バチェラーベース アイヌ語辞典 BAT_AJE


姉妹品 BAT_EA.html
原本の画像ページ版 (by ©真理子日曜学校)

charset=Shift_JIS", style="font-family:verdana, arial; font-size: 18px;", paぱ
(フォントサイズボタン -- ぱ、の右上丸「゜」が識別できますか?。cf. フォントサイズ可能指定値 実は、"large" 等、全て入力可能。)

【 この辞書について 】
 このアイヌ語オンライン辞書は、アイヌ語学習者の便宜のために、著作権切れで既に一般公開されている、ジョン・バチェラーのアイヌ・和・英・辭典(第四版)の画像イメージ(by 真理子日曜学校)を、個人的に Google の OCR で読み取り、コード化し、さらに文字化け部分を手直したものである。
on 2015/12/19 作者、鳩摩羅童子(くまらどうじ)。
(尚、登録されているアイヌ語の見出しの数を調べたら、約1万8000 単語でした。例文数は調べてません。code化したので file size は、1.8MB で軽いです。)

  ☟ Word search box (該当枠を一覧にして表示)
正規表現 = '<z((.|\n)(?!</z>))*?'+reg_input.value+'(.|\n)*?</z>'
---- User only have to set "pirika" part.
[here, "utar[aeiou]" or "iwan[gk]e" or "ni(sh|s)atta" etc. format is OK.]

【鳩】バチェラー辞書の発音記号は、ch, sh 表記である (c, s 表記近代表記でない)。k は、g のケースもある ( i と y もそう。∵ 近代表記の二重母音表記は、~y,~w 形。ainu は/aynu/) 。近代の pirka は、pirika である。
--- アイヌ人は、隅も趣味も sumi なのか。いいのか?。好き、も シュキ、なのか?。星 nociw は nochiu。
( place の ushike の近代表記は、usike, 富田には無い(uske/ uskehe みたい)。実にイイカゲン。近代表記は、かなり、イナカッペ/非常識である。バチェラーや金澤や知里幸惠(アイヌ神謡集)のローマ字表記の方が国際化の点でも素直。センスの無い標準化はイイ迷惑。 ex. /sh/ の発音を s と記すのは、世界中でアイヌ語近代表記とハンガリー語だけだ。非常識。2文字より1文字の方が表記が楽(?)。そういうレベルでは無い、言語的にオカシイ。ch を c で表記する言語は他にもあるので許されるが、sh を s と記すのは許されない。

語頭・語尾検索は、\b を語頭・語尾に付加して下さい。bboundary バウンダリ・境界の意です。[\ は¥ボタン (or \ 「ろ」ボタン)。]
ex. "\bpirika" --- 語頭が "pirika" の単語を含むエントリ一覧の表示。ex. カラスは、"crow\b" で引くと、crow〜 の〜が無い単語のみ選択してくれる。
(\b 機能は、ハイフンバウンダリを許すが、上記の「強語頭」ボタンでは、許さない。[^-]\bpirika に近い。)
■ この検索機能で、辞書の横断検索結果が一望できると、辞書の付加価値が上がる。多分。
Search Result --- お詫び:IE 以外では、下記の結果表示で下線付きリンク部がマークで無く、左クリックが機能しない(why?)。右クリックして下さい。
mess init

c. バチェラーの日本語、英語はメチャクチャである。logic もめちゃくちゃ。多くの人から批判されている。上記検索で 「バカ検証」 (or  ← クリック) と入れてみて下さい。バカぶりを実感できます。かなり低レベルです。i.e. 杜撰(ずさん)で不完全。cf. アイヌ語学 (by 知里真志保)

【 私は最初、第四版付録のバチェラー英アの辞書を web 活字化したが、誤字・ Format 不正、アルファベット順番誤り、等ウジャウジャで、呆れてしまった(四版なのに)。英国のバカ宣教師は日本の中学生以下の頭脳である。この人、イギリス人の恥さらし。レベル低過ぎる。仕事ぶりが尋常ではない(雑で、繊細さ皆無)。との印象。第二版 (image, image2, OCR, pdf [copy/検索 可])も見たが、もっとひどかった(i.e. 改版で良くはしているみたい)。もう話にならない。体裁レベルで失格なので、中身も推して知るべし、である。バカ外人に当たってしまったアイヌ人も可哀想だと思う。歴史なんて皆んなこうなのかもしれないが、それにしてもヒド過ぎる。日本の印刷屋はバチェラーのバカぶりを正すことを完全放棄(政治判断)しましたね。多分直すと、歴史を捏造することになるので敢えて誤字等全て保存した。そうとしか考えられない。
私の総評: バチェラーの日本語能力は、日本の幼稚園児以下。アルファベット順で無い。お粗末過ぎて、開いた口がふさがらない。気分。

■ この辞書を見ていて感じたこと。:
@ アイヌ語の単語は、支離滅裂。似た発音なのに何の関係性も無いものが多い。少し異常。
ex. Ankomonash, あんこもなしゅ, 忙ガシキ。adj. Busy. In great haste.
とあるが、ウソっぽい。バチェラーの英ア辞典の busy には、
Busy, adj. Chimonushka ; komonash; imontabiri an; yaimonsak; muchimasap ; monko an ; mon an.
とある。しかし、 komonash は、ア和英辞典には未登録。実に、イイカゲンな仕事をしている。
--- My 推論: Mon-ush = labour + adj-lize, Anko = my/ I, なので、I'm busy. が、あんこもなしゅ (?) [もしかして、英語必須 (?)]

A バチェラーさんは、単語収集者としては失格(無能)。複合語の単語が沢山あるが、普通ならその要素の意味を追求して、芋づる的に漏れ無く調べようとするが、それをしていない。
--- バチェラーは、アルファベットを順番に並べられない能力の持ち主ですから、語分解する能力なんて初めから無い。
B 野放図に収集しているので、量が2倍・3倍に膨れている感がする。
ex. Anna, あんな, 健康ナル。adj. Healthy. In good health. Syn : Anne. Anno. Annu. Iwange-no an.
で、Anne. Anno. Annu. 系の複合語も皆、別々にしつこく、(同じ内容が)書いてある。つまり、4倍に膨れている。
ex2. Ram, らむ, 精神、心、魂。n. Mind. Heart. Soul. Feelings. Think. 〜 、と、Ramu, ラム, n. & v.i. The mind 心、精神. The soul 魂. The seat of the feelings. Heart. To think. To understand. To consider. 〜
ex3. Ram, ラム, 卑キ、幼キ。例セバ、ポンラムオロワ、 幼キ時カラ。 adv. Low. Young. 〜、と、Ran, らん, 下ノ、下ニアル。 adj. Low. Lower. 〜

C この辞書は、あるバカ外人が、彼の耳に聞こえた単語を列挙したもの。発音は、feeling は合っているが、全く正確ではない。例えば、猫 (= cat) は、Chabe と Meko だって。断言するが、Meko である訳ないだろ。Neko でしょ。明治時代には、猫のことを Meko と発音していたアイヌの人が本当にいたの?。チョット信じられませんネ。そんな人、社会生活できないと思う。要するに、バチェラーさんの耳が、アイヌや日本の人とは違うことを証明する辞書なんです。これは。----だから、全く信用出来ない。feeling のみを感ずるレベルの正確性皆無のバカ辞書です。--- そう、認識しましょう。
検証:そうでも無いみたい。--- だとすると、アイヌ語の「メコ」は日本語とは別系統で温存してきたということ。それが真実かも知れない。(世界中で cat を meko と言っている国は沢山あるが、neko と言っている国は日本だけ。それが真実。鳴く・吠える、は、 mek だって。面白い。) 、蝦夷方言藻汐草で確認 (in © Future University Hakodate - Digital Archives Center) しよ うとしたが載って無かった。誰か、方言藻汐草を活字電子化して下さい。つーか、漢字・ひらがな部にフリガナを振って欲しい。
cf. 藻汐草 / 上原熊治郎 通辞 ; 阿部長三郎 支配 in © 「早稲田大学図書館古典籍総合データベース」
cf. 『藻汐草』の「一冊本」について by 佐 藤 知 己 in 北大文学研究科紀要 121 (2007)

D 山羊(ヤギ)goat が登録されていない。アイヌ社会にはヤギは存在しないのか。
E この辞書をじっくり調べると、つくづくアイヌ語は、日本語とは無関係の完全に別世界の言語だと思う。予想さえ出来ない。


【鳩】 辞書内の元の日本語は、基本的には全て削除し、振り直した。なぜならば、文字化けを直しても、元々オカシイバチェラーの馬鹿日本語(あほカタカナ発音も含む)など無い方が良いと、総合判断したから。---- 暫定で、そのママを引用している所が沢山あるが、最終的には無くす。バカ日本語を見る義理は無い。  (カタカナ日本語は無くす、おかしな明治時代の送り仮名も正す。旧漢字は資料として残す。) ex. 閉込メル。 → 閉じ込める。
* Batchelor's original name.(実質、和、はオマケである。)

* N.B. It should be borne in mind that the Japanese kana script is utterly unfitted for writing Ainu. Wherever the kana appears after an Ainu word written in Romaji in this work, the Roman must be regarded as the true pronounciation. The kana is only a make-shift and follows the old Japanese use as found in the Moshiogusa 藻汐草(もしおぐさ). (For orthography see Part I. Chapter 2).

ex. ainu は、イイが、「アイヌ」は駄目、というのですか。冗談言わないで欲しい。カタカナ表記出来ない発音なんて基本的には無い、と思う。違うか。
ex. yukara ユカラ、ユーカラ、 最も源語発音に近いのはどれだ。尚、知里幸惠は、 yukar と表記している。皆んな、イイカゲン。  cf. アイヌによるアイヌ語表記 (切替英雄 1997/01) --- コレ、面白い。バチェラーはやはりバカ。砂沢クラさんや知里幸惠は、偉い・賢い。と分かった。 【 例 バイカラ paykar [pajkaR] 「春」 R は音節末の弾き音、 --- バイカル湖と関係ある(?) 】
ex. 英語の場合、r, f, t (母音無し子音)のカタカナ表記は、正確性に欠ける、と思うが、アイヌ語の場合そのような発音は無い/少ない、様に思う。 例えば、アイヌ語でカタカナ表記が、アルファベット発音表記に負ける例としては、
ハッキリ言うが、ローマ表記は OK だが、カナ表記は、OK でない、なんて有りえない。少し工夫すれば、ローマ字とカナ表記は 100% 等価変換できる。
例えば、通常はカタカナ、しかし、母音なし子音は、ひらがな とする。 itak ⇔イタく。pirka⇔ピるカ。cep ⇔チェぷ。kampi/ kambi ⇔カむピ/カむビ。 で充分だ。単に、約束事 + センスの良さ(不自然で無いこと)、の問題。---- 没とした。全カタカナで検索できないので止めた。下線を付ける、の区別の方が良い。下線もセンスが無いので止めた。現状のママで良い。チェプと書いて、chepu とローマ字を振る人は多分いない。だから、放っておく。大した問題では無い。---- カタカナは止めて「ひらがな表記」にする。∵カタカナは違和感がある、入力操作が疲れる。 −− お遊びで、時々、区別のために、t 吐, p 婦, k 句, m 嘸 と振る。

---- 母音ナシ子音のローマ字表記が、世の中、最初から間違っていると思う。「At」 は、バチェラーのバカは「アツ」とかなを振った。しかし、これだと 「Atu/ Ats」 と区別出来ない。英語の cat の発音のローマ字表記は、cat では無く、本当は「catt」で、「きゃっと」だと思う。つまり、世の中の母音なし子音表記は曖昧なので廃止すべきである。「子音2多重」表記に直すべきである。つまり、バチェラーの発音のカタカナ表記は、母音なし子音に関し、全て間違っている。 --- これは冗談では無い ---
--- つまり、n, m 以外の 母音なし子音ローマ字は、前に「っ」が入る。二重子音と同じ扱い。これが、正しい日本語の表記ルール。 ---
唯一の例外: 母音なし m の 鼻音 「ム」は、「ン」に準じる、「っむ」とはならない。ex. 新橋 shimbashi しむばし[ヘボン式ローマ字]、)

ex. At アツ -- これは Att の簡易表現で、→ 「あっと」が正しい。
(つまり、 母音+後ろに母音が無い子音 = 母音+「っ」+子音、となる。母音が後ろに付かない子音は、軽くなるので、調和的に、その分、前の母音が濃くなる、の原理。この音感法則が、ローマ字のかな表記には合っている。 ex. 英語 At アット、 cat キャット、 cap キャップ、 catch キャッチ、get ゲット、---- 明治時代には、この経験則がまだ日本に確立されていなかった (?)。ことにしておこう。

【統一指針適用 Before, After サンプル】。
ex. Aapte アヽプテ → ああっぷて
ex. Abe-op-karush アベオプカルシュ → あべ・おっぷ・かるっしゅ
ex. Itak イタク → いたっく
ex. Iyetapkara イイェタプカラ → いいぇたっぷから
ex. Iyokbe イヨクベ → いよっくべ
ex. Kakse カクセ → かっくせ
ex. Chiraske チラスケ --- ちらっすけ (?) ---- s/ su の扱いは、微妙。 su を略して s にしているケースが多い。
   [ex. 英語でも us 我々を、は「アス」、で、「アッス」、とは普通表記しない。]
(ちらっすけ、で無いなら、 本来なら、Chirasuke と表記すべきだったと云える。バチェラーはこの辺の配慮皆無のノータリン。)
ex. Ikoingara-mat イコインガラマツ → いこいんがら・まっと
ex. Ikra イクラ → いっくら (「いくら」と発音させたければ, Ikura とローマ字すべき。イイカゲンな仕事してもらっては困る。)
ex. Chep, チェプ → ちぇっぷ
ex. Ishirankarapte, イシランカラプテ → いしらんからっぷて
ex. Tek テク → てっく 【〜的(てき)、〜 tic 、形容詞語尾】
Ramuratke, ラムラッケ らむらっとけ, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ
Ramu-ratki, ラムラツキ らむ・らっとき, 健勝ナル。 adj. & v.i. Satisfied. To be in good health and spirits. To be prosperous. Happy. Syn : Shiknu wa an. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ
Ramu-rakke, ラムラッケ らむ・らっけ, 幸福ナル。 adj. Happy. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ
Takne, タクネ たっくね, 短キ。 adj. Short. Curt ぶっきらぼうな、言葉が短い、素っ気ない. ★バカ検証 【Taku-ne と区別つかない。】
Taku-ne, タクネ たく・ね, 混リタル。 adj. Agglomerated. ★バカ検証 【Takne, タクネ と区別出来ない】
| Muchattek, ムチャックテク むちゃってっく, 悦ブ。 adj & v.i. To rejoice. To feel happy.
| Nuchatktek, ヌチャックテク ぬちゃっとくてっく, ★バカ検証 【発音オカシイ】
- sh 「しゅ」も子音の扱いに準じる。 shi 「し」は、子音+母音の形。sh を「し」と発音するのは、国際的に、オカシイ。 ex. 英語 cash キャッシュ、(キャッシの発音も許されている様だが、いなかっぺ、である。)英語 push プッシュ、(プシ、プッシ、とカナを振る人は、今時、日本には、いない。)
| Ushiush, ウシウシ うしうっしゅ,
| Usshiush, ウッシウシ うっしうっしゅ,
| Kuru, くる,
| Guru, ぐる,
| Kur, くっる, 人。者。鳥獣無生物ニモ用ヒラル。
Shirotke, シロツケ しろっとけ, 刺ス、貫ク。 v.t. To stick 刺す. To pierce 貫通する. To sit down upon any thing with a thud 何かの上にドスンと坐る. 【バチェラーが促音表記の技法としてヘボン式ローマ字の「t」を使用したかは、疑問。もしそうなら、このケースでは、「シロッケ」とカナを振ったハズ。要するに、バチェラーはイイカゲンの馬鹿。】

★★ バカバチェラーのセンスのない (違和感のあるアホ) カタカナ発音表記は、実際音の模擬としては失格で、アイヌ語の学習の普及を妨げたと思う。この罪は重い。
[このバカ発音の訂正作業をしていると分かるが、この誤り表記は、かなり basic な問題である。明治以後 100 年間アイヌ学者は、このコトに気が付かなかったのか。どうして、直そうともセズ放っておいたのか。遺憾である。]

Acha 叔父(おじ)さん というアイヌ語単語がある。バチェラーさんは、「アチヤ」とカタカナを振っている。このカタカナは、オカシイ。何故なら「アチヤ」のローマ字は「Achiya」である。要するに、バチェラーさんが、馬鹿だったのだ。「アチャ」か「アッチャ」と表記すれば良かったのだ。「Acha」の表記が、アイヌ語発音を正しく表記しているかは、私はアイヌ人でないので分からない。
厳密には「アッチャ」のローマ字は「accha」であり、「acha」では無い。英語の cat 猫(ねこ)の発音記号は「cæt」である。æは単独だと「ア」である。「cæt」は「キャット」であり「キャト」では無い。「キャット」の表記が良くないという意味は、「ト」が「to」なのか「t」なのかが、曖昧だからだ。
つまり、アイヌ語表記は、スペルは、ローマ字、発音はカタカナが、アイヌ人や日本人には合っていると思う。international 的にはローマ字のみを前面に出せば良いだけの話。内部的には、カタカナ表記は、学習速度を速めると思う。日本人にアイヌ語の会話を速記しろといったら、普通の人はカナでメモるだろう、ローマ字でメモる人はいない。当たり前の話だ。
------ だから、結果として、カタカナの発音を見出し単語には振る。ただし、バチェラーさんのカタカナは信用せずに振り直す。
cf. 近発表記 epes ♪ 長さ  (エペシ、に聞こえる。epesi でないのは、何故。) (音提供、lah.soas.ac.uk/projects/ainu/    --- 2017現在 、このサイトは消滅している。
cf. アイヌ語の表記について(旭川市教育委員会) 母音ナシ r は、直前の母音に引きずられる規則なのか。Good. 小さな字のカタカナは、紛らわしいので、この辞書では、ひらがな、とする。パシクル paskur(カラス)、s は、シ、なのか why?
My コメント: 音通の経験則から見ると、西洋では、r は、元々、重複記号で有った痕跡が有る。つまり、pirka の、元は、pipika だった可能性がある。paskur は、paskuku だった。カッコーの痕跡が有ることもわかるネ。

【鳩】アイヌ語の見出し単語は、メリハリをつける為、複合語 (compound) は従来通り黒太字。しかし、、非複合語・語根(基底単語)は、青太字、とした。複合語は、応用単語・派生単語であり、想像すれば推察可能。(知らなくともなくともなんとかなる。)
---- 基本的には、長ったらしい単語は覚えなくて良い。今のアイヌ語辞書はみんなオカシイ。ミソも糞も同レベルで網羅してある。良くない。
【鳩】分かる範囲で、語根分解の解説を付した ex.【 acha v.i. = apassive+ chato cut = 細かく切られた】
--- 結果だけの辞書は、餓鬼(がき)・小学生の辞書である。
【鳩】辞書によって結果が違う。弱い weak は、BAT は、achan, chan, hauge, tumsak, ... 金澤/ロシアは、 hawke, ikkewe sak; tumsak, 富田は、tumsak, ...(BAT, 金澤にあるものは皆無) ---- もうメチャクチャな世界。
関連して、Saure 緩和・緩めるは、BAT, 金澤にあるが、富田に無い。富田の辞書って、ちょっとオカシイね。部族が違うアイヌ語なのか。富田辞書には、[静内(しずない)] と良くあるので、日高で、北海道北東部方言で、他の辞書と違うのかも。バチェラーは、函館・札幌とあるので、北海道南西部方言ですね。話は合う(?)。


A, あ, (動詞の)受け身語頭(〜される・された)。 A passive prefix to verbs. Thus, Nuye書く, “to write”; anuye書かれた, “to be written.” Raige殺す, “to kill"; araige殺された, “to be killed.” The old form still used among the Saghalien Ainu and also among those inhabiting the central districts of Yezo is an. Thus, an-nuye, “written”; an-raige, “killed.” Set akarakara=造る ? “Is the table to be prepared ?” But this a or an is not always prefixed to the word it governs, other words may intervene between them. Thus, for wakka a-tare, "water was caused to be drawn,"  we hear(私たちは聞く= 〜の用例もある), awakka tare; and for akashi-obas “to be helped,” we hear kashi上へ-a-obas支える. 【ruwe ne ルウェ・ネ(動詞の確定・肯定 affirmative 語尾)。〜だんべ、みたいなもの。(?) 尚、ruwe an? ルウェ・アーン、は、だんべか?、か。】

A, あ, (動詞の)過去形語頭。Sometimes a or andid_suffix represents past time only. Thus; aokere [okereto end/ finish, aokereto ended/ finished], “It has been finished,” ankidone ruwe〜也(確定 affirmative) ne [ kido ], “It has been done,” or “It was finished ” or “done.”

A, あ, 一単複受け身目的格を形成(≒ 冠詞 ?)。 When used immediately followed by the obj. per. pro. enme, “ me,” or unus, “ us,” and a verb, it, together with the pronoun should be translated by “I am ” and “we are " respectively; for thus is formed the 1st per. sing. and pl. of the passive voice to verbs. Thus: ~
a-en-kik叩く, “I am struck. 私は叩かれる。私を叩く。叩かれた私。”; a-un-kik, “we are struck.” But when a en or a un are used before verbs made transitive by the addition of e〜を/〜に they should be translated by “me” and “ us.” Thus: aされる enme epotara〜を心配する kido ruwe ne, “they feel anxiety about me.” (lit: “I am being felt anxiety about); a un emik〜を吠える, “they bark at us” (lit: “we are barked at ”). 吠えられている私たち。私たちを吠える。
【つまり、一人称受け身の主語代名詞は、a en 私はされる/ a un 我々はされる。  質問、二人称、三人称ではどうなる? 】
【バチェラーさん、英語も少しオカシイ。they should be translated by “me” and “ us.” ではなく、they should be translated to/ toward “me” and “ us.” だと思う。 】

A, あ, 一人称複代名詞 (a ne のペア形) When followed by nebecome , a represents the 1st per.pl. pro. thus: ~ E? ren3人 a ne wa御座イマス, “ we three.” This mode of expression is the same as ren3 persons chiwe/ my ne, “we three.” But it should also be remembered that under certain conditions eren a ne wa may mean “they three.” Cf. also etun a ne wa with tum chi ne, “ we two.” Literally translated eren a ne wa is, “we being three.” Syn : chi; anokai; chiutara; chiokai; utara; this latter sometimes being corrupted into chokai utara.

A, あ, 吾(あ)[= 一人称単数主語代名詞] Sometime a is used for the 1st per. sing. pro. “I.” As Tokapchi十勝 un在住の guru人間 aわたしは neです(= be) ruwe〜也(確定) ne, “ I am a Tokapchi man 私は十勝の者です。.” Ashinuma anak nei guru kot'turesh a ne ruwe ne, “I am that person's younger sister.” Under certain conditions of context these illustrations might be translated in the 3rd person. Syn : Ku-ani.
A, あ, 時ニ Koro ナル動詞ト共ニ用イル時ハ(A) あ ハ、第三人称複数、人称代名詞トナル。Prefixed to koro, “to possess,” the 3rd per. pl. pro. “they” is formed. Thus, “the things they brought” is, akoro ariki ambe. Such is the idiom but the words mean in fact, “having the things they came.” *,
A, あ, 時ニ Koro ナル動詞ト共ニ用イル時ハ、第一三人称複数、持格代名詞トナル。By prefixing a to the verb koro, “ to have,” the 1st per. pl. poss. pro. “our * is obtained. Thus:~ Akorobe, “ our things." Akoro michi, “ our father.” But where there is no danger of ambiguity the koro may be dropped. As :~ Shipakari, a uni wa ekbe, “only think; they came from our home !” Syn : Chikoro.
A, ア, 時ニ Koro ノ前ニ A ヲ加フルトキハ、第一人称単数、持格代名詞トナルナリ。 But when used with koro, a sometimes represents the 1st per. sing. poss. pro. “my.” Thus, akoro sapo, “my elder sister.” Akoro yupo, “my elder brother.”
A, あ, 時トシテ A ハ、第ニ人称単数、持格代名詞トナルナリ。Sometimes a is found for the 2nd per sing. per.pro. “your,” and as such is short for aokai or anokai, “you” and “ye.” Thus:~ aakutari, “ your younger brothers.” The full way of writing this would be a-koro akihi utari. See aakutari and aaktonoge,
A, ア, The vowel a is sometimes used with otta preceded by a passive to express purpose 母音 アは、時々 otta に先行して受け身の目的を表すためにペアの形で用いられる。 Thus, neithat sakiripole/ fence anak neあなくね = 〜は chepfish asatkea + to air/ dry ottaby/ unto aewangetools, “that pole is used for drying fish. (lit. “with reference to that pole it is used for fish to be dried"). Note. The Ainu dry many of their larger kinds of fish by splitting them down the middle from head to tail and hanging them on horizontal poles in the sun and air. These poles are called nau. It may be also noted here that one great difference between the Ainu and Japanese languages is that while the Japanese tongue abhors passives
the Ainu use them wherever possible and the Japanese only when forced to do so 日本語は受け身表現を毛嫌いしているのに対してアイヌ語は可能ならば何時でも受け身を多用する、日本語は必要な時のみ使用する。この違いは大きい.
 ★バカ検証 【日本語の訳が付いていない。「日本語は受け身をひどく嫌う」なんて認識はオカシイ。日本語を知らない人が勝手な事を書いてはイケない。また、受け身の印の「あ」の付加は、一番目の「あ」の定義 A passive prefix to verbs.で、説明済なのでは無いのか。説明がトロいので、 anak, asatke, otta のどの a がそうなのか分からない。】
A, あ, Sometimes a represents the 2nd per. sing. per. pro. * you." As :~ Tokkari kotan wa ek a ruwe he an? “ Have you come from Tokkari ?” The more usual way however of using such phrases is by substituting e for a, e being a contraction of eani, “you.”
A, あ, A is sometimes used for the 3rd per. sing. per. pro. “ he,” “she”; and even sometimes as the rel. pro. “who.” A-e-hotuyekara, “he is calling you.” Teda an a guru, “the person who was here.”
A, あ, Used after verbs a, sometimes hardened into ya, expresses interrogation, and sometimes affirmation. Thus, an a 2 “Is there "; an a, “there is,” the meaning being determined by the tone of voice. Syn : ta a ? ta an ?
A, あ, 歯、肉、叉ノ股、支流。 n. A tine. A tooth. A thorn. A prong of a fork, spear, or harrow. Thus:~ Re a ush op, “ a trident.” 'When used in the names of trees and shrubs a indicates thorns of the larger kinds and ai thorns or prickles of the softer, smaller sorts.
A, あ, rel. pro. Who. 誰(だれ) Which. どれ・どっち As;~ E kik a gurtt men ne zuwe ? “Who struck you?”
A, あ, interj. 感嘆詞 Ah. Oh. Alas. As :~ A, ku kon nishpa, “Ah, my master ”; Syn : Aa.
A, あ, adv. Yes. はい Syn : Hawe-ne. E. Ruwe ne wa. Kon ne.
A, あ, adj. and adv. One 一つの(ひとつの)・或る(ある). Other 他の. One of a pair. Entirely. Wholly. Thoroughly. Quite. As :~ A-shik, “one eye”; also ara-shik. Syn : Ara; At; Ari.
A, あ, v.i. (sing.) To sit 座る(すわる). As :~ Kina kata a, “ to sit on a mat.” Mo no a, “sit still " A wa an, “to be sitting” A kane an, “he is sitting.”
A, あ, v.i. To burn. As :~ Abe a, “the fire is burning.” Syn : Rui. Paraparase. Hu. U.
A, あ, adj. and v.i. To be in plenty 沢山の(たくさんの・たくさんある). To be luxurious.
Aa, ああ, interj. Ah. Alas. See A.
Aahupkarapo, ああふっぷからぽ, n. An adopted child 養子(ようし)・貰子(もらいご).  ‐−−feeling 的には、発音は「あ・あふぷからぽ」かも。poチビ、 little】【ahupkara貰う(もらう)】【ahup入る(はいる), to input】【karato make, act, do
Aainukoro, ああいぬころ, v.i. and adj. To be treated with respect 尊敬的(そんけい)を以て扱われる. Honoured. Rewered. Important. Held in esteem.
Aainukorobe, ああいぬころべ, n. A thing of importance 重要物. A thing of value.  【be = pe, pe
Aakkari, ああっかり, adj. Surpassed. Passed by. As :~ Hoshiki no an chip aakkari an na, “ the ship which went out first has been passed.”
Aaktonoge, ああっくとのげ, ph. “ My younger brother.” “Your younger brother.”
Aakutari, ああくたり(ああく+うたり), ph. “Your” or “my" or “our younger brothers.” From aokai, aki and utari.
Aanchi-o, ああんち・お, v.i. To tattoo with a flint instrument. 針で刺青(いれずみ)を入れる。 Also, tattooed. /Aanchio/
Aani, ああに, adj. Held 保持された. Carried 運ばれた. Led 導かれた. As :~ Aani pon guru, “the little fellow who is being carried.”
Aani-ushike, ああに・うしけ, 手(物ヲ握ム柄)。 n. A handle. 取っ手(とって)・ハンドル。 A place to take hold of. As :~ Shu鍋(なべ) aaniつかむ ushike場所・所, “a pot handle.”
Apa入口-ushta中に入る aani ushike, “ a door handle ドアの取っ手.” Aani-ushike also means, “place where something has
been put.” /Aaniushike/
Aanka, ああんか, v.i. Made される・なされる. Finished 終わる. Defeated 負けた. Placed. Put.
Aanno, ああんの, v.i. and adj. Over-come. Defeated. 負ける、負けた。Syn : Aannoka, Aannu, Aapkara.
Aannokara, ああんのから, v.i. To be over-come or defeated. 負ける。 Syn : Aapkara.
Aanno-raige, ああんの・らいげ, v.i. To be killed in contest. Syn : Anno-a-raige. Annu-a-raige. Annu-a-koiki.
Aannu, ああんぬ, v.i. To be defeated. /Aannoraige/
Aannu-no-hachire, ああんぬ・の・はちれ, v.i. To be overthrown in contest.  競争に負ける。
Aannu-no-hachiri, ああんぬ・の・はちり, v.i. To be overcome in contest. 競争に負ける。
Aannu-no-koiki, ああんぬ・の・こいき, v.i. To be killed in contest. 戦いに負ける、殺される。
Aannu-no-ye, ああんぬ・の・いぇ, v.i. To get the worst of it in argument. 議論で負ける。
Aapkara, ああぷから, v.i. To be defeated 負ける. To have become rotten through exposure to the elements. 要素が露出して腐ってしまった。
Aapkarabe, ああぷからべ, Anything rotten 腐ったもの.
Aapte, ああっぷて, v. i. and adj. To be very weak 弱る・弱い. To have lost one's strength 強さを失う. As;~ Aapte gusu apkash eaikap, “ he cannot walk through weakness.”
Aapu, ああぷ, n. One's mother 母(はは). Syn : Hapo ハポ, Unu ウヌ.
Aara, ああら, adv. Entirely 実に・全く. Quite 確かに・まことに. Thoroughly 完全に. As;~Aara isam, “ it has entirely gone.” Syn : Ara. Oara.
Aara, ああら, adj. Beautiful 美しい. Pretty 可愛い. Neat 小ざっぱり. as:~ Aara chikap, “ a pretty bird.” Syn : Atomte.
Aarapok-korobe, ああらぽっく・ころべ, 支那風ノ上着。 n. A garment made after the Chinese fashion to button on the top of one of the shoulders 両肩の片方の上にボタンがある中国風様式にちなんだ服(?) 【どうして、北海道に中国服があるの?貿易していたの?】.
★バカ検証【 Pok ぽっく, 上ニ、adv. Under. Beneath. Undernehth. Syn : Poke. Chok. ---- 見よ、バチェラーの馬鹿ぶりを。 下に、だろうが。】 【korobe所有物
Aara-ushtek, ああら・うっしゅてっく, v.i. Exterminated. Extinguished. 絶滅する。
Aara-ushtekka, ああら・うっしゅてっか, v.t. To exterminate. To extinguish.
Aashi, ああし, adv. Truly 本当に, Syn : Eashiri.
Aashi, ああし, v.i. To be shut 閉まる・閉じる. Closed. Set up (as a door in a door-way or a post).
Aashiri, ああしり, n. Other persons 他人. Strangers. 外人。知らない人。【ashiri新しい、次
Aashiri-oreshpa-utara, ああしり・おれっしゅぱ・うたら, n. Orphans. 孤児達。Lit: “persons brought up by others.” 【oreshpa育てる
Aashiri-oresu-guru, ああしり・おれす・ぐる, n. An orphan. 孤児(単数)
Aashte, ああっしゅて, n. To be established. To be set up. 設立した。
Aatama, ああたま, n. Name of a ceremony in which any woman suffering from hard labour is made to partake of a certain food in order to procure parturition. Also to cause women to bear children by giving them the flesh 肉 of flying-squirrels ムササビ to eat. 陣痛促進の儀式名。
Aba, あば, n. A relation 親戚. Same as Apa. Syn : Iriwak.
Aba, あば, n. Relations 親戚達. Same as Abaha utara. Syn : Iriwak utara.
Abaha, あばは, n. A relation. Same as Apaha. Syn : Iriwak.
Abaha utara, あばは うたら, 親類、(複数)。 n. Relations. Same as Aba. Syn : Uriwak utara.
Abappo, あばっぽ, オオサクラサウ。 n. Primula jesoana, Miq. Primula, The Yezo-primrose. The name means “Children on the head.” It is so called because the blossoms of this kind of primula are bunched on the head of the flower stem. H. Also called by some Apapo.
Abe, あべ, n. Pretence ふり、偽装(ぎそう). Appearance うわべ・見掛け(みかけ). Syn : Ap.
Abe, あべ, n. Fire 火(ひ). Abe are, “to kindle a fire.” Abe-erau, “to cover up fire with ashes.” Abe erepo, “to rake fire together.” Abe kuru, “to approach the fire.” Abe-kul; “the hearth.” Abe orailek, “the fire is dying out.” Abe-pakakse, “the fire crackles.” Abe-patpatke, “the fire splutters.” Abe-rui, “the fire burns.” Abe ukopoye, “to stir a fire.” Abe ush, “ the fire is out.” Abe wara, “to blow up a fire.” Sometimes pronounced Api とも発音される. Syn : Fuchi. Huchi kamui.
Abe, あべ n. Thorns 棘・刺・トゲ.
Abe-bashui, あべ・ばしゅい, n. Fire-tongs. 火箸(ひばし)
Abe-chikuni, あべ・ちくに, 薪(たきぎ)。 n. Firewood. Syn : Abeni.
Abe-etok, あべ・えとっく, 上座(かみざ)。 n. The head of a fire-place.
Abe-etumbe, あべ・えつむべ, 燈蛾、ヒトリムシ。 n. A moth 蛾(が). (Lit: “Fire borrower ”).
Abe-kamui, あべ・かむい, 火女神。 n. The goddess of fire 火の女神(めがみ). Syn : Kamui huchi. Iresu kamui. Unchi kamui.
Abe-kes, あべ・けっす, 焼ケ木。 n. A fire brand. By some Abe-kis.
Abe-keshi, あべ・けし, イトトンボ。 n. Dragonet 糸トンボ. *Agrion sp.
* There are about ten species of the Agrion in Yezo.
Abe-kis, あべ・きっす, 焼ケ木。 n. Same as abe-kes.
Abe-koro, あべ・ころ, 託言スル、カコツケル、マネル。 v.i. To pretend to be 〜のふりをする、偽装する、〜を装う(よそおう). To ape 猿まねする. Simulate. Syn : Ap-koro.
Abe-kot, あべ・こっと, 爐。 n. The hearth. The bed of the fire.
Abe-mau, あべ・まう, 火熱。 n. Fire heat.
| Abe-meri, あべ・めり,
| Abe-merimeri, あべ・めりめり, 花火。 n. Fire sparks 花火(はなび).
| Abe-miru, あべ・みる,
Abe-nep-koro-humi-an-tashum, あべ・ねっぷ・ころ・ふみ・あん・たしゅむ, 熱病。 n. Fever. (Lit: the disease which feels like fire). Syn : Sesekmau tashum.
Abe-ni, あべ・に, 薪。 n. Firewood 薪(たきぎ). Syn : Abe-chikumi.
Abe-ni, あべ・に, n. エゾさんざし【花】、ヤチザクラ。 n. Crataegus jozana, C.K. Schn. Yezo Hawthorn, H. The pome of this hawthorn is black and fleshy. It is eaten by the Ainu. The term Abe-ni is applied to hawthorn trees because it lights very readily. (Jozana means from Jozankei near Sapporo).
Abe-nipek, あべ・にぺっく, 火光。 n. Firelight. Same as Abe-nupek.
Abe-nui, あべ・ぬい, 火焔 n. A tongue of fire 炎(ほのお). A flame of fire. As :~ Abe-nui kotereke, “to catch fire.”
Abe-nupek, あべ・ぬぺっく, n. Firelight. Same as Abe nipek.
Abe-oi, あべ・おい, 竈(かまど)、爐。 n. A fireplace 囲炉裏(いろり)・炉辺(ろばた). A furnace. Syn : Abe-sokot.
Abe-op, あべ・おっぷ, 火鉢。 n. Fire-box 火鉢(ひばち). A brasier.
Abe-op-karush, あべ・おっぷ・かるっしゅ, ヒチダケ。
n. Fomes fomentarius Fr. The name means fire holding fungus. The Ainu carried it with them to produce fire when drilling wood or striking flint with steel. This kind of polyporus used to be dried and made into powder and mixed with soot. It takes the spark readily.
Abe-o-usat, あべ・お・うさっと, n. Live coals.
Abe-push, あべ・ぷっしゅ, ph. The fire jumps 火がはねる。.
Abe-sakunto, あべ・さくんと, n. A kind of spurious bronze 偽造青銅. Metal which has been subjected to fire to give it the colour of bronze; usually an old sword guard.
| Abe-sam, あべ・さむ, n. The hearth 炉辺(ろばた)・囲炉裏(いろり). The fire-side.
| Abe-sami, あべ・さみ,
Abe-sam-karabe, あべ・さむ・からべ, n. A hearth-rake. Syn : Abe-sam kara kirai.
Abe-sam kara kirai, あべ・さむ から きらい, n. A hearthrake.
Abe-samta, あべ・さむた, adv. By the fire-side. As :~ Abe samta an, “it is by the fire.”
Abe-samu, あべ・さむ n. The hearth. The fire-side. Same as Abe sam.
| Abe-seseki, あべ・せせき, n. Fire heat 火の熱(ひのねつ). Syn : Sesek mau.
| Abeseseku, あべせせく,
Abesham, あべしゃむ, n. The hearth. The fire-side. Same as Abesam.
Abe-shinda, あべ・しんだ, n. A Fire-place.
Abeshin-tushpo, あべしん・つっしゅぽ, n. Live fire embers.
Abe-shotki, あべ・しょっとき, n. The very centre of a fire bed. The particular place in the centre of a fire in which the goddess is supposed to dwell.
Abe-sokot, あべ・そこっと, n. A furnace 釜戸(かまど)・溶鉱炉(ようこうろ). A fire-place. Syn : Abeoi.
Abe-usat, あべ・うさっと, n. Hot cinders 熱い灰(あついハイ). As :~ Abe-o-tisat, “living coals.”
Abe-ututta, あべ・うつった, n. The lower or western end of a fire-place.
Abi, あび, n. A wound caused by rubbing 擦り傷(すりきず)・摩耗(まもう).
Abishiya-ni, あびしや・に, Leucothoe Сrayana, Maxim. The name means “sneezer bush”. It is said that snuff made from the powdered leaves of this bush tickles the nose and causes one to sneeze. The name is onomotopoetic of the noise made in sneezing. The powder was also mixed with aconite poison to make it more effective. The poison thus made was called Chikoptep, i.e. “corpse maker.” The wood was also called Aipaske-ni, i.e. “blackening wood" on account of the black soot it makes when burnt on the hearth.
Abo, あぼ, n. Mother in some districts and Father in others アボ・母または父、の方言. Syn : Habo.
Abu, あぶ, n. Sea-ice 海氷(かいひょう). Same as Apu.
Abu, あぶ, n. A harpoon 銛(もり)・鈷(こ)・ヤス.
Acha, あちゃ, v.i. To be cut up into fine pieces 千切りにされる、小刻みに切る。 To be sawn up as wood. As:~ Chep acha okere, “the fish has been cut up 魚は叩きにされた.”【 acha v.i. = apassive+ chato cut = 細かく切られた】
Acha, アチヤ あちゃ, n. An uncle ・おじ、おっちゃん. Father. Also used as a term of respect when addressing old men. Syn : Achapo. Achipo.
Achan, アチャン, adj. Weak 弱い. 【chanweak/ less/ inferior
Achane, アチャネ, adj. Older 年寄りの. Senior. Uncle, a respectful form of addressing an elderly man.
Achane-kamui, アチャネ・カムイ, n. A fabulous wolf or fox 寓話に出てくるような狼(オオカミ)あるいはキツネ. Among wild beasts the fox and wolf are supposed by some to be more ancient than the bear. The wolf is also said to be the king of the bear family. When he comes to visit his subjects he is said to appear in the form of a big bear. By derivation Achane-kamui is “The superior one who has become uncle" or “The superior old one", “The old one” being a wolf or fox.
Achapo, あちゃぽ, 叔父、父、老人 n. An uncle. See Acha.
Achatchari, あちゃちぁり, 散サレタ。 adj. Scattered 散らばった・拡散した. Syn : Chichat-chari. 【スペル tch と ch はどう使い分けたのか。英語の feeling.】
Achaure, アチャウレ, n. A raven 渡り烏(ワタリガラス)[不吉の兆しとされる]. Corvus corax, Linn.
Achi, あち, adj. Cooked 料理した. Ripe 熟した.
Achi, あち, adj. Other 他の. Strange 他人の・外人の. Belonging elsewhere. 【あっちの人。こっち、で無い。】
Achi, あち, adj. Dirty 汚い. Filthy. Syn : Yachi, Atchi. 【ばっちい】
Achi, あち, v.i. Are 有る・存在する(複数形). Pl. of an “to be.”
Achike, あちけ, n. The vagina. 陰門(医学用語) The word to be used by a physician is chinuina-korobe. Syn : Chinunuke ambe. Chinunuke-ike.
Achikka, あちっか, 滴タル(したたる)。 adj. and v.i. To drop 垂れる(たれる)・滴る(したたる). Dropped as water. v.t. chikka.
Achikka, あちっか, n. The ceremony of offering libations to the gods and ancestral spirits 神や先祖の精神への酒の奉納の儀. Syn : Icharapa an.
Achikka an, v.i. To perform the Achikka ceremony 奉酒の儀を実施する.
Achikurure, v.t. To obstruct the current of a river (as by logs of wood). Same as Achiukurture.
Achipa, adj. To foul 汚らしい. Mess up 散乱・ゴチャゴチャ.
Achipiyere, v.i. To be accused 非難される・訴えられる. To be reminded of one's faults.
Achipiyere guru, n. A bastard 私生児(しせいじ). Syn : Achiye. Apiya. Chiappise.
Achipo, あちぽ, n, Uncle 叔父・伯父. Father 父. An old man 老人.
Achisei, あちせい, adj. Other 他の. Strange. Belonging elsewhere. Of another house, Syn : Atchisei.
Achisei-un-guru, あちせい・うん・ぐる, n. A stranger 他人(単数). A person of another house or village. Syn : Achi-un-guru. Atchi-un-guru,
Achisei-un-utara, あちせい・うん・うたら, n. Strangers 他人(複数), (pl. of achisei un guru).
Achiu, あちう, v.t. To stick in 刺す・射す. To drive in.
Achiukurure, あちうくるれ, v.i. To obstruct the current of a river (as by logs of wood). Same as Achikurture.
Achi-un-guru, あち・うん・ぐる, n. A stranger.
Achi-un-utara, あち・うん・うたら, n. Strangers.
Achiye, あちいぇ, n. A bastard 私生児(しせいじ)・非嫡出子(ひちゃくしゅつし). Syn : Apiya. Chiappise.
Ach-ni,/ At-ni, あち・に,/ あと・に, n. Ulmus laciniata, Mayr. Elm 楡(ニレ)の木. The inner fibre of the bark of this tree was formerly used in making cloth which was named Attush. Besides being called ach-ni in S, it is also named ponna-sak-ni there, Another name for it is arush-ni which is a variation of attush, i.e. “elmfibre.” String made from the fibre
is named at-tu. In S. the tree is also called Kaoronini but this is properly speaking the dried roots which were formerly used in producing fire. Syn : Atni.
Achturi, アチツリ, エンコサウ。 n. Caltha palustris, L. var sibirica, Regel, Marsh Marigold, S. The roots are eaten. In H. it is called Chikap-pui. Chiri-pui. Puipui. The name is also applied to C. palustris, L. var. gigas. Takeda. Syn : At-turi.

Ae, アエ, v.i. To be eaten 食べられた。. Ae wa現在形 present, ing isamentirely すっかり, “it has been eaten up.” The transitive form is e, “to eat.”
★バカ検証【 wa の解説。
@ Wa, ワ, (wa) ナル語ガ直チニ動詞ニ續クトキ又ハ動詞ト動詞ノ間ニ置カルルトキハ現在ノ意ヲ表明ス。 part. When the particle wa is placed directly after one verb and is immediately followed by another, it gives the sentence a present meaning. The particle itself represents the English “ing” and may well be rendered by “ and." As: ~ Ek wa, “coming.” Oman wa ye, “go and tell him.” Koro wa ek, " take it and come," i.e. “bring it.” (See, ma).
A Wa, ワ, ワナル語ガ (an) ナル語ニ續クトキハ過去ノコトヲ表明ス。例セバ、エチヌワアン、汝等ハ聞キタリシ。When followed by an, wa has a perfect or past tense. As :~ Echi汝等 nu聞く wa an, “ye have heard.”

バチェラーは、はっきり言って、馬鹿。A の日本語は、間違っている。英語と日本語が意味が異なっている。英語では、an が後ろに続くときは、wa は、完了または過去の時制となる。と書いてある。例文もそうなっている。しかし、日本語はそうなっていない。
正しくは、『ワナル語 (an) ナル語續クトキハ』、あるいは、『は、』である。
--- "wa an" は、完了/過去、と書いてあるのに、富田辞書では、下記。もうメチャクチャな世界。
wa ( wa an, waan ) = 1.(静止状態で)〜している ◆mokor wa an(眠っている)◆Huci a wa an.(お婆さんが座っている) 2.〜しておいてある ◆K=omare wa an.(私が入れておいた)&wa ( wa an, waan )
an ( pl. oka okay ) : D 〜している、〜してある (wa, kor, hine等の後に置かれて)&an ( pl. oka okay )

見解が乱れていますね。"wa an" は、結局、「現在完了、過去」 or 「現在進行、現在状態」の一体、どっちなの。バチェラーのが、デタラメ臭い (?)。
--- バチェラーのバカ日本語は、無知を通り越して、悪意を感ずる。かなりのバカ、あるいは、かなり性格が悪い。普通じゃない。日本人をオチョックっている。
wa + an/ wa + un/ wa + gusu 金澤は、wa conj. 接続詞 and と定義している。----- センス良い。
バチェラーは、品詞、 particle 粒(つぶ・不変化詞)・項目(item) としている。センス悪い。むしろ、participle 分詞だろうが。富田はもっとヒドイ、品詞定義無し。

バチェラーさんの馬鹿辞書は、全く信用できない。しかし、単語の70% 位は正しいかも知れない。それで、御の字だ。無いより遥かに良い。
アイヌ語の文法を知らないと話にならないと実感。しかし、web での文法解説は、日本には無いね※。
※ 北海道南部のアイヌ語 [アンナ・ブガエワ(児島康宏、長崎郁 訳); 早稲田大学高等研究所紀要 第 6 号, 2013] が、少しまとも。
■ My 質問: アイヌ語の形容詞の名詞修飾は、普通、形容詞+名詞、の語順。しかし、時々、逆転しているケースがある。何故ですか。 ex. 天気悪い、 Shiri wen “ bad weather.” → コレは、日本語の影響ですか(気まぐれに語順を変えてもらっては困る)。 something bad 的。

Aeahupkarapo, n. An adopted child. Syn : Ahupkarapo.
Aeangesh, adj. Abominated. Hated. Disliked. Syn : Aepange. Aetunne.
Aeankes, v.i. and adj. To be disliked. Hated. Despised. The transitive form is E. ankes. Syn : Etunne.
Aeanu, adj. Put. Placed. Set. The initial A is a passive 受け身. The e is objective 目的格; anu is “put", “place”, “set". 【】
Aearamuye, あえあらむいぇ, v.t. To tie the clothes back as for walking or running. Syn : Ayoaramuye.
| Aeatukopashbe, あえあつこぱしゅべ, n. Vomit. (Lit: “matter made to run forth by vomiting).”
| Aeatukopashtep, あえあつこぱしゅてっぷ,
Aeatup, n. Vomit.
Aechake, adj. Muddy. Dirty. Syn : kapa.
Aechakkep, n. A dirty thing. Dirt. Any thing repulsive.
Aechararase, v.i. To glide along. To slip along. To go along stealthily. To go along and leave a trail behind one as drops of water falling from a bucket. Syn : Anechararase. Aeochararase。
Aechikashnukarabe, n. A thing treasured up.
Aechikoroye, adj. Mixed. Stirred up. Aechitchari, ady. Scattered. Aechitchiare, v.i. and adj. Scattered. Dispersed. Syn : Chieshitchari.
Aehabapu, v.i. To be given out in small portions. As: Amam aehabapu, “to apportion food sparingly.” Same as Aehapapu. Syn : Ae-yukke.
Aehapapu, アエハパプ, 分ケ興フ v.i. To be given out in small portions. Same as Aehabapte. Syn : Aeyukke.
Aehatatne, v.i. To be kept free from harm. As :~ Kamui hosari an gusu aehatatne ruwe ne, "I have by the providence of God been kept free from harm.” Syn : Aeyam.
Aehomatu. adj. and v.i. Wonderful. Marvellous. Surprising. Extraordinary. To be surprised, startled, or frightened.
| Aehoshipire, (sing.) v.i. To be sent back.
| Aehoshippare, (pl.) To be returned.
Aehotke amip, アエホっトケ・アミっプ, n. Sleeping clothes 寝巻(ねまき). Night clothes. 【hotke横たわる、寝る、to lay/ lie】【amip】【e自動詞の他動詞化, ehotke横たえる (?) 、富田辞書では ehotke の e は、e〜に(場所)と解釈 ?。】

★バカ検証【E, エ, 持ツ。自動詞ノ後ニ在ルトキハ他動詞ニ変ゼシム。例セバ、キラ、逃グル、エキラ、持ツテ逃グル。(iv.) part. Prefixed to intransitive verbs E has the power of changing them into transitives. As :~ Kira, “to run 走る.” Ekira, “ to run away with 〜を持って逃げる.” Mik, “to bark 吠える.” Emik, “to bark at 〜に対して、吠える.” Nupetne, “to rejoice 嬉しい.” Enupetne, “to rejoice over 〜を喜ぶ.”
---- バチェラーは、クルクルパーでおます。 【 prefixed は、「前にある」で「後ニ」では無い。信じられないバカ。】
cf. 英語 lie ライ・横たる・自動詞(v.i.), layレイ・横たる・ウソを付く・他動詞(v.t.), lyingライイング・寝ている・ウソをついている 】

Aehotkep, n.
Same as aehotke amip.
Aehuye, v.t. To await. Syn : Atere.
Aeikapa, n. The matter or substance of a speech or lecture. As :~ Upaskuma aeikapa wa we, “give the matter of the address.”
Aeikosamba, v.i. and adj. Imitated. Like. Syn : Aeyukara.
Aeimau-anu, adj. Very dreadful. (Lit : to have one's breath taken away).
Aelnupe-o, n. The food provided in feasts for the dead. Same as Aeunupe-o.
Aeishiramnep, n. Needs. Wants. Necessities. Syn : Kon rusuibe.
Aeishokori, n. Faith. Belief.
Aeishokorobe, n. Creed. What one believes.
Aeishungere, v.i. To be disbelieved. To be treated as a lie.
Aeishungerep, n. Disbelief. A thing disbelieved.
Aeiwange-eaikapbe, n. An idle fellow. A useless thing or person.
| Aeivange-ushike-isam, adj. and n. Useless. Objects of no value.
| Aeiwange-ushike-ka-isam,
Aeiyokunnure, v.i. and adj. Wonderful. Marvellous. Surprising.
Aeiyokunnurep, n. Something wonderful. A marvellous thing.
Aeiyonnupba, アエイヨンヌぷバ, v.i. To be accused of a crime 罪を告発・糾弾される. To be had up before a court.
Aeiyonnupba-guru, n. A person accused of a crime 被告人. A person upon trial.
Aeiyukoikire, v.t. To make quarrel with one another.
Aeiyukoikire-yara, v.t. To send one to set others at variance with one another. To send to stir up strife.
Аekap, n. A greeting. A salute.
Aekarip, n. Vaccinium Smallii. A. Gray. A kind of blueberry. H. The name means “eating wheel.” The S. name is Satturi. Syn : Aikarip. The fruit is round, lucious and juicy. When ripe the berries are sometimes squeezed and the juice mixed with water and drunk. The name means “eating wheel” or “round berry.”
Aekatki, v.i. To avoid. Syn : Eshishi. Ekatki.
Aekatnu, adj. Delicious. Nice. Pleasant. Pleasing to the taste.
Aekatnup, n. Anything pleasing to the taste.
Aekeshke, v.i. To be evilly dealt with. To incur malice.
Aekimatek, v.i. and adj. Afraid. Fearful. Struck with fear.
Aekimatekbe, n. A thing to be afraid of. A fearful thing.
Aekiroroambe, n. Anything pleasant, pretty, nice.
adj. Pleasant. Nice. Pretty. Interesting and pleasing to the sense of sight.
Aekiroro-an-i, ***, n. Pleasantness. Pleasure.
Aekiroro-anka, ***, v.t. To interest. To please.
Aekoiki, ***, adj. Scolded. Smitten.
Aekosamba, ***, v.i. and adj. Imitated. Syn : Ae yukara.
Aekote, ***, adj. Tied up. Possessed.
Aekote-guru, ***, n. One's husband.
Aekotekot, ***, v.i. To faint away and revive. (Lit: “died and died”).
Aekote-nishpa, あえこて・にしゅぱ, 主人、王、天子。 n. Master. King. Emperor 皇帝.
Aekotuye, アエコツイェ, 切断スル。 adj. v.i. Cut off. Brought to an end. Syn : An-ekotuye.
Aemaka, アエマカ, 棄テラレタ(単数)。 v.i. and adj. To be cast off. Abandoned. Thrown away. Discharged.
Aemakap, アエマカっぷ, n. Refuse. Rubbish. Anything cast away.
Aemakatesu, アエマカテス, 外カラ中 ノ方ニ曲ゲル v.i and adj. Turned up towards the inside from the outside. Syn : Eteshu. Etesu.
Aemakba, アエマくバ, v.i. and adj. Cast off. Pl. of aemaka.
Aemakbap, アエマくバっぷ, n. Refuse. Rubbish. Waste. (pl.)
Aemanu, アエマヌ, ph. So to speak. Syn : Ayemanu.
Aemarapto-kara, アエマラぷト・カラ, v.t. To use in a feast. As :~ Rataskep aemarapto kara, “to make a feast of vegetables, herbs, and fruits (with no meat or fish).
Aemawanu, ***, adj. Very dreadful.
Aemima, ***, v.i. and adj. To be laughed at. Ridiculed.
Aemina-no, ***, adj. Absurdity. Laughably. Ridi culously.
Aeminap, ***, n. An absurdity. A laughable thing.
Aen, ***, Per pro. 1st per. sing. pass. voice or the obj. case, “I am." As :~ A-en-kik “I am struck” (lit: I was an object struck”).
Aeneusara, ***, v.i. To be pleased. Made glad. To be caused to rejoice.
Aeneusarabe, ***, n. Pleasing stories. Gladden ing news.
Aeninuibe, あえにぬいべ, 枕。 n. A pillow. Syn : Chieninuibe.
Aenishte, ***, v.i. To be governed.
Aenishte, ***, v.i. and adj. To be able to endure.
Aenkoisamka, ***, v.t. To suffer loss. To be made to lose as in a bargain.
Aenupetne, ***, v.i. To be rejoiced over. To be pleased with. Syn : Aeuminare.
Aenupetnere, あえぬぺっとねれ, 喜バセル。 v.i. To be made to rejoice over. To be made pleased or happy.
Aenupurube, あえぬぷるべ, 守護神、オマモリ。 n. A charm used to keep
off illness or bad luck 病気や不幸から離れることを維持するために使用される魔除け. Syn : Chikashinninup. Aeshiship. Charms were regarded as being invested with life having divine magical power, and as such were held in awe and worshipped. Among such things I have seen old sword guards, the fore feet of hares, the heads of such birds as eagles, kites, gulls, crows, woodcock, snipe, deer antlers, the teeth of bears, birds' nests, feathers, eggs, the cast off skins of snakes, the skulls of various animals such as bears, deer, foxes, pinemartens, river otters, and other creatures; also vine earrings, and shavings of wood. The term aenupurube, is capable of easy analysis. Thus, a, a passive particle; e, a mark of the objective case; nupuru, “magically powerful or precious”; be, “object,” “creature.” The entire expression comes to be, “objects having inherent magical power.” Hence “CHARM 魔除け・まじない・呪文・魅力.”
Aenuwap, あえぬわっぷ, 分娩。 v.i. & n. Birth.
Aenuwap-toho, あえぬわっぷ・とほ, 誕生日。 n. A birth-day.
Aeochararase, ***, v.i. To go along and leave an intermittent trail behind one as water dropped from a bucket. Syn : Aechararase. Amechararase.
Aeoichiure, ***, v.i. To have sexual intercourse.
Aeoina, ***, n. An Ainu hero. By some said to be the ancestor of the Ainu and by others a teacher sent to them by God. The name seems to mean “tradition holder.” Same as Aioina.
Aeokbe, ***, %. A towel horse. A hook.
Aeok-ushi, ***, n. Clothing. Syn : Amip.
Aeoma, ***, adj. Leaning over. Sticking into.
Aeoma, ***, v.i. To lean over. To bend over. Same as Aioma. Syn : Eshir’eoma.
Aeomare, ***, tv.t. To hold intercourse with.
Aeomoshiroi, ***, v.i. To be pleased with. To be delighted with. Syn : Aenupetne.
Aeomoshiroire, ***, v.i. To be made pleased.
Aeoramsakka, ***, v.t. To abolish. To make void. To bring to nothing. Syn : Aepande.
Aeoripak, ***, v.i. To be held in honour. As, Ekash rekihi retan kane aeoripak no an ruwe ne, “the old man's beard being white he should be held in honour.”
Aeoripak, ***, adj. Dread. Dreadful. Syn : Ashitoma.
Aeoshikpekarep, ***, n. An object aimed at. Syn : Aeyai-ramattep.
Aeoshirokbe, ***, n. A hindrance.
Aeoshirokokbe, ***, n. A hindrance. (Lit: “something knocked against”).
Aep, ***, n. Food. As :~ Aep keman, “a scarcity of food" aep nuye an, “an abundance of food.” From a-e-p =thing to be eaten.
Aepakashnu, ***, adj. Taught. Instructed. Warned.
Aepakashnu-wa-an, ***, adj. Taught. Instructed. Warned.
Aepande, あえぱんで, 無クスル。 v.t.
To abolish. To make void. Same as Aepante. Syn : Aeoramsakka.
Aepange, あえぱぱんげ, 嫌ハレタ。adj. Abominated. Hated. Disliked. Syn : Aetunne. Aeangesh.
Aepange-i, あえぱんげ・い, 憎悪、嫌ハレタコト。n An abomination. Hatred. Anything disliked. Syn : Aetunne-i.
Aepangep, あえぱんげっぷ, 嫌ハレタモノ。n. A thing hated. Syn : Aetunnep.
Aepante, あえぱんて, 無クスル。 v.t. To abolish. To bring to nothing. (Lit: To make weak or “insipid.") Syn : Katchakte. Aeoramsakka.
Aepanup, ふえぱぬっぷ, 女ノ帽子。 n. А woman's head dress. Syn : Chipanup.
Aep-chari, あえっぷ・ちゃり, 食物ヲ粗末ニスル。 v.t. To waste food. Improvidence in the matter of food. Syn : Aepkoshini.
Aep-chari-guru, あえっぷ・ちゃり・ぐる, 大食家。 n. A glutton. One who wastes food.
Aepekarep, あぺかれっぷ, 目的、メアテ。 n. An object aimed at.
Aep-hapapu, あえっぷ・はぱぷ, 少食ナル。 v.i. To eat sparingly. To be sparing in the matter of food.
Aep-itusare, あえっぷ・いつされ, 食ヲ施ス。 v.i. To bestow food (as on a beggar.)
Aep-koatcha, ***,8. To waste one's food. Syn : Haruoboso.
Aep-koemekari, ***, 9, v.t. To set apart a portion of food for another.
Aep-koibe-isam-guru, アエぷコイベイサむグル。 п. А glutton.
Aep-koshini-guru, アエぷコシニグル。 n. A fast or wasteful eater. A great eater. A glutton.
Aep-mekari wa ande, アエぷメカリ ワアンデ。 v.t. To set apart a portion of food for one's self.
Aep-op, アエぷ・オっプ。 n. A food wallet.
Aep-rapapsep, ***, n. Crumbs. Remnants of food. (Lit: “Food dropped down ").
Aepuntek, あえぷんてっく, 満足ス、喜ブ。 v.i. and adj. To be happy. Contented. Syn : Akopuntek.
Aepusukara, ***, ?). i. To come to the top (as dead fish to the surface of water).
Aeramasu, ***, v.t. and v.i. To be pleased with. To consider delightful, interesting, or admirabl?.
Aeramasu-i, ***, f, adj. and n. Interesting. Of interest. Interest.
Aeramasu-nomno, ***, n. A handsome person (Lit: “an admirable flower ”).
Aeramchuptek, ***, F=-77?≫ adj. Troubled. Calamitous.
Aeramchuptekbe, ***べ, n. A calamity.
| Aeramu-hokasush, アエラム・ホカスシュ。 adj. and v.i. To be dissatisfied 不満足.
| Aeramu-hokasusu, アエラム・ホカスス。 【この辞書、どうして aeramu の定義が無いの。】
Aeramu-hopunini, ***, v.i. To have the feelings stirred up.
Aeramu-nishte, ***,. adj. Cruel. Hard-hearted. As :~ Aeramu-nishte guru, “a cruel person.”
Aeramusarak, ***, v.i. To be in trouble. To be in
adversity. To suffer mental pain. To grieve. To be mentally agitated.
Aeramusarakbe, P + 5 A, #5 o ox, n. Trouble. Adversity.
Aeramusarakka, 7:5 A, tj. 5 ≫?j, v.i. and adj. Troubled.
Aeramushinne, JP5-5 A? Cork, v.i. To be satisfied. To have determined. Finished. As :~ Kuki aeramit-shinne. “I have finished doing it.” This word appears to carry the idea of contentment in it sometimes and as such equals the word yaiyainuwere.
Aeramushinne-shomoki, Pro7.5.2 ンネシヨモキ。 v.i. To be dissatisfied. Syn : Erayekotne.
Aeramushitne, 7:54, oy:#, adj. Troubled. Comfortless. To be in pain.
Aeramu-usausak, J’:r. 5 A, 7+j*r) {} タ。 adj. Ambiguous. Confusing.
Aeramu-usausakka, P :r 5 A*2+!? サッカ, adj. and v.i. To be confused. Syn : Eramu-kachipeutekka.
Aerannak, 7:E5 23- ≫ ?, v.i. Not wanted. To be a hindrance.
Aerannakbe, J”:r:5 23- ≫ } ~?, n. A nuisance. A hindrance. Something not wanted.
Aerannakka, J”:r:5 23- ≫ ?y, v.t. To dislike. To think a nuisance.
Aeraratkire, 7:r:55 y + Le, v.i. To be taken down. To be lowered.
Aeratkip, 7”:r.5 ≫±7, n. The ends of a loin cloth. Syn : Tepa.
Aerayap, 7:r.5 ° y7, adj. Beautiful. Pleasant. Pleasing. Praiseworthy.
Aerayapka, 7r.5 ± 97;h, adj. and v.i. To cause to admire. To consider beautiful.
Aerikomare, 7+ 9 = or L., wjt. To augment. To enlarge.
Aerusaikari, 7rin,+4 : ), 1.f. To go to forestall. To forelay. To surround or get round.
Aesaman, Partie A, n. Sorcery. Syn : Niwok.
Aesamanki, J" ++j*rr > +, v.i. To practice sorcery. Syn Niwokki.
Aesanasapte, 7++++75. n. Something to be treated with reverence.
Aesanniyo, P:E*2 = a, v.i. To have settled or determined. To be treated as settled. To be reckoned up.
Aesanniyop, えさんによっぷ, 精算書、考へ。 n. An account. A thought. A consideration.
Аesapamuyep, あえさぱむいぇぷ, 頭巾。 n. A head-cloth. Syn : Asapamuyep.
Aeshikkoingara, あえしっこいんがら, 偽善スル。 adj. and v.i. To act the hypocrite. Syn : Shikoingarara.
Aeshimoshmare, あしゅもっしゅまれ, 知ラザル振リヲスル。 v.t. To ignore, To pretend not to know a person. Syn : Eshishikmakta.
Aeshinap, あえしなっぷ, 秘密、隠クレタモノ。 n. A secret. A hidden thing. Anything tied up so as to conceal it. A parcel.
Aeshinnuye, あえしんぬいぇ, 記サレタ、録サレタ。 v.i. To be written. Syn : Anuye.
Aeshirikirap-an, Jor > J +5 77:e, tv.i. To be in trouble. Syn : Erampekamam. ,
Aeshirikuram, 7:r.Se J R 52,
adj. Comical. Funny.
Aeshiritomotomop, あえしりともともっぷ, 飾物。 n. A jewel. An ornament. Syn : Aeyaitomtep.
Aeshirun, あえしるん, 悪シキ。 adj. Bad. Reprobate.
Aeshirun-guru, あえしるん・ぐる, 悪人。 n. A bad person. A reprobate.
Aeshiship, あえししっぷ, 守護。n. A charm, Syn : Aenupurube. Chikoshinninup.
Aeshitaigi, あえしたいぎ, 叩ク、打ツ。 v.i. To be beaten. Struck.
Aeshitchari, あえしっとちゃり, 散ッタ。 adj. Scattered. Dispersed. Syn : Chieshitchari.
| Aeshiyuk-amip,アエシユっク・アミップ, n. The best clothes 晴れ着(はれぎ). The clothes worn at festivals. 祭で着る服。
| Aeshiyuk-be, アエシユっク・ベ,
Aeshopki-ainu, あえしょっぷき・あいぬ, 饗応ニ列ラナリシ人(つらなる)。 n. Men sitting at a feast. Syn : Aneshopki-ainu.
Aeshuiba, あえしゅいば, 座眠スル。v.i. To sleep in a sitting posture. Syn : Aheshtri.
Aeshungere, 7+22= 24°le, v.t. To practice deception. Syn : Chieshungere.
Aeshungerep, 7=>2.2*L^7, n. A lie. A deception. Syn : Chieshungerep.
Aetashumbe, J”:r. Ar 2^+ A^*, n. Any cause of illness.
Aeteshkara, Jor=32:1.395, v.i. To be sent on business. To be employed by another. To be sent for.
Aetoitap, J’ar. F 4 4:7, n. Garden produce. Things planted in the garden.
Aetomsam, J”:r. H. A t?A, ??, The body. As :~ Ete un aetomsam kohosari yan, “turn the body this 93 way.
Aetoranne, J”:r. H. 5 2:k, v.i. To be unable to do. Not liking to do. As :~ Ibe aetoranne, “to be unable to eat.” Iki aetoranne, “to be unable to do.” Mokoro poka iki aetoranne, “ I was even unable to sleep.”
Aette, J”:r. ≫5F, v.i. To be given. Sent. Handed over.
Aetunne, 7+ K → A +k, υ.i. and adj. Abominated. Hated. Disliked. Syn : Aepange. Akowen.
Aetunne-i, P:r F * >:k's, n. Dislike. Hatred. Abomination. Syn : Aepange-i.
Aetunnep, アエ ? ウ ンネ プ。 n. Abomination. A thing hated. Syn : Aepangep.
Aeuiteknup, 7+!? 4.7%. 37, n. A covenant. A promise.
Aeukote, 7’:ery tu5F, ?.i. To be tied together.
Aeuminare, 7:E 7 S 3- Le, v.i. (pl.) To be made to laugh. To be made pleased with. Syn : Aenupetne.
Aеunbe-ne, 7 7 - o?ak, Kifi = 2 %. z. v.i. To die as a punishment for one's evil deeds.
Aeunupe-o, Prio 5Rozs, n. The food provided in feasts for the dead. Same as Аeiтире-о.
Aeurammakka, あえうらむまっか, 喜バサル。 v.i. To be made happy with. To be pleased with. Syn : Aenupetne.
Aeurep, 7:E y Le7, n. Alms. Syn : Eungeraitep.
Aeutonotoush, 7:E 7 H / h } 2^=.≫ v.i. To be affected by strong drink. To be drunk.
Aewangep, 7:E 7 > Ar 7, %. Tools. Implements.

Aewangep-ushikeisam, あわんげっぷ・うしけいさむ, 無用ナルモノ ph. Useless 無用な・役立たず. Abject 卑しい・卑劣な.
Aewange-ushike-ka-isam, あわんげ・うしけ・か・いさむ, 無用ナル ph. Useless. Abject.
Aeyai-kamui, あえやい・かむい, 祭ル神。 n. The stronger and higher powers who are worshipped 崇拝すべき強くて高い権力者. The gods and demons who are supposed to be worthy of worship 礼拝されるに価するとみなされている神や悪魔.
| Aeyaikikip, あえやいききっぷ, 危キモノ。 n. Dangers 危険. A dangerous thing 危険物.
| DanAeyaikikipbe, あえやいききっぷべ,
Aeyaikikip-i, あえやいききっぷ・い, 危キコト。 n. Danger 危険. Dangerous places, events, or states 危険な場所・出来事/催し物/事象・状態.
Aeyaikikip-no, あえやいききっぷ・の, 危ウシ。adv. Dangerously 危険なほど. With danger 危険を伴う.
Aeyaikikip-no-iki, あえやいききっぷ・の・いき, 冒険、大膽ニ(大胆に)、 adv. ph. Adventurously 冒険的に. In a dangerous manner 冒険的方法で・大胆なやり方で. As :~ Aeyaikikip-no-iki guru, “an adventurous person 大膽ナル人.”
Aeyaikittaktaku, あえやいきったくたく, 欲スレト能ハズ。 v.i. To desire to have, be or do, but yet not able to realize the wish. As :~ Nei guru naa shiknu kuni akon rusui koroka, tane aeyaikittaktaku wa an ambe ne ruwe ne, “he desires to live longer but is unable 彼はもう生きたくないと望んだが、できなかった.”
Aeyainu, あえやいぬ, 腐敗サレタ。adj. Spoiled. Same as Aeyanu.
Aeyaipishi-ambe, あえやいぴし・あむべ, 告白。 n. A confession 告白・白状. Acknowledgement 確認・承認・認識・謝辞. Things one confesses 告白した事柄. Same as Aeyapushup.
Aeyairamattep, 7 + + 4 5 z ≫5-7, n. Anything aimed at. Syn : Aeoshikpekarep,
Aeyairamokotep, あえやいらもこてっぷ, 道具。n. Tools. Implements. Utensils.
Aeyairamshitne, あえやいらむしっとね, 困ル。 v.i. To suffer を患う(わずらう)・被害を受ける・被る(こうむる).
Aeyairamshitnere, あえやいらむしっとねれ, 人ヲ困マラセル。 v.t. To make suffer 苦しめる・煩わせる(煩わす)・悩ます・被害を与える.
Aeyaisambepokashterep, *** ムべポカ シテレップ, 憐レナルモノ。 n. A pitiable or miserable object.
Aeyaitomtep, あやいとむてぷ, 人ノ飾リニスルモノ。 n. Personal ornaments. Syn : Aeshiritomotomop.
Aeyaiyattasa-kunip, あえやいやったさ・くにっぷ, 供物(くもつ)。 n. A return present 返礼・お返しの贈り物. A gift given in acknowledgement of some favour 好意を示すための贈り物. A sacrifice 生け贄・捧げ物. An offering to a god or to the manes of the dead 神や死者の霊への捧げ物.
Aeyaiyattasap, あえやいやったさっぷ, 供物。 n. A sacrifice 犠牲. Syn : Aeyaiyattasa-kunip.
| Aeyaiyukki, アエヤイユッキ, 定期用ノ為ニ備フルモノ。 v.i. Set apart for some special purpose 特別な目的のために分離する・引き離す. ★バカ検証 【日本語だと意味不明。不親切。動詞じゃ無いのか。読者に失礼。】
| Aeyaiyupki, アエヤイユっプキ,
Aeyam, あえやむ, 大切ニ思フ。v.t. To take care of 〜に気をつける・注意する. To treat as of importance 大切に扱う. Syn : Aehatatne.
Aeyam, あえやむ, 大切ナル。 adj. Important 重要な. Of consequence 重要な、重大な.
Aeyambe, あえやむべ, 大切ナモノ。 A thing of importance 重要物. A thing to be taken care of 注意を払うべき事柄・物.
Aeyam-no, あえやむ・の, 大切ニ。 adv. With care 注意を以って. Carefully 気を付けて、注意深く、丁寧に.
| Aeyannu, アエヤンヌ, 害ハレタ。 v.i. Spoiled. Same as Aeyainu.
| Aeyanu, アエヤヌ,
Aeyapte, あえやっぷて, 為スコトヲ好マヌ。 adj. and v.i. Disinclined to do a thing 物事をやる気がしない. Inexperienced 経験したくない. Not to like doing したくない・気乗りしない. As :~ Aeyapte gusu shomo kara. “ he did not do it because he disliked it 彼は、それが嫌いだったので、それをしなかった.” Ki
kuni aeyapte “ he would not do it.” Syn : Aniugesh.
Aeyapushup, 7 x * 7 × 2.7, n. A confession. Acknowledgement. Things one confesses. Same as Aeyaipishi-ambe.
Aeyayapte, 7"=+*+*75F, Same as Aeyapte.
Aeyopanerep, Joa: a v?# Le ≫7, n. A coat. Syn : Aopanarep. Ashkakamarep. Ashkakushtep.
Aeyukara, 7”:r.a. h5, adj. and v.i. Like. Imitated. Syn : Aeikosamba.
Aeyukke, Joaza. ≫?r, v.t. To give out anything a little at a time. To portion out. To use sparingly. To ure with care. As :~ Nei amam aeyupke wa eiwange yan, “use the food with jor care.
Aeyukke-no, あえゆっけ・の, 節約シテ、例セバ、アエユッケノアンクニプネ、注意シテ用ユベキモノナリ。 adv. Sparingly. Grudgingly. In a sparing manner. With care. Carefully. Aeyukke no an kunip ne, “it is a thing to be used carefully.” Syn : Aehahapu.
Affush-ni, あっふっしゅ・に, センノキ、又ハ、ハリギリ。 n. Kalopanax pictum. Nakai. Miq. It is also called Sewatni in S. “ Pothook tree” In H. its name is Ai-ush-ni, and appush-ni. which mean “thorn wood.” 「トゲの木」の意味。
Afuraye, 775iz, v.i. and adj. Washed. To be washed.
Afuraye-ambe, 775 of a J’Ao, n. Ablutions. A washing. Things washed.
Afuraye-i, 775.4 = 4s, n. Ablutions. A washing. Syn : Furayep.
Afurayep, 7754 - 7, n. Things washed.
Aha, あは, ヤブマメ n. The hog-peanut. Amphicarpaea trisperma. Baker. Aha is applied to both the fruit and the vine though more properly aha is the fruit and ahara the vine. Syn : Eha. Numinokan. The underground seeds are gathered in large quantities and are eaten either boiled alone or with rice, having been first cleared from the coatings. They are said to be very sweet, tasting something like chestnuts. A peculiarity about this leguminous plant is that it has two kinds of flowers, one being an ordinary purplish bean-like flower, and another a subterranean inconspicuous flower, which never opens but is so constructed as to bear seeds without any help of external agencies. (cleistogamous flower). The subterranean seeds are about 7?10 times larger than those which are produced in the above ground pods. The former are known as Aha, and the latteras Ahacha peanut Spray.
Ahacha, あはちゃ, n. The spray flower and pods of the hog-peanut. (See Aha above).
Ahachirai, 7 ov:F54, n. Iris setosa. Pall. Iris. In S. it is called Atchirai. Hoinuchishnuma. Seta-uri.
Ahara, 7’zv5, n. The vine of the hog-peanut.
Ahat, P. v v, n. The striped squirrel. Ruop which means “striped.” N.B. It is called Chikumokai in S.
Ahekote, Jors =15F, v.i. To be tied up.
Ahekote, Joe≪ -15F, n. A gov ernor. Syn : Chimaire-kamui. Nishpa.

Aheshui, J*^$eri-4s, v.i. To sleep in a sitting posture. Syn : Aeshuiba.
Aheu, Proy, adj. Crooked. Syn : Oheu ; Oheuge ; Ohoge.
A-hi, 7'E, part. Same as a-i. Being. Syn : Wa.
A-hi, PE, part. Some times this particle is used as advero of time. Same as A-i.
A-hime, アヒネ, This particle indicates the past or perfect tense. Same as А-ine.
Ahoma-ni, 7zfs of E., п. А wooden grave mark.
Ahonnokka, Jozk A / ≫?j, v.i. To tame.
Ahori-pet, 77:?e Jos y, n. A canal. Syn : Aoripet.
Ahui, あふい, 入り口、入ルコト。 n. An entrance. An entering in. As :~ Ahui shiri soyui shiri shomo anukara, “I neither saw him going in nor coming out.” Same as Ahun-i.
Ahun, あふん, 入ル(単数)、例セバ、チセイオルンアフン、内ニ這入ル。 v.i.(sing.) To enter. To go in. As :~ Chisei orun ahun, “to enter a house.” The plural form is ahup.
Ahun-apa, あふん・あぱ, 内ノ戸。 n. An inner doorway. Syn : Ahunturupa.
Ahunaraye, あふならいぇ, 入ル。 v.i. To enter.
Ahun-chuppok, あふん・ちゅっぽっく, 西。 n. The west. Syn : Chuppok. Moshirigesh. Moshiri-pok.
| Ahunde, アフンデ, 入レル(単数)。 v.t. (sing.) To put in. To bring in. To admit
| Ahunge, アフンゲ,
Ahunge-i, 77.24°4, n. A bringing in. Admittance.
Ahungere, 277:e4*Lo, v.t. To send in through another. To cause another to admit.
Ahun-i, 77:24, n. An entrance. A place of access. Same as Ahui. Syn : Ahunushike.
Ahunka, Je 7 - ?j, v.t. To send or bring in.
Ahunka, J*7:e?, n. The woof of cloth. The threads which run across cloth. As :~ Atlush oro ahunka omare, “to put the woof into cloth.”
Ahunka-nit, 772 hit sy, n. A spool used in weaving, As :~ Ahunka-nit oro iyo, “to wind thread on a weaving-spool.”
Ahun-kina, あふん・きな, コウザリナ。 n. Picris japonica, Thunb. The Ainu name means “deep rooted herb.” ahun means “enter.” Syn : Isepoantsami.
Ahun-mindara, あふん・みんだら, 中敷、土間。 n. A small bare place just inside a hut upon which to leave one's foot-gear when entering. Syn : Rutonn.
Ahunpara, あふんぱら, 地獄ノ入口。 n. The entrance to Hades.
Ahun-pururugep, あふん・ぷるるげっぷ, 家ニ吹キ込ミシ雨雪塵ノ如キモノ。 n. Snow, rain or dust blown into a house by the wind.
Ahunra, あふんら, 梟(フクロウ)。 n. A kind of owl フクロウの一種.
Ahunrasambe, あふんらさむべ, 梟(フクロウ)。 n. An owl of any kind フクロウ全般.
Ahun-tonchi-kama-ni, あふん・とんち・かま・に, 戸ノ摩。 n. A doorsill 【戸口の】敷居.
Ahun-turupa, あふん・つるぱ, 内ノ戸。 n. An inner-doorway. Syn : Ahunapa.
Ahunun, あふん, 入る。 v.i. To enter.
Ahun-ushike, あふん・うしけ, 入り口。 n. An entrance. A place of entering in.
Syn : Ahu-i, Ahun-i.
Ahup, あふっぷ, 入る(複数)。 v.i. Το enter (pl.).
Ahupkara, あふぷから, 貰う。 例えば、まちあふぷから。妻を貰う。v.t. To receive. To accept. To marry. As :~ Amip ahupkara, “to receive Some clothes.” Machi ahupkara, “to take a wife.” Syn : Apkara- Eungerai.
Ahupkarabe, あふぷからべ, 貰い物。 n. Something received. A present.
Ahupkara-guru, あふぷから・ぐる, 乞食(こじき)。 n. A recipient 受領者. A beggar こじき. Syn : Iyahupkara-guru.
Ahupkara-po, あぷから・ぽ, 貰い子。 n. An adopted child.
Ahupkare, あふっぷかれ, モラハセル。 v.t. To give (as alms 施し物) あげる・やる. To cause to accept 受け取りを引き起こす. Syn : Eungeraite.
Ahupte, あふぷて, 入れる(複数)。 v.t. (pl.) To send in 送付する・提出する. To put in 〜の中に入れる・〜に加える・参加する. To bring in 取り込む・取り入れる. To admit 認める・許容する.
Ahupte-i, あふっぷて・い, 容認・入場。n. An admittance 入場(許可). A bringing in.
Ahuptere, あふぷてれ, 入れさせる(複数)。 v.t. To send in by another (pl.).
Ahuptere-i, あふぷてれ・い, 他人ニ入レサセル事。n. A sending or bringing in by another.
Ai, あい, 私の。pro. My. As, aisapo “My elder sister.”
Ai, あい, 有る、在る。 v.i. Be. Is. Were. Syn : An.
Ai, あい, 河の細支流。川叉。 n. A tributary of a river. A branching off place. Crotch.
Ai, あい, 刺。 n. Thorns of plants 植物の刺(とげ), generally of the smaller kinds. The larger ones are called ap.
Ai, あい, 矢。たとえば、アイラブ、屋の羽根。n. An arrow. As: - Α?-rap, “feathers of arrow shafts." Α?-γι?rn. “an arrow-head.” Ai-att too, “to place an arrow on th e bow string."
Ai, あい, 此ノ字ハ Awa ト同ジ。在リテ。 part. This particle is a kind of past tense factor equalling “did", a was." As :~ Shomo ene ku int" kuni ku ramu ahi, tan orushpo ku nu, “I did not expect to hear such news as this I have now heard.” A-hi is in some instances interchangeable
Ai, あい, 此ノ字ハ 順序又ハ時刻ヲ指スモノナリ。 part. Sometimes this particle is used as an adverb of time. As :Ki kusu ne a-i, “the time it ought to be done.” Tane ku oma” kuni a-i epa ruwe ne, “It is now time for me to go.” Same as A-hi.
Aiai, あいあい, 赤ちゃん、赤ん坊。 n. A baby. An infant 幼児 . Aiai-eulen, to be ill on account of one's child.
Aiai-iyomap, あいあい・いよまぷ, Same as Aiai-o-umbe.
Aiainukoro, あいあいぬころ, 満足ニ思フ。 v.i. To be contented. Syn : Yaiyainukoro, Yaiyainuwere,
Aiai-o-umbe, あいあい・お・うむべ, 児守ガ児ヲ負フトキ背ノ上ニ児ヲ 坐セシムル木。 n. A piece of wood tied to a sling used for carrying children 子供を運ぶために使用される背負い紐(だっこひも)を結ぶ木の部材。おんぶ装置。. The sling itself is called pakkai-tara だっこひもは、パッカイ・タラ、とも呼ばれる。.
Aibashke-ni, あいばしゅけ・に, ハナヒリノキ。 n. Leucothoe Grayana, Maxim. A shrub. This plant was used in making the poison called Chikoptep.
Aibe, あいべ, 鮑(あわび)(樺太アイヌニテ牡蠣(カキ))。 n. The sea-ear. Haliotis gigantea kamtschatkanus. Jonas. Among the Saghalin Ainu aibe is “oyster”; SO also is Piba.
Aibep, あいべぷ, 食器。 n. Eating utensils such as Cups, plates, spoons and chopsticks.
Aibesamka, あいべさむか, 食器ヲ粗末ニスル。 v.t. To waste.
Aichai, あいちゃい, ナタネ。n. S. Brassica chinensis, L. Syn: Atane.

Aicharoikire, 2P4 ++” DI 4 + Lo, ph. I will make him feed me.
Aichikor-ibe, 7°4f SF=IIl--f", n. Stingray. Dasyabatus akajei. Mul & Hen. Same as Aichoko-ibe.
Aichinka, あいちんか, 矢ノ部分を結ブ絲。 n. Bark thread used for tying the different parts of arrows to gether 矢の異なった部品を一緒に縛るのに使用される樹皮の糸. ★バカ検証 【日本語、意味が通じない。】
Ai-chiure, あい・ちうれ, 矢ノ根ニ付ケル骨。 n. The “foot” or bone head of an arrow to which the arrow point is fixed.
Aichoko-ibe, あいちぉこ・いべ, アカエヒ。 n. Stingray. Dasyabatus akajei, M.&H. Syn : Aichikor-ibe, Aikot-chep.
Aieninui, あいえにぬい, 臥ス、伏ス、枕ス。 v.i. To lie down to rest. To lie down to sleep.
Aieninuibe, あいえにぬいべ, 枕。 n. A pillow. Syn : Aininuibe. Chieminuibe.
Ai-epishki, あい・えぴっしゅき, 射ル、矢ヲ以テ撃ツ。 v.t. To shoot at with arrows.
Aige, あいげ, ナガラ、其後。 例セバ、 オマンアイゲシノツチヤキルエネ、歩キナガラ歌ヲ唱フ。 post. As. Thereupon. Then. When. Whilst. And so. As :~ Oman aige shinotchaki ruwe ne, “he sings as he goes along.” Nei orushpe ku ye, aige, utara obitta en emina nisa ratute ne. “ I told the news, whereupon the people all laughed at me.” Same as Aike.
Aihatatme, 74 zv4?z y*, v.i. To be taken care of (as a person). Syn : Aehatatne.
Aihe, Jo f os, n. An arrow. Syn : Ai.
Aikakushte-amip, P of 7, 6 × 773 プ。 n. An overcoat. Ai-kanchi, PA 7, 25, n. A notch in the end of an arrow for the bow-string.
Aikamnit, JP-f h : e = y, n. The bone part of an arrow.
Aikap, 774 ?7, v.i. and adj. To be unable. Awkward. Unskilful. Syn : Appene.
Aikap, 774 ; 7, n. The pecten.
Aikap, Jo4f 357, adj. Left. By some Aikat.
Aikap-sama, PA 737-#7, adv. On the left hand side. With the left hand. Sometimes an awkward person.
Aikap-sei, P4s 3,7tz's, n. A pecten shell. Pecten laetus, Gould.
Aikarakara, 74 ?75 395, v.i. Finished. Done. Also “to do.”
Aikarip, Jo4f h ) ≫7, n. Vaccinium Smallii, A Gray. A kind of blue-berry. Syn : Aekarip. In S. it is called Satturi.
Aikashup-ni, あいかしゅっぷ・に, イヌツゲ。 n. Ilex radicans. Nakai. False box tree. In S. it is called Techamush. This is an evergreen shrub and the wood is sometimes used in making spoons and small moustache-lifters for want of better material. The Ainu name means “arrow-shaft wood.” The middle part of such shafts being sometimes made of it.
Aikat, 74 h ≫, adj. Left. By some Aikap. Aike, 74 r., post. As. Thereupon. Then. When. Same as Aige.
Aikka, 74 ≫?j, a. Stolen.
Aikne, J74 } #, adv. Asunder. In two. As :~ Aikne tuye, “to cut in two”; “to separate joint from joint.”
Aikoikarabe, 774 a 4 h5 ~$, n. An example. A copy. Some
thing to be imitated.
Aikoisambap, 74 =14 ‘F.A., a.s.7', n. Something imitated.
Aikoisambe, P4 -14 + A*, v.i. and adj. Like, Imitated.
Aikorep, J74 a Le7", т. А present. A gift.
| Aikosama, アイコサマ, 真似スル。 v.t. To imitate. Same as Anikosamba.
| Aikosamba, アイコサムバ,.
Aikoshi, あいこし, v.t. To betray 裏切る. Syn : Ekoshi.
Aikot-chep, あいこっと・ちぇっぷ, 74 - yor. 7, n. Stingray. Dasyabatus akajei, Mul & Hen. Syn : Aichokoibe.
Aikrap, 74 2 : 97, #2. A present received.
Aikup, 774 277, n. Drinking utensils.
Aikushte-amip, PA 27 27.757, n. A coat. An outer garment.
Aiman, あいまん, リシリビヤクシン。 n. Juniperus communis. L. var montana. Aiton. Juniper. The wood of this evergreen spreading tree was sometimes used for the heads and part of arrow shafts.
Aimakanit, あいまかにっと, 矢ノ根ニ付ク骨。 n. The bone part of an arrow to which the head is attached.
Aimokirika, あいもきりか, 無情ノ、憐レナル。 adj. Miserable. Abject.
Aimokirika-shukup, あいもきりか・しゅくっぷ, 不憫ナル生活。 v.i. To live in a very miserable fashion. To live miserably.
Aina, あいな, 小腕又ハ脛。 n. The space between the wrist and elbow and between the knee and ankle.
Aina-ni, あいな・に, 鏃ヲ据付(すえつける)ケル矢ノ一部分。 n. That part of an arrow immediately between the arrow head and reed shaft. Sometimes such are made of bone and sometimes of Lonicera or Ligustrum.
Aina-ni, あいな・に, エゾイボタ。 n. Ligustrum yezoense, Nakai. Privet. The wood was used in forming that part of arrows between the head and reed shaft. Aina is the space between the human arm and wrist and between the knee and ankle. Syn : Epotan-ni, Ebotan-ni Ritan-ni.
Ainan-pone, アイナン・ポネ, 脛骨。胞骨。ニノウデ。 n. The shin-bone. The bone between the elbow and wrist.
Aine, JP-s #, post. Thereupon. After a while. Hardly. Upon which. At last. As :~ Ramneto ku holuyekara, aine, ese misa ruue ne “I called him for a very long time and at last he answered.”
Aine, 774 #, part. This particle indicates the past or perfect tense. As : ?Tap seenne otta ku apkash kuni ku ramu a-ine koroka tap ku apkash nisa ruwe ne. “I did not expect to walk thus far yet I have come here.” Syn : Ahine. Ahine forms the participle ending to verbs.
Aininuibe, あいにぬいべ, 枕。 n. A pillow. Syn : Aieninuibe. Chieminuibe.
*Ainu, アイヌ, 人、人間、友、父、夫、アイヌト云フ人種。
* This name may possibly be derived from yainu, “think.” In old legends and prayers the members of this race were named Enchiu in contradistinction to the deities. The pure Ainu is now only to be found in Hokkaido, formerly called Yesso, and in southern Saghalien, and all are Japanese subjects. In 1922 they numbered in Hokkaido 15,489, of whom 7,155 were males and 8,284 females. In Saghalien there were 1,600 only left of them. They are dwindling in numbers largely through the women mingling with the Japanese, and many Japanese children are registered as Ainu by which means their numbers are being kept up, they having been adopted by Ainu women. It is owing to this fact of amalgamation, which has been going on from very early times, that there is in many Japanese such a large number resembling the Ainu and vice versa. And thus it is that traces of Ainu blood may be found among all classes of Japanese. The native language has practically died out all under sixty speaking Japanese. The New Testament, which the writer translated in 1897 is now obsolete.
n. Man. A man. The race of people called Ainu. Comrade (苦楽を共にした)同僚、仲間. Father. Husband. The root meaning is “thinker.” The genus homo.
Ainu-ataye, 7”+ 5R74*4 =c, n. A fine for murder. Syn : Kewe-tak.
Ainu-bata, 74 58 rijk, excl. Ah me ! Expression of desire and disappointment.
Ainu-buri, アイヌブリ。 34, The habits or customs of man in general or of the Ainu in particular.
Ainu-ekashi, 74s. 5.5?7, 52, n. The Ainu ancestors. Syn : Ainushut.
Ainu-ep, 74 5&=7, %. A hobgoblin, supposed to walk backwards.
Ainu-eshpa, 74 58 r.: , ?, v.t. To ignore a person.
Ainu-ikiri, 74 5.4 + J, n. An age. A generation. A crowd of men.
Ainu-ikiri-ka-oma-wen-buri, 74s. 5. イキリカオマエンブリ。 n. Original sin.
Ainu-katu-ehange, 7”.s. 5. 77'y-Ezv > ゲ, ph. To be near dying (Lit:-Nearing a person's form). syn: Rai-etokooiki.
Ainu-kina, アイヌキナ, ヤブタバコ。 n. Carpesium abrotanoides, L. Hemp agrimony. The Ainu name means “having points,'' probably refering to its sharply pointed leaves and barbed fruit. It is made into mats for sitting on and for hanging about inside of dwellings. These are called toma.
Ainu-kirikuru, 774f 5W + U ? Wle, v.t. To mock. To make fun of. To laugh at a person. Syn : Eoya-itak.
Ainu-koapkash, アイ ヌコア プカ シ。 - v.i. A woman to commit adultery with a man.
Ainu-koiwak, PA 5 - As of 7, v.i. To visit one's husband. To pay attentions with a view to marriage. To visit one's intended spouse.
Ainukoro, P4s. 5. E. D., v.t. To reverence. To honour. To treat with respect.
Ainu-kut, P4 × 7 y, п. А man's throat.
Ainu-kutoro-humi, 74 5. ? K DI 7 S, n. The sound of men talking.
Ainu-kuwa, アイヌクワ。 ?4, A man’s grave-mark.
Ainuma-kina, PA 5.7:##", n. A kind of plant bearing a broad bell-shaped flower. Platycodon glaucum. Nakai, Chinese bellflower.
Ainu-moshiri, 74 5 J, n. Ainu-land. Syn : Ya-unmoshiri.
Ainu-muk, 74 57 , у, r + z r. v. n. Lactuca laciniata, Max. Ainu muk means “Ainu poultice.” The plant is a kind of lettuce. Poultices were made of the leaves of this herb and applied hot to sore and painful parts of the body.
Ainu-mukekashi, 74 5&A or 7752, n. Platycodon glaucum. Nakai. This is the Chinese bellflower. The Ainu name means “ancestral Ainu poultice.” Like Ainu muk poulticies used to be made of it for sores and pains of the body. It is said to be more efficacious than poultices made of Ainu-muk.
Ainu-noka, あいぬ・のか, 人ノ写真。 n. The photo of a human being. A picture of a man. Syn : Ainunokaha.

Ainu-rak-guru, あいぬ・らっく・ぐる, アイヌの元の名。 n. Said by some Ainu to be the ancient name of their race. Syn : Aeoina-rak-guru. Said by some to have been a teacher sent by the gods to instruct the Ainu.
| Ainu-san-i, アイヌサニ, アイヌの子孫。 n. Ainu posterity. Of Ainu descent.
| Ainu-sanikiri, アイヌサニキリ,
| Ainu-santek, アイヌサンテク,
Ainu-sat-chiri, 74 57%-y:5 J, т. А kind of large grey kingfisher. Oriental spotted kingfisher. Ceryle guttata, (Vigors).
Ainu-shikashishte, 74 ×:27,227, v.t. To treat people with indifference.
Ainu-shikashishte-guru, 74 523-25 シシテグル。 n. One who treats others with indifference.
Ainu-shitchiri, 7° 45.22 y 3F y, n. The same as Ainu-satchiri.
Ainushkare-no, 774 5x Le?i Le /, adv. Wonderously.
Ainu-shut, 74[ 5% S>>.‘X’, n. The Ainu ancestors. Syn : Ainuekashi.
| Ainu-topa, アイヌトパ, アイヌノ集會、群衆ノ人。 n. A crowd of men. An assembly of people.
| Ainu-topaha, アイヌトパハ,
Ainu-topake, P4s. 5. Favor, %. A chief. Captain. Leader.
Ainu-tukap, 74 58 у ?7, ??, A ghost. The manes of the dead (supposed to be of a white colour).
Ainu-utara-ne-ambe, 74 5. 735:K アムべ。 The Ainu people.
Ainu-utor-humi, 74 × 7 FM-75, n. The sound of men walk ing. Syn : Apkash utor*-humi.
Ai-o, 7?4 zr, jij7? jv. adj. Thorny. Syn : Aiush.
Aioina-kamui, 74 or of 3-7, A-f, The name of the ancestor of the Ainu. Also called Aeoina kamui.
Aioina-rak-guru, 74f2f4f 3-5 z Wyle, n. Said by some Ainu to be the ancient name of their race. Syn : Ainu-rak-guru.
Aioma, 74 zir*, v.i. To lean over. Same as Aeoma.
Aioresu, 74s:f Le?, ph. Was brought up.
Aioro, 7’4fzr ta, n. A kind of perch. Lateolabrax japonicus, (C.& V.) Syn : Shimechike. Shunchike.
Aipaske ni, 7°4 ??zo?-=, n. Leucothae Grayana. Maxim. This is a kind of rhododendron, which, when burned, sends forth a smoke which makes people sneeze. (See abishiya-ni).
Aipone, 7 fzRak, n. The thighbones.
Aipone-tanne-guru, 74 it:k & 2+ グル, n. A tall person.
Aiporo-sak, 7-f:f R +5, adj. To be ashamed. Syn : Iporohachiri.
Aiporo-sakka, 7*4 ftru*≫#j, e.t. To make ashamed.
Airah, j’4 7, n. Arrow feathers. This is the Saghalien pronounciation of airap.
Airamkatchaushka, 774 5A, 3b ≫ F* ウシカ。 adj. and v.i. To have been dissuaded from something.
Airamnukuri, Jo4f 5 A3x y ), adj. Diffident. Reserved.
Airamye, 7’4 5.As4 =, adj. and v.i. Adorable. Adored.
Airap, あいらっぷ, 矢羽。 n. Arrow feathers. Syn : Airah.
Airap-kina, あいらっぷ・きな, クサソテツ。n. Matteuccia Struthiopteris, Todaro. A kind of fern. The name means “arrow feather herb.” Aira are the fertile fronds. Airap is the strip of feathers which was formerly stuck on arrow shafts. It is also called Soroma. The fronds are eaten.
Airo, あいろ, スズキ。n. Name of a kind of perch 魚の鱸(スズキ)の一種の名前 (海水産は皮が赤っぽく、湖水産は白っぽい。). Lateolabrax japonicus, (C. & V.) Same as Aioro. See Shimechike.
Airu, あいる, 有ル、感ズル、音スル。 v.i. To be. To feel. To sound. As :~ Chikuikui ap-koro humi airu an, “ I feel as though I was being nibbled."
Aisa, あいさ, アイサカモ。 n. A kind of the merganser. Mergus sp.
| Aisa, アイサ, 何ヲモ持タヌ。 adv. To have
| Aisak, アイサク, nothing. As, aisak ashi, “we have nothing.”
Aisanteshi, あいさんてし, 與ヘラレタ。 ph. Was given.
Aisarakka-kamui, あいさらっか・かむい, 過ツテ矢ヲ以テ打タルヽコト、過ツテ矢ニ當ル事。 n. Being accidentally shot by arrows. To meet with an accident.
Aiseisekka, あいせいせっか, 温メル、熱セラル。 v.i. To be heated. Made hot.
Ai-set, あい・セット, 寝台。 n. A sleepingbench.
Aisetoko, あいせとこ, ...... ノ前ニ。 adv. In front of. Facing another's back.
Aishicharoikire-kuni, あいしちゃろいきれ・くに, 私ハ彼ニ私ヲ養ワセル。 ph. I will cause him to feed me.
Aishikikiri, あいしききり, 矢ノ根ノ穴。 n. The eye in the end of an arrow head in which the shaft is fixed.
Aishikoshirepa, あいしこしれぱ, 到著シタ。 v.i. (pl.) To have arrived at a place.
Aishiri, あいしり, デアツタ。 Aux. Was. As, aishiri antikara, “it was seen to be.” Also a sign that an action is still in progress. ★バカ検証 【デアツタ、では分からない。出会った、かと思った。助動詞、で、現在完了の「〜であった」、〜動作継続していた。英語部をそのまま日本語化すべき。】
Aishiri-ekot, あしり・えこっと, 死スル。 v.i. To die.
Aishiri-kamui, あいしり・かむい, 死人。 n. A dead person. Syn : Araishiri kamui.
Aishirika-omare, あいしりか・おまれ, 満足シタ、十分ナ。 adj. Enough. Sufficed. Sufficient.
Aishiru, あいしる, 幽霊。 n. A ghost.
Aishirubare-guru, あいしるばれ・ぐる, 狂人、悪鬼ニ憑(とりつく)カレタル。 n. A maniac. A person possessed by the devil. A ghost.
Aishitomare, あいしとまれ, 畏ロシイ(おそろしい)、騒々シイ。 v.i. and adj. Dreadful. Noisy. Said to noisy children. ★バカ検証 【dreadful と noisy は関係ない。馬鹿か。 noisy がすごい、とイイたいのか。どうなの。富田辞書では 引っ掛からない、良くない。tomare で引っ掛かった。 怖がらせる&isitomare で、isi... だって、aisi... でない。実にイイカゲン。良くない。】
Aishiwototo, 7°4 Sev z" F -, v.i. Set in orderly array. Syn : Anshiwototo.
Aishumam, 74 ea rA, 3? V n. n. A kind of millet.
Ai-shup, 74 $22.7, %. The reed shaft of an arrow.
Aitakboso, 7” 4 & 2 zf; /, adj. Ridiculous. Funny. Syn : Chioboshmamba.
Aitakepishte, 774 & 3r E?e5F, v.i. To repeat one's self. To be loquacious.
Aitakepishtep, Jo4f 4g 4rEE25*7, n. A heap of words. Loquacity. As :~ Tapan tu itak re itak aitakepishtep nekon a ambe ne ruwe ta an ? “what means this great heaping up of words?”
Aitam-niukeshte, あいたむ・にうけっしゅて, 刀ヲ以テ禦グ(ふせぐ、防ぐ)。 v.i. To defend with a sword 剣で防御する. To render difficult by means of a sword 剣では解決できない. ★バカ検証 【剣を使っても状況は変更できない程、難しい状況。どっちの意味なの。日本語は、不完全。】

Aitek, あいてっく, 送らる、雇われる。 v.i. To be sent. To be employed by another. Syn : Auitek.
Aituyere, あいついぇれ, までに往く、取らるヽ、切り割らるヽ。v.i. To go as far as. To be taken. To be cut off. バカ検証 【こんな日本語有るの?。意味も通じない。】
Ai-ush, あい・うっしゅ, 刺(とげ)ある。 adj. Thorny. Syn : Ai-o.
Aiush-kina, あいうっしゅ・きな, ミヤマシキミ。n. A kind of poisonous shrub. Skimmia repens, Nakai. This is sometimes pronounced a-i-yush-kina. When so pronounced emphatically it comes to mean “ maddening herb” or “herb which causes convulsions.” It is ever-green and bears very beautiful berries about the size of a pea. It is also called etupka-kina by some, and this means “herb causing vomiting.” This is exactly what the berries do if eaten. It is said that if partaken of in any large quantity it will cause one to vomit continuously till death intervenes.
Aiush-kuttara, あいうっしゅ・くったら, アザミの類。 n. A thistle. Circium, sp. Syn : Antsami. In S. the names are Hamchau-kina, Hamichaukina, Yamoniki-kina.
Aiush-ni, あいうっしゅ・に, ハリギリ、センノキ。n. Kalopanax pictum, Nakai. In S. it is Affush-ni, “having thorns.” This tree grows very big and is sometimes used for making canoes and mortars for pounding grain into dough. It is also called Ap-ush-ni by some. The same name is also applied to Aralia elata, Seem.
Ai-ush-samambe, PA 5 oth or A*, + x 2 u f. n. Clidoderma asperimus, T. & S.)
Aiush-top, J74 r.) SA K ≫ 7, n. Sasa paniculata, Mak. et Shibata, It is also called Pai in S. In H. it is Huttat, Oknetop, Opnetop, Pinnetop, Rumnetop.
Aiuss-kina, #4. 774 7 z +3", Skimmia repens, Nakai. Aiyush-kina, This is an evergreen 74 alo:##", shrub bearing very beautiful red berries about the size of a pea. The name means “Maddening herb” or “ Herb causing convulsions.” It is also called in H. Arikari-ni and Riyahamushi. Other S. names are Etufka-kina and Etopkani, both of which words mean “Making to vomit.” Etopka is in H. Etupka. Etup is to vomit and etupka “To make vomit.”
Aiwak, 774 7 }, v.i. To be cast away. Buried. To return from one's work.
Aiwak-gusu-atere, PA 7 of 5 2.75. レ。 v.t. To await.
Aiwakte, 774 7 2 5F, v.t. To bury the dead. To throw away.
Aiyaikotomka, 7 As of E. F.A. 7, ph. Befitting me. Equal tO me.
Aiyo, P4s a, v.t. To fill up. As :~ Nei uturu aiyo wa en kore, “please fill up the spaces.”
Aiyo, Pof a, n. Pieces of material let into garments for ornament. As :~ Aiyo ekara, “to ornament a dress.” Same as Aoko.
| Aiyoitakushi, あいよいたくし, 詛ハレタル(のろわれた)。 adj. and v.i. To be accursed. Cursed.
| Aiyoitakshi, あいよいたくし,
Aiyonitasare, あいよにたされ, 改名ス。 v.i. To change one's name.
Aiyonitasare-rehei, あいよにたされ・れへい, 改名 n. An alias 別名・偽名. Syn : Auoniutasare-rehei. ★バカ検証 【アリアス・エイリアスは、改名じゃないよ。別名、だよ。改名の結果物だよ。】

Aiyunin, あいゆにん, 苦痛アル。 v.i. and adj. To be in great bodily pain. To be in distress.
Aiyuninka, あいゆにんか, 痛メラセラレル。v.i. To be hurt.
Ak, あっく, 弟。n. A younger brother. Syn : Aki. Akihi.
Ak, あっく, 射る。 v.i. To shoot with an arrow.
Aka, あか, 水 n. Water. Syn : Akka. Wakka.
Akai, あかい, 背ノ上ニ。adv. Over one's back. On one's back. Syn : Asei. Ashiseturuka.
Akakoro, あかころ, 甚多(じんた・はなはだおおい)、頗多(ひんた・すこぶるおおい)。adv. Very many. Syn : Poronno.
Akakotare, あかこたれ, 開ク、分ケル。v.t. To open. To divide.
Akam, あかむ, 環。 n. A ring.
Akam, あかむ, ウバユリヲ以テ造リシ圓キ菓子。 n. A round cake usually made of arrow-root and having a hole in the centre. Syn : Aushito.
Akam, あかむ, 海鼠、ナマコ。 n. The seasnail.
Akama, あかま, 見落ス、過ギ越ス。 v.t. To drop out (as a word in a sentence). To jump over. To pass over.
Akami, あかみ, 越ス所、踏切リ。 n. А crossing. A stepping-over place.
Akamkoreumbe, J’3H.A. H. Le :) AoS, n. Same as Akamkotchep.
Akamkotchep, あかむこっとちぇっぷ, ゴツコ。 n. Lipaus Cyclogaster Agassizii, (Putnam). Seasnail.
Akam-sayе, あかむ・さいぇ, 渦巻ク。v.i. To be coiled up in rings as snakes are sometimes found doing.
Akam-ukopoyebe, 7° ?jA 7 a zК4 = べ。 n. A stick used for stirring the pot when arrow-root cakes are being boiled.
Akamure, あかむれ, 蔽ハレル。 v.i. To be covered up.
Akan, あかん, 造ラレタ。v.i. To be made. Done. Same as akara.
A-kane, あ・かね, 座シテ。 part. Sitting. To be in a sitting posture.
Akaparaka, あかぱらか, 有漏抜、ウロヌク。 v.t. To thin out 〜をまばらにする、(髪を)すく. Syn : Akapare. ★バカ検証 【Akapare は、未登録である。 why?】
Akara, あから, 造ラレタル。 v.i. To be made. To have finished doing a thing.
Akara-eashkai, あから・えあっしゅかい, 出来能フ(できあたう)。 adj. Achievable 達成可能な. Able to be done 実現できる・やれる.
Akarakara, あからから, 為す。縫スル。 v.t. To do. To do fancy needle-work.
Akarakarape, あからからぺ, 縫箔(ぬいはく)。 n. Fancy needlework. Syn : Chikarakarabe.
Akari, あかり, 出来事。n. A thing done. An action performed. The way to perform an action.
Akaru, あかる, 出来事。Same as akari.
Aka-san-nai, あか・さん・ない, 水ノアル谷。 n. A valley with water in it.
Akashi, あかし, チョット當タル。 v.t. To hit slightly.
A-kasu, あ・かす, 餘リ多ク。 adj. Too much 多過ぎる. Too many.
Akatchiu, TP h y 5-7, v.i. and adj. To be stuck. Pierced.
Akatchiu-guru, P h y #:) ?IL, n. An unamiable person. One who cannot be trusted.
Akateomare, Jo?g5F zrr Le, adj. Amiable. Loveable.
Aka-ush, あか・うっしゅ, 水ダラケ。 adj. Containing water. Watery. Syn : Wakka-ush.
Akbe, あっくべ, 陥穴(おちいる、おとしいれる、落とし穴、陥没)、羂(わな、罠)、わな。 n. А trap. A rat trap. (This is really a spring-bow which is often set in the trail of the larger animals or in the runs of rats.) Syn : Akku.
Akbe-ande, あっくべ・あんで, 羂(わな)ヲ掛ル。 v.i. To set a trap.
Akbe-imok, あっくべ・いもっく, 羂ノ餌、例
セバ、アクベイモクオマレ、羂ニ餌ヲ置ク。 n. A trap bait. As :~ Akbe-imok omare or Akbe-imok unu, “to bait a trap.”
Akbe-shuat, 747 ~$^=-7">’, n. The wood catch placed in a trap to loosen that portion of wood which sets the bowstring free.
Akbe-yokore, 7” y “t = a Le, v.i. To set a trap.
Akem-karabe, 7%rs, 757°S, n. Needle-work.
Akerikeri, J’Ar Lodr ), v.i. and adj. To be scraped.
Akes, あけす, 入口ノ内側。 n. The floor near a door.
Akes, あけす, 屑(くず)、西ノ方。 n. Dregs 残りかす. The western end of a place or thing 場所又は物の西端. The lower end of a place or thing 低い所の端・最後の所. Syn : Kes. Kesh. Keshi.
Akesoro, J’Ar / H, adv. At the entrance or lower end of a hut.
Akesta, あけっすた, 入口ノ床、端近。 adv. On the floor near a door. From a, “sit,” kes, “end,” ta, “at”; i.e. “ at the lower end sitting place.”
Akes-un, 7%rzo 2, = . adv. Same as Akesoro.
Akeure, 7 r? le, adj. Hewn. Planed.
Aki, J’+, n. A younger brother. Same as Ak, Akihi, Akpo.
Aki, J’HF, v.i. and adj. Done. Finished.
Akianchi, P:#725°, n. Dog salmon. Oncorhyuchus. Walbatsm. Syn : Kamuichep. Shibe. (Jap.)
Akibe, Pi?o, n. Something done.
Aki-eashkai, 7++7'>334 adj. Achievable. Can be done.
Akihi, Pi??, n. A younger bro. ther. Same as Aki, Akpo.
Akihi-utara, 7+ to #7, n. Younger brothers.
Aki-hokamba, あき・ほかむば, 成就ニ六ケシキ、成就シ難キ。 v.i. Difficult of accomplishment. Syn : Eraininne. ★バカ検証 【六ケシキ、って、何?】
Akimokkara, あきもっから, 出先ニテ変死ス。 v.i. To be killed away from one's home as by accident.
Akiritari, あきりたり, 十分、沢山(日本語アキル)。 v.i. To have had enough. (From the Japanese Akiru).
Akirushke, あきるっしゅけ, 判明セル。adj. Known. Recognized. Pointed out. This word often occurs in legends. Thus Akirushke, tui orou a no ningari un, “ Known by having earrings at his birth.” The etymology of Akirushke in a, a passive; kir for kiri, “ know ”; ush, “ furnished with "; ke, a gerundive particle, “ state ”. ningari is “ earrings.” The Ainu believe that their greatest shamans and chiefs were born with holes in their ear-lobes, thus pointing them out as specially sent by the gods.
Akka, あっか, 水。 n. Water. Same as Wakka and aka.
| Akka, アッカ, 然レドモ(しかれども) conj. Although. Syn : Yakka.
| Akkai, アッカイ,
Akkanne, あっかんね, 清明ナル。 adj. Clean. Same as Ashkanne.
Akkari, P v? 9, post. Than. Surpassing. Expression of the comparative degree.
Akkari-kara, 7 9 b 9 ?i?, v.t. To surpass. To do better or worse than. (Preceded by the objective case).
Akkari-ki, Jo v?i V +, Same as Akkari-kara,
Akkari-no-ye-ruwe, 7%rh 9 / f ** イ。 ph. More than was said or done.

| Akka-shum, あっか・しゅむ, 水ノ泡。 n. Water foam.
| Akka-sum, アッカスム,
Akke, あっけ, ホタテカヒ。 n. A scallop. Pecten yezoensis, Jay. Same as Akketek.
Akkesh, あっけしゅ, n. 牡蠣(かき)。 An oyster. Ostraea gigas, Hum.
Akketek, アッケテっク, ホタテカヒ。 n. A scallop. Pecten yezoensis, Jay. Same as Akke.
Akku, あっく, 羂、ワナ。 n. A trap. See Akbe.
Ak-nishpake, あっく・にっしゅぱけ, 弟。 n. A younger brother.
Akno, あっくの, 弓術ニ秀デシ。adj. Clever at shooting arrows.
Akno-guru, あっくの・ぐる, 射手。n. Archers. An archer.
| Ako-apa-ashi, アコアパアシ, 閉込めメル。 v.t. To shut in.
| Ako-apa-seshke, アコ アパセシケ,
Akoekomo, あこえこも, 先を曲げる。v.t. To clinch.
Akoerayap, あこえらやっぷ, 驚き且つ喜ぶ。 v.i. To be agreeably surprised.
Akoewara, あこえわら, 吹き付けらる。v.i. To be blown to.
Akoewara-ewara, あこえわら・えわら, 吹き付けられ。 v.i. To be blown away to. To be blown to.
Akohepitare, Jo aos E & Lo, v.i. To rise up as from a bending position.
Akoiki, 7 = f +, v.i. To get killed. To be struck.
Akoipishi, 77 - 4 E e, v.i. To be judged. Akoipishi-gusu-atak, F - f E2-2 X アタク。 v.i. Το be arraigned. To be had up for judgement. Akoipishi-gusu-atakte, Joa 4f E SA ? スアタクテ, v.t. To arraign. To bring before a court.
Akoirushka, 77 a 4 Jle$e?i, v.i. To suffer the wrath of another. Syn : Ankoirushka.
Akoisamka, Joa 4f {}A}}, v.t. To destroy. To bring to nothing. Sometimes also used intransitively.
Akokara, 7:a ?75, v.i. and adj. To be rolled up.
Akokarakari, 7 a? 5 h ), v.i. and adj. Rolled up. Wrapped up.
Akokarip, あこかりぷ, キンミヅヒキ。 n. Agrimonia pilosa, Ledeb. It is also called Ipakokarip and Kinaraita also Raita in H. In S. it is Setaraita.*
* The fruit of this plant is produced on a long slender rachis. Each individual fruit has stiff barbed hairs by means of which it sticks to the garments of passers by. Akokarip means “the winder 回旋植物・竜頭.”
Akokatpakbe, あこかっとぱっくべ, 悪人、罪人。 n. A bad person. A sinner.
Akokatpak-guru, あこかっとぱっく・ぐる, 悪人、罪人。n. A bad person. A sinner. Syn : Katpak-ki-guru.
Akokemachichi, あこけまちち, 縮マツテ寝ル。 v.i. To lie with one's legs curled up. As :~ Shotki kuruka akokemachichi, “he is lying upon his bed with his legs curled up.”
Akokemi-an, あこけみ・あん, 罕(まれ)ナル、少キ。 v.i. To be scarce.
Akomuyep, あこむいぇぷ, 死人ト共に埋メル衣服。 n. The ordinary clothing buried with the dead.
Akon, あこん, Same as Akoro, “my.”
Akonere, あこねれ, 破壊セラレタ、(単数)。 v.i. and adj. (sing.) Wrecked. Smashed up.

Akonerepa, 7 a + v*** v.i. and adj. (pl.) Wrecked. Smashed up.
Akopan, 7:14 КУ, adj. Hated. Abhorred.
Akopangere, アコバンゲレ。 jv. adj. Hated. Abhorred. Syn o Aepangere.
Akopao, 7= 84, v.i. To be scolded. To be punished. Syn : Akosakaikara
Akonuptek, アコヌプテっク あこぬっぷてっく, 面白イ、美シイ。adj. Pleasing. Interesting. Pretty.
Akopuntek, あこぷんてっく, 喜ブ。 v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. Syn : Akoyainuchaktek. Akoyairenga.
Akopuntekte, アコプンテっクテ, 喜バスル。v.t. To please another.
Akora, あこら, 我ガ。 pro. My.
Akoram-niukesh, あこらむ・にうけっしゅ, 承認せぬ。 v.t. To dissent from.
Akore, あこれ, 貰ふ。 v.t. To receive. To take.
Akore-guru, あこれ・ぐる, 貰った人。 n. A recipient.
Akor'ewen, あこる'えうぇん, 惡く遇する。 v.t. To treat badly.
Akoro, P = P × pro. My. Our. Your. Their. Same as Ankoro.
Akoroashpa, 7= R72” v.i. To be deaf to. Akorobe, Jozi P ^?, on. One's belongings.
Akorokaiki, 7’=a R 314 *≫ adv. Although.
Akoropap, 7° H H パプ。 %, One's belongings.
| Akosakaikara, アコサカイカラ, 叱ラレル。 v.i. To be scolded. Syn : Akopao.
| Akosakayokara, あこさかよから
Akoshinninup, 75 % ンニヌプ。 n. A charm,
Akoshiratki, 7 a 27 *** wi. To be taken care of
Akoshiratkip, 7” = >?o#7; n. One's guardian angel.
Akoshituriri, 7' = >9 9 9 " v.i. To be stretched out lengthwise. As :~ Shoiki kuruka akoshituriri. “He is stretched out lengthwise upon his bed.” Akot, Jo = ≫ H , Same as Akoro, “my.”
Akowen, 7 = V = 2^≫ adj. and v.i. Abhorrent. Hated. Despised. Syn : Aepange- Aetunne.
Akoyainuchaktek,7°F ャイヌチャクテ ク。 v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. Syn : Akopuntek. Akoyairenga.
Akoyairenga, 7=*.fl-273, v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. Syn : Akopuntek, Akoyainuchaktek.
Akoyoyamokte, Jo = ヨヤモクテ, wi. To be troubled. As :~ Катц? kuroro akoyoyamokte. “ To be troubled by the deities.”
Akpo, J ?zik, n. A younger brother. Syn : Aki
Akshinot, 7 ? ? Z V, > y e. n. A game of archery.
Akshinot-pon-ai, 72 × ノッポンアイ。 n. Blunt arrows used to irritate bears in the bear feasts. Syn : Akshinot-ponguru. Chirosh. Hepere-ai. Aeshnot-pon-guru,722/9*.” Ile, n. Blunt arrows used to irritate bears in the bear feasts. Syn : Akshinot-ponai. Chirosh. Aktonoge, 7% F /4", n. A youn? ger brother. Sym : Aki.
Akubaba, 7° W **; v.i. To be bitten by an animal. To be set upon (as by an animal). Syn : Chi
.. kuba. Shitashke.
Akuikui, あくいくい , 齧ル(かじる:噛)。 adj. Gnawed かじられた. Syn : Chikuikui.
Akupitara, アクピタラ, 固形シタ灰。 %. Hardened ashes.
Akusa, あくさ, 渡舟ス。v.t. To ferry across a river.
Akusa-ashkoro, あくさ・あしゅころ, 日本酒。 n. Japanese sake. Syn : Arutuashkoro. Chiyange-ashkoro.
Akusa-guru, あくさ・ぐる, 船頭(河渡場ノ) n. A ferry-man.
Akusa-ushi, あくさ・うし, 渡場。 n. A ferry.
A-kush, あ・くし, ナレドモ。 adv. Although.
Akuwakore, あくわこれ, 質物ヲ與フ、質物、例セバ、イタクグスアクワコレ、言葉ノ為ニ質物ヲ與ヘル。 v.t. To give as a pledge 担保・抵当を与える、誓約を取る, Also “to set up a mark to a grave お墓に印を付ける.” As :~ Itak gusu akuwakore. “To give as a pledge to one's word.” Raiguru akuwakore, “to set up a post for the dead.”
Am, あむ, 爪。 n. Finger or toe nails. The claws of birds and animals. Am-ras, “nail-parings.” Same as Ami, Amihi.
Ama, あま, 置ク。 v.t. To put. To place. To set (as a snare). To put away. As :~ Shiri-kata ama, “ to place on the ground.” Syn : Amma.
Ama, あま, 焼キタル。 v.i. and adj. Roasted. Syn : Chima.
Ama, あま, 有ル、在ル。 v.i. To be.
Ama-an, あま・あん, 有リシ。 past part. Was. Syn : Ama-kane-an.
Amaka, あまか, 開カレタ。 v.i. and adj. Opened. Syn : Makke.
Ama-kane-an, あま・かね・あん, 有リシ。 past part. Was. Syn : Ama-an.
Amakara, あまから, 置ク。 v.t. To put. To place. -
Amakaraye, あまからいぇ, 開ケタル、晴レタル。 adj. Open. Clear. Syn : Aomakaraye.
Amakiri-uwekote, あまきり・ううぇこて, 箕坐スル(きざ・する:足を投げ出して座ること)、アグラカク。 v.i. To sit crosslegged. Same as Amokiri-uwekote.
| Amaktono, アマっクトノ, 弟。 n. A younger brother.
| Amaktonoge, アマっクトノゲ,
 | Amam, アマム,
 | Amama, アママ, イネ、米。 n. Oriza sativa, L. Cereals, such as rice, millet, wheat, barley. Cereal food such as rice and millet. Probably from the Japanese word mama, “boiled rice.” There appears to be no distinctive Ainu root meaning.
| Amam-chikap, アマムチカっプ, 雀。 n. A sparrow.
| Amam-chiri, アマムチリ,
Amaoi, あまおい, 寝所。n. A sleeping place. Syn : Omaiso.
Amam-e-chikap, あまむ・え・ちかっぷ, 雀。 n. A sparrow. Same as Amam-chikap.
Amam-e-chiri, あまむ・え・ちり, 雀。 n. A sparrow. Same as Amam-chiri.
Amam-e-itangi, あまん・え・いたんぎ, 飯茶碗、アマムイタンギト同ジ。 n. A rice cup. A cup used for eating rice or millet. Same as Amam-itangi. ★バカ検証 【「アマムボキリ」ト同ジ。 等と表記すべき。カタカナの境目が分かり難い、疲れる。句読点メチャクチャ。】
Amamepo, あまめぽ, 螽蟖、キリギリス、アマムボキリト同ジ。 n. A grasshopper. Syn : Amampo-kikiri. ★バカ検証 【アマムボキリ、はオカシイ。少なくとも「ボ」ではなく「ポ」。また、多分、アマムポキキリ、の誤りである。】
Amam-itangi, あまむ・いたんぎ, 飯茶碗。 n. A rice cup. A cup used for eating rice or millet out of. Same as Amam-o-itangi.
Amamkoho, あまむこほ, 粉。 n. Flour.
Amam-mosh, あまむ・もしゅ, 小蠅ノ名(蝿:ハエ)n. A kind of small fly.
Amam-muru, あまむ・むる, 米粟麥類ノヌカ。 n. Millet or rice husks.
Amam-e-itangi, あまむ・え・いたんぎ, 飯茶碗、アマムイタンギ ト同ジ。 n. A rice
cup. Same as Amam-itangi. ★バカ検証 【Amam-muru の後。場違い。しかも、2回定義している(内容は少し違う。)。もしかして、Amam-o-itangi にする積りだったりして。いずれにせよ、不注意のバカ頭に違いは無い。】
Amampa-kikiri, あまむぱ・ききり, 螽蟖、キリギリス。 n. A grasshopper. Syn : Amamepo.
Amani, 7***, n. A beam of wood. A rafter.
Amani-pok-echiu, 77-#2 エチウ, ph. To reach to the beams of a house.
Aman-ni, 7~ *F, n. The long poles to which the lower ends of the side-rafters of a hut are tied. Syn : Hotari-ni. Sopesh-ni.
Amaoi, ×. 7°*18, n. A sleepingplace. Syn : Omai-so
Amapa, J*?/$, v.t. To put. To place. (pl.)
Amappo, アマッ w y n. A bow. Snare. Spring-bow. Syn : Kuare-ku.
| Amatak, アマタっク。
| Amatak-tono, アマタっクトノ。 妹。n. A younger sister. Syn : Mataki Turesh.
| Amatak-tonoge, アマタっクトノゲ。
Amba, J’Av?, v.t. To carry. Drag along. Syn : Ampa.
Amba, J’Az?, n. The floats attached to the tops of fishing nets.
Ambai, J'A/s4 , n. A crab. Same as Ambayaya.
Ambari, 7J≫r$ 9 ≫ n. A netting needle.
Amba-tek, 7 Arsoy 2, v.t. Carrying. As :~ Oara tek orowa ambatek, “ carrying it in one hand.”
Amba-wa-apkash, 7”.Az?97 プカシ。 v.i. To go along carry ing something (pl.)
Ambayaya, J*>******, n. A crab. To shuffle along. Syn : AmpayayaHotempayaya.
Ambe, J’A“?, n. Fire. Same as Abe. Syn : Unchi.
Ambe, J’As“?, n. A thing. Article. Object. The matter of a subject. Syn : Anbe.
Ambe, J’A-$, adv. Truly. Indeed. Is. It is so. As ?Ambe he 2 “Is it so 2 ”
Ambe, J’A^?, part. When preceded by me the signification of this word is emphatic, it intensifies the idea to which it is added.
Ambochichi, PAzi??o?o, v.t. To pinch. (sing) To scratch. Same as Ampochichi.
Ambochitpa, 7”.Az??*≫ ^?≫ v.t. To pinch. (pl.) To scratch.
Amchaya, PA5Fo’”, v.i. To spread out the fingers.
Amchayaya, PA5Foo”, v.t. To hold in the claws. Same as Annpayaya. Amchayaya-wa-kishma, アムチヤャ ヤワキシマ。 v.t. To hold in the claws.
| Amechis, アメチシ, 手、爪、拳。 n. The hands. Claws. The fists.
| Amechit, アメチット,
Amekitpa, 7° × ao ? ?≫ v.t. To scratch (with the claws).
Am-etu, あむ・えつ, n. The ends of the finger-nails (Met: “A very little”; “very sparingly”; “ faintly"; “almost finished”). As :~ Nei guru sambe tane ametu pak no an, “that person's pulse has nearly finished beating.”
Ami, あみ, 爪。 n. Claws. Finger or toe-nails. Syn : Am. Ami-hi.
Ami, J’S, v.i. and adj. Clothed. Dressed. To be wearing.
Amichi, J’S F, pro. Our father.
Amichi-ainu, TP E 5-7-f5,
pro. Our father.
Amihi, P.S. b. n. Claws. Finger or toe-nails. Syn : Am. Ami.
Ami-iyok, PS4 a 5, v. f. To steal.
Ami-iyok-guru, 75 4f a 2 2?il≫, n. A thief. Syn : Ikka-guru.
Amikekara, あみけから, 刺身ニ切ル。To cut in thin slices. To slit fish down the middle, cut of the head and take out the back-bone.
Am-iki, アム・イキ, 爪ヲ以テヒツ掻ク。 v.t. To scratch.
Am-ikiri, あむ・いきり, 知ル、識ル。 v.t. Same as amkiri. To know. To recognize.
Amip, あみっぷ, 著物。 n. Clothing. Attire. Dress. A garment. Syn : Aeok-ushi.
Amip-numsam, P.S. 734,4}.A., n. The front edge of a garment.
Amip-shirika, 75 7$2 !) *1, n. The upper or outside of a garment.
Amip-shiripok, 7” = 75 o 9 zio y, n. The inside or underside of a garment.
Amiri-yaoshkep, 73 y ++ or 7, n. The father-long-legs. Syn : Ami-tanne-yaoshkep.
Ami-tanne-yaoshkep, 753 2-k”z!" シュケ プ。 n. The father-long-legs.
Amiyok, あみよっく, 盗ム。 v.t. To steal.
Amiyok-guru, あみよっく・ぐる, 盗人(ぬすっと、ドロボウ)。 n. A thief.
Amke, TP.H.4r, v.t. To brush off as grass seeds or rubbish from one's clothes.
Amke, 7.Aor, v.t. To put away (pl. of the object).
Amkire, 7”.J., a lo, v.t. To cause to know. To introduce one person to another.
Amkiri, P.A.:# 9, 2.E. To know. To be acquainted with. Syn : Amikiri.
Amkiri-guru, J’A + D Wile, n. An acquaintance.
Amkit, J* A#*/, 7. The cry of an eagle.
Amkokishima, PA. E. Ho'o, v.t. To seize with the hands or claws.
Amikokomo, J’A 3 -15E, v.t. To seize with the hands or claws. Syn : Amkosaye. Amkosaye, アムコサイェ。
Amikosayo, - - v.t. To アムコサヨッ seize with the hands
Amkoshayo, or claws. アムコシヤヨ。
Amma, 7”.A-?”, v.t. To put. To place. Syn : Ama.
Amma, 7”.A°?”, part. Being. Same as An-wa.
Am-nishu, PA =>+, n. A kind of footless mortar.
Amo, あも, 安息スル。v.i. To be at peace. To be at rest.
Amoini, J’HE4 =, n. The forearm. Same as Amtenini. Amokiri-uwekote, PHE:# 9 77 c = テ, v.i. To sit cross-legged. Same as Amakiri-uwekote.
Amomka, J’HEA?b, v.i. and adj. To float. To drift. Floating. Afloat. As :~ Amomka chip, “a floating boat.”
Amore, J’HE: Le, v.t. To let alone. To let rest. Ampa, J’Ar?, v.t. To carry. Same as Amba.
Ampaiki, J72 v?4 +, v.i. To rise up.
Ampayaya, Jo A ** ** *?, т. А crab. Lit. “shuffle along upon claws”. Syn : Hotempayaya. Hotemtemu.
Ampayaya, J’A ******, v.t. To hold in the claws. Same as
Ampaya-mokuriri, アムパャヤモクリ リッ n. Hermit crab.
Ampiri, 7A, E 9, n. A scratch. A wound left by a scratch.
Ampiri-o, 7A, E 97, . rt. To scratch. To wound with the nails or claws.
Ampochichi, J’Azk5F5F, v.t. To pinch. (sing.) To scratch. Same as
Ambochichi. Ampushi, J’A72/, n. A turban. Bonnet.
Amras, J’A57;, n. Nail-parings. Met: a very small portion. “A jot or tittle." As :~ ?????? )S pak no isam, “ there is not the least bit.”
Amse, アムセ。 n. A seat. A throne. Amset, From a-Se. アムセツ。 Amsho, 7A. ?oa, n. The entire floor of a house. Syn : Amso. Sho. So.
Amshokkara, 74, 32 a 9252≫ n. A small mat made of large rushes and used to spread over the floor as a seat. Syn : Aputki. Shokkara.
Amsho-shut, 74.32 = 2+” n. The edge of a floor. Syn : Sho shut.
Amso, アムソ。 n. The entire floor of a house. Syn : Amsho. Sho. So.
Amu, J’As, n. The finger nails. (pl.)
Amuchichi, P.E.5**, e.t. To scratch. (sing)
Amuchish, 7.K*$2, n. The wrist. Amuchit, T’A5F7 F, % The hands. The claws. The fist.
Amuchitpa, あむちっとぱ, 爪ヲ以テヒツ掻ク、(複数)。 v.i. To scratch.
| Amunin, あむにん, 腕、(前部)。 n. The lower part of the arm. The fore-arm.
| Amunini, あむにに,
Amuraiba, あむらいば, 手ヲ他人ノ頭上ニ置キテ愛情ヲ表ス挨拶。 v.t. To fondle a person by rubbing his head.
Amusa, あむさ, 手ヲ他人ノ頭上ニ置キテ愛情ヲ表スル挨拶。 v.t. To stroke the head as in salutation.
Amushbe, あむっしゅべ, 蟹(かに)、鰕(えび)。 n. A crab. Any animal, large or small, having claws.
Amu-shi, あむ・し, 爪ヲ以テツカム。 v.t. To take hold of with claws.
An, あん, 有ル。 v.i. To be. There is. Same as Chishiriants, horari, okai, rari. A formative particle.
An, あん, 私、我。 per. pro. I. As: ~ An-kara, “I made.” An-uka-ka, “I stitched.”
An, あん, 私ノ、彼ノ、彼等ノ。 Ρer. pro. My, his, her, their. But only so be: fore a substantive. Thus, an-uni, “my home”; an-chip, “my boat"; an-ona, “his father.” An-chioibep,“his very own food vessel.”
An, アン, 一。全ク。 adj. and adv. One. One of a pair. Quite. Entirely. Contracted from ara.
An, あん, 其。 adj. That.
An, アン, 此ノ An ハ時トシテ最上級ノ意又ハ強聲ヲ表スモノナリ。 part. Sometimes used as a superlative or intensifying particle. As: ~ An-eongami an-eyaiiraige, " to respect and thank profoundly."
An, あん, 此ノ An ハ時トシテ動詞ノ前ニ加フル時ハ自動詞ニスル力アリ。 part. Used before some verbs do like a, has a past and passive signification. As: ~ An-raige, “he was killed.”
An-nu “he heard,” “it was heard.” Syn : A-i.
An, あん, 全ク。 adv. Quite. As :~ Anrai, “ quite dead.”
An, あん, 闇夜。 n. Night, Black, Dark. Syn : Anchikara.
An-ahunge, PJ-724°, v.i. To be taken in (as into a house).
An-ai, アンアイ。 adv. Changeless. The same.
An-aige, Jo 274 Ar”, ph. In the act of. About to be. As :~ Tane ariki an an-aige, “As they are just now coming.”
An-aine, あん・あいね, 漸(ようやく)、乍(ながら)、理ナキ。例セバ、アンアイネウぇパキタ、漸く段々ニ。 ph. Hardly. With difficulty. Whilst. During. Without provocation or cause. As :~ An-aine uwepakita, “hardly and by degrees.” An-aine en kik, “ he struck me without provocation." Ikushta ek an an-aine hotuyekara, “he called to him whilst he was coming yonder.”
Anaishiri, 73-4 $≫ ), n. A departed spirit. The manes of the dead.
Anak, 73-2, and Anakne, 73-2, 3R, part. Anak serves to isolate or emphasize a word or subject, and may in a sense be regarded as a sign of the nominative case. When followed by ne it renders the whole sentence to which it is applied a substantive clause. Often it is not translated but in Some instances it must be, the context alone determining by what phrase or word it should be represented. The words “as for ;” “in reference to; ” “as regards,” are among the most apt English equivalents. It very nearly represents the Japanese wa, ~.
Anak-ka, 7+ y 7, The same as an yakka, “ although there 1S.
Anak-ki-koroka, J”:}- y + a pa zh, ph. Even though it is. Nevertheless.
Anakko, 73-y:1, adv. A state of being or doing. When. Upon. At the time of. As, ingar' anakko, “ upon looking.” Same as Anako. Anak-ne, 73-y:k, See Anak.
Anak-ni, 73° 27' E, n. Cephalotaxtts drupacea, S. et Z. var. nana. Kudo. It is also called Anat-ni.
Anako, 73-a, adv. A state of being or doing. When. Upon. At the time of. Same as Anakko.
Anakoroka, J73- = Da h, ph. Although there is. yy
An-an, 7” o 7” o, {}ff £. 13. There was. There is.
Ana-na-ka, J”:}":}"?y, ph. What is it? What can it be 2
An-anchikara, 7°27' 257, 7, adv. One evening.
An......an-gesh shiriki, 7 2...... アン ゲシシリキ。 ph. Nearly. As :~ An othe an-gesh shiriki, “it was nearly speared.” Syn : Naa followed by a passive,
An-amkoro, J* 27* >*-' Tu, . aux. There will be. Same as an mangoro.
Anapa, J”:}-r\, n. Relation, Syn : Apa-utara.
Anara, 773-5, adv. En tirely. Same as Oara.
Anara-koyaikush, 73°7:1*-s / >, ph. Unable to endure. TJnable to be.
Anare, 7”3- Le, v.t. To defeat. Syn : Annokara.
Anasak, 773-+} }, adv. Without. Not being; not having.

Anasap, あなさっぷ, 黙許スル。v.i. To connive at. Syn : Kashieshina.
An-ashi, あん・あし, 彼らハソウデシタ。 ph. They were. We were,
Anat-ni, あなっと・に, エゾイヌガヤ、ヒヤウブ(方言) n. Cephalotaxus drupacea, var. nana. Kudo. This word also designated a snare made of the wood of this tree and string by which animals shot themselves by touching the string which was attached to the trigger bow. The name means “tree with shooting string.” It is also called an-ak-ni. The larger of these instruments were placed by the trails of bears, deer, foxes and rabbits. The smaller ones are used in the runs of rats. See anak-ni.
Anauk, あなうく, 突然ニ。adv. Suddenly. An-a-u, Thereupon.
Anbe, あんべ, 物。 n. An article. A thing. An object. Truth. Fact. As :~ Anbe ne, “it is truth.” Same as Ambe.
Anbutu, あんぶつ, 蓋、川口。 n. A lid. Mouth of a river. Syn : San-a butu.
Anchi, あんち, 石炭。 n. Coal.
Anchi, あんち, 黒キ石、十勝石。 n. А kind of black flint. Obsidean.
Anchikara, あんちから, 夜。 n. Night. Syn : Anikara. Kunneto.
Anchikara-chup, あんちから・ちゅぷ, 月 n. The moon.
Anchikara-ibe, あんちから・いべ, 夕飯。 Supper.
Anchipiri, あんちぴり, 文身ノ痕跡。n. Tattoo marks.
Anchiro, あんちろ, 我等致シマセウ。 ph. Let us.
An-chup,あん・ちゅっぷ, 月 n. The moon.
Andara, あんだら, 水ノ深キ溜(たまり)、淵。 n. A deep pool of water. Syn : Hattara.
Ande, あんで, 置ク、取リ置ク、止メル、已メル。v.i. and v.t. To put. To place. To set on one side. To put away. To cease. To set down. To let alone. Same as Ante. Syn : Ama. Anu. Moshima no oka. Unu.
Andepa, Jo 25° v?, v.t. To put or place. (pl.)
Andere, Jo Lej L, Juo. v.t. To cause to cease. To make put down. To cause another to set on one side.
Ane, あね, 私、我。 pro. I. Syn : Ku. Kuani.
An-e, あん・え, (分詞)動詞の前ニツケ強意ノ用トナス。 part. Prefixed to some verbs ane has an intensifying force. Thus, Ane-koongami, “to honour greatly" Ane-oshkoro, “prize much.” Syn : Poronno. Shi no. ★バカ検証 【恐らく、Ane 、のミスプリ。】
Ane, アネ, 小キ、細キ、例セバ、アネアムベ、小サキモノ。 adj. Small. Thin. Tiny. As :~ Ane ambe, “ a tiny thing.” Ane pon top, “a tiny thin bamboo.”
An-e, あん・え, 我ハ食シタ。 ph. “ I ate.”
An-e, P:#, ph. I am. '
Ane-a, ph. The act of being.
Amechararase, 7+5+55-tz, v.i. To glide along. To go along stealthily. To go along and leave a trail behind one as drops of water falling from a bucket. Syn : Aechararase. Aeochararase.
An-eibe-kopirika, あん・えいべ・こぴりか, 良ク食サセラレタ。ph. I fed well 良く食べた・お腹いっぱい食べた・食った食った.
An-eireske, Jo Zoi E4 Loz y”, ph. They brought me up. As :~ Yuk kam patek an eireske karashi, “they brought me up on venison alone.”
Ane-kane, あね・かね, 針金。 n. Wire. Thin metal.
Aneka-ni, P:#7, i, n. Ribes Sachalensis, Nakai, Wild current. The name includes also R. rubrum, L. var. bracleosum, Maxim. In S. there are four other names, Karamba. Sumoroni. Ssumaro. Ukenashish-ipishte.

Anekarara, Jo k ?55 57, v.i. Done. Made. Finished. Syn : Aekarakara.
Anekempo, J** Ar Aszit, n. A slug. Syn : Kina-mokuriri.
Anekik, 7:K?#27, v.t. To flog. To strike. Also, Flogged. Struck.
Anekosama, J”-K = +j*r*, v.t. To imitate. (sing.)
Anekosamba, 7’ak ?it}.Aav, v.t. To imitate. (pl.)
Anekoyaiiraige-an-na, 7+F **f of ライゲアンナ。 ph. Hearty thanks.
Ane-kut, 7* 47'Xo, n. A small girdle.
Ane-manu, 7:#75%, . ph. I became.
Aneongami, 77*z*> # S, v.t. To pay profound respects.
Aneopetcha, J***~& ≫5F-”, n. A river with a narrow mouth.
Ameoshkoro, 7**$^=a Ea, v.t. To prize, desire, or seek after earnestly.
Anepirika, あねぴりか, ヨリ善キ。adj. Better もっと良い. To greater advantage より大きな利点・より有利.
Aneru, F KJLe, n. A trail. A bridle-path.
Ane-shopki-ainu, 7+5, a 7+7 4s. 5., n. Men sitting at a feast. Syn : Aeshopki-ainu.
Aneyaicharoiki, 77:#.+?-f F+ n +, - v.t. To obtain food for one's self.
Aneyaiiraige, J" + + 4 4 5 4 4°, v.i. To be grateful.
Ange, あんげ, 今為サントス。 adv. To be about to do. As :~ Ki ange shiriki, “he came near doing it.”
Angesh, あんげっしゅ, 欲セヌ。 v.t. To dislike. Syn : Kopan. Kowen. Pange.
Angura, あんぐら, 柵、塀、カコヒ。 n. A fence. A hedge. Syn : Ankura. Chashi.
Anguru, あんぐる, 者、人。 n. A person.
An-gusu, あん・ぐす,  故ニ。part. Because ゆえに・なぜならば・理由. Syn : Gusu.
An-gusu-me-na, あん・ぐす・め・な, アルガ故ニ。 ph. Because there is.
An-hike, あん・ひけ, 或時ニ、或者。 adv. When a thing is. The thing that is.
Ani, あに, 如シ。 adv. As. So. As :~ Ani korachi, as it is ”; “like that.” As ;~ En otta ani korachi ku koramkon na, “ I ask that it may be so to me.”
An-i, あん・い, 出来上ツタ事 n. Something done なされた事柄. Something which is 〜の何か. As :~ Epirikare an gusu ene ikian-i ne, “this thing was done for your benefit このことはあなたの利益のためになされた.”
An-i, あん・い, 居ル所。 n. Abode. The place where something is. Syn : Anushike.
Ani, あに, 携フル(たずさえる)。 v.t. To hold or carry in the hands. To lay hold on.
Ani, あに, 此字ヲ加フル時ハ命令ノ意ヲ作ス。例セバ、エクワイェアニ、来リテ話セ。 part. Sometimes used at the end of a sentence as an imperative particle. As :~ Ek wa ye ani, “come and tell me.” Nishalla ek ani, “ Come to-morrow/ tomorrow.” Syn : Hani.
Ani, あに, 時ニ。 adv. When. Then.
Ani, あに, 以テ。 part. By. With. By means of. Syn : Ari.
Ani......Placed after nouns ani indicates the instrument with which the action is done; placed after verbs it gives the causal meaning, and may be translated by “because.” It changes the verb into a causal gerund.
Ani, あに, 彼、彼女、其レ。 pro. He. She. It.
Ani-ambe, あに・あむべ, 持テ歩ク物、携フルモノ。 n. Anything one is carrying.
An-ibe, あん・いべ, 夕飯。 n. Supper.
Anihi, あにひ, 彼、彼女、ソレ。 pro. He. She. It.
Anika-aiki, あにか・あいき, 如シ、左様ニ上手、實ニ巧ミナル。例セバ、アニカアイキエカシカイ、上手ニ出来ル。 adv. So. So clever. Very clever. As : ~ Ani-ka aiki eashkai, “he can do it so cleverly.”
Anikara, あにから, 夜。 n. Night. Syn : Anchikara.
Anikkotama, あにこったま, 囲ム、(単数)。v.t. To surround. (sing)
Anikkotamba, アニッコタムバ, 囲ム、(複数)。 v.t. To surround. (pl.)
Anikomeuba, あにこめうば, 掘出ス、(複数)。 v.t. To grub up as trees. (pl.)
Anikomewe, あにこめうぇ, 掘出ス、(単数)。 v.t. To grub up as trees. (sing.)
An-i-koreske, 724 = レスケ。 ph. Was brought up for me.
Anikoreuba, 7 = a le 7 *** v.t. To strike with a sword. (pl.) Really “to bend.”
Anikoreve, 7"- = lo? -≫ e.t. To strike with a sword. (sing.) Really “to bend.”
Anikosamba, 7= ?l +} A ??? ? v.t. To imitate. Same as Aikosama.
Anikotuye, 7° = -i V+≫ e.t. To have been cut off. Come to naught. To have failed. Anin, JP = I^≫ adj. Barren. Dwindled away. Unproduc tive.
Amina, 7 = *, adj. Jam. Anything mashed. As :~ Ani na-kapato, “preserves made of the Nuphar Japonicum.” Anina-nikaop, “jam made of fruit.” “Fruit preserves.” Anina-niseu, “ mashed acorns.”
Aniniap, 7==77, n. A bait drawn along the bottom of rivers or the sea as a decoy for fish. Syn : Apniniap.
Aninka, 7 = Mo?, adj. and v.i. To be absorbed. From nin, “to shrink up.”
Anipa, 7 =*$? . . v.t. To carry. pl. of the person.
Anirukushte, あにるくっしゅて, 活動スル。 v.i. To become actively excited. To stretch out the arms and legs in anger. Syn : Anurukushte.
Anishka, あにっしゅか, 貴重ナル。 adj. Valuable. Difficult to spare. Syn : Aotupekare.
Anishuk, 7 = >= ?≫ v.i. Called. Invited. Syn : Anushuk.
Aniugesh, 7="74;**, v.;. To dislike to do a thing. To be disinclined to act. Syn : Aeyapte.
Ani-utara, 7=937, n. Carriers. Bearers.
Ani-utara, 7=7#7, pro. They. Those persons. Syn : Nei-utara.
Ankan, Jo A?b A, adv. Whilst. As :~ Ieiwange ankan. “Whilst using it.”
Ankara, 727,7, Same as akara, “ made”; “ finished ”; “to be done.”
Ankas, 7° a ?5 7<≫ п. А crowd of people.
Ankerai, 72 r57 f, v.t. To receive.
Ankes, あんけす, 暁。アカツキ。 adv. Day break. Early morning. Dawn.
Ankes-pakita, アンケスパキタ。 adv. The very first dawn of early morning.
Anki, 7” ×*, n. A fan. Syn : Aungi.
Anki, 7” ×#≫ aux. About to be. Will be.
Anki, 7 ≫#, adj. Done.
Anki-aine, 72+7°4′ +,
ph. While this was going on.
Ankihumbe, あんきふむべ, 同時に。 adv. When 〜した時. バカ検証 【同時に、は、オカシイ。】
Ankik, あんきっく, 打たる。 v.i. To be struck. Same as akik.
Ankite, あんきて, 其の時、なした時。 ph. It was being done. At a certain time. Whilst doing.
Anko, あんこ, 私ノ。 pro. My. Syn : Ankoro; Akoro.
Anko, あんこ, なれば、時に。 adv. If. Should. When.
Ankoiki, あんこいき, 打たる。 Same as akoiki, “to be beaten"; also “a battle,” “a fight.”
Ankoirushka, あんこいるっしゅか, 他人の怒りを受くること。 v.i. To suffer the wrath of another. Syn : Akoirushka.
Ankokari-me shiri an, あんこかり・ね シリアン, 如何にせるや。 ph. What can he have met with.
Ankomonash, あんこもなしゅ, 忙ガシキ。adj. Busy. In great haste.
Ankomonashte, あんこもなしゅて, 急ガス。 v.t. To hasten.
Ankorachi, あんこらち, 此の通り。 例えば、エイェイタクアンコラチ、汝の云ふ通り。 ph. Like this. Thus. In this way. In accordance with. Openly. Above-board. As :~ E ye itak ankorachi, “as you say.”
An-koro, あん・ころ, 我が。 pro. My. Same as akoro.
Ankoro, あんころ, 若し、時に、あるべき時。 adv. When. If. Should. About the time of.
Ankoro-iki, あんころ・いき, 然れども。 adv. Although.
Ankoroka, あんころか, 有りても。 adv. Although there is.
Ankoro-ka-iki, あんころ・か・いき, 然れども。 adv. Although.
Ankoro-kusu-ne, あんころ・くす・ね, 有るべし。 ph. There will be.
Anko-so-ke, あんこ・そ・け, 直ぐ側(そば)。 ph. Close beside me.
An-ko-topo-otta, あん・こ・とぽ・おった, 我等は小沼に行った。 ph. We went to the tarn.
Ankoyaienupa, えんこやいえぬぱ, 意識をかへす、目覚める、我にかへる。 vt. To become conscious. To come to one's self. To wake up.
Ankoyaikush, あんこやいくっしゅ, 出来ぬ。 adv. Impossible. Unable to do.
An-ku, あん・く, 我は飲んだ。 ph. “I drank.”
Ankura, アンクラ, かこひ、塀。 n. A fence. A hedge. Syn : Angura. Chashi.
Ankusa-guru, あんくさ・ぐる, 渡守(わたしもり)。 n. A ferry-man. Syn : Akusa-guru.
| Ankushkerai, アンクシゅケライ, 助けにより。
| Ankushkeraipo, あんくしゅけらいぽ, adv. By the help of. Owing to. By favour of. As :~ E am kushkeraipo ku shiknu ruwe ne “it is by your favour I am now alive.” Kemush an, awa, chep ankushkerai shikntt ash ruwe ne, “there was a famine, but owing to the fish we are alive.”
Ankushtashi, あんくっしゅたし, 助けにより。 【〜のおがげで。】adv. By the help of. Owing to. Syn : Ankushkerai.
An-kusu-ne, あん・くす・ね, ありましょう。 ph. It shall be.
An-manu-ike, あん・まぬ・いけ, そうでございまして。 ph. This being so.
An-mawe, あん・まうぇ, 後跡(うしろあと)。 n. A trace. Sign.
Am-mawetoko, あむ・まうぇとこ, 物のある所。 n. A place where something is. A trail 〔人や物が移動してできた〕跡、痕跡. Track.
Anna, あんな, 健康ナル。adj. Healthy. In good health. Syn : Anne. Anno. Annu. Iwange-no an.
Anna-ambe, あんな・あむべ, 健康。 n. Health. A person in health. Syn :
Anne-ambe. Anno-ambe. Annuambe.
Anne, Jo Aak, adj. Healthy. See Anna above.
Anne-ambe, 72387' Aso, n. Health. See Anna-ambe above.
An-ne-gusu, 72+2 ×, ph. Because he was.
An-ne-shiki, 72+2+, ph. There being. When there was. That being So.
Anne-ikippo, 72*-f+ ≫z?, adv. In the same way. After the same manner. So. Same as Annoikippo. Syn : Neino-korachi.
An-ni, あん・に, 立木、幹。 n. A standing tree. The trunk of a tree.
Annitne-kamui, 72- ッネカムイ。 n. The worst of the demons.
Anno-a-raige, 72 /774 o’, a.i. To be killed in contest. Syn : Aanno-raige. Annu-a-koiki. Annu-a-raige.
Anno, あんの, 健康ナル。adj. Healthy. See Anna.
Anno, あんの, 勝ツ。v.t. To defeat.
Anno-ambe, P. A 74-o', n. Health. See Anna-ambe.
Anno-i, P2 / f, n. A defeat.
Anno-ikippo, アンノイキッポ。 adv. So. After the same manner. In the same way. Same as Anne-ikippo.
Anno-kara, 72/737, v.t. To defeat. To overcome. Syn : Annu1*ara.
Annopa, 7 / / /?, adj. Plentiful. Syn : Annupa.
An-noshike, 72 / ??", n. Midnight.
An-noshike-paketa, 7 × 2 ×or パケ 夕, adv. The very middle of the night.
Annu, あんぬ, 健康ナル。adj. Healthy. See Anna.
Annu, あんぬ, 勝ツ。v.t. To defeat.
Annu-a-koiki, あんぬ・あ・こいき, 争ウテ殺サレル。v.i. To be killed in contest. syn: Aanno-raige. Anno-a-raige. Annu-a-raige.
Annu-ambe, あんぬ・あむべ, 健康。 n. Healthy. See Anna-ambe.
Annu-a-raige, 725,774 *, v.i. To be killed in contest. syn : Aanno-raige- Anno-a-raige. Annu-a-koiki.
Annu-kara, あんぬ・から, 勝ツ。 v.t. To defeat. To overcome.
Annu-kippo-kara, 723.4°9′377, pi. To vie with. To strive with. To compete. As :~ Nei ambe iki gusu toan ainu tura Pи атти-kiрроkara kusu ne, “ I will strive with him in doing business."
Annu-no, 7° 2'5% /, adj. Free of cost. Also, “ having been defeated.” Overcome. *
Annu-no, 7.25 Z, adj. Audible. Annu-no, 723. A ? adj. Defeated. Beaten. Overconne.
Annu-no-hachire, 7232 ハチレ。 v.t. To defeat in contest.
Annu-no-hachiri, 723 ノハチリ。 v.i. To be defeated in contest.
Annu-no-koiki, 723 Z * イキ。 v.t. To defeat. To overcome in strife.
Annu-no-ye, 7'>3.2 s =: to t. To put to silence.
Annupa, 7° A 5 *** adj. To be in plenty, Plentiful.
Annu-tuiba, 725.94 *, v.t. To slay in battle.
An-nuye, 7234 +, adj. Written.
An-ohoro, J’AzizkR, v.t. and v.i. To be lengthened. To have been kept for a long time. To lengthen.
An-okai, 723 #4 . pro. You. Ye. We. Syn : Aokai.

Anokai-ne-ambe, アノカイネアムべ。 pro. I.
An-omare, 7° 22zor lo, adj. Having been put in. Containing. Syn : Aomare.
Anomi, 7 / 5, v.t. To Worship (Especially with libations).
Anonno-itak-hawe, 7 / > / f #2 ** 工, n. A form of prayer. Anonoye, P/A of +, v.t. To take aim at.
Anomoyep, 7 / ノイ ェブ。 n. An object. Syn : Atukambe.
Anore, Jo / le, adj. Coloured. Syn : Iroaush.
Anotauge-kara, 7 / 3: 74°337, v.i. To be struck with a sword.
Anoye, 7’.A’-E, adj. Contorted. Twisted.
Anra, 7° >5?, n. An evil smell.
Anrai, あんらい, 殺された、死んだ。 v.i. Slain. Quite dead.
Anraige, あんらいげ, 殺された。 v.i. To have been killed.
Anrakoromun, あんらころむん, クロユリ。 n. Fritillaria camtchatensis, Ker. Gawl. Also called Ochiai-ush-mun in H. In S. it is Ha, Hap, Kito. The black lily. The Ainu eat the bulb 球根of this plant. It is dug up in the summer, brought home, washed, and boiled. When well cooked the bulbs are mashed and mixed with the fat of animals, or with rice. The bulbs are often dried and stored away for future use, though many of them are eaten fresh. When any of that which has been stored is to be eaten it is generally reboiled in stew.
| Anramasu-ushuyeshuye, アンラマス・ウシュイェシュイェ
| Anramasu-uweshuye, アンラマス・ウウェシュイ,
喜ブ。 v.i. and adj. To be pleased. To be happy.
Anrami-upak-no, P 25 S. 72°2 /, ph. As many as desired.
Amramu-ainu, P 25 A74 ×, ph. I thought. One known.
Anramukara, 7 A-5 A. 355, v.i. To think. To know.
Anramuki, Jo 25 A+, ν.i. To become conscious of something.
Anramu-ochiu, TP 25 Azf5f7, v.t. To permit. To allow. To concede.
Anramush, GP 25 A, `A, adj. Kind.
An-ramu-wa-kaiki, 727A, 777-s #, ph. Knowing this.
Anrapoki, 77:e5 ##, v.i. To be defeated. To be killed. To be made to submit to another. As :~ Yaikikip na, eanrapoki akari kusu ne na, “ be careful, you will be defeated by me.”
Anrawechiu, 7° e 5 % =#F?, v.t. To kill. To defeat.
Anreika-kara, あんれいか・から, 承知スル、譽メル。 v.i. To assent. To put the hands up to the head as a sign of assent. To praise.
An-reske, あん・れすけ, 養育セラレタ。 adj. Reared. Brought up.
An-reske-po, あん・れすけ・ぽ, 他人ニ養育サレタ子供。 n. Children brought up by persons other than their parents. Syn : Aoreshpa utara.
Anro, あんろ, .... ナラシメヨ、 ... デアラシメヨ。 imper. of an. Let be.
Anruki, ァ ンルキッ v. t. To swallow.
Anru-oka, ァ ンルオカ y v.i. To finish (as a meal).Same as Anuru-oka.
Anruru, 7 De Jlele, 然。 The western shores of Yezo. As : Anruru un atui, “the western sea.”
Anso, アンソ。 n. A seat. Syn : Amso. Aso.

Antara, あんたら, 淵、水の深イ所。n. A deep pool. Syn : Hattara.
Ante, あんて, 置ク、取テ置ク。 v.i. and v, t. To put. To place. To let alone. Same as Ande.
Antek, あんてっく, 鳥渡(ちょっと)、チョツト。adv. Just. Only. For a little while.
Antsami, あんつぁみ,  アザミ。 n. Circium sp. Thistles. Also called in H. Aiushkuttara. In S. the names are Hamchau-kina, Hamichau-kina, The Ainu use thistles for food. When very young they cut them off close to the ground and use the whole head, but when they grow older the leaves only are taken. Young thistle heads boiled with fish is looked upon as a great treat, and the Ainu are very fond of it.
Antuki, あんつき, 小豆(あずき)。 n. A kind of small red bean.
Antunanga, あんつなんが, 逢フ、遭フ。v.i. To meet.
Antupta, あんつっぷた, 移住地、現住地。n. A place to which one has migraled. One's native place at present.
Anturashi, あんつらし, 昇(複数)。 v.i. To ascend a ladder, mountain, or a river together ハシゴを登る、登山する、河を上る。 Syn : Anuturashi.
Anu, あぬ, 置ク。v.t. To put. To place.
Anu, あぬ, 聞エル。 v.i. To be heard. Also ph. : “I hear,” and “do you hear.”
Anu, あぬ, 分カル、尋ネル。v.t. To understand. To inquire. As :~ Michi orota anu, “to inquire of one's father.”
Anu-ambe, あぬ・あむべ, 聽キシコト。ph. Having heard. What I heard.
Anuana, あぬあな, ラレドモ、ソウデアツタガ。adv. Although. That may be so. It is so. As for that. Nevertheless.
Anuepare, あぬえぱれ, 全ク告知ラセル。v.t. To fully tell. To repeat a tale. Syn : Anure-epare.
Anuhu, 75:7, Pl. of an, “were.”
Anuirototo, 75:4f F. H. H., v.i. To be quite destroyed.
Anuitashi, 7544 ・ $2, v.i. To have heard. Syn : Nu-okere.
Anukan, 75 % *, v.i. To appear. Same as anukara.
Anukan-no, 75.3, 2 /, adv. Clearly. Distinctly. Whilst seen.
Anukantek, 7 5r h 25-2y, ひ.が。 To see.
Anukara, J75 ?y 5, n. Night. Syn : Anchikara.
Anukara, 775 ?5, v.i. To be seen. To appear. Also “to see.” Syn : Eshikoingara.
Anukarahumi-wen, 75.7357 S 7 = *, adj. Unsightly.
Anukarai-i, Jo5.255 Af 4, n. An object or place seen or looked at. The direction in which one is looking. Same as Anukar'i.
Anukara-kopan, P5 in a $2, ph. “To dislike to look at.”
Anukar’etoranne, J75 ?i. Le H-5 >#, ph. “Not caring to see.”
Anukar’i, 75.7, J, n. An object or place seen or looked at. The direction in which one is looking. Same as Antikara-i.
Anukopakarire, 75x =? v??, U Lo, v.i. To be made to take a certain matter into consideration.
Amuktekka, 75; 2) #F ≫?y, v.i. and adj. To take pleasure in a thing. To delight in. Pleasant. Same as Anuptekka.
Anuma, 75:7, v.t. To drop.
Anumge, 75.4.4°, v.i. & adj. Chosen out.
Anumse, J75. Atz, adj. Many. Numerous.
Anumunu, 75KA, 3X, v.i.
To be stopped up. Syn : Chinumumu.
Anun, J*3& >", n. Another persoil.
Amun-itak, 75.2 s 35, 32. Strange words. Foreign talk.
Amumki, 75X >=+, n. A fan. Syn : Amunki.
Amun-kopaki, 75 Co:n v?+, v.t. To look upon another as an erlessly.
Amun-korobe, P3 × E. H. *, n. Another person's belongings.
Amun-nishpa, 75.2 F 2/8, n. The other person. Sometimes “you.” Another person.
Anuno. JP5K A , adv. Intelligibly. Understandingly.
Anunugep, アヌヌゲプ。 n. A preAnunukep, cious thing. アヌヌケプ。
Amun-utara, J75{2^r} & 57, %2. Strangers. Other persons.
Anupa, J*3 *?, v.t. To place (pl. of the object).
Anupakari, 75: 7/S: ), v.i. To consider together.
Anupiwe, J*3 E 7 =, v.t. To conquer. Syn : Annokara.
Anuptekka, 75:77 v ?i, v.i. and adj. To take pleasure in a thing. To delight in. Pleasant. Same as Amuktekka,
Anure, 2°5' Le, v.i. To be told. Made known.
Anure-epare, JP3X Le to $ Le, v.t. To tell. Syn : Anue-epare.
Anurukushte, P3XML 2. ?e:F, v.i. To stretch out the arms and legs as in anger. Same as Anirukushte.
Anuru-oka, P5:/Lz";h, v.i. Το finish (as a meal). Same as Anrit-oka.
An-ushike, P > 17 Sz Br, ??, One's abode. An abiding-place. The place where anything is. Syn : An-i.
Anushuk, J75 $e = }, v.i. To be called. To be invited. Syn : Anishuk.
Anushuye, 7”5 $22. A =, v.t. To call by beckoning to. Syn : Inushuye. Tekparuparu.
Anu-tek, 75.5-5, ph. I heard. Hearing.
Anuturashi, 7°5 y 5 22, v.i. To ascend a river together. Same as Anturashi.
Anuye, 75&io, adj. Writ. ten.
Anuye-an, 73.5.7° 2, adj. Written. Syn : Chieshinnuye. Eshinnuye.
An-wa, Jo A 7, ph. and part. It is. Being.
An-wa-an-gusu, P × 77°25' x, ph. With reference to what was.
An-wa-ka-iki, Jo 2 y 374 =#, ph. It being so.
An-wa-ne-yakne, 72 7:k” sy:k, ph. Yet. Although.
An-wa-otta, P × 7zfoy &, ph. When he was there.
An-wa-otta-ne-ambe, P × 7zfoo #:R アムべ。 ph. When he was there.
An-yakne, 72°2, 3&, conj. If there is. Anzami, 72%), 5, %. Thistles. Circium sps. Syn : Aiushkuttara.
Antsami. Ao, Pzr, v.t. To sai? a boat. Ao, ZPzr, v.i. To be ridden. Contained in.
Aoattuye, 7:#7” y y4 =, v.i. To be cut quite off or through.
Aoho, 7zirzh:, n. Pieces of
cloth let into a garment for ornament. Same as Aiyo.
Aoho-ekara, 7+:Rath?’ v.i. To ornament a dress.
Aoingara, 7°:&4 >?? ラ。 v.t. To peep at.
Aoingara, 7°:*4 >717 ≫ n. The heights above. The open skies. Syn : Nish-kotoro. Nishoro
Aoingara-moshiri, あおいんがら・もしり, 青天。 n. The heights. The firmament 【文】大空、天空. The open sky. The heavens.
Aoitakshi, アオイタクシ。 v.i. To be Aoitakushi, cursed. アオイタクシ。
Aoka, アオカ。 pro. You. Syn : AnoAokai, kai. Eani. Eshiromaアオカイ。
Aokai-ne-ambe, 7+?,’s +7° ph. As for me. Me.
Aokai-utara, アオカイウタラ。 Aokai-utare, アオカイウタレ。 Aokai-utari, アオカイウタリ
Aokai-yaikota, 7+?, f** P3, pro. You yourself.
Aokbare, Jozi ? v?lo, v.i. Rebelled against. Persecuted.
Aokbare-guru, 7”22 y$lo グル。 n. A person rebelled against or persecuted. pro. Ye. You.
Aokere, Jozi Arle, v.i. Finished. Completed. Done with.
Aokerep, 72''ru-7, п. А thing done. Anything accomplished.
Aokettektek, 7#3r≫5*3 F2, v.i. Finished. Done. Completed. Aoko, Jozir=1, ??Pieces of material let into garments for ornament. As :~ Aoko ekara, “to ornament a dress.” Same as Aiyo.
Aokuskke, 7+2 733", v.i. To dive.
Aomakaraye, 7***r?-f ** adj. Open. Syn : Amakaraye. Aomare, Jozi * le, v.i. Put into. Syn : An-omare.
Aomonnure, 7"#E>3 lo≫ adj. Praised. Aomori, 7zroE !) ≫ Geo. Mound-place.
Aonai, 7°z?*0°4 ≫ n. A gully. Aonga, Jozi A?I, v.t. To put to soak. To soak thoroughly. Syn : Honga.
Aongami, 7**># 5 ≫ v.i. To be adored. Worshipped.
Aonki, 7+2+, 5?. n. A fan. Syn : Aponki. Aungi- Yaiparaparup. Aор. 72-7, n. A vessel, bag or box in which anything is put. -
Аopanerep, 7428+127, n. A coat. Syn : Aeyopanerep- Ashkakamurep. Ashkakushtep.
Aopentari, 7zfs25: 9 ≫ v.i. and adj. To be tilted up. To be raised up a little. Syn : Aotari.
Aopepipkere, 7° 2 "SE プケレ, ot. To cause to swell up (as by putting water into a dry tub).
Aorakere, 7”z57%rlo, v.i. To diminish. To die out. To cease. To lower. Syn : Arakere. Ramka.
Aorange, 7°:&17 >^*≫ v.i. To be let down.
Aorauge, 7°:#*? 174°≫ vi. and v.t. To miss. To be behindhand. Syn : Chiorauge
Aoreshpa-utara, 7+ to * ラ。 n. Orphans. Adopted children. Children brought up by people other than their parents. Syn :
Aoripet, あおりぺっと, 濠(ごう、ほり)、掘割。 n. А canal. Syn : Ahoripet. Auripet.
Aosama, 7zftfor, υ,?. Το be doubled back or over.
Aosasa, 77 + {}; }}", excl. An exclamation expressing surprise or victory.
Aosh, Joz!"$A, 2"i. and adj. To be followed. Sought after. Valued. Prized. Desired.
Aoshikiru, あおしきる, 迂回スル。 v.t. To skirt or go round (as a mountain).
Aoshiraye, あおしらいぇ, 進マセタ。 v.i. Moved along 〜に沿って移動する.
Aoshiri-nukara, あおしり・ぬから, 見エズナル見えなくなる迄見送ル。 v.t. To watch out of sight.
Aoshkoro, あおしころ, 貴バレタル(とうとぶ)。 adj. Prized. Valued.
Aoshuma, あおしゅうま, イシ一パイ(石)。 adj. Full of stones.
Aosura, あおすら, 放棄セラレタル。(単数)。 v.i. and adj. Abandoned. Cast of 放り投げる. (sing.)
Aosurupa, あおするぱ, 放棄セラレタル。(複数)。v.i. and adj. Cast off. Abandoned. (pl. of the object.)
Aota, あおた, 隣人。 n. The next door. As :~ Aota an guru, "the next door neighbour.”
Aotari, あおたり, 蔽ヒ重リタル。 v.i. and adj. To be tilted up. Syn : Aopentari.
Aota-un-guru, あおた・うん・ぐる, 隣人、(単数)。 n. The next door neighbour.
Aota-un-utara, あおた・うん・うたら, 隣人、(複数)。 n. The next door neighbours.
Aotupekare, あおつぺかれ, 吝嗇(りんしょく、けち)ナル。 adj. Difficult to spare. Syn : Anishka.
Aotushetaye, あおつしぇたいぇ, 罰ノ為ニ髪ヲ釣リ上ゲラル。 v.i. To be hung up by the hair of the head as in punishment. ★バカ検証 【吊り上げる、です。】
Aotuwashi, あおつわし, 勇敢ナル。 adj. Bold. Fearless. Syn : Rametok-koro.
Aoupekare, あおうぺかれ, マツスグニシタ。 adj. Straightened. ★バカ検証 【漢字で書け。「真直ぐにされた」】
Aowemushi, あおうぇむし, 貧シキ、憐レナル。 adj. Poor. In bad condition.
Aoyaitak, 7”#474f & 2), v.i. To be derided. Made a fool of. Mocked.
Aoyanenep, Pж? to k:k 7, n. A butt for derision. A person made fun of.
Ap, あっぷ, 釣針、銛尖。 n. A fish hook. The head of a fish-spear. A thorn. Point of a needle. Large kinds of thorns. The smaller ones are called ai.
Ap, あっぷ, 物。 n. An article. A thing. As :~ Ine nei ap, “Where is that thing.” Ep ap, “Something which is eaten”; “food.” Syn : Ambe. Ap is a contraction of Ambe, and often so appears. The plural form At.
Ap, あっぷ, 真似スル振リ。 n. Pretence. Syn : Abe. Abe-koro.
Ap, あっぷ, 有ルベキ、有ルヤウ、例セバ、エククスネアプ、来ル筈デス。 part. Preceded by the words kusu ne, ap signifies that something was intended or ought to be done. As :~ Ek kusu ne ap, “he ought to have come.” Chi ki kusu ne ap, “we intend to do it.”
Ap, あっぷ, 此語ハ過去ヲ示スニ用ユルナリ。 例セバ、イペアプ、食セシ。 part. Sometimes ap is used to express past time. As :~ Ibe ap, “he has eaten.” Ran ap, “he has gone down.”
Apa, アパ, 漏ル。v.i. To leak 漏れる(もれる). To silter. Syn : Apekush.
Apa, あぱ, 親類、(単数)。 n. A relation Same as Aba. Syn : Iriwak.
Apa, あぱ, 入口、海ノ方ヨリ見タル河口。例セバ、アパアシテ、戸ヲ閉メル。 n.
A door-way. A gate-way. An entrance. The open mouth of a river looked at from the sea. As :~ Apa ashte, “ to shut a door.” Apa chaka or maka, “ to open a door.” Apashi, “ to shut a door.” Apa-ushta, “ a door.”
Apa, あぱ, シマリス、トラフネズミ。 n. The striped squirrel, S. Also called in S. churi-kamui. In H. it is called ruop.
Apaapa, あぱあぱ, 吃レル(どもる)、吃リノ。adj. Dumb.
Apa-chara, あぱ・ちゃら, 戸口。 n. А doorway.
Apa-chip, あぱ・ちっぷ, 戸磨板、敷居。 n. А door-sill. The grooved piece of wood for a door to slide along in.
Apaha, あぱは, 親類、(単数)。 n. A relation. Same as Abaha. Syn : Iriwak.
Apaha-utara, あぱは・うたら, 親類、(複数)。n. Relations. Same as Apa. Syn : Uiriwak-utara.
Apakashnu-guru, あぱかしゅぬ・ぐる, 囚人。 n. A prisoner. A person undergoing punishment.
Apakikkara, あぱきっから, 防禦(防御)スル、戸ヲ守ル。 v.i. To defend one's doorway.
| Apakoashi, あぱこあし,
| Apakoseshke, アバコセシゅケ,
戸ヲ閉ジテ出入ヲ断ツ。 v.t. To shut the door to. To shut in or out.
Apan, あぱん, 此(これ)。 pro. This. Syn : Apani. Tapan. Tapani.
Apange, Jo v? 24°, v.i. To despise.
Apangere, Joa S224 o Lo, v.i. and adj. Abhorrent. Hated. Despised. Syn : Aetunne.
Apanne, 7” (“ ”:#, n. An edible kind of mussel.
Apani, Joz?E, pro. This. Sym : Apan. Tapan. Tapani.
Apa-otbe, アパ・オとベ, 戸ノ前ニ掛ケル蓆(むしろ) n. A mat hung in a door-way.
Apap, アパップ。 n. Some thing found.
Араро, 7°лSж, *z. Primula jezoana Miq. Yezo primrose. Syn : Abappo.
Apapok, Jo v?#2}, adv. Behind. As :~ Chisei apapok, “behind the house.”
Apapu, Jor?7, v.i. To be scolded. To apologize. Syn : Akosakayokara.
Apara, Fes5, v.t. To injure. To condemn. To lay a fault upon another. Syn : Epara.
Aparakoatte, 7” v?5 a 77 ≫5F, adj. Accursed. Scolded. Syn : Akosakayo-kara.
Араru, 7°л??И, v.t. To fan. To blow by means of a fan or any such like instrument.
Aparu, J” & II,, n. The threshhold. n. An ? ???? ??? ???? ? ? Apa-shem, P entrance porch.
Apa-shi, アパシ, 戸ヲ閉メル。 v.t. To close a door.
Apashiri, あぱしり, 網走(北海道)。 n. The name of a place in Hokkaido. Apa is “doorway”; shiri is “country.” In olden times Hokkaido was called Matomai [松前]by the Ainu, which, if it be a real Ainu word, means “Harbour place”; “Inlet place.” Apashiri which is on the north-eastern coast of Hokkaido, is the place where the Saghalien Ainu [サハリン アイヌ] landed from their boats when they came here to visit their brethren or go to barter with or pay tribute to the Japanese Lord of Matsumai, or trade with Akita[秋田], many years ago.
Apa-shta, あぱ・しゅた, 戸。 n. A door. Same as Apa-ushta.
Apashte, Jo v?$25F, v.t. To defeat. To silence in argument.

Apashte, Joz?$e5F, ...i. To be made to run. To be driven away.
Apatu, 7**$/, adj. Scattered. Blown about.
Apaushbe, あぱうしゅべ, 戸、戸ノ前ニ掛ケタル蓆(むしろ)。 n. A door. A mat hung before a doorway.
Apa-ushke, アパ・ウシゅケ, 入口。 n. A door-way.
Apa-ushta, あぱ・うしゅた, 戸。 n. A door. Syn : Apashta.
Apa-utara, アパ・ウタラ, 親類、(複数)。 Relations. Syn : Autara.
Ape-keshui, 7~%ro-f, ??, Dragonet. Agrion sieboldi, Selys.
Apekush, 7”-S2 22, voi. To leak. Syn : Ара.
Api, 7 t, n. Fire. Same as Abe.
Api, 7 E, n. A wound caused by chafing.
Api, 7 boo, v.t. To draw out as a sword from its sheath. As : Tam api, “ to draw a sword."
Apikuira, アピクイラ。 v.i. To go along Apikuira-kara, stealthily. As :~ 7° E 2 Af5 h5, Hau-shut oroge api kuira, “he went along stealthily fol lowing the voice.”
Apikuira-no, 7° E2, 45 /, adv. Stealthily. As :~ Apikuira no oman wa nei yuk raige nisa, “he went along stealthily and killed the deer.”
Apiri, n, The アピリ。 trail of an animal. A Apirihi, foot-print. A chafing. A P E J bo., wound left by rubbing. Apiru, Jo Elle, v.i. and adj. Wiped. Rubbed. Chafed. Apiya, Tj’ b**, n. A bastard. A half-cast. Syn : Achiye. Chiap pise.
Apiye-guru, P E of +5 Joe, n. A bastard. A half-cast. Syn : Chipiye-guru.
Apiyekara, Jo E 523957, v.t. To throw stones at.
Ap-ka, P 7 ?j, n. A fishing line. Fine string.
Apka, 77 h, n. A male deer. A buck.
Apkara, P7:15, v.t. To take. To receive. Syn : Ahupkara.
Apkara, J”7:15, v.t. To defeat.
Apkara, 77:, v.i. To become rotten through exposure to the weather.
Apkash, 777 h e, v.i. and adj. To walk. On foot,
Apkash-katuntu, 77: Sea-? у ey, n. Walking gait.
Apkash-komon-nukuri, 777 ?? >= E ンヌクリッ v.i. To falter in walking.
Apkash-shiniuka, 77 ? Se: - 7 ?i, v.i. Indisposed to walk.
Apkash-shinukuri, あっぷかっしゅ・しぬくり, 歩キ難キ。 v.i. To find a difficulty in walking either through old age or indisposition.
Apkash-utor-humi, 777'3b er: H. JL7 ミ。 n. The sound of foot-steps. Apka-topa, P 7? F : K, n. A herd of male deer.
Apkoro, J*7 = R, v.i. To pretend to be. Seemingly. To ape. To simulate. Syn : Abekoro.
Apkoro, 777 - H, adv. ph. As though. It appears. Like. As :~ Chish apkoro iki, “he appears to be crying.” Eraman ap koro iki, “he seems to understand.”
Apkot-ni, 77 Eu 9 F., n. A fishing rod ready pre
pared for fishing.
Apnini, 77 = =, n. The handle of a fish spear.
Apniniap, 77==77, n. A kind of fish decoy. Syn APminiop. Chininiap.
Apnini-furep, 77 ==71-7, n. Some kind of nut.
Apniniop, 77 ==+7, n. A kind of fish decoy. Syn : Apminiap. Chininiap. Apnimisei, 77 == tz-f, n. A nut shell.
Apnit, 777 = y, $2. A fishing rod. Also a kind of spear. Sym : Perai-nit. Tush-ni.
Apoho-tonoge, Jozkzk H /4", ph. My dear child.
Apoknare, 7;#3 + Le, adv. Face-downwards.
Aponde, Jozit e 7”, v.i. Reduced. Made small or little.
Aponki, 7:24, H. n. A fan. Syn : Aonki, Apunki. Yaiparaparup.
Aporose, Jozi Pitz, v.i. and ph. Called by the name of. Called. Named. He who is named. That which is called. Syn : Aye. Aporosep, Jozit Fitz 7, n. Things that are called or named. As :~ Seta ari aporosep, “the things called dogs.”
Appene, 7 ≫ ~$#, adj. Clumsy. Awkward. Syn : Aikap. Katchak.
Apsai-ni, あっぷさい・に, 銛(もり)ノ先。 n. A piece of wood to which hooks are attached when fishing. An anchor 錨(いかり). ★バカ検証 【日本語間違っている。 Ni は、木、なので、モリの先では無く、柄の部分。「銛の柄」が正しい。】
Apsai-pit, あっぷさい・ぴっと, 銛ニ付クル石。 n. A stone attached to an apsai-ni to keep it under water. ★バカ検証 【意味不明。石って重りなのか。銛、ッテ間違っていない?。銛って、槍(やり)ですよ。魚を取る、罠のことを銛と勘違いしているネ。バカ丸出し ?。そもそも。 Apsai が未定義なのがオカシイ。
Ap-shui, 77 oil.’s, adj. Once. As :~ Ap shui, tu shui, “once or twice.” Syn : At.
Apso, あぷそ, 向フ。 adv. Opposite 向こう側・反対側.
Apte, あぷて, 弱キ。 adj. Weak. Powerless.
Apto, あぷと, 雨。 n. Rain.
| Apto-ash, アプトアシ, 雨降ル。 v.i. To rain. It rains.
| Apto-ashpa, アプトアシパ,
Asto-ashte-guru, あすと・あしゅて・ぐる, 雨ヲ降ラセル人。 n. A rainmaker.
Apto-chikap, アプト・チカプ, チドリ、ムナグロ。 n. The golden plover. Charadrius fulvus, Gmelin. Pluviales dominicus fulvtus.
Apto-hauge, 777 H. vv. 74^, v.i. To gradually cease raining.
Apto-nishoro, アプトニショロ。 n. Rainy skies.
Apto-okake-an, 77 F.3 hor?’’. ph. It has finished raining. Syn : Apto-tui
Apto-ran, アプトラン。 v.i. It is rainApto-rui, ing. アプトルイ。
Apto-tui, 77 Foyo イ。 v.i. To cease raining.
Apu, 777, n. Seaice. Same as Abt.
Apui-kotoro, アプイコ トロ。 n. The inside surface of the ears.
Ap-uk, 7777, v.t. To take a hook or bait.
Apukorepa, 77 -i l-'s, v.i. To fish through ice.
Apto-upun, ァプ F ウプ ン。 n. Driting rain. A driving rain.
Apunki, Jo 7 **, n. A fan. Syn : Aonki, Aponki. AungiYaiparaparup.
Apun-no, あぷん・の, 静カニ、温和ニ。 adv. Gently. Softly. As :~ Apun no mokoro, “good night" (lit. “sleep gently”). Apun no paye, “good bye.” (lit. go gently). Syn : Hamu. Hapunno.

Apun-no-apun-no, あぷん・の・あぷん・の, 甚ダ静カニ、頗ル(すこぶる)温和に。 adv. Very gently. Very softly.
Apushke, アプシケ。 v.i. To be torn by an animal.
Ap-ush ni, あっぷ・うっしゅ・に, S. Kalopanax pictum, Nakai. センノキ、ハリキリ。 The name means “thorntree.” Ap is only applied to the larger kinds of thorns. The smaller kinds are called “ai". ★バカ検証 【体裁乱れ。】
Aputki, アプツキ。 ?E. A mat made of rushes used for laying on a floor. Syn : Shokkara.
Ara, あら, 有レ、例セバ、アパシアラ、戸ヲ閉メル。aux v. Imperative form of the verb “to be,” used as an auxiliary to other verbs 「〜である」の命令形、.... As :~ Apa shiara, “shut the door 戸を閉めろ.” Syn : Yara.
Ara, あら, 開キタル。adj. Open.
Ara, あら, 待ツ。v.i. To wait.
Ara, あら, 全ク。 adv. Entirely. True. Quite. Only. Nothing but. As :~ Ishirikurantere, ara mim patek, “ dear me, it is nothing but fat.” Ara koyaikush kara, “quite unable to do.” Syn : Aara.
Ara, あら, 鋏(はさみ)、(蟲ナドノ)。 n. Forceps.
Ara, あら, ザル蟹。 n. Crayfish ザリガニ.
Ara, あら, ハサミムシ。 n. An earwig. Syn : Arakikiri.
Ara, あら, 一、台足ノ、例セバ、アラシク、独眼、片目。adj. One. One of a pair. As :~ Ara-shik, “one-eye.” Syn : A. Oara.
Ara, あら, 半分。 adj. Half. Syn : Arage.
Ara, あら, 側、脇、傍。 n. Side. As :~ Ar'ita, “the side boards of a boat.”
Ara, あら, 遅キ、緩キ(ゆるき)。 adj, Late. Slow. Syn : Ar?,
Ara, あら, 綺麗ナル、美シキ。 adj. Pretty. Beautiful. As :~ Ara chisei, “ a beautiful house.” Syn : Chiara, Chitomte.
Ara, あら, 装飾スル。 v.t. To beautify. To ornament. As :~ Chisei ara, “to ornament a house.”
Ara-attap-ne, あら・あたっぷ・ね, 空シキ手デ、カラテデ。 adv. Empty-handed.
Ara-atui, あら・あつい, 沖。 n. The open sea. Syn : Aratui, Ari-atui.
Arage, あらげ, 物ノ半分。adj. Half of anything あらゆる物の半分. Partly 部分的に. In part 分けて. As :~ Keutum arage pirika kamui an, ketttum arage wen kamui an, “ there are deities partly good and partly evil 部分的には善良な神もいれば、他方、邪悪な神も居る.” Syn : Arake.
Aragepok, あらげぽく, 脇ノ下。 n. The armpits.
Araguru, あらぐる, 綺麗ナコト。 n. Beauty. Glory. Majesty. Syn : Arakuru. Chupki. Nupeki. Nupuru.
Araige, あらいげ, 殺サレタ。 v.i. Killed.
Araishiri-kamui, あらいしり・かむい, 死人。 n. A dead person. Syn : Aishiri-kamui.
Araiteshma, あらいてっしゅま, ツルアヂサヰ。 n. Hydrangea peteolaris, S. et Z. This is the climbing hydrangea and the name means “spreading overhead,” “overhead weaver.” Other H. names are Pupushchi-ni. Yukpungara. In S. it is called Ikishimesu pungara.
Arak, あらっく, 火酒(ロシア語) n. Vodka. Said to come from Russia.
Araka, あらか, 痛ム。 v.i. To ache. To be in pain.
Araka-i, あらか・い, 苦痛、痛ム處。 n. An aching. An aching place.
Arakap, あらかっぷ, 苦痛。 n. An aching. Something which aches.
Arakare, あらかれ, 苦痛サセル。 v.t. To give pain to. To agonize. ★バカ検証 【日本語オカシイ】
Arakat-oroge-chiepokmare. あらかっと・おろげ・ちえぽっくまれ, 落謄サセル。 v.t. To dishearten. To cause to lose spirit.
Arake, あらけ, 半分、二ツノ一ツ。 adj. Half. One of two. One side. As :~ Chep arake, “ half a fish.” Keire arake,
“ one shoe." Syn : Arage.
Arake-chiraige-tashum, アラケ・チライゲ・タシュム, 中風(ちゅうふう・リウマチ) n. Paralysis まひ(症).
Arakere, あらけれ, 減ズル。 v.i. To diminish. To cease to be. To lower. Syn : Aorakere. Ramka.
Araki, あらき, 来ル(複数)。 v.i. (pl.) To come. Syn : Ariki.
Arakikiri, Jo 5 + + 9, 常?。 An earwig. Syn : Ara
Arakirike-wa, 75+ 9 or 7, ph. On the one hand.
Arakirisamtek-omare, 75+9°4. テクオマレ。 v.i. To sit crosslegged.
Arakke, 75 y4%r, n. Wine. Sake. Strong drink.
Arakoi-ni, 75 a f =, n. S. Picea Glehni, Mast. Spruce, S. The H. name is Chikap-shungts.
Arakonuptek, 75 = 5x7F ≫ ? ≫ v.i. To be very fond of.
Arakotomka, 75 H h e, ?, adv. Without doubt. Doubtless.
Arakotomka, 75 = F A?. e.t. To ornament one's self.
Arakuntukap, 75 ? 2 vzb7, ri. The very worst of the demonS.
Arakuru, 75 ? Wle, n. Beauty. Glory. Majesty. Syn : Araguru.
Arakurukashi, 75 % le?i >, adv. Exactly above.
Arakushkonna, TFS ^ >= > 3", adv. Very suddenly. Syn : Arekushkonna.
Arakuwan-no, あらくわん・の, 真直ニ、前ニ。 adv. In front. Straight ahead.
Aramaken, あらまけん, 何々ヲ笑フ。 v.t. To amuse. To laugh at
Aramakenbe, あらまけんべ, 面白キコト。n. An amusing thing.
Aramaukese, あらまうけせ, 傍ニ、カタハラニ。 adv. By the side of.
Aramboso, 75 ?ЖУ, v.i. To be frightened. Syn : Arorambово.
Aramepakare, 75 x v?? lo≫ e.t. To think. To consider. To calculate. To weigh in the mind.
Aramoi-sam, 75°E f *** n. The north. Syn : Oyanruru
Aramoisam, 7*5 + 4 B-4s, п. А bay.
Aramu, 757 As, v.i. To be thought.
Aramush, 77A2, v.i. To know. Syn : Arokere
Arange, J75 24°, v.t. To be let down. To take down.
Arani-wano, 75 = 7/, adv. Previously to. Syn : Ekamai-wano.
Aranno, 75 > /, adv. Gratuitously. Having nothing.
Araoraye, 75 zir74 =≫ υ,?. To lower. To let down.
Araoya, 7’5ziro’, adj. Quite different.
Arapa, 757 z?, v.i. To go. Same as Arupa.
Arapare, 75 v?ie, v.t. Send. Same as Arupare. Syn : Omande.
Arapekere-kamui, 75-so-L36.4.4, n. The best of the deities.
Ara-pet, 7’5 ^So`’, Geo. Crayfish Stream. Branch river.
Arapetchake, アラペッチヤケ。 adv. On one side of a river.
Arapok, 75 #27, adv. Under one side. Under the arm.
Arara, 7755, adv. Again.
Araranup-keutum, 7575.27%ro ツ ??? v.i. To have a strong desire to be with.
Ararapa, 75757 w ?, v.4. To press down. To shake down.

Ararirari, 77 95 }, to.t. To shake or trample down. To press down. To harden by trampling on.
Arasa, 757*}, adv. Quite different.
Arasatchep, 775+j y5 e 7., v.i. Flattened out.
Arasatchepare, 75 9 ≫5F = Sle, v.t. To fly open, as the parts of a dress.
Arasereke, J*5tz Lestr, n. The half of anything.
Ara-shizaem-ne-po, P5 ×3& 2:##, ph. Quite alone.
Arashinne-no, 75 & 23 A, adv, All together.
Arashka, 77 Se?a, v.i. and adj. To be empty handed. Not carrying.
Arashne, 75 $a *, adv. Altogether.
Arashui, 7°57 >51.4 ≫ adv. Again.
Arashuianda, 75 2.e.a. f7° 23', adv. Once upon a time. At a certain time or place.
Arashui-ne, アラシュイネ。 adj. Once. Syn : Arashui-no, Ari-shui.
Earasai アラシュイ ノ。 Inte=n0,
Arashui-range, 75 ×a f***, adv. One at a time.
Arashunketu, J75 Ee... e4r:y, ?A grass band or cord.
Arataraka, 75 iz 7 ?j, adj. Silly. Senseless. Delirious. Slovenly. Careless. Syn : Aretaraka, Etaraka. Aritaraka.
Aratchi, あらっち, 温和ノ。 adj. Quiet. Peaceable.
Aratchire, あらっちれ, 穏やかにする。安心させる。 v.i. To be pacified. To be acquitted of a crime.
Aratchitker.ep, 75 yos worl, 7, n. Anything suspended (as a pot over a fire, a lamp from a ceiling, clothes from a line, etc.). Syn : Chiratchitkerep.
Aratkire, J”:5 ≫ +. Le, v.t. To suspend. To hang. Syn : Chiratchitkere.
Aratui, 75 yef, n. The open sea. Syn : Araratui,
Arauratki-no, 75 or 5 y:# /, adv. Only. Only this and no thing else.
Araushtek, 775 7 Se5+ 27, v.i. To be extinguished. Ex terminated. Massacred.
Araushtekka, 75 % $25 y 3b, v.t. To extinguish. To mas sacre. To exterminate.
Arawa(n), 75 7, adj. Seven. Same as Aruwa(n).
Arawan-hotne, J75 7 ezik yak, adj. One hundred and forty.
Arawan-ikashima-hotne, 777 24 カシマホツネ。 adj. Twenty SeVe?l.
Arawan-ikashima-ine-hotne, 777 ンイカシマイネホツネ。 adj. Eighty-seven.
Arawan-otutanu, 75 7 2 z? w 4:58, n. The seventh. (For the numerals see Grammar Chapter VII). Arawe, 775 r} =, n. Froth. The scum of a boiling pot.
Are, 7 Le, v.t. To kindle. To light. As :~ Abe are, “to light a fire.”
Are, Jo Le, v.t. To cause to sit. To set (as a fisherman his nets).
Are, PL, adj. Quite. Entirely. With force. Same as Ari.
Are, Jo Le, v.t. To put. To place, Syn : Ande.
Are-abe, PL-7°, n. A flaming fire.
Areka, 27 Le?J, adj. Beautiful. As :?Tambe areka humi an, " this
has a beautiful appearance.”
Areika, 7. Le f?i, v.i. To be pleased with. Syn : Areka. Erayap.
Areikop, 7 Le 4 a 7, to.i. To be named.
Areka, Jo Le?b, v.i. and v.t. To give assent to: ?o be praised. To second. To encourage. Syn : Areika.
Areka, 7 L h, A. e.t. To cause to be. To make sit. As :~ An-eshiko-areka, “I made them sit by me.”
Arekushkonna, 7 L~ 2 °F ンナ。 adv. Very suddenly. In a moment. Syn : Arakushkonna.
Aremuige, 7 le A-f^*, n. The whole.
Are-oya, 7’vza"*’, adj. Quite different. Various.
Arepokara, 7 Leikh 7, v.t. To die at Sea.
Areptum, Jo Le7 774., adv. The farther side of.
Arerakari, 7° le5 35 ) , adj. Aired. Exposed to the wind.
Arerakari-ki, 7. Le? ? 9 +, v.t. To air in the wind.
Aresairikush, 7 vir4 ) ?>, v.i. To pass by.
Areshirikush-guru, 7” lo シリクシグ Ple, n. A passer by. A visitor. A caller. Syn : Chiesorore-guru.
Areshuine-no, 7 oz-f ネノ。 adv. All.
Aretaraka, 7. Le?i 7 ?i, adj. Silly. Senseless. Delirious. Slovenly. Careless. Mischivous. Syn : Ara taraka. Etaraka.
Aretaraka-kara, 7 L-37 カカラ, v.t. To waste. To do carelessly. syn : Ehochari.
Aretom, 7° Le h Ao, adv. The farther side. On one side.
Areye-kina, アレエキナ。 Rubus pseudo-japonicus Koidzu. The name means “creeping herb." It a raspberry which creeps close to the ground.
Ari, Jo リ。 post. By means of. With. For. As :~ Marek ari chep koiki, “to kill fish with a spear.” Ari ya etaye do tush, “A rope used for drawing a net.” Syn : Ani.
Ari, ァ リ y adj. True. Open.
Ari, Jo J, v.i. To mention. To place. To put.
Ari, Jo ), v.i. To be alight.
Ari, Jo ), adj. Skinned. Syn : Iri-an. -
Ari, 7 J, adj. Late. Tardy. Slow. Syn : Ara.
Ari, 7 J, n. Half. Syn : Ara
Ari, 7* 9, H, * 7, pro. That. That which. As :~ Ahup yaro, ari hawash, “he says you are to enter.” Seta ari ayep, “that which is called a dog."
Ari, 77 ) , adv. Quite. Severely. Entirely. With force. Same as Are. Syn : A. Ara.
Ari-an, 7.972, pro. That. Those. As :~ Ari-an itak ani ye nisa ruwe ne, "he spoke with those words.”
Arianbe, 7' 0 72 or ph. Such a thing. A thing that is.
Ariashin-mo, 797:22 Z. adj. Once. Again.
Ari-atui, 7' 0 794 , n. The open sea. Syn : Ara-atui. Ara’tui.
Arige, 79*, adv. One of two sides. Syn : ArageArikari, J” 9 : ) , v.i. To be made to vomit. Sym: Etup.
Arikari-chisei, 7 U ? U Fitz f, n. The framework of a house. The roof over a pit-dwelling. Syn : Chirikarichisei. Chisei-niye.
Arikari-ni, 7° 9 ?j !) =, n. Skimia Repens, Nakai. A kind of poisonous shrub. The fruit of this shrub causes one who eats it to vomit. The name means “the raiser.” See Aiuss-kina.
Ariki, Jo ) +, v.i. To come (pl. of ek). Syn : Araki.
Ariki-an, 7 o 9 +7” o, v.i. past. Have come.
Ariki-ash-shiri, Jo) +7° 22 ), v.t. Coming. They are coming.
Arikiki, 7° 9 ±±, v.t. To bring up. To rear. As :~ Rupne pak no arikiki, “to bring up to manhood.” Arikiki tuikata, “during adolescense.”
Arikiki-no, アリ 牛牛 ノ。 adv. With all one's might. With might and main. Syn : Shiarikiki-no.
Arikiki-tukata, 7" ) + +У?i ?, ph. During adolescense.
Arikinne, Jo 9 + C^;k, adv. Quite. Thoroughly. Syn : Arara. Earakinne.
Arikiri, 7’ 9 * 9, adj. Very much. Intensely. On one side.
Arikirike, 7 J =# 9 or, adv. On one side.
Arikishi, Jo ) + $e, ph. They came.
Arikko, ありっこ, カラマッソウ。 n. Thalictrum aquilegifolium, L. The stem is eaten. It is also called Arikkokuttara by some, but kuttara is really the hollow stem. Arikko means “bracing up.” T. minus, var. elatum, is also called Arikko in H. The Jap. name is Akikaramatsu. In S. Ainu it is called Kirorokush-ni, i.e. “Strength giving plant.” The roots of this plant eaten either raw or roasted are said to cure pains in the stomach, and also to act as a purgative. They are very bitter to the taste. Sometimes, however, on occasions of stomachache, a decoction is made by steeping the roots in boiling water, and a good strong dose taken. This is said to work wonders. Should a person wound his hand when at work, or thrust some sharp object into his foot when walking through the forest, he will take the roots of this plant, chew them to a paste, and apply to the wounded part to prevent suppuration. Some of the Ainu take the leaves of this herb, roll them between the hands to bruise and make them soft, and then plaster over any part of the body where there should be an internal pain or contusion. Arikko-kina means “Strength giving herb.” “Bracing herb.” It is a kind of meadowrue and makes a good tonic.
Arikko-kuttara, ありっこ・くったら, n. The stem of the Thalictrum. See Arikko.
Arikomare, 7 9 a z Le, i ло, ? - vu', v.t. To hang up. To put on a high place.
Arikoraye, Jo ) a54 =, 1.?. To raise. To shift from a lower to a higher position.
Arima, 77 ) -r, adj. Dried up. Parched.
Ari-mon-akka, P J E >7 y?), ph. And at times,
Arimu, Jo J A, n. A rat or mouse. Syn : Eremu. Erum.
Ari-oya, 7 J zoo, adj. Quite different.
Arip, 7 J 7', n. A roof. A covering. As :~ Chisei arip, “ the roof of a house.”
Aripa, ありぱ, v.t. To place 置く. To put (pl).
Aripekunne, ありぺくんね, 小刀 n. A small knife.
Arishirikush, ありしりくし, v.t. To call upon in passing 訪問する・訪ねる. To look in upon 訪ねる・見に行く・会いに行く.
Arishui, ありしゅい, adj. Once 一回・一度. Syn : Arashui.
Arita-omap, ありた・おまぷ, n. A small boat with boards fixed to its sides used for sea-fishing 両脇に魚を取るための板が付いた小舟.
Aro, あろ, adv. Entirely 全く・完全に. As :~ Aro-koyaikush, “quite unable 全く出来ない.” Syn : Ara.
Aro, あろ, n. Price 値段・価格. Syn : Ataye. Oro
Aro, あろ, adj. Very early 非常に早い・初期の. Premature 未発達な. As :~ Aro-paikara, “very early in the spring 春の初めの頃.” 【adv. じゃないの】
| Arohokamginno, アロホカムギンノ,  折角、故意ニ。adv. Purposely 故意に・わざと. On purpose. Syn : Hokamgin-no.
| Arokamgin-no, アロカムギン・ノ, ★バカ検証 【折角(せっかく)は、故意に、とは意味・用法が違うだろうが。メチャクチャ書くな。意味も知らずによう書くワ。バカ丸出し。どうも、わざわざ、の折角と、わざと、を混同した様だ。いずれにせよバカに変わりは無い。】
Arokere, あろけれ, 知レタ、全ク済ンダ v.i. and adj. To know. Finished. Syn : Aramush. ★バカ検証 【日本語も英語も意味が通じない。 to know って何だ。finished と関係ないだろうが。】
Aronnu, アロンヌ, v.i. Killed. (Pl. of Raige.)
Aronnu-wa-isam, あろんぬ・わ・いさむ, 殺サレテシマツタ ph. Killed and done away with 根絶やしにされた.
Aro-nochiu, あろ・のちう, 暮ノ明星 n. The evening star 宵の明星. Syn : Aronumannochiu. 【Aro = early, Nochiu = star】
Aro-numan, アロヌマン, 暮方 n. Twilight 夕暮れ・黄昏(たそがれ). Late in the evening 夕方の終わり頃. 【富田では、ar-onuman である。Numan 昨日。adv. Yesterday. Onuman 夕。 adv. Evening. Syn : Shiri onuman.
Aro-numan-nochiu, あろ・ぬまん・のちう, n. The evening star 宵の明星. Syn : Aro-nochiu.
Aropaikara, ***, n. Very early spring.
Aroramboso, ***, v.i. To be agitated with fright. Syn : Aramboso. .
Arorokishne-no, ***, adv. Secretly. Privately.
Aroshinep, ***, n. The first one. Premier.
Aru, ある, part. Sometimes used as a plural prefix to verbs 動詞の複数化接頭辞.
Aruchire, ***, adj. Under-cooked.
Arukirika-samtek-o, ***, テクオ。 v.i. To sit tailor-fashion. To sit cross-legged.
Arupa, あるぱ, 行く(単数) v.i. To go. (sing) Same as Arapa.
Arupaikara, あるぱいから, 春ノ尤モ早イ時、早春。 n. Very early spring.
Arupak, あるぱっく, 丁度、同シ。 adv. Just. Equal. Exactly. As :~ Arupak noshke, “exactly in the middle.”
Arupakbe, あるぱくべ, 同ジク、同ジ程。 adv. Alike. In the same degree.
Arupare, ***, v.t. To send. Same as Arapare.
Arupishne, ***, adv. In the hand.
Arusa, ***, adj. Various. Different.
Arusanip, ***, n. A sword sash.
Arushantuka-aukoamba, アルシャンツカ・アウコアムバ, 配列スル。 ph. To hang in orderly rows. To set in orderly array.
Arushito, ***, n. A round cake made of arrow-root. Syn : Akam.
Arushka, ***, v.i. To have become an object of anger.
Arush-ni, ***, Ulmus laciniata, Mayr. Elm, same as at-ni (which see) arush is the S. dialect for attush, see attush, rush.
Arutam, ***, n. A sword. Syn : Emush. Tam.
Arutam-euk-guru, 7’)l≫%.A =7 * 2^ nv, n. A captive.
Arutereke, JoJL5* Le4r, v.i. To jump about. Syn : Tereketereke.
Aruterekere, 7 JL57. Le r Le, v.t. To cause to jump about. To make frisk about (as animals).
Arutoro, JoJL K PI, n. The north.
Arutoro, 7 Jie F H, adv. The other side. As Arutoro ika, “cross over to the other side. Also “in the midst.”
Arutoroge, 7 n-F R 5°, adv. Behind.
Arutu, 7° JLo`’, adj. Im ported. Syn : Chikusa. Chiyange.
Arutu-ashkoro, あるつ・あっしゅころ, 日本酒 n. Japanese sake. Syn : Chikusa-ashkoro. Chiyange-ashkoro.
Aru-ush, J’JI, I? ?e, adj. Beautiful. Bright.
Aruwa, Jo il 7, adj. Seven. Syn : Aruwan.
Aruwe, JoJle:E, Froth.
Aruweochi, アル ウ ?.? オ 子, Geo,
Aruweot-pet, Foam river. アルウェオツべツ。
Aruwohumse- chiu, 、アルウォフムセチウ。
Aruwomsei-chiu, n. 7ploya Atz of 5ty, The peculiar warbling sparrows make when they see a snake. Syn : Niwenhoripi.
Aruyaye, 7rl≫**=r, to.t. To dry in smoke. (See Inumibechep).
Asakara, 77+j-395, 22。 Hemp. Nettles. Same as Asangara. Syn : Hai.
| Asam, アサム,
| Asama, アサマ, 底、基石、例ヘバ、チセイアサマ、家ノ土台。 n. Bottom. Foundation. As :~ Chisei asama “the foundation of a house.” Ure-asama, “the sole of the foot.” according to (Dob.) “ bottomless”. By derivation asama is “nothing bottom.”
Asam-kotoro, あさむ・ことろ, 底内面。 n. The inside surface of the bottom of anything. As :~ Pet asam-kotoro, “ the surface of a river's bottom.
Asam-sak, あさむ・さく, 底ナシノ。 adj. Bottomless.
Asam-sak-i, あさむ・さく・い, 底ナキ所。 n. A bog. The abyss.
Asangara, あさんがら, 麻、イラクサ。 n. Hemp. Same as Asakara. Syn : Hai.
Asangi, あさんぎ, 青キ、緑。 adj. Blue. Green.
Asapa-muyep, あさぱ・むいぇぷ, 頭巾。 n. A head cloth. Syn : Aesapamuyep.
Asarama, あさらま, 選擇スル。 v.t. To choose. Syn : Numge.
Asari, あさり, 上ヲ向イテ開キタル。 adj. Opened out. Open to the skies. The open skies.
Ase, あせ, 座席、腰掛。 n. A seat. A stool or chair. Syn : Amset. Aset. Set.
Asei, あせい, 背ノ上ニ。 adv. Over one's back. On one's back. Very close behind. Syn : Akai. Ashiseturuka.
Aseika, あせいか, 湯ニヒタス。 v.t. To steep in hot water. To scald.
Aseireka, Jo tz 4s Le ?i, v.t. To fry in hot water or fat.
Asesekka, 7tz tz ≫?i, v.t. To heat. To make hot.
Aset, 7tz 9, п. А stool; seat; a chair.
Ash, 732, v.i. To stand. To appear. To arise.
Ash, Poe, v.i. To blow (as. wind). To descend (as rain). Syn : Rui.
Ash, あし, 此の ash を受動詞に附加す
る時には複数自己代名詞に為るなり。例えば、アリキアシ、吾々は来る。 part. When added to intransitive verbs ash indicates the 1st per. pl. As :~ Ariki ash, “we come.” Paye ash, “we go." When added to intransitive verbs it indicates the action of the first person upon the second. As :~ Kuani echi mure ash kuste ne, “I will tell you”; e kore ash na, “I give it to you.” Seta chironnu ash okere, “we have killed the dogs."
Ash-ash, あっしゅ・あっしゅ, 歩いたり止まったりする。 v.i. To go a little Way and then stop. Syn : Eyokkot.
Ashbe, あっしゅべ, 話、風説(ウワサ)。 n. News. Talk.
Ashbe, あっしゅべ, 魚の脊髄。 n. The first dorsal fin of the larger kinds of fishes. On the smaller kinds this is called, “Mekka-ushbe."
Ashbe-tannep, アっシュベ・タンネップ, 鮫の一種。 n. A kind of shark having a long dorsal fin 長い背面のヒレを持つ鮫の一種.
Ashi, あし, 遂に。 adv. At last. At length. Again.
Ashi, あし, 如何にもそうですか、実に。 adj. Indeed. As :~ Tane ashi, “now indeed.”
Ashi, あし, 指。 n. A finger. 【足では無いらしい。】
Ashi, アシ, 独りで。 adj. Alone. By itself.
Ashi, あし, 甚だ、アシリと同じ。 Same as ashiri, “very." As :~ Tane ashi pirika kumpe ne, “it will now do very well.”
Ashi, あし, ありました。 v.i. Were.
Ashi, あし, 立たせる。 v.t. To set up. To put. To hang over. As :~ Shu abe kata ashi, “Set the kettle over the fire.”
Ashi-ai, あし・あい, 毒矢。 n. Arrows with poison attached. See Oha-ai.
Ashik, あしっく, 満ちたる。 adj. Full. Syn : Asis.
Ashika, あしか, 布の絲。 n. Thread in cloth.
Ashikara, あしから, 建る(弊(イナウ)等を)。 v.t. To set up (as Inau).
Ashikpe, あしっくぺ, タカラガイ。 Pedicularia sp. (Sakhalien).
Ashikipet, あしきぺっと, 指。 n. A finger. A toe. Ruwe ashikipet, “ the thumb"; pon-ashikipet, “the little finger”; itangi-kem-ashikipet, “the index finger.”
Ashikipet-orun-kani, アシキペっと・オルン・カニ, 指環。 n. A finger ring.
Ashikipettu, あしきぺっつー, 指(複数)。 n. The fingers (pl.)
Ashikipettu-orun-kani, あしきぺっつー・オルン・カニ, 指環(複数)。n. Rings for the fingers. 【複数個付けるのか、趣味わるいね。】
Ashikne, あしっくね, 五。 adj. Five Syn: Ashiknep. Ashne
Ashikne-hotne. あしっくね・ほっとね, 百(数に関する事は第七章にあり。) adj. A hundred. (For the numerals see Grammar Chap. vii).
Ashiknen, あしっくねん, 五人。 n. Five IYET.
Ashikne-otutanu, アシっクネ・オツタヌ, 第五。 adj. The fifth.
Ashiknep, あしっくねっぷ, 五つ。 adj. Five. Syn : Ashikne- Asl?ne.
Ashikne-shine-wan-hot, あしっくね・しね・ワン・ホっと, 千。 adj. A thousand. 【只の 1000 を言うのに、コレ。疲れ過ぎ。アイヌ語は数学不向き。】
| Ashikne-shuine, アシっクネ・シュイネ, 五度。 adj. Five times 5回、5回の.
| Ashikne-shuino, アシっクネ・シュイノ,
Ashiknure, あしっくぬれ, 救助せらる。 vi. To be saved. To be made to live.
Ashikoba-eaikap, あしこば・えいかっぷ, 当てにならぬ、信頼し難い。 adj. Unreliable.
Ashikopa, あしこぱ, 似たる。 adj. Resembling.
Ashikoraye, アシコライェ, 貰ふ、受ける。 v.t. To receive. Syn : Akore.
Ashikore, あしこれ, 生ル。 v.i. To be born.
Ashimbe, あしむべ, 罰金。 n. A fine. Syn : Chishinap.
Ashimbe-sange, アシムべ・サンゲ, 罰金ヲ出ス。 v.t. To pay a fine.
Ashimbe-sangere, あしむべ・さんげれ, 罰金ヲ課ス。v.t. To fine.
Ashimbe-turu, あしむべ・つる, 列にする、並べる。 v.i. To be arranged in a row.
Ashin, あしん, 出て行く。 v.i. To go out. To come out.
Ashin, あしん, 新しき。 adj. New. Ashin-no-chup, “the beginning of the month. 月初“ Syn : Ashiri.
Ashinge, あしんげ, 送り出す、抜出す。 v.t. To send out. To root out. To pluck out. To throw off. To take out. To pull out or up. To take off as one's clothes. Thus:~ Imi ashinge, “ to undress.”
Ashinko, あしんこ, 始まり。 adv. At the commencement @〈文〉開始、始まり A〔高校や大学の〕開始、始め、卒業式、学位授与式.
Ashinkop, あしんこっぷ, 縄の引輪、ナワノコカシワ、結目。 n. A noose. A knot,
Ashinkop-nere, あしんこっぷ・ねれ, 引輪する、結びコブ作る。 v.t. To make into a knot.
Ashin-no, あしん・の, 新しく。 adv. Newly. Again. Afresh. For the first time. Previously. Before.
Ashin-no-kara, あしん・の・から, 新にする。v.t. To renew. To do over again.
Ashinru, あしんる, 雪隠(せっちん)n. A watercloset 便所. Syn : Osoine-ru. Soine-ru.
Ashin-to-tura, あしん・と・つら, 日と共に。 adv. With the day.
Ashinuma, あしぬま, 自ら、自身。 pro. One's self. Syn : Kuani. Yaikata.
Ashiokte, あしおっくて, 衝き當る、引掛ける。 v.t. To strike against. To get hooked up in.
Aship, あしっぷ, 咲く(単数)、出る。 v.i. To flower. To blossom. To go out.
Ashippa, あしっぱ, 咲く(複数)。 to.i. To flower. To blossom. (pl.)
Ashiramikore-guru, あしらみこれ・ぐる, 友、知己。 n. A friend. An acquaintance.
Ashirekatta, あしれかった, 急に仆る(たおれる)。 To fall down suddenly.
Ashiri, あしり, 新シキ、次ギ。 adj. New. The next. As :~ Ashiri-pe, “a new thing 新しいもの”; Ashiri-pa, “a new year 新年.” Syn : Ashiri-an.
Ashiri-chup, あしり・ちゅぷ, 新月。 n. The new moon.
Ashirikara, あしりから, 改むる。 v.t. To make over again. To renew. Syn : Ashin-no-kara.
Ashirikashomare, アシリカショマレ, 壓シ出ス(おしだす) v.i. To be crowded out.
Ashirikashurare, アシリカシュラレ,
Ashiriki, あしりき, 改むる。v.t. To do again. To renew. Syn : Ashiri1kara.
Ashiri-kotan, あしり・こたん, 新町、新部落。Geo. New-town. Ashiri means “new”. Kotan is “village”; “town,” “place.” Any newly occupied locality is called ashiri-kotan, and there are now many of them. But the designation as a place name is soon extingushed and a Japanese one takes its place. Other examples are, Ashiri-hattara, “New pool"; Ashiripet-paro, “New river mouth"; Ashiri pira, “New cliff.”
Ashiseturuka, あしせつるか, 背ノ上ニ。adv. Over one's back. On one's back. Syn : Akai. Asei.
Ashishbe, あししゅべ, 腫物(はれもの)。 n. A boil 炎症性の腫れ物、おでき. Syn : Hup.
Ashishirikire, あししりきれ, 退ク。 v.i. To retire.
Ashit, あしっと, 新シキ。 n, New. Next. Syn : Ashiri.
Ashit-an, あしっと・あん, 眞ニ。adv. Truly.
Ashit no an. That is truly so. It is very great. Syn : Son no.
Ashiteike, 77$e5*4f4r, v.i. To take off (as clothes).
Ashiterere, Jo $25* Le Lo, v.t. To cause one to wait.
Ashitoma, Jo $a * *, adj. Awful. Dreadful. Fearful. Syn : Aeoripak.
Ashitoma-i, Jos a F o 4, n. A grave. A dreadj.ul thing or place. Syn : Tushiri.
Ashitomap, 72e H er 7, n. A dreadful thing. Something to be afraid of.
Ashitomarep, PS- F = L-7, * Z. n. A thing to make one fear. An appalling thing or circumstance.
Ashituk-kirau, Jo $≫ y ≫ +5 V, n. The new horns of deer.
Ashiu, あしう, 一度。 adj. Once. Syn : Arashui.
Ashkai, あっしゅかい, 右ノ手。 adv. On the right hand.
Ashkai, あっしゅかい, 能フ(あたう)、技量アル、精巧ナル。 adj. Able. Clever. Adroit. Cap able. Syn : Ri-no.
Ashkai-no, あっしゅかい・の, 上手ニ。 adj. Ably. Cleverly. Adroitly.
Ashkai-samma, あっしゅかい・さむま, 右ノ方。 adv. The right hand side 右手側.
Ashkai-so, あっしゅかい・そ, 家ノ中ノ右側。 n. The right hand side of a hut.
| Ashkakamarep, アっシゅカカマレっプ, 外著、上著。 n. A coat.
| Ashkakushtep,アっシゅカクシゅテっプ,
Ashkanne, あっしゅかんね, 清潔ナル、純粋ノ。 adj. Clean. Pure. Syn : Akkane. Turu-sak.
| Ashkanne-ne-kara, アっシゅカンネ・ネ・カラ, 清ムル。 v.t. To cleanse. Syn : Turu-sakte.
| Ashkanne-no-kara, アっシゅカンネ・ノ・カラ,
Ashkannere, あっしゅかんねれ, 清ムル。 v.t. To cleanse.
Ashke, あっしゅけ, 熊ノ耳。 n. The ears of bears.
Ashke, あっしゅけ, 手。 n. The hand. Syn : Teke. E. g. Ashke Kotoro palms of the hands.
Ashke-auk, あっしゅけ・あうっく, 殺サル。 v.i. To be killed. To have one's life taken by hand.
Ashke-kotoro, あっしゅけ・ことろ, 掌、手ノヒラ。 n. The palms of the hands.
Ashketesh, あっしゅけてっしゅ, 櫛(くし)。 n. А comb.
Ashkeuk, あっしゅけうっく, 殺ス。 v.t. To kill. Ashkeuk is a remarkable term. It means “take a hand” and is a hunter's expression. Thus, ashke, “hand” or “paw,” uk, “take.” It has reference to the Ainu custom of a bear hunter going to the quarry he may have brought down and seizing the fore paw which he lets drop again at once. This is to see whether the creature is really dead or shamming. There is no idea of a friendly hand shake. Eventually the term has come to “kill”, then to seize a bear cub by the ears when being killed at the bear festival. And then “invite it to a festival.”
Ashke-uk, アっシゅケ・ウっク, 熊祭ニ熊ノ耳ヲツカム、又ハ祝宴ニ招ク。 v.t. To seize the ears of the bear in the bear festival. To invite to a feast. ★バカ検証 【熊祭デ、である。】
Ashke-ukom, あっしゅけ・うこむ, 拳、コブシ。 n. The fists.
Ashkoro, あっしゅころ, 手一パイ。 n. A handful.
Ashkoro, あっしゅころ, 舶来ノ酒類。 n. Wine or spirits of any kind. Fermented liquor. As :~ Arutu ashkoro, “imported wine.” Fermented liquor.*
* Ashkoro, n. Fermented liquor of any kind. It is derived from ash, “rise”, and koro, “have.” The word equals ferment (v.i.). The native ashkoro was fermented millet liquor used especially on festive occasions, particularly on the occasion of the bear festival. excise law now forbids the making of it. Ashkoro has several distinctive designations, thus, arutu ashkoro, “imported ashkoro;” chirange ashkoro, “home-made ashkoro;” inau ashkoro, "fetich ashkoro;" and kamui ashkoro, “ashkoro for the superior being whether superior for good or evil.
Ashkororo, あっしゅころろ, 手イツパイ。 n. A handful @一握り、ひとつかみ A一握りの量、少量、少数. ★バカ検証 【手イツパイ、じゃ、何だか分からない。】
Ashkoyaipitunte, 7’ $≫:a “w4f bo‘y> テ, ph. He caused me to refresh myself.
Ashnap, 723-7, n. An oar. Syn : Asnap. Assap.
Ashne, PS-zk, adj. Five. Syn : Ashikne.
Ashni, Jo >=, п. А memorial set up to mark a grave. A grave-post.
Ashni-pusa, Jo $e = 7t?, n. A tassel hung on a woman's grave-mark.
Ashnu, J*$e5x, adj. Quick. Well. Clever. Good. Shukup-ashnu, “ of quick growth.” Hoyupu-ashnu “a good runner.” Ashnu-guru, “a clever person.”
Ashongokushte, 7° 32 a 2 =r y $25, tv.t. To forewarn. To make known. Syn : Ekambakte. Shietok.
Ashpa, 7 S> R, adj. Deaf. As :~ Ashpa kisara itutanure, “to turn a deaf ear to.”
Ashpa, 7-5- R, v.i. To descend. To come down. (pl. of ash).
Ash-ratchako, 7 $25 y*v=1, n. A standing light. A light set up as a guide.
Ashrekut, 73, L2 y, n. The top of the spine, Atlas.
Ashrukonna, 7 Sella 23-, v.i. To stand (as a house). To be built up.
Ashte, 77$957, v.t. To set up. To make stand.
Ashui, 7° 3, 2.4, adj. Once. Syn : Arashuine. Ashiu.
Ashupuya-sakka, 79-74 : ≫?i, v.t. To exterminate.
Ashureka, 79-- L:5, υ.f. To leave. To go away. To depart.
Ashuttasa, 7’$≫, y4x+, 1.?. To perform certain rites for the dead.
Ashuye, 7 > -4 -, v.t. To call by beckoning to. To shake about. Syn : Ashuye-shuye. Korenna-shuye.
Ashwambe, 7 Se74,~s, n. The clitoris.
Asis, 77$ex, H. adj. Five.
Asis, 77$ez, adj. Full. Syn : Ashik.
Asisne, 7 Sex*, adj. Five. Same as ashikne.
Asnap, 77x3-7, n. An oar. Syn : Ashnap. Assap.
Aso, Joy, n. A seat. Floor. Stool. Chair.
Aso, 7 /, stij. adv. Opposite.
Asoro, 77 / pa, n. Bottom. Hinder-most. The posteriors.
Asoye, 7 / 4 =, v.t. To bore a hole.
Asoyep, 77 / 4f = 7, n. A gimlet.
Aspe, 7xos, n. Words. Things said.
Assa, 7 ≫+, v.t. To row. Syn : Assap-koro. Japanese
Assap, アッサプ。 n. An oar. Syn : Ashnap. Asnap.
Assap-chikiri-ush, 7≫*7** 9 7 シ。 adj. Web-footed.
Assap-koro, Jo ≫*7 = R, 1.f. To row. Syn : Assa.
Asso, Jo ≫ V, n. The inside walls of a house.
Assuru, 7’≫2Kolo, n. Fame.
Assuru-an, Jo ≫zJV72, adj. Famous. Syn : Assuru ne.
Assuru-ash-hawe-o, 7 ≫ z no 7 *** ウェオ。 v.i. To have become famous.
Assurunure, 7 vzno5x le, v.t. To make known.
Asunne, Jo x → *, adj. Famous.
Asura-ne, アスラネ。 v.t. To make
Asura-ni, famous. To make known. 7x5 -, To narrate. To describe. To tell.
Asuru, 7’z, olo, Same as a SStsru, “fame."
Asurube, 77 lbos, n. A bear's ear.
Asuru-oroge-hopuni, 72&n of R ゲホ プニ。 v.i. To spread about as a rumour.
At, あ吐, 2分の1、半分。 adj. One of a pair. One. Half. As :~ At-kema, “one foot.” At-tem, “half a mile.” (lit: “half a stretch of the arms). Syn : Ara.
At, あ吐, 楡ノ皮絲、絲、紐。 n. Elm fibre. A string. A thong. A boot lace. Also an elm tree, (see at-ni). Suckers. Feelers.
At, あ吐, 物ノ柄。 n. The handle of anything. The sash of a bag. Syn : Atu. Atuhu.
At, あ吐, モモンガ。 n. A Japanese flying squirrel. Sciuropterus momonga momonga, (Temm.)
At, あ吐, 輝ル。 v.i. and adj. Shining. Light. To shine. Syn : Tom.
At, あ吐, 豊カナル、多数ナル。 v.i. and adj. Plentiful. To be numerous.
At, あ吐, 出ヅル(蒸気又ハ煙ノ)。 v.i. Το come forth as steam or smoke.
At, あ吐, 有ル(複数)。 v.i. Are (pl. of ап).
Atai, 77 & 4f, n. A seat. Stool. Chair. i. Tobe.0 .?? ?? ?? ?? ?m; , ? ?? 7 ,
Atak sent for. To be fetched.
Atakchikushui, 73* 3 ***74 ? n. The common raspberry. S. Rubus idactis.
Ataku-kara, あたく・から, 結塊スル、カタメル。 v.i. and adj. Agglomerated. Syn : Taku-akara
At-ama, あっと・あま, 豊カ。 adj. Prolific.
At-amba, あっと・あむば, 絲ヲ以テ導ク。(複数)。 v.t. (pl.) To lead by a string.
Ata-ambe, あた・あむべ, 動揺(舟ニ用フ)。 wi. To roll about (as a ship at sea). Syn : Atap.
Atambusa, あたっむぶさ, 頭布。 n. A cloth for putting round the head.
Atambushi, あたっむぶし, 頭布。 Same as aimabusa. Head-dress.
Atamsayekara, 74: A*+37° v.t. To practice ceremonial exorcism with swords.
Atanan, 757 ', v.i. To live in the same way (as a race or tribe).
Atane, 7 & *, n. Brassica chinensis, L. In S. itis called Aichai.
At-ami, Jost =, 1.f. (sing) To lead by a string.
Atanika, Jo & = ?, n. A stoat. A weasel. (S).
Atap, J” & 7, v.i. To roli about as a ship at Sea.
Atap, J” &7, n. Anything dug out of the ground.
Syn : Ata-ambe.
Atarabe, あたらべ, アイヌノカバン(草ヲ以テ造リ物を入レテ運ビ寝ルトキハ其ノ上ニ臥ス)。 n. A pallet. Couch. Mattress. A travelling bag (used to sleep on at night). Syn : Atarobe. Atarakina.
Atarakina, アタラキナ, n. A pallet. Syn : Atarobe.
Atarimaye, あたりまいぇ, 用、関係、持前。 n. One's rights 人の権利. One's own business 人/自分の仕事. One's own affairs 自分の持ち分・義務・分け前. As :~ Ku atarimaye gusu, iteki isaikako yan, “don’t interfere for this is my business 私の仕事に口出しするな.” Syn : Yaikota-gusu-ankunip. ★バカ検証 【 これ、なかなか面白い。日本語を知らないバカ外人には、「当たり前」が、こう見える、のだ。 多分、こんな調子でアイヌ語の意味も定義しているのだと思う。作り話なら、これでも良いが、辞書という学術書としては完全に失格。 (?)
Atari-tari, 7 & 9 & D), v.i. To be shaken up and down as in a saddle when riding.
| Atarobe, あたろべ,
| Atarope, あたろぺ,
アイヌノカバン(草ヲ以テ造リ物を入レテ運ブ又寝ヌル時上ニ横ハル)。Same as Atarabe.
Atat, F3: V, v.t. Το be cut up into small pieces. Atatchep, “fish cut up into small pieces and dried.”
Atau, 7& 7, n. A place where something is or has been placed.
Ataye, Jo & f = , n. Price. As :~ Ataye kara, “to pay.” Ataye eraratkire, “to beat down in price.” Syn : Aro.
Ataye-arapare, 7° 24 = 7”5 es Lo, v.t. To pay.
Ataye-eraratkire, 73 s 2+75 y=F レ。 v.t. To beat down in price.
Ataye-hauge, アタイェハウゲ。 adj. Cheap. Syn : Ataye-pan. Oro-pan.
Ataye-kore, 744 = a L, v.t. To pay. Syn : Atayeomamde. Ataye-sange. Oro mande.
Ataye-nupuru, 74oz4f - 77)L≫, adj. Expensive. Dear. Syn : Ataye-yupke. Oro-nupuru.
Ataye-omande, 74::Ez?=r:eF, v.t. To pay. Syn : Atayekore.
Ataye-pan, 74x4 = v?e, adj. Cheap.
Ataye-sak-no, 7 & 4 = } } /, adv. Without price. Syn : EanunIolo's
Ataye-sange, Jost 4f =+} ^^r, v.t. To pay.
Ataye-ye, Jo & f = f = , 沙.? To price.
Ataye-yupke, 7 & 4 ==?-74", - adj. Expensive. Dear.
Atchan, Jo ≫ F** A, adj. Weak. Lower. Without flavour. Without magic. Without effect.
Atchei, Jo ≫ ++-f, adj. Other. Strange. A neighbouring house.
Atchi, 77 ≫ F, adj. Dirty. Filthy. As :~ Atchi an na, “it is dirty.” Syn : Achi. Yachi. Yatchi.
Atchi, Jo ≫ F, ph. They did.
Atchisei, Jo ≫ Ftz-f, n. An other house. A stranger's dwelling.
Atchisei-un-guru, T” y*tz-f foy >’%’/l≫, n. Strangers.
Atchiu, Jo ≫ Fr}, v.t. To thrust. To throw a spear.
Atchiu-ashnu, 7 ≫3-77$25, adj. Clever at throwing a spear. Same as Atchiu-no.
Atchi-un-guru, 795-7 on, n. A stranger. Syn : At chisei-un-guru.
Atchiu-no, Jo ≫ F } /, adj. Clever at throwing a spear. Same as Atchiu-ashnu,
Ateineka, J*5*4 + h,
v.t. To water. To moisten.
Atemka, 75FA, ?b, e.t. To revive (by sprinkling water upon).
Atere, 75’ L, v.t. To await. Syn : Aehuye. Ehuye. Etere.
Aterekere-terekere, 7°5o lo rojo lo ケレ, v.t. To dangle up and down as a child.
Atesep, 75*tz7, n. Anything WOVEIl.
Ateshkara-kore, 7°5323352 = lo≫ v.t. To send a message by a person.
Ateshko, 75° 22:a, v.t. and v.i. To send a message by another. To be employed on an errand by another. As :~ Arapa guru ateshko rusui, “I wish to send a message by him.” Syn : Tesh-kara.
Ateuina, J75-P74 3", v.t. To tie up.
At-ka, あと・か, オヒヨウノ樹皮の絲。 H h, n. Elm thread.
Atke, あっとけ, 木ノ皮ヲ剥グ(布ヲ作ルタメ)。 v.t. To strip bark from trees (for making cloth).
Atkepa, あっとけぱ, 楡ノ皮ヲ取ルコト。 v.i. To flay birch bark from the trees.
Atkepatchi, あっとけぱっち, 彼らハオヒョウノ皮ヲムク。 ph. They flayed elm trees. (This is to obtain fibre for making clothes).
Atkochi, 77 ≫ a5F, n. A fish's tail. The caudal fin of a fish.
Atkoro-guru, J” y a ログル。 n. Octopod. Syn : Atuina.
Atkot, 7” ≫ =? ≫, n. The tail of a fish.
At-ni, あっと・に, オヒヨウ。 n. Ulmus laciniata. Mayr. Elm. It is also called Ponna-sak. Cloth made from the inner bark of this tree was formerly used in making garments. The bark was also used for lighting purposes.
At-nikoro, あっと・にころ, 木ノ叉ニテ支ヘル。 vi. To be tied up to a tree. To fix in the fork of a tree. Syn : Oknikoro.
Atomte, 7 FA5F, adj. Beautiful. Pretty. Neat. Syn : Aara. Iranamasure.
Atomte-no, 7 H. A.5* / ≫ adv. Beautifully. Neatly. Prettily. Well. Syn : Irammakaka
Atomte-no-kara, 7 F AF / #57, v.t. To do well. To make pretty. To beautify.
Atpa, あっとぱ, 案内者、大将。 n. A leader. A general. A captain. As :~ Yuk atpa, “ a leader deer." Utara atpa, "a captain of a gang of men.”
Atpa, あっとぱ, 前ニ。 post. The head or beginning. At the front of any-thing.
Atpake, あっとぱけ, 始。 n. Beginning. Commencement. As :~ Atpake otta, “ in the beginning.” Atpake un, “at the beginning.” Atpake wano, “from the beginning.”
Atpaketa, あっとぱけた, 始メニ。 adv. In or at the beginning.
Atpaka, あっとぱか, 先頭ニ。 adv. At the head.
Atpui-no, あっとぷい・の, 全ク獨リ。 adj. Alone.
Atsara, あっとさら, 開放、明白ニ。 adv. Openly おおっぴらに.
At-saranip, あっと・さらにっぷ, 楡(にれ)の皮ヲ以テ造リシ袋。 n. A kind of bag made of elm fibre.
Atsara-no, あっとさら・に, 全ク明ニ。adv. Quite openly. Outwardly 外見上は. ★バカ検証 【日本語オカシイ。】
At-shinen-ne, アッシネンネッ あっと・しねん・ね, 孤独。 adj. One alone.
At-shui, あっと・しゅい, 一度。 adj. Once.
Atso, あっとそ, 反対ニ、向フ側ニ。 adv. Opposite.

Attapne, あったぷね, 空(カラ)手ニテ。 adv. Empty handed 空っぽの手で. Having nothing 何も持たずに.
Attashnure, あたっしゅぬれ, 一口ニ呑ム。 v.t. To drink up at once without resting 休まずに一気に飲む. To swallow quickly (as any kind of noxious medicine) 急いで呑み込む(例えば、何らかの有害な薬を).
Atte, あって, 狙フ、支持スル。 v.t. To aim at 〜を目的とする・狙う・目指す. To direct toward 〜の方向に向かわせる.
Atte, あって, 輝カス、輝ラス、説明スル、トキアカス、例セバ、ヌペキアツテ、輝カス。 v.t. To make shine 輝かせる. To send forth 送り出す. To explain 説明する. To increase 増加する. As :~ Nupeki atte, “to send forth light 光を送る.” Yuk atte, chep atte, “to make deer and fish increase 鹿と魚を増やす.”
Atte, あって, 懸ケル(かける)、起タシムル。 To hang up 中断状態にする・懸案事項にする・掛ける. To suspend ぶら下げる. As :~ Horikashi atte, “to suspend from ぶら下げる・吊るす.” To set up 設定する.
Atte-kane, アッテカネ, 懸カッテアル。 adv. Hanging 宙ぶらりんに. In a suspended position ぶら下がり位置の状態で.
Attem, あってむ, 半尋、ハンヒロ。 Half the distance one can attain by stretching the arms out 腕を広げて得られる距離の半分.
Attereke, あってれけ, 飛躍スル、ハネル。 v.i. To jump or hop about as a frog カエルの様にジャンプ又は跳ね回る.
Attereke-tereke, あってれけ・てけれ, 飛躍スル、トブ。 v.i. To jump or hop about as a frog. Frequentative of Attereke.
Atto, あっと, 雨。n. Rain. Syn : Apto ; Ruyambe.
Attom, 7 ≫ H A., adv. Partly. In the midst.
Attomsama, 7 ≫ H Airw, adv. As far as, To. As :~ En-attomsama eushi, “he came to me.”
Attu, 7 yy, n. Elm fibre.
Attune-no-an, 7 ≫ y# / 7:e, v.i. and adj. To be treated in a slighting manner.
Atturi, JP ≫y ), n. S. Caltha palustris. L. var. gigas, Takeda. Marsh Marigold. The roots are eaten by some Ainu. The at are the long white roots. In H. it is also called Pui. The name shows that this plant was so called because of its extended stolons for it means in full “stretched out stolon herb '. When it is named from its flower point of view it is called pui which means “flower buds'. With the Ainu it comes under the class kina, “herb.”
Attush, あっつっしゅ, オヒヨウノ皮ヲ以テ造ラレシ衣服。 n. A kind of cloth made from the inner bark of elm trees.
Attush-aiyo, あっつっしゅ・あいよ, 楡ノ皮ヲ以テ造リシ衣服ニ付ケタル縫箔。 n. Pieces of Japanese stuff let into attush for ornament.
Attush-bera, あっつっしゅ・べら, 杼(ひ、どんぐり)、オサ。 n. A flat piece of wood used in making cloth.
Attush-kara, あっつっしゅ・から, 織ル。 v.t. To weave attush.
Attush-karabe, あっつっしゅ・からべ, 織機。 n. A loom.
Atu, あつ, 柄、飾幣 n. A handle 取っ手. The sash of a bag カバンのたすき. A lace レースのひも. Thong ひも. Reins 手綱. Syn : At. Atuhu.
Atu, あつ, 吐キ出ス。v.t. To vomit つばを吐く. Atu-kopase, “to vomit very much.”
Atu-amba, あつ・あむば, 糸を以テ導ク v.t. To lead by a string. (pl.)
Atuhu, あつふ, 柄 A handle. The sash of a bag. Same as At, Atu.
Atui, あつい, n. The sea 海. The ocean 大洋. As :~ Atui-tomotuye, “to cross the seas.” Atui-turimimse; atui turu turimimse and atui kunrakkunrak, “the roaring of the sea.” Syn : Rep.
Atui-epi-ika, あつい・えぴ・いか, 船ニ強イ v.i. To be a good sailor 良い船乗り状態である.
Atui-ewen, あつい・えうぇん, 船病. Sea sickness 船酔い.
Atui-gesh, ★バカ検証 【消し忘れ】

Atui-gesh, あつい・げしゅ, 海ノ西岸 The western part of the sea.
Atui-ka, 7 v M b, adv. Over the sea. Also the surface of the sea. .
Atui-kamui, あつい・かむい, 海神。 n. Any marine fish or animal of an important kind, its importance being judged by its size, usefulness, beauty, or ferocity. A Seal 【動物】アシカ、アザラシ.
Atuikata-kaikai, ァッイカタカイカイ。 n. A short choppy sea. Syn : Rera-kaikai.
Atui-kom, Jov-f = A, n. A kind of Stomapoda, (Squilla affinis, Berthold). Mantis shrimp. Syn : Okom. Rokom.
Atui-kor’ekashi, 7'y-f = Le?i >, n. The gods of the sea.
Atui-koro, 77 y f = pa, v.i. To go to sea. To go a voyage.
Atuikoro-kamui, Jov-f = F # 4 4 , n. Sea gods. Orca gladiator.
Atui-kurukashi, J*v-f y le?i 2, n. The surface of the sea.
Atuina, ァッイナ, An
Atuinao, octopod. Devil fish. ァッイナオ。 Octopus punctatus,
Atuinne, Gabb. Syn : Atkoro ァッィンネ、g" Atuinne.*
* The octupus has several similar names the principal part of which in each instance designates the sucker-arms. It is at which also means “string”. The first name is atuina. Uina is the plural of the verb uk, “take”, so that atuina comes to mean “take (plural) with sucker-arms.” The second name is at-koro-guru. Koro. is “have": guru is “creature", so that here we arrive at “creature having sucker-arms.” The third designation is at-uinnep which means “creature with a multitude of suckerarms”, uinne meaning “many”.
Atui-noshki, 7'y-f / >+, adv. Mid ocean. Syn : Atui-Shimpui.
Atui-ochiuchiu, 7 % 4 オチウチウ, n. Eastern blue-rockthrush. Monticola cyanus solitaira (Mull).
Atui-orun-ahunrasambe, 7 ツイオル ンアフンラサムべ, n. A kind of sea bird said to resemble an owl.
Atui-pa, Joy -f *$, n. The eastern portion of the sea. Also sometimes called, atui pake. As - Atui-pa ne alui-gesh ne, “from one end of the sea to the other.” Also, Atui pa pakno atui-gesh pakno, “to the ends of the sea.
Atui-sam, 77'y4 #A, n. The sea-shore.
Atui-seppa, J*V-fitz ≫v?, n. Cake-urchin. Echinarachnius mirabilis, Barn. Keyhole-urchin. Lagunum decagonalis, Less. Syn : Ruru-seppa.
Atui shimpui, あつい しむぷい, 海ノ中間 n. The centre of the sea 海の中心. Same as Atui-noshki. ★バカ検証 【海の中間、という表現は普通しない】
Atuita, J**>/4 3, adj. Ten. (Used only in counting animals). As :~ Tu-atuita, “twenty animals.”
Atui-tomotuye, 774 Foto4f = v.i. To go a voyage. To cross the seas.
| Atui-turimimse, アツイ・ツリミムセ, The roaring
| Atui-turu-turimimse, アツイ・ツル・ツリミムセ, of the sea.
Atukambe, 7 vy?ia“, ” An object. Syn : Anonoyep.
Atumi-erai, 7x = +5-f, v.i. To die in battle,
Atu-kopase, 7 v = v?tz, wi. To vomit very much.
Atupepeotke, ァッペペオッケ, v.i. To be taken prisoner.
Atupepeuk, 7 vos“S??, v.i. To be bound prisoner.
Aturainu, 77574 3≫
adj. and v.i. Lost. Gone astray. To have lost one's way. Syn : Chihaye. Shitturainu.
Aturainu-ambe, 7' 25.4 x7'A*, n. Something lost.
Aturainu-wa-an, Po? of 5. 772, #: 2- v × 712. adj. Lost. Gone astray. Syn : Shitturainu-wa-an.
Atura-wa, 7'25 V, adv. Together with.
Aturika, J*:7 ) h, 34. The warp in cloth.
Atusa, 77'y:}", adj. Naked. Syn : Chasak. Eniwa.
Atushi, 7 \52, v.t. To bind with a cord.
Atushi-sanke, Poyo. 24", n. A bear's cub after being caught. The Ainu, when they hunt bear cubs, seize and bind them, and carry them to their villages to rear for the bear festival. The name atushisanke is derived thus:-A=a passive particle; tushi =“to bind"; sanke= “ to bring down.”
Atushpa, ァッシバ、環豊ニスル。 to.t. To strip naked.
Atuyaokkarapbe, 7’yopzr≫;h,5 7^, n. Compassion. Au, 7 r}, GA-Ds, ser y, ? :, n. Branches or forks of trees. Branches or forks in deer's horns. River branches. As : ?Au-ushkirau, “horns with branches.” Pet au, “the branch of a river.” Ni awe, “the branches of a tree.” Syn : Awe. Awehe.
Au, 7.7, n. The tongue, Ko-auterere, “to stick the tongue out.
Auitek, Jor? Af 5-27, v 2: , v.i. To be sent by another. Auitek-guru, 7174 7 ≫ 49’/l≫, ??, A servant.
Aukashiu, TP 7 h £≫r7, v.t. To help one another.
Auko, Jory a, #2. Prefix. Together.
Aukoamba, Jory a J’Art, v.t. To carry (pl. of the object).
Aukohok, Jor) azk}, び.が。 To trade by barter.
Aukomaktekka, あうこまっくてっか,  共に喜ブ。 v.i. To feel mutual satisfaction. To be mutually happy. To rejoice together.
Aukomi, Poy: E, v.i. To be clothed with. To be wearing.
Aukomomse, 77a-EAtz, Hoy a , i. adj. and v.i. Bent. Humped. To stoop. To bow in thanks.
Aukonuchattekka, DP r) =15% F T ≫5F ≫ 3, Bt-Ez. v.i. To mutually rejoice. To be merry. To rejoice together.
Aukonumba, Jo 17 5 3: A, v?, v.i. To be pressed upon. To be thronged.
Aukopa, 77 ) = z \, yo. v.t. To wrest (as one's words).
Aukopa, Po? Hrv, solo. v.i. To be like. To resemble one another, Syn : Aukosamba. Uanukopa.
Aukopa-eaikapbe, 7” 17 za w&:t74 ×b プべ, n. Something incomparable. Things differing from one another.
Aukoramu-oshma, Jo 7 a 5 Azi"$≫rr, v.i. To be in accord. To agree. To be agreeable.
Aukoramu-oshmap, Py: 5 Azo マプ。約束、一致。 n. An agreement. Accord. .
Aukoratchire, Jor) a 5 ≫# レ設サル。 v.i. To be pardoned. To be forgiven. To be pronounced innocent,
Aukosamba, Jor) a t?Jar?, v.i. and adj. To resemble one another. Like. Alike. Syn : Aukopa. Uanukopa.
Aukoshina, 77 7 a ?e:}", v.t. To tie together.
Aukotama, TP H =I 5r F, adv.
Collectively. Also v.t. To take in a collective manner. To add together.
Aukotunere, 7” E = V* le, v.t. To pass to one another to look at (as a treasure).
Aukowende, Jor} = 7 = C^7*, v.t. To stir up strife. To set at variance.
Aumshup, 77 A?e=-7, n. Heirlooms. Things handed down from father to son.
A-un, Poy 2, pro. We. The first person plural passive voice to verbs. As :~ A-un-kik, “we are struck."
A-un, アウン。 pos. pro. One's own. As :~ A-un-chishi, “one's own house.”
Auneraye, 7ty:k:54 =, Zoo., v.i. To enter in.
Aungeraitere, r?2*=4#v, ki v.t. To receive (as a prize).
Aungi, 77 e #, E. n. A fan. Syn : Apunki.
Aunki. Yaiparaparup.
A-un-guru, JPE > WJle, n. A neighbour. Syn : Aota-un-guru.
Aunki, Jor? ンキ。扇。 n. A fan. Syn : Apunki. Aungi. Yaiparaparup.
Aunnumba, 7” c 23K.A/$, v.i. To be pressed together. To be squeezed.
Aunochiubare, Jo y / 5 o 7 es lo, v.t. To have died.
Aunup, 777 3x7, adj. Tied. From yupu, “to tie.”
Auoniutasare, 717 zr= 174*** l≫, v.i. To change one's name. Syn : Aiyonitasare.
Auoniutasare-reihe, 7’f7z!r="7%t} レレイへ。 n. An alias. Same as Aiyonitasare-reihei,
Auoshmare, Jor: #"$arr Le, Wo v.i. To have become fully grown. As :~ Okkaiyo shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a man.” Shiwentep shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a woman.” Syn : Rupne. Shukupaokere.
Aupshi, 7772, Boe. adv. Upside down.
Aupshire, Jory 72e le, v.t. To turn upside down.
Aupushi, Joy 732, tv.i. To be strung together as onions or chestnuts.
Aure, 7: Le, v.t. To give.
Aureechiu, 77 Loat5sty, o, v.i. To be reverential. To stumble.
Aureerutu, 717 L~ir. Nol≫`>’, v.t. To push on one side with the foot.
Auripet, Jory ) ^?V, n. A canal. Syn : Ahoripet. Aoripet. Ausatuye, 7” y 9-24 =, v.i. To be cut in pieces. A-ush, アウ シュ。影響ヲ受ケル。 v.i. To affect. Act upon. Compare eush.
Aushitomap, Jory Co F o 7, n. Frightful things. Things to be feared. (pl.)
Aush-kina, 77 % ?e=+3", п. Апетоле dichotoma, L. Aush means “to affect.” This probably refers to the strong astringent taste of the leaves. The Ainu name means potent herb medicinal for colds.
Autea, v.i. アウシテッカ To be mas Aushtekka-wa-isam, sacred. アウシテッカワイサム。
Auss-mi, Jor? x=, n. Kalopanax, pictum, Nakai. It is also called Affush-ni and Sewatni in S. In H. it is called Ai-ush-ni, “thorny tree.”
| Autara, アウタラ, 親戚 n. Relations. Syn Apa-utara. Ramuchin,
| Autare, アウタレ,
| Autari, アウタリ,
Autasa-ashte, 773 to 7:25, x yu≫, Egi|7} = {{ xu~. v.t. To set at variance. To set up crosswise.
Autek, 7; 57 }, v.i. To be employed by another.
Automotnoka, Po? H + 9 s 37, adj. & v.i. Unlearned. To be ignorant. Not to know.
Autunashi, 7’roy oy:J- $2, 3E, 2 . v.t. To pound in a mortar. (pl. of the person).
Auturashi, 7” y 2 5 Eo, Same as Anutturashi. (pl.) To ascend a river in company with.
Autuwashi, Jor? / 7 ?e, adj. Brave. Bold. Heroic. Au-ush, Jor) ) > a., adj. Having points. Forked.
Auwa, Jo :) 7, n. Goldeneye. Fuligula clangula, Linn.
Auwa-otta, Jor) 73r ≫ &. ph. When there was none.
Auwatore, Jor) 7 H. Le, v.i. To be in order. To be correct. As :~ Itak auwatore wa ye, “to speak correctly.”
Auwatori, Jer, 7 H. J .圏エリ υ,?. and v.i. To be registered. To register, To be set apart. To enrol.
Auwatori-kambi, 7 of V H J 77.A. Es, n. A register.
Auwechiure, 7, 17 y 25-ry L, v.i. To come into contact with one another.
Aueotottere, 77 % = f H ≫ F Le, adj. v.i. Treading on one another. By some Aueotettere.
Auweunu, Jo 7 7 = 75%, adj. Complete.
Auwonnumgere, Jory y a 22 52 f., oro Lo, v.t. To choose out.
Auwonnuyetasare, Jo r} r} + CA 5K -f = タサレ, v.t. To translate.
Awa, 777, adj. Common. Ordinary.
Awa, アワ。 或時ヘ庇ノ語ヘ過去ヲ示シ ERRF ≫ X ≫ :E->- V . part. Aura expresses past time, and indicates that one thing having been done, another was commenced. This particle never finishes a subject. It is also sometimes like the adverb “as,” and sometimes like the conjunctions #? and,” * also.”
Awa, 777, n. Relations.
Awa, アワ。 adv. Ablaze.
Awacha, アワチヤ、親類、兄弟姉妹 n. Relations. Brothers and sisters. Syn : Awachin. Awachin, plural of Awa.
Awa-kina, 7° 57 +3-, n. Grass. Growing grass. Common grass.
Awe or Awehe, 717 +, 717 - ?, n. The voice. (The same as II Наи.е.)
Awe, n. Forks of trees. Triアウェ, utaries of rivers. BranAwehe, ches on the horns of deer. .Syn : Au , ??? ??: 7r
Awekatta, 7rl) = ?, y 4x, v.i. To rush in.
Awendarap, J”r: : , : 57, n. A dream. Syn : Tara.
Awendarapte, 7 ry - 2 Ar-375, v.i. To be caused to dream.
Awende, アウェンデ。破レタル。悪クサレ & vu. adj. Spoiled. Same as Chiwende.
Awepetetne, 7 r) =~&#Fy:k, v.i. To be unable to speak (as through cold or parched or stiff lips).
Awoshi, Jory + e, v.t. To tie together.
Awotereke, 77 ) + 5F L4-, v.i. To rush suddenly in (as into a house).
Aya, J***, n. Grains in wood. The lines of the hands.
Ayai-epirikare, 7474f + E U zh Le, Ex L., fl. 5 oz o. v.i. To have done one's self good. To have gained some
thing for one's self.
Ayaikikip, あやいききぷ, 危険ナル。adj. Dangerous,
Ayaikikipbe, あやいききぷべ, 危険ナル者。 n. Anything dangerous. Dangers. A dangerous person.
Ayaikikip-i, あやいききぷ・い, 危険ナルコト。 n. Dangers. Dangerous times or places. As ;~ Ayaikikip-ikoekari, “to meet with dangers."
Ayaishishire-ushi, アヤイシシレ・ウシ, 隠レ處。n. A shelter 避難所.
Ayaita-o, アヤイタ・お, 灸點(灸点:きゅうてん)スル。 v.t. To apply the moxa:
A-yakne, あ・やくね, 〜デ有ルナラバ。ph. If it were. If he were.
Ayaku, あやく, 破レタル。 adj. Burst.
| Ayange-kunip, アヤンゲクニプ, 供物。 n. A sacrifice. An offering.
| Ayangep, アャンゲプ,
Aya-ni, アヤ・ニ, エゾヒヨタンボク。 Lonicera Glehni. Fr. Schm. Honeysuckle. Called also Aina-ni in S. and Kasserochita-ni. In H. it is Kotorushini. The Ainu name means “arrowshaft.”
Ayapo, あやぽ, 嗚呼(ああ)、アヽ。exclam. Oh! An exclamation of pain. Syn : Ayo. Itasasa.
Ayatuka, あやつか, 〜デ有ルナレド。 ph. Though it is. Though he is.
Aye, あいぇ, 称セラル、名付ケラル。v.i. To be called. To be named. As :~ Ainu ari aye utara, “the people called Ainu.” Syn : Aporose.
Aye,あいぇ, ヤセテ味惡キ。adj. Lean and ill-flavoured.
Aye-hi, あいぇ・ひ, 言ハレシコ ト。 n. Speech. Anything said, or spoken. The way of calling or saying. Syn : Italk-hi.
Ayemonetoko, あいぇもねとこ, 甚だ、多く、酷烈に。 adv. Severely. Very much. Syn : Niwen-no- Yupike-no.
Ayep アイェプ, 称せられたる。例えば、セタアリアイエプ、犬と云われるもの。 ph. Things called. That which is called. Also a noun , a speech. Anything said. As :~ Seta ari ayep, “the things called dogs." Nei ayep anak ne wen, "that was a bad speech.”
Aye-wairure, アイェ・ワイルレ, 言語ヲ誤マラレル。 vi. To be caused to make a mistake in speaking 失言する. Syn : Itakpitaksakka.
Ayo, あよ, 嗚呼、あゝ。 exclam. Oh ! An exclamation of pain. As:~ Ayo habo, habo, “oh mother, mother." Syn : Ayapo. Itasasa.
Ayoaramuye, あよあらむいぇ, 裳をかかぐ。 v.t. To tie the clothes back (as when one wishes to work or run). Syn : Aearamuye.  ★かかぐ、って何だ? 掲げる?。結ぶ、じゃないのか。 muye って結ぶ、みたいだが。
Ayokitanne, あよきたんね, 流る(潮の)。 v.i. To flow, as the tide. Syn : Shiraraika. Shirara-pesh.
Ayokitakne, あよきたくね, 退く(潮の)。 vi. To ebb, as the tide. Syn : Shirara-ha.
Ayomnere, あよむねれ, 中止する(罰を恐れて)。 adj. and v.i. To be kept from doing something by fear of punishment.
Ayoro, あよろ, スズキ。n. A kind of perch. Lateolabrax japonicus, Т. and S. Same as Aioro, Airo.
| Ayupnishpake, アユプニシパケ, 兄。n. One's elder brother.
| Ayupnishpakehe, アユプニシパケへ,
Ayush-kina, あゆしゅ・きな, エゾクワンザウ。n. Hemerocallis Middendorfii, Traut. et Mey. The yezo day-lily. In S. it is also called Hoinuchiush-mun. Oinokishi-mun. In H. the names are also Chikap-kina. Kakkok-nonrio, Kuitopkina.



Excepting in Saghalien no inital sentence in Yezo Ainu properly commences with a b. But in composition p is often nigoried into b. For every word therefore having the initial sound of b the reader is referred to the same under p.
訳: 蝦夷(エゾ)アイヌ語では文頭が b で始まる単語は、サハリン(樺太)語を除けば基本的には無い。しかし、p の発音がしばしば無視されて、 b になることはある。従って、先頭発音が b だった場合、単語は p の単語を参照して下さい。


Cha, チャ, 大ナル、群集、多数ノ。 adj. Great. Many. 大きい、多い、偉大。
many = a. Inne/ poron no/ topa/ topaha/ tumu an/ akakoro/ toe/ toye/ tekoro/ kumbe/ komashka/ rup/ rupi/ anumse/ cha/ enete/ poroan. ; much = a. Poronno/ tekoro. ; big = a. Poro. ; large = a. Poro/ rui/ rupne. ; great = a. Poro/ pase/ rui/ shi. 】
cha, ちゃ, 長ケ短キ樹木。 n. Underwood 英語の辞書に無い. Spray wood. Twigs 小枝. Syn : Chaha. バカ検証 【長ケ短キ、って何だ?。読者をオチョクッテいるのか】
Cha, ちゃ, 圍、塀。 n. A fence. Hedge. Syn : Chash. Nau.
cha, ちゃ, 茶。 v. Tea.
Cha, ちゃ, 頭、口、顔。 n. The head. The mouth. The face.
Cha, チャ, 細カニ切ル、摘ミ切ル、 例セバ、 フムベチヤ、鯨ヲ切ル。 v.t. To cut up. To cut or pinch off as the heads of wheat, millet, barley etc. As :~ Humbe cha, “to cut up a whale.” Amam push cha, “ to pinch off heads of millet.”
Cha, ちゃ, 平ニ敷ク。 v.i. Spread out flat.
Cha, チャ, 時ト シテ單藪名詞ニ付加スル時ハ複數ニナスナリ。 part. Sometimes heard used as a plural suffix to verbs and nouns. 【動詞や名詞の複数化接頭辞として使われるみたい。】
Cha, ちゃ, 海岸、川岸。 n. The shores of the sea. The low banks of rivers. Syn : Sa.
Chabe, ちゃべ, 猫。 n. A cat. Also often called Meko. These words are also often heard among the Japanese of Yezo. Syn : Chape
Chacha, チャチャ, 老人。 例セバ, チャチャウタラ ウウェランガラプアンナ。 老人等ヨ吾汝等 ノ 安否 ヲ 問 フ。  An old man. Uncle. Father. As :~ Chacha utara, “ old men.” Chacha utara uwerangarap挨拶 an na, “ old men, I salute you.” 【an na ですネ、an na? ですか。】
Chacha, ちゃちゃ, 鋸(のこぎり)を以テ切ル。例セバ、コチャチャ、木ヲ鋸ル。 v.t. To saw. To cut. As: ~ Ni chacha, “to cut wood.”
Chacha-komon, ちゃちゃ・こもん, 鋸屑(のこぎりくず・のこくず)、ノコクズ。 n. Saw-dust.
Chaha, ちゃは, 條(コエダ)。 n. Twigs. Fine chips. Spray wood. Syn : Cha.
Chaichai, ちゃいちゃい, n. Spray wood. Twigs of trees.
Chaipuni, ちゃいぷに, 荷物ヲ運ブ船。 n. A large boat of Japanese make. A cargo boat.
| Chairak, チャイラク,
| Chairakchairak, チャイラクチャイラク,
To appear and disappear. To fiutter. 徐(しずかに、おもむろ)カニ走ル (犬狐ナドノ)。 v.i. To trot along in a gentle manner, as a dog or fox. Syn : Sambas. Tantariki no oman,
Chak, ちゃっく, 急ニ出ル。v.i. To pop out; to come suddenly out.
Chak, ちゃっく, 肥満ナル、脂コキ。adj. Fat, soft, flabby.
Chak, ちゃっく, 無。 adv. Without. Not
having. This word is sometimes used as a negative adjectival ending, and often appears in compounds. Thus: ~ Katchak, “weak in ability"; (lit: without tact). Syn : Sak
Chaka, ちゃか, 汚穢ナル。adj. Dirty 汚い. Filthy 不潔な. As :~ Chaka itak, “filthy speech.” Syn : chakkere. Ichaka. Ichakkere.
Chaka, ちゃか, 開ク。 v.t. To open. As:~ Apa chaka, “ to open a door.” Syn : Maka. Sarare.
Chakashnu, ちゃかしぬ, 教フ。 v.t. To teach.
Chakchak, ちゃくちゃく, ミソサザイ n. Japanese wren. Troglodytes fumigatus, Tem.
Chakchanki, ちゃくちゃんき, 前掛。 A female's apron. These were for merly made of bark thread. Syn : Pombake.
Chake, ちゃけ, 厭フ、好マヌ。 v.t. To disdain. To dislike.
Chakekoshne, ちゃけこしゅね, 誹ル(そしる)、ノノシル。 v.t. To slander.
Chaketa, ちゃけた, 側ニ。 adv. By the side of. On the threshold.
Chakhaugihe, チャクハウギへ, 婦人ノ襦袢。 n. An under garment worn by females.
Chakka,ちゃっか, 陥る、罠ニカカル。 To be caught in a Snare,
Chakka, ちゃっか, 揺カゴ。n. A cradle. Syn : Shinda.
Chakka, ちゃっか, 弱ラサレル、無クサセル。 v.t. To make weak. To destroy.
Chakke, ちゃっけ, 開キタル。 adj. Open.
Chakkere, ちゃっけれ, 穢キ。adj. Dirty. Filthy. Syn : Chaka. Ichaka. Ichakkere
Chakkerep, ちゃっけれぷ, 穢キ物(きたなきもの・汚)。 n. A dirty thing.
Chakkosamba, ちゃっこさむば, 掃フ、晴ル(複数)。 v.i. To clear away (as clouds). To disperse. (pl.)
Chakkosambare, ちゃっこさむばれ, 掃フ(複数)。 v.t. To clear away 一掃する・空っぽにする. To disperse 〜を消散[消失]させる. (pl.)
Chakkosanu, ちゃっこさぬ, 掃フ、晴ル(単数)。 v.i. To clear away (as clouds). To disperse. (sing.) To die away as sound.
Chakkosanure, ちゃっこさぬれ, 掃フ(単数)。 v.t. To clear away. To disperse. (sing")
Chakoko, ちゃここ, 学ブ、習フ。 v.t. To learn. Syn : Eyaihannokkara. Eyaipakashnu.
Chakoro, ちゃころ, 饒舌ノ。 adj. Talkative.
Chaktako, ちゃくたこ, 行燈(あんどん)、ランプ、提燈(ちょうちん) n. A lamp らんぷ. Lantern ランタン. Syn : Ratchako,
Chakte, ちゃくて, 放ツ(係蹄[けいてい]ナドヲ, 蹄 = ひづめ) To let off as a gin or snare:
Chaktek, チャクテク, 急ニ開ク、晴レ渡ル。 v.i. To open out suddenly. To clear. To become lively.
Chama-ku, ちゃま・く, 陷弓、オトシユミ。 n. A spring-bow. syn: Chiari-ku. Ku-amaku. Kuari-ku.
Chamchamse, ちゃむちゃむせ, n. The noise made by eating. Same as Chamse.
Chamon, ちゃもん, 上唇。n. The upper lip.
Chamse, チャムセ, 物ヲ食スルトキノ噛ム音。l 塁例へベエー フミ。物ヲ食 v.i. To make a noise (as in eating). To crunch audibly with the mouth. As :~ Paro chamse humi, “the noise made by eating.”
Chamse-chamse, チャムセ・チャムセ, 物ヲ食スルトキノ噛ム音。 v.i. The frequentative or intensified form of chamse.
Chan, ちゃん, 弱イ、低イ。 adj. Weak 弱い. Less 劣る・より少ない. Lower 低い.
Chanan, ちゃなん, 少シ、僅ニ、或時。 adj. and adv. A little. A few. Sometimes.
Syn : Pon no. Uturutaan range.
Chanan-no, ちゃなん・の, 粗末ナル。 adv. Badly. Slovenly. Syn : Shusan no.
Chanchan, ちゃんちゃん, 一歩ヲ進ムル。 v.i. To take a step forward.
Chanchanse, ちゃんちゃんせ, 物ヲ食スル時ノ噛ム音。 adj. Same as Chamchamse. Chamse and Chanse.
Changi, ちゃんぎ, 官吏。 n. A government clerk.
Chanka, ちゃんか, 弱クナル。v.i. To grow weak. Syn : Chakka.
Chanse, ちゃんせ, 物ヲ食スル時ノ噛ム音。 adj. The same as Chanchanse.
Chanup, ちゃぬっぷ, 目的、終局。 n. An object. An end. Syn : Ikkewehe.
Chape, ちゃぺ, 猫 n. A cat. Same as chabe.
Chapish, ちゃぴっしゅ, 耳語スル。 v.i. To whisper. To murmur.
Chapish-chapish, ちゃぴっしゅ・ちゃぴっしゅ, 耳語スル。 v.i. An intensified or frequentative form of Chapish ちゃぴっしゅ反復強調.
Chap-kina, ちゃっぷ・きな, ワラビ。 n. A kind of fern.
Chara, ちゃら, 口。 n. The mouth. As :~ Naichara, “a river mouth.” Syn : Charo. Para. Paro.
Chara, ちゃら, 散ラサレタ。 adj. Scattered.
Charage, ちゃらげ, 散ラサレタル。v.i. and adj. To be scattered. Syn : Apatu.
Charagere, ちゃらげれ, 散ラス。v.t. To scatter. Syn : Patu.
Charamakte, ちゃらまくて, 口ヲ全部開ク。 v.i. To open the mouth wide 口を広く開ける.
Charange, ちゃらんげ, 議論スル。 v.i. To storm. To argue. Syn : Rutke.
Charage-chikap, ちゃらげ・ちかっぷ, 雲雀ノ古名。 n. A legendary word for the skylark ヒバリの伝説名. (Lit. Arguing bird). ★バカ検証 【Charange の後】
Charapa, ちゃらぱ, 取頽ス(とりくずす)、混雑スル、亡ボス、例セバ、チセイチャラバ、家ヲ取頽ス。 v.t. To put into confusion. To pull down. To scatter. As :~ Chisei charapa. “ to pull down a house."
Charapa-charapa, ちゃらぱ・ちゃらぱ, 混乱スル、亡ボス。 v.i. An intensified form of charapa.
Chararage, ちゃららげ, 散ラサレタル。 v.i. and adj. Scattered. Syn : Charage. But chara means “to be scattered" of one's self, while chararage means to have been scattered by another.
Chararase, ちゃららせ, 急下スル、滴ル、流レル。 v.i. To slip down. To flow along. To shoot down rapids. To slide down a mountain side. To trickle down.
Charase, *far 5tz, v.i. To move. To shake.
Charase-nai, R & 5 to 3-4s, n. A water spring.
Chari, 5** U , v.t. To sprinkle. To scatter about. Syn : Patu. Patupatu.
Chari, * * J, v.t. To trample. To scatter.
Chari, 5** 9, §§yk + 1. adj. Lighted. As :~ Chari-abe, “a lighted fire.” Syn : Chi-ari.
Chari-chari, 5** 95Por J, #: 7 ×. v.t, An intensified form of chari, “to sprinkle” or “scatter.” Syn : Chatchari.
Chariki, * \ 9 #, #,. n. Sasa. Arundinaria. Charo, ** ra, E. n. The mouth. The mouth of a valley, glen, or stream. Syn : Chara. Para. Paro.
Charo-an, HF v DI J’A, adj. Eloquent.
Charoiki, ?* ≫ Ei 4 #, + 1. v.t. To nurse. To feed.
Charo-hokannashka, 5 v PazК? 22 シカ。 v.i. To open the mouth. To speak.

Charomakte, SF - F: TF 75F, v.t. To open the mouth.
Charo-nunnun, 5* * B. × 2.5 °, v.t. To kiss. To suck the lips.
Charopen, 5F x p ~$2", adj. Abusive.
Charopende, 5F x Da-S27*, Ea. EEEEE. v.t. To abuse. To scold. To speak against.
Charorumbe, :* E Jl.2°S, n. The mouth. (by some ... the tongue). The word means “the thing in the mouth.”
Charototke, ちゃろととけ, 音ヲ為ス、唱フ、物ヲ言フ、啼き聲ヲ為ス。v.i. To make a noise (as in weeping). To be fluent. To speak or say. To sing (as a bird). Syn : Chauchawatke. Chaurototke.
Charo-wen, ちゃろ・うぇん, 惡ク云フ。 Abuse 罵る(ののしる)、罵倒する.
| Charu, ちゃる, 口。 n. Mouth. Syn : Paro.
| Charuhu, ちゃるふ,
Charuge-sande, 5F v JLA;++j-:e5°, v.i. To be continually going or doing something. It is also applied to sound as of falling tree branches and the falling, dying noise of heroes in battle. It is akin to charase, “ move”; “ shake.” ≪
Charumbe, 5F * jL≫A~~8, n. The tongue. Syn : Parumbe. ≪
Charushbe, os A. jL≫$^^, £. n. A cork or stopper.
Charuwatore, 5F v JL 7 h Le, v.i. To be put in order. Arranged. To be set in rotation. To be put in rows. Syn : Saruwatore.
Chasak, 5F x +j-Z”, adj. Bare. Syn : Eniwa.
Chash, HF v ?e, n. A fence. A hedge. Syn : Cha.
Chash, 5F v ?e, v.i. To run. Syn : Pash.
Chashash, 3F v ?e v ?e, v.i. To run swiftly.
Chashchash, 5-v>f v Se, #2 - adv. Quickly.
Chashi, */Far $z, n. A fence, An enclosure. A castle. A fortress. Syn : Ankura.
Chashikara, 3F v Ze? 7, t v.t. To enclose. To fence in. Same as Chashkara.
Chashitui, 3= x 22 y 4, т. А house inclosure.
Chashka, 5F v Ee?i, v.t. Το hasten.
Chashkara, 3F v ?e ?, 5, 2.が。 To enclose. To fence in. Same as Chashikara. -
Chashkuma, F x ≫? 7, n. Cult. Doctrine.
Chash-no, HF v ?e /, adj. Running.
Chashnu, SF + S-5R, adj. Quick.
Chashnu, 5F * $25R, adj. Prepared. Beautified. Made ready.
Chasinu-i, チャシヌイ。準備セフレタル。 n. A place prepared. A beautiful place.
Chashnu-mimdara, ++$25.5 A, 37, n. The region immediately outside a house. An open yard.
Chashnu-no, 5** >5. A , adv. Quickly. Syn : Tunashi-no.
Chashnure, F v 2/5 le, v.t. To prepare. To set in order. To make ready.
Chashnu-tara, 5F-x $25X ^z57, adj. Clear. Open (as weather). Syn : Shitchashnutara.
Chashte, 5F<>57, v.t. To hasten. To accelerate. Syn : Tunashka. Tunashte.
Chataraye, 5** 3:5 of +, υ, ?. To surmise. To guess. Syn : Pataraye.
chatchari, To . . . * ? ?? ?? ?? ????? ? ? ,
sprinkle. To scatter. Syn : Charichari.
Chattek, same as Chaktek.
Chauchawatke, ***** 7 ≫3',si: +- xv. v.i. and adj. To be fluent. Syn : Charototke. Chaurototke.
Chauchawatki, ** foy5F* 57 y牛。?晋、 (ヘドタキノ音)ヲ立テル・|pi Tomake a swishing sound as of flying birds or arrows.
Chaunaraye, ちゃうならいぇ, 入ル。 v.i. To come in. To enter (as rays of light through a window) 入る(窓から光が入る様な).
Chaurototke, ちゃうろとっとけ, 能弁ナル。 v.i. To be fluent 流暢な、雄弁な、口のうまい. Syn : Chauchawatke.
Chausu, チャウス, 砦(とりで)。 n. Having defensive inclosures.
Chawauge, SF x 7 (74°, v.t. To chap. To crack.
Chawawa, ちゃわわ, 揉ム(もむ) v.t. To rub between the hands (as wheat or maize)両手の間でこする(小麦やトウモロコシを). Syn : Kisakisa. ★バカ検証 【揉ム(もむ)はオカシイ。 Kisakisa は、Kisa-kisa, きさきさ, 揉ム、錐揉ミスル。v.t. To rub in the hands as an awl or fire-stick 千枚通しや火箸の様に手でこする. To bore with an awl 千枚通しで、押しのけて進む/こする/孔をあける. Syn : Chawawa. Kisa.、こする、または、梳く(すく)である。】
Chayaige, チャヤイゲ, モツレタ・縮レタル。 adj. Standing on end (as one's hair).
Chayaise, ちゃやいせ, 騒々シクスル。v.i. To make a load noise. (Syn. Waise).
Chayaya, ちゃやや, ザラツク、アライ。 adj. Rough (as hair).
Chayaya, ちゃやや, 支へ持ツ。 v.t. To hold up (as claws) 保持する・持ち上げる・手を挙げろ(例えば爪、釘抜き) 【claws 意味不明.複数なので釘抜きでは無い。《指輪》宝石留めの爪・爪で保持する、の用例に近い。センス悪い。】
Che, ちぇ, 家。 n. A house. Syn : Chisei.
Che, ちぇ, 食シタ。 v.i. To have eaten.
Cheachiu-shiyeye, ちぇあちう・しいぇいぇ, 癲癇(てんかん) n. Fits 発作・てんかん・引きつけ. Syn : Pitketashum.
Cheappe, ちぇあっぺ, 私生児。 n. An illegitimate child. Syn : Chiappise.
Chearaita, ちぇあらいた, 無シ、当ラズ。 v.i. To be untouched. To escape untouched or unseen. To be without (as without a beard 顎ひげ or whiskers ほおひげ). As :~ Rek kuru poka chearaita, “ a young fellow without whiskers.” Syn : Chieahaita.
Cheka, Fa:7, n. The roof of a house.
Chep, チェプ ちぇっぷ, 魚、例セバ、チェプコイキ、魚ヲ捕ル。漁スル。 n. Fish. Called chiep in some districts. Chep atkochi, “a fish's tail.” Chep koiki, “to fish.” Chep rupi, “ a shoal of fish.” Chep tui, “ fish entrails.” Chep up, “the soft roe of fish.” Chep mim, “the flesh of fish.” Chep ram, “fish scales.” Chep ra, “fat round the entrails of fish.” By derivation chep means “food.” The word chep applies to all kinds of fishes. It is short for chi-ep which means “our food” or “what we eat”.
Chep-chiporo, ちぇっぷ・ちぽろ, 魚ノ卵。 n. The spawn of any kind of fish with the exception of that of herrings. Herring spawn is called homa.
Chep-ehapuru, 5F = 7 +/v7 Dle, H2 v.i. To become soon hungry.
Chep-e-kotan, 3==7:r. =a & lo, n. A village where there are fish. (Lit: “fish eat village.”)
Chep-enishte, 5* +7==>7, so 7 # ~ /v. v.i. To be able to endure hunger well.
Chepeu-kute-kina, 5-2-1725:#3-, n. Iris Nertschinka Lodd. Syn : Chipeukutekina. The name means water-sucker-herb. The plant thrives in wet places.
Chep-furukappo チェプフルカッポ,固 n. Old fish-skins.
Chep kap, f- ?7 7p7, n. Fishskins.
Chepkap-hosh, 5F=7 357 zk?e, § 2 #2. n. Leggings made of fishskin.
Chep-mokrap, ++7= *77, 2 #. n. The pectoral fins of fishes.
Chep-motot, 5F =7-E H. oy,
n. The back-bone of a fish.
Chep-oma, ++7++, v.t. To kill fish. Syn : Chep noye. Chep raige. Chep-koiki.
Chep-oma, F=7 zirr, v.i. To starve. (Lit. To lay fish aside.)
Cheppo, 5F = y zist, п. А young fish. A little fish.
Chep-ra, 5* ... W 5, ??, Fat round the entrails of fish.
Chep-ram, ちぇっぷ・らむ, 鱗。 n. Fishscales.
| Chep-rup, チェプルプ ちぇっぷ・るぷ,
| Chep-rupi, チェプルピ ちぇっぷ・るぴ, 魚丿群。 n. A shoal of fish. Syn : Chiwash.
Cheshikiraine, ちぇしきらいね, 憐レム。 v.t. To pity. Same as Chieshikiraine.
Cheuko, +-ya, gof, n. Twins. Cheure, 5F = } Le, n. A foot. The toes. Syn : ChiureChi, HF, pro. We. The first person pl. pronoun. Also, “ my.” As, Chi unita an ya ! “Has he returned home yet!” Syn : Chi okaiutara. Chiutara.
Chi,チ, 此ノ字ヲ他詞丿前ニ加フル時ハ自動詞ニナシ又ハ形容詞 トナル, 例セ丿ヾ, チぺ レ バニ, 割 リ シ木。 part. When the particle Chi is prefixed to some nouns and active verbs it has a kind of adjectival and passive force. As : ?Mipi, “clothing.” Chi-mipi, “ ready made clothes.” Pereba, “to cleave.” Chipereba ni, “ cleft wood.” Chi, HF, adj. Wet. Dirty. Muddy. Filthy.
Chi,チ, adj. Cooked. Ripe. Dry. Dead. Withered.
Chi,チ, part. Some times used as a plural suffix to nouns. As pe, “water ”; pechi, “ waters.”
Chi,チ, n. The privates. S???
Chiai, ::=7° 4 , n. A cork. A stopper. Syn : Chiaye. Konko chi.
Chiai, 5-74, oz. v.i. To be at one. United. Conjoined.
Chiai, 5-74, H. n. A layer. A flake.
Chiai-ush-chep, ちあい・うっしゅ・ちぇっぷ, イトウオ。 n. The stickle-back. Pygostetts lymansis (Nikolsky).
Chiama, 5-7-r, adj. Set. Placed.
Chiama-ku, #77 o’, s. n. A spring-bow.
Chiama-ya, 57*.*, n. A large fish-net.
Chiani-ku, 5-7 - 5, n. An ordinary bow.
Chiannure, 3F7° 25' Le, v.i. To be forgetful. Absent minded.
Chiapakore, 5F7* = Le, び.が To treat hospitably.
Chiappise, SF7? ≫ Etz, n. A bastard. Syn : Apiya. Cheappe.
Chiara, 5-75, adj. Bright. Beautiful.
Chiari, F 7 J, adj. Lighted. Kindled. As :~ Chiari abe, “an already lighted fire.” Syn : Chari.
Chiari-ku, +7° 92,I;... n. A springbow.
Chiaye, f-7’4 -, z n. A cork. A stopper. Syn : Chiai. Konkochi.
Chichap. 5-5* x 7°, n. Sasa morpha purpurascens, Nakai ; var. Borialis, Nakai. The name means having spray i.e. having many leaves at its tip.
Chicharapa, 5F5F x 5 a §, adj. Numb. Benumbed.
Chichari, 5F5F * 9, adj. and v.i. Scattered. Dispersed. Spread out. Syn : Shicharichari.
Chicharichare, 5F5F v J 3F v le, v.t. To scatter. To trample on.

