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■投稿者/ Herman -(2015/11/22(Sun) 11:40:56)
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■投稿者/ Serenity -(2015/11/22(Sun) 11:40:57)
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■投稿者/ Delmer -(2015/11/22(Sun) 11:40:59)
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■投稿者/ Darron -(2015/11/22(Sun) 11:41:01)
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■投稿者/ Zachary -(2015/11/22(Sun) 11:41:02)
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■投稿者/ Refugio -(2015/11/22(Sun) 12:27:52)
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■投稿者/ Johnson -(2015/11/22(Sun) 12:27:53)
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■投稿者/ Patricia -(2015/11/22(Sun) 12:27:55)
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■投稿者/ Theron -(2015/11/22(Sun) 12:27:56)
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■投稿者/ Addison -(2015/11/22(Sun) 12:27:58)
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■投稿者/ Stephanie Bootman -(2015/11/22(Sun) 13:17:14)
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■投稿者/ Mackenzie Daniels -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:21:12)
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■投稿者/ Eleanor Hawkins -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:21:55)
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■投稿者/ Alexis -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:22:36)
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■投稿者/ Laurence -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:22:37)
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■投稿者/ Dominick -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:22:38)
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■投稿者/ Coleman -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:22:40)
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■投稿者/ Brett -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:22:42)
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    What are the hours of work? <a href=" http://kelvincruickshank.com/workshops/ ">amoxicillin uk buy</a>  Actually, the idea of a filibuster was against everything the Founders invisioned for the U.S. Originally, the Articles of Confederation contained a requirement that two thirds of the states had to agree to an action before the central government could: declare war, coin money, enter treaties, or spend or borrow funds. This threw the new nation into a state of paralysis very similar to the condition we now endure. The Constitution only requred more than a simple majority for: Impeaching a President, overiding a veto, or expulsion of a member. That's it. The current filibuster originated sometime in the 70's and is a result of two unfortunate actions: 1) The changing of the cloture requirement from two-thirds to three-fifths, and 2) the implementation of dual tracking. So, if Reid really wants to stop this right wing use of filibuster to halt work in the Senate all he has to do is: 1) Stop the practice of dual tracking, and 2) Make those who declare a filibuster actually stand-up and filibuster. Force them to talk about it at length and totally stop the operation of the Senate. (Oh wait, they've already done that.) Anyway, since dual tracking is a Senate practice it can be changed by Reid at will. And as for the enforcement of the filibuster rules, can you imagine Paul Ryan actually standing for days talking and not meeting w/K-Street Lobbyists? Fat chance of that! I hope Reid thinks about this, I'd love to see TeaPublicant's talking themselves horse. Imagine the silence afterwards, that would be wonderful.
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■投稿者/ Jonathan -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:33:27)
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■投稿者/ Emmanuel -(2015/11/22(Sun) 14:33:29)
□U R L/http://www.theotherjameswebb.com/press.html

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