Egg Sacs at Open Area

A pair of egg sacs, typically having no striae on their outer layer, just deposited at an open area in a spring water in the salamander Hynobius hidamontanus, inhabiting Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (photographed at 2038 h on 4 May 2006). These egg sacs contained embryos colored mint green. At the time of survey, two aquatic-phase males and eight females (five were gravid and three were spent) were observed in the water.
Accompanied Research Collaborators (alphabetical order): Iwao Hasegawa (Takefu, Fukui Prefecture), Masaichi Kakegawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Komatsugawa Senior High School), Fujio Kishi and Yuko Saikawa (Shirouma Association of Naturalists), and Koji Takada (Nagano Chausuyama Zoo).
Copyright 2006 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.
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