Chichatchari, #F5F y ≫ F4 ) , EEA adj. Scattered. Syn : Achat chari.
Chichikeu, 5F5F45-7, n. An apparition, Spectre.
Chichip, 5F5F7, n. Shooting pains.
Chichipiyere, 5:RE4 - Le, : : F #25 oz. v.t. To remind one of the faults of his parents.
Chichira, 5F5F5, n. A kind of fish (Jap. Una).
Chieahaita, ?*:t7.ww4 54, adj. Untouched. Lacking.
Chieanup, 5:75.7, of J. n. A charm. A lucky thing.
Chieappise, Fr. Jo ≫ Etz, ?。 A bastard. A half-breed.
Chieattuye, 5R5E7 ≫ ≫?f =, n. A man’s spoon.
Chiehaita, ***.ww4f &, v.i. To be without. Not having. Syn : Chieraita.
Chiehomatu, 5F:Ezker y, v.i. To be surprised at. Startled.
Chiehorokakep, 3F:Ezk Di 3b4-7, 3. n. Name of a kind of inau or willow offering to the gods.
Chieiki, 5**E4f a, v.t. To do personally.
Chieikip, **4f *7, n. What one personally does.
Сhieikip, ちえいきぷ, 包丁、小刀 n. A knife. Chopper. Syn : Makiri.
Chieishunge, Far. Af Sea. 24”, ff: n. A deception.
Chieishungerep, 5-r.f ?ea. Ar Le7, Erf. n. A deception. A lie.
Chiekik, £:E4 + 2, [.. v.t. To touch. Syn : Chieotke.
Chiekot, #:r.=a ?y, v.i. To die of anger. To kill one's self in wrath. Syn : Kem-ekot. Yaichepekote.
Chi-e-kunip, 5-iro E7, ?。 Necessary food. Syn : E kuni aep.
Chiemetup, チエメツプ, 饗應ノ時ニ婦人ニ分與スル酒 n. A portion of wine given to women at some of the Ainu feasts. Same as Chimetup. Syn : Emetup.
Chieninuibe, ちえにぬいべ, 枕。 n. A pillow. Syn : Aeninuibe. Chiminuibe.
Chienuyekara, ちえぬいぇから, 輪廓(りんかく)ヲツケラレル。 v.i. To be outlined (as shafts of light shining through a window across a room.)
Chieoma, ちえおま, ツキ立ツ。 v.i. Sticking into. Syn : Aeoma.
Chieomare, ちえおまれ, 混淆(こんこう)スル、交雑スル。v.t. To mix with. To hold intercourse with. Syn : Ukopakaumu.
Chieotke, ちえおっとけ, 触レル、當ル。 v.t. To touch. To strike against. Syn : Chiekik. Tomooshima.
Chiepanup. ちえぱぬっぷ, 女ノ頭巾。 n. A woman’s head-dress. Syn : Chipanup.
Chiepara, ちえぱら, 廣イ。 adj. Broad.
Chipara mina, チエパラ ちぱら みな, 微笑ム。 v.i. To grin (歯を見せる)にこやかな笑顔、はにかみ. Laugh. ★バカ検証 【Chiepetu の前。発音もメチャクチャ。バカ丸出し。校正していない。】
Chiepetu, ちえぺつ, 指デ魚ノ腹ヲサク。 v.t. To split fish from head to tail with the fingers in order to clean them. When done such are hung over horizontal poles to dry in the sun and air. The poles are called nau.
Chieraita, ちえらいた, 持タヌ、無シ。 v.i. To be without. Not having. Syn : Chiehaita.
Chieshikeraine, ちえしけらいね, 憫レム、憐恤スル。 v.t. To pity. Same as Cheshikiraine.
Chieshinnuye, ちえししんぬいぇ, 録サレタル、記サレタル。 adj. Written. Syn : Anuye an. Eshinnuye.
Chieshirikikkik, ちえしりきっきっく, 震ヘテ鳴ク(風邪ガ戸ヲ打ツ如ク)、揺ガス、強ク響ク。
v.i. To Bang as a door by the wind. To rattle. To jar.
chieghitchari, ****** 9 * ;t; v & v. v.i. and adj. Scattered. Dispersed. Syn : Aechitchiare.
Chieshungere, ******** po, ; 2. v.t. To practice deception. Syn : Aeshungere
Chieshungerep, チェシュンゲレプ。 n. A lie. A deception. Syn : Aeshungerep
Chiesonere, 3or / HR lo≫ adv. Truly, - - chiesorore-guru, *r.yn l~%M: 客 DNA n. A visitor. Syn : Areshirikush guru
Chietattari, ちえたったり, 扇ぐ(あおぐ)、上下ニ動ク鳥(尾ノ如ク)。 v.i. To move up and down (as the tail of a bird).
chietaye-sei, ***4 =t24. n. Scallop. Pecten yessoensis, Jay,
Chietoi, or F -s, so H. (6:35), n. Diatomacious earth.
chietomai, 3-a: F +4, st?:BE ZETA Geo. “place containing diatomacious earth.” In full this name is Chietoiomai the parts of which are as follows: Chi a particle which makes active verbs into passive ones; e, “to eat"; chie is “eaten SO that the chi has an adjective force also. To is earth from which the i has been dropped because of the o following it; oma is “containing,” and the final i is the locative particle “place.” Thus, Chi-e-toi-oma-i “place where there is diatomacious earth.” Such earth is taken and cooked in stews.
Chietu, ちえつ, 岬、鼻。 n. A sharp cape. The nose. A projection. Syn : Etu.
Chieturi, ちえつり, 戸棚。 n. A cupboard. A room protruding from the sides or ends of a house:
Chieuitak, 5F+?-f3 ? ? v.i. To converse together.
chieukaramu, **7%?** adj. Of late maturity:
Chieuko-an, P=937’’, to v.i. To bear twins.
chieuramtekuk, ******??* 留 v.i. To persecute. Syn : Keshke
Chieure, for 2 lo, 74. The toes. The feet.
chieyainutasa, ****f**** wit. To be thankful.
Chifuye, *7 f => v.i. To burn. Same as Chihtiye.
Chifuye-kina, ちふいぇ・きな, アマニウ (方言)。 n. A kind of plant used as food. Angelica edulis, Miyabe. Same as chihuye and chishuye. The stalk of this plant is eaten by the Ainu either raw or dried. It has a sweet taste. It is much hunted after by the children. For preserving, the stalk is cut into short pieces, skinned, split, and then dried. Some Ainu prefer to eat it boiled soft.
Chihauge, ちはうげ, 静カナル、徐(しずか)カナル。 adj, Soft. Silent.
chihaye, *^4 =, v.t. Το be lost. Syn : Aturainu
Chihayere, Fav-f = Los :2 . . . To lose. Syn : Turainu- -
chiheshui, 2°~~>=.4 ≫ v.i. To sit and sleep.
Chihetuku, F~ V?, vi. To come out. To have grown.
Chihetukure, *^%/% V^, 52^ 22 v.i. To appear. To rise (as clouds).
Chihokambare, ちほかむばれ, 六ケ敷キ。 adj. Difficult.
Chihoki, SFzRHF, n. Merchandise. Skins and furs. Syn : Chighoki.

Chihoma, Fzker, ν.?. Το suffer hurt.
Chihoma-ni, #zko E, n. A wooden grave-mark.
chihomatu, ****yc, adj. Dreadful. Fearful. Shocking.
Chihotke, #zR*y 3r, n. A loin cloth. Syn : Eratkip. Tepa.
Chihuye, 5-7 f =, Erz = 2, (?i=i).n. A kind of plant used for food. Angelica edulis, Miyabe. Also called chifuyu or chishuye. The name means “cooking herb.” It is eaten green, boiled, toasted or dried. Said to be very sweet.
Chihuye, 5-7 f =, ov. v.i. To burn. Same as Chifuye.
Chiinirarakka, R4 и 557 ≫?j, adj. Slippery. Syn : Rarak.
Chiiriwak-kore, 5F4 ) 7 ≫ : Le, y Tu y =#|Ex ov, v.t. To treat as a relative.
Chiishitomare, 5F4 ≫ H G Le, yo, jo. v.i. To be frightened.
Chi-itakte, 5-4 of 5:57, v.i. To divine. To be seized with a spirit of divination. To prophesy.
Chiitasare, 3-4 3: 9- Le, v.i. To change.
Chiitasare-guru, 3-4 &#L WIL, ?E n. A maniac. A person out of his mind. An imbecile.
Chik, 3-9, fiziz. v.i. To drop as water. To drip.
Chika, HF ?i, n. A bird. Same as chikap.
Chikai, F#, f, adj. Winding. Crooked. Same as Chikaye.
Chikai-anu, 5-7, f 75%, v.i. To die. To faint through an accident. To faint away. This word is also sometimes used as an adverb; “ suddenly,” “unexpectedly.” As :~ Chikai anti wa rai, “ to die suddenly." Syn : Ekushkonna sambe-toranme.
Chikai-chish, 5+774 5*$2, n. A winding narrow path. A precipitous rugged place. Same as Chikaye-chish. Syn : Chish. Nangashke chiukush. Wenshiri.
Chikama, ##p-r, adj. Convulsed.
Chikama, 5**yoz, ijF. x. l v.i. To SteP Over.
Chikama-ni, ちかま・に, 敷居。 n. А door sill.
Chikama-ni, ちかま・に, 魚を乾ストキニカケル木。 n. A pole upon which to hang meat to dry.
| Chikambe, チカムべ,
| Chikamge, チカムゲ,
樹木又ハ塀ナドニ積止マリシ雪。 n. Snow settled upon trees or fences. Syn : Hashka-omap.
Chikando, ちかんど, 曇空、天。n. Clouds. Sky. The heaven.
Chikao-pero-ni, ちかお・ぺろ・に, ミヅナラ。 n. A kind of oak. Quercus serrata, Thunb. Same as chikappero-ni. Syn : Shi-pero-ni.
Chikap, ちかっぷ, 陰茎、(賤語。) n, Slang for Chi or chiye, the privates.
Chikap, ちかっぷ, 鳥。 例セバ、チカプチシ、鳥ノ啼聲。 n. A bird of any kind. As :~ Chikap chish, “a bird's song." Chikap etu and chikap etukepushbe, “ a bird's bill." Chikap hawe ash, “the bird sings.” Chikap ishi, “a bird’s tail.” Chikap saye, “a flight of birds.” Chikap oropeka inu. “ to listen to the birds.” Same as Chika.
Chikap, ちかっぷ, 五葉松。 n. The five headed pine.
chikap, ちかっぷ, 樹皮。 n. Bark of trees and plants. Dry skin. Syn : Kap or Kapu.
Chikap, ちかっぷ, 漏ル。 adj. Leaking.
Chikap-hup, チカップ・フップ, ゴエフ マツ。 n. Pinus pentaphylla Mayr. The
fine leaved pine. The Ainu name means “bird pine.”
Chikap-kapa, ちかっぷ・かぱ, 弱イ。 adj. Weak. Fragile. Dry.
Chikap-kanchi, ちかっぷ・かんち, 鳥ノ翼。 n. Bird's wings.
chikap-ka-oreu-ni, ちかっぷ・か・おれう・に, 棲木。 トマリギ。 n. A roost 止り木・ねぐら.
Chikap-kina, +37749", ≫. Homerocallis Middendorffi, Trautv. et Mey. Also called in H. Kakkok-nonno. Kuitop-kina. In S. it is called Ayush-kina. Hoinuchiushmun. Onokishi-mum. Chikap kino means “bird herb.” By some it is called “cuckoo flower”; by some “goose herb"; by others “wolf killing weed.”
Chikap-konkoni, ちかっぷ・こんこに, 鳥ノ羽毛。 n. Feathers.
Chikap-kutchi, #7, 97.5 y?, n. Actinidia Kolomikta, Maxim. It is also called in H. Chikap-pungara. Кати?pungara. In S. it is Chirikishi-ni.
Chikapmoma-ni, #7,7+**, . n. S. Chenopodium album, L. Also in S. Chikappo-maugi. Chikapponoya. In H. it is Tonkirorokoro.
Chikap-muk, 5F?57 A?, n. Asparagus schoberioides, Kunth. In H. also called Menash-kina, Nupshungu, Topishki-mun, Raikamuikina. Wild asparagus. The name means “bird poultice.”
Chikap-nok, チカプノク ちかっぷ・のっく, 卵。 n. Bird's eggs 鳥の卵.
Chikap-pero-ni, ちかっぷ・ぺろ・に, ミヅナラ。 n. A kind of oak. Quercus serrata, Thunb. Syn : Shi-pero-ni.
Chikappo, ちかっぽ, 木造流行病除(よける)ケノ神符。 n. A kind of charm made of elder used to drive away sickness and contagious disease 病気や伝染病を追い払うために使用される年長者のまじないの一種.
Chikappo-kina, 5**g y ***-, n. Impatiens Noli-tangere, L. The Saghalien name is Nikiniki-kina,
Chikappo-nati, チカッポマウ, バラ、オタカネベラ ヨヘマナス・ n. Rosa acicularis, Lindl. var Gmelini, C.K. Schum. Also called in H. Ponchika-mau. In S. it is Kimum-matoni. Mau-ni.
Chikappo-mau-ni, o ?, , its of ウニ。 See Chikappo matt.
chikappo-noya, ++, ≫i, Z”, Same a Chikappo-mau-ni.
Chikappui, F?y ≫74f, n. Caltha palustris L. tar. sibirica, Regel. Marsh Marigold.
Chikap-pungara, +3,772 hoo & + + + a × e.. n. Actinidia Kolomikta, Maxim. It is also called Chikapkutchi. In S. it is Chirikoshihi-ni. Chikap-rap, ?99), : Chikap-rapu, wings. By some, . チカプラプ。 “feathers.” chikap-riya-kina(s). Atribe* patula, Lodd. The Ainu name means " bird perennial herb."
Chikap-set, +*v7?tz‘X’, n. A bird’s nest.
Chikap-set-an-ni, #3,7tzo P2 =, n. Micromeles alnifolia, Koehne. Also called in FI. Iwapbe.
Chikap-shiukina. チカプシウキナ Caelopleurum Gmelimi, Ledeb. The name means “bird bitter herb.”
Chikap-shungu, ?? *y 7 Sz??? ング。 n. A kind of Spruce tree. Picea Glehni, Mast. Called Arakoi-ni in S.
chikaptekkup, **17#97, n. Wings.
Chikap-tokusa, #7,7 F.2%, n. Equisetum arvense, Lodd. Syn : Ota-shipship.
chikarakarase, **15717tz,
≫ juv. v.i. Rolled up.
Chikap-toma, +377 Fo, n. The yellow star of Bethlehem. Gagea lutea Ker-Gawl. The Ainu children eat the bulbs of this plant after roasting in a fire. The leaves are also put in soups.
chikap-uru, F?57 y?l, "FREE: D) Ezo. n. A garment made of birdskins. Also “bird-skins."
Chikarakapse, F?,5 #7tz, v.i. To quiver.
Chikarakarabe, SF2h Szh S-S, A". Fancy needle-work. An embroidered dress. Syn : Chikemekarabe. Chikiribe.
Chikarakara-kosonde, #3,757 F ツンデ, n. Garments made of Japanese material but embroidered Ainu fashion.
Chikar'ibe, ちかり いべ, 野菜草根及び果実等を合わせて作れる食物。 n. A dish made of vegetables, roots, and berries mixed.
Chikashinninup, ちかしんにぬっぷ, 守護神、おまもり。 n. A charm used to keep off illness or bad luck. Syn : Aenupurube. Aeshiship.
Chikashnukara, ちかっしゅぬから, 幸運なる。 v.i. To be fortunate. To have special favour from the gods. To be blessed. To be lucky.
Chikashnukarape, ちかっしゅぬからぺ, 恩恵、実。 n. A treasure 宝. A blessing 恩恵・恵み・祝福.
Chikaye, ちかいぇ, 曲がりたる。 adj. Winding. Crooked. As :~ Chikaye ru, “a winding path." Same as Chikai.
Chikaye-chish, ちかいぇ・ちっしゅ, 険(けわ)しき曲途。f =??, # y #. n. A winding, precipitous, rugged place. Same as Chikai-chish. Syn : Nangashke- Wenshiri.
Chikchik, ちくちく, v.i. To drop as water. To drip.
Chikemekarabe, ちけめからべ, 縫箔 n. An embroidered dress. Syn : Chikarakarabe, Chikiribe.
Chikere, or L., ( , 12, #2 L. v.t. To touch. Syn : Temba.
Chikerep, FO- Le7, n. Something scraped.
Chiketoi, 3-4- H -f, п. S. А house porch.
Chiki, F#, 塁ン写エス●室区空クエ公温 post. If. When. As :Ku oman chiki ku kara kusu ne, “I will do it if (or “when”) I go.” Nukat'chiki nure wa un kore, “ if you see it let us know.” -
Chiki, チキ、シボル(午乳ク如キヲ) v.t. To milk (as a cow).
Chiki-ne-wa, 5*##7, ph. If it is so. Ne wa with chiki does not finish a sentence, something else always follows. As :~ An chiki ne wa pirika, “if it is so, then it is well."
Chikiri, 5+* 9, n. The legs. By some “the feet." As :~ Chikiri asam, “the soles of the feet.” Syn : Kema.
Chikiri, 5F* 9, n. A lump. A heap.
Chileiri-ashikipet, 3=== 97° Eoarios y, n. The toes.
Chikiribe, F+ ) ^?, n. Ornamental clothes. Clothes ornamented with fancy needlework. Syn : Chikarakarabe. Chikemekarabe.
Chikisa, ***, n. The process of drilling fire.
Chikisa-kara, 5* ++???, 擦シテ火ヲ作ル・ v.i. To make fire by rubbing sticks together.
Chikisa-ni, P?th-, n. Ulmus propinqua Koidz. In S. it is called Kara-ni. The dried roots were formerly used in producing fire.
The Ainu name means drill tree. This is because fire drills were made out of the roots.
Chikisa-ni-karush, F#-## = ?, Jle$/, n. A kind of mushroom (Pleurotus) which grow on the stems of fallen elm-trees. It is used as food by the Ainu after being well boiled. It is very delicious.
Chikisap, 3F ++j-7 , v.t. To strike fire with a flint and steel. A fire drill.
Chikisap, 3F###7, n. A slope. A hill-side. Syn : Huru-kotoro.
Chikishirototo, 5 + E DI H h, v.i. To rub an itching Spot.
Chikka, 5F ≫ ?i, i? z x. v.t. To drop as drops of water. To let drip. Syn : Chikte.
Chikka-tokusa, + yj; F **, n. S. Equisitum palustre, L. In H. Toshipship. a kind of horsetail.
Chikkiri, 5F≫* 9, n. The name of a game somewhat resembling drafts. (See Ukonittupte).
Chikko, + ya, #5:... n. An old man.
Chikna, 5F } }", v.i. To Chikne, #2 #, drip. Chiko, 5-1, # =. adv. With. Together.
Chikoapushke, , 5>=u77 $^4%r, pl. v.t. To be wounded. To be torn as by a bear. Syn : Piri-ao.
Chikobap, *=u a&7, = ** ... s≫. n. A beetle. Syn : Chikubap.
Chikoe, HF:n art, v.t. To eat with. As :~ Emo shum chikoe, “he eats fat with the potatoes.”
Chiko-hummore, 5*H 7AHE L', v.i. To be quiet. To be come silent. To stand still and listen.
Chikoibe, 5F a fos, 32. One's own food.
Chikoibep, n. One's own eating utensils.
Chikoikip, チコイキプ。生物 (魚鳥獣ノ n. Animals of any kind whether of land or sea.
Chikoinepi, チコイネビ。自分ノ食器 n. One's own special utensils.
Chikokarakari, ERE 75 a 7, 9, i-E2! pu, ; , Jo, v.i. To have become entangled. To be done.
Chikokari, v.i. Same as Chikokarakari.
Chikokatpak, 5RE % ≫ ys%, ei?: ** Sins. Misdemeanours. Evil acts done.
Chikokatpak-ki, 5== % %K: EF, # 7. :Ex. V.i. To commit sins.
Chikokatpakte, FE 35 v SZ, F,##> ?E v.t. To make sin. To fix sins upon a person. To condemn.
Chikokoi, n. The kidneys.
Chikonoiba, ちこのいば, 流レ滴ル(したたる)。 v.i. To run round. To trickle as blood from a wound. To run as grease from a candle.
Chikonoitek-ohau, E-E / ・f 5-27272N n. A special dish made for the weary.
Chiko-okere, v.t. To bring to naught. To finish.
Chikopte, v.t. To slay.
Chikoptep, EE 7-F-7, See ChipopleP.
Chikoramo, υ,i. Το be borne along by spirit impulses (as for example the Shaman when exercising psychic functions).
Chi-koro, pro. Our. Same as Chikot.
chikoro-chimakani, == az-zza-, n. Sculpin. Gymnocanthus intermedius, T. & S.
Chikosamtek, EEEE| Jazo 2, iE i X o , adj. Spotted. Having dirty spots. Syn : Chikoatchi.
Chiko-seshke, FEtz >>r, E2 - A
zolo, PHax. v.i. Closed. Shut up.
Chikoshinninup, Eff (# = ff & *** チコシンニヌプ。 + y ). n A charm. Chiko-shinnuka, An amulet. Syn : チコシンヌカ。 Aenupurube. Aeshiship.
Chikoshiripire, 5-a $2 ) E L', # 7 BE + ≫v yv. v.i. To be caused to return something.
chikot, * a y, a, & v. pro. Our. Same as Chi-koro.
Chikotachi, 5F a &#F, F##3" > r3- pl-. adj. Spotted. Syn : Chikosamtek.
Chikote, Fa#, ## Ji (;##), v.t. To tie up (as a horse). (sing).
Chikotpa, . Fa ≫vs, ## Ju- (##), v.t. pl. of chikote.
Chikte, 5-2 5*, i? > x . v.t. To drop, To allow to drip (as water), Syn : Chikka.
Chikuba, チクバ。 Chikubaba, チクババ。 r&- yv yl. v.i. To be bitten by an animal. To be set upon (as by an animal). Syn : Akubaba. Shitashke.
Chikuba-kikiri, 5** **:## 9, a ##. 2, so v $. n. A beetle. Syn : Chikobap.. Chikubap.
Chikubap, チクバプ。黒キコガネムシノ *?. n. A beetle. Syn : Chikobap.
Chikube-ni, 5-2 os=, A x = o soa-. n. Maackia amurensis, Rupr. et Maxim var. Buergeri. C. K. Schm. This tree is used as a charm against disease. The bark is believed to have a poisonous property. It is externally applied on the body where there is internal pain.
Chikuikui, 5.2, 4 5 -s, ? s # 2. v.i. To be gnawed. Syn : Akuikui.
Chikumun, 5-47.A, >, * -r ~~~~~ a. n. Anaphalis margaritacea, B. et H. f. Pearly everlasting.
Chikuni, チクニ。樹木。例セバ、チク= 2, 4, , z?. 2 #. n. Wood and trees of any kind. As :~ Chikuni awe, “branches of trees.” Chikuni ham, “leaves of trees.” Chikuni hap, “tree leaves.” Chikunisempirike, “the shade of trees.” Chikuni Shinrit, “the root of trees.” Chikuni shuppa kara, “ to make a bundle of wood.” Chikuni tek. “branches of trees.” Chikuni retara kami, “the white wood in trees found near the bark." Chikuni raun kami, “ the heart of a tree." Syn : Ni.
Chikuni-avve, 5-2 =7* y =, zk 2 E. n. The branches of a tree.
Chikuni-ikpui, %- 27 = 4f 47 74, z{< z Ho ?s. n. The heart of a tree. Syn : Chikuni-osshi. Chikuni-raun-kami.
Chikumi-kunne-kamihi, FO = } * ?. S E, ?e v ?s. n. Same as above.
Chikuni-muye, 5** = A f 2, #2 R. n. A faggot of wood. A bundle of wood.
Chikuni-nirek, F2) == Le ?, jas3$. n. Lichens.
Chikuni-osshi, 5** Ezo y >, ZS 2 LA. n. The heart of a tree. Syn : Chikuni-kunne-kamihi.
Chikuni-pe, 5** = ~, zo. 2 ##f. n. Sap of a tree.
Chikuni-pon-ikoro, 5°% = z?? >?f E. II, of # 2 #7]. n. Small wooden treasures of the shape of ancient swords.
Chikumi-potoki, **47 =* F =*, z%. n. A wooden idol.
Chikuni-ras, 5** = 7×, 7&#. n. Shavings. Chips of wood. Syn : Корра.
Chikuni-shikai, # 2? = $ 33-f, zk#?. n. A wooden peg. Syn : Nishikai.
Chikuni-tokum, F^ = F * A, ZS 2 §. n. A knot in a tree. A knob on a tree.
Chikumi-tope, * 47 = F ~s, z* 2 Eifm. Tree sap, Syn : Chikuni-pe.

Chikuni-tumanma, 5>47 =%’-roz, zs 2 *.. n. Trunks of trees.
Chikup, =2, 7, fx 2. = F. n. A drinking. A sitting to drink. Syn : Ikup.
Chikurure, 3-3 v Lo, ?kov, ? ?**. v.i. To come. To pass. To cross (as a bird the heavens).
Chikusa, チクサ、輸入ノ。例セバ チク + r v a a, #7\ z j. adj. Imported. As :~ Chikusa ashkoro, “imported wine.” Syn : Arutu. Chiyange.
Chikusa-ashkoro, 3-2, 97° 2 =a ra, H. n. Sake. Rice wine. Syn : Chirutu ashkoro; this word mean “ Imported wine.”
Chikusa-guru, 3F2 + Y Wle, # / 4. n, The herd-boy star. Also a ferryman.
Chikush, 5.5 ×, # * * *, v.i. To be passed over.
Chikushi, チクシ, 途、道。 n. а path. A road, a mountain track.
chikush-ru, ちくっしゅ・る, 途、道。 n. A path. A road. Syn : Chikushi.
chikutakuta, ?-Zy 4x4x 4, # 9”. v.t. To sprinkle.
Chikuwaikara, 5-2, 7 f 55 # 7 # 7. v.i, To be afflicted with apoplexy or fits.
Chikuwan-turi, 5-2, 7 o' W, H H = %Hol. v.i. To stick out straight.
Chima, ***, £ * * ≫v. adj. Roasted. Roast. Toasted. As :~ Chima chep, “roasted fish.” Syn : Ama.
Chima, 5-z, #ff, ?i 3j z ?r. n. Scales. Dead skin.
Chimaire-kamui, 5-a - L 37A f , H zoo. n. The Emperor of Japan. A governor. Syn : Ahekote mishpa.
Chimaka, ** %, ##* * v. adj. Open,
Chimakani-chep, ちまかに・ちぇっぷ, カジカノ総称 n. A kind of sculpin. Also called ten-chimakani and pet-kotchimakani. ★バカ検証 【 Chimaka-ni の前】
Chimaka-ni, ちまか・に, 先端ヲ割リテソレニテ物ヲ挟ム木。 n. A piece of wood split at the top to hold birch bark for lighting purposes.
Chimakanit, 5-7 h = '>', # * #. n. A roasting spit.
Chimakekatte, ちまけかって, 開放。 v.t. To push back (as sliding doors) 引き戸を開ける(押し戻す). To open. ★バカ検証 【動詞である】
Chima-kina, ++++, w F. n. The spikenard plant. Aralia cordata, Thunb. Also called Chikappo-ni in H. and Sewa in S.
Chimakpa, * * * ?$, B# * *. adj. Opened up.
Chimaktekka, jer 3 7 9 ?i, ti 7. v.i. To rejoice.
Chima-o,チマオ。痴アル、カサブタアル・ adj. Scabby. Same as Chima-ush.
Chimaukara, F-r : #55, kfst * *. v.i. To scald or burn one's self.
Chima-ush, 5-re ? $e, Bir vie, ?, * 7" 4, 7- ≫v. adj. Scabby. Same as Chi3%&-0.
Chimayamaya, +****, #(x +)?" yl. v.i. To itch.
Chimba, チムバ。手探ル 例セバ ムン チム ベ ワフ ナラ、草ノ中ヲ手探グル。 v.t. To feel for. To search after by feeling. As :~ Mun chimba wa httnara, “to search after by feeling in the grass.”
Chimba-chimba, ちむば・ちむば, 手探ル。 v.t. An intensified form of Chimba.
Chimemke, チメムケ, 短ク切ル、剪ル。 adj. and v.i. Cut close. Shaven. As :~ Sapa chimemke, “to have the hair shaven off or cut close.” Chimemke sapa, “ a shaven head.”
Chimeshmesu, ちめっしゅめす, 荒ケタル、鋸歯(のこぎりば)状ノ。 adj. Jagged. Syn : Notako-notako. Uturu-uturu chimesemesu.
Chimetup, チエメツプ, 饗應ノ時ニ婦人ニ分與スル酒  n. A portion of wine given to women at some of the Ainu feasts. Same as Chiemetup. Syn : Emetup.

Chimi, ちみ, 手探る。 v.t. To feel after. To search after by feeling. This word is the singular form of Chimba.
Chimi-chimi, ちみ・ちみ, 手探る。 v.t. An intensified form of chimi. To feel after. To search out. When applied to human beings this word has a bad meaning. Thus, Ainu chimi-chimi, “to search out a man” i.e. “to pick out his faults. あら探し”
| Chimip, チミプ,
| Chimipi, チミピ, 著物 n. Attire. Clothing. As :~ Ku goro chimip, “ my clothes.”
Chimina, ちみな, 笑う。 v.i. To laugh.
Chimina-chaute, ちみな・ちゃうて, 笑う。 v.t. To chuckle. Laugh.
Chimomdum, ちもんづむ, 力、権威。 n. Strength. Power. Authority.
Chimondum-kore, ちもんづむ・これ, 強むる、権威を與ふる。 v.t. To strengthen. To give authority to a person.
Chimonushka, ちもぬしゅか, 甚だ多忙。 adj. Very busy.
Chimoyemoye, ちもいぇもいぇ, 動く v.i. To move.
Chimoyomoyo, ちもよもよ, 僅かなる、稀なる。 adj. Few. Scarce.
Chimotbe, ちもっとべ, 首掛玉、記章。 n. A necklace. A badge. バカ検証 【Chimoyomoyo の後】
Chin, 52, ##" Juo. v.t. To spread out. To stretch out.
Chin, 5* >, ##, A. n. The pelvis. The top of the legs.
Chin, * >e, §§ 2 s~ yv &. A plural particle. Thus ramuhu, “an elder brother"; ramuhu-chin, “elder brothers.” Shu, “a pot”; shu-chin, “pots.” Sometimes heard as shin.
Chinana, ちなな, 乾魚。 n. Fish which has been cleaned and dried in the sun unsalted and with the heads left on. See satchep.
Chinanarange, 5F3-3-5 e Ay”, f. v., j?k 2, ju,. v.i. To fall down. To be de ceived. To be put out of countenance.
Chinene, 5*:k:k, ## / A#, n. A kind of cramp. Pins and needles. Chinene attacks the hands, arms, feet and legs. Syn : Tukunne,
Chingara, チンガラ。乾スタメニ療ゲル。 v.t. To spread out skin to dry.
Chingeu-pone, 3F e Ayor) ##, ##. n. The pelvis. Same as Chinkew-pone.
Chingi, 5->:#3, #, §. n. Edge. Border. Hem. Lappet. Same as chinki.
Chinika, チニカ。一歩、脚。例セバ、チ= zj z =, ?3£ 7 i x vv. n. A step. The legs. As :~ Chinika puni, “ to take a step.” Chinika turi, “to stretch the legs.” Chinika takne guru, “a person who takes short steps.” Chinika tanne guru, “a person who takes long steps.”
Chinika, 5FE7, 3%. n. A dream.
Chininiap, F ==777', # ##. n. A kind of decoy used in catching river fish. Syn : Apniniap.
Chininuibe, F = 5x4 ^$, $t. n. A pillow. Syn : Chieninuibe.
Chinirarapare, ちにららぱれ, 附シテ座ス。 v.i. To sit with bended head as in deep respect or thought. Syn : Hepokiush. ★バカ検証 【イメージ出来ない】
Chinisap, ちにさっぷ,Chisei-sapa, 急ギテ。 adv. In haste. As :~ Chinisap karabe, “a thing done in haste.”
Chinishkotesu, +=. 5% -15°7, (= K. 7. v. t. To touch the clouds.
Chinishteramikore, 5F = $e5*5 A = L, |##|x xi-, # #* >L. v.t. To oppreSS. To be hard upon.
Chinishteramkorep, 55 = > 5-5.5-? L7, oft|, ##. n. Oppression. Hardness of heart.
Chinita, #=#, #. n. A dream. A nightmare. Syn : Wendarap. Tara.
Chinita-ki, チニタキ。
Chinita-koro, チニタコロ。 3 s 212, v.i. To dream. To have nightmare. Same as Chinita-nu}zara. -

Chinitankashure, 5f = & 2 h >= Le, ## 7. v.i. To race. Syn : Uwetushmak.
Chinita-mukara, + = & 5.335, # s 21. v.i. To dream. To have nightmare. Same as Chinita-ki, Chinita-koro.
Chiniukesh, チニウケシ、出来ズ、能ヘ x. v.i. To be unable. Chiniwenka, 5F = } x > 3b, #21. v.i. To become excited with rage. Chinkanokush, 3F Le?i A ? $a, $ = fs. 2L. v.i. To fall backwards. Chinkanpayotne, HF e zh > 2 § = }/#, f# = MF v ?. ?. 7 # 7. v.i. To fall over backwards with outstretched legs.
Chinka-paye-turituri, 5 A ?rt f - у リツリ。潤歩スル。劇シク歩ム。張ク歩ム (& y 32 R. A / I 27). v.i. To stride along (as in anger).
Chinkara, チンカラ、療ゲル(動物ノ皮 3- y 7 ?E zi x 3 x ). v.t. To spread out (as the skins of animals to dry). To cut strips of meat to dry: also fish. Syn : Ketunchi kara.
Chinkeu, 5F e 5-7, #R, X >>?ajE. n. A root. An ancestor. Forebears. Chinkeu-pone, 52 oro?i?:k, ##. n. The pelvis. Chinki, 5->+, ## / #. n. The edge or lappet of any part of a garment. Same as Chingi.
Chinkotoro, *> ci F. ra, TR £. n. The under part of the thighs. Syn : Hochin.
Chinna, ちんな, 壕、溝。 n. A ditch. Syn : Chirinnai. Pechiri.
Chinna, ちんな, 骨盤。 n. The pelvis. The top of the legs. Chino, +/, # 52 x 7L. Cooked.
Chinomi, f- / s, #?#, 3Z 2s###%. n. The worship of the gods with libations. -
Chinoramuike, je / 5.L. f \r, #Hij. n. The place aimed at in shooting. adj. Ripe.
Chinore, f / Le, j?k 27. v.t. To deceive. To counterfeit. As :~ Chinore itak ki, “to deceive by word of mouth.”
Chinorep, # / L?7, f##%, n. An imitation. A deception. Chinot, 5F A :y, #, ##. n. The chin. A blunt cape.
Chinowainure, * A’ 574! 5X L≫, 3s > F° # 9 no. v.i. To be nearly killed. To come near meeting with an accident.
Chinoye, チノイェ。投加(ネチ)レタル、飾 * L & jul. adj. Twisted. Curled. Trim med. Ornamented. Chinoye-tat, 5 / 4 = 3, .y, ; 2 zk = 5. £F 9 s”; PJ H 2 #yk. n. Birch bark twisted so as to form a torch or light.
Chinru, チンル, 雪下駄、カンジキ。 n. Snow-shoes. Syn : Teshma.
Chinuchakchakka, 5F5F5F v O 5° x ≫ zh, ###x no. v.i. To strive. Syn : Uwetushmak.
Chinuchanuchakka, 3-53%F.*5X%F.x. y 2, ###x plc. v.i. To strive. To vie. Chinuina-korobe, 5°524f + a plo?, ? FH. n. The physician's word of the vagina. Syn : Achike, Chinunukeambe.
Chinunuke-ike. Chinukara, 5F5 #5, H. 7 lo vie. v.i. and adj. To be seen. Seen. Visible.
Chinukarabe, 5F5X?y 5 ~S, H = Jl. EM. n. Something to see. Anything to look at.
Chinukara-guru, */+53 *j547’/L≫, H! z 4. n. The north star. A guardian. Also called Chinukara-kamui, i. e. “Divine guardian.” Festive bears are supposed to become such when killed at the Iyomande or bear festival, Iyomande means, “sending away.”
Chinumumu, 5F5. A.J., ## 1. v.i. To be stopped up. Syn : Anumumu. Chinunuke-ambe, 55.5 or 7.A.", so FT. n. The vagina. Syn : Achike. Chinunuke-ike.

Chinunuke-ike, 3-5x5x4 --f 5-, ?FH. - ... n. Vagina. Syn : Achike. Samam be. Nuina-korobe. All but nuina, orobe are considered slang. Chinurakote, 5-5:5:15, j: x Jl. v.i. To be convicted. Condemned.
Chin-uturu, 5** 72 sle, 骨盤ノ上部。 n. The fleshy part of the pelvis.
Chinuye-pira, 5-5 f = E5, 3:#: 7 # sy roto. n. A rock having inscriptions upon it.
Chioboshmamba, F#">#$27.6, 1$, FJ £ v +. adj. Ridiculous. Funny. Syn : Aitakboso.
Chiochiutekka, F2; F. 75-925, E. ?. v.i. To reach to (as sound). To traverse.
Chiochiwe, F#-#Fr} =, ffj v plo, 落ル。 adj. and v.i. Fallen. To fall.
Chioeroshki, 5F**.p $^=+, % Z Pia = B = Wr y. v.i. To stand out in separate to shafts. (like rays of light).
Chioikare, チオイカレ。上ヲ越サルル。 * v.i. To be passed over, as a tree or house by a bird.
Chioinep, チオイネプ。 自分ノ食器。介a. One's own food vessel.
Chioinephi, #2-4 zo. 7 t, st?. n. Eating utensils. Chi-oka, **%, ## x. pro. We. Same as Chi, chi-okai, chi-okai-utara. Chi-oka-gusu, 5F zrzy ? X, ## / ? =. ph. For us. On our behalf. Same as Chi-okai-gusu.
Chi-okai, 5*zjrjj4f, § x, §£. pro. , We. Same as Chi, chi-oka, chi-okai14tara. Chi-okai-gusu, SFzrzj -f XX, F4£ ≫ f. =. ph. For us. On our behalf. Same as Chi-oka-gust.
Chi-okai-utara, Fzr?i f t} & 57, EF *. : pro. We. Same as Chi-oka, chi-okai.
Chiokapapa, チオカパパ。前ニ屈ム(大 =#2 H + 2 is] × ). v.i. To lean forward (as in laughing heartily). Syn : Chiorewewe. Chokapapa.
Chiokaukap,チオカウカプ。縫箱シタ衣 HR. n. An embroidered dress. Syn : Chikennekarabe.
Chiomap, 5*** 7, & + 7 v \ yv. adj. Beloved.
Chiopentari, *z*^&24; 9, iasj x, yv. v.i. To fall down with the heels in the air. Syn : Opentari.
Chioranrani, 5oz?o? 25:, ; y + + 2. v.t. To do. To put away.
Chioraye, f-zi-5:z, #-t= * :* y . v.z. To put. Place. To move to.
Chiorange, 5F#5 24", TF zv. v.i. & v.t. To come down. To descend. Let down. Chiorauge, F# 5 : Ay', # > x, v.i. & v.t. To miss. To be behind hand. Syn : Aorauge.
Chiorewewe, 5F2} L } = 7 = , E = }} , (#3, #2 F + 2 p. 27). v.t. To lean forward (as in laughing heartily). See Chiotesusu. Syn : Chiokapapa. , Chorewewe. -
Chioshin, 5F#$≫ A, ##, # $ $ . n. Joy. Pleasure.
Chioshka-saranip, +z?o?y??o = 7, 木皮ヲ以テ作ラレシ籠 n A kind of basket ornamented with coloured bark or reeds.
Chioshke-sapa, 5-2->++, K, ##(y A $7) 7 #212. v.i. To have the hair plaited on the top of the head. Chiotanne, Fzrast o:k, a 7 +. n. The wooden framework used round a hearth or fire-place. Syn : Inumbe.
Chiotanne-turi-guru, ちおたんね・つり・ぐる, 炉辺ノ人。親シキ人 n. Avery dear friend. A close friend. A person upon whom one depends (lit: “a hearth framework person). A metaphorical phrase indicating love, trust, endearment or friendship; the chiotanne of a hearth being supposed to embrace one of the most important and sacred places in a hut. Syn : Chiotanne-ainu. (Masc.) Chiotamne-mat. (Fem.)

Chiotari, ちおたり, 後ロヘ蹴ル。 v.i. To kick out from behind as a horse. Syn : Chiotari. Hoketu.
Chiotesusu, チオテスス, 反身シテ笑フ。 v.i. To lean back (thrusting the stomach forward) as when laughing heartily. As :~ Mina gusu chiotesusu, “to be bent back and forth in laughing.” Same as Chotestosu. Syn : Chiokapapa. Chiorewewe.
Chioushikara, ちおうしから, 置カル。 v.i. To be placed. To be set (as a house upon a hill).
Chioyange, ちおやんげ, 漂着スル。 v.i. To be cast ashore as a wreck or dead fish.
Chioyapte, チオヤプテ, 舟ヲ陸ニ引上ゲル。 v.t. To drag a boat to shore.
Chioyaush, ちおやうしゅ, 舟揚場。 n. A beaching place for boats.
Chip, ちっぷ, 舟。例セバ、チプアリアルラ, 船ニテ送ル。 n. A boat. A ship. As :~ Chip ari arura, “to send by boat.” Chip atap, “ the boat rolls.” Chip chiuende, “ a shipwreck.“ Chip erau oma, “the boat sinks with the waves.” Chip erik oma, “the boat rises with the waves.” Chip ivapte, “to unload a boat.” Chip kan ita, “ the top board of a boat”; “the bulwarks.” Chip kiri, “the ribs of a boat.” Chip koiyange, “a boat to be cast ashore.” Chip kuta, “to turn a boat upside down.” Chip nanta, “the bows of a boat.” Chip o, “to sail in a boat”; “to work a boat.” Chip o guru, “a sailor”; “a boatman.” Chip okanchi, “a rudder.” Chip orowa no yan, also, Chip orowa no oashin, “to land”; “to go out of a boat.” Chip orun ahun, “to board a boat.” Chip orun ichipo, “to load a boat.” Chip osoro, “a boat's stern.” Chip otta kusa, “to load a boat.” Chip paruru, “the top edging of a boat.” Chip sapa, “the bows of a boat.” Chip sei, “the skeleton of a boat.” Chip sange, "to land a boat.” Chip sanita, “the deck of a ship.” Chip shua, “to be sea-sick.” Chip-shikeka, “a boat's deck.” Chip umta, “a boat's stern.” Chip wende, “to be wrecked.” Chip yange, “to haul a boat ashore.” Same as Chis.
Chip, チプ, 陰門(賤語) n. A slang word for the vagina.
Chipa, ちぱ, 切リカヽル。 v.t. To strike at with a sword.
Chipa, ちぱ, 望ム。 v.t. To hope.
Chipa, ちぱ, 一杯、十分、溢レル、透ル。 adj. and v.i. Overflow. Exude. Filter through. Quite full.
Chipa, ちぱ, 見出サレタ。 v.i. and adj. Found.
Chipachipa, ちぱちぱ, 望ム。 v.t. To hope for. To long for. To expect. As :~ Ku keutum ta ku chipachipa kane hum ash, “I feel a longing for something in my heart.“ Nishatta yuk kam ku e kuni ku chipachipa ruwe ne, “I hope to have some venison to eat tomorrow.” It should be noted that kuni generally precedes the word chipachipa as illustrated in the last of the preceding examples.
Chipahau-ushka, ちぱはう・うしゅか, 云フ、告ゲル。 v.t. To say. To tell. As :~ Usakatneka chipahau-ushka, “he says various things.” Syn : Opahau-ush.
Chipanup, ちぱぬぷ, 女ノ頭巾。 n. A kind of head dress worn by women at feasts when they wait upon the men. Syn : Aepanup. Chiepanup.
Chipap, チパプ, 見出サレタモノ. n, Something found. Something discovered.
Chiparase, ちぱらせ, 現ハル。 v.i. To appear. To be depicted, as anger upon the countenance.

Chiparasere, Fr?5tz Le, B***. v.t. To make appear. To show as anger upon the countenance.
Chipaske, 5* * x or, Burnt black.
Chipaskuma-koro, Fusz ?*H H, 臀 2. v.i. To be surprised or startled. As :~ Ingara chipaskuma koro, “to be startled at seeing something.”
Chipaskuma-koro, 5***2. クマコロ。停 説ヲ告グル u.t To recite traditions. To tell of ancient things.
Chipasusu, *z$zzc, i:^. %]**, * クチベススワキラワペイェ。鹿ヘ散リ走 v y. v.i. To disperse. To scatter. As :~ Yuk chipasusu.wa kira wa paye, “the deer scattered and ran away.” Syn : Eukopi-eukopi-kira. Ukoopiu.
Chipasusure, †rszz L, #?? x. v.t. To disperse. To scatter. Syn : Eukopi-eukopi-wa-kirare. Uko-opiUsif@?
Chipat, f-rs'y, % / jEF"j. n. A fish's ???l?Chipatuye, Foxy-f =, # 7 TF z. v.t. To launch a boat. Chipayaige, *us* ?f*, %i£*. adj. Irritable. Chipekare, 5f-~&?, Le, 7.2+, BH "-- v.i. To go in or out. As :~ Koro uni chipakare, “he entered his home.” Chipereba-ni, 5F-81-8+, #7E. ”. Cleft wood. Fuel.
Chipeshishte, 3=~$$a$e5', # 2, . v.i. To go along. To proceed. Chipeukote-kina, +-sty-5F++, r + x . n. Iris Nertschinka, Lodd. Iris. By some called Chipeukute. Syn : Chipeukte.
Chipeukute-kina, +* * * 7 ++, y + x . n. Iris sibirica, L. Also called Chipeukute-kina, Kakkok-kina, Kambintiyep. Chipiyak, of E**, *. n. A snipe. £ £ z. adj.
Chipiyeba, 5F E4f = v.s, R / 44. n. A kind of shell fish. Chipiye-guru, 5F E4 = WJle, ?#fE. n. A half-caste. Syn : Apiye-guru.
Chipiyep, 5* b. 4 + 7, ##. n. A halfbreed. The child of an Ainu and Japanese.
Chipiyep-korobe, HFE4 - 7 E. R. “, ###. n. A half-breed. A term of reproach.
Chipiyere, チビイェレ。古キ罪ヲ顧ヘセ 212. v.t. To remind a person of his faults.
Chipiyeto-sei, 5F E4 = Hotz 4s , R / 4. n. Winkles.
Chip-kes-hum, ちぷ・けす・ふむ, 舟ヲ漕グ音。 n. The sound made by rowing a boat.
Chipkottush, of 7 a y y >, ###. n. A mooring cord. Chip-man-un-kiri, 5+7=}">> ** 9, # 5 # z. zo. n. The piece of wood placed across the bows of a boat.
Chip-ni-susu, ちっぷ・に・すす, ヤマネコヤナギ、バツコヤナギ。 n. A kind of willow. Salix Hultenii, Flod. Syn : Chipsusu.
Chip-o, #F7+, iE ?”. v.t. To row.
Chipo-eto, 5-zit-ri F, #H. 2 #. n. Any Κind of gastropoda. Syn : Chipiyetosei. Chipo-yeto.
Chip-o-hau, 5 y 7+/v7, ##k. n. A boat song.
Chipo-kot-tush, F4 ka vyryx, # = f; or no. n. A boat cord. Mooring rope.
Chipoho, +zi:zk, :f. ph. My son. My child.
Chipoka, チポカ。子ヲ産ムコト n. Child-birth.
Chipoka-ekahuye, 5-itz-3, 74 = + y H. E.” A (##2). v.t. To nurse a woman during child-birth.
Chipoka-ekahuye-guru, ちぽか・えかふいぇ・ぐる, 産婆。 n. A person who
nurses another during child-birth. A mid-wife.
Chipoki, ちぽき, 陰部。 n. The vagina.
Chipoko-kina, +*=> *3-, -r yl-2s * ty a. n. S. Ligusticum Hulienii, Fernald. Also called Furekina.
Chipon-minap, soft 2:3-7, # 2 + 7 ##x not H. n. A fish-roe crusher. Syn : Chiporo-ninap.
Chipon-nina-pon-nima, 5*** = };it ンニマ。魚ノ子ヲ砕ク小サキ器. n A small wooden tray or dish with a spout, used for smashing up fish roe.
Chipoptep, *y-xE75?7, ?-ja v jic. n. The name of a poison made from Zanthoxylum, Picrasma, and Leucothoe. wood. Syn : Chikoptep.
Chipori, ) # / 95 (; 7 & 2). n. The 5**k 9, spawn of any kind of fish Chiporo, excepting herrings. Her5*zh R, 2 ring spawn is called Homa.
Chiporo-ande, 5f-3H D?7725', #FF x v (#). v.i. To spawn.
Chiporo-ninap, +zion: 3-7, § 2 + 7 ##x juva H. n. A fish-roe crusher. Syn : Chipon-ninap.
Chip-oro-one, 5-7 i ra:#:#, J# = 3? ≫L. adv. Aboard a boat.
Chiposhpare, 5-7, 22 a $ Lo, y # pl . v.i. To shine through as light. To pierce through.
Chipoyan-i, テポヤニ。上陸場、埋頭.n. A landing place.
Chipo-yeto, 5F;ft:r. H., $ H. / 43. n. Any kind of gastropod. Syn : Chipiyeto-sei.
Chippo, 5-yz?o, H. 2 #. n. Seed pod. Syn : Seiya-ap.
Chip-susu, チプスス。ヤマネコヤナギ。 As y a +, +- +... n. A kind of willow. Salix Caprea Flod. Same as Chip-niS?#S2#. - ?hip-ta, *742, 3t,zkji}- z §%≫v. v.i. To hack out a boat. To make a dug-out boat.
Chipta-chikap, 3F7 &#F?y 7, 2; -w 3° 3. n. Great black woodpecker. Picus martius, Linn. Syn : Chipta-chiri.
Chipta-chiri, 57.4% of J, 2. ~ * *... n. The black woodpecker. Syn : Chiptachikap.
Chirai, ちらい, 底ノ方。 adj. Low. Below. Under. Syn : Chirama.
Chirai-chep. ちらい・ちぇっぷ, イトウ。 n. Blakiston's trout. Hucho blakistonii, (Brevoot).
Chirai-kara, チライ・カラ, 魚ヲ釣ル。 v.t. To fish for trout トラウト(サケ科の総称)を釣る.
Chiraima-chiri, ちらいま・ちり, オシドリ。 n. Manderin duck. Anas galericulata, Linn. Also “grebe by some 場合によっては、カイツブリ、の意.” ★バカ検証 【Manderin は、スペルミス。正 Mandarin】
Chirairep, チライレっプ, 遺産相続品。 n. Heirlooms. Syn : Eikeshkorobe.
Chiraitem-mun, ちらいてむ・むん, タチモ。 e. Sargassum.
Chirama, ちらま, 最下ノ、低キ。 adj. Low. The lowest. Syn : Chirai.
Chiramantep, ちらまんてっぷ, 熊。 n. A bear. The general name for bears. Special names are as follows: ~ Shiyuk, “a he bear.” Kuchan, “a she bear.” Hokuyuk, “a man eating bear.” Peurep are cubs in their first year. Riyap are cubs in their second year. Chishurap are cubs in their third year. After the third year a cub is called Chiramantep kamui, or kim un kamui. The brown bear, which is the only species in Hokkaido is the Ursus arctos, L.
Chiram-o, チラム・オ, 預言的前兆ヲ持ツコト。 adj. Having a prophetic foreboding.
Chiramrarire, ちらむらりれ, 保護スル。 v.t. To take care of. To preserve. To keep safe and happy. Syn : Chishikrarire. Koshiratki.
Chirange ashkoro, 5-7 or PS/2 R, 粟類ニテ造ラレシ酒. n A kind of drink made from millet. This is a
pure native drink and is said to have been used by the Ainu before Japanese sake was introduced.
Chirarakka, *55 ≫%, #**) +- ≫v. adj. Slippery. Syn : Chiinrarakka.
Chirarire, チラリレ, チキソベ、カスル, # v sv. v.i. To be close upon. To graze. To touch.
Chirarire, チラリレ。後ヨリ往ク。従フ。 v.t. To go after. Syn : Kashirari ≪0]filmla1il≪
Chiraske. F5 X 5-, # 7. v.i. away.
Chirashnuka, 5F5 ?e5 #7, ER V 3. vie, 彩色シタル。例セバ、チラシヌカサラ= 7*, £%£, * * v * yvaii. adj. and v.i. To be striped with colours. To be of various colours. As :~ Chirashnuka ... Saranip, “a basket ornamented with various patterns.”
Chirasmokina, #5 x*E=#3-, - b > Ju + 7. n. Majanthemum dilatatum, Nels et Machr. S. H. Kisarabeop.
Chiratchitkere, : 95-94-L',: : Jl. v.t. To be suspended. To hang. Syn : -- Aratkire.
Chiratchitkerep, 55 yo-y or L7, § y se E ≫ . n. Anything suspended (as a pot over a fire, a lamp from a ceiling, clothes from a line, etc.). Syn : Aratchitkerep.
Chire, チレ。蒸過ギル、炎キスギル、ひた To overcook. To burn. To cook. To roast. To dry up. As :~ Amam shuye wa chire, “put the rice on and cook it” -
Chire, チレ。日光ニ晒ラス。例セバ。ム ンシュクスチレ、草ヲ枯ラス v.t. To expose to the sun. To put to dry in the sun. Also v.i. “to be scorched.” This word is always preceded by shukus, “sunshine”; but is never applied to drying fish. As :~ Mun shukus chire, “to make hay.” Shukus chire wa ku kapu pichitche, “ my skin is peel Clear ing through exposure to the sun.”
Chirekte, */> L≫475°, j} x yv. v.t. To play (as a musical instrument).
| Chirekte-huttara,) a 7 x ~ y y, k ty チレクテフッタラ。 +. n. Cacalia
| Chirekte-kuttra, hastata, L. Also チレクテクッタラ。 called in H. Fetkuttara, rekkuttara, wakka-kut, wakkakuttara. In S. it is called Chirekte; pet-kutu. “playing pipe.”
Chirektep チレクテプ。楽器ノ類、音ヲ ?z ≫l~=e Z. n. A musical instrument of any kind.
Chirekte-top, 5* L. 25 H 7, #. n. A flute.
Chirenga, F. Le 27H, HX ≫L. v.t. To acquire. To prosper.
Chirepnaoshkep, F. Le 7 d- † 25-7, #, #5. n. A cord used for tying up boxes and for general purposes.
Chirewerewe, f. Le r} = Le 7 =, # * # a 2. v.i. To grow more intense (as fire).
Chireske, * V・z4r, ii * v &. adj. Brought up (as a child). With a view to marriage in the family.
Chireshke-mat, ちれっしゅけ・まっと, # h s/ 7 v#?r. n. A girl brought up in a family for the future wife of a son (but younger than her fiance). See Ukoreshke-machi.
Chiri, 5- ), #, ##. n. A ditch. A tube. A pipe. Syn : Pechiri.
Chiri, チリ, #. n. A bird of any kind. This word, though used in some districts as chikap, in others very often occurs in compounds. Thus:~Kapachiri, ,, an eagle.” Retat'-chiri, “a wild swan.” Mame-chiri, also amame-chikap, “ a sparrow.”
Chirikari-chisei, 5F ) h ) Frtz f, $ y ##H. n. The frame-work of a house. Syn : Chisei-niye.
Chirikinka, Hf, 9 =* >’*j, E. o?yl≫. v.t. To raise up high.

Chirikipuni, ちりきぷに, 直立スル(山ノ如シ)。 v.i. . To stand up (as a large house or high mountain).
Chiri-kishi-ni, ちり・きし・に, ミヤママタタビ。 n. A Saghalien name for the Alctinidia Koloznikta.
Chirikoraye, ちりこらいぇ, 回復スル、晴ラス、強メル、上ゲル、甦ラスル(よみがえる)。 v.t. To revive. To clear away. To strengthen. To raise. To lift up.
Chirinnai, チリンナイ, 細流ノ川、水管、溝。 n. A very small stream.
Chirinnane-san, ちりんなね・さん, 跡ヲ残ス(蛇、蝸牛ノ歩ミシ如ク)。 v.i. To go along and leave a continuous trail behind as a snake or a worm.
Chiri-po, ちり・ぽ, 小鳥。 n. A little bird. A young bird of any kind.
Chiripui, チリプイ, エンコウサウ。 n. Caltha palustris L. var, sibirica, Reg. Creeping Marsh Marigold. - Syn : Chikap-pui, Chiri, like chikap, means “ bird.”
Chiriri, ちりり, 漏レル、滴ル(したたる)。 v.i. To trickle. To drip (as water). To slip through.
Chironnu, ちろんぬ, 殺サレタ。 adj. Killed.
| Chironnu-furep, チロンヌ・フレっプ,
| Chironnu-fureppo, チロンヌ・フレッポ,
ゴゼンタチバナ。 n. Dwarf Cornel. Dogwood. Cornus canadensis, L. The Ainu name means “fox-red berry,” and “small fox-red berry.” The plant with its berries are so called because they are the colour of the red fox when ripe. The flower is white. Syn. Rehamushi.
Chironnup, ちろんぬっぷ, 狐。 n. A fox. In some places called furep which means “a red thing,” “a red animal.” The proper names for foxes are :~ chironnup, shttmari, and shitumbe. Shitumbe is generally applied to the black fox. The word chironnup enters into the names of two other animals, viz, Upas chironnup, “ermine” (lit: snow fox), so called because in winter its hair is said to change in colour from black to white; and Wor'un chironnup, “a river otter” (lit: water fox). The usual name for “river otter” however is Esaman. The skulls of foxes are used for divination by the Ainu men.
Chironnup-kina, ちろんぬっぷ・きな, キミカケサウ、スズラン。 n. Lily of the valley. Convallaria Keiskei, Miq.
Chirosh, チロっシゅ, 熊祭ニ用ヰル尖ノ鈍キ矢。 n. Blunt arrows used to irritate bears in the bear feasts. Syn : Akshinot-pon-ai. Akshinot-pon-guru.
Chiroshki, チロシキ, 引ク(幕ナドヲ)。 v.t. To draw (as window curtains or blinds).
Chiroshne-chep, ちろっしゅね・ちぇっぷ, 魚ノ類。 n. Sea-poachers (including several species).
Chiroshnu-cheppo, ちろっしゅぬ・ちぇっぽ, 魚ノ類。 n. A kind of small salt water fish. Probably the white-bait.
Chirotto, Geo, “bird-breeding-lake.”
Chirui, チルイ, 高慢ナル、倨傲(きょごう、おごりたかぶる)ナル、狡猾ナル。 adj. Boastful. Haughty. Sly. Insolent.
Chirunnu-fureppo, ちるんぬ・ふれっぽ, ゴゼンタチバナ。 n. Cornzus canadensis, L. Called also Rehamush in H. In S. it is Kakka, kakkap, kakka-ni.
Chirura, ちるら, 運バレタ。 adj. Transported. Brought. Carried.
Chirutu-ashkoro, ちるつ・あっしゅころ, 日本酒。 n. Japanese sake. Syn : Chikusa-ashkoro. Tonoto.
Chis, ちっす, 舟。 n. A boat. Same as Chip.
Chisakka-ibe, ちさっか・いべ, 乾シタル野菜。 n. Dried vegetable food.
Chisange, チサンゲ, 物ヲ出ス又ハ下ス。 v.t. To give. To take down.
flaz o. n. A house.
Chisara, チサラ、滑ラカナ、無毛ノ、赤 # z. adj. Bare. Hairless. Smooth. Chisaure-ramu, 3F;Fr? Le5.A, i? z. vv. v.t. To treat slightingly. Syn : ', Chituperamu. . . .
Chisei, チセイ, 家、例セバ、カムチセイ。 A hut. An abode. A bear's den. A wasp's nest. As :~ Kamui chisei, “a bear's den.” Soyai Chisei, “ a wasp's nest,” Chisei asam, “the foundation of a house.” Chisei erupshike, “the front of a house.” Chisei honto, “ the back of a house.” Chisei kara, “to build a house.” Chisei kes, “the west end of a house where the rubbish is thrown.” Chisei kipip, “the thatch of a house.” Chisei kipip kara, “to thatch a house.” Chisei kitai or kitaige, “the roof of a house.” Chisei koro guru, “ a householder.” Chisei koro inau, “household offerings of willow shavings to the gods.” Chisei koro katkimat, “the mistress of a house.” Chisei semohonto, “the back of a house.” Chisei orowa no soine, “to go out of a house.” Chisei niye, “the framework of a house.” Chisei orun ahun, “to enter a house.” Chisei oshike chashnure, “to set a house in order.” Chisei oshiketa so kara, “ to prepare for a guest.” Chisei pa, “the east end of a hut.” Chisei pana, “the west end of a hut.” Chisei pan etupok, “ the upper corner of the west end of a hut.” Chisei pena, “the east end of a hut.” Chisei pen etupok, “the upper part of the east end of a hut.” Chisei rorogeta, “the outside of the east end of a hut.” Chisei rupshi, “the front of a house.” Chisei soi, “ the site of a house.” Chisei sokashi, “the sloping sides of the roof of a house.” Chisei sopa, “the treasure corner of a hut.” Chisei tai, “a village” or “a hamlet.” Chisei ta turesh, “the younger daughter of a house.” Chisei tumama, “the wall of a house.” Chisei uhuye, “a conflagration.” Chisei un, “ at home.” Chisei un ahun, “to go indoors.” Chisei un ahupte, “ to take indoors.” Chisei urupshik, “the outside of the east end of a hut.” Itunnap chisei, “an ant's nest.” Chisei nokipip, “the eaves of a house.” By some this word is pronounced as if it were tehise or tehey. Chisei rampesh, the lower sloping inside of a house roof. .
Chiselkoash, ちせいこあし, 家或ハ熊ノ穴ヲ囲ム。 v.t. To compass. To surround a bear's den in order to shoot the bear when it comes out 熊が出てきた時熊を撃つ為に熊のねぐら/穴を取り囲む.
Chisei-kor'ewen-guru, チセイコレウェングル, ニ三度独身ニ成リシ男女。 n. A twice or thrice made widow or widower.
Chisei koro ekashi, ちせい ころ えかし, 家ノ神。 n. “Ancestal house-holder.” The Ainu regarded their homes as very sacred places for they were their temples as well as their dwelling places. The father was the family priest and there were no public ones unless, indeed, the shamans were regarded as such, which is very doubtful. The north eastern corner of the house was where the symbol of the father ancestor was set up 家の北東の隅には父の先祖のシンボルが設定される場所です. His name was Chisei-koro-ekashi 彼の名は「ちせい・ころ・えかし」です, “House-possessing-old-man 家に取り付いた老人.” His wife was Fuji, the fire goddess 彼の妻はフジと言い、火の神です. The daughter of this pair was called Shu-ko-yan-mat この夫婦の娘は「しゅ・こ・やん・まっと」と呼ばれています。, i.e. “she who descends to the cooking pot 料理の鍋の子孫である女.”と言う意味です。
Chisei-maka-ni, ちせい・まか・に, 小舎ノ屋上の棟(むね)。 n. The upper beams of a hut. Rafter braces.
Chisei-niye ちせい・にいぇ, 家ノ柱等木材ヲ云フ。 n. The frame of a hut. The
roof of a pit-dwelling. Syn : Arikarichisei. ★バカ検証 【〜を云フ、なんてメモをそのまま正式版に載せてはいけない。】
Chisei-nomi, ちせい・のみ, 新宅駅。 n. Prayer made for the prosperity of a household, or a feast made on the occasion of taking up one's abode in a new house.
Chisei-nomi-an, チセイ・ノミ・アン, 新宅ヲ祝フ。 v.i. To hold a house warming feast.
Chisei-ogesh, ちせい・おげっしゅ, 家ノ裏。 n. The back of a house. Syn : Osorogesh.
Chisei-paraka, ちせい・ぱらか, 天井、屋根裏。 n. The inside of the roof of a house. The ceiling.
Chisei-po, チセイ・ポ, 小サイ家。 n A small house. A lodge.
Chisei-sapa, ちせい・さぱ, 冠毛(頭ノ)。 n. The hair upon the top of the head. The crown. The roof of a house. Syn : Kankitai.
Chisei-uhuyeka, 3Ftz 4 774 = zh, K = y.o. 7 # 9. v.t. To set a house on fire. To commit arson.
Chisei-uhuyeka-i, otz of 1774 = 3, 4, #yk. n. A house-burning. Arson.
Chisei-un, ちせい・うん, 家ニ、内ニ。 adv. At home. Indoors. Towards home. Towards a house.
Chisei-upshoro, 5→tz4 77 $≫ a ta, ?o 2. P. n. The inside of a house. The main part of a hut (lit: house bosom).
Chiseshke, SFtz S-4r, # 2 %-. V.. 19 close up. To stop.
Chish, チシ、泣ク。例セバ、チシヘウェ。 ##. v.i. To cry. To weep. To sing (as a bird). As :~ Chish hawe, “a weeping”; “a crying, or “wailing.” Chish koro, “weeping,” “whilst weeping.” Chish sessereke, “to sniffle as in weeping.” Chish kokarakarase also chish korimimse, also chish koshishirapa, “to cry” or “to weep.” Syn : Chiukush.
Chish, F$e, a se a Notg?. n. A steep winding path. A precipitous path. Syn : Chikaye-chish. Ekaye-chish. Nangashke. Wen-shiri.
Chishchish, 3F $ $ $e, zk?. n. A drop of water.
Chishikeraine, ちしけらいね, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. Syn : Chieshikeraine.
Chishikoseshke, ちしこせしゅけ, 布列スル、拡ガル、ナラブ。 v.i. To be spread out (like a town).
Chishikararire, ちしからりれ, 護ラレル。 v.t. To take care of. To preserve. To keep safe and well. This word is often used in prayer with chiramrarire, “to keep safe and happy.” ★バカ検証 【 Chishikoseshke の後 】
Chishimemokka, 5F ex E ≫ ?i, TERE 7 ftsa or ju. v.t. To pick a quarrel. To challenge to fight. Syn : Ishimemokka.
Chishinap, F$23-7, aijst. n. A fine. Syn : Ashimbe. - Chishipusure, 3F327 K Lo, # = EH os vie. v.i. To appear suddenly. To come suddenly into view. Syn : Ekushkonna-anukara.
Chishirianu, +S, U 732, # /u. v.i. To be. Syn : An. Okai.
Chishirikirap, 3F $2 ') + 57', # $ 2,, 3: z zv. v.t. To be sorry.
Chishirikirapte, FSA 9 #5 757, ## */ -y se 2. vv. v.t. To make sorry.
Chishirikokarakara, 5R52 9 - 757 # 5, #2. v.t. To wind round.
Chishitoma-ni, 5*$2 K of E, \ 2 × 21, sv#. n. A wooden grave mark.
Chishitomap, #$≫ K 77, HKE#, ## */ A 4%. n. A bogie.
Chishitoshito, : H. 32 H, # S 3 Jl. adj. Curled.
Chishituriri, 5*$oy J J, #2. v.i. To be continous in a line or succesion (as the descendants of a people) Thus: ?Huchi santek ekashi santek chishi* turiri utara chi ne ruwe ne, “we are
' the lineal descendants of the ancient fathers and mothers.” Syn : Shituri.
Chishituriri, チシツウリリ, 引延シタル、並ベタル。 To stretch out. To set in a line. ★バカ検証 【品詞が無い。Chishituriri は、チシツリリ、かも知れない。もし、チシツウリリなら、それが分かるアルファベットにすべき。要するにイイカゲン。】
| Chishkan, ちしゅかん,
| Chishkara, ちしゅから, 泣ク。 v.i. To weep.
Chishkes-hum, ちしゅけす・ふむ, キシム音ヲスル。 n. A creaking sound. ★バカ検証 【名詞、動詞のどちらだ?。「音をする」なんて日本語は無い。】
Chish-konchi, ちしゅ・こんち, ヤモメノ頭巾。 n. A kind of bonnet worn by * widows and widowers. As :~ Chish konchi eush, or chish konchi koro, “to wear a widow's bonnet.”
Chishne, チシネ, 縁ヲ刻ミタル、鋸歯状ノ。 adj. Indented. Chipped.
Chishne, ちしゅね, 臼の幹、瓶ノ首。 n. The stem of a mortar. The neck of a bottle.
Chishne-nishu, ちしゅね・にしゅ, 幹ノアル臼。 n. A mortar with a neck or stem 柄のある臼.
Chish-ni, ちしゅ・に, 柳ノ一種。 n. Toistusu cardiophylla, Kimura. Willow often used as grave marks. The Ainu name means “weeping tree.”
Chish-ochiwe, ちしゅ・おちうぇ, 伏シテ寝ル、横臥(おうが:横向きに寝ること)。 v.i. To lie down and weep 寝て泣く. To weep bitterly 号泣する[激しく涙する]. ★バカ検証 【日本語と英語が異なる。】
Chishoki, ちしょき, 動物。 n. Animals.
Chishoki, ちしょき, 毛物ノ皮。 n. Skins and furs (lit: things for sale). Same as Chihoki. ★バカ検証 【毛物(けもの)の皮、なんて、日本語は無い。毛皮(けがわ)、獣(けもの)です。】
Chishpo, ちしゅぽ, 針刺(はりさし)。 n. A needle cushion formerly worn attached to the neck of a woman's dress 婦人服の首に取り付けられた裁縫針を指す枕.
Chishrimimse, ちしゅりみむせ, 跳ネ踊ル、身體ヲ動揺スル (子供ガ子守ノ背ニテ為ス如ク)。 v.i. To dance or move about when crying (as children sometimes do).
Chish-sessereke, ちしゅ・せっせれけ, 啜泣スル(すすりなく。音読み不明。中国語) v.i. To weep inwardly 小声で泣く. To A kind of sniffle すすり泣きの一種. To weep nearly silently ほぼ静かに泣く.
Chishte, ちしゅて, 泣カス。 v.t, To make cry. -
Chishurap, チシュラプ, 三歳ノ熊。 n. A three year old bear cub.
Chishuye, ちしゅいぇ, アマニウ。 n. Angelica edulis, Miyabe. Also called chihuye in some places. Chishuye kuttara, “the old stems of the Angelica.” The name means cooking herb.
Chishuye, ちしゅいぇ, 煮ル。 v.t. To cook by boiling.
Chisoikatta, チソイカッタ, 急ギテ家ヨリ出ズル。 v.t. To go out of doors in haste. To get out of a carriage in a hurry.
Chisoinaraye, ちそいならいぇ, 出ズル、外出スル(家ヨリ)。 v.i. To go out. To pass out of a door.
Chisoki, ちそき, 背負フ包。 n. Bundle. A parcel. Y
Chita, ちた, 掘リ出サル。 v.i. Dug up. Extracted from the earth. -
Chitakte, ちたくて, 豫言スル。 v.i. To divine. To be made to speak (as by the gods). Syn : Chiitakte.
Chitanne, ちたんね, 長イ。 adj. Long. Long-wise.
Chitanne-turi, ちたんね・つり, 延テ寝ル。 ph. To lie stretched out.
Chitara, ちたら, 夢。 n. A dream.
Chitarape, ちたらぺ, 袋。 n. A. satchel 学生カバン. A bag. A kind of sedge mat used for carrying bundles, usually ornamented with strips of cloth or rushes. Syn : Itara. Onikapunbe.
Chitashkop, ちたしゅこぷ, 有史以前ノ或鳥ノ名。 n. Some kind of fabulous bird 寓話に出てくるような、架空の 鳥.
Chitara-hauki, ちたら・はうき, 夢ノ歌。 n. Dream Songs.
Chitatap, チタタップ, 打チ砕イタ魚肉。 n. Pounded or mashed fish.
Chitatappi, チタタッピ, 打チ砕イタ魚肉。
n. Pounded up fish.
Chitatatata, ちたたたた, 細クキザム。 v.t. To beat. Pound.
Chitek-evende, 5.5 × ority - 27, # * x, # 2 × 21". . v.t. To spoil.
Chitekkamure, 5.7. 935A L, HE = + #2. v.t. To spread the hands over. To cover over with the hands.
Chitennep, #F5F2:k7, ?+. HR 5?. n. A young baby. Syn : Teinep.
Chiterekere, 5F5F LO- L, : ≫v, gje vv. v.i. To prance. To jump about. To dance.
Chiteshko, #F5F$e=I, ?ff - 3. v.i. To be intrusted with a message.
Chiteshkop, ちてしゅこっぷ, 夜烏, 又ハ言付ラレタモノ。 n. The night crow. Also one intrusted with a message 伝言付きで指示されたもの.
Chithot, 5. F:Roy H., fl. 2 ####. n, Anal fin of a fish.
Chitokba, チトクバ、粗末ナル、飾ナキ. adj. Unornamented. Not decorated, Sloven. Common. As :~ Chitokba ai, “an ordinary undecorated arrow.”
Chitokitoki, 5 F + H +, fii 5 v 3. l, §: ε -{}- 2 v 2r vt-. adj. Ornamented. Having patterns.
Chitomte, チトムテ。美シキ、飾ラレタ vv. adj. Beautiful. Ornamented. As :~ Chitomte ai, “ornamental arrows” (used at bear feasts).
Chitomte-kara, F. H. f. 57 ?5, ME $E z ju. v.t. To adorn. To tidy. Beautify.
Chitomte-no-an, 5* F.A.F./7' 2, # Ho-juo, adj. Luxurious. Beautiful. Glorious. Decked out with beautiful things.
Chitomtep, 5* H* A5*7, #j£**- ≫i^* /. n. Beautiful things. Ornaments. Glory. Majesty.
Chitoratekka, 5. i 55 у ?j, #ji. n. Coma. Lethargy. Syn : KatutOranne- - - -
Chitoshke テトシケ。鳴呼(嘆息ノ語) inters. An expression of disgust (said by the Ainu to be a Japanese word).
Chitput, soy 7">, # 2 ###. n. The anal fin of a fish.
Chitui, **f, £J* v *, §1 v * yv. adj. Cut. Separated.
Chituima, Roy's or, #3 =, # 2, s. 例セバ、チツイマツリ、遠クニマデ延ビ ju.. adv. Far. Distant. As :~ Chituima turi, “stretching a long way.”
Chituirep, 5-2/f L7, x, x, f e. n. Metaplexis japonica, Mak. Also called Epungatt. Chiturep.
Chituitek, F:y-f5F ≫ ?y, EJ > L & . adj. Gashed. -
Chitumamka, 3F:y-rA, h, Es x pl. v.t. To strengthen.
Chitumamka, FyrrA?j, #рц. In plenty.
Chitukan, ** % 7* >, #T & v *. adj. * Shot. -
Chitunash, 3F'y3-$2, $E ?? =, # =. adj. adv. Quickly. In haste. Syn Tumashi.
Chitunashka, F:y:}"$e?j, # ?y += l. v.t. To hasten.
Chituperamu, 5F:y~$5 A, #E z plo, #H} =# 7. v.t. To slight. To treat slightingly. Syn : Chisaure-ramu.
Chiturep, 5F y Le 7, See chituirep. The pod, which is called chituirepchippo, is sometimes eaten in its raw state by the Ainu. I once saw a lad in convulsions and foaming at the mouth through eating too many raw pods of this plant. The roots are usually cooked before partaken of.”
* The roots of this plant run very deep and are dug up for food, but it is said that, if too much of it is partaken of intoxication occurs. If the pods are eaten in large quantities they cause pains in the stomach. The Ainu name means “breaking things." This is because the roots so easily break when being dug up.

Chiturep-chippo, */+‘y L~7* y*, */ ?r f = v #. n. The seed pod of the chituirep.
Chiturichippo, RY USF≫zf, sFl. E. n. Same as above.
Chiturusere, 5F VILtz Lo, # = H; PL., E: =#2, ju'. v.t. To spring out suddenly. To appear suddenly (as an animal in the forest).
Chiturusere, f y Jetz Lo, }} v ≫l-(#ffff + F* 2 ). v.i. & adj. To be dislocated. To be out of joint. Displaced. Syn : Epittek.
Chitush-kokarakari, **y$≫-1 #j5 # !}, ## - vv. v.i. To become entangled as a rope. Thus:~Umma chilushkokarakari range gusu ku pita kushki, “I will set the horse free because its rope gets entangled.”
Chiu, ちう, 苦痛スル、火傷スル。 v.i. To tingle. To be scalded. To burn.
Chiu, チウ, 河流。例セバ、チウハウゲ。 静カナル流レ。 n. The current of a stream or river. A wave. A current in the sea. As :~ Chiu hauge, “a gentle current.” Chiu rui, “ a strong current.” Syn : Chiwe.
Chiu, ちう, 刺ス。 v.t. To pierce.
Chiu, チウ, 刺シ込ム。刺ス。v.t. To thrust. Tolunge. To prick. To sting. As :~ emush ani chiu, “to lunge with a sword.”
Chiu-bosore, Fr) # / Le, ?iE z vl (?it L#7), v.i. To pass through (as an Urai) on a river and on the current,
Chiuchiu, 5, 7+ y, ###. n. The wagtail. Syn : Ochiuchiu.
Chiuchiubare,チウチウバレ。散ラサレ ju. v.i. To be scattered about.
Chiuitek-guru, Fr) of F ? ?VIL, E E. n. A servant.
Chiuka, 5F17 ?i, Mit = E E L. v.i. go against stream.
Chiukapiune, Fr) # Er} #, J]] / ##. n. Name of a current demon in rivers. To A river sprite.
Chiukarikari, 5-f7 *j 9 % y), s; yv. v.i. To crumple up. Syn : Hochikom.
Chiukokarakari, Fr) a ?i5 h U, ## v zu’, 2, 3 or 712. v.i. To become mixed up. To be twisted as thread in a needle. Syn : Hochikarakari. Chiukoi, Fr} =? 4f, #ff, #. n. A heap. A lump.
Chiukomau, Fr) =a + r), J. v * *. n. The winter cherry. Physalis Francheti Mast. When there is a pain in the hips, the fruit is smashed and applied as a poultice. The Ainu name means “bitter berry.”
Chiukomoyemoye, 5Fr) a E4 = E4f =, ## 1 Jul. v.i. Moved together. Twisted. |
Chiukonumumu, *c = 3x.AA, 3** yo. v.t. To be stopped up.
Chiukopayere, 3F7 a v 4 = Lo, ##?? x, #x v, ##+: no. v.i. To stir up. To mix. Syn : Koyakkoyak.
Chiukopirupa, Fr} = E/L. §, 2& 7. v.i. To reach to.
Chiukopoye, 5-7 a z?$4 =, #3E39 v zlo, Ex yv, EEEE1 z. ylr. v.i. To be mixea with. To intermingle. To be stirred up. To be troubled. To be in doubt. To be perplexed. Syn : Chiutumashure. -
Chiukopoye-keutum-koro, Fr} =? yit イェケウツムコロ。二心ヲ懐ク、誠賞ナ * * ≫v, %saE-*- pl. v.i. & adj. To be double faced. In sincere. To have the mind stirred with doubts, fears, or troubles.
Chiukotaptapu, 5Fr} a & 7 & 7, H. x ju. v.t. To roll up into a ball.
Chi-uku, 5-727, Jo 4 × 7t’. adj. Blown.
Chiukururu, チウクルル。流レヲ塞グ (z?o?- F * pi *). v.i. To be obstructed as the current of a stream by logs or posts.
Chiukush, チウクシ、泣ク、涙ヲ流ス。 v.i. To weep. To shed tears. As :~
Ku nangashike chiukush ruwe ne, “ I have tears running down my face.” Syn : Chish.
Chiun-chisei, Fry : Ftz f, E v ?, ? #. n. One's own home.
Chiu-kushi-1, チウクシイ。 急流, 渡場. n. A swift current place. As a place where current may be crossed. A ferry.
Chiunno-tashum, of or 2 / 4 ×3. A., ?rmn. n. The scurvy.
Chiupusu, 5-> 7z, i?$ y _? = ???2?ylo TEzk. n. The upward flow of an eddy.
Chiuoro, 5F #zr pa, #? ? x #. n. Undressed or unbleached cloth.
Chiu-o-sanke, 5Folzfo->4r, ##. n. Rapids. Same as Chiu-sanke.
Chiupiri, 57 E 9, ##. n. An eddy in a stream.
Chiupuni, チウプニ。渦流ノ戻リ水 n. The back waters of an eddy.
Chiure, 5 of L', so, # 2 #. n. The foot. The toes. Syn : Cheure.
Chiure, 57 L., jz. v.t. To make tingle. To pierce. -
Chiurep-chup, Fry L752.7, -?--Ja. n. December. -
Chiurenka, チウレンカ, 列ベル、調和ス ju. v. t. To set in order. v.i. To be in harmony.
Chiurenkare, 5-7 L > ?y L, ##]+ +z v, #H#x. v.t. To cause to set in order.
Chiuri, 5-7 J, is y + or 4. n. Clams.
Chiurip, チウリプ。暮輩。ジネンジョウ。 n. Dioscorea japonica, Thunb.
Chiurito, 5-7 U K, #};a. n. Cockles.
Chiurori, Fr) D. ), ##. n. An eddy. A whirlpool caused by water from a height. The water in an eddy which goes downwards.
Chiurui, Fr} JL4 , E?#. n. A sea current.
Chiu-sam, 5-ry J.E., i##. adv. The side of a current.
Chiu-sam-ene, Fr}+j-A, -E:k, W.T. v H; W II. n. The opening of a bay,
Chiu-sanke, 3F al t} > r., E: ?it. n. Rapids. Same as Chiu-o-sanke.
Chiushi, 5, 17 ×, E =# 1. v.t. To spread on. As :~ Shum chiushi wa e, “he spreads fat on and eats it.”
Chiutara, チウタラ。波て、我々、汲て等。 pro. We. Syn : A. Amokai. Chi.
Chiutek, 5.75-7, §§ 2. ~. v.t. To SEITVE.
Chiutek-guru, : : , , IL, Ef:. n. A servant.
Chiutumashbare, SFCVT- S- KL-, F z, EE yv. v.i. To be perplexed. To be in trouble. Syn : Chiukopoye.
Chiutumashure, 3-7 yrr >= L, Fj yl, # 7. v.i. To be in doubt, trouble, or perplexity. Syn : Chiukopoye.
Chiuweshuye, 5F = 7 = 22.4 -, 7 E, NE x. v.i. To betray (as temper in the face). Same as Chueshteye.
Chiwash, 5-7 $z, fa z ifE. n. Shoals of fish. As :~ Chiwash ek, “shoals of fish are coming.” Syn : Chep-rupi. Chep-rup.
Chiwash, 5R J7 $z, *j$3-. Rapid.
Chiwash, # 79%, JII EJ, ?FJ [J 2 ?i?. n. A river mouth. The current from rivers at their mouths. As :~ Chiwash etasa ruyambe kekke koro shiri an na, “the waves are breaking up as they meet the current from the river.” Syn : Pet-putu.
Chiwash-ekot-mat, ちわっしゅ・えこっと・まっと, JJI E1 2 3rift. n. The goddesses of the mouths of rivers.
Chiwe, Fr} =, Fj?it. n. The current of a stream or river. As :~ Chiwe omoire, “ a slow current.”
Chiuve tunash, “a swift current.” Syn : Chiu.
Chiwe,チウェ。欲シクッテ塔へラレナイ。 v.i. To be carried away with. As :~ Rusui chiwe, “to be carried away adj. Quick.
with a desire.” Same as shiwe.
Chiwen, チウェン、損害ヲ受ケタ。 Damaged. Severely.
Chiwende, #.E2:, E: x ). v.i. To be wrecked. Syn : Awende. Mimam.
Chiworop, Fryz? pa 7, # y 3, . Soaked. Soften by soaking.
Chiyaikonishte, SF-P-f = = E-5F, E 7 adj. adj. ヲ属励マス、元気ッ”ケル・ v.i. To en COuTage.
| Chiyaikorushka, チヤイコルシカ ちやいこるしゅか, 憐ム。 v.t. To have mercy on.
| Chiyaikorushkara, チヤイコルしゅカラ,
Chiyange, チヤンゲ 輸入セラレタル。 adj. Imported. As :~ Chiyange ashkoro, “imported wine.” Syn : Arutu. Chikusa.
Chiyange-ashkoro, 3*** 24*77$/ H R, HZEF. n. Japanese sake (lit: imported wine). Syn : Akusa-ashkoro. Arutu-ashkoro.
Chiye, 5*4 =, soft. n. The private parts. Syn : Chi.
Cho, st a, #e. n. A lock (Japanese).
Chok, of a 7, TF, adv. Under. Beneath. Syn : Pok.
Chokai, ***)?(, £, £,. pro. I. From chiokai, “we.”
Chokapapa, SF = h - Ko K, JF 2. . v.i. To lean forward (as in laughing heartily). Syn : Chiokapapa. Chiorewewe.
Chokchokse, $ = 3 + = 7 +z, #%. v.t. To kiss. Syn : Chopchopse.
Chokka, チョッカ, 日本ノ村 n A Japanese village in contradistinction to an Ainu village.
Chokoko, チョココ 腎、鳥ノ 膳 n The c? kidneys, The gizzard .of a bird |, 2 ?? ?? 3.
Chomba, + = Azt, #. n. A measure.
Chopara, #a /K5, ?# #. excl. An exclamation of exultation. Hurrah! Syn : Chotara. Parase-koro.
Chopchopse, f. a 73 a 7tz, #ff. n. A kiss. Syn : Chokchokse.
Chopchopse-kara, +375 a 7tz?5, #!/ > no. v.t. To kiss. Syn : Echopmaure.
Chopiat, 5F a EJ7:y, NE7E x v. v.i. To run away. To escape. Syn : Kurinin
Chorauge, チョラウゲ。不成功、人後ニ # y Ju. v. t. and v.i. To be unsuccessful. To be behind-hand. To miss. Syn : Aorauge. Chiorauge. Orauge.
Chorauge, チョラウゲ。攻撃スル v.t. To attack. To set upon. Syn : Otekna. Piuki.
Chorewewe, 5F# Le 7 = } = , Eij = |H| 2,. v.i. To lean forward (as in laughing heartily). Syn : Chiokapapa. Chiorewe We,
Choropok, F = A ?R 7, TF =. adv. Under. (According to Ainu habits of thought this word is conceived of as a noun). Same as Koropok.
Choropoketa, 5 a B zit%r 4g, T = . adv. Beneath. Under.
Choropoki, 5F a pa z?#, F = . Beneath. Underneath. Under.
Choropokiketa, 5P a park:Forar, R =. adv. Under. Beneath. Underneath. Just underneath.
Choropok-un, ZF = A ?f 7 72-, TF = . adv. Under. Underneath. Beneath.
Chorush, 5* a JV of $2, #. n. Flies.
Chorush-kamui, 3F a Jle$aa. hA4f, ##. n. Flies. As :~ chisei, “house”; orush, “in”; kamui, “beings,” =“beings in the house.”
Chotara, * a 4:5, ? / #. excl. An exclamation of exultation. Hurrah! Same as Chopara. Syn : Parasekoro.
Chotari, F a & U, $ a ~ # pl. v.i. To kick from behind (as a horse). Syn : adv.
Chiotari. Hoketu.
Chotcha, チョッチャ。常ル、刺ス (阜数) v.t. (sing.) To shoot and hit. To sting.
Chotchapa, チョッチャパ。営ル、刺ス (複 #). v.t. To shoot and hit. To sting. (Plural of Chotcha). -
Chotesusu, * a5F#z.>, #%-・ BA≫l≫. v.i. To lean back (as in laughing heartily). Same as Chiotesusu.
Cho-un-guru, 5°a 7 × 2 ju, PNA. n. A prisoner. Cho, is the Japanese word jo. “ lock.” Hence cho-un-guru, literally means, “the person under the lock.”
Chu, #2, #J#. n. A river current.
Chuchu, 5-2.5-a-, #. n. A bud.
Chueshuye, 5-a. ESA + f =, #R = #z. v.i. To betray (as temper in the face). As :~ Ipot'tum kon'na chueshuye, “to betray temper in the countenance.” Same as Chiuweshwye.
| Chuk, チュク, 秋。 n. Autumn. Same as Chukpa. Chuk-unpa.
| Chuk-an, チュクアン,
 | Chukche, チュクチェ, 鮭。 n. The autumn salmon.
 | Chukchep, チュクチェプ,
Chukchi, Fa, 2 F, JA. n. The east. Syn : Chupchi.
Chukpa, +=-3 *K, Hk. n. Autumn. Same as Chuk. Chuk-an.
Chuk-unpa. Chukpes, 5*.*.*.x, TF#. n. The lower part of the abdomen. Syn : Chupkes. Chukum, 5Fa. Z A, Trees. Syn : Ni.
Chukum-okai, 5*-**Ex}-s, n.. n. Striped squirrel. Syn : Ahat. Ruop. Chukuni, 5* + 2 +, ZK, ?K$f. n. Wood. A tree. Syn : Chukumi. Chuk-unpa, ==. 2 % 24 K, fk. n. Autumn. Same as Chuk.
Chuk-an. 木令,木立,77。 Chukpa.
Chunchupeushte, SF2 -5F=-Rr S-5-, 合成スル (金麗ナドヲ)、マゼモノスル。 v.t. To alloy (as metal).
Chup, チュプ, 發光體(発光体)、太陽、月 (時ニ用ユ) 例セバ、チュプアフン、日没。n. A luminary. The sun. Moon. A month. As : ~ Chup ahun, “the sun is setting.” Chup chisei, “the halo round the moon.” Chup hetuku, “the sun is rising.” Chup kes, “ sunset.” Chup keseke, “the end of a month.” Chup kiai, “the rays of the sun.” Chup nin, “ the waning of the moon.” Chup nupek, “sunlight.” Chup orush guru, “the man in the moon.” Chup pishno, “ monthly.” Chup pok, “the west.” Chup poro, “full moon.” Chup rai, “an eclipse.” Chup ram, “about sun-set.” Chup ri, “about nine or ten a.m.” Chup sapa, “the beginning of a month.” Chup shikari, “full moon.” Chup ta. “ monthly.”
Chup-bera, ちゅぷ・べら, 女用ノ匙(さじ)。 n. A spoon used by women.
Chupchi, ちゅぷち, 東。 n. The east. Syn : Chukchi.
Chup-chisei, ちゅぷ・ちせい, 月ノ笠 n. The halo round the moon.
Chup-ewen, ちゅぷ・えうぇん, 月経。 n. Menses.
Chup-ka, ちゅぷ・か, 東。 n. The east. As :~ Chup-ka un utara, “the Ainu who live on the east coast of Yezo.” Syn : Moshiripa.
Chup-kamui, ちゅぷ・かむい, 日、月。 n. The sun or moon. The sun and moon.
Chup-kari, ちゅぷ・かり, 日向ニ。 adv. In the sun. Places where the sun shines.
Chupke, ちゅぷけ, 目ヲ閉ヅル。 v.i. To close the eyes.
Chup-kes, ちゅぷけす, 下腹。 n. The pit or lower part of the stomach.
Syn : Chukpes.
Chupki, チュプキ, 威光、 光輝、美麗。 n. Glory. Brightness. Beauty. Syn : Araguru. Nupeki.
Chup-kosanu, ちゅぷ・こさぬ, 閉める。 v.t. To close. To shut (as the eyes)閉じる(例えば、目を閉じる).
Chup-nish, ちゅぷ・にし, 月末。 n. The end of a month.
Chupo-hetuku-hi-moshiri, ちゅぽ・へつく・ひ・もしり, 東、日ノ出。 n. The east. The sun-rise.
Chupoka, ちゅぽか, 出産。 n. Childbirth. As :~ Chupoka ne wa shotkibed otta naayet an ruwe ne, “she has had a child and is still in bed 彼女は子供を出産し、未だベツドにいる.”
Chupoka-ekahuye-guru, 5Fazit?:E #7 of -5 sy, P?o?. n. A midwife.
Chupotomush, 3Faiz: H. A. ?e, H ME =. adv. ph. In the sunshine.
Chuppe, *-.7^&, J}#£. . n. Menses.
Chuppok, #2 y it?, Pa. n. The West. Syn : Ahun-chuppok. Moshirigesh. Moshiri-pok.
Chuppok-etonne, Fa ≫ #2} + F ":#;, ... [sa jj. adv. Towards the west.
Chup-ram, 52.75.A., Ar?. adv. Towards evening. Syn : Honene.
Chup-sam-oma, SF2.7+ kzrzr, H sal :R y = z yL. v.i. To bask in the sun.
Chup-shikari, ちゅぷ・しかり, 満月。 n. The full moon.
Chup-tom, Fa. 7 HA, E ME, EK. n. Sunshine. Clear weather.
| Chupu, Fa-7, #ff y z -> x. v.t. To turn back as a cloth. To fold. As :Set kashiketa an senkaki emko chupu wa wakka set kata ande, “ turn the table-cloth back and set the water upon the table.”
| Chupu, ちゅぷ,
| Chup-chupu, ちゅぷ・ちゅぷ, 閉メル。 v.t. and v.i. To shut. To close (as the eyes). To be blinded (as by a flash of light). To flash about as light. Syn : Kochupuchupu.
Chuputuru, #2.79 JL, H H H / j: H. n. The space of time between IIiOCIIS.
Chup-wen, 5F = 7 7 = 2-, E A. n. Menses. Syn : Chup-ewen.
ChuppeChuri-kamui, Fa. U ?7.A, f, se v W x, F - 7 # 3: $.. n. S. name for the striped squirrel. In H. it is called rнор.
Churup-chup, ちゅるぷ・ちゅぷ, 十二月。 n. December.
Chutche, ちゅっちぇ, 鮭。 n. A salmon.


As d never appears to commence a sentence in Yezo Ainu and is therefore, excepting in Saghalien, only heard in composition it always appears in this work, when used initially, under i. 5* - (D) 2-3. 2 # x = 2* Hi + + v F =ex: ノ中間ニヘ用キラル、両シテデー(D)ヘ文ノ始ニアルトキヘティー(T)ト獲音ス


E, エ, 汝。此字ヲ動詞ニ附加スルトキハ 人称代名詞二人称単数トナルナリ。例セバ、エオマン、汝往ク。 (i.) pro. You. Used before verbs in general the particle E is the second person singular of the personal pronoun “you.” As :~ E kik, “you strike.” E oman, “ you go.” Syn : Aokai. Eani.
E, エ, 汝ノ。實名詞ノ前ニ用ユルトキハ 物主格トナルナリ。例セバ、エサバ、汝ノ頭。 (ii.) pro. Your. When used before nouns E is the poss. pronoun “your.” As ;~ E sapa, “your head.” E makiri, “your knife.” Syn : Ekoro.
E, エ, 汝ノ。物主格トシテ此ノ字ヲ用ユルトキハ屢々(おうおう:しばしば) koro ナル動詞ガ直グ其後 ニ来ル。 例セバ、エコロハボ、 汝 ノ母, エコロミチ、 汝ノ父。 (iii.) pro. When E is used as the possessive pronoun it is often immediately followed by the verb koro, “to possess.” As :~ E koro habo, “your mother.” E koro michi, “ your father.” E korobe ne hawe ? “are these your things?"
E, エ, 持ツ。自動詞ノ後ニ在ルトキハ他動詞ニ變ゼシイム。 例セバ, キラ、逃グル, ニキラ、持ツテ逃グル。 (iv.) part. Prefixed to intransitive verbs E has the power of changing them into transitives. As :~ Kira, “to run.” Ekira, “ to run away with.” Mik, “to bark.” Emik, “to bark at.” Nupetne, “to rejoice.” Enupetne, “to rejoice over.”
E, エ, 動詞ニ此字ヲ加フルトキハ何々ヲ 以テシタ トノ意ニナル。例セバ、タムエ ライゲ、刀ヲ以テ殺ス。 (v) part When prefixed to some transitive verbs E sometimes expresses the means by which an action was done and may be translated by the words “with,” “by.” Thus :~ Raige, “to kill"; Tam eraige, “ to kill with a sword."
E, エ。他動詞ニ此ノ字ヲ加フルトキハ 受動詞トナスヲ得ルナリ。例セバ、アイヌ セタエイツカ、人ガ大ヲ盗ンダ。 (vi) part. Prefixed to some transitive verbs E represents the objective case of the preceeding noun. As :~ Seta eikka, “the dog stole it”; Ainu seta eikka, "the man stole the dog.”
E, エ, 形容詞ノ前ニ此ノ字ヲ加フルトキ ハ 動詞トナスコトヲ得ルナリ。例セバ, ピリカ、善キ。エピリカ、利益アル、ニシ テ、固イ、エニシテ、忍ビ能フ。 (vii) part. Prefixed to adjectives E has a verbalizing power. As :~ Nishte, “hard"; Enishte, “to be able to endure.” Pirika, “good”; Epirika, “to be bent on gain.”
E, エ, 内ニ, 方へ。 例セバ, エキムン, 山ヘ向フ。 (viii.) prep, In. To. Towards. When used as a preposition E is prefixed to nouns. Thus:~ Ekimun "in" or towards the mountains.
E, エ, ヨリ。カラ。数ヲ算スル場合ニ於 テ省減ノ意味ニ用ヰラル 例セバ、ワン エツホツネ、四十ヨリ十ヲ減ズ(即チ三十)。 (ix.) parf. From. When used with the numerals the particle E signifies subtraction. Thus :~ Wan e tu hotne, “thirty” (lit: ten subtracted from two score). Wan e re hotne, “fifty” (lit: ten subtracted from three score).
E, エ, 此ノ字ヲ時ヲ示ス副詞ノ前ニ用ヰテ keta 或ハ geta ヲ其後ニ加へル時ハ 其時ノ確實ナルコトヲ證スルモノナリ。 (x) part. The particle E placed before with keta often changed into geta placed after adverbs of time, express
es definiteness or exactness. Thus:~ Nei tohota, “ on that day.” Nei etohogeta, “ on that very day.” Nei anchikarata, “on that night.” Nei eanchikarageta, “ on that very night.” Nei pahata, “ in that year.” Nei epahageta, “in that very year.” -
E, エ, 羂(けん:罠 わな)ヲ掛ル(糸ニテ作ル) v.t. Set, as a Snare.
E, エ, 膿汁(ウミ)、液、火山灰。 n. Matter. Pus. Humour. Fine pumice dust. Ashes.
E, エ, 然リ、左様。 adv. Yes. Syn : A. Hawe-ne. O. Oun. Ruwe. Ruwene. Ruwe-un. To
E, エ, 嗚呼 interj. Ah ! Oh ! Alas !
E, エ, 食スル。 v.t. To eat. Syn : Ibe.
E, エ, 来ル(エクノ 略語). v.i. Come. (short for ek). -
Ea, エア, 文章ノ結尾ニ或ハアンニ伴フ時現在時 ノ印。 When at the end of a sentence or preceded by an, the verb “to be,” ea is used as a sign of the present tense. Thus:~ Shinuma mokoro an ea, “he is sleeping.” Ainu hotke an ea, “the man is lying down.” Seta i-poni ek ea, “the dog is following him.”
Ea, x.7*, £ Z j|] 27 = E ≫l. v.i. To rise as smoke.
Ea, EJ*, ii 27, 3Z^fi u v \. v.t. & adj. Placed. Put. -
Eashiu, Zr.752-17, # 7 # > ≫L-. v.t. To cast a spear at anything. Syn : Kachiu. Katchiu.
Eaha, ir. JP vv, # Hij / EIJ. Sign of a question.
Eahun, :r.777 A, WJL, os 4 vv. v.i. To go into. To enter into.
Eahunaraye, エアフンアラエ。家ニ持 # 2, . v.t. To bring something into a house.
Eahunpururugep, えあふんぷるるげっぷ, 家ニ吹込ミシ塵雲雨ナド。 n. Snow, rain, or dust blown into houses by the wind.
Eaikap, エアイカプ。出来ヌ,能ヘヌ.v.t. Unable to do a thing. Syn : Heki. Hekiya. Koyaikush. -
Eaikap-no, エアイカプノ。不完全ナル, 5§# z. adj. Abortive.
Eak, +72), H E : y. v.t. To shoot at.
Eama, +7°, so *. v.t. To place. To put. Syn. Eama-kara.
Eameokte, *7’x z+475*, **./,. v.t. To steal. To keep back that which ought to be given to another, (lit: “to hook in with the finger-nails”).
Eami, +7° S, I + + 2 %- 2. n. Brandts jay. Garrulus brandti, Everm. Syn : Eyami. Motot eami.
Eamkiri, エアムキリ, 知ル、覺エル。 v.t. To know. To recognize. Syn : Eshiramkiri. Kiri.
Ean, +7° 2, y ≫ 3r. ph. There was.
Eanasap, x. 7 + + 7, + ≫ R. adj. Quiet.
Eanchikarageta, :r.77 25-3h 54*2, TE##. adv. That very night. That particular night.
Eane, えあね, 淡キ、細キ。 adj. Thin 薄い. High or squeaky as the voice 声が高い、あるいは、きしむ様な. Syn : Eani.
Eane-hau, えあね・はう, 細キ聲。 n. A thin voice, Ischnophonia. 【Ischnophonia = Thinness of voice.】
Eane-no-po, エアネ・ノ・ポ, 困難ニ、ヤツト。 adv. Hardly. With great difficulty.
Eaneramu-pashkosamba, えあねらむ・ぱしゅこさむば, 喜ブ。 v.i. To be glad. To rejoice. Syn : Eramu-pashkosamba. ★バカ検証 【 pashkosamba は未登録である。Eaneramu も未定義である。やる気あるのか?。Ean + eramu なのか、Eane + eramu のどっちだ。】
Eangesh, or 72.4°E, of 7, #~ x. v.t. To dislike. Syn : Eniuchinne, Kopan. Angesh. Nukuri.
Eani, エアニ, 淡キ、細キ。例セバ、エアニハウ、細キ聲。 adj. Thin. High or squeaky as a voice. Thus:~ Eanihau, “ a squeaky voice.” Syn : Eane.
Eani, えあに, 汝。 pro. You. Syn : Aokai, E. Eani-un.

Eani-e-koro, えあに・え・ころ, 汝ノ、例セバ、エアニコロセタ、汝ノ犬。 poss. pro. Your. As :~ Eani e koro seta, “ your dog.”
Ean-manu, at77 err5R, 5*7 y z. ph. Was.
Eani-um, Ext7= £/ >?, ?, pro. You.
Eani-yaikota, :r.7 =+?-f =a &, #, #r Ej jj*. pro. You. Yourself.
Eannu, or 7232, #x puz. v.t. To spoil.
Eannu-no-koro, -t7254 / - ti, ?fa × 91... t.t. To possess.
Eanruru, エアンルル。西海岸へ。例セ ベ、エアンルルンクオマン、私ヘ西海岸 ~# 2. ph. To the west coast. As :~ Eanruru’n ku oman, “ I am going to the west coast.”
Eanu, -t.7°32, fi 2≫. v.t. To place. To put.
Eanun-no, ar:75& 2 /, E?i., §sks, a. adv. Freely. Without price. Syn : Ataye-sak-no. Oro-isam-no.
Eanuramu-hemususu, +75.5 A*A2&2<, ii + * i z. v.t. To think good or wise. To be delighted with.
Eara, えあら, 全ク。 adv. Entirely. Quite. With might.
Eara, エアラ, 一ツ。例セバ、エアラコソンデ、一枚著物。 adj. One. As :~ Eara kosonde, “one garment.”
Earaka, エアラカ, 食傷スル。例セバ, カルシエアラカ、キノコニテ 食傷スル。 v.i. To be hurt by. As :~ Karush earaka, “ hurt by eating mushrooms.”
Earakinne, えあらきんね, 全ク良ク。 adv. Quite. Thoroughly. Syn : Arara. Arikinne.
Earakush, えらくしゅ, 渡ル、例ヘバ、チカプチュプチアラクシ ニサルウェネ。 鳥ガ月ヲカスメテ渡リシ。 v.t. To pass across. As :~ Chikap chup earakush nisa ruwe ne, “the bird passed across the moon.”
Earamatke-no, えらまっけ・の, 疾ク(とく)、例セバ、エアラマッケノオマン、疾ク往ク。 adv. Quickly. As :~ Earamatke no oman, “to go quickly.” Earamatke no ye, “to say quickly.” Syn : Chashnu-no. Eattunne-no. Tunashi-no.
Earamoisam, えらもいさむ, 海岸ノ草ノ生ゼシ部分。 n. That part of the sea-shore where vegetation meets the sand.
Earasaine-no, or 75+ 4 + /, -??(#? / #II 27). iei+ =, ?-ja]. adv. In one coil (as a rope). Once only. At once. Syn : Arasui-ne.
Earasamne エアラサムネ。十(魚ヲ数 z yv§ 2 #). adj. Ten (used only in counting fish).
Earautor’un, a:775 r.) H. JL >, te y Ff =. adv. Elsewhere.
Earikinne, エアリキンネ。全ク。締麗ニ, $ 27. adv. Thoroughly. Well. Entirely. Quite.
Easara, エアサラ。注文スル、命ズル p.法 To order (as anything from a shop).
Easheash, or:72-752, # = s.j. 2, #. # = ff 2. v.i. To go stealthily along. As :~ Urepen-tok easheash, “to go stealthily along on tip-toe.”
Eashinge エアシンゲ、出ス。例セバ, イタクエアシンゲ、モノヲ云フ. p.s To send forth. To send out. As :~ Itak eashinge, “to speak,” “to say ” (lit: to send out words).
Eashin-no, エアシンノ。又、再ビ。例セ ベ、エアシンノカラ、改メテ為ス ado. Again. Afresh. Newly. As :~ Eashin no kara, “to do over again.” “to alter,” “to remake.”
Eaship, エアシプ、家又ヘ穴カラ出ル。 v.i. To go out (as out of a hole or house).
Eashirane, +7$e5 #, To be made known. abroad.
Eashiri, エアシリ。 喝呼。 例セバ, ェア シリアェキロロアン。鳴呼如何ニ面白カ 知ラル・ ひ.i. To be noised
7 x + 1 interj. Dearmel How very 1 "Just so I The exact meaning of this word can only be determined by the context. As :~ Eashiri aekiroro an, “how very interesting 1° Eashiri, shui eeka! “dear me, has he come again l’”
Eashiri, エアシリ。此ノ如キ場合ニ "例セバ、ヤクェアシリ。若シ左様デアッタ 9-7 2s. adv. It being so. In that case. Eashiri, “ if it is so."
Eashiri, E77 Er 9, E##, jt 2 # y . adv. Just so. Exactly. Truly. Syn : Eashiri tap-ne. Son-no.
Eashirika, E.J. E. J #, # =, adv. Verily. Certainly. Syn : Son-no-un.
Eashiriki-kushki, r.7” E2 y + 2 22 +, アラネベナラヌ、アル答。例セバ、ッッビ ・ シネエアシリキクシキ。二ツアルヘズ. ph. There must be. There ought to be. As :~ Tuppish me eashiriki-kushki, “there must be two,” “there ought to be two.”
Eashish, エアシシ。持テ行ク、外ニ運ブ. v.t. To bear away. To carry out.
Eashit ambe, at Jo $2:77’Art, Ast =. adv. In very truth.
Eashittap, ?? [HE. inter. Dear エアシッタプ。 me ! Just so I Ex Eashittapne, actly. Certainly. +7*Se & ≫ 7"#e, The full form of this word is Eashiri-tap-ne,
Eashka, E.JPEe#, #3r', # 27, adv. Very. Much. Very much. In a great degree.
Eashkai, エアシカイ。為シ能フ、出来ル。 v.i. To be able to do. Syn : Ki-no.
Eashkai-guru, T. J’Eo?, 4 ?YJle, f?I? 7 yu, N. n. A clever person. An adept. Clever.
Eashkai-no, at7"> # 4 /, _E?E =, Pj #5 =. adv. Cleverly. Ably.
Eashkaire,エアシカイレ。鼻プ。例セバ, カンビェアシカイレ、讃ミ書キヲ 學プ。 v.t. To learn. As :~ Kambi eashkaire, “to learn to read and write.”
Eassa, Ir. Jo ≫+}', # no. v.t. To make (as clothes). -
Eassuruanu, エアッスルアヌ。知ラレル・ v.i. To be made known. To be noised abroad. Same as Easuru-anu.
Eassuru-ashte, +7° ≫XML≫7*S≫5F, HI 7 yt y?, ## x yi. v.t. To make known. To advertise. Same as Easturu-ashte.
Eassuru-nu, +7 yx/L5R, #1 * v- so, ##-t- : Jl. v.i. To be made known. To be advertised. Same as Easturu???4. -
Easuru-anu, r. Jo K JL773K, #Il z v ≫l. v.i. To be made known. To be noised abroad. Same as Easstiru-anti.
Easuru-ash, エアスルアシ |有名ナル 名高キ.
Easuru-ashte, adj. Famous. エアスルアシテ,
Easuru-ashte, r. Jo XIV,77$e5', # += yv, ij x. yv. v.t. To make known. To advertise. Same as Eassuru-ashte.
Easuru-nu, *72KJL5X, I % v xl Ei; + 3 Juo. v.i. To be made known. To be advertised. Same as Eassuru-nu.
Eat, エアツ。在ル。居ル、懸ケテアル v.i. To be. To dwell. To be hung up as a pot over a fire. To stand (as a country or people).
Eat, エアツ。適合スル。同意スル adj. Agreeing with. Syn : Eot.
Eat, or 7 F, 2 v 3°. adv. At that, Thereupon. Upon that. Eat rapoketa, “During that time.” Then.
Eatpake, エアツバケ。原始。例セバ、エ Tr ≫ ≫K + 3, # > =. n. The beginning. A commencement. As :~ Eatpaketa, “ in the beginning,” “At the commencement.”
Eatpakegeta, + J*'ya $4-4°4&, TE ?: A ke x = . adv. At the very beginning.
Eattarage, *7≫4?z547°, iEt} x yv. v.t. To forsake. To leave alone. Syn : Moshima-no-okai.
Eattarashi, エアッタラシ。能ヘザル、不
##9-yl, #1;3- 912. adj. & v.i. To be unable. To be unfaithful. Incapable. To slight.
| Eattekeheta, .??? ェァッテヶへタ,|*豊 女カ* "
| Eattekta, ph. On the other エアッテクタ, hand. Besides.
Eattereke-ne, +795-L-S--k, # z, H: * = . adv. Easily. Quickly. With great ease. Syn : Isaika-no.
Eattunne-no, r. Jo ≫ y e:k A, E ?, ilマラズシテ。例セバ,ェアッツンネノアッ 3, #2, #2, #2, . adv. Quickly. Without stopping. All at one time. As :Eattunne no apkash, “to walk quickly,” or “without stopping.”
Eattunne no kara, “to do quickly,” or “all at one time.” Syn : Chashnu-no. Earamatke-no. Tunashi-no.
Eattunne-no, sr. Jo ≫ : 2 + / , ? W. F. adv. By itself. Alone. Only. Syn : Shinep-ne-an.
Eatu, +7°y, pH:H x. v.t. To vomit.
Eatukopash, *7°y:a ~\$2, H: * ! x. v.t. To vomit. To be sick.
Eaunaraye, エアウンアラエ、家ニ入ツ 3. ph, “He moved into his house.”
Eauwa, :r:Jory 7, zk? v 4. n. Same as Autwa.
Eba, at vy, r. ? L ? †A. n. Boschnikia glabra.
Ebitta, エビッタ。全ク、凡テ。例セバ、モ v v E ≫ *, §7j. adj. All. The whole. The aggregate. Throughout the whole. As :~ Moshir'ebitta, “all countries"; i.e. “the whole world.” 1
Eboso, atzi: /, ?#, 9- v = r zv. interj. Just so. Indeed. So it is. It appears so. As :~ Eboso, nei guru ihoshki katu ne wa ku nukara, “ just so, that man appears to me to be drunk.” Syn : Eposo. -
Eboso-gusu. rzfe / YZ., ##=, K =. adv. Verily. Indeed. Just so. Just as. Syn : Eposo-gusu.
| Ebotan-ni, ) ir v f : 3. n. Ligu:rzie & A:=, | strum yezoense. Nakai.
| Epotan-ni, In S. it is called ainaエポタンニ。 ni. Yezo privet.
Ebotpochi, razko≫;#5F, * > * > # 3 , フタコロビ、プシダ* マ. n Lonicera Morrowii, A. Gray. Syn : Kinne-ni. Morrows Honey-Suckle.
Ebui, or 74, #, n. A bud.
Ebuike, or 74 or, ?i?. n. A flower.
Ebuike-pirasa, at74 r. E5 #, †e ?y # 2. v.i. To flower.
Ebuiushbe, or 7 of 7:2-k, #, x n +, n. The rafters at the ends of a hut which are put up crosswise as a kind of foundation for the others near them to lean upon and be fastened to.
Ebussa-ni, or 7 yo-, + y to a #. n. Eleutherococcus senticosus, Maxim. S. In H. it is called Tat-o-soko-ni. A kind of elder.
Echakashnu, a re?i vz, tko ne. v.i. Teach. To instruct.
Echake, エチャケ、不作法ナル 例セバ, ネプネヤッカシヨモエチャケワビリカグ ンネ、彼ヘ不作法ヲ セザル良キ人デア Jl. v.t. To do slovenly. To act in an unseemly manner. As :~ Nep ne yakka shomo echake wa pirika gun?ne, “he is a good person who never does unseemly acts.” Syn : Ichake.
Echakoko, ar.3F v = a, #& ~ PL. v.t. To teach.
Echakurash, ** x 37 5 $z, E7° vL?oEzk. n. A floating log with branches attached. -
Echan, or >, +, +, ###|.. n. A ditch.
Echanchange, E5F v 25F v Le Aro, #2* # ju, + = y H. ju, Ji'. v.t. To glance. To touch but not to hurt. . To touch slightly.
Echararase, :r:5F x 5 5 tz', # 2.. Gjte ベ、テクワポェチャララセ、手ノ助ヲ以テ # 2, ... v.i. To move along. To skim along (as a fish upon the surface of
water). As :~ Tek wa po echararase, “he moved along by the help of his hands.”
Echaroshi, or 5** r >, || 2 H. v.i. In one's mouth.
Echar”ushi, -rios A. J.L. y Sa, pH = 27 " - ol. v.t. To hold in the mouth (as a tobacco-pipe).
Echi, ac5F, 5 32 y pl. , ?r. adj. & v.i. To be soiled. To be stained.
Echi, エチ、放等。例セバ,ェコロコタン オルンェチルラクスネナ、渋等ヲ本國へ * # yl, -: sv. pro. Ye. Echi is sometimes used as the singular, objective pronoun “ you.” ? As :~ E koro kotan orzen echi rura kusu ne ma, “ I will send you home to your country.” Ek, echi kouwepekennu, “ come here, I have something to ask you.” Syn : Echiutara.
Echi, エチ、柄、勇(瓶ナドノ) n A spout. A handle. Syn : Etu.
E-chi, エチ。彼等ヘ食シマシタ ph. They ate.
Echianupkorobe, it #-7” 5& 7 = d *, 慎重ニスル、心ヲ留メル v.i. To be careful. To keep in mind.
Echibe, or 5*~, #3. n. A spoon.
Echichiuka, rij-3 у ?i, ili: 2 лу. To avoid. Syn : Eshishi.
Echikiki, it:F:##, #####x. v.t. To pour out. - -
Echikikippo, エチキキッポ。シジウカラ。 n. The Manchurian great tit. Parus atriceps minor, (S. & T.)
Echi-koro, r.*=j pa, ijc£ 2. poss. pro. pl. Your. ν.?.
Echimakange, :r:5F7 # 24°, 3? > += | zv. v.t. To cause to come.
Echingara, エチンガラ。(魚ヤ肉ヲ) 切 y #| 27. V.i. To cut up (as meat or fish).
Echinge, or 5-2 oro, #. n. A turtle.
Echi-okai, ±±z?o?y 4 , ?i?&. per. pro. *. pl. Ye. o
Echi-okai-utara, +++3;4 y 45, ik A?. per. pro. pl. Ye. tari. Echi-utari.
Echiokunnure, +5=#2 : e5x L, se A. A’ = h > ?a?E x ≫L. v.i. To feel concern for another. Syn : Echi
Echip, エチプ。自分ノモノ。例セバ、チ コレチプネ、其ヘ我等ノモノナリ、n, One's own personal belongings. One's goods. As :~ Chikor'echip me, “they are our goods.” Syn : Chikorobe. Kukorobe.
Echip-ika, **/+74f *j, }s = + 7 ~~ v xv (# E 2 # 7). v.i. To be washed overboard.
Echiriri, エチリリ。流レ満ル、物ニ副フ *i: yu. v.i. To trickle down.
Echiotari, ±*4* !), i??n. per. pro. pl. Ye. Short for Echi tttari.
Echiu, IE+ty, if no. v.t. To pray. Echiu, エチウ。外レル、常ル。 slip. To bring up against. -
Echiu-chari, or:#75** J, #9 y >. n. A kind of blueberry. Vaccinium praestans, Lamb. The name means giver of astringency. The very name would be enough to prevent one from eating the berries of this plant. The name means “acid spreader". v.t.
Echiuka, エチウカ。避クル。 avoid. Syn : Eshishi.
Echiuka, エチウカ。上流へノボル、t.i. & n. To go against a stream.
Echiukurure, ar 5F; } } }L' Le, #R ?. v.t. To obstruct the current in a stream by driving in posts or casting in logs or any other obstructions.
Echiure, エチウレ。物ニ常ル。衝突スル。 v.i. To come into contact with. To strike against.
Echi-ush, エチウシ。口ノアル。例セバ, ェチウシベツチ。口ノアル桃. adj. Having a spout. As :~ Echi-tish batchi, “a bowl with a spout.” TO v.i. To

| Echi-utara, エチウタラ, 汝等。 per. pro. pl. Ye.
| Echi-utare, 。エチウタレ,
| Echi-utari, エチウタリ,
Echopnure, えちょぷぬれ, 接吻スル。 v.t. To kiss. Syn : Chopohopsekara.
Echopopo, +5F a zitzR, Z\ v pl. v.t. To put into. Syn : Omare.
Echuchari, えちゅちゃり, イハツツジ。 n. Vaccinium praestans, Lamb. A kind of astringent blueberry. Syn : Itchara. In S. it is called Chikaiba and Utchitchara.
Echuppok, +5-a ≫ #3, PH. n. The West.
Echutko, E3-a y=a, fill;# 7. syste os, 夕 ンベアナタネタア ンベニチュッコノア >, sh; F # F# 7. v.i. To differ. To mistake. As :~ Tambe anak neta ambe echutko no an, “this differs from that.” Syn : Uweshinnai-no-an.
Echutko-no, :r:Fa y a A, fi]E y *. adv. Differently. Mistakenly.
Echutko-no-ki, +5F4. V-1 / +, WM ol-, 違反スル。例セバ,ェカムバクテイエチュ ツコノキ、其ノ約束ヲ破リシ v.t. To break (as a promise). To do differently. As :~ Ekambakte-i echutko no ki, “ he broke his word.”
Echutku-nu, Er.**.*y% 3, fa] s* +. adj. The same.
Edo, + F, r y s ≫ os F. n. Lythrum Salicaria, L. (See Endo. Eto.)
Eembe, ええむべ, 利器、刃物。 n. Any sharp instrument as a knife or sword. Syn : Eenbe.
Een, エエン, 鋭キ。例セバ、エエンマキリ、鋭キ小刀。 adj. Sharp. As :~ Een makiri, “a sharp knife.”
Eenarishpa, ええなりしゅぱ, 噛ム、噛ンデ引張ル。 v.t. To bite at (as at one's sleeve). To pull (as one's sleeve with the teeth). To pull with the teeth.
Eenbe, ええんべ, 利器。 n. Any sharp instrument as a knife or sword. Same as Eembe.
Eenka, ええんか, 鋭クスル。 v.t. To sharpen. Same as Eenke. Syn : Iruike.
Eenkashikegeta, x + 2- zz > + ("Ar, TE E =. post. Exactly above. Just OVEI.
Eenke, ええんけ, 鋭クスル。 v.t. To sharpen. Same as Eenka.
Eenkippi, ええんきっぴ, 陰茎。 n. The male organ.
Eenok, artir / O, E y r pl. v.t. To earn.
Eepaketa, エエパケタ。又、其ノ次ギ. adv. Again. Next. Upon this. After that. Besides.
Eepange, it:Ezo 24, § y =. * } silty. adv. At the end. At the finish. Same as Epange. -
Eepenge エエペンゲ。根原ニ、源ニ。始 エノマン x =. = ~ & 2," H = $9. adv. At the source. In the beginning. Same as Epenge.
Eeripak, xtsr. 9 ?<2y, j#jt =. adj. Together with. At the same-time.
Eese, ±rtz, :- yl. v.t. To answer.
Eeshiri, :Eir 52 j, plff. adv. Previously. Before. Syn : Eshiri. -
Eeshiri-an, :tr:$≫ J Jo A, PI?I 2. s?j セベ, ェェシリアンアプ、以前ノモノ。 adj. Above-mentioned. Previous. As :~ Eeshiri-an ap, “the previous one.” Syn : Eshiri-an. Senramsekoro,
Eetasa, エエタサ。更ニ。ヨリ多ク、甚ダ. 例セバ、エェタサシリポプケ。甚ダ熱キ. adj. More. Than. Too much. Very. Extremely. As :~ Eetasa shiripopke, “it is extremely hot.” Syn : Eitasa. Efureka-ni, :r:7 ) zh =, † + +, * > = . n. S. Taxus cuspidata, S. et Z. In H. it is called Rarama-ni.
Efureppo, +7 L yzk, + x x ≫ s’. n.
Rhododendron Kaempferi, Planch. Syn : Retan-ni.
Eha, エハ。ギンマメ、ヤブマメ n The Hog-Peanut. Amphicarpaea trioperma, Planch. Syn : Aha.
Eha, :r.≫v, # / ##. n. The navel string.
Ehabapu, エハバプ。節僚シテ用ュル、貯 7 yu. v.t. To keep back. To save. To use sparingly. To be careful of (as of food). Same as Ehapapti.
Ehaita, +/v4 &, # or yu. v.t. To avoid. Syn : Eshishi. Shikiru.
Ehaita-no-oman, :r. vv. 4f & A f7 A, # or ju, ###x. ph. To avoid. To go past.
Ehaitare, rizv's 3: L', so or + + Jo. v.t. To cause to miss. To cause to avoid.
Eham, er vw.l., IE x yl-, # 2'. v.t. To oppose. To stop. Syn : Etokotuye.
Ehange, twv 24°, ?? = vt. adj. & v.i. To be near at hand. To draw near.
Ehangeko, tzv. >4*=?, ? ≫. adv. Far. Distant. Far away.
Ehangeko-no-an, * ~v > 4;^ =i A’ 7 >, # 2, . adv, Distant. To be far away. That which is far away.
Ehange-no, 近キニアル。例セバ, エハンゲノッ エヘンゲノアンエ
Ehange-no-an, カシ、近キ先祀。 エハンゲノアン。 v.i. To be near at hand. To be close. As :~ Ehange no an ekashi, “one's near ancestors” in contradistinction to Mak un ekashi, “one's ancient ancestors.”
Ehange-no-oman-i, tzv. e 4° / zrr e 4f , R?f = Pl = h. n. A drawing near.
Ehangere, at vv > Ay Lo, H = 7 += yi?. v.t. To cause to come nigh.
Ehanken, ar.wv ^^r >, salj. adv. Close up to. Syn : Ehange-no.
Ehapapu, エハパプ,節僚シテ用ュル、貯 2 ov. v.t. To keep. back. To save. To use sparingly. To be careful of (as of food). Same as Ehabapu.
Ehapi, エハピ。裏ミスル、軽ンズル v.i. To slight.
Ehapuru, raw7/L, #-Re- x. v.i. Unable to endure.
Ehariki-sam, at vv. 1) + {}A, ?E ≫ #f. adv. On the left.
Ehariki-8o-un, エハリキツウン。輝漫 2. Zajj. adv. The left hand side of a fire-place.
Ehatatne, irizvaz y:#, #21. v.t. To watch over. To keep free from harm. To take special care of. Syn : Eyam. . Ehaukashiu, エハウカシウ,
Ehaukashu, 大整ニテ言フ. v.i. To speak with a loud voice. To shout. エハウカシュ, Syn : Haukorekunitara. Kunitara.
Ehaukatki, rivv. 7 ?, y+, v.t. To commit adultery.
Ehaukomo, zzvry n=E, ΣΗ?-t- yv. adj. Angry.
Ehaye, or /Y of so, Ji ? ov. v.i. To come short of. To be insufficient. Syn : Eikohaye. - 姦通スル,
Ehekem, at ~ or A, # 2... v.i. To snatch. To seize. To drag.
Ehetche, ir¬sy5°+, ?~ yv. v.t. To return an answer to. To respond to.
Eheuba, エへウバ, 凭リカカル(よりかかる・もたれかかる) v.i. To lean over. To lean on one side.
Eheuge, エヘウゲ, 凭リカカル(よりかかる・もたれかかる) v.i. & adj. To be bent. To lean on one side. To lean over.
Eheugere, atos :) 4: Lo, fih ?r. n. v.t. To bend.
Eheuheuge, x-. - 74“,
Eh#x - (# / ). v.i. To roll or lean on one side as a ship at sea.
Ehoat, risk7”y, # 2 #. n. The navel
Ehanki, or ov2+, £A. n. An official. | string.
Ehochari, rizk5F4 ), ?#x v. v.t. To waste. Syn : Aretaraka-kara.
Ehochatchari, :Ezk5F y y5F v U, # >
v.t. To scatter. To ス、徒ニ費ヤス。 Waste,
Ehohainehaine-rusui, ** zv4f *zv イネルスイ。恐レヲイダク。ph.Tofeel inclined to fear, Same as Eohaihaine7rusui.
Ehoma, or:R+, # 2 #3. n. The name of a dance. A dance in which the word ehoma is continually repeated.
Ehomatu, xizkory, o ? (# 2 is 2). v.t. To shy at (as a horse), To start at.
Ehonkanteshke, xizk:23, 25*$25°, HE = 3 yi ?? v. adj. Abdominal. Syn : Honi-poro.
Ehonnai, aczk>3-4, E x ≫L. v.t. To eat.
Ehontom-me-guru, rizk - F. Aak ?ilo, # A. n. A fool. A stupid person. Syn : Haita-guru.
Ehopiru, =r.z#b-:jw?, # vl? vt~, #/l~. v.t. To leave. To go away from
Ehopiye エホビイェ。飛上ガル。例セバ, メコアナクネチカプェホピイェ、猫ガ鳥 =# 9 7-# E or jul. v.t. To spring upon. To spring out of. As :~ Meko anak ne chikap ehopiye, “the cat sprang upon the bird.”
Ehopuni,エホプニ。服レ上ル(腫物ノ如 27). v.i. To come up as boils or blisters. To arise.
Ehora, r7fs5, F# rs. adv. wards. -
Ehorachiu, ** 5 *+roy, TS7f~ [n] 2’. v.i. To bend downwards.
Ehorari, エホラリ。伏ス、震ル。例セバ, アイアイシンダウプショロゲェホラリ。 子供ヘ捨リ籠ニ伏シテヲル v.i. To recline. To lie (as a child in its cradle). As :~ Aiai shinda upshoroge ehorari, “the child is lying in the bosom of the cradle.” Syn : Hotke. Down
Ehorashi, + zk 5 Se, TF # ~. adv. Downwards.
Ehoroka, E7is R 5, # ?s. adv. Back wards.
Ehoroka-no, rizik ra? / , tk / ?i =. Vi セベ、エホロカノアプカシ、後へ行ク。 adv. In a backward manner. Backwards. As :~ Ehoroka no apkash, “to walk backwards.”
Ehoroka-rapush-chikap, rizik ra? 5 プシチカプ、日本人ヲ指セル暗語 n. A secret term used by the Ainu of the Japanese when the subject spoken of is present and the Ainu do not wish him to know that he is the subject of conversation. (Lit: “the bird with its wings turned backward).
Ehosatara, :r.zk-## 5, ?# x. v.t. To waste.
Ehose, ***z, Fooj v jj 7 E, yu.. v.i. To look away from. To look in an opposite direction.
Ehosh, orzko, Hol. adv. On one side.
Ehoshi, E7RSe, 4##gsltfig, adv The other way about. -
Ehoshki, artzk?e:F, ARE = F 7. v.i. To be dissatisfied. Syn : Shomo aeramushinne. Rampokashte.
Ehoshippare, xzRS? y z & L>, B# x. v.t. To send back. To return.
Ehotashnu, Ezk4 $e5x, x = 3- 7. v.t. To damage. As :~ Chisei orunbe shomo aehotashnu, “nothing in the house was damaged.”
Ehuchane, エフチヤネ、拒絶スル、無嗣 v.t. To eschew. To ignore. Repudiate.
Ehumkotui,エフムコツイ。小キ岐ノ類 n. A kind of small black gnat.
Ehunge, :r.7 24°, ##5° = x pl. v.t. To rock in a cradle. To sway a child to and fro on one's back to quiet it.
Ehunge-hau :E724°/v7, ## / #k. n. A cradle song.
Ehunara, えふなら, 羨ム(うらやむ)、貪ル(むさぼる)。 adj. & v.t. To begrudge 〜をねたむ. Stingy けちな、しみったれた、せこい. Greedy 欲張りの、貪欲な、がめつい、ガツガツした. To keep back 抑える・我慢する. To withhold 差し控える、自制する. To desire. ★バカ検証 【Ehunge の後】

Ehureppo, E7 L v7it, v v 9 9 s', n. Rhododendron Kaempferi, Planch. Also called retan-ni. Same as efurep p0.
Ehuroshi, *7 Ea $2, $ 7 E. yu.... v.i. To ascend a hill.
Ehuru-hemesu, E71Los x X, Jv|I| = *# vl?. v.i. To ascend a hill. Syn : Ehuru-tasa. Ehuttasa.
Ehuru-hose, :r:7JVzkotz, Alx|I|| > # JL. v.i. To descend a hill. Syn : Ehurupesh. Ehuru-ran.
Ehuru-mesu, T.7 Jie x K., dx |I| = LEJL. v.i. To ascend a hill.
Ehuru-pesh, エフルペシ。小山ヲ下ル。 v.i. To descend a hill. Syn : Ehuruhose. Ehuru-ran.
Ehuru-pesh-kina, r:7JL“SEe-Fj-, = 27 = 7 y 9. n. Scolopendrum vulgare. Sm. The frond of this fern is sometimes smoked either alone or mixed with tobacco. Hart's tongue.
Ehuru-pokun,:E7jw#% :^, f?. 7 TF )l?. v.i. To descend a hill. Syn : Ehuruhose. Ehuru-pesh.
Ehuru-ran, エフルラン。小山ヲ下ル。 v.i. To descend a hill.
Ehuru-tasa, \ zJ-|[] = E. ≫v. v.i. To as:E7 JL4x+}, | cend a hill. Syn : Ehuttasa, Ehuroshi.
Ehuruエフッタサ。 hemesu.
Ehuye, r. 74 e, ## ≫ (##). v.t. (sing) To await. To wait for. Syn : Atere.
Ehuyeatchi, or 74 -7 yo-,...... y #y (££). v.t. To wait for. (pl.)
Ehuyepa, at 74 = v?, ## ≫ (##). v.t. To await. To wait for. (pl.)
Eiat, =.-f 7**, ≫ z. adj. That. That being so.
Eiat-rapoketa, r.4 7° 25zitAr3x, H; 2 fil. ph. Meanwhile.
Eibe-kopirika, r.4 oka E U ?r, if y : 2s v 2. ph. To live well. Well fed.
Eibekowen, エイベコウェン, 貧シク暮ス。 v.i. To live poorly. Under-fed.
Eicharare, えいちゃられ, 拒絶スル。 v.t. To reject.
Eicharase, えいちゃらせ, 信ジ得ヌ。 v.t. To disbelieve. To cast on one side.
Eihok, えいほっく, 売ル。 v.t. To sell. Syn : Eiyok.
Eika, えいか, 溢ル(あふれる)。 v.i. To run over.
Eikan-no, えいかん・の, 豊カニ。 adv. Abundantly. Bountifully. Syn : Nuye an no.
Eikapa, エイカパ。談話ノ種ヲ得ル。v.i. To get matter for a speech.
Eikarakara, +-s 7,575, #1, 2 × x = # 9 & . ph. He made it for me.
Eikare エイカレ。溢レルマデ充ス。p.。 To fill to overflowing.
Eikashu, *4 *j $~+, * * pl~, * yv. v.t. To surpass. To go beyond.
Eikashnukara, +4 h $e5 ?75, B? ~ yl. v.t. To give. To bestow.
Eikaun, a-4 # :) A, # y ? ar. adv. & v.i. Too much. Than. More. To be more. Syn : Eetasa. Eitasa. Kasu no. Eikan no.
Eikaum-rusui, :r:4 ?ar) e IL2x4f, # 7, # 7. v. f. To emulate. To have a desire to surpass.
Eikaunu, エイカウヌ。我意ヲ張ル、為 s≫;E} =F≫v, jE= yi~. v.t. & v.i. To be self willed. To overdo. To prefer to do. To surpass.
Eikaunu-no, at-s #, 75x /, iE # 7 :$ x, £< ~ = x, yv. v.t. & v.i. To do over-much. To do in a self willed fi la Il|Iler.
Eikeshkore, ri A4 r>2 = L-, f3 y tz yl. v.t. To cause to inherit.
Eikesh koro, :r.4 (r£≫-a pa, ####z yv. v.t. To inherit.
Eikeshkorobe, r4 Ar:2: pa.<, iti: Bjo. n. Heirlooms. Things inherited from another. Syn : Chirairep.
Eikeshui, エイケシュイ。楽テル、怒ツテ Jaa v. v.t. To turn away from anything in anger. To abandon. To
Eikishma, *4f * $Z-z, {}is z,.. v.t. To seize.
Eikka, エイッカ。盗ム。 Syn : Ikka.
Eikka-wa-oman, +4 ≫?i 7 *** A, E × 5°of 2. v.t. To steal and carry off. Syn : Eotuyetuye.
Eikoapkash, or of -1777, $22, #k-3K 3. ph. They came to me.
Eikohaye, -r-f = wv-f =, Z?S E x pl. v.i. To be insufficient. Syn : Ehaye.
Eikoiki, at 4 + 4 +, off z. v.t. To fight.
Eikoisamba, エイコイサムバ, 做フ、真似スル v.t. To imitate 模倣する. Syn : Koikara. ★バカ検証 【做フ、という言葉不明。做す(なす)、看做す(みなす)・見做すの意で、作る・判定する。なので、模倣の意は無い。做フ、の発音、「フ」も不明。多分、模倣(もほう)の倣の字の間違いで、倣フ(ならふ)のつもり。もう完全にバカ。】
Eikoshi, at f = 2, ##x. v.t. To hand over. To betray. Syn : Ekoshi.
Eikotuntek, a.s a y >5-27, Box yi . v.i. To resound.
Eikoyaiirage-manu, or s > *-s of 5 ゲマヌ。彼ヘ私ニ感謝シタ、ph He thanked me.
Eikrap-kore, z-s of 57: L, 3 +j}: 7 ?ol-. v.t. To give as a present. Syn : Ekoimokokoro.
Eikushtek, エイクシュテく, 餘リ。 余りに。過分ノ。  例セバ, エイクシュテクポロ。餘リ大キイ 余りに大きい、大き過ぎる。  adj. Too much. Surpassingly. As : ~ Eiktushtek poro “too large.” Eikushtek pon, “too small.” Eikushtek pirika, “too good.” Syn : Mashkin. Kashpa. 【★バカ検証 サンプル。このバカは、「余り」「余りに」「余りにも」の違いを分かっていない。余りにも無知。周りの日本人もバカ。】
Eimek, +4 x 27, 23 ?E x ≫L. v.t. To distribute. To apportion (as portions of meat or drink). But it is sometimes used in the ceremonies of exorcism. It partakes of the nature of execration. Thus, I once saw a cursed tree chopped up fine and scattered to the four winds. It had been cursed because it had fallen on a man and killed him. The scatter v.t. To steal. ing part was called Eimek.
Eimoyemoye, ir-4 HE5E5E5E, # 2", H? 3 x. v.t. To shake. To make move.
Eingush, +4f 2-2/>, # U-21-. v.i. To be afraid. Syn : Eramukittararage. Ishitoma. Kimatek.
Einore, +4 A Lo, ?E x pl. v.t. To adulterate. Syn : Ukopoye.
Einun, エイヌン。爆製スル(肉又ヘ魚) v.t. To smoke flesh or fish.
Einupitara, r4 : b, 3:5, # x x, H + x, so z. v.t. To not want or like. To eschew. To hate. Syn : Etunne.
Einure, ±4 5. L', y: z : x Jl. v.t. To light (as a lamp). Syn : Uhuyeka.
Eipak, ir.4 ~ 847, u}F. x. yL. v.i. To be sufficient. Syn : Pakno.
Eipake, えいぱけ, 端。 n. The edge. Point of a knife. Syn : Paruruge. Kan-etuhu.
Eipakige, or of wo:#5, #. n. The edge. Edges. Syn : Eipake.
Eipak-shomoki, :r:4 v ? ? Se a RE +, ZR Ju z >L. v.i. To be insufficient. Syn : Ehaye. Eikohaye.
Eipara, エイパラ。病ニ羅ル(伝染病ノ如ク). v.t. To catch (as a disease).
Eipokun, エイポクン。ヨリモ少ナキ v.i. To be less than.
Eipokun-no, *4 *47 > A’, = 9 ze /}> + 2. adv. Not so much. Less.
Eipok-unu, エイポクウヌ。好マズ。口惜 J. v.t. To dislike. To regret.
Eiram-kotoro-mewe, T.4 5A, I K DI 24ウェ。署メル、鼓舞スル、鷹励マス・ p.。 To encourage.
Eiramnukuri, or of 5 A5. 27 J, Ex a トヲ好マヌ。例セバ、クェツンェイラム " ヌクリ。余ヘ借リルコトヲ好マヌ. p.が To dislike to do. Not to care to do. : As :~ Ku etun eiram nukturi, “ I do not l care to borrow it.” Ye eiramnukuri, “to dislike to tell.” Syn : Eutchike. Iramnukuri.
Eirawe, エイラウェ。為シタガル、殺シタ
zo jur. v.t. To desire to do. To wish to kill. Syn : Irawe.
Eirayap, えいらやぷ, 驚異ヲ表ハス, v.t. To express surprise at.
Eireka, えいれか, 過ギル。 v.t. To pass.
Eiripak, えいりぱく, 均シキ。 adj. Even. Equal. Syn : Uwe-iripak.
Eiripakno-kara, えいりぱくの・から, 均シクスル。 v.t. To make equal. To make even.
Eirusa, えいるさ, 貸ス(単数)。 v.t. To lend. (sing.) Syn : Shosere.
Eirusa-guru, えいるさ・ぐる, 貸人。 n. One who lends.
Eirushpa, えいるしゅぱ, 貸ス(複数)。 v.t. To lend. (pl.) Syn : Shoserepa.
Eisamta, えいさむた, 傍ニ。 adv. By the side of. Close to. Syn : Samaketa.
Eishikashpari, えいりかしゅぱり, 貪る(むさぼる) v.t. To covet. Syn : Ibeporore. Yaikoshipuinere.
Eishikoyantoneka, えいしこやんとねか, 宿ラセル。 v.t. To force one to lodge in a place.
Eishiramne, えいしらむね, 欲スル。 v.t. To wish for. To desire. To want. Syn : Kon rusui.
Eishiramnep, えいしらむねぷ, 必要 n. Needs. Desires. Wants. Syn : Kon rusuibe.
| Eishokon, エイショコン,
| Eishokoro, エイショコロ, 信ズル。 v.t. To believe.
Eishokor-i, or:4 × a H. J., sa ssp. n. Faith.
Eishokor-i-tumashnure-buri-akire, エイショコリツマシヌレブリアキレ、信 * £g y x yv. v.t. To confirm (Introduced by the Compiler).
Eishokor-i-tumashnure-buri-akirekatu, エイショコリツマシヌレブリア + L-3, y, ###. ph. The order for Confirmation (Introduced by the Compiler).
Eishokoro, xt4f > a > ra, fe x ≫v. v.t. To believe. Syn : Eishokon.
Eishungere, ac4 Eo a lo oro lo, Etz o. v.t. To disbelieve.
Eitak-amkire, +4 4z & J’A, # Lo, #JAI x 21. v.t. To promise.
Eitasa, or of £o, # 9 =. adv. Too much. Than. More. Syn : Eetasa. Eikaun. Kasu-no.
Eitoko, ori's F B, # x =. adv. At the beginning.
Eiwak, or A Z 7, #212. v.i. To return to one's home (as from work). Syn : Ewak.
Eiwan, エイワン。六ツ、又ヘ澤山 adj. Six. (This word is sometimes used in the sense of “many ” it being the perfect number). Emko eiwan shongo, “very much news”; “many instructions.”
Eiwange, at 4 7 IAAF, H + yv. v.t. To use. To make use of. Syn : Ewange.
Eiwange-chieikip, +4 ?2 > *5-roof #7, #H. n. Tools.
Eiwange-kunip, +4 7 24°5 E7, # J?. n. Tools.
Eiwangere, エイワンゲレ。用キサセル。 v.t. To cause to use.
Eiye, or of E, jt = adv. Together with.
Eiyemaume, *4 iP.?z ioy*, 35 yv. v.i. To dwell together. To have intercourse with.
Eiyoinimba, えいよいにむば, 反響ス。 v.i. To echo. To resound. To have a noise in the head. Syn : Shirieiyunimba. Tuntek.
Eiyok, えいよっく, 売る。 v.t. To sell. Syn : Ehok.
Eiyokbe, えいよっくべ, 賣品、貨物。 n. Merchandise.
Eiyonuppa, えいよぬっぱ, 訴フル。 v.t. To accuse of a crime. To complain about.
Eiyonuppa-ambe, えいよぬっぱ・あむべ,
告訴。 n. A complaint. An accusation.
Ek, えく, 来ル (単数)。 v.i. To come. (sing).
Eka, えか, 捻ル(ねじる)、ヨル。 v.t. To make (as a rope). To twist. As :~ Tush eka, “to make a rope.”
Ekaechish, エカエチシ, 山、岩ナドノ険シク占凹シタルトコロ. n. Rugged places. A sharply pointed hook. A mountain pinnacle or peak. Same as Ekaichish.
Ekai, えかい, 周囲ノ。 Round about.
Ekaichish, エカイチシ, 山、岩ナドノ険シク凸凹シタルトコロ. n. Rugged places. A sharply pointed rock. (Same as Ekaechish.)
Ekai-nupuri, えかい・ぬぷり, 火山 n. A volcano (extinct or active 死滅あるいは活性の、死火山・休火山・活火山).
Ekai-raiochi, えかい・らいおち, 虹。 n. A rainbow.
Ekakari, at?, ?, J, E# * 21. o.f. 19 sew over (as in making botton holes).
Ekakoyaske, **y:?a +≫x4%r, E| v x xl≫. adj. Cracked (from top to bottom).
Ekamasu-chitarabe, えかます・ちたらべ, 袋。 n. A bag for carrying clothes etc., when travelling.
Ekambak, =:5 B, ^v 4 warning. _.
Ekambak-isam-no, :r. ?. Aus 2 4 #A. A, #3: = , ZSss. adv. Without warning.
Ekambakte, エカムバクテ, 前以テ知ラセル、豫示スル。 v.t. To forewarn. To make known. Syn : Shietok. Ashongokushte.
Ekambakte-i, ar ?y.A., § 2) 5°4f, ?IBl. 7 知ラセルコト。豫示、豫約。 n. A forewarning. A promise.
Ekambakte-ki, xij, Azto:#, #7s; x, xl≫, $J}{}3 x yu~. v.t. To forewarn. To promise.
Ekambakte-no-an-itak, -r:})JAA ## 7. ノアンイタク。約束、豫示 n. Awarn adj. Round. ##. n. A ing. A promise.
Ekamge, エカムゲ, 豫想スル (幸福ナ事). v.t. To be in a state of anticipation, particularly of something pleasant to happen. The word is a gerund of the verb “to be.” “being in a state of.”
Ekamparasasa, at?, Av?5+}+} , J?zR 3- Jl. II 7# ≫ #J?. adj. Any vessel with a flat lip.
Ekan, rij} >, sa z =. adv. Towards. As, Ekan-nukara, “ look towards.”
Ekanai, Er7j3-Af, DBij =. adv. Previously. Before. Anciently. Syn : Etokota.
| Ekanai-ita, エカナイ・イタ, 以前ニ。 ph. At a previous time. Syn : Etokota. Makuishiri. Arani-wano.
| Ekanaita, エカナイタ,
Ekanai-wano. :r: #73-4 7 /, j / El?I =. ph. From before that time. From ancient times. Syn : Makui-shiriwarlo,
Ekanku-ushi, or:#; 2 of 752, 5 75|| 37. v.t. To bend a bow.
Ekannayukara, ri?, 2:}"=L#5, ?? s”. adv. Like. Syn : Ukorachi.
Ekannukara, at # 23 h 5, 5 DL. v.i. To look towards.
Ekanok, エカノク、出迎フ。例セバ、エ カノクグスオマン、出迎へニ往ク. v.t. To go to meet. As :~ Ekanok gusu oman, “to go to meet."
Ekanraye, at?y 25732, ...... =3Kyi. v.i. To come to.
Ekanu, or 773, #7. v.t. To carry.
Ekanuk, rij 5. i , ?iti z. v.t. To meet. Syn : Ekanok.
Ekap, エカプ, 挨拶スル。曾釈スル v.t. To greet. To salute.
Ekap-akoipuni-ambe, えかぷ・あこいぷに・あむべ, 死人ノタメノ歌迎曾 n. A congratulatory feast made for the dead. (Lit: “congratulation sending off thing.”)

Ekarakara, +3757, 5, Ex. v.t. To do. This word very often occurs in legends in place of kara and ki.
Ekari, エカリ, 迎へラルル、出来上ル。 v.i. & v.t. To be met. To put forth (as strength). To be done. To be finished. Syn : Kara-okere. Kiroro yupu wa ki.
Ekari, エカリ, 周リ、邊リ。例セバ、チセイエカリ、 家ノ周リ。 post. Around. By. Along. As :~ Chisei ekari, “around the house.” Syn : Kari. Okari.
Ekari, えかり, 流浪スル。 v.i. To wander about. Syn : Ekeshne-oman.
Ekar'ibe, えかっるいべ, 特別ノ場合ノ為ニ造ラレテ、特別ノ皿。 n. A specially made dish for any particularly marked occasion, such as for a wedding ceremony, or on the parting of a guest.
Ekari-nukara, えかり・ぬかり, ...... 視詰メル。 v.t. To look at.
Ekarire, えかりれ, 囲フ。 v.t. To inclose. Syn : Nikkotama.
Ekari-wa-oman, えかり・わ・おまん, 巡ル。 例セバ、トエカリワオマン、彼ハ湖ヲ廻リシ。 ph. To go round. As :~ To ekari wa oman, “he went round the lake.”
Ekash, えかっしゅ, 甚ダ。 adv. Exceedingly.
Ekashi, えかし, 峠。 n. A mountain pass.
Ekashi, えかし, 祖先、老人。 n. An ancient. A grandfather. Ancestors. A title of respect to middle-aged men. Mak un ekashi, “one's remote ancestor.” Ehange no an ekashi, “one's near ancestors.” Ekashi uruoka hoppaitak, “the traditions handed down from the ancients.”
Ekashish, えかしっしゅ, 卑シム、悪ム。 v.t. To despise. To hate.
Ekashinne-no, えかしんね・の, 彼方此方ニ(かなたこなたに)。例セバ、エカシンネノアプカシ、アチコチ歩ク。 adv. To and fro. Hither and thither. As :~ Ekashinne no apkash, “to walk to and fro.” Syn : Ekeshne. Epishkan un.
Ekashpa-umbe, えかっしゅぱ・うむべ, 冠。 n. A crown made of shavings and worn by men at festivals かんなくずで作られた冠で、お祭りの時男子がかぶる. 【shaving (n.) A削り屑、かんなくず, @ひげを剃ること】
Ekashuppo, えかしゅっぽ, 蝌蚪(オタマジャクシ) n. Tadpoles.
Ekasu エカス。向へ。外ニ。超ェテ、過ギ vv. adv. Beyond. Surpassingly. Syn : Kasu no oman.
Ekataiirotke, r.?y 2: Af f n y r, #f 2., $ z. yu.... v.t. To like. To be fond of. To love. Syn : Kateomare.
Ekatchaush, ri?, y 5° x 7 $2, $ 7, #f-~r x. v.i. To feel antipathy towards. To be displeased with. Syn : Eramu ekatchaush.
Ekatki, E?, y +, #?? x vv. v.t. To approach. To go to. Syn : Karange 1iO OMIIaI.
Ekatki, ir.% y =+, [$ %r yl≫, jj* 2^ yu.. v.t. . To avoid. Syn : Aekatki. Eshishi.
Ekatnu, ri?, ≫3K, #f 1., M? z vt. v.t. To like. To be fond of. To love. Syn : Konoburu.
Ekatta, エカッタ。 過急ニ。 暴力 ヲ以テ. adv. In haste. With violence.
Ekatupase, zr. ? ул?tz, H , , ; 7. v.t. To refuse. To dislike. To be disinclined to do something. As :~ Oman ekatupase, “to dislike to go.” Syn : Nukuri.
Ekaya-kiru, r.*j** JL≫, |}l 7 [n] or35 x. v.t. To reverse sails.
Ekaya-ni-ika, ri?, †” = f h, ## / ## = y # y Jo. v.i. To fall from a ships mast. Syn : Okaya-ni-pichi.
Ekaye, えかいぇ, 調子。 n. A tune. Syn : Kaye.
Ekaye-chish, えかいぇ・ちっしゅ, 山ノ険シキ所。 n. Very steep mountain peaks. Precipitous places. Syn : Chish. Ekaichish.
Ekayo, or 7, 3, N 7 || 7. v.t. To shout to. -
Eke, ar r, E. 7 # e H?yl-. v.t. To skim.
As :~ Tope eke, “ to skim milk.”
Ekeshke, *4%r$≫4%r, jE x yv. v.t. . To persecute. To bear malice against another.
Ekeshne, エケシネ、彼方此方ニ。例セ ベ、エケシネインガラ、アチコチ見廻ス。 adv. To and fro. Hither and thither. About. As :~ Ekeshne apkash, “to walk hither and thither.” Ekeshne ingara, “to look about hither and thither.” Ekeshme shiri tuwande, “ to look about very carefully.” Syn : Ekeshinne no. Epishkan-un,
Ekeshne-oman, at r$e:Kzrr e, #fff ~for 2, ... v.i. To wander about. Syn : Ekari.
Ekeutum-konna-tanak-tanak, or or ウツムコンナタナクタナク。気ヲ落ス, #ft x Ju'. ph. To lose heart. To faint. To faint and come to frequently.
Ekeweuse, エケウェウセ。破裂。破レル。 . . v.i. To split. To burst open.
Ekike-ush-bashui, ri - Pr y Saus Soa. イ。義ヲ上ゲル用木 (祭ノ時ニ用ュル). n. A ceremonial moustache-lifter; i.e. a moustache-lifter having shavings left attached to it.
Ekimatek, r.£*5* ≫%, %j v * yv. adj. Afraid. . -
Ekimne, えきむね, 山ヘ行ク。 v.i. To go to the mountains to work or hunt.
Ekimne-un, えきむね・うん, 山ニ。 adv. ph. To the mountains.
Ekimop, えきもっぷ, 狩猟。 n. Hunting.
Ekimopkara, えくもっぷから, 山ニテハカラズモ惨死(ざんし)スル。 v.i. To meet with a violent death in the mountains (as from any accident). Syn : Sarak kamui.
Ekimot, えきもっと, 狩猟ニ行ク。 v.i. To go hunting.
Ekim-un, エキム・ウン, 山ニ。 To the mountains.
Ekira, えきら, 携ヘテ走ル。 v.i. To run away with. adv. ph.
Ekoepekere, ar a + ~$4r Le, ? x, # y: ov. v.i. To relate. Inform. Tell.
Ekohaita, ata vv4f &, #?k z vt. v.i. To fail.
Ekohaita-hanne, + a vv. 4f 4g-vv >:k, #?j?+- 2 x vv. v.i. Without fail.
Ekohaye, ata zv-s =, MK E x v. v.i. To be insufficient. Syn : Eikohaye. Upak shomoki.
Ekohopi, *.=1zkto, 5; pl., fiji yu≫, (單數). v.t. To leave. To depart from. (sing). Syn : Orowa no oman.
Ekohopi-notkush, r.:17RE Z ≫ Zy $2, 疎ンズル、遠ザカル。嫌フ・ v.t. To look upon with disfavour. To eschew. To dislike. To disapprove. Syn : Akopan. Kutnoye.
Ekohopi-shikiru, ri: zk E>=En, ji § 2. L. v.i. To turn away from.
Ekohopi-wa-oman, or: Ezkbo V:for 2, #2, # 1 no. v.t. To leave. To go away from.
Ekohoppa, エコホッパ。去ル、離ルル, (##). v.t. To leave. To depart from. Leave behind. (pl).
Ekohoshipire, 5t=i zfs$≫ E L..., 37. v.t. To pawn.
Ekoimokokoro, +:14 + 2 + 5, #212, #x Ju . v.t. To take a present to another. To present to, Syn : Eikrapkore.
Ekoimokorobe, at a 4f E a Da ox, ?#%. n. A present.
Ekoiomare エコイオマレ。水ヲ汲ミ出 x. v.t. To pour out.
Ekoirak-koirak, xii. 4 3 2 in f# 7, Hij} + 52 A. M. v.t. To shake up as anything in a bottle. To agitate (as water). Syn : Koyakoyak.
Ekoisamka, r. a 4f +}A?, # 2 x VL. zg % z. v. v.t. To bring to naught. To destroy. Syn : Isamka. Uhayewa-isamka.
Ekokomge, r. n =1.A,A#, #E v ≫l-, fE W 2, 3, 2L. v.t. To lean upon (as upon 質ニ置
a table). Syn : Kokonge.
Ekokomo, エココモ、線ヲ付ケル、折リ 3A. J.. v.t. To bind (as a dress). To fold over (as in sewing).
Ekokomo-wa-ukaukau, or E. E. E. 77 カウカウ。縁ヲ付ケル v.t. To bind.
Ekomo, += E, #ff y BA 2. v.t. To fold OVEI”.
Ekomomse, +...=#E.A.tz, HR = ~ ?, ## v L. v.i. Twisted into a lump or ball. Turned.
Ekondeshi, r: a >#F5A, 4;&####~ * . ph. They gave.
Ekonishuye, r.a = >>> 4f =, iE y : * ≫L. v.t. To swing against. Syn : Shuyeshuye wa eok.
Ekonnukan-nukare, or El 25.7; 25. ?, L., #~~. v.t. To teach. To inStruct.
Ekonramu, += 25 A, o, #. n. The heart. The mind. Feelings. Syn : Keutum.
Ekonramu-shitne, zia 2.5 A, o/?k, #2 * u, M. v.i. To be aggravated. To be much irritated. To be in great trouble.
Ekonramu-shitnere, :r. H > 5 A? V + L., #~ + slo. v.t. To agonize. To give pain to.
Ekonramu-tanak, えこんらむ・たなく, 苦眠する。 v.i. To have troubled sleep. To have bad dreams.
Ekonramu-tanak-shitne, E3 25 A. タナクシツネ。甚ダ煩累スル、苦闘シテ HR. v. x. v.i. To be in great straits. To be unable to sleep for great trouble.
Ekopash, エコパシ。筒リ掛ル、党レル・ v.i. To lean against. As :~ Tumama epokash, “to lean against a wall.”
Ekopashte, エコパシテ、党ラセカケ・例セバ、ネイオカイベチクニェコパシテヤ ン、其ヲ木ニ党ラセテクレ. v.t. Toset against. To rest upon. As :~ Nei okaibe chikuni ek opashte yan, "set that thing against the tree.”
Ekopbe, ot-17-k, ## 2 soft. n. A single rock in the sea. Syn : Yokop be.
Ekoraininne, えこらいにんね, 出来ガタキ。 adv. Difficult of accomplishment.
Ekoramkoro, えこらむころ, 乞フ。 v.t. To beg for. To ask for.
Ekoramuk, えこらむっく, 欺ク。 v.t. To deceive.
Ekoro, えころ, 貴下ノ。 poss.pro. Your. Syn : E.
Ekorobe, えころべ, 汝ノモノ。 n. Your belongings.
Ekoruru, エコルル, 音ヲ立テル、ウナル。 v.i. To resound. Rumble.
Ekoshi, えこし, 委託する、手渡す。 v.t. To leave to the care of another 他人の注意配下に任せる. To hand over 手渡す・譲る. To betray 裏切る. Syn : Aikoshi.
Ekot, えこっと, 死ヌ。例セバ、メエコット。 凍死スル。 v.i. To die. As :~ Me ekot, "to die of cold." Popke ekot, "to die of heat.” Syn : Rai.
Ekota, えこた, 故郷、故国。n. One's home land.
Ekotan-koro, えこたん・ころ, 住居ニスル。 v.t. To make a home of. As :~ Nupuri utttru ekotan-koro, “to make one's home among the mountains.”
Ekote, えこて, 殺ス。 v.t. To kill. Syn : Raige.
Ekotekot, エコテコツ。度々気ヲ失フ。 v.i. To faint away repeatedly. Syn : Kotekot.
Ekotewen, エコテウェン。苦シンデ死ヌ. v.i. To die hardly. To die a painful death. .
Ekotom, or: E. F.A., 27 a 2 x =r. n. S. Vaccinium uliginosum, L. a kind of dark red blueberry. It is very delicious eating as the Ainu name indicates. The name signifies “thing of beauty.” The plant is also called
by some Kunne-furep-ni, i.e. “darkred-fruit tree.” Syn : Kunne furep-ni.
Ekotpoka, r. za ≫:#?i, ?? = v. v.t. To approach. To get at.
Ekotpoka-ewen, *, -a ≫zft:h * ** - 2, #E = ?t-fit;2-x. v.i. To be unable to approach. Unable to draw near to.
Ekotpoka-ewen-itara, ar a ≫z?t ?, r. ウェンイタラ。近ヨルコト能ヘズ ph. & v.i. To be unable to touch. To be unable to approach.
Ekottanu, エコッタヌ、注意スル。闘係 スル、例セバ、イテキェコッタヌ、闘セズ ニ + r. v.t. To pay attention. To have a care for. To interfere. As :~ Iteki ekottanu, “ do not interfere ”; “take no notice of it.” Ekottanu, ta y & 5&, #? r )v. adj. Attentive.
Ekottanu-wa, ±=? ≫ 4x5¢ 7, ?£IE × 7*. | adv. Attentively.
Ekottanu-shomoki, or H y 3, 5:5, a HE +, #3, # + = x n . v.t. To neglect. To take no notice of a thing. To let alone.
Ekowepekere, ±: : - S4-L, : z ji. v.t. To relate to.
Ekoyaiiraigeshi, r.a "4 -f 54 4, 52, ?a ? + F # 7. Being grateful towards.
Ekte, r. ? 5*, 3? > se x L. v.t. To cause to corne.
Ekui, or 2, 4, ## 9. v.i. To wait.
E-kuni-aep, +5 = 7-E7, sto. n. Something to eat. Syn : Chi-e-kunip,
E-kunip, +2 = 7, ##. n. Necessaries of life.
Ekunishpe, r. 2) = $e2.~$, fit fo. n. Food. The food necessary for suste1 lance.
Ekunneyot, エクンネヨツ。睦スル(急ニ ### = 7& 9). v.i. To be dazzled with darkness (as upon entering a dark room fresh from the light). Food.
Ekurok, r.% ra %, #.*. adj. Black. Of a dark colour. Syn : Kunne.
Ekurok-i, エクロクイ。 真K, 暗イ場所。 n. Blackness. A black place.
Ekurok-o, x.% ra ri, #. A*. adj. Black.
Ekushkonna, :r. ) $ = 2:}", R&R = . adv. Abruptly. Suddenly. Immediately. Syn : Imontabire.
Ekushkonna-sambe-toranne, 5.2 × コンナサムべトランネ。気絶スル v.i. To faint away. Syn : Chikai-anu.
Ekushna, エクシナ, 通過スル。例セバ, オッケエクシナ、貫ク。v.i. & ads To pass through. Open. Uncovered (as one's thoughts). As :~ Otke ektashna, “ to pierce through.” Syn : Oboso.
Ekushna-etaye, it? or 3 of 2, # *lf: yl. v.t. To draw through.
Ekushnare, :r.2 $23- Lo, ?* ? x. v.t. To send through. To open (as the heart to another). To push through. To make known. -
Ekush-un, Ex. 27 %-,.r7>, £s =. Yonder.
Ekusuri-kara, or of 2.9 ?y?, ##2, ju. v.t. To doctor. To drug. As :~ Ku shikihi ekusuri-kara rusui, “I desire to doctor my eyes.”
Emachi, エマチ。晴レワタル、開放スル。 E u x, yv. v.i. To clear up. Open up. To make up one's mind.
Emaka, :r."r?y, ?E yo n-, #? vv. v.t. To discharge. To abjure. To cast away. (sing.) Syn : Osura.
Emaka, +T h, B 27, 5 + A . . v.i. To go. To withdraw. As :~ Chisei otta ahun emaka, “they withdrew into the house.” Finished. Done with.
Emakange, :tr: ?y 24°, # pl. v.t. To send.
Emakba, *?z {}7 ~<, 3% o’zl≫, jig 7- yi~. v.t. To discharge. To cast away. To abjure. (Pl. of Emaka).
Emaknaguru, riw Z, +2°/L', ff =. adv. Backward. adj.

Emaknatara, at-r O 3-4&5, sA 27. v.t. To open up. To light up. To clear away. As :~ Shukus-toiktenne chisei upshoro emaknatara, “a bright light lit up the inside of the house.”
Emaktek, エマクテク。定メタ、規メタ, #: sz or . v.i. To have settled in one’s mind. To have set on one side.
Emaukush, エマウクシ、鼻ヲ通シテ云 2. v.i. To speak through the nose.
Emauri, エマウリ。種々ノイチゴナドノ 4. n. A general name for blackberries, strawberries and raspberries. The raspberry is widely distributed throughout the island of Yezo, and the berries are much esteemed by the Ainu. The name includes R. parvifolius, L. R. phoenicolasius, Maxim. R. Kinashii, Levi. & Vnt. R. strigosus,
Mcha. Emautasa, at r r} & {}, F = f?j y 7. v.i. To face the wind.
Emawanu, :t-r 75: # 3r #i a > a . adv. Very dreadful.
Emek, ar x 2, 3}. ?i x. v.t. To divide with others.
Emetapunin, or x #7 - 2, #2, # = yi . v.i. To look cold.
Emetup, エメツプ, 祭ノ時女ニ興へル酒  n. A portion of wine given to women at a feast. Syn : Chimetup.
Emiachip, or $75-7, #j?. n. The bosom part of a dress or coat.
Emik, its 27, BR-> Ju. v.t. To bark at.
Emina, +3+, #7. v.t. To laugh at.
Emina-e-sapse, ar E3-:r:#F7’tz, ### x n-. v.t. To deride. To scorn. Syn : , Emina-sapse.
Emko, Er. /, Em, £%-, £#3%}-. adj. Half. A part. The ends of anything. Something remaining over. As :~ Emko e tup, “one and a half.” Emko e rep, “two and a half.”
Emko, *A., -i, ...... = y f 5 . ady. With regard to.
Emko-gusu, +4.3 × 2., H. 2 # =. post. Therefore. For this reason. E * ka
Emkoisamka, 所有物ヲ失フ、ひ.i. To エムコイサムカ。 suffer the loss of
Enkoisamka, one's belongin エンコイサムカ。 gingS.
Emko-sama, T.A. a jorr, H: ≫ #& =. post. Therefore. Syn : Tambe-gusu.
Emkota, EA, ET 4, H = - adv. Soon. Very quickly. Now. Syn : Tunashi IlO.
Emo, エモ。馬鈴署(ジャガタライモ). n. Potatoes. As :~ Emo otoimire, “to earth up potatoes.”
Emoimoikara, :E-E A E f h 5, E ≫. v.t. To move. To shake.
Emokire, riot:FL, BE 7 to ov. v.t. To trouble. To worry. To make suffer.
Emoinatara, **E4f *4?z5}, xi yu~. v.i. To hang about (as clouds or smoke over a city).
Emokoro-koshikururu, ++: R → ~~ 27 JLJL., HR 7 to x. v.i. To be unable to sleep. To turn about in one's sleep.
Emomnatara, :r:#E.A.3-4: 5, E y?-, E pl-, $2 = 7 vie. v.i. To be. To be serene. To rest upon. To be at rest.
Emonasap, EHEE-tj-7, # +. adv. Late. Slow. Syn : Muchimasap. Moire.
Emonashnu, E E + Ee5X, # ar. adv. Quick. Early. Fast. Syn : Tunashi no. Hemban no. Muchimashnu.
Emoni, エモニ。漁スル、獲スル。例セバ, = + = b y 2, ###. v.t. To hunt. To fish. As :~ Emoni-pirika, “to be successful in hunting or fishing.” Emoni-wen, “to be unsuccessful in hunting or fishing.” To work.
Emoni-chirenga, or:#E5* L. 27s, # 4 ##|x no. v.t. To acquire by work.
Emonush, roe 5. Sa, s≫ y 7r n... v.i. To be busy. As :~ Nep-nep ku emomush, “I am busy about a variety of
things.” Syn : Mon an.
Emoshma, :r:HE Sorr, H|| 4 =. fF]+z 2s, エモシマェモシマノイキ、別々ニスル。 adv. Differently. Separately. As :~ Emoshma emoshma no iki, “to do separately or differently."
Emoshma-no-ande, or + 2* /72 :J”, EE)-= I? 27. v.i. To apostatize. To put in another place.
Emoshma-no-an-guru, ++52.7/7” ングル。物ヲ度外ニ置ク人 n An apostate.
Emotontori-ush-chikap, えもとんとり・うっしゅ・ちかっぷ, ウミアイサ. n. Redbreasted merganser. Mergus serrator, Linn. Syn : Aisa.
Empoke, えむぽけ, 下。 adv. Under.
Empoketa, えむぽけた, 麓、フモト。 adv. At the foot of. Under. Underneath. As :~ Sekuma empoketa, "at the foot of the mountains.”
Empuina, えむぷいな, 頭ヲ前ニ垂ル。 v.t. & v.i. To fall or knock down head first.
Empuinare, えむぷいなれ, 頭ヲ前ニ垂レサスル。 v.t. To cause to knock or fall down head first.
Emu-emu, えむ・えむ, 掴ム。 v.t. To lay hold of anything with the hands (as a child a table when trying to climb upon it).
Emuige, えむいげ, 凡、皆。 adv. All.
Emuitanne, えむいたんね, 盲人。 adj. Blind.  ★バカ検証 【adj. 形容詞なのに、盲人、は名詞。 又、この単語は富田に無い。 why?】
Emuka-oshima, えむか・おしま, 頭ヲ前ニ垂ル。 v.i. To fall down head foremost.
Emuk-kara, えむっく・から, 琶布ヲスル。 v.t. To poultice 湿布をする.
Emukne, えむっくね, 残ラズ。 adj. All. The whole.
Emukne-no, えむっくね・の, 全ク。 adj. Wholly. In their entirety.
Emukne-no-an, えむっくね・の・あん, 其レノミ。 ph. That is all.
Emukne-no-isam, えむつくね・の・いさむ, 皆失セタリ。 ph. They are all gone. There are none. They are entirely gone. There is not one left. Syn : Obitta isam.
Emukne-no-okere, or 4.5 k /zro-L, ######7. ph. They have all come to naught. They are all finished.
Emush, 刀。例セバ、エムシアフンゲ。 エムシ。 刀ヲ轄ニ納メル n A
Emushi, sword. As :~ Amut emuat A$24,] shi anochautekka, “I drew the sword I wore,” (used in legends). Emush-ahunge, “to sheathe a sword.” Emush etaye, “to draw a sword.” Emush eyaikikikara, “to fence" or “to defend one’s self with a sword.” Emush mekka, “the back of a sword.” also emush mekkashike. Emush mut, “to wear a sword.” Emush notaku, “the edge of a sword.” Emush erupki “the point of a sword.” Emush'shitomush, * to wear a sword." Sym: Tam. Rangetam.
Emush-at, T.A. $27:7, JJ / ##. n. A sword sash. Syn : Ikor’atara.
Emush erupki, E.A. $e =. +/L7 +, JJ / £#. n. The point of a sword.
Emush-etaye, + A, o.a. +4& E, JJ > # 2, . v.t. To draw a sword. Syn : Nochautekka.
Emushi, =t.A,S2, JJ 9 %; = j^ x. v.t. To stick a sword into its sheath.
Emush-ibe, T.A. $e4f "?, JJ ≫ Dl. n. A sword blade.
Emush-nip, E.A. $e = 7, JJ y ffj. n. A sword hilt.
Emush-po, +4.52xis, KaJJ. n. A dirk, generally fixed on ancient Ainu quiv. ers. A small wooden Ainu treasure. A small sword.
Emush-seppa, ac Asetz ≫vs, JJ ≫ #;. n. A sword guard.
Emush-shirika, + Aseso y ?i, JJ ≫ #. n. A sword sheath.

En, xt>, a 7. pro. Me. Objective case of Ku, “ I.” The objective en is often found in Ainu where in English the nominative “I” is used. Thus:En pakno isam, “not so much as I.” En shirine, “ instead of me.” Syn : In.
En, エン。 終端, 極限, 尖端。 Extremity. Point.
Enak, エナク。標ヲ引ク二番目ノ大。 n. The second dog in a sleigh. As : ?Enak ortan seta, “the hindermost dog.”
Enak-tu, エナクツ。大ノ頸輪ニツケタ # / #. n. The end part of the cords of a dog's collar.
Enangara, エナンガラ。逢フ、安否ヲ問 2. v.t. To meet. To greet.
Enan-karire, エナンカリレ。顔ヲ蘇ヘ ju. v.t. To have on one's face.
Enankurukashi, :r::J- A? J?e?, ?e, Fj, #. n. The countenance. The face.
Enankurukashi-epukitara, ++227 ルカシエプキタラ、感ヲ面ニ見ヘス。 ph. To look pleased or angry.
| Enankurukashi-parase, ) # v no II エナンクルカシパラセ, &. ph.
| Enankurukashi-parasere, | To look エナンクルカシパラセレ, angTy.
Enan-o-guru, rij->zr2 /L, =, y K. n. A double-faced person. Syn : Tuman-o-guru.
Emanrapoki-ekari-na, :r.3-25;R#:: カリナ、我放ノ高慢ヲ制セン. ph “I will take down your countenance"; i.e. “I will lower your pride.” So found in legends, where this phrase is sometimes used as a challenge. n. End.
Enasa, :-to-t}, 9- 27, + 7° yL. v.t. To tear. To split. Syn : Yasa.
Enchararage, エンチャララゲ、刺アル。 adj. Prickiy.
Encharashne, r. 25**5:2:k, soft x ju, oft|||}|x pl. v.i. To quarrel.
Enchiki-maimai, at 25* + or of or of, ?r > = ? > cv. n. The crowberry. Empetrum nigrum, L. Called also Ichikimaimai.
Enchiu, エンチウ。アイヌ人ノ線稀. n. Men (especially Ainu men). Used only in prayer and in reciting folklore.
Endo, or > F, a y' s > 2, #. n. Lythrum Salicaria, L. var. vulgare, DC. Also Eschscholtzia Patrini, Garke. Called also Seta-endo. -
Endrum, --> FIL.A., fol. n. A rat or mouse. Syn : Erum.
Ene, rizo, 2 PF =, ...... =. prep. In At
Ene, rak, siss# = . adv. Somewhere.
Ene, 工米, 其ノ。斯ノ如シ、其ノ通リ. 例 + 2*, ar. 3: 7 l. ~, # / E / . adv. Thus. So. In this or that manner. What. Such. As :~ Ene pombe he ? “ so small?” Ene porop he ? “ is it so large ?” Hembara ne yakka ene moire range, “he is always thus late.” Shomo ka ene hawash kuni aramu a-hi, “I had no idea that such things had been said.” Ene ikichi ainu poron no okai, “there are many Ainu who do that sort of thing.” Ene shiri burian rok, “there are those kinds of customs.”
Ene ambe, “ that thing,” “such a thing” (used in a bad sense). Ene okaibe, "that fellow," "that rascal.” Iresu ruuye ene oka-hi, “he was reared after this wise.”
Ene, :E-k, ...... =, X > x #ffff] = . adv. To. Towards. As :~ Kotan pa ene paye an manu, “he went to the upper end of the village.” Same as Otta.
Ene-akari-ka-isam, ori:k77, 9; M + J., fE}; # 3- 1. ph. There is no help for it.
Ene-ani, Eak JPE, #jf vissl W. adv. Thus. So. Like this or that. Ene ani ne, “it is so,” “it is as you say.”
Ene-ene, +:k:t*, ?E#. adv. So, so. Just so.

| Ene-hawashi, 彼ヘ斯ノ如ク言ヒ エネハワシ。 so. ph. He spoke
| Ene-hawe-okai, thus. He said ++/v7 -zo-s, this. He spoke after this or that manner. Thus it is said.
Eneka, x.**}, F* *y = £. adj. Somehow. Anyhow. Even this. This also.
Ene-kane, E:k hak, 2 v7 - adv. So.
Enekareka, **# L**;, #?*, &!!”. adv. Somewhat.
Enekar'isam, :ru:# ?y ) {FA, ft:}? ?** 4. ph. There is no help for it. Same as ene akari ka isam.
Enekkere, ri:k y or Lo, s. v. .≫ y . n. Juniperus Sargentii, Takeda.
Ene-neika, Eakak of h, +t 2 # y . adv. In that way. So. Thus. As ;?Ene neika shomo ahi, “it has never been so before.
Ene-pakno, ori-kas? /, ft 12%. ph. To that degree. To this or that extent.
| Enenge-ni, ) 3: * y +. n. Aralia elata, ++ 2*=, Seem. The leaves of
| Eninge-ni, this plant are used as :r.= 24*=, | food by the Ainu. The Ainu of Tokachi call this tree Shuatni. Syn : Horoka aiush-ni.
Enekaiki, E:k h 'f +, # y Tsj v7. adv. It being so.
Ene-neita-shomoki-ahi, or:k:#4 & $2 a HE:#7’t, ### 2. adv. Never before. Syn : Neita-korak.
Enepo kane, :r:#:####, #f v (x >>j? 2) # =. ph. “After this or that manner.”
Enete, エネテ 有ル程、有ラウダケ、ph. “as many as there may be.”
Eneturu-pakno, :r:#:;//Lv ? ? A, j? v #. ph. To such a degree. So. As : -Nei guru anak ne eneturu pakno wen ruwe he an? “ was he so bad?"
Eneusara, :ru:# 7+}-5, z # z^. v.t. To take pleasure in. To rejoice over. To get one's living by.
Engaru, えんがる, 見張所。 n. A lookout place. A watching place.
Enge, えんげ, 鋭キ。 adj. Sharp.
Eni-ika, r. - 4 ?j, ж а у 38 у л-. v.i. To fall from a tree. Syn : Oni-pichi.
Enikuruki, エニクルキ。負傷スル、害セ * 2L. v.i. To be wounded. To be hurt. Syn : Yayapushkere. Yaiyeshikorap.
Eninge-ni, it= 2*=, 3 + 2 +.. n. Aralia elata, Seem. Also called Ayushni. Horooushi. Sewat-ni. Shuwat-ni. Horoka-aitish-ni. The names Eninge. ni and Horoka-ush-ni include Kalo. panax divaricatum, Miq. The leaves are sometimes boiled and eaten by the Ainu. Angelica. The Ainu name means “bitter tree.”
Enininge, えににんげ, 遅キ。 adj. Slow. Dull. As ~ Shukup enininge, “of slow growth.”
Eninui, エニヌイ, 枕スル、休ム、眠ル。 v.i. To lay the head upon a pillow. To take a rest. To sleep.
Eninuibe, えにぬいべ, 枕。 n. A pillow. Syn : Aininuibe. Chieninuibe.
Eninuite, エニヌイテ, 寝サセル。休マセル。 v.t. To put to rest. To put to bed.
Enikokomo, えにここも, 杖ヲ以テ打ツ。 v.t. To strike with a stick.
Eninu, えにぬ, 仕事ヲ休ム。 v.t. To rest from. To place one's work on one side for a time. To take a rest.
Eni-omare, エニ・オマレ, 杖ヲ以テ打ツ。 v.t. To strike with a stick.
Enipesh-kina, えにぺっしゅ・きな, シラヤマギク。 n. Aster scaber, Th. The Ainu name means growing under linden trees.
Enish-kotoroge, えにっしゅ・ことろげ, 天、大空。 n. The skies.
Enishomap, えにしょまっぷ, 案ズル。 v.t. To feel anxious about.

Enishpane, r.= $ev?:k, ?] }} F PL. v.t. To lord over.
Enishpeush, r. = e ^& :) ?e, H?. n. Salivation. Also to drivel.
Enishte, at= >=-5F, Ha 2. vie. make strong. To endure.
Enitatke, エニタッケ、風ヲヒク(感腎). v.i. To be afflicted with a stuffy cold in the head. To sniffle as when one has a cold in the head. Syn : Omke.

Enitomom, +.?. H.-E.A., K ., FEF - + H. no. v.i. To stare at. To look at carefully. To look into. Syn : Enutomom.
Eniuchinne, +...=r: #F2:k, fE N. 7 # > x 21 v.t. To show dislike to another. To treat in a slighting manner. To drive away. To eject. To disinherit. Syn : Eangesh.
Eniwa, えにわ, 禿(はげ)タル。 adj. Bare (as a mountain). Syn : Cha-sak. Atusa.
Enka, えんか, 上。 post. Over. Above.
Enkaoiki, エンカオイキ, 恩ム。祀スル。 v.t. To bless. Syn : Numuke. Inunuke.
Enkashike, えんかしけ, 上。 post. Over. Above.
Enkashike-keta, えんかしけ・けた, 丁度上(ちょうどうえ)。 post. Exactly over 真上.
Enkashike-peka, えんかしけ・ぺか, 上。 post. Over.
Enkashiketa, えんかしけた, 上。 post. Over. Upon.
Enkata, えんかた, 上。 post. Upon. Over.
Enke, えんけ, 鋭クスル。 v.t. To sharpen.
Enki, えんき, 誰レ、何。 pro. Who. What.
Enkip, えんきっぷ, 陰茎。 n. The male Organ.
| Enkoisamka, エンコイサムカ, 損失スル。 v.i. To suffer the loss of one's goods.
| Emkoisamka, エムコイサムカ,
Enkoro, ? C, 眼 卜眼 ノ 間, 鼻梁(ヘ 2- os sZ 7). n. The space between the eyes. The bridge of the nose. End. Limit.
Enkoro-itak, or 2:1 r. of #2, # =# 2-## 2. v.i. To speak through the nose.
Enokai, エノカイ。ェゾスカシュリ. n. (S.) Lilium dahuricum, Ker-Gawl. In H. it is called Masara-orumbe. A kind of lily. The Ainu name means “bulbed.” These bulbs are eaten.
Enomi,エノミ,耐酒ヲ以テ耐ニ耐ル v.t. To worship with libations.
Enomo-kina, +/HE:#3-, + x; 2s a . n. S. Plantago major. L. var. Asiatica Decne. Called also in S. Enum-kina. In H. it is called Erum-kina.
Enon, at / e, f[E ~. adv. Whither. Syn : Ine un.
Enonocha, :r. / / 3F + , = r a e. n. S. Vaccinium Vitis Idaea, L. Also called in S. Enumuka-ni.
Enopek-ush, or *S* 7 ×, ## 1... v.i. To be dazzled with light, Entok, * 2^ H. 47, Ej, E. End. Extremity.
Entokokirui, at e H. a + JLA , + i; + + + y. n. Arnica sachalinensis A. Gray. S.
Enrum, rtru- A,, II 2 j. n. The end of a hill or mountain.
Enueshkari, Erix: 27, J, Z??2-## * 3-3, y ? . ph. I did not expect it.
Enuitasa, +5x4f 4g t?, # x. v.t. To miss (in walking). Syn : Onuitasa,
Enukara, エヌカラ, 鈍キ。例セバ、エヌカラマキリ、鈍キ小刀。 adj. Dull (as a knife). Thus:~ Enukara makiri, “a dull knife.”
Enumi-tanne, or 5. S & 2:#, a 2 s. n. Lonicera caerulea, L. var, edulis Regel. This shrub is very abundant in the marshes which lie between Chitose and Tomakomai. The juicy, dark coloured berries are collected and much esteemed by the Ainu. n. Front.
They are eaten raw. Syn : Hotokimaimai. Imakomai.
| Enum-kina, z?- zk ≫s = . n. Plant エヌムキナ。 tain. Plantago ma
| Enumo-kina, jor L. var. asiatica エヌモキナ。 Deene, L. Syn :
| Erum-kina.
Enummoya, orix A, A *, * * * *. n. Japanese tit. Parus varius, T. and S. Syn : Numnoya-chip.
Enumnumge, r.5: A3xA,A#, #?i 3- pl-- adj. Plentiful. Abundant.
Enumocha, +5x-E+F-”, #= e. n. Vaccinium Vitis-idaea. L. Crow-berry. The name means “bearer of edible balls” (berries). Like the Aekarip the fruit is extremely juicy and delicious. The whole plant is called Enumokani, i.e. “ ball bearing tree." It is also called Inumocha-ni, i.e. “plant which bears special berries,” the initial i being intensive. The berries are sometimes mashed and the juice pressed out, mixed with water and taken as drink.
Enun, + 5 -, Wheresoever,
| Enunui, エヌヌイ,
| Enunuye, エヌヌ イ エタ
Enunuka-ni, +5x5x zh =, = r a a. n. Vaccinium Vitis-idaea, L. Syn : Enonocha. Inunoka. In H. it is tata-mton.
Emup, *.5, 7°, zsiE+- yv. venient.
Enupek-ush, +5 -$2} r} >, $ 1. v.i. To be dazzled with the light as when one enters the light from a dark room. Syn : Enopek-ush.
Enupitara, :E5 E 4:5, ## 7, #2 vi-, # 8, 2, . v.t. To eschew. To be tired of. Not to desire. To hate. spise. To forbid. To dislike. aj fi. adj. Where. Ko-. v.i. To sleep. adj. Incon The To de- | degree of intensity is to be gathered from the context. Syn : Kereroshke.
Enupkushish, +5R7 % $"2", f# x HTX. ??8£ 2*£ 7j£< κ. v.i. To dislike to do or hear.
Enushima, +3:27, § 2. v.i. To be surprised.
Enushkari, at 5:527, 9, #2. v.i. To be surprised at. To be amazed.
Enushup, 3:5: $25.7, E v 37, ##? te vv. adj. Swollen.
Enutomom, ±5: H :EA, R.Jl. v.t. To look at or into. To stare at. To look at carefully. As :~ Hoka noshike enutomom, “to look into the fire (as in deep thought).” Syn : Enitomom.
Eochiketa, Ez F5FAr Ag, Elsaf = . adv. At the same time.
Eochayaige, atz?3F + + 4 4°, #? z ≫v. v.i. To stand and spread out thickly as branches of trees.
Eochish, atzi-5-32, YrjE x. v.i. become angry.
Eochiwe, :r:#F5Fr} =, ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ・ ニ投ゲッケ ju. v.t. To throw anything to. (It zefers to the object thrown.)
Eoha, ±zrav, 2g = + yl~. v.i. come empty.
Eohaine-ramu, or zhov of 35.s., #12 212. v.t. To feel afraid.
Eohare, +zF/\ L-, 2# = x N-. v.t. empty. Syn : Ohare.
Eoikushi, (sing.) To To be ?o 着ル、城グル。 p.が、To エオイクシ。
Eoikushpa, (pl.) To spread エオイクシパ, -
Eok, rizio 2, #yu (Hijo). v.t. To knock or kick against. (sing.)
Eokai, ozozy-s, ? + 2.v.i. Placed. Put.
Eokok, エオコク。打チ常ル(複数) v.i. To knock or kick against. (pl.)
Eokokte, Ezra ? 5F, #T + : * + n-. v.t. To cause to knock or kick against. (pl).
Eoma, rizf-r, IE 27. v.t. To place.

Eoma, エオマ。筒リカカル。党レル、例セバ、カン=エオマ。杖ニ依ル p.s To lean upon. As :~ Kanni eoma, “he is leaning upon his staff.”
Eomaka, -zaro??, s21.... v.3. left behind.
Eomken, エオムケン。捕ル能ヘズ、漁サ x - v.i. To be unable to catch. To be unsuccessful in the chase or at fishing.
Eomoshiroi, -rzi-?E:$2 ta 4, # ≫s v ≫. # to 5 v Plo. v.t. To take delight in. To be fond of. To be delighted with. Syn : Enupetne.
Eomoshiroire, -z+*E Sera ef L2, # 2s To be l yi, -t- : u, Jl. v.i. The same as Аornoshizoi. E. ????? # F# 5 # 7. v.t. To wash エオンネ。 . IE the face and hands. wonne, Syn : Yashke ェウォンネ, """ *
Eopetoko, :r.zi*?s #? =j, jjij x. v.t. To prick. To pierce. Syn : Otke.
Eorauge, rizs-5 * #, ff = E-os x. v.t. To miss (as a train). To get behind.
Eoripak, atzi ) v § 7, 1?#& x vio. v.t. To honour. Syn : Koripak.
Eoro, エオロ。甚ダ。例セバ、エオロヘ v 2* a, # * a a*. adj. Very. Ex ceedingly. As :~ Eoro hangeko, “very distant”- “ afar.” Syn : Oro.
Eorura, ort:‘IV.5, #712. v.t. To send. Syn : Omande.
Eoshikpekare, Ezr$e2 ^$?, Lo, ?jE 7, 3H2. v.t. To take aim at.
Eoshikpekarep, atzi"$/^ ^??) Le7', AR 2, v × 7.5%, H #j. n. A thing aimed at. Syn : Aeyairamattep.
Eoshirok, (sing.) エオシロク。 # * 2L. v.t. To
Eoshirokok, (pl.) hinder. エオシロコク。
Eoshittesu, o atzi ey#FX, # 2 : L =# ov, #71. v.t. To glance off. To slip.
Eoshkoni, atzir$, -i =, #iff y. v.i. To overtake.
Eoshiwen, エオシウェン。自分ノ為メニ 保ツ。蔵ス。例セバ、イタクェォシウェン, # * + x. v.i. To keep to one's self. As :~ Itak-eoshiwen, “not to tell.” Yaikota korobe eoshiwen, “to keep one's belongings to himself.”
Eot エオツ。適合セル、一致セル。 Agreeable. Eat.
Eotara, :ru:# & 5, ze + Yr ≫. v.t. To stick out of. To pierce. To hit. Syn : Eroshki.
Eotashish, エオタシシ。早クスル、急ガ x. v.t. To hasten. To hurry.
Eoteknup, +z+5F O 5:7, #, #ag. n. Riches.
Eotere, Ezr5F. Le, ezv. v.i. To run.
Eotke, ±z?o≫^j-, # * xv. v.t. To stick into. To thrust into.
Eotui, zzroy's, $1. v.t. To bring to an end. To finish.
Eotuibe, エオツイベ。終 リシモノ. n. Things brought to an end.
Eotuyetuye, rizroy A -sy 4 -, o y 7. # *. v.t. To carry away, (as in theft). To take away. Syn : Eikka wa oman. Koro wa oman.
Eotuyetuye, ±z?osz 4 -- ≫ 4 +, #?x Ju, Ha x', # 7. v.t. To shake. To fan. To brush. Syn : Paruparu.
Eoyaitak, atzi--P4 2: }, # y es z. v.t. To make fun of. To laugh at derisi adj. Agreeing with. Syn : vely. To make a dupe of another. To mock. Syn : Ainukirukiru. Katukara.
Eoyamoktep, atzf-p-E O 5-7, # ≫ -: +, Zfs##9-. adv. Extraordinary.
Eoyashimge, atzi"? "A4", # H. n. The next day. The day after.
Ep, エプ。食物、例セバ、エプカイサム。 foo # 3-4. n. Food. As :~ Ep ka isam, “there is no food.” Syn : Aep. Ibe ambe.
Epa, +/K, Y 7 u- N-. v.i. To overflow.

Epa エパ。逸、満ツル(時期ナドノ). v.i. & adv. To be fulfilled (as time). As far as. As :~ Naa shomo nei ushike epa shomoki, “before one's time.” Naa tu pa epa shomoki, “Two years are not yet fulfilled.”
Epa, エパ。常タル、及プ。例セバ、クェ ペェアイカプ、私ヘ及ブコトガ 出来ナ 4. v.t. To reach to. To attain to. As :~ Ktu epa eaikap, “ I cannot reach it.” Epa pakno ku mokoro kusu ne, “I shall sleep as much as I can.”
Epakashi, or zoo $2, ##||.. n. Teaching. Doctrine. Instruction.
Epakashnu, Az??, Se5x, ?k ~ 7io. v.t. ... To teach. To instruct. Syn : Eyaihannokkare.
Epakashnu-i, *r.A $;) S*57 f , #k#|||. n. Instruction. Doctrine. Syn : Epakoshnu ambe. Epakashi.
Epakashnu-nishpa, r. z ? ?) a 5x = 2e **, #ffff. n. A teacher. instructs. Epakashnure, Ez ??i >5x L, ?k ~ + + yl. v.t. To cause another to teach.
Epakokomo, エバココモ、杖ヲ以テ頭ヲ #s 9. v.t. To knock on the head with a stick.
Epanchokkai-nep, zr. K: 5F a ≫?i fak プ。獣(イレズミ)ナキ女. n An untattooed woman.
| Epange, エパンゲ。 $ ) = . adv. At the end.
| Eepange, At the finish. エエパンゲ。
Epange エパンゲ。好マヌ、嫌フ v.t. Not to want. To hate. To dislike. Syn : Etunne.
Epange, ras>:, %k-t: x. v.t. slight. -
Epanu-ki, oraxx +, ## 7 # 2. v.t. To find fault with.
Epanunshiri, riro 2:29, 4-#. n. This age. This life.
Epara, エパラ。吹ク v.i. To To blow. One who ||
Epara, エパラ。罪ヲ負ヘス、害ヲ被ラス。 v.t. To lay a fault upon another. To condemn. To injure another. To cause to catch (as a disease).
Eparatek-sei-yuk, Ez ?55*2 +z fa. 27, ## 2 #4 oz H. n. A deer with deformed antlers. There is a superstition to the effect that whoever kills one of these animals is certain to die shortly afterwards.
Eparoahunkanit, ra? ra 77:e h = y, ## 2 ###. n. A weaving spool.
Eparorokashi-kuyushitara, :r:r? pa ra カシクユシタラ。噛ミ砕ク。v.t. To chew. To masticate. As :~ Aep eparorokashi kuyushitara, “ to masticate one's food.”
Epaukoiki, エパウコイキ、争闘スル。喧 oft x ~. v.i. To quarrel. Syn : Upa電麗Ye。
Epaure, zr. Kr. L., ?iti z л2. v.i. To dispute. To quarrel. Syn : Epaukoiki.
Epaushi, its $1752, Ha = # ou. v.i. To be wearing upon the head.
Epaushire, -r.z ## S* Lz, ## = # 2?. v.t. To put round the head as a sling for carrying bundles.
Epauwande, tr?r) 7 Te7, ##l z ≫lo. v.t. To foretell the future.
Epechiu, orio, sis $23A 2, ... v.t. To thrust into.
Epechiu, エペチウ。アタル。サワル v.t. To touch.
Epeka, エペカ。常タル、ニ付テ正ス。 v.t. To refer to. To hit. To adjust. As :~ Nei ambe e epeka kuni ne kara, “adjust it.”
Epeka-no-ye, aro? ?J / 4 =, = fj ? ? 7. v.t. To allude to. " |
| Epekara, エペカラ,組フ、指サス、正ス 。 To aim at. To poi
| Epekare, Ο aim at. To point at. エペカレ。 To adjust.
Epekereyot, or or L, a y, # 2, ... v.i.
To be dazzled with light (as in coming from a dark room into the bright sunlight).
| Epenge ?????? #Rl# =, i# =, # x = , adv.
| Eepenge, : In the - エエペンゲ | gl g.
Epesap, エペサプ。小刀ノ類. n "The , name of a kind of flat knife.
Epesh, ro?$2, $ $ NE JL. v.i. To soak through. Syn : Oboso.
Epesh, ENSA, JII E = . adv. Towards the source of a river. Syn : Pet turashi. ‘. . . . . .
Epesh, orio, ##. n. The length.
Epetche-nonno, rie? ≫3° = / > /, * > * *. n. Dandelion. Taraxacum platycarpum, Dahst. . Also called Нопо?тоуер. t -
Epetchiu, rie? ≫3F7, # 27. v.i. To stumble. To stumble through strik* ing the foot against an object. Syn : Ureepetchiu. -
Epetchure, エペツチウレ。顕カセル。 v.t. To cause to stumble.
Epetke, iroyor, #55. n. A hare. Syn : Isepo. Oshuke. -
Epetke, エペッケ。三口。峡暦。鬼暦(ミツ 2* +) adj. Hare-lipped.
Epettuye, otosyo/ of 2, § 2. v.t. To slit.
Epetpetke-chep, えぺっとぺっとけ・ちぇっぷ, A ?r. n. Cuttle-fish.
Epeu-kina, エべウキナ。エゾオグルマ。 n. Senecio Pseudo-arnica, Less.
Epikot, :r. E a y, fE E > # Pv. adv. Unfinished. -
Epikot-attush, at E H / Jo ≫ V?e, fi: E. * 9 9v##%. n. Cloth in the process of being made. - -
Epikot-kina, at Eza y # 3-, # y: y ≫ 7 yuo. n. Mats in process of being made.
Epinise-itangi, or EEtz's 4x2 +, so #j+, n. A ladle used for taking food out of a pot. -
Epirika, えぴりか, 儲ケル。 v.t. To gain. To acquire. Syn : Yaiepirikare.
| Epirika-ambe, エピリカアムべ, 利益。n. Gain.
| Epirika-i, エピリカイ,
Epirikap, えぴりかぷ, 利益 n. An advantage 優位点・利益・得. A thing gained 獲得した物. Syn : Eyaiepirikarep.
Epirikare, えぴりかれ, 儲ケル。 v.t. To gain 獲得する・利を得る. To acquire 獲得する・得る.
Epiru, + bi), #4 Hz. v.t. To brush out. To beat out. To beat the sick with bunches of grass, or twigs to drive out demons of sickness. Syn : Kashke-kik. -
Epiru, えぴる, 摘ミ出ス(つまみだす)。 v.t. To pick out (as fish from the meshes of a net) (例えば、網の網の目から魚を)つまみ出す.
Epishi エピシ、海岸へ向フ。例セバ, ェ ピシサプ、我等ヘ海岸ニ行ク・ ado To or towards the sea-shore. As :~ Epi... shi sap, “we are going to the seashore.”
Epishka-un, ?? ?? ?? ウン。彼處此處。 例セバ、エピシカウ ンホサリワイ ンガ 3, ##|Hot 7 Hov, adv. Here and there. This way and that. About. Hither and thither. As :~ Epishka un hosari wa ingara, “ to look this way and that.” Epishka un nukara, “ to look about.” Syn : Epishne.
Epishne, sr. E >:k, ## = f?j 7. adv. Towards the sea-shore.
Epitche, ir. E ≫**, § 2* & yv. adj. Bald. Syn : Otop-sak.
Epitche-nonno, or E 95* +/ > /, 3 × # R. n. The dandelion. Taraxacum platycarpum. Dahst. Syn : Honoinoер.
Epittek, エピッテっク, 外レシ。脱臼スル。 例セバ、タプスツエピッテク。肩ガ外レル。 v.i. & adj. Displaced. To be out of joint. To be displaced or dislocated. As :~ Tapsutu epittek, “the shoulder
is dislocated." Apa epittek, “ the door has got out of its groove.” Syn : Chiturusere.
Epittekka, えぴってっか, 取リ外ス。 v.t. To displace. To unfasten. To put out of joint.
Epo, х. Ж, 3 = 2y. glabra.
Epokba, エポクバ。責メル。容メル、慣 2. v.t. To persecute. To hate. To oppose. To contravene. This word is preceded by otta. Syn : Epoppa. Keshke.
Epokba-guru, Ext:3 vs ? Jie, ?. n. An enemy. A persecutor. An adversary.
Epokbap, risk* is 7, #. n. An adversary. n. Boschniakia
Epoki, r. z? +, TF 5 -s. adv. Downwards.
Epokikomo, rizika za E, Fji - Ali i , #3A 2, . v.t. To fold down.
Epoki-komomse, aizst=#H REAtz, TF y H > 5) + # 1. v.i. To be hooked downwards.
Epokituye, or it of y's ar, adj. Less than.
Epoko, エポコ。短気ナル、喧嘩ヲ好ム・ adv. Waspish. Snappish. QuarrelSonne.
Epoppa, エポッパ。嫌フ、慣ム、署メル・ v.t. To hate. To persecute. To oppose. Syn : Epokba.
Eporose, エポロセ。食慈ナル・ adj. Avaricious. Covetous. Greedy.
Eposo, r.zf. V, E =, ETFA. adv. Same as Eboso. Just so. Indeed.
Eposo-gusu, :Ezk / Y2K, ?? =, H?E. Verily. Just so. Just as. Indeed. Syn : Eboso gusu.
Epotan-ni, エポタンニ。エゾイボタ・n. Ligustrum yezoense, Nakai. Privet. In S. it is called aina-ni. Some Ainu believe that chopsticks made from the wood of this shrub, if always ヨリ少キ. v.i. & used, will prevent the teeth from becoming carious. The name means “ nurse-tree.” It is used as a medicine.
Epotap, atzik & 7, os e v ≫. n. Pinus pumila, Regel. Syn : Todonup; henekkere. In S. it is called Numni ; nipui ; no-ni.
Epotara, エポタラ。心配スル、案ズル。 v.t. To feel anxiety for another. To feel anxious about. To be troubled about. To miss (as a friend). As :~ Kuani isam yakun ku utara a en epotara ki ruwe ne, “ if I am not there my relations will feel anxious about me.” Syn : Enishomap. Kokaramotte.
Epotara, エポタラ。病者ノ為メニ耐ル, ##x no. v.t. To pray for the sick. To treat a disease.
Epotara-guru, atzft2 5 ?IL, Efj. n. A doctor. One who prays for the recovery of a sick person. One who treats the sick in any way with a view to recovery.
Epotpochi, -tzoyze5F, 7 sZ 3r-r. n. Lonicera Morrowii, A. Gray.
Epui, it 7 f, #. n. A bud.
Epuige, エプイゲ。
Epuike, ?e. n. A flower. エプイケ,
Epuige-hepiraspa, (pl.) :r:74f4-es E 52.4%, 75%. 2, v.i. To blossom. To flower. Epuige-pirasa, (sing.) * * エプイゲピラサ。 '??? ?? £).?.
Epuige-piraspa, (pl.) ェプイゲビラスパ, O 11OWer.
Epuige-shipirasa, (sing.) r. 74 AFE, E5+, 35B? ≫. v.i. To blossom. To flower.
Epuige-shipiraspa, (pl.) 5:74f4;*$/E 52 ov, #15: X. v.i. Same as above.
Epuina-no, T.7 A 3-A, ?? 7 fR iz ≫lo. [7]
セベ、エプィナノヘチリ、面ヲ伏シテ化。 l. 3. . adv. Face downwards. As :Epuina no hachiri, “to fall upon the face.”

Epuinepi, at7-f:k E, #ff, ##. n. A heap of anything. A lump. Syn : Eputanashpe.
| Epuinepushbe, ェプィネプシべ、堆積、境・n Aheap of anything. A lump.
| Upunepushbe, ウプネプシべ,
Epuinepi-kara, +7 f:#Efz3, #2, . v.t. To heap up. To make into a heap. Epuinepushbe, x 7.4 k72-e, f?fit, #. n. A heap of anything. A lump.
Epukitara, エプキタラ。表ヘス。顧ヘス (# y 3- F z ). v.t. To show (as temper).
Epunepush, 5:7:7 $, fi z, . v.t. To heap up. To stack (as hay).
| Epunepushbe, エプネプシべ, 堆積,塊. n. A heap of anything. A lump.
| Epuinepushbe, ェプイネプシべ,
Epungau, エプンガウ。カガイモ n. Metaplexis japonica, Mak. Syn : Chituirep. Chituirep-chippo.
Epungi, at 7:2:#3, #A. n. A watchman. Syn : Shiruwe guru.
Epungine, :a.7:/?#:k, # yL?, ?# 2, ?t?. v.i. To govern. To watch over. To take care of. To look after.
Epungine-guru, :r:7:2:##% JL, ?j + F. jul A., ####. n. A governor. A ruler. A watchman. A caretaker.
Epunginep エプンギネプ。司守人、統 ##. n. Same as Epungine guru.
Epuni, z7 =, ? of 7L. v.t. To lift up. To raise. To set up on end. To lift up to. e.g. Pase kamui shik epuni, “he lifted his eyes up to the true god.”
Epuruse, r: 7/L:, zk 9 k 2. v.t. To squirt. To blow out of the mouth (as water).
Epushi, エプシ。出ス(獲撃ノ如シ) 0.i. To send forth (as the voice).
Epussani, エプツサニ、エゾウコギ n S. Eleutherococcus senticosus, Marim.
Epusu, a.7z, HH ≫ vv. v.i. To come out of. To come up.
Eputanashpe, or 74.3->~, ###, #. n. A lump of anything. Syn : Epuinepi.
Epyukke, :r:7 a. ≫?r, # # x ≫L. v.i. To be stingy. Syn : Ibeunara.
Erai, +5 f, ?E E x pl. v.i. To droop as wheat when blown down by the wind or caused to fall through abundance or excessive weight.
Erai, or 54, #2. adv. Severely.
Eraiba-pushi, z54 ww73..., >s + -s ≫ }r + y. n. Mertensia maritima, Don. var. asiatica, Takeda. Syn : Pise nonno. Containing nutlets.
Eraikotine-pirika, r. 5 f a yak bi u ?i, fa x*~ a-. adj. Reliable.
Eraikotne-wen, or 5 s = y + 7 = 2, fE-? * v x. adj. Unreliable.
Erai-kun-hotke, r.54 ≫ 2;R y 4r, ?E x )v £ x = k x,. v.i. To lie down to die.
Eraimak, :r:5 f * ?, st - vv. v.t. To eat.
Eraininne, エライニンネ, 成就ニ六ケ敷キ、成就シ難キ。 v.i. Difficult of accomplishment. Syn : Aki hokamba.
Erainiukesh, it? of ?7 oro, Bjor jur. v.t. To help. To act faithfully towards. To persevere in. As?Echi kotchaketa erainiukesh ku ki na, “ I will persevere on your behalf.” Syn : Eranniukesh.
Erairai, iro of 54, 7 a.. n. A kind of very tiny black fly. A midge.
Erakoro, it5 =i p, ftfg; z. yv. v.i. To be affected by. As :~ Buta kam erakoro, “he was made sick by eating
pork.” -
Eraman, エラマン。了解スル、知ル。 v.t. To understand. , To know. Syn : Eramu an. -
Eramambe, エラマムべ。知ラレタルコ F. n. Anything known.
Eramande, E5 wr A5", #17 te v. v.t. To make known or understood.
Eraman-no, +5 -r e A, BH z =, #g y s’, \:# 52 +... adv. Knowingly. Advisedly. With wisdom. Wisely.
Eramanre, or 5* > L., #x M. v.t. To hunt. Syn : Iramande.
Eramante, :r:5 z 25F, #1 z + yv. v.t. To make known.
Eramashu - - - エラマシ ' |3£z. v.i. To regard with - - ? ?n.
Eramasu, o plea. - エラマス。 SeCi W1til, i. O aCl.II.1IIe.
Eramashu-no, )# > 5°, # & W. adv. エラマシュノ, Admiringly. Pleas
Eramasu-no, urably. In a pleasエラマスノ。 ing manner.
Eramashure, - - エラマシュレ。 *~s+ ~. v.t. Το ?ye
Eramasure, pleasure to. To make エラマスレ, another pleased.
Eramatu, r.5 **y, ££] V. adj. Learned.
Eramchuptek, +5 A:sta. 75*2}', ## */ 1,. ##2, ju, v.i. To be in Sorrow or distress.
Eramchuptekbe, :r.5 A5F-a. 75*2} ^t, ###, [E #. n. Sorrow. Distress. Trouble. Affliction.
Eramchupush, 3.5 A5F2.7 %, # */ *. v.i. To feel lonely. Syn : Mishmu.
Erameroshke, :r:5 x DI $22.4r, # * # x 2L. v.t. To rake together. Eramkatchiush, :r.5 A, h y#Fr.) ?e, #f~ x, #2. v.t. To hate. To dislike. To be averse to. To be disgusted with. Syn : Etunne.
Eramisam, :r.5 = }*.A., 6) 7 x . v.i. Not to understand or know.
Eramishkare, or 5 E327, L’, 3, 2 x. v.t. Same as above. -
Eramkoeshkari, x.54, a ro, J, #} 2. v.t. To be surprised at. To wonder at. Syn : Enushkari.
Eramkomom, エラムコモム。不審ニ思 7. v.i. To be in doubt about. To wonder. To think.
Erampekamam, ) of: - 'L', C.B.E x 21. エラムべカマム。 v.i. To be in Eram pekamama, trouble. Syn : エラムべカママ。 Aeshi - rikirap &u?
Erampekamambe, o AoS7) of A^, ##, ###. n. Troubles.
Erampeutek, エラムペウテク。分ラヌ. v.i. Not to understand. Not to know.
Erampokiwen, えらむぽきうぇん, 哀レナル。 adj. Miserable. Pitiable.
Erampokiwen-ki, えらむぽきうぇん・き, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. To have mercy upon.
Erampokiwen-wa-kore, えらむぽきうぇん・わ・これ, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. To take pity on. To have mercy upon.
| Erampopash-kosamba, エラムポパしゅ・コサムバ, 喜ブ。 v.i. To be pleased. To feel rejoiced. Syn : Yainuchattek.
| Erampopash-kosanu, エラムポパしゅ・コサヌ,
Erampotara, えらむぽたら, 不安。 adj. Disquieted.
Eramu, エラム,了解スル、暁ル(さとる) v.t. To understand. To know. To apprehend.
Eramu-an, エラム・アン, 了解スル、暁ル(さとる) v.t. To understand. To know. Eramu an na mtungi ya, “ thoroughly understand.”
Eramuchakbe, r.5 A5F y ? ?&, #f-w 3}* ルコト、放棄セラレタルコト n A thing which discourages. A thing eschewed. Anything disliked.
Eramu-ekatchaush, r. 5 Ari?, y#F v r; S?, # z. v.i. To feel antipathy
towards another. To be displeased with. Syn : Ekatchaush.
Eramuhauge, エラムハウゲ。親切ニ遇スル。 v.i. To show kindness towards.
| Eramuhokasush, エラムホカスシュ。 v. adj. & v.i. Dissatisfied 不満足な. To be dissatisfied.
| Eramuhokasusu, エラムホカスス。
Eramuhokasush-no, it5.A**j7% $o A7, 7R## =. adv. In a disSatisfied rnanner.
Eramuhokasusu-no, Jr. 5 A.7R? ZKX A, TS; H =. adv. Same as above.
Eramu-hopunini, 5.5. AZR7 = E. B. 5 §3) ×. v.t. To stir up the heart or mind.
Eramuhu, +5.4,7, Hisj H. L. v.t. To regard with favour.
Eramu-ikatchaush, it5°.A4f % y%F.v ウシ、好マヌ、憎ム。例セバ, カムイア ナタネウェンブリエラムイカッチヤウシ 耐ヘ悪シキ仕業ヲ嫌フ o.f To dis・ like. To look upon with disfavour. To look upon with displeasure. To disapprove of. As :~ Kamui anak ne wen-buri eramu-ikatchaush, “God looks upon evil deeds with disfavour.”
Eramu-ikurukuru, r.5 A4f W JU? Wle, loss, 2 yu, H 7. v.i. To be troubled. To be in trouble. Syn : Yaikowepekere.
Eramukittararage, or 5 A* y 5, 75 5, # v Pl, so u ?v. v.i. To be afraid. To be in dread. To be struck with awe. Syn : Kimatek. Ishitoma.
Eramukachipeutekka, +5.6.755°S. ウテッカ。思ヒ闘、レシ、携露帆セシ。 adj. & v.i. To be confused by another. Confused. Contounded. Syn : Aeramu-usausakka.
Eramukachipeutek-no, or 5.Af, 5** 77.5 /, ##2- no. adv. Confusedly. As :~ Eramukachipeutek no ye, “to talk confusedly.” -
Eramunin, +5 A = 2^, [sj 7 j? x, y, ?E #4. x. adj. & v.t. Rash. Careless. To neglect. Not to acknowledge. To treat as a stranger. To slight. Syn : Eramu-unun. Ramueunin.
Eramu-nin-no, :r.5 A = A /, MFEEE =, #??? =. adv. Carelessly. Negligently. Eramu-pak-no, +5.A/ $y ? /, *## s ?eli?. ph. As much as you will.
Eramupishbare, +5 A, E Eoz? Lo, # ~ yv, st?? x. v.t. To consider. To think over.
Eramu-sam, or 5 A*}.A., so to x. v.i. Not to understand.
Eramu-unun, =5.Af75<>, AE v yv. v.t. To forget. To over-look,
Eramush, エラムっシゅ, 了解スル、名高キ。 例セバ、エラムシグル、有名ナル人。 adj. Known. Recognized. Learned. As :~ Eramush guru, “a person who knows.” Syn : Aramush.
Eramushbe, *5.A.$~~&, 4g 7 v 37 yl≫ =a F. n. A thing known.
Eramushkare, ) T soft + x. v.t. Not to エラムシカレ。 understand. Not to Bramushkari, know. Syn : Eram+5.1, $237 ) , ] peutek.
Eramushkarep,\}]] 2 x = F. %. +5.1.527; Le 7, Things one does Eramaushkarip, not know or un:r.5 A?o?b J 7,j derstand. Syn : Erampeutekbe.
Eram-shikiru, +5 A. ?e:#JL, DA 7 ##l x, B}#}]+ $2.2. v.t. To upset the mind.
Eramushinne, +5.A.$≫≫:#, #$ y # J` z, ?T & 7. T 7. v.i. To have finished. Syn : Shiokere.
Eramutasaoke, +5 A, &##4r, > # v.i. To be vexed with. -
Eramutunash, or 5 A*2+52, # 9 H. +, $$* yv. adj. Acute. Quickwitted. Quick of understanding.
Eramutunash-i, o Aoy?-->4, § + ≫v. n. Quick-wittedness. Acuteness.
Eramu-unun, 5.5.1,75& 2, #1. to x. マス。
v.i. To take no notice of. To be careless. To be forgetful. Syn : Eramunin.
Eramu-unun-no, or 5.A., 3 2/, TS #To =. adv. Carelessly. Forgetfully.
Eramu-usausak, iro,A} {}o 5, # #3- no, ##l + yv. adj. Confusing.
Eramu-usausakbe, or 5.5, 7+?? to べ、混難ナルモノ、錯闘。 Something confusing.
Eramu-usausakka, :r.5 A) {Fr} } ≫ ?, a#x pl. v.t. To confuse.
Eramu-usausak-no, :r.5 A, r} +j*r} + クノ。素レテ。混露Lシテ. adu Confusingly. In a confusing manner. As :~ Eramu-usausak no ye, “to tell in a confusing manner.”
Eran, t5 : a, # yv, TF zv. v.i. To descend to.
Erankush, +5 :o 2 >, TF zv. v.i. To come down.
Eranniukesh, x5 >= # #- $2, ## x pv = b, ah ?r. n. Help. Perseverance. Syn : Erainiukesh. Eraokatta, +5 z?rzh ≫ &, &E x. v.t. To dip into. To throw into water. Syn : Erauokatta.
Eraomare エラオマレ。謙ダル、下ダス" v.t. To lower. To humble.
Eraporoshki, :r.5 # ra $2:#, ?E Hylo, ## You (33=#9- F). v.i. To stick up (as 73, feathers). Rap. “feather" roshki, “to set up.”
Eraot, x.52**/, %}+- ≫v. adj. Slant ing. Syn : Sekumtarara.
Erapurap, +57°57', ##, #R. n. A butterfly. A moth. Syn : Kamakata. Heporap.
Erarak, r. 5 5 %, £t s & yv. adj. Sunken.
Eraratki, or 55 yao, #To x Ju'. v.i. To hang down. To be low. To be bent down. To slant.
Eraratkire, エララツキレ。曲ゲル、下ダ x. v.d. To bend down. To lower. I To send down. To make to slant.
Eraraye, エラライェ。平ニスル(株ニテ 毅物ヲ外ルトキノ如ク) v.t. To level off (as grain in a measure.)
Erashka, +5:23, 49]2L. v.t. To cut. To trim by cutting (as paper).
Erashke, + 5 > Or, EJ W HR Jv. v.t. To cut off or out (as a piece of skin from an animal).
Eratkip, +5 y#7', #. n. A loincloth. Syn : Tepa.
Erau, r.5 7, fig x vl. v.t. To bury. To cover up. As :~ Abe erau, “ to cover up fire" in order to preserve it.
Erauketupa, =+5 foy4%roy ~\, fo%j% 7 x pl. v.t. To do business.
Eraukushte, E 5 y Z. Ee5-, of -s te v. v.t. To dip into. To sink into.
Eraunkuchi, エラウンクチ。|下喉 n The lower Eraunkut, part of the throat. エラウンクツ。
Eraunkuchi-kamui-noye, orio y > y チカムイノイェ。喰ル、ロ除ム・ ph. To hum. To speak deep down in the chest. To make melody in the heart (lit: to sing to God from the lower part of the throat). See Onnu-onnu.
Erauokatta, Sr. F rj 2j"zb ≫5r, £I£ ≫* Jt-. v.t. To sink. To dip into.
Erawekatta, :r:5 r} = h y &, v.t. To sink. To dip into. Erawe-roshki, :r.5 } = pa Zo:#, ### 7 k+ v. v.t. To thrust the burnt end of logs under the ashes to keep the embers alive.
Erayap, +5+ 7, 7 #7. v.i. To be pleased with. To express pleasure in. To wonder at. Admire. Syn : Areika.
Erayapka, E5477;h, #2ste pv. v.t. To please. Also an interj. of pleasurable surprise.
Eraye, or 7 of +, #|| 7 x. v.t. Not to know. To be ignorant of. As :~ Nei 沈メル・
ambe oara ku eraye ruwe ne, “ I do not in the least understand that."
Eraye, -e:7:E, = f; 27. v.t. To go to. Erayekotne, or 5 of 2:1 y:R, ASAE = } 7. To be dissatisfied. Syn : Aeramushinne shomoki.
Ere エレ。食ヘセル v.i. Syn : Ibere. To feed.
Ere, r. Le, gie 2* x, (?i os x . v.t. To stretch out.
Ereba, ェレバ,|置タ(網ノ如ク)、"。 To set Erepa, (as a net in the sea). エレパ, Syn : Turupa.
Erechi, :r. Le F, list2s + 37. v.t. Caused tO eat.
Eregus, エレグス。|大ロ魚。(タラ) n A cod
Eregush, fish. エレグシ。
Erek, HE L }, 3; > ≫ e 3°. A barbole.
Erekasu, エレカス、甚ダ。例セバ、エレ カスピリカルウェネ、其レヘ甚ダ善イ。 adj. Very. As :~ Erekastu pirika ruwe ne, “it is very good.
Erem, at L.A., E. n. A rat. As :~ Erem akbe, “ a rat trap.” Syn : Eremu. Erum.
Eremtambu, :EL A, & A7, l#. n. A wart. Pa
Eremutambu, pilloma. エレムタムブ。
Erem-kina, or L.A.:F:F, z? is 2x = . n. The plantain. Plantago major, L. var. asiatica, Dcne. Syn : Eeremukina. Erumkina.
Eremu, r: L.A., f. n. A rat. Syn : Erem.
Eremu-kina, エレムキナ。オホベコ・ n. The plantain. Plantago major, L. var. asiatica, Dcne.
Eremu-koikip, or L.A.-a of +77, of タチ(馳). n. A weasel. Syn : Kurusurap. (See kuru).
Eremu-osara, ar. Le Azr:#}"#7, ?E W / # E 7##7fj z iit. n. A peculiar kind of ornament used to decorate the cords which are used in burying the dead.
Eren, = L? ?, = M. n. Three persons. As :~ Eren a ne wa, “we three.”
Erengaine, + L > #f4 #, #== =, ?? = . adv. As one likes. According to one's own desires.
Erep, * L?7, VI!#j b +. adj. Four and a half. E "。|置ク(網ヲ海中ニォク如ク) エレパ, - v.t. To set (as a net in Ereba, the sea) エレバ。 -
Erepo, エレポ、掃キ集メテ埋メル。例セ ベ、アベェレポ、火ヲ埋メル。ひ.f To rake up. As :~ Abe erepo, “to rake up the fire.”
Erepun, r: L 7:e, # ~ff 7. v.i. go to Sea.
Erepun-not, E Le7 7 2 / y, # ~ H? 3: #. A sea cape.
Ererashuye, x. L?5 $?* 4f -, £t£(a a x ≫) # v zv. v.i. To totter. To shake (as in the wind). To be unable to stand (as a drunken man).
Ereunui, エレウヌイ, 曲 リノ内方. n. The inside of a bend. Met : “ out of sight.” As :~ Ereunui ta ande, “put it out of sight” (lit: place it in the bend). Syn : Oahunge-i.
Ereure-kina, or Leo L, HE3-, + + 4 × Ko y . n. Polygonum sachalinense, Fr. Schm. S. Also, Erero ; hashipa-kutu ; hastupa-kutu ; iruri ; tukku. In H. it is ikotuk ; ikikuttara ; kuttara.
Erikikatta, :r. ) + h ≫ &, # ≫ E 3*/L. v.t. To raise on high. Erikikuru, * 9 *4% JL, _E = As x. v.i. To sit upon. To ride upon.
Erikitari, エリキタリ。上方ニ向キシ。 adj. Pointing upwards.
Erikitesu, エリキテス。上方ニ向ツテ傾 27. v.i. To slant upwards. To

Erikomare, or J = *L, E * >L. v.t. To exalt. To raise the price of anything. Erikomare-ichen, + J = * L. As of z >, I, §. A commission on goods sold.
Eritne-shukup, or 9 ッネシュクプ。養ヘ no, is 7, 5 L fl. v.i. To be reared. To grow up gradually.
Erok, at ta 4”, PJ = #Eyl≫. v.i. To dwell in. To be in. As :~ Kotan erokbe kamui an, moshiri erokbe kamui tapan na, “there are gods who dwell in villages, and gods who dwell in countries.”
| Eroki, エ口キ,
| Heroki, ヘロキ, 鰊(ニシン)。 n. Herrings. Clupea harengus Linn.
| Heruki, ヘルキ,
Erokroki, zr. pa je pa +, a i ?i, i x i F y , = 3; ?r. n. The Japanese goatsucker.
Eropoki, えろぽき, 山頂。 n. A mountain top.
Erorunne, tp JL. Ark, E4g / H. adv. Towards the upper end of the fireplace. As :~ Erorunne eulurunne hosari wa ingara, “he turned his head and looked towards the upper and lower ends of the fireplace.”
Eroshki, :c E $≫*, Yr * * xv. v.t. To set up. To stick up as posts. To shoot at and hit with an arrow. As :~ Ai eroshki, “he shot and hit it with an arrow.”
Eruimakanu, =LJL≫-f T #15", Fa S KF 3r ju. v.i. To make way for.
Erum, T.J.L.A., f. n. A rat. Syn : Erem.
Erumaka, rilL - z, Ifi v yu. v.i. To clear away.
Erumakanu, =nw≫**j3, g3 7 a. * Jv. v.i. To get out of the way so as to let another pass. (Lit: to open up a Caprimulgus jotaka, T. & S. | way). Syn : Horuenene.
Erumakanure, r. JL. Tr?i 5. L, R & 7 & 3 + 7t. v.t. To cause to make way for.
Erumaknere, r.)LT O # Le, & a 9 st or pl. v.t. To turn out of a way.
Erum-kina, or JoA:#3-, + k 2s a . n. The plantain. Plantago major, L. var. asiatica, Dcne. The root is used as an article of diet. It is eaten boiled. Some Ainu eat the seeds, after having been well pounded, with rice or millet.
Erumpara-kina, */L.sz <5 **, * * ≫s = . n. Plantago Japonica, Fr. et Szv. Syn : Erum-kina.
Erupki, エルプキ, 鋭利ノ器ノ尖。 n. The point of a sharp instrument.
Erupshi, えるぷし, 前面。 n. Front. As :~ Chisei erupshi, “the front of a house.”
| Erupshige, エルプシゲ, 前面。 n. Front.
| Erupshike, エルプシケ,
Erupshiketa, at JL7 $, raz, ?ij = . In front of.
Erupshikeketa, :r:JL7 $24-4r2g, TE adv. flis = . adv. Exactly in front of.
Erura, *PL≫5, 3}7°, jigEi x xl≫. v.t. To transport.
Erurai, at JL54s, 4eFE#PAE. v.i. To be half dead.
Erurikiraye, 頭ニ巻ク. v.t. To -EJL J #54 ×, tie round the head Erurikirayeba, as for the purpose +/L J #5 of +/3,J of keeping the hair back.
Erusa, or:/Lo, fox. v.t. To lend.
Erusaikari, r.IL''}}f # 9, Bil 2, . v.t. To surround. Syn : Nikkotama.
Erutompak, Ell F.A., 827, ##. adv. Part way.
Esaman, エサマン。河猟(カヘウソ) n. An otter. Lutra, lutra, lutra. Linn.
Esaman-ki, エサマンキ。魔術(河瀬ノ
HA > p1 *). n. Sorcery. Divination by means of a river otter's head.
Esaman-sapa, :r:#}***>{}*?$, FJ# / HA. n. An otter's head (met-“ to be forgetful”).
Esambare, -r}., a Lo, l. 3". Pitiable. Syn : Esampauke.
Esambe-kese, :r:#}"A og Ortz, ?≫ HH = ), #EA = . adv. From the heart.
Esambe-keseta, ++j*A. ok?rtz &, ?≫H" = , E, v jE: = . adv. At the bottom of the heart.
Esampauke, エサムパウケ 慌レ・ナ・ adj. Pititable. . Syn : Esambare.
Esan, :r:#}">, TK y vv., 4. v. v.t. To descend. Also n. A descent.
Esanaguru,い前方。例セバ、エサナクル adj. エサナグル。| オマン。前ニ進ム・ ado. Esanakuru, ( Forward. As :~ Esana:r:}:}-} JL, kuru oman, “to go forward.”
Esana-sap-guru, ++++7.5 sie, #L #2- 'l A. n. A wanton person. A riotous person.
Esanniyo, エサンニヨ。考へル、算フル。 v.t. To consider. To account. To reckon. To determine. .
Esanniyop, at t?> = a 7, ?##, #ffE. n. An account. A consideration. Anything settled.
Esapane, エサパネ。司サドル、治ムル, #HE x >v. v.t. To govern. To lead. To superintend. To act as chief or head.
Esapane-guru, エサパネグル。司者、統 ##. n. A governor. A head. A leader. A chief.
Esapanep エサパネプ。司者、統治者。 n. Same as Esapane guru.
Esapse, **7*tz, §£ x yv. v.t. To ridicule. To laugh at.
Esapse-itak, エサプセイタク。噛笑ス yi. n. Ridicule. Syin : Eoya-itak.
Esara, Er.*5, 3 a * ≫-. adj. Open.
Esara-chish, or:#55->, 7&### 37. v.i. To cry aloud.
Esarampa-ki, エサラムパキ、暇乞ヒス ju. v.t. To bid farewell to.
Esara-no, * tE 5 A’, Bg * +. Openly.
Esarasara, at #5 #5, #si > te vv. v.t. To make known. Syn : Nure.
Esash, at #2, # > di-, # ≫. v.i. To make a low rumbling sound. As :~ Riri esash humi, “the sound of the rumbling waves.”
Esashi, zoo, oft. n. A cape.
Esau, ++7, Hisn. n. The front teeth.
Esau-tarara, ++7 455, HK; 2 y. Jl. v.i. To have projecting teeth.
Esaush, Erij-dy Ee, Bij sEs =. adv. In front. Syn : Kotchaketa.
Ese, エセ。答フル。例セバ、エセワェネ イタクヒ、彼レヘ答へテ日ク. v.t. To answer. As :~ Ese va ene itak-hi, “he answered and spoke thus.”
Ese-itak, a: tz f & &, #. n. answer. Syn : Itasa itak.
Esep, ++z7, #. n. An answer.
Esere, aritz Lo, ## te vv. v.t. To cause another to answer.
Esereponnu, artz Lozf:25R, # 2. v.t. To draw out as a knife from its sheath. Syn : Etaye.
Eseshke, エセシケ。閉ダル、塞ク. p.が To shut. To stop up.
Eshaot, エシャオツ、持ツテ走ル v.t. To run away with. Syn : Ekira.
Eshi, ar $2, 3?Eyl-. v.i. To come.
Eshi, エシ、大ニ用ュル間投詞 (没て閉チ a ). excl. A word used principally to quiet dogs, though sometimes used when addressing persons, (lit: you shut up).
Eshian, E$272, 3; y 5°. v.i. alone.
Eshikari エシカリ。塞ガレタ、通ゼヌ. v.i. To be stopped. Pressed. As :~ Osshi eshikari, “to be constipated.”
Eshikari, ***j 9, jijyt≫, {}.l.. v.t. adv. An To be
To catch (as an animal or fowl). To seize. As :~ Niwatori-chikapeshikari wa raige yan, “catch a fowl and kill it.”
Eshikarun, *r. $2% ol≫, sEin. z. yl≫. v.t. To call to mind. To remember. To. keep in mind. To feel anxious about.
Eshikarun-i, エシカルンイ。思想、思案。 n. Thought. Remembrance. Anxiety for. Syn : Yaikatakarap.
Eshikarun-no, ± 9% ni, 2 A, HEf: *. adj. Having a good memory. Also adv. Knowingly. Syn : Ramushikarum no.
Eshikarun-shomoki-no, ±:2: Jl. A > a AE + / , iE~ ? x =. ph. Accidentally. Forgetfully. Not remembering. Absent-mindedly.
Eshikashke, r. Sej S r, as J. v.t. To deny.
Eshikimaimai, ie:2:#” for s, Hos. n. Crowberry. The name means eye irritator.
Eshikipop, + e+?I$7”, te x > ≫L. v.i. To be stared out of countenance. Syn : Enitomom.
Eshikiraine, えしきらいね, 憐レム。例セバ、ピリカノエンエシキライネワウンコレ、何卒我ヲ憐メ。 v.t. To compassionate. To pity. As :~ Pirika no en eshikiraine wa en kore, “please look upon me with compassion.”
Eshikerimrim, \ } oft (3 x > y). n. +524 J.J. J.A., The dogtooth violet.
Eshkerimrim, | Erythronium dens+5.25" J.A. J.A.,] canis, L. The bulbs. of this plant are eaten like arrowroot. It is also said to be a good medicine against stomach-ache.
Eshiknak い物ヲ見ヌ(心シテ見ヌ) 例 エシクナク。 セベ。ネイアンペウェン
Eshikmaki, ワゲスエシクナキャン, エシクナキ。」 其レヘ悪シキモノ故見 + + 5° 2, v. v.i. To be blind to a thing. Not to see a thing. To take no notice of. To be purposely blind to a thing. To purposely not look at. As :~ Nei ambe wen wa gusu eshiknaki yan, “don’t look at it for it is bad.” Eneturu pakno wenbe ne gusti ku eshiknaki nisa ruwe ne, “it was so bad that I purposely did not look at it.”
Eshikoingara, *S>=I 4 >’?f5, 5-, % xu≫ ot. v.i. To be seen. As :~ Moshima guru orowa no eshikoingara kuni ne, “in order to be seen of others.” Syn : Anukara.
Eshikoingare, :r:$e a 4f off Lo, H, te plo. v.t. To show to another. Syn : Nukare.
Eshikomare, E$e2} + -r Le, jE# 9 x. v.t. To fill.
Eshikonukare, r: $2:15 h Le, H += v. v.t. To show to another.
Eshikop, r, en 7, Fj##, ##. n. Parents.
Eshikopa, zir:$~^yz+z &, $g yv. v.t. ?To rely on. To trust.
Eshikop-sak-guru, r >= 7} } }/JL, §52(H3%). n. An orphan.
Eshikop-sak-utara, :r. Soza 7-t} } r} & 5, #[53(##). n. Orphans.
Eshikopuntekka, or on 725-y?, H: ノ人ヲ以テ他ノ者ヲ喜ベセル p. To cause another to please a third party. As :~ Shinuma heikachi koro habo eshikopuntekka ruwe ne, “he caused the lad to please his mother.” Syn : Nupetnere.
Eshikte, えしっくて, 充タス。 v.t. To fill. Syn : Eikare.
Eshimge, えしむげ, 翌日。 n. The next day.
Eshimon-sam, えしもん・さむ, 右ノ方。 adv. Towards the right hand side.
Eshina, エシナ, 否ム(いなむ)。秘密ニスル v.t. To deny. To bind up. To keep secret. To hide (as one's faults). Syn : Shikaeshina yara.
Eshina-shomoki, えしな・しょもき, アラハニ。
adv. Above-board. Openly. Frankly.
Eshinakara, えしなから, 隠ス、秘密ニスル。 v.i. To keep secret.
Eahini, エシニ。業ヲ止メル、死ス。延引 x v. v.i. To retire from work. To abdicate. To adjourn. To die.
Eshinire,エシニレ、退カス。止メル・猫 #x v. v.t. To adjourn. To cause to retire.
Eshiniuka, + 2e= 735, F - vv. v.i. To get tired of a thing. To feel indisposed. Syn : Shingi.
Eshinnukuri-an, a:22.5 ° 972, H: 来ズ、能ヘズ、属庶フ・ v.t. To be unable. To feel a disinclination to do something.
Eshinnuye, r >:e5x-f =, HE3) - o. v.i. To be written. Syn : Anuye. Chieshinnuye.
Eshinuipa-kara, zoox4s rozh:7, ox! z pl. v.t. To carve.
Eshinot, エシノットト, #2 *#7. v.t. ?o play with.
Eshinotbe, エシノットトベ, #R, HE?#A. n. A plaything.
Eshipa,い開カヌ振スル、不満足ニ 思フ・ ? ?? ? ??? + $vos, v.i. To be dissatisfied with. Eshpa, Not to listen. To pay no +$2, $, attention to. To turn a deaf ear to a person. To treat with indifference. Not to look at. As :Ainu eshipa, “to treat the man with indifference.”
Eshipa-itak, エシパ・イタく, 28.4 ° 22' 4 = F. n. Things one desires not to hear.
Eshipakashnu, ESV"Szh S-5, 該博ナ ≫v, fj&+- ≫v. adj. Learned.
Eshipattuye, エシパッツイェ, &# * **. v.i. To drill. To exercise. To deter. mine to do something with diligence.
Eshipopkep, エシポぷケぷ, J?#. n. Arms. Implements of war.
| Eshiramgiri, えしらむぎり, 知ル。 v.t. To know. To know one's way. To recognize a person. Syn : Eamkiri.
| Eshiramkiri, えしらむきり,
Eshireoma, zvu-zrz, ?и. v.i. Το lean over.
Eshirepa, r. S. L. sv, ili z v. v.i. To arrive at a place.
Eshiri, エシリ。 plHij = . adv. Previously.
Eeshiri, Before. 25 ; ) .
Eshiri-an, 以前ニ。例セバ。ェシリ エシリアン。 アンアプ、以前ニ在リ
Eeshiri-an, so, e y. adj. Above ++$2 J72,] mentioned. Previous. As :~ Eshiri an ap, “the previous zy OIl?.
Eshirieok, a: > )=rizi y, G?# ? vt. v.t. To hook on to. To hook in.
Eshirikoshi, ar $2 ) a $2, $4 vo vie. v.t. To swerve. To go off the track.
Eshirikoshi-henoye, or ; 9 E. Co. / Af =, ? H = }} v zv. v.i. To Swerve to one side.
Eshirika, :r. Se U ?i, ?x. v.t. To cast down. Syn : Oshiripichi.
Eshirikatta, * $2 9 *y y4?z, E$7 yi~. v.t. To throw down to the ground with violence.
Eshirikik, エシリキく, ##ff x. v.t. To knock down.
Eshirikirap, エシリラぷ, # * 2. - v.i. To suffer trouble. To suffer affliction. Syn : Ramupekamam.
Eshirikopash, +$/ ) a v?$/, fi W #?i jv. v.i. & adj. To lean against. Leaning against.
Eshirikopashte, + 2 J =? v?$/5F, Y?> # or 2L. v.t. To set against.
Eshirikokari, * 32 9 = × 9, % ?. v.t. To twist. To wind.
Eshiriokte, +$/ ) z ?y 5“, ? ? 71“. v.t. To hang up. Syn : Shiriokte,
Eshiriotke-otke, +.> J*≫dr*≫?",
捨リ込・ム・ | grain in a measure.
Eshiripa, sr, Se J **, £]a#x ≫v. v.i. To arrive. .
Eshiri-pichi, r > y b:, &} u Jl. To slip off. To go off the track.
Eshiroko, *S, p =u, $i % , o'E yl≫. To strike against. To stumble.
Eshirok-shirok, :r. Sep 2) er 2}, # ? . v.i. To stumble and hesitate (as in speaking). To strike against. To kick. syn : Shirok-shirok.
Eshiru, ar elle, &# ≫, #p-. v.t. To v.i. v.i. rub. .
Eshishi, at $2 $2, $ ? zv. v.t. To avoid. To pass by. To eschew. Syn : Ehaita. -
Eshishiknakte, rio h. 75*, *s, * x 2 9 × 912. v.t. To ignore. To pre tend not to know. Syn : Aeshimoshmare.
Eshishire, r >>> Le, st r y te vl. v.t. To cause to avoid.
Eshishiriki, ar $e5e ) +, # z pl. v.t. To abdicate. Вshishirikire, c. 529 у 4: Le, ?tit = At ?i x. v.t. To establish in business. To enthrone. To abdicate in favour of another.
Eshisho-un, えししょ・うん, 爐ノ右方。 adv. By the right hand side of a hearth.
Eshishte, えししゅて, 除ケサセル。 v.t. To cause to avoid.
| Eshishuye, (sing.), えししゅいぇ, 揺ブル(ゆさぶる)、動ク。 v.t. To swing. To shake. To wave.
| Eshishuyeba, (pl.), エシシュイェバ,
 | Eshitaige, えしたいげ, 投ゲル。 v.t. To throw to. To cast to.
 | Eshitagi, エシタイギ。 ★バカ検証 【「エシタギ」であるべき。馬鹿丸出し。】
Eshitan, えしたん, 欲スル。 v. v.t. To desire.
Eshitapka, ES-372), H Z E = adv. v.t. . down as Upon the shoulders. -
Eshitapka-ani, エシタぷカ・アニ, n = + #7. v.t. To carry on the shoulders.
Eshitchiu-shirikomuru-kosamba, r. シッチウシリコムルコサムバ、烈シク化 jv, #s 4-4K+ v. ph. To fall heavily. To be knocked down (as in contest).
Eshittat-oseshke, +3≫≫£?yzi-tz $≫4+, 歩ム「トキニ践ム木ナ ドガ割レル音スル。 v.i. To make a noise of cracking and snapping as walking through dry twigs or reeds.
Eshittauge, at $2 y 4: 74*, #f+] yu-. To chop.
Eshkari, at Se?, J, Ryle, ji? 2. v.t. To catch (as a bird, animal or fish).
Eshkari, at e?y ), #? v 3. v.i. be stopped up. v.t. To
| Eshkerimrim, エシケリムリム エシュケリムリム, 片栗(かたくり)。 n. Dogtooth violet.
| Eshikerimrim,エシケリムリム,   Erythronium japonicum, Mak.
Eshna, + ed-, $(2 9 x ) z ≫L. v.i. To ?Kle?n.
Eshochupu, :r. $e a5*-.7, £ 7 f££E z. v.i. To get up from a feast. To clear away the mats upon which visitors to a house have been sitting.
Eshokka,エシヨッカ。カヘカジカ・ n A kind of fresh water fish. Bull-head. Cottus pollux, nozawae, Synder. Syn : Pon chimakani. Pet kotchimaka?ll?a ,
Etaraka-no, or 4.577; A., &# to -, *? * > /l. adj. Slightingly. Carelessly.
Eshopki, エショっプキ, 座ヲユヅル。 v.t. To make room for another to sit down. Syn : Eshotki.
Eshopshipi, T. ?o a 7 ?eb:, v.t. To remarry.
Eshorokan-ni, :ro? pi? >=, s ≫ × ty y +.. n. Staphylea Bumalda, S. et Z. Also called Nominit. The bladder-nut. 再婚スル。

Eshotki, エショッキ。路ヲ避ケル・ "i. To make way.
Eshouk, a.S-= 2 %, F# 3. K = 2-. v.t. To buy upon trust. To contract a debt. Syn : Shose kara.
| Eshpa,エシュパ,|忽(ゆるが)セニ思フ、冷淡ニ扱フ v.i.
| Eshipa, エシパ, To treat with indifference. To ignore. See Eshipa.
Eshunangara, zoo-o->7s5, # 2 x ≫v. v.t. To lighten. Syn : Pekereka.
Eshunangare, r$22.3-2 of lo, 2 9. ? yv. v.t. To cause to lighten.
Eshunge, 2x S-2.2-4“, #F'-, so ”- v.t. To lie to.
| Eshungere, エシュンゲレ。信ゼヌ、詐リト思フ・| v.t. To disbelieve.
| Eishugere, To consider false. +-s $22.24°L,] Syn : Eumpipka.
Eshuprotki, エシュプロ ッキ。風俗 *。 Customs.
Eshuyeshuye, **a-4 ェシュイェ モノ > +&; yv. v.t. To waive.
Eso, + /, f.K. n. A bear.
Esonki, エソンキ。損失スル・ "t lose as in a bargain.
Esonnere, + /># Le, Est * * - o.l. ?o confirm.
Esoine, えそいね, 大便ニ行ク。 v.i. To go to ease one's self. ★バカ検証 【面白い。? 、ウソ臭い。】
Esoine-ru, えそいね・る, 便所。 n. а water-closet. (This is a polite word これは丁寧語です).
Eso-ochishkara, ar /zf5F;ν, ?E > gr, #+ v \. adj. Dead. |Hilled.
Esopi-nu, +/ E3, #% 7 床ノ上ニ敷 2. v.t. To spread over a floor (as a mat).
Esoro, + / H, TF v. v.i. To descend. To go down (as a stream). To go down towards the lower end of anything. As :~ Pet esoro san, “to des ?o cend to the mouth of a river.” Syn : | San.
Esoro, + / H, |RE y. n. Length. Syn :
Esoroho,エゾロホ。 Epesh. 。
Esoshipi, エゾシピ。亡兄弟ノ妻ヲ要ル。 v.t. To take a deceased brother's widow to wife.
Esoye, zy-f 2, ##x no. v.i. To roll about.
Esoyupaye-ushi, r. 7:lovirio o, so £i. n. W.C.
Esum, (sing.) 工又A, Esumba, (pl.) ,? ? ?A &2 ??
Esurm-wa-rai, (sing.) :: K.A. 75 f, laa 3E > x >L. adj. Drowned.
Esumba-wa-rai, (pl.) ar K.A.A $ 75 4s, #76 so y Jo. adj. Drowned.
Esumka, atz. A?, a?E 9 + 1. v.t. To drown. #FE x vl. v.i. To be drowned. To drown.
Esumika-wa-rai, atz. A 35 7 5 4 , aa?E v.i. To be drowned.
Esumka-wa-raige, :rz.A? W 54' 4)*, ###E-9 + M. v.d. To drown.
Etak, エタく, 持ってくる. v.t. To fetch.
Etakasure, エタカスレ, ヨリモ、甚ダ(はなはだ) 例セバ、タングルェタカスレウェングン ネ、此ノ人ヘ甚ダ悪シキ人ナリ  adv. & adj. Than. Surpassing 並はずれている、勝っている. Very. Too much. Surpassingly. Exceedingly 甚だ、ことのほか. As:~ Tan guru etakasure wen gun'ne, “this is an exceedingly bad person 極悪人.” Nei guru etakasure nishpa ne guru, “that is a very rich person.”
Etakupbe-ne, -r 4: 2y 7-k:k, Ek, ff. n. A ball. Syn : Takuchi.
Etap-puyo, +3, 773, #. n. A coat of mail.
Etamani, or 4x7=, #5 # 7. v.t. To clear the way to a place. To clear a space as with a sword.
Etamba, +3. Aus, H.R. adv. This way. Here.
Etamba-un, :E3 kas72, ibie. adv. ス 2/。
This way. Here. Syn : Ekush-un.
Etanga-ni, at & Le?i =, n. Same as Etam-kai.
Etankai, r & > #4f, k r. 2. f f +=r. n. Rubus Chamaemorus. L. S. also called Etange-ni. Cloud-berry.
Etanto, エタント。鈍キ矢ジリ。 n. A blunt arrow.
Etara, +35, #To jux. adj. Suspended.
Etara, +3:5, 3:33, 2, ... v.t. To pierce. To stick into. To stand out of. To hit. Syn : Eotara.
Etaraka, エタラカ, 粗末ニ、目的ナキ。 例セバ、エタラカイタク。無駄ナ話。 adj. & adv. Without purpose. Having no object in view. Unnecessarily. Aimlessly. Carelessly. Careless. Aimless. Rashly. As :~ Etaraka itak, “aimless talk.” Iteki etaraka nepka kar’an, “do nothing carelessly.” Iteki etaraka un nishomap yan, “ do not be unnecessarily anxious about us.”
Etaraka, えたらか, ムヤミニ(むやみに)、失礼ニ。 adv. Indiscriminately 見境なく、無差別に. Disrespectfully 失礼に、無礼に.
Etaraka-buri-ki, エタラカ・ブリ・キ, 慣例ニ反シテ為事スル。 ph. To do things contrary to custom.
Etaraka-iki, えたらか・いき, 粗末ニナス。 v.t. To do carelessly 注意力無しにやる・イイカゲンにやる. To do by chance たまたまやる. To do rashly 雑に行う. As :~ Etaraka iki ku ak aige, chikap ku chotcha, “ though I shot carelessly I hit a bird.”
Etaraka-iki-kara, えたから・いき・から, 粗末ニナス。 v.t. To do carelessly. To slight.
Etaraka-kara, えたらか・から, 軽ンズル。 v.t. To slight.
Etaraka-ki, えたらかき, 徒費スル。注意セヌ。例セバ、イテキタンアエプ。エタラ カキ、此ノ食物ヲ徒費スナカレ。 v.t. To waste. To be careless of. As :~ Ileki tan aep etaraka ki, “ do not waste this food.” Syn : Koatcha.
Etaraka-no, えたらか・の, 忽カセニ(ゆるかせ、に)、徒費スル。 adv. Slightingly. Carelessly. Unnecessarily.
Etarapespa, エタラペスパ, 目的ナク。 無見当ニ。 adv. Aimlessly.
Etaras, えたらす, 立ツ。 v.i. Stand.
Etarasan, えたらさん, 立ツ。 v.t. To stand. Syn : Ash.
Etarasash, えたらさしゅ, 残レル、留ル(とどまる)。 v.i. To remain.
Etarashi, えたらし, 残ル、留置ク。 v.i. To remain.
Etaratara, エタラタラ, モノニ就イテ立ツ。 v.i. To stick out of 〜に突き刺さる・〜から突き出る. ★バカ検証 【モノニ就イテ立ツ、では、全く意味不明。物に置いて立てる、と言いたかったのか。つまり、突き刺す、の feeling. いずれにせよ、バカ。普通、知らない日本語を使うときは、分かる日本人に確認してもらうべきだが、やっていないか。その、日本人もバカ野郎。】
Etasa, えたさ, 横切リテ。 adv. Across. Back again. Athwart. From one to the other. ~
Etashpa, えたしゅぱ, 横切ル。 adv. Across. Athwart. Pl. of Etasa.
Etashpe, えたしゅぺ, 海馬(かいば) n. A sea-lion 《動物》シーライオン、アシカ、トド◆北太平洋のアシカ類。耳がある。. Otaria stelleri, Less. Syn : Todo,
Etashum, えたしゅむ, 疾ム(にくむ)。 v.t. To suffer with or from. As :~ Chikiri eta shum, “to suffer with a bad leg.”
Etashumbe, えたしゅむべ, 病原。 n. A cause of illness.
Etaye, えたいぇ, 引出ス、抜ク。 v.t. To draw out. To abduce. To extract. To pull away from. To pull off. As : ~ Apa kotuk na pon no etaye yan, “it is sticking to the door, pull it away a bit" (or “pull it off").
Etayetaye, エタイェタイェ, 引去ル。抜ク。 v.t. To pluck out. As :~ Tu yuk kishki etayetaye, “ he plucked out two hairs from the deer.”
Etere, えてれ, 期待する v.t. To wait 待つ. To wait for 〜を待つ. Syn : Ehuye. ★バカ検証 【日本語は不適切。誤り。 expect ではない。】
Eterekere, えてれけれ, 置ク。 v.t. To put on. To place. As :~ Ashiseturuka eterekere, “he put it on his back.”
Eteshkara, えてっしゅから, 送ル。 v.t. To send to. To send with a message.
Eteshke, エテっシュケ, 脊伸ビスル。 v.t. To stretch one's body up (as in rising from a sitting or lying position). To
| Etesu, *5Fzx, | EIu] x. pl~. v.i. To turn up.
| Eteshu, Syn : Aemaka-tesu. ??? ?? ?5??
Etesure, -57-x L2, _EfE] = x ww. v.t. To make turn up. To cause to glance off.
Eteun, E5-ry A, Egg. adv. Here. This way.
Eteye, x:5*4 = #2" (##). v.t. To choke.
Eteyepa, :r:#F4f = v &, #2” (##) v.t. To choke. (pl.)
Eto, * R, ナギナタコウ ジュ. 22.
Edo, ar F, | Loosestrife.
Endo, at 2 F,
Etoi, エトイ。秀ゲタル、赤裸ナル adj. Bald. Syn : Otop-sak.
Etoige, or F -s or, H. n. The earth.
Etoipoi, r. H. f:4, : Jl. v.t. To bury.
Etoitoshpa, or F. As F Seas, #212. v.i. To sprout out from the earth.
Etoikoninde, + H 4f + + ("#", E $ 5” 5. PL. v.i. To assay.
Etoipukka, r. F -f 7 y #y, H: 7 # z. 4?] セベ、エモエトイプッカ、羊ヲ植エル.p.A. | To earth up. To put earth to. As :?Emo etoipukka, “to earth up potatoes.” Syn : Otoipukka.
Etoita, エトイタ。植ェル、播種スル v.t. To plant. To sow.
Etok, r. F 2, #. n. Source. Origin. Head. Top. Limit. As ?Pet etok, “the source of a river.” Hoka etok, “the head of a fire-place.”
Etokaya, E F # 4”, ## / EJE y +:#t. n. Lake-end-land.
Etoko, :r. H. Er?, B.?j =, II?II? =. adv. Before. Formerly. Previously. In front of. As :~ En etoko, “in front of me.”
Etotokka, or F. F. 977, E 2 B 2. v.i. To draw a bow.
Etoko-an, エトコアン。以前ノ。例セバ, ェトコアンオヌマン、一昨日 ads Be・ fore. As :~ Eloko an onuman, “the day before yesterday.” Syn : Hoshi ki.
Etoko-aseshke, エトコアセシケ, 妨グ、防グ。 ??? ?o prevent. To hinder.
Etoko-atuye, To forbid エトコアツイェ。 -
Etoko-kush, or F : * >, Hij =# 2, ... v.i. To go forward. To cross in front of Orle.
Etokoma, or: H → 7, #ff to x. v.t. To await. To lie in wait for.
Etoko-numne, at F = 5.5.3k, ### * x ov. v.i. To lie in wait. Syn : Etoko| ush.
| Etokota, エトコタ。 #ifIf =, Bl#ij =. adv. In E front of. At the head of.
| tokta, エトクタ。Before. Previously.
Etoko-ush, えとこ・うっしゅ, 待伏セスル。 v.i. To lie in wait. Syn : Etokonumne. ★バカ検証 【 Etokooiki の前】
| Etokoushbe, エコトウシべ えとこうっしゅべ,
| Etokushbe, エトクっシゅべ,
前ニアルモノ。例セバ、ペッエトクシペ、水源ニ在ルモノ。 n. Things at the source or head of anything or place. As :~ Pet etokushbe, “things at the river's source,” (sometimes used as a metaphor for “mountains”).  ★バカ検証 【スペルミス。語順不正。】
Etokooiki, えとこおいき, 準備スル。 v.t. To prepare. To make ready. To be at the point of death. As :~ Rai etokooiki, “to be at the point of death.”
Etokoseshke, えとこせっしゅけ, 防グ、妨グル、禁ズル。 v.t. To hinder. To prevent. To forbid. To stop. Syn : Etokotuye.
Etokotuye, えとこついぇ, 防グ、妨グル、禁ズル。 v.t. To hinder. To prevent. Syn : Etokoseshke. ★バカ検証【Weir, n. Pet-etoktuyei ; kutu. がバチェラーEA にあるが、AJE には無い。多分コレ。Pet etok “the source of a river.”とも関連 (?)。EA/ AJE 間不統一。バカ丸出し。】
Etokoush, :r. H. a 7 e, ##f? z vv. v.i, To lie in wait. Syn : Etoko num
, Ile, -
Etokoush, )為サントス。例セバ、クキ エトコウシ。| ェトコウシ、我ヘナスベ
Etokush, v. auxil. v. About to エトクシ。 do. As :~ Kit ki etoko zush, “I am about to do it.” Oman etokush, “he is about to go.”
Etokush, エトクシ。用意スル、獲備スル。 auxil. v. To get ready. To make preparation. About to do. With the words nekon a ka, “must.” As :~ Nekon a ka akara etokush ruwe ne, “ I must do it somehow or other.”
Etomka, + K. A??j, _H = H* x. v.t. To make to shine upon. Syn : Kotomka.
Etomne, エトムネ, 好漁ノ、又ハ好獲ノ。 adj. Successful in hunting or fishing.
Etomo, えとも, 研ク(みがく)、習フ。 v.t. To smooth out. To arrange. To polish.
Etomochine, えともちね, 愚鈍ノ、迷蒙(めいもう)ノ。 adj. Stupid. Silly. Imbecile. Absurd.
Etomochine-no, えともちね・の, 蠢愚(しゅんぐ)ニ。 adv. Stupidly. Absurdly.
Etomochinep, + H+++ 7, ###, # £, #ji?. n. An absurdity. A stupid person. -
Etomoshma, + F + 2*, No. 7, #712, # x. v.i. To arrive at. To reach.
Etonne, -E K 2:*, }? 7, ?E A. v.t. To envy. To hate. Syn : Etunne.
Eton-rotki, Same etoruratki.
Etopara, r. H. ~85}, 3Ej. t. H x. v.t. To get rid of. To drive out. To send out of the way. As :~ Chisei orowa no etopara, “he drove him out of the house.”
Etopka-kina, or F 77, #3-, s + or $2 + § . n. Skimmia repens, Nakai. See Aiush-kina.
Etopoke, エトポケ。虫ク(弓ヲ曳クガ如 $z). v.t. To pull (as a bowstring).
Etoranne, エトランネ。為スコトヲ好マ x. v.t. To dislike to do. Not caring to do.
Etoro, えとろ, 鼻汁。 n. Mucus.
Etoroki, えとろき, 鼾(いびき)ヲカク。 v.i. To snore.
Etoropo, えとろぽ, 水母。 n. Jelly fish. Medusa. Syn : Tonru-chep, Humbe-etoro.
Etororat, えとろらっと, 鼻汁。 n. Mucus from the nose.
Etororatki, えとろらっとき, 鼻汁ヲ垂ラス。 v.i. To have a running at the nose.
Etororatkip, えとろらっときっぷ, 鼻垂(はなたれ)、ハナタラシ。 n. A dirty nosed person.
Etoru, エトル, 鐘。例セバ、エトルフミアシ、鐘ガ鳴ツテヲル。 n. A bell. As :~ Etoru humi ash, " the bell rings." Etoru humi ashte, “ to ring the bell.”
Etoruratki-nonno, + F JL5 y:# / > A, 3 or F = r. n. Solomon's seal. Polygonatum Maximowcizii, Fr. Schm. By some it is the lily of the valley. In S. it is called torarakip and toraratkip. It is also applied by some to the Streptoptes amplexofolius, DC. A piece of the root-stock of this plant is sometimes put into the mouth of a child who suffers from laceration of the tongue and lips and is allowed to remain there until the pain is relieved. The Ainu name means “hanging bellflower.”
Etotokka, えととっか, 弓ヲ引ク。 v.i. To draw a bow.
Ette, えって, 與ヘル、手渡ス。 v.t. To give. To hand over. To assign.
| Etu, エツ,
| Etuhu, エツフ, 鼻、柄、鳥ノ嘴、刃物ノ尖先 n. The nose. A spout. Ahandle. The bill of a bird. The point of a knife or sword. As :~ Etu kapke guru, “ a person with a flat nose.” Etu kara, “to clean the nose.” Etu kemnu, “a bleeding at the nose.” Etu mekka, “the bridge of the nose.” Etu mekka riri, “to be proud.”
Etu mesu, “ to cut off the nose,” (as in punishment for crime). Etu ni, “to blow the nose.” Etu piruba, “to wipe the nose.” Etu pesh ingara, “ to look down the nose.” Syn : Chietu.
| Etu, エツ, 鼻、柄。 n. A spout. A handle. Syn : Echi. Chietu.
| Echi, エチ,
E-tup, r.y7, ? ≫ ≫ £%-. adj. One and a half.
Etuchikore-itak, or:y:Fra Le M & 7, § #. n. Words of anger. Angry words. Syn : Irushka itak.
Etuchikere-itak-ki, oriyoor L. A 5x * +, #; y + # 7. v.i. To speak angrily.
Etuchikereppo, :r.X SHr L- ≫zK, + H E.. n. A mouse. . .
Etuchikere-itak, a:v#4r Loaf & ?, # # (£ v 7t-E #). n. Word of anger. Syn : Irushka-itak.
Etufka-kina, zy 73):#3", $ to v × # 3. n. Ski:nmia repens, Naki. See Aiuss-kina.
Etuiriten-amam, or:y^ J5->7*.A., fi? , ?a. n. A kind of millet.
Etukange, or y 7, 2 o’, 3] *l. v.t. To set in order.
Etukarip, r.'y:H. 9 7', [] #i, E. ##, (× PG+- F° Z). n. A muzzle.
Etu-kishima, +y+$27, #2, #} %', (IHE4, 3% z ?iz.). v.i. To be surprised (lit: to seize the nose).
Etu-masmasa, royo 7.7%, so 2°. v.t. To smell. To sniffle. Syn : Hura nu.
Etumo, :r.y?E;, #(# 2 ). n. The bill of a bird.
Etupe, iroyo, 7k?.. n. Drops of water sometimes seen hanging from the nose. As :~ Etupe-chikke, “a running at the nose.”
Etupechikka, r.‘y<5F ≫*j, *jE)L≫. v.i. To have a running at the nose.
Etupe-chikkap, roy-S5 y?, 7, ##, 2-9- \ 5 oz. n. A person with a dirty nose. A person having drops of water hanging from the nose.
Etupui, or y 7 -s, ? +L. n. The nostrils.
Etuk,エ ツク、突キ出ル、出ル. v.i. To extend beyond. To come out. To protrude. To sprout forth. As :~ Ruye kasu no eluk, “it extends beyond the line.”
Etukepushbe, :r.≫y4-7 $≫?, n. A bird's bill.
Etukka, r. у у ?i, Hix. v.t. To push out. As :~ Mokoriri kiraue etukka ruwe ne, “the snail pushes out its horns.”
Etukkare, at y ≫ h Le, 3E a H? x. v.t. To push out (as the head out of a window).
Etumam, royo A, # #. n. The body. As :~ Elumam noshke, “the waist or middle of the body.” Syn : Shitumam.
Etumamkashi. ::/.*rA, # $2, H = # ケル(衣ヲ著ル如ク)、帯スル v.i. To have upon the body. To be clothed with (as with armour). To wear round the waist.
Etumekka, x:y:z, w ??, o. n. The bridge of the nose.
Etumekkarire, r. 7 x ≫ h ) Le, ?f: x Pl, jo. 7 # 2, 3 Ju'. v.i. To be proud (lit: to carry the nose high).
Etun, iroy 2, #71. v.t. To borrow.
Etun, or 2, -X. n. Two persons. Syn : Tu niu.
Etunangara, oy:F27f7, # 7. v.t. To meet.
Etu-ni, oy:, wipe the nose.
Etunip エツニプ、ロ嘴ノアル器具。A vessel with a spout. A basin with a spout. A cup with a spout to it. Syn : Etunnup. Etunup.
Etunne, roy 2:#, f? Z., #~ x. v.t. To abhor. To hate. To despise. To 鳥ノ嘴. # 7 # 7. v.t. To
reject. To dislike. To abominate. To be unable. As :~ Nei ainu ku etunne, “I dislike that person.” Mokoro etunne, “to be unable to sleep.” Ibe etunne “ to dislike to eat.” Syn : Akowen.
Etunne-i, ac y:e:k4f, #MF, ##. n. Abhorrence. Hatred.
Etunnup エツンヌプ。口嘴ノアル器具。 n A vessel with a spout. A cup with a spout to it. A basin with a spout. Syn : Etunip.
Etupara エツパラ。投棄スル、病ヲ流行 # x. v.t. To cast away.
Etu-pe, えつ・ぺ, 鼻汁。 n. Nose water.
Etu-petneka, + y^&"y:k?y, st?† 7# * x. ph. A running at the nose.
Etu-pi, えつ・ぴ, 鼻汁。 n. Mucus from the nose.
Etupka-kina, r. у 7 % + je, s t v v + $ . Same as Etufka-kina. Skimmia repens, See Aiush-kina. S.
Etu-noyanoya, +xy * *, *, 7% Pl. v.i. To rub the nose.
Etunup, エツヌプ。口嘴ノアル器具。n. See Etunnup.
Etu-pui, えつ・ぷい, 鼻孔(びこう・はなあな)。 n. nostrils. Syn : Etupuike.
Eturamkoro, + y 5.1, a pa, ### 3- pl. adj. Cowardly. Syn : Katchak koro. Ishitoma-tektek.
Eturi-echiu, +y Jr.:Fry, 3: ... ov, # x 21. v.t. To support. To shove up.
Eturi-echiu, *rioy 9:r.*toy, *$ *i z,. v.t. To start back at anything. Syn : Eshishi.
Eturu, えつる, 迄。 adv. As far as. As much as. Unto. To. As :~ En uturu pakno, “as much as I.” The
Eturupak, えつるぱっく, 同ジホドノ。 adj. To be equal. Equal. Syn : Uwepak.
Eturupakno, えつるぱっくの, 間ニ、迄。 adv. Whilst. During. As far as. To the extent of.
Eturupak-shomoki, えつるぱっく・しょもき, 匹敵セザル、劣レル。 adj. Unequal.
Etushingari, えつしんがり, 鼻ヲ擦ル(さする、こする)。 v.i. To rub the nose with the palm of the hand and to sniffle. Also, to make a snorting noise with the nose. To snort or grunt (as a pig).
Etushma, Ey Eee, #7. v.i. To strive with.
Etushmak, *‘y$o-r:47, iE z. v.i. To strive with. To compete.
Etushnatki, a-: $23-y+, E? + ? x. v.i. To permeate. To fill with. To extend to. To gush forth. As :~ Iruka ne koro tonoto hura chisei upshoro ettashnatki, “in a short time the smell of the wine permeated the whole house.”
Etushpitchire, rity: b: 95-L', : - Jl. ##x Plo. v.t. To reserve.
Etushtek, エツシテク。愚カナル、思慮 + +.. adj. Foolish. Thoughtless.
Etushtek, エツシテク。急ギテ、属励ンデ. v.i. To be in a great hurry. To be excited. To get excited.
Etushtek-no, or y >5. 7 /, # =, # =. adv. Foolishly. Hurriedly. Thoughtlessly.
Etutanne-kikiri, or y & 2 + + + J, #. n. A mosquito (lit: long nosed insect).
Etutokka, ar.:> H- ≫ ?7, To draw a bow.
Etutkopak, エツッコパク、別ヲ告グル。 v.t. To bid farewell.
Etututturi, :r:y::y ≫ My ), pH 2”. v.i. To snuff. To sniff at. 弓ヲ引ク. v.t.
Eu, r. 7, FFj#. n. Parents.
Euainukoro, +774 × E. D., # 7. v.t. To honour. To respect. To reverence. Syn : Kooripak.
Eubitte, ority of y?, # be H. n. A knot. Syn : Eukobitte.
| Eubitte-kara, エウビッテ・カラ,  結ビ目スル。  v.t. To knot. To tie a knot.
| Eubitte-ki, エウビッテ・キ,

Euchike, エウチケ。出来ナイ。仕事ヲ厩 7. v.i. To be unable, awkward or incapable. To feel disinclined to do a thing.
Euchoroshte, xi.; HR = H >7, § = s? 2, v. Jo. v.i. To be placed by the side of.
Euhokotpa, :t c:RFl y /$, #i ≫ + xv. v.i. To become old.
Euira, エウイラ。附加シテ、従ツテ. adj. Adhering to. Following on.
Eukahotke, rij ?izky r, -; = i No, Hj > ## -s 5-#xt>. v.i. To lie down together. To be side by side.
Eukashuwatki, orio 7, 2= .7 yah, Bjor # 7. v.t. To help one another.
Eukashiu, or 77; $27, 5 or fl. 7... n. v.t. To help one another.
Euko エウコ。個偉(セムシ) n A hunchback.
Euko エウコ。共ニ結ベレル v.i. be joined together. To conjoin.
Eukobitte, ority = ty:P, # E. n. A knot.
| Eukobitte-kara, エウ - Е. ッテカラ,
| Eukobitte-ki, エウコビッテキ, ?o # 7. v.t. To tie a knot. To knot. Syn : Eubitte kara. Eubitte ki.
Eukoiki, エウコイキ。喧嘩スル、争闘ス Jul. v.t. To fight together.
Eukonda, *17 =a>~4%?, z< 2 3X. n. The | fork of a tree.
Eukoitak エウコイタク。告知スル。言 2. v.t. To tell to. To speak with.
Eukoitakshi, ar y = 4 & ? ?e, &#H = ## y 5. ph. They spoke together.
Eukoma エウコマ, 合致ス(戸障子ノ合フ如シ)。 v.i. To meet (as sliding doors).
Eukoopi, -Et? r?zf E, #zN 2 #¢. n. The fork of a tree. A division. The place were something joins. As, Chikuni-eukoopi, “a tree fork.”
Eukopa, エウコパ, #(ネチル)。例セバ, クイェイタクェウコペ、私ノ言葉ヲ払母ル, v.t. To wrest. As :~ Ku ye itak eukopa, “he wrests my words.
Eukopashte, + r} = o §$257, ## z ≫v. v.t. To shore up. To keep from falling.
Eukopi エウコビ。分ルル、離間スル。 v.i. To part asunder. To separate. To divide.
Eukopi-eukopi, r.) a E:r. 7 a E, E: #L x 212. v.i. To scatter (as frightened animals).
Eukopi-no, +7 H E /, 33 to 7, #14 =. adv. Dividedly. Separately.
Eukopire エウコピレ。分ケル、別々ニ x yi. v.t. To part asunder. To separate. To divide.
Eukopi-wa, =17 =a b:17, ^> v. j., }}]] + =. adv. Separately. Dividedly. As :~ Eukopi wa oman, “to go separately.
Eukoramkoro, :tr} = 5A, a pa, #HE& x ju, to x Ju'. v.i. To take counsel together. To hold a consultation. To consult together.
Eukoyairap, zir) = + 4 57', # x )v. #### z yv. v.t. To praise.
Eukot エウコツ。姦浮スル v.i. have illicit intercourse.
Eukotama, エウコタマ。共ニ、合セテ. adv. Altogether. Together.
Eukotama-no, :tr} = & -r /, E tz = . adv. Unitedly.
Eukote, -rio -i5o, ## - 43->s x... v.t. To tie together.
Eukoturire, it? : y :) L, #: = #2s x. v.t. To hold out to.
Eukoyupekere, :r.17:a -?^&4%r L?, ?# x ov. v.t. To discuss. To reason about.
Eumarapto-koro, + 7 = 57 H a ra, # 7 of 7. v.i. To hold a feast.
Eumashnu, r.) er $e5x, # 2. v., # ~ ov. v.t. To collect. To store up. To put away.
Eumashtekka, at7-7 2/5F y ?i, jE y vv. v.i. To fill. To become very abundant.
As :~ Chep ne manup pet iworo shoka eumashtekka, “all the rivers were filled with fish.”
Eumpipka, エウむピぷカ, f:+: x. v.t. To disbelieve.
Eumina, エウミナ, v.t. To laugh at 笑う. To deride 嘲る(あざける)、あざ笑う. (pl.)
Euminare, ority s?-L, £2s + Pv. v.t. To make laugh. (pl.)
Eumontasa, ±ry-E , : #, $Ha. Jl., 35 x. v.t. To do in return. To render. Syn : Hekiru.
Eumpirima, atr} A E U rr, #?J( 7 7 # 9): 'L', so z >v. v.t. To betray. To make known secretly.
Eun, ority 2, -, #. prep. To. Unto.
Eun, :r: } 2, 1st =. prep. To him. To her. To it. At him. Towards him. As :~ Nei guru eun shomo shinuma nukara, “he did not look at him.”
Eun, エウン, 刺ス、入レル、例セバ、タ ムシリカェウン、刀ヲ轄ニ刺ス。v.i. & adj. To stick in. Sticking in. Containing. To have. To possess. To be in. To be. As :~ Tam shirika eun, “the sword is in the sheath.”
Eun, エウン, 悪ク感ズル u.t. affect in a bad way.
Eunaraye, エウナラエ。自分ノ家=入ル。 v.t. To enter one's home. . .
Eunbe, エウンべ。悪ク感ズルモノ。凶 33. n. Something which affects one in a bad way. An ill-omen.
Eungerai, エウンゲライ。受取ル、賞フ。 ?o v.t. To receive (as a present). To accept. To take (as alms). Syn : Ahupkara.
Eungeraite, :tr:; >4*5 4 5F, H - vv. v.t. To give (as alms). To cause to accept. Syn : Ahupkare.
Euningara, エウニンガラ, 見ツメル。 v.t. To look at. To quiz.
| Eunini-an-guru, エウニニアングル, 響應ノ客. ph. Guests at a party.
| Euminu-an-guru, エウニヌアングル.
Eunkashi-no, T.:) e h SA A, # ?≫ =, # y =. adv. Earnestly. Mostly.
Eunkeshke, :r.ry 24r$24r, jt x xv. v.t. To persecute.
Eun-yainu, Er) e + 4 5x, y vv E ?oj > # - ju'. v.t. To think of some object.
Euomare, エウオマレ。逢ス。歌迎スル。 v.t. To meet. To welcome. To put in upon.
Euomashnu, at r}*v >58, f5! l., Ef## 9 x 21. v.t. To pack up. To assemble.
Eupakte, エウパクテ。果ス、完成スル。 v.t To complete. To fill up.
Eupeka, エウペカ。向ヒ合ウテ生ス。v.i. To face one another. As :~ Eupekarok, “to sit facing one another.”
Eupkara, + y 7715, #2L. adj. To seize.
Eupoppokinne, ority of y?f=#2:k, # , A- v 27 yv. adj. Joined together.
Euposhire, **7 *$≫L≫, s(?$ x yl≫. v.t. To turn bottom upwards. To turn upside down.
Eupusu, +7 7x, E = 3- pl. adj. To be in clusters.
Euramtekuk, +754,5° & 3, st 7, E, # x ~. v.t. To attack. To pursue.
Eurarapa, a... S S rs, HK$ x n-. #k# x n-. v.i. To press upon. To crowd upon. -
Eure, r: } Lo, # ~ /v. v.t. To give. To bestow.
Euruki, ± 7 Jl.:+, # s A ... v.t. To swallow.
Eusa, at 7:#, ##+. a. Each.
Eurum, :r. ) JLA, H. n. A cape.
| Eusama, エウサマ。 ? £ z. adj. Double.
| Eusamanu, エウサマヌ。
| Eusamamba, エウサマムバ。

Eush, へ行ク。ヨリ来ル。 v.i. To エウシ。 come to. To go to. As :~
Eushi, Nei kotan attomsama eush, :r. 7 Se, “ he came as far as that village.”
Eush, jij z, # y. v.t. To pierce. :rity $2, To effect. To stick on or
Eushi, into. To set up (as a 5tr). ?e, post).
Eushiramshi, arity $25,4,52-f, #% x, xl≫. v.i. To consider.
Eutashpa, at r} & $2, $, # sve 7. v.t. To do one to another.
Eutastasa, エウタスタサ。ロ答へスル。 v.t. To contradict. Syn : Itastasa.
Eutekkara, エウテクカラ。何カノタメ so 2s. L 3. . v.i. To be sent for some purpose.
Eutchike, エウッチケ。為スコトヲ好マ ヌ。例セバ、イェェウッチケ。話シタクナ 4. v.i. To dislike to do a thing. As :~ Ye eutchike, “he dislikes to tell.” Syn : Eiramnukari,
Eutokka, :r.ry H? ≫ #j, F} ? #| 27. v.t. To draw a bow.
Eutunne, E# y Arak, TF 23 =. adv. Towards the lower end of the hearth.
Eutushma, エウツシマ。一緒ニ競(争)フ。 v.t. To strive together.
Euyaikopuntek, ir. 17 oy4 =I 7>5,47, # = #7. v.i. To take mutual delight in. To rejoice over together.
Euyepnu, エウイェプヌ。相談スル、同意 To x slo. v.i. To hold council. agree. Syn : Eukoramkoro.
Ewak, και - και ν, v.i. Το go エワク。 home. To return to
Eiwak, ne's ho - - ェイワク、“ IIle.
E-wakokomke, T 7 =J -1J 4r, E = [a] s 7*, # * L. v. adj. Turning upwards. Bent upwards.
Ewakshiroroge, at 7 ) SA DI II Ar”, E* #. ph. A place in which anything is (heard only in traditions). Syn : Otta an i.
E-wa-pirikap, +7 E J 35 y 7, 3 -o ji ニ ヨイモノ。喜ンデ喰ベルモノ、n Something good to eat.
Ewara, + 75, El 7 pI = k2 . v.t. To blow with the mouth. Syn : Uku.
Ewara-ewara, +75-75, H = +1% ?. v.t. An intensified form of ewara, “to blow with the mouth.”
Ewekatkara, *roy ?.;%‘y*, 5, fik s yv. v.t. To tempt to do a thing. As :~ Tonoto ewekatkara, “to tempt to drink wine.”
Ewekatu, Er7 - b y, dt = . adv. Mutually.
Ewen, えうぇん, 損失スル。 v.t. To lose (as in a bargain). To do with difficulty 困難が伴う、. To be unable to do properly 適切にできない. To do but poorly やってもうまくいかない. Be badly affected.
Ewende, + t? = 2*, s: ≫u・, # x. v.t. To spoil.
Ewonne, - т ? エウランネ。 =#5. 5 # 7. v.t. To was
Eonne, the face and hands. エオンネ。 Syn : Yashke.
Ewomne-wakka, +7 3 2:k 7 y?), # tzk. n. Washing water.
Eyai, ±*4, ??? ? ?・. rel., pro... Yourself. Your own. -
Eyai, エヤイ。邦スル。例セバ。ェヤイカ 2, 4, #x ~ +j}. v.t. To worship. As :~ Eyai kamui, “the gods who are worshipped.” -
Esaiashishka, =*47 >>zi, # ex 2, ov. v.t. To repent of a thing.
Eyaichichitakte, r \ f : 5 & 2 5, H}}}e x yl≫, {!}a x yv. v.i. To acknowledge. To confess.
Eyaiekatu-wen, it “w 4f =t *j oyroy ?. >, £io 2 n. v.t. - To insult. Syn : Osamatki-itak. -
Eyaiepirikare, :r.-?4 E ) h Le, fi?4$ x ju, # or ov. v.t. To gain through one's own exertions. To do good to
one's self.
Eyaiepirikarep, :r.*4f :a.bf W) #j L?7, ###. n. Something one has gained for himself.
Eyaieshikorap, ++ 4 +52.357, fo 1... v.t. To suffer from a disease. As :~ Chikiri eyaieshikorap, “to suffer with a bad leg.” Syn : Nikuruki.
Eyaieshinge, エヤイエシンゲ。自分ノ モノト詐ヘル、警越スル v.t. ?o arrogate. To claim falsely.
Eyaihaitare, エヤイハイタレ。避クル。 To avoid (lit: to cause one's self to avoid). Syn : Eyaishishire.
Eyaihannokkara, # 7. v.t. To :r.+? Af vv > / ≫ h 5, learn. Syn :
Eyaihonnokkara, Eyaipakash :r.+ 4 zk ≫ J ≫ ?y 5, nu. Chakoko. Yaleashkaire.
Eyaikatanu, ++ of 774, 5, # 7. v.t. To respect. * .
Eyaikateaikap, or * A 7, 5* 7 of h 7, its y ? b , oft. v.i. To feel concern.
Eyaikatekara, ++-s #, F#, 5, # e #. b x pl. v.i. To be love-sick.
Eyaikoemaka, arit f a r r ?j, # 7. ju. v.t. To throw away. To abandon.
Eyaikopuntek, +...+ f a 725*?, 7 #7. v.i. To rejoice over.
Eyaikoramkoro, ++ 4 +15.4, E. R., f: x = H ≫ P 7. v.i. To desire to do. As :~ Toi kara eyaikoramkoro, “he desires to do his garden.”
Eyaikoshiramshui, (s.) +*-s a $25 A$22.4, § 2, # 2. v.i. To think. To consider. -
Eyaikoshiramshuiba, (pl.) at 4° 4f = シラムシュイバ, 思フ。考フ・ o.i Same as above. -
Eyaikush, **4 47 $2, ZsTJfie+, E $^ 4$ x. adj. Unable to do. Impossible.
Eyaimompok-tushmak, to?” of HE A rit ?y y $* }, #?: ≫v sv. v.i. To hasten to do anything. To work hard.
Eyaini-koroshmare, or of E E R 52 * L., ##x yu. v.t. To put to shame.
Eyainishpane, -o-f = $eusis, = # $2 テ偉サウニスル。構柄ブル v.t. To lord it over. To act the master.
Eyainu, エヤイヌ。感ズル、経験スル。 v.i. To experience. To feel.
Eyainu, ++ 4 ×, #x. v.t. To spoil.
Eyainuitasa, r \ f 5-f &#", f:fR N x fl. v.t. To compensate. Eyainunuke, ?:474 3x3x4r, zk?;] = x yi . v.t. To be unable to spare. To be unable to allow to spoil.
Eyainutasa, r \ f 5 & +, :?- vL. v.t. To think.
Eyaipakashnu, r..\?4 v ? ? ?e5', # 7, # 7 #|x no. v.t. To learn. To restrain one's self. Syn : Eyaihannokkara.
Eyaiparaoiki, r+ f a 5z-f +, ... ? pl 736 7 h. l. v.t. To feed one's self with.
Eyaipaye, aro's roof =, ##x v. v.t. To confess.
Eyaipushi, エヤイプシ 白炊スル、機悔 x, yv. v.t. To acknowledge. To confess.
Eyaipuship, r \ f 7 >7, H# z yL = K, ##x Ju = F. n. A confession. An acknowledgment.
Eyairamatte, +...+ 4 5 z ≫ F, ?E? so ?. 3H 7. v.t. To take careful aim.
Eyairamatte, rit f5 = 95F, & 7. v.t. To endure. To suffer. To be patient over. Syn : Yaishiporore.
Eyairamikashure, a:-P 4 5 = ?, o.a. Lo, H 27, # 2, . v.t. To envy. To desire to surpass. Syn : Ukeshkean.
Eyairamkashure, r.-?4f 5 A? ?ea. Lo, ###x Pl, 3}}] × v. v.t. To endeavour to defeat. To strive with.
Eyairamkikkara, :r.*°?f 5.A+ y??5, #7, # 2, ... v.i. To refuse to take.
Eyairamkuru, ±4’4 5 A : Ju, fik x v. v.t. To have a desire for. To wish to obtain. To try to get hold of.

Eyairamkuru-shitotkere, r+ 4f 5 A. クルシトツケレ。取ラント試ミル v.t. To endeavour to obtain. As :~ Nei shintoko ku eyairamkuru shitotkere, “I will endeavour to obtain those treasures.”
Eyairamnuina, at+≫5.A5%-f 3-, 3? v?z, £§ x v. v.t. To bury. Syn : Ueyairamnuina.
Eyairanniukes, or *-s 5 × = 7 orzo, ££; v $*$ \ yv. adj. Nearly intoxicated.
Eyairenga, ++ f L > #f, #f-2., ?os te ju. v.t. To like. To cheer. To be pleased with. To pay respect to. To rejoice over. Syn : Enupetne.
Eyalrenga-enupetnep, r'.*?.4 L A?I *5x~$°y*7, ####3. n. A thing acceptable. Anything one is pleased with.
Eyaisambenokash, atop 4 + A*::::h $e, $ v + ≫l. adj. Pitiable.
Eyaisambepokashte, r.-F.-s F.A.-R;R 3, 25*, so v = x 7t. v.t. To make pitiable.
Eyaisarama, :r.474 #57, fi? W = ?+ te ≫L. v.t. To give to another to do.
Eyaishiande, +...+74 27’ 25”, Y?#? x Ju', b # 2 v Ju (##). v.t. To take offence.
Eyaishikarunde, +...+? 4 o?, Jl. A 7", AR t; x, v.i. To recall to mind.
Eyaishikmuina, **?4f $^4% 534 J-, E! 7 #2. v.i. To cover the eyes.
Eyaishishi, えやいしし, 拒ム。 v.t. To eschew.
Eyaishishire, えやいししれ, 避ケル。 v.i. To avoid. To wrest (as words). As :~ Kotan eyaishishire, “to avoid a town.” Nei guru ku ye itak eyaishishire ruwe ne, “he wrests my words.”
Eyaishoataye, r+ 4 × =1774 r., f?#. n. One's personal debts.
Eyaitoki, **4f H. *, ** x. alarm. v.t. To
Eyaitompuni, atop of F.A. 7 ?, EE = x Ju . v.t. To make a fool of. Syn : Eoyaitak.
Eyaitubarepap, or * 4 y o z* L, as 7, fo-o- a K (##). n. A dangerous thing.
Eyaitubarepe, エヤイツウバレベ。危険 + + 2. n. A dangerous thing.
Eyaitukari, at-to-f y?, ), E a sv. v.i. To draw near to. Approach.
Eyaitukari eyaikush, + + 4 y h :) +*-s of $2, ##75HTEE. ph. Almost impossible.
Eyaitupa, エヤイツパ。(船中ニ)場所ヲ ?y - no, E$. v.i. To change place (as in a boat).
Eyaitupa, at-to-s "yos, #f > *(# 1). adj. Willing.
Eyaitupa, エヤイツパ, 切望スル、欲ス JL, # 7. v.i. To be eager to do. To desire. To wish. To be ambitious of doing.
Eyaitupap, エヤイツバプ。欲スル人、目 #j. n. One desirous of doing. One eager to do. An object. Something one aims at.
Eyaitukari, to?”4 y # ), ## v. v.i. To come near to.
Eyaitunnap, it” of y o 23-7, # 3, 2... v.t. To envy.
Eyaitupekare, ±*°4 ×~!?j L., §?#]+z yl. adj. Abstemious.
Eyaiyattasa, :r.*?4f + y &{}', # x pl-, # 7. v.t. To offer (as wine and inau to the gods). 羨望,
Eyaiyukki, 仕舞ッテ置ク o.が、To エヤイユッキ。 set on one side. As :
Eyaiyupki, ?En gusti nei ambe ri-t’4 -17 ito, eyaiyupki yan, “place that on one side for me.”
Eyam, エヤム。注意深キ、良キ・ adj. Careful. Well. To store away. To take great care of. Syn : Ehatatne.
Eyambe, :E-PA≪, EI?# * N. n. A careful person.

