-- Invitation to the Iwata's Etymology Book (1976; Kappa Books) --

; created by one volunteer on May,2003

  I think Prof. Iwata("Iwata Kazuo" ;in Japanese order)'s above book is somewhat old, but great & useful. I'm convinced that it's not fade at all even in now Internet time, basically. It's a Japanese historical immortal great book( i.e. classic) & to be inherited toward descendant people. So, I try to make a electrical data of its essence.

  I hope you to learn a introduction of the Etymology( i.e. word roots) & understand English more. Recently I think Japanese are much wiser, especially in learning English process, time & tide are moving and the computer has very developed, we should use it wisely.

  I added some private comments to tell its nuance on purpose, it( expression/ contents) may not be accurate, please forgive me (I'm not a pro..).
---- Iff this stuff were useful for you, if "YES" ---- it's my pleasure.

My recommended ( basic) Internet free tool sites Hot ( spawn) Link:
1. Online Etymology Dictionary site,  2. Babylon.com (offline) Dictionary tool site,  3. ReadPlease.com text to speech tool site,  4. SPACE ALC - EIJIRO Online Dictionary site,  5. YAHOO! Italian DIZIONARIO (Babylon) Dictionary,  6. Online Chinese Dictionary,  7. Dictionary.com (Free online English dictionary, thesaurus and reference guide, crossword puzzles and other word games, online translator and Word of the Day. ),  8. Online Chinese - English (ABOUT.com)
  This stuff has the same layout of its original book, you can search a word by web-browser's standard word find/ search function( like CTRL+F).   "nn" of "Pnn/ inn" is corresponded to the page number of original book. Indexed word is sandwiched by grave-mark " ` ". You would be able to use it for various search.   Also, I appended an alphabetical glossary in last appendices, if you want, use it for overall perspective/ view/ aspects. but, it's rough.
  --- Anyway, if you want to understand(/ be intimate/ be familiar with/ be acquainted with) the words more carefully, I'd like to say "Buy original book, and read it".

NOTATION: E( English), G( Greek), L( Latin), Ita( Italian), Ger( German), Spa( Spanish), Fr( French), J(ap)( Japanese), PIE(Proto-Indo-European), O.E.(Old English) ...
Parts of speech -- n.( noun), v.( verb), ad.( adverb), a./ adj.( adjective), pre.( preposition), ...
Other abbreviations( symbols/ acronyms) --- sth.( some-thing), sb.( some-body), cf.( confer/ compare), Ex.( for example), i.e.( id est(L); that is), usu.( usually), esp.( especial(ly)), pl.( plural), sing.( singular), colloq.(colloquial) ...

  In case by case, I appended its American pronunciation by [xxx], here, 1st accent is represented by vowel capital/ upper letter, I ignored 2nd accent, its expression is so rough that [a] indicates/ represents various [a] ( please take care), long vowel are represented by[:] (or [:r]), further, I've used [L] as the little "l"-mark to distinguish "I"(=the large "i ; vowel") to avoid perplexing. And you should understand that there is no short vowel [o] in American. and American is differ from British uttering. ex. apple[ApaL], circle[sA:kaL] ,not [ApL] / [sA:kL]. educate[Ejukeit] is not [Edukeit], combination[kamba nEi shan] not [kambi/ kombi - ], here, For readability I insert a blank/ space, case by case/ in convenient manner.
---- these spelling based pronouncing ( used in Japan) are wrong (even to British?). credit[kredit], cordial[kO: jiaL] are true. ( What volatility English is !! )

I named this file "Etymolot.htm( 8.3 format)", cuz[biKO: z] I hope you to become "lover/ geek of etymology, not etymologist" like a polyglot/ zealot through this stuff.

Page Header Index ( with click jump function) :                 GOTO Appendices
This Professor constructs the words of each page by one/ certain (volatile) semantic/ meaning/ logical grouping. Please imagine it from this index. (---- and I recommend to make your own memo(randum)-file to learn(/ to acquire vocabularies) efficiently.)
If necessary, Please change/ tune "Menu\ View\ Text Size" to fit/ get your favorite readability.

1 ETYMOLOGY: actress[P9](exact, agitate, agile)   album[P10](Albion, albumin, Alps, blank space, wheat, candle, melanin, melancholy, Melanesia, ruby)   alibi(alias, alter, alternative, ego, alterego)   alto(alto-cumulus, alto-stratus, bass, base, baseball, basis, high)   anarchy(archbishop, archliar, arch)   apt(adapt, attitude, apti-tude, aptitude test, certain, ascertain, certificate)   aqualung(hydrogen, terrier)   arm(arms, alarm, bracelet, embrace, pedal, peddler)   art(artist, painter, fine arts, articulation, nature, Renaissance, native, nation)   audience(audio-visual, audition, auditorium, hear, listen)   author(augment, auction, auxiliary, increase, crescent)   ball[P20](bowling, accent, chanson, cantata, cantabile)   bar(bat, battle, combat, beat)   Bible(paper, card, book)   bonus(bonanza, beau, beauty, verity, very)   brief(abridge, abbreviate, long, prolong)   camp(Elysian fields, mountain, marine, arrive, island, peninsula, pencil, penis/ penile)   cap(captain, chief, cabbage, handkerchief)   capable(capture, captive, cash, occupy, accept)   car(carry, career, carpenter, caricature, chariot, charge)   carnival(carnation, cannibal, ossicle, osteology, biology)   cave[P30](excavation, hollow, grotto, grotesque, void, vacant)   centre(center, concentration, eccentric, circle, circuit, bicycle)   clear(clarinet, clarionet, claret, declare, cleaning, clean, umber, umbrella)   climax(incline, lean, Leaning, curve, flexibility)   collect(elect, lecture, intellect)   conclude(clude, close, closet)   confuse(diffuse, refuse, confound, fuse)   cover(cellar, clam, occult)   convertible(advertise, divorce, reversible)   create(recreation, criticize, crisis)   credit[P40](debt, owe, due, duty)   cross(cross-eye, crucify, crusade)   culture(cultivate, civilization, colony, agriculture, till)   cure(care, manicure, pedicure, curiosity, curio, incurable, cure-all, accuracy, caress, charity)   current(currency, course, intercourse, concours, corridor)   date(donation, dot, dose, pardon, edit, render)   democracy(demagogue, anthropology, philanthropy, misanthrope)   dentist(dandelion, denture, language, linguist, lip, part with dry lips)   destruction(construct, prostitute, constitution)   dictionary(diction, dictation, dictator, contradiction, condition)   doctor[P50](doctrine, document, scholar, school, science, conscious, conscience)   effort(force, fortress, valor, value, invalid)   equator(equal, Ecuador, equinox, equation, homosexual, parity, assimilate)   essence(absent, exist, existtenyialism, interest)   event(prevent, avenue, revenue, convenient)   factory(sleep-factory, slave-factory, manufacture, affect, fashion, old-fashioned, crab-fashion)   feature(feat, difficult, facile, facsimile)   fame(famous, infant, fable)   fare(fear, farewell, thoroughfare, fluent, flood, reflux)   ferry boat(transfer, conference, camel)   fidelity[P60](highfidelity, confide, self-confidence, faith, defy, fail, fault)   finish(fine, finance, infinitive)   firm(firmament, confirm, fix, prefix)   flower(flour, Florida, Florence, foliage, fruit)   form(uniform)   fortune(fortune-teller, marry a fortune, fortune-hunter, Fortune, Take the Fortune by the forelock, perhaps)   gentleman(genus, genius, generation, hydrogen)   grave(gravity, grief, elevator, relief)   habit(inhabit, exhibit, adhere)   human(humanity, humid)   insert[P70](desert, seed, series)   interrupt(erupt, bankrupt, fracture, fragment, frail, "Frailty, thy name is woman.")   issue(circuit, exit, invade, evade)   jetplane(interjection, subject)   journey(daisy, menses, annual, annals, moon, month, nocturne)   know(recognize, ignorant, conscience)   lavor(labolratiry, interlude, illusion)   madam(danger, dangerous, Dominica)   Magna Carta(major, mini-car, mini-skirt, minus, miniature, minister, minute, menu)   manager(manual, manner, manure)   memory[P80](memo, memorandum, memorial, immemorial)   microscope(Micronesia, microbus, microwave, macrocosm)   middle(Midsummer Night's Dream, midwife, medium, the Mediterranean Sea, mean, meanwhile, immediate)   mind(corpus, mental, comment, corps[kO:] pl.[kO: z], corpse, corporation)   missile(permit, compromise)   model(modern, moderate, modest)   mortal(immortal, mortician, morgue, die, death, dead)   move(motion, automobile, mob, movie)   name(homonym)   number(No.1 < Numero(L), numerous, order)   Occident, the[P90](decadence, cascade, ascend, scandal)   offend(defend, defense/ defence, confess, profess, profession)   pacific(peace, the Pacific Ocean, pay, payday, bellicose, belligerent, duel, pugnacious < pugnus(L))   Pantheon(theology, Divine Comedy, God, gossip)   part(participate, apartment, apartment house/ apartments)   passport(pass, pace)   patron(patriot, maternity, maternity dress)   people( < populi(L), population, popular, public, private, privacy)   philosophy(amiable, enemy)   phone(phonograph, gramophone, megaphone, microphone, interphone, photograph, photo, telephoto)   please[P100](pleasure, gratify, congratulate, joy, jocund, doleful, anger)   point(punctuation, line, linen)   policeman(policy, politician, statesman, city < civis(L), suburb)   porter(portable, export, import, sport, portal)   press(expression, impression, suppress, pressure group, repress, depression, depress)   price(prize, (v.) praise, prison < prehendere(L, catch/ capture/ arrest/ take into custody), apprehend = understand or arrest)   probably(probe, prove, proof, rainproof, bulletproof, womanproof)   producer(conductor, educate (edify & elicit), introduction, aqueduct)   program(have a full of program, gram, diagram, autograph = signature)   progress(< gradus(L), digress, grade, graduate, commitment = stakeholder's(all related people's) agreement, greedy dog (in AEsop fables))   propeller[P110](pulse, appeal)   propose(< ponere(L, pose), preposition, post, posture)   quiz(inquire, question, question mark, answer ( akin to swear = pledge))   radio(< radius(L, light, ray), radiation, X-ray, radical < radix(L, root of plant), radish)   receive(conceive, except)   recital(excite, claim, exclaim, proclaim)   record(cordial, core, courage, heart < herz(G))   resistance(< sistere(L, stand), assist, assistant, persist, inconsistency)   right(< regere(L, rule, reign), left-handed, regal, regulation, deregulation, rectify, correct)   saddle(< sadere(L, sit/ set/ seat), session, settle, president = before (public) + sit + man)   salary[P120](< sal(L, salt), sauce, sausage, sal(L, jump) > salmon, sugar < sakharon(G), saccharin, saccharine)   satisfy(< satis(L, enough), saturation point, satire)   scissors(suicide bomber terrorist/ attack, circumcise --cf.Bible/ Abraham, cut, cutter, cutting, cider)   script(scripter, manuscript, circumscribe)   secret(secretary, Secretary, concern)   sense(sensitive, sensual, sensible, common sense, (v.) resent[re zEnt] cf. p./ pp. of resend, a sensual beauty = sexy/ glamour, sentence)   service(preserve, observe, observation, observatory, observance, dessert)   sex(insect, secare(L, cut), vivisection,opp. = not cut/ separate =follow together = sequ-/ secut-/ su-, suitor)   signal(< signum(L, mark), resign, signature, autograph, nota(L, note), notice)   sound(< son(L), sonata, sonnet, person)   spirit[P130](in high spirits, in low spirits, inspiration, conspire, perspire, expire, desperate)   sponsor(correspond, test, protest, contest)   spy(spectacle, specimen, expect, rosy prospect)   stand(distant, stance, constant, instant)   stature(station, stall, still, stool, )   stick(sting, stitch, etiquette, ticket)   succeed(cedere(L, go/ move), proceed, recede, precede, success, process, procession, cease, cease fire, decease, disease)   summit(consumption)   supply(plicare(L, fill/ fold), reply, applique)   tempo(contemporary, tempest, temperature, temper, time < tide, Time & tide wait for no man.)   tender[P140](Love me tender, extend, extension, ostentation, attend)   tennis(< tenir(Fr, hold), tenacious, contain, detain, entertain)   thumb(< tumere(L, tumor), thousand, disturb, turbine, turban, trouble)   torture(< twist, tortoise, torch, retort, contort, tour < turn)   tractor(train, portrait, withdraw, drawing room, drawers)   tribe(tribune, Chicago Tribune, attribute, distribute, tribute, contribute, tuition)   union(onion, unique, unicorn, monotony)   untouchable(contact, contact lens, contagion, intangible)   vacuum(vanity, avoid, wane < vanus(L, empty), want)   verb(adverb, literature < littera(L, letter), epistle[epI saL], Epistle to the Romans)   vest[P150](textile, textbook, pretext, filament, filaria, filte)   visit(< videre(L, look), vision, video tape, vista, wise < know < look well)   vitamin(e)(< vivere(L, live), vivid, vive, vital, a vital/ fatal wound, vigor, vegetable, quick < living(OldE), quicksilver)   voice(< vocare(L, call), vocal, vocabulary, vocation = calling/ occupation)   volume(revolver, valve, safety valve, rotary, Rotary Club, round, control)   volunteer(< voluntas(L, free will), voluptuous[vaLA p chaw as], voluptuous beauty, will, well, wild)   wagon(via (= way/ by a), trivial, convey/ convoy)   widow(< videre(L, divide/ separate), individual, devise, advise, division, multiplication, multiply, quotient & remainder( cf. reminder))   window[P158](< connection "wind eye", ventus(L, wind), vent, ventilation, aeroplane, aeros(G, air/ gas), aerobatics, fire = etymo is unknown, but maybe akin to fuel/ furnace/ focus/ foyer/ flame/ flammable)

2 PREFIX: abnormal[P161]   adlib   alone   a.m.   ambition   atom   automation   before   bicycle   combat[P170]   country   Decameron   descend   discover   dishonest   enlarge   exit   indoor   international   malaria[P180]   misfortune   no   postwar   prefab   pro-wrestling   quarter   rendezvous   subway   superman   transistor[P190]

3 SUFFIX: arabesque[P193]   astrology   baby   baggage   barometer   beautify   beggar   bureaucracy[P200]   chatter   childhood   childish   clockwise   communism   countess   darling   distance   dragon   drunkard[P210]   error   examiner   handsome   health   icicle   library   loveliness   manly   medalist   mixture[P220]   passionate   patriot   pocket   poison   readable   rival   seamless   servant   silencer   solitude[P230]

4 NAMES: animal[P233]   Apollo   beef   bourgeois   breakfast   Cock   dark horse   Derby[P240]   downpour   drivein   export & import   face   Ford   forget-me-not   G.H.Q.   go-go   Hottentot   humor[P250]   jack-in-the-box   japan   Jupiter   mob   motel   Naples   nightgame   oblong   orthodox   parasol[P260]   skirt-chaser   snore   tuberculosis   X-legged[P264]

