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■投稿者/ Jospeh -(2016/04/30(Sat) 23:51:13)
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     http://couponedorderbuy.top/viagra-del-mapudungun.html viagra del mapudungun  I check in on the news on Syria from time to time and have to go to a “finder box” since news on Syria is no longer in the top 25 headlines on Google or AOL. What constantly surprises me is that Assad is still there since BO said over two years ago that he would be gone in a matter of months. The next thing I guess I will hear is that the Oceans have not receded and the Earth isn’t healed as BO told the world from Berlin over 5 years ago. I guess the next thing I will learn is that unemployment is still high and the trillions of stimulus hasn’t done anything except to put our children and grandchildren in massive debt and reduce us in the financial ratings and bring us to equality with Greece financially. Yea America should elect community organizers-see what they can do for your community. Well we get one more chance to survive-2014 elections brining in common sense folks that do have a good dose of Americana in their memory banks and have the clear common sense to know that when you spend more than you have you go bankrupt (think there is any chance that democrats learned from 50 years of their policies in Detroit that the same will happen to a whole country that does the same thing? Nah!!) well maybe the electorate have learned “no more democrats or community organizers. Ya think?
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