
























Citizens' Biotechnology Information Center (CBIC)


English Archive: 2005

(Selected articles from Bio Journal in English)

- FULL English Index -

  • Prospectus of Citizens' Biotechnology Information Center

  • From Bio Journal - December 2005
    Research report on cedar pollen allergenic GM rice
    Application for new GM food additive (Nikkei Biotech 2005/10/14)
    GM maize seed contamination in Hokkaido (Japan Agricultural Newspaper 2005/10/19)
    NGO conference on GM rice development in Thailand
    Approval for Ajinomoto GM food additive
    Metropolitan Tokyo drafts GM crop cultivation guidelines
    GM regulations in Chiba Prefecture food safety by-law draft
    Shiga Prefecture survey shows residents sceptical on GM food (Kyoto Shinbun 2005/10/17)
    GM crop regulation guidelines and by-laws continue to appear in Japanese regions

  • From Bio Journal - November 2005
    Codex agrees to work on GM animals and GM plants
    GM alfalfa approved for feed use
    Joetsu, Niigata GM rice - silent harvest
    Cedar pollen allergenic GM rice will be tested on humans (Yomiuri Shimbun 2005/09/14)
    Suntory Ltd. apply for GM blue rose open-air trial
    Investigative commission begins work on GMO cultivation regulations for Tsukuba
    JA Chiba requests prefecture to prevent genetic pollution and contamination by GM crops
    Shimane Prefecture freezes research on GM crops for human food. (San-in Chuoh Shinbun 2005/10/05)
    Tokushima Prefecture enacts GM crop cultivation regulatory guidelines
    Japan moves towards signing of the plant genetic resources treaty (Nikkei Biotech 2005/09/12)
    MAFF requests large budget increase for promotion of GM crops (Nikkei Biotech 2005/09/12)
    MHLW begins discussions on human embryo use
    MEXT discusses pros and cons of ovum donation fees
    MAFF approves new GM rapeseed variety
    Closeup: Australian State Government sticks to non-GMO rapeseed

  • From Bio Journal - October 2005
    Trend: GM rice suit in Joetsu, Niigata - Unusual court order
    GMO Free Zone declaration - Tohoku Network
    Codex task force, unauthorized GMO to be discussed
    Bt10 contamination continues
    Director of Kyoto University Institute for Frontier Medical Sciences criticizes MEXT policy
    MAFF approves 5 items of 2 new GM crop varieties
    Closeup: Crime suspect DNA database becomes operational

  • From Bio Journal - September 2005
    Trend: Buffer zones focal point in Hokkaido bylaw to regulate GM cultivation
    Unapproved GM Bt10 maize also detected at Kamaishi port and Hakata port
    GM Green Pepper to prevent Alzheimer's disease (Nikkei Biotech 2005/07/18)
    "Oral vaccine" development plant to be constructed (Nikkei Biotech 2005/07/18)
    Tsukuba University starts open-air test on GM eucalyptus (Mainichi Shinbun, Ibaraki edition, 2005/07/07)
    Niigata mayors pass resolution to halt field trial of GM rice (Niigata Nippo 2005/07/22)
    MAFF approves four GM maize varieties for Type I usage
    MEXT approves two new human ES cell research programs
    MEXT invites ROK human clone embryo researchers
    Closeup: What is going to be discussed and decided at the Codex meeting in Japan?

  • From Bio Journal - August 2005
    Trend: GM rice R&D in now occurring worldwide
    China's response to illegally cultivated GM rice
    GM rice planted for line selection in Joetsu City
    Application for temporary injunction to suspend GM rice trial
    Cold-resistant rice to be tested in Hokkaido in 2007 (Japan Agricultural Newspaper, 2005/06/09)
    NIAS transplants cedar pollen allergenic rice
    GM somatic cell clone goat and pig born
    Human clone embryo guidelines: agreement to revise current guidelines
    Closeup: Results of a nationwide survey on alien GM canola growing wild in Japan

  • From Bio Journal - July 2005
    Unapproved GM maize Bt10 detected at Nagoya port
    Japan finds illegal Chinese GM rice hard to handle
    Two new human ES cell research projects approved
    300,000 person gene bank project samples pass the 130,000 mark
    No use of cells from aborted foetuses
    Review of applications for GM tree outdoor trials to begin
    Japanese government opinion on Codex Task Force
    Cartagena Protocol meeting bogged down
    Closeup: Hokuriku Research Center's multi-resistant GM rice

  • From Bio Journal - June 2005
    Trend - EU imposes de facto ban on GM maize from US
    MAFF reviews GM rice inter-crossing distance
    Illegal GM mouse sold
    Citizen's groups release statement on illegal mouse
    MLHW opens new research lab
    Non-approved GM rice cultivated and distributed in China
    Closeup - Recent hearings held for open-field GM crop trials

  • From Bio Journal - May 2005
    NIAS develops a co-enzyme Q10 rice
    First approval for GM alfalfa
    GM rape ban to continue in Western Australia
    USA supports but Japan opposes UN resolution to ban human cloning
    Legal regulation of personal genetic data protection postponed
    New case of leukaemia as side-effect to gene therapy
    Relaxation of safety testing procedures for GM food additives proposed
    Illegal GM rice distributed in China
    Closeup: GM crop cultivation regulation bill passes Hokkaido assembly. Researchers demand understanding for GMO research

  • From Bio Journal - April 2005
    NIES publishes results on GM canola pollution
    Codex Biotech Task Force re-opens in September
    MHLW says allergenic GM rice is a drug
    More food safety assessments for cloned cattle underway... (Nikkei Biotech 2005/02/14)
    Tsukuba city to regulate GM crop cultivation
    300,000 person gene bank to start distribution of blood and DNA samples
    Riken and the National Research Institute of Police Science start joint research on DNA identification
    Closeup: Bylaw restricting GM crop cultivation being debated in Hokkaido assembly

  • From Bio Journal - March 2005
    Use of cells from aborted fetuses likely to be postponed
    MAFF approves 13 new GM crop plants
    MEXT approves a further five programs for use of human ES cells
    Closeup: Current State of GM Crop Cultivation in Asia

  • From Bio Journal - February 2005
    Trends in Citizens' Movements against GM crops in 2005
    Rice genome sequencing completed
    Fallout from the failure of Iressa
    Cedar pollen allergenic GM rice experiment
    30% of processed foods are contaminated with GM crops
    Closeup: Why cloning techniques result in many abnormalities

  • From Bio Journal - January 2005
    New developments in GM soybean cultivation in Hokkaido (Hokkaido Shinbun 2004/12/06)
    Monsanto plans trials for GM lawn in Japan (Japan Agriculture News 2004/12/03)
    Lifting of ban on sale of somatic cell cloned beef postponed
    Strong opposition to enactment of personal genetic data law
    MAFF approves six new GM crops
    Closeup: Update on Hokkaido bylaw on GM crop cultivation