2004年2月7日〜15日までOUP Kids Club Tour 2004 が日本各地で開催されました。
          最初に会場では配られなかった "Where's Spot?" の ダイス表をご紹介します。

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 h i p p o p o t a m u s
2 c r o c o d i l e d o g
3 l i o n p e n g u i n x
4 c a t b i r d p a n d a
5 m o n k e y s n a k e b
6 t o r t o i s e b e a r


       Teaching Reading to Elementary Learners 〜When and How 〜

     Young learners who cannot read hear a flow of sound and they have to remenber
words as sounds. (Slattery and Willis, English for Primary Teachers)
If students can read, however, they are able to reinforce the "aural" input in their own
learning process and retention increases.
     When should we start teaching reading? My answer is, "From the day 1!"
We can teach reading from the very beginning by;
-integrating phonics activities with a whole languages approach.
-extending listening / speaking activities one-step further.
-using storybooks and graded readers.
     Today, I plan to share with you some of the activities I have used with my
elementary learners in their first year of learning English with me.

The Alphabet (English Time 1, Rivers and Toyama)
Who is Sylvia? (Children's Jazz Chants Old and New, Carolyn Graham)
Classroom Language (English Time 1, Rivers and Toyama)
Where's Spot? (Eric Hill, 1980, Penguin Putnam)
     Word Search
     Memory Game 1
     Memory Game 2
     Sentence Making Game
Swimmy (Leo Lionni, 1963, Random House)
     Jumble Story
A Day at Storyland (English Time 3 Storybook, Setsuko Toyama)

 Setsuko Toyama, based in Sanjo, Niigata, teaches, trains teachers, writes EFL textbooks and teaches
 how to teach children at Keiwa College. She works closely with elementary school teachers in
 Niigata prefecture. She can be reached at Sunny Room, a website for teachers of children.
"Where's Spot?" のワードサーチを紹介します。3ページ目になります。

WORD SEARCH: Where's Spot?

@            A            B            C            D
bear          bird       crocodile     hippopotamus     lion
E            F            G            H            I
  monkey        penguin       snake         Spot        tortoise


a y c r o c o d i l e m
h i p p o p o t a m u s
f b i r d g c S p o t b
d m q t o r t o i s e j
s n a k e t v s b e a r
o p e n g u i n x w h p
e u w l i o n r k y f z
m o n k e y i S a l l y


"Who Is Sylvia?" と Read and Do は2ページ目になります。

Follow-up on "Who Is Sylvia?"
  (Children's Jazz Chants Old and New, Carolyn Graham)

Who has a name that starts(ends) with [アルファベット1文字]?     
I do. (当てはまる人が答える)
What's your name?                           (名前を言う)
What's her(his) name?                    (他の人たちがその人の名前を言う) 
Read and Do: Classroom Language 〜English Time 1 pp. vi-vii

     1. Stand up.                       7. Open your book.
     2. Sit down.                       8. Close your book.
     3. Listen.                         9. Take out your pencil.
     4. Quiet!                         10. Put away your pencil.
     5. Stop.                          11. Make a circle.
     6. Point.                         12. Make a line.

(several monts later... )

     1. Stand up and say, "Hello!"            7. Open your book to page 10.
     2. Sit down and smile at Setsuko.          8. Close your book and sleep.
     3. Take out your eraser.               9. Write your name.
     4. Go to the door and jump.              10. Draw a dog.
     5. Say, "Hi," to Miki.                 11. Make a circle.
     6. Point to a cat.                     12. Spell your name.

4ページ目は Swimmy Chant です。

The Biggest Fish in the Sea
                 --a chant based on Swimmy by Leo Lionni-- adapted by Setsuko Toyama
[Swimmy, his brothers and sisters are swimming together.]
Swimmy: Hi, everyone!
       I'm Swwimmy.
       I'm little.
       I'm black.
       I'm a little black fish.

Red Fish 1: Hi, everyone!                Red Fish 2: Hi, everyone!
        I'm Swimmy's sister.                    I'm Swimmy's brother.
        I'm little.                           I'm little.
        I'm red.                            I'm red.
        I'm a littele red fish.                   I'm a little red fish.

[A big, scary tuna swims into the scene.]
Tuna: I'm big.
    I'm hungry.
    I'm a big, hungry tuna.
[The tuna eats al the red fish. Swimmy escapes.]
Swimmy: I'm scared.
       I'm lonely.
       I'm very, very sad.

[Swimmy meets a jellyfish.]
Jellyfish: Hello, Swimmy.                Swimmy: NIce to meet you, Jellyfish!
      I'm a jellyfish.                        I'm not scared.
      I'm pink and blue and yellow!            I'm happy again.

[Swimmy meets a lobster.]
Lobster: Hello, Swimmy.                Swimmy: NIce to meet you, Lobster!
      I'm a lobster.                        I'm not sad.
      I'm brown and black and red.            I'm happy again.

     Resd and number the sentences.
                  (  ) Swimmy is happy again.
                  (  ) Swimmy is happy.
                  (  ) Swimmy is sad.

Swmmy Chant の全文はこちらです。

Jumble Story
最初のSwimmyとRed Fish 1,2 のセリフ(15行)を15の紙片に書いてあるのを15人に渡す。
1人ずつ言ってもらうと・・・Swimmy Chants!
The Alphabet

Memory Game 1

動物の絵カードとその文字カードを分けて伏せておく。(文字カードには、a lion, a bear のように書いておく)

Memory Game 2


The Oxford Kids' Club Tour 2004  Reading is FUNdamental