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イ ン ド 辞 書 |
■ インド辞書 (#2015 は J_11 です。)[S#2016] saMjapP. %{-japati} , to whisper or talk about , report , communicate MBh. Ma1rkP. 囁き(ささめき・ささやき) 万-71356; 向つ峰(を)に立てる桃の木生(な)りぬやと*人ぞ囁(ささ)めきし汝(な)が心ゆめ c. ささやき、で、なくて、ささめき、だつて。ますます good. Sunskrit の j は、チ/ヂ。 [ST#2017] [S] kruDcl. 6. P. %{kruDati} , to sink , dive Dha1tup. xxviii , 100 ; to be or become thick Comm. on VS. xxv , 8 ; (cf. %{kraDana} , %{kUD} , and %{krUD}): Caus. or cl. 10. P. fr. %{krUD} , %{krUdayati} , to make thick (?) Ka1t2h. vi , 3 and 7. 潜く(かづく) 〇 [T] kuzi-ttal02 1. to form pits, hollows, cavities; to sink, excavate; 2. to inscribe, engrave 潜く(かづく) 〇 万7-1203; 磯の上(へ)に爪木折り焚き汝(な)が為と吾(あ)が潜(かづ)き来し沖つ白玉 万8-1495; あしひきの木(こ)の間立ち潜(く)く霍公鳥かく聞きそめて後恋ひむかも c. 沈む(しずむ)は、S#1510。 【民】mugku-tal (= 1. to plunge into water; 2. to sink; 3. to be full) 潜 る(もぐ る) 【民】mukkuLi-ttal (= 01 to dive 潜る) 潜る(もぐる) c. 大野晋 氏も、munk-u 潜る、を指摘している。違う辞書なので、発音が異なる。 c. 「かづ」は有ったが「かづく」は無かった。「くく」も無かった。 [T#2018] picukku02 sponge-gourd 瓢(ひさこ・ひさご) ◎ [S#2019] sugaa. easily passed; easy to approach or attain n. good access or progress. 過ぐ(すぐ)・直ぐ(すぐ) ◎ c. タミル語には、「過ぎる」系は無い。上記以外に「過ぐ・過ぎる」の roots らしきものは無い。 pass だと、「済む・済ます」は有る。 --- 過ぎる、は、直ぐ(すぐ)から定義される様だ。i.e. 直ぐ終わる、ことが、過ぎる、と言うこと。らしい。 c. 「直ぐ(すぐ)」は、soon から攻めると引っ掛からない。辞書の編者が少しバカ。cf. #1007 c. 時・場所が過ぎて行った、の、過ぎるは、シュメール語にあった。 [ST#2020] pey-tal1. to rain, fall, as dew or hail; 1. to pour down, pour into; 2. to put, place, lay, put into, serve up, as food in a dish; 3. to throw out, throw aside; 4. to insert, interpolate, as in a text; 5. to give, confer; 6. to make; to settle, appoint; 7. to spread; 8. to discharge; 9. to write, draw; 10. to put on, as harness; to wear, as jewels, cloths, flowers; 11. to bring into play; to use; 12. to tie, fasten; 13. to discharge, as urine; to shed, as tears; 14. to strew, scatter, as flowers; 15. to distribute; 16. to crowd, bring close together 降る(ふる) ◎ c. fall の中で to rain を調べたら、これしか無かった。 降る、は、シュメール・アッカド語にも皆無だった。 ピ비ルル를△ ネ내リ리ダ다 (rain)@韓国語 by Google 翻訳 c. ネリダ を調べたら、pull down だって。そしたら、ピルル ってなんだ。A non- だって。 つまり、ピルル は、降る、とは、音は似ているが。無関係と言う関係。---- はっきり言って、ハングルなんて日本語の起源、と完全に無縁。との my 印象。でも動詞「ピルル ネリダ」は全体としては、 Showers rain だって。つまり、A non- は、「軽く」のニュアンス。--- 違うな。ピ비 が雨で、 Google がアホなんですね。 って、ことは、【民】の pey-tal と 【韓】の ピ비 は非常に近い。何か、有るね。 (mwd) pravRSTamfn. begun to rain or to pour down (instr.) MBh. R. Katha1s. ; (%{e}) ind. when it rains Var. [694,2] 降る(ふる)、降り出した ◎ (mwd)
pUrvavatind. as before , as hitherto , as heretofore , as aforesaid ; according to something previous (applied in the Nya1ya to a kind of inference such as inferring from the previous appearance of a cloud that rain will fall) RV. &c. &c. --- pre-(ふる、古)と fall(降る)は同じ。 [ST#2021] T cUttiスーッチ shoes, slippers 履(くつ) ◎ T kutticceruppuクッチ〜 shoes with thick soles 厚い靴底の靴 ◎ S caraNatraカラ〜 `" foot-saver "' , a shoe , Kut2t2animクツ〜 ◎ 万9-1807; 髪だにも 掻きは梳らず 履(くつ)をだに はかず歩けど c. タミル語って、5部族のごった煮言語で、cu ス と言うときも有れば、ku ク と言うときもあるメチャクチャ民族の様だ。 つまり、英語の「シューズ」は、タミル人が介入すると、直ぐ、クューズ、に化ける。 [S#2022] kandara%{A} , %{am} fn. (%{as} m. L.) , (%{ kand} Comm. on Un2. iii , 131 ; %{kaM} , %{jalena@dIryate} T.) , `" great cliff "' , an artificial or natural cave , glen , defile , valley R. Pan5cat. Megh. &c. ; m. a hook for driving an elephant L. ; (%{A}) f. the lute of the Can2d2a1las L. ; N. of a mother in the retinue of Skanda MBh. BhP. ; (%{am}) n. ginger L. 崖(きし) ◎ 万10-1818; 子らが名に懸けのよろしき朝妻の片山崖(きし)に霞たなびく [S#2023] sIdhum. (L. also f. and n. ; less correctly %{zIdhu} , of unknown derivation) spirituous liquor distilled from molasses , rum (or any similar spirit , also fig. = `" nectar "') MBh. Ka1v. &c 〔液体を〕滴らせる、垂(しだり・しだれ) ◎ sAMdhikam. (fr. %{saM-dhA} , or %{saMdhikA}) a distiller L. 万10-1852; 百敷の大宮人のかづらける垂柳(しだりやなぎ)は見れど飽かぬかも [T#2024] uLi02 place; ' in or at, a loc. ending 末(うれ) ◎ uparaticonclusion, end 終る(おわる)・終り(おわり)・ 終りだ・小治田・尾張だ(おわりだ)・ ◎ 万10-2242; 秋の野の尾花が末(うれ)の打ち靡き*心は妹に寄りにけるかも [S#2025] zIrNaa. crushed, broken, torn, withered, faded, shriveled, decayed, rotten; abstr. {-tva}A n. 萎びる(しなびる) ◎ zIrNapAdam. a thin or shrunken foot MW. ; `" having shrivelled feet "'N. of Yama (said to have become so in consequence of his mother's curse) L. 万10-2298; 君に恋ひ萎(しな)えうらぶれ吾(あ)が居れば秋風吹きて月かたぶきぬ [ST#2026] S (mwd) karamAlam. smoke (probably a corruption of %{khatamAla}). 煙(けむり) ◎ T (otl) karamAlamsmoke 煙(けむり)◎ T (otl) kumpu-tal01 to become overburnt, charred smoked, as food when boiled with insufficient water 煙(けぶり) ◎ 万10-1879 春日野に煙(けぶり)立つ見ゆ娘子をとめらし春野のうはぎ摘みて煮らしも c. けぶり、は、有る。タミル系。 c. けむり、と、くもり、親戚ですね。 c. #1428 と重複。 [S#2027] mA1 ind. (casting a following %{ch} to be changed to %{cch} Pa1n2. 6-1 , 74) not , that not , lest , would that not RV. &c. &c. ; a particle of prohibition or negation = Gk. $ , most commonly joined &243830[804 ,1] with the Subjunctive i.e. the augmentless form of a past tense 禁(も) ◎ [ST#2028] S (mwd) bhrUf. (accord. to Un2. ii , 68 fr. %{bhram}) an eyebrow , the brow RV. &c. &c. (ifc. m. %{U8} n. %{u} ; also %{-bhrUka}). [Cf Gk. $ ; Slav. {bru8vi8} ; Angl. Sax. &234182[770 ,3] %{bru} ; Eng. {brow}.] 眉(まよ) (b-m) 〇 T (otl) nutal03 1. rorehead; 2. eyebrow; 3. head, skull; 4. top, upper part T (otl) pUru01 eyebrow眉(まよ) (p-m) 〇 万10-1853 梅の花取り持ち見れば我が屋戸の柳の眉(まよ)し思ほゆるかも [T#2029] (otl) neTituafter a long delay 後(のち) ◎ 万2-0103; 我が里に大雪降れり大原の古りにし里に降らまくは後 [S#2030] (cap) stokam. drop; adj. small, insignificant, --- & n. a little; {*stokena} & {-kAt} in comp. w. a pp. hardly, just. Abstr. {-tA}A f., {-tva}A n. 雫・滴(しづく) ◎ 万2-0107; 足引の山のしづくに妹待つと吾(あ)が立ち濡れぬ山のしづくに [ST#2031] S (cap) bandh, badhnAti, badhnIte ({bandhati}), pp. { baddha3} (q.v.) bind, [[,]] tie, attach, fix, fasten put on (mostly M.); bind (a victim for the gods), i.e. sacrifice; bind together, join, construct, compose; 〜 結ぶ(むすぶ・ゆすぶ) (b-m), (b 無音) ◎ S (cap) naddhif. tying, binding. 結ぶ(むすぶ) ◎ 万2-0144; 磐代の野中に立てる結び松心も解けず古(いにしへ)思ほゆ 万20-4427; 家(いは)の妹ろ我(わ)を偲(しの)ふらし真結(ゆす)びに結(ゆす)びし紐の解くらく思(も)へば T (otl) yA-ttal04 1. to bind, tie; 2. to dam up; to confine; 3. to be inseparable from; 4. to compose, as a poem; 5. to tell, utter 結ふ(ゆふ) ◎ 万2-0118 嘆きつつ大夫(ますらをのこ)の恋ふれこそ吾(あ)が髪結(もとゆひ)の漬(ひ)ぢて濡れけれ S (mwd) AnahP. (Impv. 2. sg. %{A4-nahya}) to bind to or on AV. vi , 67 , 3 MBh.: A1. %{-nahyate} , to be stopped up , become stopped Sus3r. 編む(あむ) ◎ [ST#2032] S (cap) khAd, khAdati({khAdate}) chew, bite, eat, devour, consume, destroy. [[,]] C. {khAdayati} also = S. -- {pra} & {sam} chew, eat, devour. かじる T (otl) kaTi-ttal01 1. to bite, bite off; to bite and eat; to crop, gnaw, nibble; to grasp, hold in the mouth; to champ; 2. to hurt, pinch, gall, as new shoes, new ring; 3. to be too tight; 4. to cut into pieces; 5. to stick to, cling fast かじる S (cap) kuS, kuSNAti& {kuSati}, pp. {kuSita} pinch, tear, gnaw, knead. -- [[,]] {nis} the same. かじる c. インドには、噛む系は無い。噛む、は、トルコおよびゲール系。 [S#2033] (mwd) havaGgam. (fr. %{havam} + %{ga}?) eating rice and curds from a metal cup L. 食む(はむ) (v-m, Gga 無音) ◎ (cap) havirad& {havirada3} a. eating oblations 奉納. 食む(はむ) c. haribhujm. `" frog-eater 蛙喰い"' , a snake L. 蛇(へび) ----- 沖縄のハブ (?) c. 食む、という言葉は、食べるの中でも、格調高い神社用語の様に見える。奉納品を道具を使って食べるニュアンス。 英語 have の食べるの意、の roots。 [S#2034] (mwd) ad1 cl.2. P. %{a4tts} , %{Ada} , %{atsyati} , %{attum} , to eat , consume , devour , Ved. Inf. %{a4ttave} RV.: Caus. %{Ada4yati} and %{-te} (once %{adayate} [A1pS3r.]) to feed [cf. Lith. {edmi} ; Slav. {jamj} for {jadmj} ; Gk. $ ; Lat. {edo} ; Goth. root {AT} pres. {ita} ; Germ. &5166[17,3] {essen} ; Eng. {to} {eat} , Arm. {utem}]. 頂く(いただく) ◎ c. これは、 英語 eat、日本語・頂きまーす、の roots。 c. パクつく。 S (cap) bhaikSAzin& {bhaikSAhAra} a. eating begged food. S (mwd) bhlakS(v.l. for %{bhakS}) cl. I. P. A1. %{bhlakSati} , %{-te} , to eat Dha1tup. xxi , 27. T (otl) pakki-ttal02 to eat [ST#2035] S (mwd) kiTcl. 1. P. %{keTati} , to go or approach Dha1tup. ; to alarm or terrify ib. ; to fear ib. 畏む(かしこむ) ◎ T (otl) kiTukiTAy-ttal1. to be amazed, thunderstruck; 2. t o tremble with fear 畏む(かしこむ) ◎ [T#2036] (otl) tun2n2al02 1. being near or close together; 2. small drops of water 隣(となり) ◎ (otl) tun2Ru-tal1. to be close, thick, crowded together; 2. to get near, approximate; 3. to get attached; to lie 隣(となり) ◎ (otl) tun2Runarfriends, as being near 隣(となり) ◎ c. 違う調査で、near, close を調べていたら、見つけた。コレ、スゴイ。on 2015/07/07 七夕 インド辞書で、neighbour, next doorでは引っ掛からない。Google 翻訳で世界中に皆無だったのに、やっと見つけた。 [T#2037] --- タミル語由来の万葉集単語の例。 (otl) catakOTicagkamvery large assembly そきだくも (t 無音, c 無音) ◎ 100 点 (otl) akaliyabroad wide おぎろ (ya 無音) ◎ 100 点 (otl) akaRRu-tal1. to remove, expel, banish; 2. to widen, broaden, extend おぎろ ◎ 100 点 (otl) kaippakkamvery close, near at hand こきばくも (p-k) ◎ 100 点 (otl) uNTAka1. early, betimes; before it is too late; 2. abundantly ゆたか (N 無音) ◎ 100 点 【万20-4360 大伴家持】 〜をちこちに 漁(いざ)り釣りけり そきだくも おぎろなきかも こきばくも ゆたけきかも ここ見れば うべし神代(かむよ)ゆ 始めけらしも 訳: (漁師らは)あちらこちらで、漁火を焚いて漁に勤しむ。 非常に、広大で、大層、豊かである。この(さまを)見れば、いかにも神代より、(難波宮をこの地に)設けられたのももっともだろう c. 家持さんの万葉仮名の発音は、ほぼタミル語の発音を保存している。 しかし、現在の日本の万葉集学者の訳は、タミル語のことを知らないので、実にイイカゲンな単語解釈をしていることが分かる。 ---- それでは原作者の家持さんに失礼と言うものだ。 タミル語辞書さんは、次の様に言っている。 そきだくも = 非常に数が多い(無数集まっている) おぎろ = 広い(広範囲に展開) → おぎろなきかも = こきばくも = 非常に近くにある ゆたか = 豊穣 → ゆたけきかも = 豊穣である、に違いない。 つまり、『浜近くにも拘らず、(スポット状の)豊穣な魚場(庭)が無数、広範囲に集まっている』 と言っている。多分。 cf. [PDF]ソキダク・ソコバ・ソコラ(その 一) by (c) 我妻 多賀子 in 『学習院大学上代文学研究』第二十二号(1997/03/31発行) cf. [PDF]ソキダク・ソコバ・ソコラ(その 二) c. おぎろなき、の、なき、は、「否定」ではなく「断定」の「なし」=「〜な、ことだ 」の意であるらしい。 ex. 危ない(あぶない)、の「ない・なし」もそう。 not danger では無い。 タミル語 (otl) apAyakaramdangerous condition (TLS) 危ない(あぶない) (前半のみ) ◎ サンスクリット語 (mwd) aghamfn. bad , dangerous RV. ; sinful , impure BhP. m. N. of an Asura BhP. ; (%{ a4m}) n. evil , mishap RV. AV. ; sin , impurity Mn. &c. ; pain , suffering L. 〜 危ない(あぶない) (gh-b), (m-b) ◎ サンスクリット語 (cap) tadupakArina. helping to that, conducive. 助ける(たすける) (p 無音) ◎ タミル語 (otl) tajncakkETu1. debility, weakness; 2. destitution, helplessness 助けて(たすけて) (c 無音) ◎ サンスクリット語 (mwd) sAhAyyan. help , succour (%{-yyaM-kR} and %{sthA} , `" to give assistance "') MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; friendship , fellowship , alliance W. ; (in dram.) helping another in danger Sa1h. 救い(すくい) (h-k, y-i) ◎ [T#2038] (otl) nikar03 1. comparison, likeness, simile; 2. equal, parallel, match; 3. lustre, brightness, splendour; 4. battle, fight 如(もころ) ◎ (otl) nikarppu1. resemblance, likeness; 2. battle, fight 如(もころ) ◎ 万20-4375 松の木(け)の並(なみ)たる見れば家人(いはびと)の我を見送ると立たりし如(もころ) cf. 【 [ST#2039] S (mwd) udUha%{as} , m. (?) a besom , broom TBr. iii , 8 , 4 , 3 ; the highest acute (accent) Sam2hUp. iii , 4. 疝(あた) ◎ S (mwd) atipAtinmfn. overtaking , excelling in speed ; (in med.) running a rapid course , acute , neglecting. T (otl) Acu01 1. fault; 2. a1n2va-malam , q.v.; 3. trifle, anything small or mean; 4. minuteness, fineness, acuteness; 5. doubt; 6. trouble, distress; 〜 疝(あた) ◎ 万20-4382; 太小腹(ふたほがみ)悪しけ人なり疝病(あたゆまひ)我がする時に防人に差す c. 疝病(あたゆまひ)= 急病。 ゆまひ = やまい。 [ST#2040] S (mwd) Amayam. sickness , disease S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. Ya1jn5. R. &c. ; indigestion L. ; (%{am}) n. the medicinal plant Costus Speciosus Bhpr. 病(やまい・ゆまひ) ◎ T (otl) Amayam02* disease, sickness 病(やまい・ゆまひ) ◎ [ST#2041] T (otl) tiTacceyticertain information, true information たづき ◎ S (mwd) saMdezakam. or n. information , news , tidings Pan5cat. たづき (s-t) 〇 c. 上代の「サ行」は「ちゃ・ちゅ・ちょ」。 万20-4410; み空行く雲も使と人は言へど家苞(いへづと)遣らむたづき知らずも [T#2042] (otl) pOkaTu-tal1. to set aside, cast away, throw; 2. to let go; to leave, escape, disappear 放す(はかす) ◎ [= ほかっておく] (otl) paTar-tal01 1. to run; 2. to spread, as a creeper; to ramify, branch out in different directions; 3. to overspread, as spots or eruptions on the skin; to spread, as light, fire, rumour, epidemic; 4. to be diffused, as air, knowledge; to pervade, as perfume; 5. to expand; to be wide, as chest, face; 6. to suffer; to be distressed; 1. to leave, abandon; 2. to reach, arrive at; 3. to think of consider; 4. to sing, dwell on ほったらかし。 万20-4417; 赤駒を山野に放(はか)し捕りかにて多摩の横山徒歩(かし)ゆか遣らむ c. 野山にほかっておいた赤馬を取り損ね、多摩の横山は徒歩で行かせるはめになってしまった。 cf. 赤駒を山野に放し ―武蔵国防人歌の含むもの― 渡部 和雄, 1974-03-20 [T#2042-2] (otl) kazi-tal01 1. to pass, as time, season; to slip away, as prosperity, adversity; to elapse, become spent; 2. to walk, proceed; 3. to be abated, deducted, discounted; 4. to be ruined; 5. to be removed; 6. to expire; 7. to finish come to an end, cease; 8. to suffer, to be troubled; 9. to be discharged, as excreta, etc; 10. to purge; 11. to be in terror; 1. to pass throught; 2. to resemble 徒歩(かし・かち) ◎ シュメール語 ĝìri...ús: to follow on foot; to set one's foot on ('foot' + 'to follow; to join'). 徒歩(かし・かち) 〇 万13-3314; つぎねふ 山背道(やましろぢ)を 人夫(づま)の 馬より行くに 己夫(おのづま)の 徒歩(かち)より行けば 見るごとに 哭(ね)のみし泣かゆ そこ思(も)ふに 心し痛し たらちねの 母が形見と 吾(あ)が持たる まそみ鏡に 蜻蛉領巾(あきづひれ) 負ひ並め持ちて 馬買へ我が背 [T#2043] (otl) kutiraiviTu-tal1. to set off in a gallop or trot; 2. to compete in a horse-race 躒ふ(きしろふ) [= 競う] ◎ 万20-4469; 渡る日の影に競(きほ)ひて尋ねてな清きその道またも会はむため c. きしろふ、はあるが、「きほふ」は無い。 [T#2044] (otl) katazvu1. haste, speed, impetuosity; 2. fury, heat, vehemence; 4. greatness; 5. likeness, comparison, contrast, rivalry 如し(ごとし) ◎ (otl) kaTuppu1. throbbing pain, burning sensation, as that caused by the sting of a wasp; 2. aching, pain, throbbing; 3. ire, wrath; 4. speed, rapidity; 5. similarity, likeness; 6. pride; 7. purple stramony; 〜 如く(ごとく) ◎ 万20-4474; 群鳥(むらとり)の朝立ち去(い)にし君が上はさやかに聞きつ思ひしごとく* c. * 諸本、脚注として異文「一云於毛比之母乃乎」(一ニ云ク、思ひしものを)を載せる。雅澄はこれを「理然るべからず」と指摘している。 ---- シュメール語的には、〜ものを、は likeness の意を持つので。原作者は、正しい。 i.e. ものを = も・のを = 同様だ。 nu: n., image, likeness, picture, figurine, statue. も adj. & adv., no, not; without; negative. pron., a pronominal prefix in a compound noun describing a person; or a phonetic writing for lú. [T#2045] (otl) aitu1. that which is beautiful; 2. beauty; 3. that which is minute, fine, subtle; 4. that which is thin, light, slender, soft; 5. that which is wonderful; 6. fluidity; 7. sparseness, standing near but not in contact 薄い(うすい) ◎ 100 点 万20-4478 佐保川に凍りわたれる薄氷(うすらび)の薄き心を我が思はなくに [ST#2046] T (otl) tAmati-ttal to stay (TLS) 留まる(ちまる・とまる) S (mwd) sthAnan. (also said to be m. Siddh.) the act of standing , standing firmly , being fixed or stationary AV. &c. &c. ; position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.) R. ; staying , abiding , being in or on (loc. or comp.) 〜 留まる(とどまる) ◎ 万20-4372; 〜 馬(むま)の爪 筑紫の崎に 留(ちま)り居て 吾(あれ)は斎(いは)はむ ex. 「今日は此間(ここ)に留(とどま)りて祓禊(みそぎ)爲(し)て、明日參い出でて~の宮を拜(おろが)まん」。 