We will deliver the tatami mats,judo tatami,tatami goza and japanese room style to you.
Transportation method
Air or ship by post office If wesendatatami matto your countryfrom our company,thisshipping methodischeapest. However, there are limitations to this delivery method. It is only tatami in the size of the heckling size.
It is only tatami of the half size tatami(up to side860mm xup to length860mm).
This method can not send the 1tatami
By air
This shipping method will arrive at the fastest. The tatamiwill arrive inabout 10 days.
This shipping method do not have limited by the tatami size and the number.
We will deliver it in bonded warehouse of local. Please you receive the luggage in bonded warehouse of local. We can also be door-to-door delivery to your house by additional cost.
By ship The tatami will arrive in about 60 days from 30 days.
This shipping method do not have limited by the tatami size and the number.
We will deliver it in bonded warehouse of local. Please you receive the luggage in bonded warehouse of local. We can also be door-to-door delivery to your house by additional cost. Our sending history
Spain, United Kingdom, AustriaSwitzerland,Belgium,France,Monaco,Norway, Russia,Sakhalin,Turkey,
Saudi Arabia, Egypt, India, China, South Korea, Mongolia,Myanmar, Vietnam,
Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia,America, Guam, Hawaii, Canada, Colombia,
Brazil, Haiti, South Africa,
Wewill deliverto tatami mats all over the world.
Please contactus about the tatami you want by E-mail or FAX.
We examinewhethercansent it toyour country.
3, We
will senda
Once you
theestimate,we will sendthe invoice.
5, Please paytoourBankaccountorPaypal. Paymentby paypalis ableto payin the your currencyoryour credit card.
confirmingpayment it, we
willmanufacture thetatami.
After the tatami mats is completed, we will packing it. We do notgotpacking charge.
We will send it to the desired location of your by air or ship.
We will deliver it in bonded warehouse of local. Please you receive the luggage in bonded warehouse of local. We can also be door-to-door delivery to your house by additional cost.
Warning. The consignee have to obliged to pay the tax and all local costs. (taxessuch asconsumptiontaxandcustoms duty and moreinyour country.)
We donot hearthereturned goods.
(Ifyoureturn our goods,youhave topay theall.)