Last updated on 27 June 2024......

......since 12 February 2002.

Welcome to the Japan Salamander Research Laboratory (J-SRL),
especially for the family Hynobiidae

*I am now making this webpage for the purpose of expanding our understanding of hynobiid salamanders in a precise way. I will do what I can do anything for this purpose. I would greatly appreciate hearing this page will help elucidate your study objectives concerning hynobiids and other external fertilizers. I will modify this page (mostly only Japanese; occasionally both English and Japanese) sporadically.

| English | | Japanese |

*If you have any comments about this webpage, please contact me (neither HTML-mails nor attached files would be acceptable). I will make no response without referring to your name, organization (or address), and goal(s), however.

Copyright 2002-2024 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.

*The background logotype, expressed by three Japanese Kanji-scripts (from left to right), means "salamanders" (pronounced as "san-sho-uo"). The words "san-sho" and "uo" mean "Japanese pepper" and "fishes," respectively.

*This webpage is currently made with "mi" (alternative to SimpleText) on Mac OS X and is optimized for a "Google Chrome" browser (part of HTML-languages is not optimized for some browsers). If your PC contains any Japanese character set, all pages would be displayed correctly. If you use "Unicode," please select "UTF-8."

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