記(下) [S#2047] (mwd) mahAkaccham. a high Cedrena Toona MBh. ; `" having vast shores 広大な浜辺"' , the sea L. ; Varun2a , god of the sea L. ; a mountain L. 渚(なぎさ) ◎ 万20-4383; 津の国の海の渚に船装ひ発(た)し出も時に母(あも)が目もがも c. 渚の定義:渚 = 海の砂浜から波打ち際までに至るまでの、広い砂地のこと。海岸を参照。 [S#2048] (mwd) Aruh1 P. %{-rohati} (aor. %{-rukSat} and Ved. %{-ruhat} [Pa1n2. 3-1 , 59] ; Inf. %{-ru4ham} RV. x , 44 , 6) A1. (2. sg. %{A4-rohase} RV. i , 51 , 12) to ascend , mount , bestride , rise up RV. AV. S3Br. MBh. R. Hariv. S3ak. Katha1s. &c. ; to arise , come off , result Katha1s. Kum. &c. ; to venture upon , undertake ; to attain , gain RV. MBh. Katha1s. Ragh. &c.: Caus. %{-rohayati} & %{-ropayati} , to cause to mount or ascend ; to raise RV. Ka1tyS3r. R. BhP. Pan5cat. &c. ; to string (a bow) MBh. Hariv. Kum. S3ak. &c. ; to cause to grow ; to plant Katha1s. &c. ; to place , deposit , fasten MBh. R. BhP. Ya1jn5. ; to produce , cause , effect Katha1s. Prab. Ma1rkP. ; to attribute BhP. Veda1ntas. Sa1h. &c.: Desid. P. %{-rurukSati} , to wish to ascend or mount RV. BhP. MBh. 植ゑる・植える(うえる・うゑる) 万20-4481; あしひきの八峯(やつを)の椿つらつらに見とも飽かめや植ゑてける君 [ST#2049] (cap) dhvanitaa. sounded; n. sgl. & pl. sound, noise, thunder. 響もす(とよもす) ◎ (cap) dhvanim. sound, noise, roar, thunder; hint, figure of speech. (mwd) dhvan2 cl. 1. P. %{dhvanati} (perf. %{dadhvAna} , %{dadhvanur} Bhat2t2. ; fut. %{dhvaniSyati} , %{-nitA} Gr.) to sound , roar , make a noise , echo , reverberate Ka1v. &c. ; to mean , imply , (esp. Pass. %{dhvanyate} , it is meant , it is implied): Caus. %{dhvA8nayati} Dha1tup. (aor. %{adidhvanat} or %{adadh-} Gr.) , to cause to sound , make resound (cf. %{-nayat} below) ; %{dhvanayati} , to allude to , hint at Mr2icch. Comm.: Intens. in %{dandhvana} q.v. [Cf. 1. %{dhvAnta4}: Lith. {dunde4ti} , to sound , call ; Angl. Sax. {dynian} , to thunder.] 響む(とよむ) ◎ (otl) tuvai-ttal 01 1. to sound, as a lute; to resound; 2. to make a great noise; 3. to be praised; 1. cf dhvam2s to tread down; 2. to beat, as moist or green things, as clay in a mortar; to mash, pound; 3. to beat, as cloths in washing; 4. to husk; 5. to churn; 6. to gather together 万19-4266; 〜髻華(うず)に挿し 紐解き放(さ)けて 千年寿(ほ)き ほさき響(とよ)もし* 万19-4172; ほととぎす来鳴き響(とよ)まば草取らむ花橘を屋戸には植ゑずて [T#2050] (otl) muTTATu-tal to form into a pile or heap 盛る(もる) ◎ 万2-0142; 家にあれば笥(け)に盛る飯(いひ)を草枕旅にしあれば椎の葉に盛る c. 盛り(さかり)は、8-#ST1470 で、cikari@民, sakAla@賛 だった。 万19-4188; 藤波の花の盛(さか)りにかくしこそ浦榜ぎ廻(た)みつつ年に偲はめ 万8-1496; 我が屋戸の撫子の花盛りなり手折りて一目見せむ子もがも [ST#2051] (mwd) vairamfn. (fr. %{vIra}) hostile , inimical , revengeful AV. ; n. (exceptionally m. [?] ifc. f. %{A}) enmity , hostility , animosity , grudge 恨む , quarrel or feud with (instr. with or without %{saha} , or %{sA7rdham} , or comp. ; often pl.) AV. Pan5cavBr. MBh. &c. ; heroism , prowess W. ; a hostile host S3is3. ; money paid as a fine for manslaughter Ta1n2d2yaBr. 怨恨(うらみ) ◎ 万19-4207 前; 二十二日(はつかまりふつかのひ)、判官久米朝臣廣繩に贈れる、霍公鳥の怨恨(うらみ)の歌一首、また短歌 [T#2052] (otl) Akari-ttal 01* to send for, secure, get 送る(おくる) ◎ (otl) pOkku-tal 01 1. to cause to go or flow; to send; 2. to discharge, pay, render; 3. to complete, finish, perform; 4. to give; 5. to inform, make known; 6. to insert, introduce; 7. to bind; 8. to make lean, emaciate; 9. to clear remove, out, dispel, obliterate; 10. to pass or spend, as time; 11. to ruin, destroy, kill 送る(おくる) (p 無音) ◎ 参考 gift/ present 系。 (otl) pirakAraNam gift 贈り物(おくりもの) (p 無音) ◎ (otl) pAkuTam 1. gift, present; 2. royal revenue, impost, tribute 贈った(おくった) [T#2053] (otl) moympu 1. strength, valour, prowess; 2. shoulder 担ふ(になふ) ◎ (otl) niRaipAram 1. heavy load; 2. being loaded, as a person with jewels, a tree with fruit, the body with pustules in small-pox; 3. eating to the full担ふ(になふ)(R-n) ◎ [ST#2054] (otl) kSaya 1. the last year of the jupiter cycle こぞ (mwd) kSaya ; 〜(%{am}) n. N. of the last year in the sixty years "' こぞ シュメール語 mu-im-ma: last year ('year' + 'last, previous'). アッカド語 sadda qda(m), saddaqdi(m), NB sadda(g)gad, NA saddaqdis "last year" [MU.IM.MA]; < sattu 年(とし) + qdm(-> GAG §72c) こぞ トルコ語 geçensene (last year, yester-year) こぞ 万18-4117; 去年(こぞ)の秋相見しまにま今日見れば面やめづらし都方人(みやこかたひと) [T#2055] (otl) cAl 03 year 才(さい) ◎ [S#2056] (mwd) vijalamfn. waterless , dry Hariv. VarBr2S. ; n. drought AdbhBr. ; m. n. and (%{A}) f. sauce &c. mixed with rice-water or gruel , W. [950,3] 旱(ひでり) (j-d) ◎ 100 点 万18-4122 前; 〜天平感宝元年閏五月の六日(むかのひ)より小旱(ひでり)して、百姓(おほみたから)のうゑし田畝(た)稍〜凋める色あり。 [T#2057] (otl) malir-tal 1. to flood; 2. to leak; to drop; 3. to come frequently 漏失る(もれる) ◎ 100 点 c. 趣・悪・土・賛 に皆無。 万17-3927 前; 〜登時(すなはち)其の歌の漏失(もれ)しをば記さず。 [T#2058] (otl) Un2RikkEL(T)-ta(Ta)l 1. to interrogate with urgency, press for an answer; 2. to hear attentively 催す(うながす) ◎ [T#2059] (otl) vAykkarici 1. handful of rice dropped into the mouth of a deceased person by sons and other relations, just before cremation; 2. bribe, tip; 3. anything unwillingly parted with 嫌がる(いやがる) ◎ [ST#2060] (mwd) nirAkRtimfn. formless , shapeless (Vishn2u) Hariv. ; deformed , ugly Ma1rkP. ; m. a person who neglects his religious duties , (esp.) a Bra1hman who has not duly read the Vedas , Gifut. Mn. MBh. etc , -1. 相欺蔑(ないがしろ) ◎ (otl) nikkiraki-ttal 1. to kill, destroy; 2. to bind, restrain, subdue; 3. to neglect, forsake; 4. to punish 相欺蔑(ないがしろ) ◎ [ST#2061] (cap) dhUlior {dhUlI} f. dust, powder, farina 塵(ちり) ◎ (otl) tULi 03 1. dust; 2. pollen 塵(ちり) ◎ [T#2062] (otl) kiRukiRu-ttal 1. to be giddy 目まい, dizzy; to swim, as the head; 2. to be confounded 混乱・当惑, confused, disconcerted 泳(くくり) ◎ (otl) kaicali-ttal to be tired exhausted, wearied as the arms in swimming; 2. to be reduced to poverty, to be in straitened circumstances くすり・くくり 〇 万13-3242; ももづたふ* 美濃(みぬ)の国の 高北の 泳(くくり)の宮に 〜 c. 泳ぐ(およぐ)は ujuk or Ujuki (=float)@エストニア語 (j-y)、apung @インドネシア語 (p-y) 以外に世界中に皆無。だったのに、泳(くくり)ってのが出てきた。 cf. 泳宮と喪山 - 美濃における古代伝説と遺跡 - 羽賀 祥二 名古屋大学文学部研究論集(史学)1992 c. タミル人は、水泳は、めまい(クラクラ)、と同義、が面白い。泳(くくり)の宮、の漢字を振った人は誰。 [S#2063] (cap) hiram. band, stripe. 紐(ひも) (r-m) 〇 [S#2064] (mwd) kaukkuTamfn. (fr. %{kukk-}) , relating to a cock or domestic fowl , gallinaceous R. ii , 91 , 65 Sus3r. ; (%{am}) n. (scil. %{Asana}) a particular manner of being seated , Na1rP. 鶏(かけ) ◎ (mwd) kuhaka2 ind. onomat. from the cry of a cock , &c. , only in comp. 鶏(かけ) ◎ [ST#2065] (otl) aRRam 1. destruction, ruin; 2. suffering; 3. loosening, weakening, relaxing; 4. shame; 5. that which should be covered; 6. occasion, opportunity; 7. destitution, poverty; 8. time of being away; 9. loss, harm; 10. untruth, lie; 11. separation, leaving; 12. discontinuity, break 緩い(ゆるい) ◎ (mwd) Aruj1 P. %{-rujati} (Inf. %{-ru4je} RV. iv , 31 , 2) to break up , loosen ; to pull down , tear out ; to shatter , demolish RV. AV. MBh. R. &c. 緩い(ゆるい) ◎ 万12-2986; 梓弓引きみ緩(ゆる)べみ思ひみてすでに心は寄りにしものを [ST#2066] (mwd) cAritram. (%{car} cf. %{zAmitra}) `" moving "'N. of a Marut Hariv. 11547 ; n. (= %{car-}) proceeding , manner of acting , conduct R. iii , iv Pan5cat. (ifc. f. %{A}) ; good conduct , good character , reputation Hariv. 10204 Nal. R. &c. (`" life in accordance with the 5 great vows "' Jain.) ; peculiar observance , peculiarity of customs or conditions W. ; a ceremony Buddh. L. ; (%{A}) f. the tamarind tree L. 暮らし(くらし) 〇 (cap) cirAyuSaa. giving long life. 