

羽角正人: クロサンショウウオの生殖生物学から. 日本動物学会第62回大会関連集会: 両生類シンポジウム: 特別天然記念物オオサンショウウオをめぐって. 岡山大学, 1991年10月.

Hasumi, M., B. Taivanjargal, T. Hongorzul, M. Nakagawa, and H. Nishida: Microhabitats of the salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii in Darhadyn Wetland, Mongolia. Symposium of "Darkhadiin Khotgor" Expedition in Mongolia 2005. Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), 6 January 2005.

Hasumi, M.: One of eight panelists of the Symposium of the Darkhadyn Khotgor Depression in Mongolia. Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), 5-6 January 2006.

Hongorzul, T., M. Hasumi, and K. Terbish: Microclimates of living environments of the Siberian salamander (Salamandrella keyserlingii). Symposium of the Darkhadyn Khotgor Depression in Mongolia. Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), 5-6 January 2006.

Hasumi, M., B. Taivanjargal, T. Hongorzul, M. Nakagawa, and H. Nishida: Microhabitats of the salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii, inhabiting Darhadyn Wetland, Mongolia: a 2005 examination. Symposium of the Darkhadyn Khotgor Depression in Mongolia. Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), 5-6 January 2006.

Hasumi, M., T, Hongorzul, B. Munkhchuluun, B. Taivanjargal, E. Hurelbaatar, A. Uuganbayar, T. Sano, and H. Nishida: New records of the salamander Salamandrella keyserlingii in Darhadyn Wetland, Mongolia. Symposium of the Darkhadyn Khotgor Depression in Mongolia. Mongolian State University of Education (Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia), 5-6 January 2006.


羽角正人: 両生類の保全: ちょっとアカデミックな話. 新潟県ビオトープ管理士会2008年春の勉強会. クロスパル新潟, 2008年2月23日.


羽角正人: 有尾類の測定に関する問題点. 日本両生爬虫類研究会10周年記念大会. 上野動物園, 1985年2月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: トウホクサンショウウオの分類学的形質の再検討I. 尾長. 第37回日本動物学会関東支部大会. 東京都立大学, 1985年3月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: トウホクサンショウウオの分類学的形質の再検討III. 頭部骨格標徴. 第24回日本爬虫両棲類学会大会. 横須賀市博物館, 1985年9月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: トウホクサンショウウオの分類学的形質の再検討II. 外部標徴. 日本動物学会第56回大会. 東京大学, 1985年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: トウホクサンショウウオの分類学的形質の再検討IV. 肢趾骨の変異. 日本両生爬虫類研究会第11回大会. 千葉市動物公園, 1986年2月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰・長濱嘉孝: クロサンショウウオの雄生殖系の周年変化. 日本動物学会第57回大会. 九州大学, 1986年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰・長濱嘉孝: クロサンショウウオの雄のクロアカ域の周年変化. 第25回日本爬虫両棲類学会大会. 京都教育大学, 1986年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: クロサンショウウオの"water drive"へのプロラクチンの効果. 日本動物学会第58回大会. 富山大学, 1987年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: 有尾類の"water drive"説への批判. 第26回日本爬虫両棲類学会大会. 横浜市立大学, 1987年11月.

羽角正人・永井一哉・岩澤久彰・長濱嘉孝: クロサンショウウオの雌の生殖周期. 日本動物学会第59回大会. 札幌医科大学, 1988年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰・長濱嘉孝: クロサンショウウオの雄の生殖周期にみられるテストステロンのサージと排精の時期. 第13回日本比較内分泌学会大会. 奈良女子大学, 1988年11月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: クロサンショウウオの雌雄の体形変化とそれに関連した体内変化. 第28回日本爬虫両棲類学会大会. 新潟大学, 1989年11月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: カスミサンショウウオ属数種のふ骨変異と後肢第5趾の退化. 第42回日本動物学会関東支部大会. 東京工業大学, 1990年3月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰・長濱嘉孝: クロサンショウウオの排卵、及び卵嚢形成過程. 日本動物学会第61回大会. 新潟大学, 1990年10月.

