
From Bio Journal - June 2013

GMO crop approvals for March 2013

Table 1. GM crops approved for open field cultivation (Type 1 usage)
(Biodiversity Impact Assessment Investigative Commission)
NameApproval Date*
SoybeanLow saturated fatty acids, high oleic acid and glyphosate herbicide toleranceMonsanto JapanMON87705×MON89788, OECD UI: MON-87705-6×MON-89788-126 March 2013
MaizeLepidoptera and coleoptera pest resistance, and gluphosinate and glyphosate herbicide toleranceSyngenta JapanBt11×MIR162×MIR604×B.t. Cry1F maize line 1507 ×Event 5307×GA21, OECD UI: SYN-BT011-1×SYN-IR162-4×SYN-IR604-5×DAS-01507-1×SYN-05307-1×MON-00021-926 March 2013
MaizeLepidoptera and coleoptera pest resistance, and gluphosinate and glyphosate herbicide toleranceSyngenta JapanBt11×MIR604×B.t. Cry1F maize line 1507 ×Event 5307×GA21, OECD UI: SYN-BT011-1×SYN-IR604-5×DAS-01507-1×SYN-05307-1×MON-00021-9 26 March 2013
CottonGlyphosate and gluphosinate herbicide tolerance, and lepidoptera pest resistance andBayer CropScienceGHB614×T304-40×GHB119, OECD UI: BCS-GH002-5×BCS-GH004-7×BCS-GH005-826 March 2013
CottonLepidoptera pest resistance and gluphosinate and glyphosate herbicide toleranceDow Chemical Japan281×3006×COT102×MON88913, OECD UI: DAS-24236-5×DAS-21023-5×SYN-IR102-7×MON-88913-826 March 2013
* Technically, approval is granted after public comments have been accepted.

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(English Index)