Female Toad Preyed

Female Toad Preyed
A gravid female of the toad Bufo japonicus formosus that was preyed by an unidentified animal (maybe by a crow) in a major breeding habitat of the salamander Hynobius hidamontanus, inhabiting Hokujo, Hakuba-mura, Nagano Prefecture, Japan (photographed on 20 May 2006).

The female preyed was on a log-block (Alnus japonica) built within a shallow wetland of this habitat. Half of the body, including egg strings just before oviposition, was dropped off the block into the wetland. Whitish-colored, convoluted oviducts were discernible around the center of the photograph. Note beautiful, red spots on the skin.

Accompanied Research Collaborators (alphabetical order): Masaichi Kakegawa (Tokyo Metropolitan Komatsugawa Senior High School), Fujio Kishi and Yuko Saikawa (Shirouma Association of Naturalists), and Koji Takada (Nagano Chausuyama Zoo).

Copyright 2006 Masato Hasumi, Dr. Sci. All rights reserved.
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