羽角正人・岩澤久彰: クロサンショウウオの産卵行動: メーティングボール形成中の卵嚢の独占. 日本動物学会第62回大会. 岡山大学, 1991年10月.

水谷文彦・佐々木哲・羽角正人・岩澤久彰: クロサンショウウオのゴナドトロピン産生細胞の周年変化: 免疫組織化学的観察. 第18回日本比較内分泌学会大会. 東京大学, 1993年8月.

懸川雅市・羽角正人・岸冨士夫・齊川祐子: 長野県白馬地方北部のハクバサンショウウオとヒダサンショウウオの分布と外部形態. 第45回日本爬虫両棲類学会大会. 広島大学, 2006年10月.



M. Hasumi and H. Iwasawa [1990, J. Herpetol. 24(2): 113-118] describe the pronounced changes in body shape and mass that occur in male and female Hynobius nigrescens during aquatic reproduction. Soon after entering the breeding pond males increase their body mass, head width and tail height. These changes are caused by changes in connective tissue and by storage of seminal fluid in the vasa deferentia. The changes gradually decline in post breeding males prior to leaving the pond. Females show little seasonal variation in head width or tail height, but exhibit an increase in body mass after ovulation. This is the result of water absorption during the formation of egg sacs.

Herpetology 1990. In this column the editorial staff presents short abstracts of herpetological articles we have found of interest. by John C. Murphy (Co-Editor): Bull. Chicago Herp. Soc. 25(11): 213. November 1990.

(2) More Herpeto-trivia: Ovarian eggs of the Japanese salamander Hynobius nigrescens are mint green, perhaps to provide camouflage in algae-laden ponds. - Hasumi, M. 1996. Herpetologica 52: 598-605. by Alicia Mathis (Editor): HL Comunications (The Newsletter of the Herpetologists' League) 4(1): 7. March 1997.

(3) Dynamics of Sexual Dimorphism Revealed in Hynobiid Salamanders

Sexual size dimorphism can occur when different selection pressures are experienced by each sex. Whether or not sexual size dimorphism is evident prior to sexual maturity reveals which life stages selection is acting upon. To elucidate the patterns of development of the two sexes, the author of this paper collected data on salamanders (Hynobiidae: Salamandrella keyserlingii) in a marsh in Hokkaido Prefecture, Japan. Over the course of three years, animals were captured, measured for various morphological characteristics, marked via toe clipping, and released on site. Collecting events coincided with both the aquatic, reproductive phase (April-May; both pitfall traps and dip netting) and the terrestrial, non-breeding phase (late May-October; pitfall traps only). Toe clips were retained for lines of arrested growth (LAG) analyses to estimate animal ages. These data revealed that prior to sexual maturity both sexes grow at a similar rate and after maturity both experience similar declines in growth rate; however, females mature roughly a year later than males, leading to a larger size at maturity and larger size relative to age after the age of male maturity. The selective advantage of larger female size is presumably the prospect for greater clutch size (although non-adaptive explanations also exist). Interestingly, males seem to compensate for the sexual size dimorphism via secondary sexual characteristics developed prior to and lost after the aquatic breeding phase. Specifically, males develop widened heads (used in male-male combat) and elongated tails (used for detaining females) and in general achieve the size of reproductively mature females. The author posits that this temporary male sexual dimorphism may be a requirement for the development of permanent female sexual dimorphism, as the evolution of larger females requires males to have the ability to temporarily achieve similar size for successful reproduction.

Hasumi, M. 2010. Age, body size, and sexual dimorphism in size and shape in Salamandrella keyserlingii (Caudata: Hynobiidae). Evolutionary Biology 37: 38-48.

Correspondence to: Masato Hasumi, Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan; e-mail: mhasumi@bio.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp

One of selected papers in the section on Current Research*, Herpetological Review 41(3): 263. September 2010.

