Kumara-hand English Tibetan Dictionary    , 〒2nd  Learn by heart
Eng.wd    Ex  url:    now option #Nic
If Modern button pushed: Eng.wd(independent), Ex.wd(dependent) -- Ex.wd image will be replaced by Eng.wd image.
If Search button pushed: Eng.wd(independent), Ex.wd(independent)

After 2020/02/01, function was degrated. Automatic view-sorce: function was unsupported. So, you must do hand-operation corresponding it.
今は、英単語を入れ、Modern ボタンを押しても、必ずエラーとなります。次回からは、単語を入れたら、下記手動操作を行って、url の html ソースを所定の textarea にセットし、その後で Modern ボタンを押して下さい。  申し訳ありません。
[つまり、上記 url を持って、#2nd へ飛び、その url のソース imge を textarea に格納し、戻り、再度 、Modern ボタンを押す。] かなりメンドウ。

Kumara Auto Macro に機能追加して、半自動化した。Kumara Auto Macro を立ち上げて待機させ、Eng.wd に単語を入れたら、Modern ボタンではなく、待機 dialog の OK ボタンを押して下さい。すると、3モードの選択 dialog が出ますので、選択して下さい。後は勝手に走ります。
【Yes】 Search + add phenetics
【No】 pronuncition converter THL tool
【Cancel】 other/ cancel moe.
  |-- if Cancel were selected, further next dialog occures. please select OK or Cancel.
   【OK】pronunciation adding.
   【Cancel】 true cancel [= exit]
(I made auto hand manipulation tool. Spawn "Kumara Auto Macro" , 3 modes selection above dialog will start. Do answer. and wait a result. )

【Hand operation one cycle】
① Enter English word into Eng.wd for url getting, ② Reset before view-sorce: image ,& set url (= Push r_src button), ③ Push copy url button ④ Click 〒2nd Link for jumping. ⑤ Execute getting view-source tool, then, copy iframe image, paste it to textarea box (id= source). ⑥ Jump/ back to page Top. ⑦ Push Modern button (= real retrieve body).

 Link free.    (C) 2018, 鳩摩羅童子. All Rights Reserved.       ↑ this aqua border is iframe. 

【About this】 This is enhanced tool of "English Tibetan Dictionary Online" in tumblr.com. + THL's Phonetics

  --- Infrastructure Body : ①
 2020/11 ①'s word search function is closed.
alternate: → THL Tibetan to English Translation Tool
2021/03/24 ①'s Search box is'nt on the left,
changed to on the right upper. --- foolish site, it is!
Japanese Dharma

Tibetan word definition by English. --- i.e. Tibetan English Dictionary. about 200,000 Tibetan words entries.
Search Box Input = Tibetan (Wylie format/ Tibetan Unicode)
English Tibetan Dictionary Online  --- Cross-Reference to ① : ②  [The world in above iframe is ② itself.]
from 2013. from Point of view DharmaDictionary.net by English. All Tibetan word list containing specified English word in its definition. Tibetan is Wylie format notation. Posted to Dashboard of Tumblr blog as one word/ one title. 4444 pages. 4444×10 = 44,440 English word titles were contained.
Search Box Input = English or Tibetan (Wylie format)
[ exactly speaking, this dictionary name is wrong. ∵ each words definition are explained by English not by Tibetan.
Tibetan bold entries are listed by alphabetical pronouncing order. (Spelling aren't alphabetically order. Silent prefix exist.) ]
thl logo THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter   --- Phonetic generator : ③
from 2010 (?), Input = Unicode or Wylie, Output = THL Simplified Phonetic, not IPA.
test English driven Tibetan Dictionary   --- Retrieve access tool. to ② + ③ : ④
from 2018. [letter 鳩 /hato (pronouncing)/ is pigeon/ dove in Japanese. Chinese, too.]
(cf. old version. -- this was very small AP [size = 40 KB], now version is 1.2 MB. waaa o !!)
Search Box Input = English     --- P.S. in ④, you can also operate ② in iframe.

