kp41 chant

I dedicate this to dear foolish MS.

This is my now answer for avoiding kp41 issue. We can be peaceful by chanting next setting.

( kp41 doesn't occur in Win XX before Win7. So, kp41 comes from OS-bug. It was evident from the beginning. My answer indicates one bug place.
- Next regulations may be loosen more, perhaps. - )
on 2015/05/12

① (EnablePrefetcher, EnableSuperfetch) = (2,0) ; Registry setting.
② Superfetch Service TYPE = "Manual" ; setting.   (not "Automatic", "Disable")
③ C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot , Delete all files under this folder.
  C:\Windows\Prefetch\ReadyBoot\ReadyBoot.etl ; Make this dummy file, and, Add "Read-Only" attribute.   (On purpose, access denied err. )
④ "Clearing pagefile (= pagefile.sys) at shutdown"; setting.   ( --- This is very home-run batter.)
  [ i.e. at every shutdown/reboot: purge the contents, and, delete pagefile. at every startup: create new pagefile. --- good !! ]
 --- Above are settings needed beforehand ---

⑤ at about 5 minute after startup, auto-run job below ReadyBoob.bat; Scheduler setting.     (Please "Copy & Paste")
( Remark: PID_SysMain.txt [working file] is made under same ReadyBoob.bat folder.)

REM *** This is ReadyBoob.bat , elevated privilege ***
net stop sysmain
del C:\windows\prefetch\*.* /q
sc config SysMain type= own
net start sysmain

timeout /t 30

net stop sysmain
del C:\windows\prefetch\*.* /q
net start sysmain

wmic service where name="SysMain" get ProcessID | findstr /v P > %0\..\PID_SysMain.txt
set /p PID=< %0\..\PID_SysMain.txt
wmic process where ProcessID=%PID% CALL setpriority "Idle"


I suppose using USB Flash Memory stick ( ReadyBoost function). So, if you have Flash Memory sticks, please apply them.

Detail explanation is written in parent page (in English).

My comment:
As a result, my 1st aim seems to be vague somewhat. Original aim is "DIsable ReadyBoot". Because, ReadyBoot is the most suspicious to me.
In other words, I need simple "ReadyBoost" only. No need other odd functions. --- i.e. "Prefetch/ Superfetch" are needless.

In my test, I found that Adding "Read-Only" attribute to Layout.ini file causes kp41. So, kp41 happens easily by software in Win7.
Please investigate this event/ problem.

■ Disable local defrag processing for ReadyBoot

(a) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Dfrg\BootOptimizeFunction
Enable = "N" (default = "Y"),
where Y = At every boot, executes local defrag processing for ReadyBoot ( in idle time between 5 and 30 minutes after startup).
(b) HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\OptimalLayout
EnableAutoLayout = 0 (default = 1),
where 1 = in 3 days interval, executes local defrag processing for ReadyBoot from files information of Layout.ini.

c. I applied this from 2015/05/15.
c. Perhaps, these local defrag processing are related to kp41 power lack trouble.
cf. JKDefrag vs "defrag c: -b" --- here, The "-b" (or "-boot") option.
( When I checked DOS prompt "defrag /?", there was not "/b" option. --- so, /b is non-standard option.)

Tip ( about Layout.ini and Index Option) :
On purpose, I did (delete *.* and launch SysMain) operations twice in quick succession. This cuts off from before condition. deletes, PfSvPerfStats.bin, and, stops creating Layout.ini.
--- This is good or bad? -- I don't know. --- The result is answer.
( I apply above (a), (b) registry restrictions in spite of non existing ayout.ini. I don't trust MS's logic.)

on 2015/05/18, I changed the location of Search Index [ex. "C:\ProgramData\Microsoft" to "D:\ProgramData\Microsoft", where, my D: drive is independent physical device in PC body.].
I think Index db i/o conflicts other files i/o. So, I separated it for perfomance tuning.

And I applied the XML trick (in CPU Usage 100%) (i.e. to remove XML extension from Index Option searching candidate). cf. XML Bombs [MS(us) needs log-in]

Further, I unchecked (= to remove index candidate place; = change ☑ to ☐) ☐ Drive (D:), ☐ Internet Explorer History (, already ☐ Drive (C:) ).
--- i.e. My Index Option situation is almost disable.

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