教育漢字 vs. 古代インド語 検証 [後半]


アルタイ諸語 語彙対応比較表 (© wikipedia) 106 単語(14 列) vs. インド弁

open [前半(別 Tab)
平成の常識:日本の方言は 100% 古代インド語です。
from 2017/04/17 by 鳩摩羅童子(くまらどうじ)

注意: 日本の地域 local な古い言葉は、100% インド色ですが、記紀/万葉/百人一首の中の言葉はインド色だけでは有りません。ボヘミアン/スラブ言語系..の色が混じっています。この辺の住み分けに関し、誰かハッキリさせて下さい。

from 2017/03/25 by (C) 鳩摩羅童子
Eケルン大学、インド語辞書検索 tool, チベット語辞書  
航空母艦: インド語・カンガルー (別 file) ,
  別 file 群: 東北弁, 出雲弁, 九州弁, 奈良弁、他検証, 四国, 富山弁、他, 魚津弁(富山弁分割), 沖繩, チベット語 

〒noun ここはアンカー名 = noun です。

小学校漢字の名詞(≒ 動詞・形容詞 以外) 631 単語
  (アンカー名は、 #n.番号 である)

Jump to kanji_1000, Table1., Table2., Table3., t adj., old J, Altaic

c. 全件に達していないが、352 件を超えたので、休憩する。 チベット語系連合は、70% の割合。  on 2019/09/01
c. 全件 631 に達したので、終了する。 on 2020/01/05
 有効枠数 = 631, 賛|∩民| =7, 賛|=79, 吐|∩羌|=185, 民|=155, 吐|=254, 趣|∩赤| =324, 赤|=404, 羌|=421, 有|=452, 蛇|=515, 趣|=475, 箍|=538, 尼|=550

 【羌】=1-421/631=33%,++++++  ギャロン語込み、ギャロンのみは、
    賛民、共に〇は、1-(79+155-7)/631=64%。[= 別解。87+75-99=63%]

   Jump to この Table_noun の最終行 (#tn.last)

■Table_noun 1〜50 小学校・漢字・名詞 57
2'ヤギ goat有|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
24''◆霍公鳥 ホトトギス有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
■Table_noun 51〜100 小学校・漢字・名詞 55
100兵 ツワモノ有|趣|赤|尼|箍|

■Table_noun 101〜150 小学校・漢字・名詞 62
126類 ルイ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
126'類 タグイ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
127皇 スメラギ有|蛇|民|吐|尼|箍|
128城 シロ趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
128'城 コホリ、キ蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
133際 キワ趣|賛|羌|尼|箍|
133'際 シナ有|蛇|趣|民|尼|箍|
133"際 サイ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
136術 スベ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
138盟 チカウ有|蛇|趣|賛|羌|尼|箍|
144辺 アタリ蛇|尼|箍|
147聖 ヒジリ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
148節 フシ蛇|趣|羌|
150禁 トドメル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
150'禁 イム有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
150"禁 イサメル有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
■Table_noun 151〜200 小学校・漢字・名詞 54
152階・陛 キザハシ有|蛇|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
159英 ハナブサ、ヒデ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
161衣 コロモ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
163果 クダモノ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|
165領 ウナジ,..有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
166層 カサネ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
168革 カワ有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|
169皮 カワ蛇|趣|民|尼|
171模 カタ有|蛇|趣|賛|羌|尼|箍|
176科 トガ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
178腹 ハラ蛇|趣|賛|箍|
178'腹 オナカ蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
181益 マス有|赤|羌|箍|
182公 オオヤケ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
189顔 かお有|蛇|赤|民|尼|箍|
189'顔 つら有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|箍|
190体 カラダ有|吐|尼|
194舌 した有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
194舌 ベロ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
198信 シンジル蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|尼|箍|
198'信 マカセ,マコト有|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|

■Table_noun 201〜250 小学校・漢字・名詞 62
204原 ハラ,モト,..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
208砂 スナ有|蛇|赤|尼|箍|
208砂子 イサゴ有|蛇|吐|羌|尼|箍|
208砂利 ジャリ有|赤|吐|尼|箍|
211総 スベテ有|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
211総 フサ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
212域 イキ蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|箍|
212域 サカイ、トコロ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|尼|
213級 シナ、クビ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
214純 キイト有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
214純 ジュン有|蛇|赤|民|尼|箍|
215昔 ムカシ、イムサキ趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|
216季 キ、スエ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
217紀 オサメル、..有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
218機 はた蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
218機 からくり有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
218機 きざし蛇|趣|赤|賛|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
218機 はずみ蛇|趣|赤|賛|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
218機 おり蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
219客 マロウド有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
220球 たま有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
222業 わざ蛇|吐|羌|尼|箍|
223同 おなじ蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
224協 カナウ有|蛇|賛|尼|箍|
227特 トク有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
227特 オウシ、トリワケ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
228銭 ぜに有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
228銭 すき有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|尼|箍|
230師 ミヤコ、イクサ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
232税 みつぎ趣|羌|尼|箍|
233像 カタチ,..蛇|趣|赤|羌|箍|
234恩 めぐみ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|
235卵 たまご有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
236晩 バン、クレ、..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
238庭 にわ有|蛇|趣|賛|羌|尼|箍|
239実 ミノル有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|箍|
240故 ユエ、モト、..趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
241礼 ノリ、ウヤマウ..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
242径 コミチ、..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|
245泉 いずみ有|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
247◆翼 ツバサ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
248鳥 とり有|吐|羌|尼|箍|
249魚 ウオ、サカナ有|蛇|吐|尼|箍|
■Table_noun 251〜300 小学校・漢字・名詞 54
251牛 うし有|蛇|赤|民|尼|箍|
252馬 うま有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
256全 マッタク吐|尼|箍|
257星 ホシ有|蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
257星 ユウヅツ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
258事 こと蛇|趣|赤|羌|
259物 もの有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
261昼 ひる有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|尼|箍|
262声 こえ有|赤|賛|尼|箍|
263簡 フダ、エラブ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
265骨 ほね蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
266俳 ワザオギ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
267卒 シモベ、..有|蛇|趣|羌|箍|
268賞 ほめる有|蛇|趣|羌|
270麦 むぎ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
270黍 キビ有|蛇|賛|羌|尼|箍|
271台 うてな有|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|
272市 シ、いち赤|箍|
273誕 イツワル,..有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
274灯 トモシビ,. 有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
275券 テガタ、フワリ蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|
276期 チギル、..有|蛇|趣|赤|
277単 ヒトツ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
279基 もと,.有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
280元 はじめ,.有|趣|羌|
281品 しな蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
282角 ツノ、スミ、..
283宮 ミヤ、イエ蛇|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
284様 さま有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
285屋 オク、ヤ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
286童 ワラベ有|羌|尼|箍|
288欲 ホッスル有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|
289冊 フミ、タテル趣|赤|尼|箍|
290財 タカラ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
291複 カサネル有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
292復 カエル、..有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
293候 サブラウ、..有|蛇|赤|吐|尼|箍|
294性 サガ、..有|蛇|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
295以 モッテ、..有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
296医 イヤス、クスシ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
297園 その有|蛇|箍|
298圧 ヘス、..有|蛇|吐|
299衛 マモル有|蛇|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
300易 ヤサシイ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|

■Table_noun 301〜xxx 小学校・漢字・名詞
301歯 は、..有|蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
302意 ココロ、オモウ有|蛇|赤|羌|箍|
303独 ヒトリ蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
304職 ツカサドル、.有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
305員 カズ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|
306権 イキオイ、..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
307演 オコナウ、..蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
308遺 ステル、..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
309院 イン、カキ..有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
310央 オウ、ナカバ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
311億 オク、オシハカル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
312法 ホウ、ノリ有|蛇|吐|羌|尼|箍|
313航 ワタル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
324百 ヒャク、モモ有|羌|尼|箍|
325千 セン、チ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
326万 マン、ヨロズ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
327青 セイ、アオ有|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
328夕 セキ、ユウ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
329赤 セキ、アカ,..有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
330王 オウ、キミ有|蛇|趣|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
331男 ダン、ナン、オトコ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
332天 テン、アマ有|蛇|赤|箍|
333田 デン、タ、カル賛|箍|
334金 キン、カネ、コガネ有|
335日 ニチ、ジツ、ヒ、カ有|蛇|趣|尼|箍|
336年 ネン、トシ、トセ有|蛇|趣|吐|尼|箍|
337口 コウ、ク、クチ蛇|赤|箍|
338玉 ギョク、タマ有|蛇|羌|尼|
339文 ブン、モン、フミ蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
340本 ホン、モト趣|赤|羌|尼|
341名 メイ、ミョウ、ナ吐|
342字 ジ、アザ有|蛇|趣|赤|箍|
343何 カ、ナニ、イズコ趣|民|尼|箍|
344画 ガ、カク、エ、..有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
345活 カツ、イキル蛇|趣|赤|羌|箍|
346汽 キ、ユゲ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
346'◆蒸籠 セイロ、カタマ有|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
347京 キョウ、ケイ、ミヤコ蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
348戸 コ、ト、ヘ趣|箍|
349午 ゴ、ウマ、ヒル有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
350工 コウ、ク、タクミ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
351黄 コウ、キ,..有|蛇|趣|尼|箍|
352黒 コク、クロ有|蛇|赤|尼|箍|
353才 サイ、ザエ、カド有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
354算 サン、カゾエル吐|尼|箍|
355矢 シ、ヤ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
356姉 シ、アネ有|趣|赤|
357紙 シ、カミ蛇|趣|赤|賛|尼|箍|
358室 シツ、ムロ、ヘヤ、ツマ有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
359秋 シュウ、アキ、トキ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
360週 シュウ、メグル趣|赤|賛|吐|
361春 シュン、ハル蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|箍|
362東 トウ、ヒガシ、アズマ有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
363西 セイ、サイ、ニシ有|蛇|趣|吐|尼|箍|
364南 ナン、ダン、ミナミ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
365北 ホク、キタ、ニゲル有|蛇|赤|尼|箍|
366地 チ、ツチ,..有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
366'地 なゐ有|蛇|趣|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
367茶 チャ、サ蛇|趣|赤|賛|
368電 デン、テン、イナズマ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
369刀 トウ、カタナ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
370冬 トウ、フユ有|蛇|赤|民|尼|箍|
371場 ジョウ、バ蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|
372内 ナイ、ウチ..蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
373色 イロ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
374半 ハン、ナカバ有|趣|賛|吐|羌|箍|
375米 ベイ、マイ、コメ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|
376方 ホウ、カタ,..有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
377線 セン、イト、スジ蛇|趣|吐|尼|箍|
378毎 マイ、ゴト、ムサボル蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
379女 ジョ、ニョ、オンナ、有|蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
380里 リ、サト有|蛇|赤|民|吐|尼|箍|
381理 リ、コトワリ、スジ有|趣|
382荷 カ、ニ、ニナウ、ハス蛇|羌|尼|
383漢 カン、オトコ、カラ どこも無い有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
384銀 ギン、シロガネ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
385区 ク赤|羌|尼|箍|
386君 クン、キミ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
387湖 コ、ミズウミ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
388号 ゴウ、サケブ、ヨビナ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
389◆櫛 シツ、クシ、ケズル蛇|赤|箍|
390詩 シ、ウタ蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
391者 シャ、モノ蛇|尼|
392主 シュ、ス、ヌシ、オモ、アルジ、ツカサドル
393守 シュ、ス、マモル、モリ、カミ赤|吐|羌|箍|
394州 シュウ、ス、シマ、クニ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
395昭 ショウ、アキラカ有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
396章 ショウ、アヤ、シルシ、フミ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
397申 シン、モウス、サル、カサネル有|趣|吐|尼|箍|
398身 シン、ミ有|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
399神 シン、カミ,..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
400真 シン、マ、マコト有|蛇|赤|吐|羌|尼|
401世 セイ、セ、ヨ蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
402相 ソウ、ショウ、アイ、サガ、タスケル有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
403他 タ、ホカ尼|箍|
404対 タイ、ツイ、ムカウ、ツレアイ,..蛇|趣|尼|箍|
405第 ダイ、ツイデ、ヤシキ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
406題 ダイ、テイ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
407丁 チョウ、テイ、ヒノト有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
408帳 チョウ、トバリ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|箍|
409笛 テキ、ジャク、フエ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
410度 ド、タク、タビ、ワタル有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
411農 ノウ、タガヤス有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
412倍 バイ、マス、ソムク有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
413発 ハツ、ハナツ、タツ、ヒラク有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|箍|
414氷 ヒョウ、コオリ趣|賛|民|尼|箍|
414'氷柱 ツララ、タルヒ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|尼|箍|
415秒 ビョウ、ノギ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
416部 ブ、ホウ、ワケル、スベル、クミ、ツカサ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
417服 フク、キモノ..赤|箍|
418福 フク、サイワイ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|箍|
419役 ヤク、エキ、ツトメ、イクサ蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
420由 ユ、ユウ、ヨシ吐|羌|尼|
421陽 ヨウ、ヒ、ヒナタ、イツワル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
422両 リョウ、フタツ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
423緑 リョク、ミドリ赤|羌|箍|
424貨 カ、タカラ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
425課 カ、ワリアテル,.蛇|羌|尼|箍|
426械 カイ、カラクリ、カセ蛇|趣|吐|尼|
427完 カン、マットウ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|
428官 カン、ツカサ,..蛇|羌|尼|箍|
429議 ギ、ハカル蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|
430漁 ギョ、スナドル,..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|尼|箍|
431共 キョウ、トモ蛇|赤|羌|
432軍 グン、イクサ有|蛇|趣|尼|箍|
433郡 グン、クン、コオリ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
434型 ケイ、カタ有|蛇|羌|
435景 ケイ、エイ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
436芸 ウン、クサギル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
437験 ケン、タメス..蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
438康 コウ、ヤスイ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
439材 ザイ、マルタ有|蛇|趣|吐|尼|箍|
440昨 サク、キノウ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|箍|
441察 サツ、アキラカ..有|蛇|尼|箍|
442士 シ、サムライ有|蛇|趣|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
443氏 シ、ウジ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
444史 シ、フミ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
445児 ジ、ニ、コ蛇|尼|
446周 シュウ、ス、マワリ、メグル、アマネク有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
447松 ショウ、マツ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
448然 ゼン、シカリ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|
449孫 ソン、マゴ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
450隊 タイ、クミ、オチル有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
451達 タツ、ダチ、タチ、トオル、トドク蛇|尼|箍|
452仲 チュウ、ナカ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
453腸 チョウ、ハラワタ蛇|吐|尼|箍|
454停 テイ、トマル、トドマル有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
455典 テン、フミ、ノリ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
456堂 ドウ、タカドノ有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|箍|
457梅 バイ、ウメ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
458博 ハク、バク、ヒロイ羌|尼|箍|
459飯 ハン、メシ、ママ蛇|赤|羌|箍|
460票 ヒョウ、フダ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
461標 ヒョウ、シルシ、シルベ、シメ、シルス、コズエ趣|吐|羌|
462不 フ、ブ、..ズ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
463夫 フ、オット趣|
464府 フ、クラ、ミヤコ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
465牧 ボク、モク、マキ、カウ、ヤシナウ、ツカサ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
466未 ミ、ビ、イマダ、マダ、ヒツジ蛇|趣|箍|
467民 ミン、タミ蛇|趣|尼|箍|
468無 ム、ブ、ナイ有|赤|箍|
469良 リョウ、ヨイ、ヤヤ有|蛇|民|吐|尼|箍|
470料 リョウ、ハカル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
471輪 リン、ワ有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
472令 レイ、イイツケ、オサ蛇|趣|赤|
473歴 レキ、ヘル有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
474録 ロク、リョク、シルス有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|箍|
475桜 オウ、サクラ有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
476可 カ、コク、ヨイ、ベシ有|蛇|尼|箍|
477賀 ガ、ヨロコブ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
477'賀 ウレシ、イカッタ、メデテー蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
478格 カク、コウ、イタル、タダス、ウツ蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|
479刊 カン、ケズル、キザム有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
480規 キ、ノリ、タダス有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
481技 ギ、ワザ
482義 ギ、ヨイ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
483旧 キュウ、フルイ、モト、フルビル有|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
484句 ク、コウ、アタル、マガル有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
485件 ケン、クダリ、クダン有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
486検 ケン、シラベル、アラタメル蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
487個 コ、カ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|
488護 ゴ、マモル、マモリ有|蛇|趣|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
489鉱 コウ、アラガネ有|蛇|趣|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
490講 コウ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
491査 サ、シラベル有|趣|赤|賛|尼|箍|
492在 ザイ、アル、マシマス、イマス有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
493酸 サン、スイ、ツライ蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
494資 シ、タカラ、モト、タスケル、タチ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
495識 シキ、シ、ショク、シル、シルス蛇|赤|尼|箍|
496舎 シャ、ヤド,..有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
497準 ジュン、シュン、セツ、ナゾラエル有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
498序 ジョ、ツイデ、ハシガキ、マナビヤ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
499条 ジョウ、エダ、スジ蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
500状 ジョウ、カタチ,..有|蛇|趣|尼|箍|
501制 セイ、オサエル有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
502政 セイ、ショウ、マツリゴト有|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
503精 セイ、ショウ、シラゲル、クワシイ、モノノケ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
504製 セイ、ツクル有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
505績 セキ、ツムグ、ウム、イサオ蛇|趣|吐|尼|箍|
506祖 ソ、オヤ、ジジ、ハジメ蛇|趣|羌|尼|箍|
507素 ソ、ス、モト、モトヨリ、シロイ有|蛇|趣|尼|
508態 サマ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
508態 ワザト有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
509団 ダン、トン、マルイ、カタマリ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
510提 サゲル,..有|蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|
511銅 ドウ、アカガネ有|蛇|尼|箍|
512徳 トク有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
513判 ハン、ホウ、ワケル蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|
514版 ハン、フダ蛇|趣|吐|尼|
515非 ヒ、ワルイ、ソシル、アラズ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
516評 ヒョウ、ハカル、アゲツラウ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
517婦 フ、オンナ有|蛇|赤|羌|箍|
518武 ブ、ム、タケシ、..有|蛇|羌|尼|箍|
520輸 ユ、オクル、ウツス有|蛇|吐|羌|尼|
521略 リャク、ハカル、..蛇|
522宇 ウ、ノキ、イエ有|蛇|吐|羌|尼|箍|
523我 ガ、ワレ、ワ蛇|赤|吐|尼|
524閣 カク、タナ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
525郷 キョウ、ゴウ、サト有|蛇|趣|赤|民|尼|箍|
526劇 ゲキ、ハゲシイ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
527憲 ケン、ノリ、ノットル趣|羌|尼|箍|
528孝 コウ、タカシ蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|箍|
529紅 コウ、ベニ、クレナイ、アカ尼|箍|
530策 サク、ハカリゴト有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
531私 シ、ワタクシ、ワチシ、ヒソカ蛇|吐|羌|尼|箍|
532詞 シ、コトバ蛇|趣|赤|羌|箍|
533誌 シ、シルス有|蛇|賛|吐|羌|箍|
534磁 ジ、ヤキモノ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|
535尺 シャク、セキ、サシ、モノサシ、ワズカ赤|吐|尼|
536樹 ジュ、キ、ウエル、タテル有|蛇|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
537宗 シュウ、ソウ、ムネ有|蛇|趣|赤|賛|羌|尼|箍|
538衆 シュウ、シュ、オオイ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
539処 ショ、ソ、トコロ、オル、オク蛇|尼|箍|
540署 ショ、ヤクワリ、シルス有|蛇|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
541諸 ショ、モロ、モロモロ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
542将 ショウ、ヒキイル有|赤|羌|尼|箍|
543仁 ジ、ニ、ニン有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
544寸 スン、ワズカ、キ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
545誠 セイ、ジョウ、マコト有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|
546善 ゼン、セン、ヨイ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
547創 ソウ、ツクル、ハジメル、キズ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
548臓 ゾウ、ハラワタ有|蛇|民|羌|尼|箍|
549存 ソン、ゾン、アル、タモツ、ナガラエル、トウ有|蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
550宅 タク、イエ、ヤケ有|蛇|赤|羌|尼|箍|
551段 ダン、タン、キザハシ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
552宙 チュウ、ソラ有|趣|吐|尼|箍|
553庁 チョウ、テイ蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
554賃 チン、ジン、ヤトウ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
555展 テン、ノベル有|蛇|趣|赤|民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
556討 トウ、ウツ、タズネル有|趣|吐|尼|箍|
557党 トウ、ナカマ、ムラ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|
558糖 トウ、アメ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|箍|
559派 ハ、ハイ、ワカレル、ツカワス赤|尼|
560班 ハン、ワケル、カエス有|蛇|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
561批 ヒ、ウツ、タダス蛇|趣|民|羌|尼|
562片 ヘン、カタ、キレ有|蛇|趣|羌|尼|
562'◆脇 ワキ、カタワラ有|趣|赤|吐|羌|
563棒 ボウ、ホウ有|蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|箍|
564枚 マイ、ヒラ有|蛇|趣|赤|吐|羌|尼|箍|
565訳 ヤク、エキ、ワケ、トク趣|赤|民|羌|箍|
566郵 ユウ、シュクバ有|赤|羌|尼|箍|
567翌 ヨク有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
568覧 ラン、ミル民|吐|羌|尼|箍|
569律 リツ、リチ、ノリ、ノットル有|趣|吐|羌|尼|箍|
570論 アゲツラウ蛇|趣|赤|羌|尼|
571山 サン、セン、ヤマ有|蛇|趣|赤|尼|箍|
574令和 レイワ有|蛇|趣|赤|民|羌|尼|箍|
575祈 キ、イノル有|蛇|賛|羌|尼|箍|
576齎 サイ、モタラス有|趣|羌|尼|箍|
577欠片 カケラ有|趣|赤|賛|吐|羌|尼|箍|
578朝 あさ有|蛇|赤|民|吐|尼|箍|
〒tn.last   ここはアンカー名= tn.last です。
Jump to 〒noun (頭へ戻れ)

【後半部の index】一日一善で辞書引きしているが、なかなか終わらない。疲れます。
2020/01/05 に終わった。

Jump to この表の最後    ---- この表の各エントリのアンカー名は、 #n.番号 である。  [n. は、noun 名詞の頭文字]
# 名詞  
◆: 教育漢字外

wheel, vehicle
【趣】ĝišgigir(2) (= : wheel(s); chariot; wagon; coach (reduplicated gur4/gir8, 'to turn, roll') ) クルクル
【有】gomë (= rubber, tire, gum, eraser, wheel, caoutchouc) くーま
【尼】gelinding (= wheel, roller) くるま
【箍】gulong (= wheel, tire, roll, tyre) くるま
【民】cakkaram (= 01 1. circle; 2. wheel, as of a cart, car; 3. potter's wheel; 4. discus, especially of Vis2n2u; missile weapon, sharp-edged and circular;) くるま (c-k)、ちゃくらの
【民】cakkirayAn2am (= wheeled cart) くるま (c-k)
【トカラB】kokale (nm.) ‘cart, wagon, chariot’ (= [kokale, kokalentse ~ koklentse, kokale//kokalyi, -, kokaleṃ (~ kokleṃ)] ṣem kautāte koklentse waiptār pwenta käskānte ‘the wagon's axle broke and the spokes were hurled apart’ (5a2), kokalyi = BHS rathāḥ (5a8). -- kokaleṣṣe ‘prtng to a wagon’ (5a7); kokaletstse ‘provided with a wagon; wagon-traveler’: kokaletstse īyoy sū Prasenacī walo ot ‘then this king P. went traveling provided with a wagon’ [kokaletstse = BHS śākaṭika-] (5a2). ∎TchA kukäl and B kokale reflect PTch *kuk(ä)le from PIE *kwukwlo- from *kwekwlo-. This *kwukwlo- apparently matches Greek kúklos ‘circle, wheel.’ (The semantic development ‘wheel’ > ‘wagon, chariot’ is paralleled by OCS kolo ‘wheel; wagon’ from *kwolo-.) The Tocharian and Greek forms are closely related to, but phonologically distinct from, the *kwekwló- that lies behind Sanskrit cakrá- ‘circle, wheel,’ Old English hwēol ‘wheel,’ Lithuanian kãklas ‘neck’ (< *‘turner’), etc.) コロ
【チベ】'khor sgrom (= car[t], vehicle [IW]) くるま
【蛇】גַּלְגַּל (= whirlwind, wheels, rolling thing, whirling wheels, heaven, wagons, wheel, whirling dust) galgal /gal-gal'/ クルクル
【ギャロン】kʰo’rlu (= wheel) こるー


【賛】pRthuzRGga (= m. a broad-horned species of sheep Bhpr.) ひつじ
【チベ】bzhi gling (= quarter of a slaughtered sheep or goat, one-fourth part of a circle, quadrant 虐殺された羊や山羊の四分の一、円の四分の一、四分円 [JV]) ひつじ、ふつぃ ぐりんぐ  △、スペル滅茶苦茶なので発音予測不能。/zhi ling/ だって、完全に×。
【チベ】shad bzang po /she zang po/ (= sheep skin etc thick and soft [IW]) しぇ つぁん ぽ  △ しつ じ の
c. チャン族(羌 族)の sheep の中に、「ひつじ」が無いのが、そもそも気に入らない。羊の人なのに。
-- goat --
【賛】yajJacchAga (= m. a goat for a sacrifice Mn.) やんぎ
【民】vaRkAli (= 1. goat; 2. sheep) ヤギ
【チベ】ra gu (= kid young goat, kid [JV]) ヤギ (r-y)
【蛇】אַקּוֹ (= wild goat) aqqô /ak-ko/ あっこ、ヤギ


wood, thicket
hubutu ~ (= "thicket 雑木林" Am.; < W.Sem. ) はーし、はやし
【有】pyll (= forest, wood) ぽり、もり (p-m)
【チベ】nags ri (= forested mt [IW]) もり
【賛】mAla (= ; a forest or wood near a village L. ; ) もり(森)
【民】miLai (= 1. wood, forest, serving as a defence; 2. thicket, copse; 3. bush; 4. fenced enclosure; 5. guard, watch)
【賛】vaibhrAja (= m. (fr. %{vi-bhrAj} , or %{vibhrAja}) patr. of Vishvak-sena Hariv. ; N. of a world (also pl.) ib. ; of a mountain Pur. ; m. N. of a celestial grove Hariv. Pur. ; of a lake 湖 in that grove 林、木立 Hariv. ; of a forest MW.) はやし(林) (b 無音)
【賛】viraladruma (= mfn. (a wood) consisting of trees planted 植わっている sparsely まばらに、わずかに Hariv.) はやしの
【民】vayalcUzcOlai (= grove) はやし...
【民】viritURu (= thicket 雑木林) はやし
【蛇】פַּרְדֵּס (= parks, forest, orchard) pardês /par-dace'/ はやし
【チベ】byi'u ‘dzul (= small hole or srubs ka and among forest thickets a mouse can go unobstructedly shar 'dzul skyod byed pa'i dpe [IW] 小さな穴や低木kaと森の茂みの中でマウスは妨げられることなく行くことができますshar 'dzul skyod byed pa'i dpe [IW]) はやし
【民】tillam (= forest, jungle) 森林(しんりん)

【趣】ĝiš, ĝeš (= : n., tree; wood; wooden implement; scepter 〔王権の象徴の〕つえ、笏; tool; organ; plow; natural phenomenon
   (describes a trunk that goes out into many branches and leaves) [GIŠ archaic frequency; 381].
   adj., describes an animal assigned to the plow (sometimes ĝiš-šè).) きしゅ、きぎ
【尼】kayu (= wood, timber, lumber, tree, block, kindling) かゆ
【賛】kuTha (= m. a tree (cf. %{kuTa}) L.) きだ、き
【賛】kuruha (= m. `" growing from the earth 大地から生えている"' , a tree L.) きー
【民】kurukilai (= a tree (TLS)) きぎ
【ギャロン】ʃu (= tree) しゅ
【羌】phuq/ phəq/ ewe/ oggu/ oʁu/ phu/ pu/ si/ səf/ ɑ wo/ ɑʐgu̥/ əgu/ pho (= tree) 
【チベ】sing (= tree) しんぐ △

treasure, jewel
【趣】zadim (= : jeweler; stone cutter (cf., za-dim) [ZADIM archaic frequency; 2]. ) 玉(たま)
【民】cakErA (= store, treasure, hoard 〔金・財宝・食糧などの〕貯蔵、買いだめ。〔知識などの〕蓄積、宝庫) たから (c-t)、さから
【賛】zaGkha (= m. n. conch-shell 巻き貝 (used to blow upon or as ornament 装飾品); m. the temporal bone, temple, one of the treasures of Kubera, N. of an Asura, etc.) たかか、たから、たかー
【チベ】dkor cha (= donation 〔お金などの〕寄付、寄進, charity, offerings, religious offerings, material things offered out of faith, funds, treasury, wealth, gift, monastic property, handout, offering made to the objects of refuge, in a temple or to a monk community or an individual lama, wealth, riches, treasurer, goods, furniture [IW]) たから じゃ
【チベ】dkor pa (= treasurer, one in charge of the endowments 権力の裏書き and properties of a temple 寺 [JV]) たから べ
【チベ】dkar khra men (= kind of jewel kyi rdo gnam sa kha sprod zer ba [IW]) たか ら もん
【蛇】סְגֻלָּה (= peculiar, possession, treasure, special, treasured possession, peculiar treasure, particular treasure, jewel) segûllâh /seg-ool-law'/ せぐら、たから


【賛】Ahata (= mfn. struck , beaten , hit , hurt R.; fastened , fixed RV. ; beaten , caused to sound (as a drum &c.) MBh.) おと
【賛】AT (= ind. a croak (imitation of the sound uttered by a frog) Ta1n2d2yaBr.) おと
【民】Otai (= 01 1. sound, noise; clamour, din; 2. sound of a letter) おと
【チベ】'ur dir dir /ur dir dir/ (= crowd sound [IW]) うぁ でぃる でぃる △, ×
【チベ】 a'ur dir dir /aur dir dir/ (= crowd sound [many people speaking] [IW]) おと
c. チベット語のこの「おと」は、意味的には、×。たまたま、発音が似ていただけ。チベット語では、単純な意味での sound は、「おと」とは発音しない。下記。つまり、日本語とは、毛色が異なる。
【チベ】སྙན་པོ (snyan po) /nyen po/ (= pleasant (sound))
【チベ】སྒྲ (sgra) /dra/ (= sound)
-- 音(ね)--
mummu IV (= "noise"? jB )
【民】maNi (= ; 26. bell; 27. sound, as of bell, gong, etc.; ) 音(ね)
power, strength, force

【趣】zag-še(3); zag-ša4 (= : strength; bed ('limit' + 'to the'). ) ちかしぇー
zaqu ~ (= "arm, strength"? jB lex.; < Sum. ) ちか
zaqapu(m), saqdpu, also zakdpu (= 2. transf. "set up, strengthen" the weak ) ちかぷ
【賛】zakra (= a. powerful, mighty, strong; m. E. of Indra.) ちくら、ちから
【賛】zakratva (= n. Indra's power or dignity 威厳 MBh.) ちくらとば
【賛】zaktikara (= a. giving strength.) ちから (t 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664723655/power △ スペル滅茶苦茶で、どれが該当するか判別不可能。バカ言語。 ページに飛んだら、Ctrl+F で power と入れて。検索文字 power を黄色でハイライト化させよ。
--- チベット語がスペルめちゃくちゃ、な、バカ言語であることを体感してください。苦痛を味わうダケ。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667149789/strength △ 同上。
【蛇】תְּקָף (= strength, might) teqôph /tek-ofe'/ ちかふぇ
【羌】tiaχpəχ , tʂɑqpi (= (to) force) ちかぴ
【トルコ語】takât (= power) ちかっと
【アゼルバイジャン語】taqət (= strength, force) ちかっと
【ギャロン語】tə' xʃet (= strength (#205)) たくしぇ  80% の地区で使用されている。
【ギャロン語】tə' ngli (= strength (#205)) てんぐり、ちから (n 無音)   2地区のみ

【羌】gəqu/ goqu/ guqu/ guquəɹ/ ku/ dʐə le lɑ dʐə le/ guɹqu (= power or strength) 強(きょう)、きつい、元気 (+ん)
【羌】gəqu/ quq / goqu/ guqu/ guquəɹ/ ku/ kuk/ mæʂmætshe/ mɑptshi/ tiaχpəχ/ tʂɑqpi / dʐə le lɑ dʐə le/ guɹqu/ ku tɑo (= force or [(to) force])
kissutu (= "exercise of power, authority" M/NB, NA [SU; KIS] k. sabdtulepesulbelu "to seize/exercise/take control of power"; dl k. "capital city"; of king "personal authority"; < kasdsu I ) きつい
gasru(m), M/NA gesru (= "very strong, powerful" Bab., M/NA(lit.) of deity, king, lion; weapon; imuq(i) g. "great strength"; < gasdru; > Gasrdnu, gasrutu) きつい
【トルコ】kuvvet (= force, strength, potency, power, vigor, zing) きょう、こわい
【トルコ】güç (= power, strength, force, capacity, ability, energy) くちぃー、きつい
【カザフ】күш /küş/ (= force, power, strength, energy, impulse, might) くしゃ、きつい
【モンゴル】хүч /khüch/ (= force) くち、きつい

espu(m) (= "doubled" jB "twin" of metal vessels; "twined" of thread; "double" of onions; OB ext. of trachea; < esepu ) いとぷ
【尼】utas (= thread, cord, rope, wisp) うと
【民】iraTTu (= 02 1. doubleness; 2. dungaree, as double-threaded cloth; sackcloth; 3. noise, vibrating sound) いと
【民】Irizai (= double thread used in weaving, as in muslin)
【賛】aMzu (= m. a filament (especially of the Soma plant) ; a kind of Soma libation S3Br. ; thread ; end of a thread , a minute particle [1,2] ; a point , end ; array , sunbeam ; cloth L. ; N. of a R2ishi RV.; of an ancient Vedic teacher , son of a Dhanam2jaya VBr. ; of a prince.)
【羌】vei desh (= (to) thread a needle 針に糸を通す)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/thread △ スペル滅茶苦茶、判定不能。
c. 【ギャロン】には、皆無。

c. 何で「気」が小学校一年生の漢字なの。
【有】gjendje shpirtërore (= frame of mind, spiritual state, humour, state of mind 心の状態, humor, spirit) 気持ち スピリッテーレ
【賛】kha (= 3 n. (%{khan}) a cavity , hollow , cave , cavern , aperture 〔狭い〕隙間、開口部 RV. ; an aperture of the human body 人体の開口部 (of which there are nine , viz. the mouth , the two ears , the two eyes , the two nostrils , and the organs of excretion and generation) AV. ; (hence) an organ of sense BhP. ; (in anat.) the glottis W. ; `" the hole made by an arrow "' , wound Mn. ; the hole in the nave of a wheel through which the axis runs RV. ; vacuity , empty space 空間, air , ether エーテル, sky 空 S3Br. ; heaven L. ; Brahma (the Supreme Spirit) W. ; )
【民】kARRu (= 02 1. air 空気, wind 風; 2. breath 息; 3. gas generated in bowels おなら, by indigestion, etc, flatulence; 4. ghost 幽霊, apparition 〔超自然的な〕幻、亡霊、幽霊, spectre 幽霊、亡霊、妖怪, spirit) かー、けー、き
【チベ】ki ki (= shout, cry, hortative 勧告的な、奨励の、激励の utterance 発音、発声 in the invocation of spirits, gods 霊の呼出しにおける園芸的発話 [RY]) きっ きっ

【趣】uttu (= [LOG] wr. uttux(|TAG×KU|); uttu "a log, beam of a weaving utensil" Akk. uddu) あぜ  ペンシルバニア大
【趣】adus (= [PLANK 厚板] (5x: Old Akkadian, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ad-us2 "plank, beam" Akk. amatu; aduššu) あぜ  ペンシルバニア大
isu(m), issu, Ass. e(s)su(m)(= ; pi. m. issu, OA also f. "tree; wood" [GIS] 1. "tree", /'. kiri "orchard- tree", 1. bilti "fruit-bearing tree", i. sadi "mountain tree(s)"; Nuzi "woodland, grove" 2. "wood, timber", "(piece of) wood" ref. to house-beam, "(shaft of) weapon, stake", "fetter"; "firewood"; * izqatu; kdtimisi Isu wisum ) あぜ
uddu (= (a log, beam) jB; < Sum.? ) あぜ
【有】rreze (= radius, ray, beam, gleam, flicker, shaft) あぜ
【賛】asira (= m. (2. %{as}) , `" an arrow 矢"' , a beam 《建築》はり、桁, ray RV.) あぜ
【チベ】'od zer (= rays of light; rays of light, light rays, light, luminous rays; radiance; light ray/ beam; light ray, ray, beam of light, light, radiance [RY]) あぜ
cf. 正倉院の「校倉造」は外国のモノ (Copyright | 埼玉のリフォームなら株式会社リ・モデル)
 校倉造りが行われている所をみると、主に比較的寒冷な常緑針葉樹林帯であって、木材が大量に得られる地域です。住居の建築材として考えた場合、木材は多く必要ですが、壁が厚く暖房に向いているためであることが読み取れます。  その点でいえば、日本の場合は多く造られた地方が寒冷地というわけではなく、校倉造りは通風や採光用のための開口部がつくりにくいということで、湿気の多い日本では合わなかったといわれています。


【趣】zíz-babbar (= : white emmer wheat 大麦 ('emmer wheat' + 'white').) しろ (b 無音)
【趣】zabar[UD.KA.BAR] (= : bronze (zil; zi; zé, 'to pare, cut', + bar6, 'bright, white'; Akk. siparrum, 'bronze' borrowed before vowel harmony changed Sumerian word; cf., barzil, 'iron') ) しろ (b 無音)
surru(m) I (= "obsidian, flint" Bab., MA [NA4.ZU] for ornament; black, white, yellow/green vari- eties; as blade; s. kure "kiln (i.e. artificial) .v."; (a kind of glaze); > surranitu; surtu ) しろ
zisurru (= "magic circle" M/jB [zi.SUR.RA] of flour 粉, whitewash; < Sum. ) しろ
【賛】zubhra (= a. beautiful, shining, white, pure, clear (also of sounds).) or (= mf(%{A4}) n. radiant , shining , beautiful , splendid RV. ; clear , spotless (as fame) Pan5cat. ; bright-coloured , white Mn. ; m. white (the colour) L. ;) しろ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668987611/white △ 。バカ言語。判別不能。

shellfish, shell
【賛】khura (= m. a hoof 〔馬や鹿などの〕ひづめ◆奇蹄目や偶蹄目の足先の固い爪。, horse's hoof Ka1tyS3r. Mn. &c. (ifc. f. %{A} [g. %{kroDA7di}] MBh. i Hcat. ; once %{I} , i) ; a particular part of the foot of a bedstead VarBr2S. ; a sort of perfume (dried shellfish shaped like a hoof ひづめ様な形の貝の匂い) L. ; (for %{kSura4}) a razor L. ; (%{I}) f. g. %{bahv-Adi} (not in Ka1s3. and g. %{zoNA7di}).) かい
【民】kauri (= 02 cowry, small white or yellow shell, used as a coin コイン in some parts of India, cypraea mometa) かい
【チベ】kog pa (= cover, envelope, shell, peel, rind, bark, peel, pare splinter off, chink [IW]) こぐ ぱ  △
c. http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/shell を見る限り、チベット語で shell のメインは「貝」系の発音では無い。つまり、チベット語では、貝のことを「かい」とは呼ばない。

kustu, kultu (= (a kind of grass) M/jB ) くさ
【賛】kuza (= m. grass S3Br. ; (the Bra1hman2as commonly call it %{darbha4}) ; the sacred grass used at certain religious ceremonies (Poa cynosuroides , a grass with long pointed stalks) Mn. ;) くさ コチラは、一般名称
【チベ】ku sha (= sacred grass 神聖な草 used in certain religious ceremonies, poa cynosuroides, grass with long stalks and numerous pointed leaves, a city [JV]) くさ(草)  草全般の一般名称では無く、特定の草の様。
【羌】xʂəp (= grass) くしゃぷ
【ギャロン】'katsa (= grass (#1398)) かゃつぁ、がつ、がつぉ、...
c. 【ギャロン】には、'katsa かゃつぁ、系の地区が沢山ある(実 audio 聴いてみて)。しかし、「くさ」と発音している地区は皆無。面白い。→ つまり、日本語のご先祖とは、大昔に枝分かれして、発音は、違う方向へ飛んだ。
c. ギャロン地区に一人だけ、変なのが居て、「草」を「かちゃ/かち/がち」と言わず「木(き)」と言っている。
【ギャロン】kʰxi (= grass (#1398) @ Jinchuan Erkai 金川二楷 ri ṣe) 木(き)
【蛇】חָצִיר (= plant, hay, grass, herb, leeks) châtsı̂yr /khaw-tseer'/ かうつぃーあ
【ウズベグ】ko'kat (= grass, herbage, verdure) こかっと

【賛】saMvatsara (= m. (rarely n. ; cf. %{pari-v-}) a full year , a year (having 12 [TS.] or 13 [VS.] months or 360 days [S3Br. AitBr. Sus3r.] ; %{am} , `" for a year ; %{eNa} `" after or in course of a year "' ; %{e} or %{asya} , after or within a year "') RV. ; a year of the Vikrama era (see above ; %{varSa} is used for the %{zaka}) the first in a cycle of five or six years TS. ; the Year personified (having the new and full moon for eyes and presiding over the seasons) TS.) とし
【賛】saMvat (= 2 abbrev. for {saMvatsare} in the year (of Vikrama's era, 56 B.C.).) とし
項番336 no 年 ネン、とし、とせ year」

head, top
【趣】saĝ, sa12 (= : head; point; leader; present, gift; slave; human, individual (sá, 'to equal'; sa4, 'to name', + ĝe26, ĝá, myself)
   adj., first 最初, first-class, prime.
   prep., in front 前、先頭. ) さき  
【賛】zekhara (= m. peak, point, summit, head, crest, garland, crown, diadem 〔王権の象徴としての〕王冠; the chief or best of (---).) さき、さきっぽ
【賛】sazikhara (= mfn. having a top (as a tree) R.) さきっぽの
【チベ】thog (= uppermost, about, with regard to, on, on top of, up, above, over, roof, cover, top, architectural summit, fruit, produce, fortune, wealth, property, red fruit, head, thunderbolt, lightning, grind, weave, SA 'thags pa, 'thag pa, the “on” function, the “via” function, the “in addition to” *function, the “when” function, the “concerning” function, lightning, roof, at the level of, eleven, exactly in the very [JV]) さき
【羌】stiq/ sti kə (= head) さき
【ギャロン】taku (= head) たく、たこ
【モンゴル】таг /tag/ (= lid 蓋, top, hatch) たく、さき

スワデシュ・リスト 207 個の単語の検証(鑑定) [日本語]の #38 人(ひと) を参照。

スワデシュ・リスト 207 個の単語の検証(鑑定) [日本語]の #150  水(みず) を参照。
【賛】srotyA (= f. flowing ★water , a wave , surge , stream , river RV.) 水(すい)

【賛】anavattva (= n. the state of being endowed with breath or life) いのち (v 無音)
【賛】anipAta (= m. (not a fall) , continuance of life.) いのち (p 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662197385/life なし。自分で確認してみて。
【蛇】אֱנוֹשׁ (= mortal, merchantmen, life, mankind, scoffers, men, man, advisers, scorners, ordinary, husbands, mortal man, misc, some, certain, soldiers, man's, friends, persons) 'ĕnôsh /en-oshe'/ いのしぇ、いのち (sh-ch)

village, hamlet
【民】muRi (= 03 1. piece; 2. half; 3. broken half of a cocoaunt; 4. deed, written bond; 5. receipt written on a piece of ola; 6. piece of cloth; 7. rough cloth; 8. sprout, shoot; 9. tender leaf; 10. leaf; 11. part of a village or town; 12. room; 13. corner; 14. alloy of a superior quality, especially bell-metal) むら
【民】majaRA (= hamlet 〈米〉〔村内の〕集落◆通例、行政単位ではない。〈英〉〔教会を持たない〕村落。ハムレット。, outlying hamlet) むら
http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/hamlet 皆無
【チベ】nyal po (= village, coition 性交 [JV]) にゃる ぽ △, ×
【民】vATi (= 02 1. garden; 2. wall; 3. courtyard; 4. house; 5. fish-curing yard; 6. ★village, hamlet; 8. hut of bamboo and grass, of ka1n2i-k-ka1rar ; 9. enlosure, fenced place; 10. yard, shed where firewood is stored for sale) おち(落)、まち(町) (v-m)
【民】ciRukuTi (= 1. ★village in a hilly tract; 2. small ★village; 3. poor family 1.丘陵地帯の村; 2.小さな村。 3.貧しい家族)  しゅうらくダ(集落ダ)、集落地(しゅうらくち)
【賛】sadvasatha (= m. a ★village L. (w.r. for %{saMv-}).) さと(里)
【民】maujA (= 1. chief ★village, its lands and habitations; 2. hamlet) まち(町)
【民】nattam (= 01 1. growth; 2. town, ★village; 3. residential portion of a ★village; 4. portion of a ★village inhabited by the non-Brahmins, opp. to akkiraka1ram ; 5. land reserved as house-sites; 6. place, site; 7. plantain; 8. reflexed-petalled giant swallow-wort.; 9. gnomon) まちの

town, city

mahazu(m) (or mdhazu), occas. mahzu (= 'place of taking' [KI.SU.PES5] 1. "shrine 神社, cultic centre カルトセンター"; "(market 市場) town"; OAkk also a PIN; Nuzi "quay" 2. jB ~ "spring, basin"; < ahdzu; > mahazis ) まち
【民】muTTam (= 01 1. village, town; 2. side, slope; 3. crow) 町の
【チベ】mthil (= depth, base, bottom, sole, middle, SA dkyil, bottom, lowermost part, the depths, hollow part of anything, center, principal part of a town, chief place, fundamental point, final goal, main point [JV]) まちる
【チベ】me cu ru di (= open town in india during buddha’s life [JV]) ま ち る だ
【賛】mahArathyA (= f. (ifc. f. %{A}) a great street , high street (with %{purI} , a city having large streets 大通りを持つ市) MBh. ) 街(まち)、まはーらちや

【尼】kaca muka (= mirror) かがみか
【民】kaRkam (= 02 1. water jar; 2. white horse; 3. fire; 4. mirror (TLS)) かがみ
【賛】karkara (= mf(%{A})n. (perhaps connected with %{karka}) hard , firm Gi1t. ; m. a bone L. ; a hammer L. ; a mirror L. (cf. %{karphara}) ; ) かがみ (r-m)
【チベ】gzugs brnyan (= 1) statue sku 'dra [syn: sku brnyan, sku 'dra, 'dra sku, 'dra dbyibs, lder bzo, snang brnyan, gzugs dbyibs]; 2) [mirror] reflection 反射、鏡映; 3) mtshungs pa gsal byed kyi sgra zhig ste 'dra ba,/ reflection, image, facade, representation, reflected image, manifestation, picture [IW]) かが みの

muserittu * museridum uiusertu(m) (= 1. Mari "overlooking window"; also "overlooking" in jB apti m. 2. jB 'she who leans in' (name of a demon); < surru ) まど
nappasu, nampasu (= "air hole 空気穴" Ug., j/NB 1. lex. "venthole" of an oven; "opening" in a wall, canal 2. (a type of) "window" 3. "nasal open- ing"; < napdsu I ) まど
【賛】muNDita (= mfn. shaved , bald , shorn , lopped Ka1v. Hit. ; (%{A}) f. a window Gal. ; n. iron L.) まど (N 無音)
【民】nUzai (= 1. postern; 2. chink, hole 孔、空洞, bore; 3. a kind of lattice-window 格子窓; 4. cave; 5. acuteness, fineness, minuteness) まど
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669034534/window 皆無
【蛇】מֶחֱזָה (= light, window) mechĕzâh /mekh-ez-aw'/ めくぞー
【羌】wəndu (= window) わんどう、まんど (w-m)

source, origin
maru(m), OAkk, Ass. mar'u(m), OA mostly mer'um, jB also mem, Nuzi also nam (= "son, descendant; boy" [DUMU; later often A, in col. PES.GAL] 1. m. sehrulrabu "younger/elder son"; Nuzi "adopted son"; mar mdri(m) みなもと (r-n)"grandson 孫"; mar ahi(m), ahdti(m) "nephew"; mar sarri(m) "prince", NA "crown prince", mdr-sarrutu "status of crown prince" 2. of social or geographical origin 社会的・地理学的起源:) みなも、みなもと
【箍】ninuno (= ancestor 先祖, forefather, sire, progenitor, forbear, origin) みなも
【民】mutan2maTai (= 1. head of a water-channel 水路の頭; 2. field near the head of an irrigation source 灌漑の水源の頭の近くの原) みなもと (t 無音)、みずもと
【賛】mUlIbhUta (= mfn. become a root 根, become a source or origin 起源 MW.) むりーぶーた、もなもーと (l-n, b-m)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666844844/source 疲れる。 https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663880259/origin 勝手に、さがして。
【チベ】'byung gnas (= source, origin; mine 〔地中または地表の〕鉱床 [RY]) みなもと (b-m, s-t)
【蛇】makor, motza (= source) まこーる、もと
【蛇】min, minnı̂y, minnêy /min, min-nee', min-nay'/ (= origin) みな
c. 冗談抜きで、私には、 「月氏(げっし、がつし)」 が 「源氏(げんじ)」 に音感的に見える。

【賛】kozakAra (= m. one who makes scabbards 〔刀などの〕鞘 or cases ケース or boxes 箱, (%{kauzi-k-} Hariv. ) ; (f. %{I4}) VS.; a compiler of a dictionary , lexicographer Ra1matUp. ; the silkworm (or the insect while in its cocoon 繭(まゆ)W.) かいこー (z-y)
【賛】kozakAraka (= m. a silkworm Ya1jn5. ; (%{ikA}) f. a female bee Gal. ; N. of a collection of Ga1tha1 verses (ascribed to Vasubandhu) Buddh.) こつぁかーいこ (ra-yi)  
【民】kOcAkArappuzu (= silkworm (TLS)) こーさーかーらぷっず(こさ殻虫 ? )、かいこむし
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/silkworm 皆無
c. silkworm は、ヘブライ、チャン、ギャロン、トカラ語B、の辞書には未登録単語。バカ辞書達である。 ∵ 2語単語
c. silkworm のトルコ、ウズベク語は、ipak qurti 「いぱっく くるち」で、「qurti くるち」、が、「かいこ」似。しかし、インド弁には及ばない (?)。
c. 韓国語は、nu 누 e 에 (ヌエ)、で、「かいこ」とは全く異なっていた。
c. Google 翻訳で、世界の言葉をチェックしたが、 silkworm で「かいこ」似発音は、トルコ系の qurti 以外、皆無だった。
c. koza の意味は、下記。 【英】case ケース、に対応。
【賛】koza (= m. cask, bucket バケツ、手おけ (fig. of a cloud 雲), box 箱, chest 〔蓋付きの頑丈な〕収納箱, inner part of a carriage, sheath, scabbard, case, cover; ball, globe (---); bud, seed-cup (esp. of the lotus plant); pod, husk, shell 殻、貝(かい); cocoon まゆ, womb, scrotum; store-room, treasury; treasure 宝, dictionary, anthology.) こつぁ
cf. カイコ (wikipedia)

結論:蚕(カイコ)は、インド弁 (多分)

つまり、今現在、 silkworm のことを「かいこ」と呼んでいる言語は、日本語とインド弁のみです。他の言語は、変容してしまって、痕跡がもう無い。
c. cocoon 繭の「まゆ」は、調べたが、不明。誰か、決着付けて下さい。
c. カイコって、インド弁で「ハタ虫」、つまり、パタパタ虫、蝶々虫、って言うのだけれど、秦氏と関係しない?。
河勝(かわかつ)の名前も、【賛】kozakAra  かつかわ、の feeling が有るのだけれども。
【民】paTTuppUcci (= silkworm, bombax mori) はた虫

【賛】[S#2084] kozaka  (= m. an egg , testicle 睾丸 L. ; (%{ikA}) f. a drinking-vessel L. ; (%{am}) n. case , receptacle of (in comp.) Ma1rkP.) 卵(かひこ)(z-i)  〇
c. 万9-1755; 鴬の 卵(かひこ)の中に 霍公鳥 独り生れて〜
cf. #694 鴬の生卵の中に 霍公鳥 独り生れて ・・・  【漢字】鴬《うぐひす》、霍公鳥《ほととぎす》。托卵
c. 「ウグイス」、「ホトトギス」探し。 → インド弁に有った。
【賛】agAtR (= %{tA} m. a bad singer Ta1n2d2yaBr.) おごよす、うぐいす、うぐゆす 
【民】akavunar (= 1. dancers; 2. singers) おごよな → おごよす (n-s)、うぐゆす (n-s) 
【賛】vasantaghoSa (= or m. `" singing in spring "' , the Koil or Indian cuckoo L.) ホトトギス 
c. 【十津川弁】うぐゆす (= 鴬[うぐいす])。【魚津弁】オゴヨス (= うぐいす)
c. 英辞郎でウグイスは、diphone, warbler。
しかし、ケルン大・インド辞書に diphone は、未登録。 warbler 【《鳥》ムシクイ さえずるように歌う人】は、pATi (= 02 1. singer, warbler;) だが、pATi は音が似ていない。
そこで、 singer で引いたら、上記があった。--- 信憑性ゼロ
c. 英辞郎でホトトギスは、Cuculus poliocephalus《鳥》〔学名〕。little cuckoo。 なので、cuckoo で攻めたら、当たり。--- なので、信憑性ゼロでは無い。
c. インド弁にあるので、チベット語にも有るハズ。 → 有った。
【チベ】bya rog gsos (= cuckoo [IW]) ひよこ ギス
【チベ】mig mdzes (= cuckoo [IW]) ウグイス (m-w)
【チベ】kug kug (= cuckoo, bent, curved [IW]) カッコー
滅茶苦茶スペルに、暗号ルールを見つけると、「ホトトギス」も誘導できる。--- ガンバって。
・現在のチベット語は、時間的に、途中から滅茶苦茶(独自)路線を歩み出した。なので、インド弁や日本語から少しズレている(乖離[かいり]している)。なので、チベット語を follow するのはかなり疲れる。
figure, shape
【賛】sAkAra (= mf(%{A}) n. having form , having any shape or definite figure , Kathals Sarvad. ; having a fair form , beautiful (%{am} ind , ) Hariv. ) すがた (r-t)
【賛】sugAtra (= mf(%{I})n. fair-limbed , graceful Katha1s. ; (%{I}) f. a beautiful woman Vcar. ; (%{am}) n. a fine or graceful figure MW.) すがた、すげーだや
【賛】takS, takSati, -te, takSNoti (= , & {tASTi}, pp. {taSTa3} hew, cut, [[-,]] work, fashion, make, invent. -- {anu} procure, get. {apa} split or cut off. {A} produce, procure. {ud} fashion out of (abl.). {nis} shape or form. {pra} fashion, make. {vi=apa}. {sam} = S. (ntogether). -- Cf. {vi3taSTa}.) すがた (t-s)
【チベ】sku tshabs (= image [statue], representative image / figure [RY]) すがた
【チベ】dzu (= figure 79 [JV]) 図(ず)
c. チベット語に「図」が有るのは、面白い。インド弁にも無いか見たが、figure では見つからなかった。が、 picture に有る。ので、もう一回見たら、 figure にも有った。
【民】tITTu-tal (= 01 1. to whet, as a weapon; to sharpen or rub knives on a board; 2. to purity, polish; 3. to remove bran and polish, as a rice by pounding; 4. to rub, smear, anoint; 5. to smooth, as the hair; 6. to write, inscribe; 7. to paint, draw pictures; 8. to express; 9. to belabour, thrash) 図、つつ
【民】taTTu (= ; 40. perforated tin stencil for drawing ornamental figures; ) 図、つつ

form, style
【有】gjendje (= situation, state, condition, position, shape, status) かたち
【箍】korte (= court, shape, mold, sovereign and his retinue, mould 鋳型(いがた)) かた、かたち
【尼】kondisi (= condition, shape, form, trim) かたち
【賛】kASThA (= ; form 形, form of appearance 外観 BhP.) かたち、型(かた)
【民】kasarattu (= physical exercise 体操, a form of indian gymnastics インドの 体育の形) かたつ (s-t)
c. インド弁の style には、ズバリ「かたち」似は無かった。 why?

vertical, perpendicular
【趣】si sa (= [STRAIGHTEN] (410x: ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Lagash II, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian, Middle Babylonian) wr. si sa2; si si-sa2 "to make straight; to make vertical" Akk. ešēru; šutēšuru) たて (s-t, s-t)  ペンシルバニア大
【尼】dr atas (= vertical) たて
【賛】saMdhi (= mfn. containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c. TBr. ;; ; (in mensuration 測定(法)) the connecting link of a perpendicular 垂直 ib. ; ) たて (s-t, M 無音)
【チベ】shad (= straight, perpendicular, punctuation mark, the vertical line marking the end of clauses, bull [JV]) たて (sh-t)
【羌】ethiʂ/ tutshu/ təsu̥/ təsw/ tətshu̥/ tətʂhə/ tə ʐei zə/ tətʂ (= vertical) たて  ◎ スバラシイ
【羌】təs/ təsu̥/ təsw/ təts/ tətshu/ tətshu̥/ tətsu/ ʐei ʐei (= vertically) たて
c. ギャロン語辞書には、vertical, perpendicular 未登録。ボロ。
【トルコ】dikey cizgi (= vertical, perpendicular) ちょっきり 垂直

【民】vilagku (= 02 1. that which is transverse 横の、横断する、横断の。《数学》横軸の, across or crosswise; 2. beast or bird, as having their bodies not erect 直立していない but horizontal 水平・横方向;) よこ (l 無音)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/horizontal 「よこ」は多分、無い。「平た〜」は、有る。
c. ギャロン語辞書には、horizontal 未登録。ボロ。 ---- と、言うか、作者バカ。
【尼】miring (= sloping, oblique, skewed, slant, skew, sideways) ななめ
【民】num (= the form which ni1yir , the second personal pronoun plural, assumes in oblique cases; the infix which elli1rum takes in oblique cases, as) なな
【賛】vAma (= 3 mf(%{A})n. (perhaps originally identical with 2. above) left , not right , being or situated on the left side S3Br. (the quivering of the left eye or arm is supposed to be a good omen in women and of the left arm a bad omen in men) ; reverse , adverse , contrary , opposite , unfavourable Ka1v. ; crooked , oblique (%{am} ind. sideways) BhP. ;) なーめ (v-n)、ひね

pond, pool
【趣】a-ga-am, a-ga-àm, a-ga-mu-um (= : artificial pond 人工池 - a large, marshy, and permanent or semi-permanent lake used as a reservoir to dispose of flood waters (prob. Akk. loanword).) いけむ、いけ (m 無音)
c. Akk. loanword と有るが、Black のアッカド語辞書には無い。シカゴ語辞書には多分ある。
【有】pellg (= pond, pool, puddle, cesspool, mere, lake) いけ (p 無音)
【賛】icikila (= m. a pond ; mud , mire L.) いけ
【チベ】lteng ka (= pool, pond; pond/ pool [RY]) いけ (l-i)
【チベ】rdzing (= pool/ pond/ reservoir 貯め池、貯水池、貯留層 [RB]) いけ
c. 基本的に、チベット語は、スペル滅茶苦茶な、バカ言語。
c. ギャロン語 DB には単語未登録。
【蛇】אֲגַם /agam/ (= pond) いけむ
warehouse, granary 穀物倉, storehouse

【趣】guru7, gur7, kara6 (= : grain heap; granary, silo; a capacity measure, ca. 909 liters (cf., gur, 'basket'). guru8, gur8 ) くら
【趣】kala3,4,5, gala3,4,5 (= : store-pit; cellar (cf., ki-lal/la, 'cellar granary, silo' with vowel harmony). ) くら
karu(m) I, qaru (= ; MA ace. karu' a, gen. karu'e "grain-heap, grain-store" [GUR7]; bit k. "granary"; OB also as capacity measure (= 3,600 kur); j/NB (g's)/t. "hold" on boat; NB, of property held in common; < Sum.; > karattu ) くら
【賛】khala (= 1 m. threshing floor, granary; oil-cake (also {I} f.).) くら
【賛】bhANDAgAra (= n. store-, treasure-, or warehouse; {-rika} m. the overseer of such a house, treasurer.) ばんだ・ぐら
【民】carakkaRai (= 1. storehouse; 2. treasury; 3. jewel-house) くらくら
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/granary バカ言語である。
【蛇】מַמְּגוּרָה /mam'gurah/ (= granary) まむ・くら

department, section, division, chamber
za'izanu (= (an overseer 教区の民生委員 of legal divisions) Nuzi; < zdzu ) つっつぁね
【有】divizion (= division) つぼね (z 無音)
【箍】dibisyon (= division, partition) つぼね (sy 無音)
【民】tivAn2 (= 1. primeminister 首相, chief officer of a native state; 2. head officer of the revenue or financial department) つぼね
【賛】samApana (= mfn. (in some meanings fr. Caus.) accomplishing , completing , concluding Kaus3. MBh. ; (%{A}) f. highest degree , perfection MBh. ; n. the act of causing to complete or completing , completion , conclusion Br. ; coming to an end , dissolution , destruction (of the body) MBh. ; section 節, chapter , division 〔行政や企業の〕部、局、課 (of a book) Ma1rkP. ; profound meditation (= %{samAdhAna}) L.) つぼね
c. division 辺が、当たり、の様である。 --- (s 無音) で、元々、「つヴぉね」。
【チベ】spung sde (= division [JV]) つぼね した

【賛】vicchandaka (= m. a building consisting of several stories and surrounded by a portico , a palace or temple 複数階からなり、柱廊、宮殿、または寺院に囲まれた建物 L.) やかたか (n 無音)、やけに高い
[T#2093] taTTu (= ; 30. upper storey of a building; ) 館(たち)
万17-3943 前; 八月(はつき)の七日(なぬか)の夜、守大伴宿禰家持が館(たち)に集ひて宴する歌
【チベ】rgya chen dpangs mtho (= 1) large tall house/building; 2) of great extent and 'bor mang ba [IW]) やかた、やけに高いみたい
【チベ】'ja’ gdeg (= jacking 〜を引き上げる、高める up roof of building while renovating 〔古い建物・部屋・家具などを〕修理[修繕・改装・改修・復元・リフォーム]する、新しくする walls [IW]) やかたぐ
【ギャロン】ju’kaptusi ゆがとし、ju’kaβtu ゆがとぅ (= build (a house) (vt) (#425)) やかた (j-y)
c. ギャロン語の単語をクリックして audio 発音を聴いてみて下さい。

【民】maNTi (= 03 1. large grain market; 2. shop, stall, warehouse; large shop where things are sold wholesale or in a large quantities) 店 (N 無音)
【チベ】nyo cha (= shopping [JV]) みせ


