Sun., June 8, 2003 Conductor bag!! Additional production!! It is under arrival of goods one after another!! & [local information]

USA. Japan.

Conductor bag!! Additional production!! It is under arrival of goods one after another!!

The [conductor bag] reprinted edition which were since last year and large popularity also changed with the sellout, and the amount of first production did additional production for it. One after another, it is under arrival of goods.
It changed with payment and the progress whose dispatch is possible for check order on the same day.

◆ Introduction of a conductor bag ◆

Conductor bag [a perfect reprinted edition]

- Goods size 26cm [ 16cm by ] Depth about 7cm

Neighborhood Local information

The city bus in Kobe of neighboring; nearby carries out period operation of the bonnet bus of the time when the conductor bag was large-playing an active part once every year.

■ [Kobekko II generation number] (period limited operation) ■ which runs the town in Kobe gallantly

▼An original picture is a front page and please look at it. ▼

JR Rokkomichi station The bonnet bus in front of the Kobe 酒心館 The Mikage public hall and a bonnet bus

A bonnet bus runs gallantly the national highway No. 2 line which overlooks the Mikage public hall in which Akiyuki Nosaka's masterpiece "the grave of HOTARU" also appears, and a stone dealer river.
((in the car, Mr. guide is carrying out sale of a thing ticket and a card for the conductor bag to the shoulder.) It is said)

■ > edited one by the note ■ Kobe Municipal Transportation Bureau < emergency route

クラシック な 雰囲気 の ショルダー & ウエストバッグ 2WAY 鞄 (ばっぐ) アンティーク アンチック な 集金鞄 札ばさみ(ヌメ革) 拘り 本革トート アンティーク鞄 レトロ な クラシック鞄 コードバン(馬革) 馬蹄形 小銭入れ 財布(サイフ) クラシック鞄 車掌かばん オープンボックス パース 財布(さいふ) 手作り財布 メードイン 近畿 有限会社菅原屋 タクシードライバーズ鞄(本革)/(合皮) 日本製牛革鞄 トランク【シーザー】バロン <Lサイズ> 懐かしい 昭和(ALWAYS) の 時代 レトロ な グッズ 古き 良き 時代 からの 贈り物 ドクターバッグ 口金 カバン 手造り 革職人 手作り 工房 上質 な 革素材 ハンドメイド(はんどめいど) 日本製 革 本皮(牛革) トランク 豚革 トランク 皮 革(かわ) 鞄(かばん) 情報商材 Classic Bag (バッグ) M D ベルトポーチ 蛇 風水 阪急 阪神 京阪 電気 鉄道 株式会社 in English


Since 2005.02.05 by Sugaharaya