暮らし(くらし) 〇 (mwd) kliSTavRttimfn. leading a wretched life Katha1s. iii , 14. 暮らす(くらす) 〇 (otl) kolaicUz-tal 1. to plot against a person's life 暮らす(くらす) 〇 万10-1934 相思はぬ妹をやもとな菅の根の長き春日を思ひ暮らさむ [T#2067] (otl) curi-ttal 02 1. to wind spirally; to whirl; 2 . to wrinkle, pucker; 3. to curl; 4. to lie in a circle; 5. to be perturbed 皺(しわ) ◎ (otl) curugku-tal 01 1. to shrink, contract, shrivel, wrinkle; 2. to lesen, dwindle; to be reduced, curtailed, compressed; 3. tobe epitomesed, summarised; 4. to be puckered, creased; 5. to close as flower, umbrella; to be furled, drawn in, as the limbs of tortoise; 6. to fail, as in duty 皺くちゃ(しわくちゃ) ◎ 万9-1740 浦島太郎; 〜たちまちに 心消(け)失せぬ 若かりし 肌も皺みぬ 原語: 皮毛皺奴 はだもしわみぬ c. しわ、では無くて、 しわむ、の方を前面に出すと、インドには無い。しかし、実は、アッカド語にあった。当初、無視していたが、状況が変わったのでアッカド語 sulmu(m) (i-r) の方を前面に出す。皺む(しわむ) [S#2068] (mwd) dhikkRto reproach , reprimand , curse MBh. R. &c. 咎(とが) ◎ (mwd) dhikkAram. reproach , contempt , scoffing BhP. 咎(とがめ) ◎ 万9-1759; 〜今日のみは めぐしもな見そ 事も咎むな [S#2069] (mwd) taptavAlukamfn. having hot gravel BhP. iii , 30 , 23 ; m. N. of a hell PadmaP. v , 159 , 3 ; (%{As}) f. pl. hot gravel Katha1s. lxxii , 105. 礫(たぶて) (前半のみ) ◎ 万8-1522; 礫(たぶて)にも投げ越しつべき天の川隔てればかもあまたすべなき [ST#2069] (otl) veRippu 01 1. dazzle, glare; 2. longing in consequence of privation; 3. jarring; 4. drunkenness 酔ひ(よひ) (mwd) ApIta1 mfn. drunk up , exhausted. 酔った(よった) [T#2070] (otl) karaTu 01 1. roughness, ruggedness, unevenness; 2. churlish temper; 3. hillock, low hill; 4. ankle; 5. knot in wood; 6. turf; 7. that which is stunted in growth; 8. a variety of pearl 凝重(こごし) ◎ 万3-0301; 岩が根の凝重(こごし)く山を越えかねて哭(ね)には泣くとも色に出でめやも [S#2071] (mwd) yathAbhAvam. proper condition or relation Mn. Kull. on Mn. viii , 95 ; conformity to any destined state , destiny R. ; mfn. having whatever nature BhP. 縁(よすか) ◎ (otl) uNmai 1. existence, reality, opp. to; 2. state of being; 3. nature, intrinsic quality, essence; 4. sincerity, honesty, probity, veracity, truth; 5. destiny, inevitability of the issue of one's actions; 6. statement regarding natural objects, that such an object has such an attribute, as 'fire burns 運命(うんめい) ◎ [S#2072] (mwd) madAtyayam. `" passing off of wine "' , disorder resulting from intoxication (as head-ache &c.) Sus3r. (cf. %{pAnA7tyaya}) %{-tyayita} mfn. suffering from this disorder Car. 乱す(みだす) ◎ [T#2073] (otl) kAlAkOlam disorder 刈薦の(かりこもの) ◎ 万3-0256; 飼飯(けひ)の海の庭よくあらし苅薦の乱れ出づ見ゆ海人の釣船 cf. トルコ語 karışıklık(confusion, mess, fuss, complexity, disorderliness, disorder) [ST#2074] (otl) mAtagkan2 1. person of mixed caste, the mother being of the ks2attiriya caste and the father of the hunter tribe; 2. outcaste; 3. base, mean man; 4. hunter, fowler またぎ (otl) cAcan2am 01 1. order, edict, command; 2. royal grant of land or of privileges; charter; patent usually inscribed on stone or copper; 3. document; 4. tax-free land; 5. insignia of authority; 6. punishment, retribution; 7. village of a hunter-tribe attached to a royal household (cap) saunikam. butcher or hunter. 万3-0267; むささびは木末(こぬれ)求むと足引の山の猟師(さつを)に逢ひにけるかも [S#2075] (mwd) AtmaghAtam. suicide L. わて泣きてー ◎ (mwd) vehAnasa(with Jainas) a partic. forbidden mode of suicide , S3i1l. 自経死(わなき) ◎ 万3-443 前; 〜攝津国(つのくに)の班田(あがちだ)の史生(ふみひと)丈部龍麻呂(はせつかべのたつまろ)が自経死(わなき)し時、 [S#2076] (mwd) kulan. (ifc. f. %{A}) a herd , troop , flock , assemblage , multitude , number , &c. (of quadrupeds , birds , insects , &c. , or of inanimate objects e.g. %{go-kula} , a herd of cows R. &c. ; %{mahiSIk-} , a herd of female buffaloes R2itus. ; %{ali-k-} , a swarm of bees S3is3. Gi1t. &c. ; %{alaka-k-} , a multitude of curls BhP.) ; a race , family , community , tribe , caste , set , company (e.g. %{brAhmaNa-k-} , the caste of the Bra1hmans BhP. ; %{padAtInAM@kula} , infantry Ra1jat. v , 247) ; (ifc. with a gen. sg.) a lot , gang (e.g. %{caurasya-k-} , a gang of thieves) Pa1n2. 6-3 , 21 Ka1s3. ; the residence of a family , seat of a community , inhabited country (as much ground as can be ploughed by two ploughs each drawn by six bulls Comm. on Mn. vii , 119) [294,3] ; a house , abode MBh. ; a noble or eminent family or race Mn. MBh. &c. ; high station (in comp. `" chief , principal "' cf. %{kula-giri} , &c.) ; the body L. ; the front , forepart W. ; a blue stone L. ; (with S3a1ktas) N. of S3akti and of the rites observed in her worship (cf. %{kaula}) ; = %{kula-nakSatra} q.v. Tantras. ; m. the chief of a corporation or guild L. ; = %{kula-vAra} q.v. Tantras. ; N. of a man R. vii , 43 , 2 ; (%{A}) f. `" a principal day "'N. of the 4th and 8th and 12th and 14th day in a %{pakSa} , or half-month Tantras. ; (%{I}) f. a wife's elder sister L. ; the plant Solanum Jacquini or Solanum longum L. 郡(こほり) ◎ [ST#2077] (mwd) nitamCaus. %{-tamayati} , to choke , suffocate Ka1t2h. 咽す(むす) ◎ (mwd) tamcl. 4. %{tA4myati} (Pa1n2. 7-3 , 74 ; rarely A1. R. ii , 63 , 46 Gi1t. v , 16 ; pf. %{tatAma} S3Br. iv ; aor. Pass. %{atami} Pa1n2. 7-3 , 34 Ka1s3. ; Ved. inf. %{ta4mitos} , with %{A4} preceding , `" till exhaustion "' TBr. i , 4 , 4 , 2 Ta1n2d2yaBr. xii La1t2y. A1p. ; pf. Pass. p. %{-tAnta4} q.v.) to gasp for breath (as one suffocating) , choke , be suffocated 息が詰まる, faint away , be exhausted , perish , be distressed or disturbed or perplexed RV. ii , 30 , 7 (%{na4@mA@tamat} [aor. subj.] `" may I not be exhausted "') Ka1t2h. TBr. &c. ; to stop (as breath) , become immovable or stiff Sus3r. Ma1lati1m. Amar. Ra1jat. v , 344 ; to desire (cf. 2. %{-ma} , %{-mata}) Dha1tup. xxvi , 93: Caus. %{tama4yati} (aor. Pass. %{atAmi} Pa1n2. 6-4 , 93 Ka1s3.) to suffocate , deprive of breath S3Br. iii , 3 , 2 , 19 and 8 , 1 , 15 Ka1tyS3r. vi , 5 , 18 ; cf. %{a4-tameru}. 詰まる(つまる) ◎ (otl) tUr-ttal 02 1. to fill up, close up, as well; to choke up, as a pit; 2. to hide, cover; 3. to insert; 4. to pour forth in showers, as arrows 詰まる(つまる) 〇 万3-0453; 我妹子が植ゑし梅の木見るごとに心咽(む)せつつ涙し流る 【大伴旅人】 c. トルコ語 nefesini kesmek(choke, pump) tıkanmak(be choked up, be stopped, come to a deadlock) つっかえる tıkamak(block, obstruct, clog, plug, choke up, choke) つっかえる [T#2078] (otl) kaTaippiTi 02 1. determination, resolve; 2. certainty, established truth; 3. doctrine, truth firmly believed in as necessary to salvation; 4. attachment, predilection; 5. having in mind what one has learnt with certainty, one of the four kinds of a1t2u1u-k-kun2am ; 理(ことわり) (t-r)) ◎ 万4-0605 天地の神し理(ことわり)無くばこそ我が思(も)ふ君に逢はず死にせめ [ST#2079] (otl) nakanOkki hedge-twiner つる性植物。 籬(まがき) ◎ (mwd) mogholim. an enclosure , hedge , fence L.籬(まがき) (l-k) ◎ (otl) kAkkaivEli a hedge twiner 垣根(かきね) 〇 [ST#2080] (cap) ahitaa. unfit, improper, bad, wrong, evil, hostile. m. enemy; n. evil, misfortune, ill luck. 賊(あた) ◎ (otl) aTA 1. an exclamation addressed familiarly to an inferior or a child, or in contempt to an enemy; 2. an exclamation of contempt, surprise 賊(あた) ◎ 88 (otl) aTagkalan2 1. foe, enemy, as not submitting; 2. person without self-restraint 賊(あた) ◎ [ST#2081] (otl) maRai-ttal 02 1. to hide, conceal, keep back; 2. to cover; to shroud; to shelter; 3. to protect, as from harm or danger 守る(もる) 〇 (mwd) nipA2. P. %{-pAti} , to guard or protect from (abl.) ; to observe , watch over RV. AV.: Caus. %{-pAlayati} , to protect , guard , govern MW. 2. 