(4) Most Widely-Distributed Amphibian Evaluated with Respect to Bergmann's Rule

Bergmann's Rule, which states that body size should increase with decreasing temperature (and therefore often increasing latitude or elevation), has long been accepted for endothermic groups. However, whether the rule applies to ectotherms has been a topic of heated debate, with numerous studies supporting and rejecting this theory for various reptile and amphibian groups. Recent studies of Plethodon salamanders have found an inverse Bergmann's pattern both within and between species, with the implication being that while thermoregulating ectotherms (animals that adjust body temperatures via behavior; e.g., frogs, turtles) may conform to Bergmann's Rule, thermoconformers may not. The authors of this paper studied the world's most widely distributed amphibian, Salamandrella keyserlingii (Hynobiidae), with the hopes of determining how life history and growth varied across the salamander's distribution, and in particular if it conformed to Bergmann's Rule. One population in Darhadyn, Mongolia (~51oN), was intensely studied through mark-recapture and skeletochronological (the study of patterns left by fluctuating bone growth activity to determine animal age) techniques to elucidate within-population size statistics (e.g., sex-specific size at metamorphosis, sexual maturity, and maximum size). These data were then compared with results from a similar study from Kushiro, Japan (~43oN) to identify potential latitudinal/temperature differences. Additionally, total length (TOL) and snout-vent length (SVL) maximum values were compared across 27 populations spanning 43o to 69oN. While Darhadyn males had a smaller SVL than their Kushiro counterparts, no significant differences were detected for females or metamorphs. Males and females did exhibit smaller a TOL in Darhadyn than in Kushiro. Both sexes showed a much older age at maturity at Darhadyn (~5 years) than in Kushiro (~2-3 years). These results alone support an inverse Bergmann's rule in this system. However, size data from across the distribution lead to a different conclusion. These data show that there is no correlation of SVL with temperature, latitude, or TOL. While TOL shows no significant linear relationship with either latitude or temperature, a "U" shaped polynomial equation shows a better fit to the data, with TOL decreasing from 8o to -7oC mean annual temperature and 43o to 57oN latitudes and increasing from -7o to -15oC and 57o to 69oN; no such polynomial relationship was seen for SVL. The authors suggest that this fits the converse of "Terentjev's Optimum Rule" (coined to describe some inverted U-shaped patterns of size variation across and environmental continuum, though no mechanism for this pattern has been proposed) rather than Bergmann's Rule. They further suggest that the U-shaped size distribution perhaps indicates that different factors may be operating throughout the distribution; for instance, below a certain temperature threshold, size might become a secondary determinant of persistence, and instead a size-independent characteristic such as freeze tolerance takes over as the primary determinant.

Hasumi, M., and L. J. Borkin. 2012. Age and body size of Salamandrella keyserlingii (Caudata: Hynobiidae): a difference in altitudes, latitudes, and temperatures. Organisms Diversity and Evolution 12: 167-181.

Correspondence to: Masato Hasumi, Biological Institute, Faculty of Science, Niigata University, Niigata 950-2181, Japan; e-mail: mhasumi@bio.sc.niigata-u.ac.jp

One of selected papers in the section on Current Research*, Herpetological Review 43(3): 377-378. September 2012.

