Nichiren's mantra and its trick.
What is the Buddhism of Nichiren (1222 - 1282)? --- Copyright © 2007 SGI-USA. All rights reserved.
( Shakyamuni (Gautama Buddha) ; B.C. 5C [= b.c. 500 - b.c. 401] , The time of his birth and death are uncertain. )
Mantra: [Nam] Myoho Renge Kyo

I can't help feeling a divine providence in this mantra.
Japanese people ( or Chinese) pronounce this mantra as
[Nam] Myoho Lenge Kyo.

Above has the law of descending order alphabets (N, M, L, K ).
What a mysterious verse it is!
Kumarajiva (344 - 413)'s brain was a super-computer. His stage is worldwide by nature, and he is humorist , perhaps.
He knew the Aramaic alphabet etc.

An extended truth I found on January 2008.
Myoho Lenge Kyo ( Jiu Ma Luo Shi = Chinese pinyin of Kumarajiva )
Namu Myoho Lenge Kyo ( Nichiren = Jitsu + Len = JItsu + Hasu) (Ouch!, "n, m, l, k, j, i, h" 7 continuous. G G God exists !! )
Descending order is corresponded to the image of SAVIOR Maitreya descending from the heaven.

( in Japanese, "Hon-jitsu wa seiten nali." so, "Jitsu-pon wa seiten nali." but, almost we Japanese people pronounce as "Nippon wa seiten nali."
--- Marco Polo (1254 - 1324)'s Chinese attendants pronounced as "Jitsu-pon, Jippon, Zipang, Zipangu". Later, "Zipangu" became "Japan". , maybe. my imagination. )
- Len/ Hasu is lotus flower. so, Hasu --- pasu --- path ( a path to the peace of mind world ?)

Summary: i.e. He made 3 tricks in naming a book.
0. From old book name "Zhng Făhuā Jng (True Law flower Sutra) [A.D. 2C]", he deleted "Zheng(true)" and inserted "Miao(subtle) and Lian(lotus)" .
( i.e. to "Miofă   Linhu   Jng [A.D. 5C]" )

1. concealed "Meow" and "Leon". ( Lion's roar.)
(i.e. in Chinese, "Nm, Miofă, Linhu, Jng" corresponding to "Nm, Meowfă, Leonhu, Jng" )

2. faithful to alphabetical order in Japanese case. ( universal truth.)
(i.e. z, y, x, .., N, M, L, K, j, i, h, .., c, b, a)

3. Mapping M, L, K to Mi, Lo, Ku (in Japanese. Maitreya in Sanskrit, Metteyya in Pali. )
(i.e. in Japanese, "Nam, Myoho, Lenge, Kyo" corresponding to "Nam, Mi, Lo, Ku" )
or Mapping M, L to ML (in Chinese; concealed "Mílè Púsà [= Miloku Bosatsu in Japanese]")
(i.e. in Chinese, "Nm, Miofă, Linhu, Jng" corresponding to "Nm, M, L, Jng" )
[ Japanese Kanji pronunciation of "Loku" is a fossil style in Chinese old era "Kan". Now Chinese's is "Le/ Lei". ]

• In Japanese, Lion's roar = 449, Miloku = 369.
• Name propagation/ dialect (information/ baton pass game):
Maitreya( India, Sanskrit origin) << Mai (= cut, minus -, never in Italian) + betrayer ( across + trade + man)
>> Metteyya( Pali) >> Messiah [mesai a]
>> Me + cross >> Me + crux >> Merx [mer ks]( Latin) >> Mercy [mer si] >> Mercyer [ma: si: a] >> Messiah [mesai a]
( = Me + rik << Me + trik << Mai + trick )
>> Mílè (now China) [ China is too broad/ old, so, it's different by place/ era.]
>> Miruk [mil k]( Korea) >> Miroku [miloku]( Japan)
{ Byams( Tibet), Mettrai( Thai), Di-lac( Vietnam), Maidar( Mongolia) }

cf. Etymology: mercy, Messiah
JPN name inference : mercy (Eng) > merc > mirc (Korea) > miroc > miroku (JPN)
We wonder if, the Mona Lisa painted by Leonardo Da Vinci (A.D. 16C) may be related to
the Miroku Bosatsu smile (A.D. 7C in Japan) -- check 1 scroll before, too [i.e. KowlyuuJi and ChuuguuJi temples] , picture © All Rights Reserved.