守る(もる) 〇 [ST#2082] (otl) pakal 01 1. dividing, separating; 2. middle; 3. middle position, impartiality; 4. middle or main peg in a yoke; 5. period of two na1l6ikai ; 6. half of a ya1mam ; 7. midday, noon; 8. day, day time, as divided from the night; 9. the morning sun; 10. day of 24 hours; 11. the day of destruction of the universe; 12. sun; 13. light, radiance, splendour; 14. open place; openness 更ける(ふける) ◎ (otl) pakkiNi a night with the two days enclosing it 更ける(ふける) ◎ (mwd) pakSinmfn. winged (lit. and fig.) RV. &c.&c. ; (ifc.) taking the side of. siding with Hariv. ; m. a bird or any winged animal RV. &c. &c. ; the bird Garud2a as one of the 18 attendants of the Sun L. ; N. of S3iva MBh. ; a day with the 2 nights enclosing it L. ; an arrow L. ; a partic. sacrificial act Ta1n2d2Br. ; (%{iNI}) f. a female bird Hariv. ; (with or sc. %{rAtri}) a night with the 2 days enclosing it Gobh. Gaut. ; the day of full moon L. ; N. of a S3a1kini L. 更ける(ふける) ◎ 万8-1544 牽牛(ひこほし)の思ひますらむ心よも見る吾(あれ)苦し夜の更けゆけば c. 午前 0 時を跨って、日付を更新 (= update) するので、「更」の漢字。「深くする (= deep)」の意も含む [S#2083] (mwd) vaTharamfn. stupid , dull , a fool , blockhead Hcar. ; (only L.) wicked , vile (cf. %{vaTara}) ; m. a physician ; a water-poit = %{vakra} ; = %{ambaSTha} ; = %{zabda-kAra}. 鈍や(おそや) 〇 万9-1741; 常世辺に住むべきものを剣大刀(つるぎたち) c. 己 は、「な」、「し」、ここは、な。 [S#2084] (mwd) kozakam. an egg , testicle L. ; ( %{ikA}) f. a drinking-vessel L. ; (%{am}) n. case , receptacle of (in comp.) Ma1rkP. xi , 5. 卵(かひこ) (z-i) 〇 万9-1755; 鴬の 卵(かひこ)の中に 霍公鳥 独り生れて〜 [ST#2085] (mwd) nAthabhaTam. a knking's soldier , soldier of the royal army Ka1v. Katha1s. &c. ; a messenger , envoy (= %{dUta}) VP. Sch. 間使(まつかひ) ◎ (otl) moTTaikkaRuppan2 1. a kind of black paddy; 2. messenger of Yama 間使(まつかひ) ◎ 万10-2344 梅の花それとも見えず降る雪のいちしろけむな間使(まつかひ)遣らば [S#2085] (cap) iva(encl.) like, as, as it were, so to speak, almost, nearly, about; just, quite, even (o. only explet.). おほかた、の、おほ ◎ (mwd) upacaturamfn. (pl.) almost four , nearly four Ka1ty. on Pa1n2. 5-4 , 77. おほかた ◎ 万11-2532; おほかたは誰が見むとかもぬば玉の吾(あ)が黒髪をぬらして居らむ* 万11-2535; おほかたの行(わざ)とは思(も)はじ我ゆゑに人に言痛(こちた)く言はれしものを [ST#2086] (cap) tarurAjif. row of trees, avenue. 衢(ちまた) (r-m) ◎ (otl) tiRa-ttal 1. to open, as a door, one's eyes; 2. to lay open; to make an opening, avenue or passage, as in a wall; 3. to divulge, disclose, unveli, reeveal, as a secret; 4. to unlock, unbar, unbolt; 5. to make a breach; to bore; 6. to cut open; 7. to open, as a book; to split open; to form a gap, passage or breach 衢(ちまた) (R-m) ◎ 万12-2951; 海石榴市(つばいち)の八十(やそ)の衢(ちまた)に立ち平(なら)し結びし紐を解かまく惜しも [S#2087] (mwd) prazucimfn. perfectly pure R. 純(ひつ) 〇 (mwd) pUta1 mfn. (for 2. see %{pUy} , p. 641) cleaned , purified , pure , clear , bright RV. &c. &c. ; m. (L.) a conch-shell ; white Kus3a grass ; Flacourtia Sapida ; du. the buttocks (cf. %{puta}) ; (%{A}) f. a species of Du1rva1 grass L. ; N. of Durga1 L. [Cf. Lat. {pU7tus} , {pUrus}.] 純(ひつ) ◎ 万12-2972; 赤絹の純裏(ひつら)の衣長く欲り吾(あ)が思(も)ふ君が見えぬ頃かも [S#2088] (mwd) abhiheS(p. dat. m. %{-heSate}) to neigh towards AitBr. MBh. viii , 4471. 嘶ゆ(いばゆ) ◎ [= いな‐な・く【嘶く】] (cap) krand, krandati, -te roar, neigh, creak, click, cry, lament. C. [[-,]] {kranda3yati} make roar, neigh, etc., also = S. I. {ka3nikrantti, kanikrantte}, esp. pp. {ka3nikrat, ka3nikradat} & {kanikradya3mAna} = S. -- {abhi} shout or roar at, call to (also C. & I.). {ava} roar (also C.). {A} call to, invoke, cry, lament. C. the same; also cause to cry or lament. {pra} call aloud. {vi} lament. {sam} cry together with (instr.). -- Cf. {Akrandita}.嘶く(ころろく) ◎ 万13-3328; 衣手を葦毛の馬の嘶(いば)ゆ声心あれかも常ゆ異(け)に鳴く 【賛】[S#2089] (mwd) muS2 cl. 9. 1. P. (Dha1tup. xxxi , 58 and xvii , 25 v.l. ; cf. 1. %{mUS}) %{muSNA4ti} , %{mo4Sati} (ep. also cl. 6. P. %{muSati} ; 2. sg. Imp. %{muSANa} S3is3. ; pf. %{mumoSa} ; aor. %{amoSIt} , 2. sg. %{moSIs} RV. ; fut , %{moSitA} , %{moSiSyati} Gr. ; ind. p. %{muSitvA} Das3. Katha1s. ; %{mu4dSya} RV. ; inf. %{muSe4} ib. [824,2] ; %{moSitum} Gr.) , to steal , rob , plunder , carry off (also with two acc.= take away from , deprive of) RV. &c. &c. ; to ravish , captivate , enrapture (the eyes or the heart) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; to blind , dazzle (the eyes) ib. ; to cloud , obscure (light or the intellect) ib. ; to break , destroy Ka1vya7d. (cf. %{mus}): Pass. , %{muSyate} (ep. also %{-ti} ; aor. %{amoSi}) , to be stolen or robbed MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Caus. , %{noSayati} (aor. %{amUmuSat}) Gr.: Desid. %{mumuSiSati} ib. (cf. %{munuSiSu}): Intens. %{momuSyate} , %{momoSTi} ib. [For kindred words see under 2. %{mU4S} , p. 827.] 眩(まきら) 〇 [= 眩しい(まぶしい)] 【民[T#2089]】min2n2iyAr-ttal (= to ★dazzle) 眩(まきら) (y-ki) ◎ [= 眩しい(まぶしい)] on 2021/10/17 に追加 万14-3407; 上毛野真桑(まぐは)島門(しまど)に朝日さし眩(まきら)はしもな在りつつ見れば [ST#2090] (mwd) sah3 cl. 4. P. %{sahyati} , to satisfy , delight Dha1tup. xxvi , 20 ; to be pleased ib. ; to bear , endure (cf. 1. %{sah}) ib. 敢へる(たへる) ◎ (cap) tij, tejate, pp. {tikta3} (q.v.) be or make sharp. C. {tejayati} [[,]] sharpen, incite. D. {ti3tikSate} ({-ti}) wish to be sharp or firm against, i.e. endure, bear (acc.). I. {te3tikte} = S. tr. & intr. --{ud} & {sam} C. incite, impel. -- Cf. {ni3tikta} 耐へて(たへて) (j-h) ◎ (otl) tAri-ttal 02 1. to bear, endure; 2. to possess 敢へる(たへる) ◎ 万16-3786 前; 〜両(ふたり)の壮子、哀慟血泣(かなしみ)に敢(た)へず、各(おのもおのも)心緒(おもひ)を陳べてよめる歌二首(ふたつ) [ST#2091] (cap) koNam. corner, angle. 隈(くま) ◎ (otl) kONam 02 1. angle, corner; 2. remote, obscure place; 3. a small estate 隈(くま) ◎ 万16-3790; あしひきの山縵の子*今日のごといづれの隈(くま)を見つつ来にけむ [ST#2092] (cap) mlA, mlAyati, -te (mlAti), pp. {mlAta3} & {mlAna} (q.v.) relax, [[-,]] languish, wither, fade, decay. C. {mlApa3yati} cause to wither or langish, weaken. --{pari, pra, vi} = S. -- Cf. {AmlAna} & {parimlAna}. みつれ 〇 [= やつれ] (otl) man2antIy -tal 1. to pine, languish; 2. to be distressed みつれ 〇 万16-3804 前; 〜娘子の姿容(かほ)、疲羸甚異(いたくみつれて)、言語(こととひ)哽咽(むせ)びき。時に壮士、哀嘆流涙(かなし)みて、裁歌口号(うたよみ)せる、其の歌一首 万16-3813 後; 日に異(け)に痩羸(みつ)れて、 [T#2093] (otl) taTTu 02 1. knocking, patting, breaking; 2. stroke, beat, rap; 3. striking against, collision; 4. beating time; 5. warding off, averting, evasion; 6. scarcity, straits, lack; 7. opposition; impediment; frustration; 8. defect, blemish, fault; 9. evil; 10. screen,, folded or plain; 11. compartment, as of a house; 12. guard; 13. dexterous performance or manoeuvre, stratagem, trick; 14. profit; 15. stalk of grain; 16. area, plain surface; 17. plot of a field, of a garden-bed;18. anything flat; 19. salver of metal or wood, tray; 20. scales of a balance; 21. circle; 22. curve or bend; 23. shield, buckler; 24. potter's wheel; 25. handmill; 26. winnowing or sifting pan; 27. broad, shallow basket; 28. shelf; 29. loft or range of a temple car; floor of a carriage; flat surface of a palanquin; 30. upper storey of a building; 31. platform, balcony, plazza; 32. mat to sit on; 33. deck, as of a ship; 34. lamina; layer; stratum; 35. common rafter; 36. panel of a door; pane of glass; 37. square pieces of a necklace; 38. square frame to which snares are fastened to catch birds; 39. mortise in a wooden frame-work; 40. perforated tin stencil for drawing ornamental figures; 41. petal of flowers; 42. side, direction 館(たち) ◎ 万17-3943 前; 八月(はつき)の七日(なぬか)の夜、守大伴宿禰家持が館(たち)に集ひて宴する歌 [S#2094] (cap) vyantara2 m. a class of supernatural beings. 