Eyami, z* =, * ~ * or x. n. A jay. This name really means “the storer,” and this bird is so called because it stores up food for the winter months. Syn : Eami. Metot eami.
Eyam-no, ++.A. /, # > *, sa 2. adv. Carefully. Well.
Eyanu, a.”x, Hov, #x. v.t. To spoil. Syn : Eannu.
Eyapkire, ro 7 a lo, e; ) , e2o. v.t. To cast away.
Eyapte, えやっぷて, 六ケ敷キヤウニスル(むづかしき様にする)。 v.t. To render difficult 難しい状態にする(他の言語に翻訳する・状態を変える).
Eyasara, えやさら, 他人ニサセル。 v.t. To get done by another person.
Eyasara, えやさら, 尖ラス(とがらす)、研グ(とぐ)。 v.t. To sharpen. As :~ Noko eyasara, “to sharpen a saw.”
Eyaske, +...+ x4r, # v ?r. adv. Cracked. Eyayapte, エヤヤプテ。為スヲ好マヌ・ ##a?- *. v.t. & v.i. To be inexperienced. To dislike to do. To be unable to do through inexperience. To feel troubled about anything. As :~ Ku eyayapte gusu ku kara eaikap, “ I cannot do it for I have had no experience.” Nei ambe uk eyayaple, “I do not like to accept it.”
Eyayattasa, 耐ニ幣ト酒トヲ獣ズル。 エヤヤッタサ。 v.i. To offer as
Eyaiyattasa, inau and wine to ** * * > &#, the gods.
Eyeyapte, エイェヤプテ。為スヲ好マ*。 ###-- +. v.t. & v.i. Inexperienced. Same as Eyayapte.
Eyok, += }, R v. v.t. To sell. Syn : Eiyok.
Eyokbe, + a 2 os, st?. n. Merchandise.
Eyoki, + a +, e-r pl. v.i. To stop. To cease.
Eyokire, += + Le, it * 21. stop.
Eyoko, ar a =a, Hz, #f?+ * 21. v.t. To take aim at. To stand ready to shoot at. To lie in wait for.
Eyokkot, エヨッコツ。一歩進ンデヘ停 ~ 21. v.i. To go a little way and then stop. Syn : Ashash.
Eyomak, エヨマク。雇ヲ解ク。楽ツル・ v.t. To send away. To discharge.
Eyomne, za A36, § 2, 2°. v.t. ?o deter from doing something by punishment. To punish.
Eyongoro, r. a >=r R, 4}+4*-t z yi~. v.t. To v.t. To lie in wait for. As :~ Neko . anak ne erum eyongoro wa hopiye kuni korachi an ruwe ne, “the cat is lying in wait ready to spring upon the rat.”
Eyukara, :r.2-35 S, KsCl "-- ^-f. ?o imitate. To mock. To do in the same way as another. Syn : Ikoisamba.
Eyukke, r.a. ≫?r, # ~ *. v.d. To store up (as food). To take great care of. To use sparingly.
Eyukke-kishima, r.a. ≫?r***, 捉マ リ付ク。 v.t. To cling to.


The letter f resembles the true labial in sound, it being softer than the English labiodental f. It is always slightly aspirated as though, indeed, it were h。此處ニ記サレタル f ハ眞ノ f ノ音ニ非ズシテ少シク h ニ似タリ。

Fu, フ, 生、ナマノ。例セバ、フアマム。生米、ナマゴメ。 . adj. Raw. Green. Uncooked. As :~ Fu amam, “uncooked rice.” Fu kam, “ raw meat.” Fu ni, “green wood.”
Fu, ふ, 嫌悪ノ感嘆詞。 excl. An exclamation of disgust and abhorence, as with a bad smell. Syn : Hu. Pu.
| Fuchi, ふち, 火。 n. Fire. Syn : Abe. Unchi. Fuji.
| Huchi, ふち,
Fuiye, ふいぇ, 譬ヘバ(例えば)。 ph. So saying.
Fukashtaro, ふかっしゅたろ, 蒸す(むす)。 v.t. To put to soak. To steam. To cook by steaming (a very common word but of Japanese origin). Syn : Sat-shuke.
Fukinane, フキナネ, 常盤草、トキワグサ、青キ、緑(ミドリ)ナル。 n. Evergreen grasses. adj. Green.
| Fukuru, ふくる, 手袋、袋。 n. Gloves. A bag. Apocket.
| Pukuru, ぷくる,
 | Fura, ふら, 香、香気。 n. A smell. Scent.
 | Hura, ふら,
Fura-at, フラ・アっと, 臭気ヲ発スル。 v.i. To stink.
Fura-nu, ふら・ぬ, 嗅グ。 v.t. To smell.
Fura-wen, フラ・ウェン, 悪臭、汚臭。 n. A bad smell. A stench.
Furaye, ふらいぇ, 洗フ(単数)。 v.t. To wash. Syn : Yashke. Oshopshopo.
Furayeba, ふらいぇば, 洗フ(複数)。 v.t. To wash (pl. of furaye).
Furayep, ふらいぇぷ, 沐浴(もくよく)。 n. Ablutions. Syn : Afuraye-i. Yashkep.
Fure, ふれ, 赤イ。 adj. Red.
Fure-ai-ush-ni, 7 L74 r.) /=, 3; + イチゴ、サンザシベイチゴ、n. Rubus crataegifolius, Bunge. Also called juk-emauri and kamui-furep.
Fure-chikap, 7 L≫*?y 7, E ≫ #, (# ≫ #). n. A kind of wild duck inhabiting the sea principally, but found in rivers during rough weather.
Fure-echinge, 7 Le:EF24+, 7 # to s 3 x . n. A turtle. Chelonia caouna, Wagl.
Fure-hat, フレハツ、テウセンゴミシ。 n. Schizandra, chinensis, Baill. Syn : Repni-hat.
Furehat-inau-ni, 7 L. Zv y 4 + y =, 3- + H - Kr. n. A kind of mountainash. Sorbus commixta, Hadl.
Fureka, ふれか, 赤ク染メル。 v.t. To dye red.
Fure-kani, ふれ・かに, 胴。 n. Copper.
Fureka-ni, ふれか・に, Alnus Maximo wicyii, Linden, Alpine alder.
Fure-kani-ikayop, 7 Le?i = 4 h a 7, #ffff; W / fej. n. A quiver ornamented with copper.
Furep, フレっプ, シロベナへビイチゴ n. Wild strawberry. Fragaria neglecta, Lindem. These are very much relished by the people. They are especially abundant in the vicinity of Nemuro, and in the high mountains of Hokkaido. In S. furep. includes a kind of blueberry among others.
Furep, ふれっぷ, 狐、赤キモノ。 n. A red thing of any kind. A fox.
Fureppo, フレッポ, エゾスクリ。 n. A wild red currant. Ribes latifolium, Jancq.
Furere, ふれれ, 赤クスル。 v.t. To make red.
Fure-shiriki-o, 7 L S J #:f, #### 7 yu. ph. Having red patterns.
Fure-shiripuk, 7 L ≫ J 7 }, HR + E 2 y >L fl. n. A kind of red-coloured rock-trout.
Fure-shisam, 7L 2+.A, 5}}/\. n. Foreigners. Europeans or Americans. As :~ Fure shisam chip “a foreign ship."
Fure-soi, フレゾイ。アカゾイ、キンキン, x x or... n. Name applied to several species of red-coloured rock fishes (Sebastodes).
Furetamkere, 7 L & A4r Le, ?. n. Lightning. Syn : Imeru.
Fure-toi, 7 Le H-4, HR++. n. Clay.

Fure-tom, 7 Le H. A., HR *. adj. Red.
Furi, フリ。大キナ鳥(或ル人驚ナリト云 7). n. A kind of very large bird said by some to be an eagle.
Furu, 7 JL, ds II, #. n. A hill. An
Huru, 7 JL, acclivity.
Furu-an, フルアン。坂多キ、嶋シキ adj. Ac
Huru-an, clivious. フルアン。
Furu-kuru, フルクル 晴レカカリタル §§. n. A passing rain-cloud.
Furukap, 死豊ノ皮骨、偉説ニ由レ フルカプ。 ベ、フルカプヘ昔ノ時
Furukappo, ニ善キ食物ヲ指シテ云 フルカッポ。 フ事アリ。例セバ、チェ プフルカポアイヌアェオレス。此人ヘ 美味ナル魚ニテ育テラレタリ. n The skin and bones of anything dead and decomposed. In legends furukap is sometimes used of good food, and may be translated by delicious; thus:?Chep furukappo aint, aeoresto, “the man was brought up on delicious fish.”
Fushko フっシゅコ, 古昔ノ、古キ。 adj. Ancient. Antique. Old. Stale.
Fushko-ne, 7 Sea:#, ## =, TH ≫ 3- vv. adv. Anciently. Also v.i. To have becomestale.
Fushko-okai, 732 =a 2354, ir y, His 2. adj. Aboriginal. Old. Ancient.
Fushko-okai-utara, 7:2:1:f3, 4 × 4 5, Ji A, Hi )\. n. The ancients. Ab. origines.
Fushkotoi, 732-J H. 4, ;i; *. adj. An. cient. Old.
Fushkotoita フシコ Fox, 昔ニ, 普時. adv. An
Hushkotoita ciently. In ancient > - フシコ トイタ, tiTTleS.
Fushkotoi-wa, 7 × - F -s 7, #2 *, $h2P v F# = y. adv. From olden times. From early childhood.
Futtat, 7 y 3, .y, fi: 2 t?. n. Bamboo
Huttat, 7 ≫ 4x'y, grass. Sasa.
Fughtotta, フシトッタ, 釣道具ヲ入レル #. n. A skin bag used for carrying fishing tackle.
| Fuyehe, フイェへ, n. The cheeks 頬(ほう).
| Huyehe, フイェへ,
Fuyetok, 74 + H 27,
Fuyetop, 74 = F 7, #. n. A flute.
Fuyetop-rekte, 74 - H 7 L y 5o, 7 sk 2. v.i. To play a flute.

Ha, ハ、は! (驚愕ヲ表ス感嘆語) excl. An exclamation of surprise.
Ha, zv, 2g fit*-, 2g(xi 7) z. adj. Empty.
Ha, ハ。減ズル、退ク(潮ノ如ク) v.i. To ebb (as the tide). To diminish. To grow less (as water in a river). To recede. To decrease in size or volume. To grow less (as in boiling). To go down a river into the sea (as fish). To withdraw.
Ha, ov, # E Er. n. The black lily. S. Fritillaria camtchatensis, Ker.-Gawl. It is also called hap and kito in S. In H. it is called anrakoro and ochiai-aiushi.
Haaure, ハアウレ、足面(アシノカフ) n. The instep.
| Habetun-ni, ハベツン・ニ , ムシカリ、ピカラ n. Viburnum furcatum, Bl:
| Habitun-ni, ハビツン・ニ  S. In H. it is called kotorurush-ni and ri
Habo, はぼ, 母。 n. Mother. Syn : Unu, Totto.
Hachako, はちゃこ, 赤子 n. A baby. Syn : Tennep.
Hacham, はちゃむ, サクラドリ。 n. Starling.
Hachimaki, はちまき, 手拭(頭ヲ裏ム[くくむ]ニ用ユ) n. A towel. (Jap.) ★バカ検証 【鉢巻の訳・定義として、手拭い、タオルとするのは、オカシイ。バカ丸出し。手拭鉢巻、という言葉はあるが、鉢巻は手拭にはなれない。英語の訳は間違っている英語人に失礼だ。】
Hachire, ovos-Le, AR x. v.t. To knock down. To make tumble. Syn : Hokushte.
Hachiri, ~vos 9, 4F. yu-(Eju). v.i. (sing.) To fall down. To tumble.
Hachiripa, /v* J w$, MK yv(EE). (pl.) To fall down.
Hai, ハイ。オホベイラクサ、エゾイラク +. n. Urtica, Takedana Ohwi. Large leaved nettle.
Hai, ハイ。鳴呼 嘆息、ノ語。例セバ、ヘイ 2 + 2*, oft#, 2 Ha. interj. Oh! An exclamation expressive of pain. As : ?Hai ku sapa, “oh, my head ! "
Hai, ov-f, KF, ##, ##. n. Hemp. Fibre. Nettle. String. As :~ Hai kara, “ to make string.” Hai-tush, “ a hempen rope.”
Haina, zv-f }-, #5(3-7). n. A line.
Hainakani, ov's #33-, ###. n. Wire.
Haipungara, ハイプンガラ。ツルウメモ }* +, +, + 2 +.. n. A kind of climbing plant. Celastrus articulata Thunb. The bast of this small woody climber contains a very fine fibre which is taken and used for various purposes. It is used for sewing thread and sometimes fishing lines are made out of it. It is also used for binding the heads on the arrow shafts. In S. it is called ossoma-ni.
Haita, ハイタ。不足ナル。例セバ、クラ ナアシネプヘイタ。鞍一ツ不足ナリ. v.i. To come short of. To decrease. To be insufficient. As :~ Kura maa shinephaita, “there is one saddle short.” v.i.
Haita, zv4f 4?z, Nos-≫ x. (sj 7), v.i. To miss (as a mark).
Haita-guru, zv4 & ? IV, AR A, #i?. n. A fool.
Haitapa, ww.f4 ro, #x ov. v.i. To decrease. (pl.)
Hak, rv 7, []. n. The mouth. Used only in traditions and now nearly obsolete.
Hakakse, /v fj % tz, ### =. adj. & v.i. Softly. Silently. As :~ Hakakse itak, “to speak softly"; “to whisper.”
Hake, vv4r, l'E7H v H. adv. This side. As :~ Hake-wa, “from this side of (a place).”
| Hakegeta, ハケゲタ, 此方ノ側, 此處(ここ). ads This side of こちらがわ. Here. This side.
| Hagegeta, ハゲゲタ,
 | Hakeiketa, ハケイケタ,
 | Hake-ita, ハケイタ, 此方ノ側。例セバ、ペトハケイケタ、河ノ此方側。 adv. This side of. As :~ Pet hakeiketa, “this side of the river.”
| Haketa, ハケタ,
| Hake-ita, ハケイタ, 此處(ここ)、此邊(このへん), adv. Here. This side.
Hakka, はっか, 帽子。 A cap.
Hakkoma, vv / a -r, # #§. n. A leather pouch.
Hakma-hakma, wV of 7/v * *, * x) =, IIIEEz. yv. adj. & v.i. Silent. To whisper. To speak very softly. Syn : Pinu-no-ye.
Hakma-hakmaka, ≫v 3 */v 2 + 3j, H. v.t. To whisper. To speak very softly. Same as Hakmahakma.
Hakta, vv. 2) &, yk. 7 # x. v.i. To strike a light.
Ham, ov.A., 75 / #. n. Leaf of a tree. The pl. is hap.
Ham, zv./,, §. adj. No. Not.
Haman, zvor 2, -e + 4. adv. No more.
Hambe, vv..Ao?, R. n. Father. Syn :
Michi. Ona. Onaha.
Hamichau-kina, zv=* A. roy **-, 7- +* s. n. S. Thistles. Circium sps. Also called in S. Yaimoi-ni-kina.
Hamne, wv.A*, ?> 7, * * *. adj. Whole. Entire.
Hamne-am, ハムネアン。全ク。残ラズ. adj. Whole. Entire.
Hamne-no, ハムネノ。有リノママ。其ノ #, & 2. adv. As they are. Untouched. Left alone. Wholly. Entirely.
Hamne-ruki, **A.:RJL:#, ###A 2... v.i. To swallow whole.
Hamo, /vAE, £#, >? =e. n. A salt-water eel. Said to be of Japanese origin.
Hamoki, ハモキ, so X. vi. To lie down (as an animal). To be asleep.
Hamuki, ハムキ,
Hampukuchot chap, ハムプクチョッチャプ、蝶崎(トンボ) n.
Hankuchotchap, Dragon flies. ハムクチョ ッチャ プ。
Hamu ハム。無イ。無クテ. Without.
Hamu, zv.A,
Hamuhu, ~v.A.7,
Hamu, vv A, # ?i = . Syn : Hapunno.
Hamuchau-kina, zv.A.,5> + ioy:**, 7r * $ . n. S. Same as Hamichau-kina.
Hamu-shikkara, zv.A.: y :#5, ###x ≫v. v.i. To be asleep.
Han, a v Lo, F. adv. Not. No.
Hana, ww.j-, R. 2 ###. n. A dog's collar.
Hange, ハンゲ。近タ。例セバ、ヘンゲノ == 2*, ii a yv. adj. Near. As :~ Hange no ek, “to come near." Hange esoine, “to go to make water.” (Polite.)
Hange-a, ハンゲア。小便スル(女ニ用ュ). v.i. To make water (only used of women).
Hange-ike, ハンゲイケ、此方。例セバ, ヤムクシナイコタンゲィケ、ヤムクシナ adv. Not. zS 2#. n. Leaves. Syn : Ham. adj. Gently. 4 #f / ##ff. adv. This side of. As: -Yamkushnai kotan hange-ike, “ this side of Yamkushnai. Syn : Hekageta.
Hangeiketa, vv Le Aj Af 5-4g, H555. adv. This side of.
Hangeko, ハンゲコ。遠キ。例セバ、ヘン X" = Y >, J# ># >. adj. Far. Afar. Distant. As :~ Hangeko no an, “it is far away.” Syn : Tuima no.
| Hani, ハニ,
| Ani, アニ,
此ノ字ヲ動詞ノ後ニ加フルトキハ願意又ハ命令ヲ表ハシ、又ハ多ク答ヲ求ムルノ語トナルナリ。例セバ、オマンワイェヘニ、往キテ彼ニ告ゲヨ。 part. After verbs this particle often indicates request or command. It is a kind of softening factor and is very much used when the speaker expects to be answered. As :~ Oman wa ye hani, “go and tell him ". E, “yes” (I will).
Ha-ni, ハニ, ハンノキ、ケヤマハンノキ。 n. S. Alnus hirsuta, Turcz. Alder Also called kine, kini, and ifureka-ni in S. In H. it is kene-ni.
Hankata, zv >;% 4?z, EE / $. birch-bark vessel.
Hanki, ハンキ。・・・セザリキ、...スルナ。 adv. Did not. Do not.
Hanku, vv > 2}, jE. n. The navel.
Hankuchotchap, zv>≫475* a y ** 7, ###( R v #). n. Dragon flies.
Hankupkara, zv > 37 7*No 5, as 7 Ei x Jl. v.i. To square the fists with the third knuckle of the second finger protruding.
Han-ne, zv >:*, Nos, & > ><. adv, No; it is not. Syn : Seenne.
Hannokara, zv > A’;j5, *~ yl≫, a}|a x, yv. v.t. To teach. To break in (as a horse). Syn : Epakashnu.
Hap, vv ≫7, os 3- 7 F. n. S. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Syn : Hara. Pittok. Also by some the black lily. See Anrakoro.

Hap, avy 7, ?i? 27. adv. Thank you. Same as haphap.
Hap, /w7, # (###). n. Tree tops. Leaves (Plural). Crown of a tree. It is plural of ham.
Haphap, ハプハプ、有難ク(婦人及ビ小 ; # y:#E E & 7 Hz# 7 Hij zz.). adv. Thank you (used principally by women and children).
Hapi, ハピ, 愚ナルコトヲナス。嘲笑スル。 v.i. To act foolishly or unwisely. v.t. To deride. To laugh at. Syn : Eoya-itak.
Hapin-nu, ハピンヌ, 扇レル、元気ナル。 adj. Weakly. Without vigour.
Haprapchup, vv. 7573-2.7, = E. n. The month of March. Hapun, ハプン。柔ラカキ(ヘパルノ略). adj. Short for hapuru, “ soft."
| Hapun-no,
| Apun-no,. adv. Gently. アプンノ。
Hapun-no-oman, 左様ナラ・ ph. vv.7 a J j -> 2, (sing.) Good-bye.
Hapun-no-paye, Adieu. (lit: ハプンノパイェ。(pl) go gently).
Hapun-rui, vv. 72 JL4f, #if H. n. A soft whetstone.
Hapuru, はぷる, 柔カキ、静カナル。 adj. Soft. Gentle. Quiet.
Hapuruka, はぷるか, 柔カニスル。 v.i. To make soft. Syn : Pewanka.
Hapuru-pone, vv. 7 Nozst:k, Ek#. n. Gristle. Cartilage.
Hara, zv5, ^ + v, F. n. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. Cow-parsnip. In S. it is also called hap ; shiu-kina ; shitoro-kina ; urakina. Syn : Pittok.
Haraki, vv. 5 #, f?#f. n. A load (as of wood). Syn : Nishke an. Nina.
Haraki, /v5+, ZEfii] /. adj. The leftside of anything or any where. On the left. Syn : Hariki.
Harakika, zvijat ?i, fig. n. Rope.
Harikika, rv Jiffy, Cord. |
Haram, Av7.A., 31 3--s E. n. Tachy drome lizard. Tachydromus tachydromoides, (Hallowell).
Harara-shinot, zv55 $, A’ "X’, }}ji y z 名(婦人ノ踊リニシテ鳥ノ羽撃キヲ眞似 x Ju'). n. The name of a woman's dance, in which those who take part imitate birds flapping their wings.
Hariki, ハリキ。左。例セバ、ヘリキテク, ?E=E. n. The left. As :~ Hariki tek, “the left hand.”
Harikika, ov. Josh, #, #3. n. Cord.
Harakika, ww.5:##, Rope.
Harikimon, vv. U +E A, ?E ≫ #f. adv. The left hand side. On the left hand side.
Hariki-sam, vv j ++FA, ?Esa) = . On the left hand side. adv.
Hariki-so 輝ノ左方(東ノ窓ヨリ見タ ハリキゾ, ル)、客ノ生スル場所. n.
Hariki-sho, The left hand side of a ≫v 9 £>? a, hearth looking in from the east window. This is the place where visitors sit.
Haikiso-inumbe, vv. 1) + / 4f 5X A. ~, 豊ノ左ノ端(東方ヨリ見タル) n The left edge of the hearth (looking in from the east).
Harikiteksam, vv. J + 5F } #A, ?E V jj. adv. On the left hand side.
Hariri, ww J J, 2:... n. Air.
Haro, ハロ, 肥エタル。例セバ、ハログル、肥大ノ人。 adj. Fat. As :~ Haro. guru, “a fat person.”
Harokoro, はろころ, 肥エタル。 adj. Fat. Stout. Corpulent. Syn : Mimush.
Haro-sak, はろ・さっく, 痩セタル。 adj. Lean. Thin. Syn : Sattek.
Harotke, ~v ta oy4%r, }{} y E;+ yv. v.i. To slip down.
Haru, vv)le, st#, ##2$. n. Food. Stores. Vegetables. Provisions. A
luncheon basket. Herbs. Very often the young shoot of the cow-parsnip.
Harubere, ハルベレ。破裂スル。割レル・ v.i. To burst. To split. Syn : Yaske.
Haru-koro, ~vJ], zu ta, Et 7 %i 7 x. v.i. To take provisions with one (as when on a journey or at work).
Haru-oboso, /v/Lzrzi: /, :L: z yu. v.t. To waste (as food). Syn : Aep koatcha.
Hasa, zv*, ? *, BH * * yv. v.i. & v.t. To be open. To open the mouth. As :~ Ishirikurantere, nei chikoikip ru turainu wa hasa kane chish wa okai, “ dear me ! the animal has lost its way and is crying with its mouth open.” Syn : Pasa. Maka.
Hash, ≫v Se, TFAE / ##, ##. n. Underwood. Shrubs. Scrubwood.
Hash-inau, vv $e4f3-r}', # / n. n. A kind of inau made of scrubwood.
Hash-inau-koro-kamui, vv >-f:}" ) a P. ?A,4, $3. n. The screech Owl.
Hashipa-kutu, Polygonum sachalinense Fr. Schm. The Ainu narne means brushwood hollow stem.
Hashipo, vv SezE, f ≫ My y s’. n. Ledum palustre, L. A decoction made by steeping the leaves of this plant in hot water is used in the place of tea by the Ainu of some districts. It is said by some to remove swellings in the legs and body, and cure colds. It is thought to produce urine freely. Hashipo may mean either or both scrubwood berries or little scrub. Syn : Hashipomui. Tomamashi.
Hashipo-keushut, vv ext:4rr} > a. 7, :z yo z, * + A. y y s%. M. Rhododendron dahuricum, L. Syn : Hashipomui.
Hashipomui, vv >#A,As, See Hashipo.
Hashka, vv Le?y, ####, os se ?r. n. The measles. (Jap.)
Hashka-omap, はしゅか・おまっぷ, 樹木ニ積リシ雪。 n. Snow which has settled on trees and fences. Syn : Chikambe. Chikamge.
Hashop, vv Sea 7, &#?. n. A copse of small trees.
Hashtai, vv $22, 4 , #?. n. A clump of trees. A forest. Syn : Nitai.
Hashtumane, ≫v So’yrr#, # 7 # # > (軽キ物ニ解偏レタルトキノ如ク) v.i. To be left uninjured as when struck with some light instrument.
Hat, voy, -- -- 7 F . . n. A wild grape. Vitis Kaempferi, Koch.
Hatat, ハタツ。細カニ切リテ干シタル魚。 n. Fish cut up into slices and dried.
Hatcho, ハッチョ。可愛ラシキ、締麗ナル。 adj. Pretty. Lovely. Small. Syn : Eramasu.
Hatcho-nonno, vv ≫3F a A > A, Hf-fi? 7 ## x Ju Ha. ph. A term of endearment used when addressing children. A pretty child.
Hato, ov. F., #TF. n. Armpits.
Hatopok, wV F2H 7, § 2 TF. n. The arm-pits.
Hat-piye, zv‘y b-*4f ?., tijjoj y E-E. ?, Grape pips.
Hat-pungara, はっと・ぷんがら, ヤマトブドブ。 n. Grape wines. Vitis Kaempferi, Koch. The stem of the grape vine is frequently used in place of rope with which to draw nets to shore from the sea and suchlike purposes. Snowshoes are also made of it, and sometimes those kinds of inau which are used in demon worship. The bark also is used in making sandles, string and rope.
Hattara, はったら, 淵(フチ)。 n. Deep water. A deep pool of water.
Hatto-an, ハットアン。禁ジタル。 Forbidden. adj.
| Hattoki, ハットキ。妨グル、此語ノ前ニハ毎ニクニナル語アリ。例セバ, 人ノ来ルヲ邪魔スル、v.t.
| Hattoho-ki, ハットホキ。  
To prevent. This word is generally preceded by kuni. Thus:~Ek kuni hattoho ki, “to prevent one's coming.”
Hau, はう, 聲 n. The voice. The voice of either man, animals, fowls or any other living creatures. Hau may also be applied to the voice of God. Syn : Hawe.
| Hau, ハウ, 話ス、音スル。 v.i. & n. To speak. To say. To sing. A noise. Sound.
| Hau-ash, ハウ・アシュ,
| Hawe-ash, ハウェ・アシュ,
Hauchi-kina, はうち・きな, Vicia unijuga, Al. Br. The name means “Stew herbs.”
Hauge, ハウゲ, 静ナル、柔キ、安キ、遅 キ。例セバ、アプトハウゲ、静ナル雨. adj. & v.i. Gentle. Soft. Light. Weak. Cheap. Quiet. Slow. To be unable to do a thing. As :~ Apto hauge, “a gentle rain.” Hauge ainu, “a weak man.” Ma-hauge, “to swim slowly”; “to be unable to swim fast.”
Hauge-hauge, ハウゲハウゲ, 甚ダ静ナル。 adj. & v.i. Very gentle. Very soft. Very quiet. To be very gentle.
Hauge-hum, はうげ・ふむ, 低囁、サザメキ。 n. A low murmuring Sound 低いつぶやき音.
Hauge-ki, ハウゲキ, 告知スル、言フ。啼ク。 v.i. To say softly ソフトに言う. To tell. To hum as a wasp スズメバチの如くつぶやく. To make a rumbling sound with the voice 声を出してぶつくさ言う.
Hauge-no, はうげ・の, 静カニ。 adv. Gently 優しく. Quietly 静かに. Softly ソフトに. As :~ Hauge no ki, “to do a thing gently.” Hauge no itak. “to speak softly.”
Hauge-no-humuse, はうげ・の・ふむせ, 唸ル(うなる)。 v.t. To make a murmuring sound つぶやきの音を出す・不満を漏らす. ★バカ検証 【日本語と英語が食い違っている】
Hauge-no-rui-no, はうげ・の・ルイ・の, 静カニ又荒ク、高ク又低ク(音聲ヲ)。 ph. Gently and roughly or softly and loudly.
Haugere, はうげれ, 柔和ニスル。 v.t. To assuage. To render weak or soft. To compose.
Hauge-turan-no-uru-uruk, ハウゲ・ツラン・ノ・ウル・ウルク, 聲ヲ振ハセル(謡フトキニ)。 ph. To make the voice quiver as in singing.
Hauge-turan-no-uyuiki, はうげ・つらん・の・うゆいき, 聲ヲ振ハセテ歌フ. ph. The same as hauge turan no uru-uruk.
| Hau-hokka, ハウ・ホッカ, 叫ブ。 v.t. To call to.
| Hau-okka. ハウオッカ,
Hauka, はうか, 鼻唄ヲ歌フ。 v.t. hum. To drone.
Haukakonna-charototke, はうかこんな・ちゃろととけ, 啼ク(鳥ナドノ). v.i. To sing as birds.
Hauki, はうき, 歌。 n. Songs.
Haukorehawe-charotke, はうこれはうぇ・ちゃろとけ, 啼ク(鳥ナドノ) v.i. Same as haukakonna-charototke.
Hauki, はうき, 話ス、哭ク(なく)。 v.i. To speak. To cry aloud. To say. Syn : Itak.
Haukore-kunitara, vv) = Le 2} = & 5, || 7. v.i. To shout. Syn : Ehaukashu.
Haukoro ハウコロ, 嘶ク(いななく)、啼ク(鳥蟲獣ナドノ)。 v.i. To neigh as a horse. To crow as a cock. To sing, as a bird.
Haukotantariki, はうこたんたりき, 歩キナガラ話ス、哮(ほえる)エル(犬ノ如ク). v.i. To speak as one walks along. To yelp as a dog キャンキャン鳴く[ほえる].
Haukotpare, はうことぱれ, 助ケテ呼ブ。 v.i. To call for help. Syn : Kimakhau. Peutauge. ★バカ検証 【助ケテ呼ブ。なんて幼稚な日本語を書かれると、解釈に苦しむ。「助けを呼ぶ」なのか、「助けて、と、叫ぶ」なのか、不明。日本人に失礼です。】
| Hauokka, はうおっか, 呼ブ。 v.t. To call to. Syn : Hotuyekara.
| Hau-hokka, はう・ほっか,
Haurutotke, はうるととけ, クスグル。 v.t. To tickle 〜をくすぐる. Syn : Hairotke.

| Hawash, ハワシュ。v.t. To say. 言う、話す。To tell. 告げる。述べる。
| Hawashi, ハワシ。 As :~ Tane ahup入る・入れ ari〜と hawash言う, “ he says you are to enter now. " Syn : Hawe ash.
Hauturumbe, ハウツルむべ, n. An angel 天使. A messenger 使い. A middle man 仲介人. Mediator 仲介.
Hauturunbe, ハウツルンベ,
Hauturun-guru, ハウツルン・グル, n. Same as Hauturunbe ハウツルンベと同じ.
Hau-shut, ハウ・シュと, adv. The direction of the voice 声のする方向へ.
Hawe, ハウェ, 尋問ノ語ナリ。   part. This word is often used as an interrogative particle. As :~ An hawe? "is there? 有りますか?" E nure hawe ? “have you told him? 彼に話したか?” Nen ta hawe an ? "who is there ? 誰ですか?"
| Hawe, ハウェ。These forms all indicate present mood, tense,
| Hawean, ハウェアン。 and state of being. It should not be for
| Hawe ne, ハウェネ。gotten, however, that each form marks a question when the voice of a speaker is raised as is expressed by the mark of interrogation. (See Hawe. Rutve, and shiri.
Hawe, vvry ..., E x. v.i. To speak. To say. Syn : Ye.
Hawe, ハウェ, 聲(こえ) n. The voice. As : ~ Hawe rui大きい, "a loud voice 大声" 【rui は、近発では、 ruy】【 hawe は、kowe 声、と h-k 音通している】
Hawehe, ハウェヘ,
Hawe-airu, ~vroy - 74; ru≫, Fiji x z?iz* 7. ph. Someone said.
Hawe-an, ハウェ・アン, 言フ。 v.t. To speak. To say. To tell. Syn : Itak.
Hawe-ash, ハウェ・アシュ,
Hawe-ashte, zvroy -7’$257°, No 7 H! >,, of 2 ($#9- F). v.t. To call out. To say. To croak as a frog.
Hawe-eamkiri, はうぇ・えあむきり, 聲デ聞キ分ケル。 v.t. To recognize a voice.
Hawe-ki, ハウェ・キ, ブンブン云フ (蜂ナド)。 v.t. To hum as a wasp. Syn : Hau-ki. To make a noise with the voice.
Hawe-kiri, ハウェ・キリ, 聲デ聞キ分ケル。 v.t. To recognize a voice. Syn : Hawe-eamkiri.
Hawe-ne, vvy - Hk, #R ) . adv. Yes. Syn : Ruwe. Ruwe un. Ruwe ne Wa. E. A. O un.
Hawe-ne-yakun, vv...) =:k"? } 2^, ?E# * * ≫v +- * ≫s. ph. If it is so. Syn : Nei no ne chiki.
Hawe-sange, ハウェ・サンゲ。高音デ話ス。 or ov. v.i. To speak loudly. To roar as an animal.
Hawe-roise, vv 7 = H -f tz, E = wi-, ME 7 E * >L. v.i. To make a noise with the voice. As :~ Haweroise guru, “a noisy person.”
Hayanko, ハヤンコ, 火薬包子、紙筒(ヘ + =r? ). n. A cartridge. (Jap.)
Hayashitai, vv. 47 > 4r 4s, ##. n. A forest. Syn : Nitai.
Haye, vv 4 se, BEF. excl. Oh ! An exclamation expressive of pain. Syn : Hai.
Haye, zv-f =, = V = ZP a . v.i. To be less than.
Haye, vv4 =, ? s’# # / #. n. The prolonged upper jaw of a common sword-fish. -
Hayok, vv a ), Ej 2”, IEE 7. v.t. shield.
Hayokbe, /v = } ~$, E H. n. Armour. Syn : Hayokne,
Hayokbe-kirau, vv a 2) ~F7, HE / ###. n. The horns on a helmet.
Hayokne, ww.3 27:#, ia. H. n. Armour.
Hayok-pe ハヨく・ペ。薬水、魔除ケノ水,
k. n. Sulphur water (drunk to charm demons of sickness away).
He, ヘ, n. The breath.
He, へ、ロ気。疑問ノ語ニシテアン (an) ナル語ニ績クヲ例トス。エクルウェへア v, i ?szk z ?. part. This particle expresses interrogation, and is often, though by no means always, followed by the verb an “to be.” Thus:~Ek ruuve he an ? “has he come?” Tane he 2 “now?" Achapo he? “is it my uncle P”
He, --, sas, sas 32 3r. adv. What?
He, -, sa 2. adv. Facing. Towards. In front. Surface.
Heashi, ~77 e, ?E##, #gl?. n. The beginning. The commencement.
Heaship, ~7'>7, # x 52 + 2. n. A thing which has been commenced.
Heashire, へあしれ, 始マル、出ス。 v.t. To commence. To send forth. To - publish as a book. . -
Heashpa, ~7”oz?, # x vl-(???). v.?. To commence. (pl.)
Hebashi, Nu SEe, # = fij7. adv. Towards the sea-shore. Syn : Hesashi.
Hebera, へべラ。川上へ向フ、内地へ向ケ | adv. Up a stream or river.
Heberai, へべライ。Towards the interior of a country. Syn : Opishne.
Hebuchi-ni, -75-, 32 ° 2, 2s. n. S. White birch. Bettila Tauschii, Koidz. Also called Tat-ni in S. In H. it is called pettat-ni & ironne tat-ni.
Hechaka, へチャカ, 晴レル、例セバ、= シクルへチャカ、雲晴レル・ひ.i.To clear away as a fog. To become clear. As :~ Nishkuru hechaka, “the clouds are clearing away.” Syn : Hechawe.
Hechawe, へチャウェ。獲出スル(弓銃ナ | F 2). v.i. To go off as a gun. To become unstrung as a bow. To become unravelled. To clear away as a fog. To get torn. To clear away as clouds. As :~ Urara hechawe, “the fog is clearing.”
Hechawe-kani, ^5F+ 17 +*) =, 4* v ij| &. n. The trigger of a gun.
Hechawe-ni へチャウェニ。弓ノ弾キ止 x. n. The trigger of a cross-bow. That portion of a bow or trap which causes the string to be let loose from the place which holds it.
Hechawere へチャウェレ。放ツ、射ル。 v.t. To let off a gun or bow. To undo. To pull to pieces. To pick to pieces.
Hechi, ~*, ...... = fij 9 7. adv. Facing. Looking toward.
Hechimi へチミ。別レタル、分割シタ yl. adj. Parted. Divided.
Hechimi-kara, ~553,5, Hase 7 4- a y 3 or L. v.i. To have the hair parted in the middle. Hechimisara, ~~5>=3}{5}, * * v *j e. n. Long neck clam. Mya arenaria, Linn. Syn : Teretanne chep.
Hechirasa, ~5-5 {}, BR > (##). v.i. To blossom. (sing.)
Hechirasa, ノ . v.i. へチラサ。 *E 2 Ei, v xl≫. v.i. To be rough as the hair.
Hechirasasa, Syn : Herisarisa へチラササ ="f ????
Hechirasasare, ~5F5 ++j- L, ME > #L ×. v.t. To make rough as the hair.
Hechiraspa, -5-52.ov, DI 2 (#). v.i. To blossom. (pl.)
Hechiri, of J, # bo. n. Amusement. Play. Fun. Syn : Shinot.
Hechiri, ~5- ), # >“. v.i. To play. To jump about.
Hechiri, of J, ##7; x. part. Used sometimes to express plurality.
Hechirin, “s5F J 2, Il# 'L, # x vv. v.i. To jingle. To rattle.
Hechirin-kani, ~5F I) e h =, 4:#(JK 馬ナドノ首ニ付ケテ音ヲ獲セシム) n. Metal rings fastened to animals and so arranged as to jingle when they move.

Hechirin-kut, ~#F U e 2 y, ## / ff キタル上帯. n A waistband with metal rings attached.
Heheba, ?ors, ?l? a Hou. v.t. To peep at.
Heheuba, ?n. 18,
He-he-he, --~, &# / A#, inter. Used sometimes to express plurality.
Hehem, ~~.A, alE**. v.t. To pull.
Heikachi, A4+. n. A lad. A boy. ~4 #5, In some places this word
Hekachi, is applied to both boys へカチ。 and girls. Generally, how ever, boys only are called heikach?. (sing.) The plural being heikat'tara or heikachi utara. (S.) Kainu.
Heikachi-koro, of 7,5*= H, 935.7 # 9 x >v, *f; x n . v.i. To nurse a child.
Heikachi-koro-guru, ~4 ?, *= R * Jl, H35:, H, Rk. n. A nurse.
Heikachi-ram-koro, of 3,5°74ta, -j-£ > v *. adj. Childlike.
Heikat’tara, へイカッタラ 子供等. n Lads
Heikachi-utara, Boys. へイカチウタラ。
Heise, -.-f z,
Heisepa, ~4 tzv?, # #., P?Wk. n. The
Hesepa, ^tz v?, breath.
Heise-heise, of E-4 to, it * * *% 2. l. v.i. To breathe quickly. To be out of breath as in running.
Heise-ki, ~4 tz+, *?UX * 21. v.t. To breathe.
Heise-mawe, ~4 tzw. 7 =, ste, "#"X. n. The breath.
Heisepa, ^4f tz w$, T£A. n. The breath.
Heise, ??? "tz,
Heiseturiri, ~4 tz'y ) ), KE. *** ::: * v. v.i. To sigh. Syn : Tanne heisei omande.
Hekachi, roof, op£, n. Same as Heikachi, " a lad.” (S.) Kainu.
Hekai, へカイ。古キ、老イタル。熱シタ ≫v. adj. Old. Ancient. Ripened.
Hekai-hokushte, ~3,4 z?. W 225F, ??E z yl. v.i. To die of old age.
Hekai-oro, ^% 4 * n, % & * ^l^. adj. Dead.
Hekatpa, ~?iva?, A - *(&#). v.i. To be born. (pl.)
Hekatu, ^fjy, A v ≫v(*££). v.i. To be born. (sing.)
Hekatup, へカツプ。生レタルモノ・ n・ That which is born.
Hekature, ~?i v Lo, H- > # 2. v.t. ?o bear a child. To bring forth.
Hekem, - rA, GIF o.-. v.k. To draW. To drag.
Heki, Na+, # =. adv. Because. For the reason that. Syn : Wa gusu.
Heki, ~#, # v?e >> x.aux. v. To be un
Hekiya, able to do. Syn : Eaikap. へキヤ,
Hekim, -4.k, #. n. A forest.
Hekimo, ~#E, # = ?r. adv. In the forest. Also, to the forest or mountains.
Hekimun, “S+.A. 2, adv. Towards the forest.
Hekiru, +r?, i? 2 y?, #ff 2. v.i. To turn away. Also, to turn to. To turn. Syn : Shitutanure.
Hekisakisa, ~####, #?** t= -- v.t. To shake.
Hekittek, へキッテク。早ク首ヲ廻ス・ v.t. To turn one's head in a hurry.
Hekiya, ~#*P, E v?e os x. aux, v. To be
Heki, unable to do. 小牛,
Hekomba, “sa kos, ## *(##), v.i. To return. Syn : Hoshippa. (pl.)
Hekomo, ~=?-E, GJ (HB). v.i. To return. Syn : Hoshipi.

Hekota, N.E. Ag, s#j 7. adv. Towards. Syn : Hesashi.
Hekota-hosare, "N = 2zzko Lo, ru y . v.i. To turn towards.
Hekote, es-15*, {} =. side of.
Hekote, ~ a 5F, ## z”, # 3^. v.t. tie up"; and “ tied up.”
Hekote-guru, *:17.5 JLo, 5&#. n. A husband or wife.
Hekututu, * > y y, = y + +.. n. Facing. adv. By the To Chives. Allium schoenoprasum, L. Syn : Shikutut.
Hem, ^ A, te v. adv. The other.
Hemak, "Ner Zy, 4# = . adv. Behind. After.
Hemaka, ~777, #7 x 912, ## */v. v.t. To finish. Also “to have done.”
Hemakaraiba, ~7 h 54 v?, Jl|_E-~ #2L. v.i. To return towards a river's source. To return from a journey.
Hemakari へマカリ。露ル(主ニ海岸ヨ 9). v.i. To return (especially from the sea-shore.
Hemakashi, -- ?J Se, i 7 : = , te 57 # = . adv. Wrong side before. Before.
Hemakate, ~-r#5F, # y 37. v.i. Having finished.
Hemaknaraye, ~~r } }-54f =, ## v ov. v.i. To clear away.
Hemakoraye, ~~r:154 = , iij v vlo. v.i. To clear away.
Hemanda, "S-tr - 5, stij. adv. What ? As :~ Heikachi hemanda kara gusu kimta oman a 2 “what has the lad gone to the mountains for?” Hemanda ye? “what does he say?” Hemanda ta a? “what is it?” Syn : Nep.
Hemanda-gusu, ~7 A & ? K, fif#&. adv. Why? As :~ Hemanda gusu tambe nei no an a ? “ why is this so ?” Syn : Nep gusu.
Hemari, ~s* J, Yr.jj.)v, Yr ≫. v.i. To rise up. -
Hematu, ~7:y, JH se 3: ≫L. v.i. Twisted. To be cramped. To be drawn out of position.
Hematu, ~~r y 7, E E$. n. Purpose. Reason. Object.
Hemban, へむばん, 早ク。 adj. Quick. Syn : Tunashi.
Hemban-nisap, へむばん・にさっぷ, 急ニ。 adv. Very suddenly.
Hemban-no, へむばん・の, 早ク。 adv. Quickly. Syn : Tunashi no.
Hembara, へむばら, 何時 adv. When.
Hembara-kane, へむばら・かね, 何時。 adv. When.
Hembara-ne-yakka, へむばら・ね・やっか, 常ニ。 adv. Always. At any time. As :~ Hembara ne yakka ene moire range, “he is always thus late.”
Hembara-pakno-ne-yakka, へむばら・ぱっくの・ね・やっか, 何時マデモ。 adv. Forever. How long soever. Aye.
Hembarata, へむばらた, 何時。adv. At what time. When.
| Hemeshpa, へめっしゅぱ, 登ル、上ル(複数) v.t. (pl) To ascend. To go up. To climb a mountain.
| Hemespa, へめっすぱ,
 | Hemesu, へめす, 登ル。上ル(軍数) v.t. (sing) To ascend as a mountain. To climb. To go up.
 | Hemeshu, へめしゅう,
Hemesu-o, へめす・お, 斜面。 n. A slope.
Hemge, *A*, 3.2s...... トモ。例セバ, マへムゲシュェへムゲ、煮テモ焼ィテモ。 post. Either. Or. As :~ Ma hemge, shuye hemge, “either roasted or boiled.” Syn : Heneki.
Hemhem, *A*S.A., -E Zs, *. post. And. Also.
Hemhem......hem hem, N.A., "S.A., K. (7 v H = L H / #| 27), post. Both - - - - - - and.
Hemhem-ki......hemhem-ki, -a, - A+, F, E. post. Either...... or. Both ? * - - - -or. Both......and.

Hemoimoi, **E of +4, of 2. v.i To HiOVe.
Hemoi, へモイ。海ニ居ル鮮類(未ダ川ニ E * x), n. Salmon found in the sea before entering the rivers. Syn : Keneu.
Hemoi-ke, “s*E f Or, ## v H#. n. The fat of salmon.
Hemoi-up, ~ + of 77, # 2 ##. n. The soft row of salmon.
Hempak, ~ A, v §2}, #ff. adv. How many. As :~ Hempak be, “how many.” Hempak no, “how much.” Hempak hot an ruwe ta an? “how many score are there 2"
Hempututu, へムプツツ。片意地ナル v.i. To be
Hepututu, sulky. Syn : Patuへプツツ。 kuku.
Hene, ~#, F , Est ≫s, e. post. And. Either.
Hene...... hene, ~#, f?s ?. post. Both - - - - - - and either.
Henekkere, *:k y or L., 2- to ~ 9. n. Pintus pumila, Regel. Alpine dwarf pine. Syn : Epitap. Todonup. In S. it is called nom ; no-ni; num ; num-ni ; nibui ; tum-ni. Syn : Herekkere.
Henene, ~##, #ff# ≫ F-4E ≫ . v.t. To go crookedly. As :~ Pu henene, “ to go out of a 'path.”
Heneu, ~# 7, x y z ?r. n. King salmon.
Heneuba, ~:#17 ro, #9 ov. v.i. To lean over.
Henki, ~ ~ +, ?H3N. n. A grandfather. Ancestor.
Henne, ~ 2:#, F. adv. No.
Henne-nep, ~ 2:#::# 7, nJ E 3- sv. adv. There is nothing.
Henne-nep-ka, ~ ># # 7 h, ff= 3&. adv. Nothing.
Henoni, - / =, 53A z... v.t. To draw 111.
Henoye, ~ A 4 =, |R Jl. v.i. To doze. To sleep.
Henoye, ヘノイェ、曲リタル、捻レタル。 adj. Crooked. Twisted.
Henram-korachi, ~ 25 A = 5 3F, ?if /# 9. adv. As before.
Hense-tashum, ヘンセタシュム。噛息。n.
Heise-tashum, ????? ?? ???f t? ??
He-o, -zh-, *; E H v. v.i. To dive out of (as from water when diving). To come to the surface.
Heparapu, or $57, or v R ty. sunfish. Syn : Kinapo. Asthma. n. A
Hepshi, 川下。例セバ、へベシウンオマ へプシ。 z-, Jij 7 TF yl.. adv. Down
Hebashi, stream. As :~ Hebashi un ~asse, oman, “to follow a stream down.”
Hepeku, ~~$2}, # r. l. v i. To flare. Syn : Paraparase.
Hepenki, ** >:F, Af:#x ov. v.t. To rear. To bring up. Also “source"; “origin.”
Hepenki-kotan, osos o H = & o, 3. n. One's native place.
Heperai, へペライ。川上へ。例セバ、へ ペライワオマン、川ヲ激ル ado Up a stream. As :~ Heperai wa oman, “to follow a stream up.”
Hepere, “SL, # 2 +.. n. A bear's cub.
Hepere-chep, へぺれ・ちぇっぷ, § 2 #4. n. Name of a fish. Azuma emmu.ion, Jor & Sny. (Same as Nikappana.)
Hepere-kot, or L = y, fle 2 + y AEF: + 5/2, l’E. n. A cage made to bring up bear cubs in.
Hepere-kot-urai-ni, ~~ l-:a yr754 ニ, 熊祭リノ時ニ態ヲ繋グ柱、n The pole to which bear cubs are tied during a bear feast.
Hepere-pusaru, ~~& Le7#/L, ??# v 時熊ニ興フル食物ヲ入レル袋 n A
bag containing food offered to bears before being killed.
Hepere-sat-chep, へぺれ・さっと・ちぇっぷ, 熊祭ノ時熊ニ興フル干魚。n An offering of dried fish made to bears when killed in the bear feast.
Hepeu, ~~&r}, + E = y. n. Halibut. Hypoglosus stenotepis, Schmilt.
Hepirasa, ~ E5+, E? ≫ (##). v.i. To blossom. (sing.)
Hepiraspa, ^ E5z≪ z$, £ *(£§£). v.i. To blossom. (pl.)
Hepisho, S. E Eea, # 275 s. adv. Towards the sea. -
Hepita へビタ、放ッ(銃又ヘ弓ナドノ) v.i. To rise up from a bent position. To let go. To set off (as a trap or gun).
Hepita-ni, ?b : :, # 2 = H = }i :l+ ?S. n. A bent piece of wood used as a spring in traps; also a trap for snaring animals and birds.
Hepitap-ni, ~ E & 7 =, Pinus pumila, Regel. Alpine dwarf pine.
Hepitoto, へピトト。大キナル小刀. n. A large knife. Syn : Makiri.
Hepokichiu, へポキチウ。身ヲ属メル (### / F *). v.i. To bow one's self as in worship.
Hepokiki, Nz??:##, skaa x 21. v.i. To bow the head. To bow down.
Hepokipoki, ^;sa:zf=*, "Effof x, yv. v.i. To nod the head.
Hepokitekka, HH ≫ vv, RE? > vv. v.i. ~z??:#7 y 77, To bow down. To
Hepoktekka, bow the head. へポクテッカ,
Hepoki-ush, ^;f=* 17 $z, J* 7 fiji o’yl≫(a #x yu b +). v.i. To bow one's self as in worship.
Hepoko, oft:1, ### 2, 2L. v.t. To despise. To abhor. -
Hepoktekka-heteshtekka, ~xit 77.9 カヘテシテッカ。上下スル ph Torise and fall as anything upon the sea. Herashnu, ->SS-5, k S z. v.i. To bow and rise.
Heporap, ~#57, #X ≫ R. n. A butterfly or moth.
Heporap-wata, ^zit5 7574?z, jaj, a.. n. Cocoons.
Hepuni, r, 7=, H. E.” Pl. v.i. To look up. To turn the eyes upward.
Hepuru, へプル。長ク鍵レタル毛(獣類 + F 2). v.i. & ads. To have long rough hair as some animals. Longhaired.
Hepututu, ~7:y::y, # # Jv. v.i. To be sulky. Syn : Hempututu. Pattukuku.
Hera, ヘラ、蹴ノ、アシナへタル。 Maimed. Yaiewen.
Heraske, ~ 5 x 3r, # # v. Naked. Bare. Stripped.
Herasa, ~5+}, TS x. v.i. Sent down. Syn : Arange. -
Herashi, N5 Ee, TFjf-s. adv. Downward. Towards the sea shore. From above.
Herashi-ratki, ~5 $~5 oy*, H3(≫ yv) z, so or n . v.i. To be suspended.
Herashi-ratkire, es 5 $ 2.5 y + L-, f or ov. v.t. To hang down. To suspend. To adj. Lame. Crippled. Syn : adj. shine. Syn : Heri at.
Herashnure, *F $25. L., & 2, #7 x. v.t. To shine. To polish. Syn : Heri atte.
Here, *L, ##. n. Brightness,
Herebashi, NL-u & Ee, ## y 5 -s, adv. Towards the seashore.
Heregush, - L-2 S-, 3 * (ZKE A). = v * v = fa| $. n. A cod fish. Gradus macroclbhalus. Same as eregush.
Herehereke, ~ Los Lehr, # or v, st? v ≫v. adj. Shining. Bright.
Hereka, ~ Lo?y, Y vi-, # 2. v.i. To shine.
Herekkere-ni, ~ La ≫ Mr L =, Pinus pumila Regel. Alpine dwarf pine. By
some henekere-ni.
Hererush, へれるっしゅ, 照る。 v.i. To shine. Hereush.
Hererushte, へれるつしゅて, 照らす。 v.t. To shine.
Heri-at, へり・あっと, 照る。 v.i. To shine.
Heri-atte, へり・あって, 照らす。 v.t. To shine.
Herikashi, へりかし, 上方。 adv. Upwards.
Heriko へリコ, 上ノ方へ。 adv. Upwards.
Herisarisa, へりさりさ, 蓬髪(ほうはつ)。 v.i. To be rough as the hair 長く伸びてくしゃくしゃに乱れた髪。蓬頭 . Syn : Hechirasasa.
| Heroki, へろき, 鰊(ニシン)。 n. A herring.
| Heruki, へるき,
| Eroki, えろき,
Heron, へろん, 貧乏なる、貧しき。 adj. Poor. Destitute.
Heru, へル, 同ジ、唯、ホンノ。例セバ。 へルアイヌ、同等ノ人。へルアンアパラアニパテク、ホンノロバカリ(不誠實)。ヘルアイヌ、同ジ人間。 adj. The same. Of the same kind. Merely. Only. Just. Simply. As :~ Heru ainu, “ the same class of people.” Heru an a paro ani patek, “just with the mouth only,” i.e. “insincerely.”
| Heruki, へるき, 鰊(ニシン)。 n. A herring.
| Heroki, へろき,
| Eroki, えろき,
Hesashi, ost-Se, ## 2 #-s. adv. Towards the sea-shore. Syn : Hebashi.
Hesashi へサシ、此處。又ヘ煙ニ向フ・ 例セバ、へサシナヌキル。顔ヲ此方へ向 *r a . adv. Here. Facing the fire. This way. As :~ Hesashi nanu kiru, “ turn the face this way.” Syn : Sa ta. Teda. Hekota.
Hese, ~tz, EAA, z ≫L. v.i. To breathe. To sigh.
Hege-hum-pirika, ^tz 7.A, b^ 9 %, * * i&x yv. v.i. ph. To feel better in health.
Hegei-turiri, →stz4f ≫ 9 9 , # * F * 又ヘ疲レタルトキニ大息スル "-i To blow as when hot or tired. Syn : Tanne hushta arapare.
Hese-mau, ~tz ニ 7, KE... n. The breath. Syn : Hesepa.
| Hesepa, ~tzos, H R, KE. n. The
| Heisepa, ~4 tzv ?,
| Heise, -.-stz,
Heshi, -2, 3EPa 2 #. n. The northWestern SeaS.
Heshi, o, oj-i}. n. A pond. A small lake.
Heshiu, --Sery, # v. v.i. To sleep.
Heshuiba, ~2.4 as, &# * *. v.i. To sleep in a sitting posture. To sit and sleep. Syn : Aheshui.
Heshuri,へシュリ。出家、耐主。又ヘ秀頭 n. A Buddhist or Shinto priest. Also any person whose head has become bald through disease.
Heshuye-shuye, -2.4 - >3-4 ニ W 捨スル(風ニ樹ノ動クガ如ク) v.i. To wave about as trees in the wind.
Hesoine, -sy4 k, ## Z 75-s. adv. Towards the seashore.
Heta,へタ。現場又ヘ現時ヲ羅頭ヘスニ用チ ル語ナリ。例セバ、モコンラポケタへタ。 TBox H. & F +. part. This word is sometimes used to express the very time or place. Thus:~Mokon'rapoketa heta, “ at the very time he was asleep.” Nupuri kitaigeta heta chikuni okai, “there are trees upon the very top of the mountain.”
Hetak, ^ & O, H: ノ語ヘ掛撃ニシテ見 ヨ。サア、ャレ、ナド、言フガ如シ・ interj. This word expresses urgency, desire, defiance, vigilance or solicitude, each particular meaning being determined by the tone of voice and subject. Behold! Come. Now then. Look out. breath. Dear me! Oh dear! As :~ Helak, akoro chisei orun paye rusui, “oh
dear! I desire to go to our house.” Hetak, nishpa ek wa ibe, "now master come and eat.”
| Hetap, . ~ & 7, R = v, R v v. ady. Just.
| Hetapne, Simply. ヘタフム。
Hetanea, ヘタネア、疑問文ノ終リニ用 7. part. Used at the end of interrogative sentences.
Hetaptapu, へタプタプ。立膝シテ眠ル。 v.i. To lie down with the head resting in the arms and the legs drawn up.
Hetari, o, or J, #, §. n. The chest. Bosom.
Hetari-araka, ~ 3 ) 775 #7, EJE x y?(> * > * F # 2.). n. Shooting pains. Pains in the chest.
Hetari-ni, o ? J =, #75 / To =# 9 ff or L}:$(#ff = f?js”). n. The long poles to which the lower ends of the end rafters of a hut are tied. See also Aman-ni. Syn : Hotari-ni.
Hetarire, ~4 ) L, NE 3: += sv. v.t. To set up. To make stand.
Hetche, ^°y,F ., $~ yl≫, j} x. xL. v.i. & n. To answer affirmatively. An answer. To respond to. To give a word of assent. Syn : Ese.
Hetchi へッチ、歌ヲ唱フトキ用ュルト + 2 #. n. A peculiar exclamation made by the Ainu when singing some kinds of songs. An exclamation of aSSent.
Heteshtekka, ~5*$e5F ≫ ?7, HA F _H. * , ot, v.i. To lift up the head. To hold the head up.
Heteshu, N5->3., 5H 7 E * >v. v.i. To hold the head up. To lift up the head. To rise. Syn : Hetari.
Hetke-hetke, roy'royor, ### 3. x Ju (JJ 2 is y). v.t. To draw out and push in as a sword.
| Hetokush, # =. s? te os, 4 + 2. ~ F へトクシ クシ、今将ニ滅サントス。
| Hetokushi, v.i. About to be. As :~ エトクシ, Isam hetokush, “about to come to nothing”; “about to lose sight of.”
Hetopo, N. K 7R, X, # v. adv. Again. Back. Syn : Ehoroka.
Hetopo-hetopo, -. H 7fi- H 7K, #E . . adv. Again and again. Frequently.
Hetopo-hetopo-oman, ~ H. istes F :f: z?or 2, ££3k x 21. ph. To go backwards and forwards.
Hetopo-shiknu, ^ K *>% 3, ££££ z. yl. v.i. To return to life.
Hetopo-shiknure, ?. 2 y 5. Lo, : 7 x. v.t. To raise to life.
Hetukba, へツクバ。生長スル、出ツル。 v.i. To grow. To come forth. Pl. of Hetuku,
Hetukbap, ~ / ) v § 7, AEE z vi- e o . n. Things which grow.
Hetukbare, へツクバレ。生長サス。出ス。 A.& (§%). v.t. (pl.) To make grow. To send forth. To produce.
Hetuku, ~y4%, A?:Ex ≫l>(E?). v.i. (sing.) To grow. To come forth. To be born. To rise as the sun.
Hetukure, へツクレ、生長サス、生ム。 v.t. To make grow To send forth To give birth to.
Heturashte, roy:5:25, # = E or 7 (5. § / ij 2* =). v.i. To live with another (as with a sister or brother).
Heturu, ~ VIL, E 2. v.t. To bend. To stoop.
Heuge, ~74”, Jai 2., fih JL. v.i. To be bent. To be crooked. Syn : Ohoge.
Heugere, ~7 Ar? Le, F x yl, # By L. v.t. To bend. Syn : Ohogere.
Heume, ^*7:k, ja a*, £ % +. adj. Supple. Sleek. Tender. Weak.
Heunenep-koro, roy:#:#7 - Pl, 53 A*, 23 zj +. adj. Supple. Sleek. Weak.
Heush, ~ \ $2, $# - PL. v.t. To put on
as a hat. To draw on as boots.
Heyao, N. Pzir, # = y #-s. adv. Towards the land from the sea. To the sea-shore.
Heyao-yan, ~+*** >≫, _b-E z. yu~. v.i. To land.
Heye, ~ 4 ~, n. n. The countenance. Face.
Hi, ヒ。 Or I, ヒ, 此語ヲ動詞又ヘ形容詞 ニ附加スルトキヘ名詞トナスヲ得。例セ ベ、エイショコロ、信仰スル・エイショコ a 4, #4||J. part. Suffixed to verbs or adjectives this particle has the power of changing them into substantives. As :~ Eishokoro, “to believe.” Eishokoro-i, “ belief.” Pirika, “good.” Pi rika-i, “goodness.” See I. Syn : Ambe.
Hi, E, ?E#. adv. Yes. So.
Hike, E r, r 4 r, H > Hij = adv. When. Whilst. - Hike, E Ar, or Ike, 4 4r, H. / E 7 st) 詞ニ附加フルトキヘ, ニ就テ。又ヘ、ニ闘 シテノ意トナルナ・リ。例セバ、クヌヒケ, 我聞クコトニ闘シテヘ. part This particle is used as a suffix to verbs, and signifies “as regards,” “with reference to which.” Thus:~Ku nu hike, “ as regards what I hear.” Ku nukar'hike, “with reference to what I see.”
Hike, E Or, 4%. n. An article. Thing. £4
Hinta-ne, E A A&#, fif?- y + , adv. What is it ? Syn : Nep ta.
Hinta-ta, E - Zg 5g, sis - 9 + adv. What is it?
Hita, be it, H; = . adv. When.
Hitsuji, E × $2, $E. n. Sheep. (Jap.)
Hitsuji-chikoikip, Ey $7 #・ = 4 # 7, #. n. Same as above.
Hitsuji-epungine-guru, to y >5.7 × +-k2 JL, Ez:#. n. A shepherd, (lit: sheep watcher).
Hitsuji-reshpa-guru, E y $2 Le Soz??Y JLo, #3:#. n. A shepherd (lit: sheep I Calrer. Hitsuji-topa, toy: Frt, or topaha, F. vsov, He v ?. n. A flock of sheep.
Ho, ほ, 陰門 n. The anus. Wagina. The posteriors.
Ho, ほ, 上カラ、下ヘ、下方ヘ。 adv. From above. In a downward direction.
Ho, ほ, ヨリ、離レタル、後ロ。 adv. Off, Away from. Back. Behind.
Ho, ほ, 呼ブ。 v.t. To call.
Ho-atak, ほ・あたっく, 呼ビ戻ス。 v.t. To fetch by calling. Syn : Hotuyekara.
Hoashtari, ホアシタリ、殿ノ、アシナへ * /v. adj. Lame. Maimed.
Hobashi, zoro, ## = V . adv. From the sea-shore.
Hobena- kina, zkrt3- +:, + y = yy a y y. n. Cacalia kamtschatica, Kudo, In S. it is called Barayau.
Hochahocha, :fr:Forzkist x, v.i. To hop.
Hochaki, ほちゃき, 下痢。 n. Diarrhea.
Hochaku, ホチャク, 糞、下痢スル。 n. Manure. Also to suffer from diarrhea.
Hochatchari, ほちゃっちゃり, 姦淫スル。 v.i. To commit adultery.
Hochatchari-guru, z?:5F v ≫FA U ?VIL, ###. n. An adulterer or adulteress.
| Hochauchau, E. H x -, = = * ホチャウチャウ, 歩ム(殿ノ犬馬ノ如
| Hochawachawe, 37). v.i. To hop. zR++ 75** 7 -, To walk on three legs as a lame horse or dog.
Hocheppo, zk5F = v ;R, # 2 44. n. Lefud nikkonis. a kind of fish.
Hochiarana, **jF75*-, TR yv. v.i. To descend. Syn : Ran. Hochihi, ;k* be, 3-§f£&. n. A sum.
Hochikachika, zk5F;h5F;h, gj: "L-(# / #II 27). v.t. To splash about. To flounder as a fish.
| Hochikarakari, Ejxt≫, E v≫ yu~. v.i. To 飛ビ躍ル ホチカラカリ。 crumple up. To be
| Hochikom, twisted or tangled, 本テコム。 Syn : Chiukara
kari. -
Hochika-hochika, zko?yzR577, #21. (# 2 is 2'). v.i. To flounder as a fish.
Hochi-kina, z?;5:#:F, 2 + 2 +.. n. Vicia ceracca L. The Ainu narne means “Twisting herb.” Winding herb. Entangling herb. Hochikok, zk#-a ), a 37 ?r. n. Goat sucker.
| Hochikom, 縮メタル。縫レタル。 ホチコム。 v.i. To crumple up.
| Hochikarakari, To become twisted. zR57,57; ), To become entangled.
Hochikop, zk5F = 7, ? 37 ?r. n. The goat-sucker. Syn : Hochikok.
Hochin, zoo. 2, § 2. T. n. The under part of the thighs. Syn : Chin-kotoro.
Hochin-uturu, zikist er) y II≫, ##. n. The pelvis.
Hochin-uturu-kushte, zk3F Li r} VJL Zo E-5-, # y 7. adv. Astride.
Hochipakara, zk5F, §?i 5, -f- 7 # Pv. v.t. To dandle up and down as a child.
Hochipki, ホチプキ。捨ル。例セバ、アパ ウシタカタホチプキ、彼ヘ門扉ニヨリテ 垂捨シテ居ル。v.i. To swing. Thus : ?Apa-ushta kata hochipki, “he is swinging on the gate.”
Hochiukarapa, zk5F7 ?75 v?, # E, ? z. v.i. To float about as in the back water of an eddy.
Ho-eimek, ホエイメク。遊女ノ務ヲス ju. v.t. To act the harlot.
Ho-eimek-guru, zkri4 x 22 H, : x ≫u X. n. An adulterer.
Hohot, zkzky, § a. adj. Deep. Syn : Ohoro.
Hoinu, ほいぬ, 貂、テン。 n. A marten. Sable.
Hoinu-chiush-mun, R A 5& 5- 7 Ee A, ン、エゾクワンソウ n S Hemerocallis Middendorfii, Trautv. et Mey. It is also called in S. Ayushi-kina and Oinokishi-mun. In H. it is called chikap-kina; kakkok-kina ; and kuitopkina, a kind of Day lily.
Hoishtaritari, *4 $~4%z 9 * 9, g-9- yl. adj. Lame. Maimed. Syn : Hera.
Hoita, ほいた, 貂、テン。 n. A marten.
Hoito, ほいと, 乞食(こじき)。 n. A beggar. Syn : Iyahup-guru. Iyekari-guru.
Hoito-ki, ほいと・き, 乞フ。 v.t. To beg. Syn : Iyahupkara.
Hoiyaku, sks to 7, ###. n. An abortion. A miscarriage. Same as Honyaku.
Hoiyo, #4 a, ?so 2 #. n. Some kind of night hawk. . 姦浮スル。
| Hoiyo, v.t. To commit 本イヨ, adultery. To do evil
| Hoiyo-ki, to another. To desire ホイヨキ。 to harm.
Hoiyo, zk-f a, £ v +, E§+- ≫v. adj. Bad. Abandoned. Evil. Wicked.
Hoiyop ホイヨプ。放藻ナル人。n An abandoned person. A person bent on mischief. An adulterer. An utterly wicked person. One who prays that evil may overtake another. One who steals the religious symbols of ano ther. A person who commits sacrilege.
Hoiyo-tusu, sk’s a y2, § 52 + ##. n. Evil prophecies.
Hok, ほっく, 買フ。 v.t. To buy.
Hoka, zs*j, int. n. A fireplace.
Hoka-etok, zik hir. H. ), # / EPE. n. The head of a fireplace. That part of the inside of a hut nearest the head of a fireplace.
Hokamba, ほかむば, 六ケ敷キ。 adj. Difficult.
| Hokamburi, ホカムブリ, 女ノ帽子 n. A woman's bonnet.
| Hokkamburi, ホッカムブリ, 【手拭やタオルで、ほっかむり --- 完全な日本語。主婦が、割烹着(かっぽうぎ)、ほっかむり、して、掃除のイメージ。】
Hokannashi, zikh 23"$/, ETH =, }}}f
The outer. 辯舌. = . adv. The upper.
Hokannashka, * *y > *- $2,5, adj. Eloquent.
Hoka-o ホカオ、火上ニ置タ。例セバ, パスベスコカオ、炭ヲッグ。v.t. To put on a fire. As :~ Paspas hoka-o, “to put charcoal on a fire.”
Hoka-tuika, z*?joy4f ?b, ?? y _? 2 #. n. The space over the hearth.
Hoketu, zk4ry, # ~ # vv. v.i. To kick out from behind as a horse. Syn : Chotari. Chiotari.
Hoketuketu, zk4ry4r:y, #5 * # L (E 2 #1 *). v.t. To scratch (as fowls).
Hokeura, zorry 5, #}}... n. A bladder.
Hoki, ホキ。魔術ヲ使フ。例セバ、メホキ。 ## 7 p?. z. v.t. To call for by enchantments. As : Me-hoki, “to call for cold.” Apto hoki guru, “ a rain maker.”
Hokimo, zk:#E, (I) 2, 2. adv. From the forest.
Hokimot-san, zk++E:y#:e, [II 7 TF vie, |11 z }# pl~. v.t. To descend a mountain.
Hokimun, ZRH.A. 2, [I] x 2, adv. From the forest.
Hoiru-kiru, **/L.=+jv, * v xiz. v.i. To sway to and fro.
Hokke, zis ≫4%r, 4* z,.. v.i. Same as Hotke, “to lie down.”
Hokomkokte, ska A. H. W 5F, Yr:#x vio. v.i. To raise the knees up towards the chin.
| Hokorakorak, ## vL. v.i. To rattle. ホコラコラク。 To rattle together
| Okorakorak, as things loose in オコラコラク。 a box.
Hokotte, ホコッテ、火ノ上へ懸ケル v.t. To hang over a fire.
Hoku, if:27, #, n. A husband.
Hoku, 2Roy, Jo (# = y wy. n. The fire (on the hearth).
Hokuchi, zis of 5, 9:5 #x. v.t. To drill fire.
Hokui, *474, yk 7 oy *r yv, v.t. To set fire to.
Hokuika, of 7.4 #7, #4 x, # 7. v.i. To burn.
Hoku-koiwak, sk? -14 V 7, E v. 2 # =# 7. v.i. To go to visit one's husband.
Hokukura, ほくくら, or Hokure, ほくれ, 掛聲ニ用ユル語。 excl. An exclamation of urging, defying, or calling the attention to anything. This word is generally placed at the beginning of a sentence.
Hoku-nu, ほく・ぬ, 夫ヲ迎ヘル。v.t. To take a husband.
Hokure, ホクレ, 貪食(どんしょく)スル、例セバ、ホ クレイベ、貪リテ(むさぼりて)食スル。 adv. Greedily. Excessively. As :~ Hokure ibe, “ to eat greedily.” Hokure iku, “ to drink greedily.”
Hokush, zk ) e, fj: 'io, ##- vv. v.t. To tumble over. To capsize. Collapse. Syn : Hachiri. Horak.
Hokush-chep, ほくっしゅ・ちぇっぷ, Ee (-w yo to ). n. Tunny fish.
Hokushte, 7R2 >5*, sR x. v.t. To knock over. To turn over. To knock down. To upset.
Hokuyuk, ほくゆっく, 人ヲ食フ熊。 n. A man-eating bear. Polar bear. A bear which steals horses or cattle. The opposite is called Noyuk. Syn : Wenyuk.
Hokuyuk-emauri, z k } a } + z ) ), z = i +=r. n. Rubus Kinashii, Lev’l, et Vnt. A kind of raspberry. Syn : Kamui-emauri. Kunne-emauri.
Hokuyuk-para-kina, Lysichiton camischafense, Schott. The Ainu name means “bear broad leaf herb.”
Hom, z???a, z? 2 ?, = 7. n. A knot in wood.
Hom, zis.,, *f, z s' . n. A flaw in cotton or weaving threads. A knot in a piece of wood. A joint of the
body. A variation of kom.
Homa, z?sor, ? Z +. n. The hard spawn of herrings.
Homaka, ***j, Hij v yv. v.i. To clear away (as weather). -
Homaka, skrz ?y, ? a. post. Back. Behind. Aft. Backward. After. A little way off. As :~ Homaka chanchan, “to step back.” Syn : Makta.
Homakachiwe, zkr.: ?73FF} = , E? v ? yl. v.i. To be washed back by the current of a river.
Homakaita, zks h4 &, # 27. adv. Distant. Yonder. There. As :~ Homakaita no ande, “put it yonder.”
Homaka-no, 7Ks # V, 4#. adv. After. Behind.
Homakashi, skrz ?y $2, $. post. Back. Behind.
Homakochiwe, skor = #ff = , E# = # A. v.i. To move backwards.
Homakorobe, sk”: p. x, ## / 44. n. Name of a kind of sea-bird.
Homakushta, zzT % S-4x, .. adv. Abaft. Behind.
Homan-no, **? > A , % *) = , ### F ≫ 7. adv. Dimly. Indistinctly.
Homara, ホマラ, 混迷スル。眩スル。 v.i. To be dizzy. To see dimly.
Homara, ほまら, 温和ナル。 adj. Gentle. As :~ Keutum homara guru, “a gentle person.”
Homara-no-po, ほまら・の・ぽ, 微ニ、不分明ニ。 adv. Indistinctly.
Homare, ほまれ, 眩暈セシムル、錯亂セシムル。 v.t. To make dizzy. To confuse.
Homaretara, ; =, f? = , ; =. adv. zkr.: Lo & 5, Dimly. Slightly. A
Homaritara, little. Gently. ホマリタラ。
Homatu, or or y, £27. v.i. To be startled. To be taken aback. To shy (as a horse).
Homatu-matu, ほまつ・まつ, # 27. v.i. To be frightened.
Homature, zisa y Le, f; x, x. v.t. To startle. To amaze. To astonish.
Homeru, zik x J.L., #2... v.i. To be hurt. To be distorted.
Homerure, zik x JL. Le, # x n-. v.t. To distort. To wound.
Homhi, ホムヒ。木ノ枝、節(木ノ癌) n. Branch of a tree. A splinter.
Homo, zkyAE, £j ^ y yv. adj. Knotted. Having knots.
Hommoku, z koy-E ?, # v A 4 ||1. n. A rocky mountain.
Homne ホムネ、コヘレタ、切々ニナツ 3. adj. Splintered. Broken up. Boulders.
Hompush, zik: e7 e, ## H. n. A knot. e.g. Hompush pita, to unravel a knot.”
Hon-einonno-itak, zs*4f A >≫ A.f 4z 2, ###4: Pi- F + 2 s. n. A ceremony performed on or about the time of conception. Hon-ekot, zk>:r. = y, pE>*?E x . v.i. To die of child-birth. Syn : Hon even wa rai.
Hon-ekunne-chep, ほん・えくんね・ちぇっぷ, 2x+%. 2 ###. n. Gobies (including several species).
Honene, sk:##, #ff# v =s#E?. adv. The middle of the afternoon. Syn : Chup ram.
Honeugoro, sk:#5 or D, TR §. n. The lower part of the abdomen.
Hon-ewen-wa-rai,zk:2:Ey + 2 754, v.i. See hon-ekot.
Hongesh, zh-, * >, || H. n. The middle.
Honi, sk=', #$. n. The belly. The abdomen. The stomach. As :~ Honi araka, “the stomach-ache.”
Honi-araka, zik = Jo 5. ?y, Cholic.
Honi-nini, sk: = E, so z. ol. v.i. To crawl upon the stomach. Syn : 腹痛,,72.
Honoyanoya wa arapa.
Honoinep, ホノイネプ ° S, r: 8. n. Dandeli
Honoi-noyep, on Taraxacum platyzk./ -f / f = 7 carpum. Dahst. Syn : Honoye-noyep, Epitche-nonno. ホノイェノイェプ
Honi-un, zk = 17 e, i? v adj. Abdominal.
Honi-nu, ##z jo. v.i. To have *RE >>, conceived a child. Syn : Honun, Shinnaikat-iye-unu. ホ5Xン。
Honi-un-no, zikio 2 /, ### = . adv. Abdominally.
Honkoro, zk2 = pq, ###? x ≫L. v.i. To conceive. To be pregnant. Syn : Yaiapase.
Honne-no, zk>* /, £*. adj. Long. Syn : Ohonno. Ohoro.
Honnere, zk.”:k L, 3; 7 # x. v.t. To acquit. To absolve. Syn : Tushi honnere.
Honnere-i, zR≫* L?4 , E%. n. Acquittal.
Honoinoye, zE A’4 A’:r., $ a. 9 %, E v Jur. v.i. To twist about. To crawl. Wind about. To go crookedly.
Honoise, zRZ f +z, ##:>L>, B#= >t>. v.i. To growl as a dog. To snarl. To hum (as in a song).
Honoye, sk/ 4 =, H-#n-, fij z vv. v.i. To lean on one side. To lean over. To be twisted out of place. Syn : Heneuba.
Honoyere, zfs V Af e Le, H-#7 te vl. v.t. To tip over. To make lean.
Hontom, #3. part. Half. By. In. ホントム。 On. As :~ Pa hontom e Hontomo, tu pa, “ a year and a ホントモ, half.” Hontom e rep, “two and a half.” “one and a half.” Hontomoge, zis: e K. HE AF, HH = ,
Hofsj =. adv. Whilst. In the midst of. While
Hontom e tup, doing something.
Hontomo-paro-chep, ほんとも・ぱろ・ちぇっぷ, v = , e so = . n. Anchovy. Engraulis japonicus. Tem. & Schg.
Honu, skjo, ## e = {k z. v.i. To lie down flat on the stomach and drag one's self along by the hands. Syn : Reye.
Honyaku, zik>≫* 47, 4>j*, uifE>, yl~. n. & v.t. An abortion. A miscarriage. To abort.
Honyakure, zik: o-; }' Le, ?ifE 9 + Jl. v.t. To produce abortion.
Hoot, ;k7°y, § A. adj. Deep. Syn : Ohoro.
Hoparata, ska $5 A&, #?# 7 x ≫L. v.t. To insult in an indecent manner. Hoparata is a kind of insult resorted to particularly by women, and consists in throwing up the hinder part of their garments and whipping the postoriors at a person. This performance is generally acted in secret.
Hopash, zkr? ?e, MF v JL. v.t. To fall.
Hopashi, ## = y. adv. From the zko*2^, sea-shore.
Hobashi, ホバシ。
Hopashte, ?#:/wSz5F, #] L~ vt?. v.i. To fell.
Hopayapaya, # => 2. v.i. To strugホパヤパヤ。 gle. To stretch
Hopayepaye, out the arms and ;Roos = z*-s =, legs as a kicking baby or an animal in its death struggles.
Hopechina, zikos-3-, 43 x (?3%), (H ?KA. 2 # =). v.i. (sing). To sit upon the heels.
Hopechina-rok, zik ~& HF:}- D. ?, ek x (£j££). v.i. (pl.) To sit upon the heels.
Hopena, *~S*, E z. yv. v.i. To burst.
Hopentari, *^>4?z 9, MK x. v.i. To knock over.

Hopeot, zko?: F, R J fE. n. The back corner of a hut. The place where the household god is kept.
Hopera, ##~# 2. adv. To go ホペラ。 to the sea-shore. From Hoperai, the interior.
Hopirasa ホピラサ。開キシ(ソリ返ル逸 ニ). adj. & v.i. Opened out backwards.
Hopisho, zik E e a, ## = V. adv. From the sea.
Hopita, ホピタ。放ス。ュルメル、ヘデケ yi. To let loose. To burst out suddenly.
Hopita, ホピタ。
Hopiuba, ホピウバ。
Hopiwe, ホビウェ。
Hopiuba, ホピウバ、精属闘スル、努力スル (##). v.i. To do with a will. To do with might. To pull by placing the foot against an object. (pl.) Syn : Hopiwe.
Hopiwe, ホピウェ。ホプイベノ(軍数). v.t. Same as Hopitiba (sing.)
Hopiye, zfs b#4f se, .H 2≫ 55 ≫t≫. v.i. run fast.
Hopokma, zE*47 *, E = yi, 7* 7 xiz. v.i. To be set on its edge (as a basket or box). To be tipped on one side.
Hopoknare, zirz?2, 3- Le, #x = x: 3 + jl. v.t. To tilt on one side. To set on its edge (as a basket or box).
Hopoknashi, zik:R? d- ?e, TF. adv. Underneath. Below. Under.
Hopoknashi-kotoro, zikzk ) d- en H. D?, TF 5 y Ff. n. The under surface of anything.
Hoporap, zk:R57, # n. Same as heporap, “a butterfly.”
Hopoye-rera, zkrst4f = Le5, HEBA. n. A whirl-wind. Syn : Shipoyepoye rera. Wen rera. Rerashiu. To run 早ク走ル り.f. fast. ?o
Hoppa, zkva?, A?z. v.t. To leave behind.
Hoppaitak, ホツバイタク。最後ノ言葉。 n. Last word.
Hopse, sk?tz, yo. 2. v.t. To sip up.
Hopsehopse, zk7tzsk?tz, J. Z. v.t. To sip up.
Hopse-hopse-kara, zh:7+zzR7+275, lyk 7. v.t. Tosip up.
Hopse-kara, sh;7tz775, 9% z. v.t. To Sip up.
Hopumba, zk7’Aars, # 7", E z ≫L (H. £). v.i. To fly. To get up. To arise. (sing. of hopuni).
Hopumbare, ホプンバレ。上ゲル、臓ゲ 21. v.t. To cause to rise. To Send up.
Hopuni, ホプニ。飛ブ、上ガル(複数). v.t. To fly. To get up. To arise. To set out on a journey. (pl. hopumba).
Hopunirip, ホプニリップ。上ラセルモ 2. n. Something which has been made to rise up.
Hopunki, ホプンキ、左様、然リ。ヘイ ado Yes. Opunki, So. オプンキ。
Hopurap, zh:757, §. n. A butterfly.
Hora, zk5, ##- yle, fj v vl. v.i. To fall.
Hora, ホラ。ほら! 感嘆詞 (賞讃、驚嘆). excl. An excl., of surprise and praise.
Horarian, zk5 J 7:e, #EEE x /L. v.i. To be at home. To have arrived home.
Horak, zk5 O, # v Ji, #f v zv. v.i. To break. To snap off as dead wood. To tumble down as a house.
Horakhike, zk5 ) E jr, ##- x e y. n. Something fallen.
Horak-hum, ホラクフム。折レル音 n. The sound of breaking wood.
Horakte, sk=7 or 7, MF x. v.t. To push over. To knock down.
Horaochiwe, z#55zf5%;7 +, MF yv, TR y?≫,
# y Jv. v.i. To fall down. To come down. To drop off. To descend. Syn : Raotereke.
Horap, ホラプ, ベニベナ、ヤマシヤクヤク - n. Poeonia obovata, Maxim. By some called Orap. The root of this plant is dug up, dried and preserved for medicinal purposes. It has a bitter taste. In cases of stomachache some Ainu take a piece of the root, and swallow it with water. It is said to have an immediate effect. The root chewed to a paste is sometimes applied to aching joints of the body. For ordinary slight ailments, a decoction of this root is commonly recommended. In Mukawa and elsewhere, the seeds of this paeony are recommended as a remedy for sore eyes; when used for this purpose, the seeds are chewed up and put in a piece of clean white cloth; the juice is then squeezed out into the eyes. In Usu, when a person suffers from a pain in his ears, the smoke from a mixture of tobacco and powdered seeds is blown into them.
Horararase, ほらららせ, v.i. To sink into 沈む.
Horari, ほらり, アル、オル。 v.i. To be 存在する. To exist. Syn : An. Rari.
Horashi, ほらし, 下. adv. Beneath 下に. Under. Underneath.
Horatutu, ほらつつ, 辷ル(すべる) v.i. To slide 滑る、ズレる. Syn : Oninkot. Harotke. Charase.
Horatutu-ushi, ほらつつ・うし, 辷ル所。 n. A slide スベリ. Syn : Oninkot an-i. ★バカ検証 【ushi, an-i (富田では anhi)は、「場所 (= place)」 らしいが、英訳 n. slide. には「所」の意は無い。英語が間違っている。】
Horawashi, ほらわし, 下、例セバ、ホラワシ・アミプ、下衣。 adv. Under 下に. Beneath 直下に. As :~ Horawashi amip, “an under garment 下着.”
| Hore, ホレ, 来イ来イ。 excl. Come ! come !
| Hore-hore, ホレホレ,
Horibashi, ほりばし, ## x 7 - adv. From the seashore.
Horika, ほりか, TF 2 H =. adv. Down wards.
Horikashi, ほりかし, T v# = adv. Downwards.
Horiki, ほりき, J.H., E / H = . adv. Up wards. . .
Horikiraye, ほりきらいぇ, 2* 7 * ‘r yv (##). v.t. To tuck up the clothes. To pull up the garments (as for work).
Horikirayepa, ほりきらいぇぱ, (* y a> A = A ##&). (Pl. of Horikiraye.)
Horikitai, ほりきたい, E. adv. Over. The space above.
Horiko, ほりこ, E. adv. Over. Overhead. -
Horiko, ほりこ, TF ~. adv. Downwards.
| Horipi, ホリピ, 飛ブ、踊ル。 v.i. To jump 跳ぶ・ジャンプする. To dance 踊る.
| Horippa, ホリッパ, ★バカ検証 【飛ぶ、と、跳ぶ、の区別を知らない。】【horippa って、英語の hop/ hopper と親戚かも】
Horippa-shinot,ほりっぱ・しのっと, 踊ノ名 n. The name of a dance.
Horo, ほろ, \ ~f, § *. adj. Deep.
Horo, ホロ, ほう! 感嘆詞(激励又ハ驚嘆). excl. of encouragement or surprise.
Horohorose, ほろほろせ, 襲撃スル。 v.t. To set upon as a dog.
Horohorose-kara, ほろほろせ・から, # Eg++: yv. v.t. To set a dog upon.
Horok, ほろっく, 座スル所。 n. A sitting place.
Horoka, ほろか, f} ~ [?] 27 . adv. Turned backwards. Backwards. Back.
Horoka-aiush-ni, ほろか・あいうし・に, オニコオロギ。 n. Acanthopanax divaricatum, Seem. Syn : Eninge-ni.
Horoka-apkash, ほろか・あぷかし, f#~ 3# 2, , ### x 212. v.i. To walk backwards.
Horoka-chiu, ほろか・ちう, 渦。 n. An eddy. A back-water.

Horokaika, 7k p h4 sh, Ri# = . . adv. Straightway. As :~ Horokaika hoshipi, “ to return straightway.”
Horokaika tereke ahun, “to rush in.” Syn : Nuni.
Horoka-ingara, zik II ?4f 27f5, ??n. v.i. To look back.
Horoka-inonkare, zkp zh 4 / 2 # Lo, # y 5, y + # 7 #x. v.t. To look back for something.
Horokamoi, zik II ?, RE 4f, #. n. eddy.
Horokareyep, zik II h L4 a. 7, 9 vs ?” = . n. A crayfish.
Horokashi, zKp # Ee, TF =. adv. Downwards.
Horoka-shipi, zh n h > E, #~£2. v.i. To go backward.
Horoka shui, zkp h Eei. s, ty =. adv. Head foremost. ?
Horoka-shuwat, * p *5 $’a. 17 -%, 75 # 2 £j. n. A wooden hook.
Horokasuwat, zik P. 392. 7 V, s??_E. n. Same as above.
Horoka-tom, zik II # # A, ER, RU?. n. A reflection.
Horoka-tuyo-tuyo, # 9 Boyl. v.i. To face about. turn round. Syn : Hosari.
Horokeu, ほろけう, 狼。 n. A wolf. Canis lupus L.
Horokeu-kene-ni, ほろけう・けね・に, ミヤマハンノキ。 n. Alnus Maximowiczii, Call. Syn : Kamui kane-ni. In S. it is called Kureka-ni.
Horopse, ;R D 7+2, Uk 7, # 2 . v.t. To sip up. To drink.
Horopse-kara, zkra 7'tz h5, ?k 7, ? 2, ... v.t. To sip up.
Hororose-kara, zkra Datz h5, ##-#+: Di-(?e v till ? ). v.i. To set at as a dog. To cause to attack.
Horose, :#; pa tz, jisty v 3 pl. adj. Stale. Stinking. Addled. Rotten. Syn : Munin. An ホロカツヨツヨ。 ?o
Horutu, ホルツ。辻ニル(地辻二リノ如ク). v.i. To slip as land. Syn : Meshke.
Hosamun, zs*)F.A>≫, E[a] ?. v.i. To turn the head.
Hosare, zk9. Lo, Eyl... v.t. round.
Hosari, **+ 9, jai z *au. n. Provid. ence. As :~ Kamui hosari an guste ene ani ne, “it is so by the providence of God.”
Hosari, ホサリ。後ヲ振向ク。例セバ、ホ サリ ワインガラ、後ヲ振向イテ見ル. v.i. To turn the head. To turn about. As :~ Hosari wa ingara, “to look back,” “to look round.”
Hosarire, ホサリレ。他人ノ頭ヲ振向カ + 7L. v.t. To turn the head of another. To cause to turn round.
Hose, ホセ。下ル。例セバ、エフルホセ。 Als III 7 TF yl.. v.i. To descend. As:Ehuru hose, “to descend a hill.” Syn : Ran. San. Pesh.
Hose, ホセ。慶ヲ揚ゲテ答フ. v.t. answer by calling to.
Hose, zis??, sf x. v.t. To fell as trees. As :~ Chikuni hose, “to cut down trees.”
Hosh, sk?e, ##. n. Leggings.
Hoshi, ziki>, To turn ?o
Hosh-at, ski>7”y, # 2 #. n. Legging strings.
Hosh-hosh, sk$ezk$e, # 7 # > += v. v.t. To set a dog at any one.
Hoshike, 以前、例セバ、ホシキヌマン。 ホシケ。 ?#E H. adv. Last. For
Hoshiki, mer. Previous. Before. ホシキ。 Antecedent. As :~ Hoshi ki numan, “the day before yesterday.”
Hoshiki sak ne, “the year before last.”
Hoshiki, *S~:+, {3} y. Syn : Oshke.
Hoshiki-an, sk?e:#772, ?I# v. f}|+ ベ、ホシキアンヌマン、一昨日. ado. The previous one. As :~ Hoshiki an v.i. To wait.
numan, “the day before yesterday.”
Hoshiki an sakne pa, “the year before last.”
Hoshiki-hoshiki, *S~**$≫*, xr 7v 7. ph. Wait, wait.
Hoshiki-no, *S~* A’, Previously.
Hoshiki-teine, * $~a:5-4 *, ?s 4 %r Cl#j = . adv. # # .. n. Veratrum grandiflorum, Loes. fil. Hellebore. Shikup-kina. Shikup-shikup.
Hoshipi, sk$e E, Eyv (##). v.i. To return. (sing.)
Hoshipip, ホシピプ、露ル者又ヘ人。n. Things or persons which return.
Hoshipip-ap, ziki> E77*7, E# y v#. n. Something which has returned.
Hoshipire, zRSz t- L”, B# x. v.t. To send back.
Hoshippa, zk?e≫ v?, #pt- (##), v.i. To return. (pl).
Hoshippare, zk$/≫z? Lo, E x, 5 x. v.t. To send back. To return. (pl.)
Hoshipshipi, zk5-7 $-E, JE}}l-. O|+ ベ、ホシプシピワインガラ。後ヲ見ル。 v.i. To turn round. As :~ Hoshipshipi wa ingara, “to look back.” Syn : Okshut no.
Hoshiptektek, zk$275*4757 37, Ffi 27* yi . v.i. To return quickly.
Hoshki-ramu, zk$2 +5 A,, = NR. E# / #}... n. The oldest of two elder brothers.
Hosura, ziksz 5, ####7 & 2. v.i. To act in an indecent manner. To insult an other by exposing one’s self.
Hot, z?oy, =.-i-. adj. Twenty.
Hotne, ify:#, A score.
Hota-hota, ホタホタ。帳韓スル、ノタウ 3- v 7 zv. v.i. To wallow. Syn : Yaikirukiru. Shishiripa.
Hotakba, zk4: } v?, # v. v.t. To kick the feet out. To struggle. Syn : Hopayepaye.
Hotakutaku, 2R3, 7 & 2, # + # 7. v.i. To lie down and scratch up the earth (as fowls).
Hotanu, 訪問スル、見舞フ.v.t.To 木夕又, visit a sick person
Hotanukara, To call upon a perホタヌカラ, son in trouble. This verb is usually immediately followed by gusu and the verb arapa, “to go.” As :~ Nei tashum guru ku hotanukara gusu ku arapa kusu ne, “ I will go and visit the sick person.” Chihotanukara iyekarakara tva ikoreyan, “please pay us a visit.”
Hotari, zik & 9, §912, § 2; 7t. v.i. To tumble down. To burst as a volcano. Syn : Opush.
Hotari-ni, ホタリニ。家ノ垂木ノ下端ニ #77K(#3- 9). n. The long poles to which the lower ends of the end rafters of a hut are tied. Syn : Hetari-ni. See also Aman-ni.
Hotempayaya, R7A, 8**, + =. n. A crab. Syn : Ambayaya.
Hotem temu, zki F.A.T.A., ?i =. n. A crab.
Hotemu, zk5FA, # = ## 2, . v.i. To move along sidewise.
Hotke, ホツケ、伏ス、震ニ就ク. v.i. To lie
Hokke, down. To go to bed. ホッケ,
Hotke-wa-an, zky 5-77° 2, # 7 + n. adv. Abed. In bed.
Hotkere, :k*y4-u≫, £++: yv. v.t. To lay down. To put to bed.
Hotoki, zik F #, H?#L. n. The pupil of the eyes.
Hotokimaimai, zik F #74 er 4f, y a s ノウグイスカグラ。ヨノミ・n Lonicera c? rulea. L. Syn : Enumi-tamne.
Hotku, zky }, # 7 J?; x yv. v.i. To stoop down.
Hotku-hotku, zRoy ?zky ), ?l x ≫v. v.i. To stoop down.
Hotopo, ; R F off, E to so. 21... adv, Back
again. Syn : Hetopo.
Hottoro, ホットロ, n. The forehead 額、おでこ. Syn : Heputuru.
Hottoro-gesh, ホットロ・ゲシ, n. The lower part of the forehead.
| Hotui, ホツイ, v.t. To call.
| Hotuye, ホツイェ
Hottoro-pa, ホットロ・パ, n. The upper part of the forehead.
Hotuse, zikytz, B} >. v.t. To draw. Syn : Nimba.
Hotuyatki, zky-yo ≫ +, * 2° E (# / 44). n, A roach. Same as shupun-chep.
Hotuyekara, :K'y4f = #|5, P? 7. v.t. To call. To call to. As :~ Nei guru hotuyekara yan, “call him.” Nei guru hotuyekar'an, “call him.”
Hotuyepakara, z?:/4 = v??95, gif z”. v.t. To call. (pl.)
Hoyao, zk-Pzr, Jj 2 # = 9 . adv. From the interior.
Hoyashi, FRo Sa, a, ro. n. The seaside. A river side. The brink of the sea or a river.
Hoyashi-ikaobas, zik to $e4f h z wsz, #3E x 21. A 7 # 7. v.t. To go to save one from drowning.
Hoye, zk4 =, # sv * #73- x. v.t. To do evil deeds. To act sinfully.
Hoyecheppo, ホイェチェッポ, 魚ノ名。 n. A kind of fish. Elacis nikkonis, Jor & Sny.
Hoyuppa, ;k>i. ≫? §, %e yt-(a£). v.i To run. (pl.)
Hoyuptektek, ika-75 3 F2, ? ≫ R |E:#yv. v.t. To fly away quickly.
Hoyupu, ホユプ, v.i. To run. (sing.) 走る(単数)
Hu, 7, #### 2 ?#. excl. An exclama tion of disgust or abhorence. Syn : | Fu, Pu.
Huchi-kema, 7*4r*,%&zN(-? * *r ≫). n. A fire-brand.
| Huchi, フチ,
| Huji, フヂ,
祖母。n. Grandmother. An old woman. Female ancestors. Fire. Kamui httchi, “the goddess of fire.”
Hue, ふえ, 口笛ヲ吹ク。 v.t. Whistle. ★バカ検証 【これって、名詞の「笛」そのものじゃないの。日本語じゃないの。】
Hui, ふい, 其ノ通リ。 adv. So. Thus. As, Hui ye tura paiki. “So saying he got up.
| Hui, ふい, 獣ノ腹中ノ脂肪 n. The inside fat of animals of the larger kinds. By some “the liver 肝臓.”
| Huibe, ふいべ,
Huimampa, フイマムパ, 能ク調ベル、注意シテ見ル。 v.t. To scrutinize. To look at carefully.
Hui-ni, ふい・に, Sometimes heard for Hup-ni 時々「ふっぷ・に」と聞こえる。. ★バカ検証 【英日共に説明不足、Hup-ni は、トドマツ。再定義すべきだ。】
Hum, ふむ, 碎片(さいへん、くだける), 塊(かい、かたまり)。 n. A piece of anything.
Hum, ふむ, 音。 n. A sound. Syn : Humi.
Humba, フムバ, 磨リ耗ラス。細カニ切ル。 v.t. To grate. To cut into very fine pieces. To cut up. Syn : Nokan no tuyeba.
Humba-humba, ふむば・ふむば, 細カニ切ル。 v.t. To cut up in fine pieces.
Humbe, ふむべ, クヂラ。 n. A whale.
Humbe-e, ふむべ・え, 鯨ノ白肉。 n. Blubber.
Humbe-etoro, ふむべ・えとろ, クラゲ。 n. Jelly-fish. Medusa. Syn : Toponra. Tonru-chep. Etoropo.
Humbe-ki, ふむべ・き, 鯨ノ白肉。 n. Whale blubber.
Humbe-reki, ふむべ・れき, 鯨鬚(くじらひげ)。 n. Whale-bone (whalebone) クジラのひげ、くじらひげ製品.【 bone = n. 骨、骨状の物、クジラのひげ、象牙】
Humbe-rika, ふむべ・りか, 鯨の白肉。 n. Blubber.
Humhum-okkai-kamui, ふむふむ・おっかい・かむい, カイカムイ。シマフクロフ。 n. Blakiston's eagle owl シマフクロウ.
Humbe-rit, ふむべ・りっと, 鯨ノ腱。 n. Whale's sinews.
Humge, ふむげ, 揺ル(ゆする)。 v.t. To dangle
or swing about. Syn : Koshuyeshuye.
Humhum-kamui, 7A, 7A,7B.A. f , o, 2 ?ja. n. The eagle owl.
Hum humse, 7 A7 Atz, ZE x yu (# + F 2). v.i. To make a whirling sound as birds in flight.
Humi, 7 S., #FF, #, ##. n. Appearance. Sound. State. Form. Mood. State of being. By way of. As :~ Wen humi an, “it appears to be bad." Poro humi an, “there is a great sound.” Vainu humiwen, “ to feel out of sorts. Nukara humiwen, “ugly.” Ingar'an humi ne ya, wendarap an humi hene ya, aeramushkare, “whether by way of a dream, or by sight, I know not.”Chikuikui ap koro humi airu an, “I feel like being gnawed.”
Humi, フミ。何ント(感嘆) 例セバ、ネッ ボロフミ、何ント大キナモノダラウ。 inters. How ! Dear me, how ! As :~ Nep poro humi, “how great.” Nep wen humi, “ how bad.” Shiri seisek humi, “ dear me, how very hot it is!”
Humi, 73, H. n. A piece of any. thing.
Humihi, 75 t, z,< 2 {E. n. A tree branch.
Humirui, 7 S JLA , + y + = F y, z y * A 7 ty. n. The hazel-hen.
Humkan, 7 A? 2, #, # x: xv. n. & v.i. A sound. To make a noise. Syn : Humiash.
Humhumse-kamui, 7 A7. Atzi?i A.4 , }(z ≫ a z). n. An owl.
Humkosanu, 7AEi +5x, # ≫ Yr 7. xv, jf? $^ * z yv. v.i. To resound. To make a noise.
Humkuru, 7 A2 JL, : z, yv. v.i. make a noise.
Hummo フムモ。癌ダラケノ、凸凹ノ. adj. Knotty.
| Humnanda, Hij = . adv. At one place. 7A7-23, By the side of. Togeth
| Humnanta, er. As :~ Humnanda ibe, 7.6.3° 24, “to eat together.” ?o
Hummanda-ande, 74,*>*7* ?*, |H|57 = # 2. v.t. To put in one place. To put together.
Humnan-un, 7.5.3-> 72, sil Bf = . adv. In one place. Together.
Humne, 7A.ak, # & . adv. times. At intervals.
Hum-niukeshte, 7A, = 74%r 25", e ys x. v.i. To be unable. Syn : Eaikap.
Hum-o-chikap, 7.A,zf5F#j 7, 5#. n. An owl.
Humotanne, 7 HE2; 2:k, ##. n. A long rumbling Sound. Some
Humpeka, フムべカ。多分、恐ラクヘ. adv. Perhaps.
Humrarire, 7 A5 ) Lo, IE. ~ PL. v.i. To settle upon. To come upon.
Humrikikatta, 7A. J 2-2, y ez, # so 3 EJL. v.i. To ascend with a Sound.
Humse, 7 Atz, # > # z ≫v. v.i. To gruff. To grunt. To growl. To sound. To make a noise.
Humse-chikap, 7.s?tz%F*j7°, =H.f$E% (=r + +). n. Night-heron. Nyctickrix nycticarap, Linn.
Humse-humse, 7.A. tz7.A+z, ## vi>. 例セバ、キサラフムセフムセ、耳ガ鳴ル。 v.i. To sound. To make a noise. As :~ Kisara humsehumse, “to have a noise in the ears.”
Humuturu, 7 A'y Jie, ii. n. The ends of such things as string and cotton.
Hunak, 73-27, or Kunak, 73- ?, fij 々スルト、例セバ、アラペタナクイェ。 1; ≫? £}: 2* F. 3;~ 9. pro, That. As :?Arapa hunak ye, “he says that he will go.”
Hunaketa, 79-5-5g, 4#Ejf. adv. There. That place. |
Hunakta, 7}- Zy Ag, stis5ff. adv. Where? As :~ Hunakta an ruwe he an ? “where is he 2"
Hunakta-um, 7+ + 5x 17 >, sss Eff ->. adv. Whither ?
Hunakta-wa, フナクタワ、何所ヨリ。
adv. Whence?
Hunana, 7 * *, a * n>. v.t. To search for. Syn : Hunara.
Hunak-un, 7}- y , A, stij5ff ?s. adv. Whither ? As :~ Hunak un arapa ? “where are you going?”
Hunak-wa, フナクワ、何所ヨリ。何所。 adv. Whence? Where? As :~ Hu. zmak wa e korobe an ? “where did you get it?”
Hunapak, フナパク。仕合セナル、幸蔵 +- ≫l≫. adv. Fortunately.
Hunara, フナラ。季ヌル、探ス(軍数). v.t. To seach for. To seek. (sing.)
Hunarapa, 73-5 v?, *# x xi-, # ≫L. v.t. To search for. (pl.)
Hunda, 7 24x, #. n. A written form. (Jap: Fude). As :~ Shiroshi hunda, “a passport.”
| Hunki, # X vs : A A r yi # #. n. 72 +, That part of the sea-shore
| Hunka, upon which grass and low 727, shrubs grow.
Hunko, 72-i, j5 f. adj. Old. Syn : Fushko.
Hunko フンコ。見ェナタナル、消ェル。 v.i. To disappear. Syn : Ko-isam.
Hunna, 7 Lej-, #. pro. Who. Hunna e korep an ? “who gave it to you ?” Syn : Nenta-an.
Hunna-koro, 7 ×?-=? ta, ?# 2 (##). pro. Whose. As :~ Hunna korope an P “whose is it?”
Hunsebe, フンセべ、フンセチカプト同 i'. n. Night heron. Same as hunse-chikap.
Hup, 77, E F < ≫. n. Abies sachalinensis, Fr. Schm. and A. Mayriana, Miyabe et Kudo. Syn : Rasu. Yayu, Yayup.
Hup, 77, ##%. n. A swelling. A boil. An abcess. As :~ Hup-hetuku, “to have boils.” Hup-karush, “the fungi which grows on fir trees.”
Hupkarakotan, 77 h 5 = & 2, E F E v ?. n. A place of fir trees. A. fir grove. - :
Hup-karush, 7 ≫7/j/V≫%, % £ x ^ 3r r n. Polyporus Schweinitzii, Fr. fire-tree polyporus.
Hup-mun, フプムン。ツベメオモト n. Clintonia udensis, Trautv. et Mey. Syn : Hup-pokush-mun, Etororatki. Nimaki-kutu.
Hup-ni, 77 =, b, Fo-z ≫. n. Saghalien fir. Abies sachalinensis, Fr. Schm.
Hup-oma, 77zr-r, Hij%7 Jl. v.i. To have boils.
Huppokush-mun, 7 y??? A 2, 9 2s x + ie F. n. Clintonia udensis, Trazztv. et Mey.
Hupsei, 77+z-s, or Hupiusei, 7 to ウセイ、ジンカサガヒ n Limpets. Patella.
Hupte, 777, #& 2 #(#H#). n. Pine needles. -
Hura, 75, or Huraha, 75 av, af-Eg. 例セバ、チマウフラ、熱果ノ香 =ワフ *, ###. n. A smell. As :~ Chimau hura, “the smell of ripe brier fruit.” Niwa hura, “ a nice ripe smell.” Nitoro hura, “ the smell of over-ripe brier fruit.” Nitokot hura, “a smell of something decomposing.”
Hura-at, 7579, 悪臭ヲ獲スル。ひ.i. To stink.
Hurak-kina, 75 or #3-, + y >> x * Fr. n. Coelopleurum Gmelini, Ledeb. Syn : Shiu-kina. In S. it is called Chikap shiu-kina.
Hura-nu, 755L, A 2“. v.t. To smell.
| Hurakrakkara, 75 2 5 ≫ zh 5, 1st ?”.
| Hurarakka, 755 y?y, ν. ?. To smell.
Hurarui, フラルイ、悪キ匂ヒノ・例セバ, フラルィアイヌ、強キ香ノアル人 adj. Having a strong smell. As :~ Hurarui Ainu, “a strong smelling man.”
Hurarui-chep, ふらるい・ちぇっぷ, 4 a. o. y ty +. n. Same as Nuiras. Smelt.
Osmertes dentex, Steind.
| Hurarui-kina, ++ to 5’ → = -2 = 2, # フラルイキナ、トビロ. n Wild Gar
| Hurarui-mun, lic. Allium Victori77 IV 4 A, >, alis, L. Sometimes stuffed in the pillows of the sick to drive out disease. Syn : Pukusa.
Hura-wen, 75 r} = 2, #JA. n. A bad smell. A stink.
Hura-wen-kina, 75 y + 2 ++, ×, 9 3) # # 7. n. Caryopteris divaricata, Maxim.
Huru, 7 ml., + sz * *+. n. S. Sasa kurilensis, Mak. et Shib. Also called Puru in S. Syn : Ikitara, Yayantop.
Huru, 7 JL, or Furu, 7 JL, ANIII, ji. n. A hill. An acclivity.
Huru-an, 7/L≫7’:≫, or Furu-an, 7 pV, 7>, £7r≫v. adj. Acclivious.
Hussa, フッサ、病ヲ吹キ掃フ(人ノ病ヲ # 2, # x = x 21 = F). v.i. To blow upon the sick as a charm to drive away disease.
Hussa-omande, 7 yoz?or 27, 7&#. x vv. v.t. & v.i. To sigh. To blow. To puff. To blow at. Syn : Hussa shiukosamba.
Hussei, 7 ytz of, -ok +. v.t. & n. To blow. A puff. The ceremony of blowing upon the sick. See the next word.
| Hussei-omande, フ ッセイ <- ? ンデ,
| Hussei-shiukosamba, フッセイシウコサムバ,
Hut, フッツ、驚嘆ノ詞. exclamation of surprise.
Hutkara, 7 y 775, #. n. A grove.
Hutne, 7-y:#, ##. adj. Narrow.
Huttara, 7 y & 5, /Jv4} + £k. n. Wood. land. A grove. By some hutkara.
Huttat, フッタツ。ヤマダケ、ネマガリダ *, + or 4 + +.. n. Bamboo grass. Sasamorphapurpurascens, Nakai, var. borealis, Nakai, Sometimes pronounced as though it were futtat. Huttat takusa, “a bunch of bamboo grass.”.
Huyehe, 74 =~, #, #3, ##. n. The Ek 3y. v.t. To blow at. Also v.t. To sigh. To puff. inters. An cheeks. The face. Countenance. Also pronounced fuyehe. Syn : Heye.
Huyuine, 7>lM:k, 2. 27. adj. Entire ly. Through and through.


I, イ, 此ノイ (I) ヲ動詞ノ前ニ置クトキハ 其ノ意義ヲ強クス。例セバ、ヌ、開ク、イヌ、注意シテ聞ク。 (i.) When the vowel I is prefixed to some verbs it has the power of intensifying their meaning. As :~ Nu, “ to hear,” inu, “ to listen.” Chimichimi, “to search after 探求する,” ichimichimi, “to search diligently after 熱心に、勤勉に、念入りに、こつこつと、探求する.”
I, イ, 時トシテ此ノイ (I)ハ自己代名詞ノ 第三人称単数ニ用ヰラル。例セバ、カムイイイツレンワダスネイノイタタルウェネ、神ヨリ託宣ヲ受ケテカクノ如キコトヲ云フ。 (ii.) Sometimes the particle I stands for the third person singular personal pronoun, objective case. As :~ Kamui i ituren wa gusu nei no itak ruwe ne, "he speaks so because he is inspired by God.” Ikurukashike, “upon him.” Nep i-pon aiai, “what a small child it is.” Seta inoshpa ruwe ne, “ the dog is chasing him." Akoro sapo ireshpa ruwe ne, “ my elder sister brought him up.”
I, イ, 私ニ (iii) pro. To me. As :~
ikore or ikonde, “give it to me.” Inukare or inukande, “show it to me.”
I, イ, 此ノイ (I)ヘ時トシテ人代名詞ノ第 一人稲複数物主格トナルナリ。例セバ, イペクスネ、彼ハ我々ヲ見付ケルナラン。 (iv.) Sometimes the vowel I stands for the first person plural objective case of the personal pronoun, “us.” Thus:--- Ipa kusu ne, “ he will find us.” Ikik an, “he struck us.”
I, イ。此ノイ(I)ヘ時トシテ人代名詞ノ第 一人稀軍数物主格トナルナリ。例セバ, 4 = 7°7, # = 54- a. (v.) Sometimes the vowel I stands for the first person singular objective case of the personal pronoun. As :~ Iyupte, “give it to me.” Iere, “feed me.” I-hoshike, “ before me." I-okaketa, “ after me.” Syn : En.
I, イ。此ノ字ヲ賞名詞ノ前ニ置クトキヘ 第三人稲軍数物主格トナルナリ、例セ ベ、イポネグル。彼ノ子供。(vi) Sometimes, when I is prefixed to nouns, it represents the third person singular possessive pronoun, “his” or “her.” As :~ I po ne guru, “his” or “her child. I kotan, “his village.”
I, 4, #1, 2 . (vii.) Sometimes I the possessive pronoun signifies “my.” Thus: ?I-not-poketa, “ under my chin.”
I, イ、此ノ字ヲ形容詞又ヘ動詞ニ附加ス ルトキヘ賞名詞ニ愛セシムルヲ得。例セ ベ、ピリカ。宜シイ、ピリカイ、善キコト, オケレ。仕上ル。オケレイ。仕上 (viii.) When suffixed to adjectives and verbs I has the power of changing them into nouns. Thus:-pirika, “good,” pirika-i, “goodness.” Okere, “ to finish,” okere-i, “the finish.” Akara, “to be done,” akari, “a thing done,” “ a thing to be done.” Ene akari ka isam, “nothing can be done.” (i.e. there is no help for it).
I, イ。此ノ字ヲ ne ニ附加フルトキヘ指示 代名詞トナルナリ・例セバ、ネイアムべ、| jt / #4. (ix.) When suffixed to ne the particle I makes with ne the demonstrative pronoun, “ that,” “ those.” Thus:~Nei ainu, “ that man.” Nei utara, “ those persons." Nei ambe, “that thing.”
I, イ。此ノ字ヲタ(ta)ナル語ニ附加シ イタ(ita) トスルトキヘ場所或ヘ時ヲ指 示ス。例セバ、ネイイタ。其ノ時、或ヘ其 Z off. (x.) When I is prefixed to the word ta, thus making it ita, “time" or “place" is expressed. Thus:~Nei ita, “ at that time or place.”
I イ。文章中ニ軍蜀ニ置カルルトキヘ時 或ヘ場所ヲ指示スルナリ。例セバ、ネイ イオロ。其所ヨリ、其時ヨリ (xi) When standing alone in a sentence, the vowel I often signifies “time" or “ place.” Thus:~Nei i oro, “from there"; “thence"; “from that time.”
I, イ, 時トシテイ(I)、ノ後ニワノ、ワ、又ハ, オロワ。(カラ、ヨリ、ノ意)又ハ、オツタ, オロン (ニ、 又ハ、ヘ, ノ意) 等ノ語ガ績クトキハ凡テ地名ノ後ニ用ヰラルルナリ。例セバ、サツポロイワノ、札幌ヨリ。 (xii) The particle I is often heard suffixed to the names of places when followed by the post-positions wano, wa, orowa, “from ” or otta, orun, orota, “to. "Thus:~ Satporo i wano, “from Satporo.” Pirator i otta, “to Piratori." When so used i appears as the equivalent of kotan, “town,” “place,” or “village.”
I, Af, stEg# =, = +, = + x . (xiii.) adv. Here. As :~ I-otta, “here " (literally “to me”)- I-hekota, “to this place" (lit. “towards me").
I, イ, テクサマタ(傍、ソベ) ト云フ副詞ニ 附加へルトキヘ此ノイ(I)ヘ時トシテ我 z, # 2, 2-zli, b + Pv. (xiv) When prefixed to the adverb teksamata, “by the side of,” i sometimes represents the pronoun en, “me.” As :~
Iteksamata, “by my side.”
I, い, (xv.) Used as a prefix i sometime means “next"; “after.” As :~ i-oyapa, “the year after next.” I-oyashimge, “the day following the day after tomorrow.”
I, い, こと。 (xvi.) Following verbs I has the force of a participle. As :~ Oman-i, “a going"; An-i, , a being ” (lit. “the going thing”; “the putting thing ” or perhaps one should say, “go fact”; “placed fact”).
I, イ, 此ノイ(I)ハカラフト、又ハ沙流地方ニ於テハ時トシテ n ノ代リニ用ヰラ ル。例セバ、ポン、ヲポイト云フガ如シ。 (xvii.) In speaking I will often be heard for n particularly in the Saru and Saghalien dialects. As :~ Poi for pon, “small,” “little.” Ai for an, “is.”
I, イ, イート云フ(悲鳴ノ)擬聲。An onomatopoeia for a squeal.
Iachi, イアチ, 塵マミレノ、不潔ナ汚レタ。 adj. Dirty. Muddy. Filthy.
Iankara, いあんから, 挨拶する。 v.t. To salute.
Ibe, イベ, 食物、果実。 n. Food 食べ物. Fruit 果物. Syn : Ibehe,
Ibe, イベ, 食スル。例セバ、イベアエラム シンネ、食フテシマフ。 v.t. To eat. As :~ Ibe aeramushinne, “ to have been satisfied with food.”
Ibe-ambe, いべ・あむべ, 食物。 n. Food. Syn : Aep.
Ibe-ap イベ・アっプ, 呑マズニ食物ヲ興へル。 adj. & v.i. To be kind in giving away food.
Ibe-bashui, イベ・バシュイ, 箸。 n. Chopsticks.
Ibe-erok, イベ・エロっク, 食スル為メニ座ス(複数)。 v.i. To sit down to eat.
Ibehe, イベへ, 食物、果實、言語ノ意味、原素、力、刀剣ノ刃。 n. Food. Fruit. Bulbs. The meaning of a word. Essence. A sword or knife-blade. Strength.
Ibe-hunara, イべ・フナラ, 吝嗇、シワイ。 v.i. To be stingy けちな、しみったれた、せこい.
Ibe-kaiki-ambe, いべ・かいき・あむべ, 食料。 n. Food.
Ibe-mondum, いべ・もんづむ, 食欲。 n. The appetite.
Ibe-ne-kamui, of ozo. 7).s.f, stol. n. Food. God-food. Food which is god. Divine food. Most excellent food.
Ibe-num, イベヌン、食層、タペノコリ。 n. Remnants of food.
Ibe-op, いべ・おっぷ, §§. n. Spears.
Ibep, so 7, st;.. n. Eating utensils.
Ibepa, Af ?&v §, £ x yv. v.t. (pl.) To eat.
Ibe-pise, -s “to, ## n. The bladder.
Ibeporore, 4 eksitra Le, st#3- Jl. adj. & v.i. Avaricious. Greedy. Covetous. Syn : Ibe-shikashure. Eporore, Eishikashpari
Ibe-ram-koro, As of, E. H., so b > 1 . v.i. To be hungry. .
Ibere, 4f og Lo, ?:-$ 9 + l. v.t. To feed.
Iberekut, 4f et Le 2 :y, Et?. n. The Cesophagus.
Ibe-rok, 4f ra 49, 7≪ft z. yu≫. v.t. To be given to much eating. To sit and eat.
Ibe-rui, 4 ^&rvaf, £ v f\ Ju-. adj. & v.i. Greedy. To be a great eater. To be greedy. .
Ibe-rusui, of ~plex4s, ft. b > 1 . v.i. To feel hungry.
Ibe-rusui-ramu-ankoro, 4 ~ Ilex 4f 5 A7:2:1 n, ## -s /u. ph. To feel hungry. -
Ibe-sak, イベサク, 乏シキ、無意味ナル, 漁獵に幸のなき。 adj. & v.i. To be poor. To be unlucky in the hunt or at fishing. Absurd. Meaningless.
Ibe-sakbe, いべ・さっくべ, 笑ふ可きこと、背理。 n. An absurdity.
Ibe-sak-no, いべ・さっく・の, 荒唐に。adv. Absurdly.
Ibe-sarakorobe, いべ・さらころべ, オナガザメ。 n. Thresher shark. Vulpecula vulpes (Gmelin). Syn : Tumop-un-same.

Ibeshikashure, いべしかしゅれ, 貪ル(むさぼる)。 v.t. To covet. To be greedy over.
Ibetam, いべたむ, 刀、劍。 n. A sword.
Ibeunara, 4 ?xr7:*5, #f# * )t?. t).i. To be stingy. Syn : Epyupke. Ibehumara. -
Ibe-ush, イベウシ。肥ェタル、大粒ノ・例 セバ、イペウシアマム、大粒ノ米. adj. Well-favoured. Full. Fat. As :~ Ibetish aman, “ full corn.”
Icha, イチャ, 摘ミ探ル、鯨ノ肉ヲ切ル。 To gather. To pick off. To cut up whale's flesh. Syn : Ipushtuye.
Ichaka, イチャカ。 不潔ナル。 無遠慮ナ Jl. adj. Dirty. Immodest. Same as chaka.
Ichakanchakse, 4 ***j >≫5-a. 47 tz, jik 4 j:IHj z # z, R : x Jl.:. n. The Sound made when walking on soft ground.
| Ichakashno, いちゃかしゅの, 教ヘル。 v.i. To teach. Syn : Ipakashnu.
| Ichakashnu, いちゃかしゅぬ,
Ichake, イチャケ、陰部、又ヘ不潔 n. The vagina. Same as Echake.
Ichakiri, 4 * * * 9, 753. adj. Filthy. Syn : Ichakkere, o -
Ichakka, 4f** y*j, 4E* =jE + .E. yu.... v.i. To start up suddenly.
Ichakkere, Af f w v ?r. Le, MF# 3- vv. adj. Dirty.
Ichakoro, イチャココ, 教へル、馴ラス。 v.t. To train. To teach.
Ichan, イチャン, 鱒鮭ノ卵ヲ産ミ付ケル水中ノ孔。 n. The hole salmon make in the beds of rivers in which to deposit their spawn. A spawning bed.
Ichanakte, イチャナクテ。懲シメル。罰 x yu≫, B3Ej x. yL. ' v.t. To . punish. Syn : Ipamakte.
Ichan-chup, いちゃん・ちゅぷ, 新月。 n. The new moon. -
Ichani, いちゃに, 銭。 n. Money. Same as ichen
Ichaniu-chep, いちゃにう・ちぇっぷ, 鱒(マス)。 n. Sea trout. Oncorhynchus masota, Brevoort.
Ichanui, いちゃぬい, 鱒(マス)。 n. Same as above. By some ichaniu-chep. ★バカ検証 【Ichankot の前にある。2つある。】
Ichankot, イチャンコツ, ヤマベ. n. Young sea trout.
Ichanui, いちゃぬい, 鱒(ます)。 n. A salmontrout.
Ichanui-cheppo, いちゃぬい・ちぇっぽ, 鱒ノ子。 A small salmon-trout.
Icha-piba, イチャ・ピバ, 貝ノ名(アイヌハ 此ノ貝ヲ以テ穀物ノ穂ナドヲ 切リ採ルニ用ユ)。 n. A kind of shell used for cutting off the ears of corn during harvest. Syn : Icha-sei.
Icharapa-an, イチャラパ・アン, 神酒ヲ獻(献)ズル儀式。 n. The ceremony of offering libations to the gods. The ceremony of house-warming. Syn : Achikka an. Irappa. Shinnurappa.
Icharapo, イチャラポ, シヤク、コジヤク。 n. The wild chervil. Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm. The fresh shoots of this plant are often used in stews as a vegetable. Many of the Ainu collect the young shoots, steep them in boiling water, and then salt for future use.
Ichari, いちゃり, 篩(フルヒ)。 n. A round wicker basket. A sieve.
Ichari-kina, いちゃり・きな, (いちゃらぽ、と同ジ)。 n. Same as Icharapo.
Icharoiki, イチャロイキ, 食セシム。食ヲ與ヘル。 v.t. To feed.
Icha-sei, イチャ・セイ, 穀物ヲ刈入レルニ 用ユル貝。 n. Shells used for cutting off the ears of corn in harvest. Syn : Icha-piba. -
Ichashkara, いちゃしゅから, 呪フ、トリツク。 v.t. To curse. To bewitch. Syn : Ishirishina.
Ichashkuma, いちゃしゅくま, 傳説(伝説)。 n. Preaching. Teaching. -
Ichawetenge, イチャウェテンゲ, 命ズル。
v.t. To command. Syn : Ipawetenge.
Ichen, いちぇん, 銭(ぜに) n, Money. Same as ichani.
Ichikara-kina, 4 +375++, +, +- # * Y) =a + . n. Bidens radiata, Thzzill.
Ichikimaimai, 4 ***4f *4, ?r > */ to 3 ×, a or / s. n. The crowberry. Empetrum nigrum, L. In S. it is called kurasntt.
Ichimichimi, of 5-S 5-s, # =# x. v.t. To search diligently after. To act inquisitively.
Ichipapiba, イチパビバ、穀物ノ穂ヲモ #Hayl H. n. A shell used for reaping.
Ichiu, イチウ。他人ニ渡ス、或ヘ興フル。 v.t. To give to another.
Ichotcha, 4 f- a y:f* , #j x, v.t. sting (as a wasp).
Ichuptasarep, -f 5F27 K + L-7, ZFA 樹ノ皮ノ煎汁 ニ テ産後ニ 服用ス n. The name of a decoction made from alder bark and taken after child-birth. To
Ie, いえ, 私ニ。 ph. To me.
Iehuye, 4f 5.752, ...... = {3} y. v.t. To await.
Iekantushma, As +3y 2:7 r.) ?err, # = W l. v.i. To hasten into a house.
Iekoyaiiraigeshi, -f :r =I * -f -f S s Ar* $2, ##2, ### 2, § 2. ph. They were grateful to me.
| Ien-peka, イエンペカ, 上ヘ。 adv. Over.
| Iyen-peka, イイェンペカ,
Ienupitara, 4f =t5R b-E4?z5, sg > x* yl≫, ## x 21. v.t. To slight. To reject.
Ieipokun, 4 :rf :f{2y 2, 3;, a y PTF / #, TR 2 + 2 , ph. He was less than I.
Iepokun, イエポクン。私ヨリ小サイ・ ph. Less than I.
Iepukun, イエプクン。私ニ劣ル。 Inferior to me.
Ierushke-ash, 4f 5EJL, $24-7” ?aa., #EH? = y. 9. v.t. To stand by one's pillow ph. while he is sleeping.
Ieshu, ?f ???? ?? ??? 老人(男, 古代詞) n. An archaic word for old men.
Ifureka-ni, 4s 7 Le?i =, -os > ≫ +. n. S. Alder. Alnus hirsuta Turcz. The bark of this tree is used in dyeing thread.
Ifurere, 4 7 Le Lo, ?I? 2 } x ≫L. v.t. To dye red.
Ihabo, いはぼ, 父。 n. Father. Syn : Michi. In some places this is “mother.”
Ihaita-keutum, 4f ~v4f 4z4rioy‘y.A, HE E≫. n. A bad heart or mind.
Ihanokka, 4 zv A’ y *b, T% 7°, jE x. v.t. To call. To wake up.
Ihenkotpa, イへンコツパ, 點頭スル(てんとうする)。愛スル、可愛ガル。 v.i. To nod to a person 人に会釈する. To endeavour to attract the attention of a small child by nodding うなずくことによって小さな子供の注意を引き付ける様に努力する. To love. To fondle 愛撫する. To comfort 快適性. ★バカ検証 【 點頭 とは、中国語であり、日本でも使われた。 頷く(うなづく)の意、のみであり。おそらく、愛する等の意味は無い (?)、可能性が強い。--- 誰か、検証して下さい。 cf. Uhenkotpa 叩首スル】
Ihetu, of ~ y, iii. 21. v.t To leak. '
Ihetu-tashum, A o Noy & Eoa. E, . n. Gonorrhoea.
Ihewe, イへウ、横風ニテ帆走スル・ v.t. To sail with a side wind. To tack as a ship.
Ihok, 4 zs47, j? j* x yl≫. v.t. or sell. In S. it is inoh.
Ihokbe, fzik 2 ok, ?ist. n. Merchandise. -
Ihokbe-Ikopirika, 4 zk? ~& = E: U ?7, To buy 事業デ富ム、商ヒデ儲ケル p.t.To prosper in business.
Ihokkorobe, 4 *≫ =i EI ~8, j% s. n. Same as above.
Ihoma, f : R*, oft. n. Compassions. Tender mercies. Syn : Ihum.
Ihoroshutke, 4f ;#:r, S~=.*y4r, #z’-tz Jl. v.t. To hurry. Syn : Iunashka.
Ihoserekere, 4 zkotz Lestr Le, Eg?#x VL. v.i. To be in trouble. Syn : Iyoyanumare. Yaikovvepekere.
I-hoshike, of ziki>r, #1, 2 Hij. adv. Before me.

Ihoshki, 4fz*$~a., fEEiJ x. yu.... v.i. To be drunk.
| Ihum, イフム。 同情, 憐欄。 n. Com
| Ihuma, "f 7 or, passion.
Ihumba, イフムバ。細カニ切リタル。 adj. Cut. To mince.
Ihumge, f 7.J., ';*, l# sz #. adj, Noisy.
Ihumki, of 74.=#, ##k, H-HP pH. v.t. & n. To sing in a droning manner. To croon. To hum. A cradle song. Ii, 4, 4, 5;#a. interj. Indeed. Oh. Syn : Ohaine.
Iimonak, イイモナク。此ノ上ニ。成程。 excl. Just so. As you say. Indeed. As :~ Iimonak, wen po aye ya, “ indeed, he is as you say a bad child.”
Iiyomomo, イイヨモモ。肩ヲヒソメル。 v.i. To frown. To knit the eyebrows.
Ik, イク。闘節、章節、脊骨。例セバ、ポネ 4 × 7°4, ?? B. n. A joint of the body. A division. A chapter. A verse. The backbone. As :~ Pone ik-pui, “the neural canal of the backbone.”
Ik, A %, Ej. adj. A hundred. Syn : Ashikne hotne.
Ika, 4 ?y, sta. n. A reason.
Ika イカ。溢レル・沸騰スル。ひ.i To run over. To overflow. To bubble up. To pass from one to another. To be full. arutoru-ika “cross over to the other side.”
Ika, イカ。 注意ノ語。例セバ, イカエチヘ チンナ。気ヲ付ケヨ淡てヘ墜落セン. excl. & adv. Be careful lest. Look out! Mind ! Lest. As :~ Ika' echi hachin na, “ be careful or you will fall.” Syn : Ikiya.
Ika, イカ。為スナカレ、例セバ、イカェチ ェチ。食フナカレ、イカェオマンナ、行 ?у ?j v. v.i. Do not. As :~ Ika echi e na, “ don't eat them.” Ika e oman na, “ do not go." Syn : Iteki,
Ika, 4 h, ?s § . n. A stride. A step.
Ika, f h, st?k n-. v.i. To take leaps and bounds.
Ikabiuki, Af # Er, +, jfjor vl. v.t. To help. To assist.
Ikaehotanu-guru, 4f *j=tzk%z5X47’/L., 者人、病者ヲ見舞フ人. z. A watchman. One who visits the sick.
Ikaetunnai, イカエツンナイ。疾走スル (E / H / ). v.i. To gallop very fast.
Ikaeyoko, f hy:Ea Ed, Hja x 9v. v.t. To nurse the sick. To watch over. To keep watch.
Ikaeyoko-guru, of ?yrta E. WIL, £3; N. n. A sick-nurse. Syn : Ikahuye guru. See also Chipoka ekahuye guru.
Ikahuye, 4 : 74 -, ##jx Jl. v.t. To nurse the sick.
Ikahuye-guru, of 7,74 =27 JLo, ## K. n. A sick nurse. Syn : Ikaeyokoguru.
Ika-ika, イカイカ。沸ク(湯ノ如ク) v.i. To bubble up (as boiling water).
Ika-koro, Af h = pa, #if - vi-, # 2”. v.t. To step over. To gallop (as a horse). Syn : Kama-kush.
Ikamesu, 4 × 3 ×, # 7. v.t. To save.
| Ikanepeka, 為スベカラズ。例セバ, イカネペカ, イカネペカェキナ、其
| Iki-neipa, レヲシテヘナラヌ。イ イキネイパ, カネベカェオマンナ,
| Ikineipeka, 汰ヘ行クベカラズ, 4 +:k of oxy, v.i. Must not. As : ?Ikanepeka e ki na, “you must not do so.” Ikanepeka e oman na, “you must not go.”
Ikanepeka-shomo, 4 h:k*;h :/a:E, セネベナラヌ。例セバ、イカネペカショ + + 4 = 2-, # b + + 4 . ph. Must. As :~ Ikanepeka shomo e ye na, “you must say it.”
Iki-neipeka-shomoki, 4 ++4 °7, $2 a ++, [H] E. ph. Same as above.
Ikani, of hi, look, n. A pearl. |
Ikanne, 4 }j vak, v & 7", it & v. adv. Much more. Above. More than. Beyond.

Ikanmo, ?f * ? /, E =£+, Ff£a*-. adj. Able. Skilful.
Ikaobas, イカオバス。助ケル、救フ v.t. To help. To save.
Ikaobiuki, 4 jzir Er7 +, Bjor v. v.t. To help. To be blessed with good health. To be prosperous. Syn : Iseremak-ush.
Ikaoiki, イカオイキ。助ケル。救フ・ v.t. To help.
Ikaononkara, ef hy: A Le?y 5, # x /L. v.i. To stand guard.
Ikaononkara-guru, f h: / A? 5 7 JL', 'i: K. n. A guard.
Ikaoshke, A jzr:24-, : - Jl. v.t. To give. To bestow. Syn : Kashiose.
Ikapa, Af # vv, E-s. adv. Over. Above. (pl.)
Ikarahai, イカラハイ。オホベイラクサ. n. Nettle. Urtica Takedana, Ohwi. Nettles. Sewing fibre. Syn : Mose. Iririp.
Ikarakara, イカラカラ。縫溶スル。仕事 x. yu.... v.t. To embroider. To work. To do.
Ikarakara, イカラカラ、扱フ、モテナス。 v.t. To do.
Ikaraku, of 7,527, #4, #. n. A nephew.
Ikarapop-cheppo, いからぽっぷ・ちぇっぽ, ... y z o.o. n. Same as Ikarekochep po. Porcupine fish.
Ikarari, 4f *j5 9, $ t ff %r yl~. v.i. To sew into. To sew one thing upon another. The narrow line seen upon a border in fancy needlework. To patch.
Ikarashki, As ?75 $e=#, ## x pl. v.t. To have a care for. To dislike to part with. To be attached to a thing. Loath to part with.
Ikare, イカレ。コボス。韓ゲル 例セバ, プイカレ、倉庫ヨリ韓ゲ出ル v.t. To spill. To roll out. To over fill. As :~ Pu ikare, “to roll out of a godown.”
Ikarekocheppo, 4 h Le : #F = y zst, os y 7 o’. n. Porcupine fish. Diodon holocanthus, Linn.
Ikarip イカリプ。粉砕スル v.t. grind. To pound.
Ika-ru, 4 * no, [I] 2 Τ? ^ E. n. A path along the top of mountains or hills. ?o
Ikashi, of h >, E = . adv. Upon.
Ikashima, f fj %?*, EEE] /. adj. Over. Above. Plus. More than.
Ikashima, イカシマ。鈴ル。過ギル。例セバ、ムンギアホクワイカシマイチェン, # > E z 7 est y sest. v.t. & adv. To surpass. To exceed. Above. Over. As :~ Mungi ahok wa ikashima ichen, “the money which remained after buying the wheat.”
Ikashimap, 4 z?, Zerg 7, ##. n. Remnants. Remainder.
Ikashimare-i, 4f *j $2'-z? L~4[ , % 9 e 2. n. Surplus. That which remains..
| Ikashiu, 助ケル。例セバ, ニツネカ イカシウ, ムイオッタイカシウグル
| Ikashui, オカイ。悪魔ヲ助ケル人 4 : 2.4 , : 7 Jl. v.t. To help. To cast in one’s lot with. To side with. As :~ Nitne kamui otta ikashiu guru okai, “some persons side with (lend themselves to) the devil.”
Ikashma, of h >or, #21, ##21. Same as Ikashima, “to exceed.”
Ikashmare, f h err Le, il-~ /v. v.t. To enhance.
Ikashmare-i, ≪f 35 err Le4f , gffh[l. n An accession.
Ikashpaotte, 4 # $2, $zr y5F, # x >t>. v.t. To command. To give commandmentS. *
Ikashpaotte-i, -f zh Szz Kzf ≫5F -f, ak4fF. n. Commandments.
Ikashui, イカシュイ 助ケル。イカシウ H. H. 5. v.t. To help. To cast in one's lot with. To side with. Syn : -- Ikashiu. Kashiu.
Ikashum, イカシュム。鈴リモノ。残リモ
2. n. Surplus. That which is left OYer .
Ikasu, 4f *uz., Ejjor yL. v.t. To help.
Ikata, Af h4g, a y # 27, Z E = . adv. More. Above. Over.
Ikatairotke-guru, of 7, & As a y^roy Jl., 2:, : r : r = Ha.. n. Afriend. Often used in addressing a person. Syn : Okko.
Ikateomare-ambe, 43,3fozor lo 7”., ~, [H]iff. n. Sympathy.
Ikateomare-guru, 4 ?572ro? Lo 27/le, fift?:, ;%. n. A friend. A hospitable person. A sympathizer.
Ikateomare-ki, 4 *j5F*roz L~*, Filfaf 5 # + yu. v.t, To sympathize with.
Ikatkara, f j**j5, §IE= x xv. v.t. To make a fool of. To deceive. Syn : , Katekara. Ramusamka.
Ikaun, of ?y of 2, 3} =. adv. Besides.
Ika-unu, イカウヌ。重ネル、気盤ニ振舞 z. v.t. To put in upon. To add to. To act wilfully. To act contrary to another's will.
Ika-ushi, イカウシ。 山路。 n. A path over a hill.
| Ikayор, イカヨプ。?еf. п. A quiver.
| Ikayup, 。イカユ.プ。
Ikayop-pakkai, 4 h = 7 asy #4, #: | # > # 7. ph. To carry a quiver of arr?WS.
Ikayup; of ?y:l y 7, £fj. n. A quiver. Same as ikayop.
Ike, いけ, アツテ。 inf. part. Being.
Ike, イケ, 物。此語ハ屢々(しばしば)関係代名詞トシテ、所ノ物ノ意ヲ示ス。例セバ、ネイイ カシュュムイケュクノウ クダルオッタク コレナ、我ハユクノウクニ残セシ所ノ物 ヲ興へシ。又、クヌカリケ。我ガ見シ物. n. An article. A thing. That. This word is often used as the relative pronoun “that which.” As :~ Nei ikashumhike Yuk-no-uk guru otta ku kore na, “ I gave that which was left to Yuk-no-tuk.” Ku nukar’ike, “ that which I saw.” Syn : Ambe.
Ike, いけ, 其時ニ。 adv. At that time. After. Then. Upon that. So doing.
Ikehumshu, いけふむしゅ, 出来ゴト。 n. An accident. Syn : Ikeuhumshu.
Ikem, いけむ, 舐ル。 v.t. To lick.
Ikema, いけま, イケマ。 n. Cynanchum caudatum, Maxim. The Ainu name means “big root.” Also called Penup A kind of Asclepiadaceous plant used both for food and medicine. It is said to be good for any complaint, but is a special remedy for small-pox. To wounds of all kinds a thick decoction when applied is said to prevent the formation of pus. Half cooked roots are said to have an intoxicating effect, and to cause loss of all control over the limbs and to do away with the sensation of the skin. The root is dried and stored up for future use, however, it is sometimes taken fresh either roasted or boiled and is said to have a very sweet flavor. In time of epidemic sickness the root is chewed in its raw state and the juice blown from the mouth sometimes upon and over the afflicted person, sometimes all over the inside of the hut and through the door and windows, and sometimes, again, round the house and even whole villages. When so used the ikema or penup is supposed to act as a kind of charm to drive away the demon of sickness. Those who use this plant so are generally intoxicated by it. It is also said to be very efficacious as an antidote to poison. As an article of food this plant is used very sparingly and well cooked.
Ikema-chippo, イケマ・チッポ, 4 % v V #(++). n. The pod of the ikema
or Cynanchum caudatum. Syn : Penup.
Ikemnu, イケムヌ, 復讎スル[讎 むくいる、あだ]、代理スル。 v.t. To avenge 復讐する. To take the part of another (人)に味方する、〜の役を演じる. Syn : Ikotki.
Ikemumbe, いけむむべ, 食指 [しょくし、人さしゆび] n. The index finger. Syn : Itangi kem ashikipet.
Ikera, A %r5, ff a-. adj. Sweet. Nice.
Ikera, 's or 7, #A. n. One's sweetheart.
Ikera, of oro?, ##. n. A scratch.
Ikera-kara, 4 or 5 #5, # 2. v.t. To make a scratch.
Ikere イケレ。播ク。足ニテ携キ混ゼル。 v.t. To scrape or scratch. To shuffle with the feet.
Ikerekina, 4 or le:# 3-, 2, a -28. n. Trifolium Lupinaster L. Dividedgrass. A kind of clover.
Ikereru, 4 ^r L≫ Ju, # > F? z. v.i. To be just on the point of intoxication.
Ikerikarap, f r y #57, ####E w 一種ニテ毛根ヲ冒カス・ n A kind of neuralgia which attacks the roots of the hair.
Ikerokpa, イケロクパ、足ヲ以テ携キ混| +: Jur. v.i. To shuffle with the feet.
Ikesamba, "f 3-4}"A,\, # 7. v.t. To chase. To run after. To follow. Syn : Itomkot. Iyokot.
Ikeshikashure, -f Or$e?, Sea. Le, styl-, # .. v.t. To covet. Syn : Ishikashpere.
Ikeshke, of orozor, #5 s. v.i. jealous.
Ikesh-koro, * ・r$≫=a ra, #### x. ≫v. v.t. To inherit.
Ikesh-koro-guru, -f 5rse: E 2yne, fi #A. n. An heir. -
Ikeshui, イケシュイ。怒ル、慣ル。例セ ベ、イケシュイワオマン、債ッテ行ク。 v.i. To be angry. As :~ Ikeshui wa oman, “to go away in anger.”
Ikeu, f Arr7, NE JL. v.i. To run away. To be Syn : Kira. Shaot.
Ikeuhumshu, 4 or', 7 J., Sa'a, H2;&#. n. An accident. Syn : Ikehumshu.
Ikeure, f Arr? Le, ?ijyu. v.t. To hew.
Ikeutum-wende, 4 or 7 y.o. 7 - 27, # to 5 #2 x. v.i. To stir up strife.
Iki, イキ。為ス(軍数)。例セバ、ネンタイ キルウェネ。誰ガナセシヤ. v.t. To do. (sing). As :~ Nen ta iki ruwe ne, “who did it 2 ” .
Iki, イキ。得ル。獲得スル。為ス. v.t. To acquire. Do. Chep poron no iki, “he acquired many fish.”
Ikia, ソレ。ソノ。カレ、ソコ。例セバ, イキア、イキアアイヌ、ソノ人。イキ
Ikiya, アブ、彼奴(軽蔑ノ意ヲ含ム). 4 **, pro. That. Him. He. There. A word generally implying contempt. As :~ Ikia ainu, “ that man.”
Ikiap, “that fellow.”
Iki-aetoranne, 4f *7’:r. H. 5 >≫*, fa ヘズ。例セバ, モコロポカイキアェトラ ンネ。睡眠スルコト能ヘズ. ph. Unable to do. As :~ Mokoro poka ikiaetoranne, “to be unable to sleep.”
Ikichi, イキチ。為ス。例セバ、エネイキ チアイヌポロンノオカイ、其様ナコトヲ z /t. A : 3 / X Jl. v.t. To do. Mark. As :~ Ene ikichi ainu poron no okai, “there are many men who do that kind of thing.”
Ikihi, イキヒ。既ニ為セシコト。例セバ, マカナクイキキ、何ヲナサレシャ. n. Something which has been done. As :~ Makanak ikihi, “what was being done f *
Iki-koro-an, s =#: R72, E, so y + Pv. ph. He is doing it. He is moving about.
Ikikse, イキクセ, 縮少スル v.i. become crumpled. Hkimateh, イキマテ,
Ikimatek, イキマテク。 To # v vie, : x. v.i. To be afraid.

Ikimaukushte-ikip, 4 ++ y o $254. キプ、行動ニテモノヲタトへルコト。n. A parable expressed in action.
Iki-neipa, イキネイパ, 為スベカラズ. 4 x + --> 3; F [H] ty. v.i. Must not. See Ikanepeka.
Ikineipeka, 4 +#4f "N?y, # 7 ff r = , ## * > Hs 2 + x. adv. Look out. Be careful. Verily. Certainly. Must. Without doubt. With much care.
Ikineipeka-shomoki, f + + 4 * 3 ショモキ。セネベナラヌ。イカネペカショ + H. H. V. ph. Must. As :~ Ikineipeka shomoki e ye na, “You must say it.”
Ikinnimara, イキンニマラ。一部分。例セバ、イキンニマラキキカラワアンデ, #33 7 # s- 7 fot 27. adv. & n. In part. A part. As :~ Ikinnimara kikikara wa ande, “to keep back a part of anything.”
Ikipniukesh, 4 * 7= 174r$2, iEj*+ yu. adj. Faithful. To act faithfully. Also, unable to do a thing. Awkward.
Ikirare, 4 +5 L, # 7. v.t. To frighten away.
Ikiri, イキリ, 數, 文字, 代, 縫目, 順序。 n. A number. A letter. A figure. Order. Generation. Line. A seam. As :~ Ainu ikiri, “a generation.”
Ikirihechawere, “to pick out a seam.”
Ikiri-ikiri an no, “in order.”
Ikiri-ikiri-an, 4f + U 4 + 1) Jo e, EFF =. adv. In order.
Ikiri-ikiri-an-no, 4 + y 4 + y 7° 22 /, I#F##j =. adv. Orderly.
Ikiri-kara, M HE J #5, #2. v.t. To seam. To sew.
Ikiriminunhi, of + 9 s 4,2t, # 2 || #. n. The lateral line of fishes.
Ikiri-pake, 4 + J v$%r, £. n. Chief. Head.
Ikiri-paketa, 4f + ) ≫ $4r2, E =, IE E =, #|H =. adv. At the top. At the head.
Ikiripok, 4 + ) zit Zy, git5ij z v. adv. Arranged in lines.
Ikiroro-ande, 4f + pa pa Jo 2.5F, ##-#≫l-, 3e s- 27 Z. adj. & v.i. To consider pretty, nice, beautiful or fine. Syn : Irayapka.
Ikiroro-anka, 4f + DI DI J72 #1, #####21, #27 oz A. adj. & v.i. Pretty. Nice. Beautiful. Fine. As : Nep ikiroro-anka, “how beautiful.”
Ikiru, 4f +JL, AA#3} + no. v.i. To be overturned.
Ikisa-kani, 4f **}-*j=, $fit, * yv F. i. n. An awl. An auger. A drill. Syn : Ikisha-kani.
Ikisa-ni, 4f ***=, z}}\! 2 $. n. A wooden gimlet or awl. A drill.
Ikisap, of ++7, #. n. A drill. awl.
Ikisat, f ++'y, ##, ##. n. An awl. A drill.
Ikisha-kani, M #52*7, E, #, #21 F #. n. A metal awl. An auger. A drill. Syn : Ikisakani.
Ikishima, イキシマ。争闘スル人々ヲ引 +3 or Juz. v.t. To part persons who are quarrelling.
Ikishima-kara, f + $27 h 5, y ?y z ~ yu. v.t. To seize. To take hold of.
Ikishimesu, (s). Hydrangea petiolaris, Sieb. et Zucc. v. JL 7" fro- of . “Climbing Hydrangea.”
Ikitara, Af #4x5, + ≫ * *+. n. Sasa Kurilensis, Mak. et Shib. S. Also called in S. Fu-ni. Puru. Huru. Top. In H. it is Top, a kind of bamboo grass.
Ikittukara, イキッツカラ、分岐黙. n, A division. A place of separation.
Ikiya, 4 **, %£, jt. pro. Him. That. See Ikia.
Ikiya, 4 ++", K 7 fj - a - excl. & adv. Mind l Be careful lest Look out!
Ikiyap, M ##7, or Ikiap, of +77, 奴、物、悪漢。(第三者ニ封シテ用ュル軽 # 2 #). n. A fellow. A thing. An An
article. A rascal. A term of contempt applied to a third person. As :~ Nei a ikiyap sange wa en nukare, "show me that thing.”
Ikka, 4 ≫ ?i, ?e 2... v.t. To steal. To abduct. Syn : Eikka. Ishka.
Ikka-guru, f ≫ ?y ?YJlo, ?. M. n. A thief.
Ikkapa, 4 y?, wo, #2, ... v.t. To steal, (pl.)
Ikke, -f y 4-, ##. n. The backbone. Syn : Ikkewe.
Ikkeu, 4 ≫ Arry, faj. n. A corner. The tracings in a pattern, Syn : Ikki.
Ikkeu, 4 y ory, ###. n. The spine. The backbone. Vertebrae. Syn : Ikki.
Ikkeu-kamui-koro-tashum, of yory カムイコロタシュム。脊髄症。n Spinal disease. Syn : Yashitukkari.
Ikkeuhumshu, "f ≫Or77.H. S"=., HX 4. n. An accident.
Ikkewe, Af ≫ Zrt. =, or Ikkewehe, 4 ≫ ケウェへ、春骨、言語ノ意義、山ノ端 n. The backbone. The spine. The verte brae. The meaning of a word. A ridge of mountains. As : Ikkewekomo, “to bend the back.” Ikkewe turi, “to straighten the back.”
Ikkewe-an, イッケウェアン。強キ。意味 §££+- )v. adj. Strong. Full of meaning. Powerful.
Ikkewehe, ~f ≫4rc -?, ##. n. The spine. The backbone. See Ikkewe.
Ikkewehe, f ≫ Art? =~, E? ?ij, #&F. n. An object. An end. Syn : Chanup.
Ikkewehe, 4 y 5-7 =~, ?B?, fa?H. n. Meaning. Reason. As: Itak ikkewe he, “the meaning of a word.” Syn : Moishutu.
Ikkewe-komge, of y or y = a A, or, #1, v. adj. Humpbacked. Syn : Ikkewe-rauge. .
Ikkewe-rauge, f ≫ rr) = 5 } Ay', ### (+ 2, sv) v . adj. Humpbacked. Syn : Ikkewe-komge.
Ikkewe-sak, イッケウェサク。弱キ。無意 £k /. adj. Weak. Meaningless. Absurd.
Ikkewe-sakbe, 4 ≫ Orr) =# 7 es, #ffa, ##. n. An absurdity.
Ikkewe sak-no, of yory = {}^ A, # = H? V ?, # y ? - adv. Absurdly.
Ikki, ef y +, ##. Same as ikkett.
Ikkiri, イッキリ。脊柱、闘節. n A joint. The spine. '
Ikmaure, イクマウレ、愛気(オクビ)ヲ > vv. v.i. To belch. To eructate. To make manners.
Ikne-no, 4 2 + v, x in = adv. Straightly.
Iko, of a, # =. adv. Together with.
Iko, イコ。甚ダ、多キ、例セバ、イコワヤ se x, # 3r##|>- vv. part. Very. Much. Very much. This particle is sometimes prefixed to verbs to express superlativeness or intensity. Thus: ?Wayashnu, “wise,” iko-wayashnu, “very wise.”
Iko, 4 =?, #l, =. ph. To me.
Iko-ande, イコアンデ, 他人ニ預ケル。 v.i. To commend to the care of another.
Iko-arakomo, of E, 75 E HE, $52,. v.i. . To suffer pain. Syn : Yairamhekoiods ~
Ikoba, イコバ、間違ッテ取ル、取リ違へ vv. v.t. To take by mistake. To mistake. To mistake one for another.
Ikochash, s > 5** >, #21. v.i. To run together.
Ikoep, M Eliz7, #|sto. n. Any kind of food eaten with rice or millet.
Ikohonne, f =Izik:e:ik, :Gjj = , # v 7. adv. Cowardly. Syn : Uchike. Turamkoro.
Ikohonoye, 4 Izik / 4f =, stij x pl. v.t. To punish. To punish with sickness. Syn : Paragoatte.

Ikohummore, 4 = 72 E. Le, # = x yle, #k x 2L. v.t. To silence. To quiet.
Ikoibe, f = ′s “, stoo. n. Food.
Ikoiki, f = 4 +, # so ≫ B? L. v.t. To scold severely. To fight. As : Tono orowa no aikoiki, “he was severely reprimanded by the official.”
Ikoingara, イコインガラ。耐湿潤ヲ授ケ Jl. v.t. To bless.
Ikoingara-mat, いこいんがら・まっと, # #. n. A midwife.
Ikoiraimek, イコイライメク。感謝ヲ云 2. v.t. To thank. To salute.
Ikoisamba, イコイサムバ, 眞似スル。 v.t. To imitate.
Ikoitupa, イコイツパ,欲スル、義ム・ v.i. To wish for. To be jealous of. To envy.
Ikok, of 5 y, of H x n-. v.t. To buy or sell. (The Saghalien Ainu pronunciation of Ihoh).
Ikokana, 4 H ?y:}", K? 7. v.t. one for.
Ikokandama, 4 a h : e4f7, # x, # #x jur. v.t. To deceive. To cheat. To lie to. Syn : Koshunge.
Ikokanu, イコカヌ。注目スル、傾聴ス - ol. v.;. To look about. To be on the alert. To listen. To be attentive. To witness. -
Ikokanu-wa-nu, As a ?y 57 758, BE x jv, ### so > HA 27. v.t. To listen attentively.
Ikokanu-guru, f za b5 7.jlo, ti N., 37. To ask # K. n. A witness. An attentive person.
Ikokatpak-ki, Af a hoyw & 2y +, jE > ?E z. v.t. To sin.
Ikok-eniokte, 4f z! 47*=*+75°, z* Z # = or ov. v.t. To hang on the branch of a tree.
Ikokka, M El y?), Box. n. Incantation. Ikokka-guru, 4 zi ≫?b47/l, ###. n. A fool. Syn : Haita-guru.
Ikokuba, 4 = 7/8, ? ° N# A.. v.t. To bite severely.
Ikokut, イコクット。オホイタドリ. n. Polygonum sachalinense, Fr. Schm. Also called Ikokuttara; kuttara. In S. it is called eture, erero, iruri, hashipakutu. In Chishima it is HesuppaKutu. The young shoots of this plant, which have a reddish tinge, are eaten by some Ainu. They have a slight acidity. The leaves are commonly employed when pickling the stalks of Petasites (korokoni). When so used first a layer of the leaves is spread over the bottom of a barrel, then a layer of korokoni, and so on till the barrel is full. The leaves impart a reddish colour and slight acidity to the pickle. The Ainu name means “big hollow stem.”
Ikokuttara, 4 3 2 9 5:5, sil. E. n. Same as above.
Ikombap, of El Azt 7, §§. n. A caterpillar. Syn : Ikonkap.
Ikombap-wata, 4 HAJ *77 &, HE # / A. n. A cocoon.
Ikomikom, イコミコム。這フ(毛識ノ如 37). v.t. To go along as a caterpillar.
Ikomui, ?f EI AA4f, El ?#x. v.t. To search for lice.
Ikon, イコン。痛ム。病気ニナル v.i. To
Ikoni, ? -,
Ikoniko, 4 H = H, # .. v.i. To ache. To be in pain.
Ikonire, イコニレ、苦痛ヲ興へル v.t. To agonize. To make suffer.
Ikoni-tupiri, of a = 'y E. J, #f;.. n. A painful wound. A severe wound.
Ikoni-ushpa, f = = ;) Zevs, I? =# .. v.i. To be seized with pain.
Ikonkap, f = e3b7', # #. n. A caterpillar. Syn : Ikombap.
Ikonne, 4 - >3&, 5ol. n. Treasures. suffer pain. To be ill.

Ikonne-kumbe, M = 2+2.E.-, ##%. ph. Precious things.
Ikonnu, イコンヌ。凶事ヲ未前ニ戒シム, F# 7. v.i. To give warning of something bad to come. To bewitch. To cause misfortune.
Ikonnu-guru, f = e5 ?IL, st?#fE, PI3K. n. A witch. A thing of ill omen. A thing which causes mis- fortune. - who forewarns of something bad to come. A witch. Syn : Ishinnerep. ||
Iko-ochas, イコオチャス、相ッドフ。集| off. v.i. To run together. To collect. || ・ Syn : Uwekarapa.
Iko-omgami, M H zozh-27s E, &#x, #2, ... v.t. To salute. To worship.
Iko-oroshutke, As a zrn Sea. ≫?r, # x Juo. v.i. To persuade. To exhort.
Iko-oshkara, いこ・おっしゅから, 惜ム(おしむ)。 v.t. To begrudge. Syn : Ikaoshkoro.
Ikopan, いこぱん, 叱ル。. v.t. To scold. Syn : Kopao.
Ikopatemtem, 4f =u ~85°.A57.A, z+ s≫ ~ 9. adj. Verbose. . .
Ikopopke イコポプケ、温カナル。例セ イコポプケアミプ、温カナル著物. ? ??? ? adj. Warm. . As : Ikopopke amip, “warm clothing.”
Ikopopke-samau-ni, M → ; #7 or {} or ' 15 =., ffj #j +: )L £ zk. n. . Heaps of rotten wood such as harbour snakes and the like reptiles.
Ikopuntek, イコプンテっク, 喜ンデ事ヲスル。 v.i. & v.t. To be very much pleased. To do with pleasure. To greet. To welcome. As : Ku ikopuntek, “I am very much pleased.” Syn : Yairenga.
Ikopoyege, いこぽいぇげ, 混ズル。 v.i. To mix. Syn : Iyemaune. ★バカ検証 【混ぜる(まぜる)、とすべき。】
Iko-ramat, イコ・ラマっト, 我ガ霊魂、我ガこころ。 ph. My soul.
Ikoramu, イコラム, 笑談スル、驚カス。 v.i. To jest.
Ikoramu-hoshki, いこらむ・ほっしゅき, 懶怠ナル者ヲ励マス。 v.t. To hurry one who is lazy. To scold for being lazy.
Ikoramkore, いこらむこれ, 願ハセル。 v.t. To cause to ask for. ★バカ検証 【Ikoramu の後】
Ikoramkoro, いこらむころ, 乞フ、願フ。 v.t. To beg. To ask for. Syn : Iyorun.
Ikoramnukara, 4 = 5 Az ?y 5, $*
Ikonnup, f = 25, 7, &#ffff;?. n. One | > vv. v.t. To tempt.
Ikoramnukara-ambe, f = 5.4.x:#5 7A^, ##. n. Temptation.
Ikoramnukarape, 4 =? 5.4.5x #5os, ###. n. The tempter.
Ikorampa, f = 5A, §, i? JL. v.t. To scold. Syn : Kopao.
Ikorampoktuye, 4 a 5.Js;#4? *x’4f ..., : 7 f:z, l- Jl. v.i. To be let alone. To be taken no notice of. To be treated in an indifferent manner. To be cut off from the favour of God. As: Kamui ikorampoktuye gusu kemush iki ruwe ne, “this famine has arisen because the gods are unfavourable.”
Ikoramu, イコラム。イタダラスル、カラ ?y 7. v.i. To jest. -
Ikoramu, 4 to 5.A., $5 2. v.t. To suspect. “
Ikor”atara, 4 =15 4:5, JJ y ##. n. A sword sash. Syn : Emush-at.
Ikore-guru, f a Lo?VIL', # 7 H? z ≫L A. n. A person who gives anything away. A giver. -
Ikore-kusu-an, As a Leo 2.72, #!, a FE L v se 37. ph. He gave to me.
Ikoro, of a n, #. n. Treasures. Precious things. Riches (usually an old sword or wooden imitations of swords).
Ikoro-an, M = Da Jo 2, ##st>- Jl. adj. Rich.
Ikoro-koro, f : n = pa, : % - Jl. adj. Rich. Syn : Oteknu.

Ikoro-koro-guru, f =? DI E DI VJL., E: W. n. A rich person.
Ikorokoshini, f = Da = $a =, #E > x, # x ≫L. v.t. To waste. Syn : Aibesamba. -
Ikoro-nishpa, f = D = Ear?, ? N. n. A rich person. -
Ikosaksak, イコサクサク。不満足=思フ・ v.t. To be dissatisfied with.
Ikosamba, of EI*Art, & 7, § 2. v.t. To imitate. To copy. Syn : Koikara.
Ikosan, of a to 2, ## = # no. v.i. To be suddenly attacked with illness. To be suddenly seized with pain. The fever stage in ague. -
Ikosange, 4f =a+>>25°, jj 7 H x. v.t. To put forth as strength.
Iko-sapane-guru, 4 EI +/$*%')v, E] # / A. n. Persons of the same office or rank.
Ikosaure, イコサウレ, 親切=待遇スル。 adj. To be kind to. To deal gently with. Not to be hard upon.
Iko-shimakoraye, 4 a 27 a 52, ?E x. v.i. To die. (Lit. "to clear one's self off with respect to.") To die to.
Ikoshina, of a 23-, ##x v. v.t. To bind up. As: ・ Piri ikoshina, “ to bind up a wound.”
Ikoshunge, of H >3.24°, # 1. v.t. To lie to. To cheat. To gull.
Ikot, 4 =a y F., 3, y . pro. My.
Ikotama, 4 a 5g vr, +t =. adv. Together. Syn : Uturu.
Ikotanana, To give to. To hold out to.
Ikotarara,イコタララ。手ノ上ニ置キテ #H# >.. v.t. To hold out to in the hand.
Ikotchane, 4 : 95-r-k, fji: x Jl. v.t. To mediate. -
Ikotchane-guru, f a ≫ja vak ?ile, fi. ##. n. A mediator.
Ikotchanep, f = y+x #7, ##. n. A mediator. A go-between. イコタナナ、興へル v.i.
Ikotke イコっとケ, 他ノ人ヲ警ムル為ニ 罪ナキモノヲ罰スル、対手ニ己レノ復難 ノ念ヲ知ラシムル為メ第三者ニ當ル。 v.t. To punish an innocent person in order to warn others. To warn or punish anyone that others may take warning. To make an example of. To avenge one's self on a third party to show the state of one's feelings towards the person upon whom vengeance ought according to right to have been taken. To be very angry. Syn : Kotki.
Ikotki, -s a y +, ##. v.t. To avenge. Syn : Ikemnu.
Ikotunash, -f = y*>, $£j£+ ≫v. adj. Very fast.
Ikotuniyo イコツニヨ, 背後ニ在ル者 =# 73-3. v.i. To answer back to a person. To call back to.
Ikotuntek, Af = y :A5F O, # x v. v.i. To be ill. -
Ikotutka, sf E V y #, of y # y 7. adv. After a time.
Ikotushi, いこつし, 貸ス。 v.t. To lend.
Ikowayashnu, 4 a 7+7 $e5', ##### v * 2L. v.t. To surpass in wisdom. To be very wise.
Ikowende イコウェンデ。損ズル、破壊 ×. v.t. To spoil. To smash up. . .
Ikowepekere, f = } =~3r Le, B:4# = # * + 2. ph. He told them. He broke the news to them.
Ikoya, イコヤ。海狩ヲ獲ル。 hunting. Syn : Ikua. -
Ikoyairenga, A =a + 4 Le 27f, # x v. v.t. To praise. To cheer. Syn : Eyairenga.
Ikoyorikipuri, イコヨリキプ いこよりきぷり, 段々ニ見エテ来ル(旅行ノ時遠山ナドノ)。 v.i. To come into sight as a distant mountain when travelling. ★バカ検証 【イコヨリキプ は、スペルミス】
Ik-pui, f.o. 74f, isol. n. Neural canal of vertebrae. n. Seal

Ikra, 4 × 5, #3:#, ##%. n. A present. An offering.
Ikra, 4 ? 5, #ff, #4?j. n. A joint. A verse. Same as Ikura.
Iku, イク。飲ム、喫スル(酒、煙草ナドヲ). v.t. To take strong drink. To smoke.
Ikua, イクア。オツトセイヲ漁スル・ v.t. To hunt seals. Same as Ikoya.
Iku-ambe, -s O 7".K.<, fik#. n. Drink.
Iku-am, A % J* >?, %£k z. adj. Drink 1Ilg.
Ikuapushke, -f O 775%r, Mk u- u-, HL * 2L. v.i. To break.
Ikuapushkere, M 2y77 So4r Le, Ek vl. v.t. To break.
Ikuba, for ro, o 2... v.t. To bite. Syn : Shiri-kuba.
Ikubap, of 27 at 7, soil E. v.t. Same as above.
Iku-bashui イクバシュイ。糞構ヲ上ゲ ≫vzk. n. A moustache-lifter.
Ikui, 4 or f, oft; A. v.i To chew Syn : Kui-kui.
Ikui-kui, As of f * *s, * Z. . v.t. To chew. Syn : Chamse. Cham-chamse. Notmoimoye. Kuikui.
Ikui-nimak, 4 & f = -r y, HA?. n. The grinders. The molars.
Ikui-nimaki, 4 } f = r +, sn.E. n. Same as above.
Ikuira, ≪f O 4f 5, 4; z = ?# 2.. v.i. To go along steathily or noiselessly. Syn : Humi-mo-apkash. Ipikuira. Kuira.
Iku-komanakte, -f 2 a z 3-2 5F, F 7 # z + HR no.2 x. v.t. To be unable to sleep on account of inordinate desires for strong drink.
Ikunnere, Af } >:k L, # 3 } x ≫L. v.t. To dye black.
Ikunneyot, いくんねよっと, 眩キ(まぶしい)。 v.i. To be dazzled with darkness as when coming fresh indoors from the light.
Ikunpone, イクンポネ, 顕(クルブシ)。 n. The ankle bone. Syn : Tokumbone.
Ikup, いくっぷ, 飲ムコト。 n. A drinking. A sitting to drink. Syn : Chikup.
Ikup, いくっぷ, 酒器。 n. Drinking utensils, as cups, moustache-lifters, etc.
Iku-pashui, イク・パシュイ, 鬚髯ヲ上ゲル木(祭リノトキニ用ユ)。 n. The festive ceremonial moustache-lifter. Syn : Kamba-ush-bashui. Kambashui
Ikura, いくら, 関節、章節。 n. A joint. A division. A verse. Same as Ikra.
Ikure, -f 5 L>, $k v t- )l-. v.t. To give to drink.
Ikuresuye, 4 % L?ZCio, ZH}y / ###. n. The name of an ancient chief of Ishikari. Also called Okikurumi, Poyaunbe, Yaireshpo, Kasure, Mocharok, Shirakte according to district.
Ikurianda, 4f 47 97’>3^, toj≫v. v,t. To laugh at. To deride.
Ikurok, イクロク。生シテ飲ム、大酒ス ≫l. v.i. & adj. To sit and drink. To be much given to drinking.
Ikuru, イクル。蓋メク、ノタクル。ひ.i. To wriggle.
Ikurube, of 27 JLo, #. n. Eel. Anguilla japonica, Tem. et Schlegel. Syn : Puipui. Ukurube.
Ikurukashi, Af Zy JL h EA, E =, adv. Over.
Ikurukuru, 4 : Il 2 Jl., # A. v.i. To be in pain. Sometimes used like
Ikururu. Syn : Araka.
Ikururu, of 7 JL/Lo, Hija. n. The pangs of childbirth (especially the pangs immediately antecedent to the actual birth of a child). Syn : Kapuhu.
Ikurushna, f % JV>*, iiiiii=. adj. Straight.
Ikurugui, イクルスイ。渇シタル、飲ミ 3 +. v.i. To be thirsty.
Ikusa, of 7+, #| 7 #x. v.t. To ferry
across a river. Pl. Ukushpa.
Ikusa-guru, いくさ・ぐる, 渡守。 n. A ferry-man.
Ikusa-i, イクサ・イ, 渡場。 n. A ferry. Pl. Uktushpa-tushi.
Iku-sakayo, いく・さかよ, 暴酒スル。 v.i. To revel.
Ikushbe, いくっしゅべ, 柱、戸ノ枠。 n. A post. A door post. A column. Pillar.
Ikushke-peka, いくっしゅけ・ぺか, 向ニ。 adv. Beyond.
Ikushketa, Af Zy E.e4r &, sal =, adv. Beyond. That side of.
Ikushta, Af y E 4x, s?j =; s## = - adv. Beyond. There. Over yonder.
Ikushun, イクシュン。向ニ 横切スル。 adv. Beyond. Across.
Ikush-wano, 4f 2, S/ 7 A , 4:5: git = y. adv. Thence.
Ikugo, イクゾ。列生シテ酒ヲ希ムコト。 v.i. To sit in lines by the hearth to drink.
Ikutasa, f * **, ##. n. A drinking feast.
Ikutora, イクトラ。大キナ湾曲(又ヘ帯) 2 y Ju 57(#44). Geo. Place of a great curve or girdle.
Ikutuni, 's 27 y=, ##. n. A bib.
Ima, Mo', ; 27. v.t. To roast.
Ima, for, #. n. A tooth. Teeth. Syn : Nimaki.
Imakake, イマカケ。一ツ置キ。例セバ, se # b f v ?, r, ? H + +. adv. Every other. As :~ Shine to imakake, “every other day.”
Imakake, イマカケ。然ル後、下、後ロ. post. Then. After. Thence. Below. Behind. As :~ Set imakake, “behind the table.”
Imakaketa, Af er #j4r Ax, # =. adv. Afterwards. Thenceforth. After that.
Imakake-un, Af = #4rry A, 4# =, adv. Afterwards.
Imakanu, 4 z ?55x, fijE# > # r n. v.t. To open up or clear a space. As :~ Ru imakanu, " to open up a way."
Imaki, for #, #. A tooth.
Imaki-chin, fr: #5F A, # (##). n. (pl.) The teeth.
Imakibara, 4 r + v?5, } n -v. a. y. n. Lilium medeoloides, A. Gray. Also called niyokai. In S. it is sumarohap. By some it is called ninoka and ninokai. Used as food. The Ainu name means “stick in the teeth.”
Imakshup-koiki, for 7 × 2.73 of +, # 7./Jo? ## 1. v.i. To pick the teeth.
Imamashi, Arroz 2, ys 32 x H 3'. Same as Hashipo, which see.
Ima-ni, for:, ##. n. A piece of wood upon which to stick fish or flesh to roast. A roasting spit.
Ima-nit, for Ey, ##. n. A roasting spit.
Imanit-tai, "f or - y 3, 4, 5: H (###). n. A large number of roasting spits.
Ima-onit, forzh": y, # H. n. A roasting Spit.
Imashkin, イマシキン、ヨリ多ク。例セ ベ、ポンイマシキンポン、何々ヨリ小サ キ。ポロイマシキンポロ、何々ヨリ大キ 4. adv. Much more. But rather. As: ? Pon imashkin pon, “ smaller.” Poro imashkin poro, “ larger.”
Imek, 4 x 57, frioq 7 %>zi 9. v.t. To serve out food. To portion out.
Imek-guru, イメクグル。食物ヲ分カツ A. n. A person who serves out food. One who portions out anything.
Imeru, M × JLo, fo. n. Lightning. Syn : Kunne-tanhere.
Imetu, イメツ、宴席ノ時香残シタ酒 n. Drink left over at a feast.
Imi, 4 S , H 2:5. A #%. n. Generally Japanese clothing. Clothes made after Japanese fashion. Sometimes any clothes.
Imireshi, イミレシ。彼等ガ私ニ著物ヲ
# te 5 . ph. They clothed me.
Imoirere, イモイレレ。運ク感ズ、鈍知 Jo. v.i. To feel the effect of anything slowly.
Imok, イモク。 餌(罠ノ) п. А trap bait.
Imoka, of E. 77, -H.P?. n. A present. Tit-bits.
Imokashike, 4 HE zh > 4r, # / ### = 供へラレタ小サイ食物ノ包。n Special small bundles of food offered before animals after being slain at festivals ceremonially.
Imokirika, 4 AE =* y *y, , s, *. v.i. & adj. Abject. Miserably bad. To live in utter misery.
Imokmuye, of E of Ajo, so 7. v.t. To make amends. To make amends for some wounds or harm done. Syn : Ipirimuye. -
Imok-omare, 4f+E % ziroz Lo, F! = fH. 7 。オク、釣ニ餌ヲ附ケル・.v.t. To bait a trap. To bait a fish hook.
Imommuye, As E.A.A. f..., so 2. v.t. To atone. To propitiate. To give as a present.
Imompekari, いもむぺかり, 憐ム。 adj. To take pity on. To have mercy on. Syn : Erampokiwen wa kore.
Imonak, A E 3-2y, 4-#, ##. adv. Hitherto. Such as. Being such. As ... much as. -
Imonak-ambe, 4 RE:}-} J’Art, #f } r yli; 7. n. Being such.
Imonrerampa, 4 + 2 Le:72, S, HF 4, EE, #5%. adj. Naughty. To be a nuisance.
Imomtabire, f*E.A. & E L, E: ”.. v.t. ... To hurry. To hasten. To be busy. ・
Imontabire-kashpa, 4 E 2 & 7 Le?i $2 a $, $#3r£k 2'. v.i. To be exceedingly busy.
Imontabire-no, 4 E A & E. Le / , # =. adv. Abruptly. -
Imontasa, of E → **, *n. v.t. To retalliate. To revenge.
Imop, イモプ。 滞ル (水ノ 滞ル如 シ). adj. Stagnant. Slow. Sluggish.
Imosh, イモシュ。目畳メル、畳瞬理スル。 v.i. To be awake. Imosh-kamui, “the divine one who sleeps not.
I-moshiri, イモシリ。ソノ地方又ヘ國. ph. That district or country.
Imoyo, ?f AE =a, i3r J**- &. adj. A very little.
Imu, イム。狂セル。ヒステリー・ adj. & v.i. A kind of hysteria. Rabid. Mad. To be attacked with sudden fits of hysteria. To call out as one mad or in hysterics. Transferance neurosis as used in psychoatrism.
Imu-bakko, of Azky H, b x 7, 9 - = 3, # 9 × ###|N. n. Any old woman subject to fits of imu or hysteria.
Imuki, 4f A#, [F] E. adj. & v.i. Same as imit.
Imu-imu・イムイム・烈シキヒステリー。 adj. & v.i. An intensified form of imu.
Imu-imu-ki, AI.A.4.£.£, fa] E. adj. & v.i. Same as above. .
Imup, 4 J^7, ?E x ≫u.:#i. n. A hysteri cal person. . Hysterical action. v.t. To wear round the neck (as beads).
Imut, fay, ## y.
Imut, of A, y, J.J. n. A sword. As : ?Imut mut, “to wear a sword.” .
Imut-shitoki, 4f A'y $2 F +, ?c / ## / E#ffi V. n. A woman’s bead necklace. -
Imuyeat, イムエアツ。包ニ用フ紐(包紐). n. A cord for tying anything up. In, M >, #!... pro. Me. Same as en; in being used in Saghalien and en in Hokkaido. Ina, イナ。何々セラレヌ様ニ注意セヨ. 例セバ、ネイセタニウェンセネタグスイ ナアェクベアンナ、彼レヘ悪イ大ダカラ 噛マレナイ様ニ用心セヨ. v.i. Take care lest. Be careful lest. As :~ Nei
seta niwen seta ne gusu ina aektuba an na, “as that is a savage dog take care lest it bite you’’ (lit: take care lest you are bitten). Iyaikiple, ina e kubaba an na ; oyakta arupa, yaikipte na, “you are in danger, take care lest it bite you, get out of the way, it is dangerous.” Syn : Ika.
Ina, イナ、偉言、偉説 願、歌 n A message. Tradition. Request. A Song.
Ina, A 3-, fij ds. adv. Yet. As :~ ina e pon aine no, “when you were yet a child.”
Ina, 4 ×, 3-4 . adv. Not. No. As :?ina chep akoiki, “ he caught no fish.”
Ina, of 3-, + y F, #. adv. More. Yet. As :~ ina shinep, “ one more.”
Inai, イナイ。 深イ 谷, 深。 =?。 A. deep valley. -
Inakarap, Af#-## 7, i z zv. v.t. To salute. |
Inambe, イナムべ, 何レ. adj. Which. |
Inankara, イナンカラ, 挨拶。 n. Salutation. ★バカ検証- Inan, の前にある。
Inankarate, イナンカラテ, 挨拶スル。 v.t. , Salute. ★バカ検証 Inan, の前にある。
Inambe-gusu-ne-yakun, イナムペ・グス・ネ・ヤクン, 如何トナレバ、故ニ。 adv. For. Because. For this reason.
Inan, いなん, 何レ(どれ)、何(なに)。 adj. Which. What. As :~ Nei guru inan kotan un guru ne ruwe he an ? “to what village does that person belong?” Nei guru inan kotan wano ek a ? “ which town does he come from.”
Inani, いなに, 何處(どこ) adv, Where.
Inani-un-ne-yakka, of 3--7:23:4: y | zo, sispot = e. adv. Anywhere. Every where. Syn : Na-anun-ne-yakka. Neita-ne-yakka.
Inankayo, f? у ?ja, fizik z ?i. n. The stem of a plant.
Inanu-pirika, f. 3-5: E. U ?a, , adj. 美貌ノ. Of a beautiful countenance.
| Inao, of 3-2, #. n. Whittled pieces | lilac and
| Inau, 4 + r}, of willow, other wood which are stuck in the ground as offerings to the gods. Inao bear some mark or sign by which the gods may know who is the offerer. In the Ainu idea, no greater sin can be committed than that of stealing and hiding the inao of another person, the idea being that the gods, finding themselves without them will withdraw their favour from those who ought to have offered them. No worse name can be given to an Ainu than Inatt sak guru, “ the man without inau.
Inao-chipa, ef#-zi-fas, e ? / $. n. A cluster of inau. The place at the east end of a hut where the inazz are placed. .
Inao-ke, f:-z-or, # z : ). v.i. To make inau.
Inao-kema, of 3-zhoro, # / #j. n. Pieces of wood to which inau are tied.
Inao-kike, イナオキケ・ 幣ノ割リカケ. n. The shavings which are left attached to inau. Pieces of willow shaving which are sometimes hung in Ainu, huts.
Inao-korashkoro, 43-2" = 5 o 2 = p-, Eg = +; y swift. n. A kind of liquor distilled from millet.
Inao-kotchep, 4 +2F-1 vo. 7, §5? 2-# / H. n. Young salmon.
Inao-netoba, 4f:J-z+* H. z+, %; z *j. n. A piece of wood to which inau are sometimes tied. -
Inaoru, イナオル。熊送リノ式場キテ被 yi-:. n. An ordinary kind of crown worn by the younger men at bear feasts. Syn : Sapa-unbe. Ekashpaumbe. .
Inaotumbu, 4 J-zr:y A7, w; ヲ置ク箱。 n. A box filled with inau shavings.
Inau, of Fly, of + + b Hl o. Same as Inao. Inau or Imao are shaved wood
en wands religiously and ceremoniously made and generally looked upon as having a super-human nature. They are supposed to have special magical power. Some are regarded as gods, some as offering to the gods, and others as simple charms. The derivation of the term is clear, namely, I, an emphatic “the"; nau, “shaving.” Some are looked upon as messengers to gods or demons and are used in propitiation. They have been held up as flags of truce in war, set up as a warning in dangerous places, and as signs of peaceful intention.
Inau-ashkoro, 4 +77'>.: n, #ja #5, # 2 #5. n. Ceremonial fermented liquor as used in worship.
Inau-chipa, イナウチパ、イナオチパト |H| 9. Same as Inao-chipa.
Inau-ke, イナウケ、イナオケト同ジ. Same as Inao-ke.
Inau-kema, イナウケマ。イナオケマト ?l **. Same as Inao-kema.
Inau-kike, イナウキケ。イナオキケト sal sy. Same as Inao-kike.
Inau-na-kina, 4 + 7+++, y z + 1, 2” 7. n. Rubia jesoensis, Miyabe and Miyake.
Inau-ni-susu, 4f *-,7=7≪Z?, +*- * z ?#. A kind of willow. This kind of willow is used in making fetiches.
Inau-koraskoro, 4 K 7 Ei 7 $? -i D, イナオコラシコロト同ジ. Same as Inao-korashkoro.
Inau-kotchep, of 3-7 - 95.7, 4 + + = y + = = 7° F six. Same as Inao-kotchep.
Inau-netoba, イナウネトバ。イナオネ 2s + [H] v. Same as Inao-netoba.
Inau-ni, イナウニ。イナオヲ作ル木 n. Wood for making inau fetiches.
Inau-ni-kina, Asperula odorata, L. Woodruff.
Inau-nini, イナウニニ。イナオノ幹 n. The stem of inau fetiches. In some instances the nini or “ stem” is made of different wood from the shavings. In such cases the shavings are made and tied on, as for example in the big inau which stands in the north east corner of the house and is named Chisei-koro-ekashi, i.e. “the grandfather householder.”
Inaunini, イナウニニ。ナナカマド n. Sorbus commixta, Hedl. S. Syn : Iwakikin-ni. Fureatinau-mi.
Inauni-susu, 4 + r} = x x, s?? E. n. Same as above.
Inau-san, イナウサン。幣ノ立テラレタ £ or 9. n. Clusters of Inau set up outside Ainu houses toward the sunrising.
Inau-shiki, イナウシキ、熊祭ニ於ケル #~ / ##. n. Special bundles of fetiches made for bears when slain ceremoniously.
Inde, s >74, §§, x * = . n. A gummy discharge from the eyes.
Ine, イネ。何處。例セバ、イネネイアプ # / e / 2-sasfo = #21 +... adv. Where? As :~ Ine nei ap, “where is that thing?”
Ine, 43&, pu. adj. Four.
| Ine, 行動ヲ示ス。例セバ,ェクヒネ、来 イネ、ル。オマンヒネ。往ク、イルカ
| Hine, イェクイネネ、彼人ヘチョイト E *, 3& %z ~’. part. This word is expressed by the English participle “ ing.” Thus:---Ek ine, “ coming.” Oman ine, “going." Irukai ek ine ne? “he has come for a short time?”
Inean, A ak7° A, sisj5 v. adj. Which of two.
Ine-apkushta, f :#7” 7 ? S?2, H##, オヤ、如何ニ 例セバ、イネアブクシタ チェプポロンノアン、マー此様ニ魚ガ澤 |ll ニ . interf. Dear me ! How great. How surprising. As ;~ Ine apkushta chep poron no an, “dear me, what
a number of fish.” Syn : Karainepta un.
Ineaush-pekambe, 4 kJ' ) ≫o? ?h A. ??, * = E v. n. Trapa natans, L. var. quadrispinosa. Water caltrops with four spines.
Ine-hotne, 4f * * ‘y *, j\ -i-. Eighty. Four-score.
Ine-hotnep, 4f**oy* 7, /v-f-Ei. n. Eighty things.
Ine-ikashima-wan, 4f + f h err 7 A, -f-yq. adj. Fourteen.
Inei-no, f :k 4f /, 1H, 2 §§ 9. adj. Thus. Like this or that. Like it.
Ine-otutanu, 4 :kz*% % 3, %pTJ. adj. The fourth.
Inepki, イネプキ。私有ノ道具(仕事又ヘ ## = }# = n.). n. One's personal tools or utensils.
Ine-rere, イネレレ。四。例セバ、イネレ v = , pq H. Four. As :~ Ine rere-ko, “four days.”
Ine-reyunashi, A # Le L:}"$≫, pq N = 7 & 2. v.i. Four persons to pound in a mortar. See Utunashi. Yailunashi. Atatunashi. Reunashi.
Ine-rokbe, イネロクべ。オヤ(嘆息、ノ警) inters. Same as ineapkushta. Dear me ! adj.
Ine-sambanu, 4f ak**.Az 85X, pg fa ?’. adj. Square. Four-sided.
| Ine-shuine, pTJ£. adj. Four times. イネシュイネ。
| Ine-shuine-o, イネシュイネオ。
Ine-teke-ne-koro, 4f **7,4%r* = ta, pq y 2 # 7 # 2 +. ph. Having four hands.
Ine-un, イネウン。何處へ。例セべ、イネ ウンェオマン、。何處へ行クカ. ado. Whither. Аs: ? Iте-ит е отат, “whither are you going?”
Ine-wa-ambe, 4 + 77A-, ph. On that account.
Ingan, インガン。見ル 夫故ニ, adv. Same as ingara.
Ingan-no, 4. ンガンノ。 遠 目 ガ利 X'. adv. Long-sighted. Of good sight.
Inganrai, 4f 27.f:e5 4s, ## x pl. v.i. To look at fixedly. To glare at. Syn : Ingararai.
Ingan-rui,インガンルイ。雰撃好キナル。 adj. Curious. Inquisitive.
Ingaprapu, インガプラプ。肩ヲ動カス。 v.i. To work the eyebrows up and down.
Ingara, 4f >7f5, E, yv. v.i. at. To see.
Ingar'anko, 4 e7f577 > a, ph. Upon looking around.
Ingaranu, of 27s5.J., H. v. v.t. Se?.
Ingara-poka, -s 27s5:it:h, ### = # x jo, sis F + 2 H. M. ph. Merely to see. Merely to look at. Just to look.
Ingara-rai, 4 e7f5 5 4f, # 2. pl. v.i. To look 見 レベ. To To stare. To look hard at. Syn : Inganrai.
Ingi, 4 > # , #, R. F. adj. All. Universal.
Inichu, M-5-a-, # 7. v.t. To be suspicious.
Inine-itangi, f = #4f # 23), Fj+ = JH = ?Li?i. n. To scoop out. A cup used as a ladle.
Inini, イニニ, * 2. v.t. To bite at (as a fish at a bait).
Inini-ap, イニニアプ。錦、モリ n A kind of fish spear to which a bait is tied.
Inisapushka-an, M =#7:27,72, so カサルル、急ガセル adj. & ひ.i To be startled suddenly. To be suddenly surprised. To hurry.
Inise, f =tz, #JH-. n. A dipper. A ladle. Gorge. Also v.t. To ladle out drink.
Inise, 4 =tz, [l]-z”. v.i. To roar or squeal.
Inisei-ya, 4f = z -f *?, ##. n. A
small hand net.
Initne-ike, イニツネイケ、悪魔、悪鬼。 n. The devil. A demon.
Inke, インケ。祀父、ペンキト同ジ. A grandfather. Syn : Henki. n.
Inki, インキ、何ニ、何人モ、ドチラデモ・| What. Which. Any. Whatsoever. Whomsoever.
Inki-anguru, 4 ×:J” 22//L, #, F - 4. pro. Who. -
Inkush, イニクシ。怖ル、戦標スル v.i. To fear. To tremble through fear. To call out in fear. Syn : Ishitoma.
Inne インネ、許多ナル、多数ノ. adj. Multitudes. Many. Numerous.
Innen-o, f 2* /, i£§ 2. adj. In crowds.
Inne-topaha, 4f >:* H. z*/v, 2% $t z, EEEE z. adj. Very. many. A great multitude.
Inne-utara, of 2+ or 5:5, # so. n. A multitude. -
Inoka イノカ。蛇ノ形ニ造ラレタル偶像, AJE, E###. n. An idol made in the shape of a snake for divination, cursing and worship. The body. An effigy. An idol. Syn : Net. Noka.
Inoka-net, f / ?jak У, fik, ibiti, fi. n. An image. A map. A picture. Syn : Noka. Nokaha. -
Inokoshke, 4f A = $≫or, $.x. v.i. To be jealous of. Syn : Eyaitunnap.
Inomi-chup, f y = ++7. --H. n. January. The month of libations; possibly so called from the Japanese custom of paying visits and drinking at the new year.
Inon, -f / >, ?f#. n. Prayer.
Inonchip, イノンチプ、愚弄スル。翻弄 z vl. v.t. To baffle. Syn : Unkeshke. -
Inonchirube, of J 25P/Leos, #RE + > v. 2 ou A. n. A person baffled in something he desired to do or have.
Inonkara, ?f / ンカラ、物ヲ見ル pt. To look at. To examine.
Inonno, of Z ~ /, R. E. n. Same as above.
Inonno-itak, 4 / > / 4 & 2, i# Jt. v.i. & v.t. To pray. Prayer. Syn : Kamui oro-itak.
Inonno-itak-hi, 4 / 2 / 4f 4g ? b:, ?ff #. n. Prayer. . .
Inonno-itak-i, of / > / s. 5: 5 of, sil H., n. Same as above.
Inonoka, -s / / h, a r + +... n. S. Vaccinium Vitis-Idaea, L. Cowberry. Also called in S. Emonocha and entznuka-ni. In S. it is called tata-mun.
Inore, A / L-, i:27. v.t. To deceive. Syn : Chinore. Kokandama.
Inore-itak-ki, -s / L. 4 & 5 #, so v. v.i. To lie to. Syn : Koshunge.
Inoshketa, イノシケタ。丁度眞ン中. adv. In the very centre.
Inotpo, f / ужti, i? z v Is = . By one's jaw.
Inoyenoye, A / 4 = / 4 =, 3 yl... v.t. To twist. . . . . . . . . -
Inotu, 4 A 7, AE str. n. Life.
Inraprapu,インラプラプ。睦シクテ瞬キ x 212. v.i. To blink or wink with the eyes Syn : Shik-ukochupchupu.
Inrapu, of 257, s?l E. v.t. Same as above. -
Inu, 4, 5X, # 27. v.t. To listen. To hear To listen attentively. As :Ku pishi wa ku inu, “ I will make enquires.”
Inu-an-hike, 4 ×7× E4", BH 4 × 2 2≫, BH + 3 ? y. ph. What I heard was this. .
Inu-ewen, イヌエウェン、蘇キ違へル。 v.i. To mistake in hearing.
Inukuri, . ?f 3% J, jE^ x, TR=£, adj. & v.i. Unable. Awkward. Incapable. To be incapacitated through sickness or old age. To dislike to do. Syn : Aikap. Kopan. - -
Inukuri-an-korokai, M 5x5 J7:2: adv. -
ロカイ。御気ノ毒ナレドモ。 ph I am sorry to trouble you, but.
Inuma, イヌマ。自分ノ資物。 treasures and ornaments.
Inumba, 4f 5X.A, v?, # x(##). v.t. To strain.
Inumbe, s 5. A *, it #. n. The wooden framework round a fireplace. Syn : Chiotanne. .
Inumbe-ibe, イヌムべイベ。タチウヲ. n. Silverfish. Conger eel. Trichiurus japonicus, Tem. et Schlegel. The name means “squeezed food.” It is eaten raw after having been well pounded and squeezed. -
Inumbe-saushbe, 4 × 4, ex of $2°, 煙ノ中ニアル杭(主トシテ物ヲ割ル豪ニ H=). n. A little post stuck at each corner of the fireplace used as a chopping-block. They are held very sacred. n. One's
Inumechiri, イヌメチリ、鷹ノ類 n. - . A kind of hawk.”
Inumibechep, 4f 5XS ~&#F=7, k / E =# *-?- 7 #x. v.t. To dry in smoke. Syn : Aruyare.
Inumu, -s 5. A., Ax (ES). v.t. strain. (sing.) -
Inun, イヌン。獲ノタメ野宿スル。 v.i. To stay away from home in pursuit of ‘one’s livelihood as when fishing or working in a distant garden.
Inun, of 5& 2, ##x ov. v.i. To Smoke (as fish). -
Inunche, イヌンチェ。魚ヲ干スタメノ小屋. n. A hut for drying fish in.
Inun-chisei. イヌンチセイ。 山小屋,夏 2 #F#. n. A fisherman's hut. A summer residence. -
Inunibe, 4 x=~, ###. n. Smokedried fish.
Inuni-chiri, 4 x=5 J, also / #. n. A kind of hawk. Syn : Onumechiri.
Inunipet, 4 3. = ^ %, § jg. adj. Smoked-dried. To
Inunipetchep, 4, 5. = ^s y* ? 7, £tjg f?. n. Smoked fish.
Inu-no, イヌノ。合黙早キ、暁リ早キ. adj. Quick of apprehension. Quickwitted.
Inunukare, イヌヌカレ、カワイサウナ, 7. ≫? v *-. adj. Pitiable,
Inunukashiki, いぬぬかしき, 憐憫(れんびん)、慈悲。 n. Mercy. Pity. Compassion.
Inunukashiki-wa-kore, いぬぬかしき・わ・これ, 憐ム。 v.t. To have mercy upon. To pity.
Inunuke, of 5.5 or, ?Zio. n. Blessings.
Inunuke-ambe, 4 5:5:4-7”A-s, EH. n. Blessing.
Inunuke-ash, いぬぬけ・あしゅ, 我ハ汝ヲ憐ム。 ph. I pity thee. What a pitiable object!
Inunuke-ne, f5x5x 5-?, t? w - 3 v, ###-A ... adj. Blessed. Fortunate.
Inup, of 5:7, BH + s = F . n A thing heard.
Inup, X-s7, RIE+. n. A large plain.
Inupitara, f5 E5: 5, fik= x, # 7. v.t. To feel dislike to. To dislike. Syn : Kopan. Epange.
Inupukushish, 4, 5. 72, S≫>, %H z #~ x. v.i. To dislike to go out. Syn : Soine kopan.
Inusa-inusa, 4 x+4 ×{}, ## 2 #. n. The name of an Ainu legend of a famine,
Inushiramare, 45.225 or L-, Jos n-, # IEx v. v.t. To control. To hold in. To restrain.
Inushuye イヌシュイェ。呼プ、手招スー v.t. To call. To beckon,
Inushuyep, 4 × 2.2.4 × 7, #. n. A flag. Syn : Anushuye.
Inu-un-no, 4 5 7 2 /, f x v b f?l s’. Same as inu no only more emphatic.
Inuye イヌイェ 文身スル、彫刻スル。 v.t. To tatoo. To carve wood. Syn : I Shinuye.

Io, 4 z?. , ?#F v . adj. Full.
Iochi, Mzro, #. n. A snake.
Ioita, -szt's 5t, #. n. A shelf.
Iokbare イオクバレ。無謀ナコトヲス ol-, #5 z v. v.t. To rebel. To oppose.
Iokbare-guru, 4f + 2 vs L. ?IL, ET? N. n. A rebel. One who goes against another.
Iokirashnuka, 4f + + 5 > 58 h, v.i. To brace one's self up.
Ioma, 4 zir-r, Hil z ?IJ?, #. n. A lance.
Ioman, A zoo. 2, # 2, #: X. v.t. To go quickly. Syn : Tunashino oman.
Iomande イオマンデ。送ル(熊等ヲ殺 s2). v.i. To send away. To kill an animal in Sacrifice.
Iomompekere, いおもんぺけれ, 憐ム。 adj. To have mercy upon. To take pity on.
Ioneka, 4 zr-k;h, E: 7 : Jl. v.t. To look into a matter. To examine. Syn : Iouneka.
Ionga, of zi ehf, #?i x, E x. v.t. To put to Soak. To soak thoroughly. Syn : Aonga.
Ionga-kuttara, 4 + 273 ) ≫ & 5, r > =r > + ?, ?-3- ≫ ≫?. n. Senecio palmattts, Pall. Syn : Pekambe-kuttara.
Ioposo, 4 zrz? /, ME JL. v.i. To wake up.
Iopuni, for 7 =, #. adv. After. 方ム・
Ioresu, 4 + Lox, ?f> # Pv. ph. My being brought up.
Ioriki-kut-koro, for y =#5 y-, ra, # = # x. v.i. To gird up the loins. Syn : Orikut koro.
Ioripakka, :jr J w$≫*), £ w v +. adj. Dreadful. As :~ Ioripakka ta hau an, “ how dreadful.” Syn : Ashitoma.
Ioripet, fzj' J ^&y, ii £ 7 7^ yv. adj. Piled up.
Ioromamekara, 4zf ta r x ?j5, ZRzs vi* z, aeij; x yv. v.i. To complain. Syn : Iyaishirikara.
Ioshikkote, 4 + Se ≫ = 5*, # z zv. v.i. To have animal love for.
Ioshirunu, 4 z?. Se JL, 5Z, # 7. v.t. Choose.
Ioshkamare, イオシカマレ、議論 n. An argument.
Ioshmare, 4fz,r$,‘z L..., Ejf ~3%; 2y. v.i. To arrive at a place. -
Iossereke, f zi ≫tz Le Zr, #3 v W. L. inter. Expressing surprise or wonder. Syn : Iyossereke.
Iotuniyo, Aszroy: a, § - yu. v.t. To 31]SWET.
Iotutanu, イオツタヌ、其ノ次、第二。 adj. The next in order. The second.
Iouneka, 4fz+ 17**b, $E+ 7 E, yv. v.t. To look into a matter. To examine. Syn : Ioneka,
Ioya, 4 zoo, 2× 2. adv. Following. As;~ Ioya-pa, “the year following next year.”
Ioyapa, イオヤパ、明後年. adv. The year after next.
Ioyashimge, f f + 2A^*, BH * # H. adv. The third day from to-morrow/ tomorrow.
Ipa, いぱ, 千鳥足、チドリアシ。 v.i. To reel about as a drunkard 酔っぱらいの如くよろめく.
Ipakarip, イパカリブ, 称、衡、ヘカリ。 n. Balances. Scales. Weights.
Ipakashi, f v## S?, ##|||. n. Doctrine. What one teaches.
Ipakashnu-chisei, As a S7, 25.5Ftz of, ###, &#. n. A prison. A house of correction. A school.
Ipakashnu-guru, 4 *%:25:2 b, k ?j. n. A teacher.
Ipaketa, 4 v &#r Ax, #R vv H +. adv. Then. As :~ Nei ipaketa, “at that time.” Syn : Ita.
Ipakke, イパッケ, 招ク。呼ビツケル、オ E *H x. v.t. To call to one. To decoy.
Ipakke-ni, 4 ≫\ ≫ or =, ?? 7 P?7′′n. n. A kind of musical instrument used for decoying deer. Syn : Irektep.
Ipakokarip イパコカリプ。キンミツヒ
*. n. Agrimonia pilosa, Ledeb. Syn : Kinaraita.
Ipanchierep, 4s os 25-a: L7, fE K ニ 根ミヲ抱キテ不潔ナルモノヲ食セシム Die N. n. An evil minded person who spites another by giving him filthy food to eat. Syn : Pauchikoro-guru.
Ipaotenge, -f vvz}“SF 2-4j*, ad x n-. v.t. To command. Syn : Ipawetenge.
Ipara, 4 roo, soft x >v. v.i. To transmit (as a disease). To catch a disease. Syn : Koturuse.
Iparo-maka-ni, fa? а г?, -, ?? у # x off = p = 7& v M-75. n. The piece of wood thrust into the mouths of bears and other animals when killing them in sacrifice.
Iparo-shuke, of rota $22.5", N. 2 # x = ££a w ?? x >L. v.t. To cook for another. As ;-En aparo-shuke wa en kore, “please cook me some food.”
Ipatuye-chiuchiubare, 4 v? y 4 a.3F r} + r} vs Le, -e ?r. 27. v.i. To flounder about. To writhe (as an animal in its death-struggles). -
Ipawe, of woo so, #4;.. n. A command. Syn : Ikashpaotte.
Ipawetenge, イパウェテンゲ。命ズル。 v.t. To command. Syn : Kashpaotte.
Ipawetenge-i, イパウェテンゲイ。命令。 n. Commandments. Syn : Ichawetenge.
Ipichi, 4 E*, i * *. adj. Bare.
Ipikuira, f b 3 4 57, 5; 2 = 2; J. v.i. To go along stealthily. Syn : Kuira. Okuira.
Ipirimuye, As E. J.A. As a, so 7. v.t. To make amends. To make amends for some wounds or harm rendered. Syn : Immomuye.
Ipiru, v.i. To moult (as a bird). To lose one's hair.
Ipishi, of E:2, ##|x Ju'. v.t. To judge. To inquire.
Ipishi-aesanniyo-i, -f E SAJ”:r:#}"> = a f, ##|.. n. Judgment.
Ipishiship, イピシシプ。オホベイラク #. n. Nettles. Urtica Takedana, Ohwi. Syn : Hai. Ikara-hai.
Ipishishte, 4 to $25°, +y|#| *. v.t. To rip up (as a bear before skinning it).
Ipishki, of E:2:#, #. n. Number.
Ipishki-wa-ingara, f Evi 74 A ?f 5, : 7 Jl. To count.
Ipishki-wa-nukara, f E 52 + 7.5, 3, 5, #7 ov. To count.
Ipita, 4 bf 3, #x. v.t. To let loose.
| Ipochipochi-kina, *Physaliastrum japonicum, Kitam.
| Ipotpochi-kina,
* This herb is so called because if the fruit be touched when quite dry and full ripe the seeds jump out and scatter.
Ipokash, 4 zsjj>, $i +. adj. Ugly. Syn : Katuwen.
Ipokun-nukara, of zit? 25.7;5, #32 J., H. 2.. v.t. To despise. To look down upon another.
Ipori, イポリ。カラクサキンポウゲ. n. Ranunculus radicans. C.A. Mey.
| Iporo, 顔付、様子。例セバ、イポッツ イポロ。 ムコンナ、顔色ニ。イポツツ
| Ipot, ムコンナシュイェシュイェ。顔 イポツ。 to 5 #x212. n. The coun tenance. Aspect. As :~ Ipot"tum konna, “ in the countenance." Ipot'tum konna shuye-shuye, “ to change the countenance.”
Iporo, イポロ,大ナル、蓋大ナル。 adj. Very great. Prodigious.
Iporo-chiuk, frft a 3-7 }, #HE 7 ME x 21. v.i. To change colour in the countenance through internal excitement. As :~ Fure iporochiuk, “to blush,” “to turn red.”
Iporo-hachire, f*ri /v* v, E? & × Pl. v.t. To make ashamed.
Iporo-hachiri, 4f f:R Jv3F ), HE - *,
Yrja ?, no. v.i. To be ashamed. To be angry.
Iporo-ningi, ?z# p# = >?#, ## z luo Z. adj. Of a bitter temper. Syn : Iporo shiu.
Iporo-pirika, いぽろ・ぴりか, 顔色ヨキ。 v.i. To look happy or pleased. Goodlooking.
Iporo-pirikare, いぽろ・ぴりかれ, 喜バセル。 v.t. To please.
Iporose, イポロセ,名ツケラレタル。v.i. Called. Named.
Iporo-shikaunure, 4 z? DI $, h ) 5: Lo, #& y + # =#2, x. v.i. To show anger in the face. To look displeased.
Iporo-shiu, Afz? DI $, r}, AA 7 ?≫ v. adj. Of a bitter temper, (lit: of a bitter countenance). Syn : Iporo-ningi.
Iporo-ye, イポロイェ。法蝶ヲ吹ク。誇大 ニ. v.i. To exaggerate.
Ipot, 4 z?y, #Aff ar. n. . Same as Iporo, “the countenance.”
Ipotpochi, fifty; Riso, $ = H/L. v.i. To pop out. -
Ipuni, 4 7=, #££ x yv. n. To wait upon as servants or helpers in a feast.
Ipuni-guru, 4 7?2 v, ##. n. A SefWant.
Ipurakka, f75 ≫??, # * # ≫ n = F. To crowd one another as fish v.i. after bait.
Ipush-tuye, f 7 oz-M =, v.t. To pluck off. To gather. To pinch off (as heads of millet at reaping time). Syn : Icha.
Irachitkere, -f5#Foy4r L, E - L. v.t. To hang up (as a picture or ornament). -
Iraiki, 4f54 +, Nozi s≫ x yv. v.t. make ashamed. ?o
Iraikiram, イライキラム、困ラセル、閉 Eg te & A. v. adj. Abased.
Iramande, イラマンデ。獲スル、漁スル。 v.t. To hunt. To fish. Syn : Eramamre. To make less. 摘ミ探ル。
Iramande-guru, 4 5-r >: /L, : Ej, ##j. n. A hunter.
Iramasure, -f 5 x-r L., # 2 s +, I? - £ x ~ +. adj. Beautiful. Admirable.
Iramasure-no, f5 rrx L /, $e ≫ s* . adv. Admirably. Prettily.
Iramatshuye, f5 ar y $2 = 4 =, # ~ ju-, *:# v.i. To think. To consider. To revolve in one's mind. Syn : Ramepakari. .
Irambotarare, 4f 5 Azf: & 5 Lo, TE se ? 3k. excl. You noisy one ! Noisy.
Iramchuptekka, 4 5 A 3. - 77 ≫?j, # v 7t. vi. To feel timid. To be afraid. Syn : Ishitoma.
Iramepakari, 4f 5 x v??, J, EJE r n-. adj. Thoughtful. -
Irami, 45 S, 3, 3 %r. n. Precipices.
Iramikachaushka, . A 5 S 3H3F v :) ?e *j, £g x yv. v.i. To be disappointed.
Iramisaika, イラミサイカ, 僅少ノ、温和ナル。 adj. A very little. Gentle. Easy. Syn : Pon no.
Iramisaikare, 4f 5 S # 4 # Le, 7f# = >, yu≫, zJ> 2y x, xl≫., . v.t. To make easy.
Iramisamka, f 5.5 i}-A.:), ?Hix yL, # 7. v.t. To obtain by fraud. To deceive. Iramishkare, of 5 S Se?, Lo, T#+= x. v.t. Not to understand. Syn : Eramushkare. Erampeutek. Iramushkare. Eramusam. -
Iramkara, イラムカラ。ジラセル。怒ラ +z ju, : : +z yu. v.t. To tease. To make angry. To make cry. To poke fun at. Syn : Ramukara.
Iramkare, 4f 5 A? Lo, #2, . v.i. To feel regret. -
Iramkatchaushka, 4 5.A.;oj y%F+ oy $^ カ。他人ノ為サントスルコトヲ止メサ +: yl. v.t. To dissuade from a project . . or action. . - -
Iramkittarara, 4f5,A* y 4z55, fa v no. v.i. To be in fear. Syn : Ki
matek. -
Iramkoiki, of 5.5, 5 of +, #| x 21. v.t. To exhort. To persuade. To im portune. Syn : Onishnishi.
Irammakaka, f 5 A-r?i ?i, ?. ?., 35 - ク、好ク。例セバ、イラムマカカウウェペ ? > x, JE?) = $-os viz. adv., Thoroughly. Decorous. Carefully. Quite. Nicely. Well. As:~ Irammakaka uwepekennu, , to enquire carefully." Syn : Roramne.
Irammasure, s 5A, -: K Le, # so +. adj. Beautiful Pretty. Neat. Syn : Aara. Atomte.
Irammokka, イラムモッカ。遊戯スル。 v.i. To play. To have some fun. To tease. To poke fun at.
Iramno, 4 5.A. V, Ht =. adv. Together. As :~ Iramno paye, “to go together.” Syn : Ukoiram no.
Iramnukuri, 4 5 6.3x } ), ?* = F 5 # or x. v.i. To dislike to do. To feel diffident. To be averse to.
Irampokiwen, 4f 5 Azf:#} = A, #2, a-. adj. Pitiable.
Irampokiwen-wa-kore, いらむぽきうぇん・わ・これ, 恤ム(あわれむ、うれえる)。 v.t. To pity. To have mercy upon.
Irampoye, 4f5.Az??47 +, ?e v y!>. adj. Sportful. Playful. Noisy,
Iramraiki, イラムライキ。センダイヘギ. n. Thermopsis fabacea, DC. Also called iramtai-kina in S. In H. it is ??qe*aasara Or ?7?e*2qSa?zy.
Iramsarakka, f 5 A'j 5 y 2), Uo?E 57 # ≫ v sv. v.i. & adj. To be troubled.
Iramshitnere, 4f 5 A$2'y# Lo, a L-os 嘆息、ノ露鮮。 耐へ忍ベレヌノ意ヲ( ?? ?? ?t l?? # x). excl. Dear me! Dear l dear! An exclamation expressive of impatience.
Iramtai-kina, 4f 5 A, & M #3", te > * ?? £. n. Thermopsis fabacea, DC. Also called iramraiki in S. In H. it is called menasara or menasaru.
Iramtarara, 4 5.A4?z55, J\3$ v + . adj. Noisy.
Iramtoine, イラムトイネ。残酷、又ヘ有 # $. n. Sadness. Harshness. Sorrow. But in some places this word has the idea of thanks and gratitude in it in certain connections. .
Iramtoinere, f 57 A. R 4 k Le, ili 4 ?i +(# F#. Y F#). excl. How sad ! what a trial An exclamation expressive of sorrow and commiseration. As :~ Nei guru rai, awa, iramtoinere ta hau ! “how sad I the man has died.” Like iramtoine this word also sometimes expresses gratitude especially for some favour received during sorrow.
Iramtuiba, イラムツイバ。臆病ナル。恐 ロシキ、例セバ、イラムツイベタヘウア シア、何ント恐ロシイデヘナイカ. v.i. & adj. To be timid. To be frightened. As :~ Iramtuiba ta hau ash a, “what a frightful thing | "
Iramu, 4 5 A, ## x 70 v.i. To be thought of. To be considered. Syn : Aramu. -
Iramuikurukuru, 4 5.A.4 : Jl.2 Jl, ... }|#x n . v.i. To be concerned about.
Iramuok, 4f 5 Az ), AE > 2. v.i. To be sorry. To be distressed.
Iramuokka, イラムオッカ。悲シマセル。 | v.t. To make sorry. To distress.
Iramu-pishki, イラムピシュキ。 暗算ス no. v.t. To count in the mind. |
Iramushkare, s 5A,$e?i le, Tfts z. v.t. Not to understand. Syn : Eramushkare. Erampeutek. Iramishkare.
Iramu-wen-ramu-an-koro, 4 5 A ウェンラムアンコロ。悲シイ為メ. ph. Being grieved. Being in sorrow.
Iramye, いらむいぇ, 譽メル(誉める)。 v.t. To praise. To applaud. 【cf. Iranuye, いらぬいぇ】
Iramyep, 4 57.A4 =7, E##. n. Acclamation.
Irangarap, Af5 2.?f5 7', ##. n. A
salutation. This word in often pronounced Iyangarap by those Japanese who speak a little Ainu. It is pigeon Ainu and should be avoided.
Irangarap-itak, of 5 27f774 5, 7, Ee; 2 ;. n. The words of a saluta tion. A salutation.
Irangarapte, Af5 2.?f5 757, illf?f>* x zi (???j v F#). ph. How do you do?
Irannakka, イランナッカ、障碑物 n. A nuisance. A hindrance. v.i. To have no need of.
Irannakka, イランナッカ。嫌フ、不用ナ pl. v.t. To dislike. To not want. Syn : Kopan. Ota.
Iranuye, いらぬいぇ, 讃スル。 v.t. To praise. Syn : Omonre. Ramye. Reika. 【cf. Iramye いらむいぇ】
Irapokkari, 4 5*≫*j J, £a & *. adj. Poor. Syn : Yaieshinniukesh.
Irappa, イラッパ、先祀ニ酒ヲ就ゲルノ #3:... n. The ceremony of offering libations to the dead. Syn : Icharapa an.
Ira-pungara, 4f 57:≫7f5, 7° r + + * ju.. n. Gymnostemma pedatum, Benth.
Irara, イララ。悪戯ノ、イタツラナ・ ads. Naughty. Saucy. Sly.
Irarap, イララプ。悪戯スル者。n A sly creature. A naughty creature.
Irarape, イララべ、悪戯スルコト。狭猪骨 n. A naughty thing. Naughtiness.
Irarape-ki, s 55°S:#, ##7 × 21. v.t. To do naughty things.
Irara-wa, イララワ。狭猪ニ、イタダラ ニ. adv. Slily. Naughtily.
Irat, イラツ。失フ、外ッス(的ヲ) りな To lose. To miss. Syn : Aturainu.
Irangetupa, イラウゲツパ,仕事ヲスル。 v.t. To do business. To pursue as a business.
Irauraiki, n. Thermopsis fabacea, DC.
Irawe, イラウェ、為シタ トキ。殺シタキ。 v.t. To desire to attack. To desire to do. To wish to kill. As :~ Pirika buri ku irawe ne, “ I desire to do good things.” Chiramantep ku irawe ruwe ne, “ I desire to kill a bear.” Same as eirawe. Syn : Ramande.
Iraya, 4f 5+', ## > n. v.t. To admire.
Irayapka, イラヤプカ。美シト思フ、驚 2 - + # (FIF#, A F#). v.t. & excl. To consider beautiful or nice. Dear me ! how beautiful. I am surprised. This exclamation always gives assent to the object exciting it, it indicates assent but never denial. Syn : Ikiroro-ande.
Iraye イラエ。ホメル、掌ブ、感心スル。 v.t. To admire.
Iraye, 4 54f-, 5g ta x. v.t. To kili. To have good sport. As :~ Tan to iraye poro, “lots have been killed today.”
Iraye-guru, M 54 =5 JLo, ###. n. A person who has killed something. A killer. A successful hunter. -
Irekte-chiri f L O 5-5F y, es v z 9. n. A falcon. Falco peregrinus, Tunst.
Irektep イレクテプ、鹿ヲ呼プ笛 n. A musical instrument used for decoying deer. Syn : Ipakke-ni.
Irenga, イ レンガ。 意思, 厚意, 意向, 考 #. n. Will. Favour. Disposition. Mind. A law. Rule. Business. Opinion. As :~ Pirika irenga, “good will." Wen irenga, “a bad disposition.” Kamui irenga, “the favour of God.” Tono-irenga, “Government business.”
Irenga-atte, イ レンガア ッテ, 厚意 ヲ以 +joix juv. v.t. To treat with good will. To favour.
Irenga-kashi, 4s Le 27f# Se, stk x vu v * = . adv. According to will.
Irenga-koro, A L A? 21 H, ### = * ju. v.i. To enjoy the favour of another.
Irenga-kuwa, A L - jj^77, fla?. n. A fine.

Irenga-ratchire, f L > #f5 75F Le, ?j # 2, juv. v.t. To reconcile.
Irenga-sange, f L 27f#AA”, AR 2., :J = x Jl. v.t. To favour. To treat with good will.
Irenga-uturu-eapkash, 4f L≫>’?ff7% ルエアプカシ、仲保スル v.i. To act as a go-between.
Irenga-uturu-eapkash-guru, 4 Lo 2 ガウツルエアプカシグル。仲保人 n. A go-between. Syn : Iyuturu-omaguru. -
Irenga-wende, Af Le 27ff) = 27', # e 7#j? z. v.l. To stir up strife,
Irenga-ye, 4 L?27f4 --, jj£$ x ≫v. v.t. To reconcile.
Ireshke, 4 L Se4r, Inconvenient.
Ireshpa, イレシパ。生長スル(複数)・ "f To bring up. To rear. (Pl. of the person).
Ireske, Af Lez4r, A££>≪ yv. v.t. bring up. (Pl. of the object).
Iresu, As Le Z, A:#x yu. v.t. To bring up. To sustain.
Iresu-guru, イレスグル。他人ヲ生長セ $2.1, 7 A. n. One who brings another up.
Iresu-habo, f L K vvxfft, lek, ##. n. One's mother. A foster-mother. Syn : Iresu-totto.
Iresu-huchi, 4 Lez& 7#, yk z ##. n. The goddess of fire. A foster-mother. Syn : Onne-huchi. Kamui-huchi.
Iresu-kamui, 4 Le7 hA4s, ??(N. 73E 2). n. God, the sustainer (lit: fostergod). Syn : Abe-kamui. Huchi.
Iresu-michi, of L-2. E5*, *, *?%. n. One's father. Foster-father.
Iresu sapo, 4f Lo X"###, # e siji. n. Foster-sister.
Iresu-shinda, 4 Le7. Se est, ff = ff r ル名ニシテ、我捨監即チ養育ノ捨監ノ義 + y . n. A term applied to God. “The bringer up.” “The sustainer.” ZfS E. adj. In ?o “Our cradle” (lit: Foster-cradle).
Iresu-totto, of Lex F 9 F, #, #|}.. n. One's mother. Foster-mother.
Iresu-yubi, of Le?a.bs, R.. n. Elder brother. Foster elder brother.
Iretaraka, イレタラカ、漂白スル、晒ラ 3. v.t. To bleach.
Iri, 4s ), ?#KE? v = v. v.i. To be of the same family. As :~ Shine iri guru, “persons of the same family.”
Iri, 4 J, ?!!=, #; =... adv. Together.
Iri イリ。皮ヲ剥ク、毛ヲ抜キ探ル v.t. To skin. To pluck out as feathers. Syn : Risei. Ri.
Iri-an, イリアン。 皮射 ギタル。 Skinned. Syn : Ari. -
Iri-guru, 4 J of Jo, ##. n. Relations.
Iri-kunne, 4 J % ?*, i £+-. adj. Quite black.
Irikuwan-no, 4 9 2 7 2 /, ?ij = , E? H? =, 2?je se ?. adv. Straight ahead. In front. Syn : Arakuwan-no. Okuwan-no.
Irima, As J 7, HR# 2. ?#. n. Eyes affected by a hair having got in.
Irima-ot, イリマオツ、イリマガアル。 adj. Having bad eyes through the eyelashes turning inwards.
Iririnchirin, 4f 9 9 >* y >’, E + }jjEj 73; 2, ###x Juliao. n. The sound made when walking on hard ground.
Iririp, 4 J J 7, See Ipishipship. Nettles.
Irishik-pui, 4 j > 2 74f, ?KE = P 3: ju-j?fj. n. Family likeness.
Iritak, 4 J & O, #AA; T.#. n. Re lations. Brothers and sisters,
Iriwak, 4 y Z 7, sila, Jo?. n. Blood relations. Brothers. As :~ Tu iriwak me orowa shine tureshnu, “two brothers and one sister.”
Irivak-ne-guru, f ) 7 i k VJU, ?i?i, sta#, ###?. n. Brothers. Relations. Sisters. adj.

Iro, 4 ta y 色。7z。 Iroho, of n:r, Colour.
Iroaushi, f H 7 tj S*, #%#, sz # xv. adj. Coloured. Syn : Anore. Irosome.
Iro-eshiknak, 4 H + > 2, 3-2), ETE ≫. adj. Colour-blind.
Iroikeshne, f n -f 5-se:k, g * =, 3k * = . adv. One after another. By degrees.
Iroki, -s to #, #712, § 7:H y. v.i. To shine. To have colour.
Ironne, いろんね, 厚キ。 adj. Thick. (Used only of inamimate objects 無生物の対象にのみ適用される). ★バカ検証 【inamimate はスペルミス。正: inanimate】
Ironne-samambe, A DI 2:k}}^* A^*, ++ or v M. n. A kind of plaice. Pleuronichithys cornutus (T. & S.).
Ironne-tat-ni, of n >+3 y=, #2k 2 A. n. Betula Maximowicyiana, Regel. A kind of birch.
Irori, 4 to y, #. n. Colour.
Irorokeshne, A DI DI Or$a:#, ## = . adv. By the side of. - ?roshki, f a > 4, 5 i? y. n. The ceremony of offering food to the manes of the dead.
Irosome, 4 DI / 3?, # E se 3: bv. adj. Coloured. Syn : Iroaushi. Anore.
Iru, ≪fyw, ?!,. pro. Me.
Iru-etoko, 4f JL:r. F =a, ?III =, ?if=. adv. In front of. Before. Syn : Kotchaketa.
Iru-etokota, 4 JLir: H → 3, ## 2, § 2. #. ph. Before my path. In front of me.
Iruike, イルイケ, 磨ク。鋭クスル v.t. To sharpen. Syn : Eenka.
| Iruka, イルカ,
| Irukai, イルカイ,
暫時(ざんじ)。 adv. For a little while. For a short time. In a little while. After a short time. As :~ Irukai kohekiru-ike, “just turning round towards.”
Irukai-tomta, of Jo?; 4 F.A. &, ### = s/7 . adv. In a short time. After a little while. Just for a moment. For a short time.
Iruka-ne-koro, f Ju?jak za pa, i 7 se ?r. adv. ph. After a short time. A little afterwards. Shortly.
Iruka-nukara, 4 Jl,:j5: h5, : H. x pl. v.t. To get a glimpse of anything. Syn : Nukara-tek.
Irukuru, 4 JL.2 JL, ##. n. pangs of child-birth.
Iru-okata, イルオカタ、私共ニ従へリ。 ph. He followed us (me). After me. The
| Irup, ###?. n. Dregs. Sediment. イルプ, The remains of the ar
| Irupui, rowroot plant after the 4 JL74, flour has been extracted. Starch.
Irura, 4 JL5, # n-. v.t. To take or send away. To see one off as when going on a journey.
Irure, 4 JL. Le, ?2. vv. v.t. To thaw.
Irure-kina, (S). Polygonum sachalinense Fr. Schm. Also P. Weyrichii.
Irusa, 4 ML+}', #F x. v.t. To lend.
Irushka, 4 Joe?, #712. v.i. To become angry. Syn : Kinrakara.
Irushka-chep, いるっしゅか・ちぇっぷ, z 2 / ##. n. Puffer. Swell-fish. Name applied to several species of Gn. Spheroides.
Irushka-i, of JL:27; f, ###. n. Anger. Wrath.
Irushkaha, 4 Jl.:2: /v, :. n. Anger.
Irushka-itak, 4 Jl,:2:14 & 27, : / : E. n. Angry words. Syn : Etuchikore-itak.
Irushkare, 4 IL-$e?, Le, # 7 x. v.t. To make angry. To stir to anger. To aggravate.
Irushkare, イルシカレ。安心ス、調和ア ju. v.i. To be serene.
Irutasa, イルタサ。此處ヨリ彼處へ。 adj. From one to the other.
Irutashpa, 4 Jl 5:32us, H. 2. Mutual. To warm. adj.

Irutashpa-no, -f JL 5x > ≫v /, H = . adv. Mutually.
Iruwe, -f IL-7 a, Hk ≫ EikiF. n. A bear's foot-print. Syn : Noru.
Isa, イサ, 古キ、熟シタル、皺ノヨリタル。 adj. Old. Ripe. Harvest time. Wrinkled. Aged.
Isa, イサ, キーキート叫ブ、鹿ノ鳴聲。 v.i. To squeak. A deer's call.
Isaaketa, f +774-47, F ≫ y. Please.
Isaika, ?f*}-- *j, £§ % + yv. adj. Easy. Sym : Kasushne.
Isaikako, イサイカコ。干渉スル。口出シ x 21. v.t. To interfere. To speak when not spoken to.
Isaika-no, 4 +4 ?, Z, 容易力。 adv. Easily. Syn : Eattereke-ne. adv.
| Isam, イサム, 非ズ、無シ。全ク無シ、居ラヌ(おらぬ)。例へバ、オマンワイサム
| Isham, イシャム, 往キテ居ラヌ。エワイサム。食べテ仕舞ウテナイ(たべてしもうて、もう、無い)
| Isama, イサマ, v.i. Not to be 存在しない. It is not. To be absent. In some cases the word isam expresses “entirety 全く,” and may be translated by “ away.” Thus :~ oman wa isam, “he has gone away 彼はもう行ってしまった.” Koro wa oman wa isam, “he has taken it away 彼はそれを持っていってしまった.” E wa isam, “it has all been eaten それはもう全て食べられてしまった.” Rai wa isam. “he has died 彼は死んでしまった。もういない。.” Isam kotom an, “there appears not to be もう無いみたい,” “it looks, as if there were none まるで無い様に見える.” When immediately followed by the verb isam may be translated by not 動詞の直後に isam が来ると、否定の意になるみたいだ. As :~ Naa ek isam, “he has not yet come 彼は未だ来ていない.”
Isam, いさむ, ph. By its side.
Isama-ni, いさま・に, 横桁、支柱。 n. A cross-beam. A tie beam. Brace.
Isambe, イサムべ, 有ラヌ、無クナッタ。 n. & v.t. It is not. To have died.
Isami, イサミ, 何モナイ。例セバ、ネプ カオッタイェプカイサミ。汝ハ其レニ封 シテ何モ言フ處ハナイ。 v.i. & n. It is nothing. There is nothing. Absence. As :~ Nep ka otta yep ka isami, “there is nothing you can say to it.” i.e. “you have nothing to answer.”
Isam-isam, イサムイサム, 早ク終リニナル。 v.i. To come quickly to an end.
Isamka, イサムカ, 廃するスル。滅絶スル。 v.t. To abolish. To annihilate. To annul. To assuage. To abrogate. Syn : Oyak un omande. Oyakta omande.
Isamka-i, いさむか・い, 廃止。 n. Abolition.
Isam-kusu, イサムクス, ソノタメデナケレバ。 ph. If it was not for. Thus: ~ Tan tu tusu ku (kuru) isam kusu neike, , had it not been for these two shamans.”
Isam-kusu-ne-neike, いさむ・くす・ね・ねいけ, 其譯デ無ケレバ。 ph. If it were not for.
Isam-no-po イサムノポ, 否、アラズ。 ph. No, there is not.
Isamta, いさむた, ニ次グ(つぐ) adv. Next to.
Isan, いさん, 愛スル。 v.t. To love.
Isangep イサンゲップ, 守護符。 n. A charm kept stowed away in some private place to be taken out at times to worship. The Ainu people believed that any rare thing which they came across unexpectedly constituted a charm. It was supposed to bring good fortune to the finder. When such were found they set up inau in the place where the object was picked up, as thank-offerings. They also wrapped them well up in inau shavings and hid them carefully away in special boxes. Chief Penri had two, an old tobacco box and a rusty dirk. Such things were called koshinnuka which term means “carefully hidden away,” and isangep which is “objects brought down,” to look at. Syn : Kamui-rangep.

Isan-rusui, いさん・るすい, 結婚シタイ。 v.t. To desire to marry 結婚することを願う.
Isanteshi, イサンテシ, 他人ニ物ヲ上ル。 v.t. To bestow upon 授与する.
Isaot, イサオト, 列ノヘジメ。 n. The first in a row. As :~ isaot seta, “leading dog in a sleigh ソリの先頭の犬.”
Isapa-kik-ni, いさぱ・きく・に, 鮭、鱒ナド ヲ捕へテ撲殺スル為メニ用ユル柳ノ棒。 n. A willow stick used for killing salmon after they have been captured.
Isapte, いさっぷて, 給仕スル。 v.t. To wait upon as in a feast 宴会で給仕をする. Syn : Ipuni.
Isapte-guru, いさっぷて・ぐる, 給仕人。 n. A waiter. Syn : Ipuni-guru.
Isapte-mat, いさっぷて・まっと, 給仕婦。 n. A waitress.
Isapte-otchike, いさっぷて・おっちけ, 大キナ盆。 n. A large tray. A waiter.
Isa-wa-okere, いさ・わ・おけれ, 熱シタル。 v.i. & adj. To have become quite ripe as fruit.
Ise, いせ, 鳴ク。 v.i. To squeak. To call out. To squeal. -
Ise-hawe-ash, いせ・はうぇ・あしゅ, 鳴ク、鹿ノ呼聲。 v.i. To squeal. The call of a deer.
Iseise, いせいせ, 啼く。 v.t. To squeak.
Iseiseka, いせいせか, 暖タム。 v.i. To heat.
Iseku, イセク, 分娩ノ間際ニ乳房ノ張レルヲ云フ(人畜共ニ用ヰラル)。 v.i. To swell up with milk as the breasts of animals just before having young. This word is also applied to women. Syn : Topeseku.
Isempiri, いせむぴり, 陰。 adv. Behind 〜の後側に. Shadow 陰.
Isempiroitak, いせむぴろいたく, 誹謗スル。v.t. To back-bite. To speak evil of another. Syn : Ohaige-kara.
Isenram-ari, いせんらむ・あり, 前ニ云ヘル如く。 ph. The aforesaid 【法律】前記[前述]の. That which was spoken of before 既に以前話したこと. Syn : Senramsekoro.
Isenrambe, イセンラムべ, 屢々(しばしば, 屡々)、此語ハ 毎ニ間投詞ニ用ヰラレオヤオヤノ意ヲ表ス。 adv. Again and again 再三. Continually 連続的に. Always いつも. Dear-dear! 親愛なる(拝啓 ?、オス !) This word is always used as a kind of interjection この語は一種の間投詞としていつも使用される。 As :~ Isenrambe-hatt, “saying it again 又(再び)言う.” ★バカ検証 【意味不明。「毎ニ」って何。「オヤオヤ」って何。屢々(しばしば・おうおう) の「おうおう」のことか。屡々なら、 often じゃないのか --- 屡々は、用いられる、に掛かるので、意味的には、無関係ですね。 hatt って何だ。辞書に載っていない。馬鹿か。やる気アルのか。
Isenram-ari と似ているが。「以前に言っただろうが」の意か、「おやおや、それは、前に言ったね、何回も同じ事を言うな、バカ。」「又かよ」の feeling か。】
Isenramte, いせんらむて, 同上。 adv. Same as above.
Isenramte-shiri, いせんらむて・しり, 何時デモ同ジコトヲスル。ph. Always doing the same thing. 【isen は、「以前」、ram は「精神・心」で、前と同じ心、つまり、同じ考え。で私の解釈は当たり。】
Isenramte-shiri-ki, いせんらむて・しり・き, 同上。 ph. Same as above.
Isepo, イセポ, 兎(うさぎ)。エチゴウサギ、 シロウサギ。 n. A hare. Lepus var iabilis. Pall. Syn : Epetke. Oshuke. Kaikuma.
Isepo-antsami, Aftz:R7° 2'y t?S, = y y y >-. n. Picris japonica, Thunb. Syn : Ahun-kina. -
Isepokero-mun, 4ftz*4rta.A >’, x xv マイスゲ、ネムロスゲ n Carex Bux baumi, Wahl, and C. Gmelini, Hook. et Arn.
Isepo-saraki, イセポサラキ、ヒロヘノ F = + y ≫ +- +. n. Glyceria aquatica, Sm. Hare stocking sedge.
Iseremak-inonno, いせれまく・いのんの, 呪フ(のろう)。 n. A prayer that another may receive harm 他人が被害を受けるように祈り・祈願・祈りの言葉. A prayer for a curse 呪い・呪いの祈願・呪いを祈願する人. ★バカ検証 【名詞です。】
Iseremak-oitak, いせれまく・おいたく, 謗ル(そしる)。 v.t. To backbite 陰口(かけぐち)する・悪口を言う・けなす・誹謗中傷(ひぼうちゅうしょう)する. Syn : Ohaigekara.
Iseremak-ush, いせれまく・うしゅ, 助クル。 v.t. To help. v.i. To be blessed with good health 健康であり祝福されている. To be prosperous 繁盛している. Syn : Ikaobiuki.
Isese, いせせ, 啼く。 v.i. To squeal キーッという声を上げる、キャーキャーと声を上げる、歓声を上げる,,, キーッという音、長く甲高い音■ピッチが高くある程度長い、鋭い音を表す。screech と違い、必ずしも荒々しい大きな音ではない。 Syn : Ise.
Isesekka, いせせっか, 温メル。 v.t. To heat.
Isetoko, いせとこ, 前 adv. In front of 〜の前(場所).

| Ish, イシュ, 魚類・鳥類動ソノ他物 ノ 尾。 n. Tails of birds or fishes and some animals.
| Ishi, イシ,
Ishan-tono, いしゃん・との, 医師。 n. A doctor. (Jap.)
Ishaot, イシャオツ, 追越ス,置棄テ行ク。 v.i. To go first 最初に行く.
Ishi, いし, 鳥ノ尾。 n. A bird's tail.
Ishi, イシ, 自分デ、獨リ(獨力)デ. ph. By one's self.
Ishikamare, いしかまれ, 置く。 v.t. To put. To set down.
Ishikari, いしかり, 囘轉スル。 adj. Winding 曲がりくねった、回りくどい. Tortuous 曲がりくねった、ねじ曲がった. ★バカ検証 【日本語、間違っている】
Ishikari, イシカリ, 閉塞、便秘(病ノ)  n. Constipation. Stopped up.
Ishikashpere, いしかしゅぺれ, 貪ル(むさぼる)、羨ム(うらやむ) v.t. To covet 他人の物を欲しがる. Syn : Ikeshikashure. ★バカ検証 【貪ル(むさぼる)は、同じ「欲しがる」でも covet とは違うので、間違いだと思う (?)。しかし covet は、....。 モーゼの十戒の10番目。Thou shalt not covet (neighbor's servants, animals, or anything else). 隣人の家をむさぼってはいけないこと[正教会・プロテスタント]、隣人の財産を欲してはならない[カトリック教会・ルーテル教会の場合]。 --- 原意は「貪る」と同源らしい。】
Ishikatande, いしかたんで, 形式ヲ変ヘル。 v.i. To change one's form.
Ishikekara, いしけから, 瞬キスル(まばたき・する)。 v.i. To wink the eyes.
Ishiki-maimai, いしき・まいまい, ガンコウラン. Empetrum nigrum L. n. Crow-berries. To have a sensation in the eyes as if sand was in them. 目に砂が入って違和感がある
Ishiki-oshkore, 4 22 + zo 22 a. =a lo, % 2 -e 2 : ; no. v.i. To look back upon.
Ishikipipka, イシキピプカ。恥チテ頭ヲ # v v. vi. To be unable to look up for 'shame. To hang the head in shame.
Ishikoba, イシコバ。意匠、目的、待ツ・ n. Design. Intent. Also v.i. To wait.
Ishikoyantoneka, -s or * > F:K:h, # 5 # 2 + 3 + . ph. He wished to make me lodge at a place.
Ishiksammere, of $22} } * # Le, # H = 5, #, Ju . v.i. To look out of the corners of the eyes. . [EJEx yv. adj.
| Ishimekut, ナッュキサウ、オニシ イシメクツ, モツケサウ。22. Fis・
| Ishimekuttara, pendula kamtscha tica, Maxim. イシメクッタラ。
Ishimemokka, 4 ex E y ?y, TE#f+# %r y?. v.i. To pick a quarrel with. To challenge to fight. Sym : Chishimemokka.
Ishimne, いしむね, 明日(あす・あした) n. Tomorrow 明日. The day following 翌日. As :~ Ishimnehike an gusu ne na, “ we will go on with it tomorrow 我々はそれを明日まで続ける( or どんどん進める)つもりです.” 【gusu は、 kusu の変形。富田に無い。kusu-ne 〜するつもり(意思・予定)】
Ishimme-kuttara, 4 × 4, # 7 y & 5, + = 52 + y or + W. n. Filipendula kamtchatica, Maxim. х
Ishine, A Sear, fEl szz. adj. Conjointly. Together. All. Syn : Ishin??Ce
Ishineka, of $2:#7, ##x Ju v.l. To bewitch.
Ishinne, ≪ S^ 2*, £?, }L. adj. All. Altogether. Syn : Ishine.
Ishinneka, イ シ ンネカ。 人ニ 化ル狐。 n. A kind of fox said to sometimes assume human shape and practice various tricks on people to their hurt.
Ishinneka, イシンネカ。ノ為メニ、ノ代 y = . adv. On behalf of. In place of.
  | Ishinere, イシネレ,
  | Ishinnere, イシンネレ, 形ヲ変ズル。 v.i. To assume the form of some other being. To act the witch 魔女を演ずる. Syn : Shimere. Yaitasare.
| Ishinerep, いしねれぷ, 幽霊。 n. A phantom or ghost 幻影あるいは幽霊. A witch 魔女.
| Ishinnerep,
Ishioikatta, いしおいかった, 急ギ出ル。 v.t. To hasten out 急いで外へ出る.
Ishiorore, f ezt n Le, # 27. v.i. To be surprised. Syn : Iyokunure.
Ishiororeka, As Sozi" n Le ?7, #? x. v.t. To surprise.
Ishiot, 4 Sezr:y, Fij z e? x. n. The first in a row. .
Ishi-oush, イシ・オウシ, 驕慢(きょうまん)ナコトヲ云フ。 v.t. To speak proudly.
Ishiraineka, イシライネカ, 待伏セスル v.i. To crouch. Syn : Yongororo.

Ishiramka, 4 ×54,77, HJ & # jL. v.i. To fawn.
Ishiramkore, of $25 A, a Lo, ME x v. v.t. To love. To care for.
Ishiramma, A E 5. Ze vr, Zfs# =. adv. Generally. As a rule.
Ishiramtonne, 4 × 5.6, F 2:#, ## × 9. § 2. v.t. To long for. To desire.
Ishiran, "f Z-5 ”, FK = u-. v.t. desire. Same as Ishran.
Ishirankarapte, いしらんからっぷて, 憐ム。 v.t. To take pity upon.
Ishiri, 4 × 9, jj z H++. adv. With might. Severely.
Ishiriki, 4 Se J =, y fe y =. stead of. Syn : Shirine.
Ishiri-kootke, 4f $≫ y =1**y4%r, E ≫ ji| x. v.t. To spear very much, or thoroughly.
Ishirikurantere, of $2 y 3 5 2 5' Le, # T(?E, v F#). interj. Dear me ! Oh dear ! As :~ Ishirikturantere nep poro ! “dear me how largel ” Ishirikurantere, ukuran etutanne kikiri tumi sange, “ dear me, how the mosquitoes waged war last night." Ishirikurantere ara mim patek, “ dear me ! it is nothing but fat.” Ishirishina, 4 × 9 × 7", ##2 *. v.t. To bewitch. Syn : Ichashkara.
Ishiriro, イシリロ。荒キ鼻息ヲスル(奔 g5 z j| 27). v.i. To snort (as a horse). Ishiru, of $>JLo, # V #ij}°. v.t. To abrade. To rub off. To grate. As :?Tush ishiri wa tui, “the rope has worn asunder.” Ku teke ishirti wa meshke, “I have rubbed the skin off my hand.” Shuop ush-i ishiru wa pilche, “the paint has been rubbed off the box.” Nei numa ishiru wa tonto me, “that skin has had the hair rubbed off and has become bare.”
Ishirubare, イシルバレ、悪気ニ取憑カ v v. v.t. To be possessed with a ?o adv. In devil. To be afflicted with cleptomania. To be a maniac. Syn : Nitne Kamui shikatkare.
Ishirubarep, 4 Sellers le 7, ?E N. n. A maniac.
Ishirup, of $2/L7, #, + x 9. n. A file.
Ishisamtere, ≪f $~+*.A5-L., Ei;E z. yv. v.t. To marry.
Ishitaigi, 4f $~4;z4f *, E yv. v.t. weave. To make cloth.
Ishitakande, of $24, 3, 27°, + y H. f. J? ≫L. v.i. To be in a dream.
Ishitoma, 4f $≫ H->r, fis v yv. v.i. To be afraid. Syn : Kimatek. Eingesh. Eramukittararage. Inkush.
Ishitomare, ≪f S-F (F L-, #2 x. v.t. To frighten.
Ishitoma-ship, Af > H z $27, ### = ju F + H+ /logo; 7... n. A flat piece of wood bent so as to fit the lower part of the back and used in weaving cloth. To
Ishitomateletek, A S2 - o 5F y = y, ji?#?-yl-, #; ta & *. adj. Fearful. Cowardly. Syn : Eturamkoro.
Ishiu, of $2 }, FRH = , # = . adv. Ordinarily.
Ishka, of $233, #2. v.t. To steal. Syn : Eikka. Ikka.
Ishkeu, 4 $, 5- 7, sta. n. Corner. Syn : Shikkeu.
Ishkari, イシカリ。閉塞セシ v.i. ped up.
Ishnichi, of 2:5, ## / TE #. n. The lower end of the spine.
Ishpoki, イシポキ。カレイノ一種 n. A kind of flounder.
Isho, 4 > a, £fa+ yv. adj. Plenteous. Sport. Lucky. Also game, as bears, deer, etc. As :~ Isho koro guru, “a lucky sportsman. Stop ” Ainu moshiri chikoikip isho pirika moshiri ne, “Ainu land is a place where there are plenty of animals.” Isho kowen, “unlucky in sport.” Tanto isho pirika, “to
day we have had good sport.” Isho niukesh, “unfortunate in hunting.”
Isho, of Sea, RijHij =. adv. In front of. Ahead.
Isho, of $2 a 9, §§ (#7 off). n. A bear (in Saghalien). Syn : Iso.
Isho-itak, イショイタク。見聞シタルコ F 7 #91 - v.t. To tell what one has seen and heard. To report upon. To say. To report. To tell of personal adventures. Syn : Uweneusara.
Isho-itak-ambe, 4 > a < % % J*A^&, ##. n. A report. News.
Isho-itak-an, イショイ タクアン, 報知. n. News.
Isho-itakka, イショイタッカ、知ラセル, # *. v.i. To tell. To say.
Isho-kapiu, イショカビウ。アホウドリ。 n. Albatross. Syn : Shikambe. Oshkambe. Onne-chikap.
| Ishon, £%£*- ≫v. adj. & v.i. Plenteof Sea 2, ous. Good sport. Clever.
| Ison, Lucky. Fortunate. イソン。
Isho-sange-kamui, いしょ・さんげ・かむい, 梟(フクロ) n. An owl. ★バカ検証 【フクロ、では無い。「フクロウ」である。】
Isho-seta, いしょ・せた, 橇(そり)ヲ曳クトキ先頭ニ立ツ犬。 n. A leader sleigh dog リーダーのソリ犬.
Ishra, いしゅら, 切望スル。 v.i. To have a strong desire for something. As :~ Ishra tonne an, “he ardently wishes for it.”
Ishra, いしゅら, 贈物。 n. A present. An offering.
Ishra-kara, いしゅ・から, 贈ル、捧グル。 v.i. To send. To present to.
Ishran, いしゅらん, 行。 v.i. To go.
Ishran, いしゅらん, 欲スル。 v.t. To desire. Same as Ishiran.
Ishrantonne, 4 × 5 × F 2 +, off;. v.i. To become excited. To be sur prised.
Ishu, of >a, AEi?. n. One's lifetime. A lifetime. One's life. Syn : Ishu tuika.
Ishu イシェ。有ル、存在スル・ v.i. & adj. To be. To exist. To live. Living. Perfect health. Strong. As :Ishu Kamui, “the living God.” Ishu an, “it is alive.” Ishu rapoketa, “during one's lifetime.”
Ishui, A Sea.4s, AEfr, AEE. n Life. A lifetime. Ishu-ramat, ?4 >>.5?***x, AE1.t. 7. A living soul.
Ishu-tuika, イシュツイカ。一生涯 n. A lifetime. During one's life. Syn : Ishu.
Ishuye, 4( S^=.:a, # l? v. adj. Shaking. Trembling. Wavering.
Iso, of y, so. n. A bear.
Iso, -s /, ###. n. Large bare rocks.
Isoikatta, 4f °/4 % y4°z, 4E* = }H yv. v.i. To rush out. Syn : Ishiokta.
Isoitak, イソイタク。言ヒ偉ヘレタ v.i. To, report. Tell news. Same as ishoitak To tell about hunting or fishing.
Isoko, f / a, ja H. n. Fine pebbles. Shingles.
Iso-koiki, イゾコイキ。狩スル(殊ニ熊 #). v.t. To hunt (especially bears).
| Ison, 器用ナル、巧ナル、運ノ善キ. イゾン。 adj. & v.i. Clever. Lucky.
| Ishon, Plentedus. Fortunate. To 4 Sea e, have good sport.
Ison pirika. To have made kills.
Isonbe, 4 / Loos, a? 2 : += s., N. n. A successful hunter or fisher.
Iso-seta, イソセタ 織ヲ引ク先頭ノ大。 n. The leading dog in a sleigh.
Isoya, Af >/ *, # 3* 3 &-. adj. Very rocky.
Isoye イゾイェ。箕ニテフリ分ケル り.f. To shake the husks off a winnow after winnowing.
Isoyep, of 74 =7, #. n. A winnow. Syn : Muye.
Isoyep, of y of 2 7, #(+ 9). n. A gimlet.
Isshinne, A ≫ $? 2*, f$ =. adj. To
Ita, A &, £j£. n. A word. Same as Itak.
Ita, As 4g, #k v b +. adv. Then. About. Near. When. Syn : Ipaketa.
Ita, f 4., £. n. A board.
| Itak, イタク。
| Itakki, イ 夕 ッキ。
Itak, 4 & 2), # x, z 7. v.t. To speak. To say. To acknowledge. To tell. As :~ Tu itak kainon yaikoruki, “to swallow one’s words.” Itak hau konna charototke, “to speak fluently.” Itak awatore wa ye, “ to speak without making any mistakes.” Itak hoppa, “to leave word behind.” Syn : Hauki. Hawe-ash.
Itak-ambe, 4 & 2777 Art, ?#. n. A word. .
Itakamkirara-ye, f & HA, HF5 5 4 =, #3?-> yu. v.t. To introduce. To make known.
Itakamkire, イタカムキレ。約束スル。 v.i. To promise. - -
Itak-ande, of 3:2, 7:27, # E #2. v.i. To leave word. 3
Itak-apak-guru, f & & Joz? ? ?IL, E ... ##. n. A bad speaker.
Itakbe, of 5; 2) ro, # * B 2 #j. n. The stem of a spring-bow. r
Itakchihoshipire, 4 3 y 3-2, 3≫e lo, id 4$ 7 HK?E x . v.t. To countermand.
Itak-eashinge, -f x 2 +7" > ≫Ar“, # ... x, z. z. v.i. To speak. To say.
Itak-eoshiwen, of 3:2::::::25 - 2, #. ニ障ッテ物ヲ云フ、間違へテ報知スル, ,, . o.?. diffident in speaking. To misinform.
Itak-eyukara, f : 3 aria. ?a ?., H i tri x no. v.t. To mock. To imitate one's speech. , , , * * .
| Itak-hau, 4 & ? vv. 7, # * #. n.
| Itak-hawe, 4 & O ovr} =, } The "tone ###. n. A word. Language. Speech. To speak disagreeably. To be of voice in speaking. What one says.
Italk-hau-konna-charototke, 4 & 27 ハウコンナチャロトツケ、流腸ニ語ル。 ph. To speak fluently. Fluent.
| Itak-hi, イタクヒ。演説、又ヘ談話 n,
| Itak-i, 's 4x2, 4, A speech. Acknowledgement. A message.
Itak-ibehe イタタイべへ。言葉ノ意味。 n. The meaning of a word or speech.
Itak-ikkewehe, 4 & 2) Af ≫ rr} =~, ? # / : gje. n. The meaning of a word or speech.
Itak-inuni, 4 & 2 4f 5x =, or
Itak ununi, f & ) : 75x=, i? zv. v.t. To stammer in speaking.
Itak-kashi, f & 2 ?y $e, zf:#EM?, # > (+2, a ty). v.i. To disobey.
Itak-kasu-pari, s 4& 2y 23 x r & J, ME > zv. v.t. To engage in a speaking Contest.
Itak-keshkara, -f 4x + 4rS≫:h S, Hj#D 37 # z (§). v.i. To pay a fine. (pl.)
Itakki, of 4× 9 =#, H #. n. A word. Language. Speech. Syn : Itak.
Itakko, of 5 y E., Bo?. n. Magic. Witchcraft. Sorcery.
Itakko-bakko, 4 % ≫ > ≫< ≫ ri, A£. n. A witch. -
Itak-koshinonruki, of 5, 7 - 2 / 21, +, oz/-. v.i. Tofalter in speaking.
Itak-koshishuye, of 3 or E. Coa.4 =, J##? y x yu (# sv x pl-?F). v.i. To sway about when talking.
Itak-kutchama, of 5, 7 & 95-47, # => B. n. The tone of one's voice. A dialect. Pronounciation.
Itak-maukushte-itak, f & ? z } } $25,4 & 27, ##. n. A parable. A hidden speech.
Itak-maukushte-uwepekere, of 3:2 マウクシテウウェペケレ、警喩 n A fable. Italk-ne-manup, of 3:2:#75, 7, #2 - foot. n. The matter of a speech. A speech. Words.

Itaknu, いたくぬ, 従順ナル。 adj. Obedient. Quick of hearing.
Itak-nimi, 4f 4g } = =, I? Jl. v.i. To Stutter.
Itak-oikap, A & Zyzr f h7, hij 4 g. n. A fine. Syn : Ashimbe.
Itak-oikap-sange, 4 & 7: A 7, 7+2 4*, Ijas > # 7. v.t. To pay a fine. Syn : Ashimbe sange.
Italk-omande, 4 & 7:F* >7, #x. v.t. To say. Speak.
Itak-omare, 4 & 2 zirr Le, E v sjifjX. 9 7 x 912. v.t. To join in conversation.
Itakpa, 4 × 7 wo, # 2. v.i. To speak. (PI. of the person).
Itakpitaksakka, 4 & 2) E & } }} ≫ h, ## = z ++, ≫v. v.t. To trip one up in his talking. Syn : Aye-wairure.
Itak-ramachi, 4 & 2, 5* +, + x > * ~ ≫ = ?l sv. n. Same as Itak-ramat. Syn : Itak-ibehe. -
Itak-ramat, イタクラマツ、言葉ノ意味。 n. The meaning of a word or speech. Syn : Itak-ibehe.
Itak-rui-guru, 4 & 2 JL4 ? J?o, ?# #. n. A great talker or speaker (not necessarily a phrase of evil import).
Italk-san-i, イタクサンイ。 命合。 n. A command. An order from a superior. As :~ Tono oroura no ene itak san-i, “thus orders the government.”
Itakshikushte-itak, of 4 or of $25*4. 4× 7, Hook. n. An illustration.
Itak-shirosh, Af 4g Z Een Ee, #j4#. n. A fine.
Itak-sura, イタクスラ、末期ノ言葉、遺 #. n. The last words of a dying person. A person's last wishes or - commands. Syn : Hoppa-itak.
Itak-taknere, -s K 5 x 2 : L-, P. F z. ... yu. v.i. To abbreviate.
Itak-teksama, -f 4z y SF 4 H- r, H E, ~ & . . adv. Again. Beside.
Itak-tomte, イタクトムテ。面白キ話ノ. adj. Of pleasant speech.
Itak-tomte-guru, 4 & & H A 57 ) Jie, T?j to 2, ## x >L N. n. A person who speaks in a pleasing manner.
Italk-tomtere, 4 & 27 F.A.F. L., ## 7 # jul. v.t. To polish up one's manner of talking.
Itak-tunash, Af 4x ≫ y*$2, a.p] = 7. * z. adj. & v.i. To talk quickly. To speak without due thought. As :~ Itak-tunash wayasap, “a quick talker is unwise.”
Itaku, of or 27, #. n. A speech. The plural of itak.
Itak-ununin, イタクウヌニン、イタキノ #. v.i. To stammer in talking.
Itak-uwetore-kambi, Af & ≫ :) E H. Le χ.Λ Ε, $ jj. n. A dictionary.
Itan, 4 & 2, #a. n. Hammer.
Itanchiki, 4 4x25*#, ?e. n.
Itangi, of 5: 243, #. A cup.
Itangi-kem-ashikepet, of # 2:#5".A. Jo $2&-~$:y, W?###. n. The index finger. So called because it is generally used for scraping out remnants of food from the eating utensils. Syn : Ikemunnbe.
Itara, 4 & 5, §. n. A bag. A satchel. Syn : Chitarabe.
Itaraka, イタラカ、僅ニ。不知不識ニ, adv. Imperceptibly. Just. Slightly.
Itara-kamasu, 4 & 5 ?yrr X, =E#F#. n. Luggage. Syn : Shike. Kinkai.
Itaratara, イタラタラ、グラグラスル。 adj. Shaky. .
Itasa, イタサ。ノ代リニ、ノ返シニ。例セ ベ。イタサカレ、贈物ニ封シテ返耐豊スル。 adv. In return. In answer to. As :?Itasa kare, “to do " or “ give in return for something received.”
Itasa, イタサ。愛リ易キ、定リナキ。例セバ、イタサレラ、愛リ易キ風. adj. Changeable. , As :~ Itasa rera, “a ... changeable wind.” Floor.

Itasa-itak, of 4 +4 & 5, #. n. & v.t. An answer. To answer. Syn : Iseitak.
Itasare, f &# Lo, &# > vv. v.t. To exchange.
Itasasa, -s 5. (F (F, # # I H.. excl. An exclamation of pain. Syn : AУаро. -
Itasayupkep, 4 4&+-l74r7, A.. n. A storm.
Itashka-o, イタシカオ、袖ヲカカゲル。 v.i. To tie up (as one's sleeves). To turn up one’s sleeves.
Itashko, 4 & > -a, # * # E. ?* ≫L. v.t. To turn up one's sleeves. To tie up (as one's sleeves).
Itashumka, A & $22. A., 35, 3 o la 2. v.i. To make ill.
Itashumkap, イ 夕 シュムカプ。 病気起ス + 2. n. Something which makes one ill.
| Itashtasa, *iis. z. yv, fi:3; x yv. v.i. A 3x3 o 3ro, To be saucy. To con
| Itastasa, tradict. イタスタサ。
Itata, イタタ。打ツ(錦ニテ)、打切ル。v.t. To hammer. To chop.
Itata-ni, f : a -, ?H. n. A chopping block. Syn : Itaugi ni.
Itata-yara, of 4:3: "Po?, #, ## (E or ル魚又ヘ肉ヲ)入レテ打チ柔ラゲニ用フ。 n. A tray used for beating dried fish or meat soft before cooking.
Itatus, 4f 4?z‘X/2, + + 3^ =e. n. Fraxinus mandshurica, Rupr. S. Also called in S.
Itatoshi. Nitatush. Pen-ni. Tapeu-ni. In H. it is Pinni. Ash tree.
Itaugi, s 5, 7+?, #Tojyu. v.t. To chop.
Itauge-ni, 's 4× 74°:, #. n. A chopping block.
Itaya-pu, M & P7, 板造ノ倉 n. а store-house made of boards.
Itchiyara, M 95°5, 4 ~ y y 5. n. Vaccinium praestans, Lamb. H. Syn : Echiuchari. In S. it is Chikaiba. Uchitchara.
Itek, 4f 5-27, E os L vv. v.i. To be employed. To be sent.
Iteki, of 5*+, ? x 3-. aux. v. & adv. Do not. Iteki is imperative As :?Iteki nep ye, “do not say anything.” Iteki mashkin no shikte, “do not fill it too full.” Iteki nekon a ka iki, “ do not meddle with it.” Iteki nei peka, “by no means.” Followed by kuni ne, iteki forms a supplication. Thus:~ Iteki aehomatu kuni ne ki wa en kore, “grant that I may be afraid of nothing.” Syn : Hanne ki. Itekika, f 5*+*), £x ≫l. v.t. To prohibit. Syn : Hattoki.
Itekka-kara, 4f 57- y *b *j5, 3;x* yv. v.t. To prohibit.
Iteme, 4 7* y£, £ E x yl. v.i. stretch out at full length.
Iteme-kikiri, M 5" x ++ J, Ru. n. . The looper caterpillar.
Iteme-ni, M 5” x =, #. n. The beams in the upper part of a hut. Syn : Umangi-ni. -
Itemi-kikiri, 4f 5*3 + + ), ??j E. n. Same as above.
Iten-no, イテンノ。柔カイ(樺太方言) ?o adv. Softly.
Itere, of 7. L., #9. v.t. To await. To wait for.
Itese, - Ftz, k≫-. vt. Toweave. To Spin.
Iteseka, of 5*tz7, ###. n. The strings used in weaving mats.
Itese-ni, イテセニ。織機ノ或部ノ名. n. An instrument used in spinning or weaving cloth.
Iteshma, 4 : S2-r, # yv, : 2 n. v.i. To intertwine. To weave.
Iteye-ni, 4f 5*4 = =, ## # # sr. n. A kind of snare, so constructed that the top shall fall down upon any animal going under it.
Itomkokanu, M. H. A.: #3, # or ov, so
# 2, 2L. v i. To commit to the care of another. To let another do. Also v.i. Not to be able to do without the consent of another.
Itomkot, 4 F.A. =? y, ste 7, ? 7. v.t. To follow. To pursue. Syn : Iyokot. Ikesamba, .
Itomne, of F.A.:#, #2. . v.t. To envy. Syn : Eyaitunnap.
Itomnukara, 4f F.A5x *j5}, {{{}; z. yv. v.t. To marry. To live together as husband and wife. Syn : Utomnukara.
Itomnukara, 4 FA5 ?5, ##. n. Husband and wife. Syn : Umurek guru.
Itomnukara-guru, 4 FA3X 355 ?YJle, jE#. n. A bridegroom. Syn : Iyepe-ainu.
Itomnukara-utara, of F.A. 5.7; 775: 5, ###. n. Husband and wives. Also “Husband and wife.”
Itomo, いとも, 平和。 n. Peace.
Itomo-itak, いとも・いたく, 和睦スル。 v.i. To make peace.
Itomot-guru, M R. REy://L, Aj9- )v: #. n. A clever or successful hunter. Syn : Etomne guru.
Itomo-un-puyara, M H E of 27°5, Faa. n. A window on the south side of a house.
Itomushi, of F.A. 2, # #. n. ventral fins of fishes. The
Itoppa, of F was, E 2 Fs!... n. One's personal mark or sign.
Itoshin-ni, 4 F 2/2+, +, +} + 52 + y 3-, + y' vs +. n. Spiraa salicifolia, L. var. lanceolata, Torr. et Gray. Syn : Nitat-shingep, Itush-un-ni.
Itoto イトト。溶解スル(脂肪ナド). v.t. To melt down, as fat.
Ittone, of y F :#, ### x >v. v.i. To go and return. To go and come back at On Ce.
Ituiba, 4 y's wo, #1 y; x, #x. v.t. To cut off. To kill.
Ituibapuibe, of y's zo 74 ro, o A. Z. HF. n. Son of a bad man. A name given to the children of very bad parents. Also sometimes applied to bad young people irrespective of their parents. The offspring of a person who has been killed.
Itui-rui, 4 y.of IL-f, ##. n. A rough whetstone. Syn : Ituyerui.
Ituituye, 4 y 4f y4 =, # pl. v.t. winnow.
Ituituye-i, イツイツイェイ、箕場、ウチ A winnowing place.
Itukarige-sak-no, いつかりげ・さっく・の, 恐レナク、憚(はばかる)リナク。 adv. Without diffidence.おずおずせず、遠慮せず、 Without fear 何も恐れず.
Itukari-sak-no, いつかり・さっく・の, 恐レナク、憚(はばかる)リナク。 adv. Without difficulty 難なく、容易に、安々と、苦もなく、支障なく. Without fear 恐れず.
Itukatai, イツカタイ。大木ノ森林 n. A forest of large trees.
Itumama-ni, of yor 7-, ## 2 #42-. n. A piece of straight wood used in weaving.
Itumashire, 4f oy-z $^ L≫, is?! x yv. v.t. To adulterate.
Itumi, As y E, # #. n. A battle. War.
Itumi-koro, 4 × E a pa, oft. x 21. v.t. To wage a battle. ?o - %4 . ??
Itumo, f y RE, El, = [n] 7. adv. Towards me.
Itunashka, イツナシカ, 早ク感ズル。 v.i. To be quickly affected by something (as poison).
Itunnap, イツンナっプ, 蟻。例セバ、イツガナプチセイ。蟻ノ巣。 n. An ant. As :~ Itunnap chisei, “an ant's nest.”★バカ検証 【イツナプ、な訳ないだろう。】
Itupeshnu-kusu-ne-utara, As yoko, 5 y2:ky 4, 5, ####. n. Attendants at a funeral. Mourners.
Itupi, MY E, [i£i / E#. adj. Bilious.
Itupi, 4 y E, Hoffo = # 7. v.i. To become ill through over-eating.

Itura, M *5, § 2y. adj. Led. As :~ Itura guru, “a person led.”
Itura, f y5, jt =. adj. With.
Ituren, イツレン。 耐託ヲ受ケル, 默示 ヲ £&- yv. v.i. To be inspired. To be actuated by some internal impulse.
Ituren-kamui, f y Le > # A4f, ### soft. n. One's guardian angel.
Iturupukte, イツルプクテ。睦キ。近眼。 adv. Dimly. Short-sightedly.
Itusare, いつされ, 與ヘル。 v.t. To give. To bestow. As :~ Aep itusare guru, “a person who gives food to a beggar.
Itushi, f y $2, $(E). n. A concubine.
Itushtek イツシテク。獣類ニ取リ憑カ l, 7L. v.i. To be possessed by an animal. To be bewitched by an animal. To be mad.
Itushtekka, 4s y $25*y;h, # 4 5° E / 7 + + n’. v.t. To cause one to do anything with haste.
Itushtek-korachi, f y Se5+ z ニ 55°, 憑カレタル様子。狂ヘシク. ado As one possessed. Madly.
Itushtek-no, A y E25F 2 /, # s- 27, X. リ憑カレタ如ク。迅速ニ. ado. With severity. Madly. With great haste and determination (generally used in a bad sense).
Itutande イツタンデ、知ラヌ振リヲス ov. v.i. To take no notice of. To turn a deaf ear to. As :~ Ashpa kisara itutan ure, or ashpa kisara itutande, “to turn a deaf ear to.”
Itutanure, f y & 5 L, ??? E. v.i. Same as above. -
Ituyashkara, f у to Se? 5, v.t. To love.
Ituyashkarap, いつやしゅからっぷ, 愛スル、可愛ガル。 v.t. To love. To fondle.
Ituye, 切リ落トス、虐殺スル v.t. 4 y.os =, To cut off. To massacre.
Itui, As :~ Kotan itizye, “to イツイ。 massacre a village.” 愛スル。
Ituye-sere-hum, ef y f = tz L 7A, †% 7+j}} x 7Lif. n. The noise made in cutting anything asunder.
Ituye-rui, ≪f y4 = JL4f, 5: HR. n. A rough whetstone. Syn : Itui-rui.
Iukotama, Af y a Zk er, +t = - adv. Together. (Obj.)
Iun, イウン。傷ツケル、痛メル。例セバ, ツイイウン、腹ガ痛ム。 v.i. To hurt. To be in pain. As :~ Tui iun, * to suffer from the stomach ache.”
Iunashka, イウナシカ。急ガセル、早ク x yv. v.t. & v.i. To hurry. Syn : Ihoroshutke.
Iunin, イウニン。病、疫病、苦痛. n. Sickness. Disease. Pain. As :~ Iunin tununi, “to groan with pain.” Also v.i. To suffer. To be in pain.
Iunin-itak, イウニンイタク。鋭キ言葉。 n. Burning words. Heart-searching words. Words which reach the heart. . Effective speech.
Iuninka, 4 !? =. >;, # ~r *~ .. v.t. To make suffer.
Iun-iun, イ ?? ンイ ウ ン。甚ダ疫痛ニ 患 ? ???? v.i. To suffer great pain.
Iunu, イウヌ。著ル。例セバ、レクチイウ x, : = :#5/l. v.t. To put on as a necklace. As :~ Rekuchi iunu, “to put upon the neck.”
Iutara, As of 3:5, so E. x. v.t. To send a message.
Iush, イウシュ。ケイレンスル、大ニ困ム。 E£x yv. v.i. & adj. To suffer great pain. To be convulsed. To have fits. Syn : Iyush.
Iuturu-ku, 4 : y/L27, : , Hj. n. The person next me.
Iutek, 4 E 5*2, ff: L. v.t. To serve. As :~ Kamui iutek, “to serve God.”
Iwa, of 7, #, soil. n. Land as opposed to rivers. Rocks.
Iwa-etoro, n. Viola sp. The name means “Rock-Bells.” -
Iwai, of 7 f, ##. n. Wages. Salary.
Syn : Pumma.
Iwai, イワイ。ス。イワント同ジ. Six. Same as iwan.
Iwai, -f 97-f, ?A (+ >? e). n. A festive celebration (Japanese).
Iwayehe, Af V74 + ~, [H]_E. n. as above. -
Iwak, 4 727, E: x Jl. v.i. To burst. To explode.
Iwak, イワク, 往ク。例セバ、クウニタク イワク、我ハ家ニ往クナリ。v.t. To go. To go away. To return from work. As :~ Ku uni ta ku iwak, “ I am going home.”
Iwak, いわく, 密通スル。 v.i. To have illicit intercourse. Intercourse between the sexes.
Iwak-an, イワクアン。家ニ還ツタ. v.i. To have gone home (as from work).
Iwaki イワキ。墓所、分岐點(点) n. A burial place. A place of separation.
Iwa-kikin-ni, of 7++2=, 9-3-3 v. Fr. n. Mountain ash. Sorbtus comfmixta, Hedl. Also called Fure-hat, inau-ni in H. In S. it is Inate-nini.
Iwakina, of 7++, ≫ $2 or $23. Adiantum pedatum, L. Maiden hair.
Iwakte, ≪f 57 875F, E yl≫, fig x yL. v.t. To send away. To cause to go. In some places, “to bury.”
Iwakurukashi-itak, f 57 27 JИ 269 И 5. 27, # = y 4 + H 3. ph. Upon that he said.
Iwan, 4 7 >, Iwan otutanu.
Iwanatushbe, 4 (7:*≫ >^c, ####. n. A kind of earthen vessel.
Iwanbe, 4 7 oes, zv. n. Six. '
Iwanbe-ikashima-wanbe, 4 7 2?&4 2h E-T V --R, +>R. adj. Sixteen. adj. Same adj. Six. Syn : ???-. ゾ\・
Iwanbe-otutanu, of 7 × z? y?5, $7$. adj. The sixth. Syn : Iwam ikinne.
Iwange, イ ワ ンゲ。 批健ナ ル。 v.i. & adj. In good health. Healthy.
Iwange-no, of 7 AA V, HEs# =. adv. Healthy. In good health.
Iwange-no-an, 47 o Aro / 7” o, E# = 9- yo. v.i. To be in good health. Syn : An-ne. An-nu. Nisashnu.
Iwange-no-okai, 4 y >5°/zr:#4, #: #9-yu. v.i. (pl.) To be in good health.
Iwangere, 4f y724* L', # x. v.t. To heal. To make well.
Iwangeupa, イワンゲウパ、批健ナル。 v.i. (pl.) To be well in health.
Iwa-ni, of 7:, or 7 × e. n. Ash tree. Fraxinus Sieboldiana, Bl. var. serrata. Nakai.
Iwan-ikinne, 4 7 > f + > #, #?R. adj. The sixth.
Iwan-otutanu, 4 7 Azroy & 5R, ?R. adj. Six. Syn : Iwan. Iwanrekut-koro-guru, 4 7 2 L 2 y E. p. 7/Lo, so 7 # 2 N. n. A liar (lit. a person with six throats). This expression designates a great liar and is derived thus, -Iwan, six; rekut, throats; koro, have; guru, person. So to tell a person he has six throats is to say “You are a great liar.”
Iwanshuine, <( J 2 $?-.?M:k, z$iE. adj. Six times.
Iwa-rasupa, イワラスパ。サヘアチーサキ。 n. Hydrangea serrata Seringe, S. et Z. Syn : Iwasoko-ni.
Iwashi, 4 7 Eo, † 7 zv. n. Sardine (Japanese). Amblygaster melanostictum, Tem. et Seleg.
Iwasoko-ni, f 7 / - =, El E. n. Same as Iwarastupa. Hydrangea,
Iwatarapbe イワタラプべ、赤子、墨児. n. A small child. A very young baby.
Iwatarappe, イワタラッペ、小児、赤子。 n. A child.. Syn : Poho, Pon aiai. Tennep.
Iwatope-ni, イワトペニ、メイゲツカへ #, 2s + 4 x + ... n. A kind of maple.
Acer japonicum, Th. Also, Acer Matsumurae, Koidz, Th. See lope-ni.
Iwau, of 77, ##. n. Sulphur.
Iwawa, of 77, #2. v.i. To be jealous.
Iwayehe, of 74 =~, ###. n. Wages. Salary. A bribe.
Iwende, 4 } = 2a5', EE 7. v.t. curse. To cause to become bad.
Iwendep イウェンデプ、悪鬼、悪魔。 n. Demons. Things which harm people. The devil. Syn : Nitne Kamui. Wen kamui.
Iwenkosan, イウェンコサン。悪クナル。 v.i. To become worse as in sickness. Syn : Wenkosan.
Iwentep イウェンテプ。悪鬼、悪魔。 n. Demons. Things which harm people. The devil.
Iwok, イウォク。病ヲ追フ儀式 n A ceremony for charming disease out of the sick.
Iworo イウォ中。山。例セバ・イヲロショ 2/ jl *, [Ij ^ LE. n. Mountains. As : -Iworo shokturuka, “ over the mountain tops.” Iworo shokata, “on the whole mountain.” Iworo, イウォロ。全ク、皆ナ。例セバ、ペ ッイヲロ、諸川. レプウンイヲロ。海一 T?I a. adj. The whole. As :~ Pet iworo, “the whole river” or “all the To y rivers.” Rep un iworo, “the whole sea.” Ya un itworo, “the whole earth.”
Iworush-ande, f # +JL $*7° >7*, F# # : ji = 7 v Jl. v.t. To be put into one another.
Iyabo, イヤボ。父(或ル地方ニテノ母). n. Father. In some places, “mother.” Syn : Michi. Ona, Iyapo.
Iyahunge, -f + 724, 3 = X - x-. v.t. To take into a house.
Iyahup イヤフプ。受ケル、貰フ. v.t. To receive. Syn : Ahupkara.
Iyahup-guru, いやふっぷ・ぐる, 貰フ人、乞食。 n. A recipient. A beggar. Syn : Hoito-guru. Ahupkara-guru.
Iyahup-kara, いやふっぷ・から, 頂戴スル。 v i. To beg. Syn : Hoito-ki.
Iyahup-kara-guru, いやふっぷ・から・ぐる, 乞食。 n. A beggar.
Iyai, イヤイ。危キ、恐シキ。例セバ、イ ヤイアン、ソコヘ危イゾ. v.i. & adj. Danger. Fearful. As :~ Iyai an, "there is danger." Iyai hawe ne an, “fearful talk.”
Iyai-iyai, 4 + 4f4f + f, ?EE + = . ph. Be careful. Take care.
Iyaiiraigere, イヤイイライゲレ、有難 27. adv. Thank you.
Iyaiiraigere-iongamire, of *-s of 54. ゲレイオンガミレ。有難ウ、我波なノ安否 > fij z . ph. Thank you ; I salute you.
Iyaikaokka, 4 o 4 352 y 3b, s- s y #. v.i. To be in sorrow. To feel sad.
Iyaikipte, 4f + f +75°, #3rf? +. v.i. To be very dangerous.
| Iyaikoirushkare, 静ニナル、穏ニナ イヤイコイルシカレ ル v.i. To be
| Iyaikorushkare, serene. To be イヤイコルシカレ。 calm. To be even tempered. Also to be troublesome. This word is generally used in an imperative sense, and when a person has been suffering from some trouble, or when one is afraid he has given trouble. It then seems to form part of a salutation.
Iyaikookkata, 4f + 4 =?zi ≫ h &, ### EE 2/. adj. Sorrowful. Dreadful. As :~ Iyaikookkata hawashi, “Sorrowful news.”
Iyainumare イヤイヌマレ。儒レル。例 セバ、イヤイ ヌマレイヨシセレケレヘウ アシア、何ト恐シキ話デナイカ. v.i. To be afraid. To be in dread. To be surprised. Also sometimes used as an interjection “how shocking | " Thus:~Iyainumare, iyoshserekere hau ash a ! “how shocking, what dreadful talk !”

Iyaipirare イヤイピラレ。失望スル。 v.i. To have one's hopes frustrated. To be disappointed.
Iyaishirikara, 4f + f $, y ?75, ?Ef x ju, egg z :-: yl. v.i. To complain. To be disappointed. Syn : Ioromamekara. -
Iyaitunne イヤイツンネ、嫉妬深イ・ v.i. To be envious.
Iyaitupa, 4 *4f *yae&, $k x xv. v.t. To desire.
Iyama, イヤマ。種ヲ播ク(ベラマキスル) v.t. To sow seed broadcast. Syn : Iyare.
Iyangarap イヤンガラプ。接拶ノ語 n. A salutation. (Better pronounced Irangarap.)
Iyangarap-itak, 4 + 27s 574 & 27, £ £$ ≫ i. n. A salutation. The word is a salutation.
Iyangarapte, 4 +7:2%f.5 75', #pfaf3* × 3. ph. How do you do? This word is a corruption of the word Irangarapte.
Iyapapu, イヤパプ, 免シ(ゆるし)ヲ乞フ。 v.t. To beg one's pardon.
Iyapi, いやぴ, 弱キ。 adj. Weak. Invalid. Lame.
Iyapi-guru, イヤピ・グル, 柔弱ナル人、 病人。 n. A weak person. A lame person. A sick person. An invalid.
Iyapo, いやぽ, 苦痛ノ聲。 excl. An exclamation of pain.
| Iyapo, いやぽ,
| Iyabo, いやぼ,
父 (或地方ニテノ母 或地方では 母) n. Father. In some places “mother.” Syn : Michi. Ona.
Iyara, イヤラ, 他ノ,外ノ。例セバ。イヤラコタンタ、外ノ村ニ。 adj. Other. Different. As :~ Iyara kotan ta, “ in other villages.” Syn : Moshima an.
Iyarapu, イヤラプ、シヤク、コジャク。 n. Anthriscus sylvestris, Hoffm, S. Also called Icharapo in S. In H. it is Icharapo and ichari-kina. A kind of wild parsley.
Iyarapok, いやらぽっく, 腋下。 n. Armpits.
Iyare, of *L, #5 # 37. v.t. To sow seed broadcast. Syn : Iyama.
Iyashinge イヤシンゲ。償フ、返報スル。 v.t. To make compensation. To give as compensation for some evil done. To compensate. A fine paid for something wrongfully done.
Iyashke-ani, 4 + or 7:, ## / ss = As 27. v.i. To be led to a feast. To be brought into a house of feasting. Syn : Ashke auk.
Iyashke-uk, of * > *ro 7, ## =# 2. v.t. To invite to a feast.
Iyashke-uk-shongo, f * > *ry of £e a >5, ###. n. An invitation to a party or feast.
Iyatte, 4 + ≫5F, ffyl. v.t. To ornament. To hang up ornaments.
Iyau, イヤウ。肉、魚ナドヲ棒ニ掛ケテ日 = # x. v.t. To dry flesh or fish on poles in the sun.
Iyaukotte, 4t * 17 =a ≫ 5F, [% yL≫, ??#. n. & v.i. To lisp. Pronunciation. To stammer. A stammering pronunciation. As :~ Iyaukotte pirika, “ of good pronunciation.” Iyaukotte-wen, “of bad pronunciation.”
Iyau-ni, イヤウニ。昔熊ヤ鹿ノ肉ヲ掛ケ H = H > x = Jf. E szaE. n. A pole upon which the flesh of bears and deer was formerly hung to dry.
Iye, イイェ。知ラセル n. Iye, ph. To me.
Iye-e-ine, 4f 4 = r -s #, Four.
Iye-e-eine-ikinne, of 4 = + 4 + 4 + 2 *, $yd. adj. The fourth.
Iye-ere, 4 4f ? Er. L?, =. adj. Three.
Iye-ere-ikinne, of f == Los #2+, # =. adj. The third.
Iye-itak イイェイタク、言フ、話スル v.t. To tell. To tell. PA 2. adj.

Iye-ka-hunara, M M = 7,73-5, ## 2,. v.t. To wait expectantly for. To await with anxiety.
Iyekamge, 4f 4f * *j.A47°, %|1 7 -tz yv. v.t. To make known.
Iyekarakara, イイェカラカラ。出来タ zu. v.i. To be done. To do to another. Did to me. Syn : Anekarakara.
Iyekari, いいぇかり, 乞フ。 v.t. To beg.
Iyekari-guru, いいぇかり・ぐる, 乞食。 n. A beggar. Syn : Hoito-guru.
Iyekoibe, いいぇこいべ, 食物。 n. Food.
Iyekui, Afiz2y 4, ...... 5 # sy. v.t. To await.
Iyenenumba, 4 E+5A,A' $, $ vv. v.i. To tinkle. To resound.
Iyeninuite, 4 4 -:=584T5F, # ?i x. v.t. To put to bed.
Iyemaune, f f = 7 y:#, #x/L. v.i. To mix. Syn : Ikopoyege.
Iyeniuchinne, f f == 75 e:k, I?# 3) + L. v.t. To cause to quarrel. To set at variance.
Iyen-peka, -s of 2 × of, or Ien-peka, Af EE Lee & fy, E = . adv. Over. As:Chikap anak ne tun iyen-peka kush, “the birds cross over us.”
Iyenuchupkichiure, 4f4f - 5x3F3.7 # チウレ 光リニ肢スル v.t. To be dazzled by the rays of the sun.
Iyenupe-o-guru, f f = 5x^&# YJL, E? ###, n. Mourners for the dead.
Iyeokok イイェオコク、蛇ニ噛マルル。 v.i. To be bitten by a snake. Syn : Aeokokte.
Iyeomare イイエオマレ。積玉。獲酵サ x. v.t. To put in upon. To set to ferment.
Iyepa, イイェパ。出来ル。才ヲ特ム。例セ ベ、イェベチキポンノアプカシャクピリ カ。波なヘ出来ルト思フナラベ為シテ見 a. adj. Able. To feel able. As :?E iyepa chiki pon no apkash yak pirika, “you had better walk if you feel able.”
Iyepe-ainu, いいぇぺ・あいぬ, 花婿(はなむこ)。 n. A bride-groom. Syn : Itomnukaraguru.
Iyepe-habo, いいぇぺ・はぼ, 姑(しゅうとめ)。 n. The mother of one's wife. Syn : Koshmat-habo.
Iyepe-mat, いいぇぺ・まっと, ff. п. А bride.
Iyepe-michi, いいぇぺ・みち, #%. n. A father in law.
Iyepe-toto, いいぇぺ・とと, ##. n. A mother-in-law. Syn : Koshmat-habo.
Iyepeise, 4 4 ? ^& z, HEE*- yv. adj. To be in good health.
Iyepoko, As A = R -I, EE:3- vv. Evil-minded. Of bad intent.
Iyepokun, 4 4 =zi: , 2, :9- Jl. adj. Evil-minded. Of bad intent.
Iyepokun-guru, 4 f = R Ze A27 ble, # f$3- 21 A. n. An evil-minded person.
Iyeramuhauge, 4f4f = 5 Avv. 74”, #, +J-*- yv. adj. Kind. yeramu-nishte, As of s. 5.5-$27, # £+- ≫v, £*- ≫v. adj. Cruel.
Iyerikiteshpa, A 4 - J #5*$2/k, #2,” adj. #9. v.t. To hold up.
Iyeshikeraine, f f = Co4r5 f:k, ?j r ju, ; 2, # 1. . v.t. To help. To favour.
Iyetapkara, 4s 4f = & 7'3b5', #ff. n. A dance. -
Iyetaptapu, Af f = & 7 & 7', # pl. v.t. To cover as the head. To wrap up the head. To hide the head under the wings as birds. Thus:--Chikap iyetaptapu kane mokoro wa okai, “the birds are sleeping with their heads covered.” Ku sapa araka gustu, ku iyetaptapu ruwe ne, “ as I have a headache I have wrapped it up.”
Iyetaye, イ イ ?? タイ ?r? ? 抜キ出 z.. v.t. To draw out.