( Miroku is a disciple of Shakyamuni, who was promised by teacher to appear again as a MESSIAH/ SAVIOR after 5,670 million years of teacher's death. And she/ he is also a god of mercy in now mundane world. )

Coffee break: --- My fiction ---
phonetic transcription sample for "miracle"
*** If Miroku ponders, miracle happens. *** ( my Hypothesis = miracle < maitreya or miroku )
[mir5k5l] -- original sound in USA. ( here, 5 is Schwa vowel mark. )
[miroku kao] in Japanese, kao = think/ ponder.
[mílè kăo] in now Chinese
( mi = be full of, roku = control/ rein; Miroku = being controlled sufficiently. )
[ This KANJI meaning assignment comes from, Miroku's future is 100% promised (i.e. She/ He will become a SAVIOR). --- this is a famous concept. ]

Miracle: Sound & meaning in Proto-Indo-European/ Chinese/ Japanese culture
• Sanskrit word "adbhuta ([a dbh uta] a (= non) + dbhuta (= exist)) " was corresponding to English "miracle" ,
but Chinese translator assigned to " I've never had" [mizou u (in JPN)] by mistake. --- this was written in some website.
I think that this translator had a good sense. i.e. meaning is fit, and, the sound of "dbhuta" is near " 've had".
(I think dbhuta is akin to foot-trace. -- huta akin to foot.)
adbhuta (- dharma ) [mi zo: wu (ho:)]
The left image = the Japanese KANJI of "miracle".
[ki-seki/ qíjī] --- in Japanese/ in now Chinese. here, ki = mere/ hardly, seki = trace.
Mai tragh ya [ mai tra: ya] ; mai = adv. never ( in Italian, cf. maim ) , tragh = trace , ya = man.
i.e. Maitreya = Miracle man.
( As a matter of fact, "Maitreya" is a "non-betrayer" , related to "mate/ friendship". cf. maitreya in [, India] )

Alias name Ajita( in Sanskrit) comes from
Agitare( in Proto-Indo-European/ Latin/ Italian) ( = to agitate, move, stir, shake, discuss --- includes to win, not-win)
I think that, Move your mind, Move forward, Boost, Encourage you ( at any time) [i.e. never betray you].
(ag- = ad- = Near/ At , prefix)
( From my Italian English dictionary: agitato/ agitata : m/f. violently insane person.
--- this is Bingo!   From legend, young-hood was a very violent. ( ,,, akin to angry??) )

Maitreya pictures (India)
Korean Buddhist sculpture
      |----- Pensive_images Maitreya (Korea, Japan) "Mireuk Posal" in Korea. here, [eu] = [u] with [i] mouth style.

Pensive images:
The pensive pose involves a figure that has one leg crossed over a pendant leg, the ankle of the crossed leg rests on the knee of the pendant leg.
  ---- = "HanKa ShiYui" in Japanese. ---- i.e. semi cross-legged seated posture with thoughtfulness.
( Q: What is she/ he thinking/ pondering? --- A: How to make a peaceful world. )

     adj 1: persistently or morbidly thoughtful [syn: brooding, broody,
             contemplative, meditative, musing, pondering,
             reflective, ruminative]
Maitreya/ Name origins
      |----- Mithra/ In Manichaeism : Zoroastrian Mithra [Miθra].

- mirare( in Italian) = (literary) to look at -- miru/ minai/ mita/ miro( in Japanese) ; OUCH! what's happen? the same.

• Try Google web search, Keyword = "maitreya miiro".
We must investigate the connection of miiro & miracle. Buddhist Portal

Memo( [da soku]: add 1 pede to centipede.):
(1) Chinese KANJI Lè has another same sound KANJI "Enjoyment/ Pleasure ( Japanese sound [laku/ gaku/ tanoshi i])".
--- I think this produced the Budai (Hotei) (= Laughing Buddha, in now world) thought as an incarnation of the bodhisattva Maitreya.
[ i.e. Alias same sound Mílè = be full of + laughing ]
(2) In KANJI sense, ki(/qí) of kiseki(= miracle) and myo(/miào) of myoho are almost same. i.e. ki(/qi) ≈ myo(/miao).
i.e. myo(/miao) ≈ miracle.
ex. ki-myo(/qí miào) is a real existed 2 words KANJI. = it represents, Odd and odd. Very very odd. --- fantastic / wonderful.
(3) In ancient times, through the Silk Road, the West and the Orient were near.

Copyright © 2007 Fumio Imai, All Rights Reserved.