pot. %{mRdhyAs} ib.) , to neglect
, forsake , abandon RV. Gr2S3rS. ; to be moist 湿った or moisten or
(%{undane}) , Dhstup. c. まーで → むげ、と変化した。無視し、顧みない。霧の如し。??? |
無碍(むげ) |
479 |
uncomfortable |
S |
utkliz |
(%{ud-} %{kliz}) P. %{-kliznAti} , to
feel uneasy , be uncomfortable or
distressed: Caus. P.
%{-klezayati} , to excite , stir up Sus3r. ; to expel. c. こんな言葉、知りませんでした。 ・うたて【転、漸】[副詞]①物事の進み具合がはなはだしいこと。②物事の状態が普通でないこと。③不快な感じを受けること。④「あな~」「~やな」の形 で、いやはや。いやどうも。 |
うたて 【古語】 |
480 |
how |
S |
yathAvRtta |
a. as happened or as (how)
behaving; n.
the actual occurrence
of a thing or adv. as it really happened. c. いかで = ①どのようにして。また、どういうわけで。なぜ。②何とかして。どうにかして。「如何にて」の転。 |
いかで 【古語】 |
481 |
urban 都会 麗し |
S |
paura |
2 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{pura}) belonging to
a town or city , urban
, civic ; m. a townsman , citizen (opp. to %{jAnapada}) Gaut. MBh.
Ka1v. &c. ; a prince engaged in war under certain circumstances (=
%{nAgara} , q.v. , applied also to planets opposed to each other) Var.
; (pl.) N. of a dynasty VP. ; (%{I}) f. the language of the servants in
a palace L. ; n. a species of fragrant grass
L. c. 意味は、①都会的 ②(物腰が)洗練されている ex. 麗しのモン・パリ c. 英語のスペルには、urb ウルバ、とあるのに、Skt.の paure パウレ、 の中には、わしい、の先頭に対応する b が無い。 つまり、麗しい(うるはしい)の単語に関する限り、英語、直の方が、日本語に近い。 c. アーバン・ホテル、なるホテル会社名がある。 また、sburbs 郊外、と親戚 |
うるはし |
481 .1 |
urb prefix |
T |
upacAram |
* 1. civility, politeness,
urbanity, attention to a guest, affability; 2. salutation, compliment;
3. figurative application; 4. commendation expressed only by way of
formality c. 日本語の、麗し、は、Talimを介して、日本語に近くなる。しかし、今度は、 うるは、の、る、 が無い。 c. 単語の語尾の conjugation 活用規則を理解していませんので、強いことは言えません。 |
ditto |
482 | beautiful | S |
udbhAsita |
mfn. come forth , appeared ; lighted up
, illuminated ,
splendid ; ornamented , graced , beautiful.
c. be + auti + ful ----- 中学の時(今も)ビアウチフル、とスペルを覚えています。 |
うつくし |
S |
udbhAsita | mfn. come forth , appeared ; lighted up , illuminated , splendid ; ornamented , graced , beautiful. | ditto |
S | vizubh | A1. %{-zabhate} , to shine brightly , be beautiful MBh. | ditto | ||
483 |
[khacara] prefix |
#333の spiritの khacara フワフワ浮いている精神、参照。 |
483 .1 |
mind | S |
citta |
a. thought, observed, desired; n.
attention, observation,
idea (adj. --- thinking of); purpose, intent, wish, desire,
intelligence, reason; the mind or
heart. |
シッタ、 チッタ |
T |
cittam |
01 1. mind, will; 2.
firm conviction; 3.
determinative faculty, one of four antakkaran2am , q.v.; 4. courage,
firmness |
シッタム、 チッタム |
S |
ca |
~; %{ca-ca}
may express
immediate connection between two acts or their simultaneous 同時
occurrence 発生 (e.g.
%{mama@ca@muktaM@ tamasA@mano-
@manasijena@dhanuSi@ zaraz@ca@nivezitaH} , `" no sooner is my mind freed from darkness than a shaft is fixed on his bow 弓 by the heart-born god "' , vi , 8) ; ~ c. ここ、思いを結ぶ力、だって。 訳:{ca-ca}とは、2つの行動の間の直ちの結合、あるいは、同時発生、を表現しいてるのかも知れない。{~} 心から生まれた神により引かれた弓の弦に固定された矢の胴体よりも速く、神は、直ちに、暗い闇から私の心を脱出自由にさせる、だろう。 c. here のここ、と heart/ mind の、ここ、が、親戚だ、って、言っています。 |
ココ |
484 | こころにくし |
合成語 mind + hate にくむ ?? |
hate prefix | S |
niHsneha |
a. having no grease or oil; loveless,
unfeeling; unloved, hated. |
憎し |
T |
nO-tal | to hate (TLS) |
憎ー |
S |
namucidviS |
(S3is3.) m. `" hater or
killer of
Namuci "'N. of Indra. |
憎む |
485 | こころづき |
合成語 mind + attach ?? |
like | S |
suSUya |
Nom. A1. %{-yate} (also written
%{susUya} ; cf. 1. %{asUya})
, to like , be
fond of , enjoy (acc.)
Car. |
好き |
S |
sukhavat |
ind. like
a joy or pleasure
(with %{man} , `" to regard anything [acc.] as a pleasure "') BhP. 2. |
ditto |
attach |
T |
toRRu-tal |
01 1. to attach, tack; 2.
to affect, as
a contagious disease;
1. to spread, as a vine つた; 2. to climb c. 付着 |
付く |
486 | foe あた 【古語】、 仇かたき revenge prefix |
T |
aTagkalan2 |
1. foe,
enemy, as not
submitting; 2. person without self-restraint c. foe の発音は、[fou] c. foe = O.E. gefa "adversary in deadly feud," from fah "at feud フュード・確執, hostile," from P.Gmc. *fakhaz (cf. O.H.G. fehan "to hate," Goth. faih "deception ウソ"), probably from PIE base *peik- "evil-minded, treacherous不誠実な, hostile" (cf. Skt. pisunah "malicious," picacah "demon;" Gk. pikros "bitter;" Lith. piktas "wicked, angry," pekti "to blame 非難されるべき"). Weaker sense of "adversary 対戦相手" is first recorded 1607. |
あたゲガラン |
S |
azas |
a. cursing のろう, hating 憎む, foe. |
あざ |
S |
kaNTaka |
m. thorn とげ, prickle, point, sting,
fish-bone; erection of the
hair of the body; annoyance, vexation, pain; foe,
enemy. |
かたき |
T |
aTavAti |
1. obstinate person; 2. revengeful
person (TLS) |
あたバチ |
487 | stain しみ |
S |
samalIkR |
P. %{-karoti} , to make dirty , stain
pollute , defile
Bhadrab. |
しみ |
S |
vyaGga |
1 a. spotted; m. spot, stain
& fig.). |
よごれ |
488 | garbage ごみ |
未 |
インド、英国産の辞書なので garbage は、未登録。英国対応は、
rubbish |
rubbish | S |
gajasnAna |
n. `" ablution of elephants "' ,
unproductive efforts (as
elephants , after squirting water over their bodies , end by throwing
dust and rubbish) W. |
ゴミ |
T |
kuppaimETu |
dung hill; heap of sweepings, of rubbish 【民】kuppai (= 01 1. collection, heap; 2. clump, group; 3. stack of grain; 4. sweepings, ★rubbish, refuse; 5. mound, high ground; 6. dung, excrement, ordure) ゴミ (p-m) |
ゴミ |
T |
kATTu |
rubbish (TLS) |
クズ |
489 | wall | T |
cuvar |
01 1. wall; 2. fence round the seat of war-chariot |
壁~ |
S |
kapiziras |
n. the upper part or coping of a wall
L. |
壁 |
T |
kavutakam |
parpet wall | 壁 |
490 |
roof 屋根 |
T |
iRavu |
1. sloping roof; 2.
boundarty (TLS) c. ずばり屋根は無し。 |
いらぶ |
491 | pillar 柱 |
T |
paTTiyal |
01 1. lath, reaper; 2. pedestal, as of
a stone pillar |
はしら |
S |
vajra |
~ ; a kind of column or pillar VarBr2S.
; ~ |
ばちら |
T |
03 1. cutting down, chopping off; 2. wooden post, stake; 3. pillar, column; 4. peg; 5. weaver's loom;
6. drum-stick; 7. a kind of axe; 8. button-hook, clasp of thread or
metal |
塔 |
492 | after 後 |
S |
At |
ind. (abl. of 4. %{a}) afterwards ,
then (often used in a concluding paragraph antithetically to %{ya4d} ,
%{yadA} , %{ya4di}. and sometimes strengthened by the particles %{a4ha}
, %{i4d} , %{Im} , %{u}) RV. AV. ; then , further , also , and RV. AV.
It is sometimes used after an interrogative pronoun (like %{u} , %{nu4}
, %{aGga4}) to give emphasis to the pronoun RV. |
後(あと) |
S |
uttarakAla |
m. future time ; time reckoned from
full moon to full moon ;
(%{am}) or (%{atas}) ind. afterwards
, after ; (mfn.) future MBh. |
うしろから |
S |
mAta |
(for 1. and 2. see pp. 804 and 806)
ifc. after a proper N. =
%{mAtR} Pa1n2. 6-1 , 14 Pat. |
のち |
493 |
bellow |
S |
ziJj |
cl. 2. A1. (Dha1tup. xxiv , 17)
%{ziGkte} (accord. to Vop.
also cl. 1. 10. A1. %{ziJjate} , %{ziJjayate} ; pr. p. %{ziJjAna} , or
%{ziJjat} [see below] Ka1v. ; pf. %{ziziJje} Gr. ; aor. %{aziJjiSTa}
ib. ; fut. %{ziJjitA} , %{ziJjiSyate} ib.) , to utter a shrill sound ,
tinkle , rattle , jingle , whirr , buzz , hum , twang , bellow , roar RV. &c. &c. [Cf.
collateral %{siJj}.] |
ちた |
494 |
under |
S |
sita |
; N. of the Ganges (in %{sitA7sitA} , under %{sitA}) ; c. この下には、白whiteの意もあり。 |
下 |
495 |
down | S |
starya |
a. to be thrown down. |
下へ |
S |
saMkSar |
P. %{-kSarati} , to flow
together or down RV |
下げる |
S |
uTh |
or %{UTh} cl. 1. P. %{oThati} or
%{UThati} , to strike or knock down
Dha1tup. ix , 54. |
打つ、 内、鬱、俯(うつむ)く |
S |
vilagna |
a. hanging, sitting or resting
on, sticking or cleaving to, turned or fixed upon (loc. or ---); hanging down, pendulous; gone,
past; thin, slender. c. ex. available = 頭を下げさせること可能 = 利用可能 |
ぶら下る |
S |
vinamana |
n. the act of bending down
(opp. to %{un-n-}) Sus3r. c. 英語でvin = win/ victory = 勝つ、は、実は bend 曲げる・折る・捻る、だったんですね。 ex. convince{完捻す}= 完全に相手を捻る = 勝った= 確信させる・納得させる |
ひねくる、 ひねてる |
496 |
diagonal |
T |
mUlaiviTTam |
diagonal |
ななめ |
497 |
flat |
S |
tala |
(m. L.) n. ( %{stR}) surface , level , flat roof(of a house)
MBh. &c. (chiefly ifc. [f. %{A} R. v , 13] cf. %{nabhas-} ,
%{mahI-} &c.) ; ~ |
たいら |
498 | slope | T |
cakkaravALam |
1. a mythical range of mountains
encircling the orb of the
earth and forming the limit of light and darkness; 2. the third slope
or tier of Mt. Me1ru; 3. circular form |
坂~ |
S |
zailakaTaka |
m. the brow of a hill , slope
of a
mountain W. |
坂゛,沢 |
499 | corner 角、隅 |
T |
kOTi |
; 9. nook, corner; 10 |
かど |
S |
sRkvaNI |
f. the corner of the mouth
Katha1s. |
すみ |
500 | end | S |
AsaMsAram |
ind. ( %{sR}) , from the beginning of
the world , ever
Katha1s. Bhartr2. Ka1vya7d. ; till the end
of the world , for ever
Ra1jat. |
おしまい |
S |
avasad |
P. %{-sIdati} (rarely A1. e.g. Pot. %{-sideta} MBh. i , 5184 ; impf. %{-sIdata} R. iv , 58 , 6) to sink (is into water) Sus3r. BhP. ; to sink down , faint , grow lean [TS. PBr.] , become exhausted or disheartened , slacken , come to an end , perish , Caus. (p. %{-sAdayat} ; ind. p. %{-sAdya}) to cause to sink (as , into water) Sus3r. ; to render downhearted , dispirit , ruin ChUp. MBh. &c. ; to frustrate MBh. xii , 2634 R. v , 51 , 2. |
終わった(おわった) |
S |
avaprajjana |
%{am} n. ( %{pRj}) , the end
of the
warp of a web (opposed to
2. %{pra-vayaNa} q.v.) AitBr. |
おわりジャーナ |
S |
Asanna |
mfn. seated down , set down AV.
S3a1n3khS3r. Ka1tyS3r. AitBr.
