
2003年11月21日(金曜日)、漸く「Herpetological Review」の9月号が届いた。これは、米国に本部を置く両生類・爬虫類関係の国際学会「Society for the Study of Amphibians and Reptiles (SSAR)」の事務局から2冊目の返還を求められた、問題の雑誌の1冊目である。

ところが、この雑誌の宛名書きには「航空便(Air Mail)」の文字が見当たらず、発送から到着まで約1ヶ月かかっている点からみても「船便(Surface Mail)」で配達された、2冊目に相当する雑誌と思われた。航空便で配達されるはずの1冊目の雑誌が、忽然と消えてしまったことになる。

これと同調するかのように、同じく米国が本部の国際爬虫両棲類学会「Herpetologists' League, Inc. (HL)」が発行し、いつもは真っ先に届いている「Herpetologica」の9月号も、未配達である(これと同時に「Herpetological Monographs」の2003年号も届くことになっている)。この件に関して学会の事務局に問い合わせた私のメール、その返事、それに対する更なる問い合わせ、これら3つの本文だけを順に、以下に掲載することにする。

To date (17 November 2003), I have not yet received a September 2003 issue of Herpetologica, maybe along with a 2003 issue of Herpetological Monographs. Please let me know whether or not these issues were sent to me. If they were missing or not sent, please send me them promptly.

I am sorry you did not receive your issue and the monograph. I will put in a claim for the issue and the monograph in the next two weeks. It may take up to six months for these to arrive. I am sorry for the inconvenience. If you have any questions, please contact us.

Thank you for your message. I remember the September issues include the envelope and form for the HL membership renewal of the next year. Although I think there may be no help for delaying the receipt of these issues, I cannot accept the absence of the HL membership renewal envelope and form for 2004. Please send me them via airmail as soon as possible until the deadline of the payment (Dues for 2004).



Yesterday (21 November 2003), I received a first copy of an issue of September 2003 (Herpetological Review), but I have just found an important matter. It was delivered by "surface mail" because of the absence of the word "airmail" in its cover address. That is, the issue delivered by "airmail" is missing. I guess this is caused by a serious change in the Japanese postal service system this summer, in which courier service companies participate. Due to this change, airmail deliveries of international journals are very confused in Japan. Indeed, I have not yet received September 2003 issues of Herpetologica and Herpetological Monographs. If I would not receive the extra journal of Herpetological Review, I will be unable to send it to you. Was it returned to you?

Thank you for letting us know that you finally received a copy of the September 2003. If anothe copy arrives, please mail it back. If not, do not worry about it. I will let the Treasurer know about the airmail problem.



(1) 航空便とは異なり「船便の場合、国内配達では利益が見込めず、宅配便業者が市場に参入していない(日本郵政公社が一手に引き受けている)」と考えると、海外からの郵便物(航空便や船便)が届いたり、届かなかったりといった、それまでのトラブルの辻褄(つじつま)が合う。「どんな改善策も採られていない」という現状を鑑(かんが)みれば、海外からの航空便を確実に手に入れるためには、宅配便業者に国内配達を任しておいては駄目なのではないだろうか?
(2) 客観的事実を公表することが名誉毀損になるのかどうか定かではないが、これまでの郵便物が「届いて当たり前」の世界であったことを考えれば「航空便の国内配達に参入する宅配便業者の責任は重く、公表も已む無し」と言わざるを得ない。

Copyright 2003 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.
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