P9 (back pg-list) `actress` n. act + woman, female performer (of movie/ stage) `act` v./ n. do, perform( -ance), behave( behavio(u)r/ behalf), realize( realization) `-ress` `exact` a./ v. < `exigere(L)` = out + act = measure (with a lead) / too demanding (tax) > quite right( accurate) / & demand to pay more. i.e. In measuring a weight of thing with old seesaw-type measure-instrument( tool), to get a horizontal balance( tuning), other hand's lead-scale must be move/ slide out( or in) direction. -- using Leverage Principle. Please read a original book for detail information. ≤ Old? Balance Apparatus ≥ +---------<>---------⇔-------------- ↓ G in Left Figure; G = Gravity, ------- = balance-type scale bar, | ⊥ I F = Fulcrum, X = sth. to be weighed (Left hand), X F W W = slidable standard Weight unit (Right hand) • When you can have the bar horizontal by sliding (ex/ in act) the W, its W position indicates the X's weight. `ag-` < `act-` `agitate` v., move/ shake / disturb/ grow one's feeling toward worse direction, make a mind-control (to do wrong) `agile` a., of act quickly, swift, of quick action/ motion/ thinking, prompt [ajaL] cf. fragile -- easy broken/ delicate
`action` n. doing by body `active` a., full of action, aggressive, opp. passive, inactive `activity` n., set of actions/ deeds for some purpose `actual` a. real acted ad.=`actually` opp. virtual(?), imaginary, armchair theory `actuality` `react` v. return, have/ act an effect on person or thing acting, respond to( against/ back) sth. Ex. His reaction is very over, I only touch him a little. He's injured.( Who am I? Axxko Wada??) `reactionary` `transaction` interactive( across) procedure between two parties ( sale & buy, send & get/ reply, demand & provide/ supply) ( in commerce/ business/ banking) `activate` make/ change the status active/ on( not off), inspire/ blow a life/ vigor/ vivid-spirit into `acting` `exactitude` n., quality of being exact cf. accuracy/ precision `examination` < examine( v.) test/ check/ judge if one is exact or not by any method, often expressed as "exam[ igzam]" simply ( , in school ?! ) `agent` pro. who acts ( service) instead of real offerer/ supplier `agency` organization/ provider/ facility of agent `agenda` title/ headline/ content name/ diary( schedule) to be acted/ spoken, its memorandum/ record `agendum` outline of time plan to be done `agitation` agitating `agony` n. great pain/ spiritual stress/ struggle suffering < agonia(G, (mental) struggle for victory) `prodigal` a./ n. pro( forth) + agere(L, drive) > drive away/ waste > "wastefulness" Ex. * son `antagonist` who act in against side = opponent/ rival/ opposite person/ competitor in contest < agony( = to struggle in contest) > one who gives agony to me `navigate` v., `navis(L, ship)` + agere(L, drive) = to sail over/ go by sea/ steer a ship/ manage cf. navy/ naval = sea military ( ship)/ of navy Ex. navy blue (color) `-ion` n. -lize `-ty` n. `re-` =back `trans` =across `-tude` n. `-cy` n. `ant(i)-` =against/ opposite side `minister` Ex. Japanese Prime Minister "Jun-ichLou Koizumi" ---------------------------- Leg/ paw of the snake/ serpent( trivial additional comment/ trivia): "agere(L)" is "drive/ gate(noun = portal, door)" , so, "open/ shut the gate !", becomes "gate the gate !" ---- interesting. and, the sound/ pronouncing of "agere(L)" is like/ near Japanese "(Please) do up! (= agete/ agero(Jap) )". Old European castle's door was up/ down slide type(??). if so, "agere(L)" is just corresponded to "do up/ rise". --- It's so( ito) okasi. Further, in Japanese, `ageru(J)` has another meaning `give (away)/ provide(E)`, too.
P10 (back pg-list) `album` alb = white `Albion` One name of England, named by Julius Caesar. cuz its southern coast/ beach was very white. `albumin` one component of nutrition, protein in blood/ egg-whites `Alps` high-mountain name, top/ summit is always covered white snow. alp < alb `blank space` blank = white Casa Blanca(L, Spa) = house white = white house `application blank` `wheat` comes from `white`( spelling origin), cuz its seed color was white. edible grains. `candle` `cand` = white `melanin` `melan` = black `melancholy` a./n. depressive, gloomy, low spirit, feeling of dark, uneasy, blue, ennui `Melanesia` name of island group which is in the southern Pacific Ocean of New Guinea `ruby` `rub` = deep red gemstone/ jewel/ precious stone/ treasure
`albatross` < `algatross(Pol)` , large seabird, having white wings, so, "g" changed to "b" , Japanese usu. call those "foolish birds" [ahou doLi]. `albescent` i10 `-escent` suffix of becoming but not complete, in middle hanging status `albinism` i10 `-ism` i10 `albino` plant/ animal which skin/ hair is lacked color element( pigment) [aLbAinou] `albiness` woman of albino `albumen` white of an egg `blanket` originally white cool clothes/ cover/ fabric `blankly` ad., in vain, as the white changes into the empty meaning. make no result `blanch` whiten `bleach` originally, make pale name of chlorine cleanser/ sterilizer( kill germ) commodity `bleak` a./ n., cold, cheerless, a name of small freshwater silver-green fish( edible but bony) `candid` a., honest/ simple/ frank/ straightforward/ no colored characteristic, low dense `candidate` n., cuz old Roman who hopes to be a officer/ soldier are to be worn the white clothes. `cando(u)r` n. of `candid` [kAnda:] `melanoid` black, tan, ebony colored melan + oid `melanosis` skin illness as becoming black, abnormal pigment `-oid` = -like `-osis` =syndrome/ disease `blanc` blank = blanc = white/ empty cf. Do you know a term/ diction, null[naL] & void[void] ? `rubicund` using to describe a one's face color `rubric` n., red/ special style title/ heading, esp. a direction/ comment given in a prayer-book [rU:b rik] `rubricate` [rU:brikeit] v. make/ add a rubric `rouge(Fr)` red lip (stick)/ cheek (powder) color [rU:j] , cf. crimson `ruddy` a., (of the face) red, as showing good health Ex. * cheeks `rust` - O.E. rust, related to rudu "redness," from PIE base *reudh- "red." n., reddish-brown coating formed on iron by the action of water and air cf. rusty (adj.), rustic( rural), last, lust cf. reddish, radish, caddish, faddish, Kaddish, Kurdish, ruddy, rowdy, roady/ roadie, Rosie `russet` n./ a., 1. reddish brown color; 2. apple with rough * skin `rob` v., plunder violently, sack, deprive (sb.) of his property cf. n.(man) = *ber, n.(act of *ing) = *bery, [rA b] `rub` v./ n., move (one thing) backwards and forwards on the surface of (another), [rA b] `rubber` n., elastic substance made from the juice of certain trees and used for making tires/ tyres, balls, etc. `love` [LA v] `lab` laboratory, labor, laborer, [LA b] --------------------- Volatile Tip( imagine):`grain` = `g(round)` + `rain` ??!! --- i.e. sow[sou] a seed, and rain falls, then plant grows, then has a fruit/ grain, then we reap it( harvest), and we gain a seed again. it's natural cycle. Also, grain is like a corn bullet, we mill/ grind it & get its powder, and bake it & make bread. cf. rein ( related to "horse, animal"), reign ( related to "people"), foreign( related to "reign"), lane ( = narrow country way) • `edible` = v., n. `eatable`, `food` -- this is definition. • imagination: grain & gain & grind is all related? (akin to?), and, `edible` akin to `edify` or `education` ( here, [eja kEishan]/ [ejyu: kEishan] , not [ed(y)u kEishan]) ??!! Please look up your dictionary. `educate` = `e( ex)` + `ducere(L, lead)` > " provide schooling" `edere(L)` ---- `eat` or `bring forth/ product` < ex + `dere(L)` < ex + `dare(L, give)`
P11 (back pg-list) `alibi` `elsewhere` cf. ubiquitous( = there is everywhere, esp. now/at the same time/ simultaneously) `ali-` other/ another Dr. Jekyll alias Mr. Hyde. --Novel name [Ei Li: as] φ `Hyde` `alias` n./ad. another/ different name/ also-known-as (/ so-called ) `alter` v. (ex) change, update, modify, toggle switch [O: Lta: ] `Hamlet` To be, or not to be: that is the question. `alternative` n./ a. option( al), select( ive) [o:L tA: nativ] , heard as pronouncing [a(u)tA;nativ] ( perhaps). cf, toggle switch, flip-flop, zig-zag, tick-tack `ego` I part, myself [I: gou] `alterego` alter ego = second personality
`alien` [Ei Lian] a./ n. ( of) foreigner race/ nation/ country idiom: * to = out of harmony with `alienate` i11 `alienation` i11 `-ate` i11 `alienable` i11 `-able` i11 `inalienable` i11 `alteration` i11 `alterable` i11 `alternate` i11 `alternation` i11 `altruism` i11 `egoism` n. selfishness, `inalterable` i11 `in-` i11 not `altercate` i11 `alternator` generator of alternative current( AC) cf. DC `-or` i11 machine `egoism` i11 `-ist` man `egoistic(al)` `-ic` a. `egotism` i11 `egotist` `egotistic` i11 a., selfish `ego-centric` i11 ditto `center` i11
P12 (back pg-list) `alto` high < altus(L) `soprano` i12 `altus(L)` i12 `alto-cumulus` i12 `alto-stratus` i12 `accumulate` v., collect highly, heap `stratum` i12 `bass` i12 `base` i12 `baseball` i12 `basis` i12 `high` cf. tall `low` i12 cf. law, raw, row, rho, roe
`altissimo` i12 highest(lta), ---- issimo(Ita) = suffix as "most/ very", in J. prefix as [tottemo] cf. pianissimo `altar` n., raised place( table or platform) on which offering are made to a god cf. alter `altitude` height( esp. height above sea-level) `altitudes` i12 `exalt` glorify cf. exhort/ extort `exult` v. be happy, rejoice greatly `exaltation` i12 `haughty` hoch(Ger) `bases` pl. of basis [bEisi:z] `basement` i12 `baseless` i12 `debase` `de-` i12 make `basely` i12 `baseness` i12 `highball` i12 `highbrow` i12 `highland` i12 `highlander` i12 `highlight` i12 `Highness` i12 `high-octane` i12 `highway` i12 `highwayman` i12 `low-spirited` i12 `high-spirited` i12 `low-teen` i12 `high-teen` i12
P13 (back pg-list) `anarchy` i13 `an-` not `arch` [A: ch], 1. rule, ruling, ruler 2. chief, principal, leading 3. primitive, original, archetypal cf. acro- `archbishop` 1st bishop `archliar` big liar (Remark; not "lier") φ Ex. One French news-writer said "You are a liar" to Japanese OHM religious group member. --- he very was right & brave.
`anarchist` i13 `archangel` arch + angel `architect` chief builder `architecture` i13 `-ure` abstract n. `archpriest` i13 arch + priest `archenemy` i13 `Satan` i13 `archfiend` i13 arch + fiend `ie` [e] `ie` [i:] Ex. field, chief cf. other [i:] cheap/ creature, cheep( twitter)/ keen, receive, e/ we, honey `archtraitor` i13 `traitor` betray + ori13 `archetype` i13 arch + type `prototype` i13 `archly` i13 ad.(a. arch=naughty)+ly =naughtily `archness` i13 n. naughtiness `autarchy` i13 `aut-` i13 self/ automatic `monarch` sole/ only one ruler/ lord system cf. sole > Solitaire( card/ trump game), solo(ist) `mon-` one `monarchy` i13 `monarchism` i13 `-ism` i13 allegation `oligarch` i13 `olig-` i13 few `archipelago` i13 `chief sea` i13 `archaic` i13 ancient, `archaeology` i13 `-logy` i13 studying `arc` i13 bow[bou], arch curve, part of circle cf. rainbow = rain + bow [bow](ex. 7 colors) -- corresponding to do/re/mi/fa/so/La/si(ti) -- by Isaac Newton ex. bow-legged = a. with the legs curved outwards at the knees. cf. bow2 [bau] v. bend the head or body forward ( as a greeting or in respect). cf. bow3 [bau] n. front or forward end of a boat or ship. `arcade` i13 `archway` i13 `archer` i13 man `archery` i13 `-y` i13 technique
P14 (back pg-list) `apt` < aptus(L, suited/ fitted/ adapted) < *ap-(PIE, to grasp/ take/ reach) 1. fit, suitable, small optimal, 2. * to = having a tendency to/ likely to, liable cf. opt( = choose) `adapt` v., ad(=to) + apt, suit, match, tune, accommodate, cf, adopt, apply `ept` < apt `att` < apt `attitude` drop p from aptitude `aptitude test` `cert` nearly apt, =certain `certain` a. `ascertain` v. `certificate` n. official identification for license/ graduation rtc.
`aptly` i14 `-ly` i14 ad. suffix `aptness` i14 `adapted` i14 `-ed` i14 a. `adaptation` i14 `adaptable` i14 `adaptability` i14 `adapter` i14 `adept` ept=apt, a man of skill `inept` a. not apt/ suitable, out of place, absurd Ex. * action `in-` i14 not `ineptitude` i14 `-tude` i14 character `uncertain` i14 `un-` i14 not `certainly` ad. without doubt, I accept/ agree., I'm sure., OK( Alright), of course, confirm, well, approval `certes` i14 `certitude` i14 `certify` v., prove/ confirm to be true/ certain `-fy` i14 v. make( sure) `certification` (official) endorsement/ testimony/ affirmation, anyone which can certify the trueness `endorse` v., [endO:s] sanction/ approve/ support/ backup saying from backside "it's true". `sanction` n./ v., [sAnkshan] right or permission given by authority to do sth.. `sanctity` n. holiness/ sacredness > v. sanctify > n. sanctuary (place, area of holiness) Ex. ( Political & Economic) reconstructing/ reformation without ( any) sanctuary `certainty` being certain, the inevitable opp. volatility, accident, contingency The chance/ tragedy has come at uncertain time suddenly, in depend on the certainty, `-ty` i14 n. `as-` i14 to (infinitive = verb-lize) cf. A is like B. = A and B are alike. = A is similar to B.= A resembles B. assert v. declare/ make claim to/ allege that( statement) very strongly/ strictly assertion n. [asA: shan] `ascertainment` ascertaining, checking sth. to be so/ true
P15 (back pg-list) `aqualung` < aqua(L, water) + lung `aqua(L)` water originally, "aqua" was meant "sacrifice" [sAkrafais] in religious word. aqua was holy/ sacred water in vessel of the sacrifice. it developed/changed into only a water. "aqua vitae(L, water + life)" is corresponded to Japanese "sake". "whisky" has also the same history. Esp. in Japan, long time ago, water was called as "aka(J, red) in the shelf" or " aka(J) in the tab" which appeared/ included in "GENJI Novels/ Stories" etc. `lung` i15 `aqua vitae` i15 `whisky` i15 `hydra(G)` water `hydrogen` H2 in H2O, gen = generate/ gene `terra(L)` the earth `terrier` earth dog , one kind of dog which often digs the ground & has its nose black with mud dog & dig are akin to?? --- interesting.. `earth dog` i15
`aquatot` i15 `-tot` "small girl/ boy/ child" ----- in Japan, we call/ pronounce small child boy as [boya] `aquaplane` i15 `aquatic` i15 `aquatic animal` i15 `aqueduct` one in which induce/ lead water = pipes, canals, ditches, tunnels components `-duct` i15 lead `aqueous` sea snake `hydrant` hydr+ant = water faucet `hydrangea` blue color flower Japanese name "ajisai" `hydroplane` i15 `hydrophobia` i15 `terrace` i15 `terrestrial` i15 `territorial` i15 `territory` i15 `extraterritoriality` out of lender's/ owner's law area, where ruled by borrowed nation's law `extra-` i15 out `Mediterranean` middle/ media + land + sea( navy) `subterranean` beneath the surface of the earth, underground `sub-` under/below `terrain` made of earth
P16 (back pg-list) `arm` i16 `arms` `Hemingway` `Farewell to Arms` `alarm` < "To the arms", below is more detail. c.1380, from O.Fr. `alarme(Fr)`, from It. `all'arme(Ita, to arms! )` Extended 16c. to "any sound to warn of danger or to arouse." The verb is 1590, from the noun. `alarm clock` i16 `brace` i16 `bracelet` i16 same as `armlet` `embrace` < `embracer(Fr, clasp in the arms, enclose)` , em( in) + brace( the arms), < bracchium(L) cf. hug cf. embarrass--akin to `bar`, cf. emblem( king/ crown symbol) `ped` i16 foot/leg `pedal` i16 `peddler` i16 huckster
`armour`/ `armor` n., v., i16 Ex. armoured cruiser `armament` i16 `army` i16 arm + y `disarmament` i16 dis=off `dis-` i16 off `armada` i16 `Invincible Armada` i16 `armadillo` i16 `armful` i16 arm + ful `arming` i16 `-ing` i16 from v. to n. `armless` i16 `-less` i16 `armpit` i16 `pit` i16 n., hole, mine `armistice` i16 stice = stop, cease-fire `cease` [sI: s] v.,n. `cessation` n. `armory` i16 armor + y `pedestrian` i16 `pedicab` i16 `pedestal` i16 `pedigree` i16 pied de grue(F) `expedite` i16 `expedition` i16 <expedite cf. explorers, adventure team `impede` v. `impediment` i16 <impede, obstacle `impedance` [inpI: dans] electric circuit resistance --- R or I
P17 (back pg-list) `art` i17 `artist` i17 `painter` i17 `fine arts` i17 `articulation` i17 `nature` i17 `nasci` i17 be born `Renaissance` i17 re(again) + nasci(be born) `native` i17 `nation` i17
`artful` i17 art + ful `artless` i17 `artifice` i17 fice = create < fact ( ory) `artificial` i17 opp. natural `-al` i17 a. suffix `artistic` i17 `-ic` i17 a. suffix `artisan` i17 cf. artist `article` i17 `articulate` i17 `articular` i17 `natural` i17 `naturalist` i17 `natural science` i17 `naturalism` i17 `naturalize` i17 `-ize` i17 do `national` i17 `nationality` i17 `nationalism` i17 `nationalize` i17 `nationalization` i17 `innate` i17 =inborn, present at berth
P18 (back pg-list) `audire(L)` i18 `audience` i18 `audio-visual` i18 `audition` i18 `auditorium` i18 `video` i18 `hear` i18 `listen` i18
`audible` i18 < audire(L) + able `inaudible` i18 in-=not `audit` i18 `auditor` i18 `audimeter` i18 `audio` i18 aural `audiometer` i18 `audiophile` i18 phile=lover, audio fan `auditory` i18 cf. visual `auricular` i18 -ar=a. `-ar` i18 a. suffix `aurist` doctor `auriscope` i18 `scope` i18 mirror `auscultate` i18 listen to `auscultator` i18 `-or` i18 man/ machine `hearsay` i18 rumor= to hear say `hearken` i18 =listen `listener` i18 man `listening-in` i18
P19 (back pg-list) `author` i19 `augere(L)` increase, enlarge, enhance, multiply i19 `augment` v. `aug` i19 auc `auc` i19 =aug `auction` i19 `auxiliary` i19 `increase` i19 `crescent` i19 `crescere(L)` i19 grow `grow` i19
`augmented` i19 `augmentation` i19 `augmentative` i19 `auctioneer` i19 `-eer` i19 man `authority` i19 `authoritative` i19 `authorization` i19 `authentic` i19 `authenticity` i19 `crescendo` in music, gradually strong/ forceful / powerful/ volume/ loud `excrescence` abnormal growth or swelling ( of the skin) `decrease` n., v., lessen, reduce/ reduction, decline, mitigate `decrescendo` in music, gradually weak `decrescent` i19 `accrue` [ak rU: ] v., grow `accrete` [ak rI: t] v., increase by joining together, accumulate, No in CMU dict. `cre-` i19 grow `decrepit` i19 de-=off a., feeble, infirm, frail `decrepitude` i19 -ude=n. suffix `-ude` i19 n. suffix `grownup` a., n., adult, mature `growth` i19 `-th` i19 n. suffix
P20 (back pg-list) `ball` i20 = dance > rolling `bowling` i20 < rolling `cant(L)` i20 sing < dance `accent` i20 `chanson(Fr)` No in CMU dict.i20 `cantata` i20 `andante cantabile(Ita)` singing at moderate slow pace/ walking pace
`ballpark` i20 baseball park `ballot` i20 vote (paper) < old: by stone bowling `balloon` i20 -oon = big `-oon` i20 big `ballistics` i20 `-tics` i20 studying `bowl` i20 sphere shape, deep dish, pod `belly` i20 < swell `ballad` i20 with dance `ballet` i20 ball + et `ballet-dancer` i20 `bullet` i20 `bullet proof` i20 `cant` n., insincere talk, special talk/ words used by a class of people `canticle` i20 `cantor` i20 singer of choir cf. canter n.,v., ride a horse at an easy/ slow gallop `incantation` i20 magic < sing &attract `enchant` i20 < sing < cantare(L), v. fascinate, charm; make magic on `en-` i20 make `enchantment` i20 n., being enchanted; charm; delight cf. endorsement = writing one's name on the back of (a check, etc); confirmation cf. enforcement = to compel obedience to, force to, execution Ex. law * cf. enhancement = improvement, increasing a value `chant` i20 > chanson(Fr) -- French typical song style Ex. Have the students say, then spell, each word quietly to themselves in a chanting voice. The students should repeat this process three or four times. (Playing rhythmic background music might be helpful.) ---- i.e. Auditory `chanter` i20 `chantress` i20 woman `chanty` sailor's song while working cf. shanty = 1. poorly made house/ shed 2. sailor's song `chanticleer` i20 cock (cuz sing clearly) `chantey` = chanty `canterbury` n., stand with partition( for holding papers, music, etc.) `concert` `concertmaster` `canzone` pl., canzoni, Italian folk music `canzona` Italian lyric style `cunt` slang [kA nt] ,No in CMU `cunni` [kUni] cunnus[kU nas] `cunnilingus` [kni LIngs] cf./opp. fellatio[fe LEi shio]
P21 (back pg-list) `bar` i21 in court cf. stick, staff `bat` i21 strike, spank `battle` i21 `combat` i21 `beat` i21 `bat` n., v., (animal which) flap wings /eyes
`barbecue` BBQ `barbell` i21 dumbbell `barfly` i21 `barrier` i21 bar + ier `barracks` i21 n., `barrack` i21 v., `barrel` i21 `barricade` i21 made by barrel packed soil `barrister` i21 lawyer, attorney in court `embargo` i21 ban/ restriction on commerce/ trade, stop import/ export `embarrass` i21 by encompassing with bars `baton` i21 in relay `batter` i21 in baseball `battery` i21 `batting` i21 `battledore` i21 `-dore` i21 man doing `battalion` i21 -ion = big `-ion` i21 big troop `company` i21 middle troop `battlefield` i21 `battleship` i21 cf. warship (more general) `debate` i21 beat down (discussion/argument) `abate` i21 lessen(beat down)/reduce `bate` i21 weaken `combatant` i21 `-ant` i21 man `combative` i21 com-=together `com-` i21 together `con-` i21 together `commando` n. Ex. special commando cf. troop(s)
P22 (back pg-list) `papyrus` i22 `paper` i22 `Byblos` i22 name of the harbor/ harbour town exported the papyrus in Phoenicia( now, Sylia, Israel, Lebanon) `Bible` i22 `kharfes` i22 one leaf of papyrus --> "card" `card` i22 `beech` i22 a kind of tree, Old Briton carved the letters to its wood skin ---> book `book` i22
`paperback` i22 `paperweight` i22 `papery` i22 `Biblical` i22 `biblia` i22 `bibliography` i22 book + writing `bibliofilm` i22 `bibliolatry` i22 -latry = worship `bibliomania` i22 `-mania` i22 crazy man `bibliophil(e)` i22 phil(e) = love `phil(e)` i22 love `cardboard` i22 `cardcase` i22 `discard` i22 throw away/dump away `chart` i22 sister word > card `charter` i22 `cartography` i22 cart + graphy `cart` i22 `graphy` i22 writing `cartel` i22 `bookish` i22 `bookkeeping` i22 in accounting `booklet` i22 `-let` i22 small `Jesus Christ` `bishop` Boss of church, bi(ble) + shop `clergyman` `priest` `pastor` `parson` `rabbis` Jewish teacher/ scholar/ religious leader `religious ministry` `minister` `missionary` `evangelist` [ivAn jaLast] n., who preaches the Christian gospel; one of writers of 4 Gospels. ----- 1. Matthew, 2. Mark, 3. Luke, 4. John `avant-garde(Fr)` [avA:n ga:rd] "the vanguard"(Fr.) = innovative/ experimental/ unconventional artists, avant = pr., before, pre vanguard = n., leading position in an movement, who are on the cutting edge of a trend; troops in the forefront of the battle `Gospel` `abbey` `monastery` `monks` men `nuns` women `abbot` `abbess` woman at the head of nunnery; Mother Superior Mohammed Koran Islamic a. Muslim a. Islam n. Moslem a., n. mosque n., building for prayer/ worship
P23 (back pg-list) `bonus` i23 `bon` i23 good `bonanza` i23 lucky(Spain) `bell-` i23 beautiful `beau-` i23 beautiful `beau(Fr)` i23 [bou] `beauty` `In vino veritas(L).` i23 `veritas(L)` i23 verity = truth, fact `verity` i23 veritas(L) `very` i23 < veritas(L)
`bonanzagram` i23 `bonbon` i23 `bonny` i23 `bonnie` i23 `bounty` i23 < bonus `bountiful` i23 `-ful` i23 full of `boon` i23 n., advantage; blessing; favor/ favour; gift a., merry pleasant `boon companion` i23 merry pleasant companion `belle` i23 `belle of the ball` i23 `belvedere(Ita)` i23 fine view `belladonna` i23 name of poison plant (as perfume) `beautiful` i23 `beautify` i23 `embellishment` i23 `em-` i23 make `veracious` i23 verax( =truthful) + ous, honest, truthful, faithful `verdict` i23 n., judgment by a jury, decision `verify` i23 v. `verification` i23 n. `veritable` i23 `verisimilitude` i23 veri + similitude `aver` i23 v., a-=ad-=to, ver=true, declare, state, assert
P24 (back pg-list) `Ars longa, vita brevis(L)` i24 --- Art is long, life is brief/ short(E). `vrevis(L)` i24 brief `brief` i24 vrevis(L), short(E) `abridge` i24 summing up, briefing `abbreviate` i24 omit < brief, Prof. Iwata says no relation between short & bridge. Is it true? The bridge is the shortest distance connection across the both riversides( i.e. short path), isn't it? -- this maybe "brief + distance +geometrical" or "brief + edge" > "bridge" (with my imagination) -- further, we Japanese call the bridge [hashi] which meaning contains a edge, is this by chance? `longa` i24 `long` i24 v., long long for, urge, want/ desire deeply/ crave `prolong` i24 v., delay, postpone, extend in time or duration( = time interval)
`briefcase` i24 `briefing` i24 `brevity` i24 `Brevity is the soul of wit. (by Hamlet)` i24 `abbreviation` i24 shorting, short form (esp. of a word) Ex. B.G./G.I. `abridgement` i24 bridge = brief `unabridged` a., not shortened, complete, not abridged ,, ex. unabridged dictionary `shortage` i24 `shortcoming` i24 `shortstop` i24 short = suddenly `longing` i24 `alongside` i24 ad. `oblong` i24 ob + long, rectangle `longhand` i24 `shorthand` i24 `lengthen` i24 `elongate` i24 e- = ex- `e-` i24 ex- `longevity` i24 long + aevum(=age) `lengthy` i24 `longitude` i24 opp. latitude `latitude` i24 opp. longitude `linger` i24 `headlong` i24 `sidelong` i24 `sidelong glance` i24 `long-run` i24 `long-standing` i24 `long-standing promise` i24 `longdistance` i24 `a longdistance call` i24
P25 (back pg-list) `camp` i25 field/plain --- extended, field/ military life, cuz sleep in the field. Ex. * fire `Champs Elysees(Fr) = Elysian(G, (a.), of paradise) fields` ;Elysees[eLi sI:z] street i25 `mons` i25 soil/ mud `mari` i25 sea `river` i25 `mountain` i25 `marine` i25 `arrive` i25 `Riviera` i25 < river, ; vacation area on the Mediterranean Sea between southern France & northwestern Italy. `island` i25 < isolate, cuz the isolated land `peninsula` i25 n., [panI n saLa] , a. = peninsular[panI n saLa:r] `pencil` i25 [pE n saL] `penis` i25 [pI: nis] male sexual organ, a. = penile [pI: nai L]
`campus` i25 field, university's facility & ground all area `campaign` i25 open country, activity of political election or any promotions, or its control place `champion` i25 top winner, victory person `champignon` i25 field or common mushroom , No in CMU dict. `champagne` i25 Champagne(L, village) [sham pEi n] ,sparkling white wine `encamp` i25 en- = make `decamp` i25 de- = away, end/ stop/ close `de-` i25 away `mount` i25 up, climb, raise, set `dismount` i25 down, get off/ remove `mountebank` i25 charlatan [shA: r Latan], imposter, person who sells counterfeit drug from a public place `surmount` i25 sur- = above, overcome, conquar, triumph over, climb to the top of, prevail `sur-` i25 above `paramount` i25 to the mountain, supreme, of the highest rank `mariner` i25 sailor `submarine` i25 `subway` i25 underground railway system `ultramarine` i25 beyond the sea color `riverside` i25 `rivalry` i25 < rival `islet` i25 small island `-let` i25 small, diminutive suffix `insular` i25 `insularity` i25 < insular, narrowness of mind, small scale mind `peninsular` i25 a., < peninsula
P26 (back pg-list) `cap` i26 caput(L, head) `captain` i26 `chief` i26 `cabbage` i26 plant; shape looks like the head `female genitals` reproductive organs, in slang i26 `capa(Portgal)` i26 cape, top > kappa(J) `handkerchief` i26 wrapping for chief(=head), i.e. handy + cover + head `mischief` i26 not reach to the head( top) = unsuccess, damage, annoy/ vex/ be naughty the other
`cape` i26 `capital` i26 `Capitol` i26 temple of Jupiter's alias name cf. Congress `capital letter` i26 `capitalism` i26 cap< basic/origin < free asset policy cf. communism `capitalize` i26 `capsize` i26 v., upset, overturn, topple , size = arrange by size, cap + size = reverse?? `capitulate` i26 v., surrender, yield, give in/ up, abandon `chieftain` i26 -tain = man `-tain` i26 man `chapter` i26 < caput(L) `chattel` i26 `achieve` i26 bring to the head( = end), carry out `achievement` i26 `decapitate` i26 de- = away v., cut off the head neck , guillotine(French Revolution) `de-` i26 away `decapitation` i26 de- = off `de-` i26 off `cap-a-pie` i26 from the head to the pie( = foot/ toe) `mischievous` i26 < mischief, naughty, nasty
P27 (back pg-list) `capable` i27 capere(L, catch/ take) `capture` i27 `captive` i27 `cash` i27 < capsa(L) = box for the caught( =capere) money `occupy` i27 take a place `accept` i27 ac- = ad-, cept = capere
`capability` i27 -ity, ability, faculty, skill, talent `incapable` i27 in-= not `capacity` i27 hold `capacious` i27 wide capacity `caption` i27 small header( at first take it) `captivity` i27 `capacitor` i27 condenser `captivate` i27 `-vate` i27 make `cashier` i27 -ier= man `captor` i27 -or= man `occupation` i27 occupy + tion `preoccupy` i27 `preoccupied` i27 `occupant` i27 -ant = man `-ant` i27 man `occupancy` i27 -cy `acceptor` i27 ac(ad) + cept(capere) +or(man) `acceptance` i27 < accept `chase` i27 sister word = catch, pursue, tracking Ex. car * , [chEi s] `purchase` i27 buy( chase for goods), [pA: chas] cf. pursue [pa: shU: ], pursuit `carp` i27 < capere; captious `handicap` n., v., disadvantage, disability, disabled, suffer from [hA ndi: kap] Ex. special class is for *ped children Down syndrome [dau n sind rOu m] --- DNA chromosome trouble/ lack (named from Dr. Johan Langdon Down(1828-98) English expert) asthma [A zma] -- breath/inhalation trouble/ disorder autism [O: tizam] ---deny the outer-relationship apraxia There no in the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary. motion disability from nervous system injury dyslexia [dis LEk si:a]---disability of language( read or write) The word dyslexia is derived from the Greek "dys" (meaning poor or inadequate) and "lexis" (words or language). What Characteristics Accompany Dyslexia? Few dyslexics exhibit all the signs of the disorder. Some common signs are: Lack of awareness of sounds in words, sound order, rhymes, or sequence of syllables • Difficulty decoding words - single word identification • Difficulty encoding words - spelling • Poor sequencing of numbers, of letters in words, when read or written, e.g.: b-d; sing-sign; left-felt; soiled-solid; 12-21 • Problems with reading comprehension • Difficulty expressing thoughts in written form • Delayed spoken language • Imprecise or incomplete interpretation of language that is heard • Difficulty in expressing thoughts orally • Confusion about directions in space or time (right and left, up and down, early and late, yesterday and tomorrow, months and days) • Confusion about right or left handedness • Similar problems among relatives • Difficulty with handwriting • Difficulty in mathematics - often related to sequencing of steps or directionality or the language of mathematics LDOnLine (The leading Web site on learning disabities for parents, teachers, and other professionals) dyslexics No in CMU cf. learning disorders, attention deficit disorder, dysgraphia, dyscalculia
P28 (back pg-list) `car` i28 < carrus(L) `carry` i28 < carrus(L) `career` i28 < car, footprint, trace (of wheels) -- proof of skill history cf. resume, certification, carrier `carpenter` i28 < worker who make carpentum(L, 2 wheels car/ wagon) `caricature` i28 < be too much luggage on the car --- from its funny shape, critically distort/ exaggerate reality [kE ra ka cha: ] `chariot` i28 < c(h)ar + iot, 2 wheeled car, tank [chE ri: at] cf. cherio, cheerio--ciao(Ita)?, carillon [kE ra Lan] `charge` i28 < c(h)ar + ge, load/ pack luggage into the car --- supply energy, mug/ exact a certain money
`carriage` i28 `carrying` i28 `carryall` i28 `carry-over` i28 `carrier` i28 `careerism` i28 career + ism `careerist` i28 career + ist `cart` i28 `cargo` i28 `carrousel` i28 merry-go-round `caravan` i28 `carbarn` i28 barn = place, house `carsick` i28 car + sick `cartridge` i28 `caricaturist` i28 caricature + ist `cartoon` `charger` i28 horse `chargeable` i28 `discharge` i28 `overcharge` i28 `undercharge` i28 `charioteer` i28 `currier` `courier`
P29 (back pg-list) `carnival` i29 < carn = flesh `carnation` i29 < carn `cannibal` i29 < carn `os` i29 bone, Ex. backbone `ossicle` i29 `osteology` i29 `bio` i29 life `biology` i29
`carnal` i29 `carnality` i29 `carnivore` i29 `carnivorous` i29 `incarnation` i29 `incarnate` i29 `ossify` i29 `osseous` i29 `ossuary` i29 os + -uary( place) `amphibious` i29 amphi = both `antibiotic` i29 `biochemical` i29 `biochemistry` i29 `biogen` i29 -gen( origin) `biogenesis` i29 `biographer` i29 `biography` i29 `biological` i29 `bioscope` i29 `oscillate` v., < oscillare(L, swing), vibrate, vacillate, sway to and fro `oscillation` n., < oscillationem(L) < oscillare(L, swing) `oscillograph` `oscilloscope` --- electric currents wave measure instrument
P30 (back pg-list) `cave` i30 `excavation` i30 ex = out `hollow` i30 < hole `Holland` i30 holt( wood/ grove) + land `grotto` i30 < crypta(L), cover `grotesque` i30 `void` i30 empty, null `vacant` i30 empty, null
`caveman` i30 man as who lives in the cave & is primitive & rough [K EY1 V M AE2 N] `cavity` i30 Ex. nasal( = nose's) cavity `caverned` i30 cavern + ed [K AE1 V ER0 N IH0 D] `excavate` i30 ex(out) `cavern` i30 cave + ern `cavernous` i30 Ex. cavernous eyes [K AE1 V ER0 N AH0 S] `concave` i30 opp. convex `convex` i30 opp. concave, Ex. reading glasses is convex lens `cryptogram` i30 `cryptogam` i30 `crypt` i30 `camera` i30 cave `avoid` i30 a = out, out of empty `avoidance` i30 `devoid` i30 lack, de + void `vacantly` i30 `vacancy` i30 `vacate` i30 -ate( make) `vacation` i30 `vacuity` i30 `evacuate` i30 `evacuee` i30 `vacuum` `null & void` ,,, to 0 , reset, empty, withdraw `dig a hole`
P31 (back pg-list) `center` i31 `centre` i31 `concentration` i31 `eccentric` i31 ec = ex( out) , not center > odd man `circ` i31 < centre, -- surround, near `circle` i31 `circuit` i31 `bicycle` i31 cycle-- ring
`central` i31 `centricity` i31 `centrifugal` i31 opp. centricity `centrosphere` i31 `concentrate` i31 con( with) + center +ate `centralization` i31 `eccentricity` i31 deed of odd `circular` i31 `circulate` i31 `circulation` i31 `circus` i31 `circuitous` i31 `encircle` i31 out of target `encirclement` i31 `semicircle` i31 `circumlocution` i31 circum( surround) + locution( how to say) `cycle` i31 `cyclone` i31 `cyclotron` i31 cycle + electron `cylinder` i31 < cycle `encyclopedia` i31 all including comprehensive education `encyclopedic` i31 `circumstance` environment, surrounding
P32 (back pg-list) `clear` i32 <clar(L) `clarinet` i32 <clar(L) `clarionet` i32 in England `claret` i32 `declare` i32 de(=completely) + clear `clean` i32 < clear `umb` i32 dark opp. clear `umber` i32 dark tan/ ebony/ burn color Ex. umberbrown = deep brown color `umbrella` i32 <umb( dark) cause make dark shadow place, sunshade/ parasol
`clarify` i32 `clarion` i32 `clearance` i32 `clear-cut` i32 `clearing` i32 `clearway` i32 `clean-up` i32 `cleaner` i32 `cleanly` i32 ad.[kLiinLi] / a.[kLenLi] `cleanliness` i32 [kLenLinis] `cleanse` i32 [kLenz] make clean `cleanser` i32 [kLenza] `declaration` i32 `unclean` i32 `unclear` i32 `umbrage` i32 uncomfortable, pity ,umbra + age `umbrageous` i32 shaded `sombrero` i32 <umb `somber` i32 som( sub, somewhat) + umb `adumbrate` i32 ad( to) + umbra( shade)
P33 (back pg-list) `climax` i33 cli = clean , end( top) of inclined ladder climb a ladder & reach the end( maximum point/ summit) `incline` i33 slope, slant( slash) `lean` i33 (c)line Ex. Leaning Tower of Pisa `curve` i33 bent, bend `flex` i33 soft, elastic `flexibility` i33 `reflex` i33 re = again/ back
`decline` i33 stop, lessen ,de = from, no stand/ be down Ex. your credit card is already declined( expired/ no effective). `declination` i33 `declension` i33 conjugation for noun, pronoun, adjective, etc. `inclination` i33 n., tendency, preference, in favor `disincline` i33 as reluctant `disinclination` i33 n., unwillingness, reluctance `recline` i33 re = (to) back Ex. *ing seat `anticlimax` i33 n., sudden fall/ changes from sth. noble/ serious/ important to absurd/ ridiculous stiation `curvature` i33 `curb` i33 kerb `flexible` i33 a., bendable, be able to bend `flexion` i33 `flexure` i33 `inflexible` i33 `inflect` i33 `reflect` i33 re = back, bent to back `reflection` i33 `reflexive` i33 recursive Ex. reflexive pronoun `deflect` i33 de = off, turn from a straight course, derail, avert `circumflex` i33 circum = round/ ring/ circle/ surrounding/ encompassing `climate` n., weather condition, tendency characteristic/ feature of the weather, < clima(G, region, zone) `client` n., < klie- = PIE base suffix "lean", sense of one who leans on another for protection, > "a lawyer's customer"
P34 (back pg-list) `collect` i34 lect1 `elect` i34 `gather` i34 `choose` i34 `lecture` i34 lect `leg` i34 read < lect2< lect1 `read` i34 `beech` i34 tree name `intellect` i34 inter + select
`collection` i34 `collective` i34 `election` i34 `recollect` i34 re = again `recollection` i34 remember, remind `neglect` i34 neg = not `negligent` i34 `negligible` i34 `elegant` i34 e( out) + collect `elegance` i34 `lecturer` i34 lect2 `legend` i34 to be read( lect2) `legible` i34 `intellectual` i34 `intelligent` i34 `intelligence` i34 Ex. AI = Artificial *, IQ = * quotient( =ratio) `intelligentsia` i34 `intelligentzia` i34 `intelligible` i34 easy understood
P35 (back pg-list) `conclude` i35 con + clude , stop the discussion & then make result `clude` i35 shut up( = close the mouth) `close` i35 < clude `closet` i35 close + let( small), C. of W.C.
`conclusion` i35 `conclusive` i35 `conclusively` i35 finally `exclude` i35 shut out `exclusion` i35 `exclusive` i35 `exclusivism` i35 `exclusively` i35 almost = exclude others `include` i35 in & then shut `including` i35 `inclusion` i35 `inclusive` i35 `seclude` i35 separate & then shut `seclusion` i35 pull into `seclusive` i35 pull into `preclude` i35 pre = before `preclusion` i35 `recluse` i35 re = retire/ secret, a man of retire/retreat `closing` i35 `closely` i35 [kLousLi] `enclose` i35 en = in `enclosure` i35 `cloister` i35 `disclose` i35 expose `disclosure` i35 exposure
P36 (back pg-list) `confuse` i36 con( together) + fuse( melt/ pour), everything all melted in the head = complex/perplex `diffuse` i36 dif( dis = apart) + fuse( pour), water streams to various directions = be prevailed= wide spread `refuse` i36 fuse( pour) backward = deny( the propose) `confound` i36 < confuse
`fuse` i36 < melt< fusus(L) = spindle `fusion` i36 `diffusive` i36 `effuse` i36 ef = ex = out, spread the ray or smell `effusion` i36 go out `infuse` i36 inject into `infusion` i36 `interfuse` i36 mixed, blended ,inter= among/ between `profuse` i36 endless pouring `profusion` i36 abundant, being much `refusal` i36 al = noun suffix `suffuse` i36 suf = sub = under, over flowed `transfuse` i36 transport one's blood to another `futile` i36 fut= fuse, pour un-usefully `refute` i36 counterplea, say against `dumbfound` i36 make dumb by found the ridiculous `foundry` i36 place where metal or glass is melted and molded `founder` i36 ( of a ship) fill with water and sink, fall; stumble( esp. in mud) `fusee` i36 its shape like as spindle
P37 (back pg-list) `cover` i37 make cover & invisible< cooperire(L) `cooperire(L)` i37 co( complete) + operere( hide) `co` i37 cover( cover defects/ all points/ all span) = hide/ conceal `cel` i37 cover/ hide `ceal` i37 cover/ hide `cellar` i37 [.saLa] underground room for storing coal, win, etc. `clam` i37 [kLan] large shell-fish used as food `occult` i37 [a.kaLt]a. hidden; secret, mysterious; magical
`coverage` i37 `covering` i37 roof `coverall` i37 uniform for working `coverlet` i37 blanket `covert` i37 secret cf. overt `overt` i37 publicly `discover` i37 get rid of the cover, find `discovery` i37 `recover` i37 `recovery` i37 `uncover` i37 `cell` i37 biological cell, jail( [jEi L]) room `conceal` i37 cover with the seal `concealment` i37 [kan.saLnant] `cellular` i37 `cellulose` i37 [SaLaLaS] `celluloid` i37 [SaLaLaD] `clandestine` i37 [KLaN.DaSTaN] secret `occultation` i37 `occultism` i37
P38 (back pg-list) `convertible` i38 con + vert( turn) + ible, Ex. convertible color `advertise` i38 [.aDBa,TaD], ad = toward `divorce` i38 di = side direction +virt( turn) `revers` i38 `reversible` i38
`advert` i38 attention to `advertisement` i38 `adverse` i38 opposite `adversity` i38 `convert` i38 con( completely= fully) `conversion` i38 `diverse` i38 multi values/ difference, divers(old)= 2 or 3 `diversity` i38 cf. diversion --- entertainment `invert` i38 turn in `inversion` i38 tumble, topple, upset `pervert` i38 per( thoroughly) + vert, cause (a person, his mind) to turn away from right behaviour, beliefs, stc. `perversity` i38 `perverse` i38 (of persons) willfully continuing in wrong-doing, (of behaviour) contrary to reason `perversion` i38 `revert` i38 turn back `reversion` i38 `versatile` i38 a. `verse` i38 perverse sentence/ proverb `avert` i38 turn avoid, Ex. avert the war
P39 (back pg-list) `create` i39 < cre `recreation` i39 have a rest `cris` i39 judge, separate `criticize` i39 `crisis` i39 being critical `politics` i39 `political crisis` i39
`creation` i39 making create `creature` i39 `creative` i39 `creator` i39 `re-create` i39 again `recreate` i39 `re-creation` i39 re-making `recreative` i39 `criticism` i39 `critic` i39 `criticize` i39 `criticizable` i39 `critical` i39 `critically` i39 `criticaster` i39 aster = person to do `critique` i39 `criticable` i39 `criterion` i39 standard, yardstick, check base, `uncritical` i39
P40 (back pg-list) `cred` i40 believe -- lend `credit` i40 lend by trust , opp. debt `debt` i40 borrow, mortgage[Mo: gadj], loan, lien, pledging, opp. credit[cRejit], [DaT] `balance-sheet` i40 credit & debt table `owe` i40 I owe you -- IOU$5.00(bid receipt) `due` i40 compensate( of course), being duty `duty` i40 < due
`creditor` i40 opp. debtor `debtor` i40 opp. creditor `credibility` i40 `incredible` i40 unbelievable `credulous` i40 as YES man `credulity` i40 `creditable` i40 `creed` i40 item of belief, I believe (that ..) `credence` i40 belief, trust `credent` i40 believing `credential` i40 al = noun suffix, certification/ invoice of trust `grant` i40 exchange cred into gred, = allow `grantable` i40 `debit` i40 opp. credit `debenture` i40 `indebted` i40 owe to `owing` i40 don't pay yet `duly` i40 of course `overdue` i40 delayed ( being time over) `dutiful` i40 duteous `dutiable` i40 Ex. * goods( taxed goods) `endeavor` i40 make + devoir( duty), do one's obligation, effort
P41 (back pg-list) `cross` i41 < crux(L) `cross-eye` i41 London & Paris-eye( in J.) `crucify` i41 `crusade` i41
`crossbar` i41 cross + bar `cross-country` i41 `crosscurrent` i41 countercurrent, against flow/ wind `cross-examine` i41 `cross-grained` i41 `crossing` i41 roadblock, No Crossing (Don't cross) `cross-fire` i41 `cross-legged` i41 `cross-armed` i41 `crosspatch` i41 patch = fool `crossreference` i41 term index, glossary `cross-stitch` i41 stitch = sewing `crosswise` i41 cf. lengthwise, clockwise, `crossword` i41 `excruciate` i41 ex + crucify `crucifixion` i41 cross + fix `cruciform` i41 shape of cross `Southern Cross` i41 `crusader` i41 `crucial` i41 determinate, difficult, critical `cruise` i41 [k.rad] run/ walk around `Red Cross`
P42 (back pg-list) `culture` i42 `cultivate` i42 colere(L), `civilization` i42 n., civilians + make > society, highly developed social & economic structure `colony` i42 `agriculture` i42 agri = field `till` i42 Ex. till a field with a hoe/ spade/ scoop/ shovel
`cult` i42 `cultural` i42 `cultivator` i42 farmer `cultivation` i42 `cultured` i42 refined, educated, learned, sophisticated `apiculture` i42 apis = bee, bee keeping `floriculture` i42 flor = flower `horticulture` i42 hortus = garden `sericulture` i42 sericus = silk `colonial` i42 `colonist` i42 `colonize` i42 `colonization` i42 `agrimotor` i42 `agronomy` i42 `agricultural` i42 `agrarian` i42 `tillable` i42 a., fit to till `tillage` i42 n., field to till
P43 (back pg-list) `cure` i43 `care` i43 `manicure` i43 for hand nail treatment/ remedy/ fashion/ cosmetic `mani` i43 `pedicure` i43 for foot/ toe nail `curiosity` i43 `incurable` i43 `cure-all` i43 `accuracy` i43 `caress` i43 [ka: rE s] `charity` i43 c change into ch, [chE ri ti:] -- why not [chA ..] in American??
`curable` i43 `cureless` i43 `curious` i43 `accurate` i43 `inaccurate` i43 `procure` i43 `procuration` i43 `procurer` i43 `curate` i43 `curative` i43 `secure` i43 `sure` , separate/ no-need to take care i43 `security` i43 `surety` i43 `insure` i43 `caressing` i43 `charitable` i43 [chA rata baL] `cherish` i43 [chE ri sh]
P44 (back pg-list) `current` i44 curr = run, now/ present/ recent, prevalent, tide, electric flow `current topics` now controversy, `current writer` celebrity/ celebrated writer (but maybe only now) `currency` i44 `course` i44 way, road `intercourse` i44 mutual contact, communication, .., sexual relation `concours(Fr)` i44 contest cf. concourse cf, concord( = harmony, agreement, the same) in Japanese, we pronounce/ utter as [kon ku: L] `corridor` i44 long run line
`curriculum` i44 `cursive` i44 `cursor` i44 in J. [ka: soL] `cursory` i44 `discursive` i44 running about `excursion` i44 `incur` i44 in + come `incurrence` i44 `occur` i44 oc = toward, happen `occurrence` i44 event, incident, happening `concur` i44 `concurrence` i44 `concurrent` i44 simultaneous, Ex. * access (= access independently/ multi) `concurrently` i44 `concourse` i44 gathering `courser` i44 `discourse` i44 run around for speech `recur` i44 `recourse` i44 `precursor` i44 who/which ran before, precedent, antecedent, predecessor( of job, etc), omen
P45 (back pg-list) `date` i45 given < donare(L)n, dare(Ita), not comes from "day" `donation` i45 to give, `dot` i45 don = give `dose` i45 `pardon` i45 par( perfectly) + give `edit` i45 e( out) + dit( give) = publish `render` i45 < donare
`dative` i45 `data` i45 pl. datum `undated` i45 `donate` i45 `donor` in Sanskrit (Bon_go), in J, `dan_na` i45 `donee` i45 `dowry` i45 `dowager` i45 `endow` i45 `endowment` i45 `anecdote` i45 `dotal` i45 `antidote` i45 `editor` i45 `editorial` i45 `edition` i45 `edition deluxe` i45 `rendition` i45 `surrender` i45
P46 (back pg-list) `democracy` i46 dem( plural people = peoples) cf. popolo(Ita) = people, civilian `demagogue` i46 dem + agogue( leader) cf. synagogue(gather to church/ chapel) `anthropology` i46 < anthoropos(G), man `philanthropy` i46 phil = philo( love) `misanthrope` i46 mis( bad), dislike to (hu)man
`demagogic` i46 a., by sensational/ propaganda/ advertisement method `demagogism`/ `demagoguism` i46 n., bad advertisement `demigod` i46 n., who half god & half human ( in myth), man who became god `demographer` i46 `epidemic` i46 a., n., epi(G) = among/ on/ over, infective disease/ syndrome, spreadable `endemic` i46 a., n., en = in, native, local, region specific `demotic` i46 also , popular `democrat` i46 `demos` i46 people in ancient Greece `anthropocentric` i46 `anthropogeography` i46 `anthropoid` i46 tailless ape cf. The planet of Ape (movie title) `anthropologist` i46 `anthropomorphism` i46 `anthropomorphous` i46 `anthropometry` i46 metry = measure `anthropotomy` i46 human-body anatomy( analyze with surgical knife) `philanthropic` i46 `misanthropy` i46 `misanthropic` i46
P47 (back pg-list) `dentist` i47 den( tooth/teeth), sometimes don `dandelion` i47 dan de( = of) lion, plant name ( J. name[tan popo]), < its leaf looks like a lion's teeth with zigzag style `denture` i47 `language` i47 < lingua(L, tongue) `linguist` i47 `lip` i47 < labium(L) `part with dry lips` i47 situation of no goodbye-kiss
`dental` i47 `dentifrice` i47 dent + friare( rub) `indent` i47 `indentation` i47 in line sentence layout, right shift the top by tab offset, common word-pro term `indented` i47 `indention` i47 `indenture` i47 `dentate` i47 `dentiform` i47 `lingual` i47 `Linguaphone` i47 `linguister` i47 `bilingual` i47 [bai LIng guaL] cf. trilingual[tri-], polyglot `linguistic(al)` i47 `linguistics` i47 `lingo` i47 a., in J.[chinpun kanpun]/ [zen zen wakaLanai], I can't understand completely., special terms `lipstick` i47 `thin-lipped` i47 `lip-read` i47 `labial` i47 `labial letters` i47 p, b, m, etc. `labiate` i47 a., with lip style
P48 (back pg-list) `destruction` i48 de( down) + struct( struere(L)) +ion `construct` i48 `stitut` i48 stand `prostitute` i48 pro( out) + stand, on the street & say "come on" = street girl, whore, bitch( slang) `constitution` i48 law of nation
`construction` i48 `destroy` i48 `destroyer` i48 `destructive` i48 `instruct` i48 `instruction` i48 `instructor` i48 `instrument` i48 apparatus, music/ measure instrument, equipment `industry` i48 `industrial` i48 `industrialize` i48 `industrious` i48 ous = character `constitute` i48 `destitute` i48 de = off, in poor, money strait `institute` i48 in- = on, build on `institution` i48 system, organization `institutor` i48 founder `prostitution` i48 `substitute` i48 v., take the place of another, replace, exchange, insert Ex. X = C (* const.C into var. X) `superstition` i48 super- = above, belief which stands on no scientific/ logical fact `superstitious` a. [su: pa: stI sh as]
P49 (back pg-list) `dictionary` i49 dic(t) = say, describe `diction` i49 `dictation` i49 `dictator` i49 like as Iraqi Sadaam Hussein , North Korean Kim Jong Il cf. tyrant `contradiction` i49 `condition` i49 dit < dic
`benediction` i49 bene = well `contradict` i49 `contradictory` i49 `dictate` i49 `edict` i49 `indict` i49 `interdict` i49 inter = between `interdiction` i49 `jurisdiction` i49 juris = law `verdict` i49 say verity( true) `predict` i49 `prediction` i49 `predicate` i49 cf. preach `dedicate` i49 `dedication` i49 `abdicate` i49 ab = away, abandon, renounce, give up, disclaim, waive, abstain, withdraw, refuse, throw away `abdication` i49 `conditional` i49 `conditioned` i49 `conditioned reflex` i49 experiment of Pavlov's dog ( Ivan Pavlov; Russian physiologist & Novel Prize winner) `dick` n., man name from Richard, (Slang: detective, young man( derogatory), penis( vulgar)) Ex. in J. * Mine
P50 (back pg-list) `doc` i50 teach `doctor` i50 `doctrine` i50 `scholar` i50 a man of 'scholar( = leisure) `school` i50 place of studying `sci` i50 know `science` i50 < sci `conscious` i50 < sci `conscience` i50 to know bad or good in mind
`doctorate` i50 `doctorship` i50 `doctrinaire` i50 `doctrinal` i50 `docile` i50 `documentary` i50 `decent` i50 a., dec = doc [dI: san t] cf. descent, dissent --both [di sE nt] `indecent` i50 in = not `decency` i50 being decent `scholarly` i50 a. ly = like `scholarship` i50 `scholastic` i50 `schooling` i50 `scientific` i50 a. `scientifically` i50 ad. `scientist` i50 `conscientious` i50 `unconscious` i50 un = not `omniscience` i50 omni = all `omniscient` i50 omni + scient( = knowing)
P51 (back pg-list) `effort` i51 ef + fort = ex( out) + force `force` i51 < fort `fortress` i51 big stronghold `valor` i51 < valere(L) = force, courage, strongness, powerfulness `value` i51 < strongness `invalid` i51 2 meanings: 1. timid, weak 2. non-value `timid` i51 from timidus(L) "fearful," from timere(L) "to fear."
`forte` i51 [fo:t], strong point `fortitude` i51 don't down in mind `fort` i51 stronghold `fortify` i51 v. `fortification` i51 `fortress` i51 big sized fort `forceful` i51 `enforce` i51 en = in, put it in force = undertake `law enforcement` i51 `reinforce` i51 make stronger than now `reinforcement` i51 `comfort` i51 con = emphasis, give energy to weakened mind `valiant` i51 brave `valiance` i51 `valiancy` i51 `valid` i51 reasonable, true, not false `validity` i51 `valuable` i51 `prevail` i51 win, victory, influence, powerful `prevalent` i51 `avail` i51 be worth, valid, effective `strengthen` i51 `strenuous` i51 `strongbox` i51 cashbox, chest, coffer, pete, pete box, safe
P52 (back pg-list) `equator` i52 `equal` i52 the same distance `Ecuador` i52 nation name `equinox` i52 nox( night), the day as day time eq. to night time. `equation` i52 Ex. 2x = 3 variable representation/ expression `homosexual` i52 homo = same `par` i52 same, `parity` i52 `simil` i52 same as, like `assimilate` i52 unify as one
`equality` i52 the principle of democracy, non discrimination `equilibrium` i52 libr = balance `equivalent` i52 same value `equidistant` i52 same distance `equivocal` i52 same voice( meaning) `equity` i52 `unequal` i52 `adequate` i52 moderate, fit `homonym` i52 onym = word/ name, same sound `homogeneous` i52 gene = seed `homogenize` i52 Ex. *d milk `disparity` i52 unbalance, gap `parallel` i52 par & ll --w word `comparison` i52 do which is bigger `similar` i52 same kind, alike, akin to `similarity` i52 `dissimilation` i52 `simile` i52 `simulate` i52 Ex. AI( Artificial Intelligence) *s human brain `simultaneous` i52 Ex. * terror `facsimile` i52 FAX; fact( make) + simil = copy & transfer
P53 (back pg-list) `essence` i53 ess, est = be( there is) `esse` i53 be verb in Italian( "essere" verb) `esse quam videri(L)` i53 to be rather than to seem.[North Carolinian motto] `absent` i53 ab( away) + esse, not present `exist` i53 x = ss( ξ ) `existentialism` i53 `interest` i53 inter + esse/est ; be in inter of ( some)things -- so, feel sth. good
`essential` i53 `inessential` i53 `essentiality` i53 `quintessence` i53 quinta essentia, 5[penta(G), quinque(L)] elements `absence` i53 `absentee` i53 `absent-minded` i53 `absently` i53 `presence` i53 pre = forth `present` i53 a.,v. accent point is different `presently` i53 soon `existence` i53 Ex. struggle for * `existent` i53 a. Ex. * circumstances `existential` i53 `pre-exist` i53 cf. promise, premise, hypothesis, assumption `interesting` i53 intrigue, arouse curiosity `interested` i53 `disinterested` i53 not stakeholder, fair (here, interest = finance profit/stake/benefit/share) `uninterested` i53 no relation, unconcerned
P54 (back pg-list) `event` i54 venire(L) > vent = come, the thing coming out cf. occurrence, incident, accident, issue `prevent` i54 come before, anticipate, hinder (not to do) `avenue` i54 a way of approach, boulevard, road, street, pavement `revenue` i54 return, come back (the money) `convenient` i54 convenir(G), together come = unite, be suitable, agree (--useful)
`advent` i54 `adventure` i54 `adventurer` i54 `adventurous` i54 `venture` i54 Ex. * business (that's adventurous, risky) `convenience` i54 Ex. * store `convene` i54 gather, summon `convent` i54 group of nuns( of Catholic) `convention` i54 to convene(= conference/ congress/ meeting), following tradition(= custom & way) `conventional` i54 `eventual` i54 final, occurring as a result `eventually` i54 finally, in the end, at last --very popular word `intervene` i54 interpose ( not to do) `intervention` i54 an interposing `invent` i54 new create, originate( from inspiration/ endeavor/ encounter) `inventor` i54 man `invention` i54 thing `inventive` i54 `inventory` i54 checking stock, asset list, down from shelf `prevention` i54 avoidance, aversion( to avert) cf. null & void (=do clear, nothing, empty) `preventive` i54
P55 (back pg-list) `factory` i55 fact = make `sleep factory ( slang, hotel)` i55 `manufacture` i55 mamu = hand `fect` i55 = fact = make `affect` i55 make( cause) an effect, influence, undergo, move someone `fashion` i55 make a boom/ fever/ style/ mode/ custom/ manner `old-fashioned` i55 out of date, conservative, out of fashion `misfashion` i55 to form wrongly `crab-fashion` i55 Such diction is already extinguished( disappeared) on the now internet dictionaries world. `after a fashion ` i55 in an approximate or rough way (became an artist after a fashion) `after a fashion ` i55 to some extent; not very well (Example: "He speaks French after a fashion") `doggie fashion ` i55 a. Adj. An act of sex in the manner of dogs, that is, with both partners facing the same direction and on one's knees.
`fact` i55 `factor` i55 `faction` i55 sector `factitious` i55 `affection` i55 inclination, influence, act on,---good disposition, at last became "loving/cherish" `affectionate` i55 `affectation` i55 `defect` i55 de( not, non, mis) + make, to mismake, mistake, make bad, fail, desert `defective` i55 `effective` i55 result of making `effectual` i55 `efficient` i55 `efficiency` i55 `infect` i55 in + make/put/perform, to spoil, stain, `infection` i55 Ex. Bird Infection ---flu[fLu:] (=inFLUenza < influence, epidemic catarrh ) spreads on 2004,Jan `perfect` i55 per( complete) + make `perfection` i55 `confectionary` i55 con( with) + make/prepare +ary, (candy or light pastry) shop of the making by means of ingredients/component/parts `fashionable` i55 `fashionmonger` i55
P56 (back pg-list) ••• Continue "fact" (its variant) `features` i56 pl. shape of eye/ nose/ mouth( made by God), outlooking, characteristics, function -- characteristics of the result of making (by god/ man) `feat` i56 quick/ proud action/ skill (made by one's training/ effort/ endeavor) `difficult` i56 dis = not, not (easy) + make `faculty` i56 skill, talent, ability, capability, proficiency, power `facile` i56 make + easy , [fA saL] `facsimile` i56 make + easy + as same, [fak sI maLi: ]
`featly` i56 `well-featured` i56 good looks `sharp-featured` i56 `featureless` i56 without outstanding `defeat` i56 de = dis = away/ not, away + to make = not win, beaten `difficulty` i56 not easiness `facility` i56 level/ability of easiness, the place be able to receive service `facilitate` i56 make easy `fiction` i56 sth. made by man (artificially/ unnaturally), opp. nonfiction `nonfiction` i56 real story `fictitious` i56 Ex. * name (virtual) `proficient` i56 well trained/ skilled, pro = advance `profit` i56 interest, grow money income, earn `profitable` i56 `profiteer` i56 man who gets profit by unjustified way `prefect` i56 one who put/ made before others `prefecture` i56 place unit under the nation `prefectural` i56 `suffice` i56 under ( enough) making ( condition) `sufficient` i56 enough `sufficiency` i56 `office` i56 place of making work `official` i56 formal, public `prefix` i56 made/ set/ put/ pose/ locate/ fix + before `suffix` i56 made/ set/put/ pose/ locate/ fix + sub( under/ after/ next/ last) `physics` i56 `physical` i56 `physic` i56
P57 (back pg-list) `fame` i57 < fari(L) = speak, spoken from various people, reputation `famous` i57 `fa` i57 fari( speak) `infant` i57 child who can't speak yet `fable` i57 story/ tale by spoken
`famed` i57 `infamous` i57 `infamy` `anonymous` i57 an( not) + onym( word) `anonymously` i57 = on condition of anonymity cf. near the sound? --- unanimous, unanimously `fabulous` i57 Ex. * hero `fabulist` i57 Aesop, La Fontaine etc. `infancy` i57 `infantile` i57 Ex. * paralysis `infantine` i57 `infantry` i57 soldiers who fight on foot `infantryman` i57 `preface` i57 < fari(L) = speak, opening statement, introduction, prologue cf. epilogue `prefatory` i57 a. `affable` i57 a. easy to talk/speak to `fate` i57 destiny (said by God) `fatal` i57 a. Ex. * blow, * accident `fatalism` i57 everything has been predetermined in advance (by God) `prophet` i57 who predicts/ forecasts/ foretells the future `prophecy` i57 n. `prophesy` i57 v.
P58 (back pg-list) `fare` i58 < go, travel `fear` i58 in old time, travel( fare) was very dangerous/ risky event `farewell` i58 go + well, "goodbye" for long travel `thoroughfare` i58 go through `fluent` i58 < flu/ flux = flow, stream `flood` i58 v., n. big over flow `reflux` i58 backflow
`carfare` i58 `wayfarer` i58 `welfare` i58 good/ healthy life, Ex. * facility `warfare` i58 war + fare( go) = state of hostility/ combat `seafarer` i58 sailor/ mariner `far` i58 to long distance `faraway` i58 `far-fetched` i58 `far-flung` i58 far spread `fluency` i58 smoothing `fluence` i58 fluency `fluctuation` i58 instability, small/ random change/ movement ex. fluctuations in exchange `fluid` i58 flu + id, of substance like liquid/ gas, cf. solid `fluidity` i58 `fuel` i58 gasoline, gas, wood, that burns for energy `flux` i58 stream `influence` i58 `influential` i58 `influenza` i58 FLU `superfluous` i58 more than needed( bad meaning) `affluence` i58 so riches, money overflow
P59 (back pg-list) `ferry` i59 fer(L) = bring/ carry Ex. * boat `ferro-nickle` i59 ferro(L) = iron/ metal/ steel `transfer` i59 trans( beyond) + fer( carry), convey, relocate `conference` i59 con + fer = say opinion together, Ex. news * `camel` i59 the Arabian word of "carry" , stem "Camelus" genus
`infer` i59 carry in thinking `inference` i59 Ex. A then B.& B then C, hence/ therefore, A then C is true `offer` i59 of = to, provide/ supply/ submit to `offering` i59 `prefer` i59 like A more than B cf. favor `preference` i59 `preferable` i59 `refer` i59 bring back to `reference` i59 `confer` i59 consult `defer` i59 de = off/ away, carry to after, postpone `deference` i59 respect, reverence `deferential` i59 `deferment` i59 postponement `differ` i59 dif = apart `difference` i59 `different` i59 `indifferent` i59 unconcerned, not attention `referee` i59 umpire `transference` i59 movement of place, sending to, ( conscious feeling transfer)
P60 (back pg-list) `fidelity` i60 fide = confide/ believe/ trust/ loyal `hi-fi` i60 high-fidelity `confide` i60 `self-confidence` i60 `faith` i60 loyalty, trust, unquestioning confidence, honesty cf. royalty `defy` i60 de = dis = apart, disloyal --to, challenge `fail` i60 be lacking, miss, not succeed, deceit, fraud `fault` i60 weak point, defect, blame, miss cf. halt ( = stop) Ex. * tolerance/ tolerant system)
`infidel` i60 who has no religious mind `infidelity` i60 `confidence` i60 `confident` i60 `confidential` i60 (top) secret, Ex. * agent = spy `confidant` i60 intimate (friend) ( can consult/ open one's secret) `diffident` i60 lack of confidence, shy, hesitant, timid opp. confident `diffidence` i60 n. `faithful` i60 Ex. * husband, * friend, * account `faithfully` i60 Ex. Yours * (letter end term; = sincerely) `defiance` i60 n., < defy `defiant` i60 `false` i60 not true `falsehood` i60 deception `fallacy` i60 akin to false `fallacious` i60 `failure` i60 n., blunder, being out of one's undertaking `fallible` i60 liable to err, deceitful `infallible` i60 `faultfinding` i60 `faulty` i60
P61 (back pg-list) `finish` i61 < finis(L), end, complete, has over `fine` i61 1. good (from end/ complete), 2. very small, 3. penalty/ punishment money `finance` i61 finish paying debt, money problem `infinitive` i61 undefined man parson article(parts of speech) in grammar, Ex. to go( adj./ ad./ n. usage --case by case) `finger` i61 5, digital --- this is no relation to above fin(Fr).