; near , proximate MBh. R. Ragh. Megh. Katha1s. &c. ; reached ,
obtained , occupied BhP. ; (%{am}) n. nearness , vicinity , proximity
R. Katha1s. &c. ; end , death L. |
お終い |
S |
pAzcAttyarAtri |
(only %{au} ind.) , towards the end
of the night Katha7rn2. |
はじっこ~ |
T |
pelli |
01 hook tied to the end of a pole |
へり |
中間メモ |
佐藤さんのサの Sanskrit 出身者と、田中
さんのタの Tamil 出身者の、2グループの 言葉でほぼ構成されている、と言ってしまっても良いのいではないか、と500+71 エントリを調べた今の感想として思います。 ・大昔、インドの言語文化をそのまま平行移動してしまう様な民族の組織的な大移動が なされてい る、 そして、それを 隔離された状況で保持してきた。 現在の単語の発音状態がご先祖状態と余りブレテいないので、当初から、かなり賢い言語サポートチームがいたと思います。 on 2009/10/12 鳩摩羅童子 |
501 | same | S |
anAdyAdana |
n. the same. |
同じダナ |
S |
itivat |
ind. in the same manner
Sa1h. Comm. on Ragh. |
一致ハト |
S |
vidUSaka |
defiling , disgracing BhP. ; facetious , witty W. [966,1] ; m. a jester
, wag , buffoon (esp. in dram.) the jocose companion and confidential
friend of the hero of a play (he acts the same
confidential part
towards the king or hero , that her female companions do towards the
heroine ;~ |
等しいか ひとしか |
S |
sacchAya |
a. affording shade; coloured, of the same colour with (---). |
そっくりや |
S |
sama |
a. even, smooth, parallel; like, equal to (instr., gen., or ---) or in
(instr., {tas}, loc., or ---); (always) the same,
unaltered; ~ |
差無・し |
英 |
same |
/セイム/ 、差無(さネー)、そんまー/そんまんま (+ん)、友(とも)(s-t) |
502 |
stop |
S |
tam |
4. %{tA4myati} (Pa1n2. 7-3 , 74 ; rarely A1. R. ii , 63 , 46 Gi1t. v ,
16 ; pf. %{tatAma} S3Br. iv ; aor. Pass. %{atami} Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34
Ka1s3. ; Ved. inf. %{ta4mitos} , with %{A4} preceding , `" till
exhaustion "' TBr. i , 4 , 4 , 2 Ta1n2d2yaBr. xii La1t2y. A1p. ; pf.
Pass. p. %{-tAnta4} q.v.) to gasp for breath (as one suffocating) ,
choke , be suffocated , faint away , be exhausted , perish , be
distressed or disturbed or perplexed RV. ii , 30 , 7 (%{na4@mA@tamat}
[aor. subj.] `" may I not be exhausted "') Ka1t2h. TBr. &c. ; to stop
(as breath) , become immovable or stiff Sus3r. Ma1lati1m. Amar. Ra1jat.
v , 344 ; to desire (cf. 2. %{-ma} , %{-mata}) Dha1tup. xxvi , 93:
Caus. %{tama4yati} (aor. Pass. %{atAmi} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 93 Ka1s3.) to
suffocate , deprive of breath S3Br. iii , 3 , 2 , 19 and 8 , 1 , 15
Ka1tyS3r. vi , 5 , 18 ; cf. %{a4-tameru}. |
止(と)める |
S |
yam, yacchati, -te |
({yamati, -te}), pp. {yata3}
(q.v.) hold, hold [[-,]] up,
lift, raise, erect, sustain, support; hold back, restrain, check, stop;
hold out, offer, grant, furnish, give (dat. or loc. of pers. & acc.
of th., or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); stretch, extend, show;
M. rest on (loc.), stretch or extend with (instr.); hold out,
persevere, be obedient or faithful to (dat.). C. {yama3yati (-te)} hold
back, restrain, control, bring in order. -- {adhi} erect, raise towards
(loc.), extend over (dat.). {anu} direct, turn, arrange, M. conform
one's self to, follow (acc.). {antar} restrain, check (inwardly). {A}
hold out, stretch, extend, lengthen, bend (a bow), put on or draw back
(an arrow), throw (a lance), abs. take aim; stop, check, restrain, draw
near, bring. {abhyA} draw, extend, protract; aim at (acc.). {nirA}
stretch out. {-vyA} tear asunder, stretch out, extend; M. (A.) struggle
or contend about (loc.). C. ({vyAyAmya}) take excercise. {samA} draw
together, contract, pull, stretch. {uda} lift up, raise (lit. &
fig.); hold forth, offer, present; shake up, stir, agitate; check,
restrain, stop; A. M. strive, prepare for, endeavour at (dat. or
{artham}). {prod} raise, uplift. {samud} the same, check, curb,
restrain. {upa} take hold of, seize; offer, present; take to wife,
marry. {ni} hold, restrain, stop (M. intr.); fasten, lie to, bind up
(the hair); take, assume; offer, present; govern, control, limit; fix,
establish. C. restrain, curb; fasten, tie to (loc.), suppress, limit.
{vini} & {saMni} hold, restrain, suppress. {pra} stretch, hold out,
offer, give; produce, cause; pronounce, utter; restore, pay back,
return. {pratipra} offer in turn, give back, restore. {saMpra} offer or
present (together), grant, bestow, give in marriage; return, restore.
{vi} hold asunder, stretch out, extend. {sam} hold together, draw tight
(reins), restrain, curb, check, control, govern, bind together or up,
attach, fasten, fetter; suppress, omit, annul, destroy. C. bind,
fetter, bind up, arrange (hair); check, curb, subdue. -- Cf.
{abhyudyata} (add.), {A3yata, udyata, ni3yata, pra3yata, prodyata,
vi3yata, vyAyata, sa3yata}. |
止(や)める |
T |
taTu-ttal |
01 1. to hinder, stop,
obstruct; to forbid, prohibit; to resist; 2. to dam, block up; 3. to
partition off; 4. to detain; 5. to curb, check, restrain, control; 6.
to ward off, avert; 7. to oppose; 8. to contradict, rebut, repel; 9. to
baffle, frustrate; 10. to dissuade |
断つ、絶つ |
S |
ucchid |
P. %{-chinatti} (Impv. 2. sg. %{-chindhi} AV. ; inf. %{chettum} S3ak. ;
%{-chettavai4} S3Br. i , 2 , 5 , 10 , &c.) to cut out or off ,
extirpate , destroy AV. vii , 113 , 1 S3Br. MBh. R. Ragh. S3ak. &c.
; to interfere , interrupt , stop
MBh. Mn. Sa1h. &c. ; to analyze , resolve (knotty points or
difficulties) ; to explain [W.]: Caus. P. %{-chedayati} , to cause to
extirpate or destroy Pan5cat.: Pass. %{-chidyate} , to be cut off ; to
be destroyed or extirpated MBh. ; to be interrupted or stopped ; to
cease , be deficient , fail MBh. Mn. |
うっちゃる |
503 | cut | S |
khur |
(= %{kSur} , %{chur}) cl. 6. P. %{-rati} , to cut , cut up , break in pieces Dha1tup.
xxviii , 52 ; to scratch ib. |
切る |
T |
kIRu |
02 1. streak, mark, stroke line, scratch; 2. notch, furrow,
indentation, gash, cut, slit,
incision; 3. slice, piece; 4. scrawl, writing; 5. half of a coconut
leaf or an esculent palmyra root |
ditto |
T |
tumi-tal |
01 to be cut off, severed;
2. to perish; to be crushed |
摘みタル |
S |
kartya |
mfn. to be cut off or down
Mn. viii , 367. |
刈るちゃ |
T |
vakir-tal |
01 1. cf. bhaj to slice; to cut
in slips; 2. to split; 3. to
cleave; to tear open; to rip up; 4. to disentangle; 5. to divide |
分ける |
T |
vALERu |
1. sword-cut; 2. dazzling |
割れた |
504 | break | S |
kR |
1 Ved. I. cl. 2. P. 2. sg. %{ka4rSi} du. %{kRtha4s} pl.
%{kRtha4} ; A1. 2. sg. %{kRSe4} ; ~ ; (with numeral adverbs ending in %{dhA}) to divide , separate or break up into parts (e.g. %{dvidhA-kR} , to divide into two parts , ind. p. %{dvidhA@kRtvA} or %{dvidhA-kRtya} or %{-kAram} Pa1n2. 3-4 , 62 ; %{sahasradhA-kR} , to break into a thousand pieces) ; ~ |
壊す |
S |
zRR |
cl. 9. P. (Dha1tup. xxxi , 18) %{zRNA4ti} (pr. p. A1.
%{zRNAna4} RV. ; Impv. %{zRNa} AV. ; pf. %{zazAra}
, 2. sg. %{zazaritha} , 3. pl. %{zazaruH} , or %{zazruH} Gr. ;
%{zazre4} AV. ; aor ~ to crush , rend , break (A1. with reference to self , as `" to break one's own arm "') RV. AV. Br. ; to kill (game) Kir. , xiv , 13: Pass. %{zIryate} (m.c. also %{-ti} ; aor. %{azAri} , %{zAri}) , to be crushed or broken or rent or shattered RV. &c. &c. ; to fall out or off MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to be worn out , decay , wither , fade |
潰す、潰れた |
T |
kuru-ttal |
01 1. to appear; 2. to break
out, as prickly heat |
狂うタル |
S |
khaD |
cl. 10. P. %{khADayati} , to
divide , break Dha1tup. xxxii , 44
(cf. %{khaND}.) |
くずれた |
S |
vyapasphur |
A1. %{-sphurate} , to break
(intr.) or burst asunder
Ka1tyS3r. Sch. |
破る |
S |
bhaGga |
mfn. breaking , bursting
(said of the Soma) RV. ix , 61 , 13
; m. breaking , splitting , dividing
, shattering , breaking down or up
&c. &c. ; a break or breach
(lit. and fig.) , disturbance ,
interruption , frustration , humiliation , abatement , downfall , decay
, ruin , destruction Mn. MBh. &c. ; fracture (see %{asthi-bh-}) ; |
破裂 |
S |
bhaGguraya |
Nom. P. %{-yati} , to break
to pieces , destroy Inscr. ; to
crisp , curl (trans.) Sa1h. |
バラバラや |
S |
vibhid |
P. A1. %{-bhinatti} , %{-bhintte} to split or break in two , break
in pieces , cleave asunder , divide , separate , open RV. &c.
&c. ; to pierce , sting S3Br. Ma1rkP. ; to loosen , untie Hariv.
BhP. ; to break , infringe , violate R. Ba1lar. BhP. ; to scatter ,
disperse , dispel , destroy MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; |
ひび |
T |
valavAyvAgku-tal |
to break with spade the
portion of the field near its ridge
where ploughing is not feasible (TLS) |
バラバラたる |
505 | bite | T |
kavvu |
02 1. bite, seizing by the
mouth, as dog; 2. eating; 3. fork
of a branch or horn |
ガブ |
S |
khAd, khAdati |
({khAdate}) chew, bite,
eat, devour, consume, destroy. [[,]]
C. {khAdayati} also = S. -- {pra} & {sam} chew, eat, devour. |
かだ→カム? |
506 | throw | S |
nikSip |
P. %{-kSipati} , to throw
or cast or put or lay down , throw
&c. in or upon (Inc. or %{upari}) Ya1jn5. MBh. R. &c. ; to pour
in (%{kSIraM@zarAve}) Pan5c. iii , 135/136 ; to deliver anything (acc.)
to (loc. , esp. %{haste}) , to give or hand over , deposit , intrust
Mn. Ya1jn5. MBh. &c. ; |
投げる |
S |
parAdA |
1. P. %{-dadAti} , (pf. %{-dadAtha} aor. %{-dAs} , %{-dAt}
as Subj.] , %{-dur} ; Ved. inf. %{-dai4}) , to give up or over ,
deliver , throw away RV. AV. S3Br. ;
give in exchange for , barter
against (dat.) RV. viii , 1 , 5 ; to exclude from BhP. |
放るダ |
507 | voice | T |
kural |
03 1. voice; 2. word; 3.
tone in singing; 4. first note of
indian gamut; 5. throat, windpipe; 6. sound; 7. string of jingling bells |
声 |
S |
kurava |
mfn. having a bad voice W.
; m. a kind of dove L. ; (%{I}) f.
species of pepper L. ; [see also s.v. %{kuraba} , which is sometimes
written %{kurava}.] |
ditto |
508 | body | S |
caladaGgaka |
m. `" of a palpitating body
"' , the fish Ophiocephalus
aurantiacus L. |
からだ |
S |
kalevara |
%{as} , %{am} m. n. the body
MBh. R. &c. ; [cf. Lat.
