
From Bio Journal - April 2024

Three municipal councils in Shizuoka Prefecture adopt opinions calling for genome-edited food labeling

The municipal councils of Fuji City, Fujinomiya City and Hamamatsu City in Shizuoka Prefecture have recently passed a series of petitions asking the government to label genome-edited food. In Fuji City, the council passed an "Opinion requesting consideration of ways to provide information to consumers, including labeling of genome-edited foods" on March 12. In Fujinomiya City, a similar "Opinion" was adopted on March 18, and in Hamamatsu City, another similar "Opinion" was adopted on March 22. As a result, four local government bodies in Shizuoka Prefecture have adopted similar opinions, since the prefectural assembly adopted a similar unanimous motion in October 2023. Thus far, a total of six local governments, including the above, have submitted written opinions to the central government asking for labeling of genome-edited foods, the other two being Koshigaya City (March 2023) and Miyoshi Town (June 2023), both in Saitama Prefecture.

Cultured meat disappears from Singapore market

GOOD Meat, the cultured meat division of Eat Just, Inc. in the United States, the first company in the world to start selling cultured meat, which it did in Singapore, has apparently temporarily suspended the production and sale of cultured chicken meat in that island country. Restaurants that used to carry the cultured meat have stopped serving it, and the factories in Singapore have closed. The reason for this is thought to be poor sales. [Foovo 2024/3/6]

South Korea opens applications for approval of cultured meat

South Korea's Food and Drug Safety Agency has announced approval standards for cultured meat and has begun to accept applications for approval of the products. Several companies in the country are already working on cultured meat and are expected to apply for approval. Commercialization could start as early as next year. [Foovo 2024/2/23]

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(English Index)