Summer Toad

A male of the toad Bufo japonicus formosus that was found on a rock at the side of a torrent (rapid stream) during daytime in summer (photographed on 22 August 2022 in Shimo-oginoto, Tendo-shi, Yamagata Prefecture, Japan). Despite small body size of approximately 8 cm, it was judged a matured male because of release call when clasped by the axillae. Although this male was characterized by rugged skin during the terrestrial phase of the nonbreeding season (cf. aquatic phase of the breeding season), because of being found at the side of the torrent, it was possibly going to bathe in the torrent during the summertime (Stille, 1952).
Stille, W. T. 1952. The nocturnal amphibian fauna of the southern Lake Michigan beach. Ecology 33: 149-162.
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