【趣26-3 vessel】ursub (= [VESSEL] wr. dugursub2; ursub; dugursub "a vessel" Akk. urşuppu) 器(うつは) (rs-t, b-h) ◎
【趣26. vessel】manhara (= [VESSEL] (14x: Ur III) wr. ma-an-hara4; ma-hara4; ma-an-harax(|DAG.KISIM5×GA|); nam-hara4 "a beer vessel; a part of a chariot" Akk. harû; namharu) 器(もひ) ◎
【趣26-2 cup】muh (= [CUP] wr. muh3 "a cup or bowl") 器(もひ) ◎
c. mug マグカップ と同系。
ursuppu, ursuppu (= (a vessel with knobs 取っ手付き器) jB lex. ) うつわ、うつは
nahbu, nahabu (= (a drinking vessel) M/NB, NA; NB sa nahbesu (a drinks vendor) as family ) もひ
【尼】wadah (= container, vessel, receptacle, crock) うつわ、もたひ (w-m)
【賛】AdhAra (= m. support , prop , stay , substratum ; the power of sustaining , or the support given , aid , patronage AV. ; that which contains (a fluid &c.) , a vessel , receptacle Ya1jn5.;) うつわ (r-w)
【賛】azvattha (= m. (%{ttha-stha} , under which horses stand "') the holy fig tree , Ficus Religiosa AV.; a vessel made of its wood 〜 ) うつわだ
【民】maNTai (= 01 1. head; 2. skull, cranium, brain-pan; 3. top portion, as of palms; 4. mendicant's begging bowl; 5. earthen 土製 vessel; 6. a standard of measure) もたい (N 無音)
【賛】mahAvIra (= m. a great hero RV. ; ; sacrificial 奉納用 fire BhP. ; a sacrificial vessel S3Br. ;) もひ (r 無音)
【民】navvi (= 02 boat, vessel, ship, dhoney) もひ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668670776/vessel 捜したい人は、頑張って。(疲れるのみ。)
【蛇】נֵבֶל (= harp, jugs, harps, variant, jars, water jars, psalteries, viol, bottle, pitchers, jug, vessel, flagons, jar) nebel, nêbel /neh'-bel, nay'-bel/ もひ (l 無音)
【蛇】חֶרֶשׂ (= stone, earthenware, earthen vessel, earthenware vessel, earthenware vessel the vessels, potsherds, potsherd, fragments, sherd, earthen, earth) chereś /kheh'-res/ 唐津(からつ)
c. 富山弁は、陶磁器を「せともの・瀬戸物」と言わない。「からつ・唐津」と呼ぶ。
【魚】カラツモン  陶磁器
【賛】kaulAlaka (= n. anything made by a potter , earthenware , porcelain 陶磁器 Pa1n2.) かららか → からつか (l-t)
c. 私は富山の岩瀬にいたが、瀬戸物は「唐津(からつ)」と皆呼んでいた。岩瀬は海岸なので、魚津弁似も多いのかも知れない。
c. てっきり瀬戸に対抗して、「唐津」と思っていたが、インド辞書を引くと似た発音が有った。なので、今までの私の、唐津との思い込みは誤りだったのかも知れない。富山県人が「唐津」と呼んでいたのは、素直にインド弁だったのかもしれない。
【魚】カーラケ   素焼きの陶器
【賛】kaulAlaka (= n. anything made by a potter , earthenware , porcelain 陶磁器 Pa1n2.) かーらけ、かららか → からつか (l-t)
【賛】kaulAla (= m. (Ved. = %{ku4l-} Pa1n2.) a potter 陶器職人、陶工、焼き物師、陶芸家 [`" the son of a potter "' Comm.] VS. ; (%{am}) n. (fr. %{ku4l-}) , potter's ware , pottery 陶器 A1s3vGr2.) かーらけ (l-k)
【民】kuyilAyam (= 02 pottery, potter's worshop) かーらけの (y-k)
c. 富山弁の「唐津」は、ヘブライ語ともつながっていると判明したことになる。 on 2019/05/31
c. ギャラン語 DB には、英単語 vessel, cup 未登録。
awitum (= "value (of goods)" OA, expressed in tin, silver ) あたいの
mahirtu(m) (= "market price, current value, exchange rate" Mari; < mahlru ) 値打ち(ねうち)、値段(ねだん)
【有】vleftë (= value) あてー (l 無音)
【尼】arti (= meaning, sense, significance, importance, value, signification) あーち、あたい
【賛】aiyatya (= n. (fr. %{iyat}) , quantity , number , value.) あいやとや → あたい
【賛】nirmA (= f. value , measure , equivalent La1t2y.)
【民】mARRu (= 02 1. changing; 2. removal; destruction; 3. barter, exchange; sale; 4. price 価格; )
【民】maTTukkumijncu-tal (= to exceed bounds, as in eating; to be excessive 超えてる、高過ぎ, as prices) むちゃくむちゃ・無茶苦茶
【民】nayattavilai (= cheap price 安価) ねやすいらい
【賛】kirAkki (= high price) 高価(こうか)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668586664/value 「あたい」「ね」全て、皆無。バカ言語。

【民】mAyam (= 01 1. illusion, false appearance; 2. deception; 3. hypocrisy; 4. falseness, treachery; 5. spiritual ignorance; 6. dream; 7. uncertainty, instability; 8. wonder, astonishment; 9. beauty; 10. wickedness; 11. lasciviousness; 12. blackness) ゆめ (m 強無音)
【民】maRupulipAytal (= death of cattle due to terror in dreaming that it was caught by the tiger from which it escaped during the day) 夢まぼろしの (R-m)
【チベ】rmi (= dream, meter [IW]) ゆめ (r-y)
【羌】eimɑ/ əɹmu (= (to) dream) ゆめ
【羌】məʁə (= (to) dream) 無我
【有 動詞】imagjinoj (= imagine, think up, image, realize, fancy, ★dream) ゆめみし
【有 動詞】enderroj (= ★dream, daydream) ゆめみし、イメージ
【有 名詞】vegim (= vision, daydreaming, mirage, phantom, ★dream) 悪夢(あくむ)、ゆめ (g-m)
【トルコ 名詞】amac (= goal, aim, purpose, objective, object, ★dream) イメージ、ゆめし
【トルコ 名詞】ruya gorme (= ★dream) ゆやめ (g-m)

disaster, misfortune, calamity, unhappiness
【民】pATAviri (= disaster (TLS)) わざわい
【賛】visarpa (= ; (in dram.) an action which leads to an unhappy or undesired issue ; ) わざはい (v-w)

【趣】é (= : 【house】, household; temple; plot of land) え、いえ
【趣】ĝá (= : basket; house; stable (cf., ĝar))
【賛】ibha (= m. n. household 家族、家庭、一家、世帯、所帯◆召使いなどを含む家庭の単位、その構成員および家庭の居住場所。, family 家族; m. elephant.) いへ
【民】il (= 01 1. place; 2. house, home; 3. domestic life; 4. wife; 5. lady of rank in towns or forest-pasture tracts; 6. family; 7. constellation, zodiacal sign; 8. clearing-nut) いえ
【羌】ʨi/ eze/ tɕi/ tʂə/ ægu/ ɑku/ ɑvvuɑ/ ɑʁuɑ/ ɑʐg/ ʨe/ ʨi ʨe tshə (= house) ち、ちゃ、あが、うち?、あへ?
【ギャロン】ギャロン語は、「いえ」は無いが、「jo, ju, jə, [@雅江呷拉 Ka ra], kʰa, kʰe」はある。つまり、や/ゆ/よ、と音読みの家(け、か、や)がある。
【中国語】家 /Jiā/ (= 家) ちゃー --- この発音記号はピンイン(拼音)。IPA では無い。j は y で無い。
c. 「うち」家、内。
【賛】uTaja (= %{as} , %{am} m. n. a hut made of leaves (the residence of hermits or saints) MBh. ; a house in general L. 一般的意味での家・家建物・住まい) うち
c. チベット語には「いえ」は皆無。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660644973/house  「ka 〜」系が殆どである。先頭母音の単語はゼロ。

【趣】kalam (= : the land (of Sumer); nation 国家) くに
【民】kulam (= 1. family, lineage; 2. noble lineage, high birth; 3. caste, tribe, nation; 4. son; 5. class, sort, species, genus; 6. community; 7. herd, flock, shoal, collection, assemblage; 8. house, abode; 9. royal palace;) くに
【韓クンミン, クk 国家】국민 /gugmin/ (= nation)
c. 韓国人は、gugmin [by Google] (guk min [by ほっとコリア]) を クンミン [by ほっとコリア] と発音するらしい。面白い。半分滅茶苦茶。
【民】karumayir (= black bear (TLS)) くるまいや、くま
【民】cegkaNmA (= 02 bear, as red-eyed beast) くんま (c-k)
【チベ】gre'u (= young bear, pea エンドウ豆) くま (r-m)
【チベ】gi wang (= yellow pigment, anthelminthic medicine, concretion in the entrails of some animals used for medicine, bear’s bile 胆汁、胆液 used as medicine, medicinal concretion from the brains of elephant [JV]) 熊の胆(くまのい)(w-m)
【チベ】gtum pa dom (= the bears of ferocity 凶暴性、残忍な行為、どう猛性 [RY]) くま (t 無音) ぱ どむ --- @
【チベ】dam (= samaya, connection; strict, firm, stable, uptight, tense, tight; - Syn {dam bca’ - Syn {dam tshig}; 1) interrogative particle used after final ’d’. 2) 'or’ particle used after the final ’d’. 3) a solemn promise, vow, oath, confirmation by oath, to promise, the act of promising, the promise. 4) strict, firm, stable, uptight, tense, tight, - Syn {dam bca’} Syn {dam tshig} 5) the brown bear 茶色い熊 [RY]) だむ、獰猛、くま (d-k) --- A
【チベ】dom (= bear [like a bear who terrifies and crushes whatever it focuses upon without hesitation, 1 who has plumbed the depths of the view and conduct of yoga is disciplined in the rites of abhic ra and sexual union without hesitation - 1 of the {gcan gzan che dgu}syn: gcan gzan gtum po dang, sdig pa'i lto can, phug nyal, mig sman lus can, rab dkar snying [IW]) どむ、獰猛、くま (d-k) --- B
c. @、A、Bを総合判断すると、 dom くま (d-k)、の「暗号解読ルール」は、少し疑問。 dom どむ、のままの方が素直。dom 獰猛(どうもう)、の意、である。尚、チベット語辞書の bear の url は下記。自分で検証してみて。
【ギャロン】ˉtə goˀ m/ ˉtə goŋ (= bear (#1474)) た くま (audio 不在)
【韓国語】곰 /gom/ こむ (= bear)
【ロシア語】кума /kuma/ (= bear 熊) くま    on 2019/05/31
c. これは、昔、日本語・ロシア語説の人が写真まで付けて言っていた有名な(?)単語です。bear の Google 翻訳の結果には出てこない。「кума」を Google すると、ロシア語の wikipedia の更に英語版の中に
Kuma, a bear also known as Teddie in Persona 4 と出てくる。--- 日本のコンピュータゲームの中のキャラクター。
しかし、ロシアとクマ (*ロシアの絵本*)には、「кума クマー」は、キツネのことであり、熊とは無関係。ロシア語の熊は、「медведьメドヴェーチ」蜜bee.. という。フィギアスケートのロシアの女子選手の名前に似ている (?)。メドベージェワ
→ つまり、彼は、ウソ付き、でした。ゲームのやりすぎのバカ。かも。  ---- というか、ロシア語さんに失礼である。
cf. 驚愕の事実! ロシア語には「熊」をあらわす単語がない (日刊大衆) 2015.02

【趣】dára, dár (= : n., belt, sash (compare dur, 'bond, tie').
   v., to bind, pack. ) たーら、たわら
【有】tufë qensh (= kennel, pack) たふぁ けんしゅ
【民】toppAram (= 03 a large bundle of things tied in a cloth, as carried over the shoulders; pack; 2. a large truss 束、包み、梱包物。干草[わら]の束 of grass; 3. boil; 4. a kind of spurge) たわらの
【チベ】do po rgyag (= put together/ wrap up a package/ bundle [IW]) たわら やっか
【蛇】 צְרוֹר /tz'ror/ (= pack 【名詞】) たわら
【趣】kilib[LAGAB] (= : package, bundle.) こりぶ
qulqullu(m) (= 1. OA (a form of packaging) 2. OB mng. unci. 3. MB (a textile); > qulqullianu 1 ) こりこる
【民】kavaLi (= 1. pack of betel leaves, its number varying in different places) こほり
【チベ】'khel pa (= to put on, to load, to pack on [RY]) 梱る べ
c. ex. 竹or籐(とう)の梱り[こおり、と私は発音していた]に、服をぎゅーぎゅー詰にして、下宿屋を引っ越した。
→ web で写真を探したが、無かった。もう、籐の梱り、と言っても通じない世の中。写真 → 弁当箱で、\8,283円 (税込) だって。冗談でしょ ??。

clear, evidence
c. コレ難でした。proof, certification, testinony, evidence, identification, token, ... 全てハズレ。 clear で攻める。
【有】fakt (= fact, evidence, reality, truth, proof, deed) あかし (f 無音)
【尼】saksi (= witness, evidence, bystander, testifier, spectator, testator) あかし (s 無音)
【尼】fakta-fakta (= evidence, particulars) あかし あかし (f 無音, f 無音)
【賛】vicakS (= A1. %{-caSTe} (Ved. inf. %{-ca4kSe}) , to appear , shine RV. ; to see distinctly , view , look at , perceive , regard RV. ; to make manifest , show RV. ; to proclaim , announce , tell Br. : Caus. %{-cakSayati} , to cause to see distinctly , make clear RV. ; to proclaim , tell GopBr.) あかし/あかす
【賛】vicakSas (= m. a teacher Un2. ; n. seeing clear , clearsightedness MaitrS. (v.l. %{-cakSus}).) あかし
【チベ】mngon te (= this shows that, this is very clear [JV]) あかし (mn 母音化, n 無音)  チベット語は、腐っています。
c. チベット語の「語頭の連続子音」何なの。 この辞書は Wylie の表意文字で、サイレント文字は有り得る。やはり、腐っている。 ギャロン語やチャン語の辞書は IPA 発音表記なのでサイレント文字は無い。ハズ。ギャロンDB の実発音は、IPA 表記と異なる。DB 作成者が腐っている。Wylie のスペルのつもりで記している様に見える。

【有】rrymë (= stream, current, spurt, tide, wave, jet) なみ (r-n)
【賛】mahormin (= mfn. having great waves , very billowy MBh.) なはみ、なみ
【民】nilaiyAmai (= 1. instability, as of riches; transitoriness; 2. fickleness, wavering 〔物が〕揺れる。〔人の心が〕揺れ動く、ぐらつく) にらいやーまい、なみ
【チベ】mer mer shig shig (= 1) quivering, vibrating [waves]; 2) shaking/ crawling/ vibrating from presence of many insects etc [IW]) なー なー しく しく

【趣】a-eštubku6 (= : high tide, early flood ('water' + 'river carp').) うしほ (b-p)
【有】rrjedhë (= flow, course, run, tide, current, effluence) うちほ (r-w)
【箍】taog (= tide) しお (g 無音)
【賛】sarira (= n. (cf. %{salila}) the heaving sea , flood , tide VS. TBr. ; = %{bahu} Naigh. iii , 1 ; the universe (= %{loka} or %{tri-loka}) VS. Sch.) しを (r-w)
【チベ】mtsho rlabs (= tide, tidal wave [JV]) うしを (m 母音化, r-w)
【チベ】chu'i dpal yon (= flow and ebb-tide [JV]) ちほ よん
【カザフ】толуы /tolwı/ (= tide) しを (l 無音)
【蛇】צָהֳרַיִם tsôhar /tso'-har/ (= noon, midday, day, noontide 真昼、正午、絶頂、全盛期, noonday, window) しほ
c. 潮時(しおどき) =
1 潮の満ちる時、また、引く時。
2 物事を始めたり終えたりするのに、適当な時機。好機。「潮時を待つ」「ピッチャー交代の潮時」
3 時間。特に、一日のうちで出産や死亡の多く起こる時間。潮の干満の時刻に合わせて起こるからという。
【賛】atijava (= m. extraordinary speed ; (mfn.) , very fleet 速い、快速の.) いきおい (t-k, j-y|w)
c. 沖縄(おきなわ)は、現地では、ウチナワ (k-ch) と音通する。チベット語やギャロン語は、もっとヒドイ。
【賛】zaighrya (= n. swiftness , rapidity , velocity 速度 MBh. ; (in astron.) = preceding.) いきおい (z-y)
c. z ツェー/ジー は、歯擦音の濁音 j ジェイの (j-y) 音通と同じ音通傾向がある。
【賛】vega (= m. (fr. %{vij}) violent agitation , shock , jerk AV. R. ; a stream , flood , current (of water , tears &c.) AV. ; rush , dash , impetus , momentum , onset MBh. ; impetuosity , vehemence , haste , speed , rapidity , quickness , velocity (%{vegAd@vegaM-gam} , to go from speed to speed , increase one's speed) MBh.) イキ、イキイキ、イキがイー
【チベ】'gyu ba (= 1) move[ment]; 2) emanat[ion]; 3) flicker; 4) move quickly/ speed; 5) [discursive thought] occurrence [IW ) いきおい、いきよひ ('-母音化)
c. 上記チベット語の語頭の「'」は、「あっと」驚くの「あっ」で、短い曖昧母音のつもり、である。ここでは「いっ」の感触である。つまり、バカ言語である。ギャロン語の IPA 発音記号表記にも、「'」の「つまった発音」の表記として、区切り目で出てくる。少し、滅茶苦茶な表記システムの国である (? ?)。

cf. #n.296 医 medicine の項も参照。
【趣】gi-šul-ḫi (= : a reed or plant that was used as a medicine ('reed' + 'invader' + 'numerous'). ) くしゅーるひ  
【賛】kSIrin (= ; a variety of acid Asclepias used in medicine L. ;) くしーりの
【賛】cikitsA (= f. medical attendance , practice or science of medicine (esp. therapeutics , one of the six sections of med.)) くすし
【民】kaNTUram (= 02 strong compound medicine) くんすりの
【チベ】kun tu shugs ldan (= very useful and important medicine [JV]) くん つ しゅくす るだん
【チベ】gso ba rig pa (= science of healing/ medicine [IW]) くく ば りく べ
c. @ 田からとれる穀物。稲の称。 「稲を以ては−と為す/日本書紀 神代上訓」
【趣】še-muš(5)(= : bitter grain ('grain' + 'bitter'). ) たなつ
sumamtu (= "parched 〔暑さのために〕乾燥した、乾いた。 〔土地などが〕干上がった grain 乾燥穀物" jB lex.; < sawu II ) たなつ
【有】drithëra (= grain, corn) たなつも (r-n r-m)
【賛】dhAnyAMza (= m. a grain of corn L.) たなつ
【賛】dhAnyasaMgraha (= m. a store 倉庫 or magazine 火薬庫 of grain W.) たなつもの (r-n)
【民】tan2atAn2iyam (= gold and grain 金と穀物) たなつもの
【チベ】tshe nas (= “life grains” [used in rituals] 「ライフグレイン」(儀式に使われる) [RY]) たなつ


【趣】zag, zà (= : boundary, border, limit, side; cusp, beginning; territory, district, place; sanctuary 聖域; percentage; a measure for fish; shoulder; right (side); front; outside of (life + to encircle)) さか、さ、さかい
【有】skaj (= skirt, edge, end, skirting, extremity, border) さかい (j-y)
【賛】cakravATa (= m. a limit , boundary L. ; a lamp-stand L. ; engaging in an action (? , %{kriyA7roha})L.) 境だ (c-s)
【民】cakkaravALam (= boundary, limit (TLS)) 境目(さかいめ)
【チベ】bcad rgya (= limit, boundary of an area, strict retreat, strict retreat [RY]) さかい (b 無音)

tumru(m), NB also turu (= "(glowing 白熱[赤熱]光を放つ) charcoal, ashes 灰" O/jB [NE.MUR.RA] esp. akal t. "charcoal baked loaf" ) すみ (r-m)
【民】tImalam (= charcoal (TLS)) すみの、タン
【チベ】sol nag (= charcoal [JV]) すみ
【チベ】sol ba (= charcoal; embers 〔石炭・薪などの〕燃えさし。〈比喩〉〔感情の〕残り火、名残; anything burned/ coal (?) [RY]) すみび (l-m)
【チベ】snum snag (= oily printer’s ink [IW]) すみ すみ
c. 他の例から類推して、チベット語のインクは、snag すみ、の様である。しかし、snag を単独で定義した項目は探したが無かった。チベット人は、バカである。 チベット語の basic な辞書に有った。
【チベ】snag (= Indian ink, matter) すみ -- by freelang.net 辞書
【ギャロン】snɑʔ (= ink) すな
c. インド弁で ink に「すみ」は無い。絶対あるハズなので発想を変える。 灰色 gray ハズレ。疲れる。 black アタリ。
salmu(m) I (= "black, dark" [GEg] of textiles, animals, skins, hair; of person "black( -haired)", also as PN; of plant, wood, stove; astronomical phenomena; < saldmu ) すみ
【賛】sunIla (= mfn. very black or blue , dark W. ; (only L.) m. the pomegranate tree ; n. the root of Andropogon Muricatus ; (%{A}) f. common flax 《植物》亜麻、亜麻布、亜麻色; a partic. grass (= %{caNikA} or %{jaraDI}) ; Clitoria Ternatea.) すみ、すみれ
【民】tumiram (= 1. black colour; 2. deep red colour) すみの
【チベ】sngo nag (= blue-black, deep blue, dark blue [JV]) すみ

in, inner, middle, midst,
center/ centre
【賛】niNya (= a. inner, private, secret, n. a secret or = prec.) なきゃ (N 無音, y-k)
【民】maiyam (= 01 1. centre, middle; 2. that which is mediocre; 3. that which is doubtful or vague; 4. impost; top portion of a pillar upon which an arch rests) なきゃの (y-ki)
【賛】nabhya (= 2 n. the centre part of a wheel , the nave 〔車輪の中心部にある〕こしき AV. ; the middle (%{-stha} mfn. standing in the middle) S3Br. ; mfn. (according to g. %{gav-Adi} fr. %{nAbhi}) belonging to or fit for a nave Un2.) なぶきゃ、まーなきゃ/まんなか (b-n, y-ki)
【チベ】nang (= 1) in, within, inside, inner, in the midst of, among, interior, internal, inner aspect; inward(ly), internally. 2) among 3) home, house, abode, [someone’s] place, 4) morning [RY]) なか (n 無音)

alcohol, liquor
sikaru(m), Sikru(m) (= "beer; alcoholic drink" [KAS(.HI.A/MES)]; j/NB also S. suluppl "date wine"; in Syria usu. "(grape) wine"; s. Sadi (a wine); bit S. "tavern"; NB rab S. (official in charge of brewery); < Sakdru ) さける
susu(m), NA susu (= "liquorice 《植物》甘草" O/jB, NA [GIS.SE. DU.A; GIS.ZA.MUS.SES] in om., med. isid/surus x. "liquorice root"; leaves, seed) ささ
【賛】saraka (= mfn. going , moving , proceeding L. ; m. or n. a drinking vessel , goblet (esp. for spirituous liquors) R. Sus3r. ; spirituous liquor (esp. that distilled from sugar) , rum Katha1s. ; drinking spirituous liquor S3is3.) さらか、さけ
【賛】TAGka (= n. a spirituous liquor prepared from the %{TaGka} fruit Mn.) さけ (t-s)
【賛】sAsava (=mfn. having spirituous liquor , filled with spirituous liquor , S3a1ntis3.) ささ、笹
【チベ】chang (= chang, Tibetan beer, barley beer, wine, liquors, alcohol [general for any alcohol], beer, alcoholic drink, home brewed beer; [RY]) さけ (ch-s, n 無音)
【羌】ʨhe (= liquor) ちゃけ (h-k)
【蛇】שֵׁכָר shêkâr /shay-kawr'/ (= strong wine, strong drink, drunkard, drink of strong, strong, drunkards, drink or strong, liquor, drink) さけ

【民】vekkai (= 1. heat; 2. sultriness; 3. radiated heat, as from a hot place; 4. poy small-box; 5. rinderpest, cattle plague; 6. threshing-floor) 床 (v-y)
【賛】yavakhala (= m. thrashing-floor.)
【チベ】yog khang (= ground floor, cellar [JV]) ゆか
【チベ】g.yul ka (= threshing-floor [IW]) ゆか (g. 無音)

grave, burial
【有】pllake varri (= grave) はかば
【民】vicAn2am (= burial or burning ground) 墓の (c-k)
【民】viyAn2apUmi (= burial and burning ground) はきゃばの (y-ki)
【民】kATu (= ; 3. burning-ghat 燃える山道, ★burial ground;) 火葬(かそう)
【チベ】bang so (= grave, burial, tomb; royal tomb; grave, tomb, sepulcher, monument [RY]) はか そ (n 無音)
c. 卒塔婆(そとうば)
【賛】stUpa (= m. top, esp. of the head, tuft of hair; heap or pile of earth, a Buddhist ★tomb.) そとうば、スツーパ

tappu(m) I, OAkk, O/MA tappd'u(m) (= "com- panion, partner" [TAB.BA] "friend"; "partner" in commerce; OA "associate" of judges; also of gods as "friend" of human, esp. in PN; < Sum.; > tappdtu; tapputu; tappum II) たぷ、とも (p-m)
【尼】teman (= friend) ともの
【賛】samAna (= mf(%{I4} , or %{A})n. (connected with 1. and 2. %{sama} ; in RV. %{samAna4smAs} for %{samAnA4t} see 1. %{sama} ; for %{sam-ana} see %{sam-an} , for %{sa-mAna} see col. 3) same , identical uniform , one (= %{eka} L.) RV. ; alike , similar , equal (in size , age , rank , sense or meaning &c.) , equal or like to (with instr. gen. , or comp.) VS. ; having the same place or organ of utterance , honogeneous (as a sound or letter) Vop. ; holding the middle between two extremes , middling moderate BhP. ; common , general , universal all RV. Br. S3rS. BhP. ; whole (as a number opp to `" a fraction "') Pa1n2.; being (= %{sat} , after an adj.) Divya1v. ; virtuous , good L. ; %{-varNa-bhid} L. ; (%{am}) ind. like , equally with (instr.) Kir. ; m.an equal. friend TBr. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of metre Pin3g. ; (prob.) n. N. of wk. (cf. %{zAkhA-s-}).)
【民】tOzan2 (= ★friend, companion, intimate acquaintance, comrade)
【賛】saMsRSTa (= mfn. gathered together , collected RV.; brought forth or born together (as a litter of animals) VS. ; associated or connected together (as partners or brothers who combine their property after division) , Ma. ; united , combined , mingled or mixed with , involved in (instr.) VS. ; nearly related or acquainted friendly , familiar MBh.; ) 親しい(したしい)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/friend スペル滅茶苦茶にて判定不能。
【チベ】nang ma (= 1) contents 内容, inside, lining [of clothing]; 2) close friends/ retinue/ attendants; 3) secret; 4) kind of Tibetan song/ zlos gar; 5) confidential, private D; 6) house- wife, lady of the house [IW]) なかま(仲間)、なかみ(中身)
c. 【英】same セイム、同じ、 は、 友(とも)を兼務と判明。自分と同じ、似ている、ことが友。
like の似ている、と、好き、好ましい、の感覚と同一。
c. tomo と same は、(t-s, m-m) の関係。 なのて、same は、tomo に化ける。
c. おなじ、と、アミーゴ、は、(o-a, n-m, j-g) の関係。なので、....

【博消】チンクソ (= friend  【親友】  チンコロ(子犬)のクソ。お尻のまわりにうんこがぶら下がっている状態。いつも一緒にくっついている意。ま、金魚のふんみたいなもんですたい。)
【民】cin2Ekitam (= friendship 友情) ちんくそ
【チベ】chung grogs (= an old friend, friend from the early days [JV]) チン クソ
【賛】anAdyAdana (= n. the same 同一、同じ.) おなじだな
【賛】anasthi (= a. the same; s. a boneless animal.) おなじ

c. 堺の商人は、サカ族、と関係有るか?。
【民】sakA (= friend) さか
【賛】sakha (= m. (ifc. for %{sa4khi} cf.) a friend , companion R. Ka1) さか
【賛】sakhya (= n. friendship , intimacy with , relation to (loc. or instr. with and without %{samam} , %{saha} ) , fellowship , community 地域(社会)、コミュニティー RV.)
c. チベット語には、「もと」「さか」は、無い。

nawaru(m), namdru, OAkk stat. nabir (= "to be(come) bright, shine" G (///; Am. stat. also namur) [ZALAG; astr. also BU] of celestial bodies; without subj., e.g. ina namdri "at dawn"; of parts of the liver "be light"; of eyes "shine (with joy)", of face, heart, mind "be(come) cheerful, glad"; of deity, human "be cheerful"; OB "celebrate (festival)"; stat. "is favourable";) まつり
【賛】anantavrata (= n. ceremony or festival in honour of Ananta or Vishn2u (on the day of the full moon in Bha1dra) ;) おまつりだ、おまんたばやし
【賛】vAmanavrata (= n. N. of a partic. Vrata to be observed on the 12th day of S3ra1van2a in celebration of Vishn2u's dwarf-incarnation L. (cf. %{vAmana-dvAdazI-vrata}).) おまんばやし、おまつりだ
【民】maNTapappaTi (= 1. special celebrations to a deity at a festival; 3. halting place for a deity in a festival procession) まんたばやし、おまつりだ
c. 三波春夫の作詞・作曲の歌の名前。三波春夫は既に死亡。名前の由来が聞きたいが、web では、三波春夫は新潟県長岡市出身、おまんた、は、新潟方言で「あなた」の意。web で調べたが、由来は不明。地元では、お祭りのことを、「おまんた囃子」と呼んでいたのでは無さそう。しかし、三波春夫が唐突にその名前を考え出した、は、考えにくい。下地が有った。隣の富山の民謡に「越中おわら節」というお祭りの歌があり「(あんたは)唄われよ、わしゃ囃す(= あなたは歌いなさい、私は楽器演奏するから)」という歌詞である。青森県の「ナニャドヤラ」という盆踊り歌の名前も、(あなたは)好きに踊りなさい、というインド弁解釈である。
【賛】ananta (= a. endless; m. Vis2n2u, a man's name.) おまんた
【賛】vrAta (= m. (connected with 1. %{vR} , or with %{vrata4} and 2. %{vR}) a multitude , flock , assemblage , troop , swarm , group , host (%{vrA4taM} %{vrAtam} , in companies or troops ; %{pa4Jca@vrA4tAs} , the five races of men) , association , guild RV. ; the company or attendants at a marriage feast W. ; = %{manuSya} Naigh.; the descendant of an out-caste Bra1hman &c. (= %{vrAtya}) L. ; n. manual or bodily labour , day-labour ib.) はやす
【賛】mahAsattra (= n. a great Soma sacrifice , a great festival on which Soma is offered S3Br.) まつり
【蛇】מוֹעָדָה mô‛êd, mô‛êd, mô‛âdâh /mo-ade', mo-ade', mo-aw-daw'/ (= synagogues, meeting place, appointed festival, times appointed, appointed feasts, feast, appointment, seasons, time, appointed feast, appointed meeting place, congregation, feasts, solemn, appointed sign, sign, assembly, definite time, appointed times, appointed time, season, appointed, meeting, days, times, solemnity, set time, fixed festivals, meeting places, festal assemblies, appointed place) まつ

【趣】addir [A.PA.ĜISAL.PAD.DIRIG] (= : ferry; bridge (ída/íd, 'river', + dirig/dir, 'to go over').) あし、はし (+h)
pataru(m) (= "to loosen, release" G (a/u) [Dug] ; 4. "dismantle, loosen" joints of door, bridge etc.; "release" springs of water) はしる
【賛】bandha (= m. binding , tying , a bond , tie , chain , fetter RV. ; ; constructing , building 建物 (of a bridge &c.) MBh. ;) はんし、はし
【民】vArAvati (= bridge) はーし
【チベ】phebs zam (= bridge [h] [IW]) はし つの、はしの
【羌】etse/ eze/ eɑ ssi/ ætsæ/ ɑtsuo/ ɑtsɑ (= bridge) あし、はし (+h)

upper, above, on, upward
muhhu(m) (= "skull 頭蓋骨、頭、頭脳、おつむ; top" from OAkk on [UGU] 1. as subst. "skull", med. also "brain"; "surface" of organs; "upper part" of object 対象物の上部; OB math, (upper width or surface-area of a body) ) むふ、むへ、うへ (m 強無音)
【賛】upari (= ind. (as a separable adverb) above , upon , on , upwards , towards the upper side of (opposed to %{adhas} and , %{nIcA} e.g. %{upari-yA} , to go upwards ; sometimes written with a following word as if compounded with it see below) ;) うへ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668498105/upper  皆無。 バカ言語である。

lower, below, under, down
【趣】ki-ta (= : below; lower ('ground' + locative with remote deixis). ) きた(北?)、した (k-s)
saplitu(m) (= "lower part; inside" Bab. [KI.TA(- )] esp. of parts of the exta; OB(lit.) "the nether- world"; pi. saplidtu, sapldti [KI.TA(- ); KI.TA.MES] "below" as opp. to eldtu; "nether- world"; "inmost, hidden thoughts"; < HaplO) さぷりつ、した (pl 無音)
【賛】dRzad (= %{dRzadvati} = %{dRSad} , %{dRSadvatI} below.) した
【民】tAza (= downward, below) した (t-s)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59652071473/below 皆無。バカ辞書。 そもそも below のみを定義する行が無い。この辞書アホ。

before, forward
mahra, mahvi (= "in front" (= ; "before"; "earlier" Bab.; < mahru II )) まへ  ◎ 100 点
【有】më parë (= ago, before, back, of old, erst, in the first instance) まへ  【副詞】
【箍】nauuna (= ahead, afore, before) ぬーな、まえ  【副詞】
【民】mun2n2ar (= 1. before; inadvance; in front of 前位置; 2. in former times) まんえ、まえ
【民】mun2n2uRa (= previously 以前、先刻, beforehand, already 既に) まんえ、まえ
【賛】nR (= m. (acc. %{na4ram} dat. %{na4re} gen. abl. %{na4ras} , loc. %{na4ri} ; du. %{na4rA} , %{na4rau} ; pl. nom. voc. %{na4ras} acc. %{nRR4n} [may also stand for other cases ; for the final , %{n} before %{p} cf. Pa1n2. ] instr. %{nR4bhis} , or %{nRbhi4s} ;) なー、まえ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59652000407/before 皆無
【蛇】מֻל mûl, môl, mô'l, mûl mool, mole, mole, moolmûl, môl, mô'l, mûl /mool, mole, mole, mool/ (= frontier, left, toward, opposite, with, front, from, against, before, God-ward, before it, forefront, over against) もれ、まえ (l 無音)
c. ギャロン語辞書には before 未登録。アホ辞書。 front は有ったが、「まえ」似は皆無。
after, backward, behind, rear
【賛】uttara (= ; afterwards その後、以後、後に, thereafter ; behind MBh. ; in the following part (of a book) ; [cf. Gk. $.]) うしろ、あと
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59652026221/behind 皆無‥チベット語は、バカ言語である。
c. チャン語、ギャロン語辞書には behind 未登録。
【蛇】אָחֹר 'âchôr, 'âchôr /aw-khore', aw-khore'/ (= hereafter, rear parts, hindquarters, behind, hinder parts, west, back parts, backs, afterwards, backside, away, time to come, afterward, backward, back, without, rear, back(s)) うちろ、うしろ (kh-ch-shi)

outer, outside, exterior, external, foreign
c. コレ、難しい。
【賛】dizya (= a. relating to the quarters of the sky or to the horizon, coming from afar, foreign 海外、外国, outlandish.) そと (d-s, z-t)
c. foreign 他所(よそ)、も、有る。
【賛】vaidezya (= mfn. foreign Mr2icch. ; n. the being in separate countries , separation in space , S3a1n3khS3r. ; foreignness MW.) よそ
【羌】jɑʐən/ jun ʐen mə (= foreigner) よそもん、よんそもん
c. 素直に outer で一番近かったのは、鶴来系。
c. 私は、チュルクと石川県の鶴来(つるぎ)は、親戚だと勝手に思っている。白山の麓。大昔、剣の生産地。鶴も冬来る。
【ウズベク】sirtqi (= outer, acentric, extraneous, facial, outside, outward) そとき
【カザフ】сыртқы /sırtqı/ (= external, exterior, outer, superficial) そとき
【トルコ】dış (= external, outer, outside, foreign, exterior, out) よそ (d-y)、そと △

pillar, column
【賛】vajra (= ; a kind of column or pillar VarBr2S. ;) はちら、はしら
【民】paTTiyal (= 01 1. lath, reaper; 2. pedestal 〔柱・像などを立たせるための〕台, as of a stone pillar) はしら
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664489005/pillar 皆無
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/column 皆無
nakrutu (= "mercy"; < kardtu N 234 nalu(m) ) なけるだ
【有】mëshirë (= mercy, pity, compassion, clemency, lenity, alms deed) なされ
【箍】nasa kapangyarihan (= ruling, power, mercy) なさ けぱんぎゃりはん
【賛】mArDIka (= n. (fr. %{mRDika}) mercy , pity , compassion RV.) なさけ
【賛】mRDIka (= ({mRlIka3}) n. grace, mercy.) なさけ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/mercy スペル滅茶苦茶の中から「なさけ」を探せ。 多分、無理。
c. チャン、ギャロン語辞書には mercy 未登録。
family, group, lineage

c. やから = 【族】一族。一門。ex. 日本書紀 武烈:  「遂(つひ)に殺されぬ。そのやからさへに及(いた)る」 [訳] 遂に殺されてしまった。その一族にまでも被害が及んだ。
【箍】angkan (= family, tribe 部族, clan, lineage, house, posterity) やかん
【賛】akula (= mfn. not of good family , low ; (%{as}) m. N. of S3iva L. ; ) やから
【賛】vaRakkAlan2 (= man who brings adversity to her family 彼女の家族に逆境をもたらす男) やからの
【賛】varga (= (accented only in Nigh.) m. (fr. %{vRj}) one who excludes or removes or averts KaushUp. ; (ifc. f. %{A}) a separate division , class , set , multitude of similar things (animate or inanimate) , group , company , family , party , side (mostly ifc. e.g. %{catur-} , %{tri-v-} q.v. ; often pl. for sg.) Ka1tyS3r. ;) やから、やるが
c. varga を「やから」と理解している日本書紀の作者は、少し、アホだと思う。varga の発音を、「やから」と区別出来ない人はかなりイイカゲンである。(?)
【チベ】rgyas 'gyur rigs (= evolving 進化している family/ potential, the nature to be developed [IW]) やから
【羌】ɑqu/ oqu (= family) やか、あく、おく ---- 複数形は、やか等(ら)。 カモ (?)
c. ギャロン DB には、 family が未登録。作者は、かなりのアホ。 (?)
【賛】svakula (= 1 n. one's own family or race.) ぞくら
【賛】svakula (= 2 a. belonging to one's own family.) ぞくら

rank, status, position, grade

【有】gradë (= grade, degree, rank, level, stripe, thermometer) グレード、くらい (d-y)
【箍】grago (= rank) くらご
【賛】kulInatA (= f. rank , family respectability.) くりーなたー、くらい (前半のみ)
【民】kuRaimakan2 (= one who has lost his status in life) 位負けの
【民】kuRai-tal (= 01 1. to diminish, decrease, abate, wane, dwindle, dicline; 2. to be reduced, in value, in estimation, in circumstances, in rank; 3. to be wanting; to prove insufficnet; to be short, in weight, measure, or number; 4. to be imperfect, unfinished, defective, deficient; 5. to be dear, difficult of attainment, scarce; 6. to be dropped, elided, as a letter; 7. to droop in affiction; 8. to languish from worries; 9. to lose courage; 10. to be cut off; 11. to suffer defeat; 12. to be ruined, destroyed) くらい
c. 位(くらい)は、位が下がると、暗く(くらい)なるから、カモ。タミルさんがそう言っている。 (?)
【チベ】khri 'phang (= 1) height of a seat, high chair. 2) rank of an official position, high official position [RY]) くらい あふぁん
c. 「地位」も有るべ。
【有】sërë (= rank, row, cavalcade, battery) 地位
【尼】deret (= row, progression, line, tier, string, rank) 地位だ
【賛】sthiti (= ; station , high position , rank ) 地位
【チベ】tha'i ji (= (M former title/ rank [IW]) 地位
【羌】zəp/ ssebu/ thɑtʂɑ/ zəkəɹ/ zəp thætʂɑ kə/ zəp thɑtʂɑ/ ʐew ta/ thæʂpæ/ ʐuə pə (= position) 地位
【蛇】שְׂאֵת śe'êth /seh-ayth'/ (= dignity 威厳, highness, raises, high position, majesty, lifted, authority, swelling, accepted, excellency, raise up, rising) 地位
【賛】picutUla or picu (= n. cotton) ぴちゅら、びちゅ
【賛】paJji (= or %{paJjI} f. the ball of cotton from which thread is spun L. ;) ばにゃち
【賛】vAsas (= 1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) cloth , clothes , dress , a garment (du. an upper and under garment ; ;cotton ;) わた (s-t)
【民】pajnci (= 01 1. cotton;) ぱにゃち
【チベ】wa ta (= 1) kind of white cotton cloth; 2) white thang phrom med [IW]) わ た ◎,

cloth, fabric, textile

muruma (= pi. (a textile) Ug. ) ぬの
nemra'u (= (a textile or garment)? jB/NA lex. ) ぬの
【民】muRi (= 03 1. piece; 2. half; 3. broken half of a cocoaunt; 4. deed, written bond; 5. receipt written on a piece of ola; 6. piece of cloth; 7. rough cloth; 8. sprout, shoot; 9. tender leaf; 10. leaf; 11. part of a village or town; 12. room; 13. corner; 14. alloy of a superior quality, especially bell-metal) ぬの (R 反復)
【賛】nirmA (= A1. %{-mimIte} TS.: AV. Br. ; %{-mAti} Ka1v. Pur. (pf. %{-mame} Mn. MBh. ; ind. p. %{-mAya} Prab. ; inf. %{-mAtum} Ra1jat.) ; to mete out , measure AV. ; to build , make out of (abl.) , form , fabricate , produce , create TS. ;) ぬの
【民】nirmitam (= 1. that which is created; 2. creation, construction, production; 3. fabrication; 4. destiny; appointment, allotment) ぬのたん
【チベ】mgo snam (= rolls 巻いたもの、反物(たんもの) of woolen cloth [RY]) ぬの (s 無音) △
c. 「きれ」も有るべ。
【賛】kaiyoli (= small cloth, usually five cubits long, with which idols are clothed) きれ
【チベ】ko ra (= cloth [RY]) きれ

box, case, wagon
【有】boks (= boxing, box, pugilism, mill) はこす
【民】vAkan2am (= 1. vehicle, conveyance, animal to ride on, as horse, elephant, etc.; carriage, wagon, van; 2. cloth; 3. rough cloth, used in packing; 4. perseverance) はこもの、ワゴン
【賛】valgulikA (= f. a box , chest 〔蓋付きの頑丈な〕収納箱。胸、胸郭、肺。金庫 Katha1s. ; = %{valgulI} Nalac.) はこりか、はこ
【賛】bhANDaka (= m. (Siddh.) or n. a small vessel , cup , plate , box , chest Katha1s. ; (ifc.) goods , merchandise ib. ; (%{ikA}) f. an implement , tool L. ; a kind of plant (see %{kAla-bh-}).) はんだこ、はこ (NDa 無音)
【民】vekkai (= 1. heat; 2. sultriness; 3. radiated heat, as from a hot place; 4. poy small-box; 5. rinderpest 牛疫, cattle plague; 6. threshing-floor) はっかい、はこ  △
c. poy って何だ?。 smallpox 【名】《病理》天然痘、疱瘡。の可能性がある。∵このタミル語辞書の作者はバカである。スペルミスだらけ。
【賛】pUgapAtra (= n. a betel ベーテル(煙草)の -box or -next L.) ぷーがぱーとら → はこ
【チベ】pug ta (= shelf 棚, partition in a box 箱の中の仕切り [JV]) ぷぐた、はこだ  △ 定義がイマイチ。欲しいのは箱、その中の仕切りでは無い。
【羌】vvɑcti (= box) はこだ
【蛇】פַּךְ pak /pak/ (= box, vial 〔薬・香水などを入れる〕小びん, flask 〔実験で使う〕フラスコ) はこ  

target, butt
【尼】matalamat (= target) またらまと
【賛】nimitta (= n. (possibly connected with %{ni-mA} above) a butt , mark , target MBh. ; sign , omen Mn. Ya1jn5. (cf. %{dur-n-}) ; cause , motive , ground , reason Up. (in all oblique cases = because of , on account of cf. Pa1n2. ; mfn. ifc. caused or occasioned by ; %{-ttaMyA} , to be the cause of anything Ka1d.) ; (in phil.) instrumental or efficient cause (opp. to %{upA7dAna} , the operative or material cause) Veda7ntas. Bha1sha1p. ; = %{Agantu} ; %{deha} ; %{Adeza} ; %{parvan} L.) まと
【民】maccai (= 01 target) まと
【チベ】nag thig /nak tik/ (= black bindu/ dot, target [IW]) まと
【チベ】mda’ 'ben /da ben/ (= target [IW]) まと べん
【蛇】מַטָּרָא aṭṭârâ', maṭṭârâh /mat-taw-raw', mat-taw-raw'/ (= target, guardhouse, prison, guard, mark) まとろー
c. 【英】butt バット、〈米俗〉〔たばこを〕吸いさしにする。〔嘲り・冷笑・批評・怒りなどの〕的、標的、対象。 は、まと (b-m) 音通の典型。
c. チャン、ギャロン辞書に target 未登録。

flag, banner
c. banner は垂れ幕タイプ。
【有】plloçë (= flagging, slab, flagstone, flag) はちゃ (l 無音)
【箍】bandila (= flag, banner, standard, ensign, pennon) はんでぃら
【尼】bendera (= flag, banner, bunting, colors, ensign, guidon) はんでら
【賛】patAkA (= f. flag, banner; the flag or symbol of (---).) はたか、はた (KA 無音)
【民】pAvaTTA (= flag) はた
【チベ】ba dan (= standard, flag, pendant, banner [RY]) は たん
c. チャン、ギャロン辞書、 flag 未登録。

ship, boat

【趣】(ĝiš)má-lá (= : cargo boat ('boat' + 'to extend, load'). ) 丸(まる)
hinnu (= "ship's cabin 船内" jB lex. ) ふね
【賛】vAhana (= a. carrying, bringing. n. (m.) beast of burden or beast for riding; vehicle i.g., waggon ship, oar, sail (adj. --- riding or going in); n. drawing, carrying, driving, riding, guiding (a horse 馬).) 船、ふね
【賛】parNAla (= m. a boat L. ;) ふね(舟)
【民】piNai (= raft 筏, boat (TLS)) ふね
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666427738/ship 馬鹿チベット語に「ふね」は無い。多分。
c. 【チベ】bskul 'gro (= boat, ship [RY]) ぶすくる ぐろ、 は、どう化けても「ふね」は無理。
c. ギャロン DB に ship 未登録。 boat は有ったが「ふね」似発音は皆無。一地区 pa が有ったが、「パ」で、「ふぁ」の痕跡は不明。チャン語の ship/ boat は、「ふね」は無いが「ふぁ〜」系は有る。
【羌】phe/ phiɑ/ phɑts/ phɑtsə/ tʂhuæ/ phie/ tʂhuɑn (= ship) ふぁー..、ちゅ..  △

cf. 「枯野」という船 其の一 , 其の二 , 其の三 , 其の四
qarnu(m) (= ; du. & pi. f. "horn 角(つの)" [Si] 1. of animal 動物の, esp. as drinking vessel 飲むための器; of figurine etc.; on temple; of deity 2. transf. "power" of human; "horn(-shaped feature)" of heavenly body; "shoot" of plant, tree; in oil-stain; on part of liver 肝, of body; on ship, cart 3. "fringe" of garment (usu. - qannu II), also transf. q. sibdti "threshold of old age"; > qarnanu, qarnu, qurndtum; = qannu II ) からの
【チベ】ko rkyal (= leather 革、革製品、なめし皮、皮革 rkyal snod 〈スコ〉滑らかな [boat?] [IW]) からの  ko rkyal /ko kyel/
【チベ】gru rdzings (= large boat/ ship [IW]) からの (rdz 無音)  gru rdzings /dru dzing/
c. チベット語の「かれの」は、発音 converter から判定すると ×。
【賛】kalA (= f. (etym. doubtful) a small part of anything , ;; a boat L. ;)
【民】kalam (= 01 vessel 器; hollow 中が空洞の、中に隙間がある。凹んだ utensil 〔主に台所の〕器具、用具、用品, as a cup; plate, whether of earth or metal; earthenware; 2. bottleshaped vessel; 3. ship boat;) からの(枯野)

oneself, self


【賛】antaraJj (= to assume , take up into one's self 己に取り込む VS.) おんどれにゃち、おのれ
【賛】AmuS (= P. (impf. %{A74muSNAt} RV. ) to draw or pull towards one's self 自分の方へ引く; to take away 奪う RV.) おのず
【賛】anahaMkAra (= m. non-egotism わがままでない、私欲無く, absence of self-conceit or of the tendency to regard self as something distinct from the Supreme Spirit , freedom from pride ; (mfn.) , free from self-conceit.) おのずから
【賛】mamakAra (= m. interesting one's self about anything Ra1jat. 好奇心旺盛) ままから、みずから (m-z)
【民】An2mArttam (= * for the sake of oneself, selfishly) おのずの、おのずのため
【民】taRcivam (= absolute being 絶対的存在, as self-existent 自己存在性) 自分(じぶん)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666222697/self 多分、皆無。
【民】entiravUcal (= swing that swings ★automatically 自動的に、自然に) おのずから、おのずらヴーから
c. 【英】automatical おーとまてぃかる → おのずから (to 無音)  そのまんま東。でした。 on 2021/06/27

【賛】sudAnta (= mfn. welltamed , well restrained (as horses) MBh. ; m. `" very self-controlled 自己制御が立派、自制心のある"' , a Pratyeka-buddha (q.v.) L. ; a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2. (printed %{su-danta}) ; N. of a son of S3ata-dhanvan Hariv. ; %{-sena} m. N. of a medical writer Cat.) つたーんた、つちのと、自制心

【賛】anu (= 3 ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns , expresses) after , along , alongside , lengthwise , near to , under , subordinate to , with. (When prefixed to nouns , especially in adverbial compounds) , according to , severally , each by each , orderly , methodically , one after another , repeatedly. (As a separable preposition , with accusative) after , along , over , near to , through , to , towards , at , according to , in order , agreeably to , in regard to , inferior to Pa1n2. As a separable adverb) after , afterwards , thereupon , again , further , then , next.) おの
【民】antanta (= each, taken severally 別々に) あんたあんた、おのおの (ta 無音, 同左)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657897715/each 「おのおの」は皆無。多分。
c. 【日】各(おの)と、【英】all アルル 、【英】one オネ、は、同源だと思う。【英】each と【日】一(数詞の「いち」)も同源。
c. 各自/一人ひとり、の、「めいめい」、は、「みんな」と同源。下記。
minumme (= "all (of), each (of)" MB(Alal.), Am., Nuzi, Bogh., Ug. occas. for ? ≫ minima; m. sa "all that"; Bogh. "whatever; everything that"; < minu I + -me II; ? ≫ mannumme ) めいめい、みんな
each other,
one another
【賛】sAkam (= adv. with each other, at once, together, along with (instr.).) たがいに (s-t)、相互に
【民】aTaikkaN (= eyelids sticking to each other, ankyloblepharon まぶたがくっついている) お互いに
【チベ】thug sgra (= 1) sound of two things hitting each other; 2) Sgra'i khyad par zhig; 3) slurping sound of drinking soup [IW]) たがいに (s 無音, g-y, r-n)
【チベ】gcig gis gcig la (= each other, one another [RY]) たがいたがに (g 無音, c-t, l-n)
c. 〜県、の、県名のタイトルが、prefecture プリフェクチャ、で日常会話単語だが、通常辞書には載っていない特殊 term である。なのて、 country で攻める。
akltu(m) (= ; pi. akidtu/i, NB akdte (a cultic festival) OAkk, Bab., NA [A.KI.IT; A.KI.TU; A.KI.TUM] MB onwards freq. celebrated at the New Year; umlisin aklti "akltu day/festival"; also in PN; jB, NA (bit) a. "akltu festival building"; a. seri "a. in the countryside 田舎、地方、田園地方"; bob a. "akltu gate" ) あがた  
eqlim (= "in the countryside" (opp. to (libbi) dli(m)); "wild" in names of plants, insects) あがる
【賛】vaGgadeza (= m. the country of Bengal MW.) あがた
【民】akal (= 02 1. inland town or village; 2. the interior or inner part of a town or village; 3. extent of space; 4. country, province 地方; 5. pudendum muliebre (TLS)) あがる、あがた (l-t)
【チベ】ma ga dha (= cock, ancient name of country including behar & benares [JV]) あがた (m 母音化)
c. Cooch Behar 地名 = クッチベハール◆インド
c. Benares 地名 = ワーラーナシー、バラナシ、ベナレス◆インド北部ウッタル・プラデシュ(Uttar Pradesh)州南部に位置するガンジス川(Ganges River)河岸の都市。ヒンドゥー教の大聖地の一つ
【羌】tʂhuɑ khəti/ ɕuk ʨæn (= countryside) ちゃがた、あがた (chu-a)
c. ギャロン語 DB は、 country 未登録。かなり、アホ。 (?) province 等 も当然未登録。
letter, word, report
【有】fjalë (= word, speech, rumor, term, say, report) たより (f-t)
【賛】durvyavahRti (= f. ill-report 悪い報告 or rumour 噂 Mcar.) たよりだ
【チベ】tshor la (= report, rumor [JV]) たより (r-y)   /tsor la/
【チベ】bcar 'byor /char jor/ (= arrival report [IW]) たる より (j-y)
rumor/ rumour,
lihsu (= "whisper(ing)" jB, NA as prayer, malicious 悪意のある rumour; < lahdsu ) りふす、うわさ (l 無音)
【有】llafazan (= telltale, babbler, rattletrap, magpie, chatterbox, gossip) らふぁさの、うわさの (l 無音)
【賛】upazruti (= f. giving ear to , listening attentively RV. ; range of hearing S3Br. S3a1n3khS3r. ; hearing BhP. ; rumour , report MBh.) うはさだ
【民】Urkkatai (= * 1. rumour, country talk; 2. gossip ゴシップ) うかさ、うはさ (k-h)
【民】Urppukaiccal (= 1. appearance of smoke at a distance, regarded as an inauspicious omen; 2. town talk, rumour) うはかさいの、うはさの
【チベ】bshod pa (= rumor, report, say, talk, speak [IW]) うはさ (+う)
【羌】moʁu qəi/ mowu kəi/ muwugei/ muʑy ʑyʑy/ qəj/ me tshi/ moʁo (= rumour) むまか、うわさ (m 強無音, k-s)
c. このサンプルは、発音が少しずつズレている。【賛】が最も日本語に近い、との印象。

capital city,
c. metropolitan は、ほぼ全辞書、未登録単語。metropolis は、すこし有る。 capital で攻める。しかし、 【民】nakaram (= 01 1. city, town, capital, metropolis; 2. palace; 3. temple; 4. residence, placce) まからん。発音がイマイチでハズレ。
c. 最終的に、 palace 宮殿、で攻める。
【民】maNivAcal (= jewelled or decorated gate 装飾された門、宮殿の, as of a palace) みやこの (c-k)
【チベ】nang 'jug (= entering 入場 into [the palace of the deity [IW]) みやこ
c. 日本語fromロシア語説。ミハイル大皇帝 2013年1月23日 12:38 --- Google 翻訳の発音は、完全に「みやこ」。
【ロシア】м'яко (= soft)
【ウクライナ】м'яко 発音は、ミヤコ 意味は、寧楽、平安、平穏、柔和、優雅、安寧 みやこ

pipe, tube
kisurratu, kissurratu, OB also kiturratum (= (a reed pipe)? Bab. as musical instrument ) くだ
qandalu (= (an irrigation pipe) NB; < qanu I + clalu II; ⇔ qandalu) かんだ、くだ、かん
qanu(m) I (= ; pi. m. & f. "reed, cane" [Gl; OB pi. m. GI.HI.A] 1. as plant, in reed-beds; ⇔ qan salalu; q. tabu "sweet reed" [GI.DUG.GA], an aromatic 2. as building, or craft material, e.g. q. sipri 'work-reed'; NA sa muhhi qandte "reed officer" 3. as shaft of weapon; "arrow" 4. as musical "pipe"; "tube" of stone, metal 5. as part of weighing-scales 6. as measuring instrument, q. mindati; as metrological unit = 6 (NB 7) cubits, half nindan (c. 3 metres); NB "(square) reed" = 49 sq. cubits, also desig. of "house plot"; > qandalu, qan tuppi ) かん
【有】qyngj (= flue, vent, pipe, tube, stovepipe) かん、くだ
【民】kazai (= 1. spiny bamboo; 2. bamboo bottle; 2. bamboo bottle; 3. musical bamboo-pipe; 4. pole used for propelling boats; 5. elephant-goad; 6. sugar-cane; 7. stem of sugar-cane; shaft of a bamboo; 8. the seventh naks1atra) くだ (z-d)
【民】kuzai (= 03 1. tender leaf, sprout, shoot; 2. soft mud, mire; 3. hole; 4. tube, pipe; 5. conch; 6. ear; 7. a kind of earring; 8. sky; 9. jungle; 10. indian water lily, nymphaea lotus alba) くだ (z-d)
【チベ】gce'u (= clyster-pipe, flageolet, kind of musical pipe with many holes in it [JV]) くだ
【チベ】ka ti (= the kati channel. Syn {ka ti shel gyi sbu gu can} crystal kati tube [RY]) くだ
【羌】χæ tʂhes (= pipe) くだ
c. ギャロン DB には、pipe, tube 未登録。

【有】përsëri (= again, back, anew, afresh, more) ふたた (s-t, r 反復)
【賛】patitotthita (= mfn. `" fallen and risen 落ちて再起"' , sunk (in a shipwreck) and saved 沈んで助けられる Ratna7v. ; fallen out and grown 落ちて再成長 again ; %{-danta} mfn. A1pS3r.) ふたたびだ
【民】pazaiyapaTi (= as 〜の様に formerly 元は、昔は、以前は、かつては, as before 前の様に; 2. again) ふたやぴだ、ふたたび
【民】viTTuppiTi-ttal (= 1. to abandon temporarily and begin again; 2. to allow some degree of latitude; 3. to pause a little and resume, as in reading, etc.; 4. to run one's fingers over the keys or stops of a musical instrument) ふたたびだ、ふたふた
【チベ】phyir sos pa (= grow again, revive, come back to life [IW]) ふ たた び
【ギャロン】pji ta ʨʰᴇ ぴーたちぇ 、 pə ʃtʂək ぺしとっく(= again #2111) ふたちゃ
c. 「また」、「更に」も当然有る。
−また -
malama (= "once again" MA; < mala II) また (l-t)
【箍】muli (= again, anew, once more, all over again, afresh, bis) また (l-t)
【民】maRuttu (= 1. in return 返礼[返報・お礼・お返し・見返り]として; 2. again; 3. moreover) まーった、また
【ギャロン】mɑ22 ʤu44 / mɑ22 ʥu44 まじゅ (= again #2110) また
- さらに -
【賛】smAraNa (= n. the act of causing to remember , reminding , calling to mind S3am2k. ; (also %{A} f.) counting or numbering again , calculating an account , checking MBh. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of plant L.) さらに
【民】tirumpavum (= furthermore, moreover, again) 更に
【蛇】שָׁנָה ânâh /shaw-naw'/ (= repeating, do it a second time, again, diverse, repeateth, second time, repeats, speak again, preferred, disguise, pervert, did it a second time, change, doubled, misc, do so again, alter) しゃにー、さらに (+ら)

muscle, ligament, tendon
saggu, saggu (= "stiff, tense" M/jB of muscles, tendons; < sagdgu ) すじ (g-j)
【民】tacai (= 01 1. flesh 肉, muscle, one of seven ta1tu , q.v.; 2. bad odour; 3. pulp or fleshy part of a fruit) すじ
【賛】snasA (= f. a tendon 腱, muscle L.) すじ、すんじ
【チベ】tshigs (= member, joint, knuckle, tissue, muscle between 2 joints, anything that connects, a joining, junction, link, interlude, metrical division, train of verses, verse [JV]) すじ
【チベ】sha lus (= muscles [JV]) すじ
【羌】tshə zu (= muscle) すじ
【蛇】שְׁרִיר /sh'riyr/ (= muscle) すじ (r 反復)
hole, bore
【趣】ub4 (= : cavity, hole; pitfall. ) あな (b-m-n)
apu II (= "hole, opening" in the ground NA rit. ) おーぷ、あーな (p-n)  --- open オープンと、穴、は親戚だって。
【有】vrimë (= hole, perforation, pinhole, opening, nozzle, slot) あな
【賛】vAna (= 4 m. or n. (?) a hole in the wall of a house L. ) あな
【民】aLai (= 02 1. curds, curdled milk; 2. buttermilk; 3. butter; 4. anthill, hole in the ground; 5. hollow in a tree; 6. cave, cavern in a mountain or rock) あら、あな (l-n)  ex. あらさがし
【賛】avaTa (= m. a hole , vacuity in the ground SV. ; a hole in a tooth VarBr2S. ; any depressed part of the body , a sinus Ya1jn5.) あばた  ex. あばたもえくぼ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660551109/hole 皆無。単純明快。
c. 、ギャロン、チャン語の hole は「穴」似、皆無。

【民】mERpayir (= cornlarge誤字, vegetables and trees (TLS)) なっぱや
【民】malaippUTu (= a plant ) なっぱだ (l 無音)
【民】navir (= 1. man's hair; 2. a melody-type of the marutam class, one of four marutaya1l6ttir6am , q.v.; 3. sword; 4. indian coral tree; 5. blade of grass 草の刃) なっぱ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/vegetable 皆無
c. 2023/02/07 下記を追加。
【民】nilappU (= flowers of ★grasses and herbs) なっぱ(菜っ葉)
【賛】nara (= ; n. a kind of fragrant ★grass.) なら、なー

quality, property
【賛】saMsthA (= f. (ifc. f. %{A}) staying or abiding with (comp.) MBh. ; shape , form , manifestation , appearance (ifc. `" appearing as "') Up. ; ; quality , property , nature Ka1v.;) しつ、せいしつ
【チベ】shes cha (= {shes pa'i cha} conscious quality; isc. [kun gzhi] preconscious quality/ aspect [RB]) しつ
c. チベット語の辞書に quality 未登録。検索機能でも見出しとして未登録。おそ松。preconscious のサブタイトルの下に上記は有った。
freelang.net の辞書にも quality は未登録。quantity も未登録。

cf. #n.470 料 リョウ、はかる
【賛】rAzi (= m. (L. also f. ; once m.c. in R. %{I} , f. ; derivation doubtful , but cf. Un2.) a heap , mass , pile , group , multitude , quantity , number RV. ; (in arithm. 算数) a sum or the figure or figures put down for an operation (such as multiplying , dividing &c.) Col. ; a measure of quantity (= %{droNa}) S3a1rn3gS. ; ) らーつぃ、りょうち、りょう (z 無音)
【賛】lAji (= m. a quantity of parched grain VS. (accord. to TBr. %{lAji} is voc. fr. %{lAjin} = %{lAjo7palakSita}).) らーち、りゃーち、りょう
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/quantity 皆無。
c. 【チベ】rgyas pa (= spread, be well developed;; , increase in bulk or quantity, augment, ..) るぐやす ぱ ---- 意味も、イマイチで(not 増加する)、やはり、×

desk, table

c. desk は、チベット語辞書を除き、未登録、または、イマイチの辞書が多い。なので、 table で攻める。
sakku(m) I, sakku ? (= (cultic rites カルト儀式) Bab. of person; of gods; passur s. "offering table" in family shrine; < Sum. ) しき(式)、つく、つくえ(机)、たく(卓)
【有】bankë shkolle (= desk) バンケ しょこれ → つくえ
【チベ】zheng glegs (= writing desk or table [JV]) つくれ、つくえ
【羌】tʂuts/ tʂots/ tʂotsəß/ tʂuas/ tʂus/ zhoz/ be/ stuχɑ dzəs (= table) ちゅつ、つく づぇす、ひょう
【ギャロン】tʂak ʦi たく ちぃーtʂo tsə ちょ つー (= table)
【蛇】שֻׁלְחָן shûlchân /shool-khawn'/ (= table, tables, each table) しゅーる くわん、→ つくえ  (desk 未登録)
c. インド弁系に「机」がイマイチである。とりあえず、table 「数式(すうしき)」が「つくえ」に化けた、としておく。
【賛】sUcI (= ; an index , table of contents (in books printed in India ; cf. %{-pattra} below) ; a triangle formed by the sides of a trapezium produced till they meet Col. ; a cone , pyramid ib. ;) 式、つくえ (+え)
【民】sUcikai (= 1. index, that which indicates; 2. table, as of contents) すうしき、つくえ (+え)
cf. tableには卓と表の2つの意味がありますが、語源は関係ありますか? ... - Yahoo!知恵袋
cf. ちゃぶ台 (wikipedia)
【賛】sabhAsthANu (= m. `" post at a gambling-house "' , either `" a gambling-table "' or `" a man who sits like a post at a gambling-table "' , a persistent gambler VS.) ちゃぶでーの、ちゃぶだい
plate, tray, platter
【民】taTTam (= 01 1. porringer 浅いボール, eating plate; 2. salver 〔飲食物を運ぶための〕金属製の盆; 3. flower, broad-petalled, as of ko1n3ku ; 4. sleeping room; 5. bed, bedding; 6. broad tape; 7. clapping of the hands)