Iyetokoiki, of Af = F a f +, ?#fE z pl. v.t. To prepare.
Iyetok-ush, Af A = F O :) Eo, ##f? + 7 x Ju . v.t. To ambush. To lie in wait for.
Iyetokta, Af A ? K % &, ij =. adj. In front of. .
Iyetuima-samun-samun, As of = 24. マサムンサムン。共ニ歩ク・ v.i. To walk together. To walk side by side.
Iyetumangara, of A = y:F27s5, # 7. v.t. To meet.
Iyetushmak, f f = y **z 27, ?7, ? # 2. L. v.t. To anticipate. To forestall.
Iyeutanne, of f = ′ × 2+, f? = 7 ov. v.i. To be in company with. To be together with. Syn : Tura no. .
Iyo, 4 = , X - Jl. v.i. To put into.
Iyo, At a, 55 ≫ ≫v. adj. Full. Filled.
Iyo-ai, of a 7” f, #5:... n. A poisoned arrow. Syn : Iyo-rum.
Iyo-aship, M = P ×7, ##. n. The dry eczema. The itch. Syn : Maiyaige tashum.
Iyo-attush, As a Jo ≫ My SA, E AK ≫ if = ? ?? y ?~?}}}. n. A cloth garment trimmed with Japanese stuff.
Iyochi, Af a*, E£ x ≫v. adj. Perplexed. Dizzy.
Iyochishbare, 4 = +$2/8 Le, #2 ov. v.t. To spoil.
Iyohai, 's a vv f, ## / # #. excl. An exclamation of surprise. Dear me ! Dear, dear! Oh dear !
Iyohaichish, 4 = ~v4f*jF$2, 5%. n. A psalm. A song. Syn : Iyohaiochish.
Iyohaikara, f = ww.f 755, #21. v.t. To backbite. To slander. Syn : Isempiroitak. Ohaige-kara.
Iyohaiochish, 4f =a zv4fz**jF$2, $k. n. A psalm or song. Syn : Iyohaichish.
Iyoira, -f = ≪f 5, F u- N-. v.t. To forget.
Iyok, イヨク。釣ニ引キ掛ケラル・ひ.i To be caught in a hook. To be hooked.
Iyokake-un, イヨカケウン。直キ後、引 #4 +... adv. Immediately after. Afterwards.
Iyokane, いよかね, 後ロ。 adv. Behind.
Iyokane-emushpo, f = ##+.A. $ezit, /JS7]. n. A small sword very much valued by the Ainu as a treasure.
Iyokatushmak, 4 a *) ≫ $2* 27, ? 7 E 7. v.t. To follow an enemy up. To attack an enemy in the rear.
Iyokbare, イヨクバレ、不孝ヲスル、敵 x 21. v.t. To treat one's parents slightingly or unfilially. To rebel against. To fight against. Syn : Okbare. Uokbare.
Iyokbe, M = * ~, #. n. A sickle. This word is sometimes corrupted into
Iyokeshupkachiure, 4f a ?r ?oa. 7 ?55F ウレ。足逸ノ著物ヲ著ル v.i. To be clothed down to the foot.
Iyokesta-utara, f = orz & 7 #5, # ##. n. Successors. Thus:~1, “them,” (y)o, “ being,” kes, “end,” ta, “ at.” .
Iyokot, f = -ly, £z. v.t. To follow. Syn : Ikesamba. Itombot.
Iyokoto, 4 =3 = K., †E HE. n. Pock marks.
Iyokte, イヨクテ いよっくて, 引掛ケル、刈入レル。 v.t. To hook in. To get with a hook. To reap.
| Iyokunnure, #?i x. v.i. To be sur Af a ) ≫5: Lo, prised. Syn : Ishi
| Iyokunure, OrOr?. イヨクヌレ,
Iyokush, 4 a 2 82, iE - o ot. To turn inside out. Syn : Okush.
Iyoma, いよま, 槍(やり) n. A lance.
Iyomai, いよまい, 陰門、陰茎。 n. The privates 恥部. The penis ペニス. Syn : Kutchike.
Iyomande, いよまんで, 熊祭リ。 n. A
ceremonial bear feast 儀式的熊のごちそう・宴会. A feast in which any animal is killed 何らかの動物が殺されるごちそう.
Iyomande イヨマンデ, 屠殺シテ人ニ贈ル、犠牲ニスル。 v.t. To kill and send as a present to another person. To kill as a bear for a feast. To sacrifice (as an animal). The literal translation of Iyomande, is “send it away, あげちゃう” and is a general name given to the act of killing animals and birds ceremonially. Nevertheless, it is now particularly applied to the bear cub festival at which time the cub is baited, killed, its blood drunk and its meat eaten, some of it raw. It is a great time of drunkenness. This festival may be called the great racial totemistic feast, in which, however, the totem itself is actually devoured. There are also private ceremonially killings called Iyomande which take place at any time. I have personally known of such creatures as foxes, badgers, crows, hawks, jays, and even sparrows fed up for a time, worshipped and “sent off.”
Iyomap, いよまっぷ, 物ヲ入レル器具。 n. A vessel or instrument in which anything is placed. As :~ Aiai-iyomap, “a cradle” (lit; “the instrument in which the baby is placed.”)
Iyomap, いよまっぷ, 愛スル、可愛ガル。 v.t. To fondle. To love.
Iyomap-guru, 4 az 72//v, EJ: x, yu. A. n. One who fondles another.
Iyomare, f = r L, ?E *(#?>- F 7). v.t. To pour out as wine into a cup.
Iyomare-guru, 4 = - L-2 Ju, #fE. n. A waiter at a drinking feast. One who distributes wine at a feast.
Iyomomo, 4f = #E5E, SE = ## > n. v.i. To be dazzled with the sun or any bright object. -
Iyomonnure, イヨモンヌレ。賞讃スル。 v.t. To praise.
Iyonane, ?f =a**, g 3. z. adj. One's OWn.
Iyonani, イヨナニ。ソレカラ。急ニ 帥 H] = , E + =, adv. Then. Suddenly. Immediately.
Iyonitasare, As a = 5:4). L., #~ ov. Os セベ、レイへイイヨニタサレ、改名スル。 v.t. To change. As :~ Reihei ivoni. tasare, “to change one's name.”
Iyonnupba, イヨンヌプバ、偏誇スル, ## 1. v.t. To bear false witness. To speak evil of another.
Iyonnupba-guru, of a 25, 7 vs ?YJL, so. n. A false witness. An accuser.
Iyonnupba-itak, of a 25, 7, $4 × 5, ###. n. A false accusation.
Iyonuitasa, As a 5.4 × {}, {5}#x n-. v.t. To do in return. To return as good for evil or evil for good.
Iyookunnure, 4 azi* 2% :/?5% L?, # s~ 2? # 2. v.i. To be very much surprised. . Syn : Iyokunnure.
Iyoomaoma, イヨオマオマ。慰メラレ yl. v.i. To be comforted.
Iyoomaoma-an-i, of azhor:for 7:24, ##. n. A place of comfort. A comfortable place.
Iyo-omare, イヨオマレ。二個ノ荷物ヲ Hi + 7. # 7. v.t. To carry two bundles upon the back, one upon the shoulders and the other lower down the back.
Iyop, M = 7, #, #, #. n. A vessel. A bag. A box.
Iyopakkai-ushi-guru, M = roy #4 of $2% mlo, ?I-R?. n. A nurse. -
Iyopanere イヨ*ベネレ。帯ナシニ衣物 73; fl. v.i. To wear the clothes loose without the girdle.
Iyopannatte, 4f = ** :e:}- ≫ 5*, I?? E. v.i. Same as above.
Iyopbe, of a 7 ro, #. n. A sickle. Syn : Iyokbe. -
Iyopesh, f = ^$$e, # ≫, fij 7. v.i. To listen. To act in an inquisitive manner. To inquire into. Syn : Opesh.

Iyopok-omare, 4 = 72 zo Lo, =t. ノ荷物ヲ重ネテ負フ v.t. To carry two bundles upon the back, one upon the other.
Iyopone, 4 a 7jRak, 4&, #R. adv. Afterwards. -
Iyoppa, f = y^, B| >. v.t. To pull.
Iyopsura, f = 7X5, ?a 7# * )v. v.i. To cast a spear.
Iyoppare, 4f a ya* le, #J ~ ~. v.t. To lay on to. As Tek-iyoppare, “to lay on to with the hands.”
Iyorakse, イヨラクセ, 不足ナル。 Insufficient. Syn : Eikohaye.
Iyorande イヨランデ ニ降ル。例セバ, adj. | ペッラントムイヨランデ 河漫ニ下ダ ≫L. v.t. To chance upon. To come : down to. As :~ Pet rantom iyorande,
Iyoshserekere, 4 = 2+2 L, or L., & v “to come down to a river.”
Iyorapte イヨラプテッ上ニ降ル。園ラズ| To descend upon. To 出合フ・.v.i. ... chance upon. :
Iyoriki-puni, 4 a y *7=, $%,?z v ju, ###x yu. v.i. To be raised up. To be pleased. To be stirred up as in anger. To be lifted up. To be stirred up. As :~ Rera iyoriki puni, “he was lifted up by the wind.” -
Iyoro-itak, 4 at 4 & 2, #2 (Fox y 5 x 7t, # 2 #5% z × 212. v.i. To join . in conversation. To interfere when others are talking. Syn : Tomo-unitak. -
Iyororope, 4f a E E. ^, {k = }} == yl-a . 葉(確トシタル意義アルニ非ズ).. interf An excl. of pleasure. A word some- |. times heard in songs, but which does not appear to have any special meaning. -
Iyo-rum, f a JLA, E#?. n. A poison- ed arrow. Syn : Iyo-ai. -
Iyorun, いよるん, 乞フ、願フ。 v.t. To beg. Syn : Ikoramkoro.
Iyorun-guru, いよるん・ぐる, 乞食。 n. A beggar.
Iyoship, f = C?7, #?.
Iyotte イヨッテ。引ク。結ブ.
Iyorun-ki, A = n > +, : z, : z. v.t. To beg.
Iyorushpe イヨルシべ、何カ入レテア A vessel with something ル器 n. in it. -
Iyorushpe-nu, 4 = Jl.9r$5:, H: 7 B: 3. v.t. To hear the news.
Iyoshi, A E Ee, 4# =. adv. After. Afterwards.
Iyoshi-no, of 3 × Z, # =. adv. After wards. By and by. n. Eczema. Syn : Kapu-pitak-tashum.
Iyoshikpekare, 4f a $24) **, le, H 7, § 2. v.t. To aim at.
Iyoshi-un, 4 = Ser} >, $# = . and by. adv. By ル、例セバ、イヤイヌマレイヨシセレケ レヘウアシア、驚クペキカナ、ナント恐 se a ?#3- > x *. v.i. & adj. To be afraid. To be in fear. Fearful. Dreadful, As :~ Iyainumare, iyoshserekere hau ash a ! . “ how shocking, what dreadful talk !” -
Iyot, 4f = y, ££ x v. adj. Dizzy.
Iyotaipeshte, f = & f "$$25F, ff#A = sh; 7. v.t. To make very close inquiries. To thoroughly search by making inquiries. Syn : Tomte-nouwepekenu. - |
Iyotta, イヨッタ。 最多ナル。 例+心 イ = ≫ 3 E y ?, , , # = # ar. adj. - Most. . . Superlatively. This word is used be fore adjectives to give the superlative degree. Thus:~ Iyotta pirika, “most good."
Iyotta wen, "most bad." v.t. To pull. To drag. Tie on (as a hat). To shave (as Inau).
Iyotupekare, <( a y^s7, v, #*. adj. Stingy. Miserly. Syn : Yaiotupe1are...
Iyounumpekare, 4 = } 5 A^& h Le, jor ju. v.t. To assist one in trouble.
To advise.
Iyoyamokte, ***, # 2. v.i. To be astonished. To marvel. To wonder.
Iyoyange, ***, E of w. v.t. To lift up. To offer to a superior.
Iyoyanumare, ***, #.!,, B51 pt-. v.i. To be in trouble. Syn : Ihoserekere.
Iyukoikire イユコイキレ 争ヲ起ス。 # 5 #, x. v.t. To make mischief. To stir up strife. Syn : Iyuturupao. Iyukowende. Kuchikanna.
Iyukoikire-guru, ***, 悪戯者、不和ヲ起サセル人、n..Amischief maker. A person who sets others at variance with one another.
Iyukomi, ***, # # # x pl. v.i. To wear much clothes.
Iyukowende イユコウェンデ。争ヒヲ起 x. v.t. To make mischief. To stir up strife. Syn : Iyukoikire.
Iyukowende-guru, ***, ZIS:#; 7jg++ Jl. A. n. A person who sets others at variance with one another.
Iyun, ***, Pq =. post. In. Sticking IIl.
Iyuninka, ***, fE x yl≫, }E $ 754-s /u. v.t. To damage. To hurt. To give pain to.
Iyun-wa-rai, ***, #2”, P#Pk ヲ止メル。例セバ、レクチポネイュンワ ライ。彼ヘ喉ニ骨ヲ立テテ窒死シタ。v.i. To choke... As :~ Rekuchi pone iyun wa rai, “he died through having a bone in his throat.”
Iyupokba, イユポクバ。悪ム。迫害スル。 v.t. To hate. To persecute.
Iyurui, ***, #, ## ≫ Ji-Elf. n. A grave. Syn : Tushiri. Turushiru. Hayashitai.
Iyurui-kot, ***, #(NX-os sig # / SF 5 - 3-F). n. Agrave. Syn : Ashitoma-i. Kot. Tushiri-kot.
Iyush, イユシ、大ニ困ム、狂気ニナル。 v.i. & adj. To suffer great pain. To be convulsed. To be mad.
Iyuta, ***, #37. v.t. To pound millet or rice.
Iyutapa, イユタパ、白デ数人ガツキモノ 7 x 91... v.t. To pound in a mortar (pl).
Iyuta-ni, ***, #. n. A pestle.
Iyutaratuye, ***, # $ > #x. v.t. To kill one's relations. v.i. To run amok. Sym: Yaiutaratuye.
Iyutari イユタリ。親類、仲間。n Relations. Friends. Comrades.
Iyutasa-ashte-guru, ***. グル。不和ヲ起サセル人。n A person who sets others at variance with one another.
Iyuturu, イユツル, 間 adv. Among. Between.
Iyuturu-eapkash-guru, ***, se#. n. An ambassador. Syn : Hauturunguru.
Iyuturu-guru, ***, &# N. n. The next person.
Iyuturu-oingara-guru, *** ンガラグル。看守スル人 n One who watches between others.
Iyuturu-oma-guru, ***, fEN. N. n. A go-between. Syn : Irenga uturu eapkash guru.
Iyuturupao, ***, i 7 ti z. v.t. To make mischief. Syn : Iyukoikire.
Iyuturupao-guru, ***, # 7 jE x N.. n. A mischief maker.



(K has sometimes the sound of the greek x. 訳: K の発音は時々ギリシャ語の x になることがある。ドイツ語の ch。feeling 的には、カとホ のチャンポン。)

K, ク, 我、ワレ、(此ノ字ヲ動詞ノ前ニ附 ケ加フルトキハ第一人称代名詞トナル ナリ。例セバ、ケアシカイ、私ニ出来マス。語ノ本體ハ、クアニ、ナレドモ、カニ、ク、ト訛リテ終ニ此處ニ示セルモノトナレリ)。 pro. This letter is often prefixed to verbs as the first person singular personal pronoun “ I,” particularly in the Saru district and when the verbs begin with a vowel. As :~ Keashkai for Ku eashkai. “I am able.” Koira for ku oira, “ I forget.” The full form of this word is Kuani, then Kani. then Ku, and lastly k as here.
Ka, is often found to be closely connected with “fire * so that one imagines it to be connected with the Greek Kaio, “burn.” Thus, Kara, “to drill fire.” Karop, “beg for carrying fire-sticks.” Karush, “tinder." Kara-shuma, “ pumice." Huika, “to burn.” Hokao, “to make up a fire.”
Ka, カ, (i) 此ノ語ヘ自動詞ニ附加シテ 他動詞ト成ス力アリ。例セバ、イサム。 無イ。イサムカ、無クスル・ part. Ka is suffixed to some intransitive verbs to make them transitive. Thus:~ Isam, “there is none,” isamka, “to bring to nothing.” Kotuk, “to adhere.” Kotukka, “to stick on.” Nin, “to decrease.” Ninka, “to make decrease.”
Ka, カ, (ii) 此語ハ時ニヨリ名詞ニ附加へテ他動詞ヲ作ルコトアリ。例セバ、ペケレ、光リ. ペケレカ、輝カス part. Ka is also sometimes heard suffixed to nouns to give them a transitive verbal force. Thus:~ Pekere, “ light,” pekereka, “to lighten."
Ka, カ (iii) 時トシテ此ノ字ハ語意ヲ 軽クスル為メニ用ヰラレル、此場合ニハ 動詞必ズ之ニ従フ。例セバ、セエンネカキ、我ハ為シマセン。 part. Sometimes the particle Ka is used as a kind of softening factor, and as such, cannot always be translated into English; when so used, however, it is always followed by the verb. Thus:~ Seenne ka ki, “ I have not done it.” Ku meraige ka ki, “I am cold." Seenne ktt oman ka ki, “ I have not been.” Kimta oman aige naa shomo hoshipi ka ki, “ he went to the mountains and has not yet returned.
Ka, カ, (iv.) 又、然レドモ。 post. Also. Although. And. As :~ Kuani ka ku oman kusu ne, “I also shall go.” In some places this word is pronounced kai, but when i is added the meaning is slightly different inasmuch as it gives to ka a kind of substantive meaning. Syn : Ne yakka.
Ka, カ, 上、ウヘ。 n. The top of anything. adv. Up. Over. Syn : Kam. Kan. As :~ Pira, ka, "the top of a cliff.” Ka ta, “ on the top.” Ka un, “on the top,” “towards the top.”
Ka, カ, 然レドモ、デモ。 post. Although. Even. So.
Ka, カ, 絲(糸)。例セバ、カタク。糸丸 n. Thread. Cotton. String. As :~ Katak, “a ball of thread or string.”
Ka, カ, 虱(しらみ)ノ卵。 n. Nits. Louse eggs.
Ka...... ka, カ......カ, 夫レモ此レモ、 夫レデモナイ此レデモナイ。例セバ、クアニカシヌマカウツラオマンルウェネ、彼
モ我モ共ニ行ク、クアニカショモネエア ニカショモネ、汝デモナイ我デモナイ。 post. Both...... and. Neither...... nor". When used with a negative ka......ka is also negative, but when used with an affirmative it is affirmative also. As :~ Kuani ka shinuma ka tutura oman ruwe ne, “both he and I are going.” Kuani ka shomo ne, eani ka shomo ne, “neither you nor I.” Syn : Ne yakka...... ne yakka.
Ka, カ, ナス。 v.t. To make or do. As :~ Ashiri-ka, “to do over again.”
Ka, カ, 絲ニテ作レル羂(けん) n. A noose made of thread or horse-hair and used as a snare 糸や馬の毛で作った輪なわ、罠(わな)として使用される.” As :~ Ka e or ka ama, “to set a snare.”
Kannu, カンヌ, 鳥ヲ捕ル係蹄 n. A kind of bird-trap consisting of a bent piece of wood and string.
Kaata, かあた, ノ上ニ、重ネテ。 adv. Upon. One over the other.
Kabiuki, かびうき, 助ケル、救フ。 v.t. To help. To save. To assist. Syn : Kaobiuki. -
Kaobiuki-wa-kore, あびうき・わ・これ, 助ケル、救フ。 v.t. To help.
Kaburuku-ni, 3,7 JL. 2 : :, s + -r :+ 2 v F. n. S. Sorbus sambucifolia, Roет.
Kacharashnu, *j5P+5 $^5%, EE-9- yv. adj. Healthy. -
Kachiko, 7,5-3, Ziv-9. 4. adj. Small.
Kachimbe, h5FA^&, # / 4. n. A kind of grass.
| Kacho, 7&#. n. A drum used カチョウ, by the shamans. This
| Katcho, word, and the custom 35 y?, a 7, of beating drums by the shamans when performing their rites, is know only in Saghalien now. The word is said to be of Ghilyak origin. It is kas in Ghilyak.
Kachiu, ?75-7, jij x. v.t. To spear. Syn : Eachiu. Katchiu. Ko opsura.
Kaeobiuki, 37:r.z" E 7 +, F# (r v, F: 7. v.t. To help. To save.
Ka-etuki, *)=c.‘y*, {{!}} s≫. n. The surplus end of the threads used in weaving cloth.
Kagara, 7,7s5, ## 2 #H. n. A kind of large sea duck. Syn : Menan. Shuke.
Kah, カー。形。カツフト同ジ. n. Form. Shape. Mode. Same as katuhu.
Kahka, h? h, H-f-. n. A hat. Bonnet.
Kai, ?y4f, X, Uj se ?r. post. Also. See Ka (iv).
Kai, h4, # = F ? 7°. v.t. To carry on the back. Syn : Pakkai.
Kaibe, 774 °, 5% 2 Ha. n. The surf
Kaipe, 774 -o, of the seas. Breakers.
Kaika, ?y4f zh, # 7 # Pv. v.i. To make string. |
Kaikai, *g 4f *y4f, No 7*(>k-j- F°). v.t. To call as a dog. Syn : Seta kaikai.
Kaikai, カイカイ。浪荒キ海、例セバ, アツイカタカイカイ、海上ノ浪荒レル。 n. A short choppy sea. v.i. To ripple. Breakers. As :~ Alui kata kaikai, “the choppy surface of the sea.” Syn : Rera kaikai.
Ka-iki, ?y-f:F, ...... =#7 >s. adv. As for. Thus:~nanu ka-iki oha numa ne, “as for his face it was quite covered with hair.”
Kaiki......kaiki, h4 + ...... カイキ。... ... カ... ?i. ph. For...... or. As :~ Tu pa kaiki, re pa kaiki, “ for two or three years,” meaning “for a long time.” -
Kaiki an gusu, 774 #77 A? K, ...... of 9 2-, ...... = #4 +. ph. As far as. With regard to. It being so.
Kaikiri, カイキリ。交尾スル(馬ヤ鹿ナド / ). v.i. To rut (as deer). Syn : Ukokaikiri.

Kaikuma, #14 ? rr, ?, ?, #, n. A hare. Lepus variabilis, Pall. Spray wood. Syn : Epetbe. Isepo. Oshuke.
Kainon, *j4f A’ >, 75; z,. v.t. To swallow.
Kainu, ?-f57, H52. n. A lad. A male person.
Kaisash, h4 #$a, $ ar. n. A low murmur. A rumbling sound. As :~ Itak kaisash, “the murmuring sound of talking.”
Kaisei, #4 to f, ?E:#, E. n. A corpse. H
Kaishikut-kesh, 3 y 4 Se y y oro o, eEa. n. The top of the throat.
Kaishikut-kesh-makaraye, #4 × 7 ツケシマカライェ。暖ベラヒ (訪問ノ時 家ニ入ラヌ先ニ暖ベラヒシテ耐豊トナス). v.i. To clear one's throat as when about to enter a house.
Kaita, かいた, 錨(いかり)。 n. An anchor. A variation of Kaite.
Kaite, カイテ, 錨(いかり)。例セバ、カイテアリ。 錨ヲ下ロス。 n. An anchor. As :~ Kaite ama, “to cast anchor.” Kaite ande, “to cast anchor.” Kaite pusu, “to weigh anchor.” Kaite yange, “to weigh anchor.” Kaite range, “to cast anchor.” Kaite rende, “ to cast anchor.” Kaite tush, “an anchor rope.”
Kaite, かいて, 折レタ。 adj. Broken.
Kaite-ki, h4 5F+, #ff to L. v.t. To break.
Kak, ?92), ?i ?i > # F ??n. v.i. To have a lump in the throat. (See Ка?-ап-те).
Kaka, H. 7 # 7. v.t. To carry an カカ。 infant on the back. Used Kakka, chiefly by children. Syn : ?) ≫ ?y, Pakkai.
Kak-an-ne, カカンネ。胸ノツカへタ感 ジニナル。江立キタタナル ひ.i To have a lump in the throat. To have a choking sensation. To feel inclined to cry. Syn : Kak-un-ne.
Kakapo, so hit, jii, n. An elder sister. Syn : Saha. Sapo.
Kakewe カケウェ。魚ノ頭上ニアル肉. n. The meat on the top of a fish's head. Syn : Repe.
Kakewe, カケウェ。守ル、防グ。例セバ トイカケウェ。畑ヲ守ル。 ひ.f To defend. To keep guard over. As :Toi-kakewe, “to guard one's garden.” Syn : Kashikewe. Kikikara. Kake, hor, #. n. A hammer.
Kakencha, h4r 2.5- r, # # ##. n. Poles used for hanging clothes on.
Kaki, カキ、募ス。例セバ、テクカキワイ ンガラ、手ヲ駿シヲ見ル v.t. To hold the hands up to the forehead. Thus: ?Tek kaki wa ingara “ to look at by shading the eyes with the hands.”
Kakka, - カッカ。 ゴゼンタチベナ n S. Cor
Kakka-ni, nus canadensis, L. In カッカニ。 H. it is called chironnu
Kakkap, furep and riya-ham-ush. 力 ッ 力 プ。
Kakkankawak, ? v j e ? 7 y, k v 4. n. The name or refrain of a song.
Kakkaknop, カッカクノップ。キジムシ va . n. S. Potentilla fragarioides. var. stolonifera, Maxim.
Kakko, h ≫ H, #E. n. A school. (Jap.) Also pronounced Gakko.
Kakkok, hya 2, ##, ####. n. The common cuckoo. Kakkok hazt, “the cuckoo's note.”
Kakkok-amam, 77 y : 77*.A., + + ≫s 37 % sa v > c e. n. Streptopus amplexifolius, DC. Syn : Chironnupkina. Pauchi-kina. In Etorup it is called Etorwratkip.
Kakkok-kina, ?b ≫ =? 47 #:+, 7 + x. n. Iris sibirica, L. Syn : Chipeukotekina. Kambinuyep.
Kakkok-nonno, 7, 9:15 A 2/, z × ≫ y > 9 v. n. Hemerocallis Midden
dorffii, Trautv et Mey. The Yezo - day-lily. In S. it is called ayushkina ; hoinu-chiush-hina ; oinokishi... ?????n. Hakko-push, 35 y = 722, a 9 y 7 k. n. Touch-me-not. Impatiens Nolitangere, L. Syn : Chikkappo-kina. In S. it is called nikiniki-kina.
Kakkum, ?y y o A., 7ka. n. A bucket for drawing water.
Kakse, #27 to, so 2s 2 E. v.i. To clear the throat.
Kakse-kakse, 79% to #27 to, to 2's 7 E. v.i. To make a noise with the throat as in spitting up phlegm. To clear the throat. Каkta, カクタ, 火打石ニテ火ヲ付ケル a F. v.i. To strike a light with flint and steel.
Kak-un-ne カクンネ。(カカンネト同意). v.i. To have a lump in the throat. (See Kak-an-ne).
Kakura, ?, 3 5, #ER V n. n. The sea cucumber.
Kam, h.A., Bj. n. Flesh. Meat.
Kam, 7g.A., E =. adv. Over. Above. Upper. Syn : Ka. Kamu. Kan.
Kama, hw, #. n. A kettle. (Jap.)
Kama, カマ。飛越ェル、上ヲ越ス。例セ バ、カマテレケ、飛ビ越ェル、カマイン , or 7, # 827. H. jul. v.t. To step across. To go over. As :~ Kama tereke, “to jump across.”
Kama etuye, “to draw over or across.”
Kama eyapkiri, “ to throw over or across.” Kama ingara. “ to look across.” ... Kama kush, “to pass over.” Kama tari, “to stretch across.” Kama wa oman, “to go across or over.”
Kama-hairuru, ?, provef JL-JL, P? v ?. n. A stew. Soup made from meat. Syn : Kama-haururu.
Kama-hau, zb Trovry, Bj ≫ ££. n. A stew made of meat cut into slices. 7 #2L. v.t. To make a meat stew.
Kama-haururu, h-r /vr; /LL, Hj 2 : %. n. A meat stew. Soup made from meat. Syn : Kama-hairuru.
Kamakap, ?yrr ?y 7, ##. n. A weaving loom.
Kamakara, ?, z ?y 5, weaving loom.
Kamakata, ?or? 3, #. n. A butterfly. Syn : Erapurap. Haporap.
Kama-kush, hrr O SA, E 7 i? V e: *. v.t. To step over. To go over. Syn : Ika-koro.
Kamakush-marapto, brr. 7 Serr: 7 ト。通越ノ顧品(キリスト教ノ) n The Passover feast. (Introduced by the 織機. n. A compiler).
Kamami, ?irr S., ###K#n.7I?. Laminaria cichorioides, Miyabe, var. Sachaliensis, Miyabe. A kind of kelp. (S) Сатете.
Kamanata, 77°3-#, soj?iT. n. A large knife. Syn : Nata,
Kamaso, *yoz >/, FuzE + xl-g}. n. A flat rock. A broad flat rock.
Kamasu カマス。包ミ、吹。カマス n. A wrapper. A parcel. (Jap.)
Kamasu, ?yrr Z, y = U z... v.t. make into a parcel.
Kamasu-kara, hrr X ?75, JA 7 # ≫v. v.t. To make a parcel. -
Kamasu-oroomare, ?, z X + R *** L., A = A. L. M., v.t. To put into a wrapper. To fold up. Also, kamasu oro iyo, “to put into a wrapper.” “To wrap up.”
Kamaut, zh -r : ) y, piece of anything.
Kamba-ush-bashui, fj.Aar78//<>-, イ。義器ヲ上ゲル木(祭リノトキニ用ュ) n. The festive ceremonial moustachelifter. Syn : Iku-pashui.
Kanbashui. ?o 物 ノ残 n A
Kamba-ush-reki, * Austy sa L. H, Ia
Kama-hau-kara, x)zv# #5, ## | #. n. The moustache.

Kambe, カムべ, 水面。例セバ、カンベクルカ, 水上ニ。 n. The surface of water As :~ Kambe-kuruka, “on the water.”
Kambi, かむび, 紙、手紙。 n. Paper. A letter. (Jap).
Kambi-chikap, かむび・ちかぷ, 凧(たこ、鳥ノ形ニ造ラレシ)。 n. A kite.
Kambi-nuye, かむび・ぬいぇ, 書ク。v.t. To write. To write a letter.
Kambi-nuye-guru, かむび・ぬいぇ・ぐる, 記者 n. A scribe 〔古代の〕書記官、話〉作家、新聞記者.
Kambi-nuyep, かむび・ぬいぇぷ, 筆。 n. A pen. A pencil.
Kambi-nuyep, かむび・ぬいぇぷ, アヤメ。 n. Iris sibirica, L. See Kakkok-kina.
Kambi-sosh, かむび・そっしゅ, 書籍。 n. A book. As :~ Kambi-sosh-orooitak, “to read a book.”
Kamdachi, ?y A. & 5*, #. n. Rice steamed and otherwise prepared for brewing purposes. Malt.
Kamdachi-sak-guru, ?, A35% o ? JL, AR N. n. A fool.
Kam-e-ewen, so Artario + 2, ##(o £ 3, 7-). v.i. To be hurt by eating meat.
Kamesu, *y y! %, Bijor yv. v.t. To help. To deliver. -
Kameyarape, #tt? V E x = ZF#?- ≫ + カメヤラべ, ノヲ食ヘセル人、n. Kameyarope, One who makes anカメヤロペ, other eat filth or the bad parts of an animal out of spite. Syn : Pauchikoro-guru.
Kamiash, かみあし, or Kamiyashi, かみやし, 毒蛇(時トシテ人ヲ罵詈スルニ用ユル。)、死體。 n. A poisonous snake. A dead body. A demon.
Kamiyashi-tashum, カヤミシタシュム, 悪鬼ニ取憑カレタ病。 n. Demonaical possession 悪魔[悪霊]に取り付かれた(ような)人(悪魔の所有物). ★バカ検証 【カミヤシ・タシュム、だろうが。バカ丸出し。正式文書なのだから、レビューすべきた。当たり前の話だ。また、Demonaical は、スペルミスである。正: demoniacal 】
Kamkashke, かむかしゅけ, 皮膚、身体の外部。 n. The skin. The surface of , the body.
Kamma, かむま, 女児。 n. A girl. Syn : Matkachi.
Kamoi, カモイ, 化膿セル腫物。梅毒。n. A running sore. Syphilis.
Kampara, かむぱら, 外方。 adv. Without. Outside of.
Kamparo, かむぱろ, 縁(へり、ふち)。 n. The rim of anything.
Kamu, カム, 上ニ置カレル, 蔽フ。 v.i. and adj. To be placed upon, as a lid upon a pot. To cover. To overshadow.
Kamu, かむ, 上ニ。 adv. Over. Above. Upper. Syn : Ka. Kam. Kan.
Kamui, カムイ, n. A kind of water beetle (Dydicus スペルミス? Dytiscid ★バカ検証) 【昆虫】ゲンゴロウ. The larva of these creatures was supposed to be very poisonous and was mixed with aconite to strengthen it. Also called Niseuarage-kikiri, “half acorn insect.”
Kamui, カムイ, n. A god 神. A bear 熊. A title applied to anything great, good, important, honourable, bad, fierce or awful; hence used of animals and men, gods and devils. (I) Used as a prefix Kamui may be regarded as an adjective. Thus:~ Kamui rera, “a great or good wind.” Kamui nonno, “ a beautiful flower.” Kamui nishpa, “a great or dread master." (II) Used as a suffix Kamui may be regarded as a noun. Thus:~ Abe kamui, “fire god.” Rera kamui, “wind god.” Rep un kamui, “sea gods.” Nitne kamui, “devils.”
Kamui-aekarip, ?. A.4 74 ?. U 7, 7 == > 7 y #:. n. Diervilla Middendorffiana, Carr. Syn : Apusa.
Kamui-amam, ?y A-s Po A, $ 2 =r x + / / s. n. Beckmannia Syzigachne, Fernald. Also used for the grain of bamboo, which is called ztribe.
Kamui ashkoro, ij.£, 4f 7* >>.-j pj, # = H E Lift. n. Ceremonial ferment
ed liquor made of millet.
Kamui-chep, かむい・ちぇっぷ, #. n. Dog salmon. Syn : Shibe.
Kamui-chiitakte, #4, s 5-4 & 77', jaaf 73%. 27. v.i. To be inspired.
Kamui-chikappo, 37.A4f5F3; vztt, s/ ~ 7 27 a y n. Blakiston's eagle owl. Syn : Kamuiekashi.
Kamui-chip, かむい・ちっぷ, 厄病ヲ追ヒ攘フ(払う)為メニ イナオ ヲ積ミテ流ス船(アイヌノ迷信ニ用ユ)。 n. A boat with inau and straw images placed in it and sent floating down a river or out to sea for the purpose of carrying away disease.
Kamui-chiutekbe, *y.s4f 5-f?y 7- 47 ^, ?ose. n. An angel of God.
Kamui-chisei, ?y A4 5-tz 4, § 2 off. n. A bear’s den. Syn : Kamui-set.
Kamui-ekashi, *,.A4 * *, $2, ≫ * 7 ? a 7. n. Blakiston's eagle owl.
Kamui-emauri, 77.4.4 rior of J, 9 7 ジロイチゴ、クロイチゴ. n Rabzas phoenicolasius, Maxim. Sometimes called yuk-emauri.
Kamui-furep, Rubus Kamui-hurep, Bunge. leaved raspberry.
Kamui-enenge-ni, & 7 o' +.. n. The crataegifolius, Hawthorn ?JA, 4f 5t:k 24 *=, angelica tree.
Kamui-eninge-ni, Aralia elata jo A.4 ± = 2*E, Seem. The name means divine gall (bitter) tree.
Kamui-hauturun-guru, hJ,4 awry y mi->://L, Kf:. n. An angel. Syn : Kamui-hauturunbe. Kamui-uitekbe. Kamui-shongo-guru.
Kamui-hosari, h.A, 4 zk+} ), j? v # £g. n. The providence of God.
Kamui-huchi, 3H./,4 75F, k / #r?#. n. The goddess of fire. Syn : Onne-huchi. Iresu-huchi. Abe-kamui. *
Kamui-hum, #5 A 4 7 A, n. n. Thunder. Syn : Kamui-turu-hum se-hum. Kanna.
Kamui-humbe, 77.4.4 7A*, #, 32 ° +.. n. The killer whale. Orca gladiator, Lacep.
Kamui-hurep, h A of 7 Le 7, 3 + 4 + =r. n. Rubus crataegifolius, Bunge. Also called yuk-emauri.
Kamui-irenga, h.A4f4f Le Co?I, ?#A. n. God's help or favour. Syn : Kamui-tusare.
Kamui-irushka-tashum, za.A.4 4 Jl. >7,352...A., Hi sa.. n. Paralysis.
Kamui-kambi-sosh, ?y A of ?y A E / $2, ##... n. The Bible.
Kamui-karush, *j /,4f fjrv >, 3%if. Polyporus sulphureus, Fr. The name means divine polypori. It is edible and much relished.
Kamui-kat, カムイカッ。美シイ、耐々シ >. adj. God-like. Beautiful. Made by the gods. *
Kamui-kene-ni, ?JA, 4f Ar:k=, § * v ~~ ~ ≫ +. n. Alnus Maximowiczii, Call. Syn : Horokeu-kene-ni.
Kaneattusa. In S. it is kureka-ni. Alpine alder.
Kamui-keu-kina, ?. A., f - 7 +j*, s 3) ?r. n. The peppermint. Mentha sachalinensis, Kudo. Also called Toiorush-mun : kamuike-kina. “Herb of divine life.
Kamui-kiri-samata, jj.A. of H. J #7 タ。耐ノ前、耐ノ知ル所. ph Before God. In the knowledge of God.
Kamui-koingara, 77.A. As a f 2777, E-* v * yv. adj. Blessed. Lucky.
Kamui-koitukka-chep, かむい・こいつっか・ちぇっぷ, 魚ノ名(長イ頭ノ鮮) n A kind of salmon with a long head.
Kamui-korametok, k # 3- vv. ph. カムイコラメトク。 & adj. Very
Kamui-ramotok, - brave. カムイラモトク。
Kamui-koro, #).A4 -1 pa, ?# 7 f#z* 'l>. adj. & pts. Pious. Believers in God.

Kamui-kotan, Heaven.
Kamui-kuroro, ?).A.4 & B t1, # =# * + 3 L M2. ph. & v.i. To be troubled by the gods.
Kamui-kuru, かむい・くる, 密雲(白又ハ黒)。 n. Thick black or white clouds.
Kamui-moshiri, 39.A4 E e ), P?. n. Heaven.
Kamui-nankapo, H.A. 4 d- e?izst, j? 2 #. n. The face of a god. カムイコタン。天. n.
Kamui-nomi, ?JA, 4 / S, E## 7 # x: n. The ceremonies of drinking to and worshipping the gods.
Kamui-noya, カムイノヤ。イヘヨモギ. n. A kind of mugwort. Artemisia sacrorum, Ledeb.
Kamui-noye, #).A4 / "E, B#x vu, # #x + 1, . v.i. To make a noise inwardly. To hum. To make melody in the heart. To speak to one's self. See Eraunkuchi. Syn : Onnu-onnu.
Kamui-nupek, zh.A.4 5. ^49, or nipek, =^$47, j?# / An. n. The favour of the gods. The glory of the gods.
Kamui-oposam, h4, 4 zrz?+}A, #7 み/ コ ト。 ?#x vi st?(## v F# J? a.). ph. A term of affection applied to bear cubs just before killing them in sacrifice. Dear little divinity.
Kamui-oroitak, h.A. A z D. Af & ?, jf 2L. v.i. To pray. Syn : Inonnoitak.
Kamui-otopush, ?44 オトプシ。縮 =E. adj. Curly-headed.
Kamui-otta-oman, ?, A4 or y & For 2, FE x. v.i. To die. Syn : Rai. Isam. Ekot. Moshiri hoppa.
Kamui-oyashi, ?, A4s zoo, 7&###. n. A very great devil.
Kamui-pa, 33A, 4 v?, jaa. n. Punish ment of the gods. Also, a year of calamity. . .
Kamui-pak-buri, ?y A4 z § 37 y, # A jij 7 el 5 #j z ol-, #fj. n. Evil deeds which the gods punish with sickness. Heinous crimes.
Kamui-pungara, 7, A4 7 27f7, 9 Ju "z 9 A- - n. Etzonymus radicans, seib Also called riya-ham-ush.
Kamui-rametok, カムイラメトク。
Kamui-korametok, カムイコラメトク。
Kamui-rangep, カムイラ ンゲプ。 耐ノ #~ $2%, #. n. Something sent down by God. Syn : Isangep.
Kamui-rangetam, ?y A. 4 5 24°3&A, Arjsk 3- N-JU. n. The sword of the gods. A beautiful sword.
Kamui-ratashkep, #L. n. All kinds ?y A4s. 55; $24-7, of fruits which Kamui-rataskep, grow on trees. カムイラタスケプ。
Kamui-san-nan, ?, A4 + 2 + 2, # 32 ++H. n. A beautiful face. Syn : Shiretokkoro.
Kamui-set, h.A, f tz'), # v ?. n. A bear's den. Syn : Kamui-chisei.
Kamui-shongo-akore-guru, # A f ションゴアコレグル。天使。n Anangel.
Kamui-shongo-guru, 3, 4, 4 2 a 22 =r 2y nie, :Kie. n. An angel.
Kamui-shongo-koro-guru,77.A. f : a A =f=I DI WIL, P?fe. n. An angel.
Kamui-shotki, かむい・しょっとき, 爐(炉)ノ中央ニアル灰(火ノ女耐ノ處ナリト云フ)。 n. The ashes in the very centre of a fireplace, supposed to be the abode of the goddess of fire.
Kamui-shu, half o-, }}. n. An earthen pot. Syn : Toi-shu.
Kamui-shupki, h4,4 ?ea 7+, a sv. ^n. Scirbus Erioporum Michx. A kind of large reed.
Kamui-soroma, 25 A, A y tarr, te vo or 4. n. The flowering fern. Osmunda regalis L. var. japonica, Milde. The young fronds are taken, and used as food, prepared in the same manner Joffe. n., ph. & adj. Very brave.
as tattva.
Kamui-tashum, ?JA, 4 & Sea.A, jE#f. n. The small-pox. Syn : Oripak tashum.
Kamui-tat-ni, かむい・たっと・に, エゾノタケカンバ。 n. A kind of birch. Betula Ermani, Cham. Also called Me-tat-ni and Sarambe-tat. In S. it is called Tach-ni or Tat-ni. The bark of this birch can be peeled off in very thin layers. Some of these papery layers are sometimes pasted over wounds in place of plasters. They are said to possess good healing properties and to prevent inflammation. It grows in sub Alpine regions.
Kamui-turu-humse-hum, かむい・つる・ふむせ・ふむ, 雷。 n. Thunder. Syn : Kamui hum.
Kamui-tusare, かむい・つされ, 神恩。 n. God's help or favour. Syn : Kamui irenga.
Kamui-uitekbe, かむい・ういてっくべ, 天使。 n. An angel. Syn : Kamui hauturunbe.
| Kamuiyashi, カムイヤシ, 悪魔。 n. A devil.
| Kamiyashi, カミヤシ,
Kamui-yukara, かむい・ゆから, 伝説。 n. Traditions.
Kamukamup カムカムプ。提緒ヲ附ケ 3 Ju #, 3-2-#. n. A small box with strings attached to it as a handle to carry it by. Also a basket with a lid made of grass.
Kamuktek, ?, A W 5*2}, E5 #">L-(fR 7). v.t. To shut as the eyes. As :~ Shik kamuktek, “to shut the eyes.”
Kamup, カムプ かむっぷ, フタ。 n. A cover. Lid.
Kamupbe, カムプベ かむっぷべ, 覆フモノ、屋根。 n. A covering. A roof. Lid.
Kamure, かむれ, 蔽フ、蓋フ。 v.t. To cover over.
Kan, Xz >, # 2. v.t. To do. To make. Short for kara.
Kan, 25 A, E. adv. Up. Top. Over. Syn : Ka. Kam.
Kana, かな, 鉋(かんな)。 n. A plane.
Kana, かな, 絲巻。 n. A reel of cotton.
Kana, かな, 願フ。 v.t. To ask for. Thus :~ Shimuma shine ichi en kore kuni nishpa orouva no kana ruwe ne, “he asked his master for a yen."
Kana, ?, 3-, _E f . post. Same as Kanna, “ upper.”
Kana-iki, h:#--f =#, ## > 2, 3r vL. v.t. To plane.
Kanak-ni, #3-y:, #2 off:#. v.i. A bow snare by which an animal shoots or wounds himself by touching a thread or string. Syn : Kanat-ni.
Kana-op, かな・おっぷ, ###. n. A reel. Syn : Kanasayep.
Kanasayep, zh:}"#ef = 7, ##. n. An instrument for winding thread upon. A reel. -
Kanat, 27:-'y, gr5. n. A maiden. Girl. -
Kanat-ni, ?y:}- y=, 4 z ?r*. n. Cephalotaxus drupacea S. et Z. var. nana, Kudo. Snare bows were sometimes made of this wood. Syn : Anakni. Anat-ni. The fleshy part of the drupe-like fruit is sometimes eaten by the Ainu. It has a sweet though slightly resinous taste.
Kanbashui, 義ヲ塁ゲル等(酒 カンバシュイ。 ヲ飲ムトキ) n.
Kamba-ush-bashui, A festive cere?y Lov* - ) ez < > a. 4s , monial moustache lifter also called Kike ush bashtui.
Kanbuta, h >74%, #. n. A lid. As Shippo kanbuta, “a box lid.”
Kanchi, ?y 25F, #. n. Oars. Sculls.
Kanchikama-ni, かんちかま・に, サンセウ。 n. Zanthoxylum piperitum, DC. The leaves and fruit of this shrub are used as a condiment to food. The wood, being of a very tough nature, is often made into hooks and used for getting kelp (Laminaria, Japanese and Ainu, kombu) out of the sea. The Ainu use this shrub in making poison. Thus, they take equal amounts of this shrub, Picrasma called shiu-ni i.e. “bitter wood,” and Leucothoe wood, called aibashi-kene-ni, chop up fine and boil till half of the water has evaporated. They do this twice. They then heat again and take the black dregs. This is called chikoptep and is a bad poison. People who desire to commit suicide take a dose and then vomit till they die.
Kanchikama-ni, かんちかま・に, 敷居。 n. A door sill.
Kanchipo, かんちぽ, 娘。 n. A girl. A female child. Syn : Kamma. Matkachi. Matne-hekachi. Kanat.
Kando, かんど, 天。 n. Heaven. The sky. As :~ Kando koro Kamui, “ God the possessor of Heaven.”
Kando-kotoro, かんど・ことろ, 天、蒼穹(そうきゅう・あおぞら)。 n. The skies. The vault of heaven.
Kando-moshiri, かんど・もしり, 天國。 n. Heaven.
Kando-nishtek, かんど・にしゅてく, 水平線。 n. The horizon.
| Kane, かね,
| Kani, かに, 鐵(鉄) n. Metal. Iron. Money. Note. When legends speak of the foundation of the highest heaven being made of iron, and we hear of the iron gates of heaven being closed with a rattling clashing sound; such expressions must not be taken in a literal sense any more than the Christian “Jerusalem the golden” or the “pearly gates of heaven.” Common sense should surely always be used when citing such phrases. The word for “iron" in Ainu is in such instances to be taken as an adjective not a noun, its meaning being “Beautiful,” “Fine.” “Durable,” “Precious” and so forth. Thus we meet with Kane pin ni, “a fine ash”; Kane kom ni, “A magnificent oak”; Kane pon pet, “A beautiful little river”; Kane pon chikap, “A pretty little bird,” and suchlike expressions. Iron metal was much prized by the Ainu in olden time, but as they could not produce it, it is said that they got it with great difficulty from the Japanese and Manchurians, a little at the time. De Vries, the first European traveller, who gave an account of his journey to Saghalien in I620, says that the Ainu in Aniwa Bay, asked only for iron, and seemed to like it better than silver and gold. (Geographical elucidations to the discoveries of M. Vires in the East and North of Japan, by Von Siebold, London. I659.)
Kane, カネ, 時トシテ 「ヤン」 ト同ジ. part. Sometimes the same as yan indicating the imperative mood. As :~ Chichisei otta makapan-kane, “ come ye to my house.”
Kane, カネ, 此字ヲ動詞ノ後ニ加フルトキハ副詞トナスヲ得。例セバ、アプカシカネ、歩キナガラ。 part. This word is sometimes suffixed to verbs to change them into adverbsoradverbial phrases. As :~ Apkash kane “whilst walking.” Ki kane, “whilst doing.” Ramma kane, “ always." Kane has also a participial force, “ing"; as, koro-kane, “having.” ★バカ検証 【赤字部分は、誤字 正:adverbs or adverbial】
Kane, カネ, ト。面シテ、又、モ。例セバ. カニネワエアニカネ、私ト汝。 part. Sometimes kane is used as the conjunction “and” or “even " “both " or “ also.” As :~ Kani mewa eani kane, “you and I.”
Kaneatusa, カネアツサ, カムイカネニ、ト同ジ。 Same as Kamui-keneni.

Kanetuhu, h+k%77, est:. n. Edges. The point of a knife, needle or sword. || Syn : Paruruge. Eipake.
Kango-ani-utara, . カンゴアニウタラ。 . # 7 #3 N. n. The bearers of a corpse at a funeral. Kango in the Japanese kago. - -
Kani, ? -, g. pro. I. Syn : Kuani. Ku. K. - .
Kani, ?, =, EM, &#. n. Metal. Money. Kane, 7,35, :
Kani-eukoma, かに・えうこま, 金の合セ戸。 n. Iron sliding doors.
Kani-kik-guru, かに・きっく・ぐる, 鍛冶師。 n. A black-smith.
Kani-penere, カニ・ペネレ, 金ヲ鍛へル。 v.t. To melt metal. To heat iron to a red or white heat.
kani-pon-kasa, かに・ぽん・かさ, 甲。 n. A helmet. A crown or hat of metal.
Kani-shikai, かに・しかい, 鉄釘。 n. An iron nail. A nail made of any metal.
Kanit, かにっと, 梭(さひ) n. A shuttle.
Kani-toitap, かに・といたっぷ, 鋤(すき)。 n. A spade.
Kani-tuchi, かに・つち, 金鎚。 n. An iron hammer. From Japanese Kanazuchi かなづち.
Kani-wakka-kep, zh = 7 ≫ h 5-7, 4: #}+. n. A metal water ladle.
Kankan, h ≫?ive, ?es. n. The large | intestines.
Kankan カンカン 腸詰(料理ノ説) n Sausages.
Kankapkapeka, ? e ? 7? "??i, ti?i. | . n. Hypocrisy.
Kankapkapeka-iki, ?y 27, 77, "S7,4s +, fE# 7 ff 7. v.i. To act the hypocrite. -
Kankapkapeka-iki-guru, ?. A? 73b ペカイキグル 偏善者。n A hyp0crite・
Kankitai, カンキタイ。冠毛(頭ノ) n. The hair upon the top of the head. The crown. Roof of a house. Syn : Chisei-sapa. Kanna-kamui-hum, |
Kanni, ?, Te=, †t. n.
Kanku-ushi, 35 o 2 y Eo, E 7 B y . v.t To bend a bow.
Kanna, ?i>3-, H?. n. Thunder. Syn : Kamui-hum. Kanna, ?y 23-, H. adv. Again.
Kamma, カンナ。上ノ。例セバ、カンナノ 9 % v7, E.#. post. Upper. Over. As :~ Kanna notheu, “the upper jaw.” Kanna papush, “the upper lip.” Same as Kana. -
Kanna-ikinne, ?y 2:3-4f + ezik, * ? #. adv. Once again.
Kanna-kanna, ?, Zej-zh ej-, F# * . adv. Again and again. Often. -
Kanna-kamui, 7, 2+2, A4s, Ha. n. The thunder god. . カンナカムイフ Joe, ot. n. Thunder. T
Kanna-kamui-humi-ash, 7, 23°35.5, At 757'32, on 2 Ju v.i. To thunder. Syn : Kamui-turu-humse-hum.
Kanna-kara, h>3-#5, #e x ~. v.t. To do over again.
Kanna-moshiri, h >++ y, # E 2 。世界、即チ生物界ニシテ、ポクナモシリ。 * 自叩チ死物界ニ封シテ云フ。n The upper world, i.e. the world of living beings. This word is used in contradistinction to Pokna moshiri, “Hades.”
Kanna-shui, ?i > ?* So -..4(, , 3C. adv. Again. Once more. A stick. A walking-stick. A club. A staff.
Kannit, ?, Co- y, j? = }H + y? #. n. The bone part of an arrow.
Kan-nitai, 35 >= & 4, KE#. n. Large trees. Large timber.
Kan-niukesh, カンニウケシ 抽手ナル・ adj. . Awkward. To be unable to do.
Kannukara, ?5 258 355, 7 Hi Jv. v.t. To look upon.
Kan-rok, 7, 2 p. 27, Ex. v.t. To do.
Kantsarushi, zh >:y+J-Jle$e, s 2 y. n. Sparganium ramosum, Huds. In S. it is called Tobuka-kina. Water oats.
It is also by some Ziyania latifolia, Th?rcz.
Kanshiri, *y >$^ y, ! z fifos. n. The forepart of the body, i.e. the bosom and face. As :~ Kanshiri kata echopnure, “to kiss the bosom and face of a child.” t
Kantori-kamui, かんとり・かむい, 雨雪ノ神。 n. The god who makes it snow and rain.
Kantushma, h > y >7, #2". v.i. To hurry.
Kanu, 3557., gljivo, ji 7. v.t. To receive. Kanunchi, ?55 25F, ##r, #B#. n. A harlot.
Kaobiuki, カオビウキ 助ケル、救フ。 v.t. To help. To save. Syn : Katunashka. -
Kaoshma, hizi"$2"?, _E = ?, ?r. vv. v.t. To get on.
Kaoiki, かおいき, 惠ム(恵む)。 v.t. To bless. Syn : Nunuke. .
Kap, かぶ, 皮、外部。 n. The skin. Seed pod. The outer covering of any. thing. Syn : Kapu.
Kap カプ。ェゾノウヘミッ*ザクラ。n.S. Prunus Padus, L. In H. it is called kikin-ni. Bird-cherry.
Kapa, カパ、泥ダラケナル、汚レタル。 adj. Muddy. Dirty. Syn : Aechake.
Kapacheppo, 27 *$5F = ≫ ?i?, -s = v x. n. Oncorhynchus nerka (Walb.) The land-locked blue-back salmon.
Kapachikap, ?e ?#F?y 7, #. n. An eagle. -
Kapachiri, ?yros, J, #. n. Eagle.
Kapai, カパイ, ムカゴイラクサ n. A kind of nettle. Laportea bulbifera, Wedd. Syn : Hai. The stems and leaves of this plant are, after having been well roasted and mashed, used as fomentation for ulcer. The bark is white and the fibres are taken from it and used as sewing thread. Kapai means “Containing thread.” A.
Kapakapa, カパカパ, 甚シク泥ダラケ + n’. adj. Very muddy. Very dirty.
Kappa, かっぱ, 蝙蝠(コウモリ)n. A bat. A flitter-mouse. ★バカ検証 【Kapara の前】
Kapara, かぱら, 薄キ。 adj. Thin. Flat.
Kapara-amip, かぱら・あみっぷ, 縫箔(ぬいはく)セシ著物。 n. An ornamented garment. Syn : Kapari-mip.
Kapara-kam, ?ju?5;b.A, #) ≫ o?. n. The diaphragm. Midriff.
Kapara-karush, A toadstood, “Flat fungus." (Agaric). By some kappara karush.
Kapara-kaga, カパラカサ。究、笠・ nA helmet. A hat.
Kaparape, *j* $5 ^S, £}}*- yv. adj. Handsome. Pretty. Delicate. As :~ Kaparape itangi kaparape otchiki, “a pretty cup and tray.”
Kapara-samambe, *nz &5-9--zr.A.,~<, y E es-f-. n. Protopsetta hersensteini (Schm.)
Kapari, かぱり, 平坦ナ場所、平原。 n. A flat place. A plain.
Kapari-mip, かぱり・みっぷ, 縫箔(ぬいはく)セシ著物。 n. An ornamented garment. Syn : Kapara-amip.
Kapari-nup, かぱり・ぬっぷ, 縫箔(ぬいはく)セシ著物。 n. An ornamented garment. Syn : Kapara-amip.
Kaparui, カパルイ。カレイノー種 n. A kind of flat fish.
Kaparush, ?yws/Leo, #. n. Rock.
Kapat, fjrsy, ii A. adj. Thim. Flat. Short for kapara.
Kapatchi, havy:P, £. n. An eagle.
Kapatchi, カパッチ。不潔ナ、汚レタ。 adj. Dirty. Filthy.
Kapato, かぱと, 河骨(コエホネ)。 n. A kind of yellow water-lily. Nuphar japonicum DC. The thick horizontal root-stocks of this plant, which are rich in starch, are used as an article of diet. They are first cut into small pieces and scalded, and then either
cooked with millet or rice, or put into a soup. The root-stocks are also dried and kept for winter use, and are said to be very delicious. Kapato may also mean marshy lake.
Kapat-tat-ni, かぱっと・たっと・に, シランカバ。 n. A kind of white birch 樺(カバ)の木の一種. Betula Tauschii, Koidz. Syn : Petatni. Kitat. ★バカ検証 【Kitat、には、シラカバ、となっている。白樺(しらかば)という漢字知らないのか。また、Petatni という単語はお前の辞書に未登録。読者をバカにしているのか。 】
Kapiu, かぴう, カモメ類の総称。 n. Seagull.
Kapiu-sei, かぴう・せい, ウチムラサキ。 n. Saxicava arctica, Linn.
Kapka, かっぷか, 皮。 n. Skin.
Kapke, かっぷけ, 扁平、平なる。 adj. Flat. As :~ Etu-kapke guru, “a flat-nosed person.”
Kap-kiro, カっプ・キロ, 魚皮製の靴。 n. Fish skin shoes. Sometimes kiro only.
Kapkomo, かっぷこも, タバコ入れ、小袋。 n. A tobacco pouch.
Kapo, かっぽ, 虱(シラミ)の子。 n. Nits. Louse eggs.
Kappa, カッパ, 水神。 n. A water nymph. Syn : Shokai.
Kappara, かっぱら, 茸(たけ・きのこ) n. A toadstool 〔傘がある〕毒キノコ
Kapshi, かっぷし, 倒す。 v.t. To overthrow. ひっくり返す、転覆させる、屈服させる
Kapta, かっぷた, 火を打つ。 v.t. To strike a light with flint 火打ち石 and steel 鋼.
Kaptek, zzzo, es *, m*, adj. ノド。 Flat. Heavy, as dough. Level.
Kaptek-nere, ZF 3, 2 x jur. v.t. To カプテクネレ, flatten. To make
Kaptek-no-kara, level. カプテクノカラ。
Kapu, ?77, ?. n. Bark. Skin. Syn : Кар.
Kapuhu, 3,77, # 2 # s. n. The pangs of child-birth. Syn : Ikururu.
Kapu-kara, 7,775, B. z #2". v.t. To bark a tree. To skin. To peel. To flay. Syn : Kapu soso. Soshpa.
Kapuri. Kisa.
Kapu-noye, 357 A 4f =, #R ≫ #)n-.. v.i. To pinch. Κapu-pitak-tashum, % 7 E % % % %-, A, ARA. n. Eczema. Syn : Iyoship.
Kapu-ri, ?, 7 J, #j2”. v.t. To flay. To skin. To bark a tree. To peel. Syn : Kapu-kara. Kapu-soso. Soshpa.
Kapu-risei カプリセイ、抜ク(鳥ノ毛ナ F'). v.t. To pluck as a fowl. To skin.
Kapuruku-ni, %,7/l 27 =, 3 : k9-2zij 's F. Sorbus sambucifolia, Roem. Alpine mountain ash.
Kapu-soso, ?y 7:/:/, ? > # J2”. v.t. To bark a tree. To skin. Same as Кари-ri.
Kara, カラ。造ル、為ス。例セバ、イキリ, 縫目。イキリカラ、縫フ、オムケ、風邪. オムケカラ、風ヲ引ク・ ひ.f To make. To do. To act. To achieve. To build. To accomplish. To prepare. The word kara is often used as an auxi- . liary to verbalize nouns. Thus:~ Ikiri, “ a seam”; ikiri kara, “ to sew.” Omke, “a cold"; omke kara, “to take cold.” Kara wa ingara, “to try,” “to attempt.” Syn. Ki. Iki. -
Kara, カラ。火ヲ作ルタメ木ノ鎖ニテコ x n = F. n. The process of drilling fire.
Karabe, ?,5~t, s * e *. n. Polygonum filiforme, Th.
Karachi, #55.,
Karatchi zh5 ≫?*, made. -
Kara-eaikap, #5+7-s:#7, #3K x, fi3?? x, #%* yv. v.i. and adj. To be unable to do. Unskilful. Awkward. Impossible. Syn : Eaikap. 彼等ガナシタ. v.t. They did. They Koyaikush.
Kara-i, 775 f, Jija. n. Achievement.
Kara-imi, カライミ。仕上リタル著物. n. Ready make clothes.
Karainepta, # * # *. interj. カライネプタ。 Dear me ! Syn : Karainepta-un, Ine-apkushta. カライネプタウン。

Karaka-chiri, ?75 ?75F j, #$, y ≫ z. n. A quail. Coturnia communis, Bronzt.
Karakara, カラカラ。抗ル、掃除スル。 v.t. To tidy. To comb as the hair. To do.
Karakara, ?y 5 h5, ? x. atta. 9. 19 do. This word is often heard in prayer. As :~ A en kore kuni ne karakara wa en kore, “grant that it may be given me.” To do. To make. Sometime used as an honourific of “do.”
Karakara, カラカラ。動物ノ皮ヲ剥グ。 v.t. To take the skin off an animal.
Karakarase, 7,5795 to, # 9 #21. v.3. To run off (as water off a duck's back). To slip off.
Karakarasere, h5 h5 z Lo, ## * x. v.t. To roll away. To cause to run off.
Karakari, 335.7; 9, £1.. v.t. To roll up. To wrap up. Syn : Kokarakari.
Karakaska, ?, 5 ?jX ?i, i ?rx. v.t. To roll.
Karakat, 7,535 y, ##. n. Ability. Syn : Kara mondum.
Karakatse, % 5: 9tz, # : Jl. v.i. To roll. Syn : Karakarase.
Kara-kiroro, a F + Tu pa , #it. n. Ability.
Karakisa, カラキサ。木ヲ摩擦シテ火ヲ # juv. v.t. To make fire by rubbing sticks together.
Kara-koyaikush, #5 =a + 4 ? ?e, ? 3, #2, #21. v.i. To be unable to do or make.
Karaku, 7,527, #, #, n. A nephew. A niece.
Karaku-ne-guru, ?75 ? #? Jle, §, BE. n. A nephew. A niece.
Karamba, h5 A, v?, F # # x 2” ). n. Ribes triste, Pall. (S.) also called there Sumoro-ni and Ukenashipishte. In H. it is called Aneka-ni. Wild Currant.
Kara-mondum, #5 oz y A, ##. n. Ability.
Karamu, j5.£,, %J= x, yv. v.t. To take great care of. Syn : Eyam no koro.
Karange-no-ek, 7,52* / or 5, ##: x ov. v.t. To approach. To draw Inear to.
Karange-no-oman, #52 or /zro 2, ??# v. v.i. To go near to. Syn :
Kara-ni, カラニ, 火ヲ作ル為メニ用ュル ?K. n. Ulmus laciniata Koidz. Dried roots of this elm are used for producing fire.
Karani, #5 =, 51%jox(+ 2 +). n. Tinder.
Karan-karan-karan, ?35 - ? 5 A ?j ラン。金属ノ打合ヒテ生ズル音. interf An onomatopoeia expressive of the jingling sound caused by metal knocking together.
Kara-okere, h:zr4-L', E: &# yu. v.t. To finish. To accomplish.
Karape, Polygonum filiforme, Thunb. The Ainu name means “ fire-drill.”
Karara, 2?55, : 9 t: yL. v.t. To cause to make. To make another do. To send by another. |
Kararat, カララツ。ハシホソカラス。n. Carrion crow. Corvus corone, Linn. Syn : Shirari-kokari.
Karari, 275 ), E = f?2? yL. v.i. be placed upon. To rest upon. ?o
Karashi, 35 EP Sa, 42 o 3- so g. ph. They did. H
Kara-shuma, 3,5 Saa, or, ?2E. n. A flint used for striking fire. Syn : Katta-shuma.
Karauto, h5 ) H, ##. n. A treas ure box, A money box. Syn : Matshuop.
Kare, h L, E+ + n. v.t. To cause to make or do. Syn : Karara.
Kar-i, hy, gift. n. Achievement.

Kari, かり, ...... ニヨツテ。例セバ、オヤルカリ。他ノ道ヨリ行ク。プヤラカリインガラ、窓越ニ見ル。 post By. Through. Along. As;~ Oya ru kari, “to go by another road.” Pet kari oman, “to go along a river.” Puyara kari ingara, “to look at through a window.” Kari omande yara-hi isam, “there is no one to send it by.” Syn : Ekari. Okari.
Kari, ?, J, #ff x pl. circle.
Kari, : J, i# Jl. v.t. To go by. To pass along.
Kari, ?y ), # % v. v.i. Hanging.
Karikari, jj J *j J, E*#* /v. adj. The frequentive of Kari, hanging down.
Karikari, fj J 75 J, ££. adj. Dizzy.
Karikisa, カリキサ。昔用キシ火ヲ起ス ?K$ 2 #. n. The drill used in making fire in olden times.
Karimba-mi, ?y y Aus =', + k + v + y 3. n. A cherry tree. Prunus Sargentii, Koidz.
Karimba-tat, *, 9 A, ux 4xy, + 4 >s 2r ?i v vs. n. Betula Maximowicziana, Regel. A kind of birch.
Karip, hy 7, #. n. A hoop. A ring.
Karip-pashte, カリプパシテ。輪ヲ投ゲ v(## y 44). v.t. To throw a hoop from one to another as children in play. The game of throwing a small hoop which is caught by thrusting a stick through it whilst it is in full motion.
Karire, 35 y Lo, ?Ex. v.t. round in a circle.
Karishiri, h ) > 1), ff st. * 21. v.t. 19 get a glimpse of a thing.
Karo, : ra, y: z + = xfR. n. The roots of trees used in producing fire. To drill fire. Syn : Karoni.
Karo-ni, カロニ。火ヲオコス根 n The roots of trees used in producing fire. v.i. To go in a To send Tinder. Syn : Karo.
Karani-ni, ?y5 = =, + e * y. n. Ulmus laciniata, Mayr. A kind of mountain elm. Syn : At-ni- Ponnasakni. In S. Arushi.
Karop カロプ。爆道具。n. steel used for making fire.
Karu, ?J JLo, R$ x. v.t. To do.
Karu, ?h JLo, h [li] 7 yi . adj. Uneven. Rough. Turbulent. Lumpy. Lumps of volcanic stone. Pumice.
Karu, ?, JLo, #4$. n. A flint and steel box or bag. Syn : Piuchi-op.
Karuru, : Jl.JL, EE(#g). n. Pumice stones. (pl.)
Karuruikonno, : Jl.JI,4 -!> A, #-e # 4 - adv. Further.
Karush, ?, Jle$/, iE, + V a. n. Mushrooms. Fungi. Flint and
Kasa, oh ), FE, E. n. A hat. An umbrella.
Kasa-rantup, カサランップ。 # / H. n. Hat
Kasa-rantupep, strings. カサランツべプ。
Kasa-tupep, *j***y<7, Eif=+ v{H. n. Hat strings.
Ka-saye, hoof 2, ###, ##. n. A coil of string or rope. A noose.
Ka-sayep, 73% of 27, ##. n. An instrument upon which to wind cotton or thread. A spool. A reel.
Kaseshke, ?y?z estr, # os += yi?. v.t. To cover up.
Kash, 7, 2, or Kashi, h >, Alve, # E. n. A lodge. A hunter's or fisherman’s lodge.
Kashi カシ。上ニ。例セバ、チタニカシ オニカオプ、木上ニ結ビタル果賞 post. Upon. On. As :~ Chikuni kashi o nikaop, “the fruit which is borne upon the tree.” Κashi, *} £?, %a*- +. v.i. and adj. To be inefficient. To be ineffective. Ineffectual.

Kashiakik カシアキク、病ヲ治スル為 メ木ノ枝又ヘ草ヲ以テ病人ヲ打ツ。 v.t. To beat sick persons with boughs of trees or bunches of grass to cure them of disease.
Kashi-a-obas, # os vir, BE ?r. 7 - PL. カシアオバス。 v.i. To be saved.
Kashi-a-obiuki, To be helped. カシアオビウキ。
Kashiaoingara, h $277+4 = #f5, * 2' > v 3. v.i. To be looked upon with favour. To be blessed.
Kashi-butu-unu, h >7 y 73, #7, Ex. v.t. To cover up. To keep secret. To put a lid on anything.
Kashichinukara, ?, $A5F5 355, E w L 3 Jl, &## v 3 v. adj. Blessed.
Kashi-chiopas, ?. S. P.: - K2., ji r ? * 2L. v.t. To run upon. To crowd upon.
Kashichiobiuki, zh >#F2# E ) +, s) r ju, v.t. To help. As :~ Kashichiobiuki aekarakara gusu ek an na, “ I have come to help you.”
Kashi-chirarire, h >57 j L., ###2 + £7. v.t. To follow very closely after. 1
Kashichishuye, *b $os-$^a.:P., oE x ov, Fyv. v.t. To nurse (as the sick). Rashi-chiukush, 7, 257 27 oz, E, 7 # 1 Jl. v.i. To flow over as water over stones or a fallen tree. Kashi-e-obas, カシエオバス。 Bij > , § 2. v.t. To
Kashi-e-obiuki, save. To help. カシエオビウキ。
Kashieoma, ?, ?e:rz?7, ...... ノ上ニ置 27. v.t. To place upon.
Kashieshina, h >>>+, #k:#; x n-. v.t. To connive at. Syn : Anasap.
Kashieusheush, *, $2.r.57 $2+ 17 $2, _E. 5 # 9. v.t. To beat upon.
Kashi-ikiri-kush, カシイキリ ク シ。リ x, * # x: S. n. A squirrel. Sciurus lis, Temm.
Kashi-iush, ?y $e4f r} $A, Esz + R$. n. Unpropitious weather. Syn : Kashiush.
Kashi-iyo, ?; $2.4 =1, #x. v.t. To put in upon. To augment. To add to.
Kashi-iyop, 7, 2-s = 7, #11. n. Addition.
Kashi-iyop-wa-ye, 7, 24 a 774 =, &#/]\#% = x 712. v.t. To exaggerate.
Kashi-kamu, *j $2}j.A, E 7, E~~yv. v.t. To cover. To overshadow.
Kashi-kamui-koro, ?, ?e ?7A. As a II, ££ x yv. adj. Lucky. Fortunate. Syn : Kashkamui-oshitchiu. Maukopirika. Riri-kopirika. Seremakkoro.
Kashikat, ?, Se?gy, 16 X + t- 3. v.i. To be frightened. -
Kashike, 7, or, E, E =. post. Upon. Above.
Kashike-kik, ?, $e4r+2), f?4% = 7 + j? 上ヲ打ツ(例セバ、病人ノ病ヲ追ヒ掃フ 3 x). v.i. To strike the top of anything. To beat a sick person with the smaller branches of trees or bunches of grass as a charm to drive away disease and evil spirits. Syn : Epiru.
Kashike-omare, h $24rz† 7. Lo, _E = fE 27. v.t. To put upon. Syn : Kashiiyo.
Kashiokok, h /zj = }, # pl. v.t. To kick against (pl.)
Kashike-peka, 7, oro?, E =. Above. In the heights.
Kashiketa, h E.e4r &, E = . adv. Upon. Above.
Kashiketa-anuye, h > or # 752 f =, TK E / #[I 2r . adj. Above mentioned. Written above.
Kashike-un, # EeArry A, jt 2 si#. adv. Besides that. Syn : Kashkun.
Kashikewe, :j:25-7 -, Ri Jl. v.t. To defend. To take care of. Syn : Kakewe. adv.

Kashikiri-kushbe, 35 2-a !) 27 2a.“S, Boss. n. A squirrel.
Kashi-kush, ?, ?e2 ?e, ek = Jl. v.t. To pass over. As :~ Chisei kashi-kush, “to pass over a house.” Yaikota katpak kashi kush wa moshima guru katpak palek esanniyo, “he passes over his own faults and thinks only of those of others.” Koro buri kashi kush guru, “ a person who does not think of his own deeds.”
Kashima, ?, Serr, e#r, ### N. n. An old woman.
Kashinda, h >> 3;, A kind of bird snare.
Kashinkop, h >> El 7, #. n. A snare made of string.
Kashiobas, カシオバス。救フ。助ケル・ v.t. To save. To help. Syn : Kashiobiuki.
Kashiobiuki, fj Eezir Ery +, # 7, Bij r ju. v.t. To save. To help.
Kashioiki, カシオイキ、人ノ為メニ準備 x)v. v.t. To provide for the wants of others.
Kashioingara, # $2zr-f 2 #f5, HTF a x. v.t. To look upon.
Kashiok, ?y $/z} }, # ole. against. (sing.)
Kashiokara, *y $^zir *j 7, 3%$x* yi≫. v.t. To forbid. To warn not to do a thing. To bridle. To punish for doing something wrong. Syn : Hattoki.
Kashiokba, h ezr2 v ?, ?: zv. v.t. To Kick against. (pl.) Syn : Kashiokok.
Kashiokok, h ezr:1 }, # vv. v.t. To kick against. (pl.)
Kashiomare, 25 $/zra Lo, _E = fE }, #ff 7 yu. v.t. To put upon. To accuse. To add to. Syn : Kashike-omare.
Kashiomarep, zh > zirr Le7', #stfil. n. An addition.
Kashioniwen, ?j >zr = No → 2°, fa??+ jv. adj. Hypocritical. To pretend to 鳥ヲ取ル羅 st. v.t. To kick know nothing about a thing. Syn : Yaiko-oniwen. Shierampeutekre.
Kashiorai, カシオライ、相題イデ死ス。 v.t. To die one ofter another.
Kashi-ose, h Eezirtz, #7. v.t. To bestow. To give. To take and give to another. Syn : Ika-oshke.
Kashi-ota, 7,522 &, #2’. v.t. To anoint. To sprinkle over.
Kashi-oyoko, *j $ozor a =j, 5* yl≫. v.t. To keep under one's eye. Syn : Epungine.
Kashipi, ?y ot, #5 or ~ + + n . v.t. To feed with a spoon.
Kashiramu, ?y 25 A, B?? z pl. v.t. To take one's part. Syn : Kashikewe.
Kashirarapa, カシララバ。歴シ付ケル v.t. To press down.
Kashirari, h E.e5 j, i# +#. adv. Immediately after. Behind. As :~ .
Kashirari wa ek, “he is following behind.” Also v.t. To press upon.
Kashirari-oman, 7,525 J2for 2, #. =ff y. v.t. To go after. Syn : Chirarire.
Kashisara, カシサラ。開カレタ, 晴レア * ≫ *. adj. Opened up. Clear.
Kashi-seshke, 5 S-tz E-or, A 7. v.t. To cover over. To shut down.
Kashish, # $e5 e, sh 2”, # 2”. v.t. prevent.
Kashishuye, h >$e=LIE, ?E z pl. v.t. To nurse (as the sick). Same as Kashichishuye.
Kashitomuship, # $ e F.A. $27, ## / #4. n. An article worn round the body by women when weaving cloth, and which holds the threads tight and straight.
Kashiu, h Sury, # z, Hj%r bv. v.t. To help. To assist. Syn : Ikashiu. To
Kashi-unno, # $er) e A , _E = . adv. Over. Above. To be over.
Kashiush, # $er) e, E? R$. adj.
Bad weather. Syn : Kashi-iush. Shiri-wen.
Kashikamui, ?y $2 h.A, 4 , st. n. Treasures. Things one prizes very highly. Life. Strength.
Kashkamui-koro, ?, Se?, A. Af = DI, # i E x )l. v.i. & adj. To be'prosperous. To be in good health. Fortunate. Lucky. Syn : Maukopirika.
Kashkamui-oshitchiu, ? - ?i A4 ziシッチウ。幸運ナル、仕合セ=ナル adj. & v.i. Fortunate. Lucky.
Kashkamui-sak, h $≫?y.A. Af {} }, FE x, girie. -f . v.i. To die. To be unprosperous. To be sick.
Kashkat, : :2:, y, #i# yu. v.i. To take fright.
Kashke, 3, or, E. adv. Upon. On the top.
Kashke-ne, 7, or:k, ...... 上ニアリテ. ph. Being upon.
Kashkep, かしゅけっぷ, 雪掻キ。 n. A snow-shovel. Syn : Upas-kep.
Kashketa, h Eva. Ar Ax, E =, adv. Upon. Above.
Kashkun, h E. Zy A, jtsie. adv. Bisides that. Syn : Kashike-un.
Kashma, 7, $27, ##. n. An old woman.
Kashmat, カシマツ。
Kashnukara, # $e3 h 5, fl:e + = 3ju, jo. 7 # or jul. v.t. To be lucky. To have special favour from the gods. To be fortunate.
Kash-okake, zj > zf zh Ar, f\. Afterwards.
Kashpa, カシパ、過多ニ。例セバ、ポプ *r 2, 3, 282-, # 9 #4 . adv. Too much. Above. Quite. Full. More than. As :~ Popke kashpa na, “it is too hot.” Syn : Mashkin no.
Kashpaotte, :h S// F:j ≫5F, ad X yL. v.t. To command. To adjure. Also n. A command. adv.
Kashpaotte-i, zh Sz≪ F:j ≫5F-f, ad F. n. A commandment.
Kashperenga, 7, 2^L 27s, Ha s, sh *... n. Favour. Help. Good will.
Kashu, 7,522, #8. n. The spoon. Syn : Kasu.
Kashu, #52-, [H2'i?. adv. Immediately after. Close upon. As :~ Itak kashu, “immediately one has done speak ing,” “even before one has finished talking.”
Kashu, 徒渉スル。例セバ、ペッカシ ウ、河ヲ徒渉スル。 p.A. To ??? ?? 23
Kashiu, wade through. To scoop カシウ, up. As :~ Pet kashiu, “to Kashui, wade through a river.” # Sea. As, Syn : Kashiu.
Kashui, カシュイ。鈴リ、例セバ、ポロカ &~. ~f, § y ??+ o- )v. adv. Too. As :~ Poro kashui, “too large-” Pon kashui, “too small.” Pirika kashui, “too good.” Syn : Mashkin no. |
Kashumbe カシュムべ、カスペ、ガンキ x 4. n. Skate. Raja kenojei, M. & H. Syn : Uttap, Euttap.
Kashup, h > a. 7, #j-f-. n. A ladle. A large spoon.
Kashup-ni, w = s. カシュプニ,
Kasup-ni, n. Spindle-wood. Ettonymus hians, Kochne. The name means ?y z 7 =, “ spoon,” “dipper,” or “ladle tree.” As to whether it is the wood which is intended or its berries or flowers is not hinted.
Kashupni-samanbe, 7,523.7 = }~ * ~, 2 v 4 ≫ ?#. n. A kind of plaice. Kareius scutifer (Steud).
Kashushpa, ?o ?e: Zeus, ?st sv. v.t. To cross. To wade a river.
Kashure, ?. ?ea. Le, ea$ = . much. Very much.
Kaso カゾ。上ニ、上ニ置イテ(据付ケテ). adv. Top. Rest on. Over, Upon.
Kasoshma, h / Ee sr, i# yv. adv. Through. Also, upon. adv. Too

Ka-goya, # *, #, 2s +... n. A kind of
Ka-soyai, small bee. カゾヤイ。
Kaspa, ?) Kv?, TE, ### = . adv. To just such an extent. Exactly. As :~ otutko kaspa, “just two days.” Syn : Pakmo.
Kaspa, ?, Z v?, #3} =, ?E# =. adv. More than. Exceeding. Syn : Kasu.
Kasserokta-ni, 7, 9tz p * 4 =, x, y * * > * *y. n. .. (S) Lonicera Glehni, Fr. Schm. Syn : Aya-ni.
Kasu, 3b X, stb. n. A spoon. Syn : Kashu.
Kasu, 35 K, = y & }, ### = . adv. More than. Exceeding.
Kasu-no, ?, Z AV, st: y, # 3). adv. More. Too much. Above. Over. As :~ Kasu no ka shomo ne, pokashnu ka shomo he, “neither more nor less.” Kasu no koro wa ek, “bring more.”
Kasu-no-oman, ?, X A :** A, ff: # 7 yi . adv. Beyond. Syn : Ekasu.
Kasupe カスペ、カスペ(魚ノ名) n, Rayfish.
Kasuppa, ground.
Kasure, カスレ、アッケシノ昔ノ豪傑ノ 4. n. The name of an ancient chief of Akkesh.
Kasure, h7K L≫, : + l. v.i. pass.
Kasushne, ?77 $o:#, ## 3- pl. Easy. Syn : Isaika.
Kat カツ。器量、仕方、心、感畳。n Ability. Form. Shape. Tact. Acumen. The heart. The feelings.
Kat, ?y y, x >v. v.t. To make. To do. Same as Kara.
Kata, カタ。上ニ。例セバ、シリカタ、地 The カスッパ, 土 地。 %. To sur adj. 2 E = . adv. Upon. On the top of anything. As :~ Shiri kata, “ upon the ground.” adv.
Katacha, 7,354, E =. Upon. Over.
Kataiirotke, *j 4?z4f 4 ta oy4r, og? z. yv. v.t. To love. To be fond of. Syn : Omap.
Katairotke-guru, ?, 2 4 a v 5-2 JLo, ##, F##... n. A friend. Syn : Kateomare guru.
Katak, #, 3:27, jikEE. thread or fibre. n. A ball of
Katam, ?j iz A., r У + 2 x + + 7. n. Trollius
Katom, japonicus, Miq. Pretty top. ,?2h H A
Katam-sara, ? 4x.Ao+5, + + 2x *. n. A plain of Arundinaria or Sasa.
Kata-ni, #, & =, y yu = r e 7”. n. Vaccinium Oxycoccus. S.
Katap, b & 7, e, R, X, 9 + e. adv. Even. Either. Only. Syn : Poka.
Katap-katap, #4, 77; # 7, 2, ...... カ・ 例セバ、アイヌカタプカムイカタプ、人 xhij b. adv. Either...... or. As :~ Ainu katap kamui katap, “ either a man or a god.” Syn : Hene...... hene.
Katawa, ?y & 7, JE, ####. n. Form. Shape.
Katawa-ne, *j4?z j7*, zs H.=}- yv. Deformed.
Katchak, カッチャク。能力ナキ、弱キ、貧 $2 +... adj. Weak. Powerless. Without tact. Abject. Poor. Incapable. Stupid. Syn : Aikap. Appene. Irapokkari. Okirasap. Otek-sak.
Katchak-be, so yo-y or ro, #3 + + 2, # & 4 + 2. n. A weak creature. An abject.
Katchak-koro, # ≫#x 9 - A, F#9Jl. adj. Cowardly. Unable. Syn : Eturamkoro. Ishitomatektek.
Katchak-mondum, 77 y + v **E**y A, 3 +... adj. A weak disposition. Infirmities.
Katchakte, b ≫ F x £ 5', # 2 x v. v.t. To abolish. To bring to nothing. Syn : Aeoramsakka. Aepante. adj.

Katchakte, ?, ≫#Fx 27.5°, ji? 7 *. v.t. To render weak.
Katchak-wa, zh ≫ Fx 2 7, H3 + . Abjectly.
Katcham, 77 y.o.w..A., U, a. n. The heart. The adj.
Katchama, mind. Nature. カッチャマ,
Katchi, 7, 95, sk 7# /l/zk. n. Firestick.
Katchiu, ; 95-7, §§ 7# * >v. v.t. To cast or thrust a spear at anything. Syn : Eachiu. Kachiu.
Katchiu, カッチウ、責メル、裏スム。 v.t. To persecute. To take no notice of. To treat with indifference. Syn : Epokba. Shikashishte.
Katchiyai-ni, *y y*jR+y4f =., yk 7 $ yv F. +} = 71,7K. n. The stick which is turned by the hands when making fire.
Katekara, カテカラ。馬鹿ニスル、期決ク。 v.t. To make a fool of. To deceive. Syn : Ikatkara. Ramsamka.
Kateomare, : - L', RT : # Jl., g x 21. v.i. To be fond of. To love. . Syn : Ikataiirotke.
Kateomare-guru, : - L.2 Ile, #. ??, KRZ?. n. A friend. A lover. Syn : Katairotke-guru.
Kateush, カテウシ。悪鬼ニ憑カレル。 v.i. To be possessed by a devil.
Katken, hy 5r2, 3, 2 - † 7 x. n. Siberian black-bellied dipper. Cinculus pallasi, Temm. Syn : Katten.
Katkeko, カツケコ。優レタ, 撃敬セラレ 4 , £# ≫ £. adj. Superior. Honoured. Distant.
Katkimat, カッキマツ かっときまっと, 主婦。 n. Mistress of a house.
Katkoro, カツコロ かっところ, 安全デアル、壮健デアル、才能アル。 v.i. To be well and happy. To have ability.
Kat-moire, カツモイレ かっと・もいれ, 遅鈍ナル(ちどん)。 adj. Slow. Dull. Syn : Katu-moire. Noratchitara.
Kat-o, カツオ。上手ナル,巧ミナル adj. Clever. Expert.
Kat-o-guru, :, yzr: IL, L=E+ yl-:. n. An adept. A clever person. An expert.
Katom, カトム。蝦夷キンベイ草. n. Globe flower. Trillium Japonicu, Miq. also Trollius japonicus, Miq. The name means “brilliant top.” This refers to the single flower which grows from the centre top of this plant.
Katorik, ij } J %, %$* yv. adj. Catholic. Universal. (Introduced by the compiler).
Katpak, h yw $27, 5E. n. Sins. Syn : Chikokatpak. Wenburi.
Katpak-atusare-ambe, jE > # x = カツパクアツサレアムべ、ト. n Ab
Katpak-atusare-i, solution. カツバクアツサレイ。
Katpak-ki, ?y:y v?≫ +, jE 7 ?E x. v.t. To commit sin.
Katpak-ki-guru, ?y:y v?9 #?IL', # W., jE N. n. A bad person. A sinner. Syn : Akokatpak-guru.
Katpakkore, カツパッコレ。有罪ト定ム。 v.t. To condemn. Syn : Tumumaukush.
Katpak-koro, byv sy E. E., g: 7 n. v.t. & v.i. To have sins. To sin. To be a sinner. Syn : Chikokatpak an. F
Katpak-koro-guru, 33% r$ y a pa y JLe, jE N. n. A sinner.
Katpak-obosore-ambe, # 7 § x = カツパクオポゾレアムべ、ト。n Ab
Katpak-obosore-i, solution. カツバクオポゾレイ。 Syn : Kat pak tusare ambe.
Katpak-tusare, hy v* 2y sy tj Le, if z #x. v.t. To forgive sins. To absolve.
Katpak-tusare-ambe, *, yae&≫ y+u> 7 Aok, jE 7 #& x = ?. n. Absolution.
Syn : Katpak-tusare-i.
Katpak-tusare-i, *,*yae&2y y*L≫4f, js 2 § ≫. n. Absolution.
Katta, カッタ。此ノ字ヲ動詞ニ加附スル F + 2-flook 2 # 7 #x. part. A verbal ending implying hurry and violence. Same as Ekatta. as, Chisei esoikatta, “he rushed out of the house.”
Kattashuma, *) ≫ 4× $2-..**, #25. n. A flint used for striking fire. Syn : Kara-shuma.
Katten, 3h y7* 2, 3, 2* # 7 x. n. Siberian black-bellied dipper. (Cinclus pallasti, Tem.) Syn : Katken.
Kattuima, b 9 y4 vr, # +.. adv. Far. Distant.
Katu, カツ、仕方、形、顔、有様、法 n. Mode. Shape. Figure. Form. Face. Method. Appearance. Countenance. Way. Katu is sometimes added to verbs to change them into nouns. Thus: ?An katu, “existence.” Katu rengaine, “according to circumstances.” Katu ene ani, “this is the way of it.” Syn : Katuhu. Katu, ?joy, ## (##). n. Threads. (pl. of Ka). Syn : Katuwa (pl. of Ka). -
Katu-chakakke, かつ・ちゃかっけ, 無異(ぶい)安全ナル。 v.i. To be well and happy. To feel serene. To be comfortable. Syn : Nupetne.
Katue, * *≫ at, ####x n≫. v.i. pregnant.
Katuhu, カツフ。仕方、形、顔。有様、法。 n. Mode. Shape. Figure. Form. Face. Method. Appearance. Countenance. Way. Same as Katu.
Katu-humi-pirika, by 7 S E U ?, ?. +, T:+- Jl., #f:9- Jl. adj. Good. Well behaved. To be in good health.
Katu-humi-wen, ?, y 73 or 22, ##, # ju, ##3-yl . adj. Bad. Badly behaved. To be in bad health.
Katu-ikashishba, 29'y-f : S Sers, ? To be +, # v × . v.i. To be weak, tired, lazy or decrepit.
Katuiush, ?, y f :) So, ?E x pl. v.i. & adj. Crazy. Mad. Unreasonable. Syn : Keutum-chiitasare. Etomochine. Etomochinne.
Katu-iyush, hy's a-o, e 4 y + 1, #Ex L. v.i. To have convulsions.
Katu-kara, 37 y?, 7, Ijor v. v.t. To mock. Syn : Eoyaitak.
Katukara, かつから, 直ス、正ス。 v.t. To straighten out. To put right.
Katukarakaran, #) *y # 5 # 5 C’, FH# x 21, ### x 21. v.t. To prepare. To make ready. Syn : Ushipinire.
Katukari, カツカリ。席ヲ織ルニ用ュル #. n. The strings of which mats are made.
Katukari, *y oy;% y, yr.7%. yu~. v.t. To interfere. To act the busybody. Syn : Shiayapkire. -
Katukari-guru, ?, y h :) ?YJU, EJE N. n. A busy-body.
Katukarikari, ?, y ?y J h ), #fi#3- n-. v.i. & adj. To be impatient. Syn : Ramukarikari.
Katu-koro, by a pa, tj. ? ? н и . adj. Well behaved.
Katu-moire, かつ・もいれ, 遅鈍ナル。 adj. Slow. Dull of comprehension. Syn : Kat-moire. Noratchitara.
Katum, fj*/r72, # v )l. adj. or v.i. To wave about as rushes in the wind.
Katunashka, # y + Ee#j, Bj r l , # 7. v.t. To help. To rescue. To assist. Syn : Kaobiuki.
Katu-ne-kane, カツネカネ, 其通 リ、卒 #. ph. The state of things being so.
Katungi, ?jYx’:^#,}Zk|#, z N ?#. n.
Katunki, 鸞獻 Bulrush. Scirpus Tabernaemonfani, Gmel. In some localities it is Juncus effusus, L. var. decipiens, Buch. + 2* 9. Syn : Opnikina. To-kima. Used in making matS.

Katun-katun, 35 y2 x, y >, ##2 n. adj. Mischievous.
Katun-no, joy, /, adj. In the form of.
Katuntu, ?iv :e:y, JE#. n. Manner. Form. Syn : Katuhu.
Katupase, カツパセ。樋キ。怠ル、粗末ナ ju.. adj. Idle. Lazy. Sloven. To dislike to do. Disinclined. Syn : Katutoranne
Katupirika, カツピリカ, 綺麗ナル、揃フテヰル。 adj. Nice. In order. Tidy. Pretty.
Katurenga, 5 Y L≫>7f, af X wi-. v.t. To command. To enjoin.
Katu-rengaine, hoy Le2 #f4 #, ## = EH 9 7. adv. According to circumstances. As one desires. As it may happen. ノ形ヲ持ツタル。
Katuri, ?, y J, # 9 # * >u. v.t. To stretch over or across.
Katush, : y: , : = : u, Jl. v.i. To be possessed with a devil. Syn : Nitne-kamui-shikatkare.
Katu-shineatki, ?, y $e:RJ” y +, se v ≫ A?, Jaiea±- yu>. v.i. To be determined. Stable. Resolute. Syn : Ramuoshitchiu.
Katu-toranne, かつ・とらんね, 懶キ(ラン・ライ・おこたる・ものうい) adj, Lazy. Idle. Dull. Sloven. Syn : Katupase.
Katu-toranne, かつ・とらんね, 昏睡病。 n. Coma. Lethargy. Syn : Chitoretakka.
Katu-turushno, h y'yni,: /, aik =. adv. Indifferently.
Katu-ush, h yr y $2, ${}E = 3- vv. v.i. To go mad.
Katu-utura, カッゥッラ 控目ナル ads |
Kaya, 77*, ##. n. Highlands. Diffident. Syn : Ramu-utura.
Katu-uyush, カツウユシ。 狂気ノ. adj. Mad. Crazy.
Katuwa, カツワ、エゾヒナノウスツボ。 n. Scrophularia Grayana, Maxim. In S. it is called koikara kina.
Katu-wen, hy ty - 2, 5, 4. adj. Ugly. Syn : Ipokash.
Katu-wende, zh > r) = e5F, H??? = x v. v.t. To make a fool of. To make ashamed. Syn : Yaini-koroshmare.
Katwende, カツウェンデ。馬鹿ニスル。 v.t. To make a fool of. To make ashamed. This word is the same as katu-wende ; but kalu-wende always becomes katwende after the objective pronoun i “ us.” Thus:~ Nei guru i katunende, “that person is making fools of us.
Kauat-ni, カウアツニ、ミヤマガマズミ.
Kawat-ni, 7, 7 y=, n. Viburnum Wrightii, Miq.
Kaukau, zh 7 #j H, #$. n. Ropai.
Kaukau-ash, *j toy *a foy7$2, $3 7 yv. v.i. To hail.
Kaukau-pas, jar : ; *z, :z yu. v.i. To hail.
Kaure, Zh V L-, f +. adj. Brittle.
Kauri, h :) ), /]\#. n. Twigs. A stick. Kawarihi, b £7 9 E, £; V. adj. Instead of. (Jap.) Rawause, b 2 17 tz, ii a*. adj. Brittle. Crisp. Kawausei, Dry-rot.
Kaya, ?io, #l. n. A sail.
Kaya, カヤ。魚ノ皮デ作ラレタ衣類. n. A fish-skin garment. It is said that the northern Ainu borrowed the custom of making such garments from the tribes of the Amur river, and gave them the name kaya, “ sail" because formerly sails were made of fish skins. Hail. カワウセイ。朽チル n.
Kaya-ehoyupu, ?, orizhia.7, #5 H. je 7 x. v.i. To sail a ship.
Kayaisei, カヤイセイ。獲音スル、鳴ル。 v.i. To sound. To rattle. As :~ Kit chi-kayaisei, “the death rattles.”

Kaya-koro, *j* =I FI, j}jj}or yv. v.i. To set sail.
Kaya-ni, 77° E, offla. n. A mast.
Kaya-shishte, 7, of $25,57, H. 7 # * 2L. v.t. To spread a sail. To set sail.
Kayaya, カヤヤ 癌節ノアル。ゴツゴツ + ≫v. adj. Rough. Knobby.
Kaye, #4 +, oft x 21. v.t. To break.
Kaye, #4 +, ###, #. n. A tune. Syn : Ekaye. Kutkayekai. Shinotcharewe.
Kayo, h =1, lill-7. v.i. cry out to.
Ke, 'r, ...... ツツアル、何々スル part, “ing.” Being the state of. A gerund expressive of the active state of a verb. As, ibe an rusuike, “having a wish to eat.” Omanke, “going along.”
Ke, ケ, 此字ヲ 自動詞ノ語尾ニ加フル F. キヘ他動詞トナル。例セバ、ライ。死ヌ. z 4 x’, #g x, part. Ke, softened into ge, is suffixed to some intransitive verbs to make them transitive. Thus: -Rai, “ to die”; raige, “to kill.” San, "to descend”; sange, "to send down;” “to take down.” - -
Ke, 4r, 57, $57. n. Place. As :~ Ainu uni-ke, “a place where there are Ainu houses.”
Ke, ケ。或時ヘKe(ケ)ヘ動詞ノ目的ヲ複 # = x, yv. part. Ke sometimes forms the plural of the object of verbs. Thus:~shuye, “to cook” (sing.); shuke, “ to cook” (pl. obj.).
Ke, 'r, ff. loc. part. Place. Locality ; sometimes pronounced as if it were ke-i.
Ke,ケ、ヘ時トシテケスト同ジ. n Sometimes short for kes, “the end” or lower end of a village.
Ke, 'r, #### 2 H5 = yl-rijfgai. interj. Exclamation of surprise used by women and girls.
Ke ケ、イザ。例セバ、ケウク、イザ取レ. interj. Here. As :~ Ke, uk, "here, To call. To take it.”
Ke, or, n. adv. When. So used as a suffix. Thus:~Repoikishike, “when they want to catch seals.”
Ke, 4r, #g z. v.t. To skim. Toscoop. To ladle up. (This word must never be used of skimming milk or the fat of soup, in such cases eke is the word used).
Ke, 4r, Bz z 4, 2, x.2*fil yl-. v.t. To peel (as in making inau).
Ke, 4r, ||}#E}i. adj.. Fat. Grease.
Ke, 4r, I- 2-3 ~. post. Although. As :~ Ibe rusui-ke, shomo akore, “although he desired to eat nothing was given him.”
Ke or Keu, ケ又ヘケウ。動物ノ生命。 n. Animal life.
Keannakun, ケアンナクン。ヘイ、成程。 adv. Just so. Yes. Exactly. Of course. Syn : Ruwe un. -
Kean-no, or 7 × A, # = . adv. Truly. Just so.
Kechi, #-#, mi### x vL. v.t. To groan. To moan as in illness. Syn : Nuwap.
Keiki, 4r4 +, E, e * * s. n. The under-part of the knees.
Keiperi-pe, けいぺり・ぺ, 淵。 n. Shallow rapid water of a river bed 流れが急な淵・浅瀬.. Syn : Utka
Keirat ケイラツ、草難又ヘ靴ノ紐 n. Sandal thongs. Boot laces or strings.
Keirat-muye, ケイラツムイェ。鞍能ノ紐ヲ結ブ. v.i. To Keirat-shina, lace up one's boots. ケイラツシナ。 |
Keire, or 4 L., Bost. n. Salmon or deer-skin boots. Boots. Shoes. Syn : Kiro.
Keirekap-chep, けいれかっぷ・ちぇっぷ, # ノ頭ト春骨ヲ去リテ干シタルモノ. n, Fish with their heads cut off, the backbone taken out, and then dried.
Keire-shiru, Aref Le JLo, ### v. v.i. To hurt one's foot with a boot. To
be wrung by one's boots.
Keire-ush, Oref Le , So, ## 7 # 3. v.t. To wear boots.
Keisashi-koro-kamui, けいさし・ころ・かむい, 狐。 n. A fox. Also called Kesashi-koro-kamui 「けさし・ころ・かむい」とも言う.
Kek, けっく, 私ガ来ル。 v.i. To come. I am coming. Syn : Ku-ek.
Kekaihi, けかいひ, 饑饉(飢饉)。 n. A famine. A scarcity. Syn : Kem-an.
Keke, 3-5-, 9-7, 9 r. exclam. Here, here.
Kekeshi, ororo, ##, #. n. Existence. Life.
Kekirit, or:# Joy, off 2 #. n. The tendons of the heels. As :~ Kekirit tuye, “to cut the tendons of the heels as in punishment for murder.”
Kekke, Ary Br, G&#x pl. v.i. To breakSyn : Kaye.
Kekon, 4r E. Ze, 9 r y y HH. 27. adv. th. Here ! Now. Come now. Be quick. Syn : Hetak.
Kem, 4rA, * × "... v.t. To lick. As:Kem wa inu, “to taste." Syn : Kemkem.
Kem, Or.A., Isit. n. Blood. Kem-shito, “a clot of blood.” Kern-kara, “to bleed.” Syn : Kemihi.
Kem, 4r.A., 3}. n. A needle. Kempui, “the eye of a needle.” Kem oho wnu, “to thread a needle.”
Kema, ケマ。 #1. n. The legs. The feet. Kemaha, Syn : Chikiri. ケマハ。
Kema-koni, r r - =, : + yl. Lame. Syn : Hera. Yaiewen.
Kema-koshne-guru, 4 ro = $23, y JL≫, + y #:. n. Common fox. Vulpes japonicus, Gray.
Kema-koshne-guru-marapto, or a シネグルマラプト。狐ノ骨ヲ以テ罪人ヲ F z. n. Ceremony of finding out a culprit by means of the skull of a fox. $4 adj. Syn : Shitumbe marapto. Niwokmarapto.
Kem-an, or A72, ###. n. A famine. A scarcity. Syn : Kekaihi,
Kemaratki-ningari, 'ro 5 y += -27s 9, Ha. n. Ear rings.
Kema-ure, ケマウレ。足ノ裏、足 n. The lower part of the extremities. The feet. The soles of the feet.
Kema-ush, Arz y Sa, E / 7 yl.. adj. Having legs.
Kemaush-inau, Orr ) > f + '}', #. n. Inau (i.e. whittled pieces of wood) which have sticks tied to them to make them longer.
Kembe, 4-Aost, st#. finger. Kem-eki, or. ・r.#, #? z. v.t. To sew. To do needlework. Syn : Kem-iki. Mu.
Kem-ekot, or Art: 2, #7E x 21. v.i. To die of anger or starvation. To starve. Syn : Chiekot. Yaichepekote.
Kem-ewen, ケムエウェン。餓死シタル。 adj. Starved. Lean through want of food.
Kemi-an, ケミアン。稀有ナル。 Rare. Precious.
Kemihi, ZrS E, IiL. n. Blood. Syn : Kem.
Kemihi-ush, or S ? of $2, fit or 7 or. adj. Bloody. Syn : Kem-ush.
Kem-iki, 4)”. 4 #, #? Z. v.t. To sew. To do needlework. Syn : Kem-eki. Mu.
Keminakarushka, r Sj- ?i ju: ?i, k n. The index adj. #2- Ju. v.i. To be grave. Κemi-ush, Aer E 17 >, aia. adj. A famine. Syn : Kem-ush.
Kem-kara, 4%r.A*j5, HH milx vL. v.i. To bleed.
Kemkem, Mr.A4rA, stol, * * *. t.f. To lick. Syn : Kem. -
Kem-nu, 4%r.A 5X, HH mil x. yL. v.i. To
Kem-nu, or A5, ##x 2L. v.t. To requite. To avenge. To take the part of another.
Kem-nure, rA, 5. Lo, HH fil-} x. v.t. To make bleed.
Kem-o, r./.2“, ist 3“ S 3r + J-. adj. Bloody.
Kem-oho-unu, 4%r.Az,rzh;175X, $ 7 %} =# x. v.t. To thread a needle.
Kem-op, けむ・おっぷ, ###. n. A needlecase.
Kemorit, ort Joy, miss. n. Line of descent. Family blood.
Kemot, £r AE y, Ifi 4r * + + yv. adj. Bloody. Blood-shot. As :~ Kemot shik, “blood-shot eye.”
Kemotot, or= F x, Istije. n. A blood bladder caused by accident. A clot of blood.
Kempana, or Azt+, Islo. n. Spots of blood.
Kempo-etok, OrAzka. K. ?, e? v ?e. n. A needle point.
Kem-pui, or A74, # 2 ×. eye of a needle.
Kemram, 4r ?57 JR≫, f?#a. *w. A scarcity. A famine.
Kemrampa, 4r.A. 7 Aas, A season of famine.
Kemrit, or 4, 9 y, K. n. Veins.
Kem-shito, or., 22 -, L.. n. Congealed blood. Clots of blood. Κem-ush, 4r./, 17>, Ift4r 7 + + yv. adj. Bloody.
Kem-ush, or A or 2, ##### 7 Ju'. v.i. A famine to exist. (“There is " or “was a famine”).
Kem-ush-rok-okai, or Ao 2 p. 272-79 Af, ## # 7 yu. v.i. A famine to exist. (“There is” or “was a famine.”)
Kem-wa-inu, or B, 7.4 ×, HR 7. v.t. To taste.
Ken, 4” ×, b ≫L ?i` *. n. Bindweed. Calystegia Sepium, R. Br. The name n. The 饑鐘年. n. means “among trees.” Syn : Kittesh. Kenakpa-koro, Or:d-2 v?a ra, #4? ? # y & F +. ph. When they had finished.
Kenash, or:} >, ####. n. A plain of trees.
Kenashioromap, Or:}-$≫z? II z 7, = v v ? 9- ? . n. Trillium Smallii, Max.
Kenashka-ushbe, rij- Se?, 7 SA N, it 7k. n. A flood.
Kene, Or:#, Same as Kene-ni, “ alder.”
Kene, ケネ、河=登ラントスル鮮. n. Same as Kenett, “ salmon.”
Kene-aga, ケネアサ。ケヤマヘンノキノ #. n. A plain of Alders.
Kene-karush, Zr + 3y JL ?e, 2, + 3* 3r. n. Pleurotus sp.
Kene-ni, ケネニ。ケヤマヘンノキ、n A kind of alder. Alnus tinctoria, Sarg.
Kene-ni-karush, 4r# = ?, IL SA, 1, * 3" %r. n. Pleurotus ostreatus, Sacc.
Keneu, ケネウ。マスノスケ、鮮ノ亘大ナ ju e / 7 #2 & 2. n. Big individuals of the salmon (Oncorhynchus tschawyischa (Walb.)) known as the kingsalmon in America. Syn : Hemoi.
Keni, Or=', #E. n. A sprout. A bud.
Keni-hetuku, *r-o-y or, #-9' x. v.i. To sprout.
Kene-hetuku, To bud. ケネへツク。
Kenituk, or= oy 2, , >}:-9* x, j5 z. v.i.
Kenetuk, Orak y y, To sprout. To bud.
Kenitup, r= V7, F. n. A sprout.
Kenetup, or:ky 7, A bud.
Kennatara, ケンナタラ。勉メテ見ル。 v.i. To look at intently.
Kenru, or >Joe, 3. n. A house. Home.
Kereru, h- Lo Jie, Abode. As :~ Kamui Aoro kenru, “the home of the gods,” “a church” or “temple.” Syn : Kereru.
Kento, or: F, 5&#### 2 of j. n. The smoke chimney in a pit-dwelling.

Kenuma, 4°52&°, ?*# ≫ =?. *1. The hair of the body.
Keomande-ni, Orzf-r : e5==, ?? ≫ ER > # 2, 3.25. n. The crotched pole on which the skulls of animals are fixed for worship after having been killed.
Keoro, rzi ra, i. n. The brain. Syn : Kioro. Kiworo.
Keoro, 4%r* EI, jj. n. Strength.
Kep, ケプ。 物 ヲ探 ヒ取ル器具(雪播キ水 7 x F 9 #). n. A scoop.
Kep, r7, # e H x, #j2'. v.t. To peel. To bark. To scoop. Syn : Soshpa. As :~ At kep gusu oman, “he has gone to bark elms.”
Kep, or7, : = E: x n. v.i. To burst suddenly open.
Kepa, orps, Box 2, 2’. v.t. To peel. To strip off. To flay.
Kepakke, 4-/K94r, skj= #. adv. By the side of. Near to. Syn : Kopake. Samata.
Keparapara, + = 2 * : *... n. A Arzu es5, kind of leafless orchid. Kiparapara, Gastrodia elata Bl. Syn : + $5 a §5, Unintek. Unitek.
Keparapara-ohaukop, 4%r ~\ 5 ~85 オハウコプ、イヘノリ. n Porphyra suborbiculata, Kjellm. (A kind of red sea-weed).
Keperibe, 4r ≪ 9 es, jjj. n. smooth-water.
Kepero, re?pa, = + 9* 9. n. Smilacina japonica, A. Gray. Syn : Keperora.
Kerero. Pepero. Shumariharu. A kind of Liliacious plant.
Kepkep, 5-75-7, v.t. # #W Y-, K . . To gnaw. To peck as a bird.
Kepokapara-ni, orz???jz (5 ::, 4 x 52 5* (##). n. Iron wood. Syn. Seikapara-ni.
Kepuru, ?r ?IL, #3- vi= (=E3- +). adj. Bare. Hairless as leather.
Kepuru-kara, 5-7 IL-3, 5, =? > # 2 (gk 2 Bo a y). v.t. To pluck the hair Deep out of an animal's skin.
Kepush, 4%r 7$2, JJ3Z.2~ $s v ifj. n. A sheath of a sword or spear. Syn : Shirika.
Keputuru, ^r7°yny, #a. n. The forehead.
Kera, r:5, Ek. n. Flavour. Taste. As :~ Kera an, “ sweet" Kera pirika, “ of good taste”; good flavour.” Kera wen,; “nasty"; “bad flavoured.”
Kerai, ケライ、其通リ成程。例セバ、ケ ライ=シパネ、成程、主人ノ様ダ. ado. Just so. Just like. Indeed. As :~ Rerai, nishpa ne, “just like the master.” Kerai, Kamui itak ne, “they are indeed the words of God.” Kerai, tan guru wen gun'ne, “ this is indeed a bad person.” Kerai, ケライ。恵ミ、助ケ. Favour. Help.
Kerai-gusu, ケライグス。感謝ヲ以ッテ. ph. With thanks. By the favour of. Kerai-nak-kaiki, Or54 do ? ?4f +,# s- +A#. excl. of rejoicing. Very good. How well it is. Delightful.
Kerainepta-un, Or:54 # 7 & 5 :e, fif > h r (### v ??j). interj. Dear me! How many! As :~ Kerainepta un yuk chikoikip at shiri an a ! “ dear me, what a number of deer there are.”
Keraipo-gusu, 4%r;54 *%’z, = z E = . ph. For this reason.
Kera-ru, or : Jl, H *. adj. Sweet. Nice.
Kera-wen, ケラウェン、不味ナル、微ノ A£ * v. adj. Insipid. Nasty. Bad tasting. Stale. Mouldy. Syn : Niurotki.
Kere, 4r Le, fi?i ? yu, # 2? . v.t. To touch. To brush against. To shave (as a stick). Syn : Tomooshma.
Kere, ケレ。別々ニ分チテ、分割サレタ adj. Divided. Split.
Kerekap, r Lo?, 7, FF#E. n. Salmon cut down the centre, the backbone n. Grace.
taken o ut and spread out flat and dried. The skins of the fish so treated are used for boots.
Kere-kere, or L, or L, or Keri-keri, ケリケリ。噛ム、原ム、擦ル v.t. To gnaw. To scrape.
Kerekire, ar Lo # Lo, #) vl. v.t. Scrape.
Kerep, ケレッブ。削リ、引キ播キ n A Scratch.
Kerep-noye, 5- Le 7 / E, de v vs V - 9 2, 2 F 2 #. n. Ordinary aconite poison.
Kerepnoye-surugu, 4r. Le 7 / 52 ZK JP グ、細葉ホソバノトリカブトノ毒。n A very strong aconite poison. Said to be of the feminine gender.
Kerepokbe, Mr Lozf{ } ~&, #. n. heels.
Kerep-turuse, Mr Le 7:7 Jlotz, #### * 3, 7 F 2 ?E. n. A very strong kind of aconite poison.
Kerero, 4- Lo DI, = + +?*+. n. Smillacina japonica, A. Gray. Syn : Kepero.
Kereroshki, Or Le D ≫ +, H v x. v.t. To dislike. Syn : Enupitara.
Keri-keri, or J or 9 or Kere-kere, or レケレ、噛ム、擦リ磨ク。呪ク。v.t. To ?o The scrape. To gnaw.
Kerop, 4r ta 7, #|£T?. n. Stockings. Socks.
Kerumum, Ar II, A. A, + -r 7 2v. n. Calamagrostis Epigejos, Roth. Syn : Pongi.
Kerup, OrJL7, E. n. The eyes. Syn : Shiki.
Kes, 5-X, E, Fj y H. n. Dregs. The western end of a place or thing. The lower end. Syn : Akes, Kesh. Keshi.
Kes, ケス。終リ。例セバ、トケス、日ノ
Kese, Artz, # y, ?|| 3- 4. n. The end. The finish. As :~ To kes, “the end of the day,” i.e. “evening.” An kes, “the end of the night,” i.e. “early morning.”
Kes, ケス。各、皆。例セバ、ケサンチカラ, fF st. adj. Every. Each. As :~ Kes anchikara, “every night.“ Kes chup ta, “ monthly.” Kes pa, “ annually.” Kes to, “ daily.” Kesto kesto, “ daily.” -
Kes, 4rx, or
Kesh, r:2, #####t. n. A brand of fire. As :~ Abe kes, “a firebrand."
Kes, Zr2K, #. n. A spot. As :~ Kes-o, “to have spots.”
Kes-an, orx7' 2, 3-2. Every.
Kesanpa-ashinko, Arij - s S7' E- Eer, E£j*3$≫v K. ph. When each season arrives. adv. Each.
Kesanra, r") ya:7, Hij% / BE. n. The ears of an animal.
Kesantek, - Artij -5F- Zy, H H =. adv. Daily.
Kesantekko, Nightly. - ケサンテッコ。
Kes-an-to, r7K 7° 2e F, # H. adv. Each day. As :~ Kes-an-to ek ko, "as each day came.”
Kesara, Or-H-5, Pj jj (= z + z) n. A fork.
Kesashi-koro-kamui, r'}}"> e -I DI H.A. of , 3... n. A fox.
Keseamba, OrtzJ’Art, Ei 7. v.t. To pursue. To hunt. Syn : Noshpa.
Keseamba wa oman.
Kesehe, 4rtz*, 2&Bil. n. A space.
Keseke, 5-+z hr, # y. n. The end. The finish. Remainder. Syn : Okese.
Kesesatki, ケセサツキ。笑ヒクツ”レル。 v.i. To make a sound as in laughing.
Keseta, oritz &, #& y = . adv. At the end.
Kesh, or 2, TF, #& 9. adj. Lower. The Gesh, %*$a, end. The bottom Probably a variation of kes. As :~ Setgesh, “the foot of the table.”
Kesh, Or$", E ≫ ##, ##. n. A stripe (in colour). A spot.

Kesh, Br$a, $, FH ≫ H. n. Dregs. Keshi, oroe, The western end of a place or thing. The lower end. Syn : Akes. Kes.
Keshirekari, r > Lo?, J, #X ≫ FE # 5 # 1 Ju v.i. To leave one's parents or village. To wander about. Syn : Kotan-ekari.
Keshirekari-guru, Ar$e Lo?, ) ?YJlo, ?i? ##. n. A wanderer. Syn : Kishirekari-guru.
Keshke, 'roor, #1 if x, yu. v.t. To persecute. Syn : Chieuramtekuk. Epokba.
Kesho-o, 2r>zir, §£(-r 2r *)+- ≫v. adj. Spotted. Striped.
Keshpa-kupesh, rSe2 { } ~$$e, ?E. n. A shore wind.
Keshup, Mr Sea. 7, #. n. The heel. The lower part of the heel. As :?Keshup apkash, “to walk on the heels.”
Keskes, orz orz, oi, n. Spots.
Kesketa, Arz 5-4g, & y X.-s#. adv. At the end.
Keskes-o ケスケスオ。斑(マダラ)ナル。 adj. Spotted.
Keso, 5-7, ####7 v. adj. Spotted.
Kesorap, ケソラブ, 霊鳥ノ名(鷹若クヘ # 2 #3-7 vigo). n. A fabulous kind of big bird, perhaps a hawk, or eagle. (Lit: Speckle-winged). The bird of Paradise.
Kesoro, 5- / H, H-H?. n. Kisoro, * ‘/ p.,
Kespa-ashinko, rza ?7” SA 2:a, #4E, 4? ##f = 2- vv. ph. As each year Canne.
Kesta, ケスタ。 日?=。 kes-to, “daily.”
Kesto, Mr X F, § H. adv. Daily.
Kesto-no, rz, H. V, 4# H. adv. Every day.
Keta, rag, ...... 2 stij. Loc part. adv. By the side of. Place upon. In. Offspring. adv. Same as
Ketchimuige, Or- ≫ FA-f4", EE y E?s. n. The upper part of the heel. The heel tendons. As :~ Ketchimuige kotuye, “ to cut the heel tendons (as in punishment for murder).
Ketketchep, 4%r-*y45-y*. 7°, s, z -z ri ~ /v. n. Japanese tree-toad. Hyla arborea japonica, Gunth. Syn : Shunin.
Kettok ケットク。病ノ名(風ホロシ) n. A kind of itching rash caused by exposure to the cold winds.
Ketu, Bry, # ≫L. v.t. To scrape. To separate as layers of bark in making thread.
Ketu-hash, -y, v.S., U 7 x = A s . n. Daphne Miyabeana, Mak. The whole plant is reputed to have a poisonous property, but especially its berries and roots. Some Ainu burn the roots to charcoal and pound them to powder. This powder is applied to bruises or places where there is any internal pain; but it is never applied to cut-wounds. The bark affords a very fine strong bast-fiber. The Ainu name means “peeling shrub.”
Ketunchihi, 4r:/ ?5-b2, #: 2*2? (#?}% / B 9- y + x 3 x). adj. Spread Out (as the skins of animals to dry).
Ketunchikara, hry 25-355, fi?i s-7 HF x(B / ssp. 2'). v.i. To spread out to dry as the skins of animals. Syn : Chinkara.
| Ketush, Or:7$e, ?r / ##. n. A wo
| Ketushi, 4-YS-, man's treasure bag or box. Syn : Shut-ketushi.
Ketutu, Hryr) y 7, ...... 逸ニ及ブ. ひ.i. To reach to.
Keu, けう, 死人、骸骨 adj. & n. Dead 死. A corpse 死体. A dead body. (Said to have originally meant life.)
Keu-ataye, ケウアタイェ。殺人ニ封スル HjaE. n. A fine for murder.
Keu-chimaush, 4-75F7 7 $/, HA?s ≫
Hi#%, H%EI, v 7 * ae. adj. To have a scabby head.
Keuk, 5- 7 }, murder.
Keu-kata, or 777 &, #. part. Because. So. As. Why. For the reason that. As :~ Nep kett-kata pon an gusu, “it was because I was so small.” Nep kett-kata nei no e ki ya ? “Why did you do so?”
Keuk-guru, 3-7 & 2 JL, NE Br. n. A murderer. A 7 # x. v.t. To
Keukimui, ケウキムイ。冠頭、ツムジ. n. The crown of the head.
Keukosanu, or 7 : B-5, $ 2 #| viso. v.i. To give forth a very great noise as something breaking.
Keumari, r} r ), ??X-s}\. n. A wolf or a fox.
Keura, or 75, #. n. Taste. Flavour.
Keurap, %-£/ 5 7, # ≫ ≫v. v.t. To praise.
Keure, けうれ, 削ル。 v.t. To plane. To peel off. To sharpen as a pencil or stick. To shave off. To hew.
Keure, けうれ, 破レ易キ。 adj. Brittle. Dry. Weak.
Keure-use, ケウレ・ウセ,Nit, 極ク弱イ、モロイ。 adj. Very weak or brittle.
Keurotke, #-# ra y #r, l# vv. v.i. To sound. To rumble. To rattle as thunder.
Keururu, Ar: Jl.Jie, F#if. n. Close upon. Near to. A space between two points. Thus:~Makuni-keururu, pishuni-keururu, “close to the sea and forest and upon the space covered with grass.”
Keururu, r y Wle)le, ## x vl. v.i. To sound.
Keush-keush, 5-1 y 22 %r y Eo, E y # 9 Juliao. n. The rattle of stones rolling down the side of mountains.
Keushut, ケウシュツ。叔父、老人。男ノ %ill. n. & adj. Uncle. Ancient. Old. Male ancestors. Male relations. Syn : Acha. Chinkeu.
Keushut, ケウシユツ。ヤクリンソウ。n, Gentiana Makinoi, Kusnez. Gentian. called kioshut by some.
Keutum, ケウツム。心。意志、感. n. The mind. Heart. Will. Affections. As ;~ Keutum arage pirika kamui an, keutum arage wen kamui an, “ there are gods with partly good and partly evil dispositions.”
Keutum-atte, rr) y A7 ≫5F, I? > Yr 7 /v, E?≫ x ≫v. v.i. To fix the mind on. To be determined.
Keutum-atte-no, ?-? yA7 >5 /, R # 7 # x 7”. adv. With a purpose.
Keutum-chashnu, 4j-f7‘X’.A** $~5z, g%£*- yv. adj. Patient. Syn : Keutum oshitchiu. Ramushiroma.
Keutum-chiitasare, Orry V.A5F4 &{} L’, \E x ju, v.i. & adj. Crazy. Mad. Unreasonable. Syn : Etomochinne. Katuiush.
Keutum-chiutumushbare, Are) y A, チウツムシバレ。心ノ混雑ナル、迷フ。 v.i. To be perplexed. Syn : Sambe chiutumashire.
Keutum-eramushkari, 4%rf7"X’.A*5 A52; 9, § 2, 2t2. v.i. To have lost consciousness.
Keutum-isam-guru, ?-? yA-f#Ay Jl, RA, #ji:. n. A fool. Syn : Haita guru. Etomochine. Paka ne guru.
Keutum-koshne, or 7 ×.A. E. ×:#, #3.j?f jj *. adj. Impatient. Syn : Ramukoshme.
Keutum-murumuruse, Ar? VAA. Jlo Aji,tz, to? x 21. v.i. To boil over with anger. Syn : Sambe-muru血儿属冀重夏$e。
Keutum-nin-ush, Arr;) y A = 2^r} 2^, B? = + 2 × . v.i. To be troubled. Syn : Oknatara.
Keutum-okere, oro y Azror L., &#
* Jl. adj. Learned.
Keutum-oshitchiu, 4%rr7 oy.Azi"Sz yos ウ。安全ナル、穏カナル adj. Complacent. Quiet. Firm. To be determined. Syn : Keutum-chashnu. Ramushiroma.
Keutum-oupeka, けうつむ・おうぺか, 正直ナル。 adj. Upright. Righteous.
Keutum-raine, Or: } }/A54 #, ### +- /v. adj. Sorrowful.
Keutum-ramuoshma, Orry V.A5.Azr シマ。面白キ、適合スル adj. Agreeable. Acceptable. To agree with.
Keutum-ramuoshma-i, oro y A5,A zoo of, ##. n. Acceptance.
Keutum-ritetke, Or:} }/A. ) 5F ≫?r, # +j-- ju, adj. & v.i. Kind. Of a kind disposition. Syn : Ramuhauge.
Keutum-sak, oro y A+!?, off 3-4, k£)\. adj. & n. Thoughtless. A fool.
Keutum-ukopoyege, Or:} }/A. ) :axit 4 -4*, ? C≫ 7 # ≫. adj. Fickle. Double-faced.
Keutum-urenga, or 7 × 1.5 L off, s?l ?I? /. adj. United. Syn : Ukoramuoshma.
Keutum-usaraye, 4rix ≫ Aix *54 +, # x. v.t. To pardon. To forgive.
Keutum-ush-inauru, orty y.o.o. Seef ナウル 熊ノ頭ヲ狭ム又木ニツケル幣. n. A string of shavings used for tying the skulls of slain animals to the poles called
Keutum-utumashi, 6rry y Ary yor Sa, uix y 5E r 7 -9* ji... adj.. Unstable. Doubtful.
Keutum-utumkush, jif z ** yv, $3. = ゲウツムウツムクシ。合ヘザル v.i.
Keutum-uturukush, To be disag4-r} y Ar') y JL-2 $ e, reeable. Syn : Kuroma-keutum-koro.
Keutum-yupke, 5-7 y A=?74r, #si: 9- yu-. adj. Wild. Severe. Bold. Au dacious. Syn : Sambe-yupke.
Keu-uk, oro, o ?, A = #x. v.t. To murder. Syn : Keuk.
Keu-wen, ケウウェン。頭ノ腫物、白秀風 (s^ * * *) /. adj. To have scabs on the head.
| Kewe, けうぇ, 死骸、人頭。 An. n. A dead body. A corpse. Also the head.
| Keu, けう,
Kewe, ケウェ, 身長。例セバ、ケウェポログル, 丈の高き人。 n. Stature 身長、背丈. As :~ Kewe poro guru, “ a large stout person.” Keweram, “short of stature.” Kewe ri, “tall.”
Kewe, ゲウェ。迫ヒ出ス、追ヒ掃フ・ u.t. To drive out. To expel. To drive away.
Kewe, 4rry a, #S, adr. n. The body. The life.
Kewe-ataye, 4r:} =772& 4 =, # Nje v Ej?E. n. A fine for murder. Syn : Ainu ataye.
Kewechari, ケウェチャリ。迫ヒ散ラス。 v.t. To scatter by driving (as animals or birds).
Kewehumse, Jr.) = 7.Atz, s?? ##. n. Sympathy.
Kewe-tak, けうぇ・たっく, 殺人罪ノ罰金。 n. A fine for murder. Syn : Ainu ataye. Kewe ataye.
Kewe-uk, ケウェ・ウク, 殺ス。首ヲ切ル。 v.t. To kill. To behead 〔動物や植物の〕頭部を切り落とす. Syn : Keuk. Keu-uk. ★バカ検証 【本当に首を切る、という意味なのか。殺し方には色々あると思うが、この言葉は、本当に、首を切り落とす、という意味なのか。首という単語は無いが、いいのか。軽い気持ちで書くのは不謹慎である。】
Keworo, けうぉろ, 力量。 n. Strength. Syn : Tumu.
Keworo-sak, けうぉろ・さっく, 弱キ。 adj. Strengthless. Weak. Syn : Tumsak.
Keyam, けやむ, 大危険ニアル。 v.i. To be in great danger.
| Keyannakun, けやんなくん, 成程、其ノ通。 adv. Indeed. Just so. So. Exactly. Syn : Ohaiine.
| Keyannakari, けやんなかり,
Ki, き, ヨシ又ハアシノ総称。 n. A general name for rushes and reeds.
Ki, き, 脂、アブラ。 n. Fat 脂肪.
Ki, き, 虱。 n. A louse.

Ki, キ。。事ヲ為ス。例セバ、キホプニ、急 + 7 # * H. no. v.t. To do anything. To accomplish. To act. To achieve. When preceding another verb ki has the sense of “hurry,” “severity” or “urging” in it. Thus:--
Ki hopuni, “to get up in a hurry.” Syn : Kara. Iki.
Ki-abe-gusu, + 7 ° 5' x, #& 1 F +. adv. Yet. Although. Syn : Yakka.
Ki-ai, #74 , 3% #, #, 5. H. n. A blaze. A ray of light. Reflection.
Kiai-ush, +7 4s of $2, of x >. v.i. To sparkle. To blaze.
Kiapa, #72 $, 5$. n. Millet. Syn : Piapa.
Ki-be, キべ、行ヒシ事、出来タ事 n. Something done. As :~ fushko an kibe, “as was done in olden times.” . To do.
Kichi, ##, # x (##). v.t. Pl. of
Kichimomne, w of v b ... n. A kind キチモムネ。 of flounder. Limanda Kuchimorinne, angustisostris,
Kitaクチモムネ, hara.
Kichip キチップ、ナサレタルモノ. n. Things which are done.
Kichirakotba, #5F5 a yw?, EL L. v.i. To creak as cart wheels or as oars. in rowing a boat. To tick as a clock. Syn : Rek.
Kichiri, キチリ。アナグマ、ニ似タル獣。 n. S. The glutton. Gulo borealis, Briss. This animal does not occur in H.
Kichitche, #5° ≫#-, #?r y ##| x pl> = ) 37 yva?, !L )v. v.i. To tick as a watch or clock. To creak as cart wheels or as oars in rowing a boat.
Ki-hi, キヒ。行動、仕上ゲタモノ n An action. A thing done. Syn : Kip.
Ki-i, キイ。為シタル事。成就 n Achievement.
Ki-isei, #4 +z-f, # = 7 # 7. v.t. To carry on the back.
Kik, #2, #T ≫, [[] y. v.t. To strike. To knock. To beat. To hit.
Kikararip, +3, 5 J 7, #. n. A joist. : A beam.
Ki-kat, #?, y, #?e. n. Ability. Syn : Mondum.
Kike, #4r, £EJ?. n. Shavings.
Kike-chinoye-inau, +5-5, Z 4 x 4 + 17, § 2 #4. n. A kind of fetish with curled shavings attached.
Kikeparase-inau, +4-≫K5 +2-f3-7, # / A. n. Kind of fetish having the shavings spread out.
Kiketa, +4;- &, # # e, 7- v F e. post. Although. Syn : Yakka.
Kike-ush, キケウシ。削リカケノ付キタ no. adj. Having shavings attached.
Kike-ush-bashui, + rr) ov?$e'a. 4f, #ij リカケノ付キタル暑上ゲ器。za. A ceremonial moustache-lifter-i.e. a moustache-lifter having shavings attached.
Kik-humbe, #2, 7A-K, #. n. A shield.
Kiki, ##, B}++ 2y. v.t. To scratch.
Kiki, ##, G# 2°. v.t. To defend. To ward off.
Kikiaraye, ++7.5 s =, so z. v.t. To re
Kikiraye, deem. キキライェ。
| Kikikara, ききから,
| Kikkara, きっから,
防グ、守護スル。 v.t. To defend. To keep back. As :~ Wen guru an gusu en kikikara wa en kore, “please defend me because of that bad person.” Ku goro pumma ikinnimara kikikara wa ande nisa, “ he kept back part of my wages.”
Kiki-kiki, きき・きき, 引キ掻ク。 v.t. To scratch.
Kikin-ni, キキンニ。エゾウヘミツザク 7. n. The bird cherry. Prunus Padus, L. In S. it is called kap. The bark of this tree is sometimes steeped in hot water and used as a
remedy for stomach-ache, and to expel worms. The decoction is drunk. It is also used as a charm against evil. In times of epidemical disease branches of this tree used to be cut off and stuck about the villages to ward off the sickness, and, indeed, as charms against evils of all kinds. The etymology of the Ainu name comes to either “insect tree" or “tree of defence.”
Kikinraichep, ++ > 5 f f = 7, j?(+ 9- +). n. A chrysalis. -
Kikiri, キキリ, 蝿、其ノ他ノ昆蟲(昆虫)。 n. In sects and flies. ★バカ検証 【insect が、 In sects だった為、検索に掛からなかった。話にならない。完全なるバカ辞書。】
Ki-kiroro, き・きろろ, 才能。 n. Ability. Syn : Mondum.
Kikituye, ききついぇ, 防グ。 v.t. ward off. To keep away.
| Kikkara, キッカラ,
| Kikikara, ききから,
防グ、守ル、例セバ、アパキッカラ、戸ヲ守ル。 v.t. To defend. As :~ Apa kikkara, “to defend a door.” Moshiri kikkara, “to defend a country.” Kotan kikkara, “to defend a village,” as from disease by charms of various kinds.
Kikkik, キッキっク, 驚骨ノ聲(殊ニ婦人ノ)。 excl. An exclamation of surprise. Used principally by women and girls.
Kikkik, きっきっく, 打ツ、蹴ル。 v.t. To strike. To beat. Frequentive form of kik. Syn : Shirikik.
Ki-koyaikush, き・こやいくっしゅ, 為シ能ハヌ。 v.i. Unable to do.
Kim, きむ, 山脈(複数)。 n. The mountains.
Kimak-hau, きまっく・はう, 驚ノ聲、救助ヲ叫ブ聲。 n. A frightened tone of voice. A cry for help. Syn : Haukotpare.
Kimak-no, きまっく・の, 速に(すみやかに)、迅速ニ。例セバ、キマクノアプカシヤン、速ニ歩メ. adv. Fast. Quickly. As :~ Kimak no apkash yan, “walk fast.” Syn : Pikan mo. Pikan-kane.
Kimashi, きまし, 林。 n. A forest.
Kimashin, きましん, 森林。 n. A forest.
Kimash-makapashi-manu, きまっしゅ・まかぱし・まぬ, 彼等ハ山ニ行ケリ。 ph. They had gone to the mountains.
Kimateh, きまてほ, 恐レタ。 adj. & v.i. To be afraid. Frightened.
Kimatek, キマテっク, 恐レル、性急、注意スル。 v.i. To be careful. To be afraid. To be in a hurry. To be in fear. Startled. Syn : Ishitoma. Iramkittararage.
Kimatek-ambe, きまてっく・あむべ, 恐ルベキモノ。 n. Something dreadful.
Kimat-no, きまっと・の, 早ク。 adv. Quickly. Syn : Tunashino.
Kimbui, +A7 f, sie / #j. adv. Deer's horns. Antlers.
Kimbui-etu, *.A74 ac*y, fu 2 4:. n. Points of horns.
Kimbuikes, #A74f4r2K, E# / ##. n. The points or extreme ends of deer horns. kimge-sama, £.£,4*£**, pijg3= 7*, [II 2 #|#. adv. By the sides of the mountains. Syn : Nupuri kotoro.
Kimo-chipaskuma, ++++ Sz. 7 or, Hof; y ##. n. Mountain cult.
Kimo-fureppo, + RE7 Le ≫;st, =rar. 7 f + -r. n. Rubus pseudo-japonicus Roidz. A kind of raspberry.
Kimoiki, ##4 #, I = #x ju, a F. v.t. To hunt in the forest.
Kimoiki-kara, ++4 =##5, # + 4 + = s?l sy. Same as Kimoiki.
Kimoike-manuike, +AE-f +*5K f Hr, 彼等ヘ狩 ニ行クヲ常例トシタ、ph. They used to go hunting.
Kimoiki-rue, #RE4f + JLear, ##. n. Hunting tracts.
Ki-mondum, ##2 y.o., Faa, #77 ju = F. n. Ability.
Kimopash, きもぱっしゅ, 霊感發動ニヨリ山ニ逍遥(しょうよう)ス。 v.i. To wander about
among the mountains as in religious fervour 宗教的熱情状態で山々をさまよう.
Kimoppe, きもっぺ, 野獣、狐。 n. Wild beasts. A fox.
Kim-oro, きむ・おろ, 山間ニテ。adv. Among the mountains.
Kimta, キムタ, 山ノ中ニテ、山間ニテ。 adv. In the mountains. Among the mountains.
Kimui, きむい, 山。 n. Mountains.
Kimui, きむい, 頭ノ頂、冠。 n. The top of the head. Crown.
Kimui-oshmaki, きむい・おっしゅまき, 襟首。 n. The nape of the neck. Syn : Oksutu.
Kimun hosep, きむん ほせっぷ, ミツバベンケイソウ。 n. Sedum verticillatum, L. ★バカ検証 【草は、「サウ」ではなかったのか。気まぐれな仕事してもらっては困る。】
Kimuka-Ainu, きむか・あいぬ, 山奥ニ住ム仮想的人種。 n. A fabulous race of dwellers among the mountains, called also Oken.
Kimumbe, きむむべ, 野獣。 n. Wild beasts.
Kimum-upeu, きむむ・うぺう, カハラバウフウ。 n. Peucedanum terebinthaceum, Fisch, In S. it is called Itasarikashma.
Kim-un, きむ・うん, 山中ニ、山ニ。 adv. In the mountains. To the mountains.
Kimunge, きむんげ, 山中ノ大湖。 n. A very large mountain lake.
Kimun-hosep, キムン・ホセップ, ミツバベンケイサウ。 n. Sedum verticillattem, L.
Kimun-kainu, きむん・かいぬ, 山ノ中ニ住ム半神半人ノ人。 n. Reputed wild dwellers among the mountains said to have been half men and half gods. Also called Oken.
Kim-un-kamui, きむ・うん・かむい, 熊。 n. A bear.
Kimun-kunau, きむん・くなう, フクジユサウ。 n. Adonis amurensis, Regel et Radd. Also called kunau.
Kimun-mauni, +./. - z - =, + K 3?i # ≫s 7. n. Rosa acicularis, Lindl. var. Gmelini, C.K. Schm. Alpine rose.
Kimun-noya, +,5,72 *, + v = + #. n. Artimisia japonica, Thunb. Mountain muggwort.
Kimun-upeu, E.A. A.: - 7, ?. -- 7 s 17 2 7. n. Peucedanum terebinthaceum. Fisch. Syn : Kimum-upeu.
Kim-ushpu, きむ・うっしゅぷ, 山中ノ貯蔵庫(狩人ガ一時仮ニ建テタル)。 n. A temporary store house put up by hunters when hunting in the mountains.
Kina, キナ。大ナル草ノ線稲、又燈心草, 或ヘ疎剛ナル草ニテ造レル薦 n A general name for grasses and herbs of the larger kinds. Also, a mat made of coarse grass or rushes.
Kina-emauri, +3-+-+ r) y, so ra os-3A ニ ~ v f + y. n. Trillizem kamtschaticum, Pall. The berry of this, plant is used for food. It has a delicious taste with a slight trace of acidity. See Emauri. Koroka-omap. Retara-kina-emauri
Kinaka-o, 3.3-372", 2 v 3-2. n. S. Rosa rugosa. Th. Beach rose.
Kina-kara, ++7;5, #: 7 a $2 Ju'. v.t. To weed. To pull up weeds.
Kinakop-ni, #3--, 7ニ, ニ y + + =r. n. Rubus strigosa, Michx. Syn : Emauri. Yuk-emauri. Yayanfurep. Emuni-fu-rep.
Kina-mokuriri, #3-AE? 9 J, X = 32. n. A kind of gastropod. Syn : Anekempo.
Kinanbo, キナンボ, マンボウ、ウキキ、 海亀。 n. Sun-fish. Head-fish. Mola mola (Linn.) A turtle. Same as Kinapo.
Kina-okeura, ++zfor 75, 3, 4 +.. n. Water-rail. Rallus aqaticus indicus. (Blyth.) Syn : Okura.
Kina-pe, きな・ぺ, 露。 n. Dew. Syn : Munpe.

Kinapo, キナポ, マンボラ、ウキキ、海亀。 n. Sun-fish. Head-fish. Mola mola (Linn.) A turtle. Same as Kinanbo.
Kinapo-tambu, +2}-zt Sr.A.7, i ≫ HF. 7. Tortoise-shell.
Kinaraita, ++54 *, * > s > t +. n. Agrimonia pilosa, Ledeb. Syn : Akokarep. Ipakokarip. Raitamun.
Kinaratashkep, ++5 & 24-7, #(st }H = #4: 3 &# / ). n. Herbs. Any kind of grass fit for food.
Kina-saranip, #3-4}-5:7, #: = + # и леn. п. А kind of bag made of grass.
Kinashut キナシュツ 捨キタル薦. n. A mat rolled up.
Kinashut, キナシュツ、草ノ根、蛇ノ別 3. n. Grass roots. Also a name given to snakes because of their habitat among the roots of the undergrowth of forests.
Kinashut-kari, a?? ?? ?? ? ツカリ y 蛇ニ 憑 3, L yo. v.i. To be possessed by a snake. Syn : Tokkoni parachi.
Kinashut-orowa-no, ++>+*+ ra 97 A’, jJ v F! y . adv. With all One?s might. Syn : Ramuoshi wano. Toiko.
| Kinashutumbe, キナシュツムベ, シマへビ. n. A snake. Elaphe
| Kinashut-un-guru, キナシュット・ウン・グル, quadrivirgala Boie. Syn : Okokko. The name means “Creatures having their home among grass roots.” This would mean “Creeping things ”. *
* The Ainu people, particularly the women, are very superstitious about what they of ten call the Kinashwtunbe. The Ainu will not speak of these creatures by any direct name, but when it is necessary to talk about them they do so in an indirect descriptive manner. Kirso, means “grass": shut “roots” un is a locative particle: be is "creature.” Thus, we get “creatures which live among grass roots.” They have no love for these creepy reptiles. In one place I have heard them spoken of as Tuah i.e. “rope,” and then, forgetting their own language the people have called a certain river Tush-pet, "snake river.” when it should be “rope river.” Another name is Okokko which means “malevolent striker. The derivation of this word is Ok, “to strike against : Okok, a frequentive or plural form of Ok; Ko carries “malevolent intent" with it. Thus, we arrive at “creatures which strike with bad intent.” It is interesting to note in this connection that itakko is “bad magic”: “bewitchery”: “sorcery.” Itakko-Bakko as “old she witch.” There are three other names I know of. They are Kamiwashi, “vicious demons”: Ovau, “the devil": and Shiturupakbe, “the creature which punishes.” The names show the attitude of the Ainu people towards snakes.
Kina-surugu, Haj-7 "L у, r. у Б у о 7 h. n. Aconitum yezoense, Nakai, Also called simply Surugu which is a general name for poison.
Kinatum, きなつむ, 草原。 n. A thicket. A grassy place.
Kinatush, ***y$,≫, *g $g. n. rope.
Kinatuye-hosh, of joy of rzko, #|# (# 3.75:5:#). n. Summer leggings made of grass or bark.
Kine キネ。ヘンノキ、n. alder. Same as Kene-ni.
Kinin, #= >, #?#? x v?z. v.t. To commit adultery. Syn : Omoinu.
Kinkai, # 2:h4f, Aaf#a. n. Luggage. Goods. (Jap.) Syn : Shike. Itara kamasu. Straw A kind of
Kinkinne-upas, きんきんね・うぱす, 雪ノ小片。 n. Small flakes of snow.
Kinna, # >3-, # ?- >L. adj. Shining.
Kinne, + *, Syn : Tonna.
Kinnatara, キンナタラ。盛装シテ生ス xt-(## > ##3- F =). v.i. To sit well clothed as at a feast.
Kinmatara, キンナタラ。美麗ナ、立派ナ adj. Elegantly.
Kinne-mi, キンネニ。キンギンボク. n. Lonicera Morrowii, A. Gray. Syn : Ebotpochi. In S.
Kinne-ni is Hydrangea paniculata, Sieb. Syn : Rasupa. Honeysuckle.

Ki-no, +/, of +, Joj?-- ju, adj. Able. Clever. Adroit. Apt. Syn : Eashkai.
Kinop, + / 7, #f £. n. The liver. Syn : Yukram.
Kinrakara, & n>, $?Ez zv. v.t. To +25.375, be angry. To be mad
Kinra-koro, or crazy. As :~ Kinra* >5 =u ra, kara wa ye, “to speak in anger.” Syn : Irushka.
Kinra-ne-ekohetari, # 2 5:kort-1タリ、怒ッテ振リ向ク v.i. To turn round in anger.
Kinratara, ## or 7 & x (£ = # 1. キンラタラ。 F + 2 #12). v.i. To
Kinnatara, sit well clothed as at +2+3:5, a feast.
Kinta, + 2 &, B. ?is = >>. adv. In former times.
Kintaichi, キンタイチ, 山地、奥地。 n. The mountain district. Hinterland.
| Kinup, きぬっぷ, 平原、蘆(葦)。 n. A plain of reeds.
| Kinupka, きぬっぷか,
Kinupsho, + 5. 7 & #, otos. n. A plain of reeds.
Ki-o, +zir, ii z £ f. adj. Lousy.
Kioka, E y # 2 * v &. adj. Clear牛才力, ed. As a garden of its
Kiokake, vegetables. キオカケ, Κioro, #zi- ra, § A. adj. Strong. Same as Keworo. Κioro, #* pa, ii 2, PJ ≫ 27. adj. Shining. Sparkling.
Kirorokush-kina, #zf p * >:#3°, 7. # 3, 7 or y + 7. n. A Saghalien word for the columbine, Thalictrum Thunbergii, DC. In H. it is Arikko. The name may mean “strength giving flower.”
Ki, “a ray of light”; oro, “from" or “to”; kush,” pass through"; kina, “herb ” or “grass,” Thus, “ray-pass-through-grass.”
Kioshut, キオシュツ、ホソベェゾリンダ ?. n. Gentiana, Makinoi, Kusnez.
Ki-otchike, ## y FOr, st: y str. n. A tray made of reeds.
Kip キプ。行動、仕上ゲタ物. n An action. A thing done. Syn : Ki-hi.
Kiparapara, */85z &5, }{}|. / ?in. A kind of seaweed.
Kiparapara, キパラパラ。オニノヤガラ。 n. A kind of leafless orchid. Gastrodia elata, Bl. Syn : Keparapara. Unintek. Unitek.
Kipip キピプ、注意スル、疑惧スル v.i. To be careful. To fear.
Kipiri. * Ef 9, 3}|{ v?r-tz yu~]] I. n. A single mountain.
Kip-niukesh, #7 = } r$a, $#3- ≫L. adj. Faithful.
Kira, きら, 走リ去ル。 v.i. To run away.
Kira-an-i, 3.57° 24′,??o Pl. v.i. Running away. As :~ Kira-an-i ek manu, “he came running.”
Kira-ike, “when running away.” -
Kirai, #54, #. n. A comb.
Kirau, #5 r.), f?, E? ?. n. Horns. Antlers.
Kirau-awe, キラウアウェ、鹿ノ枝角. n Branches
Kirau-konda, of a deer's horns. キラウコンダ,
Kirau-ush-chimakani, #5 oz of $25- h =', # = + ? so ?r. n. A kind of stone-sculpin. Ceratocottus diceratus (Pallas).
Kirawe, 3.5 of a., f, E 2 #. n. Horns. Antlers.
Kirawe, +5 ) =, ##. n. Syn : Kiri.
Kirawe-o-pone, #5 ozzhykak, ###. n. A marrow bone.
Kire, + Le, ?* s- ... v.t. to do.
Kire, + Lo, #, E 9°. n. The knees.
Kiri, + J., E? 7 # ?”. v.t. Skin. Flay.
Kiri, キリ。魚肉ヲサキテ乾ス事 n. Strips of fish or meat cut up for Marrow. To cause
Kiri, 4 J , ;;g, jil. n. The legs. The feet. The cross beam of a boat.
Kiri-guru, + U ?VIL, HIE. n. An acquaintance.
Kirihi, # 9 E, # 2 #2k. n. The cross beam of a boat. .
Kirikewe, H. J.5-7 -, }; 2 #. n. The bones of the legs. Syn : Chikiripone.
Kirikiru, + U + JLo, ## vi-, # 7. v.t. To mock. To laugh at. To make fun of. Syn : Eyaipuni.
Kirin, + y 2, ≫ ≫ ≫” ? x ?fE. n. The Tungus tribe. Also called
Kiren, + v ×, 9 : * ? x #. n. The Tungus people. Same as Kirin.
Kiripa, キリパ 順覆スル、抵キ雑ゼル。 v.t. To turn over. To stir. Properly kirupa.
Kiripiru, + 9 EJL-, F# Z”(#L+ F”5). v.t. To cast off (as boots).
Kiripu, H. J. 7, ####. n. Fat. Strips of meat cut up for sun drying. As,
Kiripu chinkara mi, poles for hanging cut up fish or meat to dry in the sun and air.
Kiripu-o, キリプオ,
Kiripu-ush, キリプウシ。
Kiri-ushte, キリウシテ,
Kiri-ushte, To fatten.
Kirisam, # JoA, #1-. adv. By the side of one. Syn : Samata.
Kirisamshut, + ) FA, ?oa. V, ?st. n. The upper part of the legs. HEi*- yi. adj. Fat. キリウシテ, 肥ラス. v.t.
Kiri-samta, HF U+.K.4x, sk) =. adv. Close by. Near one's feet.
Kiri-wen, きり・うぇん, 痩セタル。 adj. Thin. Lean.
Kiro, きろ, 靴、ケイレト同ジ。 n. Shoes. Same as Keire.
Kirok, # r, %, jt;# 5* % x. v.t. To be doing anything. (Sometimes rok is used as an honourific).
Kironnu, * ta >5x, jEf- 3z yv,ijE s≫ x 212. adj. Full. Satisfied.
Kironnure, + D 25. Le, jE 37 x, # E + & J, J12. v.t. To fill. To satisfy.
Kiro"ran, キロラン。強イ・ キロロアン K fii] &. adj. Strong. With pleasure. Pleased. Same as Kiroro-an.
Kiroro, * p p, jj, z}rse. n. Power. Strength. Ability. Syn : Okira.
Kiroro-an, + DI DI 7 A, # *. adj. Strong. Powerful.
Kiroro-an-tura-no, + pa Da Jo o'y 5 /, # E +. ph. Gladly. With willingness. Feeling strong.
Kiroro-ashnu, + n n 7 : 5%, 5: *. adj. Strong. Able-bodied. Syn : Tumashnu.
Kiroro-ekot, #1, p += y, ##3 x ju, #Ex jur. v.i. To faint. To lose one's strength. To die.
Kiroro-koro, + DI PI a II, ? *, HETE3≫l. adj. Strong. Able.
Kirorokush-ni, #R H & Sea E, 3, 7 ~ y E. = s?; $9. n. Same as Arikko. Meadow rue. Thalictrum Thunbergii, DC. The Ainu name means “tree through which strength passes.” It makes a good tonic.
Kiroro-rui, # DI DI JV4f, # #. Strong. Of great strength.
Kiroro-sange, + n n + 24°, 3 jj > p1 +. adv. With all one's might.
Kiroro-yuptek-no, Hop rail 75-5 y, jj? > . adv. Powerfully.
Kiroro-yupu-wa, + E n -l/2, 2jy z pl?... adv. With all one's might. Syn : Kotusuyupu. Shiarikiki-no. Κiroshte, # ra %5*, ZEfH. adj. Level. Flat.
Kirorushke, # Di Jle$e4r, sta. n. The hips.
Kiru, +IV, MAA? z vie, # os x. v.t. To adj.
turn over. To roll over.
Kiru-kiru, キルキル。順覆スル(キルノ語 jo a y # *). v.t. An intensified form of kiru. Applied to human beings this word has an evil sense. Thus:Ainu kiru-kiru, “ to turn a man over and over,” i.e. to search out a person's faults.
Kirunbe, 3-11, 2-k, R.. n. Legs.
Kiru-osh, +/LzF:2, |g. n. The loins.
Kirupa, キルパ、順覆スル、韓ベス(複数) v.t. To turn over. To roll over. Pl. of kiru.
Kiruruge, + JL. JL yo, fi] = . adv. Amongst. Syn : Uturu. Tumugeta.
Kirurugeta, +)Lerledje Zx, Hij = . adv. Amongst.
Kirushi, +/1-2, if y fit, #ff. п. The brace at the bows of boats. The fore part of a boat.
Kisa, キサ, 錐揉(きりもみ)スル、手ヲ揉ム (アイヌ ガ木ヲ以テ火ヲ起スルガ如シ) v.t. To rub in the hands as fire-sticks when producing fire. To make a hole with an awl. KisaKisa
Kisa, キサ, 皮ヲ剥グ。 v.t. To peel. 【富田には、kisa(錐などで)= 穿つ(うがつ), kisakisa =(錐などで)穿つ(うがつ), karkisa = 火を起こす、とある。】 Syn : Kapu-kara. Kapuri. Kapusoso. Soshpa.
Kisa-kisa, きさきさ, 揉ム、錐揉ミスル。v.t. To rub in the hands as an awl or fire-stick. To bore with an awl. Syn : Chawawa. Kisa. /KisaKisa/
Kisan-nin, キサンニン, 耳ノ中央ノ部分。 n. That part of the ear between the lobe and top.
Kiaanrap, きさんらぷ, 耳ノ上部。 n. The upper part of the ears. Syn : Kisara-sap.
| Kisanta, きさんた, 耳。 n. The ears
| Kisara, きさら,
| Kisara, きさら,
| Kisaraha, きさらは, 耳。  例セバ、クイュイタクエキサラオッタアフンゲ、我言ヲ汝ノ耳ニ挿メヨ。 n. The ears. As :~ Ku ye itak e kisara otta ahunge, “put my words into your ears.” Ashpa kisara itulanure, “turn a deaf ear to it.” Kisara mayaige, “to have itching ears" (met, to desire to hear; also, to be spoken about). Kisara-um, “ear lobes.”
Kisara-hap, きさら・はぷ, 耳朶(みみたぶ) n. The lobe of the ear 耳の耳たぶ. Syn : Kisara-top.
Kisarape, #*5 ^&, #jz* z % Ef. n. The rough bark of trees.
Kisarapeot, ++j*5 eszfyy, -z e y n + t?. n. Maianthaman: dilatatzt??? Nels, et machr. Syn : Chirasmo.
Kisara-pui, *+*5 74f, H. z ok. n. The ear-holes.
Kisarapui-o, キサラプイオ。耳桑ニ気ヲ 7 or no. v.t. To bore a hole in the ears.
Kisara-sap, ***5-ij-7, lE. z _H. 3. n. The upper part of the ears. Syn : Kisanrap.
Kisaratara-pekambe, Ho-5 & 5-7, A^*, e sr. n. Trapa japonica, Fleroff. "
Kisara-top, ##5 F 7, H.33, n. The lower part or lobe of the ear. Syn : Kisara-hap.
Kisara-turu, きさら・つる, 耳垢。 n. Ear-wax.
Kisashke きさっしゅけ, 悪寒ガスル(雨又ハ寒気ノ為)。 v.i. To be chilled with rain and cold as:~ Ku kisashke humi ash, “I feel chilled.”
Kisassara キサッサラ, 沼地(高キ蘆[葦]ノ繁茂セル). n. A plot of thick tall reeds 太くて高い葦の区画の土地.
Kisat, きさっと, 耳。 n. Ears. Same as kisara.
Kisat-tarara, **kw 5:55, j%. 2 in 27 I!? ? £ ? yl . v.i. To prick up the ears as an animal when listening.
Kisattarara-pekambe, ++) ≫ & 55 og :h.Asas, e v. n. Trapa japonica, Fleroff. Risat-turu, ++ yvulo, Ejjj. n. EarWax.
Kiseri, #tz J, #5 of, n. A tube. A tobacco pipe.

Kiseri-otop, #z :) + K. 7, ####. n. A tobacco pipe case.
Kiseri-uhuika, + z :) :) 74 ?i, Fi?# = yk z : x Jl. v.t. To light a pipe.
Kisesseri, キセッセリ。アイヌワサビ. n. Cardamine yezonensis, Maxim. A kind of acrid cress. This plant is used as an article of food. Syn : Nigesseri. Risesseri.
Kisesseri-pekampe, Isopa natans L. A kind of Caltrops.
Kishi, * $≫, + s≫ ≫ y. v.t. ing.
Kishi, #2, ##TSa. n. End. Lower part. Syn : Kes. Kesh.
Kishike, #$24r, ...... ヲ為セリ. Something they used to do.
Kishikin-ni, + e+ >=, y ra ? x + F* a?. n. Buckthorn. Rhamnus japonicus, Maxim. Syn : Yuknu-mau-ni.
Kishima, #~ ov, #~ /l. v.t. To lay +$27, hold of. To seize. To arrest.
Kishma, To take hold. To curb. キシマ,
Kishinkishin, Were do ph. ケシベツカジカノー キシンキシン。 #. n. A kind of scul
Kishunkishun, pin. Gymnocanthus * £>-- > + $> - >, intermedius (TaS.)
Kishirekari-guru, キシレカリグル。 Keshirekari-guru, ケシレカリグル。
Kishki, #2:#, gk / #. n. The hair of animals. As :~ Tu yuk kishki aetayetaye, “two hairs were plucked out of the deer.”
Kishma, #S2*a?, #j~ vl?, #.j,, v.t. To seize. To hold. To clasp. To catch. 浮浪人,h,A wanderer.
Kishunkishun, or s~~< ≫ # x ?i ≫ ?i. +2= 2+2 = 2, n. A kind of scul
Kishinkishin, pin. Gymnocanキシンキシン, thus intermedius (T. & S.).
Kisiri, キシリ。 煙管 (キセル) n A tobacco pipe.
Kisoro, #y pa, 5-$A. Kesoro, Or?/ pa,
Kistoki, #2: F +, #. n. The elbows. n. Offspring.
Kitai, ## 4f, J?_E,4% v ??#. n. The top of anything. Summit.
Kitaige, #3: s 5, # 2 Jaa. n. The top of anything.
Kitaigeta, キタイゲタ。 物 ノ頂漫ニ於テ. adv. On the top of anything.
Kitaioma-ni, + & 4 **r =, #Pk. n. The ridge-pole of a house.
Kitakata, 3?5, 773, TH. E. n. Summit.
Kitat, # 3 y, or 7 × 2s. n. White birch. Betula Tauschii, Koidz. Also called Kapat-tat. Pettat. Tat-ni.
Kit-cheppo, キッチェッポ きっと・ちぇっぽ, ヤマベ(魚ノ #). n. Young trout. Syn : Kitra. |
Kite, #7, #3, so y 9. n. Doing.
Kitek, +5*?,
Kitchi, + ≫5F, #, F#. n. A manger. A trough.
Kite, #7, # = H = Loft. n. The bone part of a fish-spear, or harpoon to which the iron point is fixed.
Kite, +5°, ffffff. The act of doing.
Kite-not, #7 / y, # / #4;. n. The iron point of a fish spear, or harpoon.
Kite-nimaki, #7:*:#, soft. n. The dog teeth.
Kitesh, ±5*9), e 71. * *. n. The Bindweed. Calystegia Sepium, R. Br. Syn : Ken.
Kitesh means netted; matted ; interwoven, fibrous.
Kito, キト。ギヤウジヤニンニク. n.
Kitu, #7, Allium victorialis, L. Syn : Pukusa.
Kitra, +y:7, * ~ *(# / #). n. Young trout. Syn : Kit-cheppo.
Kittesh, * y57-$z, t. yv **. n. The bindweed. Dioscorea Tokoro, Mak. Syn : Ken.
Kitesh. The long slender roots of this plant are dug up in the spring and used as an article of food by the Ainu. They are eaten either roasted or boiled, alone or with other
food, such as rice or millet. They are said to be very sweet to the taste and are much liked.
Kiu, キウ。ヒメイズイ。 tum humile, Fisch.
Ki-ush-kina, + r} > {-3-, ar y ≫ z ?y { ≫ v. Veronica Sibirica, L. Speed well.
Kiuta-chup, + r} & F. a. 7, pq H. n. The month of April called by some Mokiuta-chup.
Kiworo, +57 DI, B? f. adv. Same as Kioro and Keworo.
Kiyanne, キヤンネ。年長ナル、最長月ナ ju.. adj. Eldest. Elder.
Kiyanne-mat, きやんね・まっと, ji?. n. An elder daughter.
Kiyanne-po, #4 oaksit, ##. n. An elder child.
Kiyannere, キヤンネレ。主トスル、長子 2 #jo w x 2L. v.t. To make chief. To treat as an elder child.
| Ko, 3, #.. n. Flour. Powder.
| Koho, = +, Anything ground fine.
Ko, Short for koro, “have.” “with” in the sense of having as Mat-ko-po, “a woman with her child.”
Ko コ。日(常ニ他語ト組合ス) n A day. Only heard in combination with other words. As :~ Tut ko, “ two days”; rereko, “three days.”
Ko, a, #f so, ## ole ニ. post. When. If. Whilst. As :~ Tan kusuri ni ko anak ne e riten ruwe ne, "you will get better if you drink this medicine.”
Ko, コ。此語分詞ナレドモ動詞ノ先ニ附 セラレ前置詞トシテ履々用キラル・例セ ベ、キラ、走ル。コキラ、ヘ走ル. part. This word is often used as the preposition “to” and is prefixed to verbs. Thus:~Kira, “to run away,” ko-kira, “to flee to.” Ye, “to say,” ko-ye, “to say to.”
Ko-ongami, “to worship.”
Ko-amba, “to bring.”
Ko コ。或動詞ノ後ニ(コ)ヘ(時)ノ意ト ナル。例セバ、インガランコ、我ガ見タ n. Polygona Strong. F#. After some verbs ko means “ when,” as ingar’an-ko, “when I looked.”
Ko, コ、此語文章ノ始ニ於テヘ無意味ナ リ。日本語ノ獲語、イザニ似タリ. part. Sometimes the word ko is heard at the beginning of a sentence, and has no special meaning. It is so used merely to give the speaker time to think.
Ko, こ, 此語ヲ接尾語ニ用ユル時ハ、時トシテ、遠キヲ示ス。例セバ、ハンゲ、近キ。ハンゲコ、遠キ。 part. Used as a suffix to some word ko gives the sense of distance. As :~ Hange, "near 近い"; hangeko, “far away 遥か彼方、遠い.”
Ko, こ, ウチニノ意味ナリ。 . prep. In, As :~ Ko-apa ashi, “to shut in 中に封じ込める.”
Ko, こ, ニ(接続詞). adv. Towards 〜の方向に(向かって). ★バカ検証 【これが、接続詞か。 adv. もオカシイ。 前置詞 prep. だろうが。】
Ko-ahup, こ・あふぷ, ...... ニハイル。 v.i. To go in to some one or some place 何らかの場所に入る.
| Koapa-ashi, コアバ・アシ, 閉チ込ム。又ハ閉メ出ス。 v.t. To shut in or out 閉じこもる/封じ込める、または、(人)が入らないようにする. As :~ Kamui chisei otta a-ko-apa ashi, “she is shut in the church. 彼女は教会の中に閉じこもった/閉じ込められた(?)”
| Koapa-seshke, こあぱ・せっしゅけ, /Koapaashi/ /Koapaseshke/ ★バカ検証 【閉じ込めると、締め出す、は意味が逆だろうが。少し、難しい。ハッキリシない。】
Koarasatchep, a 75 #}- ≫#F=7, 4: } ZE 3, 27 se 3 . adj. Quite flattened out.
Koarikire, コアリキレ, 来ラス(複数). To cause to come to. (pl.)
Koarurenka, -17° ji≫L≫ y?j, |??*IE o 27 so 2°. v.i. To place in order (as oars in a boat).
Koarupuni, コアルプニ。全力ヲ蓋ス。 v.i. To do with all one's might. As :~ Yai yupke tereke koarupuni, “he ran with all his might.”
Koaruwe-un, a F JU 7 - 7 A, ZA A-, ?e #3 z. v.i. & adj. To be entire. Whole. Syn : Ramne no.
Koasarani, -17+5=, #1 * + 21. v.t. To make known to.
Koash, コアシ、園ム、例セバ、チセイコ 7" 8-, fik / AXX = #2... v.t. To surround. As :~ Chisei koash, “ to sur
round a bear's den,” or “ a house.”
Koash, コアシ。座ニツク、生ツテキル。 v.i. To be at a place. To be sitting.
Koatcha, コアッチャ。演ス、毎辱スル、冷 遇スル、呪フ、浪費スル。ひ.f To blaspheme. To treat slightingly. To treat badly. To waste. To curse. Syn : Yai-ikiri.
Koatcha-wa-an, -1795+ x 77 ”, DR-s v s^. adj. Accursed.
Koatte, a 7 y?, H 7, soil 7. v.t. To aim at. To direct towards.
Kochipatte, “to steer a boat towards.”
Koau-terere, -17° 175F. Le Lo, # 7 HH x. v.t. To stick the tongue out at. /Koauterere/
Kochan, コチャン。属庶フ、欲セズ v.t. To disКорап, like. Not to want. コパン。
Kochanup, コチャヌプ。物豊、望ンダ物. n. An object. A thing looked forward to.
Kochanup-koro, 35-y 5:7-, n, H+g x. v.t. To have as an object. To keep in view. -
Kochaotke, こちゃおっとけ, 突キ出ス(顔ナドヲ戸口ナドヨリ)。 v.t. To put through (as the face and head through a door-way).
Ko-charange, a 5**5 2.5°, so ov, Al-H 5 # 7. v.t. To chide. To scold. Κocharapa, -u5>A-5/8, 43-E x v. 2.?. To distribute. Syn : Kochatchari.
Kochare-ewen, = F v Lor: } = A, E#n-. v.t. To revile.
Kochash, =1**S≫, H. 2 ff$-r yv. v.i. To run together. To collect.
Kochauchawatki, zu*+ f7*+ 57 y*, 2## 7 (Jyvio y Ha x. v.i. To make a swishing sound.
Kochi, -15, £5%. n. A footprint. A path or trail, or a place. As :~ Chikiri kochi, “a footprint.” Syn : Kot. E
Kochi-kara, a 5-3b E7, t7-7 32 x 2-. v.t. To make level as a plot of land to build a house upon. Syn : Kotchi kara. /Kochikara/
Kochikok, コチコク、ヨタカ、カスイド 9. n. Japanese Goatsucker. Capurimulgus jotaka, (T & S.)
Ko-chip-atte, -15-777 y 5F, f; z f?j - JLo. v.i. To steer a boat. To direct a boat towards. /Kochipatte/
Kochimpuni, コチムプニ。歩ム、散歩ス Jl. v.i. To walk.
Kochiu, -15-7, #|z. v.t. To stick
Kochiwe, -, 5-7 -, into. To throw in. To pierce.
Kochupchupu, a 5F2.75F a. 7, E? x /L (光ナドニテ) 瞬ク、閃ク v.i. & v.t. To be blinded as by light. To blink the eyes at. To flash about. To send forth flashes of light. Syn : Chupuchupu.
Kochuppa, =15--- ≫ **, # 7 (##). v.t. (pl.) To roll up.
Kochupu, a F=-7, # ≫ (##). v.t. (sing.) To roll up.
Koeachiure, =13.75°E Lo, #T 9($A = 74/21). v.t. To strike as with a sword.
Koehange, = + ≫v - r“, T. ≫ 2 . v.t. To draw near to.
Koehange-no, 51:t./v >/r* / , ii 4 , [i]. adv. Near. Close.
Koekari, 3:3, J, ## 2. v.t. To meet with.
Koekushna, a + & &#, F y # * *, # x. v.t. To pass through. To traverse.
Koemekari, Eari x: ), 3 r Jl. v.t. To divide.
Ko-ene, Hiro, #1- no. v.t. To meet. To go to. /Koene/
Koeratchitke, -a:E5 y 5f y r, #p-, TF ?y M. v.i. To hang down.
Koerikitanash, =a + 9 +4& }*$/, _E = 城ゲラレタ(畑ノ如ク物ノ上ニ) w.i To be stretched out on high. To stretch upwards.
Koerikoma, Hr. J H +, +/?. v.t. To ascend.

Koeshikeraine, こえしけらいね, 憐ム。 To pity. As :~ Nei ainu ku koeshikeraine gusu aki na, “ I do it because I pity the man.” Syn : Erampokiwen wa kore.
Koeshuye, f?I?...... = f? ≫, ...... カ = x5z= f =, 3 f? y. v.i. To go away
Koshuye, to. To leave a place. コシュイェ。
Koetaye, a r.3: Af =, = y El 7. v.t. To pull from.
Koetun, -1: 2 >, f: H x Jl. v.t. borrow from.
Koeturen, コエツレン。クッツイテュク。 v.t. To follow close upon.
Koewechiu, a at r} = Fr?, E 7, #7 (#5 ノ端ト端トガ合フテ魚ヲ園ム) v.i. To meet. As the ends of a net round fish.
Koh, El 7, ot. a y R F H. W. n. A plot of land. As :~ chisei-koh, “a house plot.” Same as Kot.
Kohaita, -u/v4f 4, * 9 #ax: yv. v.i. To fail.
Kohaitakashpa, a ≫ves & h ≫v?, sti: * Ii + x yl. v.i. To make a very ugly face. To be very repulsive in one's looks. To have an imbecile face.
Kohauke, =1/v: Ar, :- Jl. v.t. To answer. Syn : Ese-itak.
Kohaweashte, a ≫vr} =7$>#F, F# 7", ## 7. v.t. To call to. To call.
Koheattehewe, a ~7” y5*^r} =, #7 3, 25 x 5 - adv. Stooping.
Kohekai, コへカイ。古クナル、老イル。 v.i. To grow old.
Kohekiru, #?#? vi-, $# ~ [a] 27. v.i. & v.t. ?o = ~ +/Lo, To turn towards. To
Kohekuru, turn over. コへクル,
Koherautekka, a ~5 % 57 y #1, #Ef x ju, of 5 # v M. v.i. To hang the head.
Kohemachichi, a ~75F5F, [] }*. v.i. To throw the head back.
Koheraye, -, -54 =, solou'. v.t. To resemble. To be like.
Koheum, -i-7 A, : v Jl. v.t. To touch.
Koho, azk, #. n. Flour. Powder. Anything fine. Same as Ko.
Koho コホ。一日。書間、トホト同ジ. n. A day. Same as Toho.
Kohochiwe, azk5F} =, # *?A 2. v.t. To throw to. To cast into. (
Ko refers to the object thrown to).
Kohoetetke, az?:r:5F ≫ Mr, # r *# v ju. v.i. To hang out or down.
Kohokui, コホクイ。焼ク。火ヲ付ケル・ v.t. To burn. To set fire to.
Kohonnoyanoya, azk a / + / *, / % % yl≫. v.i. To wriggle.
Kohonoye, azk / E, Ej x ≫l-. v.i. To punish. Syn : Paragoatte.
Kohoraktekka, こほらっくてっか, 急ニ座ス、急ニコロブ。 v.t. To fall or sit down suddenly.
Kohoshipire, azk$" EL, EM 7 W = E x. v.t. To return anything to another.
Kohoshupkarapa, Riff† 27. v.t. To go Hzkoa. 7755 ot, near to. To touch
Kohoshupkare, (as wind) but to ・コホシュプカレ。 do no harm.
Kohumepushi, = 7 y 792, N 7 7”. v.i. To call to.
Kohummumatki, M3- F ≫ R y ≫ Ji-in コフムマツキ。 ニ解説ルル音.n.The
Kohumumatki, whirling sound or コフムマツキ。 whistle of the wings of birds in flight, or as wind through the ropes of a ship.
Kohuye, Ei 74 -, # 3, yu. v.t. To burn as food in a saucepan. Syn : Shukohuye.
Koi, E14, ##. n. The waves of the sea. Syn : Ruyambe.
Koichara-makte, a 4 + v57 277, N. = ##s, F. H 7 BH y. v.i. To open the mouth at one.
Ko-ihok, a Aszf; }, st zv. v.t. To sell
to. Syn : Otta eok.
Koika, E14 ?y, ?. n. The east. some “north.”
Koikara, a f 7,5, § 2, #x. v.t. To imitate. To copy. Syn : Ikosamba.
Koikara-guru, za 4 h 52 JL, E#+. n. A disciple. t
Koikara-kina, a 4 7,5++, + y to 9/ 7 x ≫ R. n. Scrophularia Grayana, Maxim. S.
Koikashke, E 4 % EeAr, #R = # y , adv. To the eastward.
Koikature, :H4 35 y Le, #ff z vl. v.i. To speed along. To go along in a hurry. Syn : Chashnu no arapa.
Koikayupu, コイカユプ、非常ニ急ギ行 37. v.i. To go very fast.
Koiki, コイキ。叱ル、魚ノ如タ捕へル、戦 2, #x. v.t. To scold. To catch as fish. To fight. To kill. To hunt.
Koiki, コイキ。打ツ、叩ク(魚ヲ打チ殺ス). v.t. To hit. To strike. To knock. (To kill fish.)
Koiki-erauketupa, E4 #:E5 ty 4ry v?, #####. n. The business of hunting. Hunting for a livelihood.
Ko-inau-epuni-guru, a 4 +17+ 72, Ju, + 9- 9 7 % z. v.t. To set up inazt fetiches.
Koingara, =a 4f >,^?f5, }} yL. v.t. To compare.
Ko-iokbare, = 4 + 2y v § Le, R$ 7 E x. v.t. To rebel against. Κoiomare, > 4 z** V*, £jx xv. v.i. To pour out for another. As :~ Sake en e-koiomare yan, “ pour me out some sake.
Koipak, = -fo K 7, Ax x-, E 1-. v.t. To punish. To scold. Roipashte, ~ ~f a $$2+, v.t. To have found something. From, ko, “to,” i, “it,” pashte, “ find.”
Koipirika-okai, E. f bi J 7,277,47, † # = E no. v.i. To live comfortably.
Koipishba, a 4 Ezers, 3; x n, ## x By 何カ愛見スル。 Jv. v.t. To enquire. To ask. To judge. As :~ En koipishba, “he enquired of me.” Pl. of koipishi.
Koipishi, コイピシ。牛判断スル、検査スル。 v.t. To judge. To enquire into.
Koipok, a 4 wit?, Fij. n. The west. By some “south.”
Koipokita, EI-s of:#5, Pj = # y . adv. To the westward.
Koipokun, -14 of 2/2, Fa = # 9. adv. Westwards.
Koipuni, E. As 7-, 54 z. v.t. To give. Syn : Kore.
Koira, a 4f 5, ###$ + y. v.t. get. Syn : Ku oira.
Koiraiiraige, = f5 4 4 5 4f Aro, ? x. v.t. To thank.
Ko-iramye, a of 5 A4 =, # 1, vv. v.t. To praise.
Koireika, a 4 Le4 #, # 2, vv. v.t. To praise. As :~ Kamui koireika, “to praise God.”
Ko-irushka, =i4f JU?S/??j, vl?. v.t. To be angry with. As :~ Iteki oman, e oman yak ne nei guru e ko-irushka kusu ne na, “do not go, for if you do he will be angry with you.”
Koisamka, =14 } A h, 2:$ te v 2. v.t. To bring to nothing. To annihilate.
Koisamkokka-eshitchiure, a 4 +A. コッカエシッチウレ。座スル v.i. To sit upon the knees Japanese fashion.
Koishitoma, a A > K rr, & vv. v.t. To be afraid of. Syn : Komaunukuri.
Koi-shum, =a 42 = Jae, ?. n. Foam. Froth.
Koitakkashi, こいたっかし, 從ハヌ。違背(いはい)スル。 v.t. To disobey. As :~ Kamui irenga koitakkashi, “to disobey the will of God.”
Koitakmuye, E14 & 5 AP, so N / #, I for == t fo y. v.t. To leave word be hind.
Koito, a 4 F, #, # oz. n. A Kuitop, * 4 F 7, goose.

Koiwak, コイワク。要ル或ヘ婿ヲ取ル。 v.i. To take a wife or husband.
Koiyange コイヤンゲ。浪ニ打チ上ゲラ Ju'. v.i. To be tossed up by the waves.
Koiyange-ni, E. f * > *E, 7% =#T+ 上ゲラレタル木、漂著木 n Wood tossed up by the waves.
Koiyangep, E. 4 + 2*7, ####. n. A wreck.
Kokakse, zu zhy 47 “z, ? x. v.t. To dirty. To besmear.
Kokana, こかな, 願フ。 v.t. To ask for.
Kokandama, El 7, 2 × 7, # 2. v.t. To deceive. Syn : Ikoshunge.
Kokanu, コカヌ。ヨク幕ク。気ヲツケル。 v.t. To listen well to. To pay attention.
Kokapkapa, = ?, 7 ? v?, B: ≫L. v.t. To break.
Kokara, E, 775, ? x Juv. v.t. To do to.
Kokarakarase, a 3, 5 # 5 to, so x. aux. v. To do. As :~ Chish kokarakarase, “to cry.”
Kokarakari, -, *, 5 *b 9, # 7. v.t. To roll up. To wind round. Syn : Karakari.
Kokaramotte, E, 7, 5 + y 7, #e z >v. v.i. To reject. To miss. Syn : Epotara. Emaka.
Kokararase. H 7755 to, #21. v.t. To clothe.
Kokarase, a? 5-tz, # ?r. n. v.i. To swarm. To congregate. Syn : Kotoise.
Kokari, E. 7, 9, §§ 2. v.t. To roll up. To wind.
Kokatpak-guru, a ?y:ye ? z ?Y Wle, jE N. n. A sinner. Syn : Chikokatpakguru.
Kokatun-ki, a ?, y > #, j? v sv. v.i. To do or say funny things for amusement.
Kokayo, a ?, a, so 7. v.t. To call.
Kokekke, a 5- ≫ 5-, #fyl (z?e 3- F z ). v.t. To break (as wood).
Kokera, a 5-5, n. Wood shavings.
Ko-keutum-koro, =14%rroy oy.A.:a n, jEi z, sh; Ju'. v.i. To be in accord with. To be partial to.
Ko-keutum-oshitchiure, a r } y & オシッチウレ。己ヲ制スル v.i. To restrain one's self. Syn : Yaishikkashma.
Kokik, -1 + 2y, #T ≫. ??剪屠。 v.t. To strike.
Kokikkik, -a + y + 2}, } } x #T ≫. v.t. To strike frequently.
Ko-kim-o, =i #Azi’, |II a 9 . v.i. To come from the hills.
Kokina-kara, a +3-3, 5, # > b pl. v.t. To weed. As :~ Atane kokina kara, “to weed turnips.”
Kokininpashte, a += ev?$e5', #? + Ju . . v.t. To talk much. To act wickedly with another.
Kokira, E. H.5, §§ of juv. v.t. To flee to.
Kokirau-puni, E =#5 or 7:, ; 2 is 2. 手ヲ頭上ニ置キテ生ス・び.i To SitWith the hands over the head like horns.
Kokka, E, 97, §. n. The knees.
Kokkaea, -a ≫ *-*7, ? ” (£E#). v.i. To kneel. To sit upon the knee.
Kokkaerok, a ≫?j:t. Da O, # } (##). v.i. To kneel. (Pl. of kokkaea).
Kokkaeshirotke, =u ≫ zhr.52 E 'y4r, ?ji 2. v.i. To kneel.
Kokkapa, E 2 7, ro, ###H. n. The knee-cap.
Kokka8apa コッカサパ。膝頭、膝 n. The knee. The knee cap.
Kokki, コッキ。驚ク、感ズル v.i. receive a severe shock.
Kokko コッコ。為ス勾レ、打捨ス置ケ. v.i. Do not. Let it alone. This word is equal to iteki, but is only used by little children.
Kokko, -, 9:1, 5 § 2-8. n. Sea snail. (Jap). Liparis agaissizii, Putnam.
Kokkoma, コクコマ。皮製ノ煙草入 n. ?o
A leather tobacco pouch.
Kokkop, a y a 7, FE#. n. A corpse. Syn : Kaisei.
Kopkop. Okokko kamui.
Kokne-guru, : 7 k% Jie, ii. n. A son-in-law. Syn : Kokou.
Koko, a =a, ##. n. Son-in-law. Brotherin-law.
Kokochikap, -, -, **y 7, #E / ?## ?. n. A cast off snake skin.
Kokomge, =I =a A,4y°, 3E yl≫. v.i. lean upon. Hokomgere, = =I A,4 rolo, E7 +e l. v.t. To make lean upon.
Kokomomatki, -a -a RE*Yya, JHA ≫ * fj ?. v.i. To go along in a stooping posture.
Kokop, -, -, 7, § 2 # 3, 7. n. A cast off snake-skin.
Kokou, E = 7, #. n. A son-in-law. To
Kokuikui, コクイクイ。細カイ食ヒ切ル。 v.t. To bite to pieces.
Kokou-ne-guru, -a -a *7:k4/ni-, ##. n. A son-in-law.
Kokuruse, コクルセ。観」レル、混同サセ yl... v.i. To be confused. To be confounded.
Kokurusere, a 2 ile z Le, fil x, E, ?l V-tz yl≫. v.t. To confuse. To confound.
Kom, a A., §. n. Leaves.
Kom, a A., gi?, # 2 ?ii, zh |I|. n. The knuckles. A knob. Hillock. Knotty. Knobby. Crumpled.
Koma, =, er, # vle, #& L vie. v.i. twist, to curl.
Komaihum, コマイフム、カタカタ音ヲ HH x, 2 + h + z ji. v.i. To clatter. To rustle. To make a rumbling ?o sound.
Komaknatara, -1-r } }" & 5, Ha v plo, JH = 7-3K su. v.i. To appear. Open out to view.
Komainatara, zu* 4f*4?z5, r 4 z ~f F # 2, #5 + + M. v.i. To make a noise sounding like maimai.
Komake, in or or, B} +3& 2, . v.t. To go in. To withdraw.
Koman no, a z Te A, # y = . adv. Distant.
Komashka, -, * >35, #. n. Money.
Komaunukuri, n-r 758% ), : - Jl. v.t. To be afraid of. Syn : Koishitoma.
Komawa, コマワ。腹ガ減ツテクル v.i. To be hungry. Also, “to eat."
Kombu, :) コンプ. n A
Kombo, E. Azie, J kind of brown seaweed. Laminaria.
Kombururu, E.A7 Jl.Jie, Hia (: F / ). adj. Rough, as hair.
Kombu-samambe, a A7 #?r A-$, 3; ?i - s ? u t. n. Platichthys stellatus, (Pallas).
Komekari コメカリ。離シテ置ク。分配 x yu. v.t. To apportion. To set apart for another.
Komeshpa, = x 9/8, +/j y ## x (###). v.t. (pl.) To clip off.
Komesu, El y Z, H. W . > (ALS). v.t. (sing.) To clip off.
Komeunatara, : 3 } }" st 5, M?J# = } #} &- 7* 7* yi-. adj. Hanging in orderly array.
Komge, si A*, # * * yv. adj. Bent. Twisted. Contracted. Shrunk. Concave. Syn : Reuge.
Komge-kani, -i 4.4;*? =, E, §?] (s^ x 2, #). n. A clamp.
Komge-ni, コムゲニ、ツリベナ ェリ v ar. n. Spindle-wood. Euonymus oxyphylla, Miq. Spindle-wood, being hard and elastic, is sometimes used in making bows and the shafts of the arrows of the spring-bows which are set in the trails of bears and deer.
Komgep コムゲプ 曲 リタルモノ・ n. Something bent, or twisted.
Komgep-makiri, こむげぷ・まきり, 小刀(彫刻刀用ノ) n. A knife used for carving.

Komkomse, H.A. a Atz, #? v 3. vv., 3: +. adj. Curled. Rough. Syn : Chiukonoyenoye.
Komna, E14.3-, Ha & L., #21. adj. Winding. Twisted. Entangled. Crooked. Gnarled.
Kom-ni, a A. E., 2 v s. n. Oak. Quercus dentata, Th. Syn : Tunni. H
Kom-ni-karush, =a., = 35 L, 92, so e o ?r. n. A kind of edible mushroom. Cortinellus berkeleayanus, Ito et Imai.
Komo, ??E, 引 午入儿/, 緊迫 ? ? ??? 援 ?~ 37 yu. v.t. To draw in. To compress. Also, distorted. Twisted.
Komomse, コモムセ, 押シ合ヒ、症撃ス M. v.i. To be cramped. Drawn.
Komon, a HE >, B} +.. n. Dirt. Re
Komun, a A. 2, fuse. Dust. As :Chacha komon, “ saw-dust.”
Komon-mau-ni, E. E. 27 y=, + k > 3) # * 7. n. Rosa acicularis, Lindl. var. Gmelini, Schneid. Alpine rose.
Komontuchi, EIRE >>+, JV fo 2 5io. n. Riches said to be possessed by the mermaids.
Kompo, =u.AzR, ??ii, = x =r. n. Laminaria, Kelp. Syn : Kombu.
Komrani, - A 5-, ## x >L. v.i. To shed
Kom-tuye, leaves. コムツイェ。
Komishis, E. S. $22, # 2... v.i. To Contract.
Komui, コムイ。撮ミ出ス(頭ヨリ亜ヲ摘 $ H x.). v.t. To pick out (as lice from the head).
Komuye, a A4 =, # *ff ? vv. v.t. To bind round.
Kon, E. 2, #9. v.t. To possess. To have. This word is a contraction from koro. It is used as the possessive pronoun “his” “your,” “their,” etc. Thus;-E kon reihei, “ your name.” Ku kon nishpa, “my master.” See Koro.
Konam, 33-A, ##. n. Fallen leaves.
Ko-nan-epuni-wa-orun-ingara, H+. ンエプニワオルンインガラ。厚意ヲ以テ Hol. v.t. To look upon with favour. I
Konchi, =j >*, ii-P. n. A hat. A cap. As :~ Konchi-eush, “to put a cap on.”
Konda, a est, XH-. n. Twins. Syn : Chieuko.
Konda コンダ。樹ノ節、鹿ノ枝角. n. A knot in a tree. A branch in a deer's horn.
Konda-shuye-kamui-rametok, E 2 ダシュエカムイラメトク。樹木ノ股ノ精 # / 44%. n. The name of the genus of forks and knots in trees.
Konde, a 25F, H 7. v.t. To give. Syn : Kore.
Kone, SI:K, # U X Pu-. adj. Broken. Smashed.
Konepkeukata, : :k75-7: &, jt: 2 #. ph. For that reason.
Konere, =a + Lo, ##?x vv. v.t. To pulverize. Reduce to powder.
Kongane, a 27s:k, #3:... n. Gold.
Kongane-ikayop, a 27sak’s 35 = 7, #fff; 2 #. n. Quivers having gold ornamentation.
Konge-ni, a 24-, y 9 2s2-. n. Euonymus oxyphyllas, Miq. Also in S. Euynomus macroptera. E a >s ≫ ≫ y >>>-. Syn : Komge-ni.
Komi, =i =, }E.z.. To ache. To be in pain. As .?Tui koni, “the stomach ache.” Syn : Araka.
Koniki, H = H, -? = 9 y 2... v.t. To fold together.
Koniki, ca =:#, #* & =, £i=. adj. In pieces. Syn : Humne humne an.
Konin, コニン。小クナル(月ノ如ク) 2.i. To wane as the moon.
Koninka, a = 22h, R > Vt. v.t. To make less.
Konishke, a = $25-, FF 7. v.t. To call.
Konish-oshirikonoye, こにし・おしりこのいぇ,
雲ニ包マル。 v.i. To be enveloped in clouds.
Konishtapapa, こにしたぱぱ, 拡ガル(雲ナドノ)。 v.i. To spread over (as over a place).
Konishuk, こにしゅく, 呼ブ。 v.i. To call.
Konitata, コニタタ, 抱ク(病人ナドヲ)。 v.t. To hold in the hands as a sick To person.
Konitatke, a = & y^r, # 3-yi, ?## = +ju. vi. To be joined.
Koniteupa, -i =#17 w&, ?} x yv , v.t. To set upside down.
Koniwe, a = 7 -, 5|#21. v.t. To drag along.
Koniwen, Eu = 17 -->, &£ z, yv. v.t. To rush upon. To attack. Syn : Kopiuki.
Koniwok, コニウォク, 罪人(狐頭ノ占ニ 依ッテ斯ク定メラレタル人) n. The person pointed out as a culprit by augury with the fox's head.
Konkai, こんかい, 大ナル桶(おけ) n. A vat. A large tub.
Konkitai-ushbe, こんきたい・うしゅべ, 帽子ノ総(フサ)。 n. The tassel on the top of a hat
Konkochi, こんこち, 栓(せん) n A bung. A stopper. A cork. Syn : Chiai.
| Konkoni, こんこに, 羽毛、総毛。 n. Feathers. Down.
| Konkon, こんこん,
Konkon-upas, こんこん・うぱす, 大ナル雪片。 n. Large flakes of snow.
Konna, コンナ, ヨリ、カラ、ノ意ナレド 時トシテヘ反封ニ。中、中ニ, 等ノ意ヲ示ス事アリ。 abv. From. After. Also sometimes used in an opposite sense. In. Into. Syn : Orowa. Orun. ★バカ検証 【abv. は、スペルミス。】
Konna, こんな, 内側ニ、中ニ。 adv. Inside. Into.
Konna, こんな, 持ツテ、有ツテ。 ph. Having. Being. To be in possession of.
Konne, こんね, 然リ、実ニ然リ。 adv. Yes. Just so.
Konne-konne-o, こんね・こんね・お, 実ニ然リ、然リ。 adv. Just so 正にそう. Yes ハイ・その通り.
Konniki, コンニキ, 破レタル、裂ケタル (或ル木ノ大ナル葉ノ如ク). adj. Tattered. Torn (as the large leaves of some plants and trees). In pieces. Ragged. Jagged. As :~ Otte konniki orekonniki orangerange, “ to hang down in tatters.” Syn : Nikihi.
Konno, こんの, 持ツテ、取ツテ。 part. Having. Taking. Having taken.
Konoburu, このぶる, 好ム、愛スル。 v.t. To like. To be fond of. To love. Syn : Ekatnu.
Konoige コノイゲ, 巻キツケル。 v.i. To wind round as a bine the stem of a tree.
Konru, こんる, 氷 n. Ice. Syn : Apu. (K.) Rup.
Kon-rusui, コンルスイ, 望ム、持タント願フ。 v.t. To wish for. To desire to have.
Kon-rusuibe, こん・るすいべ, 必要ナル物。 n. Needs. Wants. Necessities. Syn : Aeishiramnep. Eishiramnep.
Konte, こんて, 與フ、與レル。 v t. To give 与える. Syn : Koipuni. Konde. Kore.
Kontukai, こんつかい, 小使。 n. A public servant in rank next below the third or lowest chief of a village. The three titles of the chiefs were So-ottena, the head chief; ottena, the second or ordinary chief; and sokontukai, the third or lowest chief. The kontukai ranked below these three dignitaries, (of Japanese origin).
Konu, こぬ, 聽ク、傾聽スル。 v.t. To hear. To listen to.
Konu-ewen, コヌエウェン, 誤解スル, 能ク聞カヌノデ分ラヌ. v.t. To misunderstand. Not to hear perfectly.
To be unable to understand through having heard imperfectly.
Konukara, こんぬから, 比ベル v.t. To compare.
Konukoshne, こぬこしね, 憎ム。 v.t. To hate. To be angry with.
Konumbara-sange, こぬむばら・さんげ, 攻撃スル。 v.t. To attack. To fall on. As :~ Nei guru i konumbara Sange nisa, “he attacked him.” Syn : Koniwen. Kopiuki.
Konumbara-sap, こぬむばら・さぷ, 攻撃スル(複数)。 v t. To attack. (Pl. of konumbara sange.)
Konupettette, こぬぺてってっ, 愉快ニスル、喜バス。 v.t. To refresh. To give pleasure to.
Konupki, こぬぷき, 濁ス。 v.t. To make muddy.
| Konupte, コヌプテ, 好ム。 v.t. To like. To appreciate. To be fond of. To refresh. Syn : Konupuru.
| Konuptek, コヌプテク,
  | Konupure, こぬぷれ, 好ム。 v.t. To like. Same as Konuptek
  | Konupuru, こぬぷる,
Konupuru, こぬぷる, ヲ喜ブ、愛スル。 v.t. To rejoice over. To love.
Ko-ochiu, こ・おちう, 交合スル(男性ノミ用ユ)。 v.t. To have sexual intercourse (used only of the male). /Koochiu/
Ko-ochiupashte, -izi"5F7 *$25*, I? ## 2. v.t. To go to in a hurry. Syn : Chashnu no otta arapa.
Ko-okai, azt ?, f, # ~ 1. v.i. To be together. To be congregated together.
Ko-okaire, azt h4 Le, # * *. v.t. To cause to congregate.
Ko-ok-turiri, =uzr2? *y 9 9 , Ei un 7 aij 方=伸ベル(重キモノヲ負ヒシ時ノ如 2). vi. To stretch the neck forward (as though carrying a heavy burden). Syn : Okkeu turiri.
Ko-ok-uoru-ushi, 曲ッテ生ル。 oi. azi Z 7z-n-ry Ee, Sittingina bent
Ko-ok-uoru-chiure, position. Syn : a +2 } + ul Fry L, Okkeu nini.
Koomam, こおまむ, 枯葉。 n. Dead. leaves.
Ko-oman, コオマン。ヤウヤク、コ中マ *, ? =. Particle used with tane meaning “now, at length.” At this point Once upon a time.
Ko-oman, = +<>>, f? >, **^”. ".i. To go to. To associate with.
Koomande, =uzi--a :^5*, # vl~, 5* ? . v.t. To send to. To give.
Ko-omap, azro 7, #2 *. v.t. To love.
Koongami, azi-offs, ### z o. v.t. To worship.
Ko-opsura, こ・おっぷすら, # 7#.*ff * jv. vi. To cast a spear at. Syn : Kachiu. -
Kooraoma, az-5:For, Too. v.i. To descend.
Koorikoma コオリコマ、空中ニ昇ル。 v.t. To go upwards in the skies.
Ko-oripak, azt U v?O, # **. v.t. To honour. Syn : Eoripak.
Kooroshutke, =uzi’ra ??~. 9%r, H* **, #| x ~. v.t. To exhort. To coax. Syn : Onishnishi.
Ko-osakoro, azrtha B, fifs. A. v.t. To begrudge.
Kooshma, a+$**, Woo. v.i. To enter. To sink in.
Kop コプ、灌木ノ生ズル小丘 小山・”・ A small hill. Also a copse. Syn : Tap-kop.
Kopahaunu, コパハウヌ。交際スル、物 #ju, HaHH x 1. v.t. To hold intercourse with. To speak of. To hear of.
Kopai, a v?ef, .-.-.-. ~ff 27, v.t. To go to.
Kopak, コパク。非難スル 叱スル・ * To blame. To scold.
Kopakbe, =?r?3 es, 7f# * 1. v.t. To
make equal.
Kopake, H = +.. adv. By the side コパケ, of. Near to. Syn : Kopakke, Samata. 二A *ッケ。
Kopakeat, a v § 5-77:y, ?Ek x pl. v.i. & adj. To agree with. Agreeable to.
Kopake-sama, E, v85-tj z, # 's. adv. As far as. To. Unto. The out-skirts of a place.
Kopaketa, fil = 7. adv. By the side of. El rv or 3, Near to. Once upon a
Kopakta, time. As :~ I kopoketa an a v § 2 &, na, “it is by the side of you.”
Kopakketa. a v?y4r &, = E-s #, ## +. adv. About. At. In. As :~ Onuman kopakketa ku hopuni, “ I shall start in the evening.”
Kopaktuye コパクツイェ。近ダクヲ望 2. v.t. To desire to go near. Syn : Samketa oman rusui.
Kopan, = " K -, # 7, F ... v.t. To dislike. To abhor. To abominate. Syn : Eangesh.
Kochan. Nikuri. Ota.
Kopange, EIA 2-Ar“, # 7, # . . v.t. To dislike. To abhor. To abominate. I
Kopante コパンテ。嫌ヘシム、慣マシ 2, ... v.t. To cause another to dislike.
Kopao, En vVzi", b x 9v. v.t. To scold. To chide. Syn : Ikopan. Ikoram pa.
Kopashirota, :Iz?$e P &, pE z ≫L, # 1? yv. v.t. To scold. To storm at. To speak angrily to. To recite the evil deeds of another. Syn : Kopao.
Kopayashke, a v?+ $24r, ? v JL. adj. Besmeared.
Kopaye, = **iE., to.
Kopcho, コプチョ。大ヲ使用シテ山ニ狼 x no. v.t. To hunt with dogs. (This is an Orok word). Syn : Seta kimoiki. = f; 3. v.i. To go i t
Kopecha, # 2 ##. n. A wild コペチャ, duck. This word was
Kopetcha, formerly applied to a ~ 95 x, tame or domesticated ducks as well.
Kopenram-turi, a o? 25 Ay J, #### z vi-, E > # so siji s vl. v.i. To stretch out the neck.
Kopirika, コピリカ、人ニ善キ事ヲスル, §§ z. v.t. To do good to. To be in good circumstances.
Kopishi, H E 2, # x 2. quire.
Kopiubapiuba, a EE vs Er) v §, : JL, # 7. v.t. To drive. To chase.
Kopiuki, = E 7 +, P(#x Pu-. v.t. To attack. To fall upon. To rush at. Syn : Komombara sange.
KoniW : ils
Kopiwe, ? ピウェ。 押ス, 歴ス、埼内へ追 ta J., #2,” no. v.t. To push. To press. To drive into a corral. To throw at. As :~ Shuma kopiwe, “to stone.” Umma kopiwe yan, “drive the horses into the corral.”
Kopiye-kara, on E4 =775, #2,” 21. v.t. To throw at. As :~ Shuma ari kopiye kara, “to throw stones at.”
Kopo, a fi, Hf-fik(?E) E # =. ph. With a child or with children.
Kopoi, コポイ。混ゼル。 Короyе, コポイ キ*
Kopoiaske, コポイアスケ,
Kopoyaske, コポイェアスケ,
Kopkop, E. 7:17, E. n. A corpse.
Kopkop-ne, a 7:17:5, 3E x. v.i. To die.
Kopokoro, =uz#=i pa, ...... ノ為ニ子供ヲ A... To have children by.
Koponchi, コポンチ、腐リシ物ノ疎キ塵。 n. The coarse dust of decayed v.t. To in v.t. To mix. 塗リッケラレタ, adj. Besmeared. Mixed.
matter. Coarse earth dust is called toitoikoponchi, and fine earth dust toitoimana.
Koponchi-mana, E, it .257+, so 9 x # / #44 H. n. The fine dust of decayed matter.
Koponchi-ne, a z† 25F:#, F# # # # F 9- Jl. To crumble into dust.
Kopoyaske, a z?t-?’X4r, ? 7 v 37, 5 + L 27. adj. Besmeared.
Kopoyege コポイェゲ。交ジル、雑ジル・ v.i. To be mixed. To be stirred.
Koppa, コッパ, 削リ屑、木片(コツパ)。 n. Chips. Shavings. Syn : Chikumi-ras.
Kopuni, こぷに, 食ハセル。 v.t. To give to eat. To offer to eat.
Kopuni, コプニ, 熊祭ノ時屠(ほふる)リタル熊ニ捧グル供物。 n. The ceremony of offering cakes etc. to slain animals.
Kora, コラ, 彼ノ、私ノ、彼ノ女ノ、彼等ノ、其ノ。 poss. pro. His. My. Her. Their. Its. Syn : Koro.
Korachi, コラチ, ノ如ク(又思フノ意味ニモ用ヰラル)。 adv. Like. As. After the same manner. In accordance with. According to. According. This word is also sometimes used with the sense of “to think.” As : Irtushka kuni ku nukara korachi, “ I thought it looked as though he was angry.”
Korachi-anno, a 557 ? A, ## =, j? ≫ E V = . adv. Accordingly.
Koraipa, コライパ,用意スル、準備スル。 v.t. To make ready. Prepare.
Korak, za 5 27, te sa 7. ...... 9- 7 x . adv. INever. Not. As :~ Ene netka korak shomo ahi, “it has never been so before.”
Korambashinne, 55 A, v??e 23K, ?E # > vv. v.t. To associate with. To hold communion with. Syn : Uottapayekai.
Koramewenush, こらめうぇぬしゅ, 感ジガ鈍クナル。 v.i. To become dull in feeling. Drowsy.
Koramkon, こらむこん, 乞フ。 v.t. Same as Koramkoro, To ask for. To beg.
Koramkoro, a 5.A = TI, ?E 7. v.t. To beg. To ask.
Koramnukara, -157 A,3% ?5, #2s x, # $ 212. v.t. To tempt. To allure.
Koramnukara-i, * 5.A5<;h54, ? #. n. Temptations. Allurements.
Koramnukarape, a 5 A5 ?75 ~&, #. ##. n. A tempter.
Koramuchish, こらむちしゅ, 怒ル、憎ム。 v.i. To be angry. To spite. ★バカ検証 【Korampoktuye の前】
Koramupeutek, こらむぺうてく, 知ラズニ。 adv. Not to know. ★バカ検証 【Korampoktuye の前, 多重に順番が乱れている。もう、メチャクチャ。】
| Korampoktuye, こらむぽくついぇ,
| Koramputuye, こらむぷついぇ, 賛成セヌ、省ミヌ。 v.t. To disapprove of. To disregard. To pay no attention to. Syn : Shomo ekottanu.
Koramnu, こらむぬ, 相談スル。 vl. v.i. To confer. Consult. ★バカ検証 【Korampoktuye の後】
| Koramu, こらむ,
| Kuramu, くらむ, 思フ。疑フ(此語ノ前ニ「クニ」ナル語ヲ用ヰラル)。  v.t. To suspect. To think. This word is always preceded by kuni. As :~ Nei guru anak ne nei ambe eikka kuni kuramu, “ I suspect that man of having stolen it. 私はその男がそれを盗んだのでは無いかと疑っている”
Koramupete, こらむぺて, 判ラヌ、諒解シナイ。 v.i. Not to understand. Syn. Erampeutek.
Koramuk, こらむく, 滑稽 v.i. To jest あざける・ばかにする・笑いものにする. ★バカ検証 【動詞であり、名詞では無い。読者をバカにしているのか。】
Koramushki, こらむしゅき, 意識スル。 v.i. To become aware of something. To hear a noise.
Koramushkishke, こらむしゅきしゅけ, 知レテクル。 v.i. To become aware of.
Koramushinne, こらむしんね, 楽ニ。 adj. In comfort 心地よく. Without trouble 支障なく.
Koran, こらん, 贈ル。 v.t. To give 与える. To cause another to give 他の人に与える・あげる・やる. Syn : Korara. Koraye.
Kor'an, コラン, コロ、アン、ノ略ニシテ,
動詞ト共ニ用ヰラルル時ハ、現在ヲ示ス。 This word is short for Koro an, and is often used with verbs to express present time. Syn : Shiri ki.
Koranaka-puni, Yr 7 no. v.i. To be コラナカプニ。 set up on end.
Koraonaka-puni, Syn : Epuni. コラオナカプニ。
Korara, -15 5, ## vi>. v.t. To give. To cause another to give. As :~ Kuani tambe ekorara ash na, “ I give this to you.” Syn : Koran.
Korara-guru, -15: ; JL, figq:. n. A giver.
Korare-guru, a 5 Lo? Vlo, ####. n. A receiver of a present.
Koraye, -15 fie, # 2. v.t. Syn : Korara.
Kore, a Lo, # 7, # ~ /v. v.t. To give. To administer. To assign. Syn : Konde.
Kopumi. To give. Rore-am, Ea L?7* 2, §~ * v &. adj. Given.
Koreika, a Le 4 h, # x ≫L. v.t. To praise.
Korenka, H. Le Ce?), Ak#g x xv. v.i. To assent. To be agreeable. To consent.
Korenna-shuye, ?1 L- --- E.--.-f=, # y El x. v.t. To shake about. Syn : Ashuye-shuye.
Korere, = Le Lo, H? ~ so A. v.t. cause another to give.
Koreshke, a Le 24r, ?f 7 > v pl. v.i. To have been reared.
Koreuba, E Laty is, ii ’n (##). v.t. To bend. (pl.)
Korewe, zu L. toy +, fif; o’yl≫ (AjE). v.t. "To bend. (sing.)
Koriki-tunash, E. Joy?":22, E = ## y x. adj. Stretched out on high.
Korikoshma, . . v.t. To climb up. Syn : Nimu. Tu,?. rashi.
Korimimse, コリミムセ, 為ス(動詞ノ ?g? z FF 2. vi- = H = ). aux v. To do. ?o コリコシマ。塾チが登ル。| This auxiliary intensifies the meaning of a verb. As :~ Chish korimimse, “to cry much.”
Korishpa, =a jj $zz &, *R = +* = z. yu.... v.t. To root up.
Koro, -a ra, 5??? x /v, 4#yv. v.t. To possess. To obtain. Syn : Kot.
Koro, コロ、或ル動詞ノ前ニ「コロ」ヲ附 スル時ヘ其動詞ヲ副詞、又ヘ副詞句ニ為 スカアリ。例セバ、「ヌコロ」開ク間ニ。 3X ^£ 2* ## =. part. When immediately following some verbs, koro has the power of turning them into adverbs or adverbial phrases.Thus:~Nu-koro, “whilst hearing”; or “when he heard.” Ariki-koro, “whilst coming”; or “when coming”; or “when he came.”
Koro, > ru, §§§ 2 !!! + #?. n. The broad leaves of any plants such as petasites and rhubarb.
Koro, a D?, = a = = v F#, 7 +. n. An abbreviation of
Koroko-ni, Petasites.
Koro, コロ。私ノ、君ノ、彼ノ女ノ。彼ノ, ££ / , £& /. poss. pro. My. Your. Her. His. Their. Our. As :~ K?o korobe, “my thing.” E koro habo, “ your mother.” Chi kon nishpa, yy “ our master.” Syn : Kon.
Korochare, zu pa;jFa. Lz, $3. 7. v.t. To give.
Korobe, E. R. “, Ef H #4. n. Belongings.
Koroham, E. D. zv.A., z + 2 2s. n. The blade of the Petasites.
Koro-hine, I DI E:k, sf?-tz v. adj. Having.
Koroka, a Da h, # so e, b &#, ## */. post. If. Although. But.
Korokane, H H h #k, # 9. adj. Having.
Koroka-omap, , a Da ?y:*-r 7, 3- V = > L + 7. n. Trillitum kamtschaticum, Pall. Syn : Emauri, Kima-emauri. Retara-kina-emauri. シ ロベ

Korokara, コロカラ, 有スル、所有スル。 v.t. To possess.
Koro-kor'an, ころ・こらん, 所有セル。 part. To be possessing.
Koroko-ni, ころこ・に, フキ。 n. Petasites japonicus, Miq. Syn : Makayo. This plant is very much used by the Ainu for food. They eat the stalks of the leaves only as a general thing, though, some of the Japanese as well as the Ainu use the young inflorence called makayo as well. The stalks are very often roasted over a fire and then skinned and eaten, though as a rule they are boiled in the stews. They are also largely made into pickle by salting the boiled stalks together with the leaves of the Ikokuttara which are used to give them a reddish tinge. Sometimes, however, salt is entirely dispensed with.
Korokorose, ころころせ, 鳴ル(箱中ノ物ノ如ク)。 v.i. To jar. To rattle as things in a box. Syn : Hokorakorak. Okorakorak.
Korokorose, ころころせ, 鳴ル(鈴ナドノ)。 v.i. To rattle. To jar. Syn : Okorakorak.
Korokorosere, ころころせれ, 鳴ル。 v.t. To rattle. To jar.
Koroma, ころま, 内臓。 n. Intestines. Bowels. Syn : Kuroma. Serema.
Koropa, ころぱ, 與フ(複数) v.t. To bestow. (pl.)
Koropare, ころぱれ, 與フ。 v.t. To give. To bestow.
Koropok, ころぽく, 下ニ。 adv. Under. (According to Ainu habits of thought this word is conceived of as a noun). Same as Choropok.
Koropok, ころぽく, 下ニ。 adv. Under. Beneath. Syn : Choropok.
| Koropok-guru, コロポクグル,
| Koropok-un-guru, コロポクングル, 穴居人(アイヌモ又 其他ノ人モ)ノ名 此語ノ意味ハ即チ、下ニ住フ人ノ義ナリ。 n. The name of such people, Ainu or others, who dwell in pits during the winter months forwarmth. Koropok is local for choropok, “under”: “beneath.” Hence the name means “pit-dwellers.”
Koropokta, ころぽくた, 下。 adv. Beneath.
Koropok-un, コロポクン, 下。 adv. Beneath.
Koroshi, ころし, 彼ハ持ツタ。 ph. They had.
Koro-wa, コロワ, 所有スル、ニ依テ、ヲ 以テ。例セバ、コロワエク、持テ来イ。 adj. Having. By means of. With. As :~ Koro wa ek, “bring it." Chikuni koro wa ku raige, “ I killed it with a stick.”
Koro-wa-oman, ころ・わ・おまん, 持テ行ク。 v.t. To take away.
Koruenempa, こるえねむぱ, 道ヲ外ス。 v.i. To turn out of a road or path. To get out of the way. (pl.) Syn : Erumakanu.
Koruenempare コルエネムパレ, 道ヲ外ス。 v.t. To turn out of a road or path. Syn : Erumakanue.
Koruenene, コルエネネ, 道ニ外レル(単数)。 v.i. To turn out of a road or path. (sing). Syn : Erumakanu.
Koruenenere, コルエネネレ, 道ヲ外ス。 v.t. To turn out of a road or path.
Korura, こるら, ... ニ持チ来ラス。 持ってくる。 v.t. To bring to.
Koruru, こるる, 打チツケル。 v.t. To strike against (as water against a rock or wind against a house) 〜を打つ・叩く(岩を水が打ち付ける、や、家を風が打ち付ける).
Kosa, こさ, カラハナサウ。 n. Hops. The roots of hops are used by the Ainu as an article of diet. Humulus Lupinus, L. var. cordifolius, Maxim.
Ko-saa, こ・さあ, カラハナ草。 n. Humulus lupinus, L. var. cordifolius, Maxim. Hops. The Ainu name means “grow old together.” This is be
cause both flower and leaf wither and drop together. The roots, when eaten make the eater quite hilarious.
Kosak, こさく, 夏ノ間。 adv. During the summer.
Kosakaikara, こさかいから, 叱カル、面責スル。 v.t. To scold. To reprove. Syn : Panakte.
Kosakaiyokara, a ## 4f a ?75, F?? z yu, nE yi . v.t. To reprove. To scold.
| Kosakaiyokarakara, コサカイヨカラカラ,
| Kosakaiyokara-ki, コサカイヨカラキ, 非難スル。叱ル。 騒ガス。 争論ス。 v.t. To scold. To reprove. To make an uproar. To rebuke. To quarrel with.
Kosake, こさけ, 前ニ、代リニ。 adv. In front of. On behalf of. Syn : Kotchake.
Kosamba, コサムバ, マネル。 v.t. To liken.
| Kosakihe, コサキへ, 夏。adv. During summer.
| Kosakikehe, コサキケへ,
Ko-san, こ・さん, .... ニ下ル。 v.i. To go down to.
Kosange, コサンゲ, 下ロス。差シ出ス。 v.t. To take down. To take out.
Kosankokka-eshitchiure, こさんこっか・えしっちうれ, 坐ル。 v.i. To sit upon the knees Japanese fashion.
Kosantek, コサンテク, 粘著スル、著ク。 v.i. To stick to. To adhere. Syn : Kotuk.
Kosanu, コサヌ, 出ス(音ヲ出スヤウニ)。 v.t. To send forth (as a sound). To come down to.
Kosa-ra, コサラ, カラハナサウノ蔓(つる)。 n. Hop-vine.
Kosaraye, こさらいぇ, 分配スル。 v.t. To divide among others. Syn : Usaraye.
Kosat-nan-kapu-ukaiukai, コサツナンカブウカイウカイ, 皺寄リタル額ヲ持ツ。 v.i. To have a wrinkled face (as an old person).
Kosaunu, コサウヌ, 薄クスル(スープ ノ如ク)。 v.t. To make thin as soup. To dilute. As :~ Ruru kosaunu. Syn : Ko-usei.
Koserushserush, こせるしゅせるしゅ, 摩擦スル音。 n. A sound of rubbing (as of sliding doors).
Koshikerana-atte, こしけらな・あって, 見下ス。 v.i. To look down at.
Koshikiraine, こしきらいね, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. Syn : Erampokiwen wa kore.
Koshikiru, こしきる, 顧ル(かえりみる、顧みる)、振向ク。 v.t. To turn round to.
Koshikkan-aine-aine-aicharara, こしっかん・あいね・あいね・あいちゃらら, 腹立チ顔スル。 v.i. To look fierce. To look very angry.
Koshikkote, こしっこて, 看守スル、熱視スル。 v.t. To look at intently. To watch.
Koshikrari, こしくらり, 瞥見スル(べっけんする)。 v.i. To glance at.
Koshikrarishiki, こしくらりしき, 凝視スル。 v.i. To glare at.
Koshiktari, こしくたり, 注目。 v.t. To fix the eyes on. ★バカ検証 【動詞】
Koshima, こしま, 子ノ嫁、義理の娘。 n. Daughter-in-law.
Koshimakorai, こしまこらい, 死ヌ、終結ス。 v.i. To die.
Koshimbu, こしむぶ, or Koshimpuk, こしむぷく, 人魚。 n. A mermaid.
Koshimonruki, こしもんるき, 吃ル(どもる)。 v.i. To falter in talking. To stammer.
Koshimpuk, こしむぷく, 水神。 n. A merman.
Koshina, こしな, or Koshina-shina, こしな・しな, 緯リ上グル。縛リ付ケル。 v.t. To tie to.
Koshine, こしね, 別ニ取置ク。 v.t. To put apart. To put away.

Koshinep コシネプ。取置キタル物. n. Something set apart.
Koshinewe, a $2:Roy 2, # = # => 2., # =#7. v.i. To take pleasure with. To sport with. To play. Syn : Tura no shinot. -
Koshini, su$^=, lEa? z. yv. v.t. To waste. As :~ Ikoro koshini, “to waste one's goods.” Syn : Etaraka isamka.
Koshinninu, -i / >= 5{, zk?}) = f?ff x ju(## / ssp 2). v.t. To put away carefully as a charm or talisman.
Koshinip, a $e = 7, ??, ?? te 7 v &#. n. Waste. A thing wasted.
Koshinmukka, H > 2.5, y?, H:o 32 7. }#ff or ol. v.t. To put carefully away.
Koshinniukesh, a Sa >>=r) r$e, 3× 74}x. v.i. To be incapable. To be unable to do a thing. As -Kishima koshinniukesh, “to be unable to catch.” -
Koshinnukara, E. × 25.375, v.t. To hide away. Hoshinnukuri, =a. Se o 5x2 y, 8 pl. , & v 7:53, x 7 #~ x. v.t. To be afraid of. To dislike to do through fear or reverence.
Koshinmunuka, -i >>5x5&#, v.t. To hide away.
Koshipashnu, I Evr?$25R, # ?, EE? 隠ス・ 隠ス・ + yv. adj. and v.i. Bright. Clear. As :~ Shik koshipashnu, “to have bright eyes.”
Koshipashnu wakka, “ clear water.” Kando kotoro koshipashnu, “ the sky is clear.” Syn : Pakashnu.
Koshipashnu, a $2, $$e5x, # } + 7 vie, # ar. adj. To be badly done by. Bad. Syn : Shipashnu.
Koshiri-kokunne, -i > y : * >+, [E 2, 3- ?L. v.i. To become dark.
Koshiratki, a £25 y=#, ##x n-, # x jur. v.t. To take care of. To watch over. To guard.
Koshirepa, コシレパ, 到著スル・ ひ.i. To arrive at.
Koshirikunne, a $2 Joy 2:#, ju. v.i. To become dark.
Koshiru, a $2/L', s?l?? = . adv. At the same time. Simultaneously.
Koshiruwande, -I AJL 7 27°, ## x 2L. v.t. To examine. Syn : Uwande.
Koshishirapa, a $a$e5 ≫?,? x. aux. 暗クナ v, To do. As :~ Chish
Koshishirapa, “to cry.”
Koshishiru, a $2$≫JL, ME# x: JL. v.t. To rub with. To rub into.
Koshishirup, = e > JL7, ?# x /L#f. n. Something to rub anything with.
Koshishuye, = $>$2-,.4 +, 3a; yL~. 4jj-tz ベ、イタクコシシュエ、語ル時ニ身豊ヲ # yu. v.i. To wave or sway about. As :~ Itak koshishuye. “ to sway about when talking.”
Koshishuye, =i $28.23.4 +, $; x 7 yl≫(+ . # 7). v.t. To dandle or swing about before a child. Syn : Humge.
Koshi-uturu-karire, a $2.7% of 9 Le, #1 7 x # 9 x no. v.t. To ignore. To take no notice of. Syn : Shiramsamte. - -
Koshiwiwatki, a Ser? 4 7 y#, F / k ク音、又ヘ鳥獣ノ飛ビ走ル音 n The whirring sound of the wind. The sound made by birds flying or animals rushing along. Rera pash hum koshiwiwalki, “the sound of rushing wind.”
Koshiyupu, E. Een-7, ## & 7. adv. Carefully. Syn : Shiyupu.
Koshima, a Se-r, # / #i?? (#::E). n. The general name for a wife's relations. Aunt.
Koshmachi, コシマチ。妻ノ親類(女性) n The
Koshmat, wife of a relation. コシマツ。
Koshmat, EI Seo X, #. n. A daughterin law.
Koshmat-habo, a Corr y vvxff, ##. n.
Mother-in-law. Iyepetoto.
Koshine-kara, -i >:##5, # * x. v.t. To lighten. To show a light to. Syn : Pekereka. Roshne, tu >? :k, ii o≫ 7 £ 2. adj. Knavish. Mischievous. Malignant.
Koshne-no-kara, El Se:k / #5, #27 x, xl≫. v.t. To lighten. Syn : Iyepehabo.
Koshui, r1 >+ of , # to,3C. adv. Again. Syn : Shui.
Koshum, E. 52-...so, #2 #.. n. Froth. Syn : Koi-shum.
Koshunge, = $2-,. 247*, fittif x yl≫. v.t. To lieto. Syn : Ikokandama. Inore-itak-ki.
Koshuye, El Sea. E, sib = s.j. 2. v.i. To go away. To go away from a place. v.t.
Koshuye, El Sea E, a x 7" 2L. shake.
Koshuyeshuye, Ei $e- . -E$?=.-P., £j}$. v.i. To swing about. Same as Koshishuye. Syn : Humge.
Koshuyep, a $2.4 = 7, * $228 F. n. An Eastern v.t. To
Kosuwep, Turtle dove. Terttur -ax 15 . 7, orientalis, (Lath). Kusuwep, クスウェプ。 Kusuyep, クスイェプ
Kosoke, -I / r, i# stij. adv. Close
Kosokehe, -I ?~? beside.
Koskoso, 手ヲ以テ重ミヲ試ミル v.t. :12.3 y, Tofeel the weight of any
Kososo, thing. コソゾ。
Kosonde, a / 25°, ziv##. n. A cloak made of Japanese material.
Kosonte コソンテ。陣羽織、満洲ノ上 3. n. A Manchurian garment.
Kososo コソゾ。手ヲ以テ重ミヲ試ミル。 v.t. Same as Koskoso. To feel the weight of anything.
Kosurata, ! Z5 4., F# 3- 3. v.t. Having dropped. To cast away to.
Kosuratate, -uz.5 4x5*, ?+ v ?. v.i. It having been dropped.
Kosuyep, a x 4f = 7, Same as Kusuуер,
Kot コツ。墓(人又ヘ他ノ者ノ葬ラレシ §f). n. A grave. A dip in the ground. A ditch. Syn : Ashitoma-i. Iyuruikot.
Kot-ne-hi. Tushiri-kot.
Kot, a y, HE#t. n. A house plot. Syn : Kochi.
Kot, a y, ####?. n. A moor.
Kot コツ。所有スル (此語ヘ、コロノ約 #3- y). v.t. To possess. This word is a contraction of koro. As :~ Ku kot chisei, “my house.”
Kot, a y, # 3. v.t. To attach.
Kot, a y, faszi r yi-#Ef. n. A spot. A place where something is.
Kota, a &, #sf, #if. n. A village. Place.
Kota, -a &, ...... jf = . adv. To. Toward.
Kotaishue, H & 4 × 2.5i, #s y. v.t. To strike.
Kotakse, in 4g Zytz, jij &#& 2. . v.d. 10 stick in.
Kotama, -i & -r, H; L. v.i. To come Out.
Kotama, H & or, # = . adv. Together. With. Augmented. Syn : Aukotama.
Kotamge, =14&A,Ay, R. 7 . adj. Altogether.
Kotan, コタン, 村、所、市。例セバ、コタンブリ、所ノ風俗。 n. A village. A place. A city. A town. As :~ Kolan buri, “the customs of a place.” Kotan kara Kamui, “the Creator." Kotan ekari guru, kotan shaot guru, “ a fugitive.” Kotan koro sapo moshiri koro sapo, “the name of the morning star, considered to be a goddess.” Kotan pa, “the east end of a town or village.” Kotan gesh, “the
west end of a town, village or place.” Kotan tek, “the district round a village.” Kotan ukoturuge, “the borders of a village or district.” Kotan un atara, “the inhabitants of a place.”
Kotan-an-a, こたん・あん・あ, 返ス。 v.t. To give back to. To restore.
Kotan-ekari, こたん・えかり, 故郷又はハ両親ヲ離レル。 v.i. To leave one's parents or village. To wander about. Syn : Keshirekari.
Kotange, こたんげ, 村。 n. A village.
Kotan-koro-guru, こたん・ころ・ぐる, 村ノ長、村ノ神(悪魔)。 n. The head of a village. The god or demon of a village. A local diety.
Kotan-shipi, こたん・しぴ, 村。 n. A town. A village.
Kotan-shitchire-moshiri-shitchire, コタンシッチレモシリシッチレ, 九郎判官源ノ義経ノ名。 n. A name sometimes given to Okikurumi or Kurohangwan Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Kotan-shitchire-moshiri-shitchirepon-oibepi-poro, コタンシッチレモシリシッチレポンオイべピポロ, 辨慶ノ名。 n. A name sometimes given to Wariune kuru, the henchman of Kurohangwan Minamoto no Yoshitsune.
Kotanuchin, こたぬちん, 村 (複数)。 n. Villages.
Kotan-uni, こたん・うに, 酋長ノ小舎。 n. The chief hut in a village.
Kotanu-shaot-guru, こたぬ・しゃおと・ぐる, 脱走者、浪人。 n. A fugitive. One who runs away from his village.
Kotarara, こたらら, 渡ス。 v.t. To hand to 手渡す.
Kotcha, こっちゃ, 持ツ (複数)。 v.t. To possess. Pl. of koro.
Kotcha, こっちゃ, 前。 post. Before. In front of. Ahead.
Kotchake, こっちゃけ, 前。 post. In front of. Ahead.
Kotchaketa, こちゃけた, 前。 post. In front of. Before. Syn : Esaush. Iruetoko. Iru-etokta.
| Kotchaketa-shiri, コッチャケタシリ, 他人ノ為ニスル。 v.t. To do for an other.
| Kotchaketa-shirihine, コッチャケタシリヒネ,
Kotchaot, こっちゃおつ, 前、全面。 post. Before. In front of. Syn : Ratchaot.
Kotchaot-guru, こっちゃおと・ぐる, 前驅者、豫報者。 n. A fore-runner. Syn : Ratchaot-guru.
Kotchapa, こっちゃぱ, 前、全面。 post. In front. Ahead.
Kotchi, こっち, 荒蕪地。 n. A moor.
Kotchi, こっち, 場所、穴、葬ル所。 n. A plot of land. A grave. A hole. Site.
Kotchi-kara, コッチカラ, 地均シスル。 v.t. To make level as a plot of land to build a house upon. Syn : Kochikara.
Kote, こて, 縛ル、結ビ合ス。 v.t. To tie up with anything. To tie on to. As :~ Tush-kote, “to tie up with a rope.”
Koteike, こていけ, 平ニ伸バス。 v.t. To stretch out flat.
Kotekparuparu, こてくぱるぱる, 手招ク。 v.i. To beckon with the hand.
Kotekot, コテコッ, 度々気絶スル。 v.i. To faint repeatedly. To become repeatedly unconscious. Syh : Ekotokot.
Kotekramyupu, こてくらむゆぷ, シガミ付ク。 v.t. To cling to. Syn : Eyupkekishina. Tekramyupu.
Ko-tereke コテレケ, 火ガツク、飛ビ付ク。 v.t. To jump to. To catch as fire. As :~ Abe-nui kotereke, “to catch fire.”
Kotereke-tereke, こてれけ・てれけ, 飛ビ付ク、飛ビ移ル。 v.t. To jump to. To leap to as fire from house to house in a conflagation.
Kotesu, こてす, 達スル。 v.t. To reach to.
Kotesu, こてす, 附着スル。 v.t. To stick
Kotesu, こてす, 加ヘル。 v.t. To add.
Kotki, コツキ, 他人ヲ戒ムル為ニ無罪ノ者ニ罰スル。 v.t. To punish an innocent person in order to warn others. See Ikotke.
Kotne, ことね, 凹イ(くぼ・い ?)。 adj. Depressed. Hollow.
Kotne-hi, ことね・ひ, 壕、凹地。 n. A ditch. A hollow place. A depression in the earth.
Kotneku, コツネク, 夫ノ親類(男子)。 n. The husband's relation.
Koto, こと, 琴。 n. A harp. (Jap.)
Kotoise, こといせ, 集合スル。 v.i. To congregate. To come together. Syn : Kokararase. Uwekarapa.
Kotok, ことく, ヲ謝ル。 v.t. To shoot at.
Kotokpishte, ことくぴしゅて, 弓矢ニテ射ル。 v.t. To shoot with arrows.
Kotom, ことむ, 美シキ。 adj. Pretty. Good-looking. Syn : Tomte.
| Kotomaan, ことまあん,
| Kotoman, ことまん, 明カニ。 adv. & v.i. Apparently. To appear to be. As :~ Seta kotomaan ruwe ne, “ it is apparently a dog.”
Kotomka, コトムカ, 飾ル、美シクスル。 v.t. To embellish. Syn : Etomka.
Kotom-no, ことむ・の, 見事に。 adv. Prettily. Beautifully. Syn : Tomte no.
Kotonka, ことんか, 等シイ、同ジク。 adj. Like. Equal.
Kotonka, ことんか, 胸。 n. The breast.
Kotoro, ことろ, 側、物ノ堺。 n. The sides of anything. A boundary. Mostly the front sides of anything. Breast. Margin. Border. As :~ Nai-kotoro, “the sides of a stream ” or “glen.”Nupuri kotoro, “the sides of a mountain.”
Kotoroush-ni, Kotoroshin-ni, コトロウシニ, コシアブラ、アブラコ. n. Acanthopanax sciadophylloides, Fr. et Sav. Syn : Kotoshin-ni.
Kotoumpa, ことうむぱ, 迄ニ及ブ。 adv. Reaching to.
Kotoumpa, ことうむぱ, 蓋フ(ふた・ふ (?) or おおう)。 v.t. To cover up. (A legendary word 伝説に残るほど有名な単語).
Kotpara, コツパラ, 首環、襟飾。 n. A collar.
Kotpara, ことぱら, 胸。 n. The chest. The bosom. Syn : Penram.
| Kotpoketa, こ吐ぽけた,
| Kotpokita, こ吐ぽきた, 前。 n. adv. Before. As :~ Nei guru un kotpoketa shirepa nisa ruwe ne, “he arrived there befor us.” ★バカ検証 【 befor スペルミス。】
Kotpokiketa, こ吐ぽきけた, 前。 adv. Before. Same as Kolpoketa.
Kotsakehe, E, vij Ares, y 's, pij. adv. Close to. Before. Same as a
Kottamani, a y & or=, ##|x jur. v.t. To fence.
Kotuikosama, a y Af a t} +, TF ov, # yi- (H#). v.i. To come down. To descend. (sing.) Syn : Ran.
Kotuikosamba, a y4 =a +}Au?, TF vie, ## yt (##), v.i. To come down. To descend. (pl.) Syn : Rap.
Kotuikosanu, za y Af a t}-5R, TF ov, # ov. v.i. To come down. Same as Kotttikosama.
Kotuituige コツイツイゲ、獲スル、陰 # z. ol. v.i. To issue. To come out. To give forth. To appear and disappear at intervals. As :~ Erum anak ne shui orowa eluhu kotuituige, “the rat pops its head in and out of its hole.”
Kotuk, zu "X’47, Eij*; x xl≫, j%; o. v.i. To adhere. To stick to. Syn : Kosantek.
Kotukka, ia ‘y y:u, Rff: 9 t: Jl. v.t. To stick on. To agglutinate.
Kotukte, a y 3 F, y - vv(ff x =). v.t. To stick on.
Kotan-umi, -? 4* >(? =, ?i??? 2 /jva?. n. The chief hut in a village.

Kotuk-wa, -19/2, 7, #:7 yu. adj. Adhesive. -
Kotumi, こつみ, 戦、軍、イクサ。 n. A fight. A war 戦争.
Kotumi-koro, こつみ・ころ, 戦フ。 v.t. To war with. To fight. To give battle.
Koturi, コツリ, 差シ出ス(手ノ如ク) v.t. To reach out to. To stretch out to.
Koturuse, こつるせ, 伝染スル。 v.t. To catch as a disease. To pass from one to another as a disease. Syn : Ipara.
Koturu-shin-ni, こつる・しん・に, 木ノ名称。 n. A kind of Kalopanax. By some Kotoro-ush-ni.
Kotushmak, こつしゅまく, 暗殺スル、殺ス。 v.t. To assassinate. To kill.
Kotushtek-no, こつしゅてく・の, 急ギテ、厳格ニ。 adv. In haste. With severity. Hurriedly. As :~ Kotushtek no ki, “to do in haste.”
| Kotususatki, コツスサ吐キ, 震フ、戦慄スル。 v.i. To trouble. To shake. To quiver.
| Kutususatki, クツスサ吐キ,
Kotusuyupu, nyxil 7, jy y Ee y z HH se F x xv. v.t. To do with all one's might. To put forth all one's power. Syn : Kiroro-yupu-wa-ki.
Kotutuppa, ± y'ya \, E: Jl. v.i. Occur.
Kotuwatuwak, こつわつわっく, 疥癬(かいせん)ヲ生ジタル、痩セタル、柔キ。 adj. Mangy. Thin. Poor. Soft.
Kotuyashi, a y + 2, #32, ## / H = ##x no. v.t. To hold. To keep in one's family. To hand down in the same family.
Ko-uainukoro, a 1774 5&- d, # x ju, #2, jul. v.t. To honour. To treat with respect. Syn : Eoripak.
Ko-uk, コウク。巻キ上ゲル、己ニ取ル。 v.t. To take to one's self.
Kouk, コウク。取ル。例セバ、ネイイチェ ンアェンコウク、其金義ヘ私カラ取ツタノ > >. . v.t. To take from. As :~ Nei ?o ichen a en kouk, “the money was taken from me.”
| Koumam, コウマム, 柄葉(クチバ) 、枯葉(カレハ)。 n. Dead leaves. Decay ing leaves.
| Koomam, コオマム,
Kourenkare, こうれんかれ, 和睦スル。 v.t. To make peace.
Kourepuni, こうれぷに, 歩ム。 v.i. To walk. Syn : Apkash.
Ko-usei, コ・ウセイ, 薄クスル(スープノ如ク)。 v.t. To make thin as soup. As :~ Ruru kousei, “to make soup thin.” Syn : Kosaunu.
Kouwekari, こううぇかり, 集マル。 v.i. To assemble. Syn : Uwekarapa.
Kouwekarire, こううぇかりれ, 集める。v.t. To assemble.
Kowen, こうぇん, 憎ム、嫌フ。 v.t. To hate. To dislike. To abhor. To abominate. Sya : Etunne. ★バカ検証 【Sya は誤。 Syn です。】
Kowepekere, こうぇぺけれ, 報告スル。 v.t. To report to.
Koyaiatte, こやいあって, 不可能ナ。 adv. Impossible. ★バカ検証 【 impossible は、adv. なのか?。 バカ丸出し。】
Koyaienupa, こやいえぬぱ, 目覚メル、思付ク。 v.i. To come to one's self, as from sleep.
Koyaietesu, こやいえてす, 背伸スル。 v.i. To lift one's self up.
Koyaihetesu, こやいへてす, 自ラ立起キル、 .... 上ル。 v.i. To raise one's self up.
Koyaihoshkire, a +” ≪f:#;$2 + Lo, ?je = }; fl. v.i. To put one's self forward. To make first advances.
Koyaiirai-ishitante, こやいいらい・いしたんて, 自分ノタメニ願フ。 v.t. To ask for one's self.
Koyaikeutum-ochitchiure, 3 + 4 or ウツムオチッチウレ、自制スル、心ニ銘スル。 v.i. To keep ones's self in. To hold one's self in. To restrain one's self. To hold fast in the heart or mind.
Koyaiki, こやいき, 拭フ。 v.t. To wipe,

Koyaikoramu, a + 4 =15 A, EJE = x Jl. v.i. To make a fool of.
Koyaikush, コヤイクシ。出来衆ル、抽劣 + /v. v.i. & adj. To be unable to do. Unskilful. Awkward. Cannot. Impossible. As :~ Mokoro koyaikush, “to be unable to sleep.” Syn : Eaikap. Kara eaikap.
Koyaimososo, =I F -f HE :/ :/, TEHK zj S #2u. v.i. To rouse up as from sleep.
Koyainu-rokte, -, *4 × P × 5,3}, y + gov. v.i. To sit by one's self and muse.
Koyaniutasa, a + 4 = } & {}, AGE sx ol. v.t. To do in return for a favour.
Koyaimonakte, -a ; “f E:/-75°, # 7 v~ x(##A / %). v.i. To be unable to sleep through excitement.
Koyainurat, in of 5.5 y, #2, 4. v.i. To be sleepy. Syn : Mokon rusui.
Koyainurattet, 3 of 4 5.5 y?...y, E ?r +. adj. Sleepy. Syn : Mokon rusui.
Koyainutumu, -1*? -f 57y.A., K#zF# = >- PL, ?o v vlo. v.i. To become unconscious. To forget. Syn : Ramu11 MUI?s
Koyaipitunde, -, *-s toy 27, § 5 ot x ov. v.i. To refresh one's self.
Koyaira, コヤイラ。久シ振リニテ合フト + 2 ##. v.i. To converse together after a long and dangerous journey. This custom was kept up with great ceremony in olden times.
Koyairamechanka, Ho of 7x5Far 2 3, #2, # x 21. v.i. To take no interest in. To change one’s mind.
Koyairam-ikashure, El of 5 A4 7, $? 3. L?, £33#-+-, xr)v . adj. Artful. Cunning.
Koyairam kikkara, 3 + 4 + A+ y?, ラ。能力ナキ為メ事ヲ中止スル・u.i To cease through inability to do a thing. To be incapable. To be unable. As :~ Kishima koyairamkikkara, “to be unable to catch.” Syn : Koshinniukesh.
Koyaisanasange, a + 4 +++ 2*, £; = f; 7. v.i. To go to the side of. Syn : Samake un arapa.
Koyaishinire, - P 4 :e- Le, E. 2 , k J. v.i. To retire. To rest. To withdraw as from business or war. Syn : Eshimi.
Koyaitesu, a *-s 5-76, § 4 E2. v.i. To raise one's self up.
Koyak-koyak, コヤッコヤク。隆キ廻ス。v.t. Tostir
Koyakoya, up. To shake up. コヤコヤ, Syn : Chiukopaye
Koyakoyak, re. Ekoirak-koirak. コヤコヤク。
Koyan-chep, こやん・ちぇっぷ, §, 7 9. n. Yellow tail. Seriola quinqueradiata, T. & S. Syn : Oshoprotki.
Koyapkiri, -, * 7 # 9, #2,” slo. v.t. To throw at.
Koyaspa, E, oxys, ###x212. v.t. To tear from.
Ko-ye, E. Af =, %s, 7 te vl. v.t. To say to. To tell.
Ko-ye-ap, コイェアプ。彼ニ語リシ事。 ph. That which was said to him. Syn : Otta-aye-ambe.
Koyome, H = x, #. n. An almanac. (Jap.)
Koyupke, H=L7str, sta *. adj. Strong. Firm.
Koyuptektek, a -177752, ##3ル、勤勉ナル、勉強スル・ v.i. & adj. To be active. Industrious. To be industrious. Syn : Niwashnu. Yuptek,
Ku, く, 個人。 n. A person. Object. Mountain. Thing.
Ku, く, 飲ム、喫煙(きつえん)スル。 v.t. To drink. To smoke.
Ku, ク, 私,(名詞ノ前ニ附ク時ニハ私ノ). pro. I. When used before nouns, “ mу.” Syn : Ane. Kani.
Ku, く, 弓、例セバ、クカ、弦。 n. A bow. As :~ ku ka, “a bow string.” Ku mun noshike, “the middle of a bow.” Ku pita, “ to unstring a bow.”

Kuama-ku, くあま・く, 弩(いしゆみ) n. A springbow バネ弓. Syn : Chama-ku. Chare-ku. Kuare-ku.
Kuani, クアニ, 私(動詞ノ前ニテハ k 又ハ ku). pro. I. Before verbs k or ku. Syn : A. Ane. Kani.
Kuani-yaikota, くあに・やいこた, 私、私自身。 pro. I myself.
Kuare, くあれ, 弩(いしゆみ)ヲ仕掛ル。 v.t. To set a Spring bow.
| Kuare-ku, くあれ・く, 箱弓、オトシユミ. n. A spring-bow. Syn : Chama-ku. Chiari-ku.
| Kuari-ku, くあり・く,
Kuba, くば, 噛ム(単数)。 v.t. To bite. To hold with the teeth. (sing.)
Kubaba, くばば, 噛ム(複数)。 v.t. (pl.) To bite. To hold with the teeth. Syn : Chikubaba. Ikuba. Shirikuba.
| Kucha, クチャ, 獵小舍(りょうしょうしゃ、猟), 漁舍. n. A hunter's or fisherman's lodge. A lodging place. Syn : Kuchanchisei.
| Kuchachisei, くちゃちせい,
Kucha-kotchisei, くちゃ・こっちせい, 獵小舍 n. A hunter's lodge.
Kuchan, 75-y 2, #: #. n. A shebear. In S. it is kuchare.
Kuchan, 75 & 2, ?ivo. n. A lodge.
Kuchapo, クチャポ, 木ノ枝デ作ツタ小 B?. n. A shed made of the branches of trees.
Kuchare, 75-r L., Ha fa. n. S. A name for the female bear. H.
Kuchi, くち, 帯 n. A girdle. Same as Kut.
Kuchi, くち, 歌フ。聲ヲ出シテ泣ク。v.t. To sing.
Kuchi, くち, 小屋。 n. A lodge.
Kuchihi, くちひ, 帯。 n. A band. A belt. A girdle.
Kuchikanna, くちかんな, 饒舌ナル、多辯(多弁)ナル、不誠實ナル。 adj. Talkative, Insincere. To talk big. Impure. Deceitful 嘘つき・ペテン師. Naughty. Fickle. Syn : Iyukoikire.
Kuchimomne, ? FHEA, #, w ?y v E (# 2 #5). n. A kind of flounder. Limanda augustirostris, Kitah. Gthr.
Kuchiri, ? HF. J., Hig, 2, s’3-. n. A badger.
Kuchishkiru, : : + JL, : : - )v, § 9 % +. adj. Fickle. Changeable. Syn : Kuchikanna.
Kuchitoi, 25 F 4, ##. n. A precipice.
Kuchiwa, 5 of 7, #. n. A horse's bit. (Jap.)
Ku-ek, ? r. O, †l, z?2K vl. v.i. To come. I am coming. Syn : Kek.
| Kugoro, タゴロ。私ノ. per pro. My. Mine.
| Kukot, クコツ。 *
Kui, クイ。シコタンマツ。グイマツ。n. The
Kurile larch. Larix dahurica, Turcz,
Kui, 2) 4s, #, ##. n. A goose.
Kui is a singular noun. The phural is kuitu and kuitop.
Kuikai-chup, ? Af ?r. As 3-a. 7, +-- H. n. November.
Kui-karush, 2, 4 : )I,:2, = 7 y = . n. Polyporus officinalis, Fr. Formes Laricis, Rubel. Syn : Shui-karush.
Kuikui, クイクイ。シギ類ノ線稲 n A curlew. A sandpiper. Snipe.
Kuikui, o, of 74, § 1. . v.t. To gnaw. To chew. Syn : Chamse.
Kui-ni, o f :, ###3. n. Larch trees.
Kuira, 2 of 5, # > Fff 2. v.i. To go along stealthily. To steal up to.
Kuira wa oman chiki yuk raige eashkai nangoro, “if you go along stealthily you may kill a deer. Syn : Ikuira. Ipikuira.
Kuisapa, 2 4 # v?, s# HA. n. The knee-cap.

Ku-kara, 2 %5, fik 2.. v.t. To drink.
Kuito, * f F, #, or v. n. Wild goose.
Kuitop, クイトプ。
Kuitop-kina, 27.4 F 7++, + y > 7 > * > . n. Day lily. Hemerocallis Middendorffii, Trautv. et Mey. Also Vicia Craccas, L. ? 9 z fr. Syn : Chikap-kina.
Kuitu, ? 4 y, ##(##). n. Geese.
Kukerekerep, n. Cord made from linden fibre.
Kukerekep-ni, o, or L, or 7 =, so -- 2 +. n. Tilia japonica, Simonk. Linden tree. Same as Nipesh-ni.
Kukeu, クケウ。顎、肩(特ニ肩ノ前部). n. The jaws. The shoulders, especially the fore-part. Same as Kukewe.
Kukeu-pone, or oro?i?:k, Hoa:#. n. The shoulder-blade.
Kukewe, クケウェ。肩(特ニ肩ノ前部). n. The shoulders, especially the forepart. The jaws.
Kukka, * >7, ###. n. A mattock.
Kupka, クプカ。
Kukke, くっけ, 膨張する。 v.i. To bulge.
Kukke, クッケ, 薄暗イ。暗イ。黄皆ノ(たそがれ)。 adj. Dull. Dark. Twilight.
Kukorobe, y a pies, E33 y se y, 3, y + 2. n. One's own personal belongings. One's own goods. My own things. Syn : Echip.
Kukot, % -a ≫, ?i, Z. per. pro. My. Mine. Same as K?goro.
Kum, у J., A particle sometimes used to indicate objective.
Kuma, 77, § 9. n. A deep roaring sound.
Kuma, o, or, ###(##). n. A pole for drying clothes upon. (sing.)
Kumadaki, ****, #. n. A younger sister. Syn : Machiribe. Mataki. Turesh.
Kumane, くまね, 連山ノ嶺。 n. A ridgelike mountain top. As :~ Kumane tapkop, “ a mountain-top ridge.”
Kumatai, クマタイ。 物干竿(複數). n. Drying poles. (pl.)
Kumbe, ? A. ~&, ##, #ff. n. A heap.
Kumbe, クムべ。ネニ件フ時意義ヲ強調 x. part. When preceeded by me the signification of this word is emphatic, it intensifies the idea to which it is added. Syn : Ne ambe.
Kumbe-ne, y E, o Sak, 23Kfil y sz yl. s’. Sign of the future tense. Also, ought. As :~ Ki kumbe-ne, “will do.” Ham ki kumbe-ne, “ will not do.”
Kumi, クミ, 徹(力 ビ). n. Mould.
Kumi-ush, % 5 782, i(χι ε) / £ = £ yi... adj. Mouldy. Mildewy.
Kumpeka, 47.4.?j, 2?%}-. adv. Perhaps. As :~ Paye an kumpeka nangoro, “he will perhaps go.”
Kumsei, y atz4, yl. v.i. To rattle (as wind in the stomach).
Kun, * >e, ...... シマショウ. a24%、ひ. Will. Ought. As :~ Sake ku kun-tara, “they who will drink sake.”
Kunak, クナタ。ト。例セバ、アラベクナ 2/ ^ -, fj 2* F 5* ε ≪ x. pro. That. Thus:-Arapa kunak ye, “ he says that he will go.” Heikachi tane ek kunak ye, “the lad says that he will come now.” Syn : Ani. Ari. Sekoro.
Kun-an, of 272, Kind of. Sort.
Kunau-nonno, 73-7 / > /, 2 × 2 =. # v. n. Adonis amurensis, Regel. et Radd. Syn : Kimum-kunau. Flower of Pheasant's eye is an English name for this herb. The plant reminds one of some kinds of inau. The leaves are finely divided. Both leaves and root are used for making decoctions which are drunk 其ノ通リノ adj.
against heart trouble. Taking such decoctions must be stopped after about a week, and later continued if necessary, but in moderation. The flower stem of the adonis is quite like the inau used for warding off evil.
Kunchiru, O 25FJle, k?, ZESE. n. A broad road. A broad highway.
Kunda, クンダ。鞍(シリガヒ)ニ付ケタル ?o?; 2 #. n. The reels on a crupper.
Kune-ni, oyak E, 7k?o?. n. Yew. Taxus cupidata, S. et Z.
Kungashi, クンガシ、日本製ノ小舟 n. A small boat of Japanese make.
Kungi, クンギ, n. A nail 釘(くぎ). (Jap.)
Kuni, クニ。為、ノ為ニ。例セバ、ククク =タムベコ。我喫スル為ノ煙草. post. For. In order that. That. In order to. Probably. As :~ Ku ku kuni tambako, “the tobacco for me to smoke.” Nishatta oman kazni kat ramu, “I think that he will go to-morrow/ tomorrow.” Ye kuni ku ek ruwe ne, "I have come in order to tell you.” #4 house for you to live in.” tere, “wait for him to come. Syn : Kun.
Kunibe, クニベ, adv. When 〜の時に.
Kunibe-koroyainu, クニベ・コロヤイヌ, To anticipate 予測する. To expect 期待する. Syn : An-kusu-ne-ari-yainu. Kunipe-koro-yainu.
Kuni-gu8u, 47 =47?zR, 2 s =. post. For. In order to. For purpose of.
Kuni-ka-aramu, O = 397 5.A., i? os lo * . ph. It is thought to be so.
Kuni-ne, クニネ。ノ為メニ、又ハ為、ヤウニ。例セバ、ショモソュムベクニネクカ ラ、私ヘソレガ出ナイヤウニ致シマス。 post. In order that. In order to. So that. For the purpose of. As :~ Shomo soyumba kuni ne ktt kara, “ I will make it so that they cannot get out." Iteki homatu kuni ne kara yan, E an kuni chisei, “ a | Ek kuni | “do it so as not to frighten him.”
Kuni-ne-ike, クニ・ネ・イケ, conj. If もし.
Kunip, クニプ, ###. n. Duty. This word expresses duty or need or purpose. As :~ Ki kunip, “that which one ought to do.”
| Kunipe-koro-yainu, ### x suo. v.t. To クニペコロヤイヌ。 anticipate. To
| Kunibe-koro-yainu, expect. Syn : クニべコロヤイヌ。 An kusu ne ari yainu.
| Kunipka, O = 7 h, E = . adv. For.
| Kunishka, ?y = Se?a, As :~ Ae-kunipka, “for me to eat.” Syn : Kunishka.
Kunitara, クニタラ、大撃ニテ物語ル。 v.i. To speak with a loud voice. Syn : Ehaukashu.
Kunkashi, 4) ≫;h $2, HZR? ≫ ≫}\ji#. n. A Japanese boat. Syn : Mochip.
| Kunkeu, * >oro, #. n. A jaw.
| Kunkewe, クンケウェ。
Kunna, O Led", # *. adj. Black. Dark.
Kunnatara, ? 23-25, # *. Black. Dark. Syn : Ekureok.
Kunne, O 2-3 k, # +. adj. Black. Dark. As :~ Kunne shiriki-o, “having black patterns.” Syn : Ekurok.
Kunne, クンネ。崖、断崖、絶壁 n. Crags. Precipice. Syn : Kutun. Kutne.
Kunne, % 2+, K#. n. A shadow. As :~ Rampesh kunne, "In the shadow of the eaves.”
Kunne-chup, * >:R5Rs. 7, H. n. The ??){}{}[l.
Kunne-echinge, & 2:#:E5R 24°, 7 of s 3 × . n. Green turtle. Chelonia viridis, T. & S.
Kunne-emaure, 2 32:k:ro y Lo, 27 ra A + -r. n. Rubus Kinashii, Lev'l. et Wnt. The berries are eaten and have a fine flavour. These are especially adj.
abundant on the east coast of Hokkaido.
Kunne-furep-ni, 2 e-k7 Le 7 =, y a x =r(E 2?$5). n. A kind of blueberry. Vaccinium Chamissonis, Bong.
Kunne-i, クンネイ。黒色、暗黒、暗處。n. Blackness. Darkness. A dark place.
Kunne-ibe, * >+4 °, Ayst. n. Supper. The evening meal.
Kunnei-wano, くんねい・わの, 朝。 adv. Morning.
Kunnei-wano-ibe, くんねい・わの・いべ, 朝食。 n. Breakfast. The morning meal.
Kunne-kina-emauri, くんね・きな・えまうり, エンレイサウ n. Trillium Smallii, Maxim.
Kunne-mata, くんね・また, fi?i &. n. Mid-winter.
Kunne-nino, * >:#: /, #ft( x =). n. The sea-urchin. Stronglocentrotus purpureus, (v. Mart.)
Kunne-ninokai, 2y 2*= / #5-f, JuT:i Er. n. The black lily. Fritillaria camschatensis, Ker.
Kunne-nishat, * >:# =>+ y, Hv 3r +, 5ij. adj. Very early morning.
Kunne-no-kara, 2 ×ok / 755, # 2 x yl, # El z ≫L. v.t. To blacken. To slander.
Kunne-okokko, ? :e:f::#: y =?, so v ~ t’, 2 B ~ E. n. Black-snake. Elahpe quadrivirgata, (Boie).
Kunnep クンネプ。黒染ノアツシ、黒色 2 #. n. Attush dyed black. Anything black.
Kunne-reushi-oman, くんね・れうし・おまん, 休息セズニ夜行スル adv. To travel all night without stopping for rest. ★バカ検証 【動詞である。】
Kunne-shiknum, O 2:#$2 ) 5R.A., a?. n. The pupil of the eye.
Kunne-soi, クンネゾイ。クロゾイ・ n. Sebastodes schlegeli, (Hilgd).
Kunne-tambere, y o:k & Aos Lo, f #. n. Lightning. Syn : Imeru.
Kunne-tenmon, 27 >**5F>≫-E >’, % $ }- 7 v 7. n. Saegassum Thunbergii. Knetz. A kind of black seaweed.
Kunne-to, * >+ F, #. n. Night.
Kunne-tom, O 2:k H. A., # # #- vv. adj. Of a black colour.
Kunneyot, ? ># = ≫ F, ?j z n-(# 7 s; =). v.t. To be blinded by darkness.
Kunnu, O 25X, f?$3 v. adj. Dangerous. Syn : Kunru. Kuntu.
Kunu, % 3, #**. adj. Black. Syn : Ekureok. |
Kunnu-itak, 3 voz 4 & 2, ## * * * Kunne-kina-emauri, * >++++* z-A. n. A curse.
Kunru, 2 elle, f?? 3-. adj. Dangerous. Syn : Kunnu. Kuntu.
Kun'tara, 27 >≫£x5, ...... 2 N. × . Short for kuni utara, “the people who ”; “the people for the purpose of.”
Kuntara, Zy De 4, 5, jt v Mij. adv. While.
Kuntara, クンタラ、何々ヲナスタメニ. part. In order to.
Kuntara, ? 23:5, ?3K v BE. Sign of the future. As :~ Ku kuntara, “will drink.” Also n. “people.”
Kuntu, , Ay, f: - ). adj. Dangerous. Syn : Kunnu. Kunru.
Kuntukapap, クンツカパプ。海魚ノ一 種ニテ角アリテ扁平ナルモノナリト云 ヒ博へ、漁夫等ノ最モ恐ルルモノ. n.A kind of flat salt-water fish said by some to have horns, and of which the Ainu fishermen are extremely afraid. Probably a kind of devil-fish.
Ku-oira, 7:4 5, ###: x. v.t. I forget. Syn : Koira.
Kup, y 7, E. n. A sound.
| Kupka, * 7:5, 3:3-A off. u. A large mat
| Kukka, tock. As :~ Kupka nichi, * 97), “the handle of a mattock.”
Kupki, oy 7+, #. n. An oven.
Kuppa, ? y**, ## v?#. n. A ringing
sound. A noise. As :~ Hau kuppa, “the sound of a voice.”
Kup-san-ne, or 7+2+, #. v.i. sound.
Kur, ? J?e, E, E, N. n. A shade. Cloud. Man. Syn : Kuru.
Kuramu, o B.J., §§ 7, § 2. v.t. To suspect. To think. Same as Koramu.
Kuran, くらん, やま、丘。 n. Hill. Mountains.
Kurashnu, % 5 S^3, # + . adj. Black.
Kure, % L-, sk = + n-. v.t. To give to drink.
| Kureanda, * L7' 25", #21, Ha l'. v.t. To laugh ?o
| Kureande, at. To deride. Syn : 2 L7° 25”, Eoya itak ki.
Kuri, くり, 雲。 n. A cloud. Syn : Nishkuru.
| Kuri, クリ, 陰。 n. A shadow. Shade. Form. Image. Cloud. Syn : Kuru. Nishkuru.
| Kurihi, クリヒ,
Kurimonto, ? !) E A K-, Ei?E. n. A bog. -
| Kurimukere, E: x, # 7 Jl. v.t. To クリムケレッ hide. To do away
| Kurimukhere, with. To make away ? U A? ~ Lo, with. As :~ To-an raitush tunashino kurimukere yan, “make haste and hide the cord with which he hung himself.”
Kurimukmuke, of J A 27 Aor, v.t. To hide away.
Kurinim, 47 9 = >, $8 yl≫. v.t. To escape. To run away. Syn : Chopiat.
Kuripanpan, & J **>.*$ e, (? ≫ H 2 ) 隠ス。 ###21. v.t. To pass away (as shadow).
Kurokok, 2 H = 3, B? ?, ? E. n. Blackness. Darkness.
Kurokok-buri, } n = 2 7 ), ##, jE. n. Bad deeds. Sins.
Kuroma, o D. or, #. n. The bowels. Syn : Serima. -
Kuroma-keutumkoro, クロマ・ケウツムコロ, 不愉快ナル v.i. To be disagreable.
Kuroma-kokuruse, & D of E * 'letz, # 2, 2... v.i. To be confounded.
Kuron-kani, O la ezh =, HR #?j. n. Bronze.
Kuroro, Zy n n, = 7-. adv. Through. By. As :~ Ainu-kuroro akoyayomokte, kamui kuroro akoyayomokte, “he was troubled both by men and gods.
Kuroro, O la pa, F#, ???, ?s. n. Essence. Will. Heart. Mind. As :~ Kamui kuroro akooripak kunip ne, “the will of the gods is to be respected.”
| Kuru, くる,
| Guru, ぐる,
| Kur, くっる,
人。者。鳥獣無生物ニモ用ヒラル。 例セバ、タンチカプアナクネソンノアオシクルネ、此鳥ハ大層欲シガラレマス。 n. A person. This word is also sometimes applied to animals, fowls or inanimate . objects. As :~ Tan chikap anak ne son no adsh guru ne, “these fowls are very much sought after,” or “prized 珍重される.”
Kuru, くる, 山、丘。 n. A hill. Mountain.
Kuru, クル, 物質ノ實質, 鼬(いたち)ガ敵ニ襲ハレシトキ放射スルモノ。 n. Material essence. The matter ejected from the glands of weasels as a defence against its enemies when attacked.
Kuru, くる, 表面。 n. Surface.
Kuru, くる, ...... テ(テニオハ)。 The particle “ing” in some cases.
Kuru, くる, 蔭、曇。 n. A shadow. Shade. A cloud. Syn : Kurihi. Sempirike.
Kuru, くる, 近ヅク。 v.i. To draw near. As :~ Abe kuru, “to draw near to a fire.”
Kuruhi, o, IL, E, $.. n. A shadow. Syn : Kuruman.
Kuruka, 47 JV;*;, #%, %. n. Shade.
Form. Shadow.
Kuruise, ? JL4f +z, # ≫ ?f?. n. A kind of bird.
Kuruka, 2y Jlex, E., E =. adv. Above. Upon. As :~ Wakka kuruka, “ upon the water.” Syn : Kashiketa.
Kurukashi, ? Ilo?, ?e, # 7" E??, _E = . n. & adv. The upper surface of anything. Upon. On the top of. Be sides. Moreover.
Kuruka-shikama, O Jlo?, a? 7, AR 2., # L. v.t. To bless. To be kind to. To preserve.
Kurukashike, O VLe?i $24r, _E =, J?=. adv. Upon. On the top of. As :~ Set kurukashike osoroushi, “to sit upon a chair.”
Kurukashike-aukomomse, O JLo?, ?e ケアウコモムセ,其他ニ、ソレカラ・ adv. Besides which. . Upon which.
Kuruki, 27 JLi+, #. n. The gills of fish. The region of the tonsils.
Kurukituk, クルキツク。喉ニ於ケル潰 #. n. An abscess in the throat.
Kuruko-hopuni, O Jie -azk7 =, ##E x no. v.i. To faint. To lose consciousIlESS. -
Kurukokonna-shiknatara, , JL.E : ンナシクナタラ。ウツツ=ナル v.i. To fall into a trance.
Kurukotunash, 2 JL: 9:3-92, K:AR * F + n’, \H = 9- yo. v.i. To become unconscious. Paralized. Furukush, 2, JL9 >, ### x vv. v.i. To twitch. -
Kuruman, 7 JLo. 2, §. n. A shadow. Syn : Kuruhi.
Kurumat, 2 Jl,-r'y, Ezk# K. n. A Japanese woman.
Kurumi, , Ji, S, Japanese man.
Kurun-kane, Zy JL 2#:k, ## +. adv. Slightly darkened as one's skin with newly growing whiskers. As :~ Kurtunkane an ainu, “young man." 日本男子。72。A
Kurun-ni, 2 Jl. >=, F a 2 #. n. Balsam poplar. Populus Maximowicoii, Henry. Kurun is most likely short for Kururi which means “tall,” “stately.” Thus we get “the tall tree.” Or perhaps tree which casts long shadows.
Kuruppe, 2 JL ≫ ~$, E #. n. A white frost.
Kuruppe-an, 7 Jl.9-72, : 4 ji. v.i. To freeze as in a white frost. To rime.
Kuruppe-chiai, JI, yes5-74 , H: / }}... n. Flakes of white frost.
| Kurushut, クルシュツ。 Hizk 2 #. n. The stems
| Kurushutuhu, of weeds and trees. ク ?И :???? ツフ。
Kurusurap, 7 JL-2:57, §.. n. A weasel. Mustela itaise Tem. (Including mustela vulgaris, Briss.) Syn : Eremu koikip.
Kusa, 7+, #7. v.t. To carry. Trans port.
| Kusa, くさ,
| Kusaha, くさは, 渡船スル。 v.i. To ferry across a river. As :~ Echi kusa shisam mo chip o wa ek kor’an, “the Japanese is coming in a row-boat to ferry you across. その日本人はあなたを川横断させるために漕船で来ている。”
Kusan, くさん, 驚ヲ示ス詞。 exclam. Exclamation of surprise 驚嘆のびっくりマーク. Oh. Oh dear. Dear me まあ(驚き・失望・同情などを表す). Thus :~ Kusam, nep poro erum ku raige, “ dear me, what a large rat I killed まあ、何て大きなネズミを私は、殺したのでしょう.”
Kusari, クサリ, 土ヤ鮭皮ニテ造レル武具。 土や鮭皮で作った武具。 n. Armour made of earth and salmon skins, or earth and cords; or nets with bark or clay stuck on them. Syn : Hayokhe.
Kush, くしゅ, 栗(くり)ノ殻(から)。 n. Shells or burrs of chestnuts 栗の殻又はイガ. Syn : Push.
Kush, くしゅ, 渡ル、横切ル。 v.t. To pass over. To cross. To cross as a river. To traverse (山などを)越える・(場所)横切る、横断する. As :~ Kush wa oman,
“to walk across.” Kush wa omande, “to send across.”
Kush, くしゅ, もし。 adv. If.
Kusha, くしゃ, クサ と同じ。渡ル、横切ル。 Same as Rusa, “to take or send across.”
Kushkerai, くしゅけらい, 故ニ、御蔭デ。 故に、御蔭で。adv. Owing to. By the favour of.
Kushketa, くしゅけた, 向フ。 〜の向こう(側)に、〜を超えて。 adv. Beyond.
Kushki, くしゅき, 為サントス、成ラントス。 そろそろ始まる頃だ・やる。 part. About to be or do 〜間近である.
Kushna, くしゅな, 通シテ。例セバ、クシナエタエ、通シテ引ク。 adv. Through. As :~ Kushna etaye, “to draw through.” Kamui anak ne chikoro keutum kushna nukara, “God sees through our hearts.” Kushna otke, “so pierce through.”
Kushnare, くしゅなれ, 突貫ス。 突き通す。v.t. To thrust through.
Kushne-no, くしゅね・の, 通シテ。 adv. Through.
Kushta, くしゅた, 彼方、向フ。 adv. Yonder 【古】あそこの(に). Beyond. Furthermore. Because. Syn : Okush-un.
Kushte, くしゅて, 伸バス(馬ニ乗ル時ノ足ノ如ク)。 v.t. To stretch out as the legs in sitting astride a horse. To stretch over. To cross over.
Kushte, くしゅて, シツカリ、全ク。 adv. Well. Thorough. As :~ Ingara kushte, “to look at thoroughly.”
| Kusu, クス,
| Gusu グス, 故ニ、為ニ、例セバ、ワツカタグスオマン、水クム為 ニ 行ケリ。 post. Because. To. In order to. For. Forasmuch as. As :~ Wakka ta gusu oman, “ he has gone to draw water.” Nu gusu ku ek, “I have come in order to hear." This word also expresses the idea that a thing ought to be done. As :~ Ki kusu ne ap, “he ought to have done it.” Ingara gusu, “in order to look.” Kusu an orushpe, “tidings of.”
Kusu-eun, くす・えうん, 幸ニシテ。 adv. Fortunately. As :~ Kusu eun ku uk, “fortunately I gotit.” Syn : Moteki.
Kusu-ne, くす・ね, 未来ヲ指ス詞。 part. The sign of future time. As :~ Ku ek kusu ne, “I shall come.” Kusu ne gusu, “ as it is about to be.”
Kusu-neike, くす・ねいけ, 若シ然ラバ、斯ウ云フ譯デ(そうゆうわけで)。 adv. If. If so. For that reason.
Kusu-ne-rengaine, くす・ね・れんがいね, 何 トナレバ。 adv. Because.
Kusurap, くすらぷ, 鼬(いたち) n. A weasel 《動物》イタチ. Mustela itatse, Tem. Including Mustela vulgaris, Briss. Syn. Kurusurap.
Kusuri, クスリ, 温泉、薬。 n. Hot springs. Medicine 薬(くすり).
Kusuri-ohau, くすり・おはう, 毒ノ入タル汁。 n. Drugged soup. ★バカ検証 【毒汁、とは、少し言い過ぎ。薬のスープ。】
| Kusuwep, くすうぇぷ, キジバト n. Eastern turtle dove. Turtur orientalis,(Lath.)
| Kusuyep, くすういぇぷ,
| Kosuwep, こすうぇぷ,
| Kosuyep, こすういぇぷ,
Kut, くっと, 喉。 n. The throat. As :~ Kut maketa mina, “he laughs in his throat.”
Kut, くっと, 帯。 n. A girdle. A waistband. As :~ Kut koro, “to fasten one's waistband.” Kut-uokte, “to buckle one's belt.” Upshoro-kut, “a woman's secret clan or family girdle.” Pakkaikut, is a sling by which to carry babies on the back.
| Kut, くっと,
| Kute, くて, 岩、断崖(だんがい)。 n. Crags. Rugged places. Cross valleys. As :~ Range kut, “crags which hang downwards.” Rikun kut, “crags which point upwards.” Syn : Kutchi. Kutchitui. Kute.
Kuta, くた, 飜ス(ひるがえす)、 棄テル。 v.t. To spill こぼす. To throw away 投げる. To upset ひっくり返す. As :~ Nani puyara kari kuta, “ he threw it straight out of the window.” Tope ehok guru rupush shiri kata oshittests wa hachiri, orawa, tope kuta, “the milkman slipped down upon the
frozen earth and spilt the milk 牛乳屋は凍った地面で滑って、ミルクをこぼした.”
Kutapa, ? & v?, # x, # x (##). v.t. To spill. To upset. (pl.)
| Kutcham, クッチャム。喉頭、語ノ獲音。
| Kutchama, 27 yo-yor, H. H. n. The top of the throat. The pronounciation of a word. A dialect. As :~ Shine kutcham koro, “to pronounce or speak in the same way.” Kutcham pirika, “to speak clearly.” Kutcham wen, "to speak hoarsely."
Kutcharo, y ≫ f v ra, P? H?. n. The same as Kutcham.
Kutchi, くっち, 喉。 The throat.
Kutchi, クッチ, コクワ、サルナシノ實。 n. The fruit of the Actinidia arguta, Planch. This fruit is eaten by the Ainu, and is greatly relished by bears. It has a delicious taste when well ripened though it is slightly astringent and mildly purgative. The fruit ripens after the first frost.
Kutchi, くっち, 断崖(だんがい)。 n. Rugged places. Same as Kut.
Kutchi-hayaisei, & y +/vo's to of , N. ノ死セントスル時、喉ノ鳴ル事。n The death rattle.
Kutchike, くっちけ, 陰茎。 n. The penis ペニス. Syn : Iyomai.
Kutchi-pungara, くっち・ぷんがら, コクワ、サルナシノ實。 n. Actinidia arguta, Planch. In the spring of the year, when the vine of this climber is cut, sap flows out freely and in large quantities. The sap is used as a medicine and is believed to be a good expectorant. The vine is often used by fishermen in place of ropes to which to tie their nets. Being very pliable snowshoes are also made out of it. It is sometimes found to be employed in making knife handles. Fetiches for the rescue of souls out of the hands of demons are also sometimes made out of it.
Kutchi-tui, o, oy's, offe. n. Crags. Rugged places. Syn : Kut.
Kutchup, クッチュプ、帯ヲ織ルニ用ュル /Jozo H. n. A small piece of wood used for weaving girdles.
Kuteai, 2x FTP -f, gg x. v.i. To sit. Syn : A.
Kutek, クテク、獣ヲ昆ニ導クタメノ園。 X # / H. n. A kind of fence made for the purpose of leading animals into snares. Also a snare to catch birds.
Kutkamakap, クッカマカプ。帯ヲ織ル /Jv4). A #. n. A small loom used for weaving girdles.
Kutkan, くっとかん, 喉ヲ刺激スル。 v.i. To have an irritation in the throat. To have a bad taste in the mouth. Syn : Kutpishishi.
Kutkayekai, 27 y?:Ezh-s, ?i?-P, £f. n. A tune. Syn : Ekaye. Kaye. Shinotcharewe.
Kutkesh, 27 y.oro, oft. n. The throat. As :~ Kutkesh ka 'makaraye, “to clear the throat (so as to let the inmates of a house know when one is at hand).
| Kut-koro, 27 yra H, #x no. v.i. To girdle. To
| Kut-kuru , fasten one's girdle on. クツクル。
Kut-koro-kamui, O Y H H HA, 4f, :F # / soft. n. The demons of crags and cross valleys.
Kutnoye, or y/ E-, }, + x. v.t. To look upon with disfavour. To dislike, To eschew. To disapprove. Syn : Ekohopi. Notkush-akopan.
Kut-orun-ni, & Yzf'JV ≫:-, #5# y?? 27R, #5 ニ }# 2 ov75. n. Part of a loom.
Kutparapa, クツパラパ。暖挑 ヒスル。 v.t. To clear the throat.
Kutpishishi, 2 × too, so 5 #|# x ju. v.i. To have an irritation in the throat. Syn : Kutkan.

Kutpokechiu, ? yrit r*?, 偏ク り.t. To wear in the belt (as a sword). To stick in the belt.
Kutpu, o y Z, #. n. A girdle.
Kutta, & y &, #. (##). n. Craggs.
Kuttara, クッタラ。空ノ、ク*ンダ・ adj. Hollow. Compare kut, “the throat.” The hollow stem of a plant.
Kuttara, O y 3:57, 空虚ナル茎 n The hollow stem of any kind of plant.
Kuttara, 2 ≫ & 5, * * * * * * ・ * Polygonum sachalinense, Fr. Schm. In Kuriles it is Hasuppa-kutu. In S. it is Erure. Erero. Iruri. Hashipakutu. Tukku. Syn : Ikokut- Ikokuttara. .
Kuttara-amam, * > 3:57*.*, * 7 sy a g5". n. Polygonum Weyrichii, Fr. Schm. The fruit of this plant is collected by some Ainu and pounded in a mortar. The mashed fruit is eaten either boiled with millet or cooked in fish oil. Syn : Ikakut
Kuttar'ush, O ≫ & Jle$/, * * * ダ所。 n. A hollow place. Place where there is Polygonum schalinense.
Kutte, 10 ?? ?? . ??? ?? ?? ? ??? ? 5 ? 2 ,rkutte hold the chin up. To raise the chin.
| Kuttesu, - クッテス、隠ヲ上ゲル pi Toho"
| Kuttesuru, the chin up. To look クッテスル up.
| Kuttoka, クットカ、仰向、倒様 ado, Upside
| Kuttoko, down. To lie on the クットコ。 back.
| Kuttoko, クットコ。倒ニスル・ ad". Upside
| Kuttoku, down. The wrong side ク ッ F. クッ ?p.
Kuttokoitak, 2 ≫ H = 4 & ?, n. ”. Wandering speech. Senseless talk.
Kuttokoye, 9 H = ±, k2, %:2** . v. v.t. To deceive. Bewilder.
Kuttokoye, 2 ≫ H = = =, ?E * *, v.t. To wander in one's talk. To speak so as not to be understood. To speak in riddles. To talk rubbish. AsKuttoko aye hawe an wa, "he is just talking rubbish.”
| Kuttom, 2 y H.A., k, n. The pharynx.
| Kuttomo, タ ッ トモ。
Kuttom-meshra-meshra, * > F * * シラメシラ。喉デ高ク語ル "d To speak loudly out of the throat. ?o make a great noise with the throat. To speak gruffly.
Kuttom-ushbe, or y H. Ayoos, # = + x^i T. n. A long knife worn in the belt. Kuttom ushbe esere ponnu, “to draw one's knife out of the sheath.”
Kuttu, ? ≫ y, F#. n. Crags. Jagged rocks. -
Kutturi, oy yoy J, #2s x. adv. Stretched. Spread out.
Kutu, 9 y, F?# (% 74). n. Akind of wickerwork fish trap. A weir.
Kutu, * >, #. n. A girdle. Belt.
Kutunne, & y>*, EE. adj. Crag8y.
Kutususatki, y yz # y+, or Kotususotki, コツスソツキ、震ア 戦深ス 9v. vii. To tremble. To quiver. To shake. -
Kuwa, ? v, *, # #. n. A Staff. Cudgel. Club. Crutch. A walking stick. A grave mark. As :~ Ainu kuwa, “a man's grave mark.” Shiwentep kuwa, “a woman's grave mark.”
Kuwa, クワ、質。例セバ、タムベアナク ネィタククワネ、是ヘ余ノ言質ナリ・ n A pledge. As :~ Tambe anak ne itak kuwa ne, “ this is the pledge of my word.”
Kuwaisho, & v4 $? a, e fif, £si. *. The Japanese Government offices which were formerly established in Yezo. (Jap.)

Kuwakore, 2) 7:a Le, st 7 §-s vl. v.i. To give as a pledge.
Kuwanno, クワンノ, 眞直(まなお)ナル。 Straight.
Kuwash, くわっしゅ, 眞直(まなお)ナル。 adj Upright. Syn : Oupeka.
Kuyatatke, # -? # >3-, H# 2L. v.i. To rattle. As :~ Ashke kuyatatke. “to adj. have a rattling in the stomach.”
Kuyekaichup, 2} f = 3b4f 5-a. 7, += Ja. n. The month of December.
| Kuyoe, ^ = ort, o. n. An air bladder of
| Kuyoi, fish. クヨイ。


The sound given in English to the liquid l does not occur in the Ainu language, excepting in a very modified form, and in some districts. Shiraoi, for example, r sometimes sounds like l to a certain degree. At Thus, for ramat, “spirit,” the tip of the tongue touches the palate, and produces a sound which is neither r nor l, but is between the two, with a decided leaning, so I think, towards the English r. In speaking and preaching in Ainu, I found it best to use the r as in English, for all understand it the best. No Ainu can say “look,” to him it would be “rook."


Ma,ま, 焼ク。例セバ、マカム、焼肉。チェプマヤン、魚を焼け。 v.t. To roast. As :~ Ma kam, “roast meat.” Chep ma yan, “roast the fish.” A variation of wa the participle “ing.”
Ma, ま, 窯, 炉。 n. An oven.
Ma, ま, 後ろに。 adv. Behind.
Ma, ま, 牛島、小島、沼湖、入江,(河又ヘ海に続く)。 n. A small spit of land in a river or the sea. A peninsula, or tiny island. A small bay or harbour. As applied to water “a lagoon.” Also, adj. Dry. The plural is mat.
Ma, ま, 泳ぐ。 v.i. To swim.
Ma, ま, 飢えを感ずる。 v.i. To feel hungry. Famished.
Ma, ま, 女性。雌。マっツ と同ジ。 adj. Female. Same as Mat.
Macharashne, まちゃらっしゅね, 別々に、乾きて粉々になりたる。 adj. In separate particles. Dry and loose (as earth dried up by the sun). Syn : Matcharashme.
Machi, マチ, 妻。例セバ、マチアフプカラ、娶る(めとる)。 n. A wife. As :~ Machi ahupkara, “ to marry.” Syn : Mat ahupkara.
Ma-chikap, ま・ちかっぷ, 水鳥。 n. Water fowls.
Machi-nu, まち・ぬ, 結婚する。v.t. To marry a wife.
Machiribe, まちりべ, 従弟、従妹。 n. Cousin. Also by some, “younger sister.”

Machi-sak-guru, **+% %?rv, 3}}}} #. n. A bachelor. Syn : Mat sak guru.
Machitke, ***%-, £j* & * ≫v. adj. & v.i. To be convulsed. Cramped. To have one's joints drawn up as in pain. Syn : Hematu.
Machiya, マチヤ、町。例セバ、マチヤケ シ、町ノ西端。マチヤペ、町ノ東端. n. A street. A Japanese city. A town. As :~ Machiya gesh, “the west end of a street.” Machiya pa, “the east end of a street.” From Japanese machi, “town or street,” and Ainu ya, “ land.”
Mah, or ov, # to . adv. Behind. After. Same as Mak.
Mah-ne-ku, z wv:sk ), ?r. n. A female.
Mahpo, # (vzk, zx Z +. n. A girl. Syn : Matpo.
Mai, マイ。震へル、ビックリスル。 り.i. To tremble. Twitch.
Mai, **f, *, ##. n. A raised platform.
Mai マイ。白内障、ソコヒ。例セバ、マイ + v × 27, HRH Pussy ov. n. A cataract. As :~ Mai oma shik, “ eyes having cataract in them.” I
Maimai, マイマイ, ガタガタスル音。 n. A clatter. A feeling as if sand is in one's eyes. A tickling sensation.
Maimaige, マイマイゲ, 死ニ瀕セル。adj. Nearly dead. At death's door. Syn : Rai-ehange. Wenehange. ★バカ検証 【語順不正。 Maimai の前】
Maimai, まいまい, 若イ女。 n. A young woman.
| Maine, マイネ,
| Maineppo, まいねっぽ,
女、娘、妻。 n. A wife. A woman. S. As :~ Chisei koro maine, “the hostess in a house.” Also, a young woman. Syn : Machi.
  | Maire, まいれ, 伺候(しこう)スル。 v.i. To go to pay respects to (as to a governour.)
  | Maire-ki, まいれ・き, 【 しこう(伺候/祗候) = @ 貴人のそばに奉仕すること。A 目上の人のご機嫌伺いをすること。「御無沙汰した御機嫌伺いに―して」】
Mairototke, まいろとっとけ, 痒シ、例セバ、クサペマイロトッケ、我ガ頭痒シ。 v.i. To itch. As :~ Ku sapa mairototke, “ my head itches.” Syn : Mayaige.
Maitari, or 4 & 9, or Mantari, or 2 3; ) , Rilii. n. An apron. A pinafore. (Jap.)
Maiyaige, -r-f *-f yo, or Mayaige, z *4 AF, #32. v.i. To itch. Syn : Mairototke,
Maiyaige-tashum, or of *-s or $2.E., #F#, n. The dry eczema. The itch. Syn : Iyo-aship.
Maji, or >, #. n. A wife. This is very likely matchi. Syn : Machi. Matchi.
Mak, マク。何。例セバ、マクェキ、何ヲ # ># N- + . adj. What. As :~ Mak e ki, “what are you doing.” Same as Makanak.
Mak, マク。後方。例セバ、マクワノ、後 j} = y. n. The wake. Rear. The back-ground. As :~ Mak wano, “from behind.” Syn : Oshmake.
Mak, マク。 開イ タ。 清イ. adj. Open. Clear.
Maka, r;h, 5: r yv. v.t. To open. Syn : Sarare.
Makachari, <**J* A. J, £T + § x, TJ £ 2, 2t2. v.t. To contradict.
| Makachinkan-roshki, JE 7 # * * {s} マカチンカンロシキ。 向ニ寝ル v.i.
| Makachinkan-tari, To lie flat upマカチンカンタリ。 on the back with the legs in the air.
Makachinkan-tara-kosamba, o ?o ンカンタラコサムバ。足ヲ延シテ仰向= # A-. v.i. To lie stretched upon the back with the legs extended.
Makachinkan-tari, ar ?75F e?y 24 ), 足ヲ揚ゲテ仰向ニ寝ル。ひ.i To lie flat
on the back with the legs in the air. Same as Makachinkan-roshki.
Maka-hokush, rr?i:E2) So, f&#f = f?. ju. v.i. To fall backwards.
Makahokushte, r ?yzk ) $e5', # 5 = F z. v.t. To knock down backwards.
| Maka-hotari, -r ?yzk4& J, /jv ? *zkFE.
| Makotari, z = & y, n. Shorteared owl. Strix brachyotus, Forst.
Makan, マカン、如何様ナル、例セバ. マカンカッコロベ、如何ナル形. ado. What kind. Such a kind. As :~ Makan kat korobe, “what kind of shape.”
Makan, * 3, 2, 58ig x, yl". v.i. Togo. To withdraw. Makan, *:h :/', , #. adv. Behind. Ancient. Syn : Makun.
Makan, “r: 2, fj 2. v.i. To go to.
Makanak, マカナク。何。例セバ、タン コタンレイヘイマカナクアイェルウェア ン、此村ノ名ヘ何ナリヤ. マカナクアタ イェアン、債ヘ幾何ナルヤ、マカナクヘ ウェアンルウェアン。何ト彼ヘ云ヒシカ。 adv. What. As :~ Tan kotan reihei makanak aye ruwe an ? “ what is the name of this village?” Makanak ataye an, “what is the price P” Makanak hawe an ruwe an, “ what did he say?” Seta ahok wa makanak ne retuwe an 2 “how would it be to buy a dog ?” Syn : Nekon a.
Makananda, z h9-2-5, g&#. sjij te 's, マカナンダアンマカナンダイサム、或ル 時ヘアリ、又或時ヘナシ・ ada Sometimes. See Makan ne koro. As :Makananda an, makananda isam, “sometimes there is and sometimes there is not.
Makanda, マカ ンダ。 或小~時ニ是, 又或 ju, Ha = #. adv. Sometimes this, sometimes that. Now this, now that. Syn : Makan-ne-koro.
Makangane, ? ?y 27f#, ##B|=, st? =, adv. Particularly. In a special manner. Beyond measure.
Makange, rr?i > ro, #2r L. v.i. To avoid. To withdraw. Withdrawing. Syn : Makanke.
Maka-ni, o ?y:, #. n. A cross beam.
Makanit, マカニツ、矢ノ根ニ付ク骨. n. The bone part of an arrow to which the head is affixed.
Makan-ne-koro, or h >:k: P., Bo ? 大壱。又或ル時ニ其。例セバ、マカンネコ ロタプコラチイェマカンネコロネイノ コラチイェ、時トシテ彼ヘ是ヲ云ヒ、又 Hij b 3- 5-4# 7 z5 7. adv. Sometimes this, sometimes that, now this now that. As :~ Makan ne koro tap korachi ye, makan ne koro nei no korachi ye, “sometimes he says this and sometimes that.” Syn : Makanda.
Makan-ruru, tr? AjvIlle, Ej, ki?i. n. The northern sea.
Makanu, マカヌ、開タ、晴レル、例セバ, yu w x, x, #3; # or 3. v.i. To clear. To open. As :~ Ru makanu, “the way is open.
Makaotari, ***z*4# 9, or Makahotari, マカホタリ、コミミック n Shorteared owl. Strix brachyotus, Forst.
Makap, z ?y 7, Psig-fr. ≫ v.i. To go inland. Syn : Pene un paye.
Makapa, or fort, # 7. v.t. To open. (pl.)
Makapa, r?, v?, fE ~ff ≫ (##). v.i. To go. To withdraw. (pl.) As :~ Karapto onne makapa, “ they went to Saghalien.”
Makapachi, マカパチ。彼等ヘ行ッテ了 ≫ 3. ph. They went away.
Makapachi-manu, -e ?, v?#F-r5R, 4#4# > # 7. ph. They went.
Makapan, 7 ha § 2, ff r y . v.i. Went. Withdrew.
Maka-paye, z host4f = , EE 27. v.i. To go away. To withdraw.
Makara, F:#5, fj %. v.i. To go to.
Makaraye, マカライェ。開ク、晴レル。 v.i. To clear. To open.

