この文書はRFC149の日本語訳(和訳)です。 この文書の翻訳内容の正確さは保障できないため、 正確な知識や情報を求める方は原文を参照してください。 翻訳者はこの文書によって読者が被り得る如何なる損害の責任をも負いません。 この翻訳内容に誤りがある場合、訂正版の公開や、 誤りの指摘は適切です。 翻訳者はこの文書の配布を制限しません。

Network Working Group                              S. Crocker
Request for Comments # 149                         UCLA
NIC # 6752                                         10 May 1971
Categories:  A.2
Updates:  #140
Obsoletes:  None

               The Best Laid Plans . . .

Dr. Roberts informs me that it is now unlikely that he will be
able to attend the Monday afternoon session of the NWG meeting,
but that he will be able to attend the Tuesday evening session.
Accordingly, the topics of "Network Planning" and "other ARPA
Projects" are moved to Tuesday evening, and on Monday afternoon,
we will take up as many of the items originally scheduled for
Tuesday evening as we can.

The relevant reading for Wednesday evening is RFC #131, not #113.
In general attendees should read all of the RFC's since the last
NWG meeting.

   [ This RFC was put into machine readable form for entry ]
   [ into the online RFC archives by C. Harald Koch  05/97 ]
   [ このRFCは97年5月にC・ハロルド・コッホにより機械可 ]
   [ 読形式にされオンラインRFCアーカイブに入れられました   ]

Japanese translation by Ishida So