【民】vAypATu (= 1. formula; symbolic expression; 2. table, as of multiplication; 3. idiom; cant; 4. practice, custom, usage; 5. skill in speech; 6. mannerism in discourses) ひょうだ
【民】virippu (= 1. spreading; 2. anything spread, as cloth; carpet; table-cloth; mat; 3. opening out; 4. opening; parting; 5. a fever of cattle) ひょう

詳細は file-2 の #toki (= time) 参照。
kalu .II, OA also kulum, geri. kili- (= "all, totality" [DU; DU.A.BI] 1. st. abs. kalali "everything", "everyone", esp. kalaliluma 2. st. constr. + subst. "all", "the whole of, "everyone of; kal(a) umi(m), kallumi "all day", "every day", M/NA, M/jB "during the daytime" (jB also = late afternoon); NA kal musi "night-time" 3. with pron. suff., after subst. "all of it", malum kalusa "the whole land", esreti kalisina "every shrine"; lit. also before subst. 4. OB(poet.) + -is-, kaltssa "totally"; > kalis; kalama; kalummum; kullatu I, kullatdn ) ころ   ---〜の時間帯全て、の、 feeling
【有】kohëra (= time) ころ
【トルコ】kere (= times, time) ころ
【尼】kala (= time, tense, scorpion, mare, epoch 〔歴史や人生の〕注目すべき[素晴らしい]時代) ころ
【賛】kAla (= 2 m. (3. %{kal} , `" to calculate or enumerate "') , [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.] , a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time 時、頃 (in general) AV. ; the proper time 適度な時刻 or season for) ころ(頃)
【民】kAlam (= 1. time, duration 間; 2. proper time, opportune moment; 3. season of the year, of life; specific time;..) ころの
【チベ】ka la (= 1) black. 2) blue. 3) period of time 期間、時間区間 [RY]) ころ
cf. 「時(とき)」と「頃(ころ)」の語源 (by 金平譲司) [←このページの内容、全般的にウソっぽい。第三者による確認必要。]---- この人、語源の小学生。 step と 程、を持ち出すなら、足、ペーデ/ペタ pede、ペダル pedal の話をすれば、それで終わり。また、foot そのもの。シュメール・アッカド語は、どうした、と、言いたい。尚、pede は、隔てる(へだてる)、の元でもある。
c. 教育漢字「程(ほど)」も参照。

flour, powder
qemu(m) (= "flour" [ZI(.DA); MB(Susa) also ZI.DA] from grain; for marking ground; NB (a rental payment on crown land); "powder, Hour" of plants, nuts, date-stones etc.; > qemtim ?) こな
【箍】gawgaw (= cornstarch, starch, flour, cassava starch, cassava) がうがう、こなこな (w-n, w-n)
【賛】cUrNa (= a. ground, pulverized; m. n. dust, flour, powder.) こな
【チベ】cur ni (= powder, meal, flour [JV]) こな
【蛇】קֶמַח qemach /keh'-makh/ (= grain, meal, flour, flour cakes) こなこ

sin, punishment
c. 概念的には、罪を犯すと、罰せられる、ので、 短絡的には、sin = punishment。なので、両方引く。
【趣】šul-a-lum (= : punishment (probably Akkadian loanword from šalaalu, 'to plunder; to deprive'). ) しゅるあるむ、つみ (l 無音)
sertu(m)I, sirtu(m) (= "guilt 犯罪[非行]行為[の事実], crime 〈集合的に〉〔罰則のある〕犯罪、罪; punishment" OAkk, Bab. [NIR.DA] often "guilt and penalty"; "vice"; "offence" against (=gen.) king, god; heavy, great; impose (emedu, sakdnu), bear (w/iabdlu), release (patdru, tabdlu) etc.; -≫ nertu ) つみ
【有】dënim (= sentence, punishment, penalty, condemnation, doom, conviction) つみ
【賛】dhUmra (= ; n. wickedness , sin W.) つみ
【民】tOSam (= 01 1. fault,; 2. sin, offcnce, transgression, heinous crime, guilt;) つみ
【チベ】'tshang (= fault, error, offence, sin [RY]) つみ
【蛇】סִין sı̂yn /seen/ (= Sin) しーん、つみ
punish, punishment
pataru(m) (= "to loosen, release" G (a/u) [Dug];; 4. "clear, dispel" evil, sin, punishment, illness, debt etc.;..) ばつる
【箍】parusa (= penalty, punishment, chastisement, sentence, discipline, doom) ばつ
【賛】bandh (= ; to punish , chastise Hit. ; ) ばつ
【チベ】pus mo gcod pa (= cutting [off?] the knees as punishment [IW]) ばつ...
【羌】bes/ fɑ tɑ/ fɑthɑ (= (to) punish) ばつ
c. 「膝をカット」だって。おっかなー。
panu(m) I (= "front", pi. "face" [IGI] 1. liter.: "face" of deity, human, animal, figurine) おも
【有】pamje (= view, sight, scenery, look, landscape, face) おもて (h 無音)
【箍】panig (= side, party, hand, part, way, face) おもて (p 無音, g-j-t)
【賛】Ana (= m. (fr. %{an}) , face [NBD.] ; mouth ; nose [Sa1y.] RV.) おも
【民】An2an2am (= * face) おも
【民】vantan2am (= 02 face) おもての
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658725378/face 皆無。やはりバカ言語である。
【蛇】אֲנַף 'ănaph /an-af'/ (= visage, face, facial) おも て (f-t)
【賛】tala (= m. n. place on or under (gen. or ---), ★surface, bottom, plain; often corresp. to a more special word, as {pANitala} palm of the hand, {nabhastala} vault of the sky, often otiose. n. arm-leather (cf. {aGgulitra}).) つら

c. reverse, behind, opposite はイマイチ。疲れる。 結局 back
【賛】vAra (= 2 (fr. 1. %{vR}) m. keeping back , restraining (also mfn. ifc. = difficult to be restrained TBr. ; cf. %{dur-v-}) ;) うら
【賛】vigraha (= n. " hinder part of the body " , the back L. ;) へなが (r-n, h-g), うら (g 無音)
c. 【津軽弁 199】 へなが (= 背中)
【チベ】バカ辞書。 back 未登録。search も back の見出し、未登録。なので、調べられない。
c. チャン語は、 back 系は有るが、「裏」「後ろ (noun #63)」も無い、アホ言語である。
c. チベット語系は、前置詞の語彙は、「中」を除き、全滅の感触「上下左右、前後、斜め、間」など。
absolutely, inevitably, certainly, of course, definitely


【有】krejt (= quite, altogether, very, up, absolutely, at all) くかねじっと (r-n)、きっと
【賛】kevala (= ; entirely , wholly , absolutely R. ) かなら (v-n)
【賛】kevalAtman (= mfn. one whose nature is absolute unity Kum.) かならずもん、かわらずもん
【チベ】kun rdzob dang don dam (= relative and absolute [conventional and ultimate superficial and truly real 従来のそして究極の表面的で本当に本当の,] [IW]) かならず ためすの だん
【賛】kAmam (= ind. (acc. of %{kA4ma} g. %{svarA7di} , not in Ka1s3.) according to wish or desire , according to inclination , agreeably to desire , at will , freely , willingly RV.;; ; %{kAmaM} - %{tu} or %{kiM@tu} or %{ca} or %{punar} or %{athA7pi} or %{tathA7pi} , well , indeed , ★surely , truly , granted , though - however , notwithstanding , nevertheless) かなーず、きっと
【賛】niHsaMzaya (= mfn. undoubted , certain MBh. (also %{-yita} Ka1d.) ; not doubtful , not doubting or suspecting MBh.; (%{am}) ind. undoubtedly 疑いの余地なし, ★surely MBh. R.) もちや
【賛】nisarga (= m. ( %{sRj}) evacuation , voiding excrement MBh. ; giving away , granting , bestowing , a favour or grant Mn. ; relinquishing , abandoning W. ; creation MBh. Hariv. ; natural state or condition or form or character , nature (%{nisarga} ibc. , %{-geNa} , %{-gAt} , or %{-ga-tas} ind. by nature , ★naturally 当然, spontaneously) MBh.) もちるが → もちるん (g-n)
【賛】atitarAm (= adv. more, in a higher degree; much, exceedingly, ★absolutely.) あたりめー
【チベ】bka’ gnang rang red (= of course もちろん, quite so [IW]) ばか かならず
【チベ】ma gzhi nas (= - basically, actually, really, of course, fundamentally [IW]) もち なす
【蛇】אֲבְּאֹפֶן מוּחְלָט /b'ֹfen much'lat/ (= definitely 確かに、間違いなく、疑いなく。もちろん、当然、そのとおり) へへも かならず (+な)、へへん もちろんだ (+ん)  
cf. 紀1 神代上 1-8 素戔嗚尊の八岐大蛇退治  安芸國降下説
至產時 必(へへもかならず)彼大蛇 當戸將呑兒焉
【賛】vAva (= (indecl.) surely, just; lays stress on the preceding word. 前の単語を強調します。)へへ、へへも (v-m)
【賛】parinirvA (= 2. P. %{-vAti} , to be completely extinguished or emancipated (from individual existence) 完全に消滅または解放される(個人の存在から), attain absolute rest Lalit.: Caus. %{-vApayati} , to emancipate completely by causing extinction of all re-births Vajracch.) へへも    i.e. = 客観的に見て。 high degree ペラペラ と親戚。
c. ギャロン語の中に「きっと」がある。
【ギャロン】kə22 t 'a44 けった、きっと (= certainly)

【民】cerunar (= 1. soldiers, warriors 〔古代や中世の〕戦士、武士; 2. enemies) つわもの (c-t, r-n)
【賛】zaravANi (= m. (only L.) the head of an arrow ; a maker of arnarrow ; an archer ; a foot soldier 歩兵; = %{pApiSTha} (prob. w.r. for %{padAti}).) つわもん (v-m)
【チベ】'thab mo ba (= soldier [IW]) つわ も べ、 つわもの
【羌】ʐue/ dʐuɑ (= soldier) つわー、強えー
【蛇】צְבָאָה tsâbâ', tsebâ'âh /tsaw-baw', tseb-aw-aw'/ (= combat, hosts, warfare, trained, hosts is the army, war, company, host, conflict, appointed time, misc, battle, armies, soldiers, hardship, struggle, service, forced to labor, most, army) つえはう、つえへあうあう

iron, steel
,, metal
【賛】dRDha (= ; iron L. ; (%{a4m}) ind. firmly , fast AV. MBh.) てつ
【賛】zastra (= ; ; iron , steel L. ;) てつ
【チベ】'tshod (= 1) cook, boil; 2) refine 精錬 [gold, iron etc.]; 3) dye [IW]) てつ
【チベ】sa rdog (= iron [JV]) てつ △
【トルコ】demir (= iron, anchor, cleat) てみーる
【ウズベク】dazmol (= iron, iron, flat-iron) てつもる
【羌】səʐəmu/ sədʐmu (= iron) てつの
【羌】ɕsʨi (=steel) てつ
【ギャロン】ʃam (= iron) しゃむ  --- トルコ系の語彙が混じってしまっている。
c. 地球的に見ると、 iron を「てつ」と呼ぶのは、珍しい、みたい。概念を広げて、 metal 金属、で攻める。
ta(t)turru (= (a metal object 金属物) jB lex.; < tatturru ) てつる
sudu II, suddu (= "molten metal 溶融金属" NA, NB; pi.) てつ  
c. 【英】steel は、スペル的には「てつ」の仲間。尚、 steel 鋼鉄、鋼(はがね)の単語は、シューメール・アッカドの辞書には未登録だった。

【箍】bakal (= steel, iron, horseshoe, chiseling, chiselling, digging holes in ground) はがね (l-n)
【賛】vajra (= ; a kind of hard iron 硬い鉄 or steel L. ; ) はじゃら、はがね ( j-g, r-n)

【趣】 48. MOUNTAIN (mountain/ highland) - kur, hur.sag~ 比良坂(ひらさか)
c. 先(さき)top と 坂(さか)slope は、親戚である。
【民】cAyvu (= 1. slope, declivity 傾斜, side of a hill; 2. bias, partiality; 3. defect, deficiency; 4. straitened circumstances; 5. going obliquely; turning aside, obliquity, divergency; 6. inclination, bent of mind; 7. death; 8. gradient) さーきゃ (y-ki)
【賛】zailakaTaka (= m. the brow 眉(毛)、額。〔山の〕頂上 of a hill , slope of a mountain W.) つぁいらかさか、さか
【チベ】ze kha (= mountain top/ ridge 〔長く伸びた〕頭部、頂上部。尾根、山の背/ slope) さか

board, plate
isurtu(m), M/NA esurtu (= "drawing, plan"; transf., divine, royal "design(s)"; OA "inscribed document, writing-board 筆記用の板"; < eseru; ? ? usurtu ) いた
【賛】ISA (= ; a plank 厚板[◆boardより厚い板を指す。], board VarBr2S. ;) いーしゃー、いた
【チベ】an 'dar (= board, plank, panel, iron instrument of torture, kind of press [JV]) い たー

【趣】nu (= : n., image, likeness, picture, figurine, statue .
   adj. & adv., no, not; without; negative.
   pron., a pronominal prefix in a compound noun describing a person; or a phonetic writing for lu.) ぬ、ね、え
【民】Ovi (= picture)
【民】Ovu (= 01 painting, picture)
【チベ】par (= print, publish, type, picture, photograph, pa + dat/loc [IW]) ぱー、え
【チベ】hwa (= picture, painting [JV]) ほわ、え
c. アッカド語の辞書に picture が未登録だった。ギャロンにも未登録。

point, spot, dot
c. point にも有るが、spot 系の方がシンプルなので、spot 結果を記す。
sulmu(m) (= "blackness, black spot; black wood" [GE6] "black spot" on stone, body, eye, heavenly body; s. ini "iris", s. pdni "anger, rage"; "dark cloud, rain cloud"; "black wood, ebony"; < saldmu ) てん (s-t, l 無音), シミ (l 無音)
c. シミ、と、点、は親戚。
【賛】sthAna (= ; place of standing or staying , any place , spot , locality , abode , dwelling , house , site )
【民】tAn2am (= 02 1. place location, situation, spot, station; )
【チベ】thig le (= 1) anusvara; 2) 0; 3) [vital] essence; 4) bindu; 5) spheres/ circles * drop, dot *, spot, ring, nimbus; 6) center; 8) colored mark on the forehead between the eyes; 10) sperm, semen; 11) seminal point, nucleus, seed [IW]) て ん (g 無音, l-n)

other, another, different

【賛】pakSa (= m. wing, feather, flank or side, half, esp. of the month, a fortnight; party, faction, troop, class; one of two cases 2つのケースの一方, alternative 代替 ({pakSe} on the other hand, --- with regard to); supposition, statement, thesis, the subject of a syllogism; action, law-suit. Abstr. {-tA}Å f., {-tva}Å n.) ほくしゃ、ほか
【賛】pRthagbhU (= to be peculiar to DivyA7v. ; %{-bhUta} mfn. become separate , separated , different MW.) ぱーたぐば、ほーたが、ほかの
【蛇】הֶפֶךְ hephek, hêphek /heh'-fek, hay'-fek/ (= different, turn things around, contrary) は ふぇく、ほか
【チベ】phyogs rtog (= concepts/ thoughts of different aspects/ sides [IW]) ほか ...
c. チベット語 phyogs が語根らしい。しつこく、攻める。 phyogs で、検索。
【チベ】phyogs (= 1) spatial direction, cardinal point; 2) place, region, spatial position/ side; 3) thesis, tenet; 4) opinion, viewpoint, position; 5) side, class, category, type, aspect, respect, part, factors; 6) period of time; 7) 10; 8) alternative; 9) subject (of a syllogism; 10) direct, turn to, face to a certain direction; 11) party, faction, side, opposition (in debate/ war /politics etc; 12) base; 13) outskirts; 14) part of something bordering on another; 15) partiality, bias, interest; 16) 10; 17) about [such and such a time]; 18) how/ means/ way to do/ of doing) ほか
-- 他(た)--
sanu(m) II, Ass. saniufm) (= "(an)other" [MAN] also "different, strange; inimical, evil", in pi. "outsiders"; mannum s. "who else?"; sanumma "any other", also term for planet Mars; asar ) 他の
【有】të tjerët (= other) た てぃえーた  【形容詞】
【賛】ta (= pron. stem of 3^d pers. 3人称の語幹 (cf. {sa3}; n. {ta3d} q.v.) he, she, it; this, that (adj. & subst.), also = the def. article. Repeated, mostly in the plur. = this and that, various, several. {ya ta} (in the same sentence) whoever, anybody; {ya} ({ya}) -- {ta ta} or {ya ka} w. {cid} -- {ta} whoever-he. -- It often lays stress on an other pronoun of any pers. separately expressed or contained in a verbal form, as {taM tvA} -- {ahvaSata} thee (there) they have invoked, {sa naH--bhava} be thou to us, {te vayam} we here.)
【賛】sthAna (= ; place of standing or staying , any place , spot , locality , abode , dwelling , house , site (%{sthAne@sthAne} or %{sthAne@sthAneSu} , `" in different places "' , `" here and there "') RV.;; place or room , stead 代わり、代理、助け、有用、利益 (%{sthAne} with gen. or ifc. `" in place of "' , `" instead of "' , `" in lieu of "' ; ) 他の
【チベ】tha dad par (= different [IW]) た だっど ぱー
【羌】thɑmɑsɑ/ ʨe ʨe (= other) その他、た だ
【羌】thɑmɑsɑ/ ʨi/ ʨe ʨe (= different) その他、他、た だ
c. freelang.net には、diffrent, another 未登録。other は、有った。
【チベ】(= other) shen-da その他   by freelang.net
【チベ】(= other) shen-ta その他   by freelang.net
【チベ】(= the other, to live, to heal) sos そす、他   by freelang.net
c. 「その他」が、そのまま、チベットでは通ずる feeling.  しかし、tumblr.com で other を引くと "shen-da" 似は見つからない。バカにしている。   なお、other で「その他」がチベット語にあるなら、インド弁にも無いとオカシイ。多分下記が関与。 (?) 難。
【賛】saMdhi (= mfn. containing a conjunction or transition from one to the other &c. TBr. ; ) その他
c. ギャロン語には、 other と different が登録されていたが、日本語似の発音は、皆無。ギャロン人と日本人は、無関係だと思う。

bottom, deep, floor

sassu(m) (= "base, floor" Bab., NA 1. OB math, "base" of figure 2. "floor( -boards)" of chariot [KI.KAL] 3. "sole" of shoe, "bottom" of container; part of an axe 4. jB "s. for sassatu "grass"; > sassatu; ー ≫ sassumma) さっすー、そこ (s-k)
【有】skaj (= skirt, edge, end, skirting, extremity, bottom) そこっち
【民】takkam (= 01 1. stabil8ity; 2. attachment; 3. cavity in the palla1n3kul6i board made empty during a ame; 4. semi-liquid food at the bottom of a vessel) そこの (t-s)
c. 【賛】に「そこ」似は無い、tala てら、がメイン、である。無いのは珍しい。deep でも攻める。
【賛】utsaGga (= ( %{sanj}) m. the haunch or part above the hip , lap MBh. ; any horizontal area or level (as a roof of a house &c.) Ragh. ; the bottom or deep part of an ulcer Sus3r. ; embrace , association , union L. ; a particular position of the hands PSarv.; (%{am}) n. a high number (= 100 Viva1has) Lalit.) うそこ
【賛】sotsaGga (= mfn. deepened , depressed 押し下げられた Bhpr.) そそこ、そこ
【賛】sugabhyIra (= a. very deep.) 底深い (h-k)、底が深い (h-k)
【チベ】dong (= a deep hole, pit, ditch, a well, depth, bottom; depth, pit, bottom; pit [RY]) そこ (n 無音)
【羌】ʂqul (= bottom) そこ
c. ギャロン DB に bottom 未登録。
【ウズベク】tag (= base, bottom, base, bottom, radix) 底(t-s)、床(とこ)
-- floor 床(とこ) --
c. floor 床(とこ)、と、 bottom 底が、同源だ、と示唆している。そうかな。floor とこ、を全チェックする。
【趣】sug8, sul4, sur12, su7 (= : threshing floor 脱穀場; grain pile; a small animal (cf., su-a, 'cat'). ) とこ、そこ
sassu(m) (= "base, floor" Bab., NA 1. OB math, "base" of figure 2. "floor( -boards)" of chariot [KI.KAL] 3. "sole" of shoe, "bottom" of container; part of an axe 4. jB "s. for sassatu "grass"; > sassatu; ー ≫ sassumma) さっすー、そこ (s-k)、床(とこ)
【箍】sahig (= floor, flooring, story) 床(とこ)
【賛】Tokkai (= depression or hollow in the paved floor, caused by bandicoots, etc.) 床(とこ)、底(そこ)
【羌】sɑ/ χɑl/ cen/ pu/ sse/ tʂəwu/ xal/ ʨiɸu/ ʨuwu/ buɹ (= floor) さ、そそ、そこ (s-k)

【趣】zag-gu-la (= ; zag-gal-la: a type of chair; seat of honor 名誉の席 ('side, shoulder' + 'great'). ) せきら
subtu(m) I, suptu(m) (= "seat, dwelling" [KI.TUS; TUS; DAG] 1. "dwelling place", s. nehtu "peaceful dwelling" (for subjects); s. ramu, nadu etc. "to set up, take up dwelling"; "(human) settlement"; "quarters, military pos- ition" for troops; "residence" of king; god's "residence" in temple, in heaven, in apsu; "lair, nest" of animal, bird 2. "seat; site; foundation"; "base (for divine symbol);) せき (p-k)
【賛】saMniveza (= m. entering or sitting down together , entrance into , settlement (acc. with %{kR} or %{vi-dhA} , `" to take up a position , settle down "') Ka1v. ; seat , position , situation (ifc. `" situated in or on "') Sus3r.) せき (v-k)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666182777/seat 無
【蛇】שֶׁבֶת shebeth /sheh'-beth/ (= seat, site, place) せき (h'-ki)
c. チャン、ギャロンに seat 未登録。

【尼】ayah (= father, dad, daddy, parent, old man, papa) おや、おやじ
【民】peRROr (= parents) ほや、おや
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664130530/parent 皆無
【羌】ɑje ɑmie (= parents) おや あみ
c. ギャロン語の parent は、ほぼ全域で「pamə ぱめ」系だった。チャン語にも pimi 等が混じっている。
「パパママ」で「パーマー」の feeling. (?)
【羌】ba ȵa ma/ jæmæ/ ow ȵæ ɑpæ/ pimi/ æpæ əji/ ɑje ɑmie/ əwu ȵɑ pæ (= parents)
【ギャロン】vɑˈmæʔ ヴぁま、pʰə22 mə44 ためー、 p‘a22 me33 たみー、p‘a22 me33 ぱま、 pʰɐ mɐ ぱめ
c. 【チベ】に「pama」系は皆無。freelang.net の basic 辞書には、 parent も未登録。---- お話し、になりません。

elder brother
ahum PNs, NA] (= 1. "(natural) brother"; a. rabulsehru "older/younger brother"; a. abim "father's brother, uncle" 2. transf. (address for people of equal rank); "colleague"; "fellow tribesman"; a. rabu "deputy teacher" 3. ahum aham "one ) あに
【民】aNNA (= 02 1. elder brother; 2. father) あに
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59653844555/brother バカ辞書、見る気がしないので、pending

younger brother

【アッカド語】 athu pi.; OB du. athe ? "companions, partners" O/jB; OA as pi. of ahu I "brothers"; < ahu II; > athutu 弟(おと)・夫(おと)
athutu(m) (= "partnership" OB, Am.; a. sakdnum "to establish partnership, brotherly relations" with s.o.; a. rdmu "to wish partnership" with s.o.; ana a. lequm "to accept in partnership (through marriage)"; < atM abstr.) 夫(おとと)  ◎
737.】 season kašādu (= : to arrive, reach, conquer 1) to reach , to arrive , to accomplish , to conquer (place, level, person, time, day, season) , to happen / occur / arrive / take place (event) ; kašādu +) 季節(きせつ) ◎
   season - ša šatti (= 1) yearly ; 2) seasonal ;) 節(せつ) (sa 無音)
【露17.】 season - сушить, /sushit'/ 節(せつ) (su 無音) 〇
【趣737.】season - adea [FLOODING] (107x: ED IIIb, Ur III) wr. a-de2; a-de2-a "flooding; flood season" 季(おとと) 紀11 〇
【蛇195.】season - עֵת /'et/ 季(おとと) 紀11 〇
【蛇195-2】 brother - אָח /'ach/ おと[= 弟] ◎
c. 季(おとと) は、当て字?。日本書紀 巻第十一の一 or 資2  資3 [今我(やつかれ)也弟(おとと)之。,,,不足以稱(かなふ) 夫昆(このかみ)上(かみ)而季(おとと)下(しも)]、而季(おとと)、で弟(おとうと)の音の当て字のつもりなの、何故、季という漢字を当てたの?。資2 では、季(おと)、としている。なおさらシュメール・ヘブライ語に似ているダ。 cf. き【季】 5 兄弟のいちばん下。末っ子。「季子/伯仲叔季」。これは中国語由来か?。中国語辞書でもそうなっていますね。

【賛】yaviSTha (= mfn. (superl. of %{yuvan}) youngest , very young , last-born (esp. applied to Agni when just produced from wood or placed on the altar after everything else [848,2] ; Agni Yavisht2ha is also the supposed author of RV.) RV. ; m. a younger brother L. ; N. of a Bra1hman (pl. his descendants) Cat. -1.) おとと
c. チベット語、チャン、ギャロン系には、親、兄弟姉妹関係の日本語語彙はナイ。父、は、例外。

c. 国語辞典:
いん 【因】 名詞 果の報いを生ずる原因となるもの。物事が起きる原因。◆仏教語。[反対語] 果(くわ)。
よす−が 【縁・・便】 名詞 @頼り。ゆかり。身や心を寄せる所。A(頼りとする)縁者。夫・妻・子など。B手がかり。手段。便宜。
【賛】visarga (= ; `" producer "' , cause BhP. ; ) よすが
【民】AtikAraNam (= * primary cause 基本原因) よすがもん
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59654682063/cause 皆無

bean, pea, seed
【民】mun2i (= 03 1. saint, sage; 2. the buddha; 3. west Indian pea-tree 《植物》エンドウ、豌豆◆中央アジアから中近東原産で、温帯地域で広く栽培されるマメ科エンドウ属の一年生のつる性植物。) まめ
【民】mUvilaimin2n2i (= ★field-bean) まめ(豆)
【賛】varNArha (= m. a sort of ★bean , Phaseolus Mungo L.) まめ (v-m)

c. 「まめ」はタミル語以外にない。サンスクリットやチベット語は、「ましゃ」系である。
【賛】mASa (= m. bean; a small weight of gold (also {mASaka} m. n.).) まーしゃ
c. 阿遲摩佐能(あじまさの)は、小豆島、「あずきしま」「しょうどしま」を指し、「あじまさ」は、「あずきまめ」である。多分。仁徳天皇の語彙は、インド弁である。
c. 古事記 下巻、仁徳天皇の歌。原文/口語訳
『押してるや、難波の崎から出で立ちて、我が国見をすると、アハ島 オノゴロ島 アジマサの島も見える、サケツ(先つ)島も見える。』

【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59651927570/bean 馬鹿チベット語辞書である。 ---- mon sran dkar bu、mon sran rde'u 等が「まめ」の語根との判定は、日本人としては判定出来ない。そもそも、 mon の定義がタイトル bean の配下に表示されないのが、辞書として、ボロイ。
c. チベット語の mon を個人として、追跡調査しろ、と、いうのか?。→、そんなこと、簡単だ。
【チベ】mon (= 1) Mon district モン地域; 2) border district 縁の地域 [includes Sikkim, Bhutan ブータン, Nepal but particularly between Kosi and Teesta rivers: name connotes hunter tribes] [IW]) モン  地名。
【チベ】mon sran (= a kind of Indian pea from Mon D [IW]) モン産のインド豆
c. チベット語の「mon sran dkar bu」の mon は、「豆(まめ)」では無く、モン族、の、モンでした。
c. チャン語、ギャロン語の bean/ pea の単語の発音は「まめ」とは無縁。まるで、別世界の単語である。

daku(m), Ass. dudku(m) (= "to kill; beat" G (u) [GAZ] 1. "kill" person; jB/NA "fight" (-? Gt) 2. "beat" as punishment; "defeat" enemy, city in battle (? > dabdu);) てき
【賛】zatruka (= m. an enemy Subh.) てき
【民】tev (= 01 1. enmity, hostility 威嚇、脅威; 2. war, battle, fight; 3. opposing power, enemy) てき (v-k)
【チベ】dgra (= enemy, foe, warfare, opponent [IW]) てき
【ギャロン】tɘɡra (= enemy @ Maerkang Jiamuzu Konglong(B) 马尔康脚木足 Kyom kyo) てくら、てき
【ギャロン】ɑˈɟɑʔ (= enemy @ Jinchuan Erkai 金川二楷 ri ṣe) あだ、あた
foe, enemy

【箍】katunggali (= opponent, antagonist, rival, enemy) かたき
【賛】kaNTaka (= m. thorn, prickle, point, sting, fish-bone; erection of the hair of the body; annoyance, vexation, pain; foe, enemy.) かたき (N 無音)
【チベ】'khon dgra (= hostile enemy [IW]) かたき
c. チベット語によると、仇(かたき)は、'khon dgra = 'khon + 敵、 の複合語(合成語)。カモ。ならば、'khon って何だ?。
→ 馬鹿チベット語辞書は、'khon の見出しが無い。「'khon」で検索をかけると、結果が出るが、サブタイトルが「'khon」の欄は無い。アホ辞書である。  途中で、下記を見つけた。
【チベ】'khon sdang (= after quarrelling 喧嘩の後、 became vindictive 報復的な、復讐のための [IW]) かたき
-- 仇(あだ、あた) --
【賛】ahita (= a. unfit, improper, bad, wrong, evil, hostile. m. enemy; n. evil, misfortune, ill luck.) あた
【賛】arAti (= f. envy, jealousy (lit. the not giving), enmity; concr. enemy, foe.) あた
【民】arAti (= enemy, foe (TLS)) あた
【ギャロン】ɑˈɟɑʔ (= enemy @ Jinchuan Erkai 金川二楷 ri ṣe) あだ、あた

faith, faithful, loyalty
c. 「忠」の訓読みが分からないので調べたら、
音読み	【小】 チュウ
訓読み	【△】 まごころ
意味	まごころ。まこと。偽りのない真心。
・[日本] じょう。四等官(シトウカン)で、弾正台の第三位。
漢字検定	5級
学年	小学校6年生
c. 「まごころ」なの。しかし、だ。faith で調べたら、モロ、有った。
【賛】maGgala n. (accord. to Un2. fr. %{maGg}) happiness , felicity , welfare , bliss (also pl. ; ifc. f. %{A}) Mn. ; anything auspicious or tending to a lucky issue (e.g. a good omen , a prayer , benediction , auspicious ornament or amulet , a festival or any solemn ceremony on important occasions &c. ; ; ; a faithful wife 誠実な妻 L. ; ) まがから、まごころ
【チベ】dngos grub (= accomplishment. (dngos grub), Skt. siddhi. The attainment resulting from Dharma practice usually referring to the 'supreme accomplishment’ of complete enlightenment. It can also mean the 'common accomplishments,’ eight mundane accomplishments such as clairvoyance, clairaudiance, flying in the sky, becoming invisible, everlasting youth, or powers of transmutation. The most eminent attainments on the path are, however, renunciation, compassion, unshakable faith and realization of the correct view. See also 'supreme and common accomplishments.’ [RY]) どまご ころぶ   /ngö drup/ まご どろぷ
Google 翻訳のアホ機械翻訳結果:(= 達成しました。 (dngos grub)、Skt。 シッディ。 ダルマの実践から得られる達成は、通常、完全な悟りの「最高の達成」を指します。 それはまた、「共通の成果」、千里眼、透明感、空を飛ぶ、目に見えなくなる、永遠の若者、あるいは変容の力など、8つの日常的な業績を意味します。 しかし、この道で最も顕著な成果は、放棄、思いやり、揺るぎない信仰、そして正しい見方の実現です。 「最高と共通の成果」も参照のこと。[RY])

rare, precious


madallu(m) (or matallu(m)) (= 1. O/jB (a precious stone 貴重な石 ) 2. OAkk(Sum.) (a copper object 銅) ) めずら、めったにねー (l-n)
masanum (= (an object of precious metal) OAkk and in Sum. texts; ? ≫ massdnu, musdnum ? ) めったにねー (s-t)
c. 金属の metal 「メタル」と「珍し(めずら し)」「めったにねー」は、親戚だって。 (m-m, t-z, l-l)
【有】i rrallë (= rare, infrequent, sparse, scarce, curious, uncommon) イ まれ (r-m)  【形容詞】
【箍】madalang (= infrequent, rare, grassy, scarce, sparse, few) めずらちー
【尼】nadir (= rare) めずら
【賛】virala (= a. having interstices or intervals, separated (in space or time), distant, thin, rare; abstr. {-tA} f.) まれ (v-m)
【民】marai (= 01 1. sambur, Indian elk; 2. bison; wild cow; 3. frog; 4. a flaw in precious stones; 5. nut of a screw; 6. burner, in a chimney lamp) まれ
【賛】mahAdhana (= 2 a. having or costing much money; rich, wealthy, costly, precious.) めったにねー
【賛】mahAsAra (= mfn. `" having grngreat sap or vigour "' , firm , strong R. Ma1lav. ; valuable , precious R. ; m. a tree akin to the Acacia Catechu L. ; n. N. of a city Buddh.) めずら
【賛】kaustubha (= %{as} , %{am} m. n. (cf. %{kust-})N. of a celebrated jewel (obtained with thirteen other precious things at the churning of the ocean and suspended on the breast of Kr2ishn2a or Vishn2u) MBh.; m. a manner of joining the fingers Tantras. ; = %{kiMtughna} AV. Jyot. ; (%{am}) n. a kind of oil (%{sarSapo7dbhava}) Ka1tyS3r.) 貴重
【民】kaTTumAn2am (= 1. construction of buildings; 2. setting of precious stones, as in jewels; 3. conformity to social rules (TLS)) 貴重なもの
【チベ】mi srid (= be rare/ non-existent/ impossible, not becoming [IW]) ま れだ (s 無音)、め ずらし
【チベ】rmad byung gi dpe (= rgyan of having given a rare and wondrous/ strange example showing that the sense exemplified is also like that, among nyams ldan gyi rgyan and dpe'i rgyan [IW]) めった にねー だべ (g 無音)
c. チベット語の「rm」「rn」は、わざと「m」と間違えるようにした、スペル。(?)
【チベ】kha cig tsam (= few rare cases [JV]) 貴重な(きちょうな)
【羌】keʨi (= rare) 貴重


【賛】sma (= %{smA} , (or %{Sma} , %{SmA}) ind. a particle perhaps originally equivalent to `" ever "' , `" always "' ;) つね (s-t)
【賛】sama (= 2 mf(%{A4})n. ; always the same , constant , unchanged 不変, fair , impartial towards (loc. or gen.) ib. ; ) つね (s-t)、え つね (s-t)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59650502471/always 無い。
【羌】ɑs mɑvv いつも/ atao maqa/ dʐəχ/ esinɑqɑ/ ki/ tɑwɑ とわ/ ɑlɑmɑq/ ɑlɑn ɑlɑ/ ɑs mqɑ/ ɑs nəqɑ/ tsen つね/ ȵɑt/ ɑsə mɑ ȵi (= always)
【蛇】תָּמִיד tâmı̂yd /taw-meed'/ (= always, all times, regular, daily, perpetual, alway, regular sacrifice, continually, continual, evermore, continuously, continual employment, ever, regularly, never, constantly) つねだ
c. 「いつも」は、シュメール語、サンスクリット、チャン語、ギャロンに有る。
【趣】udmeda (= [EVER] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ud-me-da "ever, always" Akk. matīma) いつめだ → いつでも or いつもだ   by [Pen] 〇
【賛】vizvadAnIm (= a. always, evermore.) いっつも
【ギャロン】jətɕi’tɕima いちちま(いつでも) (= always #1822)
【ギャロン】tsə³tsəs⁵ しょちゅう (= always #1822)

brush, smear
pasasu(m) (= "to anoint" G (alu) [SES; med. also E§] person, part of body, divine image, stele etc., hprse, with (= ace. or ina) oil; "smear" door with oil, wall with mud Gtn iter. [usu. SES.MES; ES.MES] Gt "anoint o.s." OA, O/MB D ~ G "anoint" s.o.; "oil" straw; "smear with 〔油・ペンキなどを〕塗りつける" mud N (occas. /'//) "anoint o.s." with (= ace), "be anointed"; > passum; pissatu; pasisu, pasisutu; pusistum; napsastu) ふで (s-t-d)
【有】furçë (= brush, paintbrush) ふちぇ、ふで  
【箍】pahid (= smear , coat, brush) はひど、ふで、はけだ (h-k)
【民】purucu (= 02 brush) ふで (c-t-d)
【賛】pradih (= P. %{-degdhi} , to smear over , besmear , anoint Sus3r.) ふで
【チベ】bad pir (= outlining brush [RY]) ばど ぴる  △

-- すえ --
【賛】Sa (= 2 mfn. (only L. ; for 3. %{Sa} see below) best , excellent ; wise , learned ; m. loss , destruction ; loss of knowledge ; end , term ; rest , remainder ; eternal happiness , final emancipation ; heaven , paradise ; sleep ; a learned man , teacher ; a nipple ;) しゃ、すえ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/end 無
【羌】ʨusuɑ (= end) すえ
【ギャロン】təstʰe てっつぇ (= end) すえ
【蛇】סוֹף sôph /sofe/ (= conclusion, hinder part, rear, end) すふぇ
-- まつ --
musiu 1 ; NB pi. musdne (= "exit 出口" Bab., M/NA [KI.E; ZAG.E; KI.TA.E.A]; "way out"; "going out, departure"; "escape route", sa Id muse "inescapable"; "outflow, outlet"; NB "exit tax", a canal charge; astr. "rising" of star; "yield" (< W.Sem.); OB m. sattim "end of the year"; < wasum; OA ? ? musium I ) まつ
【賛】niSTha (= a. staying, lying, being, resting, footing, dependent, or intent upon; relating, attached, or devoted to (---), abstr. {-tA} f. -- f. {A} stand-point, basis, foundation; devotion to, familiarity with (loc.); height, summit, close, end (adj. --- ending with); decision, sentence, verdict (j.); the endings {ta} & {tavant} and the participles formed with them (g.).) まつ
【チベ】mas mtha’ (= lower end [IW]) まつ まつ  △

oil, butter
aprusu (= (a plant) jB, NA as drug; oil, seed, flour of a.) あぶら (s 無音)
【賛】abhighAra (= m. sprinkling over S3a1n3khGr2. ; scattering over , mingling with Gobh. ; ghee ギー油 or clarified 澄まし butter バター L.) あぶら (gh 無音) △
c. 「あぶら」似は、無い。インド弁の oil/ anointment/ lard 等にも無し。
c. チベット語の西田語彙に「油」が登録されていた。参りますだ。多分下記。
【チベ】'bru mar (= grain oil [IW]) あぶら もん (?)  /dru mar/ どる まる?

shaft, trunk, stem
【民】nukakkAl (= 1. shaft of a plough) みき
【民】mUkku (= 01 1. nose, nostril; 2. bird's beak; bill; 3. elephant's trunk; 4. nose-shaped part of a cup, etc.; spout of kettle or pot; 5. nose-shaped end of the pole of a cart; 6. germinating end of seeds; 7. base or stem of a leaf; 8. broken ends of rice) みき
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/shaft 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667065630/stem 無

plan, draft
【尼】rang (= draft, plan) あん
【民】AmARu (= plan, device 計画、策略。手段、仕掛け、工夫。〔特定の比較的簡単な目的を果たす〕機器、装置、道具、発明品、考案品) あん (R-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664541266/plan 無

tag, bill, label, ticket
【有】faturë (= invoice, bill, receipt, voucher, counterfoil) ふだ
【有】biletë (= ticket, ducat, transportation, pasteboard) ふだ
【トルコ】fatura (= bill, invoice, note) ふだ
【民】villaTi (= bill of lading 〔貨物の〕積み込み、荷積み。積み荷、貨物) ふだ (l 無音)
【民】veRRiccITTu (= the winning ticket, as in a lottery くじの勝ち札) ふだ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/bill 無
【チベ】pa se (= ticket [JV]) ふだ

group, class, herd
c. 【類】= 音読み ルイ。訓読み [外]たぐい 外たぐい・たぐえる・にる
-- るい --
【賛】rAzi (= m. (L. also f. ; once m.c. in R. %{I} , f. ; derivation doubtful , but cf. Un2. iv , 32) a heap , mass , pile , group , multitude , quantity , number RV. ;) るい (z-y)
【チベ】re (= 1. 1 single some 1 group, each, single, a single one, some, something, one to each, one at a time, some [//nang re dgong re,//gcig re gnyis re,//mi re ngo re]; ) るい
-- たぐい --
【民】tokai (= 1. assembly, collection; 2. association; 3. flock, herd 群れ swarm 〔混乱している人や動物の〕群れ、群衆, school; 4. bunch; 5. sum, amount, total; 6. property, stock money; 7. number;) たぐい
【チベ】tshogs mi (= 1) person who goes to a meeting/ assembly/ feast etc.; 2) member of individual groups [IW]) たぐい (m 無音)

emperor, king
【趣】dumu-lugal(-/ak/) (= : prince 王子 ('child' + 'king' + genitive). ) すめらぎの
【趣】dumu-mi-lugal(-/ak/) (= : princess 王女 ('child' + 'female' + 'king' + genitive).) すめめらぎの
samru(m) I (= "furious, impetuous" O/jB, NA deity, king, demon; tempest, flood, light; onslaught, weapons; < samdru I; > samris ) すめら
【賛】sAMgrAmikaguNa (= m. `" the martial 好戦的な、勇敢な、軍人らしい、勇ましい qualities of a king 王の格闘上の特質 (consisting of the 3 S3aktis , the Shad2gun2ya , and the Astra7dy-abhya1sa) L.) すめらぎの、すげー勇猛果敢
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59661781921/king 無
【羌】ʐm etʂe/ ʐmu tʂe/ ʐmutʂə/ ʐmuɕi (= king) すめ つちぇ
c. ギャロン DB に king 未登録。

castle, fort, fortress


【有】torrë (= rook 《チェス》ルーク◆【略】R[◆【同】castle]。《将棋》飛車、飛, castle) しろ (t-s)
【蛇】טִירָה ṭı̂yrâh /tee-raw'/ (= palace, battlement, camp, castle, habitation, row, camps, encampments, rows) しーろう (t-s)
【カザフ】сарай /saray/ (= palace, shed, castle) しろ
【ウズベク】saroy (= palace, palace, barn, castle, shed, chateau) しろ
c. 「丸(まる)」も有る。 ex. 本丸(ほんまる)
【チベ】ma ru (= castle and monastery 《キリスト教》〔建物としての〕男子修道院 in NE Lhasa [IW]) ま る
c. 「中国・日本史書に見られる高句麗・百済語」 の 城 - 溝婁(コル) 「後漢書」等から。 も有る。
cf. 扶余語族と他のアルタイ諸語の語彙対応比較表  古代日本語は、「ko[ɸ]ori(こほり 郡)、ki2(き 城)[14]」 だって。
【民】kaRpi-ttal (= 02 1. to create; to construct; to invent, as a term; to compose, as a poem; 2. to direct, command; 3. to prescribe ordain; 4. to arrange; 5. to imagine, build castle in the air) こおる、き、曲輪・郭(くるわ)、がわ
c. 富山市内の商店街の名前の総曲輪(そうがわ)は、モロ、castle と関連。と、判明。
【有】kala (= castle, fortress 要塞、とりで、安全地域、大規模な要塞、要塞地, stronghold, tower, citadel, fort) こる、こほり
【トルコ】kale (= castle, fortress, goal, fort, citadel, stronghold) こる、こほり
【アゼルバイジャン】qala (= castle, fortress, tower, stronghold, fort, fastness) こる、こほり
【カザフ】құлып /qulıp/ (= castle) くるわ、こほり
【ウズベク】qal'a (= fortress, fortress, castle, citadel, bulwark, fastness) こる、こほり
c. インド弁、チベット語に「城(しろ)」は無い。  → タミル語の fort/ city に有った。
c. ニラメッコすれば分かるが、 kala は 砦(とりで)・要塞 fort, fortress に対応している。インド弁を fort で攻めると下記を見つける。
【民】ciRai (= 01 1. guard, defence, watch; 2. confinement, restraint, incarceration; 3. prison, jail, place of confinement; 4. captivity, slavery, bondage; 5. captive, slave; 6. young woman taken captive to marry or to keep; 7. beautiful young woman worth taking captive; 8. dam, bank; 9. tank; 10. place, location, situation; 11. side of a street; 12. bank, shore; 13. fortwall とりでの壁, surrounding wall of a city; 14. boundary; 15. wing, feather, plumage; 16. flaw of tonelessness in a lute string) しーらい、しろ
c. スペル的には、 kala が、cala になり、タミル人に掛かると、c のスペルの発音は カ行からサ行に化ける。つまり「カラ」は「サラ」に化ける。つまり、kala と siro は同源である。多分。
c. 連想ゲーム的には、kala は、百済(くだら)の任那(みまな)が有った伽耶(かや、加耶とも)[、または加羅(から)。また加羅諸国(からしょこく)]と発音が似ている。kaya, kala だって。YouTube の VTR で地元の人が言っていたが、大昔は、大きな要塞で、長い壁が周りを囲んでいたって (?)。伽耶は、鉄資源の日本への提供元の位置付け、の重要拠点。
c. 「城【古代日本語】こほり、き」と有るが、「しろ」と「こほり」は、どっちが古いのか?。
cf. 読書カフェ「戦争の日本古代史」(倉本一宏著)20171216レジメつき (YouTube)
   |--- 白村江の戦い、に大敗。この過程において、日本国内の一致団結の意識高揚、&、邪魔者(地方の大豪族層の)一掃、がなされ、後の国政が、逆に、大変やりやすくなった(もし唐に負けたとしても、そのことが逆に、倭国内、中央集権国家の樹立が目指せる、との、目算アリ。スゴイ。というか、天智天皇は、陰険?)。とも、言える。だって。 ----→ 面白い。

c. 投稿者: 秦野北斗、 氏からのコメント [8140] Re: 城(しろ)、【古代日本語】こほり、き
[2019年 7月 2日(火)21時46分50秒]

→ コメントありがとうございます。
城と古墳は、wikipedia 古墳に、「城砦としての利用:古墳は堀と高台を持つため、同様の堀と高台からなるヨーロッパの城砦形式モット・アンド・ベーリーが青銅器時代の墳丘墓を利用している[18]ように城砦として利用された。」 と書いてありますね。
前方後円墳の古墳は、別名「車塚(くるまづか)」と呼ばれていまして、クルガン、と、同源です。城は、古代語は「こほり、き」なので、koli こり、で、くるま/クルガン/くるくる回る、と、つながってきます。多分。
--- なので、くるまづか、は、クルガン、由来。 クルガン → くるま、と、なまった。の方が、説得力がある。
cf. 車塚古墳 :車塚古墳(くるまづかこふん)は、日本の古墳の名称。各地に同名の古墳があるため地名を頭につけて呼称する。前方後円墳を貴人が乗る車に見立てたことが語源とされる。
cf. クルガン
cf. クルガン仮説:クルガン仮説は、クルガンを建設した人々がインド・ヨーロッパ祖語の話し手であったとする仮説である。
cf. #n.471 輪、wheel も参照。
in advance
【アゼルバイジャン】əvvəlcədə/ irəlicədən (= in advance, previously, beforehand, in good time) あからかじめ
【ウズベク】ilgaridan (= previously, beforehand) あらかじめ
【賛】pUrvakRtvarI (= f. acting beforehand AV.) あらかじめ (p 無音, v-m)
【賛】puraHsara (= mf(%{I})n. going before or in advance ; m. a forerunner , precursor , harbinger , attendant AV. ; ifc. (f. %{A}) attended or preceded by , connected with MBh. ; (%{am}) ind. along with , among , after , by means of (comp.) Katha1s.) あらかじめ (H-k, r-m)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/beforehand 無
【チベ】sngon dran (= perceive a later situation [a little] beforehand [IW]) あらかじめ (sn-ara) ×  sn が 「あら」には、化けない。しかし、チベット人が発音すると、化けるのかも。
c. 「前もって」、「事前」も有る。
【民】mun2n2iTu-tal (= 1. to advance; to go in front; 2. to be ready, prompt; 3. to succeed, be successful; 1. to put before; 2. to meet; 3. to let one go before or in advance; 4. to bear in mind; 5. to invoke the aid of) まえもって
【蛇】שִׁלְשֹׁם shilshôm, shilshôm /shil-shome', shil-shome'/ (= time, beforehand, past, times past, beforetime, heretofore, formerly, previously, time past, Shealtiel, misc, times, past 0865, before) じぜん、じぜんに

c. Google 漢字変換は、バカ。「なだ」で「洋」が出て来ない。
【趣】nab (= : ocean; musician; Elamite word for 'god' (ni, 'fear, respect', + aba, ab, 'lake, sea') ) なだ (b-d)
【賛】mahodadhi (= m. sea, ocean.) なだ
【チベ】mtsho (= 1) ocean [kun nas brkos dang, skyes bus ma byas pa, lha min brkos, lha rdzing, lhas bkang, lhas brkos]; 2) lag sor bcu'i rtse'i sha ris sgor sgor; 2) four [Mt Meru’s mdangs phog lugs kyis great oceans four if divided by color [dkar sngon dmar ser] [IW]) なだ   △
c. 洋(うみ)も有る。
【民】Alam (= 01 1. water; 2. sea, ocean; 3. rain) うみ

shore, bank
c. チベット語の西田語彙 150 の中にある。
【趣】ki-duru5 (= : parts of the field where the ground is moist and productive; ★riverbank; generosity (cf., piš10, peš10; pešx[KI.A]) ('ground' + 'moist'). )
kisadu(m) (= ; pi. f. "neck; bank" [(UZU.)GU] 1. of human, deity, statue; du. "(both sides of) neck", "back of neck" (as recipient of load, yoke); as place of necklace, seal etc.; of animal 2. OB f. (a neckcloth) 3. "necklace", "(stone worn at) neck, neckstone" 4. "★bank, shore" of sea, water- course, also du. "both banks" 5. (part of a wheel) )
【賛】kaccha (= m. (%{A} , %{am} fn. L.) a bank or any ground bordering on water , shore ; [cf. Zd. {kasha} , {voura-kaSa} , the `" wide-shored "' , the Caspian Sea ; cf. %{kakSa}] ;)
【チベ】'khris (= in front of, near, before, nearby, side, wind, SA 'khri ba, neighboring bank, shore, coast [JV])  
【チベ】phar ngogs (= other bank/ shore/ side [IW]) 浜岸(はまぎし)
【羌】qsək zinɑ (= shore) 岸..
【ギャロン】kʰo'zde くぁじぃ、岸? (= shore)

【趣】 (= : neck; nape; river bank; side; other side; edge; front; land; pulse, chick pea (for 'land, district' cf., gún; for 'load; talent' cf., gun; gún, gú) (circular + u5, 'on top of'; cf., Orel & Stolbova #982, *gun- "occiput, neck, nape") くー
guparu II, gupdru, gubdru (= "neck; mane" jB also of stone/gold ornament; < Sum. ) くび
【有】qafë (= neck, col, collar, saddle, nape, pass) くふぃー、くび
【賛】kambu (= neck) くび
【民】kirIvam (= neck) くび
【チベ】gre ba (= forepart of neck 首の前部, throat のど, windpipe and gullet, voice [JV]) くび (r 無音)  しかし、/drewa/ なので、本当は ×
【チベ】mgul pa /gül pa/ (= - neck, throat (H) [IW]) ぐるぱ、くび 〇

at the time of,
■ きわ
kibru(m), kipru(m) (= ; pi. m. & f. "bank, shore, rim" [PlS|o(=Kl.A)] of river, canal, sea, as safe place; "rim" of oil cup; "border, edge" of furniture, boat; of part of body, k. inim "rim (=white) of eye"; in kibrdt erbetti(m)larba' 'i(m) [UB.DA.LIMMU(.BA)] "the four edges" of the world, jB also kibrdtum alone [UB.MES] "the world" ) きわ
【有】kufi (= border, boundary, frontier, margin, line, ceiling) きふぁ
【民】karai (= 05 1. shore of a sea; 2. bank, bund as of a tank; 3. bound, limit; 4. ridge of a field; 5. border of a cloth; 6. side, prozimity, usu, in compounds, as; 7. place; 8. word; 9. large division of co-parcenary land in a village consisting of dry and wet lands and garden fields) きわ
c. ex. 髪の毛の生え際。
【チベ】klas pa (= bordering on [JV]) きわ、きは
【蛇】גְּבֻל gebûl, gebûl /gheb-ool', gheb-ool'/ (= territory, borders, wall, area, land, coast, landmark, districts, non translated variant, limit, border, line, bound, quarters, boundary, barrier, territories, space, coastline) きわ
【アゼルバイジャン】köbə (= border, edging) きわ
■ しな
【京都弁】いにしな 【= 帰りがけ】。 【石見弁】「もどりしに、もどりしなに 【帰るとき、帰り際に、】」
sanu(m) IV, sand'u(m) (= "to be changed, become different" [MAN] G (Hi) of road, border; ) しな
simanu(m) I, simannu, Ass. simunu (= "(right) occasion, season" Bab., M/NA 5. zeri (ardsi) "time for sowing"; NB 5. sa massartisu "time for his watch"; jB, NA ina Id s.-su "at the wrong moment" for s.th.; NB astr. "time" in gener.; NA (i(naj)simin + subjunct. "when"; < wasdmum; Ug. ? ≫ simdnu II ) しな
【賛】samaya (= ; appointed or proper time , right moment for doing anything (gen. or Pot.) , opportunity , occasion , time , season (ifc. or ibe. or %{e} ind. , `" at the appointed time or at the right moment or in good time for "' , or `" at the time of 〜の際"' , `" when there is "' ; %{tena@samayena} , `" at that time "') ;) しな
【賛】sthAna (= n. standing, remaining, abiding, not budging; continuation, duration; state. condition, position, rank, dignity; shape, form, appearance; sphere, domain, province; abode, place, seat, home, stead (loc. w. gen. or --- instead of); proper place or time, occasion or object for (gen. or ---); place of articulation, organ (g.); the (4) stamina of a kingdom (treasury etc.).) しな
【チベ】tsa na (= 1) because, since; 2) at the time/ occasion * when, when, at the time of [IW]) しな
【羌】dzə nə (= border) しな
【トルコ】sınır (= limit, border, boundary, borderline, frontier, bound) しな
■ さい   occasion
c. 「さい」無いね。発想の変換が必要。業際(ぎょうさい)は、ニッチ・隙間 niche
【民】tapA (= time, occasion, turn) さい

nahu(m), OAkk, Ass. nudhu(m) (= ; "extinguish" fire; "settle" (i.e. draw back ?) a curtain S ~ D "soothe" the heart N of a patient "come to rest"; ) まく (h-k)
【有】mjegull (= fog, mist, vapor, smog, exhalation, curtain) まく
【賛】nepathya (= n. (and m. L.) an ornament , decoration , costume (esp. of an actor) , attire (ifc. f. %{A}) MBh. (%{-thyaM-kR} , or %{grah} or %{rac} or %{vi-dhA} , `" to make the toilet "') [569,2] ; n. (in dram.) the place behind the stage (separated by the curtain from the %{raGga}) , the postscenium , the tiring-room ; (%{e}) ind. behind the scenes (see esp. MW. )) まく (th-k)
【民】macakari (= 1. curtain) まく
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/curtain 無
【蛇】מָסָךְ mâsâk /maw-sawk/ (= curtain, covering, hanging, screening, screen, defense, veil) まさうく、まく
membranae, membrane, film
【賛】mastakaluGga (= m. or n. (?) the membrane of the brain L. (cf. %{mastuluGga}).) まく
【民】mAcu (= 01 1. spot; 2. stain, taint, tarnish; 3. defect, fault, flaw; 4. perversity; 5. blackness; 6. darkness; 7. cloud; 8. sin; 9. evil; 10. dust; 11. the milky way; 12. cf. trifle; 13. ordure; 14. afterbirth; 15. bile; 16. phlegm; 17. film in the eye;) まく
【チベ】mje shubs (= condom コンドーム, membraneous covering or sheath of the penis [JV]) まく (sh-k)
【アゼルバイジャン】nazik qat (= film) まく.. (z 無音)

method, way, treatment
【賛】svavidhi (= m. `" own rule or method "' ; (%{inA}) ind. in onone's own way BhP. ; in the right wnwish , duly VarBr2S.) すべだ、すべ
【賛】svastha (= ; %{-vRtta} n. medical treatment of a healthy person Car. ;) すべだ、てだて
【賛】tadapas (= (%{ta4d-}) mfn. accustomed to that work or to do that RV. and ; viii , ; ind. in the usual way.) すべ、てだて
【チベ】thabs (= 1) way, [skillful] means, [liberative] technique, [expedient] method, skillful/ expedient device/ method(s; 2) together, upaya [IW]) すべ

saplu, sapalu (= "bowl, dish" M/NA, M/jB of copper, bronze; for oil ) さら
【尼】sajian (= dish, course) さいゃん
【賛】sthAla (= n. plate, dish, vessel, tooth-hole; f. {sthAlI3} (earthen) pot, kettle.) さら
【賛】sthAlI (= f. an earthen dish or pan , cooking-vessel , caldron AV. Br. S3rS. ; a partic. vessel used in preparing Soma MW. ; the substitution of a cooked offering of rice &c. for a meat offering at the Ma1n6sa7sht2aki (q.v.) ib. ; Bignonia Suaveolens L.) さら
【民】stAli (= 1. earthen dish or pan; 2. cooking vessel; 3. a drinking-vessel with a spout) さら
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/dish 馬鹿チベット語に「さら」は皆無。
c. freelang.net のチベット語辞書に dish 未登録。【羌】辞書に dish 未登録。
c. 馬鹿ギャロン語の発音滅茶苦茶。崩れすぎ。無法地帯。
【ギャロン】zdə˞r̥ だっ (= dish, plate (#534) @Jinchuan Erkai 金川二楷 ) △ zdə˞r̥ スペル的には「さら」。
【ギャロン】ˋʱde rə (= dish, plate (#534) @Ganzi Xinlong 甘孜新龙甲拉西 Nyagrong Minyag rGya rwa gshis) さら  --- 実 audio ナシ why?
【蛇】סֵפֶל sêphel /say'-fel/ (= dish, bowl) さいふぇる、さら


zakaru(m), saqdru(m), zaqdru (= "to speak, say; name; talk; swear" ) ちかい、ちかする
【民】cattiyappiramANam (= 1. veracity, truth; 2. taking oath, swearing, as of witnesses) ちかいもの (c-t, y-ki)
【民】teyvacATciyAy (= a term of swearing, meaning before God, with God to witness) ちかい (T 無音)
【チベ】skyel ba (= 5) to swear, take an oath.) ちかう べ (s-t)
c. 〈盟神探湯〉(くかたち)も有るヨ。
【民】kOn2aTitoTu-tal (= to swear upon king's feet) くかたち (n-k)
【チベ】gshung bar dmod pa (= secretly insult こっそりと侮辱する/ swear at [IW]) くかたち べ


cf. 「駅」の語源って何ですか? - 旅、は出て来るんですが、「駅」の語源... - Yahoo!知恵袋
c. Google 翻訳で、station 【中国語】を見たが、「えき」の発音のものは無かった。中国語の古い発音なら、ベトナム語に残っているかも。→ しかし、ベトナム語にも無かった。
cf. 駅 (wikipedia)
【趣】ekas (= [ROAD-HOUSE 〈米〉〔街道沿いの〕宿屋、旅館] (87x: Ur III) wr. e2-kas4; e2-kas; e2-kas4-me; e2-kas4-?e3; e2-kas4-ta "road-house") 駅(えき) (s 無音) ◎ by [Pen]
【趣】 ekaskalak (= [WAYSTATION 〔主要駅の間にある〕途中駅、〔急行電車の〕通過駅] wr. e2-kaskal "waystation") 駅(えき) (後半無音) ◎ by [Pen]
【賛】vraja (= 2 m. (n. only RV. ; ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. %{vRj}) a fold 〔家畜などを入れる〕おり、囲い, stall 売店、露店、屋台。馬房、牛房◆牛[馬]小屋の仕切り[区画], cow-pen 牛房, cattle-shed 牛舎, enclosure or station 駅 of herdsmen 〔牛・羊・馬などの〕家畜の世話をする人 RV.;) ヴぁち、えき (j-k)、馬家(うまや、まや) (v-w, r-m, j-y)
【チベ】me khor 'bab tshugs (= railway station [JV]) めき...、えき.. (m 強無音)
【アゼルバイジャン】vağzal (= station, railway station) えきざる
【ウズベク】vokzal (= station, train station) えきざる
【カザフ】вокзал (= station) /vokzal/ キリル文字
c. チャン語、ギャロン語の辞書には station 未登録。

halalu II ~ (= "to pipe; murmur" j/NB, NA G (ulu) of flute, birds, human lungs; of spring water D "make emit sound, sound" bell Dtn iter, of D; > halilu I ? ) はい (l 無音)
【賛】phuphusa (= n. (S3a1rn3gS.) the lungs.) ふゅふゅさ、はい
【民】veLLIral (= lung) はい (LL 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662433001/lung 皆無
c. 「肺(はい)」は、息を「フーフー」がルーツ。みたい。

ke, a(k)ke, ikke (= "how?", "how!" in exclamations before vb., adj. in st. abs.; in rhetorical questions; OA before number, "approximately"; ? kl ) やく
【箍】mga (= about, approximately) やく (m 強無音)
c. Google 翻訳では、approximate と approximately の2度引きが必要。∵ 辞書が、全件検索方式で無いため。
【尼】agak (= rather, somewhat, slightly, kind of, quite, approximately) やく
【賛】upAka (= mf(%{A})n. brought near to each other , joined , approximate , (only %{e}) f. du. (said of night and morning) RV. ; (%{upA4ke}) AV. ; (%{e}) ind. (%{upAke4}) in the next neighbourhood , in the presence of , before (with gen.) RV.) やく
【チベ】rags pa (= 1) approximate; 2) gross, crude, coarse, rough, more obvious [opp of subtle], thick, solid; 3) trustworthy TSE; 4) partial, incomplete, not thorough [IW]) やく べ (r-y)
【トルコ】yaklaşık (= approximate, some, rough, proximate, approximative) やくちっく

【賛】digdha (= a. smeared, anointed, soiled, covered; poisoned (arrow).) どくだ
【チベ】dug (= poison, poisonous 【形】有毒な、毒を含む、毒のある、有害な、悪意のある、不快極まる, venomous 《生物》〔生物や器官が〕有毒な、毒を持つ[出す] [RY]) どく
【羌】du/ uei/ də/ tu sə/ du sipæ/ mə lɑo thɑ sə (= poison) ど..
【ギャロン】ta22 ndok4 た どっく, tuʔ22 でゅっく (= poison #669)
【中国語】毒 Dú どぅーう  今の中国語に「どく」系の「〜く」のものは、無い。
c. チャン語の「du」 は、中国語。 「どく」の発音では無い。ギャロンの特定地区は、「どく」の「く」の音を持つ。ベトナム語は、昔の中国語の痕跡を持つ。
【ベトナム】độc (= poison) どーく
c. 毒、って basic な単語だと思うが、シュメール・アッカドに無いのが不思議。トルコ、カザフ(チュルク系)にも無い why?