妖(およづれ) ◎ [S#2095] (mwd) yudhi1 fighting , battle (only in dat. %{yudha4ye} ; see under 1. %{yudh}). 役(えだち) ◎ [S#2096] (mwd) kaTAham. (rarely %{I} f. n.) a frying-pan ; a boiler , caldron , saucepan (of a semi-spheroidal shape and with handles) MBh. Sus3r. Su1ryas. &c. ; a turtle's shell L. ; anything shaped like a caldron (as the temple of an elephant) S3is3. v , 37 ; a well L. ; a winnowing basket W. ; a mound of earth ; hell , the infernal regions L. ; a cot L. ; a young female buffalo whose horns are just appearing L. ; N. of a Dvi1pa Katha1s. 籠(かたま) (h-m) ◎ (mwd) carum. (g. %{bhImA7di}) a kind of vessel (in which a particular oblation is prepared) , saucepan , pot RV. AV. S3Br. xiii Ka1tyS3r. Kaus3. Mn. Ya1jn5. ; a cloud (cf. RV. i , 7 , 6) Naigh. i , 10 ; an oblation (of rice , barley and pulse) boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes VS. xxix. 6 TS. i S3Br. AitBr. i , 1 & 7 Ka1tyS3r. &c. (pl. Ya1jn5. i , 298). [390,2] セイロ (c-s) ◎ [S#2097] (mwd) vistAram. (ifc. f. %{A} ; cf. %{vi-stara}) spreading , expansion , extent , width MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; becoming large or great (met. said of the heart) Sa1h. ; the breadth of a circle i.e. its diameter Col. ; specification , detailed enumeration or description Ya1jn5. Sus3r. (%{eNa} , diffusely , at length , prob. w.r. for %{vistareNa} R. iii , 4 , 4) ; the branch of a tree with its new shoots L. ; a shrub L. ; the diameter of a circle L. 径(わたり) ◎ [= 直径] (otl) viTTArttam radius, semi-diameter 径(わたり) ◎ [S#2098] (mwd) saMghATikAf. a pair , couple L. ; a woman's garment , S3i1l. ; procuress , a bawd L. ; Trapa Bispinosa L. ; the nose L. 番(つがひ) 〇 (otl) tuNai 01 1. association, company; 2. help, assistance, aid, succour, support; 3. protection, guidance; 4. partner, companion, mate; 5. escort, convoy, helpmate; 6. friend; 7. pair, couple, brace; 8. two; 9. husband; 10. wife, mate; 11. brother or sister; 12. comparison, similitude; 13. measure; extent; degree; quantity; number; 14. conjugal union 番(つがひ) △ [ST#2099] (mwd) durAlApam. curse , imprecation , abuse L. たたり 〇 (mwd) dattapUrvoktazapabhImfn. causing fear by a previously uttered curse Katha1s. lxxxiii , 23. たたり 〇 (otl) tiTTu-tal 02 1. to abuse, reile; 2. to curse utter imprecations たたる 〇 [S#2100] (cap) tAjak& { tAja3t} adv. suddenly, at once. たちまち ◎ [S#2101] (mwd) muhurgirmfn. swallowing 嚥下、飲み込むこと suddenly RV. 俄(にはか) ◎ [T#2102] (otl) kiNTikkoTu-ttal 1. to stir, keep stirring, as fire, pap; 2. to stir up, incite, as to a quarrel; 3. to prompt 喧嘩(けんか) ◎ (otl) pAratappOr 1. the maha1bha1rata war; 2. a big fight or quarrel 争ひ(あらそひ) ◎ (otl) pOrmUTTu-tal 1. to spur on to quarrel; 2. to create misunderstanding between 争ふ(あらそふ) ◎ (cap) vivAdam. (n.) quarrel, contest, dispute. 戦ひす(あひす) ◎ 万1-0014; 香具山と耳成山と戦(あ)ひし時立ちて見に来(こ)し印南(いなみ)国原 [S#2103] (mwd) samyaJcmfn. (fr. %{sami} = 2. %{sam} + 2. %{aJc} cf. Pa1n2. 6-3 , 93 ; nom. %{samya4n} , %{samIcI4} , or %{samI4cI} , %{samya4k}) going i , long with or together , turned together or in one direction , combined , united (acc. with %{dhA} , to unite or provide with "' [acc. or dat. of pers. and instr. or acc. of thing]) , entire , whole , complete , all (%{samyaJcaH} %{sarve} , `" all together "') RV. Br. S3a1n3khS3r. ; turned towards each other , facing one another RV. VS. Br. ; lying in one direction , forming one line (as foot steps) S3Br. ; correct , accurate , proper , true , right BhP. ; uniform , same , identical W. ; pleasant , agreeable ib. ; (%{I4cI}) f. praise , eulogy L. ; a doe Un2. iv , 92 Sch. ; N. of a divine female TBr. ; of an Apsaras MBh. Hariv. ; (%{a4k}) ind. in one or the same direction , in the same way , at the same time , together (with %{sthA} , `" to associate with "') RV. MBh. ; in one line , straight (opp. to %{akSNayA} , `" obliquely "') S3Br. Ka1tyS3r. ; completely , wholly , thoroughly , by all means (with %{na} , by no means , not at all "') Mn. MBh. &c. ; correctly , truly , properly , fitly , in the right way or manner , well , duly (with %{kR} , `" to make good [a promise] "') Up. Mn. MBh. &c. ; distinctly , clearly MW. さやかに ◎ [S#2104] (mwd) samprasahP. %{-sahati} (fut. %{-sahiSyati} , or %{-sakSyati} v.l. %{-zakSyati}) , to have power over , become a match for , withstand , check , curb , restrain MBh. ; to endure , tolerate ib. ; to overcome ib. 忍ぶ(しのぶ) ◎ [S#2105] (mwd) Ap1 cl. 5. P. %{Apno4ti} [AV. ix , 5 , 22 , &c.] , (perf. %{Apa} aor. %{Apat} fut. %{Apsyati} inf. %{Aptum}) A1. (perf. 3. pl. %{Apire4} RV. ix , 108 , 4 , p. pf. %{ApAna4} RV. ii , 34 , 7 , but also pres. p. %{A4pnAna} RV. x , 114 , 7) to reach , overtake , meet with , fall upon RV. AV. S3Br. &c. ; to obtain , gain , take possession of RV. AV. &c. MBh. Mn. &c. ; to undergo , suffer Mn. ; to fall , come to any one ; to enter , pervade , occupy ; to equal: Pass. %{Apyate} , to be reached or found or met with or obtained ; to arrive at one's aim or end , become filled TS. &c.: Caus. P. %{Apayati} , to cause to reach or obtain or gain ChUp. &c. ; to cause any one to suffer ; to hit Katha1s.: Desid. P. and A1. %{Ipsati} and %{Ipsate} [Pa1n2. 7-4 , 55] to strive to reach or obtain AV. S3Br. MBh. &c.: Desid. of the Caus. %{ApipayiSati} , to strive to reach S3Br. ; [probably connected with 1. %{ap} ; cf. %{apna} ; Gk. $ , $ ; Lat. {apiscor} , %{aptus} , %{ops} ; Old &44468[142 ,1] Germ. {uoban} ; Mod. Germ. {u10ben}.] [142,2] 会ふ・逢ふ(あふ) ◎ [T#2106] 百人-87; 【寂蓮法師】 村雨(むらさめ)の 露もまだひぬ 槇(まき)の葉に 霧立ちのぼる 秋の夕暮れ 訳: にわか雨が通り過ぎていった後、まだその滴も乾いていない杉や檜の葉の茂りから、霧が白く沸き上がっている秋の夕暮れ時である。 【民】 (otl) niRaicUl 1. heaviness of a cloud ready to drop rain; 2. teeming with buds ready to blossom or bear 村雨(むらさめ) (l-m) ◎ c. teeming 【形】 ---- teeming の 意味が、87 番の歌の内容と feeling が一致しているような ???。 @ 〔場所に人・動物などが〕あふれんばかりにいる、群がっている A 土砂降りの 正に生まれ、花開こうとしている、芽・つぼみが群がっている ----歌の後半部と、似ている。 teem 【動】【1自動】〔〜で〕いっぱいである 【2自動】〔水などが〕注ぐ、〔雨が〕激しく降る teem with activity 活気にあふれている c. 唯の「にわか雨」じゃなくて、土砂降りだって。---- feeling 合っている。 疾風(はやて)の様に現れて、はやての様に去っていく、月光仮面のオジサンは、、みたいな、粒の大きな土砂降り雨です。多分。 c. もっと言わしてもらうと、村雨、よりは、群雨(むらさめ)の方が better。辞書さんが、そう言っている・ suggestion している。 c. むらさめ、って、日本刀の名。良く切れそうな感じ。土砂降り、と feeling は遠くない。--- wikipedia を読むと、モロ 100 点。 【趣】 bir(2,4): n., mistiness (of the eyes) (ba, 'inanimate conjugation prefix', + ér, ír, 'to weep' and ur5 , 'to smell', with possibly a hidden meaning of 'to dry' for Vr or ara4 as also seen in dúr). v., to sniff, wrinkle one's nose; to dry up, shrivel up. adj., flaccid, shriveled up (said of a penis). 干る(ひる) ◎ [ST#2107] 【民】 (otl) pakaRkaLLan2 1. daylight thief 泥棒; 2. one who takes another's property by asserting a false claim, used in reproach (= 詐欺師) パクる ◎ 【民】 (otl) pakkAttiruTan2 notorious 悪名高い、名うての thief パクる ◎ 【賛】 (cap) bhAskaraa. the same そっくり; m. the sun, a man's name, n. a kind of breach 契約違反 (made by a thief 泥棒 - 盗作?). パクり ◎ cf. パクつく 【賛】 bhakS/ bhaikSAzin[= eating begged food.] 【民】 pakki-ttal [= to eat] 【賛】 (mwd) pakSAhAram. one who eats food only once in a half month MBh. 