`finished` i61 completed `finishing` i61 `final` i61 finis + al, last `semifinal` i61 semi = half, small, before step/ phase of the last, about 90%? to 99% `finale` i61 Italian EX. TV's finales: best, worst & funniest `finally` i61 at last `finery` i61 beauty decoration `finesse` i61 smart/tactic/ skilful operation `finical` i61 a., = finicking, be too nervous one's dressing, etc. `refine` i61 a., sophisticated, elegant Ex. * gentleman `refinery` i61 factory make steel ( to abstract a fine real steel component from the rock) cf. winery `refinement` i61 `finite` i61 a., have a limit `infinite` i61 a., no-ended/ unlimited/ endless, undefined, `define` i61 v., set forth; make clear, de- = make `definition` n. `definite` a., constant `indefinite` a., non-constant `confine` i61 v., restrict, not allow to do free action `confinement` i61 n., being in jail [jEi L], custody `financial` i61 a., of money, economic(al)
P62 (back pg-list) `firm` i62 a., v., solid, stable based `firmament` i62 n. sky, ( in Bible, holding) 1. In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth. ... 8. And, God called the firmament Heaven, .. `confirm` i62 con = strong/ emphasis `firm` i62 n. commercial business < firmar(Sp) =signature (contract) --then, be confirmed `fix` i62 akin to firm, attach firmly, (a)mend Ex. Is it a fixed( determined) plan? He fixed( mended) her bicycle. `prefix` i62 affix, i.e. word = prefix + body +suffix ( each part/ component is glued)
`firmness` i62 `firmly` i62 `confirmation` i62 OK check `confirmative` i62 `infirm` i62 in = not, weak/ poor health, unstable `infirmity` i62 `infirmary` i62 hospital containing illness patient `affirm` i62 af = ad = to, agree/ approve to `affirmation` i62 assertion `affirmative` i62 opp. negative `fixture` i62 fix + ture `fixed` i62 `fixedly` i62 `fixation` i62 `fixity` i62 `affix` i62 append/ attach/ add/ combine/ connect syllables `suffix` i62 `infix` i62 implant, embedded `transfix` i62 trans = across/ penetrate ( by spear etc.)
P63 (back pg-list) `flower` i63 < flos(L) `flour` i63 fine powder made of ground grain, flower of wheat `Florida` i63 (Sp) meaning "flower festival", another name/ alias "Flower State" `Florence` i63 Middle Italian city, flower, Firenze(Ita) `foliage` i63 < folia(L), leaf `fruit` i63 < fructus(L)
`floral` i63 `florid` i63 `floriculture` i63 `florescence` i63 `flourish` i63 prosper as blossom open & good flavour fragrant `flowery` i63 `deflower` i63 de = apart `bloom` i63 `blossom` i63 `foliar` i63 `foliate` i63 `portfolio` i63 sheet case, distributing stock/ investment to avoid/ avert a risk `defoliate` i63 to fall leaves `foil` i63 thin metal sheet `fruiterer` i63 `fruitful` i63 `fruitless` i63 without fruit, barren, vain, useless, no use `fruition` i63 `fructify` i63 make/ bear/ product fruit, be carried out, dream come true,(by effort/ endeavor) realize
P64 (back pg-list) `form` i64 < forma(L) = format/ shape/ image `conform` i64 v., same form -- comply rule `deform` i64 v., destroy form -- modify, twist shape cf. deforme[de foru me](Fr.) in art `inform` i64 v., form in mind -- notify `perform` i64 v., form perfectly -- complete `reform` i64 v., make again -- re-construct `transform` i64 v., form transfer to another -- change form `uniform` i64 unique same only one kind/ unified clothes
`formal` i64 `formality` i64 `formation` i64 configuration/ arrangement/ array/ deployment/ layout `formula` i64 in math `formulate` i64 `formalism` i64 `formalist` i64 `formalize` i64 `informal` i64 in = not, not official/ at home/ casual `conformity` i64 correspondence/ according/ complying/ obeying to the rule/ format `deformity` i64 `inform` i64 notify information `information` i64 `informer` i64 `performance` i64 `performer` i64 `reformation` i64 to reform/ revise, amendment, correction, modification, improvement, re-struction `reformer` i64 `transformation` i64 changing shape Ex. Japanese soccer team was defeated by its bad formation tactics. `transformer` i64 electric Volt exchanger Ex. 200V to 100V, AC to DC
P65 (back pg-list) `fortune` i65 destiny, luck, lucky much money, happiness, asset `fortune-teller` i65 who predict/ foresaw/ forecast the future, prophet `fortune-hunter` i65 who marry for money only Take the Fortune by the forelock. --- Fortune/Opportunity waits for no man, cuz her occiput is bald. --- Chance comes suddenly, on such time, don't hesitate, iff you're so slow, you will fail it. `hap` i65 `luck` i65 `perhaps` i65 by haps
`fortunate` i65 `fortunately` i65 `fortune-telling` i65 `misfortune` i65 `unfortunate` i65 `fortuity` i65 possibility/ probability by chance `eventuality` i65 non 0 % event `contingency` i65 incident/ accident/ tragedy by chance `fortuitous` i65 `happiness` i65 busy-business, happy-happiness `happycoat` i65 `happily` i65 `unhappy` i65 `mishap` i65 `unhappiness` i65 `perhaps` i65 `haphazard` i65 hap + hazard( =danger/ risk) -- random, irregular ad. = *ly, in J.[deta Lame] `happen` i65 v. hap + en( make) `happening` i65 happen + circumstance, occasion, occurrence `happy-go-lucky` i65 a. ,easy-going, as take it easy `luckily` i65 `luckless` i65 unlucky
P66 (back pg-list) `gentleman` i66 gen(L, be born) + man, good blood/ family man `genus` i66 species, race, tribe cf. specy, special `genius` i66 1. special character or spirit of a nation, period, institution, language, etc. 2. (person with) unusually great powers of mind or imagination `generation` i66 `gene` i66 DNA `hydrogen` i66 hydro(G, water) + gen, H was born from H2O(water/aqua/hydro)
`gentleness` i66 `gentility` i66 n., who pretend a gentleman `gentry` i66 `genteel` i66 a., pretended decent/ high-society class/ good blood (ironical) `genteelism` i66 n., genteel diction `generous` i66 `generosity` i66 tolerance, big mind `generate` i66 produce `generator` i66 dynamo, motor to produce electric power `degenerate` i66 `degeneration` i66 `genial` i66 calm `geniality` i66 `engender` i66 `genetics` i66 `general` i66 common, Genera( Most senior military officer) `genuine` i66 true by nature, true of true `oxygen` i66 chemical element of air, oxy- = acid `congenial` i66 a. suited `gender` n. sex, male or female (or both?)
P67 (back pg-list) `grave` i67 < gravis(L), heavy, serious, DOWN `gravity` i67 `grave` i67 tomb < dig( Old English), no relation above "grave" `grief` i67 state of heavy mind/ heart, very very sad `levis(L)` i67 opp. gravis(L), not heavy, light weight, UP `elevator` i67 < levis(L) `relief` i67 lighten a mind, get rid of anxiety, aid, flat sculpture in art
`aggravate` i67 ag = ad = to, make worse `aggravation` i67 `graveness` i67 grave matter `gravid` i67 pregnant, heavy as baby in abdomen/ body `gravitation` i67 G, Ex. law of * (Newton) `grieve` i67 v. `grievous` i67 `grievance` i67 complaint, Ex. * committee `alleviate` i67 a = ad = to + levis, to lighten, relieve, lessen, mitigate `levity` i67 lack of seriousness/ steadiness/ manner, frivolity, light-heartedness `lever` i67 tool to lift the heavy one by small power, Ex. * principle = leverage `Levant` i67 `leaven` i67 to expand the raw bread by yeast dough `elevate` i67 e + levare(L, =lift) `elevation` i67 `relieve` i67 `relevant` i67 pertinent, adequate, related `relievo` i67 relief sculpture `irrelevant` i67 ir = not `grave mark` < serious, ISO HTML letter code = &#96; ([ ` ] Acute accent) φ
P68 (back pg-list) `habit` i68 < habere(L, have), having character/ repeated behavior `inhabitant` i68 dwell in, resident, settle `exhibit` i68 < hibit(L, hold) < habere(L), out + hold, attached paper/ document `adhere` i68 < haerere(L, glue/ stick to/ cling to)
`habitual` i68 `exhibition` i68 Ex. * match( boxing etc.) `prohibit` i68 ban, stop, forbid Ex. *ed game/ song( = war; guitar song's name) `prohibition` i68 `behave` i68 be/by + have, control one's act `behaviour` i68 manner of acting, attitude `behavior` i68 `inhibit` i68 in + hibit( hold), keep back `inhibition` i68 restraint, control not to be bad `cohabit` i68 together + dwell/live in the same house `habitable` i68 `habitation` i68 `adherent` i68 sticking, sticky `adherence` i68 depend on one policy `adhesive` i68 `cohere` i68 `coherent` i68 a., consistent, having a unified policy/ concept/ thought/ logic through whole `coherency` i68 consistency `incoherence` i68 lack of continuity, logical mismatch between top & last `incoherency` i68 inconsistency, contradiction `incoherent` i68 `hesitate` i68 < haehere(L, stick), can't do willingly, waver, stammer, falter ( in speech or movement) `hesitation` i68 n., mind with feel anything bad/ unwillingness/ reluctant ( as if I'll do bad thing)
P69 (back pg-list) `human` i69 < homo(L) `homo(L)` i69 man, human being `sapiens(L)` i69 wise, sensible, judicious(non-ridiculous??) `Homo sapiens` i69 man `humanity` i69 `humus(L)` i69 ground, earth, mud, soil, Human created from humus, so dying, return to humus. `humid` i69 a., moist, damp cuz humus(L, mud) is wet
`homage` i69 `humane` i69 `humankind` i69 `humanities` i69 `the humanism` i69 `humanist` i69 `humanistic` i69 `humanitarian` i69 `humanitarianism` i69 `humourous` i69 `humorous` i69 same as above `humble` i69 as crawl the ground, modest `humiliate` i69 be scorned `humiliating` i69 `humiliation` i69 Ex. "* at Canossa (in 1077)", or "go to Canossa" = to humble or humiliate oneself, to eat humble pie. `humility` i69 being humble `humidity` i69 `exhume` i69 `inhume` i69 bury the death, place in the earth, as a dead body `exhumation` i69 dig the dead body out of its grave `posthumous` i69 after death
P70 (back pg-list) `sert` i70 add, combine/ connect, put/ set `insert` i70 add in sth. `desert` i70 de = off Ex. *ing soldier( =fugitive/ refugee/ fled), oasis in the * add/ combine oneself off, remove from, abandon, leave/ run-away from army without permission `seed` i70 to sow = offspring/ progeny, set in with one line `series` i70
`assert` i70 as- = ad- = to/ forward, add/ combine ( oneself) to `assertion` i70 allegation, the saying which sayer believe as (absolutely) true/ intend to `assertive` i70 a., declaring firmly; putting forward oneself or one's opinions `deserter` i70 `deserted` i70 a., forsaken, abandoned `desertion` i70 n., escape, fleeing cf. The Great Escape (movie title: 1963, Steve Mcween?) `dissertation` i70 `exert` i70 set out of, make an effort, exercise `exertion` i70 `insertion` i70 `season` i70 < time which sow the seed with one line Ex. 4 *s, cf. saison(Fr) [sE zon] `seasonal` i70 `seasonable` i70 `seedy` i70 a., having much seeds `semen` i70 n., < serere(L, sow), male genital seed, sperm `seminar` i70 seed - garden `seminary` i70 -ry = place, (religious/ catholic mission ) school `disseminate` i70 dis- = apart `seriesparallel` i70 a., serial, non-parallel, opp. parallel
P71 (back pg-list) `interrupt` i71 inter( between) + rupt( break) `rupt` i71 break `erupt` i71 volcano explosion/ blast `bankrupt` i71 n., v., a., bank + break, (whose) company money down `fract` i71 < rupt( break) `frag` i71 < rupt( break) `fracture` i71 `fragment` i71 Ex. performance-down by disk space fragmentation `frail` i71 `Frailty, thy name is woman. --" Hamlet"` i71
`interruption` i71 `eruptive` i71 `rupture` i71 `abrupt` i71 a., ab = off, sudden, acute `corrupt` i71 cor = fully, decay Ex. *ed Diplomat/Foreign Ministry `corruptible` i71 cf. bribe, anti-trust `corruption` i71 `corruptive` i71 `fractional` i71 `fraction` i71 broken small parts `fracto` i71 prefix, split `fragile` i71 a., easy broken, [frA jaL] `fragility` i71 `fragmentary` i71 `frail` i71 weak, easy mental broken --- sister word of "fragile" `frailty` i71 delicateness, spiritual/ mental weakness( ,not body/ physical form) `breakdown` i71 collapse, specification Ex. * test (= assurance test/ 24H test) `breaking point` i71 limit point to endure cf. turning point `breakneck` i71 great dangerous, Ex. * drive(r) `breakwater` i71 tetrapod is one element of its example
P72 (back pg-list) `issue` i72 < ire(L, go), ir = is = it as variant `exit` i72 ex + it( <ire =go) `invade` i72 < vadere(L, go), in + vade = go into `evade` i72 e( ex) + vade( go) = go out = avoid/ avert/ help
`issuance` i72 `initial` i72 `initiate` i72 `initiative` i72 `itinerant` i72 `transient` i72 `transit` i72 `transitory` i72 `transition` i72 `transitive` i72 `perish` i72 `perishable` i72 `preterite` i72 `invasion` i72 cf. invader game `evasion` i72 `evasive` i72 `pervade` i72 v., per = through ( = perfect/ completely), prevail, wide(/well/ open) spread `pervasion` i72 `vademecum` i72 `wade` i72 walk Tip: "issue" is basic very important word ( to be acquired) -- my private opinion( not official) 1. v., publish, flow 2. n., (usual/ common) problem/ item/ question to be resolved which issued/ flowed/ occurred in process 3. n., publication Ex. G.I. ( Government Issued) 4., (legal) offspring Ex. to die without * (i.e. childless) (Esp. 2. is important, issue( noun) indicates all what issued, from trivial/ tangible to serious matter all.) • sue < 12c., "continue, persevere," < suer(Anglo-Fr, follow after, continue), >: sequi(L, follow) Sense of "start a lawsuit against" first recorded c.1300, on notion of "following up" a matter in court. Sometimes aphetic for ensue or pursue. pursue < prosequi(L, follow up) = pro(= forward) + sequi( = follow), [pa: sU: ] issue < exire(L) =ex( = out) + ire( = go), Many of the figurative senses of the modern word existed in O.Fr, [I su: ] chase < 1297, chacier(O.Fr, to catch, seize) < *captiare (V.L, see catch). Meaning of "run after" developed c.1350. Chaser "water or mild beverage taken after a strong drink" is Amer.Eng., [chEi s] purchase < 13c., purchaser(Anglo-Fr, go after) = pur( =forth) (possibly used here as an intensive prefix) + chacier(O.Fr, run after) (see chase) --- Originally "obtain," sense of "buy" arose 14c., [pA: chas] purse < byrsa(G, hide), The verb, "draw together and wrinkle" (as the strings of a money bag) is first recorded 1604. purser < 1445, "treasurer," originally also "maker of purses," from M.E. purse (see purse).
P73 (back pg-list) `jet` i73 throw `jetplane` i73 `interjection` i73 Ex. gee[jI: ], ouch[Au ch] `subject` i73
`adjacent` i73 `conjecture` i73 `jetty` i73 `ejaculate` i73 `adjective` i73 `deject` i73 `eject` i73 `ejection` i73 `inject` i73 `injection` i73 `project` i73 `projection` i73 `projectile` i73 `reject` i73 `rejection` i73 `object` i73 `objection` i73 `objective` i73 `objectionable` i73 `subjective` i73 `subjection` i73 `abject` i73 ab = away
P74 (back pg-list) `journ(L)` i74 day `journey` i74 a day's travel `daisy` i74 pronouncing "day's eye" became "[deizi]" `menses(L)` i74 moon, month `annus(L)` i74 year, in Ita; anno(singl, male), anni(pl.) `menses` `annual` `anus` i74 [einas] No akin to annual `annals` i74 `nox` i74 night `noct` i74 night `nocturne` i74 piano music describing moody night scene
`journal` i74 `journalism` i74 `journalese` i74 `adjourn` i74 `sojourn` i74 so = sub `daily` i74 `dial` i74 `daybook` i74 `dismal` i74 dis( day) + mal( evil) `diurnal` i74 opp. nocturnal `nocturnal` i74 opp. diurnal `meridian` i74 meri = middle `daydream` i74 `menopause` i74 pause( stop) of month xx `mena(G)` i74 moon/ month `menstruation` i74 `anniversary` i74 birthday `annalist` i74 writer of annals `annuity` i74 yearly pension( money) `perennial` i74 per + ennial, Ex. * plant `biennial` i74 `superannuate` i74
P75 (back pg-list) `cognition` i75 cogn(G) = know = can `konnen(Ger)` i75 know, can = kennel(Ger) Adam knew Eve. --- this "knew" meant/indicate , he knew her physically. (above expression is indirectly, i.e. he had sex(/penetrated/ screwed) with her. Boy & Girl, keep your virgin until marriage. This is important thing. Japanese birth rate is 1.3% now. --- serious matter. Japanese future is dark. Don't divorce easily like USA. Do act more discreetly. = this is my private comment) `recognize` i75 `ignorant` i75 `gn` i75 know --- kn = gn --in Spa., [nya, nyu, nyo] `conscience` i75 < scire(L, know) scire(L)[shI: re] sound/phone is just like Japanes "know"[shi Lu]( it's imperative/ command form)
`knowable` i75 `know-all` i75 `know-how` i75 `knowing` i75 `knowledge` i75 `acknowledge` i75 v., ac( = confess) + knowledge, appreciate cf. acquire `recognition` i75 `recognizable` i75 `cognition` i75 `cognizance` i75 `incognito` i75 in = not `ignore` i75 i = in = not `ignorant` i75 cf. innocent `ignorance` i75 `noble` i75 < gnobilis( well-known) -- so, extended sense of "worthy of honor or respect" `nobility` i75 `ignoble` i75 not noble `cogitate` v., think (over) deeply, ponder, speculate -- turn cog(-wheel)s in brain as [Gi: Gi:..].
P76 (back pg-list) `labor` i76 < laborare(L), work `laboratory` i76 `ludere(L)` i76 play `interlude` i76 `illusion` i76 n. (the seeing of) sth. that does not really exist or of sth. as different from the reality.
`laborer` i76 `laborious` i76 `elaborate` i76 from ex- "out" + laborare "to labor." Elaborate in the sense of "conducted with attention to detail" is from 1649. `collaborate` i76 ally `collaboration` i76 alliance `labor-saving` i76 cf. save energy `allude` i76 v., al = to, imply (by joke, etc ,indirectly) `allusion` i76 `allusive` i76 a., hinted, implicit `delude` i76 v., deceive, cheat, kidding cf. No kidding( < treat like child) `delusion` i76 n., false opinion or belief, esp. as a form of madness `elude` i76 `elusion` i76 `elusive` i76 `hallucination` i76[ha Lu: sa nEi shan] perhaps, caused by drug, result of broken brain nervous system `illusionary` i76 `illusive` i76 `illusory` i76 a., deceptive, misleading `ludicrous` i76 [LU: da kras], a., ridiculous [ri dI kya Las] `illumination` neon, light, lux cf. lux is unit of light/ brightness , in J. [LU ks] we say. -- deluxe = brilliant `conclusion` < conclude, result ---lude < lead `mirage` [ma: rA dj] figures any illusion, physical phenomena esp. in the desert,etc. < mirror `rude` [rU: d], a., not polite
P77 (back pg-list) `dam` i77 house `madam` i77 ma( mother) + dam( house/ home), she is almost absent from home, it's against this definition. `dominus(L, master, lord) `dom` i77 house/ home/ dominant territory `Domini` i77 "Anno Domini(L)" = A.D.= in the year of our Lord( Jesus Christ) `danger` < dominus -- cuz, he has absolute power `dangerous` "Quo Vadis, Domine" = "The Loard, where (do you) go?" novel title by author Sienkiewicz( Polish) `Dominica` name of one island of West India Islands `domenica(Ita, Sunday)` -- female noun ,but in Ger. = Sonntag (Ger., male noun) `domani(Ita, tomorrow)`
`domain` i77 `dome` i77 originally public utility/ facility, later hemispherical( /semi-sphere) roof/ ceiling `domestic` i77 Ex. * airlines, * engineer( housewife), * violence, GDP(General * Productivity) `domesticate` i77 `domicile` i77 `dominance` i77 `dominant` i77 cf. eminent, excellent, widespread `dominate` i77 `domineer` i77 `dominion` i77 `domino` i77 `predominance` i77 `predominant` i77 `dame` i77 `damsel` i77 `mesdames` i77 pl. of madam `mademoiselle` i77 `Madonna` i77 Santa Maria, in L. = My Lady
P78 (back pg-list) `Magna Carta` i78 magn = great, = maj = max `major` i78 `mini-car` i78 `mini-skirt` i78 `minus` i78 `mini` i78 small `minu` i78 small `minister` i78 original was servant `minute` i78 [mainu-] case = fine, vary small `menu` i78 < minnu( small), written in detail
`magnify` i78 `magnificent` i78 `magnate` i78 `magnitude` i78 cf. intensity `magnanimous` i78 magn + animous( = soul) = big minded `maximum` i78 `minimum` i78 `maxim` i78 `majesty` i78 `Majesty` i78 `majority` i78 Ex. absolute * `mayor` i78 cf. major `major` i78 cf. mayor `master` i78 < magnums `minus` i78 minor's relative class `minimum` i78 Ex. * wage `minimize` i78 `ministry` i78 Cabinet `minor` i78 opp. major `minority` i78 opp. majority
P79 (back pg-list) `manager` i79 < manus(L, = hand) `manual` i79 `manner` i79 cf. demeanor, behavior, attitude( policy) `manure` i79
`manage` i79 `manageable` i79 `management` i79 `managing` i79 `well( ill)-mannered` i79 `ill( well)-mannered` i79 `mannerism` i79 `manneristic` i79 `manoeuver` i79 [manu:va] `manoeuvere` i79 [manu:va] `manipulate` i79 `manipulation` i79 `manipulator` i79 remote hand `manifest` i79 a., obvious, evident, clear, v., show clearly, make obvious `manifestation` i79 `manifesto` i79 declaring book `manacle` i79 handcuff `amanuensis` i79 a( by) + manu +ensis `emancipate` i79 liberate, release, free < e( = ex = out/ away) + manus( hand) + capere( take), then, anti-slavery `emancipation` i79 `manger` n., long open box or trough for horses or cattle to feed from Ex. Jesus Christ was born in * `mandatory` compulsory ( < compel), obligatory, mandated ex., mandatory parameter `mandolin` musical (hand) instrument cf. mandarin( Chinese high rank government official)
P80 (back pg-list) `memory` i80 < memorare(L, = remind) `memo` i80 `memorandum` i80 `memorial` i80 `immemorial` i80 im = in = not, ancient, long time ago that can't be remembered, once upon a time
`memorize` i80 cf. learn by heart `memorization` i80 `memorable` i80 `memoirs` i80 [mEm ua: z] `commemorate` i80 `commemoration` i80 `memorandum` i80 `reminiscence` i80 n., [re ma nI sans], re = again, remembering `reminiscent` i80 a., Ex. * of it `mnemonic` i80 a., [ni mA nik], Ex. * rhymes `mnemotechnics` i80 `Mnemosyne` i80 Greek mythology, Goddess of memory, Zeus's wife, Muse's mother `remember` i80 `remind` i80 v., cause to remember `remembrance` i80 `remembrancer` i80 `memento` i80 remember thou
P81 (back pg-list) `micro` i81 very small, 10**-6 `microscope` i81 `scope` i81 miller `Micronesia` i81 composed of small islands, Mariana, Caroline, Marshall, etc. `microbus` i81 `microwave` i81 `macro` i81 big, include long/ big viewpoint `macrocosm` i81 universe, space
`microscopic` i81 `microfilm` i81 `microcopy` i81 `microphone` i81 `micron` i81 `micrograph` i81 `micrology` i81 `micrometer` i81 10**-6 `microanalysis` i81 `microbe` i81 Ex. * warfare `microbiology` i81 `microcard` i81 `micrococcus` i81 coccus = berry `macrograph` i81 `macron` i81 horizontal line above long vowel letter `macrophysics` i81 `macroscopic` i81 visible by usual eye `macruran` i81 oura = tail `maculate` i81 stain, dirty, defile `macula` i81 black spot
P82 (back pg-list) `middle` i82 mid, medi `Midsummer Night's Dream( Shakespeare)` i82 `midwife` i82 mid( = with, help) + wife( = woman), n., v., assist in childbirth, deliver a baby `medium` intervene, media `med` i82 mid `the Mediterranean See` i82 [medata: rEi niian] cf. marine, marina( shore, coast) `mean` i82 middle point, average `meanwhile` i82 mean( middle) + while( time) `immediate` i82 in( not) , not middle, > direct, right now(away)
`midday` i82 `middling` i82 `middle-class` i82 high-class, * , low-class `middlebrow` i82 `middleman` i82 `middleweight` i82 66.7kg to 72.6kg `midland` i82 `midriff` i82 riff = belly `midshipman` i82 middy `midway` i82 `medi(a)eval` i82 aev = age, Middle Ages, after 4c/5c( collapse of West Roman empire) to 15c Renaissance period `medievalism` i82 `mediate` i82 v., intervene, reconcile `mediator` i82 n., intervener `mediocre` i82 a., ocris = peak, neither good or bad, mean of hill's bottom & top `mediocrity` i82 average, ordinary `immediately` i82 ad., at once, directly, suddenly, right now/ away ,,, no between time `amidst` i82 a = on, central, amid `amid` i82 `intermediate` i82 inter = between `meantime` i82 mean = middle, n., ad, average time, meanwhile
P83 (back pg-list) `mind` i83 < mens(L, heart) `Mens sana in corpore sano.` i83 -- Should be sound mind into soundbody. `corpus` i83 < corpore(L, body) `man` i83 < mind, thinking one `mania ` i83 < - ship, thinking geek/ devotee `-ship` i83 < scip(L), state, condition of being, akin to shape `mental` i83 < mind `comment` i83 < mind `corpus` i83 body of person( = corpus(L)), corpse( dead body), collection of facts or things `corps` i83 silent "p", dead body exchanged into live body > body of citizens > band of knights > military team/ troop etc. `corpse` i83 dead body `corporation` i83 < corpus(L), united in one body > form into a body > incorporated company for doing business cf. Co., Ltd.(=company limited)
`vehement` i83 < vehere(L, =carry) + ment( mind), great passionate `mentality` i83 `dementia` i83 de = away, insanity `mention` i83 v. , n. (tell/ refer into one's mind directly or indirectly) `commentary` i83 `commentator` i83 `commenter` i83 annotation `remind` i83 re = back `reminder` i83 person or thing that evoke s a memory, memento, souvenir, letter of solicitation (warning so that a mistake can be avoided) `mindful` i83 `mind's eye` i83 n., imagination, Ex. in my * `-minded` i83 Ex. war * , cf. mastermind behind the Sept. 11 tragedy `corporal` i83 `corporeal` i83 `incorporate` i83 into + corpus(body), bodilized( as if a kind of virtual man) `incorporation` i83 `corpulent` i83 corpus(L, body) + -ulentus(L, full of) > stout, fat, fleshy, obese
P84 (back pg-list) `missile` i84 < mittere(L, =send, throw, cast, launch..) `permit` i84 per = through --- pass easily( = with no difficulty) `compromise` i84 together + promise -- n., v., settle a disagreement, permit each other, bend one's opinion to go ahead together & keep its promise
`mission` i84 `missionary` i84 `message` i84 `messenger` i84 `mess` i84 n., 1.state of confusion/ disorder/ dirt 2.group of persons taking meals together ,these meals, these room vi., eat meals in a * -room. in J. [me shI] ?? its [zu: zu: ben] conjugation `admit` i84 `admission` i84 `commit` i84 v., have agreements of all stakeholders, perform (crime/ blunder), send the right to delegation/ representative `commission` i84 `commissioner` i84 `committee` i84 `emit` i84 `intermit` i84 v., interrupt `intermission` i84 n., break, cease -- Ex. take a (coffee) break/cease a bit `intermittent` i84 `omit` i84 o = ob = away, abbreviate/ cut off/ abridge/ shorten `dismiss` i84 dis = away, send away( i.e. be fired) `premise` i84 n., supposed matter cf. hypothesis `promise` i84 n., v., treaty `surmise` i84 sur = above `submit` i84 v., Ex. You must * its answer to your teacher until Friday( /deadline). `commitment` `delimiter` n., punctuation mark `mitt` n., glove to get cast ball ?? in baseball
P85 (back pg-list) `model` i85 < modus(L, mode) , type, style , [mA daL] -- in American utters as if [mA dau], last L ,they opt to pronounce [u] `mod` i85 model `mode` i85 `a la mode(Fr)` i85 most current `modern` i85 `moderate` i85 set in frame `modest` i85 `Modestine (Stevenson)` i85 He named his donkey to be modest, but its donkey wasn't so at all.
`immoderate` i85 im = not `moderation` i85 `moderator` i85 `modernism` i85 `modernist` i85 `modernity` i85 `modish` i85 `modiste` i85 `modesty` i85 `immodest` i85 `modify` i85 update, revise, mend, amend `modifier` i85 `modification` i85 `accommodate` i85 bestow, adapt, adjust `accommodation` i85 housing, residence, lodging `commodity` i85 `modulate` i85 v., adjust `modulation` i85 `mould` i85 `mold` i85 `modulo` i85 in math. -- remain of division Ex. 5 mod 4 = 1 `module` i85
P86 (back pg-list) `mortal` i86 < mors(L, death) `immortal` i86 a., everlasting life `Men are for an immortal life.` i86 -- body has die, remain immortal name/ spirit `mortician` i86 `morgue` i86 Poe `die` i86 cf, dye `death` i86 `dead` i86 cf. deed
`mortality` i86 `immortality` i86 `immortalize` i86 `mortgage` i86 mort + gage( pledge, security), loan `mortify` i86 shame, humiliate `mortification` i86 cf. notification, `mortuary` i86 ary = place `moribund` i86 near death `post-mortem` i86 after + death, Ex. * examination `deathbed` i86 `deathless` i86 eternal, everlasting, living forever `dead-end` i86 no exit, no future `deadline` i86 time-limit `deadlock` i86 A stops B, B stops C, C stops A, then situation has locked completely `deadly` i86 fatal `dead-pan` i86 iron-face/ skin/ mask, bold-face `dead-weight` i86 heavy burden, no load weight `deadwood` i86 dead branch, useless one( one of no use)
P87 (back pg-list) `move` i87 < movere(L) `motion` i87 `automobile` i87 `mob` i87 < movere(L) `mot` i87 < movere(L) `mut` i87 < movere(L) `La donna e mobile` i87 `mob` i87 [mA b], n., 1.desorderly crowd 2.the common people, the masses, v., crowd round ( to attack or to show admiration) `movie` i87 [mU: vi: ]
`movement` i87 `movable` i87 `remove` i87 re = again, force to take off/ get rid of/ eject `motive` i87 [mati:f] `motivation` i87 `motivate` i87 `motor` i87 `motorist` i87 `motorization` i87 `promote` i87 `promotion` i87 advancement, advertisement, act to sell more `commotion` i87 `demote` i87 `emotion` i87 strong feeling ( sense/ spirit to move mind) `emotional` i87 passionate `mobilize` i87 `mobile` i87 `mobilization` i87 `mobility` i87 `locomotives` i87 loco, Ex. steam * = SL `mutinous` i87 disobedient, be against `mutiny` i87 n. rebellion, v. revolt, uprising,( topple, upset) `commute` `commutation` `commuter` n.. who commute, Ex. * pass, * train
P88 (back pg-list) `name` i88 nomen(L), namae(Japanese), nom(Fr), namen(Ger) `onym(G)` i88 name `omnibus` i88 < omni(L, all) `homo` i88 < homos(G, same) , <homo(L, man) `homonym` i88 same sound name/ word, Ex. air vs. hair
`namecalling` i88 `nameless` i88 `nominal` i88 named but no power, in name only, so-called, opp. virtual cf. defacto( = in fact) `nominate` i88 appoint/ specify the name, entry `nomination` i88 `nominative` i88 `nominator` i88 `nominee` i88 `nomenclature` i88 `denominate` i88 de = down, to name, give a name to `denomination` i88 `ignominious` i88 ig = in = not `ignominy` i88 ig = not `renown` i88 re( again/ back) + name, fame/ famousness/ reputation `anonymous` i88 an(=a) + onym +ous, without name `anonymity` i88 Ex. on condition of * `antonym` i88 ant( =anti) + name, opposite meaning word/ name Ex. good/well <> bad/ill `heteronym` i88 same spelling but different meaning, Ex. lead( metal), lead( guide) `pseudonym` i88 pen-name, pseudo( imitation) -- silent p `onomancy` i88 ono(G, name), divination using by a name `onymous` i88 a. bearing a name; "articles in magazines are usually onymous" opp. anonymous, `acronym` i88 `synonym` i88
P89 (back pg-list) `number` i89 < numero(L) `numero(L)` i89 number, No. `numerous` i89 `order` i89 < ordo(L) `ordo(L)` i89 order
`numeral` i89 `numerable` i89 `numeration` i89 `innumerable` i89 `numerical` i89 `enumerate` i89 e = ex = out `enumeration` i89 `disorder` i89 dis = off `orderly` i89 `ordain` i89 `ordinal` i89 `ordinary` i89 `ordinance` i89 `extraordinary` i89 `co-ordinate` i89 `co-ordinate` i89 peer, same rank `inordinate` i89 in = not (= over, above) `subordinate` i89 sub = under, obey `subordination` i89 state of obeying/ inferior to, of lower rank
P90 (back pg-list) `Occident` i90 < cadere(L, fall), part of the sky in which the sun sets = Western/ Europe `Orient` < oriri(L, rise), part of the sky in which the sun rises = Eastern/ Asia `decadence` i90 < cadere(L, fall) `cascade` i90 < cadere(L, fall) `descend` i90 < scandere(L, climb), not + climb `scend` i90 < scandere(L, climb) `ascend` i90 < scandere(L, climb), to + climb `scandal` i90 < skand(PUE, jump) < skandalon(G, stumbling block," originally "trap with a springing device,")
`cadence` i90 rhythm, inflection, ontonation `decadent` i90 `casual` i90 < casus(L, fall) `casualty` i90 dead or injured person, accident `case` i90 `occasion` i90 oc( at) + casion( fall) `chance` i90 < cadere(L, fall), c to ch, opportunity/ randomness, to risk `accident` i90 ac( to) + fall `coincide` i90 co( together) + in( upon) + cadere(L, fall). `coincidence` i90 `incidence` i90 rate of occurrence, falling ray `incident` i90 matter that happened, befalled `ascent` i90 `ascendancy` i90 `descend` i90 `descent` i90 `descendant` i90 `condescend` i90 con( together) + descend, to let oneself down, yield deferentially `transcend` i90 `scandalous` i90 cascade small water fall cf. Niagara Falls
P91 (back pg-list) `fend` i91 strike `fess` i91 strike `offend` i91 of( = against) + to + strike, to be angry, insult, violate a low, stumble, commit a fault, displease `defend` i91 de = away, to avoid strike, protect oneself `defense`/ `defence` i91 `confess` i91 `fess` i91 acknowledged `profess` i91 `profession` i91 vocation acknowledged(= fess) to be most intelligent `He is a doctor by profession.` i91
`fence` i91 as delete "de" from "defense/ defence" `fenceless` i91 `fencing` i91 `fender` i91 `defensive` i91 `defendant` i91 cf. plaintiff( = complaining + tiff( quarrel)) `offence` i91 offense( American spelling) `offender` i91 Ex. old * (chronic/ habitual/ repeated criminal, jailbird ) `offending` i91 `offensive` i91 `offenceless` i91 `confession` i91 `confessedly` i91 `profess` i91 claim ( publicly) `professional` i91 `professor` i91 `professorial` i91 pretending of professor `professorship` i91 status/ rank of professor
P92 (back pg-list) `pac(L)` i92 peace `pacific` i92 pac + fic = peace making = peacefull `the Pacific Ocean` i92 `pax(L)` i92 root of pac `Pax Romana` i92 `pay` i92 < pac(L), cuz feel happy to be paid( a money) `payday` i92 `bel(L)` i92 war/ battle cf. bell(L) = beauty P23 `bellicose` i92 be fond od war `belligerent` i92 `duel` i92 du( = 2) +(b)el, formal combat between 2 persons `pugnus(L)` i92 the fist `pugnacious` i92 inclined to fight, be fond of/ in the habit of fighting
`pacificate` i92 make peaceful, pacify, reduce a country, appease `pacify` i92 soften, calm `pacifist` i92 lover of peace `peace-maker` i92 intervener, reconciler (for removing trouble) `peaceful` i92 `appease` i92 a( to) + pax(L, peace) = bring to peace `appeasement` i92 reduction, mitigation `pact` i92 treaty, contract, agreement, covenant Ex. peace * `payee` i92 `payment` i92 `payroll` i92 `belligerence` i92 `rebel` i92 `rebellion` i92 `duelist` i92 `pugilist` i92 boxer, pug = pro-boxer `pug-nosed` i92 stumpy & turn up nose `pugnacity` i92
P93 (back pg-list) `Pantheon` i93 Pan( all) + theo( God) + n, temple/ shrine for dedicating all Gods `theo` i93 < theos(G, God) `theology` i93 theo( God) + logy( studying/ learning/ investigation) `Divina Commedia( Divine Comedy), by Dante` i93 `divine` i93 < deus(L, God), God's, sacred, celestial `gossip` i93 god + sibb( related) = derivatives of God > intimate > (drinking) chat > rumour/ rumor cf sibling(brothers or sisters) < sibling(O.E., relative, kinsman) < sibb( = adj. kinship, relationship, related)
`monotheism` i93 mono(L, one), logic of only one God `polytheism` i93 poly(L, many), logic of many Gods `deity` i93 < deu(L, God) `deify` i93 `divine` i93 godlike `divinity` i93 `godchild` i93 child whose name was named by godfather `godfather` i93 the baptism ceremony's participant who names the baby(?) as a Christian father `God-forsaken` i93 abandoned/ deserted by God `godhood` i93 = divinity `godless` i93 unreligious, no believe (in) God `godliness` i93 godly `godsend` i93 < god's send `godspeed` i93 abb. "God speed you".( one greeting of grace) `gospel` i93 < good story = Bible `gossiper` i93 who spread gossip/ rumor `providence` i93 divine supervision, order of God `providential` i93 by God, lucky, graceful `providentially` i93 fortunately
P94 (back pg-list) `part` i94 < partire(L) `participate` i94 part + cip( capere(L) = take), join, take part (in), partake, attend `apartment` i94 apartment indicates one partition, not whole building. whole is called "apartment house" or "apartments"
`partial` i94 `partiality` i94 `particle` i94 `particular` i94 `particularity` i94 `partake` i94 part + take is nuance as to share one's part/ portion `participant` i94 `participation` i94 `participle` i94 one of part of speech, conjugated verb, Ex. present *, past *(p.p.) `partisan` i94 `partition` i94 `partner` i94 cf. spouse `apart` i94 a = ad = to/ off `compartment` i94 com = con = tugether `depart` i94 leave, go away, de = off `department` i94 division, section, activity unit `departure` i94 (starting of) leaving/ going away `proportion` i94 port = part, ratio `impart` i94 `portion` i94 share, wage, dividend for one's self, reward, destiny
P95 (back pg-list) `passport` i95 pass + port( habver/ gate) `pass` i95 `pace` i95 passus(L, step) of pandere(L, to stretch/ the leg), walking speed, length of a step
`passage` i95 cf. message `passenger` i95 `passageway` i95 `passable` i95 `impassable` i95 `impasse` i95 `passer-by` i95 `passing` i95 `pastime` i95 eat a time, recreation `password` i95 `past` i95 old spelling of passed `bypass` i95 `compass` i95 `encompass` i95 `surpass` i95 ex. surpassing ability cf. super, supreme, superior `trespass` i95 `trespasser` i95 `pacer` i95 `pacemaker` i95 `pacemaking` i95 `apace` i95 a = on, at once, quickly, swiftly, soon, right now/ away
P96 (back pg-list) `patron` i96 < pater(L, father), who play the role of father `patriot` i96 lover of patris(L, nation as father) `mother` i96 < mater(L) `maternity` i96 as beeing a mother , Ex. * dress `marry` i96 < maritus(L, husband)
`paternal` i96 `paternoster` i96 father + noster(L, our) = our Father `patriarch` i96 arch = head `patriarchy` i96 `patricide` i96 father killer `patrimony` i96 `patriotism` i96 `patronage` i96 `pattern` i96 as father is children's skeleton/ prototype `compatriot` i96 `expatriate` i96 `expatriation` i96 `repatriate` i96 `repatriation` i96 `fatherland` i96 also mother country `maternal` i96 `matron` i96 married woman `alma mater` i96 mother school, alma(L, growing up) + mother `metropolis` i96 metro(L, mother) + polis(L, city), capital city `mother tongue` i96 organ of speech > language `patent`
P97 (back pg-list) `people` i97 < populi(L), popolo(Italian) `Vox populi( Voice of people)` i97 `population` i97 `popular song` i97 `public` i97 akin to people `private` i97 < privare(L, separate ) `privacy` i97
`popularity` i97 `popularize` i97 `popularization` i97 `populous` i97 `populate` i97 inhabit, reside, dwell, be resident `depopulate` i97 `public house` i97 `publican` i97 `public school` i97 `publish` i97 `publisher` i97 `publication` i97 `publicity` i97 `publicize` i97 `republic` i97 `republican` i97 `republicanism` i97 `privation` i97 `privy` i97 Ex. * parts `deprive` i97 de = emphasis, privere(L, separate) , take away from ex. What would a student do if he were deprive of his books?
P98 (back pg-list) `philosophy` i98 < philo(G, love) +sophy(G, wisdom) `ami(L)` i98 love `ama(L)` i98 love `Amore, amore` i98 `Bell Amire` i98 `amiable` i98 `enemy` i98 en( not) + amicus(L, friend)
`philharmonic` i98 `philology` i98 `philosopher` i98 `philosophic` i98 `philosophical` i98 `philosophist` i98 `bibliophile` i98 `philately` i98 `philanthropy` i98 `Anglophile` i98 `Anglo Saxon` i98 `toxophilite` i98 `toxo` i98 archery `amateur` i98 `amateurish` i98 `amative` i98 `amorous` i98 `amicable` i98 `amatory` i98 `amenity` i98 `amity` i98 `amour` i98 `enamour` / `enamor` i98 `amorist` i98
P99 (back pg-list) `phone` i99 the same phone(G) `phonograph` i99 `gramophone` i99 `megaphone` i99 `microphone` i99 `interphone` i99 in-door `photo` i99 `light` i99 `photograph` i99 `photo` i99 `telephoto` i99
`earphone` i99 `euphony` i99 eu = good, Ex. Europe cf. EUREKA[yu rI: ka] = I've found it! -- (principle of Archimedes[a:r ka mI: di: z]), Euphrates[yu: frEi ti:z] River in Iraq `gramophone` i99 reverse spelling of "phonogram" `microphone` i99 `phonetic` i99 `phonetics` i99 `phonetician` i99 `phonology` i99 `phonogram` i99 `polyphony` i99 poly = multi cf. monophony, homophony `saxophone` i99 comes from inventor/ originator Antoine Joseph Sax(Belgian) in1846 `saxophonist` i99 `symphony` i99 `symphonic` i99 `telephone` i99 `xylophone` i99 `xylophonist` i99 `photogenic` i99 `photographic` i99 `photosensitive` i99
P100 (back pg-list) `please` i100 "Please" comes from "(If you) please." `pleasure` i100 `ple` i100 `pla` i100 `grat` i100 --- grace/ gracias(Spa, [grA che])/ grazie(Ita, [grA tse]) , happiness `gratify` i100 `congratulate` i100 `joy` i100 `jocund` i100 `dol` i100 sad `doleful` i100 `anger` i100 < hung a neck
`pleasant` i100 `displeasure` i100 `placable` i100 `placid` i100 `grateful` i100 `gratitude` i100 n. cf. attitude, magnitude `gratis` i100 ad. `free` i100 `gratuitous` i100 `congratulation` i100 `grace` i100 Ex. Amazing * `gracious` i100 `joyful` i100 `rejoice` i100 `enjoy` i100 `dolorous` i100 `condole` i100 `condolence` i100 `angry` i100 `anguish` i100 `anxious` i100 `anxiety` i100
P101 (back pg-list) `point` i101 sticked hole, pin hole, 0 dimension `pungere(L)` i101 v., stick `punkt(Ger)` i101 `punctuation` i101 n., dot, comma, colon, semicolon, etc./ delimiter `line` i101 1 dimension `linea(L)` i101 `linen` i101 fabric, 2 dimensions
`point-blank` i101 `pointer` i101 `pointsman` i101 `appoint` i101 specify one point `appointment` i101 `disappoint` i101 fail to expect `disappointment` i101 `disappointing` i101 `punct` i101 `punctuate` i101 `punctual` i101 keep time `punctuality` i101 `puncture` i101 `pungent` i101 `compunction` i101 stick mind, ransom `poignant` i101 `linear` i101 one dimension `lineal` i101 straight line `lineament` i101 `liner` i101 ship/ airline `line-up` i101 form a line `lining` i101 material used to line an inside surface `delineate` i101 describe out-line
P102 (back pg-list) `policeman` i102 < polis(G, city), who guard/ keep the city `policy` i102 rule, reign the city( = nation) `politician` i102 cf. senator[sE na ta: ], attorney[atE: ni: ] `statesman` i102 `city` i102 < civis(L, civil, civilian) `urb` i102 metropolitan `suburb` i102 outskirt
`acro` i102 = higher `arcopolis` `metropolis` i102 `metropolitan` i102 `metro` i102 mother, mother state `megalopolis` i102 `megalo` i102 huge `policeforce` i102 `force` i102 power `politics` i102 `political` i102 `polity` i102 regime `the City` i102 `citizen` i102 `citizenize` i102 `citizenship` i102 `ship` i102 status, rank `civic` i102 citizen, social `civics` i102 `civil` i102 `civility` i102 `civilian` i102 `urbs` i102 `urban` i102 `urbane` i102 city like `urbanity` i102 `suburban` i102 `outskirt` i102 surround/ compassed of the city
P103 (back pg-list) `porter` i103 who carry `port` i103 `portable` i103 `portable radio` i103 `export` i103 `import` i103 `sport` i103 < disport = apart + carry (out) = enjoy oneself apart from the work `disport` i103 `port` i103 another meaning, portal = gate, entrance Ex. air port( = harbor)
`deport` i103 behave oneself `portly` i103 `exporter` i103 `exportation` i103 `important` i103 a., important ,so, to keep it carrying in ( not out) `importance` i103 `opportune` i103 a., cuz, ship is near the harbor -- good chance, convenient `opportunity` i103 chance Ex. golden * `opportunist` i103 `portmanteau` i103 `purport` i103 document, stuff, pur- = pro-, `report` i103 re- = back, come/ carry back with it -- it = information `reportage` i103 Fr., [rupo] `support` i103 from sub retain, backup `supporter` i103 advocate, adherent, fan, assistant, attendant, parent, friend, colleague, buddy, ... `insupportable` i103 can't to keep `transport` i103 convey, carry `portico` i103 [pO:r ta kou], veranda `porch` i103 sister word of "portico" `portal` i103 hall-entrance/ gateway
P104 (back pg-list) `press` i104 `expression` i104 `impression` i104 `suppress` i104 `pressure group` i104 `repress` i104 `depression` i104 `depress` i104
`compress` i104 `compressor` i104 `depressing` i104 `depressor` i104 `express` i104 `expressive` i104 `impress` i104 `impressive` i104 `impressionable` i104 `impressionism` i104 `impressionist` i104 `oppress` i104 `oppression` i104 `oppressive` i104 `repress` i104 `repression` i104 `pressinterview` i104 news conference `press conference` i104 `pressing` i104 `pressure` i104 `suppressed` i104 `suppressor` i104
P105 (back pg-list) `price` i105 < 12c., from O.Fr. pris, from L. pretium "reward, prize, value, worth," from PIE *preti- "back," on notion of "recompense." Praise, price, and prize began to diverge in O.Fr., with praise emerging in M.E. by 1325 and prize being evident by late 1500s with the rise of the -z- spelling. Priceless (1593) logically ought to mean the same as worthless, but it doesn't. `prize` i105 `praise` i105 n., v., exalt Ex. praise the Lord. `pris` i105 < prehendere(L, seize) `prison` i105 `prehendere(L)` i105 `apprehend` i105 < apprehendere(L, take hold of/ arrest, grasp) = ap( =to) + prehendere(L) `apprehensive` < apprehendere(L , seize the mind) > anticipative of something adverse
`priceless` i105 `precious` i105 `appreciate` i105 `appreciation` i105 `appreciative` i105 `depreciate` i105 `depreciation` i105 `depreciatory` i105 `interpret` i105 `interpretation` i105 `interpreter` i105 `appraise` i105 `comprise` i105 cf. complies `enterprise` i105 `imprison` i105 `prisoner` i105 `POW(Prisoner Of War)` i105 `apprehension` i105 arrest, anticipation, fear, undestanding `comprehend` i105 `comprehensible` i105 a., understanding easily `comprehension` i105 `comprehensive` a., extensive, include much
P106 (back pg-list) `probably` i106 ad., be able to prove -- perhaps `prob` i106 try, prove `prov` i106 ditto `probe` i106 v., investigate, inquire `prove` i106 v., resolve the problem, discover the fact, indicate as true `probare(L)` i106 both origin `proof` i106 n. 1.to prove 2. to protect `rainproof` i106 no wet `bullet-proof` i106 no bullet, protect from pistol `womanproof` i106 protect from (bad) girl
`probability` i106 n., math. term; the matter no happen; prospect `improbable` i106 `reprobate` i106 `reprobation` i106 probation n., test / trial period, a. = probational , test/ trial cf. provisional(< provision) , temporary, interim `approve` i106 `approval` i106 n., agreement, same opinion `disapprove` i106 `proofing` i106 `proofread` i106 `proofreader` i106 `disproof` i106 `disprove` i106 `improve` i106 `improvement` i106 `able` i106 `reprove` i106 `bombproof` i106 `bombproof room` i106 `bulletproof` i106 `bulletproof jacket` i106 `bulletproof glass` i106 `fireproof` i106 `fireproof building` i106 `waterproof` i106 `water-tight` i106
P107 (back pg-list) `producer` i107 pro + duce + er, who lead/elicit ahead = creator `duce` i107 lead `duct` i107 ditto `conductor` i107 `educate` i107 who lead/ elicit/ edify student's possibility `cramming` i107 studying style which force to pack anyone into the brain . `cramming is not education` i107 `introduction` i107 `aqueduct` i107 cf. drench, faucet
`introduce` i107 `introductory` i107 `conduct` i107 `conduce` i107 `conductive` i107 `deduce` i107 infer `deducible` i107 `deduction` i107 `education` i107 `induce` i107 `induction` i107 `productivity` i107 `production` i107 `product` i107 `productive` i107 `reproduce` i107 `reduce` i107 `reduction` i107 `subdue` i107 force to lead to the lower position than me/I, conquer, prevail `due to` i107 cause from
P108 (back pg-list) `program` i108 `programming` i108 `have a full program` i108 `gram` i108 `diagram` i108 `graph` i108 `autograph` i108 sign, signature
`cablegram` i108 `epigram` i108 ep = on `episode` i108 `epilogue` i108 `epigrammatic` i108 `grammar` i108 `grammatical` i108 `grammarian` i108 `gramophone` i108 `phone(sound, sono)` i108 `telegram` i108 tele = far `graph` i108 `graphic` i108 `autobiography` i108 `biography` i108 bio = life `lithography` i108 `litho(L, stone)` i108 `mimeo(L, mime)` i108 `mimeograph` i108 `paragraph` i108 para = beside `phonograph` i108 `photograph` i108 `photographer` i108 `photography` i108 `stenograph` i108 steno = small `stenographer` i108 `para(L, beside)` i108 `photo(L, ray/ light)` i108 `paradox` para(L, contrary to) + doxa(L, opinion) cf. inconsistency, unmatched, incoherent, dilemma
P109 (back pg-list) `progress` i109 < gradus(L, walk) `digress` i109 v., di = aside + walk cf. degrade `grade` i109 `graduate` i109 `commencement( start/ begging)` in American usage; graduation ceremony, handing out of diplomas ---good sense/ expression!! `greedy dog( Aesop's fables)` i109
`progressive` i109 `progression` i109 `aggress` i109 `aggression` i109 `aggressive` i109 `congress` i109 go/ walk together, meeting `Congress` i109 `congressman` i109 `digression` i109 n., deviation from the main point/ subject (in speaking or writing) cf. derail `egress` i109 `ingress` i109 `ingredient` i109 `retrogression` i109 `retro( back)` i109 `transgress` i109 trans = across `transgression` i109 `retrograde` i109 retro = back `gradual` i109 `gradually` `gradation` i109 `degrade` i109 de = down `degree` i109 `Leningrad` i109 `by degrees` i109
P110 (back pg-list) `propeller` i110 `pell( machine, apparatus)` i110 < pellere(L, push, drive) `pulse` i110 push blood vessel `appeal` i110 push toward, knock mind
`propel` i110 `propellant` i110 `propellent` i110 `propelling` i110 `compel` i110 `com( emphasis)` i110 `compulsion` i110 cf. mandatory `compulsory` i110 `compulsory education` i110 `required subject` i110 `dispel` i110 `expel` i110 `expulsion` i110 `impel` i110 reject `impulse` i110 `impulse of passion` i110 `impulsive` i110 `repel` i110 `repellent` i110 `pulsate` i110 `pulsation` i110 `repulse` i110 `repulsion` i110 `repulsive` i110 `appealing` i110 `repeal` i110 `repealer` i110
P111 (back pg-list) `propose` i111 pro( = before) + pose( = set/ put/ locate) `Say cheese!` i111 `pause` i111 < ponere(L, pose) `preposition` i111 parts of speech, locating before noun `post` i111 status, after/ next `posture`
`proposition` i111 n. `purpose` i111 n. `compose` i111 v. `composition` i111 n. `-tion` i111 `-sion` i111 `composite` i111 a. `composure` i111 n. `-ure` i111 `-ous` i111 `depose` i111 v. `dispose` i111 v. `disposition` i111 n. `expose` i111 v. `exposition` i111 n. `impose` i111 v. `imposing` i111 a. `oppose` i111 v. `opposite` i111 n., a., pre., ad. `opposition` i111 n. `opp.( opposite)` i111 n. `in opposition` i111 ad. `disposal` i111 n. cf. proposal `suppose` i111 v. `positive` i111 a. `postal` i111 a. `possible` i111 a. `impossible` i111 a. `possibility` n.
P112 (back pg-list) `quiz` < quaerere(L, quest, seek) `inquire` i112 `question` i112 `question mark` i112 `interrogation mark` i112 `answer` i112 φ `swear` i112 φ akin to `answer` `I swear` i112 φ `allege` i112 φ v. [aLE dj] Remark; "ll" w-l style `allegation` φ n. [aLi gEi shan] `plea` i112 φ n. [pLI: ] opinion, decree < sth that has been decided < sth that pleases both sides < sth pleasant Ex. counterplea cf. flea( small jump insect), flee( escape, run away) `pledge` i112 φ v., n. [pLE dj] `plead` i112 φ v. [pLI: d] -- request, beg
`quizzical` i112 `quest` i112 `questionable` i112 `query` i112 `enquete` i112 `acquire` i112 `acquirement` i112 `acquisition` i112 `conquer` i112 `conquest` i112 `conquerable` i112 `quarrel` i112 `inquire` i112 `inquisitive` i112 `request` i112 `require` i112 `requisition` i112 `exquisite` i112 `answerable` i112 `unanswerable` i112 `unanswered` i112 `quaint` i112 `acquaint` i112 `be acquainted with` i112
P113 (back pg-list) `radio` i113 < radius(L, ray) `radiation` i113 `X-ray` i113 `radical` i113 < radix(L, root) `radish` i113
`radiant` i113 `radiant heater` i113 `radiance` i113 `radiate` i113 `radiative` i113 `radiation sickness` i113 `radioactive` i113 `radiocast` i113 `Radio City` i113 `radio photo` i113 `radius` i113 `radii` i113 `radian( circle angle)` i113 `radar` i113 `X-radiation` i113 `rayon` i113 `rayless` i113 `radicalism` i113 `radicalize` i113 `radicle` i113 `eradicate` i113
P114 (back pg-list) `receive` i114 `the received view` i114 `conceive` i114 be pregnant `ceive` i114 take, catch `cept` i114 `except` i114 `ceive > save > serve` i114
`receivable` i114 `received` i114 `reception` i114 `receptive` i114 `receipt [risi:t]` i114 `conceivable` i114 `conceit` i114 `deceive` i114 `deceit` i114 `deception` i114 `deceitful` i114 `exceptionable` i114 `excerpt` i114 `inception` i114 incipere "begin, take in hand," from in- "in, on" + cipere comb. form of capere "take, seize" (see captive). `interception` i114 `intercept` i114 `perceive` i114 `perception` i114 `concept` i114 `imperceptible` i114 `precept` i114 `susceptible` i114 Tip serve ceive cept sume sumpt assume/ assumption, resume/resumption, presume deem dempt redeem/ redemption deem keep/ kept sweep/ swept creep/ crept sleep/slept access/ accept except/ excerpt adopt/ adapt/ adept/ Egypt scribe/ script/ scrip *pt = opt/ apt/ wept/ empt/ haupt/ houpt/ kept/ co-opt/ rapt/ leapt/ sept/ swept/ adopt/ adapt/ adept/ Egypt/ erupt/ inept/ weishaupt/ crept/ crypt/ receipt/ slept/ tempt/ abrupt/ accept/ excerpt/ except/ windswept/ attempt/ corrupt/ prompt/ preempt/ sculpt/ script/ exempt/ unkempt/ encrypt/ breithaupt/ disrupt/ concept/ precept/ overslept/ interrupt/ intercept/ bankrupt/ contempt/ postscript/ conscript/ manuscript/ telescript/ transcript/ nondescript/
P115 (back pg-list) `recital` i115 < cit( = elicit, callback, stimulate) `excite` i115 `claim( = cry, in patent, sue, plea)` i115 `exclaim` i115 `proclaim` i115
`recite` i115 `recitation` i115 `excitable` i115 `exciting` i115 `excitement` i115 `cite( quote)` i115 `citation` i115 `incite( stimulate)` i115 `incitement` i115 `solicit` i115 v., - c.1422, "to disturb, trouble," from M.Fr. soliciter, from L. solicitare "to disturb, rouse," from sollicitus "agitated," from sollus "whole, entire" + citus "aroused," pp. of ciere "shake, excite." Meaning "to further (business affairs)" evolved c.1450 from M.Fr. sense of "manage affairs." cf. v., sollicitate, sollicitar `solicitous` i115 a. `solicitude` i115 n. `solicitor` i115 `unsolicited( SPAM)` i115 a., unrequested, uninvited, non sollicitate `clamo(u)r` i115 `clamo(u)rous` i115 `clamorously` i115 `acclamation` i115 `exclamation` i115 `exclamation mark( !)` i115 `exclamatory` i115 `exclamatory sentence` i115 `proclamation` i115 `claimable` i115 `claimant` i115 `reclaim( regain)` i115 `counterplea` i115 `flea market` i115
P116 (back pg-list) `record` i116 < cor( = heart, mind) `cordial[ko:jiaL]` i116 not [ ko di aL] `core` i116 `courage` i116 `heart < herz(G)` i116
`accord` i116 `accordance` i116 `accordingly( therefore)` i116 `accordion` i116 `concord` i116 `Concord( jet plain)` i116 `concordance` i116 `concordant` i116 `discord` i116 `discordant` i116 `cordiality` i116 `coreless` i116 `hard-core` i116 `courageous` i116 `encourage` i116 `encouragement` i116 `discourage` i116 `discouraging` i116 `heartache` i116 `heartbeat` i116 also has emotion meaning `heartbreak` i116 brokenheart (= lost love) `hearten` i116 `hearteasing` i116 cf. giving relief `dishearten` i116 `heartless` i116 `heartfelt` i116 cordial `heartwhole` i116 with all one's heart
P117 (back pg-list) `resistance` i117 re( = against) + sist( < sistere(L, stand)) `assist` i117 `assistant` i117 `persist` i117 per = through `inconsistency` i117 can't stand together, paradox
`resist` i117 `resistant` i117 `resistible` i117 `resistless` i117 `assistance` i117 `consist` i117 be composed `consistent` i117 coherent `consistency( coherence)` i117 `inconsistent` i117 `desist` i117 `insist` i117 `insistence` i117 `insistent` i117 `instant` i117 `instance` i117 `persistence` i117 `persistent` i117 `subsist` i117 `subsistence` i117 `substance` i117 `substantial` i117 `understand` i117 under = under one's nose( in plain sight) > under + stand = "comprehend, grasp the idea of" (/ apprehend) cf. found = fo + und = base, background, bottom < fondare(L, establish), cf. fond = be fond of( = like) or background(Fr) fond = originally is "foolish, silly" , akin to "fun", later, meant "foolishly tender" to "having strong affections for." `standard` i117 `standby` i117 see standing beside `bystander` i117 `standpoint` i117 `means of subsistence` i117 `system` syncro + stand
P118 (back pg-list) `right` i118 < regere(L, rule, reign), in old time, considerd the official hand `left-handed` i118 contains, unfaithful, unmatched social class `southpaw` i118 `reagal` i118 < regere(L) `regulation` i118 < regere(L) `rec < reg` i118 variant `rectify` i118 `correct` i118
`regent` i118 `regime` i118 `nacien regime` i118 `ancien regime` `interim regime` i118 `regiment` i118 `battalion` i118 `brigade` i118 `regimentation` i118 `region` i118 `reign` i118 < regere(L, rule) - c.1225, "kingdom," from O.Fr. reigne, from L. regnum "kingship, dominion, rule, realm." Meaning "period of rule" first recorded early 14c. The verb is c.1280, from O.Fr. regner, from L. regnare, from regnum. cf. `real` comes from `royal` in old, royal thing was all real matter. --- this is true. `sovereign` i118 `regular` i118 `regular member` i118 `regulate` i118 cf. deregulation `rector` i118 `rectitude` i118 `direct` i118 `indirect` i118 `direction` i118 `directive` i118 `directory` i118 `telephone directory` i118 `erect` i118 1386, < erectus(L, upright), pp. of erigere "raise or set up," < e- "up" + regere "to direct, keep straight, guide." Erection is 1503; of the penis, 1594. `erection` i118 Cf.: `legacy` legal/ legitimate/ legist cf. jurist < jus (L, gen. juris) "law." , jury < jurare(L, to swear) from jus(L)
P119 (back pg-list) `saddle` i119 < sedere(L, sit/set) `sit` i119 `set` i119 `seat` i119 `session` i119 act of sitting, Sense of "period set aside for some activity" is first recorded 1920 -- service (on) time `settle` i119 `president` i119
`sitter` i119 `baby-sit` i119 `baby-sitter` i119 `seat-mate` i119 `sedan` i119 `sedate( settle pp)` i119 `sedentary` i119 `sedentary occupation` i119 `settlement` i119 `setter` i119 `settee` i119 `setting` i119 `siege` i119 `assiduous` i119 `obsess` i119 `obsession` i119 `possess` i119 `possession` i119 `preside` v., act as chairman cf. president ( this page above) `reside` i119 cf. resident, inhabit, settle `subside` i119 `subsidiary` i119 `subsidiary company` i119 -- child company `sibling` cf sibling(brothers or sisters) < sibling(O.E., relative, kinsman) < sibb( = adj. kinship, relationship, related) cf. gossip[P93] assess [asE s] v. estimate, appraise, quote, < ad(= to) + sedere(= to sit)," One of the judge's assistant's jobs was to fix the amount of a fine or tax. assessment -------------------------------------- Tip: Check out the pronouncing same [ses]: i.e. sess = sedere(L, sit/ set), cess = cedere(L, go / leave/ yield )[P136], cease( cedere(L) + e(=away/ slow)) = stop[P136], recess[rI: ses], recession , concede/ concession( = compromise) , exceed, access, process, success, secession, intercession( intervention, mediation) `leave` v. drop/ spout(grow) a leaf --- go away, quit/ stop, let alone, allow to remain n., vacation, time off
P120 (back pg-list) `salary` i120 `salt < sal(L)` i120 `sal(L, leap/ jump)` i120 `sauce` i120 `sausage` i120 `salmon < sal(L, junp)` i120 `sugar < sakharon(G, sugar)` i120 `saccharin` i120 n. `saccharine` i120 a. very sweet
`salty` i120 `saltcellar` i120 `salad` i120 `salariat(e)` i120 salary-man class/ hierarchy `saucer` i120 dish to receive `flying saucer` i120 `saucy` i120 a., bold, insolent `soldier` i120 who give money to buy salt `sally` i120 rush forward, jump `saltant` i120 saltar = jump `salient` i120 a., prominent, remarkable `desultory` i120 aimless `exult` i120 v., be happy, rejoice feeling to jump `exultation` i120 n. joy, gaiety, glee `insult` i120 v., in= on + sul( = jump) -- jump on him to injure `result` i120 n., sth. jumped back `resultant` i120 `resultful` i120 `sugar-coat` i120 `sugary` i120 `saccharify` i120 v. `assail` i120 v., at + leap = attack `assault` i120 v., n. `consult` i120 v., advise, talk with -- leap/ jump together
P121 (back pg-list) `satisfy < satis(L, sufficient/ enough)` i121 `sat` i121 `satur` i121 `saturation point` i121 `satire` i121 `sad` keep on satis > heavy/ tired/ severe > sad (by EtymOnline)
`sate` i121 = satiate `satiate` i121 `satisfying` i121 `satisfaction` i121 `satisfactory` i121 a., Ex. * answer `satisfactorily` i121 `unsatisfactory` i121 `unsatisfactory answer` i121 `unsatisfied` i121 `satisfiable` i121 `dissatisfy` i121 `dissatisfaction` i121 `satiate` i121 `satiation` i121 `insatiable` i121 `satiety` i121 `satiric(al)` i121 Ex. * cartoon `satirical cartoon` i121 `satirist` i121 `satirize` i121 `saturant` i121 saturation `saturate` i121 `saturation` i121 `assets` i121 n. 1.(usu. pl.) anything owned by person, company, etc., which may be used or solid to pay debts 2. valuable or useful quality or skill Ex. Is your knowledge of English an * to you? cf. assess, assessment i119 --- ad(= to) + sedere(= to sit) ,, ex. CO2 assessment
P122 (back pg-list) `scissors < cis(L, cut)` i122 `cis( cut)` i122 `cid( cut)` i122 `cead( cut)` i122 `caes( cut)` i122 cut --- extended to kill, decide straightly `suicide` i122 sui(L, one's self) ex. suicide bomber [in J., ningen bakudan] `sui(L, self)` i122 `circumcise` i122 cut male penis around( circum) skin as ring,,, Therefs in Bible. `cut` i122 `cutter` i122 ship `cutting` i122 cut a clothes `cutlet` i122 originally, rib -- in Japan {tonkats] [ton( =pig)] + cut
`homicide( people)` i122 homo(L, people) `patricide( father)` i122 pater(L, father) `matricide( mother)` i122 mater(L, mother) `fratricide( brother)` i122 frater(L, brother) `infanticide` i122 `perricide( parents)` i122 *** an origial book misspelling/ typo *** `parricide( parents)` --- this is right spelling perhaps. n.,1: someone who kills his or her parent 2: murder of your own parents `chisel` i122 n., el = small `decide` i122 `decision` i122 `decisive` i122 `indecisive` i122 `concise` i122 `incise` i122 cf. accurate `precise` i122 `precision` i122 `precisely` i122 `precisian` i122 `cutlery` i122 `cutlass` i122 `incision` i122 `preciseness` i122 `cutler` i122
P123 (back pg-list) `depict` i123 make pictire = draw/ describe `depiction` i123 `script` i123 < scribere(L, write) `scripter` i123 `manuscript` i123 draft `circumscribe` i123 circum(= around) + scribe(= write) = write the boundary line, define
`scribe` i123 `scribble` i123 `scribbler` i123 `scripture` i123 `ascribe` i123 `ascribable` i123 `circumscription` i123 `conscript` i123 `conscription` i123 `describe` i123 `description` i123 `descriptive` i123 `nondescript` i123 `inscribe` i123 `inscription` i123 `prescribe` i123 `prescription` i123 `subscribe` i123 `subscription` i123 `transcribe` i123 `transcription` i123
P124 (back pg-list) `cret( separate/ observe)` i124 `secret` i124 c.1378, < secretus(L, set apart, withdrawn, hidden) , originally pp. of secernere "to set apart," from se- "apart" + cernere "separate." Secretive is from 1853. -- i.e. to avoid to be seen, separate another place for oneself `secretary` i124 `Secretary` i124 `cern( = cret)` i124 `concern` i124 together + separated = gather --- relation/ interest/ regard
`secrecy` i124 Ex. in * = secretly `secretariate` i124 `secrete` i124 `concerned` i124 `concerning` i124 `concernment` i124 `unconcern` i124 `unconcerned` i124 `indifferent` i124 `discern` i124 `discernible` i124 `discerning` i124 `discernment` i124 `discreet` i124 cf. same pronouncing "discrete" `discreetly` i124 `discrete` i124 opp. continuous `discretion` i124 `age of discretion` i124 `indiscreet` i124 `discriminate` i124 in J.[sa be ts] `discrimination` i124 `excrete` i124 `excrescence` i124