step, foot, degree
【賛】pAdu (= m. foot, step; place.) ほど
【賛】prauDhi (= f. full growth , increase Katha1s. ; full development , maturity , perfection , high degree 高い程度、高水準 ib. ; greatness , dignity Vcar. ; self-confidence , boldness , assurance Ka1v. ; zeal , exertion W. ; controversy , discussion ib.) ほど
【民】patam (= 01 1. proper consistency; required degree 程度、程の of hardness or softness, quality or fitness;) ほどの
【富山弁】ほどらい (= 程度/程合い)
【賛】bahutarAm (= ind. in a high 高い degree 程度 つまり、上限 , exceedingly , much , Caur.) ほどらい の
【賛】pAdAntara (= n. interval or distance of a foot.) 隔てる (n 無音)
【賛】padapAta (= m. foot-fall , tread 歩く、歩いて進む。踏む、足を付ける, step W.) ぺたぺた
cf. peda ⇔ foot (p-f, d-t, by Grimm's Law)
cf. 「へだて【隔】」  ことばの溜め池 (情報言語学研究室)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/step スペル滅茶苦茶で、判定不能。
【チベ】phul du phyin pa (= to reach the highest degree/ perfection [RB]) ほど..  △。イマイチ。
c. phul du の定義が無い。 馬鹿言語である。
c. phase フェーズ、相。どのフェーズ/段階/レベルにあるかのフェーズ。「フェーズ」は「ほど」に見える。 つまり、phase と 程、は、同源。
【ベトナム】bậc (= degree) ほど
C. degree で Google 翻訳で、現代中国語をチェックすると、「ほど」似は無い。しかし、古い中国語漢字が残存するベトナムには、有る。

vicinity, neighbo(u)rhood
【趣】ušar(2,3,4), ušur(2,3,4), usar (= : (female) companion, neighbor (uš, 'to support', + ára/ár, 'to praise') ) あたり (š-t)
pittu I ~ (= "area, vicinity" M/NA, M/jB, ina pit "near to"; of woman pittisa "of her rank"; M/NA "sphere of responsibility"; jB, NA (ina) ) あた (p 無音)
【有】afërsi (= closeness, vicinity, contiguity, adjacency, nearness, familiarity) あたり (f-t)
【賛】adUra (= mfn. not distant 遠くない, near ; (%{am}) n. vicinity 付近、近辺; (%{e}) , (%{At}) , (%{atas}) ind. (with abl. or gen.) not far , near ; soon.) あたり
【賛】antigRha (= (%{a4nti}.) m. neighbour 付近、近所 RV.) あんたり、あたり
【民】UrccuRRu (= vicinity of a village (TLS)) あたり (c-t)
【民】acal (= 01 1. vicinity, neighbourhood; 2. that which is foreign, strange) あたり (c-t)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/vicinity 無(当初)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/neighbor 無(当初)
c. 素直に見る限り、チベット語の vicinity, neighbor 関連の語彙の中に「辺(あたり)」似の発音のものは、無い。
【羌】ʨitshæ/ kədzɑ/ oqupi/ ɑn zɑ zi/ ɑtʂhɑ/ ʨi tshæ/ ʨi tshɑ pə/ ʨitʂhæ (= neighbor) あた.
【トルコ】etraf (= surroundings, environment, vicinity, environs, ambit, circle) あたり
【アゼルバイジャン】ətrafı (= vicinity) あたり
【ウズベク】atrofi (= vicinity) あたり
c. 当初、【】の「あた」は、ハズレとしたが、【羌】にも有ったので、アタリ、と変更した。
【チベ】mdun (= presence of, fore-part, front[-side of a thing], vis-a-vis, in the neighborhood of [IW]) あた (m 母音化) △
【チベ】'dabs 'brel (= neighboring, vicinity [IW]) あた.. △ or ×
cf. 「貿」という字は「貿易」という言葉でしか使われない!?
【賛】viparyaya (= mfn. reversed 逆、反転, inverted , perverse , contrary to (gen.) BhP. ; m. turning round , revolution Jyot. ; running off , coming to an end R. ; transposition , change , alteration , inverted order or succession , opposite of. A1s3vS3r. (e.g. %{buddhi-v-} , the opposite opinion ; %{svapna-v-} , the opp of sleep , state of being awake ; %{saMdhi-viparyayau} , peace and its opposite i.e. war ; %{viparyaye} , %{-yena} and %{-yAt} ind. in the opp?opposite case , other wise) ; exchange , barter (e.g. %{dravya-v-} , exchange of goods 品物交換, buying and selling 売買, trade) MW. ; change for the worse , reverse of fortune , calamity , misfortune Mn. ; perverseness R. ; overthrow , min , loss , destruction (esp. of the world) Ka1v. ; change of opinion Sa1h. ; change of purpose or conduct , enmity , hostility W. ; misapprehension , error , mistake Mn. ; mistaking anything to be the reverse or opposite of what it is MW. ; shunning , avoiding R. ; N. of partic. forms of intermittent fever Sus3r.) ぼうえき (y-ki)、バイヤー
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/trade 無

stub, stump, stock
c. ALC の英辞郎は間抜け。「株」で、stub, stump の「切り株」が出てこない。
【民】kavantam (= 1. headless body 頭なし胴体; 2. stump of a tree 切り株; 3. oil-press; 4. demon; 5. water) かぶたむ、かぶ
【民】kampattam (= 1. agriculture, cultivation by the owner with his own stock 農業、所有者による自分の株による栽培。; 2. agricultural land 農地) かぶたむ、かぶ
【チベ】ko btum (= hide-packing (criminal punishment where culprit’s severed hand stumps are sewn up in leather) [JV]) か ぶたむ、かぶ
【ギャロン】kə' cop げちょっぷ, ka' cop がちょ (= stub (v) #1114) かぶ
【ギャロン】ka' mtsu がんつ , ku' tsu くつ (= stub (v)) がつん、がっつん、ごつん   ---- ぶつかる音、みたい。

saint, sage
【賛】vettR (= 1 mfn. (fr. 1. %{vid}) ono who knows or feels or witnesses or experiences , a knower , experiencer , witness S3vetUp. ; m. a sage , one who knows the nature of the soul and God W.) ひじり
【チベ】'phags pa slob pa (= buddhist saints [JV]) ひじり..   但し、スペルは、滅茶苦茶。

persu(m), pirsu(m) (= "division" Bab. 1. Mari [kud] "section" of troops, rabi p. "section commander" 2. jB lex. "sector" of orchard 3. jB lex. (a part of the entrails) 4. "cutting" of thread, "cessation" of flood 5. "section" of text, "partial tablet"; < pardsu I ) ふし
【有】pjesë (= part, share, portion, piece, section, proportion) ふし
【有】fetë (= slice, hunch, toast, section, round) ふし
【箍】bahagi (= part, portion, component, phase, share, section) ふし
【尼】pangsa (= segment, section) ふし
【賛】parus (= n. knot, joint (of a plant or the body), member, portion, section.) ふし
【民】pAtti (= 1. division, section, classification; 2. parterre, pan, small field; 3. part, portion, share; 4. house, dwelling, abode) ふし
【チベ】brtags (= part, segment, section/ examined; deliberation, imagination; [pf. of {rtog}, investigate, inquire, examine [RY]) ふし
c. チャン、ギャロンの辞書に section 未登録。
most, best
【有】në mënyrë më të mirë (= best) も も もっとも  【副詞】
【賛】nRtama (= (%{nR4-}) mf(%{A})n. most manly or strong RV. ) もっとも
【チベ】mchog gi mchog (= the most excellent, best of the best, superior of the superior [JV]) もっとも
【蛇】מֵיטָב mêyṭâb /may-tawb'/ (= best) もっとぶ
c. ギャロン DB、 best 未登録。

forbid, ban, prohibit
cf. 禁。漢字ペディア
-- とどめる --
【賛】daNDavArita (= mfn. forbidden by threat of punishment Pa1n2. ) とどめた (v-m)
【民】taTu-ttal (= 01 1. to hinder, stop, obstruct; to forbid, prohibit; to resist; 2. to dam, block up; 3. to partition off; 4. to detain; 5. to curb, check, restrain, control; 6. to ward off, avert; 7. to oppose; 8. to contradict, rebut, repel; 9. to baffle, frustrate; 10. to dissuade) とど
-- いむ --
【賛】annadoSa (= m. fault committed by eating forbidden food.) いむだ
【チベ】ma gnang (= forbid, refuse [JV]) いむ (m 母音化)
-- いさめる --
【賛】asaMpAThya (= mfn. not to be studied with , one with whom it is forbidden to read or study Mn.) いさめた (p-m)


【賛】tRNaketuka (= m. a bamboo L.) たーんけたけ
【チベ】dong po (= tube, any hollow cylindrical vessel, bamboo tube [JV]) たけ ぽ
【ギャロン】ʤok44 じょく (= bamboo) たけ (ʤ-t)
c. 【羌】の bamboo の中に、「たけ」は無い。もう、滅茶苦茶。
【羌】ʂpu/ owu̥/ mugu/ shbu/ xbu/ xpu/ ʂpə (= bamboo) 「たけ」似は皆無。
c. シュメール・アッカド辞書に bamboo 未登録。 why?
c. ヘブライ語の旧約聖書の辞書にも bamboo 未登録。【現代ヘブライ語】の bamboo は、bam'buk, chiz'ran
c. 【韓国】죽 チュk (= bamboo, ten pieces, water gruel) たけ
c. 【現代中国】 Zhú、【ベトナム】 tre も「たけ」では無い。
c. インド弁、チベット語、韓国語、には、「笹(ささ)」も有った。
【賛】suSira (= mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. %{su} + %{sirA} q.v. , also written %{zuS-}) `" having a good tube or channel "' , perforated , pierced , hollow RV. ; having spaces MW. ; slow in articulation (= %{vilambita}) id. ; m. `" having a good flow of fluid or sap "' , a reed , bamboo , cane L. ; )
【チベ】snyug shing (= bamboo [JV]) 笹 ?
【韓国】사사 /sasa/ (= )
stair, staircase, ladder
c. 漢字ペディア: =  意味 きざはし。天子の宮殿の階段。「陛下」
【趣】ĝiš-kad5 (= stepladder 脚立(きゃたつ) ('tool' + 'to tie, bind together'). ) きざはし
【賛】catuSpad (= (%{ca4t-}) m. (nom. sg. %{-pAd} ; pl. %{-pAdas} , irreg. %{-padas} BhP.;; loc. %{-pAtsu} AitBr. ; abl. %{-pAdbhyas} Pa1n2. ) f. (%{-padI}) n. (nom. %{-pad} RV. 4 times , or %{-pAd} RV. twice). (Pa1n2. ) quadruped , (m.) a quadruped クォータペド《動物》四つ足の。四肢動物, (n.) quadrupeds (collectively) , animals RV. ; having made 4 steps A1s3vGr2. ; divided into 4 parts Ma1n2d2Up. 2 MBh. ; (in prosody) consisting of 4 Pa1das RV. ; having 4 staffs (a ladder) 4つの杖を持つ梯子・階段 MBh. ) きざはし
c. 【英】quadruped きざはし (q-k, d-z, p-h, d-s)
c. つまり、「きざはし」 は、脚立(きゃたつ)、のことだ。
【民】kevin2vAcal (= companion 対の一方[片方]way staircase 階段・階段部屋 leading to the cabin キャビン・小屋・堂) きざはしの (v-z)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/stair  無、崩れすぎ「きざ」はある。
【チベ】kan rtsa (= 1) pulse [felt w the middle finger]; 2) ladder, stairs [IW]) きざ

cf. 臣 (wiktionary): minister; statesman; official
【賛】amAtya (= (4) m. (fr. 1. %{amA4} ) inmate of the same house , belonging to the same house or family RV. ; `" a companion (of a king) "' , minister MBh.) おみてぃや
【民】amAttiyan2 (= * minister, counsellor) おみちゃん
【チベ】minster 未登録。

sullulu(m) II, NA sallulu D (= "to roof over 屋根で覆う, cover 覆い" Bab., NA "roof house, room with (= ace.) beams, mats etc.; "make" sky "into roof; "place" beams "as roof; "cover over; obscure" sky, parts of liver; stat. of language "is obscure"; transf. "give protection" of deity to man, official to king; < sululu denom.; > sullulum I ? ; tasliltu ) そら
【賛】svRr (= 2 n. the sun, sunlight, light i.g., the light space i.e. the sky or heaven.) そら
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/sky 皆無
c. チベット語は、གནམ (gnam) /nam/ (= sky ) である。常識的に考えて、空のことを「そら」と呼ばない言語なんて、日本語の roots である訳無い。
【チベ】me zhal lam /me zhel lam/ (= - the sky [IW]) おそらノ (m 強無音) 〇 2020/11/20

【賛】svasara (= n. (perhaps fr. %{sva} + %{sara} , `" one's own resort "') a stall , fold RV. ; one's own place 居場所, home 我が家 ib. ; nest of birds 鳥の巣 RV. ; day Naigh.) すばさら、す
【チベ】tsho (= flock, herd, nest, plural termination, caravan, complexion, pluralizing particle, people [JV])
c. 【ギャロン】完全不統一集団です。http://htq.minpaku.ac.jp/databases/rGyalrong/lang/area/index.php?langindex=eng の nest (# 1554) の audio を聞いてみて下さい。

land, island
ruqu(m) (= "distant" [SUD] 1. of place: land, mountain; heaven; gods, people, Ut-napistim, Medes; of road "long"; as subst. "the distance", freq. f. pi., ana ruqeti "into the distance"; transf. of heart "deep, unfathomable" 2. of time: "distant" days, years, also = long life; Upu r. "remote descendant"; < rSqu, rudqu ) りく
raqqatu II (= "river-flats 川沿い平坦部" j/NB of land beside river) 陸地
【賛】laGkA (= f. N. of the chief town in Ceylon & the island itself. セイロンの第一都市の名、あるいは、セイロン島自身) りく
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/land 無


territory (テリトリ、縄張り)
【賛】siMhala (= m. pl. the people of Ceylon; sgl. the island itself.  セイロンの人、あるいは、セイロン島自身) しま
【民】tIvam (= 02 Island) シマン (v-m)、シマの (v-m)
【民】can2am (= 1. people, community 共同体、地域社会; 2. relations, one's own people; 3. crowd 人の塊, herd 群れ) シマの
【民】tIvu (= 01 1. Island; 2. distant country) シマ (v-m)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/island 無
c. 「おろろ」を見つけた。  cf. オノゴロ島 (wikipedia)  [オノゴロ島、又はオノコロ島とは、日本神話や記紀に登場する島。]
【ウズベク】orol (= island, island, isle) おろろ
【民】cImai (= 1. boundary 境界, limit; 2. country, ★territory テリトリー、縄張り province 地方, district; 3. western country especially; 4. impertinent person) しま(島)

【民】kAmpu (= 1. flower-stalk, peduncle, pedicel;, leafstalk; 2. flowering branch; 3. straight handle, shaft, haft; 4. banboo; 5. coloured broders of a cloth; 6. a kind of silk cloth; 7. punpkin.) きぬぷ、きぬ (p-n)
【チベ】kun dga'i gos /kun ge go/ - the finest satin or silk cloth [RY] きぬ... △
c. 【チベ】kun の定義 は不明。http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/silk
【羌】koɕʨæn/ kuxɕɑn (= silk) きちゃちゃん → きぬ  △

petal, outstanding
【民】puRavitaz (= sepal of a calyx, external petal 《植物》花弁、花びら) はなぶさ (R-n, t-s)、ひいでて
【民】pUvitaz (= flower petal) ひいでて、ひで
【賛】pattra (= n. (and m. S3a1tkat. ; ifc. f. %{A} and %{I}) the wing of a bird , pinion , feather VS. ; the feather of an arrow R. Ragh. ; a bird L. ; any vehicle , a chariot , car , horse , camel &c. ; a leaf , petal (regarded as the plumage of a tree or flower) Ka1tyS3r. ) ひいでる、ひで
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/petal 無
c. 少なくとも、このチベット語辞書からは、素直に「はなぶさ」は誘導出来ない。インド弁からは、簡単に誘導できる。 ---- つまり、日本語の親はインド弁、チベット語の親もインド弁、日本語とチベット語は、兄弟の関係。但し、現代チベット語は、かなり変貌しており、昔の痕跡は大分失っている。
queen, empress
【趣】gašan (= : lady, mistress; queen (cf., ga-ša-an) (Emesal dialect word, in which nin becomes šan). ) きしゃん、きさき
【賛】kAzya (= m., {A} f. king & queen of the Ka1‡i.) きさき (y-ki), 皇帝(こうてい)
【民】koRRavi (= queen) きさき (R-s, v-k)
【チベ】kun nas ‘gegs (= residence 〔一定期間〕居住[居留]すること。〔ある場所の〕居住[在住]期間 of a queen (lit. residence that is closed on every side) [RY]) きさき (n 無音)
【チベ】kong co (= queen, lady, princess etc, the wife of king Songtsen Gampo [IW]) こうごう(皇后) (ng 無音)
【蛇】גְּבֶרֶת gebereth /gheb-eh'-reth/ (= queen, mistress, lady) きさき (th-k)
【カザフ】ханшайым /xanşayım/ (= queen) きさきの (y-ki)
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】kraliçe/kraliça (= queen) きさき (r-s, ç-k)

clothing, garment
cf. 詳細 Grimm's_Law_in_J_20_Tibet.html#g.58
kannu(m) II (= ; pi. f. "band, binding" Bab., NA for hair, attached to clothing; wrestler's "loincloth ふんどし", "(menstrual) cloth"; "binding" for sheaf; (a kind of trap); NB also of leather) きんもん、きるもん、ころも
gulenu, gulinu, gulanu (= ; pi. m. & f. (an over- garment) NA, NB ) ころも
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】Giyim/geyinmə きーもん (= dressing, clothing)
【ウズベク/カザフ】kiyim-kechak/kiim (= garment)

pulse, throb
nakadu(m) (= "to beat, throb" Bab., MA G (u/u) "be frightened, anxious"; of the heart "pound, beat" Gt, Gtn; (D -? naqddu D) S OA, NB "make" the heart "throb", "worry (s.o.)" N OB (pres. u) "be anxious"; > nakkadu ) 脈打つ
【賛】nakhagucchaphalA (= f. a kind of pulse 豆 L.) 脈拍打っちょるわ
【民】nejncutuTittal (= 1. throbbing of the heart; 2. sympathising with one in afflkliction) 脈打ってる
【賛】niSpAta (= m. throbbing , any short or quick motion BhP.) 脈打つ (S-k)
【チベ】mur gong 'phar rtsa (= a pulse nadi 〈サンスクリット語〉ナディ、ナーディ◆ヨガで、プラーナ(prana=生命のエネルギー)が体内を通ると考える道。[IW]) 脈拍打った
【羌】me qhʂu (= pulse) みゃくはちゅ、みゃくはく
c. コレ、英語の勉強になる。 pulse という単語は、脈 throb[= 鼓動、動悸、振動]、と、豆 bean, pea の二様の意味が有る。pulse を含む英文が、豆か脈のどちらを指しているかを見極める必要がある。
cf. pulse の語源 (etymonline.com)
c. 鞘付き豆の外観が、山脈の様に脈を打っている形なので、豆、を pulse と書く様だ。つまり、同源。山脈の脈も、複数の山が、ドクドクと鼓動が波打っている様だからだと思う。

cf. 漢字「果」の活用は、漢字ペディア:  を参照。  「果たす」は、動詞編 Table1.128 を参照。
hati'u (= (a fruit) jB lex. ) はて
hatatu(m) II ~ (= "to ferment 発酵、酵素。〔感情などを〕沸き立たせる、刺激する、かき立てる、醸成する" O/jB G (a/u) mash; fruit; > hattu I ) はて
qatapu(m), Mari qlkatapum (= "to pluck 〔指で勢いよく〕〜を取り出す[引き抜く・摘み取る]" G (a/u) fruit from tree, also transf. "enjoy" sexual charms; "pluck" threads, from textile; "crop, pick off head from oath-breaker, warriors out of battle D ~ G "pluck, pick off' fruit, warts Dt pass, of D N "be plucked"; > qatpu; qitpu; qdtipum ) くだもの (p-m)
halulu (= (a fruit) Nuzi ) 華 (l-n)
【有】fryt (= fruit, product, harvest, embryo) はて、くだ (f-k)
【箍】prutas (= fruit, fruitage) はて
【賛】phalita (= a. fruitful, having yielded fruits or consequences, resulted 〜に終わる、の結果, fulfilled; n. also impers.) ふぁて/はて (l 無音)
【民】kuTumpu (= cluster of fruits) くだもの (p-n)
【賛】pAka (= 2 m. (2. %{pac} ; ifc. f. %{I}) cooking , baking , roasting , boiling (trans "' and intrans.) S3rS. ; burning (of bricks , earthenware &c.) ib. ; any cooked or dressed food BhP. ; digestion , assimilation of food Sus3r. ; ripening , ripeness (of fruit or of a boil) Ka1tyS3r. ;) はか
c. この「ハカ」の解釈は、今までの私の解釈と異なる解である。従来は、「ハカが行かない、ハカが行く」は「進捗が無い、有る」の意味で progress/ develop 進捗/進歩 から攻めていた。 fruit から攻めた方が正しいみたい。
cf. 従来の「捗る(ハカどる)」の解釈は、 file_10 参照。「【賛】vaktra (= .. a progression .) はかどる、ベクトル
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659390371/fruit 皆無 → 有る。バカ言語である。暇な人は探してミテ。
c. インド弁で fruit のことを 「phala ファラ」というが、これは、fruit, flower, 果(はて)、花・華、.. の、大元、である。
c. チャン、ギャロンの fruit の中に日本語似は、無い。

cf. tibet_g.30

cf. 漢字ペディア [訓外]おさめる・ける・かなめかしらうなじえり
【賛】avaTu (= %{us} mf. the back or nape of the neck Sus3r. ; a hole in the ground L. ; a well L. ; N. of a tree L. ; (%{u}) n. a hole , rent L.) うなじ (v-n)
【民】avaTu (= 1. well; 2. pit; 3. nape (TLS)) うなじ (v-n)
【民】eruttam (= 1. neck; 2. nape, back of the neck; 3. member of kali verse; 4. penultimate) うなじの (r-n)
【民】Eri (= 1. large tank, reservoir for irrigation, lake; 2. hump of a bull; 3. prominence on the nape of the neck, through corpulence) えり
c. collar カラー、襟・衿で、インド弁を引いたら「えり」は無かった。
【賛】kalambaka (= m. a species of Kadamba L. ; (%{ikA}) f. Convolvulus repens L. ; (%{ike}) f. du. the nape of the neck L.) かなめか (b-m)
【民】kazuttucacantu (= nape of the neck) かしかかんつ、かしら (c-r)
【チベ】mjing lhag / ‘jing khung (= nape of the neck [JV]) うなじ (m 母音化)
【チベ】gnya’ ba (= back/ nape of the neck [IW]) かなめ (b-m)
【トルコ】ense (= nape, back of the neck, scruff, back of the head, scruff of the neck, the nape of the neck) うなじ
c. 動詞として「おさめる」とある。インド弁に有る。
【民】Atan2am (= 1. nape of the elephant; 2. seat; 3. yo1gic posture; 4. cloth; 5. ground; 6. buttocks (TLS)) おさめ
c. nape って、首まわり、を指すのだと思う。「くび」も neck でなく、 nape で有る。
【有】qafë (= neck, col, collar, saddle, nape, pass)
【賛】 grIva (= m. the neck A1rshBr. ; a corridor (?) Ba1lar. ; (%{A4}) f. the back part of the neck , nape , neck (in the earlier literature generally pl. ; )
c. 首(くび)、と、頭(こうべ)、は、同源か?。
kapapu(m), kabdbu (= "to curve, bow" O/jB, NA [GILIM; GUR] G (alu) of parts of body, stat. "are curved, bent"; "surround" s.th. with s.th. (= 2 ace.) D "bend, twist" part of chariot; stat. of parts of body, foetus "is bent, curved" S caus. jB/NA "make" mankind "bow down" N "be bent, twisted" of neck, part of liver, > kippu, kippatu; kuppupu , kaparru(m) I; jB pi. f. kapardti, Nuzi, Hurr. pi. ) こうべ
guparu II, gupdru, gubdru (= "neck; mane" jB also of stone/gold ornament; < Sum. ) くび
c. チャン、ギャロンに nape は有るが、日本語とは無縁な発音だった。

cf. 漢字ペディア [訓外]かさなる
【民】kottan2 (= 01 brick-layer) かさね
【チベ】gter kha'i chas rim (= layers of minerals/ a mine [IW]) かさね‥  △
【トルコ】katman (= layer, sheet, stratum, stage, deposit, sphere) かさね
【アゼルバイジャン】qatlaşma (= stratification, deposition, layer, stratum, stubbornness, long-suffering ) かさね
【ウズベク】qatlam (= layer, layer, stratum, coating, dress, lode) かさね

rite, ceremony
sakku(m) I, sakku ? (= (cultic rites カルト儀式) Bab. of person; of gods; passur s. "offering table" in family shrine; < Sum. ) しき(式)
【賛】sanmaGgala (= n. a good and auspicious rite &c. Ragh.) しき (nm 無音)
【チベ】cho ga (= way of 方式 /procedures 手続き for accomplishing/ performing a task [eg Sman bcos kyi..Mchod pa'i..Dkyil 'khor gyi..Dga’ ston gyi] divide, separate [grangs su sdud pa'i cho ga] ceremonies of purification, method, religious observance 宗教慣習, rite 儀式, ritual, ceremony, practice, sadhana practice, liturgy, service. ritual, ceremony [IW]) しき
【羌】tsoqu (= rite) しき

giwara, giwarumma (= "tanning なめし、なめし革法"? Nuzi, bag of g. "tanning 7 agent"; giwarumma epesu "to tan 7 " leather; < Hurr. ) かわ
kapilu (= (a leather strap)? NA; < kapdlu ? ) かわ
【箍】kuwero (= leather, skin, animal skin, hide) かわろ
【賛】carmin (= mfn. (g. %{vrIhy-Adi}) id. ; covered with a hide Caran2. ; made of leather 革製の W. ; ) かわもん
【賛】go (= %{gau4s} (acc. %{gA4m} instr. %{ga4vA} dat. %{ga4ve} , gen. abl. %{go4s} loc. %{ga4vi} ; du. %{gA4vA} [Ved.] , %{gA4vau} ; ; ; `" anything coming from or belonging to an ox or cow 牛製品"' , milk 乳 (generally pl.) , flesh 肉 (only pl. ; `" fat "' Gmn.) , skin , hide , leather , strap of leather , bow-string , sinew RV. ; ) ぎゅう、かわ
【民】ceruppu (= 1. ★leather sandals, slippers, shoe; 2. a mountain in pu1l6i-na1t2u) かわ (c-k)
【チベ】ko ba (= 1) animal skin, leather; 2) hide boat, boatman; 3) tanner; 4) leather shoe; 5) strap, thong [IW]) かわ

bark, skin, peel
cf. tibet_g.14


cf. file20 #tabi

cf. 漢字ペディア [音]モ・ボ [訓外]かた・のっと
【有】mostër (= sample, specimen, sampling, pattern, model, prill) のっとる
【有】kopje (= copy, replica, duplicate, replication, carbon copy, model) こぴっち、かた、コピー
【民】cauttu (= 01 pattern, sample, model) かた (c-k)
【民】mAtiri (= 01 1. pattern, example, sample, specimen, model; 2. manner, way; 3. kind) のっとり
【民】mOstar (= 1. manner; 2. sample, specimen; model; 3. fashion, in dress and manners) のっとる
c. 【英】model モデル、は、「のっとる」、そのまんま東。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663088362/model c. 【チベ】に、「かた」は皆無。「のっとる」は有った。
【チベ】rnam thar bslab cing (= to follow the example of a model life [RY]) のっとる ...

meat, flesh
cf tibet g.214

insect, worm
cf. file 20 #mushi

wound, injury, hurt
cf. tibet #g.407

cf. file 20 #rain or #s.151


guilt/ guilty, crime, sin, fault
【賛】sAgas (= a. guilty of a crime.) とが
【民】takcIr (= guilt, fault, offence, crime) とが
【チベ】'tshang (= [p 'tshangs],, 1) press/ squeeze/ stuff in by force,; 2) steal into; 3) fill, pull, get; 4) fault, error, offense, sin, defect, transgression, crime [IW]) とが
【羌】ddeɑceɑ/ dæqdu (= (to) guilty) とが、とがだ

cf. file 20 #child
cf. tibet #g.54 child

cf. tibet #g.21 belly

【趣】šag4, šà (= : n., intestines; gut; heart; stomach; abdomen; entrails; content; womb; body; interior, midst, inside; bed of a river; will, volition; mood; meaning, significance (grain/excrement + water/urine + chamber).
   prep., in; at.) 癪(しゃく)  ---参考
【民】arai (= 01 1. half; 2. the fraction; 3. waist, loins; 4. stomach; 5. -> alkul ; 6. stem; 7. trunk of a tree)
【賛】Azaya (= m. resting-place , bed ; seat , place ; an asylum , abode or retreat S3Br. ; a receptacle ; any recipient ; any vessel of the body (e.g. %{raktA7zaya} , `" the receptacle of blood "' i.e. the heart ; %{AmA7zaya} , the stomach &c.) Sus3r. ; the stomach ; the abdomen Sus3r. ;)
【チベ】lto ba (= stomach, belly; (lit. belly) center [RY]) いと べ、いっ べ、い  △
【羌】stəχuɑ/ stəqhuɑː/ səχ (= stomach) 癪(しゃく)
【羌】bɑe duvv/ pi stəχuɑ/ pie stɑχuɑ/ pie stəχuɑ/ pie χʂuts qhɑ/ pæ tuχuɑ [= (pig) stomach] ぴー 癪、いー 癪
c. この問題難しい。ズバリ「い」は、無い。

cf. tibet #g.272 child



cf. 漢字ペディア = [音]エキ・ヤク(高) [訓外]す・ますます
【趣】maš; máš (= : interest (of a loan); rent; profit; produce, yield (of a field) (ma4, 'to leave, depart, go out', + , 'portion') ましゅ
【趣】maš-maš(-gal) (= : a type of priest - (great) exorcist 偉大な悪魔祓い祈祷師・エクソシスト (reduplicated 'goat kid; one-half; loan interest, profit'). ) ますますの
【尼】manfaat (= benefit, advantage, merit, stead, profit, good) まんふぁーと
【トルコ】menfaat (= benefit, advantage, profit, expediency, stake, expedience) めんふぁーと
【ウズベク】manfaat (= benefit, interest, profit, behoof) まんふぁーと
【民】Arkkam (= * profit 利潤) えきの
【賛】arthakRt (= mfn. causing profit , useful.) えきだ
【民】mIrAcu (= gain, profit; use) ます、もうけ (c-k)
【民】nalappATu (= 1. goodness, excellence; 2. advantage, profit; 3. good fortune 幸運) まらぱす、ますます
【民】virutti (= 02 1. increase, growth; 2. gain, profit; 3. interest on money lent; 4. wealth, prosperity; 5. advancement, promotion; 6. a division of time, one of 27 yo1kam , q.v.; 7. details, particulars; 8. fine) ます (v-m)
【賛】vRddhi (= ; gain , profit R. Subh. ; profit from lending money &c. , usury , interest Mn.) ます (v-m)
【チベ】rnyed pa (= follow, find, discover, acquire, meet with, get, profit, gain, property, goods, material, detect, acquired, to achieve, discover [JV]) ます べ
【チベ】mnog (= profit, gain [RY]) もうけ
【蛇】מוֹתָר môthâr /mo-thar'/ (= preeminence, plenteousness, advantage, profit) ます、もうけ (th-k)

cf. 漢字ペディア  = [音]コウ (外)ク [訓]おおやけ(中) (外)きみ
【有】i pergjithshem (= general, overall, generic, common, universal, public) イ おーやけっちしたの
【民】AyakkAran2 (= * 1. tax gatherer; 2. publican) 公(おほやけ)の
【民】kajAn2A (= treasury 宝庫、宝物、宝典, public treasury) かじゃーな、きみ (j-n)
【賛】avaghuSTa (= mfn. `" proclaimed aloud "' , offered publicly (as food) MBh) おおやけした
【チベ】rgya che'i mi dmangs (= broad masses, general public [RY]) おおやけ に します

【尼】musim panas (= summer, summertime) 夏の日の
【賛】nidAgha (= m. heat, the hot season, summer.) なつき
【民】nitAkam (= 1. summer; 2. heat, warmth; 3. sweat) なつきぬ
【チベ】nam zhod dus (= summer. Literally, “time of heavy rains 重い雨の季節.” [RY]) なつ だす
【羌】mətsæ/ mətsɑ (= summer) なつ
c. ギャロン語では「なつ」とは言わない。
【賛】phalya(= n. a flower , bud L.) ふぁりゃ、はなき (l-n, y-ki)、はな (l-n)
【賛】bANa (= or %{vANa4} (RV.) , %{bA4Na} (AV. ; later more usually %{vANa} q.v.) m. a reed-shaft , shaft made of a reed , an arrow RV. ; ; m. (S3is3) or (%{A}) f. (L.) a blue-flowering Barleria ;) はな
【民】paliyam (= 1. flower; 2. sprout) はなの (l-n)
【チベ】pu na ka (= a flower [JV]) はな か
【チベ】sna ma (= blossom of nutmeg tree, a plant, jasminum grandiflorum flower [JV]) ふぁな (s-ph)  △
【蛇】פֶּרַח perach /peh'-rakh/ (= bud, blossom, buds, blossoms, flowers, flower) はらく、はなく
c. チベット語の (sn-ph) は、典型的な、めちゃくちゃ音通の一つらしい。

【賛】phaNa (= m. scum , froth TBr. (cf. %{phena}) ; (also %{A} f.) the expanded side of the nose 鼻のあぐらの広がった脇, a nostril Sus3r. ; (also %{A} f.) the expanded hood or neck of a serpent (esp. of the Coluber Na1ga) MBh. ; a stick shaped like a serpent's hood 蛇の頭巾の形の棒 S3a1n3khGr2. ; mfn. having the fingers shaped like a serpent's hood L.) はな
【民】poymmUkku (= 1. bottom of the nose; 2. top of the nostril; 3. artificial nose) はなっく
【チベ】sna (= nose [RB]) ふぁな (s-ph)  △
【羌】hnə bɑ kə (= nose) はな ば か
【ギャロン】sni すにー, snə? つな (= nose) ふぁな (s-ph)  △
c. ギャロンの実 audio を聞く限り、sni は、「スニー」である。「ふぁな」にはどう見ても聞こえない。「つな」は、「はな」に少し近い。どう見ても、「ふぁな」から大幅に崩れてしまっている。
cf. file f20 #s.75 in スワデシュ

cf. file f20 #s.73 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.93 ear

cf. file f20 #s.83 in スワデシュ

cf. file f20 #s.74 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.105 目、眼 eye

cf. file tibet #g.107 顔、かお、つら face
【賛】ghanavara (= n. `" best part of the body 身体の中で最高な部品"' , the face L.) がんバーラ(顔)
【民】karipUcu-tal (= to begrime 〔すすなどで〕汚す with the sumt of charcoal to avert the effects of the evil eye; to deliberately put a person to shame わざと恥をかかせる、顔に泥を塗る, to disgrace one; lit, to begrime a person's face) かんばせ (r-n)
【賛】tala (= m. n. place on or under (gen. or ---), ★surface, bottom, plain; often corresp. to a more special word, as {pANitala} palm of the hand, {nabhastala} vault of the sky, often otiose. n. arm-leather (cf. {aGgulitra}).) つら


cf. file f20 #karada 東北弁オノマトペ body からだ
cf. file tibet #g.35 body
【趣】 (= : self; body; one's own) 身(み)
【民】mey (= 01 1. truth, reality; 2. soul 精神、心; 3. consciousness; 4. body 身体、肉体, used euphemistically 婉曲的に使用される; 5. breast; 6. consonant) 身(み)


cf. file f20 #s.72 in スワデシュ

cf. file f20 #s.71 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.157 hair of skin
c. ギャロン語の hair, hair of skin, hair of head に「け、かみ」系は、無い。完全別文化である。

cf. file f20 forehead で検索。東北弁 table
cf. file tibet #g.133 forehead

cf. file f20 #s.78 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.365 tongue

cf. file f20 #s.89 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.39 breast

nib, tit

【民】cAci (= 02 mother's ★milk) ちち、ちーち
【賛】dadhi (= coagulated 凝固した ★milk , thick sour ★milk (regarded as a remedy ; differing from curds in not having the whey separated from it) RV.) ちち

cf. file f20 #brain
cf. file tibet #a.16
c. 「脳(のう)」のきれいな発音は、【】に存在している。チュルク系は、「miya, mi」と発音する。【有】には、「のう」「なづき」の残存がある。
【赤】muhhu(m) (= "skull ; top" from OAkk on [UGU] 1. as subst. "skull", med. also "brain"; "surface" of organs; "upper part" of object; OB math, (upper width or surface-area of a body) 2. after prep. (? > GAG §115h): ina muhhi, muh "on, in, on top of; "over, above"; of debt, duty "incumbent on", OB ina m. PN sasum "to call s.o. to account"; talk, laugh, write "about"; live "at s.o.'s expense" 3. "with regard to, con- cerning; on account of; NB "in accordance with"; Am. often muhhi on its own 4. ana m. "in addition to", math, "plus", "with respect to", "toward(s)"; "until"; "onto" (s.th. or s.o.); "per"; "against"; "referring to" 5. M/NA sa) のお
【有】mendje (= mind, wit, head, intellect, brain, sense) なづき (j-g-k)
【有】koke e madhe (= brain) こけ なず
【有】mend (= mind, brains, memory, intention, reason, brain) なず、まいんど
【ウズベク】miya (= brain, brain) みや
【カザフ】ми // (= brain) みー
【蛇】מוֹחַ /mocha/ (= brain) のっちゃ、なづき、のう
believe, trust

cf. 漢字ペディア  = [音]シン  [訓外]まこと・まかせる・たよ
c. この単語、変わっている。異なる言語系。 ?
【有】shpresoj (= hope, trust, expect, look forward to, dream, plan) しんじっち (r-n)
【箍】tiwala (= trust, confidence, faith, assurance, credence, belief) たより  【名詞】
【箍】magtiwala (= trust, confide, rely, entrust, believe, have confidence) まかすわら、まかせる  【動詞】
【賛】samAzaMs (= P. A1. %{-zaMsati} , %{-te} , (P.) to adjudge , assign anything to (dat.) RV. ; (A1) to trust or confide in (acc.) MBh. ; to wish or long for , desire MW.) しんじます、信心(しんじん)
【賛】nikSepa (= m. putting down, placing, throwing, casting (also {-Na} n.); deposit, pledge, trust (j.). ) まかすぺ、まことぺ
【チベ】mngags (= to commission, charge, to sent to work, entrust [RY]) まかす
【チベ】mngags gtam (= talk entrusting/ commissioning w a task [IW]) まことの、まかせたの
【ギャロン】ka-na sɿ かなすー (= believe) しんずー (k-s)
c. ギャロンでは、「信じる」が「かなすー」に化けてしまっている。
【蛇】מַחֲסֶה machăseh, machseh /makh-as-eh', makh-seh'/ (= refuge, trust, hope, shelter) まかす、まかしー、まことー
【カザフ】сенімділік /senimdilik/ (= trust) しんじるイク

【趣】dag (= : n., resting-place, dwelling, chamber (motion as in traveling + throat-like chamber)
   v., to add; to stretch (out); to roam about. ) とこ
【趣】zag, za (= : boundary, border, limit, side; cusp, beginning; territory, district, place; sanctuary; percentage; a measure for fish; shoulder; right (side); front; outside of (life + to encircle)) とこ
【趣】dúr-ki...ĝar (= : to establish one's dwelling 居住地設定 ('to dwell (plural)' + 'place' + 'to establish'). )  とき..がる、ところ
【箍】dako (= place, hand, side, region, direction, point) とこ
【箍】tungkulin (= duty, role, function, office, task, place) ところの
【賛】dezakAla (= m. du. place and time Mn. ; (sg.) place and time for (gen.) Mr2icch. ; %{-jJa} (Ka1d.) and %{-vid} (Car.) mfn. knowing place and time ; %{-vibhAga} m. apportioning of place and time MW. ; %{-virodhin} mfn. neglecting place and time Pan5c. ; %{-vyatI7ta} mfn. regardless of place and time MBh. ; %{-vyavasthita} mfn. regulated by place and time W.) ところ
【賛】deza (= m. (1. %{diz}) point , region , spot , place , part , portion VS. ; province , country , kingdom R. Hit. Katha1s. Vet. ; institute , ordinance W. (%{dezam} %{A} %{vas} , or %{ni-viz} , to settle in a place Mn. ; %{-ze} , in the proper place [esp. with %{kAle} 特に、「ころ」を付けて、適正な場所で、の意] MBh. Hit. Often ifc. [f. %{A} Ragh. ] esp. after a word denoting a country or a part of the body e.g. %{kAmboja-} , %{magadha-} ; %{aMsa-} , %{kaNTha-} , %{skandha-} ; %{AtmIya-} , one's own country or home) ; (%{I}) f. see %{dezI}.) ところ
【賛】daizika (= a. belonging to a place, local, provincial; also = {dezika}.) とこ
【民】tagkal (= 1. stopping, halting, resting; 2. delay, procrastination; 3. halting place, rest-house; 4. stage in a journey; 5. persistence, stability; 6. precipitate; sediment) ところ
【チベ】dkyil 'khor (= 1) mandala. マンダラ 'center and surrounding.’. 2) circle 円. 3) disc [as in sun. moon.]. 4) sphere. 5) entirety. 6) fullness. 7) whole something. 8) holy place 聖なる場所. 9) celestial abode. See also {dal}. 10) circumference. 11) globe. 12) region. 13) sphere; circle, circumference, disk. 1) mandala. 2) formation of deities or enlightened attributes. 3) sacred diagram; 1) mandala. 2) disc [as in sun. moon.] [RY]) ときるころ、ときょろ  /kyinkhor/ きぃんこる  --- 完全に ×
cf. https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664533193/place   123p の p41。行くのに 1分以上掛かる。バカ system.
【羌】sseger/ zəkəɹ (= place) そこ、ところ
【ギャロン】tʰejsɑtɕɑ てーゆーさきゃ, ʨʰu wa ちゥょわー, sǝ22 cçʰǝ44 さっちゃー, sa44 ʧ‘e55 さち, sacʰe さち, sɐ ʧʰɐ サちゃー (= place) 「そこ」の成れの果て。  △
c. 「場所」も有る。
【賛】pAthas (= n. spot, place (also {-this} n.); water.) 場所

【趣】tùr ; tur5 (= : birth-hut; byre 〈英方言〉牛小屋; sheepfold, pen; stable; a frequent metaphor for a temple 寺の隠喩・比喩としてしばしば使用される。 , sanctuary 聖域 (cf., tur) ) つーら、てら
daru(m), ddriu(m) (= "lasting, eternal" Bab., NA [DA.RI] of gods, royal offspring; of life, kingship, days, years, protection, good deeds etc.; of foundation, temple, wood etc.; < daru; > dara, daranu, ddritu, ddriitu, ddrutas ) てら、つれ、つれづれ
【民】taLi (= 04 1. temple, sacred shrine; 2. place, room) たり、てら
【民】tEvaLam (= temple) てらの
【賛】devAlaya (= m. `" residence of the gods "' , heaven L. ; temple Pan5c. ; %{-pratiSThA} f. %{-pratiSThA-vidhi} m. %{-lakSaNa} n. %{-yo7tsavA7di-krama} m. N. of wks.) 寺や
【賛】surAlaya (= m. abode of the gods, heaven or temple.) 寺や
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667594071/temple 皆無  [p5/35]
c. チベット語辞書に「てら」の temple は、無い、と判明した。確認して。ちなみに、 freelang.net では、temple: Iha-khang。だった。
c. チャン語やギャロンにも「てら」は皆無。しかし、チベット語よりは、似ている物が多い。先頭が、「て」系が多い。
【羌】khsə tɕi/ khsəʨi/ miɕue/ mɑebɑe/ nəquɑiɹ/ qəȵiɕʨie/ sətʂə/ xsəʨi/ ɤmɑntsə/ ʐgen/ əguŋbɑ/ ʨuɤlumpi/ tshe ʨi/ əɹmən tsə/ ɤzgumpɑ/ ʨi dʐə kei/ (= temple) 判定 ×
【ギャロン】zɑnkəɾiʔ/ ɲǽrtsɑ̌/ tə-za ŋgraŋ/ tə22 rna44 mkak44/ tǝ22 rnam33 kak44/ tǝ22 rna44 ke44/ tɯndzɤŋgrɯm/ ndzanɡrem/ tǝ-mȵak zur/ (= temple) 判定 ×

c. 昔、Yahoo掲示板 textream の「日本語の起源」 というサイトに、寺(てら)はロシア語にアリ、と言う人が居た。
[39085]  ミハイル大皇帝 2018年2月2日 19:09
よく見てみなさい   寺だろ^_^   あはははは
[end 39085]
寺 の漢字、そのまんま東、でおます。
c. 写真を web で探したが見当たらず。図形の文字 font を探したら、有った。文字コード (unicode &#x2626;)
寺の字の形の、避雷針、十字架もどき、みたいな飾り。Google 翻訳では、【露】тело、テラ (= 体, body)。コレ、何のマークなの。
&#x2626; で web 検索したら沢山あった。「Three Bar Orthodox Cross Crucifix」 と言うらしい。
cf. Russian Orthodox cross (wikipedia)、八端十字架 (日本語 wikipedia)


--- いずれにせよ、西洋と東洋は、大昔は、近い関係にあったと言える。
ロシア語には日本語似の単語がかなりある。ミハイル大皇帝がそう云っている。(しかし、数的には、インド弁には、圧倒的に負ける、と私は思っているが。) クルガン古墳が日本にも有るように、ロシアのウクライナあたりと(文化的に)古代日本は近い関係があるとの印象です。

漢字ペディア    en.wiktionary
Go-on: ふ (fu, Jōyō, uncommon); ふう (fū, Jōyō) Kan-on: ほう (hō) Kun: かぜ (kaze, 風, Jōyō); かざ (kaza, 風, Jōyō, uncommon); ち (chi, 風); て (te, 風) Nanori: か (ka)
Etymology 2 Kanji in this term 風 て Grade: 2 kun’yomi Shift from Old Japanese 風 (​ti), modern chi, found in some compounds.[1] Affix 風 (hiragana て, rōmaji te) element in compounds related to wind Derived terms 追おい風て (oite) 疾風はやて (hayate)
cf. file 20 #s.163 wind  in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.399 wind
【賛】pa (= 5 m. (only L.) wind ; a leaf ; = %{pUta} ; (%{A}) f. = %{pUta} and %{pUritaka}.) フ、フウ
【賛】varAhu (= m. = {varAha}; pl. a class of winds.) フウ
【賛】sukhazIta (= mfn. pleasantly cool ; %{-tA7SNa-mAruta} mfn. (a night) pleasant with cool and warm winds R.) すがた
【民】vaLi (= 01 1. wind, air; 2. whirlwind; 3. windy humour in the body; 4. cf. balin hernia) ふり
【賛】varIvRta (= a. rolling 〔物が〕転がる[回転する]こと, winding. 巻かれたもの、巻くこと、屈曲、巻き線) ならわし
【民】kAl (= 03 1. wind, air, any of the vital airs; 2. rheumatic affection; 3. the five elements) カル
【賛】khaga (= mfn. moving in air MBh. ; m. a bird Mn. ; N. of Garud2a (cf. %{-ga-pati}) Gal. ; any air-moving insect (as a bee) R.; a grasshopper L. ; the sun Hcat. ; a planet Gol. ; air , wind MBh.)
【賛】tata (= 2 mfn. (vi) extended , stretched , spread , diffused , expanded RV. ; spreading over , extending to W. ; ; m. wind L. ; ) テテ、テ
【賛】vAyvazva (= a. having the winds for horses.) はやて
【賛】vAyuvega (= m. the swiftness of wind.) はやいが
-- by 別英単語 --
【賛】sugAtra (= mf(%{I})n. fair-limbed , graceful Katha1s. ; (%{I}) f. a beautiful woman Vcar. ; (%{am}) n. a fine or graceful figure MW.) すがた
【賛】mantrazrutya (= n. following counsel , obedience RV. ; tradition 伝統 respecting the correct use of sacred texts MW.) ならわし
【民】pOliyAL (= 1. dissembler; pretender; 2. superficial person) ふり
【民】vERRuru (= disguised 偽装 form or shape) ふり

harbour/ harbor, port
【民】mUlaikkuTA (=1. corner of a bay, ★harbour, etc.; 2. out-of-the-way room in a large house; remote corner of a large field) むーらいくっとー、みなと (l-n, kk 無音)
【賛】virASah (= mfn. (nom. %{-SA4t} ; %{vira} prob. for %{vIrA}) subduing or confining or ★harbouring men (applied to Yama's heaven) RV. 男性を鎮圧するか、閉じ込めるか、または収容する) みなと (v-m, r-n, S-t)
c. つまり、収容する場所 → 船を収容する場所。
【チベ】mtsho mtha’ (= lake or ocean’s shore/ coast/ port/ harbor [IW]) むちょ むた、みなと
c. インド弁には、「波止場(はとば)」「艀(はしけ)」「埠頭(ふとう)」も有る。
【賛】vAsayitavya (= a. to be harboured or lodged.) はとばや、はしけ (v-k)
【賛】vas, vasati, -te (= ; pass, spend (acc. of time). C. cause to live together, bring together with (instr. {ñsaha}), give shelter 隠れ家提供, harbour.) 埠頭
cf. 埠頭 (wikipedia)

cf. file 20 #s.55 seed  in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.284 seed

origin, plain

c. 漢字ペディア [音]ゲン  [訓]はら (外)もと・たずねる・ゆる
@もと。おおもと。はじめ。おこり。「原因」「原始」類源 Aはら。広くて平らな土地。「原野」「草原」
【民】mUTu (= 02 1. root; 2. cause; origin; 3. small bush; 4. ewe; 5. stand, as of a chariot) もと
【賛】mUlatA (= f., {-tva} n. the being a root or origin.) もと (l 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663880259/origin ナシ。 [p12/26]
【トルコ】menşe (= origin, source, provenance) もんと、もと
【アゼルバイジャン】mənşə (= origin, origination, genesis) もんと、もと
【賛】parijA (= f. ( %{jan}) place of origin , source AV.) はらにゃ、はら
【民】piRappu (= 1. birth, nativity; 2. origin, production; 3. order or class of beings including animals and vegetables; 4. beginning, commencement, as of a month or a year; 5. brother or sister; 6. necklace of small-like gold pieces; 7. a formula of a foot of one nirai-y-acai followed by a ne1r-accai ending in u , occurring as the last foot of a ven2pa1 ; 8. fear, alarm; 9. confusion, bewilderment; 10. closeness, thickness, denseness ) ひらっぱ、原っぱ
【賛】tattulya (= mfn. (said of a Pra1kr2it word) similar or equal to the original Sanskr2it word Va1gbh. ) たいら
【賛】parigraha (= ; a house , abode Hariv. ; root , origin , foundation MBh. ; ) 平家(へいけ)
【賛】nibandha (= m. binding on , tying , fastening R. ; chain , fetter , bondage MBh. BhP. ; attachment to , intentness on L. ; basis , root , origin MBh. ) みなもと、源 (b-n)
【賛】nibandhana (= ; constructing , building (as a bridge) MBh. ; band , fetter (lit. and fig.) , support , stay ib. Ka1v. Katha1s. BhP. ; cause , origin , basis , foundation Mn. ) みなもとの (b-n)
【賛】gati (= f. going, flying, motion i.g.; going on progress; course, path, way, manner; getting to obtaining, acquirement (gen., loc. or ---); going out, event, issue; starting point, origin, root, cause; expedient, means, remedy, refuge; success, happiness; transmigration, metempsychosis; lot, fate, condition.) 月氏(げっし)、源氏(げんじ)
【アゼルバイジャン】genezis (= genesis, origin) 源氏
【有】prejardhje (= descent, origin, lineage, origination, birth, extraction) はじめてじゃ (r-m)
【トルコ】başlangıç (= start, beginning, onset, origin, inception, commencement) はじめるっち
【羌】hɑlu/ hɑlɑs (= origin) はら
【賛】samutthAna (= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the act of rising up together , getting up R. ; hoisting (of a flag) Tithya1d. ; recovering from sickness or injury MBh. ; healing , cure Mn. Ya1jn5. ; swelling (of the abdomen) R. ; augmentation , increase , growth (of property) Ya1jn5. ; rise , origin (ifc. = `" rising or springing from "') Sus3r.) たんずね、たずね
【民】viyuRpatti (= 1. etymological origin 語源, derivation; 2. proficiency in language, literature, etc.) ゆるす、由来だ
-- field --
【賛】paRRu (= ; 21. paddy field 稲穂の畑;) 原(はら)
【民】varappu (= 1. ridge of a field; 2. limit, boundary) 原っぱ
【賛】vallUra (= n. (L. also m. and %{A} f.) dried flesh Mn. Ya1jn5. Sus3r. ; hog's flesh L. ; m. (only L.) an uncultivated ★field ; a desert ; a thicket ; = %{nakSatra} , white water.) 野(や)、原(はら)
【民】mA (= ; 8. ★field; 9. land, tract of land;) 野(の)

c. 「源氏物語」の「源氏」は、多分下記である。カモ。--- 「源氏」の意味は、「王子」だって。
【賛】gAndhAra (= mfn. fr. %{gandh-} g. %{kacchA7di} and %{sindhv-Adi} ; (%{gA4ndh-}) m. a prince of the Ga1ndha1ris S3Br. (%{-kanyA}) ; N. of a prince 王子 (from whom the Ga1ndha1ras derive their origin) ,) げんじら

bud, sprout, shoot
-- bud --
【賛】koraka (= s. bud, unblown flower.)
【民】kAr-ttal (= 02 1. to darken, grow black; 2. to bud)
【民】nan2ai (= 03 1. flower-bud; 2. honey; 3. toddy; 4. must of an elephant)
【賛】viruh (= P. %{-rohati} , to grow out , shoot forth , sprout , bud RV. : Caus. %{-rohayati} , or %{-ropayati} , to cause to grow RV; to thrust out , remove , expel MBh.: Pass. %{-ropyate} , to be planted R. ; to be caused to grow over , healed (see %{vi-ropita}).)
【賛】nirgam (= P. %{-gacchati} (Subj. %{-gamANi} pf. p. %{-jaganvAn} RV. ; ind. p. %{-gatya} MBh. %{-gamya} Ma1rkP.) , to go out , come forth (often with %{bahis}) , depart from (abl.) , set out , start RV. ; to come out or appear (as a bud) S3ak. ; ) めぐむ
【チベ】ka li ka (= 1) fruit of the magnolia plant. 2) bud of that flower [RY]) ガリガ、ガ  △
c. チベット語 の bud に「め」系は無い。 バカ言語。
-- sprout --
【趣】mud6, mú (= : to sing; to blow; to ignite, kindle; to make grow; to sprout, appear (reduplication class) (mu, 'word', + éd, 'to go out'). )
giammalu ~ (= "sprout, shoot" jB lex. ) がっめー
【民】kAl (= ; 15. shoot, sprout;)
【民】nARu (= 02 1. shoot, sprout)
【チベ】myug (= germinating, bud, sprout, germ, seedling, reed, rush, flag, germination, run roam, stroll, w top/ head bent over [IW]) みゅぐ
【チベ】khye'u kha (= crop sprouts, flower buds, and tree leaves newly opening [IW]) ギェ ガ
【羌】 (= sprout)
【羌】səq (= sprout) 咲く
c. ギャロン DB には、 bud, sprout 未登録。
cf. file 20 #s.156 (stone) cf. file tibet #g.327 stone


cf. file tibet #a.4 rock

【趣】saḫar (= : silt, dust, sand, earth, mud, loam; rubbish; sediment (cf., kuš7) (sa5, 'red-brown', + ḫara, 'crushed, pulverized'). ) すな (r-n)、砂利(じゃり)
【民】cALam (= 02 sand) すなの (L-n)、砂利の
【賛】suzeru (= m. a kind of sand or gravel TBr. (Sch.)) すな (r-n)、じゃり
【チベ】sa min /sa min/ (= white sand 白砂 [JV]) すな
【チベ】bye ri /je ri/ (= hill/ mt/ dune 砂丘 of sand [IW]) じゃり
【羌】ʂɑts/ tsəɤz/ buʐ ʁəlɸi/ huoshɑ/ tseɤz/ ʂas/ ʂɑ tsə (= sand) つあず、さ、しゃ  判定×。  砂利 ◯
c. チャン語の「シャ」系は、砂の音読みの中国語系と思っていたが、そうでも無いらしい。
cf. file 20 #s.157 (sand) を見ると、砂利(じゃり)がある。【羌】は、「砂利」系である。
file tibet #g.281 (sand) も整理する必要が有る。
【ギャロン】cə' mɑ ちま、すな (c-s, m-n) (= sand)
     下記は、ギャロン DB の英単語 "sand" の audio 群の地区結果である。
     ◯ 印のものは、音通的に同一グループ(派生関係にある)。 下の IPA 記号を振った人は、アホである (?)。
1.  βʃi’mi しーみ ◯
2.  ce’ma けーめ ◯
3.  xo22ʂa44 (Ch. 河沙) ほしゃ
4.  xo’ʂa ほしゃ
5.  ˊkə bjowk ◯
6.  kə’wek̚ ◯
7.  ʁbə おうぷぇ
8.  ʁboɫ おぶーり
9.  ʁbə あぶー
10.  aˈbṳ ァぶー
11.  a’bṳ
12.  oˈbu おぶ
13.  ’gəjwek̚ げりやす ◯
14.  qʰra ぷら
15.  rpu うるぶ
16.  qra ぷら
17.  mtɕə’me きめ ◯ チベット人には語頭の m が聞こえるのだろう。多分。
18.  ˆçe ma ◯
19.  ’kəwep̚ くうぇっぷ ◯
20.  ’pjama げま ◯
21.  pja’ma ぴゃっま ◯
22.  kə’weʔ ぐぅえ ◯   チベット人は、 g を k と表記する。IPA 表記なのに。
23.  kə’weʔ ぐぅえ ◯
24.  rə¹gə¹ʒəp̚³ るじじっぷ
25.  bimɑ ゆま ◯
26.  lbə̂ɣ
27.  kə³vik̚¹ くっぎゅ ◯
28.  kə’wik̚ くうぇち ◯
29.  kə’wiʔk くぅうぃ ◯
30.  kə³viʔ⁵ かびぃえ ◯
31.  ca’xr ぎーれっっ
32.  tɕu’riʔ ちゅり
33.  tə’vəͥ ◯
34.  kə⁵veʔk̚³ くびゅく ◯
35.  kə’wjik̚ かうぃっく ◯
36.  pjə’ma ぴぃま ◯
37.  kə’wek̚ こーうぃっ ◯
38.  tə’wjik̚ どうぃー ◯
39.  tɕə³dʑəŋ⁵ ちじゅん
40.  ʂa ʦɿ さーぷ
41.  kə’bek̚ こんべっ ◯
42.  kə’mbek̚ がむばえ ◯
43.  kə22 mbjek44 かんべあ ◯
44.  kǝ22 ɴbek44 げんべ ◯
45.  kə22 mbjek44 かんべぁーく ◯
46.  qa’bət̪̚ かばっと  audio 壊れている  ◯
47.  kǝ44 mbǝ33 かんば ◯
48.  kə’wek̚ くりぃやっく ◯
49.  qa’mbət̚ かんばっと ◯
50.  qa’mbət̚ かんばっつ ◯
51.  qambɯt ◯
52.  kə’ ᵐbi けんび ◯
53.  kɘmbik こんびー ◯
54.  qa’mbət かんばっと ◯
55.  tɕə’rdʑiʔ
56.  ’pəmaʔ ◯
57.  pjə’me ぴぃべ ◯
58.  pi mɐ ぴーめー ◯
59.  ’kəpwaʔ とびや ◯
60.  kə’bek̚ こべっく ◯
61.  kə’ᵐbak̚ こびょーく ◯
62.  ɕɪ’mə ちま ◯
63.  ɫbək̚ いぶっく
64.  pjə’ma いまー ◯
65.  mtɕə’me ちめ ◯
66.  ’βɟjuma じゅまっ ◯
67.  tɕə’rȵek̚ ちぇるにぃぇ
68.  kə’wjak̚ くいやっ ◯
69.  ’ʂatsə しゃーつ
70.  cə’mɑ ちま ◯
71.  kə’wek̚ くーいぇーく ◯
72.  keˈjuɛk くいえ ◯
73.  ’kəwek̚ くいえ ◯
74.  kə’wek̚ とぅーいぇく ◯

ギャロン地区は音通の無法地帯。十人十色状態。文字を持たなかったので規制が無い (?)。
 suna -- chima/ pima/ bima --- kama --- kawa/ kava/ kaba/ kaんwa -- kawak --- tawa

