Katha、National Book Trust、Tulika Publishers などから
■Published by Katha/By Geeta Dharmarajan/Art by Rajiv Eipe/1500円(送料別)
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
Elephant in My Backyard』(英語) ■Published by Karadi Tales/By Shobha Viswanath/Illustrated by Sadhvi Jawa/1380円(送料別) |
Misses Her Train』(英語) ■Published by Karadi Tales/By Neha Singh/Illustrated by Sonal Gupta/1380円(送料別) |
■『Whimsy』(英語) ■Published by Karadi Tales/By Annie Besant/Illustrated by Ruchi Mhasane/1380円(送料別) |
Day Out』(英語) ■Published by Katha/By Prabhjot Kaur/650円(送料別) |
■『Gatila』(英語) ■Published by Katha/By Lisa Dias Noronha and Anjora Noronha/1350円(送料別) |
Magic Raindrop』(英語) ■Published by Katha/By Geeta Dharmarajan/Art by Bindia Thapar/1000円(送料別) |
Market! To Market!』(英語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tara Books/By Anushka Ravishankar /1050円(送料別) |
Bamboo』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Mita Bordoloi/Proiti Roy (Pictures)/680円(送料別) |
Loom』(英語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Mamanga Dai/Kalyani Ganapathy (Illustrations)/750円(送料別) |
Only a Story』(英語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Cathy Spagnoli/Uma Krishnaswamy (Illustrations)/780円(送料別) |
■『Kasturba』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Tanaya Vgas/750円(送料別) |
Go』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Anthara Mohan/Rajiv Eipe (Pictures)/750円(送料別) |
Why-Why Girl』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Mahasweta Devi/650円(送料別) |
TO FLY』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Sowmya Rajendran/Arun Kaushik(Pictures)/980円(送料別) |
is amma ?』(英語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Nandini Nayar/Srividya Natarajan (Pictures)/760円(送料別) |
That Cat ?』(英語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Manjula Padmanabhan/Manjula Padmanabha (Pictures)/620円(送料別) |
the Elephant』(英語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Mickey Patel/450円(送料別) |
RAINBOW』(英語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Usha Joshi/Illustrated by Manjula Padmanabhan/450円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 1』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Pulak Biswas/720円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 2』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Rebodi Bhusan/720円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 3』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Debabrata Mukerji/720円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 4』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Pulak Biswas/720円(送料別) |
WORLD』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By LT-Col. A. David and Shivakumar/Illustrated by Tapas Guha/850円(送料別) |
The Newsroom Mouse』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Sanjana Govindan/Illustrated by Dhananjay Shetgaonkar/450円(送料別) |
Ghosla Abhiyan』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Pratibha Nath/Illustrated by Ankur Mitra/450円(送料別) |
Clothers Monster』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Cheryl Rao/Illustrated by Ankur Mitra/450円(送料別) |
Clothes !』(英語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Asha Nehemiah/Illustrated by Prithvishwar Gayen/450円(送料別) |
Book Trust、Tulika Publishers などから
Adinasuraという怪物の怒りをかって呪いをかけられてしまった恐竜。名前は"DINOSAUR-LONG-AS-127-KIDS"。子供を乗せることが好きな恐竜は、呪いのせいで子供を乗せるときは127人しか乗せられないことになります。そんな恐竜が、子供たちといっしょに怪物Adinasuraから自由になるという楽しいお話。絵もユニークです。 ■Published by Katha/By Geeta Dharmarajan/Art by Rajiv Eipe/1500円(送料別) |
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
Bamboo』(ヒンディー語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Mita Bordoloi/Proiti Roy (Pictures)/680円(送料別) |
Loom』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Mamanga Dai/Kalyani Ganapathy (Illustrations)/750円(送料別) |
Only a Story』(ヒンディー語)(対象年齢5歳以上)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Cathy Spagnoli/Uma Krishnaswamy (Illustrations)/780円(送料別) |
■『Kasturba』(ヒンディー語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Tanaya Vgas/750円(送料別) |