P125 (back pg-list) `sense` i125 < sentire(L, feel) `sens( feel)` i125 `sent( feel)` i125 `sensitive` i125 `sensual` i125 near sexual `sensible` i125 `common sense` i125 `resent` i125 v., begrudge, have jealousy, be displeased or bitter cf. recent, resend `a sensual beauty` i125 glamorous beauty, glamo(u)r `sentence` i125 1. grammatical writing unit 2. v./n., judge/ impose a punushment i.e. sentence = feel & describe/ express its feeling, or, its expression result
`senseless` i125 `sensitivity` i125 `insensible` i125 `sensibility` i125 `sensuality` i125 n., to devote to the sins of the flesh `sensualist` i125 n., man, devotee to the sex/ eroticism `sensualism` i125 flesh `sensation` i125 `sensational` i125 `sensuous` i125 a., affecting the senses , no contains flesh-desire `sensory` i125 detective `nonsense` i125 `nonsensical` i125 `assert` i125 as = ad = to, sert = sent = feel , agree/ approve to, insist on, state strongly `assertion` n., declaration ( this is strong expression/ representation) `consent` i125 con = with = together, agree ( I feel so, too) `dissent` i125 not consent `presentiment` i125 n., intuitive feeling about future event `resentful` i125 a., having a feeling of ill will, angry, indignant cf. dignity `sentiment` i125 `sentimental` i125 `sententious` i125 a., like a maxim, like a judgement (/judgment) sentence `stir up sensation` i125 make a fever `census` i125 < censere(L, assess), ( nation level) survey of population, etc. cf. censor, appraise `consensus` i125 general agreement, akin to consent
P126 (back pg-list) `serv( serve/ watch/ keep)` i126 `service` i126 `preserve` i126 `observe` i126 `observation` n., i126 `observatory` n., i126 facility/ place to watch stars, etc. `observant` a., 1. be aware of/ watch 2. keep cf. `obedient` < `obey` `observance` keep a rule/ custom & way etc. > 1. (annual) ceremony, event 2. keeping strictly cf. `obedience` `dessert( stop service)` n., des = off, a last food/ dish of the service course --it's the end/ last of service cf. desert (1s)
`servant` i126 `server` i126 `serviceman` i126 `servile` i126 `servility` i126 `slave` i126 `servitude` i126 `serf` i126 `sergent` i126 original book misspelling perhaps `sergeant` i126 correct spelling `preservation` i126 `conserve` i126 `conservative` i126 `conservatism` i126 `conservatory` i126 `reserve` i126 `reserved` i126 `reservation` i126 `reservoir` i126 `deserve( worthy)` i126 `desert 1` i126 `desert 2` i126 `recipes` - 1584, "medical prescription," from M.Fr. recipe, from L. recipe "take!," imperative of recipere "to take" (see receive); word written by physicians at the head of prescriptions. Meaning "instructions for preparing food" first recorded 1743. The original sense survives only in the pharmacist's abbreviation Rx.
P127 (back pg-list) `sex akin to insect` i127 `sex < secare(L, cut)` i127 `vivisection` i127 vivi + sect + ion `sequ` i127 non cut, follow opp. cut `secut` i127 non cut, follow `su` i127 non cut, follow `suitor` i127 `pursue` i127 `sue` i127
`sect` i127 `bisect` i127 `sectional` i127 `sectionalism` i127 `sector` i127 `segment` i127 `intersect` i127 `intersection` i127 `consecutive` i127 ex. * defeat --2 times & 3 times ...all non-victory every time( in a row) `consequence` i127 `consequently` i127 `sequel` i127 Ex. Is the sequel 2 thrilling 2 dumb? `sequence` i127 `execute` i127 `execution` i127 `executioner` i127 `executive` i127 `CEO( Chief Executive Officer)` i127 `persecute` i127 `prosecute` i127 `cute` i127 `acute` i127 `suite` i127 `suitable` i127 pursue v. pursuit n. chase, tracking chase n., v.
P128 (back pg-list) `signal` i128 < signum(L, signal, mark) `emblem` i128 symbol, design representing sth. `icon` i128 (Eastern Church) picture of a saint `resign` i128 `signature` i128 written one's name cf. "a ball with sign" is false expression, "with signature" is true. `autograph` i128 `nota(L not-)` i128 `note` i128 `notice` i128
`sign` i128 `signboard` i128 `signify` i128 `significant` i128 `significance` i128 `insignificant` i128 `assign` i128 `allocate` i128 `deploy` i128 `assignment` i128 `consign` i128 `design` i128 `designer` i128 `designate` i128 `designation` i128 `resignedly` i128 `notable` i128 `outstanding` i128 `notify` i128 `notification` i128 `notorious` i128 cf. nutritious, nutrition `notoriety` i128 `annotate` i128 `denote` i128 `notation` i128 `famous` i128 `connote` i128 cf. emblem = simbol ex. Japanese emperor is a emblem of nation, has no political power. Tip: -gn, -gm list feign, reign, paign, sign, align, arraign, assign, impugn, ensign, benign, design, foreign, firesign, resign, realign, reassign, malign, campaign, consign, sovereign, sharp-sign, champaign, redesign, nonalign, chemdesign; diaphragm, paradigm
P129 (back pg-list) `sound` i129 < son(L, sound) `sonata` i129 `sonnet` i129 `Sony` i129 `Panasonic` i129 `person` i129 < persona(L, mask of actor), - 12c., < persone(O.Fr. , human being) < persona(L, human being), originally "character in a drama, mask", possibly borrowed from Etruscan phersu "mask." Johnson -- this is child, no relation with sound
`soundless` i129 `sonic` i129 `sonifer` i129 `soniferous` i129 `sonar` i129 `sonatina` i129 `sonneteer` i129 `sonorama` i129 `sonority` i129 `sonorous` i129 `consonant` i129 `vowel` i129 [vAU el] not [vOU el] cf. vow[vau] -- swear `consonance` i129 `dissonance` i129 `resonance` i129 `resound` i129 `parson` pastor i129 `parsonage` i129 `personal` i129 `personnel` i129 `personality` i129 `unison` i129 `pastor` i129
P130 (back pg-list) `spirit` i130 < spire( = breathe) `in high spirits` i130 `in low spirits` i130 `inspiration` i130 `conspire` i130 `perspire` i130 `expire` i130 `desperate` i130 cf. prosper/ prosperity spa n., mineral spring
`expiration date` i130 `spiritual` i130 `spiritualism` i130 `aspire` i130 long long for, urge `aspiration` i130 `aspirant` i130 `conspiracy` i130 `piracy` illegal copy writing `copyright piracy[pai.] ` i130 `intrigue` Ex. be *d = be very interesting = be curious `expiration` i130 `expiratory` i130 `full-term` i130 `inspire` i130 `respire` i130 `respiration` i130 `respirator` i130 `respiratory` i130 `respiratory organs` i130 `perspiration` i130 `perspiratory` i130 `despair` i130 `desperado` i130 `desperately` i130 `desperation` i130 `Esperanto` i130 having hope `spiritus(L, soul/ courage/ vigor/ breath)` i130 inhalation, inhalant, inhale opp. exhale
P131 (back pg-list) `spons( = promise)` i131 `sponsor` i131 `spond( spons)` i131 `correspond` i131 `testari(L, make a will/ be witness to, declare)` i131 `protest` i131 `contest` i131 `as speech contest` i131
`sponsorship` i131 `spouse( US [spaus])` husband, wife, partner i131 `correspondence` i131 `correspondent` i131 `despond` i131 `despondence(cy)` i131 `respond` i131 `responsible` i131 `responsibility` i131 `responsive` i131 `attest` i131 v. `attestation` i131 `contestant` i131 `detest( hate)` i131 `detestation` i131 `detestable` i131 `protestant` i131 `testify` i131 `testimony` i131 witness `testament( will, Bible)` i131 `Protestant` i131 Puritan
P132 (back pg-list) `spy( sneak peeping/ peek)` i132 `spec` i132 < specere(L, look) `spect` i132 < spectare(L, watch) `spectacle` i132 `specimen` i132 `expect` i132 `rosy prospect` i132
`species` i132 cf. gene, specy, special, spaces, spacy( spacier, spaciest) `The Origin of Species` i132 `special` i132 `specialist` i132 `specialty(US)` i132 `speciality(UK)` i132 `spectacular` i132 `spectator` i132 `spector` i132 misspelling ??? `specter` i132 spectre, n. ghost; haunting fear of future trouble, etc. `speculate( insight/ ponder)` i132 think deeply; buy & sell goods, stock & shares..(= investment) `investigate` i132 inspect, probe the truth `aspect` i132 `espionage` i132 `circumspect` i132 `inspect` i132 `inspection` i132 `inspector` i132 `introspect` i132 `perspective` i132 `respect` i132 `despise( scorn)` i132 `spite` i132 `spiteful( mean)` i132 `skeptical` i132 `in spite of( despite)` i132 `despite( in spite of)` i132
P133 (back pg-list) `stand` i133 `stant( stand)` i133 `distant` i133 `stance` i133 `constant` i133 con = completely, not variable `instant` i133
`standard` i133 model, regular `standardize` i133 `standpoint` i133 `viewpoint` i133 `standstill` i133 `standby` i133 be ready, waiting person/ things that serves as substitute `bystander` i133 `stand-off` i133 `standing` i133 `standoffish` i133 `substance` i133 `substantial` i133 `substantially` i133 `distance` i133 `extant( existing)` i133 `constancy` i133 `inconstancy` i133 `inconstant` i133 `instantly` i133 `instance` i133 `for instance` i133 `instantaneous` i133 `inconstant lover` i133 `standing army` i133 `instantaneous death` i133 `establish i133 < stabilire(L, stable)
P134 (back pg-list) `stat( stand/ stop)` i134 `stature` i134 monument `station` i134 train stop place `stall` i134 sister word "station" `still` i134 stand & no move -- silent `stool` i134 no move
`stable` i134 `constable` i134 `unstable` i134 `stability` i134 `state` i134 `status( standing)` i134 `stately` i134 `statement` i134 `statesman` i134 `stateroom` i134 `static` i134 opp. dynamic `stationary` i134 `stationer` i134 `stationery` i134 `statistics` i134 collect the number & analysis `statuette` i134 `statesque` i134 misspelling ?? `statuesque` i134 true, perhaps `stature` i134 height of body `statute` i134 establish law `install` i134 settle `stem` i134 plant standing part `dynamic` i134 kinetic
P135 (back pg-list) `stick` i135 `stinct( stick, pin)` i135 `sting( stick, stimulate)` i135 `stitch` i135 pin bar, glue, sew `etiquette( ticket)` i135 pinned paper `stake` i135 `ticket` i135
`sticker` i135 `sticky` i135 `tick` i135 bid `distinct` i135 `distinction` i135 `distinctive` i135 `distinguish` i135 `extinct` i135 `extinguish` i135 `extinguisher` i135 `instinct` i135 `instinctive` i135 `stingy` i135 a., giving unwillingly, parsimony, scanty, niggardly ,in J [kechi n bou] `stimulus` i135 `stimulate` i135 `stimulation` i135 `stimulant` i135 `instigate` i135 `instigation` i135 `needle` pin `nail` `lancet` pin
P136 (back pg-list) `succeed i136 suc(= sub) + cedere(L, go/ leave/ yield )` `cede( cedere(L))` i136 `proceed` i136 `recede` i136 `precede` i136 `succeed` i136 `success` i136 `process` i136 `procession` i136 `cease( cede + away)` i136 `decease` i136 die `cease war` i136
`recess` i136 `recession` i136 `recessive` i136 `accede` i136 `access` i136 `accession` i136 `accessible` i136 `accessory` i136 `antecedent` i136 `ceaseless` i136 `exceed` i136 `excess` i136 `excel` i136 `excellent` i136 `precedent` i136 `unprecedented` i136 `predecessor` i136 `proceeding` i136 `proceedings` i136 `processionize` i136 `reciprocal` i136 - 1570, from L. reciprocus "returning the same way, alternating," from pre-L. *reco-proco-, from *recus (from re- "back" + -cus, adjective formation) + *procus (from pro- "forward" + -cus, adjective formation). --- reci + proco + al = back & forward + adj. -- this cutting/ decomposition is better `cip( cede)` i136 --- this understanding is wrong, perhaps, rather ci( cede) , &, p is head of "pro" `reciprocate` i136 1530, from L. reciprocationem (nom. reciprocatio) "retrogression, alternation, ebb," from reciprocare "move back and forth," from reciprocus (see reciprocal). --- reci + proc + 8 = v., -- barter, mutual exchange `succession` i136 `supercede` i136 yield `supersede` i136 ditto
P137 (back pg-list) `summit` i137 < summus(L, highest) `sum( take)` i137 `consumption` i137 take completely/ fully -- 1. consume 2. lung disease
`sum( total)` i137 n,/v., summing result is highest value `resume` i137 1. v., restart [ri zU: m] 2. n., summary, briefing, synopsis 3. n., curriculum vitae/ vita, [rE za mei] `resumption` i137 session again cf. session( meeting, setting), cession(ceeding, going, yielding) `cease` i137 stop, break, halt `regime` i137 cf. resume `coalition-regime` i137 `interim-regime` i137 `sumptuary` i137 `sumptuary law` i137 `resumption` i137 `sumptuous` i137 `summary` i137 `summarize` i137 `summing-up` i137 O. Henry `briefing` i137 `assume` i137 `assumed` i137 `assumption` i137 `assumptive` i137 `consume` i137 `consumptive` i137 `presume` i137 `presumption` i137 1. assumption 2. behavior which is too bold( unfair advantage) `premise` i137 `hypothesis` i137 `presuming` i137 a., bold `presumptuous` a., too confident; presuming; forward; arrogant `arrogant` a., showing extreme pride or too much confidence `arrogance` - 1303, from O.Fr. arrogance (12c.), from L. arrogantia, from arrogantem (nom. arrogans) "assuming, overbearing, insolent," prp. of arrogare "to claim for oneself, assume," from ad- "to" + rogare "ask, propose." Tip: *sis sis, Isis, oasis, chassis, basis, lysis, meiosis, thesis, Onassis, crisis, sepsis, osmosis, ellipsis, emphasis, dialysis, Genesis, catharsis, neurosis, nemesis, pertussis, psychosis, psoriasis, cirrhosis, telesis, analysis, apotheosis, acidosis, diagnosis, fibrosis, hypnosis, nephrosis, necrosis, synopsis, symbiosis, synthesis, antithesis, hypothesis, heterosis, paralysis, prognosis, prosthesis, sclerosis, thrombosis, urinalysis, asbestosis, hydrolysis, homeostasis, parenthesis, osteoporosis, morphogenesis, misdiagnosis, metamorphosis, psychokinesis, psychoanalysis, thrombolysis, tuberculosis, organogenesis, electrolysis, endometriosis, amniocentesis, photosynthesis, electrophoresis, atherosclerosis, arteriosclerosis, neurofibromatosis,
P138 (back pg-list) `supply` i138 sup = sub = up, ply = fill, -- fill up `ply` i138 < plicare(L, fill/ fold/ heap) `pli i138 = ply `reply` i138 fold back `applique` i138 sewing/ applying auxiliary patch clothes/ fabric
`apply` i138 `applicable` i138 `inapplicable` i138 `applicability` i138 `application` i138 `appliance` i138 `applicant` i138 `comply` i138 `compliance` i138 `complicate` i138 `complicated` i138 `explicable` i138 `exploit` i138 `explicit` `imply` i138 `implied` i138 `implicate` i138 `implication` i138 `implicit` i138 `implement` i138 cf. instrument, apparatus, tool `ply( apply)` i138 `replicate` i138 `replica` i138 copy `iteration` i138 repeat `provide` i138 synonym supply `provision` i138 `demand` i138 opp. supply, provide
P139 (back pg-list) `tempo` i139 moving pace, time going degree `temp( = time/ tune/ mixed)` i139 `tempo(Ita, weather)` Ex. Fa bel tempo (Ita). = Does beautiful weather (E). `contemporary` i139 sharing the same time, same timed, same generation `tempest` i139 storm wind, ( time > season > weather > bad weather > worst weather = stoom ) `temper` i139 tune/ various character/ diversity/ volatility -- nervous xxx( weather/ mind..) `temperature` i139 `tide` i139 origin of spelling "time" `Time & tide wait for no man.` i139 cf. Accident wait for no man. (insurance company's CM)
`temporal` i139 `temporary` i139 `temporize` i139 `temporizer` i139 `extemporaneous` i139 `extemporaneous speech` i139 `extempore` i139 `tempestuous` i139 `temperament` i139 `temperance` i139 `temperate` i139 `distemper` i139 `intemperance` i139 `intemperate` i139 `tempered` i139 `time-honored` i139 Ex. * club `timely` i139 Ex. * hit `time-out` i139 time-over `timer` i139 `timetable` i139 `tideway` i139 `temptation` i139 `tempt` i139 `attempt` i139
P140 (back pg-list) `tender` i140 < tendere(L, stretch) `Love me tender.` i140 `extend` i140 `tend` i140 stretch, opt to, apt to, lean to cf. tendency `tension( no -tion)` i140 `extension ladder` i140 `ostentation` i140 os = ob = before `attend` i140 to + tend = take care (of)
`tenderheart` i140 `tenderhearted` i140 `tenderloin` i140 `tenderness` i140 `extension` i140 `extent( as range)` i140 `to some extent` i140 `extensive( wide)` i140 Ex. * reading `ostensible` i140 `one's ostensive purpose` i140 `ostentatious` i140 `attendance` i140 `attendant` i140 `attention` i140 `attentive` i140 `contend` i140 cf. content, contents `contention` i140 `contentious` i140 `distend` i140 `intend` i140 `intention` i140 `pretend` i140 `pretention` i140 -- illegal spelling `pretension` i140 `showiness` i140 `showy` i140 `pompous` i140 `superintend` i140 `intent` a., n, `tension` n., stress `intense` a. `intensive` a., acute, highly concentrated `intensity` n., cf. magnitude (of the earthquake)
P141 (back pg-list) `tennis`(Fr) `hold !` = imperative form of the tenir (Fr, v., hold/ receive)`tenacious` i141 `tain`( hold, keep) i141 `tin`( hold, keep) i141 `contain` i141 `detain( arrest, custody, jail)` i141 `entertain` Enter among us, & hold, then, give a sevice/ enjoyment etc. to him/ her/ them
`tenant` hold + man `abstain` keep away `abstinence` i141 `content` v., n., pl.=all that is inside `container` n., box `detainment` i141 -- such spelling is not in my dictionary. Instead, `detention`[D IH0 T EH1 N SH AH0 N] 1. prevent a person from going away; keep back ex. He got home two hours late and said he had been detained in the office by business. ex. In English schools, lazy boys are sometimes detained at school to do extra work after ordinary lessons are finished. 2. keep a thing (that ought to be given back) `detention` n., the act of detaining or the state of being detained ex. keeping a pupil in school after ordinary lessons, as a punishment. `entertaining` i141 `entertainer` i141 `maintain` hand + hold i141 `maintenance` Remark; not "maintainance" `obtain` ob- = emphasis + hold, 1. buy 2. get, secure for oneself 3. (of rules, custom, etc.) be established or in use `obtainable` can be obtained, available `pertain` per = thoroughly, (vi.) hold/ keep thoroughly = belong to ( as a part) Ex. * to `pertinent` a., referring directly (to the question, etc.), related `pertinence` n., relation, fittingness, relevance `impertinent` a., im = in = not `retain` v., hold bak, suspend, take on the shelf ---to be pending `retention` i141 `retainer` i141 `sustain` sus = sub = under, from the under + hold, hold/ keep on, back up, support `sustenance` n., act of sustaining/ being sustaind, food/ livelihood, support/ help ( money, etc.), upkeep/ maintenance cf. cost of living = subsistence money {subsistence = sub( under) + to assume a standing position} cf. money for going to school = tuition money Ex. She works part-time for her tuition( /supplement the family income). `attain` to + touch = reach `stain` paint i141 `stainless` i141 `curtain` i141 `fountain` < fontis(L), keep on the water/ flow from the ground i141 `captain` man of top/ chief, one who stands at the head of others i141 `mountain` being in heap `certain` be sure i141 `certainly` i141 `certificate` v.,n., identify the licence/ graduation, etc. `chieftain` man i141
P142 (back pg-list) `thumb` i142 < tumere(L, swell/ much) `tumult` i142 < tumere(L) = swell ( make bigger) `thousand i142 < thous( < tumere(L, much)) + and( = hund(100))` `turb` i142 < turbare(L, disorder) `disturb` i142 `perturb` i142 per = completely/ perfect `turbine` i142 spin `turban` i142 turb + band `trouble` i142
`thimble` i142 `thigh` i142 `tumid` i142 `tumidity` i142 `tumour` i142 `turmoil( tumult)` i142 commotion( violent motion) `tumultuous` i142 `trifle` i142 < truffe(Fr) -- originally, mushroom grow rapidly in underground `trivial` i142 Ex. Word & trivial games: Flex your brain `trivia` i142 `contumacy` i142 `tuber` i142 `tuberclin` i142 T.B. `tuberculosis` i142 `osis` i142 name of disease/ illness `disturbance` i142 `turbulent` i142 `turbulence` i142 `turbid` i142 `turbidity` i142 `troubled` i142 `troubled water` i142 `troublesome` i142 some = same = like
P143 (back pg-list) `torture` i143 < tor( = twist/ turn/ rotate/ wind) `tortoise` i143 `torch` i143 `retort` i143 `contort` i143 `tour` i143 < turn
`torment` i143 `torturous` i143 a., extremely painful `tortuous` i143 a., full of twists and bends; (fig. ) not straight-forward `torchlight` i143 `contortion` i143 `distort` i143 `extort` i143 `extortion` i143 `retortion` i143 `turning` i143 `turning point` i143 `distorted vision` i143 `turnover` i143 `topple` i143 `upset` i143 `tornado` i143 compound word < turn + thunderstorm , = hurricane; violent whirlwind, [to: r nEi dou] `attorney` i143 `contour` i143 `detour` i143 `return` i143 `turnip` i143 `tourist class` i143
P144 (back pg-list) `tractor` i144 tract = pull (out)/ tow `train` i144 n. = car, v.= training, discipline `portrait` i144 pull the line `draw` i144 `withdraw` i144 stop, end, cuz draw a line & after is nothing/ untouchable `drawing room` i144 `drawers` i144
`abstract` i144 `abstraction` i144 `attract` i144 `attractive` i144 `contract` i144 `detract` i144 v.i. * from, take away from (the credit or value of). `detraction` i144 n., `detractive` i144 a., `distract` i144 `attraction` i144 `enchantment` i144 `detractory( Non n.)` i144 = detractive `distracted` i144 `distraction` i144 `extract` i144 `extraction` i144 `extraction of a tooth` i144 `protraction` i144 `protraction of debate` i144 `subtract` i144 `subtraction` i144 opp. addition `drawback` i144 `drawbridge` i144 `withdrawal` i144 `draw forth` i144
P145 (back pg-list) `tribe` i145 tri = 3, proup `tribune` i145 protector `Chicago Tribune` i145 `attribute` i145 `distribute` i145 `tribut( = give/ assign)` i145 `tribute` i145 `contribute` i145 `tuit( = protect/ watch)` i145 `tuition` i145
`tribal` i145 `tribal legend` i145 `tribunal` i145 `tributary` i145 `attribute` i145 `attribution` i145 `contribute` i145 `contribution` i145 `contributory` i145 `distributor` i145 `distribution` i145 `distributive` i145 `retributive` i145 `retributory` i145 `retribution` i145 `tutor` i145 who look after `tutelage` i145 `intuit` i145 `intuition` i145 `intuitive` i145
P146 (back pg-list) `union` i146 `onion` i146 `uni` i146 `unique` i146 `unicorn` i146 `mono` i146 `monotony` i146 Ex. monotone increase
`unicycle` i146 `uniform` i146 `uniformity` i146 `unity` i146 `unanimously` i146 unus(L, one) + animus(L, mind) cf. animus `unify` i146 `UNION JACK` i146 `the United Kingdom` i146 `unison` i146 `unit` i146 `unite` i146 `unionist` i146 `universe` i146 `university` i146 `monocle` i146 `monologue` i146 `monopoly` i146 `labor union` i146 `monk` i146 `nun` i146 `monogamy` i146 `monomania` i146 `monorail` i146 `rail` i146 `a kitchen unit` i146 `the United Nations` i146 U.N.
P147 (back pg-list) `untouchable` i147 `tact( = touch)` i147 `contact` i147 `contact lens` i147 `tag( touch)` i147 `contagion` i147 `tang( tag)` i147 `intangible` i147 `ting( tag)` i147 `tig( tag)` i147 `teg( tag)` i147 `tain( tag)`
`touchdown` i147 `touchstone` i147 `touching` i147 `touchy` i147 `tact` i147 `sense of touch` i147 `tactile` i147 `intact` i147 `leave intact` i147 `tangible( evident)` i147 `contagious` i147 `contagious disease` i147 `contingent` i147 `contingency` i147 `tangere(L, touch)` i147 `tangent /sin/ cosin` i147 `integral` i147 `integrate` i147 `segregation` i147 `no discrimination` i147 `nondiscrimination` i147 `integration` i147 `integrity` i147 `attain` i147 touch reach `attainable` i147 `attainment` i147
P148 (back pg-list) `vacuum` i148 `va( = empty)` i148 `vanity of vanity, and all is vanity (Bible).` i148 `vanity` i148 `Bunyan` i148 `Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan)` i148 `Vanity Fair` i148 `avoid` i148 a = ex = out `void( = empty)` i148 `null & void` i148 `wane` i148 < vanus(L, empty, lack) `want` i148 need, cuz, anyth. lacked
vain` i148 `in vain` i148 `vainglory` i148 `vainglorious` i148 `vanish` i148 `evanesce` i148 `evanescence` i148 `evanescent` i148 `vaunt` i148 `vacant` i148 `vacancy` i148 `vacation` i148 cf. vocation( calling) `vacationist` i148 `evacuate` i148 `vacationer` i148 `evacuee` i148 `wantless` i148 `wanting` i148 `wanton` i148 `wantonness` i148 `concave` 凹 i148 `convex` 凸 i148 `cave` i148 `cavern` i148 `vex( irritate/ annoy)` i148
P149 (back pg-list) `verb` i149 `verse` i149 `word` i149 `adverb` i149 `literature` i149 `literacy` i149 < littera(L, letter) `litterature(Fr)` i149 in Fr. leave "tt" as faithful to original Latin. `letter` i149 `epistle` i149 `Epistle to the Romans( New Testament)` i149
`verbal` i149 `verbalism` i149 `verbatim` i149 `verbatim translation` i149 `verbiage` i149 `diction` i149 `verbose` i149 `full of words` i149 `verbosity` i149 `adverbial` i149 `proverb` i149 `proverbial` i149 `wordy` i149 `wording` i149 `literal` i149 `literary` i149 `literate` i149 `illiterate` i149 `obliterate` i149 `obliteratio` i149 `lettering` i149 `man of letters` i149 `epistolary` i149
P150 (back pg-list) `vest` i150 1. n., clothes for chest(originally, robe), 2.v., give `textile` i150 fabric `textbook` i150 `pretext` i150 `weave( knit by machine)` i150 `fil(= yarn/ thread/ spin) ` i150 `filament` i150 `filaria` i150 `filte( lace)` i150
`vestment` i150 `vest-pocket` i150 cf. chest `divest` i150 v., take off, throw/ cast off, get undressed `invest` i150 `investiture` i150 `investment( money)` i150 `filigree` i150 `file` i150 `investor` i150 `texture` i150 < textere(L) `tissue` i150 thin silk fabric `tissue-paper` i150 `web` i150 akin to "weave" -- so intrigue !! `webbed` i150 `cobweb` i150 `world wide web` i150 `weaver` i150 `fabric` i150 sometimes indicates organization `fabricate` i150 `fabrication` i150 `fiber` i150 < fibla(L, filament)
P151 (back pg-list) `visit` i151 < videre(L, look) `vision` i151 `video tape` i151 `< i>vista` i151 `Vista Vision` i151 `wise` i151 < vis, smart cuz look ahead/ ago carefully
`visa` i151 n., stamp or signature put on a passpoet to show that it has been examined & approved by the official of the foreign country which the owner intends to visit or leave. v.t. = put a * on `visage` i151 n. (liter.) face cf. vis-a-vis [vI: za vi: ] pre., ad., facing (one another) `visible` i151 `visitor` i151 `visual` i151 auditory `visionary` i151 `invisible` i151 `view` `field of view` i151 `preview` i151 `review` i151 `advice` i151 ad + vice( = view) `advise` i151 `envy` i151 v., view( < "vy") from slant `enviable` i151 `envious` i151 `enviable possession` i151 `envious glance` i151 `evidence` i151 `wiseacre` i151 `wisdom` i151 `wit` i151 `witness` i151 v. or n., man `covet` i151 n., jealousy, envy `testimony`
P152 (back pg-list) `vitamin(e)` i152 `vivid` i152 < vivere(L, live) `Vive La France!` i152 `vive` i152 `vital` i152 `a vital wound` i152 `vigor` i152 `vegetable` i152 `Popei` i152 `spinach` i152 `quick` i152 a., OLD E. `living` `quicksilver` i152 `agile` i152 a.,
`vividity` i152 `vivify` i152 `vivacious` i152 `vivacity` i152 `survive` i152 `survival` i152 `revive` i152 `revival` i152 `revive` i152 `revival` i152 `viva` i152 `viva voice` i152 `vitality` i152 `vitalize` i152 `vitalization` i152 `vitaminosis` i152 vitamine lack disease `osis( disease/ illness)` i152 `vitaphone` i152 `vigo(u)r` i152 `-our` i152 noun suffix `vigorous` i152 `-ous` i152 adjective suffix `invigorate` i152 `quicken` i152 `quicksand` i152
P153 (back pg-list) `Vox populi, vox Dei.` i153 `Alcuin` i153 `Epistles` i153 `vox` i153 n., voice `voice` i153 < vocare(L, call) `vocal` i153 `vocabulary` i153 `vocation` i153 n., calling, occupation Ex. What are you? = origin, What calling are you? `calling` i153 calling from god/ Heaven, occupetion given by god/ Heaven
`vocalist` i153 `instrumentalist` i153 `vocal c(h)ords` i153 `chords( line)` i153 n., 1. straight line joining two points on a circle or part of circle. 2. (music) combination of three or more notessounded together. 3. string of harp, etc. 4. (in the body) string-like part (e.g. vocal *s; spinal *). `choir` i153 `chorus(< choral)` i153 `vocalize` i153 `vocational` i153 Ex. They also want the city to open a vocational high school this fall. `vocational guidance` i153 `avocation` i153 `advocate` i153 `convoke` i153 `convocation` i153 `summon` i153 `evoke` i153 `invocation` i153 `provoke` i153 `call forth` i153 `provocation` i153 `provoking` i153 `hostile` i153 `hostility` i153 `revoke` i153 `revocation` i153 `cancel` i153 `irrevocable` i153 `equivocal` i153 `vociferous` i153 `fer( bring)` i153 `invoice` i153 n., bill, written goods list (not voice, in written)
P154 (back pg-list) `vol( = roll)` i154 `volume` i154 `revolver` i154 `valve` i154 `safety valve` i154 `rot` i154 < rota(L, ring/ wring/ rotate) `rotary` i154 `Rotary Club` i154 `round` i154 `control` i154
`voluminous` i154 `convolve` i154 `convolution` i154 `evolve` i154 `evolution` i154 `involve` i154 `involvement` i154 `revolve` i154 `revolution` i154 `revolutionary` i154 `revolt` i154 `revolting` i154 `valvular` i154 a. : relating to or operating by means of valves `valvular disease` i154 * child `rotate` i154 `rotation` i154 `rotund` i154 `rotundity` i154 `rotunda` i154 `rot` v./ n., go bad, spoil, by natural process; waste away; decay - O.E. rotian, from P.Gmc. *rutjan, from stem *rut-. Slang noun sense of "rubbish, trash" is from 1848. Rotgut "unwholesome liquor" is from 1633; rotter "one who is objectionable on moral grounds" is 1894 slang. cf. lot `rotten` a., decayed Ex. * egg; (colloq.) bad, disagreeable cf. stink, rust cf. decaying teeth (fruit, steel, empires)
P155 (back pg-list) `volunteer` i155 < voluntas(L, free one's minded/ will), as candidate `vol` i155 akin to will `volo(Ita)` i155 v., = I wish `Volo, non valeo.` i155 I'm willing but not able. `well` i155 < as one's will/ desire ,then, become good/ enough `wild` i155 < will, as freely
`volition` i155 `volitional` i155 `voluntary` i155 `voluntary confession` i155 `involuntary muscle/ manslaughter` i155 `involuntary` i155 `voluptuary` i155 `wil(l)ful` i155 `well-being` i155 welfare, happy `wealth` i155 n., prosperity `weal` i155 < well <will, wet `wealthy` i155 a. `well-off` i155 `well-to-do` i155 `welcome` i155 `welfare` i155 fare = go, > livelihood , cf. farewell `wished-for` i155 `wishful` i155 `well-wisher` i155 `willing` i155 `wildness` i155 state `wilderness` i155 waste land `bewilder` i155 v., force to be in wild field, so be embarrassed `bewilderment` i155 perplexity/ embarrassment `slaughter` n., v.,
P156 (back pg-list) `wagon` i156 `wag` i156 < way `way` i156 > via = by a > through way, or via > wia > way `via` i156 > wia > way `Via crucis via lucis.` i156 cross, luminescence/ lucent/ light, 100 lux `via Siberia` i156 `trivial` i156 < tri( 3/ three) + via( way), not big street > not good matter `voy` i156 < via `vey` i156 < via `convoy` i156 with way > carry
`waylay` i156 `wayward` i156 `wayside` i156 `weigh` i156 akin to way, move, carry `weight` i156 `weighty` i156 `viaduct` i156 `deviate` i156 de = from out `deviation` i156 `devious` i156 `envoy` i156 messenger `invoice` i156 voi = via `voi` i156 <voy < via `awayward` i156 `roadside` i156 `volatile` i156 1597 "fine or light," also "evaporating rapidly," from M.Fr. volatile, from volatilis(L, fleeting, transitory, flying), from pp. stem of volare( to fly). Sense of "readily changing, fickle" is first recorded 1647. Volatiles in M.E. meant "birds, butterflies, and other winged creatures." `volatility` i156 n., being changeable `conveyance` i156 `obvious` i156 < near the way(via), so be able to look by everyone `previous` i156 `impervious` i156 `vehement` i156 < vehe( = carry) a mind to another place > furious( by angry?) `vehemence` i156 `vehicle` i156 `vehe` i156 > via > carry `vehi-` i156 > vehere > carry
P157 (back pg-list) `widow` i157 < videre(L, di vide) `divide` i157 `vid` i157 < videre `vis` i157 < videre `individual` i157 < can't to divide `devise` i157 `advise` i157 `division` i157 `multiplication` i157 opp. division `multiply` i157 `multi-` i157 many, poly
`divided` i157 `dividend` i157 n. `divisible` i157 `divisional` i157 `indivisible` i157 `individualism` i157 `individualistic` i157 `individuality` i157 `device` i157 `deviser` i157 `dividers` i157 `multiple` i157 `multiple choice` i157 `multiplication table` i157 9*9 table (cf. 16*16 tble:in Undia) `multiplicity` i157 diversity `diversity` i157 10 men has each 10 color. cf. diversion `multicolored` i157 `multiform` i157 `diverse` i157 various `divorce` i157 break a marriage `diversion` i157 attention to another direction/ point/ interest Tip: in NHK news, she uttered `[Mo:ty] national force in Iraq`, [mo:ty] was to `multi`. She made `L` to [u] pronouncing.
P158 (back pg-list) `window` i158 < wind eye cuz pronouncing was changed as [windou ai] to [win dou ai] to [windau] `wind` i158 < ventus(L) `vent` i158 air hole, 14c., "emit from a confined space," probably aphetic of O.Fr. eventer "let out, expose to air," from V.L. *exventare, from L. ex- "out" + ventus "wind" (n.). Sense of "express freely" first recorded 1596. The noun meaning "hole, opening, outlet" is first recorded 1570. Sense of "divulge, publish" is behind phrase vent one's spleen (see spleen). `ventilation` i158 Meaning "supply a room with fresh air" first recorded 1743 `aeroplane` i158 aero(G, air/ gas) + plane( = (flat) board) `aerobatics` i158 foeced to be made from `acrobatics` on purpose( near spelling) `fire` i158 flame, ignite( ignitinon of the car = make start fire of engine) "F" is probably related to "Fire", generally -- Iwata's intuitive hypothesis I agree his hypothesis, ex. in J. "fire" = [hi], "flame" = [ho nou] `fuel` i158 n. liquid oil for fire -- in J. [mo e Lu] `furnace` shut-in fireplace for heating water. i158 `firefly` n. a insect with tail lamp( luminescence light) -- in J. [ho taL] cf. fluorescent [F L UH2 R EH1 S AH0 N T] light tubes `focus` i158 v./n. concentrate( = center) all ray into one point `foyer` i158 1859, from Fr. foyer "green room, room for actors when not on stage," lit. "fireplace," `(in)flammable` a., easy to flame/ fire/ burn cf. in J. usage "combustible" -- this is difficult word?? If I were officer, I'd like to use "burnable"( more easy word). opp. "non-burnable"
`windmill` `windfall` `windowshopping` `widowpane` `windstorm` `ventilator` `ventilate` `aerial` `aerodrome` `aerogram` `aeronautics` `aerophobia` `firing` `firefly` `firearms` `fireman` `firework` `fireside` `fireplace` `firewall`
P161 (back pg-list) `abnormal` ab- + norm( = rule/ standard) + al `ab-` away from `absence` ab- + sence( = be) , not present `abs-` < ab- variant, in c/ q/ t started nxt wd case, i.e. absc/ absq/ abst `abstract` abs- + tract( = draw) , elicit, excerpt, not concrete `a-` < ab- variant, in m/ p/ v started nxt wd case, i.e. am/ ap/ av `avert` a( ab) + vert( turn), avoid, help, make not to collide
`abhor` hor = `horror`, terror, fear v., feel hatred or disgust for n., abhorrence extreme hatred `abject` a., dejected, shameful, disgraceful 1. unreserved; without self-respect ex. abject apology( confession) - noncordial deed 2. deserving contempt ex. abject behaviour - deed to be scorned 3. (of condition ) wretched, miserable ex. in abject poverty `abominable` a., omen = (bad) sign to be come, horrible, disgrace abominate v., hate , feel hatred, dislike very much n., abomination `abound` v., ound = wave > over flow = there's much [abau nd] `abundant` a., full of [abAn dant] cf. v., abandon( give up), abandoned( past) [ -nd] `abundance` n., `abrade` v. wear off( vanish, disappear, pulverized), wear down by rubbing or scraping[skrei p] cf. blade = edge of a knife, cutting tip of razor `abrupt` a., ab + rupt( blast) = sudden, rude, steep( strong slope angle, extreme) `absent-minded` non-concentrate `masterminded` 1st main thinker of conspiracy/ plan Ex. Osama Bin Radin in 9.11,2001 tragedy `absolute` opp. relative `absorb` suck the shock `absurd` a., not reasonable, ridiculous, foolish ( surd = deaf/ can't hear) cf. deaf-mute, deaf & dumb [def & dam] cf. dumb-show (appeal by action not to speak) `absurdity` `abuse` n./ v., out of right usage [Abyu:s/z], harmful treatment `aborigines` `abnormity` `ablactate` v., lactate( give milk), lact( milk), --- stop giving milk ( to the baby) `abstain` ab + tain( = keep ) = stop/ quit (forever) Ex. it's difficult to obtain smoking.[abstEin] `abstinence` n. self-restraint abstaining ( from food, drink, enjoyment) [Abstanans] `apart` `abduct` i161 v., kidnap, do missing Ex. Many Japanese persons were abducted by North Korean spy.
P162 (back pg-list) adlib add ad- attach to/ add to/ plus to assert ad- variant accent ad- variant annoy ad- variant cf. anoint ad abbreviation of advertisement ad-balloon
adapt make suitable adaptation addendum n. singular. = appendix, pl. -da = appendices cf. datum/ data, cf. exhibit-A adhere address n., location cf. Presidential * of Bush (here, address = speech) adjust admire v., [admAi a] adopt v., cf. adopted son/ adoption cf. stepmother adore v., worship ( God), love deeply & respect highly, be fond of cf. warship advice v., adjoin v., advocate v., ad( add to) + vocate( call) = support advent n., arrival (at/ from), here, vent = come, coming, appearance cf. Advent = 4 weeks preparing period/ interval before Christmas( ceremony), or, coming of Christ( itself) administer v. n. administration( management, parliament, enforcement)/ administrator( =man) adorn v., decorate cf. dawn advance v./ n./a., move forward, progress adverse a. unfavourable, negative, contrary, reverse Ex. * windows; verse = turn; cf. vert( akin to verse) adversity n., situation in/ under strait/ hardship/ against wind adversary n. enemy, competitor cf. anniversary affirm v., make firm, declare firmly n. affirmation cf. affirmative, negative, positive, deny, approve allow v., permit/ agree, agree to give( money, time) appoint v. cf. appoint the Cabin appointment
P163 (back pg-list) alone i163 Not " a+ lone" , but " all + one" , here, all = 99% almost already also altogether Almighty cf. mighty mouse bus < omnibus omnibus omni- all, everything ( mixed) ex. Ex. omnibus conte ,, Conte 55 panorama all + norama( view) pan- all companion pan = bread( food), friends eating the same bread together whole all, not too used
All Fools' Day i163 = April Fools' Day all-important = most important all-in all-knowing all-out allover cf. overall all-round all-star omnifarious omniferous omnipotent omnipresent cf. ubiquitous a. existing everywhere omnivorous Pan-American pan-chromatic all + chromatic (=colored) i163 pantomime panoply wholehearted whole-length wholesale a./ n. cf. retail alumni [a LAm nai],n., pl. of alumnus[a LAm nas]( male (or female) graduate of school, college, etc.) cf. alumnae[-ni:]/ alumna -- here is not in CMU dict.
P164 (back pg-list) a.m. i164 ante(L, before) + meridiem(L, mid day= noon) p.m. post( = after) + meridiem(L mid day= noon) ante anti- [anti-] or [antai-] in J. corresponding to [han tai] antimilitarism antiwar
`ante-mortem` i164 `anteroom` i164 waiting room `ancestor` i164 ces = go `descendant` i164 `ancient` i164 < anteanus(L) `ancien regime` i164 `anti-American` i164 `Yankee, go home!` i164 `anti-aircraft gun` i164 `aircraft` i164 `antibiotic` i164 `anticipate` i164 < capere(L, take) `anticlimax` i164 `climax` i164 `antipathy` i164 `feeling` i164 `antique` i164 `antiquity` i164 `anti-Semitic` i164 `anti-sunburn` i164 `sunburn` i164 `anti-slavery` i164`slavery` i164 `antithesis` i164 `Art is long, life is short.` i164 `antagonist` `anthem` i164
P165 (back pg-list) `ambition` i165 `ambi-` i165 both side, around `ambidextrous` i165 `dext(e)rous` i165 `circum-` i165 `period` i165 `peri-` i165
`ambiguity` i165 `double` i165 `meaning` i165 `ambit` i165 `circuit` i165 `ambivalence` i165 `amphibious` i165 `amphioxus` i165 `amphisbaena` i165 `amphitheatre` i165 `Colosseum` i165 `amphora` i165 `phoreus` i165 `circumference` i165 `ferre` i165 `carry` i165 `circumflex` i165 `flex` i165 `circumfluent` i165 `circumlocution` i165 `flux` i165 `talking round` i165 `circumnavigate` i165 `navigate` i165 `circumpolar` i165 `polar` i165 `circumstance` i165 `stance` i165 `perigee` i165 = earth `-gee` i165 `periodical` i165 `Peripatetic` i165 `Aristotle` i165 `periscope` i165 `peripheral` i165 `central` i165 opp. peripheral
P166 (back pg-list) `atom` i166 not + tom( = cut) `abet` i166 to `aboard` i166 to `ashore` i166 to `asleep` i166 on `alive` i166 on
`abyss` i166 `no` i166 `byss` i166 `bottom` i166 `abysmal` i166 `abyssal` i166 `agnostic` i166 `gno` i166 `know` i166 `ambrosia` i166 `brotos` i166 `mortal` i166 `amethyst` i166 `not drink` i166 `amoral` i166 `immoral` i166 `anecdote` i166 `ec` i166 `out` i166 `atheism` i166 `thei` i166 `God` i166 `aback` i166 `be taken a back` i166 `abate` i166 `a` i166 `battre` i166 `beat` i166 `ablaze` i166 `blaze` i166 `flame` i166 `afloat` i166 `float` i166 `aground` i166 `run aground` i166 `ahead` i166 `head` i166 `alike` i166 `apiece` i166 `each` i166 `astray` i166 `stray` i166 `asunder` i166 `sunder` i166 `apart` i166 `avert` i166 `vert` i166 `turn` i166 `avertible` i166 `-ible` i166 `avoid` i166 `void` i166 `awry` i166 `go awry` i166 `blunder` i166 `mistake` i166 `cut` i166
P167 (back pg-list) `automation` i167 `auto-` i167 `autohypnosis` i167 `hypnosis` i167 `put to sleep` i167 `autopsy` i167 `opsis` i167 `sight` i167 `act of seeing with one's own eyes` i167 `Autobahn` i167 `self-` i167 `self-service` i167 `self-feeding` i167
`autobicycle` i167 ??? `autobike` i167 ??? `motorbike` i167 `motorcycle` i167 `autocade` i167 `-cade` i167 `autocracy` i167 `-cracy` i167 `autoerotic` i167 `-erotic` i167 `autogenous` i167 `self-produced` i167 `autogiro` i167 `autogyro` i167 `autointoxication` i167 `intoxication` i167 `automobile` i167 `mobile` i167 `autonomous` i167 `nomos` i167 `law` i167 `autopiano` i167 `selfish` i167 `-ish` i167 `self-assertion` i167 `assert` i167 `self-conscious` i167 `conscious` i167 `self-confidence` i167 `confidence` i167 `trust` i167 `reliability` i167 `self-contradiction` i167 `contradiction` i167 cf. paradox `self-centered` i167 `egoist` i167 `self-conceit` i167 `conceit` i167 `self-esteem` i167 `self-respect` i167 `onanist` i167 `narcissist ` i167 `narcissistic` i167 `self-sufficient` i167 `sufficient` i167 `sadistic` i167
P168 (back pg-list) `before` i168 `be` i168 `fore` i168 `about` i168 `over` i168 `behind` i168 `beyond` i168 `becalm` i168 `belong` i168 `besmear` i168
`beforehand` i168 in advance cf. at hand `before-mentioned` i168 `mention` i168 `behalf` i168 on( in) behalf of / for the sake of `besides` i168 `belongings` i168 `befall` i168 `befit` i168 `fit` i168 `befool` i168 `fool` i168 `befriend` i168 `beget` i168 `bear` i168 `beguile` i168 `guile` i168 `behave` i168 `behead` i168 `behold` i168 look at `bemoan` i168 `moan` i168 `mourn` i168 `benumb` i168 `numb` i168 `beset` i168 `besetting sin` i168 `bestow` i168 `stow` i168 `betray` i168 `tray` i168 n., flat piece of wood, mwtal, etc., with raised eggs, for holding small light things. `beware` i168 cf. aware of `ware` i168 `cautious` i168
P169 (back pg-list) `bicycle` i169 `cycle` i169 `wheel` i169 `biscuit` i169 `two` i169 `twice` i169 `twin` i169 `duet` i169 `tri-` i169 `three` i169 `trio` i169
`bisexual` i169 `a bisexual flower` i169 `bigamy` i169 `twice-married` i169 `bicameral` i169 `twice` i169 `twilight` i169 `once` i169 `two times` i169 `twist` i169 cuz 1st twist & 2nd dance `double` i169 `duel` i169 `twin-bed` i169 `double bed` i169 `dual` i169 `duality` i169 `dozen` i169 duo(2) + zen(10) `douze` i169 `twelve` i169 `duo` i169 `zen` i169 `deuce` i169 2 , in tennis even `thrice` i169 `triangle` i169 `eternal triangle` i169 `love triangle ` i169 `trifoliate` i169 `foliate` i169 `trigonometry` i169 `metry` i169 `triple` i169 `triple play` i169 `tripod` i169 `pod` i169 `trivial` i169 `trinity` i169
P170 (back pg-list) `combat` i170 `bat` i170 `beat` i170 `coition` i170 `connection` i170 `combination` i170 pronouncing Not[KaMBiNeiSHaN] ,but [KaMBaNeiSHaN] in USA. `college` i170 `coeducation` i170 `company` i170 `counselor` i170 `consult` i170 `contest` i170 `col-` i170 `con-` i170 `co-` i170
`combine` i170 `comfort` i170 `command` i170 `fort` i170 strong house `common` i170 `out of the common` i170 abnormal `copartner` i170 `co-ordinate` i170 `order` i170 `colleague` i170 `buddy` i170 `peer` i170 peer inspection( document check by each other) `collide` i170 `lide` i170 `slide` i170 `collision` i170 `collaborate` i170 `labor` i170 `corroborate` i170 `elaborate` i170 `cognizance` i170 gn=kn, =know `concubine` i170 `cubine` i170 lie `conform` i170 `condense` i170 `dense` i170 `consider` i170 `sider` i170 star `cider` i170 drink CO2 `confederate` i170 `correspond` i170 `respond` i170 v., answer `countenance` i170 `council` i170 `take together` i170 `cohabit` i170 `habit` i170 `dwell` i170
P171 (back pg-list) `country` i171 `contrata(L)` i171 `contra-` i171 `opposite` i171 `country` i171 `count` i171 `counter-` i171 `counterattack` i171 `counterplot` i171 `countermand` i171 `counterpart` i171 `part` i171 pair
`counterplea` i171 `contraband` i171 `ban` i171 inhibit, stop `contrabass` i171 sound of under 1 octave than bass `contraception` i171 `conception` i171 `contract` i171 `contradict` i171 `dict-` i171 speak, describe `contradistinction` i171 `distinction` i171 `discrimination` i171 `contrariwise` i171 `wise` i171 way `by the way` i171 `contrary` i171 `contrast` i171 contra + st( stand) cf. bright `contravene` i171 violate, infringe, break a law/ rule `controversy` i171 `-versy` i171 turn/ to vert `counteralliance` i171 `alliance` i171 `ally` i171 `counterbalance` i171 `balance` i171 `countercurrent` i171 `current` i171 flow, stream of water/ river/ air `counterfeit` i171 `feit` i171 make `counter-intelligence` i171 `C.I.C( Counter-Intelligence Corps)` i171 `counterpane` i171 `pane` i171 `cloth` i171 `counterpoint` i171 `point and point` i171 `counterpoise` i171 `poise` i171 v. weigh/ measure weight `counterpoison` i171 `poison` i171 `countersign` i171
P172 (back pg-list) `Boccaccio` i172 `Decameron` i172 `Florence` i172 `centi` i172 `deca` i172 `century` i172 `centimeter` i172 `kilo-` i172 `kilogram` i172 `kilometer` i172 `milli-` i172 `millibar` i172 `millipascal` i172 `million` i172 `mega` i172 `giga` i172 `tera` i172 `micro` i172
`decadal` i172 `decade` i172 `decades` i172 pl. `decay` i172 `decays` i172 3 person singl. present's s `decimal` i172 `digit` i172 finger `decimal point` i172 dot `decimate` i172 `cent` i172 `centurion` i172 `centum` i172 `centennial` i172 ... carnival `-ial` i172 `centenary` i172 `tercentenary` i172 ter( 3) + `centigrade` i172 `centipede` i172 `per cent` i172 by hundred `percentage` i172 % `kiloampere` i172 `kilocycle` i172 `kilowatt` i172 `milliliter` i172 `millionaire` i172 `millionairess` i172 `millipede` i172
P173 (back pg-list) `descend` i173 `de-` i173 down `derail` i173 `de-` i173 away from `demonstrate` i173 `de-` i173 emphasis, fully `debus` i173 `detrain` i173
`debate` i173 beat down `debunk` i173 `bunk` i173 `declare` i173 de = emphasis `decompose` i173 decay `deface` i173 spoil the appearance of (by making , damaging, the surface of) `defer` i173 carry down, delay `deflation` i173 `deflower` i173 `deform` i173 `degrade` i173 `deposit` i173 to the bank `deprive` i173 `prive` i173 `deprivation` i173 `depend` i173 ex. depend on `deplore` i173 `plore` i173 weep `derive` i173 `deride` i173 laugh down `ridere(L/ Ita)` i173 laugh `derivation` i173 `derivatives` i173 conjugate cf. relatives, sibling `despise` i173 `detach` i173 `attach` i173 `attack` i173 akin to attach `detail` i173 `detour` i173 turn aside
P174 (back pg-list) `discover` i174 remove the cover `dis-` i174 apart `dismember` i174 `dismiss` i174 `dissent` i174 `disinter` i174 `discontinue` i174 `dis-` i174 reverse
`disappear` i174 `appear` i174 `discard` i174 throw away( the card) `disciple` i174 `disclose` i174 dispose, open `disconnect` i174 `connect` i174 `discord` i174 not harmony `be in discord` i174 `discount` i174 `discount sale` i174 `bargain` i174 `discriminate` i174 `criminate` i174 `criminal` i174 `disfrock` i174 `frock` i174 `dismount` i174 `mount` i174 `displace` i174 be fired, dismiss place = work `displacement` i174 `dissect` i174 `dissolve` i174 `distil` i174 drop down `distinguish` i174 mark off `distract` i174 `distribute` i174 `tribute` i174 give `district` i174 area, region
P175 (back pg-list) `dishonest` i175 `dishonor` i175 `persuade` i175 `dissuade` i175 `un-` i175 `uninterested` i175 `disinterested` i175 `dif-` i175 `di-` i175 `de-` i175 `se-` i175 `segment` i175
`disarm` i175 `arm` i175 `discountenance` i175 `discourage` i175 dispirit `disease` i175 dis + ease, not at home, can't be comfortable, illness, sick `dismay` i175 may = require/ want/ request/ hope/ urge `disorder` i175 `chaos` i175 `disparity` i175 `parity` i175 `dispatch` i175 `dispassion` i175 `displeasure` i175 `dispute` i175 - c.1225 (implied in disputing), from O.Fr. desputer (12c.), from L. disputare "examine, discuss, argue," from dis- "separately" + putare "to count, consider." Used in Vulgate in sense of "to argue, contend with words." cf. compute (from L. computare "to count, sum up," -- with + putare "to reckon," ), cf. repute/ reputation -- - c.1380, from L. reputationem (nom. reputatio) "consideration," from reputatus, pp. of reputare "reflect upon, reckon," from re- "repeatedly" + putare "to reckon, consider" (see putative). , `disprove` i175 `disregard` i175 ignore `dissatisfy` i175 `distrust` i175 `segmental` i175 `segmentation` i175 fragmentation, isolated parts, decomposition `segregate` i175 ex. * A from B
P176 (back pg-list) `enlarge` i176 `en-` i176 make, hold in, keep in `enshrine` i176 `em-` i176 en + b/ p/ m `embarrass` i176 `employ` i176 `-en` i176 `enlighten` i176 edify
`enable` i176 `encircle` i176 compass `encounter` i176 `countra` i176 contra `endanger` i176 `danger` i176 `endear` i176 `enfold` i176 envelop, wrap `enquire` i176 inquire, investigate `enrich` i176 `enslave` i176 `ensnare` i176 make trap `ensure` i176 `entice` i176 seduce, tempt `entitle` i176 give a right `entrust` i176 commit `entry` i176 entrance `entwine` i176 `embark` i176 `embargo` i176 `embitter` i176 `embody` i176 `embolden` i176 v., give courage or confidence to cf. bold, bowled[bOu Ld], bald, balled, bawled[bO: Ld] `embus` i176 `empower` i176 give a power
P177 (back pg-list) `exit` i177 `ex-` i177 `express` i177 `expose` i177 `ex-premier` i177 same as she is X-wife. `ex-star` i177 `ex-boyfriend` i177 `ex-husband` i177 `ex-frame` i177 `e-` i177 `ec-` i177 `eject` i177 `out-` i177 = ex, superior to `outlaw` i177
`exhort` i177 `exhortation` i177 `extol` i177 `exterior` i177 `-ior` i177 Latin relative class expression form `Exodus` i177 `exodus` i177 `exhale` i177 breathe( make breath) out `inhale` i177 breathe( make breath) in `ecstasy` i177 st = stand `eclipse` i177 `eliminate` i177 ex limit `eminent` i177 stand out = famous `elaborate` i177 e + labor `elate` i177 `emigrate` i177 e + migrate( = move) `emerge` i177 `outgo` i177 `outsider` i177 bystander `outnumber` i177 `outrun` i177 `outshine` i177 `outweigh` i177
P178 (back pg-list) `indoor` i178 `in-` i178 `income` i178 `en-` i178 in `enclose` i178 `indirect` i178 `im-` i178 `il-` i178 `ir-` i178 `impossible` i178 `illegal` i178 `irregular` i178
`induce` i178 `impress` i178 `immerse` i178 `illumination` i178 `illusion` i178 `inability` i178 `indecent` i178 `indescribable` i178 `infirm` i178 `inharmonious` i178 `injustice` i178 `innocent` i178 `insane` i178 `immense` i178 can't measure `mense` i178 = measure `imperfect` i178 `immoral` i178 `impartial` i178 `improper` i178 `illogical` i178 `irresponsible` i178 `merse` i178 dip `illusive` i178 `nocere` i178 do wrong `saint` i178 `sane` i178
P179 (back pg-list) `international` i179 `inter-` i179 `inter-high school` i179 `interchange` i179 `intro-` i179 `introduction` i179 `dia-` i179 `dialogue` i179 speak among two = logue cf. monologue analogue epilogue prologue catalogue travelogue
`interdependence` i179 mutual depend `interfere` i179 cf. interrupt, disturb, discontinue `interference` i179 `interflow` i179 `interfuse` i179 `interlace` i179 `intermarriage` i179 `intermediate` i179 `intermedium` i179 `intermingle` i179 `intermission` i179 `internal` i179 opp. external `interne` i179 `intervene` i179 `interview` i179 `introduce` i179 `introspect` i179 `diagnosis` i179 dia = apart, gnosis = know > distinguish `dialect` i179
P180 (back pg-list) `malaria` i180 mal( bad) + aria( air) `malignant` i180 `malice` i180 `mal-` i180 = ill opp. bene- `bene-` i180 `benignant` i180 well like `Buenos Aires` i180 good air `ill-natured` i180 `well-being` i180 `ill-` i180 `well-` i180
`malefactor` i180 `benefactor` i180 `maleficent` i180 `beneficent` i180 `malevolent` i180 `benevolent` i180 `malicious` i180 Microsoft Releases Security Update myway Jul 2, 6:45 PM (ET), 2004 `malediction` i180 `dicere` i180 say `malformation` i180 not good form `malnutrition` i180 `maltreat` i180 `benediction` i180 before eating, pray/ thank the God `benefit` i180 fit < facere = do `ill-humored` i180 `good-humored` i180 `good-natured` i180 `ill-wisher` i180 `well-wisher` i180 `ill-being` i180 `welfare` i180 `well-bred` i180 `ill-bred` i180 `well-done` i180 opp. under-done `well-informed` i180 `well-read` i180
P181 (back pg-list) `misfortune` i181 `misunderstand` i181 `misleading` i181 `mis-` i181 wrong, bad `mis-chief` i181 chief = head( top, end)--->result, so means "bad end" `misogamy` i181 `miso-` i181 dislike , no relation mis-, Japanese "miso kuso"
`misadventure` i181 `miscalculate` i181 `misapplication` i181 `misapprehended` i181 `misbehave` i181 `misjudge` i181 `mislay` i181 `misfit` i181 `misread` i181 `misprint` i181 `misguide` i181 `mishap` i181 akin to happen `misuse` i181 n.[ -s], v.[ -z] last pronouncing `mistake` i181 `mistrust` i181 `misgiving(s)` i181 `misshape` i181 `misspell` i181 `misology` i181 `misoneism` i181 dislike new things `misogynist` i181 opp. philogynist `apprehend` i181
P182 (back pg-list) `no` i182 `ne-` i182 `neg-` i182 `non-` i182 `un-` i182 `non-essential` i182 `untie` i182
`naught` i182 `naughty` i182 `nay` i182 opp. aye `negative` i182 opp. affirmative `neuter` i182 `neutral` i182 `nonchalant` i182 not glowing, indifferent `non-combatant` i182 `nonsense` i182 `nonstop` i182 `unengaged` i182 free `unsightly` i182 sightly = good looks `unspeakably` i182 `untruth` i182 `false` i182 `wrong` i182 `unbosom` i182 confess bosom = chest, open one's secret mind within the chest `unbutton` i182 `undo` i182 `undressed` i182 `unfold` i182 `unlearn` i182 `unsay` i182 `nothing` i182 `aye` i182 `affirmative` i182 `neither` i182 `neutrality` i182 `glowing` i182 `bosom` i182 `chest` i182 `fold` i182 wrap `forget` i182
P183 (back pg-list) `postwar` i183 `pos-` i183 after `post-postwar` i183 `prewar` i183 `pre` i183 before `preposterous` i183 inconsistent, ridiculous `aftercare` i183
`posterior` i183 `a posteriori` i183 `a priori` i183 `posterity` i183 `postgraduate` i183 `posticous` i183 `hinder` i183 `postmortem` i183 `mortal` i183 `postpone` i183 `delay` i183 `postponement` i183 `postscript` i183 p.s. `afterclap` i183 `afterdinner` i183 ex. an afterdinner speech `afterglow` i183 `glow` i183 cf. glue `afternoon lady` i183 `four o'clock` i183 `afterrecording` i183 `aftertaste` i183 `afterthought` i183 `aftertime` i183 `afterwards` i183 `hereafter` i183
P184 (back pg-list) `prefab` i184 `habit` i184 `prefabricated house` i184 `pre-` i184 `prepare` i184 `previous` i184 `preface` i184 `preach` i184 `fore-` i184 `weather forecast` i184
`precaution` i184 `precocious` i184 `prefer` i184 `pregnant` i184 `prejudice` i184 `preliminary` i184 `limen` i184 `prelude` i184 n./v., overture, introduction `lude` i184 play `premature` i184 cf. amateur( <amare(= love) opp. professional), armature, mature/ maturity `premium` i184 buy in advance `premix` i184 `pre-Olympic` i184 `prepaid` i184 `presuppose` i184 `prevent` i184 `vent` i184 come `preview` i184 `forehead` i184 `foreground` i184 opp. background `foresight` i184 `foretell` i184
P185 (back pg-list) `pro-wrestling` i185 `pro-` i185 1. forth/ go ahead, 2. approval/ agree `professional` i185 `program` i185 `proletarian` i185 `production` i185 `pro-American` i185 `pol-` i185 pro- variant `por-` i185 pro- variant `prod-` i185 pro- variant `prof-` i185 pro- variant `pur-` i185 pro- variant
`prodigal` i185 `programmer` i185 `profane` i185 `temple` i185 `profile` i185 `prominent` i185 `proportion` i185 `promenade` i185 `prompt` i185 pro + emere( take) `prompter` i185 `propitiate` i185 pitiate = go `propound` i185 put before, submit `submit` i185 `proffer` i185 `pollute` i185 `pollution` i185 `nocturnal pollution` i185 `prudent` i185 pru-( = forth) + dent( look) `portent` i185 omen `omen` i185 cf. ominously `portrait` i185 `purpose` i185 pur-( = before) + pose `pursue` i185 pur-( before) + seek `pursuit` i185 in * of, chase
P186 (back pg-list) `quarter` i186 1/4, base of the compass 4 direction( N,S,W,E) `tetra(G)-` i186 4 `tetracyclic` i186 tetracycline/ `pent(a)` i186 5 `Pentagon` i186 `sex-` i186 6 `sexcentenary` i186 Not sixcentenary, sex + century `sept-` i186 7 `September` i186 original 7th, but was interrupted Julius Caesar & Augustus `` i186 7th was shifted to 9( 7+2)th, & after September all were sfted by 2 `July` i186 7th < Julius `August` i186 8th < Augustus `octo` i186 8 `octopus` i186 `October` i186 now 10th month, originally was 8th ( octal) `November` i186 now 11th month, originally was 9th, novem(G, 9) `December` i186 now 12th month, originally was 10th, dec(G, 10) (deca/ deci)
`quadruped` i186 `quartet` i186 `quart` i186 `quarry` i186 `quarterly` i186 as weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly `quarantine` i186 `tetrapod` i186 `tetralogy` i186 `tetrarch` i186 `pentad` i186 `pentagram` i186 `pentathlon` i186 `Pentium` i186 Intel 86, 286, 386, 486, Pentium, `sexennial` i186 `sextet` i186 `septimal` i186 `septet` i186 `octave` i186 `octal` i186 8 based number `decimal` i186 10 based number `hex` i186 =hexadecimal = 16 based number `binary` i186 2 based number
P187 (back pg-list) `rendezvous(Fr)` i187 `render yourselves` i187 `re-` i187 `ren-` i187 `renew` i187 `recollect` i187 `re-collect` i187 `rally` i187 re + ally `retro-` i187 `retrospect` i187 retro-( back) + spect( see)
`reassure` i187 `rebel` i187 re + bel( war) `rebound` i187 `rebuff` i187 re( against) + buff( strike) ; n./v. an unexpected or contemptuous refusal v. give a rebuff to, refuse with contempt, snub `rebuke` i187 re( back) + buke( strike) `recalcitrant` i187 `recall` i187 `recapitulate` i187 v., re( again), briefing `recent` i187 a., re( again) + cent( new) `reciprocal` i187 a., mutual, re( back) + pro( forward) `reckon` i187 v., akin to count `recline` i187 v., re( back) + cline( lean) `recoil` i187 v., coil = spring coil `recommence` i187 v., resume, re-open `recommencement` i187 n. `repose` i187 v., have a rest, recess, have a break `ransom` i187 n. buy back, redemption, redeem = re( back) + emere(L, take, buy, gain, procure) cf. repentance, compensation `redeem` i187 `repent` `retroflex` i187 retro( back) + flex( bend) `retrograde` i187 v., go backwards `retrogress` i187 `flexible` i187 a. bend/ bent +able
P188 (back pg-list) `subway` i188 `subeditor` i188 `sub-` i188 under/ beneath/ subordinate/ next/ vice/ assistant/ spair/ extra/ pseudo `suc-` i188 sub- variant `sup-` i188 sub- variant `sus-` i188 sub- variant `suspend` i188 hung down `lieutenant` i188 lieu( place) + tenant( a man who has) `sublieutenant` i188 vice of vice/ sub of sub `subtropical` `subter-` i188 below/ here under, opp. super
`subcurrent` i188 = undercurrent `subliminal` i188 sub + liminal( entrance) `subplot` i188 opp. mainplot `subtitle` i188 `subdivide` i188 v., divide again, divide more/ further `subterranean` i188 a., underground, sub + terrus( earth) +an( a. suffix) `succo(u)r` i188 v., rescue, suc( sub) + cour( run) `succumb` i188 v., obey, surrender, belong to `suffocate` i188 v., choke under part of the fauces( throat) to not breathe `suffice` i188 v., give satisfaction, suf( sub) + fice( make) `suppose` i188 v., place/ pose under, make hypothesis `sudden` i188 < subitus(L) `subarctic` i188 south region of Arctic circle `subalpine` i188 sub + high mountain `subtle` i188 a., [sa1 tal] finely sensitive, a bit, delicate ;from sub "under" + -tilis, from tela "web" and texere "to weave." `subtile` i188 a., [sa1b tail] finely sensitive, a bit, delicate `supplant` i188 v., replace, exchange `susceptible` i188 a., sensitive, sub + cept( take) `suspect` i188 v., look( spect) to under for checking if it's wrong cf. respect, inspect `subside` i188 v., sink/ fall down in the liquid `subsidy` i188 n., supporting money, donating money `subsidiary` n., a., child company Ex. * company cf. sibling
P189 (back pg-list) `superman` i189 `super-` i189 above, over, beyond, ultra-, maximum, most `surface` i189 `sur-` i189 super- variant `surprise` i189 Old.Fr. surprendre "to overtake," from sur- "over" + prendre(L) "to take," feeling caused by something unexpected" is 1608. The verb is from 1474 cf. near pronouncing `supplies` < `supply` `surge` i189 `extra-` i189 `extraordinary` i189 `extracurriculum` i189 `ultra-` i189 < ultra(L, beyond, extremely)
`superficial` i189 `superstructure` i189 upper part of the structure opp. understructure `superadd` i189 v., [supa: rad], add/ append further `supercilious` i189 a., showing contemptuous/ scornful/ disdainful indifference < superciliosus(L, haughty/ arrogant) < super( above) + cilium( eyelid) ,via notion of raising the eyebrow to express haughtiness `supersensitive` i189 `superabundance` i189 `superfluous` i189 a., superfluus(L, overflowing) = more than is needed or wanted `superfluity` i189 n., Ex. * quantity `superior` i189 a., more upper class `superlative` i189 a., most upper class `superannuated` i189 a., obsolete, out of date, retired/ dismissed cuz of age/ weakness, cf. *tion = pension < super-(L, beyond/ over) + annus(L, year) `surmount` i189 v., sur-(Fr, beyond) + monter(Fr, to go up) = overcome, triumph over `extraordinarily` i189 ad. `extravagant` a., [ikstra vagant], < extra(L, outside of) + vagari(L, wander, roam), too lavish/ wasteful `extraterritorial` i189 a. outlaw `extraneous` i189 a., -aneous =a. suffix `ultramodern` i189 `ultranationalism` i189 `ultraviolet` i189 a., Ex. * rays
P190 (back pg-list) `transistor` i190 transfer + resistor `trans-` i190 cross/ across/ over `transfer` i190 `transformer` i190 `transpose` i190 trans + pose `transvestism` i190 `trad-` i190 trans- variant `tre-` i190 trans- variant `tradition` i190 `trespass` i190 go beyond, invade