Highlighting the retrieve word: Please Ctrl+F, Ctrl+V, Push Enter key. (Ctrl+C has already been done by clicking "Go" button.)
( --- but, this highlighting function, as a matter of fact, unneeded function in Modern mode. and IE's highlight is poor. Chrome's is normal.)
★ In real operation, you have best to apply "Simple mode" (Click the button and close/ hide iframe). in this, automatic highlight.
In latest mode, default is "Simple mode", so hide swich is ON after few second of Program load. So, hidden image can be seen/ visible in a bit time, but they are hidden soon. If you want to see a hidden image, please push the toggle switch hide: or  button.

〒Exact [ regular expression search in above registerd word's url: content.  + Tibetan word list ]       hide or visible:
Ex.wd   Eng.wd ≒ inventory title name, Ex.wd ≒ search name in inventory. different.
ex. If Eng.wd were specified "flow", then result number of entries are 1116. almost are "flower" words. We want to pick up just "flow" entries only. In such case, please select "exact" option & execute Search button. --- then, you will get 177 entries result. much reduced. Back to TOP ↑
How to add word pronunciation to the result, further.
Below 2 methods exist, now.
method1: run Macro job (as "dot" ended mode), & push OK. (i.e. open Kumara Auto Macro and Kumara Auto Macro C page, and respectly, enter keyboard "Ctrl+S" [save file as "AA_Tibet_Auto.vbs" (= mother; Latest 2022/10/10 version.), "AA_Tibet_Auto_C.vbs" (= child)] to your local folder under. and run mother file. It's not dangerous App-job at all. InputBox dialog is standing by. --- this is powerful.)  cf. Please read 【Tip】, too.   Spawn by : --- select "AA_Tibet_Auto.vbs" and right-click, and upper 2nd "open" click.
method2: Do the next self-service hand operation.  [Read from (0) to ③ all. and do action.]
cf. GoldenDict is near? but, what is setup? .. odd.
(0) Right wd_list Box is filled. if so, do ①.
click☞ jump THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter [= below]
(↑ here, right wd_list image will be copied to clipboard, automatic.)
② if jumped there, paste the wd_list into input box. Next,
applying Add input to output option, push "Make Phonetics" button.
then, Output box (= Tibetan Phonetics:) will be made.
③ Copy output box image, and paste into right-side small "Pair_list" box.
after then, push "Re-make .." button. --- Congratulations!
[Jump only (without copying) is clicking Pink column 1 (♪) rail of search result table.
right click is ...]

   Tibetan wd_list   [accesskey="L"]

ctrl+f aaaaa    jump to this tbl end (#exact_tbl_end)      Matched word color is crimson.      Back to TOP ↑
mess init
ctrl+f zzzzz    Back to this tbl Start (#exact_tbl_strt)

【Tip】 This dictionary is not almighty. 

ex. word "zoo" is not registered. So, your search results in "no data" error message.
but "zoology" is registered. Registered all English words (= 44,440 entries) can be seen.
cf. AA_Tibet_wd.html  , cf. "scan post" button at Top.
( or please check this HTML's source file, if necessary. i.e. by Ctrl+U keyboard function.)

in ②, there exists 3 types of url. (i.e. 3 mathematical Sets, are there.)
■https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/white-lotus   Set-T [Tagged words]
★https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/76395519135/white-lotus   Set-P [Posted words]
◆https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/white-lotus or ~/white-lotus/page/n (n= 1,2,...)   Set-S [Search]
Set-T ⊂ Set-P ∈ Set-S, Set-P is bigger than Set-T.

if the word was tagged, it can be use the direct access. but tagged or not is capricious/ inconsistent. --- very bad system. ex. basic word "people", "snow", "line" etc. are not tagged. --- very odd. "person" is tagged to "person's" -- foolish. "person" POST is existing. but, not displayed by tagged search. foolish system.
in ③, I added to all words the direct access ability. no-capricious.