【民】 (otl) pakuttuN(Nu)-tal to eat food after feeding the poor, etc. cf. ぱくり (wikipedia): ぱくりとは、大きな口をあけてものを食べるさまを示す言葉。転じて盗むという意味にも用いられている。動詞形ではぱくるとなり以下のような意味を持つ。... [ST#2108] 朝ぼらけ 【賛】 (mwd) prAksaMdhyAf. morning twilight Hariv. Var. ぼらけ ◎ 【民】 (otl) pularivaikaRai morning twilight, time between daybreak and sunrise ぼらけ ◎ [ST#2109] 眺む(ながむ) 【賛】 (mwd) nirIkSaNamfn. looking at , regarding (ifc.) BhP. ; n. look , looking at , observing ; sight , view (ifc. f. %{A} ; cf. %{dur-n-}) ; the aspect of the planets Var. R. Sus3r. &c. 眺む(ながむ) (S 無音 or kS-g) 〇 【民】 (otl) nOkkam 1. eye; 2. eyesight, look, gaze, glance, view; 3. aspects of a planet; 4. appearance, expression, cast of countenance; 5. height, elevation; 6. beauty, attractiveness; 7. watch; 8. design, object, intention, aim, motive; 9. sense, intelligence; 10. attention, observation; 11. desire; 12. indication, sign 眺む(ながむ) ◎ 【ウズベグ語】 動詞 muhokama qilmoq(discuss, dispute, moot, read, reprehend, view) ◎ [T#2110] (otl) ma 03 1. moon; 2. Siva; 3. yama; 4. time; 5. Brahma1; 6. Vis2n2u; 7. poison 間(ま) ◎ c. 間(ま)は、タミル語と中国語かも。 [S#2111] 【賛】 (mwd) cakravATam. a limit , boundary L. ; a lamp-stand L. ; engaging in an action (? , %{kriyA7roha}) L. 限り(かぎり) ◎ 【民】 (otl) cakkaravALam boundary, limit (TLS) 境(さかい) ◎ 【ウズベク語】 chegara(border, border, limit, boundary)限り(かぎり) ◎ 【趣】 48. border - zag[SIDE] (902x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Ebla, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, unknown) wr. zag "arm; shoulder; side; border, boundary, district; limit; right side, the right" Akk. ahu; idu; imittu; ishu; mişru; pāţu 境(さかい) (z-s, g-kai) ◎ [S#2112] 【賛】 (cap) udtake up, lift, raise, rear (M. refl.); take out, draw (a sword), preserve, save; cease; admit, grant. {upa} life, take up, hold under, seize, take, obtain; admit, accept, approve. {ni} keep down, depress, draw near or together, close, contract, seize, catch, hold fast, stop, oppress, restrain, subdue, conquer. {saMni} keep down, suppress, stop, subdue, restrain. {pari} seize on both sides, embrace, surround, enclose, esp. {iti}, i.e. repeat a word before and after {iti} (g.); put on, don; grasp, clutch, hold, overpower, surpass; want, lack; get, obtain, acquire, keep in possession; accept, receive, take (a wife), marry, have regard to, obey, follow. {saMpari} accept, receive, comprehend. {pra} hold out, stretch forth, offer; take, draw near or together, accept, receive (ger. = S.); keep, favour; separate, isolate (g.). {saMpra} hold out or stretch forth (together), seize, take, receive (well). {prati} take hold of, seize, take = eat, drink; take possession of, occupy; attack, assault; receive, accept ({zirasA} on the head as a mark of esteem), take = marry, accept willingly, approve. C. cause to accept, present with (2 acc.). {vi} hold apart, stretch or spread out, separate, divide, analyze (g.); quarrel, rival, war with (instr. n{saha} or {sArdham}), fight against (acc.); seize, clutch by (loc.); accept, receive; perceive, understand. {sam} seize or hold (together), gather, collect, assemble; enclose, contain; draw together, contract, restrain; concentrate (the mind); accept, receive, take = marry, take into the mouth, name, pronounce; perceive, understand, learn. {anusam} salute humbly (by clasping a person's feet. {upasam} the same (n{pAdau}, also w. acc. & {pAdayos}); take, get, receive. {pratisam} accept, receive, meet. --Cf. {anugRhIta, parigRhya, parigRhIta, pragRhya, pragRhIta, vigRhya}.鬱(うつ) ◎ (cap) vidhuray, -yatideject, depress. [[-,]]鬱(うつ)、虚木綿(うつゆう) ◎ (mwd) vidhurayaNom. P. %{-yati} , to put in a miserable condition , deject , depress Hcar. Gi1t. Subh. 鬱(うつ)、虚木綿(うつゆう) ◎ (mwd) viklavayaNom. P. %{-yati} , to render despondent , depress Ba1lar.憂く(うく) ◎ (mwd) viklavIkRP. %{-karoti} , to depress , trouble Va1s. 憂く(うく) ◎ [ST#2113] 【賛】 (mwd) kakSyamfn. being or abiding in shrubs or dry grass VS. xvi , 34 ; (%{kakSya4} , fr. %{kakSyA4}) , filling out the girth , well fed [Sa1y.] RV. v , 44 , 11 ; (%{kakSyA4}) f. girth (of an animal) , girdle , zone RV. AV. viii , 4 , 6 ; xviii , 1 , 15 MBh. &c. (cf. %{baddha-kakSya}) ; the enclosure of an edifice (either the wall &c. so enclosing it , or the court or chamber constituting the enclosure , the inner apartment of a palace) MBh. R. &c. ; the orbit of a planet A1ryabh. ; the scale of a balance Pat. ; an upper garment L. ; similarity , equality L. ; effort , exertion L. ; a shrub yielding the black and red berry (that serves as a jeweller's weight) , the Retti or Gun5ja , Abrus Precatorius L. ; (%{As}) f. pl. the fingers Nigh. ; (%{am}) n. the scale of a balance Comm. on Ya1jn5. ; a part of a carriage R. ; a girdle , girth. 乾かす(かわかす) ◎ 【民】 (otl) kalakala-ttal 1. to dry thoroughly; 2. to talk too much (TLS) 乾かす(かわかす) ◎ 【トルコ語】 動詞 kurutmak(dry, scorch, dehydrate, air, bake, cure) 乾かす(かわかす) ◎ 【民】 (otl) vaRRu-tal 01 1. to grow dry; to dry up. as water; to evaporate; 2. tosubside; to ebb, as the tide; 3. to become absorbed, as matter in an ulcer; 4. to which, become dry and shrivelled, as leaves, etc.; 5. to become emaciated, as the body; 6. to become worthless or purposeless 干る(ひる) ◎ 【賛】(mwd) parizuSP. A1. %{-zuSyati} , %{-te} , to be thoroughly dried up , to shrivel , wither (lit. and fig.) , pine , waste away MBh. Ka1v. &c.: Caus. %{-zoSayati} (Pass. %{-zoSyate}) , to dry up , emaciate Ka1v. Pan5c. Sus3r. 干す・乾す(干す) ◎ [S#2114] 【賛】 (mwd) pArAvAran. the further and nearer shore , the two banks (%{-rasya@nauH} , a boat which plies 往復する from one side to the other MBh. ; %{-re} [ib.] or %{-ra-taTe} [Cat.] , on both banks ; %{-ra-taraNA7rtham} ind. for bringing over 引き渡す from one shore to the other Kull.) ; m. the sea , ocean Prasannar. (cf. %{pArA7pAra}) ; %{-ra-jAtAya} Nom. to become sea-water Dharmas3. ; %{-riNa} mfn. on both sides of a river , one who knows both sides or the whole of a subject W. (cf. Pa1n2. 4-2 , 93 Va1rtt. 2 Pat.) 遥々(はるばる) ◎ c. はるばる、の割には、距離が短すぎる(?)。間が、海なら問題ない。(?) [T#2115] 【民】 (otl) parappu 02 1. expanse, extension, space, surface, area; 2. diffused or extended state of a being, corporeal or incorporeal; diffusion; overspreading; 3. world; 4. multiplicity, variety of forms; 5. mass; 6. range, compass, extent of a subject; 7. land measure, of two kinds, viz., ner6-parappu, nilai-p-parappu ; 8. sea, ocean; 9. ceiling; 10. lintel; 11. bed, couch 原っぱ(はらっぱ)・原(はら) ◎ [T#2116] 【民】 (otl) tIvu, tIvam 01 1. Island; 2. distant country 島(しま) (v-m) ◎ [T#2117] 【民】(otl) tuRaTTipOTu-tal 1. to draw out secrets by questioning; to fish out; 2. to contrive to bring under one's control 釣る(つる) ◎ [S#2118] 【賛】(cap) AnAyam. net; {-yin} m. fisherman. 海人(あま) ◎ [S#2119] 【賛】959 (mwd) vas3 cl. 10. P. %{vAsayati} (aor. %{avIvasat}) , to love ; to cut off ; to accept , take ; to offer ; to kill (%{ni-vAsita} , killed) Dha1tup. xxxiii , 70 (only with prep. ; see %{pari-vas} ; but accord. to some the Impv. %{vasiSva} [RV. viii , 70 , 10] and %{uSa} , `" a lover "' [x , 95 , 5] , and %{va4siSTha} [ib. 17] belong also to this root , which has developed an obscene meaning = Gk. $ , &282465[932 ,1] futuere). 愛す(をす) ◎ [S#2120] 【賛】(cap) ucchritaa. lifted, raised, high, haughty 傲慢な; proud of (---); increased, grown, enormous. 