音通 (s|k|ch|t) (n|m) (m|w) (k|t|d) (w|j ワとヤ)   c. 特に、ギャロン語では、(k|t|d) が特徴的。

c. 古語「砂(いさご)」 --- 漢字ペディア にも載っていた。
【賛】pAMsuka (= n. pl , dust , sand MBh. ; ) いさご (p 無音)
【賛】iSTagandha (= mfn. having fragrant odour Sus3r. ; m. any fragrant substance ; (%{am}) n. sand L.) いさごんだ、いさご
【民】acakkiyam (= sand containing lead 鉛を含む砂) いさごやん

cf. file 20 #s.155 (salt) in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.279 salt


succession, succeed, series, system,
漢字ペディア   [音]ケイ [訓](外)つなぐ・すじ
darku, derku, OB also darikum (= "following, later" OAkk, OB as PN, also fPN Darkatum; Bab.(lit.) nise darkdti "later people", also f. pi. as subst. "successors, posterity"; < daraku I ) つなぐ (r-n)
【有】seri (= series, succession, course, nexus) すじ (r 反復)
【箍】sunod (= succession) すんじ
【民】cOTu (= 02 1. pair, couple, brace, set; 2. mate partner; 3. pair of shoes, slippers; 4. match, equal; likeness; 5. gradual increase or decrease of things in a series 系列、連続線、連続性) すじ
【賛】samanvaya (= m. regular succession or order , connected sequence or consequence , conjunction , mutual or immediate connection (%{At} ind. , in consequence of "') Kap. ; %{-pradIpa} m. %{-pradipa-saMketa} m. %{sUtra-vivRti} f. N. of wks.) つながり (v-g)
【賛】saMsAra (= m. going or wandering through , undergoing transmigration MaitrUp. ; course , passage , passing through a succession of states , circuit of mundane existence , transmigration , metempsychosis , the world , secular life , worldly illusion (%{A@saMsArAt} , `" from the beginning of the world "') Up. ) 筋(すじ)
【賛】samAkSara (= mfn. having the same number of syllables R. ; %{-pada-krama} mfn. containing a succession of Padas or metrical feet of the snsuccession of sylnsyllables MW. ; %{-kSarA7vakara} m. a partic. Sama1dhi Buddh.) つながっちょる
【チベ】thing gi (= line or succession of noblemen in tibet [JV]) すじ
【チベ】snga phyi rim can pa (= sequential, successive, consecutive, serial [RY]) つながりの連鎖 べ
【羌】dʐə dəpi (= (to) succeed) すじ
【羌】deqe/ dɑqe [= (to) succeed] つぐ
【トルコ】silsile (= range, sequence, chain, series, succession) すじ
【アゼルバイジャン】silsilə (= chain, succession, range) すじ
【ウズベク】tutash (= adjacent, serried, succession, withdrawn) すじ

whole, all, full
【賛】sarva (= a. whole, entire, all; m. sgl. everyone, pl. all (w. {api} all together); n. sgl. everything. --With a neg. not every, not every one or everything, no, nothing.) すべ
【賛】supUrNa (= a. quite full; well filled or decorated with (instr.).) すべるの
【賛】puSTa (= mfn. nourished , cherished , well-fed , thriving , strong , fat , full , complete , perfect , abundant , rich , great , ample Mn. ; rich in , blessed with (instr.) Das3. ; ) ふさ
【賛】sarvatAti (= f. wholeness, completeness, integrity; loc. {-tAtA} on the whole, at all.) 全て
【チベ】spyi (= whole [RY]) すべ
【チベ】spyi 'bor (= overall, grand, total, whole [IW]) すべる
【チベ】byi sdings (= whole, entire [JV]) ふさ
【チベ】phal cher (= mainly, mostly, almost, usually, the majority/ for the most part, many, pon the whole [IW]) ふさ
c. 語彙としては、all よりも、whole が第一候補であることが分かる。
【羌】fɑn ʂə (= all) ふさ、ふぁんちゃ
c. ギャロンは、皆無。「完全」 katon 系。が多い。「すべて」系は、チャン、ギャロン共に無い。
【ウズベク】barcha (= all, all, whole) ふさ
【トルコ】bütün (= all, whole, entire, every, complete, total) ふさん
【アゼルバイジャン】butov (= whole, entire, intact, unbroken, safe, total) ふさ
【カザフ】бүтін /bütin/ (= whole, entire, complete, intact) ふさん
【蛇】סְבִיבָה sâbı̂yb, sebı̂ybâh /saw-beeb', seb-ee-baw'/ (= form, circuits, all around about, all around, places around, all, circular courses, every side, about us, throughout, about 24 compass, one surrounding, around about, on every side, all sides, around, about them, altogether, surround, environs, encompassing, confines, circumference, surrounding area, surrounded, about, surrounding, entirely, completely, every direction, round about, surrounds) すべ、すべて、すべる

region, range
漢字ペディア   [音]イキ [訓](外)さかい・ところ
【有】varg (= range, string, verse, series, number, variety) いき
【箍】saklaw (= range, scope, extent, incidence, sphere, jurisdiction) さかい
【尼】jarak (= distance, range, spacing, gap, space, length) いき
【賛】cakra (= ; a number of villages , province , district 地方 L. ; (fig.) range , department 区分 VarBr2S.; ) さかい、ところ
【賛】dRggocara (= m. range of sight 視野範囲.) ところ、さかい
【民】vALakiri (= a mythical range of mountains 山々の神話的な範囲) いき (L 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665213713/range 無  [p3/7] 【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665413028/region 無  [p7/28]
【羌】aguaɹ (= range) いき
【羌】dəgəɹ (= range) さかい、ところ
【カザフ】шек /şek/ (= limit, suspicion, range, edge) さか
【ウズベク】chegara (= border, border, limit, limit, boundary, range) さかい
c. ギャロン DB 、range, region 未登録。

漢字ペディア    [音]キュウ [訓](外)しな・くび
意味 @しな。くらい。順序。段階。「級差」「進級」 A組。クラス。学年。「級友」「学級」 Bくび。討ち取った首。「首級」
意味 from 漢字/漢和/語源辞典 @「しな(地位、身分)」、「順序」、「次第」(例:階級、等級) A「階段(きざはし)」 B「首」、「斬り取った敵の首(秦の時代、敵の首1つ斬った者は、   位一級を進められたことから言う)」(例:首級)
【賛】kapa (= m. pl. a cert. class of gods.) くび、こうべ(頭)
【民】tarjA (= grade, rank, class) しな、たーじゃー
【民】kURRam (= 01 1. species, class; 2. lit., one who separates soul from body yama; 3. that which ruins, destroys; 4. division of a country, in ancient times) きゅうの
c. 【英】class クラース、の発音の 「c」は、級の「キュウ」と同じ「カ行」である。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655227390/class 無?  [p33/39]
【チベ】cang seng (= Changseng, a class of divine manifestations 神の顕現のクラス [JV]) しな しな (?), しん しん  判定 ×
【トルコ】sınıf (= class, grade, classroom, rate, category, rank
) しな (f 無音)
【アゼルバイジャン】sinif (= class, form) しな (f 無音)
【ウズベク】sinf (= class) しな (f 無音)
【カザフ】сынып /sınıp/ (= class) しな (p 無音)
c. 訓読みの「くび」は、漢字ペディアのみである。「きざはし」は、#n.152 (ladder, stair) で既出だが、class にも似た発音のインド弁が有る。 why?
【賛】tkAtaRparattai (= woman of the courtezan誤字 courtesan 〈フランス語〉高級売春婦 class warmly attached to a hero and not residing in his quarters, dist fr. ir6parattai ;; Google 翻訳: 礼儀正しい階級の女は、主人公にあたたかいところで付き合っていて、居住地に居住していませんでした。) きざはし
c. class, rank は、意味的には、階級、階段状、なので「きざはし」の発音の単語が存在することは、ちっとも不思議ではない。そして、現にインド弁に「きざはし」似の class の語彙が存在するという事実は、インド弁が日本語の感性に非常に近いことを示す。

漢字ペディア    [音]ジュン [訓](外)きいと
意味  @きいと。まじり気のない絹糸。 Aまじり気がない。飾らない。けがれがない。もっぱら。「純潔」「純真」「温純」
【趣】gudug, gudu4, guda (=: a ritually pure, linen-clothed priest who cares for and feeds the gods; divinely anointed.) きいと
【趣】šen[SU×A] (=: n., a copper pan, pail, vessel; mirror (?) (liquid + stone)
   adj., clear, pure; polished, shiny. ) じゅん
qadasu(m) (= "to be(come) pure" OAkk, OA, Bab. G lex.; Am. of deity; Ug. stat., of house "is cleared" (of claims ?) D "purify", OAkk oil; cultically, person, animal, implement, OA in judicial ritual; Mari "dedicate as qadistum" Dt pass, of D "cleanse o.s."; > qassu, qadistu; qadsutu, quddusu; ? ≫ qasddu ) きいと
【賛】suvimala (= mf(%{A})n. perfectly clear or pure Sus3r.) ジュンな、すみ
【民】kAsA (= excellent, pure, good) きいと
【賛】kRtin (= mfn. one who acts , active MBh. ; expert , clever , skilful , knowing , learned (with loc. or ifc.) MBh. ; good , virtuous L. ; pure , pious L. ; obeying , doing what is enjoined W. ; one who has attained an object or accomplished a purpose , satisfied S3ak. ; (%{I}) m. N. of a son of Cyavana and father of Upari-cara BhP. ; N. of a son of Sam2natimat ib.) きいとな
【賛】jJAnaghana (= m. pure or mere knowledge or 純粋、まれな、知識 intellect 知的, viii ; %{-nA7cArya} , m.N. of a teacher W.) じゅんがーな、はんにゃがーな
【チベ】gya’ dag pa (= pure [IW]) きい と べ
【チベ】tsam (= {tsam du} (to be) mere(ly); simple/ (simply); only; even … ; isc. purely [RB]) じゅん
c. チベット語では、pure で「じゅん」は無かった。しかし、pure の下の purly の中に、たまたま見つけた。
【羌】ʐgu məw/ dʐowus me we/ dʐə mi ŋɑ (= pure) じゅん
c. ギャロン DB, pure 未登録。
【蛇】כָּתִית kâthı̂yth /kaw-theeth'/ (= pure, beaten) きいとっと
【トルコ】katıksız (= pure, arrant, unalloyed) きいときいと
【アゼルバイジャン】qarışıqsız (= undiluted, without admixture, pure, straight, neat) きいときいと

ancient, once, ago, old

【有】antik (= ancient) 曾(いむさき) 【形容詞】
c. 上の antik や 【英】antique アンティーク、は、「いむさき」の、そのまんま東、でおます。
【有】i njëhershëm (= simultaneous, ancient, old, former) イ むかしの、いむかしの、いにしえの  【形容詞】
【箍】antigo (= antique, ancient) いむさき  【形容詞】
【箍】napakatanda na (= ancient, age-long, age-old) むかしなんだ な  【形容詞】
【民】naRkiTA (= an ancient 古代 (TLS)) むかし  100 点 ◎
【民】muccanti (= 1. the three periods of the day; 2. junction of three streets or ways; 3. a petty taluk officer of old days) むかし (c-k)
【賛】mucukunda (= m. Pterospermum Suberifolium L. ; N. of a Daitya L. ; of an ancient king(or Muni) MBh. ; of a son of Ma1ndha1tr2i (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep) MBh.) むかんし
【チベ】snga sa (= ancient, previously [IW]) いむかし (s 母音化)、むかし (s 無音)
【トルコ】eski (= old, used, former, past, ancient, ex) あすか
【トルコ】once (ago, prior) いにしへ
【トルコ】onceki (before, hereinabove) 昔(いむさき)、曾(いむさき)
【トルコ】gece (past) 嘗て(かつて)
【アゼルバイジャン】qədim (= ancient, old, antique, immemorial) 古代の
【アゼルバイジャン】antik (= ancient, classical, classic) いむさき
【アゼルバイジャン】qədimdənqalma (= ancient, antique, age-old) 古代の頃の
【アゼルバイジャン】əski (= old, olden, ancient, past) あすか、飛鳥?
【ウズベク】qadimiy (= ancient, antique, antique, antediluvian, old-fashioned, old-time) 古代の
【ウズベク】qadimdan qolgan (= ancient, old-fashioned, patriarchal) 古代の 頃の
【ウズベク語】 muqaddam (ago) むかしの
【蛇】קֵדְמָה qedem, qêdmâh /keh'-dem, kayd'-maw/ (= east, old, ancient time, ancient times, eastward, before his of old, eastern, forward, gone, formerly, misc, aforetime, eternal, long ago, side, southeast, times, East, before, everlasting, east side, east part, ancient, earliest times) 古代の
【蛇】עַתִּיק ‛attı̂yq /at-teek'/ (= ancient, Ancient) あすか
【蛇】יָשִׁישׁ yâshı̂ysh /yaw-sheesh'/ (= old, very old, old men, aged men, aged, ancient) いむさき (w-m)、あすか (sh-k)
c. 【蛇】の上記複数語彙が、同じものを指す、ので、ロッゼッタストーンの様な語源解明の手がかりを与えてくれる。 「あすか」は「いむさき」の「む」の (m-w) 音通で、「いむさき」は、「あすか」に化けると判明。
あるいは、「いむさき」の m 無音化で、「いすき/いすか/あすか」
c. インド弁の ancient に「あすか」が無いか調べたら、下記が有った。
【賛】aitihAsika (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{iti-hA7sa}) , derived from ancient legends , legendary , historical , traditional Sa1y. ; m. one who relates or knows ancient legends ; an historian. 古代の伝説、伝説的、歴史的、伝統的な伝統から派生したものです。 ; 古代の伝説を結びつけたり知っている人。 歴史家。) あすか、やすぎ
c. つまり、「あすか」は「古代村」だって。
c. サンスクリットに「むかし」系の発音が無い。 why?
【チベ】mthing gi (= an ancient dynasty 古代王朝 [JV]) あすか(飛鳥)、やすぎ(安来) (m 母音化)
c. チベット語辞書の結果からは、安来地方が頭に浮かぶ。やすぎ、にも見える。島根県の安来節の歌の安来には、古代王朝の話が実在する。チベット語からは、名前的には、飛鳥と安来は、競合し対等に見える。
安来市/歴史 (wikipedia): 〜弥生後期においては北陸まで及ぶ日本海沿岸には四隅突出型墳墓形式で規格化された連合政体のようなものがあった。ヤマトとともに抜きん出た勢力を誇り意宇王の指導のもとで一時は独立王朝をなしたという説がある。〜
【羌】nəpɑ/ ger/ kæmɑ tutʂe/ kəɹkəɹ/ nəp thɑ/ qəɹ/ qəɹ qəɹ/ qəɹ ta/ qəɹqəɹ/ tiq/ tsiqætu/ tsəqætu/ kə ʐei tshi se/ tsə ʨiq/ ʨɑq tɑ ʁɑ/ (= ancient time) かこ

漢字ペディア  [音]キ [訓外]すえ
意味 @とき。時節。ある一定の期間。「季節」「雨季」 A春夏秋冬の終わりの月。また、時代の終わり。「季世」「澆季(ギョウキ)」 B兄弟の中の最年少者。すえ。すえっこ。「季子」「季女」
kasadu(m) (= "to reach, arrive; accomplish; conquer" G (alu) [KUR; jB occas. SA.SA] 1. "reach, arrive at" place, level; person; time, day, season; of time, event "arrive"; also + ana, ana serlmuhhi, adi 2. "stretch as far as", "be contiguous with"; ) 季節
sarbu II, NA sarabu; NA pi. f. (= "rainy season, cold" jB, NA; s. u setu "wet and dry weather"; > sarbis; suripu) すえ
【有】kohë (= time, period, term, season, day, when)
【賛】kAla (= 2 m. time, esp. the right or proper time (w. gen., dat., loc., inf., or ---); opportunity, case; season, mealtime (twice a day); the half of a day, hour, age, era, measure of time, prosody; time as ruler or destroyer of the world, i.e. destiny, fate; end 終わり; death or the god of death. )
【民】kuRi (= 02 1. mark, sign, stamp, emblem, token, symbol, indication, designation; 2. aim, mark to shoot; 3. secret appointment by lovers, tryst; 4. goal, destination; 5. motive, intention; 6. suggestion, hint, insinuation; 7. doctrine; 8. omen, presage prognostic; 9. assembly, village council; 10. turu, occasion; 11. time, days season as in, now-a days; ) き、季、期
【賛】svAtta (= mfn. (fr. %{svad}) seasoned , spiced VS. (cf. (%{agni-SvAtta4}).) すえった
【賛】svad, svadati, -te (= ({svAdate}), pp. {svAtta3} (q.v.) A. sweeten, [[-,]] make savoury セイヴォリィ: いい味[香り・匂い・風味]のする。 〔料理の味が〕ピリッとした or agreeable; A. (P.) be sweet or savoury, please; relish, taste, eat, enjoy; delight in (loc.). C. {svadayati} make savoury, season, cook; make soft i.e. calm, propitiate; {svAdayati} relish, taste, eat. -- {A} & {samA} ({svAdayati}) relish, eat, enjoy.) すえた、すえ (d 無音)
c. 【英】season (= [他動] 〔食べ物に〕風味を加える、味付けをする◆塩や香辛料などを加えて風味を増すこと。
 [名] 季節◆温帯地域では四季の一つであり、熱帯地域では雨期か乾期のどちらかを指す。)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/season 無
c. チャン、ギャロン辞書に season 未登録。
c. season を「すえ」と呼ぶ言語は、日本語の他には無い。--- 誰か、もっと調査して欲しい。→ 【赤】に有った。

record, annal, century
https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/紀  Go-on: こ (ko) Kan-on: き (ki, Jōyō) Kun: おさめる (osameru, 紀める); のり (nori, 紀); しるす (shirusu, 紀す) Nanori: とし (toshi)
kakikkum? (= "recorder" OB [KA.Kl], a municipal official concerned with sales ) かきこむ
sitirtu(m), sitertu(m) (= "writing; document" Bab. s. tuppi "writing on tablet"; Bogh. "document, written record"; transf. s. samel samdmi "(writing in heaven =) stars" (-≫ sitru); < satdru II ) しるす
【賛】nIlapiTa (= m. a collection of annals and royal edicts Buddh. 年代記と王室のコレクション仏を布告します。) にーらぴた、のり
【賛】smR, smarati, -te (= , pp. {smRta} (q.v.) remember (gen. or acc.); [[-,]] recollect, call to mind; hand down, record, declare, teach (esp. P. {smaryate} be recorded or declared as a law or custom, pass for (nom. or loc.). Caus. {smArayati} & {smarayati} cause to remember, remind (2 acc. or gen. of pers. & acc. of th.). -- {anu} remember, collect;) しるす (m 無音)
【賛】vinismRta (= mfn. ( %{smR}) recorded , mentioned Pan5car.) おさめーた (n 無音)
【賛】anusmRta (= a. remembered (n. impers.); recorded, taught, enjoined.) あぬすめーた、おさめた
【民】kaikkuRippu (= written record, memorandum) かいっくりっぷ、ききりっぷ、きろく
【民】kaTTu (= 1. apartment in a house; 2. filtered liquid or decoction; 3. records of a case, as of a client (TLS)) かっつ、き
【民】taptar (= 1. record, register, account, official statement, report; bundle of written documents tied together in a cloth; 2. record office) とし
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/annal 無
【チベ】ga'u le (= 1) little book recording stages/details of a job; 2) Yig rigs 'jug snod shog shubs [IW]) き れ、キ
【チベ】'god tho (= record, note card [RY]) かいた だ、キ

apparatus, device, machine, gimmick
漢字ペディア  音キ [訓]はた(中 外)からくり・きざし・はずみ・おり
-- はた --
【有】pajisje (= equipment, device, fittings, amenities, facilities, gadget) はた
【民】paTi (= 03 1. step, stair; rung of a ladder; 2. grade, rank, class, order, sphere; 3. nature; 4. stirrup; 5. weight for scales; 6. a weight=100 palam ; 7. the ordinary measure of capacity=8 ollocks, kottu of jaffna; 8. fixed daily allowance for food; 9. batta, subsistence money; 10. device, means; ) はた
【民】paTTaRai (= 01 1. machine; 2. rice-hulling machine; 3. factory; 4. beam of a house; 5. wall of the required height from the flooring of a house) はったらい
【賛】vyAja (= m. rarely n. ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. %{vy-aJj} ,;; ; an artifice , device , contrivance , means Ragh. ; wickedness W.) はた
【チベ】par chas (= camera, printing/ photography machines/ apparatus [IW]) はた
【羌】phə læ/ phəɹ/ weʥe/ ɸɑ tʂuɑ/ pɑn fɑ jo (= device) はた
-- からくり --
【民】ciRpacAlai (= ★mechanic's shop, manufactory) からくり (c-k)
【賛】kAruja (= m. anything produced by an artist or ★mechanic , any piece of mechanism or product of manufacture L. ; ) からじゃ → からくり △
【賛】kAru (= 1 %{us} mf. (fr. 1. %{kR}) , a maker , doer , artisan , ★mechanic Mn. ; (%{us}) m. `" architect of the gods "'N. of Vis3va-karman L. ; an art , science 科学 L. ; mfn. (only etymological) horrible MBh.) から、からから(2連続) → からくり
【賛】kathAchala (= n. or %{-cchala} , the device or artifice or guise of fables 寓話の装置や工芸品や装い Hit.) からくり (th-r)、きざしら
【民】kaRpoRi (= 1. clampiron, iron brace, iron pincers; 2. machine mounted on a fort 砦に取り付けられた機械) からぽり、からくり (p-k)
【チベ】'khor lo (= wheel, vehicle, machine, device, chakra, cycle [IW]) からーり
c. くるま(車)の同源であると判明。
【チベ】'khrul 'khor (= machine, contrivance, artifice, samsara’s confusion, wheel of confusion, gadgetry, vicious cycle, circle, posture [JV]) からくり、くるくる
【アゼルバイジャン】kələk (= foul play, artifice, trickery, dodge, contrivance, device) からく
【カザフ】құрылғы /qurılğı/ (= device) からく
【羌】qhəqqhe (= device) かっけ、かっく  → 機械(きかひ)△ 中国語ポイ?
c. ギャロン device 未登録。machine は有った。
k‘or22 la33 lo44 (= machine) こるらろ
-- きざし --
【有】kurdisje (= hatch, device, wind, frame-up) きざし
-- はずみ --
【有】veturë (= car, saloon, wagon, motor car, saloon car, machine) はずみ (r-m)
-- おり --
【有】aparat (= apparatus, machine, device, player, mechanism, machinery) おりだ、あぱらた
【賛】vilAla (= m. (perhaps fr. %{lal}) = %{yantra} , a machine L. ; = %{bilAla} , a cat W.) おり
【民】ARu (= 01 1. cf. river, brook; 2. way, road, path; 3. side; 4. result; 5. religion; 6. morality, virtue, path of righteousness; 7. means, device; 8. mode, manner, method; 9. nature) おり
【チベ】'phrul 'khor (= machine, machine turned by a wheel, magic circles, engine, yantras [JV]) おりき(織り機)
c. 'phrul 単独定義は、バカ辞書の中に無い。しかし、複合語は山程あり、'phrul が語根であることは自明。チャン語は、その点、すなお、で、優秀。
【羌】phə læ/ phəɹ (= device) おり (p 無音)

漢字ペディア  [音]キャク・カク(中) [訓外]まろうど
【民】viruntu (= 1. feast ごちそう, banquet 宴会; 2. guest; 3. newcomer; 4. newness, freshness; 5. poetic composition in a new style) まろんど (v-m)、やまと、やまんちゅう
c. newcomer だって。大和(やまと)。オキナワ弁。居酒屋の名前、沖縄美食BAR うみんちゅぬ やまんちゅぬ。...
【賛】netrAtithi (= mfn. one who has become visible (lit. an eneye guest) Dhu1rtan.) みえたった、まろうど (t 無音)
【チベ】mgron chas (= guest-objects [in ritual] [RY]) まろん ど
【チベ】mgron 'gyed pa (= invite 招待する to a party, inviting guests [IW) まね きや べ
【賛】anunaya (= m. conciliation , salutation 挨拶, courtesy 表敬, civility , showing respect or adoration to a guest or a deity ; humble entreaty or supplication , reverential deportment ; regulation of conduct , discipline , tuition ; (mfn.) , conciliatory , kind ; (%{am}) ind. fitly becomingly.) おまねき (y-ki)
c. チャン語の guest は、ʐɑ mə 友(とも)、系である。

ball, sphere, globe
【賛】Dimba (= (m. n. L.) `" affray , riot "' see %{-bA7hava} ; m. an egg , Ma1latim. ; a chrysalis W. ; the recently-formed embryo L. ; (for %{-mbha}) a new-born child , a child L. ; a young animal W. ; an idiot Ra1jat.; a ball W. ; ) たま
【賛】sthAna (= n. standing, remaining, abiding, not budging; continuation, duration; state. condition, position, rank, dignity; shape, form, appearance; sphere, domain, province; abode, place, seat, home, stead (loc. w. gen. or --- instead of); proper place or time, occasion or object for (gen. or ---); place of articulation, organ (g.); the (4) stamina of a kingdom (treasury etc.).) たま
【民】timmai (= 01 1. bulk, size; 2. ball, skein, as of gold thread
) たま
【賛】khagola (= m. the vault アーチ形の天井[屋根・空間] or circle of heaven 天の円, celestial sphere Gol. ; %{-vidyA} f. knowledge of the celestial sphere , astronomy W.) きゅう
【チベ】sdom bu (= a ball, a round tassel [RY]) たま ぶ
【民】nilaicceNTu (= a kind of ★ball played standing on the ground) まりっせんつ


-- まる --
【民】mallai (= 02 1. mendicant's begging bowl メンディカントの物乞いボウル・お椀; 2. circle) まりぃ
【民】vallai (= 01 1. strength, power; 2. extensive thicket; big forest; 3. hillock, mound; 4. fort, fortress; 5. trouble, pain, distress; 6. battle-of-plassey tree; 7. circuit, circle) まりぃ (v-m)
-- 円(えん) --
【民】vALam (= 03 1. circle; 2. a mythical range of mountains; 3. the cakra bird) えん、まる (v-m)
【賛】valana (= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) turning , moving round in a circle , waving , undulation , agitation , Kav. Sa1h. Ra1jat. ; (also %{A} f.) deflection (in astron.) Su1ryas. ) えん、まる (v-m)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655151213/circle 皆無
-- まどか・つぶらか・まろやか --
【賛】sadvRtta (= n. a well-rounded shape S3a1rn3gP. ; ) つぶらか (tt-k)
【賛】mAtRcakra (= n. a kind of mystical circle Ra1jat. ; the circle or assemblage of (divine) mothers Katha1s. ; %{-pramathana} m. `" afflicter of the circle of divine mother "' N. of Vishn2u Pan5car.) まどか
【賛】valayita (= mfn. encircled , surrounded , encompassed , enclosed by(instr. or comp.) Ka1v. Chandom. ; put round (the arm , as a bracelet) S3is3. ; forming a circle , curling , whirling round Ka1d. Ma1lati1m.) まろやか (v-m, tt-k)
c. ギャロン DB に、circle 未登録。

circle で、円(えん)・丸(まる)の発音は、インド弁以外には無い、みたい。


skill, business, calling, profession
漢字ペディア 業 [音]ギョウ・ゴウ(高) [訓]わざ(中)
意味 @わざ。(ア)しごと。つとめ。生活のてだて。なりわい。「業務」「職業」(イ)学問。技芸。「学業」「修業」 Aしわざ。行い。「悪業」 Bごう。仏教で、報いのもととなるすべての行い。「業果」「宿業」
【趣】usu (=: skill; strength. ) わざ
【赤】asutu(m) (= "profession of physician; medical skill" Bab., NA; < asu I ) わざ
【有】aftësi (= skill, aptitude, ability, capability, proficiency, capacity) わざ
【有】art (= art, workmanship, skill) わざ、アート、うで(腕)
【賛】vaiduSI (= f. science , skill S3ri1kan2t2h. ; learning W.) わざ
【賛】praveSTa (= m. (only L.) an arm ; the fore-arm or wrist (cf. %{pra-koSTha}) ; the fleshy part of the back of an elephant on which the rider sits ; an enelephant's housings ; an enelephant's gums (see also %{danta-pr-}).) 腕(うで)、技(わざ)
【民】valatu (= 1. right side; 2. victory; 3. skill; 4. that which is within one's power or ability; 5. life of ease and comfort; 6. deed) わざ (l 無音)
【民】nilai (= 01 1. standing, staying; 2. firmness, fixedness, stability, permanence, durability; 3. character; quality; temper; nature; 4. condition, state, situation; 5. profession, vocation 〔人の〕適職、天職, calling 職業;) なり、なりわい
【民】naRuvaTTANi (= 1. extraordinary skill, cleverness; 2. skill in meaningless speech 意味のない会話をする能力) なりわったに、なりわい
【民】vElaipparITcai (= 1. trial of one's skill in business ビジネス内での技術) なりわいとす (v-n)
【賛】vArtta (= a. common, regular; f. {A} livelihood, subsistence (--- living on or by); business, trade, profession 職業 (esp. that of a Vai‡ya); intelligence, news, tale, story, mention of (gen., loc., acc. {nuddizya}, or ---).) わざ
【民】karumam (= 01 1. action 行動; work; deed 行い、行為; 2. fruit of deeds, accumlating in three ways viz.,; 3. business; profession, occupation; 4. religious rites; duties that are enjoned by the sastras; 5. moral duty; specific obligation; 6. funeral ceremonies; 7. object of a verb) カルマの、ごうの、ぎょうの
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/skill 無
【トルコ】ustalık (= mastery, craftsmanship, skill, mastership, knack, proficiency) わざりく
【トルコ】marifet (= ingenuity, trick, gimmick, skill, talent, cunning) なりわいした
c. チャン、ギャロンに skillful が登録されているが、発音は全く日本語似ではない。ギャロンに至っては、全地区間異なる単語。まさに支離滅裂でおます。

cf. file tibet #g.280 same

together, cooperate, collaborate
【趣】kul (= : heavy; thick; sexually mature; to bring together, unite 〔複数の物が〕合体する、一体化する (base + abundant, numerous). ) かなう (l-n)、かる
c. 鼎(かなえ)の3本足と関係する。多分。叶姉妹とも関係する。すけべな名前だ。多分。
c. kul の heavy の意味の方は、万葉集によく出てくる「強い」の意。 ex. 玉藻刈る は、強い北風、の意。
qannu(m) II (= f. "fringe; border" [Si] 1. "fringe, hem" of garment 2. "horn" (usu. -? qarnu) 3. j/NB "animal pen, stall" 4. M/NA, Nuzi "boundary, borders", "environs" 5. NA as prep, etc. q. ahale'is "together; mutually"; issi q. "instead of; ina q. mehriya "in association with my colleagues"; (ina) q. as conj. "as soon as" + subjunct.; = qarnu ) かなう
【民】kalAvu-tal (= 01 to mix, join together unite) かなふ (l-n)
c. インド弁辞書の cooperate は、英国式スペルで co-operate。collaborate は未登録だった。しょうが無いので、 together で攻めた。チベット語辞書には collaborate が載っていて、当たりだった。
【チベ】kha mthun (= unity 統合、一体化, harmony 調和, agreement, be allied/ collaborate/ agree w [IW]) かなったの
【チベ】khyung po (= many collected or assembled together [JV]) かな ぽ
c. ギャロン DB には、cooperate, collaborate は未登録。together はアリ。一地区のみだが 「かの」が有った。尚、 together の「一緒」似発音は、チャン、ギャロンも多く有る。【チベ】に「一緒」は無い。
【ギャロン】 kano たの、かの、  ə' tɕe えちぇ、一緒
【羌】gendi ɑɦũ/ oŋ/ ɑeji/ ɑtʂə/ ən ȵəwu/ əɕʨi/ ɑɦũwɑ/ ɑχe (= together) いっしょ
cf. file tibet #g.363 together

exploit, feat, reward

漢字ペディア 功 [音]コウ・ク(高) [訓]いさお(外)
意味 @いさお。すぐれた仕事。てがら。「功績」「功労」「武功」対罪・過 Aききめ。はたらき。しるし。「奏功」 類@A効
c. 漢字ペディアには書いてないが「功」は「いたわり」とも読む。
【有】përdor (= use, utilize, apply, employ, wield, exploit) いさお (p 無音)
【箍】dakilang gawa (= feat) でがら がわ
【賛】vidoha (= mfn. false or excessive milking out or exploiting TBr.) いさほ、いさを
【賛】zaMkarAcArya (= another of his disciples , A1nanda-giri , wrote a history of his controversial exploits 物議を醸している彼の手柄の歴史を書いた, called S3am2kara-vijaya q.v. ; ) 手柄書き
【民】aTTavIraTTam (= * eight place celebrated as the scenes of siva's exploits, viz.,) いさお有ったの
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/exploit 皆無。手柄」もナシ。
【チベ】dngos grub (= siddhi, realization, attainments, rewards 褒美 of one’s labor, wealth, juice, enriching, opulent, accomplishment sought for, perfection, excellence, anything superior, honor, riches, talents, wisdom, spiritual power, 8 ordinary acquisitions (ral gri'i dngos grub, ril bu, mig sman, rkang mgyogs, bcud len, mkha’ spyod, mi snang ba, sa 'og), SA mchog gi dngos, thun mong dngos grub, feat [JV]) てがら  △
【トルコ】başarı (= success, achievement, performance, accomplishment, victory, feat) いさお (b 無音)
【ウズベク】jasorat (= bravery, feat, feat, doughtiness, hardiness, mettle) いさおだ、勇ましい (r-m)
c. 「功(いさお)」と「勇ましい(いさましい)」は、親戚だって。そう、言っています。
【ウズベク】chaqqonlik (= mobility, agility, dexterity, quickness, adroitness, feat) てがらク

--  reward  -- 検索単語に追加した
【箍】pabuya (= reward, gratuity, gratification, recompense, compensation, baksheesh) 褒美や
【賛】adattaphala (= n. reward for avarice.) いたわり、いさお、いさふぁら、おでがら (ph-g)
【賛】bRhatphala (= mfn. having large fruit bringing great profit or reward L. ; m. a species of Plant (= %{caceNDA}) L. ; pl. N. of a class of Buddhist gods Buddh. ; (%{A}) f. N. of various plants (a species of wild cucumber ; Beninkasa Cerifera ; = %{mahAjumbU} = %{mahe7ndra-vAruNI}) L.) おてがら (ph-k)、ほうびだ、いさお (b 無音)
【民】tacarippu (= reward, present) てがらっぷ (c-k)
【賛】zatavala (= m. (%{vala} = %{vali} accord. to Comm.) N. of a partic. object given as reward for a sacrifice S3a1n3khS3r.) いたわり、お手柄 (v-g)、いさお  ◎
【賛】vyuSTi (= f. shining up, growing bright, dawning; reward for (gen., loc., or ---), requital, retaliation; grace, beauty.) やったー、いさお
【民】ARRuppaTai (= a form of panegyric poem generally in akaval metre in which one who has been rewarded with gifts directs another to the presence of the chief from whom the latter may also receive similar reward) ありっぱぁたい、ありがとー (p-k)
【民】tacakAriyam (= ; 4. the ten ★achievements of the self in its path towards realization, viz., ma1ya1ru1pam, ma1ya1tarican6am, ma1ya1cutti, ci1varu1pam, ci1vatarican6am, ci1vacutti, piramaru1pam, piramatarican6am, te1kakaivalliyam, vite1kakaivalliyam) てがらヤン
path, road, way, street
漢字ペディア  [音]ドウ・トウ(高) [訓]みち(外)
漢字ペディア  [音] [訓]じ (外)みち・くるま
cf. file f20 #s.170 道、 road in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.270 road --- ギャロンに、「通り(とおり)」アリ。チベット語に「通り」ナシ ?。
【有】rrugë (= street, way, road, path, route, avenue) みち (rr-m, g-j)
c. 【英】road ロード。は、 みち (r-m, d-t-ch) だったんです。route ルート も、そう。
【賛】mATha (= or %{mAThya} m. a ★road L. (cf. %{mAca} , %{mAtha}).) みち
【民】naTavai (= 01 path, road, way; 2. turnstile; 3. extent of country, as where language prevails; 4. plan, scheme) みち
【チベ】mdo (= Sutra, a discourse of the Buddha, 1) sutras. 2) a valley; lower part of a valley 3) cross-road, junction, confluence, juncture, crossing 4) in summary, briefly. 5) discourse, sermon, 6) scripture [in Anu yoga], 7) Syn Mahayana, {mdo sngags} 8) prudence, credibility [RY]) みち  [p2/5]
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664199257/path 皆無 [p16/44]
c. チベット語は、バカ言語である。 road には、cross-road とあった。気にいらない。 cross してないと「みち」とは言わないのか?。path で確認。「みち」は無かった。  やはり、アホ言語である。
c. チャン語。path, road, way, street 全てに「みち」皆無。
【蛇】מִשְׁעוֹל (= narrow path, path) mish‛ôl / mish-ole'/ みち ある

special, specially

漢字ペディア  [音]トク (外)ドク [訓](外)おうし・とりわけ・ひとり・ひと
【賛】zaktibheda (= m. difference of power MW. ; a special capacity ib.) とくべつ (ti 無音)
【民】taRkuNam (= 1. peculiarity 異常な態度。奇妙さ、風変わり(な点)、異常な点。特性、変わった点、独特のもの, special attribute or quality; 2. figure of speech in which an object is described as taking over the quality of another object) とくもの
【民】tirukkaivazakkam (= 1. distribution to worshippers of offerings in a temple on special occasions; 2. a poem on the liberality of the ve1l2a1la chiefs) とりわけの、特別かも
【賛】apavAda (= m. evil speaking , reviling , blaming , speaking ill of (gen.) ; denial , refutation , contradiction ; a special rule setting aside a general one , exception (opposed to %{utsarga} Pa1n2. 3-1 , 94 Sch.) RPra1t. Pa1n2. Sch. ; order , command Kir. ; a peculiar noise made by hunters to entice deer S3is3.) おうし
【賛】viziSTa (= a. separate, distinct, marked by (instr. or ---); peculiar, special; distinguished, eminent, excellent at (instr. or ---), best of (gen.); different from i.e. better or worse than (abl. or ---). Abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n.) ひとつ
【チベ】sgos (= in particular, special, particular; specific/ private/individual [RY]) とく   [p6/33]
c. 馬鹿チベット語の表示内容がイマイチなので、 especially で引く。
【チベ】sgos su (= particularly, especially [JV]) 特殊
【賛】savizeSatas (= ind. especially , particularly , singularly , excellently W.) さびぜさたす、とくぜしゅだす
c. インド弁では、 「especially」 のことを「特に」とは言わない (?)。「特に」は少し言語の毛色が異なる感触 (?)。
【ギャロン】 donikə̤ (= especially, intentionally (#2107) @Jinchuan Erkai 金川二楷 ri ṣe) とーにか

money, cash, currency, coins
漢字ペディア  なりたち 出典『角川新字源 改訂新版』(KADOKAWA)[旧字]
【賛】dhana (= n. prize (of contest or game), booty, wealth, property, money; adj. --- possessed of, rich in. -- {hita3 dha3nam} the proposed prize or the opened match. {dhanaM} w. {bhR} M. carry off the prize or booty; {dhanaM ji} win the prize or match.) ぜに
【民】TEvaNi (= earnest money, cash security
) ぜに
【民】TOkku (= hard cash, ready money) すき
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/money 皆無
【羌】dzəku̥/ dziku̥/ phɑwtsə/ ʑikə/ dzeku̥/ dzekw/ jjggw/ ɕʨe dze (= money) すき
c. チャン語は、「すき」--- ご先祖読みでおます。
c. ギャロン DB, money 未登録。
【トルコ】tıkır (= money) すき
c. 「金(かね)」も、有る。
【趣】gín, giĝ4 (= : small ax(-head) used as money 斧の小さい頭[お金として使用された]; shekel (of silver) シケル◆イスラエルの通貨単位 = ca. 8.333 grams; a surface area measure, 1/60 square nindan (sar) = 180 surface še = 2160 (=36,0) square fingers; a volume measure, = 0.3 cubic meters (Akk. kiinu 'true measure', cf., Orel & Stolbova #1459, *kin- "count") かね
【賛】kAJcana (= n. gold Naigh. ; money , wealth , property W. ;) かね
【チベ】ka ka ni (= 1) small Indian coin worth 20 cowrie shells; 2) ? pa a or m na; 3) seed of Albrus precatorius used as med. weight; 4) shell 貝殻 of Cyprea moneta used as money [IW]) かね
【箍】kayamanan (= wealth, treasure, riches, richness, resources, money) かねもん
file f20 #s.152 川 river in スワデシュ 207
file tibet #g.269 river

master, teacher
漢字ペディア  [音]シ [訓](外)みやこ・いくさ
意味 @教え導く人。手本となる人。先生。「師範」「教師」 A専門的な技術をもった人。「医師」「絵師」 Bおさ。かしら。長官。 C多くの人の集まる所。みやこ。「京師」 D軍隊。いくさ。「師団」
-- master --
【賛】sAdhana (= , f. {I} & {A} leading to the aim, effecting, producing, procuring (gen. or ---); effective, capable. -- n. subduing, mastering, accomplishing, effecting; getting, acquiring, recovering (debts); proving, evincing, argument, evidence; means, expedient, requisite; military force; result, consequence. Abstr. {-tA}Å f., {-tva}Å n.) 師範(しはん)
【賛】sUta (= 3 m. (of doubtful derivation , prob. to be connected with 1. %{sU} ; for 1. 2. %{sUta} see pp. ) a charioteer , driver , groom , equerry , master of the horse (esp. an attendant on a king who in earlier literature is often mentioned together with the %{grAma-NI4} ;) すさ、須佐、師匠(ししょう)、師(シ)
【賛】yogIzvara (= m. a master of sorcery 〔悪霊の力を利用して行う〕魔法、魔術、妖術 or the chief among devotees, E. of Yajnavalkya.) いくさ
【賛】nAyyAcArya (= m. dancing master or teacher of dramatic art.) みやこや
【賛】vidyAvAgIza (= (`" master in science and speech "') or m. N. of a scholar Cat.) みやこざ (v-m, d 無音)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/master/page/35      [p35/69]
---- スペル目茶苦茶、順序目茶苦茶、にて、判定不能。
【トルコ】öğretmen (= teacher, instructor, schoolteacher, master, schoolmaster, schoolmistress) いくさめん
-- teacher --
【有】edukator (= educator, teacher, schoolmaster) いくさ (d 無音)
c. アルバニア語さんは、「いくさ」は、【英】educator エジュケイター、教育者。だって。と言っている。
【賛】Sa (= 2 mfn. (only L. ; for 3. %{Sa} see below) best , excellent ; wise , learned ; m. loss , destruction ; loss of knowledge ; end , term ; rest , remainder ; eternal happiness , final emancipation ; heaven , paradise ; sleep ; a learned man , teacher ; a nipple ; = %{kaca} ; = %{mAnava} ; = %{sarva} ; = %{garbhavimocana} ; n. the embryo ; (accord.to some) patience , endurance.) シ、しゃ
【賛】akAsAra (= m. N. of a teacher BhP.) いくさら
【民】Occan2 (= teacher (TLS)) いくさの、いっさの(一茶の)
【賛】nyAyakokila (= (?) , m.N. of a Buddh. teacher.) みやこきら
【民】mArkkar (= 1. preceptors 〈文〉教師、指導者, teachers, as guides; 2. sub-sect among Karn2a1t2aka brahmins) みやこ
【チベ】nang gi yongs 'dzin (= inner teacher [RY]) みやこ じん
【チベ】yongs 'dzin (= 1) teacher, tutor [h]; 2) completely grasped/ protected things; 3) water mouse year [IW]) いくさの
from  http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/teacher
【ウズベク】o'qituvchi (= teacher, don, educator, mastership, pedagogue, tutor) いくさヴぃっち

c. 【趣】【】に temporary 未登録。 why?
【有】kalimtar (= transitional, transitory, ephemeral, passing, temporary, evanescent) かりみたい
【賛】kAlakArita (= a. temporary 一時的 (lit. caused by time).) かりかりだ、かりだ
【チベ】gling bur (= temporary, momentary [RY]) かりの ぶる
c. 【羌】のチャン語は、皆無。ギャロン は、temporary 未登録。しかし、チャン語の結果は、少し面白い。
【羌】aʂʨimam̥/ mɑχu/ tit tik/ æzd ȵi mɑŋ/ əjis/ lin ʂə ŋu (= temporary) 一時もん、ちっと とき、一時の物、一時
【アゼルバイジャン】gəldi-gedər (= temporary) かりでぃ げだーる

漢字ペディア・漢字意味 みつぎ。ねんぐ。ぜいきん(税金)。「納税」
nusahu (= "extract(ion)" NA pi. m. (a grain tax 穀物税); pi. f. "torn-out (pieces)"?; < nasdhu ) みつぎ (h-k-g)
【有】vergji (= duty, tax, impost) ヴぃるぎ、みつぎ (v-m)
【民】nATukAval (= a tax (TLS)) みつぎの
【賛】niSkarSa (= m. drawing out , extracting MBh. ; extract or essence of anything , chief or main point Mn. (%{At} ind. chiefly for the sake of [comp.]. %{-SAn@nizcayAt} , briefly and exactly MBh.) ; measuring Dha1tup. ; ascertainment L. ; n. oppressing subjects by taxes MBh.) みつぎあるじゃ
【賛】sthalaja (= mfn. growing or living on dry land Mn. ; accruing from land-transport (said of certain taxes or duties) Ya1jn5. ;) ゼイ/セイ (l 無音)
【民】talaiyarai (= a tax (TLS)) ゼイ/セイ (l 無音)
【チベ】mi bogs (= cash tax paid by Tibetan govt farmers-servants to the masters instead of work obligation [IW]) みつぎ (b-t)  /mi bok/ み ぼく
【羌】ker/ ker shɑ/ khe/ khe xtʂe/ khedʐu/ khedʐu ɦũj/ liʨin/ liʨin ɤli/ ʂusəß/ oukou/ səß hɑtʂu/ khəɹ/ khəɹ χtʂe/ ʂui/ ʂui ʂtʂɑ (= tax) か、課税、課す
【蛇】מִדָּה middâh, mindâh /mid-daw', min-daw'/ (= tribute, taxes, toll, tax) みつぎ (w-g)
【蛇】מֶכֶס mekes /meh'-kes/ (= tribute, levy, tax) みつぎ (+つ)
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】vergi (= tax, duty, excise, assessment, dues, imposition) ヴぃるぎ、みつぎ (v-m)

picture, image, figure, statue
【有】gjendje (= situation, state, condition, position, shape, picture) かたんち
【尼】keadaan (= state, circumstances, situation, condition, status, picture) かたーん
【賛】kASThaputtalikA (= f. a wooden image ,) かたぷったりか
【民】kizitITTu-tal (= to draw a picture) かたど る、かたち
【賛】saMkrAnta (= mfn. gone or come together , met &c. ; passed or transferred from (abl.) to (loc.) Ka1v. ; transferred to a picture , imaged , reflected W. ;) すがんた、すがた
【チベ】gsal btab (= imagine, visualize, picture [RY]) かたち  △
【チベ】sku thang (= (h) tangka. See {thang ka}. picture, painting; representation of a deity [RY]) すが たん

owe, debt, indebted, grace,
【箍】magaang kalooban (= goodwill, grace) めぐみ かるーばん
【尼】nikmat (= grace, comfort, delectation, amenities, feast) めぐみだ
【賛】avana (= n. favour, grace, protection.) おん
【賛】maRakkaruNai (= divine grace that chastises, opp. to ar6a-k-karun2ai) めぐみ
【民】aruTkuTaiyOn2 (= god, one whose umbrella is grace itself) いつくしみ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/grace イマイチ。 × とする。
【トルコ】merhamet (= pity, mercy, compassion, grace, charity, clemency) めぐみ (h-k-g)、モハメット?

【賛】Dimbha (= m. a new-born child, fool, ignorant; young animal, sprout of a plant; egg, globe.) たまご (b-m, h-k-g)、たんばは
c. インド弁に「ラン」は無かった。 why?。「ラン」は、チベット語にも無い。
【チベ】dkar kring (= white of an egg) たがむ   /kar tring/ かる とりん → 完全に×
【チベ】'jong (= tadpole オタマジャクシ, hoe 〔農具の〕くわ, pick axe つるはし斧, of egg form 卵形の [JV]) たま (j-t)   /jong/ ジョン ×
【ギャロン】 ta' gam (= egg) たがむ、タマゴ
【カザフ】жұмыртқа /jumırtqa/ (= egg) たまたご (j-t)
【ウズベク】tuxum (= egg, egg, ovum, semen, testicle) たま

【賛】vibhAvarImukha (= n. evening (beginning of night).*) ぼんぼりむか、ばん
【賛】vibhAvarI (= f. (see prec.) brilliant , bright 明かり、輝く (in RV. often applied to Ushas , `" Dawn "' ; accord. to Ni1lak. also= %{kupitA}) ;;; ; %{-mukha} n. `" beginning of night "' , evening MBh. ; %{--za} (%{-rI7za}) m. `" lord of night "' , the moon VarBr2S.) ぼんぼり (+ん)、ばん、ぼんやり
【賛】mukha (= n. mouth, face, beak, snout, (adj. --- having -- in the mouth etc. or having a like mouth); direction, quarter (adj. --- turned towards, facing, n. adv.); opening, aperture, entrance into (gen. or ---); forepart, top, point, edge, surface; head, chief, best; commencement, introduction (adj. --- {nAdi} beginning with); cause, occasion, means of, instr. {mukhena} by means of (gen. or ---).) むか、向かう、マウス
cf. 雪洞(せつどう、せっとう、ぼんぼり、ボンボリ)(wikipedia)
c. 晩(ばん)は、「ぼんぼり」がなまった言葉、で、夜の入り口。だって。つまり、ぼんぼりを灯す頃。
c. 晩、と、ぼんぼり、の語源を web で探したが、無かった。ケルン大の私のインド弁辞書の url は下記である。もっと調べたい人は、やって下さい。
【賛】utsUra (= m. (scil. %{kAla}) the time when the sun sets , the evening L.) おそい
【賛】vaikAla (= m. (fr. %{vi-kAla}) evening , afternoon W.) 夕暮れ
【民】vaikAlam (= evening) 夕暮れの

【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/evening  皆無
c. チベット語の evening から、「バン」「くれ」「おそい」を導き出せる人は、やってみて。
【羌】gəsta/ mivɑ/ mæʁəze/ mæχuɑ/ mæχæ/ ɑɕiæ/ ɑʂɑ/ gəts/ ʥe tsə (= evening) おそい
cf. file tibet #g.102 evening
【チベ】srod 'khor (= period of the pig * late evening [IW]) たそがれ (sr-t)   /sö khor/ す こる ×
【チベ】phyi 'phrod (= evening [JV]) ひぐれだ (ph-g)、よひだ (ph 無音)  /chi trö/ ち とる ×
【チベ】phyi nub (= evening, the next evening [RY]) よんべ (ph 無音)  /chi nup/ ち ぬぷ ×
c. チベット語の evening で上記 3 件が tibet file に載っているが、日によって結果が異なる。いずれにしても「ばん」「くれ」「おそい」は、無い、模様。チベット語は、スペル目茶苦茶なので、調査者の気分によって結果が異なる。バカ言語である。 発音 converter で、/現在発音/ を付けたが、痕跡は完全に無くなり、完全に×である。

liquid, syrup
【趣】šur, sur (= : to rain; to produce a liquid; to flow, drip; to extract seed oil; to process wine and juices; to press (out); to spray out; to brew (beer); to submerge; to flash, gleam (šu, 'to pour' + to flow; cf., šeĝ3,7). ) しる
【賛】sara (= a. fluid, liquid; (f. {I}) running, moving, going (---). f. {sarA3} brook, {sarI} waterfall.) しる
【民】cERu (= 01 1. mud, mire, slush, loam; 2. liquid of thick consistency 濃い液体, as sandal paste; 3. kernel, as of a coconut; 4. wood-apple; 5. pus; 6. temple festival) しる
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/liquid 無
【賛】Apya (= 2 mfn. (fr. 2. %{ap}) , belonging or relating to water , watery , liquid Sus3r. ; consisting of water ; living in water ; m. N. of several asterisms VarBr2. ; N. of a Vasu ; (%{As}) m. pl.N. of a class of deities BhP. ; (%{am}) n. N. of a constellation ; (for 1. %{Apya} see under %{Ap}.)) えき (y-ki)

napalu(m) II 238 napharu(m) (= "hack down, demolish" cities, buildings D ~ G "search, rummage through"; of animals "forage, rootle"; "turn up 〜を掘り起こす、(土を)掘り返す、〜を掘り出す、発掘する (the soil of)" a garden; "gouge out" eyes, "blind" N astr., of star, mng. unkn. (-? ;?. II?); > niplu\V; nipiltul; ndpilu; nuppulu; nappaltu I; munappilum ) にはる
【民】man2aippaTappai (= house garden) まないっぱたっぱい、にわたっぱい、にわ  △
【チベ】nye ba'i tshal (= grove, garden [JV]) にぇ ばい ちゃる、にわ  △

ripen, accomplish
【尼】mematangkan (= finalize, ripen, cook) みのったんかん
【民】muRRu (= 02 1. perfection, completeness; 2. that which is complete; 3. ripeness; maturity; 4. end, termination; 5. finite verb) みのる (前R-n)
【民】mutircci (= 1. maturity, ripened condition; 2. great age, old age; 3. excellence in learning or experience; 4. arrogance) みちるっち
【民】muTi-ttal (= 02 1. to end, terminate; 2. to effect, accomplish; 3. to destroy; 4. to fasten, tie; 5. to decorate with, put on, as flowers) みち
【賛】nam, namati, -te (= ; change, develop, ripen, fade, be accomplished. C. ripen, bring to an end, pass (time). {pra} bend or bow before (dat., gen., loc., or acc.). C. bow (tr.);) み、まめ、みち る、みのっち
【賛】nirvartana (= n. accomplishment, completion.) まことな (v-k)
【賛】diz (= 1 cl. %{di4deSTi} (Imper. %{di4deSTu} RV. ; cl. %{diza4ti} , %{-te} [later the only Pres. stem] ; pf. %{dide4za} , %{didize4} ; fut. %{dekSyati} , %{-te} [%{deSTA} Siddh.] ; aor. %{adikSat} S3Br. ; %{adikSi} , %{a4diSTa} RV. ; inf. %{deSTum} MBh. etc. ; %{di4ze} RV.) to point out , show , exhibit RV. ; to produce , bring forward (as a witness in a court of justice) Mn. ; to promote , effect , accomplish Kir. ; ) ジツ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/accomplish 無
【チベ】rnam smin pa (= to ripen [RY]) みの すみん べ、 -- みのる べ、のつもり。
http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/ripen  多分まだある。 見たい人はミテ。
cf. file tibet #g.267 ripe

[音][訓]ゆえ(中 外)ふるい・もとことさらに・
reason, because, therefore, hence
c. 「かれ」じゃないのか。記紀万葉では「かれ」だ。違うか?。
cf. file f20 百人一首 99 #h100_99
【有】motiv (= motive, motif, reason, pattern, theme, persuasive) もと
【賛】vyUha (= 2 m. reasoning , logic (= %{tarka}) L. ; %{-mati} m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. ; -2. %{-rAja} m. a partic. Sama1dhi SaddhP. ; N. of a Bodhi-sattva 菩薩の名前 ib. (%{-je7ndrA} f. N. of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.)) ゆえ、ゆへ
【賛】kAraNa (= a. = {kAra} 1 (---). n. (adj. --- f. {I}) cause, reason, motive, first or chief matter or element, substance; sign, mark, document, proof; means, instrument, organ. ---, abl., instr., & loc. from some cause or reason; for the sake of (gen.); abl. also instead of (gen.). --* Abstr. {tA} f., {-tva} n.) からに、から、コ
【賛】proha (= 2 mfn. (fr. %{pra-} 2. %{Uh}) skilful , clever L. ; m. logical reasoning ib.) ふるひ
【賛】nimitta (= n. mark, aim, sign, token; presage, omen; reason, cause, esp. the efficient cause; in the obl. cases = because or on account of; adj. caused, produced, occasioned by (---).) もと、なので
【民】caturagkatAraNai (= 1. the art of maintaining a fourfold by a king, one of nava-ta1ran2ai ; 2. the art of making the soul reach the seat of brahman in the body by subduing the fourfold factulties or reason, reflection, will and egoism エゴイズム. one of nava-ta1ran2ai (TLS)) ことらがさらに、ことさらに (c-k)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665294746/reason 無 (p7/26)
c. 馬鹿チベット語に「故」の日本語似発音は、残っていない。--- 思うに、チベットには言語を生む文化的素養もないし、言葉を保存する能力も低い。全てインド文化の流用に過ぎない。インド辞書とチベット語辞書の両方を見ていれば、そんなこと、一目瞭然だ。
【羌】ȵigə χuʁɑ/ dhi/ ləts we/ thik thəɹʐʥi/ thək thəi ʥi/ ŋuʨi/ ȵi laxæ ȵu/ ȵigu ʁɑ/ ʨhiwɑ/ jyɑn ku/ li jiu/ ȵigi ʁɑ/ χuʁuɑ (= reason) ゆえん か、りゆう
【蛇】כֹּל kôl /kole/ (= wherever, all, every, no, as, because, whatever, entire, inasmuch, reason, whosoever, misc, all things, none, any, whole, therefore, forasmuch) かれ
【蛇】יַעַן ya‛an /yah'-an/ (= definitely because, seeing, why, because, that, inasmuch, reason, since, so, whereas, even, forasmuch) ゆえに、ゆえん(所以、由縁)
【トルコ】neden (= cause, reason, rise, motive, ground, case) もとの
c. ギャロン DB , reason 未登録。

salute, bow, thanks, reverence, respect
漢字ペディア  禮
【民】lAlA (= 1. a caste of hindu merchants who migrated into the tamil country northern India; 2. a term of respect; 3. a term of endearment 〔人に対する〕愛情を示す行為[言葉]) レイ、ライ
【賛】mariyAtai (= 1. civility, courtesy, reverence, respectful behaviour to a superior; 2. caste rules or customs 風俗、習慣; 3. continuance in the right way, propriety of conduct, rectitude; 4. justice; 5. way, manner; 6. boundary, limit; shore; 7. reward) のりやーたい、のり
【賛】arhaNa (= mfn. having a claim to , being entitled to (in comp.) BhP. ; (%{am}) n. deserving , meriting Pa1n2. , worship , honour , treating any one (gen.) with respect Mn. ; a present of honour MBh.; (%{A}) f. worship , honourN. Ragh. &c. , (%{arha4Na}) , Ved. instr. ind. according to what is due RV. ) うやまう
c. 色々の英単語がありますが、結局は「respect レスペクト、尊敬」に落ち着いた。スピードスケート 500 女王  小平奈緒の言葉「respect しているよ」でした。
c. salut 敬礼で「れい」が有ると思ったが、無かった、「あいさつ」が有った。
【賛】ApRSTa (= mfn. welcomed , saluted MBh. ; asked for L.) あひさつ
【民】kaiyeTu-ttal (= lit., to raise hands 挙手・最敬礼する. to salute, as a mark of respect; 1. to beg, entreat, supplicate; 2. to vote by raising hands) けいし する、挙手
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665565423/respect 無 [p6/20]
【トルコ】riayet (= respect, observance, deference) れいだ
【トルコ】uyma (= fit, compliance, respect, adherence, conformity, observance) うやま  【名詞】
【アゼルバイジャン】hörmət (= respect, honor, esteem, consideration, honour, deference) うやまった
【ウズベク】hurmat (= respect, respect, esteem, homage, homage, deference) うやまった
c. ギャロン、 respect 未登録。

【箍】bantod (= diameter) わたし (n 無音)
【民】kuRuvaTTam (= diameter 直径) こみちの (v-m)
【賛】samasUtrastha (= mfn. situated 位置する on the same diameter (i.e. situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes Su1ryas.) さしわたし (m 無音)
【賛】vistRti (= f. extent , width , breadth A1ryabh. ; the diameter of a circle Col. ; spreading , expansion W.) わたし
【賛】samasUtraga (= or mfn. situated on the same diameter (i.e. situated on two opposite points of the globe) , living at the antipodes Su1ryas.) ただちに (r-n, g 無音)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/diameter 無
【ウズベク】ko'ndalang kesim o'lchami (= diameter) こみち...
c. 【英】diameter ダイヤミータ、直径 は、ギャロン村の様に (d-k) 音通すると、「コミチ」に化ける。


petii(m) II, patu, OAkk, OA patd'um (= "to open" G (ele) [BAD; astr. also TAG4] 1. door, gate; grave, house, room; container; "undo" lock, package 2. "expose, open up" foundation; "unsheathe" weapon; "dehusk" barley; "unroll" rope; "broach, start on" wine, grain etc. 3. "lay open" road, watercourse, mountains; "start" water flowing, "open up" well, spring; "bring" field "into cultivation 耕作" ) はた、はたの
【有】fushë (= field, area, scope, court, domain, plain) はた (f-h)
【箍】parang (= field, meadow, prairie, mead, parang, wilderness) はらんぐ、はたけ (r-t)
【箍】batawan (= field, plantation) はたわん
【尼】bidang (= field, area, sector, plane, sphere, realm) はたんぐ
【民】pattu (= 02 1. field) はた
【民】pAtti (= 1. division, section, classification; 2. parterre, pan, small field; 3. part, portion, share; 4. house, dwelling, abode) はた
【民】paTukar (= 01 1. path of ascent and descent; 2. pit, hole, hollow; 3. tank; 4. rice field 米畑; 5. agricultural tract) はたけ
【民】paTTaTaikkazan2i (= a cultivated field 農耕地 artificially irrigated) はたけだに
【賛】prAsthika (= mf(%{I})n. containing or weighing or bought for a Prastha Ka1tyS3r. ; n. (with %{kSetra}) a field sown with a Pradha1na of grain Pa1n2.) はたけ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658930403/field   [p15/23]
【チベ】spang ljongs /pang jong/ (= - grassy plain / ★field, meadow [RY])
【チベ】spo to /po to/ (= - 1) grassy small hill [rdog rdog]; 2) clumps of earth [in a plowed ★field]; 3) bullock; 4) unburned brick [IW])

cf. 混 ま(ざる) 混ざる mix #2.29
samhu (= "mixed" jB, of censers "assorted"?; < samdhu ) ザツ、ぞう
【賛】saMsRSTa (= mfn. gathered together , collected RV. ; brought forth or born together (as a litter of animals) VS. ; associated or connected together (as partners or brothers who combine their property after division) , Ma. ; united , combined , mingled or mixed with , involved in (instr.) VS. ; nearly related or acquainted friendly , familiar MBh. ; affected with (comp.) Sus3r. ; connected with , belonging to (comp.) Hariv. ; mixed , of various kinds , both good and bad in quality &c. S3Br.;) ざつ
【賛】zrIta (= mfn. mixed , mixed with (instr.) , cooked 料理された RV.) ぞう
【チベ】'dres pa (= to confuse/ muddle/ mix (things) up; confused/ confounded; adulterated [RB]) ざつ べ
【羌】pɑtɑ/ (to) stir/ (to) mix/ / / təsɑ/ (to) mix/ mix (dough 〔パン・ピザ・ケーキなどの〕生地、練り粉))/ / / tətʂhue/ (to) mix/ (to) stir/ / / yiuju/ (to) stir/ (to) mix/ / / təʂputɑ/ / / bulu jueɑ/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / bulu təsə/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / dzəʂpəte/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / pelu tətsɑkɑ/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / səxtʂuəɹ/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / təsə/ (to) mix/ / / tətʂhɑuthɑ/ (to) stir/ / / təʂpəte/ (to) stir/ / / tʂhɑuthɑ/ (to) mix/ / / wətə/ (to) stir/ / / ʁlə ɕʨi/ (to) mix (dough)/ / / bɑ lu χuɑ le/ mix (dough)/ / / tə thu χɑ/ / / tə χuɑ le/ / / tətʂtsuɑ/ mix (dough)/ / / tʂhue/ / / ɦɑdʐpu (= mix) ざつ

fountain, spring, well
【趣】idim (= : n., spring, underground water; weight, mass (ida, 'river', + mu, 'to sprout, appear').
   adj., wild, raging, mad; considerable, distinguished. ) いずみ  
【賛】audapAna (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{uda-pAna}) , raised from wells or drinking fountains (as a tax &c.) ; belonging or relating to a well ; coming from the village Udapa1na , gan2as on Pa1n2.) いずみ (p 無音)
【民】acumpu (= 02 1. spring; 2. well; 3. ooze, exudation; 4. soft mud; 5. miry place, mudhole; 6. minute drop of water; 7. connection, adherence; 8. blemish, fault) いずみ (p 無音)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/fountain 皆無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666958544/spring 無 [p2/8]
【蛇】עַיִן ‛ayin /ah'-yin/ (= Ain, fountains, springs, fountain, Fountain, spring) あえ いん、いずみ (+ず)  △
c. 「いずみ」は、シュメールとインド弁にしか残っていない。--- これは、インド弁と日本語は、シュメール語という古い時代の言葉を温存している、といえる。

cf. file f20 #s.70 羽 in スワデシュ
cf. file tibet #g.112 feather
【趣】(ĝiš)pa (: leaf 葉, bud, sprout; branch; wing; feather) は、ぱ  
【有】pendë (= feather, dam, fin, yoke, plume, plumage) へんで、はね
【有】pupël (= feather, shuttlecock, feathering, vane, plume, plumage) ぷぺる、はね (l-n)
【箍】balahibo (= fur, hair, feather, plumage, bristle, plume) ばらひぼ、はね
【尼】bulu (= fur, feather, hair, bristle) ぶる、はね (l-n)
【賛】parNa (= n. wing, plume, feather (also of an arrow), leaf; m. = {palAza3} m.) はね
【民】paRai (= 04 1. flying; 2. wing, feather, plumage; 3. bird) は、はね (r-n)
【賛】vAja (= m. (fr. %{vaj} ; cf. %{ugra} , %{uj} , %{ojas} &c.) strength , vigour , energy , spirit , speed (esp. of a horse ; also pl.) RV. (%{vA4jebhis} ind. mightily , greatly ; cf. %{sahasA}) ; a contest , race , conflict , battle , war RV. ; the prize of a race or of battle , booty , gain , reward , any precious or valuable possession , wealth , treasure RV. ; food , sacrificial food (= %{anna} in Nigh. and in most of the Commentators) ; = %{vAja-peya} S3a1n3khS3r. ; (?) a swift or spirited horse , war-horse , steed RV. ; the feathers on a arrow 矢の羽 RV. ; a wing L. ; ) はじゃ、はじ、は
【チベ】hur hur (= 1) sound of bird’s wings, arrow feathers, bullets etc; 2) look w wonder [IW]) ふあ ふあ、は  △
c. 馬鹿チベット語にずばり「はね」は無い。
【羌】wəȵi/ / / hopɑ/ / / hunn/ / / huvbue/ / / pən/ / / wm̥i/ / / xupɑ/ / / hmə (= feather) は、はね
【ギャロン】 wa⁵rȵu⁵ (= feather) わーにょ、はーね
c. ギャロンは、pane が wane (p-w) の方向へ向かってしまったらしい。
【ウズベク】par (= feather, feather, fluff, fuzz, plume, vapour) ぱ、はね (r-n)
【ウズベク】parranda (= poultry, bird, bird, feather) はねんだ
c. 教育漢字では無いが「羽」ついでに「翼」も検証。
cf. file tibet #g.400 wing
c. 漢字ペディアに「たすける」  Aたすける。「翼賛」「扶翼」類翊(ヨク) 、なんて、書いてある。 --- 「猫の手」の様なものか?。 しかし、イント辞書には有る。
【賛】sitacchada (= mfn. white-winged , having white leaves L. ; m. a goose L. ; (%{A}) f. white Du1rva1 grass ib.) したっちゃだ、たすけた
【賛】zAkhA (= f. (ifc. f. %{A} or %{I}) a branch 枝 (lit. and fig.) RV. ; a limb of the body , arm or leg Sus3r. ; a finger Naigh. ; the surface of the body Car. ; a door-post VarBr2S. (cf. %{dvAra-z-}) ; the wing of a building 建物の翼部分 Ma1rkP. ; a division , subdivision MBh. ; the third part of an astrological Sam2hita1 (also %{-khA-skandha} , m.) VarBr2S. ; a branch or school of the Veda (each school adhering to its own traditional text and interpretation ; ) よく
ahu(m) II (= "arm, side" (st. constr. ah(i)) 1. "arm", a. nadu "to 'drop o.'s arm', i.e. be lazy, negligent", j/NB nade a. rasu "to become negligent"; uppi a. "armpit"; bird a. "chest"?; transf. "arm, handle" of an instrument; OB du. transf. "strength, ability" 2. "side"; Bab. [GU] "shore" of sea, "bank" of river; "edge" of town, field; "wing" of army; "flank" of animal; of object, part of liver, other parts of body; a. sattim "turn, beginning of (financial) year"; a. ana a. "side by side"; (ina) a. jB as prep, "beside, at" 3. NB "part, share", "one-half; pi. f. ahdtu "partner, joint proprietor" 4. pi. m.) よく (h-k)
ahdnu (="arm fetters"? NB; "wings"? of a building jB 5. "sleeve (flap)" of garment M/NA, MB, Nuzi; > ahu I, ahif, ahia, aha, ahitu; ahamma; ahdtu II, ahdnu I, ahannd, ahulld; ? ? ahe; ahum; ahune) よくの (h-k)

cf. file f20 #s.46 とり in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.25 bird

cf. file f20 #s.45 さかな in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.120 fish
cf. file f20 #ss19 さかな in スワデシュ 100

cf. file f20 #s.47 dog in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.86 dog
cf. file f20 #ss21 dog in スワデシュ 100

cf. file tibet #a.1 cow
【趣】máḫ[AL] (= : an adjective for cows (as opposed to ĝiš for bulls). ) もー
【趣】gir, kir (= : cow or mare of intermediate 中間の age; (ki,'place', + ir(2), 'fluid secretion') ) ぎゅう
【趣】 agud [OX] ぎゅうだ、うし (g 無音)、おうし
【賛】aditi (= ; a cow , milk RV. ;) うし
【賛】babhru (= (%{u}) f. a reddish-brown cow ) べこ
【チベ】mdzo (= dzo, cross of yak [bull] and a cow [IW]) うし (m 母音化)  △
【チベ】'dod 'jo (= wishing cow, cow that yields milk at all times [JV]) うし うじょ  △
c. チベット語は、スペル目茶苦茶のため、上記2個のいずれが該当するかは、判定出来ない。バカ言語である。
【羌】eze/ / / ete/ / / etse/ / / eɑ ssi/ / / khʂe mi/ / // / / sewer/ / / wu/ / / xɕɑʐəme/ / / ædʐi/ / / ŋuə/ / / ʂe mæ/ / / ŋu mie/ / / ɦũ (= cow) うし、モー
c. ギャロン cow 未登録。

cf. file f17 #on.21 馬   in 上代日本語 (Old Japanese)