other Basic dictionary or tool.
https://glosbe.com/en/bo (English-Tibetan Dictionary. title is Tibetan letter notation only. no Wylie. no IPA. )
[→ my impression: this glosbe.com dict. is feel good. word means description is agreeable.]
Unicode Tibetan Converter (C) Buddhist Digital Resource Center
THL’s Online Tibetan Transliteration Converter (convert between Wylie ⇔ Unicode)
THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter (from Unocode or Wylie to Phonetics)
   |----- Tibetan Transcription and Pronunciation Guide

■■ Kumara Auto Macro (= alias Kumara-hand) ■■
Windows Script Host Icon.png Windows Script Host (wikipedia), VBSccript file format icon.png VBScript   --- Windows only. Mac OS is no supported.
--- Kumara-hand's dialog Box resides on display left-top corner, and is in standby for OK button's pushing.

 ★★ Pronunciation adding service etc. by Kumara Auto Macro.
Now, this macro provides below 3 services.

 ■ "s" ended mode (= HTML source image from url Macro. here, "s" is the name comes from source.)
Function HTML source image getting from url address has stopped suddenly. so, we need to do this by hand. this is very toil work. Automation hand opration is needed. I support this by VBscript.
You only have to add "s" in inputbox of Kumara Auto Macro dialog, and push OK(= run) button.

 ■ "dot" ended mode: = usual Dot-mode (= Kumara Dictionary dedicated mode)
When Kumara dictionary search has done. if you want to add pronunciation further, push start OK button of Kumara-hand. this mode works in case Kumara-hand's input string value is ended by dot (.).

In THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter, "Add input to output" option switch "ON" is needed for running Kumara-hand. So, at every cycle, always force to make "ON". i.e. init the Phonetics Converter (AP load happens), and force toggle switch ON. (positioning by {tab} pushing. and space bar push. sendkeys() function operations.)

 ■ non"s" or "dot" ended mode: Non-dot Mode (Secret flag in Dialog InputBox of Kumara Auto Macro.) (= versatile mode)
This tool is a making THL's Phonetics Converter more friendly.
THL's Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter force to do Ctrl+V operation toword user. I don't like to do this. This operation is quite tiring. Using vbs, I made one click tool. Except of original data selection, Other all operations are made automatic.

All you need to do is "to change dot, select input, push OK button, (& further, click web-page TAB)".

① Run/ launch Kumara-hand job, and Change the InputBox's value. Append the non ". (dot)" character to the end. ex. from "... the page." to "... the page.x" --- this is "x" appended sample.
② Select the original input Tibetan/ Wylie data parts. -- this is indispensable. (you don't need Ctrl+C by yourself.)
③ Push Kumara-hand's OK button.
if you push OK to start, after this, Kumara-hand executes sendkeys() function of "Alt+D (= Focus the address bar)", {tab}, "Alt+T".
And when "Alt+T" is failure, Kumara-hand displays re-try messageBox to you.
if you recieve the re-try message, Please activate Kumara Dictionary web-page (i.e. Click web-page TAB [above address bar.]). and wait 3 sec.
if this positioning check has passed/ successed, after all works will be done by Kumara-hand.

【My request】 Please someone, make Kumara Auto Macro Mac-OS version AP.

〒pronounce    Back to Top ↑ (or, Page-back header icon of browser.)   #nnn
   (C) THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter [The Tibetan and Himalayan Library (THL)]
 Here, Please apply "Add input to output" option. ∵ pair is needed. monitor:   init/ clear/ reset       [accesskey="T"]  ☜ "Alt+T" InputBox

After Output has made:
Please copy & paste left "Tibetan Phonetics:" output textarea into below "Pair_list" textarea by hand. (iframe lower output box: r-click/All-select, r-click/copy; small-box: r-click/paste [when r-click, All-select is automatic].) After then, click Re-make.. button.)

