for foreigner in English
Have you ever heard about Hyperlipoproteinemia, Hypertriglyceridemia and Hypercholesteremia?
Miniature Schnauzers have metabolism malfunction of blood.
There are excessive Triglyceride and excessive Cholesterol in blood.
That disease have many kinds of symptoms, it makes another disease.
If Doctor discoverd that disease soon, Tiki was't in great pain.
And I think that I wasn't heard to euthansasia from Doctor.
If your Miniature Schnauzer have such like symptoms, I want to suggested to inspect Triglyceride of blood.
I try to write about Tiki disease, or Miniature Schnauzer own's peculiar disease.
The expression is difficult even Japanese, so I'm afraid I meant isn't properly
understood in English by you.
In the morning of some day, suddenly, Tiki was jumped out of bed and falled,
and he convulsed while doing urine and opening the biggest his eyes.
I couldn't understand He has anything happend to him, so I was very very surprised at that,
and I could only ched tears and hold his head run against something.
It was onOct.24,2000, and Tiki was 7 years old.
Of course, I brought him hospital, and he had medicine for epliepsy.
He had simple blood inspection, but the result is good.
So, that Doctor thought cuase of his epliepsy is his brain.
His medicine of epliepsy is to make a brain sleep.
That Doctore said to me to inspect Tiki's brain with CT or MRI.
When there is tumor in brain, Doctor can find out origin of epliepsy.
But other case, it will be able to confirm only 50-50%, when the epliepsy happens.
But if it is origin of epliepsy, it has no choice to have that medicine.
The operation is difficult.
So I was very afraid to do it, because of anesthesia side effects.
Tiki didn't have to do the inspection after all.
Sometimes he had eplieptic fit.
But in Feb.2001, interval of him epliepsy became short.
So I changed him hospital in Mar.2001.
In addition to that medicine, other medicines and injections.
This doctor is also brain, and his heart.
After 2months, in May 2001, he had detailed blood inspection in this second hospital.
And him value of the Triglycerides was very high.
That Doctor saw and discovered book that Miniature Schnauzer own's peculiar disease.
The name of disease is Hyperlipoproteinemia of Miniature Schnauzer.
That epliepsy is one of symptom.
Tiki had eaten foods of Doctore's recommend since baby age.
And he seldom had snack for dog.
That Doctor and other doctor was first experience.
And he had prescribe food, he became a little good.
But in Sep.2001, his epliepsy couldn't stop, and he wan in hospital 6days.
Period of that time, I couldn't go to see him, because of Doctor's direction.
Doctor suggested euthanasia to me.
I told to about them Tiki in photo, then, his tears rolled downs his cheeks in photo.
Can you believe it?
I thought Tiki wanted to live.
So, I decided to have time with him.
After then that second Doctor said to me about followings.
Because this disease isn't eaten, so if Tiki eat, he has epliepsy and euthanasia.
If Tiki isn't eat, he will starve to death.
Then I heard to other 20 hospitals of around us, but there is the same symptom only 1 hospital.
But that Miniature Schnauzer didn't come after then, that Doctor said to me,
maybe it is very high prise to examination.
That Doctor didn't understand that diseasem so what will he do.
It makes starting point.
After then, I tried to participate in the mailing list, and consult to HP's Doctor.
This disease was discovered on 1978 in U.S.A., and research process.
They say that it is fattening in the relation, and more than 4 years old Miniature Schnauzer.
It began to be popular in this 2-3 years in Japan.
So most of Doctors doesn't know that disease.
And I found out his handmade meals trial and error by myself, Tiki is very well.
Of course, he doesn't have any medicine for epliepsy.
It had 2 year & 7 months and Tiki does't have at all epliepsy.
Tiki's medecines was bad for his liver, unable to measure.
I paid 100,000yen-200,000yen per 1 month for second hospital,
for unnecessary many madicines and inspections.
I went to that hospital 1 year & 3month, so I was deeply chagrined at it.
I changed hospital again, so now 3rd hospital.
Tiki stopped to have such like medicines, his liver is very well.
I take care of stress such like sounds and alone.
I know streess is baddest.
Of course, I take care of his meals and enough walk.
And I know to have some damage of his brain by his 60-70times epliepsy.
So I can't him alone, and I'm home everyday.
Now we go to 3rd hospital, but I depend about this disease.
I have my HP, and I write, I want to know such like disease.
I know epliepsy has 2 types.
From brain or by nature.
Or from something disease, for example the liver disease.
And there are fits, simillar to epliepsy, for example heart and diabetes.
Other symptom of Hyperlipoproteinemiais of Miniature Schnauzer is.....
This is copy of Doctor's book of my friend's.
My any Doctor couldn't copy it.
Eyeball become white muddy, and the baddest symptom is to lost his or her sight.
Inflammation of acute pancreas, the baddest is death.
The power of the abdomen comes off, and etc.
Ater all, there is the same symptom Miniature Schnauzer, and he was in hospital, too.
That Doctor also suggested euthanasia to owner.
So I suggested to that owner to change hospital and to take care of meals, and looked him in his home.
Now he is well.
Other case, lost his or her sight by wrong diagnosis.
Most of them, over 8 years old's Miniature Schnauzer.
There is many consultation still now.
When you have blood examination, or if your Miniature Schnauzers have epliepsy,
I hope you have Triglycerides inspection also.
I'm very sorry for my poor English.
Can you understand them?
I put this on my HP for foreigner.
I wrote to them, while I consulted 2 Japanese-English dictionaries.
It took about 4 hours this writing ^_^;
I hope your Miniature Schnauzers have happy and fine time with you.
This is Tiki of Sep.5,2002, he is very well.
His eyes brightened with happiness.
I'm very glad to coming Tiki's 10th Birthday 10 days later.
Copyright 2003-2004 tiki&yuko. All rights reserved.