{cada1ver}] ; m. Olibanum L. |
ditto |
509 | disease | T |
yAn2aittI |
a disease that causes
insatiable hunger |
やまい |
S |
yApita |
mfn. caused to go or to attain (acc.) VarBr2S. ; removed ,
cured (as a disease) Sus3r. [850,1] |
やぷた |
510 | rice | S |
camasa |
m. (n. g. %{ardharcA7di} ; %{I} f. L. Sch. ; fr. %{cam})
a vessel used at sacrifices for drinking the Soma , kind of flat dish
or cup or ladle (generally of a square shape , made of wood and
furnished with a handle) RV. AV. VS. &c. ; m. a cake (made of
barley , rice , |
こめ |
T |
campA |
01 1. a superior kind or paddy; 2. boiled rice mixed with
pepper powder, cunin, etc., offered to deity in temples |
サムパ |
S |
maNDa |
m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the scum of boiled rice (or any grain)
Nir. Uttarar. Sus3r. ; the thick part of milk , cream , |
まんま |
S |
phalIkaraNa |
n. separating the grain from the
husks 殻・皮 , cleansing of grain Ka1tyS3r. Sch. ; m. pl. chaff モミ・籾 (of rice)
or smallest grains Br. Gr2S3rS. ; (sg.) BhP. ; %{-homa4} m. an oblation
of chaff or smallest grains TBr. A1pS3r. |
もみがらナ |
T |
mazukkal |
husked rice with bran ぬか・糠
removed |
不味いカル |
T |
01 1. to polish, brighten,
beautify; 2. to remove bran ぬか from rice
in polishing; to make a display
or show |
美糠タル |
T |
tampal |
02 hardening of rice-fields
after heavy rain --- 大雨後の水浸しにより米畑の苗の耐凍性が高められること。米畑の水引き焼き入れ・ハーデニング。 c. ここの意味が非論理に感じていたのですが、優秀な英辞郎の解説で納得が行きました。 当初の理解 = 「雨の後は地面は固くなる?? 、何言ってるの。柔らかくなるでしょうが。」 c. インドでは、水引きの行為は、自然の雨以外に人工的に水を引くという概念が無かった、様です。 今でもそうみたい。 c. なんか聞いたことがあります。インドやタイでは、気候が温暖なので、モミの粒を地面にばらまいたら、後はほっぱらかし、でちょうど良い。日本みたいにやったら四毛作も簡単で、そんなことをしたら、米が出来過ぎ、食べられずに腐らせるだけた、と。 ---- NHKのラジオの深夜便の海外報告で、こんな話をしていた様な気がしたのですが今となっては特定できません。タイの日本人の海外電話だったような。2010年のラジオ。多分。 cf. #656 の畑、畠のエントリも参照のこと。 c. この辺を Google 検索「古代インド 稲作 種まき」の結果の一つを Link しておきます。 流浪人の日本語の源流散歩(自説:稲作の起源その2) 【中国の片隅から ぼやき】 --- 4 pages あります。最後の page にポイントしてます。 |
田んぼる |
T |
tompainARRu |
rice-plant with its root
stout in hardened clay --- ハーデニングがなされた粘土に育った頑丈な根を持つ米の植物体。 |
田んぼ稲、 田んぼ苗 |
S |
vrIhi |
m. rice, pl. grains of rice. |
ウルチ米 |
S |
vrIhin |
a. planted with rice (field). | 稲 | ||
T | nellampul |
rice-straw |
~わら | ||
T | nel |
1. rice-plant, oryza アフリカイネ
sativa 大麻 ; 2. grain of paddy 稲; 3. food; 4. standard of linear
sesame seeds; 5. siris ビルマネムノキ |
稲 |
S |
navAnna |
n. new rice or grain ;
first-fruits AitBr. Mn. ; a ceremony observed on first eating new rice
&c. MW. ; %{-bhakSaNa} n. eating of new grain "'N. of ch. of the
PSarv. ; %{-vidhi} m. %{-sthAlI-pAka-mantra} m. pl. ; %{-hautra} n. N.
of wks. ; %{-nne7STi} f. = %{navasasye7STi} L. |
新米 |
T |
picin2arici |
1. a kind of glutinous reddish rice,
said to be imported from
assam; 2. sago |
T |
maTai |
01 1. cooking; 2. boiled rice;
3. oblation 奉納 of food to a deity 神; 4. small sluice 水路・水門 of a canal
5. hole, aperture 開口部; 6. shutters of a sluice; 7. dam by which the
water in a channel is obstructed; 8. channel; 9. clasp, as of an
ornament; 10. joint, as in a spear; 11. nail, rivet |
めし |
T |
nIrccORu |
cooked rice mixed with
water and
kept overnight |
煮込む |
T |
kiLai-tal |
01 1. to remove, purge; 2. to
wash, as rice; 3. to put off, as
garments; 4. to pry out, as a thorn
from the fiesh with a needle c. 米を「研ぐ」はnot found → 有りました |
綺麗タル |
T |
tITTulakkai |
pestleすりこぎ used for cleansing rice |
研ぎ棒 |
T |
tUkkuttalarici |
well-polished rice (TLS) |
研ぐたらライス |
T |
mOtakam |
1. cake of rice-flour made into a ball and boiled or steamed; 2. a bolus (= 食物塊)-like preparation of rice-flour; 3. a kind of pudding, made of flour; 4. a kind of flour-cake; 5. delight, mirth 陽気; 6. agreement, suitability [もちろん・勿論 のルーツ?] c. もーたかむ → 前半・もーた → もち(餅) c. muffin マフィン = 1703, moofin, possibly from Low Ger. muffen, pl. of muffe "small cake;" or somehow connected with O.Fr. moufflet "soft" (said of bread). --- 西洋の「マフィン」と日本の「餅」は親戚です。多分。 モチモチ・パンケーキ のこと。 このことはパン屋さんも知らない。 cf. 餅 (wikipedia), 餅の語源・由来 cf. 日本の餅文化起源仮説… (C) 1999-2007 RandDManagement.com |--- cITai (T) = small ball cakes of rice flour; 2. stanted grwoth, as of tree, child, etc; 3. sardine, golden shot with purple, attainning 4 in. in length, clupea lile ----しーたい → 「しとぎ(粢)」 cf. マフィン, イングリッシュ・マフィン (wikipedia), Pasco イングリッシュマフィンのひみつ, マッセ(生地) feeling 的には、餅、イングリッシュマフィン、餡(あん)なし饅頭(まんじゅう)は、外見も似ている。 c. 更に、「おかき」の「御かき」は cake ケイキ と、もろ親戚だと思う。 cale ケイク → かき。 kAjAmaNTikai (T) = a kind of cake made of wheat 小麦 and rice flour ,,, かーじゃーまんてぃかい → 先頭・かーじゃー → かき cf. kaccAyam (T) = a kind of sweet cake ,,, かっさーやむ → 菓子やむ → 菓子 ---- cake |
餅、モチ 勿論 おかき 菓子 |
511 | storm | S |
avaskanda |
m. assault , attack , storm
Pan5cat. Hit. Katha1s. |
嵐かんだ |
S |
pavAkA |
f. a storm , whirlwind L. |
暴風か |
512 |
anything |
T |
togku-tal |
1. to hang, to be suspended, to hang down, dangle; 2.
tocontinue, remain long in possession, as another's property; to be
permanent; 3. to stay, abide; 4. to be dependent, servile; 5. to be
effective, strong; 6. to stay in the bowels, as anything eaten; 7. to
be obtained, to com into possession; 8. to leap; to skip, as a child;
to gallop; 9. to die; 10. to be in suspense; 11. to be helpless |
とかく |
513 | place | S |
bhAga |
1 m. part, portion, share, property; lot, esp. happy lot,
good fortune; place, spot, region,
side. |
場所 |
T |
il |
01 1. place; 2. house,
home; 3. domestic life; 4. wife; 5.
lady of rank in towns or forest-pasture tracts; 6. family; 7.
constellation, zodiacal sign; 8. clearing-nut |
居 |
T |
jakA |
place, room |
地 |
S |
iti |
2 ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}) , in this manner , thus
(in its original signification %{iti} refers to something that has been
said or thought , or lays stress on what precedes ; ~ |
位置 |
S |
tatra |
({ta3trA}) adv. = loc. of {ta3}, there, therein, then. {tatra
tatra} here and there, everywhere. {yatra tatra} (api}) wherever, at every place or time. |
所(ところ) |
S |
vAsa |
2 m. staying (esp. over night), abiding in (loc. or ---),
abiding-place, house, home, state,
condition; adj. --- living or
dwelling in. |
場所 |
514 | protect | T |
puRagkA-ttal |
to guard, protect, save |
防ぐ |
S |
pR |
cl. 3. P. (Dha1tup. xxv , 4) %{pi4parti} (3. pl. %{pi4prati} RV. ;
Impv. %{pipRhi} BhP. ; %{para} VS. ; cl. 9. P. %{pRNAti} , `" to protect
"' Dha1tup. xxxi , 19 ; pf. 3. pl. %{pipruH} BhP. [= %{pUrNAH} Sch.] ;
aor. Subj. %{parSi} , %{parSati} , %{parSa} , %{pAriSat} RV. [645,2] ;
%{apArIt} Bhat2t2. ; inf. %{parSa4Ni} RV.) , to bring over or to (acc.)
, bring out of , deliver from (abl.) , rescue , save , protect , escort
, further ,~ |
保護 |
515 |
toe |
無 |
つまさき not found |
516 |
waist |
T |
kaTi |
09 waist |
腰 |
517 |
vase |
無 |
壺 not found |
518 |
wife |
無 |
妻 not found |
519 |
furthermore |
無 |
しかも not found |
520 |
moreover |
無 |
さらに、 そのうえ not found |
521 |
modern |
無 |
not found |
522 |
black |
T |
natIvaTam |
a species of black
banyan[植物]バニヤン・熱帯アジアに分布するクワ科 tree c. ぬばたまの[連語]「黒」「夜」、これと関係のある「暗し」「月」「夢」「寝」「こよい」にかかる枕詞。「うばたま」に同じ。ヒオウギの実で、黒い。 c. ヒオウギ (Copyright(C) Since 1997, Atsushi Yamamoto)と banyan tree (Copyright:(C) 2009 NTT Resonant Inc.) は、草と木で、全くの無関係。 |
ぬばたまの 【古語】 |
523 | forehead おでこ 額(ひたい) |
T |
mukavaTTu |
an ornament worn on the forehead
of an animal c. 本当は、muka = 向う = 前面 |
額(ぬか) 【古語】 |
T |
muNTakam |
02 1. forehead; 2. head; 3.
an upanis2ad, one of 108; 4.
plantain |
ditto |
T |
nutaRkuRi |
sacred marks on the forehead |
ditto |
524 |
naked 裸 |
S |
vidradha |
mf(%{A})n. (of doubtful origin and meaning) RV. iv , 32 , 23
(Nir. = %{viddha} ; Durga =
%{vikuSitA7dho-bhAga} Sa1y. = %{vi-dRDha} ; others = undressed , naked , fr. %{vi} + %{dradha} = %{dradhas})
; m. a kind of disease (= %{vi-dradhi}) AV. |
はだか |
S |
nagna |
mf(%{A4})n. naked , new ,
bare ,
desolate , desert RV. &c. &c. ; m. a naked mendicant (esp. a
Bauddha , but also a mere hypocrite) Var. VP. ;~ [Cf. Zd. {maghna} for %{naghna} ; Lith. {nu-gas} 脱がす; Slav. {nagu8} ; Goth. {nagaths} ; Angl. Sax. {nacod} ; Eng. {naked} ; Germ. {nackt}.] c. 上の一覧の中に、日本 {nugasu: ぬがす}を追加しましょう。 |
脱がした |
525 | point | S |
danta |
~; an elephant's tusk , ivory MBh. R. &c. [468,3] ; the point (of an arrow? %~ |
点(てん) |
S |
tama |
1 m. (Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34 Ka1s3.) = %{tamas} (`" the ascending
node "'
VarBr2. [?] Jyot.) L. Sch. ; (= %{-mAla}) Xanthochymus pictorius L. ; =
%{-makA} L. ; n. (= %{-mas}) darkness L. ; the point of
the foot L. ; (%{A}) f. night L. ; Xanthochymus pictorius L. ; (%{I})
f. (g. %{gaurA7di} Gan2ar. 47) night S3is3. ix , 23 BhP. x , 13 , 45
Gol. vii , 10 Naish. vii , 45. |
玉 |
T |
poRi |
03 1. stripe, as of a tiger; 2. line on the palm; 3. spot, as on an elephant's forehead; dot, point,
speck; 4. mark,
impression; 5. sign, token; 6. letter,
character, writing; 7. seal, signet; 8. insignia, badge; 9. auspicious |
ポッチ |
526 | hurry | S |
iSTi |
1 f. impulse , acceleration , hurry
; invitation ; order ; despatch RV. |
急(いそ)ぐ |
T |
cattuvaram |
01 haste, hurry c. せく、せっつく |
急く(せく) |
527 | draw | T |
01 1. to draw, as water; to
bale; 2. to measure, as grain or liquid; 3. to obtain in full measure;
4. to lift, take up; 5. to desire, like |
流す |
T |
0202* 1. to form a ridge around a field; 2. to draw the outline of a picture |
描く |
528 | shake | T |
puri-tal |
01 1. to desire; 2. to meditate upon; 3. to do, make; 4. to
5. to bring forth, produce; 6. to give; 7. to experience, suffer; 8. to
gaze at, watch intently; 9. to investigate, examine; 10. to say, tell;
11. to exercise, perform; 12. to accept; 1. to be twisted; to curl; 2.
to turn; 3. to abound; 4. to shake |
振る |
T |
acai-ttal |
02 1. to shake, move, stir,
agitate; 2. to join with; 3. to
bind fasten; 4. (Mus. ) To set to time; 5. to affict, persecute; 6. to
knock at; 7. to say |
ゆする、ゆさぶる |
S |
as, asyati |
~ |
ditto |
S |
ullas |
~; to jump , shake ,
tremble , be agitated BhP. Pan5car.
Caus. %{-lAsayati} , to cause to shine or radiate , make brilliant
Pan5car. Prab. ; to cause to come forth or appear , cause to resound
Sa1h. ; to divert , delight S3atr. Hit. ; to cause to dance or jump ,
agitate , cause to move |
揺らす |
T |
ulukku-tal |
to shake, as a tree; to
tremble, as
in an earthquake 地震 |
揺れる |
529 |
asleep |
S |
supta |
mfn. (fr. %{svap} ; for %{su-pta} see p. 1228 , col. 2)
fallen asleep
, slept , sleeping , asleep VS. &c. &c. ; lain down to sleep
(but not fallen asleep) R. v , 34 , 10 ; paralysed , numbed ,
insensible (see comp.) ; closed (as a flower) Ka1lid. ; resting ,
inactive , dull , latent BhP. ; (%{am}) n. sleep , deep or sound sleep
Ka1v. Katha1s. c. 足がしびれた、の、痺れた。感覚麻痺 |
痺れた |
530 |
earthquake |
無 |
not found |
531 | move | T |
acagku-tal |
to stir, move, shake |
動く |
S |
aGga, aGgati |
move. [[,]] |
動き |
532 |
stand |
S |
dhA, dadhAti, dhatte;
dadhati, -te |
~ |
立つ |
534 | harbour | T |
mun2RuRai |
port, harbour |
港、湊 |
T |
tAvu |
05 1. resting-place, lodging, shelter; 2. harbour; 3.
support; 4. valley, depression |
堤防 |
T |
tuRai |
1. place, location, situation,
space, position; 2. way, path, as of virtue 美徳 or justice; 3. branch;
section, category; 4. method, means; 5. seaport, harbour, roadstead; 6. sea; 7. river; 8.
place where washermen wash clothes; 9. ghat 山道・山脈, bathing ghat; 10.
frequented place, place of meeting, rendezvous 待ち合わせ(の場所)・ランデヴュー、; 11.
branch of
knowledge, science; 12. subject or theme, in akam and pur1am ; 13.
proper arrangement; codification 法典化; 14. a minor variety of any of the
four classes of verse, one of three pa1vin6aam , q.v.; 15. a kind of
singing; 16. history cf. アイヌ語ではトマ リという語は港という意味... (「起源」雑考 ©) |
泊まり | ||
535 |
travel |
T |
sapar |
(= 1. journey; travel; 2. the second month of the muhammadan calendar) さぱー、たび |
旅 |
536 | journey | T |
tAvaTi |
1. journey; 2. battle,
fight, skirmish; 3. stride |
旅路 |
S |
yAtR |
1 mfn. going , travelling , marching , being on a journey RV.
going for , seeking ib. ; (ifc.) going to or in , riding on MBh. Hariv.
