Once upon a time in a small village, there lived an and an .
Every day the
went to the mountain to cut some wood.
Every day the
went to the river to wash clothes.

One day the saw a big in the river.
She said, "What a big ! I want to eat the ."
The caught the and went .
The saw the and said, "What a big ! I want to eat the !"
The said, "Let's the peach."

They cut the in two. A came out of the .
The and the were very .
The said, "Hi, I'm Momotaro."
The and the were very .

Momotaro ate a lot of food and he was very strong.
Soon he was very tall and big.
One day he said, "I want to fight the bad . I'm going to Onigashima."
The and the were .
The gave some .
said, "Good-by! See you!"

Momotaro met a .
The said, "Hi, . Give me some and I'll go with you."
gave the some and he traveled with the .
Then met a .
The said, "Hi, . Give me some and I'll go with you."
gave the some and he traveled with the and the .
Then met a .
The said, "Hi, . Give me some and I'll go with you."
gave the some and he traveled with the , the
and the .

, the , the and the arrived at Onigashima.
They were but they were excited.
They met a . The said, "Who are you?"
said, "I'm Momotaro. This is the . This is the .
This is the . We are strong. We want to fight you!"

Momotaro, the , the , and the won.
The said, "I'm . I will be good."
Momotaro went and lived with the and the .

                    The End

"Momotaro"                       ©Toyama English House