(5) Reproductive Timing in Hynobiid Salamander Set to Biological Clock

Numerous studies have found that various species have the ability to modulate timing of oviposition based on year-to-year variation in timing of spring. Early studies of the Japanese hynobiid Hynobius kimurae suggested that this species lacks the ability to modulate timing of egg-laying and instead undergoes predictable and uniformly timed oviposition, regardless of phenology. The authors of this paper further tested this hypothesis in a controlled experiment wherein hibernating H. kimurae experienced varied hibernation temperature or timing of the onset of spring. In experiment I, salamander pairs from a high-elevation locality (1260 m) were exposed to an early, normal, or late spring temperature transition. In experiment II, salamander pairs from a lower locality (840 m) were subjected to above average, typical, and below average hibernation temperatures (4, 3, and 2oC, respectively). As expected, H. kimurae that overwintered at higher temperatures ovipositioned earlier. Contrary to expectations, hibernating H. kimurae that experienced an earlier spring delay ovipositioned relative to H. kimurae subjected to normal or late spring onset. The result was that all the salamanders in experiment I ovipositioned at the same time, regardless of treatment. The authors explain the apparent paradox of the two experiments by suggesting the salamanders have a biological clock that begins ticking when the salamanders enter hibernation. The clock is based on cumulative temperature days and ensures a constant timing of ovipositioning, independent of phenology. This study highlights the importance of understanding the mechanisms of reproduction for species expected to be affected by climate change in the years ahead.

Kakegawa, M., and M. Hasumi. 2017. Effects of controlled water temperatures on oviposition in a lotic-breeding and externally fertilizing salamander (Hynobius kimurae). River Research and Applications 33(7): 1036-1043.

Correspondence to: MASATO HASUMI, Institute for Excellence in Higher Education, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8576, Japan; e-mail: hasumi@tohoku.ac.jp

One of selected papers in the section on Current Research*, Herpetological Review 48(3): 716-717. September 2017.

*The Current Research, a special feature in every issue, presents brief summaries of the most important researches on amphibian and reptilian biology published recently in journals other than herpetological journals.


Peer-reviewed Journals:

Acta Ethologica; Acta Zoologica; American Midland Naturalist; American Naturalist; Amphibia-Reptilia; Anatomical Record; Animal Biology; Animal Cells and Systems; Animals; Aquatic Sciences; Archives of Biological Sciences (Belgrade); Asian Herpetological Research; Basic and Applied Herpetology; Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology; Biharean Biologist; Biodiversitas; Biologia; Biological Journal of the Linnean Society; Biological Science (Tokyo); Biology Bulletin; Bonner zoologische Monographien; Bulletin de la Societe zoologique de France; Bulletin of the Chicago Herpetological Society; Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan; Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology; Chinese Journal of Zoology; Copeia; Cuadernos de Herpetologia (verified on 24 May 2024); Current Herpetology; Current Studies in Herpetology; Current Zoology; Diseases of Aquatic Organisms; Ecological Indicators; Ecological Research; Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety; Evolution; Evolution and Development; Evolutionary Biology; Evolutionary Ecology; Fish Physiology and Biochemistry; Folia Zoologica; Fossil Record; General and Comparative Endocrinology; Global Ecology and Biogeography; Heredity (Tokyo); Herpetologica; Herpetological Bulletin; Herpetological Journal; Herpetological Monographs; Herpetological Review; Herpetology Notes; Herpetozoa; Hormones and Behavior; Ibis; Integrative Biosciences; Iranian Journal of Biology; Italian Journal of Zoology; Japanese Journal of Ecology; Japanese Journal of Herpetology; Journal of Anatolian Environmental and Animal Sciences; Journal of Ecology and Field Biology; Journal of Environmental Radioactivity; Journal of Experimental Zoology; Journal of Experimental Zoology Part A: Ecological Genetics and Physiology; Journal of Fish Biology; Journal of Fisheries of China; Journal of Herpetology; Journal of Mammalogy; Journal of Morphology; Journal of Natural History; Journal of Northwest A & F University (Natural Science Edition); Journal of Vertebrate Biology; Journal of Zoology (London); Korean Journal of Ecology (Ecological Society of Korea); Korean Journal of Ecology and Environment (Korean Society of Limnology); Korean Journal of Environmental Biology (Korean Society of Environmental Biology); Korean Journal of Environment and Ecology (Korean Society of Environment and Ecology); Korean Journal of Herpetology; Limnology; Nature Conservation Research; NeoBiota; North-Western Journal of Zoology; Oecologia; Okajimas Folia Anatomica Japonica; Organisms Diversity and Evolution; PeerJ; Phyllomedusa; PLoS ONE; Polar Biology; Principles of the Ecology; Proceedings of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences; Proceeding of the Ukranian Herpetological Society; Quarterly Review of Biology; River Research and Applications; Russian Journal of Herpetology; Sakarya University Journal of Science; Salamandra; Scientific Reports; Senckenbergiana Biologica; Sichuan Journal of Zoology; Soft Matter; South American Journal of Herpetology; South-Western Journal of Horticulture, Biology and Environment; Tomsk State University Journal of Biology; Turkish Journal of Zoology; Wildlife and Human Society; Wildlife Conservation Japan; Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society; Zoological Research; Zoological Science; Zoological Studies; Zoologicheskii Zhurnal; Zoologischer Anzeiger; Zoology; and Zootaxa.