&c. ; m. a charioteer(?) RV. i , 70 , 11 ; (%{yAtR4}) , an avenger
(?) RV. i , 32 , 14 (= %{hantR} Sa1y.) [849,3] |
行った、逝った |
536 .1 |
travel (再考) |
S |
vah, vahati,
-te |
pp. {UDha3} 1 (q.v.) conduct, carry (esp. the [[-,]]
oblation), draw (waggon), guide (the horses); bring near, procure,
cause, effect; offer, present (a sacrifice); carry off, rob; take to
wife, marry; bear, support, feel, suffer; indulge, pardon; wear, have;
undergo, incur; pass. spend; intr. travel, go (in or by any vehicle),
drive, ride, run, swim, flow, blow (wind), pass away (time); P.
{uhya3ta} be conducted etc., be borne along, move, go in or by
(instr.). C. {vAhayati, -te} cause to conduct, draw, or carry; guide,
drive (cf. S.), ride on (acc.); step upon or travel
over (a way); set to work, use, apply; take in, deceive. I.
{vanIvAhya3te} carry hither and thither. -- {ati} carry over or across,
pass by; spend (time). C. transport, transpose, let pass i.e. spend
(time), escape (a foe etc.). ~ c. 仮説: Skt.の辞書には「旅」は有りませんが、その発音を倒置した、この「びた」は有ります。 話者は、これを倒置したのかも知れません。Tamil語の逆転特質現象。英語のtravelもそうです。 c. ETYMONLYNEの travel を読むと、faran へ tra した、に見えます。Tamil人や、日本語のご先祖様も同じで、vah へ 発つ、した、と最初は、言っていた、が、途中から、逆転した。 ex. 「彼は、もう、あの世へ行った」 → 「彼は、もう、イ・ア、です」 となるような感じに似ています。一種の婉曲表現(直接表現だと少しキツイ、支障があるので、省略&倒置表現を用いた)。 |
ヴぁて →たヴァ →旅 |
537 |
start |
S |
hA, jihIte |
, pp. {hAna} 1 (only ---) start
up, go forth, move on; run [[,]] away from, yield (dat.); rush upon
(acc.), fly (arrow). -- {ati}
leap or pass over. {anu} run after, follow, overtake, catch. {apa} run
away. {abhi} catch, take. {ud} start up, rise, run away, escape.
{abhyud} ascend with (acc.). {prod} rise, ascend. {pratyud} rise
towards (acc.). {samud} rise, appear. {ni} descend, stoop. {pra} start
up or off. {vi} burst open, gape. C. ({hApayati}) open (tr.). {sam}
arise, stand up. |
始める |
538 |
win | T |
kaTa-ttal |
~resist; 8. to win,
overcome, conquer, vanquish; ~ |
勝つ |
S |
ujji |
(%{ud-ji}) P. %{-jayati} (pf. %{-jigAya} , &c.) to win ,
conquer , acquire by conquest AV. TS. S3Br. TBr. &c. ; to be
victorious AV. TBr.: Caus. %{-jApayati} , to assist any one to win ; to
cause to conquer (with two acc.) Ka1t2h. Ta1n2d2yaBr. &c.: Desid.
%{-jigISati} , to wish to conquer S3a1n3khS3r. |
討ちとる |
S |
sahate (-ti) |
, pp. {sADha3} 1 & {soDha}
overpower, win (battles), [[-,]] be
victorious; be capable of or able
to (infin. or loc.); master, withstand, suppress; bear, suffer, endure.
C. {sAhayati} (mostly ---) cause to endure, make supportable.* D.
{sI3kSate} wish to overcome. -- {abhi} overwhelm, subdue;~ |
制す |
S |
as, asti |
1 be, exist, happen, become; be
present or at hand; fall or [[,]] belong to (gen. or dat.), be enough
for (gen.), be able to (dat.); turn to, serve for (2 dat.). {astu} or
{evamastu} well, so be it. With {na} not be, be gone. Pers. or impers.
with another fin. verb = I happen to or it happens that I, e.g. {asti
pazyasi} do you happen to see? {asmi vikrINe}
I happen to sell. -- {ati} be beyond, surpass (acc.). {api} be in or
with (loc.), fall or belong to (loc. or dat.); partake of (impers. w.
gen. & loc.). {abhi} be above, rule, overcome, conquer. win; *fall to one's (gen.) share. {upa} be
in or with, partake of (acc.). {pari} overtake; pass or spend (time).
{pra} be prominent, excel. {prati} equal, emulate (acc.). {sam} equal,
reach; be together with ({saha}). |
治める、 圧する |
S |
ji, jayati, -te |
, pp. {jita3} conquer, win,
subdue, overcome, [[-,]] suppress, expel from (abl.), deprive of (2
acc.); absol. vanquish (in a game or a suit of law), be victorious.
{jayati, -tu} (w. nom.), {jitam3} (w. instr.) = victorious is or be--,
hail to--! C. {jApayati} cause to conquer or win
(2 acc.); salute with
reverence*. D. {ji3gISati} wish to win,
seek for prey. -- {apa} keep
off, prevent. {abhi} win, conquer,
obtain. {ava} win, gain, reconquer,
vanquish, ward off. {A} & {ud} conquer, win,
subdue. {nis} gain,
attain, subdue, conquer, overcome, surpass. {vinis} the same. {parA}
(mostly M.) lose, be deprived of (acc.), succumb (abl.*); vanquish,
overcome. {pari, pra, prati} win,
conquer, vanquish. {vi} (mostly M.)
the same; surpass, excel; also = S. absol. D. (mostly M.) wish to win
or conquer, attack. {sam} win,
conquer, obtain (together). -- Cf.
{pa3rAjita}. |
治す、 統治の治 |
S |
hR |
~; to master , overpower ,
subdue , conquer , win , win over (also by bribing) Mn. MBh. &c. ; ~ |
覇す |
メモ |
す。このことは、は~、を、か~、する日本語の性質は、タミル産なのかも知れません。ex. チンギスハンをチンギスカン。ハン
の日本人読みだった、という話まで有ります。 |
539 | defeat | T |
maNkATTu-tal |
to defeat (TLS) |
負ける |
T |
tORRal |
02 1. defeat; 2. vain idea |
取られる |
540 |
defend |
T |
kAvalcey-tal |
1. to guard, defend; 2. to imprision, put in jail, confine;
1. to
protect a heap of grain from demons, by passing a straw-rope over the
heap in the field, or making diagrams with the rope on the ground, or
placing on the heap a handfuul of moist cowdung representing ganesa |
かばう |
541 | spill prefix | T |
ukuvu |
spilling c. ズバリのこぼすは有りませんでした。 |
こぼす |
S |
avakRR |
%{-kirati} (impf. %{ava4kirat} ; ind. p. %{-kIrya}) to pour
out or
down , spread , scatter , A1s3yGr2. &c. ; (Pot. %{-ki4ret}) to spill one's semen virile TA1r. (cf.
%{a4va-kIrNa} and %{-rNin} below) ; to shake off , throw off , leave ~ |
溢(あふ)る |
S |
prazcut |
(or %{-zcyut}) P. %{-zcotati} (%{-zcyotati}) , to trickle
forth , drip down Ma1lati1m. ; to pour forth , shed , spill , Bhat2t. |
降らす |
T |
Uz-ttal |
01 1. to think; 2. to cover; 3. to spill;
to fall off (TLS) |
落とす |
S |
skand |
(cf. %{skandh} and %{skund}) cl.
1. P. (Dha1tup. xxiii , 10) %{skandati}
(m.c. also %{-te} ;
%{caska4nda} RV. &c. ; %{caskande} MBh. &c. ; aor. %{askan} ,
%{ska4n} RV. ; %{a4skAn} , %{skAn} Br. ; %{askAntsIt} ib. ; %{askadat}
Gr. ; Prec. %{skadyAt} ib. ; fut. %{skanttA} ib. ; %{skantsyati} Br. ;
inf. %{skanditum} Gr. ; %{-ska4de} , %{-ska4das} RV. ; ind. p.
%{skanttvA} Gr. ; %{-ska4ndya} , or %{-ska4dya} Br. ; %{-ska4ndam} AV.
Br.) , to leap , jump , hop , dart , spring
, spurt out , be spilt or
effused (esp. said of semen) RV. &c. &c. ; (A1.) to
seminal fluid VP. ; to leap upon , cover (said of animals) TBr. S3Br. ;
to drop , fall down , perish , be lost
BhP.: Pass. %{skadyate} (perf.
or %{caskande} ; aor. %{askandi}) Gr.: Caus. %{skandayati}
(m. c. also %{-te} ; aor. %{acaska4ndat}) , to cause to jump or leap R.
(in explaining %{skanda}) ; to pour out , effuse , shed , spill , emit
(esp. seminal fluid) AitBr. Mn. ; to omit , neglect Mn. MBh. &c. ;
to cause to coagulate , thicken Sus3r.: Desid. %{ciskantsati} , Gr.:
Intens. %{canIskadyate} , %{canIskandIti} (Gr.) , %{ka4niSkan} ,
%{-caniSkadat} ; (RV.) , to leap , jump , hop &c. [Cf. Gk.
&379124[1256 ,1] $ ; Lat. {scando} , {de-scendo} ; {scAla} for
{scant} {(s)la}.] |
しゃがんだりシテ(跳ねる) |
542 | send |
T |
pOkkATTu-tal |
1. to send away, dismiss;
2. to send to another place or to a
third person, excusing oneself |
送る |
S |
dhA, dadhAti, dhatte; dadhati, -te |
~; touch, approach with (instr.), turn or fix (eyes or mind)
(loc.); be intent upon or attentive to (acc.); stretch forth, send out
(esp. spics, {arAn}), explore, search;~ |
出す、届ける |
543 | choose | S |
pravR |
2. P. A1. %{-vRNAti} , (Ved.) %{-vRNite} %{-vRNoti} ,
%{-vRNute} (3 -sg. aor. Subj. %{-vRta} RV.) , to choose
out , choose as (acc.) or for (dat.) RV. Br. MBh. BhP. ; to accept
gladly RV. ix , 101 , 13: Caus. %{-varayati} , to choose , select MBh.
; %{-vArayati} , to please , gratify. R. (For 1. |
選ぶ |
S |
svIkR |
(%{svI4-}) P. A1. %{-karoti} , %{-kurute} (the latter older
more correct) , to make one's own , win , appropriate , claim S3Br.
&c. &c. ; to take to one's self , choose
(with or without %{bhAryA7rthe} , `" to take for a wife , marry "' ;
%{snuSA-tvena} , `" for a daughter-in-law "') R. Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; to
win power over (hearts &c.) Das3. BhP. ; (A1.) to admit , assent or
agree to , ratify Hit. Sarvad.: Caus. %{-kArayati} , to cause any one
to appropriate , present any one with (two acc.) Ra1jat. |
択(すぐ)る |
544 | compare |
無 |
くらべる not found |
comparison |
T |
viyappa |
a particle of comparison |
比 |
545 |
visit |
S |
az |
1 (in classical Sanskr2it only) A1. %{aznute} (aor. 3. pl.
%{AziSata} Bhat2t2. ; perf. %{Anaze} Pa1n2. 7-4 , 72. Vedic forms are:
%{aznoti} , &c. ; Subj. %{aznavat} , &c. ; aor. P. a1nat (2.
& 3. sg. , frequently in RV.) and A1. %{aSTa} or %{A4STa} , 3. pl.
%{Azata} (frequently in RV.) or %{A4kSiSur} [RV. i , 163 , 10] Subj.
%{a4kSat} [RV. x , 11 , 7] Pot. 1. pl. %{azema} Prec. %{azyAs} (2.
& 3. sg.) &c. Pot. A1. 1. sg. %{azIya} and pl. %{azImahi} ,
Imper. %{aSTu} [VS.] ; perf. %{AnaMza} (thrice in RV.) or %{AnAza} [RV.
vi , 16 , 26] or %{Aza} [RV. viii , 47 , 6] , 2. pl. %{Anaza4} 3. pl.
%{Anazu4h} (frequently in RV.) or %{Azuh} [RV. iv , 33 , 4] A1.
%{Anazo4} Subj. 1. pl. a %{anazAmahai} [RV. viii , 27 , 22] Pot. 1. sg.
%{AnasyAm} , p. %{AnazAna4} [AV.] ; Inf. %{aSTave} RV. iv , 30 , 19) to
reach , come to , reach , come to , arrive at , get , gain , obtain RV.
&c. ; (said of an evil , %{aMhati} , %{a4Mhas} , %{grA4hi}) to visit RV.