【趣】a-da-lam; i-da-al-àm (= : now ('now' + 'to be'). ) いだらむ、いまだ
anina (= 1. "now" NA, NB also anin 2. "earlier" Nuzi, Bogh. 3. "where?" Nuzi 4. mng unci. Am.) いま
anni (= 1 "now" OAkk, OA; < annu I) いま
annuri(g) (= "at this moment, now" NA; < annil I + -i'Hg)\ ? ≫ ammuri) いまよ
anumma, annumma, anummu, OB(Esn.) unumma (= "now", esp. of messages "herewith" OB, Am., Nuzi, Bogh., Ug., jB lex. [Ug. UD- ma\; < annu I loc.-adv. + -ma) いま
【箍】yamang (= now) いんま
【尼】kini (= now, nowadays, at present, this time) キン、コン
【民】in2n2E (= 1. now, at this moment; 2. here, in this place; 3. thus, in this manner) いま
【賛】Im (= ind. (fr. pronominal base 3. %{i}) , Ved. a particle of affirmation and restriction (generally after short words at the beginning of a period , or after the relative pronouns , the conjunction %{yad} , prepositions and particles such as %{At} , %{uta} , %{atha} , &c.) %{Im} has also the sense `" now "' (= %{idAnIm}) , and is by Sa1y. sometimes considered as an acc. case for %{enam} RV.) いま
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663648000/now 無 [p5/11]
c. チャン、ギャロンにも「いま」系は、皆無。
【アゼルバイジャン】indi (= now, at present, presently) いんだ

c. 腹 belly とスペルが似ている。イイ迷惑。
cf. file tibet #g.376 valley
【民】taNi (= 03 Mountain 山) たに
【民】tAvu (= 05 1. resting-place, lodging, shelter; 2. harbour; 3. support; 4. valley, depression) 撓む、の、タワ、さわ(沢)、たに (v-n)
【チベ】dben pa (= 1) (Tha mi dad pa), w/o, empty of, free from, [de]void; 2) solitary and quiet/ secluded [place], unpeopled/ unpopulated area/ mt 山/ valley; 4) 'phri rtsis; 5) solitude, loneliness, seclusion, lonely, isolated, remote {chos mnyam pa nyid bcu} [IW]) たん べ、たに だっど ぱ
【チベ】yar nang (= mt 山, valley, village’s upper side 村の上サイド [IW]) やま、山
【ウズベク】tomning qirrasi (= valley) たにん きらし
【賛】kukSi (= m. belly, womb 子宮 (also {kukSI} f.); cave, valley.) こくしゅぃ
c. 「ロク」、「きわまる」、は、不明。

[音]ショ (外)ソ [訓]はじめ・はじめて・はつ・うい(高)・める(中) (外)うぶ
c. チベット語の西田語彙 150 の中に、「初む(そむ)」が指摘されている。
pana (= adv. "first" jB, in time; < pdn&) はな
panisam (= adv. "first, as first action" OA; < pdnu I) はじめ (n 無音)、はなさむ
panu(m), Ass. pdniufm) (= adj. "first, earlier; front" [IGI] 1. "first" arrival, ship, messenger; OA isti pdnimma "with the first (messenger)" 2. "earlier, previous" king, creditor; period of papahhu 264 parahsitum duty; consignment, tablet, words, property; NB "(born) first, older"; OB pi. pdnutuni "our ancestors" 3. "front", of part of body, locks of hair; < pdnu I + -i; > pdnd, pdnltu panushu ? ≫ penushu) はぬ、はじめむ
(w)arhu(m), Ass. mostly urhu(m), OB also (w)arhu(m), Ass. mostly urhu(m), OB also barhum [ITI; also ITI.1.KAM; 6 A ITI.KAM; NB astr. AB] (= 1. "the moon" 2. urn w. "(day of new) moon, first day of month" 3. "month", (w)a. ana (w)a. "monthly"; > warhisamma; warhi= turn; arhdnu; arhd; arhussu; Arahsamna ) うぶ、うひ
surram (= "at first, initially" Mari; < surru I ) そむ
【賛】prathama (= a. first, primal, foremost, earliest, principal, best, chief. --- & n. first, before (n. as prep. w. gen.), for the first time, just, now, immediately; often also adj. pro adv. -- m. the first (third) person; f. {A} the first or nominative case and its endings.) はじめ、はつの
【箍】panguna (= introductory, first, initial, maiden, primary) はじめ  【形容詞】
【箍】pauna (= anticipatory, initial, preliminary, first, advanced, made ahead) はな  【形容詞】
【箍】simula (= beginning, start, first, onset, outset, genesis) すめら   【名詞】
【賛】purA (= ind. (cf. %{pra} , %{puras} , %{pUrva}) before , formerly , of old (with %{na} , never "') RV.; in a previous existence VarYogay. ; (with pres. = pf.) from of old , hitherto , up to the present time (also with %{sma} cf. Pa1n2. ; with %{na} , never yet) RV.; at ★first , in the beginning Bhartr2. (opp. to %{pazcA} , %{pazcAt} Pa1n2.) ; soon , shortly (with pres.= fut.) Ka1lid. ; (as prep. , mostly in earlier language , with abl. , rarely with dat. or gen.) before ; securely from ; except , beside ; (with pres.= fut. , once with Pot.) ere , before (sometimes with %{na} or %{na} and %{yAvat} [followed by %{tAvat}] , with %{mA} or %{yadi} MBh. )) はな (r-n)、プレ
【賛】sarvAdya (= mf(%{A})n. the first of all , having existed the first Pan5car.) 最初(さいしょ)、すべてのさいしょ
【賛】sthAnin (= a. having the first or the right place; m. the primitive element (g.).) そむ
【賛】sattama (= (%{sa4t-}) mfn. very good or right , the best , first ,) そむ
【チベ】thog ma (= At first, [RY]) そむ
【民】uppuppAl (= co-lostrum 《医》〔産婦の〕初乳, the first milk secreted in the breasts after childbirth) うぶっぱる、うぷうぷの、おっぱい
【賛】AvyAdha (= m. the act of piercing or making an incision 穿孔または切開する行為; breaking into for the first time TBr.) ういだ、うひだ
【チベ】sna zin pa (= to take/ have taken the first step, begun [RY]) ふぁじめ べ (sn-f)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659003615/first [p44/65]
【チベ】phud (= - 1) the first / best / choicest part / the select portion / the first cut or portion; virgin. 2) offering / to offer. 3) to expel, throw out, drive off / away, kick out. 4) a thing set apart, initiatory present, the select portion, first out, first position / offering, to offer, to throw out, drive off / away, the best, choicest, kick out [expel]; oust, turn out/ the most choice part; first select portion; imp. of {phud pa}; to take off [RY]) ふぁつ、はつ
c. チベット語は、sn も ph も /fa/ の積もりなのか、いい加減な言語である。
c. チベット語に「うい」「うぶ」「さいしょ」があるか、探してみて下さい。--- 私は、疲れるので、止めました。
【ギャロン】ta’ʃər たーしぇふ、最初 サイショ
【蛇】פִּטְרָה peṭer, piṭrâh /peh'-ter, pit-raw'/ (= open, firstling, first issue, first offspring) はじめ (r-m)、はつの (r-n)
c. 【箍】のフィリピンのタガログ語で「初む(そむ)」を simula すめら、と言っている。これは、「スメラみこと」と関係するかも、現に、アッカド語の first の中に、 king の意の物があった。
sarru(m); pi. sarru, sarrdnu (= "king" [LUGAL(.E); 20; BARA; 180+20; Elam 150; once GU.GAL, GIS.GISIMMAR] 1. of deities and humans; I rabu "Great King 偉大なる王"; "king" of a country, city; OA sarrdne saniutim "other king(let)s"; s. hammd'u "usurper"; OB sa s. "king's repre- sentative"; NA harrdn s. "royal road" 2. "first quality" of textiles etc. 3. lit. male "beloved"; > sarratu, sarratutum, sarris, sarrutu ) スメル (r-m)
c. first というと、「まほろば」もそうである。
【趣】mahra (= [FOREMOST] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. mahra "foremost 最先端" Akk. mahru) まほら   by [Pen Dic.]
mahratu(m) (= pi. tant. "front part, forepart; first instalment; bow (of boat)" O/jB; < mahru II ) まほらつ、まほら

never, hardly, by any/ no means, not at all, completely
c. 「すべて」は、#n.211 「 総 べる・すべて・ふさ whole, all, full 」を参照。
-- never --
【趣】u4-na-me...nu-tuku (= : there was never ('time' + prohibitive modal prefix + 'to be' + 'to not have'; cf., lu...na-me...nu-). ) うなめ〜まったく  ◎
【赤】matlma, matema, matime, immatilema (= "ever; always" [UD.KUR.SE] 1. in questions "at any time, ever"; in pos. sentences "sometime"; with neg. "never" 2. "always" in the past 3. "for ever" in the future; ana m. "for ever"; < mati; ? ≫ mutima ) まったるま
【有】me mundim (= painfully, hardly) ない まったむ
【賛】natarAm (= (S3Br.) ind. not at all , never. -1.) まったらーむ、まったく △
【賛】nitya (= ; (%{am}) ind. always , constantly , regularly , by all means RV. (%{na@nityam} , never ; ) まったきゃ、まったく (y-ki)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663471498/never 無 [p7/15]
【蛇】נֶצַח netsach, nêtsach /neh'-tsakh, nay'-tsakh/ (= always, strength, victory, perpetual, alway, limit, Glory, eternally, evermore, all time, end, forever, ever, never, constantly) まったく  
-- completely --
c. ギャロン DB, never 未登録。しかし、 completely に、「全く」似が有った。
【ギャロン】ma22 ke44 (= completely) まっけ、全く
【ギャロン】kam22 de44 (= completely) かんでー、完全
【羌】ezdi/ / / kəndi 完全/ / / oŋ/ / / zwuzi 徹底/ / / ɑedhi/ / / ɑtʂə/ / / tshə ʨetshə 徹底的 (= completely)
【賛】naiSThika (= (or %{naiH-} ; see 2. %{ni-SThA}) mf(%{i})n. forming the end , final , last MBh. ; definitive , fixed , firm MBh. R. Ya1jn5. ; highest , perfect , complete MBh. Ka1v. Pur. (%{-sundara} mfn. perfectly beautiful Kum. ) ; completely versed in or familiar with (comp.) Var. ;) まったく
【民】muzukka (= wholly, entirely, altogether, completely) まったく
【ウズベク】mutlaqo (= absolutely, absolutely, completely, quite, purely, consummately) まったらく
cf. file tibet #a.15 completely
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655613034/completely 完全バカ [p29/33]

cf. file f20 #s.149 star in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.323 star
c. 万2-0196; 〜夕星(ゆふづつ)の か行きかく行き 大船の たゆたふ見れば
c. 【英】star スター、づつ (s-z, t-t) 、そのまんま東、でおます。
c. 「ゆうづつ」系は、チュルク系の言語が皆そうである。

event, affair, thing, matter, incident
【尼】kejadian (= incident, event, occurrence, case, happening, occasion) ことだの
【賛】gata (= mfn. gone , gone away , departed , departed from the world , deceased , dead RV. ; past (as time) , gone by Mn. ;; ; anything past or done , event W. ; diffusion , extension , celebration ChUp. ; manner Pa1n2.) こと
【民】kaTTu (= 02 1. tie, band, fastening, ligature;; ; 17. divination, foretelling events; 18. bundle, packet, pack, bale;) こと
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/event 皆無
c. チベット語辞書、event と events をチェックしたが、無かった。バカ言語である。
-- thing --
【バスク】gauza (= thing) こと
【有】gjë (= thing, piece, item, job, object, baby) こと
【有】kusht (= condition, proviso, term, provision, stipulation, thing) こと
【尼】keadaan (= state, circumstances, situation, condition, status, thing) ことの
【チベ】ka cha (= goods, things, property, material, provisions, general name of things, household articles [IW]) こと、かちゃ
-- matter --
【賛】kRtya (= a. to be done, fit, proper, right; n. impers. it imports or matters (w. gen. of pers. & instr. of th.). --m. a suffix of the fut. pass. part. f. {kRtyA3} act, action, deed; magic, spell. n. business, task, duty, purpose, end.) ことや
【民】kiTai (= 02 ; 8. subject matter 物、事、主題, contents;) くさい、こと
-- incident --
【箍】kataon (= incident, occurrence, happening) ことの
【尼】kejadian (= incident, event, occurrence, case, happening, occasion) ことの
【民】kUttu (= 1. dance, dancing; 2. divine dances, eleven in number, viz; 3. dramatic performance action; 4. strange event or incident; 5. droll or ludicrous action, as a pantomine; 6. confusion; 7. a treatise of the last sangam, on the art of dancing) こと
【トルコ】kaza (= accident, crash, incident, casualty, wreck, district) こと
【アゼルバイジャン】qəziyyə (= bad luck, incident, accident, occurrence) こっちゃ
-- affair --
【有】çështje (= issue, matter, question, subject, affair, problem) こと
【尼】keadaan (= state, circumstances, situation, condition, status, affair) ことの
【民】cagkati (= 1. affair, news; 2. matter, fact; 3. short flourishes introudced in a melody; 4. connection, relatio) ここと、こと
【賛】gRhArtha (= m. household affairs , any household care Mn.) こと
【民】kaTaicAr (= 1. affair; business; transaction; 2. backyard of a house) こと
【民】kOcu (= 03 1. cf. port. cors lower front rope of the sail of a boat, clew line; 2. turn, time; 3. defeat, loss, overthrow; 4. affair, concern 関心事) こと
【民】khyim don (= household affairs [IW]) きぃむ とん、こと  判定×。 崩れすぎ  [p2/2]
c. ギャロンは、 thing 以外未登録。 thing も、日本語似は皆無。
【民】cAtarA-tal (= 01 to be served, as an order) こと (c-k)
【賛】svArAdhita (= mfn. well propitiated , faithfully served Hit.) 仕えた (v-k)

material, substance, object, affair, thing, matter
【民】mAn2 (= 03 1. the principle of intellect; 2. the manifest primordial cause of the material world; 3. human being; 4. great person or being; 5. mountain) もの
【賛】nAman (= n. (prob. neither fr. %{jJA} nor fr. %{mnA} [cf. Ur2t. ] ; ifc. f. either = m. or %{-mnI}) a characteristic mark or sign , form , nature , kind , manner RV. ; name , appellation RV. ; personal name (as opp. to %{gotre} , family name ; cf. %{nama-gotra} above) Ka1s3. (often ifc. = named , called e.g. %{viSNu-zarma-nAmA@paNDitah} , a sage named Vishn2u) ; merely the name (as opp. to reality ; cf. %{nAma-dhAraka} , %{-mAtra} , %{-zeSa} &c.) , a noun (as opp. to a verb) Nir. ; substance , essence (in the Mimin6sa1 phil. opp. to %{guNa} , accidental quality) ; a good or great name , renown , fame (only ifc. ; cf. %{zva-} , %{suma4ntu-}) ; water Naigh. ; %{nA4mnA} ind. by name (also joined with 1. %{nAma}) ; with %{kR} (Kav.) or %{vi-dhA} (Katha1s.) to call by a name ; %{nAma} (q.v.) with %{grabh} (%{grah}) to mention or address by name RV. ; with %{bhR} , to bear or have a name ib. ; with %{kR} (Br.) , %{dA} or %{dhA} (Gr2S) , to give a name call. [Cf. Zd. {na1man} ; Gk. $ ; Lat. {no1men} ; Goth. {namo1} ; Germ. {namo} &c. ; Eng. name.]) もの
c. 「もの」と「なまえ」は、親戚だって。
【民】nayan2 (= 01 1. substance; 2. relationship) もの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662725285/material 皆無 [p8/18]
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667230341/substance 皆無 [p4/21]
【民】vastu (= 01 1. thing, object, article, matter; 2. landed property) ぶつ、もつ (v-m)
【民】nirakagkiruti (= 1. objective activity 目的的 活動) ものごと (r-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663710611/object 無 [p20/49]
c. ギャロン DB, 全単語未登録。
【沖縄弁】c. 「むぬ」= 者、物。
【民】mun2n2ilai (= 1. ★person or ★thing that stands in front; 2. second ★person 二人称, the ★person or thing spoken to 話題にしている人や物; 3. cause 原因; 4. that which is essential; 必須事項 5. presence; 6. place of manifestation) むぬ/もの(者、物) (lai 無音)

hot water, boil
【民】vennIr (= hot water) ゆっにーる、湯煮る
【民】veyyanIr (= hot water) おゆの、湯煮る
【賛】tapta (= a. heated, burnt, hot, molten, scorched, distressed, afflicted; (having) undergone (tapaH}) n. adv.; as subst. hot water.) たふた、トウ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/hot water/page/1 皆無 [全体で 2p]
【羌】tsədʐi/ / / tsu siɸ/ / / tsu tʂətʂe/ / / tsə dzə/ / / tsə se/ / / tsə səjse/ / / zuve dde-ddezi zuve/ / / tsuə ɕi (= hot water) 皆無
c. ギャロン、未登録。
-- boil --
【有】vlim (= boil) ゆの
【民】vEkkATu (= 1. burning; 2. boiling; cocking; 3. inflammation, as of the stomach; 4. burn, scald; 5. heat; 6. envy, jealousy, heart-burning) 沸かす(わかす)
【民】vEpAkku (= heating, boiling) 湯がく
【民】vE-tal (= 02 1. to burn; 2. to be hot, sultry, as the weather; to be scorched; 3. to be inflamed, as the stomach; 4. to be boiled, cooked, as rice; 5. to be refined by burning in a crucible, as gold; 6. to be distressed by grief or passion; 7. to be angry)
【賛】niSkvath (= Caus. %{-kvAthayati} (only ind. p. %{-kvAthya}) , to boil down , thicken by boiling. S3us3r.) 煮炊き(にたき)す る

noon, daytime
【民】palapai (= equinoctial 昼夜平分の。《天文》昼夜平分線、天の赤道 shadow of the gnomon 〔日時計の〕指針 at noon 正午のグノーモンの彼岸の影) ひるぱい、ひるま (p-m)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663613794/noon 皆無    [p2/4]
cf. file tibet #g.77 daytime
cf. file tibet #g.77a noon
【民】veyil (= 1. sunlight 日光, sunshine; 2. heat and glare of the sun, as on a tropical day; 3. the sun; 4. lustre, brilliance) ひる(昼)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/daytime 皆無
【羌】hvinn hulhu (= daytime) ひんひる ?
【ギャロン】sȵi’la ひら、昼 (= daytime)   
【ギャロン】snilɛʔ ひーら、昼 (= daytime)   
c. チベット語には、「 日中(にっちゅう)」「午後(ごご)」「午前(ごぜん)」の発音が有る。#g.77 参照。
c. ギャロン DB の上記 IPA 発音表記はオカシイ。IPA の sȵi または、sni の表記の発音が、「ひ」になる訳はない。IPA を振った人は、チベット語のスペルを書き写しただけである。バカ丸出しの辞書である。
--- 非常に遺憾である。

【趣】 (= : n., noise, sound; voice.
   v., to exclaim; to utter a cry (said of an animal) (throat + u(3,4,8), 'cries, screams').) こえ
【民】kural (= 03 1. voice; 2. word; 3. tone in singing; 4. first note of the indian gamut; 5. throat, windpipe; 6. sound; 7. string of jingling bells) こーらる、こえ (l 無音)
【チベ】grag pa (= tone, pitch, fame, noise, rumor, talk, pitch of a sound or voice, principal, most distinguished, SA 'grag pa, grags pa [JV]) こえ べ、くらく べ
【チベ】gre ba (= forepart of neck, throat, windpipe and gullet, voice [JV]) こへ
【羌】qəj/ / / gveɑi/ / / kəi/ / / qej/ / / qu/ / / qəi/ / / qəw/ / / tshə le (= voice) こえ、こわ、こい
【蛇】קָל qâl /kawl/ (= sound, voice, lightness) こえ、こわ (l 無音)
cf. file tibet #g.377 voice

select, simple, concise, brief
【有】vendos (= decide, put, set, establish, lay, choose) ふんだ、ふだ
【有】preferoj (= prefer, choose, elect, affect) えらぶらっち (p 母音化)
【賛】vAvRtta (= mfn. chosen , selected 選ばれた, appointed L.) ふだ
【賛】pravR (= 2. P. A1. %{-vRNAti} , (Ved.) %{-vRNite} %{-vRNoti} , %{-vRNute} (3 -sg. aor. Subj. %{-vRta} RV.) , to choose out , choose as (acc.) or for (dat.) RV. Br. MBh. BhP. ; to accept gladly RV.: Caus. %{-varayati} , to choose , select MBh. ; %{-vArayati} , to please , gratify. R. (For 1.) えらぶ (p 母音化)
【賛】vilabh (= A1. %{-labhate} , to part asunder , separate Ka1tyS3r. ; to take away , remove (dung from a stable) Kr2ishis. ; to procure , bestow , grant , consign , hand over , deliver up Inscr. Katha1s. ; to choose , elect HParis3.: Caus. %{-lambhayati} , to cause to receive or fall to the share of (two acc.) Katha1s.: Desid. %{-lipsate} , to desire to divide or distribute S3Br.) えらぶ
【民】vaTi-ttal (= 02 1. to cause to flow out; to shed, as tears; to drain;; 18. to select, choose; ) ふだ
【チベ】phud (= except, besides, put off, take off, expel, SA 'bud pa, that which is taken forth from the rest, specimen, first taste, experimental trial, portion selected and offered to the gods, “excluding” clause connective, to take off (clothes), expel, past of 'bud, chalices of first pourings, first offerings, first part of food or drink that is offered to the deities, first portions of food, first pourings [JV]) ふだ
c. チベット語の select, choose に「えらぶ」似はナシ。

cf. file f20 #s.168 ash in スワデシュ 207
cf. file tibet #g.9 ashes

cf. file f20 #s.65 bone in スワデシュ 207
cf. file f20 #ss31 bone in スワデシュ 100
cf. file tibet #g.36 bone

actor, jester
c. 「わざおぎ」 何なのコレ。  どう攻めるべきか。 actor ?, showman, comedian
c. インド辞書には、showman, comedian なんて最近英語は、未登録だった。
意味  @わざおぎ。役者。芸人。「俳優」 Aおどけ。たわむれ。「俳諧(ハイカイ)」 B俳諧・俳句のこと。「俳画」「俳人」「俳壇」
【民】vESagkaTTu-tal (= 1. to put on appropriate dress or costume, as an actor; 2. to raise to a high position) わざがっつ、わざおぎた、おどけだ
【民】vAttiyAr (= 1. family priest; 2. one who trains actors and dancers) わざやーる、おどけ (y-ki)
【賛】pAtravarga (= m. a company of actors 役者の会社 MW.) わざおぎ、おどけ (p 無音, v-k)
【民】AciyakkAran2 (= * jester 道化師, buffoon, clown) わざおきの
【民】akaciyakAran2 (= * jester) わきおきの
【民】tiruvan2 (= 02 1. buffoon, jester of a king; 2. rogue; 3. grey mullett, attaining 6 in. n length, nugil parsia) たわむ
【民】ten2n2AlirAman2 (= 1. a court-jester of tena1li ; 2. buffoon, witty or humorous person) たわむれもの
【チベ】bzhad gad mkhan (= buffoon, jester [JV]) わざお きだ むかーん
c. 「役者」も、おました。
【賛】raGgacara (= m. `" stage-goer "' , a player , actor , gladiator &c. VarBr2S.) やくしゃ
【賛】rAGga (= m. (fr. %{raGga}) an actor (?) Dhu1rtas.) やく、おーき、やくが

漢字ペディア , en.wiktionary.org/wiki/卒  1. soldier, 2. servant
sabu(m), Mari also sabum, with pi. sdbuyu, NB also sabbu (="people; troops" [(LU.)ERIN(.MES)] construed as sg. and pi.; .s. qasti "archers", .s. narkabti "chariot-troops" etc.; s. sepe "foot- soldiers";) しもべ
sabbitu II (= (desig. of soldiers) jB lex.; < sabdtu II ) そつ
【尼】serdadu (= soldier, warrior, ranker, rank and file, Tommy, Sammy) そつ
【賛】sambhUta (= ; %{-tva} n. state of union or combination with (loc. ; ; ; %{-bhUri-gaja-viji-padAti-sainya} mfn. possessed of an army (consisting) of numerous elephants and horses and foot-soldiers 歩兵 Katha1s. ;) しもべだ
【民】nAyakkan2 (= 1. title of certain telugu castes; 2. title of certain tamil castes, as van6n6iyar, ve1t2ar, irul2ar; 3. captain; soldier; headman) にわかに
【賛】zaravANi (= m. (only L.) the head of an arnarrow ; a maker of arnarrow ; an archer ; a foot soldier ; = %{pApiSTha} (prob. w.r. for %{padAti}).) ついに
【民】ERALar (= warriors; soldiers) おわる、おえる
【民】tiTTu (= ; 6. batch, unit of number, as of 100 horses, soldiers) そつ
【チベ】'thab mo ba (= soldier [IW]) しもべ
【チベ】so lta (= 1) watchman soldier; 2) archery target la 'khel min lta ba'am, tshod lta ba; 3) be on watch [IW]) そつ (l 無音)
c. 【英】soldier ソルジャー、スペル的にはいい迷惑の単語。solger は NG. soldi は「そつ」の痕跡をよく残す。 (l 無音)。スペルが少しオカシイのもそのせい。
c. そのせい、の「せい」って、せ‐い〔‐ヰ〕【▽所為】。 もっと簡単な漢字無いのか?

praise, award, prize
nadu(m), na'ddu (= "to praise, celebrate" G (pres. indd, pi. inaddu, pret. indd, M/NB also ina" ad, i"ud; prec. lu-'a^-ad OB in PN) [I; NI.TUKU] "extol" deity, king in PN Gtn iter, of G NB D = G Dtn iter, of D "praise repeatedly" Dt "be praised" St "sing praises antiphonally" N "be praised"; > sanudu; sutanidu; tanidu, tanattu, tanittu; ) めで
【箍】pumuri (= praise, commend, applaud, laud, bless, compliment) ほめる  【動詞】
【尼】madah (= eulogy, praise, stanza) めで  【名詞】
【民】pan2n2u-tal (= 01 1. to touse with the fingers, as cotton; 2. to do anything with consideration or skill; 3. to praise;) ほめ
【賛】paN (= cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup.) %{pa4Nate} (ep. also %{-ti} ; pf. %{peNe} Gr. ; aor. %{apaNiSTa} Bhat2t2. ; fut. %{paNiSyate} , %{-NitA} ib.) , to honour , praise Naigh.) ほむ、ほめ
【賛】medhasAti (= (%{medha4-}) f. the receiving or offering of the oblation , sacrificial ceremony RV. (Sa1y. ; others `" the offering of devotion , service or worship of the gods "' ; others "' the gaining or deserving of a reward or praise "'). ) めでたい
【チベ】bsngags (= praise; consecrated, praised, recommended, glorification, recommend, hail, eulogize, glorify, praised, extolled, praiseworthy, blessed [RY]) △ 読み方不明。馬鹿チベット語でおます。
c. bsng -- 子音の4連続。のスペル。ハッキリ言って、チベット人は、馬鹿。
【トルコ】methetmek (= praise, speak in praise of, eulogize, commend, extol, extoll) めでてメク
【カザフ】мадақтау /madaqtaw/ (= praise) めだくたう
【ウズベク】madh etmoq (= eulogize, laud, praise) めで えともく  【動詞】

record, mark
@のり。きまり。すじみち。「紀綱」「軍紀」「風紀」 Aとし。年代。「紀元」「紀年」「世紀」 Bしるす。順序立てて記録する。「紀行」「紀要」 Cおさめる。秩序を立てて進める。 D「日本書紀」の略。「記紀」 E「紀伊(きい)の国」の略。「紀州」
cf. file f17 #1.6 しるす(記す) mark, write
【賛】maryA (= f. (perhaps orig. something clear or shining ; cf. %{marIci} and %{marut}) a mark , limit , boundary L.) のり
【民】nUleRRu-tal (= to snap a carpenter's line for marking a board) のる、のり
【賛】nAmAGka (= mfn. marked with a name Ragh. (also %{-Gkita} Vikr.) ; %{-zobhita} mfn. adorned with the mark of the name or with name and cipher 〔複数の字を組み合わせた〕装飾頭文字 MW.) みまき
【賛】vizeSaNa (= mfn. distinguishing 区別、識別する, discriminative , specifying , qualifying L. ; distinctive (as a property) W. ; n. the act of distinguishing &c. , distinction , discrimination 〔人種の〕差別, particularization BhP. Sarvad. Sa1h. ; a distinguishing mark or attribute MBh. ; (in gram.) `" differencer "' , a word which particularizes or defines (another word which is called %{vi-zeSya} q.v.) , attribute , adjective , adverb , apposition , predicate Pa1n2. Tarkas.;) おさめ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662669331/mark 無
c. コレ、難しい。インド弁以外皆イマイチ。 why?

barley, wheat,

【土佐弁】 もぎ(麦)
【賛】mahAgodhUma (= m. coarse-grained wheat 麦 Bhpr.) もぎつま
【熊本弁】むっから 麦わら 麦稈(むぎから)→ムギカラ→ムッカラ 音響的にもカラカラの麦わらのイメージにぴったし
【民】neRcEr (= strawbin or granary for storing paddy) 麦 (c-g)
【民】neRkaLajnciyam (= granary for paddy)
【賛】mahAyava (= m. a kind of large ★barley L.) むギ (y-ki, v-g)
【羌】ʁlə/ / / dʐə/ / / hæɹq/ / / wle/ / / ʁə (= wheat) ハク、バク
【トルコ】buğday (= wheat, corn) バクだい
【アゼルバイジャン】buğda (= wheat, oats) バクだ
【ウズベク】bug'doy (= wheat, wheat, bread-stuffs, maltster, corn) バクどい
c. ギャロン の barley, wheat には、皆無。 農作物用語は、無縁なのかもしれない。

【趣】kibx[GIG](-ba) (=: wheat.) キビ(黍)
kibtu(m); pi. kibdtu, Mari kabdtum (= "wheat" Bab., NA [(SE.)GIG(.BA); NB also GIG.Bl] ) きびつ
】kupsu, kuspu, kisblpu (= "husks, ★bran ふすま" M/NA, M/jB [DUy.SE.GIS.i] usu. of sesame; k. dispi "honey remnants", i.e. "wax"; Ug. k. passuri "table crumbs") きび (s 無音)
【民】kavEtu (= wild species of wheat (TLS)) きびつ
【チベ】gro 'bru (= wheat grain [IW]) きびる

【箍】patungan (= mounting, base, layover, rack, pedestal, onlay) うてながん (p 無音)
【賛】pratiSThAna (= n. stead, basis, pedestal, foundation (lit. & fig.); N. of a town.) うてな (p 無音)
c. 町の名前、ともある。ギリシャの「アテネ」も親戚カモ。高台の町。カモ。アテナ女神。アクロポリス。
【民】aTTaNaikkAl (= a kind of stand or pedestal (TLS)) うてなっかる
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/pedestal 無
【蛇】 אֶדֶן /eden/ (= pedestal 〔柱・像などを立たせるための〕台, socket 〔電球などの〕受け口、ソケット。関節部のへこみ[窩]) エデン、うてな  by FreeLang.net
【蛇】אדן [A][ḏ][n] (base, footplate, foundation, pedestal, plinth) うてな  in 紀27
c. チャン、ギャロン 未登録。

city, market

■ 市(いち)、肆/市座(いちくら)
c. 肆/市座(読み)イチクラ デジタル大辞泉の解説 2019/03/09
【趣】sila(3) (= : street; path; trail; road; market place (si, 'anything long and narrow', + la, 'to extend, reach'). ) しら、し
【有】pazar (= shopping, bargain, bazaar, mart, market, rag fair) いち (p 無音)
【尼】pasar (= market, bazaar, trade, mart) いち (p 無音)
【賛】vIthi (= or %{vIthI} f. (perhaps fr. %{vI} ; cf. 1. %{vIta}) a row , line Ka1v. ; a road , way , street MBh. ; a race-course S3is3. ; a market , stall , shop ib. ; ) いち
【賛】aTTa (= ind. high , lofty L. ; loud L. ; m. a watch-tower ; a market , a market-place (corruption of %{haTTa}) ; ) いち
【民】pITikaitteru (= market, bazaar) いちくら (t 無音)
【賛】avaDaGga or %{avadraGga} (= m. a market , mart L.) いちっが、いちくら
【民】cEn2ai (= 02 1. street; 2. bazaar; 3. market, fair) 市内(しない)
c. インド弁に、市(し)は無かったが、市内は有った。 面白い。
【チベ】rta khrom (= section of market where ponies and horses are sold [JV]) いち くらの (r-y)
【チベ】thi ra (= market place, crowded place [IW]) ち ら、し
【チベ】khrom chen (= the main / central market place. Syn {khrom chen po} [RY]) 銀座の
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662671014/market [p4/6]
c. インド弁の market で「銀座」似を探したが、イマイチだった。
c. チャン語 market 未登録。しかし、なんとギャロンの market は、「銀座」オンパレードでした。「いちくら」似も有った。
【ギャロン】 ka ntʂʰaʔ(街) (= market) かんたぁー、ぎんざ
【ギャロン】 kan ʨʰɐk (= market) かんちゃ、ぎんざ
【ギャロン】 ts‘oŋ22 ra33 (= market) とぐら、いちくら (+い)
【蛇】◯shuk, y'riyd; d'riyshah (= market) いち
【ウズベク/カザフ/トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】bozor/ bazar/ pazar/ bazar (= market, bazaar, emporium, fair, mart) いち (b|p 無音)

c. チャン語に market 未登録なので、 city をチェックしたら、city は未登録だが、 city gate が登録されていた。
【羌】kɑŋtʂhɑq diu (= city gate 市の門) 銀座口(ぎんざぐち)
c. まるで、有楽町や新橋駅、の様でおます。
cf. 銀座 (地名) (wikipedia)  ------  今から見ると、半分誤り。古墳時代から既に、「銀座」と呼ばれていた。多分。
【チベ】grong sde (= city; 1) village district. 2) villagers [RY]) ぎんざ
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655189872/city  [p25/31]
【蛇】קֶרֶת qereth /keh'-reth/ (= city) 銀座 (r-n)
kissutu (= "exercise of power, authority" M/NB, NA [SU; KIS] k. sabdtulepesulbelu "to seize/exercise/take control of power"; dl k. "capital city"; of king "personal authority"; < kasdsu I ) ぎんざ (+ん)
【有】qytet (= city, town, place, burg) くぃてっと、ぎんざ (+ん)
【尼】kota (= city, town, burg, fort) こた、ぎんざ (+ん)
【ウズベク】katta shahar (= city, city) こった しゃはーる、銀座 (+ん)
【トルコ】kent (= city, town, straight, borough) けんと、ぎんざ
【アゼルバイジャン】şəhər (= city, town) しゃはーる、シ
c. つまり、
【英】bazaar バザー、バザール、は、イチ
【英】city シティ、は、ギンザ (c-k, +ん, t-z) とも読めるのでした。
【英】market マーケット、は、儲かって/儲けっと。 cf. file f17 #1.59 商う deal, marchant, commerce
【英】marchant マーチャント、は、商人(アキンド) (m 無音)
c. 「銀座」の日本語の解釈は「両替」、ならば、 exchange に「ギンザ」似は、有るか?。
【賛】ghuT (= cl. %{-Tati} , to strike again , resist , oppose Dha1tup. ; to protect , : cl. %{ghoTate} , to turn (`" to barter , exchange "' W.) (cf. %{ava-ghoTita} and %{vy-A-ghuT}.)) がっと、ぎんざ (+ん)
c. 【英】commerce コマース[= 〔大規模な〕商業、交易、貿易]、【英】communicate コミュニケイト [= 〔〜の情報を〕やりとりする、交換する、伝える]、も、「銀座」に見えてくる。

■ 「座」を「くら」というのは何故か。
https://8220.teacup.com/toraijin/bbs/8913 で、投稿者: 管理人 様から、下記コメントを頂いた。



c. とりあえず、座 sit down, seat で攻める。
【趣】giri (= [SEAT] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. girix(|GIŠ.LU2|); girix(|GIŠ.ŠU.LU2|) "a seat" Akk. nēmedu) くら  [Pen dic.]
【趣】ašte (= [CHAIR 椅子] (2x: Old Babylonian) wr. ašte2; ĝešaš-te; ĝešiš-de3 "chair, throne; seat, dwelling; shrine, chapel; a unit of area" Akk. kussû; sukku; šubtu) 椅子(いす)  [Pen dic.]
【民】kuLir (= 04 seating, resting) くら  【名詞】
【民】kuLir-tal (= 03 to seat, rest) くら  【動詞】
【チベ】khri (= 1) ten thousand. 2) myriad. 3) throne 玉座、御座(みくら). 4) box. 5) base of a stupa. 6) seat, chair 椅子, couch 長椅子, bench ベンチ 7) table; 10,000; colored/ multi-colored [RY]) くら

c. これは、胡座(あぐら) sitting cross-legged の「ぐら」と同源。脚をクロスして座ること。
【博多弁】イダクラメ (= cross leg 【あぐら】)
【十津川弁】いたぐら  「うたぐら」 (= あぐら いたびら(滋賀県犬上郡・九州))
【民】aTTagkAl (= folded 折った legs is sitting cross-legged 胡座(あぐら)) イタグラメ (+メ)、いたぐら  100 点
c. aTTa は、fold 折りたたむ、囲む。の意で「折った」そのもの。agkAl は、 あぐら 対応。
c. つまり、肆/市座(いちくら)は、十津川弁の「いたぐら」と発音が非常に似ている。
つまり、古代の市座(いちぐら)で、行商のオバサン (?) が品物を並べて、そこで、胡座をかいて(あるいは、正座で)店番をしていた。つまり、いたぐら、していた。だって。 --- 古代人は、言葉遊びしている。
cf. 倉、蔵(くら)は、#n.31 warehouse, granary 参照
cf. 暮 く(れる)、暮れる、は file f17 #2.249 pass 参照
cf. 暗い、は、file f17 #a.51 dark, dim 参照
c. throne 玉座(ぎょくざ)、御座(みくら)の追跡調査。チベット語にはある、既出。インド弁は、イマイチでスバリは無い。アッカド語には有る。
karru(m)II (= "knob ノブ、つまみ、取っ手、こぶ" Bab., NA [GAR(.BA)] "pommel" of sword; sikkat k. "knob-pegs", i.e. decorative wall pegs; "knob" on throne, also "throne" (same word ?); transf. "peak" of mountain; < Sum. ) くら
taqanu(m), NB also taqdmu, jB tagdnu (= "to be(come) secure, in good order" G (u/u; stat. taqunlm) of person, land, throne D "put in order, secure" [LAL] Dtn "keep in order" cult N NA pass, of D "be in good order"; > taqnu; tiqnu; tuqnu; tuqqunu; matqanu; mutaqqinu ) たかみ
c. 玉座 (wikipedia)  御座の訓読みにあたる「みくら」が天皇の玉座のことで、京都御所の紫宸殿にある高御座(たかみくら)など非常に特定された玉座を指す場合もある

disguise, be born
-- disguise --
【賛】veSadhara (= mfn. having only the appearance of 見せかけ、上辺だけ, disguising one's self 自分を偽る, acting a part Sin6ha7s. ; (ifc.) disguised as DivyA7v.) いつわる
【民】urumARu-tal (= * 1. to change one's shape, disguise oneself; 2. to become changed in appearance, as by disease) うまれ
【民】viTampan2am (= 1. imitation; imposture; disguise; 2. ridicule 〔人を〕意地悪く笑い者にする、嘲る、あざ笑う、冷笑する、からかう, mockery; 3. distress) ほしいまま
【賛】praccchanna (= mfn. covered , enveloped , shut up S3Br. ; hidden , concealed , unobserved , private , secret , disguised (ibc. and %{am} ind. `" secretly , covertly "') Mn.; n. a private door ; a lattice , loop-hole L. ; %{-gupta} mfn. secretly hidden Bhartr2. ; %{-cAraka} and %{-cArin} mfn. acting secretly or fraudulently R. ; %{-taskara} m. a secret thief Mn. ; %{-pApa} m. a snsecretly sinner ib. ; %{-vaJcaka} m. a snsecretly rogue or rascal ib. ; %{-vRtti} f. a snsecretly manner or way S3ukas. ; %{-cchannI-bhU} , to hide or conceal one's self. L.) ほしいまま
【チベ】phyi tshul (= disguised (deceptively, outwardly, surface, external appearance/ shape/ aspects/ form, superficial [IW]) いつわる、ほしいまま
c. 生まれる、が、何故、いつわる、なのか、意味不明。 難しい。
c. 「タン」は、不明。
cf1. 「誕る」の読み方、分かります? 「誕」という漢字の意外な意味 --−解説がアホで、意味不明。「案ずるより産むが易し」って、言いたいのか。
cf2. 「誕る」って何と読む?「誕」は誕生した時、ヤバい意味だった
cf3. 1228「誕」はなぜ誕生の意味があるのか?  「誕」  白川静『常用字解』
-- born --
hussulu(m) (= "crushed, bruised" O/jB of injured, damaged person; OB as PN; jB of newborn child 新生児; < hasdlu ) ほしいまま
【民】iTTuppiRa-ttal (= to be born with a mission 任務/使命発生) いつわる
【賛】purojanman (= mfn. born before 前に生まれた; %{-ma-tA} f. priority of birth Ragh.) ほちいまま、ほしいまま
【賛】tanUja (= mfn. produced or born on or from the body AV. ; belonging to the person , vi ; m. a son MBh. ; N. of a Sa1dhya , ; n. the plumage , wing MBh. ; (%{A}) f. a daughter Hariv. ) 誕生
【賛】saMpanna (= a. born, produced, being, existing (---); become a (---); fallen to one's share; turned out well, accomplished, perfect; dainty, sweet; possessed of, endowed with (instr. or ---).) たん
【賛】vijan (= A1. %{-jAyate} (pf. p. %{vi-jAnivas} gen. %{-nu4Sas} RV. ; inf. %{vi4-janitos} TS.) , to be born or produced , originate , arise RV. ; to be transformed , turn into , become (nom.) MBh. ; to bear young , generate , bring forth , produce AV. ) うむ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/born 皆無
c. 日本語の辞書、間違っている。「いつわる」「ほしいまま」は、『生まれる』という意味のインド弁である。勝手に、同音異義語を入れないでほしい。
c. チベット語には無いので、インド弁の日本語ルーツに於ける優位性の傍証事例である。

light, lamp, lantern, candle, fire
【民】tUNTAviLakku (= 1. ever-burning lamp that needs no trimming 芯の交換不要な常に燃えているランプ; 2. lustrous gem on cobra's head, as an ever-burning lamp) ともしびらっく
【民】tUNTu-tal (= 1. to trim 〔刈り取って〕〜をきれいに整える[手入れする], as a burning lamp; 2. to excite, instigate 〜を引き起こす、〜を推進する、〜を駆り立てる, incite 〔人や感情を〕煽り立てる、奮い立たせる、駆り立てる, stir up;) ともす
【賛】AkAzadIpa (= m. a lamp ランプ or torch たいまつ lighted in honour of Lakshmi1 or Vishn2u and elevated on a pole in the air at the Di1va1li (Di1pa1vali) festival , in the month Ka1rttika L. ; any lantern on a pole L.) あかす...
【賛】samuS (= P. %{-oSati} , to burn up , consume by fire AV. ) ともす (s-t)
【賛】saMtApa (= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) becoming very hot , great or burning heat , glow , fire S3Br. ; ) ともしび
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658986294/fire  無
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/lamp  スペル滅茶苦茶で判定不能。バカ言語。
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/candle 無
【ギャロン】təˈᵐtçɪk̚ (= fire) とんちゅ、ともす、ともしび
【ギャロン】tə’mtɕik̚ (= fire) とむちゅ
【ギャロン】smiʔ (= fire) すみ、炭
c. ギャロン DB には fire 以外未登録。チャン語 皆無。
cf. file tibet #g.119 fire

certificate, voucher, ticket
【有】dëftesë (= receipt, note, voucher, quittance, policy, warrant) てがた (f-h-k)
【箍】tiket (= ticket, ducket, note) てがた
【箍】tag (= tag, ticket) タグ、てが
【尼】perbal (= official report, ticket, summons) ふわり
【尼】deklarasi (= customs declaration, voucher) てがらし
【民】TikkaTTu (= 1. ticket; 2. card or letter of invitation for marriage, etc.) てがた
【民】piravEcaccITTu (= ticket) わりふかっちゃった
【民】uttaravuccITTu (= * 1. passport, permit; 2. certificate 証明書、検定証、修了[卒業]証書、免許証、免許状、認可証、検査済み証、鑑定書、株券、証券 of right, of authority) てがた (u 無音)、うったらがしって (v-g)、わりふしっつ (t 無音)
【民】vArcunAmA (= certificate of heirship 相続権; succession certificate) わりすなーまー、わりふ
【民】cITTukkoTu-ttal (= 1. to tender a bond, voucher 証明書、証拠物件、保証人。領収書、証票、料金預かり証。無料のサービスや割引が受けられる券、割引券、商品引換券。 draft, etc; 2. to dismiss, as giving written order to stop work) てがた、チケット
【民】AtaravuccITTu (= * voucher) わりふしっつ (t 無音)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/certificate 無
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/voucher 無
【チベ】phe lo (= ticket [IW]) ふぇ ろ、わり
【チベ】zhugs 'thus lag 'dzin (= admission ticket [IW]) てがた 楽ちん
c. 【英】ticket チケット、てがた (t-t, ck-g, t-t)。そのまんま東でおます。
【ウズベク】tilxat (= voucher, voucher, acquittance) てがた (l 無音)

period, time, term
【箍】tagal (= period) ちぎる、とき
【尼】titik (= point, dot, period, full stop, drop, globule) とき
【賛】kAla (= ; a period of time , time of the world (= %{yuga}) Ra1jat. ; measure of time , prosody Pra1t. Pa1n2. ; a section , part VPra1t. ; the end ChUp. ; death by age Sus3r. ; time (as leading to events , the causes of which are imperceptible to the mind of man) , destiny , fate MBh.; time (as destroying all things) , death , time of death 死ぬとき (often personified and represented with the attributes of Yama , regent of the dead , or even identified with him: hence %{kAlam-i} or %{kAlaM-kR} , `" to die "' MBh. ;) ころ、キ、ゴ
【民】kAlavaraiyaRai (= 1. fixing a time; 2. time-limit; specified period; 3. settlement of a historical date) きまりやらい、きまり (l 無音, v-m)
【賛】samayavelA (= f. a period of time , S3r2in3ga1r.) ちぎり (s-t, y-k)
【民】SaTkAlam (= 1. singing at the rate of 32 musical notes in the time allotted for a ta1l2am ; 2. the six periods of a day, viz., dawn, morning, noon, evening, night and midnight) ちぎりの、ときの (l 無音)
【チベ】dus 'khor (= Kalachakra. period, cycle of time [RY]) ち ぎる、とき
【チベ】khyim zla (= 1) spouse; 2) zodiacal month 一ケ月 [30 zodiacal days, by the sun in its rang 'gros kyis yul gyi chu tshod: mda’ yon zla ba traversing period (…)…1…620…135…1/12] [IW]) きまる (z 無音)
【チベ】ka la (= 1) black. 2) blue. 3) period of time [RY]) 黒(くろ)、頃(ころ)、期(キ、ゴ) (l 無音)
【羌】eɕ eɕ/ age(epch)/ / / ɑpɑp/ / / əɕq/ age(epch)/ / / ʂəq/ age(epch)/ / / hoʥup/ age(epch)/ / / ʂə ʨhi/ age(epch) (= period) しゃき、とき
【ギャロン】 ʒaktɕe (= period) いざっち ---- スペル的には「じゃぎっち、ちぎっち」に見える
【ギャロン】 wu ʒɐk (= period) うじゃー ---- 上の行の「ʒɐk」がスペルはほぼ同じなのに、実発音が異なる。 かなりの、アホ DB である。
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】çağ (= age, times, era, epoch, period, time) とき
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】devir (= transfer, cycle, revolution, period, rev, turnover) ちぎる (v-g)
cf. 尚、「とき」の詳細は、 file-2 の #toki (= time) 参照。
cf. 「頃」は、#n.93 頃time 参照。

single, onefold
(w)edu(m); f. ettu(m) (= "single, sole; alone" [DILI] (w)edu(m); f. ettu(m) "single, sole; alone" [DILI] 1. of person "single, solitary", esp. in PNs "only (child)"; as subst. "a single (person)"; OA desig. of chief of kdrum 2. of god "unique" 3. of things, objects e.g. "a single" line, reed, potstand, NB "free-standing" palm tree 4. stat. e.g. wede/dku "I am alone" OA, OB 5. edukku "you alone" jB 6. ~ "Asa foetida" (a medicinal plant) [U.AS], also sammu edu M/NB 7. (a star in Hercules) [MUL/MUL.DILI] NB; > edutu, edits, eddnis; edenu, edenu; edumdnu; wedi-, udi-; wedissl-; wedum; -* asaredu) いち、ひと
【有】i veçantë (= special, separate, particular, specific, distinct, single) イ ひとんつ  【形容詞】
【有】i vecuar (= isolated, separate, dangling, secluded, segregate, single) イ ひとり
【賛】vyasta (= a. torn asunder, shaken, tossed; divided, separated; separate, single, several, various; {vyaste kAle} sometimes, now and then.) ひとつ
【民】viTi (= 03 1. odd item, not one of a set; single article; 2. curtain) ひと、いち
【民】tan2i (= 01 1. singleness; 2. seclusion, solitude; 3. uniqueness, matchlessness; 4. independence; 5. purity, genuineness; 6. helplessness, loneliness, condition of being forsaken or forlorn; 7. single handed winning of all the cards in card-game) たに、たん
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666570655/single 無
【アゼルバイジャン】vahid (= single, common, only, indivisible) ひと

teach, instruct, lecture
cf. file f17 #2.143 教える (teach)
ku(m), O/MA ku(w)d'u(m), jB also kummalu; f. kattum, OA ku(w)dtum (= ; pi. m. kuttun, kuttin, OA ku(w)d'utum; f. kdttun, kuttum "your; yours" O/MA, O/jB 1. with subst., OA esp. before, kuwdtum tertaka "your instruction", OB after, suhdre kuttin "your lads" 2. alone "yours" 3. as pred., OA kaspum Id kud'um "the silver is not yours"; OB kumma "is yours", "is in your control/gift"; NA ? > i kku ) くん
ihzu(m) I (= 1. "learning, education" Bab. [N1G.ZU] for craftsmen, singers etc.; pi. "instructions, precepts" 2. freq. pi. "setting, mount" for precious stone; < ahdzu; > ihzetu ) おしえ
【有】udhëzoj(= instruct, edify, give instructions) おしえぞっち
【箍】iatas (= prescribe, instruct, command) いたす、おしえ
【賛】adhI (= : Caus. %{adhy-Apayati} (aor. %{-Apipat} Pa1n2.) to cause to read or study , teach , instruct:) おしえ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59661194068/instruct 無  [p2/3]
【羌】vexu (= (to) instruct ) おし
c. 読む、は、instruct からでは見つからず。 後で、再挑戦。 → 有った。
【賛】AmnAya (= m. sacred tradition , sacred texts handed down by repetition ; that which is to be remembered or studied or learnt by heart ; a Veda or the Vedas in the aggregate ; received doctrine VPra1t. ; traditional usage , family or national customs ; advice , instruction in past and present usage ; a Tantra ; a family , series of families L.) よめや

【趣】ku (= : to base, found, build; to lie down (reduplication class))
nemedu(m), Ass. nemudu(m) (= "that on which one leans" 1. of deity in PN "support" 2. "base, socle" for cultic symbol 3. "base" of DN, desig. of sanctuary, of city 4. "(back)rest" of furniture; (kusse) n. "chair with back" 5. (an astronomical term) 6. (a medical term); < emedu; ? ≫ nemettu ) もと、ねもと
【賛】mad (= 1 base of the first pers. pron. in the sg. number (esp. in comp.)) もと
【民】naTTu (= 02 1. dance; 2. dancer; 3. lowness, baseness, inferiority) もと
【民】naTaivAvi (= well with steps down to the water at its base 底の水の場所まで歩いて降りることが出来る井戸) もとい
【チベ】mthil (= 1) main/ central/ chief/ lowest part/ point; 2) palm of hand/ glove, sole of foot/ shoe; 3) length of the palm and fingers of the hand; 4) cha chen; 5) bottom, floor, foundation, base [IW]) もとい、もと (l 無音)
【賛】ki (= 1 a pronominal 代数の base 基, like 2. %{ka4} and 1. %{ku} , in the words %{ki4m} , %{ki4yat} , %{kis} , %{kI-dRkSa} , %{kI-dR4z} , %{kI-dRza} , %{kI4vat}.)
【民】kIz (= 02 1. place space below, underneath, bottom; 2. east; 3. pit; 4. former time; 5. fault, blemish, defect; 6. feriority, baseness 卑しさ、不純さ、下品さ, viciousness 意地(の)悪さ、悪質さ、凶暴さ、どう猛さ、敵意; 7. low caste, low caste man; vicious person; down; locative case-ending) きーず
c. チャン、ギャロンは、未登録。

first, primary
nutia[...] ~ (= "first, principal" jB lex. ) もと
panu(m), Ass. pdniufm) (= adj. "first, earlier; front" [IGI] 1. "first" arrival, ship, messenger; OA isti pdnimma "with the first (messenger)" 2. "earlier, previous" king, creditor; period of papahhu 264 parahsitum duty; consignment, tablet, words, property; NB "(born) first, older"; OB pi. pdnutuni "our ancestors" 3. "front", of part of body, locks of hair; < pdnu I + -i; > pdnd, pdnltu panushu ? ≫ penushu ) はな、はじめ
【箍】panguna (= introductory, first, initial, maiden, primary) はじめ  【形容詞】
【尼】pertama (= first, initial, opening, premier, foremost, maiden) はじめ  【形容詞】
【賛】pradhAna (= n. a chief thing or person , the most important or essential part of anything Ka1tyS3r. ; (ibc.) the principal or first , chief , head of ;) はじめ  
【賛】padminI (= f. (of prec.) Nelumbium Speciosum , a lotus (the whole plant ifc. %{-nIka} mfn. ; cf. %{abjinI} , %{nalinI} &c.) ; a multitude of lotuses or a lotus-pond MBh. (cf. g. %{puSkarA7di}) ; a lnlotus-stalk L. ; a female elephant L. ; a partic. magical art Ma1rkP. ; an excellent woman , a woman belonging to the first of the 4 classes into which the sex is divided RTL. 最上階級の婦人; N. of sev. women Sin6ha7s.) はじめ
【民】muntal (= 01 1. being first or before; 2. projection, promontory) もとの
【賛】mUrdhan (= m. (Un2. ) the forehead , head in general , skull , (fig.) the highest or first part of anything , top , point , summit , front (of battle) , commencement , beginning , first , chief (applied to persons) RV. (%{mUrdhni} with %{vRt} &c. , to be above everything , prevail ; with %{dhR} , or %{A-dA} = %{mUrdhnA} 1. %{kR} , to place on the head , hold in high honour) ; the base (in geom. ; opp. to %{agra} ;) もとの
【賛】kendra (= n. (borrowed fr. Gk. $) , the centre of a circle ; the equation of the centre ; the argument of a circle ; the argument of an equation W. ; the distance of a planet from the first point of its orbit in the fourth , seventh , or tenth degree Su1ryas. ; the first , fourth , seventh , and tenth lunar mansion VarBr2S. (cf. %{dvitIya-k-} , %{patana-k-} , %{manda-k-} , %{zIghra-k-}.) ) げんどら、げんじ、げん
【チベ】sna zin pa (= to take/ have taken the first step, begun [RY]) ふぁじめ べ (sn-f)
c. 【英】first ファースト、は、ふぁーじめ (+め) 、だって。と、言っている。
c. チベット語に「もと」「ゲン」「ガン」は、判定不能。滅茶苦茶スペルのため。
【蛇】פִּטְרָה peṭer, piṭrâh /peh'-ter, pit-raw'/ (= open, firstling, first issue, first offspring) はじめ (r-m)
【ウズベク】boshlanish (= start, beginning, first, entry, prelude, rudiments) はじめし
【トルコ】başlangıç (= start, beginning, onset, origin, inception, first) はじめじっち
cf. file tibet #a.14 first

article, goods, quality
siamu(m) (= "for (buying) purchased goods"; MA "(real estate acquired by) purchase"; < sdmu ) しな
【有】send (= item, thing, object, article, piece) しなだ
【民】cAmAn2am (= article (TLS)) しなもん
【民】cAmAn2 (= goods, furniture, articles) しな
【賛】paNya (= 1 a. to be sold, vendible; n. article of trade, ware (poss. {-vant}A); traffic, business; warehouse, shop.) ほんや、ほん、ひん
【民】sAmAn2 (= goods) しな
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59651122079/article 皆無  [p3/4]
【チベ】tshong zong (= merchandise, goods, any articles of merchandise [JV]) しな つぉんぐ
【チベ】zong (= articles of merchandize, goods, merchandise [JV]) しな

angle, horn, corner
-- angle --
【趣】gu7, kú (= : n., food, sustenance; fodder; angle )
【尼】bucu (= angle, corner) ぶく、かく (v-k)
【民】vAku (= 02 1. arm, shoulder; 2. the base of right-angled triangle 直角三角形のベース) かく (v-k)
【チベ】kha gru (= 1) corners of a mouth; 2) breadth of an opening; 3) inside corner/angle [IW]) かく
【羌】koko (= angle) かく
【蛇】חַכָּה chakkâh /khak-kaw'/ (= line, fishhook, angle, hook) かく くー
【ウズベク】burchak (= angle, corner, corner, nook) ばーかく (ch-k)
【アゼルバイジャン】bucaq (= angle, corner, home) ぶかく
-- horn --
si-mu (= : to have horns; horned [can indicate a 'male' animal if only the male sex grows horns] ('horns' + 'to sprout, appear'). ) つの (s-t)、すみ
【賛】zRGga (= n. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) horn (of every kind), tusk of an elephant, syringe, peak of a mountain, turret of a temple or palace; top, point i.g., also fig. the best of its kind.) 敦賀(つるが)、つの (g-n)
【賛】ziroruha (= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) id. MBh. ; a horn VarBr2S. ; (%{A}) f. Leea Hirta L.) つの (r-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660610516/horn 皆無  [p5/8]
【羌】ʐʁə (= horn) つが、つの (ʁ-n)
【ギャロン】 tə' ru (= horn) とるー、つの (r-n)
cf. file tibet #g.171 horn
【アゼルバイジャン】sümsü (= horn) つのつ
-- corner --
zamu, azamu (= "outer corner; corner pillar"? jB of building; of tablet ) すみ、つの
【有】qoshe (= corner, nook, bevel) かど (sh-d)
【箍】sulok (= corner, nook, angle, comer, coign) すみっこ (l-m)
【箍】kanto (= corner, com) かんど、かど
【尼】simpang (= corner, branch) すみっこ
【民】kaTTu (= ; 22. side of a mountain; 23. surrounding; forcing into a corner, as in chess; encirclement) かど
【民】kuTAkkai (= corner of a field) かどっこ
【賛】sthAnasthAna (= n. pl. every place (%{eSu} loc. pl. `" everywhere "' , `" in every corner "' ; cf. %{sthAna} , col. 1) Katha1s.) すみずみ
【賛】sAsra (= 1 mfn. (more correctly 1. %{sA7zra} q.v.) having angles or corners MW.) すみ (r-m)
【民】vitikku (= corner region, intermediate point of the compass) はしっこ
【民】kuRumuTTu ( = 1. gross insolemce, impertinence; 2. great urgency, as for business put off untill the last moment; 3. narrowness, closeness; 5. sudden encounter, as at a corner 曲がり角でハチ合わせ) くらべた (m-b)  △
【チベ】khug tu (= in the crook, corner, inner recess [RY]) かど
【チベ】gud (= 1) (A) corner aside [zur, logs ..Gud du bor ba,…Gud na yod pa,…Gud du med pa,…Gud du bya'o,…Gud du 'dzin pa]; 2) go down, decline, decay) [IW]) かど
【チベ】sne (= corner tip, extremity, end of a thread or string, hem of a piece of cloth [JV]) すみ
【チベ】zur mang (= many corners [IW]) すみ、すみっこ
【羌】koko/ / / ɤdʐu/ / / ʁuntu/ / / guzhɑ/ / / kuku/ / / kɑɹ ʁu χuɑɹ/ / / ʁonʨæ/ / / ʁun/ / / ʁwn/ / / ʐa xua ta/ / / dʐo dʐo ko/ / / kæɹʁu̥/ / / kæʁu̥/ / / ʨi dʐo (= corner) かく、かど
【ギャロン】 wuzər (= corner) うず、うすみ/よすみ (z-s, r-m)
【トルコ】köşe (= corner, angle, nook, quarter, turning) かど (ş-d)
【アゼルバイジャン】guşə (= nook, corner) かど (ş-d)  【名詞】
【アゼルバイジャン】küncə sıxmaq (= corner, drive into a corner, bring bay) かど すみっこ  【動詞】

shrine, temple, palace
【趣】é (= : house, household; temple; plot of land) いえ
【有】varr (= grave, tomb, lair, shrine, mold, sepulchre) みや (v-m)、いえ
【賛】gRha (= m. a servant (lit. who grasps or lays hold on anything); n. house (as the receiving or containing), mansion, habitation (also m. pl., sgl. only in Veda); temple, bower (mostly ---), sign of the zodiac; m. pl. inhabitants of a house, a family.) キュウ、グウ
【民】niyamam (= 02 1. close, end, finish; 2. town, city; 3. temple; 4. bazaar street; 5. street; 6. place, location; 7. a hall) 宮もん
【賛】vihAra (= m. (n.) distribution, arrangement, esp. of the sacred fires, & these themselves; expansion, esp. of the organs of speech; relaxation, recreation, amusement, sport, pastime, delight in (---, also adj.); walking for pleasure, roaming about; place of recreation, pleasure-garden, grove; a Buddhist or Jaina temple or convent (also {-rikA} f.).) いえ、みや (v-m, r-y)
【民】nivantakkArar (= temple servants) 宮仕い(みやづかい)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/shrine 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667594071/temple 無   [p5/35]
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/palace 無

seem, certain, pattern, state, dear
【賛】sambhA (= P. %{-bhAti} , to shine fully or brightly , be very bright TBr. ; to shine forth , be visible or conspicuous MBh. ; to appear , seem to be (nom. with and without %{iva} , or %{yathA}) ib. ) さま、ヨウだ
【チベ】snang (= appear[ance], phenomena, presence, show, be seen, be visible, manifest[ations], seem, day light, illumination, thought, heart, [be on 1’s] mind, see, perception, experience, illuminate, make visible, 1’s outlook, lighten, occur, projections, feeling for, inclination to, snang rdzong [IW]) すなんぐ、さま   △  スペル滅茶苦茶   私的には、×
【チベ】yod thang pa (= there seems to be [JV]) ようど さま べ、ようだんべ
http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/seem  ---スバリが有るか探してみて。
【賛】sAma (= 2 mfn. undigested , crude , not sufficiently prepared or matured (a morbid state of the humours 病的状態のユーモア) Car.) さま、ざま
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667040571/state 無  [p10/65]

roof, dwelling, vendor, seller, store
漢字ペディア   wiktionary 「をく」
【賛】agrya (= mf(%{A})n. foremost , topmost , principal , best ; proficient , well versed in (with loc.) ; intent closely attentive m. an elder or eldest brother L. ; (%{A}) f. = %{tri-phalA} q.v. ; (%{am}) n. roof L.) オクリャ
【賛】valika (= m. n. the edge of a thatched roof. W.) をく
【民】alakku (= 01 1. roof laths 木摺、木舞; 2. a pole with an iron hook to pluck fruits and leaves) オーク (l 無音)
cf. トップページ> 左官技能士の方へ> 技術情報> 下地> 素材と工法(下地:内壁下地)  【1】木舞下
【民】vEy (= 02 1. bamboo; 2. bamboo rod; 3. tube, anything hollow; 4. the seventh naks2atra ; 5. covering, roofing; 6. mansion; 7. karma; 8. yal ; 9. composition, as of a song)
【民】vaNar (= 02 vault, arched roof) やね
【民】iRavu (=1. sloping roof; 2. boundarty (TLS)) いえ、いへ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665776095/roof 皆無   [p6/18]
【羌】 (= roof)
【羌】jɑk (= roof) をく (j-w)
cf. file tibet #g.271 roof

child, boy, juvenile

buruburu (= (a children's game) MB ) ぶるぶる、わらべる
【民】CiCu (= child) ドウ、トウ
【賛】dahara (= mfn. (fr. %{dobhra4}) small , fine , thin ChUp. (v.l. %{dabhra}) BhP. ; young in age Lalit. ; m. a younger brother L. ; a child W. ; a young animal W. ; a mouse Gaut. ) ドウ
【賛】bAlabhAva (= m. state of a child , childhood , minority , infancy , youth Mn. (Kull. `" inattention "') MBh. ; children collectively Ma1lati1m. ; recent rise (of a planet) Ka1v.) わらべ、わらわ
【民】vAlillAppuccam (= imp, mischievous child) わらべちゃん、わらわちゃん
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59654985819/child 皆無  [p14/18]
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/children 無
c. チベット語には、「わらべ」は無いが「子供(こども)」は有る。
【チベ】khe'u chung (= small child [IW]) こ ども
c. 【】【トルコ】等には「わらべ」は無いが「わらじ」が有る。チベット語の children には「わらじ」「わらじべ」がある。--- 面白い。
【チベ】phru gu (= child, kid, children [//slob grva'i phru gu,//lug gi phru gu,//bya yi phru gu,//mi yong na phru gu'i dus nas yong, syn: khye'u dang, bdag skyes, bu rgyud, byis pa, brang skyes, lus las 'phel [IW]) わら じ
【チベ】phru gu byis pa (= children [JV]) わらじべ べ
【趣】bùluĝ (= : n., pupil, novice; foster child [BULUG3 archaic frequency; 19].
   v., to grow; to grow big; to rear, make grow. ) わらじ
uladu (= "child"? OB; < walddum ) わらじ、うらじ
【トルコ】velet (= brat, child, chit) わらじ
【アゼルバイジャン】övlad (= child, descendant) わらじ
【アゼルバイジャン】balaca (= child, baby) ばらか、わらち
【蛇】וָלָד vâlâd /vaw-lawd'/ (= child) わらじ