(1) Amphibian Biology, Volume 1, The Integument. By H. Heatwole & G. T. Barthalmus (Editors). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia (1994).

(2) Amphibian Biology, Volume 2, Social Behaviour. By H. Heatwole & B. K. Sullivan (Editors). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia (1995).

(3) Herpetology. By F. H. Pough (Editor). Prentice Hall College Div, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA (1998).

(4) Sperm Competition and Sexual Selection. By T. R. Birkhead & A. P. Moller (Editors). Academic Press, San Diego, California, USA (1998).

(5) Les salamandres de l'ancien monde. By R. Thorn & J. Raffaelli. Boubee, Paris, France (2001).

(6) Herpetology, Second Edition. By F. H. Pough, R. M. Andrews, J. E. Cadle, M. L. Crump, A. H. Savitzky & K. D. Wells. Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA (2001).

(7) Salamanders: Jubileumbundel. By A. S. B. Bouwman (Composition & Editor). Salamandervereniging, Cuijk, Netherlands (2002).

(8) Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny, Volume 1, Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela. By B. G. M. Jamieson (Series Edited) & D. M. Sever (Volume Edited). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA (2003).

(9) Amphibian Decline: An Integrated Analysis of Multiple Stressor Effects. By G. Linder, S. K. Krest & D. W. Sparling. Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry (SETAC) Press, Racine, Wisconsin, USA (2003).

(10) Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Amphibians. By W. E. Duellman & N. Schlager (Editors). Gale, Detroit, Michigan, USA (2003).

(11) Herpetology, Third Edition. By F. H. Pough, R. M. Andrews, J. E. Cadle, M. L. Crump, A. H. Savitzky & K. D. Wells. Pearson/Prentice Hall, Upper Saddle River, New Jersey, USA (2004).

(12) Amphibian Biology, Volume 6, Endocrinology. By H. Heatwole (Editor). Surrey Beatty & Sons, Chipping Norton, New South Wales, Australia (2005).

(13) Regional Red List Series, Volume 6, Summary Conservation Action Plans for Mongolian Reptiles and Amphibians. By K. Terbish, K. Munkhbayar, E. L. Clark, J. Munkhbat, E. M. Monks, M. Munkhbaatar, J. E. M. Baillie, L. Borkin, N. Batsaikhan, R. Samiya & D. V. Semenov (Compilers & Editors). Zoological Society of London, London, UK (2006).

(14) Amfibienii Apelor Termale Din Vestul Romaniei. By S. D. Covaciu-Marcov, I. Sas & A. St. Cicort-Lucaciu. Editura Universitatii din Oradea, Oradea, Romania (2006).

(15) The Ecology and Behavior of Amphibians. By K. D. Wells. University of Chicago Press, Chicago, Illinois, USA (2007).

(16) Alternative Reproductive Tactics: An Integrative Approach. By R. F. Oliveira, M. Taborsky & H. J. Brockmann (Editors). Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, UK (2008).

(17) A Protocol for Aging Anurans Using Skeletochronology. By B. McCreary, C. A. Pearl & M. J. Adams. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2008-1209, Reston, Virginia, USA (2008).

(18) The Evolution of Primary Sexual Characters in Animals. By J. Leonard & A. Cordoba-Aguilar (Editors). Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2010).