AV. vi , 113 , 1 ; to master , become master of. RV. ; to offer RV. ;
to enjoy MBh. xii , 12136 ; to pervade , penetrate , fill Naigh.
Bhat2t2. ii , 30 ; to accumulate L.: Desid. %{aziziSate} Pa1n2. 7-2 ,
74 Intens. %{azAzyate} Pa1n2 iii , 1 , 22 Pat. |
乙 |
546 |
line |
S |
senA |
2 f. line of battle, army. |
線 |
547 | hope | S |
manasvi |
in comp. for %{-vin} ; %{garhita} mfn. censured by the wise
MW. ; %{-tara} mfn. wiser , cleverer Ka1t2h. ; %{-tA} f. intelligence ,
high-mindedness , magnanimity Kir. ; hope
, expectation , dependance W.
; %{-prazaMsA} f. praise of the wise Cat. c. まなすヴぃ → ななぞび → のぞみ |
のぞみ |
S |
kup |
1 cl. 4. P. A1. %{kupyati} , %{-te} (perf. %{cukopa}) , to be
moved or excited or agitated Sus3r. BhP. ; to swell , heave or boil
with rage or emotion , be angry , be angry with (dat. ; also gen. ,
once [R. i , 49 , 7] acc. ; or with %{upari} and gen. e.g. %{tasmai} or
%{tasya} or %{tasyo7pari@cukopa} , he was angry with him) MBh. &c.:
Caus. P. %{kopa4yati} , to move , shake , agitate RV. i , 54 , 4 ; v ,
57 , 3 ; x , 44 , 8 Sus3r. ; P. A1. %{kopayati} , %{-te} , to cause to
swell with anger , provoke , make angry MBh. &c. ; [cf. Lat.
{cupio} ; Eng. {hope} ; Germ. {hoffe}.] c. 上の一覧の中に、 日本 {kibou : 希望}、を追加しましょう。 つまり、cupio/ hope/ hoffe/ kup/ 希望、ラテン英独印日 同族。 |
希望 |
T |
nacai |
02 1. desire, eagerness, avarice; 2. love, affection,
fondness; 3. hope, expectation; 4.
dampness, moisture c. なさい → なさみ → のぞみ |
のぞみ |
P |
ummed |
[@wmyt' | N umme1d] hope. (cpd) | 夢 |
548 | abandon | S |
abhityaj |
to abandon R. ii , 47 , 5
(ed. Bomb.) |
あきらめ |
S |
hA, jahAti |
2 ({jahati}), pp. {hIna3} & {jahi3ta} (q.v.) leave, [[,]]
forsake, abandon; emit, discharge,
take off, cast aside, remove; give
up, avoid, shun, lose. P.M. {hIya3te} ({hI3yate, -ti}) be left etc., ~ |
やひた |
T |
pOkaviTu-tal |
to let go, alow to pass or slip away; to abandon |
放棄タル |
549 | change | T |
kaimARu-tal |
01 1. to change hands, as a
thing whenm sold; 2. to be
relived in work, as by relays; 3. to change
one's conduct; 4. to change
sides, leave one party and join another; to edchange
, as commodities 日用品・商品 c. edchangeは、原文のスペルミスで、exchange 交換、ですね。 |
変わる (m-w)、変える (m-h) |
S |
kRtavikAra |
mfn. any one or anything that has undergone change , altered
, changed. |
変わるたび |
550 | dry | S |
kakSa |
m. (%{kaS} Un2. iii , 62 ; cf. %{kac}) , lurking-place ,
hiding-place RV. x , 28 , 4 VS. xi , 79 ; a wood , large wood (?) RV.
vi , 45 , 31 ; a forest of dead trees , a dry
wood , underwood (often
the lair of wild beasts) VS. TS. Ta1n2d2yaBr. Mn. &c. ; an inner
recess , the interior of a forest ; grass , dry
grass ; ~ |
乾かす |
T |
kalakala-ttal |
1. to dry thoroughly; 2. to
talk too much (TLS) |
カラカラたる |
551 | dive | S |
maGktR |
mfn. one who dives or
plunges &c. Pa1n2. 7-1 , 60 Sch. |
潜った |
S |
saziras |
along with the head A1past. ; %{-raHkampam} ind. shaking the head
Mr2icch. ; %{-raska} mfn. (= %{-ziras}) Gobh. ; %{-rA7vamajjana} n.
(fr. %{zira} = %{ziras} + %{av-}) diving
with the head foremost A1pS3r. Sch. |
沈める |
552 | think | T |
karukkaTTu-tal |
to think; to consider (TLS) |
考えつタル |
S |
anumRz |
grasp , seize RV. &c. ; to consider , think
of , reflect: Caus.
%{-marzayati} , to touch or take hold of for the sake of examining
Ka1t2h. |
思う |
553 | feel | S |
kaNDUla |
mfn. having or feeling a
desire to scratch , itchy Uttarar.
Ba1lar. ; (%{A}) f. Amorphophallus Campanulatus L. |
感ずる |
T |
kantu-tal |
05 1. to be injured, spoiled, ruined; 2. to feel shy |
ditto |
554 | say | T |
katai-ttal |
04 to tell, narrate, say;
to speak |
語るタル |
S |
kathA |
2. see col. 3) f. conversation , speech , talking together A1s3vGr2.
MBh. Mn. &c. ; talk , mention ; (%{kA@kathA} [with gen. or more
commonly with loc. and sometimes with %{prati}) , what should one say
of? how should one speak of? e.g.
%{eko@'pi@kRcchrAd@varteta@-bhUyasAM@tu@kathai9va@kA} , even one person
would live with difficulty , what should one say
of many? i.e. how much
more many? Katha1s. iv , 123 ; %{kA@kathA@bANa-saMdhAne} , what mention
of fitting the arrow? i.e. what necessity for fitting the arrow? S3ak.
53 a) ; story , tale , fable MBh. R. Hit. &c. ; a feigned story ,
tale (as one , of the species of poetical composition) Sa1h. 567
Ka1vya7d. ; Story (personified) Katha1s. ; (in log.) discussion ,
disputation Sarvad. |
事、語り |
S |
moha |
(1. %{muh} ; ifc. f. %{A}) loss of consciousness , bewilderment ,
perplexity , distraction , infatuation , delusion , error , folly AV.
&c. &c. (%{moham-brU} , to say
anything that leads to error ;
%{mohaM-yA} , to fall into error ; %{mohAt} ind. through folly or
ignorance) ; fainting , stupefaction , a swoon MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (in
phil.) darkness or delusion of mind (preventing the discernment of
truth and leading men to believe in the reality of worldly objects) ;
(with Buddhists) ignorance (one of the three roots of vice Dharmas.
139) ; a magical art employed to bewilder an enemy (= %{mohana}) Cat. ;
wonder , amazement L. ; Infatuation personified (as the offspring of
Brahma1) VP. |
申す |
T |
nuval-tal (nuvaRal) |
01 1. to say, speak,
declare, utter; 2. to desire |
述べる |
T |
pan2uvu-tal |
to say, utter |
話す |
S |
sambrU |
A1. %{-bravIti} , %{-brUte} , to speak well , converse RV. ; (A1.) to
talk together , agree ib. ; to say
anything to (acc.) MBh. |
しゃべる |
S |
udAcakS |
A1. %{-AcaSTe} , to declare or say
aloud S3Br. iii , 3 , 3 ,
4. |
言うだ |
S |
vad, vadati, -te |
pp. {udita3} (q.v.) A. speak, raise the voice [[-,]] ({Acam}), sing,
sound ({ucai3s} or {bRha3t} loud); speak or say
to, relate,
communicate, proclaim, announce (acc. {bhi}, gen. or loc. of pers.
& acc. of th.), tell, teach, (2 acc.); counsel, advice, foretell,
predict; designate as, name, call (2 acc.). M. speak or say to (acc.);
talk over, discuss;~ |
話(わ)す |
555 | grasp | S |
mRz, mRzati, -te |
pp. {mRSTa3} & {mRzita} touch, stroke, grasp,
[[-,]] take hold of
(lit. & fig.); think of, consider. -- {anu} grasp, seize, take into
consideration. {abhi} touch, feel, bring into contact with (instr.).
{ava} touch, grope, consider. {A} touch, feel, enjoy, consider,
examine. {parA} touch, seize, grasp,
violate (a woman); point to, mean,
P. be meant. {pari} touch, grope, seize, examine, try, consider. {pra}
touch, feel, {vi} touch, feel, stroke, try, examine, find out. C.
consider, reflect upon. {sam} take hold of, seize, touch. -- Cf.
{AmRSTa, 2parimRSTa}. |
持つ |
T |
tottu-tal |
1. to cling, adhere; 2. to hang; 3. to be obtained; 4. to climb up,
spread, as the vine; 1. to hold, grasp,
as a stick; 2. to follow,
pursue; 3. to catch, as a disease; to infect |
取る |
556 |
seize |
無 |
つかむ、not found |
557 | catch |
S |
nAha |
m. ( %{nah}) binding , tying L. ; obstruction (cf.
%{nAsA-n-}) ; trap or snare for catching
deer L. |
なわ、なう、ワナ |
メモ |
つかむ、握る、が見つかりませんでした。 握るは、下記に近いが、下記の内容は
「制する」に近い。 |
catchの 補足 |
S |
nigrah |
P.A1. %{-gRhNAti} , %{NIte} (dat. inf. %{-gra4bhe} RV.) , to
hold down , lower , depress RV. TS. Ka1tyS3r. ; to keep or hold back ,
draw near , attract RV. AV. S3Br. &c. ; to seize , catch , hold ,
hold fast , stop , restrain , suppress , curb , tame , punish Mn. MBh.
&c. ; to contract , close (as the eyes) Mr2icch. ii , 13/14 Caus.
%{-grAhayati} , to cause to be apprehended or seized Das3.: Caus. of
Desid. %{-jighRkSayati} (p. %{-Sayat}) , to cause any one to desire to
overpower or excel Bhat2t2. |
握る、 荷鞍 |
S |
tAnakarman |
n. tuning the voice previously to singing W. ; running over
the notes音符、楽器の音 to catch the key W. c. 音をつかむ、の、つかむ、がつかむ、のroots。なのかも知れません。 |
これが つかむ のroots? |
T |
kavar-tal |
01 1. to seize, grasp, catch,
capture, take by force, steal;
2. to rob, plunder, pillage; 3. to get control of charm captivate; 4.
to desire; 5. to receive; 6. to experience enjoy; 7. to have sexual
connection with; 8. to churn, reduce by trituation or attrition; 9. to
call summon c. cover-タル、が、逆転して、タかふ、つかむ、へ、なまっていった??? |
かむ-つ |
558 | judge | S |
sabhya |
a. being in or relating to an assembly, also = prec. m.
assessor, judge; a cert. fire (r.). |
裁き |
T |
aRattavicu |
judge's seat in court |
検め椅子 |
559 |
chair |
無 |
560 | invite | S |
samAhve |
P. A1. %{-hvayati} , %{-te} (ind. p. %{-hUya}) , to call
together , convoke MBh. R. &c. ; to call near , invite ib. ; to summon , challenge ,
provoke (to battle or to a game of chance) ib.: Desid. %{-juhUSate} see
next. |
さまふべ →さそふ |
S |
Ahve |
P. %{-hvayati} (but also Pot. 1. sg. %{A-huvema} AV. vii , 85
, 1) A1. %{-hvayate} (but also 1. sg. %{A4-huve} RV. ; aor. 3. pl.
%{A74hUSata} RV. i , 14 , 2 , &c. ; Inf. %{-huva4dhyai} RV. vi , 60
, 13 , and %{-hvayitavai4} S3Br. ii , 5 , 3 , 18) to call near , invoke
invite , summon , cite RV. S3Br.
TS. MBh. Mr2icch. BhP. Pan5cat. &c. ; to provoke , challenge ,
emulate (in this sense only A1. Pa1n2. 1-3 , 31) RV. S3Br. R. Katha1s.
&c. ; to call to (especially in rites said of the Hotr2i , who
addresses the Adhvaryu by the A1-ha1va or A1-hva1na ; see below) AitBr.
A1s3vS3r. Ka1tyS3r. S3a1n3khBr. and S3r. ; to proclaim AitBr. S3Br.
Ka1tyS3r. A1s3vS3r.: Caus. %{-hvAyayati} , to cause to call near , send
for ; to cause to summon or challenge or invite R. Ragh. Bhat2t2.:
Desid. %{-juhUSati} , to wish to call near , to be about to call near:
Intens. %{A4-johavIti} RV. vii , 56 , 18 , to call near zealously. |
呼ぶ |
561 | collect | S |
arthasamAhartR |
m. collector of money. |
集めはった |
S |
dhAraNA |
f. (cf. %{-Na} , col. 1) the act of holding , bearing ,
wearing , supporting , maintaining MBh. R. ; retaining , keeping back
(also in remembrance) , a good memory Kat2hUp. Gr2S. MBh. BhP. ; collection or concentration of the mind
(joined with the retention of
breath) Mn. MBh. Sus3r. Ka1v. Pur. &c. ; cf. MWB. 239 (%{-NAM-dhR ~ |
貯める |
S |
avaci 合体化 |
1 1. (p. %{-cinvat} MBh. iii , 13151 ; ind. p. %{-icitya} ;
Inf. %{-cetum} Katha1s.) to gather , collect
(as fruits from a tree ,
%{vRkSam} %{phalAni} [double acc.] Pa1n2. 1-4 , 51. Ka1s3.) ; (p.f.
-cinvati1) , to draw back or open one's garment RV. iii , 61 , 4. |
合わす |
T |
turam |
02 1. burden; 2. charge, trust, responsibility; 3. the
department for collecting revenues in
respect of temple-properties |
積む |
562 | comb | T |
kagkam |
03 comb c. かく髪、かく毛の、かも知れない。 |
櫛 |
S |
kaGkata |
m. (%{I} , %{am} fn. L.) a comb
, hair-comb AV.
