
● 青春の涙口惜しく脱衣所のはだかの群れに刺さる陽の雨  福島泰樹
   With tears of regret , even the bright rain in the sun fell on the crowd of       naked young players painfully
● 夏は来ぬ相模の海の南風にわが瞳燃ゆわがこころ燃ゆ 吉井勇
   Since the summer time has set in , my eyes shine with my heart aflame in     the southern wind from the Sea of Sagami
● 白鳥は悲しからずや空の青海のあをにも染まずただよふ 若山牧水
   How sad and lonely a white bird looks! It is floating on the sea without being    dyed with the blue of the sky or of the ocean.

● かくまでも黒くかなしき色やあるわが思ふひとの春のまなざし 北原白秋
   Can there be anything in such a black and lovely color? My sweetheart looks    as if she were in the spring time
● なめらかな肌だったっけ若草の妻と決めてたかもしれぬ掌は 佐々木幸綱
   I wonder if the hands of the woman who I hoped would be my wife felt so      smooth
● 春のめだか雛の足あと山椒の実それらのものの一つかわが子 中城ふみ子
   A little fish in the river, a footprint of a young bird, a fruit of zanthoxylum; how    my child can be like them

● 牡丹花は咲き定まりて静かなり花の占めたる位置のたしかさ 木下利玄
   The tree peony is now in full bloom and stays so quiet; the space it takes is    very stable
● かすがのにおしてるつきのほがらかにあきのゆふべとなりにけるかも 会津八一
   With the moon shining all over Kasugano the evening of the autumn has       become clear and bright!
● それぞれは秀でて天を目指すとも寄り合うたしかに森なる世界 清原日出夫
   Each individual tree is growing upward the sky, but they get very close        together securely in the world of woods

● 友がみなわれよりえらく見ゆる日よ/花を買ひ来て/妻としたしむ 石川啄木
   On such a day when my friends look superior to me, I come home with a      bouquet, and spend time with my wife
● 爆音は星空遠く消えゆきぬ世界よまたも迷ふことなかれ 土岐善麿
   The rumbles of the fighting airplane faded away in the starry sky May the      world be never lost or blind!
● 七階に空行く雁のこゑきこえこころしづまる吾が生あはれ 宮柊二
   As I hear the sound of a flight of geese on the seventh floor, I feel my mind
   peaceful, sensing my life keenly

● のど赤き玄鳥ふたつ屋梁にゐて足乳根の母はしにたまふなり 斉藤茂吉
   Under the two swallows with their red throats sitting on the beam of the       house; My beloved mother has just passed away!
● 大地震の底よりせちにひろひ来しひとつのいのち湯にし浮きたり 岡本かの子
   From the bottom of the big earthquake, I picked one precious life that is my     own life,now floating in the hot water in the bathtub.
● 死はそこに抗いがたく立つゆゑに生きてゐる一日一日はいづみ 上田三四二
   Death stands irresistible facing me, and so each day of my life is spring