(19) Hormones and Reproduction of Vertebrates, Volume 2, Amphibians. By D. O. Norris & K. H. Lopez (Editors). Academic Press (Elsevier), San Diego, California, USA (2011).

(20) Reptile Biodiversity: Standard Methods for Inventory and Monitoring. By R. W. McDiarmid, M. S. Foster, C. Guyer, J. W. Gibbons & N. Chernoff (Editors). University of California Press, Berkeley, California, USA (2012).

(21) Bryophyte Ecology, Volume 2, Bryological Interaction. By J. M. Glime (Editor). Michigan Technological University & International Association of Bryologists, Houghton, Michigan, USA (2013).

(22) Fundamental and Applied Researches, Educational Traditions in Zoology. By N. S. Moskvitina (Editor). Publishing House Tomsk State University, Tomsk, Russia (2013).

(23) Salamanders of the Old World: The Salamanders of Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. By M. Sparreboom. KNNV Publishing (in cooperation with Naturalis Biodiversity Center), Zeist, Netherlands (2014). [my 17 papers cited!]

(24) Herpetology, Fourth Edition. By F. H. Pough, R. M. Andrews, M. L. Crump, A. H. Savitzky, K. D. Wells & M. C. Brandley. Sinauer Associates, Inc., Sunderland, Massachusetts, USA (2015). [ISBN: 978-1-60535-233-6]

(25) The Amphibians of Mongolia. By S. L. Kuzmin, E. A. Dunayev, Kh. Munkhbayar, M. Munkhbaatar, J. Oyuunchimeg & Kh. Terbish. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, Russia (2017).

(26) Evolutionary and Functional Morphology of Vertebrates. Materials of the Conference and Workshop dedicated to Felix Yanovich Dzerzhinsky. By A. B. Popovkina, E. G. Potapova & N. V. Kryukova (Editors). KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, Russia (2017).

(27) Vertebrate Life, Tenth Edition. By F. Harvey Pough & Christine M. Janis. Oxford University Press, Oxford, UK (2018).

(28) Encyclopedia of Sexual Psychology and Behavior. By T. K. Shackelford (Editor). Springer Nature Switzerland AG, Cham, Switzerland (2023).

(29) Continental Northeast Asian Amphibians: Origins, Behavioural Ecology, and Conservation. By A. Borzee. Elsevier, London, UK (2024).



Amphibian History (両生類誌); Annual Report of Uozu Aquarium (魚津水族博物館年報); Biology of Inland Waters (陸水生物学報); Bulletin of the Biological Section of Senior High Schools in Ishikawa Prefecture, Japan (石川県高校生物部会会誌); Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan (爬虫両棲類学会報); Bulletin of the Niigata Prefectural Biological Society for Education (新潟県生物教育研究会誌); Ecology and Civil Engineering (応用生態工学); Journal of Japan Society on Water Environment (水環境学会誌); Journal of Natural History Museum and Institute, Chiba (千葉県立中央博物館自然誌研究報告); Odonatological Abstract Service; PeerJ; Proceedings of the Japan National Conference on Geotechnical Engineering (地盤工学研究発表会発表講演集); and Science Reports of Yokosuka City Museum (Natural Science) [横須賀市博物館研究報告(自然科学)].


(1) Current Herpetology in East Asia: Proceedings of the Second Japan-China Herpetological Symposium, Kyoto, July 1988 (521 pages). By M. Matsui, T. Hikida & R. C. Goris (Editors). Herpetological Society of Japan, Kyoto, Japan (1989).

(2) 動物系統分類学第9巻(9下A1), 脊椎動物Ua-1(両生類1: 498ページ). 岩澤久彰・倉本満(著). 中山書店(1996).

(3) ビオトープの計画と設計-生物生息環境創造-(345ページ). 稲垣徹(編). 工業技術会(1997).

(4) これからの両棲類学(293ページ). 松井正文(編). 裳華房(2005).