My comment: in vbscript "clipboard → AP" data moving coding is supported. but, in javascript, not supported. (?) So, you must use hand. I apology for this non-automatic inconvenience.
ex. Remote batch vbs job sample. (1 click = ...) Auto copy & paste & Re-make named Kumara Auto Macro (alias: Kumara-hand )
p.s. This THL phonetics is agreeable. IPA notation is bad (= too complicated).
c. Dubious = Doubtful
c. input = ཅ ཆ, then output = cha cha   --- Is it allowed? (different spell, but, the same sound.)
cf. https://www.lexilogos.com/keyboard/tibetan.htm 【Tibetan keyboard】
c. THL phonetics /j/ is “j” to the j of jazz 「じゃ」. not "ya" 「や」じゃ無い。

(#spell) (#Nic) 〒biggerI want Big letter. .style.fontSize =20  cf. man1, man2.  

(jump to #pronounce) , 〒spell
(C) THL’s Online Tibetan Transliteration Converter
(jump to #pronounce) (#spell) 〒Nic   TOP ↑   --- This site was closed, perhaps. url changed. at least in 2020.
The Online English-Tibetan Dictionary (by © Nic Bommarito) -- I found this from LEXILOOS
• My comment: I like this dictionary.
ཚིག་མཛོད་འཚོལ། (tshig mdzod 'tshol/) /tsik dzö tsöl/ ---- not found in dict.
ཚིག་མཛོད་ /tsik dzö/ 字引く書 = dictionary, vocabulary
དབྱིན་ཇི (dbyin ji) /yin ji/ = Britain, England
བོད་ཡིག (bod yig) /bö yik/ = Tibetan script, Tibetan { proper }, Tibetan language, Tibetan script { noun }
(H) - honorific form 敬語
My comment to Nic: I checked it out khata.co. site. kakta.co. site is rotten. you should rewrite the message of your site. as of 2019/12/25 by Kumara.
• 語彙数少ない。 2825 words in the database.?
cf.English Tibetan Dictionary online [Glosbe] is Currently we have 3,048 phrases translated
• Tibet House US > Resources で、「Online English-Tibetan Dictionary」 Website: eng-tib.com で紹介されている。 on 2020/11/14


https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/藏文 ((C) wikipedia, Chinese version.) J-version : Tibetan script structure    Back to TOP ↑
,, radical, subscripts and superscripts, prescript, postscript, post-postscript
Tibetan script structure zh.png




-- My comment: Wylie "bsgrond" , THL phonetics result is "drön",,, broken (?) (g-d) changed.
བསྒྲོནད and bsgrond both are not existed in DharmaDictionary.net. WHY?
,,, further, "drön" is the same "zhon"?   is it allowed? not agreeable. why?
chaotic system it is!

cf. An Inventory of Tibetan Sound Laws
cf. チベット語のカタカナ表記について ( Japanese KANA trial/ challenge for Tibetan letter notation.)
cf. Wikipedia:外来語表記法/チベット語    〜チベット文字は、元来は表音文字として7世紀ごろに制定されたが〜  --- Is it true? Now's silent letters parts were pronounced in those days?

Debug:  str5 =    ex. str5= exp.length or exp[0]
str5='note\nbook' --- alert box is protected. can't selectable/ copy. ---- Google Chrome bug ???
cf. How to copy text of alert box answered Jun 27 '17 at 6:14
I've found that, in Chrome at least, the alert box text is in fact selectable -- when the text does not contain any line-breaks (ie. "\n").

id=wk_inner: (versatile work area innertHTML⇔innerText wk operation)

ggg <span id="wk_inner" contenteditable=true>ggg</span>
<button onclick="wk_=document.getElementById('wk_inner'); wk_.innerHTML='<b>test</b>';alert(wk_inner.innerText);; alert(wk_inner.innerHTML);">button</button>

〒2nd      Top
2nd hide 

view-source: iframe Hand operation Tool

↑Top [accesskey="S"]  ALT+S     init Tool
After Getting view-source: image, Please copy [Ctrl+A, Ctrl+C], and paste [Ctrl+A, Ctrl+V] it to Textarea (id=source).