`transact` i190 trans( through) + act( do) = dispose/ execute/ trade/ sell( sale) & buy `transatlantic` i190 `Atlantic Ocean` i190 Atlas( God name) who sustain the heaven from the earth like a pillar `Atlas Mountains` i190 atlas is a world map, too `transform` i190 change the shape/ form, convert `transit` i190 n., go across, pass ( temporarily) `transient` i190 a., of point of changing for short time `transfix` i190 v./ n., cross + fix( set firmly) = penetrate, `transgress` v. violate ( the law)/ commit (a crime), do wrong, sin, gress = step/ go, go over (a limit/ bound) `transgression` i190 n., wrongdoer, sinner < trans-(across) + gradi(L, grade, step, walk, go) `translate` i190 v., across + late( carry) = language exchange/ interpret, render to `translation` i190 n., interpretation, rendering `translucent` i190 a., semi-see-through, lucent = lux = light/ bright/ shine/ neon `luminous` i190 a. giving out light, bright `fluorescent lamp/ light/ tube` i190 cf. firefly (insect) cf. luminescence( self bright matter) `luminaire` i190 light household goods `lumin-` i190 light `luminary` i190 n. star/ sun/ noon, the bright ( intellectual) man/ leader `transmarine` i190 a., over the sea, aboard, foreign `transmit` i190 v., send on, pass/ hand on Ex. * a message by radio, Ex. iron *s heat. `transmission` i190 Not "transmition", WHY?? -d + ion = sion, -t + ion = tion[shan] ,tt =ss ?? `transparent` i190 a., parent( mother & father, appear = see-through/ clear) `transplant` i190 v. `transpire` i190 v. spire = breathe, (of an event, a secret) become known, come to light, perspire/ spatter `transuranium` i190 n., unfixed uranium cf. a. transuranic `transverse` i190 a./ n., across + verse( turn) `traduce` i190 v., tra(ns) + duce( lead) = lead a fame to bad direction = defame, slander `slender` i190 a., thin body, slim `blunder` i190 n./v., big mistake `surrender` i190 n./ v., give up, yield oneself, capture (saying " I'm defeated !.") `transship` i190 v., move/ transfer luggage/ cargo/ load/ burden in the ship to another ship `transitive` i190 n./ a., in grammar, a verb having a objective subject
P193 (back pg-list) `arabesque` i193 Arabia + esque[esk]( = ish) `picturesque` i193 picture + esque `-esque` i193 `-ish` i193 `-ar` i193 `regular` i193 `-ive` i193 property, tendency, characteristic, feature, quality `talkative` i193 a. `relative` i193 n. `-lent` i193 full of `corpulent` a., corps( body)[ko: ] + full = too thick/ obese[oubI: s]/ fat
`burlesque` i193 `picaresque` i193 `angular` i193 `jocular` i193 `muscular` n., muscle[mAsaL] > a., [mAs kyaLa:] cf. a./ n., macho[mA chou] `polar` i193 `popular` i193 `singular` i193 `allusive` allude = v., hint/ imply with no voice > implicit( not explicit)/ hinted `competitive` i193 `detective` i193 `incentive` i193 incite = in + stick/ stimulate `motive` i193 cause to move/ motivation `restrictive` i193 `sportive` i193 a., playful cf. sporty `fraudulent` i193 fraud, full of fake, scam `pestilent` pestis(L, pest), infectious, infective, contagious cf.a./n., epidemic, FLU `turbulent` turbulentus(L) = turba(L, disorder, turmoil, crowd) + lent = full of commotion, cf. spree, noisy, white noise `disturb` disturbare(L, throw into disorder) = dis-( completely) + turba(L, disorder, turmoil, crowd) `turbo` i193 formed c.1900 from turbine, influenced by turbo(L, "spinning top.")
P194 (back pg-list) `astrology` i194 `log-` telling/ tale/ story/ thinking, studying < logos(G, language, order) cf. chaos, logic `astro` i194 star `apologize` apo( apart from) + logy( tell) = tell apart from (sin/ crime) to be forgiven `logical` i194 `illogical` i194
`analogy` i194 `apologue` i194 `apology` i194 `archaeology` i194 `biology` i194 `catalog(ue)` i194 cata = fully `dialog(ue)` i194 dia = mutual, slant `entomology` i194 entomo = insect `epilog(ue)` i194 epi = after `prolog(ue)` i194 `etymology` i194 etymo n= root `eulogy` i194 eu = well, praise `genealogy` i194 genea = family `geology` i194 cf. GeoCities `logic` i194 `meteorology` i194 weather studying `monolog(ue)` i194 `mythology` i194 myth = tale of gods `physiology` i194 `theology` i194 `logistics` 1879, from Fr. logistique "art of quartering troops," from M.Fr. logis "lodging," from O.Fr. logeis "shelter for an army, encampment," from loge (see lodge). `logo` i194 symbol mark, - 1937, probably a shortening of logogram "sign or character representing a word" (1820), from Gk. logos "word" + gram "what is written." `myth` i194 `anthem ` i194 nation's anthem `thesis` i194 Ex. It's time to start working on my graduation thesis. ,theme of one's thesis `Exodus` i194 `theme` i194 `scheme` i194 plan, conspiracy, intrigue
P195 (back pg-list) `baby` i195 babe + -y `-y` i195 intimate/ familiar expression `-ie` i195 intimate/ familiar expression `puppy` i195 `darky` i195 `fatty` i195 chubby, plump, a bit porky, obese/ obesity, stubby --- vary fat; round-faced.. in J. [debu] In J., chubby = [maLu pocha], stubby = [zunguLi (mokkuLi)], (fatty &) not beautiful = [busu(/ bu saiku)] cf. shabby cf. bobby, gabby, hobby, hubby, cabby, lobby, knobby, tabby, tubby, flabby, grubby, crabby, shrubby, snobby, scrubby, `Lizzy` i195 < Elizabeth `Lizzie` i195 < Elizabeth `Bethy` i195 < Elizabeth `Betty` i195 < Elizabeth `Bettie` i195 < Elizabeth
`aunty` i195 < aunt `birdie` i195 < bird `cookey` i195 < koek(Holand, cake) `cookie` i195 < cook, esp. woman `cooky` i195 < cook, esp. woman `daddy` i195 < dad(Wealds, father) `doggy` i195 < dog `dolly` i195 < doll `hanky` i195 < handkerchief `laddie` i195 < there man `lassie` i195 < there woman < lass, Ex. smart dog Lassie `mammy` i195 < mama `piggy` i195 < pig `polly` i195 < poll = parrot `Billy` i195 < Bill `Billie` i195 < Bill `Willy` i195 < Will < William `Willie` i195 < Will < William `Harry` i195 < Harris < Henry `Harrie` i195 < Harris < Henry `Jenny` i195 < Jane < Janet `Jimy` i195 < James `Jimie` i195 < James `Maggy` i195 < Mag < Margaret `Susie` i195 < Susan < Susannah `Tomy` i195 < Tom < Thomas `Tomie` i195 < Tom < Thomas
P196 (back pg-list) `baggage` i196 `-age` i196 collection/ collective, status/ position, state, fare/ fee/ price `personage` i196 noble/ high-status man `baronage` i196 the position of baron `Of Human Bondage( by Somerset Maugham)` i196 ( spiritual) state of being, situation, condition `postage` i196 fare `parsonage` i196 house/ hall
`advantage` i196 [advA ntij] `vantage` i196 `assemblage` i196 `bondage` i196 spirit of slave `breakage` i196 [brEi kij], being broken `cartage` i196 `cellarage` i196 `damage` i196 [dA maj] or [dA mij] `foliage` i196 `luggage` i196 if USA, baggage `marriage` i196 `message` i196 [mE saj] or [mE sij], what is messaged `mileage` i196 [mAi Laj] `orphanage` i196 `passage` i196 `package` i196 `peerage` i196 [pI raj] `pilgrimage` i196 [pI Lgramaj] `tillage` i196 `usage` i196 `vicarage` i196 `wreckage` i196 cf. "towing car" is said as "wrecker car" in Japan locally. `storage` [stO: raj] , some Japanese assigned [sto rE: ji] -- it's wrong . obvious/ self-evident. who is foolish? `voyage` - 13c., from O.Fr. veiage "travel, journey," from L.L. viaticum "a journey" (in classical L. "provisions for a journey"), noun use of neut.(=Neuter/ middle sex) of viaticus "of or for a journey," from via "road, journey, travel." The verb is first attested 1475. Tip -age List age, wage, voyage, gage, cage, rage, page, sage, sewage, yardage, adage, homage, image, assuage, Osage, usage, wattage, outage, stage, triage, engage, enrage, wantage, outrage, Babbage, verbiage, visage, baggage, barrage, village, damage, dosage, forage, foliage, footage, garbage, garage, cabbage, cordage, carriage, collage, courage, carnage, coinage, Carthage, corsage, cottage, ravage, luggage, wreckage, leakage, ramage, rummage, linage, lineage, mortgage, mirage, mileage, marriage, millage, manage, massage, message, package, peerage, pillage, passage, portage, savage, sewerage, signage, seepage, sausage, shortage, tonnage, teenage, average, orphanage, offstage, acreage, arrearage, umbrage, onstage, upstage, birdcage, voltage, bondage, bandage, vantage, vintage, blockage, breakage, drainage, dressage, hostage, cribbage, cleavage, language, linkage, rampage, restage, MicroAge, montage, mintage, poundage, postage, plumage, presage, suffrage, salvage, selvage, slippage, spillage, spoilage, storage, stoppage, trackage, arbitrage, envisage, under-age, underage, anchorage, encourage, amperage, entourage, appendage, espionage, beverage, backstage, downstage, fuselage, frontage, heritage, hemorrhage, hermitage, coverage, cabotage, cooperage, cartilage, leverage, remarriage, repackage, reportage, parsonage, sabotage, scrimmage, shrinkage, stumpage, tutelage, advantage, assemblage, brokerage, disengage, discourage, disparage, camouflage, macrophage, miscarriage, mismanage, parentage, pilferage, percentage, patronage, prepackage, seigniorage, afterimage, undercarriage, intermarriage, pilgrimage, concubinage, micromanage, disadvantage, stockbrokerage, counterespionage
P197 (back pg-list) `barometer` i197 [ba:rA mita:] pressure of atmosphere,( related the weather forecast/ fine or rain), in England spells "metre". `meter` i197 v./ n., measure `metre` i197 British `thermometer` i197 temperature( degree of hot or cold/ fever) `thermos` i197 a., hot, then now meant "magic bottle" `electric meter` i197 `gas meter` i197 `lie like a gas meter` i197 cuz gas meter was no accuracy, in J. " He is a big big-handkerchief" `gas` i197 n., includes gasoline, empty talk( Slang), v. talk idly or falsely( Slang) `-metry` i197 measuring method `geometry` i197 1st, beginning in the old Egypt for measuring Pyramid/ geo
`centimeter` i197 `chronometer` i197 `cyclometer` i197 `cyclometry` i197 `diameter` i197 dia = through/ slant cf. diagonal( straight line) in rectangle `gasometer` i197 = gas meter `kilometer` i197 `metric` i197 a., of th metric system `metrical` i197 a., of prosody in verses/ poetry/ lyric `metrics` i197 n., prosody/ alliteration `m.k.s.` i197 m( length),kg( weight), sec( time) = 3-basic scale units in the metric metrology `metronome` i197 constant interval measurement instrument `microchronometer` i197 10** -6 `micrometer` i197 `odometer` i197 (h)odos = way/ walking , counter of run distance `pedometer` i197 counter of step `speedmeter` i197 velocity meter `tachometer` i197 accelerated velocity measuring tool, round `symmetry` i197 n., against center line, both side part's figure/ shape is the same relation `symmetric(al)` i197 a., Ex. semi-symmetric sample, word "eye", "rammar" in "grammar" `metro` 1. subway 2.meter, tape measure/ tapeline 3. metropolis/ metropolitan Ex. Metro Card = subway prepaid card
P198 (back pg-list) `beautify` i198 `-fy` i198 make, become `simplify` i198 `liquefy` i198 `argufy` i198 `preachify` i198 cf. "Papa don't preach"( Madonna) v., speak as if delivering a sermon; "This man always sermonizes" `classify` i198 `satisfy` i198 `classification` i198 `satisfaction` i198 `-ize` i198 make `-ise` i198 make `Americanize` i198 `intensify` i198 strengthen, enhance, > intensification `justify` i198 > justification `modify` i198 > modification `mystify` i198 < myth , > a., mystery `petrify` i198 petr = stone `putrefy` i198 v., decay n. = putrefaction `stupefy` i198 -- comes from a. stupid `Anglicize` i198 cf. Anglo-Saxon `Christianize` i198 `emphasize` i198 `fertilize` i198 `organize` i198 organ( internal body part/ component/ elemnt) `patronize` i198 `philosophize` i198 `realize` i198 `sermonize` i198 `sympathize` i198 `enterprise` i198 n.,v, cf. entrepreneur[antra pra nA: ] `chastise` i198 [chastAi z], punish
P199 (back pg-list) `beggar` i199 `-ar` i199 who doing `-or` i199 who/ which doing `-er` i199 who/ which doing `scholar` i199 `liar` i199 cf. lier `lier` i199 man who lie in the bed `elevator` i199 `radiator` i199 `saviour` i199 savior `amateur` i199 `-ary` i199 who having `-ain` i199 man `secretary` i199 `captain` i199
`auditor` i199 `bachelor` i199 `beggary` i199 `burglar` i199 `burgle` i199 v., comes from "burglar" `censor` i199 < cencere(L, judge) `chancellor` i199 `chieftain` i199 `commentator` i199 `emissary` i199 emit = out + send `emperor` i199 `inventor` i199 `missionary` i199 `pedlar` i199 not peddler `protector` i199 `sailor` i199 `tailor` i199 `villain` i199 scoundrel, rascal, < servant (who work) in villa( =farm) , extends, bad/ corrupted/ delinquent man `warrior` i199 `predator` i199 `doctor` `terminator` `Christian`
P200 (back pg-list) `bureaucracy` i200 `-cracy` i200 rule/ reign, power, ruling body `bureaucrat` i200 `bureau` i200 desk --- symbol of the officer `cottonocracy` i200 `Lancashire` i200 `cotton lords` i200 `beerocracy` i200 -- humor, twist " bureaucracy" `-latry` i200 praise, exalt `idolatry` i200 idol + latry
`aristocracy` i200 aristos = best `aristocratic` i200 `aristocrat` i200 crat = ruler/ governor (man) `autocracy` i200 `autocrat` i200 dictator, tyrant `babyolatry` i200 baby cf. Babylon `bureaucratic` i200 `clubocracy` i200 `democratic` i200 `democracy` i200 `mobocracy` i200 mob `mobocratic` i200 `ochlocracy` i200 ochlos `ochlocrat` i200 `plutocracy` i200 pluto = wealth `plutodemocracy` i200 `plutolatry` i200 `snobocracy` i200 `theocracy` i200 theo = God
P201 (back pg-list) `chatter` i201 `chat` i201 `whisper` i201 `Twinkle, twinkle, little star.` i201 `Mica, mica, parva stella(L)` i201 `hustle` i201
`flutter` i201 `flicker` i201 `glitter` i201 `mutter` i201 `shiver` i201 `stammer` i201 sta sta sta , stam, m, m, m, .., m, stammer `litter` i201 `hammer` i201 `spatter` i201 `patter` i201 `twitter` i201 `bubble` i201 `dazzle` i201 `flitter` i201 Ex. butterfly *s from flower to flower. `jingle` i201 `gurgle` i201 `frizzle` i201 `grumble` i201 `prattle` i201 `ripple` i201 `bump` i201 `clash/ crash/ crush` i201 `ouch` i201 `apple` Ex. Apple ple ple -- song? [A paL] cf. Big Apple( = New York City's nickname) `nipple` Ex. Nipple ple ple... -- I'm scorned. `ripper` Ripper of the London, Jack ?? Tip: Why N.Y. is nicknamed "The Big Apple" ? Among jazz musicians, "the big apple" was slang for "the big time," and to play the clubs of Harlem or Broadway was to be at the top of the jazz world ---According to the New York Public Library, "there is no single, authoritative answer as to why New York City is known as The Big Apple. That the term is now widely known may be due to a tourism publicity campaign launched by the New York Convention and Visitors Bureau in 1971." The Museum of the City of New York traces the first use of the phrase back to a 1909 book, The Wayfarer in New York edited by Edward S. Martin. But the museum also explains that the term came into popular use among jazz musicians of the 1930s and 1940s as a metaphor for success: "When playing away from home, they were out in the branches ("the sticks") but when they were in New York they were playing 'The Big Apple.'"
P202 (back pg-list) `childhood` i202 `-hood` i202 `-head` i202 `-ship` i202 `-scape` i202 akin to "ship" `maidenhead` i202 `maiden` i202 `hymen` i202 `friendship` i202 relation `citizenship` i202 right `landscape` i202 `seascape` i202
`brotherhood` i202 `manhood` i202 `neighborhood` i202 `sisterhood` i202 `bachelorhood` i202 `spinsterhood` i202 `widowhood` i202 `knighthood` i202 `falsehood` i202 `likelihood` i202 `championship` i202 `courtship` i202 `fellowship` i202 `hardship` i202 `lordship` i202 `membership` i202 `partnership` i202 `scholarship` i202 `sportsmanship` i202 `worship` i202 `warship` i202 `younghood` `Robin Hood` English hero/ legend `red hood` cf. food , "Take care of red hood baby!" -- tale.
P203 (back pg-list) `childish` i203 `-ish` i203 `Swedish` i203 `Irish` i203 `childlike` i203 `whitish` i203 `publish` i203 make public `Polish` i203 [pOu Lish] `polish` i203 [pA Lish] cf. "apple-polish" (= flatter, adulate, bootlick) --- in J. "crush(/grind/ mill)- sesame"
`apish` i203 `bookish` i203 `boyish` i203 `brownish` i203 `coquettish` i203 `devilish` i203 `feverish` i203 `purplish` i203 `snobbish` i203 `womanish` i203 `abolish` i203 `accomplish` i203 `cherish` i203 Ex. * desire `diminish` i203 cf. minus, reduce, mitigate, decrease `establish` i203 stable `furnish` i203 `nourish` i203 `punish` i203 purn + ish
P204 (back pg-list) `clockwise` i204 right round, right-handed cf. counterclockwise, Widdershins `-wise` i204 wise (n.) - "way of proceeding, manner," O.E. wise, ultimately from the same source as wise (adj.)( = way, to know, wit). Most common now as a suffix. `westward` i204 `-ward` i204 `-ling` i204 `-long` i204 `darkling` i204 `headlong` i204 `-ly` i204 `mainly` i204 `simply` i204 `lovely` i204 a. `manly` i204 a. `early` i204 a./ ad. `daily` i204 a./ ad. `gentlemanly` i204 `gentlemanlike` i204
`coastwise` i204 `crabwise` i204 `lengthwise` i204 = lengthway `likewise` i204 = in the like manner `otherwise` i204 = in another way `afterwards` i204 `homeward(s)` i204 `homeward voyage` i204 `leeward` i204 lee = shadow, downwindow `broadway(s)` i204 = broadwise `endways` i204 = endwise `leastways` i204 = leastwise, at least `slantway` i204 = slantwise, cf. slash `flatling` i204 `sideling` i204 `hour(s)-long` i204 `sidelong` i204 `leisurely` i204 `shortly` i204 soon `homely` i204 simple, at home, plain, cozy, plain faced `duly` i204 due + ly, at the right time/ nanner, rightfully, properly
P205 (back pg-list) `communism` i205 `-ism` i205 policy, deed, disease name, noun of -ize verb `socialism` i205 `Darwinism` i205 `sadism` i205 `baptism` i205 `Americanism` i205 < Americanize `rheumatism` i205 `Rheumatism is the worst of all isms.` i205
`academicism` i205 `antagonism` i205 `aphorism` i205 `archaism` i205 `Buddhism` i205 `classicism` i205 `colloquialism` i205 `commercialism` i205 `enthusiasm` i205 enthuse `eonism` i205 `fetishism` i205 `eroticism` i205 `Hellenism` i205 `heroism` i205 `hypnotism` i205 `liberalism` i205 `mannerism` i205 `onanism` i205 `organism` 205 `scepticism` i205 `skepticism` i205
P206 (back pg-list) `countess` i206 Man or Woman or Neuter. `count` i206 man's usage = duke, in England earl `-ess` i206 `lioness` i206 `authoress` i206 `murderess` i206 woman slayer `cinema actress` i206 `widow` i206 `widower` i206 `-rix` i206 -ess variant `testatrix` i206 `salesman` i206 `saleswoman` i206 `she-crow` i206 she-/ he- /-cook/ -hen `opportunist` i206 person who is more anxious to gain an advantage than to consider whether he is gaining it fairly.
`duchess` i206 < duke `marchioness` i206 < marquis `viscountess` i206 < viscount `baroness` i206 < baron `Lady` i206 < Lord, here gentleman is lower than Lady `aviatress` i206 = aviatrix `executrix` i206 < executor `bride` i206 < bridegroom `policewoman` i206 < policeman `sportswoman` i206 < sportsman, athlete `stewardess` i206 < steward `hostess` i206 < host, or woman who works in bar `nanny-goat` i206 < billy-goat `she-friend` i206 woman sex-friend `female-hormone` i206 < male-hormone `peahen` i206 < peacock
P207 (back pg-list) `darling` i207 `-ling` i207 little/ lovely one `peachling` i207 in J. Momo-Taro `changeling` i207 `-el` i207 little/ lovely one `-kin` i207 little/ lovely one `-ock` i207 little/ lovely one `vessel` i207 < vese `weaker vessel` i207 = woman `model` i207 < mode `lambkin` i207 < lamb `hillock` i207 = little mountain
`duckling` i207 little duck `founding` i207 `fatling` i207 fat caw/ bull `gosling` i207 little goose `grayling` i207 water little salmon `groundling` i207 plant whicn crawl `lordling` i207 low level lord `princeling` i207 `suckling` i207 baby drinking/ sucking milk `yearling` i207 1 year old horse `angel` i207 originally, it indicates a messenger `kernel` i207 little corn( grain) `satchel` i207 little bag/ satch( = sack) `napkin` i207 little nape( = cloth) `bullock` i207 no penile bull `buttock` i207 butt + ock = hip/ bottom `paddock` i207 small field for horse run, < fence
P208 (back pg-list) `distance` i208 < distant `-ce` i208 to Noun conjugation suffix `-cy` i208 to Noun conjugation suffix `diligence` i208 < diligent `appearance` i208 < appear `constancy` i208 < constant `efficiency` i208 < efficient `infancy` i208 < infant `poignancy` i208 < poignant `excellence` i208 < excellent `excellency` i208 < excellent
`abundance` i208 < abound, abundant `disturbance` i208 < disturb `endurance` i208 < endure `furtherance` i208 < further `insurance` i208 < insure `repentance` i208 < repent, -ant `dependence` i208 < depend, ent `efficiency` i208 < efficient `innocence` i208 < innocent `intelligence` i208 < intelligent `obedience` i208 < obedient `patience` i208 < patient `persistence` i208 < persistent `pestilence` i208 < pestilent `violence` i208 < violent cf. violate Ex. domestic * `consistency` i208 < consistent `coherence` i208 < cohere, -nt `deficiency` i208 < deficient `frequency` i208 < frequent `inadvertency` i208 < inadvertent = negligent, careless `urgency` i208 < urgent
P209 (back pg-list) `dragon` i209 big snake whose mouth blows a fire `-on` i209 big one `-oon` i209 big big one `dragoon` i209 fire arms military troop, developed further from dragon `harpoon` i209 big claw, spear for get a whale `trombone` i209 big trumpet `balloon` i209 big ball
`billion` i209 bi- = again =2, 10**9 `billionaire` i209 -aire( man) `dragonfly` i209 dragon + fly `felon` i209 `flagon` i209 `million` i209 10*6 `millionaire` i209 `see dragon` i209 `bassoon` i209 `buffoon` i209 `dobloon` i209 `festoon` i209 `lampoon` i209 `macaroon` i209 `musketoon` i209 `octoroon` i209 `pontoon` i209 `quadroon` i209 `saloon` i209 `spitoon` i209 misspelling ?? `spittoon` i209 true herhaps `spoon` i209 `cartoon` i209
P210 (back pg-list) `drunkard` i210 big drinker `-ard` i210 who do so much `-art` i210 who do so much `braggart` i210 who blow a big brag( shell music trumpet), big liar `-ster` i210 originally, indicate woman suffix, but now are disappeared, woman become a man-like. `songstress` i210 this is w-woman specified( i.e. ster + ess), woman of woman `Webster` i210 `youngster` i210 `oldster` i210 `-aster` i210 quack ster, included scornful meaning `poetaster`
`bastard` i210 `coward` i210 `dotard` i210 `dullard` i210 `haggard` i210 `niggard` i210 `sluggard` i210 `Spaniard` i210 `steward` i210 `stinkard` i210 stink = bad smell `wizard` i210 `gamester` i210 gambler `gangster` i210 `jokester` i210 `punster` i210 `songster` i210 `spinster` i210 `trickster` i210 fraud, scam
P211 (back pg-list) `error` i211 < err( take a walk/ roam & step another way) = v. `-o(u)r` i211 abstract noun suffix `fervour`, `fervor` i211 < fervent `service` i211 `-ice` i211 can become a common noun, if necessary, except abstract noun `edifice` i211 building `bravery` i211 < brave = a. `-(e)ry` i211 noun suffix `chemistry` i211 < chemist = man = n. `revelry` i211 < revel = drink & spree = v.
`grandeur` i211 `liqueur` i211 `rumo(u)r` i211 `tremor` i211 < tremble `avarice` i211 < avere = lust/ desire strongly `caprice` i211 whim, volatility < caper `cowardice` i211 `hospice` i211 = hotel `justice` i211 `notice` i211 `practice` i211 `precipice` i211 `pedantry` i211 < pedant `roguery` i211 `bribery` i211 < bribe , `bribe` c.1425, from O.Fr. "morsel of bread given to beggars," from briber "to beg," of uncertain origin. Shift of meaning to "gift given to influence corruptly" is early 15c. `forgery` i211 < forge `mockery` i211 < mock `robbery` i211 < rob `quixotry` i211 < Don Quixote = chivalrous & idealistic hero of the novel by Cervantes(1605,1615)
P212 (back pg-list) `examiner` i212 who examine `examinee` i212 who is examined `-ee` i212 passive person [I:] with accent `pickpocktee` i212 pickpocketee ?? `Yankee` i212 `Chinese` i212 `Chinee` i212 `-eer` i212 `-ier` i212 `-yer` i212 `carbineer `cashier `lawyer`
`employee` i212 `refugee` i212 fugitive `lessee` i212 who lease `devotee` i212 geek, mania, zealot `donatee` i212 accepter, akin to donator cf. donor `evaucee` i212 who is evacuated `trustee` i212 `committee` i212 `pioneer` i212 `mountaineer` i212 `volunteer` i212 `engineer` i212 `electioneer` i212 `executioneer` i212 `courtier` i212 `gondolier` i212 `fancier` i212 `sawyer` i212 cf. Tom Sawyer `bowyer` i212 who play archery Tip: -ee list bee, thee( you: objective), gee( interjection), fee, lee, knee, nee, pee, peewee, see, tee, yippee( inter.), whoopee, flee, free, glee, Cree(one Indian tribe name), tree, three, agree, Yankee, emcee, BYBEE(city name)[bAi bii], burgee, Jaycee, ferree( ferreous), foresee, goatee, coffee, coulee, levee, ranee, rupee, lessee, marquee, melee, puree, pawnee, soiree, Shawnee, spree, toffee, toupee, evacuee, oversee, honoree, employee, entree, apogee, bungee, vendee, banshee, degree, decree, fiancee, Humvee, carefree, kimchee, sightsee, squeegee, trainee, adoptee, addressee, enrollee, amputee, interviewee, internee, appointee, escapee, attendee, jubilee, divorcee, devotee, deportee, detainee, draftee, frisbee, Galilee, honeybee, committee, refugee, referee, rooftree, repartee, retiree, returnee, Maccabee, Milwaukee, nominee, manatee, matinee, parolee, Cherokee, Tennessee, trustee, abductee, absentee, inductee, enlistee, disagree, filigree, guarantee, conferee, licensee, Muskogee, pedigree, Doubletree, franchisee, Tallahassee, chimpanzee, subcommittee
P213 (back pg-list) `handsome` i213 `-some` i213 akin to "same", adjective(a.) suffix `-ous` i213 full of `delicious` i213 < full of delight `gorgeous` i213 `luxurious` i213 `-y` i213 adjective(a.) suffix `icy` i213 `noisy` i213 `mighty` i213
`burdensome` i213 `blithesome` i213 `fulsome` i213 `gruesome` i213 `lonesome` i213 `irksome` i213 irk v., weary, annoy, chiefly to ex., It irks me to ( to something). [ER1 K S AH0 M] a., tedious, tiresome ex.. irksome task `meddlesome` i213 `winsome` i213 `conspicuous` i213 `ferocious` i213 `glorious` i213 `joyous` i213 `luminous` i213 `ostentatious` i213 `sensuous` i213 `bulky` i213 `greasy` i213 `lousy` i213 `thorny` i213 `touchy` i213 `deluxe` cf. luxury, galaxy, gala Tip: -lux- lux, flux, Klux, Luxor, afflux, deluxe, Pollux, influx, luxury, Luxton, Benelux, luxuries, luxurious, fluxional (flexional), luxuriant, Luxembourg, luxottica, electrolux, subluxation -lax- lax, flax, Laxey, plax, galax, Glaxo, laxson, relax, flaxseed, galaxy, Glaxo's, claxon, laxalt, laxity, Laxton, relaxed, Flaxman, galaxies, galaxy's, Claxton, laxative, relaxes, relaxing, parallax, laxatives, relaxation -cs- csar, csaszar, mcshea, tucson, incstar, kocsis, locsin, mcshan, mcswain, mcshane, mcsween, mcstay, cspan, isaacson, ecstasy, ericson, ericsson, bancserve, bancshares, bencsik, dancsak, macsharry, mcsherry, mcsorley, mcsweeney, mcsleep, ecstatic, facsimile, mcspadden, ecstatically, mechanicsburg, [-KS-] --> pronouncing & spelling mapping x( axa), xc( excise/ excite/ excel), chs( erichsen), ks( weksel), xs(sexson), xx(exxon), cks(backsaw), cz( eczema), kes( lakeside), cs( ericson), css( ericsson), kss( eriksson), cc( occident/ accident/ access/ accept), -- variant; xsh( klixshavich), xh( exhibition)
P214 (back pg-list) `health` i214 `-th` i214 `death` i214 < die `hale` i214 < whole `heal` i214 -- healing `whole` i214 `-t` i214 `joint` i214 < join `drought` i214 < dry
`birth` i214 `breadth` i214 `complaint` i214 `constraint` i214 `depth` i214 `drift` i214 < drive `filth` i214 < foul = dirty `gift` i214 < give `growth` i214 `height` i214 `length` i214 `mirth` i214 < merry `restraint` i214 `sight` i214 < see `strength` i214 `truth` i214 `theft` i214 < thieve `width` i214 `warmth` i214 `youth` i214 < young
P215 (back pg-list) `icicle` i215 `-cle` i215 diminutive suffix `-cule` i215 diminutive suffix `-ule` i215 diminutive suffix `-le` i215 diminutive suffix `animalcule` i215 `globule` i215 `bottle` i215 `bot` i215 `chapel` i215 `castle` i215 `article` i215
`corpuscle` i215 `muscle` i215 `particle` i215 `pinnacle` i215 `tubercle` i215 `molecule` i215 `granule` i215 `nodule` i215 `bundle` i215 `male` i215 `pebble` i215 `principle` i215 `sickle` i215 `sparkle` i215 `speckle` i215 `throttle` i215
P216 (back pg-list) `library` i216 `-ary` i216 place `-ery` i216 place `-arium` i216 place `aquarium` i216 `-ory` i216 place `factory` i216 fac- = make, create `-y` i216 sometimes indicate the place `grocery` i216 `bakery` i216
`granary` i216 < grain `sanctuary` i216 < sanctus = sacred in choir song, Saint `brewery` i216 beer ect. factory `cemetery` i216 collective grave( not belong to the church) < sleeping place `confectionery` i216 make a confetti etc. `nunnery` i216 nun = sister/ woman student/ priest `aquarium` i216 aqua(L, water) `auditorium` i216 listening hall for audience `cinerarium` i216 ci = ash, containing place for bone `crematorium` i216 cremate = burn/ flame/ combust `emporium` i216 < emporion(G, market) `planetarium` i216 planet- = star around a star `sanatorium` i216 facility for curing/ healing/ improving disease `sanitarium` i216 in American usage `dormitory` i216 dorm = sleep, facility for student stay together `laboratory` i216 labor + tory = place for experiment `lavation` i216 lavat = wash, toilet or place for washing face or hands `observatory` i216 place where observe a star/ weather etc. `purgatory` i216 cf. purge, where Dante walked around `territory` i216 terr = ground/ earth/ real estate, area/ region governed/ reigned by the lord `pantry` i216 pans = bread `refinery` i216 < refine & get/ gain steel out `vinery` i216 vine = wine `stadium`
P217 (back pg-list) `loveliness` i217 `loveliness` `-ness` i217 adjective + ness = noun =being/ having adjective `-ment` i217 adjective/ verb + ment = noun `goodliness` i217 `kindliness` i217 `up-to-dateness` i217 rare pattern( compound adjective + ness) n : the property of belonging to the present time: "the currency of a slang term" [syn: currentness, currency] `improvement` i217 `statement` i217 `garment` i217 13c., from O.Fr. garnement, from garnir "fit out, provide, adorn." `harmony` `-mony` i217 verb + mony = noun `acrimony` i217 1542, "quality of being acrid," from L. acrimonia "sharpness, pungency of taste," from acer "sharp" + -monia suffix of action, state, condition. Figurative extension to "temper" is first recorded 1618.
`bitterness` i217 `dimness` i217 dim = non clear/ small light/ small dark/ fuzzy[fA zi:]( cf. not fassy[fA si:]) `fairness` i217 `get-at-ableness` i217 < get-at-able + ness> availability `matter-of-factness` i217 `nearsightedness` i217 nearsighted `shabbiness` i217 shabby `ugliness` i217 `argument` i217 argue, discuss, debate `betterment` i217 `equipment` i217 `enchantment` i217 `imprisonment` i217 `merriment` i217 merry, cheerful `nourishment` i217 `ornament` i217 = decoration < a., ornate - 14c., from L. ornatus, pp. of ornare "adorn, fit out," from stem of ordo "order." -- having excess/ elaborate decoration `punishment` i217 `sacrament` i217 < sacred `hegemony` i217 1567, from Gk. hegemonia "leadership," from hegemon "leader," from hegeisthai "to lead." Originally of predominance of one city state or another in Gk. history. `testimony` `ceremony`
P218 (back pg-list) `manly` i218 `-ly` i218 noun + ly = adjective, usually adjective + ly = advirb, exceptionaly adj. + ly = adj. `friendly` i218 `kindly` i218 adj. + ly = adj., in this case means having a tendency/ mood/ apt & internal than -like. `sickly` i218 ditto, timid, awkward `They lived happily ever after. ( It is well, it is well.)` i218 `godly` i218 religious `godlike` i218 like a god, having dignity
`bodily` i218 `comely` i218 good countenance, (usu. of a person) pleasant to look at `deadly` i218 fatal cf. deadlike `earthly` i218 of globe cf. earthy( = of clay) `heavenly` i218 a., Ex. * body `weekly` i218 `worldly` i218 ( contrasted with spiritual) of this world, material Ex. * wisdom = genius, * pleasure `economically` i218 there is no expression "economicly" `hardly` i218 barely, scarcely `hourly` i218 `nearly` i218 almost `presently` i218 soon `rarely` i218 < rare cf. merely `remarkably` i218 outstanding `soundly` i218 Ex. sleep * `totally` i218 `truly` i218 there's no expression "truely" Ex. Yours Truly ( letter's end expression/ diction) `typically` i218 `yearly` i218 a./ ad. cf. daily, weekly, biweekly, monthly, bimonthly, quarterly
P219 (back pg-list) `medalist` i219 `-ist` i219 `atheist` i219 a- = not `communist` i219 `antagonist` i219 `scientist` i219 `pianist` i219 `typist` i219 `-ast` i219 `enthusiast` i219 zealot, devotee
`baptist` i219 baptism <, bath, bathe `baptism` i219 `botanist` i219 botany, botanical flower-plant `botany` i219 `economist` i219 `egoist` i219 ego = self `egotist` i219 `essayist` i219 `extremist` i219 extreme, radical `fatalist` i219 `ideologist` i219 `marxist` i219 Karl Marx, published "The Communist Manifesto" with Friedrich Engels `materialist` i219 `monopolist` i219 `motorist` i219 `nationalist` i219 `nudist` i219 nude `opportunist` i219 `pugilist` i219 `socialist` i219 `gymnast` i219 teacher `gymnastics` i219 `iconoclast` i219 `iconoclacy` i219 `optimist` `pessimist` `artist` `athlete` athletic, gymnastic
P220 (back pg-list) `mixture` i220 `-(t)ure` i220 verb + -(t)ure = noun `honesty` i220 `-y` i220 adj./ noun + -y = noun `bony` i220 < bone `icy` i220 < ice
`censure` i220 < censor cf. census `composure` i220 < compose `creature` i220 [crI: cha] < create[crI eit] `departure` i220 < depart `exposure` i220 < expose `failure` i220 < fail `furniture` i220 < furnish `overture` i220 < overt( = open) `picture` i220 < pingere(L, paint) `prefecture` i220 < prefect = police commander `pressure` i220 < press `difficulty` i220 [dI fikaLti] < difficult[dI fikaLt] `honesty` i220 < honest `jealousy` i220 < jealous `modesty` i220 < modest, cf. a./ v./ n., moderate `humanity` i220 < human `humility` i220 < humble cf. humiliate/ humiliation `delivery` i220 < deliver `discovery` i220 < discover `flattery` i220 < flatter `mastery` i220 < master `recovery` i220 < recover
P221 (back pg-list) `passionate` i221 +8 `-ate` i221 adj. / v. suffix `separate` i221 a./ v. `fortunate` i221 a. `affectionate` i221 a. `-an` i221 adj./ n. `-ian` i221 adj./ n. `American` i221 a./ n. `Russian` i221 a./ n. `-ic` i221 adj. `-al` i221 adj. `economic` i221 a. `economical` i221 a. `insulate` i221 v. +8
`consummate` i221 `desolate` i221 `fascinate` i221 `Brazilian` i221 `cuban` i221 `Lesbian` i221 cuz Lesbian famous ancient Greek poet Sappho, she was born in Lesbos island in Aegean Sea `suburban` i221 sub( under) + urb( metropolis) +an( adj.) `Comical` i221 `historical` i221 `proprietorial` i221 `demarcate` i221 catena `concatenate` i221 `emulate` i221 `felicitate` i221 felix = happy `invigorate` i221 vigor `irritate` i221 vex, disturb, make anxious `isolate` i221 sister of insulate `proportionate` i221 `luxuriate` i221 luxury, lux = shine/ shining cf. deluxe [da LA ks] cf. xerox [zI ra ks] `negate` i221 negation `cogitate` i221 round a cog = think deeply, ponder, speculate
P222 (back pg-list) `patriot` i222 man `-ot` i222 1. man, 2. little `parrot` i222 = little Peter `monger` i222 seller, commodity dealer cf. manger `cheesemonger` i222 `gossipmonger` i222 `wrought` i222 `wright` i222 man, maker, craft cf. Wright brothers -- inventors of "airplane" in 1903 `waggonwright` i222 `-ive` i222 man `-iff` i222 man `-ite` i222 man `captive` i222 captured, prisoner `plaintiff` i222
`idiot` i222 idios `helot` i222 `zealot` i222 `harlot` i222 har + lot `maggot` i222 `costermonger` i222 n., a seller of fruits, vegetables, and other food, esp. from street cart, costard = big apple `fishmonger` i222 `ironmonger` i222 `newsmonger` i222 `scandalmonger` i222 `cartwright` i222 `millwright` i222 `playwright` i222 = dramatist `shipwright` i222 `wheelwright` i222 `fugitive` i222 fugit = flee cf. refugee `operative` i222 `cosmopolite` i222 cosmos `Labourite` i222 labourer `hermit` i222 = anchoret
P223 (back pg-list) `pocket` i223 < pock( bag) + et `-et` i223 diminutive suffix( , like "it" in "littele" ?!) `pock` i223 bag `pouch` `cigarette` i223 `-ette` i223 diminutive suffix or false replica-like or woman( , like "itte" in "little" ?!) `brunette` i223 < brown, & in this case indicates woman `brunet` i223 in above man's case `typette` i223 slang: woman typist `undergraduette` i223 slang: college/ university ( student) girl cf. undergraduate n : a university student who has not yet received a first degree [syn: undergrad] `booklet` i223 `-let` i223 -l + -et = w little diminutive suffix( , like "lit" in "little" ?!)
`bidet` i223 `bullet` i223 ball in pistol/ gun, small spot mark cf. bull is also male cow `cabinet` i223 cf. Cabinet is also government ministers `floweret` i223 `hamlet` i223 ham = home( /village) , mountain rural/ rustic village , Ex. Shakespeare's "Hamlet" `hatchet` i223 axe with short handle, hatch = axe; cover `kitchenette` i223 `leaflet` i223 leaf > one paper/ bill `leatherette` i223 artificial leather/ skin `novelette` i223 short story novel `packet` i223 `pincette` i223 < pinch( = pick up) `rivulet` i223 small river, `streamlet` is too `rocket` i223 from cylinder figure/ shape/ style `sonnet` i223 < son = sound, 14 lines lyric/ poetry cf. sonic `toilet` i223 W.C. , "toile" is small bag for make-up `toilette` i223 woman's make-up( i.e. bathing, combing, putting on etc.) `wavelet` i223 small wave, ripple cf. waive lancet small lance( spear), needle, pin -- diabetes' tool to get blood of the finger
P224 (back pg-list)`poison` i224 `-son` i224 state/ action/ moving style suffix `reason` i224 reri(L, think) + -son `-ation` i224 -son family `-tion` i224 -son family `-sion` i224 -son family `-ion` i224 -son family `creation` i224 `civilization` i224 `addition` i224 `reduction` i224 `subtraction` i224 `multiplication` i224 `division` i224 `quotient` i224 `modulo` i224 `remainder` i224
`appreciation` i224 [ap rI: si eishan], thanks, acknowledgement `compensation` i224 [kampen sEi shan], cf. insurance action/ money `decision` i224 `definition` i224 `description` i224 `inclusion` i224 `inflexion` i224 `introduction` i224 `invitation` i224 `occupation` i224 `omission` i224 `opinion` i224 `oration` i224 formal/ public statement/ speech/ address/ sermon `orientation` i224 `plantation` i224 `repetition` i224 `iteration` i224 `retention` i224 `supposition` i224 `assumption` i224 `suspension` i224 `treason` i224 give over, betrayal < tread = step on
P225 (back pg-list) `readable` i225 `possible` i225 `probable` i225 `-able` i225 `-ible` i225 `unthinkable` i225 `visible` i225 `audible` i225 `eatable` i225 `edible` i225 `eatables` i225 foods
`changeable` i225 `comfortable` i225 [kAm fatabaL] , not [komfO: tabL] `controllable` i225 `drinkable` i225 `educable` i225 Remark, Not written "educatable" cuz too long `enviable` i225 < envy < view slant P151, cf. covet `favorable` i225 Ex. * answer cf. in favor (of), out of favor, favorite( n./a.) `habitable` i225 `horrible` i225 more grade than terrible `incomparable` i225 `inevitable` i225 can't help, not evitable `irresponsible` i225 i.e. I don't know/ I know nothing `laughable` i225 to bad/ foolish deed/ behavior etc. `lovable` i225 Ex. * girl `marketable` i225 = salable `marriageable` i225 Ex. * girl, * chimpanzee `movable` i225 be able to move, cf. movables = movable goods (i.e. furniture, non real-estate, etc.) `portable` i225 `taxable` i225 `unforgettable` i225 to special memory/ cruel treatment/ disservice/ grief/ humiliation/ tragedy etc. `unspeakable` i225 Ex. * beauty, * ugly `inscribable` i225 can't express in words (so good/ so bad), beyond expression
P226 (back pg-list) `rival` i226 man who lives in across the river, he quarrels/ fights about catching the fish each other `-al` i226 verb to noun (or noun to adj.) `funeral` i226 `arrival` i226 `national` i226 `central` i226
`acquittal` i226 < aquit = a + quit = set flee `approval` i226 `bestowal` i226 < bestow = give/ grant, stow(Old English, place > place to be stored > put away/ pack) `betrayal` i226 `burial` i226 `denial` i226 `dismissal` i226 `disposal` i226 `formal` i226 `gradual` i226 < grade = level cf. gradually `legal` i226 < lex = law `loyal` i226 sister of legal, cf. loyalty, royal, royalty, faithful `proposal` i226 `rehearsal` i226 `removal` i226 `renewal` i226 `revival` i226 `ritual` i226 < rite( = religious ceremonial act) `survival` i226 `temporal` i226 `trial` i226 `withdrawal` i226 retract, retreat, stop, cease, draw with( =away) = draw stop-line & stopped `neutral` cf. neuter
P227 (back pg-list) `seamless` i227 `seamless stocking` i227 `-less` i227 non, not, can't ( noun to adj.) `childless` i227 `moneyless` i227 `parentless` i227 `countless` i227 can't `numberless` i227 can't `valueless` i227 = worthless `invaluable` i227 = priceless, very valuable as can't estimate its value `beautiful` i227 be full of beauty `-full` i227 full of as opp. -less
`careless` i227 `cheerless` i227 `dauntless` i227 < daunt = intimidate, fighting > bold `endless` i227 `fadeless` i227 `fearless` i227 = brave `guileless` i227 guile = bad conspiracy/ undertaking = honest `homeless` i227 `penniless` i227 `regardless` i227 `relentless` i227 < relent = permit/ forgive/ show mercy `resistless` i227 `restless` i227 `tireless` i227 = indefatigable, inexhaustible `forgetful` i227 `harmful` i227 `shameful` i227 cf. ashamed `thoughtful` i227 well/ deep thinking
P228 (back pg-list) `servant` i228 `student` i228 `-ant` i228 to man/ adj. `-ent` i228 to man/ adj. `-ate` i228 to man, occupation, work position/ contents `pleasant` `excellent` `serving` `private`
`applicant` i228 who applies for job, position etc. `assistant` i228 `consultant` i228 `dependant` i228 who depends on another for a home, food, etc., servant `descendant` i228 offspring `participant` i228 who takes part in/ participates/ join/ attend `pendant` i228 `patient` i228 pati = suffer `remnant` i228 < remain `resident` i228 < reside = inhabit/ dwell/ settle `solvent` i228 < solve `tyrant` i228 Ex. * Nero `apparent` i228 `benignant` i228 < beni( good) + gnant( born) = favorable `malignant` i228 mali( bad) `consistent` i228 < consist, = coherent `coherent` i228 < cohere `dormant` i228 dorm = sleep `persistent` i228 cf. SPAM `consulate` i228 < consul cf. ambassador, delegation `delegate` i228 `allegation` i228 claim < allege `congregate` gather members Tip: -ant list want, ant, buoyant, giant, cant, Kant, rant, leant, meant, pant, chant, avant, affiant, arrant, errant, warrant, grant, plant, pliant, scant, slant, truant, enfant(Fr.), infant, enchant, verdant, vacant, valiant, variant, deviant, defiant, decant, dormant, pheasant, gallant, courant, coolant, croissant, levant, radiant, recant, reliant, mordant, merchant, mutant, pageant, peasant, piquant, pennant, poignant, pursuant, savant, servant, sergeant, sealant, tyrant, tenant, aberrant, odorant, adamant, adjutant, eggplant, occupant, extant, elephant, elegant, arrogant, irritant, implant, instant, entrant, operant, assailant, vibrant, vagrant, brilliant, blatant, distant, flippant, hydrant, quadrant, clairvoyant, claimant, remnant, rampant, replant, migrant, pendant, penchant, pleasant, supplant, abundant, observant, ignorant, accountant, oxidant, emigrant, immigrant, invariant, informant, inhalant, important, incessant, applicant, ascendant, assistant, aspirant, attendant, vigilant, jubilant, deodorant, defoliant, dominant, dissonant, flagrant, fragrant, flamboyant, hesitant, covenant, cormorant, compliant, constant, resonant, relevant, ruminant, retardant, litigant, lieutenant, militant, miscreant, pollutant, petulant, pregnant, supergiant, stagnant, tolerant, triumphant, trenchant, exultant, irrelevant, indignant, unpleasant, itinerant, defendant( cf. prosecutor), declarant, depressant, descendant, discordant, dispersant, cognizant, commandant, conversant, combatant, confidant, consonant( opp. vowel), lubricant, resultant, redundant, resistant, luxuriant, reluctant, repugnant, repentant, restaurant, malignant, nonchalant, propellant, surfactant, celebrant, supplicant, suppressant, stimulant, exuberant, exorbitant, accelerant, expectant, unimportant, inhabitant, intolerant, determinant, complainant, complaisant, consultant, contestant, registrant, participant, protestant, self-dormant, transplant, unrepentant, antioxidant, concomitant, contaminant, refrigerant, recombinant, predominant, significant, expectorant, extravagant, decongestant, disinfectant, recalcitrant, noncombatant, insignificant, antidepressant
P229 (back pg-list) `silencer` i229 `-er` i229 man, apparatus/ equipment, thing `remote-controller` i229 `bumper` i229 `counter` i229 `homer` i229 home run[ houm rAn] `grounder` i229 in J. [go Lo] `crammer` i229 teacher who force the students to pack the knowledge with no policy `hitchhiker` i229 `cinemagoer` i229
`backhander` i229 `bench warmer` i229 `can-opener` i229 `cheerleader` i229 `commuter` i229 cf. commutation ticket/ time/ rush `computer` i229 `creeper` i229 cf. ivy `eavesdropper` i229 `eyeopener` i229 big accident `feeler` i229 = antenna `girder` i229 `cake-eater` i229 `hamburger` i229 `pepper caster` i229 `pub crawler` i229 pub = public house cf. crawl vs. creep vs. slug/ slugger , snail mail `ragpicker` i229 cf. rag, rug `social climber` i229 `status seeker` i229 `stargazer` i229 `sucker` i229 `tongue twister` i229 `web browser` i229
P230 (back pg-list) `solitude` i230 cf. solitaire( card game), solo `-tude` i230 to characteristic, state abstract noun `latitude` i230 degree `cruelty` i230 `-ty` i230 adj. to abstract noun `safety` i230 `safety island` i230 now, it's not always safety. `sobriety` i230 being not drunken, earnestness, here, sober = not drunken
`altitude` i230 alt(L, high) > height, how high `amplitude` i230 amplus( = large), broadness, area, 2 dimensional space summation, how large `aptitude` i230 individual ability/ skill/ faculty degree, behavior `attitude` i230 doing/ acting looks `fortitude` i230 fortis(L, force, power, strong), enduring/ patient degree, how strong `servitude` i230 servus(L, slave), being slave `promptitude` i230 prompt/ agile/ swift degree `quietude` i230 quiet/ still/ silent/ non-noisy degree, peacefulness/ calmness `certainty` i230 certain degree, provability of trueness/ realization/ feasibility `crudity` i230 crude/ rude degree `eternity` i230 eternal/ everlasting/ immortal degree `loyalty` i230 faithfulness for the lord `oddity` i230 being not even/ somewhat unusual `property` i230 asset of having, here, proper = individual/ specific characteristic `propriety` i230 courtesy/ politeness, here, proper = fitted/ suitable `futurity` i230 same as future `futility` i230 uselessness, non-necessity < futile[fyU: taL] cf. fertile[fA: taL/ fa:tAi L], fatal[fEi taL], foretell[fa:tE L] `dignity` i230 true worth, calm & serious behavior, high or honorable rank/ post/ title, < dignus( = worthy) `utility` i230 useful degree, tool, service Ex. public utility = supplying water, gas, electricity, bus or railway service, and its engineering construction included `identity`
P233 (back pg-list) `animal` i233 < anima(L, life), alive, living, moving `animation` i233 `animism` i233 `beast` i233 cruel feeling `brute` i233 ditto `avian` i233 < avi(L, bird) `aviator` i233 `augur` i233 < avi -- prophet who predict with bird's flying or crying style `auspice` i233 omen, spice > spec./ look
`animate` i233 vivid `inanimate` i233 `animosity` i233 dislike/ hate, mind with covered black moving shadow cf. unanimously `magnanimity` i233 n., magna(L, big) + anim(L, heart/ mind) + ity `magnanimous` i233 `pusillanimous` i233 a., timid `pusillus(L)` i233 little minded `pusillanimity` i233 `unanimous` i233 same breathe, [yu: nA na mas] (breathe is moving, in/ out) `bestial` i233 < beast Remark, non/ omit "a" `brutal` i233 < brute `aviary` i233 n., bird cage `aviculture` i233 man who grows birds `culture` i233 to grow, till cf. * shock `aviation` i233 avi + ation = science of flying aircraft `auspicious` i233 a., good omen `inauspicious` i233 a., bad omen `inaugurate` i233 v., take places a new open ceremony, perform augury before the official post `animus` i233 hostility, < animus(L, living being, soul, mind, disposition, passion, courage, anger, spirit, feeling). It has no plural.
P234 (back pg-list) `Apollo(G)` i234 God of sun `Hermes(G)` i234 God of commerce `Mercury(L)` i234 in Rome myth, god of commerce `merchant` i234 < Mercury --- market, trade `Aphrodite(G)` i234 God of love & beauty `Venus(L)` i234 Ditto `venereal` i234 a., sexual disease < Venus `venereal disease` i234 = V.D., in Japan, GHQ( General Headquarters; American military) named/ labeled the hinky(?) house such mark just after World War II, some Japanese thought/ mistook it as ( valuable) ornament/ decoration. --- who knows nothing is happy.
`mercury` i234 < Mercury, the planet most near the sun( Astronomy) `Merchant of Death` i234 they deal the war `merchantman` i234 trading ship `merchandise` i234 `-ise` i234 noun suffix `mercantile` i234 commercialism < Mercury `commerce` i234 < Mercury `commercial` i234 `venerate` i234 respect, revere, esteem < Venus(L, love)/ Aphrodite(G) `veneration` i234 respect, reverence, expression of deep admiration `aphrodisia` i234 too strong/ exceeded sex desire syndrome( illness) < Aphrodite `cupidity` i234 greed, too strong desire < Cupid(L) -- bad meaning?? `erotic` i234 < Eros(G) = Cupid(L), son of Venus, and god of "love game" `eroticism` i234 sensuality, interest for sex < Eros `erotism` i234 abnormal sexual excitement/ feaver `erotomania` i234 sexual obsession/ compulsive thoght `martial` i234 a., beffiting of warrior, war brave; containing iron - akin to material? < Mars(L)( = God of war, planet next to the earth) = Ares(G) `Martian` i234 inhabitant in Mars < Mars Tip: Constellations in 12 Zodiac signs (Astrology/ Astronomy) Planets: Mercury, Venus, Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn Zodiac: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces
P235 (back pg-list) Under the Norman( of French) reign, English people complained that Norman ate beef, veal, mutton and pork( these spelling comes from French), but/ otherwise we only fed ox, cow, sheep and pig( these names are English original) (, we couldn't eat them). `beef` i235 meat of ox, cow `veal` i235 meat of calf `mutton` i235 meat of sheep `pork` i235 meat of pig `caval(L)` i235 horse which was always for high-society/ nite `cavalier` i235 = nite `hippos(G)` i235 horse, Hip is like hip of horse( or/ i.e. Humans hip comes from hippos)?? `hippopotamus` i235 hippos(G, horse) + potamos(G, river) `potamos` Mesopotamia
`bovrilize` i235 < bovril = beef, boiled beef & get its liquid, extract `Oxford` i235 oxen + ford (to wash the horse at the shallow seashore/ riverside) `beefeater` i235 Britain gate soldier/ guard-man ( they eat beef so much, &, has good face color) `beefsteak` i235 steak = burn `macon` i235 mutton + bacon( pork slice) `muttonchop` i235 chop = cut & cut, chopped mutton with bones `pigsty` i235 sty =dirty place, pig house `pigtail` i235 Chinese old/ ancient hear style `porcupine` i235 mouse/ rat with pins, like pig( pork) + pins `porpoise` i235 dolphin, pig of the sea, pork + se(a) `calf` i235 pl. caves `cavalcade` i235 cade = go `cavalryman` i235 `hippocampus` i235 sea-monster `hippogriff` i235 hose body & hawk head & wings by Greek myth `hippodrome` i235 old Greek sports stadium, drome = race `bovine` i235 like a ox , akin to beef
P236 (back pg-list) `bourgeois` i236 [bu r ju A], the rich class/ top hierarchy/ privileged class `borough` i236 self-governing city, [bA: rou] cf. guild -- craft group? `Marlborough` one tobacco name of PHilip Morris `Edinburgh` i236 `Canterbury` i236 `Hamburg` i236 `Boston` i236 < town `Birmingham` i236 ham < home `Nashville` i236 ville < village `village` i236 `Lancashire` i236 `shire` i236 = state `sheriff` i236 < shire
`burgomaster` i236 mayor in Holland/ Garman `bourgeoisie` i236 `Charleston` i236 ton < town `proletarian` i236 lowest class in ancient Rome, [prou La tE ri: an] `proletariate` i236 `hamburger` i236 started/ invented from Hamburg `citizenship` i236 `townspeople` i236 `villager` i236 hamlet < village < town `villain` i236 n., (like) gang, originally farm servant `villany` a., most villain `country council` i236 use only in Britain `homely` i236 = plain `homespun` i236 hand spinning -- conjugation = spin/spun or span/ spun `homestead` i236 stead = place `homestretch` i236 `homey` i236 a., like my home, at home, n. pal, buddy, friend(slang), [hOU mi:] `mayor` i236 cf. major `mayority` i236 cf. majority, majesty
P237 (back pg-list) `breakfast` i237 break + stop eating, old, used as "He broke his fast" `fast` i237 stop eating from religious custom, -- now, diet?? `breakneck` i237 dangerous, Ex. * drive --- vivid expression `passport` i237 `telltale` i237 tell a story -- i.e. man who tells to police/ teacher( secretly) -- betrayer `daybreak` i237 dawn[dO: n]
`breakwater` i237 `cutpurse` i237 man, pickpocket is more artistic `catchword` i237 n., slogan, catch phrase; index word `catchpenny` i237 a., fake, surface only true but contents all false, catch a penny but a dollar coin `grindstone` i237 `killjoy` i237 n., man `stickpin` i237 n., ornament pin worn in a necktie -- conjugation wear/ wore/ worn `turntable` i237 `turnkey` i237 `godsend` i237 n., sudden happiness like god gave `breathtaking` i237 a., like suspense, can't stop breathing, thrill & suspense, very intrigued `faultfinding` i237 v., search one's defect `nightfall` i237 n. evening, coming night `playgoer` i237 `spellbound` i237 -- conjugation bind/ bound/ bound cf. bundle (tied together) `waterfall` i237
P238 (back pg-list) `Cock` i238 interjection, alias "God", "Oh my God" `God` i238 `Cod` i238 `Cot` i238 `Cut` i238 `Cog` i238 `Od` i238 `Jesus` i238 `Heaven` i238 `Goodness!` i238 `My God!` i238 `My!` i238 `swear-words` i238 `damned` i238 `d-d` i238 [dI: d]/ [dA md]
`hush` i238 `bravo` i238 `hurrah` i238 `huzza` i238 `hei` i238 `heigh-ho` i238 `pshaw` i238 `fiddlesticks` i238 fiddle=violine + sticks = int. Nonsense ! `fiddle-de-dee` i238 cf. i248 `fiddle-fadale` `fee-faw-fum` i238 `confound him` i238 `the devil` i238 `Birlady` i238 `Lor` i238 `My eye` i238 `gee` i238 `hoo-choo` i238 `ouch` i238 `bloody` i238 `hell` i238 = Go to hell `marry` i238
P239 (back pg-list) `dark horse` i239 `white elephant` i239 n., costly or troublesome possession useless to its owner `fox sleep` i239 `sly` i239
`the Great Bear` i239 `cat's-paw` i239 `dog-in-the-manger` i239 `rain cats and dogs` i239 `ca's eye` i239 `dog-ear` i239 `foxglove` i239 `lion's share` i239 `lion's skin` i239 `mousetrap` i239 n., trap `guinea pig` i239 `pigeon-hole` i239 `pigtail` i239 `stag-party` i239 stag = male deer, party with man only `stray sheep` i239 `cry wolf` i239 `wolf in a lamb's skin` i239 `cowslip` i239 `cowpuncher` i239 `black sheep` i239
P240 (back pg-list) `Derby` i240 < inventor's/ inventor's name `Caesarian operator` i240 < Julius Caesar's born/ birth was adapted `watt` i240 < finder's name `volt` i240 < finder's name `farad` i240 < finder's name, Faraday "Science of candle"
`Arctic` i240 North pole < arktos = big bear/ north 7 cups constellation `ascot` i240 horse race place, Ascot `silhouette` i240 French financial minister Silhouette who undertook money saving, from its scorn `bloomer` i240 inventor, Mrs. Boomer `buncombe` i240 address for name saying, from American lawmaker/ senator(cf. attorney) `sardine` i240 Sardina island area is taken them well `mackintosh` i240 rubber water proof coat < inventor `meander` i240 flow as not straight < Meander River in small Asia `tantalize` i240 `giant` i240 `gigantic` i240 Not spell as "giantic" `procrustean` i240 `protean` i240 `stentorian` i240 `hector` i240 `Julian calendar` i240 `august` i240 `Fabian society` i240 `Virginia` i240 `Carolina` i240 `Pennsylvania` i240
P241 (back pg-list) `downpour` i241 n., ad. + v. pattern, > makes vivid/ imageful expression & brings current sense `backstretch` i241 n., pre/ad +v. `upturn` i241 n., pre. +v.
`aftercare` i241 `backset` i241 `backside` i241 `bypass` i241 `downfall` i241 `forthcoming` i241 `income` i241 `inlay` i241 `offset` i241 `offspring` i241 `onrush` i241 `outbreak` i241 `outcome` i241 `outlook` i241 `outset` i241 `overthrow` i241 `underthrow` i241 `upkeep` i241 `upbringing` i241 `uphold` i241 `uplift` i241 `upstart` i241
P242 (back pg-list) noun + ad `drivein` i242 n. = v. ad. > gives powerful expression word `breakup` i242 `lockout` i242 `pullover` i242
`breakdown` i242 `breakthrough` i242 `castaway` i242 `drawback` i242 `gobetween` i242 `fadein` i242 `fadeout` i242 `fallout` i242 `holdup` i242 `lookout` i242 `runaway` i242 `slip-on` i242 `standoff` i242 `standin` i242 `standstill` i242 `teachin` i242 `warm-up` i242 `washout` i242 `walkin` i242 `walkout` i242 `workout` i242 `clean up` `clear up`
P243 (back pg-list) `export & import` i243 pair List `export` i243 `import` i243 `major` i243 `minor` i243 `doubt` i243 check if there is nothing `suspicion` i243 check if there is anything `ambassador` i243 man `embassy` i243 house/ work place of above `consul` i243 man `consulate` i243 house/ work place of above
`abstract` -- `concrete` i243 `affirmative` -- `negative` i243 `amity` -- `enmity` i243 `ascent` -- `descent` i243 `creditor` -- `debtor` i243 debt[dE t] , not [dE bt] cf. predator `don` -- `doff` i243 put on clothes vs. put off `fertile` -- `sterile` i243 `frigid` -- `torrid` i243 `homogeneous` -- `heterogeneous` i243 `increase` -- `decrease` i243 `longitude` -- `latitude` i243 `majority` -- `minority` i243 `masculine` -- `feminine` i243 `maximum` -- `minimum` i243 `optimist` -- `pessimist` i243 `orthodox` -- `heterodox` i243 `plaintiff` -- `defendant` i243 `plural` -- `singular` i243 `senior` -- `junior` i243 `wax` -- `wane` i243 `convex` -- `concave` i243 `inflation` -- `deflation` `donor` -- `acceptor` `needs` -- `seeds` `offense/ offense` -- `defense/ defence` `demand` -- `supply` `active` -- `passive` `lend` -- `borrow` `opt-on` -- `opt off/ opt-out` `retail` -- `wholesale` `global` -- `local` `respect` -- `scorn`, cf. `insult` `magnitude` -- `intensity` `the rich` -- `the poor` `be hired` -- `be fired` `acute` -- `chronic`
P244 (back pg-list) `face` i244 `surface` i244 `sur-` i244 `deface` i244 in Japan, we say "paint the mud to face/ crush one's face" as meaning of "shame others" `efface` i244 `front` i244 forehead `confront` i244 face to face, be opposite to, encounter (difficulties/ obstacles) `ocul-` i244 eye( hole) `monocle` i244 `inoculate` i244 `os-` i244 mouth `or-` i244 above plural `osculate` i244 = kiss `oral` i244 by telling, verbal Ex. an oral examination `an oral examination` i244 `oral intercourse` i244 not to say loudly `nose` i244 `nostril` i244 `nasalize` i244 `facial` i244 `superficial` i244 `facade` i244 `face-ache` i244 `facet` i244 cf. faucet `face-saving` i244 `frontier` i244 `frontispiece` i244 `front line` i244 Ex. the * of the war, the * of the Internet/ biological technology `affront` i244 af- = ad- = toward, insult, hurt sb.'s feeling or self-respect/ dignity, esp. in public `nasal` i244 nasal cavity `oculist` i244 eye doctor, --not be registered in the CMU Pronouncing Dictionary `binocle` i244 `inoculation` i244 `oracle` i244 Ex. Oracle(tm) DB( Data-Base) `miracle` i244 Ex. They believe in the miracle/ god. `orator` i244 `oratori(c)al` i244 `oratory` i244 `oratorio` i244 `mouthpiece` i244 `mustache` i244 `mustaches` i244
P245 (back pg-list) `Ford` i245 car/ man's name, American No.1 car for common peoples, Henry Ford( auto-manufacture's Father) `I can't afford a Ford.` i245 `Chevrolet` i245 < F1 racer/ racing car Louis Chevrolet `sedan` i245 car style < name of the North France province `Debonaire` i245 charming `Corona` i245 sun ring `Buick` i245 `Contessa` i245 `Crown` i245 `Chrysler` i245 `Comet` i245 `coupe` i245 2 doors/ 2 seats, cup/ cut/ couple `Dodge` i245 clever little invention, plot cf. gadget `Daimler` i245 `Lincoln` i245 `Jaguar` i245 `Mustang` i245 `Oldsmobile` i245 `Packard` i245 `Pontiac` i245 `Taunus` i245 `Benz` i245 `Rolls-Royce` i245 `Thunderbird` i245 Tip: TOYOTA's car names are related head -- they say, American appreciates its naming sense highly crown, corona, corolla [ka: rO: La] n., petals of a flower -- flower crown cf petal = leaf-like division of flower
P246 (back pg-list) `forget-me-not` i246 This page is "flower name series/ group" `coxcomb` i246 `adonis` i246 < Adonis who was loved by Venus `-ia` i246 Finder's man's name + -ia > flower name `dahlia` i246 by Dahl `magnolia` i246 by Magnol `anther` i246 `anthology` i246 `amaranth` i246 `anemone` i246 anemos(G, wind) `camelia` i246 Kamel of Jesuit group brought it from Asia/ Orient. `iris` i246 < Greek word "rainbow" `kiss-me-quick` i246 pansy ---homosexual( derogatory)?? `maidenhair` i246 `marguerite` i246 < Latin word "pearl" `narcissus` i246 `orchid` [A: kad] Greek word of "hoden(Ger/ Deutsch)" ,in Japanese expression "golden ball [kin tama]" , "testicle" in English. orkhis(G, testicle, circle/ oval) > orchis(L) > orchi + d( Latin suffix) --- cuz. in Gk, they call from the shape of its plant root cf. orc = arc( semi circle/ egg shaped) > orbit/ oval Ex1. orchad = orc(L, circle) + hard(L, gaden) > fruit garden Ex2.orchestra < orkhestra(G, ork( = semicircular space) + khestra( = chorus of dancers performed / = thater)) Ex.3 orb/ orbit are akin to circle i.e. in J. like; [Lan] of flowers = [kou gan] = [kin tama] ---wow!! We have a very expensive/ highlevel images to "orchids", but in fact, Gk. named/ called them very honest name. Gk people is well. `pansy` i246 `primrose` i246 `daffodil` i246 `lily` i246 `snowdrop` i246 `touch-me-not` i246 `tulip` i246 `wisteria` i246 `hyacinth` i246 `morning glory` i246 `peony` i246
P247 (back pg-list) `G.H.Q.` i247 now, "Go Home Quickly", originally "General Headquarters" `bar-hopping` i247 `W.C.` i247 Winston Churchill `LP` i247 `F.M.` i247 `Mt.` i247 Mountain `CM` i247 `DM` i247 `D.P.E.` i247 `FEN` i247 `AFN` i247 American Forces Network `EAGLE 810` i247 `F.B.I.` i247 `G men` i247 `IBM` i247 `ID Card` i247 `LIONS Club` i247 `M.C.` i247 `NATO` i247 `PR` i247 `P.P.S.` i247 `Q.T.` i247 `RADAR` i247 `SEATO` i247 `TKO` i247 `SRAM` i247 `SF` i247 `VIP` i247
