England Lancaster

                |                |
             Edmund          Edward I
             (Lancaster)         |
                |                |
    	        |                |
              Henry          Edward II
                |                |
                |                |
                |                |
              Henry          Edward III
                |            (1312-1377)   cf. Plantagenet
                |                 | 
                |                 |       
                |                 |                   cf. Bourgogne(2)(Castilla)
             Blanche ====== John of Gaunt ========== Constance ====================== Catherine Swinford
                |        (1340-1399)    |                          |
                |                       |                          |  
                +----------------+    Catherine === Enrique III    |
                |                |             cf. Trastamara      |
 cf. Navarra    |                |                                 |
 Joan ===== Henry IV        Philippa === Joćo I              John Beaufort
        |  (1367-1413)                  cf. Aviz(Portugal)         |
        |                                                          | 
        |                                                     +----+---------+
        |                                                     |              |
      Henry V ====== Catherine of Valois===== Owen Tudor   John Beaufort   Joan === James I 
    (1387-1422) |      cf. Valois(2)     |                    |         cf. Stuart(Scottland)
                |                        |                    |
                |                        |                    |
                |                        |                    |
          Henry VI === Margaret    Edmund Tudor ======== Margaret Beaufort
        (1421-1471) |     cf. Lorraine(2)           |            
                    |                               |
                    |                               |        
                    |                               |        
                 Edward                       Henry VII
                                                 cf. Tudor