(v.l. %{kaNTaka}) TBr. Pa1rGr2. &c. ; a slightly venomous animal
[Sa1y.] RV. ; N. of a teacher ; (%{I}) f. Sida Rhombifolia. c. 毛くし、くし、とも読める。 |
ditto |
T |
talaicIvu-tal |
to comb the hair |
梳かす |
563 | chain | T |
kaccaippuRam |
a kind of plaited gold chain
(TLS) |
鎖 |
S |
kanakasUtra |
n. a golden cord or chain
Hit. |
ditto |
564 | work | S |
hotRkarman |
n. the work or function of
the Hotr2i A1s3vS3r. |
働くマン |
S |
racana |
n. the act of making , forming , arranging , preparing ,
composing Ka1v. ; mostly (%{A}) f. arrangement , disposition ,
management , accomplishment , performance , preparation , production ,
fabrication MBh. ; a literary production , work , composition VarBr2S. ; style
Sa1h. ; putting on , wearing (of a garment) Mr2icch. ; arrangement (of
troops) , array Pan5cat. ; contrivance , invention Katha1s. ; a
creation of the mind , artificial image Jaim. ;~ |
労作 |
S |
pUrta |
mfn. filled , full , complete
, completed , perfected Pur. ; (%{iSTaz@ca@pUrtaz@ca@dharmau} =
%{iSTApUrta} q.v. Ma1rkP.) ; covered , concealed L. ; n. fulfilling ,
fulfilment ; granting , rewarding , a reward , merit , a
meritorious 称賛に値する work , an act of
pious liberality (such as feeding a Bra1hman , digging a well &c.)
RV. ; keeping , guarding L. ; N. of wk. (also %{-kamabA7kara}) ; %{-dharma} (w.r. %{pUrNa-dh-}) m. a meritorious work (cf. %{pUrta}) Ma1rkP. ; %{-prakAza} m. %{mAlA} f. %{-to4ddyota} m. N. of wks. |
腕を揮うた 奮闘(ふんとう) (+ん) |
T |
veTTippuraTTu-tal |
(= to work hard 一生懸命に働く, used ironically 皮肉的に使用される) はたれーた |
565 | pain | T |
iTTaLam |
* 1. crowd, throng, concourse, insufficient
air-space; 2. difficulty, affliction, pain,
sorrow; 3. weakness, weariness |
至らない、痛らん |
S |
is |
ind. an interjection of anger or pain or sorrow L. ;
(according to BRD. %{is} Ved. = %{nis} cf. %{iS-kR} above.) |
痛ツ |
T |
iTi |
03 1. stroke, blow, push; 2. flour, esp. of rice or millet;
3. light meal with flour as its chief ingredient; 4. powder, dust,
anything pulverised; 5. thunder; 6. roar, great noise; 7. rebuke,
reproof; 8. ache, throbbing pain |
痛い |
T |
atiTTam |
01* 1. that which is unseen; 2. luck, fortune; 3. merit or
sin accruing from a virtuous or vicious action as the ultimate cause of
pleasure or pain |
痛み |
S |
ativyathA |
f. excessive pain. |
痛いヤ |
566 | sound | S |
AT |
ind. a croak (imitation of the sound
uttered by a frog)
Ta1n2d2yaBr. |
音 |
S |
oSThaya |
a. being at or belonging to the lips, labial; m. labial sound. |
ditto |
T |
Otai |
01 1. sound, noise;
clamour, din; 2. sound of a letter |
ditto |
567 | slow | 無 |
おそい、not found |
S |
manda |
. slow, lazy, tardy in
(loc. or ---); dull, inert, weak (lit.
fig.), stupid. --- & n. (also doubled) slowly, tardily, gradually,
softly. Abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n. |
未んだ |
S |
mRdu |
mf(%{u4} or %{vI4})n. soft ,
delicate , tender , pliant , mild , gentle VS. &c , &c. ; weak
, feeble AV. ; slight , moderate Sus3r. ; slow
(gait) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (in astron.) situated in the upper apsis.
Gan2it. ; m. the planet Saturn VarBr2S. ; N. of a king and various
other men VP. (cf. %{g}. %{bidA7di}) ; (%{u}) f. Aloe Perfoliata L. ;
(%{vI}) f. a vine with red grapes L. (cf. %{mRdvIkA}) ; n. softness ,
mildness , gentleness MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also m. Pa1n2. 2-2 , 8 ,
Vartt. 3 Pat.) [Cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. {mollis}.] c. もしもし亀よ、亀さんよ。どうしてそんなに、のろいのか。の、のろい。 |
のろい |
S |
mRdugamanA |
f. `" having a slow gait "'
, a
goose ガチョウ , female メスの swan 白鳥 L. |
のろ我慢ナ |
567 .1 |
late |
S |
atisAyam |
adv. very late. |
遅く |
S |
cira |
mfn. (1. %{ci}?) long ,
lasting along time , existing
from ancient times MBh. xii , 9538 S3ak. Megh. Katha1s. ; ; (%{eNa})
instr. ind. after a long time , late
, not immediately , slowly |
続ける、 遅(ち) |
567 .2 |
early |
S |
prAtar |
adv. early, in the morning,
to-morrow. |
早たに |
uS |
2 f. (only %{a4s} gen. sg.) early morning , dawn RV. AV.
xvi , 6 , 6 ; (%{uSa4s@tisra4H} f. pl. morning , midday , and evening
RV. ; viii , 41 , 3.) |
朝 |
567 .3 |
fast |
S |
sugRhIta |
a. held fast, conceived or
learnt well; applied properly or auspiciously. |
すぐに、 優れた |
S |
Azu |
mfn. (1. %{az} Un2. i , 1) ,
fast , quick , going quickly RV.
AV. S3Br. &c. ; (%{us}) m. Ved.
the quick one , a horse RV. AV. ; (%{us} , or %{u}) m. n. rice ripening
quickly in the rainy season S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. L. ; |
急ぎ いぞぐ |
S |
suvega |
mfn. moving very fast ,
fleet ,
rapid Ka1m. Hcat. ; (%{A}) f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum R. ; N. of a
female vulture Ba1lar. |
素速い |
568 |
grow |
S |
styai |
cl. 1. P. %{styAyati} , to be collected into a heap or mass
Dha1tup. xxii , 14 ; to spread about ib. ; to sound ib. ; cl. 1. A1.
%{styAyate} (pr. p. %{styAna} q.v. ; ind. p. %{-styAya} ; see
%{ni-STyai}) , to stiffen , grow
dense , increase Uttarar. Mcar. |
育つ |
S |
sthUl |
(rather Nom. fr. %{sthUla} below) cl. 10. A1. %{sthUlayate}
P. %{sthUlayati} accord. to some) , to become big or stout or bulky ,
increase , grow fat Dha1tup. xxxv ,
50. |
ditto |
T |
stUli-ttal |
to grow stout 頑健な・頑丈な | ditto |
S |
sthavirAya |
Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to grow
old , become old (said of time)
Bhpr. |
ditto |
T |
cakkaLi-tal |
to be fermented; to grow
(TLS) c. さっかりタル → しげるタル |
茂るたル |
T |
nimir(ru)-tal |
1. to become erect; to be
straightened; to stand upright; to raise or hold the head erect; 2. to
be out-stretched, as the arm; 3. to grow
tall, as a youth; to increase in height; to shoot up; 4. to exceed the
limit, as a foot in verse; 5. to extend, expand, spread out; 6. to
bend, shake; 7. to walk, proceed; 8. to run; 9. to be excessive; 10. to
be far, distant; 11. to be of superior quality, as gold; 12. to be
close, thick, crowded; 13. to be bold, firm, decided; 14. to be proud,
affected, arrogant; 15. to be active, make an effort; 16. to return
from retrograde motion, as a planet c. 背が高くなる・直立する、は、実る、と等価では無いが、音はこれに近い。 |
実る |
T |
mutir-tal |
1. to grow
old; to have the
qualities of age; 2. to become mature; to grow
ripe; 3. to excel, surpass; to become satiated; to be saturated;
4. to precede; 5. to end, cease; 6. to become dry; to encompass,
surround c. むちる → みのる [ちょっと強引??] c. こっちの方は、意味は、実る、しかし音が今一。 |
ditto |
569 |
simple | S |
bAla |
mf(%{A})n. (cf. %{vAla}) young
childish , infantine , not full-grown or developed (of per. sons and
things) Gr2S. Up. Mn. MBh. &c. ; newly risen , early (as the sun or
its rays) Ragh. ; new or waxing (as the moon) ib. Kum. ; puerile ,
ignorant , simple , foolish Mn.
Hariv. Ka1v. ; pure (as an animal fit for sacrifice) L. ; m.a child ,
boy (esp. one under 5 years)~ |
馬鹿 ばーら |
S |
mugdha |
mfn. gone astray , lost RV. VS. ; perplexed , bewildered AV.
; foolish , ignorant , silly. S3Br. &c. &c. ; inexperienced , simple
, innocent , artless , attractive or charming (from youthfulness) ,
lovely , beautiful , tender , young (esp. %{A} f. a young and beautiful
female , often in voc. ; also in rhet. a variety of the Na1yika1) Ka1v.
Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; (ifc.) strikingly like Vcar. Ba1lar. |
無邪気 |
S |
pAka |
1 a. very young, simple,
ignorant, stupid, artless, honest. --m. the young of animals, N. of a
Daitya. |
馬鹿 |
メモ |
このインドの辞書は、面白いです。日本語の国語の勉強になります。 |
570 |
beast |
無 |
けダモノ、not found |
571 | hair | T |
1. human hair; 2. hair of
animals |
毛 |
S |
kesara |
n. the hair (of the brow)
VS. xix , 91 ; (in classical
literature usually %{kezara}) m. or n. (?) , the mane (of a horse or
lion) R. S3ak. Pan5cat. &c. ; (%{A}) f. id. Ka1tyS3r. (%{kes-}) ;
(%{am}) n. the tail of the Bos grunniens (used as a fan for driving
away flies) L. ; (%{as} L. ; %{am}) m. n. the filament of a lotus or of
any vegetable R. Sus3r. S3ak. &c. ; |
ditto |
S |
kaMja |
m. (fr. %{kam} = 3. %{ka} and
%{ja}) , `" produced from the head "' , the hair
L. ; `" ~ |
髪 |
S |
mahAjaTa |
mfn. wearing a grreat braid or coil of matted hair (N. of
S3iva) MBh. ; (%{A}) f. a species of plant L. |
毛髪、 猛髪 |
S |
jaTA |
f. twisted or matted hair
(worn by ascetics and mourners). |
572 | limit | S |
kaGkaTa |
m. (%{kaGk} Un2. iv , 81) , armour , mail R. Ragh. Ven2is. ;
an iron hook (to goad an elephant) L. ; boundary , limit ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a people
VarBr2. |
限りた |
T |
kagku |
01 1. ridge to retain water in paddy fields; 2. dam, anicut;
3. side of a bank or ridge; 4. limit,
border; 5. row, regular order; 6. base of a palmyra stem; 7. cinder,
glowing coal; 8. shred, piece |
限りく |
S |
guNasaMskAra |
in comp. quality and preparation Gaut. xv , 6 ; m. the
highest limit of excellence R. v , 85
, 5. |
限界 |
S |
setu |
mfn. (fr. 1. %{si}) binding , who or what binds or fetters
RV. ; m. a bond , fetter ib. ; a ridge of earth , mound , bank ,
causeway , dike , dam , bridge , any raised piece of ground separating
fields (serving as a boundary or as a passage during inundations) RV.
&c. &c. ; Ra1ma's bridge (see %{setubandha}) BhP. ; a landmark
, boundary , limit (also fig. = `"
barrier , bounds "') Mn. MBh.
&c. ; a help to the understanding of a text , an explanatory
commentary (also N. of various commentaries) Cat. ; an established
institution , fixed rule MW. ; |
接する |
T |
pozi |
02 1. ridge; 2. boundary, limit;
3. a small strip of land
between sea and lagoon; 4. joint; 5. that which is peeled off, as fibre
or rind c. はしっこ、はじっこ、が、岩・国語辞典に載っていません。 |
はじっこ、 端 |
573 | marriage |
T |
agkurArppaNam |
* ceremony preliminary to a marriage
or other auspicious
ceremony, in which certain seeds are placed in vessels for sprouting |
式を挙げる |
メモ |
日本語らしきもの、全く無い。 |
574 | ceremony | S |
sImantakaraNa |
n. the act or ceremony of
parting the hair Gobh. |
式 |
T |
sImantam |
ceremony |
ditto |
575 | wet | S |
ninv |
cl. 1. %{-vati} (Dha1tup. xv , 81 ; v.l. %{sinv}) , to wet or
to attend (prob. a confusion between %{secane} and %{sevane}). |
濡れる |
T |
nIr-ttal |
02 1. to become thin or watery, as liquid food in cooking; 2.
to be wet, moist |
ditto |
参考 |
T |
nIrccAyvu |
wet soil Q: ccAyvu さいヴ、 は、日本語に有るか? |
濡れ土 |
576 | soil | S |
dharaNI |
(cf. %{-Na} and %{-Ni}) the earth , the soil
or ground MBh. Ka1v. Pur.
; a vein or tubular vessel of the body L. ; = %{-kanda} L. ; a beam or
rafter for a roof. L. ; N. of a Dictionary (cf. %{-Ni-koza}). |
泥 |
S |
dagdha |
( %{dah}) burnt , scorched , consumed by fire AV. iv , xviii Ka1tyS3r.