(5) Evolution, Systematics and Distribution of Crested Newts (Triturus cristatus Complex) in Russia and Adjacent Countries (592 pages, +24 color plates: in Russian). By S. N. Litvinchuk & L. J. Borkin. Evropeisky Dom Press, St. Petersburg, Russia (2009).

(6) Mongolian Red Book (380 pages: in Mongolian). By Anonymous (Editor). Ministry of Environment and Green Development, Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia (2014).


(1) Data from: Correlated evolution of allometry and sexual dimorphism across higher taxa. By S. P. De Lisle & L. Rowe. Dryad Digital Repository, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, North Carolina, USA (2013). doi: 10.5061/dryad.24251

(2) The influence of migration and habitat on vertebrate genetic diversity. By J. R. Willoughby. Purdue University Research Repository, West Lafayette, Indiana, USA (2015). doi: 10.4231/R7TX3CBK

(3) Amphibian Species of the World, an Online Reference. Version 6.1. American Museum of Natural History, New York, USA (2022). Salamandrella keyserlingii

(4) Salamanderland. Online Database for Newt & Salamander Enthusiasts (2022). Hynobius dunni *

*オオイタサンショウウオの繁殖期のオスの喉元が、キタサンショウウオと同様に(Hasumi, 2001)、黄色いパッチ状になることを示している。


(1) カスミサンショウウオの生態に関する研究. 山楓@子・江田伸司. 公益信託タカラ・ハーモニストファンド平成8年度(第11回)助成活動報告書: 69-78 (1997).

(2) 福井県の両生類・爬虫類・陸産貝類目録(141ページ). 福井県自然環境保全調査研究会両生類・爬虫類・陸産貝類部会(編). 福井県県民生活部自然保護課(1998).

(3) 栃木県自然環境基礎調査, とちぎの両生類・爬虫類(146ページ). 栃木県自然環境調査研究会両生爬虫類部会(編). 栃木県林務部自然環境課(2001).

(4) トウキョウサンショウウオ: この10年間の変遷-東京都多摩地区における2008年度生息状況調査報告書-(74ページ). 草野保・川上洋一・御手洗望(編著). トウキョウサンショウウオ研究会(2014).



Journal of Forensic Research; Memoirs of the Society for Endocrinology (Society for Endocrinological Memorial) PDF eBook; Snake; Wikipedia; and some Doctoral Dissertations and Bachelor and Master Theses (アメリカ合衆国、コロンビア、ブラジル、スコットランド、イングランド、ポルトガル、フランス、ベルギー、オランダ、ドイツ、チェコ、ポーランド、トルコ、エチオピア、ロシア、モンゴル、中国、韓国、台湾、等々).


(1) Salamander 183 Success Secrets - 183 Most Asked Questions On Salamander - What You Need To Know (202 pages). By C. Berry. Emereo Publishing, Brisbane, Australia (2015).

(2) Monograph on Fungal Diseases of Wild Animals (422 pages). By M. K. Refai, A.-E. Z. Fahmy & H. N. Deif. Cairo University Scholars, Cairo, Egypt (2017).


*匿名ではないレフェリー(signed reviewer)、雑誌に投稿する前の論文原稿の校閲、研究上のアドバイス、執筆本の各項目へのコメント、執筆本に使用する写真の提供、論文の執筆に必要な参考文献の提供、日本語の文献の英語への翻訳、等々、相手の求めに応じておこなわれた活動に対する謝辞


Bulletin of the Herpetological Society of Japan; Canadian Journal of Forest Research; Journal of Herpetology; Journal of the Japanese Forest Society; Polar Biology; Proceedings of the Zoological Institute RAS; Russian Journal of Herpetology; and Quarterly Review of Biology.


(1) Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny, Volume 1, Reproductive Biology and Phylogeny of Urodela. By B. G. M. Jamieson (Series Edited) & D. M. Sever (Volume Edited). Science Publishers, Enfield, New Hampshire, USA (2003).