【羌】jiu yi/ / / tsetsekə/ / / tʂumi xtʂa/ / / tʂuəmi/ / / ælæ/ / / ʨemi/ / / ʨiːmi/ / / ʨi bʐi/ / / ʨymi (= child) とも
【趣】dumu (= : child; son; daughter (du,'to bear, give birth', + mu,'to sprout, grow'; probably pronounced domu).) とも、つま

between, interval
cf. file tibet #g.23 between、間
【賛】vyAdiz (= 1 f. (cf. %{vy-A-diz}) a partic. point of the compass (prob. the point between two %{vi-diz}) うあいだ
【賛】vyavadhA (= P. A1. %{-dadhAti} , %{-dkatte} , to place apart or asunder S3a1n3khBr. ; to put or place between , interpose Ragh. ; to leave out , omit , Kat2h. ; to separate , divide , interrupt BhP.: Pass. %{-dhIyate} , to be separated or divided or interrupted R. BhP.: Caus , %{-dhApayati} , to separate Naish.) あひだ
【賛】pratisaMdhAna (= n. putting together again , joining together MBh. ; a juncture , the period of transition between two ages Va1yuP. ; memory , recollection Nya1yas. ; praise , panegyric L. ; self-command , suppression of feeling for a time W. ; a remedy MW.) はざま
【賛】prathama (= mf(%{A4})n. (for %{pra-tama} , superl. of 1. %{pra} ; rarely declined as a pron. e.g. %{-ma4syAH} AV. ; %{-me} Pan5cavBr. ; cf. Pa1n2. ) foremost , first (in time or in a series or in rank) ; earliest , primary , original , prior , former ; preceding , initial , chief , principal , most excellent RV. ; often translatable adverbially = ibc. (cf. below) and (%{a4m}) , ind. firstly , at first , for the first time ; just , newly , at once , forthwith (also %{At} Hariv.) ; formerly , previously (%{am} also as prep. with gen. = before , e.g. Mn. ; %{prathamam-anantaram} , or %{pazcAt} , first-afterwards ; %{prnprathamam-tatas} , firstnext) ; m. (in gram. , scil. %{varNa}) , the first consonant of a Varga , a surd unaspirate letter ; (scil. %{puruSa}) , the first (= our 3rd) person or its terminations ; (scil. %{svara}) , the first tone ; in math. 数学 the sum of the products divided by the difference between the squares of the cosine of the azimuth and the sine of the amplitude ; (%{A}) f. (in gram.) the first or nominative case and its terminations [679,1] ; du. the first two cases and their terminations.) はざま
【民】mAr (= 01 1. measure of the distance between the tips of the middle fingers when the arms are outstretched=1 fathom=4 cubits=2 yards) 間(ま)
【民】viyatirEkam (= 1. distinction, difference; 2. negation, contrariety, contrast; 3. absence of co-existence; 4. a figure of speech in which the difference between the things compared is mentioned explicitly) ひそかに
【民】tiritIrkkam (= a kind of agreement 一種の同意 between the naks2atras of the bridegroom and bride 新郎と花嫁の, one of ten kaliya1n2a-p-poruttam , q.v.) しずかに
【賛】aGgAGgibhAva (= m. correlation between the limbs of a body ; the mutual relation or correlation of the different limbs or members of anything , as in a simile or comparison between the principal parts or features of any object and those of the thing compared to it. [8,1]) うかがふ
【民】varai (= 02 1. line; 2. line, as in palm of hand or on the fingers; wrinkle, as on the body; ; 12. limit, boundary; 13. measure; extent; 14. measure of the distance between the joints of the forefinger; 15. time; 16. place) あい
【民】kaN (= ; 8. joint 関節部 in bamboo or sugar-cane; connection between a bough 大きな枝、大枝 or flower and its stem 茎; ) カン、ケン
【賛】Ayata (= ; (%{A}) f. a particular interval 特別の間隔 (in music) ; ) 間(あいだ)

want, desire, need
hasahu(m), OA occas. kasdhum (= "to need, desire" G (Bab Hi, Ass. a/a, a/u) "need, require", "want" s.th.; "desire, wish for" esp. stat. in Am., Bogh., Ug., Nuzi; also of heart "yearn for" s.th. Gt jB, ellipt. "be in constant need" D "make needful of; stat. "is in great need" N pass, of G jB 1. "be required" of foodstuffs etc. 2. "fail, be found wanting"; > hashu; hisihtu, hasahtu; husahhu) ほしい
hasahtu(m) (= "need, requirement" OA; NA in plant name h. eqli; < hasdhu) ほしいだ、必(ひつ)
【箍】pita (= craving, desire, will) ほしい、ひつ(必要)
【賛】prArthita (= a. wished, desired, wanted, asked, requested; n. wish, desire.) ほしい
【賛】puruspRh (= (RV.) mfn. much desired.) ほっする
【民】pattacantam (= desire for food, appetite) ほしかったの
【賛】vijigISA (= f. desire to overcome or to conquer 征服欲; adj. {-Sin} or {-Su}.) 欲情(よくじょう)、よく (S 無音)
【民】vIgkal (= 1. abundance; plenty; 2. morbid 〔人や性格などが〕病的な◆死などの陰鬱な事柄に強い興味を示すこと。 desire, longing; 3. lean, emaciated person; 4. sleeping) よくの、よく
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/desire 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668853553/want 無  [p1/11]
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/need/page/4 無 [p4/7]
【トルコ】heves (= enthusiasm, whim, desire, zeal, fad, ambition) ほーす
【アゼルバイジャン】həvəs (= enthusiasm, uplift, interest, desire, inclination, disposition) ほーす
【ウズベク】havas (= bent, desire, interest, leaning, palate, partiality) ほーす
c. チベット語系は、「ほしい」系は皆無。
c. 「ほしい」と「ひつ(必)」は、同源と間接証明してくれている。

book, volume
【有】tufë (= clutch, flock, herd, bunch, batch, book) サク/さつ (f-k/f-t)
【賛】paruvam (= ; 13. knot, joint in the human body or plants; 14. section of a book;) ふみ、ふむ
【民】tokuti (= 1. assembly, collection, aggregation; 2. series class, as of persons or things; 3. society; 4. company, association; 5. flock, herd swarm; 6. genus; 7. volume, as of a journal; 8. section, as of a book; 9. elision; 10. aggregate, total) とくし、さくし、サツ、サク、冊子(さっし)
【チベ】be bum (= writing, scripture, book [RY]) ふむ、ふみ
【チベ】zin tho (= note book, record [JV]) ちんつぉ、さつ
【羌】ləɤz/ / / ləɤʐ/ / / lehhrr/ / / zufi pu/ / / zətphi/ / / zə də (= book) サツ
【蛇】סְפַר sephar /sef-ar'/ (= books, roll, archives, book) せふぁー、さく、さつ
c. 「たてる」は、見つからず。 ---- 音的には、多分、下記だ。動詞では無く、名詞。「スートラ」お経のこと。漢字ペディアの「Dた(立)てる。」は、おそらく、間違い。
【コトバンク】経 きょう sūtra = 原語のスートラとは元来糸または糸状のものを意味したが,それが,特定の聖典をさすようになった。
【賛】sUtra (= n. thread, cord, esp. the sacred cord worn by the first three classes; string, wire; line, brief rule or a book of such rules.) スートラ、たてる
c. ギャロン 未登録。

asset, wealth
c. インド辞書に asset 未登録。
【賛】sambhAra (= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) bringing together , collecting (= %{sam-bhRti}) S3Br. ; preparation , equipment , provision , necessaries , materials , requisite , collection of things required for any purpose (with Buddhists twofold , viz. 1. %{puNya-s-} , `" meritorious acts "' , and 2. %{jJAna-s-} , `" science "' ; others add 3. %{zamatha-s-} , `" quietude "' , and 4. %{vidarzana-s-} , `" farsightedness "' Dharmas. 117) AV. ; = %{-yajus} TBr. ; property , wealth MBh. ;) たから (s-t, h-k)
【賛】saMcaya (=m. heaping up, gathering, heap, store, wealth, collection, multitude.) たから (y-r)
【賛】sAra (= 2 m. n. the interior firm parts of a body; firmness, solidity, strength; property, wealth; substance or essence of anything; nectar; water.) ザイ、サイ
【チベ】dkor (= - donation, charity, substance, wealth, riches, property [JV]) たから
c. チベット語には「ザイ」「サイ」が無い。
c. チャン、ギャロン は単語未登録。
【トルコ】değerli şey (= asset, deserving, worth) たから ざい

multi, plural, multitude, multiply
【民】kAtitam (= result arising from the multiplication of a number by itself) かさね
【民】kaTumpu (= gathering, multitude (TLS)) かさね
【賛】kapATasaMdhi (= m. the junction of the leaves of a door ; a mode of multiplying (in which the multiplicand is placed in a peculiar manner under the multiplier).) かさねた
【賛】pUga (= m. association, corporation, multitude; betel-palm, n. its nut.) フク
【民】pUkam (= 01 1. areca-palm, m. tr., areca catechu ; 2. a caste assembly; 3. collection; multitude; heap; 4. jaggery-palm; 5. nature) フクの
【チベ】gsil ba (= multiply in arithmetic, divide, split, toll, sound, ring, to shake, SA tshigs sbyong lnga [JV]) かさね べ (l-n)
【チベ】'phel gdung (= multiplying remains 掛け算、掛け算して残った結果 [RY]) フク の (l 無音)

repeat, iterate
【賛】kR (= {karikrati} (3 pl.) do repeatedly. ) けーる、くりかえす
【賛】mamat (= (repeated & w. {cana3} or {cid}) now-then-at another time.) また
【賛】parihartavya (= mfn. to be handed over or forwarded , Nya1yam. ; to be shunned or avoided or abstained from Nir. ; to be kept secret or concealed Mr2icch. ; to be confuted S3am2k. ; to be repeated (before and after %{iti} cf. next) APra1t.) ふたたび (r-t)
【民】viccA (= 02 repeatedly) フク (c-k)
【賛】vac (= cl. (Dha1tup.) %{vakti} (occurs only in sg. %{vacmi} , %{vakSi} , %{vakti} , and Impv. %{vaktu} ; ; ; with %{punar} , `" to speak again , repeat "' ; ) フク
【チベ】car re (= permanently, all the time, always, continuously, repeatedly, 1 after another, rlon pa'i rnam 'gyur [IW]) かえる
【チベ】nan tur (= 1) do gal dang au tshugs; 2) 'dul ba las bshad pa'i ltung ba phyir bcos mi spro ba la chad las kyi bya ba ste, 'og tu gzhug cing bshung ba'am disparage don no, observing, secretly scrutinizing, insistent, careful, thorough, persistent, pressing, intensive, assiduous, earnest assiduity, intensity, effort, exertion, application, earnest application strive towards it, repeatedly, thoroughly, earnestly [IW]) まんた、また
【チベ】bzlas pa (= (mantra) repetition; to repeat (mantras) [RB]) ふたた び
【チベ】phreng rgyud ltar (= repeatedly, 1 after another [IW]) フク..、くりかえか
【チベ】bskyar 'gal byed (= repeatedly offend/ violate [IW]) ひっくりけーした

season, weather, climate, lookuot, scout, spy, serve, await, attend
-- うかがう --
【賛】vicAraka (= m. a leader , guide R. ; a spy ib. ; (ifc.) one who deliberates or considers Sarvad. ; (%{ikA}) f. a female servant who looks after the garden and the various divisions of the house L. ; %{-tA} f. %{-tva} n. investigation , deliberation , discussion W.) うかがい
【賛】AkR (= %{-kRNoti} (Impv. 2. sg. P. %{-kRdhi} and A1. %{-kRNuSva} ; perf. A1. %{-cakre}) to bring near or towards RV.: A1. (Subj. 1. pl. %{-karAmahe} ; impf. %{-akRNuta} , perf. %{-cakre} , p. %{-cakrANa4}) to drive near or together (as cows or cattle) RV.: P. (Impv. 2. sg. %{-kRdhi} ; ind. p. %{-kR4tya}) to drive near AV. ; (perf. 1. pl. %{-cakrimA4}) to serve or prepare a sacrifice to (dat.) RV. ; (impf. %{A7karot}) to call near (a deity) MBh. %{-kArayati} , to call near , invite 呼ぶ、招待 to a place MBh. ; to ask any one (acc.) for anything (acc.) R. : Des. %{-cikIrSati} , to intend to accomplish Das3.: Intens. p. %{-ca4rikrat} , attracting 引き寄せる repeatedly towards one's self AV. ) うがが(R 反復)
【民】vEvukAran2 (= spy) うかがいの (v-k)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/spy 無
【ウズベク】ayg'oqchilik qilmoq (= spy, spy) うかがっちリク ...  【動詞】
-- さぶらう / そうろう --
【趣】subur (= [SLAVE] (6x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. subur "slave, servant" Akk. ardu) 侍ふ(さぶらふ) ◎ [Pen 辞]
【趣】subar (= : slave; Northerner (su, 'body', + bar, 'foreign'). ) さぶらふ
【趣】šubur (= : earth; slave, deprived 貧しい、困窮した[している] person) さぶらい
【賛】saparya (= 1 Nom. P. %{-ya4ti} (prob. fr. a lost noun %{sapar}) , to serve 仕える、奉仕する attentively 注意深く、よく注意して、親切に、いたわって, honour , worship , adore 崇拝する、敬愛する RV. ; to offer or dedicate 捧げる reverentially 恭しく、敬意を込めて RV.; to accept kindly Kaus3.) さぶらう、そほろうや
-- まつ --
【民】vazipATucey-tal (= to serve a great person, guessing his wishes (TLS)) まちあはせ (v-m)
【賛】 vidh, vidhati (= 1 ({-te}) serve a god (dat.); worship, honour with [[,]] (instr.); offer, consecrate (acc.); be gracious or friendly (of a god). -- {upa} worship, do homage.) まつ (v-m)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/serve 無
-- コウ --
【賛】khev (= (= %{sev}) , to serve , wait upon (人)に仕える Dha1tup. ) コフ、コウ
【賛】kR (= ; effect, make. {A} bring or call near; bring about, perform, prepare; serve a god (gen.), sacrifice. C. call near; ) コウ
【羌】kopu (= slave) コフ、コウ
c. 「拝啓、新緑の候」つまり、「新緑が奉仕する季節、新緑が我々に奉仕してくれる季節」「新緑が傍ら(かたわら)に付き添ってくれている季節」
-- きざし/きざす --
c. 「きざす」の読み方は、https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/%E5%80%99 にも「Nanori: きざす (kizasu)」名乗り発音、で出ている。
【賛】kRtopacAra (= mfn. served , waited upon.) きざし
c. ギャロンは、serve 未登録。 servant は有るが、日本語似は皆無?。灰色スピーカーで audio ナシ。
【ギャロン】tǝ22 woѕ44 / tɑ22 brɑѕ44 pɐ33 (= servant @Maerkang Bola(B) 马尔康莫拉 mBo la) ざぷろべー

nature, property, sex, gender, content
【趣】ta, dá (= : n., nature, character
   prep., from 〜から; to; for; by means of (ablative-instrumental noun suffix and verbal prefix; as a noun suffix can be a locative with remote deixis, as in an-ta and ki-ta). ) た、せい、しょう
c. 中国語の from は、従 で「た」と発音する。 (?)。多分。
【趣】šita5, šit, šid, šed (= : n., measure; number (šè, 'portion', + ta, dá, 'nature, character').
   v., to count; to consider; to calculate, figure out; to memorize; to recite; to read aloud. ) たち
【趣】šà-gi-na (= : true heart; one's nature ('heart' + 'to be firm, true' + nominative). ) さが の
【賛】sakbhya (= n. peculiarity 特性、変わった点、独特のもの。奇妙さ、風変わり(な点)、異常な点, nature.) さが
【賛】sarga (= m. shot (lit. & fig.), jet or gush (of water etc.); letting loose, pouring out; a herd let loose from the stall, i.g. swarm, host, multitude; creation, creature, begetting, offspring, child; origin, nature, character; purpose, resolution; chapter of an epic poem.) さが、さーが
【賛】saMsthA (= ; quality , property , nature Ka1v. ; ) たち
【賛】svasvabhAva (=m. one's own nature.) 性分(しょうぶん)(v-n)
【民】svapAvam (= nature) 性分
【賛】sattva (= n. being, existence, reality, nature, character; firmness, resolution, energy, courage; goodness (ph.); spiritual or intellectual being, spirit or vital. breath; real being, thing, object; (also m.) living or sentient being, esp. animal, beast; phantom, spectre, imp, goblin.) セイ、ショウ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663407425/nature 無  [p29/69]
c. 有りそうで、無い。所詮、未成熟なバカ言語である。ニラメッコしたい人はして下さい。非常に疲れる。
【トルコ】doğa (= nature, internal) さが
【トルコ】tabiat (= nature, character, Pan, kidney) たち
【アゼルバイジャン】təbiət (= nature, landscape, scenery, character, nature life) たち
【ウズベク】tabiat (= nature, temper, character, ethos, temperament) たち

boundary, with, using, than
-- boundary --
【民】maTTu (= 01 1. measure quantity, standard, degree, size proportion, amount; 2. limit, extent, boundary, scope, range; 3. estimate, conjecture, as from the eye-sight; 4. moderateness, tolerableness; 5. that which is middling or commonplace; 6. a standard of land measurement) もって
【賛】vidhRti (= (%{vi4-}) f. separation , division , partition , arrangement , regulation AV. VS. TBr. ; keeping away Br. ; anything that separates or divides , a boundary-line , barrier TS. ; N. of two blades of grass which indicate a boundary-line between Barhis and Prastara TBr. ; m. a partic. Sattra ; N. of a partic. divine being BhP. ; of a king ib.) もちいて、もって
【賛】velA (= f. end-point, limit; either boundary of the land and of the sea i.e. shore, coast; or point of time, hour, day-time; also right time, opportunity, last hour, hour of death; tide, flow (opp. ebb).) イ (l 無音)
【チベ】mtha’ (= limit(ation)/ extreme/ boundary; isc. scope; isc. (utmost) extent [RB]) もって
【チベ】mu mtha’ (= edge, extremes, boundary, limit, border [IW]) もって、もちい
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59653551587/boundary  [p3/3]
-- than --
madu(m), ma'ddu, OAkk, Bab. also middu(m) (= "to be(come) many, numerous" G (i; Hi) [yi.A] OAkk, OB in PNs; jB eli ... m. "become more than"; NA ina muhhi ... m. "become too many for" Gtn iter, of G S "make numerous, increase"; "make more numerous"; "do too much" N "become very much, become increased"; > mddu, madis, ma' du, mddutu; mu'uddu; nam'adum, namattu; sum'uttu; musmldu) もっと、もって
【賛】mahattara (= (compar.) greater, mightier, stronger than (abl.); very great etc. m. chief, principal, courtier, chamberlain (also {-ka*} m.).) もって、もっと
【民】viTa (= exceedingly, very; than, compared with) もっと、もって (v-m)
【賛】vR (= ; to like better than , prefer to (abl. , rarely instr.) RV.; ) より、イ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667660990/than 不明、バカ辞書 [p4/30]

medicine, doctor
cf. #n.48 薬 medicine の項も参照。
【賛】Ayurveda (= m. the science of health; T. of a book on medicine.) いやす
【民】AyurvEtam (= * science of life, science relating to the Hindu system of medicine, one of four upa-ve1tam , q.v.) いやすの
【賛】khadira (= m. Acacia Catechu (having very hard wood 硬い木, the resin 樹脂、松脂 of which is used in medicine , called Catechu , Khayar , Terra japonica) RV. ;) くすり
【民】kOzippuTam (= a mode 〔表現などの〕方法、様式 of calcination 焼成、焼鉱法、酸化鉱 in preparing medicine) くすしの
【民】vAyuRai (= 1. eating 食; 2. food, fooder; 3. harialli grass; 4. ceremony of giving boiled rice to an infant for the first time; 5. bolus of cooked rice; 6. medicine; 7. a kind of ear-ring, worn by women)
c. 「同源」の言葉、そのまんま東。
【チベ】gser thal (= gold dust, oxide of gold, golden powder, medicine from prolonged baking 長い間焦がしたもの [JV]) くす しの、くすり だ
【チベ】gsol sman (= medicine; {snyun gyi gsol sman} medicine; herbs for healing [RY]) くすり すもん
【チベ】chos sman (= ritual 儀式の medicine [RY]) くす しもん
【チベ】gsos ma (= cure, medicine [JV]) くすし ま
c. チベット語での「いやす」「イ」等は、スペル滅茶苦茶で不明。辞書、見たい人は見て。
c. ギャロン語は medicine は、 100% の地区で smon すもん、系。すもん、はインド弁にある。チベット語、チャン語にも有る。
【チベ】sman (= nectar 〔果汁の〕ネクター◆果肉が含まれるドロリとした果汁飲料。 medicine, amrita; herbal ingredients, to help, medicinal, medicine, drug, healing, medical, herb, beneficial, helpful, amrita, remedy [RY]) すもん
【羌】sə/ / / səpe/ / / hæmæn/ / / sepe/ / / sibeɑ/ / / səpæ/ / / smɑn/ / / sipæ (= medicine) すもん
【民】sajnjIvi (= medicine or herb for reviving one from death 死から生還するための薬又は薬草)すもも、すにゃちーも
【民】nellAn2i (= guinea ギニア peach (TLS)) もも
【民】vammi (= guinea peach, s. tr., sarcocephalus cordatus) もも (v-m)
【民】cAmpal (= 02 jamun 地名? plum) すもも
【民】tURavam (= common black plum) すもも (v-m)
c. チベット語系の smon すもん、は、スモモ、と関係するのか?。
c. ギャロン DB に、簡体字 丹巴、繁体字 丹巴、拼音 Dānbā。 と言う地区があるが https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/丹巴県、日本の丹波篠山(たんばささやま)https://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/丹波 と関係有るのか?。 丹巴の人が住んだので、丹波、にしたのでは無いのか。どちらも山の中である。

garden, orchard
-- エン、オン --
【賛】ArAma (= m. pleasure, pleasure-garden.) エン、オン
【民】ArAmam (= * 1. pleasure garden, park; 2. mountain grove) エン、オン
c. 公園、遊園地の feeling の pleasure を持つ。
【趣】si4-lum (= : a garden plant 植物、工場 ('reddish' + 'to grow luxuriantly'). ) その (l 無音)
【趣】sar, šar (= : a surface measure 表面積単位, 'garden plot 区画' = 1 square ninda = 60 surface shekels = 1/100 iku = 4 ) その (r-n)
sammu(m) (= 1. "plant(s); grass, herb" [u| as pasture, fodder; s. kin "garden plant"; mcd., mag. s. la alddi "birth plant" as medicinal herb; I. Samal "sunflower" jB [u. c, UTU]; "herbal infusion" to be drunk 2. "emery" O/jB |NA4.U|; > lamallammu; lambaliltu ) その
napasu(m) I (= "to breathe; be(come) wide" G (ulu) [PES5; PA.AN] "draw breath, calm down"; OAkk, OB also in PN; "snort"; MA of horse "pause for breath"; OB of disease "ease off; jB of organ "distend, expand", of fever "spread"?; OA "stand up for o.'s claim(s), make a claim"; jB of harvest, food "become plentiful, abundant" Gtn iter, of G; OA "make claims repeatedly" D "make wide" canal; "make productive, fertile 肥沃な" garden; ) にわその
【尼】taman (= garden, park, gardens) その
【民】tOTTam (= 1. garden, orchard, plantation; 2. grove; 3. backyard, enclosure) その
【賛】tevana (= n. sport L. ; a pleasure-garden L.) その
【チベ】sdum ra (= garden [JV]) その
【羌】stɑxɑm (= garden) そん、その
【羌】patsə (= tingyuan 地名?,,, = garden) 畑(はた)?
【羌】juɑn pɑ (= garden) ユァン パ、エン
c. ギャロン、 garden 未登録。
c. チベット語に「エン、オン」系は、無かった。

press, pressure, push

【趣】ù-di (= : sleep; rest; daze, depression (cf., u6-di) ('sleep' + 'to go'; cf., ĝi6...di).) おす、アツ、ウツ、鬱
hesu(m), hasu(m), hasd'u (= "to cover up, shroud" Bab., NA G (Hi) 1. of bandage "cover over"; of foundations, covering underworld; face, with (= ace.) hair 2. "(cover with blows =) batter, beat s.o. up", of demons, persons; transf. "pressurize" ) へす
maza'u(m) II, mazu (= "to press, squeeze" Ass., jB G (OA /'//', jB alu) "press out" beer; "crush" drugs in oil D MA "rape" a woman N pass, of G "be pressed out"; > mazu I; miz'u, mezu; munzu'um; namzltu ) おす/アツ (m 強無音)
【有】bezdis (= tease, nag, harrow, trouble, hassle, press) へす
【箍】pindutin (= press, squeeze) おすの (p 無音)
【尼】pers (= press, Fleet Street) おーす (p 無音)
【民】aTu-ttal (= 01 1. to be next, near; 2. to be fit, becoming, deserving; 3. to happen, occur; 4. to dance 1. to join 2. to join together 3. to approach, approximate to, come in contact with4. to seek protection from; 5. to give; 6. to press down; 7. to assign) おす、アツ
【賛】Asut (= mfn. pressing out , distilling , (g. %{gahA7di} Pa1n2.)) おす、アツ
【賛】bAdh (= cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. ii , 4) %{bAdhate4} , ep. and m. c. also P. %{-ti} (pf. %{babAdhe4} RV. ; aor. %{bAdhiSTa} ib. , %{bAdhiSTAm} TA1r. ; fut. %{bAdhiSyate} , %{-ti} MBh. &c. , %{bAdhitA} Gr. ; inf. %{bA4dhe} RV. , %{bAdhitum} MBh. ; ind. p. %{bAdhitvA} see s.v. , %{bA4dhya} RV.) , to press , force , drive away , repel , remove RV. ;) へす
【民】pAtiTu-tal (= 03 to narrow, press) へす
【賛】paripID (= P. %{-pIDayati} , to press all round , press together , squeeze 拉ぐ(ひしぐ) Ka1v. ; to torment , harass , vex MBh. ; (in augury) to cover , cover up Var.) へす
【民】picakku-tal (= 01 1. to soil; 2. to press between the fingers, squeeze, crush) ひしぐ(拉ぐ)
【賛】uttap (= (%{ud-} %{tap}) P. %{-tapati} , to make warm or hot ; to heat thoroughly Ra1jat.; to pain , torment , press hard Ra1jat. :) おさへ
【賛】uttapta (= mfn. burnt ; heated , red hot , glowing , S3a1rn3g. ; pained , tormented , pressed hard Ra1jat. ; bathed , washed L. ; anxious , excited W. ; (%{am}) n. dried flesh L. ; great heat T.) 抑へえた、押さへた
【賛】vAh, vAhate (= 2 press, urge. [[,]]) オウ、押、応
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664826257/press 皆無、バカ言語です[p3/8]
【羌】ətʂhe/ (to) press down/ / / etʂhe/ (to) press down/ / / vhɑeqɑe/ (to) press down/ / / ɑtʂhi/ (to) press down/ / / ɦɑtʂhe/ (to) press down/ / / ɦətʂhe/ (to) press down/ / / kutʂhi/ / Xuecheng/ ʨhi ʨhe (= press) アツ、へす、おす、おさへ
【蛇】פָּצַר pâtsar /paw-tsar'/ (= press, pressed, urge, insubordination, stubbornness, urged) おす
【カザフ】басу /basw/ (= press, print, suppress, type, repress) へす、おす
【ウズベク】bosmoq (= print, push, press, relieve, type, press) へすメク、おすメク
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】basmak (= print, press, step, tread, publish, step on) へす、おす
c. ギャロンの press は、 ka-ktʂɐk (= press @Maerkang Soman 马尔康梭磨 So mang) かたゃく 固く締める の feeling が主流。インド弁に有る。
【民】kiTTikaTTu-tal (= 1. to torture with kit2t2i ; 2. to press hard, as for a debt; to screw) かたーくだ

guard, protect
【趣】mur, ur5 [ḪAR] (= : n., lungs; liver; fodder for fattening; lattice, grate (mu7,'to shout'/mud6, mu, 'to sing; to blow' + ur, 'root, base').
    v., to surround; to guard; to shout; to grind, mill. ) まーる、まもる
【賛】nipA (= 2. P. %{-pAti} , to guard or protect from (abl.) ; to observe , watch over RV. : Caus. %{-pAlayati} , to protect , guard , govern MW.) みはーる、まもー(p-m)まわー
c. (p-m) 音通の例である。日本語の「まもる」は、古代は「みぱーる」だった、と言っている。正しい。
「まわーる」とも言っている。enclose, encompass, surround, guard。「まもーる」
【賛】av (= ; (said of the gods) to be pleased with , like , accept favourably (as sacrifices , prayers or hymns) RV. , (chiefly said of kings or princes) to guard , defend , protect , govern BhP. : ) エイ、エ
【賛】AvAra (= m. guard, protection.) エイ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660032544/guard 無  [p8/12]

easy, exchange, divination
eqlu(m) (= m., OAkk f.; pi. f. "field; terrain 〔学問などの〕分野、領域。 《地学》地域、地帯" [A.SA; NA often A.SA.GA; OAkk, early OB, OA also GAN] "cultivated field"; OB e. sukusim "glebe, prebendary f.", e. akdlum "to enjoy usufruct of f."; Mari ina Id eqlim "on uncultivated land"; NB e. seri "f. in the desert"; "terrain, territory", e. sumdmiti "waterless terrain", e. tabu "easy terrain", e. namrasi, nukurti, sulmi "difficult, hostile, friendly terrain"; math, "area; squared total", also administrative; "distance" overland, Ass. eqla(m) "overland"; O/MA eqlam, ina ) エキ
【有】jo i vështirë (= easy, light, facile) やさしい、やすい
【賛】atisaMdheya (= mfn. easy to be conciliated なだめる、敵意を取り除く、調停する, easy to be settled 〔問題や紛争などが〕解決する、まとまる.) やさしいや
【賛】anudvigna (= mfn. free from 無縁 apprehension〔嫌なこと・悪いことなどが起きるのではないかという〕不安、心配、心細さ or perplexity 当惑、困惑、混乱, easy in mind 軽く見ている Mr2icch. ) あなどヴぃぐな、あなどる
【賛】kR (= ; [cf. Hib. {caraim} , `" I perform , execute "' ; {ceard} , `" an art , trade 貿易, business , function "' ; {sucridh} , `" easy "' ; Old Germ. {karawan} , `" to prepare "' ; Mod. Germ. {gar} , `" prepared (as food) "' ; Lat. {creo} , {ceremonia} ; $.]) かえる、かわる
【賛】vikrIDita (= mfn. played , played with , made a plaything of BhP. ; n. play , sport SaddhP. ; a child's play (i.e. `" easy work "') Lalit.) いき...
【民】tALiyaTi-ttal (= to draw a harrow over a field to allow of easy weeding 雑草除去が容易な様に畑を鍬で梳く。) たやすい
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/easy 無
【ウズベク】yengil (= light, easy, easy, dolly, easy-going, effortless) エキ (n 無音、 l 無音)
【アゼルバイジャン】asudə (= leisure, free, easy) やすい
【アゼルバイジャン】yüngül (= light, slight, easy, inexpedient) エキ
【トルコ】dertsiz (= carefree, untroubled, easy) たやすい
【トルコ】zevkli (= tasteful, enjoyable, pleasurable, delightful, decorous, easy) エキ

tooth, teeth, blade
cf. file f20 #s.77 tooth in スワデシュ
【賛】hAlu (= m. a tooth Un2. ) はー (l 無音)
【民】pal (= 02 1. tooth; fang; 2. tusk; 3. fluke of an anchor; 4. cog of a wheel; tooth of a saw or sickle; 5. tooth of a comb; 6. scollop in the border of a garment; indentation; notch; 7. the inner tooth-like piece, as of garlic; 8. small piece of cocoanut pulp) ぱる、は
【賛】sudih (= a. well polished, sharp (tooth).)
【チベ】ba so (= elephant’s tooth, ivory; ivory [RY]) は そ
【チベ】so (= tooth (-, of a saw, of a comb), number 148, happiness, comfort, joy, abbr for sum cu, wheel, boundary, confines, look out, guard, spying, sentence final particle, thirties particle [JV])
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/teeth 皆無
【羌】ʂu/ / / ʂə/ / / shui/ / / ʂuə (= teeth)
【ギャロン】 tə' swa (= tooth) てすわ、シ
【ギャロン】 ʃxi (= tooth) しー、シ
【トルコ】pütür (= tooth) はだ
【トルコ】diş (= tooth, clove, notch, cog, knurl, jag) でぃしゅ、シ
【ウズベク】tish (= tooth, tooth, prong, cog, jag, pawl)
c. 「お歯黒」も有った。
【民】vakkarai (= 02 artificial blackness of the teeth) はぐろ
c. 「よわい」、tooth/ teeth からは見つからなかった。
c. 【英】teeth, teeth, dent は、シシ、シ、の系統である。
【趣】zú, su11[KA] (= : ★tooth, teeth; prong; thorn; blade; ivory; flint, chert; obsidian; natural glass.)

idea, meaning, mind, think
【趣】inim-ma...sè(-g)[SUM] (= : to imagine, conceive an idea ('in a word' + 'to place'). ) おもう ぜ
【尼】angan (= thought, idea, notion, goal) おもうの
【民】kuRikkOL (= 1. single-minded devotion, concentration; 2. cherishing in memory, remembering; 3. comprehension or power of understanding; 4. ideal; 5. wisdom, good sense, sagacity; 6. acts needed to play upon, a violin properly, numbering 8 viz; 7. the state of being distinguished or illustrious) こころ
【賛】ananvaya (= m. want of connexion つなぐこと、つながり、連結(部)、結合(部)、接続(部)。通信、連絡, (in rhetoric) comparison of an object with its own ideal , (as , `" a lady-like lady. "')) おもい
【賛】Aveza (= m. joining one's self Ka1tyS3r. ; entering , entrance , taking possession of MBh. ; absorption of the faculties in one wish or idea , intentness , devotedness to an object BhP. ;) おもい (v-m)
【賛】eva (= 1 (in the Sam2hita1 also %{evA4}) ind. (%{i} Un2. ; fr. pronom. base %{e} BRD. , probably connected with 2. %{e4va}) , so , just so , exactly so (in the sense of the later %{evam}) RV. AV. ; indeed , truly , really (often at the beginning of a verse in conjunction with other particles , as %{id} , %{hi}) RV. ; (in its most frequent use of strengthening the idea expressed by any word ,)
【チベ】'khor (= revolve, rotate, spin, elapse, come around/ up, be attracted to, surround[ing], conceive, get pregnant, get an idea, return, retinue, attendant [IW]) こころ
c. チベット語には、「おもう」「イ」は無かった。スペル滅茶苦茶なので判定難。
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン/ウズベク】fikir (= idea, opinion, thought, concept, mind, notion) こころ (f-k)
【トルコ】amaç (= goal, aim, purpose, objective, object, idea) おもひ
c. 【英】idea アイデア、イデア は、意図(イト)に見える。

alone, solo, single
(w)edu(m); f. ettu(m) (= "single, sole; alone" [DILI] (w)edu(m); f. ettu(m) "single, sole; alone" [DILI] 1. of person "single, solitary", esp. in PNs "only (child)"; as subst. "a single (person)"; OA desig. of chief of kdrum 2. of god "unique" 3. of things, objects e.g. "a single" line, reed, potstand, NB "free-standing" palm tree 4. stat. e.g. wede/dku "I am alone" OA, OB 5. edukku "you alone" jB 6.) ひと (w-h)、ふぃと
【有】vetëm (= only, just, alone, solely, but, exclusively) ひとの
【賛】vidhura (= 2 mf(%{A})n. (for 1. ) bereft , bereaved (esp. of any loved person) , alone , solitary Ka1v. ; (ifc.) separated from , destitute of , wanting BhP. Sarvad. ;) ひとり
【民】tan2icceykai (= single-handed cultivation of land, not jointly with others) 単独
【民】turiyAtItam (= 1. the transcendent fifth state of the soul in which it is in the mula1ta1ram , and is cognizant of aviccai alone; 2. an upanis2ad, one of 108) 独断 (y-k)
【チベ】tag tag (= 1) exact[ly], definitely, w/o mistake; 2) knocking, clicking noise; 3) only, alone [IW]) ドク ドク、トク トク
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59650461696/alone  [p13/14]
c. 馬鹿チベット語に alone 「ひとり」似は、皆無。しかし、「ドク」が有るので、総合判定は△にしておく。
【羌】mi æ/ / Goukou/ mæ əke/ / / nə ɑdʐə/ / / ɑdʐi/ / / ɑe leɑ/ / / ɑtʂh/ / / əze saχ/ / / miɑdʐɑ/ / / mə ɑlə (= alone) あて/あたち、おれ、わし、わたしー
【ギャロン】 wu ʂtʂi (= alone) うしちー、わたしー
【カザフ】тек (= only, alone) ドク、トク
【アゼルバイジャン】tək (= alone, only, like, as, solitarily) トク
【トルコ】tek başına (= alone, solo, unaccompanied, unaided, sequestered, single-handed) 特別な

engage, job, control, manage
saltu(m), sellltum, NA sassu (= "combat, strife, discord, quarrel" [DU14] domestic, military, legal "strife"; A S, goddess of battle; s. epesu "to (engage in a) fight"; bel s. "legal opponent"; < sdlu ) つとむ
【民】tucagkaTTu-tal (= to engage 従事 eagerly in an enterprise, as by hoisting a flag) つかさとっと
【賛】sRSTimat (= mfn. engaged in the work of creation MBh.) つとめて
【民】toTagku-tal (= 1. to begin, commence, originate; 2. to undertake, enter upon, engage in; 3. to rresemble) ショク、シキ
【チベ】'jug pa (= to engage/ enter/ begin/ become involved; to infuse (i.e., with blessings); involvement/ function(ing)/ operation; isc.to merge with/ gain access [RB]) ショク べ、シキ ベ
【チベ】sdom pa (= {ji srid 'tsho'i mtha’ can dge ba la zhugs pa} 'Vow’ means [to pledge] to engage in virtue for as long as one is alive. [RY]) つとむ べ
【チベ】dngos su 'jug (= engage w reality 実務、実担当している [IW]) つかさ どっ ちょる
【トルコ】söz vermek (= promise, make a promise, assure, guarantee, commit, engage) つとめる メク (v-m)
【トルコ】çekmek (= attract, take, draw, withdraw, pull, engage) ショク メク

【箍】kasapi (= member, goer, stockholder, fellow, member of a society) かさぴ、かず
【賛】iGgana (= n. shaking Ka1tyS3r. ; (in Gr.) separation of one member of a compound from another ; separation by the %{ava-graha} or mark of tmesis Comm. on RPra1t.) イン (G 無音)
【民】iruLan2 (= member of a primitive tribe of hunters inhabiting the nilgiris and the eastern plains, so called from being dark in complexion; 2. a demon, one of the attendants of an3ka1l2amman ; 3. a masquerade dance) イン
【賛】kSatra (= n. rule, dominion, power; the reigning or warrior (second) caste or a member of it.) かず
【民】kaTTATi (= 1. he who is temporarily possessed of a kind of divination for the purpose of uttering oracles, inferior to can6n6atam ; 2. member of the caste of washermen, many of whom have been noted for their power of divination; 3. chief of the washerman tribe) かず
【チベ】gros khang gi khongs mi (= member of [parliament, assembly, congress, council, soviet] [IW]) かず ...  判定 × 長過ぎる、似ていない、意味不明
c. チベット語 「イン」ナシ。

right, authority, privilege
c. right で攻めるのは賢くない。right は、権利以外に、右の意等もある多義語なので、攻めるならば、特権の privilege の方が楽。但し、スペルが難。
【賛】akara (= mfn. handless , maimed ; exempt from tax or duty , privileged ; not acting ; (%{A}) f. Emblic Myrobalan , Phyllanthus Emblica) いきおい
【賛】vara (= 3 a. choice, select; most excellent, fairest, best of (gen., loc., abl., or ---); fairer or better than (abl. or gen.). n. rather or more than (abl. {nA3}); {vaMra -- na (ca, tu, punar}) (it is) better --than; {varaM kuryAt} he had better or he might rather do. m. (n.) choice, wish, request, boon, gift, reward, privilege, dowry 〔聖職者や修道女になるための〕持参金, alms.) おもり
【賛】prakriyA (= f. bringing forth, producing; proceeding, way, manner; ceremony; privilege, superiority, high rank and its insignia; chapter, section.) はかり
【賛】parihAra (= m. leading round, avoiding, escaping, forsaking, leaving out, passing over, reserve, concealment; exemption 免除, immunity 〔義務などの〕免除、免責, privilege (j.).) はかる (h-k)、はからい
【民】pAcivari (= tax paid for the privilege of fishing 漁業特権税) はかり (c-k)
【民】carimErai (= established rights or privileges of individual ryot誤字) けんり、かりめらい
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/privilege 無

perform, act
【有】mbaj (= hold, keep, maintain, retain, bear, perform のべっち
【民】navil(lu)-tal (= 1. to say, tell, declare, pronounce; 2. to learn study, read; 3. to utter, sound loudly; 4. to sing; 5. to perform, as a dance; 6. to practise; 7. to bear; 8. to desire; 9. to indicate, intend; 10. to exceed) のべる
【賛】nirvah (= P. %{-vahati} (fut. %{-voDhA} S3Br.) , to lead out of , save from (abl.) RV. ; to carry off , remove AV. ; to flow out of (abl.) Ma1nGr2. ; to bring about , accomplish Sus3r. ; to be brought about , succeed ; to attain one's object , be successful , overcome obstacles Katha1s. ; to subsist , live on or by (instr.) Campak. ; to be fit or meet HParis3.: Caus. %{-vAhayati} , to perform , accomplish Katha1s. Hit. ; to pass , spend (time) Pan5c.) のべ
【賛】Acar (= %{-carati} , to come near to (acc.) , approach RV. ; to lead hither (as a path) TS. ; to address , apply to (acc.) Pan5cat. ; to proceed , manage , behave one's self. RPra1t. ; to use , apply A1p. ; to examine (a witness) Mn. ; (with or without %{saha}) to have intercourse with ChUp. ; to act , undertake , do , exercise , practise , perform Mun2d2Up.(v , 22 impf. %{A7carat} , `" has done it "') ; to throw into the fire Ka1tyS3r.) おこなう (r-n)
【賛】AceST (= %{-ceSTate} , to do , perform Katha1s.: Caus. %{-ceSTayati} (v.l. %{-veST-}) to cause to move , set in motion TBr. i.) やっちゃう
【民】AcArajncey-tal (= to perform one's duty sincerely, to perform duty'y sake) おこなう、やっちまう
【賛】anuSThA (= ( %{stha}) , to stand near or by ; to follow out ; to carry out , attend to ; to perform , do , practise ; to govern , rule , superintend ; to appoint: Pass. %{-SThIyate} , to be done ; to be followed out: Desid. %{-tiSThAsati} , to be desirous of doing , &c.) エンズ る
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664314728/perform 無 疲れる  [p6/13]
【トルコ】uygulamak (= apply, implement, enforce, perform, exert, administer) おこなう マク

inherit, remain
【趣】níĝ-sa-ḫa(2) (= : fruit remaining after the harvest; garden fruit; springtime fruit ('thing' + Akk. ,sahharu , 'something small'; cf., also Akk. muthummu ). のこす は
【趣】si-ì-tum (= : balance owing carried forward from an earlier account (from Akkadian šiaatum, 'to leave behind', šittu, 'remainder 残り、残り物、残余、余り。遺跡、遺物[◆通例、remainders。], deficit') (cf., lá-ìa[NI]).) すてる (m-l)
satu (= "to be/leave remaining" (trans. & intrans.) OAkk, OA, O/jB G (pret. isellt, pres. iset, jB also isettuli) in account-keeping; in PNs, curses, prayers "leave s.o. alive"; "leave (to stand)" of vessel; "be remaining, escape, be left" D OA mng. unkn.; > sittu II, sittutu ) すて
【民】mikkatu (= 1. that which is abundant or excessive; 2. that which is excellent; 3. that which is superior; 4. that which remains, as of food after a meal; 5. that which oversteps the limits; excess; transgression; 6. that which is diffierent; 7. that which is unjust) のこす
【民】miku-tal (= 01 1. to exceed, surpass; to be in excess; 2. to grow, increase; 3. to swell; 4. to be doubled, as a letter; 5. to crowd; 6. to be great; to be excellent; 7. to be superior; 8. to remain; to be left over; to be superfluous; 9. to be self-conceited, arrogant; 10. to be evil) のこ
【賛】vaMzakramAgata (= mfn. descended or inherited lineally , coming from a family in regular succession , obtained by family inheritance Ka1m. Hit.) 忘れな草
【賛】vaMzAnukrama (= m. family succession , genealogy , lineal inheritance Ragh.) わすれがたみ
【賛】vAstvR (= a. left; n. remainders.) わすれー、わするー
【賛】sthirAya (= Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to become fixed or immovable Cat. ; P. %{-yati} , to remain firm MW.) すてるや
【賛】sthA (= ; to stay , remain , continue in any condition or action (e.g. with %{kanyA} , `" to remain a girl or unmarried "' ; with %{tUSNIm} or with %{maunena} instr. `" to remain silent "' ; with %{sukham} , `" to continue or feel well "') AV. ; to remain occupied or engaged in , be intent upon , make a practice of , keep on , persevere in any act (with loc. ; )) すて
【民】iru-ttal (= 01 1. to exist; 2. to remain; 3. to sit down; 4. to sink, as a foundation; to disappear; 5. to live; 6. to be ready to act; to be in readiness for any duty or project; to be on the point of acting or going; 7. to fancy, imagine, expect, hope; sign of the perfect tense after a participial verb, as in auxiliary verb)
【民】vai-ttal (= 03 1. to put, place; 2. to bestow; 3. to seat; 4. to put to school; 5. to appoint; 6. to lay by, deposit, store up; 7. to keep in custody; to guard; 8. to reserve, set apart; 9. to detain, as in prison; 10. to possess, have, keep, hold in possession; 11. to contain; 12. to keep, as mistress; 13. to allow to remain unaltered; 14. to create, set up; 15. to prepare; 16 . to conduct or maintain for profit; 17. to pay due regard to; 18. to imagine, suppose; 19. to fix, determine; 20. to maintain, as accounts; 21. to mention; 22. to consider; 23. to meditate upon; an auxiliary) イ、ユイ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665461995/remain 無   [p3/9]
【羌】dælæue/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / dɑ dʐu/ / / ejji/ (to) keep/ / / hej/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / hoguʐ/ (to) keep/ / / hvɑwrr/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / hɑgu/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / kueɕʨi/ (to) keep/ / / kujin/ (to) keep/ / / kəʂ/ (to) keep/ / / ɑʂə/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / ətʂu/ (to) keep/ / / ɦoyu/ (to) remain/ (to be) left/ / / hogu/ / / hɑʂ/ (be) left/ (= remain) すて、わす
【トルコ】sürdürmek (= maintain, continue, sustain, keep, pursue, remain) すてる メク
c. wiktionary.org/wiki/遺#Definitions の作者は、バカである。すてる、わすれる、は、捨てる abandon、忘れる forget、では無い。同音異義語の remain である。インド弁辞書がそう云っている。日本の国語辞書は見直した方が良い。
--- シュメール語の remain が、níĝ-sa-ḫa(2) のこす、si-ì-tum すてむ、 であった。なので、ルーツは、シュメール。
c. remainder リメインダー、と、 reminder リマインダー、の違い。【名詞】「残り、剰余、遺跡」と「催促状」。

institution, temple, hall
【民】aRanilai (= institution 〔特殊な目的を持つ〕(公共)機関、(公共)施設、(公共)団体、協会、機構[◆【略】inst.] ; Inst. for managing charities (TLS)) イン、あーにらい
【民】kalviyUri (= school, educational institution (TLS)) かき (v-k)、かこい (y-ki)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/institution 無

centre/ center, middle
mahazu(m) (or mdhazu), occas. mahzu (= 'place of taking' [KI.SU.PES5] 1. "shrine, cultic centre"; "(market 市場) town"; OAkk also a PIN; Nuzi "quay" 2. jB ~ "spring, basin"; < ahdzu; > mahazis ) なかつ、おおつ、マーケット
【有】vatër (= centre: hearth, fire-place, hotbed, ingle, focus, household) オウツぁー
【有】nyjë (= centre: node, knot, hub, joint, junction, article) ないっち
【賛】vizaya (= m. middle, centre; uncertainty, doubt, p. {-vant} & {-yin}.) オウ
【民】vayiRu (= 1. belly, stomach, paunch; 2. womb; 3. centre, heart, as of a tree; 4. interior, inner space; 5. mind) オウ
【民】mayyam (= middle, centre) ないの、なきゃの (y-ki)
【賛】nabhya (= 2 n. nave ヘソ。〔車輪の中心部にある〕こしき[◆【同】hub] of a wheel, centre i.g.) ないぶ、なぶきゃ、なきゃ
c. 【英】nave ネイブ、へそ、中央部 (n-n, v-k) は、「なか」と音通しています。
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/centre 無

hundred million, guess, gauge

【賛】arbuda (= m. a snake, a serpent-demon ({a3rbuda}); N. of a mountain, pl. of a people; n. a hundred millions, cartilage of the ribs.) あるぷた、おくだ
【民】arpputam (= one hundred millions (TLS)) あっぷたむ、おくだむ
【賛】ardhakoTI (= f. half a %{koTI} i.e. five millions 5 千万 Hit. ヒッタイト) おしはかった  
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/million 判別不明。
-- guess/ gauge --
【有】besoj (= believe, entrust, trust, confide, consign, guess) おすっち
【箍】haka (= hypothesis, notion, conjecture, guess, idea, belief) はか  【名詞】
【民】vazipATucey-tal (= to serve a great person, guessing his wishes (TLS)) おしはか (ck) る
【民】mazaimarakkAl (= a kind of rain-gauge, unit for computing rainfall during a year 年間雨量の推定単位) おしはかる (m-h)
【チベ】'ol spyi byed (= speak generally, approximate, guess, assume [IW]) おしはきゃった (y-ki)
【羌】/ / aχs ȵi/ (to) speculate/ / / kətsæ/ (to) speculate/ / / susuɑ/ (to) speculate/ / / tshɑithɑ/ (to) speculate/ / / ʨɑŋwəi/ / / χɕue/ (to) speculate/ / / tshɑi thɑ/ / / ɑχʨy (= guess) おす、推定
【トルコ】içine doğmak (= forebode, intuit, presage, divine, have a feeling, guess) おしね とくマク、おしはかマク (d-h)、おもうんだけマク

law, rule, method, principle
漢字ペディア   en.wiktionary.org/wiki/法
【趣】pala(2,3) (= : vestments, clothing (of gods and rulers) (cf., pa-paḫ, 'inner sanctum', and lal/lá, 'to drape' as in túg-níĝ-lal). ) ホウ、ふぁら、ファラオ、アラー
mulutu? (= "rule(rship)" NB; < Sum. mulu + -utu ) のりだ
niru(m) (= 1 "yoke ヨーク、軛(くびき)、規制, crossbeam" [GIS.SUDUN/ SUDUN4; GIS.GIS; ext. AL.TI/TE] 1. "yoke" for animal teams; sa muhhi n. (ornament for a yoke) NA; transf. "(political) yoke, domination, rule" 2. "(door) lintel" 3. O/jB (part of the liver, lung) 4. "yoke-star" = Arcturus (and parts of Bootes) [MUL.MU. BU(.KES.DA)] ) のり
palu(m), OAkk pald'um (= "period of office" [BALA] 1. "reign" of king, of dynasty; "dynasty", subat/dl p. "dynastic seat/city"; M/NA "regnal year"; OB lex. bel p. "office holder" 2. OB (a staff); also as symbol of rule 法のシンボル, in PNs; < Sum. ) ホウの、法度の
【有】parim (= principle, tenet, maxim, rule, law, outlines) ホウの
【有】normë (= rate, norm, standard, rule, regulation, precept) のりの
【賛】pAl (= cl. 10. P. (Dha1tup. ) %{pAlayati} (%{-te} ; also regarded as Caus. of 2. %{pA} [Pa1n2. %{pat}.] , but rather Nom. of %{pAla} below ; p. P. %{pAlayat} A1. %{-layAna} ; pf. %{-layAm@Asa} ; aor. %{apIpalat}) , to watch , guard , protect , defend , rule , govern ; to keep , maintain , observe (a promise or vow) AV. ) ホウ、ふぁる
【賛】pAli (= m. (prob.) a protector , ruler (cf. %{go-pAli} and %{prajA-p-}).) はーり、ホウ、ファラオ、アッラー
【賛】maryAdA (= f. limit, boundary, frontier; coast, shore; the legal or moral bounds, order, law, rule, agreement, contract.) のりだ、のっと
【民】neRi (= 03 1. bend, curve, turning, as of a road; 2. curliness of hair; 3. way, road, path; 4. religion; 5. precept, rule, principle; 6. path of virtue, righteousness; 7. style of poetic composition; 8. order, row, series; 9. line, lineage; 10. method; means; 11. state of mind, temper; 12. rule, sovereignty; 13. pace, as of a horse; 14. salvation; 15. temple) のり
【民】mErai (= 1. boundary, limit; 2. manner, way; 3. rule of propriety or decorum; limits of propriety; 4. gravity, sobriety, modesty; 5. the portion of the crop, given as a perquisite to holders of ka1n2i-y-a1t2ci or to hereditary village officers and servants, out of the common stock on the threshing-floor) のり
【賛】naiSThya (= n. (cf. %{-SThika}) constancy , adherence to rule , firm belief MW.) のっとり
【賛】naTasUtra (= n. rules for actor 役者 Pa1n2.) のっとり、名取(なとり)
【民】nATTu-tal (= 01 1. to set up, fix, plant, place in the ground, as a pole; to erect; to insert; 2. to establish, as laws, customs, rules, fame, reputation; to lay down, as a theory, an opinion; 3. to establish one in life; 4. to create; 5. to write, inscribe, as placing a style upon a palm leaf) のっと
【賛】pA, pAti (= 3 (pp. {pAna3}) protect, watch, shelter from or defend [[,]] against (abl.); rule, govern; keep, observe. --{abhi} guard, observe. {ni} protect, shelter from (abl.), watch, observe, keep. {nis} protect from (abl.). {pari} protect on all sides, observe, keep, maintain. {pra} protect or shelter from (abl.).) ホウ、ハッ、ホッ、法度(はっと)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665855968/rule 無  [p2/8]
c. wikitionary では、
Chinese Etymology
Sino-Tibetan. Cognate with Tibetan བབས (babs, “shape, form, appearance”), དབྱིབས (dbyibs, “shape, form, figure”). Possibly cognate with 凡 (OC *bom, “all, general, every; pattern, general rule”); see there for more.
【トルコ】metre (= meter, rule, folding rule, metre) のっとる、メートル
c. メートルの世界標準単位は、「法る(のっとる)」「メートル」だったんだ。
【アゼルバイジャン】qayda (= rule, order, regulations, manner, method, system) 規定、おきて (+お)
【ウズベク】qoida (= rule, rule, principle, regulation, law, enactment) 規定
【賛】paJcazIla (= . the 5 chief rules of conduct for Buddhists MWB. 僧の5つの行動規範) おきてら、おきて
【賛】kramakRt (= mfn. following traditional rule or custom 伝統ルール、慣習 Nya1yam.) きまりだ
【民】kOmuRai (= just rule of a king) きまり
c. チャン、ギャロン、 rule, law 未登録。

navigate, sail, ship
【民】vATaiyilOTu-tal (= to sail with the north wind) わたいいろーつ、わたる
【賛】vAtAhata (= mfn. stirred or shaken by the wind (%{-nau} f. a ship tossed by the wind) MW. ; struck by wind-disease , affected by rheumatism W.) わたった、わたし
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/navigate 無
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/sail 無
c. 「帆掛船で渡る」の意味での「渡る」は、インド弁以外には見つからなかった。帆掛け船自身、船、のことを「わたし」と言うみたい。
c. 【英】boat ボート、ワタシ (b-w, t-t,t-sh)、バッテラ(サバの押し寿司、ポルトガル語の boat、木枠で押す形が船の形そのもの)、バッテラは「わたる (b-w, t-t, r-r)」である。
【賛】vahitra (= n. ship; {-bhaGga} m. shipwreck.) わたる、ボート、バッテラ
【賛】vahat (= f. (prob.) a vessel , ship RV.) わた、わたし、ボート、ベッセル(お椀、船)
【賛】vAtapaTa (= m. `" wind-cloth 帆、風布"' , a sail Katha1s.) (風で)パタパタ、わたわた、waterwater、boatboat
cf. file f17 #1.104 運ぶ convey, transport, transfer, carry, deliver 遣す(まだす) 渡す
cf. file f20 #s.22 one
cf. file tibet #g.372 数詞 考
チベット語は、2と4と9と10の数字が、日本語と同じだ。日本語との類似点は、これ以外にも、たくさんある。〜  ニィ、シィ、ク、チュウ、
8, 10 も、やっつ/はち、 とう/じゅう
【羌】2 nə 3 sə 4 ʐə 5 ʁuɑ ご 7 ʂtʂə 9 gu 10 hɑ du (???) 20 nəsu にじゅう、həsuɑ はたち?
cf. file f20 #s.23 two
cf. file f20 #s.24 three
cf. file f20 #s.25 four
cf. file f20 #s.26 five
cf. file f20 #s.26 five
320no 漢字ペディア   
cf. file f20 #s.26 five
cf. file f20 #s.26 five
cf. file f20 #s.26 five
cf. file f20 #s.26 five

hundred, numerous, mamy
【趣】lima, limi, lim (= : thousand (four hundred greater than ĝéš×u, 'six hundred' 千 = 6百より4百大きいもの).) もも (l-m)
meru (= "hundred" OB(Susa) ) もも (r-m)
【賛】bhAgika (= mf(%{A})n. relating to a part , forming one part Sus3r. (with %{zata} n. one part in a hundred i.e. one percent. ; with %{viMzati} f. five percent. Pa1n2. ) ; m. N. of a man Ra1jat.) ヒャク、ハク
【賛】nAnAdhAtu (= (in comp.) , various minerals or gramm. roots ; %{-prckriyA} f. N. of a gramm. wk. ; %{-zata} n. a hundred various minerals MW. ; %{-samAkIrna} mfn. filled with various minerals ib.) ももだーつ、もも
【民】nURu (= 03 hundred) ぬーる、もも (R 反復 or r-m)
【チベ】brgya (= one hundred [RY]) ひゃくや、ひゃきゃ
【チベ】'bum (= [the Prajnaparamita in] Hundred Thousand [verses]; (lit. 100,000) complete, entire; multifarious [RY]) もも (b-m)、文(ぶん)
c. 百(もも)と文(ぶん)は、同源と言っている。
【蛇】מֵאָה mê'âh /may-aw'/ (= Meah, hundred) まう、もも (w-m)

