Appreciation of Nature

Part-16( Ed. Aug-16,1997 )

( Olympus C-800L digital camera )

Mu-ku-ge; One-day-life summer flower

This year some unusual summer typhoons hit Japan already affecting huge areas. The flower had been suffering one of those typhoon rains when I had a shot. You couldn't see it again the next day but in the cyber space.

The cast-off shell of a cicada/ Tale of Genji

Three cast-off shells were found in my garden so far this summer. One of them is this, which reminds me of a big cicada casting off its shell. I saw that when I was an elememtary school kid. After it came out of the shell, the colour came over the body and the wings took the shape. It became far bigger than the shell. Amazing!

By the way, if you like "Tale of Genji" and are interested in the scene when Mrs.U-tsu-se-mi escaped by the skin of her teeth before Genji reached her, here,Genv's Home Page by Katsuhiko Satoh, the last photograph shows what kind of garments she left(and others show the process of putting on formal ju-ni-hi-to-e in Heian Era.) U-tsu-se-mi means the cast-off shell of a cicada.

A summer skyI

It is the blue sky that counts in summer, too! Generally you appreciate blue skys in autumn in Japan because you are sure to feel the firmament to be the highest in that season. But on this day the summer sky looked exceptionally high. The white clouds and the orange flowers agreed.

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Nature Sunset A Bowl of
Green Tea
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