
From Bio Journal - June 2014

NIAS holds GM crop explanatory meeting

On 11 May 2014, the independent administrative body National Institute of Agrobiological Sciences (NIAS), located in Tsukuba City, Ibaraki Prefecture, held a meeting to explain about the GM crops it will be cultivating this year (See BJ April 2014). The special feature this year is the “GM rice for treatment of pollen allergy.” It appears that, along with Golden Rice, the aim is to market GM rice as being “healthy” to overcome current consumer reluctance to buy GM rice. This GM rice, however, uses a pyriminobac herbicide resistant gene as marker gene and the vector plasmid uses a streptomycin antibiotic resistant gene. In addition to safety issues there is also the possibility of the diffusion of antibiotic resistance microbes.

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(English Index)