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Another time on Ryukyu Islads


 When strolling around the islands of Okinawa, there are certain places you feel a significant change in ambience. It may be near a large Chinese Banyan tree, in front of a huge rock along the seashore, or just in a plain open space deep in the forest. It is in such places that I find myself at awe with nature - in a moment of sacredness. In one island when I noticed the presence of such ambiance, I stumbled upon an almost heavenly looking pure-white round object situated inside a hollow space of a cliff. Up close, it turned out to be a skull giving off a faintly pale white light.
 In Okinawa, the intensity of the winds defines the change in seasons - from the strong southwest winds that blow after the monsoon season called Ka-chibe-, to the northeast breezes that arrive after summers end called Mi-nishi. For people living in isolated islands, ferryboats which are their life-line are immediately cancelled if the seas become rough. Then again, these island people also rely on the sea to fetch ingredients to be put on tonight's dinner table. As such, these islanders must always be conscious of nature's conditions, may it be the direction of the wind, or the ebb and flow of the tide. As the pull of the moon affects ocean tides, Okinawa's annual functions are based on the lunar calendar. Although local companies, schools and people's daily lives proceed according to the solar calendar, I believe the islands have a unique passage of time due to these two different calendars which are used on a daily basis. In July (based on the lunar calendar) there is a festival that celebrates and prays for good harvest called Honensai that takes place in the Yaeyama Islands. The ritual is held per village and headed by a female priest called a Tsukasa on the white sacred sands known as Utaki. After prayer, a dance, a tug of war, and in some islands, a boat rowing ceremony dedicated to the gods are held under the intense summer sun. As I gazed at these modern day junior high girls all clad in their bright-colored costumes moving their wrists ever-so flexibly, I often found myself slipping back into the days long past. I cannot help but feel there are two time clocks that exist on these islands: one of the present-day society, and the other which may be called Ryukyu-time, that has continued on from time immemorial, in which you often find these two dimensions intersecting one another.
 These monochrome photographs differ from my earlier color photos published in past photo collections and exhibits in the sense that I feel I was somehow guided by a higher power. When I took these pictures, I had no intention of introducing Okinawa, or explaining certain events. These were simply taken while on short personal trips, printed out after my return, and stashed away in a box for myself. The first time I visited Okinawa was 25 years ago back when I was a photography student. I never submitted any of these photos to school, and just kept them with me for many years. Upon editing this book, when two photographs from 1983 and 2008 fit perfectly together on two adjacent pages, so many memories came flooding back. There are some things in life that change but others that will always remain the same. I finally realized that it was Okinawa that taught me all about photography.
 I thank all the people, animals, and plants of the islands of Okinawa, and lastly the islands themselves for becoming the subjects of these photographs.

Tsuneo Yamashita

The photographs in this book were taken during the period of 1983 to 2008. The Ryukyu Islands visited were: Okinawa island,
Izena island, Kori island, Kudaka island, Miyako island, Ogami island, Kurima island, Ishigaki island, Iriomote island, Taketomi island,
      Kuro island, Kohama island, Hatoma island, Aragusuku island, Hateruma island and Yonaguni island.
