Swimmy Chant
−子どもたちとやってみて どんな結果だったか、できれば Tea Room に書き込んで頂けると嬉しいです。
以上、製作者 外山節子 と HP管理者 早川礼子 (にゃんこ&わんこ) からのお願いです。
The Biggest Fish in the Sea
---a chant based on Swimmy by Leo Lionni---
                                        For elememtary schools
                                        Adapted by Setsuko Toyama

[SF: soothing music of sea. Swimmy and a group of little red fish appear.]
Swimmy:  Hi, everyone!
        I'm Swimmy.
        I'm little.
        I'm black.
        I'm a little black fish.

Red Fish 1: Hi, everyone!
        I'm Swimmy's sister.
        I'm little.
        I'm red.
        I'm a little red fish.
Red Fish 2: Hi, everyone!
        I'm Swimmy's brother.
        I'm little.
        I'm red.
        I'm a little red fish.

[SF: a scary sound. A big tune appears.]
Tuna:   I'm big.
       I'm hungry.
       I'm a big hungry tuna.

[SF: Ugly noises. A big tuna gobbles up the little fish.]
Swimmy: I'm scared.
       I'm lonely.
       I'm very, very sad.

[SF: a dreamy sound]
Jellyfish: Hello, Swimmy.
       I'm a jellyfish.
       I'm pink and blue and yellow!
Swimmy: Nice to meet you, Jellyfish! (Swimmy shakes hands with Jellyfish)
       I'm not scared.
       I'm happy again.

[SF: a marching music]
Lobster:  Hello, Swimmy.
       I'm a lobster.
       I'm brown and black and red.
Swimmy: Nice to meet you, Lobster! (Swimmy shakes hands with Lobster)
       I'm not sad.
       I'm happy again.

[SF: an eerie sound. Seaweed, a rock, an eel, and a sea anemone appear and take
   turn shaking hands with Swimmy, saying,
"Hi", "Hello", and "Nice to meet you".]
Swimmy: Nice to meet you, everyone.
       I'm not sad.
       I'm happy again.
       Oh, what's that?

[SF: soothing music of the sea. A group of little red fish appears.]
Swimmy: Hello, I'm Swimmy.
       I'm very happy to meet you.

All the Red Fish: Hello, Swimmy.
            It's very nice to meet you.
Swimmy: Let's go and swim and play!
RF 1 & RF 2: No, we can't!
         We're scared.
         The big fish will eat us all.

[Everyone keeps chanting,
"We're scared", "The big fish will eat us all".]

[SF: tick-tock sound]
RF 1 & RF 2: Swimmy's thinking.
         Swimmy's thinking.

(Everyone chants,
"Swimmy's thinking," or "Thinking".)

[SF: a gong]
Swimmy:  Let's swim together.
Everyone: Together?
Swimmy:  Yes!
        Let's swim like a big fish.

Everyone: Like a big fish?
Swimmy:  Yes!
        A big fish.
        A big fish.
        We'll be a very big fish.
        We'll be the biggest fish in the sea.
        The biggest fish in the sea.

Everyone: The biggest fish in the sea.
        The biggest fish in the sea.
        We are the biggest fish in the sea!
        The biggest fish in the sea.
Swimmy:  I'm the eye.
        I'm the eye
        of the biggest fish in the sea.

(spoken clearly and slowly)
        We are not scared!
        We are not little!
        We are the biggest fish in the sea!

The End
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