Makaro, マカロ。マダイワウ、ギシギシ。 x + 2* / #. n. Docks and sorrels. Rumex 4cetosa L.
Makat, z ?? y, te = #f y. v.i. To go away. Plural of makan.
Makatan, ze h & Le, a y # s. adv. Further.
Makayo, o ?, a, 2 + 2 F (7. n. The flower-shoot of the Petasites japonicus, Miq, This flower-shoot is sometimes used by the Ainu for food, but is often taken in strong decoction for heavy colds. It is very bitter to the taste.
Makba, er O v?, sH - 7 (##). Opened up. (pl. of Maka.).
Maketa, er 5-4g, 4&# = #Q7. adv. In the background. Behind. Syn : Oshmaketa.
Maketari, マケタリ。損スル、負ケル。 v.i. To lose. To lose at play.
Maki, rr:#, 5# 3, zg?t. n. An open Space. -
Makip マキプ。何。例セバ、マキプイキ, # >≪f?f = #$ so j?; vi- + . adv. What. As :~ Makip iki, “what is he doing?”
Makiri, or # J, ZjJ.J. n. . A knife. Syn : Chieikip. Hepitoto.
Makiri-ibe, or + J.'s “, Al-JJ / J.J. n. A knife blade.
Makiri-nip, z + ) = 7, RJJ ≫ #$. n. A knife handle. -
Makiri-saya, z + y +j**, j*JJ / #?. n. A knife sheath. -
Makkari, <**y% 9, [A] . adj. Round. A bend.
Makkarip, or y; y 7, [H] 4 fo. n. A round thing.
Makke, マッケ。開ケタル、割レタル v.i. & adj. To be opened. To be split asunder. Open, Syn : Amaka.
Makkoiwak-nochiu, or y-14 V of Z5. 7, ##. n. A shooting star.
Makkosamba, -r ≫ a # A vy, ?E v Ji (TE so-o- F 2). v.i. To be cleared up as a adj. quarrel. To be cleared away as clouds.
Makmaka, or **3, BH 2. v.t. To open.
Makmakbe, wr + + + -s, H 2 , Td 2 . 例セバ、イメルマクマクベ、稲妻ガ閃ク。 v.i. To glitter. To flash as light. As :~ Imeru-makmakbe, “the lightning flashes.”
Makna, * & +, BH zj +-, 332- 4. adj. Cleared. Opened up. Dispelled.
Maknaraye, マクナライェ。逐ヒヤル。 v.t. To drive away. To clear out of the way. To dispel.
Makmarutu, * * +/voy, # b + ol. v.t. To dispel. To clear out of the way. (pl.) Syn : Maknaraye.
Maknatara, まっくなたら, 明カナル、顯レタル(はれたる?、あきらか、ケン)。 adj. Clear. To be opened out to view. Open as the skies. As :~ Kando kotoro maknatara, “ a clear sky.”
Makne マクネ。故ニ。例セバ、マクネグ x, sase; 2 #F# = a y 7. adv. Wherefore. Why. As : --Mak ne gusu, “for what reason.” Syn : Nep gusu.
Mak-oma, or oyzh-, 4% H = , ## =. adv. Behind. At the back.
Makoraye, z - 5 :E, 3f: Jl. v.i. To come to. To move along.
Mak-peka, wr y s;h, 4% v75 =. adv. In a backward position or direction.
Makta, マクタ。後、他所、例セバ、マク タウカオ、牧蔵ス。マクタアレ、除キ去 yu.. adv. Behind. Away. As :~ Makta takao, “to put away.” Makta are, “to clear away (as food etc.).”
Makta-ekashi, r? ? & r h $e, k?#f y B. n. The very ancient people. Great. Grand-father.
Makta-makta, F 2 x T 7 x, #sf 3 7*r a . adv. Back, back. Make room.
Makui-shiri, er Z A E J, zk# v. adv. Very ancient. In olden times. Syn : Fushkotoi.
Makuishiri-wano, ? 2 4f $2 y 7 /, jt / ploij = , of 3, 7. ph. From before
that time. From ancient times. Syn : Ekanai-wano.
Makun, マクン。後ニ、太古=。例セバ, マクンェカシ、初代ノ先祀 ado Behind. In the rear. Ancient. In the hill region as opposed to the seashore. As :~ Makten ekashi, “the early ancestors.” Makun ruru, “ the distant seas.”
Makun-amunin, z ^ > J* A = A, : ≫ Ei. n. The part of the arm next the shoulder. Syn : Mak un tek.
Makun-apa, or of 272 {, -?-o. n. The womb. Syn : Po-apa. Po-pukuru. Sange apa.
Makun-pet, r } 2^{}, /jvji], #}|j. n. A tributary. Stream.
Makun-sara, z ) >+}-5, ## / ##_H: * x 21 go. n. That part of the seashore to which boats are drawn up.
Makun-so, <* % >>/, EE / aE= £ x yv #. n. The back part of the floor of a house. Syn : Mak-un-sho.
Makun-tapsutu, ozr 47 >4?z 72% oy, JH z Es. n. The top of the shoulder.
Makun-tek, er O e 5*2}, = y [$j. n. | That part of the arm next the shoulder. Syn : Makun-amunin.
Mama-habo, ママ・ハボ. n. Stepmother 継母(ままはは).
Mama-michi, ママ・ミチ. n. Stepfather.
Mamapo, rrezit, #f-. n. A step-child.
Mamba, rr. Avs, R = E }, fi! ... v.t. To set on one side. To do up, as goods for transportation.
Mame, マメ, 豆。例セバ、マメケプシベ, 豆ノ莢(さや)。マメニ、豆ノ手柴。マメヌム、豆 ヲ剥ク。マメプンガラ、豆ノ蔓(つる) n. Beans. As :~ Mame keptashbe, “ a bean pod.” Mame ni, “bean sticks”; “sticks placed for runner beans to climb upon.” Mame num akara, “to shell beans or peas.” Mame pungara, “ bean vines.” (Jap.)
Mame-kikbe, or 34 of 7 ro, ##|.. n. A flail used for beating out beans. Syn : Pai.
Mamta, マムタ。愛スル詞、締麗ナル、善 +. adj. A term of endearment used principally when speaking to children. Pretty. Lovely. Charming.
Mana, vrij-, b = x, 7. adv. Somehow. When. Who. Syn : Manak.
Mana, or 3-, ia #. n. Dust. Toi mana, “ earth dust."
Manaita, マナイタ, or Manaita-chikuni, マナイタ・チクニ。組板. n A board for cutting up food upon. (Jap.) Syn : Moshkara.
Manaka, マナカ、何ウカシテ、或ル、誰, . fi[##. adv. By some means. Some. Who. When. As :~ Manak an guru, “ who is he ?” Manak am ita, “ when something took place.” Manak an-kitek, “by some unexpected means or other.” Syn : Makanak. Mana.
Manka, 7 e #9, # * ? *, e s 3: ≫L. adj. Brave. Rich. Well-to-do. Valiant (from the Ghilyak work Manhland).
Mantari, or 23, J, or Maitari, or 4. # J, ##. n. An apron.
Manu, z: 5X, i?### / so v sv. The sign of the past tense.
Manui, oz5x4, iEj3; 7 zR z.jii]. A past tense particle. -
Manuike, *57 ?f 4-, ...... デアツタ時ニ. ph. When it was.
Maramarage, z 5 w 54', # *, y} v 3, jux. adj. Loose. Disconnected.
Maramarase, e 5 er 5 tz, < > s > * = f?l s’. adj. Same as Maramarage.
Marapto, マラプト。祭。例セバ、マラプ h r : , : x yl-, n. A feast. Bear's As :~ ears. As :~ Marapto an, “to keep a feast.”
| Marapto-aainu-koro-guru, 3; / Fij. n. マラプトアアイヌコログル、Thegov
| Marapto-koro-guru, ernor of マラプトコ口グル。 a feast.

Maratto, z 5 ≫ K, ME 7 HA, E?#. n. A bear's head. A bear feast. Bear's earS.
Maratto, er 5 ≫ H, ####. n. Any sacrificial feast.
Maratto-iwak, er 5 ≫ F f 7 }, R. E v ####(.+= ' = > 'e). n. A sty on the eye-lid.
Maratto-sapa, マラット・サパ, 熊ノ頭骨 (拝スル為メ屋外ニ掛ケル)。 n. Abear's skull which is placed outside the huts for worship.
Marek, まれっく, 魚銛(もり)。 n. A hook used for spearing fish. Syn : Marep.
Marek-op, まれっく・おっぷ, 魚銛の柄。 n. A long piece of wood to which a fish spearing hook is fixed. Syn : Marep Ор.
| Marek-shu, まれっく・しゅう,
| Marek-shui, まれっく・しゅい, 魚叉ヲ取リ付ケル小サキ木。 n. A small piece of wood to which a hook used for spearing fish is attached.
Marek-torara, まれっく・とらら, 魚銛ヲ柄ニ結ビ付ケル皮。 n. A piece of skin used to tie a marek to its shaft.
Marep, まれっぷ, Same as Marek まれっく、と同じ.
Mari, まり, 白狐。 n. The white fox. Vulpes lagopus, (Linn.). S. Syn : Tetarao.
Marotke, まろっとけ, 緩キ(ゆるい)、外レシ(はずれた)。 n. & adj. Loose. Disconnected.
Marotke-chiporo, まろっとけ・ちぽろ, 鮭ノ筋子(卵子)。 n. The ripe roe of salmon サケの熟れた魚卵. Syn : Maurotki-chiporo.
Masa, マサ, 柾(まさ・まさき)。例セバ、マサイコロ、柾ニテ飾ラレシ賽物(さいもつ)。 n. Shingles (木の細板、屋根や壁の)こけら板、屋根板. Thin slices of wood. As :~ Masa ikoro, “treasures ornamented with thin slices of wood.” Masa ikayop, “quivers 矢筒, ornamented with thin slices of wood.” ★バカ検証 【 日本語も英語も、意味不明。柾(まさき)は垣根の灌木である。材木の板になりようが無いと思う。賽物なのか、實(実)物、なのか、漢字も良く見えない。分からない。「柾ニテ飾ラレシ」の意も不明、柾の実(み)が飾りとして付いている意カモ。treasures ornamented with thin slices of wood の意味もチンプンカン。材木の薄切りで装飾された宝物、桐の箱、の意なのか。しかし、桐の箱で装飾とは言わない。単に、桐の箱に入っている、と云う。この漢字は、寳物(宝物、たからもの)ですね。柾と無関係で、少なくとも日本語は、間違っていると思う。】
Masa, マサ。開ク・羅願ス。v.t. To display.
Masara, マサラ, 海濱ノ草生へシ處. n. To open. The back part of the sea shore upon which grass and weeds grow. That part of a river bank where vegetation commences. The part immediately behind this upon which shrubs grow is called hunkika.
Masara-orunbe, a H-SzFmL :--&, a ≫ x * */ a. V . n. Lilium dauricum, Gawl. The bulbs of this lily are used as an article of food. They are cooked in the same way as niyokai.
Masasa, **}{}, 55 %r + +e vv. v.t. To cause another to open. Masaske, *+z4r, #£ * & yl. adj. Opened out. Spread out. Syn : Maske.
Mashki, *>?#, ie3. adj. Above. Too much.
| Mashkin, ましきん,
| Mashkin-no, まきしん・の, 過多、余ニ。 adv. Too much. Over. Above. Too. As :~ Iteki mashki no shikte, “ don't fill it too full.” Mashkin no pon, “too small.” Mashkin no poro, “too great.” Syn : Eikushtek. Mashpa. Mashki-no.
Mashkin-nonno, er $a * e / A /, $ y =#[I]. ph. Altogether too much.
Maske, マスケ。療ゲタル、開ケタル adj. Spread out. Open. Bare.
Maske, マスケ。入江ニナツテキル所 n. Bay-place. From Ma-ushi-ke.
Masmasa, or z or +, B? ≫. v.t. open. Syn : Makmaka.
Mat, o/, 55F. n. A kind of string trap used for catching hares. Noose. A spring.
Mat, rr:y, ?r, #, ##. n. A female. A wife. A woman. Mother.
Mat マツ。小サキ入江又ヘ港(マノ複数). n. Small bays or harbours. Plural of та.
Mat マツ、ベネ、獲條、ヘネ返リ・ n. A spring.
Mata, -r &, or Mata-pa, -z & v §, or
Mata-un-pa, -: 2 : Lor $, 3$. n. Winter.
Mataburip, or & 7 y 7, ###. n. A rake. Syn : Shirikerekerip.
Mat-ahupkara, マと・アフぷカラ, : yv. v.t. To marry a wife.
Mat-aimu, or y? A 5x, 3r, $M. n. A woman. A female. This and shiwentep are the proper Ainu words forwoman. In S. it is sometimes meroko.
Mata-ita, 7 & 4 &, & = . ph. During the winter.
Matachi, マタチ。ヘマ=ン=ク。テンキ O"+ . Elymus mollis, Trin. In H. it is called mteri.
Mataki, or 5, 3, #. n. A younger sister. Syn : Amatak. Kumadaki. Machiribe. Turesh.
Matambushi, またむぶし, 男の頭巾 n. A kind of thick head gear worn by men. Syn : Sapa-shina ambe. Ampush. ★バカ検証 【もしかして、これって、バチェラーのバカ耳の「Watambushi の、綿帽子(わたぼうし)」の「わ」を「ま」と聞き間違えたのではないか。 w と m は、音通するを馬鹿バチェラーは、自ら実践した。】
Mata-noshke, 75. A $24", so 3. n. Mid-winter.
Matapa, rr & r\, zr y #$5. n. Female relatives. A younger sister.
Matapa, er & z &, #. n. Winter. Syn : Mata. Mata-un-pa.
Matariya, マタリヤ, 冬籠スル(厚数). v.i. To spend the winter at a place. (sing.)
Matariyapa, F & J + v*, &#i y z vi(##). v.i. To spend the winter at a place. (pl.)
Matatambu, r & & A7, w 3 3: E. n. Actinidia polygama. Planch. The fruit of this plant is used as an article of food by the Ainu. The unripe berries are extremely acrid and are sparingly cooked in stews to give them flavour. Only the well ripened fruit is eaten raw. Cats have a peculiar fondness for the plant.
Mata-un-pa, = # 7 >*K, <. n. Winter. Syn : Mata. Matapa.
Matcharashne, Tr ≫#x SS--k, # = = a + =r+ = + y * yv. adj. In separate particles. Dry and loose (as earth dried up by the sun). Syn : Macharashne.
Matchep, -r ≫ F = 7, # > w z... n. Silver-Salmon. Oncorhynchus kisutch, (Walb.)
Matchi, まっち, 妻。 n. Wife. Syn : Machi. Maji.
Mat-eramunishte, er 5*5 A. = $e5F, # 7 Hof; x 212. v.i. To ill-use one's wife. Syn : Mat-kor’ewen. Mat-shikeshte.
Matkachi, or y;5, #. n. A girl. A female child. Syn : Kamma. Kauchipo.
Matkachi-utara, r > #5F7 & 5, E ?. n. Girls. Syn : Matkat’tara.
Mat-karaku, or y;5 y, £. n. A niece.
Matkat’tara, ar y ? ≫ & 5, ff#. n. Girls. Young female children. Syn : Matkachi-utara.
Mat-ko-iwak, まと・こ・いわく, 妻又は許嫁ヲ訪問スル。 v.i. To visit one's intended wife. To pay attentions to a young lady with a view to marriage. To go to visit one's wife. -
Mat-kor'ewen, まと・こる・えうぇん, 妻ヲ虐待スル。 v.i. To ill-treat one's wife 妻を不正に扱う。DM する。妻をドメスティク・バイオレンスする。 Syn : Mat-shikeshke.
Matkosanu, o y ++3×, ou x st'. v.i. To leap up from a sitting or lying posture.
Mat-kuwa, r y49 oy, + v jcE. n. A woman's grave mark.
Matn'au, oz y*roy, ab.s. n. The north wind. Syn : Matne-au.
Matne, * ≫:k, £ ^, £t z. adj. A female whether of man or beast.
Matne-ainu, or yok? As 3, #M. n. A WOInlan.
Matne-au, ? ≫#777, HEE. n. The north wind. Syn : Matn’au.

Matne-hekachi, -: ≫#-#5F, ist, ?r. / +. n. A girl. A female child. Syn : Matkachi.
Matneku, r ≫ +: }, ##, ##. n. A female.
Matne-mitpo, Tr ≫:k S %zk, F#K. n. A grand daughter.
Matne-noya, ozr y* A’ *, :r. 9° = =e +*. n. Mugwort. Artemisia vulgaris, L. var. kamtschatica, Bess.
Matnep, or yak 7, ###. n. A female.
Matne-po, -r ≫###, #?. n. A daughter. A female child.
Matnep-atuita, or y:k 77 y.os 3, #### y Bo-Ho. ph. Tens of she-bears.
| Matne- y マッネタム。 短剣、短キ刀. n A
| Matne-tamambe, short sword. マッネタマムべ。 Matne-tap, マッネタプ。シャコタンテク。 n. The blotched bamboo. IMatnu, マツヌ。婦人、ト結婚スル v.t. To marry a woman. Matnure, -r y 5x L, ES L. v.t. To take to wife. Matrae, 死セル兄弟ノ妻ヲ妻トシ マツラエ, テ子ヲ生ミテ、其ノ家ヲ Matraye, s : Jl. v.t. The term ~ y=74 x., is used when the brother of a deceased man takes the widow as his wife to himself. The name means “go to the female.” I have personally known of one such case where it was done to raise up seed after the old Jewish fashion.
Mat-sak-guru, -r y+272, Jie, j:. n. A bachelor.
Mat-shikeshke, or yorozor, #7 it # x n . v.i. To ill-treat one's wife. ・ Syn : Mat-kor’ewen. Mat-eramunishte.
Mat-shuop, Try So2.:j*7, x Z $$g, a£ Fa. n. A woman's treasure box. A box in which a woman stores her nicknacks. A money box. Syn : Ka rauto.
Mau, * 17, or Mawe, * 7 -, #R?3. n. State. Condition.
Mau, + ry, or Mawe, 5 ry -, zg#, of 吸。風。例セバ、マウェトク、風前ニ n. Air. Breath. Wind. Trace. As :~ Mau etok, “ before the wind.”
Mau・マウ。琢現ノ賞、ヘマナスノミ. n. The fruit of the Rosa rugosa, Thunb. Hips. This plant is very plentiful on sandy dunes and near the sea shores of Yezo. The hips are used as an article of food by the Ainu. They are eaten raw and are much liked by the children. It is also applied to the fruit of some other plants.
Mau. “r 7, jJ, g:, #if:. n. Strength. Vigour. Force. Stamina. Taste. Fla vour. Character.
Mau, # 7, ZWGT, Ast. n. A bay.
Mau-chikuni. Same as Mau-ni. Rosa.
Mau-etok. -r r} + K. ?y, E V ?I *. adv. The place where something is. As :~ An matt-etok noine an, “it seems to be just here.
Mauka. o. 77), 7&#T(*) 2 y) = ... n. Bayhead. -
Maukata. or of 7,42, #15. n. East.
Mau-kaye. Az ) # 5E, F = #f > v, pl. v.i. To be broken with the wind. Syn : Maupere.
Maukese, マウケセ。本質的感化力、先 Rojjj. n. , Essential influence. Inherent power. Also west.
Maukopirika. - ) a E y ?y, ?-- no, j3*jt*- ≫v. adj. Lucky. Fortunate. Sym : Kashikamui koro. Kashkamui oshitchiu. Riri-kopirika. Seremak koro.
Maukopirikari. ** t? EI E J *, 9, ### = + no. v.i. To be lucky or fortunate.
Maukowen. r } a } = :e, 7R=E, FR=# = + yv. adj. & v.i. Unlucky. To be unfortunate. Syn : Okashkamui sak.
Maukush マウクシ。透ル(風ノ如シ).
^ v.t. To pass through as the wind. To permeate. To penetrate.
Maune, z r} +, BEJL. v.i. mingle.
Mau-ni, ** P7 =, >s < + x. n. rose. Rosa rugosa, Thunb. in S. Ri-maw-ni -
Maun-maun, = 7 ”T: ) >, F e F# (” xl≫, $,es x ≫v. v.i. To prevaricate. To be fickle. Syn; Ramkoshkashke.
Mau-noyere, まう・のいぇれ, 體ヲ翻ヘス(ひるがえす)。 v.i. To avoid as a sword sweep. To jump away as from one striking with a sword. ★バカ検証 【意味不明。完全にバカ。日本語も英語もメチャクチャ】
、た 強キ, 強キ香味アル。 adj. Strong. Having strong flavour.
Maupere, -r :) ~ Lo, F = #ff v sv. v.i. To be broken with the wind. Syn : Mau kaye.
Maurotki-chiporo, ?r :) pa y +F5FzRE, To inter Beach Called Bo? to n-fig3. n. Fish roe having each egg separate. Syn : Marotke chiporo.
Mau-sak, or 7% o, #3 +.. adj. Weak.
Maushiko, <* * >- , ii + yv. adj. Full of life. Bright eyed.
Maushipirasa, e ) ≫ E5+?, ?ff x n(# 2 is so). v.i. To spread as disease.
Maushiro, -r y Sera, II # 7 k. 2. v.i. To whistle. Syn : Maushoro.
Maushke, マウシゲ。入江(溝)ノアル所。 n. Place where there is a bay.
Maushok, oz t9 $2 a 49, 4E MK * yv. v.i. To yawn.
| Maushok-chierarapa, マウショクチエララバ、屋ベ欠伸スル。
| Maushok-yaierarapa, v.i. To yawn マウショクヤイエララパ,frequently.
Maushoro, * 7 $2 a pa, H &# 7 Bk 27. v.i. To whistle. Syn : Maushiro.
Mawa, z 7, # # # y 37. v.i. To be hungry.
Mawari-kambi, z 7 U ?JA, E, #ffn. n. A passport. (Jap.) Syn : Shiro' shi kambi.
Mawe, マウェ。空気、呼吸、風、味、要素。炊 態。例セバ、マウェュプケチャ、張キ茶.n. Air. Breath. Wind. Taste. Flavour. . Essence. Trace. State. Condition. Influence. As :~ Mawe etok, “ before the wind.” Mawe-yupke cha, “strong tea.” Nei chisei ta Ainu mawe isam, “there is no sign of a man about the house.” Kamui mawe isam, “ there is no trace of a bear.” Syn : Mau.
Mawe-an, マウェアン、強キ香ノスル。 adj. Of strong flavour.
Mawe-arapare, r 5.75 - KL", i ?i x, so z. v.t. To air. To dry. Syn : Maw-omare.
Maweekara, er r} = a. 355, f? # ?y w st? = # or 21. v.i. To be overcome with. To be influenced by.
Mawehe, er r} = ~, MEME. n. Influence. Power. Effect.
| Mawetok, * 7 = F *, H. H. n. Source. The
| Mawetoko, breath. マウェトコ。
Mawe-tui, “& ty +*y4, ?E x. v.i. To die.
Mawe-yupke, or 7.2:1.7%r, ##### 7 yu adj. Strong. Of strong flavour.
Maw-omare, z 73 r L", i ?i z, \; x. v.t. To air. To dry. Syn : Satke. Mawe-arapare.
| Mayaige, 洋ガル。例セバ、クチキリマ マヤイゲ。ャイゲ、我脚洋シ v.t. To
| Mayaike, itch. As :~ Ku chikiri ma**4 or, yaige, “my leg itches.” Kisara maiyaige, “to have itching ears”; “to desire to hear”; “to be talked about.” Syn : Mairototke.
Mayaige-tashum, -z-y4f4y,3z $’a. A, }fE #. n. The itch.
Mayaike, -r - 4 Ar, # : Jl. v.t. To itch. See Mayaige. Syn : Mairo totke.
Mayamaya, or ***, or Mayemaye, * 4 = + 4 +, #3, n. v.i. To itch. To
be irritated.
Mayaya, マヤヤ、刺激スル。例セバ、レ クチャマヤヤ 昭喉ヲ刺激スル。v.t. To irritate (as parts of one's body). As :~ Rekuchi mayaya, “to irritate one's throat.”
Mayeat, マイェアツ。鳴ル、音スル v.i. To sound. To make a noise. Syn : Maikosamba.
Mayemaye, -r-f = -r-f =, or Mayamaya, = P = #, #z' ≫L. v.i. To itch. To be irritated.
Mayun, マユン。悩快ナル音ノスル adj. Of pleasing sound.
Mayun-mayun, <>=. >, R# U # 27. v.i. To sound. To ring. To resound. Syn : Uwetunuise.
Mayun-no, <>=i. > / , H# y # # 7. adv. Resounding. Ringing.
Me, メ, 寒サ。例セバ、メエコツ、凍死スル。 n. Cold. Coldness. As :~ Me ekot, ‘to die of cold," “to starve with cold.”
Me-an, メアン, 寒キ(天気ニノミ用ユ). adj. Cold. (Spoken of the weather only.)
Mechakko, x 3F v ≫ a, #5#, HA##. n. A skull. The cranium.
Megane メガネ。 眼鏡。例セバ、メガネ コロ , 眼鏡をかける. n. Spectacles. (Jap.) As :~ Megane koro, “to wear spectacles.”
Mehuru, z? 7 JL, F# (# ≫ #F#). n. Kidney of fish.
Mek, めく, 部分. n. A division.
Mek, めく, 猫の鳴き声. n. An onomatopoea for a cat's-mew.
Mek, メク。吠える。ミクト同ジ. v.i. To bark.” Same as Mik.
Me-kamui-koro, y? hA, A = DI, W 7 v + x = #yl. v.i. To be afflicted with rheumatics.
Me-kamui-tashum, x 75.54 * >= A, y to ~ + x. n. Rheumatism.
Mekare, x 7, L’, 3-9. v.t. To divide.
Mekka, z ≫?7, ## / #?(2, #). n. The back edge of anything.
Mekkashike, 3t ッカシゲ。 刀背, 山 ノ端, # / #. n. The back of a fish, knife, or sword. The ridge of a mountain or house.
Mekkaushbe, x 9 : ) So-s, zixf: / # #. n. The dorsal fin of the smaller fishes. This fin on the larger kinds of fishes is called Ashbe.
Mekkaushike, z? ≫ # 7 estr, # / ##, JJ 2 #. n. The back of a fish, knife, or sword.
Meko, めこ, 猫. n. A cat.  【mek は鳴く。meko はネコ。ネコの由来は鳴く、かも。】
Mekoashi, x =1752, 5& 2 ?#. n. A kind of millet.
| Mekoparachi, メコパラチ。 猫=崇ラル ひ.i.
| Mekoparagoat, To be possessed メコバラゴアツ。 or bewitched by
| Mekopachiko-an, a cat as a punish メコパチコアン, ment for some
| Mekoparat, evil done to the メコパラツ, feline family.
| Mekoparoat, メコパロアツ。
Mekoro, z? a ta, Y? *. adj. To be cold.
Mekse, 3% of tz, #7, # 37. v.i. To mew.
Mem, めむ, 冷キ(つめたい)。 adj. Cold.
Mem, めむ, 沼、湖。 n. A pond. Lake. Swamp. Syn : Memu. 【ぬま→めむ】
Memam, めまん, 涼キ(すずしい)。 adj. Cool.
Membiru, めむびる, ノビル, n. A wild garlic 野生のニンニク. See mempiro. The bulb of this plant is the part used for food. It is generally eaten fresh as a salad but is not dried and stored up. Sometimes, however, it is used as an ordinary food, especially to give flavour to other delicacies. 【日本語?】
Memka, x.A;h, ?if z ~IsfJ. n. A hamlet of one house.
Memke, 38.5, or, jou. v.t. To shave.
Memmeute, x 5.3% of 7, § 27. v.i. To
dry up.
Memoro, x (Era, ?? ??Jn. n. river beds.
Mempa, メムパ。差出口スル、話ノ腰ヲ #7 jL. v.i. To cut off one's speech. To commence speaking and leave off before having finished. Old
| Mempiro, めむぴろ, ノビル n. A wild garlic. Allium nipponicum, Fr. et Sav.
| Mempiru, めむぴる,
Memu, めむ, 池、湖, n. A pond. Lake.
Mena, めな, 池. n. A pond. A puddle of water. Syn : Mem.
Menan, x 3-2, ## / #?. n. A kind of large sea duck. Syn : Kagara. Shuke.
| Menasaru, x++11, 2- or z > F ty. n.
| Menasara, Beach pea. Lathyrus japonicus, Willd. The peas are sometimes collected and used as food. Syn : Menash-mame. Noiporokina.
Menash, x + 2, £B. n. The east wind.
Menash, y?:}"> a., ?J?, # #. n. A grassy plain. Meadow-land.
Menash-kikiri, x +2++ 1), Alvsa / ?#. n. A kind of small fly.
Menash-kina, x +2++, + 5 # 2, 32. n. Asparagus schoberioides, Kunth. Syn : Chikap-muk. Nup-shungu. Raikamui-kina. Topishki-mun. Also by some the beach pea, Thur. mopsis folcata.
Menash-mame, 3 +...+ x, y + 2 +. n. A kind of vetch. Lathyrus japonicus, Willd.
Menashuke, メナシュケ。ホウジロガモ。 n. Golden-Eye (Sea-fowl). Fuligula | clangula, (Linn.)
Meneko, z k ?, Ax, #. n. A woman. A female. Same as Menoko.
Meni, メニ, n. Fine rain 小雨. Mist 霧. -
Moni-ash, z =77$2, $#Jv. v.i. To drizzle as fine rain.
Menoko, y / -, Ax, Be. n. A woman. A female. The proper Ainu words for woman are Mat-ainu ; shiиentep and meroko S. Syn : Мeneko.
Menu, メヌ、寒クナル、寒サヲ感ズル。 v.i. To be cold. To feel the cold. Syn : Meraige. Me-un.
Meraige, メライゲ。寒クナル。寒サヲ感 x jur. v.i. To be cold. Syn : Menu.
Mera, メラ。柳ノ花ノタレ下ッタモノ.n. Catkins.
Meraoma-ni, x 5:hor:, 2x y = + o#. n. The goat willow. Salix Hultenii, Flod.
Meri, x s), of 2 +, +, +.. n. A twinkle. A bright flash of light or fire. Syn : Miru.
Meri-at, x 97'y, #2, #yl. v.i. To twinkle (as the stars). To shine. Syn : Miru-at
Meri-meri, x y z? ), yk?E. FJ-e os, r ~ x 9 x 9, 9&#. v. A spark. As :~ Abe meri-meri, “a spark of fire.”
Meri-merige, × 9 x 9.4°, so y. U.i. To twinkle as the stars.
Merokopo, * EI EI ;#, E. n. A maiden. S.
Merush, 3 Joa., §ior to. adj. Shining. Sparkling. Syn : Herush.
Meshke, x >or, #21. v.t. To break. To rub off. To Creak.
Meshke メシケ。辻二ル(地辻二リノ如ク). v.i. To slip as land. Syn : Horutu.
Meshpa, メシバ。切リ去ル、壊ル。例セ ベ、キサラメシペ、罰トシテ耳ヲ切リ去 ju. v.t. To cut off. To break. To clip. As :~ Kisara meshpa “to cut off the ears as in punishment for crime.” Syn : Mesu.
Mesmeske, x x x x 5-, # v ?r. adv. Broken up,
Mesu, x% ZK, +H. yv, ** yv. v.t. To ascend.
Syn : Tasa.
Mesu, メス、切リ去ル、壊リ去ル・取リ去 ル、壊ル。例セバ、キツメス・罰ト シテ鼻側 ov. v.i. To cut off. To break off. To take off. To break. As :~ Etu mesu, “to cut off the nose as in punishment for crime.” Nei akamkotchep tumashnu gusu shuma wano mes“ eaikap, “he cannot take the sea-snail off the stone on account of its strength.” Pl. Meshpa.
Mesuya, x x *, ** = j? - "-- v.t. Το become weak through exposure to the cold.
Metarop-motorap, x s H 7 / H 7 プ, #, #.#. n. Operculum.
Metat, メタツ。タケカンベ n・ Betula Ermanni, Cham.
Metot メトツ 山ノ端、山地 n A ridge of mountains. Mountainous places.
Metot, メトツ、脊鰭(魚ノ) n・ dorsal column of a fish.
Metot-eami, メトテアミ。ミヤマカケ*・ n. Brant's jay. Garrulus brandti, Everm. Syn : Eami.
Metotshiri, * F *y$≫ J, [!! ...” ?u. n. A ridge of mountains.
Metumbeka, x ≫ Asos%, #% #e. * The very cold weather.
Me-un, メウン。寒ク、寒サ=感ズル・ v.i. & adj. To be cold. Cold. Syn : Menu. Meraige.
Meunatara, x 73-3, 5, E? > 2 - 例七 ベ、トァンチク=ロシキルウェメウナタ ラ、其等ノ樹木ヘ美シク其處=生ゼリ・ adv. Beautifully. Newly. In a beautiful manner. As :~ To an chikuni roshki ruwe meunatara, "those trees stand there in a beautiful manner.” Syn : Seshnatara.
Meuren-chep, めうれん・ちぇっぷ, *** x. n. Silver-salmon. Same as Matchep. The
Mi, E, 着ル。例セバ、アミ プミ、衣ヲ着 pl. v.t. To clothe. To wear. As :Amip mi, “to put on clothes.”
Mi-ambe, s.7A-, 3&#. n. Clothes. Syn : Amip.
Michi, S SF, 3L. n. Father. Syn : Hambe. Iyapo. Ona.
Michi, s *, * 7* x )-. vt. To clothe, Syn : Mi.
Michipa, ミチパ, ミツバ、ミツバゼリ。 n. Cryptotaenia japonica, Hassk. The stem of this plant, together with the leaves are used as food. Sometimes they are boiled green, and at other they are first salted. This use was probably learned from the Japanese. The michipa is the Ainu corruption of the Japanese word mitsuba.
Mik, みっく, 吠ル。例セバ、セタミク、犬ガ吠ユル。 v.i. To bark. As :~ Seta mik, “the dog barks.” Syn : Mek.
Mike, ミケ, 薄キ片 n. Thin slices. Syn : Nike. Also v.t. To cut with slices.
Mike-mike, みけ・みけ, 輝ク、燦ク。 例セバ、イメルミケミケ、稲妻ガ閃ク。 v.i. To glitter. To flash as lightning. As :~ Imeru mikemike, “the lightning flashes.” Syn : Mak makke
Mike-rui, みけ・るい, 薄片ニスル。 v.t. To cut into thin slices. Syn : Nike-rui.
Mikerui-chep, みけるい・ちぇっぷ, ?73. = s. 3, ju-F#. n. Fish having their heads cut off, their backbones taken out, split down the middle as far as the tail, and dried in the sun. Syn : Nikerui-chep.
Mim, S A, or Mimi, 5 E, ?aE5, 魚肉。 例セバ、ィシリクラシテレ・アラ ミ ムペ テク、ォャォャ、脂肪許リデナイカ・チ* 2’s 2, #3. n. Fat. The flesh of fish. As :~ Ishirikurantere, ara mim patek, “dear mel it is nothing but fat.” Chep mim, “fish flesh." *g

Mimam, S → A, # ≫L ≫ z vie. adj. Spoiled. Syn : Awende. Chiwende.
| Mimchiba, ミムチバ。ミダ。アヲミッ”. n Tilea
| Minji, viridissima, Mokino. Richミンチ。 weed.
Mimdara, S.A. 3 #7, ##, G#, #, n. A rubbish heap. A yard. A clear space in front of Ainu huts. Also a place where animals feed. A pasture. Play ground. Same as Mindara. 1
Mimi, ミミ。 脂肪, 魚肉。 n. Fat. The flesh of fish. Same as Mim.
Mimichish, E E +2, #7, -?l. 2. '4. To weep in secret. Syn : Pi-chish. Mimish-chishpo,
Mimi-pene, S S -<:k, Se A BKI / . Soft fleshed. FIabby.
Mimish-chishpo, E E SA R Sezik, i za = \r 3, . v.i. To weep in secret.
Mimitchishpo, S S 95-$2:#, ### =#. * . v.i. To weep in secret.
Mim-ush, S A, 7 Se, HE = * yl, ####3ju.. adj. Fat. Stout.
Mim-ushka, EA, 2 ×77, §§ to x. v.t. To fatten.
Mim-ushte, To fatten.
Mina, ミナ。笑フ。例セバ、ミナヒネ、ミ 9- 2, 3, £ to +. v.i. To laugh. As :~ Mina hine ; mina kane, “laughing.”
Mina-chaute, E 3-5-os, 3:2, , ## > pl. v.i. To smile.
Mina-mina, E:}-5 3-, 3as x xlz. v.i. To laugh heartily.
Mina-ne-manup, みな・ね・まぬっぷ, 笑フ人。 n. A laughing person.
Minapa, E3-zs, # 7 (##). v.i. laugh. (pl.)
Minare, 5 * L≫, iji-z +z yv≫, * x. v.t. To amuse.
Minchi, S. 25, s 5”, y z s >. n. The rich-weed. Tilea viridissima, Makino. The succulent semi-transparent stems are eaten boiled. Syn : Moshi-kina. adj. ミムウシテ。肥ヤス v.t. To
Mindara, 5 >?5, Eg#, £, £c#}. n. A rubbish heap. A yard. A clear space in front of the Ainu huts. Also a place where animals feed. A pasture. Same as Mimdara.
Minowa, ミノワ。連峰、山ノ重キノ績キ. n. Rims of hills. Mountain edges.
Mintuchi, S >>5, Nok 2 #g. n. A kind of fabulous animal said to be half human and half animal and to inhabit lakes and rivers. A sort of evil dispositioned mermaid who causes many accidents in rivers, ponds, and lakes. These mermaids are said to have bodies like those of human beings while they have hoofs instead of hands or feet. They are also said to disembowel and devour human beings when they catch them. The Ainu threaten chidren with mermaids to keep them from going near rivers. There are also said to be good mermaids or pirika mintuchi, really fairies inhabiting the mountains, and these are said to benefit people with their help.
Mintuchi-sani, S >>++}=, No. 2 + #, ### / off. n. A descendant of a mermaid. A very bad term of reproach.
Mip, E 7, 3:#. n. Clothing. Syn : Amip.
Mire, S. Le, j?f vv. v.t. To clothe.
| Mirokopo, ミロコポ, 処女. n.
| Mirukopo, ミルコポ。 A maiden.
Miru, Elle, # #. n. A twinkle. A sparkle.
| Miru-at, 3 July y, o ?. v.i. To twinkle (as
| Meri-at, the stars). To sparkle. メリアツ。
Mirumiru, = JL = ^L≫, $ %. v.i. To sparkle. To shine. To twinkle.

| Mishmu, £ & A*, £ & 2 £&x yv. adj. s $2.E., & v.i. Lonely. To feel
| Mishnu, lonely. ミシヌ。
Mishnu, E 25, s?l E. Same as above.
Mitpo, S. 97k, #. n. A grandchild.
Mo, も, 小サイ。 adj. Small. Little.
Mo, も, 沈黙、平和。 n. Silence. Peace. Syn : Ratchitara.
Mo, モ, 不活発ナル。静ナル、鈍キ。 adj. Sluggish. Quiet. Slow. Gentle. Also “small ” as in the word moashikipet, “the little finger.”
Moashikepet, ETFS-Ar-RV, HFF. n. The little finger.
Mocharak, AE5F x 5 }, +# ≫ ##. n. An ancient Ainu chief of the Tokachi district.
Mochimasap, EHF-r+7, or Muchinusap, 4>*3*7, E+, £i a-. adj. Slow. Syn : Moire. Katu-moire.
Mochip, +5F7, ###(# 2. ?#). n. A row-boat.
Mochup, +5.3.7, 35.H. n. The month of May also called Shikiuta-chup.
Mohonto, モホント。後。例セバ、チセイ -E k v F, HK / #. adv. Behind. Back. As :~ Chisei mohonto, “the back of a house.” Syn : Oshmak.
Moi, モイ。平地、海湾、穏カナル所. n, (Geo.) Smooth, level, or flat places. Also a bay in the sea or a smooth, level, quiet place among the mountains. When applied to the sea, this word signifies a bend in the shore, where the water is quiet and sheltered from the winds. It is almost equivalent to “harbour” and “sound”; particularly may this word be applied to a “land-locked harbour.” When applied to rivers, moi also signifies a sheltered bend where the waters are quiet.
Mo-i, モ・イ, 平和、平和ナル處。 n. Peace. A place of peace.
Moimoi, モイモイ, 動カス、捨リ動カス。 v.t. To move. To shake.
Moimoige モイモイゲ, 震ハス、動カス。 v.i. To tremble. To move.
Moinatara, モイナタラ, 拡ガル(雲ガ山ノ上ナドニ)。 v.i. To be spread out as clouds over the mountains or as smoke over a town. To lie extended as a city.
Moire, E-s Lo, NE +, ## *. adj. Slow. Syn : Emonosap. Katu moire. Mochimasap.
Moireka, E4 L :), f: x ). v.t. slacken.
Moire-no, +4 L /, #= . adv. Slowly.
Moirepa, モイレパ、遅キ、鈍キ (複数). adj. Slow. (pl.)
Moiretara, もいれたら, 暖キ(あたたか)、鈍キ(にぶい)、温厚ナル(おんこう)。 adj. & adv. Slowly. Slow. Dull. Gentle. Syn : Katu-moire. Noratchitara.
Moishutu, +4 ×a-oy, #T y. v.t. To flog. To strike with the hand. To beat. Syn : Monshutu.
Moishutu, HE 4 Sea.?, ?EK, ##. fF] セベ、イタクモイシェツ、詞ノ意味、n. Meaning. Reason. As :~ Itak moishutu, “the meaning of a word.” Syn : Ikkewehe.
Moitek, E4 7-7, #[] 2 +H\,. n. The land immediately at the entrance to a harbour.
Moiwa, もいわ, 坂。 n. A gradual sloping hill or mountain. [slope] Also a little hill. Syn : Pon huru.
Mo-kema, E4rz, Hjag / fe ie. n. The hind legs of an animal.
Mokiri, -E* J, BEEE, §$. n. Trouble. Suffering.
Mokiuta-chup, RE: ; 4: :Fa.7, PT. H. n. The month of April.
Mokkeu, + y or 7, ###. n. The operculum of fishes.
Mokomai, HE -a -r of, zk ≫ a H. n. A kind of large bivalve the shells of
which were used as saucers to hold the oil or fat used for shedding light. Syn : Hokki.
| Mokon, モコン。眠ル v.i.
| Mokoro, *Е a ra,
Mokonnoye, HE = A / 4 =, FE x pl. v.i. To be dead. To be fast asleep.
Mokon-rawere, RE a 25 ) :: Le, jE ? f. v.i. To desire to sleep. Syn : Mokon-rusui.
Mokon-rui-guru, E = >JLA ?VIL, # Ex Ju M. n. A great sleeper. Syn : Mokon-pokai-hike.
Mokon-rusui, HE H >JL-2 of , § 3 + Plz. v.i. To be sleepy. To desire to sleep. Syn : Mokon-rawere.
Mokore, E-, i.e., § 2; x. v.t. To put to sleep.
Mokori, #3 J, #ff. n. A sleeping place. Syn : Hotke ushi. Mokoro ushi. -
Mokoriri, もこりり, 巻貝ノ総名。 n. A Snail. Periwinkles. Whelks. The name of any kind of whelk-shaped shell.
Mokoriri-sei, AE=a y y z4, r. y^>s ≫ SA. n. Baccinum sp.
Mokoro, E -I EI, Rot-. v.i. Same as Mokon.
Mokoro-an, AE-1 p. 7° 2, #21. v.i. To sleep.
Mokoro-an, +: R 72, EE y +. v.i. Asleep.
Mokuro-koinu, HE a pa a 4f 5K, #?R 7 # * * >L. v.i. To be disturbed in one's sleep.
Mokoro-koitak, Ein H E of 5, 7, ## 5 # 2. v.i. To talk in one's sleep. Syn : Monna-itak.
Mokoro-komosh, E: D → E 2, ### × 9. v.i. To walk in one's sleep.
Mokoro-komosh-guru, RE-1 E. 5 #$≫ ://L, # N. n. A somnambulist.
Mokoro-kotushmak, AE a pa a y Serr To sleep. To sleep. 27, ## 5 #1 v. v.t. To murder one while sleeping.
Mokoro-pokai-hike, AE=a ra **j4 E ケ。熱睡スル人、痕坊。 n A great sleeper. Syn : Mokonrui-guru.
Mokoro-ushi, RE: In 1752, #ff. n. A sleeping-place. Syn : Hotke-ushi. Mokori.
Mokot モコツ。寝ル。例セバ、モコッッ - K 37, F. u- /- = .. v.i. Same as Mokoro. As :~ Mokot' tuikata, “whilst sleeping"; “during rest.”
Mokrap, HE 2 5 7, ####. n. The pectoral fins of fishes.
Mom, E.A., ?i ne, ME 7 TF. L. v.i. To flow as a river. To float down a stream. To float.
Mom, E.A., #7. adv. Adrift. Afloat.
Moma, Err, x == s . n. Plums,
Momambe, もまむべ, 牝鹿。 n. A doe (deer).
Moma-ni, E*-, x + v / ZK. n. A plum tree. Prunus triflora, Roxb.
Momauta-chup, ++ to #5-27, 2; H. n. The month of June, by some called shinan-chup.
Moma-yarape, Err + 5 N, # = F v ? %H. n. The clothes one wears.
Momde, AE.A7°, *~! yv. v.t. To set afloat.
Momka, EA 77, #~ no. v.t. To cause to float.
Momnatara, HEA:}-2& 5, ?#F = 3- pl. v.i. To be full to the very brim.
Momo, RE#E, # 2., # = z pl. adj. Crumpled up. -
Momok, AEAE %, ii ≫, R. § /. adj. Common. Vulgar. Syn : Pashta.
Momok-aeiwange-itak, EAE ≫7*+-f 7:24°4 & 5, soff. n. Colloquial.
Momok-itak, E. E. #3 o', so #. n. Colloquial. Ordinary language. Vulgar talk.
Momok-momok-aeiwangep, モモク・モモク・アエイワンゲプ, 苦力。人夫。 n.
A coolie. An ordinary servant.
Mompechi, E. J., “S+, #. n. The fingers.
Mompechi-chin, + A*5-5-2, #(§ #). n. The fingers.
Mompok, E. A.;; 27, TF, T = . Under. Beneath.
Mompoketa, RE.A*r4≪, = 9 Z!> ≫. {}] セベ、エンモムポケタペアン、我ヨリ年 AP. adv. Less than. As :~ En mompoketa pa an, “of less years than I"; i.e. “younger than I.”
Mon, モン, n. Business 仕事. Labour 労働. Work 作業. Syn : Mongo. Moni.
Mon, モン, n. The hands 手. This word is only used in composition この語は作文内のみ用、文語.
Monak, モナク もなっく, 寝ラレヌ。v.i. & adj. To be unable to sleep. To be awake. Dull. Tired. Sleepy.
Monak, もなっく, 無職ノ。 v. adv. Without business or work.
Monak, モナク もなっく, 扨テ(さて)、例セバ、モナク、ネ イノキコウェン、應、若シ汝斯ク為サバ、其ハ悪シカル可シ。 interj. Now. Just that. Nothing also. Only. As :~ Monak, nei no ki ko wen, “ now, if you do so it will be bad.”
Mon-an, もん・あん, 多忙ナル。 adj. Busy.
Monasap モナサプ, 緩慢ニ仕事スル。 adj. Slow at work. Syn : Katumoire.
Monashnu-no, モナシヌノ もなしゅぬ・の, 速ニ(たちまちに (?))。 adv. Quickly.
Monawere, モナウェレ, 口許リニテ實行セス。 v.i. To talk of doing something, but not to do it. Syn : Yairawere. ★バカ検証 【セス ---セズ。口許(くちもと)であるが、「口許り」の読み方は不明。イイカゲンな日本語を使わないで欲しい。】
Mondum, モンヅム, 力、権威、才能、健康。 n. Power. Authority. Ability. Strength. Health. Syn : Kara kat. Ki kat. Ki kiroro. Ki mondum.
Mondum-koro, +>’y.A:u II, E x yv. #E z : - Jl. v.t. To authorize. To strengthen. v.i. & adv.
Mondum-pirika, モンヅム ピ リ カ。 健全 トナル、例セバ、ソネェッムピリカワへ ェイキ、汝正シク健全ナルヤ. v.i. To be in good health. As :~ Some e tumu pirika wa he, e iki ? “ are you really better in health.” Syn : Tumu pirika.
Mondum-pirika-ki, モンヅム・ぴりか・き もんづっむ・ぴりか・き, 全快スル。 v.i. To recover from sickness.
Mondum-wen, モンヅム・ウェン もんづっむ・うぇん, 病気スル。 v.i. To be in ill health.
Mongeshna, ± 24;*$o±-, Ni?≪. §]+z >s, ポロンノエヤイヘンノッカラヤッカセン ゲシナェラムベウテク。彼ヘ勉メテ學ビ シカベ、壁カ解スルナリ. ado By degrees (used in a negative phrase). As :~ Poron no eyaihannokkara yakka mongeshna erampeutek, “although he studies hard he understands less.”
Mongeshna, E. Le AfS-3-, ik 4 s#j. adv. For a long time. -
Mongesh-ta, HE 24°>4x, fi:#F > # v. v.t. To finish what one is doing.
Mongo, E e af, ff: #f. n. Business. Work. Syn : Mon. Moni.
Mongo-an,モンゴアン。為ス可キ仕事ガ 7 yu . v.i. To have business to transact. Syn : Moni-an.
Mon-hauge, E : evv. 74°, E 3- pl-. v.i. Not busy. Not having much to do. Syn : Moni-saure.
Moni, E = , :#F. n. Labour. Work. Business. Syn : Mongo. Emoni.
Moni, E = , E# f. adj. Quick.
Moniamuye, H? = J’A4f =, |# 7, f? 7. v.i. To be atoned for. To be redressed.
Moni-an, モニアン。為ス可キ仕事ヲ持 y. v.i. To have business to transact.
Monichashnu-no, 5E =5F.v $^5% A’, j{}j *3- 3/ = , E# =. adv. Without impediment. Quickly.
Moni-chirenga, E = 3F Le 27s, fi:#f y ###, ###, ##. n. Something gained by work. Profits. Wages.

Monimuye, HEE.A. f =, so 7, ##| 75; ~ 2L. v.t. To redress. To remunerate.
Moniorap-chup, + =zF575-a-7, -t: H. n. July.
Moni-saure, t:+o Le, fi:# = Taz2L. adj. Weak handed at work. Not busy. t
Moni-yupke, E= a.745-, f?# = |}:#F321. adj. Strong handed at work.
Monna-itak, E 2:3-4 & 5, ## 7: z. v.i. To talk in one's sleep. Syn : Mokoro-koitak.
Mo-no, も・の, 静ニ。 adv. Quietly. Silently.
Mo-no-an, も・の・あん, 静マル、安全ナル。 例セバ、モノアンノロク、黙座スル。 v.i. To be at peace. To be quiet. As :~ Mo-no an no rok, “to sit in silence.”
Monraige, HE 25 f4?, † 3. Gj+= '*, ネイタェモンライゲ。君ヘ何處ニテ働ク + . v.i. To work. As :~ Neita e monraige 2 “where do you work?”
Monraige-oma-kowen, HE 25 for マコウェン。彼ガ働カセルコトヲ駅ガル。 ph. He did not like being made to work.
Monrerampa, E a le 5 fezS, ?ii 2” pl. v.t. To get in one's way.
Mon-saure, HE >+/- ? Le, : 3- pl. v.i. Not busy. Not much to do. Syn : Mon-hauge.
Monshutu, + 2 × ...Y., fry, # = 7 is sy. v.t. To beat. To strike with the hand. Syn : Moishutu.
Montabi, HE 23 b , f so A. v.i. be busy. To be engaged.
Montabire, FE > & t. Le, su: s, f. v.i. To be busy. Syn : Unisapka an.
Mon-ush, -E:>7$e, &£t. adj. Busy.
Mo-omare, HE zi" -r Le, s-a -r y 5° 57 27. v.t. To put away. To set on one side.
Mopas, RE*z, finz. v.i. To canter. Syn : Chaira.
Mopi, モビ。眠クナル、運ル、緩漫ナル。 adj. Sleepy. Slow. ?o
More, tie, #x no. v.t. To quiet. To compose. Syn : Haugere. Ratchire.
More, モレ。毒矢ノ根ヲ包ム木ノ葉。?2. Any kind of leaf in which arrow poison is wrapped.
Moreu, HE L Ey, # 2 ##. n. The turns and twists in fancy needle-work. Patterns of embroidery.
Mori, RE ), /jv|i|. n. A little hill. A hillock. A slope.
Moro, +r], [EE. n. A dwelling. A pit dwelling. Syn : Toi-chisei.
Morokopo, Era -zf, d≫st A(FfEFF). n. Children. This is an old word used of such children as dwelt in pits or moro in olden times.
Moromatpo, Epa rr:yzst, r f x y fr (##). n. A traditional name for woman.
Moru, もる, 鬢(びん)ノ毛[「鬢(びん)」の一部が「もみ上げ」です]。 n. The hairs which grow on the temples. Syn : Morushbe.
Moru-enka, もる・えんか, 蟀谷(コメカミ) n. The temples.
Mos, もす, 蝿(はえ) n. A fly. Same as Mosh.
| Mosa, ++, 4 + 2 + 2 ##. n. The bast
| Mose, fibres of nettles. Also “net*Etz, ties” in some places.
Mosa-hai, £ozvos, + 2 × 9. n. A nettle.
Mose, Hetz, X]] yv. moVv.
| Mose-hai, 3 k 2s + 3 2 9.. n. Sting v.t. To reap. To HEtzov-f, ing-nettles. Urtica Take
| Mouse, dana, Ohwi. Also “the モウセ, inner bark or bast fibres of nettles.” Used for making cord of bow-strings. Syn : Ipishi-ship. Mouse. Iririp. Ikara-hai.
Mose-kara, AEtz*j5, XI] xv. v.t. reap. To mow. Syn : Mose.
Mosem, Etz A, #ffff. n. An antechamber. A porch. Syn : Moshem. ?o

Mosh, HEE', ##. n. A fly.
Mosh, EE, ME x xv. v.i. To wake up.
Moshem, ESo = 1, 358. n. An ante" chamber. A porch. Syn : Mosem.
Moshikarabe, HB 275-, y 9 o' + = > 5 ×. n. Adenophora Thunbergiana, Kudo.
Moshi-kina, +2+3-, or 5 s y’. n. Pilea viridissima, Makino. The richweed. Syn : Minchi.
Moshima, HE2-r, te v. adj. Another. Other. Besides.
Moshima-an, E52*772, fib / , M}. V. adj. Other. Different. Syn : Iyara.
Moshima-an-ike, "E Sorr7 2/4f4", sig 2 #. n. The other one. Syn : Naamoshimap. Naa-oyap.
Moshima-kotan-ta, RE$≫* E. £: 24:, fib / #if =. adv. Abroad.
Moshima-no-oka, E; orr / ##, #E 27. v.t. To let alone. Syn : Ande. Eattarage.
| Moshima-no-okai, モシマノオカイ, 捨置ク。v.t. To let
| Moshima-okai, alone. モシマオカイ。
Moshimap, HEE≫-r 7, fi? v. adj. Other. Others.
Moshimap, AES277, # 2 #. n. Another one.
Moshima-shui, RE?err Aa. As, H. E., j# = . adv. Again. Besides.
Moshiokarabe, E?ezi 375 e?, y y 2; * = ~ s≫ >≫, x ?’ 2s. n. Adenophora verticillata, Fisch. Syn : Mukahashi. Mukekashi.
| Moshir', もしる
| Moshiri, もしり, 國。世界。「モシリ」ハ文章ニ於 テ、屡「モシル」トナル。例セバ、モシルホッパ、死ス。 n. A country. The world. Moshiri often becomes moshir’ in composition. As :~ Moshir' hoppa, “to die.” Oya moshir' un guru, “ a foreigner.” Moshiri pake, moshiri gesh, “ the whole world." Moshiri shi Kapneka no, “the whole world.” “the surroundings of a country.”
Moshiri-buri, もしり・ぶり, 習慣、風俗。 n. The ways, customs or manners of a people.
Moshiri-chup-ka, +3, 9 53.7:5, 31. n. The east. Syn : Moshiri etok. Moshiripa.
Moshiri-chup-pok, E2 9 5 = 7zit 3, H. n. The west. Syn : Moshiri emko. Moshiri-gesh.
Moshiri-emko, 'E$e ) +4, =1, P?. n. The west.
Moshiri-etok, E, Jr. H. 27, #. n. The east.
Moshiri-gesh, +3, 9 & 2, Fa. n. The West.
Moshiri-hoppa, HE $2 '); f; ≫s ?, ?E z plo, l: j.: 5 is on-. v.i. To die. To leave the world. Syn : Ekot. Isam. Kamui otta oman. Rai. -
Moshiri-ikkewe-chep. もしり・いっけうぇ・ちぇっぷ, 世界ヲ背負ヒタル魚. n. The name of the fish upon the back of which the world is supposed to rest. Syn : Tukushish.
Moshiri-ko-ishu-ambe, E SA U = f >=-7A-8, AE;#. n. One's lifetime.
Moshirioppa, E 22 Jz y a $, y Ex yl-, la #: wit v. v.i. To die. To leave the world. Syn : Ekot. Isam. Kamui otta-oman. Moshiri-hoppa. Rai.
Moshiripa, E SA ) ≫?, P?. n. The east. Syn : Chupka. Moshiri etok.
Moshiri-pok, HE SA ) z? ク。西方 n. The west. Syn : Ahun-chuppok. Moshiri-chuppok.
Moshiri-shinnaisam, RE$≫ y $≫ 2:*4f ++.A., # y 44. n. The name of an evil genius supposed to reside just off this earth. (Lit. “Alien to the world.”)
Moshir-un-guru, RES≫/l≫24/19, W}? A. n. A foreigner.
Moshir-un-utara, E5-Il-2-74x5, ? By 2 #5. n. The inhabitants of a
Moshit, *e$≫‘y, fit ji. n. The same as Moshiri. -
Moshitpa-tata, RE > y zoo &, # E, 2.E. H. n. Above the earth. The open expanse above.
Moshiu-kina, EEery ++, zo is 's te - + 7. n. Angelica refracta, Fr. Schm. Syn : Yakara-kina.
Moshkara, +3,775, ####. n. A tray used for cutting up food and also for carrying fish in. Syn : Manaita.
Moshkara, モシカラ。物ヲ置ク為ニ草ヲ敷ク v.i. To spread out grass to lay anything upon. To be laid out like lumps of grass. To be mown down like grass.
Mosh-wa-an, HEE 77° A, ## / 37 Vl. adj. Awake.
Moso, HE /, E = x, e x. v.i. waken. To rouse up from sleep.
Mosomoso, +Y RE /, oft-r x, je X. v.t. To rouse up from sleep.
Mosomoso, Ey +/, H. n. Maggots. Syn : Mososhpe.
Mososhke, REX/ $≫.a.4r, #? ≫ #E 27 # *% 2 # L. v.i. Magotty.
Mososhpa, £>/>/$, £ x(££). v.i. To arouse. (pl.)
Mososhpe, AEY 2-k, #H. n. Maggots. Syn : Mosomoso.
Mososhpe-kut, HE / >~ 7 y, o ?, 4 + 7. n. Veronica sibirica L. Speedwell.
Mososo, AEY Y, #2 E. M. v.t. To rouse up.
| Motarap, 。 モタラプ、魚ノ類肉.
| Notarap, of fish. 、ノタラプ。
| Moteki, モテキ。幸ニシテ。仕合セニ. ado.
| Motekki, Fortunately. Luckily. Syn : RE:#F ≫ +, Kusu eun. The world. To n. The cheeks
| Moto, モト、起元、原始、土着ノ者 n.
| Motoho, Origin. Beginning. Native. RE ?zi<,
Moto-kotan, + F = 4, 2, # #}. n. One's native place.
Motoma, + F *, AP ##. n. A small mat.
Motontori, E E A K ), #fff, #(~ 3'). n. A top-knot. A crest or tuft of feathers seen on the heads of some kinds of birds. A tress.
Motontori-kara, + F 2 K. J #5, #7 #7. v.i. To do the hair Japanese fashion.
Motot, E H >, # 2 ###, n. The backbone or ventral column of fishes. Mountain ridges.
Mototchi-ikiri, E. H. vos. 4 + J, # 2 # ###. n. Vertebra of fishes.
Motot kina, E F V=#:}", x I v A ?#E. Viola sp.
Motta, モッタ。錦(舟ヲ巻刺ルニ用ュ) n. A kind of adze used for hollowing out boats. Syn : Teuna.
Mouru, RE 7 Ju, : / T:. n. A woman's under dress. A chemise. Shift.
| Mouse, RE 7 to, + k 2s + + 3 +.. n.
| Mose, Stinging-nettles. Urtica Takedana, Ohwi. Also the inner bark or bast fibres of nettles. Syn : Ipishi-ship. Mose-hai.
Mowo, モウォ。母指ト第一指トノ尺度。 n. A span of the thumb and first finger.
Moyo, + = , AP + +. adj. A few. Syn : Shipuine.
Moyoike, ‘E = 4 or, # 2. v.i. Same as Моуотоyo.
Moyomoyo, +a+a, 3: 2. v.i. To move as swarms of maggots in putrified fish or meat. Syn : Ukopaiyaige.
Moyuk, #3.27, #, 3 x *, *, **. n. A racoon-like dog. Nycteretutes pro
cyoides, Gray.
Moyuk-soyai, AE=i.% */ *4 , -£%£. n. A humble bee.
Mu, A., [{{ }, # 7. v.t. To slant up wards or downwards. To creep. To climb.
Mu, A, # 7. v.t. To sew. Syn : Kem-eki.
Mu, ム。塞ガル。例セバ、キアラム。耳ガ £* Ju-. v.i. & adj. To ooze. To flow out gently. To be stopped up. Blocked up. As ;--Kisara mu, “to have the ears stopped.” Syn : Muk. Muka. Omu.
Muchimasap, A3F7+} y 7, #? v ?. adv. Busy. Syn : Emonasap.
| Muchattek, ムチャックテク むちゃってっく, 悦ブ。 adj & v.i. To rejoice. To feel happy.
| Nuchatktek, ヌチャックテク ぬちゃっとくてっく, ★バカ検証 【発音オカシイ】
| Muchimashnu, J,** >5., § + yv. adj. Quick.
| Nuchimashnu, Syn : Emonashnu. ヌチマシヌ, Tumash.
| Muchinusap, ムチヌサプ。緩キ、鈍キ. adj. Slow.
| Mochimasap, Syn : Katu-moire. モチマサプ。 Moire.
Mui, むい, 塵芥。 n. Dust. Rubbish.
Mui, むい, 結ブ、束ネル。 v.t. To tie. To bind. To make into a bundle.
Mui, むい, 束。例セバ、ムイネアカラ、束ネル。 n. A bundle. As :~ Mui ne akara, “to be made into a bundle.”
Mui, むい, 簸、唐箕(とうみ)。 n. A winnow.
Mui, むい, 山ヨリ海ノ方へ向イテ見ル時ハ、少シク低下シ、且次第ニ幅廣ク傾キ、又海ノ方ヨリ山ノ方ヲ向イテ見ル時ハ 其ノ反封ニ見ユル場所。 n. A place which slants gradually outwards and slightly downwards towards the sea when looked at from the mountains and vice versa when looked at from the sea.
Mu-i, む・い, 静カナ流れレ。 n. A creek. From mu, “ to creep,” and I “ place, “object.”
Mui-kara, As4 #5, ?yl... v.t. To winfln.
Muimamba, ムイマムバ。旅仕度スル・ v.i. To prepare for a journey.
Muimuye, むいむいぇ, 掃ヒ去ル。 v.t. To brush away. To sweep off.
Muk, A, O, ≫ L = ~ v oz. n. Codonopsis ussuriensis. Hemsl. The roots of this plant are roundish and warty and are a little larger than a common walnut. They are used as an article of food and are eaten either raw or roasted according to the taste of the person partaking thereof. Syn : Muki-itangi.
Muk ムク。琶布(ヘップ)、琶布療法、糖 #. n. A poultice.
Muk, A. 2), = s’ s H? vl. v.i. To ooze out. Syn : Mu. Muka. *
Muk, A, &, £&** v * ≫-. adj. Stopped up. Bunged up.
Muk ムク。秘密ナル。 adj. Secret. Hidden.
Muka, A;h, = : s H! Jl. v.i. To ooze out. Syn : Mu. Muk.
Mukannere ムカンネレ。土地ノ凹凸面, adj. Undulating.
Mukara, A? 5, #E. n. An axe.
Mukara-eiki, A, h5:r:4 #, #E = ## M. v.i. To chop with an axe.
Mukatchi, ムカチ。頸ノ周リニ珠ヲ巻ク。 v.i. To wear beads round the neck.
Mukbe ムクベ, ツル=ンチン. n. Codonopsis lanceolata, Benth, et Hook.
Muke, ムケ, 手ヲ伸シテ、大股ニ歩ミ始ム。 adv. Stretched out. Having the hands stretched out in a forward position as if trying to catch something.
Mukecharase, むけちゃらせ, 匍う(はう、這う)。 v.i. To crawl along. To-work one's self along upon the side or stomach. Syn : Mukereye.
Mukechirase, むけちらせ, 拂フ、掃フ。
v.i. To sweep. Syn : Munuye.
Mukechirasep, むけちらせっぷ, 箒。 n. A broom. Syn : Mumuyep.
Mukekashi, A4%r*j $/, y y *)? * = > s≫ >. n. Adenophora Thunbergiana, Kudo. The root is the part which is chiefly eaten. It is eaten at once or dried and kept for future use. It is generally eaten boiled sometimes mixed with beans. The leaves are often put into soup. Syn : Moshiuarabe.
Mukemuke, ムケムケ、解カレタ(帯ナ F). adj. Opem. Unfastened. Syn : Mukimuke.
Mukereye, Aor Le of 2, #jz. v.t. To crawl along. To work one's self along upon the side or stomach. Syn : Mukecharase.
Muke-upshoro. A.,4%rroy 7$za ra, BH e 3: $j. n. An untidy bosom.
Muki-itangi, A #4f & Co:#, ≫ vv = > s’ v. n. Codonopsis tussturiensis, Hemsl. Syn : Muk.
Mukka, A≫*j, §* v *. adj. Stopped up. As ;-E kisara mukka ne wa gusu pirika itak ki koroka e nu ka shomoki, “because your ears are stopped up though I say well you hear not.”
Mukkane, A, ≫jj:k, Hl *, £*/t^. adj. Round. Stopped up. Syn : Mu. Omu.
Mukkane-chikuni, A ≫?jak 5 % -, or Mukkane-ni, f, wh:k E, so *%. n. A round pole.
Mukkara, ムッカラ。琶布スル、吾布ヲツ 27 yu. v.t. To poultice. To make a poultice.
Mukke, J., v r, 5; i 3. adj. Open. Un done. Unfastened.
Mukkere ムッケレ。隠ス。秘密ニスル。 v.t. To hide. To keep secret. Syn : Eshima. Oraunu.
Mukkosamba, A?≫=u+4*, ?* L. v. v.i. To be stopped up.
Mukkosanu, A 9 =1#52, Ek =j: E.Jl. v.i. To jump up in a hurry.
Mukkot, ムッコツ。恐ル。例セバ、ケウッ ムオロゲムッコッカネコ トマン。 彼ヘ心 =擢レヲ拒ク如クニ見ュル v.i. To be in fear. As :~ Keutum oroge mukkot kane kotoman, “he appears to have fear in his heart.”
| Mukku, $a$; 2 4%, to + * v. n. A ムック。 kind of musical instru
| Mukkuri, ment made of wood, and A y > J, somewhat resembling a “Jew's harp.”
Mukkuri-rekte, A. 92, J L 57, 2, 2. y 7:ix Jl. v.i. To play upon the 1mukkuri.
Mukmuk, /.^/./≫^/, £&** v *^. adj. Stopped up.
Mukmuke ムクムケ。開イタ、ナサレズ = . adj. Open. Undone. Syn : Mukemuke.
Mukmukke, f, 27 E, ≫4r, $ ^". v.t. To Stop up.
Mukmukpa, A, O E O ≫ K, SF 2...". GY te ≫s, キサラムクムクペタン、没rノ耳ヲ塞グ、印 +o? 2 on v. v.t. To stop up. As :~ Kisara mukmukpa yan, “stop up your ear.” i.e. “do not appear to hear.”
Mukot, A, Ei y, § v * yl. adj. Hidden away.
Mukramama, A? 5 -*-r, # 2. v.i. To cringe.
Mukshit, A. ) ≫ y, E. f. FJ-e os, z, クシッコッッカ、パップヲアテル。n A poultice. As :~ Mukshit kotukka, “to poultice.”
Mukuribe, ムクリべ、ヤッメウナギ n, A lamprey. Syn : Ukuribe.
Mumi, A E, ?H?, #. n. A company. A class.
Mun, A 2, #, ##. n. Grass. Weeds.
Muncharashi, A. Le F#5 ×, + x v > y #I. (S). Lathyrus palustris, L. var. pilosus. Ledeb. The Ainu name means Scatter grass.

Munchiro, A. 25 ra, g. n. Millet. Setaria germanica, Trin.
Munepa, ムネパ。サラシナショウマ。n. Cimicifuga simplex, Wormsk. Seed heads of grass.
Mungi, ムンギ, n. Wheat 小麦.
Munin, A = 2, #j+ 3 Jl. adj. Rotten. Addled. Syn : Horose.
| Munin-shiyeye, A. E. 2:24 = of 2, ##. n. Leprosy.
| Munin-tashum, ??? ???? ンタ = ?A
Mun-konchi-koro, A2 = 25F a DI, # 住ノ家屋ノ如ク荒レタル・ adj. To become desolate as a deserted house (lit. to wear a grass bonnet).
Mun-kuta-ushi, A. >2} & ? ?o, #)". n. A manure heap. Syn : Mun-ushmimdara.
Munnuye, むんぬいぇ, 拂フ。 v.i. sweep. Syn : Mukechirase.
Munnuyep, むんぬいぇっぷ, 箒(ほうき)。 n. A broom. Syn : Mukechirasep.
Munnuyep-nochiu, むんぬいぇっぷ・のちう, 彗星(彗星、ほうきぼし)。 n. A comet.
Mun-pe, A, eo&, #. n. Dew. Syn : Kinape.
Mun-ra, A, 25, #. 2 #. n. A blade of grass.
Munsamambe, A., Arij-7 A.-S., za v X L t. n. Zebrias Zebrinus, T. & S.
Munteshima, A. 257 22-r, y 9 7 3°. n. A Saghalien name for the Vicia Cracca, L. var, canescens, Maxim.
Mun-tuitui ムンツイツイ。病気ノ呪ニ # 7#T 9. v.t. To beat one's clothes as a charm against sickness.
Mun-ush-mindara, A → 7 o'S A 5' 5, ##|.. n. A manure heap. Syn : Mun-kuta-ushi.
Murayeba ムライェバ。耐豊トシテ人ノ頭 5 §3ryl. v.t. To stroke the head as in salutation.
Mure, A. Lo, ?#f, y # e. n. A pair. As :~ Mure horokeu, "a pair of wol ves.”
Muri, ムリ。ヘマニンニク、テンキクサ. Elymus mollis, Trin. Muri grows on sandy beaches and was formerly used in making bags, hats, and baskets.
Muri-koro-kamui, A. J H H #4, f, & 演ノ耐、砂演ニ咲クムリノ耐. n The god of sandy beaches and of the Muri grass growing there.
Muriri ムリリ。葬式ノ時死豊ニ結プ紐。 n. A band used for tying up the dead for burial. Syn : Mururi.
| Muro, A Pa, 53, * H. n. A pit dwel
| Moro, HE DI, ling.
| Muru, A)L', ##. n. Chaff. Husks. Bran.
| Muruhu, ムルフ。
Murumuruse, A JLA, Jltz, #21. v.i. To be angry. To boil up with anger.
Murumuruse, AJI-A/Ltz, Eh: x Jl., v.i. To throb.
Mururi ムルリ。死豊及ビ其ト共ニ葬ル Hao 7#7 #. n. A lace or cord used for tying up the dead and the paraphernalia buried with them. Syn : Muriri.
Musa, ムサ。他人ノ頭ヲ撫デル(祀豊儀トシ 7.). v.t. To stroke the head of another person in salutation. Sym : Umusa. Uruiruye.
Muse, Atz, 4 + 2 +... n. Same as Mose, “ nettles.”
Muse-chiri, Atz; J, 9 y F y, n. Himalayan cuckoo. Cuczelus intermedius, Vahl. Syn : Tutut.
Mushi, ムシ 帯ブ(刀ヲ)、頸ニカケル。 v.t. To wear a necklace or sword sash. -
Mushir'。ムシル 國、土地。島、モシリ F El $7. n. Country. Land. Same as Moshiri.
Mut ムツ。帯プ(刀ヲ)、頸ニカケル v.t. To wear as a sword. To wear round the neck. As :~ Emush mut, “to wear
a sword.” ka. W#{}T?.
Mutbe, Ayrk, JJ, j?. n. Swords. Emzut omzushi anochautek“he drew the sword which he ” Syn : Unu. Arms.
Muye, むいぇ , 束(たば) n. A bundle.
Muye, むいぇ, 籾殻(もみがら)、箕(み) (wikipedia) n. A winnow. Syn : Isoyep.   ★wikipedia によると、箕(み)は、アイヌ語の muye 由来かも。アイヌ語の muye は、日本語由来だと思う。∵アイヌは農耕民族では無い(?)
Muyemanba, f4 =* ^av, fU?: x 2?. v.t. To pack up one's things.
| Muyep_、大総上部ノマガリ木 n The
| Muyepi×? arched piece of wood uyepi, attached to a dog-sleigh. A个=E,


N, *, 数詞ノ後ニ加フ t???? ? N ヘ。ニウ (X) F#+ y . n. When found suffixed to numerals n is a contraction of Niu, “ a person.” As :~ Shiren, “one person.” See Niu.
Na, ナ。此詞ヲ動詞ノ後ニ加フル時ヘ文 # / # y 3 yi > R x. part. This particle is often placed after a verb when a subject is supposed to be finished or a sentence concluded. It is a conclusive or affirmative particle.
Na, ナ, conj. This particle, when im N mediately followed by wa, is often employed in the sense of “which "; “it was "; “which was.” As :~ Ku goro ekashi ne ambe Saiporo na-wa ai-iye kotan orun tetara ne, “my ancestors were inhabitants of a place called Satporo.”
Na, +, *7r 9y 4r. Past tense of an. Was. Syn : An-ne.
Na, :)-, e y, X. conj. And. Also.
Na, 3-, Tj se 5r, filjy, F. E. adv. And. Also. Again.
Na, ナ。運ブ、荷フ。例セバ、ニナグスオ マン、彼ヘ木ヲ取リニ行ツタ. o.f To carry. As :~ Ni na gusu oman, “he has gone to fetch wood."
Na, 3-, 7k. n. Water. As :~ Na-i, “a stream.”Na-rai, “a ditch.”
Na, ナ、削ル。 v.t. To shave (as a stick). To whittle.
Na, ナ。動詞ニ附加シテ動作、有様、釈況 77R x. A participial suffix to some verbs expressing action, state, condi tion, As, Mak, “ Open "; Makna, “Opened up.”
Naa, 3-7”, Fe v F. adv. Nearly.
Naa, +7, #, 若シ否定ノ詞ト共ニ用ュ レベ。未ダノ意味ナリ・此詞ヘ又形容詞 ノ前ニ附ケ加へテ、比較級ヲ構成ス。例セバ、ナアポン。ヨリモ少ク ado Yet. More. With a negative “not yet.” This word is often used before adjectives to express the comparative degree. Thus:--Naa pon, “smaller.” Naa poro, “ larger.” As :~ Naa an, “there is more;” Naa arashuine, “once more.” Naa ek isam, “he has not yet corne.” Naa isam, “there is no more.” Naa moshima, “yet again”; “again.” Naa okai, “there are more.” Naa pon no, “a little more.” Naa shinep, “one more.” Naa shomo, “ not yet.” Naa ko pon uishui, “indeed, yet again.”
Naa-akkari-shi-no-sopa-ikkeu-nekumbe,ナアアッカリシノゾパイッケウ ネクムべ。小屋ノ東端ノ眞隅 ph. In the very corner by the east end of a hut. |
Naa-an-gusu, 3-77 A? ZK, # yi #.
ph. As it was so.
Naa-anak, ナアアナク。受働ノ動詞ニ接 績スルトキヘ殆ンドノ意味トナル。例セ ベ、ナアアナクアオッケ、殆ンド槍ニテ j|| 9 v. & H. s- x y +. adv. When followed by a passive verb “nearly.” As :~ Naa anak aotke, “ it was nearly speared.” Syn : An...... an-gesh shiriki. Naa-nipo.
Naakakonne, 3-7 h = 2^+, ?????3 = . adv. Directly after.
Naak-ene, ナアクエネ。ドノ方へ、何處 x) = . adv. Somewhere. Whither.
Naa-ko-an-uishui, 3-7 - F - 7 f :ea. イ。ソウデスカナ、マタデスカ. ph In・ deed! yet again
Naa-moshmap, 3-7+277, # 2 #. n. The other one. Syn : Moshimaan-ike. Naa-oyap.
Naa-ne-a-wa, +7:K79, +. ph. Being such.
Naanhonko, *- 7’ >zis > zu, 3% > F°. ソウデアッ adv. Almost. Same as Naanihungo.
| Naani, ナアニ,
| Naanihungo, V# & F. adv. Almost. ナアニフンゴ Nearly.
| Naanipo, ナアニポ,
Na-anun-neyakka, je 73% Azik to ≫?i, sasfo = +. adv. Anywhere. Every where. Syn : Inani un me yakka. Nei ta ne yakka.
Naa-okaketa, 3-7z? hArst, 直チニ、直 2^# =, H4-. adv. Presently. In a short time. After a little while. For a short time. Syn : Naa-shirankoro. Nisako.
Naa-oyap, 3-7***7, te v#. n. The other one. Syn : Moshima-an-ike. Naa-moshimap.
Naa-rui, ナアルイ。甚ダ大キイ・ Very great. Greater.
Naa-ruwe-ka-iki, J-7” ile ) = ?, 4 *, fij H, so & #2: . ph. Still more. adj.
Naa-samata, 3-7+j*rr &, #fE, H. E, 3. adv. Besides. Again. Also,
Naa-shuirankoro, :}-7" S-S >= H, FI # 2, 52 +... adv. Presently. A little later.
Na-hi-korachi, 3-E-155, Fl o ?. adv. Likewise. In the same way.
Nahun, ナフン。只今、数日以前 ado. Just now. A few days ago. Just a little while ago. Syn : Ahunak. Take.
Nahun-po, ナフ ンポ。 今, 即時. adv. Now. Just now. Now again.
Nai ない, 流、河、谷。 n. A stream. A river (in Saghalin “a larger river"). ~ A valley either with or without water 水あり、水なし、の河がある谷. A brook 小川.
Naibutchi, ないぶっち, 河口。 n. A river's mouths. (pl.)
Nai-cha, ない・ちゃ, 渓谷ノ両側。 n. Glenside. Glens, Riverside or bank.
| Nai-ko, ない・こ, 河床。
| Nai-kochi, ない・こち, n. The bed of a river. The bottom of a valley. Syn : Naikot.
Nai-korachi, ナイ・コラチ, 同様ニ, 亦矢張リ。 adv. Likewise.
Nai-kot, 3-4 - y, of He. n. The bed of a river. The bottom of a valley. Syn : Nai-ko. Nai-kochi.
| Naikosamba, # vL, # x >L>. ?]-? >s, ナイコサムバ、タムピフムカンナイコ
| Naikosanu, サヌ、刀ヲ抜ク時ノ音。 ナイコサヌ。 v.i. To make a noise. To sound. As :~ Tan pi humkan naikosanu, “the sound of drawing swords.”
Na-i-pakno, 3-4 *$2" /, ???# = , + R. adv. Likewise.
Nai-po, + As it, JII #. n. A river tributary.
Nai-yau, +4 °7, ##. n. Tributaries of a stream.
Nak, ナク なっく, ソウ(ソウ申シマシタ)。 adv. So. As :~ Nak ye manu, “ so he said."
Nak, ナク なっく, 場所、何處、幾何 n. & adj.
Place. Where. What. How much.
Nak, ナク なっく, 然ラズ、ナシニ。例セバ、シクナク。盲目、目ガ無イ。 adv. Not. Without. As :~ Shik-nak, “without eyes”; “blind.” Syn : Sak.
Nakan, なかん, 何處ヘ。 post. Whither 【古・詩】どこへ.
Nakan-ani, なかん・あに, 何トナレバ。 adv. Because. Hence.
Nakan-gusu, なかん・ぐす, 此譯デ。 adv. For this reason.
Nakan-ine, +:b Zees Hk, sJ# = b . adv. Somewhere. Whither.
Nakan-rengaine, d- ?, A Le > # 4 #, jti?5°. ph. And so.
Naken, Same as Nakun, “Whither.”
Nak-hine, ナクヒネ なっく・ひね, アル所、ドコカニ。 adv. Somewhere.
Nak-ne, なっく・ね, 何處カ。 adv. Somewhere. As :~ Nak ne oman wa isam, “he went away somewhere.”
Nak-ne-hi-gusu, なっく・ね・ひ・ぐす, だから、故ニ。 adv. Inasmuch as.
Nakkane, なっかね, 幾何。 post. How much P
Nak-ki-aine, *-47 a74 *, ≫ % x. yv. |Hj. ph. While doing so.
Nak-kichine, 3-2, 3-5:#, = 2 # 9 = x 21. ph. Doing so or thus.
Nakoan-uishiri, 3--7 274 × J, 5. #, #& J. ph. Indeed. Is that so.
Nak-oro, + 2y2 a, s?s?t--. post. To where 2
Nak-ta, +3 ox, sasfo = . adv. Where. Syn : Humakta.
Nakte, 3-2, 5, H# =. adv. When.
Naktek, ナクテク。夫カラ、丁度何處デ, TBosas?z. adv. & post. Thereupon. Just where. Just how much. Upon that. As :~ Naktekorowa, “upon that,” “thereupon.” Syn : Nate, Natek.
Nak-un, ナクン。ドノ方へ、何處カニ。 adv. Whither. Syn : Naken.
Nak-wa, ナクワ なっく・わ, 何處カラ。例セバ、ナクワエク、何處ヨリ彼ハ来リシカ。 adv. Whence. As :~ Nak wa ek, "whence has he come ?”
Nak-we, なっく・うぇ, 何處カラ。 adv. Whence. Syn : Nak-wa.
Nam, ナム, 冷キ。例セバ、ナムワッカ、新 鮮ナル水、又ハ冷水。之ニ対シテ、ピツル ワッカ、ハ停滞セル水ナリ. adj. Cold as water or one's feet or hands. Fresh or cool (as fresh water). Thus:~ Nam wakka, “fresh or cool water.” Fresh water in contradistinction to stagnant water is called pituru wakka.
Namde, なむで, 冷ス。 v.t. To set to cool. To cool. Syn : Tuwarage. Tuwaraka.
Nami-oyan, ナミオヤン。魚ノ如ク集マ M. v.i. To crowd together as fish in water.
Namka, なむか, 冷ス。 v.t. To make cool.
| Namshu, 7"Jo'a., H. n. Maggots. Grub
| Namshun, Worrrls. ナムシュン。
Nan, 3’ >, # 2 #|.. n. The prow of a vessel.
Nan, do A, AA. n. The face. As :~ Nan kokik, “to slap the face.” Syn : Nota.
Nanapo, J-3-7R, # S- = .. adv. Im mediately.
Nanchi-chup, 3-25F5F a. 7, +: Ej. n. The month of July by some called Shimauta-chup.
Nanchimi, 3-25FS, #E E, ???#?. n. A secret whore or whoremonger. A secret harlot.
Nanepuriwen Manepuriwen ★バカ検証 スペルミス, ナネプリウェン, v.t. To pity 憐れむ.
Nanetok, 3- + H }, # E. n. The COuntenance.
Nanetok-koro, ** R. 49 za tu, ?? ≫ + #. n. A beautiful face.
Nanga, j- 2:f, #i. n. The face.
Nangashike, 3- 27 fEvEr, # / E. adv. On the face.

Nangashke, J- A?f3 e4", '$ **?E. n. A steep winding path. A precipitous path. Syn : Chikaye-chish. Chish. Ekayechish. Wen-shiri.
Nangashke-chiukush, + 27s oro? $ $e, ist se # # y ?. n. A winding narrow path. A precipitous rugged path. Syn : Chikai-chish.
Nange, ナンゲ。刈ル。例セバ、ヌンナン ≫', # 7 XIJJL. v.t. To mow. As :~ Mun nange, “to mow grass.” Syn : Nanke.
Nangeu, + > # #, # #, n. The cheekbones.
Nangora, ナンゴラ。多分、大抵。例セバ, ネコンアキナンゴラ、彼ヘ大抵何ヲ為ス 9- * > 2. adv. Perhaps. It is most likely to be so. As :~ Nekon a ki nangora 2 “What will he most likely do?”
| Nangoro, 未来及ビ未来ノ賞現ヲ示ス :}- :e:a'pa', ji?j. aux. v. This word ex
| Nangon, *>?>'>, and also a future , probability, “there probably will be.” Ek mangoro, "he will probably come." or “he will come.” Syn : Nanko.
Nangoro-wa, + 2-fra 2, #3, 7&#. adv. Perhaps. Probably. Most like1y. Likely.
Nan-hepuni, }- : ves 7=, #? 7 E 3° v. v.t. To hold up the face. Syn : Namtararat.
Nanhongo, d- ezK > :f, F# > F. Nearly.
Nani, 3-E, E3 = , E =, #st vst? =. adv. Immediately. Quickly. At once. Then. Without stopping.
Nani-hungo, de E7 - Er, # & F. adv. Almost. Nearly. Syn : Naanihungo.
Nani-hungo. adv.
Nani-nani, 3-E3-E, iH + =. adv. Very quickly. At once. Immediately. Directly after.
Nani-no-po, d-E / R, E# =. adv. Immediately. At once.
Nani-po, de E7ie, # F. adv. Nearly. | Nanke, + y~, xjxv. presses the future tense Syn : Naanihungo.
Nan-iporo, + 24 shop, #ift. n. The complexion of the face.
Nani-ral, +=5 4f, s??E. n. A sudden death.
Nani-ruki, 3-= /L^=*, $3E = x. yl≫. v.t. To swallow without biting. To swallow whole.
Nan-ita, d- : e4f 4g, j? v fil, jt v F#. adv. Whilst. When. As :~ Upopo man-ita, “whilst dancing to singing.”
Nan-kai, ナンカイ。チクセツニンジン。 n. Panax japonicum, C. A. Mey. Wild ginseng, “carrot."
Nankan-tushte, ?- o?i v Sej, a z & 2 × 1. vi. To screw up the face.
Nanke v.t. To mow. Syn : Nange.
Nanko, j e Sa, 3- v = r a F fil sv. Same as Nangoro, “will.”
Nan-kotchaketa, J">Nan-kotchaketa-pirasa, + 2 + 95-y ケタビラサ, 示ス。羅頭ス、前ニ振請ゲル。 v.t. To reveal. To make known. To spread out before one.
Nankotuke, 3->> yor, 2L. v.t. To kiss.
Nanta, + 2*, ###. n. The bow of a ship or boat.
Nan-tarara, ナンタララ。顔ヲ擦ゲル。 v.t. To hold up the face. Syn : Nanhepuni.
Nan-shik-tarara, + 25, 5 & 75, 5. 上ゲル(不意ノ音響ニ驚キタルトキノ如 >). v.t. To look up (as when startled by any unexpected noise).
Nan-tuyere, d- :e:y?EL, HE# x: JL. v.t. To gaze steadily at.
| Nanu, +x, #. n. The face.
| Nanuhu, *5:7, -
Nanu-iporo, 3-5?4 # pa, ##, #, 2 k x, y +... n. The countenance.
Nanu-isam, 3-5x4f+A, Hiky v. v.i. 顔ニ接物ス
To feel ashamed. To be put out of countenance. Syn : Yaikatuwen. Yainikoroshima.
Nan-un-kirihi, 3- > t >:# 9 b., #2 # / 383.3%. n. The cross beam at the prow of a boat.
Nanu-pirika, 3-5. E.) y, ? 23e sZ . adj. Good-looking.
Nanu-wen-chep, なぬ・うぇん・ちぇっぷ, F су - у 2 : ?. n Sculpin. Hemitripterus villous, (Pall.).
Nanu-wen-chimakani, #5 oz 25** # :=, b, 7 ~ y ?i s ?r. n. A kind of sculpin. (Hemitripterus sp.).
Nanu-wen-kikiri, 3-5, 7 - >=## J, of 難(徹ニ似タル尾ヲ持ツ) n A kind of small blue fly having a woolly tail resembling mildew.
Nara, ナラ。溝、藻。小川。高豪、n A ditch. A water-rill. Terrace. (see Ni-nara.)
Narai, ならい, 壕。 n. A ditch. Syn : Pechiri,
Nasa. Fo, # 2. v.t. To tear. To split. Syn : Yasa.
Nashke, *- $z 4%r, oy. v.i. Slit. Cracked.
Nat, 3-y, ??, #7, #. n. A stream. A river (in Saghalien “a large river”). A valley either with or without water. Syn : Na. Nai.
Nata, ナタ。尖ノ無キ大ナイフ。 kind of large pointless knife.
Nata, + 4:, iE /. adj. Whose.
Natara, ナタラ。動詞ニ附加シテ有様又 2xi; 77s; x. part. When suffixed to certain verbs Natara indicates state, condition or sound. Nate, ナテ。夫カラ、丁度何處デ、丁 Natek, d-5F Zy, #stijg# t. adv. & post. Thereupon. Just where. Just how much. Upon that. Syn : Naktek.
Na-tura-no, 9-)v5 V, sal s'# =. adv. At the same time.
Nau, ナウ。木ノ小片、小枝、制リ切レ. n. A Little chips. Small branches. A shaving.
Naugep, 3-747, or Naukep, j-ry 4-7, #1, ##H. n. A crook. A hook.
Naukepsaine, 3-7 5-7-9-4 # , # + z}ケル(木ノ茂リタル枝ナドヲ) v.t. To hook or hold on one side as branches of trees as when one is passing through a forest.
Nause ナウセ。小枝又ヘ削リ切レヲ持 y 7. adj. Having small branches or shavings.
| Na-wa, h = 7. conj. That which. ナワ。 Which was. As :~ Na-wa
| Na-wa-an, ai-iye, “which was called.” do 77° 2, Syn : Sekoro.
Naye, ナイェ。條(スチ)、標(シルシ)。例セ ベ、マキリアニナイェカラ, 小刀ニテ標 7sfor yu. n. A line or mark. As :~ Makiri ani naye kara, “ to make a mark with a knife.”
Ne, ネ,....... ニナル、アル。例セバ、ペネ、水ニナル。 v.i. To become. To be. Is. Which is. Am. As :~ Ainu ku ne, “I am an Ainu.” Pe ne, “to become water.” Koponchi ne, “to become dust.” This word is often used as an affirmative particle; it follows nouns and is itself generally followed by ruwe ne, As :~ Seta ne ruwe ne, “it is a dog.” Chep ne ruwe ne, “it is a fish.”
Ne, ネ, 時ニ一定ノ位置ヲ指ス adv. The word ne sometimes indicates a definite place. As :~ Mupuri kashke ne rikin, “he ascended to the very top of the mountain.”
Nea, k7, soft. part. Placed at the end of a phrase or verb nea means “when.”
Neagusu, k7* ?Y ZK, ZE y 37 yi w z = . ph. At it was. It being so.
Ne-aigehe, # of Jo4f 4*^, # / Ha. adv. Meanwhile. Thereupon.
Ne-an-ike, k7* 24 r., fi:#w ze 3, . ph.
Following a verb these words mean “having done.” As ?Nukara ne-anike, “having looked.”
Neera, :&: r.5, (J v. pro. Which.
Neerambe ネエラムべ, アツタモノ。 ph. That which is or was. The afore said. In full, nei ruwe ambe.
Ne-gusu, ネグス。故ニ。例セバ、ソンノ # * x, so v 3r; =. post. For. Because. As ?Son no ne gusu, “ because it is true.”
Ne-hike, + E Or, j?#, ##%. ph. Those who were.
Nei, #4, #, ##, ## / ?r. pro. That. The. He. She. It.
Nei-a, ネイア。其、左様。例セバ、ネイア グル、其人。ネイアアプ、其物。ネイアヤ z r f =, ?E# = 5 ** pl. pro. That. So. As :~ Nei a guru, “ that person.” Nei a ap, “ that thing.” Nei a yak aye, “so it is said.”
Nei-ambe, R4s 7’Ark, ###. n. That thing. That person. Syn : Nei-rok okai.
Nei-ambe-gusu, # 4 TP A^&? ZK, j?# =. ph. As it was so. For that reason. Inasmuch as it was so.
Nei-a-orota, # Af Jozi pa 4z., #styl-?? = . adv. Then. Upon that.
Nei-auk, k-f7 7 }, ##$. adv. Suddenly. As :~ Nei-auk ingar’anak ko, “when he suddenly looked at it.”
Nei-a-yakka, k 4 7 to ≫?j, Tij v ?., X., ト踊モ。例セバ、キワネイヤッカ。其ヘ為 + v × 1 F +. post. And. Also. Although. As :~ Ki wa nei a yakka, “although it is done.”
Nei-a-yakka...... ne-yakka, -k-s 7+ y カ... ネヤッカ。・・・・・。 モ・・・・・・ 又... モ。 post. Both...... and, when used with an affirmative; neither...... nor, when used with a negative.
| Nei-a-yak-ne, ネイアヤクネ。若シ、ト躍モ post If
| Neia-yakun, Although, ネイアヤクン。
Nei-hi-samata, # 4 t''}*** Ag, jt. V fis = . adv. Beside that. Besides.
Nei-ita, ネイイタ。然ル時ニ、其時ニ・例セバ、ネイトホシムゲトホ、其次ノ日。 adv. Then. At that time. As :Nei toho shimge toho, “the following day.”
Nei-ka, Hk A sj, jtijl 7, stik =, adv. So. In that way.
Neike, k A or, 7 y. part. Being.
| Neikehuike, ネイケフイケ、総テ、何處デモ。 adj.
| Neikene-yakka, All. Everywhere. ネイケネヤッカ,
Neikeseima, k4 Artz4 -r, #7 , : , . adj. All. Entirely.
Neina, :k-f :}“, 3 k, F#. n. A song. A chant.
Neina-chikap, 3.4 +5.3, 7, § {} / ? #. n. Some kind of singing bird.
Nei-no, kas A, ...... ノ如ク。例セバ、ネ イノカラ、似セル、模倣スル ado So. As. Thus. Like that. As :~ Nei no kara, “to imitate, to do like.”
Nei-no-an, +4 A J" >, ?E# =, ...... ノ #II 2, gp4-. adv. So. Thus. Like this or that. It is so.
Nei-no-korachi, k of / a 55°, ?ti? у , # y . adv. So. Like that. Syn : Anne-ikippo.
Nei-no-ne-chiki, xk4 / 2k3*#, #8 7 2s. conj. If that is so. Syn : Newe-neyakun. -
Nei-oro-ki-yakka, *4 *F Pa =* o?≫;h, faf z gk s - so y -e. ph. Whatever was done.
Nei-oro-pakno, + 4 + R *? } /, gff ### 3. ph. How far?
Nei-orota, + 4 + D &, # l-F#, j?E. ネイオロタアン、其レヘ其處ニアルカ・ adv. Then. There. As :~ Nei orota an 2 “is it there P”
Nei-orun, # 4 #JL >, f?P?, ff. adv. Where. What. Of what place. As :~ Nei orun guru e ne, “what place
do you belong to ?” -
Nei-pak-no, ネイ・パク・ノ, 如何程遠ク。 ph. How far.
Nei-pak-no-nei-wa-ne-yakka, ネイ・パっク・ノ・ネイ・ワ・ネ・ヤッカ, 何處デモ、何時デモ。例セバ、ネイパクノネイワネヤッカ クオイラクニプショモタパンナ、其ハ余ガ決シテ忘レザル物ナリ。 ph. Everywhere and at all times. Important. As :~ Nei pakno nei wa ne yakka ku oira kunip shomo tapan na, “it is a thing I shall never forget.”
Nei-pak-no-ne-yakka, *4f ~8% A’ * + ≫yj, g N-H wr SF. ph. As far as one likes. To any distance. Everywhere. Anywhere.
Nei-pak-no-ne-yakka......shomo, R. イパクノネヤッカ......ショモ、決シテ... ・・・セヌ。例セバ、ネイパクノネヤッカク ニプショモタパンナ、其ヘ余ガ決シテ忘 v 9 yi ##-#- y . ph. Never. As :~ Nei pakno ne yakka ku oira kunip shomo tapan na, “it is a thing I shall never forget.”
Neita, k4 &, sfde adv. Where.
Neita-ham-oman, -k-s or ww.azhor:e, sis; = +ff zi x. ph. Not having gone anywhere.
Neita-korak, 3.4 & E 72, #7, 2- 32. adv. Never before; Syn : Ene neita shomoki a hi.
Neita-korak-ayayamkire, * 4 × E. 5 クアヤヤムキレ。全ク知ラザリシ者.ph. A thing one has never known before.
Neita-ne-yakka, :kaf &# y ≫ zh, siis : 5e e. adv. Anywhere. Everywhere. Syn : Na-anun-neyakka. Neun-neyakka.
Neita-pakno-newa-ne-yakka, kaf & パクノネワネヤッカ。何時ニテモ、常ニ. adv. ph. Always.
Nei-ushpe, as of 7:2°S, ##. n. Any news. News from any place.
Nei-utara, ネイ ウタラ。 彼等, 彼等ニ。 pro. They. Them. Syn : Ani-utara.
Nei-wa, ネイワ。何處ヨリ。例セバ、ネ イワェク、故ヘ何處ヨリ来レルカ ado. Whence. As :~ Nei wa ek, “ whence have you come ?” Syn : Nak wa.
Nekese, Kortz, #3, Fa 2 #. v.t. To end. To finish. n. The western end of a place.
Neko ネコ。若シ、時ニ。例セバ, エクネ ニ , # $21;3;&# 2s. post. If. When. As :~ Еk neko, “if he comes.”
Nekon-a, ネコナ。何。例セバ、ネコナァ カラ、何ウシタモノダラウ. ado. What kind. What. As :~ Nekon a akara, “what is to be done.” Nekon a iki wa gusu, “what to do.” Nekon a alaye an, “what is the price.” Nekon a hawe an, "what did he say." Ne. kon a akara kuni guru ta a ? “ what ought to be done with him 7”; “what shall we do with him.” Nekon a akara kunip ta an a ? “what is to be done with it.” Syn : Makanak.
Nekon-a-poka, Hk En 3-7R35, siszk. adv. Please. Somehow or other.
Nekon-ka, k n > h, i ff = . How. Somehow.
Nekon-ka-newa, +: = :e? # 7, f?sz?. ph. Please (often used in prayer).
Nekon-ne-yakka, ka > # 4 ≫?j, ff: 32, 3- L. F +. post. However.
Ne-kumbe, k & B, *, *, *, v vo. pro. They. Those. The. Same as Nei ambe. As :~ Ai ne kumbe, “ those arrows.”
Ne-manup, :k~z 5x7", FE#+ 7 y? y? #%. 例セバ、セタネマヌプ。此者ヘ大ト稲セ : yl. ph. The object called. As:Seta ne manup, “the object called “dog.”
| Nen, ネン。誰。例セバ、タムベネンキ
| Neni, ネニ。ヤ,誰ガ此ヲ為セシカ、pro. Who. Somebody. As :~ Tambe nen ki ya ? “ who did this?”
Nen-an, a 27 2, ## =. adj. Like. As. Resembling. As :~ Nen-ambe, adv.
“something like.” Syn : Nei-no-an.
Nenchike, i. 25.5°, ###, a v. n. A top. Syn : Tumu.
Nenka, # 2 h, E# ?i, f?s # ?r. adj. Somebody. Some one or other.
Nen-korope, # >= n ^?, ?# v. poss. pro. Whose. Syn : Hunna koro.
Nen-ne, ネンネ。誰。例セバ、タムベキグ ルネンネヤ、此レヲ為セシヘ誰ナルカ. adv. Who. As :~ Tambe ki guru nen me ya 2 “who is he that has done this P” -
Nen-ne-kuru-ka, k vak i Ju?j, # 5° E. n. Anybody. Syn : Nen ne yakka.
Nen-nen-ne-yakka, 3-A, #5° E. n. :k >:k >:k* 9:1, Everybody. Any
Nen-ne-yakka, body. Syn : Nenネンネヤッカ。 ne-kuru-ka.
Nenta, ネンタ。誰。例セバ、ネンタイキ ルウェアン、誰ガ此レヲナセシカ pro. Who. As :~ Nenta iki ruwe an ? “who did it ?"
Nenta hawe an P “ who is there ?” Syn : Hunna.
Nep, ねっぷ, 流木。 n. Drift wood.
Nep, ネっプ, 何、某物、成物。例セバ、ヘイ オチネプカラグスキムタオマンア、此若 者ハ何ノ為ニ山ニ行キシカ・イテキネプ イェ。何事モ云フナカレ・ネプアエホマツ アンナ、彼ハ或ル物ヲ恐ル。adv. What. Something. Anything. As :~ Heikachi nep kara gusu kimta oman a ? “what has the lad gone to the mountains for?” Nep shinotcha e ki rusui ya ? “what hymn do you wish to sing?” Iteki nep ye, “do not say anything.” Nep aehomatu an na, “he is afraid of something.” Syn : Hemanda.
Nep-e-ye-gusu, ねっぷ・え・いぇ・ぐす, 何カ御用デスカ。何ヲ言ヒマスカ。 ph. What have you to say.
Nep-gusu, ネプグス。何故。例セバ、ネプ グスアイヌイタタェアシカイ・如何ニ彼 ハアイヌ語ヲ話シ得ルカ、ネプグスタム ベネイノアンア、何故ニ然ルヤ. adv. Why. Wherefore. How. As :~ Nep gusu Ainu itak eashkai ? “ how is it he can speak Ainu ?”
Nep gust, tambe nei no an a ? “ why is this so?” Syn : Hemanda gusu. Makne.
Nepi, ねぴ, f?s, ##%, Est#. adv. What. Something. Anything. Syn : Nep. Hemnanda.
Nep-irenga-koro-gusu, # 74 le Co?I a ra ? x, ff# = . ph. Why. For what reason. Wherefore.
Nep-ka, ねっぷ・か, 或物。 n. Something 何か・あるもの. Something or other.
Nepka-ambe, # 7"#7’Ao?, adj. Something or other.
Nepka-sak-no, k 77,3}^ A , #-#4 ノ。例セバ、ネプカサクノクエク、余ヘ何 物ヲモ持チ来ラズ。ネプカショモクイェ, 43 ??j-ez;^*j* 9 *. adj. Having nothing. As :~ Nep ka sak no ku ek, “I have brought nothing.”
Nep ka shomo ku ye, “ I said nothing.”
Nepki, ネっプキ, 業、職。務。例セバ、ナクタエネプキ、何處デ汝ハ働クカ。 n. & v.t. Business. Work. To do work or business. As :~ Nakta (neita) e nepki ? “where do you work ?” Soita nepki kor'an, “he is doing something out of doors.” Ku arapa wa nepki, “I will go and do something.”
Nepki-ne, ねっぷき・ね, 或物、何カ、例セバ、ネプキネアキ。何事カヲ為シ居レリ。 n. Something or other. As :~ Nep ki ne aki, “to be doing something or other.” Nepki isam, “he is doing nothing.”
Nep-ki-yakka, ねっぷ・き・やっか, 何ヲ致シマシテモ。 ph. Whatever he did.
Nepkor’ambe, # 7 a 5 Aos, #f y, z 如ク。例セバ、エアニネプコラムベ,渋ノ fill 2. adv. Such. So. So......as. Thus:~Eani nepkor’ambe, “such as you.” Eani nep pon kor’ambe, “so small as you.” Kuani nepkoro oira 或物ノ.
gusu, “a person who forgets like me.”
Nepkoro, ネプコロ。如ク。例セバ、ネプ a ta 3, #, #3 + # 2 is ?. adv. Like. As. Resembling. As :~ Nepkoro kame, “as it is,” “like.”
Nepkoro-okai, ak 73 ruz-3, 4, #2 ノ如ク。例セバ、エアニアェネプコロオ 、カイイベルウェグルネイイタアンア。他 ニ法ノ如キ大食者アリヤ ado Same as Nepkor’ambe. As :~ Eani a e nepkoro okai ibe ruwe guru nei ita an a ? “where is there another such big eater as you?”
Nep-ne, ネプネ。否定ノ動詞ニ伴ヘザル 時ヘ、或物ノ意味、若シチレニ伴フトキ ヘ、何モナシノ意味ナリ。例セバ、ネプネ アラム、放ヘ何ヲ考へ居ルカ。ネプネア ラムカショモキ、其ヘ考フルノ物ニアラ x. post. Followed by a verb without a negative this word means “anything,” “something"; but when followed by a negative, it means “nothing,” “a thing of no importance.” Thus:~ Nep ne aramu ? “ are you thinking of anything?”
Nep me aramu ka shomoki, “it is nothing to be thought of,” or “it is not worth even a thought,” i.e. “it is of no importance." r
Nep-ne-gusu, + 7 + ? x, ff # = . post. Why. For what reason.
Nep-me-ka, ak 7 : zo, Bo #4. post. Something.
Nep-nep ネプネプ、種々ノ、種々ノ物。 、例セバ、ネプネックェモヌシ、余ヘ種々ノ 事ニ闘シテ多忙ナリ. ads & n Various. Many. Various things. As :~ Nep-nep ku emontesh, “ I am busy about a variety of things.”
Nep-nep-ne-yakka, f?f 5* e. fyj te os, ネプネプネヤッカ。 ネプチェプネ ヤッ
Nep-ne-yakka, カ、何ノ魚ニテ ネプネヤッカ。 +.. n. Any thing. Everything. In any case. By all means whatsoever. As :~ Nep chep ne yakka, “what fish soever.”
Nep ne yakka ibe emoka shomoki, “he eschews no food,” i.e. “he eats everything.”
Nepshui-shui, *7$2.4 $2-.4f, #}A ≫ #35 so, ?A . post. Again and again.
Neppo, ak v7ft, Ass Hr. n. A little bit of something.
Neppu, k ≫ 7, ## v #ff. n. Heaps of drift wood.
Nep-ta, ネプタ。何。例セバ、ネプタレイ ~ r >, # / 44 exf?s ?r. pro. What. As :~ Nep ta reihei an? “ what is it called?”; “what is its name?”
Nep ta an ? “ what is it?” Tambe nep ta an ? “what is this?” Syn : Hinta重血?。 -
Nepta-ambe-eiokot-nei-no, as 7 & アムべエイオコツネイノ。何物カヲ待ツ orig > . ph. As if waiting for something. .
Neptapa, + 7 & ≫?, jt os fij ?r. ph. What is it?
Nera-isa, ak; for, any rate. -
Ne-ra-ki-ne-yakka, † 5 ## *' ≫ zh, fif 7 #k - w z 5 e. ph. Whatever was done.
Ner'ambe ネルアムべ。ソウデアル、此 等ノモノ、事務ノ此ノ形状態 ph It being so. Those things. This state of affairs. Same as Neruambe.
Ner’an-ki-shi-wa, +: JL. Jo 2:#E, J, F* 5e e fe. ph. At yo-j??; ###. adv. ph. By any means whatever. .
Nere, ネレ。似合ヘス、模擬スル、...... ト シテ遇スル。 例セバ、アエヤイカムイネ レ、耐豊邦ス可キ耐トシテ遇スル v.t. To cause to become. To imitate. To treat : as. As :~ Aeyai-kamui nere, “to treat as gods to be worshipped.”
Nerok, +: Da O, v v > v. pro. Those.
Ne-rok-okai, * ta 49z+*j4f, v v 7 z. pro. Those.
Neruambe, ネルアムべ、ソウデアル、此
等ノモノ、事務ノ此ノ脱態. ph. It being so. Those things. This state of affairs. Short for ne ruwe ambe. As :~ Neruambe isam, “there are none.” Same as Ner'ambe.
Ne-shiri, 3:22 ), y y H =... v.i. It seems. It indicates. It appears as.
Neshko, * $^a.:i, 2/ /l. $ (EjjEE). n. A walnut.
Neshko-epuige, +: Seala:r.74s yo, 27 ルミ(胡桃)ノ木ノ雄花. n The long male flowers on walnut trees.
Neshko-ni, ねっしゅこ・に, オニグルミ。 n. Walnut tree. Juglans Sieboldiana, Maxim. Walnuts form an article of diet among the Ainu, but as they are very thick and hard shelled, making it difficult to extract the kernel, they are not thought much of. The Ainu name means “pattern bearing tree." The “patterns” may refer to either the wood-grains or the wrinkles or furrows on the nuts. The fruit is called ni-num, i.e. “tree ball.”
Net, # 7, 25 # 3- yl zk??j. n. The smooth surface of water.
Net, #:;/, :?zk. n. Drift wood. Syn : Nit.
Net, + y, AJE, ##. n. An effigy. Body. An idol. As :~ Ainu net, “the body or effigy of a man.” Syn : Inoka. Noka.
Nete, ネテ。ソコデ、是ニ於テ. ado. Thereupon, -
Netek, ak 5 y, 5k#, jts# =. adv. Thereupon. At that time. As :~ Netek orowa, “ after that.”
Netkop, # y:=a 7, z?e v ?L k. n. A log of wood.
Neto, # K., 2?f:+ LRH. n. Still calm weather.
Neto, + F, #?j. n. The surface of the sea. Syn : Nota. Noto.
Noto-an, ネトアン, 平穏なる海 adj. A calm sea. Syn : Notoan. ★バカ検証、Neto-an のスペルミス、多分。Net と Netoba の間にある。
| Netoba, + F wo, #. n. The body. Trunk.
| Netobake, Syn : Tumama. ネトバケ。
Net-wem, :k K 17 . 2, j£§ z. adj. A rough sea. Syn : Noto-wen.
Neum-poka, * 74.;##, #afff = * * *. adv. Somehow or other. In some way or another.
Neun, ネウン、種々ノ、何ナルカ. What is it. What. Various.
Neun-an-gusu, # ? 27 > } x, f?# = . ph. For what reason. What can it be.
Neun-neum, ネウンネウン。種々ノ、多 ? z. adj. Various. Many.
Neun-ne-yakka, ako 2:# * v 7), sspot xi =, faf ji, 5* =e. adv. - Anywhere. Everywhere. By all means. Syn : Neita-ne-yakka.
Neun-shi-no-mei-ya, or of 252 / 38 of +”, siis : ~ f_s + s - d. ph. Where has it gone.
Neusara, k7+5, 4%:#yl. v.i. tell tales. Syn : Uweneusara.
Neusara-ambe, ネウサラアムべ、音信. n.
News. A chat. Gossip.
Neusara-guru, * f7-!}-54%?pL≫, *E%Eij. n. A storyteller.
Newa, + 7, Ijszz, X. post, And. Also. -
Ne-wa-kaiki, # 7 h f +, ≫ v so z. ph. It being so.
Newa...... newa, 35 y...... ネワ。モ、.... モ、例セバ、クア=ネワェア=ネワ、我 + or e. post. Both...... and. As :~ Kuani newa eani newa, “both you and I.”
Neyakka, ネヤッカ ト・.... F. post. Both ; and, also. Syn : Ka.
Ne-yakka...... ne-yakka, it of y?...... ネヤッカ。チ走レモ此レモ、夫レデモナイ sH. v. 5% + + 4. post. Both......and. Neither...... nor. Syn : Ka...... ka.
Ni, =, Bk 27 (5% 7). v.t. To blow (as
the nose).
Ni, =, #!!#j5* * ..., . v.t. To ladle up.
Ni, ニ。服用スル、飲ム・例セバ、タンク スリニコアナクネツナシノエリテンク スネ、君若シ此薬ヲ飲マベ、君ヘ速ニ癒 v.t. To drink as medicine, tea, soup or hot water. As :~ Tan kusuri ni ko anak ne tunashi no e riten kusu ne, “If you drink this medicine you will get better soon.” ? ?? ?n.
Ni, =, st. n. & v.i. A flame of fire. To burn. Syn : Nu. Nui. Nu-ya. Nu-yau.
Ni, E, £ E /l. v.i. To stretch out.
Ni, ニ。樹。例セバ、=ェオクテ,樹=懸ル。 n. A general name for trees or wood. As :~ Ni eokte, “to hang upon a tree.”
Ni ham, “ the leaves of trees.”
Ni , ibehe, “the fruit of trees.”
Ni ka omare, “ to lay upon a bush.”
Ni pereba, “to cleave wood.”
Ni-wakka, “the sap of trees.”. Syn : Chikuni.
Ni, =, N. n. A person. Same as Niu.
Ni-akotumikoro, E7* Ei % 3 Et p , zk ノ悪魔赦ヒノ式ヲナス v.t. To perform the ceremony of driving evil demons out of trees.
Niara, ニアラ。美シイ、輝ク、華麗ナ。 adj. Beautifui. Bright. Splendid.
Niasara, ニアサラ。熊ノ尾。尾骸骨. n. A bear's tail. The lower end of the spine.
Niatush, E7 y.o.e., #j#j. n. A waterladle. A bucket.
Ni-awehe, =77 r} =~, g. n. A tongue of fire.
Nibu, =7, III FF / #4,#. n. A storehouse
Nipu, in the mountains. ニプ。
Nichiepa, E5:rizo, #j. n. The handle of any tool or utensil. Syn : Nichimba.
Nichihi, E5 E, #j. n. The handle of anything.
Nichimba, - 5. A wo, #. n. The handle of any tool or utensil. Syn : Nichiepa.
Nichitne, E5-sy:k, # #, # #. n. The cramp. To be stiff from work or exercise. To be tired.
Ni-eanu-no, = E75x V, i# =. adv. Fast.
Ni-hamu, = ~v.A, z* z j$. n. The leaves of trees.
Niham-muninkap, = wv.A.A. = Te? 7, #£ ij. n. Very fine rain.
Niharu, = ?vyv, + F V +. n. Mistletoe. Viscum coloratum, Nakai. Sometimes used as a medicine and sometimes as food. -
Nihorak-chup, Ezk5 ) fa 7, jt}]. n. The month of September. -
Ni-ikiri, E4 of J, Zoo / #. n. A load of wood. -
Nikambe, ニカムべ。暖皮、アヒカヘ. n. The white leathery layers of the fungus mycelium found between the cracks formed in the wood of dead oak, elm or ash trees, when attacked by Polyporus subphureus. It is applied to body wounds to stop hemorrhage.
Nikanoisep, = ?, A of tz 7, #2k=##? x 21 + x' & 2 #H. n. Any tree-climbing plant. -
Nikanoige-pungara, E7, Z 4 of 72 ガラ。樹木ニ纏続スルキッ”タノ類 n. Any tree-climbing vine.
Nikaop, EX}:F7, ?K 2 jo. n. fruit of trees.
Nika-un emauri, = h ) > 2 7 :) ), 3 + 4 + =r, Rubus crataegifolius, Bunge. A kind of raspberry.
Nikap, ニカプ。鉢、桃、低クナリタル所。 n. A wooden bowl. A nook.
Nikap ニカプ。病メル。例セバ、=カプ 7 x, #j/\. adj. Sickly. Ill. As :~ Nikap ainu, “ a sick man."
Ni-kap, ニカプ。樹皮、特ニオヒョウノ皮. n. The bark of trees, especially the The
bark of linden trees. Syn : Nikapu.
Nikap-attush, = ?, 7. Jo ≫ My SA, * E = ウノ皮ノ繊維ニテ造レル布、n Cloth made from linden bast.
Nikappa, ギンポウ (魚)ノ一種、n A ニカッパ。 kind of blenny. (Ened
Nikappana, rias nebulosus, (Jord. & ニカッパナ St.)).
Nikapu, ニカプ。樹皮、特ニオヒョウノ Bo. n. The bark of trees, especially the bark of a linden tree. Syn : Nikap.
Nikap-umbe, = ±57.A,~, f?i / r v E 2 ?#. n. A kind of ornamented mat. Syn : Okitarunbe.
Nikara, +3,5, to 3 to 2, # 2. v.i. To sparkle.
Nikara, ニカラ, 梯子(はしご)、階段。例セバ、ネイグルニカラシリカハチリ、彼ハ梯子ヨリ轉ケ墜チタリ。 n. A ladder. Stairs. As :~ Nei guru nikara shirika hachiri, “he tumbled down stairs.”
Nikarake, = ?,54-, HR y # 2, . Sparkling.
Nikarake-guru, = ?,5 r?YJU, g * t: 3, # 2 sli A. n. The nymph who makes the water shine. adj.
Nikashup, = ?, Sea.7, zk?k. n. A wooden spoon. -
Nikat-turashi-hemesu, - ?) wy:5 × ~ x 2, ## 5 of ju. v.t. To go up a ladder.
Nikaun-emauri, -7, o ox:- 7 J, & + + =r. n. Rubus crataegifolius Bunge. Raspberry.
Nike, にけ, 光、光ル。 n. & v.i. Light. To shine. To sparkle. As :~ Abe nike an, “there was the light of a fire.”
Nike, にけ, 薄キ片ニ切ルル。 n.& v.t. Slices. To cut into thin slices.
| Nikeiruru, にけいるる, 狭キ路、徑(径 こみち)。 n. A narrow road. A bridle-path. A foot-path.
| Nikeururu, にけうるる,
Nikema, Eoro, ##.. n. The trunk of a tree.
Nikende, E4->7, #2. v.i. To shine.
Nikep, ニケプ。輝キタル、赦々タル adj. Bright. Shining.
Nikep, +5-7, 36, £5H. n. A flame. Brightness. Splendour. Syn : Nipek. Nupek.
Nikepuru, ±4r7/L, z yu b = r. Sticta pulmanacea, Ach. Same as Nikorubo. The Ainu name means “flaked tree skin.” When boiled it is cooked and eaten.
Nikerui, にけるい, 薄キ片ニ切ル。 v.t. To cut into thin slices.
Nikerui-chep, にけるい・ちぇっぷ, 二ツ割ニシタル干魚。 n. Fish having their heads cut off, their backbones taken out, split down the middle as far as the tail and dried in the sun. Syn : Mikerui-chep.
Niki, -ao, A.A. v.t. To fold up.
Niki, = +, #( e 3*). n. Tucks. Plaits.
Niki-an, ニキアン。髪(ヒダ) トリタル。 adj. Plaited. Having tucks. As :~ Niki an amip, “plaited garments.”
Nikihi, = #E, E( E 3"). n. Tucks. Plaits. Syn : Niki.
Nikikara, -3.735, #2, ... v.t. To fold up. Syn : Ukoniki-kara.
Nikiniki-kina, = # = ##+, + y y z 3. n. Touch-me-not. Impatiens Nolitangere. L. Syn : Chikappo-kina.
Nikkotama, E >> 5, 7, § 2. . v.t. To surround. To inclose. Syn : Ekarire.
Nikombo, n. Sticta ptabmonacea, Ach, = El Azie, A kind of faliaceous li
Nikopuru, chen. Lungwort. Hazel :: 7/Le, brottles. (See Nikepuru).
Nikoniko, = -i = En, §§ v \ )>. adj. Curled (as hair). Crumpled.
Nikorange, ニコランゲ, 牧穫スル、取リ下ス。 v.t. To gather as beans in harvest. To take down from above.
Nikoro, E. E. H., #j ?. v.t. To embrace. To fold in the arms.

Nikoro, ・ -, ? C
Nikorobe, ? 5 г; ох,
Nikororose, = a pa pa tz, + x x + ?yzk 5 § 2) #. n. Sound made by the woodpecker when pecking at trees.
Nikotuk, E: 2 y, #, 2 × a z. n. Owl.
Nikuru, = O. Jie, zk ≫ $, X >>#3, n. The shade or shadow of trees.
Nikuru-ki, = 2 Jl.:+, ZIS: / : = : z, # 2, ... v.i. To meet with an accident. To suffer. Syn : Yai-iuninka.
Nima, ニマッ
Nimaha, ニマメ*。
Nimakaka ニマカカ。歯ヲ現ヘス(犬ノ #1 *). v.t. To show the teeth. Syn : Nirewe. Seikui.
Nimaki, ニマキ、歯。例セバ、=マキア * #1, ##. n. The teeth. As :~ Nimaki araka, “the toothache.”
Nimaki ke, “ to pick the teeth."
Nimaki-kutu-mun. = r + ? y A, e, y Jos x + = }-.n.Clintonia tudensis, Trautv. adv. Inside. 内部。 A wooden tray. A bowl. 木ノ盆. n. A charger. et Mey. Syn : Huppo-kush-mun.
Nimaki-ni, ・ニマキニ。 + >" z 37 #. n. Palura
Nimakka-ni, ciliata, Nakai. ニマッカニ。
Nimaki-ukerere, = +r y 5- Lo Lo, # x 21. v.i. To gnash the teeth. Syn : Sei-kui.
Nimaki-uturu-iyun, = r + r} y JL-f =?. 2, § 2 f♯j =#~r xv. v.i. To lie between the teeth (as a fishbone).
Nimaki-uturu-kara, = r + r) y lle?y 5, zis?? w ? z. vi. To pick the teeth.
Nimak-kotuk, ニマッコツク、サイヘイ 7 × . n. Cremastra variabilis, Nakai. An orchid. -
Nimara, =*5, £, £3*. ? adj. Half. Syn : Nimaraha. Upak-sereke.
Nimaraha, =+5 ~v, }{2*, *g*g. n. Friends. Syn : Ekatairotke-guru. Eshiramkiri-guru. Utara-nimaraha.
Nimaraka, = Nimba, = A, v?, # 27, B] + x vt. v.t. To draw. To lead as a horse. To drag along. Syn : Kituse.
Nimon, = HE A, #2 / ##. n. Fir branches. Also grass with broad leaves.
Nimu, F.A., #9 Ju'. v.t. To climb. Syn : Korikoshma. Turashi.
Nin, =, >a, ai or yv, §§xo y?... v. t. To melt. To become less as water in a river. To abate. To become absorbed. To change. To vary. Sym : Shi-etaye.
Nin, =, >, * 2 #. n. A wen. An unnatural lumpy formation often seen upon trees.
Nin, = 2-, Hj, KJ. the body.
Nina, E:F, ### 2 ov. v.t. To pulverize. To crush.
Nina, = }", e > x. n. A kind of sole, Paralichthys olivaceus, (T. & S.)
Nina, - ?-, #, ZK 2 #. n. A bundle of wood. Syn : Haraki.
Ni-na, ニナ。新(タキギ)ヲ背負フテ行ク v.t. To carry wood on one's back. n. The muscles of
Ninacha, - 3-5 y, s > z v. E. n. A kind of
Nina-chi, flounder. Kystrias griニナチ, gorjewi, (Herzenstein).
Nina-chep, にな・ちぇっぷ, to 7 x. n. A kind of sole. Paralichihys clivaceus (T. & S.).
Nina-kikiri, -3-4; J, #. n. A glow-worm. Syn : Ninakeppo.
Nina-keppo, t:}-ory:R, #. n. flies, Glow-worms.
Nipapo, Evtzit, zoo / III. n. A wooden bowl. Fire

Ninara, ニナラ, 小山、高臺(高台)、小山ノアル野原。 n. Table-land. Small hills. Flat plains with low mountains in them. A terrace. Syn : Nara.
Ninaye, ニナイェ, 神ヨリノ罰トシテ十代存命セリト言ヒ傳へラルルアイヌノ名。 n. The name of an Ainu who is said to have lived for ten generations and could not die, as a punishment from God.
Nin-chup, にん・ちゅぷ, 半月。 n. The waning moon. Crescent. Last quarter of the moon.
Ninekeppo, にねけっぽ, 蛍。 n. A glow-worm. Syn : Ninakeppo. Ninminkeppo.
Ninge, にんげ, 膽(肝、タン・きも)、キモ。 n. Gall.
Ningeu, にんげう, 脛骨。 n. The collar bones 頸の骨.
Ningeu-ohesarahi, にんげう・おへさらひ, 鳩尾、ミゾオチ。 n. The pit of the stomach.
Ningeu-paroho, にんげう・はろほ, 咽喉部 n. The region of the throat.
Nin-guru, にん・ぐる, 侏儒(しゅじゅ)、小人。 n. A dwarf.
Nini, にに, 神経痛。 n. Nerve pains. Sympathetic pains in the body,
Nini, にに, 延バス、引ク。 v.t. To stretch out. To draw. Syn : Turi,
Nini, にに, 槍の柄。 n. The shaft of a Spear.
Nini, にに, 小碗。 n. The forearm.
Nini, にに, イナホノ幹。 n. The stem of a fetich.
Nini-ashi, にに・あし, ウヅク(火傷[やけど]ノ為ニ)。 v.i. To have shooting pains in the various parts of the body caused by a boil or wound.
Ninka, ニンカ, 吸牧スル v.t. To absorb. To sap up.
Ninka-i, にんか・い, 呼吸。 n. Absorption.
Ninkari, にんかり, 耳環。 n. An earring.
Ninki, にんき, 胆汁。 n. Gall bladder. Syn. Ningi.
Nininkeppo, ににんけっぽ, 蛍。 n. Glow-worms. Syn : Ninakeppo. Nina-kikiri. Ninekeppo.
Ninin, ニニン, 輝ク、閃メク、チカチカ光ル。 v.i. To glow. Sparkle. Twinkle.
Ninninu, にんにぬ, 縫フ。 v.t. To stitch.
Nino, にの, 海丹(ウニ) n. The seaurchin.
Nino-e-chep, にの・え・ちぇっぷ, ハコトコ アブラコ n. A kind of greenling 【魚】アイナメ の一種, (Agrammus sp.). Syn : Rumaibe.
| Ninoka, にのか,
| Nino-kai, にの・かい, クルマユリ。 n. Lilium medioloides, A. Gray. Syn : Ninookai. Niyokai.
Ninokararip. = / #5 J 7, E N 3°. n. A star-fish. Syn : Otakararip.
Ninoropoki, = / Bz??#, #( b ? ?o s ). n. The under part of the knee. Same as Nioropoki.
Ninu, ニヌ。珠ヲ繋グ、魚ヲ学=掛ケル・ v.t. To thread as beads or chestnuts. To string on a pole as fish.
| Ninum, ニヌム, 殻果、胡桃ノ果、n. Nuts. By some “ walnuts” especially.
| Ninumi, ニヌミ,
Ninum-ni, むぬむ・に, オニグルミ。 n. Walnut-tree. Juglans Sieboldiana, Maxim.
Nin-wa-isam, にん・わ・いさむ, 吸収シタル。 adj. Absorbed.
Nioi, Ezr.'s, #75:#5, #. n. A coppice. A wood.
Niokeush, ニオケウシュ, 木ノ悪魔ニツカレル。 n. v.i. To be subjected to the spite of tree demons.
Ninoka, ニノカ, 重ナレル (背)肩ニ負ヒタル。 adj, Over-lapping. Piled on. Pick-a-back.
Nioropoki, におろぽき, 膕(ひかがみ) n. The under part of the knee. Same as Ninoropoki.

Ni-osshi, =z+ y $z, z* z ussof. n. The heart of a tree.
Nip ニプ, 刀又ハ小刀ノ柄. n. handle of a sword or knife.
Nipap, = 1 ? 7, z?e / ##. n. A wooden bowl.
Ni-pe, ニべ、木ノ汁 n. trees, The The sap of
Nipek, ニペク。煙。光明、例セペ、アベ | = ~ *, Joa. n. A flame. Brightness. Splendour. As :~ Abe nipek, “a flame of fire.” Syn : Nikep.
Nipeki. Nupek. Nupeki.
Nipeki-at, >4.7’’, 3,212, # 2. v.i.
Nirush, = Jle$e, # $?. n. To shine.
Nipek-atte, ニペカッテ。輝カス、光ラセ Jl. v.i. To make shine.
Nipeki-hi, =~&#E, BE, BEBH. n. Light. Brightness. Syn : Nipek. Nupek.
Nipeknu, E^* 5x, #- M. v.i. To flare. Syn : Hepeku. Nupeknu, Paraparase.
Nipesh-ni, にぺしゅ・に, シナノキ、22。Linden-tree. Tilla japonica, Smk. Syn : Kukerekep-ni.
Nipokkep, = # ≫ 5-7, TFAE ≫ #. n. Under-wood.
Nipopo, Ezitzio, 75: 2 #. n. A wooden bowl. An idol used in divination.
Niptani, ニプタニ。肉置場(山中ニテ穫 物多キトキ一時之ヲ貯蔵スル處) n A wooden platform the Ainu make in the mountains upon which to store meats. A meat store.
Niramram, ニラムラム。樹ノ表皮 n. The surface bark of trees.
| Niras, ニラス, 木片 n. A wood splinter.
| Nirash, ニラシ,
Nire, ニレ, 薬、茶、汁、又ハ、湯水ヲ興へル。 v.t. To give medicine, tea, soup or hot water to drink.
Nire, にれ, 墨ニ用ユル色。 n. A kind of dye with which the Ainu women tattoo themselves. The tree from whose bark this dye is produced is called Iwa-ni.
Nireki, ± L:, + yu z x, tz. n. Usnea longissima, L. A green filamentous lichen hanging from the branches of trees. Old man's beard.
Nirewe, = L~ 17-, {}]]E x vv. v.i. To gnash the teeth. Syn : Nimakaka.
Niyoro-kara. Seikui.
Nirush, ニルシ。離。例セバ、カンナ=ル v, E?. n. The gums. As :~ Kanna nirush, “the upper gums,” Pokna nirush, “the lower gums.” All sorts of mosses and lichens growing on the trunks of trees. -
Nirush-chin, -jl,5252, #, 2, 2’ +(# £). n. The gums.
Nirush-kara, = Jle$e?75, a 7 #H z JL(sta v Yr ≫ H? ≫ I ≫). v.t. To shew the teeth at one (as an angry dog).
Nirush-tarara, -jl- >3:55, # 7? H x n . v.i. To shew the teeth at one (as an angry dog).
Nisa, = {}", [iji?, fj, zgifj. n. A hollow place. A hole in a tree.
Nisa, ニサ。過去ヲ示ス助動詞 aux p. This word is used after verbs to indicate past time. Syn : Okere.
Nisako, ニサコ。直チニ,直グ後ニ。只今. adv. Presently. In a short time. After a little while. For a short time. As :~ Nisako ku oman, “ I am going in a little time.” Syn : Naa-okaketa. Naa-shiran-koro.
Nisa-no, Etj V, # x = . adv. Quickly. Same as Nisap-no.
Nisao, ニサオ、空洞ナル。例セバ、=サ + + 2 =, zerit?- yl z?e. adj. Hollow. As :~ Nisao chikuni, “a hollow tree.”
| Nisap, にさぷ,
| Nisapi, にさぴ, 脛骨(けいこつ、すねの骨)。 n. The shin bone of human beings. The shin bone of animals is called ainan pone. Syn : Nisapipone.

Nisapka, =+7;%, 5}... yu≫. quicken.
Nisap-no, = +j-7 A, F =, 3e#R, E = . adv. Quickly. In a hurry. Suddenly. All at once. Syn : Chashnu-no.
Nisa-no. Tunashno.
Nisappone ニサッポネ。突然ニ。早急ニ・ adv. Suddenly. In great haste.
Nisap-no-nisap-no, -}.7 / En.7/, #3ri# =,#3r%e#R = . adv. Very quickly. In a very great hurry. Very suddenly.
Nisashnu, =*8/3Z, ? E * /v. adj. Healthy. Syn : Iwange no an. Shukupashnu.
Nisat, = }:}}, #BF| = . adv. Day-break. Early morning. Syn : Pekennisat.
Nisat-ekasu, E# y:E h7x, H#. adv. Very early dawn. Syn : Nish-etok. v.t. To
Nisato, Etj K, #gBH = . adv. The morning twilight. -
Nisat-saot-nochiu, にさと・さおと・のちう, 暁星 n. The morning star 金星、明け[宵]の明星.
| Nisatta, ニサッタ, 明日(あした) adv. To-morrow. Tomorrow. (From nish,“ day-break"; at, “ is ” ta, “ the time of".
| Nishatta, ニシャッタ,
| Nisatta-onuman, ニサッタオヌマン, 明晩. adv. Tomorrow evening.
| Nishatta-onuman, ニシャッタオヌマン,
Nise, Etz, #g te r 5 v. v.t. To dip up. To ladle out.
Nisei, =tz4, ##. n. A precipice. A very steep valley. A gorge.
Nisei, ニセイ。捧ヒ上ゲル。例セバ、ビ シャコアニニワツシ、オロヲノワッカニ セイ、柄朽ニテ手桶ノ水ヲ汲上ゲル v.t. To dip up. To ladle out. shako ani niwattesh orowa no wakka nisei, “to dip water out of a bucket with a ladle.”
Nisei, =tz4f, [l]-7”. v.i. Squeal. To scream. As :~ Pi- |
Nisei-omke, =+z4?*r.A45-, FA,*s(}j v). n. A cold on the chest. Syn : Nishu omke. Miseiu, ニセイウ。低イ水ッポイ處. n. A low damp place.
Nisesseri, ニセッセリ。アイヌワサビ. r2. A kind Kisesseri, of water cress. Carda++zytz 9, mine yezoensis, Max. Risesseri, This plant is used as J to y to J, an article of food.
Niseu, ニセウ, ドングリ、ナラ又ハカシノ實。 n. An acorn. These are eaten by the Ainu, especially those of Quercus dentata. The favourite way of eating them is to first boil them, though occasionally they take them roasted. They are not used in stews. Acorns are usually boiled in two or three waters before using; and are sometimes cooked till they be. come a paste, before partaken of. The acorns of Tun-ni or Kom-ni (Q. dentata) are especially eaten, because they are less stringent and sweeter than the acorns of the Quercus crispula (Chikapopero-ni and Shiperoni). Syn : Niseu-num. Niseupe.
Niseu-arage-kikiri, にせう・あらげ・ききり, 金亀子(水亀ノ一種)。 n. A kind of water beetle. Dydiscus.
Niseu-itangi, にせう・いたんぎ, ドングリノ皿。 n. An acorn cup.
Niseu-ni, にせう・に, ドングリ。 Quercus dentata, Th. Acorn tree.
Niseu-nonno, にせうぺ, 7 > ~ = > + (". n. Anemone Radeana, Regel. Syn : Niseupe-nonno.
Niseu-num, にせう・ぬむ, 槲(かしわ)ノ実。 n. An acorn.
Niseupe, ニセウペ, 槲(かしわ)ノ實カラ落ル水。 n. Water which falls from acorns. Acorn juice.
Niseupe-nonno, = z :) ~ / > /, * ? -s = of + 9°. п. Алетопе Radeапа,
Regel. Syn : Niseu-nonno.
Niseu-shu, ニセウシュ。
Niseu-shue, ニセウシュエ。
Nish, にしゅ, 雲、天、空。 n. Clouds. The heavens. The air. Sky. Early morning. Syn : Nishkuru.
Nish, にしゅ, 暁、黎明。 n. Daybreak. Dawn.
Nishashin, => a >>, % % ^. adj. The coming appearance of the dawn.
Nishatek, E E v5-Zy, 4g#H. adv. Very early in the morning. The cock crow1ng. 梅ノ殻、カシノミノサラ。 n. An acorn-cup.
Nishatke, E 24 y or, BH;A. adv. Tomorrow morning.
Nishat-shaot-nochiu, にしゃっと・しゃっと・のちう, 暁星。 n. The morning star. Called also Nisat-saot nochiu.
Nishatta-onuman, にしゃった・おぬまん, 明晩。 adv. Tomorrow evening. Same as Nisatta-onuman.
Nisheran-chikap, E or 5:25-7, 97, #. n. The domestic fowl.
Nishetok, にしぇとっく, 空。 n. The sky.
Nishetok-wen, E52. F2 or =>, #H# + £5. A gloomy morning.
Nishikai, E. SA ?j f, ж#J. n. A wooden peg. Syn : Chikuni-shikai.
Nishike, = $24r, ?E, z?e v ?. n. A bundle of wood.
Nishikep, ニシケプ。甲識ノ一種 n A kind
Nishikeppo, of beetle. ニシケ ッポ。
Nishike, => or, 2K 7#7. v.i. To carry wood.
Nishke, Syn : Haraki.
Nina. ニシゲ。
Nishiromare, = > R z Lo, #JR z Ji-. v.t. To curb or hold in.
Nishish-to, E525, K, H. So =. Very early in the morning.
Nishiu, = Ser), B?H. n. A mill-stone. adv.
Nishka, にっしゅか, 吝ム(おしむ、けち)。 例セバ, アコレクニニシカ、遣リ吝ム(やりおしむ)。 adv. Hard to spare 手抜き出来ない・なしで済ますことが出来ない. Difficult to part with 手放し出来ない. As :~ Akore kuni nishka, “difficult to give 人には与えられない.”
Nishka, = ?e?7, 3Ef#$. n. The skies. The heavens above the clouds.
Nishka, = > h, Eist =. adv. On high.
Nishka-ishuye-kamui-rametok, - シカイシュイェカムイラメトク。樹木ノ J? v ## / 44#. n. The name of the genius of the tops of trees.
Nishkan, - SA ??у, kzg, 52. n. The skies.
Nishkange, The clouds. Syn : Ni:$e?i 24°, shoro.
Nishkan-kotok, Er?i A za F. ?, 3: 2 fift. adv. At the clouds.
Nishkan-kotoro, ->?jj 2 -■ F Π , £f $3s.j. n. The face of the skies.
Nishke, ES23-, 4} z. v.t. To take in company. Syn : Shiren. Tura,
Nishke, => or, ?K 7 #7. v.i. To carry wood.
Nishike, ニシゲ。
Nishke, = $24r, =F# * x ≫L. v.t. beckon to. Syn : Nishuk.
Nishke-an, E E Dr7 -, ZEsaj. adv. On the left.
Nishko-mi, ニシュコニ。胡桃(クルミ)樹。 n. Walnut tree. That is tree bearing hard shell nuts. By some it is pronounced Neshko-ni. The nut is Num, i.e. “ ball”, and
Ninum, “ tree ball.” Mishkotoro, = $~za H. ta, 2g. n. The skies. The firmament. Syn : Nishoro.
Nishkuran, = $2 } 5 a, # Pv. is cloudy.
Nishkuri, =>4≫ J, £*/v. adj. Cloudy.
Nishkuru, ニシクル。雲 例セバ =シ クルへチャカ、雲ガ晴レル n The clouds. As :~ Nishkuru hechaka, “the clouds are clearing away.” To ph. It

Nishkuru-un, にしゅくる・うん, 暗ク且ツ曇レル。 adj. Dark and cloudy. Syn : Shirikuru-un.
Nishkuttu, にしゅくっつ, 雲ノ層。 n. Strata or piles of clouds.
Nishmu, =S^ £, £ & a*, i$ & * ^-. adj. and v.i. Lonely. To feel lonely. Weary. Syn : Mishmu.
Nishmukamui, = > A, ?A-f, #fff. n. The devil.
Nishne, ニシュネ, 雲ニ覆ハレタル adj. Cloud-capped.
Nishoma-o, so z. zu , v.i. To be ニショマオ。 anxious about. To
Nishomap, long for. Syn : Epoニショマプ。 tara.
Nishoro, = £e a ri, i£g, %%. n. The firmament. The heights above. The weather. Syn : Aoingara.
Nishoro-okake-an, = $, a rizi" h4-7” >, sh; L v. vi. To clear up (as weather).
Nishoro-uwande, = $, a p r} 72 7", FK # y H. J.L. v.i. To examine the skies to see what the weather is likely to be.
Nishoro-wen, E 2a p 7 - 2, #71. adj. Cloudy.
Nishorum-kotan, =& a He2 - : A, # E?. n. Far off countries, Distant lands.
Nishoshichiu-moshiri, -> a $257 HE SA J, K. n. The place of clouds. The heavens.
Nish-oshitchiwi, $s z :. j]+z ~s, = s≫ ニシオシッチウィ。オシッチウィイマ
Nish-oshitchui, カケウングルクネ。 ニシオシッチュイ。ルウェネ。余ヘ雲外 a y 2 A+ y . n. Pillars of clouds. As :~ Nish-oshitchiwi imakake un guru ku ne ruwe ne, “ I am a person from beyond the clouds.”
Nishpa, ニシパ, 主人、富者、貴下。 n. Master. Lord. Sir. A rich person. A title of respect. Syn : Chimairekamui. Notonoho.
Nishpake, ニシパケ, 主人、時トシテ人ノ親族ニ対スル尊称。 例セバ、 エユピニシパケ、君ノ御令兄。 n. Master. Lord. Sir. Sometimes applied as a title of respect to a person's relations. As :~ Eyupi-mishpake, “your respected elder brother.”
Nishpa-koshungep, Eors: $2.25° プ。富人ヲ期状ク者、例セバ先キニ晴天ニ v ?-## = #P?. n. A deceiver of the rich. (Spoken of a day which being clear and fine and them turns out badly.) See Wen-guru koshungep.
Nishpuk, = $272, 7 7 > a. n. A Greenling. Hexagrammus octagrammus (T. & S.).
Nish-ram, にしゅ・らむ, 曇天、低キ雲。 adj. Lowering clouds 低い雲. Cloudy weather 曇り・曇った天気. ★バカ検証(問題提起) 【ハイフンでつないだ複合語は扱いが面倒。富田には、nis-ram と nisramの両方の表記がある。 バチェラーには無い。例えば日本語では「新聞」は「しんぶん」で「しん-ぶん」と「かな」を振る人はいない。しかし、アイヌ語では、この辺が曖昧である。その結果、バチェラーの辞書では、「Nishram」では検索に掛からない。良く無い。
--- そこで、私は、バチェラーに /Nishram/ を併記するとする。全てのハイフン付の複合語に対してこの処置をする。疲れる。】
Nishshi, にっしゅし, 厚ク。 adv. Thickly 濃く. Densely 濃度濃く、密度濃く、厚く.
Nishte, =S/5*, i +. adj. Hard. .
Nishte-ni, i=>5*::, 4 x +.. n. A kind of maple. Acer mono, Maxim. Syn : Shitope-ni. Tope-ni.
Nishte-no-kara, ±: / h:7, fi x Pl . v.t. To harden.
Nishto, にしゅと, 昼。 n. Day.
Nishu, にしゅ, 脚ノアル木ノ臼。 n. A wooden mortar having a foot to it.
Nishu-chishbe, にしゅ・ちしゅべ, 臼ノ胴。 n. The middle part of a stem of a mortar.
Nishuk, ニシュク, 救ヲ呼プ v.t. To call another as a help. Syn : Shikapashte. Shikashuire.
Nishuk, ニシュク, 手招キスル。 v.t. To beckon. To call by beckoning.
Nishuk-nishuk, ニシュク・ニシュク, 手招キスル、祈ル。 v.t. To beckon. To call. To pray to God. Syn : Nushuk.
Nishmaune, にしゅまうね, 強キ、美シキ、安ラカナル。 adj. Strong. Beautiful. Safe. Same as Nishumaune.
Nishu-omke, にしゅ・おむけ, 風邪(胸ノ)。 n. A cold on the chest. Syn : Nisei omke.

Nishuwamne, = 22.7.., 3%, o ar, 3e2 o v *, £ * * + yv. adj. Strong. Beautiful. Safe.
Nisosh, -y 2, 2K Z B. z o.o. n. A layer of bark. A wooden platter.
Nit, ニツ にっと, 腐朽シタル(濡レテ) adj. Rotten. The wet rot. Clammy.
Nit, ニツ にっと, 棘、光レル木片(漂木) n. A thorn. A sharp piece of wood. A splinter. Drift-wood. Skewer. Syn : Net.
Nitai, -a, -s, ####. n. A forest. A clump of trees. Syn : Hashitai. Hayashitai.
Nitai-karabe, Wind.
Nitai-sak-chikapsak-moshiri, E4, 4. サクチカプサクモシリ。荒地 n A barren land. A desert.
Nitak, ニタク。短華、媛小ナ木又ヘ植物. n. Short stem. A dwarf tree or plant.
Nitan, E & 2, § 2. Hist, adj. Swift of foot. Syn : Tunash.
Nitan-koro, = £ 2-i ri, §=, §i 2. adj. Swiftly.
Nitan-no, ニタンノ。
Nitarango, = 4:5 >?=r, #* 5i. 2. adj. Very swift.
Nitarara-pekambe, E4, 55 °37.5-k, E sr. n. Water Caltrops. Trapa japonica Fleroff.
Nitat ニタツ。沼地ニ樹ノ生ジタル部分。 n. The wooded part of a swamp or river bend.
Nitata, ニタタ。看護スル(軍数) v.t. To hold in the hands as a sick person. To nurse the sick. (sing.) Syn : Nukan-nukara.
Nitat-huchi, E4, 775, ## 2 ##. n. A demon of swampy places. Syn : Nitat-unarabe.
Nitat-kene-ni, E3 y or:#E, 2 × 2 +. n. The alder. Alnus japonica, S. et z ニタイカラべ。風 z. var. arguta, Call. A decoction made by steeping the bark of this tree in hot water is said to be good for pains in the stomach. Ainu women take a dose of this medicine immediately after childbirth. The special name of this decoction is Ichuptasarep. It is said to be exceedingly bitter to the taste.
Nitatpa, = & y v?, ## x n (##). v.t. To nurse the sick. To hold in the hands as a sick person. (pl.)
Nitatraurau, ニタッラウラウ。天南星ノ 一種、其球根ヘ附子ト共ニ熊鹿等ヲ殺 スニ用ュル毒ヲ製ス・ n Arisoenta sp. A kind of Aroids growing in swamps the corm of which is sometimes used mixed with aconite as a poison for killing bears and deer.
Nitat-shingep, E3 y >> *7, * * * s, e y r. n. Spiraa salicifolia, L. var. lanceolata, Torr. et Gray. Syn : Itoshin-ni.
Nitat-soko-ni, = G V / = =, x, y + 7 9. Eleutherococcus, sentecosus, Maxim. Marsh elder.
Nitattara-pekambe, - 4: 95.5°7; A. ~$, e sv. n. Water Caltrops. Trapa bispinosa Roxb.
Nitat-tope-ni, E4, w H. “E, & = & 4 * +... n. Miyabe's maple. Acer. Miyabei. Max. Marsh maple.
Nitat-unarabe, =4:*yr***7?&, ##3 2 ##. n. A demon of swampy places. Syn : Nitat-huchi.
Nitatosh-ni, E4: K 2-, + + 3rie. n. Manchurian ash. Fraximus mandshturia, Rupr. Marsh-land tree.
Nitek, -52, ZF 2 #. n. Branches of trees. Syn : Ni-yau.
Nitekkara-kina, E5 y?????", * * v / ?#. n. A kind of violet.
Nitemaka, ニテマカ。木ノ片ヲ以テ開ケ ル。例セバ、ペロニテマカ、魚ヲ干スト キニ、木ノ片ヲ以テ口ヲ開ケル v.t. To
open with a piece of wood. As :~ Para nitemaka, “to open the mouth with a piece of wood as in drying fish.”
Nitesh, -752, #. n. A raft.
Nitit, = yyy, r + / y - n. Enteromotepha compressa, grev. Green-lever. A kind of green seaweed. By some called ninit.
Nitne ニツネ、固キ、堅キ、重キ、悪キ・ adj. Hard. Tough. Stiff. Heavy as dough. Bad. Evil. Rotten.
Nitne-hike, ニツネヒケ。蝶(マムシ) n. A viper. Syn : Takne hike.
Nitne-kamui, Ey:k:04.4 , ###. n. The devil. Evil spirits. Syn : Iwendep.
Nitne-kamui-shikaturushi, i = & ?i ニツネカムイシカチルシ。 v yv. v.i.
Nitne-kamui-shikatkare, To be ニツネカムイシカツカレ。 possess
Nitne-kamui-shikatkari, ed with ニツネカムイシカツカリ。 a devil. Syn : Ishirubare. Katush. Wenituren-koro.
Nitnep ニツネプ。強堅ナル物、悪鬼。n. A tough thing. An evil spirit. The devil. Syn : Nitne-kamui.
Nitnep-parat, = ”:k7-85 %, s&#. n. Demonania.
Nitok, - F 27, 7R)+.. n. A splinter.
Nitokkari, E. K. 9: ), fik: x Pl. Giddy. Syn : Nitotkari.
Nitokot, ニトコツ。例セバ、=トコツフ >', # 4, j? $ y 3 yi . adj. Decomposed. Rotten. Used chiefly of decomposing flesh. As :~ Nitokot hura, “a rotten smell"; “stinking.”
Nitomoshma, E. F. E.;27, ss, 2, # * 2, 3, ju-(#): 37). v.t. To knock. To graze.
Ni-topochi, - F ::::R, 75: 2 ot. n. The spirit of trees especially worshipped in times of sickness.
Nitoro, ニトロ, 熟シ過ギタル玫瑰(まいかい、ハマナスの別名) ノ實。 n. Over ripe fruit of Rosa rugosa.
Nitoro, Ek p, *##3- ).. (jj-te as, = } adj. l. ロフラアンアェプ、甘サウニ匂フ食物. adj. Sweet.
Nice. Delicious. Appetizing. Used of food principally. As :~ Nitoro hura an aep, “ food with a sweet or appetizing smell."
Nitotkari, =. H. y*y 9, {{}:* x yv. adj. Giddy. Syn : Nitokkari.
Nit-otke, - F 2 or, ####| x. v.t. To prick with a thorn.
Nitpa, Floyzs, #5. n. The handles of tools or utensils.
Nitpo, Eyzit, Js - vijf k. n. A small kind of shark.
Nitpo, にっとぽ, 孫。n. A grandchild. Syn : Mitpo.
Nitu, につ, 木(複数)、木立。 n. Trees (pl.).
Nitui, につい, 森林、木立アルトコロ。 n. A forest. Place where there are trees.
Nitumam, =*y~ As #. n. Trunks of trees.
Nitun, Eyle, #. n. A forest.
Nitush, -y 2, #. n. A tub. A vat.
Niu, ニウ。人。(敷へル時ニノミ用キ、一 人、ニ人等ノ如シ。又略シテ Nトナル事 アリ) 例セバ、シネン。一人。ッン、ニ人。 n. A person, This word is only used with the numerals, and may be said to resemble to some entent the so called “classifiers” of Chinese.
Niu, “man” is sometimes contracted to n only. Thus:~Shinen, “one person." Tun, “ two persons.”
Niuchire, = } f' Le, MR:#F3- vv. adj. Disagreeable.
Niuchire-atte, N = FR so t = x 9-ff =7+1,797, e. vi. To act in
Niuchire-kara, a provoking manニウチレカラ, ner towards. To behave in a disagreeable manner towards another.
Niukesh, ニウケシ。抽劣ナル、無能ナル, 不運ナル、為スヲ好マス adj. & v.i. Awkward. Incapable. Unable to do a thing. Unfortunate. To dislike to
do a thing.
Niuniu8e ニウニウセ, 哀英スル、泣慶 > vv. v.i. To whine.
Niurotki, ニウロツキ。不味ナル。徴ノ生 +: sz. adj. Insipid. Nasty. Of bad taste. Stale. Mouldy. Syn : Keravwen. -
Niurototo, Ely E. H. H., ### 2. v.t. To burn up.
Niush-niush, E of $2= .752, #3, #2, . v.i. To have a pricking and aching sensation in the bones.
Niwa, ニワ。熟セル、美味ナル。 adj. Very ripe. Sweet. As :~ Niwa hura, “a sweet smell.”
Niwa hura an aep, “a sweet smelling, appetizing dish.”
Niwa, = 7, §RE. n. Quickness. Speed.
Ni-wakka, E Z ~ 7, # / ?F. n. Tree Sap.
Niwasap ニワサプ、緩キ、怠リタル。 adj. Slow. Tardy.
Niwashnu, = 7 >5', ## =, #ffff; = . v.i. & adj. Lively. Diligent. Active. To be industrious. Syn : Koyuptektek. Yuptek.
Niwatori-chikap, E. 7 F J57, 7, #. n. The domestic fowl. A cock or hen. This is a hybrid compound, niwatori Japanese, and chikap Ainu.
Niwatush, E Z y >, ##. n. A bucket. A water butt. Miwen, =17 ? 2, igiE+ /u-, jE+. adj. Austere. Wild. Fierce.
Niwenhoripi, にうぇんほりぴ, 変死人ニ対シテ行フ一種ノ儀式。 n. The ceremonies performed upon the death by accident of a person. This ceremony consists in the men and women forming single file and marching as near to the place of accident as possible at the same time emitting a peculiar grunt as each step is taken. The men march with drawn swords or long knives in the right hand; when the left foot is placed upon the ground the sword is stretched out, and when the right foot is set down it is drawn in. Perfect time is kept in the performance. Also the noise sparrows make when they see a snake. See Aruwohumse-chiu.
Niwen-no, ニウェン・ノ, 甚ダ、 多ク、 酷烈ニ。 adv. Severely. Very much. Syn : Ayemonetoko. Yupke-no.
Niwen-no-kire, = 7 = - / + L-, ## # z pl. v.t. To coerce.
Niwenrek, ニウェンレク。高學ノ話 n. The sound of high or loud talking. The peculiar noise sparrows make when they see a snake or adder.
Niwok ニウォク。狐ノ骸弱骸(占ニ用ュル). 又ヘ此ヲ以テ占ヒ得シ判断. n The skull of a fox kept for purposes of augury. Discovery by augury with a fox's skull. Augury. Divination. Syn : Aesaman.
Niwok-ki, ニウォッキ。狐ノ髄髄膜ニテ占 7. v.i. To perform augury with a fox's head. Syn : Aesaman-ki.
Nivwok-ki-guru, - 7+ 9 + 3 II, ti?, AJ? N. n. The augurer. A diviner.
Niwok-ki-marapto, M / #### = ?, jE N. ニウォッキマラプト, ヲ牛判ズル儀式。
Niwok-marapto, n. The cereニウォクマラプト。 mony of discovering a culprit by means of augury with a fox's skull. Syn : Kema koshme guru marapto. Shitumbe marapto.
Niya, ニヤ 朋芽、恵用ェ出ダル。例セバ, = +* ‘y oy, jjj= }+!≫ yl~. n. Buds. Also v.i. To become green (as trees). As :~ Niya tuk, “to put forth.”
Niyap, ニヤプ。煙。例セバ、アベニヤプ, Joa. n. A flame. As :~ Abe niyap, “a flame of fire.”
Niyarakap, = *5 *, 7, z* Z BE. n. The bark of trees.
Niyash, it of 2, #7; Z ##. n. A tree genius.

Niyash-range-kuru, F * > ランゲク ル、樹木ノ精霊ノ名稲 n. The sender down of the tree genius. The name of the tree genius.
Niyatotta, =** F v% , 鷹ノ一種 n. Some kind of hawk. Nq-yau, =+757, zik 2 $. n. The branch of a tree. Syn : Ni-tek
Niye, ニイェ。物ノ ##H. n. The framework of anything.
Niye, ニイェ, 歯ニテ支へル。 v.t. To hold with teeth.
Niyehe, にいぇへ, 茎。 例セバ、ムンニイェヘ、草葉の茎。 n. A stalk 【植物】柄、茎. As :~ Mun niyehe, “the stalk of a blade of grass.”
Niyekara, = 4 = 357, 切歯スル 0.i. To grind the teeth as in pain or anger.
Niye-nishte, にいぇ・にっしゅて, 死ニ難キ。 adj. Difficult to die. Tenacious of life.
Niye-rishpa, F4 = 9 シバ。歯ニテ支へ Jv. v.t. To hold in the teeth.
Niyokai, - a #4, 2 * * * 9. * Lilium medeoloides, A. Gray. The bulbs of this lily are taken in the autumn, brought home, picked to pieces, and, having been thrown into the rice or millet pot are boiled. Sometimes they are eaten alone, but they are more generally mixed with other food. Syn : Nino-ka-
Niyoki-eremu, = a ++ loe, 長キ耳 ★ yv5a. n. A rat having long ears.
Niyoro-kara, + = ロカラ。切歯スル・ vi. To gnash the teeth. Sym :
Nirewe. Sei-kui
Niyoropok, = a R. R?, i? ノ裏. ?2. The under part of the knees.
Niyuk, ==? ?, ?st. n. A squirrel.
No, ノ, 詞 ノ後ニ附キテ、形容詞 ヲ副詞ニ 副詞ヲ形容詞ニ変更スル分詞。 part. A particle placed after adjectives to change them into adverbs, or after adverbs to change them into adjectives.
No, の, 岬、断崖。 n. A cape.. A bluff.
No, ノ, (語意ヲ強ム。) 非常ナ 大愛ナ。 adj. Used before adjectives No means “very.” Thus, Ratchitara, “slow”; no-ratchitara, “very slow” or “gently."
No, ノ, 英語ノ ing ノ如ク用ヒラレ、進行 ノ意味ヲ表ス。part. Sometimes used like “ing.” As :~ Nukan, “to see ". Nukan no, “seeing."
Nochautekka, のちゃうてっか, 抜ク(刀ノ如ク)。 v.t. To draw as a sword. Syn : Emush etaye.
Mochi, ノチ, ロ、顎、岬。例セバ イチモイモイゲ、顎ヲ動カス。 n. The mouth. The jaws. A blunt cape. As :~ Nochi moimoige, “to move the jaws.” Syn : Not.
Nochi-iush, のち・いうっしゅ, 癲癇(てんかん)。 n. Epilepsy. Fits.
Nochipon, のちぽん, 少量ノ。 adj. A small quantity. A little.
Nochipon-no, のちぽん・の, 倹約シテ。 adv. Sparingly.
Nochiu, のちう, 星。 n. Stars. As :~ Nochiu makke-makke, “the stars twinkle.”
Nochiu-o-kando, のちう・お・かんど, 星空。 n. The starry heavens.
Nochiu-tom-ush-ningari, *” F* ウシニンガリ、白キ硝子ノ玉ア ル耳環。 n. Earrings with white glass beads.
| Noibe, ノイべ, 脳。 n. Brains. Same as Noipe,  ★バカ検証 【ロジック狂っている。 Noipe の定義内で Noipe と同じ、なんて言うな。】
| Noipe, ノイペ,
Noibe-rat, / 4 ~59, ###. * The watery substance of the brain.
Noiboro, ノイボロ。 前額, 腦(場合ニ依 y +). n. The forehead. In some places also “brain.” Where noiboro is used for brain, the forehead is called noiboro pone. Same as Noiporo.
Noige, A' 4 *, #! I≪ *≫ 捻レル of
No-iki, A’4 =*, u{!}} x xl≫. v.i. To imi tate. To do like.
Noikisama, A 4 ++j*rr, A / ##. n. The side whiskers.
Noine, ノイネ, 恰モ(あたかも)。例セバ、タンウコランアプトアシノィネアン。今夜雨降ルガ如ク見ユ。adv. As if. As though. To have the appearance of. This word is generally followed by the verb an, “to be,” and expresses the potential mood. Thus :~ Tan ukuran apto ash noine an, “it looks as if it will rainto-night." Ek noine an, "he appears to be coming.” E omke kara noine an, “you appear to have caught cold.” Noine hum ash, “it sounds as if it were." Shomo an noine hawe ash, “there seems not to be.”
Noiporo, ノイポロ。前額、脳(場合ニヨリ 7). n. The forehead. In some places also “brain.” Where noiporo is used for “brain,” the forehead is called noiporo pone. Same as Noiboro.
Noi-pora-kina, Z M #n ++, ≫ + 2
Noi-poro-kina, F. n. A kind of vetch. Lathyrus japonicus, Willd. Beach pea. Syn : Mena-saru. Me nash-mame. Moitek, / of F 2, # 21. v.i. To be. come tired. Weary. Syn : Shingi.
Nok, A ?, BF, ##. n. An egg. The testicles.
Noka, A ?i, st, #ff, f. n. An image.
Nokaha, A map. A picture. Syn : A h ≫v, Inoka-net. Net.
Noka-kurihi, / #47 J E, s??, ##. n. An image.
Nokan, A # 2, R3} + . Little.
Nokan-no-tuyeba, A ?, e A y Ev?, E y # 2 x, # 3 ニ J}l. v.t. To grate. To cut into very fine pieces. To cut up. Syn : Humba. adj. Small.
Nokan-ramu, / 7, 25 A, 4 + 2 +, ov jt % & a-. adj. Mean. Sow.
Nokan-ramu, ノカンラム。若キ親類。弟。 n. A younger relation.
Nok-anu, / 795, 95 7 #2. lay an egg.
Noka-pet, A hoy, 7& 2 JII. n. The milky way. -
Noke, A or, ##. n. A bluff.
Noki, / #, 95. n. An egg.
Nok-itangi, ノキタンギ、卵ヲ入レル器。 h. An egg cup.
Noki-konru, / + a / V, ili ?k. Icicles. -
Noki-poro, ノキポロ。ヘルニア(病ノ名) n. Hernia. Rupture.
Nok-kapu, A’ y*j 7, 9s 2 $. n. egg shell. Syn : Nok-sei.
Nok-karari, / y?, 5 J, 9; 7 # 2. v.i. To sit upon eggs (as a bird).
Nokkori-kina, Z y : J #3-, * > 2x + v.i. To 72. An y y > Br y. n. Gentiana triflora, Pall.
Nok-koro, / ≫ Ei ra, §£ 7 £ i,. vi. To lay eggs.
Noko, / =?, #. n. A saw. (Jap.)
Noko, / a, Js. n. An image. Form. Syn : Noka.
Noko-konchi, / E, a 25*, #}}. n. Sawdust.
Nokoshke, / = $e4r, jf. l., # 2... v.i. To be jealous. Syn : Eyaieitunnap.
Nok-pi, {E H, 9s E, % }t,. n. The A y E, white of an egg. The cen
Nok-po, tre of the yolk of an egg. / };#≫ Testicles.
Nok-sei, / ? to 4, §§§. n. An egg shell. Syn : Nok-kapu.
Nokuyak, 2 9 * 9, 7 - 2 >: x. n. A Swift.
Nom, / A, # / R. n. Fir tree seeds.
Noma, ノマ。沼澤地、低潟地. n A moraSS.
Nomi, ノミ, 幣又ヘ耐酒ヲ奉ル式. n. & v.t. The ceremony of offering
inau or libations of wine (often both) to the gods. To worship.
Nomi does not of necessity include prayer, but simply the mere fact of offering, for inau are often placed in the ground without any prayer being said and still this act is called nomi. Chisei nomi, " a house-warming.”
Nom-ni, / A, =, †& y ?n. n. Pinus pumila. Pall.
Nomi-nit, ノミニツ。ミッベラッギ. n. Staphylea Bumalda, S. et Z.
Nomo, のも, 平穏、静粛(せいしゅく)。 n. Peace. Quietness.
Nomo-irenga, のも・いれんが, 平和、好意。 n. Peace. Good-will.
| Non, のん, 唾。 n. Saliva. Spittle. AS: ~ Non ashinge, “to spit.”
| Noni, のに,
Nona, *, §i. n. The sea-urchin.
No-nai, / 3-4, #32 of £3}.. n. A steep glen.
Nonekarip, / ##, J 7, b F #. n. A star-fish. Syn : Otakarip.
Nonishatta, / = ?e v ≫st, HiE. adv. Early-morning.
Non-kara, A → 775, v.t. To go and inspect nets and snares.
Nonno, A 2 /, #. n. A flower. Same
Nonnu, ノンヌ。
Nonno, / e /, # 2 || E. excl. An exclamation of pleasure. Syn : Onon110,
Nonuina, Z 5.4 +, [.. x. v.t. To hide. Syn : Nuina.
Nopakan, A *$? 2A, H?R. n. Clear good weather.
No-po, / #, ###, part. Even as. Just as.
Nopuyapuya, / 74°7'4', ##E (7 os #). adj. Pock-marked.
Noram, のらむ, 温厚ナル。 adj. Gentle.
Noratchitara, ノラッチタラ, 暖キ(あたたか)、鈍キ(にぶい)、温厚ナル(おんこう)。 adj. Slow. Dull. Gentle. Syn : Katu-moire. Moiretara.
Nore, Z L., & L. v.t. To paint.
Noru, A JLo, ## / E:#. n. A bear’s foot-print. Syn : Iruwe.
Nos, A x, %3- yvfig. n. A large cape. Syn : Not.
Noshikarikari, / So?, y ?y J, j## */ £ yt. adj. Giddy. I
Noshike, A 24-, rhot. adv. Middle.
Noshki, ノシキ。
Noshiketa, / Ee4-4g, Hje. adv. Mid die. Halfway. In the midst.
Noshike-un, Z $25-72, FHot. adv. In the middle.
Noshpa, A’ $~~8, $ 7, 3asf x. yv. v.t. To follow. To chase. To pursue. To run after. As :~ Noshpa wa oman, “he pursued him.” Syn : Keseamba.
Not, *y, TI ?#R. n. A mouthful. As :~ Shine-not, “one mouthful.”
Not, / y, PI, H, fl. n. The mouth. The jaws. A blunt cape. Syn : Nochi.
Nota, / 5x, KK. n. The face. Nan.
Nota, ノタ。海面。例セバ、ノタピリカ ####. n. The surface of the sea. As :~ Nota pirika, “a calm sea.”
Nota wen, “ a rough sea.” Syn : Neto.
Notak, ノタク のたっく, 鋭キ刃尖。 n. The edge of any sharp tool. The edge of a knife or axe or board.
Notakam, M & ?y A, #. n. The cheeks.
Notakam-bone, A & #,A#:k, §§ {}. n. The cheekbone.
Notake, V & Er, s# =. adv. Upon its side. To be turned upon its side.
Notako-notako, / & H / # 1, ###R z. adj. Jagged. Syn : Chimesh mestle Syn :

Notaknu, ノタクヌ のたっくぬ, 又鋭キ刃ヲ持チタル。 adj. Having a sharp edge. ★バカ検証 【Notako-notako の後にある。「又」は不要。】
Notakup, A & O 7, ##? / EH.. n. Tools of any kind.
Notarap, / 4x S7, Eg(x + k). n. Fish gills. The cheeks of fish. Syn : Motarap. t
Notarup, / ; JL, 7, ZE=E. 5*#1 v. v.t. To box the ears. To slap the face.
Notasam, A 4: #FA, liji. n. A cape. I
Notchi, ノッチ。傾斜ノュルイ岬、崖。n. Blunt capes. Bluffs.
Not-echiu, ノテチウ。食気ガ進マヌ。例セバ、イベノテチウ、食シ得ズ. v.i. To have lost one’s appetite. As :~ Ibe notechiu, “to eschew one's food”; “to be unable to take food.”
Notekpake, / 5*3 v?4r, # E. v. The very best. Most good.
Notenai, ノテナイ。南。例セバ、ノテナ ~f v 7, § so... n. The south. As :~ Notenai rera, “the south wind.” adj.
Notese, ノテセ。た島ノ如ク其ノ子ヲ養フ. v.t.
Noteshke, To feed as a pigeon its A 7 or, young. I
Notetuye, /5** 4f ., $ s j)v. v.t. : To bite off.
Notka, ノ ッカ。 琴ュ付ケ ル縄, 此レ =觸 y la los 3% x. n. The string attached to spring bows, which when touched lets off the arrow.
Notkarari-ainu, のっとからり・あいぬ, 枕人(男性。愛シ又ハ信頼スル人ノ儀ナリ)。 n. A pillow man. A person one loves or relies on.
Notkarari-guru, / ≫??5 ) %/v, #?JW. ($?r:E). n. A pillow person. A person in whom one trusts. A friend.
Notkarari-mat, のっとからり・まっと, kt K (###). n. A pillow woman. A woman friend.
Notkeu, ノッケウ。顎。例セバ、カンナ / y or ty, Ta. n. The jaws. As :~ Kanna notkeu, “the upper jaw.” Pok na notkeu, “the lower jaw.”
Notkeu-mokurap, / 94-7 to 57, Bij#. n. Pectoral fins of fishes.
Notkiri, ノツキリ、臨頭(オトガ ヒ) n, The chin.
Notkush, ノツクシ。顔ヲッムケル v.t. To turn the head away from. Syn : Oyakun-kiru.
Not-maka-ni, / > *; i, £(2s + ), 3: #(+ 2 × y 7). n. A gag. A plug of wood often put into the mouth of the dying to keep it from closing.
Not-moimoye, Z y=4 +-f., of 2. v.t. To chew. Syn : Chamse. Ikuikui. Kui-kui.
Noto, / H, #?j. n. The surface of the sea. Syn : Neto.
Not-o, / F, 3-9- Julio. n. A cape.
Noto-an, / H. 72, ZEE*- yv\§. adj. A calm sea. Syn : Neto-an.
Notokkari, / H. ≫*) J, ££ x ≫v. adj. Giddy. Faint. To be in a swoon.
Not-omare, / F -r Le, # y # # v. v.i. To lean upon as upon a stick. (Lit:? “to place the chin upon.”)
Notonoho, Z F /zk, off. n. A chief. A head. Syn : Nishpa.
Notoro, ノトロ。岬ノアルトコロ. n. Having a cape.
Not-oro-ikui, A K DI 4 2 4f, 5 #} x v. v.i. To chew the cud.
Notosam, y H 'th.A, Wiji. n. A cape.
Notpo, A Vzst, Ajs?), ? TJ. n. A tiny bit. A mouthful. Also, the fore part of the neck.
Notpoketa, A 7:4-4&, # / v vs. ph. By the side of one's jaw. Under the chin. As :~ I-not-poke-ta, “close to my face.”
Notpok-omap, / уж?е у ?еz 7, fik; = fit - sufi. M. Stock sent to heaven with slain creatures as a means for preparing heavenly feasts for them.
Not-riki-puni, / y J #7 =, § 7 E * ju. v.t. To hold the chin up.

Notru, A 2 JLo, H. n. A rocky cape. A reef of rocks. As :~ Shazma notru, “a stony cape.”
Nottatawause, A y 3, 4: Voytz, # 7. # 5 of 27 y z + 3L. v.i. To shiver. The teeth to chatter. Syn : Wauwause.
Notu, / y, II, #?, lif. n. The mouth. The jaws. A blunt cape. Syn : Nochi.
Not-uturu, A } } }/JL, # y ff. n. A fish's tongue.
Noya, / *, = = +. n. Mugwort. Artemisia vulgaris, L. var. kamtschatica, Bess.
Noya-ham-ush-surugu, */v.A.” So スルグ。有毒植物ノ一種 n A kind of poisonous plant having beans like mugwort.
Noya-noya. A * / Yo, #1, , #| *. 34: ベ、ムンギプシテケへオッタノヤノヤ, =E = 7-2$ v ig 7 $E z,.. v.t. To rub. To peel. To strip by rubbing. As :~ Mungi push takehe otta noya-noya, “ to rub ears of wheat in the hands.” There are various sorts of mugwort in Hokkaido each having its descriptive term. The common name is noya which means “rub.” Artemisia is so named because it is rubbed to obtain moxa for cauteration. Some make decoctions of it which they drink against cold.
Noyap, 横顔。例セバ、ノャプタンネグ ノヤプ。 212, ### / A. n. The side
Noyapi, of the face. The profile. A *b, As :~ Noyap tanne guru, “a person with a long face.” Same as Noyapi.
Noyap-araka-tashum, Z ** {5773 $A-.Jh, H.}##. n. Face-ache. The mumps.
Noyap-turi, Z *7-y J, v.i. To hang one's jaws.
Noya-surugu, A PZK Mle?y, n. A kind of poison. 顎ヲ垂レル。 毒ノ一種。 I
Noye, / -f +, #Ej zi, # 21, #: ol... v.t. To turn. To twist. To wind. To wring. To turn over.
Noye ノイェ。負ケル。死スル、例セバ, トノトノイェ、酒ニ負ケル、ヨロヨロス ov. v.i. To be overcome with a thing. To be dead. To stagger. As :~ Tonoto noye, “to be overcome with wine.” Mokon noye, “to be overcome with sleep"; “to be dead.”
Noyo, / a, a + #. n. The Saghalien for noya, Artemisia vulgaris, L. var. kamtschatica, Bess.
Noyuk, ノユク、良熊(人及ビ家畜ナドヲ ## * * 2L). n. A good bear. i.e. A bear which does not attack people or steal animals.
Noyuk, is the opposite of hokuyuk,
Nu ヌ。名詞ノ後ニ付ク時ヘ、多ク、豊ニ, ノ意味ヲ有ス。例セバ、チェプヌ、魚ノ豊 ニ ュクヌ。鹿ノ多キ、ナドノ如シ par。 Suffixed to nouns nu has the force of nuye an, “to be abundant.” As :~ Chepnu, “an abundance of fish.” Yuknu, “plenty of deer.
Nu is therefore a plural suffix. Suffixed to verbs nu has the force of eashkai, “to be able”; “to be clever.” As :~ Ak, “to shoot"; aknu, “able to shoot” i.e. “archer.”
Nu, 3x, Ej. n. A flame of fire. Bright. Syn : Ni. -
Nu, 3x, &#, 3&E?. n. Copulation. As :~ Mat-nu, “to lie with a woman.”
Nu, ヌ。聞ク。琴 ヌル。此 ノ動詞ヘ普通。 オッタ、ナル語ニ績ク。例セバ, オッタヌ。彼ヘ余ニ尋ネタリ. v.t. To hear. To enquire. To listen. Become. This verb is generally preceded by otta. Aware of. As : --En otta ntt, “ he enquired of me.”
Nu utara, “hearers,” “an audience.”
Nu, 3X, #?. n. The face. As :~ Ntt riten ea, “ his face beamed with pleasure."
Nu, 5&, R. n. Tears. (Lit.-Feeling water.) : Sy

Nu, 5., H- > # 2... v.t. To give birth to a child.
Nu-am, 5&j* >, &jij-*- ≫v, £#*- ≫v. adj. Plentedus. Abundant. Syn : Nu-ush.
Nuye-an. Shiri-eshik.
Nuap, 3zj”7, : = Uji 4 x pl. v.i. To groan as in sickness. Syn : Nuwap.
Nuashi, 37* $?, ii H + yl. adj. Sober.
Nuashnu, Syn : Nusakesak.
Nu5.7:25, washi.
Nube, ヌべ、涙。例セバ、ヌペグスシク ナッカネ、涙ニ曇ル n Tears AS:ー
Nube gusu shiknak kane, “blinded by tears.” Syn z
Nucha, 3**, ££E/\. n. A Russian.
Nucha-guru, ヌチャグル。
Nuchak, ぬちゃっく, 幸ナル。 adj. Pleased. Happy. Syn : Nuchat.
Nuchat, ぬちゃっと, 幸福ナル、悦ベル。 adj. Pleased. Happy. Syn : Nuchak.
Nuchatka, ぬちゃっとか, 幸福ニスル。 v.t. To make happy. Syn : Nuchattekka.
Nuchatte, ヌチャッテ, 悦バス、幸福ニスル。 v.t. To please. To make happy.
Nuchattek, ぬちゃってっく, 悦ビタル、幸福ナル。 adj. Pleased. Happy. Merry.
Nuchattekka, ぬちゃってっか, 悦バス、幸福ニスル。 v.t. To make happy. Syn : Nuchatka.
Nuchi, 5x5F, #4#--# of 37. ph. They heard.
Nuchimashnu, 5x5F -r e5', ##-#- n-. adj. Active. Agile. Abrupt. Syn : Emonashnu. Muchimashnu. Tumash.
Nuchimashnu-i, 5 ferr >5x4', ##. n. Activity.
Nuchimashnu-no, 5.57 $25& A, ## = . adv. Actively. Quickly.
Nuchimashnure, 3x3Fr: $e5x Lo, iE = z, pl. v.t. To accelerate.
Nu-ewen, ヌエウェン。開取リ難キ adj. Hard of hearing.
Nu-eyaituba, 5KT. 474s y v?, #f-E? ?≫ 7 £; ≫ , £#£#£ ae + yv. adj. Curious. Inquisitive.
Nugesh, 3x4° Ze, z = z, a v ?st. n. A kind of black coloured duck.
Nu-humi, 5.75, #3, n. The feelings.
Nui, 5 f, Jo?. n. & v.i. A flame of fire. To burn. Syn : Ni.
Nui, ヌイ。記ス。入器スル。書ク。ひ.f To write. Mark. Tattoo.
Nuikara, ヌイカラ、杭ク(髪ナドヲ)、掃 2, #7. v.t. To comb as a horse's mane. To currycomb. To groom. To brush.
Nuikarape, 5{ 4 355 ei, i|+. n. A brush. A currycomb.
Nui-kotereke, 5x4 = 5* Le 5-, yk ?y ≫ ≫. v.i. To catch fire.
Nuina, 5:4 o', ; x. Syn : No-nu.
Nuinak, 5x4f + 2}, # Le vie. v.t. hide one's self.
Nuina-korobe, 5-f + - H-K, AEA# (## 2). n. The private parts of both male and female.
Nuina-no, 5x4 + V, # = . adv. Secretly. Syn : Arorokishme no.
Nuina-shomoki-no, 5X4 do ?e a HE # /, &£&. adj. Above board. Openly. Syn : Nukan no.
Nuipa, ヌイパ,記ス。入墨ス、書ク・(複数) v.t. To mark. Tattoo. Write (pl.).
Nuipe, 5.4 ro, ##, a 2... n. Gum. Syn : Numbe. To hide away. To
Nuira, 5:4 5, a = y fa. n. A smelt.
Nuiras, Osmers dentex, Steind. 5:4 5 X, Syn : Hurami-chep.
Nuisam, 5. As of A, #. n. The front edge of a dress or coat. Mui-uk, ヌイウク。火ガツク。例セバ、チ セイヌイウク、家ニ火ガツク・ ". To catch fire. As :~ Chisei nui uk, “ Lhe
house caught fire.”
Nukan, 5.7; 2, H. M. v.t. To see. Short for
Nukande, 5x ?y 25F, = R x. v.t. To show.
Nukan-no, 5 35 - / , ; ; E. adv. Openly. Above-board. Seeing.
Nukan-nukara, 5.7; 25.735, ## x 21. v.t. To nurse as a sick person. To look well after. To take care of. Syn : Nitata.
Nukanro, 37, 2 TI, 5i.-e = . v.t. Let lus See.
Nukara, 5x h 5, H. vv. v.t. To see.
Nukat, ヌカツ。
Nukara-eramushkare, 5.375+5.5, シカレ。未ダ見ザリシ り.i Not to have seen.
Nukara-ewen, 5×?jo?-E*7 - 2, ji?jj / g; +, # = H = L. v.i. To see badly. Not to see clearly. To have bad sight.
Nukara-humi-wen, 5, 7,573 y =>, E a*, Ji-* * ≫ ae +z x. adj. & v.i. Ugly. Unsightly. Not caring to see.
Nukara-no, 5R h5 /, #f 2 # yl-, Bij ti = #1 yu. v.t. To see well. To see clearly.
Nukara-tek, 53;% 55°,7, E E, z. yl~. v.t. To get a glimpse of anything. Syn : Iruka-nukara.
Nukara-uonnere, 5 ?5 ) + 2e+ Le, Ji, so. v.i. To have seen.
Nukare, 3. *j L?, a7R x. pv. v.t. To show. Syn : Eshikoingare.
Nukaratte, 5x # 5 ≫5F, FR z. v.t. To show.
Nukatte, 5.7; 95, H. to v. v.t. To show.
Nukattek, 5 h ≫.5F; }, #5 * 21. v.t. To get a ghimpse at.
Nukesh-chiri, 5.4r$25F ), so y y 3 e. n. Harlequin duck. Fuligula historionica, (Linn.)
Nukki, 5 y +, ise or 7 %r v. adj. Muddy. Syn : Nupki. |
Nuko-okai, 5. ? **-f, #£;>- /v. adj. Very plenteous. Syn : Nuye an. Mukoshne ヌコシネ、暴キ、残忍ナル, %£*- yi-. adj. & v.i. Wild. Rough. To be soon angry. Short-tempered. Syn : Purikanda. Puri-o. Puriyupke.
Nukuri, 5.3 J, #2. v.t. To dislike. As :~ Me nukuri, “to dislike the cold.” Apto nukuri, “to dislike the rain.” Syn : Ekatupase. Kopan.
Nukuri-ibe, 5X2 ) 4 ~$, JV y E? #. n. A lamprey.
Nu-kusu, x3 x, * 4 *. ph. Having heard.
Num,又A,水滴,丸球,日或个月,身丈 ($ 2 × or), #5t, ##. n. A drop. A ball. The sun or moon. Stature. A berry. A grain. Seeds. As :~ Wakka num, “a drop of water.” Shik num, “the eye-ball.” Syn : Numi.
Num, 5XA, #Ln. n. The nipples of the breast.
Numa, 5X-r, E, E ≫L. v.i. come up. To rise. To
Numa, 3R-r, #3, #####?. n. A morass. Syn : Noma.
Numa, 5x -r, ### ≫ Bt. n. The skin of an animal.
Numa, 5.7, #. n. Hair of any kind.
Numaha, ヌマハ。
Numak, ヌマク。着物ノ前ニ附ケル紐。 n. A dress string.
Numa-kiru, 5:-r #Jl., Hit: x Jl. v.t. To shed the coat (as an animal).
Numak-koro-sei, 5 z ? a D, z 4f, # ; H / ?#. n. A kind of bivalve.
Numa-kush, 5x -r 3 $/, E. y y y. pres. part. Rising. Ascending.
Numan, ヌマン, 昨日。例セバ、ヌマン アリキシリカイサム。彼等昨日ハ来ラザリキ。 . adv. Yesterday. As :~ Numan
ariki shiri ka isam, “they did not come yesterday.”
Numan-an-pa, ぬまん・あん・ぱ, 往年。 adv. In former years.
Numan-i, ぬまん・い, 昨日。 adv. Yesterday. Syn : Numan.
Numan-ibe, ぬまん・いべ, 夕飯。 n. The evening meal.
Numan-onuman, ぬまん・おぬまん, 昨夜。 adv. Last evening.
Numara, ぬまら, 此前。 . adv. Last この前. Former 以前. As :~ Numara an pa, “ last year 去年.”
Numaran-otta, ぬまらん・おった, ソノ前ノ。 adj. The former 以前、昔.
Numarashtara, 5K F S S>4x S, #% = PK 7 = # 7 pl’EH. n. A leather thong used for carrying purposes.
Numare, 5x -r Le, #n-, F. vie. lift up. To raise up.
Numa-shosho, 5 e $e a $, a, ?E 7 # 27. v.i. To take the hair out of a skin with a knife. To pluck. Syn : Numa-sos.
Numa-shut, 5.-ar Soa y, EE(y a or x). n. A corn. A wart. A blister.
Numa-soso, 5.7 / /, # 7 # 2, . v.i. To take the hair out of a skin with a knife. To pluck. Syn : Numashosho.
Numat, 5.7 y, ###. n. The strings to fasten a dress.
Numat-koro-sei, El 2 4. n. The name v.t. Το 5&oy E. E. tz of , of a kind of bivalve.
Numat-kot-sei, The name of a shell 5.”y 3 ytz of , often used by child ren to ornament their dress strings.
Numa-ush-kikiri 52* of $2:## 9, #: #a. n. A caterpillar.
Numba, 5K.Ax #, # H? x. Squeeze. ther. To press.
Numba-ni, 3x Ass=, E > # * v = H 2 ovzoo. n. Two poles used in choking bears at the bear festivals. v.t. ?o ' To press out. To rub toge These poles are used at bear festivals when the animals are ceremonially choked to death. In accordance with Ainu habits of thought these poles are said to be husband and wife. One is called Ekashi-numba-ni. This represents the Chisei koro Ekashi, the racial male ancestor. The other goes by the name Chiseikoro-Huchi, the racial grandmother. Or, their Ainu Adam and Eve. Ekashi-numba-ni is “choking-pole of the male ancestor.” Huchi-numba-ni is “choking-pole of the female ancestor. -
Numbe, 5 Aes, #E. n. Gum. Syn : Nuipe.
Nume-chiu, ヌメチウ。急ニ攻撃スル(鳥 ノ生餌ヲ豚ムトキニノミ用ュ) v.t. To attack suddenly. Used only of birds attacking their prey. To strike with the breast bone as hawks are said to do their prey.
Numge ヌムゲ。選ブ、指名スル v.t. To choose. To appoint.
Numi, 5 S , ; ; 5 , adj. Obitta.
Numi, ヌミ。水満、丸球、日或ヘ月 身丈, ( I / 37 r.), #ff, ##. n. A drop. A ball. The sun or moon. Stature. A berry. A grain. Seed. As :~ Numi rupne ota, “coarse-grained sand.” Syn : Num.
Numihi, 5 S E, f?-+. n. Seeds.
Numinokan, 5.5 / 772, to Z ~ x. n. The hog pea-nut. Amphicarpaea trisperma, Baker. .
Numi-pon, 5X 5 zh:・o, #5 * . f? te os, x s di se 2” yle, /Ja N. adj. Short. As :
Numi pon guru, “ a small person.” All. Syn :
Numi-poro, 35 * TI , 3£ § *. adj. Tall.
Numko-sange, ×.B.: #2 *, # 2, . v.t. To besiege.

Numne, 3.A:k, £|*. adj. Round.
Numne, 3./,*, j ,,. v.t. To besiege. To surround.
Numne-an, ヌムネアン。番スル、待伏ス Jv, # 2., EH? x J.L. v.i. To watch. To lie in wait. Also, to forestall. To surround.
Num-ni, 5.A.-, #. n. A fir-tree. Pintus pumila, Pall.
Numnoya-chip, 5.A./ of 7, * ~ * 2. n. Japanese tit. Parsus varius, T. & S. Syn : Enummoya.
Numnoye, 5X./, / -f = , + v ?r. ?. n. Japanese tit. Syn : Enummnoye.
Numpe, ぬむぺ, 糊(のり)。 n. Gum. Paste. Glue. Size. A soft wen. Boss. A swelling. Syn : Nuipe.
Numpe-aushi, ぬむぺ・あうし, 糊ヅケスル。 v.t. To paste.
Numpe-omap, ぬむぺ・おまっぷ, 糊壺。 n. A paste pot.
Numsam, 3X.A+}A, 3?AA Z ?I?#. n. The front edges of a dress or coat.
Num-ush, 5K.E, t? S*, # ## Z. adj. Coarse grained. As :~ Num-ush ota, “coarse sand.”
Nun, 5.2, Jo? z. ol. v.t. To absorb. To suck. Syn : Shikonun.
Nunaibe, ぬないべ, ハゴトコ。 . n. A greenling 【魚】アイナメ. Agrammus agrammus (T. & S.).
Nuni, 5x = , E 2°. adv. Straightway. Syn : Horokaika.
Nunnu, 5& 23, 9% z. v.t. To su 【魚】アイナメck. To
Nunnun, absorb. Syn : Shiko5 A3X A, nunnun.
Nu-mo, 5. /, }} [3 = AE 2. v.t. To hear well.
Nunuke, 5X5X4r, AR 1. v.t. To bless. To be lucky. Syn : Enkaoiki. Kaoiki.
Nunumaunu, 5X5X -r :) 5K, EE +. adj. Strong.
Nu-okere, 5×z?4'r L≫, ' 5: * v. v.i. To have heard. Syn : Anuitashi.
Nup, 5:7, BH+ v3#. n. A thing heard.
Nup, ヌプ, 平原。丘、頂ノ平タキ山。n. A plain. Table-land 台地、高原、卓状地 /tableland/. Field. A fen 沼地、湿地、湿原. Syn : Nupka. Nuponne.
Nupa, 5x v?, BH ≫ (##). v.t. To hear. (pl.)
Nupa ヌパ。目ガ畳メテ居ル v.i. be awake.
Nupan, a. Inferior.
Nupe ヌべ、ギャウジャ=ン=ク。n A kind of wild garlic. Allium victorialis, L. Syn : Pukusa.
Nupe, 5&o, #. n. Tears.
Nupehe, 5 ^^,
Nupek, 5x^$2, BE, YEBH. n. Light. Brightness. Syn : Nipek. Nipek-hi.
Nupeki. ?o Syn : Nu.
Nupek-at, 5 & 27 J” y, 36 ji. v.i. To shine. Shining.
Nupeki, 5-(+, 3%, #5H. n. Light. Brightness. Syn : Chupki.
Nupeki-at-kamui, 5&2”: A-s, # ? v?#, # z ##. n. The shining God. The true God.
Nupeki-atte, 5?-s=#7” y 5F, H# x. v.i. To cause to shine.
Nupek-ihi, Ros?. E, E, E BH. n. Light. Brightness. Syn : Nipek.
Nupeknu, 3E-S75, #~ 7L. v.i. To flare. Syn : Hepeku. Nipeknu. Paraparase.
Nupetne, ヌペツネ ぬぺっとね, 楽シキ、無異安全ナル。 adj. & v.i. Joyful. Pleased. To be well and happy. To feel serene. To be comfortable. Syn : Katu-chakakke.
Nupetne-an, ぬぺっとね・あん, 楽シキ。 v.i. To be joyful. To rejoice.
Nupetnere, ぬぺっとねれ, 楽シマシム。 v.t. To please. Spn : Eshikopuntekka. ★バカ検証 【Spn スペルミス】

Nupetpette, ぬぺっとぺって, 顔ヲ洗ツテ気分ヲヨクスル。 v.t. To refresh by washing the face.
Nupettek, ぬぺってっく, 十分醒メタル。 v.i. To be wide awake.
Nupittek, ぬぴってっく, 真面目ニナル。 v.i. To become sober.
Nupka, ぬっぷか, 平原。 n. A plain. Field. Table-land. Syn : Nup.
Nupka, ぬっぷか, ニゴラセル。 adj. thicken. ★バカ検証 【濃くした、である。濁らせる、では無い。ただし、thicken には、〔言葉などを〕不明瞭(めいりょう)にする、の意味はある。】
Nupka-ushi, ぬっぷか・うし, ススキ、カヤ。 n. Miscanthus sinensis, Anders.
Nupki, ぬっぷき, 泥ダラケナル、濁水ノ如ク濃厚ナル。 adj. Muddy. Thick, as dirty water. Syn : Nukki.
Nupki, ぬっぷき, ヲギ。 n. Miscanthus sachariflorus, Benth et Hook. A kind of reed 葦の一種.
Nupki-at, 5. 7#7≫, jE 4* * * ≫. adj. Muddy. Syn : Nupki-ot.
Nupkina ヌプキナ。キミカケサウ、ス x > cv. n. Lily of the valley. Convallaria Keiskei, Miq. Nipki-ot, 5r 7+*≫, jE4r * * ≫. adj. Muddy. Syn : Nupki-at.
Nupkire, 5x7 + Le, E 3” z r = z. n. v.t. To make muddy.
Nupkurun-ni, 5:72 JL. 2 =, 's = + + *. n. Poplar. Populus Sieboldii, Miq. Also called Yai-ni.
Nuponne, 5&xit 2:R, AFJa. n. A plain. Syn : Nup. Nupka.
Nupoppet, 5.:#y roy, H. n. Sweat. Perspiration.
Nup-pui, 5:7 74s, 32 z 7 = . Ligularia calthaefolia, Maxim.
Nup-pukusa, 5: 3,75 tf, a s 2: 2r v , . n. Lily of the valley. Convallaria Keiskei, Miq.
Nupreshunkep, 5.7 L Sea. A ry, b J, A a ae £. n. Artemisia sacrorum, Ledeb. var. latiloba, Ledeb. A kind of meadow flower. To
Nupreshun-noya, 5:7 Le Sea. A / +”, ?i 1, = ae £. n. Artemisia sacrorum, Ledeb var. latiloba, Ledeb. Mugwort.
Nupshingep, 5x7$e24*7, v vs +. n. Lespedeza bicolor, Turcz.
Nupun-moya, 5.72 / 7, 2, 2, 4 a + +, -s >> a -e =?. n. Artemisia sacrorum, Ledeb. var. latiloba, Ledeb.
Nupure, 5:7 Le, jf. t... v.t. To like. To be fond of.
Nupuri, ヌプリ, 山。例セバ、ヌプリへメス、山ニ登ル。 n. A mountain. As: ~ Nupuri hemesu, “to ascend a mountain.” Nupuri kitai, “the top of a mountain.” Nupuri kot-oro, “the sides of a mountain.” Nupuri ran, “to descend a mountain.”
Nupuri-esoro, 5.7 Jarly R, fo. n. The foot of a mountain.
Nupuri-esoro-ran, 5.7 Jr. 7 p. 5. 2, TFIII X >L. v.i. To descend a mountain.
Nupuripa, 5x7 U v?, ?I? v ?I?j. n. The fore part of a mountain. The final pa is not to be confounded with ka, “top.”
Nupuri-pesh, 5 7 U okv, ?t. n. The foot of a mountain.
Nupuripo, 5.7 U zit, Is III. n. A small mountain.
Nupuri-shut, 5.7 y > a.oy, #. n. The foot of a mountain.
Nupuri-shuttomo, 5&7 J. Eea y K E,# a y A2 - 2 E y ?. n. A little above the foot of a mountain.
Nupuri-tapka, 37 J & 7j, [I] 2 Ji. n. The top of a mountain.
Nupuri-uturu, 5.7 Joy yov, #. n. Valleys.
Nupuru, ヌプル, 貴重ナル。例セバ、カムイヌプルモンカシ、神ノ貴キ業ニヨリ。 adj. Precious. Estimable. Mighty. As :~ Kamui nupuru mon-kashi, “by the estimable (or precious) works of God.”
Nupuru, ヌプル, 濃厚ナル(酒又ハ水ノ). adj. Turbid. Thick or dirty or strong
as water or wine. Black. Very dark. As :~ Nupuru tonoto, “strong wine.”
Nupuru, ぬぷる, 魔術。 n. Magic.
Nupuru, ぬぷる, 預言スル。 v.t. To prophesy.
Nupurube, 5:7 Leo?, ?###, #FF (+ w + 9). n. Charms. Fetishes.
Nupuru-guru, 5:7Jl.:/IL, R:. n. A prophet. Syn : Uweingara guru.
Nupuruka, 5: 7 Jl, j, : 2 x ). v.t. To blacken.
Nupuru-moshiri, 5:7JLRE ), K. n. Heaven.
Nupurupakte, 5, 7 JLA ? ? F, flij# x wi. v.t. To vie with another in psychic strength.
Nu-rapapse, 535 ~87tz, aijE z. yl≫. v.i. To shed tears.
Nure ヌレ。語ル、親シム、宣言スル v.t. To tell. To acquaint. To announce. To apprise. This form of the verb takes otta before it. Syn : Esara怒?Y拉。
Nusa, 5x+}', # / # y . n. The clusters of wood shaved fetishes which the Ainu place outside their windows or upon the sea-shore as offerings to the gods.
Nusakesak, 5x+4r+2), ?? H. n. Sober. Syn : Nuashnu.
Nusatam, ヌサタム。疫病ヲ破フ為ニ用 a Ju off. n. A kind of inau waved over the sick to drive away disease. Syn : Takusa.
Nushimamne, 3>* A*, EE*, £3* + yl. adj. Strong. Safe.
Nushimamne-no, 575-"F/A-k /, # %, 安全ニ。例セバ。ヌシマムネノカラ。堅 His Hi + jul. adv. Strongly. Safely. As :~ Nushimamne no kara, “to build strongly.” -
Nushimaune-no, 5 E-T Yzk /, # 27. adv. Strongly. In a strong manner. As :~ Nushimatene no akara, “ is it made or done strongly.” Syn : Nu SL113 U11111-11Os.
Nushinne-no, 5, EA A3k V, #R = 2. adv. Comfortably.
Nushiromare, 5.2 ta + L-, #4 x pl . v.t. To control.
Nushuyuk, 3>a 2y, =£#3+ x, yv. v.t. To beckon. To call. To pray to God. Syn : Nishuk-nishuk.
Nushue, x >3.4 +, ###3 + x 912. v.t. To beckon. To call by beckoning.
Nuso, 5 /, ##. n. A sleigh.
Nuso-paisere, 5x A as of tz L2, 4%ie, A Be. +j?. n. The hinder dogs in a sleigh.
Nusumaunu-no, 5.2. or of 5./, § 27. adv. Strongly. In a strong manner. Syn : Nushimaune-no.
Nutak, ヌタク。川ノ曲リ角ノ木ノ生ェ 3, F = H . n. Wooded inside bend of a river.
Nutap, 5; 3:7, ?I?fi / ZE##. n. A level place between mountains. -
Nutap, ヌタプ。川ノ響曲セル個處ノ内 #. n. The inside of a bend in a river. An isthmus.
Nu-tek, 5.5-2 , Bt. 4 % . Present participle of hearing. Hearing.
Nutokkari, 5 H > 7, J, Boot 2, 2P. v.3. To be giddy. To feel dizzy. Syn : Ramukari. Ramukari-kari.
Nu-ush, 317 Se, &#+- yv. adj. Plenteous. Abundant. Syn : Nu-an.
Nuye-ush. Shiri-eshik.
Nuwap, 5: 77, Wiji y. v.i. To groan. To call out in pain. To give birth. Syn : Kechi.
Nuwashi, 5, 7 e, ??j E] + l. adj. Sober. Syn : Nuashi.
Nuya, 5&o, # = n. v.i. To burn.
Nuyasa, 5x +?+}', # no (##). v.t. To break in or through. To split. (sing.)
Nuyaske, 5x + 2x r, #) v sv. v.i. , Broken through. Split.
Nuyaspa, 5 oxz S, #21 (##). v.t. To break in or through. (pl.)
Nuyau, ぬやう, 焰(焔/炎)。 n. A flame of fire.

Nuye ヌイェ。書ク、彫刻スル。入墨スル。 v.t. To write. To tattoo. To carve.
Nuye-an, 34f -7* 2, £+ yv. adj. Plenteous. Syn : Nu-an.
Nu-ush. Shiri-eshik.
Nuye-an-i, 5.4 = 724, o so. n. Abundance. Syn : Shiri-eshikbe.
Nuye-an-no, 5-4 - JP A /, # = . adv. Abundantly. Syn : Eikan-no.
Nuye-ita, ヌイェイ 夕, 篇字板, 石板。 n. A writing tablet.
Nuyep, 5 f = 7, #, f=E. A broom. A brush.
Nuyepa, ヌエバ。記ス。書ク、入墨スル。 n. A pen. v.t. To mark. Write. Tattoo.
Nuyere, 5, f = L', # 2 += 'L. v.t. To cause to write.
Nuye-ush, 34 ? 7%, £# + yv. adj. Plenteous. Abundant. Syn : Nu-an.
Nuye-an. Shiri-eshik.
Nuyuk, 5 a. 27, yk ?y ≫ 27. v.i. To catch fire.


O, オ。名詞ノ後ニ付ク時ヘ、形容詞ノ 力ヲ有ス。例セバ、アイオ=、東側アル木. Suffixed to nouns the particle o has an adjectival force. As :~ Ai-o-ni, “thorny wood.” Uruki-o, “lousy.”
O, オ。何物ニテモ底ノ外部。例セバ、オ ウフイシュ,底ノ焼ケシ鍋。n The outside bottom of anything. As :~ Ouhui shu, “a pot with the bottom burnt.” O uhui nikap attush, “an old burnt garment.
O, オ、数ノ接頭語ニ用ヒ、過剰ヲ示ス。 Used as a prefix to numerals O indicates redundance. As, Otu, ore, “two or three.”
O, オ、陰部、特ニ胆工門ノ漫、n The private parts, particularly the region of the anus.
O, or, is H. n. The mouth of a river.
O, オ。穴。例セバ、オプシチクニ,先、ノア + 7 + JuozR. n. A hole. As :~ O push chikuni, “wood with holes bored in it.”
O, zf, £ + H ≫v. adj. and v.i. To project. Projecting. To stick out.
O, オ, 入レル。例セバ、シュオロワッカオ, zk 7 $ = 7C v yv. v.t. To put in. As :~ Shu oro wakka o, “to put water into a saucepan.”
O, zh, E = y, Fjj S. adv. From above. In a downward direction.
O, +, 3?R? z vie, 3? L. v.t. To ride. To sail in a boat. To ride in a dogsleigh.
O, オ。賞ヲ結ブ. a tree.
O, オ。鍛ル、開ク。例セバ、シクオ、目ヲ # 2. v.t. To bore. To open. As :~ Shik o, “to open the eyes.” Shui o, “to bore a hole.”
O, オ, 含ム。例セバ、トノトオイタンギ, H: Z # = 2-#3; # 91... v.i. To be inside. Contained in. Bearing. As :~ Tonoto o itangi, “the cup with wine in it.”
O, zf, za ≫v, £££ xyv. v.i. To be. To exist.
O, zr, os 4 , adv. Yes. Syn : A. Hawe-ne. Oun. Ruwe. Ruwe-ne. Ruwe-un.
O, オ, ヨリ、カラ。例セバ、オキムウシ。 III 3. 5. prep. From. Off. Away. A separative particle. As :~ O-kim un, “from the mountains.” O-pish ne, “from the sea-shore.” (See E, prep.) v.t. To bear fruit as

Oa, †7”, te. n. A frog. Syn : Otereke-ibe. Oterekep. Tereke-ibe.
Oa, オア、一封ノーッ。此ノ語ヘ。オアラ (oara)ノ略ナル。オアッ (oat) ノ代リニ 用ヒラル。例セバ、オアチキリ、一足。 adj. One of a pair. This word is sometimes used for oat which is a contraction of oara. Thus:~ Oa chikiri for oatchikiri short for oara chikiri, “one foot.”.
Oahunge, オアプンゲ 愛曲ンタル物ノ内側 n
Oahungi, The inside of a bend. *772#, Syn : Ereunui.
Oai, +7 f, # # 5j?. n. A meeting place.
Oaikanchi, オアイカンチ、ヘサミムシ。 n. An earwig. Syn : Oaiush-kikiri.
Oaiush-kikiri, オアイウシキキ リ。ヘサ § 2 oz. n. An earwig.
Oakasu, オアカス,
Oakashin, オアカシン,
Oakashiu, オアカシウ,
Oan, オアン。全ク。例セバ、オアンライ **, 3, 27# x. adv. Throughly. Quite. Entirely. Outright. This word is a contraction from oara. Thus:
Oanraige, “to kill outright” for oara raige. Syn : Oara.
Oan-nikap, オアンニカプ。臆病者。賜 v * #A, FE##, ##? A. n. A cowardly person. A worthless being. A corpse. A very sick person.
Oanruru, zi-J° Ze)LML-, Bij## = y. adv. From the western shores of the sea.
Oara, オアラ、ニッノーツ、一封ノ一ツ. adj. One. One of a pair. One of two. As :~ Oara te or oara tek, “one hand.” Syn : A.
Oara, オアラ。全ク。例セバ、オアラェン, 2: 27 ( 52 +. adv. Entirely. Quite. Very. Throughly. As :~ Oara uen, 出ル、突出ス、多過ル v.i. To protrude. 44 3; “very bad,” or “abominable"
Oara aetunne, “very much hated.”
Oara-araki, +757*5 +, #e. adj. A half.
Oara-isam, オアライサム。全ク無シ。 adv. Absolutely not. None at all.
Oara-kanchi-ush, 2-7 = 3 y 25 y Sa, >s # s J, sz. n. An earwig. Syn : Oai kanchi.
Oashbe-ushi, zh-7'>~75, #2-#. n. A kind of shark having long rear fins.
Oashi, z?. Jo e, g. ph. On which something has been put.
Oashin, オアシン。出デ行ク、入リ来ル。 v.i. To go out. To come out.
Oashinge, オアシンゲ。送リ出ス、取リ H x. v.t. To send out. To take out. To root out.
Oaship, 2-75-7, HX x N-. v.i. To come orgo out. To issue forth. (pl.)
Oashiuka-amip, +7" > 7:37° S 7, F. +3&#H. n. Good clothes. Syn : Aeshiyuk amip.
Oat, オアツ。ニッノーツ.此ノ語ヘ、オア ラノ略ナリ。例セバ、オアッチキリ、一 s(H- £). adj. One of two. This word is short for oara. As :~ Oatchikiri for oara chikiri, “ one foot.”
Oat-teke, “ one hand.” Syn : Oan.
Oattepa, *7* ≫5*/$, ? % z ? y. adj. One of a pair.
Oatuimaka, オアツイマカ。河ノ廣キロ. n. The broad open mouth of a river.
Oatu-wakka, zh-2 y 7 y?, fifth 2 # #. n. Animal semen.
Oau-ush-kikiri, 2.7” y y 22 + + y, as #- s ?, sz. n. An earwig. Syn : Oaikanchi.
Obakanere, † v?? # Le, #R = x yl, R? 鹿ニスル。例セバ、ネイグルイワサケオ ベみネレ。大酒ノ為ニ愚トナル。ひ.が To make a fool of. To deprive one of his senses. As :~ Nei guru iku wa sake obakanere, “drinking wine has made
a fool of him.”
Obishta, z+ b^$^4%, E; 7*. Syn : Obitta.
Obitta, z?E ≫ Ez, ##-s = / , . ## /. adj. All. The whole.
Obitta-isam, zf E ≫4:4 +A, £?£. adj. Quite gone. Syn : Eonukne no isam.
Obiyashiya-ni, arbo-to:Sao =, >s + f y ≫ a . Leucothoe Grayana, Maxim. In English the name means “sneeze bush.” It is said that the snuff made from the powdered leaves of this bush tickles the nose and causes one to sneeze. The name is onomotopoetic of the noise made in sneezing. The powder was also mixed with aconite poison to make it more effective. The poison thus made was called chikoptep, i. e. “corpse maker.” The bush was also called Aipashke-ni, i.e. “blackening wood.”
Obiyo, † E a, ##PIL L. v.i. To have lost the voice as in a heavy cold. Syn : Shiunuomke.
Obokai, orz???y-s, ?:###. Musk deer.
Oboru, オポル。最モ悪シキ非難ノ語。 , n. A very evil term of reproach.
Oboshpa, zrz? ?er?, ? ≫ #ff 2. v.t. To go through. Pl. of oboso.
Oboshpare, ####er?L, ? ≫ Fff ?i te Jo. v.t. To cause to go through. (pl.)
Oboso, オポゾ。通シテ。例セバ、オホ ソウンインガラ、通シテ見ル post. Through. As :~ Oboso un ingara, “ to look through.” Oboso, オポツ。通ツテ行ク、浸ミ透ス。 v.t. To go through. To soak through.
Obosore, オポソレ。無クスル、治療スル, 為スヤウニスル。通シテ行カシム・ v.i. To allay. To alleviate. To cease to do (as evil), To cause to go through.
Ochako, *** = , ££j*- ≫v. adj. Presumptuous. Given to loose ways. adj. All.
Ochakot, オチャコツ。強盗シテ暮ス。v.t. To live in debauchery.
Ochakot-guru, ?irij v a У?JU, Hi:. n. A debauchee.
Ochas, zooar 2, #71. vi. To run.
Ochasat, 2-5+++?”, Le Pl-, K 2.. v.t. To surround.
Ochasatki, z****}-oy*, jE yv. v.i. To run round. To surround.
Ochash, zr:5F v ?e, ? si Ef = ##~r vl. v.i. To run together. To collect.
Ochaste, +5- + 2x5F, FE > x. v.t. make run.
Ochi, zi 5, fii r n. adj. Shining. Lighted.
Ochi, 3-5*, 2e;? x vu. v.i. To dart. To whirl. To rush.
Ochiai-ush-mun, ff=774 ) Ze A 2, 27 a a. y. n. Fritillaria camtchatensis, Ker, Gawl. The black lily. In S. it is called ha; hap; kito. Syn : Anrakoro.
Ochichiwi, オチチウィ。立ツ、積ミカサ 3-yu. v.i. To stand up on end. To be piled up. Syn : Ochiuchiu.
Ochike, #FAr, st. n. A tray. Syn : Nima. Otchike.
Ochikiki, †#F##, ze r# x. vt. empty to the very last drop. drain.
Ochikirui, zrj.:Jl,4 , ##9 -. adj. Lewd. Corrupt.
Ochinkama, ff. 235 -r, # S # x. v.t. To step over.
Ochinakkari, zr:Fj- ≫ h ); E KA. n. A Japanese.
Ochinkapa, オチンカパ、足ヲ伸ベシテ 43 x 7L. v.i. To sit with the legs stretched out.
Ochipa, **/ §, %ei x yv, § 27. v.i. (pl.) To dart. To whirl. To rush.
Ochipep, zj**^&7, §#*- ≫v. adj. Even. Plain. Smooth.
Ochipo, ***, : **g 7- yl≫. v.t. cast away. To throw from. ?o ?o ?o ?o

Ochipuni, zj-S-7=, EFF = ff ^r ≫t-. v.t. To follow a trail.
Ochirun, オチルン。生家ヲ留守居スル。 v.i. To remain behind to keep an empty house.
Ochisara, z?o?, # *. v.t. To kill.
Ochish, zr3- >>', # 2, 3- vv. v.i. To come to nothing.
Ochish, **jF$z, $, fs.z.. n. Anger.
Ochishbare, zf#S/* La, o##a*9- ~tz /l?. v.t. To spoil. To damage.
Ochishka, z+*/>$°;oj, 4% % + +z yl~. v.t. To cause to come to nothing.
Ochish-o, z?5F $ezir, yrff z pl. v.i. To be angry.
Ochishpa, z+*3-Szzw, ** 7 yv. v.t. cast away. To bring to nothing.
Ochiu, zr:Fr), or Hochiu, zk3F7, # EE. n. Adultery. Copulation.
Ochiubare, ** ry a& L?, ?E x. v.i. To die.
Ochiu-chiri, zr,Etoy $- J, E}in(-tz * v 4). n. A wagtail. Syn : Chiuchiu.
Ochiuchiu, オチウチウ、積ミカサナル, 3r ov. v.i. To be set up on end. To be piled.
Ochiuchiu-chikap, zi'os-ty:Foo?, 7, ###(+z + v 4). n. A wagtail. Syn : Chiuchiu.
Ochiuchiue, z?5Fr}#} +, ERBE. n. Compulsion.
Ochiunoye, z"# / ≪f =, ?? = Fk 8*?E x. v.i. To die through strong desire to have sexual intercourse.
Ochiupashte, zr:Fr} **$/5F, 3;&# > vv. v.i. To have sexual intercourse.
Ochiwe, zr:Fr} = , EE E + Pv. v.t. To drive away. To toss. To throw. As :~ Ochiwe wa isamka, “to drive clean away.”
Ochopcho, zrif a 73 a, # / R?. n. A fish's tail.
Ochopkokomge, zf*a 7-. 5.AA;*, # ~ Ju (# 9 = ). v.i. To shrink up as a To person or dog in the cold.
Ochukko-eshikari, off a y E1 =>7, J, 5&PH. n. Stoppage of the urine. Ischury.
Ochupka-un, 3roa. 73, or 2, § 2 #. F. n. The region of the east.
Oeshikari, zh:E:23; J, #2°. v.t. To be closed up as the mouth of a river.
Oenushima, #5:57 > -r, # 27. v.i. To be surprised.
Oha, +/-, #4 . adj. Shallow. Syn : Ohoha. Ooha.
Oha, +/-, }3r" adv. Very. Excellent. As :~ Oha pirika, “ very good.”
Oha, zrov, TE Br. adv. Only. Nothing but. As :~ Oha kemhi patek, “nothing but blood only.”
Oha, オハ, ギンマメ、ヤブマメ。n The hog-peanut. See Aha.
Oha, オハ。空ナル。例セバ、オヘチセイ。 zEE. adj. Empty. As :~ Oha chisei, “an empty house.”
Ohashiure, “to take care of an empty house.”
Oha-ai, zh:/v74, #&# 23:... n. Arrow without any poison attached. Syn : Ashi-ai.
Ohachirike, z wvst 1) r, #fE 7 x 71. v.i. To stay at home keeping house.
Ohai-araiko-tenge, zirzvos 75-s: 5, ンゲ、泣ク(子供ガ母ヲ慕ヒ) v.t. To weep as a child after its mother.
Ohachiriketa, zrov5F ) Br3, ZR?E A F# = . ph. While they were away from home.
Ohachirun, オハチルン、空家ヲ留守ス Ji-. v.t. To take care of an empty house. Same as Ohashirun = oha, “empty,” shirun from shiruwe, “to watch.”
Ohachiseiruhe, ?rzv5→z?f JLo, ?g% 2 #####.. n. The demon of empty houses.
Ohachishuep, *zv5>$~~, .:r.7°, zgaz z bo. n. The demon of an empty house.
Ohahumbe, zrav7.A, es, # 2 #-#-. n.
A song without words.
Ohaiaraiko-tenge, i vv. 4 7754 a 5* ンゲ、泣ク(子ガ母ニ対シテナス如ク) v.i. To weep (as a child for its mother).
Ohaige-kara, zrov-f yo?55, E#Jv. v.t. To backbite. To abuse. Syn : Sempirioitak. i
Ohaige-kara-i, zrzv4 #?i 5 f, EE#. n. Abuse. Slander.
Ohai-ingara, zi-vv-f4f 27f5, Fi? vie. v.i. To look after one.
Ohai-ki,zi+/v4 +, or x. v.i. To praise. To express surprise and pleasure.
Ohaine, 2-zo-f:#, #21. v.i. To be afraid.
Ohaine, z“ v-f 2, E = .. adv. Indeed. Just so. Syn : Ii. Keyanmakari.
Ohaine-kane, zrzv4 #25:k, jst =. adv. Indeed. Just so. .
Ohaine-shiu, zi-vv-f::$er), #3"#7v. v.i. To be struck with terror.
Ohainine-an, z,rzv4f =*7>’, v xl≫. adj. Afraid. -
Ohaishinne, オハイシンネ。恐レテキル。 adv. Being in a state of fear. .
Ohaita, オハイタ。塞ガル、適合セズ ".i. To be warded off. Not to fit.
Ohaitare, orzvos & Le, #35 x. v.t. To cause to escape. To defend from. To ward off. To make not fit. To cause to avoid.
Ohaiyokke, zhzvos a yor, H:# 7# x. ## z. ot-. v.i. To belch. To eructate. To retch. Same as Ohayokke.
Ohak, ar/vo, ##. adj. Shallow.
Ohakobe, オハコべ、海噛。ツナミ・ n. A tidal wave. Syn : Orepumbe.
Ohare, zir zv Lz, 2g = x. yu... v.t. To empty. Syn : Eohare.
Ohariki-so-um, おはりき・そ・うん, 爐ノ右側、即チ、アイヌノ家ノ戸口ヨリ見テ。 adv. On the right hand side of a fireplace. (Looking in from the porch door of an Ainu hut).
Oharu, zrovJL, # s 3: ≫L n. n. A clear soup.
Ohasama, オハサマ。報(シリガヒ) n. A crupper.
Oha-shinotcha, zirzvo A &#x, n. A tune.
Oha-shirun, zirav3>’jl≫>’, 2g Ba 75F/l≫. v.i. To take care of an empty house. Syn : Ohachirun.
Oha-shiure, zrov er 7 Lo, 2EE? 7 Kjo vt. v.i. To take care of an empty house.
Oha-tukara, orzvy:#5, ###( K F) 2 ff. n. Sea-lion pups.
Ohau, オハウ。魚肉又ヘ獣肉ト野菜トヲ 混合シテ煮タル食物. n A fish or meat stew with vegetables intermixed. .
Ohau-kina, オハウキナ。ガジヤウサウ。 = y v + 7, 7 2 - 7. п. Апетоте flaccida, Fr. Schm. Very much used in stews, and also as a remedy for colds. It has a very strong smell Syn : Pukusa-kina.
Ohaukop, zirzvoy a 7, ##(2 y). n. A kind of edible sea-weed.
Ohau-not, zrzv#y A y, #2t># x =}## 。セラレシ肉又ヘ植物. n A lump of meat or vegetables cut ready to stew. Оhau-not-kara, zr?у? / У 205, PiХ. 2-# 7 #71. vi. To make a meat or fish stew.
Ohayokke, オハヨッケ, 吐気ヲ催ス、ひi. To retch. Same as Ohaiyokke. 調子。
Oheraibe, z?es 54 et, s b v 7. n. Blakiston's trout. Hucho blakistoni, (Hilgendorf).
Ohetke, オへツケ。零ル、コボル。例セバ, ェツワノショモチャオへツケヤ。茶ヘ土 # / E, a y o 1, s2+. v.i. To be spilled. To run out:---As :~ Etu wano shomo cha ohetke ya ? “Won't, the tea run out of the spout?”
Ohetu, z?es:y, # x, = R x. v.t. spill. To shed. To empty.
Ohetuku, z,F<^y4%, 3+3s xl≫. v? . To? come out of. ?o

Oheuge, *^** 4*, fff 9 * pl. adj. Crooked. Bent. Syn : Ohoge.
Oheugere, zoo of Le, # * 2L. v.t. To bend. Syn : Henoyere.
Oheugesak-i, z?~ # ##2 4f, # #. n. Accuracy.
Oheuge-sak-no, z?~ # #+2 /, ## E + /i-, ii E*- ≫l. adj. Accurate. Straight. Syn : Kuwash. Oupeka.
Oheuge-shomoki, z+~~74ys$≫ a *e*, #i+ /v, iTEI*- Jl. adj. Accurate. Straight. Right.
Oheuge-shomoki-no, zir-7 oat + V, ## =, lkiH = . adv. Accurately. Straightly. Rightly.
Oho, zrzk, ?R s. adj. Deep.
Oho, zir7jk, #Hij te v. adj. Bent. Curved.
Oho, zirzik, ##. n. A kind of fancy needle-work.
Ohoge, zrzk4*, siis y 3 yi . adj. Crooked. Syn : Heuge.
Ohogere, zfzf:4* L’, fii x" yl". v.t. To bend. To make crooked. Syn : Henoyere. Heugere.
Ohoge-shik, zir;f54,85>47, x 4 v}E%44. n. The name of an embroidery pattern.
Ohoha, z†zkov, ?# f. adj. Shallow. Syn : Ooha,
Oha. オオハ。
Ohoikara, zirzik of 775, ## x Ju. To do a kind of fancy needle-work.
Ohokara-kem, zrzk?y 54r.A., ###. n. A sewing needle.
Ohonashui, zir;fs=}-$~+.4f, s?≫l-(-z + *i). adv. Too much.
Ohonno オホンノ。長キ、長キ間、永々. adj. & adv. Long. For a long time. Syn : Honne-no.
Ohonto. z; R o -, 3 y y so, ta. n. The back of a house. Syn : Apapok. Okesh. Osorogesh. -
Ohontoki, zhzis 2 k +, HIFT. n. The amuS. v.t. |
Ohontom, zirzik 2 F.A., | = . adv. By the side of.
Ohooho, ??, 7 # 2. ?? v $. n. A 才木才木, peculiar noise made by
Ohuohu, women as a warning bezi".7zf7, for entering a house or TOOIIl.
Ohoro, z+ * ta, FE +. Deep. Syn : Hohot
Ohoro, zj-zkra, ?k k. adv. For a long time.
Ohoro-tokes, zir7jk n H. Er z, Zy#j. adv. The end of a day.
Ohorukara, zrzi:Ji,:j5, ## x Jl. v.t. To embroider. adj. Long. | ohoetokes, **, Forx, xa≫. adj. The very end of the day.
Ohoture, オホツレ、他人ノ為ニ残ス・ v.t. To leave for another to do.
Ohta, zirzio, y a = , H = . adv. There. Also “to.” Same as Otta.
Ohuiyoro-ne, zi-74s a D?:#, #f1f5f5° te ウカ。此ノ語ヘ否定ノ意味ヲ示ス。例セ ベ、オフィヨロネ、ネイアシウェンテプモ シマタコロャクアアェラムペウテク。彼ノ 女ヘ生キテ居ルカ死ンダカ如何デセウ。 adv. How will it be 2 This word carries with it a negative idea. As :~ Ohuiyoro ne, nei a shiwentep seremak koro yak a aerampeutek, “How it will be with that woman, whether she will live or not I know not,” the probability being that she will die
Ohuigoro ne, shiknu kuni aponde, “how will it be, I think he will not live.”
Ohunkes, *7 >4rz, £+ #% ≫ §. adj. The end of anything long.
Ohurukotuibe-mun, zi-71l,-194 & JA y, ?i 7 ?? + + \. n. Hops. Humulus lupulus, L. var. cordifolius, Maxim. The meaning of
Ohurukotuibe-mun is “weed-binder of the hills.” Kosaa is said to mean “grow old together,” and that because the
bine and flowers (drop) die together. Syn : Kosa.
Ohutne, #7 y#, P? f. adj. Narrow.
Oi, zj*4, 7, v. 7. 7^ yt. adj. Placed in.
Oi, *4, §[II z. adj. Very many.
Oi, zir-f, & 2, --## = . adj. Many. Same as the Japanese. As :~ Oiishimma, “all together.”
Oibe, or of ~, j?:#, ###jJ. n. Essence. Durance. Stamina.
Oibe-an, オイべアン、永ク績キタル。 adj. To have stamina or endurance. To last a long time.
Oibe-chawan, +4 es+ x 7:e, 5 #g. n. An eating cup. Syn : Oibe-sei.
Oibep, +4f og 7, ?:#, F#. n. Eating uten
Oibepi, sils. An eating cup. オイベビ。
Oibe-sak オイベサク。弱キ、弱クナル。 adj. & v.i. Tumi-sak. To be weak. Syn :
Oibe-sam, zh-4s ok-H-A, ?? x ≫L. v.t. & v.i. To do away with quickly. To waste. To waste away. Syn : Oisam.
Oibesamka, zrefox-"A #1, ## x ≫L. v.t. To waste. Syn : Oisamka.
Oibe-sei, zr 4 ^&tzf, £#, III. n. An eating vessel. A plate.
Oienki-kina, zoos or >+++, 5 *... n. S. Salsola Soda L.
Oika, オイカ。越ェテ。例セバ、オイカホ 7=, %& ε?= 7. post. Over. As :~ Oika hopuni, “to fly over.” Oka ingara, “ to look over.”
Oika kama, “to step over.”
Oika tereke, “to jump over.”
Oikara, zoos #5, 27 x. n. A kind of climbing leguminous plant belonging to the pea family. Pttiraria Thzenbergia, Benth. Used for tying purposes. The small inner fibre is sometimes used for securing thread. The finest kind of starch is obtained from the rootstock. ヲ カヒ .
Oikari, zij- of #j J, 2 ov y, er 7 y . adv. Round about.
Oikaru, オイカル。捻(ヨ)レタル、綴ムス t* * ≫v. adj. Twisted. Entwined.
Oiki, or of +, E v Plo. v.t. To touch. To meddle with.
Oiki-oiki, zh-s Hozo-s #, § 1 Jul. v.t. To touch. To meddle with.
Oikush, zh of 2 ×, # 1 Plo. v.i. To leak. (As a tub or bucket). Syn : Opekush.
Oikush-un, zh f 27 Cery ', fi] 7 =. adv. Beyond. -
Oimatturinne, おいまっつりんね, 長ク延ブ。 v.i. To be stretched out lengthwise as in lying down. To be stretched out. Syn : Omatturinne.
Oimek, おいめく, 恐ル。 v.i. To fear. To be afraid.
Qina, おいな, 古代ノ、伝説ノ。 adj. Ancient. Traditional. Legends.
Oina, おいな, 昔話ヲスル。 n. & v.t. To relate ancient traditions.
Oina-mat, おいな・まっと, ノブキ。 n. Adenocaulon adhaerescens, Maxim. When a person is poisoned by sumach (Rhus), the leaves of this plant softened by warming at a fire are generally applied. - ;
Oina-otta, オイナオッタ, 古代。例セバ, オイナオッタアンブリ、古代ノ習慣。 adv. In ancient times. As :~ Oina otta an buri, “an ancient custom.” Oina otta tambe korachi hawashantu ruwe ne na, “such is the ancient news we have heard.” Oina otta tapne shiriki yak aye, “it is said that it was so done in ancient times.”
Oingara, オインガラ, 覗ク。又ハ覗キ込 ム。 v.t. To peep through. To look through. To look on.
Oinuye, おいぬいぇ, 達スル。 v.i. To reach to. To attain to (as water from a river to a road on shore).
Oioi-ki, おいおい・き, 喝采スル。 v.t. To acclaim.

Oioiki-i, オイオイ キイ。鳴栄. n. An acclamation.
Oioioioi, オイオイオイオイ。驚骨又ヘ稀 讃ノ叫ビ。例セバ、オイオイオイオイェ アニネプネヤッカエカラコイラムマカカ エカンルウェネ、噴為ス事毎ニ君ヘ善シ。 excl. An exclamation of surprise or admiration. As :~ (vioi oioi, eani nep ne yakka e kara ko irammakaka e kan ruwe ne, “ah, what ever you do you do well.”
Oiporoboso, #4, #8 pa z?: /, ??E, 7 Me ~ 入レ (苦痛, 心瘤, 病気等ノ為) 蒼クナル。 v.i. To change countenance as through pain, trouble, or sickness. To turn pale.
Oira, † 4f 5, NE yi-(H#). v.t. To forget. (sing.)
Oirapa, † 4 5 ≫ §, NE Pl(##). v.t. To forget. (pl.)
Oisam, zref {}A, P?# > L. v.i. To waste away. Syn : Oibesam.
Oisamka, z?4 #A3b, ## z vie. To waste. Syn : Obesamka.
Oishiru, zref$/)le, ?BH? ≫ #E. n. A very old salmon. A salmon which has died of old age. Spent salmon.
Oita, zoos &, #. n. A shelf. (Lit: o= “bearing;" ita= “board." Ita is probably a Japanese word and means “board"). As :~ Oita ka, “on a shelf.”
Oi?a ka ene makanke shiri kz4 nukara, “I saw him place it upon the shelf.” Syn : Shan.
Oitak-sak, オイタクサク、免ヲ願フ、言 to # 7. v.t. To beg pardon. To make a mistake in talking or by word of mouth.
Oitak-sakka, 2f4f4z47 + yjb, # e # 2s -tz /t. v.t. To cause to made a mistake by word of mouth.
Oitak-sakte, zi“4f 4% 47+}475°, v.t. 計院ヲ云 2s + Pv. v.t. To make beg pardon.
Oitakushi, :f4f 4g ? ?e, Est 7. v.t. To C11rse.
Ok, おっく, 蛇。 n. A snake. A demon.
Ok, おっく, 悪シキ、兇悪ナル。 n. adj. Trouble. Evil. Badness. Severe in a bad sense. Divine wrath.
Ok, おっく, 襟頸(エリクビ)。 n. The nape of the neck. Atlas. The neck. Syn : Okkeu.
Ok, おっく, 立腹サレタ。 adj. Angered. Divine wrath. As :~ Kamui ok, “the gods were angered.”
Ok, おっく, 心。感情。 n. The heart. The feelings.
Ok, おっく, 船頭ノ舟ヲ漕グ時ノ掛聲。 n. The noise boatmen make when rowing. -
Ok, おっく, 鬱悶(うつもん)スル、フサグ。 v.i. To be low-spirited. To be cast down. Troubled.
Oka, おか, 有ル、住フ(すまふ)。 v.i. To be. To dwell. To be at a place. Syh: Okai. ★バカ検証 【Syh: は、スペルミス。Syn: である。】
Oka, おか, 後ニ。 adv. Behind.
Okaakara, おかあから, 道ニ進ムコト。 v.i. To go along (as a path) 道に沿って進む. ★バカ検証 【 go along は「道に進む」では無い。道に沿って歩く、である。日本語が間違っている。】
Okachup, おかちゅぷ, 引キ戻ス。 v.t. To take back. Syn : Oka-uk.
Okai, おかい, 有ル、住ム。 v.i. To be. To dwell. To be at a place. To abide. (Both sing. and pl.)
Okai-an-ashi, オカイ・アン・アシ, 我等ハ.... アル。 ph. We are.
Okai-an-hi, オカイアンヒ, 居ル、住フ。 v.i. To be. To dwell.
Okai-an-tek, おかい・あん・てく, 止ツテ居ル。 ph. Being. Staying at a place.
Okaiatchi, オカイアッチ, 彼等ハ止マル。 一定ノ處ニ居住スル。 ph. They stayed or resided at a place.
Okaibe, おかいべ, 存在物。 n. An existing thing.
Oka-ingara, おか・いんがら, 見送ル。 v.t. To see off.
Okai-ushike, おかい・うしけ, 住居、在所、アリカ。 n. An abode. A place where anything is.
Okakara, おかから, 長キ。 adj. Lengthwise 縦(方向)の、長い.

Okakara, オカカラ。ナス又ヘ作ル。 v.t. To do or make.
Okakari, オカカ リ。 川ヤ路ニ沿 フ テ従ヒ ff ≫. v.t. To follow along as along a river or track.
Okake, zrsh Ar, 4#, jtsk. adv. After. Subsequently. Cleared away. As :Shiriokake an, “the weather has cleared up.”
Okake-an, zi"; or 72, $ 9. n. A finish. An end.
Okake-anka, オカケアンカ。終ラセル。 v.t. To make to finish or stop.
Okake-an-koro, z??, or 7.2:1 R, ##. adv. Afterwards. After that. Then.
Okake-chishne, zr#3r#*S*:k, # #, + x 7” F. n. A mark left on the body as by illness. A sore place. A scar.
Okakere, zrzh r Lo, # > += vlo. v.t. To make stop or finish.
Okaketa, zi-7j 5-4z, jt.4%. adv. Afterwards.
Okake-un, Afterwards.
Okakuira, オカクイラ, 釜勝ニ後ヲ追フ。 v.t. To follow after stealthily. Syn : Okapikuira.
Okamge-no, ##A4" /, E: =, $#$ =. adv. Suddenly. Advisedly. Syn : Okamgiri. Shiokamge no. -
Okamgiri, zir*j.sa 9), iEj?E =, %e& =. adv. On purpose. Purposely. Suddenly.
Okamoi-koro, z?ot of E. E., #####, オカケウン。其後. ado. 2. v.i. To be affiicted with syphilis. Syn : Pana-etashum.
Okanchi, *:h2#, #?, ship's rudder. -
Okanka, オカンカ。條晶 (サナダムシ). n. A tape worm.
Okamkotokke, z,r*j > t! H. 94%r, {uii * % yv, 3# & yv. adj. (geo.) Declivious. Rugged. カチド. n A On purpose. Purposely.
Okan-natki, おかん・なっとき, 圑樂スル(団楽だんらん)、マドヰスル。 v.t. To sit in a circle 輪になって(円状に)坐る.
Okaokari, zf*j**, y, ££ z. yl. adj. To be at a loss. Embarrased.
Okaokari, オカオカリ。ソノ外、ソノ方 s?l < . adv. Besides that. In that direction.
Okapashi, オカパシ 辱カシメタ。 Abashed.
Okapikuira, #? E3 4f 5, # = f# 7 §E. 7. v.t. To follow stealthily after.
Okarakara, z}^255.255, 75TH = , у 2 ili =# 9 7. adv. By way of. Through. Round about by. adj.
Okari, z? ?, J, #| y = . post. About. Around.
Okarire, オカ リ ??? 取 リ廻ラス。p.が To put round.
Okashkamui-koro, †?, ?e?, A.4 = DI, 健全トナル。病気ヨリ快復スル、ひ.i. To be in health. To revive from sickness. Syn : Seremak-koro.
Okashkamui-sak, **j $^;j.A4 **4%, 病トナル、病ム、カヲ落ス、病ガ為クナ A.,2Rf{{} + = 3-21. v.i. To be in bad health. To lose strength. To grow worse in sickness. To be unfortunate. ・ Syn : Maukowen.
Oka8u, オカス。甚ダ、大ニ。例セバ、タ ネオカスピリカ。彼ヘ今甚ダ善シ. ado. Very. In a great degree. To a great extent. Much. Very much. As :~ Tane okastt birika, “he is now much better.” Syn : Oukasu.
Okata, オカタ。後ニ。例セバ、エンオカ 2, #2, # = . adv. After. Behind. As :~ En okata, “ after me.” Syn :
Oka-uk, zh:), or 27, HX 9 53 x. v.t. To take back. Syn : Oka-chupu.
Okaya-ni-pichi, z**) *’= E*/+, ; a y # y. v.i. To fall from a mast. Syn : Ekaya-ni ika. . -
Okaye, オカイェ。蹴レタル、チギレタル。 adj. Broken off.

Okbare, オクバレ。不孝ヲスル、敵スル。 v.t. To treat one's parents slightingly or unfilially. To rebel against. To fight against. Syn : Iyokbare. Uokbare.
Ok-chishi, オクチシ、泣ク(哀シミノ為). v.t. To weep for sorrow.
Okekarip, z?or:#; J 7, #, ##. n. A collar.
Ok-ekot, zi ra y, ## s ?r. n. v.i. To be very sorrowful. To be very cast down. To die of sorrow.
Oken, オケン。山ノ奥ニ住ム者. n A fabulous and weird race of dwellers in the mountains supposed to be half gods. By some called Kim-tan-aints and by others Kim-un-ka-aints.
Okep, +5-7, p. o. n. Name of a very rare bird said to be of ill OIIMEIl
Okep オケプ、悪シキ音信 n. n63WS.
Okep-koro-guru, zh-4-7-a pa ?YJL, TJ # 7 of 7 + 52 N.. n. A bearer of evil tidings.
Okep-shongo, n. Bad news.
Okep-shongo-koro-guru, +or 7 × a ンゴコログル。凶報ヲ獲香ラセル人。n, One who brings bad news.
Okere, オケレ。終ル、為シ遂ゲル v.t. To finish. To accomplish. Syn : Nisa. Hemaka.
Okere-i, 2-or-Le-s, ? V. n. The finish. Bad オケプションゴ。 凶幸照。 Accomplishment. The end.
Okerep, z?or L, 7, § 9. n. Accomplishment.
Okerepa, 2-5-L r&, #7u (:). v.i. Finished. To be done. pl. of okere.
Okes, z?orz, 5., sa. n. The posteriors. The rump. The bottom. Syn : Osoroho.
Okese, zrdrtz, # y. n. The finish. Remainder. seke. The end. Syn : Ke
Okese, 終リニ、後。例セバ、イノ オケセ, ンノイタクオケ セゲタ。
Okesegeta, jff ≫ Est. adv. At the zortz.414, end of. After. As :~ Inonno-itakokesegeta, “after prayers.”
Okesh, z!r$≫, ? ? ? so ta . n. The back of a house. Syn : Apapok. Ohonto. Osoro-gesh.
Okettektek, +4r ≫#F O 5*2}, # y sv. v.i. To have finished. To have prepared.
Okeuba, z?4-r} v?, E, E + yv. v.i. drive away. Pl. of okewe.
Okeura, of 5-75, a 2s v. n. A moor. hen. Syn : Kina-okeuku.
Ok-eush, オクエウシュ。罰セラレル、悪 ji = y 2, L. M. v.i. To be punished. To be bewitched.
Okewe, オケウェ。追ヒヤル。 drive away.
Okheturiri, zj- x ->2x y y , YA z sit -S a.. v.i. To stretch out the neck as a dog or horse in pulling a cart or sleigh. From ok= “neck”; he ? “forward”; turi?“stretch out” ri ? “intense.”
Okikirimi, z} + + J S, + + > ≫l- s F s?l >. Same as Okikurumi.
Okikurumi, オキクルミ、アイヌヲ文明 ニ導キシ人(源ノ義経ヲ指スナラン)、ア イヌ偉説ニヨレベ、義経ヘ樺太島ニテ殺 y v x y b. n. The name of a person said by the Ainu to have been a great civilizer of the race. Most likely this person was the Japanese hero Kurohangwan Minamoto no Yoshitsune who some say fied from Japan to Yezo in the twelfth century of our era to avoid the sword of his elder brother. He is said by the Ainu to have been killed by Ainu in Saghalien. The shrine of this person may be seen at Hiraizumi in Iwate-ken. The annual festival is held on April 28th.
Okikurumi-turesh-machi, † #2} JV To v.t. To
ミツレシマチ。オキクルミノ妻。n The wife of
Okikurumi. -
Okimne, **. z. *, Hj a y . adv. From the mountains. O is a preposition meaning “from.” (See O, prep, and compare E, prep.)
Okim-un, j + z, 7 e, From the mountains.
Okimumpe, † # A e^{, }}?zk. n. A ||| a 9.. adv. flood.
Okina, オキナ。アイヌ物語中ニアル大 # / #. n. A kind of fabulous sea monster. Syn : Okirikeu.
Oki-poro, ++2.E II, ##. n. A sad COuntenan Ce.
Okira, zir=*5, jJ. n. Strength.
Okirasap, * £. 5 * 7, § A. adj. Weak.
Okirashnu, *#5 Se5&, § *. adj. Strong.
Okirashnuka, ++5 $e5 ?7, HE 2.. v.t. To strengthen.
Okirikeu, 才牛 リケウ, アイヌ物語中ニ 7 21-7-# / 34. n. A kind of fabulous sea monster. Same as Shiokirikett and
Okigashke, オキサシケ 滞レテ汚レシ。 adj. Wet and dirty (as an infant).
Okishka, オキシカ。鬼。鹿、又ヘ熊ノ尾。 n. The tail of a hare, deer, or bear.
Okitak, zi + & &, ## */ * #. n. Sad or sorrowful talk. Syn : Okne-itak.
Okitarumbe, ### JLA. ~&, ffi# v $. n. A kind of ornamental mat. Syn : Nikapumbe.
Okka, オッカ。悲敷サセル、困ラセル。 v.t. To be made sorrowful. To give trouble to.
Okkai, オッカイ。男ノ、雄ノ、牡ノ. adj. Male.
Okkai-apa, オッカイアパ。男ノ親類。n. Male relations.
Okkai-bo, オッカイボ, young man.
Okkai-karaku, + y 7, 4 h5 5, $9. n. # 4E. n. A A nephew.
Okkai-ko-iwak, of 9:04 a f 727, for # / #~# 7. v.i. To visit one's intended husband. To pay attentions to a young man with a view to marriage.
Okkai-mitpo, zi 935-f S ≫zit, i (53). n. A grandson.
Okkai-ne-ambe, 3r 9:54 3:7.A-<, g ??, #. n. A male.
Okkai-poho, zi ≫ zh 4 z?zk, H v H-, Ei. +. n. A male child. A son.
Okkai-shiripo-auoshmare, zh ≫?i s シリポアウオシマレ。成人シタ. ph. To have become a man.
Okkai-tomo-un-patek, zi ≫ zh 4 F. HE ウンパテク。常ニ男ト共ニ居ル。 v.i. To be always with men.
Okkaiyo, オッカイヨ。男、青年。n A male. A young man.
Okkashi, * ≫ ± £a, a 9 & 9, a 9. adv. More
Okashita, than. Some more. More zi.7, 323, besides. Than.
Okkeu, オッケウ。春ノ上部、襟頸。頸。例セバ、オッケウカタチニララペレ、春ヲ H# * & x, yv. n. The upper part of the back. The nape of the neck. The neck. As :~ Okkeu kata chinirarapare, “to sit with bended back or neck as in great respect.”
Okkeu nichitne “an aching neck.”
Okkeu mini, “to stretch out the neck.”
Okkeu nitne, “a stiff neck.”
Okkett nitturinne, “to hold the head up.”
Okkeu takao, “to draw the neck in.”
Okkeu ukotuntek, “to have an aching neck.”
Okkeu-kashi-apirikare, zh worry 7, 2 アピリカレ, 持参金ヲヤル v.t. To give a dowry to a person with his daughter when given in marriage.
Okkeumaka-atte, z? worry of 397 y?, ff|r = ij v x. v.t. To hang with the face looking upwards.
Okkeu-uni, オッケウウニ。曲ッテ生ル。 v.i. Sitting in a bent position. Syn :
Ko-ok-uoru-chiure. Ko-ok-uoruushi.
Okkeu-turiri, zi ≫ Mr :) / J ), E##? 7 前方ニ伸ベル(重キモノヲ負ヒシ時ノ如 27). v.i. To stretch the neck forward (as when carrying a heavy burden). Syn : Ko-ok-turiri.
Okko, オッコ。海貌皮ノ衣服. n A seal-skin garment.
Okko, オッコ。友。魔呼ビ掛ニ用ュ. n. Friend. Often used in addressing a person. Syn : Ikatairotke guru.
Oknatara, 2-2 3-257, ? sz l... v.i. To be sad or sorrowful. Syn : Keutum-nin-ush.
Ok-ne-iporo-oma, f } + fz?ra zirr, 俯ス,術シタル。悲シキ額スル pi and adj. To have a cast down appearance.
Ok-ne-itak, z?2 # 4 & 2), jj 3- ?, ?E so yo-yoff. n. Spiritless. Gloomy or sorrowful talk.
Oknetop オクネトプ、ネマガリダケ。 n. Sasa paniculata, Mak. et Shib. A kind of bamboo. Syn : Pinnetop.
Oknikoro, +2) == n, z?e v 3X. n. The fork of a tree. An indentation.
Oko オコ。提フ。釣ニテ捕フ v.t. To catch on to. To hook on to:
Okoi, zra f, ## H 9. adv. the waves of the sea.
Okoika-un, zira 4 h , Ee, #R = y. adv. From the east. Syn : Ochupka-un.
Okoipok-un, zi"El f : R* to 2, § a 9. adv. From the west.
Okok, +:a 3, #2 v. v.t. To hang up.
Okotan, r=a & 2, #ff. v.i. Adjoining villages.
Okokke, fa ≫ Br, To hang up. (pl.)
Okokko, zi"E win, £. n. A snake. ・ Syn : Ashitomap.
Okokko-akam, zi":u y zu7*y A,, F* 2^ ta # 4 × not. n. A curled up snake.
Okom, zra k, iii... adj. Hilly. Lumpy. Uneven. Gnarled. Nobby. Out of 吊ス (複数) り.な
Okuima, オクイマ。尿スル。
Okom, オコム。海豚(イルカ) n A dolphin. Syn : Rokom. Tannu.
Okomge, zir:I.A4y*, E z yL.,|H|-z yL. adj. Gnarled. Lumpy.
Okomomse, zir:14: Atz, ?% × 21", is: x ≫L. v.i. To bow as in salutation or deep respect.
Okop, 2-? プ, 分割セル處。一臨分. z. A parting place. A division. A branch.
Okop, #= 7, FE n. A corpse.
Okoppi-kina, zrza y E++, V >> 3- ≫ s’a... n. Iris ensata, Thunb. var spontanea, Nakai.
Okorakorak, zf - 5 -15 2?, H# 2L (## H* 2 # 2 is 27). v.i. To jar. To rattle as things in a box. Syn : Hokorakorak. Korokorose.
Ok-pirikare, おっく・ぴりかれ, 幸ナラシムル。 v.t. To please. To make happy.
Okshiri, + 2 > y, ## ≫ #?. n. (geo). ・ Bad land. -
Okshut-no, オクシュツノ。後ヲミル。例 セノド、ショモオクシュツノエクニサルウェ ネ。彼ヘ後ヲ具ズシテ求レリ. ado A looking back. To turn the head round. As :~ Shomo okshut no ek nisa ruwe ne, “he came without looking back.” Syn : Hoshipshipi.
Okshutu, *47 $^-, "Xo, {}. n. The nape of
Oksutu, the neck. Syn : Kimui zroyx?y, oshimaki. -
Okte, or 75, # 8 or + Pv. v.t. To ? make sorrowful. -
Oktomne-an, † 2 F. A.:#77:e, FE? z # 8, 1... v.i. To sorrow for the dead:
Okturiri, zoo y J J, # 5 #2k x. v.i. To stretch the neck out.
Okulikoeshkari, zr? f = x. Se?, J, MR. 閉。例セバ、オクイコエシカリワェコッ。 ji: / $g y 7 37E x. n. Stoppage of the water. As :~ Okttikoeshkari wa ekot, "to die of stoppage of the water." v.i. To urinate. To make water. Syn : Ru
kari. Yachinani.
Okuima-kina, オクイマキナ。ッリフネ + 7. n. Impatiens Textori, Miq. A kind of Touch-me-not.
Okuima-raige-an, zh-2 for 54 5-7 >, #FR S- 3. ph. To desire to urinate.
Okuira, z?2 4f 5, E ?i = # 2, . v.i. To go along stealthily. Syn : Ipikuira. Kuira.
Okunne, オクンネ、青年期=入ル年頃. n. A lad just entering adultage.
Ok-un-nure, z?o 2.5 L, # 32 A. v.i. To feel grieved about.
Okunushike, z!r4753 $24%r, E|fi?- yl~3% £ff. n. (geo.) A craggy place.
Okuru-kina, ** Jv**, * * + * ≫. n. Hostea rectifolia, Nakai. A kind of Liliaceous plant.
Okush, +, ×, #2 * x. v.t. To turn inside out. Syn : Iyokush.
Okushta, zi Z E 4x, jts# = . adv. ThereYonder. - -
Okush-un, † } or } 2^, [si] > = . adv. Beyond. Syn : Kushketa.
Okut, zh-2 y, #. n. A girdle.
Okut tura, “with a girdle." (When a married woman dislikes sleeping with her husband she lies down by the fire side with her girdle on).
Okutchi-urara, zoo yo55, ##. on. A heavy fog.
Okuwan-no, zFZ 7 - V, Hij = . adv. Ahead. In front of. Towards the front. Syn : Arakuwanno. Irikuartinos
Ok-poni, オクポニ。老年ノ為ニ腰曲ル。 v.t. To shrink up through old age.
Om, 2f A, ie. n. The thigh.
Om, オム。詰ッタ、塞ガッタ、閉チル。 - adj. Stopped up.
Oma, irr, il r. pl. v.i. To feel hungry.
Oma, オマ。屈メル 例セバ、オマココモ * y }> +, Ji § 7. £j 2/. adj. Stooping. As :~ Oma kokomomatki, “to go along in a stooping manner.”
Oma, z?ow, $ ... v.i. To be inside. Con
Omai, taining. Having. Holding. z?or of, With.
Omai, zir< 4 , # % . v.i. To go. Same as Oman.
Omai, *-r 4f, #BF, G##. n. A bed. A platform. A place where something has been put. A seat.
Omai-kara, ++r of 775, #F# 7 #ft x Jul. v.t. To make up a bed.
Omaipu, z?-r-f 7, # # (#? ?). n. Beds.
Omairenga, オマイレンガ。規則、法律, #4. n. Rules. Laws. Commands.
Omai-so, z?or of y, ## 2 off. n. The floor of a hut along the side of a fireplace. The side of a room or chamber.
Omaka, † -r ?7, f?HF x L. v.i. clear away. To open up.
Omakano, z#Fr # V, 4%. adv. Behind. By some Homaka no.
Omakatektereke, †* #5*2} 5= Le4r, 路躍。スル(酔ヒタル人ノ如ク) りi To reel as a drunken person. To walk crookedly.
Omakirush, zr-r +/L:2, sy X. n. A locust.
Oman, frr >, †† 7, # 2., (##). v.i. ? (sing.) To go. To advance. To proceed. The plural of this word is фaye.
Oman-an, Gone.
Omanantoiru, *7 + 2 H 4 Vie, ?E. n. A way. A path.
Omande, frr e F, ? jv. v.t. To send. Pl. of Payere. -
Oman-no, z**r > ?’, sE y 7 a ^. adv. Distant.
Oman-no-po, zo vr A V zit, # 27 #fj 9 3. adv. Distant. Far. Afar. Syn : Hange-ko. Tuima-no.
Oman-oma-ni, z?-r />#r=', # / zik. To オマンアン。行ケリ. v.i.
n. A cross beam.
Omanru, おまんる, 道路。 n. A path.
Oman-ru-kot, おまん・る・こと, 道路。 n. A worn path. A road. A trail.
Oman-so, オマンソ, 爈邊(炉端)。ロバタ。 n. That part of the floor of a hut along the sides of a fireplace.
Oman-tekkoro, おまん・てっころ, 少シク行キテ、行キツツ。 ph. Having gone a little way. Whilst going.
Omaoma, おまおま, 慰メル(なぐさめる)。 v. comfort.
Omaoma-itak, おまおま・いたく, 憐ム。v.i. To commiserate. Syn : Ottemitak,
Omap, おまぷ, 愛スル。 v.t. To love. Syn : Katairotke.
Omare, おまれ, 入レル。 v.t. To put into.
Omatturinne, z?-- ≫ :/ ) >:k, ?: W HE E PL. v.i. To be stretched out lengthwise as in lying down. Syn : Oimatturinne.
Omau, zi“ z r}, FR, JE#, F. n. Flavour. Taste. Essence. The wind.
Omau-kaun, z+* 17* roy >’, E, Z. H. =. adv. To the windward.
Omaukush-ni, zor y y Eo:=, = 7 sz n. Magnolia Kobus, DC. var. borealis, Sarg. Also called Opke-ni, and Pushni. From ornazz, “scent”; push “to pass through ”; ni “wood.”
Omaushiukina, おまうしうきな, ハンゴンサウ、ナナツバ。 n. Senecio palmatus. Pall. S. ★バカ検証 【Omaunure の前にある。 語順誤り。】
Omaunure, rr r} 5x Lo, & vv. v.i. To be afraid. f
Omaunure, zr-r 75: L', H: 7%, yv. v.t. To detect the flavour of anything.
Omau-pokun, z“Tor 7f 7 -, A F = . adv. To the leeward. Syn : Opara pok un.
Omau-sak, オマウサク。無味ナル,穏ナ Jo. adj. Tasteless. Flavourless. Calm.
Om-chikiri, z?.A.FFF 9, #5. n. The hind feet of animals.
Omeika, z* x 4f *j, j?≫v. v.i. To remain. To be left.
Omek, * x 47, g?-9- v 7 7 yl≫. v.i. To remain. To be left over. Syn : Omeka.
Omekap, オメカプ。個別セル或物,分ケ 7 fo 2, ##. n. Something divided up. A portion set apart.
Omemmenu, + x A. 2 S., $ 27. adj. Dried up (as a stream).
Omihi, zh S E, ##!. n. The hind legs of animals.
Omke, オムケ。購息、風邪。例セバ、オ ムケオシマ、風邪ニ羅ル n A cold. Asthma. As :~ Omke oshma, “to catch a cold.”
Omke-kara, z,r.A4%r*j5, s.%js = E yL. v.i. To take cold.
Omkepo, z!r.A4%r*, tE x yl~. v.i. To cough.
Om-mekka, zir. x 9 #, e e 7 fil#. n. The top or front part of the thigh.
| Omoikoro, おもいころ, 姦淫スル。 v.t. To commit adultery. Sexual intercourse.
| Omoinu, おもいぬ,
Omoinu-ambe, † E4s 3x7’Ark, #?E. n. Adultery. Sexual intercourse.
Omoinu-guru, ##E4f 5:2) J.Lo, #?E#. n. An adulterer.
Omoinu-shiwentep, z?ot of 5.5×7× 2 #7, ##. n. An adulteress.
Omomo, zir-EAE, # 27. adv. Well. Thoroughly. Nicely. Syn : Uwatori.
Omommomo-no, J-RE A, HERE / , E =, ## =, # 2. adv. Swiftly. Easily. Nicely. Well.
Omommono-wa-ye, zh-EAAE-E 7:E, ZE H = ## ole. v.i. To say in an easy manner. To tell in a simple manner.
Omompekare, #RE Ao? ?h Le, J? * #& 2. v.t. To treat with great deferenC?.
Omonchina, z?=E2:#*#-, §??(z+ -e ?) E ). n. A horse's bridle.

Omonku, オモンク、手綱(タツナ) n. A bridle.
Omonnure, z == 2 5. Lo, #3: x n, I. # z >L. v.t. To boast. To flatter. Syn : Panore.
Omonre, zr:E, L', ji: x Jl. v.t. To praise. Syn : Iranuye. Ramye. Reika.
Omori, z?..± !J, zjx |I}, f?, 沙丘地?。 34, Hillocks. Dunes.
Omoyepush, 2 E. A = 722, =E5 (F 9. ?i)7 Ju'. adj. Crested.
Om-poki, z?Az?+, HK / TF#. n. The under part of the thigh.
Omtui-pok, rA, y 4 x}{2}, # / "F?s n. The under part of the thigh.
Omu, オム。塞ガル。例セバ、ペッブシオ 1, , § E ###" to 9. v.i. To be stopped up. As :~ Pet butu omu, “the river's mouth is stopped up.” Ku kiseri omu wa tambako ku eaikap, “ my pipe is stopped up and I cannot smoke.” Syn : Mukkanne.
Omuken, *r.A4%r>’, jjij z vL~fiE ~~ x. v.i. To be unable to catch.
Omumbe, オムムべ。股引.
Omunbe, オムンベ。
Omure, オムレ、チモ婦、一番、息と娘(子 ?r.), $#c, ####. n. Husband and wife. A pair. Son and daughter. Male and female.
Omusa, オムサ。昔漁期ノ終リニ日本人 ノ役人ノ長ガ倉所ニテアイヌノ為ニ開 2, ##. n. A feast given in ancient times to the Ainu at the end of the fishing season, and when the officials were on circuit duty.
Omushi, z?A, ?e, &# #. n. A seat.
Om-utoro-sama, z*.sroy H. p ***?, H% Z TRn. n. The under part of the thighs.
On, オン。腐ル(皮膚又ヘ魚ナドノ). v.i. To rot as skins or fish. Syn : Apkara. Horose. n. Trousers.
On オン。熱シタル。食シ得ラル。例セバ, ミミン。此オノ魚ヘ食フニ堪へル adj. Ripe. Fit for eating. Cakes prepared for food. As :~ Mimi on, “the fish is fit to be eaten.”
On オン ...ノ場所ニ ....ノ處デ. adv. At a place.
Ona, zi- ?-, 3?. n. Father. Syn : Hambe. Iyapo. Michi.
Onaha, z?3-ov, st. n. Father. Syn : Hambe. Iyapo. Michi.
Onake, 3-3-5r, x + 2 ≫ v. (S.) n. Smilacina trifolia, Desf. “ Reindeer fodder.”
Onashi, z? ?- $2, ####, n. Skull. Cranium.
Ona-shiri, オナシリ。父ノ代リニ. ph. Instead of a father. To act as a father towards.
One, オネ, 船ニ乗入ル。 v.i. a boat.
One, zrak, v v F. part. And so. Therefore.
Onga, † 2.o?i, F#. n. Refuse. The residue of roots after the starch has been extracted.
Ongami, オンガミ。揆拶スル、邦ム. v.t. To adore. To board
Onikapunbe, 木ノ皮又ヘ蓋ヲ以テ オニカプンベ, 飾リタル薦、袋. n.
Onikapun-kina, A small sedge mat :*:7; 7:2++, ornamented with strips of bark or rushes, often used for carrying bundles. A bag. A satchel. Syn : Chitarape.
Oninkaot オニンカオツ。進ム(舟ノ水 If =# or so frill 32). vi. To slip along as a boat upon the surf of the sea or down a stream.
Oninkaot, オニン カオツ。滑ル、スベ ≫L. v.i. To slide. To skate. Syn : Horatutu.
Oninkot, *r=.>=1 %’, E vu~. v.i. To slide. Syn : Charase. Harotke. Horatutu.

Oninkot-ani, => H # =, #y #ff. n. A slide.
Oninkot-ushi, Syn : Horatutuオニンコツシ ushi.
Oninumba-hawe-ash, zh E. × Ars ov ウェアシ。鳴ク(羊ノ如ク) v.i.To bleat like a sheep. Syn : Orakeweusehawe-ash.
Onipichi, ** bo*/+, 7} = 9 * ‘y yL. v.i. To fall from a tree. Syn : Eni-ika.
Onishboso オニシポツ。限石、電撃セラ ov. n. & v.i. A meteorolite. To be struck with lightning.
Onishboso, *= $≫z#y, ?E x. v.i. To die.
Onishibosore, zir:= $~**/ L≫, {{{ x. v.t. To kill.
Onishnishi, #2., to x >L. v.4 To | オニシニシ。 exhort. To advise. To
Onishinishu, persuade. To abet. オニシニシュ, To coах. . Syn : Iramkoiki. Ko-oroshutke.
Onishnishi-i. zh:$2: $24, ##, #|| +. n. Exhortation. Advice.
Onishte オニシテ、忍耐スル、勇気ダク。| v.i. To endure. To encourage.
Onitasa, zir=4x**, },E; z.. v.t. miss. Syn : Enuitasa.
Onutasa. kari.
Onkitasu, オンキタス。見落ス. p.t, To miss. To pass by without seeing. Syn : Enuitasa. Uakkari. Uonui. tasu.
Onna, オンナ,
Onnai, オンナイ。
Onnaige, † 23-4 A, FJ#. n. The inside. To Uok n. The inside. 内部。
Onnaigeta, zf 2-3-4 Ay-Az, PJ = . adv. Inside.
Onnaige-un, z22 3-4 Aory 2, PS =. adv. Inside. -
Onne, オンネ。老イタル、貴キ、古代ノ. To pass by without seeing. | 例セバ、オンエコネッ。老イテ死ス adj. Old. Honourable. Prized. Valued. Great. Aged. Ancient. As :~ Onne ekot, "to die of old age."
Onne kotan, “an ancient town,” “a capital.” Syn : Onne koro.
Onne, or 2:R, + y R + 4 ... n. The fur seal. By some the sea-bear. Same as Onnep.
Onne, z?">:k, =, X. *s, ?i > . post. To ; from. As :~ Shine kotan onne utara inu “the people heard news to (from) another village.” Syn : Otta.
Onne, zir>:*, ...... = , Po?. prep. To. Inside. In the direction of. Belonging to. Sy?m : Otta.
Onne-chikap, #">#5F?y 7, f?RE, ####. n. The albatross. Syn : Ishokapiu. Oshkanibe. Shikambe.
Onne-chikuni, zh-2:#52 =, ##7K, = y = 2* h = ... n. The elder tree. Sambucus, Buergeriana. Bl. var. Miquelii, Nakai. Elder. Used as a . . medicine at childbirth; also as a charm against disease. Syn : Oshpara-ni. Soko-ni. onne huchi, arverz*, x 2 km. n. The goddess of fire. Syn : Abe huchi. Abe kamui. Iresu huchi. Kamui huchi.
Onneka, zf>*>ij, jjfj x xv. v.t. To visit. To know. To see.
Onne-kaiki, z+>**j4 *, ≫ v 7*. adv. Whereby. -
Onne-koro, + 2 + = n, # 4 Ju. v.t. To become old. To be aged. Оnne-moshiri, zi- У:#E32 у , А? и 46. n. The old name of Robbin-island in Patience Bay.
Onne-no, z+>≫* A’, AE z,. cluding.
Onnep, +2+ 7, 2 y F + M. n. The northern fur-seal or sea-bear. Callor. hinus ursina Linn. Syn : Uneu.
Onne-paskuru, z,->^=*/87,47 /v, , 7 % adv. In
y ?y > x. n. Raven. Corvus corax, Linn.
Onnere, or 2: & Le, #171 (Hijo). v.t. To know. (sing.) Syn : Uwonnere.
Onnerepa, zi :e:k Levs, #g oi (tit?). v.t. To know. (pl.)
Onne-rue, オンネルエ。甚ダ老イタル。 adj. Very old.
Onneu-chikap, zh-2:kyo; 7, # / Bo?a. n. Some kind of eagle. Aguila clanga Poll. or Aguilla naevia.
Onnu-onnu, * 2^5Zz+>5R, g^>x*)l≫, ≫ + x + 2... v.i. To make a noise inwardly. To hum. To make melody in the heart. To speak to one's self. See Eraunkuchi. Kamtui noye.
Onon, zi / >, ?JE a V. adv. Whence. As :~ Nishpa onon e ek ? "Master, whence have you come ?” Syn : Hunak wa.
Ononno, 2 / 22 /, # e y II. excl. An exclamation of pleasure. Syn : NonIHO≪
Onrui, zh-2 JL-f, Hoopol. n. A lullaby. A cradle song. Syn : Ihunke shinotcha.
Onruika, オンルイカ。口除スル、クチズ + 2, ... v.i. To make a humming sound with the voice. To crone. To sing a lullaby. Syn : Ihunke.
Ontaro, zor >4?z ri, *3. n. A tub or bucket.
Onturep, オンツレプ。 オ ホウ ベュ リ。
Onturep-kam, n. Dried lily-bulb zi">'y Le 7 h.A, cakes. Cake made
Onturep-tak, from the Lilium z*>'y Le 7 & 2), Glehni Fr. Schm.
Onuitasa, オヌイタサ。外ス、見落ス. v.t. To
Onutasa, miss. To pass by with#5x4: {}, out seeing. Syn : Enui
Onkitasu, tasa. Uakkari. Uonui *>+& 2x, tasu.
Onuka, z? 5x #1, # 7, st?j 7. v.t. To ask after. To watch. Syn : Ouneka.
Onuma, +3*, E. M. v.i. To rise from.
Onuman, オヌマン, 夕。 adv. Evening. Syn : Shiri onuman.
Onuman-ibe, +5x = > 4 ok, & R. n. Supper. The evening meal.
Onumechiri, of 3 × 5 J, so. n. A kind of hawk.
| Onutasa, オヌタサ 見失フ、見落ス。v.t. To
| Onuitasa, miss. To pass by with+5X4 & {}, out seeing. Syn : Uok
| Onuitasu, kari. オヌイタス,
Oohmakun-toko, or:f-7 & 2 F-1, s] × 2 #21-#ff. n. The place where Something is.
Ooho, zrzfzk, §£+. adj. Deep.
Ooitak, オオイタク。曾話スル。 v.i. To converse together.
Oökot, zj**- x *y, £+ yv. adj. Joining. Attached.
Oosorushi, ## / Jle$e, e?: l. v.i. sit upon.
Op, zir7, #. n. A spear. As :~ Opseshke ka, “a string used to tie a spear to the shaft.” A magnolia cone.
Op, zor7, = #R 7. adv. In. Same as Un. -
Op オプ。籍。例セバ、シュムオプ。 油器。 n. A box. A vessel in which to put anything. As :~ Shum op, “a vessel for carrying or holding oil.” Syn : Shuop.
Opachiuka, zr. Kje j ?j, E = U vi?i ж. v.t. To lightly dry in smoke.
Opagoat, zirovir Poy, ###. n. An adulterer. A licentious person.
Opahau-ush, オパハウウシ。悪シキ風 To BA. adv, Of bad fame. Syn : Chi pahau-ushka.
Opai, fa?4f, tH?? x pl. v.i. To set out on a journey.
Opaiki, zors of +, E. M. v.i. To rise
up from.
Opaikari-sak, adj. Young.
Opanguash-chikoikip, zhao YJ’o チコイキプ。前脚短タ後脚長キ動物.n. An animal with short fore and long hind legs.
Opanrene, オパンレネ。身豊ノ下部ニ弱 s > #x >u>. v.i. To feel weak about the lower part of the body.
Oparapokun, zj-r K5 : 3 A, B, F, ?i y* s -e. adv. The leeward. Syn : Omau pok un
Opas, おぱす, 雪。 n. Snow. Syn : Upas.
Opasopash, オオパゾパシ、走セ廻ル。 v.i. To run about.
Opat, † v? }', # =, st; # x. adv. Sudden. Surprise.
Opatasse, オパタッセ。下病. n. Diarrhoea.
Opatache, Syn : Opichitche. **$4&#F =,
Opattek, オパッテク。噴火スル、破裂ス Juo. v.i. & adj. To burst as a volcano. Burst open.
Opattekka, オパッテッカ。破裂サセル。 v.t. To burst open. To break into. Syn : Opush.
Opatteotke, #w$ ≫5*z*:yAr, # = st?H x. v.i. To burst suddenly out. Break forth.
Opechiri, zre?5F J, ME JL. v.i. To leak.
Opechiri, z?~$3F j', # 7 fi:#3r JL. v.i. To set a spring bow.
Opeipesh, †~ 4 ~$?e, zkiE y 9 te vl. v.t. To make wet. Syn : Ope-soro.
Opekin-aruki-wa-isam, zrek: , 7 JL. + 74 }}.A., NE VL. ph. To forget.
Opekush, #e? ? ?e, : JL. v.i. To leak. (as a tub or bucket). Syn : Oikush. ●penrene, オペンレネ。身豊ノ上部ニ弱 s 5 &xyv. v.i. To feel weak about the chest and upper part of the body. オパイカリサク。若イ・
Opentari, オペンタリ。根コギニスル, § x 21, wi. To be rooted up. To fall down with the heels in the air. Syn : Chiopentari.
Opere, z†~& Lo, 2Pzr. n. A little girl. A maid. An unmarried woman.
Oper kep オペレケプ。女ノ子 n A female child.
Opereperep, オペレペレプ。ボロボロノ, * a * E = § v *. adj. Rugged.
Ope8a, オペサ。問ヲ多クカケル v.i.To be inquisitive. To make inquiries.
Opesa-opega, オべサ・オペサ。問ヲ多ク *) £r yl. v.i. To be very inquisitive.
Opesh, zire& Ee, # 27, Hij z, v.i. To listen. To act in an inquisitive man ner. To inquire into. Syn : Iyopesh.
Opesh, zres$2, 4:-> y TF yv. v.i. To run down as rain down the trunk of a tree.
Opesoro, z?et?/ pa, Wet.
Opetkaushi, rosy ?y w ?e, $###. n. A ford in a river.
Opetke, zj*^&y4r, #£#. adj. Rugged. Torn.
Opetpetke, オペツべツケ。汚稜ナル覆 £ z. adj. Rugged and dirty. Syn : Oshitratamne.
Op-ibe, zi'7-foot, spear-head.
Opichi, オピチ。満ラス。オトス。緩メル, H? y #x. v.t. To drop. To loose. To allow to slip out of the hand.
Opichitche, #E5F y F=, "F#JE, n. # 7 x. v.t. To 槍 ノ 光頭. % A Diarrhoea. Syn : Opatatche.
Opikikise, † E + + z, TF # #. n. Diarrhoea.
Opikin, 補助スル、助ケル、ひ.f To z? E3 2, do for another. To
Opokin, assist. Syn : Opokin. z####2,
Opio-omke, † Ez?#A4r, H + FA#s.
359 n. A heavy cold.
Opirasa, † E5 #, ## 3° ?? r pl-. v.t. To spread over.
Opirika, オピリカ。多クノ、甚ダ多クノ. adj. Many. Very many (used only of good things as deer or bears or fish). Very plentiful. -
Opiri-sak, オピリサク。健康ノ、無病ノ, 532- z. adj. Without blemish. Sound. Whole.
Opishne, オピシネ。川上へ向フ、内地へ [i] or, ## a 9. adv. From the seashore. Up a stream or river. Towards the interior of a country. Syn : Hebera.
Opita-shiri, :j'E4* S* J, % + * /v. adj. Undone. Loose.
Opke, zr74r, !!!!E × yv. v.i. To break wind.
Opke-ni, オプケニ。キタコプシ pic n. Magnolia Kobus, D.C. var. corealis, Sarg. Also called Omau-kush-ni. Opke-ni means “spear-maker-tree.” The same word ke is used for making inau. (See inau-ke). The seed cones left after the flowers greatly resemble spear heads. Moreover, after the leaves have fallen every twig forms a spear. Decoctions are made by steeping the wood in hot water and taken in cases of stomach DICTIONARY Opirasa trouble. Compare Omau-kush-ni. Both of these kinds of magnolia are called also push-ni which may be taken in two ways, namely, “eartree” on account of the cones; or “jumping-wood” because it cracks and snaps and jumps when put on a fire. The smell it emits when burning is not disagreeable, though quite strong.
Opnateshke, オプナテシュケ。槍ノ平衡 7]? yv (?j v≫ + 4 #? =). v.t. To poise a spear.
Opnetop オプネトップ。ネマガリダケ. tu. Sasa paniculata Mak. et Shib.
Opo, ##, # 7. v.t. To follow.
Opoi, zrzi:4 , ZfS:j:9- Jl. adj.. InsinCere,
Opoisam, zr zit s +/- A., j, y + - adv. Small. Little.
Opokin, z!r;s=*>≫, {ig}}] x. yu.... v.t. To do for another. To assist. Syn : Opikin, Opukin.
Opokin-no, オポキンノ。シベシベ、度々。 adv. Often. Frequently. By degrees.
Opokal, オポカイ。ジヤカウシカ. n. The musk deer. S. Moschus moshiferus, L.
Opoktara, オポクタラ。疎キ、アラキ. adj. Jagged. Stripped up (as bark).
Opoktara, オポク タラ, 直立、突キ出ル。 To stick out or upwards. ν.ι.
Opukon, * 7 zu >, Ejjjjj x. yi≫, v.t. To do for
Opukun, another. To assist. オプクン。
Opombake, オポムバケ。アマガへル。 n. Tree frog.
Oponi, zhski, 4%. adv. Behind. After.
Opopmau, zirzit? or 7, #. n. Fever.
Opu, オプ。 終點。 n. End.
Opuchi, zi 75*, 3, II. n. An end. Mouth.
Opuk, #727, 38 a H? 3r, os s H; 3. adj. Sticking out of.

Opunki, オプンキ、其通リ、仰ノ如ク。 #& 9. adv. Just so. As you say. So it is. Yes. Indeed.
Opuruse, zi-7ILtz, i: - Jl. v.i. sink into.
Opusa, オプサ、ックベネタニウッギ、ア 7 os 3- > x = # 7 y #:. n. Diervilla Middendorffiana, Carr. Syn : Kamuiaikarip.
Opush. *7$e, F# x ≫L, BH y. v.t. To burst open. To break into. Syn : Opattekka.
Opush, + 7 Se, kryl, #pt. adj. and v.i. Having holes. Bored. As :~ Opush chikuni, “wood with holes bored into it.”
Opushbe, オプシべ。又(錯ヲ此上ニ乗セ 7-# * 2L:#). n. A kind of rowlock used to send spears through when spearing fish.
Oput, zr 7 ≫, Extremity.
Oputure, オプツレェ。押シヤル(舟ヲ演 a y H x is 37). v.t. To push off as a boat from the shore.
Ora, f5, r se ?i v HE. n. The tail of a sea-lion.
Orage, オラゲ。アラズ、シカラズ. v.i. Is not. To come to nothing. To become extinct. Syn : Orake.
Orai, オライ, 善良ナル、温順ナル。 adj. Good. Gentle. Humble.
Orai, オライ, (動物ノ如ク)叱驚スル。 adj. Shy (as animals). Quickly startled. To be absent as game when looked for.
Orai, オライ, (馬ノ如ク) 叱驚スル。迯脚ヲ早クスル。 To shy at (as a horse). To flee from in haste. To start at quickly.
Oraibe, おらいべ, 尿ヲ堪(た)へ能(あた)ハヌ人、寝小便スル人。 n. A person who cannot hold his water. One who wets his bed.
Orai-ka, オライカ。謙ラセル、命令スル。 ?o 何々ノ終黙. n End. v.i. To make humble. To command.
Orai-tashum, z?54 & ?ea. A, # / 4: (# 7#-#2 x). n. A disease the chief feature of which is that one cannot hold his water.
Oraitak, オライタク。煩ブル、例セバ, アベオライテク、火ガ爆ブル v.i. To smoulder. To be just at the point of going out. As :~ Abe orailek, “the fire smoulders.”
Orakata, オラカタ。オロツコノ人種 n. An
Orok. The Orok tribe. Orake, zoo; or, ##x no. v.i. To be. come extinct. To come to nothing. Syn : Orage.
Orakes, : rx, TF)l. v.i. To come down from above.
Orakse, オラクセ, 満足セヌ、例セバ、イ ベオラクセ、食=満足セヌ. v.i. To be dissatisfied. ... To wish for more. To be insufficient. As :~ Ibe orakse, “to be dissatisfied with one's food.”
Oramatu, オラマツ。尋問アル。例セバ, + 7 or y 2* /t/, ##. adj. Learned. As :~ Oramatu guru, “a learned person.” Syn : Eramatu.
Oramboso, z?5.Azfey, #ii v # 7. v.i. To be agitated with fright.
Orambore, #5 Azf: Le, :#?i x. v.t. To frighten.
Oramnure, オラムヌ レ。悪シト思フ。 v.t. To think bad. To consider a thing bad.
Orampakte, +5 Ar? } 5F, # ?i x. v.t. To threaten.
Orampechishte, # * &?i > DI *#~ zi-5.A, S 5e Ee 5-, n-. v.i. To think
Orampeshbare, about with deep オラムペシバレ。 feeling. To speak of in a very feeling manner. To think of with care.
Oram-sak, オラムサク。愚ナル。情弱ナ ≫v. adj. Stupid. Imbecile.
Oram-sakka, 257 , j y 35, ?so 2., R5 H? = x n . v.t. To despise. To make
a fool of. To behave disrespectfully towards one's betters.
Oramtaisak, z?5.A4g 4 J-2}, # ~ vie. adj. Bewifdered.
Oramush, zr* £, Se, ijijyr/v. adj. Learned. Syn. Eramush. Keutumokere. |
Oran, *5:e, ...... カラ降ル。 ひ.i. descend to.
Oran, i 5 e, fa; f. adj. Low.
Orange, オランゲ。横タヘラセル、婦マ 7 x. v.t. To allow to lie down.
Orap, オラプ、ヤマシヤクヤク・n Paeonia obovata, Maxim. Also called by some Horap. Paeony.
Orarai, zF554f, 2g+ yu≫, jE v 47 yv. adj. Empty. Desert. To
Orauge, 遅キ。遅クナル。外レル・ado. zo 5 to 5, & v.i. Late. To miss.
Oraugi, To be too late. Syn : オラウギ。 Chiorauge.
Oraugep, オラウゲプ 忘レモノ、孤児. n. Something left behind.
Oraunu, zh; 75, #x no. v.t. To keep secret as one's thoughts and actions. Syn : Eshina. Mukkere.
Orau-oshma, z+*5 royz+$~~=r, jj{{!zrEg 27 $$ $ #A J. . v.t. To sink into.
Oraupeka, *5 + 7^&#, J# > J? 2. v.i. To stoop. adv. Downwards.
Oraurauge, +5 75 74°, # -z v. v.i. To sink into.
Oraurauge-i, オラウラウゲイ。低温ノ fi%. n. A. bog.
Ore, zf ve, /]\£ z. adj. Many. Several.
Oren, zf L?2, =, * *. post. To. Syn : Are-un. Arun.
Orene, オレネ、弱クナル。立タレヌ又ヘ 3# or u x. v.i. To become weak. To be unable to walk or stand.
Orep-un, # Le 7 r) :e, # = y. adv. From the sea.
Orep-unbe, オレプウンべ、海臓、ッナ $ . n. A tidal wave. Оrepunge, z Le 724°, fф = 7. л. v.i. To be out at sea.
Oreshpa, i Le See $, ?f3 yi (##). v.t. To bring up. (pl.) Sym : Shukupte.
Oresu, i Lez, # 7 n-(E#). v.t. To bring up. (Sing.)
Ore-to, zr Le H, = H Hj. adv. For the space of three days. As :~ Oreto kaspa, “for full three days.”
Oretopo, zir Le K 7R, #9v. v.i. To return. Syn : Hekomba.
Ori, zr 9, ji y H x. v.t. To dig out.
Ori, zr y, § f. adj. Tall.
Orika, zr y ij, ZJ> & ii +. adj. tall.
Oriki-kut-koro, + y +2 y = ra, # > # Jl. v.i. To gird up one's loins. To gather up one's skirts.
Orikipuni, zh J #7 =, #2,” ov. v.t. To lift up.
Orikiraye, オリキライェ。装ヲカカゲル。 v.t. To hold the garments up high as in crossing a river.
Orikitesu, z? J ±5+z, TR jj = {{a *. vi. To slant downwards.
Orikpeka, zF J Zy ? S7g, J.H. v. adv. To rise up from below. In an upward direction.
Orikutkoro, z+ y 9 °≫=a Ea, g: 7 }}{}f yv. v.i. To gird up the loins. Same as Oriki-kut-koro.
Oripak-an, オリパクアン。丁寧ニスル。 v.i. To be polite. To be reverential. To be humble.
Oripak-an-no, or Jaso P.2 A, ## 32 テ。例セバ、オリペクッライコラムコロ, £??#3 & 7. § 7. adj. Humbly. As :~ Oripak tzera ikoramkoro “I humbly beg you.”
Oripak-o オリパクオ、謙遜スル。ひ.i. To be humble or reverential. A little
Oripak-shiyeye, jU#, B??j?i). n. : Jat of $2.4 × 4 +, The small-pox.
Oripak-tashum, Cholera. Syn : オリパクタシュム。 Kamui tashum.

