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No.47069 の関連記事表示

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■投稿者/ Hosea -(2015/11/19(Thu) 23:44:05)
□ U R L/ http://allstarbreakfast.com/award/

    I'd like to open an account http://bh-studios.com/about-bh-studios generika fテーツエツアツ腕 cipralex  Putting that aside. Whatever opinion on Glee one may hold, the fact remains, as silly a concept as it may have appeared to be, the show has and continues to address issues impacting youth so often thrown in the ‘too hard’ basket by others. Open and honest conversations are taking place about sexuality, teen pregnancy, bullying, drug use, eating disorders, learning disabilities, physical disabilities and even school shootings. These topics are not only relevant, they are important. Corey was a star of Glee. To question his contribution is to question the importance of giving youth (across the globe in fact) a voice and safe place to start talking about serious issues. Corey was always open and honest about his drug problems. Speaking frankly about his struggles. Again, this is a contribution worthy of being noted.
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