P248 (back pg-list) `go-go` i248 reduplication, esp. much are used in infant or primitive races `pooh-pooh` i248 `so-so` i248 `ping-pong` i248 imitative word, mimetic word `bow-wow` i248 dog's cry voice `see-saw` i248 `boogie-woogie` i248 `abracadabra` i248 `baddy-baddy` i248 `ding-dong` i248 ringing noise `fiddle-fadale` i248 `gaga` i248 simpleton, senile person, crazy `goody-goody` i248 `hocus-pocus` i248 in magic `hoity-toity` i248 `hokey-pokey` i248 in conjurer's tricks/ conjuring, deception, cheep ice-cream bought in the road `hubba-hubba` i248 hurry up!( Slang), good!, nice!( used by males) `hugger-mugger` i248 sneak, litter/ untidness, hugger = ambush `humpty-dumpty` i248 egg shaped figure `hush-hush` i248 much secret, cf. hush = be silent/ quiet, shut up[shA (t)rap], shut your mouth `mumbo-jumbo` i248 superstitious idol, empty talk `muu-muu` i248 Hawaiian casual ware `pretty-pretty` i248 `putty-putty` i248 scooter's sound `quack-quack` i248 goose's crying sound cf. quack doctor = non-skill doctor `tick-tack` i248 clock sound `yackety-yak` i248 long empty chat
P249 (back pg-list) `Hottentot` i249 "hot" en( =and) "tot", European heard every uttered sound like "hot" or "tot". `cough` i249 pseudo-sound `gong` i249 `cookadoodledoo` i249 `baa` i249 sheep `bang` i249 door, band, cannon `buzzy` i249 wing sound of bee/ fly `ding-a-ling` i249 `fizz` i249 xxx-shanpane > gin fizz `hum` i249 humming `flash` i249 `flush` i249 `honk` i249 `plunk` i249 `slim` i249 `slender` i249 `slip` i249 `slit` i249 `slash` i249 `splash` i249 `sizzle` i249 `smack` i249 sound by kissing `thud` i249 `whiz(z)` i249 [hyu:] `bump` i249 +1,-1, collide sound Ex. * up/ down `wash` i249
P250 (back pg-list) `humor` i250 originally it indicate 4 body's liquid 1.blood 2.phlegm 3. choler 4. melancholy `cheer` i250 cheer(L, face) `cheerful` i250 `choleric` i250 angryful `cholera` i250 `bilious` i250 `atrabilious` i250 atra = black `facetious` i250 `gall` i250 bitter, gall bile `gloomy` i250 gloom( = shadow) `hilarity` i250 `hilarious` i250 hiraros(Gk.) = cheerful `ill-humored` i250 ill = bad `humorless` i250 `humorsome` i250 `jocular` i250 `jocose` i250 `joker` i250 `juggler` i250 `phlegmatic` i250 `phlegmy` i250 `sanguine` i250 sang = blood `sanguinary` i250 bloody
P251 (back pg-list) `Jack-in-the-box` i251 `Jack` i251 `John` i251 `jack-of-all-trades` i251 compound word `Honest John` i251 `who's who` i251 `cross-word-puzzle-itis` i251 -itis = disease `get-at-able` i251 `good-for-nothing` i251 man of useless `hail-fellow-well-met` i251 friendly relation `how-do-you-do` i251 = how-d'ye-do `jack-o'-lantern` i251 at/ in Halloween `Johnny-on-the-spot` i251 who can do everything at once/ on the spot `man-of-war` i251 = warship `matter-of-fact` i251 `Mr. Know-all` i251 in use scornfully `ne'er-do-well` i251 [nEa du:weL] n., disreputable person, unless or good-for-nothing person `ne'er` i251 [nea:] ad., (poet.) never, not at all, `out-of-date` i251 a., old fashioned, not current/ now-sense `up-to-date` i251 opp. out-of-date `stay-at-home` i251 who doesn't/ (feels hard to) go out from home (willingly), always stay at home `title-itis` i251 who is easy to trust man's title, itis = disease suffix `touch-me-not-ishness` i251 Dickens' artificial word `what-d'ye-call-him` i251 `what-not` i251 `what-you--may-call-it` i251 `whichamacallit` i251 Which am I to call it? `whodunit` i251 Who done( = did) it? `what with A and what with B` i251 Ex. I was busy *
P252 (back pg-list) `japan` i252 goods by place name,[uLushi] `china` i252 dish/ cup/ vase etc. `sandwich` i252 goods by inventor's name --- Sandwich Count `lynch` i252 death punishment ----Lynch who was a lord in Virginia, he imposed it to his slave `turkey` i252 no related to Turkey `cashmere -- Cashmere ( India)` i252 `damask -- Damascus( Syria)` i252 `muslin -- Mosul( Iraq)` i252 `lawn -- Laon( France)` i252 `tartan -- Tartaros( Greece)` i252 `worsted -- Worsted of Norfolk( England)` i252 `majolica -- Majorica( Spain)` i252 `bronze -- Brundsiun( now Brindsi) (Italy)` i252 `magnet -- Magnesic( now Manisa) (Turkey)` i252 `sardine -- Sardinia bay/ gulf(?)( Italy)` i252 `pistol -- Pistola( now Pistoja) (Italy)` i252 `canary -- Canary Islands (Africa, Atlantic Ocean, mandated by Spain)` i252 `sodomy -- Sodom( ancient Phoenicia)` i252 `spaniel -- Spain` i252 `boycott -- Captain Boycott` i252 `guy -- Guy Fawkes` i252 `cinderella -- Princess Cinderella, step daughter` i252 `burke -- William Burke, Ireland` i252 `pander -- Pandarus ( who intervened with Troilus and Cressida)` i252 `guillotine -- Guillotin( inventor, French doctor)` i252
P253 (back pg-list) `Jupiter` i253 `Jove` i253 = Jupiter(L/ Rome) = Zeus(G) = father `by Jove` i253 I swear by Jove/ God/ ( Jesus) `Juno` i253 wife of Jove, family name was "Moneta" `money` i253 < Moneta `Vulcan` i253 god of fire & blacksmith `Bacchus` i253 god of spirits `day of the week` i253 from North Europe myth `jovial` i253 `mint` i253 < Monetamonetary `volcano` i253 < Valcan `Volcano Islands` i253 in Japan `volcanic` i253 a. `volcanic glass` i253 `vulcanite` i253 hard rubber `Icarian` i253 < Icarus `morphine` i253 < Morpheus `Monday` i253 `Tuesday` i253 `Wednesday` i253 `Thursday` i253 `Friday` i253 `Saturday` i253 `Sunday` i253 `bacchanalia` i253 < Bacchus `Saturnalia` i253 `satyriasis` i253 `Olympic` i253 `Olympiad` i253 `Parnassian` i253
P254 (back pg-list) `mob` i254 mobole vulgus(L) = excited crowd `advertisement` i254 `ad` i254 `Ben.` i254 Benjamin `canter` i254 Canterbury `bach` i254 bachelor `bike` i254 bicycle `brig` i254 brigantine, sail ship `cab` i254 cabriolet `co-ed` i254 co-educationed `doc` i254 doctor `drawing-room` i254 withdrawing-room `ee` i254 Ex. Thank'ee! `exam` i254 examination `fag` i254 fatigue `gym` i254 gymnasium `hon` i254 honey `motor` i254 motor car `pub` i254 public house `photo` i254 photograph `plane` i254 aeroplane `mike` i254 microphone `flu, flue` i254 influenza `phone` i254 telephone `tec` i254 detective `vet` i254 veterinary, animal doctor
P255 (back pg-list) `motel` i255 `motorist` i255 `hotel` i255 `portmanteau word` i255 travel trunk/ bag `smog` i255 `smoke` i255 `fog` i255 `Alice in Wonderland` i255 `Lewis Carrol` i255 `chuckle` i255 `chuckle` i255 `chortle` i255 `crush hour` i255 `crush` i255 `rush` i255 `brunch` i255 breakfast + lunch `ranch` i255 `lunper` i255 lunch + supper, why isn't "lumper"?? English has no coherence/ consistency. `transceiver` i255 `grumble` i255 growl + rumble, complain with self-talking `flush` i255 flash + blush `clash` i255 `crash` i255 `crush` i255 `dumbfound` i255 dumb + confound, astonished `luncheon` i255 lunch + nuncheon, snack `flurry` i255 fly( =flow) + hurry `squash` i255 squeeze + crash `wring` i255 `splatter` i255 splash + spatter `blurt` i255 blow + spurt, say/ tell suddenly `flirt` i255 `electrocute` i255 electro + execute `slanguage` i255 slang + language `twirl` i255 twist + whirl `teleview` i255 `telecast` i255 TV + broadcast `instamatic` i255 instant + automatic
P256 (back pg-list) `Naples` i256 Napoli(Ita) < neos( new) + polis( city) `See Naples and die.` i256 `neo` i256 new `navel orange` i256 `navel` i256 `Novgorod` i256 Russian Gorky city'es name < new city `New York` i256 `Newton` i256 new + town `novel` i256 new + tale `neon` i256 new thing `veteran` i256 `archaic` i256 ancient `Napolitan` i256 Ex. * ice (3 colors ice cream) `novelist` i256 `novelty` i256 abstract noun suffix -ty `novice` i256 beginner `innovation` i256 `renovate` i256 `renovator` i256 `novitiate` i256 `renown` i256 fame, repute, esteem `neoclassic` i256 `neolithic` i256 lith = stone `neologism` i256 logos = language `inveterate` i256 `inveteracy` i256 `ancestral` i256 a. `ancestry` i256 n. `Veteran's Day` i256 American national holiday, World War I
P257 (back pg-list) `nightgame` i257 "nighter" is Japanese local English, Japanese only Japanish -- non global/ worldwide. & in many case we utter it non-accent/ flatly. For us, it's enough (cuz we have only small English vocabulary??). `table speech` i257 maid in Japan English, Japanese local `an afterdinner speech` i257 right expression `romance gray (hair)` i257 Japanese local, created/ invented by former vice-president Morita of Sony `varnish` i257 n., v. [vA: nish], in Japan local [nis]
`bromide` i257 J. local,[pLomaido], "promide" spelling is not dict. `bunt` i257 in baseball, [bando/ bAnto] J. local, "band" indicates music band or belt only in fact. `curried rice` i257 [kaLe: Lais], if vessels are separated, "curry and rice" `grounder` i257 in baseball, J. local [goLo] `guinea pig` i257 J. say [moL mot], "marmot" which is not experiment animal `congregation` i1000 **** `synagogue` i1000 ***** `girder` i257 J. say [ga: do (Le: L)] `gravure` i257 J say [gLa bia], true is [gra vyUa] `flannel` i257 in fabric, J. say [nE L] `glove` i257 in baseball, J. say [gLO: b] `globe` i257 ball, the earth, sphere `vicuna` i257 J. say [Lakuda] as camel( wool), in fact the llama in South America `plait` i257 J. say [pLI: ts] in clothes tailor field. `veneer` i257 J. say [beni ya (ita)], true is [vanI: r] `label` i257 J. say [LabeLu] or [Le ttELu], true is [LEi baL] `patrol car` i257 J. say [pato ka: ] `salaried man` i257 J. say [saLaLi: man] `trunk` i257 J. say [toLan ku] `tunnel` i257 J. say [ton neLu] ,in USA [tA naL] cf. channel [chA naL] - canal, chat room on the internet `white shirt` i257 J. say [wai shatsu], J. all call so to even with color/ stripe `Tokyo bombers` some J. say [ -- bonba: z] -- apparently wrong. they haven't learned English in school, perhaps. ` XX Cordial Securities Inc.` some J. say [ -- kO: di aL --], this is wrong at least in American. ` Red Cardinal` American baseball team name, J. say [ka: jI naL] --- this is wrong, too. `cardinal` a., main, primary, fundamental Ex.* number = 1,2,3,.., * points = north, south, east, west n., high ranking official of the Roman Catholic, The N.Amer. songbird (Cardinalis virginianus) is attested from 1678, so named for its resemblance to the red robes of the cardinals. `credit card` J. say [kLe jitt ka: do] -- this is wrong, true is [krE dat] or [krE dit]. `family` all J. say [fA mi Li:] , but American say [fA mLi:]. which should be true? `Tokyo` J. say [to: kyou] usually (mu, mu, 100%), but foreigner says [tO: kyo] -- I'd like to say, "don't accent to Japanese name" Tip: Long time ago, I've heard saying "Chin Chiku, Chin Chiku" in a train( Odakyu Line), that was to be "Shinjuku" in fact. I laughed in mind (LOL). Some foreigner/ tribe can't utter "shi", instead they pronounce "chi", --- this is true tale. Japanese are the same like such peoples, for example, we don't speak "ra" in usual conversation, we use pronunciation "La". This may sound odd to native foreigner. They do LOL in their mind, perhaps. Ex. "Than you" --- This J. pronouncing sounds to American as "Sunk you" . sink/ sank/ sunk -- that is, they think "I was sunk (by you)" -- it's so LOL. -- this is really real. (here, LOL = "Lots of Laughs/ Laughing Out Loud" often used in Internet chat now. slang abridged term)
P258 (back pg-list) `oblong` i258 < long `circle` i258 < orb `angle` i258 < `-gon` `straight` i258 < `rect` `orbit` i258 `rectangle` i258 `curve` i258 `cone` i258 `cube` i258 `cubic` i258 `crown` i258 = corona `corona` i258 = crown `-shaped` i258 `egg-shaped` i258
`orb` i258 orbis(L, circle), sphere `exorbitant` i258 `diagonal` i258 dia = through, gon = angle `n-gon` i258 `rectangular` i258 `rectilinear` i258 = straight line `cubism` i258 < Picasso `coronation` i258 corona = crown `cornet` i258 `curvature` i258 curve `curvilinear` i258 a. `conic(al)` i258 `oval` i258 < ovum(L, egg) `lozenge` i258 `square` i258 `T-square` i258 `rondo` i258 in music, round `roundel` i258 small circle shape thg. `zigzag` i258 zag < teeth `trapezoid` i258 table-like
P259 (back pg-list) `orthodox` i259 `ortho` i259 right, genuine opp. hetero = different, [O: r tha] `dox` i259 opinion `hetero` `Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is another man's doxy.` i259 `pseudo-` i259 fake, [sU: dou] `quasi-` i259 likely `hyper-` i259 above, high(er) `hypo` i259 under `hyphen` i259 under + hen( = one), "-"
`orthoepy` i259 epos = word`orthography` i259 ortho( = right) + graphy( = write) `heterography` i259 `heteromorphism` i259 hetero + morph( = form) `heterosexual` i259 `heterogeneous` i259 genus `pseudomyn` i259 pseudo = false, onym = name `pseudo-classic` i259 `pseudomorph` i259 `quasicholera` i259 `quasicorporation` i259 `hyperbole` i259 `hypercritical` i259 `hypersonic` i259 `hypochondria` i259 `hypocrite` i259 `hypodermic` i259 derma(L) = skin `hypophysis` i259 pl. = hypophyses `hypothesis` i259 thesis = putting, under putting/ setting
P260 (back pg-list) `parasol` i260 Sol(L) = Helios(G) = god of the sun `helicopter` i260 `lunar` i260 luna = moon `constellation` i260 stella = star `asterisk` i260 star mark "*" `disaster` i260 = ill star, be away from lucky star, great or sudden misfortune cf. catastrophy, calamity, crisis, famine, starvation, harvest
`solar` i260 `the solar system` i260 `solstice` i260 stice `solstitial` i260 `heliotrope` i260 trops = turn forward `helium` i260 `helioscope` i260 `helianthus` i260 anthus = flower `helicopter` i260 pteron = wing `heliocentric` i260 `geocentric` i260 `heliograph` i260 `lunatic` i260 = moon-struck, he howls at noon night `sublunary` i260 `stellar` i260 a., `astronomy` i260 `astronomer` i260 `astrology` i260 `aster` i260 name of flower `star-spangled` i260 `the Star-Spangled Banner` i260 USA banner( / national flag) cf. national anthem, national holiday `the Stars and Stripes` i260
P261 (back pg-list) `skirt-chaser` i261 check xxx- mania family `bird` i261 `box` i261 `bug` i261 crazy man, has more fit nuance than mania `car-bug` i261 car mania `mania` i261 `crazy` i261 cf. frenzy `dizzy` i261 a. reeling ex. as dizzy as a goose cf. dissy `mad` i261 `nutty` i261 `hamburger` i261 `muttonburger` i261 `vender` i261 `butcher` i261 vender cf. murder, killer, slayer
`cunt-chaser` i261 `early bird` i261 Ex. * catches the worm. cf. night owl ; nighthawk `jailbird` i261 prisoner, [jEi L] `lazybones` i261 `chatterbox` i261 who chats like a jukebox `dreambox` i261 dreamer/ dream-maker, like a box full of dream `knowledge-box` i261 who full of knowledge cf. walking dictionary `sneezebox` i261 `coffee boy` i261 cf. coffee vender = auto-sell-machine `speedboy` i261 speed maker `tomboy` i261 n., girl who likes rough noisy games, girl with boyish behavior, hoyden -- not so bad meaning `hoyden` - 1593, from Du. heiden "rustic, uncivilized man," from M.Du. heiden "heathen." Originally in Eng. "rude, boorish fellow," sense of "ill-bred, boisterous female" first recorded 1676 `movie bug` i261 `hi-fi bug` i261 `jitterbug` i261 swinger mania, hopper `car-crazy` i261 -happy, -dizzy, -mad `jazz-crazy` i261 jazz has slang "vagina", too `beefburger` i261 `Chineseburger` i261 containing the rice cf. Cheeseburger `beer butcher` i261 cf. coffee boy `candy butcher` i261 butcher is flesh shop/ cow killer
P262 (back pg-list) `snore` i262 `sn-` i262 has a sense/sound related "nose + ing"`sneeze` i262 `sniff` a synonym for smell (v.) it dates from 1845. The scornful sense is from 1859 --- i.e. nose(v.)/ snxxx is akin to smell `wr-` i262 has a sense/ sound related "twist + ing" `wriggle` i262 `writhe` i262 `wrist` i262
`snarl` i262 `sneer` 14c., from N.Fris. sneere "to scorn," related to O.E. fnaran "to snort, gnash one's teeth," from P.Gmc. *fnes-, from PIE *pneu- "to breathe." `snicker` i262 `sniffle` i262 `snivel` i262 `snook` i262 n., thumbs on nose gesture, gesture of derision/ scorn/ boring [snU k] `snoot` i262 `snooty` i262 `snooze` i262 = nore `snort` i262 `snotty` i262 `snout` i262 `snub` i262 [snab] - early 13c., from O.N. snubba "to curse, scold, reprove." Meaning "treat coldly" appeared 18c. The adj. meaning "short and turned up" (of the nose) is first recorded 1724. The connecting notion is of being "cut short." `snuff` i262 `snuffle` i262 `wrangle` i262 `wreath` i262 `wrench` i262 `wretch` i262 n., 1.unfortunate & miserable person 2.contemptible, mean person, a. = *ed `wrinkle` i262 `wring` i262 twist & squeeze tightly; force (esp. water) out by doing this Ex. * (out) wet clothes `wry` i262 [rAi] `snoop` v., pry into other person's affair, pry = inquire too curiously into `snoopy` a. nosy, meddlesome Snoopy = n., dog character from the cartoon strip series "Peanuts" `sneak` 1596 (first in Shakespeare), probably related to sniken "to creep, crawl," related to O.E. snican "to desire, reach for sneakily," from P.Gmc. *sneikanan. The noun is from 1785. ,akin to "snake" Ex. Sneak-a-Peek( in WiseNut engine) `sneaker` rubber-soled shoe," 1895, earlier sneak (1883), so called because the shoe was noiseless. `snake` serpent, O.E. snaca, from P.Gmc. *snakon, from base *snag-, *sneg- "to crawl." Meaning "treacherous person" is first recorded 1590. The verb is from 1653; the sense of "to wind or twist like a snake" is from 1875. Snake eyes in crapshooting sense is from 1929. Snake oil is from 1927 cf. Monkey Python (British TV comedy) `toil & snare` snare = "noose for catching animals," 11c., from O.N. snara "noose, snare," related to soenri "twisted rope," from P.Gmc. *snarkho., i.e. trap, toil = labor (like a bone bw broken) Ex. "Literature is a toil and a snare" = Literature is a hard( up & down, various difficulty) way/ life
P263 (back pg-list) `tuberculosis` i263 `tuberculine` i263 `-osis` i263 (Medi.) = abnormal or diseased condition, state, or process of the .., caused by .., characterized by.. suffix substantive ( used mainly with nouns) `-asis` i263 disease name `-itis` i263 ditto, (Medi.) = inflammatory disease of, suffix substantive ( used with name of part of the body) `scarlet fever` i263 `whooping cough` i263 `sud` i263 < suddenly, -- die suddenly in J. [pokkuri byou]
`aphasia` i263 phanai = speak `apoplexy` i263 strike down `arthritis` i263 arthon = connector `beriberi` i263 - 1879, intensifying reduplication of Singhalese(Sri Lanka, formerly "Ceylon") beri "weakness." , in J. [kakke] `cancer` i263 O.E., from L. "a crab," later, "malignant tumor." Greek physician Galen, among others, noted similarity of crabs to some tumors with swollen veins. From Gk. karkinos, which, like the Mod.E. word, has three meanings: crab, tumor, and the zodiac constellation (1391), from PIE base *qarq- "to be hard" (like the shell of a crab); cf. Skt. karkatah "crab," karkarah "hard;" and probably cognate with PIE base *qar-tu- "hard, strong," source of Eng. hard. Meaning "person born under the zodiac sign of Cancer" is from 1894. Cancer stick "cigarette" is from 1959. `carditis` i263 `catarrh` i263 `chorea` i263 `diabetes` i263 dia( = through) + betes( = flowing) `dysentery` i263 `elephantiasis` i263 `enteritis` i263 `epilepsy` i263 `gastritis` i263 < gaster(G, stomach) `measles` i263 `meningitis` i263 `pleurisy` i263 `psychosis` i263 `rachitis` i263 `trachoma` i263 `typhoid` i263 tuphos(G, vapor) `typhus` i263 cf. typhoid `inflammation` i263 flame
P264 (back pg-list) `X-legged` i264 -- why X??, isn't it, `O-legged` ??? ( J. legs isn't so long..) `bandy-legged` i264 `T-cloth` i264 Indian cotton with trade mark "T" `Y-road` i264 `ABC` i264 `ABCDarian` i264 `A-bomb` i264 A = Atomic `G ship` i264 `G pen` i264 `H-bomb` i264 H = Htdrogen, [bA m] in J. utter [bo mb], everybody mistaken. we're all foolish! `L` i264 `round O` i264 `R` radius cf. diameter (= 2R) `3 R's` i264 literacy =Reading, wRiting, aRithmetic `S wrench` i264 `T bandage` i264 `T shirt` i264 `U-boat` i264 German `Q-boat` i264 England, against U-boat dummy ship `U tube` i264 `V` i264 Victory `Y branch` i264 `Y cartilage` i264 `Y cross` i264 `Y joint` i264 `Y shirt` White shirt --Is this Japanese local? `P man` [pi: man](J.) is "bell pepper" , "He is P-man" = contents is empty, i.e. foolish `H` in J., "H" = [hen tai](J.) = abnornal sex sense -- [hen] = not ordinal [tai] = attitude, habit, body `3K ism` in J., [kitanai](dirty), [kitsui](hard, severe), [kiken](dangerous), 3K is Japanese common occupation/ work pronoun(/ big characteristic/ feature). `QC activity` Quality Control Tip: from Bible REVELATION 21: 6 -- common sense of Christian --- maybe, cuz I'm not C. And he said to me, "It is done, I am the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End. I will give of the fountain of the water of life freely to him who thirsts."
`alleviate` [aLivieit] v., lessen < allay(L)[aLi] < a( down) + lay = lay down = lighten = mitigate ---w( double) -l- was mistaken, they say so. cuz 17C Latinism's mistake. `ally` [aLai] v., collaborate, co-work n. = alliance --coalition/ connection by official pact/ treaty `alley` [aLi] n. small street/ path/ lane `precursor` of mustard gas (55-gallon drum, Iraq) omen, posibility, herald the barrel may contain the nerve agent cyclosarin and a blister agent `offbeat` a. not coinciding with the regular beat, not stereotype, not traditional & irregular & outstanding `culmination` n. highest point, climax `embryo` [Embri:ou] n. fetus, young of a human or animal in its early stage, embryon, gamete(Fr) `fetus` [fI:tas] n., young of a human or animal while in the womb or egg `womb` [wU:m] n., uterus, place where sth. is generated, female cavity `them` i1000 `'em` i1000 old them `demitasse` small coffee cup `tassa` cup( teacup, coffeecup, ..etc.) `deter` v., [D IH0 T ER1] control not to do Ex. Terror alerts don't deter travelers. cf. determine (-rr-) discourage; cause ( a person) to hesitate or feel doubt, fear, etc. ex. Failure did not deter him from trying again. - 1579, from L. deterrere, from de- "away" + terrere "frighten." Deterrent is from 1829. `determine` - c.1374, "to come to an end," also "to settle, decide," from O.Fr. determiner (12c.), from L. determinare "set limits to," from de- "off" + terminare "to mark the end or boundary," from terminus "end, limit." Sense of "coming to a firm decision" (to do something) is from 1450. Determination "quality of being resolute" is from 1822. Determinism is 1846 in theology (lack of free will); 1876 in general sense of "the doctrine that everything that happens is determined by a necessary chain of causation." `President's Memorial Day Proclamation` Memorial Day is much more than a three-day weekend that marks the beginning of summer. To many people, especially the nation's thousands of combat veterans, this day, which has a history stretching back all the way to the Civil War, is an important reminder of those who died in the service of their country. -- usu. be assigned the last Monday in May, but different among the States ( cuz USA is very large). Iraqis attack Army checkpoint as area turns increasingly perilous `peril` n., v, danger, risk, hazard < 12c., peril(Old Fr) < periculum(L, an attempt, risk, danger) < experiri(L, try) + instrumental suffix -culum. Replaced O.E. fear. `perilous` a., dangerous `experience` - c.1378, from O.Fr. experience, from L. experientia "knowledge gained by repeated trials," from experientem (nom. experiens), prp. of experiri "to try, test, venture" from ex- "out of" + peritus "experienced, tested." The v. (1533) first meant "to test, try;" sense of "feel, undergo" first recorded 1588. `experiment` -1348, from O.Fr. experiment, from L. experimentum "a trial, test," from experiri "to test, try" (see experience). `expert` (adj.) - c.1384, from L. expertus, pp. of experiri "to try, test" (see experience). The n. sense of "person wise through experience" existed 15c., reappeared 1825. Expertise (1868) is from Fr. expertise "expert appraisal, expert's report." `perish` -late 13c., from stem of O.Fr. perir, from L. perire, from per- "to destruction" + ire "to go." `period` peri(G, around) + hodos(G, going away/ journey), "Dot marking end of a sentence" later, cf. P165 `imperial` < empire or emperor, Imperialism, in the sense of "one country's rule over another," first recorded 1878. `imperious` in bad sense imperial, tyrannical `inexperienced` unskilled, ignorant, `peri` -1777, from Pers(= Persian). pari, race of superhuman beings originally represented as malevolent, later as angelic genii(L, genius). --- pari = a fairy, sufficiently, same, similar, even `peri-` - from Gk. peri (prep.) "around, about." `wizard` `lizard` `buzzard` `gizzard` `blizzard` `biohazard` `bric-a-brac` "a bric et a brac(Fr) " > "at random, any old way." , a miscellaneous collection of often antique of virtu( rare/ curious art) `virtu` Non in CMU `virtual` [vA: chu: aL] Ex. * reality `virtue` [vA: chu: ] `overture` [Ou va: cha: ] `decoy` n., trap, lure `archaeologist` n., scientific study of ancient peoples < arkhaios(G, ancient) < arkhe(G, a beginning) `antic` - 1529, from It. antico "antique," from L. antiquus (see antique). Originally (like grotesque) referring to the strange and fantastic representations on ancient murals unearthed around Rome, later extended to anything bizarre. `scam` n., fraud, swindle, con `gadget` `budget` `Virgo` `chivalry` `discrepancy` Ex. But it has also lead to this amount of discrepancy of sound-to-spelling correspondence and the problems therein. `fater` v., hesitate; stammer; stumble; sway, totter `stammer` v., akin to *stam-/ *stum(L, check, impede), stutter in speaking `stumble` v., stagger (while walking) `tumble` v., fall, topple, drop -- cf. tumbler = "drinking glass" with a rounded or pointed bottom which could not be set down until it was empty. `one(1)` - O.E. an, from P.Gmc. *ainaz, from PIE *oinos. Originally pronounced as it still is in only, and in dial. good 'un, young 'un, etc., the now-standard pronunciation "wun" began c.14c. in southwest and west England (Tyndale, a Gloucester man, spells it won in his Bible translation), began to be general 18c. Use as indefinite pronoun infl. by unrelated Fr. on and L. homo. One-horse "small-scale, petty" is Amer.Eng. colloquial from 1854. One-night stand is 1880 in performance sense; 1963 in sexual sense. One of the boys "ordinary amiable fellow" is from 1893. One-track mind is from 1927. `guilty` a., criminal, sin, violate n.= guilt `quit` v., - 12c., from O.Fr. quite "free, clear," from L. quietus "free" (in M.L. "free from war, debts, etc."), also "calm, resting." Originally "to pay a debt;" sense of "leave" is c.1390; that of "stop" is c.1300; that of "give up" is from 1440. Quitter as an insult is 1881, Amer.Eng. cf. quite, quiet, ubiquitous( ubi + quit + ous) are all akin to `ubiquitous` [yu: bI kwi tas] `ubiquity` - 1579, from M.Fr. ubiquite, from L. ubique "everywhere," from ubi "where" + que "any," a suffix that can give universal meaning to the word it is attached to. Originally a Lutheran theological position, maintaining the omnipresence of Christ. Ubiquitous in the sense of "turning up everywhere" is first recorded 1752, originally a jocular extension of the theological word. `meister(Ger)` n., master, champion, foreman `contempt` - 14c., from L. contemptus "scorn," pp. of contemnere, from com- intens. prefix + temnere "to slight, scorn," of uncertain origin. Contemptuous is from 1529. `bunch` `hayseed` `hyperbole` `imposter` `dawg` n., a person, usu. a good friend: "Hey dawg, whus up?" `oops` `ordeal ` `telly` `pain` `smuggle` `scene` `a tad` a little bit, a small amount `drone` n., male bee , person who does no work & lives on others; low humming sound (as) made by bees v., make a *, buzz, hum; talk or sign in a low, monotonous tone `indignation` `recommend` `recommendation` `hate` i2000 `bullshit` [bulsit], cf. drivel cf. bulldog, bulldozer, bullet, bulletin, bullpen, bully[buLi]( ex. bullying at school) `feel sorry for` `tough shit` `rant` v., speak wildly, violently, or boastingly , n., *er `intrinsic` a., (of value , quality) belonging naturally; existing within, not coming outside `forerunner` n., sign of what is to follow; person who foretells & prepares for the coming of another in history `foreign` - c.1250, ferren, foreyne, from O.Fr. forain, from L.L. foranus "on the outside, exterior," from L. foris "outside," lit. "out of doors," related to fores "door;" spelling altered 17c. perhaps by influence of reign, sovereign. Originally used literally; sense of "not in one's own land" is early 15c. `solid` - 1391, from O.Fr. solide "firm, dense, compact," from L. solidus "firm, whole, entire" (related to salvus "safe"), from PIE base *sol-. Slang sense of "wonderful, remarkable" first attested 1920 among jazz musicians. Solidify is from 1799. `aggregate` v./a./n., - c.1400, from L. aggregatus, pp. of aggregare "add to," from ad- "to" + gregare "herd," so "to lead to a flock." , total, taken as a whole, cf. aggregation, congregation `herd` n./v., number of cattle, etc. feeding or going about together; (contemptuous) the mass of common people `syndicate` - 1624, "council or body of representatives," from Fr. syndicat, from syndic "representative of a corporation" (see syndic). Meaning "combination of persons or companies to carry out some commercial undertaking" first occurs 1865. Publishing sense is from 1889. `syndic` - 1601, "civil magistrate, especially in Geneva," from Fr. syndic "chief representative," from L.L. syndicus "representative of a group or town," from Gk. syndikos "public advocate," from syn- "together" + dike "judgment, usage." Meaning "representative of a university or other corporation" first found 1607. `custom` - c.1200, "habitual practice," from O.Fr. costume, from V.L. *consuetumen, from L. consuetudinem, acc. of consuetudo "habit or usage," from consuetus, pp. of consuescere "accustom," from com- intens. prefix + suescere "become used to, accustom oneself," related to sui, gen. of suus "oneself," from PIE *swe- "oneself." Replaced O.E. teaw. Sense of a "regular" toll or tax on goods is c.1325. Customer (14c.) meant "customs official" before meaning switched to "buyer" (first attested 1409). Customary is from 1523. `custody` keeping safe, under one's control, caring for, detention, confinement, supervision, guardianship , cf. custom `custodian` `matter` - 12c., from Anglo-Norm. matere, from L. materia "substance from which something is made," also "hard inner wood of a tree," from mater "origin, source, mother." The verb meaning "to be of importance or consequence" is from 1581. Matter of fact originally a legal term, "that portion of an enquiry concerned with the truth or falsehood of alleged facts," opposed to matter of law. cf. material `matrix` - 1373, from O.Fr. matrice, from L. matrix (gen. matricis) "pregnant animal," in L.L. "womb," from mater (gen. matris) "mother." --- elements( babies) in her (in math) `dilemma` - 1523, from L.L. dilemma, from Gk. dilemma "double proposition," a technical term in rhetoric, from di- "two" + lemma "premise, anything taken," from base *lab-. It should be used only of situations where someone is forced to choose between two alternatives, both unfavorable to him. But even logicians disagree on whether certain situations are dilemmas or mere syllogisms. `libido` n., sexual instinct, sexual urges, lust cf. Sigmund Freud `dildo` - c.1593, perhaps a corruption of It. deletto "delight," or (less likely) of Eng. diddle (q.v.). "Curse Eunuke dilldo, senceless counterfet" ["Choise of Valentines or the Merie Ballad of Nash his Dildo," T. Nashe, c.1593] `baffle` v./n., `props` `enigma` - 1449, from L. anigma "riddle," from Gk. ainigma, from ainissesthai "speak obscurely, speak in riddles," from ainos "fable, riddle," of unknown origin. `ennui` - 1667, from O.Fr. enui "annoyance," back-formation from envier (see annoy) `enormous` < enormis(L, irregular, extraordinary, very large), from ex-( out of) + norma( rule, norm) + -ous ,"extraordinary in size" is attested from 1544; original sense of "outrageous" is more clearly preserved in enormity (1475). `ingredients` Ex. egg yolks, cream, malt, chocolate syrup, milk, seltzer, vanilla syrup, seltzer `intrinsic` a., ( of value, quality) belonging naturally, natural, inherent, essential; existing within, not coming from outside, [in trI n sik] Ex. * value `proper` a., just good, suitable, adequate, complete cf. n. = propriety `property` n., asset, owners `propriety` n., politeness `proprietor` n., owner `proprietress` n., owner `proprietary` a./ n., `dare` v., < durran(O.E., brave danger) < thrasys(G, bold) ...remaining in northen Eng. as durst( = to challenge or defy (someone)) `sporadic` a., - 1689, from M.L. sporadicus "scattered," from Gk. sporadikos "scattered," from sporas (gen. sporados) "scattered," from spora "a sowing" (see spore). Originally a medical term, "occurring in scattered instances;" the meaning "happening at intervals" is first recorded 1847. --- occurring, seen occasionally `prosper` v., - 1350, from L. prosperare "cause to succeed," from prosperus "favorable, fortunate, prosperous." Prosperity is 12c., from L. prosperitatem "good fortune," from prosperus. Prosperous in the sense of "flourishing" is first recorded 1472. cf. n. = prosperity, a. = prosperous[prA spa: ras] cf, succeed, success, successful, glory Ex. ... would be prospering `whisper` v./ n. cf. sper= HOPE ; asper, esper, vesper, jasper, desper, gasper, Casper, Kasper, crisper, prosper `throw out/ away` cf. give away Ex. Please throw away previous mail. `piss` v., - c.1300, from O.Fr. pissier "urinate," from V.L. *pissiare, of imitative origin. As a pure intensifier (cf. piss-poor, piss-ugly, etc.) it dates from World War II. Pissed off is 1946, U.S. slang. Piss and vinegar first attested 1942. cf. crap (scrap), shit `crap` - "defecate" 1846 (v.), 1898 (n.), from one of a cluster of words generally applied to things cast off or discarded (e.g. "weeds growing among corn" (1425), "residue from renderings" (1490s), 18c. underworld slang for "money," and in Shropshire, "dregs of beer or ale"), all probably from M.E. crappe "grain that was trodden underfoot in a barn, chaff" (c.1440), from M.Fr. crape "siftings," from O.Fr. crappe, from M.L. crappa, crapinum "chaff." Sense of "rubbish, nonsense" also first recorded 1898. Despite folk etymology insistence, not from Thomas Crapper (1837-1910) who did, however, in 1882 invented the ball and suction device [British Patent # 4,990] found in modern toilets. The name Crapper is a northern form of Cropper (attested from 1221), an occupational surname, obviously, but the exact reference is unclear. cf. crapulous cf. crapy, crupper, crape/ crepe `shit` v., - O.E. scitan, from P.Gmc. *skit-, from PIE *skheid- "split, divide, separate." Related to shed (v.) on the notion of "separation" from the body (cf. L. excrementum, from excernere "to separate"). The noun is O.E. scitte "purging;" sense of "excrement" dates from 1585, from the verb. Extensive slang usage; meaning "to lie" is from 1934; that of "to disrespect" is from 1903; used for "obnoxious person" since at least 1508. Shat is a humorous past tense form, not etymological, from 18c. Shit-faced "drunk" is 1960s student slang; shit list is from 1942. cf. muck, trivia, gadget, junk, scrap, rubbish, rubble, trash, waste `grim` a., stern; severe; merciless; cruel; gaunt ad.= *ly `dizziness` `nausea` `tingling` `deliberate` v., consider carefully; think about thoroughly a., slow and careful cf. discreet de=emphasis, liberal = free, no bound, weight balancing akin to `deliver` --- de= away + liberare "to free" (see deliberate). `deliberation` - c.1374, from L. deliberationem, from deliberare "weigh, consider well," from de- "entirely" + -liberare, alt. (perhaps by influence of liberare "liberate") from librare "to balance, weigh," from libra "scale." `undergo` `undertake` `entail` `dig` v. `dip` v. `expend` v., spend pend = weigh, hang, weight `expenditure` n., spending esp. financial, waste Ex. money *ed `expense` n., spending (of money, energy, time, etc.) needed sth. cf. expensive = high price `guise` `disguise` `geek` mania `geeze` < guise = outward appearance; facade, disguise `geezer` n., man, mummer < guise , old ( crazy) man [gI: za] cf. geek, geese --- in J. [(hen na/ oiboLe) ji ji:] `freak` a., capricious/ fickle notion or occurrence, deviation `gee` surprising voice < euphemistic for Jesus ex. usage; ... freak like me. `restitution` n., compensation `premium` n., - 1601, from L. pramium "reward, profit derived from booty," from pra- "before" + emere "to buy," originally "to take." Insurance sense is 1661, from premio(Ita). prize, reward, bonus Ex. at a * = (of stocks and shares) at more than the par value Ex. put a * on (act, behavior) = make it profitable for sb. `emere`(L, obtain by service, take, buy) > emeritus, prompt, redemption, redeem, ransom, assume `euphonious` a., good phone/ sound `empty` - O.E. amettig "at leisure, not occupied, unmarried," from ametta "leisure," from a "not" + -metta, from motan "to have" (see might). The -p- is a euphonic insertion. `might (n.)` - O.E. miht, earlier maht, from P.Gmc. *makhtuz, from PIE base *mag- "be able, have power." Mighty is from O.E. mihtig, earlier mahtig, from miht. `affiliate` v., become a member, join with, from L. affiliare "to adopt a son," from L. ad- "to" + filus "son." Originally literal, sense of "be adopted by a society, of branches" first recorded 1799. `fiasco` n., disaster, Italian word used in USA `the alleged frauds` `bogus` a., fake, false cf. fraud, deception, [bOu gas] `the burden of proof` `savvy` a./n./v., experienced, wise `bilk` v., cheat out of money, defraud, trick (sb.) out of what is rightly his cf. fraud `fraud` n., 1. criminal (act of) deception, 2. person or thing that deceives [frO: d] cf. Frau(Ger.) = wife, woman `skittishness` `scathe` `scathing` `worsen` v., make worse `deteriorate` `dire` a.,- 1567, from L. dirus "fearful, awful, boding ill," from Oscan and Umbrian, cognate with Gk. deinos, from PIE base *dwei-. `rescind` `dicey` a., `shed` Ex. shed light on = help to explain (sth. obscure) `erosion` n., to erod ( = (of asids, rain, currents, etc,) wear away, eat into) Ex. soil * ( by wind and rain) `consolidate` `distress` `worrywart` n. `worry` v.,n., concern, fear `wary` a., cautious `nasty` `ugly` `penetration` passing into, spread through, share in market `myopic` `canyon` `BTW` chat terms, as "By The Way" `slump` `tumble` `gosh` `lurk` Ex. lurker = lurking/ looking only chat user `hase` Ex. hase down `treble` v./n./a., trple `fart` n./v. in J. [he/ onaLa] `fiduciary` `simpleton` idiot, fool `pension plan` `arrogance` `loom` `nightmare` `inflate` < flare(L, blow), expand Ex. inflation `deflate` ditto, shrink Ex. deflation `brokerage` `crook` cf. croak, cloak, creek, creak, clique, crick, click, clerk, cluck, crack, clack, crock, clock `redneck` `derogatory` `wage earner` `retroactive` `chubbychaser` `folks` n., 1. people in general 2. (colloq.) one's relations -- in J.[mina san] `ain't` am not, are not, is not, have not, has not, no es, non es (es = essere(L/Ita) verb, = be verb) `bust` n./v./a., cf. combust `gonna` = going to Ex. Gonna go out for nice dinner tonight. `contrive` v./n., invent; design; find a way for doing (sth), of causing (sth. to happen) Ex. to * an escape from prison `moron` n., idiot, simpleton, foolish/ easily deceived person `laggard` a./ n., slow person Ex. Chat Room Rules - Here's what NOT to do: ---the excerpt from one Internet room. • Repeatedly use foul language, including profanities, obscenities and vulgarities. • Harass, threaten, degrade, intimidate, victimize or otherwise abuse an individual or group. (Hate speech on the basis of age, gender, ethnicity, disability, religion or sexual orientation is unacceptable.) • Interrupt or repeatedly post off-topic comments to disrupt a topical conversation. • Sell, advertise or otherwise post commercial solicitations, including web URLs. • Post any URL's, regardless of the intent or content of the site. • Post graphic descriptions or conversation of a sexual nature unless the chat room is designated otherwise. • Post text, photos, images or other content that's protected by intellectual property rights, including, but not limited to, any copyright, trademark, rights of publicity, rights of privacy, or other proprietary rights. • Post content that promotes, demonstrates or otherwise provides illegal instructional information - how to shoplift, how to hack a site, etc. • Attempt to collect other chatters' handles, passwords or other private, personal information such as telephone number, email addy, home address or full name. • Transmit or attempt to transmit a virus to other chatters. • Impersonate or misrepresent yourself as an employee of XYZ.com, its parent company or affiliates. • Allow arguments to escalate into threats, harassment, or become violent in nature. While squabbles may occur between members or with a moderator, they must simply remain civil. `lucid` a., rational `delusional` a., deluded, false as mad cf. delude, delusion, illusion `deteriorate` v., become worse `fece` pl. feces -- crap `turd` crap, shit `mull` v., [mall] ponder, think over ex. "Microsoft Mulls Changes to Explorer" Eolas's plug-in patent issue `purport` v. pur = force , por t= carry - intend to `purpose` v.,n. pur = force pose = set - object/ target intended to `Ponsi scheme` 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, .... Ponsi = famous name of man who was a crook. `dork` moron `dovish` a., like a dove, in politics "dovish group"-- peaceful, dislike conflict `slack` `lagging` a. very slow cf. time lag `falter` ex. Economists said the failure to create jobs keeps alive the risk growth could falter once a boost from tax cuts fades. `poise` , `balance`, `pending`, `put on the shelf`, cf. `poison`, `prison`, `jail`, `custody` `cereal` `shed` ex. the economy shed 93,000 jobs. `whittle` ex. Economists said low inflation gives the Fed ample room to wait to ensure the pickup in growth proves lasting and begins whittling away at unemployment and unused industrial capacity. (Reuters "Fed Holds Rates at 1958 Low" Tuesday September 16, 6:08 pm ET, 2003) `resilient` v., rebound, restore cf. resident, resume `slump`, `drop`, `tumble`, `sink/ sank/ sunk`, `sag`, `fall`, `make down`, `dumping`, `surge (large wave)`, `pump` `soar`, `raise` cf. `roar` `concession`, `concede`, `yielding`, `give up` cf. `compromise`, `resolution` "Any weakness in the dollar could push those fickle investors to take money out of Treasuries and repatriate it into either euro-denominated or yen-dominated securities," said Peter Gottlieb, president of Gottlieb Investment Management Corp. "To the extent that one of the markets is undergoing some turmoil, I don't think that's good for any financial asset class." Monday September 22, 2003 `changeable` ---- capriccio // caprice // conceit // fad // fancy // fantasy // flam // freak // kick in one's gallop // kink // maggot // passing fancy // quirk // uncertainty of temper // whigmaleerie // whigmaleery // whim // whim-wham // whims and caprices // whimsicality // whimsy ,vagary[(pl.) vagaries] ,Men are as fickle as autumn weather., Women are as fickle as autumn weather. , skittishness ,vagaries of weather ,in an idle whim ,fleeting fancy // fugitive whim // passing fad // passing whim ,quirk of fate ,lusus naturae // quirk of nature ,feminine caprice ,vagaries of fashion ,from caprice ,out of mere freak , capriciousness // puckishness ,The weather can be whimsical at this time of year. ,Fortune is inconstant. , Changing our travel plans was a caprice. ,It's just one of those little quirks in life, isn't it? , at a whim ,by some quirk of fate , The people are at the mercy of the whim of the politicians. ,marry on whim ,I know what I'm talking about. , blow hot and cold ,too fickle to be depended upon , as mad as a (March) hare // capricious // catchy // desultory // episodic // erratic // faddish // fanciful // fantastic // fickle // fickle-minded // fitful // flighty // flyaway // freakish // freaky // full of whims (and fancies) // gnomish // inconstant // kittle // mercurial // moody // notionate // puckish // quirky // temperamental // unpredictable // vagarious // variable // versatile // volatile // wanton // wayward // whimsical ,humorsome[man] ,vagrant[thought], weathery[like a wearher], capriccioso (in music), as changeable as the weather , flightiness ,freak ,have an uncertain temper ,fad diet , Fad diet rarely work. ,quirk of fate ,temperamental family cat ,uncertain temperament , meteorological freak ,versatile interests ,whimsical fancy ,harebrained plan ,She made a capricious decision. , freakish results ,freakish notion ,have a maggot in one's head ,antics ,whim // whimsical idea `OPEC` the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries -- acronyms `preemption` n., privilege of pre-buying ex. USA in IRAQ Anan accused `devastate` v., destroy -- de- "completely" + vastare "lay waste," from vastus "empty, desolate" (see waste). `fret` v.,n., worry, annoy, irritate `drug` - medicine -- drug abuse, drug dependence cf. alcoholic `drag` - mouse drag (& drop), pull with force `payroll number` n., the number of total workers cf. overtime payment/ benefit cf. overwork death `once-over` n. quick look or examination of sth cf. look over `Inc` n. Incorporated (Company) cf. Ltd = LimiTeD (Co.-Ltd.), Ins = Institution (organization) `breeze/ breez` n. wind, blow softly `blaze/ bleez` n. fire v.= flame, burn `lucrative` a., earning ex. Doctor, attorney and senator are lucrative business. `IMO` = In My Opinion `inclement` a. not clement, not mild ex. inclement weather `increment/ incremental` n,/ a. plus +, (noun of) increase difference `guerrilla` n. ex. Guerrillas attacked an American convoy west of Baghdad. `ambushe` v. ex. BAGHDAD - The killing of seven Spanish intelligence agents and two Japanese diplomats in ambushes in Iraq sparked fresh debate. `intimidate` v. cf. intimate or timid `assassination` n. [asassi nei san] `assailant` n. [asei lant] `grenade` n. [..neid] `shrapnel` n. `condolence` n., 1588, from L.L. condolere "to suffer together," from com- "with" + dolere "to grieve." `subtlety` n. [satal ty] `WTF` chat abbre. What's the fuck? `piper` n. Ex. those of you who sold at the last minute just got swindled by Piper idiot analyst. I pity you. `disgust` 1598, from M.Fr. desgoust "strong dislike, repugnance," lit. "distaste," from desgouster "have a distaste for," from des- "opposite of" + gouster "taste." n./ v. ex. The other four commissioners expressed similar disgust. "We keep saying sunshine is the best disinfectant," said Commissioner gust good taste (GUST= SkyLark family restaurant chain) , stomack -- GUSTER 10 stomack medicine-name `IMHO/ IMO` "In My (Humble) Opinion" chat terms `seize` v., [si:z] --- special?( Remember as, `size` to `i`=`ei`) cf. receive[resi:v], capture, custody, catch `brush` Ex. Dollar Brushes Against Record Lows v Euro (as of 12/26/2003) `clown` piero `languish` `numb` ex. My hands are numb with cold. `fabulous` `rigged` ex. * accounts/ * biddin/ * election/ * figures/ * market `pathetic` ex. Your continued whining just emphasizes your pathetic ignorance! `whine` v., ex. cry and whine `parliament` n. congress, senate conference < (L)parlare(=speak/ talk, -- debate) i.e. where senators debate each other `seize` `size`+ insert `e` into next top s [saiz] to [si:z] `allege` near `college`, alleged, allegedly, allegation(=scandal, suspicion) `suspection` --non exist `trek` walk journey/ travel cf.Naked walker completes UK trek train, recreation `annul` v. put an end to (a law, agreement, etc.); (in law) make of no effect. cf. cancel, null, nullify `Jay Mathews` Washington Post Staff Writer -- Education Columnist   cf. What to Look for in a Good School , Washington Area Schools (Live Online Transcript) `flux and reflux (of the tides)` n., constant change of movement or conditions: ex. in a state of *, lux, de lux, 50 lux `naive` a., [nai I: v] natural and innocent in speech and behaviour( e.g. young or inexperienced) ,ad. naively -- from O.Fr. naif "naive, natural, just born," from L. nativus "not artificial," also "native, rustic," lit. "born, innate, natural" (see native). -- Not contains/ includes "fragile" , "delicate" nuance, in Japanese people use (like `nervous` meaning) `John Doe process` `delegation` disputation, lawsuit ex. be under * `allegation` suspicion, allege --- + gation ( =drive, conduct) lists --------------- ligation/ negation/ allegation/ irrigation/ abrogation/ obligation/ elongation/ delegation/ fumigation/ litigation/ navigation/ mitigation/ instigation/ conjugation/ propagation/ segregation/ interrogation/ congregation/ investigation/ desegregation ----------------------------------------- `simmer` n./ v., keep (a pot, food, etc.) almost at boiling point ; be filled with (anger, etc.) which is just kept under contril ex. *ing with rage. -- cf. summer `janitor` n., doorkeeper `damn` [dam] int. n. a. ad, condemn to everlasting punishment. cg go hell cf. dumb[dam] `error` `terror` `terra` (earth, ground) + `quake` (sudden, violent shaking) --->`terrible` (like `earthquake` ) t + error = interesting !! Japanese temple = [TELA] --- My hypothesis of its roots --- its KANJI shape, upper half= [tsuchi](=earth), lower half=[sun](=measure unit) --- Very intrigue !! -- This is "the old/ ancient Silk-Road catalyst" phenomena ?? `terrorist` = who sudden, violent shaking, bad man, perhaps ??? `chore` n., [chO a] ex. * boy, * man `umlaut` How to German Umlaut spell on Japanese PC, #2,#3 `invalidate` v., make invalid Ex. invalidate a cease-fire agreement, invalidate a ballot `misery` n., [mI zarii] wretched state of mind; great pain or suffering.. (pl.)great misfortunes..(U)poverty `miserable` a., [mI..] full of misery, causing wretchedness cf. measurable[mE ja..] Kerry Hits Foreign Policy (Bush Alienates Allies, Senator Says) [Washington Post Staff Writers Saturday, February 28, 2004] `denounce` `alienate` Etymology - 1548, "make estranged" (in feelings or affections), from L. alienatus, pp. of alienare "to make another's, estrange," from alienus "of or belonging to another person or place," from alius "(an)other" (see alias). Alienation in the sense of "transfer of ownership" is from 1388; it also meant "loss or derangement of mental faculties, insanity" (1482), hence alienist (1864, from Fr. alieniste) "one who treats mental diseases." Alienation of affection as a U.S. legal term in divorce cases for "falling in love with someone else" is from 1861. `ad hoc` `bleak` ex. * picture `firefighter` `bog` n., v., Ex. In Iraq, Kerry said, U.S. troops are "bogged down in a deadly guerrilla war with no exit in sight," `aftermath` Ex., and in the aftermath of the U.S. invasion the country has become "a major magnet and center for terror." `resurgent` Ex., In Afghanistan, Kerry said, the Taliban is resurgent because Bush "has all but turned away" from the country. `paralyzed` Ex., He also faulted Bush's handling of the Middle East peace process, calling it "paralyzed," `dismissively` `unilateral` Ex., In the speech, Kerry referred dismissively to Bush's "doctrine of unilateral preemption. `fault` Ex., Kerry faulted Bush for providing funding for the National Endowment for Democracy that he said "is less than 3 percent of what this administration gives Halliburton." `proliferation` [prA..] 1867, from Fr. proliferation, from prolifere "producing offspring," from L. proles "offspring" + ferre "bear." Ex. We must try to stop the proliferation of nuclear weapons. `prolific` a., producing abundantly (e.g. offspring, crops, ideas, books, etc.) ; fertile ; abundant ; full of from Fr. prolifique, from M.L. prolificus, from L. proles "offspring" + root of facere "to make." L. proles is from PIE *pro-al-, from *pro- "forth" + *al- "to grow, nourish." `prolix` [prOU..] a., (of a speaker, writer, speech, etc.) tedious, tiring because too long. n.=`prolixity` cf. redundancy `chiropractor` [kAI ra prakta] cf. `chiropody`[ki rApadi] n. expert treatment of troubles of the feet and toe-nails, `chiropodist` `chiropractic` - coined in Amer.Eng. 1898 from Gk. cheir (gen. cheiros) "hand" + praktikos "practical." Chiropractor first recorded 1904. `grammar` n. --this spelling has symmetric style "ram"+"mar", study or science of, rules for, the words and structure of a language. Etymology - 1176, gramarye, from O.Fr. grammaire "learning," especially Latin and philology, from L. grammatica, from Gk. grammatike tekhne "art of letters," with a sense of both philology and literature in the broadest sense, from gramma "letter," from stem of graphein "to draw or write." Restriction to "rules of language" is a post-classical development, but as this type of study was until 16c. limited to Latin, M.E. gramarye also came to mean "learning in general, knowledge peculiar to the learned classes" (c.1320), which included astrology and magic; hence the secondary meaning of "occult knowledge" (c.1470), which evolved in Scottish into glamour (q.v.). A grammar school (1387) was originally "a school in which the learned languages are grammatically taught" [Johnson, who also has grammaticaster "a mean verbal pedant"]. In U.S. (1860) the term was put to use in the graded system for "a school between primary and secondary, where English grammar is taught." Tip: -gram and -graph are akin( = to write). `anagram` n., word made by changing the order of letters in another word (e.g. plum, lump). `morph` [mO: f] v., change, transfer the form/ shape cf. http://www.wordplays.com/ (ex. WORD MORPH) `tedious` [tI: dias] a., long and uninteresting; dull; boring Ex. a * lecture n.= tediousness, tedium `jubilant` a., showing joy( shouting/ crying for joy) -- wild shout n.= jubilation jubi = joy ? `soothe` [sU: zh]v., make (a person, his nerves) quiet or calm ; make (pains, aches) less sharp or severe cf. calm down `booth` shelter (stall) made of boards, canvas, or light materials, used as a shop; place used for voting ex. polling booths cf. tooth, smooth `buck` n., male of deer, hare, or rabbit -- cf. doe ; (USA slang) US dollar `behemoth` [BaHA: MaS]Ex. corporate behemoth; the fast-food behemoth `mineral` -- akin to 'mine' `jib` --- cf yacht triangle sail `minimal` a., adjective of minimum `kaleidoscope` ---MANGEKYOU kaleido = beautiful `intercept` n., (math.) SEPPEN v., stop, catch, seize (sb. or sth.) between the starting -point and destination `straight` `strait` n. channel of water connecting two sea; (pl.) trouble, difficulty Ex. in great *s, in financial *s a., (old use) narrow Ex. "Strait Gate" by Andre Gide(French) Ex. Enter by the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is easy, that leads to destruction. (Bible) `notch` v.,n., (make a) V-snapped cut (in or on sth.) cf. note, notice `nuisance` [nU: sans] n., thing, person, act, etc., that causes trouble or offence `infringe` Ex. "We've recently become aware that (Google is) infringing on our patent, and it's our policy to protect our intellectual property," said Overture (April 5,2002) `stagnation` Ex. stagnation after the bubble economy `stagnate` v., (of water) cease to flow; be stagnant; be inactive; become dull through lack of use `condominium` `indigestion` n., (pain from) difficulty in digesting food `congestion` n., (of parts of body, e.g. the brain, lungs) having too much blood cf. congested = a., overcrowded; too full `breakout` v., begin suddenly ex. A fire broke out during athe night. v., escape ex. Several prisoners have broken out. n., subcommittee meeting, sub-branch `on the spot` ad., `intimidate` Pakistan hedges on ID of "high-value" target (MSN news March.20, 2004) `militant` n., `tournament` [tU: namant] n., series of contest of skill between a number of players n., (historical) contest between armed knights on horseback cf. tourney [tUani] `have a favor of sb` v., = ask to help ( in this case, favor = sth. done from kindness) All Eyes on Google (© 2004 Newsweek, Inc.) `hoax` [houks] The top 9 e-mail hoaxes (©MSN March 28, 2004) Dissension Grows In Senior Ranks On War Strategy on 05.09,2004 Tornado in can, A good stiff breeze for industry 21 [tweny wan] omitted-- t international [ina: nasanal] omitted --- t illegal [iLi: gl] Last g+l -- tang not change/ move, g apart tang, so l is too. bottle, idle, journal t/d/n is tongue touch, so l is continued touched, not apart water, butter, ladder t change r [wa ra], [ba ra], [la ra] `complete` --- akin to `period` - c.1384, from O.Fr. complet "full," from L. completus, pp. of complere "to fill up," from com- intensive prefix + plere "to fill." `weird` a., [wiad] odd, strange, queer `segregation` cf. congregation v., set apart from `formidable` a., ex. * antagonist, * adversary World marks Reagan's death `D-Day` `H-hour` `deaf and dumb` dumb = stupid, ass, can't speak ex. dumb wife (cf dummy) cf. blind `mumbo jumbo` - 1738, name of an idol supposedly worshipped by certain tribes in Africa; said to be a corruption of words in Mandingo (one version is Mama Dyumbo), but no likely source has been found in the languages of the Niger region, to which the original accounts relate. Meaning "big, empty talk" is attested from 1896. `-tempt` --- 4 types= `time` (contemporary) `tempt` (apt, temptatiom), `attempt` (try), `contempt` (scornful) `turn-out` n., a gathering of people at a meeting. ex. There was a good turn-out. (= a large attendance) `vowel` [vau eL] not [vou ..] ,warning --[wo:ning] like war[wo:] `disciple` [di sAI paL] follower of Jesus --- to `discipline` [dI sa pLan] `teammate` [T IY1 M EY2 T] in USA , not [ti :m meyt] `primary`, `secondary`, `tertiary` `penance at Canossa` --- akin to penal(ty) `rough day` -- not easy day `stubborn` a., = obstinate,= opinionated `superb` [S UH0 P ER1 B], magnificent; of the finest quality `scare` s+ care --- frighten. ex. He was scared by the thunder. `exempt` v., make free (from a duty, money, tuition, etc.) ex+ emere(L , take/ buy) cf. example (= take out/ remove) n., exemption -- exemption from taxation (= tax/ duty free) `tell` `submit` `inform` `notify` `communicate` `convey` `file` `apply` `at no charge` = free, at + price usage `anonymous`[AH0 N AA1 N AH0 M AH0 S] vs. `unanimous`[Y UW0 N AE1 N AH0 M AH0 S] `attitude` vs. `altitude`(ALT=high) `exile` (exilare, from L. exilium "banishment," ex=qway) vs `exalt`(=1389 (implied in exaltation), from L. exaltare "raise, elevate," from ex- "out, up" + altus "high." ) `amnesty` Iraq government may offer amnesty to insurgents MSNBC 4:14 p.m. ET July 03, 2004 `sergeant` vs. `surge` vs. `surgeon` vs. `surgery` vs. `surgical` `insurgent` in( against) + surge(rise) -- "rise up, rise against, revolt," `insurrection` to rise in opposition direction `rebel` n(man) [RE val], v[ri BEL], `rebellion`, `rebellious` < rebellis(L) "insurgent, rebellious," from rebellare "to rebel, wage war against," from re- "opposite, against," or perhaps "again" + bellare "wage war," from bellum "war." My hypothesis --- "repeat ringing alarm bell" for the war/ riot[RAI at]/ revolution `Let's get started` -- in NHK English radio --- `get` used in emphasis/ intensify for MOVING `That's off today` -- in NHK English radio `at any rate` at all events, in any case, whatever happens -near `anyway` (S)He is arrogant[EH1 R AH0 G AH0 N T] or elegant[EH1 L AH0 G AH0 N T] ? `behead` v., cut off the head of cf. Iraqi group says it beheaded U.S. Marine MSNBC 5:49 p.m. ET July 03, 2004 `I second the motion.` -- in meeting, =agree inadvertent, inadvertence = careless, by chance, accidental /contingent /unforeseen `economical sanction ( to North Koria)` sacred punishment `Gotta go.` = I've got to go. = I've better go. (have got to = have to) vertex = highest point ( in math. term triangle) vertebra = main bones ( vertical) `Definitely not` `wanted` ---- `nt` pair `t` omitted. [wa ned] like twenty [twe nii] in USA `thirsty` ---- [Ta: stii] especially in child utter `poor` ---- [p(o+u): r] in USA, but tour = [tur:] , pour =[por] `cutting ant` --- [kad ing] [ant] `sure`, `real` --- used in conversation mood, often as `surely`, `really` i.e. = adverb-wise Red Skelton, America's greatest clown [biography, smiles = the longest word, 1st spreder?? not MIYASAWA??] `sarcastic` a. [sa: Kas tik] n.= sarcasm [sA: kazm] ad.= sarcastically `satire` n., [sA taia] a.= satirical [sa tI rikal] man= satirist [sAta..] v = satirize [sAta raiz] `circus` n. [sA: kas] `pejorative` a., in scornful usage Japan's hard-core hobbyists behind 'mania' economy `veracity` < `veracious` ex. a report of doubtful veracity. `detain` `detainee` `detention` No sweet without sweat. `famish` be *ed. / be *ing. = be extreme hungry < famine [not in CMU or Kenkyusha dict. -- why?] `starving` I'm starving. `disparity` gap of high/ low, not equal `stagnant` `stagnation` `helvetica` font -- helvetia = old Swiss, Alps (< ALT mountain), Switzerland name `fabulous` [fA bju las] aj. like a fable as fabulous wealth ; fantastic/ unbelievable `virus` [vAi ras] worm[wA: m] in computer NetWork Ichiro Closes on Sisler's Hit Record :Sat Sep 25, 2:33 AM ET by Reuters " He is Japan's first cultural icon in the U.S.," said Whiting. " To Japanese, who have always had a bit of a complex about being seen as faceless product makers, Ichiro's status in America is a big vicarious[vai Kari as] thrill. " < deputy Ichiro: An artist at bat (Suzuki is one hit shy of Sisler's mark of 257, set in 1920) Ichiro sets hits record, then keeps on going (10/01/2004) `consonant + ARY` --- pronouncing [ery] not [ary] is common in American.
Ex. vocabulary, secretary, dictionary, January, February, necessary [N EH1 S AH0 S EH2 R IY0]
`Janus` [JEI nas] n. an ancient Italian god. He was the god of gates and doors, and of beginnings and endings. His name is given to `January`. `janitor` [JA nata] 1. a door-keeper or porter. 2. a caretaker `OU` --- [a] i.e. `OU` = `U` =[a] ex. bus[bas], our[awr], ous[as] `OO` ----- [u] or [u:] has always a stress ?! ex. book, pool, Google, blood `risk` `risque` run into `danger` -- care/ cure `disparity` parity is =, akin to `par/ pair` `sporadic` `sporadical` `sporadically` College: The Ten Toughest Schools to Get Into (as of Oct, 2004) ⇒ 1.MIT, 2.Princeton U., 3.Caltech (California Institute of Technology), 4.Yale U., 5.Harvard C., 6.U. of Pennsylvania, ... `sleek and smooth` The Nobel Prize `Javanese` of Java, its people or their language desu. `rice` vs. `lice` We eat lice. = "Watashi-tachi wa shilami wo tabe-masu." `lice` [L AY1 S] = pl. of `louse` [L AW1 S] ,,,, The plural lice (O.E. lys) shows effects of i-mutation. `risotto (It.)` rice cooked in broth with meat and cheese, 1884, from It., from riso "rice" (see rice). `coyote` [K AY0 OW1 T IY0 ]