Mn. &c. ; tormented , pained , consumed by grief or hunger ,
distressed R2itus. i , 10 Amar. 24 Ra1jat. ; dry , insipid S3iksh. ;
inauspicious , PSarv "' ; miserable , execrable Das3. vii , 290 Ka1d. ;
n. cauterisation (cf. %{agni-}) Sus3r. i , 11 f. ; (%{A}) f. (soil. %{diz}) the quarter where the sun
remains overhead L. ; (scil. %{tithi}) N. of certain inauspicious days
; = %{-ruhA} L. |
土壌 |
T |
tarai |
03 1. the earth; 2. soil,
land, ground |
土地、土 |
T |
tazaRpUmi |
brackish 汽水性の、半塩水の soil |
土・海 |
S |
iraNa |
desert ; salt or barren (soil)
; = %{iriNa} q.v. L. |
いらない |
S |
dhUli |
f. (W. also m. ; %{dhU}?) dust (also the dusty soil) , powder , pollen Var. Pan5c. Ka1v. Pur. &c. (also %{-lI}. f. L. & in comp. see below) ; a partic. number W. c. とひふーり → つり → つち |
つち |
577 | sea | S |
vArdhi |
m. wnwater-holder , the sea , ocean Ka1v. BhP. ; %{-phena} n. Os Sepiae L. ; %{-bhava} n. = next L. |
海(わた) |
S |
udadhi |
a. containing water. m. receptacle of water (cloud, lake, or
river, in l. l. the sea). |
S |
udanvant |
a. = {udanya3}; m. the sea. |
海原 |
T |
ulakkai |
sea (TLS) |
浦・海 |
S |
zatadruti |
f. N. of a daughter of the sea-god and wife of Barhi-shad BhP. 2109/10 最新 【民】paTaittalaitteyvam (= a sea-god worshipped by fishermen of the pat2t2an2avar caste before setting out on a fishing expedition 釣り遠征に出発する前に、pat2t2an2avarカーストの漁師が崇拝する海の神) わたつみ |
海神(わたつみ) |
S |
velA |
f. end-point, limit; either boundary of the land and of the sea i.e. shore, coast; or point of time, hour, day-time; also right time, opportunity, last hour, hour of death; tide, flow (opp. ebb). |
浦(うら) |
578 | value | S |
arz |
[KSP' < A ksp; @lc | N arz] worth, value. |
有る |
T |
antAjpaTTi |
estimate of the value of a
standing crop (TLS) |
値(あたい) |
S |
nirmA |
f. value , measure ,
equivalent La1t2y. |
値(ね) |
S |
kR |
1 ({skR}), {kRNo3ti, kRNute3, karo3ti, kurute} ({karati}
& {karti}),
pp. {kRta3} (q.v.) make, do, cause or
produce anything in or on one's
self or others; absol. act, work; bring or help to (dat.); get or
procure for (gen.), M. for one's self; make or begin something (acc.,
esp. {kim}) with something (instr.); make something (acc.) of something
(instr. or abl.); ~ |
価、 価値 |
579 |
remove |
T |
paRai-ttal |
02 1. to say, speak; 2. to remove,
destroy |
お祓い |
S |
parAdiz |
(only pf. %{-dideza}) , to order off , remove AV. |
掃う |
S |
naz |
2 cl. 4. P. (Dha1tup. xxvi , 85) %{na4zyati} (rarely %{-te}
and 1. P. %{na4zati} , %{-te} ; pf. %{nanAza} , 3. pl. %{nezur} ; aor.
%{anazat} MBh. &c. ; %{anezat} , %{ne4zat} RV. Br. [cf. Pat. on
Pa1n2. 6-4 , 1 20] ; fut. %{naziSyati} AV. ; %{naGkSyati} , %{-te}
[cond. %{anaGkSyata}] MBh. ; %{nazitA} ib. ; %{naMSTA} Pa1n2. 7-2 , 45
; %{naGgdhA} Vop. ; inf. %{nazitum} , %{naMSum} Gr. ; ind. p.
%{nazitvA} , %{naSTva} , %{naMSTvA} ib.) to
be lost , perish , disappear , be gone , run away RV. &c.
&c. ; to come to nothing , be frustrated or unsuccessful Mn. MBh.
Ka1v. &c.: Caus. %{nAza4yati} , ep. also %{-te} (aor. %{-anInazat}
; dat. inf. %{-nAzayadhyai} RV.) to cause to be lost or disappear ,
drive away , expel , remove , destroy
,~ |
除く |
T |
taLLivai-ttal |
1. to remove a little
further of shift; 2. to adjourn, as a
case; 3. to cast off, exclude from society, excommunicate; 4. to
suspend from office; 5. to abandon, as a wife |
取り去る |
T |
tAlivAgku-tal |
to remove the ta1li of a
woman on the death of her husband |
取り上げる |
T |
tumi-tal |
to remove (TLS) |
摘む |
S |
upakRS |
1. P. %{-karSati} , to draw towards or near one's self Sus3r.
BhP. ; to draw with one's self , draw or drag away R. ; to remove ,
give up MBh. |
奪う |
S |
naz |
2 cl. 4. P. (Dha1tup. xxvi , 85) %{na4zyati} (rarely %{-te}
and 1. P. %{na4zati} , %{-te} ; pf. %{nanAza} , 3. pl. %{nezur} ; aor.
%{anazat} MBh. &c. ; %{anezat} , %{ne4zat} RV. Br. [cf. Pat. on
Pa1n2. 6-4 , 1 20] ; fut. %{naziSyati} AV. ; %{naGkSyati} , %{-te}
[cond. %{anaGkSyata}] MBh. ; %{nazitA} ib. ; %{naMSTA} Pa1n2. 7-2 , 45
; %{naGgdhA} Vop. ; inf. %{nazitum} , %{naMSum} Gr. ; ind. p.
%{nazitvA} , %{naSTva} , %{naMSTvA} ib.) to be lost , perish ,
disappear , be gone , run away RV. &c. &c. ; to come to nothing
, be frustrated or unsuccessful Mn. MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Caus.
%{nAza4yati} , ep. also %{-te} (aor. %{-anInazat} ; dat. inf.
%{-nAzayadhyai} RV.) to cause to be lost or disappear , drive away ,
expel , remove , destroy , efface |
無くす |
S |
hA, jahAti |
({jahati}), pp. {hIna3} & {jahi3ta} (q.v.) leave, [[,]] forsake,
abandon; emit, discharge, take off, cast aside, remove; give up, avoid,
shun, lose. P.M. {hIya3te} ({hI3yate, -ti}) be left etc., remain
behind, come short or be deprived of (abl. or instr.); come to harm, be
a loser, fail (in a lawsuit etc.); decrease, wane, perish, be lost. ~ |
外す |
S |
apahR |
to snatch away , carry off , plunder ; to remove , throw
away: Caus. %{-hArayati} see %{apa-hArita} below. |
奪う |
S |
riktIkR |
P. %{-karoti} , to make empty or void Ka1v. ; to leave , quit
Ka1d. ; to remove , take away
Bhat2t2. Sch. ; to steal MW. ; to get
back , recover ib. |
略奪 |
580 | ring | S |
valaya |
m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a bracelet , armlet , ring (worn by men
women on the wrist) MBh. Ka1v. &c. (also applied to waves as
compared to bracelets) ; a zone , girdle (of a married woman) MW. ; a
line (of bees) S3is3. ; a circle , circumference , round enclosure (ifc~ |
輪 |
T |
valayam |
1. circle, ring; 2. discus;
3. sea; 4. zone of earth; 5.
armlet; 6. involute petal of a lotus; 7. surrounding region; 8. tank,
pool; 9. plot, garden plot; 10. garden; 11. limit, ambit |
ditto |
581 | top | S |
sAnu |
m. n. (accord. to Un2. i , 3 fr. %{san} ; collateral form 3.
%{snu}) a summit , ridge , surface , top
of a mountain , (in later
language generally) mountain-ridge , table-land RV. &c. &c. (L.
also , a sprout ; a forest ; road ; gale of wind ; sage , learned man ;
the sun "'). |
先 |
S |
stUpa |
m. top, esp. of the head,
tuft of hair; heap or pile of
earth, a Buddhist tomb. c. そとうば、steeple(教会などの尖塔(せんとう)、尖り屋根)、語根st (= stand) の元祖。 |
卒塔婆 |
T |
aTTamukaTu |
top (TLS) |
頭 |
S |
uttaratas |
ind. at the top , above ;
from the north , northward AV. VS.
ChUp. &c. ; to the left (opposed to %{dakSiNa-tas}) S3Br. AitBr.
Pa1Gr2. &c. (in some cases it is not to be decided whether `"
northward "' or `" to the left "' is meant) ; afterwards ; behind ;
%{-H-pazcAt} ind. north-westward (with gen. Pa1n2. 2-3 , 30) AitBr.
S3Br. &c. |
頭、 上だ、 後ろだ |
T |
toppikkaTTai |
sticks or posts set up in shallow waters to indicate the
course of
the channel, as having straw on the top
to make them conspicuous |
天辺 |
582 | half | S |
ambuvAcI |
f. four days in A1sha1d2ha (the tenth to the thirteenth of
the dark
half of the month , when the earth is supposed to be unclean , and
agriculture is prohibited) BrahmaP. ii , 77 ; (%{ambuvAcI}) %{-tyaga}
m. the thirteenth of the same ; %{-prada} n. the tenth in the second half of the month A1sha1d2ha c. second half = 第二の半分 = 後ろ半分 |
半分 |
S |
horA |
f. (fr. Gk. $) an hour (the
24th part of an &394495[1306 ,2] Aho-ra1tra) VarBr2S. Ma1rkP. ; the
half of a zodiacal 十二星座 sign
; horoscope or horoscopy ib. &c. c. 英語の hourアワー・時間、って、星座12等分の半分half/ hanbunの意味だって。ヨ。 |
アワー |
T |
hOrai |
1. half of a zodiacal sign c. 蓬莱ほうらい、「蓬莱山」の略。中国の伝説で、東海にあって仙人が住むという霊山。 |
蓬莱 |
S |
mauna |
m. (fr. %{muni}) a patr. A1s3vS3r. ; pl. N. of a dynasty 王朝
VP. ;
(%{I}) f. N. of the 15th day in the dark half
of the month Pha1lguna
(when a partic. form of ablution is performed in silence) Col. ;~ |
真ん中 |
S |
nAgapaJcamI |
. a partic. festival sacred to the Na1gas (the 5th day in the
light half of month S3ra1van2a or in
the dark half of month A1shad2ha1) L.
RTL. 323 ; %{-vrata} n. %{-ta-kathA} f. N. of wks. |
中日 |
T |
nAkavam |
a division 分割 of time, the latter half
後半 of the new moon day,
one of eleven 十一番目 karan2am , q.v. |
中 |
T |
pAkam |
02 sharing, dividing; 2.
share, part, portion; 3. half,
moiety; 4. drgree; 5. side, place; 6. injury; 7. alms, charity; 8. a
kind of drum |
分ける |
T |
pagku |
01 1. share, portion, part;
2. moiety, half; 3. side, party; 4.
sixteen acres of dry land and two
or two and a half of wet land |
分ける |
S |
bhAga |
1 m. ( %{bhoj}) a part , portion , share
, allotment , inheritance (in Ved. also = lot , esp. fortunate lot ,
good fortune , luck , destiny) RV. &c. &c. ; a part (as opp. to
any whole ; %{bhAgam@bhAgam} with Caus. of %{klRp} or %{bhAgAn} with
%{kR} , to divide in parts) ; a fraction (often with an ordinal number
e.g. %{aSTamo@bhAgaH} , the eighth part , or in comp. with a cardinal
e.g. %{zata-bh-} ; 1/100 ; %{azIti-bh-} = 1/80) Up. Mn. MBh. &c. ;
a quarter (see %{eka-bh-} , %{tri-bh-}) ; part i.e. place , spot ,
region , side (ifc. taking the place of , representing) La1t2y. MBh.
&c. (in this sense also n. ; see %{bhUmi-bh-}) ; part of anything
given as interest W. ; a half rupee
L. ; the numerator of a fraction
Col. ; |
分ける |
583 |
absent |
無 |
沢山単語は有り、系統立っている様だが、日本語に近い感触のもの皆無 |
584 |
rest |
無 |
有る様で無い。 |
585 | dust | S |
haraNa |
mf(%{A} or %{I})n. (only ifc.) carrying , holding ,
(e.g. %{bali-haraNI} , %{darvI} , `" a ladle containing an oblation "')
A1s3vGr2. ; taking away. removing (e.g. %{rajo-h-} `" removing dust
"') |
掃い取る |
S |
hata |
mfn. struck , heaten (also said of a drum) , smitten , killed
slain , destroyed , ended , gone , lost (often ibc. = `" destitute of
"' , `" bereft of "' , `" -less "') RV. &c. &c. ; injured ,
marred , hurt , wounded (lit. and fig.) MBh. Katha1s. ; struck off (as
a head) R. ; knocked out (as an eye) ib. ; hit by (instr. or comp.)