That Cat ?』(ヒンディー語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Manjula Padmanabhan/Manjula Padmanabha (Pictures)/620円(送料別) |
TO FLY』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Sowmya Rajendran/Arun Kaushik(Pictures)/980円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 1』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Pulak Biswas/720円(送料別) |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 2』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Rebodi Bhusan/720円(送料別 |
FROM PANCHATANTRA BOOK 4』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/Retold by Shiv Kumar/Illustrated by Pulak Biswas/720円(送料別) |
WORLD』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By LT-Col. A. David and Shivakumar/Illustrated by Tapas Guha/850円(送料別) |
The Newsroom Mouse』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Sanjana Govindan/Illustrated by Dhananjay Shetgaonkar/450円(送料別) |
Ghosla Abhiyan』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Pratibha Nath/Illustrated by Ankur Mitra/450円(送料別) |
Clothers Monster』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Cheryl Rao/Illustrated by Ankur Mitra/450円(送料別) |
the Elephant』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Mickey Patel/450円(送料別) |
from Bapu's Life』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Uma Shankar Joshi/Illustrated by Mickey Patel/450円(送料別) |
Elephant and the Dog(ヒンディー語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Badri Narayan/Illustrated by Badri Narayan/450円(送料別) |
RAINBOW』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Usha Joshi/Illustrated by Manjula Padmanabhan/450円(送料別) |
Summer Tree Contest』(ヒンディー語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Radha M. Khambadkone/Illustrated by Dean Gasper/450円(送料別) |
■280円/月刊(送料別)/年間購読料3360円(送料込み) |
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
■『NANDAN』(ヒンディー語)2008年12月号 ■100円/月刊(送料別)/年間購読料3360円(送料込み) |
■『NANDAN』(ヒンディー語)2007年11月号 ■100円/月刊(送料別)/年間購読料3360円(送料込み) |
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
RAINBOW』(ベンガル語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Usha Joshi/Illustrated by Manjula Padmanabhan/450円(送料別) |
Summer Tree Contest』(ベンガル語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Radha M. Khambadkone/Illustrated by Dean Gasper/450円(送料別) |
Clothes !』(ベンガル語) ■Published by Children's Book Trust/By Asha Nehemiah/Illustrated by Prithvishwar Gayen/450円(送料別) |
Gasa Para Para』(タミル語)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Jeeva Raghunath/Ashok Rajagopalan (Illustrations)/950円(送料別) |
is amma ?』(ベンガル語) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/By Nandini Nayar/Srividya Natarajan (Pictures)/760円(送料別) |
the Elephant』(テルグ語) ■Published by National Book Trust/By Mickey Patel/450円(送料別) |
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
■『Malli』(English-Hindi) ■Published by Tulika/Jeeva Raghunath/Nancy Raj (Illustrated)/700円(送料別) |
Lion and The Fox』(English-Bangla) ■Published by Tulika Publishers/Deepa Balsavar (Retold)/Amrita Kanther (Pictures/510円(送料別) |
UP』(English - Hindi) ■Published by Tulika/By Kavitha Punniyamurthi (Story)/Ruchi Mhasane (Pictures)/810円(送料別) |
■■■表紙■■■ |
■■■内容案内■■■ |
『Tinkle Digest
No. 235』 (2011年7月号)(英語) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./360円(送料別) |
『Tinkle Digest
No. 234』 (2011年6月号)(英語) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./360円(送料別) |
『CHOICE OF FRIENDS』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『THE MOUSE MERCHANT』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『CROWS AND OWLS』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
THE GOAT』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
MAURYA』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『TANSEN』(英語)(コミック) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『Samrat Ashoka』(ヒンディー語)(マンガ)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『The Blue Umbrella』(英語)(コミック)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |
『The Gita』(英語)(コミック)(在庫ナシ) ■Published by Amar Chitra Katha Pvt. Ltd./560円(送料別) |