(2) Herpetologica Petropolitana. By N. Ananjeva & O. Tsinenko (Editors). Proceedings of the 12th Ordinary General Meeting of the Societas Europaea Herpetologica, St. Petersburg, Russia (2003).

(3) 開け! 両生類の国(韓国語). S. Park & D. Park (著). チソン社、ソウル、韓国(2009).

(4) トウキョウサンショウウオ: この10年間の変遷-東京都多摩地区における2008年度生息状況調査報告書-. 草野保・川上洋一・御手洗望(編著). トウキョウサンショウウオ研究会(2014).

(5) Salamanders of the Old World: The Salamanders of Europe, Asia and Northern Africa. By M. Sparreboom. KNNV Publishing (in cooperation with Naturalis Biodiversity Center), Zeist, Netherlands (2014).

(6) The Amphibians of Mongolia. By S. L. Kuzmin, E. A. Dunayev, Kh. Munkhbayar, M. Munkhbaatar, J. Oyuunchimeg & Kh. Terbish. KMK Scientific Press, Moscow, Russia (2017).

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alien-s(移入種問題メーリングリスト): 7, 11, 15, 25, 111, 115, 135, 139, 155, 159, 227, 573, 575, and 1102.

frogs(カエル探偵団メーリングリスト): 631, 636, 643, 647, 661, 669, 681, 683, 691, 722, 726, 732, 733, 734, 743, 747, 750, 754, 761, 797, 799, 821, 830, 841, 852, 854, 921, 924, 931, 934, 968, 994, 998, 1003, 1004, 1006, 1011, 1012, 1013, 1022, 1029, 1030, 1031, 1035, 1052, 1059, 1064, 1087, 1089, 1095, 1113, 1126, 1128, 1133, 1135, 1158, 1162, 1168, 1174, 1180, 1185, 1194, 1197, 1204, 1210, 1224, 1232, 1242, 1292, 1298, 1309, 1312, 1318, 1335, 1344, 1358, 1359, 1363, 1366, 1406, 1460, 1464, 1469, 1473, 1475, 1480, 1483, 1485, 1487, 1490, 1492, 1494, 1497, 1500, 1507, 1513, 1522, 1524, 1543, 1559, 1562, 1565, 1572, 1593, 1594, 1600, 1608, 1623, 1625, 1671, 1673, 1675, 1684, 1775, 1780, 1786, 1792, 1828, 1838, 1849, 1852, 1860, 1872, 1886, 1910, 1942, 1951, 1964, 1968, 1995, 2038, 2045, 2054, 2063, 2064, 2070, 2076, 2083, 2103, 2108, 2109, 2122, 2142, 2150, 2151, 2166, 2170, 2177, 2185, 2195, 2196, 2199, 2226, 2245, 2247, 2250, 2386, 2409, 2411, 2483, 2486, 2592, 2618, 2640, 2880, 2905, 2999, 3024, 3052, 3140, 3182, 3192, 3195, 3249, 3252, 3255, 3262, 3334, 3337, 3339, 3346, 3372, 3373, 3388, 3402, 3411, 3461, 3465, 3466, 3472, 3497, 3535, 3687, 3700, 3704, 3733, 3808, 3910, 3980, 4756, 4757, 4802, 5009, 5197, 5910, 5912, 5916, 5919, 5922, 6091, 6099, 6102, 6551, 6553, and 6730.

jeconet(生態学メーリングリスト): 3548, 4456, 4563, 4600, 4609, 4616, 4637, 4654, 4657, 4668, 4674, 4704, 4723, 4799, 4997, 4999, 5021, 5286, 5322, 5362, 5378, 5399, 5524, 5526, 5595, 5620, 5627, 5636, 5639, 5647, 5652, 5656, 5660, 5664, 5802, 5806, 5853, 6308, 6310, 6471, 6860, 7683, 8081, 9686, 16838, and 25299.

new jeconet([新]生態学メーリングリスト): 2842.

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