Ka1v. Katha1s. ; whirled up , raised (as dust)
S3ak |
叩き取る |
T |
tULi |
03 1. dust; 2. pollen |
塵(ちり) |
S |
dhUli |
or {dhUlI} f. dust, powder, farina. |
塵(ちり) |
586 |
attention |
pAr-ttal |
01 1. to see, look at, view, notice, observe; 2. to examine,
inspect, search into, scrutinise; 3. to know; 4. to look for, expect;
5. to desire, long for; 6. to search for, seek; 7. to worship; 8. to
estimate, value; 9. to heed, pay attention to;
10. to look after, take care of, manage, superintend; 11. to peruse,
look through, revise; 12. to treat, administer medicine; 13. to charm
away by incantations, exorcise; 14. to intend, design, attempt,
purpose, aim at; 15. to look at with compassion |
注意を張る、払う |
587 |
from |
S |
parastAt | adv. & prep. (w. gen.) beyond, on the other side, below
or above, in future, later, after; afterwards, towards or away; from
above, before, or behind. c. 西洋へは、forward, pro, from, pre で伝言ゲーム。日本へは、パラ→から、pre→古(ふる)が伝言ケームされた。 ちなみに from の印欧祖語PIEの推定値は、*pr-である(*はpr-という形が推定で求められたものであることを示すマーク)。 c. h →k/c/g, ex. チンギスハン→ジンギスカン、 h ⇔ p/ f 、従って、k ⇔ p/f も可。 |
から |
588 |
to |
S |
upa |
adv. thereto, further, as prep. towards,
unto, near, at, in, *below, less than
(acc.); near, by, at, upon, at
the time of, up to, *above, more than
(loc.); together with, according
to (instr.). -- It is mostly used --- in verbs, adverbs or nouns,
denoting approach, vicinity, or inferiority (cf {upagam; -gamana,
-mUlam, -purANa}). |
へ |
589 |
between, among |
S |
antar |
adv. inward, within, between;
prep. in within (gen., loc., or
---), between, among, amidst (gen., loc., or acc.), from
out (gen. or
abl.). |
間 |
590 |
than |
S |
atIva |
adv. exceedingly, very much; as prep. above, more than (acc.
or abl.). |
よりも |
S |
vara |
3 a. choice, select; most excellent, fairest, best of (gen., loc., abl., or ---); fairer or better than (abl. or gen.). n. rather or more than (abl. {nA3}); {vaMra -- na (ca, tu, punar}) (it is) better --than; {varaM kuryAt} he had better or he might rather do. m. (n.) choice, wish, request, boon, gift, reward, privilege, dowry, alms. --{va3raM vR, yAc, kAGkh}, etc. choose a gift or utter a wish, {-dA3} or {prayam} grant a gift, {-labh} have a wish fullfilled. {va3raM varam, pra3ti va3ram}, & {va3ramA3} according to wish, at pleasure {varA3ya} to satisfaction, at heart's content. |
より よりも |
591 | equal | S |
sarasvatI |
~of one of the ten mendicant orders traced back to S3arnkaraca1rya (whose members add the word %{sarasvatI} to their names). | すなわち |
S |
anuguNa |
a. congenial, corresponding to, equal
to (mostly ---); abstr.
{-tva} n. |
同じナ |
S |
pada |
~; with %{padavyAm} , to set the foot on a person's [gen. or
ibc.] track , to emulate or equal ;~ |
等しい |
S |
samAcAra |
m. (for %{samAcAra} see %{sam-A-car}) equal manners or
customs MBh. ; eqqual or virtuous
conduct ib. ; mfn. eqqual or
similar in practice or in virtuous condonduct ib. |
差無から |
S |
tul, tolayati |
& {tulayati, -te}, pp. {tulita} lift up, weigh, [[,]]
examine, compare; equal, match,
resemble. -- {A} lift up. {ud} raise,
weigh. {sam} weigh against each ofter. |
等価やて |
S |
samaccheda |
mfn. having an equal denominator A1ryabh. Sch. ; %{-dI-kR} P.
%{-karoti} , to cause to have an equal
denenominator Bijag. |
そっくりだ |
592 | count | S |
khyA |
({khyAti}), pp. {khyAta} (q.v.) see, appear; P. {khyAyate} be
called or known; C. {khyApayati, -te} make known, proclaim; show,
betray; praise, celebrate. -- {ati} survey, overlook, neglect, abandon.
{anu} behold, view. {antar} descry, find out. {abhi} behold, look at;
favour, protect. C. make known. {ava} look down, behold. {A} behold,
view; count, enumerate; show,
declare, announce, tell, narrate; name, |
数える |
S |
vel |
2 (rather Nom. fr. %{velA} below) cl. 10. P. %{velayati} , to
count or declare the time
Dha1tup. xxxv , 28. (Cf. %{ud-vela} &c.) |
述べる 宣言、公 |
593 | 〒namekujira snail |
T |
kaiccagkam |
snail (TLS) |
かたつむり、 くじ |
T |
Umai |
1. conch ホラガイ、巻き貝(の貝殻); 2. roman snail リンゴマイマイ、エスカルゴ・ド・ブルゴーニュ◆食用カタツムリの代表的な種。リンゴマイマイ科。食材・料理としては単に「エスカルゴ」とも呼ばれる。
(TLS) |
まいまい、 まいまいつぶり |
S |
zaGkhanakha |
m. a kind of snail MBh.
Va1s. ; the shell of the Trochus
Perspectivus MW. ; the perfume called Nakhi (Unguis Odoratus) or
another kind of perfume L. |
でんでんむし |
S |
zambUka |
m. conch-shell, snail, a
cert. animal. |
つぶり |
T |
nAmacci |
snail c. なまっし → なめくじ |
なめくじ |
■ カタツムリ 、ナメクジ方言 と インド弁比較 (1/2) 【宮城弁】たまぐら (= かたつむり) 【サンスク語】 zambUka(= m. conch-shell, snail, a cert. animal.) たまぐら -- 【秋田弁】~つぶ 田螺(たにし)のことを「つぶ」 【サンスク語】 zambUka(= m. a bivalve shell 二枚貝, any shell 貝 or conch ほら貝 Ka1v. (also %{A} f. L.) ; a snail 蝸牛(かたつむり)W. ; a kind of animal (= %{ghoGgha}) L. ;) つぶ -- 【八丈島弁】なめくじり 、なべこしき、なべこじきめ(= ナメクジ) 【タミル語】 nAmacci (= snail かたつむり) なめくじり (c-k, c-z, +り)、なめくじ 【タミル語】 kuttiracagkam (= snail カタツムリ) くずり..、くじら..、かたらつむ (c-t, gk 無音) 【タミル語】 kaiccagkam (= snail (TLS)) こしき、こじきめ -- 【出雲弁】みんな,みーな 〔貝〕ニナ 解説 【みな】はニナの古称で淡水の巻き貝 【タミル語】nAmacci (= snail 巻き貝、カタツムリ) (n-m) 【タミル語】maRai (= 06 1. spiral of conch 巻き貝) (R-n) -- 【神奈川弁】めーめーこーじ (= かたつむり) 【タミル語】nAmacci (= snail) めーめっし → めーめーこーじ 【タミル語】nIrkkun2Ru (= snail) めーめーこーじー (r-m, n-j) -- 【長野弁】だいろ/でえろ:(北信、東信)「かたつむり」の意。西日本方言に類似した語彙がなく、「蝸牛考」による方言周圏論が成り立たない例。 【タミル語】tErUmacci (= a kind of snail かたつむり, as having a turbinate shell) だいろむし、でえろむし c. macci は、虫(むし)。 【タミル語】mUtAy (= 02 cochineal insect 昆虫) むし -- ■ カタツムリ 、ナメクジ方言 と インド弁比較 (2/2) [1/2 の続き] 【名古屋弁】つぼ (= たにし) 【タミル語】curippuRam (= 01 1. conch; 2. snail かたつむり、たにし) つぼ、つぶり (c-t) c. 秋田弁、信州弁では「つぶ」。 -- 【佐久弁】つぶ (= たにし) 【タミル語】curippuRam (= 01 1. conch; 2. snail かたつむり、たにし) つぶ、つぶり (c-t) -- 【魚津弁】デンデンムス (= かたつむり) 【タミル語】tErUmacci (= a kind of snail, as having a turbinate shell) でーでーむす → でんでんむす (+ん, r 反復) -- 【博多弁】マメクジラ (= なめくじ) 【サンスク語】 magna(= mfn. sunk , plunged , immersed in (loc. or comp.) Ka1tyS3r. ; set (as the moon) R. ; sunk into misfortune ib. ; (ifc.) slipped into 滑った(すべった), lurking in Ragh. ; sunken , flat (as breasts or a nose) Hariv. ; m. N. of a mountain Buddh.) 滑る(なめる) 【サンスク語】 kiziyal(= 1. tear, rent in cloth; 2. that which is torn, tattered garment; 3. good-for nothing fellow, useless sluggard 怠け者) くじら -- 【魚津弁】マメクズル (= なめくじ) 【タミル語】nAmacci (= snail かたつむり) まめくずる (c-k, c-z, +る)、なめくじ 【タミル語】navar (= wetness 濡れる ) なべ、なめ 【タミル語】kuttiracagkam (= snail カタツムリ (TLS)) くずる..、くじら..、かたつむ (gk 無音) | |||||
594 | hunt | S |
car |
; %{mRgayAM@c-} , to hunt
"' MBh. R. ; %{sambandhAMz@c} , `"
to enter into connections "' Mn. ii , 40 ; c. car 自動車、move、と親戚 |
狩り |
T |
tUkkippiTi-ttal |
1. to uphold, set erect, as a person; to support; 2. to hunt
out trivial faults; to be niggardly c. 追跡、とも、読める |
つかまえるタル |
T |
vETTaiyATu-tal |
to chase, hunt |
追いやってタル |
595 | fence | S |
sAla |
1 m. (often incorrectly written for 1. %{zAla}) the S3a1l
tree ; a wall , fence &c. ; for
these and other meanings and
compounds such as %{salagrAma} &c. , see 1. %{zAla} ; (%{A}) f. see
next. |
柵 |
T |
vEli |
1. hedge, fence; 2. wall;
3. custody, watch, guard; 4. land;
5. field; 6. land measure = 6. 74 acres; 7. cowshed; 8. village; 9.
red-flowered silk cotton tree; 10. sound; 11. wind |
縁へり、 塀へい |
T |
kavariRukki |
fork of a branch planted at the mouth of a fence, path, etc.,
to prevent animals from entering fields, houses, etc |
垣根 |
596 | milk | T |
tati |
02 curdled milk, curds |
乳(ちち) |
S |
nirduh |
P. %{-duhati} (aor. %{-adhukSat} , 3. pl. %{-dhukSan} A1.
%{-adhukSata} RV.) , to milk out ,
extract RV. MBh. |
乳(にゅう)出す |
597 | danger | S |
apamRtyu |
m. sudden or accidental death ; a great danger or illness
(from which a person recovers). |
危なちゅー |
S |
kRcchra |
troublesome, painful, difficult, dangerous,
bad, miserable, n. adv.
--m. n. trouble, pain, difficulty, danger,
misery; austerity,
expiation, a cert. slight penance. ---, instr., & abl. (*w. pp.),
& {kRcchratas} adv. with difficulty, hardly. |
危機や、 危険や |
S |
apAyam |
* danger, misfortune,
calamity |
あわやっ |
S |
jIvitAtyaya |
m. danger of life. c. 危なくて、ちびっちゃったよ。 |
際どかったや |
598 | grain |
T |
kATi |
04 a measure of capacity for grain |
価値 |
food |
T |
kATi |
rice food (TLS) |
糧 |
grain |
P |
danag |
[d@n(k)' | N da1na] seed, grain. |
種 |
T |
tAn2iyam |
1. grain, cereals; 2. coriander-seed |
ditto |
S |
dhAnA |
f. corn , grain (originally
the grains of seed from their
being `"
laid "' into and `" conceived "' by the earth cf. 1. %{dhA} , but
usually = fried barley or rice or any grain fried and reduced to
powder) RV. &c. &c. ; corianderコリアンダーの葉 L. ; bud , shoot L. |
ditto (植える種) |
S |
dhAnya |
1 mfn. consisting or made of grain
RV. AV. ; n. corn , grain
&c. &c. (according to Sus3r. only %{zAlayaH} , %{SaSTikAH}
& %{vIhayaH} , the other grains being %{ku-dhAnya} q.v.) ; a
measure = 4 sesamum seeds L. ;
coriander (also %{A} f.) L. ; Cyperus Rotundus L. ; a kind of house Gal. |
ditto (食べる種) |
599 | capacity | S |
kAMsya |
mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{kaMsa})
consisting of white-copper
or bell-metal or brass Ka1tyS3r. MBh. xiii , 94 , 91 R. Mn. iv , 65 ;
(%{am}) n. whitecopper or bell-metal or brass , queen's metal , any
amalgam of zinc and copper Mn. v , 114 ; xi , 167 ; xii , 62 Ya1jn5. i
, 190 Sus3r. ; a drinking vessel of brass , goblet S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. R.
; (ifc. f. %{A}) Hcat. (cf. AV. xviii , 3 , 17) ; a kind of musical
instrument (a sort of gong or plate of bell-metal struck with a stick
or rod) L. ; a particular measure of capacity
L. [266,3] c. 作者は、カッパー、と、カサ、の音を掛けていますネ。 |
嵩(かさ) |
S |
kAMsyabhAjana |
id. ib. c. copper + 鉢 = 銅の鉢 ------ カッパー・はち(中空図体) → 嵩張る(かさばる)、と変化。 |
銅の鉢 |
S |
bhAjana |
n. (fr. Caus.) sharing , division (in arithm.) Col. ;
(ifc.) sharing or participating in , entitled or relating or belonging
to Br. &c. &c. ; n. `" partaker of "' , a recipient ,
receptacle , (esp.) a vessel , pot , plate ,
, &c. MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; (with gen. or ifc. with f. %{A}) , a
place or person in which anything is collected or in whom any quality
is conspicuous , any fit object or clever or deserving person ib. (cf.
%{pAtra}) ; the act of representing , representation (%{ena} ind. with
gen. in the place of ; ifc. a representative , deputy , substitute ,
serving for , equivalent to) Br. Gr2S. ; a partic. measure (= an A1d2haka= 14 Palas)
S3a1rn3gS. ; m. N. of a man ; pl. his descendants g. %{bidA7di}. |
鉢 |
600 |
copper |
S |
tAmra |
1 a. copper-coloured,
dark-red (abstr. {-tA}ナ f., {-tva}ナ
n.); m. a kind of leprosy; n. copper
or a copper vessel. |
銅 |