Orishimne, zr J Ee.B.:k, Bij H. adv. Tomorrow. Syn : Nishatta.
Orishpeka, zi ) Ezers h, ? JL. v.i. To rise up.
Orit, z* J >y, %jg & £ yv Ifi£;. n. Protruding veins.
Orito, オリト。突起シタル血管ノ. Having protruding veins.
Orito-tashum, zir J H 4 ×3.A., §7: 32 3 Ju sto. n. Varicose veins.
Oro, z? r?, ?, ?, = 'J. adv. From. As :~ Chisei oro san, “come down from the house.” adj.
Oro, † pa, #3r. adv. Very. Syn : Eoro.
Oro, zjr ta, λ y 7* 7 )v. v.i. To be in, at, or by. To be contained in. Inside of. Situated in.
Oro governs the word as follows. As :~ Chisei oro, “in the house.” Oyap oro, “by another.”
Oro, ?r pu, [?] ≫ ?. adv. Towards. As, Attui oro san, “go towards the sea.” Pu oro iki, “to go to the store house for something.”
Oro, オロ。代債、豊富、例セバ、オロヌプ yl, osso 2. n. The price of any thing. Abundance. As :~ Oro nupturu, “dear”; oro isam no. “without price.”
Oro-an-no, オロアンノ。代債ヲ以テ、多 クノ。例セバ、オロアンノコレ、多ク興 7. ph. With a price. Much. As :~ Oro an no kore, “ to give abundantly.”
Oro-antek-manu, fra 725*3 + 5x, y v. 2, rh = y y 5. ph. It was inside.
Oro-fushkone, + D 7 >=a +, # Br?#f *... adv. Very anciently. Syn : Otdeeda.
Oroge, オロゲ。水路=依テ到著スル・v.i. To arrive at a place by water.
Oroge, オロゲ。内部、内=。例セバ、ケ ウッムオロゲパラセ、胸ノ燃ュル adj. Inside. In. As :~ Keutum oroge pazase, “ to have a burning in the mind. Irushka keutum aekeutum oroge parase, “to burn with anger.” Syn : Oshke.
Oroge, or RAF, # 2 TF 2 ot. n. A hole under a rock.
Oroge-nima, zirri A =-r, zk: 2 :. n. A kind of wooden tray.
Orogesh, zh R4+52, ##. n. Descendants. Syn : Santek.
Orogeta オロゲタ。其處=。其ノ上ニ。 # z # =. adv. At. Resting upon. Then.
Oro-hangeko, z?. Da ≫v 24*a, #3r? + . adv. Very distant.
Orohetopo, z?. In- F:R, #21. v.i. To return. Syn : Hekomba.
Oro-iki, fra f +, 3- x. v.t. To do to. -
Oro-isam-no, + pa 4 #A. /, #fff{= テ、無報酬ニテ。例セバ、オロイサムノ a L, 33 2. ph. Without a price. Without remuneration. As :~ Oro isam no kore, “ to give.”
Oro-iyo オロイヨ。入レル、接キ付ケル。 例セバ、トックリオロイヨャン、瓶=注 7\-tz a. v.t. To put in. To wind on. As :~ Tokkuri oro iyo yan, “ pour it into the bottle.” Ahun-ka-nit oro iyo, “to wind thread on a spool.”
Orokata, オロカタ、オロッコ人種. n. The
Orok tribe.
Oroke, or n or, 2 #|| > . adv. As. Like as. So.
Orokesh, zirta 4rSo, Bio-#. n. Descendants. Syn : Orogesh.
Orokeweuse-hawe-ash, + pa rr) = } セハウェアシ。鳴ク(羊ノ如ク) 呼lュル。 v.i. To bleat as a sheep. To roar. Syn : Oninumba hawe ash.
Orokishki, z pa + e+, ?ka??I, x ≫ F poss. adv. A long time ago.
Orokotuye, † Di za 74 =, +] y TF 2” yv. v.t. To cut down-wards. To cut perpendicularly.
Oro-kush, fra O $2, #+]yl-. v.i. To
Orokuttara, オロクツタラ。ヘンゴン s- 9. y. n. Senecio palmatus, Pall. Groundsel. The ainu name means “having hollow stem.”
Oroma, zrn -r, j#. n. Fat. Suet.
Oromakutu, オロマクツ。オホカサモチ n. Pleurospernum austriacum, Hoffm. Empty stem.
Oromam, オロマム。怒ル、不平ヲ云フ. り.i To
Oroman, be angry. To be cross. zFra oz >2, To grumble.
Oromande, z† pa zr:e5F, nji ≫, v.i. To grOan.
Oromawepe, zj- E = 7 = , un % A. n. A gruff voice.
Oromawe-soshma, zrn -r y = '/$2-r, |lisi # ## JL. v.i. To speak gruffy.
Oro-mosh, zrra RES≫, ?E y a U + A. v.i. To awake out of a sleep or dream.
Oromun, zor ta.A., >z, >> > =r > + +7. n. Senecio palmatzas Pall. Also called Pekambe-kuttara.
Oro-nupuru, fra 5x7JL, AER. adj. Expensive. Syn : Ataye-nupuru.
Oro-o, オロオ、ヘイッテキル、入レル。 v.t. To contain. To put in.
Oro-ochipa, オロオチパ、中ニ投入レル v.t. To
Oro-ochipi, throw into. オロオチピ,
Oro-oiki, zr taz+4f *, fE v≫ n≫. v.t. To touch. To meddle with.
Orooitak, zrn zref 2& &, # 2, . v.t. To read.
Oro-omande, i pa rr:e5P, si z # 7. v.t. To pay. Syn : Ataye-kore.
Oro-omande, z? pazio-r :e:F, ME 2. v.i. To groan.
Oro-omap オロオマプ。物ヲ容レル器。 例セバ、ルホントムタレウシアンコ、ア ェプオロオマプ、旅ニ用ュル舞営。n A vessel in which to put things. As :~ Rtt hon tomta retushi an ko, aep oro omap, “a vessel in which to put food for when one rests on a journey.”
Oro-omare, 2 pa zirr Lo, W. v sv. v.t. To put into.
Oro-onurep, z+ Fa z+5x L~7, foq 7 33; v yv #. n. A vessel in which to put things.
Oro-oya-chiki, zr paz++**, tpfaf = +, jo = , sis# = . ph. Indeed. At the same time.
Oro-pakno, z!r p zv4% A’, jtP*-z =. adv. ph. So far. That far.
Oro-pan, オロバン。債ガ安ィ. Cheap. Syn : Ataye-hauge.
Oropeka, オロペカ, 夫と=因テ、然ル後, 就テ...... =, s?) v 7. adv. Upon this. Then. About. To. By way of. Towards. As :~ Chikap oropeka inu ambe, “ something heard from the birds.”
Oropishne, z+ EI b-**~:*, =E = {{} y. v.t. To carry in the hands. To hold. Syn : Orupishne.
Ororumbe-ne, z? pa JLA. ~&#, ## / H? #. n. An occasion for war or a quarrel.
Orosama, zirn ij-er, X, # e, jtsb, adv. Again. Besides. Syn : Samata.
Orosama, オロサマ。内=、其内=,線テ. adv. & adj. Amongst. All.
Oroshine-anda, zr pa $~*7:~4%o, oq; 7-. adj. adv. Once upon a time. On a certain occasion.
Orota, zrn &, fg =. adv. In. Inside. In which. By. To. Syn : Otta.
Orota, z+ ta 4?z, ≫ z E;. adv. Then. Syn : Nei hita.
Orota, zh to 3, ...... = . post. At. As: ?Nukara orota, “the place at which he is looking.”
Orota-an, i pa & 772, E z., #fil z vv. v.i. To be in. To accrue.
Orota-okai, オロタオカイ、含ム。増加 x n-. v.i. To be in. To accrue.
Orota-ye, オロタイェ。呼ビ掛ケル、語ル。
v.t. To accost. To tell. To say to.
Orote, z+ ta 5-, 70 v xl≫. v.t. To put in.
Orowa, zor R 7, H = . adv. Upon. As :~ Ni humi orowa nepka an, “there is something on the branch of the tree.”
Orowa, オロワ。其時、依テ、面シテ、カ ラ、例セバ、オャプオロワパカネアカラ, 彼ヘ彼等ニ愚弄セラレタリ・post.Then. By. And. From. As :~ Oyap orowa paka ne akara, “ he was made a fool of by them.”
Orowa-aibe-sei, fra 777-fortitz 4f, # +III. n. A platter. An eating shell or bowl.
Orowa-ka, fra 7 ?i, From.
Orowa-no, † DI 7 /, # =, j?##, ?i 7, # 7. adv. After. Then. From. By. Also. And.
Orowa-no-oman, † pa 7 / z?*>, F = v = a y ff 2. v.t. To leave. To go away from. Syn : Ekohopi.
Orowa-no-po, + DI 7 / ##, j?## = y, #%. adv. And then. After that.
Orowa-no-yaiisamka, * pa 57 A’ +*4f 4f サムカ。自殺スル、鉄席スル v.i. To absent one's self. To kill one's self. (See Yaiisamka.)
Orun, オルン、ニ, ニ於テ、ニマデ。例セ v?, ? vi v r 7 >,7Jyv. post. To. In. Unto. As :~ Orun ahun, “to enter.”
Orupishne, z?ILE >:k, =? =# v. v.t. To have in the hand. As :~ Orupishne ner’ambe isam, “ having nothing in the hands.” Syn : Oropishne.
Orura, #Jb5', # vv. v.t. To send.
Orush, zolo, # 2, ... v.i. To be in. As :~ Orush onnaige, “sunk in them.” (as carving in trays). Syn : Ottaan. Otta okai.
Orushpe, 2 Il-S≫-R, FfE, ##1, F. n. News. Tidings. A tale. An anecdote. A story.
Oru-unu, オルウヌ。追跡スル。 sis & a y . adv. v.t. To follow a trail.
Osa, z?"#, {,}. n. Sand. Syn : Ota.
Osa, ++}', ##, #?. n. A loom.
Osakange, zir+**j:≫4ys, P? e^?; + yv. v.t. To send one person to another. To call to one. To bid.
Osamatki, オサマツキ。反封ノ。好マシ *) 7 x. adj. Contrary. Disagreeable. Sidewise.
Osamatki-keutum-koro, z**** ‘ya: ケウツムコロ。好マス。不倫快ナル v.i. and adj. To be disagreeable. Disagreeable.
Osampichi, 才廿A ピチ、不意=落ス。 v.t. To let suddenly fall on one side.
Osane, zi***, %--%. adj. One only. C
Osane-kipiri, *+*+E J, -fj ^ [Ij. n. A single mountain.
Osange, オサンゲ。下ル. v.i.
Osanki, オサンキ,
Osan-osan, : +j->zrt} >, TF)l., 4 Jl. v.i. To come down to.
Osap オサプ、下ル、下リ. v.i. descend. A descent. To come down. To
Osau-sau, zr:#7+7, : x Jl. v.t. To loosen.
Osau-usauke, f+j-17 y #:7 r., ##+. adj. Loose.
Ose, zrtz, Hi = Jl. v.i. To roar. To cry.
Ose-kamui, zotz?, A4s, z y of x, n. The Ainu dog. Canis familiaris (yessoana).
Osemkere, itz.AAr Le, ; 2 = , f??? = . adv. Quietly. Secretly.
Osemkere-ki, zotzA, or Lo +, 3 = f, ス、静カニナス。例セバ、オセムケレオ ~ y, ## = *. v.t. To do quietly or in secret. As :~ Osemkere oman, “to go quietly or in secret.”
Osempiri, オセムピリ。後ノ、隠レタル, E = jj x. x. adj. Behind. Hidden. Out of sight.

Osepme, zrtz 7:k, E f. adj. Wide.
Ose-puni, z?tz7=', # * ol... v.t. To lift up. To elevate.
Osh, z ?e, ?, Sk. adv. Wake. After. Next. Behind.
Oshakange, zh'$2* *, 24#, FP 7. v.t. To call. -
Osh-an, *>7>, 2k z. adj. The next.
Osh-ek, *>-r. 2*, 2k 2,£ z. adj. and v.t. The next. To come next in order. To follow.
Oshi, zoo, #, 2k. adv. After. Next. Wake. Behind. Syn : Osh.
Oshikama, zi ?e?, rr, # a 9. From behind.
Oshikarimba, #$e?i v Avs, s??JE. n. A circle. A ring.
Oshike, オシケ,
Oshikehe, オシケへ。
Oshike-op, おしけ・おっぷ, 臓、ゾウ。n. The entrails 内臓、はらわた、腸.
Oshiketa, オシケタ。 内=, side.
Oshike-un, Inside.
Oshikiru zi"S~+JL., $E|E] z. yv. v.t. To go round; as round a mountain.
Oshikkote, zi / y -15F, # 2. vi-, F x wi. v.t. To take a fancy to. To admire. To love.
Oshikkote-guru, † Se ≫ a 5*^^JL, # N. n. One's sweetheart.
Oshikkurukote, zir: 9 : Jl.-15°, : s27. H. M. v.t. To look at with admiration.
Oshiknuka, オシクヌカ。感敷シテ見ル。 v.t. To look at with admiration. Oghikoni, オシコニ。追ヒ付ク。儒ケル, #yu. v.t. To overtake. To earn. To get.
Oshikpekare, z"22 y es3, Lo, 3H 7. v.t. To take aim.
Oshikrampa,オシクラムパ。マベタキス adv. rs, PG =, #. adv. and n. Inside. The stomach. ゾウ。22. adv. In オシケウン。内= ado. ov. v.i. To blink the eyes.
Oshikshuye, zf $227 $2.4 ..., #3E] > . v.t. To turn the eyes about. To look about.
Oshikun, 熱蔵スル、愛ラシゲ=見ル。 +$25 2, v.t. To watch carefully.
Oshikunu, To look at with favour. zoo 5R, To look lovingly upon. Syn : Oshitku rukote.
Oshimonsam, zr$25=>’+..., *3=E v %; = . adv. At the right hand side.
Oshine, z?o?k, ? ≫. a. One.
Oshine-wen-no-patek, + 2e+ r} + 2e A voy, so 2 AP #2. ph. One tiny bit only.
Oshinnu, オシンヌ, 安全ナ ル。 善 午. adj. Safe. Good. Beautiful.
Oshinot, 3r$o / y, 5e7r. v.i. To play. To take recreation.
Oshinot-mimdara, +3 y ys 4,35, ME#, ##. n. A play ground.
Oshi-oman, #$2z"-r e, fe 7. v.t. To follow.
Oshioun, z. Soz y o, f?. v.i. Constipation. Syn : Osshi-eshikari.
Oshipa, v.t. z">us, 2: x Jl. To entrust to.
Oshipi, オシピ, 反封ュ、アベコベニ. adv. Wrong end first.
Oshiraiba, オシライバ、行ク(複数) (Pl.) v.i. To go to. To move along. To go.
Oshirampa, *$25 Jaz &, E 2s * *. v.i. To blink the eyes.
Oshiraye, + $ 5 -f =, #? > (# #). (Sing) v.i. To move along. To go.
Oshiri, zr$^ J, £i, ij. n. The earth. Ground. A place where one sits or lies. v.i. To remain in a place.
Oshiri-kantuke, z > y h :/ y -, +:#b 2 #. A land extremity.
Oshiri-kokunne, zro y = i × ×:k, |? = 3-yl . v.i. To be overtaken with night。途中デ暗アフ。
Oshirikatanu, z† ?e ) # 3:5R, R > v, x.
v.i. To be unable to rest or sleep.
Oshirikonoye, おしりこのいぇ, 包マル 包まれる(雲などに)。 v.i. To be enveloped (as with clouds). To settle down.
Oshirikopa, オシリコパ, 到著スル。 到着する。 v.i. To arrive at. To come to.
Oshirikosat, オシリコサツ おしりこさっと, 乗り揚げる、座礁する( 舟が浅瀬や岸などに)。例えば、チプオシリコサツルウュネ、小舟が乗り揚げた。 v.t. To ground as a ship or boat. As :~ Chip oshirikosat ruwe ne, “the boat is aground.”
Oshiri-kunne, オシリクンネ おしり・くんね, 夜ニカカツタ。 夜に掛かった。 v.i. To be overtaken with night.
Oshiripichi, オシリピチ, ^, #T +4;|x. v.t. To knock
Oshiripitba, down. Syn : Eshiオシリピツバ, rika.
Oshiripotki, z+>≫ y *oy*, 7 y, v z +, + + 3r. n. Yellow tail. Seriola quinqueradiata T. & S.
Oshiri-sempiri, † $2 ) tzA, E I), ? =, 道=外レタル、秘密ノ場所= ado Behind. Out of the way. In a secret place.
Oshiri-sempiri-unu, オシリ・セムピリ・ウヌ, 隠ス。 v.t. To hide away. Syn : Nuina.
Oshiro, r > DI, E### Pi-, # oz vi-. To remain in a place.
Oshirokka, zi era y ?y, IE w n-. v.t. To detain. To stay.
Oshiroma, zi ≫ D -r, fEJE x pl. v.t. To dwell at a place. Syn : Shiroma.
Oshiru, おしる, 待ツ。 v.i. To wait. ★バカ検証 【基本単語だと思うが、富田の辞書には無い。また、同じバチェラーの英ア辞典(第四版の付録で作成された)にも無い。バカにしている。言いたいから言うが、富田に無い単語が沢山ある、何故だ?。アルファベットの順番をちゃんと出来ないオツムのノータリンの人が集めた辞書なんて、信用出来ない。と思う。】
Oshirumuke, zi Jl.A4r, H = > 3- pl3: Hi:)l. v.t. To watch one till he goes out of sight.
Oshirunu, zi ≫JL,5x, fe 7. v.t. To fol ν.ι. low.
Oshirushi, zi eJle$e, ## / , ZFH w. adj. Lame. Maimed.
Oshish, zi eSo, JE, jas?. n. Bottom. Ground. As :~ Oshishte, “on the ground.”
Oshishke, † $2 $24r, n. n. Bottom.
Oshishta-keta, i $2 $2 & r 5, F = . adv. At the bottom.
Oshish-oun, おしっしゅ・おうん, 家ノ口ヨリ見テ左方ノ驢邊。 adv. On the left hand side of a fireplace looking in from the porch door of a hut.
Oshite, おして, 待ツテ居ル。 v.t. To await.
Oshitta, おしった, 鍋ノ外底。 n. The outside bottom of a cooking pot.
Oshitteshu, # 9 a a 7”. j-ir 2's, H. オシッテシュ。ペェホクグルルプシシ
Oshittesu, リカタオシッテシュ、オ オシッテス, ロフ、コロトペクタ、乳売ガ凍リシ地ニ滑テテ乳ヲ覆シタ. v.i. To slip down. As :~ Tope ehok guru ruptesh shiri kata oshitteshu, orowa, koro tope kuta, “the milkman slipped upon the frozen earth and spilled his milk.”
Oshitchiu, オシッチウ。決定セラル、決 ,Co-be 3 pl. v.i. To be decided. To be determined.
Oshitchiu-no, zir E295- 7 V, ik#k. adv. Decidedly.
Oshitchiure, or Seyoff of Le, ## x, # E x pl. v.t. To decide. To determine.
Oshitkurukote, z!r $^ y47 /!≫:II 5F, $jna z vi-, $ > sa Br” = 5, vi-. v.t. To watch carefully. To look at with favour. To look lovingly upon. Syn : Oshikunu.
Oshitratomne, *"$2‘X75 H. A.,=*, ja =+, ##. adj. Ragged and dirty. Syn : Opetpetke.
Oshittesu, z-5% Fz, # N-. v.i. To slip.
Oshiun, +$er) e, f?fz =# .. v.i. To suffer from constipation. To be costive. Syn : Oshi-oun.
Oshkambe, zji Sejj Art, 7 : v F. V. n. The Steller’s albatross. Diomeda Calbatrus, Pall. Syn : Onnechikap.
Shikambe. Isho-kapiu.
Oshke, オシケ。胃、身豊ノ内部、物ノ内 部、例セバ、オシケアラカ、胃ニ痛ミア y . n. The stomach. The inside of the body. The inside of anything. As :~ Oshke araka, “to have the stomach ache.” .
Oshke, 2 E- -, FJAs, PS = .. preb. Inside. In. Syn : Hoshiki. Oroge.
Oshke, オシケ。網ヲ編ム、又修籍スル, #21. v.t. To make or mend nets. To net. To weave.
Oshkewe, オシケウェ。性質、気性。品性。 n. The disposition. Temper. Charac. ter. Turn of mind.
Oshkoni z+S>za =, v.t. To overtake.
Oshkonika, z? $aa = ?, E, 7. v.t. To pursue. To strive to catch.
Oshkonipa, † > a =.*$, $e e ff ≫ (# #&). v.t. To overtake (pl.).
Oshkoro, zh > H DI, ## = $ 7. v.i. To think of with regret. To long for. To desire not to part with. To value.
Oshkunu, z?"$e2 5K, # 7 yi-, # 7. v.t. To help. To save.
Oshma, z+$~~z, ofit = 3 yi≫, 7 yu.. v.i. To fall into a hole. To go in. To get in. To enter (as a rat into a trap).
Oshma, オシマ。羅ル。例セバオムケ オシマ、風邪ニ羅ル n To take (as a cold). As :~ Omke oshma, to catch a cold.
Oshmak, 後。例セバ、オシマケワコッ オシマク。チャケワ、前ニ モ後ニモ。
Oshmake, post. Behind. As :~ Osh*$z-z4%r, make wa kotchake wa, “both before and behind.” Syn : Homokashi.
Oshmake, z† ?err r, ?? H. n. The wake. The rear. The back-ground. Syn : Mak.
Oshmaketa, z? ?err 5-4&, & H = #$7. adv. In the background. Behind. Syn. Maketa, 追ヒ付ク (軍数).
Oshmake-wa, zir Eers 5- 7, 4% # 7. adv. From behind.
Osh-oman, zh:2:lo 2, § 2. v.t. To follow.
Osh-ongami, zroy-lz† ≫?f5, WEX 7 # # x Jl. v.i. To make obeisance to the dead (lit. “ after obeisance.”)
Oshoprotki, zh: a 7s, y +, 7 y . n. Yellow tail. Seriola quinqueradiata, T. & S. Syn : Koyachep.
Oshopshopo, zjrS^ a 7S≫ a *, £ *, x x 2)". U.t. To rinse. To wash out. Syn : Furaye.
Oshoro-tanne, z!r$^ a p $. >*, Z t-’ +. + E y . Gymnadenia camtchatica, Miyabe et Kudo. A kind of terrestrial orchid.
Oshotki, zi"Sea y +, #H#. n. A bed. A sleep
Osotki, ing place. オソ ッキ。
Oshoyumbe, j > a.a. Aos, XJ, v ? ta sv. n. An apparition.
Oshpara-ni, z?ow S5:, ##7K, a y = 2, F = . n. The elder tree. Sambucus Buergeriana. Bl. var. Miquelii, Nakai. Used as a medicine at childbirth: also as a charm against disease. Syn : Onne-chikuni. Soko-ni.
Oshtari, zf $4: 9, TF£J. n. Diarrhoea.
Osh-uk, zir:$217 47, B| * j3 x. v.t. To take back.
Oshuke, z?$≫.or, v a y + +. n. A hare. Lepus timidus ainu, Barr et Ham. Syn : Kaikuma.
Oshukep. Isepo. Epetke.
Oshuprotki, オシュプロ ツキ。 習慣。 %2. A custom.
Osoine, オゾイネ、家ヨリ外ニ出ル。 v.i. To go out of a house. To make an exit.
Osoine-ru, zi / 4 +:lle, si:. n. The water closet. This is a better word to use than Ashinru. Syn : Esoine Υr" : 1≫

Osoko-ni, Same as Ossoko-ni.
Osoma, zi / rz, N #. n. Human exCrement. Foeces. Dung.
Osoro, zi / pa, TF#. n. The abdomen. Syn : Panake.
Osoro, + / H, TF#, ## / #R. n. The lower end. The root of a plant.
Osoro-gesh, z* ‘/ n 4,85>’, $fos~ xl≫. adj. Close by the side of.
Osoro-gesh, zh:/r. Aro, # 2 #. n. The back of a house. Syn : Chiseiogesh. Ohonto.
Osorol-o, † / IIzik, H?, n. n. The posteriors. The rump. The bottom. Syn : Okes.
Osoroka, オソロカ、後ヨリ、尻ヨリ。下 a 9. adv. From the posteriors. From behind. From below.
Osoroka, zi / pa ?g, f* = 0, F = ), TF a 9. adv. From the posteriors. From behind. From below.
Osorokokmap same as Osoromap.
Osorokoma, zhy R = or, ## 5 - y *, 3. #* v * ~ ≫ 27. adj. Curled back. Twisted back. (As the ends of leaves).
Osoroma, おそろま, 大便ニ行ク。 v.i. To go to stool.
Osoromap, # / p -> y 7, 7 = y = ?r. *. Gastrodia elata, Bl. A kind of leafless orchid. Syn : Osorokokmap.
Osoro-um, **/ ra ** >, TR i z. adj. Abdominal.
Osoro-un-no, zi / p r} e /, TF# v. adv. Abdominally.
Osoyoshma, オソヨっシゅマ, 突然ニ走リ出ス。 v.i. To rush suddenly out of doors. To gush out. To droop out. As !~ Niwatush asama osoyoshma, “the bottom dropped out of the bucket.”
Osoyumbe, おそゆむべ, 悪魔。 n. A demon.
Osoyun, おそゆん, 戸外、外側。 adv. From without. Outside.
Ossereke, おっせれけ, 恐ラクハ。 v.i. To fear lest. As, shomo oman kuni ku ossereke, I feared lest I should not go.
Ossereke, オッセレケ, 悲シム、渋面スル、容易ニ怒ル。 v.i. To be sorry. Morose. Surly. Stern. Gruff. Snappish.
Osserekere, オッセレケレ。感激スル。感 jj x 21. v.i. To be agitated in mind. Distracted. A term expressive of pleasure, fear, pain, as the case requires.
Osshi, オッシ。木ノ心、キノシン n The heart of a tree. The inside of anything. Core.
Osshi-eshikari, † ≫$/:r. ?e?, ), {{f}. n. Constipation. Syn : Oshioun.
Osshi-o-un, xf ≫ $≫z* :) `≫, {{i #}. n. Constipation. Stopped up.
Osshiwen, オッシウェン。為スヲ好マヌ. v.i. To dislike to do a thing.
Ossoko-ni, z,r≫>/=1 =., = y = ~~ b = =a 7" v + . n. Sambtectus Bttergeriana, Bl. var. Miquelii, Nakai.
Ossoma-ni, # y:/ v =, y pl } x e F +, +, or of +. n. The Saghalien for Celas!rtas articulata.
Osura, オスラ。投ゲ棄テル(軍数) v.t. To throw away. (sing.) Syn : Emaka.
Osurupa, オスルパ、投ゲ棄テル(複数). 例セバ、オスルペランゲプ、投ゲ棄ラレ s-$h. v.t. To throw away. (pl.). As :~ Osurupa rangep, “things to be thrown away.” Pl. of osura.
Ot, オツ。葬ル為ニ布ニ巻メ レシ死豊。n. A corpse rolled up in mats ready for burial. Ot ani chikuni, “a pole used in carrying corpses to their burial.”
Ot, オツ。甚ダ、此語ヘオロノ略ナリ。例セバ、オツデェダ。太古ニ ado Very. This word is contracted from Oro. Thus:~Ot-deeda for oro teeda, “ in
very ancient times.”
Ot, オト。権ヲ引クトキ水夫ノ出ス學 n. A noise such as the noise boatmen make when pulling the oars towards them.
Ot, z?≫, zfj ≫v(#(?). v.i. To be. Pl. of o. -
Ota, オタ。灌ギカケル・ り.s,To pour upon.
Ota, j &, stb. n. Sand. Syn : Osa.
Ota, z} &, # 7,7fsBjj + l. v.t. To dislike. To not want. Syn : Kopan. Irannakka.
Ota-antsami, z?oty 2-yos, + 3 + #**. Salsola Komarovii, Iljin. Sandbeach-thistle.
Ota-kina, Mertensia asiatica, Macbride. Sand weeds.
Otaka-ush-noya, zi'oh y > *, 2* ~ y ti ?r. Atriplex Subcordata, Kitag. Sand mugwort.
Otachimakani, i iz jaz ? -, ? i ?i 2 ?#. n. A kind of sculpin.
Otaka, zh:4::h, ##. n. The sea-shore. Also adj. Sandy. The dry-shore.
Otakara-rip, z+4?z *j5 y 7, t: E =. n. A star-fish. Syn : Ninokararip. Nonekarip.
Otakarip, zir4?z *y y 7, b. b =. n. A. star-fish. Syn : Nonokarip.
Ota-kina, オタキナ。 ヘマベンケイソ v. (S) Mertensia asiatica, Macbride. “Beach-herb.”
| Otakkoro, オタッコロ, 短キ。 adj. Short.
| Otakne, オタっクネ,
Otakoro, zr 4: ... ra, & 2. adj. Sandy. Gritty.
Otamba, オタムバ, 此ノ方、例セバ、ルイカオタムバ、橋ノ此方。 adv. This side of As :~ Ruika otamba, “this side of the bridge.” Syn : Hakeita.
Otamba-un, zi & Art) A, E: v = y. adv. Hence. From this side.
Otamoi, z??*E*f, ###. n. A sandy seashore.
Otaneshik-kina, # # # Se ≫++, so ?i * 27. n. Matricaria ambigua, Miyabe, Sandy herb. A kind of chrysanthemum.
Otanne, z*4; 2*, £*. adj. Length wise.
Otanne-ni, zh 5, 2::, n. * A pole. A perch.
Otapana, zrat v?:}", #n. n. Fine sand.
Otapopo, :Fazz?o?k, £2 ?#. n. Some kind of
Otapoye, fish. 才夕?工,
Otara, オタラ。突キサス、突キサシタル。 v.i. & adj. To stick into. Sticking in.
Otari, † 2 J, # L. v.i. To come to an end.
Otarop, zi & D. 7, 7 7 3}* x. n. A sturgeon. 4cipenser mikad?i, Hilgd.
Otarop-ni, z† & D 7 =, Rosa rugosa, Thunb. A
Otarup-ni, kind of sand rose. オタルプニ。
Otaru, zir4?z JL^, rugosa. Same as otarup.
Otaru, ** JV, $ * * &r. adj. Sandy.
Otarube, オタルベ、砂ノ入ツタ水 n. Sandy water.
Otasam, zi &#A, ##. n. The seashore.
Otasashke, z+4?z?9-$~4%r, fij.2,. E s≫.2,. v.i. To suffer. To feel pain.
Ota-shipship, zi”4?z $^7?$27, x =E 3-. n. Field horse-tail. Syn : Tekun shipship. Equisetum arvense, L.
Otashish オタシシ。騎ラント欲スル。 v.i. To desire to return.
Otashu, オタシュ 丘ノ砂ノアル麓 n. A sandy foot of a hill. Syn : Otashup.
Otashuma, zF 4?z $^=loz, E. n. Pebbles. vo v 3- sz. n. Rosa

Otashup, オタシュプ。砂ノアル上ノ麓 n The
Otasu, sandy foot of a hill. オタス。 Syn : Otashu.
Otashut, オタシユット。山麓ノ砂地. n. A sand-spit.
Otateshima, オタテシマ、ヘマベンケイ + 7. n. Mertensia asiatica, Macbride (S.).
Ota-tope-ni, z*4?z H. =, zi 7 =a **i ~ *.. n. Acer Aizuense, Nakai. A kind of maple.
Otatoshka, zi : H. S.2%, }}:. n. A bank of sand.
Ota-upun, オタウプン。 土砂ヲ映。キ上ル A. n. A sand or dust storm.
Ota-ush, *4r ry $e, $ z. adj. Sandy.
Otchari, zh ≫ F + y', # E. n. A fish's tail.
Otchari-sak, z* y*+ y ij-37, FF 2/ E v 3, 2L. adj. Old and worn out.
Otchike, or yor, #. n. A tray.
Otchine, zh ≫##, #?e+- /lo, ?? +. adv. Incapable. Without tact. Weak. Feeble.
Otchinep オッチネプ、無能ナル人 n. An incapable person.
Otchiwe, zj*≫*** ., § A. adj. Weak.
Otdeeda, * y57**4%o, ,s FH z. adv. In very ancient times. Syn : Oro fushkone.
Otekna, zi-F 73-, go x n-. v.t. To attack. To set upon. Syn : Piuki. Chorauge.
Oteknu, or:#2, 5x, if s 3, 2L. adj. Rich.
Otekomare, *5F=i * Lz, $asE z. yl≫, 3aj 27. v.t. To embrace. To take into the arms. To cuddle.
Otekpeshbare, #5F O og $2, $ Le , # 7 ##~ xv, #3* # #E z... v.t. To stroke the beard. To smooth out anything long as straws or pieces of string or fibre. -
Otek-8ak, オテクサク。貧シキ、貧ナル。 adj. Poor. Syn : Irapokkari. Kat chak.
Otereke オテレケ。蹴ル、踏ミ振ル. v.t. To kick. To trample upon.
Otereke, オテレケ, #. n. Common frog.
Otereke-ibe, Syn : Oa. Terekeオテレケイべ, ibe.
Oterekep, オテレケプ。
Otettereke,オテッテレゲ。踏ミ振ル.p.が To trample upon.
Otke, zir wor, jij z, Ff 7, v.t. Toprick. To pierce.
Oteke-otke, 才 ッケオッケ, 量々刺ス。 v.t. To prick often or much.
Otek-ekushna, † y ra: 2 Se3-, ? + ? x. v.t. To pierce through.
Otoi, zi F f, 5E y* 37. a. Bald.
Otoiboshpa, オトイボシパ。地ヲ通シテ fj ?. v.i. To go downwards through the earth.
Otoika, z? K-4 ?5, A E vle, fit_E vie, v.t. To heap up.
Otoinep, zr H. 4f*7°, =+fasjE, i. n. A mound.
Otoinure, オトイヌレ、盛ル (土ヲ)。例 セベ、エモオトイヌ レ。羊ヲ盛ル、v.t. To earth up. As ?Emo otoinure, “to earth potatoes.” Syn : Otoipukte.
Otoipui, zf F 4 747, frfj. n. Anus.
Otoipukka, zi- | f 7 ≫?i, ?ig 7 (+3; 7). v.t. To bank up.
Otoipukte, オトイプクテ 掘リ上グル (+, ≫), ?, ? (++ 7). v.t. To earth up. To bank up.
Otok, zi F ), ?e * # x: JL. v.i. To stick out of. To stand high. Syn : Otuk.
Otoko, オトコ。ベンヲ造ル抱裏。n A kneading-trough.
Otom-orumbe, zi F Azi JLA. ~$, $#i 7. n. A pipe holder. Syn : Otopkopbe.
Otompui, zh F.A. 74s, HI.F.T. n. The anus. Syn : Yoropui.

Otompui-kina, or F.A. 7 of ++, ≫ + / 7 y. n. The common Celandine. Chelidonium majus. L. The name means “ anus herb." It is not the same as SETAOTOMPUIKINA. The stem and leaves after having been dipped in hot waterare applied externally to any place where there are internal pains. The yellow juice is believed to destroy warts. It is also reputed to be an antidote against snake-poison. It is said to be good for diarrhoea and hemorrhoids. When a child suffers from constipation a small piece of the stem and leaves bruised are placed in the anus. This is said to have an immediate effect. (See Seta otompui-kina)
Otonaikari, j F 3-4 ?7 ), E E x *, ## x. v.i. To sleep late. To oversleep one's self. Syn : Hopunimoire.
Otonno-itak, zir H-> A’4 4?z47, & 2 fE ク聞ェル事、緩=語ル・?z. A low murmuring of voices. A slow speaking. Also v.i. To speak slowly.
Otonoikari, z H / f: ), #: x Jt., ## x. v.t. To sleep late. To oversleep one's self. Syn : Hopunimoire.
Otonrim, オトンリム、大砲ナドノ音。 例セバ、オトンリムオツク、蓋音 n A thumping sound. The report of guns. As :~ Otonrim oluk, “the sound of thumping."
Otop, zh F. 7, ##. n. The hair of the head.
Otop オトプ。煙管 (キセル) n A tobacco pipe.
Otope, or F *, #3 a y H Ji-zk. n. Water from a lake.
Otop-konchi-koro, + F 7a:23-a a, 哀悼スル。哀悼ノ為髪ヲ下ゲル。v.t. To mourn for the dead. To let the hair hang down as in mourning for the dead.
Otopkopbe, + H 7 = 7-s, ##7 (##). A tobacco-box. Syn : Otom-orumbe.
Otop-kumbe, zir H 747 , es, ###. n. A tobacco pipe.
Otop-sak, zf K 7*2*, 35 * & yv. adj. Bald. Syn : Etoi. Epitche.
Otorun-kina, : H. Ji, A +j-, -- = & F 7. n. Ammodenia oblongifolia. Rydb. >> x ** = -s. Syn : Oyau-kina.
Ototo, zh H F, $3). n. Set in order. Arranged.
Ototoush kamui, + F F 7 Se?, A-f, ###. n. A female or mother bear.
Otraisambe, オツライサムべ、心素鍵 x 21. v.i. To be mystified.
Otta, オッタ, 逸、依テ、例セバ, ェ ンオッタヌ、彼ヘ余=託ネタリ. post. In. To. Unto. By. Of. Among. With the verb nu, “ to hear,” or inquire " otta is used like the English word “of” As :~ En otta nu, “he inquired of me.” Amip otta tuk, “he took them from his dress.” Kamui otta shikaobiukire, “to be saved by God. Syn : Orota. Onne.
Otta-an, zh ≫ &772, E 2. v.i. To be in. Syn : Orush.
Otta-an-i, オッタアニ。有ッタ所、居タ處, adv. The place where anything is. Syn : Ewakshiroroge.
Otta-an-ushike, zir y 4z75X $~4%r, j% z Za 21-#5s. ph. The place where it is.
Otta-oman-i, zr y4?zz,r-zr >≫4, 70 [], 3z #. n. Entrance. Access. A going to.
Otta-aye-ambe, * ≫ £J*=r J* A, % = # 9 so a b. ph. That which was said to him. Syn : Ko-ye-ap.
Otta-eok, * y **riz*47, j% yL~. v.t. To seil to. Syn : Ko-ihok.
Otta-okai, z?o y 4zz?oxb 4 , & R, . ty.i. To be in. Syn : Orush.
Otta-oxalare, z† y & zirr Lo, W. v sv. v.t. To put into.
Otta-tek, *r y 4°g 57-47, ui % Hi. adv. Just
Otta-ye, zh-y & fx, To address.
Otte, z"≫F, ff. 27. v.t. To place.
Otteda, オッテエダ、甚ダ古キ。太古ノ. adv. Very anciently. In very ancient times.
Ottem-itak, zir 95°5 4?z47, si v z.. v.i. To commiserate. Syn : Omaomaitak.
Ottena, † 9.5-3-, f?-EE. n. The ordinary chief of a village. See Kontukai.
Otu, zr:y, # > ?i v , ? ? ≫ . adj. Several. Many.
Otubera, zh:ye:5., #]+. n. A ladle. A spoon.
Otuheukuru, オツへウクル, 點頭スル、首ヲ上下シテ子ヲアヤス。v.t. To nod.
Otuiba, zoy's wo, to y Ejx. v.t. To cut down.
Otuk, オツク。蓋々タル音ヲ出ス。v.i. To give forth a thumping sound.
Otuk, † y 2), 2R * HH ≫ vv. v.i. To stick out of. To stand high. Syn : Otok.
Otu-komniki-ore-konniki, z!roy=a> ニキオレコンニキ。養模ガ下ル・ph To hang down in rags.
Otumi-ne, zi"?/ S #, ###Kl. n. An occasion for war. Syn : Oukoiki-ne. Ororumbe-ne.
Otuimokka, zoy's HEy:h, o ? # 9 E. ov. v.i. To call out or grunt as when pushing a cart or rowing a boat.
Otuniyo オツニヨ, 撃ヲ出シテ答ヘル。 v.t. To return an answer by calling back to a person. Cotupekare, ** ^&#j L^, £###*- yv. adj. Miserly. Stingy.
Otupe-repi, zh-yo LE, Numerous.
Otupishto, † y EEoa. K., =:= H v ) + = .... adv. In a few days.
Oturai-sambe-ekote-kara, z?oy54. サムべエコテカラ。張ムル、勤ムル、身 向ッテ云フ. v.t. 多数ノ. n. ヲ隠ス、霊控スル。例セバ、アイヌカッ ネ アイヌカラ タニ オツヲイ サム べェコテカラ、彼ヲ悦惚タラシムル為 4:2-3; 7 of + y . v.t. To endeavour. To mystify. To do with all one's might. To render one's self invisible. As :~ Ainu kat ne ainu-kara kuni oturaisambe aekate kara, “ I rendered my form invisible so as to mystify - y; him.
Otusanashke, # y:#-3-3,5-, Fj=? > # 2. ?fE ≫ #e#. n. The salutation of rubbing the hands.
Otusanashke-uwemoye, j* r+F3-$2}ウウェノイェ。雨手ヲ探ンデ挨拶スル。 v.t. To salute by rubbing the hands.
Otusashuishiri, zi-y-tj-Sea f. S. U , ?k # = . adv. For ever. As :~ Olusashuishiri wa no otusashuishiri pakno, “from everlasting to everlasting.” Syn : Shashuishiri.
Otush-etaye, zh-y or 4x4 =, ##! (=r ウモン)スル。(髪ノ毛ヲ取ッテ吊リ下ゲ ov). To hang up by the hair of the head as in punishing or making a person confess a fault.
Otushshiwenpa-shiritatpa, ziroyo, ウェンパシリタツムや、叱ル v.t. To scold.
Otutapkanru, zroy & 7 h > /L', # 9, H. y=# 7 #| y. V.i. To dance and clap the hands.
Otutapkara, +y 4, 7:55, #2, #21. v.i. To dance much.
Otutapkara-oretapkara, zhy & 77; ラオレタプカラ、踊リクルフ、v.i. To dance very much.
Otuto, or y H.--, - H fj. adv. For the space of two days.
Otu-uni, オツウニ。弓ニ矢ヲ番へル。 v.i. To place an arrow in a bowstring.
Otuwashi,オツワシ、格怖側ナル故ニ選ブ. v.i. To chose on account of one's cleverness. Syn : Asarama.

Otuye, zr:y4f z, +] y si? pt. v.t. To cut off.
Otuye, zh:y-f = , E## ≫ n. n. A kind of sea-fowl.
Otuyetuye, zloy of a-y:E, #2°. v.t. To fan. Syn : Paruparu.
Otuyetuye, オツイェツイェ。持チ去ル (盗ミテ持チ去ルヤウ=). v.t. To carry away (as one's property in theft).
Ouguru, オウグル。セ辺リ目多クスル・v.t. To cut very much. To cut not quite through.
Ouhaita, fr) zv4f 4g, E os x. v.t. Not to fit.
Ouhuika, † y 74 ?7, # * v. v.t. To burn (as food on the bottom of a saucepan).
Oukashui, オウカシュイ 増減スル (腫 # 2 #127). v.t. To increase or decrease as a boil.
Oukasu, オウカス。甚ダ、大ニ。例セバ, オウカスピリカ、彼ヘ大ニ善シ ado. Very. In a great degree. As :~ Ouka su pirika. “ He is much better.” Syn : Okasu.
Ouka-uiru, z?oty 25 to of IL, H & = # y To ov. v.t. To suspend over one another.
Oukoiki-ne, † 7 a 4f +#, ##lEI?j. n. An occasion for quarrelling. Syn : Ororumbe ne. Otumi-ne.
Oukot, zi r} =? y, # E sa 37 yi . adj. Joined together.
Oukotnai, オウコツナイ。ニッ以上ノ難。 # z H? # z b = r . n. A place where two or more glens meet.
Oukotokne, おうことっくね, 深谷。 adj. A deep, difficult valley.
Oumakta, zj") + 3, 4., f# =. adv. Behind.
Oun, fr:) A, #§ 9 . adv. Yes. Syn : E. Hawe-ne.
Ouneka, z+roy 3k*i, fa] z. v.t. To in quire. To watch. To ask after. Syn : Onuka.
Oun-no, オウンノ。此時ヨリ。初ヨリ. 例セバ、タムペアシリチュプ オウンノ, ?K4#? }; 2 #. adv. From the time of. At the commencement of. As :~ Tampa ashiri chup oun no, “at the beginning of the first month of this year.”
Oupak, hory z § 2, E x xl. adj. Fit.
Oupak-no, オウパクノ, 適當ニ. adv. Fittingly.
Oupeka, オウベカ、廉直ナル、正シキ. adj. Upright. Righteous. Straight. Accurate. Syn : Kuwash. Oheugesak-no.
Oupeka-i, zi** ^S*j4f, IEi. n. Accuracy.
Oupeka-no, zrry e&# V, IE# =. adv. Accurately. Aright. Properly.
Oupekare, オウペカレ。改良スル。修籍 x jur. v.t. To set to rights. To mend. To adjust.
Ouponi, zrry 7jRE, 4#. adv. After.
Oupshoro-omare, fr: 72ea ra:fr: Le, # F# x n . v.t. To place in the bosom.
Oupshorota, 懐中ニ。例セバ、オウ オウプショロタ、プショッタオマレ,彼
Oupshotta, 女ガ懐中ニ入レタ。 zor; 7 Sea y &, adv. In the bosom. As :~ Ottpshotta omare, “ she put it in her bosom.”
Ouri, fr:) ), # y H z. v.t. To dig up.
Ousakarire, zi ) +##, J Le, f? E. adv. Alternate days. Syn : To shikaI 13A "Ee
Ousomo, fr) /RE', # (? 3- F ≫). v.i. To make a groove.
Ouse, zi'oto, A. adv. Only. Merely. Just.
Oush, おうしゅ, 附著スル。 付着する。 v.i. To be stuck on 〜に夢中である、〜に行き詰まる、〜に引っ掛かっている.  【sticks/ sticking/ stuck v.i. 〔接着剤で〕くっつく、貼る, 刺す n. ステッキ、棒、小枝】
Oushi, おうしゅ, 突キ刺ス。 v.i. To stick in
Oushi, オウシ, 席、生レタ場所、何物カ有ル所。 n. A seat. A birth-place.
The place where anything is.
O-ushike, オウシケ, 近ク、添ヒテ。於テ. 例セバ、チセイオウシケ、家ニ近ク 近くに、近所に、接近して。 adv. Near to. Close by. At. Place where. As :~ Chisei o-ushike, “close by the house.” Chikuni o-ushike, “at the foot of the tree.”
O-ushiketa, おうしけた, 傍ニ。adv. By the side of.
Oush-no-an, おうしゅ・の・あん, 附屬 スル所 ノ、例セバ、オウシテアンイタククオロ オイタク、私ハ附屬セル物讀ム可シ。 adj. Adhering to 付着している. Sticking on. As :~ Oush no an itak ku oro-oitak, “ I will read the remainder 私は残りを読むつもりです.”
Owata, おわた, 水。 n. Water ウォーター.
Owen, オウエン, 精液ヲ漏ス。遺精. v.i. To emit semen.
Oworo-koash, おうぉろ・こあしゅ, 水面ニ達セル滑ナル表面ヲ有スル崖又ハ岩。 n. A cliff or rock with a smooth surface running straight down into a river or stream of water.
Oya, オヤ, 他ノ、外國ノ。次ノ。異リタル。 adj. Other. Another. Alien. Next. Different. Syn : Hem. Hen.
Oyaantutta, vdv. おやあんつった, 他ノ處デ。 At another place. ★バカ検証 【 vdv. って何だ。 adv. でしょ。場所も乱れている。】
Oya-chiki, オヤ・チキ, 其他, 實ニ。 又。 adv. Beside その上. Indeed 本当に. Again.
Oya-itak, おや・いたく, 反語 n. Irony 皮肉・反語・風刺.
| Oyak, オヤク, 外ニ、其ノ他ノ所ニ、外側ニ。 adv. Without 〜無しに/ 〜を持たずに、〜せずに. Elsewhere 他の場所. Outside 〜の外側に.
| Oyake, オヤケ,
Oyakne, オヤクネ, 過去、ヨリ、カラ。 adv. Past. Off. From. ★バカ検証 【意味不明。副詞なら、past は、 pass の過去分詞で、〜を過ぎて、off 〜を離れて、from 〜から。副詞は、そもそもオカシイ。前置詞では。】
Oya-kotan-ta, おや・こたん・た, 外ノ處ニ。 adv. Abroad 外国へ[で]、海外に[で].
Oyak-ta, オヤクタ, 外ノ處ニ。彼方へ。 adv. Abroad. Away.
Oyakta-ande, おやくた・あんで, 外ノ處ニ置ク。 adv. To place elsewhere. To adduce 引用する. To abrogate 廃止する、無効にする. ★バカ検証 【adv. では無く、 v.t. だろうが。】
Oyakta-oman, おやくた・おまん, 外ノ處ニ行ク。  v.i. To go elsewhere.
Oyakta-omande, おやくた・おまんで, 廃スル、絶滅スル。 v.t. To abolish. To annihilate 滅ぼす. To annul. To assuage (苦しみや悲しみを)和らげる、緩和させる. To abrogate. Syn : Isamka. Oyakun-omande.
Oyak-un, おやく・うん, 他處ニ。 adv. Elsewhere.
Oyakun-kiru, オヤクン・キル, 顔ヲソムケル。 v.t. To turn the head away from. Syn : Notkush.
Oyak-un-omande, おやく・うん・おまんで, 他處へ送ル。無クスル。 v.t. To send to another place. To adduce. To abrogate. To abolish. Syn : Isamka.
Oya-mokoro-ki, zir+*+*a tI *, 3/E x. v.i. To die. Syn : Rai.
Oyamokte, オヤモクテ, 奇ナル、驚ク。 adj. & v.i. Odd. Funny. Unusual. Strange. To be surprised at. This word is sometimes used as an inter-, jection indicative of surprise or wonder.
Oya-moshiri-ta, ziro-ES, J &, W? w ?. ~. adv. Abroad.
Oya-moshiri-un-guru, zj***sE;?2 !) 57 De WIL-, y-Eg N. n. A foreigner.
Oyan, zhoo, 3A 2 s. 2, no. v.t. To cause to ride. To land from a boat. Naa shomo ku oman gusu nei kiz goro umma oyan rusui, “ as I cannot go yet, I wish to let him ride my horse.
Oyange, オヤンゲ。打チ上ゲル (浪風ニ a y +). v.t. To cast ashore.
Oyanruru, z,... +>JL≫/L≫, z!b. z if$. n. The north sea. The north. Syn : Aramoisam.
Oyap, † 477, se x #. n. Another one. A different one.
Oyap, オヤプ, 上陸スル v.i. To land from a boat.
Oya-pa, zi +??$, 3$4E. n. Next year.
Oyapa-eoyapaka, zir or Srizr-ows7, 3. A £. adv. The year after next.
Oyapi, j + E, FE, ##. n. A snake.
A demon.
Oyapkopoye, オヤプコポイェ。混溝ス yl≫, v.t. To adulterate.
Oyapnere, zi +?7+ L, ETE, # #|. a. Ironical.
Oyap-oro-guru, : *zHri 2, n, H: K, fE NE / N. n. A Japanese. A person of another race.
Oya-ramat, zoo y, To?. n. A departed spirit.
Oyaramkore, オヤラムコレ。知ラヌ人 h > 5 #FE x pl. v.t. To treat as a stranger.
Oyasa, zr-e-9', 40 y x"T yl-. v.t. To cut downwards.
Oya-seta, オヤセタ。(形容ノ語)未ダ見 #||9- A N. met. A stranger.
Oyashi, オヤシ。 精靈,鬼, 善又ヘ悪霊。 n. A spirit. A good or evil spirit. A demon. The devil.
Oyashim, zoo.o., 5H # H. adv. The day
Oyashima, after to-morrow/ tomorrow. オヤシマ,
Oyashimma, zir "? Ee Avr, gij4# H. adv. The day after to-morrow/ tomorrow.
Oyashim-shimge, † ?>.A. $e4,4°, BH A # H, so r + 2 +. adv. The second day from to-morrow/ tomorrow.
Oyashiri, オヤシリ。異リタル、悪シキ. adj. Different. Bad.
Oyashkep, † 4 Se5-7, gr v =?. n. A female child. Syn : Operekep.
Oyatorokoro-samambe, zi + K. Di a ロサマムべ。カレヒノ一種 n A kind of flounder,
Oyau, z?oty, £. n. A snake.
Oyau-kina, † ??? |# #-, -os -v vo = ~$. n. Ammodenia, oblongifolia, Rydb.
Oya-ukuran, zr pry Z 5 A, BH#. adv. To-morrow/ tomorrow evening.
Oyokane, オヨカネ、残リ.
Oyokaush, オヨカウシ。
Oyopero-ni, of a “R =, 2 × 7 & # 2. n. Styrax Obassia, Sieb. et Zucc. The leaves of this tree are steeped in hot water and taken as a medicine.
Oyumakun-atui, zh:lo 7 27 y's, 5. 2 #. n. The eastern sea.
Oyupupke, オュププケ。悪クナル(病気。 3×2-#A / ). v.i. To grow worse as a disease or sick person.
Oyupupu, オュププ。播キマヘス、課メ zv. v.i. To stir up. To exhort. To incite.
Oyuyukechiri, †5. a. r#F ), Ezk : ≫ ?#. n. A kind of wood-pecker. n. Remainder.


P, E, A, #, £2, n. Person. Thing.
P, ビ, 動詞ノ後ニ附シ複数ヲ示ス・When used after some verbs p forms the plural. As, Ahun, “ enter” (sig), Ahup, “enter” (pl.).
P, プ, 此語ガ形容詞及ビ動詞ノ後ニ附ク 時ヘ其ヲ名詞トナスカヲ有ス。例セバ ポロ、大ナル、ポロプ。大ナル物. Used as a suffix to adjectives and verbs p has the power to turn them into nouns. Thus:~Poro, “large”; porop, “a large thing.” Kashiobiuki, “to help”; “to save; kashiobiukip, “a helper,” “a saviour.” Pso used is contracted from pe, “ a thing,” “an article.”
Pa, パ、有リ(複数三人稲)、主ニ動詞ノ接
尾ニ用ュ。例セバ、ホシピ (軍数)ホシッ →s (§§) ?§ xv. n. The 3rd pers. pl. of an to be ; “they.” Used chiefly as a suffix. Thus:~Hoshipi (Sing) hoshippa (pl), “to return.” Kore (Sing), korepa, (pl) “to give.”
Pa may well be translated into English by “them” on occasion, thus:?Shine aintt mongeshna un no shitturainu wa koro utarihi hotuyepa wa apkash, “a man who had lost himself for a very long time went about and called for his friends.”
Pa is also heard used as a simple plural to nouns, as nupuripa, “mountains.”
Pa, ぱ, 椀。 n. A goblet.
Pa, パ, 充チタル。例セバ、ワツカシネバ, 水一杯。 adj. Full. As :~ Wakka shine pa, “a cupful of water.”
| Pa, パ,
| Paha, パハ, 時季、齢、例セバ、パイカラ パ, 春季 n. A season. Age. A year. Thus:~ Paikara pa, z ?ov, “the season of spring.” Sak pa, “ the season of summer.” Mata pa, “ winter.” Nei pakno e paha an a? "what is your age"? Pa pirika, “a year of plenty. Pa wen, “a bad year for crops or hunting or fishing.” Pa yupke, “a rough season of year.” Pa emko, “half a year.” Pa koshipashnu, “to have one's garden produce destroyed by birds or animals."
Pa, パ, 見出ス。 v.t. To find.
Pa, バ, 頭、團體(団体)ノ首長、東、例セバ、ウタラパ、酋長(しゅうちょう) n. The head of the body. A chief. Upper. The east. A month. Thus:~ Utarapa, “a chief,” “a lord” Moshiri-pa, “the east.” Set pa, “the head of a table.” Syn : Pake. Sapa.
Pa, w$, H. ^j. adj. Upon. Above.
Pa, v?, sj 7. v.i. To go.
| Pa, パ,
| Paha, パハ, 蒸気、煙、鯨ノ吐ク水煙。 n. Steam. Smoke. The water which whales blow out. Pa at, “to emit steam or smoke.”
 | Pa, パ,
 | Paha, パハ, 罰(ばつ)、疱瘡(ほうそう・天然痘) n. Punishment 罰. Small pox 天然痘、疱瘡. Syn : Kamui-pa. Pak.
Pa-ashin, バアシン。煙突、煙出シ." n. A chimney. A going off of steam or smoke.
Pa-akari, パアカリ。煙ベラル、爆ベラ l, 2 Ju'. v.t. & adj. To be Smoked.
Pa-ashinbe, v §77$e: eos, Ea ?i x (fafstr 21 N 7). v.i. To let one off (as a debtor). To forego one's rights.
Pa-ashinge, バアシンゲ。水ヲ噴ク(鯨ノ is 27). v.t. To blow or send out water as a whale.
Pa-ashingep, パ・アシンゲプ, 煙突. n. A chimney.
Pachi, ぱち, 刑罰 n. Punishment.
| Pachi, はち, 木鉢、鉢 n. A basin. A wooden bowl.
| Patchi, ぱっち,
Pachiko, a $5:1, ##j. n. Punishment.
Pachiko-an, v?5F a 77:e, ?i + ? vl. v.i. To be punished.
| Pachingara, パチンガラ。ガヤ、エゾメベル n
| Patchingara, Sebastodes taczanow/ V s S-2-7fS, skii, (Steind.).
Paekara, r* = 3, 5, 18 to. v.t. To scold.
Paemrum, v ?ar. Zejle A, B? V ?PH. n. The middle of the lips.
Pagoat パゴアツ。悪シキ。軽蔑セラレ ≫v. adj. Wicked. Bad. One spoken against. One who is under-going some punishment from fiends or the higher powers.
Pahno, a $7 /, 55%-3-. adv. Same as Pak no. sufficient.
Pahtek, v?/v57:72), 氷中ニ作ッタ穴。 n. A hole in ice.
Pahau, パハウ。風説、ウヘサ。例セバ, カムイタシュムアンノイネパヘウアン。 ##7 y F 2 or 9. n. A rumour.
As :~ Kamui tashum an noine pahau an, “it is rumoured that there is small-pox.”
Pahenenu, ***s:#5&, # k vi>. v.t. To inquire. Syn : Patemtemu ki- Uwepekenu.
Pai, woos, + 9... n. Bamboo grass.
Pai, バイ。連栃』(カラサヲ) 例セバ、ベ イアニシリキク。連机ニテ打ツ. a. A flail. As :~ Pai ani shirikik, “to thrash with a flail.” Syn : Mamekikbe.
Pai, v ?-f, ff ≫ (##), v.t. To go. (pl). Syn : Paye. Paige, パイゲ。チクチクスル v.i. To prick or twitch as “pins and needles.”
Paikara, a $4 775, #. n. The spring of
Paikaru, the year. パイカル。
Paikara-pa, v §4 h5 v?, #2E. n. The season of spring.
Paikara-un-pa, v?4 h5 % oz?, ??E. n. The season of spring.
Paiki, woos =#, je E. M. v.i. To rise up (as from bed).
Paikipa, パイキパ。立チ上ル pi. rise up (pl).
Paiserehe パイセレへ。獣ノ腰ノ下方. n. The hind quarters of an animal. Syn : Pansere. 台
Paisere, バアイセレ。橋ヲ引ク犬ノ後犬。 n. The hinder dogs in a sleigh.
Paipai-chiri, z≪4 zv4f & y, s≫ s≫ v7 zy z. n. Manchurian great tit.
Parus atriceps minor, (J. & S.).
Paiyaige, ~\f *4f45°, * 2, 3g *r yu.... v.i. To shiver. To feel cold.
Pak, w89, Hj. n. Punishment.
Pak, z § y, l? x vl. v.t. To scold.
Paka, as25, RA. n. A fool. Syn : Yairampeutek guru.
Pak, a $27, 55% +. adj. Sufficient. To the full. To the degree of. As,
Pak korobe, “all he had.” To
Pakakse, バカクセ、接音(火ノヘネル). 例セバ、アペパカクセ、火ガヘネル。v.i. To crackle as a fire. To creak with a noise (as ice). As :~ Abe pakakse, “the fire crackles.” Syn : Push.
Pakararip パカラリプ。草製ノ帽子 n. A hat made of grass.
Pakari, ve?, y, ?h n-, # x. v.t. To measure. To weigh. To kill. To think.
Pakari, poss, J, #x. v.t. To smoke (as fish).
Pakari-kane, z *y 9 *j *, %}>$jj. n. Weights.
Pakashnu, バカシヌ。罰スル、訓戒スル。 v.t. To admonish. To punish. Syn : Корао.
Pakashnu, * h : 5%, ik- Jl. Learned. v.t. To teach.
Pakashnu-i, v?? >5x4f, #)||3;&. n. Admonition.
Pakashnu-wa-kashpaotte, v?? $25X ワカシパオッテ、厳命スル。 v.t. To adjure.
Paka-un-guru, v §zh r ) 22) ile, AR N. n. A fool. A hybrid compound
Paka being a Japanese word.
Pak-buri, パクブリ。罰ス可キ行為。悪 fi. n. Evil deeds. Deeds worthy of punishment.
Pake, v?Ar, #. n. A crab.
Pake, o § Ar, H?. n. The head. Syn : Pa. Sapa.
Pake パケ。御桃ノフチ。 of a cup or basin.
Pakekai, パケカイ。死人ト共ニ埋メル食 #. n. The bowls, cups, and trays buried with the dead.
Pakekai, パケカイ。死者ノ霊=供へシ食 E / Illek. n. A bowl of food offered to the spirit of the dead.
Pake-koshne, as4 = Sa:k, : Jl. v.t. To backbite. To talk of others. Syn : Kuchikanna.
Pake-moire, et or AE of L., § # * * adj. n. The rim?
adj. Slow of speech. Syn : Pawe-moire.
Pakenuma-ush, v §4-5 -r :) Jo, R V - #. n. A kind of shellfish.
Pake-omap, worzfor 7, #2-#. n. A kind of basket used for carrying bundles. Syn : Chitarape.
Pake-rui, w$ r JL. 4, 2:9- Jl. Talkative.
Pake-ruirui-sange, v&r/l 4 Jl,4 % * ゲ。小児ナド愛撫シテ頭ヲ払憲デル ph. To fondle a child by stroking its head.
Pakes, バケス。 刷品宴ノ時分ケ興へル酒. n. Sake left over at a feast and divided among the guests. Dregs. Ineloquent. adj. Goblet remains. Syn : Chakes.
Pakesara, $ xr)v, EEE**- ≫v. adj. & パケサラ。 v.i. To be proud. Proud.
Paketara, Haughty. Syn : Shioz<^r&5, kunnure.
Pakesara-wa, ~\4%r**5 57, Noto! =. adv. Proudly.
Pakes-upas, ぱけす・うぱす, 忘レ雪。 n. The last snow of the season シーズンの最後の雪.
Paketa, v?dr$, E =, # =. adv. the head. In the beginning.
Paketaketa, as4r4z4r45, 28 Efx ww... v.i. To jabber.
Paketaraki, パケタラキ。高慢ニ振舞フ。 v.i. To act proudly.
Pake-tata, v §Zr3z 3., E? 7#5* ≫L. v.t. To pat the head.
Pake-tunash, ≫$%r*y*$?, fjiTj z. adj. Quick in speaking. Quick in answer1slg.
Pake-usaot パケウサオツ。言ヒ間違フ。 v.i. To make a mistake in talking. Syn : Itake-oira.
Paki, **キ。
Pakihi, パキヒッ
Paki, v?#, = E. n. A prawn.
Pakiri, ** + 9, § T. n. A knife Syn : Makiri. At #. Time.
Pakisaraha, v ?HF-9-5 ov, II ≫ #. n. The sides of the mouth.
Pakkai, o $93, f, #ff z. To carry on the back as a child.
Pakkaibe パッカイべ、背負ヒ道具。 n. A sling used for carrying children on the back.
Pakkai-kut パッカイクツ。子ヲ背負フ #. n. A sling use for carrying children on the back of its mother or nurse. Properly pakkai-tara.
Pakkaitara, #f fa. E E H. 7 # ≫ #$2}. * Sy?-fix:7, n. The cord parts of
Pakkai-tupa, the sling used for ** > 3;4 yrs, carrying children on the back.
Pakko, o § ≫ =a, ##. n. An old woman. Syn : Huchi.
Pakne-no, rsZy:k V, 9 / ##-r 5°. adv. To the degree of.
Pakno, 逸、此ノ如キ、充分= adu 。 パクノ。 Until. As far as. Such
Paknu, as. Than which. Suffiパックヌ。 cient. Adequate. This word expresses the utmost limits. As, an ramu pakmo, “as much as I wished.”
Pakoat, v?a 77 y, HE * v pl. v.i. To be scolded. Syn : Akosakayokara.
Pako-enratki, a S=?r. * 5 y+, ilk y?”, z?o??;) = 5.3% z. v.t. To scold. To treat unkindly. Syn : Pakoshipashnu.
Pashitaige. Wenkoenratki. Wenkoshipashnu.
Pakokanu, パコカヌ。秘カニ聞ク、立聞 x vl-. v.t. To listen secretly. Togo eavesdropping.
Pa-koro-kamui, avia p *j.A4[, ae% 2 44. 又ヘ癒癒、虎列刺病ノ耐. n The redcap. Also the demon of such diseases as small-pox and cholera.
Pako-shipashnu, o $=a San $323R, b b yl. v.t. To scold. See Pakoenratki.
Pakte, s K2, 5, #f vl. v.t. To measure. To fill up. Make even. Make
Pakte-no-an, o $2 #F A 7:e, 5E Ji-, jE 3-. adj. . Filled. Full.
Pakuchiuchiu-chep, ぱくちうちう・ちぇっぷ, roy 5R, 17 5-27, 3, 2s 2, #. n. File fish. Monanthus cirrhifer, T. & S.
Pakui, パクイ。アザラシ、海狩. n A seal. Phoca viteslina, L. (Tukara and pombe are names for one year old seals.)
Pan, パン。塵, 下、例セバ、パンイッケ * -, ##£#- z TRA. adj. Same as pana, lower. As :~ Pan ikkeue, “ the lower part of the spine.”
Pan, / ?2≫, E. n. Same as paro, the mouth but only so used in certain conditions. As :~ Pan-rakte, “to taste.
Pan, パン。弱キ、無味ナル。新鮮ナル。 例セバ、ペンワッカ、新鮮ナル水 ads. Weak. Flavourless. Insipid. Fresh. As :~ Pan wakka, “fresh water.”
Pan, shippo, “flavourless salt.”
Pan, woo, 28 oz. n. Bread. (Introduced).
Pana, v §3-. n. Dust. Syn : Mana.
Pana, パナ、下=。例セバ、ペッパナタ。 }?s TF = fa) e adv. Below. Nether. As :~ Pet pana ta, “towards the mouth of the river.”
Pana-e-tashum, パナエタシュム。 梅毒。 n. Syphillis. Syn : Okamuitashum. Kamoi-tashum.
Panake, or, #, "F. n. The behind. Bottom. Syn : Osoro.
Panake-an, o $3-4-772, TF# v. Abdominal.
Panake-un-no, ~8=}-4%rroy > A’, TREi z adv. Abdominally.
Panakte, rt:}-Z 5-, fij z yl. punish. Syn : Aapapu.
Panare, v?;}- L, f?#. n. Hypocrisy. adj. v.t. Το
Panare, v §:J-Lo, fE# 7ff 7. v.i. To be hypocritical.
Panata, v Sj-5z, RE / TF#. adv. The lower end of a place.
Pana-upun, ぱな・うぷん, 砂吹雪(すな ふぶき)。 n. A cloud of dust.
Pancho, os e 5 a, zkr. n. A carpenter.
Pandane, パンダネ。パン種、魏. n. Barm. Yeast. (Jap.).
Paneok-ki, パネオクキ。家ノ屋根ノ下部 = 7 9v#(#). n. The lower reeds of a house roof. -
Pane-tupok, a $**y*2y, pii 2 # ( 2 +). n. The eaves of the west end of the roof of a house.
Pange, v § 24°, ?f-r x. v.t. To dislike. To feel disinclined to. Not to like or want. To abominate. Syn : Kowen.
Pange-i, z<>4;^4, *E. n. Abomination. Syn : Aetune-i,
Pange-pet, o §24*^&?, TF#, lower part of a river.
Panka, バンカ。少クナル、又ヘ弱クナル。 v.i. To grow weak. To get less.
Pannikotoro, *$>?= E, F. D, _E£. n. The roof of the mouth. The palate.
Panka, パンカ。弱ヘラスル、安債ニスル。 v.t. To make weak.
Pannok パンノク。家ノ屋根ノ西ノ槍. n. The west end of the roof of a hut.
Panpan, パンパン。衣第ニ殿クナル v.i. To grow weaker and weaker.
Panore パノレ。偏ル、期決ク。婿ブ v.t. To lie. To deceive. To flatter.
Panore-i, wV / L. of, # be, oft. n. Flattery. Adulation. n. The
Panore-guru, パノレグル。 阿誤者,n,A
Panore-itak-guru, fatterer. パノレイタックグル。
Panrakte, at 25% F, 5:2. v.t. To taste.
Panrekte, v § A L } 5F, # 2. v.i. whistle. Syn : Maushoro.
Pangere, パン セレ。動物ノ後部 4. ?o
The hind quarters of an animal.
Pantak, ヘンタク。ベンノ一塊 n A loaf of
Pantaku, bread. パンタク。
Pantok パントク。屋根ノ西端=アル傾 * 3: Bo?. n. The slanting roof on the west end of a hut.
Paop, パオプ。 頭上ニ, 先頭=. adv. On the head.
Pa-oro-mina, v?: P. S:}", # # x: y". v.t. To smile.
Pa-pon, v$*>, a a. adj. Young.
Pa-poro, ?$*ru, ae e * ≫t- adj. Old. Syn : Isa. Onne. Onne-koro.
Paptisma, r&75-z-r, itia. n. Baptism. (This word was introduced by the compiler.)
Paptisma-kore, a $75F z ar a L., Be?# 7 * 27, v t. To baptize.
Paptisma-uk, , §7+z-royo, #io 7 # 37. v.t. To receive baptism.
Papush, 唇。例セバ、カンナベプシ。 ムやプシ。 Es. n. The lips. As :Chapush, Kanna papush, “the up 5. w 7 Se, per lip.” Pokna papush, “the lower lip.”
Papush turiri, “to pout the lips." See Patoi.
Patcha ke.
Par, パル。口、例セバ, + ≫ p1% = 7 . n. The mouth. (Contracted from para or paro). As :Heru par’ani, “ with just the mouth.” i.e. “insincerely.”
Para, os 5, =# #. hand.
Para, v § 5, Bn. n. A pot hook. ヘルパルア=, n.
Palms of the
Para, E, n. The mouth.
Para パラ。 nunnun, “to suck the
Paroho, lips as in rearing bear v § raz?e, cubs.”
Para rui guru, “a loud speaker.”
Para sange “to speak.”
Para seshke, “to stop or cover the mouth.”
Para shimuye, “ to tattoo the lips.”
Para ukotukka, “to shut the mouth.”
Para yupke, “ to speak severely.” Syn : Charo.
Para, パラ、廣キ。例セバ、パラル。大道。 adj. Broad. As :~ Para ru, “ a broad road. The highway.
Parai, zva-s, ?. n. Throat.
Paraka, o $5 h, P?#. n. A ceiling. The inside of the roof of a house.
Parakan, パラカン。ドクウツギ. n. Coriaria japonica, A. Gray. Pungent.
Parakankan, v?5 # 2 h 2, 3; 3- 4 , $z. n. Tape worm.
Parakara, パラカラ。溢キ、苛キ、熱キ. adj. Acrid. Hot.
Parakeu, パラケウ、カケス (鳥) n. A jay.
Paraki, wo:F, #k:#, Ar =. n. A tick.
Parakina, wo:#3-, s y >s-9 oz. n. A kind of swamp arum, Lysichiton camtschatense, Schott.
Parakoat, パラコアツ、耐罰ヲ受クル, v.i. To be punished by God. -
Parakoatte, バラコアッテ、呪フ、罰ス ol. v.t. To accurse. To curse. To punish.
Parakomonak, as 5 - £ 3-2, st; 2 £HR 7 v x, v.i. To be unable to sleep through intense desire for food. Syn : Paroko-shomo-mokoro.
Parakompo, n. パラコムポ, ドクウツ *. Laninaria japonica Aresch. A kind of broad seaweed.
Parakosamba, KS - H-A.-K, 1,2°. v.t. To smell. Syn : Hura nu.
Parakoyakoya, o $5 =a + =a +”, KE = 言フ、クドクドイフ(寧数) pi To speak indistinctly. To babble. (sing). For the plural see Uhauparoise.
Para-mina, a $ 5 S +, + 4 = + £7. v.i. A broad grin.
Paramuriri, パラムリリ。死豊ヲ棺=結 Z. n. String used in lacing a corpse to its bier.
Paraparak, パラパラク。絶叫スル v.i. To cry loudly. Syn : Raiparaparak.
Parapara, v § 5 v § 5, # $ v 3. v.i. To spread out.
Paraparase, パラパラセ。風前ニ飛プ。 # = n. v.i. To fly before the wind. To burn. To be ablaze. To spread out as a flame of fire. Syn : A. Rui. Uhui. As :~ Abe paraparase, “the fire burns.”
Paraparasere, r&52&5 Hz L, : + x. v.t. To make burn.
Paraparase-wa, v?5 w?5+z 7, # + ju 5j /. adj. Ablaze.
Parapas, v § 5 vk x, ?E V SV. n. A spoon. Syn : Parapaohui.
Parapok パラポク。ト見ェル。例セバ, メナシパラボクアン、東風吹クト見ェ JLo. v.i. To appear. To seem. This word is spoken chiefly of the weather. As :~ Menash parapok an, “it seems as though there will be an east wind.”
Parapok パラポク。現レル、薩、後、場 jf. v.i. & n. To appear. Shadow. Shade. Behind. Lieu.
Paraponbe, roof: 2°, ova, n. The little finger. Syn : Mo-ashkepet.
Parara, wo:7, # * 'lo. v.i. To spread out. To scatter.
Parara, パララ。感動、耐来、n. fluence. Inspiration. .
Parasatchep パラサッチエプ。多言者。 * $≫ + ~~: y . n. A chatterbox
Parase パラセ。風前ニ飛ブ、漂フ. v.i. To fly before the wind. To drift. In
Parase, 燃ュル。例セバ、アベパラ *バラセ, ラセ、火ガヘネル。 v.i.
Pararase, To burn. To burn up a $55tz, in thousands of sparks as spray wood or thorns. As :~ Abe pararase, “the fire sends off sparks.” See uhuye.
Paraske, パラスケ、開ケ放サレタ. adj. Opened out.
Parasekoro, ? $ 5 te = n, £ z fii}. e. excl. Hurrah.
Paratakup パラタクプ。多言者。オシャ ~$ ) . n. A chatterbox.
Parate パラテ、撤キチラサレタ. Scattered about.
Paratepa, パラテパ、撤キチラサレタ(複 adj. ££). adj. Scattered about. (pl.)
Paratek, /&55*^*, #. *w. The hands.
Parateke, バラテケ,
Paratek-yuk, 又角ノ失セタル バラテクュク。 鹿、此ヲ殺ス Eparatek-sei-yuk, 者ヘ其後久シ エパラテクセイユク, カラズシテ死 x F / ##y J. n. A deer with de formed antlers. There is a superstition to the effect that whoever kills one of these animals is certain to die soon after.
Parato, パラト。幅廣キ河口(沼ノ如キ). n. An estuary.
Paraukere, パラウケレ。互ニ和スル。 v.i. To hold social intercourse.
Paraure, パラウレ。足ノ面、アシノ甲. n. The instep.
Paraure-ekomomse, vv. 5 ) Loir a HE Atz, #####]. n. Club-footed.
Pare, v § Lo, H, H+ + Jl. v.t. To cause to find.
Paretoko パレトコ。道ヲ備フル、準備 スル、計査スル。例セバ、ネイグルアラ イゲタ=ペレトコャイカラシリアン、其 X. > ## x ### E7 y .. v.i. To prepare the way for. To get ready to do. To plot. To scheme. As :~ Nei guru araige kuni paretoko yaikara shirian. “there is a plot on foot to kill that person.”
Paripari-chiri, ~8 y ~8 y *y, J, s≫ s≫ v7 zr *... n. Manchurian great tit.
Parus atriceps minor, (T. & S.).
Pariri, av 9 y), ijE3>, yl≫, 2g$g. v.i. To be inspired. n. Air.
Paro, ≫Spa, pl. n. Same as Para.
Syn : Charo.
Paro-a-o-shuke, ~ n7*$2-,4%r, 4%j]ji% j: x Jl. v.i. To be entertained with food.
Paroat, v ?ra 7° F, ER 7. v.t. To curse. To scold.
Paroka, ** Di 3b, _E.H. n. of the mouth.
Paroko-shomo-mokoro, z K DI = A = E: モコロ。食欲ノ為ニ癒ラレヌ ひ.i. To be unable to sleep through intense desire for food. Syn : Parakomonak. -
Paronitemaka, v ?pa =57 z ?y, # > ? マス,木片ヲ以テロヲ開ク。v.t. Togag. To open the mouth with a piece of wood.
Paronnata, パロンナタ、自ラ語リ、又ヘ 自ラ聞ク。例セバ、パロンナタヌ、自ラ ME 27. v.i. To speak or hear for one’s self. As :~ Paronnata nu, “ to hear for one's self.
Paronnata itak, “to speak for one's self.
Paromonot パロノノツ。口水ノ出ダル。 flook 2 #5, #x. v.i. To water at the mouth as in anticipation of something nice to eat or drink.
Paro-oiki, パロオイキ。他人ノ為ニ食物 zsaz. v.t. To provide food for another.
Paro-O-8huke, パロオシュケ、馴走スル。 v.t. To entertain a guest with food.
Paropetetne, ≫? pa ~$5Fy:k, ?#, F = y , H? vL, F” -? vL. n. and v.i. Impeded utterance. Ischnophony (used especially of those who cannot speak for cold). Syn : Awepetetne.
Paroshopshop, wsri $o a 7$2 a 7, 8 # z pl. v.i. To gargle.
Paroshuke, パロシュケ。煮ル、料理スル。 v.i. To stew. To cook food. To cook for.
Paro-un, ** DI 7 Le, ?a#3- vv. adj. Eloquent.
Paru, a SJL', 58% x yi-. v.i. To fly about The roof as dust or chaff.
Paru パル。挑フ、又ヘ打ツ (蝶ナドヲ). v.t. To brush or knock off as a fly from the forehead or nose.
Parumbe, asyl-A-S, s. n. The tongue (lit.
Paro-un-be, “ the thing in the mouth"). Syn : Charumbe.
Paruparu, w?Jur?JL, ?, ?a%”. n. & v.t. A fan. To fan.
Paruparuge, only $11,5°, i. n. Edges.
Parure, パルレ、飛散セシムル、風ヲ煽 + 5°; ov. v.t. To make fly about as dust. To cause wind as in waving anything.
Paruruge, ro/L,Lo, #. n. Edges. Syn : Eipake. Kanetuhu.
Pas, v?X, # #. adj. Black.
Pas, *ベス。 石炭、木炭、火級(ホクチ) n.
Paspas, Coal. Charcoal. Cinders. **スパス Tinder.
Pasa, ぱさ, 開口スル。 v.t. To open the mouth. Syn : Hasa.
Pasamok, v §-H-E2), : = : += > L. v.i. To be bewitched by birds.
Pasamok, a?-}-Eo, zs# ≫ n. From pa-Sam-ok “an evil thing out of season" and is applied to birds which do not keep their proper seasons and are thought to bring evil.
Pasani, w S?} =, -? ?r. n. Cuttlefish. Calamary.
Pasa-pasa, パサパサ。麗々開口スル。t.i. To open the mouth frequently.
Pasare, v?+}- L, E [J x pl. v.t. To open the mouth.
Pase, パセ, 重キ。眞ナル、重要ナル。例セバ, パセオルシペ, 重要ナル報道。 adj. Heavy. True. Important. As :~ Pase orushpe, “ important tidings.”
Pase-kamui, ぱせ・かいむ, 眞神。 n. The true God.
Pase-ni, パセニ、サハシダ。 n. Carpinus cordata, Bl. Hornbeam.
Pase-no-kara, v ?tz / h5, ??i > */ t,
Jo. v.t. To make heavy.
Pase-no-po, パセノポ。甚ダ多ク、熱心 =。大事ナル。例セバ、パセノポクャイ * *-o-, 3} x. adv. Very much. Earnestly. As :~ Pase no po ku yaiiraige na, “ I thank you very much. Syn : Pasetara.
Pasetara, パセタラ。甚ダ多グ、熱心=, ×#3- yv. adv. Same as pase no po.
Pash, w R$/, J. HH x. v.t. To find.
Pash, v ?E", W:, s v x s. n. Tattoo.
Pash, バシ。馳スル(馬ノ如ク). v.i. To gallop. To run.
Pashi, v §?e, fr-w so 3. v.i. To go.
Pa-shinap, o §$e3-7, E?rfi (gr y). n. A head dress (woman's).
Pashiro, v?$API, ARJU. n. A knife.
Pashirota, *: P &, UE : Jl. v.t. To storm at. To scold.
Pashitaigi パシタイギ、叱スル、言ニテ zfE-Ei] = |jgij% z. v.t. To scold. To treat unkindly by word of mouth.
Paskuttara, パスクツタラ。 ???? ??? :"? ??? ???? = ~$. n. Cucubalus, baccifer, L. var japonictws, Miq.
Pashna, woe:F, Hof;. n. Dust.
Pa-shomo-uk, w$$e a AE* 2/, £#£ = ua # + x. ph. Having no regard to the SeaSOrls.
Pashta パシタ 俗ノ・通常ノ、悪シキ jE*. adj. Vulgar. Common. Bad. Worthless. Useless. Careless. Rough. Ugly.
Pashta-no, パシタノ。不注意=。荒グ。 # 2. adv. Carelessly. Roughly. Badly.
Pashte, rk: F, i s 3 x v. v.t. To make gallop. To send along fast as in throwing a hoop. To make run.
Pashte, a S$27, # H. x 21. v.t. To find. Syn : Pushte,
Pashui, パシュイ。繁、例セバ、イクベシ = f', # 7 E. × 7 (##). n. Sticks used at meals instead of knives and forks. As :~ Iku bashui, “a moustache lifter.” Pera bashui, “ a spoon.” Uren bashui, “chopsticks.” Abe bashui, “fire tongs.”
Paskuma, パスクマ。教へル。例セバ, エチポ ホペ スタマエ チミ ッホペスタマ, jir z +*£§=£^ a. v.t. To instruct. To teach. As :~ Echi po paskuma echi mitpo paskuma, “ instruct both your children and grandchildren.
Paskuru, ぱすくる, 鴉(カラス) n. A crow カラス or rook 《鳥》ミヤマガラス.
Paskuru-kamui, *スクルカムイ。シマヘビノ黒色愛
Paskuru-okokko, #. n. Elaphe quav §x y Jizra ≫ a, drivirgata, (Boie).
Paskurumame, v& z y Jl. - x, -s-r r > F* 7. n. Lathyrus palustris, L. Syn : Oyau-kina. Unchichu, Menasaru. Noiporo-o-kina, Menashmame. 3, 2 x ~ E. n. Same as above.
Paskuru-mun, o §z 2 JLA. :/', # # J ? #. n. A kind of runner herb. Реrivinkle. Аросутит, ретаtит. Also called Haipungara.
Paskurupungara. The Ainu name means “running grass.”
Paskuru-topo, v&x : Jl. H. R, -- 2° y . n. Meretriac meretrix, Linn.
Paskuttara, バスクッタラ、ナンベンヘ Cucubaltis baccifer, L. var. japonicus, Miq.
Paskuru-toho-sei, 2 v 3 y . n. A コ ペ。 %。 *S:X ? Jie Kozkotz 4f, kind of shell-fish.
Paskutto-sei, Cytherea meretパスクットセイ。 rix, Linn.
Pasna, v §z 3-, EJE, tRAA. n. Cinders. Ashes.
Pas-op, パスオっプ。 火級箱(ホクチベコ).
Pas-o-shintoku, n. A tinderbox. **ゾオシントク。
Paspas パスバス。木炭、黒キ火級 n. Charcoal. Black cinders.
Paspashi, o?z v?$e, #, tK. Charcoal.
Fire dust. Syn : Paspas.
Passanna, ≫K ≫tj. ej", 4 ?. n. Cuttlefish. Calamary.
Pasui, パスイ。
Pashui, パシユイッ
Pasushke, パスシケ。混観いシテ逃ゲル。 v.i. To flee in disorder.
Pasush-ne, e $7, 2.-L-k, 82 s mlo, = v.t. To cover. Swarm over #. n. Chopsticks. Tongs. ヘノレ。 (as flies).
Pata, z {4, 蟠蜂, キリギリス、蝶、イナ =r. n. A grasshopper or locust. Syn : Takataka.
Patachinne, パタチンネ。早口ニ語ル。 v.i. To talk very rapidly. To gabble. To babble.
Pataoata, パタオアタ。蝶蝶、キリギリス。 #, † 3- = r. n. Same as pata.
Patapatak8e パタパタクセ。跳ル(火ノ # 2 op. 2). v.i. To snap off or jump about (as fire or splinters) with a crackle.
Patapata, **タパタ。鏡ル、ヒル v.t. To win
Patupatu, now. パツバツ,
Pataraye, zv4?z54f ?., {{{3}...t x yv. v.t. To surmise. To guess.
Patchake, *? ≫5Far Er, n. n. The lips. Syn : Papush.
Patche パッチェ, 飛散スル(雪ノ如ク)。 vi. To fly about as snow or dust or spray. To explode as a volcano or bottle.
| Patch, ぱっち, 鉢。 n. A wooden basin. ★バカ検証 【Patche の後にある。】
| Pachi, ぱち,
Patchingara, **, +, ≫ x ~ no. n. *ベッチンガラ, A kind of rockfish.
Pachingara, Sebastodes taczano パチンガラ。 wskii (Steind).
Patchinu, ** ≫3P5K, #JER. n. Pinchers. Tongs.
Patek, z$**, A. adj. Only.
Patek-ashi-kara, z §5F O 7 Se?y 5, † ≫ * ae x Jl. ph. He always makes or does.
Patemtemu-ki, z**74,5°.A=*, an. * yl≫, 開キタガル。見タガル、雰盤スル p.t. To make inquiries. To act in an inquisitive manner. Syn : Uwepekennu.
Patemtemu-ki-guru, v?5FA5F4 +?Y Jo, ##### / N. n. An inquisitive person.
Patoi v? F f, F# ≫ #?n. n. The surface of the lips. The lips. Syn : Papush.
Patpatke, パツパツケ。跳ネル (大ノ如 27), # 2. v.i. To crack off and fly about. To bubble up as boiling water. To jump about (as fire in many splinters from a log). Thus: ? Abe patpatke, “the fire jumps. Syn : Poop.
Pattakupi, バッタクピ、鏡舌家、オシヤ ~ 9. n. A chatterbox.
Paktek, パクテク。魚釣ノタメ氷=作ッ 3. Ar. n. A hole made in ice to fish from.
Pattukuku, ≫? ≫ y } }, z # pl. v.i. To be sulky.
Patukuku, To pout the lips. *ベツクク。
Patu, /y, 3sjE: x vv. v.i. To scatter. To fly about. To jump about as fat in fire.
Patupatu, ≫K%/K%, # (> +)N-. v.i. To flounder as fish. To scatter.
Pau, v*ry, }|K y E. n. The cry of the fox.
Pauchi, パウチ。食物=毒ヲ入レル事。 例セバ・ペウチオシュケ、毒食ヲ料理ス ju. n. To put poison in one's food. As :~ Pauchi o-shuke, “to prepare a poisoned meal.”
Pauchi e yara, “to give one poisoned food to eat.”
Pauchi, v § 75F, KE# v ?##. n. This
word stands for the bark of foxes. It is also used to indicate a dance in which the cry of foxes is imitated the dancers continually crying out Фаи-фан.
Pauchi-guru, ?t. 5. VIV, f?tki?i, i: []. H. 2 #. n. Backbiter. Deceiver. Madman.
Pauchi-karabe, a *roy5**j5, \!\>y *. n. One fox-possessed.
Pauchi-kina royo:#3-, + k2s + c, * y. n. Angelica refracta, Fr. Schm.
Pauchikoro-guru, z ?r75F a n }. Jlo, ## 悪人。殊=毒害ヲ企ツル如キ人。n A very evil-minded person specially a woman who spites another by administering poisoned food. Syn : Kameyarape. Kameyarope.
Paumbe, wV of A *, ###. A head band.
Paunguru, パウングル。賢人、曾長 n. A wise person. A chief.
Pau-pau, バウパウ。狐ノ鳴産経ヲ示ス語。 n. An onomatopoeia for the bark of foxes.
Pa-urenka, パウレンカ。新年ノ物耐ヲ ££71 = F. n. The act of making inau fetiches at the new year (lit. setting the year in order).
Pause, パウセ。狐ノ様=叫ブ. v.i. bark like a fox. *
Pa-ush パウシ。流行ノ病=カカル n. To be affected with disease.
Paushi, w ?r) o, ?f L. v.t. To put on the head.
Pawe, K 7-, A. n. Speech.
Pawe-moire, パウェモイレ。語ル=運キ・ adj. Slow of speech. Syn : Pakemoire.
Pawe-otke, v?r} = 2f / hr, F = . ベ、アパノシキパウェオッケ、急ギ家= X w. adv. Quickly. Hurriedly. As : Apa noshki pawe-otke, “ to enter a hut in a hurry.” Syn : Tunashi Iolo, To 例七嵌
Pavvetenge, a r? - 5 a Ar“, fra x ol. v.t. To give commandment.
Pavvetenge-i, asr? =5 AAr*4 , i4;. n. A commandment.
Paweteshu, v ?r} = 5F $2 a., # x ≫L. v.i. To bear witness.
Paweteshu-guru, v ?r} = 5F 2/2.2) Jie, ?? #A. n. A witness.
Paweteshu-i, z Kr; -5F Sea f, it; n. Witness. Testimony.
Pawetok-an, o stry = H-2) 7:e, R +, BE flij7 ov, #e#9- v. adj. Wise. Learned. Eloquent.
Pawetok-koro, ~&roy ?. H. 4% =1 ta, 5% aF, 學問アル、聴明ナル、能葬ナル adj. Wise. Learned. Astute. Eloquent.
Pawetok-koro-guru, v § 17 r. K. Z a DI ?JL, £A. n. A wise person.
Payaige, w$ * 4 2*, § v % ≫. adj. Rough.
Payaya, パヤヤ。援ム。ツカム(獣其爪ヲ pl?). v.t. To hold up as an animal its claws. Syn : Ambayaya.
Paye, v §4f =, ff ≫ . v.i. To go. To advance. To proceed. Pl. of o-man or arupa.
Paye-ash, v §4 = J" e, ##ff 7. ph. We go.
Payeka, ぱいぇか, 行ク。 To go. To travel. Syn : Payekai.
Payekai, ぱいぇかい, 旅行スル。 v.i. To travel. Go.
Payekara, ぱいぇから, 叱る。 v.t. To scold.
Payekai-guru, ぱいぇかい・ぐる, 旅人 。n. A traveller.
Payere, ≫K≪s = L-, a N-. v.t. To send.
Paye-takup, パイェタクプ、行キタレド H # 7 #42 ×. v.i. To go somewhere with a special object in view, but to be unable to accomplish the object.
Payetchi, パエツチ。彼等ガ行キマシタ。 ph. They went.
Pe, ~&, #. n. An article. A thing. Syn : Ambe.

| Pe, ぺ,
| Pehe, ぺへ,
水、霧。例セバ、ハツペ。葡萄汁。 n. Water, principally undrinkable water. Thick water. Mist. Fine rain. Melting snow. Sap. Juice. As :~ Hat pe, “grape juice.”
Pecha, ぺちゃ, 河。 n. A river. Syn : Petcha
Pechan, ぺちゃん, 痩セタル。 adj. Thin. Slight. Syn : Narai.  【「ぺちゃんこ」はアイヌ語由来カモ。】
★バカ検証 【Syn : Narai. は、ウソっぽい。「Narai, ならい, 壕。 n. A ditch 溝. Syn : Pechiri,」 --- 薄い、なんて意味は無い。 「Pechiri, ぺちり, 壕、湿地。 n. A ditch. A water conductor 水の誘導体. A damp place.」 ---- バカ丸出し。 Pechiri と Pechan を勘違いしたみたい。
Pechara, ペチヤラ ぺちゃら, 波際ノ草ノ生エザル處。 n. That part of the seashore under water at high tide and also the higher part of the shore covered with grass.
Pechi, ぺち, 河。 n. A river. Syn : Pet.
| Pechi, ぺち, 河ヲ歩キ渡ル。 v.t. To wade.
| Peichi, ぺいち,
Pechicha, ぺちちゃ, 水溜。 n. Puddles of water.
Pechinne, ぺちんね, 湿リタル。 adj. Wet through.
Pechiri, ぺちり, 壕、湿地。 n. A ditch. A water conductor 水の誘導体. A damp place.
Pei, ぺい, 泡沫。 n. A bubble. A water-bladder.
Pei, ペイ, 柔カキ、軟カナ。 adj. Soft. Pliable.
Peika-kara, ~4 7,335, # v. v.t. To pass through.
Peinup, ペイヌっプ, イケマ。ペヌプニ同ジ。 The same as Penup, which see.
Peitat, ~4 & 2, #| 2 ?#. n. A kind of willow.
Peichika, N of 5-35, JJJ / HH 7 i# yl-.v.t.To cross over a river. Syn : Petchaka.
Peichish, ^&4f*$*, 7k 2. adj. Aqueous. Containing water.
Peikosanu, ペイコサヌ。音スル(柔キ物 ヲ切リ。又ヘ貫キタルガ如キ). v.i. To sound as if something soft was being cut or pierced.
Peka, ペカ, =ヨリ。例セバ、ヤベカ, ? = a y . adv. By. As :~ Ya peka, “ by land."
Peka, ~:3), jij x 7.. adv. Facing. Towards.
Peka, "s fi, jig yl. v.t. To catch (as a ball).
Peka, ペカ。側、部分、場所。例セバ、テ ~ ?i, BERE =, adv. Side. Part. Place. As :~ Te peka, “ here.” To ani peka, “there.” ekakarabe, -Roh hS-R, 7 > > K 7. n. A water fly. Hydrometra sp.
Pekama, ~??y-r, #7', # 7. v.i. float.
Pekambe, ~&# Art, e sv. n. Water caltrops. Trapa japonica, Fleroff.
Pekambe-kuttara, ~39.A."So y £5, 2-3 =r: * > . n. Stem of the water caltrops. Senecio palmatus, Pall. Caltrops.
Pekamge-mun, “S+) A^*.B. 2, n.
Persicaria amphibia, S. Fr. Gray. A kind of caltrops. -
Pekange, N35 × 5*, #2, #7. v.i. To float. Syn : Pekama.
Pekangere, ~|*Lo, # os-z pl. v.t. To make float.
Pekaonit, ペカオニツ。布ヲ織ル=総ヲ § 3r n-&#.. n. Same as Pekaot-ni. ?o
Pekaotbe 布ヲ織ル=統ヲ分ケル機 ペカオツべ。械. n.
Pekaot-ni, An instrument used for “77: Foy:, separating threads in making cloth. Syn : Pokaonit. Tambu.
Pekashnu, ペカシヌ、純粋ノ。例セバ, - ?i v x 7 ≫ ?i, Ezk. adj. Pure. Unmixed. As :~ Pekashna wakka, “pure water.” Syn : Posokayatki.
Peken-nishat, Syr - E E Fy, #Bij. n. Daybreak.
Pekennupe, NAr:e5x^?, R. n. Tears. Sym : Nupe.
Peken-rera, ~& r > Lo5, El=F, ME E. n. A good or favourable wind. Syn : Pirika rera.

Pekep, ~5-7, to so * > . n. A water ladle.
Pekep-chikap, NAr73-357, a zis > y 5 oz. n. Hooper swan. Cygnus, musicus, Bechst. Syn : Pekere chikap.
Pekepkere-chikap, ~4-75-L5-3, 7, 7 > 5. n. Common quail. Coturnix соттитis, Волт.
Pekerasenu, -R4"Soz5W, Clear (as water).
Pekere, ≪NOr Lo, Mt. n. Light.
Pekere-ash, ペケレアシ,
Pekereashnu, ペケレアシヌ,
Pekere-ashnu-i, or L'7:25.4, ###, #2- Ju 3. n. A beautiful place.
Pekere-buri, ^$ $ Le 7 y, # ff. n. Good deeds. Righteous acts.
Pekere-chikap, ペケレチカプ。
Pekep-chikap, ペケプチカプ。
Pekere-chup, ^4}r Leista. 7, k?. n. The sun (Lit. “ daylight luminary").
Pekere-keutum, ^{4}r Lodr :) y A, # * iu. n. A pure heart.
Pekere-nishat, ^$4r Lo = 2^.*?:, #BH. n. Daybreak. Syn : Peken nishat.
Pekereka, ~& Mr. Le?y, ji? x,, # x. v.t. To lighten. To make shine on.
Pekere-kamui, ^4}r Lo?, A4s, ##. n. The good gods. Syn : Pirika kamui. Arapekere kamui.
Pekere-mata, ~$4r Lorr &, #]$. n. The end of the winter. The last part of the arctic winter.
Pekere-sam, S45r Lets-A, #, adv. In day light. In the day-time. In the light.
Pekettosa, ペケットサ。獣ノ腹ノ毛無キ go. n. The bare place in the skins of animals under the belly.
Pekiri, *:# 9, #7, #. n. Froth or 明カナ. a. 36 vie. v.i. To be light. #?. n. A swan. Syn : Retat chiri. scum. Soup. Broth.
Peko, ^-1, +.. n. A bull or cow. Ox. Beko, ベコ,
Pekse, roy to, (AH / ) is; 2. v.i. To low aS Ox£in.
Pen, ~ e, E, E, E V LE?f. adj. Source. The upper part of a valley.
Pena, ^2+, E. =... adv. Upper. Above. Syn : Penge.
Penake, “S+or, oft. n. The throat. Syn : Rekuchi.
Penake, ^&%-%r, H. adj. Upper.
Penaketa, S3-5-4g, E = . adv. Upper. Up above. The upper place.
Penata, “&:-4x, :# / E. n. geo. The upper part of a place.
Penatu, ~$3" y, HAiji v Hl. n. The upper strings of a hat. Syn : Pentupep.
Pena-un-guru, ^$**y >z% Mw, BHie#i, [I] 2 #. n. Countryman. A dweller among the mountains.
Pende, ペンデ。尖端。例セバ、ウレペン F-, Ei:#E. n. The points of certain things. As :~ Ure-pende, “the points of the toes.
Pene, ぺね, 消化スル。 v.t. To digest.
Pene, ぺね, 小雨(こさめ)。 n. Fine rain. Syn : Apto.
Pene, ぺね, 水ノ、溶ケタル、消化スル。 adj. & v.i. Aqueous. Watery. To melt as snow. To become thawed. To digest. Fluid.
Pene, ぺね, 上部ニ、下方ニ。 adv. Upper. ★バカ検証 【「下方ニ。」ではない、「上方ニ。」だ。信じられないバカ外人。
Peneka, ~#7, # 9 × ju.. adj. Wet. Aqueous.
Penepo-kanne, ~3&z???, 2:5, #2, #. ph. After a time.
Penere, ~&# Lo, ## x v. v.t. To heat to the degree of redness or whiteness as in heating metal.
Penetupok ベネツポク。屋根ノ東ノ方 n. The upper or east end of the roof
of a house.
Penge ペンゲ。上ニ。例セバ、ベンゲベ
Pengi, 9, EF#. adv. Upper. As :~ Penge pet, “the upper part of a river.”
Pengirechiu-pangirechiu, ~$2 # Le チウバンギレチウ。統率スル v.t. To govern. To rule over. Syn : Epungine. Esapane.
Pengisep, ペンギセプ。弧角線、十字批。 n. The groin.
Peni, ぺに, 膏雨(小糠雨). n. Fine rain.
Peni, ぺに, 内地、例セバ、ペニウンパィェアン、内地ヲ旅スル。 adv. Inland. The interior of a country. As :~ Peni un paye an, “to travel inland.”
Peni, ぺに, 上ニ。 adv. Upper.
Pen-kitai, ペンキタイッ 家屋 ノ屋根 ノ東 #. n. The upper end of a house roof. That is to say, “the eastern end.”
Pennukechara, ~ 25% r#F-75, # / Es. n. The upper part of the body.
Pen-niukara, ペンニウカラ 牛身上部 75; 7. n. The upper part of the body.
Peni-um-guru, ^&=* 2%'JV, III)\, BG #A. n. Mountaineers. Countrymen.
Pennok, * > *, Beja 2 Joa. n. The upper or east end of the roof of a hut.
Pennoki, ペンノキ。屋根ノ上 (東)端・n. The upper end of a house roof.
Penoye, -s / As 2, #21. v.t. To wring out as wet clothes.
Penram, ~827 A, Bij. n. The chest.
Penramuhi, ペンラムヒ。動物ノ上牛身。 n. The fore quarters of an animal.
Pensai, S.2% of, #34. n. A junk or sailing ship.
Pentachi, ペンタチ。赤楊ノ皮ノ畑至火.n. A birch-bark torch.
Pentachi-koro-oyashi, ~& 2 & 5F a DI オヤシ。畑豆火ヲ持ツ鬼 n The name given to a supposed demon. (Thus, pentachi = “ a torch ;” koro = “ having. oyashi =“a demon.”) This demon is said to follow people about at night bearing a birch-bark torch.
Pen-tukum, ペンツクム。身豊ノ上部。 n. The upper part of the body.
Penup, ~5:7, 4 or ~... n. A kind of twining plant whose pods and roots are used both as food and for medicine. In fact, the root is a most highly prized medicine among the Ainu. It is also put in pillows as a charm against disease. Cynanchum caudatum, Maxim, Syn : Ikema.
Peoshish, “Szro, #JPE. n. The bed of a river.
Peot, ペオツ、漏リタル。 Damp. Containing water.
Peot-humi, 2*77 s, #(2s + F = 2 #). n. A heavy thud. A cracked Sound.
Peot-kando, ~ # y ?y 2 F, $. n. adj. Wet. Fogs. Misty clouds. Syn : Urarakando.
Pep, ?^&7, § 9 & yv. adj. Damp. Watery.
Pepe, Boggy. *^$^S
Pepeot, ^&^Sziry, §a3. adj. Aqueous.
Pepero, ^&^& p, a. a**+. n. A Liliaceous plant. Smilacina japonica, A. Gray. Syn : Hepero, kepero.
Pepesh, ペペシ 毛ノ如ク眞直=。 Straight as hair. Also a tassel.
Pepet, ^&^&y, §£. adj. Aqueous.
Pepuni, ~ 7=, zk=*** % yL. v.i. To be lifted up by water.
Pera, ~$5, $. n. A shuttle. Spoon.
Perapashui, "RS≫S$"2.4f, E. n. A. Spoon.
Perai, 54, 39 x yl. v.t. with rod and line.
Perai-ap, ~5 f 77, £j#. n. A fish hook. adj. To fish

Perai-kara, ~$54 ?y 5, # z vt. v.i. To fish with rod and line.
Pera-mun, No.5.x, s > (#5). n. Pilea veridissima, Makino. Rich weed.
Perai-nit, “54 = y, £j?, n. A fishing rod. Syn : Tushni; apkotni.
Perai-shok, es 5 4 92 a 2, 7r : 3, v. n. Frog-fish. Lophiomus stigerus, Vahl.
Peraiutara, <5 f ; 4; 5, # > #; >tJN. n. Fishers.
Pere, ~& Lo, # x, # 27. v.t. To break. To open.
Perepa, *?lo o?, #ffyl, # pl. v.t. To cleave.
Peruba, To split. To break. To *SJLews, smash.
Pereke, ~& Le4r, # u n-, #Jyv. v.i. To be broken. To be split. Syn : Yaske. Kone.
Perepere, ~& Leo? La, H. x = # z. v.t. To break into fine pieces.
Peritomi-buri, y H. s.7 y, #sis. n. Circumcision. (Introduced by the compiler).
Peritomi-buri-ki, y F = 7 y =E, #|| i? 7 # z. To circumcise.
Pero-ni, ペロニ。オホナラ、ミツナラ。n. A kind of oak. Quercus crispula, Bl.
Pero-ni-karush, “R =z, Joe, so to 2 ?r. n. Cortinellus Berkeleyanus, Ito et Imai. A kind of mushroom used for food ; it grows on the dead Sterns of oak and related trees. It is extensively eaten by the Japanese, and even cultivated in certain districts.
Pero-ni-oma-karush, n Ezrr: Jl. シュ 火競ヲ作ルオホナラ樹=生スル # / ?#. n. A kind of fungus which grows on dead trunks of oak, Fomes fomentarius, and which is dried for tinder to be used in making fire. Also called pas-ne-karush.
Peruba, ~& VLevs, #Jyl, # 27. v.t. Same as Pereba, “to cleave.”
Pesakara, ベサカラ。韓ル (泥中又ヘ其 他ノモノ中ニ) v.i. Yaikirukiru.
Pesam, ?9-4,, zk*, J]]jE. n. Waterside. River-side. Lake-side. Sea-side.
Pe-san, “S+2, #7k. n. A. flood.
Peseush, ?&otzry > e, (?( s y yv). n. Sleet.
Pesh, $z, zR. 3- yl~II]a!, Hi. n. A. long mountain or hill with flattish sides. A cliff.
Pesh, ペシ、懸ル、下ル、庭=向ッテ、源 =向ッテ・例セバ、=ペシラン。樹ヲ下 21. adv. & v.i. To hang down. To descend. Towards the bottom. Towards the source of a stream or river. As :~ Ni pesh ran, “to descend a tree.”
Pet pesh san, “to go down a river.” Ehuru pesh, “to descend a hill.”
Pesh, ペシ。満ル。適出スル v.i. trickle out.
Pesh, ペシ、山ノフモト、川 ノ端、沼ノ端. n. The foot of a hill. The end of a lake. The lower reaches of a river.
Peshikambe, o Sejj Ark, i: - Ju. adj. Floating.
Peshpok, rozho, sk. n. A ravine, Gorge. Defile.
Pe-sosh, ぺ・そしゅ, 霙(みぞれ)。 n. Sleet 【気象】凍雨、みぞれ. Rain with snow. As :~ Pe sosh ash, “to rain sleet.”
Pesurika, ペスリカ。蝶鮫(テフザメ) n. To wallow. Syn : To Sturgeon. Syn : otarop.
Pet, ぺっと, 片、カケ。 n. A piece of anything.
Pet, ぺっと, 厚キ、湿リタル。 adj. Thick. Damp.
Pet, ぺっと, 水。 n. Water.
Pet, ぺっと, 河。例セバ、ベットカリ、河ニ沿ヒテ。 n. A river. As :~ Pet kari, “along a river. Pet kashui, “to wade a river.” Pet au or awe, “the branch of a river.” Petchiriwen, “a great bend in a river. Pet chiu, “the current in a river. Pet chiu uwenoye, “an eddy.” Pet esoro, 5 *
“the mouth of a river.” “a river's source.” Pet iworo, “all the rivers. Pet esoro, towards the mouth of a river, down a river's bank. Pet kenash, “a bend in a river covered with trees.” Pet nutap, “the land in the bend of a river without trees. Pet pana, “towards the mouth of a river. Pet pesh, “towards the mouth of a river.” Pet putu, “the mouth of a river,” “a junction of a river.” Pet ramtom, “that part of a river between its source and mouth.” Pet sam, “the sides of a river.” Pet toshka, “a river's bank. Pet turashi. “to go towards the source of a river. Syn : Petchi. Petcha.
Petanu, ぺたぬ, 川叉、河股。 n. A fork in a river.
Pet-au, ~ y,717, ##. n. The branch of a
Pet-anu, river. ペッアヌ,
Petaru, ~$4& JL, zk 7 EI a 37 yi BE. n. A place where water is drawn.
Petcha, ~ y ++, )]]}#. n. The banks of a river.
Petchake, o yo-Por, JII 2 #. n. The side of a river.
Pet-chep-ne, ぺっと・ちぇっぷ・ね, st??, v.i. Very fresh fish. Fish just caught.
Petchi, y 5, & 9 × 7. adj. Wet. Damp.
Petchi, Ny?, ?, n. A river.
Petchine, ペッチネ。深器ル。ビショビショ = 52 x >L. v.i. To be wet through.
Petchish, “Sy:Foo, 7k}. n. A waterway.
Petchish, o? ≫ F $/, H v ?HE. n. The name of a shell fish. By some an oyster; by others small mussles (Mytius sp.)
Petchish-noka, - у?E SA / ?j, ili J. n. The milky way.
Pet-inika, ~ y As E3, #x. v.t. To
Pet etok, moisten. -
Pet-kashu, es≫ 35 $22., i} x yl... v.i. To cross a river.
Petkeuash, ペツケウアシ。乾キタル河 HK. n. A dry river bed.
Petkeuash-koro-kamui, es y or y アシュコロ カムイ。乾キタル河床ノ耐. n. The god of dry river beds.
Petkotchimakani, sy-usy*?.?y=, ?i re?i s ?i. n. Goby. Uranidea reini, (Hilg.) Syn : Eshokkui.
Pet-kuttara, ペツクッタラ、ヨブスマサ ?, R × 3-. n. Cacalia hastata, L. Syn : Wakka-kuttara.
Pet-kutu, ペツクツ。ヨプスマサウ. n. Cacalia hastata L. Also called Wakka- kuttara. The Ainu name means water pipe.
Petne, ^&*y:k, § 9 & yv. adj. To be wet. Damp.
Petneka, ≪?y:kjh, ? y 2 yv. adj. Watery. To be made Also:-v.t. To make wet.
Pet-noka, ~ y Z 77, §§s. n. The milky way.
Petpaush, ペツパウシ。華ニテ製シタル jo 2 ?F#. n. A kind of mat made of reeds growing in rivers.
Petpa-ush mun, ^§ y r?7 $, A, o, os or x 3’. n. Carax cryptocarpa, E. A. Mey. A kind of sedge growing at the mouth of rivers.
Petpaush-shut, ^&%/^&r* %$?-,.*, a ?i u A vu- -s у ук у 3. a. n. A petparish mat rolled up.
Petpetke, ペツべツケ。ギザギザナル(木 2 # 2 # 2 is; 2). v.i. To be indented (as a leaf).
Pepette, ~~?y5°, ?? +z yL. v.t. moisten.
Petpo, Soyz??, Ajj?j. n. A little river.
Pet-putu, roy 7 y, JI H. n. The mouth of a river.
Pet-sam, ^Soy** A, ?NJ Z +#a. n. A river bank. The sides of a river. damp. ?o

Pet-susu, aky:z:x, * x + + £. n. A kind of willow. Salix Petsursu, Kimura. Syn : Yaiyaisusu.
Pet-tatni, ペッタツニ。シラカンベ、n Betula Tauschii, Koidz. A kind of birch.
Pet-turashi, ≪syy ≫ 5 $, JII > Mjno. v.t. To go up a river.
Petu, ペツ, 指デ切開ク(鰊[にしん]ヲ洗フ時等). v.t. Rip up with the fingers (as in cleaning herrings) ニシンの洗浄の際などに、指で剥く[むく]・引きはがす.
| Pet-uturuibe, ぺつ・うつるいべ, 河中島。 n. Any land lying between two rivers 2つの川の間にある島.
| Pet-uturu, ぺつ・うつる,
Pet-yau, ぺつ・やう, n. A river's tributary.
Peure, ぺうれ, adj. Young 若い. Syn : Upen.
Peure-humsei, ^$r; Le 7.5, tz 4f, JJ, X. 2-jj?o. n. The strength or gruff of a young man. The noise a young man makes when pulling with all his might.
Peure-lcina, es y Le H-3-, o, 27 y ae. n. Lithospermum Erythrorhizon, S. et Z.
Peurep, ~$ $ Le 7, # # #. n. A young thing. A bear cub. The young of animals. Syn : Upen. Pa pon.
Pe-ushte, ^ry $25#, # 7 x... v.t. make wet. To mix water with. ?o
| Peutange, ペウタンゲ。 救ヲ呼プ、救ヲ呼ブ聲 n. & v.i. A
| Peutange-hawe, call for help. A ~ry 4, 24*/v7 -, call in case of fire or danger. Syn : Haukotpare. Kimak-hau.
Peutange-hawe-ash, sy 4: 25uvry =752, # 7 of 7. v.i. To call for help.
Peutange-ki, -R 72e 2-4“-F, S. S PF z“. v.i. To call for help.
Pewa, ペワ, 兇兆ト認メラルヽ特種ノ殘紅。 n. A peculiar red reflection of the setting sun upon the clouds supposed to be the harbinger of trouble トラブルの前兆とみなされる雲の上に太陽が特別な赤色で反射している現象.
Pewan, ベワン、浮雲、アブナキ (壊レ # = 2 s H =.). n. & v.i. Dangerous. To be in danger. This word is used only of things likely to get spoiled or broken.
Pewan, ^&y7>, a£+, § *. adj. Soft. Weak.
Pewanka, ペワンカ。柔カニスル、弱ク x 212. v.t. To make soft. To make weak.
Pewapiwak, ペワビワク。破レ易キ、折 v % a*. adj. Crisp. Brittle (as glass).
Pi, E, fl. u. Seed. Kernel. Pip. Syn : Piye.
Pi, E, #3, #5 R. n. A thing. Object. Article.
Pi, E, skija. n. Animal fat.
Pi, ビ。抜刀スル。例セバ、タムピフムカ ンナイコサムベ、抜刀 ノ 音。 p.が To draw or unsheath as a Sword. Thus: ? Tam pi humkan maikosamba, “the sound of unsheathing swords. To pull.
Pi, to of, # 3. . v.t. To draw out. As, ap pi. “To draw a hook out of water.” (as in fishing).
Pi, E, # 2 . v.t. To undo or untwist. Pick to pieces. To pull at.
Pi, ピ,少キ、細微ナル。例セバ、ピイタ 2/, IIH, ** + * +. adj. Small. Fine. As :~ Pi itak, “a whisper.” Pi ota, “ fine sand.”
Pi, E, ##k:/-, #2, 3-.. n. Soft. Secret.
| Piba, ビバ、カハガヒ、カラスガヒ. n A
| Pipa, kind of shell fish found in Ers, rivers and lakes.
Pichiribe, Eo Jo, H. n. A maggot.
Pichish, E*$a, (& ?o?* z vv. v.i. To weep softly.
Pichitche ピチッチェ。剥ゲル、ムケル。 v.i. To be worn out. To come off. Syn : Pitche,
Pikan-no, ぴかん・の, adv. Quickly 急いで、速やかに(すみやかに).
Pikai-shipini, ぴかい・しぴに, 旅仕度ス
ル。例セバ、ピカイシピニアヤイコカラカラ, v.i. To prepare for a journey 旅仕度をする. To dress for a journey 旅用の服装になる. As :~ Pikai-shipini ayaikokarakara, “I dressed myself for a journey.”
【★バカ検証。 Pikai を定義せずに、Pikai-shipini の定義などするな。ayaikokarakara も未定義。 ayai + kokarakara らしい】
Pikan, ピカン。速ナル、活磯ナル、敏提 ナル。例セバ、ピカシウムマ,駿馬. adj. Quick. Active. Agile. Swift of foot. Fast. As :~ Pikan umma, “a fast horse. Syn : Nitan.
Pikantesh, ピカンテシュ、重ネテアル。 adv. In piles.
Pikata, E?j iz,
Pij H; M. n. A southwest wind.
Pikahi, ピカヒ。撫デル(指ヲ以テ滞レ タル外養ノ水分ヲ挑フ為). v.t. To stroke out (as water from a wet cloth by means of the thumb and fingers).
Pin, £ >, j3££. adj. Male.
Pinai, ピナイ。 #, #. n. A ditch. A
Pinnai, trench. A valley. ピンナイ。
Pindoro, E. Le F PI, #+. n. Glass. Through the Japanese word biidoro from the Portuguese vidrio.
Pine, ピネ。砂ノ如ク粗キ。例セバ、ピネ + 5, #3. adj. Coarse as sand. As :~ Pine ota, “coarse sand.”
Pinka, キヘダ 木ノ皮ノ詰物. n. ピンカッ A kind of tow made of
Pinkai, bark and used in caulkE 23H4f , ing boats.
Pinkishut, ピンキシュツ。股ノ上部 n The up
Pinkushutu, per part of things. ピンク シュツ y
Pinnai, ピンナイ。ヤチダモノアル谷(又 2-sulfo). n. A vale of ash trees.
Pinne, E >*, i£. adj Male. This word is often placed before nouns when it is necessary to give them a distinctive masculine gender, but is used principally of animals.
Pinne atuita, b: >:k77 y 7 4 4z., #### 2 Bo-Ho. ph. Tens of he-bears.
Pinne-noya, E:o:#; / -y, z F = = = +. ?!. 4rtemisia japonica, Thunb.
Pinne-shibe, E:e:#$~~, # #+ jv, # * ytr. adj. Good. Fine. Beautiful.
Pinne tam, E># & A., Est), JJ. n. A long sword.
Pinne-tamambe, E :/:k4x*r /s^s, # *J.J. n. A long sword.
Pinnerau, ピンネラウ, ニ歳ノ牡鹿。 n. A two year old buck. A buck with straight horns, i.e. horns without branches.
Pinne-top, E 2:#; F 7, # or 2 y Aror. n. Lance bamboo. Sasa paniculata, Mak. et Shib. Syn : Okne-top.
Pin-ni, E >=, + + 3rae. n. The ash tree. Fraxinus mandshturica, Rupr.
Pinot, E / y, G E + b =, # x =. adv. By stealth.
Pinoton, E / K A, G e fe.5°. adv. Stealthily. w
Pinotpo, E / yok, #3, a. stealth.
Pinot-pone, E / y2k+, +, + =, #3, = . adv. Stealthily. Quietly.
Pinu, E3K, ## > # * v. v.t. To un adv. By roll. To spread (as a mat on the floor).
Pinu, E5x, ##+. n. A whisper. Syn : Chapish-chapish.
Pinu-no, ピヌノ。騒キニテ。忍ビ音=。 adv. In a whisper. Quite privately or stealthily.
Pinu-no-heheba, Ex *-ax, #= j# 7. v.t. To peep stealthily at.
Pinu-no-ye, Ex / f *, * > . v.t. To whisper.
Pinu-pukara, E5x7 #15, jE y. v.t. To peep at.
Pinu-pinu, ピヌピヌ。甚ダ柔和ナル隔 +H. n. A very soft whisper.
Pio-pio-omke, Ezj bizj-zj-A r, Hi i E. ?st. n. A heavy cold. Syn : Shiunu omke.

Pip, b /, #3. n. A swamp.
| Pipa, Ero, # 2 or t. n. A kind of fresh
| Piba, water shell fish. Anodonta Ers, sp. In Saghalien an oyster.
Pipa-sei, ピパセイ。カヘガヒノ貝殻 n. The shell of river-pearl-mussel Margritana magaritifera (L.).
| Pipchishpo, ピップチシポ、窃カニ泣ク. v.i. To
| Pipi-chish, weep in secret. ピピチシ。
Pipi, ピピ。甚ダ小イ、チッポケナ. adj. Very small. Tiny. A very little.
Pip-i, to 7 f, ###. n. A swamp.
Pipo, Erit, EEE 2. adj. Swampy. Miry.
Pipok, Exit”, #3:#. n. A swamp.
Pira, ピラ。開ケタル、療ガリタル adj. Open. Spread out.
Pira, E5, EFE. n. A cliff.
Pirakka, E5 ≫?r. TFEk. n. Clogs.
Pira-ni, to F., 72- 2 +.. n. Beech tree. Fagus Crenata, Bl.
Pirapira, ピラピラ。散布シタル。微塵= z. yv. adj. Scattered. Torn to pieces.
Pirasa, ぴらさ, 繙ク(ひもとく) v.t. To open as a book. To spread open.
Pirasare ピラサレ。咲カシ ム、城ゲル。 v.t. To cause another to open.
Piraske, E5 z 4-, ER ≫, # v zv. v.i. To be opened out. To be, spread out. To be torn.
Piraspa, ピラスパ, 披ク(ひらく、開く)、擴ゲル(= 広げる) v.t. To spread open. To open as a book. Pl. of Pirasa.
Piraspare, E5°2?a?L≫, #?) -tr xt>. v.i. To cause another to open.
| Piri, ピリ, 渦。 n. An eddy. Syn : Pirishimoye.
| Piripiri, ピリピリ。 Firi, ピリ。傷。例セバ、ピリリコカラカ 3, ##x pl. n. A wound. As :~ Piri-kokarakara, “to bind up a wound.”
Piri-ao, E 9 7 :r, £, ≫ * n-. adj. Wounded.
| Piriba, ピリバ, 拭フ(ぬぐふ) v.t. To wipe.
| Piruba, ピルバ,
Pirikaru-kina, ぴりかる・きな, ヲカトラノヲ n. Lysimachia clethroides, Duby.
Pirika, ぴりか, 善キ、善ナル。v. adj. or v.i. Good 良. To be good 良い状態である. Sufficient 十分な. Adequate 適切な. Well 良い・うまい・上手. Safe 安全な. Sure 確かな. Admirable 賞賛に値する. It is well良い良い.
Pirikachi-ni, ぴりかち・に, ノブキ。n. Adenocanlon adhaerescens, Maxim. Syn : Oinamat.
Pirika-hi, ぴりか・ひ, 善 n. Goodness 良いこと.
Pirika-irenga,ぴりか・いれんが, 好意 n. Good will 良い意思・善意.
Pirika-manuhi-anreika, ぴりか・まぬひ・あんれいか, 喜ンデ承知スル ph. To assent to with pleasure 喜びをもって賛成する.
Pirika-mintuchi, ぴりか・みんつち, 善性ノ人魚。 n. A fairy 妖精. A well disposed mermaid 良い性格の人魚.
Pirika-mun, ぴりか・むん, ノブキ。n. Adenocanlon adhaerescans, Maxim. The Ainu name means “healing grass 癒しの草.”
Pirika-no, ぴりか・の, 善ク。 adv. Well うまく・上手に. Admirably 賞賛されるべき様に・立派に・見事に.
Pirika-no-an, ぴりか・の・あん, ヨロシク居ル。 ph. To be well off 裕福な. To live well 裕福[ぜいたく・健康的]に暮らす.
Pirikap, ぴりかぷ, 善良ノ物。 n. A good thing 良いこと.
Pirikapo, ぴりかぽ, 善キ (複數). adj. Good. (pl).
Pirikare, ぴりかれ, 改善スル。 v.t. To ameliorate 〔状況・質などを〕改善[改良]する. Syn : Epirikare.
Piri-karu-kina, ぴり・かる・きな, 傷ヲ治ス草。 n. Lysimachia clethroides, Duby. A herb used for healing wounds. Loose strife 争いを緩和する.
Pirika-wa,ぴりか・わ, 宜シイ(よろしい). ph. All right いい・問題ない・結構・了解した. It is well 良い; That will do うまくいくだろう.

Pirikep, ピリケプ。 打チ落シタル栗. n. Thrashed millet.
Pirikere, E 9 or L, 33 7# 2. v.t. To beat millet in a mortar. Knead.
Piri-kokarakara, b.: 9 -, *,5 ##, # #x v. v.t. To dress a wound.
Piri-omap, to 9:For 7, ##. n. A wounded person.
Piripiri, ピリピリ。渦 n.
Piri, ピリ。
Piri-seshke-kane, b: ) {z $e4r?y:k, ## §T. n. Iron used for seaming boats.
Pirishinoye, E 9 × Z of a., #. n. An eddy. Syn : Piri. An eddy.
Pirop, Plural of pira. Cliffs.
Pirotchi, to pa y +, #. n. Cliffs.
Piru, ピル 抹フ。平スル、均ラス v.t. To
Piruru, wipe. To level off as grain E}le/le, in a measure.
Piru, EJL, # 7, # 3r zv. v.i. To peel off.
Piruba, ぴるば, 拭フ。 v.t. To wipe anything which needs cleaning. Syn : Piriba.
Piruturu, E/L,VIL, #. adv. Between the cliffs.
Pigarapeot, ピサラベオツ、ウスベサイ sw >. n. Asarum heterotropoides, Fr. Schm. Syn : Kisarapeop.
Pisash-sei, E*}otzos, 2, 1. n. Mollusk. Chiton sp.
Pise, bitz, i PS 7 i. n. The bladder. Also, to become pregnant. Stomach.
Pise-kikiri, ピセキキリ。獣類ノ身内ノ 胞=時トシテ見ュル識. n A worm sometimes found in the bladders of animals.
Piseme-kombu, biote:K: A7, 2, a y A < 3 . tu. Fucus or Rockweed.
Pise-nonno, Etz A > /, 2* * ~ x2 or of + 7. n. Mertensia asiatica, Macb.
Pise-pise, 7 v y , 7 % ta z v y. n. ピセピセ。 A kind of red seaweed
Pisepse, growing on rocks. Gloピセプセ, iopellis furcata, Post. et Rupr. var. coliformis. (Harv.)
Pish, ピシ。 数ノ後ニ用ュル語。 例セバ, チカプッッピシ、ニ羽ノ鳥. part A classifier used after numerals. As :~ Chikap tup-pish, “two birds.”
Pish is sometimes used in the sense of full years or seasons. As, paha tupрish paketa, “for the space of two years or seasons.”
Pish, E5 a., H. n. A stone.
Pish, EE", E##. n. The sea-shore.
Pishakku, E:ear wo, ##j. n. A large water
Pishako, ladle. ピシャコ。
Pishameme, E524 x x, ##. *. The sea shore. -
Pishcha, E5,5-o', ##. The Sea Side.
Pishi, ピシ。検査スル、華問スル。例セ ベ、クピシワクイヌ、余ヘ検査セシ、v.t. To examine. To inquire. As :~ Ku pishi wa ku inu, “ I will make enquiries.
Pishipishi, b-, S2 to 5z, * * yl≫. v.t. To question.
Pishka-mun, E Eo?, A~ e, ar y } a z, #. Carax macrocephala, Wild. The Ainu name means “seaside sedge.”
Pishkan, ピシカン。 近ク。漫 =。 種令 =. adv.
Pishkane, Near. Close. About. ピシカネ。
Pishka;meke, bioS≫*p*4%r, ?; y u; t. 7-, }}?j =. adv. Close by. Near to. Around. By. Surrounding.
Pishkaneketa, b*S*}):#4#"#, ## 2 . 4?] セベ、エンピシカネケタア、我=近ク生 +z a. adv. Close by. Near to. As :En pishkaneketa a, “sit near me.”
Pishkan-moshiri, E 27, 2+2 J, st Bo?i?. adv. Here and there.

Pishkan-oroge, E$e3b ezt II y*, j? v } y. ph. In all places around.
Pishkanta, E?e? ost, sit B?n. ado. Here and there. To and fro.
Pishkanta-pishkanta, to $27, 25¢ boo カンタ。此處へ其處へ。其處此處 adu, Hither and thither. Here and there.
Pishkara, E$e?i 5, Ey / ?. n. KOCKY. Rugged places.
Pishki, ピシキ。数、敷フル。例セバ、タ ムペ ピシキ へムペクペアン。是等ノ物 #ssy y +.. n. & v.t. A number. To count. As :~ Tambe pishki hempakbe an 8 “How many of these things are there?
Pishkipa, b:$e3+z?, ? z ≫v. v.t. To COunt.
Pishki-wa-nukara, E:2:# 75.755, #7 jo. v.t. To count.
Pishne, b:$e:k, ##. n. The seashore.
Pishno, ピシノ。甚ダ。例セバ、コタンピ v /, 4&#j. adj. Every. Each. As :~ Kotan pishno, “every village.”
Pishoi, E 2a of, # / #. n. The belly of a fish.
Pishoro, E 2-a zi ra, ?; = .. adv. the sea-shore.
Pishpa, ピシパ。尋問ス、試験スル v.t. To inquire. To examine.
Pishta, ES 5¢, ##. n. The sea-shore.
Pishte, to $25, ## 1. v.t. To search for.
Pishto-yomomke, to F a B.A. or, so ル、ヘゼル(鍋中ノ油ノ如ク). v.i. To splutter about (as fat in a frying pan).
Pishun, EEeil A, l; a y ## -s, adv. The direction from the land towards the sea.
Pishunkittesh, bo‘>’+. >=*57- $2, ~v z e At vv ? #;. tu. Calystegia Soldanella, R, Br. Bind weed.
Pit, toy, /JvZa. n. A small stone. Flint.
Pita, E&, # 2, ?B? z ≫v. v.t. To untie. To undo. To explain. To loosen.
Pitara, ピタラ、河床ノ名アル處ノ乾ケ Juli?%. n. The dry stony sides of the bed of a river. A fell. Also, rarely, “a plain.” Syn : Piuka.
Pitara-am, E4*57* 2, ££ a-. adj. Stony.
Pitatke, b##*y#r, ## v vu>. v.i. To hang down. To dangle. To become unrolled or unraveled.
Pitatpa, E % *yw$, £# 2y, jij x v. v.t. To unravel. To loosen. To untie.
Pitche, E.y5> ..., $j * yv, {}{{ v yv. v.i. To come off. To be worn out. To wear out. Syn : Pichitche.
Pitche-tashum, b:/#F2E3& >=?.A., i? #j. n. Fits.
Pitke, ビツケ, 類痛スル。 v.i. To be subject to fits. Syn : Cheachiushiyeye.
Pitke-tashum, n. Fits.
Pito, ピト。人若クヘ耐ヲ数フル時敷ノ 後ニ附ク話。例セバ、アイヌビト、カ ., ^ E }-, ^ = jf ae. adj. A kind of classifier for men and gods. As :Ainu bito, kamui bito, “gods and men.”
Pito, E. F., AE 3. n. Living creatures.
Pitoromun, E E DIA >, EfE. n. Herbage. Young green grass.
Pitpo, E#*yz#, /]>7?, ##. n. SmaII stones. Flints.
Pitpoturuse, E'yzi:9 JLtz, H / ilu 2 H ッル。例セバ、ビッポッルセシコペャラ, A-≫TH / I 2 GHS- 3 U . v.i. Tofallas a stone. As?
Pitpoturuse shikopayara, “it fell down like a stone.
Pittarane, ピッタラネ、誇ツテ膨レル。 v.i. To swell with pride.
Pittok, Ey F *, * Z y ju, #32 jo. adj. Hollow.
Pittok-kina, E ≫ F O +3-, os 3- v Fo. n. The cow-parsnip. Heracleum lanatum, Michx. .g H ???? ?? ?? ??? ??? ?? ?b

Pitunde, ピッウンデ。気持好クナル p.t. To refresh.
Pituru, ピツル。新鮮ナル。例セバ、ビ 9 )t 3 = 7', :#. adj. Fresh. As:
Pituru chep, “fresh fish.”
Pituru, ピツル。新シクスル、元気ズケル。 v.t. To freshen.
Piu, Ery, E: ≫ F = z ##. n. A whist ling sound (as of an arrow flying through the air).
Piuchi, Eryo, J&#T4:... n. A steel for striking fire.
Piuchi-op, ぷいち・おっぷ, ##. n. A flint and steel box or bag.
Piuchi-shuma, Ery F$.ea.zr, #n. n. A flint.
Piuka, Er; h, ?? ##EIBE. n. A stony river-bed.
Piuka-chishka, 4 ≫ x +.. n. A ピウカチシカ, sandpiper. Lam
Piuka-chishkara, petra mitsukurii, ピウカチシカラ。 Hatta.
Piukep, Er}4-7, ?>{#. n. Course sand. Grit. Gravel.
Piuki, ビウキ。攻撃スル、封フ。例セバ, セタェンピウキ、犬我ニ対へリ. v.t. To attack. To set upon. To aggress. As :~ Seta en piuki, “ the dog set upon me.” Syn : Chorauge. Otekna.
Piuk-re, Ery & Lo, g&#+ te vv. v.t. To set at. To cause to attack.
Piukitoiru, ピウキトイル。攻撃スル。 v.i. To attack.
Piukosamba, E 7 = }}"//$, A = y Gk 2 (HR / ill 27). v.i. To blow through the nostrils as an animal. Syn : Shiukosamba.
Piu-kosanu Er} a +j*5.R, wi. Sounding like pitt.
Piwe, Er} =, # x. v.t. To push. Syn : Oputuye.
Piwiuse, to 4 of tz, Toyo. v.i. To wheeze (as in breathing with a cold).
Piwiwitki, ピウィウィツキ。羽音ヲ立テ Ju (; # 7. Ha =). v.t. To make a ピウト響ク。 whirling noise with the wings as a wood cock when shooting through the air.
Pi?yak, ピヤク。裂ク、破ル v.i. split. To burst. Syn : Yak.
Piyapa, E+pos, #, 7 >>. n. Zizania latifolia, Turcz. Water oats.
Piye ピイェ。種子。例セバ、ヒイェオプ, #f7&#. n. Seeds of any kind. As :~ Pye op " a seed vessel.”
Piye, ピイェ。
Piyehe, ?o ###5. n. The fat of living creatures such as birds bi f =~, and beasts.
Piye-ambe, E -7 ,^&, £= * A£ *£%, HEEj ^ 2% + A£#%. n. A fat creature.
Piye-kara, ピイェカラ。投ゲル。例セバ, シュマアリピイェカラ、投石スル v.t. To throw at. As :~ Shuma ari piye kara, “to throw stones at. Syn : Kopiye kara.
Piye-o, E4 -zir, HE= £ yv. adj.
Piyesak, bif4f ?...+47, }{} +z & yv. Lean.
Piye-toi, E.M. a. H. f., H-H... n. White clay.
Piye-ush, E4 = } $e, B = 3; zv. Fat.
Po, ポ, 此語ハ時ニ名詞ノ後ニ用ヰテ細 少ヲ示ス接尾語トナル。例セバ、チェプポ、小魚。 part. This word is sometimes suffixed to nouns as a diminutive particle. As :~ Chep po. “ a little fish.” It is also used as an adjective, “Small ” “little.”
Po, ポ, 此語ハ時ニ柔ゲル力ヲ有ス。例セバ、プイネポオマンエアイカプ、獨ニテハ行ケヌ。 part. Sometimes this particle has a kind of softening power. Thus:~ Puine po oman eaikap, “ we cannot go alone" (meaning that the speaker would prefer others to go as well). Orowa no po, “And then.” “After that.”
Po, ポ, 時トシテ此語ハ(特ニ、ネブカナ Fat. " adj. adj.
ル語ニ前立タル時)べ、即物ナル語ニ似寄タル事アリ。例セバ、ネプカアエランナクポ, 必要ナキ種々ノ物。 part. Sometimes the word po, especially when preceded by the word nep ka, is equivalent to pe, “ a thing,” or “ article” Thus:~ Nep ka aeranak po, “any kind of thing that is not required.”
| Po, ぽ, 子供。 n. A child. The young of anything. A son or witzk, daughter.
| Poho, ぽほ,
Po-apa, #7 ro, +;. n. The womb. Syn : Po-punkuru, Makun-apa, Sange apa.
Poat, z?t J” y, ##. n. The navel cord. Syn : Chaat.
Pochi, z?5F, M; se ?st z.
Poho, ポホ。小児。何ニテモ若キモノ。子息。
Po, n. A child. The young ?, of anything. A son.
Poeinonno-itak, zori of A * / of or 27, /j.£ y ££ v v£% ≫ ER. n. A religious ceremony performed on or about the sixth day after a child has been born in which the welfare of the child is prayed for.
Poekanu, ポエカヌ, 胎児ノ生命ヲ受ク yl-2:. n. The quickening of a child.
Poeyairatki, zista: 474 55 y +, :#? x y?. v.i. To conceive a child.
Poi, z?4f, # * HH x. v.i. To pick out. To dig a hole.
Poi, #4, 2!≫+ +. adj. Syn : Pon.
Poiba, ポイバ、塚ム、ツイベム、錦リ穴 ヲ大ュスル、引キ抜ク、播キ出ス。v.t. To pick out as birds pick seeds out of the ground. To enlarge a hole by boring. To shell. To extract. To scratch out. Syn : Puyapuya.
Poina, #4 +, ×H. n. Stones of a larger size.
Poi-poi, yj$£ *4f, #*/jv a-. adj. Very vt. To crush. Small. Little. little.
Poipoi, oft's #4, #, x >v. v.t. To roll about in the hands.
Poisashi(s) z R4s +j*$/, n. k?E: 7-?. Alaria sachalinensis, Yendo. A small kind of kelp.
Poishiknupo, xi$4f $^4% 5x*, E yv, * Foo to x. v.t. To defeat. To nearly kill by cursing.
Poi-shitat-ni, zh of $24 y=, 3, 2s 2 + 2 ?-j?. n. A kind of birch.
Poiyaumbe ポイヤウムべ。北海道ノ山 地ニ住メリト云フ獲猛ナル人種。恐クヘ y 4 x 2 is A3-2 oz. n. A fierce race of people said to have inhabited the mountainous parts of Yezo, possibly Ainu warriors. Syn : Ponyaumbe.
Pok, z?{2}, _E = . adv. Under. Beneath. Underneath. Syn : Poke. Chok.
Poka, ポカ, ドウニカ。例セバ、ネウム ポカクキルスイ。余ヘ其ヲ如何様ニカ為 * > b £kx. adv. By some means or other. Some how or other. Even. As :~ Neum poka ku ki rusui, “ I desire to do it somehow or other.”
Pokap, ぽかっぷ, 脱落膜。 n. The thin external membrane within the womb thrown off after childbirth. Decidua. Uterus.
Pokai-iki, ポカイイキ。斯程、例セバ、ア ニポカイイキイェアシュカイ。彼ノ語ル *# 2 + ? 2. adv. To such a degree. Even doing, As :~ Ani pokai iki ye eashkai, “he is thus clever at speaking.”
Pokash, ポカシ、議グ、フサグ。例セバ, + , -s # zi se, # # >. v.i. To be lowspirited. As :~ Sambe pokash, “downhearted.”
Pokashmu, ポカシヌ。ヨリ少ク。例セバ, カスノショモネ、ホカシヌカシヨモネ。 多クモナク。少クモナタ adj. Less. As :~ Kasu no shomo me, pokashnte kashomo me, “neither more nor less.”
Pokashte, ぽかしゅて, 困ラセル、 鬱悶(うつもん)サ
セル。例セバ、ヤイサムペポカシテ。人ヲ困ラス。 v.t. To cause to be downhearted. To give trouble to. As :~ Yaisambe-pokashte, “to make one downhearted or unhappy.”
Pokaushbe, ぽかうしゅべ, 憂鬱だ(ゆううつ)。 ph. To feel low spirited. Among our own people a fortunate person is sometimes said to have been born under a lucky star. This figure of speech implies the ancient belief that the stars exercise a good or baneful influence on the circumstances and lives of persons who were born when certain stars were in conjunction or in ascendant. Hence it happens that one is not surprised to hear one thanking his star that he was not present at some calamitous time or other. There is an expression current among the Ainu which runs, Po-ka-ush-be. It is used of dull, dreary weather. The phrase means “creature which overwhelms the baby.” The people have it that should a child be born on a dull and dreary day it will grow up to be a disagreeable and morose person. The baby is not to be blamed for this but the weather. And so when a child is born great interest is taken in the weather. And when a person feels “under the weather ” as we say, he exclaims pokaushbe!
Pokba, ポクバ。慣ム、迫害スル。嫌フ。 v.t. To hate. To persecute. To dislike. Syn : Epokba.
Poke, #4-, TF =. adv. Under. Underneath. Beneath. Syn : Pok.
Pokegeta, ポケゲ 夕, 下二。
Poketa, ポケタ。
Pokep, zf{4-7, BE 3, jis. n. Hymen. The virginal membrane at the orifice adv. Underneath. of the vagina.
Poki, Ж:E, JA, RAF?. п. The bottom of anything. The vagina.
Pokinipeka, it # = ~ 30, H- fit. n. Children. Boys, girls and women.
Pokin-nitai, x?# >= £?~f, /iv#. n. Small trees.
Pokinoropeka, z?HF / Da < h, + fit. Children. Boys, girls and women. Syn : Pokinipeka.
Pokipui, ft4.74s, K?s". n. Vagina.
Poki-shiri, ポキシリ。底。腎。例セバ, チク ニポキシリ、木ノ底. % The bottom. The hips. Side. The floor. The ground. As :~ Chikuni pokishiri, “ the bottom of a tree.” Aliai pokishiri kata ashikoyupu, penram kata aechopnure, “she held the child upon her side and kissed its bosom.”
Pokishiri ポキシリ。身豊ノ下部、特ニ #!. n. The lower part of the body especially the legs.
Pokna, z??4y:*, TR. adv. Under. Beneath.
Pokna-moshiri, #2 3.-E. SA ) , FEJ?f. n. Hades.
Po-koro, # = n, of 7 #2. . v.i. To bear a child. Syn : Aiai shikore.
Pokotchaketa-mat-ahup-kara, #: ッチャケタマツアフプカラ、嫁ヲ取ル。 v.t. To take a wife for one's son.
Pok-un-i, z? ? r} : e-f, z + F, T.E. n. The bottom of a place. The bottom. Underneath.
Pon, ポン。小キ。例セバ、ポンカシュ + , £$ y /jv a-. adj. Small. Little. As :~ Pon kashui, “too small.”
Pon-amushbe, z? >7”.A. $2~, dx #. n. A small crab.
Pon-apka, ポンアプカ。 三歳ノ牡鹿。n. A three year old buck.
Pon-ashikepet, zfi - F> -- Roy, oxA. n. The little finger.
Pombake, ポンバケ。前布、マへカケ、n, An apron.
Ponbaki, z? >, $ + , = E. n. Prawns.

Ponbe, R < *, who wo. n. A little thing. A young seal.
Pombe-okko, ; RA or of E., $3.j Z BE = 7*$# v ≫v Ej%. n. A seal-skin Coat.
Ponbepo, zE Tees;#, ##/]*?- ≫v {M. n. A very little thing.
Ponchika-mau, rit 23 35 - 7, 3, 2, 3, ≫s 7. n. Rosa acicularis, Lindl.
Ponchika-noya, #23F:h / *, *s ~ 7 x, xi'. n. (S). Astriplex paluta L. A kind of mugwort.
Pon-chimaka-ni, カジカノ線稀 n. ポンチマカニ。 General name Pet-kot-chimaka-ni, for Sculpins. ペッコッチマカニ。 Syn : Chimaka-ni.
Ponde, ポンデ。減ズル、縮小スル v.t. To lessen. To abridge. Syn : Tak重道総意で●。
Ponde-i, #27°4, #42. n. A bridgement. Syn : Takmere-i.
Pone, y:K, ... n. Bones.
Pone, zk:k, /]≫-* {, Z}> A. adj. Smal1.
Ponechi, ポネチ。ベニベナノへウタンボ %. n. Lonicera sachalinensis, Nakai.
Pone-ik, z?# 4f O, BBE?. n. A joint.
Pone-ik-pui, R+ f } 74f, ####. n. The spine. The backbone.
Ponekakanu, z?##, #33, FE## # # = ## Ju ? #. n. The outer clothing buried with the dead. Syn : Shirikamup.
Ponekap, ***} 7, § 7 >? x § z.. adj. Inlaid with bone. As, ponekap fashiro, “a knife inlaid with bone;” (the handle part only, of course).
Po-ne-kara, z#:#k?j5, ?-#* = x vv.. t).t. To adopt a child.
Pone-kara-i, ***j5 4f, ae=+ = x. yu~?jc. n. Adoption.
Pone-kem,ポネケム。端舟ヲ修緒スル= H = 1 + 2 #. n. A bone needle used in mending boats.
Pone-o, :j::kzir, £j-7 /v. adj. Bony.
Pone-op, ポネオっプ。骨アル物. n A bony thing.
Po-nere, ポネレ。養子ニスル。 adopt.
Pone-tum-araka, kakvAT 5 ?i, f; joijj?, y o or + x. n. Rheumatism. Aching bones.
Pongi, ポンギ。ヤマアヘ。 grostis Epigejos, Roth.
Pon-guru, :R>:/JL., FP-fit. 4j+ 's, : ングルコラチ、子供ノ如ク. a. Achild. As :~ Pon guru korachi, “ childlike.” Syn : Heikachi ramkoro.
Pon-humbe, #27A &, ###. n. The porpoise.
Pon-itak, it 24 & 27, §. n. Witchcraft.
Pon-itak-ki, ポンイタッキ。魔スル (口 又ヘ語ニテ)。呪フ。調伏ノ為ニ耐ル v.t. To bewitch (by word of mouth). To curse. To worship demons in order to bring evil upon another.
Pon-itak-ki-guru, z? 24 & ≫ +?YJL,F# E##. n. A witch. One who bewitches by word of mouth.
Poni-une-mat, #: 7:#~ y, ###. n. One's youngest daughter.
Poni-une-po, ?二 ウ ? ?, 末子。 42 Youngest son or children. v. f. To n. Calama
Ponkapiu-sei, z? e? Er} z -f, ? y 2, J. n. Tellina roseas, Speng.
Pon-kishimkishim, ポンキシムキシム。 カジカ ノ類. %.
Pon-kishunkishun, A kind of # >=+>= a + 2a= 2, sculpin.
Pon-kopecha, z? > a ~$5F v, ?, † y 2. y . n. Little grebe.
Podiceps minor, (Gm.).
Pon-machi, zo arzo ofo, 33. n. A concubine.
Pon-mokrap, #2:E 757, ###, n. Anal fins.
Ponna, zt: A:}", #f7#. / #?. n. A protuberance or hump on trees.
Ponna-sak-ni, #23-#75 -, + = a y / *. n. Ulmus laciniata. Mayr.
Pon-ne, ぽん・ね, 最モ。 a. Very. As :~ Pinot ponne, very quietly.
| Pon-no, ぽん・の,
| Pon-nu, ぽん・ぬ, 少ナキ、僅ノ、例セバ、ポン ノベテク、ホンノ僅ノ adj. A little. A few. As :~ Pon no patek, “ only a little.” “just a little.” Pon no po, “a very little or few.” Pon no pon no, “a very little or few.”
Ponpa, ポンパ, 小サキ、少ナキ (複数). adj. Small (pl.).
Po-no, ぽ・の, 少シ許リ(ばかり)。 adj. A little. Same as Pon no.
Pon-no-ka, ぽん・の・か, 極少キ。 adj. A very little.
Pon-no-pon-no, ぽん・の・ぽん・の, 少量。 adj. In small quantities.
Pon-parumbe, ぽん・ぱるむべ, 會厭 (ノドヒコ、喉彦 のどひこ・のどちんこ ). n. The uvula 《解剖》口蓋垂.
Ponpecha, ポンペチヤ ぽんぺちゃ, カイツムリ、モグリ。 n. Little grebe 【鳥】カイツブリ. Podiceps minor, (Gm). Syn : Poko-pecha.
Pon-pekanbe, zit eos h ees, e x t: s". n. Trapa bispinosa, Roxb. var. incisa, Wall. Water caltrops.
Ponraita, ポンライタ。オホベダイコン ‘9. W. n. A kind of weed. Geum strictum. Ait. Syn : Kinaraita.
Pon-ram, * 25 A, § a*, J≫ a*. adj. Young. Small. As :~ Pon-ram ita, “while young.”
Pon-ram orowa, “from early childhood.”
Pon-rei ポン・レイ, 渾名(アダナ)。 n. A nickname.
Pon-sereke, ぽん・せれけ, 半バヨリ少ク。 adj. Less than half.
Ponshingep, zit ze Ee leeft 7, x F - s +e. n. Lespedeza cuneata, G. Don.
Pon-shion, ぽん・しおん, 幼稚児。 n. An infant.
Poinu, ぽいぬ, 小児ヲ生ム。 v.t. To bear a child.
Ponyaunbe, ポンヤウンべ, 北海道ノ 深山ニ住メリト云フ??猛ナル人種、多分アイヌノ軍人ナラン。 n. A fierce kind of people said to have inhabited the most mountainous parts of Ezo. Possibly ancient warriors 恐らく古代の兵士達. This word is often used of the singular number この語はしばしば単数扱いされる. Syn : Poiyaumbe.
Pon-yuk, zit Lea. Zy, # 2 + . n. A fawn.
Poon, x}{2} 2, fafi =. adv. A very little.
Poon-makke, zkz}- >= ≫4", ZY, 3 2° 55 %5. adv. Ajar.
Pop, ポプ。 水胞、ミズプク レ・ 例セバ, # ≫ ? sv, zkij z pl. n. A swelling. A blister. As :~ Pop ush, “to have blisters.
Pop, ポプ。沸騰スル。タギル v.i. boil. To bubble up.
Popai, #2 & 4, #. n. A tube. A pipe.
Popai, ?itavos, 7k}#. n. A blister.
Popai-ush, zRz $4 y 22 =a., 7kyk = = y ?o # to 3 Juz. adj. Blistered.
Popekot, it-s=1v, # 9 = FEx. v.i. To die of heat.
Popera, ポペラ, 胃嚢、ミヅオチ、n. The pit of the stomach. The epigastrium.
Popiuka, ポピウカ, 沸騰スル。 v.i. bubble up. To rise in bubbles.
Popke, ぽぷけ, 熱キ。 adj. Hot.
Popke-kina, ポプケ・キナ, オホカサスゲ。 n. A kind of sedge. Carex laevirostris. Blytt.
Popke-no, ぽぷけ・の, 熱ク。 adv. Hotly.
Popke-no-okaiyan, ぽぷけ・の・おかいやん, 左様ナラ(暖カニシテイラツシヤイ). ph. Goodbye. (lit: keep yourselves warm).
Popo, ぽぽ, 兄。 n. An elder brother.
Popo-ikrap, ぽぽ・いっくらっぷ, 宴会ニ備ヘタル食物。 n. Food prepared for festivals.
Popoikrapuhu, ぽぽいっくらぷふ, 祭ニ備ヘタル食物。 n. Food prepared for festivals.
Popokichiri Rift:#5 J, To オホ ヨシキ
9. n. Chinese great reed-warbler. Acrocephalus orientalis, (T. & S.)
Popokochiu, ポポコチュウ。ペニヒヘ。 n. Mealy red-pole. Fringilla linaria, Linn.
Poporaige, ポポライゲ。 獲汗スル v.i. To perspire much. Рорре, Ж≫", }+. Sweat.
Poppe-ashin, si y es7o So 2, ??F z n. v.i. To perspire.
Poppe-nu, xf{≫~s5x, $}F. x. yu.... v.i. To perspire.
Poppenuok ポップペヌオク。大ニ獲汗 x ov. v.i. To perspire profusely.
Poppe-mure, ポッべヌレ。獲汗セシムル。 v.t. To make perspire.
Poppiri, zh:7 E 9, §§. v.i. To boil.
Poppise, sity 7tte, 7kft. n. A bladder.
Popporose, si: ≫REItz, ## / #ff#t. n. Spots brought about by disease.
Popse, *7tz, aYr ≫. v.i. To boil up.
Pop-shu, *7>-.*, ayr. ≫. n. A n. Perspiration. boiling pot.
Popte, ?s75F, ? ?i x... v.t. To makn boil.
Po-pukuru, si:72 JL., FE. n. The womb. Syn : Po apa. Makun apa. Sange apa.
Pop-ush, z?7 r.) Se, zk #g = # 2. v.i. To be afflicted with blisters.
Porapora, 35; REZ, # y 3E x. v.i. To shake about. To wobble. Syn : Hoporapora. Shiporapora.
Poro, ポロ。大ナル。 例セバ、ポロカシ =. + , £ y %<* ≫v. adj. Large. Big. Great. Much. As :~ Poro kashui, “too large.”
Poro-an. *ta 7 >, & 27 2. adj. Many. Syn.
Poro-ashikepet, z?: P. Jo $25-~sy, ##. n. The thumb. Syn : Ruiashikepet.
Porokituye-i, z?n + y4 = -f, #, n. A fort. Syn : Uorogituyei.
Porokut’tapne, zkra 2 ≫ 4; 7:k, k3-ptW, X >># W. n. A big or old person. Syn : Netobake poro guru. Pa poro guru.
Poro-kutu, z?t ra ? xy, Angelica ursina, Maxim.
Poron-no, si? n > A, & 2, 2 . Many.
Poron-no-an, zkra e A 7" >, & x > , : 2- PL. adj. Plentedus. Abundant.
Poro-no, zitri /, as 2, 2 . adv. Many. Syn : Poron no.
Porop, #r. 7, 7-9-noj. n. Great sea-calves.
Poropa, zkra v?, zk?-yi-. adj. Great. Large.
Porore, 7 RTI L-, FSK: * V-. v.t. To augment. To make larger.
Poro-sereke, * ta tz L~4%r, 73%. adv. For the most part. More than half.
Poru, #/L, isso. n. A cave. A pit. エゾニウ。22. adv.
Poruru ポルル。甚ダ多クノ、無数ノ adj. Very many. Numerous. Im1 mense.
Po-sak, zk£}**, -F-+-+. 2j. st. adj. Childless. Barren.
Poshita, ポジタ。 assi. n. A little boy.
Poshumta, A puppy. ポシュムタ。
Poso, H /, # 9 7 fi 2 . v.t. To go through.
Poso-ingara, ofty of 27/5, H, K R x. v.i. To look through.
Posokayatki, z?:/25 + y +, ? s 3 v. adj. Clear. Syn : Pekashnu.
Potara, for S, AAx N-. v.t. To treat for sickness. To treat a disease. Syn : Epotara.
Potara-guru, R4x 5% JL, E:. n. A doctor. One who treats the sick in any way with a view to recover.
Potchi and potpotchi, #y:F, Tas. n. Diarrhoea. f
Potra, sity#, ##!, n. Scum.

Potoki, z? K +, ##. n. An idol. (Jap).
Potoki-noka, ポトキノカッ
Potrat, クロウノマタ、22. A kind ポツラッ。 of rock weed. Fucus
Potra-at, evanescens, Ag. The 3 y 57” y, name means “ containing scum.” It is so called because when cooked much scum rises to the top of the pot which must be skimmed off.
Poukokuchiuchiu, z?r} a } 3F73FF}, a a $2 + y . n. Schrenck's reed-warbler. Acrocephalus bistrigiceps, Suy.
Poyepoye, zo-f .zie4 -, 5 + j y . v.t. To extract. To pick out. Syn : Poiba.
Pu, プ。堆積、或ル名詞ニ複数ヲ示ス為 = H = . n. A heap. Also a plural suffix to some nouns.
Pu, プ,
Puhu, プフ。
Pui, プイ。
Pu, 7, ## V KIF#. Excl. An exclamation of disgust or abhorence. Sometimes heard as puk.
Puchi, 7°5*, # > # 2 ## Z #. An Onomatopoea for the sound of burning, frizzling fish when roasting.
Pui, 74 , ; y *. adv. Alone.
Pui, プイ。矢。例セバ、プイオ。穴ヲ掘ル。 n. A hole. As :~ Pui-o, “to make a hole.” Ptti oma, “to have holes.”
Pui omare, “to bore or make a hole.”
Pui, プイ。ェゾリウキンクワ. n The marsh marigold. Caltha palustris, L. var. gigas, Takeda. Syn : Atturi.
Pui, 7-s, ?. n. The bud of a flower. Syn : Epui. -
Pui-kina, 7 f + ?-, v z 5 a. n. Ligularia cathaefolia, Maxim. #. n. A storehouse, or godown.
Puimampa, 7 f -> A, v?, ?j-s PL. v.t. To examine. To look carefully at.
Pui-ne, プイネ。彼等自身、獄リニテ。例セバ、プィネボオマンェアィカプ、彼等 >>}# = #ff r x . adv. By themselves. Alone. As :~ Pui ne po oman eaikap, “they cannot go alone.”
Puipui, 74s 74s, #. n. An eel. Syn : Ukuribe.
Puipui, プイプイ。ェンコウ サウ. n. Caltha palustris, L. var. sibirica Regel. The decumbent marsh marigold.
Puipui is the frequentive form of pui, “a flower bud.”
Puira, 74 3, ##. n. Rapids.
Puiraush-surugu, 74 5 to 22 JL-2', 7 so. 2 # 9 × 9Li?. n. Some kind of poison having aconite in it.
Puise, 74 to, zk. 2 #7L = R. v.t. To spray. To blow as out of the mouth. To emit.
Puise-mau, 74 to y, of r n # 2, 21-##. n. A spray said to have magical power.
Puise-mawe, プイセマウエ。魔力アルト #2, Ju Ju?in. n. A spray said to have magical power.
Puk プク。盛上ッテ、突キ出タ. adj. Cast up. Sticking up.
Pukka, 7≫*j, ae y _E27’/L. v.t. To cast up. To make a ridge. As Imo otoipukka, “to earth up potatoes.
Puke, 7Ar, # 4 Ar. n. A pit.
Pukkosanu, 7 ≫ ? a #5x, F v n-. v.i. To burst. To give out the sound of bursting.
Pukun, 7 ? Co, TF, a y fR s. adj. Inferior. Less.
Pukuro, 72) ti, g3. n. A bag. Gloves.
Pukuru, プクル。
Pukuru, 72 JLo, Ho, 3%. n. Gloves. A bag. A pocket. Same as Fukuru.
Pukusa, プクサ、ギヤウジャニンニク.
n. A kind of wild garlic. Allium Victorialis, L. Also called huraruimun. Decoctions are made of it and drunk against colds.
Pukusa is often used for poultices as a remedy for wounds and boils. Syn : Huraruikina.
Pukusa-kina, 727 to:/-, - 9 × 9 o', z 2 - 7 . n. Anemone flaccida. Fr. Schm. This plant is much used by Ainu as an article of diet. Syn : Ohau-kina.
Pumba, ぷむば, 揚ゲル(複数)。 v.t. To lift up. To raise. (pl).
| Pumma, プムマ, 給料、報酬。 n. Wages. A reward.
| Pummaha, プムマハ,
Pummakore, 7 E, or=a Le, e3 o 5 z. v.t. To give as wages. To pay wages.
Pumma-koro, 7 Arr=a pa, #?## 7 styl. v.t. To take as wages. To accept as reward.
Pumma-taka, プムマタカ。 給料又ヘ物 物交換=受取ツタ米ノ入ツタ袋 n A bag of rice paid as wages or in barter.
Pun, 7 A, E. L. v.i. To rise up.
Pungara, 727s5, #. n. A vine of any kind.
Pungau, プンガウ。紫沈香花(ヘシ ドイ). n. The Japanese lilac. Syringa japonica, Decne.
Pungau-karush, 7°27'fr'; }, ), $2, os sz F f zkl?. n. Polyporus sp.
Pungi, プンギ。番兵スル、守ル v.t. To guard. Watch. Also a “watchman.”
Pungine, 7 >=**, E yl≫, as z. yu≫. v.t. To guard. To watch.
Pungine-guru, 7 >:k2 Jl., : K, : #. n. A watchman. A guard, Chief,
Puni, プニ, 揚ゲル、待ツ(單数) To lift up. To wait upon. (sing.).
Pupushchi-ni, 77'>5--, y Ju y ++ +. n. Hydrangea scandens, Maxim,
| Puri, ぷり,
| Buri, ぶり, 習慣、風俗。例セバ、プリピリカ、善キ風俗。 n. A habit. A custom. Manners. Disposition. As :~ Puri-pirika, “of good manners.” Puri rainatara, “ of gentle habits.”
Puri-kanda, ぷり・かんだ, 荒キ。 adj. Wild. Rough. Syn : Puri-yupke. Puri-o. Nukoshne.
Puri-koro, ぷり・ころ, 耽ル(ふける)。 v.i. To be addicted to. As :~ Ikkato steal buri koro, “to be addicted to theft 泥棒にハマっている(泥棒中毒です).”
Puri-o, ぷり・お, 荒キ。 adj. Wild. Rough. Syn : Puri-yupke.
Puri-kanda. Nukoshme.
Puri-sama-ayanasapbe, 7 ) +j*r*7*** ナサプべ、暴飲者。ノンダクレ. n A riotous person. A person given to excessive wickedness.
Puri-wen, プリウェン、荒キ、悪シキ, adj. Wild. Bad.
Puri-yupke, 7 J a.74r, jE+. adj. Wild. Rough. Syn : Puri-kanda.
Purio. Nukoshme.
Puru, プル。湧キ出ル、逃リ出ル v.i. To gush into. Well out.
Purupuruge, 7 JL7 JL4°, ## x ≫-, e? +H > yu. v.i. To bubble up. To gush forth.
Purupuruse, 7 JL 7 Metz, ? a HH Jv. v.i. To gush forth. (with a sound) as water.
Puruse, 7 jL. tz, ji zk z. yuz. v.t. To blow out (as water).
Pusa, プサ。線(フサ)、刀ノ下緒ノ飾.n. The lower ornamental part of a sword-sash. A tassel.
Pusa-kuru, ぷさ・くる, 房 n. Tassel.
Pusari, ぷさり, 旅嚢。 n. A travelling bag 旅行かばん・袋.
Puse, ぷせ, 口ヨリ噴キ出ス。 v.t. To blow out of the mouth.
Push, プシ, 箙(エ ビ ラ)、 豆ノ莢(さや)、 麥(= 麦)ノ種。 葡萄ノ朶(えだ・しだれる). n. A quiver 矢筒. The pods of peas or beans エンドウ豆や豆のさや. An ear of wheat 麦の穂.
A bunch of grapes.
Push, プシ。接ル(燃木ノ如ク)、噴水スル。 v.t. To jump as burning wood. To burst as a volcano. To go off as a gun. To snap as a spring. To click. To burst. Syn : Patke.
Pugh, プシュ。突出スル、ヘミ出ル v.i. To protrude.
Pushi, 7'>, ### 2 #. n. An ear of wheat,
Push, rice or millet. プシ。
Pushko8amka, 75°:u**.A*), j} x yi≫ (zk ≫ EE?H vie). v.i. To send forth a gushing Sound.
Push-ni, 7 Se=, is is 2 +. nolia obovata. Thunb.
Pushpushke, 7 Se7 224r, # *. 2 + + 2* + + ? + yv. adj. Soft. Crumpled. Syn : Pususke.
Pushpusu, 7 >75≪, ??o > # * x. v.t. To make known things one has kept in his heart and mind.
Pushte, プシテ、軽キ。容易ナル。 Light. Easy.
Pughtotta, プシトツタ,差演並ニ毒ヲ入ル ova?. n. A small bag made of skin in which hunters carry their arrow heads and poison.
Pussam, 7 y.o.B., §§. n. A windowsill.
Pugu, プス。抽キ出ス。 out. To take out.
Pususke, プススケ。柔キ、クチヤクチャ = 9- ≫v. adj. Soft. Crumpled. Syn : Pushpushke.
Putu, プツ。蓋、河口、小河ノ大河へ流入 ju. H. n. A lid. The mouth of a river. The entrance of a small river n. Mag adj. v.t. To draw into a large one. An opening.
Putuntu, 7 *** ? * y, a ≫ #£. n. The posts upon which Ainu store houses are built.
Pututke, アツッケ。膨レ出ル。ひ.i. swell out. Syn : Shipushke.
Puya, 747, #. n. A window. Syn : Puyara.
Puya-puya, 7+?7+?, # ≫L, ER 2, . v.t. To bore a hole. To peck out as a bird seed from the ground. Syn : Poiba. Soiba.
Puyara, 窓。例セバ、プヤラオッタ、窓 To 7*57, 2 jij. n. A window. As:
Purai, --
Puyara otta, “by the 754, window.”
Puyara range, ≫ “to open a window.”
Puyara shi, “to shut a window.”
Puyara otbe ashte or puyara otbe shi, “to shut a window.”
Puyara otbe sarare, “to open a window.” -
Puyara-attep, 74°57'977, ##. n. A window blind.
Puyara-otbe, 74°52'r yo&, &#E. n. A window shutter.
Puyara-otki, 7+5:Fy:F, ## 2 # #. n. A window blind made of rushes or straw.
Puyara-shikrap, プャラシクラプ。 ###. n. A windowsill.
Puyara-uimak, プやラウイマク。
Puyuise, プユイセ, 立登ル(淡キ煙ノ)。 v.i. To ascend as thin smoke. Usei paha anak ne shupuya korachi puyuise ruwe ne, “the steam from the hot water ascends like smoke.” Syn : Rikin.


Ra, ラ, 下。例へバ、ラオロワノ、下カラ。 adv. Below. Under. As :~ Ra orowa no, “from beneath.” Rata, “beneath.” Rata wa, “from beneath it.”
Ra, ら, 通路、溝。 n. A passage. A drain.
Ra, ら, 草ノ葉。 n. A blade of grass.
Ra, ラ, 魚ノ腹中ニ在ル白キ脂肪(鮭ヲ除ク)、魚ノ肝臓。 n. A kind of white fat found in the inside of any fish other than salmon. A fish's liver. The corresponding term for that of the larger animal as bears, horses, deer etc. is huibe.
Rachichi, ラチチ, 垂レル、吊ラレル(単数)。 v.i. To hang down. To be suspended. (sing).
Rachitke, ラチっとケ, 垂レル、 吊ラレル(複数)。 v.i. To be suspended. (pl.)
| Rachisse, ラチッセ, 懸ケラ レタ v.i. To be suspended.
| Rachitse, ラチっとセ,
Rachitkere, らちっとけれ, 吊ル(つる)。 v.t. To suspend. Sing. Ratkire.
Rachiurikikuru, らちうりきくる, 目ヲ挙ゲル。(人ニ話シ掛ケル時ノ如ク)。 v.i. To raise the eyes towards one as when about to speak.
Rachunrashte, らちゅんらっしゅて, 翼ヲ張ル(鳥ナドノ)。 v.i. To spread the wings as a bird.
Ra-i, ラ・イ, 低キ場處。地獄。 n. The lower place. Hades.
Rai, ライ, 死ヌ。例へバ、ライワイサム、死ンダ。 vii. To die. As :~ Rai wa isam, “dead.” Rai tek, “dying.” Syn : Ekot. Aishiriekot.
Rai, らい, 甚ダ惡ク。 adv. Badly. Extremely. Much.
Rai, らい, 降ル。 v.i. The same as ran, “to descend 下りる・下る.”
Raiatchi, らいあっとち, 彼等ハ死ンダ。 ph. They died.
Rai-ambe, らい・あむべ, 死。 n. Death.
Rai-chish-hawe, らい・ちっしゅ・はうぇ, 泣ク、哀悼スル。 n. A weeping. Wailing. ★バカ検証 【英文は、動名詞、動詞ではないのに、日本語は、動詞になっている。】
Rai-chish-kara, らい・ちっしゅ・から, 哀悼スル。 v.i. To weep for the dead. To lament the dead.
Rai-ehange, ライ・エハンゲ, 死ニ瀕スル。 v.i. To be at the point of death.
Rai-etokooiki, らい・えとこおいき, 死ニ瀕スル、覚悟スル。 v.i. To be about to die. To prepare for death.
Raige, らいげ, 願フ。 An auxiliary used to express desire. Thus, wakka raige rusui, to desire to drink water.
Raige, らいげ, 殺ス。 v.t. To kill.
Raigepa, らいげぱ, 殺ス。 v.t. To kill.
Raigere, らいげれ, 殺サセル。 v.t. To cause to kill.
Rai-guru, らい・ぐる, 屍(しかばね)。 n. A corpse.
Rai-guru-korachi, らい・ぐる・こらち, 死人ノ様ナ、此語ハ海辱ニ用ヰラレ屡々婦 女子ノ中ニ於テ之ヲ耳ニス。 ph. Like a dead person. This phrase is sometimes used in contempt and is often heard among women. It is equal to the word “abominable 言語道断な、ひどく嫌な、憎むべき、不愉快な、お粗末な.”
Rai-guru-kupi, らい・ぐる・くぴ, 屍(しかばね)。 n. A corpse.
Raiguru-ni, らいぐる・に, 墓標。 n. A grave mark.
Rai-guru-shui, らい・ぐる・しゅい, 墓。 n. A grave. Syn : Tuu. Tū.
Rai-guru-tekumbe, らい・ぐる・てくむべ, 死者ニ用ユル手套(しゅとう)。 n. Gloves worn by the dead.
Rai-i, らい・い, 死。 n. Death.

| Rai-kamui-irushka-tashum, ライ・カムイ・イルっシゅカ・タシュム, 中風症。 n. Paralysis.
| Rai-kamui-tashum, ライ・カムイ・タシュム,
Rai-kamui-kina, らい・かむい・きな, キジカクシ。 n. Asparagus schoberioides, Kunth. Syn : Chikap-muk. Nupshungu. Topishki-mun. Menashkina.
Rai-korachi, らい・こらち, ヤツト、困難シテ。 adv. Hardly. With difficulty. Like one dead.
Rai-korachiok, らい・こらちおく, 甚ダ嫌悪スベキ。 adj. Very abominable.
Rai-koro, らい・ころ, 死ニ瀕スル。 vi. To be about to die.
Raikosanu, ライコサヌ, 死ヌ、気ヲ失フ。 v.i. To die. To faint.
Raikotenge, らいこてんげ, 呼號スル(困難又ハ失望ニ陥リタルトキノ如ク)。 v.i. To call after as in severe trouble. To call out in distress.
Rai-ku, らい・く, 死人。 n. A dead man. A corpse. Same as rai-guru.
Raikumbe, らいくむべ, 屍。 n. A corpse.
Raikun-hotke, らいくん・ほっとけ, 死ヌタメニ伏ス。 ph. To lie down to die. ★バカ検証 【意味不明な内容】
Raimik, ライミっク, 婦女子ノ挨拶。 n. The salutation of women. This salutation consists of drawing the hands from the temples down the face, and ending with drawing the index finger across the upper lip.
Raimik-kara, らいみっく・から, 挨拶スル(婦女子ノミノ) v.i. To make salutation. (Only used of females).
Rai-mun, らい・むん, ハマニンニク。 n. S. Elymus mollis, Trin. Also called in S. Madachi.
Rainatara, らいなたら, 順良ナル。 adj. Gentle. Syn : Ratchitara.
Rainokor’ambe, らいのこっる・あむべ, 薄命ナル。 adj. Miserable.
| Raiochi, ライオチ, 虹。 n. A rainbow.
| Raochi, ラオチ,
  | Raomap, ラオマっプ,筌(うけ、うえ)。 n. A kind of fish basket trap 魚のカゴ製ワナ(罠)の一種.
  | Rau-omap, ラウ・オマっプ,
Raipa, らいぱ, 行ク。 v.i. To go. (pl.)
Rai-paraparak, ライ・パラパラっク, 哭ク、泣ク。 v.i. To cry aloud. To weep.
Raishike-an, らいしけ・あん, 数多ノ。 adj. Very many.
Raita, ライタ, 強ク握ル、ヒツツカム。 v.t. To snatch. To grasp. To grab at.
Raita-mun, ライタムン, キンミヅヒキ。 n. Agrimonia pilosa. Ledeb. In S it is called seta-hai. Raita-mun is literally “Grass which snatches or grabs. Syn : Akokarip. Hurep. Ipakokarip. Kina-raita.
Raitek, らいてっく, 死セル。 adj. Dead.
Raitoshka, ライトっシゅカ, 数多ノ、澤山ナル。 adj. Very many. A super-abundance. Syn : Roron-no-an. Raishike an.
Raitukunne, らいつくんね, 人事不省。 n. Anaesthesia.
Rai-tush, ライ・ツっシゅ, 縊首(いしゅ)ニ用ヰタル縄. n. A rope with which one has hung himself.
Raiumusa, ライウムサ, 互ニ挨拶スル。 v.i. To greet one another. To salute a corpse before burial.
Rai-wa-oman, らい・わ・おまん, 死ヌ。 v.i. To die.
Rai-wa-paye, らい・わ・ぱいぇ, 死ヌ。 v.i. To die. Syn : Moshir hoppa.
Raiyaise, ライヤイセ, 聲ヲ放チテ泣ク。 例セバ、アイアイライヤイセワアン、小児ガ泣テイル。 v.i. To cry loudly. To weep aloud. As :~ Aiai raiyaise wa an, “the baby is crying.” Syn : Rayayaise. Raiparaparak.

Raiyaiyaise, 5 4 + 4 + 4 Hz, z + s + 2 #####7 R x. v.i. An intensified form of raiyaise.
Rak, 5 ?y, ?ti:###. n. Sediment.
Rak, ラク。沈殿サセル(水堀ナドヲ) v.i. To settle as rubbish in water.
Rak, ラク。散スル (雲ガ空ニ). v.i. To pass away as clouds from the horizon. See Rak-rak.
Rak, ラク。香ヒスル。例へベ、シュムラ 27, # 2 # to x >L. v.i. To smell of a thing. To have a flavour of. As : ?Shtim rak, “ to smell of oil.
Raka, 5 ?i, ?.:, tri. n. Usefulness.
Raka, 5 ?j, fi v xv, ti z. v.t. To borrow. To use. As :~ Unchi-raka, “A moth " i.e. “fire-borrower.”
Raka-an, ラカアン。 盆 ニ立 ツ。 用 途。 adj. Usefui. Use.
Raka-isam, 5 h 4f {} A, ###E, FA%. adj. Useless. Abject.
Raka-isam-no, 5 #4 +A A, # = YE * +* ≫v, ?%;+- ≫l≫. adv. Uselessly. Abjectly.
Rakakke, ラカッケ。蔵界ヨリ遠ザカル (雲ノ消散スル如ク又人影ノ没スル如 ク)、消滅スル (庇ナドノ). v.i. To gradually go out of sight as clouds. To disappear as a man out of sight. To die out as spots in a disease. Syn : Uwepaketa isam.
Rakakse, 5 h & tz, fi = ?". V. - 10 go out. To die out.
Rakan, 5 + 2, f? 2 4. n. Name of a fish.
Rakan, 7:H 2, =#f? x = 3, 2, . v.i. To flounder. Syn : Upokte.
Raka-sak, 5 ij * & , ££*- Jv. adj. Useless.
Rake, 5 or, T. adv. Below. The next below. The lower.
Rakesara, =4-+5, ii + v ≫v. v.i. & adj. To
Rakishke, be hanging down. ラキシゲ。
Rakka, らっか, 川ノ浅瀬。 n. A shoal. A dry space in a river. A sand bank. A shallow.
Rakka, らっか, 澄マセメル (泥水ヲ )。 v.t. To put to settle as muddy or thick water.
Rakko, らっこ, 猟虎。 n. A sea otter 《動物》ラッコ、海のカワウソ. Enhydra lutris. (L.)
Rakoro, 5 a B, #, /jv?j. Syn : Rakuru.
Rakoro-tashum, 5 E E & Eea. A., sief%. n. Constipation.
Rakotesu, ラコテス。捜フ (驚ナドガ餌 9). v.i. To swoop down upon (as an eagle upon its prey). Syn : Raotesu.
Rakrak, ラクラク、棚引ク (雲ガ) 除々 =j?j, a y ###, yu. n. A sky having soft mackerel looking clouds upon it. A steady floating out of sight. A gradual clearing away of the clouds.
Rakrak-paye, ラクラクパイェ。散スル (雲ガ) 例セバ、アッベケラクラクベ イェ、アッイゲシラクラクペイェ、東西 ノ空ニ在ル雲ガ晴レマス。ph Tofloat gently out of sight as the clouds. As :~ Atui pake rakrak paye, atui gesh rakrak paye, “the clouds upon the east and west horizon are passing away.”
Rakuda-chikoikip, ラクダチコイ キプ。 ###E, n. A camel. (Jap.)
Rakup, ラクプ、消ュル、死ヌ。例セバ, イタクェムコラクプ、話撃ガ消ェタ (聞 Ha la x ). v.i. To die. To wane. As :~ Itak emko rakup, “ part of his speech died (i.e. could not be heard).
Rakup-wa-isam, 5 2 774 t?A, ?E +: Jl. adj. Dead.
Rakuru, ラクル。霧、小雨。例セバ、ラ n. A mist. 2, Ju r so, ###21. n. Mist. Very fine rain. As :~ Rakuru ash, “to drizzel.” Syn : Rukuru.
Ram, らむ, 精神、心、魂。 n. Mind. Heart. Soul. Feelings. Think. Ram otta. “ in the heart.”

Ram, ラム, 卑キ、幼キ。例セバ、ポンラムオロワ、 幼キ時カラ。 adv. Low. Young. As :~ Pon ram orowa, “from childhood 幼少の時から.”
Ram, ラム, 歌ナドノ語尾ニ於テ此語ヲ 耳ニス蓋シ其意義ヲ強ムルナリ. part. A particle sometimes heard at the end of words in songs to intensify their meaning.
| Rama, ラマ, 精神, 霊魂. n. The mind. Spirit. Soul.
| Ramachi, ラマチ,
| Ramat, ラマツ,
| | Rama, ラマ, 亦, 再. adv. Again 再び. Now 今. Once more もう一回. Always いつも・毎回.
| | Ramma, ランマ,
Ramai, ラマイ, 幼虱 (ワカジラミ) n. A young louse.
Ramaita, ラマイタ, 美シキ、締麗ナル。adj. Nice. Pretty. Beautiful.
| Ramakakke, ラマカッケ, 快活ナル、輸快ナル。 adj. Jolly. Pleased. Joyful.
| Rammakakke, ラムマカッケ,
Ramaken, らまけん, 笑フ v.i. To laugh.
Ram-an, らむ・あん, 感ジサトル v.i. To feel 感じる. As, Ibe rusui ram an, “ to feel hungry 空腹を感ずる、お腹がすいた.”
Ramande, ラマンデ。狩猟スル、例セバ, ニシヤッタコペチャクラマンデルス、イ グスツナシノェンモソソワェンコレ、明 日鴨撃ニ行キタイカラ早ク起シテ下サ 4. v.t. To hunt. As :~ Nishatta kopecha ku ramande rusui gusu tunashino en mososo wa en kore, “please wake me early to-morrow/ tomorrow morning as I desire to go and hunt ducks.”
| Ramat, ラマツ, 心、魂、物ノ素、言語ノ意義
| Ramatu, らまつ, n. Spirit 精神. Soul 霊魂. The mind 心. The essence of a thing 物事の本質. The meaning of a word 単語の意味.
Rambara, らむばら, 柳ノ種類。 n. A kind of willow. Chosenia bracteosa Nakai.
| Rambara susu, ラムバラ・スス, エゾノクロヤナギ。 Chosenia bracteosa, Nakai.
| Ranpara susu, ランパラ・スス, A kind of willow 柳の一種. Rampara means spread out ラムパラは「広げる」の意.
Rambash-koro, 5.A***, pi, J^ ** y z Jo 2 × 21. v.i. To be on friendly terms with a person.
Rambash-ne, 5 Aws>:k, #ff ?i 9° plo, E EI x ≫v. adj. & v.i. Restless. To be a wanderer. To rove about. To peddle.
Rambash-ne-guru, 5.A., §?ezk?IL, 落付カザル人、漂泊者、商人 n. A wanderer. A restless person. A rover. A pedlar. A merchant.
Rambe, ラムべ。卑クスル、獣ラセル。b.か。 To make low. To lower. To silence. To bring down.
Ramepakari, ラメパカリ, 考へヲ凝ラシテ物ヲ発明スル、熱考スル。 v.t To discover a thing by thinking of it. To think out. To think well over. To consider.
Rametok, ラメトク, 勇シキ、又激烈ナル語。例セバ、ネブラメトククゴロワグ スチイェーヤイラメーカシュレエチイエカラ カラルウェタアン、汝ハ私ニ掛リマスガ 私ハ何ノ失敬ナ言ヲ云ヒマシタカ. adj. Brave 勇敢な. Also, strong language また、強い言葉. Saucy 生意気な・無作法な. As :~ Nep rametok ku goro wa gusu chieyairamekashure echi iyekara kara ruwe ta an ? “ What strong language (sauce) have I used that you should pitch upon me? (or “that I should be called in question by you.”) Syn : Manka
Rametok-i, らめとく・い, 勇敢 n. Bravery.
Rametok-koro, らめとく・ころ, adj.
Brave 勇ましい. As :~ 例へバ Rametok koro guru ラメトク・コロ・グル, “a brave person 勇者.”
Rametok-o, らめとく・お , . adj. Brave 勇敢な. Bold 大胆な.
Ram-hekomo, 5.A~:u-E, $ )L~, *g x xv. adj. Angry. Discouraged.
Ram-i, ? A ≪f, ojo * a?3x2s #4. n. A low place or thing.
Ramka, ラムカ。早クスル。縮小スル。 v.t. & v.i. To lower. To diminish. To die out. To become extinct. Syn : Aarakere.
Ramka, 5.5,77, §§. n. The breast bone.
Ramka, 74, 20, %%. adj. Brave.
Ram-kaska, 5 A? K ?i, No. n. The feelings.
Ram-kasu-no, 5 A? K /, 3- § 3: L. adv. More than usual.
Ramkopashtep, 5.A a v?$e5F-7, 7kJJ. n. A sword. As :~ Aramkopashtep shitomushi, “we put on our swords.”
Ram-koro-guru, 5.A, a na ? JL, ?ER = E y N. n. A mourner at a funeral.
Ramkoshkashke, 5 A, a $e?i Sedr, t? 心ナキ、薄タナル、曲言スル。 v.i. To be fickle. To prevaricate. Syn : Maummaun.
Ramkupka, 5 A, & ≫ 7 ?7, AAR. n. A thought.
Ramma, S.H.Tr, F =, EE A - adv. Al ways. Again and again. Once more.
Rammakakke, ラムマカッケ。快活ナル。 ads To be
Ramakakke, jolly. Joyful. Hapラマカッケ。 jру.
Ramma-kane, 5.A.*?y:*, ?? =. adv. Always.
Ramma-ramma, ラムマラムマ。
Ramma-korachi, 5.Aozr:za 55°, ji] y #1 *. adv. As usual.
Ramma-ramma, 5 A*5 A*, + = , f?A = . adv. Continually.
Ramma-shomo, 5 A* > a HE, #7, # 7 sy yl, ie = # so. adv. Never.
Rammaun, ラムマウン。常ニ。何時モ。 adv. Always. At any time. When you please. Any time will do.
Rammakka, 5 Arr ≫ ?7, a##. n. Fun. A joke.
Ramne, ラムネ。全豊、充満。例セバ, * , £, F, $ E. adj. Whole. Full. As :~ Ramneto, “the whole day.”
Ramnep, 5 A., * 7, jEu-tz yv?a. n. Anything full. A full vessel. Anything whole.
Ram-no, ラムノ。 |H > 5°, adv. Stooping.
Ramno-kane, Low. ラムノカネ。
Ramokka, ラモッカ、世話焼キヲスル, #A. 2 # of 5 # x. v.i. To act the busybody. To endeavour to find out the faults of other people.
Ramoro, 5 RE DI, Hej#, ##. n. Suet. Kidneys. Syn : Chokokoi.
Ramoroge, 5°E ta4*, BB, P>. n. The intestines.
Rampak, ラムパク。 非常ニ,艇度ニ。 adv. Greatly. Over much. To a full degree.
Ramparo, 5 Az ?pa, ####. adj. Very special.
Rampashkoro, 5 Aws ea pa, ?E#-3Jl. adj. Tranquil. Even-tempered.
Rampesh, ラムペシユ。家ノ屋根(傾斜セ n #5). n. The sloping sides of a house.
Rampishki, 5 A, E?ea.=#, ## JH z vi. v.t. To count in one's mind.
Rampishkire, 5 A, E $e:L+ Lo, ?R + l. v.t. To inquire.
Rampo, らむぽ, 心(理性)n. The mind.
Rampokashte, 5 Azf:#; $25', # Etz x. v.i. To be dissatisfied. Syn : Ehoshki.
Rampoken, らむぽけん, n. Mercies 哀れみ.

Rampoken-wa-kore, らむぽけん・わ・これ, 憐ム。 v.t. To have mercy upon.
Rampokiwen, らむぽきうぇん, 憐レナル。 adj. & v.i. Pitiable.
Rampokiwen-wa-kore, らむぽきうぇん・わ・これ, 憐ム。 v.t. To have mercy upon. To pity.
Ramram, 5A5.A., #, #EEE. n. Fish scales. A snake's skin.
Ram-satsat, 5.Aoyoy, # 2. v.i. To be thirsty. Syn : Iku-rusui. Ku-rusui.
Ramtom, ラムトム。川ノ源ト河口ノ間 73; 7. n. That part of a river between its mouth and source.
Ramtutanu-guru, 5 AY4:3(2) Jie, ?E # / ##ff;$. n. The chief mourner at a funeral.
Ramu, ラム, n. & v.i. The mind 心、精神. The soul 魂. The seat of the feelings. Heart. To think. To understand. To consider. As : ~ Iteki anun shiri ne ramu wa kore wa en kore, “please do not consider me a stranger.”
Ramu-an, ラムアン。格怖制ナル。敏キ. adj. Astute. Wise. Clever. Knowing. Learned. Feeling, as, ibe rusui ramu an koro, to have a feeling of hunger.
Ramu-an-no, 5 E.7* A V, E# = . adv. Cleverly, Knowingly.
Ramu-ashitnere-wa-monraigere, 5 ムアシツネレワモンライゲレ。歴制ス yu~. v.t. To oppress.
Ramu-aye, 5.A.74 +, E x 7 l- ov, v.i. To be praised.
Ramu-chire, 5 A3- Lo, ?# z yl, El e ャッ レル、燃怪スル v.i. To lose heart. To pine. Waste away.
Ramuchuptek, 57 E,5 a 753, 33 3 27 Mox Ju , offix 't'. v.i. To feel lonely and afraid. To fear. To be moved with fear.
Ramu-ehorokare, 5.Air.zs p * L°, s Fa = x >L. v.t. To make a fool of. To mystify. To deceive.
Ramu-emaka, 5 A-E-r?, fE N / # = fe 7. v.i. To give in as in an argument. To defer to another.
Ramu-esam, 5 A**A, #2 x. v.i. Not to understand.
Ramu-eunin, 5.5:1.7 - 2, £2.E 2-yu, Zsi£E+ yv. adj. Careless. Inattentive. To forget.
Ramu-haita, 5 Aww-f4, MKHIZISE, E 97. adv. Unwittingly. By mistake.
Ramuhauge, 5 Avv. 74°, # s r n, #ty) - mv. adv. & v.i. Merciful. Kind.
Ramu-hokamba, らむ・ほかむば, 解シ難キ、憐ムベキ。 adj. Difficult to be understood. Pitiful.
| Ramu-hokahoka, ラム・ホカホカ, 慰メル、鎮メル。 v.t. To comfort. To quiet. Syn : Omaoma.
| Ramu-okaoka, ラム・オカオカ,
Ramu-hokambare, らむ・ほかむばれ, 狼狙セシム、困シメル、争ハセル。 v.t. To upset the mind. To render difficult. To set against.
| Ramu-hokasush, ラム・ホカスっシュ, 惑ハセル。 adj. & vi. To be confused. To be puzzled.
| Ramu-hokasusu, ラム・ホカスス,
Ramuhu, らむふ, 兄。 n. An elder brother. Relation.
Ramu-ihoma, らむ・いほま, 満足セル。 adj. Satisfied.
Ramu-isambe, 5 A-s t}-A^t, P?+, # A. n. A baby. A fool.
Ramu-isam-guru, 5 A4 {} A? JL, E J\. n. A fool. Syn : Yaierampeutek.
Ramuka, 5 A?, sti 7. v.i. To think. To persuade.
Ramukara, ラムカラ, 嘲弄スル、困ラセル、ジラス。 v.t. To poke fun at. To make angry. To tease. To annoy. To make cry. Syn : Iramkara.
Ramukarakara, 7.4.3,5777, 4:six M. v.t. To make another think or
do. To have a design on one.
Ramu-karate, 5 A? 55F, ARE}} }} +z ≫lo. v.t. To influence. To will another.
Ramukari, ラムカリ。妄言スル、賊量ス 2L. v.i. To rave. To be giddy.
Ramukarikari, 5 A # J 35 ), fi?~H] v x, ?E# x ≫v. v.t. & adj. To be impatient. To rave. Syn : Katukarikari.
Ramu-kokara, 5 A, a ?75, E E > E x yu. v.t. To design something with regard to another.
Ramu-kuttokore, 5 A 2 ≫ F = Le, e: x. v.t. To mystify. To deceive. Syn : Ramu-ehorokare.
Ramu-maka, 5 Arr?i, E#Jt. v.i. give in to.
Ramu-mo, らむ・も, 安ラカに居ル。 adj. To be at peace.
Ramu-maun-maun, 5 A, rr r} A -r :) ?o ン。通裔スル。愛心スル。ニ心ナル・ ".i. To prevaricate. To be fickle. To be doublefaced.
Ramu-min, 5.A.E. 2, ## x 21, ## = |E ju. vi. To faint. To be in dis pair.
Ramu-nishte, 5 A.F.5×5", § # 9 Ju', ;3;;;&+- ≫v. adj. Hardhearted. Coldhearted.
Ramu-niutek, 5.A.- to 5**, #####, # y G, *. adj. Cross. Out of temper. Peevish.
| Ramu-okaoka, ラムオカオカ。慰メル、鎮メル o.t.
| Rau-hokahoka To comfort. To ラムホカホカ quiet.
Ramu-oknatara, らむ・おっくなたら, 不幸ナル。 adj. & v.t. To be unhappy.
Ramu-oma, 5.AzFr, i#}e te ov. adj. Satisfied.
Ramu-oro-oroge, 5.Azf pzf pa4#, 3. Bijz n . v.t. To feel for. To become affected. To be touched. Syn : Erampokiwen wa kare. Epuriwen.
Ramu-osh, 5 Az ?e, ?≫?. n. The bottom of the heart. As :~ Ramuosh wano, “from the bottom of the heart.”
Ramu-oshitchiu, 5 Az† ?e≫3F7, HR 心セシ、安固ノ、果蹴ノ・ adj. & b.i To be determined. Stable. Resolute. Syn : Katu-shineatki.
Ramu-oshima, 5 A.: Sorr, #E, ##. v.t. & n. To assent. To accede. To abet. To acquiesce. To approve. To accord. Complaint.
Ramu-oshma-i, 5 Azr$e = 4f , ?#?. n. Acceptance.
Ramu-oshma-no, 5 A*$err /, ? = E ~ Jv, # a *. adv. Acceptably. Agreeably.
Ramu-oshmap, らむ・おしゅまっぷ, 合意。 n. Agreement. Accord.
Ramu-oshmare, 5 Az† Serr Lo, E E x yv, -E:49 to no. v.t. To make agree. To cause to accord.
Ramu-osshi, 5.Azi* w *, ,ENJ?. n. The bottom of the heart.
Ramu-pase, ラムパセ。温厚ナル、自若 * 2L. adj. Good tempered. Composed. Even tempered. Syn : Irushka moire.
Ramu-pekamam, 5 A*737 A, # 32 +. v.i. To be troubled. To be sorrowful. Syn : Shirikirap.
Ramu-pekamamka, 5 A*S777. Afy, * > v s J. J. v.t. To render sorrowful. Syn : Ramu-sarakka.
Ramu-pekamam-o, 7 A^7}**E, \ s’ +. v.i. To be sorrowful.
Ramu-pekere, 5 A^&4rL?, iu. adj. & n. Abandoned. Given up to badness. Unfaithful. Wanton. WantonneSS.
Ramu-pekere-guru, 5 A,~&orL~4%?pl≫, ##. n. An adulterer.
Ramu-pirika, らむ・ぴりか, 上機嫌。 adv. & v.i. To be in good spirits. Gentle. Satisfied. Pleased. Friendly. Happy.
Ramu-pirikare, らむ・ぴりかれ, 慰メル。
v.t. To comfort.
Ramu-rai, 5.5,54, #H#3 s 2 yu. v.i. To have lost spirit. To be troubled.
Ramu-rara, ラムララ, 舞フ (塵埃ナドノ)。 v.t. To circle around as dust or snow in the air.
Ramuratke, ラムラッケ らむらっとけ, 憐ム。 v.t. To pity. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ】
Ramu-ratki, ラムラツキ らむ・らっとき, 健勝ナル。 adj. & v.i. Satisfied. To be in good health and spirits. To be prosperous. Happy. Syn : Shiknu wa an. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ】
Ramu-rakke, ラムラッケ らむ・らっけ, 幸福ナル。 adj. Happy. ★バカ検証 【Ramuratke/Ramu-ratki/Ramu-rakke オカシイ】
Ramu-ratkire, 5 A5 y + Le, ?≫ ??? 着ク、清朗ナ気分ニナル ひ.i To be in a right state of mind. Serene.
Ramu-rikkush, 5 A, ) ≫ ? $2, $##E z yo. v.i. To be agitated in mind. To be restless.
Ramu-riten, 5.5, J. F. 2, § 2 # *** 3, 2L, £ -s /u.. adj. High spirited. Pleased. Joyful.
| Ramu-ritenga, ラムリテンガ。喜ベセル v.t. To
| Ramu-ritenka, please. To make ラムリテンカ, joyful.
Ramu-ritenke, 5.A. J #24-, 3.7". v.i. & adj. Pleased. Joyful.
Ramu-ritetkere, # A J 5*:y4r Le, E os -t: Jl. v.t. To please.
Ramu-rotcka, 5 A. PI y#F3b, ?###- vi-, 33#{]-}- yv, %£ji+- jl-. adj. Meek. Mild. Patient. Tender of spirit. Free from haughty self-sufficiency. Enduring things with an even temper.
Ramuru, 57 AJLo, PS$ v H?ja. n. The fat over the intestines.
Ramu-sak, F.A*%7, £ f. adj. Foolish.
Ramu-san, 54, £}*2, §#%+-yv. adj. Fanciful.
Ramusarak, 5,A+5 47, FRamu-sarakbe-koro-yainu, 5 A*}.5 2} ~ta Da 474f5x, Fjyl-. v.i. To feel troubled.
Ramu-sarakka, 5 A, #5 ≫ zh, FE > += ov, ??? +z ?l~. v.t. To trouble. To make angry. To tease.
Ramu-satsat, 5.A.''}-xy+xy, #x n-. v.i. To be thirsty. Syn : Ikurusui.
Ram-ush, 5.A, ry Ee, ##, # N. adv. Learned. Wise.
Ramu-shikarun, 5 A.5°;b riv->’, fEfu x Jl. v.t. To remember. Syn : Eshkarun.
Ramushikarun-no, 5 A 9: Jl. > A, #|BH & A. adv. Knowingly.
Ramu-shinne, 5 A. >>+, i? E + s^2. 2L. v.t. To be satisfied.
Ramu-shiroma, 5.5, Een vr, i## + eムル、忠賞ナル、行儀正シキ. v.i. & adj. To be satisfied. To be even tempered. Faithful. Complacent. Polite.
Ramu-shiromare, 5.A Sera z Lo, # x Jl. v.t. To comfort.
Ramushka, 5 A. ?e?7, E > x - v.t. To train. To domesticate. As :~ Umma hene seta hene ramushka, “to train a horse or dog.”
Ramu-shuye, S.K. S”=."f =, Ak ?, HX 9 #A 2, ... v.t. To deceive. To take in.
Ramu-tanak, 5.4,4** 47, DojE z E x = # 2 v x. v.i. To be unable to sleep for trouble or other causes. Syn : Mokoro koinu.
Ramu-tanne, 5.A4* :/?:k, #, / fe#. adj. Patient.
| Ramu-tattariki, £i£*- yv. adj. & v.i. ラムタッタリキ。 Irritable. To be
| Ramu-tattarike≫ impatient. Syn : ラムタッタリケ, Sambe takne. Nukoshme.
Ramutoine, 7A, K, of 3, # 2. v.i. To be surprised. Syn : Enushkari. Erayap.
Ramu-tokkon, 7/, K ≫ = 2, %£. adj. Impatient.

Ramu-toksetokse, 5 A, F- y } {z } } {2, #7 ju. adj. Agitated. (Lit “a heart throbbing”).
Ramu-tui, 5A, y 4f, # 3', ## z vie. v.i. & adj. To be frightened. To be awed. To be taken aback. To be startled. Syn : Homatu.
Ramu-tuika, 7 A. у 4 b, i ?u z . To frighten. To startle.
Ramu-tunash, 5.5-y:}-52, #% / , #: §*- yv. adj. Abrupt. Quick.
| Ramu-unin, ?E: x pl-, $#p x pl. v.t. v.i. 5 A, * c, 2, & adj. To be inatten
| Ramuunun, tive. To forget. To 5 Ary 5, 2, be careless. Forgetful. To become unconscious.
Ramu-utura, 5 A, 7 y 5, E? x L, # # z pl. v.i. Diffident. Syn : Yatu utura. Ekatupase.
Ramuturu, 5.AyJL, He}, #. n. The chest. The bosom.
Ramu-wen, ラムウエン。不満ナ、怒 v ≫v. adj. Angry. Dissatisfied. Disagreeable. Grieved.
Ramu-ye, らむ・いぇ, 賞メル。 v.t. To praise. Syn : Ramye.
Ramuyupu, 5 A-L7, § 2; fl. v.i. To exhort. To coax.
Ramye, らむいぇ, 譽メル。 v.t. To praise.
Ran, ラン, 下ル、降ル(雨・ノ如ク) v.i. To descend. To come down as rain. To alight. As :~ Ran ap, “he has gone down.”
Ran, らん, 下ノ、下ニアル。 adj. Low. Lower. As, Ran-chikuni, “tree undergrowth.”
Ran-an-koro, 57 272-1 pa, #~ Hj x. v.t. To conceive a thought. As, Nisako ene an ram an koro, “suddenly I conceived a thought.”
Rangarap, # 27f5 7', ##. salutation.
Rangarap-itak, 5 27s 574 & 7, # £$ z $. n. The words of a salutation. n. A
Rangarap-itak-ki, 5 ×7s 574 & 7 #, ##x 21. v.t. To salute.
Range, 5:24, #1z. v.t. To let down. To unload.
Range, ランゲ, 此語ハ他語ニ附加シテ副詞トナス 力(ちから)アリ。例へバ、ケストランゲ、 日々ニ、ヘムベラネツカエネモイ レラン ゲ、彼ノ人ハ常ニ此ノ様ニ遅イ。 part. This word has an adverbia! force. As :~ Kesto range, “daily.” Hembara ne yakka ene moire range, “he is always thus late.” Shinen range, “one by one.” This word has a frequentive force. Thus, tokse an range, mosh an range, “sometimes waking and sometimes sleeping.”
Range-kando, らんげ・かんど, 最下天 (傳説ニ撮(?)レル天ニ六階アリ、ランゲカンドハ其最下ナリ)。 n. The lowest skies. Syn : Urara kando.
Range-kut, ランゲクツ、岐々、静嶼。 n. Impassable crags.
Rangetam, 5, ンゲタム。耐ノ剣. n. The sword of the gods.
Ranka, 5 e?y, st. n. The soul.
| Ranko-ni, i v ?. n. Cercidiphyllum 5 or a ci, japoniсит, S. et Z. А
| Rango-ni, kind of large maple. 5 2-f:, The wood of this tree is used for various purposes, such as for making trays, spoons, knife sheaths, weaving shuttles and other small articles. The trunks of the trees are in some localities used in making river boats. This wood is preferred because it is light and does not readily soak up the water. Fetiches are also often made out of the wood of this tree. Rango is an adjective meaning “soft,” “pliable,” and rango-ni is a compound word meaning “soft wood,” “pliable wood.”
Rankupka, 5 > , 7;h, g e. n. Thoughts.
Ran-ne, 5 :e:k, fR s a F. Part. A
coming down. As, Tan to ran-ne to ene shirian kuni he an ! “what a coming down (rainy) day it is to be sure I’
Ran-nish, 5 >= Se, jE! / TJf?. n. The inner corner of the eyebrows.
Ran-no, ランノッ 適 リ落 ツル。 Trickling down.
Rannuma, 5 × 5 or, Ja. The eyebrows. Syn : Raranuma.
Ranpesh, ランペシュ, 山ノ端、崖ノ端。 n. A bluff end. The end of a mountain.
Ranrani, 5 >5 =, +T 7% yl≫, +T}A ..., . v.t. To pat down.
Ranrewerewe, 5 > Ler) = Lor) =, F#.* x jur. vi. To blink the eyes. Syn : Shikrewerewe. Shikchupuchupu.
Ranrikochiuwe, 5 - U -15-ryse, /# 7 E. × v (; + so F +). vi. To raise the eyebrows. adv.
| Ran-shuma, 5 > La-7, 3EZH. tu. Bare stones.
| Rara-shuma, Bare rocks. ララシュマ。
Rantom, 7 × F. A., Fja. n. The course of a river.
| Rantupep, ランツペップ, 帽子ノ紐. n Hat strings. Bonnet strings.
| Rantupepi, ランツペッピ,
Ranu, 75, ##. v.t. Sexual love.
Ranunka, 53X A ?, FR ) + H >. . v.t. To take down.
Ranupa, 55x v ?, ? z vi-(E). v.t. To love (pl).
Raochi, らおち, 虹。 n. A rainbow.
Raokuru, 5 z? ? JLo, H###. n. A hidden rock.
Raoraye, 52-54s 2, F * 2L. v.t. To lower down. To put lower as anything suspended.
Raoshma, 5:}">-r, ?E x ≫l-. v.i. sink down. To sink into.
Raotereke, 5 zr#F Le Br, #plo, ?vio. v.i. ?o To descend. To dive. Syn : Raoshma. Horaochiwe.
Raotesu, 5 zr#Fx, # .. (: ?y?H 7). v.i. To swoop down (as an eagle upon its prey). Syn : Rakotesu.
Raotkuru, 5-Fy # 'v, ####. n. A hidden rock.
Rap ラプ。皮ノ切片、切リ傷. n A flake of skin left after a cut. A cut wound.
Rap, 57, #2L. v.i. (pl). To descend.
| Rap, 34+, 34:4. n. Feathers. Wings. 57, As :~ Rap porapora, “to flut
| Rapu, ter the wings as a bird. 57, Syn : Rapparappa. Shirapparapра.
Rapa, らぱ, 下る(複数). v.i. To go down. (pl.).
Rapapse, ラパプセ, 脱ケ落チル。例セバ, オトプラパプセ、髪ガ脱ケル v.i. To drop off. To fall off. As :~ Otop rapapse, “the hair is falling off.”
Rapapse-an, ラパプセ・アン, 神膳ヲ棒ゲル儀式。 n. The ceremony of offering food to the gods 神 and manes 〔古代ローマで神として祭られた〕死者の霊 of the dead. Syn : Icharapa. Shinnurappa. Arapapse.
Rapembe, 5~$Art, ?y v. n. Cat-tail or Reed Mace. Miscanthus simensis Anders.
| Rapoke, ラボケ。 何々シツツアル間ニ. ado.
| Rapoketa, Whilst. During. ラポケタ。
Raporapora, ラポラポラ。羽ベタキス Juo. v.i. To flap the wings (as a bird). Syn : Rapparappa.
Rapotara, 5*4. 5, aa /,. adj. Troubled. Down-cast.
Rappa, 7 yrs, oft|WV. n. A trumpet. As :~ Rappa rekte, “ to blow a trumpet.”
Rapparappa, ラツパラツパ、羽ベタキ x ov. vi. To flutter the wings as a bird. Syn : Shirapparappa. Rapo
Rappo, らっぽ, 束。 n. A bunch. As, Munrappo, “a bunch of grass.”
Raprap ラプラプ らっぷらっぷ, 動物ノ乳房(雌雄共ニ用ユ)。 n. The breast of an animal (male or female).
Raprap-pone, らっぷらっぷ・ぽね, 體側(体側)、胸骨。 n. The side and breast bones.
Rapte, らっぷて, 下ス、下ゲル。 v.t. To send or take down.
Raptek, ラプテク らっぷてっく, 泡ヲ澄マセル。 v.i. To settle as froth or foam.
Rapterapte, らっぷてらっぷて, 吊ルス(襤褸[ぼろ]又ハ糸ナドヲ)。 v.t. To make hang down as rags or pieces of string.
Rapuchupki, らぷちゅっぷき, 馬蝿。 n. A horsefly.
Rapuhu, ラプフ, 羽毛。u. Feathers. Syn : Rap. ★バカ検証 【 u. は誤り。】
Rapu-piru, らぷ・ぴる, 脱ケ替ハル(鳥ノ毛ナドノ)。 v.i. To moult as a bird Syn : Urupiru.
Rapush-ni, らぷしゅ・に, ニシキギ。 n. Evonymus alata, Th. Spindle tree. The Ainu name means “feathered tree,” perhaps because of the shape of its leaves.
Rapuse-chep, らぷせ・ちぇっぷ, トビウヲ(方言)。 u. Draciscus sachi, Jor and Syn. ★バカ検証 【Rapush-ni の後。 u. はスペルミス。】
Rara, ララ, 裸ノ。ハダカナル。adj. Bare. Syn : Ran.
Rara, ララ, 鍔(つば)ノ縁. n. The edge of a sword guard.
Rara, らら, 潜ル。 v.i. To dive. Syn : Raoaereke.
Rara, らら, 眉(まゆ)。 n. The eyebrows. Syn : Raru. Rannuma.
Rara, らら, 悪戯ナ、愚カナル。 adj. Naughty. Silly. Syn : Irara.
Rara, ララ, 馬鹿ニスル。愚弄スル。 v.t. To make fun of. To mock. To make a fool of.
Rara, ララ, 上ニ載セテアル、被ル、v.i. To rest upon.
Rarachik, ららちっく, 戯レル。 v.t. To sport with.
Raraipa, ラライパ, 撫デル(小児ノ頭ナ F 2). v.t. To stroke as the head of a child when fondling it. Syn : Raruiba.
Rarak, 55 y, #3, -o- ov. adj. Slippery. Smooth.
Rarakka, ララッカ。清クスル。善クスル。 v.t. To refine. Syn : Shipi.
Rara-kuma, らら・くま, 雪ノ吹溜リ。 n. A snowdrift.
Rarama-ni, 55* =, t > = . n. The yew tree. Taxus cuspidata, S. et Z. The fruit is sometimes eaten by the children. The wood is used for making bows. Syn : Tarama ni.
Rara-numa, 555 -r, lE?. n. Eyebrows.
Rara-okesh, 55 zir4r2, JE! / }}#. n. The outside corner of the eyebrows.
Rarapa, ララパ、押付ケル、控ル、争闘 x ov. v.t. To press down. To squeeze. To fight with. Syn : Rari.
Rarapa, 55 v?, _E = # 2. v.i. To rest upon. As, Kimui kashiketa kane pon kasa yai-kimui ka rarapa kane, “a little metal hat was resting upon his brow.”
Rarapare, 552$ Le, #ff 7. v.t. To press together.
Rararaktek, 755 75 %, if X + ло, 2k+ 2. adj. Smooth. Level. Slippery.
Rarempok, 5 Le Azi: ?, JE 7 TF. s?j+ ベ、ラレムポインガラ、肩ノ下カラ哉ク・ n. The space immediately under the eyebrows. As :~ Rarempok ingara, “to look out from under the eyebrows.”
Rari, 5. y., s?s x += > vo vt. v.i. To be. Syn : Horari. An.
Rari, 5 ), #ffff r > vv. v.i. To be pressed down. P1. Rarapa.
Raribe, ラリべ, 潜ル(水鳥ナドガ餌ヲ求メテ)。 v.i. To dive for one's food as
various sea-fowls.
Raribe, らりべ, 押ヘ付ケル。 v.t. To press down. Syn : Numba.
Rariu, ラリウ, 棹ヲ以テ舟ヲ漕グ。 v.t. To push a boat along with a pole.
Raru, らる, 眉。 n. The eyebrows. Syn : Rara.
Raru-kara, 5 Jlo?, 5, J?=E > #?yl-. v.t. To shave the eyebrows.
Raruiba, ラルイバ, 撫デル(馬、犬、又ハ小児ノ頭ナドヲ)。 v.t. To stroke, as a horse or dog, or a child's head. Syn : Raraba.
| Raruma-ni, 57Jl.'a' -, x- > = . n. The yew.
| Rarama-ni, Taxus cuspidata, S. et ララマニ。 Z
Rarupa, 5 JL v?, # ~ff r )v. v.t. To press down.
Raruturu, 5 JL y JL, NE FJE / faj. n. The space between the eyebrows.
Rasu, ラス。出逢フ(線ノ端ガ棟ノ漫ニ +). v.t. To meet as the end of rafters at the top of a roof. Ras, 52, #|zk, ?RK;. n. Splinters of wood. A crumb. Pieces of cleft wood. Syn : Chipereba ni.
Ras-chashi, 52.5-o:2, #. n. A post and rail fence.
Rashke, 5 $^4%r, i! yv. v.t. Syn : Tuye. Erashke.
Rashne, ラシネ らしゅね, 堅キ、脆キ、例セバ, カシケラシネウパス、雪ハ上層ガ堅イケレドモ下層ハ柔カイ。 adj. Hard. Lumpy. Brittle (as frozen snow). As :~ Kashike rashne upas, “ snow hard on the top but soft beneath.” Syn : Uka.
Rashne-ota, Coarse sand.
Rash-rashpa, 5 $, 5$ ov?, # ?i = ## ≫. v.t. To break or cleave up into fine pieces.
Rashtara, ラシタラ。物ヲ荷フトキニ用 + n’iH. n. A thong with a wooden To shave. ラ シネオタ。 礫砂. n. head-piece used for carrying bundles.
Rashupa-bashui, 5 $22. v?as ?ea f, ?E 式ニ用ュル砦上 ケノ器(等) n A moustache lifter made of Hydrangea paniculata and used only in death feasts.
Rashupa-ni, ラシュパニ。ノリウツギ, 9 E 3 . n. Hydrangea paniculata, Sieb. Same as Rasupa.
Rasu, ラス、欠キ取ル、割リ取ル v.t. To break a small piece off anything. To chip off.
Rasu-meshke, 5zx >4;r, ?i] V #A≫l≫. v.i. To be chipped.
Rasupa, ラスパ。サビタ、矢ノ根ヲ繊グ =}# = n . n. A piece of the wood of Hydrangea paniculata, sometimes used next an arrow head when bone is not procurable.
Rat, らっと, 失望スル、物ヲ失ヒテ迷惑スル。 vi. To feel disappointed. To feel troubled on account of missing anything. To miss.
Rat, らっと, 痰(たん)、動物の脂肪。 n. Phlegm 痰唾. The thick fat of animals. Blubber 脂肪、ぜい肉.
Rata, 5 &, TF. adv. Below. Beneath. Near the sea shore.
| Ratashkep, #, ###. n. Herbs. Ve5 & 24-7, getables. Any kind
| Rataskep, of herbs, vegetables 55:24-7, and fruits used as food. See, Kamui ratashkep; toi ratashkep.
Ratchako, 5 yo”:1, #. n. A lamp.
Ratchaot, 5 y++7:j F., styr y. v.t. To preceed.
Ratchi, らっち, 温順ナル。 adj. Gentle.
Ratchire, 5 oy5-L≫, of x yl≫, 3g z. yl~. v.t. To quiet. To assuage. To forgive.
Ratchitara, 5 y5F4&5, iasst = - ad). Gently.
Ratchitara-no-oman, らっちたら・の・おまん, 訣別ノ辞(左様ナラ、オ静カニ, 等)。 adv. (sing). Adieu. Go gently.
Ratchitara-no-paye, 5 oy*4; 5 A’z* 4f = , ERE ≫ #. adv. (pl). Adieu.

Ratchitarare, 5 y5F3; 5 Lo, 3- 3*x vie. v.t. To quiet.
Ratchitara-shiomapara, 5 yo5 $?zf* *$5, g| v ≫v. adj. Tame. Sym: Epuntek. Ahomokka.
Ratchitara-shiomaparare, 5 yo? ラシオマパラレ。駅側ラス。v.t. To tame.
Ratchiteke, ラツチテケ。吊サレタル。 adj. Suspended.
Ratchitkere, 5 yje y By Lo, #3 vi, n x. v.t. To hang up. To suspend. Syn : Ratkire.
Rat-hese, 5 y-tz, ol. n. Asthma.
Ratki, 5*;£, i}* v ≫v. v.i. To be suspended.
Ratki-kangi, 5 x +7, 2*, #. n. A boat rudder.
Ratki-osoro-kam, 52 +:FY H 7, A., #. n. The buttocks. The fleshy part of the posteriors.
Ratkire, 5 y + Le, if x, # 3r ≫v. v.t. To suspend. To hang up. Pl. Ratchitkere.
Rat-o-chup, 5 y K-#5F a. y 7, BE#?. n. A beam of light. A ray.
Rat-o-omke, S yzfzj“A,4r, syj E. n. Asthma.
Ratpo, 5 F zE, ?J?. anything.
Ratte, 5 y5, # * jul. v.t. To stretch out. o
Rattopotopo, 5 ≫ F f H z R, JE 7 E ?i x. v.i. To move the eyebrows.
Ratushne, 5 9 Se:k, fafgs 3 9v. adj. Wounded.
Rau, 5 r?, F, R, #;. adv. Under. Secret. Hidden.
Rau-echiu, ラウエチウ。 双 ヲ輔ニ納 メ n. A bunch of Below. Juo. v.t. To sheathe (as a knife or sword).
| Rauge, S 7A, Ago, FsH. n. A deep
| Rauke, place. A steep place. ラウケ,
Rauge-sak-no, 57 or /, so 9 3 +, Eijk - mv. adv. Without prevarication. Truly. Plainly. Syn : An korachi.
Rauke-an-sak-no, 5 75-7'>+2, A, 決定シタル。愛ズベカラザル adj. Settled. Determined. Unchangeable.
Rauke-mina, 5 roy4%r=*-, ?D., Hfa = + 1,3; z. v.i. To laugh inwardly.
Rauke-sapse, ラウケ・サプセ, 心中ニテ oft no. v.i. To scorn inwardly.
Raukotapu, 5 ? -1 & 7', # ~ /v. v.t. To seize. To take.
Raukushte, 5 7 2 S25*, # v. v.i. To dive.
Raun, ラウン。下ニ下ッテ、ズット下ニ. adv. Low down.
Raun-apa, 5 * >?7? ?$, + g pj. n. The entrance of the womb. Syn : Makun ара.
Raune, ラウネ、深キ。例セバ、ラウネ se a f, R + R. adj. Deep. As :~ Raune shui, “a deep hole"; “a steep narrow precipitous place.” Raune piri, “a deep wound.
Raune-no, 7.7:# /, #2. adv. Deeply.
Raunkami, 5 7 Te?, S., #p?: v ??≫n. n. The wood of a tree near the pith : heart-wood.
Raun-kut, 5 7 2 3 ≫, zr z TF#. n. A woman's secret girdle. Syn : Upshoro-un-kut.
| Rauomap, Fry:For 7, ##. n. A kind of
| Rai-omap, wicker fish trap. ライオマプ。
Rau-osh, 5 r% zir$≫, aE8?. v.i. To sink into. Raupeka, 5 } ~$ ?7, # ?? =. adv. secretly.
Raurau, ラウラウ。テンナンセウ. n. Arisaema peninsulae, Nakai. Jack-inthe-pulpit.
Rauraugetoi 5 7 5 ) Ay H 4f, E?E. n. A shaky place. A boggy place. Syn : Raworawok ushke.

Rauta-ande, 5 .j # 7>#F, H # t >t-, § 2. v.t. To put on one side. To put away out of sight.
Rawe, ラウェ。為スコトヲ欲シテモ自カ ラ行フコトヲ欲セザルコト o.t To desire to do but not to act.
Rawe-chiu, 5 r7 -5-7, # 7 # te v. v.t. To sheathe as a knife or sword. Syn : Rawe chiu.
Rawekatta, 5 } = ?, ≫ &, ?? 2. v.i. To sink. Also, Lower; lesser; inferior.
Raworawok-ushke, 5 of 3.5 or * > $2%r, isso ###. n. A boggy place.
Rawo-ahun, ラウォアフン。静ニ水ニ潜 jl. v.i. To dive gently into water.
Rayahase, 5 4 vvtz, #&# v. v.i. To call out as in anger.
Rayap, 5- 7, 1: 2 . v.i. To be surprised at.
Rayapkara, 5 * 7:#5, FF - F. Excl. of surprise.
Rayayaise, ラヤヤイセ。摩ヲ放チテ泣 * . v.i. To weep aloud. To cry.
Raye, 5 s =, ##x212. v.t. To offer up. To give to a superior.
Raye, 54f =, ff }, #ff y. v.i. To go to. To move. To enter (as a house).
Rayepash, ライェパシ。死ニ瀬スル、断 #5%. v.i. To be at the point of death. The death struggles.
Rayoki, 5 a #, or o ? s. n. A kind of louse. Pediculus pubis.
Rayottemushi, 5 = 97.5.2, 3 2 9 5*, # Z. adv. Scarcely. Hardly. Syn : Rai-korachi.
Re, レ、此語ヲ動詞ニ附加スルトキヘ動 Eil F + Pv. part. A causative particle suffixed to intransitive verbs to make them transitive. As :~ Pirika “to be good;” pirikare “to better.” “to do good to.”
| Re, レ。魚ノ頭ニ在ル軟カキ部分. n.
| Rehe, The soft part in the head Loos, of a fish. Syn : Kakawe.
Re, L?, =. adj. Three.
Reaiush-chep, れあいうっしゅ・ちぇっぷ, † ? V 7. n. Three spined stickle-back. Gasterosteus cataphractus, (Pallas).
Re-a-ush-op, れ・ち・うっしゅ・おっぷ, =3&#. n. A trident. (lit: ? Spear with three tines). Syn : Urenbe.
Reep, れえっぷ, 犬。 n. A dog. Syn : Seta.
Rehamush, レハムシ。ゴゼンタチベナ n. Cornus canadensis, L.
Re-hotne, L?***, z*-+-. adj. Sixty.
| Rei, レイ。名。
| Reihei, レイへイ。
Reihei レイへイ。魚ノ頭ニ在ル肉. n. The meat on the top of a fishes head. Syn : Kakewe.
Rei-iwai, レイイワイ。小児ノ命名式。n. The ceremony of naming a child.
Re-ikashima-wan, Le 4 ?y $2 = 7:e, + =. adj. Thirteen.
Reika, L. f 35, #2 ov. v.t. To praise.
Rei-kore, レイコレ。名ヲ附ケル v.i. To name.
Rei-koro, レイコロ、何々ト稲セラル・例セバ、タンコタン レイコロカツサ モロ モシリネ、此處ヘ日本國ト稀セラル・v.i. and adj. To have the name of. To be called. Popular. As :~ Tan kotan rei-koro katu, “ Samoro moshiri’ ne, “This place is called Samoro moshiri.” Usa reikorobe moshit'tapan, “ there are various names for the countries.” n. A name.
| Reine, れいね, 四肢ノ痛ミテケダルキ感覺(感覚)。 v.t. A heavy dull feeling of pain in the limbs. To feel weak. Syn : Keorosak.
| Rene, れね,
Rek, L }, # #. n. The whiskers. Syn : Reki.
Rek, Lo ?, # 7?? z ≫v. v.i. To give forth a sound. To creak as wheels. To rattle. To sing as a bird.
Reka, Lo?i, f#z ov. v.t. To praise
to approve with pleasure. Syn : Iramiye. Omonre.
Reka, L*2), #? sz 4 . a. Beautiful.
Rekanka, Le?i 235, # > x. v.t. moisten. Same as Rekanka,
| Reki ?o y レキ。 ##. n. The whiskers. See Rek,
| Rek. レク。
Reki-otekpeshbari, Le +2*5*2} ^&$/v? リ。豊ヲ振デル(挨拶ノトキニ). v.i. To stroke the beard as in salutation.
Rek-kuru-polea-eara-ehaita, Lo y 3 ルポカエアラエハイタ。類義ノ未ダ生エ *21-##. n. A young fellow whose whiskers have not yet begun to sprout.
Rek-kuttara, レックッタラ。ヨプスマサ v. n. Cacalia hastata, L. Also called Petkutu and chirekte-kuttara and wakka-kuttara.
Rek-ni, レタニ。禁歴者ノ用ュル拍子木。 n. A drum stick. A wand used by the shamans when exercising their ceremonies. Syn : Rep-ni.
Rek-sak-ita. Le 2 + 3 4 &, ## * ##. adj. When young. Met. (Lit. “ the time when he was without whiskers).
Rekte, L~o 57, §§i?? z ≫v. v.?. To play as a flute or whistle. To play any musical instrument. -
Rekuchi, Le 3 f, Fja?. n. The throat.
Rekuchi-anumba, Le 73-73X A/S, ? J:, z Jl. v.i. To be choked or throttled.
Rekuchi-iun, Le 2 5F4 ) A, #j ? ? # E, x, yuz. v.i. To choke one's self.
Rekuchi-orumbe, L. ) F:file A-S, Effi y, j. n. A necklace. A yoke. Syn : Rekutumbe.
Rekuchi-tuiba, Le 2 5F y es v?, Ef 57 #ff pt. v.t. To cut the head off.
Rekush-chep, れくっしゅ・ちぇっぷ, 2. * * * * # y. n. Alectria benjamini, Jor. Sny.
Rekut-koni, Le } y = =, R?#?. n. Croup.
Rekut-mayamaya-omke, Le 2 y -r \o マヤオムケ。喉ノ感冒. n A cold in the throat.
Rekut-umbe, Le 2 y 7 Art, Eiffi y', #i. A necklace. A yoke. Syn : Rekuchi Orunbe
| Rekutumpe-kot, E#ff > E L &##?. n. レクツムべコツ。 A mould for melt
| Rekutumbe-shu, ing metal for レクツムべシュ, necklaces.
Rekut' umbe-shu, Le } y} A^&$/a., Ei fi y > # yi # #|. n. A mould for making necklace patterns.
| Ren, Le 2e, ?E x y. v.i. To sink.
| Rere, レレ。
| Ren, Le Co, = N. n. Three persons.
| Re-niu, レニウ。
Rende, Le 25°, ?E x v. v.t. To sink.
| Rene, le:K, ###, #7, 3 n. adj. Weak.
| Reine, Calm. Quiet. Syn : le4f +, Tumsak.
Renga, Le 2e 7f, # bJ. n. Favour. Kindness. Decision.
Rengaine, レンガイネ。欲スル盛ニ, 場 # = £ z +... adv. As one likes. ACcording to circumstances. By the favour of. On account of. Because. For such a reason. As :~ Ku rengaine hawe an? " is it my fault (is it owing to me)?
Rengaine-iki, Le 27.f4 #4f +, F x 5° += a + , , = orite so. v.i. To be in different. Regardless.
Rengaine-mondum, Le 27.f4f + E o'y A., H H. n. Liberty. Freedom.
Rengai-no, Le 27.f4 /, / E5°. Same as rengaine, “on account of"
Rengap, Le 27f7, f?s & / ## = . adv. On account of. Because of. For the
sake of.
Rengap-ani, レンガプ・アニ, 何々ノ故ニ. adv. On account of.
Rengap-gusu, レンガプ・グス, 何々ノ為ニ。 adv. Owing to. Through. For the sake of. On account of.
Renka, レンカ, 承知スル。 v.i. To con sent. Assent. By the favour of.
Renka, レンカ, 仕度スル、準備スル、用意スル。 v.t. To place in order (as oars in a boat). Also, set up inau in their place and order.
Rennatara, レンナタラ, 疲労スル。 v.i. To be very tired and drowsy or weak 非常に疲労困ぱいで弱っている.
Renne, レンネ, 準ジテ。 adj. Each in turn.
Renneoktunin-ki, れんねおくつにん・き, 唸。 v.i. To roar 唸る・大声で叫ぶ・わめく.
Rennetara, れんねたら,  少シヅツ。 adj. Little by little.
Rep, レプ, 音 n. The sound made by beating a drum 太鼓を叩いた時の音.
Rep, レプ, 三ツノ物. n. The things. ★バカ検証 【The things. じゃ、「3つ」は分からない。それとも、 three のことを The things と言うのか。バカ丸出し。】
Rep, レプ, 海。例セバ, レプペカ、海カラ, レプタ、海ニテ。 n. The sea. As :~ Rep peka, by sea. Rep ta, in the sea. At sea. Syn : Atui.
Repa, レパ、海上遥カニ出漁スル v.i. To be far out at sea for the purpose of fishing.
Repa-gusu-oman, Le v?? Kzrr 2, # E = Ha x, yo. v.i. To go out to Sea to fish.
Repa-op レパ・オっプ, 魚叉(モリ) n. A harpoon.
Rep-ikashima-hotne, Le 74 h $27,5k y:#, --fra. n. Twenty three.
Rep-ikashima-wanbe, Le74 ?, Serr 7 >~, -?-E. n. Thirteen.
Repke, れぷけ, 海ニテ adv. At sea.
Rep-ni, れぷ・に, 打棒。 n. A stick used for beating time as in singing or as in citing traditions by the shamans. A drum stick. Syn : Rek-ni.
Rep-ni-hat, L7 =/vy, + y + x2 =rs & . n. Lit “creeping grape bush.” Schizandra chinensis Baill. Syn : Hurehat.
Rep-ni-hat-pungara, L, 7=zvoy 7"> ガラ。テウセンゴミシノ墓. n The vine of the above.
| Repo, 遠洋ニ出漁スルコト・ v.i. レポ, To go seal fishing. To
| Repo-iki, fish far out at sea. RepoLexit f :#, ikishike, “when they went to catch seals.
Repoiki, Loz?4f +, ? > 4) y = f? 2. v.i. To go fishing.
Repoikishiki, Loz?4 + e+', # BE > # x n = F. v.t. To go seal huntII19.
Repoparase, レポパラセ。小舟ニテ漂フ, ####x yu. v.i. To drift in a boat. To be lost at sea.
Rep-ot, Le 7zfoy, #3.j ? F 21. v.t. To hunt seals.
Repotbe, Le zit y ?s, # #. n. The fishes of the sea. Syn : Atui orun chep.
Rep-pish, Le 7 E e, = y / ##. n. Three things.
Reprep, LeZ L7, #_E, ##|. v.i. To bounce. To shake. To dance up and down as a stick on a drum.
Repta, Le 7 &, #= ?. adv. At sea.
Repun, Le 72, ## = . adv. Out at sea. Fishing at sea.
Rep-un-ekashi, Le7 r} >:r. ?y ?e, #PH ノ怪物常ニ九トヲ希ムト言ヒ偉フ n A fabulous sea monster said to be in the habit of swallowing up ships.
Rep-un-guru, Le 7 :) A? JV, # 7 # y テ来リシ人、島人、外國人(主トシテ樺 XX to # *H N 7: 7). n. A person from beyond the seas. Islanders. Foreigners. Chiefly applied to the inhabitants of Saghalien and Manchuria.
Rep-un-kamui, Le 7 :) > ?JA 4f, #E.
n. The sea gods.
Rep-un-kep, Le77 25-7, jat44(}?i v to so -i > 2 #). geo. The old Ainu name for the place now called Repunge, near Abuta, on the seashore. The name means “seascoop”. It is a small bay between high cliffs.
Rep-un-kontukai, Le7 r} > n > V? イ。人魚 (亀ノ形ヲナスト云フ) n The name of a mermaid supposed to be in the form of a tortoise.
Rep-un-moshiri, Le 7:7 2:E × ), ?, }}. 3. n. An island. Foreign countries.
Rep-un-notchi, Le 7 7 2 / y 5f, # = }H 7 + yi-kiji, n. A sea-cape. Syn : Rep-un-not.
Rep-un-riri-kata-inau-uk-kamui, Le プウンリリカタイナウウクカムイ。海ノ +ja. n. The name of the chief of the sea-gods in the Ainu pantheon.
Rep-un-shiri, Le 7 :) >$/ ), #. n. An island.
Repushbe レプシべ、河中ニ在ル亘岩. n. Large stones found in rivers. Syn : Taktakbe.
Rera, Le 5, E. n. The wind. As :~ Rera humi, “ the sound of wind.” Rera humi shem korachi hum ash, “it sounded like the blowing wind. Rera nitne” “a bad wind,”
Rera-am, 757* >?, £ +. adj. Windy.
Rera-apa, れら・あぱ, 月暈。 n. A halo round the moon. (Lit. “ wind door”).
Rera-ash, れら・あっしゅ, 吹ク。 v.i. To blow.
Rera-ash-shiri れら・あっしゅ・しり, 風多キ日。 n. Windy weather.
Rera-ash-shiri-an, れら・あっしゅ・しり・あん, 風多キ。 adj. Windy.
Re-rai, れ・らい, 三。 adj. Three.
Rera-kaikai, れら・かいかい, 荒灘。 n. A short choppy sea.
Rera-kare, レラ・カレ, 風ニアテル。風ニアテル為ニ戸外ニ出ス。 v.t. To air. To put out of doors to air.
Rera-mau, れら・まう, 空気。 n. Air.
Rerampa, けらむぱ, 妨ゲル。 v.t. hinder.
Rera-oshma, れら・おっしゅま, 風アル。 adj. Airy.
Rera-parure, Le 5 v?JL. L., BkHR 2*3* v * 7t. v.i. To be blown about by the wind. w Rerara-kotukbe, Lo E75 - oy y oS, #. n. A breastplate.
| Rerari, Le 5 J, j. n. The chest. The bosom.
| Reraru, レラル。
Rera-rui, Le 5 JU4f , ok 7. v.i. To blow.
Rera-shiu, L≫5 $zry, f#s., #?5.. n. A whirlwind. A strong wind. Syn : Hopoye-rera.
Rerayupke, Le 5 a. 75-, # oz 2 BK 27. v.i. To blow severely.
| Rere, Le Lo, ?E x /L. v.i. To sink.
| Ren, レン。 Rere, Le Lo, =. adj. Three. Syn : Re. Rep.
Rereka, Le Lezh, ?E x pl. v.t. To sink.
Rereko, Lo Le a, = H. n. Three days.
Re-shike, Le $, r, zk-f-HE Z # adj. Sixty fish.
Re-shikkeu, Lo ?e ≫ rr:7, E### -*- n-. adj. Triangular.
Reshke, Le 224r, #?f x yl, adj. Brought up. (pl.).
Reshpa, L :*, : # x Jl. v.t. To bring up. To rear. To nourish. Pl. of Resu. Syn : Shukupte.
Reshpa-guru, Lo 2 o S2 Jlo, 333... n. A foster parent.
Re-shui-ne, Le $/ a. 4 K, = f?. adj. Three times.
Reske, レスケ。養ヘレタ。養育サレタ。 a. Reared. Brought up.

Resu, Lo X, #?f x pl. v.t. To bring up. To rear. Sing. of Reshpa.
Resuka, Lexx, H 9. v.t. To bring up.
Retan-ni, Le & >=, + w x y s”. Rhododendron Kaempferi Planch. Syn : Ehureppo.
Retan-noya, Lo 3: 2 / o, c. y y a ir y # G. n. Achillea Plarmica, L., var. speciosa Herd.
Retara, Le 4:5, H +- adj. White.
Retara-ambe, Le 4: 57’Art, E, E, * #. n. Whiteness. A white thing.
Retara-i, Le & 54s, E. n. Whiteness.
Retara-kina-mauri, Le & 5 + 3- -r ウリ。 シロベナ ノ エン レイサウ。72. Trillitum kamtschaticum, Pall.
Retar’ambe, Le 2 JL7”.&o, E; * #3, Ei +. n. A white thing. Whiteness.
Retarape, Le & 5 ~?, H + #%. n. A white thing. The whites.
Retara-shik-num, Lo# 5 2 ) 5RA, HR # / H + $3.. n. The white of the eye.
Retara-tom, レタラ・トム, 白。 adj.White.
Retar’o-shikambe, Le 2 JL2+$/zh.Art, * * * F* 9. n. Diomedia albatrus, Pall. Steller's albatross. Syn : Onne chikap.
Retat'chiri, Le 2 ≫5= y, os x > y. n. Hopper swans. Cygnus musicus, Bechst.
Retat-taskoro, Le & ≫ & x=a pa, #?. n. White frost.
Retat-tope-ni, Le & y - ~$=, x + y*y # -5°. n. A kind of maple. Acer japonicum, Th. Also called ivatopeni. The name means “white milk tree”.
Retat'turu, レタッとツル, 頭垢(フ ケ)。 Dandruff.
Rettek, レッテっク, 老耄レル、 酔潰レル、疲労スル。 v.i. To be old and infirm. To be decrepit. To be hopelessly drunk and incapable. To be very tired. Syn : Katutoranne. Katu ikashishba. Rennatara.
Reu, Le 7, le vie (Ei ??# =). v.i. To settle as a bird. To sit.
Reu, Le 7, $##E. n. A sausage.
Reuge, L~~74yo, Hi; * yv, jif]}E%+ yv. adj. Bent. Concave.
Reukashi, Le , ?, $A, JJ#. n. The back of a sword.
Reunashi, レウナシ、臼ニテ摘ク三人。 v.i. Three persons to pound in a mortar. Syn : Utunashi. Yaitunashi. Autunashi. Inereyunashi.
Reupa, Loyzv, # 2 Esil. n. The upper side of a thing. Also verb “to rest on.”
Reupa, L- ryz K, IE Jl-, Eg x. v.i. To settle on (pl.).
Reupoki, Le 7##, #% y TFn. n. The under side of anything.
Reushi, L≫ +y So, I??? x ≫l≫. v.i. To stop or lodge at a place. To abide at a place.
Reushika, Lor) e?j, ?-r ≫ += l. v.t. Cause to stay at a place.
Reushiko-no, Le j S? ri / , # > x =. adj. Sleepless.
Reushire, Le r} > Lo, lEfff3} + jv. v.t. To allow another to lodge at a place. To lodge a person.
| Reu-ushike, レウウシケ。 lbs;}ss. n. A stopping
| Reushi-ushike, place. An abode. レウシウシケ。
Reushi-wa-shimgehe, Le 7 e 7 > A4* ~, ## 2 & H. adv. The day after staying at a place.
Rere, Lor) =, ## */v. v.t. To bend.
Reye, Le M =, #2. v.i. To creep. To crawl. Syn : Honu.
Reye-wa-oman, Le4 = 72 z 2, =ERE F? e 3?? vie. v.i. To crawl along upon the hands and toes.
Ri, J, §*. adj. & v.i. High. To
be high.
| Ria, りあ, 棲息スル。 v.i. To dwell at a place.
| Riya, りや,
Ria-chikap, リアチカプ。 鳩, 薄ナ ドノ is 3, §§ to x ##. n. Non-migratory birds such as pigeons and some kinds of snipe.
Richara, J: x:7, #2 Jl. v.i. Spread out on the top. To spread out as the waves, when beating on the seashore.
Richi, J5F, #ff. n. Sinews. Tendons. Syn : Rit.
Ri-i, ) of, ######2, #4. n. A high place or thing.
Rik, !) Zy, E = . adv. Above. Over. High.
Rika, y ?i, #5 > #Jv. v.t. To cross a bridge.
Rikan, U : 2, #: 9 l yv. v.i. & adj. To be soaked. To be soft.
Rikande, U b - 7°, i za ж, ?t. 7 x. v.t. To soak. To damp.
Rikani, J # =, #, #. n. A beam. A rafter.
Rikanka, U ? U ?j, i b x. v.t. To soak. To dampen.
Rikanki, ) zh > +, E25* ≫L. v.t. To send up.
Rikanu, y *j3x, £g# x ov. v.i. & adj. Adhering together. To stick together. As :~ Rikanu chiporo, “fish-roe sticking together.”
Riki, y HF, A R. n. Height. An elevation.
Rikin, Joe, #21. v.i. To ascend. To mount a horse or reindeer.
Rikin-chiri, J * > 5- J, e ?s y. n. Small Japanese sky-lark. Alauda arvensis japonica, (T. & S.)
Rikinge, J =#24, ?o jo. v.i. To be lifted up. (Pl. of the object.).
Rikinde, J #27, E**. v.t. To send up.
Rikin-kamui, J #2:54,4', go, + + so ?r. n. A moose deer.
Rikinno, J =#2 /, #35 ov. vi. To bounce.
Rikip, U +7, # 1 + 2. n. Something which ascends.
Rikipa, J +os, En-(##). Pl. of riki to “ascend.” They ascended.
Rikitunash, y * K 17:}-$≫, _H. = $g * yv. adj. Stretched out on high.
Rikmapuni, y ^=}-7=, _H * yl≫, +** Jl. v.i. & v.t. To ascend. To send up. To offer up.
Rik-o, J 2 f, _E h = r n. v.i. above.
Rikochiripo-chikap, J-5, J2fox, 7, E 2s 9.. n. Japanese skylark. Alauda arvensis japonica, (T & S.)
Rikoma, りこま, 一月、月。 n. A month. The moon.
Rik-oma-kando, Joz?or:#; 2 F, 55, zg. n. Heaven. The skies.
Rikoma-tom-be, りこま・とむ・べ, 日又ハ月。 n. The sun or moon. Syn : Tokap chup.
Rikop, リコプ 星。上方=在ルモノ. n. To be A star. Anything over-head.
Rikoraye, リコライェ。ヨリ高ク掛ケル, #I:** yv, ? ?y, Ej v ?v. v.t. To hang up higher. To raise. To roll up. To send up. To clear up.
Rikoro, Jr. H, E. H. J. adv. From above.
Rik-oshma, J 2: For, #1 ov. v.t. To lift up. To raise.
Rikotte, ) --- ≫ #F, #2r pl-. v.t. To hang up.
Rik-peka, J R ^S*, . EJf. adj. The direction above.
Rikta, y % %z, _E. adj. Above. Aloft.
Rikta-kamui-hum, 9 & 5, 77.4.4 7A, in. n. Thunder.
Rikta-rikta-ingara, J24, 9.2% of > 7f7, ##, ###. ph. Looking up
and up again. Pride.
Rik-un, 9 & 2 ×, E = . In the heights.
Rikun-shui, ) } A $22.4f, /jv? / ?ifi] ノ棟ニ在ル意 (畑出ナリ) n Thewindow in the west end angle of the roof of an Ainu hut as an escape for smoke.
Rikup リクプ。地上ニ建テラレタル(穴 居ニ反スルコトヲ示ス) n A house on the surface of the earth in contradistinction to a pit-dwelling.
Rim, J.A., 28 H = ####| x. vi. To float about in the air.
Ri-mau-ni, J or 7 E, Rosa rugosa, Th.
Rimka, リムカ。飛散ス (慶境ノ如 シ). v.t. To make fly (as dust).
Rimnu, U A5K, l# 't>, # X . adv. Above. ヘマナス、22. v.i. To rattle. To sound. To resound. To dazzle. Twinkle.
Rimmu-rimnu, ) A5 ) A5(, ) z. x P H3 + i ? ?.>s x#.. v.i. Intensive of rimnu.
Rimse, リムセ。舞踏スル。跳飛スル・ひ.i. To dance. To jump up.
Rimsep, J.Atz7, ###. n. A dance.
Rimuse, リムセ。舞踏スル、跳飛スル。 v.i. To dance. To jump up.
Rin, リン、波。例セバ、リンルイ、荒海. n. Waves. As :~ Rin rui, “a rough sea.” Ryn : Riri.
Ringo, リンゴ, n. An appleリンゴ.
Rinkosan, リンコサン。鳴ル (金物ガ). v.i. To clank. To ring. To clang.
Ri-no, J /, _E=E. adj. Clever. High.
Ripa, J *$, § (&). adj. To be high (pl.).
Riri, J J, #. n. The waves.
Ririkekke, y y 3r ≫ Ar, F# YFI. n. Breakers.
Riri-kopirika, ) ) = E ) h, ????3- vv. adj. & v i. To be fortunate. Lucky. Syn : Maukopirika.
Riri-puni, リリプニ。浪ニ揺リ上ゲラレ ol. v.i. To be lifted up by the waves of the sea. As :~ Chip riri puni iki, ahun iki, “the boat rises and falls with the waves.”
Riri-rui, リリル イ。 高浪。 %. High waves. A rough sea.
Riri-shietaye, 9 U Ser 4r 4s =, ??#j. n. The ebb of the tide.
Riri-yan, J J to 2, §§. n. The flow of the tide.
Risara, 9 *5, 3$ &* &. adj. Bald.
Risassara, リサッサラ, 高ク生茂ル(葦ノ如ク)。 adj. Thick and tall (as a plot of rushes or reeds). As :~ Ririsassara, “a thick plot of high reeds."
Risei, リセイ。引抜ク(軍).(草又鳥ノ毛 2 #1 * + 2 ×). z.t. To pull up as weeds. To root up. To pluck as a fowl. (Sing)
Riseige, y tz- “, K + H - F. v.t. Having uprooted.
| Risesseri, 7 of x 7-9 to . 22. A kind リセッセリ。 of acrid cress. Carda
| Kisesseri, mine yezoensis, Maxim. キセッセリ, This plant is used as
| Nisesseri, an article of food by ニセッセリ。 the Ainu.
Rishne, J $?*, £ z. adj. Green. As, Rishne chaha, “green twigs."
Rishpa, 9 er?, Eg?# 2 (#). v.t. To pull out as weeds. To pluck as a bird. (pl.).
Rit, y y, Fh, Fk, tk Ef. n. Sinews. Tendons. Gristle. Syn : Richi.
Rit. ) y, IsiL:?. n. The veins.
Riten, リテン。柔カキ、柔カニナル、平癒 z yv. v.i. & adj. Soft. To become soft.
| Riten-ni, x y E a 37 > # } . Loniリテンニ。 cera Glenhi Fr. Schm.
| Ritunni, The Ainu name means Jyry 2-, “sinewy trees.” soft. To improve in health. Pleasant. As :~ Tambe e ko anak tunashi no e riten kuszt me, “you will soon improve in health if you eat this.” Nu riten-ea,
“he has a pleasant face.”
Ritenka, リテンカ。柔カクスル、痛ヲ鎮 x 21. v.t. To soften. To allay pain.
Ritenkapopo, y #2 ####R, -s > r f 39 y. n. Veratrum grandiflorum, Ioes. Hellebore. The Ainu name means “healing pods.”
Riten-kina, J 5* > 3; 3-, 2- = ~. n. Chickweed. Stellaria media, Cyrill. This common weed is widely used for external application to bruises or to any part of the body where the bones ache. The stems and leaves are steeped in hot water before being applied.
Ritem-mun, )5*.A..A.2, 5R?? 2 -II. n. A kind of grass. Glyceria aquatica, S. M.
Riten-ni, 9 5F 2 =, r, s≫ ? y. n. Viburnum furcatum, Bl.
Riten-saranip, J #2+j*5 = 7, zk?. 又ヘ蓋ニテ造レル籠. n A kind of basket made of soft reeds or bark.
Riten-toi-shu, J 5** F. 4 ×a., fla?. n. An earthenware vessel. A crock. Syn : Sei-shintoko.
Riterite, リテリテ。伸ビヲスル。運動ス v.i. To stre-ch one's self. To take exercise.
Riteush-guru, !J 5+ry $^!) JV, # Z 5??i? 2, 2-, Ha 53. n. A male child either in the womb or immediately after birth.
Ritne, リツネ。困難ナル、哀シキ. adj. Troubled. To be in Sorrow.
Ritushbe, J y >~, n. # 2 5i. A boy.
Ritutta, y *y≫*, ?FH = 7. adJ. On the way.
| Riuka, J of 77, #. n. A bridge.
| Ruika, ルイカ。
Riwak, リワク。上カラ供カニ輝キ出ス, _E ? ? fst ? = }?? vie. v.i. To burst forth from above, as the sun through clouds. The shining forth of the sun.
| Riya, 9 *, ##x ov. v.i. To dwell at a
| Ria, place. To sojourn. リア。
Riya, J -F, H +, # ~ 3. vv. adj. Old. Stowed away.
Riya-aep リヤアエプ、蓄へタ食物. n. Old stores of food. -
Riya-chikap, 9 °5-3, 7, r2 > x2 +, # ## te 9 n- : *?. n. A woodcock. Also any other kind of non-migratory bird.
Riya-chikuni, りや・ちくに, 貯へタル木。 n. Stores of wood.
Riya-ham, 9 oz o.o., § ノ未ダ腐敗セ * 2L + 2 - n. Leaves which have fallen but not rotted.
Riya-ham-ush, 9 °/v.A.; So, + y + 5° y ~?. n. Daphniphyllum humile, Maxim.
Riya-no, J * /, §; ~ £ /v. adj. Stowed away.
Riya-no-ande, J 4 / 7 Aj , : - Jl. v.t. To store up.
Riyap, リヤプ, n. Bear cubs in their second year 2才熊.
Riya-seshma, リウセシマ、五才ノ牡鹿. n. A five year old buck.
Riye, J -r, #t H# 3-. adj. Valuable. Precious. Syn : Aroan-no. Pi-no. Riye-an.
Ro, pa, aux. . §4? Z †. Sign of the imperative voice. Roise, n f z, ?&#x pl. v.i. To make a noise ith the voice.
Rok, p 27, 4 9u (##). v.i. To sit. Pl. of A. As :~ Rok an, “to be sitting.” Rok okai, “ to be sitting.” Rok wa okai, “they are sitting.” Rok yan, “ sit ye.”
Rok, ロク, 此語ハ時トシテ過去ノ自働詞 ノ複数ヲ示スニ用ヰラル。例セバ、カンロクオカイ、仕上テシマウタ、キロクオカイ、シテシマウタ。
part. This word is sometimes used as a plural thus: ~ Kan rok okai, " to be finished." Ki rok okai, “ to have been done;" To be doing. Ye rokbe, “a thing that has been said.”
Rokom, ろこむ, イルカ。 n. dolphin. Syn : Okom.
Rokrok, ロクロク。 鳥ノ喩慶 (集ニ附ク | = #x yu), n. The noise a bird makes when about to sit.
Rokrok-ki, ロクロッキ。暗ク(牝郷嶋ノ巣 ニ E# * AII =?x n・(§??). v.i. To make a noise as a hen when about to sit. 7. The
Rokte, ろっくて, 座ラセル(アレ Are ノ複数)。 v.t. To cause to sit down. Pl. of Are.
Rongoro, ra > = #, # # Jt. a. Bald.
Ronnu, pa 25X, # x ( 7 * Raige / ££). v.t. To kill. Pl. of Raige.
Ronnupa, n >5.2°, #x. v.t. To kill. Pl. of the person as well as the object.
| Ronronge, R 2. R. 24, ##. n. A kind of
| Roronge, cramp. A twitching п га 24°, of the nerves.
Ropai, ろぱい, 霰(あられ)。 n. Hail.
Roram, ろらむ, 温順。 adj. Gentle. Syn : Noram.
Roram-no, ろらむ・の, 温順に。 adv. Gently.
Roramne, ロラムネ, 完ク、健カナル(やすらか)。 adv. Clear. Entirely. Quite. Healthy. As :~ Roramme kane tereke, “he jumped clear over.” Roramne an, “to be in health.” Syn : Irammakaka.
Roramne, ろらむね, 健全、温良。 adj. Decorous.
Rori, ロリ, 渦ノ中心、泉ノ中心。n. The head of a water current in a river.
Roro, ロロ, 炉ノ東側 (即チ上座ナリ) n. The head or eastern end of a fireplace. That part of the inside of a hut which lies between the east window and a fireplace. Syn : Rot. Hoka etok. Roru.
| Rorogeta, 小屋ノ東ノ外側、又小屋内 га га у“?, ノ東北隅即チ主人此處ニ
| Roro-keta, & & £ ?? % % 7gi3jj x. п га 4-2?, adv. The outside of the east end of a hut. Also the north eastern part of the inside of a hut; the chief and most sacred part of an Ainu hut where the master sits and the treasures are kept.
| Roronge, DI DI 24", # #. n. A kind of
| Ronronge, cramp. A twitching of H > R, 24*, the nerves.
Roropa, p H ro, W. M. v.i. To enter.
Rororogeta-an-guru, pa pa ra 4°37’ > Zy/L., &#, E. N. n. One's husband. As :~ En rororogeta an guru, “my husband.”
Roroso, Papa /, :K / # 2 : -s. n. That part of inside of a hut near the back wall.
Roro-un, E E ry A, # y + g ニ 7 . adv. At the head of a fireplace.
Roro-un-puyara, DI DI 7 Te7 475, ? #:. n. The east window. Syn : Rorun puyara.
Rorumbe, P. JLA ok, ##, # se s . n. War. Affliction. Sorrow. Distress. Syn : Tumi.
Rorumbe-apkash, DI JLA, og 777 #$/, 一列ニナリ歩ム (サラクカムイノ儀式 z 9-z F + 2 || >). v.i. To walk in single file as when performing the ceremony called Sarak kamui.
Rorumbe-niwen, EJVA^&= 17 ? 2, 3* * > 2, 2, 4 2 #53. n. The ceremony of Sarak kamui. Syn : Niwen horobi.
| Rorun, 口ルン。小屋ノ東窓ニ接シタル處. n.
| Rorui, That part of an Ainu hut HJL of, nearest to the east window.

Rorun-inumbe, tu my >4f3x.£,^&, ££; = $ii: 4・ #}!. ?2. That edge of a fireplace nearest the east end window.
Rorun-puyara, Da JL 27 -?5, HU?. n. The east window.
| Rorun-so, ろるん・そ,
| Rorui-so, ろるい・そ,
爐ノ上座竝ニ東窓ニ近キ。 n. That part of the floor of an Ainu hut nearest to the head of a fireplace and east window.
Roshke, n > or, # 2 #75. n. Tomb.
Roshki, p $^=*, $ 7- yi≫ (*+ 7). v.i. & v.t. To set up (as posts). To stand.
Roshkire, Da oHF. Le, ?* ≫L. v.t. To set up.
Rosoku, ろそく, 蠟燭(蝋燭 ろうそく). n. A candle. (Japanese). ★バカ検証 【日本語の「ろうそく」をアイヌの人が「ろそく」と発音していたと、バチェラーさんは、言うのか。オカシイ。アイヌの人も「ろうそく」と言っていたに決まっているでは無いか。「バチェラーよ、これは、お前の耳がバカという立派な証拠です。」】
Rosse, pa v tz, $ $. n. The S name for the common squirrel. Sciurus vulgaris orientis, Thom.
Rot, P y, ta a = ?il s’. n. The sacred east end of a hut. The same as:? Roro. Syn : Hoka etok.
| Rotcha, ロッチャ, 温順ナル、馴レタル。 adj. Gentle. Tame. Honest.
| Rotchaot, ロッチャオっと,
Rotek ロテク。除々ニ、倒レル (木ヲ伐 Ju F + 2 #|| > ). v.i. To fall slowly as a tree when cut down.
Rotom, H. F.A., + so. n. An earthen floor. Syn : Rutom.
Rotta, ロッタ。前面ニ。例セバ、チセイ ta y 3 , $ v ?ij = . adv. In front. Before. As :~ Chisei rotta, “ in front of the house.” Syn : Rupshi, Erupshita.
Rottek, Da ≫5*%, #jjj# yv. adj. & v.i. Exhausted. To drop down through exhaustion. To tumble down as a house. Syn : Rotek. Yottek.
Ru, る, A form of the verb an, “to be."
Ru, る, 形容詞ノ語尾。 Sometimes ru has an adjectival force; thus, Ota-ru, “sandy,” ota meaning “sand.” Shumaru, “ stony,” karu-ru, “abounding with pumice stones.”
Ru, ル, 道路。線。例セバ、ルチユプカ。 道路ノ東側。 n. A way. A path. A line. Road. As :~ Ru chup ka, “the east side of a road.” Rat chup pok, “ the west side of a road.” Ru hontomta, “in the road.” “upon the road.” Ru etokta, “the edges of a path,” the upper end of a path.”
Ru, ル, 凍氷(コンルト義同ジ) n. Ice. Syn : Konru. Rup. Rut.
Ru, る, 融ル、溶ル、碎ケル(くだける)。 v.t. To melt. To crumble.
Ru, るー, 凍ツタ、シミル。 adj. Frozen.
Ru, る, 毒。 n. Poison.
Ru, る, 半分、一部分。 adj.. Half. Partly. Lightly.
Ru, る, 雪隠(せっちん)。 n. A water-closet トイレ. Syn : Ashinru.
Ru, る, 静ニ。 adj. Slow.
Ru, る, 飛鳥群。 n. A flight of birds. Syn : Saye.
Ruashpa-guru, JL77$ev?? JLo, ## J ? ja. n. A kind of snake.
Ru-aturainu, Il-7y54 5R, # 7. adv. Astray.
Rucha, ML#47, Eff;$. n. A road side.
Ruchi, Jose, 4=#. adj. Half cooked, Under cooked. Syn : Ruhu.
Ruchikaye, J?, 5 h 4 =, h#. n. A mountain pass. Syn : Ruchish.
Ruchire, Jose Le, 43% = x Ju'. v.t. To partly cook. Syn : Aruchire.
Ruchish, ルチシ、峠、道。羊腸(ナナマガ 9). n. A mountain pass. A path. A crooked or winding path. Syn : Ruchikaye.
Ruchish-koro, JL5-Sea DI, III > #= * joss 2; Pl. v.i. To take a journey across the mountain.
Ruchup, JL5F-7, ? H. n. January.
Rue, ルエ, 濃キ、大キイ。 adj. Thick. Large.

Rueshin-an, ルエシン・アン, ph. It was (pl. of rue an) 〜でした(複数). Syn : Rue-shiri-an.
Rue-kankan, vari? - ? -, ki?. n. The large intestines.
Rue-kina, JL:E##-, > *. n. Petasites japonicus, Miq. var giganteus, Makino.
Rue-rit, JVir. J y, ie#. n. The large tendons of the feet.
Rue-san, Plz-t“)->’, 7]ki%3}}. n. A place where one draws water. Syn : Petaru.
Ruesani, lle:r:}} = , EI. n. A road. A path.
Rue-shutu-inau, JLor 2 a. y 4:3-7, イナオノ一種 (疫病ヲ祓フニ用ユ) n. Peculiar kinds of inau made of elder and chikupeni (i.e. cladrastis) and used as charms against disease. Syn : Chikappo-chikomesup.
Ru-etok, Il- er F. Zy, 3E # = . adv. Ahead. On in front.
Ru-etokta, Jl. r. H. : A, 3 / #. n. The edges of a path or road. The upper end of a path.
Rue-tui, Joe:Ey's, soft. n. The large intestines.
Ru-eukopi, Iloir :} = E, ## / E## / 3:3-5;. n. A place where several paths or trails meet.
Ruhu, JL.7 £4. adv. Half cooked. Soft
Ruhe, boiled (as eggs). ルへ。
Ruhe, Il-", F. n. A footprint.
Ru-homakashi, JL:s-r? ?e, ? V ?Efa?. adv. The left hand side of a road or path.
Ru-hotke, JL≫* 94%r, **ijR. (*y y y). v.i. To be half asleep.
Ruhumi, JL7 S, ?#3), ?}?. piece. A part.
Rui, J.Le4f, # # #. n. A black-beetle.
Rui, JL-s, ?E H. n. A whetstone. A grindstone. n. A
Rui, ルイ。燃ル。吹ク、降ル (雨ノ如ク). 例セバ、アベルイ、レラルイ、アプトルイ。火ガ燃ル、風ガ吹ク、雨ガ降ル。 v.i. To burn. To blow. To come down as rain. As :~ Abe rui, rera rui, apto rui, “the fire burns, the wind blows, and it is raining.”
Rui, ルイ, 大ナル、高価ナル adj. Great. Expensive. Loud. Large. Rough. Coarse. As :~ Aya rui ni, “coarse grained wood.”
Rui-ashikepet, J.L. 47° 22 Are Soy, #3. n. Thumb.
Ru-ibe, ル・イべ, 雪中ニ氷凍セシ魚。n. Fish which have been caught in the winter and hung in the air to dry or freeze.
Ruibe ルイべ, 甚ダ、烈シキ、此語ハ屡々 語意ヲ強ムル為ニ動詞ニ 附加セラル。 adj. & adv. Very. Severe. Very much. Severely. This word is often used as a suffix to verbs to indicate intensity or severity. As :~ Oripak ruibe sone gusu “for she was exceedingly polite or respectful.”
Ruibe, るいべ, 凍死スル。 v.i. To freeze to death. Syn : Me-ekot. Rupushrai.
Ru-ibe, る・いべ, 氷魚。 n. Frozen fish.
Ruibe, ルイべ, 磨ク。刀ヲ付ケル。 v.t. To sharpen. To grind on a grindstone.
Ruika, るいか, 橋。 n. A bridge. As :~ Ruika ka kush, “to cross over a bridge.”
Ruika, ルイカ。燃ヤス (吹イテ). v.i. To make burn. To blow into a flame.
Rui-no, JL-f /, k f = , EA#=. Greatly. Much. Loudly.
Rui-no hauge-no, JL-f / vv. 74° V, E # = Xssk#. adv. Loudy and softly.
Rui-omap, Joe's zoo. 7, #257... n. A bag for a whetstone.
Rui-ruye, JLA JL, E, E=F x ≫L. v.i. To adv.
shake hands.
| Ruituye, JL.4 y4 =, : Jl. v.t. To stroke.
| Ru-tuye, ルツイェ。
Rui-yupke, JL4 a. 7Zr, # e JJ FE ≫. adv. Very strongly or powerfully. As :~ Rut no yupke kishima, “ hold it very tightly.” I
Ruka, IL-2, f. п. A bridge.
Rukane, Lo?j:k, ##-#- ≫L. adj. Poisonous. As :~ Rekane wakka, “poiSonous Water.
Ru-kari,ルカリ。小便スル(女子=ノミ用 a.). v.i. To make water (used only of women). Syn : Hangea.
Ruki, JL^=*, ETR x xl≫. v.t. To swallow. Syn : Hamneruki.
Ru-ko, JV, En, ## = - adv. Beautifully. Prettily.
| Ru-kopi, ルコピッ 数條ノ道ノ交又黙. n.A
| Ru-eukopi, place where several JLearly E. E., paths meet.
Ru-koro-kamui, Jl.: pi: A4 , : / jn?. n. The demons of water-closets.
Rukot, JL.: :/, :. = s +. n. A foot path.
Rukotchi, Ji-E 95°, A#. n. A footprint. A trail. Syn : Ruyehe.
Ru-kuru, Jl : Jl., /IvRj, #j. n. Fine rain.
Rum, JLA, # 2 #. n. An arrow head.
Rumaibe, るまいべ , ハゴトコ n. A greenling【魚】アイナメ. Agrammus agrammus (T. & S.)
Ru-mina, JLS:}", # 7 # 2 -: ≫L. v.i. To smile.
Rumne-top ルム子トプ。ネマガリザサ.| n. A kind of bamboo. Sasa paniculata, Mak. et Shib,
Ru-moire, JL, HE f Lo, #3: E y 3- † . adj. Very slow.
Ru-mokoro, JLPE = Pa, + R (v ≫ ≫). v.i. To be half asleep.
Runne-shu, Ji 2:32a, ##. n. A Soup kettle or saucepan.
Runne-shu-kara, Jl. >:k$2-25, 8:4% * † no. v.t. To prepare food.
Rum-ne-top, JLA, +: F 7”, #ff v ?## n. Sasa paniculata Mak. et Shib. Arrow head bamboo.
Runnu, Jl. >52, : , . adj. Salt. Salty. As :~ Runnu wakka, “ salt water."
Runnu-shippo, M. × 5: S2 y zi:, HH:. n. Powerful salt.
Ru-o, ルオ。縞ノアル。 adj. Striped.
| Ru-o-ashpa-guru, Sz.--> E. n. Stripルオアシパグル。 ed snake. Elaphe
| Ru-ashpa-guru, quadrivirgata, ルアシパグル。 (Boie).
Ruo-haram, Ji-zrav5.A., H. zi : , :. n. A striped lizard. Eumeces latisculatus, (Hallow.)
Ru-ohariki-sam, JLzrav!) ++A, it y ?E{R}. n. The left hand side of a road. Syn : Ru-homakashi.
Ru-okake. JLzir:, Ar, #. v.t. To inherit. Syn : Ikeshkoro.
Ruokaketa, JL zr # Er Ax, 4# =. adv. Afterwards.
Ru-okopi, ルオコピ。二條ノ道ノ交又黙。 n. A place where two roads meet.
Ruop ルオプ、シマリス、トラフネズミ。 n. A ground squirrel. Eutamias asiaticus, (Gmel.) In S it is called aba and churi-kamui and chikumukai.
Ruo-ruo, Il-zr/lezir, # / 7 yl (Hi:) adj. Striped. (pl.)
Ru-o-sei, JLzirtz4 , , ,s / 7 . n. A kind of Pecten. Pecten Swiftii, Bern. radiating ribs or concentrically serrated.
Ru-oshimon-sam, Jl.:2:E >{}A, : 2 ##|.. n. The right hand side of the road.
Ru-oyake, JVzirk Br, i##. adv. The side of a road.
Rup, JL7', # 7 k. n. Ice.
Rup, JL?7, #£ +- ≫v. adj. Very many.
As ?Chikap rup, chep rup, “ very many birds and fish.” Syn : Rupi.
Rupa, Jlo v?, # $? v, # $? v. adj. Common. Ordinary. As, Rupa-itak, “ordinary speech. Prose.”
Rupeshpe ルペシペ るぺしゅぺ, 小山ノ峯、渓流, 又 小粒岩石。 n. A rill. A small water-course running down a steep place. By some, broken up rock and gravel. A summer road or path. Such places are made impossible for travel after the winter snows have melted.
Ru-pishkan, JL E Ee:b A, ie / #jstij. adv. On both sides of a road.
Rupne, ルプネ。高層ナル、大ナル、成長 * 3: 7. adj. Bulky, Large. Adult. Full grown. As :~ Rupne aimu, “a full grown man.”
Rupne-chimat, Ji, 7 : 5 -r y, :#. n. An old woman.
Rupne-guru, Jl. 7:2 Jl., E: s2 : Jl. #. n. An adult.
Rupne-koro, JL?7:k:a p!, En# sx 28 jl?. adj. Full grown.
Rupne-no, JL, 7 # A, # H? =... adv. Bulkily.
Rupne-pakno-arikiki, Jy 7*r?2≫ / アリキ キ。成年 ニ達スル逸養育スル。 v.t. To bring up until full grown.
Rupne-shiwentep, JL7:k > r) = 2 5F 7, £r. n. A woman.
Ruppa, Jie ≫v?, # 2... v.t. To swallow. As :~ Hamme no ruppa, “to swallow whole.”
Rupurupse-kiripu, JL7JL7+z + y 7", #### / H. n. Lumps of fat.
Rupshi, Joe? So, fisaj. adv. The front. Before. As :~ Chisei rozpshi, “in front of the house.” Syn : Rotta. Rupush, JL, 7 Se, ?k## x yu~. v.i. freeze. To be frozen.
Rupushka, Ju 7 Se ?i, ?ki z v. v.t. To freeze.
Rupush-ka-rai, Jlo 7 / h 5 f, $3 E x To yu. v.i. To be frozen to death. Syn : Me ekot.
Rura ルラ。借用物ヲ返へス。見送ル。 v.t. To return anything that has been borrowed. To see one off on a journey.
Rura, ries, Ju-st s z ≫v. v.t. To load as a boat. As :~ Chip rura, “to load a boat.” To transport.
Ru-rai, IV54, £%E. adj. Half dead.
Rure, JL. L., #3, X. v.t. To melt.
Rurirui, Jl U JI,4 , : #, : #. adj. Selfish. Stingy. Syn : Ibe hunara. Epyuрke.
Rurirui-yupke, JL. J Jl,4 ±.75-, # 3r #####2-##3-yu. adj. Very selfish or stingy.
Ruru, Jl.Jie, #, :. n. The sea. Salt. The ocean. Syn : Shi-ruru.
Ruru, Jlelle, #?. n. The surface of the sea.
Ruru, ルル、野菜又肉ヲ入レザル汁 n. Clear soup. Gravy.
Ruru, Jlelle, E, y?- F F?l s’. n. A way, same as ru.
Ruru, Jlo v , # v plo, #T ≫ . v.t. To touch. To strike.
Ruruge ルルゲ。調和シテ、美シク、悦ン 5*. adj. Harmoniously. Beautifully. Pleasingly. “Spick and span.”
Rurun, Juli, , , : , 7 M. adj. Salt. Brackish. As, Rurumopbe, “Brackish water.” Syn : Rurun omap.
Ruru-o-epaketa, JL. Jiuzh'-ta $4r:, #: In. A landing place.
Ruru-kina, JLesle=#3-, y = y = y 7, (S) n. Laminaria ochotensis, Miyabe. A kind of seaweed. -
Rurukka, ルルッカ。ムスジガジ(カズナ +, ≫ or of 2 ?#). n. A kind of blenny. Ernogramnus hexagrammus (T. & S.)
| Rurumbe, JL.J.L.A&, :%E : yl. n. An acciden
| Rorumbe, tal death by drowning. DI JLA, os, Syn : Yupkep.

Ruru-omap, JoJoz?or 7, # (so + x; 2) *. adj. Brackish.
Ruru-sak-keutum-koro-guru, llelle サッゲウツムコログル。愚人、馬鹿者。 n. A fool. A stupid person.
Rurupish, Jl.Jl. E$2, 3-fil, ANZH. n. Shingles. Pebbles. 豪、
Ruru-sam, Jolo, ##. n. The sea side.
Ruru-samta, Jl, Jl t} A &, #: = 7 . adv. By the sea side.
Rurus-seppa, ルルセッパ。ヘスノヘカイ・ n. A sand cake. Echinarachnis mirabilis, Barn. Syn : Atui-seppa.
Rurushpe, JoJo, #. n. A stake.
Ruruso ルル・ゾ。家ノ奥ノ壁ニ近キ床. n. That part of the floor of a house near the back wall.
Ruru-unkotuk, JLJI≫r} A =1'; }, #ff. n. Amber.
Ruru-wakka, JL≫JL≫7 ≫*j, E7k, a}zk. n. Salt water. Sea-water.
| Rusak, rv*&, & *) *-. adj. Stupid. Silly.
| Ruru-sak, As :~ Ru-sak keutum koro JLJLo, guru, “a stupid fellow.”
Rush, JL, ?e, Ekst. n. The skins of animals.
Rushka, JV Eeh, 33 v. v. adv. Angry. As :~ Rushka itak, “ angry word.”
Rushka, Jie ?e?7, #n-, HA5.? ≫v. v.i. To be angry with. Not to like. To fall in to a rage. As ?Ibe ka rushka, “not to like to eat.”
Rughtara, ルシタラ。荷ヲ背負フトキニ H = Ju #. n. A thong with a leather headpiece used for carrying bundles.
Rusui, JL-2 of, £k x 2L. v.t. To desire. To wish for.
| Rusui-chiwe, # = # 7 FK 3- z' N-. v.i. ルスイチウエス, To have a fit of de
| Rushi-shiwe, sire to do someルシシウエー。 thing. To be carried away by desire.
Rusuike, J?, K4 r., HJE z vv. a. Be ing desirous of.
Rut, Jl. H., #3k. n. Sea ice.
Rutke ルツケ。崩レル(山ナドガ)、喧嘩 x Ju . v.i. To slip (as land). To quarrel. To rush out as mud from a volcano. As :~ Nupuri orowa no Shinrutke, “the land has slipped from the mountain.” Syn : Charange.
Rutke ルツケ。他ノ喧嘩ヲ引受ケル v.i. To take up the cause of another.
Rutke-guru, Jie y r? JL, # # #. n. An advocate in a bad sense.
Rutke-i, JLy or Af, pig hij v. n. A land slip. Syn : Soshke-i.
Rutom, ルトム。履キ物ヲ脱ク場處. n. The bare space left just inside a floored hut upon which to leave one's foot gear when entering. Syn : Aun mimdara.
Ru-turainu, Jl, y 545, = # 7. v.i. To lose one's way.
Rutuye, Jl y A -, : : Jl. v.t. To stroke. Syn : Ru-ituye.
| Ru-umbe, ルウムべ。刺編シタル衣服。n Afan
| Tu-umbe, cy needlework dress. ツウムべ。
Ru-utomoshma-i, JL≫roy H.:E:$2-?4, -f£££3. n. Cross roads. Syn : Ruukoopi-hi.
Ruwe, J?, 7 =, #& V. adv. Yes. It is. So. Ruwe is sometimes used after a person has been speaking as a kind of doubtful affirmative particle.
Ruwe, ルウェ。此語ヘ麗々動詞ノ意義ヲ 確定スル為ニ用キラルネ(ne)又ヘタプ アンナ (tapan-na)ノ語ヲ附加ス。例セ ベ、アイヌネルウェネ、彼ヘアイヌナリ. part. This word is often used as an affirmative ending to verbs, and is usually followed by ne or tap an na. After nouns ruwe is preceded by ne. As :~ Aintt ne ruwe ne, “it is a man.”
Ruwe-ne-wa, JVer, Erik E7, 's 4 - adv. Yes.

Ruweshin, Jl. :) E SA A, E HE. n. Tracks.
Ruwe-shomo-he-an, Jler y = C*a*E*-7” >, ?E = #E 39° vi ?i. Th. Is it not So 2
Ruwe-un, ルウェウン。 然リ。 adv. Yes.
Ruyambe, ルヤムベ。海ノ波、小雨. n. Waves of the sea. Fine rain. Rain.
Ruyambe-an, Jl. PA-872, Rj:K. n. Bad weather. (Principally so used by the Ainu who inhabit the Saru district).
Ruyambe-rui, JL-PA-SJL 4s, ?j?#n-, /j≫R?? ≫v. v.i. To rain. To rain fine mist.
Ruye, ルイェ, 太キ。例セバ、ルイェツシ、 太キ縄。 adj. Thick. As :~ Ruye tush, “a thick rope.”Ruye chikuni, “ a thick tree.”
Ruye, るいぇ, 擦ル。 v.t. To rub. To stroke the hands (as in salutation) (挨拶で、)手を振る.
Ruye, るいぇ, 上等ノ。 adj. Superior 上位の、優れた.
Ruye-ashikepet, JV. A 27’’’Foy, #. n. The thumbs.
| Ruyehe, Jl.4 =&, #, #. n. A line. A foot
| Ruwe, print. Syn : Ruwehe. ルウェ。
Ruyeruye ルイェルイェ。撫デル(他ノ頭 y). v.t. To stroke the head of another as in affectionate salutation.


Sa, +, E, E?E, EEE. n. The head. As, Sokot-sa, “the head of a hearth.” Sa-ta, “that part of a floor near the sacred end window of a hut.”
Sa, +, *# 23:34. adv. Near the sea. As, Sa-un. “by the sea.” Sa-un-nonno, “a sea-side flower.”
Sa, #, F#, zg?ij. n. A space. interval.
Sa, +, JII:. n. River sides.
Sa, #, ##J?. n. A plain.
Sa, #, ?ij = , Ef } = . adv. At hand.
Sa, サ、城ガル、開ケタル、平地 v.i. Spread out. Open. Exposed. Also a noun meaning “plain.” An interval. Sa-koro-itak, “a speech having intervals.” An In front of.
| Sa, 廿, #. n. An elder sister. Syn :
| Saha, Sаро. **zv,
Saha, Fov, 2:#f. n. A plain.
Sachi, #5F, zk z? 2-, ZE HH --- adj. Level. Flat. Plain.
| Sai, +?? , E / #ff, #. n. A flight of
| Saye, birds. A circle. Coil. +?? ?,
Saikonoye, サイコノイェ。捻キ付ケル。 v.i. To wind round.
Saimon, #4fRE: A, ## = a /v:#fffj. n. Trial by ordeal.
Saimon-epirika, #4 E Cor. E 9 h, #e : 7 p; 9 7 j:+ Jl. v.i. To be acquitted by trial by ordeal.
Saimon-ewen, #4fRE: Cor. :) = 2, ## 57 p. y 7 gate 7 yl... v.i. To be condemned by trial by ordeal.
Saimon-ki, #4 + 2 +, ##7 p! ≫ 7. #sij + 7 zv. v.i. To be tried by ordeal.
Saimon-kire, 9-A.RE 2 = L-, o # 7 p. +# 2. v.t. To try by ordeal.

Saipake サイパケ。先ニナツテ飛ブ鳥。 - n. The leader in a large flight of birds.
Saishut, #-f S2-'y, H#. The upper part of the legs.
Saiturashte, +4 oy5 $25°, $E7 yv(* ^ _H. = 7- yv *£■ *^). v.i. To have upon a garment as an ornament.
Sak, #2}, H. n. Summer.
| Sak, 毎歪シニ。例セバ、オトプサク。 ?夕, 55#. adv. Without. Not
| Sak-no, having. This word is often +27 y, used with nouns to help form negative adjectives. As :~ Otop sak, “ bald.”
Sakange サカンゲ。半バ料理シタルヲ H = E so. 37 no. adj. Partially cooked and then sun dried.
Sakanram サカンラム。喧嘩好ノ性質。 n. A quarrelsome disposition. Syn : Nukoshne.
Sakanram-koro, **) 25 An II, Fa£# j£ z. adj. Quarrelsome.
Sakanram-koro-guru, +7; 25 AEI P ?VJL, TE E##f / N. n. A quarrelsome person.
Sakari-nai, サカリナイ。地名。平原ノ周 y 3 # ≫Lz ≫?≫)||. n. A stream running round a plain.
Sak-ashi, #7752, 3- 3/5'. v.i. To be without. As, Aisak ashi, “we have not.”
Sakayo, さかよ, 喧騒、喧嘩。 n. An uproar. A quarrel.
Sakayo-kara, さかよ・から, 騒グ。 v.i. To make a disturbance. To quarrel.
Sakbe, サクベ, 鱒又ハ乾魚。 rt. Dried fish. The spring salmon. Syn : Sakibe.
Sake, さけ, 酒。 n. Rice beer. See Arutu-ashkoro.
Sake, さけ, 近イ。 adv. Near.
Sake-hau, サケ・ハウ, 酒宴ノ騒音 n. The sound of people drinking. Bacchanalian Song.
Sake-hauki, サケ・ハウキ, 酒飲ノ歌ヲ謡フ。 v.i. To sing the song of drunkards.
Sake-shinchak, さけ・しんちゃっく, 酒醸造。 n. The fermentation of sake.
Sak-hosh, サっク・ホっシゅ, 草製ノ夏脚絆。 n. Summer leggings made of grass.
Sak-ibe, サク・イベ, 春又ハ夏ノ鮭。n. Spring or summer salmon.
Sakiri, ** 9, 2*E|}, }}, AE. n. A wooden spit for holding food. A fence. A rail.
Sakkai, +/- ≫ h f, #. n. Chop-sticks. Syn : Ibeshui.
Sakkai, サッカイ。(ニ三榴ノ)舟ヲ清グ。 v.t. To row a boat having several oars on each side.
Sak-kimotbe, さっく・きもっとべ, 狐ノ一種。 n. A kind of fox having very thin hair. Supposed to be a demon working harm to people. He is also supposed to possess people and to live in holes and graves during the cold winter months.
Sakma, {}^+, ZK??, #. n. A wooden rail. A bar.
Sakne サクネ。先。例セバ、サクネチュ 7", se H. adv. Last. The previous. As :~ Sakne chup, “ last month.” Sakne pa, “ last year.”
Sak-no, if y V, # & =. adv. Without. Not having.
Sak-noshike, {}; } / ^4r, A EI. n, Midsummer.
Sa-koro, # a II, fij r ) a. Having intervals.
Sakoro-itak, #5 PI 4 & }, ##. n. A poem.
Sak-pa, to as, J. n. Summer time. Summer.
Sak-un-pa, # } } 2^*?, J?. n. Sum?ler.
Sakuri, #27 J, -Ha. n. An embankment. Syn : Toi-chashi.
Sakusa, + 2 +}, #. n. Smell. Scent.

| Sam, +A, H) = , adv. By the side of
| Sama, anything. Near to. Be+or, sides.
| Samake, サマケ。
| Samata, サマバ,
Sam, #A, # 7, ...... 5 - 4 - adv. No. Not. Syn : Sak. Nak. Isam.
Sama, +*, #2s yl. v.i. To lie along. To lie stretched out.
Samai-moshiri, +j*rr 4 E 22 ), E K. n. Japan. Syn : Samoro moshiri.
Samai-un-guru, +}~ of 72%. Joe, HZs N. n. A Japanese. Syn : Samoro un guru.
Samake, }* or, H}=. adv. By the side of. Adjacent. As :~ Samake kush, “to pass close by.”
Samakeketa, t} : 5-5-4g, s#j =. adv. By the side of.
Samaketa, is er 5-4, slij =, X. adv. By the side of. Again. Besides this. Syn : Sanketa.
Samambe サマムべ。カレヒ類ノ線稲. n. Any kind of flat fishes.
Samambe サマムべ、陰門ノ俗称、n. A slang word for the vagina.
| Samam-ni, #:j?R, }#7]k=?** v~##= サマムニ。打上ゲラレテ朽チシ木.
| Samau-ni, n. Rotten wood. Wood サマウニ。 which has floated down a river. A fallen tree trunk.
| Saman, +j*rr >, $####. n. A witch doctor.
| Shaman, Syn : Tusu-guru. シヤマン。
Sama-shik-sak-no, to Sey or +2, A, 5% + + 4 ot. ph. Out of hearing (Lit: not having eyes near by).
Samata, サマタ。 又, 其他, 側。 adv. Again. Besides this. By the side of.
Samatka-chikap, #-r y ?y F#7', # 2 ?#. n. A kind of eagle.
Samatki-itak, 3-ory:#4 × 7, Ha, 2+ =r h; #j#. n. Hasty words. Foolish words. Syn : Oheuge-itak.
Samatki-keutum-koro, +j*rr y + rry ツムコロ。短気ナル、愚ナル adj. Easily angered. Foolish.
Samatki-no, #-r y + /, ## = . Gjte ベ、サマツキノアプカシ、横様ニ歩ム. adv. Sidewise. As :~ Samatki no apkash, “to walk sidewise.”
Sama-un, ++ y >, || =. the side of.
Samba, #,Azt, 2 is 2. adj. Like.
Samba, +/o*, + 2s. n. Mackerel. Scomber japonica Houtt. (Jap.).
Samba, **.Az, a]. n. Side. The side of anything. As :~ Ine samba, adv. At “four side" or “square.”
| Sambas, サムバス, 犬又ハ狐ノ如ク走ル。 v.i. To canter. To run as a dog or fox. Syn : Chaira. Mopash.
| Sambash, さむばっしゅ,
Sambe, さむべ, 心臓、脈拍、神経。 n. The heart. The pulse. Nerves.
Sambe-aotke, to A^7zf yor, so = ji x 7 vv. v.i. & adj. To be conscience stricken.
Sambe-chinoiba, †}-A^5F A 4f w?, zgs 7 oxyv. v.i. & adj. To be hungry.
Sambe-etara, #Ao?iri & 5, Ekiu = ?. x * 2L. v.i. To be conscience stricken.
Sambe-hauge, }A^zvo, #42):” yv. adj. Kind.
Sambe-horaraise, さむべ・ほららいせ, 晴朗ナル、心穏(おだやか)ニ感ズル。 v.i. & adj. To be serene. To be calm and unpurturbed in mind. To be restful and quiet. To feel safe and happy.
Sambe-horipiripi, thoszko) to 9 bi, Hja. n. Palpitation of the heart.
Sambe-kokuruse, + A^k=a & JLotz, ?E # x. 212. v.i. & adj. To be confounded. Purturbed in mind. To be in fear and suspense. Syn : Kimatek.
Sambe-koro, tj-.f.- =a Ta, kyk +. adj.
Brave. Syn : Turamkoro. Manka.
Sambe-kurukush, + Aos 3 JL-2 $ e, ?# ###. n. A twitching of the nerves.
Sambe-murumuruse, †J&^?JA,Jly,As!!≫ +z, EE. n. Palpitation of the heart.
Sambe-muruse, }A^A/Leto, #2, #. so 2 + 1 (#2). v.i. To grow worse as in sickness.
Sambe-nishkut, #A,^.= S2 % *y, mi1#. n. A blood vessel.
Sambe-nishte, '#A^k=$/#F, ####3- vie. adj. Hard hearted.
Sambe-oikereke,o Artzi's or Lor, #. ?N = i x * yl. v.i. To be conscience stricken.
Sambe-otke, + A,~??o≫^r, !!! v yv(?≫ =). v.i. To touch one's heart.
Sambe-rikoshma, + A* 9 - >7, sh: # 5 # z. v.i. To retch.
Sambe-shipirasa, + A* >E 7+}, # +j+- yv, a o] = x )v. adj. & v.i. To be generous and kind.
Sambe-shituri, ?}-A^$$e'y ), ?? 3ル心地スル、爽快ヲ感ズル v.i. To feel better in health. To be glad. To feel refreshed.
Sambe-takne, '#A-$2$ 2) #, ### 3- vv. adj. Irritable. Quick tempered. Syn : Nukoshme.
Sambe-tokse, '#A^ F } tz, ?≫## / ## £), 3.2s.#. n. The beating of the pulse. -
| Sambe-tokse-tokse, soft / # # 37.2 サムベトクセトクセ, 脈牌. n. The
| Sambe-toktok, beating of サムベトクトク。 the heart or pulse.
Sambe-toranne, '#A“; F 5 A:k, #ff## z # 2. v.i. To be seized with epilepsy.
Sambe-tuitui, +/A-8'y4 % -f, Higg 2 $ to x Ju . v.i. To be cut to the heart.
Sambe-yukram, *A.*-i.47*7.A., jiji. The lungs. Syn : Yukram.
Same, {} x, z, F W to x. n. A shark. (Japanese). Lamma cornubica, (Gmel).
Same-tuntun, +xt y > y >, + x 2 # 5E. n. Embryo of shark.
Samma, #2 -r, fj? 3. adj. From. As, Shi-tepsof-samma, “from the bosom.”
Samkotpokita, ‘j-Ara yzf4r4z, 1. adv. Close by the side of one.
Samoro-moshiri, #RE DI RE?e ), E AK. n. Japan. Syn : Samai-moshiri.
Samoro-un-guru, #RE DI 7 A? JL, E # N. n. A Japanese. Syn : Samaiun-guru.
Samoro-uimam, †}-RE pa r) 4 -r A, #?# スル(昔松前ノ領主ニアイヌガ為セシ如 27). v.i. To pay respects to the Japanese as the Ainu used to do in ancient times to the Governor of Matsumai.
Sampata, + A*S*, ...... ノ側ニ. By the side of.
Sam-rusui, } Allez 4s, #### 7 £ 7. v.i. To desire to marry. To desire to be near.
Samshut, サムシユツ。太股(フトモモ), jij, ( k##). n. The legs. (especially the upper part of them.)
Samta, F... Sr, sa =, T 27. adv. By the side of. Near to. Syn : Samata.
San, {}>, Tyl. v.i. To descend. To flow along as a river. To go down. Pl. Sap.
San, to 2, TF 9, #. n. A descent. A slope.
| San-a-butu, サナブツ。
| Sana-buchi, サナブチ。
San-assange, {}_*72.****, HX 9 TF adv. J|| D. n. A river mouth. x. v.t. To take down. Syn : Sata Sange.
Sanekop, +j-k: 7, j:#. n. Adipose fin
Sange, +2-5), TFx, HIF = N-. v.t. To send down. To adduce. Pl. Sapte.

