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■投稿者/ Harvey -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:01)
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■投稿者/ Titus -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:02)
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    Special Delivery <a href=" http://ihcm.ae/?page_id=23 ">Order Nortriptyline Online</a>  I have, of course; or rather, like the 25 million adults around the world who bought its last instalment, I&rsquo;ve played something very like it. The Grand Theft Auto series has been running since 1997, when a game created by a small team in Dundee first loosed its players into a satirical 2D cityscape in which any car could be hijacked, any pedestrian squelched and any weapon gainfully, or not-so-gainfully, redeployed. In the past 16 years, however, it has grown from these cartoonish origins into the industry&rsquo;s most titanic example of video game ambition and excess, a densely interactive satire on American crime and consumerism conceived by a pair of British brothers and developed by a team in Edinburgh.
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■投稿者/ Tobias -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:03)
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■投稿者/ Jozef -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:05)
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■投稿者/ Alexis -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:07)
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■投稿者/ Cordell -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:09)
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■投稿者/ Gianna -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:11)
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■投稿者/ Alfonso -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:52:13)
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■投稿者/ Markus -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:55:11)
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■投稿者/ Unlove -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:55:13)
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■投稿者/ Javier -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:55:14)
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■投稿者/ Alfonzo -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:55:15)
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■投稿者/ Lanny -(2015/11/22(Sun) 07:55:17)
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■投稿者/ Coco888 -(2015/11/22(Sun) 08:11:47)
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■投稿者/ Norris -(2015/11/22(Sun) 08:11:48)
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■投稿者/ Incomeppc -(2015/11/22(Sun) 08:11:49)
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■投稿者/ Emanuel -(2015/11/22(Sun) 08:11:51)
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■投稿者/ Boyce -(2015/11/22(Sun) 08:11:52)
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■投稿者/ Aaron -(2015/11/22(Sun) 09:06:47)
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