 src = http://charset.7jp.net/view-source.html
url のページのソースが表示されたら、結果を全選択し、下の textarea 枠へ、コピペして複写して下さい。

「url 指定 ソースの入手」のやり方は、 browser の右クリクック「ページのソースを表示 (Ctrl+U)」等、実は、何でも良い。自動化できないのは、イイ迷惑である。

昔は、自動化してくれる javascript の関数を提供するサイトが有ったが、現在は、消滅した。なので、今は、手動でやるしかない。

もっとシンプルなサイトが無いか探したが無かった。左記サイトが閉鎖されないことを祈る。海外サイトの tool を見たが、もっとエゲツナクテひどかった。

 ↓ <textarea id="source" style="width: 100%;height: 300px;"></textarea> ↑Top
2020/11/15: 頭に来たので、個人用 VBscript の くまらマクロ を作った。1回起動ボタン click するだけ。キーボード操作ナシ。非公開。
=sl_v=200,%d,2,kb#{tab},~,%s,{tab}~,4,kb#{tab},kb ,+{tab},^v~,sl5000,{tab},^a,^c,sl5000,1,kb#{tab},^a,^v,%d,9,kb#{tab},~,

Kumara Auto Macro (= AA_Tibet_Auto.vbs) の "s" mode として、吸収した。

Blow site was closed on about 2020/02/01, so this function was stopped. -- I'm shocked !

from http://www.ryokurian.jp/atelier/geso/ を copy


サイトのhtmlソースをJavaScriptで取得する方法。まずソースを取得するcgiを用意して、取得したソースをJavaScriptでクロスドメインで受け取れるようにする。 具体的には次の通り。


Here's 〒 url : 例)アドレスを入力して取得ボタンを押して下さい。  ↑ i-frame の下に戻る。
  ↓<input type="text" id="url"

  ↓<textarea id="source" style="width: 100%;height: 300px;"></textarea>

txt_b AREA   

^^^^ new method 2019/11/07
Blog page all url list, direct retrieve. Get last url by one search.
@x1-701,wk-,x1+,^l,{del},c+(url_&x1&"",~,sl3000,^^f,+{d 12},sl500,^c1,sl300,exe(sv1=replace(sv1{}""""{}""):sv1=replace(sv1{}upos_{}""):sv1=replace(sv1{}st_{}""): sv1=replace(sv1{}pg_{}""):sv1=replace(sv1{}it_{}""),sl300,wk+,if(x1>800)-14
コレで4444 page 分を一括 get。^^f の事前キーは、「{"」である。

^l は、url 枠。
やり方変更。やるべきことは、url list の一覧の pick up に尽きる。その中の冗長文字削除は、後でゆっくりやれば良い。 URL source の html の「{"」と「}]」で挟まれた文字列を pick up すれば良い。
^^f,+{d 12}, ^c1,exe(pos_=InStr(sv1,"}]"):sv1=Left(sv1,pos_),wk+
zoom すると、「,」の不正用法が分かる。
+3,al(wk,@,wk-,x1-401,x1+,^l,{del},c+(url_&x1&"",~,sl4000,^^f,+{d 12},^c1,sl300,exe(sv1=replace(sv1{}""""{}""):sv1=replace(sv1{}upos_{}""):pos_=InStr(sv1{}"}]"):sv1=Left(sv1{}pos_),wk+,if(x1>500)-12
--- p6 がスキップされたが、,sl3000,を,4000 にしたら、直った。なので、 4000 にした。
1001 から 1500 へ 500 p 指定したら、wk が al(, j0( できなかった。大きすぎてパンクした模様。 al(len(wk) は、下記だった。30万 バイトが限界なのかも。なので、100コずつ、やはりやる。
Kumara al(文字式
OK キャンセル
100 回の時 6万
Kumara al(文字式
OK キャンセル

■以下に 関数 requestsorce(url) を定義する。