無道(あぢきなく・あぢきなし) (r-n) ◎ [= enormous〈古〉非道な] [S#2121] 【賛】(mwd) apAnud(the %{A} of %{apA} always in the antepenultimate of a s3loka , therefore %{apA} metrically for %{apa} see %{apa-nud}) , to remove , repel , repudiate MBh. Mn. 故に(ゆゑに) ◎ [T#2122] 【民】 (otl) amar-tal 01 1. to abide, remain, be seated; 2. to become still or tranquil; 3. to rest, repose; 4. to settle, be deposited, as a sediment, become close and hard, as sand by rain; 5. to rest upon, as a javelin on the person; 6. to flourish, to be abundant; 7. to be extinguished, as a lamp; 8. to be suitable; 9. to be engaged, settled, as a house; 10. to become established, as in a work 1. to wish, desire 2. to resemble 3. to do, perform 4. to get close to 余る(余る) ◎ [ST#2123] 【賛】(mwd) na2 ind. not , no , nor , neither RV. (%{nA} , x , 34 , 8) &c. &c. (as well in simple negation as in wishing , requesting and commanding , except in prohibition before an Impv. or an augmentless aor. [cf. a. %{mA}] ; in successive sentences or clauses either simply repeated e.g. Mn.iv , 34 ; or strengthened by another particle , esp. at the second place or further on in the sentence e.g. by %{u} [cf. %{no7}] , %{uta4} , %{api} , %{cA7pi} , %{vA} , %{vA7pi} or %{atha@vA} RV. i , 170 , 1 ; 151 , 9 Nal. iii , 24 , &c. ; 〜 尚(なほ) ◎ 【民】 (otl) mERpEccu 1. further talk or discussion; 2. lip-deep courtesy 尚(なほ) ◎ [ST#2124] 【賛】(mwd) makSuNan. a partic. measure of weight (= 7 Ma1shas) L. 目方の(めかたの) ◎ 【民】 (otl) mAkatappaTi a weight=12 palams目方(めかた) ◎ [ST#2125] 【賛】 (mwd) nirmathor %{manth} P. A1. %{-manthati} , %{-te} RV. ; %{-mathati} , %{-te} MBh. ; %{-mathnAti} Ka1t2h. (fut. %{-mathiSyati} ind. p. %{-mathya} MBh. Ka1v. &c.) ; to grind (fire) out of (wood) , to produce (fire) by rubbing (wood together) , rub or churn anything out of anything (double acc.) RV. S3Br. &c. ; to stir or churn (the sea) MBh. R. ; to tear or draw or shake out of , extract MBh. Ka1v. Pur. ; to shake , agitate (the mind) MBh. ; to grind down , crush , destroy MBh. Hariv. &c.: Pass. %{-mathyate} (p. %{-yamAna}) , to be rubbed or churned &c. MBh. Hariv. 涙(なみた・なみだ)◎ 【民】 (otl) nIrmuTTu-tal 01 1. to be full to the the brim, as eyes with tears; 2. to make water 涙(なみた・なみだ) ◎ 【韓】 ヌン눈ムル물 〇 --- 近い。 [T#2126] (otl) kaimmiku-tal 1. to exceed the limit; to be beyond sufferance, as love, sorrow, disease; 2. to violate the caste rules 悲しい(かなしい) ◎ (otl) kaNNarAvi 1. pitiable condition, misfortune; 2. sorrow, grief 悲しみ(かなしみ) ◎ 【韓】 キ깊プン은△スル슬プm픔 (grief) 悲しみ(かなしみ) ◎ [ST#2127] 【民】 (otl) kuvi 03 wall 壁(かべ) ◎ 【民】 (otl) kaRpu fort wall (TLS) 壁(かべ) ◎ 【賛】 (mwd) karabha; a wall L. ; 壁(かべ) ◎ [T#2128] 【民】(otl) keTTuppO-tal 1. to perish; to be ruined; to wear out; 2. to be rotten, spoiled; to decay; 3. to become bad, immoral; 4. to fall on evil days; to be reduced to straitened circumstances; 5. to be lost, as goods 腐ちる(くちる) [ST#2129] 【賛】 (cap) tathyaa. real, true; n. truth, reality; instr. & {-tas} according to truth. 正しい(ただしい) 【民】(otl) takIttu 1. correct, true; 2. distinct, clear 正しい(ただしい) [ST#2130] 【賛】 (cap) mArgaa. relating to game or deer. --n. ({mAMsa}) game, venison. m. track, way, path, road, passage; mode, manner, esp. right manner, proper course; custom, use; title or head (j.), stile, diction. {mArgeNa} & {mArgais} through, along (---). 右(みぎ) または、 (cap) mArgasthaa. being on the (right) way (l. & f.). 右(みぎ) 【民】(otl) mariyAtai 1. civility, courtesy, reverence, respectful behaviour to a superior; 2. caste rules or customs; 3. continuance in the right way, propriety of conduct, rectitude; 4. justice; 5. way, manner; 6. boundary, limit; shore; 7. reward 右(みぎ) [S#2131] 【賛】 (mwd) bAdaramf(%{I})n. (fr. %{badara}) belonging to or derived from the jujube tree Sus3r. ; made of cotton L. ; coarse (opp. to %{sUkSma}) S3i1l. ; m. or (%{A}) f. the cotton shrub L. ; m.pl. N. of a people Var. ; n. the jujube (= %{badara}) Sus3r. ; the berry of Abrus Precatorius or the plant itself. L. ; silk L. ; water L. ; a conch shell ほら貝・巻き貝which winds from left to right L. = %{vAra} (N. of a plant or w.r. for %{vAri}?) L. 左(ひだり)---- 巻き貝の名称、左回りの螺旋の巻き貝、の意。 [S#2132]【賛】 nirghRNa= mf(%{A})n. unmerciful 無慈悲, cruel むごい MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; shameless 恥知らず, immodest 慎みのない W. ; (%{am}) ind. cruelly 残酷に、無情にも MBh. ; (%{A}) f. (in %{sa-nir-ghRNa}) , %{-tA} f. (Bhartr2.) , %{-tva} n. (MarkP.) pitilessness 無慈悲, cruelty 残酷な行為. -1. むげねー、むげなし ----- 100 点on 2017/02 【賛】 (cap) nirghRNaa. unmerciful, cruel, hard-hearted, n. adv.; abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n. c. 国語辞典: [形][文]むげな・し[ク]《中世・近世語》薄情である。冷酷である。すげない。 「―・い言分?(いひぶん)?して下んす」〈浄・淀鯉〉 cf. 井上陽水、筑豊弁 田)可哀想だ。/ 博多弁。---- 【大号泣】タモリ、井上陽水の二人の涙腺がゆる過ぎておっさんトークが面白すぎる!! c. むげ 2. 【無碍・無礙】 《名ノナ》とどこおらせる障害がないこと。邪魔するもののないさま。「融通―」、------ とは異なる別単語。 [T#2133]【民】(otl) vaTTakainilam (= enclosed field) 屋敷(やしき) 【民】(otl) uLLaTakku-tal (= 1. to enclose, shut in, shut up in a place; 2. to conceal, keep secret) 屋敷(やしき) [S#2134]【賛】(mwd) zreyaskara(%{zre4yas-}) mf(%{I})n. making better or superior VS. ; causing or securing fortune , conducive to happiness or prosperity , salutary , wholesome Mn. ; %{-tara} mfn. more efficacious for securing happiness Mn. ; %{-bhASya} n. N. of wk. 弥栄(いやさか) [S#2135] 千秋楽 【賛】 saMsthA(= ; to perform the last office 〈文〉〔与えられた〕仕事、雑務 for 訳: 最後のお仕事をする i.e. to burn , cremate 火葬 (a dead body) S3a1n3khBr. ; ) せんしゅう 【賛】 raGga(= m. colour , paint , dye , hue MBh. ; the nasal modification of a vowel S3iksh. ; a place for public amusement 公共演芸場 or for dramatic exhibition 歌劇場, theatre 劇場, play-house 芝居小屋, らく c. 最後の楽曲、最後の舞台。人間の千秋楽は、火葬、みたい。 c. 語源辞典 [T#2136] 瞳(ひとみ) 【民】puTam (= 01 1. the refining or sublimating vessel or cup; 2. cover; 3. calcination in fire or in the sun; preservation by being buried under the earth or in a heap of grain; 4. place, spot; 5. side; 6. concavity, bend; 7. leaf-cup; 8. eye-lid まぶた; 9. lion-cloth; 10. closing) ひとみ 【民】paTalam (= 1. mass, as of clouds; heap, drift, as of dust; stellar group; 2. chapter or section in a poem or treatise; 3. canopy; 4. the hollow, as of a crown; 5. film フィルム or cataract 《眼科》白内障 in the eye;) ひとみ (l 無音) c. pupil にはズバリは無かった。しかし、目+童(わらべ) 由来 の痕跡はあった。 【民】pAvai (= 1. puppet, doll 人形; 2. image イメージ, picture, portrait; 3. pupil of the eye 瞳; 4. woman, lady, damsel; 5. flower of the common bottle-flower tree; 6. a religious observance; 7. a hymn in Tiru-va1cakam; 8. a hymn in Na1la1yira-p-pirapantam; 9. root of the ginger plant; 10. wall) わーべ、ひーみ (v-m) [T#2137]取與呂布(とりよろふ) on 2018/05/14 【民】talaiyAyAr (= persons of the first rank 最高級ランクの人, eminent 著名な、優れた、地位の高い、高位の persons ) とりよろー c. 万葉集 2番 第1巻2番 天皇登香具山望國之時御製歌 山常庭 村山有等 取與呂布 天乃香具山 騰立 國見乎爲者 國原波 煙立龍 海原波 加萬目立多都 怜○國曽 蜻嶋 八間跡能國者 *.○は、「?(りっしんべん)に可」の漢字 山常庭 村山有等 取與呂布 天乃香具山 大和には 群山あれど とりよろふ 天の香具山 cf. これは大和の歌ではない ---- ← 馬鹿サイトですね。 cf. [福永晋三先生の万葉集2番、15番、7番、28番の新解釈] 鎧を身に着けたような山肌をした ←コレもオカシイ。 cf. 万葉集2 舒明天皇香具山に登りて望国(くにみ)したまふ時の御製歌 * 「とりよろふ」 未詳。《とりわけすぐれている》《拠り所とする》など諸説ある。 [T#2138]串、くし 玉串(たまぐし)の「くし」 【民】kucci (= 01 1. splinter; 2. hairpin; 3. sickle leaf, m. sh., sida carpinifoila) 串 C. ロシア語の foliage 葉、枝葉、木の葉、群葉、葉の沢山ついた枝 【民】talam (= 02 leaf, foliage) たま ![]() ^^^^^^^^^^^ stopper |