  Table of Contents
    1. A to Z ( Alphabetic) Glossary
    2. Greek Roots Samples( Red List)
    3. Latin Roots Samples( Blue List)
    4. About Japanese Pronouncing Roman Notation:

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1. A to Z ( Alphabetic) GlossaryGOTO Append.2.(Gkeek List)
A a, a-, a-, a bisexual flower, a kitchen unit, a la mode, a longdistance call, a posteriori, a priori, a sensual beauty, a vital wound, a.m., ab-, aback, abandon, abate, abbreviate, abbreviation, ABC, ABCDarian, abdicate, abdication, abet, abhor, abject, abject, ablactate, ablaze, able, able, -able, abnormality, abnormility, abnormal, aboard, abolish, A-bomb, abominable, aborigines, abound, about, abracadabra, abrade, abridge, abridgement, abrupt, abrupt, abs-, absence, absent, absentee, absently, absent-minded, absent-minded, absolute, absorb, absorbed, abstain, abstain, abstinence, abstinence, abstract, abstract, abstract -- concrete, abstraction, absurd, absurdity, abundance, abundance, abundant, abuse, abysmal, abyss, abyssal, ac, academicism, acclamation, accede, accent, accent, accept, acceptance, acceptor, access, accessible, accession, accessory, accident, accommodate, accommodation, accomplish, accord, accordance, accordingly, accordion, accrete, accrue, accumulate, accuracy, accurate, achieve, achievement, acknowledge, acquaint, acquire, acquirement, acquisition, acquittal, acrimony, acro, acronym, act, act of seeing with one's own eyes, acting, action, -action, activate, active, activity, actress, actual, actuality, actually, acute, ad, ad, ad-, adapt, adapt, adapt, adaptability, adaptable, adaptation, adaptation, adapted, adapter, ad-balloon, add, addendum, addition, addition, address, addresses, adept, adequate, adhere, adhere, adherence, adherent, adherent, adhesive, adjacent, adjective, adjoin, adjourn, adjust, adlib, administer, admire, admission, admit, adonis, adopt, adopted, adorn, adumbrate, advance, advantage, advent, advent, adventure, adventurer, adventurous, adverb, adverbial, adversary, adverse, adverse, adversity, adversity, advert, advertise, advertisement, advice, advise, advocate, advocate, aerial, aerobatics, aerodrome, aerogram, aeronautics, aerophobia, aeroplane, affable, affect, affectation, affection, affectionate, affectionate, affirm, affirm, affirmation, affirmative, affirmative, affirmative -- negative, affix, affluence, affront, afloat, AFN, after a fashion , after a fashion , aftercare, aftercare, afterclap, afterdinner, an afterdinner speech, afterglow, afternoon lady, afterrecording, aftertaste, afterthought, aftertime, afterwards, afterwards, ag, -age, age of discretion, agency, agenda, agendum, agent, aggravate, aggravation, aggress, aggression, aggressive, agile, agile, agitate, agitation, agnostic, agony, agrarian, agricultural, agriculture, agrimotor, aground, ahead, -ain, aircraft, al, -al, -al, alarm, alarm clock, alb, albatross, albescent, albiness, albinism, albino, Albion, album, albumen, albumin, Alcuin, algatross, ali, alias, alibi, Alice in Wonderland, alien, alienable, alienate, alienation, alike, alive, all, All Fools' Day, allegation, allege, alleviate, alliance, all-important, all-in, all-knowing, allocate, all-out, allover, allow, all-round, all-star, allude, allusion, allusive, allusive, ally, alma mater, almighty, almighty, almost, alone, alongside, Alps, already, also, altar, alter, alterable, alteration, altercate, alterego, alternate, alternation, alternative, alternator, altissimo, altitude, altitude, altitudes, alto, alto-cumulus, altogether, alto-stratus, altruism, altus, ama, amanuensis, amaranth, amateur, amateur, amateurish, amative, amatory, ambassador, ambi-, ambidextrous, ambiguity, ambit, ambition, ambivalence, ambrosia, amenity, American, Americanism, Americanize, amethyst, ami, amiable, amicable, amid, amidst, amity, amity -- enmity, amoral, Amore, amore, amorist, amorous, amour, amphibious, amphibious, amphioxus, amphisbaena, amphitheatre, amphora, amplitude, an, -an, an oral examination, analogy, anarchist, anarchy, ancestor, ancestral, ancestry, ancien regime, nacien regime, ancient, andante cantabile, anecdote, anecdote, anemone, angel, anger, angle, Anglicize, Anglo Saxon, Anglophile, angry, anguish, angular, anima(L), animal, animalcule, animate, animation, animism, animosity, annalist, annals, anniversary, annotate, annuity, annus, anonymity, anonymous, anonymous, anonymously, answer, answerable, ant, ant, -ant, ant(i), antagonism, antagonist, antagonist, antagonist, ante, ante meridiem, anteanus(L), antecedent, ante-mortem, anteroom, anthem, anthem , anther, anthology, anthropocentric, anthropogeography, anthropoid, anthropologist, anthropology, anthropometry, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphous, anthropotomy, anti-, anti-aircraft gun, anti-American, antibiotic, antibiotic, anticipate, anticlimax, anticlimax, antidote, antimilitarism, antipathy, antique, antiquity, anti-Semitic, anti-slavery, anti-sunburn, antithesis, antiwar, antonym, anus, anxiety, anxious, apace, apart, apart, apart, apartment, aphasia, aphorism, aphrodisia, Aphrodite(G), apiculture, apiece, apish, Apollo(G), apologize, apologue, apology, apoplexy, apparent, appeal, appealing, appear, appearance, appease, appeasement, appliance, applicability, applicable, applicant, applicant, application, application, applique, apply, appoint, appoint, appointment, appointment, appraise, appreciate, appreciation, appreciation, appreciative, apprehend, apprehend, apprehension, approval, approval, approve, apt, aptitude, aptitude, aptitude test, aptly, aptness, aqua, aqua, aqua vitae, aqualung, aquaplane, aquarium, aquarium, aquatic, aquatic animal, aquatot, aqueduct, aqueduct, aqueous, ar, -ar, -ar, arabesque, arc, arcade, arch, archaeology, archaeology, archaic, archaic, archaism, archangel, archbishop, archenemy, archer, archery, archetype, archfiend, archipelago, architect, architecture, archliar, archly, archness, archpriest, archtraitor, archway, Arctic, -ard, argufy, argument, aristocracy, aristocrat, aristocratic, Aristotle, -arium, arm, arm, armada, armadillo, armament, armful, arming, armistice, armless, armlet, armory, armour, armor, armoured cruiser, armpit, arms, army, arrival, arrive, Ars longa, vita brevis, art, -art, Art is long, life is short., artful, arthritis, article, article, articular, articulate, articulation, artifice, artificial, artisan, artist, artistic, artless, -ary, -ary, as, as speech contest, ascend, ascendancy, ascent, ascent -- descent, ascertain, ascertainment, ascot, ascribable, ascribe, ashore, -asis, asleep, aspect, aspirant, aspiration, aspire, assail, assault, assemblage, assert, assert, assert, assert, assertion, assertive, assets, assiduous, assign, assignment, assimilate, assist, assistance, assistant, assistant, assume, assumed, assumption, assumption, assumptive, -ast, aster, -aster, asterisk, astray, astro, astrology, astrology, astronomer, astronomy, asunder, ate, -ate, -ate, atheism, atheist, Atlantic Ocean, Atlas Mountains, atom, atrabilious, att, attach, attack, attain, attain, attainable, attainment, attempt, attend, attendance, attendant, attention, attentive, attest, attestation, attitude, attitude, attorney, attract, attraction, attractive, attribute, attribute, attribution, auc, auction, auctioneer, audible, audible, audience, audimeter, audio, audio fan, audiometer, audiophile, audio-visual, audit, audition, auditor, auditor, auditorium, auditory, auditory, aug, augere, augment, augmentation, augmentative, augmented, augur, August, august, aunty, aural, auricular, auriscope, aurist, auscultate, auscultator, auspice, auspicious, aut-, autarchy, authentic, authenticity, author, authoress, authoritative, authority, authorization, auto-, Autobahn, autobicycle, autobike, autobiography, autocade, autocracy, autocracy, autocrat, autoerotic, autogenous, autogiro, autograph, autogyro, autohypnosis, autointoxication, automation, automobile, automobile, autonomous, autopiano, autopsy, auxiliary, avail, avarice, avenue, aver, avert, avert, avert, avertible, avi(L), avian, aviary, aviation, aviator, aviatress, aviculture, avocation, avoid, avoid, avoid, avoidance, awayward, awry, aye,
B baa, baby, babyolatry, baby-sit, baby-sitter, bacchanalia, Bacchus, bach, bachelor, bachelorhood, backhander, backset, backside, backstretch, baddy-baddy, baggage, bakery, balance, balance-sheet, ball, ballad, ballet, ballet-dancer, ballistics, balloon, balloon, ballot, ballpark, ban, bandy-legged, bang, bankrupt, baptism, baptism, baptist, bar, barbecue, barbell, barfly, bargain, bar-hopping, barometer, baronage, baroness, barracks, barrel, barricade, barrier, barrister, base, baseball, baseless, basely, basement, baseness, bases, basis, bass, bassoon, bastard, bat, bat, bat, bate, baton, battalion, battalion, batter, battery, batting, battle, battledore, battlefield, battleship, battre, be, be acquainted with, be in discord, be taken a back, bear, bear, beast, beat, beat, beat, beau, beautiful, beautify, beautify, becalm, beech, beech, beef, beefburger, beefeater, beefsteak, beer butcher, beerocracy, befall, befit, befool, before, beforehand, before-mentioned, befriend, beget, beggar, beggary, begrudge, beguile, behalf, behave, behave, behavior, behaviour, behead, behind, behold, bel, bell, Bell Amire, belladonna, belle, belle of the ball, bellicose, belligerence, belligerent, belly, belong, belongings, belvedere, bemoan, Ben., bench warmer, bene-, benediction, benefactor, beneficent, benefit, benevolent, benignant, benignant, benumb, Benz, beriberi, beset, besetting sin, besides, besmear, bestial, bestow, bestowal, Bethy, betray, betrayal, betterment, Bettie, Betty, beware, bewilder, bewilderment, beyond, Bible, biblia, Biblical, bibliofilm, bibliography, bibliolatry, bibliomania, bibliophil(e), bibliophile, bicameral, bicycle, bicycle, bidet, biennial, bigamy, bike, bilingual, bilious, Billie, billiion, billionaire, Billy, binary, binocle, bio, biochemical, biochemistry, biogen, biogenesis, biographer, biography, biography, biological, biology, biology, bioscope, bird, birdie, Birlady, Birmingham, birth, biscuit, bisect, bisexual, bishop, bitterness, black sheep, blanc, blanch, blank, blanket, blankly, blaze, bleach, bleak, blithesome, bloody, bloom, bloomer, blossom, blunder, blunder, blurt, Boccaccio, bodily, bomber, bombproof, bombproof room, bon, bonanza, bonanzagram, bonbon, bondage, bonnie, bonny, bonus, bony, boogie-woogie, book, bookish, bookish, bookkeeping, booklet, booklet, boon, boon companion, borough, bosom, Boston, bot, botanist, botany, bottle, bottom, bountiful, bounty, bourgeois, bourgeoisie, bovine, bovrilize, bowl, bowling, bow-wow, bowyer, box, boycott -- Captain Boycott, boyish, brace, bracelet, braggart, bravery, bravo, Brazilian, breadth, breakage, breakdown, breakdown, breakfast, breaking point, breakneck, breakneck, breakthrough, breakup, breakwater, breakwater, breathtaking, brevity, Brevity is the soul of wit. (Hamlet), brewery, bribery, bride, brief, briefcase, briefing, briefing, brig, brigade, broadway(s), broadwise, brokenheart, bromide, bronze -- Brundsiun( now Brindsi) (Italy), brotherhood, brotos, brownish, brunch, brunet, brunette, brutal, brute, bubble, Buddhism, buddy, Buenos Aires, buffoon, bug, Buick, bulky, bullet, bullet, bullet proof, bulletproof, bullet-proof, bulletproof glass, bulletproof jacket, bullock, bump, bump, bumper, buncombe, bundle, bunk, bunt, Bunyan, burdensome, bureau, bureaucracy, bureaucrat, bureaucratic, burglar, burgle, burgomaster, burial, burke -- William Burke, Ireland, burlesque, bus, butcher, buttock, buzzy, by degrees, by Jove, by the way, Byblos, bypass, bypass, byss, bystander, bystander,
C C.I.C( Counter-Intelligence Corps), cab, cabbage, cabinet, cablegram, -cade, cadence, caes, Caesar, Caesarian operator, cake-eater, calf, call forth, calling, camel, camelia, camera, camp, campaign, campus, canary -- Canary Islands (Africa, Atlantic Ocean, mandated by Spain), cancel, cancer, cand, candid, candidate, candle, candour, candy butcher, cannibal, can-opener, cant, cantata, canter, Canterbury, canticle, canticle, cantor, cantor, cap, capa, capability, capable, capacious, capacitor, capacity, cap-a-pie, cape, capere, capital, capital letter, capitalism, capitalize, Capitol, capitulate, caprice, capsize, captain, captain, captain, caption, captivate, captive, captive, captivity, captor, capture, car, caravan, carbarn, car-bug, car-crazy, card, cardboard, cardcase, carditis, care, career, careerism, careerist, careless, caress, caressing, carfare, cargo, caricature, caricaturist, carnal, carnality, carnation, carnival, carnivore, carnivorous, carp, carpenter, carriage, carrier, carrousel, carry, carry, carryall, carrying, carry-over, carsick, cart, cart, cartage, cartel, cartography, cartoon, cartridge, cartwright, ca's eye, cascade, case, cash, cashier, cashmere -- Cashmere ( India), castaway, castle, casual, casualty, catalog(ue), catarrh, catchpenny, catchword, cat's-paw, cautious, caval(L), cavalcade, cavalier, cavalryman, cave, cave, caveman, cavern, cavern, caverned, cavernous, cavity, -ce, cead, ceal, cease, cease, cease war, ceaseless, ceases, cede, cedere, ceed, ceive, ceive, cel, cell, cellar, cellarage, cellular, celluloid, cellulose, cemetery, censor, censure, cent, centenary, centennial, center, center, centi, centigrade, centimeter, centimeter, centipede, central, central, central, centralization, centre, centricity, centrifugal, centrosphere, centum, centurion, century, CEO, cept, cercle, cern, cert, certain, certain, certainly, certainly, certainty, certainty, certes, certificate, certificate, certification, certify, certitude, cessation, champagne, champignon, champion, championship, Champs Elysees(Fr) =Elysian fields, chance, chancellor, changeable, changeling, chanson, chant, chanter, chanticleer, chantress, chanty, chaos, chapel, chapter, charge, chargeable, charger, chariot, charioteer, charitable, charity, Charleston, chart, charter, chase, chastise, chat, chattel, chatter, chatterbox, cheer, cheerful, cheerleader, cheerless, Cheeseburger, cheesemonger, chemistry, cherish, cherish, chest, Chevrolet, Chicago Tribune, chief, chief sea, chieftain, chieftain, chieftain, childhood, childish, childless, childlike, china, Chinee, Chinese, Chineseburger, chisel, choir, cholera, choleric, choose, chords, chorea, chortle, chorus, Christianize, chromatic, chronometer, Chrysler, chuckle, chuckle, cid, cider, cigarette, cinderella -- Princess Cinderella, step daughter, cinema actress, cinemagoer, cinerarium, cip, circ, circle, circuit, circuitous, circular, circulate, circulation, circum, circum-, circumcise, circumference, circumflex, circumflex, circumfluent, circumlocution, circumlocution, circumnavigate, circumpolar, circumscribe, circumscription, circumspect, circumstance, circus, cis, cit, citation, cite, citizen, citizenize, citizenship, citizenship, citizenship, city, civic, civics, civil, civilian, civility, civilization, civilization, civis, claim( in Patent, sue, plea), claimable, claimant, clam, clamo(u)r, clamo(u)rous, clamorously, clandestine, claret, clarify, clarinet, clarion, clarionet, clash, clash/ crash/ crush, classicism, classification, classify, -cle, clean, cleaner, cleanliness, cleanly, cleanse, cleanser, clean-up, clear, clearance, clear-cut, clearing, clearway, climax, climax, clockwise, cloister, close, closely, closet, closing, cloth, clubocracy, clude, CM, cnstitution, cnstruct, co, co-, coalition-regime, coastwise, cobweb, Cock, Cod, co-ed, coeducation, coffee boy, Cog, cogitate, cognition, cognition, cognizance, cognizance, cohabit, cohabit, cohere, coherence, coherency, coherent, coherent, coincide, coincidence, coition, col-, collaborate, collaborate, collaboration, colleague, collect, collection, collective, college, collide, collision, colloquialism, colonial, colonist, colonization, colonize, colony, Colosseum, com, com, combat, combat, combatant, combative, combination, combine, comely, Comet, comfort, comfort, comfortable, Comical, command, commemorate, commemoration, commencement, comment, commentary, commentator, commentator, commenter, commerce, commercial, commercialism, commission, commissioner, commit, committee, committee, commodity, common, common sense, commotion, commotion, communism, communist, commuter, companion, company, company, comparison, compartment, compass, compatriot, compel, compensation, competitive, complaint, compliance, complicate, complicated, comply, compose, composite, composition, composure, composure, comprehend, comprehensible, comprehension, compress, compressor, comprise, compromise, compulsion, compulsory, compulsory education, compunction, computer, con, con-, concatenate, concave, conceal, concealment, conceit, conceit, conceivable, conceive, concentrate, concentration, concept, conception, concerned, concerning, concernment, concise, conclude, conclusion, conclusive, conclusively, concord, Concord, concordance, concordant, concours, concourse, concubine, concur, concurrence, concurrent, concurrently, condense, condescend, condition, conditional, conditioned, conditioned reflex, condole, condolence, conduce, conduct, conductive, conductor, cone, confectionary, confectionery, confederate, confer, conference, confess, confessedly, confession, confidant, confide, confidence, confidence, confident, confidential, confine, confinement, confirm, confirmation, confirmative, conform, conform, conformity, confound, confound him, confront, confuse, congenial, congratulate, congratulation, congregation, congress, Congress, congressman, conic(al), conjecture, connect, connection, connote, conquer, conquerable, conquest, conscience, conscientious, conscious, conscious, conscript, conscription, consecutive, consent, consequence, consequently, conservatism, conservative, conservatory, conserve, consider, consign, consist, consistency, consistency, consistent, consistent, consonance, consonant, conspicuous, conspiracy, conspire, constable, constancy, constant, constellation, constitute, constitution, constraint, construct, construction, consume, consulate, consulate, consult, consult, consultant, consummate, consumption, consumptive, contact, contact lens, contagion, contagious, contagious disease, contain, container, contemporary, contend, content, contention, contentious, Contessa, contest, contest, contestant, contingency, contingency, contingent, contort, contortion, contour, contra-, contraband, contrabass, contraception, contract, contract, contradict, contradict, contradiction, contradiction, contradictory, contradistinction, contrariwise, contrary, contrast, contrata(L), contravene, contribute, contribute, contribution, contributory, control, controllable, controversy, contumacy, convene, convenience, convenient, convent, convention, conventional, conversion, convert, convertible, convex, convex, convex -- concave, conveyance, convocation, convoke, convolution, convolve, convoy, cookadoodledoo, cookey, cookie, cooky, cooperire, co-ordinate, co-ordinate, co-ordinate, copartner, copyright piracy, coquettish, cor, cordial, cordiality, core, coreless, cornet, corolla, Corona, coronation, corporal, corporation, corporeal, corps, corps, corpse, corpulent, corpulent, corpus, corpuscle, correct, correspond, correspond, correspondence, correspondent, corridor, corroborate, corrupt, corruptible, corruption, corruptive, cosmopolite, costermonger, Cot, cotton lords, cottonocracy, cough, council, counsel, counselor, count, count, countenance, counter, counter-, counter plea, counteralliance, counterattack, counterbalance, countercurrent, counterfeit, counter-intelligence, countermand, counterpane, counterpart, counterplea, counterplot, counterpoint, counterpoise, counterpoison, countersign, countess, countless, countra, country, country, country council, coupe, courage, courageous, course, courser, courtier, courtship, cover, coverage, coverall, covering, coverlet, covert, covet, cow, coward, cowardice, cowpuncher, cowslip, coxcomb, crab-fashion, crabwise, -cracy, -cracy, crammer, cramming, cramming is not education, crash, crazy, cre, create, creation, creation, creative, creator, creature, creature, cred, credence, credent, credential, credibility, credit, creditable, creditor, creditor -- debtor, credulity, credulous, creed, creeper, crematorium, crescendo, crescent, crescere, cret, criminal, criminate, cris, crisis, criterion, critic, criticable, critical, critically, criticaster, criticism, criticizable, criticize, criticize, critique, cross, cross-armed, crossbar, cross-country, crosscurrent, cross-examine, cross-eye, cross-fire, cross-grained, crossing, cross-legged, crosspatch, crossreference, cross-stitch, crossword, cross-word-puzzle-itis, crosswise, Crown, crucial, crucifixion, cruciform, crucify, crudity, cruelty, cruise, crusade, crusader, crush, crush, crush hour, cry wolf, crypt, cryptogam, cryptogram, cuban, cube, cubic, cubine, cubism, -cule, cult, cultivate, cultivation, cultivator, cultural, culture, culture, cultured, cunt-chaser, cupidity, curable, curate, curative, curb, cure, cure-all, cureless, curiosity, curious, currency, current, current, curriculum, curried rice, cursive, cursor, cursory, curtain, curv, curvature, curvature, curve, curvilinear, custodian, custody, cut, cut, Cut, cute, cutlass, cutler, cutlery, cutlet, cutpurse, cutter, cutting, cy, -cy, cycle, cycle, cyclometer, cyclometry, cyclone, cyclotron, cylinder,
D D.P.E., daddy, daffodil, dahlia, daily, daily, Daimler, daisy, dam, damage, damask -- Damascus( Syria), dame, damned, damsel, dandelion, danger, dark horse, darkling, darky, darling, Darwinism, data, date, dative, datum, dauntless, day of the week, daybook, daybreak, daydream, dazzle, d-d, de, de, de, de, de, de-, de-, de-, de-, dead, dead-end, deadline, deadlock, deadly, deadly, dead-pan, dead-weight, deadwood, death, death, deathbed, deathless, debase, debate, debate, debenture, debit, Debonaire, debt, debtor, debunk, debus, deca, decadal, decade, decadence, decadent, decades, Decameron, decamp, decapitate, decapitation, decay, decays, decease, deceit, deceitful, deceive, December, decency, decent, deception, decide, decimal, decimal, decimal point, decimate, decision, decision, decisive, declaration, declare, declare, declension, declination, decline, decompose, decorate, decrease, decrepit, decrepitude, decrescendo, decrescent, dedicate, dedication, deduce, deducible, deduction, deface, defeat, defect, defective, defence, defend, defendant, defense, defensive, defer, defer, deference, deferential, deferment, defiance, defiant, deficiency, definition, definition, deflation, deflect, deflower, deflower, defoliate, deform, deform, deformity, defy, degenerate, degeneration, degrade, degrade, degree, deify, deity, deject, delay, delegate, delicious, delineate, delivery, delude, delusion, demagogic, demagogism, demagogue, demand, demarcate, dementia, demigod, democracy, democracy, democrat, democratic, demographer, demonstrate, demos, demote, demotic, denial, denominate, denomination, denote, dense, dental, dentate, dentiform, dentifrice, dentist, denture, depart, department, departure, departure, depend, dependant, dependence, depict, depiction, deplore, deploy, depopulate, deport, depose, deposit, depreciate, depreciation, depreciatory, depress, depressing, depression, depressor, deprivation, deprive, deprive, depth, derail, Derby, deride, derivation, derivatives, derive, descend, descend, descend, descendant, descendant, descendant, descent, describe, description, description, descriptive, desert, desert 1, desert 2, deserted, deserter, desertion, deserve, design, designate, designation, designer, desire, desist, desolate, desperado, desperate, desperately, desperation, despise, despise, despite, despond, despondence(cy), dessert, destitute, destroy, destroyer, destruction, destructive, desultory, detach, detail, detain, detainment, detective, detest, detestable, detestation, detour, detour, detract, detraction, detractive, detractory, detrain, deuce, deviate, deviation, device, devilish, devious, devise, deviser, devoid, devotee, dext(e)rous, di-, dia-, diabetes, diagnosis, diagonal, diagram, dial, dialect, dialog(ue), dialogue, diameter, dicere, dict-, dictate, dictation, dictator, diction, diction, dictionary, die, dif-, differ, difference, different, difficult, difficulty, difficulty, diffidence, diffident, diffuse, diffusive, digit, dignity, digress, digression, diligence, diminish, dimness, ding-a-ling, ding-dong, direct, direction, directive, directory, dis, dis-, dis-, disappear, disappoint, disappointing, disappointment, disapprove, disarm, disarmament, disaster, discard, discard, discern, discernible, discerning, discernment, discharge, disciple, disclose, disclosure, disconnect, discontinue, discord, discord, discordant, discount, discount sale, discountenance, discourage, discourage, discouraging, discourse, discover, discover, discovery, discovery, discreet, discreetly, discrete, discretion, discriminate, discriminate, discrimination, discrimination, discursive, disease, disfrock, dishearten, dishonest, dishonor, disinclination, disincline, disinter, disinterested, disinterested, dismal, dismay, dismember, dismiss, dismiss, dismissal, dismount, dismount, disorder, disorder, disparity, disparity, dispassion, dispatch, dispel, displace, displacement, displeasure, displeasure, disport, disposal, disposal, dispose, disposition, disproof, disprove, disprove, dispute, disregard, dissatisfaction, dissatisfy, dissatisfy, dissect, disseminate, dissent, dissent, dissertation, dissimilation, dissolve, dissonance, dissuade, distance, distance, distant, distemper, distil, distinct, distinction, distinction, distinctive, distinguish, distort, distorted vision, distract, distract, distracted, distraction, distribute, distribute, distribution, distributive, distributor, district, distrust, disturb, disturb, disturbance, diurnal, diverse, diverse, diversion, diversity, diversity, divest, divide, divided, dividend, dividers, Divina Commedia( Divine Comedy), by Dante, divine, divine, divinity, divisible, division, division, divisional, divorce, divorce, dizzy, DM, do, dobloon, doc, doc, docile, doctor, doctorate, doctrinaire, doctrinal, doctrine, doctorship, documentary, Dodge, dog-ear, doggie fashion , doggy, dog-in-the-manger, dol, doleful, dolly, dolorous, dom, domain, dome, domestic, domestic engineer, domesticate, domicile, dominance, dominant, dominate, domineer, Domini, dominion, domino, don -- doff, donate, donatee, donation, donee, donor, dore, dormant, dormitory, dose, dot, dotard, double, double, double bed, doubt, douze, dowager, downfall, downpour, dowry, dox, dozen, dragon, dragonfly, dragoon, draw, draw forth, drawback, drawback, drawbridge, drawers, drawing room, drawing-room, dreambox, drift, drinkable, drive, drivein, drought, drunkard, dual, duality, duce, duchess, duckling, duct, duct, due, due to, duel, duel, duelist, duet, dullard, duly, duly, dumbfound, dumbfound, duo, dutiable, dutiful, duty, dwell, dynamic, dysentery,
E e, e-, each, EAGLE 810, early, early bird, earphone, earth dog, earthly, eatable, eatables, eavesdropper, ec, ec-, eccentric, eccentricity, eclipse, economic, economical, economically, economist, ecstasy, Ecuador, ed, edible, edict, edifice, Edinburgh, edit, edition, edition deluxe, editor, editorial, educable, educate, education, ee, -ee, eer, -eer, efface, effective, effectual, efficiency, efficiency, efficiency, efficient, effort, effuse, effusion, ego, ego-centric, egoism, egoism, egoist, egoist, egoistic, egotism, egotist, egotist, egotistic, egress, ejaculate, eject, eject, ejection, -el, elaborate, elaborate, elate, elect, election, electioneer, electric meter, electrocute, elegance, elegant, elephantiasis, elevate, elevation, elevator, elevator, eliminate, elongate, elsewhere, elude, elusion, elusive, em, 'em, em-, emancipate, emancipation, embargo, embargo, embark, embarrass, embarrass, embassy, embellishment, embitter, emblem, embody, embolden, embrace, embus, emerge, emigrate, eminent, emissary, emit, emotion, emotion, emotional, emperor, emphasize, employ, employee, emporium, empower, emulate, en, -en, en-, en-, enable, enamor, enamour, encamp, enchant, enchant, enchantment, enchantment, enchantment, encircle, encircle, encirclement, enclose, enclose, enclosure, encompass, encounter, encourage, encouragement, encyclopedia, encyclopedic, endanger, endear, endeavor, endemic, endless, endow, endowment, endurance, endways, enemy, enfold, enforce, engender, engineer, enjoy, enlarge, enlighten, enquete, enquire, enrich, enshrine, enslave, ensnare, ensure, -ent, enteritis, enterprise, enterprise, entertain, entertainer, entertaining, enthusiasm, enthusiast, entice, entitle, entomology, entrust, entry, entwine, enumerate, enumeration, enviable, enviable, enviable possession, envious, envious glance, envoy, envy, eonism, epidemic, epigram, epigrammatic, epilepsy, epilog(ue), epilogue, episode, epistle, Epistle to the Romans( New Testament), Epistles, epistolary, ept, equal, equality, equation, equator, equidistant, equilibrium, equinox, equipment, equity, equivalent, equivocal, equivocal, -er, -er, eradicate, erect, erection, erotic, -erotic, eroticism, eroticism, erotism, erotomania, error, erupt, eruptive, -ery, -(e)ry, escent, Esperanto, espionage, -esque, -ess, essayist, esse, esse quam videri, essence, essential, essentiality, establish, establish, -et, eternal triangle, eternity, etiquette, -ette, etymology, eulogy, euphony, evacuate, evacuate, evacuee, evacuee, evade, evanesce, evanescence, evanescent, evasion, evasive, event, eventual, eventuality, eventually, evidence, evoke, evolution, evolve, ex-, exactitude, exalt, exaltation, exam, examination, examine, examinee, examiner, ex-boyfriend, excavate, excavation, exceed, excel, excellence, excellency, excellent, except, exceptionable, excerpt, excess, excitable, excite, excitement, exciting, exclaim, exclamation, exclamation mark( !), exclamatory, exclamatory sentence, exclude, exclusion, exclusive, exclusively, exclusivism, excrescence, excrescence, excrete, excruciate, excursion, execute, execution, executioner, executive, executrix, exert, exertion, ex-frame, exhale, exhibit, exhibition, exhort, exhortation, exhumation, exhume, ex-husband, exigere, exist, existence, existent, existential, existentialism, exit, exit, Exodus, exodus, Exodus, exorbitant, expatriate, expatriation, expect, expedite, expedition, expel, expiration, expiration date, expiratory, expire, explicable, explicit, exploit, export, export, export & import, exportation, exporter, expose, expose, exposition, exposure, ex-premier, express, express, expression, expressive, expulsion, exquisite, ex-star, extant, extemporaneous, extemporaneous speech, extempore, extend, extension, extension, extension ladder, extensive, extent, exterior, extinct, extinguish, extinguisher, extol, extort, extortion, extra, extra-, extract, extraction, extraction of tooth, extracurriculum, extraneous, extraordinarily, extraordinary, extraordinary, extraterritorial, extraterritoriality, extravagant, extremist, exult, exult, exultation, eyeopener,
F F.B.I., F.M., fa, Fabian society, fable, fabric, fabricate, fabrication, fabulist, fabulous, facade, face, face-ache, face-saving, facet, facetious, facial, facile, facilitate, facility, facsimile, facsimile, faction, factitious, factory, factory, factory, factory, faculty, fadein, fadeless, fadeout, fag, fail, failure, failure, fairness, faith, faithful, faithfully, fallacious, fallacy, fallible, fallout, false, false, falsehood, falsehood, fame, famed, famous, famousness, fancier, far, farad, faraway, fare, farewell, Farewell to Arms, far-fetched, far-flung, fascinate, fashion, fashionable, fashionmonger, fast, fatal, fatalism, fatalist, fate, fatherland, fatling, fatty, fault, faultfinding, faultfinding, faulty, favorable, fear, fearless, feat, featly, features, featureless, fect, fee-faw-fum, feeler, feeling, feit, felicitate, fellowship, felon, female genitals, female-hormone, FEN, fence, fenceless, fencing, fend, fender, fer, ferocious, ferre, ferre, ferro-nickle, ferry, fertile -- sterile, fertilize, fervor, fervour, fess, fess, festoon, fetishism, feverish, fiber, fibla, fiction, fictitious, fiddle-de-dee, fiddle-fadale, fiddlesticks, fidelity, field of view, fil, filament, filaria, file, filigree, filing saucer, filte, filth, final, finale, finally, finance, financial, fine, fine arts, finery, finesse, finger, finical, finish, finished, finishing, finite, fire, firearms, firefly, fireman, fireplace, fireproof, fireproof building, fireside, firewall, firework, firing, firm, firm, firmament, firmly, firmness, fishmonger, fit, fix, fixation, fixed, fixedly, fixity, fixture, fizz, flagon, flame, flannel, flash, flatling, flattery, flea market, flex, flex, flexibility, flexible, flexible, flexion, flexure, flicker, flirt, flitter, float, flood, floral, Florence, Florence, florescence, floriculture, floriculture, florid, Florida, flour, flourish, flower, floweret, flowery, flu, flue, fluctuation, fluence, fluency, fluent, fluid, fluidity, fluorescent lamp/ light/ tube, flurry, flush, flush, flutter, flux, flux, focus, fog, foil, fold, foliage, foliage, foliar, foliate, foliate, fool, for instance, force, force, forceful, Ford, fore, fore-, foreground, forehead, foresight, foretell, forgery, forget, forgetful, forget-me-not, form, formal, formal, formalism, formalist, formality, formalize, formation, formula, formulate, fort, fort, forte, forthcoming, fortification, fortify, fortitude, fortress, fortress, fortuity, fortunate, fortunate, fortunately, fortune, Fortune, fortune-hunter, fortune-teller, fortune-telling, founder, founding, foundry, fountain, four o'clock, fox sleep, foxglove, foyer, fract, fraction, fractional, fracto, fracture, frag, fragile, fragility, fragment, fragmentary, frail, frail, frailty, Frailty, thy name is woman. --" Hamlet", fratricide, fraudulent, free, frequency, Friday, friendly, friendship, frigid -- torrid, frizzle, frock, front, front line, frontier, frontispiece, fructify, fruit, fruiterer, fruitful, fruition, fruitless, fuel, fuel, fugitive, ful, -full, full of words, full suit, full-term, fulsome, funeral, furnace, furnish, furniture, furtherance, fuse, fusee, fusion, futile, futility, futurity, fy, -fy,
G G men, G pen, G ship, G.H.Q., gaga, gall, gamester, gangster, garment, gas, gas meter, gasometer, gastritis, gather, gee, -gee, gene, genealogy, general, generate, generation, generator, generosity, generous, genetics, genial, geniality, genius, genteel, genteelism, gentility, gentleman, gentlemanlike, gentlemanly, gentleness, gentry, genuine, genus, geocentric, geology, geometry, get-at-able, get-at-ableness, gift, giga, gigantic, girder, girder, giving relief, glamo(u)r, glamorous, glitter, globe, globule, gloomy, glorious, glove, glow, glowing, gn, gno, go awry, gobetween, God, God, godchild, godfather, God-forsaken, godhood, godless, godlike, godliness, godly, godsend, godsend, godspeed, go-go, -gon, gondolier, gong, good-for-nothing, good-humored, good-natured, goodness, Goodness!, goody-goody, gorgeous, gosling, gospel, gossip, gossiper, gossipmonger, grace, gracious, gradation, grade, gradual, gradually, graduate, gradus, gram, grammar, grammarian, hrammatical, gramophone, gramophone, granary, grandeur, grant, grantable, granule, graph, graph, graphic, graphy, grat, grateful, gratify, gratis, gratitude, gratuitous, grave, grave, graveness, gravid, gravitation, gravity, gravure, grayling, greasy, greedy, greedy dog( Aesop's fables), grief, grievance, grieve, grievous, grindstone, grocery, grotesque, grotto, grounder, grounder, groundling, grow, grownup, growth, growth, gruesome, grumble, grumble, guile, guileless, guillotine -- Guillotin( inventor, French doctor), guinea pig, guinea pig, gurgle, guy -- Guy Fawkes, gym, gymnast, gymnastics,
H habit, habit, habit, habitable, habitable, habitation, habitual, haggard, hail-fellow-well-met, hale, hallucination, Hamburg, hamburger, hamburger, hamburger, Hamlet, hamlet, hammer, handkerchief, handsome, hanky, hap, haphazard, happen, happening, happily, happiness, happycoat, happy-go-lucky, hard-core, hardly, hardship, harlot, harmful, harpoon, Harrie, Harry, hatchet, haughty, have a full program, H-bomb, He is a doctor by profession., head, -head, headlong, headlong, heal, health, hear, hearken, hearsay, heart, heartache, heartbeat, heartbreak, hearteasing, hearted, hearten, heartfelt, heartless, heartwhole, Heaven, heavenly, hector, hegemony, hei, heigh-ho, height, helianthus, helicopter, helicopter, heliocentric, heliograph, helioscope, heliotrope, helium, hell, Hellenism, helot, Hemingway, hereafter, Hermes(G), hermit, heroism, herz, hesitate, hesitation, heterogeneous, heterography, heteromorphism, heteronym, heterosexual, hex, hi-fi, hi-fi bug, high, highball, highbrow, highland, highlander, highlight, Highness, high-octane, high-spirited, high-teen, highway, highwayman, hilarity, hillock, hinder, hippocampus, hippodrome, hippogriff, hippopotamus, hippos(G), hirarious, historical, hitchhiker, hocus-pocus, hoity-toity, hokey-pokey, holdup, Holland, hollow, homage, homeless, homely, homely, homer, homespun, homestead, homestretch, homeward voyage, homeward(s), homey, homicide, homo, homo, Homo sapiens, homogeneous, homogeneous -- heterogeneous, homogenize, homonym, homonym, homosexual, hon, Honest John, honesty, honesty, honk, hoo-choo, -hood, horrible, horror, horticulture, hospice, hostess, hostile, hostility, hotel, Hottentot, hour(s)-long, hourly, how-do-you-do, hubba-hubba, hugger-mugger, hum, human, humane, humanist, humanistic, humanitarian, humanitarianism, humanities, humanity, humanity, humankind, humble, humid, humidity, humiliate, humiliating, humiliation, humility, humility, humor, humorless, humorous, humorsome, humourous, humpty-dumpty, humus, hurrah, hush, hush-hush, hustle, huzza, hyacinth, Hyde, hydra, hydrangea, hydrant, hydrogen, hydrogen, hydrophobia, hydroplane, hymen, hyper-, hyperbole, hypercritical, hypersonic, hyphen, hypnosis, hypnotism, hypo, hypochondria, hypocrite, hypodermic, hypophysis, hypothesis, hypothesis,
I I can't afford a Ford., I swear, -ia, -ial, -ian, -ible, -ible, IBM, ic, ic, -ic, Icarian, -ice, icicle, iconoclacy, iconoclast, icy, icy, ID Card, ideologist, idiot, idolatry, ie, ie, -ie, -ier, -iff, ignoble, ignominious, ignominy, ignorance, ignorant, ignorant, ignore, il-, ill-, ill( well)-mannered, ill-being, ill-bred, illegal, ill-humored, ill-humored, illiterate, ill-natured, illogical, illogical, illumination, illusion, illusion, illusionary, illusive, illusive, illusory, ill-wisher, im-, imitative, immediate, immediately, immemorial, immense, immerse, immoderate, immodest, immoral, immortal, immortality, immortalize, impart, impartial, impassable, impasse, impede, impediment, impel, imperceptible, imperfect, impertinent, impervious, implement, implicate, implication, implicit, implied, imply, import, import, importance, important, important, impose, imposing, impossible, impossible, impress, impress, impression, impressionable, impressionism, impressionist, impressive, imprison, imprisonment, improbable, improper, improve, improvement, improvement, impulse, impulse of passion, impulsive, in, in, in-, in high spirits, in low spirits, in opposition, in spite of, in vain, In vino veritas., inability, inaccurate, inactivity, inadvertency, inalienable, inalterable, inanimate, inapplicable, inaudible, inaugurate, inauspicious, incantation, incantation, incapable, incarnate, incarnation, incentive, inception, incidence, incident, incise, incision, incite, incitement, inclination, incline, include, including, inclusion, inclusion, inclusive, incognito, incoherence, incoherency, incoherent, income, incomparable, inconsistency, inconsistent, inconstancy, inconstant, inconstant lover, incorporate, incorporation, increase, increase -- decrease, incredible, incur, incurable, incurrence, indebted, indecent, indecent, indecisive, indent, indentation, indented, indention, indenture, indescribable, indict, indifferent, indifferent, indirect, indirect, indiscreet, individual, individualism, individualistic, individuality, indivisible, indoor, induce, induce, induction, industrial, industrialize, industrious, industry, inept, ineptitude, inessential, inevitable, infallible, infamy, infancy, infancy, infant, infanticide, infantile, infantine, infantry, infantryman, infect, infection, infer, inference, infidel, infidelity, infinite, infinitive, infirm, infirm, infirmary, infirmity, infix, inflammation, inflect, inflexible, inflexion, influence, influential, influenza, inform, inform, informal, information, informer, infuse, infusion, ing, ingredient, ingress, inhabitant, inhale, inharmonious, inhibit, inhibition, inhume, initial, initiate, initiative, inject, injection, injustice, inlay, innate, innocence, innocent, innovation, innumerable, inoculate, inoculation, inordinate, inquire, inquire, inquisitive, insane, insatiable, inscribe, inscription, insect, insensibility, insensible, insert, insertion, insignificant, insist, insistence, insistent, inspect, inspection, inspector, inspiration, inspire, install, instamatic, instance, instance, instant, instant, instantaneous, instantaneous death, instantly, instigate, instigation, instinct, instinctive, institute, institution, institutor, instruct, instruction, instructor, instrument, instrumentalist, insular, insularity, insulate, insult, insupportable, insurance, insure, intact, intangible, integral, integrate, integration, integrity, intellect, intellectual, intelligence, intelligence, intelligent, intelligentsia, intelligentzia, intelligible, intemperance, intemperate, intend, intensify, intention, inter-, intercept, interception, intercession, interchange, intercourse, interdependence, interdict, interdiction, interest, interested, interesting, interfere, interference, interflow, interfuse, interfuse, inter-high school, interim regime, interim-regime, interjection, interlace, interlude, intermarriage, intermediate, intermedium, intermingle, intermission, intermit, intermittent, internal, international, interne, interphone, interpret, interpretation, interpreter, interrogation mark, interrupt, interruption, intersect, intersection, intervene, intervene, intervention, interview, intoxication, intro-, introduce, introduce, introduction, introduction, introduction, introductory, introspect, introspect, intuit, intuition, intuitive, invade, invalid, invaluable, invasion, invent, invention, inventive, inventor, inventor, inventory, inversion, invert, invest, investiture, investment, investment, investor, inveteracy, inveterate, invigorate, invigorate, Invincible Armada, invisible, invitation, invocation, invoice, invoice, involuntary, involuntary muscle/ manslaughter, involve, involvement, ion, ion, -ion, -ior, ir-, iris, Irish, irksome, ironmonger, irregular, irrelevant, irresponsible, irresponsible, irrevocable, irritate, -ise, -ise, -ish, -ish, -ish, island, islet, ism, ism, -ism, isolate, issuance, issue, ist, -ist, -ite, iteration, iteration, itinerant, -itis, -ive, -ive, ize, -ize,
J Jack, Jack-in-the-box, jack-of-all-trades, jack-o'-lantern, Jaguar, jailbird, japan, jazz-crazy, jealousy, ject, Jekyll, Jenny, Jesus, jet, jetplane, jetty, Jimie, Jimy, jingle, jitterbug, jocose, jocular, jocular, jocund, John, Johnny-on-the-spot, joint, joker, jokester, journ, journal, journalese, journalism, journey, Jove, jovial, joy, joyful, joyous, juggler, Julian calendar, Julius, July, Juno, Jupiter, jurisdiction, justice, justify,
K kernel, kharfes, killjoy, kilo-, kiloampere, kilocycle, kilogram, kilometer, kilometer, kilowatt, -kin, kindly, kindness, kiss-me-quick, kitchenette, knighthood, know, knowable, know-all, know-how, knowing, knowledge, knowledge-box, konnen,
L L, La donna e mobile, label, labial, labial letters, labiate, labor, labor union, laboratory, laborer, laborious, labor-saving, labour, Labourite, lactate, laddie, Lady, lambkin, lampoon, Lancashire, Lancashire, landscape, language, lassie, latitude, latitude, latry, -latry, laughable, lavation, law, law enforcement, lawn -- Laon( France), lazybones, -le, leaflet, lean, leastways, leatherette, leave intact, leaven, lecture, lecturer, leeward, left-handed, leg, legal, legend, legible, leisurely, length, length, lengthen, lengthwise, lengthy, Leningrad, -lent, Lesbian, less, -less, lessee, let, let, -let, letter, lettering, Levant, lever, levis, levity, Lewis Carrol, liar, liberalism, library, lide, lie like a gas meter, lier, lieutenant, light, likelihood, likewise, lily, limen, Lincoln, line, linea, lineal, lineament, linear, linen, liner, line-up, -ling, -ling, linger, lingo, lingual, Linguaphone, linguist, linguister, linguistic(al), linguistics, lining, lioness, LIONS Club, lion's share, lion's skin, lip, lip-read, lipstick, liquefy, liqueur, listen, listener, listing-in, literacy, literal, literary, literate, literature, litho, lithography, litter, littera, litterature, living, Lizzie, Lizzy, lockout, locomotives, log-, logic, logical, logistics, logo, logy, lonesome, long, -long, longa, longdistance, longevity, longhand, longing, longitude, longitude -- latitude, long-run, long-standing, long-standing promise, look after, lookout, Lor, lordling, lordship, lousy, lovable, Love me tender., love triangle , loveliness, lovely, low, low-spirited, low-teen, loyal, loyalty, lozenge, LP, luck, luckily, luckless, lude, ludere, ludicrous, luggage, lumin-, luminaire, luminary, luminous, luminous, lunar, lunatic, luncheon, lung, lunper, luxuriate, luxurious, ly, -ly, -ly, lynch,
M M.C., m.k.s., macaroon, mackintosh, macon, macro, macrocosm, macrograph, macron, macrophysics, macroscopic, macruran, macula, maculate, mad, madam, mademoiselle, Madonna, maggot, Maggy, Magna Carta, magnanimity, magnanimous, magnanimous, magnate, magnet -- Magnesic( now Manisa) (Turkey), magnificent, magnify, magnitude, magnolia, maiden, maidenhair, maidenhead, main, mainly, maintain, maintenance, majesty, Majesty, majolica -- Majorica( Spain), major, major, major, majority, majority -- minority, make, make firm, mal-, malaria, male, malediction, malefactor, maleficent, malevolent, malformation, malice, malicious, malignant, malignant, malnutrition, maltreat, mammy, man, man of letters, manacle, manage, manage, manageable, management, manager, managing, mandate, mandatory, mandolin, manhood, mani, mania, mania, mania , manicure, manifest, manifestation, manifesto, manipulate, manipulation, manipulator, manly, manly, manner, mannerism, mannerism, manneristic, manoeuver, manoeuvere, man-of-war, manual, manufacture, manure, manuscript, marchioness, marguerite, mari, marine, marketable, marriage, marriageable, marry, marry, martial, Martian, marxist, masculine -- feminine, master, mastery, materialist, maternal, maternity, matricide, matron, matter-of-fact, matter-of-factness, maxim, maximum, maximum -- minimum, mayor, mayor, mayority, mean, meander, meaning, means of subsistence, meantime, meanwhile, measles, med, medalist, meddlesome, medi(a)eval, mediate, mediator, medievalism, mediocre, mediocrity, Mediterranean, mega, megalo, megalopolis, megaphone, melan, melancholy, Melanesia, melanin, melanoid, melanosis, membership, memento, memo, memoirs, memorable, memorandum, memo random, memorial, memorization, memorize, memory, Men are for an immortal life., mena, meningitis, menopause, Mens sana in corpore sano., mense, menses, menstruation, -ment, mental, mentality, mention, mention, menu, mercantile, merchandise, merchant, Merchant of Death, merchantman, mercury, Mercury(L), meridian, merriment, merse, mesdames, mess, message, message, messenger, meteorology, meter, metre, metric, metrical, metrics, metro, metronome, metropolis, metropolis, metropolitan, metry, -metry, Mica, mica, parva stella(L), micro, micro, microanalysis, microbe, microbiology, microbus, microcard, microchronometer, micrococcus, microcopy, microfilm, micrograph, micrology, micrometer, micrometer, micron, Micronesia, microphone, microphone, microphone, microscope, microscopic, microwave, midday, middle, middlebrow, middle-class, middleman, middleweight, middling, midland, midriff, midshipman, Midsummer Night's Dream( Shakespeare), midway, midwife, mighty, mighty, mike, mileage, milli-, millibar, milliliter, million, million, millionaire, millionaire, millionairess, millipascal, millipede, millwright, mimeo, mimeograph, mind, minded, mindful, mind's eye, mini, mini-car, minimize, minimum, mini-skirt, minister, minister, ministry, minor, minor, minority, mint, minu, minus, minus, minute, miracle, mirth, mis-, misadventure, misanthrope, misanthropic, misapplication, misapprehended, misbehave, miscalculate, mischief, mis-chief, mischievous, misfashion, misfit, misfortune, misfortune, misgiving(s), misguide, mishap, misjudge, mislay, misleading, miso-, misogamy, misogynist, misology, misoneism, misprint, misread, misshape, missile, mission, missionary, missionary, misspell, mistake, mistake, mistrust, misunderstand, misuse, mixture, mnemonic, Mnemosyne, mnemotechnics, moan, mob, mob, mob, mobile, mobile, mobility, mobilization, mobilize, mobocratic, mockery, mod, mode, model, model, moderate, moderation, moderator, modern, modernism, modernist, modernity, modest, Modestine (Stevenson), modesty, modesty, modification, modifier, modify, modify, modish, modiste, modulate, modulation, module, modulo, modulo, mold, molecule, mon, monarch, monarchism, monarchy, Monday, money, moneyless, monger, monk, mono, monocle, monocle, monogamy, monolog(ue), monologue, monomania, monopolist, monopoly, monorail, monotheism, monotony, mons, -mony, morgue, moribund, morning glory, morphine, mortal, mortal, mortality, mortem, mortgage, mortician, mortification, mortify, mortuary, mot, motel, mother, mother tongue, motion, motivate, motivation, motive, motive, motor, motor, motorbike, motorcycle, motorist, motorist, motorist, motorization, mould, mount, mount, mountain, mountain, mountaineer, mountebank, mourn, mouse, mousetrap, mouthpiece, movable, movable, move, movement, movie, movie bug, Mr. Know-all, Mt., multi, multicolored, multiform, multiple, multiple choice, multiplication, multiplication, multiplication table, multiplicity, multiply, mumbo-jumbo, murderess, muscle, muscular, musketoon, muslin -- Mosul( Iraq), mustache, mustaches, Mustang, mut, mutinous, mutiny, mutter, mutton, muttonburger, muttonchop, muu-muu, My eye, My God!, My!, mystify, myth, mythology,
N nacien regime, ancien regime, name, namecalling, nameless, nanny-goat, napkin, Naples, Napolitan, narcissist , narcissistic, narcissus, nasal, nasalize, nasci, Nashville, nation, national, national, nationalism, nationalist, nationality, nationalization, nationalize, native, NATO, natural, natural science, naturalism, naturalist, naturalize, nature, naught, naughty, navel, navel orange, navigate, navigate, navis, nay, ne-, nearly, nearsightedness, ne'er, ne'er-do-well, neg-, negate, negative, neglect, negligent, negligible, neighborhood, neither, neo, neoclassic, neolithic, neologism, neon, -ness, neuter, neutral, neutrality, New York, newsmonger, Newton, n-gon, niggard, nightfall, nightgame, no, no, no discrimination, nobility, noble, nocere, noct, nocturnal, nocturnal pollution, nocturne, nodule, noisy, nomenclature, nominal, nominate, nomination, nominative, nominator, nominee, nomos, non-, nonchalant, non-combatant, nondescript, nondiscrimination, non-essential, nonfiction, nonsense, nonsense, nonsensical, nonstop, norama, norm, nose, nostril, not drink, nota, notable, notation, note, nothing, notice, notice, notification, notify, notoriety, notorious, nourish, nourishment, novel, novelette, novelist, novelty, November, Novgorod, novice, novitiate, nox, nudist, null & void, numb, number, numberless, numerable, numeral, numeration, numerical, numero, numerous, nun, nunnery, nutty,
O -o(u)r, obedience, object, objection, objectionable, objective, obliterate, obliteratio, oblong, oblong, observant, observation, observatory, observatory, observe, obsess, obsession, obtain, obtainable, obvious, occasion, Occident, occult, occultation, occultism, occupancy, occupant, occupation, occupation, occupy, occur, occurrence, ochlocracy, ochlocrat, -ock, octal, octave, octo, October, octopus, octoroon, ocul-, oculist, Od, oddity, odometer, of all sort, Of Human Bondage( by Somerset Maugham), offence, offenceless, offend, offender, offending, offensive, offer, offering, office, official, offset, offspring, oid, old-fashioned, Oldsmobile, oldster, olig, oligarch, Olympiad, Olympic, omen, omen, omission, omit, omni-, omnibus, omnibus, omnifarious, omniferous, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience, omniscient, omnivorous, on, -on, onanism, onanist, once, one's ostensive purpose, onion, onomancy, onrush, onym, onymous, oon, -oon, operative, opinion, opp., opportunist, opportunist, oppose, opposite, opposite, opposition, opportune, opportunist, opportunity, oppress, oppression, oppressive, opsis, optimist -- pessimist, or, or, -or, or-, oracle, oral, oral intercourse, oration, orator, oratori(c)al, oratorio, oratory, orb, orbit, orchid, ordain, order, order, orderly, ordinal, ordinance, ordinary, ordo, organism, organize, orientation, origin, ornament, orphanage, ortho, orthodox, orthodox -- heterodox, Orthodoxy is my doxy, heterodoxy is another man's doxy., orthoepy, orthography, -ory, os, os, os-, osculate, osis, osis, osis, osseous, ossicle, ossify, ossuary, ostensible, ostentation, ostentatious, ostentatious, osteology, -ot, otherwise, ouch, ouch, ound, -our, ous, -ous, out, out-, out of the common, outbreak, outcome, outgo, outlaw, outlook, outnumber, out-of-date, outrun, outset, outshine, outskirt, outstand, outstanding, outweigh, oval, over, overcharge, overdure, overt, overthrow, overture, owe, owing, ox, Oxford, oxygen,
P p.m., P.P.S., pac, pace, pacemaker, pacemaking, pacer, pacific, pacificate, pacifist, pacify, package, Packard, packet, pact, paddock, painter, pale, pan-, Pan-American, Panasonic, pan-chromatic, pander -- Pandarus ( who intervened with Troilus and Cressida), pane, panoply, panorama, pansy, Pantheon, pantomime, pantry, paper, paperback, paperweight, papery, papyrus, par, para, paradox, paradox, paragraph, parallel, paramount, parasol, pardon, parentless, parity, parity, Parnassian, parrot, parson, parsonage, parsonage, part, part, part with dry lips, partake, partial, partiality, participant, participant, participate, participation, participle, particle, particle, particular, particularity, partisan, partition, partner, partnership, pass, passable, passage, passage, passageway, passenger, passer-by, passing, passionate, passive, passport, passport, password, past, pastime, pastor, paternal, paternoster, patience, patient, patriarch, patriarchy, patricide, patricide, patrimony, patriot, patriot, patriotism, patrol car, patron, patronage, patronize, patter, pattern, pause, pax, Pax Romana, pay, payday, payee, payment, payroll, peaceful, peace-maker, peachling, peahen, pebble, ped, pedal, pedantry, peddler, pedestal, pedestrian, pedicab, pedicure, pedigree, pedlar, pedometer, peer, peerage, pell, pellere, pencil, pendant, peninsula, peninsular, penis, penis, penniless, Pennsylvania, pent(a), pentad, Pentagon, pentagram, pentathlon, Pentium, peony, people, pepper caster, per cent, perceive, percentage, perception, perennial, perfect, perfection, perform, performance, performer, perhaps, perhaps, peri-, perigee, period, periodical, Peripatetic, peripheral, periscope, perish, perishable, permit, permit, perricide :false in i122, parricide :true, persecute, persist, persistence, persistence, persistent, persistent, person, persona, personage, personal, personality, personnel, perspective, perspiration, perspiratory, perspire, persuade, pertain, pertinence, perturb, pervade, pervasion, perverse, perversion, perversity, pervert, pestilence, pestilent, petrify, phil(e), philanthropy, philately, phile, philharmonic, philanthropic, philanthropy, philology, philosopher, philosophic, philosophical, philosophist, philosophize, philosophy, phlegmatic, phlegmy, phone, phone, phone, phonetic, phonetician, phonetics, phonogram, phonograph, phonograph, phonology, phoreus, photo, photo, photo, photo, photogenic, photograph, photograph, photographer, photographic, photography, photosensitive, physic, physical, physics, physiology, pianist, picaresque, pickpocketee, picture, picturesque, pig, pigeon-hole, piggy, pigsty, pigtail, pilgrimage, Pilgrim's Progress (Bunyan), pincette, ping-pong, pinnacle, pioneer, pistol -- Pistola( now Pistoja) (Italy), pit, pla, placable, placid, plaintiff, plaintiff -- defendant, plait, plane, planetarium, plantation, playgoer, playwright, ple, plea, plead, pleasant, please, pleasure, pledge, pleurisy, pli, plicare, plore, plural -- singular, plunk, plutocracy, plutodemocracy, plutolatry, ply, ply, pocket, pod, poignancy, poignant, point, point and point, point-blank, pointer, pointsman, poise, poison, poison, pol-, polar, polar, policeforce, policeman, policewoman, policy, polis, Polish, polish, political, political crisis, politician, politics, politics, polity, pollute, pollution, polly, polyphony, polytheism, pompous, ponere, Pontiac, pontoon, pooh-pooh, Popei, popular, popularity, popularization, popularize, populate, populous, por-, porch, porcupine, pork, porpoise, port, portable, portable radio, portal, portent, porter, portfolio, portico, portion, portly, portmanteau, portmanteau word, portrait, portrait, pos-, pose, positive, possess, possession, possible, possible, post, post-, postage, postal, posterior, posterity, postgraduate, posthumous, posticous, post-mortem, postmortem, postpone, postponement, post-postwar, postscript, postwar, potable, potamos(G), POW(Prisoner Of War), PR, practice, praise, prattle, pre, pre-, preach, preachify, precaution, precede, precedent, precept, precious, precipice, precise, precisely, preciseness, precisian, precision, preclude, preclusion, precocious, precursor, predator, predecessor, predicate, predict, prediction, predominance, predominant, pre-exist, prefab, prefabricated house, preface, preface, prefatory, prefect, prefectural, prefecture, prefecture, prefer, prefer, preferable, preference, prefix, prefix, pregnant, prehendere, prejudice, preliminary, prelude, premature, premise, premise, premium, premix, preoccupied, preoccupy, pre-Olympic, prepaid, prepare, preposition, preposterous, prescribe, prescription, presence, present, presentiment, presently, presently, preservation, preserve, preside, president, press, press conference, pressing, pressinterview, pressure, pressure, pressure group, presume, presuming, presumption, presuppose, pretend, pretension, pretention, preterite, pretext, pretty-pretty, prevail, prevalent, prevent, prevent, prevention, preventive, preview, preview, previous, previous, prewar, price, priceless, primrose, princeling, principle, pris, prison, prisoner, privacy, private, privation, prive, privy, prize, pro-, pro-American, prob, probability, probable, probably, probare, probe, proceed, proceeding, proceedings, process, procession, processionize, proclaim, proclamation, procrustean, procuration, procure, procurer, prod-, prodigal, prodigal, producer, product, production, production, productive, productivity, prof-, profane, profess, profess, profession, professional, professional, professor, professorial, professorship, proffer, proficient, profile, profit, profitable, profiteer, profuse, profusion, program, program, programmer, programming, progress, progression, progressive, prohibit, prohibition, project, projectile, projection, proletarian, proletarian, proletariate, prolog(ue), prolong, promenade, prominent, promise, promote, promotion, prompt, prompter, promptitude, proof, proofing, proofread, proofreader, propel, propellant, propellent, propeller, propelling, property, prophecy, prophesy, prophet, propitiate, proportion, proportion, proportionate, proposal, propose, proposition, propound, proprietary, proprietorial, propriety, prosecute, prospect, prostitute, prostitution, protean, protector, protest, protestant, Protestant, prototype, protraction, protraction of debate, prov, prove, proverb, proverbial, provide, providence, providential, providentially, provision, provocation, provoke, provoking, pro-wrestling, prudent, pseudo-, pseudo-classic, pseudomorph, pseudomyn, pseudonym, pshaw, psychosis, pub, pub crawler, public, public house, public school, publican, publication, publicity, publicize, publish, publish, publisher, pugilist, pugilist, pugnacious, pugnacity, pug-nosed, pugnus, pullover, pulsate, pulsation, pulse, punct, punctual, punctuality, punctuate, punctuation, puncture, pungent, pungere, punish, punishment, punkt, punster, puppy, pur-, purchase, purgatory, purplish, purport, purpose, purpose, pursue, pursue, pursuit, pusillanimity, pusillanimous, pusillus(L), put to sleep, putrefy, putty-putty,
Q Q.T., Q-boat, quack-quack, quadroon, quadruped, quaerere, quaint, quarantine, quarrel, quarry, quart, quarter, quarterly, quartet, quasi-, quasicholera, quasicorporation, query, quest, question, question mark, questionable, quick, quicken, quicksand, quicksilver, quietude, quintessence, quixotry, quiz, quizzical, quotient,
R rachitis, radar, RADAR, radi, radian, radiance, radiate, radiation, radiation sickness, radiative, radiator, radical, radicalism, radicalize, radicle, radii, radiant, radiant heater, radio, Radio City, radio photo, radioactive, radiocast, radish, radius, radius, radix, ragpicker, rail, rain cats and dogs, rainproof, rally, ranch, ransom, rarely, rayless, rayon, re, re-, react, reactionary, read, readable, reagal, realize, reason, reassure, rebel, rebel, rebellion, rebound, rebuff, rebuke, rec < reg, recalcitrant, recall, recapitulate, recede, receipt, receivable, receive, received, recent, reception, receptive, recess, recession, recessive, reciprocal, reciprocal, reciprocate, recital, recitation, recite, reckon, reclaim, recline, recline, recluse, recognition, recognizable, recognize, recoil, recollect, recollect, re-collect, recollection, recommence, recommencement, record, recourse, recover, recovery, recovery, recreate, re-create, recreation, re-creation, recreative, rect, rectangle, rectangular, rectify, rectilinear, rectitude, rector, recur, redeem, reduce, reduction, reduction, refer, referee, reference, refine, refinement, refinery, refinery, reflect, reflection, reflex, reflexive, reflux, reformation, reformer, refugee, refusal, refuse, refute, regard, regardless, regent, regere, regime, regime, regiment, regimentation, region, register, regular, regular, regular member, regulate, regulation, rehearsal, reign, reinforce, reinforcement, reject, rejection, rejoice, relative, relentless, relevant, reliability, relief, relieve, relievo, remainder, remarkably, remember, remembrance, remembrancer, remind, remind, reminder, reminiscence, reminiscent, remnant, remote-controller, removal, remove, ren-, Renaissance, render, render yourselves, rendezvous(Fr), rendition, renew, renewal, renovate, renovator, renown, renown, repatriate, repatriation, repeal, repealer, repel, repellent, repentance, repetition, replicate, reply, report, reportage, repose, repress, repress, repression, reprobate, reprobation, reproduce, reprove, republic, republican, republicanism, repulse, repulsion, repulsive, request, require, required subject, requisition, resent, resentful, reservation, reserve, reserved, reservoir, reside, resident, resign, resignedly, resist, resistance, resistant, resistible, resistless, resonance, resound, respect, respiration, respirator, respiratory, respiratory organs, respire, respond, respond, responsibility, responsible, responsive, restaurant, restless, restraint, restrictive, result, resultant, resultful, resume, resumption, retain, retainer, retention, retention, retort, retortion, retribution, retributive, retributory, retro-, retroflex, retrograde, retrogress, retrogression, retrospect, return, revel, revelry, revenue, revers, reversible, reversion, revert, review, revival, revival, revive, revive, revocation, revoke, revolt, revolting, revolution, revolutionary, revolve, revolver, rheumatism, Rheumatism is the worst of all isms., ridere(L/ Ita), right, ripple, ritual, rival, rivalry, river, riverside, Riviera, rivulet, -rix, roadside, robbery, rocket, roguery, roll, Rolls-Royce, romance gray, rondo, rosy prospect, rot, rot, rotary, Rotary Club, rotate, rotation, rotund, rotunda, rotundity, rouge, round, round O, roundel, rub, rubicund, rubricate, ruby, rumo(u)r, run aground, runaway, rupt, -rupt, rupture, rush, Russian, -(e)ry,
S S wrench, saccharify, saccharin, saccharine, sacrament, saddle, sadism, sadistic, safety, safety island, safety valve, sailor, saint, sakharon, sal, salad, salariat(e), salaried man, salary, salesman, saleswoman, salient, sally, salmon, saloon, salt, saltant, saltcellar, salty, sanatorium, sanctuary, sandwich, sane, sanguinary, sanguine, sanitarium, sapiens, sardine, sardine -- Sardinia bay/ gulf(?)( Italy), sat, Satan, satchel, sate, satiate, satiate, satiation, satiety, satire, satiric(al), satirical cartoon, satirist, satirize, satis, satisfaction, satisfaction, satisfactorily, satisfactory, satisfiable, satisfy, satisfy, satisfying, satur, saturant, saturate, saturation, saturation point, Saturday, Saturnalia, satyriasis, sauce, saucer, saucy, sausage, saviour, sawyer, saxophone, saxophonist, Say cheese!, scandal, scandalmonger, scandalous, -scape, scarlet fever, scend, scepticism, scheme, scholar, scholar, scholarly, scholarship, scholarship, scholastic, school, schooling, sci, science, scientific, scientifically, scientist, scissors, scope, scope, scribe, scribble, scribbler, scribe, scribere, script, scripter, scripture, se-, seafarer, seamless, seamless stocking, seascape, season, seasonable, seasonal, seat, seat-mate, SEATO, secare, seclude, seclusion, seclusive, secrecy, secret, secretariate, secretary, Secretary, secretary, secrete, sect, sectional, sectionalism, sector, secure, security, secut, sedan, sedan, sedate, sedentary, sedentary occupation, sedere, sedes, see dragon, See Naples and die., seed, seedy, see-saw, segment, segment, segmental, segmentation, segregate, segregation, self-, self-assertion, self-centered, self-conceit, self-confidence, self-conscious, self-contradiction, self-esteem, self-feeding, selfish, self-produced, self-respect, self-service, self-sufficient, semen, semicircle, semifinal, seminar, seminary, senior -- junior, sens, sensation, sensational, sense, sense of touch, senseless, sensible, sensitive, sensitivity, sensory, sensual, sensualism, sensualist, sensuality, sensuous, sensuous, sent, sentence, sententious, sentiment, sentimental, separate, sept-, September, septet, septimal, sequ, sequel, sequence, serf, sergeant, sergent ??, sericulture, series, seriesparallel, sermonize, sert, serv, servant, servant, server, service, service, serviceman, servile, servility, servitude, servitude, session, set, settee, setter, setting, settle, settlement, sex-, sex , sex akin to insect, sexcentenary, sexennial, sextet, SF, shabbiness, shameful, sharp-featured, she-crow, sheep, she-friend, sheriff, ship, -ship, -ship, shipwright, shire, shiver, shortage, shortcoming, shorthand, shortly, shortstop, showiness, showy, sibling, sickle, sickly, sideling, sidelong, sidelong, sidelong glance, sider, siege, sight, sight, sign, sign, signal, signature, signboard, significance, significant, signify, signum, silencer, silhouette, simil, similar, similarity, simile, simplify, simply, simulate, simultaneous, singular, sion, -sion, sist, sistere, sisterhood, sit, sitter, sizzle, skeptical, skepticism, skirt-chaser, slanguage, slantway, slash, slave, slavery, sleep factory ( slang, hotel), slender, slender, slide, slim, slip, slip-on, slit, sluggard, sly, smack, smog, smoke, sn-, snarl, sneer, sneeze, sneezebox, snicker, sniff, sniffle, snivel, snobbish, snobocracy, snook, snoot, snooty, snooze, snore, snort, snotty, snout, snowdrop, snub, snuff, snuffle, sober, sobriety, social climber, socialism, socialist, sodomy -- Sodom( ancient Phoenicia), sojourn, solar, soldier, solicit, solicitor, solicitous, solicitude, solitude, solstice, solstitial, solute, solvent, solvere, somber, sombrero, -some, son, -son, sonar, sonata, sonatina, songster, songstress, sonic, sonifer, soniferous, sonnet, sonnet, sonneteer, sonorama, sonority, sonorous, Sony, soprano, so-so, soundless, soundly, Southern Cross, southpaw, sovereign, Spaniard, spaniel -- Spain, sparkle, spatter, spec, specere, special, specialist, speciality, specialty, species, specimen, speckle, spect, spectacle, spectacular, spectare, spectator, specter, spector ??, speculate, speedboy, speedmeter, spellbound, spinach, spinster, spinsterhood, spir, spirit, spiritual, spiritualism, spiritus, spite, spiteful, spitoon ??, spittoon, splash, splatter, spond, spons, sponsor, sponsorship, spoon, sport, sportive, sportsmanship, sportswoman, spouse, spy, square, squash, SRAM, stabilire, stability, stable, staff, stag-party, stain, stainless, stake, stall, stammer, stance, stance, stand, standard, standardize, standby, standin, standing, standing army, stand-off, standoff, standoffish, standpoint, standpoint, standstill, standstill, stant, stargazer, star-spangled, stat, state, stately, statement, statement, stateroom, statesman, statesman, statesque ??, statuesque, static, station, stationary, stationer, stationery, statistics, statuette, stature, stature, status, status seeker, statute, stay-at-home, stellar, stem, stenograph, stenographer, stentorian, -ster, steward, stewardess, stick, sticker, stickpin, sticky, still, stimulant, stimulate, stimulation, stimulus, stinct, sting, sting, stingy, stinkard, stir up sensation, stitch, stitut, stool, stow, straight, stratum, stray, stray sheep, strength, strengthen, strenuous, strongbox, student, stupefy, su, sub, sub-, subalpine, subarctic, subcurrent, subdivide, subdue, subeditor, subject, subjection, subjective, sublieutenant, subliminal, sublunary, submarine, submit, submit, subordinate, subordination, subplot, subscribe, subscription, subside, subside, subsidiary, subsidiary, subsidiary company, subsidy, subsist, subsistence, substance, substance, substantial, substantial, substantially, substitute, subter-, subterranean, subterranean, subtitle, subtle, subtract, subtraction, subtraction, suburb, suburban, suburban, subway, subway, suc-, succeed, succeed, success, succession, succo(u)r, succumb, sucker, suckling, sud, sudden, sue, suffice, suffice, sufficiency, sufficient, sufficient, suffix, suffix, suffocate, suffuse, sugar, sugar-coat, sugary, sui, suicide, suitable, suitable, suite, suitor, sum, sum, summarize, summary, summing-up, summit, summon, summus, sumptuary, sumptuary law, sumptuous, sunburn, Sunday, sunder, sup, sup-, super-, superabundance, superadd, superannuate, superannuated, supercede, supercilious, superficial, superficial, superfluity, superfluous, superfluous, superintend, superior, superlative, superman, supersede, supersensitive, superstition, superstructure, supplant, supplies, supply, support, support, supporter, suppose, suppose, supposition, suppress, suppressed, suppressor, sur, sur-, sur-, surd, sure, surety, surface, surface, surmise, surmount, surmount, surpass, surprise, surrender, surrender, survival, survival, survive, sus-, susceptible, susceptible, Susie, suspect, suspend, suspension, suspicion, sustain, sustenance, swear, swear-words, Swedish, swell, symmetric(al), symmetry, sympathize, symphonic, symphony, synagogue, synonym,
T -t, T bandage, T shirt, table speech, tachometer, tact, tact, tactile, tag, tailor, tain, tain, tain, take, take together, talkative, talking round, tang, tangent, tangere( touch), tangible, tantalize, tartan -- Tartaros( Greece), Taunus, taxable, T-cloth, teachin, tec, teg, telecast, telegram, telephone, telephone directory, telephoto, teleview, telltale, temp, temper, temperament, temperance, temperate, temperature, tempered, tempest, tempestuous, temple, tempo, temporal, temporal, temporary, temporize, temporizer, tempt, temptation, tenacious, tenant, tend, tender, tendere, tenderheart, tenderhearted, tenderloin, tenderness, tenir, tennis, tension, tera, tercentenary, terra, terrace, terrain, terrestrial, terrier, territorial, territory, territory, testament, testari, testatrix, testify, testimony, tetra(G)-, tetracyclic, tetralogy, tetrapod, tetrarch, textbook, textile, texture, th, -th, the City, the devil, the Great Bear, the humanism, the Mediterranean See, The Origin of Species, the Pacific Ocean, the received view, the solar system, the Stars and Stripes, the Star-Spangled Banner, the United Kingdom, the United Nations, theft, thei, them, theme, theo, theocracy, theology, theology, thermometer, thermos, thesis, They lived happily ever after. ( It is well, it is well.), thigh, thimble, thin-lipped, thorny, thoroughfare, thoughtful, thousand, three, thrice, throttle, throw, thud, thumb, Thunderbird, Thursday, tick, ticket, tick-tack, tics, tide, tideway, tig, till, tillable, tillage, Time & tide wait for no man., time-honored, timely, time-out, timer, timetable, timid, tin, ting, tion, -tion, tireless, tissue, tissue-paper, title-itis, TKO, to, to some extent, To the arms, toilet, toilette, tom, tomboy, Tomie, Tomy, tongue twister, topple, tor, torch, torchlight, torment, tornado, tortoise, tortuous, torture, torturous, tot, totally, touchdown, touching, touch-me-not, touch-me-not-ishness, touchstone, touchy, touchy, tour, tourist class, townspeople, toxo, toxophilite, trachoma, tractor, trad-, trade, tradition, traduce, train, traitor, trans, trans, trans-, transact, transaction, transatlantic, transceiver, transcend, transcribe, transcription, transfer, transfer, transference, transfix, transfix, transform, transform, transformation, transformer, transformer, transfuse, transgress, transgression, transient, transient, transistor, transit, transit, transition, transitive, transitive, transitory, translate, translation, translucent, transmarine, transmission, transmit, transparent, transpire, transplant, transport, transpose, transship, transuranium, transverse, transvestism, trapezoid, tray, tre-, treason, tremor, trespass, trespass, trespasser, tri-, trial, triangle, tribal, tribal legend, tribe, tribunal, tribune, tribut, tributary, tribute, tribute, trickster, trifle, trifoliate, trigonometry, trinity, trio, triple, triple play, tripod, trivia, trivial, trivial, trivial, trombone, trouble, troubled, troubled water, troublesome, truly, trunk, trust, trustee, truth, T-square, tuber, tubercle, tuberclin ??, tuberculin, tuberculine ??, tuberculosis, tuberculosis, tude, tude, -tude, Tuesday, tuit, tuition, tulip, tumere, tumid, tumidity, turmor, tumour, tumult, tumultuous, tunnel, turb, turban, turbare, turbid, turbidity, turbine, turbo, turbulence, turbulent, turbulent, -(t)ure, turkey, turmoil, turn, turn, turn, turning, turning point, turnip, turnkey, turnover, turntable, tutelage, tutor, twelve, twice, twice, twice-married, Twinkle, twinkle, little star., twilight, twin, twin-bed, twirl, twist, twitter, two, two times, ty, ty, -ty, typette, typhoid, typhus, typically, typist, tyrant,
U U tube, U-boat, ude, ugliness, -ule, ultra-, ultramarine, ultramodern, ultranationalism, ultraviolet, umb, umber, umbrage, umbrageous, umbrella, un, un-, un-, unanimous, unanimously, unanswerable, unanswered, unbosom, unbutton, uncertain, unclean, unclear, unconcern, unconcerned, unconscious, uncover, uncritical, undated, undercharge, undergraduette, understand, underthrow, undo, undressed, unengaged, unequal, unfold, unforgettable, unfortunate, unhappiness, unhappy, uni, unicorn, unicycle, uniform, uniform, uniformity, unify, uninterested, uninterested, union, UNION JACK, unionist, unique, unison, unison, unit, unite, unite, unity, universe, university, unlearn, unprecedented, unsatisfactory, unsatisfactory answer, unsatisfied, unsay, unsightly, unsolicited, unspeakable, unspeakably, unstable, unthinkable, untie, untouchable, untruth, upbringing, uphold, upkeep, uplift, upset, upstart, up-to-date, up-to-dateness, upturn, urb, urban, urbane, urbanity, urbs, ure, ure, -(t)ure, urgency, usage, utility,
V V, va, vacancy, vacancy, vacant, vacant, vacant, vacantly, vacany, vacate, vacation, vacation, vacationer, vacationist, vacuity, vacuum, vademecum, vain, vainglorious, vainglory, valiance, valiancy, valiant, valid, validity, valor, valuable, value, valueless, valve, valvular, valvular disease, vanish, vanity, Vanity Fair, vanity of vanity, and all is vanity (Bible)., vantage, vanus, varnish, vate, vaunt, veal, vegetable, vehe, vehemence, vehement, vehement, vehi-, vehicle, vender, veneer, venerate, veneration, venereal, venereal disease, vent, vent, ventilate, ventilation, ventilator, venture, Venus(L), veracious, verb, verbal, verbalism, verbatim, verbatim translation, verbiage, verbose, verbosity, verdict, verdict, verification, verify, verisimilitude, veritable, veritas, verity, versatile, verse, verse, verse, -versy, vert, very, vessel, vest, vestment, vest-pocket, vet, veteran, Veteran's Day, vex, vey, via, Via crucis via lucis., via Siberia, viaduct, vicarage, vicuna, vid, video, video tape, videre, videre, view, viewpoint, vigo(u)r, vigor, vigorous, village, villager, villain, villain, vinery, violence, VIP, Virginia, vis, vis, visa, visage, viscountess, visible, visible, vision, visionary, visit, visitor, vista, Vista Vision, visual, vital, vitality, vitalization, vitalize, vitamin(e), vitaminosis, vitaphone, viva, viva voice, vivacious, vivacity, vive, Vive La France!, vivere, vivid, vividity, vivify, vivisection, vocabulary, vocal, vocal c(h)ords, vocalist, vocalize, vocare, vocation, vocation, vocational, vocational guidance, vociferous, voi, voice, void, void, void, vol, vol, volatile, volatility, volcanic, volcanic glass, volcano, Volcano Islands, volition, volitional, volo, Volo, non valeo., volt, volume, voluminous, voluntary, voluntary confession, volunteer, volunteer, voluptuary, vowel, vox, Vox populi, vox Dei. -i153-, Vox populi( Voice people) -i97-, voy, vrevis, Vulcan, vulcanite,
W W.C., wade, wag, waggonwright, wagon, waiting room, walkin, walkout, wane, want, wanting, wantless, wanton, wantonness, -ward, ware, warfare, warmth, warm-up, warrior, warship, wash, washout, what with A and what with B, waterfall, waterproof, water-tight, watt, wavelet, wax -- wane, way, wayfarer, waylay, wayside, wayward, weaker vessel, weal, wealth, wealthy, weather forecast, weave, weaver, web, web browser, webbed, Webster, Wednesday, weekly, weigh, weight, weighty, welcome, welfare, welfare, welfare, well, well-, well( ill)-mannered, well-being, well-being, well-bred, well-done, well-featured, well-informed, well-off, well-read, well-to-do, well-wisher, well-wisher, westward, what-d'ye-call-him, what-not, what-you--may-call-it, wheat, wheel, wheelwright, whichamacallit, whisky, whisper, white, white elephant, white shirt, whitish, whiz(z), whodunit, whole, whole, wholehearted, whole-length, wholesale, whooping cough, who's who, widow, widower, widowhood, widowpane, width, wild, wilderness, wildness, willful, Willie, willing, Willy, wind, windfall, windmill, window, windowshopping, windstorm, winsome, wisdom, wise, wise, -wise, wiseacre, wished-for, wishful, wisteria, wit, withdraw, withdrawal, withdrawal, witness, wizard, wolf in a lamb's skin, womanish, womanproof, word, wording, wordy, workout, world wide web, worldly, worship, worship, worsted -- Worsted of Norfolk( England), wr-, wrangle, wreath, wreckage, wrench, wretch, wriggle, wright, wring, wring, wrinkle, wrist, writhe, wrong, wrought, wry,
X X-legged, X-radiation, X-ray, xylophone, xylophonist,
Y y, -y, -y, -y, -y, Y branch, Y cartilage, Y cross, Y joint, yackety-yak, Yankee, Yankee, go home!, yearling, yearly, -yer, youngster, youth, Y-road,
Z zealot, zen, zigzag,

