飲めることは一生無いだろうと思っていたマッキーズ・エンシェント・ブランド。本国向けのラベルにはハッキリと「Malt Mill Distillery」の文字が確認出来、本ブランドへモルト・ミル蒸溜所の原酒が使用されたことは想像に難くない。
つまり、1960年(昭和35年)以降生産されておらず、ストックされた原酒の大半は当時経営権を持つ大手「Scottish Malt Distillers
Mackie’s Ancient Brand (86.8 US Proof, OB,
blend, spring cap, White Horse Distillers, USA, bottled around WWII)
Colour: olive oil. The spirit had attacked the thin layer of cork inside
the cap and a bit of metal must have dissolved into the whisky, imparting
this greenish colour that can also sometimes be found in casks that had
been patched using nails (remember the green Springbanks?)
Nose: it is the peatiest blend I have ever tried, it’s even peatier than
the famous and all-excellent White Horses with Lagavulin inside that also
used to bear spring caps. It’s a very maritime kind of peat (fisherman’s
nets), also coated with notes of honey, sultanas and figs. What’s really
striking is the freshness of all this and the relative absence of old bottle
effect, even if there is something very faintly metallic indeed, maybe
from the rusting cap. Keeps developing on leather grease, candle wax, saltpetre
and finally rather big notes of old herbs liqueur. Tarragone chartreuse,
Mouth: wow, the power of it! We’re used to quietened old blends, this is
completely different. There’s some olive oil (that we already found in
the… colour), some pepper, a lot of nutmeg, a lot of roasted chestnuts,
a lot of eucalyptus (cough medicine), a lot of tar and a level of peatiness
that’s more or less equal to a 10yo Talisker’s, if you see what I mean.
Finish: surprisingly long but rather bitterer now. Peppermint galore, thyme,
tar, grass, aloes… Comments: it’s hard to stay calm, there was quite possibly
more than 50% Malt Mill in this baby, or maybe a little less, we’ll probably
never know. Given Malt Mill’s rarity ? and Sir Peter Mackie’s grandeur
as a whisky maker and seller ? this one had to be stellar. And it was. SGP:375 ? 92
(場所) The Whisky Bar /
(日時) 4月24日(日) PM14:00〜予定
(料金) フル・ショット ¥5000 ハーフ・ショット ¥2800
(特典) 会当日に限りウイスキー全商品15%オフ。