Sange-amunin, +25°7'A->, ; 2 T#. n. The lower part of the arm. Fore-arm.
Sange-apa, サンゲアパ。陰門ノ入口。子 #. n. The entrance of the vagina. The womb. Syn : Popukuru. Makuru-apa. Po-apa.
Sange kirumbe, J->#+Il-E."R, FK(x #). n. The lower part of the legs.
Sanike, {}=4-, +%. n. Descendants.
Sanke, {}>5-, H, a 93%-3km2. v.t. To bring from the hills (as meat or the skins of animals).
| Santa, サンタ。 ##H. n. The Ainu
| Santa-moshiri, name for Manchuria. +>?4x+E?? y , Syn : Santa koro
| Santan, moshiri. サンタン。
Sanikiri, +/- = + U, Hf-Est. n. Descendants.
San-ita, +24 &, Ha. n. The deck of a ship.
San-itak, + > -f Sr 27, fr4 , E F. n. An order. A word handed down. A message from a superior to an inferior. A proclamation.
San-kararip, さん・からりっぷ, 第二番目ノ雪。 n. The second snow. See Toruru-kararip.
Sankari, #2 h ] , [a]. adv. By one side of.
Sanketa, ij. Ze Er Ax, sa = . adv. By the side of.
San-mitpo, + - Z 77k, FFs. n. A. great grandchild.
Sannakoro, #2:}* = DI, A whale’s tail. Syn : Sarakanda.
San-ne, +/- 2 +, sa##+= vt. adj. Sloping. As :~ Sanne nupuri, or san-ne shitu “a sloping mountain.”
Sanmiyo, *}?:*:==#, ?.eN x vl?. v.t. To think that. To determine. To consider. To add up.
San-notkeu, -H- > A > 5- to, #?. n. 鯨ノ尾. ?2. The jaws.
San-notkeu-ka-karari-guru, +2 / ツケウカカラリグル。枕. n Apillow.
San-o-butu, +2+7xy, as H. n. The mouth of a river. As :~ San-obutu oroge, “to be at a river's mouth.”
Saosatte, サオサッテ, v.t. To take down(上にある物を)下げる、降ろす. ★バカ検証 San-o-butu, Saosatte, San-ota の登録順番 順番ミスは明らかだが、スペルミスなのかは不明。誰か確認して。Saosat, サオサト, v.i. To come down 下る(くだる). というのが下にある。しかし、他の辞書には見当たらず。
San-ota, +2+3, ot. n. A sandy Sea shore.
Sanru, }-> Jie, Fyl. v.i. Descending.
Sanru-konna, #2 JL a >3-, 39 > Jie ≫ 詩形。例セバ、ピリカポンペッサンルコ ンナマクナタラ。美ナル川ノ流下ルノガ JH = 21. v.i. Poetical form of the above. As :~ Pirika pon pet sanrukonna maknatara, “a beautiful stream was seen to run down.”
Santa-guru, +24.5' jo, #3HA. n. A Manchurian. -
Sante, {} >5*, 3.7 yu. v.t. To give.
Santek, #25* ?, FFFE. n. Posterity. Descendants. Syn : Sanikiri. Samike.
Santeke, 5-25+or, # 2 #. n. The whole of the arm. To descend.
Santuka, サンツカ。刀剣ノ柄. n A sword hilt.
Sanu, #3X, g#f. n. A custom.
Sanu, +/- 52, 3 ft y. n. One's bearing. Thus, neita shomo oman ambe sanu anurenkare, “I had the bearing of one who had not been anywhere.”
Sanushi, サンウシ。山ヲ下ル道、山下リ. n. The slope of a hill.
Sa-oro, +/- zi Da, 2EEF, ZEJ?. n. A plain.
Saosat, +57+}-xy, TF v. v.i. To come down.
Saot, +:''y, : +: : Jl. v.i. To run away.
Saotte, ij zi 955, # te # 7 z vl. v.t. To make run away.
Sap, #7, TF wo. v.i. To go down. To descend. Pl. of san.

Sap, サプ。無シ。例セバ、ワヤサプ、無 £$%- ≫v. adj. Without. As :~ Waydsap, “unwise.” (Lit. “without wisdom). Sym : Sak.
| Sapa, サパ,
| Sapaha, サパハ,  頭。 The head. As :~ Sapa araka, “headache 頭痛.” Sapa eshirotke, “to fall on one's head 頭を小突く(?).” Sapa kankitai, “the crown of the head 冠.” Sapa kara, “to tidy the head 頭を整える,” “to cut or comb the hair 髪を刈るまたは梳く.” Sapa karakara, “to comb the hair.” Sapa ruyeruye, “to stroke one's head by way of salutation 挨拶の様式で頭を動かす." Sapa shuyeshteye, “to shake the head 頭を振る.” See also pake and pa.
Sapa-anuye, さぱ・あぬいぇ, 署名スル。 vi. To be enrolled. To have one's name written down.
Sapa-kapke, サパカプケ。カジカノ一種。 n. A kind of sculpin.
Sapke, +/-75-, H?. n. The head.
Sapane, サパネ, 統卒スル、君臨スル。v.t. To govern. To rule. To be head.
Sapanean, サパネアン, 勝(マサ)ル。 v.i. To be superior.
| Sapane-an-guru, サパネアングル, 優者、長上、酋長、司令者。 n. A superior. Headman. Chief. Commander.
| Sapane-guru, サパネグル,
Sapa-num, サパヌム。頭ノ頂、頭蓋骨。 n. The top of the head. The cranium.
Sapashi, ** zv $z, 4% % 2> Ts vL. v.i. They descended.
Sapa-shina-ambe, *z$%?j-J*A^&, §a If (> * > ). n. A head cloth. A cloth worn round the head. Syn : Matamboshi.
Sapa-unbe, サパウンベ。冠。帽子、覇(オ = # ). n. A crown. A bridle. A hat or cap.
Sapa-un-guru, j-r*r; 22 Jl., p:. n. A chief. A headman.
| Sapbe, サプべ,
| Sakibe, サクイベ, 乾魚。 n. Dried fish. ★バカ検証 【サクイベ、ではなく、サキベ、だろうが】
Sapke, ‘th 74-, so y + 2. v.t. To try the taste or flavour of anything.
Sapke-nu, +7 orio, o z. v.t. To taste.
Sapo, ##, ##. n. A elder sister.
Sapte-wa-ingara, +7574 ×7s5, gje > . v.t. To taste.
Sapsap, #7}-7, ? AGEK? y?. v.i. To come one after another.
Sapse, {}7tz, 7 £7. v.t. To laugh at.
Sapte, 9-75*, F a x . v.t. To send down. To cause to descend. Pl. of Sange.
Sapte, 9-75-, j?: , , v.t. To give birth to. Pl. Usapte.
Sap-wa-ariki, #7 77° y +, TF v(##) v.i. To come down. (Pl.)
| Sara, サラ,
| Saraha, サラハ, 鹿ト熊トノ モノヲ除キー般獣類ノ尾。 n. The tail of any kind of animal with the exception of that of the deer or bear. A bear's or deer's tail is properly called okishka. though sara or saraha is sometimes applied to them.
Sara, サラ, 莎草(スゲ)ノ 生エタル原野。 n. A plain covered with a kind of sedge. 【莎(はますげ)】
Sara, サラ, 開クル、広ガル。 v.i. To be open. Spread out. Syn : Sara wa an.
Sara,サラ, 戦争 ノ 古代語 n. An archaic word for “war.”
Sarageseta, さらげせた, 端ニ於テ。 adv. At the end.
Saragesh, サラゲっシゅ, 最下端。マタ最後。 n. The very lowest or hindmost.
Sarak, さらく, 變死。 n. An accidental death 事故死. ★バカ検証 【変死と、事故死は、違うだろうが】
Sarakanda, さらかんだ, 鯨(クジラ)ノ尾。 n. A
whale’s tail. Syn : Sannakoro.
Sarakene-ni, #5 Wr:k=, vo v / *. n. Alder. Alnus japonica, S. et Z. Var arguta, Call.
Sarakes, サラケス。物ノ端、マタ終 n. The end.
Saraki, #5+, #, #,C#. n. Rushes. Phragmites communis, Trin. Syn : Shupki.
Sarakka, tj. 5 ≫?a, i 2 х. v.t. cause to tremble.
Sarak-kamui, #5 y?, A-f, ## / #. n. The god or demon of accidents.
Sarakkata, さらっかた, 憐ミノ叫ビ。 interj. An exclamation of pity.
Sarakop, j:5-17, j:#. n. Adipose fin of salmon.
Sara-kushbe, +5 2y Sark, #, sz y # 4 . n. A crupper. Syn : Opasam-i.
Sarama, +5*, #7. v.t. To choose. Syn : Numge.
Sarambe, サラムべ, 柔キ衣、柔キ地 (衣類ナド)。 n. Soft clothing. Soft material.
Sarambe-ashitep, H-5 A^& Jo $25-7, 2- : * ~ + F J. n. Orchisaristata, Fish.
Sarambe-tat-ni, #5 A*3 y=, a y ノダケカンベ. 72. Betula Ermani Cham. Syn : Kamuitat. Me-tat.
Sarampa, サラムパ、サラベ、左様ナラ (# +jk v #j v / # = J# a.). excl. Good ?o bye. Adieu. Used only when going on a l?ng journey.
| Sarani, + 5 =, #. n. A basket.
| Saranip, サラニプ。
Sara-no, #5 /, 55 h. adv. Openly.
Sarapoki, ** 5 * =*, x +*)? v e. n. A kind of plaice. Limanda iridorum, Jor. et Sny.
Sarare, #5 Le, sH 27, HAR z vv. v.t. To open. To confess. To lay bare. As :~ Wen buri sarare, “to confess A kind of birch. | one's faults.”
Sara-ush, サラウシ。尾ノアル。 Having a tail.
Sarawatore, +5 v7 H. L≫, H+4;f *r yu~. v.i. See Charuwatore, “to put in order.”
Saro, +r], ?. n. A monkey, (Japanese Saru).
Sarorun-chikap, # Di Jlo est ?y 7, ##. n. The sacred crane. Grus japonensis, (Mull.).
Saru-kene, サルケネ。ェゾヘンノキ。 Alnus japonica, S. et Z. var. arguta, Call.
Sar'ushbe, #JL:7 $eek, HE w r. n. gr. n. A tailed beast.
Sar'ush, +/vr? $≫, ?e ≫ r yL. n. The same as sara-ush, “having a tail.”
Sash, + 2, ## / #. n. A kind of Seaweed.
| Sash, +52, # (to n-). n. A leech.
| Sas, 廿久,
Sash, サシ。薫ク音、蓋々タル音 n A low heavy sound. A rumbling noise. A rustling sound. A roar. As :~ Ni sash humi ash newa ruyambe sash humi ash, “ the rustling sound of the trees and the roaring of the waves.”
Sashi, *$e, ?Ij n. Laminaria, sp. Surface kelp.
Sashi-kina, +$2:#3-, + 2 x. (S) n. Costaria Turneri. A kind of kelp.
| Sashnu, サシヌ,
| Sashnu-ashnu, adj. 反響スル、サラサラト l# >t>. v.i. To reサシヌアシヌ sound. To rustle.
Sat, oy, E or yu . adj. Dry. Arid. Dried. Also. n. Dust.
Sata, サタ。上座、煙端ト窓ノ間ノ場所。 n. The space in a hut between the hearth end and the window.
Sata, #4, ## =. adv. Here. As :Sata ande, “put it here.” Sata san, “come here.”

Satakki-no, #4: Zy + /, # F. adv. Very nearly.
| Satche, サッチエ。平タク。乾イタ. ads Flat.
| Satchi, ried. サッチ。
Sat-chep, さっと・ちぇっぷ, ##. n. Dried fish. There are various names given to dried fish according to the manner in which they are prepared. Thus:Chinana chep are fish with only their entrails taken out and then dried whole. Nikerui chep are fish with their heads cut off, split down the middle as far as the tail, the backbone taken out, and then dried in the sun without being salted. Kerekap chep are fish with their heads cut off, their backbone taken out, and then dried in the sun; these fish are not divided in the middle. It is of the skins of fish thus prepared that the Ainu make their boots. Atat chep are fish cut up into pieces and dried in the suri.
Satchep-ne, {}.5.3.7:k, Zoo & 2, 3- > *, # * E pl. a. Flattened out. Flat. Dry.
Satchiri, if yje J., x - te s. n. Oriental spotted kingfisher. Ceryle guttata, (Vigors). Syn : Ainu satchiri..
Satka, {}97, Ex. v.t. To dry.
Satka-i,サツカイ。砂溜、スナタマリ、n. A sand bank. A spit of sand or dry earth.
Sat-kam, joy; A, # #. flesh.
Satke, +/-:yAr, E x. v.i. air. Syn : Satte.
Satkepa, tj. у - r?, dry.
Sat-kuruki,サツクルキ。吻逆スル、シヤ 2 y z pl. v.i. To have hiccoughs.
Satpe, {}oyo, ##. n. Consumption.
Satpe-koro, +y~?=a B, ## * # z. n. Dried To dry. To Ex. v.t. To v.i. To be afflicted with consumption.
Sat-ruyambe, Foyle.” Art, #5. v.i. A storm of wind.
Satsatge, }'y#ya:, - Jl. adj. and v.i. Dry. Parched.
Sat-shuke, Hoy Sea.or, #x. v.t. To cook by steaming.
Satte, + y F, Fe B =. v.t. To dry. To air. Syn : Satke.
Satte, j-> 5+, TF x, TF * ≫L. v.t. To take down. To lower. Syn : Sapte.
Sattek, さってっく, 痩セタル、凋(しぼむ)メル。 adj. Thin. Lean. Withered. Dried. Dried up. As :~ Sattek chep, “dried fish.” Sattek kam, “dried meat.”
Sattumam, * ≫*y*J^, J###. n. The body. Syn : Netobake.
Satturep サッツレプ。妹発百合ノ一種。n. Vaccinium ovalifolium, J. E. Smith (S).
Satturi,サットリ。オホベスノキ。n Vac cinium Smallii, Gray. (Saghalien). Syn : Aikarip.
Sa-un, or 2, ##, adv. Near the Sea.
| Saune, ****, as a*. adj. Soft. Syn :
| Saunu, Hapuru. サウヌ。
Saunwaratsam, +/- 7 e 75 y H +J-A, §§§. n. A courtyard.
Saure, £}*ry L?, £/}≫ ^, £a*. adj. Trifling. Insignificant. Loose.
Saurere, サウレレ,軽祀スル、赦免スル, #x, #x no. v.t. To treat as a mere trifle. To pardon. To absolve. To loosen. To allow.
Saugauge, サウサウゲ。緩キ (釘ノュル # * in 27). adj. Loose (as a nail in its hole). Syn : Osausauge.
Sa-wa-an-atui, # 77:e Joy -f, ??#. n. The southern sea.
Saya, Hj--t’, fij. n. A sword or knife sheath.
Saye, "H-4 = , E A ##. n. A flight of birds. As :~ Chikap saye hopuni, “a
flight of birds has got up from the ground.”
Saye サイェ。縄ノ巻束 n. A coil of rope.
Saye, +4 =, Ha x. v.t. To thread. As :~ Tama saye, “to thread beads." Yam saye, “to thread chestnuts.”
Saye-hopuni, thirtzk?=, 輪=ナッテ -?:3- Ex. v.i. To rise up in a circle (as in dancing).
Saye-kara, サイェカラ。巻ク(縄ノ如 ク) v.t. To coil (as a rope).
Sayekari, サイェカリ。急イデ撰ム。 v.t. To seize in haste.
Sayekochiri, #4 ==59, £, n. A sparrow. saye-pasuke, *iza Sz,4%r, EE= 2- 9 7° p. z. adj. In a fight (as birds).
Sayo, さよ, 穀物又ハ野菜ノ蒸料理。 n. A corn or vegetable stew.
Sayo-oro-op, サヨ・オロ・オっプ, 雑ゼタル蒸料理。 n. Mixed stew.
Sayo-shu, さよ・しゅー, 蒸鍋。 n. A stewpot.
Se, せ, 床。 n. The floor. A seat.
Se, tz, #fa ≫ J = y. v.t. To carry on the back.
Se, tz, u zr. v.i. To squeal. ?o squeak. To make a noise.
Seichi, tz Af*4f, ji, £ #. v.t. carry on the back.
Sechiri, too. 9, sil. n. The flank. The side.
Seënne セエンネ。否定ノ動詞 例** セェンネクメライゲアンカキ、否余ヘ察 2 * x. adv. Not. No. As :~ Seenne ku meraige an ka ki. “ no, I am not cold.” Seenne ka ki, “I have not done it.”
Seënep-eshikarun-no, セエネプ・エシカルン・ノ。偶然ニ ado. Accidentally.
Se-ëtoko, ter. Fa, HT =. adv. Forward. .
Sei, tz-f, ##, III. n. Earthenware. A plate. ?o
Sei, tz-f, fr#A. n. Shells or shell-fish of any kind. Tree bark.
Sei, izf, #fa 7. v.t. To carry on the back. As :~ Sei wa arapa, “ carry it away on your back." Sei wa ek, “bring it on your back.”
Seichi to fift, fiz. v.t. To carry on the back. (pl. of the object).
Sei-itangi, ?z 4s 4 & 2^*, 貝殻ノ硫. n. A shell cup. An earthenware cup.
| Seikachi, +z-f ? =, ?#. n. A lad.
| Heikachi, へイカチ。
Sei-kap, +z-f:#7, ##. n. Shells. (Mol.)
Seikapara-ni, to fjozoo, 7 & 3". n. Iron wood. Ostriya japonica, Sarg.
| Sei-kara, セイカラ。火傷スル、熱湯=浸ス・ v.t.
| Seireka, To scald. To steep in tz 4s Le?y, hot water.
Seikui, セイクイ。切歯(ヘガミ)スル・"i To gnash the teeth. Syn : Nimaki ukerere.
Sei-net, to sity, ?sa. n. An earthenware figure or idol.
Sei-nima, to 4 = *, +3*, *. An earthenware tray.
Sei-noka, tz 4 / h, +s- ”. An earthenware image.
Seiochisara, tz-fz+SFH-S, #*- v.t. To kill. An old word for raige.
Seirakrak-pekambe, tz of 52, 5*~ #Aro, e > e v. n. Trapa natans, L. var. incisa, Mak.
Seire セイレ 春負ヘスル・ * ?o cause to carry on the back.
Seireka, iz s Le?y, ks: * 21. v.t. ?o scald. To heat in hot water.
Seisek, t. A t: &, # *. adj. Hot. As :~ Seisek ekot, "to die of heat" "To die through sunstroke." Syn : Sesek.
Seisekka, tz fitz ≫?i, iz v. v.i. To
heat. To warm up.
Seisek-mau, Hz-f:{z } = r}, # * #, ## + ol, ##. n. Hot breath. Hot wind or air. Fever.
Seisek-mau-tashum, tz’s to ** 75: £ea.A., ##. n. Fever.
Seishintoko, tz f : - R -a, i t. n. An earthenware vessel. A crock.
Sei-un-chiwassa, tz 4 ) C^5-7 ≫+}, se (# 2 HR = y no). n. The yard round a house.
Seiututke, tz-fr) y ≫ Jr, gi:#, x pl. v.i. To sigh.
Seiya, tz f v, ?. n. Seed pod. Syn : Chippo. Kap.
Sekakka, セカッカ。ゴゼンタチベナ n. Cornus canadensis, L.
Sekitan, tz : : *, Jap. Ainu, anchi,
Sekitan-poru, tz +4: Cori:JLo, H # #. n. A coal mine. ?i?. n. Coal.
Seko, tz=a, te a ta v F# n. Short of Sekογο.
Sekor'ambe, tz=a JL7” A es, h 55 z #. Pro. That kind of thing. That which is. That which is called.
Sekoro, セコロ。誰、所ノソレ、所ノ誰。 pro. Who. Which. He who. That which. So. This here. As :~ Sekoro ayep, “that which is called.” “So it was said.” Sekoro itak, “ So he said.” “He said so.” “That which he said.” Sekoro iki, sekoro iki, “to do this way and that.” Shibe chep otta iyotta pon chep aye-hi inau-kotchep sekoro ayep me, “the smallest fish among the salmon are called inaukot-chep.”
Sekoro-anak-ne, zir E73-Z Hk, # & * * >s. ph. If it is so. It being like that. As it is such a thing. That being so.
Sekukke, E 2 y'r, : u yu. v.i. To swell out (like a frog). Syn : Shipushke.
Sekumma, tz % *, [II. n. Mountains. As, rara sekuma, “ a bare mountain.” Sekuma-tap, “the very top of a mountain.”
Sekuma kamui te % ? 3 Af, [II ≫ iiif, #. n. The god of the mountains. A bear.
Sekuma-pause-kamui, tz & -r wszy tz χχ.Λf, MB. *3/(, (3^%%). n. A goblin fox or wolf. Said to assume the bodily form of bears at times.
Sekup, セクプ。生長スル(シュクプト同 9). a. To grow. (Same as shukup).
Sekuppe, to 5 y “S, #4 #. n. A young person.
| Sekumtarara, セクムタララ。 上ノ方へ傾ク。 adj.
| Shikumtarara, To slant upwards. シクムタララ。 Syn : Eraot.
| Sem, tzA, ##. n. A porch to a house.
| Shem, An antechamber. ??? ???:
| Sem, セム。 2 is 2', soil o . adv. As. Like.
| Shem, The same. ???? ?? ??
| Semash-chishpo, o. * ?{{P} x pl-, : V セマシチシポ, E 2 . v.i. To
| Semean-chish, sniffle as in セメアンチシ。 weeping. To pretend to weep.
Semashi, {z* $e, adj. ZfS£, ZfSji%}*. Insignificant.
Sem-echutkunu, tz Aaroa. 9 or 3, #: in or . adv. ph. Like that. The same as that. Syn : Nei ambe ukorachi.
Sem-korachi, ?.B.:55, / ill 2. ph. Like as. Like that. After the same Inanner.
Sem-ne-hawe, tz.A.:/v72, ?s; = + y = s - 3 ?r. ph. A simple phrase meaning “really, was it so.” (Lit. “say it was so !” expressing surprise).
Sermokkaiyoram, Hz.RE ≫ h f = 5 A., H.
E*- yv. adj. Cowardly. To be afraid. Syn : Turamkoro.
Semokkaiyoram-kore, ラムコレ。卑怯祀スル。 another cowardly.
Sem-pakno, tz. Az S2 / . . . . . / Il *. |H|## = . adv. Such as. Like. To the same degree.
Sempi, b. A E, #4, ##, #. n. A wedge. A nail. A peg. As :~ Sempi omare, “to knock a wedge into wood.”
Sempirike, to A, E J or, ?Sa. n. Absence. As, E sempirike ta ku kara, “I did it in thy absence.”
Sempirike, tz A., bo 9 4%r, E, s. n. Shade. Behind. As :~ Ni sampirike, “the shade of trees.”
Sempirike-oitak, tz J. E. U raj 4 : 3, # no. v.i. To slander. To abuse. To backbite. Syn : Iyohaikara.
Sempiriketa-wen-no-ye, tz.A?`!) 4)* 42 7 = 2 / 4 = , EF PL. v.t. To slander. To backbite.
Sempiri-oitak, tz.s E y) *4f4%z 47, E; )l≫. v.t. To abuse. To slander. Syn : Ohaigekara. Sempirikeomare.
Sempiri-oitak-i, to A. E. J オイタクイ。 セモッカイヨ v.t. To think ?jE, v se y. n. Abuse.
Sempiri-pa-omare, tz.Ab: ) *$2* : Le, #ju. v.t. To slander. To abuse. Syn : Ohaigekara. Sempiri oitak.
Senkaki, センカキ。日本ノ布. n. Japanese stuffs. Japanese clothing.
Senko, to 2-1, ##. n. Incense. (Jap.)
Senram korashiu, tz >5.A?=?5 $9+.4f ウ。前ノ通、従前ノ如ク。ph As before. As usual.
Senram-sekoro, t* >5 A* - PI, ## 2. adv. As usual. As before.Syn : Senram koro.
Semramush, せむらむしゅ, 噫(ああ、おくび)。 interj. Ah. Oh. Alas. This word expresses contempt, pity, surprise, admiration etc., the meaning being determined by the tone of voice and features.
Sep, to 7, 2], * **?.. n. geo. A dale. A small or short valley.
Sep, 27, % *. adj. Broad. Syn : Para.
Sepepatki, tz ? Sassy +, # 27 # + +.. adv. To sound loudly. To roar as wind.
Sepka, セっプカ, 開キタル處、罅隙. n. An opening. A crack in a door. As :~ Sepka uturu ashikoturi, “to peep through an opening.”
Sepkuru-Ainu, せっぷくる・あいぬ, アッケシ平地ニ以前住シアイヌ族ノ名称。 n. The name of the Ainu tribe which formerly inhabited the broads about Akkeshi.
Seppa, ? y r*, JJ 2 #. A sword hilt.
Seppa-rara, セッパララ。銀器ノ縁. n. The edge round a sword guard.
Sepu, tz 7, 4}... n. A place where there are small valleys.
Sere, tz Le, ??sn. n. A part.
Sere, z Lo (st v vE). n. A rending sound.
Sereash, te Le77$e, # v (##). v.i. To be. (pl). Syn : At.
Sere-hum, セレフム。音(物ヲ切リ割ル 又ヘ駅ノ物ヲ播ク音) n A noise as of being cut in two. A noise as of a rat scratching.
Sereke, tz Le Zr, #2}-. n. A part. As :~ Poro sereke, “for the most part,” “the larger half.” Pon sereke, “ the lesser part.”
Serekere, tz Lehr Le, 23 y, #| L. v.t. To divide. To split.
Sere-kosanu, tz Le :1+F5X, # vl. v.i. To creak (as in opening a door). To snap or make a noise (as in shaking a cloth). To sound (as when being broken or cut asunder). The sound made in tearing cloth. The clash of arrors.
Serekotukka, tz La -a y ≫ ?7, J? vv. v.i. To be present. As :~ Nishpa serekotukka gusu sange, “ he produced it
because the master was present.”
Serema, tz Lorr, RF y =?. n. A guardian.
Serema, zl-Tr, s##, AE F. n. Health. Life. Well-being.
Serema, tz Lorr, # / ##. n. entrails.
Seremak, セレマク。後カラ (普通噛笑 2 .5: = }# =.). adv. Behind one. At one's back. Generally used in a bad sense, as speaking of a person behind his back.
Seremak, セレマク。身豊ノ有様、生命, ##. n. The disposition of the body. One’s circumstances. Life. Health.
Serema-kamui, tz Leor hA4f, AEfst / i?. n. The god of life.
Seremaka-tumashnu, ?z Lorr hoyrr e 3, ?i£. adj. & v.i. To be whole and hearty. Fortunate. Strong. Healthy. Syn : Seremak koro.
Seremaka-ush tz Lor: } } 2^, ##3ju. v.i. To be faithful to. As :~ Nishpa seremaka ush, “To be faithful to one's master.”
Serimake, セリマケ。保護者、後見役。 n. A guardian. Often applied to God.
Seremak-kore, tz Lorr2 = Le, fEE 7 5& Z. v.i. To give health to.
Seremak-koro, tz Leoz ) a D, #E?. v.i. & adj. To be hale and hearty. To be in good health and spirits. To be lucky. Fortunate. Syn : Kashkamui oshitchiu.
Seremaknep, tz Lo -r 2} + 7, ##. n. A guardian.
Seremak-shiknakte, tz Lor: } ^2} }2, #, # 2. v.t. To deceive. To behave hypocritically toward another. To take one in.
Seremak-ush, tz Lo -- } ) >=L, Rf vie. To take care of.
Seremak-ushte, tz Lorr & 7 &#F, f?# > vv, # 3 se F + n. v.t. To rely upon. To do good to. To make Fish prosper.
Seremat, セレマト。生命ノコモッタ。 n. Vital force; health. Syn : Seremak.
| Serembo, 煙管。例セバ、セレムボウフ セレムポ。 イェカ、煙管ニ黙火スル
| Serumbo. n. A tobacco pipe. As:tzyl-AxE, Serembo uhuyeka, To light one's pipe.
Seri, セリ, t: y. n. CEnanthe stolo nifera, D.C.
Serikosamba, tz I) a H-A, &, # 2 (f?T 57). v.t. To draw (as a knife).
Serima, b. J 7, #. n. The bowels. Syn : Kuroma.
Seru, セル。呼吸ヲトメタ. v.i. To catch the breath.
Sesange, tz + 2 *, TF 9 Ho. n. A slope. А саре.
| Sesek, **& %, # +. adj. Hot.
| Seisek, セイセク。
| Shesek, シェセク。
| Sesek-i, セセキ。火ノ熱. n. Fire heat.
| Sesek-u, セセク,
Sesek-ka, ?ztz ≫ #1, # x pl. v.t. To heat.
Sesekka, Etz 2, 7, #. n Hot water.
Sesek-kara, tzotz≫ 355, #tz 32 2, vv. v.t. To cause another to heat.
Sesekmau-tashum, "E"E 3 * (75. S">1. A, ##. n. Fever.
Sesh, セシ、カヘアイサ(鳥ノ名).n. Goosander. Mergus merganser, Linn.
Seshke, to or, #x. v.t. To shut. To cover up. To stop up as a hole. Syn : Ashi.
Seshmau, tz Serr r}, pgE / ##E. n. A four year old buck.
Sessereke, セッセレゲ、晩泣(シヤクリ + +) / #. n. The noise of stified
weeping. Syn : Pi-chish.
Set, セツ, 巣、足台、椅子、卓子 n. A nest. A seat. A stool. A chair. Table. Set a-o-tek, “sitting on a seat.”
Seta, せた, 犬。 n. A dog. Syn : Reep.
| Seta, せた, 速ナル、早い。 adj. Quick. Early. Effective. Wild. Syn : Setak.
| Setai, せたい,
Seta, セタ, アライ、無残ナ、悪イ。 adj. Wild. Cruel. Untamed. Rough. Evil. Dog-like.
Seta-amam, せた・あまむ, ノビエ。 n. Wild Timothy. Echinocloa Crusgalli, Beatzv.
| Seta-kina, セタキナ,
| Seta-nok-kina, セタノクキナ, ホテイオツモリ。 n. Cypripedium macranthum. Sw. Lady’s slipper. The Ainu name means “ dog herb”; “dog testicle herb.”
Seta-atane, セタ・アタネ, エゾタイセイ。 n. Isatis tinctoria, L. Wild cress.
Seta-buri-koro, せた・ぶり・ころ, 犬の習慣アル。 畜生の adj. Beastial. ★バカ検証 【スペルミス 正: bestial けだものの、野獣の, 野蛮な、残酷な。 日本語も英語と違う。】
Seta-endo セタエンド, ナギナタカウジュ。 n. Eschscholtzia Patrini, Garke. The decoction of this highly aromatic plant which is commonly found round the huts of the Ainu is prescribed to persons suffering from the after effects of intoxication. It is also used in the place of tea.
Setahai, セタハイ。キンミツ”ヒキ n. Agrimonia pilosa, Ledeb. (S)
Setai-ni, to #4 +, + v × $ . n. A kind of wild crab apple tree. Malus baccata, Borckh., var. mandshurica, C.K. Schm. Also called Setan-ni. Syn : Ahe-ni.
Seta-koro-ni, ?4, E. P. E., -r 2s 5. n. The burdock. Arctium Lappa, L. The young leaves of this plant are softened by rolling them between the palms. They are then applied to skin eruptions and wounds in order to hasten suppuration. It may also be remarked that the roots of this plant are sometimes boiled and eaten as food.
Setak, セタク, 速ニ、今、早ク(時 ヲ示ス). adv. Quickly. Now, In a moment. Directly. Early. As :~ Setak piyapa, “ early millet 早い粟・雑穀.”
Setakbe-kina, セタクベ・キナ, オミナへシ。 n. Patrinia scabiosaefolia, Link. Syn : Tohkara-kina.
Seta-kikiri, せた・ききり, 犬蚤(のみ) n. Dog lice 犬のシラミ or fleas ノミ.
Setakimoiki, せたきもいき, 犬デ狩スル。 v.t. To hunt with dogs.
Setakka, セタクカ せたっか, 前。 adv. In front. ★バカ検証 【カタカナが、ローマ字と違う。】
Setakko, せたっこ, 永キ間。 adv. For a long time. Syn : Ohon no uturuta.
Setakko-isam, せたっこ・いさむ, 永キ留守ヲアケル。 ph. To be absent for a long time. ★バカ検証 【留守を空ける、って、言うか?。家を空ける。留守にする。】
Setakorokoni, ?. 5: - R -1 = , =r 2s ty. n. The burdock. Arctium Lappa, L. Also called Setakoroni. The roots are eaten as a vegetable. It is said that those growing about Usu and Abuta are most noted.
Seta-kot-ni, セタ・コツ・ニ, 犬ヲ結ビ置ク木。 n. The rail to which the Ainu tie their dogs. Same as Setakoro-ni.
Seta-munchiro, tz & A. 23. ra, = v = ta 2” y. n. Wild Timothy. Setaria viridis, Beauv.
Setamba, せたむば, 埋葬地 n. A Japanese cemetery 日本(人)の墓地. Syn : Setumba 卒塔婆(そとうば).
Seta-ni, セタニ。ェゾノコリンゴ n. Malus baccata, Borckh. var mandshurica, C. K. Schm.
Seta-nok-kina, セタ・ノク・キナ。See Seta-kina.
Seta-otompui-kina, セタ・オトムプイ・キナ、ゲンノショウコ。n. Geranium
nepalense. Cranesbill. The Ainu name means Wild-anus herb. The Ainu people make poultices of this herb and apply to the anus against hemorroides. It is a good remedy. See otompui kina.
Seta-o, †24zzi", ## = 3e vv. v.t. To ride on a dog sleigh.
Seta-pukusa, tz & プクサ、スズラン, + $ 3, or * ty. n. Lily of the valley. Convallaria majalis, L.
Setara, tz & 5, x s v s ar. n. The small shoots of the Malus baccala. Syn : Setara ni.
Seta-paragoat, tz & = &5 -777'y, R = # * 2L. v.i. To be possessed or punished by dogs. Hydrophobia.
Seta-raita, セタライタ, ダイコンサウ。 n. Geum strictum, Ait.
Seta-sara, to , 2, # 4 + 5. n. Veronica sibirica, L. Speedwell.
Setashiu-kina, tz & Ser} + 3", = y / = a te 2” y . n. Angelica anomala, Lall.
Seta-surugu, tz & KJU?, ? 7 h + y 2 ?#. n. A kind of aconite. Wild or non-poisonous aconite. Aconitum yezoensis, Nakai.
Seta toma, tz: - z, 4 + xi = . n. Scilla Thunbergii, Miyabe et Kazdo. The bulb of the Coridolis. It is non-edible. a
Setchi, toyo, jii. n. A nest. Syn : Set.
Setorumpa, tz H /le/, *$, $#. n. A grave. Syn : Setamba.
Setokka, b H. y h, hij slij = . adv. In front of.
Setoko, to F -1, oil. adv. In front of.
| Setomba, セトムバ, 墓所(日本人ノ墓ヲ指ストコロヨリ俳教語ヨリ来シナラン)。 n. 卒塔姿。A grave. Cemetery.
| Setumba, セツムハ,
Set-pok-un-chikap, ?zy HzIt } } 25F 3, 7, so. A wood-pecker.
Set-sambe, セツサムべ 鳥ノ巣ノ眞中。 n. The middle part of a bird's nest.
Setsetke, セツセツケ。河縁ノ下部. n. The under or hollow part of a river's bank.
| Seturu, セツル, 背。 n. The back.
| Seturuhu, セツルフ,
Seturuka-yairarire, tz y Jle?y 474f 5 ) Le, B& > # L x #e z . v.i. To follow close after one.
Seunchiwassa, tz:7 est 7"#F, R ≫ JAA ≫ FE. n. A yard round a house.
Seunin, せうにん, 冷キ(湯ノ)。 adj. Cool (as warm water).  【これって、「白湯(さゆ、しらゆ)」 の聞き間違えじゃ無いの。】
Seuri, z :) ), #. n. The throat. The windpipe. Gullet.
Seuri-sapa, セウリサパ。喉俳、ノドボト 3r. n. The Adam's apple of the throat.
Sewa, adj. Hollow. Empty.
Sewa kina, “tzwy #*, * F”. n. Aralia cordata, Thumb. Syn : Chima-kina.
Sewakuttanne, tz 7 ) ≫ # ^*, 2EJE 9- Jur. adj. Hollow.
Sewashni, セワシニ, ホザキナナカド。 n. Sorbaria sorbifolia, A. Br.
Sewat-tara-kina, tz 7 y 4x5 + 3-, y F. n. Aralia cordata, Thumb. Hercules club.
Sewat, セワツト, 自在鍵(木製ノ) n. A Saghalien word for pot-hook. Syn : in Hokkaido Shuwat.
Sewat-ni, せうぁと・に, タラノキ。 n. Aralia elata, Seem.
Seyepo, せいぇぽ, 蝸牛(かたつむり)。 n. A snail. Syn : Mokoriri.
Sham, しゃむ, 側。 n. Same as Sama, “side.”
| Shaman しゃまん, 魔術者。 n. A witchdoctor 魔女医者. Shaman シャーマン、呪術師、祈祷師.
| Saman, さまん,
Sham-kotan, しゃむ・こたん, 和人ノ居ル所。 n. Places inhabited by the Japanese.

Shamo, シャモ, n. A Japanese 日本人. Syn : Shisam.
Shan, or 2, #. n. A shelf.
Shancha, ?e v 25R *, #? v F#. n. The lower part of the face. The countenance. As :~ Shancha otta mina kane, “he has smiles upon his countenance.”
Shaot, シャオツ。走セサル、雨親ヲ見捨 j. yv. v.t. To run away from. To leave one's parents. Shyn : Kira.
Shaotte, シャオッテ。走リ去ラセル り。 To make run away. Syn : Kirare.
Shashuishiri, しゃしゅいしり, 昔ヨリ、常ニ。 adv. From ancient times. Always.
Shashuishiri-pakno, しゃしゅいしり・ぱっくの, 昔ヨリ。 ph. From ancient times till now.
Shashuishirun, しゃしゅいしるん, 昔ヨリ。 adv. From ancient times.
| Shem, .z jII 2y, is 27. adv. As ??? ?????
| Sem, Like. The same, See sem. セム。
Shem-korachi, or A.E. 75*, 2 fill 27, fil & 2, ##|| 2:... adv. Like as. After the same manner. Like that.
Shi, シ。或ル語ニ接頭語 トシテ用ュレベ, シ、ヘ自動法又ヘ再騎法ノ意ヲ有ス。 part. Used as a prefix to some verbs shi has the sense of the intransitive or reflexive mood. As, maka, “ to open"; shi-maka, “opened.” When followed by a verb in its causative form shi indicates pretence. As :~ Shi-mokore, “pretends to be asleep”; shi-eashpare, “pretends to be deaf.” When a present tense verb is preceeded by shi and followed by yara the causative of the agent is indicated; thus,?Shi-konopuru-yara ainu, “the man who makes others to like something.” Shi-mina-yara guru, “person who makes others laugh.”
Shi, o, #k 2 #. n. The dung of animals. Syn : Osoma.
Shi, o, EH z. v.t. To shut. As :~ Apa shi, “ shut the door."
Shi, シ。眞ナル、甚ダ、大ナル adj. True. Very. Great. Main. Chief. As :~ Shi no wen ruwe ne, "it is very bad.”
Shi, $2, $??f+2}-3- pl. adj. Full-grow E As?Shi etaspe, “full-grown sea lion.” Shi nitumam, “the trunk of a fullgrown tree.”
Shi, o, -9. adj. Lone. Solitary. One.
Shi, し, 己レノ。 Per. pro. refl. One's very own. As, Shi-chisei, “one's own house ” or “home.” As, Isha tono otta ku shi-nukara, “ I showed myself to the doctor.”
Shi-abe bashui, 27° to a.os, #9: #. n. Large fire-tongs.
Shi-abekes, シアべケス。大キナ燃エサ sr. n. A great ember.
Shiahunaraye, $277 >757iz, 7, 9 j^, A. v.i. To enter.
Shiambap シアムバプ。経帽子(ケウカ 2, E *) 2 #. n. The clothes in which the dead are dressed before burial As :~ Shiamba hosh, “the leggings”; shiamba lekumbe, “the gloves"; shiamba tush, “string used to tie the clothes on the dead.”
Shiam kirara, $27”A:55, #f x Jl. v.t. To introduce to one another.
Shiampokorare-guru, $27’Azita 5 L'', Ile, MSIEi#9- Jl. K. n. A dishonest person.
Shi-amushbe, $2 J”.A. eos, JR y y F# + + v 7t, #H# 2 ###4. n A kind of Sea monster said to have claws.
Shi-an, 97 ×, fEJl. v.i. To be.
Shiankush, E. JP A. Zy Ee, # = , adv. In truth. Truly. -
Shi-an-no, $2.7 × Z, #=. adv. Truly. How strange. In truth. Exceeding
ly. Syn : Son no.
Shiap, $277, ## s. n. Sorrow. Grief.
Shi-apka, シアプカ。獲育十分ナル牝鹿, # of 3, 21-#2.E. n. A fullgrown buck. An old buck.
Shiapke,シヤプケ。死者ヲ哀英ッツ髪ヲ +jjL. v.i. To cut the hair as in bemoaning the dead.
Shiara, $275, EH, 2. v.i. To uncover.
Shiaragepok, 52754;**47, ? ≫ T?. n. One's armpits.
Shiarikiki-no, $27° !) ## /, (jj 7 p? 7. adv. With all one's might and main. Syn : Arikiki. Kiroroashnu ly?
Shiarikiki-yuptek-no, 27 y ++-l 75F4y /, ?・jj z pn. adv. With all one’s might and main.
Shiashpare, $27$ev? Lo, HH = x #? z ≫L. v.i. To pretend to be deaf. To turn a deaf ear to.
Shiassuru-ashte, $27” y z. JL77$A5F, f 43 H + yl. v.i. To be famous.
Shiassuru-ashte-rusui, E-7 v XIII,7 シテルスイ。大望ヲ抱ク. v.i. To be ambitious of fame.
Shiattemshuye, 327 97.A.?ea. As 2, # 2. (Ha 2 is 27). v.i. To pace (as a horse).
Shiaukakem, ?e7 7 374-.A., ? 37 E $ 下シタル食物ノ味ヲ口中テテ味フコト。 v.i. To have a taste of food rising in the mouth at times after partaking thereof. -
Shiaunaraye, $27.7 275 or, A y 3A 2, . v.i. To enter. Syn : Shiahunaraye.
Shibe, ort, #. n. Dog salmon Oncorhynchus keta, (Walbaum).
Shibe-kina, Zeet=#d-, 3; # ≫ 3r os 3-. n. Cardamine hirsuta, L. Horse radish. The leaves and stems of this herb are first parboiled and then eaten as salad. The name means Salmonherb, and it is said to be so called To open. because salmon are supposed to be fond of it.
Shibekuttara, Ezes 2 y 2zo, s- e y or $ 7. n. Filipendula karnischatica, Maxim.
Shibe-nampo, Zee-tj-Azie, ## / ff. n. The young of salmon.
Shiberam, Zee&5.A, ff, ##. n. young of salmon. Shichacha, S.o... +**≫, f**rjiH43^. n. One's own father or old man.
Shichakchaku, $e5 = { 2 3F + 2}, # lXl. adj. To fear.
Shicharichari, Sejf i J 3 t ) , ; ?i x. adj. Scattered.
Shichikap, $e5F;h 7, z s” a 7 s.r. n. White tailed eagle. Halioetus albicillus, (L.).
Shichimichimi-yara, $25-$5.3 °5, ZfSEEi>- yl. adj. Careless. Slovem. Syn : Shikatnukarara.
Shichoropok-un-ingara, $2 #F a pazit クウンインガラ。職下ス v.i. To look under.
Shichotchare, $e5 = ≫ K-5-4o Le, ?? > # & 5 of 7 to ov. v.t. To allow oneself to be shot. As, Shine ai ka-iki shichotchare ka-iki hanne ki. “he did not allow even one arrow to hit himself.” The
Shi-chuk, Sej-EL Zy, sp#k. adv. Mid autLIInn.
Shichupka, of a 777, #.. n. The East.
Shichuppok, $25-a ≫zft2), PH. n. The West.
Shichup, $ojF+.7, T?r er yuz. v.i. To die out. As :~ Ainu shichub an, “ the Ainu are dying out.” Syn : Wenba. Yuk-uturu otbe.
Shichupu-chupu, $25a. 75a. 7, # a. # ≫v, z osa. ?y vl. v.i. To be blinded or dazed (as by light).
Shiean, シエ アン。ドコソコニ居ル。 v.i. To be at a place.

Shieiwangeyara, $2a-4 724;**°5, * z? > n~, ? z ≫v. v.t. To serve. ΤΟ minister to. Syn : Yaieiwangere.
Shieminayara, Eor.53- o 5, ee2" o, j% ov. vi. To be laughed at. ?o be derided. Syn : Aemina.
Shienka-un-ingara, Serie?i 724 2 7/5, spor. v.i. To look upwards.
Shiesapse-yara, Sear."#7tz*5, ## + 7 Jul. v.i. To be despised. To be held in derision. Syn : Shikuriande yara.
Shietaye, シエタイェ。引退スル。引退セ シム、減水スル、短縮スル ot and "i To withdraw. To draw in (as a snail its horns). To abate (as water in a river). To contract.
Shietayere $e = & f = Le, Bl?+ * 2. vv. v. To cause to withdraw.
Shietok, Sex: F *, Hsp17, #1 * x. v.t. To forewarn.
Shietok-ashongo-kushte, Ser. F ? 7 ションゴクシテ。得言スル p.な To send word. Syn : Ekamsakte.
Shietoko, Eer. H. En, Riji =, 5R2k. adv. In front of. The future.
Shietoko-ramu, ?e:r. H = 5 A, ??#7 E. z. v.t. To think of the future.
Shietok-sam, Sear. H. O-FA), ?I I = . adv. Ahead. In front of one. As : ?Shietok-sam shikuiruke ingara, “to look about ahead.”
Shietu-uina, oozyo of 3-, +*, ** Z 1. excl. Dear me! How surprising ! I am surprised !
Shihapapu, Servi?7, ??*(?, ?, ? P??f ニ苦痛ア リ。 大抵ヘ死 ス トさヘ ル一種 2). n. A disease which is said to consist chiefly in severe internal pains, and which most often terminates in death.
Shihekote-hotuyekara, ?ars =15?zk? イェカラ。呼ビ集ムル o.t To gather together by calling to. To call together to a person.
| Shibon, Sezk>e, ? HF. n. A baby. Syn :
| Shion, Tennep. Teinep. ShikoSezio e, teine.
| Shihontak, Sezk:24, 27, Aisio. n. A small boy
| Shion, Syn : Sontak. シオン。
Shihopinuppa, ?ezkE 5 ≫ ≫S, TE A. v.t. Not caring to spare. Disinclined to let go as one's child or possessions.
| Shihopunere, シホプネレッ 自慢スル、生意気
| Shihopunnupka, adj. Conceited. シホプンヌプカ。
Shihoroka, ?e zk a ?i, TF# = . adv. Downwards.
Shihumnuyara, $27.&5. *5, ?-B? z, yv (* = X. xl-E). v.i. To make a noise with the throat as a warning before entering a hut. Syn : Shimushishka. -
Shii, e-f, #. n. Excrement. Syn : Shi.
| Shik, しっく,
| Shiki, しき,
| Shikihi, しきひ,
眼。 n. The eyes. As :~ Shiki maka, “ to open the eyes.” Shikinum, “the eyeballs.” Shiki tokoto, “to fix the eyes on.” Shiketoko raikosanu, “to be dazzled.” Shik-kamuktek, “to shut the eyes.” Syn : Kerup.
Shik, しっく, ヌイノ形ノ名。 n. The name of an embroidery pattern. As : pic
Shika, S-55, E / E. adv. Over one'sself.
Shikabekushte, Ze?jos y $25F, Eyl. adj.. Sly.
Shikaeshinayara, $2?y-t***?*7, £% x 21, #2, , #2, #7. v.i. To keep secret. To deny. To hide. To bind up. Syn : Eshina.
Shikai, ?e ?, f, $?, #, ###. n. A
nail. A peg. A pin. As :~ Chikuni shikai, “a wooden peg.”
Shikakapa, **} £jw$, £jj£. adj. Sickly. Ailing.
Shika-kurukshika, ?e?, ?. Jlo h / h, E? 22-A E. adv. Over himself. Covering himself.
Shikakushtep, Lezh ? $25*7, _EA?. n. An upper garment.
Shikama, Eezhoz, $# 7, # = E 2. v.t. To store. To put together. To lay n.
Shikamare, シカマレ。隔テテ、例セバ. シネトシカマレシランゲキ、彼ヘソレヲ # E = E+ 9. adv. Every other. A jumping over. As :~ Shine to shikamare range ki, “he does it every other day.”
Shikamare, Se?j-r Le, : vi- vv. v.i. To be hidden.
Shikambe-chikap, Sejj A, otje?i 7, f; HR?, r js 7 F. y. n. The Steller's albatross. Diomedia albatrus, Pall. Syn : Oshkambe. Onne-chikap. Isho-kapui.
Shikannatki. ?e?y 2:j-Y +, R, R *. n. and adj. A circle. Round.
Shikanmatkip. $e3, 23-v+7, H: #ff. n. A wheel.
Shikanmatki-no, ?e? :e:}-y + /, K ? . adv. In a circle. *
Shikaobiukire, $e?jzi E y + Le, # os Jv. v.i. To be saved by. As :~ Kamtui otta shikaobiukire, “ to be saved by God.
Shikaobiukiyara, Se?jzi b2 2 + vj, iz ≫v sv. v.i. To beg. To be saved. To be helped. Syn : Kashichiobiuki. Shikohoki, $2=1zis=*, E = JK z fs.z.. v.t. To call another to one's self.
Shika-omare, E^2b="r: Le, fo4} }- ≫L. adv. Sufficient. As, Aishika-omare, It is sufficient for me.”
Shikaomare, ?e?jzi“-r Le, f, x, ?#F = x no. v.i. Filled up. Put in upon.
Shikaotere, Se?y:#5*Le, E ≫ ig sz. v.i. To wait.
Shikaotte, シカオツテ, 己ヲ被ヘス。己 5 # 7 te ov. v. t. To cover over one'sself.
Shikapashte, Se? v?$e5F, # 7 gif >. v.t. To call to or send to another for help. Syn : Shikashiure.
Shikap-ekushite, Se?, 7r: - Ti, ku ラヌ振スル、悪事ヲ隠ス・ v.i. To pretend not to know. To do evil things and pretend to know nothing about it. To hide one's evil deeds.
Shikapkapa, Ee?,7 ha §, ##. n. A person who is always ill. An invalid. A weakling.
Shikapneka-no, $23,7:k 7, Z, ss of -E. adv. Everywhere.
Shikari, しかり, 圓キ。 adj. Round. Winding. ★バカ検証 【バチェラーは circular という英語を知らない。】
Shikari-chup, しかり・ちゅぷ, 満月。 n. A full moon. ★バカ検証 【Shikari の前にある。】
Shikari, しかり, 無キ。 adv. Without. Not having.
Shikarikari, しかりかり, 圓ク圓ク。 adv. Round and round. To spin.
Shikarimba, しかりむば, 圓キ。 adj. Round. Winding. To spin.
Shikarimbare, $2#; J JA/$le, #... v.t. To turn round. To twist.
Shikarip, Ev? у 7, Hit. n. A wheel.
Shikarire, 2 3) y Le, El x. v.t. To make go round.
Shikarun, Ee ?g Jie a, #fHj y vv. adj. Learned. Also. v.t. To notice. To perceive.
Shikashishte, e zh > Se 5F, Y? E x ov. v.t. To treat with unconcern. To treat with indifference. Syn : Shikashte. Katchiu. Pange.
Shikashiure, >:# 5-7 L-, # = p(f. 7. v.t. To call to another for help. Syn : Shikapashte.
Shikashke, しかしゅけ, 否ム(いなむ・こばむ)。 v.t. To deny a charge brought against one.
To deny. To defend against a charge.
Shikashkere, しかしゅけれ, 否マセル。 v.t. To cause to deny. Syn : Ikooroshuke.
Shikashnukare, しかしゅぬかれ, 幸運ナル。 adj. Lucky. Fortunate.
Shikashte, しかしゅて, 軽蔑する。 v.t. To despise. To treat with disdain. Syn : Shikashishte. Katchiu.
Shikashuire, しかしゅいれ, 助手ヲ用ユル。 v.t. To employ as a help. Syn : Nishuk.
Shikashuite, しかしゅいて, 助ケシムル。 v.t. To cause to help.
Shikat, しかと, 生レル。 v.i. To be born. Syn : Shikot.
Shikatka, しかとか, 目カクシ。 n. An eye shade.
| Shikatkare, シカツカレ, 罹ル、カカル。 v.t. To be seized with a disease or devil. Syn : Ituren.
| Shikatkari, シカツカリ,
Shikatnukarara, : : 952;h 55, fH. # = x yu. v.t. To be careless. Syn : Shikopaotteyara.
| Shikatori-kamui, シカトリカムイ。 腸室扶斯. n Ty
| Shikatori-shiyeye, phoid fever. 235 - ) 24 o 4 se, Small-pox by
| Shikatori-tashum, SOrne. ???? ???? ???? ? H 25 ???
Shikatorushi, e 35 K JI, ?o, y ti zlo. v.i. To be possessed (as by a devil). Syn : Shikatkari.
Shikatte, 27; 95, HPez, *. To bring forth young.
Shikaye, £≫:h-s a, Ekj x h a . v.t. To flash about.
Shikaye-at, Ee? f =77 y, Tj ≫, # ≫. v.t. To flash. To glitter. To shine.
Shikaye-atte, Ee?, f =J” y 5F, tj?i x, #3, 2... v.i. To cause to shine or glitter. To flash about.
Shikayekaye, Se? 4 = ?, 4f =, Tj?i x, # 2, x. v.t. To shine. To glitter. To flash.
Shikayere シカイェレ。関カス。輝カス・ v.t. To cause to shine, glitter or flash.
Shik-chupuchupu, o 5-2.75-7, s# 2. v.t. To wink the eyes. Syn : Shik-rewerewe.
Shike, >4r, #* v. adj. Spread out flat. Syn : Seshike.
Shike, >4-, = -f- z %. adj. Twenty fish.
| Shike, #%. n. Luggage. Bag シゲ。 gage. A bundle. As :~
| Shikehe, Shike wa apkash, “to シケへ。 carry a load. Shike ap kash oman, “ to take a load. Shike kookturiri, “to carry a very heavy load.” (Lit: to stretch out the neck to a load). Syn : Kinkai.
Shikeka, or?), Hi. n. The deck of a ship. Syn : Sani-ita.
Shikekamup, シケカムプ。死者ト共ニ #E Jv:# E ≫ #3k. n. The very best ornamental and festive garments buried with the dead. Syn : Shirikamup.
Shike-ni, シゲニ。物ヲ乗セテ荷負フ器。 A wooden frame upon which to pile bundles for carrying. -
Shike-ni-eshike, S>^r==r.S≫4r, HH F. 37 yu-T?jo y Saz. v.i. To carry bundles of luggage piled one on the top of another.
Shikepo, E, rrit, /jv/E. n. bundle.
Shikepone, orz???, also of £2. n. A Small bundle.
Shikepuni, ?e 5- 7 =, |s| + 5 pl. v.t. To look up to. As :~ Kamui shikepuui, “to look up to God.”
Shik-eraige シクエライゲ。岐ト見ル。 v.t. To look steadily at.
Shikere, $24- Lo, ?#fa + zv. v.t. To help a person to place a load upon his back.
Shikerebe, or Leo, + 2 × 2 jo. n. The fruit of the Phellodendron amu. A small
rense, Rpr. When dried the fruit is of a dark colour. It is eaten by sick folk. The bark of the tree is taken and steeped in hot water and drunk. Poultices made of it are applied to wounds. Wounds in general and sores caused by tattooing the lips or fingers or arms are washed in the decoction. By some the tree is called Chikerebe-ni which may well mean “tree which is scraped”.
Shikeerebe-kina, ?estr Leet=F3-, y + z~ # 7. n. The skunk cabbage. Symplocarpus foetidus, Salisb.
Shikeerebe-ni, or Leak-, + 2* 3r, s2 =a a. n. Phellodendron amurense, Rupr. Both the fruit and bark of this tree are used as medicine.
Shikeerepa-ni e 3- Le v ? =, n. The Saghalien for shikerebe-ni. It is also called by some by Shiribe-ni. Phellodendrom amurense.
Shikeesara, シケサラ。野豊ナル、悪ロス yo. adj. and vi. Of wild habits. To speak evil of others.
Shikeesara-guru, :25-+5://le, "Ejit. n. A virago. A scold.
Shikeeshke, シケシケ。虐待スル(寧数), ETJ x v. v.t. To ill treat. To speak evil of. To speak against. (sing).
Shikeeshpare, 25->eo:Lo, ?: H z L(# #) v.t. To speak evil of. To speak against. To ill treat. (pl).
Shi-ki, o, #(+ £). n. The larger kinds of reeds. Miscanthus sacchariflorus, Hack.
Shiki-kara, >#?]57, ?, E 7 [? 7. v.i. To make eyes at.
Shi-kina, e HF3-, #(?r. v). rushes. Typha latifolia, L.
Shi-kina-shup, Evid-Sea 7, ? v = 7. # te &#. n. A mat made of bulrushes (but rolled up).
Shiki-okerunne, >=##4-JL:a:#, H?E sz 7 : I: x Jl. v.t. To look with n. Bul staring enlarged eyes.
| Shikipip, シキピプ。 見ルヲ得ズ v.i. To be
| Shikkipip, unable to look at. シッキピプ。
Shikiporo-chep, しきぽろ・ちぇっぷ, of x: + or of 17. n. A kind of blennies. Zoarchia veneficus, Jor. et Sny.
Shikirara, しきらら, 知ル、認識スル。 v.t. To know. To recognize. Syn : Kiri.
Shikiriba, シキリバ, 韓ガル(馬ノ如ク). v.i. To roll (as a horse).
Shikiru, Seat-JV, Eyv, i лу. turn or twist about.
Shikirukiru, £≫=TJL≫#JT, kv x, Hi y 2: ≫v. adj. Restless. To turn about.
Shikisakisa, シキサキサ。身ヲ振フ(犬 2 is 27). v.i. To shake one's self (as a dog).
Shikishoksho, ?e:#$2 a ? ?ea, ?R: 7 x. adj. Wakeful. Syn : Mokoro eto1:3 MILIME≫
Shikittektek, ?e=F ≫.5*3 5*2}, # ##? no. v.i. To turn about quickly. To face about in a hurry.
Shikiuta-chup, Zo:+ r} & Fa. 7, H. E. n. The month of April. v.i. To
Shikka, $^yj, ji-ε yv. adj. Fuil.
Shikkamare, $23,757 L., F. x. v.t. To conceal. To hide. To keep out of sight.
Shikkara, E- ≫ : S, F N-. v.i. To sleep.
Shikkap, ez ?7, #, v 7 37. n. The eyelids.
Shikkashima, ?e ≫ h $27, $# x yi-, HE 7 yu, #|#1z jo. v.t. To hold. To govern.
Shikkashimare, $2 ≫ zh Serr Lo, #]#-te シム・捉エセシメル、支持セシメル v.t. To cause to govern. To make seize. To give to another to hold.
Shikkaruru, 22 y 3b Jiollo, El 5o H. v. v.i. To look out of the corner of
one's eyes.
Shikkemrit-oshma, $2 } rA U Vzr$/ +r, IstaB F + v. v.i. To have bloodshot eyes.
Shik-keruru, S2 : 5-Jl.Jl, HR 7 # x i. v.i. To turn the eyes about. To turn the eyes round.
| Shikekesh-ani-ingara, # E 5° R pl. シクケシアニインガラ v.i. To look
| Seikkesh-san-ingara, out of the $ez ->#:e4f 27f5, corners of the eyes.
Shik-kesh, シクケシ。類骨ト眼トノ間. n. The space between the cheekbone and the eye.
Shikkeu, シッケウ, 隅、家ノ西端ノ戸ニ近キ處。 n. A corner. That end of a hut near the west end door.
| Shikkikip, シクキキプ。見ルヲ得ズ v.i. To be
| Shikkipip, unable to look at. シクキピ プ。
Shikkotesu, Ee ≫ -15FX, #??≫ = H vie, ?# ji : Jl. v.t. To look at attentively.
Shiknak, $2 } }- ?, Es e 37 n. adj. Blind. Syn : Emuitane.
Shikno, Se % /, %+ * ju-. adj, Full.
Shikno-ambe, $2.7 / PAzo, j?i?. n. Fullness. To be full of anything. As :~ Yachi shikno ambe tereke-ibe ne ruwe ne, “ the marsh is full of frogs.”
Shikno-an, e } / 72, j?+ 3: ≫L≪. adj. To be full.
Shiknu, $? 273, A£ * yv. vi. To be alive. To live.
Shik-num, ?o ? 3X A., RER. n. The eyeballs.
Shik-numumu, a ? 3X A, A, E 2., E ≫ 2. . v.i. To frown. Syn : Shikchupupus.
Shiknu-no, $? % 3 /, ££ + * yv. adj. Living. Alive. As :~ Shiknu no toi tumu ao, “they were buried alive.”
Shiknu-pito, ?e v ? 3X E H", AEX}. n. A living creature.
Shiknu-wa-am, $? % 3≪ 77*>, &£ *- /v. v.i. To be alive.
Shiknure シクヌレ。生カス。補助スル。 # 2, #4:-te so J. M. v.t. To cause to live. To save. To revive. To assist. Used in matters connected with life and death.
Shiko, ?ea, AE n-, E 7 EH 3. v.i. be born. To open the eyes.
Shiko, シコ。動詞前ニ付ク時ヘ己ヲ指ス。 When prefixed to verbs it is reflexive meaning “to one's self; of one's self; to participate.” ?o
| Shik-o, $^4% *, E(= s≫)?r yv. v.i. Containing
| Shiki-o, reeds. シキオ。
Shikoarakire, e a ra 75 + Lo, T?}}> 3. v.i. To have received. Shikorarakirep, something one has received.
Shikoaraka-kara, しこあらか・から, 他人ノ側ニ坐ル。 v.i. To sit by one's side.
Shiko-assunnu-yara, or 72.7 ×5. *5, # K3, 7 B? ≫. vi. To force one's self to hear news.
Shikoba, 22:a a s, E. x y . rely on. To depend upon. another to do.
Shikoba-eaikap, $2 =? *+7°4 ?j7, f? #+ 7 l. x. v.i. Not to be able to depend upon. Unreliable.
Shikoetaye, シコエタイェ。引キ入ル(縄 2 p 27), #7J x 21. v.i. To draw in (as a rope). To draw out as a sword from a sheath. Syn : Ehekem.
Shikohewehewe, $≫=u^.r7 +~7 +, ?a ## y, a ra x 27. v.i. To tumble about. To stagger. To draw round one's body (as a quiver ready for use). As : ?Push shikohewehewe wa ai etaye, “he drew the quiver round his body and drew an arrow.” Syn : Shikoruihewe.
Shikohorire, $^=1* y L≫, in t + yv. v.t. υ,?. Το To get
To drive away. To dismiss.
Shikohoki, $’zaxik=*, Ej 7 xj x xl≫. v.t. To call to for aid. To invoke.
Shikoingara, $2 a 4f 27f5, f?? z pl. v.i. To act the hypocrite.
Shiko-ingarara, Ee E. f Leff55, s# z. xv. v.i. To show off. To be hypocritical. Syn : Aeshikkoingara.
Shiko-irushka, $2 a 4 JU≫$e3b, # Pv. v.i. To be angry with another.
Shiko-irushkare, Ee=a 4 Jle$="#, Lo, # 5 #49 2. 21. v.t. To make angry with another.
Shikomewe, E- - z oo =, Booz Al-. v.t. To fall upon. To attack. Shi-kom-ni, Se: A =, (#): so 2°. n. A kind of oak. Quercus dentata, Thumb.
Shikonde, シコンデ。持参ス、己レ自身 ## y. v.t. To help one's self to. To give to one's self.
Shikoni, > -1 =, |Vy Ji-, se ir 7” xv. v.t. To suck.
Shikoniwen, $2=-] = roy * 2^, jE =+, ** v≫ ju.. adj. Wild. Angry. Fierce.
Shikoni wende, ?e:H = 7 = C^#F, # x: ju, 4 + x 212. v.t. To tease (as a dog). Shi-konoburu-yara, Ev: A 7/L-o:, H3-5 of 9- to no. ph. To make people like one's self. -
Shikonokka, しこのっか, 愛スル。 v.t. To love. To gain the affections of another 他の人の愛情を得る/勝ち取る.
Shikonun, しこぬん, 吸ヒ込ム。 v.t. To suck in.
Shikonunnun, しこぬんぬん, 吸ヒ込ム。 v.t. To suck in.
Shikop, しこぷ, v.t. To rely on.
Shikopa, シコパ, 信頼スル。 v.t. To trust. To rely on.
Shikopa, しこぱ, 似ル。 v.i. To be like. To resemble.
Shikopa-atte-yara, しこぱ・あつて・やら, 注意セヌ。 v.i. To be careless 不注意な. Syn : Shikatnukara.
Shikonde, シコンデ, 自分デスル v.t. To help one’s self to. ★バカ検証 【Shikopa の後ろにある】
Shikopakoita-kara, oe in ps: of 4:3) 5, ASg*-)v. adj. Sloven. Filthy.
Shikopayara, >=2&*5, {?}-e )v. v.i. To pretend. To liken.
Shikopop, Serizit?, #2L. v.i. To rust.
Shikopuntek-yara, on 727.5 °5, 賞讃ヲ欲シテ為ス、他ヲ喜バセントテ為ス。 v.t. To do for praise. To do in order to give pleasure to another.
Shikorara, or 55, ##z. v.i. To wander about. To be a busybody. Syn : Katukari.
Shikoraye, Ee: 5 4 =, E ? pl-, fE JL. v.i. To gain for one's self. To get. To obtain. To take.
Shikore, しこれ, 産ム。 v.t. To bear. To bring forth (as a child).
Shikoro, しころ, 真ノ、偉大ナ。 adj. True. Great.
| Shikorogeta-ye, シコロゲタ・イェ, 面前ニテ語ル。 v.t To say in front of another. To say 。 when another is present.
| Shikkorota-ye, シッコロタ・イェ
Shiko ruihewe, E- - - -s". T-, TK z. zv. v.i. To stagger. To tumble about. Syn : Shikohewehewe.
Shikoruiruye, 32 a J, 4 le of =, ?? x zv. v.t. To pat. To fondle (as a child).
Shikot, era y H, #2:E z vl. v.i. To be born.
Shikotak, しこたく, 招ク。 v.t. To invite.
Shikotan-konde, しこたん・こんで, 他ノ土地ヲ自分ノモノトスル。 v.i. To appropriate some other person's land to one's self.
Shikotan-kon-ni, しこたん・こん・に, 太ク大ナル木。 n. A very thick and large tree. Syn : Poro chikuni.
Shikotcha, $25 H. Yy Ay, 4? 9 =. adv.
Instead of.
Shikotchame, $2El y***, #Yr. x ≫l~. v.t. To speak for or on behalf of another.
Shikotchane-guru, ?e: ≫#F v k? lle, iT Fr. n. A mediator.
Shikotchanere, ?e: ≫#F v k Le, ff: W.* × 9. v.t. To cause a person to act as mediator for one.
Shikotchane-yara, $2=i y5F x 38,75, #ior. 7 if z. v.t. To ask another to act as mediator.
Shikoteinep, >= 5*4f:k7, HR+. n. A very small child. A baby.
Shikoyaiiraigere, e a +7-f5 4f4? Le, *#x. ph. I thank you much.
Shikoyantoneka, Seri o e F:Rj, ? * 2L. ph. To cause to stay at a place for the night.
Shikoyupupu, Ee =?s?. 77', #g ≫ (H-f# *). v.t. To hold in the arms (as a baby).
Shikpe, $2 or “, HR#. n. The eye balls.
Shikrap, $e2 5 7, JE. n. The eyelashes. The eyebrows.
| Shik-rapa, シクラパ, # 2, ... v.i. To wink
| Shik-raparapa, or blink the eyes. シクラパラパ。
Shikrapu, o, or 5 7, ####. n. The eyelids.
Shikrewerewe, $2 } L= } = Le 7 e, s# ? . v.i. To blink the eyes. Syn : Shik chupuchupu.
Shik-sak, Se % * %, ii H + yv. adj. Blind.
Shiksei, Ee & tz.4f, R J E.E. n. The film of the eyes.
Shik-tarara, £≫475:55, ?#so * ?, E. 2P jur. v. f. To look up as when startled by something unexpected.
Shiktari, シクタリ。。ジツト見ツメル。 v.t. To look at fixedly. Set the eyes at.
Shikte, $225, 55 x. v.t. To fill.
Shiktere, Se2, 5F Le, 3G+ s + - 9.f. Io cause another to fill.
Shikto, Ee Zo H., & Bij Ar. adv. Daybreak.
Shiktokoko, Seo, F = -1, ??i? z o. v.t. To stare at. Syn : Keruptokoko.
Shiktu, o, o y, # 2 H. n. The meshes of a net.
Shikuiruke シクイルケ。彼方此方へ頭 7 4#55 sh; 55 -- stij - ov. vi. & adv. Hither and thither. Here and there. To turn the head this way and that. As :~ Shikuiruke wa ingara, “to look about.” Chisei upshoro shikuiruke, “to look about the inside of a house.”
Shikukka, E- G 9 h, FTR> l-. enlarge. Syn : Porore.
Shik-ukochupchupu, o, or to E15-2.7 チュプ。目ベタキスル pi To blink with the eyes.
Shikuma, $22, or, plu 2 ##, #. n. A group of mountains. Also a mountain ridge.
Shikumtarara, 52% A3:55, # to E. y 3, 7L. adj. To start upwards.
| Shikupramta-kara, シクプラムタカラ。
| Shukupramta -kara, v.i. To have シュクプラムタカラ。 nightmare.
Shikuriande-yara, 22 J P 27°o, §§4. 7 it. v.i. To be despised. To be held in derision. Syn : Shiesapse yara.
Shikurukasam, $2 y lle?"#A, ##. n. The body.
Shikut, or y, #. n. A girdle.
Shikutkesh-makaraye, $25 yoroo’, カライェ。暖排 (家ニ入ル時知ラセノ). v.i. To make a noise as of clearing one's throat as a warning to the inmates of a house that one is Ilear. v.t. Το 悪夢ニ魔サルル。

| Shikuturu, = y^3 +... n. The com シクツル。 mon chive. Allium
| Shikutut, Schoenoprasum, L. シクツツ。 The bulbs and leaves
| Shukuturu, of this plant are used シュクツル。 as ordinary food.
| Shukutut, Many chop them fine シュクツツ。 and boil them in their stews to give flavour to other articles of diet.
Shik-uturu, $2 } } }/JL, FER ≫ fij. n. The space between the eyes.
| Shim, しむ, 明日、次ノ日。 adv. To-morrow/ tomorrow. The next day.
| Shima, しま,
Shimachichi, $2755, # 7 (#2s x(# * / ## / #1 *). v.i. To stretch (as after sleep).
Shimaimai, S-T-fT-f, F#, 9- > 2 so, El. n. Slugs. Also lice.
Shimaka, ?err ?7, # * #pio. v.i. have passed away.
Shimakan-kotoro, Serr ?) a za K. DI, Ef ^{H3O2-3%. adv. By the side of. Near to. Close behind.
Shimaketare, Soro Le, E 2 # v. 5* jar v Plo. v.t. To allow one's self to be defeated. Thus, shi, “oneself”; make, Japanese makeru? “to be beaten”; ta, sign of past tense in Japanese ; re, an Ainu causative par- ticle.
Shimakomak, 27:1727, #[Hj. Behind.
Shimakorai, Serra 5 4f, # ## yt-, ??} F# x ≫L-, fk.z. v.i. To pass away. To go away. To depart. To cease.
Shimakoraiba, >= <15 foK, sk z,, E. r n-, fk# x N-. v.i. To cease. To stop. To leave off work. Pl. of
Shimakmak, $2 * 27 * 47, ## * ##j5. ... adv. Most behind; hinder-most.
Shimakshimak, しまくしまく, 凸凹アル、不規則。 adj.. Rough 雑. To adv.
Shimak-un, しまく・うん, 後方 adv. Behind 後に、後ろへ.
Shiman, しまん, 明日。 adv. To-morrow/ tomorrow.
Shim-an-toketa, しむ・あん・とけた, 明日。 adv. To-morrow/ tomorrow.
Shimasa, >?**, £3* 7*. adj. Open.
Shimatnere, シマッネレ。女ノ眞似スル, #x212. v.i. To pretend to be a female. To be proud.
Shimaugesh-eot, Ee -r : 4* ertzi”y, ####x yu. v.t. To marry. To live together as husband and wife. Syn : Umurek guru me.
Shimaugesh-eotte, e-r 74°E atzi ≫ テ。結婚セシムル。側=置ク。v.t. To cause to marry. To place by the side of.
Shimauta-chup, or 74:52.7, -t: H. n. The month of July.
Shimbi, Sa.A.E., sy E. n. The tunny fish. Germo germo, Lacep. Syn : Hokush chep.
| Shimechike, x x +... n. A kind of シメチケ。 bass. Loteolabrax
| Shumichike, japonicus. (C. et V.) シュミチケ, Also called Airo; ai oro ; and ayoro.
Shimemke, シメムケ, # 9 × 7t. adj. Shaven.
Shimemokka, Sex* >77, Is?o? 7#1, . v.i. To be quarrelsome. To desire to quarrel. To stir up a fight. To challenge. To tease. To sow seeds of strife. To try to find out the faults of another person. Syn : Ramokka.
Shimge, $24,54, 3× 2 H, 3×. adv. The day following. The next.
| Shimibe, シミべ, 朝食。 n. Breakfast.
| Shin-ibe, シンイベ,
Shi-mina-yara, 233-o:7, E, 2 75% e E v = x pl. ph. To make others
laugh at one's self.
Shimma, しむま, 明日、次ノ日。 adv. To-morrow/ tomorrow. The next day.
Shimokore, $25E a Lo, ze# W z pl. v.i. To pretend to be asleep.
Shimon, Ee:E >, ff. adj. The right.
Shimon-omai-so, est? Azre 4f / , ! # y ff. n. The right-hand side of a fire-place.
Shimon-sam, E E Eerij-As, fisis. adv. The right hand side.
| Shimon-samata, シモンサマタ。 # s#J. adv. The
| Shimon-samta, right hand side. シモンサムタ。
Shimontek, S-HE A5-2y, Zffsilij = 7 . adv. On the right hand.
Shimoye, ot-M =, El 2, # 2. v.i. To move. To shake. Syn : Moimoige
Shimoyeka, $2RE;4T - #, Fjji 27. v.t. To move.
Shimpitoi, Se A, E F 4 , PE* (E / ). adj. Slow of foot. As :~ Shimpitoi timma, “a slow horse.” Syn : Shiwende.
Shimpui, Ee A74', # J?. n. A well. The middle of the sea.
Shim-itarihi, S”A-f4: V E, spsk.), F#Z, ###. n. Companions.
Shimushishka, S. A.: E, ?j, ?i;(3K = Wyvaij 2 ##1). v.i. To make a noise with the throat as a warning to people before entering a house or hut. Syn : Shihumnuyara. Shirekutkara. Shihaunuyara.
Shimutarihi, ?e A & M) E, A#. n. Companions.
Shin, しん, 日、天気。 n. Day. Weather.
Shin, しん, 地、陸、世界、山地。 n. The earth. The ground. Land. The world. Mountain land as opposed to plains. As :~ Shin ratchi wa an, “the world is at peace.” The word is short for shiri.
Shin, しん, 複数ヲ示ス詞。 Sign of the plural case 複数格. Syn : Chin.
Shina, しな, 結ビ付クル。 v.t. To lace up. To tie up. To bind. Syn : Tupetupe. Shinashima.
Shinai, ?e 3- 4 , zKH?. n. A main Streann.
Shinan, $≫:}->≫, Nots =. Same as Shi. no-an. adv. Certainly. In truth. Truly.
| Shinan-chup, シナンチュプ。十月. n The month
| Shinau-chup, of October. シナウチュプ。
Shin-an-gusu, Eo o 7* 22 x, o x =. ph. For certain.
Shinankush, Se3- > 3 Se, st =. adv. Truly. In truth.
Shinashina, $22-523-, # Eff ;- n... v.t. To lace up. The tie up. To bind. Syn : Shina. Tupetupe.
| Shinau-chup, ?e:}-75F +7, +? H. n. The month
| Shinan-chup, of November. シナンチュプ。
Shinchak, Sa 23-**2}, AIL. v.i. 10 ferrnent.
Shinchi-chup, 5, 255-7, z, H. n. The month of June, by most Ainu called Momauta chup.
Shinchike, Se 23= Ar, x 3r y 3, 5. n. Alakanpollack, Theragra chalcogramma, (Rallas).
Shinda, $225, ##. n. A cradle.
Shine, しね, 一(いち)。 adj. One. As :~ Shine anchikara, “one night.” Shine to, “a day.” Shine to paye an, “a day's journey.” Shine to tori, “every other day.”
Shine-an, しね・あん, 一。 adj. One person.” Shine an guru, “one person.” Shine an toho ta, “one day;" “once upon a time.”
Shine-anda, しね・あんだ, 嘗テ或時。 adv. Once upon a time. One day.
At one time.
Shine-anpeta, ?e:k7*2^^$3&, E? no F = a =, #57 =. adv. At a certain place. Shime-atki, シネアッキ。同ジキ思スル。 adj. & v.i. To be of one mind. To be by themselves. To be alone. As : ~ Shine atki no kara, “to put by themselves.”
Shine-atki-no, ?e:#:J” y + / , ?Ek sz*. adv. Unitedly.
Shine-chupta, ?e;#5F=-72&, JH 4 . adv. Monthly. As :~ Shine chupta shine ichi ryo ku sange, “ I will give him one yen per month.”
Shinege, Eeak A5-, - V Ejf. adv. place.
Shine-ikashima-wanbe, $≫:# 4 # $, rr 72°, +- 2 #8. n. Eleven things.
Shine-ikinne, $≫#4 #2:*, →£k v 7. One adv. With one accord. Altogether.
Shine-ke, EeakAr, - 9 Ejf =. adv. At one place.
Shine-keutum-koro, okoro y AEI D?, ?#& x /L. To be unanimous. To accord.
Shinen, Seik 2, ?-A. n. One person.
Shinen-ne-an, $e:&2*7*>, $ 2. adj. To be alone.
Shinennepo, $2:k 2**, 3? *. By one's self.
Shinenpone, 2:#27k:k, .3}} = + y 3, # 33 3: or 5*. adv. Alone. By one's self.
Shinen-nep-ponne, Seak A ak 77# A:k, # y =. ph. By himself alone.
Shine-not, %?* / ≫, ? PJ. adj. A mouthful.
Shinen-shinen, Zo:k. A $2 + 2e, ? NAI. adj. One by one.
Shine-otutanu, 4%r***X’4?z5X, $E? y. adj. The first.
Shinep, 2-k?, -%. n. One thing.
Shine-pa, oakro, -?, -}. n. One cupfull. Once full. As :~ Tonoto shine pa, “one cup of wine." Tam adv. bako shine pa ku ku, “ I shall smoke one pipe full. -
Shinepesambe, £**? S* A^., jL. adj. Nine.
Shinep-ikashima-arawan-hotnep, シネプイカシマアラワンホツネプ。百四 +?. adj. One hundred and forty OIle.
Shinep-ikashima-ashikne - hotnep, シネプイカシマアシクネホツネブ、百 ?. adj. One hundred and one.
Shinep-ikashima-ine-hotnep, $2:k 7 イカシマイネホツネプ。八十一 adj. Eighty one.
Shinep-ikashima-re-hotnep, Coak7 イカシマレホツネプ。木十一. adj. Sixty one.
Shinep-ikashima-wanbe, Sozik 74 ?j $27 y >~, -f---. adj. Eleven.
Shinep-ikashima-wan - e - ashikneInotnep, シネプイカシマワンエアシク + zk y + 7, ju-H ?. adj. Ninety one.
Shinep-ikashima-wan-e-ine-hotnep, シネプイカシマワンエイネホツネプ。七 +?-. adj. Seventy one.
Shinep-ikashima-wan-e-iwan-hotnep シネプイカシマワンエイワンホツ :;. 7, Ej-f-?. adj. One hundred and eleven.
Shinep-ikashima-wan-e-re-hotnep, シネプイカシマワンエレホツネプ。五十 n. adj. Fifty one.
Shinepe-sambe, $≫:*~+. ?×, jt, 9 ≫ #%. n. Nine things.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-arawanInotnep シネべサムべイカシマアラワ ンホツネプ。百四十大L ads One hundred and forty nine.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-ashikneInotnep, シネべサムべイカシマアシク *zky:k 7, EIjt.. adj. One hundred and nine.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-ine-hotnep シネべサムベイカシマイネホツネ
7, JV+3L. adj. Eighty nine.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-re-hotnep シネペサムベイカシマレホツネ 7, Zo-Hjul. adj. Sixty nine.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-wanbe, $2 ネペサムベイカシマワンベ。十九 adj. Nineteen.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-wan - eashikne-hotnep, oak-&#A*4 sh シマワンエアシクネホツネプ、九十九. adj. Ninety nine.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-wan-einehotnep シネべサムベイカシマワンエ 4 +zky:R 7, ++jL. adj. Seventy nine.
Shinepe-sambe-wan-e-iwan -hotmep, シネべサムべワンエイワンホツネ 7, Ej-f- JL. adj. One hundred and nineteen.
Shinepe-sambe-ikashima-wan-erehotnep シネべサムベイカシマワンエ L?:ky:&7, 55.-f-jL. adj. Fiftynine.
Shinep-me-an, 32:K7:k? ≫, --> 5*. adv. Alone.
Shinepe-san-shui, oak-ü. As, JLi. adj. Nine times.
Shinep-pone, oe # y of +, Same as Shinnep-peune. Alone.
| Shine-raine, $2:k.5 s it, Bo?. adv. One at a time.
| Shinerai-no, シネライノ。
Shinere, ?e:k Le, la#x pl. v.i. To pretend to be. To take another form. Syn : Ishinere.
Shine-set-orunbe, Sa:ktz y: Jl. A&, # 2?Ha. n. A brood of birds. Syn : Ukosetorunbe.
Shine-shui-ne, $e:kS^-,.?f:k, ?E. adj. Once. Syn : Arashuine.
Shine-shike, ?e:#$24r, --+ / # adj. Twenty fish.
Shine-tui-orun, ?e:k:74 #Jle A, -3K. n. One family.
Shineupa, $2* 17 as, {}E7°, {}.2, yv. v.i. To take amusement. amuse one's self.
Shine-ushbe, $≫=* 1%≫ $≫? &, ----? # z ae z. n. One pair of anything such as boots or leggings or gloves.
Shine-utara, $o:kr} & 5, ER A, ##?. n. Friends. Relations. Syn : Араutara.
Shinewe, ?ezkr} = , E###, ## x xv. n. To play. To & v.i. Amusement. To amuse one's self.
| Shingep, So 224°7, 2 f. n. Lespedeza bicolor,
| Shinkep, Tarcz. シンケプ。
| Shingi, シンギ。 # to slo. v.i. To be tired.
| Shingi-humi, To feel tired. シンギフミ。
Shingi-kashpa, シンギカシパ。仕事シ *# 21. vi. To be tired or worn out with work.
Shini, >=, sk 2., sE F - Il-. v.i. To rest. To adjourn. To be better in health.
| Shinibe, しにべ, 朝食。 n. Breakfast.
| Shimibe, シミべ,
Shinin, シニン。浪(岩ニ打上ゲル) n. Breakers in the sea.
Shiniorap-chup, $2 ニ z?5 75F ニ 7, VV H. n. August.
Shinire, $2: Le, # * x 21. v.t. To cause to rest. To give rest to. To adjourn.
Shinish-kando, $2 = ?e?, 2 F, ??, v 5K. n. The highest skies.
Shiniuka, $2= 1,7 %, jE v xl≫. v.i. To be tired. To have sufficient of a thing. To become impatient.
Shini-wa-an, $e = 77° 2, fk , . adj. To be at rest.
Shinka, しんか, 疲レル。 adj. Tired. With difficulty.

Shinkop シンコプ。鎖、滑結(ワサ) n A chain. A slip-knot.
| Shinna, シンナ。 n. A difference. 相違。
| Shinnai, シンナイ。
Shinn-an, ?e 2:3-77 A, #??E + yv. adj. Different.
Shinna-are, ?e 2:3-77 Lo, EHij x vv. v.t. To distinguish.
Shinnai, シンナイ。相違スル、相違セル 35, 9. v.i. & adj. To be different. To be abnormal. By themselves. Alone.
Shinnai-kat-iye-unu, ?e 2:3-4 ?y'y Af A = 1; 3, ZE 2... v.t. To conceive.
Shinnai-ramat, >>+4' 57 y, To?, # Est. n. A departed spirit. A ghost.
Shinnai-kane, ?e 2:3-4s 33:k, #HE +z ≫l≪, 35 V. adj. & v.i. Different. To be by themselves. To be in a separate place.
Shinnam, $223-A, ##, #. n. Cold. Frost.
Shinnatoi, > a do K- 4 , #EE = #$*. adj. At another place.
Shinne, ?o Lezik, V f\ V = . adv. Same as shirine ; instead of. In room of. For. In place of.
| Shin-nep-ponne, シンネプポンネ。只、一ツ。 n. One. Alone.
| Shinnep-pone, シンネプポネ。
Shinnetush, >>:**X’$^, }{}j 2^ xl≫. To hinder. Shimnoshke, $?> / %4r, i*f z. adj. The very middle. The central. shinnu シンヌ。善キ,美ナル,安全ナル。 adj. Good. Beautiful. Safe. Syn : O&hinnu.
Shinnu-kuri, $225, 27 J, #- M., Zsa? K 3- pl. v.i. To become old or incapable.
Shinnukuri-an, 22 o 5.2 y 7° 2, j33.. 2 ###3 x 7. v.i. To have become ?。 v.t. very fatigued through illness.
Shinnukush, シュンヌクシ。ナスコトヲ # 7. v.i. To dislike to do something.
Shinnunuke, $v4r:e5x5x4r, : x. v.t. To hide away.
Shinnurappa, シンヌラッパ、祖先崇拝ノ式 n. The ceremony of ancestor worship. The ceremony of worshipping the spirits of departed friends and forefathers was universally practiced among the Ainu. At the present time it takes place in the dwellings and outside the north eastern window before the Inau-shan. The prominent feature to be observed in the ceremony is the solemn dropping of Ashkoro to the spirits of the departed. The drops are made to fall from the points of small wooden wands. Many go to the fire goddess called Fuchi or Huchi kamui. The spirits of deceased animals especially bears, are treated to much suchlike worship. The meaning of Shinnurappa is by derivation “shedding tears.” Syn : Icharapa. Irappa.
Shinnuye, $2>’534[ +, s%3]] x xl≫. v.t. To engrave. To cut into. To carve.
Shinnuyepa, ?e 25x=r*$, 7 # x: yv. v.t. To tattoo (pl). Shi-no, 32 A, ##, ## = . adv. Truly. Exceedingly. Greatly. In truth. Shi-no-ara, oe /75, # * * *, #3". adj. Most. Very. Shi-no-inau, o, Z 4 +17, § 2 -n. n. A kind of inau. A fetich.
Shinokoro, 2 / E. P., ####|% z →ffl. n. A kind of marine animal.
Shinonruki, ?e / > Jie +, B? 7 ff ... v.i. To swallow one's saliva.
Shinonde, $/, / 27°, E I RA 2... v.t. To gulp down.
Shinontuk, ?e / 2"> }, # $ $A 2. v.t. To swallow. To gulp down.
Shinontukpa, A.A A V ? v ?, ff. § A 2, . v.t. To gulp down (pl).

Shinoro, Sa' / ra, {jI, .. n. An estuary.
Shinoshbare, e A >, $ Le, B:#x n-. v.t. To attack.
Shinoshke-ashikepet, o A or 7'o' Aresy, Ha#. n. The middle finger.
Shinot, e A y, ##. n. & v.i. Amuse ment. To amuse one’s self. Syn :
Shinotcha, ?e A ≫5F v, k. n. A song. A hymn.
Shinotcha-ibe, e / ≫ F x 4f os, KE?j. n. The words of a song.
Shinotcha-ki, Sa M sy jaar H, {k7 FB 7. v.t. To sing a song.
Shinotcha-oroitak, 52 / yov.z" Ros # 7, ##ij. n. The words of a song.
Shinot-itak, > A'*xy 4° 3x ^*, i ? { #!. n. A funny saying.
Shinot-mindara, oe / yS 2#7, # bo #57. n. A play ground.
Shinot-rui, 9 / 'y Jl.4 , # ekf + 2. adj. Playful.
Shinotteupa, SAA ≫.5*r} ≫?, H = ##s/ J.. v.t. To amuse one another.
Shinoye, ?e A 4 =, ## 2., ## * ≫L. v.i. & adj. To wind. To become twisted.
| Shiramkore-utara, シラムコレ・ウタラ。親類. n. Relations. ★バカ検証 場所誤り。Shinoye と Shinraun-seise の間にある。
| Shiramkuri-utara, シラムクリ・ウタラ。【 富田にもアリ。 siramkore 〜と血縁である<自分・身体・持つ・させる> 複数 】
Shinraun-seisek, $2 o 5 ) ≫ +24 {z }, ###. adj. Close weather. Damp and hot.
| Shinrim, jk E ++. n. A great -noise. As :~ Ukaitui ??? ?? ??? ???
| Shinrim-nu, ma no shinrim, “a シンリムヌ。 great noise at intervals.”
Shinrit, e a U y, TE N, #?. n. Ancestors. Roots of plants.
Shinrit-oiwak-moshiri, EZ A J /2f4f ワクモシリ。死人ノ魂ノ行ク處。n The place of the dead.
Shinrupush, $^>}l≫7?$2, Noa? +z yv. v.t. To freeze.
Shinrush, & >Ji $2, #. n. Moss. Lichen. -
Shinrush, 52.2/Leo, + = + $2. n. The burning end of a log.
Shinrutke, シンルツケ。山崩。大争闘. n. A landslip. A very great quarrel.
Shintoko, $A, A K. a, ##. n. Lacquer Ware.
Shintoko-emko, >> K. a.+ A =?, BE? #. n. A washing basin for clothes.
Shinturu-ututta, >>y JLr, y 9 x, # 2 x 2", adv. Near the sea.
Shintushpo, Ee:e:y; Sozit, # (= = ?#2). n. Fire embers.
Shinu, シヌ。旬フ、旬ヒ上ル。簡ヒ寄ル・ v.i. To crawl. To sidle up to. To creep near to. As :~ En hekote shintz yan, “crawl up to my side.” Syn : Reye.
Shinuinak, $25x4 *47, E v yv. v.t. To hide one’s self. .
Shinuka, しぬか, 疲レタラ。 adj. Tired.
Shin-nukara, しん・ぬから, 天気ヲ見ル。 v.t. To look at the weather. ★バカ検証 【Shinuka の後】
Shinuma, しぬま, 彼、其。 pro. He. She. It.
Shi-nupuru, し・ぬぷる, 高価ナ、偉大ナ、卓越セル。 adj. Precious. Mighty. Excellent.
Shinu-shinu, しぬ・しぬ, 匍ふ(はう) v.t. To crawl.
Shin-uturu, しん・うつる, 海岸。 adv. Near the sea 海の近くに. ★バカ検証 【副詞である。】
Shinuwap, しぬわぷ, 陣痛、呻ク(うめく)。 adv. The pangs of childbirth. To groan. ★バカ検証 【品詞が乱れている】
Shinuwap-an, しぬわぷ・あん, 産ム。 v.i. To be in the act of giving birth to a child.
Shinuye, シヌイェ, 入墨スル、彫刻スル, 染ムル。 v.t. To tattoo. To carve. To paint. To dye.
Shioara-wenrui, しおあら・うぇんるい, 為ス、増ス、善クナル又ハ悪クナル。 v.i. To be enhanced. To become better or worse. To increase. As :~ Toan
shiwentep tane an shiretok shioarawen-rui, “that woman's beauty has become enhanced.” Nei guru tane an wen buri shioara-wenrui, “that person's wickedness has greatly increased.”
Shiocha, シオチャ, アイヌ風ニシタル髪。 n. Hair trimmed Ainu fashion.
Shiok, しおく, 悲シキ。. n. Sorrow 悲しみ. Trouble 事故・障害. ★バカ検証 【名詞である。】
| Shioka, シオカ, 後ニ。 adv. Behind. After. Hindermost.
| Shiokake, シオカケ,
Shiokaehotara, Saz"; 5:rzR& E7, ?so 3. A £45 ## 7. v.i. To feel anxious about things one has left behind. Shiоkamge-no, Sozi ?. B.A; /, i F. adv. Advisedly.
Shioka-opotara, ?ozi"#:### 5, # so 2 Ju + 2 5 ## 7. vi. To feel anxious about things one has left behind
Shiokaun, Eezrij Ey Le, #. adv. After. Behind. As :~ Shiakaun hosari, “to turn the head back.”
Shiokerepa, シオケレパ。終結スル(複 £), sh v 7L. v.i. To be finished. To come to an end. To fall down. (pl).
Shiokina, シラキナ。アイヌ物語ニアル ####: 2 #. n. Some kind of fabulous sea monster. Syn : Shiokirikeu.
Shiokirikeu, Eezi" # 9 5-7, y 4 x ### Ha = y Ju offi: / #. n. Some kind of big fabulous sea monster said to be able to swallow ships. Syn : Shiokina.
Shiok-ne-ni, of 27:RE, or y = ** F. a , n. Sambucus Buergeriana, Bl. var. Miqueli, Nakai. Elder.
Shiokunnure, Sozi"? A5. Lo, #. v.i. To be proud. Syn : Shiomunnure.
Shiokunre, ezi") e Le, #. v.i. be proud. ?o
Shiok-wa-an, Eozi"2} 77° A, # v ?i viz. v.i. To be in sorrow.
Shiomapare, ozirr vs Le, ji v 3 yi . adj. Tame.
Shiomonnure, Eezi HE A5. Le, ?it: x. ≫l. v.i. To be proud.
| Shiompiara, シオムピアラ, 寡婦(かふ・やもめ)、鰥夫(やもめ・男やもめ) n. A widow or widower.
| Shompiyara, シオムピヤラ,
Shion, Sezro, +ff;. n. A child. As :~ Pon shion, “a little child ”: poro shion, “ a large child.” Syn : Aiai.
Shioni, Zozr=, EME. n. Cramp. As : ?Yontekkam shioni, “to have cramp in the calves of the legs.”
Shionpau-kina, Eezr en Sry +}-, r, y r > > x +. Scirpus Eriophorum, Michx.
Shiontek, Zo zi e 5F O, HREF-. n. A small child.
Shioraye, vzi 352, GJE z vt. v.i. To arrive at a place.
Shioro, しおろ, 喜ブ。 v.i. To feel glad about. Syn : Erayap. Okunnure
Shioshmak-ne, Sozir$err Z, #, ## / 4& 2 H = + x. v.t. To stick into one's girdle behind. .
Shiotemshuye, $2zf5-A,325.4 +, ##., (H5 2 in 2'). v.i. To walk (as a horse).
Shioya-itak-yara, Eozi 474 4 2 475, to yu, EE = x 212. v.t. To make a fool of. To ridicule. Syn : ShiemiIla yara
Shioyapkire, Sazi H*7 + Lo, E#3- vi-, #F# x >L, XHa3-yu. adj. & v.i. Idle. To meddle. To work in a slovenly manner. Stubborn. To dislike to do a thing.
Shioyapkire, Eozi 477 + Le, ?j }*. v.t. To frustrate.
Shipaige, Seas-f Ar”, ; 2 z. v.t. startle one.
Shipakara, シパカラ, 淋シイ(さみしい)、悲シイ、恐ロシイ。
adj. Sad. Woeful. Grievous.
Shipapatki, Eez ?z ?'y +, E ?? : ?? x no. v.i. To glitter.
Shipashipayara, Sov?$ez ?-75, E +z = yle, j? > E 2. v.i. To be condemned. To have one's faults made manifest.
Shipashnu, Een SS-5R, # x 4 2 - adv. Too much. Syn : Mashkinno.
Shipaskuru, シパスクル。ヘシブトカラ x.. n. Japanese oriental raven. Corvus macrTrhynchus japonensis, (Bp.)
Shipekuttara, $~~47 y4?z5, z+ * *i * = +. Pleurospermum kamtschaticum. Hoffm. Syn : Oromakutu.
Shiperam, 52°5.5., §. n. A winInto W. Shi-pero-ni, 52-K D = , s > 9-7. n. A kind of oak. Quercus crispula, Bl.
Shipeshte, シペシテ、海メル。延ビタル。 v.i. Withered. Stretched out.
Shipet, ozoy, ?i?. n. A main river.
Shipi, $o bo?, [EJijIx, yv. v.i. To turn round.
Shipl, シビ。圓キ小石(河床又ヘ河岸ニテ J?, zi-). Small round stones sometimes seen in river beds and along the sea shore. Syn : Shishirup.
Shipi, シピ。雅美ニスル、ミヤビニスル。 v.t. To refine. Syn : Rakka.
Shipi, ot, ###| x. v.t. To stir up.
Shipikemchi, o, E*A5*, Alv H / -E. n. A kind of small shell fish.
Shipimba, > E. *, ? IE × 2v. v.t. To make ready. To prepare. Syn : Shipine.
Shipine, S-E:k, H # s- 5. adv. Ready.
Shipini, Prepared. シピニ。
Shipine-wa-okai, }fj ju ~tz % vl?. v.i. シピネワオカイ。 To be ready. To
Shipini-wa-okai, be prepared for シピニワオカイ。 a journey.
Shipirasa, シピラサ。花開ク、擬ガル。 v.i. To blossom out as a flower. To spread out.
Shipirasare, シピラサレ 弘ム、弘ゲル v.t. To
Shipiraspare, circulate. To scatter. シピラスパ レ。
Shipirasasare, a E5 ### Le, ?j ?, z. v.t. To cause to blossom.
Shipire, e E. Le, #?? z. v.t. round.
Shipitatpa, a E4 y v?, st > (# 7). v.t. To undress. To untie one's clothes (especially leggings or trousers).
Shipita, S~E4?z, is 27 + yv. v.i. become unloose
Shipita-pita, SA E & E &, # 2, 3- vv. v.i. To become unloose.
Shipitapita, 2b: 5; bor, soft. n. Pins and needles in the legs.
Shipo, ozio, as #. n. A box.
Shipopkep, of 75-7, #, n. Tools. Instruments. -
Shiporapora, $>zs5 xs5, {jE yu≫, jij] 2y. v.i. To move or shake about. To wobble. To walk with rolling gait. Syn : Porapora.
Shipoyepoye, Soz?:4 =zk's 2, # * jv, : Jl. v.i. To twist about. To turn round.
Shipoyepoye-rera, oft-s = yj;4 ... Lo, #?|fl... n. A whirlwind. Gusts of wind. Syn : Hopoye rera.
Shippo, e yzk, #. n. Salt.
Shippo-sak-guru, 22 y zf{+} z ?YJU, KE N. n. A fool. Syn : Kamdachi sak guru.
Shippo-ush, adj. Salted.
Shipship, £?7$≫7, F 2* +. n. Equisetum or scouring rush. Equisetum hyemale L. var, japonicum, Milde.
Shipuine, $?7?f*, /J^s^ z. adj. Few. Scarce. Syn : Moyo.
Shipuinere, $274 * L≫, j[] ~ yl≫, **+* s≫.z., xj 7 E yv. v.t. To withhold. To To turn ?o シッポウシ。劉ノ付イタ。
keepback. To decrease. To take from.
Shipuni, ?e7 =, e_? y ≫ ≫. v.i. Rising up.
Shipuri-mukesara, 327 J A or #7, jiEEil 3- yl≫, 3* ai 3- yl~. v.i. and adj. Self-willed. Obstinate,
Shipushke, シプシケ 増加スル、膨レ ?yl. v.i. To increase. To swell up. To rise as dough.
Shipushkep, $~7 $^4%r7, E: v, s≫ Ea. n. Anything swollen.
Shipushkere, $2792.45r lo, 3 x. v.t. To cause to swell.
Shipushkerep, S. 7 S 3- Le 7, tj. n. Barm. Yeast.
Shipusu, シプス 内ヨリ上ル。表面ニ Eyv. v.i. To rise out of. To come to the surface.
Shipusure, $27 Z. Le, #R ≫. draw out.
Shiraire シライレ。死セル振スル v.i. To pretend to be dead.
Shiraishuye, 954 9-i:E, : - Jl. v.i. To think.
Shirakkari, $25 ≫ zh 9, ? * >l-. v.t. To pass. To go beyond. As :~ Nishpa tan ukuran shirakkari an ? “ Is the master going further to-night?”
Shirakte シラクテ。釧路ノ古昔ノ豪 # / 44. n. The name of an ancient chief of Kushiro. -
Shiramborore, 25 Axe I Lo, 3; e 7. A|k z yv, HBi: )l. v.t. Tosit still in a dejected manner. To be stubborn.
Shiramgiri, >: A: ), #I, Jl. v.t. To know. Syn : Shiru onnere.
Shiramkiri-utara, So A+ 9 to 5: 5, FHz, AI E. n. Friends.
Shiramkore-guru, 9: A - Loz II,, Hj v.t. To ??, HIE. n. A friend. An acquaintan Ce.
Shiram niukesh, 反封スル、承知 シラムニウケシ。 -tz και . v.t. Το
Shiramniukesh-yara, dissent from. シラムニウケシヤラ。 To disagree with. To be hard upon another. To lord it over one.
Shiran, $25 a, # : x ≫lo, ?k z zv. v.t. To desire.
Shiranpa, シランパ。地上ノ木 (複数) v.i. To be standing on the earth, as trees. (An old word only found in stories and legends). It seems to come from shiri, “earth.” an, “ is,” and pa a plural suffix.
Shirampa-Kamui, ?e5. Ar ??JA, 4s, zik 2 #. n. The name given to any tree regarded as one's guardian deity and so worshipped. Such a tree may be taken as the hunter's caretaker. The places where such trees grow are held very sacred.
Shiramsamte, 顕ミヌ。開カヌ振ス シラムサムテ, Jt. v.t. To take
Shiramuisamte, no notice of. To シラムイサムテ, pretend not to hear. To ignore the presence of another.
Shiramu-isamde, $25.A. f*A*, *s, 7 x #x yu. v.i. To pretend not to know. As :~ Ainte itak ku erampetttek nei no shiramu-isamde ku ki, “ I am going to pretend not to understand Ainu.”
Shiramyeyara, $25.&4" - *5, ## 7 £k x. v.i. To do for praise. To desire praise.
Shiran, >5 >, zg?H, B?#ff. adv. Space. Time. Whiles. Syn : Shiri an.
Shirankuri, シランクリ。親類. n Relations. Syn : Shiram kuri.
Shiran-shiran, $25 2S25 2, # b > 5-. adv. Sometimes.
Shirante, 25 25°, #|A. n. A storm.
Shiranu, $2.5 ×, #. n. The tide. Syn : Shirara.
Shiran-ushi, シランウシ, 岩ダラケノ場 所、潮ノヨセテクル所。 n. Aplace of rocks. Tidal-place.
Shirar-oi, シラルオイ, 大キイ波又ヘ大キイ潮ノアガルトコロ。
n. A place where high tides or big rollers strike the sea-coast.
Shirap, しらぷ, 鷲の羽。 n. The wings of an eagle.
Shirapa, $25 wo, #21 (EE& 2) v.i. To leak from above as the roof of a house. To drip.
Shirapipi, ; ; E to, #7. v.i. To rejoice. To be glad.
Shirapok-unu, $25zk 2 752, 3 (4 x 'n . v.i. To boast.
Shirapparappa, シラッパラッパ。羽ベタ + x 21. v.i. To flap the wings as a bird.
Shirara, しらら, 磯。 n. Rocks in the sea. Boulders. Very large stones.
Shirara, しらら, 厚キ、濃イ。 adj. Thick. Stiff as stew. Curds. As :~ Shirara no kara, “to make thick as soup.” Shirara sayo, “a thick soup.”
Shirara, しらら, 潮。 n. The tide. As :~ Shirara ha, “the ebbing of the tide.” Shirara pesh, “the flow of the tide,” Shirara ika, “a full tide.”
Shiraraha, $255 vv, $3 #j. n. The ebbing tide.
Shirara-ika, $2554 h, ?, ?. n. The flowing tide.
| Shirara-kokari, シララ・コカリ。ハシ ボリ カラス。 n. Carrion-crow. Corvus corone, Linn.
| Shirara-paskuru, シララ・パスクル。
Shirara-pesh, 255 ro, ###. n. The ebbing tide.
Shiraraye, $2554[ +, jE?k x yv. v.t. To strip off one's clothes.
Shirarihi, e 5 ) E, n. n. Dregs. Rubbish.
Shirai-korari, しらい・こらり , ハシボリカラス. n. Carrion-crow. Corvus corone, Linn.  ★バカ検証 バカ丸出し。 Shirari の後ろにある。語順誤り。
Shirat-chimakani, $25 y-for h=, + = + ? v ?r. n. Stone-sculpin. Eno phrys claviger, (Cuv. et Val.).
Shiratki-kamui, しらっとき・かむい, 守リ神。 n. A guardian god, especially the skulls of foxes and birds which the Ainu carry in their luggage when travelling 守護神、特に旅行の時鞄の中に入れて持ち運ぶキツネと鳥の頭蓋骨.
Shirau, しらう, 虻(あぶ). n. A gad-fly. As :~ Shirau-oi, “a place of many gad-flies.”
Shiraura, しらうら, 鴉(カラス). n. A crow. By some Ainu “cormorant.”
Shiraye, $252, Hij x. v.i. To move. As, Hemakot shiraye, “To move on one side.”
Shirekutkara, e Le 2 y 355, g?# x ≫l(SF = A N- Fii). v.t. To clear one's throat as in entering a house.
Shiren, e Le >, $?. x. xl. v.t. To lead away. To entice. To lead to. To take with one. This word is used both in a good and evil sense.
Shireok, Ee Lozi &, # Br2P +. adj. A very little. As :~ Urara poka shireok, “there was just a very little fog.”
Shirepa, ?e Le ≫?, HERE ~ # x ≫L. v.i. To arrive at a place. This verb takes ta' or otta before it.
Shireske-an, ?o Lex 5-7” 2, FAR 7 ?f Jo?, n. A ceremony for making fine weather.
Shiretok, シレトック, 美ナル(人ニ用ユ). adj. Beautiful. Used when speaking of human beings.
Shiretokbe, しれとくべ, 美ナル物。 n. A beautiful thing.
Shiretok-koro, しれとく・ころ, 美ナル。 adj. Beautiful.
Shiretok-korobe, しれとく・ころべ, 美ナル物。 n. A beautiful thing.
Shiretu, しれつ, 岬。 n. geo. A cape. Headland. Promontory. Syn : Not or noto.
Shiri, しり, 価値。 n. Price 価格・値段. Value 価値.
Shiri, しり, ノ代リ。 adv. Instead of. In place of.

Shiri, シリ, 陸地。 n. The earth. Land. As :~ Shiri kata, “ on the ground.” Shiri mo, “the world is at peace. Shiri otettereke, “to stamp upon the ground.”
Shiri, シリ, 甚ダ敏捷ナル。 adj. Swift. Very. Well. Much. Great. True. As :~ Shiri wen, “ very bad.”
Shiri, シリ, 天気。 n. The weather. As :~ Shiri an no, “fine weather.” Shiri an noto, “a calm sea.” Shiri chak “to clear as the weather.” Shiri kutek, “close, calm weather.” Shiri men, “cool weather.” Shiri popke, “warm weather.” Shiri seisek “ hot weather.” Shiri tontek, “ close, warm weather.” Shiri wwande, “to examine the sky to see what the weather is likely to be.” Shiri wen “ bad weather.” Shiri wen wa gusu, “since it is bad weather.” 【何故語順が名詞なのに頭に来るの?。Shiri wen じゃなくて、 Wen shiri にどうしてならないの?。shiri って、名詞では無くて、形容詞の前に来るので、adv. なのでは。】
Shiri, シリ, 此語ハ動詞ノ後ニ用 ヒ未ダ 動作ノ終ラヌヲ示ス。例セバ、クヌカ ラシリネ、我ハ見ツツアリ。 part This word is used after verbs to indicate that an action is still going on. As :~ Ku nukara shiri ne, “ I am looking.” Ushungesh kotan un ku hoshipi shiri ne na, “ I am now returning to Hakodate.” Shiri also makes the frequentive form of a verb. As :~ Ahun shiri, soyui shiri, “ coming in and going out.”
| Shiri, シリ,
| Shiru, シル, 時間、空間。 adv. Time. Space. As :~ Naa pon noshir’an ko, “ after a little while ”; ” a short time hence.”
Shirian, しりあん, サテモ多数ノ。 interj. Dear me how many! How great! I As :~ Chep at shiri an, “ Dear me, what a number of fish"!
Shiriatchi, しりあっち, 在ル(複数)。 v. To be. (pl.)
Shiri-buri, しり・ぶり, 普遍ノ習慣。 n. A universal custom. Syn : Kotanburi.
Shiricharonne, しりちゃろんね, 平野。 n. A broad space of land.
Shirichieshiri-kikkik, しりちえしり・きっきく, 鳴ラス。衝突スル v.t. To knock against. To rattle.
Shiri-eiuninpa, しり・えいうにんぱ, 反響スル。 v.i. To echo. To resound.
Shiri-eiyunimba, しり・えいゆにむば, 反響スル。 v.i. To resound. To echo. To have sounds in the head. Syn : Riyunimba. Shirieiuninpa.
Shiri-epachiu, しり・えぱちう, 煙ダラケノ。 adj. Full of smoke.
Shiri-eshik, しり・えしく, 沢山ノ。 adj. Plenteous. Abundant. Multitudinous. Syn : Nuye-an.
Shiri-eshikbe, しり・えしくべ, 夥多(かた:おびただしい + 多い)、群集。 n. Plenty. Abundance. A multitude. Syn : Nuye an.
Shiri-eshik-mo, しり・えしく・も, 沢山ニ。adv. Abundantly 豊富に、潤沢に、有り余るほど、いくらでも.
Shiri-etu, しり・えつ, 岬。 n. A cape.
Shirihi, しりひ, ノ代リニ。 adv. In stead of.
Shirihi-ki, o, J E +, so 7 # x. v.t. To do instead of another. As :~ E shirihi ki wa ku arapa, “ I will go instead of you.”
Shiri-hine-ye, Ee J E # 4f =, f: * s x. wi. To speak for another.
Shiri-hine-ye-guru, 2 y E3:4 = 2 IIo, #A. n. An advocate.
Shirihomara, しりほまら, 朧トナル。 v.i. To be dim ぼやける.
Shirihomare-wa, しりほまれ・わ, 朧ニ(おぼろに). adv. Dimly ぼんやりと.
Shirihurakka, しりふらっか, 地ヲ臭グ(猟犬ノ如ク)[嗅ぐ(かぐ)] v.t. To smell the ground as a dog in hunting. To scent Out.
Shirihutne, しりふとね, 狹キ。 adj. Narrow.
Shirihutnere, しりふとねれ, 邪魔ニナル。 v.i. To be in the way.

Shiri-iki, ?e ) A +, H H = JL. v.i. To appear to be. Ought to be. As :Kara shiri iki, “he ought to be doing it.”
Shiri-ka, 2 J #, ###. n. The surface of the earth.
Shirika, S. U ?j, Eik, BE, H. n. The upper side of anything. The ground. As :~ Shirika hachiri, “to fall to the ground.” Nikara shirika hachiri, “ to fall downstairs.” Amip shirika, “the upper or outer side of a garment.”
Shirika, $2 9 #, E, # E. adv. and n. Over. Above the earth. The upper part. Top. Tiptop. Summit. As :~ Shirika wa, “ from above.”
Shirika, $2 U *), #, n. A scabbard. A sheath.
Shirikamu, シリカム。面ヲ地ニ伏シテ #- Jl. v.i. To lie upon the ground face downwards.
Shirikamup, o J hA7, FE## # # = #91-s}}#. n. The very best ornamented and festive garment buried with the dead. Syn : Shikikamup.
Shirikap, ?e ) ?y 7, JE, #. a. Appearance. Form. Shape.
Shirikap, 2 J 7,7, x 3 + +.. n. A swordfish. Xiphius gladius, Linn.
Shirikap-haye, E. U ?f7лv f -, ? je Ar 2 E?H. n. Upper jaw of sword fish.
Shirikap-o, シリカプオ。ト見ェル、形 5, Hayto. v.i. To have the appearance of. As, Onne shirikap-o, “to have the appearance of an old person.”
Shirikappo, ; 9 7, 9;it, + = y. n. Half-beak. Hyporamphtis sajori, (T. et S.).
Shirika-sak, $^ ) *j‘!*47, 3% v ?- yl≫, No?g +. ph. Poor. Without beauty. Without use,
Shirikashike, ?e ) # $A4r, }} ?. n. The outside of anything.
Shirikata, ?e ) # &, #s _E = . adv. Upon the earth. On the ground.
Shirikawause, S. J # 7 tj +z, # #* # vi>. adj. Parched.
Shirike, So y 5-, Instead of.
Shirikepkepu, $2 y 4-75-7, No. 2... v.t. To gnaw.
Shirikerekerip, $29 or Lory 7, ##. n. Arake. A hoe. Syn : Mataburip.
Shiri-keurototke, Sey - y ra H. y4r, 7&#. n. A very great sound or noise. Syn : Yupke humi.
Shiriki, so y +, ##. n. A pattern. As :~ Retara shiriki, “ of a white pattern.”
Shiriki, $≫ J #, #3sz ≫ ≫ 7- yl-. v.i. and v.t. To be in the act of doing.
Shirikikbe, $2 J #2 *, #. n. A whip.
Shiriki-o, Ee ) + ', # # 7 no. ph. Having patterns. As :~ Kunne shiriki-o amip, “a garment with black patterns.” -
Shirikirap, $2 y + 57', # 3 , 2. v.i. To be in trouble or sorrow. Syn : Ramupekamam.
Shirikirapte, 2 J #575, ###2 * x. v.t. To make sorry.
Shiriki-ush, Se J #17$e, EE* ≫v. adj. Spotted. Variegated.
Shiriki-ya, Eo ) + do, iki y H interj. Dear me ! How great! How much As :~ Ohaine yuk poron no at shiriki ja 1 “Dear me, what a number of deer there are l” Syn : Shiri an.
Shiriko, ; 9 -, *s, *. adv. Severely. Mightily. As :~ Shiriko othe, “to spear badly or thoroughly. Syn : Toiko.
Shirikohopoktara, o J azkzi: ) 4:5, #) =#{R x yv. v.i. To bow down to the earth.
Shirikokaptek, ?e ) a ?975*2}, & v ?i?= #2, ... v.i. To crouch to the earth as in fear.
Shirikonumba, £2 y ru 5x.Az?, ?? x #A ... v.t. To press down. . . . . 2 fk y = . adv.

Shirikomuru, > J -? AJI,, #? ? ?≫ yv. v.i. To fall down heavily.
Shirikomuruse. ?e J = AJL tz', # sy 2’ #y of MR x. v.t. To knock down with violence.
Shirikopiwe, ?e U = Ep =, # x. v.t. To push.
Shirikorare, 2 y - 5 L, #; x 3A 2, v t. To press down. Shiko-koro-kamui, $2 E. E. D. 7, Af, 樹木 (土地ノ耐聖ナ所有主) n A tree. (lit: “Divine possessor of the ground.”)
Shirikot, Ee ) :a y, # y 3 y?. v.i. To be tied as horses.
Shirikote, 2 J - #, #2,”. v.t. To tie up as an animal.
Shirikotereke, Ee y a 57. Lo str, gje E3E yi. E: E, v. v.t. To jump about. To climb up as a steep mountain.
Shiri-koteike, o, J.55*4 or, #_E=#s R x. v.t. To stretch out upon the earth.
Shirikoteye, $2 y a 5'-f =, # s HZS v ≫l. v.i. To press the earth down as in walking or jumping, or as an animal in lying down.
Shirikotoro, e ) a H. DI, III F / #?. n. A mountain side. A slope.
Shiri-oha, しり・おは, 空ナル。 adj. Empty. ★バカ検証 【Shirikuba の前。バカ丸出し。
Shiri-onuman, しり・おぬまん, 夕暮、黄昏。 adv. Evening. During twilight. ★バカ検証 【Shirikuba の前】
Shiriori, シリオリ, 土ニ穴ヲカキ開ケ ル。 v.t. To scratch a hole in the earth (as a dog). ★バカ検証 【Shirikuba の前】
Shiriotke, シリオッケ しりおっとけ, 刺ス。 v.t. To spear. ★バカ検証 【Shirikuba の前】
Shirikuba, シリクバ。 so 2, ... v.t. To bite.
Shirikubaba, Syn : Ikubaba. シリクババ。
Shirikunne, ?e y 3 e #, F# *. adj. Dark.
Shirikuri-an, しりくり・あん, 曇天(どんてん)。 n. Dull. Foggy weather. As :~ Shirikuri an to, “a dull day.”
Shirikurok, ?e y 2 pa 27, H? *. adj. Dark. Obscure.
Shirikurok-o, So U # p 2? =#-, H# 2, 9- y 3 no. v.i. and adj, To have become dark or obscure.
Shirikuru-un, しりくる・うん, 曇天(どんてん)ノ。 adj. Dull weather.
Shirikush, $≫ y 4≫ $≫, Yr# y ii ≫. v.t. To pass by. As :~ Shirikush range, “in passing by.”
Shirima, 52. у г, ху, ?е (з у ). n. SediTolert.
Shirimake, しりまけ, 保護者 n. A guardian.
Shirlman, 2 J or 2, #H. adv. Yesterday.
Shirimautum, e ) er 7:7A, ##. n. Climate. As :~ Shirimautum pirika, “ a good climate."
Shirimatutum wen, “a bad climate.”
| Shirimem, しりめむ, 涼イ、寒イ。 Cold. Cool.
| Shirimem-an, シリメム・アン,
Shirimo, しりも, 安カ(やすらか)ニナル。 v.i. become fine. To be in peace.
Shirimem-hokki, しりめむ・ほっき, 涼風ヲ招ク(呪 ヒ)。 n A bringing in of cool weather by magical charming. ★バカ検証 【Shirimo の後。 又、n.で無い。】
Shirinam, しりなむ, 寒キ。 adj. Cold.
Shirine, 5, 9 :R, . 2 ft, y = . In place of.
Shirine-koro, SA ) :::a pa, ft; 趣之 *。 v.i. To act as substitute.
Shiri-obitta, oe J:fb; y &, sis; 3 +. adv. Everywhere.
Shiripa, しりぱ, 岸辺 n. Land's end. Head-land. Syn : En.
Shiri-pan, しりぱん, 甚ダ多イ。 adj. Very weak 非常に弱い. ★バカ検証 【日本語と英語が全く違う。 weak は、弱い、なので、 pan (薄い・淡い・低い・弱い)に近い。「多イ」ってどこから出てくるの?。もう完全にバカ。読者に失礼だ。】
Shiripekere, しりぺけれ, 夜明。 n.
Daylight. As :~ Nishatta shiripekere echi nukare, “I will shew you tomorrow by daylight 明日の夜明け迄には示す/見せるつもりです.” 【shew は 動詞 show の古形。】
Shiripekere-koropoki, Ee ) ^$4r. Le II n;k:#, To?i? = . adv. Just at the time of daybreak.
Shiripe-kukke, $≫ J ^{2} y r, j?### n. Aurora borealis.
Shiripene, $2 Jo?ik, ME V. adv. Muddy. Slushy. Syn : Shitchirek.
Shiripeyese. -
Shiripo, > y :K, 2 in 2 H = Jl. v.i. & adv. To have the appearance of. To look like. As :~ Okkaiyo shiripo an oshmare, “to have the appearance of a man.” Shiwentep shiripo an oshonare, “to have the appearance of a woman.”
Shiripok, シリポク。アブラコ.(魚名) n A kind
Shiripuk, of fish. Hexagrammos $2 y 7 }, octagrammus, (Pallas).
Shiripok, シリポク。物ノ下部又ヘ内部. n. The under part or inside of anything. As :~ Amip shiripok, “the under part or inside of a garment.”
Shiripokige, ?e ) ≫R=#Ayo, 物ノ底. n. The bottom of anything.
Shiripokinipeka, > Uzk: E“S2, ffi? i ?r. n. Children and women. Boys, girls, and women. Syn : Pokinoro-peka.
Shiripopke, Ee ) ≫R74r, 3?R. n. Hot weather.
Shirisashnu, e 9 #$e5{, }} > 9 > b 鳴ル(木ノ葉又ヘ衣ノ如ク) v.t. To rustle as a dress or leaves.
Shirisep, 22 y E7, Har. adj. Broad.
Shirishimoye, oe JoB4s 2, ##. h. An earthquake. As :~ Shirishimoye nu, “ to feel an earthquake.”
Shirishiru, シリシル。 Shirushiru, シルシル。 拭ク、排フ。捧ル。 v.t. To brush. To rub. To chafe.
Shirishirup, Ee U ?ejl,7", BE; 2 #3. n. A brush. Shirushirup, シルシルプ。
Shirishun, £e 9 × = 2, #, ##. n. Frost. Wet cold weather.
Shirishut, $≫ y Sa-.*, [Ij£. n. The foot of a mountain.
Shiri-taratarak, 22 y 4x54x5 y, He. * BE. n. A stony place. Syn : Shuma o-i.
Shiritesu, しりてす, 吹込ム。 v.t. To penetrate as rain driven by the wind through a window 窓を通して風が貫通する.
Shirittore シリットレ。一息ニ行ク (旅 ff z pl. =). v.i. To go all the way without stopping (as in taking a journey.)
Shiritukari, o, Joy; J, #F# =. Part way.
Shiri-uhui, 22 Jty 74, III skiff, 7kyk. n. Mountain fire. A conflagration.
Shiri-uhuika, o, Joy 74 sy, [I] -ino k > zu.. wit. To set fire to a mountain.
Shiriupakbare, しりうぱっくばれ, 穏(おだやか)ニスル。 v.t. To make peace.
Shiriupakbare-guru, しりうぱっくばれ・ぐる, 平和ヲ為す者。 n. A peace maker.
Shiri-uturu, ≫ J 7 VJL., fij, #. n. A boundary.
Shiriwen, シリウェン。嵐、雨天。悪シキ 5&#. n. A storm. Rainy weather. Bad weather.
Shiriwen-hokki-guru, ?e ) ) = 2^zk≫ キグル。雨ヲ降セル人 (呪ニヨリ) n. A rain maker.
Shiriwen-hokki-marapto, Ee J W = A^ ホッキマラプト。雨乞祭 n The ceremony of producing wet weather.
Shirokani, > D, ?5 =, st, fjaE, E, #ff. n. Silver.
Shirokani-ikayop, o pa ?? = f h = 7, ###-tz zu fift.(+ to 2) n. Quivers having silver or white metal ornamentations.
Shirokari, しろかり, 圓キ(まるい)。 adj. Round. adj.

Shirokari-oman, しろかり・おまん, 廻ル。 v.i. To go round.
Shirokka, しろっか, 制止スル。 v.t. To make motionless.
Shirokshirok, しろっくしろっく, 吶る(どもる)、ドモル。 v.i. To stumble or hesitate in speaking. Syn : Eshirokshirok.
Shirokundeu, しろくんでう, 大舟。 n. A very large boat or ship.
Shiroma, しろま, 平和ニ住ム。 v.i. To abide in peace. To dwell in safety. To go along steadily, as a ship with a fair wind. To be. To abide. To lay.
Shiroma, シロマ。此語ヘ時トシテ。人代 名詞ニ用キラル。例セバ、クシロマ。 3. pro. This word is sometimes used as a personal pronoun. Thus Ku shiroma, “I” E shiroma, “you.”
Shiroma, “he,” “she,” “it.”
Shiroma-chisei, ?e R 75Ftz 4f, fEa?. n. A dwelling house.
Shiroma-i, シロマ・イ, 住居。平和ノ場所。 n. An abode. A place of peace.
Shir’omande, Se ta - > 5*, H# ?r## y v.t. *... adv. The time having passed. Late in the day.
Shiroma-no, しろま・の, 平和ニ。Peaceably.
Shiroma-no-okai, しろま・の・おかい, 安全ニアル。 v.i. To be in safety or in peace.
Shirorapakka, シロラパッカ。止ル、止メル v.i. To
Shirorepakte, stop. To restrain. シロレパクテ。
Shirosh, Ep, ##. n. A sign. A シロシ。 proof. As :~ Nei shirosh
Shiroshi, tap an, “this is its sign.” ン ロシッ or “proof.”
Shirosh-asangep, 2 p. 27+2+7, =#fff, ?. n. An earnest.
Shirosh-kambi, シロシカムビ。 #ff#?. n. A pass
Shirosh-hunda, port. - シロシフンダ。
Shiroshma, To fall.
Shirosh-omare, $≫ ta $≫zfo Lo, Ep # # x. v.t. To make a sign.
Shirotatpa, Se ra & y so, a # 7 x. v.t. To drop about. As :~ Wakka shirotatpa kor'an, “he is dropping water about.”
Shirotektereke, e pa 5*2* 57. Le Br, E = *# 2. v.i. To stamp with the feet. シロシマ。倒レル・ v.i.
Shirotereke, 2 p. 5* L, or, #2, ... v.t. To stamp.
Shirotke, シロツケ しろっとけ, 刺ス、貫ク。 v.t. To stick 刺す. To pierce 貫通する. To sit down upon any thing with a thud 何かの上にドスンと坐る.
Shiru, Selle, #plo, ME 27, e 2. v.i. To rub. To grind. To chafe. Abrade. Syn : Ishiru.
Shiruita, $e/Vf &, £j ^, %~. adj. Off. Away. Behind As :~ Shiruita ukao, “to put away,” Syn : Makta.
Shirukunne, シルクンネ。暗 n Dark.
Shirikunne, シリクンネ。
Shirun シルン。悪シキ、哀レナル、怠 #9-71. adj. Bad. Poor. Wicked. Useless. Idle. Destitute. Rough.
Shirun-guru, Selle 22) Vlo, #4 v 3- pl K. n. A poor person. An unprincipled person.
Shirunbe, S-Il-><<, # > + X. n. A bad person.
Shirunin, £, Joe E. 2, BCo. n. An echo. Syn : Shirieiuninpa.
Shiruoka, $zJL≫z**), a]]~~:2° yv. To throw on one side.
Shiruonnere, $2]i-zf 2:* Le, %1 yt2. v.t. To know.
Shirupakbare, ellos $2 vs Lo, ZEFI z ?; x. v.t. Same as Shiriupakbare.
Shiruru, ov), 7&#. n. The ocean.
Shirush-chiri, ?e)Le3e3F ), 2, y F y . n. Gray starling. Sturnus cineraceus, Tem, v.t.

Shirushnoya, EJLS / V, ?. r. ? - re a . n. Anaphalis yedoensis, Maxim. Shisutne, $≫Zy:k, ?? *. adj. Narrow. Syn : Shirihutne.
Shirutpa, $2 JL y v?, ff y, E 7. v.i. To go. To glide along. Pl.: ofshirutu.
Shirutu, JL y, ff By, NE 7. v.i. To move along by degrees. To go. To glide away. To shuffle along. To crawl. To creep.
Shiruturu, Selle VJL., KrF = - ado. 1" the middle. Syn : Humuturu.
Shiruturu-wende, & II,9 Jl. 7 ->:F, {# 7 # 2, 3} + Ju. To set at variance.
Shiru-uhui, Sarlaty74, 7kyk. n. A conflagration. Same as shiri uhui.
Shiru-umomare, eller 7-Err le, ff## x no. v.t. To pack up. As :~ Amip shiru-umomare wa ukau, “to pack up and put away clothes.”
Shiruwande, $2 IL 7 >#F, A HE > vv. v.t. To examine.
Shiruwande, Sarl, 2 25", #x vl-, 5,5% y x ≫v. v.t. To watch (see shirune).
Shiruwe, SejLeo a:, ; 2 #. n. The froth of rice beer. Yeast. Barm.
Shiruwe, $21,172, ###. v.i. To keep house. To watch over.
Shiruwe-guru, ?eller} =?YJle, ?K ≫ # N. n. A house watchman.
Shis, sometimes heard for Shik, “eye,” which is the Hokkaido pronounciation.
Shisak, シサク。老イタル。美味ナル、善 ja-+- yu-. adj. Old. Sweet. Good.
Shisakbe, 52% of ~, o. n. A treasure. A good or sweet thing.
Shisam, $2 + 5., H zoo N, 5}5. N. n. A Japanese. A foreigner.
Shisamchashnure, ?e:}A5F y $2.5 Le, R??i z ≫le, 7 JL 7 #? 2. v.t. To resist. To keep away. To keep from entering. -
Shisamkisara, >+j-A:}5, x x 2 >. n. Lily of the valley
Shisamoingara, $2 }"#E4f 27f5', #st?E > n... (* / nH 2”), v.t. To go to inspect. (as a house). To spy at.
Shisamoingara-guru, Set}+4 27/5 2/1L, Hijik. n. A spy.
Shisamtere, $2 #A5F. Lo, ####3} +z vie. v.t. To make marry.
Shisarun-guru, $≫*J]≫ >4)” /L≫, 7” f x / |I| N. n. Ainu mountaineers.
Shiseipere, $~?iz4fL~, E|AE x. yuz. v.i. To pass from one state to another as butterflies.
Shiseku, $^ tz 37, 3[E e yl≫. v.i. stretch.
Shisesh-mau, シセシマウ。 木才以上 ノ 4th:... n. A buck of six years of age and over.
Shiseremak, Setz Lor: }, fERE = + vt. adj. To be in good health. To be prosperous.
Shiseturuka, $2z%]l. :b, ## 7. v.t. To carry on the back.
Shish, $a$e, #R. n. A moth. Syn : Heporap.
Shish, %$?, %* ≫v. adj. Spread out.
Shishi, 99, fi-F. n. A lion. (Jap.)
Shishiki, ?o >$e=F, J, [E > vv. v.i. To make
Shishki, Water. シシキ。
Shishiki, $>$≫*, $jE% x xl≫. v.i. To be transformed,
Shiska, ?e z ?y, yk?H z vt. v.i. To go out. As, Ashiska han an ki, “ I did not go out.”
Shishipi, > So E., #5? z pl. v.i. populate. -
Shishipire, $2$. EL, JE = 5 x, & > Vt, #A:# + 2\,. v.t. To refine. To purify. To cause to return to life. To bring back to an original state or condition.
Shishipnoye, >>7 / f = , ;? n-. v.i. To turn back. To turn round.
Shishirikire, $2 > y + Lo, sta x vv. v.i. To do instead of another. Syn : ?o
Shirihine ki.
Shishiri-kunne, 25, Joy 2:#, #3"; +. adj. Very dark.
Shishirimuka, >, $, U A, 33, ily?i?}}| / Ef 2 #. n. The name of the Saru river.
Shishiripa,シシリパ。韓ガル(馬ガ土ニ) v.i. To wallow. To roll as a horse.
Shishiru, %%)V, £ * ie#3> jv. v.i. To rub.
Shishirup, $252/L7, £25. n. Pumice stone. Also by some Ainu pebbles at the bottom of a river or stream. Syn : Shipi. Shutshup.
Shishuru, S2 x 7 Jie, /Ri:. n. The ripples of the surface of water.
Shishte シシュテ、脱ク。取リ去ラセル。 v.t. To take off (as a head-dress).
Shishki, $^^=*, /J> } x xl~. v.i. To make
Shishiki, water. シシキ。
Shishitaigi, $2524, 4 +, #2, #1 y. v.t. To push. To hit.
Shishitoma-ni, S>$z H. oz =., 7* 2 jcE. n. A wooden grave mark.
Shishitomap, & vv.TJ *$%, HKE. n. シシトマプ。 Something to be Chishitomap, frightened of. A チシトマプ。 bogey.
Shishkun, $2.52%. 2, Alvia. Same as shishkurte. -
Shishpa, シシ4*。速 カニ動ク adj. Fast.
Shishkunraye-guru, Soo 255-sy Jo, alo 2 sillzo. n. The nymph who bestows the ripples upon water.
Shisho, 慮ノ左側、帥チ主人席 n. $25, a, The left hand side of a
Shiso, fireplace, i.e. the master's シゾ。 side.
Shisho-un-inumbe, Se : a y E5 A-k, # / 7:| 2 #. n. The edge of the hearth along the left hand side of a fireplace.
Shishte, S,≫$25°, jji*r yl≫, |}i. 73% o’yl≫. v.i. To spread out. To set as a sail.
Shishito, Ee Ee H, AEBH %r. adv. The break of day. Syn : Shikto.
Shishungu, Soes. 25", = y y . n. Picea jezoensis, Carr. Yezo spruce.
Shiske, oxor, H. n. A corner, “a corner of the hearth.” Syn : Shikkeu. Abe shiske.
Shiso, シゾ。家ヲ出ルトキノ床ノ右側. n. The right part of the floor of a house going out.
Shishtukari, $≫ $≫ a. ≫ % y, #3rf? =. adv. Part way.
Shishuye, $2$25.4 +, #7. shake. To wave.
Shishuye-hi, $≫£≫+.+ ?, i3, is / _E.= }? > 3^i. n. A bog. Shaking land.
Shishuyepa, $2$2=-4 = *$, #? e se vi. v.t. To shake. To wave about (pl).
Shishuyere, Eo 292.4 = Lo, Ryle. v.t. To shake. To wave.
Shishuyeshuye, $2$2-.4 =$2-.4 +, # no. v.t. To shake. To quiver.
Shisoinekatta, S>>/4T**j y4°z, 9}~3& t: # x. v.i. To rush out of doors.
Shisoya, o*, scio?. n. A hornet.
Shit, $e'y, so y / ##. Short for shiri. In composition shiri is often shortened into shit.
Shit, シツ。ウベュリノ葛ヲ取リタルアト 2 #1. n. The coarse dregs left after pounding lily roots.
Shitaigi, $24?z4f *, % yl≫, $jj %o. n weave. To spin.
Shitaigi, 24 of #3, #s 9. v.t. To strike.
Shitaika, 24. As h, #s y, JJ 37. v.t. To knock. To hit.
Shitak-ande, シタクアンデ。言偉テス ov. vi. To be sent on an errand as to one in a dream.
Shitakore, $2& =a Lo, #. n. Hoar frost.
Shitappa, “痛ム。硬ベル(筋肉ガ仕事又 v.t. To ?o シタッパ。ヘ馬乗ノ為ニ) v.i. To Shitatpa, become stiff from work $2.3 yrs, or riding. To ache.

Shitashke, E A E Er, #R = # te 5 vl. v.i. To be bitten or torn by a bear.
Shitashumre, Ee & >=.A., Lo, fa#F? > ≫ > z. v.i. To pretend to be sick.
Shitat-mi, シタツニ。サイヘダカベ、マ カノド。 A kind of birch. Betula Maximowicziana, Regel.
Shitatpa, S*# y**, ## x >L>. prepare. To make ready. Shichak, a y#F x 2), HE JL. v.i. clear away (as clouds).
Shitchashitcha, 92 y 3FA 2 y 3o y, 35 > yu. v.i. To saw. This word is only used when the object is not mentioned.
Shitchashnure, $z y5F.x->5X. Lo, $fig x ju, #% x 712. v.t. To arrange.
Shitchashnutara, Eo y 3F do So 523:5, 5H = +- yl. adj. Opem. Clear.
Shitchatnure, Ee ≫ F x 75 Lo, ##e x 2L. v.t. To set in order. To tidy up.
Shitchimchimi, $2 y 5FA5F S, ?E? */ # H3Ex, #: x, yu v.i. To look carefully about. To watch.
Shitchimichimi, $2 ≫#F S5F S, 53 * * ?r. V 5, 3 ?y vl. adj. Inquisitive. To enquire into carefully.
Shitchire, $295. L., ; 4 × 21 v.i. To be dried up.
Shitchiri-chikap, oys, Jo?;7, 3, 2 v.t. To ?o + ? , n. The eastern common kingfisher. Alcedo ispida bengalensis, (Gm.) Syn : Satchiri. Ainu satchiri.
Shitchiu-ush, 52 y 5, 7 of $2, ## 2. adj. Having a very strong current.
Shiteksam, E.e5 - Zy ij.E., s# = #&5. adv. By the side of.
Shitemnukoro, $A5FA5 a PI, Es. n. The stomach. -
Shitere, $2.5 L, ##9. v.i. To wait.
Shiterere, $e5* Le Lo, ?# * x. v.t. 10 cause to wait.
Shitesutesu, $≫5Fzx5-x, J* 7 r * xl, }?E: x pl. v t. To writhe.
Shito, 2 F, 5g of , jemil. n. Cakes made of millet. Dough. A clot. Congealed blood. As :~ Kem-shito, “a clot of blood.”
Shito-kara-bera, oe H. 755°5, ##|+ ># ≫v = H =. ≫L-FL- n. A spOOn used in making millet cakes.
Shitoki, シトキ。垂下セル飾ヲ有スル首 soft. n. A kind of necklace having a large ornament depending from it. Said to be of Manchurian origin.
Shitokihe, $2 K + ~, 4 sv 3 s. n. Oplegnathus fasciatus (T. and S).
Shitom, シトム。身豊ノ側、身豊ノ上部。 n. The side of the body The upper part of one's own body. As :~ Shitom ushi, “To stick into the girdle.” Syn : Tumama.
Shitoma, Ee F-r, & L. v.t. To fear. To be afraid. To be in dread.
Shitomai, ?e F -r -f, # ta s, f. adj. Dreadful.
Shitomare, $2 K → Le, Z? ? ? >- ≫L. adj. & exclam. Amazing. Strange. Astonishing.
Shitomatek, > H. ***, £ & +. adj. Fearful.
Shitome, $≫ H x, # =#!A... have in one's girdle.
Shitom konuyara, > F. A. a 5x + 5, 4# 3rif F & 7 Hz ov. v.t To employ as a mediator.
Shitomkote, $2 F.A:15P, N. 2 # =# 7. v.t. To tie to one's body.
Shitomushi, Ee F. A. ?e, #7 pl. v.t. To wear in the belt. As :~ Emush shitomushi, “to wear a sword.”
Shitomushte, SA K.A. $25F, H = F *** 7 Ju'. vi. Sticking by the side. To put on one's side (as a sword).
Shitope-ni, o, F *-, + 3 +, F + 2* 2 - #. n. Acer Mono, Maxim, Th. A kind of maple. v.t. To

Shitotorukina, os 3- ≫ Fr. n. Heraシトトルキナ。 cleum lanatum, Mi
Shituruikina, chx. Syn : Pitok Soy ll, A +3-, or Hara.
Shitotkere,シトツケレ。勉ムル。霊力ス。 v.t. To endeavour. To attempt to do.
Shit-reppo, シツレッポ。小サキ河盤 n. A small river trout.
Shittachitek, 32 y 4**5*R, ue z. adj. Muddy. Syn : Shiripene.
Shittap シッタプ。小サナ鍛. small mattock. т. А
Shitteksam, $2 ≫5*2} }A, # / fi| = . adv. The seaside. Shore. Syn : Atui sam.
Shitteshke, 22 95F3 a 3r, 3 o 3, 3- yl. adj. Slippery. Syn : Rarak.
Shitto, しっと, 甚ダ(はなはだ)。 adv. Very.
Shittomo, シットモ, 海岸ノ急ニ曲レル處。 n. A sharp bend in the sea Coast,
Shitto-yara, $> 9 H *5, # 3r & W. adv. Very
Shittoara, much. シ ッ }. アラ。
Shittok, ?e w H &, #. n. The elbow.
Shittososo, ?e ≫ H / /., R$ 3, *, adj. Noisy. Frightened.
Shittu, So yy, #! / H. n. The meshes of Shiktu, a net. シタツ。
Shittuima, Le ≫ :/ 4 -r, # 3”# # adv. Very far.
Shittuitui, しっついつい, 掃ク(はく)、拂フ(払う)。 v.t. To sweep 払いのける.
Shittukari, Eey y:b J., & HH 5 adv. On the way.
Shittum, Seyy?, ?f?, ##. n. The condition of the weather. The state of the atmosphere.
Shittum-kunne, シッツムクンネ。薄光、n. Twilight.
Shittum-pepere, SyyyA??????s ???
Shittumunam, しっつむなむ, 涼シキ。 adj. Cool.
Shittununatki, $^ yoy33:3-oy*, iE; 7 x Mu v.i. To tick as a clock.
Shittununitara, Ze ≫ y3R=|4R 5, #### F solo. v.i. To rattle as pieces of metal when shaken together.
Shitturainu, $2 ≫ y 5 4 5X, Ef 7#? z n-. v.i. & adj. To lose one's way. Lost. Abberrant. With reference to this word note that when the Ainu intend to say “went astray from such and such a place,” the word used is orota, “at,” as in English, not wano "from." Thus :-Nishpa orowa no ek dempo anak ne Poropet kotan orota shitturaiuu wa Tomakomai kotan orota oman, “ the telegram which the master sent me went astray at Horobetsu and came to Tomakomai.”
Shitturainu ambe, $2 ≫ y 5 4 3R77 A, ~, it 5 × 2 #. n. Aberration.
Shitturainu-wa-an, Ee ≫:754f5 77 2, £>? v *. adj. Lost. Aberrant.
Shitturush, 9% y/L: a-, E = : z. v.i. To lose one's way. Syn : Shitturainu.
Shitturimimse, Ee ≫ My J S Atz, jE E = # * (# 2 (Il 2), v.i. To rumble along the ground (as a carriage).
Shitu, oy, IIIFs: / 2.E. n. A name given to mountains which protrude farther than others in the same range.
Shitu, ##(##). n. A war-club, シツ。 A club with notches cut in
Shitu, the end formerly used as a シツ。 war-club but now used in a game called ukikkara.
Shitukari, ?e y ?y J, y # 3 v. n. Harbour seal. Thoca vituliua, L.
Shitukata, シッツカタ。自分ノ前ニ置ク。 v.t. To hold before one's self.
Shitumam, oyo so, Jo. n. The body. Syn : Netobake. Etumam.
Shitumbe-marapto, SeyArk of 57 ト。狐ノ頭骨=依テ罪人ヲ獲見スル儀 3. n. The ceremony of finding out a culprit by means of the skull of a fox.
Shitumkanere, SoyJ,:h:k L-, T? X ol-. v.i. To be proud. Syn : Pakesara.
Shitum, %?% 2, ? £i /. adj. Double. As,
Shitun keutum koro, “having a double mind.”
Shitu-ne, Sey:#, #ffj. n. A chink. As, inumbe shitu-ne, “chinks in the framework of a hearth.”
Shiturare, $2y5 le, f# 7. v.i. To take as company. To lead. To take along with one.
Shituri, $?% ), £ : /v, 3IE E * /v. adj. & v.i. Stretched out. Syn : Chishituriri.
Shituriri, シツリリ。身ヲ延ベス pi. To stretch one's self out.
Shituru, $29 : IL, HE x (El At). v.i. Stretched out. (Sing.)
Shiturupa シイツウルパ。延ス(複数). v.i. Stretched out.(pl),
Shiturupakbe, Ee?” JLA ? ? ?^$, $R E3リキト云ヘレル偉説上ノ蛇. n A fabulous snake said to be of a silver colour.
Shiturupak-no, adv. As far as.
Shitushkoro-ni, $≫\y$≫:* p -, + x = y + 9- #. n. Salix integra, Th. The bark of this willow is used for making ropes.
Shitushmak, oys” ”, #2,” Jo, adj. マデ. シツルパクノ。 Hurried.
Shitushmak-no-kara, Zey Zorr } / h 5, # # > E x. v.t. To do in a hurried manner.
Shitutanure, Ee:73& 5 Le, ?Is# */ *, f* E 7. adv. To be side by side or one behind the other. Next to.
Shiu, $er), # #. adj. Bitter.
Shiu-at, $er) Jo y, # # adj. Bitter.
Shiube, Seryet, ###. n. The gall.
Shiuk, ##x v. vi. To dress シウク。 (as for a feast). To
Shiuk-an, put one's best clothes >#2), 7" (", and ornaments on.
Shiuk, $er) y, ####. n. A he-bear. Shiyuk, シュク。
Shiu-karush, 2 y 35ml Eo, r 7 y = . n. Fomes Laricis, Rub. (Polyporus officinalis, Fr.) Also called Kui-karush. A kind of Polypori growing upon larch trees and having a very bitter taste. It is chewed and rubbed into painful places. But generally its decoction is highly esteemed as a remedy for stomach-ache. It comes chiefly from the Kurile Island and Saghalien, and was greatly prized by the old Japanese doctors.
Shiukina, Ser} + }-, + y = 7. n. Angelica ursina, Maxium. Syn : Porokina. This plant has a very bitter taste and is not generally eaten. However, in some districts, as for instance in Tokachi, the Ainu eat the white interior stalk after having peeled off the bark and expelled as much of the whitish colored juice as possible. This is the largest umbelliferous plant known in Hokkaido.
Shiukina-kuttara, Eer) + + 2 945, x y = y y 2#F#3->L#. n. The hollow stems of the shiukina.
Shiukosamba, 5.-17 = }}-//8, H. = J Pk 27. v.t. To blow through the nose as an animal. As :~ Hussa shiukosamba, “to sigh" (lit: to send forth breath").
Shiu-ni, Eer, E, = xf ar. n. Picrasma
ailanthoides, Planch. Also called Yukraige-ni. The wood of this tree is sometimes used in making spear and harpoon shafts. The bark has a very bitter taste which is believed by the Ainu to be poisonous. A strong decoction is often used to kill head-lice. Eruptions on the scalps of children are also sometimes washed with it. It is said that should deer eat the bark of this tree they die very soon after. The name means “bitter-wood.”
Shiunin, S-( = ”, #2- N-, #2- N-. adj. Yellow. Green.
Shiunin-kando, $er) = 2 h > F, #f2#. n. The blue skies.
Shiunin-kani, $er) = 2^?y=, E#, n. Brass.
Shiunin-kani-ikayop, $er) = 2^?= f カヨプ。眞鑑ノ飾アル筋 n Quivers ornamented with brass.
Shiunin-kina, Eery E. De EEE-, n. 2, 7 z H >> 3; 9: >. Arabis Stelleri. (Saghalin).
Shiumin-soi, Eory:= 2 / 4, se or y A . n. A striped rockfish. Sebastichthys trivittatus, (Hilgd).
Shiunu-omke, Eer75gz FA, 5r, #3r# + Jojo. n. A very heavy cold.
Shiure, Eery Le, # # x 9l-. v.t. To take care of. As :~ Chisei otta shiure, “to take care of a house.” Syn : Oha-shirun.
Shiurepok-eshitaigi, $er) Lezit z ar. Se タイギ。敵ノ首=足ヲ置ク。 ひ.i. To place the foot on the neck of one's enemies.
Shiuri, シウリ。シウリ、ミャマイヌザク > . n. Bird cherry. Prunus Ssiori, Fr. Schoyt.
Shiuruku, シウルク。エゾトリカブトノ #. n. Aconite poison. Syn : SuLugU1.
Shiusaraye, o f =, 3-9. v.t. To divide. Syn : Usaraye.
Shiushiuwatki, Sary >ry 9 y #, Arg (#ffff; / ). n. The sound of the wind whistling through the trees of the forest.
Shiu-susu, Ser} x x, os y = + 3- +, + ゾヤナギ、ナガベャナキ等. n Akind of willow. Salix Hulteni, S. sachalinensis. Said to be very bitter.
Shiutoro-karire, Eory H. a 35 y Le, a ... v.t. To deny. To send out of the way. To lay off to another. Syn : Eshkashke.
Shiuto, 5.-7 F, k#, E- n. Mother or father-in-law.
Shiuto-habo, Zer; F zvz?, ## ?r. n. Mother-in-law.
Shiuto-katkimat, $er) - ?y:y+-roy, ###r. n. Mother-in-law.
Shiuto-machiribe, Eery H + 5- J -t, je #2-# 2 #. n. A younger sister-inlaw.
Shiuto-michi, o, o H. s 5*, g. n. Father-in-law.
Shiuto-sapo, Ser} H +j-z?, HEBR >># ≫ fift. n. An elder sister-in-law.
Shiuturuta, Ser) ≫ ? Plest, str?. In the midst of.
Shiwe, Cer y?E, % 7 = K ?H? s2. Same as chiwe, “to be carried away with,” (as with desire.)
Shiwen, E- r = 2-, Humble,
Shiwende, Ser} = 25°. ?x l- v.t. To spoil.
Shiwengun-nere, >> - >>>:k L-, F# #x yu. v.i. To humble one's self. Syn : Yaiwenhunnere.
Shiwende シウェンデ、徐行スル、緩キ (£ ^). v.i. & adj. To walk slowly. Slow of foot.
Shiwentep, Ser) = 25-7, gr. n. A woman. As :~ Shiwentep shiripo auoshmare, “to have become a woman.”
Shiwentep-kuwa, ?ory =:o 5-7 & 7, 3r / ##. n. A woman's grave mark. Syn : Mat-kuwa adv. EE E + yv. adj.

Shiwo, シオー。採指ト食指トテ量ル、指 R. n. A span between the thumb and second finger.
Shiororatkip, Sozi" DI 5 H +7, #E. n. A rudder.
Shiyapka, シヤプカ。大ナル雄熊(カラ フトニテ)。大ナル鹿(蝦夷ニテ) n A large he-bear in Saghalien, but a big deer in Yesso.
Shiyapke, シヤプケ。親髪スル(喪ノ為). v.i. To shave the head in mourning. Syn : Shiapke. Shiyara, シヤラ。清キ。純ナル、善良ナ ≫l. n. Unadulterated. Pure. Good.
Shiyeye, シイェイェ。病気、病気ノ、病気 x v. n. & adj. & v.i. Sickness. Disease. Sick. To be ill. As :~ Shiyeye guru, “ a sick person.”
Shiyeyepa, シイェイェパ。病気、病気ノ, ## #? x n-. Pl. of shiyeye. As :~ Shiyeyepa utara okai, “there are some sick persons.”
Shiyokunnere, $2 = } * Le, ?J?, * > . v.i. To be arrogant. Surprised.
Shiyompiyara, $2 a Ab: 475, ##, ## #. n. A widow or widower.
Shiyoni, Eo E =, -r y . v.i. To contract. To shrink. Wrinkle. Shiyomiyoni, Sea E = E, #~ ov(##). Frequentive of shiyoni. Much crumpled.
Shiyuk, Sea. ?y, #EE. n. A he-bear. Syn : Shiuk, Shiyu. シウク。
Shiyuk-koro-okai, £25.5 -, Dzi'774, Ko?x Pl. v.i. To be dressed smartly.
Shiyuppa, $e =?. ≫v?, sh x y?. v.t. To attempt. To try. To brace one's self up. To do diligently. To put forth one's strength.
Shiyuppa-no-ye, Eorl y a $ / 4 =, # 2. v.t. To swear. To say earnestly.
Shiyuppa-shiriki, ?en.≫*$$e ) +, # 一杯スル。 ph. To do with all one's might.
Sho, Sea, He. n. The floor of a house.
Sho, 露岩。例セバ、ショヤ、露岩ノ土 ショ。 #. n. Bare rocks As :~ So, Sho ya, “rocky land.” “A ゾ。 place of rocks.”
Sho, Sea, #4, fift. n. A debt.
Sho-ataye, 2 a F3, f =, f?ft. n. A debt. As :~ Sho ataye kara, “to pay off a debt.”
Sho uk, “to contract a debt.” Sho ukte, “to bring into debt.”
Shochakte, ショチャクテ。宴散ズル v.i. To arise Sochakte, as from a feast. ソチヤックテ,
Shok, $2 a 3, # y H? x. v.t. To send out. To gush out. Syn : Oashinge.
Shoka, Se a *j, RL 7*, 2*£. adj. All. The whole. Syn : Ebitta.
Shokai, $2 a? 4 , zkij;. n. A Water nymph. Syn : Kappa.
Shokai-ratush, o a #4 # 752, 7ki; =## /l. v.i. To be killed by a water-nymph.
Shokata, Ee a sh &, 2:# = #& 7. adv. On the whole. Over. As :~ Iworo shokata, “on the whole mountain.”
Shokisara, o, a ##5, # F#. n. A dark place. On one side. As :~ Shokisara ta ande, “put it on one side.” Shokkara, ショッカラ。長キ薦(床=敷 27). n. A long mat used to spread upon the floor.
Shoko-ni, See Soko-ni. Elder.
Sho-kontukai, £2 a H > y 754, #-s?. 2 #. n. The second or under chief.
Shokshoki, ショクショキ、ミヤマカケ x. n. Brand's jay. Garrulus brandti, Everm. Syn : Eami.
Shokshoki, e a } $/ a +, ≫ ≫ F P?l ?, H > pH 3. v.t. To tap. To knock.
Shokuruka, $2 a 5 Joh, 7k?. n. The surface of water.
Shokuruka, ショクルカ。頂ヲ越エテ. adv. Over the top of anything. As :
~ Iworo shokturuka, "over the mountain tops.”
Shomo, ショモ。否、然ラズ。例セバ、シ ョモネプクイェ、余ヘ何モ云ヘヌ. ado. No. Not. It is not.
Shomo nep ku 3ye, “I said nothing.”
Shomo-ekottanu, Sea Eiri-, 9 & 58, #: jo-tz X. v.t. To take no notice of. Not to care about.
Shomo-itak, > a HE 4 4: }, IE: A , + / z*>? x. adj. Dumb.
Shomo-itak-ashpa-uopuk, % a*E4f タタアシパウォプク。襲邸ノ・ adj. Deaf and dumb.
Shomo-ka-ene-hawash-kuni-ramuai, ショモカエネパ、ワシタニラムアイッ 余ヘ斯ノ如ク云ヘレントヘ思ヘザリキ。 ph. I had no idea that such a thing would have been said.
Shomoki, Sea HE+, † 2., i? P. 9.*. To abstain. Not to do. As :~ Shomoki ya, “ will he not? Is he not? Does he not?” Syn : Hanki.
Shomokip シヨモキプ。事ヲナサズ、ナ + 9 Ju = F. n Something not done. Someone who does not do.
Shomo-no, o a HE /, #2, #3: 2. adv. Not. Without.
Shomo-okaibe, $2 a Ez?"? 4f^$, #3 vi#1, ##. n. A thing which does not exist. A new thing. . As ?
Shomo okaibe etaraka buri ki na, “ do not disgrace yourself in any new manner.”
Shomo okaibe tonoto kuruka konukoshne na, “do not go taking too much wine and getting extraordinarily angry.”
Shomo-ramnu-ki, e a E5A, 5 #,#ff: x, yu. v.t. To abstain from food. To fast.
Shomo-ruwe-un, $" = E Il-7 = } 2", # = #& 2 × adv. ph. Dear me, no | Certainly not.
Shomo-tashnu, S≫ a AE & Sa 3:, £k x. v.i. To be silent. Not to speak. Syn : Shomo itak.
Shomo-yaikatanu, Eo a=E o A 25 & z, £> & *. adj. Disrespectful.
Shomo-yak-anak-ne, so a to 2.7527:o, a y > -9° to 2s. adv. Unless. If there is not.
Shonabi, しょなび, 堆(たい) n. A heap 堆積(たいせき)、積み重なり、隆起. Heaped up.
Shonabi-chin, ショウナビチン。料理鍋。 n. Cooking pots.
Shonep, しょねっぷ, 敷物。 n. A carpet. A mat for laying on the floor.
Shongo, しょんご, 音信。 n. A message. News. Tidings. As :~ Shongo koro, “to bear a message.” Shongo an guru; shongo koro guru, “a messenger,” “a bearer of tidings.” Pirika shongo, “ good news.” Wen shongo, “bad news.” Shongo atte or shongo pita, “to explain a message.”
Shonoki, ショノキ, 損スル(商売シテ)。 v.i. To lose as in a bargain.
Sho-ottena, ショオッテナ。第一位ノ曾 F#. n. A head chief. Syn : Poroottena
Shopki, ショプキ, 待遇スル(友人ヲ)。 v.t. To receive (as a friend). To receive into one's own house or family. To receive with favour 好意を持って受け取る. To cause to sit down as to a meal 食事に座らせる.
Shopki-ainu, 32 a 7”=7° 43r, ? N(e # =#3 + 3 yu), n. A friend brought in to a feast.
Shoro, $e = P1, Jlj v jih n-Elf. n. A river bend.
| Shose, ショセ, 負債。 n. A debt.
| Shosei, * セイ = ????
Shosei-kara, Seatz 4s ?75, f#ff. To contract a debt. To buy on trust.
Shoseire, ショセイレ。貸借セシム・ v.i. To cause Shosere, to contract a debt. ジョセレ。
Shoseire-guru, Ee a iz Af Le^JLo, ff##.
n. A creditor.
Shosekara, o, a tz:#5, #712. v.t. To borrow.
Shosere, $2 a b. L., § v.t. To lend.
Shosho, - $2 a Sea, § 7 #| 27. v.t. To skin. Soso, Syn : Kapu arisei. ソゾ。
Sho-shut, $e = > a. V, ?K / H.H. n. The edges of a floor.
Shotki, しょっとき, 寝床。 n. A bed. As :~ Shotki chupu, “to get up from bed.” Syn : Hotke-i.
Shotki, しょっとき, 爐鷹ノ眞中ノ灰。 n. The ashes in the middle of a fireplace,
Shotki-i, しょっとき・い, 寝室。 n. A bedroom.
Shotki-tumbu, $, a y + y A7, EE. n. A bedroom.
Shta, しゅた, 犬。 n. A dog. Syn : Seta.
Shu, しゅ, 鍋。 n. A saucepan. A porridge pot. A stew pot.
Shu-at, >2.7”, # / #j. n. A pot handle.
Shuat-ni, シュアツニ。タラノキ n. The angelica tree, Aralia elata, Seem. Also called Enenge-ni and eninge-ni.
Shuau-ni, シュアウニ。自在鍵 (木製). n. A pot-hook. Syn : Shuat-ni-orshuvvatni. -
Shuenenge-sei, ?e=.=r:#: CoArotz f, $ P?, 4 of t. n. The edible mussel. crassitestatus, Lischk.
Shui, Sea. As, o, #|#. n. A hole. An Mytilus aperture.
Shui, Sea. As, # to, ##. adv. Again. Yet again. More. As :~ Shui pon, “yet a little" or “a little more.”
Shuikere シュイケレ。戦ノ如ク終結ス ov. v.i. To have finished as a war. Syn : Tumi okere.
Shui-kot-chep, しゅうい・こっと・ちぇっぷ, v ?#E (ZH. シュイ == ッチェプ。 言) A kind of Warantuka, blenny. Lumワランツカ。 penus anguillaris,
Shuka-uk, (Pallas).
Shuine, $2.4 +, ###2%=#2, #. part. An adverbial ending to numerals.
Shui-no, ?e= 4 /, H. E. adv. Again.
Shui-oyashim, シュイオヤシム。 明六後 H 2 #3& H. adv. The third day from to-morrow/ tomorrow.
Shui-oyato, Ee- of zo p K, BH4# H. adv. The day after to-morrow/ tomorrow.
Shuk, Cea. Oy, Est *. adj. Sour. Syn : Shukkake. .
Shukarasei, $2 a. ?y5tz 4f, ?i ar. n. Oysters. Shells used to cook food in. An earthen-ware saucepan. Syn : Petchis. Akkesh sei. シュカウク。シャベル、ひ.s, To say. -
Shuke, $e = }', # L. v.t. To boil. To cook by boiling. Pl: of the object.
Shuke-guru, 92 a 4r y JL, 33}. M. n. A cook.
Shuke-iwai, しゅけ・いわい, 婚礼。 n. A marriage ceremony. Syn : Uwechiu marapto.
Shuke-nima, しゅけ・にま, 3 X. n. A cook's board or tray.
Shukepa, しゅけぱ, $??# x y?>. v.t. To cook. Pl. of both person and object.
Shukeribe-ni, > -4- ) es:, + w*3" / z?. n. Phellodendron. Syn : Shikerebe-ni.
Shuke-tashiro, 2 a 4r & Eo R, jT. A kitchen knife.
Shukkake, S^*. ≫ *j4r, Ea*, x +. adj. Sour. Acid. Shwkkake-no, $o-,. y*j%r/, & A*. adj. Acetous. Syn : Shuk.
Shukkake-no-kara, 22 y 354%r / 355, Eg 2y x. yu... v.t. To acidify.
Shukkakep, シ ユーツ 力 ケ プ, 酸 n. Vinegar. Anything sour.
Shu-kohui, #ff(§ =). v.i. To be シュコフイ。 burnt as food in a
Shu-kouhui, saucepan or as fat シュコウフイ when being boiled.
Shukoyan-mat, $e2 =? +7 erroy, k a リ取リ去リタル鍋ヲ置ク極ノ或ル部分。 n. The place upon the hearth where the pots are put after taking them off the fire. Also the name of a goddess supposed to look after the place where the pots are placed after being taken off the fire, and said to be the grandchild of the fire.
Shukun, Eoa y o, o A . adj. Sour.
Shukun no, シュクンノ。酸味ノアル。 adj. Having a sour flavour. -
Shukup, S2*.% 7, A£Ef x )v, a a*. adj. & v.i. Growing. Increasing in size or bulk. Adolescent.
Shukupashnu, ?oa. ? *$$e5{, }E = AEEf x, yvfijf /. adj. Quick growing. Of quick growth. Healthy. Well.
Shukupbe, ?ea. O 7’es, ?f4E. n. A young man.
Shukup-emininge, × 5 y 7:E-E > ゲ。緩徐ェ生育スル所ノ. adj. Slow growing. Of slow growth.
Shukup-ikoro, 32.2% of El H, #2, #. n. Increasing treasures.
Shukup kina, $2.47 7:#*, * >z 2r -! >. n. Verafrizm grandiflorum, Loes.
Shukup-moire, Eo 2.2 o E 4. Lo, 4 = A£# x, yv 5f z. adj. Of slow growth.
Shukup-okere, $25.4% 7zfor Le, E to X. v.t. To have grown up.
Shukuparamta-kara, ## > Hi Jv. v.i. シュタバラムタカラ。 To have Shikuparamta-kara, nightmare. シクプアラムタカラ。 Syn : Shukupturashi.
Shukupte, $Z....47 77-, Ef y xl≫. v.t. To bring up. To nourish. Syn : Resh pa.
Shukup-tuikata, %. % 7*yf % &, # + s#. , adv. Adolescence.
Shukupturashi, E.e.a. Zy 7y 5 Ee, ## 5 H. N-. v.i. To have nightmare. Syn : Shukupramta kara.
Shukus, o.a. O X, H ME, KEK. n. Sun shine. The weather.
Shukus-chire, $e = 2 x3FL, k} = FF x. v.i. To dry in the sun,
Shukus-pirika, 9 a 2.297. E.) 3.3, 3% is. n. Good weather.
Shukus wen, “bad weather.” -
Shukus-sani, Sea.” 2 FE, H3%. n. The sunshine.
Shukus-toi-kunne, Sea, y X. F-4 y o ネ。ヨク輝キ且ツ澄メル(天気). v.i. & adj. Very bright and clear (as weather). Very clear. Exceedingly light. As :~ Shukus toi kunne to, “a very bright day."
Shukus toi kunne anchikara, “a very bright night.”
Shukuturu, Ee= } }/J.Lo, = > # #. n. The com
Shukutut, mon chive. Allium $.ea. ? yoy, Schoenoprasum, L. Shikuturu, シクツル。 Shikutut, シクツツ。 -
Shum, Zea. A, aaFE. n. Same as Sum. “drowned.”
Shum, Zoa. A., Ftj. n. The south. As :~ Shum-rera. A south wind.”
Shum, シュム。療セタル、枯死シタル。 adj. Thim. Withered. Poor. As :~ Shum amam, “poor corn.”
Shum, Sea. A, #. n. Oil. Fat. Scum.
Shum etayep, “ an oil pump.”
Shuma, ?e=.*?, H. n. A stone. As :~ Shuma piyekara, “to throw stones.”
Shuma-ari-piyekara, Ee --~r77 U E4s - #j S, #:Ai x )l-. v.t. To stone.
Shuma-kiroru, Eoa-r: n/L, H7 yu. adj.. Stony.
Shuma-o, シュマオ。
Shuma-potoki, e.a. erzi; K +, HIR. n. A stone idol.
Shumari, >:.** y , }N, f!!!!!#. n. A fox. A flatterer.
Shumarima, Eea-5." ? ) P, ME?A V ?#E.
n. The name of a goblin fox which never assumes the form of a human being as the ishinneka fox is supposed to do.
Shumari-haru, $≫:?→ y wvju, + + + +r. n. Smilacina japonica, A Gray.
Shumari-kina, Sagittaria sagittfolia, L.
Shuma-rui, &:L-r JL 4 , E? +. Stony.
Shuma-sekkoro-chikap, ?e=.*?tz ≫ H ra F?y 7, 3- + y n. n. A small kind of sandpiper.
Shumaune, $2-a. oz toy *, 3E-tz yt-gk. n. Dead animals.
Shuma-ush, $22.7 r.) ?e, H r vi adj. Stony.
Shum-etayep, $≫:..A-tor:E7, iIIi o * > 7”. n. An oil pump.
Shumke, Eea. Adr, jih 7# e HR Jl. v.i. To skim the fat off soup.
Shumnu-hash, E-3. A.5./v?A, у а не у (#:# / ?#). n. A kind of shrub. Lindera umbellata, Thumb. Among some Ainu this plant is looked upon as a good remedy for stomach-ache, and has a very nice smell and flavour. The branches are cut up fine and boiled. When cool a doseis taken. Sometimes, however, the decoction is poured over rice or millet and taken.
Shum-rera, 22.4. Le 5, F5 F. n The west wind.
Shumtek, Sea.A5*?, †?i vi-, ?E x. adj. Withered. Lifeless.
Shumum, Eoa. A fe, filo olo. vi. wither.
Shumumge, ×a.A.A.”, W2,. vi. To wither. “withered away.”
Shum-ush, シュムウシ。油ノ付タル・ adj. Oily. Fatty. Greasy.
Shuna-ni, $≫-, 3-=, sBH (x + +r ≫) z >> y. l. 7K. n. A torch holder. Syn : Shune-ni. Chimaka-ni. adj. To As :~ Shumunge wa isam,
Shuman-chup, # 2 # #. n. The $2.3->5*a-7, space of time comShinan-chup, prising the latter シナンチュプ。 part of November and the first part of December during which time the Ainu catch salmon by first attracting them with lights or torches called shune.
Shuna-pa, シュナパ、松明(タイマツ)ノ aa. n. The head of a torch.
Shunapa, z 3r # 7 ? z ##. n. Rumex Ees.:}">$, domesticus, Hartm, and Shinapa, other species. The fruit シナパ, of these plants is used as food by the Ainu. It is first pounded in a mortar and then partaken of either boiled alone or with rice. The leaves also are sometimes eaten in Soups.
Shunchikam, 22 a. 23= 3) Ja, lo / ? A Pol. n. The flesh on the sides of animals.
Shunchike, 22 a. 25: Ar, z, x: a.. n. A kind of bass. Lateolabrax japonicus, (C. et V.)
Shune, Sea.:R, £55. n. A torch. As :~ Shtune ni, “ a torch handle ” Syn : Shimechike. Airo.
Shune-chup, Sea.:k.5Fa. 7, # 2 ###. n. The same as shunan chup.
Shunge, Sea 25°, off. n A lie. Fraud. Deceit.
Shungu-ni, $2 a.2% =, = y ★ 2. n. A kind of spruce. Picea jezoensis, Carr. The Ainu take resin from this tree.
Shungu-orun-pon-chikap, 2a. 2%' オルンポンチカプ。鳥ノ一種 n A kind of bird.
Shungu-unkotuk, Sea. Le?y 7:e - y 27, a y or y z + = . The resin of Picea jezoensis. Some Ainu apply the resin of this spruce to cut wounds to hasten their healing.
Shu-ni, E.e.a.: , = ?, * . m Picrasma ai
lanthoides, Planch. Same as Shiu-mi.
Shunin-8oi, シュニンゾイ。シマゾイ・ n. A striped rock-fish. Sebastichthys trivittatus, (Hilgd).
Shunumaush, S-2.5K* 7 $", 5£Fe, # 人ヲ軽蔑シテ云フ言葉 n An old deer. A word of contempt sometimes applied to old people.
Shu-okkara, o, a 2F y?,5, #3, # 2 # HH ≫ jasif. n. The inside fat of salmon and salmon trout.
Shuomki, £ea.:F.B.H., # 7?fi. n A kind of
Shuongi, plaited basket. シュオ ンギy
Shuop, シュオプ。 #. n. A box.
Shuyop, シュヨプ。
Shup シュプ。驚、シュットト同ジ. n. The lower part of anything high. The foot of a mountain. Syn : Shut. Sutu.
Shupa, Sea-ro, #### x n . v.i. To cook.
Shupki, Sea.7:#, + 3 s 32, n. A kind. of reed. Phragnites communis, Trin.
Shuppa, > a. y v?, n. A bundle.
Shuppa-kara, 5.-2. ≫(275, II 3: N-. v.t. To make a bundle of anything.
Shuttokoko, #£. n. Actaea acumi$.ea. F. K. a. a., nata, Wallich. Bane
Shuptokoko, berry. The name $22.7 H → -u, means “erect stem.”
Shuptomo, E.e.a. 7 HAE, Pogi#E. n. Near the bottom of a place. The inside. As :~ Nupuri shuptomo, “the inside of a mountain.”
Shupun-chep, しゅうぷん・ちぇっぷ, 7 o' t. Roach. Leuciscus tacganowskii, Steind.
Shupun-imok, Sea.7 × 4 + 2, # / #, n. A grub (so named because it is a good bait for shupun, or roach).
Shupunkuru-kina, > a. 7 a ? Jle=+3-, 2 + 7 #:. n. A kitud of vetch. Vicia Cracca, L.
Shupuya, $22.7°, of n. Smoke.
Shupuyapa, ,プャパ .??S
Shupuya-at, Sea. 7-777:y, # Pv. v.i. To smoke.
Shupuya-ekot, Sea. 7 or = y, #2 £ = 362. v.i. To die through smoke.
Shupuya-ekote, 22 a. 7 dor =a 5F, i-s # x. v.t. To smoke to death.
Shupuya-nup, 22.7 o 5x7", ? o 3, y + + > ≫ ra v ?st. n. The puff ball. Lycoperdon sps. Spores of this fungus are sometimes outwardly applied by the Ainu to cure pains in the body. It is also applied as a remedy for scalds and burns.
Shuri, シユリ、ミャマイラザクラ. n. Pruntes Ssiori, Fr. Schm. A kind of bird cherry.
Shusam, Sea."#A, + ?r. n. Surf smelt. Mesopus olidus, (Pallas).
Shusamna, $2 = {}. A +, ?ss =#5°. adv. On one side. Away. As :~ Shusamma tereke, “to jump to one side.”
Shusam, jta z, jE+. adj. Comシュサン。 mon. Cheap. As :~ Shu
Shusam, sambe.
Shusan ikoro, シェサム。 common riches.”
Shusan-no, Eea. 9-A V, 7fSEE# = . adv. Without care. Carelessly. Cheaply.
Shushupopun-kina, ?ea. ?ea. R7 a + +, # / 44. n. A kind of sedge found growing under trees only and used by the Ainu for making mats.
Shut, Loa. V, P?I, 3; ^*. n. Anything rolled up into a bundle. Syn : Shuppa.
Shut, Sea. 2, #. n. The foot of a mountain or hill. The edge of anything. As :~ Amsho shut, “the floor of a house." Nupuri shut, “the foot of a mountain.” The lower part of
something. A stem. Foot. Pillar. Syn : Shup. Sutu.
Shut, EHERE, E?H, #R. n. GrandSea.”, mother. Ancestor. As :~ Shutu, Ninu-shut, “the Ainu anシュツ。 cestor. Roots. Syn : Shin rit. Shinrich.
Shutpo, so-yok, #. n. A grandson. Syn : Mitpo.
Shutshup, $2 a y > a. 7, #3 H. n. Pumice stone.
Shutu, Eoa.oy, (ir.: 3). n. War-club. A Shitu, fencing stick. シツ。
Shutu, Sea. 2, #, #ifl. n. Roots. Ancestors. Shoulders. A pass.
Shutu-atuye, S^-.*y7*y4f ., -f- z E≪ x. v.i. To cease from childbearing.
Shutukap, >= y?57, ?j?j?E / Bt. n. The bark of grape vines.
Shutu-keire, シュツケイレ。衛菊墓ノ皮 = 5^{1 + 52 kit. n. Sandles made of the bark of grape vines.
Shutukere-kina, Zoa. My4r 4s Le #3", = 2 = 7 × y. n. Phyllitis Scolopendrittm, Newn. -
Shutu-tuye, >?>.%/%/f -, \Ez. 2l. v.i. To die.
Shutu-tuye-wa-isam, 22 a. yo y 4 = 27 4 #A, FE se 3: pl. adj. Dead.
Shuwanu, シュワヌ。ホドシギノ飛降ノ #. n. The noise snipe make when coming down through the air.
Shuwanu-chikap, Eoa.735-357, . n. Wood-cock. Snipe.
Shuwashi, シュワシ。ェゾホザキナナカ -z Fr. n. Sorbaria Stellipila, Schneid.
Shuwat シュワツ。自在鍵(木製=シテ # = }# =.). n A wooden pothook.
Shuwonte, $z-... f7* 2^5°, , s, z* 5*. n. The carrion flower. Smilax herbacea, L. var. nipponica, Maxim. The application of the softened leaves is said to heal troubles of the eyes. They are also applied to skin eruptions and wounds.
Shuye, $22.2, #21. v.t. To cook by boiling. Syn : Shuke.
Shuye シュ=。振リマヘス。 v.t. To wave about. dog its tail.
Shuyepa, $aa = v?, ###E z ≫l- (##) v.t. To cook. (pl).
Shuye-shuye, $e- -$ea. ., ii 9 ~ >> x, R? > #xtz. v.t. To wave about, To shake up. To wag (as a dog its tail). As :~ Seta sara shuyeshuye, “the dog wags its tail.” 尾ヲ振ル。 To wag as a
Shuyo, Soa. =d, e. n. A he-bear.
| Shuyop, $2 a B 7, #. n. A box.
| Shuop, シュオプ。
So, そ, 瀧(滝)。 n. A waterfall.
So, y, jg=, ijt z. adj. Very. Truly.
So, y, B. n. The floor of a house. As :~ So ita, “boards laid upon the floor of a house.” So kara, “to put a house in order.” So kara gusu ye yan, “tell her to put the house in order.” So gesh, “the southern end of the floor above the fireplace.” So pa, “the northern end of the floor above a fireplace.”
So, y, ##. n Bare rocks. Also sho. As :~ So-ya, “rocky land.” “A place of rocks.”
So, ソ, 噴火口、煙ノ眞中. n. Crater. The fire bed upon a hearth.
So, y, £74. n. Loss. As :~ So no ki. “to lose in business.”
So, そ, ≪ = ≫ z. adj. True. Syn : Son. So ne.
Soetok ゾエトック。貴重品ヲ置ク小形 2 # 2 #. n. The east end corner of a hut where the treasures are kept.
Sogesh, そげしゅ, 家ノ南隅 n. The southern corner of a hut.

Soi, / 4f, ≫ f , w y f. n. The rockfish. Sebastodes vulpes, (Steind. et Dod.)
Soi, y ≪f, Mi#s. n. The outside.
Soibe, ゾイベ。撤ミ出ス、取リ出ス。 v.t. To pick out. To take out.
Soige, / As 5", W. adv. Without, Outside.
Soigeta, 2/4 5*4x, yH#k. adv. Outside.
Soigeuta, / 4 **:) &, ?}} / ?. n The court round a house.
Soimashke, :/ -f -r $25-, y f ≫ n. n. A large kind of rock-fish.
Soina, y's 3-, # 2 5io. n. The outside of a place or thing.
Soine, / 4 :k, }}~ff y. v.i. outside.
Soine-ru, y 4 +MV, s?n. n. A water closet. -
Soi-oro, y 4 or n, ok. Outside.
So-ita, y of 4×, Bo?. n. The boards used as a floor to boats.
Soi-ta, / of At, Mi#s. adv. Abroad.
Soita-koro-same, y 4 & E. Hoyt, so =1 + 2 + x. n. The hammer-headed shark. Sphyrna zygaena, (Linn),
Soi-ta-an, / 4 : 72, 51 = }: yl. v.i. To be outside.
Soiwasama, ゾイワサマ。 To go Without. adv. Outside. 外ニ行ク, 旅立 ス
Soiwasamma-aoshiraye, Jl. ph. ゾイワサムマアオシラェ。 and v.i. To go out. To set forth on a journey.
Soiwash, / f 7 > a., y} ~ H; PL. v.i. To be outside. To go out of doors.
Soka, / ?j, fi-. adv. Back.
Soka-ene, / #EEak, sk -s saj 4 7. adv. Back towards.
So-kapara, そ・かぱら, 極メテ薄イ。 adj. Very thin.
Sokaparakasa, そかぱらかさ, 帽子(廣キ縁アル草製)。 n. A broad-brimmed hat made of very thin material 極細の材質で作られた幅広のつば・縁の帽子・ハット.
Sokarabe, /? 5-ot, #, ##. n. A mat. A carpet.
Sokara-mat, / h 5 -r y, ?e #. n. The chief wife (the same as somat).
Soke, / Ar, v ≫s = . adv. Near.
Sokkara, そっから, 積ル(雪ノ如ク)。 v.i. To lay (as snow).
Soko-ni, ソコニ。ェゾ=ヘトコ、コプノ +. n. The elder tree. Sambucus Buergerana Bi. var. Miquelii, Nakai. Syn : Oshpara-ni.
So-kontukai, y-, -ey?, 4, #3s. 2 fo... n. The third chief of a village. See Kontukai.
Sokot, / El y, HE, sis. n. A floor. Hearth.
Sokot, / = 'V, PEJE. n. Bottom. As, Toi-sok, “the bottom of a grave.”
So-mat, yor y, z?o?. n. The chief, or principal wife.
Som, >/ >?, ii /. adj. True.
Son-ambe, / -7*.A.-R, KK n. Truth.
Sone, Vzk, E =, #= .. adv. Truly. In truth. It is truly so.
Soni, ソニ。舟ノ進水ニ用ュル韓子 n. A roller used for launching boats.
Son-i, y > -s, ?jo. n. Truth.
Son-no, y > /, #= . adv. Truly. Very much. Accurately. Actually.
Son-no-am, >/ > /72,i z. adj. True.
Son-no-newa, / Le V:k 7, R = . adv. Truly. Actually.
Son-no-poka, / > / K h, K =. adv. In truth.
Son-no-un, / A V Ey A, R = . adv. Truly.
Sontak, y >4: o, ojsio. n A little boy.
So-nuyep, 2/3 = 7, 3# (3& Pg v). n. An indoor broom.
So-ottena,ソオッテナ。第一位ノ曾長。n. The head chief of a village. See Kontukai.
Sopa, ゾパ,家ノ北隅(最モ耐聖ナル場所) n. The northern corner of a hut. The most sacred part of a hut.

Sopa, y wo, # $ Hi +... n. A heap.
Sopa-un-kamui, Vrk: A ? 5,4, 3: Z :EFA / soft. n. The gods of the northern corner of a hut.
Sopesh-ni, y “S$2:, #(* 9. 2's 9). n. The long poles to which the lower ends of the side rafters of a hut are tied. Syn : Ama-ni.
Sori, そり, 橇(ソリ) n. A sleigh. Syn : Nuso
Sorokoni-samambe, o/ E. E. Eoko Jo. ~, r z → z v. E. n. A kind of turbot. Cynopsetta dubia, Schm.
Soroma. y ta *, * * ≫ * ≫. n. A kind of fern. Matteuccia Struthiopteris, Sod. The sterite fronds of this fern are collected when young and soft, and are much eaten by both Ainu and Japanese. The Ainu generally put them into soups. The fertile fronds which appear later in season, are called by the Ainu Airap-kina. They are made into powder and are eaten by mixing with water and making into paste.
Soroma-utare, / n -r :) & Le, 7 % v > * 3r. n. A kind of fern. Microlepia Wilfordii, Moore.
Sosh, ソっシゅ, 木皮ノ層、頁、岩層 n. A layer of bark. The page or leaf of a book. A layer or strata of earth or rock. Also Soshi.
Sosh, ソっシゅ, 木ノ皮ノ層 (オモガイ)。 n. A wooden bridle.
Sosh, ソっシゅ, 下ル(水又ハ雪雨ノ如ク)。 v.i. To descend as water or sleet.
Soshi, ソシ, 剥ク。 v t. To peel off. (sing). To skin.
Soshi-oma, / Zozforr, #]?i v 3. vie, ?, ?i v * yv. adj. Peeled off.
Soshipi, y >E, # box sto. v.t. To reInarry.
Soshke, o/ >Ar, $ 27. v.i. To peel.
Soshke-i, / $e4r 4s, III j? v. n. A land slip.
Soshma, X/ $z ozr, s: y 7 g; yv. v.i. To speak in a gruff voice.
Soshmau-ni, / Serrr} =, r + z* s , 2 § . n. Elaeagnus umbellata, Thunb.
Soshne, y >:k, of 2. adj. In layers. In companies.
Soshnu, ソシヌ。層、片. n. A flake.
Soshnu-soshnu, yoxy $25¢, of 2, }# 2. adj. In layers. In flakes.
Soshpa, y >zv, #| >. v.t. To skin. To bark. To peel. To uncover.
Sotchi, そっとち, 親達又ハ先祖。 n. Parents. Forebears. Syn : Eshikop utara.
Sou, そう, 誠ニ、甚ダ。 adj. Very. True. Same as son or son no. As, soukapara “very thin” for son no kapara.
Souke, / ry y-, 4# = . adv. Behind.
Souke-ne, / ry Or:k, 4# = . adv. Behind. A layer.
| So-umbe, y t? A, et, st ar. adj. Wide. Broad.
| So-unep, ゾウネプ。
Sounaraye, ゾウンアラエ、外出スル。 v.i. To go out.
So-un-turuba, / r} A V JL v?, sE / HH Fi. n. An inner porch door.
Soya, y4', #3, Arifig, n. Rocky land. A place of rocks.
Soyai, :/ *-f, ##. n. A wasp. A bee. A hornet. As :~ Soyai chotcha, “to be stung by wasps.” Soyai set, “a wasp's nest.” As :~ Ka-Soyai a bee; shi-soyai, a hornet. Toi-soyai, a wasp.
Soyai-wakka, y of 7 y 7, ###. n. Honey. Syn : Soyai ninge.
Soye, y 2, #. To bore.
Soyep, / = 7, #. n. A gimlet. An auger.
Soyekatta, y = 7, 93, # b H x. v.t. To drive out. As :~ Seta soyekatta wa apa shi, “ drive the dog out and shut the door.” Syn : Soyukuta.

Soyemba, / = Aw?, To go out. Syn : of Soine and soyun. 外 出スル。
Soyumba. ?.?. Pl.
Soyo ソヨ。外ノ、外部ノ、外側ノ、 adj. Outside.
Soyokari-tashum, y = 7, 9 × Sea.A., T#jn?, ##s. n. Diarrhoea. Dysentery.
Soyomba, ソヨムバ。外出スル(衣ノ語ノ ##). v.i. To go out. Plural of the following word.
Soyone, o/a:k, 5}#} x Ju v.i. To go out. Same as Soine. For the plural see
Soyemba and previous word.
Soyoshma, ソヨシゅマ, 突然戸外ニ突出スル。 迸出スル(迸 はしる、ほとばしる)。 v.i. To rush suddenly out of doors. To gush out. To drop out as the bottom from a bucket or basket. To go out to sea. As :~ Niwatush asama soyoshma, “the bottom of the bucket has fallen out. Syn : Osoyoshima.
Soyotereke, ソヨテレケ, 突然戸外ニ突出スル。 v.i. To rush suddenly out of a house.
Soyui, 2/=l4 , H?7% pl. n. A going out of. An exit (of a person). As :~ Soyui-shi, ahui-shiri, “a going out and coming in.”
Soyukuta, ツユクタ。 # E H x. v.t. To drive
Soyekatta, out. ツェカッタ。
| Soyum-apa, そゆむ・あぱ, 外戸。 n. An outer or porch door 外の、あるいは、ベランダの、戸.
| Soyumpa, そゆむぱ,
Soyun, ソユン。外へ行ク、出ル v.i. To go out.
Soyumba, そゆむば, 外出スル。 v.i. To go out of doors. Pl. of soine. Syn : Soyemba.
Soyunchiwatsa, n. A courtyard.
Soyunrivakta, y'al y V or 4×, H.2, 3& a y H. no. v.i. To hurry out of a ソュンチワッサ。庭。 house.
Soyunrivatta, y :12 J J y &, B?ok. n. The outside of a house.
Soyush, y-o-, }. adv. Outside.
Sum, スム。溺レル、洗ヒ去ラル v.i. To be drowned. To be washed away As :~ Mungi obitta sum wa okere, “the barley has all been washed away.” Nei seta sum wa rai, “the dog was drowned.”
Sumarima, すまりま, 化狐 n. A werewolf オオカミ男・オオカミ人間. A goblin fox ゴブリン(小鬼・小悪魔)狐.
Sunapa, z 2*4 v ? z ##. n. Rumex スナバ。 domesticus, Hartn. and Shumapa, other species. The fruit $22.3-ox, of this plant is used as an article of food by some Ainu. Sunapa means “torch head.” This will be on account of the flower and seed stem resembling a torch.
Suntak, スンタク。生命ナシ、活気ガナイ ads.
| Suntek, Lifeless. スンテク。
Suntek-kewe, x : e5*2 5-7+, ?E?st. n. A corpse.
Sura, スラ。投ル、落ス、捨テ置ク b.d. To let alone. To cast away. To drop.
Surata, 2.53, #x. v.t. To drop.
Surugu, スルグ。毒、オホブシ、プス、カ z F + y / #. n. Poison. Wolf-bane. Aconite poison. Poison of any kind. Aconitum subcuneatum, Nakai. An antidote against poison.
Surugu-ibere-wa-raige, 2 Jl. / 4 * レワライゲ。毒殺スル .v.t. To poison.
Surugu-kusuri, 2 Ju 5' 5" × 9, * + p 7°. n. The sweet flag. Acorus calamus, L. The root-stock of this plant is extensively used by the Ainu as a medicine. It is dried and kept with ikema and moshiu-kina. Pains in the stomach caused by drinking bad water, or by eating
improper food, are said to be relieved by taking a decoction of this rootstock. It is also said to be efficacious in cases of cold and headache.
Surugu-musa, 2 v? Arth, k r t (it: $ / $JjL # S l- s-). n. Arrow poison done up in a bundle for preservation.
Surugu-ra, KJL? 5, 7 zv. n. The monk's hood or aconite plant.
Sus, 2.2%, z yv. v.i. To bathe.
Sus-mau, ススマウ。アキグミノ賞 n The
Susu-mau, fruit of the Elaeagnus x x + r}, zumbellata, Thunb.
Sussuru-an, z, y xpl,7-2, #%$%. n. Bad weather.
Susu, ZK ZK, J?, l?. n. Shoulders. The shoulder or saddle of a mountain. A pass. Syn : Shutu.
Susu, 2x, j. n. Willow.
Susucha, xxoso, #9, 2 #. n. Willows.
Susu-at ススアツ、ベツコヤナギ n. Salix Caprea, L. Called also Tushni. Salix bark.
Sugu-kina, ススキナ。ャへムグラノ一 #E. n. Galium sp. (Saghalien).
Susu-mau-chikuni, 7” =* 2^ $ 2 z. n. ススマウチクニ。 Elaeagnus um
Susu-mau-mi, bellata Thunb. ススマウニ。 The fruit of
Sus-mau-ni, this tree is first ススマウニ。 scalded and then eaten.
Susu-ni, 2.2-, #. n. Willow of any kind Salix.
Suwara-paya, x 75 *S*?, ?E?. n. A fisherman's lodge,


Ta, タ。ニ於テ、=マデ。例セバ。タアン, HERE = #: y. post. At. To. In. As :~ Ta an, “it is here.”
Ta an un to an un, or ta ani zen, “ here and there.”
Ta, o, sis = . adv. By the side of.
Ta, 4?z, +T y. v.t. To strike As: Chikuni ta, “to strike a tree.” Syn : Tauge.
Ta, 4?z, jj! 9 bH x., *. z., v.t. To dig up. To draw as water. As :~ Emo ta, “to dig potatoes. Wakka ta, “ to draw water.”
Ta, a v , a v $. adj. This. 夕, These. Them. As, To Taha, wtutta, “between these or .them ? ? 23
Ta-a, &7*, (J. interj. & pro. What. As :~ Nekon a akara kuni ta a ? “what ought to be done with it.”?
Taaba, & J”rt, stb ik =, jt is = adv. Here. There. Syn : Pishkan moshiri.
Taada-orota, & 7 & + H &, B?E ~, E. adv. Hither. So far. As :~ Taada pakmo, “thus far ” “So far.”
Taada-toada, & 7 & K-7”4”, j?E?HE ? = . adv. Here and there.
Taada-un, タアダウ ン。此處=。 Here.
Taada-un-toada, & 7 & r} > F. 74^, #F#soft = . adv. Here and there.
Taan, £72, ££. adj. This.
Taanda, 3:724, slEE =. adv. Here, Same as taada.
Taanda-orota, 3 × of H 3, sh;75-. adv. Hither. As :~ Taanda pakno, “thus far,”
Taanda toanda, “here adv.
and there.”
Taanda-un, 4:772 & 7 e, itt ost =. adv. Here. As :~ Taanda un toanda un, “here and there.”
Taani, #7=, si?: = . adv. Here.
Taani-toani, & 7= F P-, #p to = . adv. Here and there.
Taani-un, & 7" = r ) C^, R:Tst =. Here.
Ta-ene, 4. =*, z adj. This,
Taha, & vv., st v, adj. This.
Tai, タイ。(複数ヲ示ス)多クノ・pl part, Many.
Tai, & As, n. n. A forest.
Tai, 24s, H: ≫ . This. As :~ Tai wen guru, “this poor man.”
Tai shine anto, “this one day.”
Taichi, タイチ。(複数ヲ更=張ムル)、多 2 ≫. pl. part. Many. -*
Taiki, 4x 4 +, #, n. A flea.
Taipe, たいぺ, 濃キ汁。 n. A thick soup. The thick sediment of soup.
Taishikutkes, タイシク ツケス。 喉。 ??, The throat. As :~ Taishiktatkes amaknaraye, “he cleared his throat” (as before entering a house). Syn : Rekut.
Taishuye, & f 2>=IL5E, #f y. v.t. strike. adv. To
Tak, & c, Ej *. adj. Hard.
Tak, & }, #5 f. adj. Short.
Tak, 3:2, 5 z?##?kov. v.t. To fetch or bring a thing which has previously been tied up into a bundle or otherwise prepared.
Taka, & ?y, G. n. Hawks.
Taka, 夕力, 之、 adj. This.
Takaka, & ?y?y, #. n. A crab.
Takama, タカマ。船=順序=権ヲ置ク。 v.i. To place in order as oars in a boat.
Tak-ambe, 4. £ J* £, ^, £. adj. This. LLLLLLLLSSYJJSYSSYJSS 0SS AAAA AAAAA To sleep. Syn : Wendarap.
Takasara, 4× 79%5, ## / E. n. A wine
Takaisara, cup saucer. A cup 3, #4 +5, stand.
Takassa, 2: zh ≫ #, ##. n. A dream.
Takara, タカラ。
Takataka, 4:54, #, ###, #. M. A grasshopper. A locust. Syn : Pata. Patapata.
Takayara, £??; *5, #.#-zk+ x pl>. v.i. To send and fetch. Syn : Tak yara.
Takbe-kina, タクベキナ。スゲノ一種。 n, Carex. Augustinowiczii, Menish. A kind of sedge.
Take, Zig Zr, 4, 5R4-, #H Bl#ij. adv. Now. Just now. A few days ago. Syn : Nahun. Pon no etoko.
Takkara, 4x w ?,5, #| x no. v.t. To harden.
Tak-ne-kara, タクネカラ。
Tak-no-kara, タクノカラ。
Tak-kara, タックカラ。行ッテ取ツテ来 Jt. v.t. To fetch.
Takne, タクネ たっくね, 短キ。 adj. Short. Curt ぶっきらぼうな、言葉が短い、素っ気ない. ★バカ検証 【Taku-ne と区別つかない。】
Takne-hike, タクネヒケ たっくね・ひけ, 短キ物、蝮、マムシ。 n. A short thing. A viper. Syn : Nitne hike.
Takne-no, たっくね・の, 短ク。 adv. Shortly. In a brief manner.
Takne-no-kara, & } # / 355, #fi#? x Jl. v.i. To shorten.
Takne-no-ye, 4, 27 k / E, ##x st'. v.t. To abbreviate.
Takmere, & Z :: Le, #fi# z zv. v.t. To shorten. To abridge. Syn : Ponde,
Taknere-i, 4g Zy:k Leef, ##. n. Abridgement. Syn : Ponde-i.
Taknere-re, タクネレレ, 短縮セシム。 v.t. To cause another to shorten.
Takon, たこん, 短い。 a. Short. Syn : Tak ne.

Taktak, 4; % % %, ii a-, ii a a. adj. & n. Hard. A hard lump. A clot. A ball As :~ Ye-takfak, “a lump of hard matter or pus.
Taktakbe, タクタクべ。大石(河中ノ).n. Large stones found in rivers. Syn : Repushbe.
Taktak-kara, # * * * 7,5, Eil 1, ov. v.t. To harden.
Taktaku-kara, タクタクカラ。 Tektek, & 2 F2), ? ††T ≫ = F. v.t. To rap.
Taku, & }, #E, BR. n. A mass. A ball.
Taku-akara, 4* % J**j5, §§ 9 * ≫v. adj. Agglomerated. Syn : Ataku kara.
Takuchi, & 75*, #. n. A ball.
Taku-chine, 5, 7++, ##. n. A bulb.
Taku-kara, 4* % *j5, §5** ≫v. v.t. To agglomerate.
Taku-ne, タクネ たく・ね, 混リタル。 adj. Agglomerated. ★バカ検証 【Takne, タクネ と区別出来ない】
Takup, & ? ≫7, #ff, #. n. A girder.
Takupi, たくぴ, 謙遜ノ語。 n. A term of humiliation. As :~ Tan okkai takupi poka erampokiwen wa en kore, “please have mercy upon this worthless fellow.”
Takupi, たくぴ, 肩。 n. The shoulder.
Takupi, たくぴ, 只一つ。 adj. One only, Just one. Only. Syn : Patek.
Takusa, 5:2y+}, .. n. A bunch of anything. Sometimes a bunch of herbs or an inau, used to wave over the sick to drive away disease. As : ?Nuttat takusa, “a bunch of bamboo grass."
Tak-yara, 3x2 + 5, ## 3-3E > z, 2... v.t. To send and fetch. Syn : Takuyara.
Tam, £z.A, JJ. n. A sword. As :~ Tam etaye, “ to draw a sword.”
Tam koterekere, “to flourish a sword.”
Tam kuri, “to cut with a sword.”
Tam kuri yainutumnu, “ to be cut with a sword.”
Tam kuru, “ to draw a sword.” “To flash a sword.”
Tam kutpokichiu, “ to wear a sword.
Tam sep ukohopuni, “to fight with swords.”
Tam sopkere, “to strike at with a sword."
Tam tui, “ a strike of the sword.” Syn : Tamambe. Emush.
Tam, # A, B?. Tro. This.
Tan, タン,
Tama, & -r, BR. n. A ball. Beads. As :~ Tama saye, “to thread beads.”
Tamabe, 4:”-R, HHL=E. n. Beads. T?mambe, &o Ark, J.J. n. A sword.
Tamane, 4%a°r:*, **, ** = + yv. v.i. & n. A ball. To have become a ball.
Tambako, 3..*.z & =1, ##.. n. Tobacco. As :~ Tambako iku, “ to smoke.”
Tambako kotukka, “to light a pipe.”
Tambako ku, “ to smoke.”
Tambako-op タムバコ・オっプ, 煙草入 n A tobacco pouch or box.
Tambe, S.A.-t, H. M. n. This thing. As :~ Tambe nei no shomo ne ya ? “is it not so.”
Tambe tashi ne ine, “it being so.”
Tambe, $t.A^$, $f"j. n. The vagina. Syn : Achike. Chinunuke - ike. Nuina korobe.
Tambe-ani, & Aos F=, = v & = . cony. For this reason.
Tambe-gusu, 3x As-SZW X, stE# =. adv. Therefore. For this reason. As :~ Tambe gusu okaibe, “ on account of these things.
Tambe-imakake, 5 A*-s of 7,4-, 4. a J. adv. From now. Henceforth.
Tambe-imakake-ta, Gr./.-R.-forzh Gr 5, ### / #. adv. By and by.
Tambe rengai-ne, R.A.“; Le A #f4f:k,
jt£ =. adj. Therefore. -
Tambu, St A7, E? A HF. n. Carapace of turtle.
Tambushi, 5.5,7 %, #?#x ≫L. v.t. To mend, as a hole in clothes.
Tam-chash, #.A# ? $2, # ?-?# x. ?).t. To ward off (as in fencing).
Tam-here, & A^ Le, JJ w ?. n. The flash of a sword. The glitter of a sword.
Tam-kik-humbe, $t.A + O 7A, ok, #. n. A shield.
Tammirehe, 4%.A5 L^^, 9 yl, 9 o?. n. Ilex rugosa (Saghalien).
Tampaketa, 3x Av845-4g, Ilisij. adv. This side.
Tampaneba, 4x At Sakst, 4-4E. adv. This year.
Tampara-cheppo, たむぱら・ちぇっぽ, ? 2 #. n. A perch.
Tamparaparak, St.Az ?5 v?5 }, } t }. v.i. To weep. Syn : Hawe ashte wa chish.
Tampata, 3x A. S4, His#j. adv. This side. As :~ Pet tampata, “on this side of the river.
Tampota, タムポタ。暫時ノ後,一雨日ノ #. adv. By and by. In a day or two.
Tampush, & A7$e, JJ, E?. n. A sword sheath.
Tamsep, タムセプ。鳴ル(雨物ラ打合セ A n-E). v.i. To sound, as when one thing is knocked against another.
Tamtui, &Ay’s, #. n. The intestines.
Tamtuye, Syn : Kankan-okotbe. ? = As y 28
Tamu, 5.A., a = #. n. Sand fleas.
Tamunde, タムンデ。捨レル(木ノ枝ノ #1 y). v.t. To wave from one side to the other as a branch of a tree.
Tamun-tamun, 3x./≪ >3× /≫ >, #T*&z, & &- i x. v.t. To fence. To ward off.
Tan, たん, 此(これ) pro. This. As :~ Tan anchikara, “ this night.” Tan chup, “ this month.” Tan guru, “ this person.” Tan to, “to-day/ today.” Tan ukuran, “this evening. Tan is sometimes used in the senses of “very,” “great,” “such.”
Tanak, 3:3-2}, ##E z vi-, EE +. v.i. & adj. To be faint. To faint away. Weak. Faint. As :~ Tanak koro ketttum guru, “a faint hearted person.”
Tanakai, たなかい, 鹿。 n. The reindeer (Rangifer tarandus, Linn) Syn : Tonakkai.
Tanak-tanak, 4%. 3-474?z*47, $gE x. yl~. 弱キ(前ノ語ヨリ張ク且ツ量々シカスル #). v.i. & adj. Frequentive and intensitive of tanak.
Tananaise, &#-#-4f tz, * s- ... v.i. To creak.
Tanashi, Zkj- Ee, ##j =. adv. In a special degree. Most. As, Iramashure tanashi ukik-hum ukik-hum kane an, “the sound of striking one another was in a special degree pleasing.”
Tande, 5:25, 4. adv. Now.
Tande, 4x :/?5F, ~ x **. n. Persecara Blumei, Nakai. This name is from the Japanese.
Tande-oro, o 27°zrp, A = y. Henceforth.
Tande-pota-an, 5:27°zk&72, # F, §I 2y. adj. Nearly. Close at hand. As :~ Tande pota an guru, “the person near by.
Tane, 5 :k, 4. adv. Now. As :~ Tane pakno, “ until now.”
Tane wano, “from now,” “henceforth.”
Tane, g:k, fi:f. n. A seed. As:
Tane op, “a seed basket.” This is really a Japanese word but now always used by the Ainu ; the native word is piye.
Tane-ankesh, 4 kJP A. Er EA, #BH. adv. The break of day.
Tane-ashik, *$, ?, 9 *, ?E = . adv.
ph. Now, at last.
Tane-ash-ka-iki, 5:#75, a 73-4s Ho, f###JE. ph. Now at last.
Tanebo, þ, 4-, R 4-. Now. Just now. Now for the first time.
Tanebo-kanne, 3x3kzie h Ee:k, 4-. adv. Now.
Tane-kimo-ru, #:k #*EJ?>, [I? = f? ? Ajj?. n. A path leading directly to the mountains.
Tane-ko-oman, &# = zirr >, $ 7, # =, § 2. ph. Now, at length. By and by. Upon this. At that.
Tane-na, -, 4-, adv. Now. And IlOW.
Tane-ne-ambe, 5.3k:#7 Ao, #f =, 4-. adv. Now.
Tane-nisat, &# = {}:y, TE???BB r. adv. Just at dawn.
Tanepo-ashi, #:Rxf752, #, # = }} +, adv. Upon this. Now.
Tane-ru, タネル。列(植エタル植物ノ). n. A row (as vegetables in a garden).
Tankichi, タンキチ。木ノ皮デ造ツタ器 #4. n. A vessel made of tree bark.
Tanku, タンク。皮ヲ百枚集メタ包ミ. n. A bundle of one hundred skins. (This word is borrowed from the Oltchy tribes).
Tanne, &>?:*, £*. adj. Long. As :~ Tanne chinika, “a long step.”
Tanne-cheppo, たんね・ちぇっぽ, #. n. An eel. Syn : Ukurube.
Tanne-eremu, & 2:Kirile A, + y 4 × +(3*), + = 5 a.. n. An ermine or stoat. Mustera erminea, L.
Tanne-hesei, 3x Azkostz4, ##.. n. A sigh.
Tanne-hesei-ki, ?. A k^z 4s #, # E. x ≫v. v.i. To sigh. Syn : YaitaSarapare.
Tanne-hush-arapare, HEE, * 21. v.i. タンネフシアラパレ, To blow as
Tanne-hushta, when tired タンネフシタ。 or hot. Syn : Hesei turiri.
Tannep タンネプ。長イ物(蛇、刀) n. Something long.
Tanne-pok-um, 4'z >**+7 f7 >’, jE * TF = . adv. A long way under.
Tannepuikoro, 4* >?*7f = ra, ££*; 2 ##|.. n. Long swords kept as heirlooms.
Tanne-ushi, & 2 + r} a, ##. n. Length.
Tannu, B. A3X, ?EER. n. A dolphin. (Including several species).
Tantaraki, 徐歩スル o.i To タンタラキ。 canter. To go jog
Tantaratki, ingly along. ?o & 24.5 y=f', trot along gently as a dog or fox. Syn : Chairak. Sambash.
Tanto, たんと, 今日(きょう) adv. To-day. Today(鳩が付け足した). This word is often followed by otta. As :~ Tanto otta, “to-day, today" or during. this day.” ★バカ検証 【 Tanto の定義は 当初、To-day でしか定義されていなかった、そのため Today で検索しても、検索に引っかからなかった。Nisatta の 定義も、当初、To-morrow のみであった。tomorrow を使用した例は無かった。すべて、to-morrow であった。全件、tomorrow を私が併記した。バカ丸出し。読者に失礼だ。明治時代は、today, tomorrow のスペルは無く to-day, to-morrow と記した?。ウソだろう。バチェラーだけがバカだった・オカシかった、のです。ちなみに金澤辞書は today/ tomorrow のみだった。当然である。tonight も無かった。 to-night のみで、しかも、tan-ukuran 等の索引は、定義されていない。Noine (= あたかも)の例文「今夜雨降ルガ如ク見ユ。」に Tan ukuran が有るだけだった。読者をバカにしている。 --- アイヌ語って、変わっているネ。 昨夜は、 ukuran で、今夜は tan ukuran なのか。昨日ベース。言語的に、珍しいと思う(?)。
Tan-to-an-toki, タントアントキ, 丁度今日(ちょうどきょう) ph. This very day 正に今日(きょう・こんにち). To-day. / Today.
Tan-uka, 5:5:7, 24***. a. These.
Tan-un-ka, 5: 2 of 2 77, TF x. v.t. To take down. Syn : Ran-un-ka.
Ta-okkaiyo, タオッカイヨ。驚又ヘ賞讃 Z !!!!, Etif. excl. Expression of sur. prise or praise. This fellow.
Tap, 5 y 7, [I] / [H. n. The crown of a hill.
Tap, 4, 7, ATHFr. n. A single hill with a round top. A cone.
Tap,タプ。此,斯ク。今、只今. pro This. Thus. So. Now. Just now. This moment. As :~ Tap moire, “so late.”
Tap an noshike, “thus late at night.”
Tap soine, “he has just gone out.”
Tapa, 4 *?, zk ≫ ?, *. n. A wooden hook.
Tapak, 5/83, F# L. Z E. adj. Suffi cient. So far. -
Tapakno, & *$% /, 55%-*- Jl. adj. Sufficient. Enough. As :~ Tapakno
Jainu, “to be satisfied with.” Syn : Tepakmo.
Tap-ambe, たぷ・あむべ, 此物。 n. This thing.
Tapan, たぱん, 斯ク(かく)、此種。 adv. Thus. It is so. This kind. Tap an, sometimes lengthened into tap an na, is often used as an affirmative ending to verbs. As :~ Tapan oriushpe, “this news.” An ruwe tapan na, “it is so.”
Tapan, たぱん, 甚ダ、其程。 adj. Such. So great. So much. As :~ Tapan inuma, “such a pile of treasure.”
Tapani, たぱに, 此。 adj. This.
Tapan-ta, タパンタ, 此處ニ。 adv. Here. At this place.
Tapara, たぱら, 籠。 n. A basket.
Tap-chikiri, タプチキリ, 獣ノ前足。 n. The fore feet of animals.
| Tapera, タペラ, 肩。 n. The shoulder.
| Tapere, タペレ,
 | Tapera-pone, タペラポネ, 肩骨。 n. The shoulder blade.
 | Tapere-pone, タペレポネ,
Tapeu-ni, たぺう・に, ヤチダモ。 Fraxinus mandschurica, Rupr. Ash-tree 《植物》セイヨウトネリコ.
Tapip, たぴぷ, 爪ノ根ノ腫物。 n. Oynchia.
Tapka, たぷか, 山頂。 n. The top of a mountain.
Tapkanni-kara, たぷかんに・から, 拡ガル(木ノ枝ノ如クニ上方ニ向ツテ)。 v.i. To spread out in an upward position like the branches of trees.
Tapkara, たぷから, 踊る。 v.i. dance. Syn : Rimsei.
Tapkara-kina, たぷから・きな, オミナヘシ。 n. Patrinia scabiosaefolia, Link. Also called Setakbe-kina.
Tapkara-tapkara, たぷから・たぷから, 踊ル。 v.i. To dance.
Tap-kashi, たぷかし, 山ノ頂上 n. The top of a mountain.
Tapkiri, タプキリ, 皮ノ剥ゲタル獣ノ前脚。 n. The skinned fore legs of animals.
Tapkop, タプコプ, 一峯ノ山。 n. A single peak of a mountain. A mountain of one peak, standing by itself.
Tapne, たぷね, 斯ク(かく)。 adv. Thus. So. As :~ Tapne an chiki, “ if that is so.” Tapne an, “ it is so.” Tapne an koro, “it being so.” Tapne an kane, “it being so.”
Tap-okai, タプオカイ, 斯ク(かく)。此ノ種。 adj. Thus. This kind. Such.
Tapshut-umbe, たぷしゅと・うむべ, 肩上ノ物。 n. Anything upon the shoulders.
Tapsutu, たぷすつ, 肩。 n. The shoulders.
Taptapu, タプタプ, 塊トナス。 v.t. To gather up into a lump or ball 寄せ集めて塊又はボールにする.
Tapuk, タプク, 堤ノ如キ、土ヲ盛上ゲタ。 adj. Cast up. (as a wall round a dyke) Thus, Tapuk-chashkot, “defensive earthworks.”
Tara, タラ, 禿タ(はげた)、生肌ノ。植物ノ生エヌ(はえぬ). adj, Bare. As, Tara sekuma, “bare mountain ridges.” Syn : Rara.
Tara, たら, 立ツ。 v.i. To stand.
Tara, たら, 蟻卵。 n. Ant eggs.
Tara, タラ, 夢、タラアンキハ夢ミル。n. A dream. As Tara-an-ki, to dream. Syn : Taraha. Takara.
Tara, タラ, 此語ハ副詞ニ作ル時ニ或形 容詞ニ付加レベ語尾変化スル。例ハ モイレ静カ: モイレタラ 静カニ。 Suffixed to some adjectives this word turns them into adverbs; thus, Moire, “slow,” moire-tara, “slowly.”
Tara, たら, 附加物、垂下物。 n. An appendage. Affixed to. Holding on to. Dangling from.
Tara, たら, 荷負フ為ノ器。 n. A sling used for carrying bundles 束を運ぶ為に使用される背負いひも. As :~ Tara ari chiktuni shteppa kara, “to
make wood into a bundle with a sling 材木を背負い紐で束ねる.”
Tara-ani-mun, 4:57: A -, ? ; 2. s . n. Oxalis repens, Thunb. Wood sorrel. The Ainu name means “bag carrying grass.”
Tara-at, S. 57'9, z. * - DE. n. The string of a tara.
Taraha, $15 vv, #. n. A dream. As, taraha nei no an ka-iki, “it was like a dream ” Syn : Tara.
Tara-ibe, タライベ。タラノ縄ニ額ニ附ケル部分。 The head piece of a carrying sling.
Tarai, タライ, 盥(たらい)。犬ノ食器。 n. A trough. A dog trough.
Taraiush, タライウシ。腰ノ狭キ部分 n The
Taraiushke, small of the back. 4:54 ** %4r, By some, the crux.
Tarakin, 5.5 ± 2, # 1 Jl. v.i. To be jolted. To be bumped up and down as when riding horseback upon a packsaddle.
Tarakin-tarakin, 5, 7+25.5:#2, #! & 2, # 1 Jul. v.i. To be severely shaken or bumped.
Tarama-ni, 3, 5r -, :? z = / zis. n.
Taxus Cuspidata. Syn : Raramani.
Taranton, タラントン。ターレント(量目 2 #4). n. A talent (introduced by the compiler).
Tarantuka, 4:5 A 735, 3; 7 ≫ ? (# #). n. Blenny. Eel trout. Syn : Warantuka
Tarap, & 57', # e e. n. A strap.
Tara-pe, 5.5°S, #| ||. n. A mattress. Syn : Atarape. Chitarape.
Tarape-muni, & 5°32-, 3:##. n. One's entire belongings. As :~ Tarape-nuni eotuyetuye oara isam, “ his entire furniture and ornaments were completely taken away.”
Tarara, 5:55, # E.M. v.i. To hold out. As :~ Rikta tarara, “to hold out above one.” |
Tarara, 3:55, #x w, vi. To hold up. Syn : Rikta puni. Rik peka turiri.
Tarasan, 415 #3A, TE Jv. v.i. To go down to.
Tarata, & 5 &, # 5, r + 3. adv. There. Yonder.
Taratarak, たらたらっく, 石多キ。 adj. Thick as with stones. Stony. Lumpy. Uneven. As :~ Shiritaratarak, “a stony place.” Syn : Toksetokse.
Tara-ush, タラウシ。背負フ器械ヲ附ケ 3 ov. adj. Having a sling attached to it. As :~ Tara-tush ikayop, “ a quiver with a sling attached to it."
Tari, & 9, ...... ノ上ニ置ク。... ノ上、ニ #: 7L. v.t. To rest on. As, Koshikitari, “ to gaze at,” “ to let the eyes rest on.”
Taribe, タリベ。背負フ器械ノ頭ニ付ケ - jva?3. n. The headpiece of a sling.
Taritari, タリタリ。捨レル(馬=乗ル如 2). v.i. To be tossed up and down as when riding.
Tarush, タルシ。背負フ器械ヲ附ケタル。 adj. Having a sling attached to it. As :~ Tarush ikayop, “ a quiver having a sling attached to it.”
Tasa, タサ。横ギリテ、横切ル ado. & v.t. Across. To cross. Returned as, tasa kambi, a return letter. From one to another.
Tasa, 31%, X? vu-. v.i. To ascend. Syn : Hemesu.
Tasko, タスコ, 羅ヲ掛ル。ひ.な up one's sleeves with a cord.
Tasap, , EjaE. n. A fine. As : ?Makiri tasap, “a knife given as a fine.” Chip tasap, “a boat given as a fine.” Syn : Ashimbe.
Tasare タサレ、交換スル p.。 change. To exchange.
Tasaske タサスケ、裂ケタル(河ノ氷ノ §14), ###. v.i. Broken up (like the To tie To
ice of a river). Rough. Cracked. Up on edge.
Tasaske, 4* £}* z £r, iji-*- yv. adj. Turned. Bitter tempered.
Tashi, タシ, 有ル。 v.i. To be. Is. Singly.
Tashi, タシ, 小刀。 n. A knife.
Tashi, タシ, 理由。 n. A reason. As :~ Tambe tashi, “for this reason.”
Tashipa, タシパ, ノリウツギ、ノリノキ、サビタ。 n. Hydrangea paniculata, Sieb.
Tashiro, たしろ, 大ナル小刀。 n. A large knife. A chopper.
Tashiro-kupushbe, たしろ・くぷしゅべ, 小刀ノ鞘(さや). n. A knife sheath. Syn : Saya.
| Tashiro-nit, タシロ・ニツ, 大ナル小刀ノ柄、n. A large knife handle.
| Tashiro-nip, タシロ・ニプ,
Tashmak-hesei, or $* * ~to s, so 2°. v.i. To gasp.
Tashmak-tashmak-no-hesei, & Zorr クタシマクノへセイ。隔グ o.i. To gasp for breath.
Tashnu, : 952, # v. v.i. To speak. Syn : Itak.
Tashui, 4: Sea. 47, £&*%. n. A storm of wind.
Tashum, 5: Sea.A., ##. n. Sickness.
Tashum ki, & Sea. A HF, # 2, . v.i. To be sick. To be ill.
Taskoro, 4?zz. =i ta, $12g. jk$g. n. Frost. Air. Atmosphere. Wind. As :~ Retat’taskoro, “white frost.”
Taskoro-mau, & x = DI 7 %, #, n. Dew. Syn : Kinape.
Tasu, 3; X, #, n. The breath. Air. Syn : Hesei.
Tasu-eshkari, £z z=z %jj j , £#, z, yv-. v.i. To suffocate.
Tasu-tuye, & 2 × 4 +, ##, x >L. To suffocate.
Tat タツ、樺ノ皮. v.t. n. Birch bark.
Tata, : : , : )v. v.i. To hack. To chop.
Tata, & &, H. v. adj. This. There.
Tata, & &, fI & ... =, ...... ??? - ?o
Tata-num, 4 & 5 A, # * *. n. Vaccinium Vitis?Idaea. Crowberry. The berries are mashed when ripe, and the juice extracted and mixed with water. This makes a delicious drink. The plant is also called Enumo-cha and Inumocha (which see).
Tata-num means “bruise-berries.”
Tata-otta,夕夕才>夕,其時,其後,其前。 adv. Then. Afterwards. Before that. Upon this.
Tata-tata タタタタ。大ニ稼ル、打ツ。 v.t. To hack much. To strike. To chop. ’
Tateashi, 4?z57*78.2, +z y F., ze a v 4 prep. 2. ph. Now at last. Syn : Tap eashiri.
Tateashka, タテアシカ、卓越シテ. adj. Exceedingly.
Tateashka-nanetok, 4*5+7°$??hj+2 =r 2, ; 2r 3es o A ... ph. A most beautiful face.
Tat-ikayop, タツイカヨプ。筋ノ一種(樺 v ? ? a>H. Fffi y 3: yl-). n. A quiver ornamented with birch bark and metal.
Tat-ni, & y :, 3, 2* / #. n. Birch.
Tat-ni-karush, : y = : Jl. $2, is 2 + 3r or. n. Tinder fungus. Fomes fomentarius.
Tat-shingep, & 9 Sex Arse 7, is sy + --, ?i v Fr. n. Sorbaria sorbifolia, A. Br., var, stellipila, Maxim.
Tattarake, & ≫ 4:5 Ar, ### * *. v.t. To be excited. Syn : Patpatice.
Tattatse, & 9 & 9tz, # : Jl. v.i. To boil up as water.
Tauge, & 7o, #21. v.t. To chop. To beat with an edged tool.
Tauge-tauge, 4x174*4x 194;o, e × E ≫t>.
v.t. To chop much.
Tauke-sanu, たうけ・さぬ, 音を立てる(何か叩いて)。 v.t. To make sound as in striking anything.
Tat-ushbe, たと・うしゅべ, たいまつ。 n. A torch トーチ.
Tchup, ちうぷ, 発光体(特に、太陽と月に用いる)、太陽。≒ちゅぷ。 n. A luminary 照明・光る天体; the sun. Same as chup.
Te, テ, 〜させる: 此語ハ他動詞ト共ニ用ヰテ其ヲ 使役相 トナス。例セバ、ウック、取ル, ウックテ、取ラセル、ノ如シ、又此語ハ或 ル自動詞ト共ニ用ヰテ、其ヲ他動詞トナ ス。例セバ、サプ、下ル、サプテ、下ス、ノ如シ。 part. The particle te is used with some transitive verbs to give them a causative force. Thus:~ Uk, “to take 取る”; ukte, “to cause to take 取らせる.”
Te is also used with some intransitive verbs to make them transitive. As :~ Sap, “ to go down 落ちる” ; sapte, “ to send down 落とす.”
Te, て, 〜した時に。 何々ニシテ、時ニ。part. “ ing.” Suffixed to verbs te should sometimes be translated by “when.” Thus, ibe an kemakate, “when he had eaten.” ★バカ検証 【kemaka が動詞なのか。辞書に載っていないが。】
Te, て, 此處ニ。 adv. Here. As :~ Te oro, “here,” “from here,” “to here.” Te oro pakno, “thus far.” Te orota, "to this place." Te oro wa, “from here.” Te pakno, “thus far.” Te peka, “ this side,” “ here.” Te un, “here,” “to this place,” “at this place." Te wa no, “hence," "henceforth.” Syn : Tek.
Te, て, 手(単) n. The hand. Same as Tek.
Te, て, 充分ニ形ツクレバ、テクニナル。例バ、アキテク、ニ対シテアキテ。テクヲ見ヨ。 part. The full form is tek. As, a-ki-te for a-ki-tek, “doing.” (See tek). ★バカ検証 【意味不明。何を言っているか全く分からない。 tek は、te と略され得る。ただそれだけ。】
Techamush, テチヤムウシ。イヌツゲ. n. Saghalien for the Ilex crenata, Th. , ? ??
Teda, F#, ## = . adv. Here. As : --
Teda an, “it is here.”
Teda an a matkachi, “the girl who lives here.”
Te?da, 5F + 2', # fU, PIE? = . adv. Ancient times. Previously. Before.
Te?koro, 5F zri a pa, ### =, #E =. adv. Very. Supremely. Syn : Teikoro.
Tehuru, : 7 ru, # 2 : n. The kidney of fish.
Teike,テイケ。中ニ墜ツル(家ノ屋根ノ如 27). v.i. To fall in as the roof of a house.
Teike, 5-4 or, #2s x. adj. Stretched Out.
Teikoro, 5* † - II, ### =, ### =. adv. Very. Supremely. Syn : Teekoro.
Teine, # 4 # , # v sv. adj. Wet. Damp.
Teine-pokna-moshiri, 54 ++ 3 + . HE SA J, j;t#R. n. Hell, i.e. Gehenna.
| Teinep, テイネプ, 赤ん坊・赤ちゃん n. A very young child.
| Tennep, テンネプ,
Tek, テク てっく, 此語或ル詞ト共ニ用ヰテ、其ヲ形容詞トナス。例セバ、ヘプンノ又 ハ、アプンノ、穏ニ、ハプンテク、又ハ, アプンテク、穏ナル。 part. When the particle tek is used with some words it gives them an adjectival force. Thus:~ Hapun no or apunno, “gent. ly”; Hapuntek or apuntek, “gentle.” Monraige, “to work,” monraigetek, “laborious.” As. Just. As :~ Irukai tek, “just a moment.” It is also used as a conjunction “as "; “for”; “because"; and expresses “reason.”【〜的(てき)、〜 tic 、形容詞語尾】
Tek, てっく, This particle is sometimes used as the participial “ing.” The Saghalien Ainu are fond of swallowing their consonants so that tek may be heard as te; but the final k must be understood. Thus:~ arapa-tek,
“going ”; ek-tek, “coming”; nu-tek, “hearing.” With the words otta and orota, tek expresses “being,” thus:? shine kotan otta-tek, “being in a certain village”; after manak it expresses the idea of something unforseen happening. Thus:~ Manak antek, “ somehow or other”; by some means or some means or other.”
| Tek, てっく,
| Teke, てけ,
| Tekehe, てけへ,
手、腕、木枝、爪(海老ノ) n. & adv. The hands. The arms. A branch of a tree. The claw of a crab or lobster. Near. Close at hand. As :~ Kotan tek, “the district round a village.” Tek ani, “ to take in the hands.” Tek ani wa arapa, “to lead by the hand.” Tek kake koro “to place the hand above the eyes.” Tek kake koro wa ingara, “to look at by shading the eyes with the hand.” Tek kotoro, “the outside of the hand.” Tek numba or tek ruiruiba, “ to rub the hands together as in salutation.” Tek omare, “to take in the arms.” Tek tui poki, “the palms of the hands.” Tek umbe, “gloves.” Tek un kani, “a finger ring.” Tek utomo ekik, “to clap the hands.” Tek uwekik, “to clap the hands.” Tek wa po chararase, “to walk along by means of the hands.” Teke koshne guru, “a light fingered person.” Tek eushbe, glove. Tek sambe, “the pulse of the hand.”
Tekatkorikonka, てかっとこりこんか, 空気ヲ掻ク。 v.i. To paw the air.
Tek-chashnu-no, 5*2} + r >5 / , # #3-2. adv. Without impediment.
Teke-aya, 5-5-7+?, oft 2 so. n. The lines of the hands. Syn : Tekru,
Tekechin, 5F 5-3- 2, =f (##). n. Hands.
Teke-eokok, テゲエオコク。手デ打チッ * no. v.t. To strike against with the hand.
Teke-iyokok, 5*-r4 a = 07, ## * iv. v.i. To commit a theft.
Teke-koshne-guru, F^r=1 So:R2x JT, ##. n. A thief. A light fingered person.
| Tek-epokita-aeiwange-guru, てっく・えぽきた・あえわんげ・ぐる, 僕。 n. A small servant.
| Tekepak-un-aeiwange-guru, てけぱっく・うん・あえいわんげ・ぐる,
Tekepaghte, テケパシテ。奪フ、運ブ去 Jl. v.t. To snatch. To take away. To transport.
Teketanne, +4-3. --k, (h E. G. F.). n. A kind of fish (probably flying fish).
Teke-ushbe, 5- or 7 × , ###. n. Gloves.
Teke-u-ekikkik, 5-ory:E:#y+?, # #x212. v.i. To clap the hands. Syn : Tek-orari.
Tekka, 7 y #1, #2-#. n. An eagle with a white body and a red head.
Tekkakipo, テッカキポ。手ニテ眼ヲ隠 & 7 j: yl. v.i. To look at by shading the eyes with the hand. As :~ Tekkakipo rik uiruke ran uirike, “to look up and down with the hand shading the eyes.”
Tekkese, 5- ≫ Artz, NE = . adv. Far 9" The end.
Tekkesean, 5F ≫ Ariz Jo A, #fi y 3: wt-, ZIS 354}-+-yv. adj. & v.i. To be far off. To be insufficient.
Tekkese-kara, 5F ≫ Mr Ez ?55, ZF5E%} = fi: E 3° v. v.t. To make up an insufficiency.
Tekkese-ne-kara, 7 94-tzak b 3, ZF £4} = Ex. v.t. To make insufficient.
Tekka, 5 y?), ##. n. A hand basket.
Tekko, テッコ。
Tekkoro, 5* ≫ Ei tu, =E =## %. v.t. To have in the hands. To grasp.

Tek-koshne-guru, 7 y - $2:koy slo, # A. n. A thief.
Tekkup, 5 y? 7, 14. n. Wings.
Tek-kuwapo-koechararase, 7.9% 7 ポコエチャララセ。四ツ=這フ。a.i To walk along upon the hands and feet.
Teknumgere, 5F O 5KA, Ay Lo, # y ?H x. v.t. To choose out.
Teknumtek, F: 2 5: A, 5*2, #E. n. The fists. As :~ Teknumtek aeshitaige, “to strike with the fists.”
Tekokbare, テコクバレ。手ヲ通ス(袖 =). v.t. To put the hands through as through the sleeves of a garment.
Tek-orari, 5*, 2*5 J, ##x ov. v.i. To clap the hands. Syn : Teke uwekikkik.
Tekoro, テコロ。誠=。多ク。情会モ・例 へベ、テコロラムビリカ、甚ダ満足スル。 adj. Very. Much. As, tekoro ram pirika, “very satisfied.”
Tek-orun-kane, : 7:"Jl. 2 h:k, #R, ##. n. A bracelet. A finger-ring.
Tek-pake, SF 2 - Kor, T 27. adv. Near at hand.
Tek-pake-ta, SF 2 o Kor 3, H 2. adv. Near to. Close at hand.
Tek-paruparu, 5***?llers/Lo, ### >: yl. v.t. To beckon with the hand.
Tek-pira, テクピラ。乾魚(開キニシタ ov). n. Fish cut down the centre and spread out to dry. Syn : Kerekap.
Tekram-yupu, 5*2} 5 A-17, # § ff. 27. v.t. To cling to. Syn : Kotekramyupu. Eyupke kishma.
Tekrarakare, 5-47 55 *j L≫, =E 7 %=* 3A. J.. v.t. To thrust the hands into.
Tekriki-guru-pumba, 5** 9 on 7 ムバ。塁手スル(耐豊儀トシテ) u.t To lift up the hands as in salutation.
Tek-ru, FO IL, # / ##. n The lines of the hands Syn : Tek-aya.
Tek-saikare, 5*2) #4 h Le, #R 7, v.t. To seize
Teksayekare, with the hands. テクサイェカレ,
Teksam, 5F ≫ +/- 2., ?? 2. adv. Close at hand. Near to. Adjacent.
Teksam y ***}.A., ##. n. The sea-shore. Tessam, テッスサム。
Tek-sambe, 5** {}A^, # / Hie. n. The pulse of the hands.
Tek-samta, 5 2 ij.A.&, if y. adv. Close at hand. Near to. As :~ Teksam ta ande, “ to place near or before one.”
Teksam-ta-an, 5F **/≫ 5272, ?: 27 2. adj. Adjacent.
Teksamata-an-no, 5-7 or 5.72 /, #E 27. adj. Adjacently.
Teksambe, テクサムべ。
Teksayekare, テクサイ - 力 ???
Tek-shikiru-guru, 5°% £≫#JLZYMy, ? ##. n. An adulterer. (Lit:- One who turns the hands over).
Tek-shito, 5** > F, #. n. The fist.
Tek-shitu, 5F O $, y, ##FF z pl. v.t. To box.
Tek-tereke, 5*2*5*Le4r, ####x Pl. v.i. To reel about as a drunken or sick person.
Tek-tuikashi, F2) y 4 ?, ?e, =P / H. n. The back of the hands.
Tekuishipship, 5+7 4s $27:27, x * #7. v.t. To seize with the hands. F ≫ +. n. Equisetum limosum, L.
Tek-ukot, 5.2 y - y, of #. n. The wrists.
Tek-umshi, F 2 of A$2, #. n. Elbow. Syn : Shittok.
Tek-un-shiship, 5F z ) > $2 $ e 7, F * + 2 ?#. n. A kind of horsetail. Syn : Otashipship.
Tekutapire, = 2, 3, ELo, as. v.i. The
fists. The closed hand.
Tek-utomutasare, 5F } } } A^{'}' Le, ##x pl. v.i. To fold the arms.
Tem, 5F.A., ?-la, ?$. n. A mile. One stretch of the arms.
Tem, HFA, s. n. The arms.
Teman, 5*-r 2, (J ti, [[:%. n. What. What thing. As,
Teman an ki-ke, “ what is to be done?”
Teman an ki-ke, paye an kumpeka hanne nangoro, “what is to be done I perhaps I shall not go.”
Temana, マナク=同ジ、何トナレベ, テマナ。 5?f?, #, sasa. Same as Temanak, manak, “what”; “some 5**3-y, how”; “who"; “when”; “why.”
Temana an ramu, “what do you think.”
Temana ankitek, “It happened somehow or other.”
Temana-anki, 5 т?-7 rat, if X x : 5°. ph. By some means or other.
Temanaka-iki, 5+o:}~?j4f +, ffi[?i £&-e s = F. ph. That which was done.
Teman-me-gusu, F” ”:kO”Z, s?s ? ' ###. ph. Somehow or other.
Temari-kik, テマリキク。球(マリ)デツ 2, v.i. To bounce a ball.
Temba, +Art, # to n-. v.t. To touch.
Temba-temba, テムバテムバ。
Tem-ishirikik, #4-529 #2, #- + 床ヲ打ツ(悲ミノ為、特ニ死人ノ有リタ jvo, 3, ##### = z*). v.i. To beat the floor with the hands as when in great distress (this is especially done at the time of death and after a funeral.
Temi, 5° S., ##. n. A loop.
Temiya, 7*5 *, jaJiiiiii, (££4). geo. Fathom land. A place in the bay of Otaru, Hokkaido. The name well describes the coast round the bay.
Temka, F. A. #, ##AE x v. v.t. To revive.
Temkakonna, 7.A., ?. - A je, if y v 7 x(JJ 2 in 2). v.t. To wave about as a sword. As :~ Temkakonna shikayekaye, “to fight with swords.” “To fence.”
Temkon, 5*2, a 2, #g ≫. v.t. To embrace. Syn : Temkoro.
Temko-omare, 5FA-I:#"rr Lo, ## x jL, ###x st'. v.t. To nurse. To embrace in the arms.
Temkoro, 5.A.: H, ###x 21... v.t. To embrace. Syn : Tenkoro.
Temkoro-sam, 5FA:I DI FA, ## * Ju'. v.t. To embrace.
Temmun, テムムン。層(海底ヨリ跳ネ r x + v × 7t). n. Rubbish washed up from the bottom of the sea. A green reed-like plant growing in the sea. Kelp.
Temmum, +A, A,>?, a ae 7 7. n. Phyllospa dix, iwatense, Makino, Zostera asiatica, Miki. Sea-grass. Grass-wrack. The Ainu name means fathom grass.
Temmun-chimakani, F.A.A. 25** 77 ニ。コモワラカジカ. n Sculpin Myacocephalus (including several sp).
Temnikoro, F.A. = H H, #EJE x * , #? ju. v.t. To embrace. To clasp. Syn : Oupshoro-omare.
Tempiraga, テムビラサ。手ヲ差シ延ベ ×. v.i. To stretch the arms out.
Temtem, テムテム。解説ルル、模索(テサ ^ y)x v. v.t. To touch. To feel. To fumble about.
Temu, 5F.A., † 7(=? 7 ≫ * *). v.i. To creep along by the help of the hands.
Temui-chep, てむい・ちぇっぷ, x, x++. n. A kind of blenny (including several species and genera).
Temuki, 5*A*, ov(7+ 21-). v.i. To groan.
Tenki, テンキ。悪質ノ病気ノ名稲(多分 ###3-2 v). n. The name of an evil disease (perhaps leprosy).
Tenki-se-chep, 5*2^#tz#Fr.7, ## 7:# x Ju f. 2 ##. n. The name of
a kind of fish which is said to carry a bad disease on its back in lumps which look like small baskets, and which, if eaten, cause a rotting illness. Most likely leprosy.
Ten-chimakani, #F A for h=', # / 44. n. A kind of sculpin.
Tenki, 7.2:#, #(§ 2). n. A kind of woven basket made of the leaves of Elymus mollis.
Tennep, 5.2:k 7, §53. n. A baby. Syn : Teinep. Hachako.
Tentenge, 5*>#>?Ay*, £+. adj. Soft.
Tentenge-nok, 7.25.25°/2, # 2 95. n. A shelless egg. Syn : Kapsak nok.
Te-oro, 5F2# EI, Ht = y. adv. Henceforth.
Tepa, FPS, ###. n. A loin cloth.
Tepa, 5Fr?, s E HE. n. A sling for carrying children or bundles.
Tepeshkeko, 5*^&%4rtu, £#fe. adj. Superabundance. Plenty. As :~ Tepeshkeko an ap, aokere, “ I thought there was plenty but it is all gone.” Syn : Poron mo.
Teppo, 5F yrit, #ERE. n. A gun. (Jap.)
Tere, 5° L, ## y. v.i. To wait. As :~ Tere wa an, “to be waiting." Syn : Uhuye.
Tereke, てれけ, 跳ぶ. v.i. To jump, To spring upon as an animal upon its prey.
Tereke-ibe, てれけ・いべ, 蛙(かえる). n. A frog. Syn : Ooat. Tereke ibe. Okiorumbe. Uimam yaptep.
Tereke-ikon, 5F LAr4 = 2^, [###?j. n. A contagious disease.
Tereke-iwashi, 7 L, or 4 7 2, E & a. n. Anchovy. Engranlis japonicus, T. & S. The same as Hontomoparochep.
Tereke-tereke, FL-4"#L-4", F# E HE) zv. v.i. To jump about. To skip about.
Tereke-terekep, てれけ・てれけっぷ, 蚤(ノミ). n. A flea. A jumper.
Tereke-tupep, FL-3-2/-): ≫7, E## (3Rio). n. A magic cord.
Terere, 5* LL, £ + H x. v.i. To stick out. As, in Koau-terere, “to stick one's tongue out at another.”
Tereshike, テレシケ,誰カヲ待ッテ居ル v.i. To be waiting for someone.
Teretanne-sei, 5-L~4%. >=*tz-f, z+ * y X s. n. Mya arenaria, var. japonica, Jay.
Tese, #pt-, # 2., ##7”. v.t. To weave. 5*tz, To make basket work. To
Tesh, bind. To tie together. Syn : 5*$a,
Tesh, 5*$2, #ft. n. A kind of fence work made across streams to enclose fish.
Teshbare, テシバレ (テセ、ノ複数)、織ル v.i.
Teshpare, The plural form of tese,. 5*$22&L., “to weave.”
Teshi, Foe, 37]. n. A row of something.
Teshkara, テシカラ。音信スル、音信ヲ # 3 + #x. v.i. To send a message. To send with a message. Thus:~ Nei guru teshkara un omande yan, “send that person with the message.”
Teshkara-kore, 5F S?x)5 - L', ## 7 W = # => 5 # x. v.t. To send a message by another. This form is generally preceeded by otta “to,” “ by.” As :~ Nishpa otta teshkara ku kore, “ I send a message by the master.”
Teshkas, 5*$/? K, Weaved as a mat.
Teshkau, #$e?77, #p-, # 7. v.t. To weave. To bind. Syn : Tese. Teshke テシケ。上方=曲ル(橋ノ如ク). v.i. To be bent upwards as the ends of a sleigh. To shrink. To crumple up. To glance off. 編ム(席ヲ) v.t.

Teshke, 5F estr, ZRZE# ≫, t? ?r. Plo, adj. Uneven. Slanting.
Teshke-teshke, 5*$e4-5*$24r, #$no, + # 21 v.i. To writhe about.
Teshkop, てっしゅこっぷ, 柴アル小山。 n. A small thicketed hill.
Teshma, テシマ てしゅま, 雪靴(カンジキ)。 n. Snow shoes.
Teshma-ni, 5*S** =, 2, s. n. The mulberry tree. Morus bombycis, Koidz. Also called Therep-ni. The fruit, which is called topembe, is eaten raw.
Teshnatara, 5*$e3-3,5, # 3- plo, 7E3ju, #9. Jo. adj. and adv. Smooth. Level. Beautiful. Arranged. Spread out.
Teshnatarare, 5.23-3,5 ..., ; = x ple, 2E = x n . v.t. To smooth. To make level.
Teshtek, テシテク。癒ュル (傷ノ如ク). #7 (###, 2). v.i. To heal as a wound. To go down as a swelling.
Teshteshke, 5F $25F estr, #:Jv. v.i. To writhe about. Syn : Teshketeshke.
Teshu, 5F ea., ##T z vie, # x: # vle. To hit slightly. To hit and glance off. To just touch (as in shooting at an object).
Teshu-teshu, 57- $2-.57-52-, , =E = 7 Ejol≫ Jl. v.i. To touch with hand.
Teske, 逸スル、ゾレル pi テスケ, To glance off (as
Teske-teske, oars off water in テスケテスゲ, rowing).
Tessam, 5 zij.A., saj, ##. adv. By the side of. The sea shore. Syn : Teksam.
Tessam-oro, F x +j- A, i pa, 2” vie y , * 7 y. adv. Round about. Syn : Teksam-ore.
Teshu, 5-Sea, ia y. a. Curved.
Tesu, テス。
Tetara, 5F345, E † . White. Retara.
Tetarabe, 5-5.5°, ozo. n. A kind of rough cloth made of hemp.
Tetaraka, テタラカ。オホベナノコギリ #- 9. n. Achillea Plarmica, L. var. speciosa, Herd.
Tetaras, 5-5.5 x, H%|s. n. The white fox. Syn : Mari.
Tettereke, F 95F-Lor, so 27. v.i. To stagger. To reel about.
Tetteri, 5F y 57 y, 魔術用 ノ スープ". %。 A kind of gruel. This is sometimes used in magic to pour over one's body to cause pain.
Teuna, テウナ。手斧 n. chopper.
Teunin, テウニン。光ル(暗=獣ノ目ノ). v.t. To sparkle as the eyes of an animal in the dark.
| Tingeu-pone, ティンゲウポネ。尻骨盤.n.Thepelvis.
| Chingeu-pone, チンゲウポネ。
To, F, #, #, Ha. #1, #. n. The breasts. A nipple. As :~ To iku, “to suck the breasts” . To ikure, “to suckle.” To num, “the nipples of the breast.” To ntende, “to suckle.” To nun mimaki, “ the front , teeth ” To nunnun, “ to suck the breasts.” To nunnunde, “ to suckle.” To sura, “to cease sucking the breast.” To szurare, “to wean.”
To, F, #, 7kja. n. A lake. A puddle of Syn : An adze. A water. To kes, “the end of a lake.”
To, F, off, ##= . adv. Yonder. There. As :~ To umma an a, “a horse is there.”
| To, ? H. n. A day. As :~ To ? , ebitta, “all day.” To em
| Toho, kota, “part of a day,” ???, “the latter part of day.” To kes, “ evening.” To noshike, “noon,” “midday.” To pirika, “a
fine day.”
To wen, “a bad day.”
To ukotte, “every day.”
Toada, トアダ。 彼方。 adv. There. Yonder. Syn : Toanda.
Toambe, F7 Ark, H., H.& 2 n. That. Those. Syn : Nei-ambe.
Toan, H 7” C*, # z. pro. That. As:
To an guru, “that person.” He. Him.
Toanda, F-72-33, jtBE =, A&jf, adv. There. Yonder.
Toanda-taanda, H. F. A3 377 °5, R. p?, B: E = . adv. There and here.
Toani, トアニ。 其處ニ... adv. There. As :~ Toani peka, “that way.”
Toanita, K 7° = 2x, jtot =, 4#jf=, adv. There. Yonder.
Toani-un, H-7Ery A, jt # =. adv. There. At that place. To that place.
Toanush, K-757 $e, jt} =, 4;&#f=. adv. There. Yonder.
Toche, H 5 5x, + E. n. An earthen house.
Tochi, H-*, £Ek+-, £}a z. adj. Useless. Syn : Tonchi.
Tochi-ni, Fis-, F + 2 +... n. The horse-chestnut tree. Aesculus turbinata, Blume. The nuts of this plant are often used as a medicine. They are taken and dried for future use. When required they are soaked and well scraped. The scrapings are then steeped in water and the decoction used to wash wounds with. The Ainu often use it for washing the eyes of horses when they run water or discharge matter. The Ainu name means “Sticky” or “dirty tree.”
Toda, K 3r, y so ?i. Sea-lion. Eumetopias
Toto, stellergi. (lit: Milk carrier. F F, Less.).
Todonup, H. F 5. 7, 2° E v. 9. n. Pinus pumila. Regel. Five headed pine. Also called. Henekkere. The seeds of this dwarf-pine are much esteemed by the Ainu of the Kurile Islands as an article of diet. In Saghalien the aborigines used these seeds for tea making.
Toe, トエ。多タノ.
Toye, ?? =,
Tohei, F-4s, oft. n. Spittle (also, a term of abuse). Saliva. Syn : Topse.
Toi, トイ。動詞ノ反復スル動作又強力ナ ル動作ヲ示ス語。例セバ、トオンガミ トイウコケシバレ、屋々手ヲ塁ゲテ大ニ ## x n-. part. This particle is sometimes placed after verbs to express frequency or severity. Thus:~
Toi ongami toi ukokeshbare, “ to salute much by lifting up the hands often.”
Toi, K AI, #; &*£ & a*. adj. Very bad. Syn : Wen.
Toi, F 4f, WEEN, Hb. n. A garden. Soil. Land. Clay. Earth. As :~ Toi kara, “to work in a garden.” adj. Many.
Toi, H. 4f, #, #####s. n. A grave. Syn : Tushiri.
Toi-chisei, F 4 Ftz 4s, RE, + v ?K. n. A pit dwelling. A earthen house. The Ainu in the north used formerly to make earthen and partly underground houses for winter use apart from their summer dwellings.
Toi-chisei-kotcha-guru, K. 4f 5=z -f = y5 x2//L, RE: N. n. Apit-dweller. Syn : Koropok-guru.
Toieremu, K. 4f + LA, K#fa. n. A large black rat.
Toi-haru, K-4 /v/L, #fn. n. Vegetables.
Toihekunra, F. fors ) : e5, #1st, &J. n. Ghosts. Apparitions.
Toi-hoku, トイホク。指間ノ炊(ホテ)、輝 (> 3’ v). n. A sore between the toes. Syn : Poppise.
Toiki, K 4f *, §§ 2. adj. Poor. Bad. Valueless. Worn out.

Toiki-emush, H 4 +:EA > a., z?#$. n. A dagger.
Toiko, K. 4 3, #32 oz. adv. Severely.
Toi-kohoppa, F 4 Hzk≫ v?, ?= RA ×. v.t. To leave far behind.
Toi-komake, K-4 -174r, +: HH = 7 E = # x. v.i. To disappear in the earth.
Toikonchi, F. 4f zu >≫,F, z!k z}M%. n. A class of fresh-water demons.
Toikunne, H. Af y Leak, 2 || 27. adv. Like. As.
Tolmok, H of +7, ##|.. n. An earthworm. Syn : Tonin.
Toiorush-mun, H 4 zi"Jl.92.A>, = y' Jos y ?r. n. Peppermint. Mentha sachalinensis, Kudo. The bruised leaves of this plant are applied to any place where a person is in pain. Syn : Kamui-keu-kina.
Toi-poru, F -szky, #. n. A pit. A cave.
Toirai-wen-rai, F of 54 y = 25 f, so #Ex nie. v.t.
To die a hard and painful death.
Toiratashkep, トイラタシケプ。凡テノ野菜 n All
Toi-rateskep, kinds of vegetaトイラテスケプ。 bles.
Toiren, K 4 L 2, jE v * xv. adj. Bar ren. As :~ Toiren toi, “barren land.”
Toiru, といる, 小路、道。 n. A path. A road.
Toi-sei, とい・せい, 土器。 n. EarthenWare.
Toishinrush, F. Af $22 Jle$2, 3; } * */ 2s. n. Lycopodium serratum, Th.
Toi-shokkara, F of £2 a y 775, #A 7# シタル熊ノ頭ヲ下=敷キテ葬ル(復難ノ £:/- 9 ). v.t. To bury a person on the top of the head of a bear which has killed him.
Toi-shu, とい・しゅう, 土鍋。 n. An earthen pot. Syn : Kamui-shu.
Toi-soya, とい・そや, 黄蜂、大黄蜂。 n. A wasp or hornet.
Toi-sugu, トイスス。シカヤナギ、トカチ + + +.. n. A kind of willow. Salix Urbaniana, Seem. var. Schneiderea, Miyabe et Kudo.
Toi-ta, トイタ, 植エル、播植スル、畑仕事スル。 v.t. To plant. To sow. To work in a garden.
Toitanne-chup, F4 & 2+5Fa. 7, -: H. n. The month of January.
Toitoi, といとい, 土、地。 n. Earth. Soil. The ground.
Toitoi-ne, K. 4 K. 4f +3, +: F 3- pl. v.t.
To crumble into earth.
Toitoi-karush, F. Af H. f3b Jle$e, zkiE 2 ?#. n. A toad stool.
Toitoi-taktak, H M H 4 × 2 × 7, H-5. n. A clod of earth.
Toitomne, トイトムネ。黒土ノ如ク黒キ. adj. Black (like black earth). Earth colour.
Toi-tum-un-be, H. As Fry for 2-, # #3, #_E / A###. n. Vegetables. Products of the earth.
Toiuk-ushi, トイウクウシ。土ヲ取ル所 (磁能藻ヲ含ム土ヲ取ル所) geo The name of a place in Saghalien where the aborigines used to dig diatomacious earth. (See Chi-e-toi-mai).
Toi-upas, K-4 7 z SZK, k [[]]K. n. Volcanic dust. As :~ Toi upas heteku, “to rain volcanic dust or ashes.”
Toi-upun, トイ・ウプン, 土砂ヲ吹上ル風。 n. A cloud of dust. /Toiupun/
Tok, fj}.. n. A place to which トク。 one has gone. The upper
Toko, reaches of a river. The end ? E, of a journey. As, utara payeshi toko, “the place to where the people have journeyed.”
Tok, K. Oy, TF. adv. Under.
Tok, ? % , Tuk, ツク。
Tokachi, adj. Hj = £ ε χι. v.i. To extend upward. To protrude. To project. To grow. トカチ、乾キタル、焼ケタル。 Parched. Dried up.

Toka-omap, H 22#* 7, F 2 t* 9 . n. Cicuta virosa,
Tokamap, Д. Аlso called
Tokom トカマプ。 in Saghalien.
Tokaorap, H 77:57, F 2 to 9. n. The cowbane or water hemlock. Cicuta virosa L. The root-stock of this plant is deadly poisonous. Some Ainu apply externally the charred rootstock when there is a pain in the bones.
Tokap, K *j7, H, E^r ≫v. n. & adj. Day. Dry. Dried up. As :~ Tokap eush no mokoro, “to sleep late.”
Tokap noshike, “noon,” “midday.”
Tokap pirika, “ a good day,”
Tokap to, “daytime.”
Tokap wen, “a bad day.”
Tokap shiri, “ dry land.”
Tokapuchi, K. ?775F, # or n-. n. & adj. Parched. Dried up. Withered. A famine. Scarcity.
Tokap-chup, F7, 75.7, 7&#. n. The sun.
Tokapchup noka, H. h7#F.a. 7 / 3b, zk# y JE. n. The form of the sun.
Tokba, H. ? v?, K 2., ≫ ≫ ≫. v.t. To peck (as birds). pl. To chop. To cut. To hack.
Tokes, Fr:X, Ay:;, ff.?, adv. Evening. At the time of sunset.
Tokes, F. r2., i F., HB. n. Lake end.
Tokes ene shiroman-kane, F Ar2KIT. ネシロマンカネ。日ガ暮レタ時. Ph. When the day was ending.
Tokes-kooman, Forzrizio 2, 577; 2 ## = 3-yu. ph. To become evening.
Toki, ? *, ?。 n. Time.
Tokihi, トキヒ。
Toki, F +, ?EE, '$. n. A mark. A line. A dash.
Toki, F +, ER 2., y ≫ 3. v.t. To peck (as birds). Sing. See Tokpa.
Tokikara, K- + ? 5, + ?r. n. Surf smelt. Mesopus olidus, (Pallas). To-kina, H =#3-, + $73 e 3rz. n. Alisma Plantago, L. It includes Nymphaea tetragona, Georgi. Marsh herb.
Tokitokik, K- + H + 27, PRZE#H3- ov. adj. Rough. Uneven.
Tokitto トキット。ヨタカ、カスイ ドリ。 n. Japanese goat-sucker. Caprimul. gus jotaka, (T. and S.)
Tokkara, トッカラ、トキカラ、ニ同ジ. n. Same as Tokikara. Also called
Tokkoni, H ≫ ==, * a *-. n. Japanese common viper Agkistrodon blomhoffi, (Boie).
Tokkoni-pakko, K ≫ zu - w& ≫ =?, #E = # * v ×3r. n. A woman subject to attacks of hysteria supposed to be caused through the influence of snakes.
Tokkoni-parachi, H. y a = v?53F, ME = # 7 Jul. v.i. To be possessed by a snake. Syn : Kinashut-kari.
Tokkuri, K. ≫ ? y, #si. n. A bottle.
Toknatara, F. 2, 3-5.5, 3e 2’ y 7 # x 21-#. v.i. To make a sound as when an arrow strikes something.
Toko, K. Eu, :t. n. A snake.
Toko, H -1, H, #5f. n. A source. Place.
Toko, トコ。足跡、草ナドヲ踏ミッケタ §. n. A track. A trail.
Tokoko, F = -a, ?E yt+= l., Nr.3- 3 vie. adj. Set up. Upright. Standing up.
Tokom, i za A, HRH (fibij z). n. A handle, as of a bowl or drawer.
Tokoma, H. rior, F x + y, n. The cowbane or water hemlock. Cicuta virosa, L. See Tokomap, and
Tokaomap, K 77: For y 7, F 2 + y . n. The cowbane or water hemlock. Cicuta virosa, L. Also nuphar pumilim. A kind of water lily. The name means “water lover.”
Tokompo, トコムポ。ヤマゴベウ・ n.
Phytolacca esculenta, Houte.
Tokom-pone, F : Azit-k, # 2 #. n. The ankle bone.
Tokon, F = 2, Ajva, n. A small mountain peak. Syn : Tapkop.
Tokon, K x 2, §#, *) *) K. n. The ankles.
Tokoomap, F -1**7, ae y b ≫ ≪* *. n. Nuphar pumilum, L.
Tokpa トックパ、作ル(イナウ等ヲ) り.t. To make (as inau).
Tokpa, トクパ, 豚ム、ツツク。ひ.f To
Tokpa-tokpa, peck, as a bird. To F 2 as F 2 as, hack. To chop.
Tokse, H. O z, fr. n. A rise in a plain. A little hill.
Tokse, F * to, z?o?. n. A knot in a tree. A knob.
Tokse, H ?tz, H?z. v.i. To jump. Leap. Tukse, ツウクセ。
Tokse, H. tz, #7-. v.i. To sleep. To
Tokseka, throb. トクセカ。
Toksep, H 5 to 7, #5. n. Asquirrel.
Tokse-tokse, K. ? tz H ?tz, #f1#, ##f y x 'n , uith te vl-. adj. Crumpled. Rough. Uneven. Lumpy.
Toktok-kikiri, F * h ’7:## 9, #Y:#, zika: v ?##. n. The deathwatch.
Toktokse, トクトクセ、打ツ。叩ク、憂 & F ov. v.i. To beat, as the pulse. To knock. To rap. To throb. To tick. As :~ Sambe toktokse, “the pulse beats.”
Tokui, K. ? ≪f, #. n. A friend. Syn : Akateomare guru. Aoshiknukara guru.
Tokum, とくむ, 木瘤(きこぶ)。 n. A knot in a tree. A knob. The handle of a cup or basin, or door.
Tokum-pone, とくむ・ぽね, 裸骨. n. The ankles くるぶし、足首.
Tokumush, とくむっしゅ, コブのある。 adj. Having knots.
Tokushish, とくしっしゅ, アメマス。 n. A kind of trout. Salvelinus kundsha, (Pallas). Syn : Tokushish.
Tom, とむ, 花。 n. A flower. Syn : Nonno.
Tom, とむ, 輝ける。 adj. Bright. Sparkling.
Tom, とむ, 色。 n. Colour.
Tom, とむ, 輝く。 v.i. To shine. As : ~ Chup kamui, ku shiki un tom, “the sun shines in my eyes.”
Tom, とむ, 身体の側面。 n. The side of the body. Shitom is the side of one's own body. Tom is sometimes heard instead of tum.
Tom, とむ, 外観、様子。 n. Appearance.
Toma, トマ, 蓆(むしろ)(死體ヲ包ム) n A mat used for rolling the dead in.
Toma, トマ, エゾノエンゴクサ。n. Corydalis ambigua, Cham. et Schlecht. The bulbs of this plant are extensively eaten by the Ainu, especially by those in the Ishikari valley, Saghalien, and Southern Kuriles. The bulb has a slightly bitter taste, which is removed by repeated boiling in water. In Etorup, the Ainu boil with a certain kind of earth to remove its bitterness. They are eaten either simply boiled or mixed with rice. In Saghalien, it is said that they are cooked generally with the fat of seals The bulbs are often boiled and then dried for future use.
Tomak トマク。沼地、泥澤(ヘネ)、粘土。 n. Slime. Mire. Silt. Syn : Tomau.
Tomakmak, H. "a 2 ° 5 , ?j# A , ;; 3" 粘土ノ多キ、泥澤(ヘネ)ダラケノ. adj. Very slimy. Miry. Full of silt.
Tomak-ush, R o 2 y 2, 3i y, firie / % +. adj. Miry. Slimy.
Tomam, H. z.A., Hof 7* yu~, jijE z. yL. v.t.
To nurse.
Tomam, For A, #3, ##. n. A swamp. Soft,
Toman, boggy land. A quagmire. H = :e, Syn : Yachi. Nitat.
Tomamashi, トママシ。 4 y sy y 5. n. Ledum
Tomamash, palustre L. トママシ。
Tomari, F or J, #. n. A harbour. Eay. Syn : Moi.
Tomaripo, H. r ) ok, jv? A ?. n. Little harbour.
Tomau, F ar y, HiE, VE#(--> *), 粘 +. n. Slime. Silt. Mire. Syn : Tomak.
Tombe, H. As“?, Sun or InCOrl.
Tombe-kunne-soi, F.A."So oak W-s, 2, a y + . n. A kind of rock-fish. Sebastodes inermis (Cuv. & Val).
Tombi, F.A.E, \. n. Treasures.
Tomi, H. s, ££;>-. adj. Abundant.
Tomka, H &27, #2, z. v.t. To make Fi, X.2s H. n. The to shine. To beautify.
Tomke, H. A. or, # or ov. adj. Shining
Tomkokanu, F.A. = ?,5x, ?, * 7#ff x 1. v.t To commit to others to do.
Tomo, F. E, e a zv. adj. Luminous.
Tomo-aekokanu, Ffoto x. v.t. To トモアエコカヌ。 leave to others.
Tomoakokanu, To abstain from トモアコカヌ。 interfering in a matter.
Tomoke, H--EEr, s#), isi#ff. adv. Near. As, itomoke ne hanne ek, “he did not come near me.”
Tomo-oitak, H. HEz+4 5 }, ## x: 2". v.t. To pacify.
Tom-orumbe, トムオルムべ。煙管入 n A pipe Otopkopbe, holder. オトプコプべ,
Tomo-oshma, K. HEzi Serr, #; v sv. v.t. To touch.
Tomo-oush, FREzroy $2, TF 71 (##3& R# 74# > *), v.t. To come down by means of steps or spikes stuck into a tree.
Tomotarushi, FRE 34 "L'9, fg(jK3* ji-Jft 7 : z o. 2). n. A rope for carrying large bundles.
Tomototush-chep, ともとつっしゅ・ちぇっぷ, カツヲ. n. Bonito. Gymnosarda vagans, (Less.).
Tomotuye, #, # gJ y 7. n. & トモツイェ。 adv. Width. Breadth.
Tomtuye, Across. As :~ Tomoトムツイェ。 tuye ande “to lay across.”
Tomotuye wa oman, “to cross
Tomo-un-itak, FHE 724 & 5, ###= in 2, 2t2. v.i. To join in the conver. sation of others.
Tomo-ure-eroshki, R,5E roy L~~r. Ea $2=*, 足ニテ押ス(猶力強クスル為). v.t. To push by placing the feet against an object so as to get more purchase.
Tompa, F. A/S, # 3. v.i. To shine.
Tompa, F. A/S, EH, Vl. v.t. To shut.
Tompi トム ビ。飾ラ レタル。美シイ・ adj. Pretty. Decorated. Coloured.
Tompo, F Jh,z#, #. n. A star.
Tomta, H...A4, a? *(RAE), ?34*. Of late times. Just now.
Tomte, H* A5*, £*- /v. adj. Beautiful. Pretty.
Tomte-i, F.A5*4, #, #. n. Beauty. Brightness.
Tomte-no, -J,5 /, # so, Ees 7. adv. Well. Carefully.
Tomte-no-kara, F.B.5 / 7,7, #27% z., =b, z. yv. v.t. To do weil. To beautify.
Tomte-wa-an, F. A.,57 977’ 2,2, *e?- yl≫. adj. Beautiful. Pretty.
Tomtere, トムテレ, 飾ル、美化スル。 v.t. To adorn. To beautify.
Tomtom, H. A. H. J., § 2. v.i. To
Tomtom, F. A. K. A., ## / #(7 =r). n. A barb.
Tomtom-ush, F.B. F.A.; 2, §(7 =r) * £f 2r 27 ≫v. adj. Barbed.
Tomtuye, 牛稼スル、止ムル ".t トムツイェ。 To cut off in the mid
Tomotuye, dle. To stop. As :~ トモツイェ。 Hau-tomtuye, “to stop talking or singing.
Tomtuye, K.A'y-f = , ERE) V 7. adj. Athwart. Across.
Tomun, H. A. Ze, =, h = - adv. To. Towards. As :~ En tomun ek yan, “come to me.” Syn : Orota.
| Tonaka, となか, 馴鹿。 n. A reindeer. (Saghalien). Rangifer tarandus, Linn.
| Tonakkai, となっかい,
Tonam, K * A, # & * § 9 * ≫v adj. Swampy. Very wet.
Tonam-i, F#-A, 4 , # / HR *. n. A swamp.
Tonchi, とんち, 穴、凹ミ。 n. A hollow くぼみ. A pit. A sunken place in the earth.
Tonchi, とんち, 甚ダ悪イ、無駄ナ。 adj. Very bad. Useless. Evil.
Tonchikama-ni, とんちかま・に, 戸ノ直グ外。 n. The region just out from the doorsill 戸の敷居から外側の領域. 【cf. Tunchikama-ni 敷居】
Tonchi-kamui, トンチ・カムイ, 昔穴居シタリシアイヌ。 n. A term applied to such of the Ainu as formerly dwelt in lodges built over pits 穴の上に小屋を作り居住していたかつて(昔の・旧)のアイヌ人に対して適用される用語. Syn : Koropok-un-guru. Tonchi-un-guru. Tocheguru.
To-ne, トネ。湖水ノ如ク。 like. Having lakes.
Tonkirorokoro, F. A.: pa pa za ra, r ?i 9°. n. Chenopodium album, L. adj. Lake
Tonkori, H >> 9, y + x 2 #. n. A harp. -
Tonin, H E A, stijl. n. An earth worm. Syn : Toimok. Tomke, F 2 or, ZF;#3- ov. adj. Calm.
Tonke-ushi, o Arry Sa. n. A calm. place among hills. A dell. Dale. A small narrow valley.
Tonkote, H >:17, #7. v.t. To tie to.
Tonna, H->>}-, j xl≫, Eg ? . v.i. To shine.
Tonnasota, トンナソタ。住家ノ後壁ニ # z +. ph. Along the back wall of a hut.
Tonnatara, トンナタラ。輝ケル、照リ E^ *. adj. A shining condition.
Tonnatara-ki, F 2+5.5:#, # 2. v.i. To shine. Syn : Tom.
Tono, F. A., H H = , E = . adv. Daylight. By day. Also “to shine.”
Tono, トノ。殿、役人 2. A chief. A government officer. An official. The government.
Tono-ambe, F / 7” A *, ###. n. Something luminous.
Tono-chup, F /55.7, 78%. n. The SLIIl.
Tonge, K 24*, #£* ≫v. adj. A term sometimes found suffixed to certain nouns to express tenderness and love. As :~ Aak-tonoge, “my dear younger brother.” A poho-tonoge, “my dear child.”
Tono-moshiri, H. VAE Ee J, #E. adv. During the daytime.
Tono-nimaki, H A = G +, EI?. n. The front teeth.
Tono-nishpa, F / = Zoz?, E FE. n. An official.
Tono-para-ru, H / vs: Jl., 5: / # (B&#). n. The Emperor's highway.
Tono-ru, H / ple, &#. n. A highway.
Tonoto, F / F, #. n. Rice beer. Wine. As :~ Tonoto noye, “sleeping through the effects of drinking too much wine.”
Tonoto rak, “ to smell of wine.”
Tonoto ewekatkara, “to tempt to drink wine.”
Tonoto mimtum oma or tonoto iporo oma, “to
shew the effects of drinking in one's face.” Tonoto iporo eipottumma shinna kane, “he shows the effects of drinking in his face.”
Tonoto-hauki, H. / H. rv --, gii: ?iHk 2 i#. n. A drunkard's song.
Tonoto-konka, - A F I A b, ili o K #. n. A wine wat. .
Tonoto-mau, K- J F -r 7, AP?. n. Alcohol.
Tonoyan-ush, K. A * 2 :) ?e, E&#. n. A landing place.
Tonra, H 25, zk;. A t?. n. A kind of water weed found in the bottom of rivers. Syn : Toponra.
Tonru, K. AJL≫, #BEE A AA. n. A clear jelly. -
Tonru-chep, とんる・ちぇっぷ, 5° a 7, #H, & 7 *... n. Jelly fish. Medusa. Syn : Etoropo.
Tontek, トンテク とんてっく, 平穏ナル。 adj. Calm. Peaceful.
Tonto, F - F, 3: E, n. Leather.
Tonto-kamu, H > H h A., K?E z vie. v.i. To be in a trance.
Tonto-ne, H- > K :k, $ 3° R vie. adj. Hairless. -
Tontoneppo, - A - k ≫zit, i A za v. n. White mustached boar. Sus lettcomys?ax, Temm.
Top, F7, + x + y 3ror. n. Bamboo. A general term for Sasa.1)
1) The grain of this bamboo is sometimes collected by the Ainu and eaten in the same way as rice or millet. It is called Kamwi-amam. The young shoots, which are much eaten by the Japanese, are not used by the Ainu.
Top, トプ, n. A flute 笛(ふえ). As ~ Top rekte, “to play a flute.”
| Topa, トバ。多クノ、群集. ads & n.
| Topaha, Many. A crowd. A mulКл?лw, titude.
Topa-saipake, K. v §+)-4 I SOr, #E Z ?. n. A leader deer.
Topan-topan, トパントパン。振リマワ x. v.t. To move or shake about.
Topat-tumi, H. ≫styy S, &##(NE, Ha #9- F / ). n. A night raid for the purpose of murder and rapine.
Tope, Ko?, #. n. Milk.
Tope, H. ~&, #szk. n. Lake water.
To-pekere, H. ~$ 5- L, #8 v Ha. adv. In the morning.
Topembe, K. “?Art, y es v r. n. Mulberries. Morus bombycis, Koidz.
Topempira, トべムピラ。スナムグリツ 2s x , n. A sand martin. Cotyle riparia, (Linn).
Tope-muk トペムク。イスルニンジン。 n. Codonopsis lanceolata, Benth et Hook. The Ainu name means “Milk oozer.”
Topen, トペン, § a a*. adj. Sweet 糖分、甘い. > 【Th 糖(とう)、topen 糖分、だって。】
Tope-ni, とぺ・に, イタヤ。 n. The maple tree カエデの木. The name means “milk tree" ミルクの木、の意味。Acer pictum, Th.2)
2) The wood of this tree is used in making various household utensils, such as knife and axe handles, shafts for spring bows, spools for winding thread, needles used in weaving, shuttles, trays and other things. Thirsty travellers sometimes beat the bark and then suck up the juice, when they can get no water in very early spring.
Topeseku トペセク。乳ノ張レル (子ヲ AE 4, §ij). v.i. The swelling up of the breasts with milk immediately before having young, as in animals. This word is also applied to women. Syn : Iseku.
Topioi, トピオイ。締麗ナ色デ飾ラレタ。 adj. Ornamented with bright colours.
To-pipa, H. Eos, ?i v ?it:. n. A kind of fresh water shell fish.
Topishki-mun, F. E + A. A., a v za 27 & . n. Asparagus schoberioides Ktenth.
Topishki-tashum, F. El Se + 3z Soa. A, #?, * = y. n. The ague. Syn : Iko-san.

| Topiro-an, 蒸暑キ天気 (暴風ノ前 トピロアン。 2). n. Close, clear
| Topiroroan, weather immediateH. E. D. p72, ly preceding a storm.
Topki, K-7 #, V ?, y + x. n. Cala magrostis arundinacea, Roth.
Topmuk, H 7.5, 7, 9 Ju = & 9 × . n. Codonopsis lanceolata, Benth. et Hook. The roots of this plant are eaten in the same way as those of the muk. They are larger and longer but are not warty.
Topo, F#, r 9. y. n. Tapesphilippinarum Ad. and Rv.
Topo, K. R, zki: (##). n. A pool. A puddle. A tarn. A small lake.
Topochi, F#5, zki;(##). n. Pools. Puddles of water. (pl.)
Topochi, F:Rose, 2K1 2 34. n. The name of the god of trees. It is said to mean also “bad magic.” It is also said to be an old word meaning “wise,” and also “quick.”
Toponra, Fift:25, 7klot. n. A kind of green algae or water weed found in the bottom of rivers.
Topopke-ni, K. R74r=', # ≫ G?4?, f? o? 7 + b x {}. n. A crossbow lock. The wooden trigger in any trap.
Toppa, F was, of 2 (##), o&##x. v.t. To peck at. To break by knocking. Syn : Tokha.
Topse, とっぷせ, 唾(つば). n. Spittle. Saliva.
Topse-kara, とっぷせ・から, 吐痰スル. v.i. To expectorate.
Topse-op, とっぷせ・おっぷ, 唾壺. n. A spittoon.
Topui, とぷい, リウキンクワ. n. Marsh mallow.《植物》ビロードアオイ、ウスベニタチアオイ Caltha palustris, L. var. sibirica, Regel.
Torai, トライ。河ノ大ナル部分 (沼ニ似 テ). n. A large place in a river resembling a lake.
Toranne, とらんね, 怠惰な. a. Idle.
Torara, とらら, 皮紐(かわひも). n. Leather thongs. Thongs made of the skins of sea lions, or others animals. A strap.
Toratek, とらてっく, 全く死んだ. Same as tusuntek, “quite dead.”
Tori, とり, 留まる. v.i. To stay in a place.
Torima, とりま, 廃物. n. Rubbish.
Toruru トルル。魚 (乾ス前積ミ上ゲタル). n. Fish caught and laid in heaps before drying.
Torurukararip, とるるからりっぷ, 初雪。 n. The first snow.
Torush, H. 11≫$e, #i* n-. adj. Sullied. Tarnished. Dim.
Toshi, とし, 甚だ悪い. adj. Very bad.
Toshipship, としっぷしっぷ, ヌマトグサ. n. Equisetum limosum, L.
Toshiri, F So !), ?Nojj# 2 T?n. n. The under part of the bank of a river.
Toshka, としゅか, 岸. n. A bank. As :~ Ota toshka, “ a bank of sand.” Pet toshka, “a river's bank.” Toshka paruru, “the side of a bank.”
Toshka, としゅか, 群集. n. A crowd. As :~ Ainu toshka, “a crowd of men.
Tososo, とそそ, 散布する, 驚かす. v.t. To scatter. To frighten.
Totche トッチェ、脹(はれ)(打タレシ為ノ) n. A swelling caused by a blow. A bruise あざ. Syn : Hup.
Totek, とてっく, 清純ナル、平穏ナル, 健全ナル。 adj. Serene 平穏無事な. Calm. In good health. Hale.
Toto, とと, 海馬。 n. A sea-lion.
To-to, と・と, 藪。 n. Bushes. Thick underwood.
Toto-ot, とと・おっと, 藪の, 叢(くさむら)ナル, adj. Bushy.
Totonupsara, ととぬっぷさら, 藪(やぶ)。 n. A thicket. Syn : Pon chikuni tai.
Totto, とっと, 母. n. Mother. Syn : Habo.
To-upun, トーウプン, 塵ノ雪。 n. A cloud of dust. Syn : Toiupun. ★バカ検証 【Toiupun は、この辞書に載っていない。Toi-upun 土砂ヲ吹上ル風、は載っていた。「塵ノ雪」という日本語は、正しくない。】

Toutek トウテク。平穏ナ、心地ヨイ・ adj. Serene. Comfortable.
Towambe, トワムべ。熊ノ住ム穴 n. A bear’s den.
Toyan, H. * 2^, }, E =. the ground.
Toyan-kuttari, F+ 22 y.o. 9, §§ sv 3 n-zk / ##st. n. The name of the genius of rotting wood. adv. Upon
| Toye 多クノ(時トシテ動詞ノ複数ヲ H. 4 ?, ZR x). adj. Many. Some
| Toe, times used as a plural in ?:E, verbs.
Toyekurok, F -s = 7 R 5, # * (# / #|| 27). adj. Black (as clouds). As :Toyekurok nishkuru, “black clouds.”
| Toyeran, といぇらん, 痩セタル。 adj. Thin. Lean.
| Toyesak, といぇさっく,
Tu, ツ, 條、縫物ノ巾廣キ條、弓ノ糸。 n. A line. A bow string. The broad lines in fancy needlework.
Tu, ツ, 繊維、糸。 n. Fibre. String.
Tu, ツ, ニ、此語ハ時ニ動詞ノ前ニ用ヒテ, 厳酷、至誠、屡々等ノ意ヲ示ス。例セバ、 ツオンガミキルウェネ、彼ハ誠實ニ、或ハ屡敬體セリ。 adj. Two. This word is sometimes used before verbs to express severity, sincerity and frequency. As :~ Tu ongami ki ruwe ne, “he saluted sincerely.” or “frequently.” As, Tu ohaine ram ne an koro, “was very much afraid.” Tu iwaya, “very jealous.” Tu moire, “very slow or late. Tu hauge itak, “speak very softly.”
Tū, ツー, 墓、埋ラレタ、葬ムラレタ。 n. & adj. Buried. Also a grave.
Tu, ツ, 全部。 adj. The whole. As, tu onnai, “the whole inside.”
Tu, ツ, 時トシテ名詞ニ附シテ複数ヲ示 ス。例セバ、クツツ、多クノ断崖(だんがい). n. Sometimes used as a plural suffix to nouns. As :~ Kuttu, “crags” or “rag ged rocks.”
Tua,ツゥア, 食料ヲ出シニ倉庫ニ行ク。 v.i. To go to a store-house to get food.
Tuambe, つあむべ, 熊ノ穴。 n. A bear’s den.
Tuchi, つち, 槌。 n. A hammer ハンマー・トンカチ・金槌. A mallet 木槌.
Tueraige-nanka, y + 5 -s or 3->3), jE7\ 9 * yt-ii. adj. Shame-faced.
Tu-hauge-itak, sy/wr?4*4 4x4o, #zjv * £% A*. adj. A very quiet whisper.
Tu-hotne, oyzky:R, go-H. adj. Forty.
Tui, ツイ。切ラレタル、裂ケタル adた Cut. Torn.
Tui, つい, 休ム(雨ノ如ク)。 v.i. To cease 終わる、やむ、止まる、停止する; as wind or rain. Thus Upas ash a, “does it snow ? 雪が降ってる?” Tane tui, “it has ceased もう止んだ.” ★バカ検証 【雨は、小康状態、とは、言うが、「休む(やすむ)」とはあまり言わない。日本語オカシイ。】
Tui, y4 , 4% / P3 #$. n. The inside of anything. As :~ Chashi tui, “the inside of a fort.”
Tui, yef, ##, ##, ##, ##. n. The stomach. The intestines. As :~ Tui araka, “ the stomach ache." Tui wen iun, “to have the stomach ache. Tui shiri kamu, To lie upon the stomach.
| Tui, ツイ。 +jon. v.t. To cut.
| Tuye, ツイェ。
Tuiba, ツイバ、切ル (ツィノ複数). v.t. To cut (pl. of tui).
Tuika ツイカ。制御スル、拘束スル、満 fik z >l-. v.t. To strain. To draw off. To drain. As :~ Ichari orun aohare wa pe tttika, “ he emptied it into a sieve and drained off the water.”
Tuika, 74 h, zgfj. n. Space.
Tuika, y-s h, Fgs#J. adv. Inside.
Tuikantara, y-f:b 25,5, 4!!!fa] + = £ ol. v.i. To be flat upon one's back.
Tuikashike,ツウイカシケ 負ル(酒等ニ # * = k z = z). Ph. Under the influence of. As, Sake tuikashike,
“under the influence of sake.”
Tu-ikashima-arawan-hotne, y4 : シマアラワンホツネ。百四十ニ daf. One hundred and forty two.
Tu-ikashima-ashikne-hotne, y of ?y シマアシクネホツネ。百ニ adj. One hundred and two.
Tu-ikashima-ine-hotne, y's 7,527 4 +zRoy?, j?-H-. adj. Eighty two.
Tu-ikashima-re-hotne, y 4 h e-r Le z Ky:k, ?R-+--. adj. Sixty two.
Tu-ikashima-tu-hotne, y's 77 o' ;Roy:#, VH-i-- adj. Forty two.
Tu-ikashima-wanbe, y's 7,327 V of ?&, -f--.. adj. Twelve.
Tu-ikashima-wan-e-arawan-hotne, ツイカシマワンエアラワンホツネ。百三 +- a. One hundred and thirty two.
Tu-ikashima-wan-e-ashikne-hotne, ツイカシマワンエアシクネホツネ、九十 ニ. adj. Ninety two.
Tu-ikashima-wan-e-ine-hotne, y's カシマワンエイネホツネ。七十二 adj. Seventy two.
Tu-ikashima-wan-e-iwan-hotne, y イカシマワンエイワンホツネ。百十ニ。 adj. One hundred and twelve.
Tu-ikashima-wan-e-re-hotne, カシマワンエレホシネ。五十二 Fifty two.
| Tuikata, ツイカタ, ツイ adj. 然ルニ、間(時間)、其他、比 | E, Pog ニ, E = . adv. Wh
| Tuisata, ilst. During. Besides. ツイサタ。 Above this. In. Upon. As :~ Mokot tuikata, “whilst sleeping.” Moshiri tuikata, “in the world.”
Tuikata, V-f 2 h, E 9 F. adj. Across.
Tui-kikiri, y's ## 9, §§. n. A stomach worm. Ascaris.
Tui-kisara, ツイキサラ。腎ノ側面 n. The side of the intestines.
Tuikoganu, ツイコサヌ。肩下ノ痛、又 2s; 2, ... n. & v.i. To be seized with pain between the lower part of the shoulders. A kind of muscular rheu matism. Lumbago.
Tuima, y Af er, # =. adv. Far. Distant. Afar. As :~ Tuima esoine, “to go to relieve one's self."
Tuima-a, ツイマア。便所ニ行ク(婦人ニ 2 s H =l) v.i. To go to stool (used only of women).
Tuima-an, トウイマアン。遠方ニ。離レ 37 yu.. adv. Far. Distant.
Tuima-esoyun-oman isam, 74 *:r. ゾュンオマンイサム。便秘. n Stoppage of the bowels.
Tuima-kane-iko-oman-guru, y r) 4t マカネイコオマングル。遠クニ居ル人。 ph. A person from a distant village.
Tuima-mimdara, y's 7 & A35, # #. n. A rubbish heap.
Tuiman, H. Er 4 's A', # v- 3, # f. adv. Distant. Far.
Tuima-no, Cr E7 fs V, # 27. adv. Distant.
Tuima-no-an, Y As sz / JP A', # 27. adv. Distant. Far.
Tuimashitta, y A & Eey X, # =, adv. A distance away.
Tui-onnai-kenuma, y's 2">7-4s or 3. +, Eg:E(ty 7 o'). n. The hair found on a child's body when first born.
Tuirak-humi, oy of 5773, H & = {}] y #j?v=#. n. The sound of being cut to pieces.
Tuiruhumi, ツイルフミ。片々ニ切ル。 v.i. A piece cut off anything.
Tuisama, y 4f +j* -r, sa = #§ 7. adv. By the side of.
Tuisamake, 74f +j*rr r, sa|=. a. By the side of. The place by one's side.
Tuitak, y 4f 5 y, st 4 , 4#E. n. A commandment. Law.
Tuitak-kainon-yaikoruki, y's ok? カイノンヤイコルキ。香ミ込ム(言葉ヲ). ph. To swallow one's words. To speak indistinctly.
Tuite, y 4 5F, FjE z vi-, +] L. v.t. To break asunder. To cut.

Tuitek, *y4 5* %, £g3r * yv. adj. Torn. Cut off.
Tui-tui, ?y 4 ≫ 4f, #£ Ziii & 7. adj. Scattered. Unconnected. Broken. Separate. Cut up. As :~ Tuitui nish kuru, “scattered clouds,” “broken clouds.”
Tuitui, y's y of, #2, I'll 27. v.t. To shake. To knock.
Tuituye, y 4 y4 =, # Pv. v.t. To winnow.
Tui-un, *4| ry 2, TR£ 2. adj. Abdominal.
Tuiwawa, y 4 7 7, #fff; x l-. v.i. To be jealous.
| Tuk, E75 ~ i}x} yl". v.i. To extend 'X'?, upwards. To arise. To come
| Tok, up. To project. To grow. Foy, To bud. To sprout out. As : -Tuk no an, “ extending upwards.” Tuk ewen, “to grow badly.”
Tuk no “to grow well.”
Tuk, y”, ## x n-. v.i. To heal up as a wound. To get well.
Tukan, y? -, ?ivi. v.t. To shoot at.
Tukanka, ツカンカ。射営テタ、ウタシ x 3, . v.t. To shoot and hit.
Tukap, y?, 7, #18. n. A ghost. An apparition.
Tukap, y?, 7, ###. n. A fish hook.
Tukap-kane, ox;b7?b:#, ?? &. n. Wire.
Tukara, y ?y 5, 7 **> sv. n, Harbour seal. Thoca vitulina, L. Syn : Tukari.
Tukari, ツカ リッ 此側ニ, 近ク。 adv. This side of. Near to. Part way. Syn : Samta.
Tukarike, ツカリケ、遠カラヌ、近ク。 adv. Not far from. Near to. Part way. As :~ Tukarike pakno oman, “to go near to.”
Tuk-ewen, ツクエウェン。悪シク獲育ス ov. v.i. To grow or sprout out badly.
Tu-kespa, ツケスパ、毎年、間違ナク。 adv. Every year without fail.
Tuki, y +, KF, #?. n. A cup. A wine Cup.
Tuki-kikiri, y=### 9, ##. (* > * *≫ ≪ ≫.) n. Ladybird.
Tuki-num, y + 5x A, ?E V TE?E. n. The lower part of a wine cup.
Tukkari, y ≫ h ), 7 9*> sv. n. Seal. Phoca foetida, Fab.
Tuk-no, yo /, #2, ## x n-. v.i. To grow well. -
Tuk-no-pinni-korachi-an-guru, y クノピンニコラチアングル。耳立人。n.A giant. Syn : Kewe poro.
Tukse, y, or to, #7. vi. To jump. To slip down.
Tu-kotam, ツコタン、墓地、埋メラレタ ovfja. n. Buried village. Grave yard. The name of a buried village near Usu in Volcano-bay. |
Tukunne ツクンネ。煙(シビレ)ノ類 n. A kind of cramp known as pins and needles, affecting the legs and feet only.
Tukunne, *y% ?*, £%^ = , adj. In half.
Tukusa, 2 × }, b + v v. (S). n. Equisetum hiemale L. var. japonicum.
| Tukushish, ツクシシ。 7 x + x. n. Charr. Sal velinus kuudscha (Pal las). (Walb).
| Tokushish, トクシシ。
Tum, "X’.A, jj. n. Strength. Syn : Tuma.
Tum, H. 17./,, 2£f#]. n. Space. Inside.
Tumak, y-z &, # v 3 no. adj. Broken.
Tumak, y 7 }, #fff #. n. A general name for pains in the loins, back and testicles.
Tumak ツマク、背ノ痛(病)、他償ナル。 n, & v.i. A kind of disease of which backache is a prominent feature. To be humpbacked.
Tumam, “y?.A?, #] 27. v.i. To sit (as a hen).

