
My works are representation of sense of life and its eternity. An existence of sense of life has a strong connection with people who also hold life. Its eternity is a breath of hope that would become a vitality for tomorrow.
My photographic objects are nature and artifacts that passed through the time. I feel the sense of life and its eternity in nature that breeds life through reincarnation. Artifacts are two poles apart from nature but through the sharing and passing of time with people, I also find sense of life and its eternity in them like a pulse.
Series: The Silent Pulse
My mind gets healed when I am away from the city and place myself in nature. I think I feel that way because mountain climbing in my youth felt both refreshing and attractive. But as I got older, I started to believe that it comes from sympathy with providence of nature. At times, the trees and the animals in the forest shine, shelter from threat, and pass their lives to the descendants. The way of life of the trees and the animals in the forest had been repeated unremittingly and will continue without change henceforth. Also, at a river running through the forest, a drip from a leaf forms a current that shaves the rock to make the gorge and the waterfall, flows down the flat land, and pours into the sea. At the sea, an endless waves rush from the faraway horizon toward the coast. The river current and the sea waves shave the ground gradually to the shape of today in daunting length of time. The providence of nature world had been repeated unremittingly and will continue without change henceforth. From the nature, I strongly feel the eternal pulse of the universe that connects today, linked from the past, and with the future.