2. Greek Roots SamplesGOTO Append.3.(Latin blue List)BACK Appendices Top

---- Greek Prefix ----
a-, an- not, without Ex. amoral, anarthria
amphi- about, around, both Ex. amphibian, amphibolite
ana- up, against Ex. Eanapest, anasarca
anti- against, opposit Ex. antivivisection, antipodes
cata- down Ex. catacomb, catapult
dia-, di- across, through Ex. dialysis, dialect
epi- upon, over Ex. episode, epistle, epidemic, SARS=the Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
exo- outside, outer part Ex. exoteric, exostosis
eu- well EX. euphemism, euthanasia, eugegenics, Europe, Euphrates [yu:frEiti:z]
heteros- other Ex. heterodox, heterogeneous
homos- same Ex. homonym, homoiothermal
hyper- over, extremely Ex. hypergamy, hyperpnea
hypo- under, in smaller measure Ex. hypocrite, hypocaust
meta- after, over, between Ex. metaplasia, metathesis
para- beside Ex. parable, paradox
peri- around, about Ex. perimeter, periphery
poly- many, much Ex. polygamy, polyhedron, polyglot
pro- before Ex. procrastinate, projectile
syn-, sym-, syl-, sys- together, with, by means of Ex. syllable, synapsis, syncretism
---- Greek Suffix ----
-osis state, condition, action Ex. neurosis, psychosis
---- Greek Common Factor ----
acro tip, top, apex, pointed Ex. acropolis, acrophobia
agogos, agein to lead, to direct, to incite Ex. demagogue, pedagogic
agon, agonia struggle, contest Ex. antagonist, agony
agro, agros field, earth, soil Ex. agronomy, agrostology
algia pain Ex. neuralgia, diaphragmalgia
allo, allos other, departure from normal Ex. allopath, allogamy
andros, aner, anthropos man, stamen Ex. anthropomorphic, androsphinx
anemo, anemos wind Ex. anemometer, anemophilous
archaeo, archaios ancient, old, original Ex. archaeology, archeozoic
arch, archos chief, first, rule Ex. monarch, archipelago, archangel
aristo, aristos best Ex. aristocracy, aristocrat
astron, aster, astro star Ex. aster, astral
auto, autos self Ex. autoharp, autoimmune, autochthon
baro, baros pressure, weight Ex. barograph, barometer
barys heavy Ex. barium, hyperbaric
biblos, biblion book, of books Ex. bibliopole, bibliolatry
bios life, living things Ex. biocenosis, bionics, biopsy
caco bad, poor, evil Ex. cacophony, cacoethes
chiro, cheir hand Ex. chiromancy, chiropter
chroma, chromato color Ex. chromomere, chromoprotein
chrono, chronos time Ex. chronograph, chronicle
cosmos world, order Ex. cosmography, cosmic
cracy, crat type of government Ex. theocracy, bureaucrat
crypto hide Ex. cryptogam, cryptogenic
cyclos circular, wheel Ex. cyclothymia, cyclorama
deca ten Ex. Decapolis, decaliter
demos people Ex. demographics, endemic, democrat
dendron tree Ex. dendrochronology, dendroid
derma skin Ex. hypodermic, dermoid
deutero, deuter second Ex. Deuteronomy, deuterocanonical
didonai, dosis give Ex. dose, dosage
dis, di twice, doubly Ex. dichotomy, dipody
doxo opinion, praise Ex. heterodox, doxology
dynamis power Ex. dynamo, dyne
esthesia the ability to feel sensation Ex. anesthesia, aesthetics
ethnos race, nation Ex. ethnomusicology, ethnocentrism
gamos marriage Ex. monogamy, polygamy
gastro stomach Ex. gastritis, gastrolith, gastric
ge, geo earth Ex. geodesic, geometry
gen, geno race, kind, descent Ex. Genesis
glot, glossa1 tongue, language Ex. glossary, monoglot, glossalalia
glyphe carving Ex. petroglyph, glyphography
gon figure having angles Ex. pentagon, polygon
gonos to produce Ex. cosmogony, theogony
gramma, gram something written or drawn Ex. telegram, electrocardiogram
grapho write Ex. lithography, graphology
gyn, gyneco woman, women Ex. misogyny, gyniatrics, gynarchy
hemo, hema blood Ex. hemoglobin, hematoma
hedron, hedral, hedra side, base, seat Ex. hexahedral, polyhedron
helios sun, bright Ex. heliotropic, helium, heliograph
hemi half Ex. hemisphere, hemicranial
hepta seven Ex. heptahedron, heptameter
hexa six Ex. hexameter, hexahedron
hiero sacred, holy Ex. hieroglyphic, hierophant
hydor, hydro water Ex. hydroponics, hydrology
hypno sleep Ex. autohypnosis, hypnotoxin
icono image, likeness, figure Ex. iconology, iconostasis
ideo idea Ex. ideogram, ideophone
isos equal, alike, identical Ex. isocracy, isometric
kilo, chilioi thousand Ex. chiliarch, kilocalorie, kilovolt
klastes breaker, broken Ex. iconoclast, clastic
latreia service, worship Ex. idolatry, demonolatry
lithos, lite stone Ex. chrysolite, lithotomy
logos word, study Ex. logic, logomachy
lysis to loosen Ex. analysis, electrolysis
macros, macro enlarged, elongated Ex. macrocosm, macropterous
mania madness Ex. pyromania, kleptomania
mega large, powerful Ex. megapod, megalith
megalo large, great, enlarged Ex. megalocardia, megalomania
metron measure Ex. thermometer, metronome
micros, micro small Ex. microcosm, microphone
miso, misein to hate Ex. misogyny, misology, misoneism
monos one, alone Ex. monocle, monosyllable
morphe form Ex. metamorphic, morphallaxis
mytho myth Ex. mythological, mythos
naus, nautes3 ship, sailor Ex. naumachia, astronaut, navigation
necro physical death, corpse Ex. necrology, necrophagia
neos new, young Ex. Neoplatonism, neoprene
neuron, neuro nerve Ex. neuritis, neuropteran
nomos law, science, management Ex. nomography, astronomer
octo eight Ex. octagonal, octogenarian
oligo few, scant, small Ex. oligarchy, oliguria
onoma, onym name Ex. allonym, homonym
opsis, optic, ophthalmo view, sight Ex. optical, amblyopia
ornitho bird, birds Ex. ornithopter, ornithosis
oro mountain Ex. orogenic, orology
orthos right, correct Ex. orthography, orthogenesis
osteon bone Ex. osteoporosis, ossify
pais, paidos child Ex. pediatric, pedobaptism
paleo ancient, early, prehistoric Ex. paleontology, paleolithic
pan all, every Ex. pandemonium, Pandora
pater, patri father Ex. patronymic, patrician
pathos, path suffering, disease Ex. empathy, pathogen
ped, pedo small child Ex. pediatrics, pedant, pedobaptism
penta five Ex. Pentateuch, pentathlon
petros rock, stone Ex. petrography, petrol
phago, phage eating, destroying Ex. anthropophagite, phagocyte
phainein to show, be visible Ex. emphasis, fantasy, fancy
philos loving Ex. philharmonic, philately
phobia, phobos fear, dread photophobia, xenophobia
phone sound, speak Ex. phonograph, phoneme
phos, photo light Ex. photobiotic, phosgene
physis, physio nature Ex. physiologic, physiocrat
plasma form Ex. plasmodium, deutoplasm
pneuma air, breath, spirit Ex. pneumothorax, pneumococcus
podos, pous foot Ex. octopus, chiropodist, podiatry
polis city Ex. politician, Neopolitan, police
polys many Ex. polynomial, polymer
protos first Ex. proton, protozoa
pseudes, pseudo false, fake Ex. pseudoscience, pseudosalt
psycho soul, mind, breath Ex. psychometry, psychosis
ptero feather, wing Ex. pterosaur, pteropod
pyr fire Ex. pyromaniac, pyrography, pyretic, pyrogen
rheo, rrhea flow, current Ex. logorrhea, rheophile
schizo cleave, cut Ex. schizogenesis, schizogony
scopos, skopein spy, watcher, to see Ex. telescope, otoscope
seismo earthquake Ex. seismology, seismic
sophia wisdom Ex. sophomoric, sophist
sphero sphere, ball, layer of gas Ex. ionosphere, atmosphere, spheroid
static causing to stand Ex. hydrostatics, electrostatic
taphos tomb, bury Ex. epitaph
techno art Ex. tectonic, technocrat
tele far, far off Ex. telemetry, telencephalon
temno, tomos cut, that which is cut off, out Ex. appendectomy, lobotomy, tome
tetra four Ex. tetrarch, Tetragrammaton
thanato death Ex. thanatopis, thanatology, euthanasia
theos god Ex. monotheism, theophany
therapy to cure, nurse Ex. therapeutics, heliotherapy
thermo heat Ex. thermophile, thermotaxis
thesis, tithenai position Ex. synthesis, thesis
topo place, local Ex. toponym, topographic, topic
typos type, figure, model Ex. typography, typify
zoon animal Ex. zoogenic, zoonosis

3. Latin Roots SamplesBACK Append.2.(Gkeek red List)

---- Latin Prefix ----
ab-, a- from, down, away Ex.abstract, aversion, abject
ad-, ac-, af-, ag-, al-, an-, ap-, ar-, as-, at-, a- to Ex. advent, accent, accelerate, affectation, aggravate
ambi- both Ex. ambidextrous, ambiance
ante- before Ex. antecedent, antebellum
bi- two Ex. biennium, bifurcate, bicarbonate
circum-, circa- around, about Ex. circumnavigate, circumference
com-, col-, con-, cor-, co- closely along, together, next to, with Ex. collusion, coheir, consort, cooperate, compact
contra-, counter- against Ex. contradict, contraband, counterfeit
de-from, down, entirely Ex. deplete, demerit, depress, defrost, decline, defunct
di-, dis-, dif- away, from, apart Ex. different, disburse, digest
duo-, du- two Ex. dubious, duet, duplication
ex-, e-, ef-, ec-, es- from, out of, without Ex. effervescent, exhale, escape, extradition, eclectic
extra- beyond Ex. extrapolate, extraordinary
in-, il-, ir-, im- in, into, on Ex. infer, induct, incarnate, illuminate, irrigate, imbibe
in-, il-, ir-, im- no, not, without, non Ex. insignificant, illiterate, irresponsible, impossible, imbecile, inappropriate
inter- among, between Ex. interchange, intervention, intercept
intra-, intro- within, inside of Ex. intramural, intrastate, intramuscular
milli-, mille- thousand Ex. millennium, millimeter
multi-, multus- much, many Ex. multitudinous, multifaceted, multiply
non- not Ex. nonresident, nonconformity
ob-, o-, oc-, of-, op-, against, before, toward, for Ex. offer, omit, occur, obscene, oppress
omni- all, everywhere Ex. omniscient, omnivorous, omnificent
quadri-, quadr- four times, four fold Ex. quadriceps, quadrisect, quadrivium
per- through, completely Ex. persecute, pilgrim, perfect, pellucid
post- after, behind Ex. postdate, postdiluvian
pre- before Ex. precedent, precept, preposition
pro-, pur- before, for Ex. proceed, purport, pursue
re- back, again Ex. recompense, refine
retro- back, backward Ex. retrograde, retrofit
se- apart, aside Ex. seclude, select
semi- half Ex. semicircle, semiprivate
sub-, suc-, suf-, sug-, sum-, sup-, sur-, sus- under, less than, inferior Ex. suffer, submarine, succumb, suggest
super-, supra- above, superior, surpassing Ex. soprano, superabundance, superintendent
trans- across, through Ex. transcontinental, transit
tri- three Ex. triangle, triceps, Triassic
ultra- beyond, on other side of Ex. ultrasound, ultraconservative
---- Latin Suffix ----
-itis inflammation Ex. neuritis, conjunctivitis
---- Latin Common Factor ----
acerbus, acris, acuere sharp, to sharpen, needle, bitter Ex. acerbate, acupuncture, acuity, acrimony
aequare to make equal, even Ex. equivocate, adequate, equilibrium
aevum age Ex. coeval, medieval
ager, agri, agro field Ex. agrestic, agronomy
agere, actum, agitare to act, to do Ex. agility, react, agitate
alius other, else Ex. alias, alienate
alter other Ex. altercation, adulterate
altus high Ex. altimeter, exaltation, alto
ambulare to walk, to go Ex. preamble, ambulatory
amare, amor, amatum, amicus to love, love, friend amateur, amiable, enamored
anima life, soul, breath, mind Ex. animosity, inanimate, unanimous
annus year Ex. biennial, centennial, annual
apparere to come forth, be visible Ex. apparent, appearance, apparitor
aptare, aptus, apere to fit, suitable Ex. aptitude, adaptable, ineptitude
aqua water Ex. aqueous, aquarelle
arbiter judge Ex. arbitration, arbitrary
arbor tree Ex. arboretum, arboreal
ardere to burn arduous, ardor
artis art Ex. artifice, artifact, artisan
audire to hear Ex. audit, audible
augere to increase Ex. augmentation, augur, august
avis bird Ex. avionics, aviation, aviary, avian
beatus blessed, happy Ex. beatific, beatitude
bellare, bellum to wage war, war Ex. rebellious, bellicose
bene well Ex. benevolence, beneficent
bonus, bon good Ex. bonanza, bonny, bon voyage
brevis short, brief Ex. abbreviate, breviary
cadere fall Ex. recidivism, cascade, cadaver, decadent
caedere, cide to cut, kill Ex. incision, pesticide
canere, cantare, cantus to sing Ex. recant, chant, cantata
capere, captum, cip, cept to take, hold, contain Ex. capacious, incipient, intercept participate, capable, captive, conceive, precept
caput, capitis head Ex. cape, chapter, biceps, capital
carnis flesh Ex. carnal, carnival, incarnate, carnivore
cavare, cavus to make hollow Ex. cavernous, cavity, excavate
cedere, cessum to go, withdraw, move Ex. concession, recede, access
centrum center Ex. eccentric, concentric, concentrate
centum, centi hundred, tenth, ten Ex. percent, centimeter, centurion
cernere, certus to see as being different, to sift, distinguish Ex. discern, secret, certitude
civis, civilis citizen, community Ex. civic, city, civility
clamare, clamor to shout, cry out acclaim, clear, to make clear Ex. reclamation clarare, clarus, clarify, clarity, declaration, claret
claudere, clausum to shut, close Ex. recluse, cloister, enclosure, conclusion
clemens mild, merciful Ex. clemency, inclement
clinare to lean, slope Ex. clinometer, incline
colare to strain, filter Ex. portcullis, percolate, colander
colere, cultus to till, care, cultivate Ex. cultivation, culture, cult
coquere, coctum to cook, to mature Ex. precocious, concoction, cook
cor, cordis heart Ex. courage, cordial, accord
corium skin, hide Ex. excoriate
corona crown Ex. corona, coronation, coronary
corpus body Ex. corporation, corporeal
credere, credens to believe, trust Ex. credentials, credit, incredible
crescere, cretum to grow Ex. crescendo, concretism, accretion, increase
crimen crime, offense Ex. criminology, incriminate
cruciare, crux, crucis to torture, cross Ex. excruciating, crusade, cruzeiro
culpare to blame, fault Ex. culpable, exculpate
cumulare to heap up Ex. cumulative, accumulate
curare, cura, curatus to take care of, concern Ex. curate, curious, manicure
currere, cursus, cour to run, go Ex. occur, precursor, concur, course
dens, dentis tooth Ex. denture, endodontia, dentifrice
deus, dei god Ex. deify, deity, deism
dexter, dextro right, right hand Ex. ambidextrous, dextrorotation
dicere, dictare to speak, say Ex. abdicate, indict
dignus worthy, fitting, suitable Ex. condign, dignitary
dirigere, directus to direct Ex. dirge, dirigible, address-- -- -- -- --see "regere" below
docere, doctum to teach Ex. document, docent, doctrine
dominus lord, master Ex. danger, domineer
domus a dwelling, home Ex. domesticity, major-domo
donare, do to give, to forgive Ex. condone, donation, donor
dormire, dorm to sleep Ex. dormouse, dormitory
ducere, ductum to lead, take, bring Ex. abduct, seduction, conducive, duke, education
durare, durus to harden, hard Ex. obdurate, duress
errare, erratum to wander, go astray Ex. aberration, err, erratic
fabula story Ex. confabulate, fable, fabulous
facere, factum, fect, fic to make, to do Ex. manufacture, sufficient, facsimile
fallere to deceive, disappoint Ex. fallacious, infallible, fail
ferre, latum to bear, to carry Ex. relate, confer, referendum
ferrum iron Ex. ferrotype, ferric, ferrous
fervere to boil, glow, rage Ex. fervor, effervescent
fidere, fidelis, fides to trust, believe, faith Ex. perfidy, fiduciary, confidant
filius, filia son, daughter (respectively) Ex. filial, affiliation
finire, finis, fin to end, to limit Ex. infinity, finite, confinement
firmare to make firm, strengthen Ex. affirm, confirmation, firmament
figare, fixus to fasten, attach Ex. fixative, crucifix, suffix
flare, flatus blow Ex. deflate, inflation
flectere, flexus to bend Ex. flexible, deflection, inflection
fluere, fluxum, fluctus to flow Ex. confluence, fluid, effluvium, influx, flume
foedus, fed league Ex. confederacy, federation
fortis strong Ex. fort, comfort, fortify, force
frangere, fractum to break Ex. fraction, frangible, infringement
frater brother Ex. fraternal, fraternize
fugere, fugitum to flee Ex. centrifugal, fugue
fumus smoke Ex. fumitory, fumarole
fundere, fusum to pour Ex. refund, diffuse, profound
generare, genus1 birth, origin, race, species, kind, to beget, produce generous, generic, gentle, genre, engender, generation
gerere, gestum to carry, to bear Ex. belligerent, gesture, digest, gestation
glomerare to form into a ball Ex. conglomeration, glomerulus
gnoscere, cognoscere, gnarus, cognitum to know Ex. incognito, cognition, ignorant, gnostic
gradi, gressus, gradus to step, to walk, a degree Ex. progress, graduate, centigrade
granum, grani seed, kernel Ex. granary, granule
gratia, gratus agreeable, favor, thanks Ex. congratulate, gratitude, grace
gravare, gravis to weigh down, heavy Ex. aggravate, gravamen, gravid, grief
grex, gregis, gregar flock, herd, to gather into a flock Ex. segregate, congregation gregarious
habere, habitum to have, hold Ex. habit, inhibit
haerere to stick Ex. coherence, adhere
herba grass, herb Ex. herbivorous, herbaceous
hilarare, hilaris to gladden, merry Ex. hilarious, exhilarate
homo man Ex. homicidal, hominize
horrere to shudder, terrible Ex. horrendous, abhor
hospes guest, host Ex. hospice, hostage, hostess
ire, itum, itineris to go, journey, walk Ex. itinerant, transit, initiate
jacere, ject, jactum2 to lie, cast oneself down, to throw Ex. reject, adjacent, eject
jicere2 to throw between Ex. interjection
judex, judicare judge Ex. judicious, prejudice, judge
jungere, junctum to join Ex. conjugal, junction, joint
jus, juris, jurare law, right, to swear Ex. jurisprudence, abjure, perjury, juror, injury, justify
juvenis young Ex. rejuvenate, juvenescent
laborare to work Ex. collaborate, elaborate, laboratory
lacto, lact milk Ex. lacteal, lactose
lapis stone Ex. lapis lazuli, lapidate
latus side Ex. lateral, bilateral, collateral
laudare, laudatum to praise, glory Ex. laudable, allow
lavare to wash Ex. lavender, laver, lavish, lavabo
laxare to loosen, widen Ex. relax, laxity
legere, lectum3 to read, choose, gather Ex. elegant, elite, collect, dialect, legend, select, election, neglect
lex, legis, legalis3 law Ex. privilege, illegitimate, legislature, lex non scripta, legal
liber book Ex. libel, libretto
liber free Ex. libertine, deliberate, liberal
ligare to bind Ex. allegiance, ally, oblige, ligature
lingua tongue, language Ex. linguistics, lingual, language
littera letter Ex. obliterate, literature, letter, literati
locare, locus to place, place Ex. dislocate, allocate, local
loqui, locutus speak, talk Ex. soliloquy, loquacious, circumlocution
lucere, lux, lucis, lumen to shine, light Ex. translucent, Lucifer, luminous
ludere, lusum, ludus to play, to mock Ex. illusion, interlude, ludicrous
luna moon Ex. lunate, lunatic, lunation, lunula
magnus, magna great Ex. magnanimous, Magna Carta
malus, mal bad, evil, wrong Ex. malevolent, malfeasance, grand mal
mandare, mando to order, to command Ex. mandate, commandment, mandarin
manus, mani, man hand Ex. emancipate, manifest, manumit
mare sea Ex. mariner, aquamarine, mare
mater mother Ex. alma mater, maternity
mecari to trade, buy Ex. merchant, market
medius, medio middle Ex. medieval, intermediary
mens mind Ex. mention, mentation
migrare to move from one place to another Ex. migratory, emigrant
militare to serve as soldiers Ex. demilitarize, militia
mille thousand Ex. millennium, millivolt
minimus, minor least, small Ex. minimal, minimize, minute
mirare, miror, mirari to look at, to wonder at Ex. miracle, mirage, admiral
mittere, missum to send, let, go Ex. emissary, remit, admittance, commissary
monere, monitus to warn Ex. monitor, admonition
morbus disease Ex. morbid, morbilli
mordere, morsun to bite Ex. morsel, remorse, mordacious
moris manners, customs Ex. morality, mores
mors, mortis, mori deather, to die Ex. post-mortem, mortgage, mortmain
movere, motus to move Ex. locomotive, motion, motor
multus much, many Ex. multiply, multimedia
mutare, mutatum to change Ex. molt, mutation
nascor, natus to bear, to born Ex. native, prenatal, nature, renaissance
negare, negatus to deny Ex. negation, abnegate
nihil nothing Ex. annihilate, nil
nocere to harm, injure Ex. innocent, innocuous, obnoxious
nominare, nomen, nominis to name, name Ex. nominate, misnomer, nomenclature
norma rule Ex. normative, enormity
notare to mark, note Ex. notation, notary, connotation
novus new Ex. renovate, novice, nova
nox, noct night Ex. equinox, noctuid
nullus none Ex. annul, nullifidian
numerus number Ex. enumerate, supernumerary, numerology
nuntiare, nuntius to report, tell, messenger Ex. nuncio, renounce
oculus eye Ex. monocle, binocular
opus, operari work, to work Ex. magnum opus, opera, operative
parare, par, pari to make equal, equal Ex. disparate, parity, peer
passus, pati suffer Ex. patient, passive
pater father Ex. paternoster, patronize
pax, pacis peace Ex. pacific, appease
pedis, pes foot Ex. expedition, pedicel
pellere, pulsus to drive, driven Ex. compel, expel, propellant, pulsate
pendere, pensare, pendulus to weigh, hang, weight Ex. impending, compendium, appendage, expenditure
petere to rush at, seek Ex. impetuous, petulant, petition
placare, placidus, placere to soother, gentle, to please Ex. placate, implacable, placebo, please
plaudere, plauseum to clap, applaud Ex. plaudit, implode
plenus full Ex. plenipotentiary, replenish, plenty
plere, pletum to fill Ex. expletive, replete
plicare, plicatum, plicit, ply to fold Ex. reply, implicate, complicate, explicate, plait
plus, pluris more Ex. pluriaxial, plurality, surplus
ponere, positum to place Ex. position, opposite, depot
populus people Ex. popularity, populace
portare, port to carry Ex. portage, export
portio share, portion Ex. apportion, proportion
potens, potentis powerful Ex. potentate, potentiometer
prehendere, prehensum to seize, take hold Ex. apprentice, reprehensible
pressus pressed down Ex. depress, oppress, impress
pretiare, prec to value Ex. depreciation, precious, price
primus, primatis first Ex. primordial, prima facie
privare separate, peculiar Ex. privilege, deprive
probare, probatum to prove, test Ex. probation, prove
proximus nearest Ex. approximate, proximity
pugil, pugnare boxer, to fight Ex. repugnant, pugilist
purgare to clean Ex. purge, purgatory, expurgation
putare to think, estimate Ex. computer, reputation
quaerere, quaesitus to ask, seek Ex. exquisite, inquisition, conquer, quest
radius ray Ex. radiation, radian
radix root Ex. radicle, radical, eradicate
rapere to seize Ex. rapture, surreptitious, usurp, ravish
ratus fixed by calculation Ex. reason, ration
regere, rectus4 right, to make straight Ex. erect, rectitude, rectus
regere, rex, regis4 to rule, king Ex. regency, regal, corrigible, regimen, direct, rule, regular
ridere, risum to laugh Ex. derision, ridicule
rogare, rogatum to ask Ex. arrogance, rogation, interrogate
rotare, rotatus, rota to turn, wheel, turned Ex. rotation, rotary, rotor
rumpere, ruptus to break, broken Ex. rupture, interrupt
sacer, sacrare5 holy, to make holy Ex. consecrate, sacrifice, sacrarium
sagax, sagacis, sapare wise, to taste, know Ex. sage, sagacious, sapient
sal salt Ex. salimeter, saline
salire, saltum to leap, jump Ex. sally, saltatory, resile, result
salvare to save Ex. save, salvation, salvage
sanctus5 holy Ex. sanctity, sanctuary, sacrosanct
sanguis blood Ex. sangria, sanguine, consanguinity
sanitas, sanatorius health, healthy Ex. sanitation, sanitarium
satis, satiare enough, to fill full Ex. sated, insatiable, satisfaction
scandere to climb Ex. ascend, descendant, ascension
scire, sciens to know, knowing Ex. omniscient, science
scribere, script to write, the thing written Ex. describe, subscription, scribe
secare, sect to cut Ex. intersection, secateurs
sedere, sess to sit Ex. sediment, sedan, session, president
seminare, semen to sow, seed Ex. seminal, disseminate, seminary
sentire, sensum to feel, perceive Ex. consent, sensible, sentient
sepsis putrefaction, poison Ex. septic, septicemia, aseptic
sequens, sequi to follow, following Ex. prosecute, second, sequential, pursue, non sequitur
signare, signum to mark out Ex. assignation, consignment
similare, simulare to make like, to feign Ex. similar, facsimile, simulation, assimilate
socius, sociare companion, to join Ex. social, society, association
sol sun Ex. solar, solstice
solare, solus to make lonely, alone Ex. solo, solitary
solvere, solutum to loose Ex. solvent, dissolute, soluble
somnus sleep Ex. somnolent, somniloquy
sonus sound Ex. dissonance, unison, sonorous
sors, sortis lot, a share Ex. sort, consortium
specere, spectum, spic to look at, see Ex. perspicacity, specify, spectacle, retrospect, prospect, perspective
spirare to breathe Ex. spirit, aspirator, expire, inspiration, respiration, aspire
spondere, sponsus to pledge, promise Ex. spouse, correspondence
stare, stet, stat to stand Ex. stable, establish, statue, superstition, distant
stellare, stella to shine, star Ex. constellation, stelliferous
stringere, strictum bind, draw tight Ex. astringent, constriction, strict
struere, structus build, arrange, pile up Ex. misconstrue, instruct, instrument
surgere, surrection to rise, risen Ex. insurgency, resurrection
tangere, tactus to touch Ex. tangent, tactual
tegere, tectus to cover, covered Ex. integument, detection, protect
temperare, tempus time Ex. tense, contemporize, temper
tendere, tent to stretch, strain, thin Ex. pretentious, tenuous, contend, tend, tense
tenere, tain to hold Ex. pertain, abstinence, tenacious, tenant
tentare, tent to touch, try Ex. tentacle, tentatively
terminus limit, end, boundary Ex. determine, terminator
terra earth Ex. terra firma, terrace
torquere, tortum to twist, twisted Ex. contortionist, extort, torsion, torque
tradere to deliver Ex. extradite, tradition, treason
trahere, tract to draw, drawn Ex. subtract, tractable, protract
tribuere, tributus, tribus to assign, allot, pay Ex. tributary, attribute, distribute
trudere, trusus to thrust, thrust Ex. intrusion, protrusile
toxicare, toxicum to smear with poison Ex. toxic, toxoplasmosis, toxicology
tumere to swell Ex. tumescence, tumult, contumelious
turbare, turba to disturb Ex. perturb, turbid
unus, uni one Ex. union, unipetalous
urbs, urbanus city Ex. exurb, urbanologist
vacare, vacuus to be empty, empty Ex. vacuity, vacuous, evacuate
vagari to wander Ex. extravagant, vagaries
valere, validum to be strong, to have worth Ex. valor, valid, evaluate
velle, volens wish, willing Ex. volition, velleity
verbum word Ex. proverb, verbatim
venire, ventum to come Ex. revenue, convention, advent, contravene
vertere, versum to turn, change, incline Ex. vertigo, verse, introvert, versatile, anniversary
verus true Ex. verily, verify, very
vestire to dress Ex. vestment, divest, investiture
via way Ex. pervious, viaticum
videre, visum see, look, provide Ex. provident, visible, supervise
vincere to overcome, conquer Ex. invincible, convince, victor
violare, violatus to violate Ex. violation, inviolate
vir man Ex. triumvirate, virago
vita life Ex. vitality, vitamin
vivere, vita to live, life Ex. revive, viviparous, vonvivial
vocare, vocatum, vox to call, voice Ex. vociferous, convocation, irrevocable, revoke
volvere, volutum turn Ex. involve, revolt, devolve
vorare to devour Ex. voracious, carnivore, omnivorous

4. About Japanese Pronouncing Roman Notation:       BACK Appendices Top
  Japanese pronouncing expression of alphabet-letter is generally written in the so-called Roman letter format. This notation was introduced by Mr. Hepburn[Hebon] (what country person he was, I don't know -- he is an American in EDO last ages/ MEIJI of Japan). I think he( or his associated/ surrounded/ aide Japanese) was very absurd/ foolish/ not wise/ not smart, cuz there is no "F" & "R" pronouncing in Japanese. That is, "Fu" should be "Hu", "Ra, Ri, Ru, Re, Ro" are should be "La, Li, Lu, Le, Lo" by nature.
Those wrong pronunciation expressions are discourteous/ rude matter to foreigners & Japanese themselves.
(Proof ? --- it's easy. Ex. hitotsu, futatsu, ... "futatsu" not "hutatsu" -- ouch!   unbelievable!!)
  But such uasge had been spread, & , it's no use crying spilt milk. He( They) assigned wrong letters.
--- This is true.
About insufficient pronouncing notation --- my private opinion
  English people are not logical, insensitive. That is , there is no staccato in the pronouncing notation.
Ex. "cutter" is usually expressed [kA ta].--- Is it equivalent to [ kA tta] as Roman letter expression???
"cat = [kA t] -- is true [ kA tt] ? -- anyone may say only say [kA t] frankly with no staccato. In English pronouncing notation, there's no mechanism. It's bad.
I hope to improve.
Following accent vowel consonants is always with staccato ( implicitly)?? It's common sense?
Who say/ define officially it? And, is its opinion true?? I don't think so. Illegal examples are much.
-- To be more precise !!

Tip: in Japanese example [A me] isn't [a mme], [a me( a mE)] is different meaning. [hA shi] isn't [hA sshi] or [ha shI] or [ha sshI].
[ha na]( = flower) or [ ha nA]( = nose), in addition in Japanese has very much homonym, we distinguish in context.
Its number is very very much, English homonym numbers is trivial than Japanese.
Japanese are strict in special case. & we have a method to distinguish it.
Italian memorandum
1 uno 2 due 3 tre 4 quattro 5 cinque 6 sei 7 sette 8 otto 9 nove 10 dieci
11 undici 12 dodici 13 tredici 14 quattordici 15 quindici 16 sedici
17 diciassette 18 diciotto 19 dicianove 20 venti
21 ventuno 22 ventidue 23 ventitre 24 ventiquattro 25 venticinque ..28 ventotto.. 30 trenta

10 dieci 20 venti 30 trenta 40 quaranta 50 cinquanta 60 sessanta 70 settanta 80 ottanta 90 novanta 100 cento

100 cento 200 due-cento 300 tre-cento 400 quattro-cento 500 cinque-cento 600 sei-cento 700 sette-cento 800 otto-cento 900 nove-cento 1000 mille

1,000 mille 2,000 due-mila 3,000 tre-mila 10,000 dieci-mila 15,000 quindici-mila 20,000 venti-mila 50,000 cinqianta-mila 100,000 cento-mila 500,000 cinque-cento-mila 1,000,000 un milione

1,960         mille, nove-cento sessanta
18,215       diciotto-mila, due-cento, quindici
999,999     nove-cento novanta nove mila, nove-cento novanta nove