Tomam, F -r A, #E z vie, RF x v. v.i. To nurse.
| Tumam, #, #, A(a? / ). т. The ツマム。 waist. The body. The
| Tuman, trunk of a tree. The wall *> * >, of a house. The stem of a pipe.
| Tumam-koshaye, ツマムコシャイ= 律ヲ端折ル. v.i.
| Tumama-koshaye, To gird up the ツママコシャイェッ loins,
Tumamashi, y-r-r$/, '#RE ? ≫ s’. n. Ledum palustre. L. Body strengthener. Used like tea but to strengthen the body. A good tonic.
Tumamma-hotke, yor A*zkyor, #, A*$ ,, #§+£x yv. v.t. To hold in one's embrace. To lie down and hold in one's arms as a mother her child.
Tumam-noshke, yo A A or, #. n. The loins.
Tumasap, y y a ij 7, ? 27. adv. Weak. Without strength.
Tumashi, yo 2, 2 fl = . adv. Whilst, As :~ Apto tumashi ku ek, "I came whilst it was raining."
Tumashnu, *y * Se 3X, § A. adj. Strong. Able-bodied. Syn : Kiroroashnu.
Tumba, y Ars, #. n. A sword guard.
Tumbu, ツムブ。室、地球、胞(ェナ) n A room. An apartment. A division in a cave. Also the womb by some and placenta by others.
Tumbu-kara, oy.A7*j5, ufE x xl-(5* 5). v.t. To tidy a room.
Tumbu-kara-guru, y A77,57 y lo, ##, n. A house servant. -
Tumi, y S., #, TE E#. n. War. A quarrel. Syn : Ukoiki-ambe.
Tumi-eshipopkep, oys or 2:H74-7, j?. n. Arms. Weapons of war.
Tumikoro, yS. E. E., §§ z. ol. v.t. To engage in war.
Tumikoro-guru, y: - E : JL., F:-H. n. A soldier.
Tumi-ram, oys 7A, ##. n. A very Severe War.
Tumi-sange, yS***, # 7#2 x. v.t. To cause war. To wage war.
Tumi-shimaka, yS $277), ##x wo. v.i. To take exercise as with dumb bells or in drilling.
Tumi-shuikere, y 5 292.45r Le, fi7 $2L. v.i. To have finished a war.
Tumiwentoiru, y S : = > H. Af Jie, #### ヲ眞似シテ手足ヲ動カシテ行ク。事愛ニ 死セル者ノタメ御蔵ノ儀式ヲスル v.i. To go along exercising the arms and legs as if in war. To act the ceremonies pursued when a person dies through accident.
Tumma, y A. 7, †t HH = . adv. Amongst.
Tum-no, :/ A / , ER *, jiE a . adj. Strong. Wild. Tu-moire-tara, yie's L3:5, #3ri? χι =. adj. Very slowly.
Tumo-rumbe, Yy57.Azf/w4.?^¢, JJ. n. A sword. Weapons of war.
Tumo-ushi-chep, つも・うし・ちぇっぷ, ?i v z?. n. Bonito. Gymnosarda affinis, Cantor.
Tum-o, yA,z+, sta *. adj. Strong.
Tumotneka, ツモツネカ、健カメヌ、疑 7. v.i. To be uncertain.
Tumpana, ツウムパナ、綿布製ノ著物ヲ # 7. n. A cotton robe.
Tumpeka, y.o.o.77, ...... A PG = . adv. Among.
Tum sak, ?y.A%*%, j5*. adj. Weak.
Tum-sakka, >>/4≪*≫?j, ?? ・ yv. v.t. To weaken.
Tumshi, V.A. ?e, H}. n. A tassel.
Tumshikot, y.A.?2-1 \, aai 9 (木ニ テ作 y #2. 2 #4 = }# = ). n. Small wooden ornaments attached to various instruImentS.
Tumshikot-kashup, 'z/,52-i ≫;h32a. 7, zk?E. n. A spoon ornamented
with pieces of wood.
Tumta, y A, or, H =, fj. adv, In. Among. As :~ Toi tumta, “ in the ground.” Mun tumta. “among the grass.”
Tumu, ツム。カ、感情、凝気. ?、 Strength. Power. One's feelings. As :~ Tumu nu, “to feel better in health.” Tumu sak, “weak.” Tumu wen wa hotke, “he lies down because he is ill.” Turnu an, “to be strong or well.”
Tumu, “y.A., 2gfu / , Hjj. adj. Between whiles. Among.
Tumu, yA, %?#3, ####. n. A top. A reel. Space.
Tumu-an ツムアン。強ガル、善ガル・ v.i. To be strong or well.
Tumu-an, 9 A, 7 >, & ≫ 2. adj. Many. At times. Frequently.
Tumu-an-no, 9.A, P > / , & > 2. adj. Many. As :~ Tumu an no okai, “there are many.” Tumu an no isam, “a few.”
Tumu-aishirika, 7 AJ74 $, U ?I, E: A. adj. Ugly. Not good. Syn : Mashkin mo shomo.
Tumuge, y , yo, , FF. n. Among.
Tumugeta, y A. 4° S., fij = . adv. Arnong.
Tumuge-un, VA. Zysi, 2e, Hij = adv. Among.
Tumu-maukush, y & 7 o' 5 ×il, #: 5 =# 2. L. ol. v.t. To possess, (as an evil spirit). To be quarrelsome.
Tumun, ツムン。腐レシ草、慶屋、糞 n. Rotten vegetation. A house which has tumbled down and become rotten. Manure. Dung.
Tumunchi, y A. > 5F, EME, EJE. n. The devil. Evil spirits. Syn : Iwende kamui. Wen kamui. Kamuiyashi. Nitne kamui. Also sometimes called Tumunchi kamui.
Tumuorepipi, Yy.Azf L?b’b:, #? 7 x wo. v.i. To wear many garments one over the other.
Tumutot-unsame, yA H ≫ +7 z+x, + 3- #'+)* x . n. Thresher shark. Alopecias vulpes (Gmelin).
Tumuturu, 9 A y Jie, Eri / . adj. Middle. Centre. Syn : Shiruturu.
Tun, ‘y:/", -.A. n. Two persons As: -Tun chi ne, “ we two.” Tun ren, “two or three persons.” Syn : Tu niu.
Tun, ‘y 2, EE. n. Foetus.
Tuna, ツナ。輝漫ニ掛ケシ器具・n The apparatus which hangs over a fireplace.
Tuna, %*, § A. adj. Fast.
Tunaicha, ツナイチヤ、ニツナランダ谷。 n. A double valley.
Tunakai, つなかい, 馴鹿。 n. A reindeer.
Tunakai-kina, つなかい・きな, トゲシダ。 (S), Licopodium sps. The Ainu name. ' means “reindeer herb.”
Tunan, yo:3-2, § 7, v.t. To meet.
Tunangara, y?->7s5, # 7 v.t. To meet.
Tunan-o-guru, ?y*>*% ■v, iji ^ (日本語ノニ枚舌ヲ使フ人) n A double faced person. Sym : Enan o-guru.
Tunash, ツナシ。速ナル。突然ノ. ads Quick. Tunashi, Abrupt. ツナシ。
Tunashi-no, y + E /, # = . adv. Quickly.
Tunashi-no-tunashi-no, y +: A y 7"> /, #3ri?=. adv. Very quickly.
Tunashka, oy*-$>*y, E**)? +z yu~. v.t. To hasten. To accelerate. Syn : Chashte. Tunashte. Muchinashnure.
Tunashka-i, “y*$≫#14 , a: *. n. Acceleration.
Tunashte, oy,- $,≫,7°, 4E; 2)? +z yu≫. v.t. To accelerate. To hasten. Syn : Tuna
Tunatunak, ツナツナク。捨レル(床ノ上 = @#21-### / ). v.i. To tremble as a house when one jumps on the floor.
Tunchi, つんち, 通事(つうじ)、通訳(つうやく)。 n. An interpreter.
Tunchikama-ni, つんちかま・に, 敷居(しきい). n. A door sill ドアの(窓・戸などの)敷居. (Lit. “ room-step-over wood”).
Tunchikara, %/>5F*j5, iai% x. yu.... v.t. To interpret. Syn : Eepakita.
Tunchikara-guru, y est?75 YIL, E #. n. An interpreter.
Tune-nishkuru, yak= E*% )le, #, # #. n. Clouds. Stratus.
Tunere, F or L., #|Ex. v.t. To stretch Out. Tu-nishpa, *y = $/= $, #-e #Z# 3-2L \. n. A very rich man.
Tun-ikashima-wa-niu, y 24 h $≫"r 7: 7, -H--JS. n. Twelve persons.
Tunkiri, y A * J, BE. n. A kind of harp. Syn : Tonkori.
Tun-kiroro-koro, "Z>≫*. II Pa =I R, 7* ?) #°. n. Chenopodivm, album, L. White goose foot.
Tun-nai, y2+4, ##k. n. A channel. A fairway.
Tunnai, y 2:3-4f, KEA. n. The distance of a bow shot.
| Tunnakkai-kina, ツんナっカイ・キナ, トゲシバノ類。 Lycopodum sps. The Ainu name means “reindeer herb."
| Tunakoko kina, ツナココ・キナ, ★バカ検証 【 トゲシダ、では?。Tunakai-kina には、そうなっている。トウゲシバかも。】
Tunne, y>:k, Ef?. n. Idleness.
Tun-ni, y2 = , z) = 2*. n. A kind of oak. Lit. “pillar tree.” Quercus dentata. Th.
Tun-ni-karush, y AE: ILS2, 2 e : ?r. n. A kind of mushroom found growing chiefly upon oaks. Cortinellus Berkeleyanus. Ito et Imai. Also called Kom-ni-karush and Pero-nikarush.
Tun-kiroro-koro, * 2 + pa pa a pa, r ?i 39°. Chenopodium album, L. White goose-foot. The Ainu name means “foetus strength container.”
Tuntum, つんつむ, 太鼓(たいこ) n. A drum 太鼓・トントン.
Tuntun, つんつん, 魚卵。 n Roe. Fish eggs. ★バカ検証 【n スペルミス, Tuntun は後にも離れて有る。】
Tunun-hawe, ツヌン・ハウェ, チンチン鳴ラス。 v.i. To chink or jingle. Syn : Ukere-humi. ★バカ検証 【Tunru-o の前】
Tunru-o, つんる・お, 班ナル。 adj. Speckled 沢山の小斑点が付いた. Syn : Keso. ★バカ検証 【Tuntun の後】
Tuntek, つんてっく, 反響。 n. An echo. Syn : Eiunimba. ★バカ検証 【Tuntun の後】
Tuntu, つんつ, 大黒柱。 n. A piece of wood used in building huts and which forms the main support of the roof. Pillars. A post. Column. It is to a hut what a corner stone is to a house, or a key stone to a vault or arch, or pillar to a balcony. Hence this word is sometimes applied to God when He is spoken of as the support, pillar, sustainer or upholder of the universe. Syn : Pu-tuntu. store-house posts. ★バカ検証 【Tuntun の後】
Tuntun, つんつん, 鮫ノ胎子。 n. Embryo of sharks キャビア (?). Syn : Sametuntun. ★バカ検証 【Tuntun の後, Tunun-hawe の後】
Tunturu, つんつる, 戸。 n. A door.
Tununi, *y 5:=, ?# #. v.i. To groan. Syn : Tashmak. Kechi.
Tununitara, 75K ? XS, so N-(#M 7 共ニシテ捨リ廻ス時ノ). v.i. To rattle as metal when shaken together.
Tu-nu-no, y #7 5& V, i# fe = . adv. With Satisfaction.
Tu-nu-no-keutum, y3 /4r17 ≫ A, ## = s- 7". ph. Having great satisfaction.
Tu-nupuru, o y 5.7 L , o eti3- yl. adj. Most precious.
Tu-ohaine, ツオハイネ。甚ダ恐レテキ ≫v. adj. With great fear.
Tu-onnaige, yz A:}"A A", ?E ?l#. n. The entire inside.

Tup, y v 7, Rj: n. A cave. Syn : Poru.
Tup ツプ。流ル(星ノ)、移韓スル・ v.i. To shoot, as a star. To migrate.
Tup, y 7, = ##. Two things.
Tupa, ツパ。永績スル(悪クナル事ナク) adj. & v.i. To keep for a long time without becoming bad. As :~ Tupa chep, “fish which will keep a long time.”
Tupa, ツウパ。九ト中ニテ座ヲカへルコト。 v.t. To change places (as in a boat).
Tupa, y v?, HJyl-(=k+ F 7). v.t. To cut (as wood).
Tupe, yok, #7. v.t. To bind. To tie up. Syn : Shina. Tupetupe.
Tupep, yaky, #. n. Bonds. Bands.
Tupep, yok?', so (7 *). n. A slip knot. A bond. Anything one is bound up with. As :~ Tupep kara, “to make a slip knot.”
Tupesambe, y ^ %* /, ^, /\. adj. Eight.
Tupetupe, yoyo, #7, v.t. To bind. To tie up. Syn : Shimashina. Shina. Tupe.
Tupetupep, y e??“$7', ##. n. Bonds. Bands.
Tupi, oy E, ##: x >v. v.t. To migrate.
Tup-ikashima-hotne, 774 ?, Serrzik *y:k, ? -+-. adj. Twenty.
Tup-ikashima-wanbe, y 74 zh >7r 72°, +---. n. Twelve.
Tupiri, y E. ), ##?. n. A scar. Syn : Piri.
Tupishkan, F of E:27, 2, adv. Round about.
Tup-ne-rep-ne, y 7: k L7+, -[E]3. 2x =[E]. adv. Twice or thrice. A phrase often used in songs and legends to express killing or hurting very much. Also, doing with ease.
Tu-pokna-kotan, yz?? J-5 & Co, R? Jaf. n. The under world.
Tup-rep, y? L7, -3.2s ニ n. Two 迂廻スル。 or three,
Tupshi, :77$e, gi:#x pl. v.t. To expectorate.
| Tupso, yo 7 y, or 2 y Juj. n. A cliff
| Tusso, with a cave in it. ツスゾ,
Tupte, ツプテ。追放スル、輸出スル、送 y H x. v.t. To banish. To transport. To send away.
Tupu, y 7, ニ: ≫. adj. Two. Same as tup.
Tupunetoine, y?:R F of +, H. ニ# s # 7. To trample on one another. Syn : Ukata tereke.
Tupunetoine-re-punetoine, y 7+ K. イネレプネトイネ。量々互ニ踏ミ合フ。 Frequentive of the previous word.
Tura, y=7, # / 37]. n. A row of things,
Tura, y 5, \ y, fE 7. v.i. To lead, To take as company.
Tura, yo, # =. prep. With. Also a verb meaning to take with one. In company with.
Tura-an, *y 57>, # z. v.i. To be with. To accompany.
Tura-guru, y 5 ?YJU, $?g:#. n. A guide.
Turai, *y54, ? EJ. adj. Twice. As :~ Kurukashike okomomse, turai ongami, re-rai ongami ukakushte, “ upon this he bowed down and worshipped twice or three times.”
Turaimekka, ツライ 3: ッカ, 鄭重ニ 不, EE 7 z. yu... v.t. “To salute well.”
Turainu, y 54f5x, ?e z. v.t. To lose.
Turamkoro, y 5.A. En E, ## =. adv. Cowardly. Syn : Utchike.
Turamkoro-guru, y 5 A-I DI ?VIL, E ###. n. A coward.
Tura-neitek, ソノ間. y=7:k-f 59 y, adv. Meanwhile.
Tura-no, y 5 /, +t = . adv, Together with.
Tura-no-an, yo / 72, Hof z. zlo. v.i.
To be with. To be in company with.
Tura-no-ki-guru, yo / #5 Ile, #s?. n. An accomplice.
Tura-no-oman, y 5 /:i * :e, f? eff 27. v.i. To accompany.
Turashi, y 5 $, fij. adv. While. During. As :~ Shukup turashi, “while growing up,” Syn : Tuikata. Turashi, “y5 Sz, X# vl?. v.t. To ascend. To go up hill. To climb. As :~ Pet turashi oman, “to ascend a river.” Ni turashi nimu, “ to climb a tree.”
Turen, ツレン。耐来スル、特籠ヲ蒙ル (if a y ). v.i. To be inspired, as by God. To receive special blessings from God. To have God's special protection. To be possessed with a devil. As :~ Kamui turen, " to be inspired by God,” “to be blessed by God.” Nitne kamui turen, “to be possessed by a devil.” Ashkanne Kamui turen, “to be inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Turep,ツレプ, + x 7 >* =-y . n. A kind of lily. Lilium Glehni, Fr. Schm.*
*The Ainu extensively use the bulbs of this plant for food. They prepare them as follows. After having well washed the bulbs they pound them, in their raw state, in a mortar. The flour or finer portion, which is called £rup, is then separated from the coarser, and put in the sun to dry. When eaten this is generally made into a gruel and cooked with millet or rice. The coarser part, which is called shit and shirari, is boiled at once and then again pounded and put into a tub to decompose. When throughly rotten it is again boiled and pounded. After this it is made into large cakes called ontwrep or turep-akam, with a hole in the centre, and hung up to dry. When needed for food the Ainu throw them into the millet pot and boil them. The flour is, it may be remarked, sometimes applied to burns.
Turep-akam, YL-7? H.A., + + H ≫s = y 2 ##". n Lily cakes,
| Turep-chiri, ツレプチリ。 * * *, *, n. A wood
| Turepta-chiri, cock. ツレプタチリ。
Turep-irup, ツレプイルプ。オホウベュ y 2 #. n. Lily flour.
Turep-ni, y L.7 =, * ~ * 7. n. A mulberry tree. Morus bombycis, Koidz. Also called topembe.
Turep-onga, y L7:r 27s, 3 + 2* = y 2 #-F. n. Lily root cakes.
Turepshit, ツレブシト。オホベュリノ粉 5 Hz y ? xv}}. n. The dregs left after extracting the flour from lily bulbs.
Turesh, y L. Se, hk. n. A younger sister. Syn : Mataki. Machiribe.
Tureshnu, y L,523, ji?, n. Sisters.
Tureshpo, y Le Sozit, ##. n. A younger sister. Dear sister.
| Turi, y J, # 7 # x £, n. A pole used
| Turu, to push boats along. ツル。
Turi, y J, HE os x. v.t. To stretch or reach out. Syn : Turu.
Turire, y ) L, HE os y vo vie, v.i. To cause to stretch out,
Turimimse, y ) S Atz, : * b & Vv. v.i. To rumble. To rattle. To make a noise.
Turiri, ツリリ。延ビタル、延ブ. ひな and adj. Stretched out. To be stretched out.
Turiri, y J. J., B. z. v.t. To give. To hand over. To push out.
Turu, y/L, #, :. n. Filth. Dirt.
Turukun, 9/l... >, ?A. n. A friend.
Turu-kuni-guru, y9 Jl 27 =2/ IV, fi Yr. n. A mediator.
Turumbe, syrv.Aas, ###ii. n. bucket. Syn : Niwatush.
Turupa, yours, #|E.2s x. v.t. To stretch out. To cast, as a net in the sea.
Turusak, つるさっく, 清潔ナル。 adj. Clean. Pure.
Turusakte, つるさっくて, 潔メル。 v.t. Cleanse.
Turuse, y Metz, ? x. As :~ Tekehe wa turuse, A well v.t. To drop. “to drop
from the hand.”
Turuse, つるせ, 伝染スル。 adj. Contagious.
Turuse, つるせ, 滴下スル。 v.i. To drop down.
Turuse, つるせ, 感染スル。 v.t. To infect as by a disease, or vaccination.
Turush, つるっしゅ, 痘瘡(とうそう)。 n. The small pox. Syn : Kamui turush. Shikatori shiyeye. Kamui paha.
Turushittok, つるしっとっく, 曲リ角。 n. The turnings in a path.
Turu-tashum, つる・たしゅむ, 傳染病。 n. A contagious disease.
Turu-ush, ツル・ウっシゅ, 濁レル、汚レタル。 adj. Filthy. Dirty.
Tusa, つさ, 袖。 n. A sleeve.
Tusa, つさ, 快気スル。 v.i. To recover from sickness. To heal up.
Tusa, ツサ, 無難ニ逃レル、無事。 Cured. Well.
Tusa-mompok, つさ・もんぽっく, 袖下。 n. The under part of a sleeve.
Tusa-para, つさ・ぱら, 袖口。 n. The lower end of a sleeve.
Tusa-imaka, つさ・いまか, 袖裏。 n. The back of a sleeve.
Tusa-pui, つさ・ぷい, 袖ノ穴。 n. A sleeve hole. An arm hole.
Tusare, つされ, 赦す(ゆるす)。 v.t. To forgive. To absolve. To acquit. To animate. To cure. To heal.
Tusare-ambe, つされ・あむべ, 赦免。 n. Absolution.
Tusare-i, つされ・い, 赦免。 n. Acquital.
Tush, つっしゅ, 速ニ(すみやかに)。 adj. Fast. Quick. Swift. Rapid. Syn : Tushtek.
Tush, ツっシゅ, 本妻ト共ニ居ル他ノ妻(即チ 亭主ノ妾)。 n. A woman's fellow wife.
Tush, つっしゅ, 縄。 n. A rope. A string. As :~ Tushkote, “to tie up.” Tush saye, “a coil of rope.” Tush saye kara, “to coil a rope.”
Tush, つっしゅ, 毛皮。 n. Skins of animals. adj. Syn : Rush.
Tuah-ani, つっしゅ・あに, 捕フ(馬ノ如ク)。 v.t. To hold, as a horse.
Tusheka-guru, つしぇか・ぐる, 縄製造人。 A rope maker. Syn : Tush kara guru.
Tush-honnere, つっしゅ・ほんねれ, 赦ス。 v.t. To pardon. To forgive. To absolve.
Tu-shi, ツ・シぃ, 絲ヲ張ル又ハ伸バス。 v.t. To stretch a string. As, Ku tu-shi, to “string a bow.” The word shi is a contraction from ushi. “to stretch out.”
Tushi, つし, 紐、綱。 n. A string. A rope.
Tu-shike, つ・しけ, 四十。 adj. Forty.
Tushik-e, ツシっク・エ, 両眼ノ上ニ斑ヲ持ツ(或ル犬ノ如ク)。 adj. To have a spot over each eye as some dogs.
| Tushiri, ツシリ, 埋葬地。 n. A grave. Syn : Iyuruikot.
| Tushiri-kot, ツシリ・コっと,
Tushiri mimdara, つしり・みむだら, 墓場。 n. A grave yard.
Tushiri-oro-omare, yo, つしり・おろ・おまれ, 葬ル。 v.t. To bury.
Tushiri-otta-omare, つしり・おった・おまれ, 葬ル。 To bury.
Tushiyok-humi, ツシヨっク・フミ, 死セル軍人ノ叫ビ。 n. The cry of departed warriors. ★バカ検証 【何故この単語が登録されているのか疑問。特殊な用法なのか】
Tush-koro-ni, つっしゅ・ころ・に, 柳の一種。 n. A kind of willow.
Tushkote, つっしゅこて, 結ビ付クル。 v.t. To tie up.
Tush-ni, ツっシゅ・ニ, バツコヤナギ。 n. Called also Susu and Susu-at. A kind of willow. Salix Hulteni, Flod.
Tush-ni, つっしゅ・に, 釣竿。 n. A fishing rod. Syn : Ap-nit.
Tush-ni-koro, つっしゅ・に・ころ, 木ニ結ビ付ク。 v.t. To tie up to a tree with rope.
Tush-ni susu, つっしゅ・に すす, 柳ノ一種。
A kind of willow. n. Salix Hulteni, Flod.
Tush-op-ni, ツっシュ・オっプ・ニ。熊ヲ結付ケ 21-#(x>>#). n. The post to which bear cubs are tied at the killing ceremony.
Tushre, つっしゅれ, 濁レル(汁又ハ乳ノ脂ノ如ク)。 adj. Thick (as soup or cream). ★バカ検証 【日本語間違っている。「濃い」である。「濁った」なんて言わない。】
Tush-saurere, y Sajo y L. lo, z. v.t. To absolve. To pardon.
Tushtek, y E 5. Zy, # EK te n-. Silent.
Tushtek, ツシテク。酒酔フ。速キ、狂気ノ。 烈シキ, 悪戯ノ, 悪キ. adj. Quick. Rapid. Mad. Fast. Abusive. Severe. Mischievous. To reel about as a drunken man. Syn : Katun-kutun.
Tushtek-korachi, yo:72 a 55°, # se y, ?E# / #l 27, E = . adv. Abusively. Madly. Quickly.
Tushtek-no, y$25*49 /, E#a ≫ fi!! *, 3+ *, #v 27. adv. Madly. Quickly. Hurriedly. Abusively. adj.
Tu-shuine, * $? a. 4f :&, ...[E]. adj. Twice.
Tussei, ) ≫ +z Af, HR 7”. v.i. To leap.
Tusseka, ツッセカ。匂フ、香リガスル。 w_i. To smell as of sake or something when being cooked.
| Tusso, ≫y ?y, ot z 7* yv}}. n. A.cliff with
| Tupso, cave in it. ップソ。
Tusu, yz, Asiii, iiiij. v.i. To prophesy. Magic. Shamanism.
Tusu-guru, y X^ JV, B?###. n. A medicine man. A wizard. A witch doctor. A shaman.
Tusunabanu, ツスナバヌ。アイヌ人ノ # 2 #1. n. The refrain of an Ainu legend.
Tusu-kashkamui, *yryz.:h$≫*,.A4, > x = H z zu ##. n. The sacred things used by the shamans; e.g. inau, skulls, crowns, sticks etc.
Tusu-ki, oyx *, A[K%ij 7 3- x. v.t. To practice shamanism.
| Tusuninge, y x. n. A squirrel. ツスニンゲ, Sciurus vulgaris ori
| Tusununge, entis, Thus. Syn : ツスヌンゲ。 Retara tumuingi.
Tusuntek-kewe, oyz >57-y474%r:r., E. n A dead body.
Tugurepni, ツスレプニ。法術ヲスル時 =}# = x^k. A piece of wood the Ainu wizards use when exercising their craft.
Tusushke, y X > 4r, #? 7. v.i. shake.
Tusushke-tashum, y2 or 5: Sea A, ?o HH MHE, #. n. Palsy, Ague.
Tut, つっと, ニ(2)。 n. Two. As :~ Tut ko, “two days.” Tut ko rereko, “two or three days.” Tut ko rereko shiranak, “two or three days hence.”
Tutan, つたん, 次ニ。 adj. Next, As :~ Uto tutan, “next door.”
Tutanu, つたぬ, 第二、次ノ。 adj. The second. The next. The next following. Beyond. Back. Behind.
Tutkopak, つっとこぱっく, 訣別スル。 v.t. To take leave of.
| Tuttarep, ツッタレプ。ホツキガイ、ウベカイ・ n.
| Tutturap, Clam. Mactra sachay≫ y 57, rinensis. Schrenk.
Tutturi, ツッツリ。 解ク。 級ノ ベス- 2.f. To straighten out. To unravel.
Tutturep-sei, y≫ y L7tz 4f, is ≫ a ?i' A , ;; > b f. n. Mactra ascharinensis, Schrenk.
Tutturuse, ツッツルセ。路跳ク(酔漢ノ), R v no. v.i. To stagger and reel about as when under the influence of strong drink. To fall down.
Tutu, つつ, 触レル。 v.t. To touch 触る.
Tutukko, つつっこ, 小包。 A parcel. As :~ Pon tutukko, “a little parcel.”
Tutukkokara, ツツッコカラ, 包装スル。 縛ル。 v.t. To pack up baggage. To
tie up as baggage. To make into a parcel.
Tutut, y::y::y, ≫ ≫ F y . n. Himalayan cuckoo. Cuculus intermedius.
Tu-umak, ツウマク。春ノ頸ノ痛. n. Pain in the back and neck. Syn : Tumak.
Tu-umbe, *yry.A?&, # $# z ?. n. A fancy Ru-umbe, needlework dress. ルウムべ。
Tuwa, y 7, 7 > E. n. The com mon Bracken. Pteridium aquilinum, Kuhn.*
*The young fronds of this fern are taken and well boiled in fresh water and then dried for future use. When required for food they are mixed with other food and reboiled. The Saru Ainu know how to extract the starch or irup from the rhizomes of the brake: they nrobably learned this from the Japanese.
Tu-ushi, oy of 7 ×, # 2 #. v.t. string a bow.
Tuwara, つわら, 涼シキ、冷キ。 adj. Cool. Syn : Nam.
Tuwaraka, つわらか, 冷ス。 v.t. To v.t. cool.
Tuwaraka-kara, つわらか・から, 冷ス。 v.t. To cool. To put to cool.
Tuwarake, つわらけ, 冷ス。 v.t. To cool.
Tuwayuk, y 7=1}, ? w wie ?r. n. A kind of dolphin. Lagenarhynchus acutus, Gray.
Tuyashkara, K- + e h 5, ?jn. n. Sympathy.
Tuyashkarap, つやしゅからっぷ, 宥ムル(なだめる)(子供ヲ)、憎ム(にくむ)。 v.t. To caress. To fondle. To be merciful to. To take pity on. Syn : Erampokiwen. Epuriwen.
Tuye, y f = , +) ≫i-, v.t. To cut. Syn : Tui. Tuye, y's 2, # n. One's mother. As :~ Tuyu oro, “of one family.”
Tuyehewa-chikannari, y's =~7% カンナリ。倒ニナル(魚ノ泳グ時量見ル * / ). v.t. To turn upside down as fish sometimes do in swimming.
Tuyepa, y = 4 ≫?, EJ vv. v t. To cut.
Tuyepap, y4f ...*7, ?]? u, so #o. n. Things cut.
Tuyepushpushke-an, y's = 7×7× 4-72, TF#|#. n. Diarrhoea. Syn : Soyokari tashum.
Tuyetek ツイェテク。引キ抜ク、サ物リ。 adj. and v.t. To pluck off. Cut.
Tuyetuye, *y-f = y-f =, #z, # n>. v.t. To shake. To winnow. To shake the dust off anything.
Tuyo, ya, 3 &. n. A family. Syn : Tuye oro.
Tuyokotbe, y = -1 y es, # / ##. n. The entrails of fish.


U, ウ, 此語ヘ屋々動詞ノ前ニ用キテ、交 際、親熱、複数ヲ示ス、斯ル時ニヘ、ウタ サ、横切リテ、ウタシペ、彼ヨリ夫とニ、又 ヘ互ニ、ト同様ノ意味ヲ有ス。例セバ、オ シネレ、知ル。ウオンネレ。知リ合フ。オ シパイェ、互ニ従フ・ サレ ド此語ヘ常ニ 正シク其ガ属スル動詞又ヘ副詞ノ直前 ニ来ル事ナク、中間ニ他語ヲ挿入ス。例セバ。ウコタンオロコペヘワヌショモキ, 我等ノ村々ノ間ニヘ交際ナカリキ.part. This particle is often placed before verbs to indicate association, mutuality or plurality, and has at such times the same meaning as utasa,
“across; ” utashpa, “from one to the other;” or “one another.” As :~ Onnere “to know; ” uonnere, “to know one another.” Oshi paye, “to follow ; ” uoshi paye, “to follow one another.” However this particle does not always immediately precede the verb or adverb to which it rightly belongs, other words may intervene. As :~ U kotan oro kopahatunu shomoki, “there has been no intercourse bet ween our villages”
U, ウ。 場處, ウヘ時 トシテ名詞ノ接頭語 トシテ場所ヲ示スニ用キラル、斯ル場合 ヘ、ウシケ、場所ト同様ノ意ヲ有ス。例セバ、シキウ、華ノ生ゼシ處。其ヘ特ニ #95. 2 # = }# * * Jiz. adv. U is sometimes used as a suffix to nouns to indicate “place,” and as such has the same meaning as ushike, “place.” As :~ Shiki-u, "the place of reeds." It is chiefly so used in the names of localities,
U ウ。無。... = j£ z. adj. Syn : Utek. Uwa.
U, ウ, 時トシテ、ウン。ノ代リトシテ用フ。 part. Sometimes used for un, “ to.”
U, 7, #-, 3.2 k. v.i. To burn. Also n. Fire.
U, 7, £. adj. Covered.
Ua, 177, 3) 4- v * 9 x )v. v.t. To wade. Same as Wa.
Ua, 77, # = n. v.i. To burn.
Ua, * 7, %= 7. + ≫v. adj. Burning.
Ua, 77, H?a?4? E y El. A sign of the singular imperative.
Uainu, of 74 ×, oft. n. Honour. Respect. Reverence. Syn : Oripak.
Uainu-an, 77°4 5x77:e, 1##+ > vv. 例セバ、ネィグルアナクネソノウアィ ヌアングルネ、其人ヘ大ニ算敬セラレタ 9. v.i. To be honoured. To be respected. As :~ Nei guru anak me son no uainu an guru me, “that person is very much respected.” Syn : Eori No. Not. pak an. Ko-oripak an.
Uainu-an-no, 77°4′ 37°2 /, #2, # 2. adv. Reverentially, Respectfully.
Uainu-koro, 774 54-i tu, ?% 7. ?j-e ベ、ネプグスェアニシヌマウアイヌコ ロショモキヤ、何故ニ没てヘ其人ヲ敬セヌ +. v.t. To honour. To treat with respect. As :~ Nep gusu eani shinuma tuainu koro shomoki ya ? “ why do you not treat him with respect?” Syn : Eoripak. Ko-oipak. Kouainu koro.
Uakkari, :) Jo ≫ h ), ff * # 7. v.i. To pass one another.
Uamkiri, ウアムキリ。見知ル。知己トナ yl. v.t. To know one another. To be acquainted with each other. Syn : Uonnere.
Uamunkopa, 775: 2:a v?, H4H1> x. v.t. To deny knowing one another.
Uao, :) Jozi", Hz} / ####. n Japanese green pigeon.
Uara, r) 7* 5, z- 2.adj, Entirely. Syn : Oara.
Uarakaraki, 775 ?95 #, ## ole, A, Ji-. v.t. To speak evil of another.
Uarakarase-itak, 77°5 #15 z 4s 3:2, #??£ ≫ ??j. n. Impolite language.
Uarashota, ウアラショタ。煙ノ南側.例セバ、ウアレショツタロタ、輝ノ雨漫ニ & sto, adv. On either side of (on each side of) a fireplace. As ? Uarashota rok, “ to sit one on each side of a fireplace.”
Uare, 177 L., so 7 #21. v.t. To cook.
Uare, ウアレ。火ヲ装付ケル v.t. To kindle a fire.
Uare, ウアレ。増加スル、子ヲ有ス。例セバ、ウアンモシリ。比世界(直譚、増加 x n- +}). v.i. To increase. To multiply. To have children. As :~ Uaremoshiri, “ this world;” (lit: the multiplying world).
Uare-an, ウアレアン。豊カナル。 adj. Productive. Prolific.

Uarikirep, ウアリキ レプ。 來夕者,7a. Persons who have come.
Uarikireatchi, 77°
U + L7” y 5F, ### 7 + 5. v.i. They caused them to come together. (3rd per pl. causa, of ariki.)
Uashistekchi, 77's 25+ 2 +, 4:4:2?#= H X. ph. They went out together. Syn : Uashiptekchi.
Uatama, 77&or, oft. v.i. To breed. To increase.
Uatte, 77°25', 335ii. v.i. To breed.
| Ubas, ウバス, 雪。 n. Snow.
| Upas, ウパス,
Ubas-shiri-an, うばす・しり・あん, 雪天。 n. Snowy weather.
Ubas-uka, ウバス・ウカ, 固雪、カタユキ, 積リシ儘春(侭春、儘 = まま、ことごとく)マデ消エヌ雪 n. Hardened snow.
| Ucha-kina, x, y r + x y. n. Carex r} 3= v +3-, Augustinowczii, Meinsh.
| Uncha, A kind of sedge. The ウンチャ。 Ainu name means “fire grass.”
Uchara-hau, ウチヤラハウ、共ニ叫ブ. n. A call in unison.
Uchara-haure-hau, tj. Pot 5 ovlj Le "v 7, A & Z # =##. n. A cry of voices.
Uchareroshki, T 5- L-H: E-+, j? j yt≫. v.i. To talk together.
Uchaskoma, 75F-” ZK-17, ?st?k, :#?, #4;. A lecture, story, or sermon. The same as Uchashkuma. From U a sign of mutuality; Cha or Pa, “ mouth : ” Ko or Ku, “ to ; ” Ma from Oma, “lay.” Syn : Upaskuma.
Ucharunpash, 75F y +?)\, A^*$$/, ?IJN 2 sil. adv. Mouth to mouth. Between two persons.
Uchashkuma, 17*+ $^4% oz, E$c, an; #. n. A lecture. A sermon. Syn : Ubaskuma or upaskuma.
Uchashkuma-an, ) (Fx 2-2. F7° 2", # E x vt. v.t. To lecture.
Uchashkuma-ki, 55-a 5 3 + +, i?k 2 *. v.t. To preach.
Uchi, y +, Hj. n. (pl.) The ribs. Syn : Ut. (sing.)
Uchike, E75-4r, ++} = . adv. ardly. Syn : Turamkoro.
Uchipiyere, ? FE4 = L, se N. ≫ 兩親 * EP, x v. v.t. To remind one of his parent's faults. To speak evil of another person's parents.
Uchish, ウチシ、悲泣クコト、永ク別レテ ## 2. Boii = i. 2 #. n. A wailing. A weeping over one another upon meeting after having been parted for a long time.
Uchish-an, y F$277:e, H = R * 4. n. A weeping over one another.
Uchishchara, 75-$e:F+ 5, † 2. ≫ ≫ £7. n. Vaccinium praestans, Lamb.
Uchish-kara, 75-922, 5, Н = it ≫, ?to 人ガ永ク別レテ再曾ノ時互ニ泣ク. v.i. To weep over one another. To weep together as Ainu women in meeting one another after a long absence.
Uchiu, y + 7, EH x. v.i. To shut. To close. To heal. To mend.
Ue ウェ。人肉ヲ食フ、共食ヲスル。 To practice cannibalism.
Ueerikiki, 7:E ) + +, ?# = MO 2. v.i. To strive together.
Ureepetchiu, 7 L:r.~$5-17, † 27. v t. To stumble.
Ue-guru, ウエグル。食人々種。 cannibal.
Uenishte, ウェニシュテ。互ニ力ヲツケ合 7. v.t. To strengthen or encourage one another.
Uekap, r) r. ?y 7, H = ## > n. v.i. To salute one another.
Uekari, r}:ri?, ), ? 7. as the wind.
Uekarika ウエカリカ。寛集スル。 To collect.
Uekemuram, 7 + r.A5.A., NE 7 st Cow 19.?. n. A v.i. To meet v.t.
2 ###. n. A famine in which people commit cannibalism.
Uehopuni, うえほぷに, 一緒ニ立上ル。 v.i. To rise up together as a flight of birds or persons dancing 鳥が飛び立つ、又は、人がダンスしていてる、様に一緒に飛び上がる.
| Uenkata, ウエンカタ, 重々 (但シ密著セズニ). adv. One above another but not in contact.
| Uwenkata, ウウェンカ夕,
Uepak, うえぱく, 均シキ。 adj. Equal.
Ueomande, うえおまんで, 記憶スル。 v.t. To remember.
Uepunte, うえぷんて, 互ニ挨拶スル。 v.t. To greet one another.
Uerepak-an, ウエレパクアン, 均シキ. adj. Equal. Co-equal. Syn : Une no.
Uerepak-no, うえれぱく・の, 一緒ニ。 adj. In combination. Syn : Shine ikinne. Utura no.
| Uesaine, ウエサイネ, 圓ヲナセル、輪ニナツタ。 adj. Formed into a circle. Coiled.
| Uesayene, うえさいぇね,
Uesere, ウエセレ, 同意サレル、決心ヲサセル。 v.t. To make an agreement. To come to a decision.
Uewonnere-an, うえうぉんねれ・あん, 死者ノ死體洗拭ノ儀式 n. The ceremony of washing the corpse of the dead.
Ueyairam-nuina, うえやいらむ・ぬいな, 葬ル。 v.i. To bury. Syn : Eyairamnuina.
Uhaitarep, うはいたれぷ, 過誤、罪。 n. A fault. Transgressions.
Uhaineka, うはいねか, 恐レル。 v.i. To be afraid.
Uhauki, うはうき, 合唱スル。 v.i. sing together.
| Uhautaroige, ウハウタロイゲ,
| Uhautaroise, ウハウタロイセ, 騒々シクスル (子供ノ話ノ如ク)、(複数). v.i. To make a noise. To babble (as children) (pl.) Syn : Uhawepopo.
Uhautaroige-utara, うはうたろいげ・うたら, 暴 徒。 A rabble. Noisy persons. A mob.
Uhautaroise, うはうたろいせ, 騒々シク語ル(子供ノ)。 v.i. To babble as children.
Uhawepopo, ウハウェポポ, 騒々シク語ル(子供ノ如ク)。(複数)。 v.i. To babble (as children) pl Syn : Uhautaroise.
Uhaweroige, うはうぇろいげ, 騒音ヲナラス。 v.i. To make a noise.
Uhaweroige-utara, うはうぇろいげ・うたら, 暴徒。 n. Noisy persons. A mob. A rabble.
Uhaye, ウハイェ, 失ス。例セバ、ウヘイェ ワイサム、其ハ失セタリ。 v.t. To lose, As :~ Uhaye wa isam, “it is lost.”
Uhekota, うへこた, 向キ合フ。 adv. To face one another.
Uhekotba, ウへコツバ, 共ニ居ル(夫婦ノ). v.i. To live together in wedlock. Syn : Eeyairamihekoto.
Uhenkotpa-ki, うへんことぱ・き, 互ニ愛スル、叩首スル(親ガ子ヲ遊バセル時)。 v.i. To love one another. Also to nod the head at (as a parent at a child to amuse it). Syn : Ihenkotpa ki.
Uheuba, うへうば, 曲リタル(複数)。 adj. Crooked. (pl.)
Uheupare, ウヘウパレ, 向ケル 例セバ, キサラウへウペレワイヌ、耳ヲ向ケテ聽ク。 v.t. To turn towards. As :~ Kisara wheupare wa inu, “turn your ears and listen.”
Uhokukore, うほくこれ, 婚姻。 n. A marriage.
Uhonkore, うほんこれ, 産マス、孕マス(はらます)。 v.t. To beget. To render pregnant.
Uhorokare-an, うほろかれ・あん, 顚倒(てんとう)スル。 v.i. To upset.
Uhosere, うほせれ, 顚倒セシム。【転倒・顛倒・顚倒(てんとう) 】 v.t. To put wrong end first 最初に間違いの目的を入れる (?).
Uhoshi, ウホシ, 反封ニ、アベコべニ。 adv. The other way about. Syn : Uwehoshi.

Uhotkeka, うほとけか, 共ニ伏ス。 v.i. To lie down together.
Uhui, うふい, 燃エル。 v.i. Same as uhuye. Hokui.
Uhuika, うふいか, 燃ヤス。 v.t. burn,
Uhui-nupuri, うふいぬぷり, 火山。n. A volcano.
Uhunak, ウフナク, 少シ以前、少シク後ニ、只今。 adv. A short time ago. A short time hence. In a little while. Syn : Nahun. Nahunak. Take.
Uhunake, うふなけ, 少シ以前。 adv. A short time ago. Syn : Take. Nahun.
Uhunashi, ウフナシ, 初メニ、先ヅ第一。 adv. At first 最初に. In the beginning 初めに. Recently 最近. Just now 丁度今.
Uhuye, うふいぇ, 燃エル。 v.i. To burn.
Uhuye-eashkai, 77 4f =:r. 7 Ez ?y 4f, His??? 2 . adj. Combustible.
Uhuyeka, 77-f=7h, 5 % z. "-. v.t. To set on fire.
Uhuye-no, 1774 ? /, ■J%££ 2. adj. Combustible. Syn : Uhuye eashkai.
Uhuye-nupuri, うふいぇ・ぬぷり, 火山。 n. A volcano. Syn : Ekai nupuri.
Uibe, ういべ, 破片。 n. Pieces of anything.
Uibe-oshke, ウイベオシケ。微塵=砕ク。 v.t. To tear into pieces.
Uikokkare-an, r) 4f a ≫ h L J’A, AE x 21. v.t. To make a fool of. To burn. To
Uimakta, 7 fs. Zy &, faBij# s- 5- adv. One behind another. tuima ukattuima.
Uimakta-ande, ry of -z & 3.7725', # ?I? se F E 27. v.t. To place one behind another.
Uimam, 74 7.A, ?j e x 71c. v.i. trade.
Uimampa, ウイマムパ。注意シテ見ル, #fff; x no. v.t. To look at carefully. To visit one another. Syn : Ukat To
Uina, ういな, 灰。 n. Ashes.
Uina, ウイナ, 取ル、捨ヒ上グル。 of. To take. To pick up. Pl. of uk.
Uina-kon-no, ういな・こん・の, 取るツテ。 ph. Taking it. Taking them.
Uina-takusa, ウイナタクサ, 灰ヲ被ル (大ナル悲ミノアル時ニ). v.i. To cover one's self with ashes as when in great trouble.
| Uinenashi, ウイネナシ, 両人同ジ臼ニテ搶ク。 v.i. Two persons pounding together in the same mortar. 【英文少しオカシイ。】
| Utunashi, ウツナシ,
Uinnere ウインネレ, 多クノ、一大家族 adj. Many. A large family.
Uirikara ウイリカラ, 友トスル、親類トスル。 v.t. To make a friend or relation of another.
Uirikarabe, ういりからべ, 親類。 n. Relations.
Uiriwak-utara, ういりわく・うたら, 親類。 n. Relations.
Uirikara-utara, ういりから・うたら, 親類。 n. Relations.
Uiru, ウル, ういる, v.t. To put. Same as ande but plural. ★バカ検証 【ウル、じゃ無い】
Uiruke ウイルケ、帯ビル(耳環ノ如ク) fi &. v.t. To put on (as earrings, etc.) To put. To place.
Uirup, ういるぷ, 住民。 n. Inhabitants.
Uishui, ういしゅい, 又、再、次ニ。 adj. Again. Next. Syn : Kannashui.
Uitakkashi, ウイタッカシ, 從ハヌ。 v.i. To disobey.
Uitaknu, ういたくぬ, 從フ。 v.t. To obey.
Uita-ni,ウイタニ, 樺太ニアル樹ノ名。n. The name of some kind of tree growing in Saghalien. It appears in legends and is said to have leaves in place of needles.
Uitek, ういてく, 用ユ。 vi. To use 使う・使用する.
Uitekbe, ういてくべ, 僕(しもべ)。 n. Servant 召使. An angel 天使.
Uitek-guru, ういてく・ぐる, 下僕 n. A
servant 召使. Servants.
Uitek-utara, 7 -f SF + 7 SzS, TF$4g. n. Servants.
Uk, r} ), H?yle, ist4# z pl. v.t. To take. To acquire. To accept.
Uka, 7 H, F * . adj. Hardened. Solid. Syn : Rashme.
Uka, ウカ。越エテ、上ニ. Above. adv. Over.
Uka, A particle sometimes used as a plural. Thus, Kamui, God; Kamuiuka, “gods.”
Ukachiukachiu, 7 h 5-7 ?y:fr:), 3: * # 7 (# z Ba). v.t. To thrust at one another as with a sword.
Ukaeoma, 17 *y it zir -z, $E xl≫, 3E}}} yl≫. v.t. To press. To jam. To squeeze. Syn : Unumba.
Ukaeoma, ウカエオマ。一ツ一ツ置ク。 v.t. To put one upon another.
Ukaeroshki, r) h?r. Di ≫ +, ? Ji- (#??j ≫ # y pl } ). v.i. To have (as wrinkles on the face).
Ukaeshik, * h + 2a }, ## ≫. Crowded.
Ukaeyoko, りカエヨコ。待伏スル。立番スル, adj. v.i.
Ukaoyoko, To stand guard. To of 37:FE:1, lie in wait.
Ukaka, 7 ?, zh, #st z. v.t. To sew together. -
Ukakik, ウカキク。木ノ技又ヘ草ナドデ 持テ、ヒシヒシト奇ナル音ヲ為シ人ノ上 5 #1 y + £ w x 212. v.t. To exercise sick persons by means of beating over them with boughs of tree and grass whilst making a peculiar hissing sound.
Ukakushbari, ? ? ? ?, ##sts, 7 }; ウカクシバリ。 ニ互ニ従フ。横切ル。
Ukakushpari, v.i. One upon anウカクシパリ。 other. To follow on another in quick succession. To follow one another as when in danger. To go over or across.
Ukakushte ウカクシテ。手ヲ上グ(耐豊ノ 為メ)、彼方比方へ行ク。積ミ重ネル v.i. To lift up often as the hands in salutation. To go to and fro. To do over and over. To pile up. .
Ukamu, o ?, A., H2. adv. One above another.
Ukao, ウカオ、貯フ、節約スル。 o.f To hoard or save up. To clear away.
Ukaoba, ウカオバ 除キ去ル、節スル。 (##). v.i. To clear away. To save up. (pl.) -
Ukaobiuki, ウカオビウキ、助ケ合フ、慰 x + 2, #4) = *, * Z. v.t. To help one another. To save one another. To comfort one another. To treat one another kindly.
Ukaobiuki-wa-kore, 7 h2 b- Z + 7 コレッ 助ケル、慰メル。救フ・ ひ.左 To help. To save. To comfort.
Ukaoiki, ウカオイキ、待スル(老イタル 3&# =). v.t. To wait upon or take care of (as one's parents in old age).
Uka-omare, 17:#?zi"-?r L?, _H. = f# 27. v.t. To put upon. Syn : Kashiomare.
Ukaop, 777: F7, ##. n. Impassable rocks.
Uka-up, Precipitous places. ウカウプ。
Ukaarai, 7 ?y J75 f, # 7. v.t. To save. To deliver.
Ukao yoko, :) ?y.zi = -I, ##fk z vie, ?t?# x Ju v.t. To lie in-wait. To stand guard. To be hidden for purposes of defence or attack. Syn : Yongororo. Iyetokush.
Ukapeka, sy bes%, Eijs# = . adv, Backwards and forwards. --
Ukara,ウカラ。根品棒ニテ打合フ遊戯ノ名。 n. Name of a game in which the Ainu beat one another with warclubs -
Ukarari, ウカラリ。密接=互ニ付キ従フ。 v.i. To follow close after one another in, single file. - -
?v.t. To ac
Ukare ウカレ。集メル。 cumulate.
Ukari, 7: ), : x Jl. v.i. To accumulate. To assemble. Syn : Uwekari. Uwekarapa.
Ukarire, ry?a JL, AR? * * v.3. 19 be made a fool of. Syn : Upaka 重●重で●。
Ukashpaotte, rx #jS/?r*zj? y5*, ?###. n. Laws. Rules.
Ukashpaotte-uwesere, tj. ? Serizi ≫ 5-7 7-tz L-, fij x ov. v.t. To com mand. To order.
Ukashui, ウカシュイ。相互ニスル、相助 27 Jur. v.t. To do mutually. To help one another.
Ukata, ry # Az, E# & , adv. another.
Ukatachish, ウカタチシ。悔ノ意ヲ表ス 21 a F. n. The ceremony of weeping upon one anothers necks after a long separation.
Ukata-ukata, ? # 3. ''; 2) 5, T# & . adv.). One upon another. One upon
Ukatchiu, o ?y 95-7, #P. n. Antagonists. Ulkatchiu, i ?. ≫5 7, i: z. v.t. To fight one another. To fight a battle.
Ukateomare, :) h5F zrz L, H = ## 5 p. 5* + 5* + x. v.t. To treat one another in a friendly spirit.
Ukattuima, 7 ?y ≫ y4f7, # 27, ?E=, 永キ以前、永キ間、互ニ相別レテ ado. A long way off. A long time ago. For a long time. To be separated from each other. Syn : Homaka no.
Ukattuima-no, o ?, y y-for A, A & # PIHij, isti = , ?ka j. adv. A long time ago. A long way off. For a long time.
Ukattuinnare, o ?, yy of 7 L., § 9. v.t. To separate.
Ukaka, 7?j;b, ? z. v.t. To sew or stitch.
Ukauiru, : : ; 4 JL, E:k Jl. v.t. To place one over the other.
Ukaukau, ウカウカウ。縫ヒ合ヘス、v.t. To sew together.
Uka-up, ウカウプ。岩、石ダラケ、断崖. n.
Ukaop, Rocky. Stony. Rocks of 7,277, piled up.
Uka-un-akara, 77, of 27:55, ill 2 21, #- M. v.t. To add to. To mix.
Uke, うけ, 浮標(錨[いかり]ノ)[うき・浮き]. n. A piece of wood attached to anchors as a float to point out where the anchor lies. Syn : Pekaot-ni.
Ukema, y rr, E. n. The feet, (pl.)
Ukeonin, ウケオニン。北海道ニ於ケル 古代ノ日本政府ノ看守。n The keepers of the ancient Government station in Ezo. This is a Japanese word and appears to be a corruption of
Ukepkeki, ウケプケキ。喰ヒ合フ(動物。 2 #127). v.t. To nibble one another (as animals).
Ukere, or L., # 9 # 2. v.i. or scrape together.
Ukere-humi-ash, or L73752, 9 > y > h l# vi>, ## vL. v.i. To chink or jingle. To rattle.
Ukeshke-an, 74-525-72, # 2, 2t2, # To rub ?E = * } x, # x: yv. v.t. To persecute. To falsely accuse. To injure another.
Ukeshkoro, 74->> R, ###x to. v.i. To succeed to one another's inheritance.
Uketori-kambi-shirosh, 75° F J #14, b: Se R 52, 5%Ha. n. A receipt.
Ukeuhumshu, ry %-fy7J,£/-,, fijjj x. 2L. To condole or sympathize with.
Uk-i, 727 f, \{{#. n. Acquisition.
Ukik, 7 + 2}, # 7, #ff z. v.i. To fight. To beat one another.
Ukik-an, r) :F 2, 72, 158ME}. n. A battle.
Ukikot, ry *=j *y, £#3 z. adj. Half ripe.

Ukimatek, :) + → 5*2}, # 2", # 2^. v.i. To be agitated. To clamour. To be in commotion.
Ukimattekka, 7 + -r5F ≫ ?7, F 2”, # ?? +z yl~. v.t. To agitate. UIxingara, ウクインガラッ突然見ル ひ.f To look at suddenly.
Ukirepumpashte, r} + L7A., §$e5F, EjjAE z vt. v.i. To squat.
Ukirikopiwe, t} + J = E # =, ## s 3. Ass 2t2. v.t. To sit very close to one another.
Ukiroro-uande, r} + pa pa 77° 25”, j] 5 § x >v. v.i. To strive together to see who is strongest. Syn : Ukomondumuwande.
Ukishima-ni, 7 + 2e-r =, H = ### te vi zo. n. Trees clinging to one another.
Uko, うこ, 一番(ひとつがい)、一対の. adj. A pair. (As of fish drying on a pole).
Uko, ウコ。 共ニ。 此語ヘ麗々動詞 トシテ 用キ動作ヲナス人ノ複数ナルヲ示ス。 adv. Together. This word is often prefixed to verbs to indicate that the actors are in the plural number.
Uko, うこ, 互いに. adv. To one another. As, uko-itak, “to talk to one another.”
Ukoashunnu, うこあしゅんぬ, 交わる, 雑ユル. v.t. To hold intercourse with. To mix with. Syn : Chieomare. Ukopahaunu.
Ukoatcha, ウコアッチャ。侮辱スル。v.t. To treat with disrespect.
Ukoba, うこば, 誤って取る. v.t. To take by mistake.
Ukoba, うこば, 似る. v.i. To resemble. Like.
Ukobapash, y a v?a ?$/, ? > vv. v.i. To dispute.
Ukocharange, H - 5 x S 2/4“, A2. n-, j# x xv. v.t. To try. To judge. To argue a point.
Ukocharowen, 7-15-on 7:r 2, H = #. F. x ju, I, § 2 ov. v.i. To abuse one another. To quarrel.
Ukochimpuni, y=a+4.7-, i. z off s s. 2, yt. v.i. To keep step as in walking.
Ukochipkuta, 7:15-7 or 5, # 7 A x (3 × N ## = 7). v.t. Many to turn a boat over.
Ukochiu, r} =15= }, &?- x ≫L. v.t. copulate.
Ukochiutumu-wen, r) = Fro y AA ) ェン。不仲ナル、陸マヌ. ひ.i To be on bad terms with another. Syn : Ukokeutumu wen.
Ukoechikiki, 17:I:E5F**, ujiji}}%% Z 一満ヲ注ギ出ス(酒宴ニ於テ) v.i. To pour out the very last drops of wine as at a feast.
Ukoehunara, r) a at 7:3-5, RFE z ≫v. v.i. To keep guard over anything.
Ukoenchararage, 17 =1* X,of &554y°, j r jv (g££k#£ ^ jj 2*). adj. To be spiked as some kinds of bulbs.
Ukoep, r) =?r.7, ?jst#M. n. Any kind of food eaten with millet or rice. Condiments.
Ukoepechituye, 7>r- ^&**y4 -, [Ij .. n. A mountain pass.
Ukoeyukara, うこえゆから, 真似る. v.t. To imitate. To do like.
Ukohakmahakma, r) a vv.2) -r vv. 2) -r, I? ?r. v.i. To speak softly. To whisper to one another. Syn : Pinu no itak.
Ukohekiru, ウコへキル。彼方比方へ同 # x 912. v.i. To turn the head this way and that.
Ukoheraraka, r) =a^55 #ff, ###& s/^z. v.i. To pay respects to one another.
Ukoheraye, % = ~5 4f =, El L. v.i. To resemble one another.
Ukohoiyo, 17:Izfs4f =a, EE z. yu~. v.i. To commit adultery.
Ukohoparata, :) -azko?5 &, ## * # 2 x. v.i. To expose the person. To

Ukohopi, ' = 25 E, jij x. v.i. part asunder. To separate.
Ukohopiu, 17-mzkEry, E* v \. adj. Scattered.
Ukohoppa itak, 7 = FF y v? -f 2 }, WEA / # + n H #. n. Words left behind at the time of death.
Ukohosari, ウコホサリ。オ互ニ後へ見 Er- 7. v.i. To turn the head this way and that. Syn : Ukohekiru.
Ukohosarire, 7-1zko. 9 L., z? H = % ~ H^* + 212. wi. To cause to turn the head hither and thither.
Ukoiki, ウコイキ。戦フ。喧嘩スル。 To fight. To quarrel.
Ukoiki-ambe, 7 a 4f +7’Art, l'Ea#, #$. n. A quarrel. A fight. War.
Ukoikire ウコイキレ。職ヘス。喧嘩セシ 2. v.t. To set fighting or quarrelling.
Ukoimekare, ウコイメカレ。馳走ヨリ物ヲ持チ去ル。
Ukoimekari, v.t. To carry things 7:14 × 7, 9, away from a feast.
Ukoiomare, ウコイオマレ。酒ヲ注グ(酒 # ≫ #). v.i. To pour out wine as in a feast.
Ukoiram, r) =14 57.A., With. Along with.
Ukoiram-no, :) a 4f 5 A, A', -## =, j? = . adv, Altogether. Together with.
Ukoiram-no-an, 7: A 7.5 / 72, # 9- xv, {# z. v.i. To be with. To accompany.
Ukoirushka, r} =? 4 Jle$/ h, # W E 7. v.i. To be angry with one another.
Ukoisoitak, ウコイソイタク。曾話スル。 v.i. To converse together. To talk over matters together. Syn : Uwenet-Sara,
Ukoitak, ウコイタク。曾話スル。 To talk together.
Ukoitakatchi, 7 -1.4 & 7, 95°, 4;&##" ?# = # => 3. v.i. They talked together.
Ukoiyechi, ウコイエチ。彼等ヘ私ニ言ツ To v.i. ト。共ニ. post. v.i. 37 - ph. They told me.
Ukoiyuhaikara, 7 a 4 a.ov 4 395, fi: A / # 7 (; x. v.t. To repeat what another says. To tell tales of another person.
Ukokai, 雑ュ、交際スル v.t. To ウコカイ。 mingle with. To asso
Ukookai, ciate with. To come ウコオカイ。 together. Syn : Uorepa.
Ukokai-guru, r) = h4 ? Jie, ?E?£. An associate.
Ukokaikire, ty Exh-f HL-, zHe x 'n (Hu z jJI *). v.i. To rut (as deer). Syn : Kaikiri.
Ukokai-utara, y a ?, f r} & 5, 3;&#. n. Associates.
Ukokandama, r) = ?, 22; -r, j?k sz?- 7. v.t. To deceive one another.
Ukokannapa, 7:17, 2+**, -# = 2. Jl. v.t. To do together. -
Ukokara, ウコカラ。雑ュ、共ニ動作スル。 v.t. To mix. To mingle. Also, to do together.
Ukokarakari, : E : E : ), : = - Jl. x 21. v.t. To roll up into a bundle.
Ukokateaikap, ウコカテアイ カプ。 男 ft. n. Sexual abuse. Abusers of themselves with mankind. Sodomy. Syn : Uyorupuikoiki.
Ukokauk, 7 -, *, 747, ## 2 #. n. A kind of string puzzle. 34,
Ukokauk, } a }, } }, fg? z vv. v.i. To be in accord.
Ukokaya, 7: 77*, of 7 (##). v.i. To call to one another.
Ukokeutum, ウコゲウツム、一心同豊。 ; n. One mindedness.
Ukokeutum-an, of E. ory or A72, -- .C., 37 no. v.i. To be of one mind.
Ukokeutum-koro, r) a r-r} y A, a pa, ?-;?\ z, xv. v.i. To agree. To be in agreement with.
Ukoki, ty =1 *, jt: = + x. v.t. To do together. Syn : Inan mo iki.

Ukokomge, ##? x yi-, E * > /v, FF } ウココムゲ。 ナル(髪ノ如ク).v.i. To
Ukokomse, be drawn up as one's 7 E. E. Botz, joints by disease. To be crumpled up. To be rough, as the hair. Syn : Ukomomse. Komkomse.
Ukokonchi, 7: -i >5, #. n. Lots.
Ukokonchi-etaye, r} = a 23-3: $4 =, #% x. yv. v,i. To draw lots.
Ukokonchi-koro, 7 zi zi ≫#-1 tu, ## # x 21. vi. To cast lots.
Ukokoro, roy zuza n, jt*3 z. yv. v.t. To possess in common with others.
Ukokotne, 7 a -? y:#, ## / r yi-, pil v 7. yv. adj. Furrowed. Wrinkled.
Ukokushippa, 7 = % % y*$, #&*. adj. . All. Together. Syn : Shine-ikinne.
Ukomaktekka, 7 a z v 5. у ?j, tri, 3 or 2-3-.. n. The height of a feast.
Ukoman-no, ウコマンノ。甚ダ多ク、厳 so y, #3 = x, of A. adv. Very much. Severely. Continually. Frequently. As :~ Ukoman no charange, “to argue or scold very much.” Syn : RammarainIIhal.
Ukomat-ehunara, 17:-? +r ?yat7:3-5, 聞フ(牡鹿ガ牝鹿ヲ得ンガ為ニ) v.i.To fight for females (as bucks).
Ukomeremerege, r} = x Lex LAF, FE 2. v.i. To twinkle, as the stars.
Ukomom8e ウコモムセ, 屈ミテ行ク。 ## 7 (# E *). v.i. To go stooping. To be bent as with age. To be cramped. To be drawn up as one's joints by disease. Syn : Ukokomge.
Ukomondum-uwande, うこもんづむ・うわんで, 力を角する。 v.t. To strive together to see who is the best man. Syn : Akokirorowande.
Ukomui, ウコムイ, 虱(シラミ)ヲ取ル(頭又ハ衣ヨリ )。 v.t. To pick out lice from the head or dress.
Ukomuye, うこむいぇ, 結び合す。 v.t. To bind up together.
Ukoni-itukte-shinot, y = E4 y.o. 5* シノツ。根木ヲ打ツ遊戯. n Agame of casting sticks into the earth.
Ukoniki-an, 17 =a=*7’:z, A s & yu~. adj. Folded.
Ukoniki-kara, or to E:#795, #2, , x 3, 1... v.t. To fold up, as clothes.
Ukoniko, y ===, 4, 2... v.t. To fold up.
Ukomiteteye, r} = = 5*5F-f =, E?E 7 WF 9 # 2 (d. 5E of £ = ). v.i. To make faces at one another.
Ukonittupte, ## 2 #. n. Name 17 -1 = y y? 7, of a game some
Ukonitupte, what resembling ウコニップテ, drafts but played with sticks. Syn : Chikkiri.
Ukonken-eokte, ウコンケンエオクテ。釣ヲ カケ合 フ。
Ukonkopiyokte, v.t. Το hook ウコンコピヨクテ, together.
Ukoniuchirande, r? - - 93-5 25”, fi?i #: sz ?i y?, FE x. v.i. To be on bad terms with another.
Ukonu, Poy =a 5x, sH % (3ajjc). v.t. To hear (pl).
Ukonukara, 7 E. × 795, Jo?: x ~. v.t. To compare.
Ukonumba, t? -1 52.A≫/$, # ≫ £* z. v.t. To press upon. To throng. |
Ukonupetne, 7:15 oy:k, ### 7. v.i. To rejoice together.
Ukonupuru, r} = 5x 7 JLo, &E. n. Sexual intercourse of animals and birds. |
Ukooiki, ウコオイキ、補鉄スル(他人ノ : 52 + 7). v.t. To provide for the wants of another. Syn : Ukaoiki.
Uko-okai, ウコオカイ。共住スル、共存 x ol. v.i. To be together.
Ukooketuriri, E7 =uzi’4r*yt7 W) Wj , #;= E# 57 #?£ x. v.t. To stretch the necks out together (as dogs pulling a sleigh).

Ukoopi, ウコオピ。分レタル、離レタル。 adj. Separate. Apart. Also “to part.”
Ukoopi-ukoopi, ウコオピウコオビ。
Ukoopiu-ukoopiu, チカブ”ウコ ウコオピウウコオピウ* オピウウコ オピウホプムベワペイエ、鳥散露Lシテ飛 E# v y . v.i. To scatter. To desperse. As :~ Chikap ukoopiu-ukoopiu hopumba wa paye, “the birds scattered and flew away.” Syn : Chipa$U18tts
Ukoopiure, ウコオピウレ。散働Lセシム。 33 -te s- 2,.. v.t. To scatter. Todisperse. Syn : Chipasusure.
Ukooshikkote, or E. z > y : 5, # #7. v.t. To desire or long for oneanother.
Ukopahaukoro, 7 a z Szvr} = DI, fE W. 2 #5, #7, #212. v.t. To tell tales of another. To backbite.
Ukopahaunu, ウコパハウヌ。交際スル, #+. v.t. To hold intercourse with. To mix with. Syn : Chieomare.
Ukopaiyaige, r) a o $4f + .f4', # y. v.i. To move about as maggots in flesh or fish.
Ukopakari, ウコパカリ。共ニ相談スル, # = ## x Ju. v.t. To consult together. To consider together.
Ukopakarire ウコパカリレ。共ニ考へ +} + no. v.t. To cause to consider together.
Ukopakaunu, ウコパカァウヌ。並行セ & 2, ... v.t. To enhance. To bring up to a level.
Ukopake-koshne, r) = 1 ?Ara $2:$, : yv. adj. & v.i, To slander. To speak evil of another. To lie about SOIneCIle.
Ukopaktuipa, 7 a zv? у 4 и 8, ?i: 7 Fk x. v.i. To desire to associate with. 散観Lスル、分解 スル。例セバ,
Ukopao, *7 = ?&#, p& z, wv.. z.t. To scold.
Ukopau, ウコパウ。 Utkopararui, 喋リ合フ. v.i. To r? y-, **5), As, chatter together.
Ukoparorui, Syn : Ukoitak ウコパロルイ。 rui.
Ukoparapa, ウコパラパ。毎辱ノ為他ニ 封シテ陰部ヲ露ヘス(複数). v.i.(pl). To expose the person in insult.
Ukopau, f7:i z**7, 1ib, x. yv. v.t. scold.
Ukopekari, 7 a ~$}, }, #BE& x vi, 會議 ?o x yv. v.t. To consult together.
Ukopoye, r) a z?{4f =, #(§ 3") l. v.t. To stir. To admix.
Ukopoyege, ウコポイェゲ、援サレル。 v.i. To be stirred. To be admixed.
Ukopoyepoye, 7 a #4f = R4s =, & vv. v.t. To stir.
Ukorachi, うこらち, 似ル、ニ依レバ。 v.i. & adv. To be alike. To resemble. According. According to. In accordance with. Syn : Upakitara an. Une no an.
Ukorachi-an-no, ? - 55-7” - A, j?; =. adv. Accordingly.
Ukoraiba, ウコライバ、別ツ。裂キ取ル。 v.i. To part. To tear away. To separate.
Ukoramba, ウコラムバ。穏=謙メル。 v.t. To reprove quietly.
Ukoramashi, 7:15 or 2, ##x Ju (+ j; ^ jJI 27). v.i. To wrangle, as childf?ll.
Ukoramasu, :) -15 → X, #f 2, (##). v.i. To be fond of. (pl.).
Ukorambashinne, c E. 5.^/?$≫2*, ## x 912. v.i. To love one another. To be friendly.
Ukoramkoro, r) a 5 A, a D, #?? x vv. v.i. To hold council. To consult.
Ukoramkoro-guru, 7 Ea 5./,:j Ta % IV, ###. n. A councillor.

Ukoram koro-utara, r) = 5A, a pi r} & 5, ###. n. Councillors.
Ukoramo, ウコラモ。 相謀川~, discuss.
Ukoramoshma, 7 a 5:E $27, t?? V x jur. v.t. To be reconciled to one another after a quarrel.
Ukoramoshmare, r) a 5:E Serr Lo, († Ia y x n-. v.t To reconcile.
Ukorampolctuye, y taE7 A, 23 y 4 -, #38 x ju, E. A. vi. To cut off one's connection with. To neglect.
Ukorampoktuyere, 7 a 5 Az?3 y 4s = Lo, #3:E-te se x vl. v.t. To cause one person to cut off his connection with another.
Ukorari, ro?y ?15 y, jt; =. jointly.
Ukoraye, t} - 5 4 =, # n>, ## vv. v.t. To take. To get.
Ukoreshke-machi, 7 a Le 25-75F, # #. n. A fiancee so called if about the same age as her future husband. (See chireske machi).
Ukoro, r} = H, 3&#x vv. v.i. To have sexual intercourse.
Ukosambe-chiai, うこさむべ・ちあい, 同心ナル、安心スル。 v.t. To be of one heart. In peace.
Ukosanniyo, r) =a +}-2a= =1, $#JE x, y?. v.t. To reckon with. To make up accounts.
Uko-isaot-seta, 7 = 4 ## F tz &, #. #7t. n. The two leading dogs in a sleigh.
Ukosetorumbe, 7: to H. JoJo”, -?? 2 #. n. A brood of birds. Syn : Shine set ortimbe.
Ukoshikushshikush, 75 × 7.5×52% シ。急進スル(渦流ノ如ク) v.i. To rush together as water in an eddy.
Ukoghimoipa, ry cj %AE 4 *$, iaEEyv v.t. To wrestle.
Ukoshiturupa, r} = $eyr). JL v?, # = 5|3|Ex. v.i. To be stretched out v.t. Το adv. Con together.
Ukoshiyoni, 17 =a $^ = =, * 2 7r≫v, {!}; # te v se v , [u] / r zv. adj. Furrowed. Wrinkled.
Ukoshiyot, ウコシヨツ。橋ヲ引ク先頭 2 R. n. The second two dogs in a sleigh team.
Ukoshuwama, r) = $2 a. 77, #####. n. A quarrel between husband and wife.
Ukotama, y = x7, in - no. v.i. To add together.
Ukotamge, % =u %.A%*, £§£- z. adj. Collectively. Altogether.
Ukotamge-no, 7 - 5: A * /, # =. adv. Altogether.
Ukotaptap, ウコタプタプ。球=マルメル v.t. To
Ukotaptapu, roll up into a ball. ウコタプタプ。
Ukotereke, 7-15° L-4-, fj} x 1-. v.i. To wrestle.
Ukotoisere, うこといせれ, 集合する。 v.i. To flock together. To congregate together, as carrion 死肉 birds round the bodies of dead animals.
Ukotokpishte, r) a H. O. E$257, ? ??? (H #jo y) # A-. v.t. To shoot one by one.
Ukotomka, r} a } A h, (E## */ E 7. v.t. To adorn one another.
Ukotte ウコッテ。毎。例セバ、トウコツ *, 4j. H. adj. Every. As :~ To-tukotte, “every day.”
Ukotuikoro, y = y^ = H, sh; +, × # / ?A F + no. v.i. To be on good terms. To be members of the same family.
Ukotuk, ウコツク。上ニ付ク。附著シ合 2. ## 1. v.i. To be stuck on. To stick together. To be closed up.
Ukotukka, toy =1 oy y*j, EH x (H 7), , E. ニ付クル、重ネ合フ。結合スル v.i. To close, as the eyes. To stick on. To couple together. To unite.

Ukotumi, 7 - 2 s, fo. n. War.
Ukotumi-koro, ** Ex yE:x pu, $ 7 E x. v.t. To wage war with.
Ukotumi-koro-guru, r) =a y S a pI O” Jl., fe-E. n. A soldier.
Ukoturire, :) -? y ) Le, ?}}} x. v.t. To hold out to.
| Ukoturuge, ウコツルゲ,
| Ukouturuge, ウコウツルゲ, 界、町界。例セバ、コタンウコツルイェ、村 又ハ、地方ノ界。 n. The borders of a place. The outskirts of a town. As :~ Kotan ukoturuge, “the borders of the district or village.”
Ukousaraye, r) =a ) +j*5 E, ?i??} x v. v.t. To divide among one another.
Ukouturu, c Ei ty yny, jtpg, Hj]. 4yj+ ベ、マチャウコウツル、街ニ於テ. ado. Amongst. Between. As :~ Machiya takouturat, “in the streets.”
Ukouturugeta, r) a yll,4° S., fj, #?I. adv. Between. Amongst.
Ukowe, ウコウェ。此語ヘ量々動詞ノ接 頭語トシテ用キ複数ヲ示ス。part This word is often used as a prefix to indicate the plural number.
Ukowenkeutum-koro, 4f i * 7 *, ウコウェンケウツムコ口 睦ベヌ・ 0.i.
Ukowensambe-koro, To be evilly ウコウェンサムべコ口。 disposed to wards one another. Syn : Uwepokba.
Ukowepekere, 7 = 7 se eSAr lo, ir x JL. v.i. To converse together. Syn : Uweneusara.
Ukoyaihumshu, 7: ... * 4f 7.£, >-, , #£ # = # 7 (##). v.i. To meet with an accident. (pl.)
Ukoyaisambenokash, 7:1° f {}A^{ ポカシ、困難スル (複数) v.i. To be in trouble. (pl.)
Ukosambayomba, 17:Fut)F.sa 8=a.Az &, # s h ov. v.t. To gather, as in needlework.
Ukoyaira, ウコヤイラ。互ニ話ス、一緒= # x... v.t. To relate to one another. To converse together.
Ukoyantone, :) -a + 2 F +, s??#? x ≫L. (Jap.) To lodge together.
Ukuyuk, 7 % + 3, stk. n. A bear. especially so called in Saghalien.
Ukoyomiyomik, r) = = = = = }, ## vt-, a v yv(£ ^). v.i. To be creased or crumpled up as clothes.
Ukura, 7 & 5, Ff; & adv. Last
Ukuran, 72; 5 e, night.
Ukte, 7% +, HT 7. v.t. To give.
Uku, ウク。吹ク。例セバ、アペウク。火 > Tk 27. v.t. To blow. As :~ Abe uku, “blow a fire.” Syn : Ewara.
Ukuiat, of 74 PF, #. n. A bear.
Ukrap, 75 57, ##%. n. A present.
Ukuran, r} & 5:e, HE?- adv. Lastnight.
Ukurerarapa 挨拶スル。例セバ、イラ ウクレララバ。 ンガラプテ、イャィ
Ukoherarapa, コイルシカレ、ウク ウコへララパ, レララペアンナ、御 機嫁如何=ヤ、君ヨ安カレ、余ヘ君ニ挨 # x. v.i. To pay respects to. As : -Irangarapte, iyaiko-irushkare, ukurerarapa an na ! “ how do you do, may you be serene. I pay my respects to you.”
Ukuribe, or of 9 x, y + +. n. Eel.
Ukuru, 72, JL, HA: z ji-(##4:). v.i. Re-growth on the stem of a plant after having been cut off.
Ukurube, 727 JL,~, #. n. An eel.
Ukuru-kina, r} } JL + j-, + os y se. n, Hostea rectifolia, Nakai. The white parts of the leaf stalks only of this plant are used for food. They are boiled with other things and are said to be very sweet and tender. It is said that if the herb gets broken it starts to grow again from the place it is broken from, Hence its name “rejuvenating herb.” By some it is called okuru-kina.
Ukururube, ウクルルべ、ウナギ、アナ
=r, + 9 × 7 3- #. n. Name applied to anguiliform fishes. Eel. Lamprey. Conger eel.
Ukushish, } } >>, 母ノ如ク). v.i. mentation.
Ukushpa-i, ウクシパイ。渡シ場 n A ferry.
Ukushpa-ushike, ウクシパウシケ, Upushpa-ushi, 。ウプシパウシ。
Ukutkesh-peka, r} } $24-$/^$?i, s??## = #7 H x. v.i. To give voice in unison.
Um, 7.A, H 4, T T 3 7. n. The ear lobes.
Um, ウム。物ノ後部。例セバ、チプウム。 # / ss. n. The after part of anything. As :~ Chip tem, “the stern of a boat.” 泡ヲ立テル(酵 To work as in fer
Uma, 17 7, ?{!! >. L. v.t. To imitate. Also.
Um-ainu, ウムアイヌ。舟ノ船ヲ取ル者。 n. A boat steers-man.
Umangi, ウマンギ。梁、ウツベリ.
Umanki, ウマンキ。
Umaratto-koro, r) z 5 ≫ K a pa, Z? v £ 7 # 2. v.i. To have a public feast.
Umaukush-ni, o, or 7 × 2-, + x = 7 sz. n. Magnolia Kobus, DC. var. borealis, Sarg. Syn : Omaukushni. Opke-ni.
Umbe 何ニテモ頭=著クル物、何ニテ n. A beam. ウムべ、モ葉處=アル物、複数ヘ、ウ Unbe, シベ、ナリ。例セバ、サパウ ウンべ ムべ、帽子、オモガイ、キムウ シベ、山中ニアル物、又ヘ動物. n. Anything that is worn upon the head. Anything that exists in any given place. The plural form is ushbe. As : ?Sapa umbe, “ a bridle.” Kim ushbe, “any creatures that live in or exist upon the mountains.”
Umbipka, 7 AE 77), #-g x. v.t. To disbelieve.
Umkanchi, ウムカンチ。小擢(梶ニ用千) n. A scull used to steer boats.
Umkanchi-amba, 7 A, # 2 3F7A, v?, # 7 F no. v.t. To steer a boat.
Umma, ウムマ。馬、例セバ、ウムマカワ ラン、下馬スル、ウムマオ、乗馬スル、ウ ム ロオ ワ ノ ラン、下馬スル n A horse. As :~ Umma ka wa ran, “to dismount a horse.”
Umma o, “to ride a horse.”
Umma orowa no ran, “to dismount a horse.”
Umma-raige-pagoat, 7A,754 *** ゴアツ。馬ニ憑カレルコト n Horse possession. Horse punishment.
Umma-sara, ウムマサラ、クガイサウ。 n. Veronica sibirica, L. The Ainu name means “horsetail.”. Syn : Seta-sara.
Umma-shi-karush, y A. & Ee # VV Ee, -* * v 32 r. Psalliota campestis. n. A kind of toad-stool which grows from horse droppings. It is at times applied to wounds, scalds and burns as a remedy.
Umomare, ;) Err Le, ?JL. x v.t. To collect. To gather together. Syn : Uomare.
Umompokta, 75E.A.zk 3 S., H. =T >JLo, a y AP #. adj. One under another. Less than.
Umontasa, 7 E 2 5: {}, # 7 sv. v.t. To answer.
Umpirima, ウムピリマ。非常ヲ告ゲル, ## x 2L. v.i. To raise an alarm of danger. Warning. To spy. To look out for.
Umpusu, ウムプス。孔ノ開イタ耳. n. Bored ears.
Umshi-no, ry.ASA V, #7F# = . adv. Without
Umshu-no, cause. Of itself. . ? /? ???:As 2?

Umshu, ウムシュ うむしゅう, 貯へラレシ、準備セラレシ。 adj. Stored up. Prepared. Put away in the best places.
Umta, うむた, 艫(ろ) n. The stern of a boat ボートの【海事】船尾・尻・後部.
Umta-an-guru, うむた・あん・ぐる, 舵取。 n. A steers-man.
| Umuraiba, ウムライバ。
| Umurayeba, ウムライェバ,
悲ミノ時互ニ慰メテ肩ヤ頭ヲ撫デル。 v.t To rub the head and should ers of one another as when bewailing the deador sympathizing with one another during grief or trouble.
Umurek-guru, うむれっく・ぐる, 一對、夫婦、雌雄。 n. A pair. Husband and wife. Male and female. A son and daughter.
Umusa, ウムサ, 休日、祭、通常、官ノ布告ヲ聞カセンガ為ニ,命令ニヨリ或ル特殊ノ場所ニ人民ヲ集ムル事ニシテ、此時ハ酒、米煙草其他ノ物ヲ日本ノ官吏ヨリ分配セラル。 n. A general holiday. A feast. Originally an assembly of the people by order at particular places that they might be notified of official edicts. At these meetings rice, sake, tobacco and other things were distributed by the Japanese officials. Syn : Umusa iwai.
Umusa, ウムサ, 礼スル、頭ヲ撫デル(相慶シテ)。 v.t. To salute. To stroke the head as in congratulations. Syn : Musa. Uruiruye.
Un, ウン, 此語ハ屡、場所、 又ハ或ル場所ニ人或ハ物ノ存在スル事ヲ示ス。例セバ、キムウンカムイ。山ニ住ム神、即チ、熊、 レプウンカムイ、海神、此ウンハ其 ノ後ニ来ル詞ヲ支配ス。 part. This word is often used to indicate locality or that a person or thing exists in or at a place. As :~ Kim un kamui, “gods of or residing in the mountains,” i.e. “ bears.” Rep un kamui, “the gods of the sea.” The particle un governs the word it follows.” Syn : Op. Ot.
Un, ウン, 時トシテ此語ハ文章ヲ決定スルニ用ユ。例セバ、クアニウン、其ハ我ナリ、ルウェウン、然リ。 part. Sometimes this particle is used as an affirmative part of speech. As :~ Kuani un, “ it is I.” Ruwe un, “yes.”
Un, ウン, 方ニ、迄ニ、於テ、例セバ、チセイウン、家ノ方ニ、トアニウン、其處ニ於テ、チュプカムイクシキウントム、太陽ハ我ノ眼ニ輝ク。 post. Towards. To. At. In. As :~ Chisei un, “towards home.” Toani un, “at that place.” Chup kamui ku shiki un tom, “the sun shines in my eyes.”
Un, ウン, 我等。例セバ、ウンコレ、其ヲ 我ニ興へヨ。ウンオヘイゲカラニサ、彼ハ我等ヲ誹(そしる)レリ。 obj. pro. Us. As :~ Un kore, “ give it to us.” Un ohaigekara nisa, “ he slandered us 彼は我々を中傷した.”
Una, うな, 灰。 n. Ashes. Syn : Uina.
Una, うな, 家庭。 n. Home. Syn : Uni.
Unankotukka, うなんこつっか, 頬ズリスル。 v.t. To put cheek to cheek.
Unan-tuikashi, うなん・ついかし, 頬ノ上ニ。 ph. Upon their faces.
Unarabe, うならべ, 叔母。 n. Aunt. Syn : Unarube.
Unashke, うなっしゅけ, 勧誘スル。 v.t. To persuade 説得スル.
Una-tura-no, ウナツウラノ うな・つら・の, 同時ニ。 adv. At the same time. ★バカ検証 【メチャクチャ発音は止めて下さい。】
Unbe, うんべ, 住民、生き物。 n. Inhabitants. Creatures.
Uncha, うんちゃ, 細イ草。 n. Fibre. Fine grass in contradistinction to the thick stems. Grass fibre.
Unchane, うんちゃね, 弱キ。 adj. Weak.
Unchau-kina, うんちゃう・きな, カサスゲ。 n. A kind of sedge. Crataegus sanguinea, Pall.
Unchi, うんち, 火。 n. Fire. Also called Unji ; Abe ; Huchi ; Fuji.
Unchi-kema, うんち・けま, 火把、松明。
n. A fire-brand.
Unchikina, うんちきな, n. A kind of sedge 《植物》スゲ.
Unchi-ni, うんち・に, 焔(ほのお)。 n. A flame of fire. Also “fire-wood.”
Unchi-omap, うんち・おまっぷ, 爐。 n. A fire-place.
Unchi-paspas, うんち・ぱすぱす, 火の塵(ちり)。 n. Dust from fire.
Unchipo, うんちぽ, 小さい火。 n. A small fire.
Unchi-raka, うんち・らか, 蝶・蝿・蛾。 n. A butterfly. Moth.
Unchi-shotki, うんち・しょっとき, 爐の中の心。 The fire bed 〔積み重ねる料理の〕土台部分. バカ検証 【心って何?】
Unchi-so, ウンチツオ うんち・そ, 爐ノ中心、噴火口。 The fire bed. Crater.
Unchiu-ni, うんちう・に, n. S. Crataegus sanguinea, Pall. Hawthorn 《植物》サンザシ.
Une, うね, 蚊。 n. A mosquito. (S).
Une, うね, 均さる。 v.i. To be equal. バカ検証 【均さる:発音不明。明治時代にはあったのか。多分、メチャクチャ日本語。 「ひとしくさる」みたい、後にもある。送り仮名が違う。どっちにしても、こんな日本語は無い。】
Unekari, ウネカリ, 旅先ニテ逢フ。 v.t. To meet as during a journey. Syn : Etunangara.
Uneno, うねの, 共に。 adv. Together.
Une-no, ウネ・ノ, 同ジク、只、多量ニ、平均に。例セバ、ウネノアイヌグヌイテキ イシトマ、驚クナカレ、其ハ只ノ人ナレバナリ。 adv. The same. Like as. To the same degree. Only. Much. Equal. As :~ Une no ainu gusta, iteki ishitoma, “don’t be frightened, for it is only a man.”
Une-no-an, うね・の・あん, 均しくさる。 v.i. To be equal. Co-equal.
Unepkoro. うねっぷころ, 同様ノ。 adj. Alike.
Unere-ukosamba, うねれ・うこさむば, 互ニ導キ。一緒ニ座スル。 v.i. To cause one another to sit together. To shrink up.
Uneu, うねう, オツトセイ。 n. Northern fur-seal or sea-bear. Callorhinus ursinus, (L).
Ungerai, ウンゲライ, 賦興スル、施奥スル。 v.t. To bestow. To give alms.
Ungere-kina, ウンゲレ・キナ, ミヤソバ。 n. Persicaria Thunbergi. Gross.
Ungeraitep, うんげらいてっぷ, 施興物。 n. Alms.
| Uni, ウニ, 家。例セバ、ウニタ。 家ニ於テ,
| Unihi, うにひ, ウニウン。家ノ方へ。 n. Home. As :~ Uni ta, “at home.” uni un, “towards home.”
| Unige, うにげ, Sym : Una.
Unike, ウニケ, 家庭、己ノ住所。n. Home. At home.
Unikoro ウニコロ, 身膳(ミヅクロヒ)スル(座しての後)。 v.t. To draw one's clothes tidily when sitting down.
Unin, うにん, 痛み。 v.i. To be in pain. バカ検証 【痛む】
| Unintek, ウニンテっク、オニノヤガラ。 n.
| Unintekki, うにんてっき, Gastrodia elata, Bl* A kind of orchid.
| Unintep, ウニンテっプ,
* This plant is used by some Ainu for food. It is eaten boiled, but is not mixed with other articles of diet because its flavour is said not to be very inviting. The underground bulbs are the part used. They are collected in spring and are boiled with as little water as possible.
Unisak, うにさっく, 身膳(ミヅクロヒ)スル。 v.i. To let one's clothes down as sitting.
Unisapka-an, うにさっぷか・あん, 忙しき、忙しかる。 v.i. & adj. To be busy. Syn : Imontabire.
Uniwende, うんうぇんで, ウェンホリビニに同じ。n. Same as Niwenhoribi.
Unkaot, うんかおっと, 二年児の鱒。 Two year old sea-trout.
Unkere-kina, うけーれ・きな, メナモミ。 n. Persicaria perfoliata Gross.
Unkeshke ウンケシゅケ, 損スル・熱望する。追ふ。 v.t. To spoil. To harm. To baffle. To desire. To pursue. Syn : Inonchip.

Unkotuk, うんこつく, 松脂。 n. The resin of the Picea ajanensis, Fisch.
Unkotuk-chip, うんこつく・ちぷ, 糊鍋。n. A glue-pot 糊を作る鍋(?).
Unne, うんね, 中ニ、迄ニ。 adv. In. To.
Unotmaka, ウノツマカ, 癲癇(てんかん)ノ人ノ口ヲ開ク。 v.t. To open the mouth as of a person in a fit. 【面白いね。てんかん、用の特殊用語がアイヌにはあるのか。fit = 《医》(てんかんによる)引き付け、発作。】
Unpirima, ウンピリマ, 發見スル、見ル。 v.i. To spy. To observe. To look out for. To raise an alarm.
Usamoupekare, うさもうぺかれ, 比較シテ訂正スル。 v.t. To compare and correct. ★バカ検証 【Untemaki の前に有る】
Untemaki, うんてまき, 手甲。 n. A kind of fingerless mitten made to cover the back of the hand. A substitute for gloves.
Untak, ウンタク うんたっく, 行キテ呼ブ。 v.t. To go to call. ★バカ検証 【Untemaki の後に有る】
Untere, うんてれ, 待ツ。 v.t. To await. To wait for.
| Unu, うぬ, 母 n. Mother. Syn : Habo.
| Unuhu, うぬふ,
Unu, ウヌ, 置ク。例セバ。ウムマクラウヌ、馬ニ鞍置ク。 v.t. To put. To place. As :~ Umma kura unu, “ to saddle a horse.”
| Unuipa, うぬいぱ, 入墨スル。 v.t. To tattoo each other 互いに刺青を刺し合う. 【アイヌにはこういう習慣があるのか?。】
| Unipa, うにぱ,
Unukaot, ウヌカオツ, セコブマス。エーロフマス。 Hump-back salmon 背にコブを持つ鮭. Oncorhynchus gorbuscha, (Walb.)
Unukara, うぬから, 見交フ、逢フ。 v.t. To see one another. To meet.
Unukaran, ウヌカラン, 見交ハサル。 v.i. To be seeing one another.
Unukare, うぬかれ, 見セ合フ。 v.t. To shew to one another.
Unkokanapa, ウンコカナパ, 共ニ為ス。 v.t. To do together.
Unumba, ウヌムバ, 絞ル、搾スル(圧搾) v.t. To press together. To squeeze. To jam.
Unum-okoiki, うぬむ・おこいき, 爭闘スル。 v.i. To fight with the fists 握り拳で喧嘩スル.
Ununuke, ウヌヌケ, 愛撫スル(子供ニナス如ク)。  v.t. To fondle as children.
Ununue, うぬぬえ, 母。 n. Mother.
Unupurupakte, うぬぷるぱくて, 問答スル。 v.t. To strive with one another in psychic strength. 心理的力で互いに戦う
Unuwapte, うぬわぷて, 産ニテ呻ク(うめく)To groan in childbirth 出産において唸る(うなる).
Unuye, うぬいぇ, 入墨スル。 v.t. tattoo. Syn : Shinuye.
Uoitakushi, うおいたくし, 呪フ(マジナフ)、詛フ(のろう)。 v.t. To bewitch. To curse. Syn : Ishiri-shina. Pon-itak-ki.
| Uok, うぉく, 結ブ。 v.t. To fasten. To wrestle.
| Uwok, ううぉく,
Uokkane, うおっかね, 鎖、掟(おきて) n. A chain 鎖. Fetters 足枷(あしかせ)・拘束/束縛.
Uokkane-kut, おっかね・くと, 帯。 n. A belt,
Uonneka, うおんねか, 訪問スル。v.t. To visit. -
Uonnekari, ウオンネカリ, 互ニ訪問スル。 v.t. To visit one another.
Uonnere, ウオンネレ, 知ル、知リ合フ, 注意スル、聽ク。例セバ、ヌカラウオン ネレプカアン、ヌカラ, エラムシカレプ カアン(見テ)知レル者アリ(見テ)知ラヌ者モアリ。 v.t. To know. To know one another. To take heed. To listen. As ~ Nukara uonnerep ka an, nukara eramushkarep ka an, “there are those I know (by seeing) and those I do not know (by seeing).
Uonnereka, うおんねれか, 互ニ紹介スル。 v.t. To introduce to one another.
Uonnerep, ウオンネレプ, 被知物. n.
Things known.
Uoraika, うおらいか, 命ズル。 v.t To command.
Uorepa, うおれぱ, 集マル。 v.i. To come together. United. Syn : Ukokai
Uoroge, うおろげ, 壕。 n. A moat 堀(ほり)・壕(ごう).
Uorogetuye-i, 7+ Hoyos =4, #. n. A fort.
Uorun, 7 zr JV A', H =. adv. One another.
Uorunu, 7+rux, #~. v.t. To put on, as an overcoat. To clothe upon.
Uose-kamui, r}.*{z}b A, 4f, #, * / * ~ + x . . n. A wolf.
Uoshmak, ウオシマク。相前後シテ. adv. One behind another.
Uosh, ウオシ。相前後シテ. ado.
Uoshi, one another. ウオシ。
Uoshmakta, ウオシマクタ。相前後シテ. adv. One behind another.
Uogurupa, ウオスルパ。離婚スル。分離 x 21. v.t. To divorce,
Uottumashi, ウオッツマシ。 亂凡/, 観 レ ju.. adj. & v.i. To be disorderly. Out of order. Out of rank. Syn : Uworokopoyege.
Uotutanu, ウオツタヌ, 此語ハ有接数詞ノ根ニ附随シテ其ヲ番號ニ變(変)ズ。例セバ、ツウオツタヌ、第ニ、イワンウオツタヌ、第六。 adj. This word placed immediately after the radical forms of numerals changes them into ordinals. Thus:~ Tu tuotutanu, “the second. "Iwan uotutanu, “ the sixth.”
Uoya, ウオヤ, Uwoya, ウウォヤ,
Uoyakta, ウオヤクタ、異所ニテ、比處, ## =. adv. At different places. Here and there. Behind je v ≫v. adj. Different. Upakte, ry v ? ? 5*, ZF-i?j x n-. v.t. Uоуар, yzro 7, e7. n. & v.i. A dif Uwoyор, ferent object. To be 7 or a 7, different. Various.
Uoyato, Eyzirk H., H &. adv. Day after day.
Up, うっぷ, 白子(しらこ)。 n. The soft row of a fish 魚の柔らかい列. ★バカ検証 【英語の意味が通じない。--- 理由判明。バカ丸出し。 roe /róu/ 魚卵、と row /róu/ 列、の同音のスペルを間違えた臭い。cf. Marotke-chiporo 筋子(すじこ)】
Upaekoiki, 7 v Sr. a 4f +, E x vio. v.i. To argue. To dispute. To strive with. Syn : Upatasare.
Upak, うぱっく, 充分ナル、適当ナル。例セバ、ウペクセレケ、丁度半。 adj. Sufficient. Just. Adequate. As :~ Upak sereke, “just half.” Upak an noshke, “just at midnight.”
Upak-no, うぱっく・の, 同ジ程ニ、充分ナル。 adv. To the same degree, Sufficient.
Upakashnu, うぱかっしゅぬ, 罰スル。 v.t. To punish. Syn : Panakte.
Upakashnu-chisei, r) v § 3; $2.5&#Ftz 4s, 2.EE. n. A prison.
Upakbare, ウムペクバレ。改良スル。例セ ベ、ケウツムウペクバレヤン、改心セヨ. v.t. To set to rights. To reform. As :~ Keutum upakbare yan, “rectify your heart.”
Upakitara, ウパキタラ。以前ノ如ク、愛 リナク。例セバ、ウペキタラアン、常ノ #|| > . adv. As before Without change. As :~ Upakitara an, “as usual.” Syn : Upakmaune.
Upakmaune, ウバクマウネ。安楽ナル。 adj. Comfortable.
Upak-moshke, foy z\47 A’$2-.4%r, *g& =. adv. In equal proportion.
Upak-sereke, 7 *$2} z LOr, + vs. adv. Half.
Upakte, 7 v$% 5*, £ 7. v.t. To measure together. To try. To contest. To compare. ?o make equal.
Upakte-wa-nukara, ラ。比較スル v.t. ウバクテワヌカ To compare.

Upak-tukunne, r7 ≫ R47 yr) H 2:k, T EEi*f. adj. Exactly in the middle.
Upaore, ウパオレ。論ズル。喧嘩スル。2.i. To dispute. To argue. To quarrel. To scold. Syn : Upa-ekoiki.
Upara, Pyr&5, ##. n. Soot.
Upara-kore, 7 v?5 : Le, jf. 7, v > 37, #ju. v.t. To curse another. To speak evil of another.
| Upara-o, ウパラ・オ, 煤ケタル(すすける)。 adj. Sooty.
| Upara-ush, うぱら・うしゅ,
Upare, cae $L, 3IE%n. n. The flaring of fire. The spreading out of fire as before the wind.
Uparu, 17 ~8 JLo, 3[E $ x yv. v.i. To flame. To spread out as fire before the wind. Syn : Paru.
Uparoiki, ウパロイキ。補峡スル、養フ。 v.t. To provide for the wants of others. To feed. To keep. Syn : Ukaoiki.
Uparoiki-shomoki, r}.*$ pa f + 2e a:E +, 3, w. v.t. To neglect. Syn : Ukorampoktuye.
Uparonneta, ウパロンネタ。。曾話スル。 v.i. To speak together. To talk over with another.
Uparo-oshuke, 7 v Spazi">a^r, ###e x yo. v.t. To entertain guests with food.
Uparoroitak, 7, on 11-s312, ###2. ov, ##x no. v.i. To enquire into, To make people answer for themselves respecting something said of or by them.
Uparoshuke-iwai, r) v § DI $, a.4r4 74f, ###, n. A marriage feast.
| Upas, ウパス,
| Ubas, ウパス,
雪、例セバ、ウパスアシ、雪降ル、ウパスララマク、雪片、 ウパスルイ、雪降ル、ウパスシリ、雪天。 n. Snow. As ? Upas ash, “to snow.” Upas rara kuma, “ a snow-drift.” Upas rui, “to snow.” Upas shiri, “snowy weather.” (K) opas.
Upas-an, うぱす・あん, 雪ノ。 adj. Snowy.
Upas-ash, ウパス・アシ, 雪降ル。例セバ, ウパスルイ, 雪降ル。 v.i. To snow. As ~ Upas rui, “ to snow.”
Upas-chironnup, うぱす・ちろんぬぷ, エゾイタチ。 Weasel. Mustela vulgaris, Buss. Syn : Kurusurap.
Upash-hurarakkare, うぱしゅ・ふららっかれ, 婦人ガ病ヲ追ヒ出ス為ニ入墨ヲ行 フ習慣ノ名、此語ノ意味ハ、互ニ入墨ヲ匂ハスナリ。 Name of a custom in which Ainu women tattoo themselves in order to drive away disease. The word means literally “making one another savour of tattooing.”
Upas-kep, ウパスケプ, 雲掻。 n. A snow shovel. 【雲掻、って、明治時代でもオカシイヨネ。そうでもないらしい。】
Upaskuma, ウパスクマ。説教、オ話 n. Preaching. A story. A telling of old . traditions. Same as uchashkuma and upaskoma.
Upaskuma-ki, royz+7,4% **, Ei% x yv. v.t. To preach. -
Upaskuma-ki-guru, r} v?z 2} = +2* JU, Hi:. n. A preacher. To tell stories.
Upas-kuru, ウパス・クル, 雪雲、積雲 n. Snow clouds. Cumulus.
Upas-upun, うぱす・うぷん, 大吹雪。 n. A blizzard.
Upas-ush, スパスウシ うぱす・うしゅ, 雪ノ。 adj. Snowy. ★バカ検証 【「パスウシ」だってヨ。】
Upataiba-an, ウパタイバアン。争論ス yi. To have a quarrelsome argument.
Upatasare ウパタサレ。争論スル。喧 Ex ≫v, aii x ≫v. v.i. To argue. To quarrel. To answer back. Syn : Upaure.
Upaukoiki, ウパウコイキ。喧嘩スル。論 争スル(直譚、口ニテ聞フ) v.i. To quarrel. To argue. (Lit: to fight with the mouth).
Upaure, ウパウレ。喧嘩スル、論争スル。
v.i. To quarrel. To argue.
Upaweotke, r) v §r} = #:;/^r, fj#e x n . v.i. To collide. To be in contact. Syn : Utomoshma.
Upeka, ウべカ。面ト向ヒテ。相封シテ 例セバ、ウペカロク、相封シテ生ル・adv. Facing one another. As :~ Upeka rok, “to sit facing one another.”
Upekare, :) ~$;h Lo, ##e x pl. v.t. To adjust.
Upen, r* ^&>, a a*. adj. Young.
Upepe, ウペペ, 水(雪ヲ落シタル)。 n. Water produced by melting snow. Syn : Upas wakka.
Upepe-san, ウペペ・サン, 洪水(雪融ノ為)。 n. A flood caused by melting snow.
Upereke, :) ~ LOr, Jo?r. n. A little girl. Syn : Opere. Opereke. Pon merokopo.
Upeu, うぺう, イブキバウフウ。 n. Seseli Libanotis, Koch, var. sibirica, DC. This herb is very much used as a medicine for colds.*
* A kind of umbelliferous herb having a strong medicinal smell and flavour. It is much used as a medicine and is said to be good for every complaint. It grows in dry places ~ especially on sandy beaches. The root is the part used. In times of epidemic disease the upeu is much sought after by the Ainu for it is thought to be a great preventive of illness and is said to act as a kind of charm. I have often seen them chewing it, and found it hanging up in huts to keep off sickness. During a time when small-pox was raging I saw a dog, with some tied to his collar, driven round a house ! This plant may be taken at any time in place of tea or water and is, indeed, often preferred. A decoction is usually made by steeping the herb in hot water: and is so taken in cases of severe cold. Some of the old Ainu mix small pieces of this root with their tobacco to improve its flavour. The meaning of eupeu is “steep in hot water 〜をお湯に浸す.”

Upeu, ウペウ, (藥草ヲ)熱湯ニ煎ズル。 v.i. To steep in hot water 〜をお湯に浸す.
Upibi, r7 EE, ## = - adv. Disuni
Upipi, tedly. Singly. In:) EE, termittently.
Upibi-upibi, ウビビウピビ。 -
Upirima, うぴりま, 賄賂。 n. A bribe.
Upish, うぴっしゅ, 数、指定セラレシ、成就 スル。例セバ、アエサンニヨトホタネウピシルウェネ、指定セラレシ日ハ今ヤ到来セリ。 n. Number. Appointed. To be fulfilled. To add up. Added together. As :~ Aesanniyo toho tane upish ruwe ne, “the appointed day has now arrived.”
Upishkani, ウピシカニ うぴっしゅかに, 各側ニ於テ。例セバ、ウピシカニクコトツカ、南側ニ附スル。 adv. On each side. On either side. As :~ Upishkani wa kotukka, “to stick on both sides."
Upoh, r} z?t, f?jj. v.i. To wrestle. Syn : Uok.
Upok, :) 3R}, #?jj x vt. v.i. To wrestle. To strive together.
Upokte, 7 : 3 F, Ga 27. n. To flounder.
Upopo, ウポポ,手ヲ拍チナガラ歌フ・ひ.i. To sing, clap the hands and dance.
Uporunbe, 7; RML ees, F#. n. A loin-cloth.
Uppauppa ウッパウッパ。踏ム。v.t. To trample on. To tread on. To knead as dough. Syn : Otettereke.
Upshi, ウプシ。顕倒スル、破壊スル(馬車 2 sR v 7). v.i. To be upside down. To be turned over. To be broken down, as a carriage.
Upshipone, T75-zfizk, # # #. n. The occipital bone.
Uposhire, r, zit E. Le, Ujij te & x v. v.t. To turn upside down. To turn over.
Upshoro, ウプショ口 うっぷしょろ, 物ノ内部、胸。例セバ、チセイウプシヨロ。家ノ内部. n. The inside of anything. The bosom. As ;~ Chisei upshoro, “the inside of
a house.”
Upshoroge, 懐中ニ。内=。例セバ, ウプショロゲ。 アイアイニシンダ
Uposhororoge, ウプショロゲエ・ホ ウプショロロゲ ラレ、子供ヘ捨藍ノ 内=横ヘル、ボロチセイウプショロゲ, %:# / so. adv. In the bosom of. In the inside of a house. As :~ Aiai nishinda upshoroge ehoraraye, “the child lies in the bosom of the cradle.” Poro chisei upshoroge, “the inside of a large house.” -
Upshoro-kut, うっぷしょろ・くっと, 女ノ下帯。 n. A woman's inmost girdle. A woman's clan belt. This is the clan side indicating the mother's line. It , is made of hemp, plaited, and has small tassels at the ends. They are always buried with the mother when she dies. The mother is really the head of the family. The band is held sacred. Syn : Ra-un-kut. Upshoro-tush.
Upshoromare, r) 7 $e = H - L, E = #3 27. v.t. To put into the bosom.
Upshoro-pok, 775, a rizito, # / TS #. n. The lower part of the bosom.
Upsho’unkut, to 7 Sea of 22 y, ##. n. A woman's loin cloth. Syn : Uporunbe.
Upumba-shinot, c7.Az&$≫ / *z, ## 2 #3. n. A game of sitting on the floor and trying to lift one another over one's shoulder.
Upumbatche, うぷむばっちぇ, 積ム (雪ノ如ク)。 v.i. To drift as snow 【風で雪・砂などが】吹きだまりになる.
Upun, ウプン, 乱レ飛プ(疾又ハ粉雪又ハ水煙ノ如ク)。 v.i. To fly about as dust or fine snow, or a spray of water in the wind. A snow storm.
Upunepushbe, 77 #7 Eze?, ##, ##. n. A heap of anything. A lump. Syn : Eputanashpe. - Epunepushbe.
Upunpatche, ウプンパッチェ, 亂飛スル (埃又ハ粉雪ノ如ク)。 v.i. To fly about as dust or fine snow.
Upunshiri, ウプンシリ, 滅却セラル(雪ノ為路ノ)。 v.i. To be obliterated, as tracks in the snow).
Upush, ウプシ。破裂スル、火花ヲ散ス。 v.i. To burst. To jump as fire sparks.
Upush, 77 o’, \ 2 ##, #. n. A cluster
Upushi, of things. A bunch. A 77 So, tassel.
Upushi-kara, 177$^;u5}, yE * yi~. v.i. To tie up into bundles or string as onions or radishes.
Ura, うら, 柳ニ覆ハレタ湿地。 n. Damp place usually covered with willow.
Urai, ウライ, 川ニテ魚ヲ漁ル仕掛(木製). n. Fish traps somewhat resembling arrow heads in shape made by driving stakes into the beds of rivers and filling in the spaces with branch-, es of trees. These traps are always made to point down stream and are fitted each with a net at the arrowheaded end with which the Ainu catch the fish. Spray wood network.
Uraige, ウライゲ, 互ニ殺シアフ。刺違フ。 n.t. To kill one another. To war on one another. ★バカ検証 【誤 n.t. 正 v.t.】
| Urai-kara, ウライ・カラ, 綱代ヲ守ル。v.i. To keep watch over as for fish at an urai.
| Urai-koro, うらい・ころ,
Uraini, 754 =, #, #. n. A stake. A post.
Urai-gusu, ウライスス。コリヤナギ n. A kind of osier willow. Salix integra, Thunb. Also called ura-Susu.
Ura-kina, : 5 + 3-, os 3- y Fr. n. Cow-parsnip. Heracleum lanata, Michx.
Uramande, ウラマンデ, 相殺害スルヲ望ム(戦ニ於テ)、戦ヲ熱望スル。 v.t. To desire to kill one another, as in battle. To be eager to fight one another.

Uramarakare, ウラマラカレ, 怒ラセル。 v.t. To make angry. Syn : Irushkare.
Urametokuwanke, うらめとくわんけ, 勝負ヲ決ス。 v.i. To see which is the best or bravest man, as in a quarrel 例えば、喧嘩に於いてどちら優秀・勇敢な人かを見る.
Urameushi, ウラメウシ, 仲善クスル、親シム、睦(むつみ)ブ。 v.i. To be on good terms with a person. Syn : Uwoshiknuka.
Uramisamka, うらみさむか, 欺ク。 v.i. To deceive.
Uramkoiki, 17 5.Aza 4f *, EE x. yl≫. v.i. To play with. To joke with.
Uramkopashte, :) 5 A, a v §$e5', ##t x )v. v.i. To choose out from among others.
Urammokka, 75 AAE 977, #7. v.i. To play. To have some fun.
Uramshishire, 75.5,525, L,~£k+ x. v.i. To have in disagreement.
Urampirikare, ry 5 A, £ y % L, #$ = x ≫v. v.i. To bring into harmony.
Uramu, 17 5 A., ?a?auz, xl≫. v.t. To praise. To think in common.
Urara, 1755, #3, n. Fog.
| Urara-an-no, ウララ・アン・ノ, 霧多キ。 adj. Foggy.
| Urara-at, ウララ・アツ,
Uraraattep-sei, or 557 y=7+24, # ja ^ j. n. Any kind of. gastropod.
Urara-kando, うらら・かんど, 最低キ天。 n. The lowest skies. Syn : Range kando.
Urarapa, ウララパ。押シ合フ、揺スリ込 1,. v.i. To press against one another. To shake down. To throng.
Urar’attep, y 5 57*x5F7', # F? v # jE. n. Any kind of gastropod.
Urare, ウラレ。捨スリ込ム(穀物ヲ弁ナド =), #5 &# 2. v.t. To shake down, as grain in a measure. To press against. To throng.
Urari, to 5 J, #. n. Mist. Haze.
Urarire, oy 5 J L., # 93A 2.. To Shake down, as grain in a measure.
Urari-utara, 7.5 Joy &5, ###. v.i. A multitude of people.
| Ura-susu, ウラスス,
| Urai-susu, ウライ・スス, 柳。 n. Salix integra. Thunb. A kind of willow. The fresh bark of this shrubby willow is widely used by the Ainu for application to cut or bruised surfaces. The bark is cut into fine shreds with a knife, and plunged for a short time into hot water to make it soft. It is then applied to the wound and is retained there by bandage. The bark is renewed from time to time.
Uraye, or 5:E, # 7. v.t. To wash. Syn : Furaye.
Ure, y Le, :z, : Jl. v.t. Bury. Cover up.
Ure, ウレ。足。脚。例セバ、ウレアサマ, Fa 2 #g. n. The feet. The legs. A foot. Thus:~ Ure-asama, “the soles of the feet.”
Ure-asama, ty LJP i}-vr, Je 2 #. n. The soles of the feet.
Ureechiu, ウレエチウ。頸ク、尊敬スル。 v.t. To strike the feet against. To hold in great esteem. To reverence. To put on the feet.
Urehe, :) Les, E., |h|. n. A foot. The feet. The legs.
| Urei, うれい, 両方ノ。 adj. Both.
| Uren, うれん,
Urei-pok-chup, of Le 4 xit 75*2.7, -i}}. n. The month of October.
Urei-samoro, to Le 4 +E R, F?s?] x 2. adv. From two sides.
Urekushte, o Lo y $25F, ?#ff x xv. v.i. To walk along.
Urekrek, :) Le 2} L }, EE. n. A riddle.
Uremekka, 7 Lex ≫ ?i, st / ff. n. The insteps.
Urenashi, ウレナシ。 搗 ク(数人者一ツ 白
ニテ)。例セバ、アシクネンウレナシ。イ ワニウウレナシ、五六人ノ者一ツ白ニテ # 2. v.i. Several to pound in one mortar. Together. As :~ Ashikmen urenashi, ivaniu urenashi, “five or six persons pounding in one mortar.
Urenga, うれんが, 適スル。 adj. Fitting. Well.
Urenga, うれんが, 平穏。 n. Peace.
| Urenga-kara, ウレンガカラ, 鎮マル v.i. To be at peace.
| Urenga-koro, ウレンガコロ,
Urenga-manu, 7 L > #for 5K, E? A . ? se x pl. ph. It is well. It is pe?ce. They came to terms of amity.
Urengare ウレンガレ, 上棟スル、屋根ヲ上グル。 v.t. To place on the roof of a hut. To bring to a peaceful issue.
Uren-samoroge, 7 Le Coff E pa4", Fja]. adv. On both sides.
Urenka, :) Lo e?j, Fij z pl. v.i. To sit in order.
Urepende, 足ノ爪尖。例セバ、ウレ ウレペンデ, ペンジエアシ、爪先
Urepentok, = 7. Yo Y. n. The ウレペントク。 points of the toes. As :~ Urepende eash, “to stand upon the points of the toes.”
Urepet, 7 Le Soy, R.E. n. The toes.
Urepeutok, ウレベウトク。路尖。ツマ + ar. n. The points of the toes. Syn : Urepende.
Urepirup, ウレピルプ。 靴扶席。 n. A mat for wiping boots on.
Urepo, y Le zit, rl, ij 4 #E. n. The little toe.
Urepuni, o, L'7:, # 2... v.i. To walk.
Ureshke, ウレシケ 育テラレタ(複数) v.i. To have been reared (pl),
Ureshpa, roy L. $~~, if 7 yv. v.t. To bring up.
Uretaro, y L5. Da, r so ?i, - Fr. n. Steller's sea-lion. Eumetpias stelleri, (Less).
Ureturusere, :) Lo - 7 JL z Le, E? S 3+ + M. v.t. To cause to slip.
Ureu, :) L7, E(? v h Ej s”). n. The feet. Syn : Ure.
Ureu-ka-kush, 7 Lor) # 2 Se, H 9 E: - 7. adv. One above or over another.
Ureu-kuruka-kush, 7 L 7 ? No? 3 Se, 一上一下スル(戦ニ於ケル刀ノ如ク). v.i. To go first one and then another above each other as swords in fighting.
Ureu-kuruka-kushte, y Lor) ?. Jle?, ? シテ。重リ合ヘセル。ひ.f To place one above another.
Ure-utorosama, y Ler} H II +j*rr, R. / jj?j. n. The sides of the feet.
Uri, 7 J, _E * ? v £ yv. adj. Cast up. Thrown up.
Uriri, ウリリ。ウ、ウガラス、ヘム n. A cormorant. A shag. Diver.
Uriri, ウリリ。挨拶ノトキ頭ヲ撫デル n. The ceremony of stroking the head in salutation. Syn : Musa.
Uriu, o, J 17, JII+ 2 #57. n. High banks of river.
Urok, y II ), # = k x. v.i. down together.
Urokte, 7 pa 2 5F, # = Ag += so z... v.t. To cause to sit together. To sit
Uru, うる, 皮。 n. Skin. Skins of animals. The hair of the body. Syn : Kapu.
Uruiruge, :) JL4 JL24°, ?st svE 7. v.i. To salute one another as in congratulation. Syn : Umusa. Musa.
Urukai, roy JL 75 Af, Hij k = . adv. Separately. One at a time.
Uruki, うるき, 閉ス(とざす)、釦(ぼたん)ヲカケル。 v.t. To shut as doors, or draw to as partitions. To button up as a coat.
Uruki, うるき, シラミ。 n. A louse.
Uruki-o, toy JL =*. zir, ini, 2% a *. adj. Lousy.
Urukire, ウルキレ。便利ヲ計ル、便ニス
yo. v.t. To accommodate.
Urukire-i, r; II,: La f, [:fil commodation.
Urukire-no, :) Jie:+ L /, ?stfi]= , ERE) = . adv. Accommodatingly. Fittingly.
Uruki-wa-an, 7 JL: 772, Eix Jl. v.i. To fit.
Urukko ウルッコ。魚ノ一種 n A fish of some kind.
Uruoka, ウルオカ、一ツ終レベ又一ツ。 §. adv. First one and then the other. One’s deserts. Syn : Uokato.
Uruokata, 7 JL:r?i 5., H-Est. n. Descendants.
Urup, sy nez, -s = - x. n. Red salmon. Blueback. Oncorhynchus merka, (Walb).
Ururu, ウルル。川岸ノ高キ個所、土穴ノ =. ?r. n. The high shore of a river. The floor of an earthen house. Earth brought into a house. т. Ас
Uru-uruk, voy JL toy jL≫47, $ 7. v.i. To shiver. To shake.
Usa, :) # , # * v., ### '. adj. Various. Besides. Many.
Usa, ウサ。火力ノアル炭火. n A live coal.
Usa-are, r7 +}-JP Le, ##j z vl. v.t. To distinguish.
Usa-are-kiroro, :) #7” Le HH II H, #5] 2 :#. n. The distinguishing faculty.
Usaetasare ウサエタサレ。種々=曲ル (## / # / in 27). v.t. To coil in and out. To wind about as a flight of birds.
Usachire, or of Le, 33-#x no. v.t. To take to pieces. To pick to pieces.
Usai-mongire, 7+4 t > 3; Le, or s yuz. v.t. To test. To try.
Usaine, po?-fak, #A: 2, 4, 2, 2. adj. Various Many.
Usaine-usaine-an, 7+4 + 2 + 4 + ZP >, & * 2 , a × 2. adj. Many. Various.
Usak, 17-9-47, E%r yv. adj. Dry.
Usakatneka, ##23 y:# #, # & z. 例セバ、ウサカッネカチパヘウウシカア ェンェカラカラ、余=就キテ種々ノ事云 adj. Various. As :~ Usakafneka chipahauиshka a en ekarakara, “various things are said about me.” Syn : Usaineka.
Usakka, 7 yo-3), ? +, ×. v.t. To dry.
Usampeka, ウサムペカ。相携へテ、並ン デ、例セバ、ウサウペカアブカシ、相携 ~ +35. A. adv. Side by side. Separately. Apart. As :~ Usampeka apkash, “to walk side by side.”
Usampeka-hotke, foy * 2^ ^8 *j *‘X’ K. *r, # to 7% jur. ph. To sleep apart. This is opposed to tutura hotke, “to sleep together.” When the Ainu were out hunting the men carefully abstained from all communication with women. This was called usampeka hotke, U=“ one another"; sam - ????? ?n. = “ side”; peka=“ by”; hotke="lie down.” i.e. “to lie severally apart.”
Usamta, 相携へテ、相並ンデ、例セ ウサムタ ベ、ウサムタラツキ、相並
Usamata, > =#91. adv. Side by ry # # Ja, side. Abreast. As :
Usamta ratki, “to hang down side by side.”
Usamata-usamata, :) +j*rr $1; } }*** $, #### > 5*. v.i. Side by side.
Usan, y } >o es, o 2. adj. Various. Contracted from usa an.
Usanishoro-yaikara, 7+= Sea no 4s 3,5, Xo y H. no. v.t. To study the skies.
Usanto, ウサント, 入リロ(穴居ノ出入口カ)。 A doorway. Particularly of a moro or “Pit-dwelling.”
Usan-usapki, 7+}">er} +j*7 +, # 7 yt-, 送ラル。例セバ、オビッタ、ノオカイベ カムイウサンウサプキネ。萬物耐=造ラ v. 27 y. vi. To be made by. To be sent by. As :~ Obitta no okaibe Kamui usanzasapki me, “all things were
made by God.”
Usapishkani, :) {}EE^?y:, lt:Aij?E. adv. Here and there.
Usapki, :) #F7+, AEE x ≫L. v.i. grow up. To come up.
Usapte, 7H-75F, H x. v.t. To cause to increase. -
Usarageta 婦人小見ノ生スル席。 ?o 17+54°5, adv. The place in an
Usaraketa, Ainu hut where the 7+54-5s, women and children sit. That part of a hut along the centre of the hearth's left hand side.”
Usaratoske, y + 5 Hz r, r л-festa 2 #. n. A dish of food made of dried salmon roe and seaweed. This food used to be served up by the Ainu when they suspected any guest to be a fox in human form. It would stick to the creature's teeth, whose endeavours to get rid of it would show that it was not a human being. -
Usaraye, 7+5.4 x, 3 y, v.t. To be divided.
Usarun, ウサルン。婦人小児ノ生席。 n. That part of a hut alotted to the women and children.
Usat, うさつ, 灰。 n. Cinders. As :~ Abe o usat, “ live cinder.”
Usata, r} {} &, # ≫ FHM. n. The western side of a fire-place.
Usata-iriwak, うさた・いりわく, 従兄弟(いとこ、じゅうけいてい) n. A cousin or niece.
Usattak, ウサッタク, 火ノモエサシ n. A bit of charcoal.
Usausa, ******, £ x z. adj. VariOn.
Usausa, % +}-r7 %, (#). Excl. of surprise.
Usausak, ウサウサク。疑ヘシキ、換樹 4r yv. adj. Ambiguous.
Usayun, ウサュン。縫目ノ開ク、総ブ. v.i. To open, as the seams of a garment.
Use, ウセ。通常ノ、下級ノ. adj. Ordi nary. The lower class.
Use kina, “ordinary grass.”
Usei, r} {z-f, #. n. Hot water.
Usekashne-reushi-ushi, 7tz?ook Le r} > | $2, $##?. n. A camp. Syn : Inne kash utara.
Useno, 7 Hz /, H Mt. n. Sunshine.
Usenneko, ウセンネコ。知ラヌ振スル。 #49 : = . v.t. Not to do. To ignore.
Usseno-koene, うっせの・こえね, 何ヲモナサルルフリヲスル v.t. To pretend not to do something. As, Usen no koene ibe, “ he pretended not to eat.” ★バカ検証 【Usep の前】
Usep, うせっぷ, 片。例セバ、アッツシシネウセプへネッウセプへネ、衣ノ数片。 n. A piece. As :~ Attush shine usep hene tu usep hene, “one or two pieces of cloth.”
Usepme-attush, Poytz7*7’≫‘X’$°, $-^> x 5.5%. n. Cloth not made up. - Uesere, 17:xttz L, j3#j x ≫v. v.t. To make an agreement. To come to a mutual decision.
Useturu-ampa, r} {z}/JL J’Ar?, E F ?y to h y. adv. One after the other. To follow close one after another.
Useturu-kes, 7tzy), or 2, ##|.. n. Compensation. -
Ush, ウシ うっしゅ, 著ル(着る)、履ク、冠る(かぶる)。 v.t. To wear as boots or a hat. To put on. ★バカ検証 【sh も shi も 「シ」と同じカタカナを振るのはオカシイ。区別がつかない。「しゅ」と私は振る。】
Ush, うっしゅ, 入ル。例セバ、エルムセエン ネウクランアクベウシ、昨夜鼠(ねずみ)ハ係蹄(わな)ニ入ラザリキ。 v.t. To go into. To get into. As :~ Erum seene ukuran akbe ush, “the rat did not get into the trap last night!” . -
Ush, ウシ・うっしゅ, 此詞ハ或ル名詞ノ後ニ付シテ 形容詞ヲ作ル。例セバ、ウパス、ウシ、 雲アル、ウパルシ、煤ケタ(すすけた). part, This word is used as an adjectival ending to some nouns. As :~ Upasush, “snowy.” Uparush, “sooty すすの・すすけた・黒ずんだ.” ★バカ検証 【ウパス、ウシ、は、ウパスウシ、でしょ。気まぐれは止めて欲しい。他と整合性が合わない。】
Ush, うっしゅ, 湾。 n. A bay.
Ush, うっしゅ, 消エル(光ノ如ク) v.i. To
go out (as a light). To come to nought.
Ush, うっしゅ, 此語ハ、ウン、ノ複数ナラン。 而シテ某處ニ存在スルノ意ヲ示ス。例セバ、キムウシブ、山中ノ庫、キムウシシベ、森ノ木ト藪、ワッカウシカムイ。水神。 loc. part. This word appears to be a plural form of un and indicates existence in or at a place:~ Kim ush pu, “a storehouse built in the mountains.” Kim ush-be, forest trees and bushes." Wakka ush kamui, “ the goddesses of water.
Ush, うっしゅ, adj. Having. Smeared on. Besmeared. Covered.
Ushi, 7 Se, # y No. 2., ?n. v.t. To besmear. To rub into. (pl.)
Ushi, 7 oz, $Ex. To stretch.
| Ushi-acha, ウシ・アチャ, ヤマウルシ。 n A kind of sumach. Rhus trichocarpa, Miq.
| Ushi-chikuni, ウシ・チクニ,
| Ushi-ni, ウシ・ニ,
Ushike, うしけ, 場處。 n. A place.
Ushikeshpare, 17$?£r£or? Le, §§ ≫l≫, ?? joix jo. v.i. To speak ill of one another. To treat another badly.
Ushikomewe, iy $2=N # F7 =, #8 ... . v.t. To challenge.
Ushikosamba, ? Sea##, v?, #n-, B? 2, 3-ju v.i. To finish. To become darkened. To be unable to do more (used particularly of prophecying).
Ushimne, 5 Ee.B.:k, # H. adv. The next day. Syn : Shimge.
Ushimne-ushimne, 7 $/A# :) ?e Azik, # H, H & . adv. Every day. Daily.
Ushinanda, ウシナンダ 一處ニ於テ. adv. At one place.
Ushimanda-omare, 723-25 zor lo, ?fo = # 2. v.t. To put into one place.
Ushinanipo, ウシナニポ, アル時又ハ所。 adv. At one time or place.
Ushi-ni, 75.--, + + 7 n- >. n. Rhus trichocarpa, Miq. Also called ushiacha and ushichikuni,
Ushinna, :) >>}', # * = . dividually. Separately.
Ushinnai, No7 $^>≫:}-4f, je xv. v.i. differ.
Ushinna-ushinna, :) Sa 23-r} >>3-, #9-y 5-, fij x =. adv. Individually. Separately.
Ush-okkaiyo, t≫ $>:-f ≫ ? ?;?i a, TF }E. n. A man servant.
Ushinot, y $2 / y, ? 7"(...). v.i. To besmear. To rub into.(pl.)
Ushipinire ウシピニレ, 埋葬ノ用意ス JL (FE# ≫). v.t. To prepare the dead for burial. Syn : Katu karakaran.
Ushi-pungara, ty $27>*f=7}, y 3z v7 yv 32. n. A kind of poison ivy. It is poisonous to the touch. A lacquer vine. Rhus ambigua, Laval.
Ushiramkore, y 25 A = Lo, 33... n. Relations. -
Ushiramkore-guru,o $25.5.3 Loy JLo, }}|ZK, #HE A N. n. Friends. Persons who know one another. Syn : Uamkire utare.
Ushirempa, ウシレンパ。共ニ行ク、誘フ。 v.i. To take with one.
Ushirikire, r}. Se ) + Le, feHE x ≫L. v.t. To do in place of another. To take the place of another. Syn : Shirihine-ki.
Ushishi, うしし, 蹄(ひづめ) n. The hoof of a horse or cow or deer 馬やウシや鹿の蹄.
Ushishi-kina, 75/$2:#j-, }. 2 +... n. Equisitum hyermale L. The scouring rush. The name means “rubbing weed.”
Ushitakonoye, ) > $t a A 4 =, fij z ?? =. (IH z E ^ £■ 2*). . v.i. To get the horns entangled (as fighting bucks).
Ushitukes, 7 Sexy’rx, # oft. n. A compensation.
Ushiune, ウシウネ。奴隷トナル、僕トナ adv. In ?o
pl. v.i. To be a slave. To be a servant.
Ushiune-chin, or $2.7:R-5-2, ##. n. Servants.
Ushune-guru, 17 $217*47’/L≫, j{\$, fe. n. A slave. A servant.
Ushiune-kara, tj S?#:#;# 5, #X## h x ju. v.i. To make slaves.
Ushiune-koro, 7 er} + a ra, W: F x Juo. v.t. To make slaves.
Ushiune-utara, y $er) + r} , NE#. n. Slaves.
| Ushiush, ウシウシ うしうっしゅ,
| Usshiush, ウッシウシ うっしうっしゅ,
斑ラナル、彫刻アル。例セバ、ウシウシベシユイ。彫刻ノアル髯(ひげ)上ゲ器. adj. Variegated. Speckled. Carved with figures. As :~ Ushiush bashui, “a moustache lifter with figures carved upon it.
Ushka, ウシカ うっしゅか, 消す。 v.t. To extinguish 消滅させる.
Ushkan, ウシカン。生来ノ。天募ノ. adj. Inherent.
Ush-oro, 7%z* p, $. n. A gulf.
Ushte, 17 $~5F, HH = 70 yv. v.t. To put into. To put on.
Ushtek, ウシテク。消ェル、滅亡スル。 v.i. Togo out, as fire. To die out as a race of people.
Ushtekka, ウシテッカ。消ス。相絶スル。 ## x >L. v. t. To put out. To extinguish. To exterminate. To masSa CITE.
Usoinapashite, :) / 4f + v?$e5F, # = }}}?? z pl. v.i. To go out together.
Usoshkamu, 7 y$≫?.A, fi z +-tz pl> (H4+; 2 issl 2). adj. To be in layers, as lily bulbs.
Usshi-guru, 7 ≫ ZZ/J.Lo, TF#, NE#. n. A servant. Slave.
Usshi-kara, 7 y >};5, ##. n. A kind of blood poisoning caused by exposure in the forest. .
Usshi-pungara, 7 y >727s5, 5 Ju& 2 ?#. n. A kind of Rhus. Lac quer vine.
Usshiu-ne, ウッシウネ。ウレウネ=同ジ. #, joy:#. n. Same as ushiune.
Usshiush, % ≫ S* 1* %, £i + yv. adj. Variegated.
Ussho, ウッシヨ。 Upsho, ##. n. The bosom. ウプシヨ, Upshoro, ウプショ口。
Ut, ***, jjj. n. The sides of the body. The ribs. Syn : Uchi.
Uta, ウタ。叩ク(平手デ)、打ッ. v.t. To tap. To beat.
Uta, ** £z, + -r =a. n. A kind of sea cucumber. Stichopus japonicus, Sel.
Uta, ry %, = jj$7*. post. In. Syn : Otta.
Uta, 75, £4. n. A mortar.
Uta, ウタ、ウタ、ウタラノ略語“人々." short for utara, “the people.”
Utabure, r} & 7 L, EH x (=F z ). v.t. To shut, as the hands. -
Utakan-ni, n. Corntas αntrovera, Hemsel. Dogwood.
Utakararip, ウタカラリプ。ヒトデ、モミチカヒ.n. Otakararip, A starfish. Syn : *3 #5 ) 7, Ninokararip.
Utamtesbare, y ba. E,37%as lo, H = #. # h n (##3x2-### =). v.t. To hold up the swords to one another after a quarrel or after an accident.
Uta-ni, 7 & =, #f. n. A pestle.
Utapke, ry %7%r, £# x )v. v.t. mend. -
| Utara, ウタラ, 人、朋友、人民、此語ハ屡々複数ノ接尾語トシテ用ユ。
| Utare, ウタレ, n. Men. Comrades. People. Persons. This word is often used as a plural suffix.
| Utari, ウタリ,
Utaragesh, うたらげっしゅ, 女、下級民。 n. A woman. The lowest class or rank
of men.
Utarakararip, 174?z5 *j5 9 7, x =a Z ~ * *. n. A starfish.
Utara-nimaraha, 174%z5 = =r 5/v, }} ?E, # $. n. Friends. Relations. Syn ; Nimaraha.
Utarapa, ウタラバ。曾長。主人、同力同 # / A. n. Chief. Head. Lord. Master. Equals in strength, bravery or skill.
Utare-kore-wen, 73: Lea Lor) = 2^, # x yl-, #;o x pl... v.t. To injure. To do evil to.
Utarige, or 5: 9 o', -?j?. n. A household. Syn : Utarigehe.
Utasa, or oth, flo) y 7. post. Across.
Utasa, ウタサ。順番=。例セバ、トウタ +, so H. adv. In turn. Every other. As :~ To utasa, “every other day.”
Utasa, ウタサ、横切ル。横=寝ル、訪問 x 21. v.t. To cross. To lay across. To visit. As, tatasa gusu oman, “to visit one another.”
Utasa-chikumi, 7 Ag+}"#F2} =, +###. 例セバ、ウタサチク=オッタアクンギコ キッキク、十字架=架ケラ レル。22. A cross. As :~ Utasa chikuni otta a kungi kokikkik, “to be crucified.”
Utasa-keutem-koro, r} &+j-Zr: #FA, = pa, # ≫ += x. v.i. To be at variance with one another. Syn : Uwetasa-ash.
Utasa-no, or 分参 サノ、十字形= adj. Crosswise.
Utasare, r} \,+j- Le, &# x ≫L. v.t. To change (plural of the person). To exchange.
Utasa-tasa, r* £a**4**, £ 2 2. adj. Many.
Utasa-utara, :) &+j*r) 3:5, #fffffj#. n. Visitors.
Utasa-utasa, r} &+r} &##, ##+} y e e 7*. adj. Across one another.
Utash, ウ 分、 シ。 交互 i. (複數) Crosswise. adj.
Utashnai, ウタシナイ。交互セル澤 n. Cross valleys or streams. Battle valley.
Utashpa, ウタシパ、横切リテ、比方ヨリ #jF = , :Iss. Z. post. Across. From one to the other. Reciprocal. Mutually.
Utashpa-upaure, 7 5 e os 7 vstr? Le, # x n . v.i. To altercate.
Utashpa-utashpa, 275 E- K 5x > K, If = . adv. From one to the other.
Utchike, ) ≫#FOr, ### = | adv. Cowardly. Syn : Turam koro.
Utele, pr5-3, ?5? 2 ;? adv. Not. Not to know.
Utekkishima, r?5 ≫ + 2r, f?=x pu, # * 5 y o z. v.t. To shake hands. To seize one another's hands.
Utek-nimba, too e Azo, ##|# 2. v.i. To lead one another.
Utese-no, to 5* +z /, ## or 5*. Side by side. Syn : Usamta.
Utka, うっとか, 急流。 n. Rapids. Waterfalls.
Utkan, 17 4?z*j >, 3 x +. n. Cornus controversa, Hemsl. Dogwood. Syn : Utuka-ni.
Utnai, うっとない, 小川、細流。 n. A small stream. Rivulet. A brooklet.
Ut-nit-pone, うっと・にっと・ぽね , 肋。 n. The ribs.
Uto, うと, 穴居家屋ノ戸。 n. The door of an earthen house or pit-dwelling.
Utokuyekoro, o H. & 4 = - D, 3: F + ju. v.i. To be at one. To be friends. Syn : Uoshiknuka.
Utoki-at, ウトキアツ、縄(死人、死人ト # = #21-#4 7# n-). n. A cord used to tie the dead to the bier. Also the cord used to tie up the things to be buried with the dead. Also to lace up the clothing the dead are buried in.
Utokoi-koro, 7 F : As E. H., # & ? x suo. v.i. To be friendly with.
Utokseka ウトクセカ。寝息ヲ立テル。 v.t. To make the noise of sleeping. adv.

Utokui-koro, 7 F * As a R, v.i. To be friendly towards. Same as Utakoikoro.
Utomechiu, 重著スル。例セバ、ウェ ウトメチウ, ン・ヤラッツシャイネ
Utomchiure, ナイ ネウ トムチウ ウトムチウレ。 レ、多クノ古キ擦績 7%.2L. v.i. To wear, as many clothes. As :~ Wen yarat tush yaine-yaine utomchiure, “wearing many old ragged garments.”
Utomeraye, ) F x 54 =, E? x n, ## #x ov. v.i. To amalgamate. To unite.
Utomeush, 7 F x 7 o', ; 9 # 2. v.i. To touch one another.
Utomkokanu, 7 F. A. a ?y3K, ## 7 Y? 7 yu. v.i. To commit to another as to a mediator.
Utomnukara-guru, 7 F A5 h5 Ylle, #####. n. An alliance by marriage. Syn : Ikokone guru.
Utomo, y H. HE, NE > F. adv. Side by side. The side of something.
Utomoige, ウトモイゲ、喧嘩スル。口 ? x v. v.i. To quarrel. -
Utomoraye, roy H. *B54 -, 3jij-tz & z. yi~. v.t. To set in rows. To place in order side by side.
Utomoshnu, 営リ合フ、衝突スル、逢 ウトモシヌ, z. v.i. To knock
Utomoshma, together. To come 7 F E Sorr, into contact. To come into collision. To join together. To meet together. To collide. Syn : Upaweotke.
Utomotuye, ry H・RE*y +, # =, -i-fE =. adv. Crosswise.
Utomoye, r} H Earl, H?]]:#. n. A quarrel. Wrangle. To talk together.
Utomtare, 7 F A 3. Le, #f ≫. v.t. To strike together. To clap together.
Utomu-oshmare, :) - Az orr Le, ?j 突セシム、営リ合ヘス、v.t. To knock together.
Utontare, 7 H. 23. Lo, #TE-os x. v.t. To clap together.
Utor-hum, ry F Jy 7J., £#i, n. The sound of walking. Syn : Ainu utor* humi.
Utoro-eotke, y H partzroy or, s- + no. v.t. To push against.
Utorosam, of K R +.A., # / sali. n. The side
Utorosama, of anything. ウトロサマ。
Utorosamne, ? | R |} A:k, ; ; = , adv. Sidewise.
Utorosamne, % K ra * A *, E~>)v. To lie upon the side.
Utoshitaigere, , ) F $23,4f4? Le, H = , #T 9. v.t. To knock or clap together. Syn : Utom-shitaigere.
Ut-pone, oyzitak, jj. n. The ribs.
Uttam, oy & A, 3 x ~.. n. A skate. Raja binocutata, Girard. Syn : Kashumbe. -
Uttap, 7 y 5, 7, #2 ?#. n. The name of a kind of fish.
Uttara, 7 9 x 5, En. v.i. down.
Uttarare, to y 5: 5 L, so 7 x n . v.t. To cause to hang down.
Utuka-ni, o, o ?y=, s of +. n. Dogwood. Cornus controversa, Hemsl.
Utukaritaokaire, :) / 3b ) 342*3H4f Lo, ## 7 #2 ov. v.t. To set in battle array. -
Utumashi, ウツマシ、混清スル。確ナラ x. v.i. To be unstable. To be mixed.
Utumashire, ry *y* $? L?, iE. x ≫v, £^ x. To miss. To put in doubt. To hang
Utumgush, F 7 ET *. adj. Disaウツムグシ。 greeable. To be of a
Utumkush, disagreeable disposiウツムクシ。 tion of mind. Syn : Kuroma.
Utumopashte, 17 y Ev?$25F, ##### te yl. v.t. To complicate.
Utumotnere, r; y RE y # Le, ZREe+ yv ;
s x. * £ * x*. v.i. To be unable. Not to know how to do a thing.
Utumotte, ウツモッテ。語リ間違フ。音 > fj# 7. v.t. To mispronounce. To be doubtful about.
Utun, 7 y >, Hi, HH). prep. n. Same as tuturu, ? H no. Between. Space. Thus, kotan utun-nai, “a village between the rivers.
Utunini, 7 y= =, |n]Es. n. The shins.
Utunashi, ウツナシ。同ジ白ニテ撮ク(ニ A = 7. ). v.i. Two persons to pound in a mortar. See. Autunashi. Yaitunashi. Reunashi. Inereyunashi.
Utupa-ibe, c yae&4 *, 3###. n. The feast held at the time of death and burial.
Utupepnu, - ウッペプヌ、敷ク(死者ノ為) v.t. To
Utupeshnu, mourn for the dead. ウツべシヌ。
Utura, ty y 5, jt =. adv. Together.
Utura-no, 7 °y 5 /, jt =. adj. In combination. Together. Syn : Shine ikinne.
Utura-no-paye, r) y 5 / v?4f =, # = ff 2. v.i. To go together.
Uturen, ウツレン、雨ノ。例セバ、ウツ レンチキリ、雨ノ足、ウツレンシキ、雨 / HE. adj. Both. As :~Utturen chikiri, “ both legs.”
Uturen shiki, “both eyes.”
Uturen-bashui, r) y Le Cov?$e2.4s, # n. Chopsticks.
Uturu, ウツル, 空間、爐ノ左側。 n. & prep. Space. The left hand side of the fireplace. Between.
Uturu-at-no, うつる・あっと・の, 中央ノ。 adj. Middling 並.  ★バカ検証 【 日本語オカシイ。 middling = n. 中級品、二級品 (middlings), adj. 1.〔大きさや品質などが〕中くらいの、普通の 2.〔気分や健康などが〕まあまあの、良くもなく悪くもない】
Uturu-an, ウツルアン。減ズル、小降(コ フリ)トナル。少シ快クナル。例セバ、ホ ンノアプトウツルアン、雨ガ,小降トナリ x. v.i. To abate, as rain or pain. To feel better in health. As :~ Pon no apto uturu an, “it is raining a little less heavily.” Pon no uturu an, “to be a little better in health.”
Uturugeta, 7 yilox, H. adv. BetWeen.
Uturupak, ウツルパク。一致ノ、其程 E 2, #32 +. adv. In agreement. To such a degree. Equal.
Uturupak-an, 7 y), woo P2, ?#x ju. v.i. To be in agreement.
Uturupak-shomoki, foy oy/L≫z &4% $^ a 5E キ。一致セズ、不平均ナル・ v.i. To disagree. To be unequal.
Uturuta, ウツルタ。間=。其内、間(場所). adv. Whilst. Amongst. During. Between.
Uturuta-an-range, r) y/L-37° 25 > Ay”, F# F v 7. adv. Sometimes.
Utushi, oy yo, # / sajiHj. n. The side of anything.
Utushmat, r) y Sa Tr *y, SHF. n. A plurality of wives. Polygamy. Concubine.
Utushmat-koro-guru, 17 ≫$2**y*a p 2x PL, SHEF. n. A polygamist. l
Utush-pone, E7 ?x S/x#{:k, #jj, #j#, n. The ribs. Side bones.
Utushte, r} y Sea-5F, ?i? > # ≫. v.t. To marry more than one wife.
Ututamure, r* *y%3 L?, £%£i x vv. v.t. To arrange.
Ututta, うつった, 戸際(屋内ノ)。 n. That part of a house nearest the doorway.
Ututta, ウツッタ, 其中、間、此語ハウツルタ、ノ略ナリ。 adv. Amongst. Whilst. This word is short for uturuta.
Ututtoni, oys, H =, shot. n. The middle. Centre.
Utuyashkara-guru, 17 y+'$e?i 5 ?YJLo, ?A. n. A friend.
Utuyashkarap, うつやしゅからっぷ, 愛撫スル、愍レム(あわれむ、いたましい)。 v.t. To fondle 【人やペットなどを】愛撫する、優しくなでる. To favour 好意を示す. To pity あわれむ.
Uwa, y 7, Hu > x. v.t. Not to know.
Uwakkari, ウワッカリ。 行キ違フ, 見失
2. v.t. To pass one another. To miss one another.
Uwanbare, r}. 72 vs Lo, ##x no. v.t. To examine. To look at carefully.
Uwande, or p >7, #3:2, 7L. v.t. To examine. To look carefully at.
Uwanukire, or 25&#. L., #1 * x. v.i. To not know.
Uwapapu, ウワパプ、吐スル、罰スル。 v.t. To scold. To punish.
Uware, ro 7 L-, so z. v.i. To multiply. To Uare, increase. ウアレ。
Uwashte, ty 7525", #film te - A. v.t. To make plentecus.
Uwatni-koro, 17 7 oy= =i p, ina x xv, XXJiT z pl. v.i. To be intermingled. To roll over one another. To fight together with Swords.
Uwatni-koro-eshishuye, r) 7 y= a ロエシシュイェ。太刀ヲ合セル v.i. To clash swords together, as in fighting.
Uwato, or 7 F, #, 3]. n. A line. A row. A straight mark.
Uwato-no, ウワトノ。線ヲナシテ。例セ ベ、ウワトノロク、列ヲナシテ生スル。 adv. In a line. In lines. As :~ Uwato no rok, “ to sit in lines or rows.”
Uwatore, ウワトレ。算スル。登録スル, #£ xyv. v.i. To count. To enrol. To arrange.
Uwatta, ウワッタ。一ツ一ツ。軍獄= n. Separately. Singly.
Uwatte, ウワッテ、合セタル。多キ. adj. Aggregated. Many. A crowd.
Uwe, 7 7 =, As- F. adj. Equal.
Uwechi, ウウェチ。凍傷ノ、凍傷スル。羅 # ju, v.i. & adj. To be frost bitten. Frost-bitten.
Uwechi, or of 25, #1E, F + Ju. v.i. To know another. To be acquainted.
Uwechishkara, r} r} = 5*2^3b5', ## x n-(?r. / ). v.i. To salute one another, aS WOII left
Uweechiu, ウエイチウ、一緒=ナル、結 ##x L. v.i. To come together.
Uwechiu-ibe. 婚禮,此儀式ニ於 ウウェチウイベ, テ、花嫁若干ノ
Uwechiu-iwai, 物ヲ料理シテ, ウウェチウイワイ。 其一部ヲ花婿
Uwechiu-marapto, = H 7 L~ os, fE ウウェチウマラプト、婿ヘ其レヲ取リ 鈴ヲ花嫁=返シテ食セシム。斯クテ比式 7% ov. n. The marriage ceremony in which the bride having cooked some food gives part of it to the bridegroom, and he after taking a little gives back the remainder for her to eat; and so the ceremony is finished.
Uwechiuure, r} r} = 5F ≫ :) Lo, #f*^-^ x. v.t. To knock against another. To kick one another. To come into Contact. -
Uwechutko, 7 7 = Fa, y a, # 7. v.i. To be abnormal. Different.
Uwechutko -no, :) :) = 3F 5. y =1 /, 75 [E] / . %+- yv adj. Differently.
Uweekarange, r} r} = at?, 5 A4", #f? x jur. v.i. To congregate.
Uweekarangere, r} r} = 5: 355 ^^"Lo, strH te z- z.. v.t. To assemble.
Uwe-eman-no, ううぇ・えまん・の, 常ニ。 adv. Continuously. Always.
Uweepaketa, r) ) = + r & Or &, #f3e. adv. By degrees.
Uwe-ekasure-an, 7 to 25?7, 2. L'72, 錯雑スル、散在スル。例セバ、シサムチ セイ、イウウェェカスレアン。日本家屋 #P3 = ##:-e J. v.i. To be mixed with. To be scattered among. As :Shisam chisei i uwe-ekasure an, “Japanese houses are scattered among them.”
Uweeripak, r, ry + r ) ; & Zy, i#jst z v. adj. To agree. To correspond.
Uwe-etasa-ash, 7.7 = +'>, # * £z. v.i. To be at variance with
one another. koro.
Uwe-hopumba, c c +;R7.Az&, jt = Y: 9. v.i. To rise up together.
Uwehoroka, r7 ry + zkt. Zij, EK#j =, adv. Opposite.
Uwehorokare, fy ry -zk pa *j L?, iiYx no. v.t. To upset.
Uwehoshi, r7 r7 -zks-, r-s a -s =. adv. The other way about. Syn : Uhoshi.
Uweikashui, ry 7 ? 4f *j$ea. 4f, ii ?. v.i. To set at variance.
Uweikinne-no-am, r} r} = 4 + Z^+; / Jo 2, # + y*yv, # 3r zv. adj. Continu0??
Uweingara, r} t} = 4 A?f5, #? x no. v.t. To prophesy.
Uweingara-guru, ) } = 4 A?f5 ?YJle, ###. n. A prophet.
Uweinonno-itak, 7 r) = 4 / A / 4f Bg 27, ## / # = is no. v.t. To pray for the sick.
Uweiripak, ウウェイリパク。等シカル。 v.i. To be equal. To be even. Syn : Eiripak.
Uweiripak-no-kara r} } = 4 ) v?O / Syn : Utasa keutem 335, #32 +, Z = 1... v.t. To make even. To make equal.
Uwekap, ウウェカプ。耐豊儀、挨拶 n. Salutations.
Uwekarange, r} } = 3h 5 > 4;', #w Jv. v.i. To come together.
Uwekarapa, #~ M. v.i. To collect. 7 or 27, 5 ro, To congregate. To
Uwekari, accrue. To accumuウウェカリ。 late.
Uwekarapa-i, r} } = #75 v §4f, # E?. n. Accumulation.
Uwekarapare, or 7 × 775/$ L, £2, Jur. v.t. To assemble. To accumulate.
Uwekarapa-utara, r} r} = ?, 5 ≫ § y & 5, E:. n. Congregation.
Uwekari, 17 y - 35 J, eir. n. A congregation.
Uwekarika, r} r} = h ) h, ? , ≫L. v.t. To collect.
Uwekarire, ウウェカリレ。集曾セシム。 v.t. To assemble.
Uwekata, 5 5 - b &, #3k. adv. degrees. Syn : Uwepaketa.
Uwekatairotke, :) ) = ?, 3, 4 pa yOr, # # 7, #R ME x. v.t. To love one another.
Uwekata-uwekata, 7 7 - 3 T = 75 ja, ?iji?k. adv. By degrees.
Uwekatki, ウウェカツキ。近ダク。合ム。 #Box yu. v.i. To approach. To go to. To comprehend. Complete. To be at one. To agree.
Uwekatki-shomoki, r} r} = ?, y+$/a Ву モキ。一致セズ、喧嘩スル b.か To disagree. To quarrel.
Uwekatu, 17 ry - # y, H = . adv. Mutually.
Uwekikkik, ウウェキッキク。撃チ合ヘ x. v.t. To knock together.
Uwekoramkoro, :) ) == 5A, a R, E# §>. yv. v.i. To confer together. To consult together.
Uwekoppa ウウェコッパ、禄別スル、別 ju. v.i. To part off from one another. To separate.
Uwekota, ウウェコタ。相立ンデ、共ニ. 例セバ、ウェコタ アンチセイ、家々相 ME > F. adv. Side by side. Together. As :~ Uwekota an chisei, “houses side by side.”
Uwekota-uwekota, 7 y = ± 5.77 = =1&, ### 2 #. adv. Side by side.
Uwekote, roy ty - E 5 , # Est - ? z. v.i. To tie together.
Uwekuchikanna, r} } = } f h 2:}", E: Π 7z* z, j#)v. v.i. To speak evil of another. Syn : Uwohaikara.
Uweman, r) ) = r >, $j 7. v.t. To visit.
Uweman-no, :) ) = r > /, ? ? = + w × 2 = [E] o. adv. Same as utweoman ?20.
Uweman-no-tuima - ru - otta- oman.
ウウェマンノツイマルオッタオマン。下 # 7 # 2, ... v.i. To be afflicted with diarrhoea. Syn; Soyokari tashum.
Uwen, うぇん, 慟哭(どうこく)する。 v.i. To wail. To weep together for the dead.
Uwen-amam, 7:E27*.*, * * * =* 2**. Brachypodium miserum Koidz. “Bad cereal.”
Uwenangara, 7 7 = >7:o?f5, ja# 7. v.i. To meet one another. To greet one another.
Uweneusara, r} r} = #:: #5, 14 * x ju, ##, H. v.i. & n. To chat to gether. Ancient tales. A story.
Uweneutasa, ウウェネウタサ, 出逢フ (旅先ナドニテ)。 v.t. To meet, as when travelling.
Uwenitomon, 7 or 2: FHE 2, # 7. v.i. To look at one another. Syn : Unukara.
Uwenkata, - ウウェンカタ。重ナツテ. ado One Uenkata, above another. ウエンカタ。
Uwenkata-uwenkata, 17 oy - > *y4%roy y = 27/52, Hi-o- y 7. adv. One above the other.
Uwenkurashpa, 7 } = 2 ) 5 ar?, TE |Ex yu (##). v.i. To quarrel. To fall out with one another. (pl.)
Uwentasa, r} r} = > 3, 4}, H = y $=, H =. adv. From one to the other. One another. Syn : Uwonuitasa.
Uwenukara, ウウェヌカラ、近キ未来ヲ : x Jl. v.i. To surmise about the near future (e.g. as to whether if will rain to-morrow/ tomorrow or not).
Uwe-no, ううぇ・の, 均シキ。 adv. Equally. ★バカ検証 【Uwenukara の後】
Uweo, ううぇお, 適合スル。 v.i. To fit together.
Uwe-oma, ウウェオ・おま, 成ル、履行セラル。 v.i. To be fulfilled. To come to pass.
Uweokokba, ううぇおこっくば, 縺(モツ)レル。 v.i. To be entangled. ★バカ検証 【Uwe-oma の後】
Uweomande, ううぇおまんで, 考ヘル。 vi. To think.
Uweoman-no, ううぇおまん・の, 常ニ。 adv. Without cessation. Straight on. Always. Continuously. Syn : Uweman-no.
Uweomapa ウェオマパ。成就スル、履行 : Jl. v.t. To fulfil.
Uweomare, r} y = # = L, E#ff x xv. v.t. To fulfil. -
Uweonipa, 17 oy -zir=z &, *** v. All together. Collectively.
Uweore ウウェオレ。適合セシムル p.t. To fit together.
Uweoriro, y ty -:r J ta, # z ##. n. The striped figures in cloth.
Uweoriro, soy roy ?-zor y ti, ifana x xl≫. v.t. To compound. To mix.
Uweoriro-no-akara, r) ) == 1) DI A J" 375, # =#7 no. v.i. To be worked in striped figures.
Uweoriro-o, ! ! →-zf y Eqzr, #→ Z fo アル、縞=織ラル。染色セラル v.i. To be painted in divers colours. To be worked in stripes of divers colours.
Uweoriro-wa-kara, r} r} = 2r y D. 7 h 5, § =#yu. v.i. To work striped figures in cloth.
Uweorok-kani, j j =:r ta 2? # =, ##. n. A chain.
Uweoshke, 7 7 = z“> r, A= # . . v.i. To be netted. To be made into a net. Syn : Aoshke.
Uwepaketa, r} t} = 2 & 3r 3., #3:. By degrees.
Uwepaketa-uwepaketa, 17 y = *Sorok 17 y = ****, oft2%. adv. By degrees.
Uwepare, ウウェパレ。快気スル,蘇生ス 21, #71. v.i. To become well. To revive, as from unconsciousness. To have finished what one was doing.
Uwepekennu, rx :j .^s4jr:*5%, # # yl?, v.t. To inquire.
Uwepekennu-guru, o y =~4">3% Ilo, #fij#. n. An inquirer. adj. adv.

Uwepekennu-katuhu, r} } =^$4r:A3X *) * 7, fj %. n. Catechism. A questioning.
Uwepekennu-oma-kambi-sosh, r} ウェべケンヌオマカムビゾシ。問答. n. A catechism.
Uwepekere, ty y = N r Le, #, ##, # #, ##), ff. n. A tale. Ananecdote. Conversation. News. Ancient tales. A story.
Uwepekere-nu, } r} =~&Ar. Le 5K, E E 7 5: 2, # x >L. v.t. To listen to news. To inquire. .
Uwepetchiu, y 7 seos ≫ Fry, #ff 7. v.i. To kick against one another. To stumble over one another.
Uwepe-utara, 7 % = ~$ $ $g5, JAA, J?] }/\. n. Friends. People who live together.
Uwepokba, ウウェポクバ。憎ミ合フ、察 x # 7. v.i. To hate one another.
Uwepokin, r, ry - 7it + A, #3k. adv. By degrees.
Uwepokin-uwepokin, f7 E7 azK-F > ry 7 =zita; 2, #73%. adv. By degrees.
Uwepotara, ウウェポタラ。病人ノ左ヲ 切リ取ル、是ヘ病ヲ癒ス為ニシテ、アイ ヌガ盛ニ行フ儀式ナリ・ v.i. To cut up the clothes of sick persons in order to cure them of disease, a ceremony indulged in by the Ainu.
Uwepunte-ki, oyz7254, ##x n-. v.t. To salute one another.
Uwerangara, r} t} = 5 A #f 5, ?st x. v.t. To greet.
Uwerangarap, r} r} = 5 2.?f57, ##. ^. Salutations.
Uweraye, r7 r7 +5 Af =, #1 7 x. v.t. Not to know. Not to understand.
Uwerepak, ** r* ? Lev$7, ijv *) yv. v.i. To be equal.
Uwerusaikari-an, 7 to ano-4 7, J7 2, iE x vv. v.t. To forestall. v.t.
Uwesaine, f?ry + +f:8, #2s x. To lead astray.
Uwesamamba, ? ? =+** Art, #3°, ££*=. adj. All. Entirely. Syn : Obitta.
Uwesamanu, 7 7 = }-73X, #BE E *. adj. Side by side, in a row. Also “to place side by side.”
Uweshikarun, r) ) = ?e?, Jlo e, st H. 7 #J. . v.t. To desire to meet or see one another. -
Uweshikaye, † ? = So?, 4 =, # 2 , * > x 2. v.i. To flash about as a reflection of light.
Uweshikomarai, ウウェシコマライ。(sing)相抱ク v.i.
Uweshikomaraipa, To embrace :) :) => a -r 54f o $, (pl.) one another.
Uweshineatki, j # = S?:#7y =#, -# x 212. v.i. To be at one. To agree.
Uweshineatkire, 7 7 = $≫:#7:y+ Lo, -#k te ze z.. v.t. To get together. To cause to be at one.
Uweshinnai, ry y + SA A + Af, i# 7. v.i. To differ. To be different in kind.
Uweshinnai-an, 7 o' - $22:3-47.>, ##42 ov. adj. To be different.
Uweshinnai-are, y y a Eo o:3-47” Lo, 2-3 y. v.t. To separate.
Uweshiren, r} } = > Le2, f? 7. v.t. To accompany another.
Uweshiripa, ウウェシリパ。病ノ呪トシ #### 2 #7 (# 2, ... v.i. Chewing roots as a charm against illness.
Uweshiru, ウウェシル。 擦リ合ヘス ひ.な To
Uweshirushiru, rub together. ウ ウ ?-?? シル シル。
Uweshishke, ウウェシシケ,結ビ合ヘス。 v.t. To join together.
Uweshopki, 7 to 25, a 7:#, #gg z it'. v.i. To sit facing one another as at a feast or when praying for the recovery of the sick. Syn : Uwesoshne no.
Uwesoshne-no, 7 y = y >:k /, 7 o' + 3> a * * = [E] *. v.i. Same as uwe
Uwetanne-an, E x yv. v.i. To 17 y = & 2+7°2, be mixed with.
Uwe-utanne, To be together. ウウェウタンネ。 Syn : Ukopoyege.
Uwetanne-no-apkash, 7+5:23; A 77:55, ?3||=2# 2, . v.i. To walk in single file.
Uwetantak, ; } = 5:23:47, # b # 2. v.t. To sew together.
Uwetarap, 17 i? ... {oz57, 2% S xL. v.i. To dream.
Uweteshpa, ウウェテシバ。ノ如クニス ル。例セバ、ネイグルコロミチウェンブ リウウェテシベ、彼ノ人ヘ父親ノ如ク= for y E, z. v.i. To take after. As :~ Nei guru koro michi wenburi uweteshpa, “that person takes after his father in bad deeds.
Uwetoita, ウウェトイタ。特獲ノ。流行ノ・ adj. Self-planted.
Uwetoita-tashum, r) ) = H 4 5#58;/a. Jo, ####. n. An epidemic disease.
Uwetonrane, r} r} = F A 5:k, BE# x ≫v. v.i. To curdle.
Uwetuangara, ウウェツアンガラ。相逢フ v.i. To
Uwetunanguru, meet one another. ウウェツナングル。
Uwetunuise, j j =*y5?-f E, # vL. v.i. To sound. To ring. To resound. Syn : Mayun-mayun.
Uweturashte, 7 r} = y 5 $25F, ??jE x yl. v.i. To live in company with.
Uweturembe, r} r} = y LeA^$, -?%. n. Both things.
Uweturen, r) :) = }/ Le C^, : ≫ V . Both.
Uweturirige, r} r} = y y y Ayo, H?##x yl. v.i. To be curdled.
Uwetushmalk, fy y - y Eers. Zy, #5e x ju. v.i. To race. To strive.
Uwetushmakte, # # = S*y < ? BF, ## 5* + 2 +, . v.t. To cause to race. adj.
Uwetushmakushi, j j =y So“z # So, ####. n. A race course.
Uwetutkopak, 7 ry = y ≫ za vs 3, #gl z, xl≫. v.t. To bid adieu.
Uweum-no, ** ■* -* >? /, 2*£*=. adj. Entirely.
Uweunu, ウウェウヌ。結合スル、適合ス ov. v.t. To join together. To fit together.
Uweushi, toy ty ?.r≫ $2, +*3(=)≫t≫. v.t. To twist. To twist together.
Uweutanne, 共ニ有ル、又ヘ居ル。 ウウェウタンネ。例セバ、チカプウェ
Uwetanne, ウタンネヌアン、鳥 ウウェタンネ, ヘ共 ニアリ・ v.i. To be together. As :~ Chikap uwezitanne wa am, “the birds are together."
Uweyairam-ikashure, ty 17 a* -f S A ?s f, Sea L., so y # 7. v.t. To strive for the mastery. -
Uwoeroshki, r} r} +:r. D. $e3+, fE 4% / E =立ツル。例セバ、カペラペイタンギ カパラベオッチケウウオェロシキ、盆ノ _H = #F 7 or y Ju. v.t. To stand one thing in or upon another. As :~ Kaparabe itangi kaparabe otchike uwoeroshki, “to stand cups upon a tray.”
Uwo-humse-chiu, r} r} + 7.Atz3F7, 4$?yst? 7 H, v F# / H?A#. n. The peculiar noise of warning or defiance sparrows make when they see a snake. Syn : Aru-wo-humsechiu.
Uwok, 17 17 +2/, §§£1*- yv. adj. Strong. Tough.
Uwook, ry or 27, # E #2, x. v.t. To fasten Uok, together. Syn : Ukonウオク。 kopishte.
Uwoya, 17 y +*, # be x suo. adj. Different. Uoya, ウオヤ,
Uwoyakta-ande, 7.73 ° 5' 37">7, × 9. v.t. To separate.

Uwoyap, ウウォヤプ。互ニ異ナリタル物. n. Uоуар, Things different from o:lo 7, onc another.
Uwoyawoya, ウウォヤウォヤ。種々ノ. 例セバ、ウウォャウウォャアカラベ,種々 ノ人々ニ依ツテ造ラレシ物. ado Various. As :~ Uwoyawoya akarape, “things made by various or different people.”
Uyaikotukkare, :) + 4 a y ≫ h Le, Wff *r # 7. v.i. To cleave to one another. To be made to stick together.
Uyaishirubare, y do4 Sol≫ o ≪ Lo, # y # 7. v.i. To rub against one another.
Uyake, ウヤケ。捨グ、動ク。例セバ、ウャ v.i. To tremble. To move. As :~ Uyaketomam, “a trembling quagmire.”
Uye, o≫? 2, [18. ≫l≫. v.t. To scold.
Uyepnu-an, 74 = 75:72, #: x Jl. v.i. To consult with. To make an agreement with.
Uyoropui-koiki, y a na 74f = 4 +, H} R, x yv. v.i. To abuse one's self with mankind. Sodomy. Syn : Ukokateaikap.
Uyotsak, toy =a oy + ^>, jj 7* 7. v.i. To have lost strength. To tremble from weakness. Syn : Tumsak.
Uyuige, 7:14 o, #2. v.i. To shiver.
Uyu-ni, 7:1-, 2- v 3-2. n. Beach Rose, Rosa rugosa.


Wa, ワ, (wa)ナル語ガ直チニ動詞ニ續ク(= 続く) トキ又ハ動詞ト動詞ノ間ニ置カルルトキハ現在ノ意ヲ表明ス。part When the particle wa is placed directly after one verb and is immediately followed by another, it gives the sentence a present meaning. The particle itself represents the English “ing” and may well be rendered by “ and." As:~ Ek wa, "coming." Oman wa ye, “go and tell him.” Koro wa ek, " take it and come," i.e. “bring it.” (See, ma).
Wa, ワ, ワナル語ガアン(an)ナル語ニ續クトキハ過去ノコトヲ表明ス。例セバ, エチヌワアン、汝等ハ開キタリシ。 When followed by an, wa has a perfect or past tense. As :~ Echi nu wa an, “ye have heard.” -
Wa, ワ, ワグス (wa gusu) トナリテ動詞ニ續クトキハ、ガ為ニト云フ義ナリ。例へバ、タムベネイノキワグス、コロニシパイルシカルウェネ、彼が之ヲナシタル ガ為ニ主人ハ立腹シテ居ル。 part. When preceeded by a verb and followed by gusu, wa gusu means “because.” As :~ Tambe nei no ki wa gusu koro nishpa irushka ruwe ne, “the master is angry because he has done this.”
Wa, ワ, デアル、デ御座イマス。part. Being.
Wa, ワ, (wa)ワナル語ガウン(un)ナル 副詞ニ連ナルトキハ然リノ意ヲ表ハス。 例セバ、ネイノルウエ。ワウン、其ノ通リナルヤ、然リ、左様。 When followed by un the affirmative adverb “yes” or “it is so” is meant. As :~ Nei no ruwe, wa un, “ Is it so? Yes.”
Wa, ワ, 川ヲ コギ渡ル。 v.t. To wade.
Wa, ワ, 何々ヨリ。例へバ、パワ、頂上ヨリ。 〜から。 post. From. By. At. On. As :~ Pa wa, “from the top.” Gesh
wa, “from the bottom.” As, chipship aragehalf wafrom, “on one side of the boat.”
Wa,ワ, 杯又ハ壺ノ蓋ノ如キ圓形ナルモノノ縁(ふち)ヲ云フ。 n. The rim of any thing round as of a cup or pot lid.
| Wa, ワ, 十。 adj. Ten 10. Syn : Wanbe.
| Wan, ワン,
  | Wachirewe, わちれうぇ, 四角 adj. Square. Syn : Ineshikkeu. Ine sambe. ★バカ検証 【四角、じゃ無い。四角い、四角の。です。】
  | Watchirewe, わっちれうぇ,
Wa-gusu, わぐす, 故ニ。 adv. Inasmuch as 〜だから、〜なので、〜のために(理由を表す). Because. As :~ Chi nukara wa gusu, “ we see that.”
Wai, ワイ, 粗暴ナ、野蕃ナ(= 野蛮)、亂雑ナ(= 乱雑) adj. Rough. Wild. Disorderly.
Wairu, わいる, 過チヲスル。 v.i. To make a mistake 間違いを犯す. By way of accident 事故の方法により. Pretence振り.
Wairu-yokaketa, わいる・よかけた, 私ノ死後。 ph. In my steps after me. ★バカ検証 【日本語と英文の説明が違う。yokaketa が辞書に載っていない。】
Waise, わいせ, 大聲ニテ泣ク。 v.i. To cry aloud. To cry out, as a child. Syn : Chayaise.
Wak, わく, 分チ。 n. A division 分割.
Wak, ワク, 驚キヲ表ハス語、鴨ノ鳴聲。 adv. An exclamation of surprise. The cry of a duck.
Wakka, わっか, 水。 Water. n. As :~ Chikoro kotan otta wakka anak ne “ water ” ani ayep ne ruwe ne, wakka is called “water” in our country.” Wakka raige an, “to be thirsty.” Syn : Aka. -d バカ検証 【Wakchi の前にある。】
Wakchi, わくち, ヤツトコ。 n. A pair of pincers やっとこバサミ.
Wakina, ワキナ, サガレン 苔(こけ)。 n. Sagalien word for moss 苔のサハリン語.
Wakka-ashin-ushike, わっか・あしん・うしけ, 泉。 n. A water-spring.
Wakka-chish-chish, わっか・ちしゅ・ちしゅ, 水の雫(しずく) n. Drops of water.
Wakkaha, わっかは, 汁、水。 n. Juice ジュース. Water.
Wakka-ke, ワッカ・ケ, 水ヲ汲ミ出ス。v.i. To scoup water out of a boat. To ladle out water.
Wakka-kut, ワッカ・クッ, ヨプスマサウ, ボウナ。 n. Cacalia hastata, L. Also called Wakka Kuttara.
Wakka-kuttara, わっか・くったら, ヨプスマサウ n. Cacalia hastata, L.
Wakka-o, わっか・お, 水多キ。 adj. Watery. Containing water.
Wakka-op, わっか・おっぷ, 水ヲ盛ル器。 A water vessel.
Wakka-oshimpui, わっか・おしむぷい, 井戸。 n. A well. Syn : Shimpui.
Wakka-pop, わっか・ぽぷ, 泉。 n. A water spring.
Wakka-rai, ワッカライ, 水ヲ欲シテ死ス。 v.i. To die of thirst 喉が乾いて死ぬ、水が無くて死ぬ.
Wakka-ran-nai, わっか・らん・ない, 流レノアル谷。 n. A valley with a stream in it.
| Wakka-seru, わっか・せる, 溺レル。 v.t. To drown.
| Wakka-serure, わっか・せるれ,
Wakka-ush, わっか・うしゅ, 水多キ。 adj. Watery.
Wakka-ush-kamui, わっか・うしゅ・かむい, 川ノ神。 n. The gods of rivers. These gods are very numerous and are suppose to be of the feminine gender. The chief of them are these :~ Chiwash-ekotmat, “the goddess of the mouths of rivers.” Petru-ush-mat, “the goddess of courses of rivers.” Petetok-mat, “the goddess of the sources of rivers.”
Wakka-yokte, わっか・よくて, 漕ぐ。 v.t. To row. (Lit. “hook water.”)
Wakte, わくて, 分ケル。割譲スル。 To divide. To apportion. To send away.
Wak-wak, わくわく, 鴨。 n. A duck.
Wan ワン, 器ノ縁、小山ノ端。 n. The rim of a vessel. The top edges of
hills. The round edges of the Seacoast.
| Wan, わん, 十。 adj. Ten. syn : Wanbe.
| Wa, わ,
Wanbe, わんべ, 十ノ物。 n. Ten things.
Wande, 7:e:F, GR? x n, H3E >> x. v.i. To examine. Look about. To know. To understand. As :~ Uwande utara, persons one knows.
Wan-e-arawan-hotne, 7.2:1.75 y 2zk≫:k, EI=-f-. adj. One hundred and thirty.
Wan-e-ashikne-hotne, :kzky:K, ju-j-. adj. Ninety.
Wan-e-ine-hotne, 7.2:E4 +zky:R, ++. adj. Seventy.
WAn-eiwan-hotne, 7 > +-f 7 ”zk≫ *, Ei-f-. adj. One hundred and ten.
Wan-e-re-hotne, 7 Cor. Lezik ≫ +t, +i+". ワンエアシク adj. Fifty.
Wan-e-shinepesan-hotne, 7 Cor. Ze ネペサンホッネ。百七十. ads One hundred and seventy.
Wan-e-shinewan-hotne, 7 or. Zo:k J72;k≫:k, EjjL-f-. adj. One hundred and ninety.
Wan-e-tu-hotne, 72 or yokoyak, E.-H. adj. Thirty.
Wan-e-tupesan-hotne, 72+y^+ Jezik ≫ak, Ejali-i-. adj. One hundred and fifty.
Wa-no, わ・の, 何々ヨリ。 〜から adv. From. /Wano/ ★バカ検証 【from は、adv. 副詞、では無く、 prep. 前置詞、である。】
| Wao, 7:r, y + 2s F (so). n. Japanese
| Wawo, Green pigeon. Treron siel7 -> *, boldi, (Tem).
Wappa, 7 ≫ v?, s??## / #?. n. A round box.
| Wappo, 7 yak, ZI-5E. n. A young child.
| Warapo, Syn : Tonguru. Warapo. ワラポ。
Wara, 75, AP4F., adj. The youngest. Syn : Upen.
Wara, 75, k2, . v.t. To blow.
Warambi, 75A, E, 7 > E. n. Pieridium aquilintum, Kuhn.
Waranratuka, 57 # ≫#y?), 57 # ≫ ? (# / A#). n. A kind of blenny. Eeltrout. Dinogunelellu grigorjewi, (Her. zeust). Syn : Shuikot chep.
Wash, 9 Se, Etig; 2 F. n. Surf.
Wata, 73, =E. ##. n. Wool. Cotton.
Watambushi, ワタムブシ, 綿帽子 (男子ノミ用ユ)。 n. A kind of thick headgear worn by men. ★バカ検証 【日本語の綿帽子を「わたぼうし」と聞き取れないのは、少し問題です。】
Watara, 7.5×5, #, ##. n. A rock. A cliff.
Watarush, % £zpu->, #£ a*. adj. Rocky.
Watashi, 7 & 2, ### / #. n. A halfbreed. A term of reproach.
| Watchirewe, ワッチレウェ、四角.
| Wachirewe, ワチレウェ。
Wattesh, 7 y5*$2, #. n. Straw.
Wauwause, 17 roy 7 poy-tz, $%o% x vi~. v.t. To shiver. Syn : Wattatawauwau n. Square.
| Wawa, わわ, アヲバト(鳥) n. Green pigeon. Treron sieboldi, (Tem).
| Wao, ワオ,
Waya, 7 do, HS, arge. n. Wisdom. Ability.
Wayaise, 7 o' of to, ## 2 sill. v.i. To cry out with pain.
Wayashi, 7+52, ##. n. Wisdom.
Waya-ashnu, 7*7* >3, § a. adj. Wise.
Waya-sap, 7*?*7, # # *- jv. adj. Foolish. Injudicious. Stupid.
Wayashnu, 7* $?3, $ a*. adj. Wise.
We, ウェ。何々ヨリ。例セバ、ナクウェェ ク、彼ヘ何處ヨリ来レルカ post From. As :~ Nak we ek, “ where did he come from." Syn : Wa. Orowa.

Wei, うぇい, 悪キ。 adj. Bad. Evil. Syn : Wen.
Wen, うぇん, 死ヌ。 v.t. To die. As :~ Wen nisa, “he has died.” Wen ehange, “to be at the point of death.”
Wen, うぇん, 悪キ、憎ムベキ。 adj. Bad. Abject. Abominable. Adverse. Evil. Poor.
Wen, うぇん, 或形容詞ノ前ニアル時ハ 豊カナ意。 prefix. When prefixed to other adjectives wen sometimes stands for “very.” Too much. Over much : as, Wen poro, “too big”; “ over much.”
Wen-ambe, ウェン・アムベ, 悪、悪事。n. Badness. A bad thing. An evil thing.
Wenbe, うぇんべ, 悪事。 n. A bad thing. The devil. Abaddon.
Wenbe-buri, うぇんべ・ぶり, 葬儀。 n. Funeral ceremonies. Syn : Wen ibe. Wen ikai.
Wenbe-sani, うぇんべ・さに, 侮蔑ノ語、怪物、蛇ナドト云フ。 n. A term of reproach 非難/叱責の用語. A demon. A snake. ★バカ検証 【説明不十分。 sani の説明をすべきだ。 sani は、この辞書に載っていない(バカだから)。しかし、Sanike 子孫, Sanikiri 子孫, Ainu-san-i アイヌの子孫、の用例があるので、 sani = Descendants 子孫。である。だから、Wenbe-sani は、「悪の子孫」の意。san は辞書に載っていた。 sun = v. to descend 下る, n. a descent 下り・坂。 → 川下の者・子孫・末裔。 】
Wen-chakka, うぇん・ちゃっか, 無ニスル。 v.t. To destroy.
Wendarap, うぇんだらっぷ, 夢。 n. A dream. As :~ Wendarap ~ nu, “ to dream.”
Wende, うぇんで, 悪クスル、傷フ。 v.t. To render bad. To spoil. Syn : Wente.
Wendere, ウェンデレ, 悪クサセル。 v.t. To cause another to spoil.
Wene, うぇね, 水多キ。 adj. Watery. Syn : Tene.
Wen-ehange, うぇん・えはんげ, 死ニ瀕スル。 v.i. To be at the point of death.
Wen-guru-ko-shungep, うぇん・ぐる・こ・しゅんげっぷ, 貧乏人騙シ。(此語ハ朝ノ天気 悪クシテ後ニ 晴トナル日ニノミ用ユ)。 phr. A deceiver of the poor. This phrase is used only of a day which begins badly and afterwards turns out clear and fine.
Wen-hosh, うぇん・ほっしゅ, 死人ニ被セル脚絆(きゃはん)。 n. The leggings in which the dead are clothed before being buried.
Wen-i, うぇん・い, 悪・悪所。 n. Badness. A bad place.
Wen-i, うぇん・い, 小雨(こさめ)。 n. Fine rain. As :~ Wen-i ash, “to drizzel 霧雨が降る、小雨が降る.” ★バカ検証 【drizzel は、スペルミス。 正: drizzle 。】
Wen-ibe-wen-iku, うぇん・いべ・うぇん・いく, 葬?? ノ饗宴。 n. A funeral feast.
Wen-iki-guru, うぇん・いき・ぐる, 乱暴人。 n. A violent person.
Wen-ituren-koro, うぇん・いつれん・ころ, 鬼ニ馮カレル。(とりつかれる?) v.i. To be possessed with a demon. Syn : Nitne kamui shikatkari. Nitne kamui shikatorush. Katiush.
Wen-kamui, うぇん・かむい, 見捨ル、悪鬼。 n. Abaddon. The devil. Syn : Nitne kamui. Kamiyashi. Iwendep.
Wen-kamui-ashishpe, うぇん・かむい・あししゅぺ, 癰(よう・おでき). n. A carbuncle 癰、吹き出もの.
Wen-kamui-kisara-pui-op, うぇん・かむい・きさら・ぷい・おっぷ, 筋肉。 n. A muscle.
Wen-kamui-nitnep, うぇん・かむい・につとねっぷ, 見捨ル、悪鬼。 n. Abaddon. The devil.
Wenkarashpa, うぇんからっしゅぱ, 叱ル、 悪口スル、怒リツケル。 v.t. To storm at. To speak against. To blaspheme. Syn : Koatcha.
Wenkatcham, うぇんかっちゃむ, 悪性。 n. An evil disposition.
Wenkoenratki, うぇんこえんらっとき, 罵ル(ののしる)、不親切ニスル。 v.t. To scold. To despise. To treat unkindly. Syn : Wenkoshipashnu. Pakoenratki.
Wenkosan, ウェンコサン, 病気等ニテ惡クナル。 v.i. To become worse as in sickness.
Wenkurashpa, うぇんくらっしゅぱ, 悪口スル。 v.i. To speak evil of. ★バカ検証 【悪口する、って日本語は無い。と思う。】
Wenkuriki, うぇんくりき, 雨雲。 n. A rain cloud.

Wen-no, うぇん・の, 悪シク、賤ンテ(いやしんで)。 adv. Badly. Abjectly. Adversely.
Wen-no-ka, うぇん・の・か, 醜態。 adv. With difficulty 困難を伴って. Also, “to do badly うまくいかない.” Ugly 醜く.
Wen-no-ye, うぇん・の・いぇ, 虐待スル、讒言(ざんげん、そしる) v.t. To abuse. To speak evil of. To slander.
Wen-no-ye-i, うぇん・の・いぇ・い, 讒言、虐待。 n. Slander. Abuse.
Wenoshkekoro, うぇのっしゅけころ, 疑深キ、猜疑ノ。 adj. Suspicious.
Wen-oyashi, うぇん・おやし, 悪鬼。 n. A spiteful demon.
Wen-oyashi-huchi, うぇん・おやし・ふち, 火ノ悪神。 n. The evil genus of fire. Fire demon.
Wen-oyashi-kara-ainu, うぇん・おやし・から・あいぬ, 外道。 n. A demoniac.
Wenpa, うぇんぱ, 減ズル。 v.t. To diminish. Syn : Shiepupu an. Yulcuturu-otbe an.
Wenpa, うぇんぱ, 悪シキ。 adj. Bad.
Wenparo-sange, うぇんぱろ・さんげ, 罵ル(ののしる)。 v.t. To censure. To reproach.
Wenpipok, ウェンピポク うぇんぴぽっく, 語リ傳へノ有ル所ノ名。 n. The name of some legendary place.
Wenrai, ウエンライ うぇんらい, 完全ニ死シタル。 絶命シタル。 adj. Quite dead.
Wen-ramu-eraikush, うぇん・らむ・えらいくっしゅ, 甚ダ悲シム。 v.i. To be much grieved.
Wenrui, ウェンルイ, 多数ノ(生物ニ用ユ)。 n. Many (used of living beings).
Wen-sapa-koro, うぇん・さぱ・ころ, 髪ヲムシル(死ヲ悼ムトキノ如ク)、哀悼スル。 v.i. To wear the hair cut as when in mourning. To mourn for the dead.
Wen-shieara-koro, うぇん・しえあら・ころ, 徒黨ノ(= 徒党の)。. adj. Factious 党派的な、派閥争いの好きな.
Wen-shiri, うぇん・しり, 岩山。 n. Crags. Very rocky mountains. Rough rocky places. Syn : Kutchituye.
Wentek, うぇんてっく, 荒ス。 v.t. To devastate. To ravage. To lay waste.
| Wentoi-kantoi-kokiru, ウェントイ・カントイ・コキル, 荒ス。 v.t. To devastate. To ravage. To lay waste.
| Wentoi-kiru, ウェントイ・キル,
Wenu-irushka, うぇぬ・いるっしゅか, 互ニ怒ル。 v.i. To be very angry with each other. To scold one another badly.
Wen-yuk ウェン・ユク, 人ヲ食フ熊。 n. A man-eating bear. Syn : Hokuyuk.
| Wo, うぉ, 拇指ト食指ニテ測リシ距離。 n. A span of the thumb
| Wowo, うぉうぉ, and first finger. Also a quarter.
Wo, ウォ, 犬又ハ狼ノ鳴聲。 n. An onomatopoea for the howl of a dog or wolf.
Wok-kina, うぉっく・きな, はまえんどう。 Lathyrus, japonicus, Willd.
Wooi, ウォオイ, 危難ニ逢へルトキニ助ケヲ呼ブ聲。 exclam. A call for help when in danger or distress, or warning of great danger.
Woriworik-nupuri, うぉりうぉりっく・ぬぷり, 各々谷ニ依リテ分離セラレタル山ノ集マリタル處。 n. A place where there are clusters of mountains with a valley round each separate mountain perfect in itself.
Woro, うぉろ, 濕潤(湿潤しつじゅん)セル。 adj. Damp. Wet. Softened by wetting.
Woro, うぉろ, 國ノ内部、山川。 n. The interior of a country. Mountains and rivers. The midst of the sea. Syn : Iworo.
Woro-chironnup, うぉろ・ちろんぬっぷ, カワウソ。 n. The common otter. Lutra lutra lutra, Linn. Syn : Esaman.
| Woroge, ウロゲ, 石ノ下ノ穴、豪 n. A hole
| Woroke, ウォロケ, beneath stones. A moat.

| Worogetuye-i, ウォロゲツイェ・イ, 砦. n. A fort.
| Worogituye-i, ウォロギツイェ・イ,
Worokoushte, うぉろこうっしゅて, 泥濘(でいねい、ぬかるみ)ナル。 adj. Sloshy. Muddy. Syn : Petneka.
Woro-omare, うぉろ・おまれ, 濡ラス。 v.t. To put to soak.
Wororatkip, うぉろらっときっぷ, 舵。 n. A rudder. Syn : Shiwororatkip.
Worop, うぉろっぷ, 山中。 n. The midlands. Among the mountains. The interior. (see woro).
Woro-un-chironnup, うぉろ・うん・ちろんぬっぷ, カハウソ。 n. The common otter. Syn : Esaman. Lutra lutra lutra, Linn.
Woroshma, うぉろっしゅま, 沈ム。 v.i. To sink into.
Worumbe, ウォルムべ, 水蟲ノ一種ニシテ害甚ダシ、比蟲ヲ捕へ附子ト搗キ交ゼ 熊ヤ又ハ他ノ獣ヲ射ルトキ矢ノ根ニ用フルナリ。 n. A kind of water insect said to be very poisonous. This insect is caught and smashed up with aconite and used for shooting bears and other animals. Syn : Kamhi nesauarage.
Worush, うぉるっしゅ, 順々ニ。 adv. One after the other. Syn : Wosa.
Wosa, ウォサ, 機織ニ用ユル道具。n. An instrument consisting of three bars used in weaving cloth 布を織る時に使用される三本の棒から成る道具.
Wose, うぉせ, 吠ヘル。 v.i. To howl, as a dog or wolf.
Wose-kamui, ウォセ・カムイ, オホカミ。 n. The wolf. Canis lupus, L. A word sometimes applied to howling dogs. Syn : Horokeu.
Woya, うぉや, 違フ、別ナル。 adj. Different. Syn. Oya.


Ya, ヤ。此語ハ言語ノ終リニアルトキハ 問トナリ問ニ答へテ言フトキハ然定ノ 意ヲ表ス要ハ唯撥音ノ如何ニアリ・例セバ、オマンヤ、彼ハ往キシヤ、オマンヤ, #2s1.j + z y . part. This particle is often used at the end of a sentence to express interrogation; but when used after an answer to a question it becomes an affirmative particle, the difference in meaning being indicated by the tone of voice. Thus:~Oman ya ? “ has he gone,” Oman ya, “ he has gone.”
Ya, +', ff}', # v. post. Whether. Or.
Ya,...... Ya, Ay...... ヤ、何方カ。例セバ, タンベネヤ、ネイアムベネャ、ヌャン、比 レカ夫レカ何方ナルカ等ネョ. post Whether......or. As :~ Tambe ne ya, nei ambe ne ya? nu yan, “ ask whether it is this or that.” Anuka rape hene ya wendarap hene ya, ku eramushkari, “I do not know whether it was a thing seen (vision) or a dream.”
Ya, や, n. A net 網. As:~Ya amba, “the floats attached to a fish net.” Ya shittu, “ the meshes of a net. Ya oshke, “ to net.” Ya tambushi, “ to mend a net.” Ya ereba, “to set a net in the sea.” “Ya turuba, to set a net from the seashore.
Ya, ヤ, 陸(海ニ対シテ云フ)。例セバ、ヤペカエクア、レプペカエノア、汝ハ陸ヨリ来リシカ又海ヨリセシカ。 n. Land.
(as opposed to sea). A high rock. As :~ Ya peka ek a, rep peka ek a ? “ did you come by land or sea.”'? Ya sosh, “strata or layers of earth.”
Yachi, やち, 沼澤。 n. A swamp. Syn : Opuruse-i.
Yachi-an, ヤチ・アン, 泥ノ、谷地カカリタル。 adj. Muddy. Swampy 沼地の(ような). ★バカ検証 【谷地(やち)カカリタル、って日本語あるのか?。北海道方言か。カカリタル、って何だ。泥が掛かった、の意か?。意味不明な事書かないで欲しい。】
Yaka, ヤカ, ナレドモ Same as yakka, although. ★バカ検証 バカ丸出し、Yai の前にある。
Yai, ヤイ, 自己、此語ハ獲立シテ用ヰラルルコトナシ。例セバ、ヤイライゲ (自殺スル) reflex. pro. Self. Ordinary. This word is only used as a compound. As :~ Yai-raige, “to kill one's self.” ; “to commit suicide.”
Yai, ヤイ, 一人デ、アテ ドナク、唯ダ。 adv. Alone. Aimlessly. For nothing. As. Yai apkash, “to walk alone” ; “to walk about with no particular object in view.” Yai okai. “to be alone” ; “ to sit doing nothing.” Yai kore, “to give for nothing.”
Yai, ヤイ, 人ニ注意ヲ興フル為メニ呼ビ掛ケル語。 exclam. An exclamation used in calling to a person to attract attention. Ho! As :~ Yai ek ! " ho, come.” !
Yaiamkire, やいあむきれ, 知ル。 v.i. To know.
Yai-am, やい・あん, 眞ナル、純ノ。 adj. True. Genuine. Real.
Yaian, やいあん, 独立スル。 adj. Independent. Of one's self.
Yai-ani, やい・あに, 一人デ、無駄ニ。 adj. Alone. Without object.
Yaiapase, やいあぱせ, 妊娠、孕ム。 v.t. To conceive a child.
Yai-arakare, やい・あらかれ, 自カラヲ傷メル(いためる)。 v.i. To hurt one’s self. As :~ Nei no e ki chiki e yai arakare mangoro gusu, iteki ki yan, “ do not do so for you will probably hurt yourself if you do.”
Yaiashin ヤイアシン, 自カラ脱出スル。 v.i. To come out by one's self.
Yaiasurani, ヤイアスラニ, 知セル。 v.t. To tell. To make known. To publish.
Yaiasuruani-itak, やいあするあに・いたっく, 祈祷スル又ハ懇願スル。 v.i. To pray.
Yaiashish, やいあしっしゅ, 嫌フ。 v.t. To avert 防ぐ、避ける、回避する. To ward off 避ける、回避する、防ぐ、撃退する、かわす、受け流す.
Yaiateraige, ヤイアテライゲ, 縊首スル(いしゅ する)。 v.i. To hang one's self.
| Yaiattasa, ヤイアッタサ,
| Yaiyattasa, ヤイヤッタサ,
貰ヒ物ニ返シヲスル、返礼スル。 v.t. To give in return for something received. To require. To punish. As :~ Aikorep an gusu yaiattasa ku ki na, “ I will recompense him for his gift.” Nei no okai wenbe en otta e ki gustz, ktz yaiatasa ku ki kusu ne na, “ I will requite you for doing such evil things to me.”
Yaiattasap, ヤイアッタサっプ, 報酬 n. A recompense.
Yaichep, やいちぇっぷ, 普通ノ鱒。 n. An ordinary trout.
Yaichepekote, やいちぇぺこて, 餓死スル。 v.i. To die of hunger. Syn : Yaikemekote. Kem-ekot.
Yaichinane, やいちなね, 小便スル。 v.i. To make water. To urinate.
Yai-chisei-koro, やい・ちせい・ころ, 獨リデ住ム。 ph. Living alone in a house.
Yaichishte, やいちっしゅて, 哀悼スル。 v.t. To mourn for the dead. To bewail the dead.
Yaichishte-guru, やいちっしゅて・ぐる, 死ヲ悼ム(いたむ)人, N. n. A mourner.
Yaieashkaire, やいえあっしゅかいれ, 学ブ。 v.t. To learn. Syn : Eyaihannokkara.
Yaikashpa, ヤイカっシゅぱ, 人ノ過チノミヲ挙ゲテ己レノコトヲ忘レル。 v.i. To forget one's own faults especially when remembering or speaking of
those of others. As :~ Iteki yaieashpa toan wen guru ! “ you bad person, do not forget your own faults ! " (Lit:To be deaf to one's self. ★バカ検証 【馬鹿丸出し。 Yaieattarash の前。】
Yaieattarashi, やいえあったらし, 無頓着ナル。 v.i. To be indifferent. Regardless. Careless. Syn : Nengaine iki.
Yaiechakashnu, ± 4 :E: : 95%, E. y g|* x. v.t. To teach one's self.
Yaichororose, 4° 4f 5F a pa ritz, E? z > Mill.. v.i. To stir one's self up to do anything. (Lit: to set one's self at).
Yai-eihok-guru, + 4 + 4 zk? W JL, ME # (# 9 so su e / ). n. A harlot. (Lit: a self seller). Syn : Yai eiyok guru. |
Yaieinukuri, *4f =r,4f5x4% 9, E$$ x. yv, ;a f*t z. yv. v.i. To be diffident about something.
Yaiesarana, †” Af ar:#F5 3.-, Orst. v.i. To be aggressive.
Yaietunnap, + 4 + y 3-7, # 2, . v.t. To envy. To be jealous of another.
Yaieiwangere, + 4 + 4 7 24° Lo, fi: ~ Jul. v.t. To minister. To serve another. Syn : Shieiwangeyara.
Yaiekatuwen, o’4 **j‘X’f7 * 2^, fajj* x, yl. v.i. To insult. To treat with disrespect. Syn : Yaieatuwen.
Yaiekeshui, *°47:r4roya.4f, £k? z. ≫. v.i. To lose hope.
Yaiekimatek, 4° 4f ar: #75*2}, # 2., # 2, ... v.i. “To suffer pain. To be very ill. To be in trouble. To fear.”
Yaiekimatekbe, + f + + -r5*2} ~&, ####, n. Sufferings. Troubles.
Yaiekoram koro, #4f x.515.K. SI A, sk § 2. L. v.t. To ask a favour. Yaekote, * or on 5*, so z. v.i. To do. As :~ Tu chish wenbe yaiekote, “she wept very bitterly.” Syn : Yaiyekote.
Yaiekusuri-kara, + 4 + 2 × 9 795, =### 5 x n-. v.i. To doctor one's self.
Yaiekush, *-s orio 2, £32% to 21. v.i. To be disappointed. -
Yaiemko, ヤイエムコ, 親族, 兄弟?妹, [E]}}]. n. Relations. Brothers & sisters.
Yaienichitne, + 4 += sty#, #? v E x = : Jl. adj. & v.i. To be incapable through illness. To be of a weakly disposition.
Yaienupa, ヤイエヌパ。自ラ目ヲサマス。 v.t. To wake up.
Yaieorushpe-ye-yara, + f + 2i Jl. Se ペエヤラ。報* スル、陳述スル・ v.i. To give an account of one's self.
Yaiepase, ヤイエパセ。妊娠スル v.i. To be pregnant. To be with child. Syn : Honkoro.
Yaiepirika, ヤイエピリカ。恵マレタル, E t *- pl-. v.i. & adj. Blessed. To have gained. To be fortunate.
Yaiepirika-ambe, + 4 + E y ?y 77A, ~, 5.1%. n. Gain. Profit.
Yaieipirika-i, ヤイエイピリカイ、利得. n.
Yaiepirikap, Profit. ヤイエピリカプ。
Yaiepirikare, ^?4f * bo 9 % L≫, E %r yL~. v.t. To gain. To get profit.
Yaiepirikarep, + A + E U ?, L7, fi] #. n. Gain. Profit.
Yaieporose, 474 z?t pitz, #?E#, ##. v.i. Selfish.
Yaierampoken, + 4 +5 A}}{2}r >, e g!x. yv. v.i. To be disappointed.
Yaierap, ヤイエラプ。経歴ヲ語ル、土産 # 7 x vv. v.t. To tell of one's personal matters.
Yaiesanniyo, *’47:e+>= =a, fi; z,. v.i. To be rich. To be careful over one's property. As :~ Yaiesanniyo guru, “a rich or careful person.” Syn : Nishpa me gurut.
Yaiesanniyorire, + f ++j-> = a ) Le §%+ yl. adj. & v.i. Highminded. Syn : Yaikeutumkarire. Gain.

Yaiesara, + f + {}=5, ##stoj3-. v.i. To be aggressive.
Yaiesarana, o f = }53-, [Eles; +3. 2-gs. * Z, or no. adj. Aggressive. To attack.
Yaieshiande, Pie$27° 27', Ei z : x ju, a F. v.i. To take offence.
Yaieshikorap, * 4 r.:2:1:7, j: 2 f: = §§ xv. v.i. & adj. Incapable through illness. To be of a weakly disposition. As: --
Yaieshikorap ki, “to become ill and incapable.” “To become weakly.” Syn : Yaienichitne.
Yaieshinniukesh, o 4 a 3 a 2 = y 5So, £ v a-, jg z + yl. adj. Poor. Destitute. Syn : Irapokkari.
Yaieshirepa, 474 r. Ze La ?, #5° v. v.t. To coax. To rub one's cheeks against another as children in affection.
Yaieshiwende,* -f :r $≫r7 :r 25F, Afi J, . v.i. To be pregnant.
Yaietaye, ヤイエタイェ。潜出スル(穴カ * 5H =). v.i. To draw one's self out as out of a hole.
Yaietokye, ヤイエトクイェ。己ノ仕事ヲ # =# or 'u'. v.i. To boast of what one is going to do.
Yaietushiri-kara, * 4 = y: J #5, 己レノ墓ヲ掘ル(好ンデ危キニ近ッ”クコ F 7 : 7). v.i. To dig one's own grave. -
Yaietushtek, *4f:toy$~5*47, E. v. 7 452. v.i. To abuse one's self.
Yaiewen, ヤイエウェン。卑シキ、貧シキ. # 7. adj. Humble. Poor. Lame. Crippled. Syn : Hera.
Yaiewende ヤイエウェンデ、商資シテ # x fl. v.t. To lose as in a bargain. To waste. As :~ Korobe yaiewende “to suffer the loss of one's goods.” Syn : Koshini.
Yaiewendere, + f + 7 =:o FL, ?ay | + Jur. v.t. To cause to lose. To make lose, as in a bargain.
Yaieyashitoma, + f ++?$/ F -r, Fjff + 2y ? x ?l. v.i. To feel out of place. To feel out of sympathy with one's surroundings. Yalibere-wa-rai, **s of ~. L. Z 54, # 7 sig f = FE x. v.i. To poison one’s self.
Yaihaitare, *° 4 /v4 % Lo, §§or yv. AH to 5 yj + + M. v.t. To avoid. To cause to miss. To dissent. Syn : Yaikopashte.
Yai-hechiri, **** J, ###7. v.i. To amuse one'self. To play alone.
Yaihoshkire, + fzk$e:F Le, e = , adv. Before. First.
Yaihummore, to 4 7 JANE Le, i ?i = iz * + l2, ### * # 9. v.i. To keep one'self quiet.
Yaihumshu, 474 7.A, o.a., ZISE 2 HH3# #. n. An accident. As :~ Yaihumshu kara gusu rai, “he died through meeting with an accident.” Syn : Nikuru.
Yaihumshu-wa, o 4 7.5, 32 a. 7, AfSa. =. adv. Accidentally.
Yaiikire, ヤイイキレ。 ?口 スル。 鳥ル。 v.t. To blaspheme. To act wickedly. To mock. Syn : Yaitonbuni. Irara.
Yaiikire-no, PA 4 + L V, # y. adv. Alone. As :~ Yaiikire no apkash, “to walk alone.”
Yaiikire-no-an-guru, * 4 4 + Le / Jo :e y DU, ## # #. n. A recluse. A person living alone.
Yaiimire-no, *? -f f S L /, # 'l>. # セベ、クンネコソンデヤイイミレノ、ウ ツムチウレグル、黒小袖ヲ被タル人 v.i. To be dressed in. As :~Kunne kosonde yaiimire no utomchiure guru, “a person dressed in black garments.”
Yaiipokashika, † 4 4 R3h 23h, # 7 x no. v.i. To make one's self ugly.”
Yaiiraige, ヤイイライゲ、有難ウ ado ph.
Yaiiraigere, Thank you. ヤイイライゲレ,

Yaiiraige-an, + 4 -f 54 4*7* 2, Zffi; 2, # 7. v.i. To be thankful.
Yaiiraige-an-keutum-koro, * As of 5 イゲアンケウツムコロ。恩ニ感ズル。ひ.i. To be grateful. To be thankfui.
Yaiiraige-ki, **s of 5 for:#, #x, it 5 : z. v.t. To thank. To express thanks.
Yaiiraige-koro, + Af 4 5 4 Aya H, #5 # 7. adv. Thankfully.
Yaiisam, * f 4 + A, i?i? z >L. v.i. To dwindle away. To come to nought.
Yaiisamka, ヤイイサムカ、自殺スル。 v.i. To commit suicide. To absent one's self.
Yaiitasasa, ヤイイタササ、自カラ傷ケ yi. v.i. To hurt one's self. Syn : Yaiiuninka. Yaiarakare.
Yaiiuninka, † 4f4f r} = > #7, MFF w $ = § xv. v.i. To meet with an accident. To hurt one's self. Syn : Yaiitasasa. Yalarakare.
Yaikahawashpa, to 4 ?JAv. 7 Ser“, j #5 of 7. v.i. To talk to one's self.
Yai-ka-iki, * 4 3, 4 #, # * # z. v.t. To render one’s self useless. Yaikamui, o 4 ?y A4f, E##%. demon.
Yaikane, * A 77:R, §. n. Lead. As :~ Yaikane ikayop, “ quivers ornamented with lead.
Yaikannama-wa-hoshipi, **s h >3. マワホシビ。忘レ物ヲ為スタメニ立録 ju. v.i. To turn back to say or do something one has forgotten.
Yaikaobiuki, to f?a: Ej F., H 0 7 : Bjor slo. v.i. To help or save one's self.
Yaikaokuima, to 4 ?jzi i frr; itylviii x jul. v.i. To wet one's bed.
Yaikaomare, + f hzi z Lo, ##E x y?. v.t. To confess. To own to.
Yaikara, ヤイカラ。模擬スル、眞似スル。 v.t. To assume. To imitate. To do. As :~ Chikap me yaikara, “to imitate n. A a bird.” -
Yai-kara, * 4f *j 5, Ei:^ =...... x. yu~. v.t. To do to one's self.
Yaikarakara, *4 #5:55, 2 ×, # fi x. xv. v.t. To do. To adorn. To tidy one's self. To prepare one's self.
Yaikarakarasere, * 4 h 5 ?y5tz Le, # * 2L. v.i. To roll one's self, as an animal.
Yaikaramu, † 4 ?5 A, BERE x vv. To be diffident. place.
Yaikarap, ヤイカラっプ, 弁解スル、謝スル。 v.i. To apologize. To beg pardon.
Yaikarisami, + f ?y 9 #5, H3K x. adj. Unable. Doing nothing. Ignorant.
Yaikata, *-s 355., & v. n. Dread. To dislike to go to a
Yaikata, 己レ。例セバ、ヤイカタネプ ヤイカタ キ、己レノ職業 per pro.
Yaikota, One's self. One's own. + 4 = 3, As :~ Yaikata nep ki, “one's own work or business.”
Yaikata, + f b &, s# & Hij k = . adv. Indivi
Yaikota, dually. For one’s self. ヤイコタ。
Yaikatakarap, ± 4 : 54: 57, TSE x 21. v.i. To be anxious.
Yaikatchipi, EE££ x jv. v.i. To re ヤイカッチピ, turn to life. To
Yaikatshipi, revive. To regain ヤイカツシピ, one's health or for tune. Syn : Hetopo shiknu.
Yaikatan, + f h } 2^, JR H* v. Ashamed. Diffident.
Yaikatanu, * 4f # $, 5$, f?#?Ese *. adj. Polite. Well behaved. Beautiful. Syn : Yaioripakka an. Oripak an. Also “to honour” or “respect,” “to esteem.”
Yaikateaikap, + f h 5F774f ?y 7, ### > # 3r z v sv. v.i. To be troubled about. To feel concern. To feel adj.
Yaikateaikapte, ± 4 :74 h7:, 運疑スル、恥カシク感ズル v.i. To feel diffident. To feel ashamed.
Yaikatekara, + 4f カテカラ,望ム。侯ツ, ji 7, NoNo x vv. v.t. To yearn after. To long for. To feel anxious about. To love. As :~ A poho ntakan rusui wa yaikatekara ku ki na, “ I desire to see my child and feel anxious about it.”
Yaikatekarap, to f? 57:557, ?e?e, # / #, ## 7. n. Anxiety. A love song. A longing for.
Yaikatshipire, **s joy ob: Le, fl. 3'* + n . v.t. To raise to life. To revive.
Yaikatuwen, ヤイカツウェン, 辱カシク § 7, #Iniz. Puz. v.i. To feel ashamed. To have been put out of countenance. Syn : Nanu isam. Yaimikoroshma. Yaikere, *f Ar- L, £}*. adj. Alone. As yaikere no ash, to stand alone.
Yaikeshnukara, + 4 4r>57 ?95, ### 5 # or 5 v /l. v.i. To feel concerned about. To be troubled about. To feel anxious.
Yaikegoro, * 4f4%r°/ pa, E. v. / 5+E. n. One's own descendants.
Yaikestuye, 4° 4f 4rz K-:r, fE G- zi ≫ 3r. adj. Dreadful. Dangerous.
Yaikeuhumshu, o?4f4%rroy 7.A., $z.,., % : = : Jl. v.i. To meet with an accident. Syn : Yaihumshu.
Yaikeukoro, やいけうころ, 難儀スル、疲労スル。 v.i. To be in great straits. To be in difficulties. To be very tired. As :~ Yaikeukoro kiro sap, “he has been made very tired indeed.”
Yaikeurura, ヤイケウルラ。身ヲ危クス ov. v.i. To jeopardize one's self.
Yaikeururare, o’4f4%rroy JL,5 L., fa; oy x ov. v.t. To jeopardize. To bring into danger.
Yaikeutumkarire, + As rr;) y A,?, ) L, AR 3- L. v.i. & adj. To be foolish. Syn : Yaiesanniyorire.
Yaikeutum-oilhunara, **s or 7 y.o. 2-4 73-5, #~H x. v.i. To think out for one's self.
Yaikeutum-oshitchiure, + f Arry y ムオシッチウレ、己レヲ制スル、ひ.i To restrain one's self. To persevere.
Yaikiki, ヤイキキ。身ヲ播キムシル v.i. To scratch one's self.
Yaikimatekka, to f + r r ≫?j, : ?. v.i. To be in a hurry.
Yaikipte, * 4 *75F, fi a-. adj. & v.i. Dangerous. To be careful.
Yaikiptep, + f +75°7, f?# #. n. A dangerous thing.
Yaikire, ヤ イキレ。我盛スル。 Obstinate.
Yaikiru, P4 :/i, k: ) x n. v.i. To turn one's self, as when sleeping.
Yaikirukuru, PA +JL Zy L, ie FH = # # JL. v.i. To wallow. Syn : Hotahota.
Yaikoan-ainu, *-s on 7:27.4 ×, #. #. n. A bachelor.
Yaikoan-guru, o 4 : J’ A? JL, # > R + x 53, ####" Juor. n. A bachelor. A spinster.
Yaikoan-mat, to f a 7" А те у, ili ? у“ Ji ?r. n. A spinster.
Yaikoan-no, # f = 7> /, # # 5*. adv. By one's self. By itself. By himself. By herself.
Yaikoanu, * 4 - 75., H-s} = f; 2. v.t. To put on one side. To place by themselves, as a child or one's clothES.
Yaikoatcha, 474 a Joy Fy, F5 v 37 yi-. ZRg+- yl. v.i. & adj. Dirty. Sloven. Filthy. Wasteful.
Yaikoauterere, P4 - Pr; 5 L L, k ≫ TI * % ≫ fH] = £; vfi *. v.i. To place the tip of the tongue between the teeth (as a dog or fox).
Yaikochipkuta, + f =? 5-7 & &, J# > AA#x v. v.t. To turn a boat over. adj.
To upset a boat. Syn : Chip koupshi.
Yaikoechupu, P4 -u:5-2.7, : z # jul. v.i. To cover one's self up with clothes. To wrap one's clothes around one.
Yaikoechupchupu, P4 =u:Fa.75*a. 7, ##% 7 #212. v.i. To wrap one's clothes about the person. To cover one’s self up with clothes.
Yaikoemko utara, + 4 =?:r. 2. a 74: ラ。自分ノ親族、兄弟姉妹. n Ones relations. Brother & Sisters. Yaikoeshina, + Af :a:a:$2:j-, P?I?? = x no. v.i. To keep secret.
Yaikoreshke, -74 =? Le Sea. Ar, ? 7 7 v. R. v.i. To be brought up.
Yaikohekomo, +4 = ~ -15E, ### = 3y # , |?|#l, ####i?i##. n. Brother and sister who have become husband and wife.
Yaikoirushkare, P-f = "s Il->:# L-, BR 5 + yv, fe ≫ te vv. v.t. To annoy. To weary out.
Yaikokanu, 474 - h5R, ## > n. v.i. To think. To consider.
Yaikokarakara, 474f a #95 h5, ## ?, Ej# x xv. v.t. To have. To hold. Possess.
Yaikokatpak, * 4 * *) ≫z&47, ##= xl. v.t. & n. To repent. Compunction.
Yaikokishma, *4 = +$27, ### 7. v.t. To hug. To embrace. Syn : Yaiturashte.
Yaiko-kotukbare, *”4f -a -a y4) w* la, #s;| = Wyl. v.i. To join one's self to.
Yaikomekare-aep, +4 = y? ?y LTP:t プ。反郷. n. Cud. Yaikonere, -74f =1# Lo, HifE x ≫L. v.t. To cast one's young. Syn : Honyaku.
Yaikoniukesh, やいこにうけっしゅ, 為シ得ザル、為スヲ厭フ。 v.t. To be unable. To dislike to do. To do with difficulty.
Yaikoniwen, やいこにうぇん, 不満足。 adj. Dissatisfied. Grumbling.
Yaikonna, + f a >3-, E; E v , ...... ノ・ pro. One's own.
Yaikonoye, * 4 = / of 2, # 1. v.i. To wear as clothes. Syn : Amip mi.
Yaikonrusui, + 4 a evlex f, stk v ?r no. v.t. To desire for one's self.
Yaikookere ヤイコオケレ、縮少スル, fi:#? 7. v.i. To wane. To come to an end.
Yaiko-oknatara, *4 =1*****7, A¢ so z... v.i. To mourn. To grieve. To be down hearted. To have lost courage.
Yaikooniwen, + f = # = H = :e, fE# 7:#7. vi. To be hypocritical. Syn : Kashi-oniwen.
Yaikooriknere, 4° -f -12 V 2 + L-, fik + x. v.t. To drink up.
Yaikopakye,ヤイコパクエ。自慢ヲ言フ。 v.i. To praise one's self. To compare one'self favourably with another.
Yaikopash, ヤイコパシ。寄リ掛ル、寄セ # ? vv. v.i. To lean against. To be set against.
Yaikopashte, + f a v §$25F, f?ff x n, Ȓ. v.t. To trust. To lean against. As :~ Kamui irenga yaikopashte, “to trust one's self to God.”
| Yaikopumba, : x lG:z). v.t. & v.i. * f -17Azt, To send forth, as
| Yaikopuni,ヤイコプニ。 the voice. To rise up.
Yaikopuntek, ± 4 : 7:25-27, # 2 +. v.i. & adj. To be glad. Joyful.
Yaikoramratkire, + f = 5A, 5 ≫ +. Le, NE LE a?. v.i. & adj. To be forgetful. Syn : Ioira.
Yaikorange, * f :15 24, #x, #x. 例セバ、ッペケンヌペャイコランゲ、彼 女ヘニツノ珠ナス沸ヲ落セリ。換言スレ ベ甚ダシク泣ケリノ意. v.t. To shed. To send down. As :~ Tu peken nupe 3/aikorange, “she shed two bright tears” i.e. “she wept bitterly” (found
only in legends and songs).
Yaikorapte, ヤイコラプテ。流ス(激ヲ) v.t. To shed, as tears. To send down. Pl. of Yaikorange.
Yaikore, ヤイコレ、何々ニナル・例セバ, イルシカケウツムヤイコレ彼ヘ怒ツタ。 v.i. To have. To be. To become. As :~ Irushka keutum yaikore, “she was angry.”
Yaikoresu, o?4f =I L^2\, EjE x yv. v.i. To grow up alone.
Yaikorobe, *4 = DI “S, E v / ##. n. One's own business. As :~ Yaikorobe ki, “to attend to one's own business.”
Yaikoropishi, 4’4 - E EA, :-H x. v.i. To think a thing out. To find out by one's self. Syn : Yaikeutum oihunara.
Yaikoruki, **s in slo, Ha... v.t. To swallow.
Yai-korushka, やい・こるしゅか, 恤ム(あわれむ)。 v.t. To have mercy upon.
Yaikorushka, 474 a Jle$/3b, ## x vi, ###2 *... v.i. To feel disgusted. To be in sorrow. Syn : Ok. Yaikosange, *4 = }">4*, j* 2. v.t. To bear. To bring forth, as young.
Yaikoshaye, **4f:ri $2 x 4f +, 3%; t yv. v.t. To buckle on. To wind round as a belt or band.
Yaikoshikarimba, ヤイコシカリムバ。 #fil 27, s?jor IHz. v.i. To turn round. To turn one’s self round.
Yaikoshina, + 4 = $23-, J = #ff y ff r ju. To tie round one’s self.
Yaikoshipuinere, + 4 = $27:74 # Le, 1st v. v.t. To covet.
Yaikoshiramse, P4 : 95.Atz, : > vv. v.t. To think. To consider. To set one’s mind on.
Yaikoshiramse-i, + f a 2,5 Atz f, $ #. n. A thought. A consideration.
Yaikoshiramshuiba, ? As a $25 A$aa. 4 art, # ~ /v. v.i. To consider. To think.
Yaikoshunge, *4fza $~~, >~4y*, E v≫ 7 # *. v.i. To deceive one's self.
Yaikota, *4 -14, E. L. per pro. One's self.
Yaikata, One’s own. ヤイカタ,
Yaikota, 4. Af E134, s# & = . adv. Individually.
Yaikata, For one's self. ヤイカタ。
Yaikotcha-kara, *4 =a 9*/+ +*y5, Fu 3- pl. v.i. To be stingy.
Yaikotcha-kara-guru, *4 -- ≫***) 5 % JV, # # #K. n. A miser. A stingy person.
Yaikotchaotte, * 4 = 9.5 xzi y F, 3% Yr. 9. v.t. To precede.
Yaikotomka, やいことむか, 好ム。 v.t. & v.i. To desire. To wish for. To desire to obtain. To be pleased. To be happy. To desire in marriage. To be bettered. To be better for.
Yaikotuima-shiramshuye, **s in or イマシラムシュイェ。静思スル ph To think over quietly.
Yaikotukkare, * As a y y?, L., off x yv, ?E#H x ≫v. v.i. To side with.
Yaikowayashnu, *4f = 7 * 325., A£ 意気ナル、智キ振リヲスル v.i. To be wise in one's own conceits.
Yaikowepekere, + 4 = } =~&Ar Le, Eg # > 7 J? sv. v.i. To be troubled.
Yaikoyaikush, + f =a + 4 2 22, E f?. rt. Idle.
Yaikoyupu, P4 -ii7, # yu. v.t. To fasten. To tie as hat strings. To fasten on. As :~ Kasa rantupepi yaikoyupu, “to tie the strings of a hat.”
Yaikunnukarabe, ?4 % *5%: *, #. n. A looking-glass.
Yaikuruusere, ± 4 Jl. 7tz Lo, H E: ?R. v.i. To reveal one's self.
Yaikurukata, o?4f 47 mL≫*74%, E v z jj #. adv. By one's own exertions.
Yaikush, 4° 4f } /, Hu#7 n. v.i. & adj.
Ashamed. To be ashamed. Yashitama.
Yaikushkare, y 4 ) Se?, Lo, Hu#*} + ju. v.t. To make ashamed. To abase. To degrade.
Yaikushte, ヤイクシュテ。自分ガ飛ビ越 ×. v.t. To cause one's self to cross. To throw one's self over. As, Pesh oika yaikushte, “He threw himself across the precipice.”
Yaimechiure, + 4 x 5-7 Lo, ## / [E] #. v.i. To have a relapse during convalescence.
Yaimemanka, やいめまんか, 涼ム(すずむ)。 v.i. To cool one's self.
Yairnire, + 4 S Le, # 7. v.i. To dress. To put on one's clothes.
Yaimoi, ヤイモイ。自分ノ仕事 n. One’s own work.
Yaimoi-shikopa, *4 E4 ×-1/3, El }}. v.i. To rely on one's exertions.
Yaimonakte, * As *%-275", 3:Box n-, Syn : }aii x yv. v.i. To be on the alert. To be ready. To be prepared.
Yaimonasap, ャイモナサプ、繁忙ナル pi To
Yaimosak, be busy. To have ヤイモサク。 business.
Yaimoini-kina, **sat f ==#3-, y-o' s / ? §. n. Cirsium sps. (Saghalien).
Yaimonoro-eyam-eaikap, * f *? A ロエヤムエアイカプ。己レヲ制スルコト 2) H3% x. v.i. To be unable to restrain one's self.
Yaimonpok-tushmak. *-s B >xit 7 ツシマク、急ィデスル、急ガセル。例セ ベ、シュケャイモンボクツシマク。急イ ####| x >L. v.t. To do in haste. To hurry in doing anything. As :~ Shuke yaimonpok-tushmak, “to cook quickly.
Yaimosak, o A E) y, ft so or. v.i. To be
Yaimonsak, busy. To be engaged. ヤイモンサク。
Yaimososo ヤイモゾソ、己ヲ寝ヨリ醒 ~ x. .v.i. To rouse one's self up.
Yaimukmuke, to 4 6 3 5,4-, Ki?if 7 BE ×. v.i. To cover up the person.
Yaimunkopoiba, 彷律スル (避難 ヤイムンコポイバ, 所ヲ等ネテ)
Yaimuntumashbare, v.i. To wan ヤイムンツマシバレ, der about, as when hiding from some enemy or danger.
Yainanka, + f + e ?7, E v ?st. n. One's own face. As :~ Yainanka piruba, “to wipe one's own face.”
Yainekonnakare, + 4 + a 23-3h Le, ###x yu. v.i. To make humble.
Yainenaine, *4f**4 *, [E| }}:+ xv. adj. Of the same kind. As :~ Yainemaine utomohiure, “to dress in garments of the same kind.”
Yaineusaraka, + 4 + r} +j*5 h, ## 7 x 912. v.i. and n. To chat of ancient things. To tell stories. *
Yaineusaraka-an,+ 4 + r} #5 ?7:e, #&#TEst ≫≫E = }}}#3r zv. v.i. To go out for a walk and chat.
Yaine-yaine, op 4 ak op f:k, ze 2 - adv. Entirely. Quite.
Yai-ni, * 4 =, F a 2 +... n. The poplar tree. Populus Maximowiczii, Henry. The fresh bark is cut up into fine shreds and applied to cut-wounds to prevent the formation of pus.
Yainikonnakare, fo# yv. v.i. To be * 4 = -127-7; Le, ashamed. To be
Yainikoroshima, put out of ヤイニコロオシマ, coun te na n c e. Syn : Aiporosakka. Yaishitoma. Yainekonare.
Yainino, o 4 = /, 3r E. n. Sea urchin.
Yainintasa, ... + +* x yv. v.i. To give + f = 257+j*, as a propitiation. To
Yainiusata, give for some wrong + f = r ) # &, done. Syn : Imommuye. - - -
Yainitomu, * 4 = F.A., off; 2 #7.
v.i. To be thankful.
Yai-nishpa-ne-ka, to f = S t k ?i, E? 3-57 ## = sv 3 . v.t. He made himself a rich man.
Yainipesh, ヤイニペシ。オホベボジダイ > = . n. Tilia Maximowicziana, Shirasawa. A linden tree.
Yai-no-an, ヤイノアン。獄リデ居ル、唯。 adj. Alone.
Yainomare, o 4 / or Lo, y . v.i. & adj. To be surprised. To be astonised. Astonishing. As :~ Yainomare ta hatt an ! “what an astonish ing thing”! Syn : Yainumare.
Yainonepta, 潮々ニ、徐々ニ adj. *イノネブタ。 By degrees. Gradu
Yainunepta, ally. As :~ Yaino ヤイヌネプタ。 nepta irushka, “he gradually became angry.”
Yaimonnenu, *o ?£ / >≫:#5x, ??z #j-z ム(深ク考へゴトヲスルトキ無意識ニナ x 5.7%). To scratch the head, as when thinking deeply.
Yainu, * of 52, #~ ov. v.i. To think. To consider.
Yainua-ambe, of 4 ×77A-t, # #. n. A thought.
Yainuchattek, やいぬちゃってっく, 幸ヒナル、嬉シキ。 adj. Happy. Merry. Joyful. Cheerful.
Yainuchattekke, やいぬちゃってっけ, 幸ヒニスル。 v.t. To make joyful. To make happy.
Yainu-hi, **s xb, ol. n. A thought.
Yainu-humi, to fizz S, E., ib. tije ベ ヤイヌフミェン、心地ガ悪イ、ャイ ヌ フミピリカ、心地ガ好イ。n The state of the feelings as regards health. As :~ Yainu humi wen, “I feel poorly.” Yainu humi humi wen, “I feel poorly." Yainu humi pirika, “I feel well.”
Yainu-i, * of 5.4 , #~. n. A thought.
Yainukechiwatki, * 4 5 Or5F 7 ≫ +, #yv. v.t. To be angry.
Yainukuri, ヤイヌクリ。通とシク感ズル。 v.t. To feel ashamed. To be diffident.
Yainukuri-ram-koro, **s 5 & J 5.A. E. R, sik. v.t. To feel ashamed.
Yainu-nashke, of 5.3-> or, #5% z. ov. v.i. To apologize.
Yainuina, ヤイヌイナ、匿レル、逃亡ス Jl. v.i. To hide one's self. To abscond. Yainukare, ヤイヌカレ、自分ヲ見セビ * x, x. v.t. To show one’s self.
Yainumare, * f 5 or L., & 2, v.i. and adj. To be surprised. To be astonished. Astonishing. Syn : Yaio重拉?宣?。
Yainumashkire, P4 3R = $aa =# Lo, # v *. adj. Pleased.
Yainumeshtukire, * M 3x x $≫xyp + L?, £s- *}# yl. adj. To be pleased.
Yainunuke, やイヌヌケ、身豊ニ注意ス jul, #3: x juv. v.i. To take great care of one's self. To rest as when ill.
Yainup, *4 ×7, ###. n. A thought.
Yainupetpette, + 4 5xokoyek':/5F, Ye. zk= 7 #If x. v.i. To refresh one'self with cold water. To wash ones'face.
Yainurokte, やいぬろくて, 坐ル。 v.i. To sit down.
Yainusaraka-ki, 話ヲスル、昔譚リ ヤイヌサラカキ。 ヲ話ス。v.t. To
Yaineu-saraka-ki, tell stories. To ヤイネウサラカキ。 speak of an cient things. To tell traditions.
Yainutumnu, ” f5 y.A.5, ;? x ol. v.i. To swoon away.
Yaiochashte, * sizio oil:P, #: 7, 3kyl. v.i. To make one's self run. To come or go.
Yaiochishbare, 474 #5F $2, $ Le, ?? > #x no. v.i. To grieve over having suffered loss.
Yaiochiwe ヤイオチウエ2、伏ス、横ヘ ju. v.i. To lie down.
Yaiokapashte, やいおかぱっしゅて, 後悔スル。 To repent. To ask for pardon.
To feel in the wrong.
Yaiokapashtere, やいおかぱっしゅてれ, 修正スル。 v.i. To amend, as one's ways.
Yaiokkainere, やいおっかいねれ, 打勝ツ。 v.t. To exult. To triumph.
Yaiomanambe, やいおまなむべ, 彷徨(ほうこう)スル[= さまよう]。 v.i. To ramble about ぶらつく.
Yaiomare, やいおまれ, 入ル(市ニ)。 v.i. To enter, as a town. (Lit: To put one's self in).
Yaiomonnure, やいおもんぬれ, 誇ル。 v.i. To boast. To glory in one's self.
Yaiorai, ヤイオライ, 謙遜ナル、尊重ナル。 adj. & v.i. To be humble. To be respectful.
Yaioraika, やいおらいか, 謙遜スル。 v.i. To make one's self humble or respectful. Syn : Yaieoripakka.
Yaioraire, やいおらいれ, 謙遜スル。 v.i. To humble one's self. Syn : Yaishiwenneree
Yaiorampeshishte, やいおらむぺししゅて, 同情ヲ表スル。 v.i. To express sympathy towards.
Yaiorampeshpa, やいおらむぺっしゅぱ, 自ラ顧ミル。 v.i. To suffer compunction.
Yaioromomye, やいおろもむいぇ, ツブヤク。 v.i. To grumble to one's self. ★バカ検証 【呟く(つぶやく)という漢字を知らない、バカ】
Yaioraye, やいおらいぇ, ニ行ク。 v.i. To go to.
Yaioshkire, やいおっしゅきれ, 前。 adv. Before. First.
Yaioshkiri, ヤイオっシゅキリ, 自己ノ面前。 adv. Before one’s self.
Yaioshkuru, やいおっしゅくる, 死ニタクモナキ。 adj. Desire not to die. Syn : Rai kopan. ★バカ検証 【死にたく無い、じゃないの?。〜も、の、も、って何。イイカゲンナ日本語を書かないで欲しい。】
Yaiossereke, ヤイオッセレケ やいおっせれけ, 途方ニ暮レル。 v.i. To be perplexed.
Yaiossereke, ヤイオツセレケ, 後ヲ顧ミテ深ク感ズル。 interj. A word, expressing relief after meeting with danger. ★バカ検証 【Yaiossereke 同じローマ字なのに、カタカナが違う。ッ と ツ。オカシイ。】
| Yaiosshiwen, ヤイオッシウェン, 負傷スル。 v.i. To harm one's self.
| Yaiyeosshiwen, ヤイイェオッシウェン,
Yaiosshiwen-keutum-koro, やいおっしうぇん・けうつむ・ころ, 根性ノ悪キ。 adj. To be possessed of a very bad disposition. Wicked. Bad.
Yaiotupekare, やいおつぺかれ, 節制スル、貯蓄スル。 adj. Abstemious. Faithful. Saving. Stingy.
Yaiotupekare-no, やいおつぺかれ・の, 適度ニ、倹約ニ。 adv. Abstemiously. Faithfully. Savingly.
Yaipakari, やいぱらり, 自殺スル。 v.i. To commit suicide. To do one's self harm.
Yaipakashnu, やいぱかっしゅぬ, 学習スル、悔ユル(くいる)。 v.i. To learn. To repent. Syn : Yaikokatpak.
Yaipaopichi, やいぱおぴち, 立聞キスル。 v.i. To be caught saying some. thing one would rather not be heard by a third party.
Yaipapirushte-an, やいぱぴるっしゅて・あん, 遠慮スル。前ニ出ルヲ憚カル(はばかる)。 v.i. To be backward. To dread coming forward.
Yaipapirushte-sak-no, やいぱぴるっしゅて・さっく・の, 大膽(= 大胆)に。 adv. Fearlessly. With confidence. Syn : Utumkush sak no.
Yaiparako-hok-guru, やいぱらこ・ほっく・ぐる, 食物ヲ買フ人。 n. One who buys food for himself. To provide for one’s self.
Yaiparakosai, やいぱらこさい, 我儘(わがまま)ナル。 v.i. To be selfish.
Yaiparataraye, やいぱらたらいぇ, 告白スル、懺悔(ざんげ)スル。 v.i. To make personal confession. To commit one's self.
Yaipararoki, やいぱらろき, 他人ノ厄介ニナラヌ人。 n. One well able to sustain himself.
Yaiparoiki, ヤイパロイキ, 自分デ喰ベ
zv. v.i. To feed one's self.
Yaiparo-oshiribe, * 4 r$ruz*$? J ^&, 課ノ解カラヌコトヲ云フ人。n A person who talks nonsense.
Yaiparoshuiba-guru, * 4 ** pi / a. 4s バグル。食物ヲ買フ人。n A person who buys food for himself.
Yaiparaparu, + 4 zs: vx/L, ia 2 . v.i. To fan one's
Yaiparuparu, self. ヤイパルパル。
Yaiparaparup, P4 as: syl-7, E+. n. A fan. Syn : Aponki or Apunke.
Yaiparush, * 4f ?$■?£?, £#*- ≫v. adj. Talkative. Loquacious. By some “to be greedy.”
Yaipauchire, *4f ~**oy* l≫, $ 74q]2°. v.i. To poison one's self.
Yaipasere, やいぱせれ, 孕ム(はらむ)。 v.t. To be with child.
Yaipaye ヤイパイェ。思ハズ口外スル・ v.t. To let out (as one's thoughts) by mistake.
Yaipekap, やいぺかっぷ, 掴ム(つかむ)。 v.i. To grasp at.
Yaipekare, やいぺかれ, 出入りスル。 v.i. To pass in or out. To go through, as through a doorway or window. To sally forth.
Yai-nu-petpette, * 4f 5-, ^S≫~8 y5F, zk = F TE??j x,3$#R = x /L. v.t. To refresh one's self with cold water. To wash one's face.
Yaipokashte, + 4 zi? ?i. ?e 5F, # r yi-. v.t. To avoid. To dissent.
Yaipokishiri-karakara, *-s oft#$o J 355 bis, fik; x 'n v.i. To dress one's self as for journey.
Yaipoktachish, F-f zit Zo 5x5-Se, #3s of 2. v.i. To grieve over one's self.
Yaipopkere, +4 *74r L≫, E 7 {{!zl≫. v.t. To warm one's self.
Yaiporo-isamka, † 4 z? FI 4 +). A h, Hij Eg 72k-s te v. v.i. To be put out of countenance. To be cast down. To be troubled.
Yaiporosamne, 474 3RD1+}A+k, ##f + n’. adj. Greedy. To eat all up by one's self.
Yaira,ヤイラ。他人ニ自己ノ経歴ヲ語ル。 v.i. To tell another one’s personal ImatterS.
Yairaige ヤイライゲ、自殺スル・ To commit suicide.
Yairamande, ± 4 : - 27, H:x yv. t'.?. v.i. To commit suicide. Syn : Yairaige.
Yairamatte, EEi x xv. v.i. To be ヤイラマッテ, careful. To watch
Yairamuatte, over one's self. To * As B.A.795, be circumspect. To be cautious. To pay attention.
Yairamattere, ± 4 5-r y: L', Eif: 97 to 1, no. v.t. To mend one's ways. To cause to be circumspect.
Yairamechanka, + 4 5 z? 3F-” e h, n, 7% x. v.i. To lose heart.
Yairamchuptekka, + 4 5 A. 3- a. 7 5-y;, $52 +. v.i. To feel lonely. Syn : Mishmu. Nishmu.
Yairamde ヤイラムデ。露辞儀スル(己レ y To x 2 (). v.i. To courtsey.
Yairamekomo, * * > x > *E., Hoa. v.i. To be in anguish. To suffer pain. Syn : Ikorarakomo,
Yairamekota, 4 ± 5 x - x, : ニ . By one's own will.
Yairamhekomo, + f5 A^ aHE, H?3K £3; no. v.i. To be unable.
Yairamhekote, **s 5 A*-B.5, E. L. 73& 2, #4 # 2. ~. v.i. To keep one's self.
Yairamkikkara, o’4 5.A* y*j5, HH IE x w, v.i. To cease doing something.
Yairamkoiki, **s 5A, E f :#, ? $z., ##2 x n-, v.i. To be in sorrow. To be distressed. To be out of spirits. (H). v.i. To remarry. (sing).

Yairamkotopa, + 4 5.A: Fas, ## x yL(£j). v.t. To re-marry. (pl.)
Yairam kuru-shitotkere, + 4 5 & 2) ルシトツケレ。更ニ力ヲ出ス o.i To put forth renewed strength. To do with renewed energy
Yairampekamama, + -f S k -^S h Tr or, $ft x n . v.i. To be dejected. To be in low spirits. Syn : Hun-kinra.
Yairampeutek-guru, * 4 F.A. or 2) of Jo, Rio. n. A fool. An ignoramus. A worthless or bad person.
Yairampokash, 4° 4 5 Azk? S^, PE */ 2., je? x xv. v.i. To be sorrowful. To be downhearted. To be in low spirits.
Yairampokashte, + 4 5A, 3?# $25F, 哀ム(那友親戚ナドノ不幸ニ付テ) ひ.i. To sit in sorrow, as a person upon the loss of a friend or relation. To be downhearted.
Yairamshitne, † 4. 5.A $2'y#, # 2, . v.i. To suffer.
Yairamure, + Af 5.A., Lo, H? ar, # $ # *. v.i. & adj. Humble. Compassionate.
Yairamure, *? f5 A, L', l#TF x vu>. v.t. To humble one's self. Syn : Yaitukareushte.
Yairamure-kunne, o Af 5 A Lo? 2/3R, ££ z £ +. adj. Of a pleasant disposition.
Yairap, + of 57, K. n. An ode.
Yairap, *.s 57, &#=# 2. v.i. To meet with an accident.
Yairarrire, + 4 5 ) Lo, # 7. v.i. To follow. To go after. As :~ Seturu kashike yairarire, “he followed close behind him.”
| Yairat, * As 5 y, oft. v.t. To conceive.
| Yarat, Syn : Honkoro. ヤラツ。
Yairawere, + 4 5 ? = Le, PJ V R = 7*1ff ≫?-%* ≫v /\. v.i. One who talks of do ing something but leaves it undone. Syn : Monrawere,
Yairenga, 474 Le 27f, # 7". v.i. To be pleased. To rejoice. As :~ Shi no kuyairenga, “I am very pleased.”
Yairenga, * of L, 27s, ## x n . v.i. To salute.
Yairengane, * As L. 27s 38, # * *. adv. With pleasure. Joyfully. Syn : Ikopuntek.
Yairenga-konno, za j£ * i z. adj. Thankfully.
Yairespo ヤイレスポ、昔ノ豪傑 n. The name of some ancient hero. (see Ponyaumbe).
Yairiki-guru-pumba, + 4 ) +?YJL,7 ムバ, 風又ヘ雲ニ刺ル v.i. To be lifted up upon the clouds or wind. To get up in a hurry. (pl).
Yairiki-guru-puni, *4 J #5 Il-7-, $3X-ov G = 3e zv. v.i. To be lifted up upon the clouds or wind. To get up in a hurry. (pl).
Yairiki-pumba, *4 J *7.Aa&, E. xv, _E}*3 v sv. v.i. To rise up. To be lifted up. (pl).
Yairiki-puni, 474f j +7 =1, . E no, E ** 12 yu. v.i. To rise up. To be lifted up. -
Yairikotte, * 4 J =i ≫5*, ### * yv. t'.i. To hang one's self. Syn : Yalateraige. Yaitusheotte.
Yairire ヤイリレ。達スル、伸ビル・ ひi, To reach up for anything. To stretch one's self. To be proud. Yairiterite, ヤイリテリテ。手足ヲ伸べ ≫l, $£ x xv. v.i. To stretch one's legs and arms. To take exercise, as after an illness. Syn : Yaikotande.
Yaisama, P-f+}=, YLE, Z E. excl: of astonishment. Syn : Yaishama.
Yaisambenokash,” 4 + A*::::#5, # ?+- ≫v.o, u≫EE*- yv. adj. Downhearted. Troubled. Pitiable. ヤイレンガコンノ。 With thanks.

Yaisambepokashte, 474f#A^3R?, ?e +, leggy 9 te ov. v.t. To give trouble to. To render downhearted.
Yaisamne, ヤイサムネ、軍ニ、意ニ介セ x. adv. Merely. Without any special object. Never mind. It is nothing.
Yaisannyo ヤイサンニヨ, 裕怖側ナル。 adj. Prudent.
Yaisantapka, *4 #2.347 ?i, N v Ei A. E. H. n. One's arms and shoulders. As :~ Yaisantapka riterite, “ to stretch" or “exercise one's arms and shoulders.”
Yaisarama, + -f HFS wr, FTS>- n-. adj. Proud. Boastful.
Yaishiande, + f >7:e5', ## > n. v.t. To eschew. To reject. To turn away from.
Yaishikakushte, -P4 > h } 2^5F, # no (#9- F 7). vi. To throw over one's self, as a garment.
Yaishikashke, to f Se?i 5 r, Eljiti z no. v.i. To defend one's self against a charge.
Yaishimattarire, 474 ?e7 y 5 ) Lo, ## x, E. x v. v.t. To leave. To cease. Syn : Shiokere,
Yaishina, +4 $~}-, f^?E = x. yv. v.i. To keep one's matters secret.
Yaishinire, * 4f $e = Le, fk.h., ## x no. v.i. To rest. To retire. To go into retirement from active life.
Yaishinnaire, 474 e:e:}-4s Le, J# 7 jE 2. v.i. To seperate one's self from.
Yaishinniukesh, * 4 × 2 = .7%ro, # § x ≫L. adj. & adv. To be humble. Lowly. To underrate one's own abilities. To be unable to do anything. Syn : Yaieshinniukesh.“
Yaishiporore, ’4f $ezit na Lo, g.?j; x v. v.i. To persevere.
Yaishirane, *-s $25:R, fj ?. v.i. To go (used in legends and songs).
Yaishiporore, op 4 Eezit E. Le, EE x yl-, E. E. 73);|x no. v.i. To control one's self.
Yaishirushiru, + f >Jle$="JL, H. Es > $ yl≫. v.i. To rub one’s self.
Yaishitoma-shomoki, P-f S- F. "S-= £#, EE+ yv. adj. Insolent.
Yaishitomkuru, ± 4 Se H. A., JL, HEAE 又ヘ大サニ達シタル。例セバ、セモッカ イヨラムヤイシトムクル。一人前ノ歳又 ...}<+ = + y X. v.i. To have attained to the age or size of. As :~ Sem-okkaiyoram yaishitomkuru, “to have attained to the age or size of manhood.”
Yaishittekka, *4 $> ≫5F ≫ ±, !## x xv. v.i. To curb one's self. To hold one’s self in. Yaishiwen, 474 $er) = 2, Humble. Syn : Yairaire.
Yaishiwennere, +4 97 - >:k l", ia TF x 212. v.i. To humble one's self. Syn : Yaioraire.
Yaishukupka, do4 $22.2 737, E. x ル、決シテ忘レヌ(根ミヲ). v.i. To keep in memory, as a grudge. Never to forget or forgive.
Yaishukupkap, † 4 Sea.2 7357, # # = # 3/ × # 3. n. A grudge never forgotten or pardoned.
Yaitapapa, P4 %a $as, #EA : v.i. To lie down.
Yaitapukuruka, 474 3172 JLo?i, Ej. n. One's shoulders. As :~ Yaitapkuruka, riterite, “to exercise one's shoulders.”
Yaitasarapare, *4t 4x*}-5 r* L~, i#}e. x xv. v.i. To sigh. Syn : Tanne hesei ki.
Yaitektek, * 4f 57,4% 57,4%, /]vig x yv. v.i. To make water. To urinate.
Yaito, ヤイト。丈。例セバ、ャイトオマ レ、炎ヲ黙ズル n Moxa. As:~ Yaito omare, to applymoxa(Japanese).
| Yaitobare,ヤイトバレ、 £. *. adj. v.i. 注意スベシ pi To be careful. To take care.
| Yaitubare, ヤイツバレ,

| Yaitobare-no, ヤイトバレノ。注意シテ. ado Care
| Yaitubare-no, fully. With care. イ ツバレノッ
Yaitobare-kuni-ta, Hoof F w Le 7 = 4s &, so-o. n. A crisis. A time of danger.
Yaitobare-yan, + 4 H vs Le+ 2e, ?EA + = . v.i. imp. Be careful. Take care.
Yaitokoiki, * 4 F = A +, #s; x >L. v.i. To prepare. Syn : Yaietokooiki.
Yaitokye, ヤイトクエー。誇ル、自慢スル。 v.i. To boast.
Yaitombuni, **s F.B.7=, ###x n-. sosol x n . v.t. To intimate. To mimic. To make fun of.
Yaitomte-kara, *o4/ K As5*?y5, f?j ≫l≫. v.i. To adorn one's self.
Yaito-omare, ± 4 H -j-r L’, 4 z Aix M. v.t. To apply moxa. Yaitopa, † 4. k v?, J###. n. One's body.
Yaitopake, †” Af F z SZr, HATF. n. The armpits.
Yaitubare, + 4 yo : Le, &## - F. adv. Carefully. With care. Syn : Yaitobare.
Yaitukapte, ヤイツカプテ, 尊敬スル。 To treat with respect. To do with decency.
Yaitukbare, ヤイツクバレ。獲力デ成長 x n . v.i. To grow up by one's self.
Yaitukka, ヤイツッカ。自然ニ成長スル。 v.i. To grow up naturally.
Yaitumam, * 4 y or Joe, A. H. n. One's body. As :~ Yaitumam karakara, “to tidy one's self up.” Syn : Yaitumama.
Yaitumnu-anu, o 4 y A, Jo 5x, si z $ 2. v.t. To inquire after one's health. As :~ E oman wa yaitummu anu, “go and inquire after his health.”
Yaitumnunu, “w 4f oy.s,5X3X, 3;{5}>}% v ju, ?i?x jul. v.t. To feel better in health. To feel in better spirits. To revive after illness.
Yaitunashka, *4f oy*$2*j, 4E* 2^. v.i. To be hasty. To be in a hurry.
Yaitunnap, +?≪f y:e:J-7, #2... v.t. To envy. To be jealous of. Syn : Yaiyeitunnap.
Yaitupekare, + f 'yesz, L, # # =. adv. Miserly. Covetously.
Yaitupok, + f 'yzf{2}, #TF. armpits.
Yaitura, *?4f *y5, ££ /. adj. Alone.
Yaiturare ヤイツラレ、同行スル p.が To go with. To accompany.
Yaiturash, o 4 y E7 Eo 2, 35 y zo, #5F. adv. Alone.
Yaiturashte, 474 y 5 $e5F, #g* E > . To hug. Syn : Yaikokishma.
Yaiturash-no, o 4 y 5 S2 /, 383. Es 7. adv. alone.
Yaituriri, + f 'y J !), siji E no. v.i. stretch one’s self out.
Yaiturukotachi, ± 4 y/L- 5.5°, H Hi 5 #x. v.i. To make one's self dirty.
Yai-tusu-kara, + f 'yz ?y 5, E, jist x ju. v.t. To confess one's self. To tell of one's own life. Syn : Eyaipushi.
Yaituwashkara, 474 y 7 Ee?y 5, # .. v.i. To mourn. To grieve.
Yaituwashkarap, ± 4 ty P7 :2:1:57, # = , # 5 . n. A grieving. A mourning.
Yaituyetuye, P4 y4 - y4 -, : / # 5 # z. v.i. To shake one's self. To brush one's self.
Yaiukauka ヤ イウカウカ。裁縫スル。 v.t. To quilt for one's self.
Yaiukoraipa, * 4 ) a 54 v?, ?#fE z 21. v.t. To make preparations.
Yaiunashi, ヤイウナシ。一人デ白ヲツ 2. v.i. To pound in a mortar by one's self. See Utunashi. Inereyunashi.
Yaiunashke, * 4f 17:3-$z4%r, i;}jE x. yv, n. The ?o
詫ビル(わびる)。 v.i. To ask to be excused. To beg pardon.
Yaiunu, やいうぬ, 著ル。 v.t. To put on. (as a hat).
Yaiupshoro-chari, やいうっぷしょろ・ちゃり, 淫ヲ?グ。 v.i. To play the whore. To act the harlot.
Yaiupshoro-mukmuke, やいうっぷしょろ・むっくむけ, 胸ヲ覆フ。衣ヲ纏フ。 v.t. To cover up the chest. To draw one’s clothes round one's self. Syn : Yainumatka seshke.
Yaiutaratuye, やいうたらついぇ, 己レノ友ヲ殺ス。 v.t. & v.i. To slay one’s own friends. To run amuck.
Yaiusere ヤイウセレ, 露出スル(刺ナドノ傷口カラ)。 v.i. To come out of one's self, as a splinter from a wound.
Yaiwende ヤイウエンデ, 病マス、跛(ちんぱ)ナ。 adj. Ailing. Lame.
Yaiwende-tope-ni, やいうぇんで・とぺ・に, クロビイタヤ。 n. A kind of maple, Acer Miyabei. This kind grows in lowlands and resembles acer pictum. The name means useless maple.
Yaiwennukara, やいうぇんぬから, 失望スル。 v.i. To despair. To be in great want. To feel discouraged.
Yaiyai, やいやい, 人ヲ呼ブ叫聲。 excl. An exclamation used in calling a person.
Yaiyainukoro, やいやいぬころ, 満足スル。 v.i. To be contented. Syn : Aiainukoro.
Yaiyainuwere, やいやいぬうぇれ, 満足スル。 v.i. To be contented.
Yaiyaise, ヤイヤイセ, 苦痛ノタメ叫ブ。 v.i. To cry out in pain.
Yaiyaisusu, やいやいすす, 柳ノ一種。 n. A kind of willow.
Yaiyan-furep, やいやん・ふれっぷ, エゾイチゴ。 n. Raspberry. Rubus Idaeus, L. var. Matsumuranus, Koidz.
Yaiyan-kina, やいやん・きな, 陸生ノ蘆(あし)。 n. Reeds which grow on land.
Yaiyan-noya, やいやん・のや, ヨモギ。 n. Mugwort, Artemisia vulgaris, L.
Yaiyan-surugu, やいやん・すぐる, 本ブシ。 n. A kind of aconite トリカブトの一種. Said to be strongly poisonous 強く毒性があると言われている.
Yaiyantop, やいやんとっぷ, チシマザサ。 n. A kind of bamboo. Sasa kurilensis, Mak. et Shib.
| Yaiyapapu, やいやぱぷ, 詫ル(わびる)、弁明スル。 v.t. To beg pardon. To apologize. To make a mistake.
| Yayopapu, ヤヨパプ, ★バカ検証 【詫ビル(わびる)[この頁の先頭にある]、詫ル(わびる)、とで、送り仮名が違う。イイカゲンな仕事するな。】
Yaiyattasa, やいやったさ, 返礼スル。 v.i. To give in return for something received or done. Syn : Yaiattasa.
Yaiyeitunnap, やいいぇつんなっぷ, 嫉む(ねたむ)。 v.i. To be jealous. To envy. Syn : Yaitunnap.
Yaiyekote, やいいぇこて, 為ル。 v.i. To do. As :~ Tu chish wenbe yaiyekote, “she wept bitterly.” (Lit:-she did two bad weeps).
Yaiyekush, *4f4f +47 $2, fil-f=≫v. v.i. To be ashamed. Syn : Yashitoma.
Yaiyenukuri, **s of +5.2), J, #1 ov. v.i. To dread. To fear. To be diffident.
Yaiyenukuri-no, *-s of sexo y Z, o, #fi so ?. adv. With fear or diffidence. Diffidently. As :~ Iteki yaiyenukuri no ahun yan, “please enter without diffidence.”
Yaiyepaweteshu, * 4s 4f = v? r} = 5* シュ。己レノ事柄ヲ 白形状スル v.i. To bear witness against one's self. To commit one's self.
Yaiyeshikorap, * 4 4 - $2*157, £a £%x yl. v.i. To be wounded. Hurt. Syn : Euikuruki. Yayapushkere.
Yaiyetomkokanu, * As of a F A-17, 5¢, sa #x no. v.i. To trust in one's self. To rely on one's self.
Yaiyeyashitoma, + f f =+? Se F er, # # pl. v.i. To be ashamed of one's
Yaiyokapashte, + 4 = ?, *$$e5', # 2.. v.t. To repent. To change one's life. v.t. To be contrite.
Yaiyomap, * 4f =a oz 7°, $ yv. v.i. To be angry.
Yaiyomonmure, *4 =a+E:>5R L≫, as yv. v.i. To be angry. -
Yaiyukara, やいゆから, 普通の歌. n. A simple song.
Yaiyukaukau, ヤイユカウカウ。衣ノ破 > # 7. v.t. To mend.
Yaiyuyupu, + -f =1.3L7, FEFGf > m-- v.i. To exercise patience.
Yak, ヤク, ト、ナラバ。例セバ、ペツオッタチエプシリエシクネヤクアイェ、川ニ澤山ノ(魚ガ有ルトノコトデス)。 post. That. If. As :~ Pet otta chep shiri eshik ne yak aye, “it is said that there are many fish in the river.” Nei no ye yak wen ruwe ne, “ if she says so, it is bad.” Yak anak ne, “if.” As :~ Nei no an yak anak ne, pirika, “if it is so, well.”
Yak, ヤク, オヤ(嫌悪ノ意ヲ表ス)。 interj. Dear me. This word is expressive of disgust.
Yak, ヤク, 毀レル、破レル、破裂スル。 v.i. To break. To split. To burst. To knock. Syn : Yaku.
Yaka, ヤカ, 指示ス。v.t. To point at. Syn : Epeka.
Yakanak, ヤカナっク, 驚キノ語(婦女及ビ小児之ヲ用ユ)。 excl. An exclamation of surprise specially used by women and children. How is it. That being so.
Yakara-kina, やから・きな, オホバセンキウ。 n. Angelica refracta, Fr. Schm. Syn : Moshiu-kina.
Yakaru-kina, ヤカル・キナ, オホバセンキウ。 n. Angelica refracta, Fr. Schm. Also called Moshiu-kina.*
* A kind of umbelliferous plant found growing in wet and damp places. It is used for medicinal purposes, and is said to be especially good in cases of pain in the stomach. The root-stock only is used. It is generally taken in decoction though sometimes it is put into soup and eaten with the food.
Yak-aye, ヤクアイェ, ト言ヒマス。例セバ、ヲイヤクアイェオルシパショモクヌ, 彼人ガ死ンダト言フコトヲ開キマセヌ. ph. It is said that. As :~ Rai yak aye orushpe shomo ku nu, “ I have not heard that he is dead.”
Yaki, やき, 蝉。 n. The cicada. 《昆虫》セミ
| Yakka, ヤッカ, 何々スルトモ. post Although. albeit たとえ〜でも. Though. If. Even if. Nevertheless. Syn : Akka.
| Yakkai, ヤッカイ,
Yakka......yakka, やっか....やっか, デモ、彼カ其カ、其モ此モ。例セバ、ウバスアシヤツカレラルイヤツカ、雪デモ風デモ、カムイネヤッカアイヌネヤカ、神モ人モ。 post. Although......and. Whether... ...or. Both......and. As :~ Upas ash yakka, rera rui yakka “although it snows and blows.” Inne yakka, moyo yakka, “whether many or few.” Kamui ne yakka, ainu ne yakka, "both gods and men.”
Yakka, やっか, シマシタ。 v.i. Did.
Yakna, ヤクナ, 割レタル、破裂スル。 adj. Split. Burst.
Yaknatara, ヤクナタラ, 粉々ニ砕レル。 v.i. To be broken into fragments. To break into fragments.
Yak-ne, やっく・ね, 其様ナレバ。 post. If. If so.
Yaku, ヤク, 獣皮又ハ魚類ニ課セシ税。 n. Tribute paid in furs or fish. A tax.
Yaku, やく, 碎レル、破裂スル。 v.i. To break. To burst. To be burst. To be broken. To smash. Syn : Yak.
Yakun, ヤクン, 若シ。何々スル時、何々スルトモ。 conj. If. When. Though.
Yakura-shuma, やくら・しゅま, 物見櫓(ものみやぐら).

n. A watch Stone.
Yakus-an, * 2 x 7:e, ?E V sv. same as ea kusu, “was.”
| Yam, *A, zoo. 2 #. n. Leaves.
| Ham, ハム。
Yam, やむ, 冷ヤカナ、涼シキ。 adj. Cool. Syn : Nam.
Yam, ヤム, クリ。例セバ、ヤムクシ。栗ノ毬(イガ)。 n. Chestnuts. As :~ Yam kush, “chestnut burrs.” Yam saye, “to thread chestnuts on a string for stowing away.”*
* Chestnuts form an important article of food among the Ainu. They prepare them in various ways. The favourite way is to well boil them, then take off the skins and pound them into a paste: they are then reboiled with millet or rice and eaten. It is considered to be a great delicacy to mix the pounded chestnuts with the eggs of salmon or trout and boil them together. Another way is to mash them with the fat of animals. Sometimes they are eaten roasted, but in that case never by way of taking a meal. This latter way of cooking chestnuts is looked upon as more of an ageeable pastime than anything else.
Ya-ma, やま, 山。 n. A mountain. (Said by some old Ainu to be pure aimu but it is also the common japanese word for mountain アイヌのある老人はこの単語は、純粋なアイヌ語である、と言った、しかし、日本語の山に対する一般用語でもある。). The hinterland in general.
Yamanko, ヤマンコ, 杣(そま)トシテ働ク。 v.t. To work in the hills.
Yambe-sei, やむべ・せい, 蝸牛(かたつむり)。 A snail.
Yam-ni, to Jo, E, 2, 9 2 +.. n. A chestnut tree. Castanea crenata, S. et Z.
Yam-ni-karush, + A = h), $2, $Ezkl?. n. A kind of Polyporus which grows upon the decaying trunks of chestnut trees.
Yammoan-pet, to A, RE77:eo:V, JIJE, 3:#. n. The tributary of a river among the mountains.
Yamuhu, * A 7, #zo. 2 #. n. Leaves.
Yan ヤン。動詞ニ附加シテ命令ノ意ヲ表 ス。例セバ、アリキヤン、来レ(複) part. An imperative plural particle used after verbs. Imperative of the verb an, “to be.” As :~ Ariki yan, “come.” Oman wa ye yan, “go and tell him.” Yan is sometimes used in a singular sense also.
Yan, + 2, 2g:/v. v.t. To ascend. To go up. As :~ Wakka orowa no yan, “to ascend out of water.”
Yan, p 2, #3; # 2, ... v.i. To sail.
Yange ヤンゲ。捧呈スル、曳揚ゲル v.t. To give to a superior. To offer up to the gods. To haul up, as a boat from a river. Thus:~ Chip yange, “to haul a boat ashore.”
Yange-kunip, ヤンゲク ニプ。 供物, 貴人 ~ / ##. n. Offerings to the gods. Things given to a superior.
Yangere, *24* Le, LE 2” yl, #3” y?. v.t. To send up. To cause to offer to the gods. To cause to give to a superior.
Yan-guru, so :e2). JLo, r f x K. n. + ? > * >1 = [E] $7. Same as Ya-un-guru.
Yani, ” =, # K. adv. Almost. Nearly. Syn : Yaani. Nanihungo.
Yani-yani, F E F E, # & F. adv. Almost. Nearly. Very nearly. Same as yani, but more intense.
Yan-mo-an-pet, * (E7” ”"Sx F., 3: #. n. A tributary of a river.
Yan-ni chisei, * >=5&tz As, ##x ju, #. Refuge houses in which the aged and children were hidden in time of war. -
Yanrash-kamu, to 25 $22) ?., #33. п. Eczema universale. +
Yanro, ヤン口。自己=命令スル語。例セ ベ、ペェアンロ。イザ行カン、part An imperative particle meaning “let us.” As :~ Paye yanro, “let us go.” Syn : Anro.
Yanto, やんと, モテナシガヨイ。 adj.
Hospitable 温かくもてなす.
Yantone, やんとね, 宿泊スル。 v.i. To stay at a place on a visit. To lodge. 【おもてなし、と、宿屋(やどや)、は関係アルらしい。】
Yan-ua, やん・うあ, スベシ。 A double imperative 二重命令的・義務. As, tori yan-ua, “stay over 泊まれ・一泊しろ.”
Ya-oshke, や・おっしゅけ, 網ヲ編ム。 v.i. To net. To make nets.
Yaoshkep, やおっしゅけっぷ, 蜘蛛(くも)。 A spider.
Yap, ヤプ やっぷ, 登る。 v.i. To ascend. To go up. Pl. of yan.
Yapatchi, ヤ パッチ, 彼等ハ上陸シタ。 v.i. They landed.
Ya-peka, や・ぺか, 陸デ。 adv. By land.
Yayoki-koro-chip, やよき・ころ・ちっぷ, 船ノ骨組。 n. The skeleton of a boat or ship.
Yapte, ヤプテ, 上方ニ行カシムル (複)。 v.t. To send up. To cause to ascend. Pl. of yange.
Yara, やら, 襤褸(ぼろ)。 n. Rags. Syn : Yarape.
Yara, やら, 裂ク。 v.t. To tear. To rend.
Yara, ヤラ, 木皮ニテ製シタル籠ノー種。 n. A kind of basket made of bark. A tray made of bark.
Yara, ヤラ, 家根ヲ茸クニ用ユル木皮。 n. The bark of trees sometimes used in thatching.
| Yara, ヤラ,
| Yara-hi, ヤラヒ,
人ニ為セル (主人ガ僕ニ言付ケテ事ヲ 為サシムルガ如シ)。 auxil. v. To do through another, as a superior through his subordinates. A particle expressing reverence to the object of a verb. As :~ Nishpa otbe anu yara na, “ I let the master know.” Tak yara, “ to send to fetch.” Ronnu yara, “to send and kill.” Kari asei yara-hi isam, “there is no one by whom to send it.” Followed by a verb which is preceeded by the reflexive pronoun shi “self,” yara forms another kind of causative. Thus, ~ Shi-mina-yara guru, “a person who makes another laugh.” Shikonopuru ainu, “ a man who makes another to like something.”
Yarage, ヤラゲ, 衣服ノ破穴。 n. А hole in one's clothes.
Yarage-pok, やらげ・ぽっく, 腋下(わきのした)。 n. The arm-pits.
Yaraka, やらか, 裂ク。 v.t. To tear.
Yarape-ni, やらぺ・に, カンボク(灌木?)。 n. Guelder-rose. Viburnum pubinerve, Bl. Supposed to be an unlucky tree 不運な木の象徴とみなされている. 【guelder rose [植物]テマリカンボク(ユーラシア原産のスイカズラ科の落葉低木。小さな多数の白い花を付け、赤い小さな実がなる。)[学名]Viburnum opulus】
Yarapeshit, やらぺしっと, 甚シキ襤褸(はなはだしきボロ)。 n. Very ragged clothes すごいボロ服.
Yarara, ヤララ, 襤褸ニナリタル。 adj. Ragged.
| Yarat, やらっと, 孕ム(はらむ)。 v.t. To conceive 妊娠する. Syn : Honkoro.
| Yairat, やいらっと,
Yarui, やるい, 漕グ。 v.t. To row.
| Yarui-chup, やるい・ちゅっぷ, 八月。 n. The month of August.
| Yaruru-chup, やるる・ちゅっぷ,
Yarupe, ヤルペ, 衣服、小児ノ衣物 n. Clothes. Infants clothing.
| Yaruru-chup, やるる・ちゅっぷ, 八月。 n. The month of August.
| Yarui-chup, ヤルイチュっプ,
Yasa, やさ, 裂ク。 v.t. To tear.
Yasamge-no-an,ヤサムゲノアン。孤獲). adj. Alone. To be alone. Not to mix with others.
Yasara, **}5, £, to juv. v.t. To cause another to do. To get done.
Yasaske ヤサスケ。裂ケル (岩ナドノ) v.i. To be rent, as rocks.
Yash, * >, # 7 B. ×. v.t. To drag a net along in fishing.
Yashitoma, 4 Se K e, Hu+ L. v.i. To be ashamed.
Yashitomare, †? Jo K + L2, Hu se x L. v.t. To make ashamed. To abash.
Yashitukkari, * $^y≫*No 9, ffEijjj. n.
Spinal disease. Paralysis. Myelitis. Syn : Ikkeu kamui koro tashum.
Yashiya, - E-F, BRA. n. A. haul seine.
Yashkara, ヤシカラ。掘ム、川デ魚ヲ網 x 212. v. f. To clutch. To seize. To take up by the hand. To make a grab at. To grapple. To fish with a net in a stream.
Yashke, + $e5r, #X=E 7 Ne z. v.t. To wash the face and hands.
Yashke, ヤシゲ。破ル、割レル。v.t. & v.i. To be cracked or broken. split. To burst. Syn : Kone.
Yashke-batchi, * > *rakyo, #. n. A wash-basin.
Yashikep ヤシケプ。身豊ヲ洗フ n. Ablutions.
Yashkep, + 94-7, E. n. A wash hand basin.
Yashkep, + $25.5-7, #. n. A net.
Yashpe,+?$|^$, ##. n. A hand fish net.
Ya-sosh, *y 2, #. n. Layers or strata of earth.
Yaspa, *zzt, #2 (#). v.t. To tear. Pl. of yasa.
Yasu, *z, #. n. A spear with three forks used for fishing in the sea. Jap.
Yasumitchi, やすみっち, 休マシタ (複数)。 v.t. They rested. (this is from the Japanese word yasumi, “to rest.” Itchi or atchi the Ainu plural of the 3rd person Itchi or atchi は、アイヌ語の三人称複数動詞). ★バカ検証 【atchi はこの辞書に載っているが、Itchi は載っていない。片手落ち。どうしてだ。】
Yata, やた, 陸デ。 adv. By land.
Yatchi, やっち, 不潔ナ、泥ダヲケノ adj. Dirty. ★バカ検証 【「ヲ」では無い「ラ」だ。】
Yatchitarabe, やっちたらべ, 網袋。 n. A mat used for carrying things in.
| Yatoro, やとろ, 鷹ノ一種。 n. A kind of hawk. Syn : Yattui.
| Yatotta, ヤトッタ,
Yattui, やっつい, 簀ノ子。 n. A mat made of reeds which the Ainu lay upon their floors. ★バカ検証 【簀ノ子、は、すのこ、 いいのか】 Syn : Aputki. Toma.
Yattui, やっつい, トビ、トンビ。 n. Black kite. Syn : Yatotta. Yatoro.
| Yatu, ヤツ, カモメ。 n. A sea gull.
| Yatui, ヤツイ,
  | Yatupok, カツポク やつぽっく, 腋ノ下。 n. The armpits. ★バカ検証 【カツ、だって。】
  | Yatupake, ヤツバケ,
Yau, ヤウ, 木ノ枝、角ノ枝、支流(川ノ). n. The branch of a tree, a stag horn, a river branch.
Ya-un, や・うん, 内地(國ノ内部)。 adv. Inland. The interior. Mainland.
Ya-un-guru, や・うん・ぐる, アイヌ人。 n. An Ainu. The Ainu as distinguished from their neighbours the Japanese, Russians, or present Kamtchatdales. Syn : Yan-guru.
Ya-un-kontukai, や・うん・こんつかい, フクロフノ一種。 n. The eagle owl (Lit: the servant of the world).
Ya-un-kotchange-gusu, や・うん・こっとちゃんげ・ぐす, フクロフノ一種。n. The eagle owl (Lit: the mediator of the world).
Ya-un-moshiri, や・うん・もしり, 蝦夷地。 n. Ainu land. The country inhabited by the Ainu.
Yaushkep, やうしゅけっぷ, クモ。蜘蛛。 n. A spider.
Yautek, やうてっく, 固クナル。 adj. & v.i. To become hard, as the ground in winter by frost. To become solid or firm. To become stiff and cramped, as the limbs of a dead person if not laid out properly. To become heavy and starchy like badly cooked potatoes.
Yauyause, やうやうせ, 唸る v.i. To growl. To snarl.
Yawauge ヤワウゲ, 皺破レル(ヒビワレル). v.i. To chap as the hands through exposure to the cold wind.

Yaya, + '', #5 n. Wisdom.
Yayai-ni-emauri, **4 = ++ to J, 9>> z, ta f + -r. n. A kind of raspberry. Rubus triphyllus, Th.
Yayainu, +?+? 4 5%, # ~ ≫L. v.i. think. To consider.
Yayainukoro, +?+? 4 5x a R, ? ? Jie, E v * ?≪£? ≫ x yv. v.i. To be proud. To consider one's self better than others. To be vainglorious.
Yayaisurugu, ヤヤイスルグ。附子毒。n, Aconite poison.
Yayai-susu, ヤヤイスス。ナガベヤナギ。 n. Salix sachalinesis Fr. Schm. A kind of willow.
Yayakoetaptapu, 4 P =a + 5:7 5:7, # 27. To roll up. To wrap up.
Yayamkiri, ヤヤムキリ。知リ。曾得スル。 ?o v.i. To know. To know one’s self.
Yayan, * * >, ii i z i /. adj. Common. True. Real.
| Yaiyan Surugu, - ヤイヤンスルグ, 本プシ n Real
| Yayan-Surugu, monkshood.True ヤヤンスルグ。 aconite.
Yayan-furep, + + 27 L7, ?, * z H y = s; ta f +=r. n. Rubus Idaeus.
| Yayapapu, 過チスル。新譜疎スル、ひ.な ヤヤパプ。 To make a mistake.
| Yayopapu, To apologize. To beg ヤヨバプ。 pardon. As: Yaya papu ku ki, “ I made a mistake.”
Yayapte, +?+?75F, # x = ?. > # 7. v.i. To dislike to do.
Yayapushkere, pp.7: 5r L, f??? x χι. v.i. To be wounded. To be hurt. Syn : Yaiyeshikorap. Euikuruki.
Yayapushte, + + 7 > 57, † 2. v.i. To be surprised. To be astonished.
Yayasap, *+?+}-7, AR ?r. adj. Unwise.
Yayashish, **$*$?, £*+. adj. Dirty.
Yayashnu, Ae??$*3, i+. adj. Wise.
Yayattasa, ** y4%to, 35 i! x. yu. v.i. To make a return present to a person. To return thanks.
Yayekatuwen, + 4 = ??voy - 2, ## yl, o s r... v.i. Ashamed. Sorrowful.
Yayemontasa, * 4 = + 2 ×}, #x Jv. v.t. To take vengence on.
Yayepataraye, + 4 = rs3.5 4f =, E L = # 9. v.i. To exercise self-restraint.
Yayepkara-guru, * 4f ?. 7*j54%?jv, $g £, soft. n. A glutton. -
Yayoparasechui, + = o?5 tz5F-4, # * vv. v.i. To exult. To say hurrah. To cheer.
Yayenupa, Par:5 v?, HR = y : ... v.t. To awake out of sleep. To come to one's self as from a trance.
Yayepupu, *?...f --77”, 53 / =a z” * ** . #j... v.i. To have aching calves.
Yaiyukoraipa, ヤイユコライバ、下ル。 v.i. To take down (as from a shelf).
Yayunpa, * a. Le v?, ZFE = # = ?. n. v.t. To meet with an accident.
Yayup, + a. 7, E F #$. n. Bast. Abies sachalensis.
Ye. Af =, ##. n. Matter. Humour. Pus. Fat. The matter of a boil. Fine pumice from volcanoes. White clay. As :~ Ye-ush, “mattery” “Having pus.” “ Fatty.” Syn : E.
Ye, As se, # x n-, %n 7 te ov. v.t. To tell. To say. To adduce. To announce. To attest. To acknowledge. As :~ Ye wa ambe, “that which was said.”
Ye, イェ。仕事(談話ヲ専ラトスル仕事ヲイ 7). n. Business. (This word can only refer to business by word of mouth).
Ye-hi, イェヒ。言ヒシ。例セバ、エネイェ te, 4; ##f y # e sv. v.i. To be said. Said. He spake. As :~ Ene yehi, “he spake thus.” Yehi nei no, “ as it was said; “as he said.”
| Yep, 4 = 7, #. n. A thing spoken. A
| Yepi, speech. イェピ,
Yepe, イェペ。汚水。油ジミタル水 n.
Discoloured water. Fatty water.
Yepe, イエペ, 言フタコト。 n. Something said.
Ye-ruwe, いぇ・るうぇ, 大ナ、重要ナ。 adj. Great. Important. As, ye-ruwe nishpa, “a great gentleman.” Also a phrase meaning “it is said.”
Ye-rue-okaibe, r: Jlor:#"#) 4 ~$, $j = #7 y ? a K. ph. Those who were. Those who were called.
Yoihi, a 4 t, #3- J. n. A heap of things.
Yoikiri, a 4 + J, 2, #3- 9. n. A pile of things. Syn : Soetok.
Yoikiri, a M # 9, #~ 1. v.t. To arrange.
Yoita, E 4 ×, #. n. A shelf.
Yoituk, ヨイツック。積ミ累ナリ. heap of things.
Yokane, a fj:k, ? τ. adj. Behind. Following. After. As :~ En yokane ek, “follow me." o n. A Yokane ambe, “a person following after.”
Yok, B 2y, 5|# yL. v.t. To hook.
Yokkata, a y fj 4, #CN =, s# "S = - adv.). Earnestly. Mostly. Syn : Eunkashi Ino,
Yoko, ヨコ。狙フ(投鈴スルトキノ如ク). v.i. To aim at, as with a spear.
Yoko, a 3, # 9. v.i. To wait.
Yokopbe, = -17°S, #ffi / #RE#. n. A single rock in the sea. Syn : Ekopbe.
Yokore, = - Le, # 3 Jl. (#9- F 7). v.t. To set, as a trap. As :~ Eremu akbe yokore, “to set a rat trap.
Yokte, a 75", 5| 2. v.t. To hook in.
Yoma, a *, #. n. A lance.
Yomi, a 3, #2, . v.i. To shrink.
Yomiyomik, =a 5 = 5 47, $; a yu.. v.i. and adj. To be wrinkled. To become contracted. Crumpled.
Yomikyomikte, a 3 or a s 25+, ### +z sv. v.t. To crumple up. To wrinkle.
Yomne ヨムネ。止メル、仕上ゲル、忠告・ v.t. To cease. Completed. To warn.
Yomne-ki, ヨムネキ。止メル、忠告スル・ v.t. To cease.
Yomomke ヨモムケ。火傷スル、湯傷ス Jl. v.i. To burn or scald.
Yompa, a Art, #2. v.i. To shrink.
| Yongoro, ヨンゴロ,
| Yongororo, ヨンゴロロ, 招待スル。 v.t. To lie in wait 待ち伏せする、待ちかまえる、潜んでいる(攻撃やいたずらなどを仕掛けるため). To go in quest. To look for 〜を探す. To crouch as a cat to catch a mouse 猫がネズミを捕まえるために身体を屈める(かがめる). To watch for 〜を待つ(時機をうかがう). To aim at 〜を狙う. To look straight at 直視する. Thus :~ Meko anak ne erum eyongororo wa hopiye kuni korachi an ruwe ne, “the cat is lying in wait ready to spring upon the mouse.” Syn : Oyokoush. ★バカ検証 【ハッキリ言ってバカ。日本語メチャクチャ。ウソを書いてはイケない。】
Yoni, よに, 縮ム。 v.i. To contract. To shrink.
| Yontekbe, ヨンテクベ, 踵、カカト、腕ノ肉. n. The calf of the leg. The muscle of the arm.
| Yontekkam, ヨンテッカム,
Yop ヨプ, 主タル両親、曾長。例セバ, ヨプコタン。首府。 adj. Chief. Principal. Parent. Head. As :~ Yop-kotan, “the chief city or capital of a country.”
Yopbe, ヨプベ, 先考(死ンダル親) n. One's dead father.
Yoruki-puni, = J? # 7 =, ## x n . 例セバ、ウェンケウトムヨリキプ=、悪 Jose 5 #2 * + 210. v.t. To stir up. To raise up. As :~ Wen keutum yoriki puni, “ to stir up evil feelings.”
Yorokomne, a n = A3k, ##/l. v.i. To be shrunk up as the body of an old person or the hand or leg of a sick person.
Yoropui, a P. 7 4s, HI. T. n. The anus. Syn : Otompui.
Yorun, =a jL. >, oz. z. v.t. To beg. Syn : Yorun-ki.

| Yorun-guru, よるん・ぐる, 乞食(こじき) n. A beggar.
| Yorunki-guru, ヨルンキ・グル,
Yoshpe, a Sees, ki;. n. The large intestines.
Yoshpe-pise, a >:u.b: E, Hf:X-f: #. n. The liver. By some the gall bladder.
Yosserekere, =a y tz La or Lo, asso o #4. ph. The rythm set for crooning a song or legend. Interjection of surprise and pleasure. Yot, ヨツ、賊ヒスル、常惑スル・ v.i. To be made dizzy. To be perplexed.
Yottek, a ≫5*4y, £ v ≫1. adj. Tired. Exhausted.
Yu, ol, ji jo so. 2 # 54. n. Sulphur springs. Mineral water.
| Yu-be, ゆ・べ, 冷鉱泉 n. Cold mineral water 冷たい鉱泉. Sulphur water 硫黄水(いおうすい).
| Yu-pe, ゆ・ぺ,
Yube, aloo, 7 z + x. n. A sturgeon. Asipencer nikadoi Hilgd.
Yubin, ゆーびん, 文字、手紙. n. A letter. Also yubin kambi. (Jap.) 【郵便 (?), kambi は、紙。バチェラーさん、耳悪いんじゃないの。文字のことを郵便とアイヌは言うのか?。ウソっぽい】
Yuk, ゆっく, 鹿。シカ。 n. A deer. Cervus nippon or C. sika, Temm. But in saghalien “bears.”
Yuk-apiri, ゆっく・あぴり, 鹿径. n. A deer track.
Yukara, ゆーから, 昔譚(むかしたん). n. A legend. A tradition. Ancient lays. Poems. Epic narration.
Yukara, ゆから, 模倣. n. Also “to imitate.”
Yuk-chikap, -l or 5-3, 7, § 5% z-j?. za. The screech owl.
Yuk-emauri, ュクエマウリ。タチイチ =r. n. A kind of raspberrp. Rubus crataegifolius, Bunge.
Yuk-eremu, a. ? :E. Le A, = V A 3 3“. 72. Ermine.
Yuki, -l #, ###, x > z + ... n. A Imitation. building brace.
Yuk-karush, al47 % ol≫$2, r 4 %r or. n. Polyporus frondosus Fr. A kind of edible fungus. The name means deer fungus.
Yukke, ゆっけ, 夥シキ(おびただしき)。 adj. Very many.
Yukki, ゆっき, ダニ。 n. A tick.
Yuk-kuttara, ゆく・くったら, ハンゴンサウ。 n. Senecio palmatus Pall.
Yuk-ne-kamui, ゆく・ね・かむい, 鹿。 n. A deer. ★バカ検証 【Yukkarush の前にある。語順不正】
Yuk-nonno, ゆく・のんの, コンロンサウ。 n. Dentaria leucantha, Schulz. ★バカ検証 【Yukkarush の前にある。語順不正】
Yuknumau-ni, ゆくぬまう・に, クロウメモドキ(黒梅もどき) n. Rhamnus japonica, Maxim. Black thorn. The small branches of this tree are sometimes taken to make chopsticks with. The bark is by some steeped in hot water and drunk as a remedy for stomach ache and colds, while the berries, which are black, are sometimes mixed with food, cooked, and eaten. ★バカ検証 【Yukkarush の前にある。語順不正】
Yukkarush, ゆっかるしゅ, マヒダケ。 n. A kind of edible fungus 食用キノコの一種. Polyporus frondosus.
Yukkutara, ユツククタラ。アム シモツケサウ。 n. Philipendula kamtschatica, Maxim. The name means “deerhollow-stem.”
Yukoikire, ゆこいきれ, 邪魔スル。口出シスル。 v.t. To interfere. To intermeddle. To stir up strife. To spread a false report about one. As :~ En orushpe yukoikire, “he spread a false report about me.”
Yukni-mau-ni, -lo Evoy E, 2, a 5 x = F *. n. Bhamnus Japonica, Maxim. Black-thorn.
Yuk-nonno, ユツクノンノ。コンロンソ v. n. Cardamine Leucantha, Schulz. The name means “deer flower.
Yukoikire-guru, a. a 4f + Le? Jie, DJ H so, z. n. N. n. A meddler.
Yuk-pungara, -l or 727s5, 9 Ju rifo
+. 72. Hydrangea peliolaris, Seib et Zucc.
Yukram, ゆくらむ, 肝臓。 n. The liver. Syn : Kinop.
Yuk-raige-ni, ゆく・らいげ・に, ニガキ。 n. Picrasma quassioides, Benn. Also called shiu-ni.
Yuk-soroma, ゆく・そろま, エゾメムマ n. Dryopteriis crassirhizoma, Nakai.
| Yuk-toma-baki, ユツクトマバキ, アウラン。S. n. Linaria, Japonica. Miq.
| Yuk-toma-bakki, ユクトマバクキ,
Yuk-topa-kina, =1.2} K v?:#:)-, z > * * ty. n. Pachysandra terminalis, S. et Z.
Yukuturu-otbe-an, 5.5 to yozovye; 7* >, $yl. v.i. To diminish. As :~ Ainu yukuturu otbe an, “the Ainu are decreasing. Syn : Wenpa. Shiepupu kor’an.
| Yupi, ユピ, 兄。 n. An elder brother.
| Yupihi, ユピヒ,
| Yupo, ユポ,
| Yubi, ユビ,
Yupi, ゆぴ, 結ブ、締付ケル。   v.t. To tie up. To strengthen. To shore up.
Yupke, ゆぷけ, 強キ、荒キ。 adj. Strong. Wild. Severe.
Yupke-no, ゆぷけ・の, 烈シク。 adv. Severely. Wildly. Earnestly. As :~ Yupke no ye, “to speak earnestly.” Yupke no kik, “to beat severely.”
Yupkep, a.7Ar7, 75st 2 ?E. n. An accidental death. As : Yupkep an, "to die by accident.
Yupkere, -1.7 or Le, Ha 2 x 1. v.t. To strengthen.
Yupkiri, olf; J, # 2. v.t. To sow broadcast. Syn : Iyama.
Yuppa, ユッパ。担ル (粉 ヲ) v.t. To knead, as dough.
Yuptek, a. 7 5F Oy, ## Ha 3- vv. adj. Industrious. Active. Assiduous.
Yuptek-i, a. 7 # 2 4f, ??+ n = } . n. Activity. Assiduity.
Yuptek-no, -1.77% A, ### =. Actively. Industriously.
Yupu, ュプ。 熱心ニ為ス。精出シテナス。 例セバ、キロロュプワキワェンコレ、精 出シテ為シテ下サレ. p. To do earnestly. To do with might. To pull. As :~ Kiroro yupu wa ki wa en kore, please do it with all your might.”
Yuk-raige-ni, -loy 5 so-, a # *. n. Picrasma quassioides, Benn. By some Yukraige kina. adv.
Yusa, a.+#, yre se 7 y?=#Jl-. v.i. To turn away in anger. To go off in a huff. Syn : Ikeshu.
Yuta, il 5, £4. A mortar. Syn : Uta.
Yuta-ni, a. 5 =, ff. n. A pestle used for pounding in a mortar. Syn : Uta-ni.
Yutara, = L £z 5, £££ x xl. v.t. To send a verbal message.
Yuktomapake, -L2) K ro?Ar, y ~ 7 ~. n. Linaria japonica, Miq. (Saghalien).
Yuttara-kina, -ly 5:5:#7°, + F = x: sv. Patrinia villosa, Juss. The Ainu name means “trembling herb.”

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