Appreciation of Nature

Part-23 (Ed. Mar-17,1998 )

( Olympus C-800L digital camera )

Tenderness of the Spring Sun

Mild sun light made the trees and weeds wake tendrly from their long sleep in winter.On Mt.Myoken the bamboo weeds are already awake. Only humans complain,"Spring is the season we feel so sleepy."

Who did this? A secretly delivered message.

An important feather found just 1.5m from the front door. It is 15cm long and tells he/she has managed all through the hard winter, I hope. I wish he/she could see me in bird.

Setsubun-sou, An early-spring wild flowr

"Setsubun" is the day just before the first day of spring called "Risshunn." It was February third, when we threw soy beans calling,"In with the good luck, out with the bad luck" as we do every year. It is most likely the flower was named "Setsubunsou" according to the old calender, on which "Setsubun" comes about a month later. We visited Sasayama-cho, Kyogo Prefecture on March 4. They were in full bloom. All over the part of the north side of a hill they grow quietly. It is one of the very rare flowers. The town preserves them carefully.

Cats &
Nature Sunset A Bowl of
Green Tea
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