【賛】sahasra (= n. (m.) a thousand (used also for any very large number).) さはすら、ち
【民】sahasram (= thousand) さはすらむ、せーむ、セン
【チベ】tong (= thousand [IW]) セン
【ギャロン】 stə mʦʰu (= thousand) せん つー

cf. file f11 135. 万・萬(よろず)/八百万(やおよろず)
【賛】ayuta (= 2 n. [%{as} m. only MBh. ] , `" unjoined , unbounded "' , ten thousand 万, a myriad RV. in comp. a term of praise (see %{ayutA7dhyApaka}) , (g. %{kASThA7di} q.v.)) やおよろず、あゆた
【賛】ayutazas (= ind. by myriads MBh.) やおよろず
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/myriad 無

blue, green, grass, vegetable
c. blue, green には無い。 grass 草、vegetable 野菜、かも知れない。
【趣】nisig, nisi, nissa (= : n., greens, vegetables (níĝ, 'valuables', + sig7, 'green, yellow').
   adj., beautiful; blue; green.) ニシキ、ニシ、真っ青(まっさお)
【趣】sig7, se12(-g), sa7(-g) (=: v., to let live; to create; to live; to dwell; to complete; to be/make pleasant or beautiful; to garden; to pull out weeds; to tear out; to complain (in meanings 'to live', plural stem of tìl) (si, 'upright stalks' + ég, 'to water') [SIG7 archaic frequency; 61].
   adj., pale, sallow; green, yellow.) セイ、ショウ、シキ
【賛】sauyavasa (= n. (fr. %{su-yavasa}) abundance of grass S3a1n3khBr. ; (said to be fr. %{su-yavasu}) N. of various Sa1mans A1rshBr.) セイ、ショウ
【民】arittu (= 1. greenness; 2. green grass; 3. hoorse of greenish yellow colour; 4. that which is green in colour (TLS)) あおし
【チベ】mthing khar (= as blue color [JV]) ニシキ
【蛇】אֵב 'êb /abe/ (= green, fruits, greenness, blossoms) あべ、あほ
【蛇】אָבִיב 'âbı̂yb /aw-beeb'/ (= fresh heads of grain, in the ear, fresh heads, ear, Abib, green ears of corn) あをひべ
c. 本項目は、難しい。皆さん、もっと調査して下さい。

cf. file tibet #g.102 evening
【賛】vikAla (= m. twilight , evening , afternoon (%{am} ind. in the evening late) A1pS3r. ; %{-laka} m. id. ; %{-likA} f. a sort of clepsydra or water-clock L. 1.) 夕暮れ(ゆうぐれ)
【民】viLakkITu (= lamplighting ランプを灯す on the evening of tiru-k-ka1rttikai) 夕方(ゆうがた)
【賛】saMdhyAkAla (= m. twilight-time , evening-time R. ; the interval of a Yuga W.) セキ
【民】sAyagkAlam (= evening) セキラム
【チベ】dgong (= evening, night [IW]) セキ、月見(つきみ)  △。 スペル滅茶苦茶で判別不能アホ言語。
c. チベット語の evening に「夕(ゆう)」発音は、無い。

cf. file tibet #g.262 red 赤
akukutu (= ; jB obi. pi. akukdti "firebrand 扇動者、たいまつ" Bogh., jB; astr. "red glow 〔高温の物体からの〕白熱光、赤熱光[◆燃えていない物体の放つ光。] in sky" (freq. wr. #A-#A- #A-tum = ' at-kub-kus-tum)) あかっつ
【民】acaRukkam (= dark-red colour (TLS)) あかるっかむ
【賛】anurAga (= m. colouring, redness, affection (poss. {-vant}); red, affectionate, enamoured ({saha} or loc.).) あぬらーが、あんかー、あか  △
【賛】sarAga (= mfn. having colour (sometimes = `" not quite clean "') Ka1d. ; reddened MBh. ; charming , lovely (%{am} ind.) Bhat2t2. ; enamoured , impassioned , passionate (%{am} ind.) Ka1m. ; %{-tA} f. (Pan5cat.) , %{-tva} n. the being coloured or flushed with passion , impassioned , redness , passion , love ; %{-intra} mfn. red-eyed MBh.) セキ、シャク
【チベ】ja kha (= 1) red brown; 2) tea color [IW]) ちゃか、セキ、シャク   [p12/48]
c. チベット語に「red」 で「あか」は無い。

king, monarch
kinu(m), Ass. kenu(m) (= "permanent, true" [GI(.NA); GIN, esp. in PNs; ZI.DA] 1. "permanent" of health, life etc.; of part of liver, station of planet, temple 2. "reliable, true" of word, command; of person, servant, partner "honest"; "loyal", "righteous" of king 3. "legitimate" of son, ruler, math, "correct", also of standard measures; < kdnu; > kina, kittu I; kinis; kinutu ) きみ
(w)u"urtu(m), (w)urtu(m), also murtu (w)u"urtu(m), (w)urtu(m), also murtu (= "commission, command" Bab. of god, king, master; esp. in w. wu'urum, nadanum "to commission, charge" s.o. to do s.th.; also w. lequm, semum "to accept, hear an order"; w. sa 'alum "to ascertain an order"; < warum D ) おうさま
【民】kOmAn2 (= 01 1. king; 2. person of eminence, lord; 3. spiritual preceptor; 4. elder) きみ
【民】kOn2 (= 01 1. king; 2. master, lord) きみ
【民】aracan2 (= 01* 1. king, sovereign, prince; 2. jupiter) 王様(おうさま)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/king 無

man, male
【賛】vArddhaka (= m. old man; n. old age.) をとこ
【民】ANTakai (= 1. manliness 男らしさ、大胆さ、けなげさ; 2. man of great eminence) おんとこ、おとこ
【民】an2akan2 (= 1. God, as the sinless one, Brahma1, Siva, arhat; 2. handsome man ハンサム男) おのこ
【民】tAn2u (= 1. air; 2. liberal man; 3. successful person) たん、ダン
【賛】dAman (= 1 n. m. a giver , donor RV. ; a liberal man MBh.) ダン、だんな
【民】naran2 (= 1. man, human being; 2. arjuna; 3. a sage; 4. a yaks2a) ナン
【賛】nara (= m. man, husband, hero; the primal man or spirit (always connected with {nArAyaNa3}) person or personal ending (g.).) ナン (r-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662585553/man 無   スペル滅茶苦茶で、判断不能。疲れる。バカ言語。
-- male --
【賛】vRSakAma (= mfn. desirous of the male 男性の望み Kaus3.) おとこま
【民】ATUu (= man, human male) おすー、おと
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/male/page/12  無 [p12/27]

heaven, celestial, sky
cf. file tibet #g.303 sky
【趣】an (= : n., sky, heaven; the god An; grain ear/date cluster ('water' + 'high')
   v., to be high.
   adj., high.
   prep., in front.) あめ、あま
【趣】é-an-na (= : sanctuary ('house' + 'Heaven' + genitive). ) あめ、あま
【趣】u4-an-na (= : light of the heavens ('light' + 'heaven' + genitive). ) あめの、あまの
【趣】tán[MEN] (= : to become clean, clear, light, free (ta, 'nature, character' + an, 'sky, heaven').) テン
【趣】an-šár(-ra) (= : all of heaven, the whole sky ('heaven' + 'totality, horizon'). ) 宇宙(ウチュウ)
【尼】surga (= heaven ) そら (g 無音)
【民】cEN (= 1. distance, remoteness; 2. height, loftiness; 3. mountain top, summit; 4. sky; 5. heaven; 6. width, spaciousness; 7. length; 8. long time) てん (c-t)
【民】antariTcam (= * 1. atmosphere; 2. heaven) おてんとさま、おてんとさん
【賛】dyuvan (= m. the sun 太陽, heaven Un2.) テン、たいようの
【賛】surAlaya (= m. (for 2. %{surA7l-} ) abode of the gods , heaven Hariv. ; Meru or Su-meru L. ; a god's abode 神の住居, temple Ya1jn5. ; wind (?) L.) そら
【民】ammai (= 03 1. future birth; 2. heaven) あめ、あま
【民】maNTilam (= 1. coursing in a circle; 2. horse, as running in a circle; 3. the earth; 4. sun; 5. moon; 6. air, atmosphere, heavens; 7. mirror; 8. a posture) 満天(まんてん)
【賛】amRta (= ; world of immortality 不死の世界, heaven , eternity 永遠性 RV.; ) あめだ、あまた
【賛】anantavat (= mfn. etenal 永遠, infinite 不定; (%{An}) m. (in the Upanishads) one of Brahma1's four feet ブラマルの4つの足 (earth 大地, intermediate space 中間空間, heaven 天, and ocean 大海).) あまてらす (v-g-r)
【チベ】the 'an (= heaven [JV]) テン
【チベ】sa bla (= heaven [JV]) そ ぶら、そら  △
【チベ】'og min (= the highest heaven [RY]) あめの (g 無音)、あまの (g 無音)  △
【羌】thiɑn kuo/ / / ʐməɕɑq (= heaven) 天空(てんくう)、天下(てんか)
【羌】mutu/ / / motu/ / / mutp/ / / mutu ʁa/ / / ʐdiewɑ (= heaven) 宇宙(ウチュウ) (m 強無音)
【ギャロン】 ' təmə (= sky) てむ、テン
【ギャロン】 təmənam’kʰa (= heaven) ともなむくぁ、天空(テンクウ)、天下(テンカ)
【トルコ】cennet (= paradise, heaven, Eden, glory, Elysium, city of God) テンだ
【アゼルバイジャン】səma (= sky, heaven) テン (s-t)
【蛇】שָׁמֶה shâmayim, shâmeh /shaw-mah'-yim, shaw-meh'/ (= compass, heaven of heavens, sky, heaven and the highest heavens, heaven, heavens, heavenly, highest heaven, astrologers, horizons, heavens and the highest, earth, other, heaven and the highest, air, highest heavens) テン (sh-t)

paddy, field
【民】taLai (= 03 1. tie, fastening, bandage; 2. cord, rope; fetters, shackles; 3. bondage of the soul, causing birth; 5. closed condition, as of an unblown flower; 6. imprisonment; 7. relationship, bond of union; 8. anklet; 9. hair of the males; 10. paddy field, as divided into plots 区画;) たらい、た (l 無音)
【民】tin2ai (= 1. italian millet, cereal, setaria italicm ; 2. wild bermuda grass, panicum burmanni ; 3. little millet 《植物》キビ、アワ。雑穀; 4. paddy-field grass, panicum finitans ; 5. a very small measure, as a grain of millet; a trifle;) ちん、デン
【民】tIram (= 02 1. shore, bank; 2. dyke 土手、堤, as of a paddy field; 3. arrow) デン
【民】kAr (= 01 1. blackness; 2. that which is back; 3. cloud; 4. rain; 5. water; 6. -> kArpparuvam ; 7. paddy harvested in the rainy season;) かる、刈る
【民】kAraRu-ttal (= to reap 刈り取る kar paddy) かる
【民】kuLLakkAr (= a kind of paddy (TLS)) かるかる
【民】kaRRai (= 1. collection, as of hair, rays of the sun; 2. bundle, as of straw 藁(わら), grass, paddy seedlings; 3. coconut leaves braided like ropes, as bands for hedging) かり
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664019792/paddy 無
-- field --
【趣】sa-dúr(-ra); ŠEŠ-dúr-rá/a (= : low-lying end of a farmer's field ('?' + 'buttocks'). ) たた、た
【趣】šà-túm (= : field, acre ('womb' + 'to be suitable; to prepare; to obtain'). ) でん
【趣】dun, du24; tun, tu10; tu11(= : v., to heap, pile up; to scrape, dig 掘る (a field, furrow, hole); to strike, ?? smite; to open (to move + to raise high; cf., dul(6)). ) デン、た
petii(m) II, patu, OAkk, OA patd'um (= "to open" G (ele) [BAD; astr. also TAG4] 1. door, gate; grave, house, room; container; "undo" lock, package 2. "expose, open up" foundation; "unsheathe" weapon; "dehusk" barley; "unroll" rope; "broach, start on" wine, grain etc. 3. "lay open" road, watercourse, mountains; "start" water flowing, "open up" well, spring; "bring" field "into cultivation" 4. parts of body as obj.: lips, mouth (= speak);) 畑(はた)、はたの
sa'u I (= (a kind of field) Ug.; < Ug. )
tarahu (= "to dig up"? MA, jB G (a/u) field; of animal "grub up" the soil; Susa, stat. tirih, of part of liver D lex.; > tarihu )
tesitum (= "lease" OB(Susa) with eqlum ("field"); ? ≫ wasum S ) でん
tambutu 1 , timbu'u, tibu'u (= (a musical instru- ment, phps.) "drum" OAkk, O/jB; MB (an ornament); t. eqli 'field-drum' (a plant)) たんぼだ、たんぼ、坪(つぼ)
【有】zonë (= area, zone, region, precinct, field, range) でん、ゾーン
【有】shesh (= square, esplanade, ground, place, field, platform)
【尼】tambang (= mine, quarry, field, diggings, fare) たんぼの
【民】tampalATu-tal (= to water 水を入れる a field and turn it soft 柔らかくする and muddy by trampling 〜を踏みつける[つぶす]) たんぼらーつ、たんぼ(田んぼ)
【チベ】dang tshe (= a field-terrace [IW]) た、デンた
【羌】/ / / khuȵi/ / / ssi/ / / dʐele/ / / khoȵu/ / / khuj/ / / khuəita/ / / zətʂhi/ / / jefɑq/ / / ʐu pə/ / / ʐuə/ / / ʐɑ lu (= field) た、刈った
【ギャロン】tǝ33 mɲa43 た んみゃ、たんぼ (= field)
【ギャロン】ˉsʰe (= field)   audio ナシ。
【ウズベク/カザフ】dala (= field, field, field) た、デン (l-n)
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】saha (= field, pitch, range, ground, breadth, tract)
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】tarla (= field, plantation, infield, arable field) た、でん
【蛇】שְׁרֵמוֹת sherêmâh /sher-ay-maw'/ (= field) でん
【蛇】שַׁדַּי shadday /shad-dah'ee/ (= Almighty, country, field) たた、た

gold, metal
【趣】kib (= : an object, that could be made of gold. ) キブ、キン (b-m)
【趣】kù-dím (= : goldsmith 鍛冶屋, silversmith, metal worker ('noble metal' + 'to fashion').) 鍛冶の(かじ の)
ki(b)bu(m) I; pi. ki(b)bdni (= (an object) Bab., NA; of gold; < Sum.? ) キン
【箍】ginto (= gold, golden) キンだ
【尼】kekayaan (= wealth, property, riches, fortune, treasure, gold) こがね
【賛】kirmI (= f. a hall L. ; an image of gold 金 or iron 鉄 L. ; (= %{karmin}) the Pala1s3a tree (Butea frondosa) L.) キミ、キン
【賛】kAJcana (= n. gold Naigh. ; money , wealth , property W. ; the filament of the lotus L. ; (mf(%{I})n.) golden , made or consisting of gold MBh.) こにゃかね、キン、コン、かね、かな、こがね
【民】kan2am (= 02 gold) かね、かな、かねの
【民】kAgkeyam (= gold) こがね
【チベ】gu ling (= pure gold picked out from a mine, gold embroidered cloth or silk [JV]) キン
【チベ】gu gling (= gold embroidered cloth or silk [JV]) こがね
【蛇】כֶּתֶם kethem /keh'-them/ (= fine gold, golden wedge, most, gold, pure gold) キン
【羌】ʂqu/ / / ku/ / / shegve/ / / ʂəqu/ / / χsəz/ / / xkɑ (= gold)    --- 「金(キン)」の末裔。
【ギャロン】 ksər44 くせる, xse55 くせー, tarni たるにー (= gold)   --- 「金(キン)」の末裔。臭い、貴重?、失せる、足りない?
【賛】ghana (= ; n. any brazen or ★metallic instrument or plate which is struck (cymbal , bell , gong , &c.) Hariv. ; iron 鉄 L. ; tin 《元素》錫、スズ、ティン L. ;) かね

sun, daytime, day
cf. file tibet #g.333 sun
sltu(m), setu(m); pi. -* sidtu (= "exit; (sun-)rise; issue" [e] 1. "exit, issuance" of abscess, spring- water, "place of origin" 2. "(new) growth" of plant; 'that originating from': trees from mountain, person from womb {uru); sit libbi "offspring"; word from mouth sit pi "utterance" 3. "(sun-)rise" [ d UTU.E(.A); E] (-* si samsi), also as time of day 昼間; "the east" 4. "issue" of commodities, "debit, loss" [ZI.GA]; "departure" of person; 5. rasu(m) "to make off, decamp" 5. OB "exit tax"? [BA.ZI]; jB lex. sit kisddi "neck opening"; < wasum; > sitan, sitis; sidtu, sidtis ) ジツ
【民】naTTucci (= the time of the day when the sun is exactly at the zenith 頂点、最高点、絶頂、全盛) ニチ
【賛】nidAgha (= m. (g. %{nyaGkv-Adi}) heat , warmth , the hot season (May and June) , summer S3Br. ; internal heat , ; sweat , perspiration L. ; N. of a man (pl. of his descendants g. %{upakA7di}) ; of a son of Pulastya VP. ; %{-kara} m. `" heat-causer "' or `" hot-rayed "' , the sun L. ; %{-kAla} m. the `" time of heat "' , summer MBh.; %{-dhAman} m. `" having hot radiance "' or `" abode of heat "' , the sun S3is3.) ニチガ
【賛】jyotis (= n. light (l. & f.), brightness, fire, moonshine, light of the eyes; pl. the heavenly bodies; du. sun and moon.) ジツ
【賛】papI (= m. (nom. %{s}) the sun or the moon Un2.)
【賛】ka (= 3 m. (according to native authorities) N. of Praja1pati or of a Praja1pati ; the soul Tattvas. ; a particular comet VarBr2S. ; the sun L. ; fire L. ;)
【チベ】nyi zla (= 1) the sun and moon; 2) circle and crescent top ornament of a stupa [IW]) ニチ
c. チベット語では、「ジツ、ひ、か」は、判別不能だった。滅茶苦茶ャスペルなので。バカ言語。
【羌】/ / khue/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / mun/ / / phɑ/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / jipəß/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / meqi/ / / meɕɑq xkhuæ/ (to) sun/ / / mun dʐə/ (to) sun/ / / mun kue/ / / muɕi/ / / məjiq/ / / mənæ/ / / məsæq bəɹbɑ/ (to) sun/ / / mətshax/ / / pha tytɕyʐ/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / ɦæki ətə/ (to) sun/ / / dʐei tə ʐe kuɑ/ sun (clothes)/ / / / sun (clothes)/ / / mujɑq/ / / mə ȵi/ / / məʂqɑ nipel/ / / ʨe tshə he dʐei (= sun) か、ひ、ジツ、ニチ、
c. チャン語【羌】は、かなり優秀。
c. 【ギャロン】の sun は、日本語似は皆無。しかし、全て、インド弁には有った(?)。つまり、ギャロン語は、インド弁の「崩れ上四方(くずれかみしほう)」、に過ぎない。の feeling
【民】kAn2al (= 02 1. heat; 2. sun's ray; 3. light lustre, brightness; 4. mirage; 5. gravelly soil) くにー (l 無音)
【ギャロン】 kə' ni (= sun) くにー
【民】kiraNan2 (= sun, as having rays) きやん、きらん、キラもん
【ギャロン】 kə22 jam44 くやん
【賛】syUna (= m. (only L.) a sack ; a ray of light ; the sun ; (%{A}) f. a ray of light L. ; a girdle L.) サニー
【ギャロン】 ta' ŋi だ にー, ta' ŋi たんぎ
【賛】vibhA (= 2 mfn. shining , bright RV. ; f. light , lustre , splendour , beauty S3is3. ; N. of the city of Soma VP. ; %{-kara} m. `" light-maker "' , the sun Sa1h. ; fire L. ; that portion of the moon which is illumined by the sun Gan2it. ;) うば
【ギャロン】 ʁbə うば
【賛】vAra (= 3 m. good 良い, treasure; appointed time 約束時 or place, one's turn, alternation, succession, change, time (w. numerals, {vAraM vAram} many a time, often); ★day (of a week) 日、曜日. -- f. {vArA} courtezan.)

c. コレ、難しい。
sattu(m), santu(m) (= f., occas. m.; pi. sandtu "year" [MU; MU.AN.NA; OA MU.X.SE; Bogh. etc. MU.KAM; jB MU.l.KAM] sattum (loc.-adv.), Inalanalsa satti "yearly", sanat (st. abs.) "one year", also after prep, (ana, istu), also with poss. suff.; "(time of) year, the season"; pdn(i) s. "spring"; warkldtlarkdt s. "later part of year"; res s. "new year"; NB mar s. "one-year-old" of animals; qit s. "end of year"; satta(m) (ana)) とし、とせ
-munu (= "(n-)placed; (n-)year-old" Nuzi; < Hurr. suff. ) ネン
【民】mAcam (= 1. a twelfth part of a year; 2. solar month, of which there are twelve, viz., cittirai, vaika1ci, a1n6i, a1t2i, a1van2i, purat2t2a1ci, aippaci, ka1rttikai, ma1rkal6i, tai, ma1ci, pan3kun6i ; 3. lunar month) マンス、まーさむ
【民】mAcamAn2am (= year) まーさまーねん、→ ねん  △
【賛】saMvatsara (=m. (n.) year.) とし (M 無音)、とせ
【賛】saMvatsara (= m. (rarely n. ; cf. %{pari-v-}) a full year , a year (having 12 [TS.] or 13 [VS.] months or 360 days [S3Br.] ; %{am} , `" for a year ; %{eNa} `" after or in course of a year "' ;) とし(M 無音)、とせ
【賛】tarbaTa (= m. a year L. ; for %{-ra-vaTa} L.) とし、とせ
【賛】svatantra (= n. self-dependence , independence , self-will , freedom Pan5cat. ; onone's own system or school Sus3r. ; onone's own army ib. ; (with Buddh.) a partic. doctrine of free-will or independence Buddh. ; N. of wk. (also called %{-tra-tantra}) ; mf(%{A}) n. self-dependent , self-willed , independent , free , uncontrolled (with %{pada} n. `" an independent word "') La1t2y. ; of age , full grown W. ; m. N. of a Cakra-va1ka Hariv. ; %{-tantra} n. see above ; %{-tA} f. self-dependence , independence , freedom Mn. ; originality Cat. ; wilfulness W. ; %{-mukha@mardana} n. %{-lekhana} n. N. of wks. ; %{-vRtti} f. acting self-reliantly , independent action L. ; %{-sAra}N. of wk.) としとる
【賛】sthAvira (= & {-virya} n. old age.) 年寄り(としより)
【民】taTataTa-ttal (= 1. to totter よろける from age, weakness, etc.; 2. to be disconcerted; to be confused in speech; 3. to be loose) としとった
【民】vayacu (= 1. age period of lifetime from birth; 誕生からの年齢期間 2. youth, juvenility) よわいす → 齢(よわい)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669187456/year 無
c. 【羌】には、year, year-old, year after next, year before last が登録され、 year はハズレ、year-old に「とし」が有った。
【羌】pə/ / / ʂus/ / / shuis/ / / ʂəsəß/ / / ɑp (= year-old) とし/とせ、才(さい)
c. 【ギャロン】には「とし」は皆無。「てぽ」は、80% 地区で使用。(s-p) 化け、カモ知れない。∵ チベット語は滅茶苦茶な言語
【ギャロン】 tə' pɑ てぽ、とし (s-p)


cf. file tibet #g.225 mouth
【趣】ka (= : mouth) コウ、ク
【趣】ka-duḫ-a (= : with open mouth ('mouth' + 'to crack open' + nominative). ) くち
【趣】ka ki...zu-zu (= : to kiss the ground ('mouth' + 'ground' + reduplicated 'to know'). ) キス、くち、くちづけ
c. シュメールさんが言っています、「口(くち)とキッスとは、親戚」だって。
【有】gojë (= mouth, clam, tongue, kisser, chamber, mug) クチ、クッチ
【尼】cocot (= mouth of animals, mouth) くち
【賛】kAkud (= f. the hollow of the mouth, palate.) くち
【賛】kha (= 3 n. (%{khan}) a cavity , hollow , cave , cavern , aperture RV. ; an aperture of the human body (of which there are nine , viz. the mouth , the two ears , the two eyes , the two nostrils , and the organs of excretion and generation) AV.) コウ、ク
【民】kavvu (= 02 1. bite, seizing by the mouth, as dog; 2. eating 食べること; 3. fork of a branch or horn) コフ、ク、かむ (v-m)、食う(くう)
【民】akazi (= pot with a large mouth) おくち
c. 口をあける、あぎとふ、秋津、おくち、はみんな親戚。「おくちあけた」は、正しい。
【チベ】kha (= mouth; face [RB]) コウ、ク
【チベ】kha ther ther (= 1) dgod 'tsher 'tsher; 2) vessel’s wide mouth [IW]) くち
【羌】deɑ gu/ / / dzaku/ / / dzəkuə/ / / dzəku̥/ / / stunphu/ / / tuekəß/ / / zdæku̥/ / / dzəku/ / / xkɑ (= mouth) コウ、ク
【ウズベク】og'iz (= mouth, mouth, gob, rat-trap) おくち
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】ağız (= mouth, opening, lip, orifice, outlet, muzzle) おくち
【蛇】חֵךְ chêk /khake/ (= lips, roof of your mouth, roof of my mouth, taste, mouth, palate, roof of the mouth, speech, roof of its mouth) かか、コウ、ク
c. 【宮古口(沖縄の宮古島方言)/八重山方言】口(ふつ、ふち)
【民】pEzvAy (= large ★mouth) ぺーつヴァーイ → ふつ、くち (p-k)
【民】pEccu (= 1. speaking; 2. speech, ★language 言語; 3. praise; 4. conversation, talk; 5. errand, message, verbal communication, report; 6. rumour; 7. word, utterance; 8. discourse, harangue) ふつ
【賛】bhASA (= f. speech, ★language, esp. vernacular その土地の言葉、方言。ヴァーナキュラー l., ★dialect 方言; description, definition; accusation, plaint.) ふつ、べん(弁) (+ん, S 無音)
【赤】petii(m) II, patu, OAkk, OA patd'um (= "to open" G (ele) [BAD; astr. also TAG4] 1. door, gate; grave, house, room;4. parts of body as obj.: lips, ★mouth (= speak); ear(s) (= hear, (give to) understand); eyes (= see, (give to) under- stand);) ふつ

gem, jade, ball, sphere
【趣】za(2) (= : precious stone, gemstone; bead; hailstone; pit; kernel) つぁ
dumaqu pi. tant. (= "jewellery, gems" Ass.; of women, king, divine statue; < damaqu ) たまき
【箍】tampok (= feature, gem, cynosure, keynote, center, prominent item) たむぽっく、たまき
【民】kAcu (= 03 1. gold; 2. necklace of gold coins; 3. an ancient gold coin =28 gr. troy; 4. a small copper coin; 5. coin, cash, money; 6. gem, crystal bead; 7. girdle strung with gems; 8. a formula of a foor of two neracai , the latter ending in 'u' occurring in the last foor of a ven2pa ; 9. the hollow in the centre of each row of palla1nikul6i) ぎょく、こし
【民】kAcukkAracceTTi (= a sub-division of the Tamil chetti caste who are by profession meney-changers, dealers in coins, gold, silver and gems) ぎょくぎょくっち、こしかっちゃって
【賛】karka (= mf(%{I4})n. (%{kR} Un2. ; cf. %{karaGka}) , white AV. ; good , excellent W. ; m. a white horse MBh. ; a crab L. ; the sign Cancer ; a water-jar L. ; fire L. ; a mirror L. ; a younger brother of the father L. ; beauty L. ; a particular gem L. ; ) ぎょく
【民】paccaikkal (= 1. unburnt brick; 2. emerald; 3. jade, a hard dark greenstone; 4. greenstone, principally of felspar and hornblende; 5. pendant emerald, used as an earornament) ひすいかも、ぱぎょくの、かわせみ、翡翠、ピッサイ
【賛】tamomaNi (= m. `" darkness-jewel "' , a kind of gem L. ; a fire-fly , Va1sav.) たまに、たま
【民】teLimaNi (= a gem of purest ray) たまに、たま
【賛】sanmaNi (= m. a genuine gem Katha1s.) たまに、たま、たまの
c. 「たまにきず」と言うが「たまきず」と何故か言わない。なんでだろ。 --- 大昔は、たま、は、「たまに」だったから、大昔の言葉そのまんま東が、残っているで、オマス。多分。
c. 「たまのこし」も、そうかも知れない。
@玉で飾ったりっぱな乗り物。 A「玉の輿に乗る」の略。裕福な男性、または高貴な男性の嫁になること。
【チベ】tsin ta ma ni (= [Skt] wish- fulfilling gem [IW]) たまに、たま
【チベ】ke ke ru (= SK 1) med. gem yellow green 黄緑の宝石; 2) tree growing in very hot places [IW]) ぎょくろ
【チベ】g.yang ti (= jade [JV]) ぎょく だ
【トルコ】küçük francala (= gem) ぎょく ...
-- ball --
【民】timmai (= 01 1. bulk, size; 2. ball, skein, as of gold thread) たま
【賛】saMvarta (= m. rolling up; anything rolled or kneaded, lump, clod, ball, heap, mass, thick cloud; a cert. period of time, the destruction of the world.) たまだ (v-m)
【民】nilaicceNTu (= a kind of ball played standing on the ground) まりあそんだ
【民】nURkaNTu (= ball of thread 糸のボール) まるかんつ、まり
【チベ】sdom bu (= a ball, a round tassel [RY]) たま、タムぶ
【チベ】bo lo (= ball [RY]) ぼーろ
c. チベット語で ball の「まり」を、「まり」と呼ぶかは、スペル滅茶苦茶のため判別不能。もしかして、「目玉」は「まり」だったりして。
【チベ】mig ril (= eyeball [JV])
【アゼルバイジャン】mərmi (= shot, bullet, projectile, ball, buck-shot, case-shot) まるみ、まりの

【有】vendim (= decision, ruling, judgment, verdict, resolution, sentence) ふみの (d 無音)、ブン
【賛】hum (= or %{hUm} ind. an exclamation (of remembrance , doubt , interrogation , assent , anger , reproach , fear &c. , not translatable) ; a mystical syllable used in spells and magical texts or sentences ;) ふみ
【民】vAcam (= 03 1. speech; word; 2. sentence; 3. Sarasvati1, the goddess of speech) ヴぁーサム、ブン (c 無音)  △
【賛】vivaraNa (= mfn. the act of uncovering , spreading out , opening , laying bare or open TPra1t. ; explanation , exposition , interpretation , gloss , comment , translation , interpretation , specification &c. Pur. ; a sentence MW. ;) ブン、モン、ふみ、あやな
【民】avAvu-tal (= 1. to desire, wish for; 2. to long for intensely, crave for, covet; 3. to want a word to complete the sense of a sentence, to be elliptical 《文法》省略の。〔話・文章が〕言葉が省略され過ぎて曖昧な) あや
【賛】azarIra (= mf(%{A})n. bodiless , incorporeal AitBr. ; not coming from a visible body (as a voice) R. ; m. N. of Ka1ma ,; (%{am}) n. (in rhetoric レトリック、美辞麗句、巧言) absence of the verb in a sentence.) あや
【賛】kartR (= ; (in Gr.) the agent of an action (who acts of his own accord [%{sva-tantra}]) , the active noun , the subject of a sentence (it stands either in the nom. [in active construction] , or in the instr. [in passive construction] , or in the gen. [in connection with a noun of action] ;) かざる
【賛】koza (= ; (in surg.) a kind of bandage Sus3r. ; a dictionary , lexicon or vocabulary ; a poetical collection , collection of sentences &c. Ka1vya7d. ; ) かざ、こと
c. 「かざる」って、何だ。「ことば」の「こと」と親戚か?。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666267226/sentence 無

root, book, origin

【有】burim (= source, fountain, spring, wellhead, origin, root) ほん
【箍】puno (= tree, chief, master, head, ruler, root) ほん
【民】palli (= root (TLS)) ホン (l-n)
【民】paNNai (= 1. agricultural tract; 2. paddy field; 3. garden, cultivated plot of ground; 4. tank, pond; lake; 5. stream; 6. a basin or trench for water round the root of a tree; 7. direct cultivation; 8. establishment of farm labourers;) ホン
【民】marATi (= 1. root or stump of a tree) もと
【民】mUTu (= 02 1. root; 2. cause; origin; 3. small bush; 4. ewe; 5. stand, as of a chariot) もと
【蛇】נָתַשׁ nâthash /naw-thash'/ (= root out, destroyed, utterly, pluck up, forsaken, uproot, rooted, plucked, root, pluck, snatched away, root up, pull up, pluck out, uprooted, roots) もと
-- book --
【賛】parvan (= n. knot, joint (esp. of a plant or of the body), limb, member (lit. & fig.), break, division, portion, section (esp. of a book);) ホン
【民】purANam (= antiquity; 2. ancient tale or legend; old, traditional history; 3. sacred books ascribed to vya1sa, dealing with primary creation, secondary creation, genealogy of manus, kings, etc., one of ar6upattu-na1ly-kalai , q.v.; 4. land granted for the exposition of the pura1n2as in temples) ホン
【チベ】par ma (= printed work, book [JV]) ホン
【チベ】be 'bum (= writing, scripture, book [IW]) ホン

-- book 冊子 系 --
【羌】ləɤz/ / / ləɤʐ/ / / lehhrr/ / / zufi pu/ / / zətphi/ / / zə də (= book) 冊子(さっし)、冊(さつ)
【蛇】סְפַר sephar /sef-ar'/ (= books, roll, archives, book) 冊(さつ)
【賛】sRpATa (= m. a small leaf of a flower &c. L. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of measure L. ; a shoe L. ; base metal L. ; a small book L.) 冊子、冊
【チベ】shes 'dod (= NyTh: “that which one desires to know,” i.e., the subject of a syllogism. See also the annotations in small handbook publ’d by NNI on tshad ma. FIND. [mss] [RY]) 冊子
【トルコ】defter (= book, notebook, registry, register) 冊子
【有】tufë (= clutch, flock, herd, bunch, batch, book) 冊(さつ)、束(たば)

【趣】mu (= : n., name; word; year; line on a tablet, entry; oath (cf., ĝu10)
   v., to name, speak (cf., mug). ) む、な
nibu(m) I, nimbu, NA also nlpu (= "naming" OAkk, Bab.. NA 1. "name, designation", n. sattim "year name" 2. "amount" of silver etc., Mari "nominal value" 3. "number", jB Id riiba, sa la nibi "without number, countless" 4. OA, jB "declaration" ?; < nabu II ) にぶ
【有】emër (= name, noun, reputation, title, appellation, first name) いめー
【箍】ngalan (= name, designation) ぬがらん
【尼】nama (= name, title, label, account, denomination, appellation) なな
【民】nAmam (= 03 1. name, appellation; 2. reputation, fame; 3. the vais2n2ava sectarian mark, worn on the person in 12 places, reciting the 12 names of vis2n2u; 4. white clay, used for na1mam ; 5. the karma which determines one's kati , one of en2-kur6r6am , q.v.; 6. the part of the scales enclosing the needle, as resembling a na1mam)
【賛】nAman (= n. (adj. --- f. {nAmnI}, r. {nAman}) name, appellation, esp. personal name (opp. {gotra}); characteristic form, nature, species; noun (g.). {nA3mnA} or {nAma} (also both together or w. {nAmatas}) by name, called. -- {nA3ma grabh} ({grah}) call or address by name, mention (gen.); {nAma bhR} bear a name, be called, {nAma kR, dA}, or {dhA} give a name, call; {nAmnA kR} or {vidhA} call, term (2 acc.). Acc. {nAma} also adv. namely, indeed, of course; perhaps, probably, indeed, then (esp. after an interr. pron.). {api nAma} I wonder if, perhaps, {mA nAma} would that not --, if only not (opt.).)
c. 現代チベット語に name で「na/ ma」 系は皆無。馬鹿チベット語、で、オマス。古代の痕跡ナシ、崩れ過ぎ。
c. ちょっと信じられないので、freelang.net のチベット語辞書を見たら、有った。
【チベ】https://www.freelang.net/online/tibetan.php?lg=gb の入力枠に、name と叩く、と下記を含む結果。
name min
name ming
name mjing
【チベ】https://glosbe.com/en/bo/name  の辞書では。--- 発音。???。疲れる。 cf. ,チベット文字
མཚན { noun } word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing / ワイリーのスペル mtshan/
མིང { noun } word or phrase indicating a particular person, place, class or thing /ming/
མིང་ Any nounal word or phrase which indicates a particular person, place, class, or thing. /ming/
【羌】ʐmə/ / / mer/ / / woje/ / / ʐmu/ / / ʐməsɑ/ / / (= name)
【ギャロン】 na' nirmi (= name) なるみ
【ギャロン】 jmə (= name) いめー
【蛇】שֻׁם shûm /shoom/ (= name, named, names) しゅーむ
【トルコ】nam (= name, fame) なむ
【アゼルバイジャン】isim (= noun, name) いしむ
【カザフ】есім (= name) いちむ
c. 【英】name と【英】mean は親戚だ。selfevident 自明。

letter, section
【尼】surat (= letter, mail, note, document, writing, epistle)
【尼】medali (= medal, order, distinction, letter, gong) もじ
【尼】isi (= contents, body, charge, text, volume, letter) あざ
【賛】Adeza (= m. advice , instruction S3Br.; account information , declaration Mn. ; foretelling , soothsaying , Ratna1v. Mr2icch. ; a precept ; rule , command , order R. ; a substitute , substituted form or letter Pa1n2. ; result or consequence of stellar conjunction VarBr2.) あざ
【賛】Adezin (= mfn. ifc. assigning 割り当てられている; commanding , directing Ragh. ; that (form or letter) for which something is substituted (= %{sthAnin} q.v.) Ka1ty. on Pa1n2.; (%{I}) m. a fortune-teller L.) あざな
c. 「あざ」「大字(おおあざ)」とは、 nickname 、またの名、位に思っていたが、完全なるインド弁、assigned アサインド、割り当てられた名称、割り当てられた mark でした。
【民】accu (= 01 the letter a (TLS)) あざ
【民】accaram (= 02* letter) あざらむ、あざな
【賛】sI (= 1 a word used in learning letters (?) DivyA7v.)
【チベ】cha (= 1) the letter cha. 2) fraction, portion, share, part. 3) aspect, pair, match, side, direction, part, division, partial, choosy, mode, factor, certainty. 4) to change an adjective to its abstract noun form. 5) same, 6) onomatopoeia [RY]) ちゃ、じ
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662139653/letter [p14/25]
c. チベット語、スペル滅茶苦茶のため「あざ」「もじ」等、判定不可。多分ナイ。
【羌】ləɤz/ / / ləɤʐ/ / / lehhrr/ / / phəɹ/ / / tʂhuəɹ/ / / zufi/ / / zuifi/ / / zətphi/ / / ɕiŋ/ / / zə də/ / / ʥie (= letter)
【ギャロン】 ji22 ɣe44 (= letter) ジゲ、ジ
cf. file tibet #a.19 letter

cf. file f20 #s.12 what
munu I (= "what?" NA occas. for -≫ minu I; in PN ) なん、なに
ayyitu(m); m. pi. ayyutu(m); f. ayydtu(m) (= "which?" usu. before subst. adi ayyi umi "till which day?"; after subst. me ayyuti "which water?"; pied. NA ya'u hitdya "what is my crime?": in subst. use "which (person); what (thing)", interrog. or indefinite; NB rel. pron. "which, that", NA in indir. question (? > GAG §180c); Bab. occas. for ayyumma; > ayyumma, ayyumme; ayyaka, ayyikiam etc.; ayyis etc.; ayydnu, ydnu etc.) いずれ、いずく
【有】ç' (= what) ちぇ、カ
【賛】ka (= 1 stem of the interr. pron. 疑問代名詞の幹 (n. {ka3d} older than {ki3m} q.v.) who, what, which? Used as subst. or adj. in direct & indirect questions, often connected w. {iva, u, nAma, nu, vA, svid}, also w. a demonstr. pron.,)
【賛】yadIya (= a. whose, belonging to whom, which, or what.) いすれ (y-ry)、いずく (y-ki)
【民】man2 (= 01 1. an expletive; 2. affix indicative of (a) future tense; (b) ellipsis; (c) greatness, abundance; (d) change or transformation; (e) prosperity; (f) what is past and gone;) なん、なに
【賛】nAma (= 1 ind. (acc. of %{nA4man}) by name i.e. named , called RV. &c. &c. (also with %{nAmatas} and %{nAmnA}) ; indeed , certainly , really , of course ib. ; quasi , only in appearance Ja1takam. ; however , nevertheless ib. ; after an interr. = then , pray e.g. %{kiM@n-} , %{kathaM@n-} , %{kadA} nnnevertheless , what then? pray , what?) なん
【チベ】ga (= 1) GA; 2) vol 3; 3) what where; 4) Kaptse; 5) particle [IW])
【チベ】ga ri (= what? [IW])
c. チベット語には、「なに」「いずれ」系は、ナシ。
【羌】/ / ȵedʐi/ what(?)/ / / ȵi/ what(?)/ / / ȵi wɑ/ what(?)/ / / ȵigə/ what(?)/ / / ȵiŋu/ what(?)/ / / ȵigi/ what(?)/ / / ȵɑ to/ what(?) (= what) なに、なん、な、なんが
【ギャロン】ʔə tɕʰɤ あちゅう、いずれ
【ウズベク】nima (= what, what, whichever) なに、なん
【カザフ】не /ne/ (= what)
【トルコ】ne (= what, whatever, whatsoever)
【アゼルバイジャン】 (= what)
【蛇】מָא mâ' /maw/ (= what) 
【蛇】מָן mân /mawn/ (= what, manna) なに、ママ
【蛇】עֵרֶךְ ‛êrek /eh'-rek/ (= set at, proportion, taxation, what belongs どこの所属, value, valuation, set in order, arrangement, valuest, frame, set, assessment, estimation, price, suit, equal) いずく

picture, drawing, painting
【賛】kav (= cl. 1. A1. %{kavate} , to describe (as a poet) W. ; to praise T. ; to paint , picture W.: cl. %{kAvayati} , %{-te} , to compose (as a poet) W. ; [cf. %{kab}.]) ガ、カグ (v-g)、カク (v-k)
【民】Ovu (= 01 painting, picture) おへ、え
【賛】Alekhya (= mfn. to be written or delineated or painted ; (%{am}) n. writing , painting ; a picture , portrait R. ) えがく (y-ki)
【賛】parilekha (= m. outline , delineation , picture Kaus3. ;) はか
【民】kOlakkal (= a kind of white stone powdered and used for drawing decorative figures on the floor) かぎる
【チベ】par (= intervals, photo, photograph, picture, any artificial mould, sign of the adverb, supine when combined with verbs, SA bar [JV])
【チベ】par rgyag pa (= 1) print pechas w wood blocks etc.; 2) print pictures [Mi dang, dngos po, yul ljongs sogs kyi 'dra par rgyag pa [IW]) えがく べ

live, active
cf. file tibet #g.15 alive
cf. file tibet #g.205 live
【有】i gjallë (= alive, living, colorful, vivid, lively, live) イ きる  【形容詞】
【尼】aktif (= active, live, energetic, alive, functioning, favorable) いきてふ  【形容詞】
【尼】yg hidup (= living, live, alive, animate, active, animated) いき ひてふ
【賛】kaTh (= cl. 1. P. %{kaThati} , to live in distress Dha1tup.) カツ
【賛】vAha (=m. carrying on , accomplishing , performing , completion Ka1v. ; describing , narrating Sa1h. ; steadfastness , perseverance Mudr. ; sufficiency , subsistence , livelihood Ra1jat. ) いき (h-k) る、
【民】vaci-ttal (= 04 to dwell, live, abide, reside) いき (c-k)
【賛】AjIv (= P. (3. pl. %{-jIvanti} ; ind. p. %{-jIvya}) to live by (acc.) , subsist through (acc.) MBh.; (p. %{-jIvat} ; Pass. p. %{-jIvyamAna}) to use , have the enjoyment of 〜を楽しむ (acc.) Ya1jn5.) いき (v-k) る、いちき
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662278842/live  [p10/21]
c. チベット語に live で「いきる」系は、皆無?。
【チベ】‘gor (= 1) vi. to take, require [time], to elapse. 2) live; to tarry 〈古〉〔場所に〕とどまる、滞在する。〈古〉遅れる, linger ぐずぐずする, loiter 当てもなくぶらつく[ブラブラする・ウロウロする]。〔時を〕ダラダラと過ごす。〔仕事などを〕ぐずぐずやる [RY]) いきる   --- 先頭の「」マークが、実は、効いている。バカ言語だ。
【チベ】kun 'tsho (= livelihood 生活, subsistence [RY]) かん つ、カツ △。  くん アチョ、かもしれない。バカ言語なのでワカラン。

steam, vapor/ vapour, gas
【賛】kARRu (= 02 1. air, wind; 2. breath; 3. gas ガス generated in bowels 腸で生成、おなら, by indigestion 消化, etc, flatulence; 4. ghost, apparition, spectre, spirit)
【民】puzugku-tal (= 1. to be steamed; to be slightly boiled or steamed; to be parboiled; 2. to boil gently or stew, as rice after the water is poured off; ) ふか
【チベ】rlangs (= steamy; steam, vapor [RY]) ゆげ   「ゆげ」と発音するか判定に苦しむが、 feeling 的には ok
【賛】sabASpaka (= mfn. steaming , fuming , emitting vapour Sus3r.) じょほき、じょうき
c. 「蒸す(むす)」も有る。
【民】muNTam (= 16. cf. pin2d2a a preparation of rice-flour cooked in steam; ) むすの
【賛】nADIsveda (= m. steam-bath through tubes Car.) むしぶろ、むしベーダ
【羌】le/ / / lə/ / / ʂqu/ / / ceve/ / / dezhi/ (to) steam/ / / læj/ / / mutes/ / / tetʂe/ (to) steam/ / / tsə/ (to) steam/ / / təse/ (to) steam/ / / təts/ (to) steam/ / / χqu/ (to) steam/ / / ʨe (= steam)

【トルコ】öfke (= anger, rage, fury, temper, wrath, steam) ゆげ
steamer, saucepan
漢字ペディア 蒸籠
【ギャロン】 tsen22 loŋ44 てんろう、→ せいろう? (= steamer (蒸笼))
【ギャロン】 tɕɘnloŋ てんろん (= steamer)
【賛】starI (= f. (nom. %{I4s} acc. %{ya4m} ; pl. %{ya4s}) a barren 不毛 cow , heifer RV. ; (with %{rA4tri}) a night passed in vain TS. ; smoke , vapour L. [Cf. Gk. $ ; Lat. {sterilis} ; Goth. {staira} ; Germ. {ste0r} , {ste0ro} ; {Sta0rke}.]) せいろう
【蛇】סיר siyr (= saucepan ソースパン、片手鍋) せいろ
【蛇】 סִיר לַחַץ  siyr lachatz (= steamer) せいろ...
【賛】[S#2096] kaTAha  (= m. (rarely %{I} f. n.) a frying-pan ; a boiler , caldron , saucepan (of a semi-spheroidal shape and with handles) MBh. ; a turtle's shell L. ; anything shaped like a caldron (as the temple of an elephant) S3is3.; a well L. ; a winnowing basket W. ; a mound of earth ; hell , the infernal regions L. ; a cot L. ; a young female buffalo whose horns are just appearing L. ; N. of a Dvi1pa Katha1s.) 籠(かたま) (h-m) ◎
【賛】caru  (= m. (g. %{bhImA7di}) a kind of vessel (in which a particular oblation is prepared) , saucepan , pot RV. ; a cloud (cf. RV.) Naigh.; an oblation (of rice , barley and pulse) boiled with butter and milk for presentation to the gods or manes セイロ (c-s) ◎
「乃ち―を作りて彦火火出見尊(ひこほほでみのみこと )を籠(かたま) の中にいれ」〈神代紀・下〉
【ギャロン】 kʰə rtʰuŋ(蒸笼)くさとう、かつま (= steamer)
【アゼルバイジャン】qazan (= pot, boiler, cauldron, kettle, saucepan, copper) かたま
【チベ】kho tshag (= zas rlangs cooking implement [steamer?] [IW]) かたま (g-m)
写真 c. 「籠(かたま)」と「蒸籠(セイロウ、セイロ)」は、発音は異なるが同源である。ギャロン DB がそれを証明している。
c. チベット語に 「セイロ」系は見つけられなかった。

capital city, metropolis, ten million
【有】kryeqytet (= capital city) キョウクイェット、キョウ、キョウト
【民】mAvilagkai (= 01 an ancient capital of o1yma1n Nalliyakko1t2an6, near Tindivanam) みやこ (l 無音)
【賛】kAya (= 2 m. (%{ci} Pa1n2. ) , the body Ka1tyS3r. ; the trunk of a tree R. ; the body of a lute (the whole except the wires) L. ; assemblage , collection , multitude SaddhP. ; principal , capital Na1r. ; a house , habitation L. ; a butt , mark L. ; any object to be attained L. ; natural temperament L.) キョウ、ケイ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59654468778/capital 無
c. チベット語には、capital city 対応の「きょう」も「みやこ」も皆無。
参考: ロシア語説の人は、下記だって。
# 33097  ミハイル大皇帝 2017年5月20日 14:31

м'яко!   ミヤコ
意味 = 柔和、寧楽、平安、平和、穏やか、柔らか、ジェントル

cf. #n.81 都 みやこ

door, house
漢字ペディア   コ
cf. file tibet #g.87 door
babu(m) I(= ; pi. m. & f. "gate, door" [KA] 1. of house, temple, palace, oven etc.; "city gate" as administrative authority; "sluice gate"; bdb zlqi "air vent" 2. transf. "entrance" to marsh, to apsti.; "opening, outlet" of objects; of parts of body; ext. bdb ekalli(m) (a part of the liver) [ME.NI] 3. NB "item" of accounts (< Aram.?) 4. "point of departure", esp. in pdna(m) u )
didbu (= (a door) jB lex.; < Sum. )
【有】derë (= door, house, entry)
【有】hyrje (= entry, entrance, input, access, inflow, door) へ、コ
【有】portë (= gate, gateway, door, portal, threshold, entry)
【尼】kori (= door)
【賛】gRhadvAra (= n. house-door.) コトヘ
【賛】dvAr (= (fr. %{dvR}?) , gate , door , entrance or issue , fig. expedient , means , opportunity (instr. %{-rA} ifc. by means of , by) RV. [Cf. 1. %{dur} , 1. %{dura} and %{dvAra} ; Gk. $ ; Lat. {fores} ; Slav. {dvi8ri8} ; Lit. , {du4rys} ; Got , {daur} ; Old Sax. {dor} &c.]) と、ドア
【賛】dur (= 1 f. door (only {du3ras} & {dura3s}).)
【民】pApu (= 02 1. door; 2. section; 3. title, head of accounts)
【民】vAri (= 07 1. entrance; 2. door; 3. path)
【賛】vAra (= 2 (fr. 1. %{vR}) m. keeping back , restraining (also mfn. ifc. = difficult to be restrained TBr. ; cf. %{dur-v-}) ; anything which covers or surrounds or restrains , a cover MW. ; anything which causes an obstruction , a gate , door-way W. ;)
【チベ】go khar (= doorstep [RY])
【チベ】ka khi la (= door, entrance [JV])
c. チベット語には「と」、「へ」がない。 しかし、sgo - gate, door [RY] という、滅茶苦茶スペル がある。沢山有る。コレが、「と」かもしれない。しかし、「へ」は無い。ウソ。「と」は有った。
【チベ】ta (= door of admission 入ること、入場[入学・入会・入院](許可)、入る権利 to all things, figure 9 [JV]) 戸(と)
【チベ】sgo (= gate, door [RY]) すご るつぁ、と  △
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657598857/door  [p13/17]
【羌】du/ / / dhui/ / / diu/ / / eze/ / / ægu/ / / ɑ ʂɑn/ / / ɑʐu̥/ / / ɑʥ/ / / ʐu/ / / ʥoq pu/ / / ʥxopu/ / / do/ / / dʐu (= door)
【蛇】דֶּלֶת deleth /deh'-leth/ (= opening, door, doors, leaves, columns, gates, gateway, doors had leaves, door and leaves, lid) 
【蛇】פֶּתַח pethach /peh'-thakh/ (= opening, entrances, entering, door, doorways, doors, doorway, in, gates, gateway, entry, gate, openings, doorway at the entrance, entrance, place) へ とか、へとコ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】kapı (= door, gate, gateway, portal, entrance, opening) コへ、コピ

【賛】kAla (= 2 m. (3. %{kal} , `" to calculate or enumerate "') , [ifc. f. %{A} RPra1t.] , a fixed or right point of time , a space of time , time (in general) AV.;;; hour (hence %{SaSThe@kAle@'hnaH} , `" at the sixth hour of the day , i.e. at noon "' Vikr.) ;) ゴ (l 無音)、頃(ころ)
【民】urumam (= 1. heat, as of the sun, of the atmosphere; sultriness, closeness; 2. noon, noon-day) うま
【民】palapai (= equinoctial 昼夜平分の shadow 影 of the gnomon 〔日時計の〕指針 at noon) ひるぱい、ひる
【チベ】gung (= 1) (CH rank of CH emperor; 2) middle, center [noon or midnight]; 3) kind of Tibetan leopard; 4) earlier and later stages; 5) high title in Tibetan government; 6) communist [IW]) ごん、こんご、ご
c. チベット語に「うま」「ひる」は無かった。

craft, artisan, skill
【賛】kAru (= 1 m., {-rU} f. artisan.) コウ、ク
【民】kAru (= 1. artisan; 2. artisanship (TLS)) コウ、ク
【賛】satakSan (= mfn. (i.e. 7. %{sa} + %{t-}) together with an artisan Ka1tyS3r.) たくみ、たくむ
c. 「他と組む」の感触がある。
【民】tozuvan2 (= 1. a workman, artisan; 2. cultivator, husbandman) たくみ (v-k)
【賛】dhIvan (= mf(%{varI})n. skilful , clever AV. ; m. an artisan Un2. Sch. ; a fisherman L. (cf. next).) たくみ (v-k)
【賛】tarkin (= a. supposing, thinking, reasoning, skilled in speculation or philosophy.) たくみ、たくむ
【チベ】gru (= boat, ship, vessel, raft, figure, corner, tip, craft, boat, elbow [JV]) コウ、ク
【チベ】dbu chen (= 1) workers’s top foreman; 2) [in chanting dbu mdzad rgan pa or] chief; 3) block print, headed letters, printing form script; 4) head man, high officer, chief craftsman (/ [h] [IW]) たくみ、たくむ
【チベ】'chol gtam (= confused/ crazy/ sly ずる賢い、狡猾な。スライ crafty talk, explanation w unclear understanding [IW]) 巧み(たくみ)

cf. file f20 #s.174 yellow in Swadesh 207
cf. file tibet #g.410 yellow.
kalu(m) IV (= (a yellow mineral paste, phps.) "orpiment 《鉱物》石黄" Bab. [IM.KAL.LA; IM.gA.LI] for figurines, wax writing-boards etc.; < Sum.) きーろ
【民】kauram (= 1. whiteness; 2. yellow colour) きいろの
【賛】gaura (= mf(%{I4})n. (in comp. or ifc. g. %{kaDArA7di}) white , yellowish , reddish , pale red RV. ; shining , brilliant , clean , beautiful Caurap. ; m. white , yellowish (the colour) W. ;) き、こ、コウ、きーろ
【民】ari (= 07* 1. green; 2. yellow, brown, tawny, fawn colour; ) オウ
【賛】aruNa (= f. {A} (ved. also {I}) ruddy 赤み, light-brown 明るい茶色, yellowish. m. redness, pers. as Arun2a, the Dawn, conceived as the charioteer of the Sun;) オウの
【チベ】kar ke ta (= yellow gem 宝石, precious stone [JV]) キーき だ  △
【羌】χɑ/ / / χɑʂ/ / / xtsxe χa/ / / χɑwkə/ / / ɕe (= yellow)
【ギャロン】kə' ŋi (= yellow) くっにー、きん
【トルコ】korkak (= funky, coward, cowardly, fearful, timid, yellow) コウ、きーき
【ウズベク】qo'rqoq (= chicken-hearted, coward, cowardly, craven, faint-hearted, yellow) コウ、きーこく
c. 【関連】「にしき」かも。
【趣】nisig, nisi, nissa (= : n., greens, vegetables (níĝ, 'valuables', + sig7, 'green, yellow').
   adj., beautiful 美しい; blue; green.) ニシキ

漢字ペディア   K
cf. file tibet #g.28 black
【趣】gíg, ĝíg, gi6, ge6, ĝi6, ĝe6, mi, mé, ku10; gi25 (= : n., night (sounds represent the throat chamber or the mouth as an enclosed dark chamber)
   v., to be black or dark (ku10; reduplication class).
   adj., black, dark (cf., kúkku). ) コク
【賛】kAla (= , f. {I} 1 dark-blue, black, m. the black part of the eye, E. of Rudra-?iva; N. of sev. kings etc., also = {kAlasarpa} q.v.; f. {I} E. of Durga etc.) くろ
【民】kaLar (= 03 blackness) くろ、くろい
【賛】kAkola (= m. a raven Mn. (cf. %{kAka} and %{kAkAla}) ; a boar L. ; a snake L. ; a potter (cf. %{kulAla}) L. ; the plant Ka1koli1 L. ; (%{as} , %{am}) m. n. a kind of poison L. ; a poisonous substance of a black colour or the colour of a raven 〔大型の〕カラス、ワタリガラス。〔カラスの〕ぬれ羽色。漆黒の (perhaps the berry of the Cocculus indicus) W. ; ) コクの (l-n)
【チベ】ka la (= 1) black. 2) blue. 3) period of time [RY]) くろ
【ギャロン】kə’ȵak̚ くにゃっく、コクkə’ȵak くんにゃー、くんろkə’na くん な、くろdə’nak̚ でぇなく、でなく'ȵaȵa にゃーにゃー (= black)
c. ギャロク地区、そこは、日本語の原始音の無法地帯。でオマス。
【ウズベヘク、カザフ】qora (= black, black, bold-faced, mafic, rough) くろ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】kara (= black, dark, overland, territorial, sooty, sable) くろ

talent, ability
【民】keTTi (= 01 1. firmness, strength, hardness, durability, solidity; 2. denseness, as of a liquid; 3. cleverness, ability, skill; 4. man of ability or skill; cleaver person; 5. loundness, as of tone; 6. profundity, soundness; well done, bravo) かど
【賛】kratu (= m. (1. %{kR} , or 2. %{kR}) , plan , design , intention , resolution , determination , purpose RV. ; desire , will (instr. %{kra4tvA} , willingly , readily RV. ; %{e4kena@kra4tunA} , through the mere will RV. ) ; power , ability RV. ; ) かど
【民】cESi (= 02 1. God, as the Lord of mankind; 2. ability, capacity) サイ
【民】tuppu (= 01 1. vigour, strength, valour; 2. intelligence; 3. ability, dexterity; 4. effort, activity; 5. zeal; 6. greatness, eminence; 7. good, benefit; 8. beauty; 9. support; 10. assistance, help; 11. means, instrument; 12. weapon; 13. manner, fashion) ざえ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59649761094/ability 無 → 一つ、有った。「さい」系は、ナシ
【チベ】kha stabs (= 1) power, ability, capability; 2) facial expression; 3) boastful, bragging [IW]) かど

calculate, count, account
cf. file f20 #s.139 to count 数える, in Swadesh
【民】caTutipAr-ttal (= to review, muster as forces; to inspect, examine accounts) かぞえる (c-k)
【ギャロン】ka-rtsɿ かーつー、かず (= count)
【ギャロン】ka22 ʂtsǝᵗ44 がつ、かず、スベルは、けいさん (= count)

【賛】va (= 2 (only L.) m. air , wind ; the arm ; N. of Varun2a ; the ocean , water ; addressing ; reverence ; conciliation ; auspiciousness ; a dwelling ; a tiger ; cloth ; the esculent root of the water-lily ; (%{A}) f. going ; hurting ; an arrow ; weaving ; a weaver (?). n. a sort of incantation or Mantra (of which the object is the deity Varun2a) ; = %{pra-catas} ; mfn. strong , powerful.) や、イ る
【賛】tIra (= 1 m. tin (cf. %{tIvra}) L. ; n. a kind of arrow (cf. Pers. $) Pan5cad.)
【民】Evu (= 02 arrow)
【民】Evu-tal (= 01 1. to command, order, direct; 2. to incite, prompt, urge, instigate; to conjure and set on, as a demon; 3. to inspire, as God; 4. to hurl; to discharge 放つ、射る, as an arrow; to throw; as a dart; 5. to speak, say) やっ、いっ
【民】ey-tal (= 01 to discharge arrows) 射(い)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59651100469/arrow 無  [p10/10]
【羌】lhez/ / / lu/ / / wed/ / / wæt/ / / xtʂə/ / / ʂpu/ / / ʥæ/ / / lə/ / / (= arrow) シ、や
【ギャロン】 ʑə (= arrow @Ganzi Danba Dasang 甘孜丹巴大桑 Tag gsum)   ---- この地区だけの発音。他の95% 地区は全く違う発音。なので、参考としては、疑問。
【ウズベク】yoy (= bow, arc, arrow, arrow)
cf. file tibet #g.8

older sister
【箍】dite/ ditse (= sister) シシ、シ
【尼】saudara (= brother, sister, relation, sib, comrade, gentleman) シシシ、シ
【尼】suster (= sister, practical nurse) シスター、シシシ
c. 「シスター」は「シシシ、シ」と同源と判明。
【民】an2n2ai (= 1. mother; 2. elder sister; 3. pa1rvati1) あね
【賛】anAnujA (= f. (being) no younger sister TS.) あねぢゃ
【民】cETTi (= 02 elder sister) シ、しし
【賛】didhiSu (= mfn. ; (%{u} or %{U}) f. a widow remarried or an elder sister married after the younger (both of whom having the choice of their husbands may be compared to suitors).) シ、ししし
【チベ】phu nu ma (= [elder] sister[s] [IW]) /pu nu ma/ あねま (p 無音)
【チベ】che zhe (= elder sister/ wife of several, maternal aunt [IW] ) /ché zhé/ シ、ちぇ つぇ
【羌】mu næ dʐu/ / / mə ȵæ wulu/ / / məsti/ / / suaʂ suaɹ/ / / sɑtʂu̥/ / / sɑʂɑ ʐguæ/ / / sɑ tʂuə/ / / əlu (= sisters) シ、シシ
【ギャロン】 aˈma (= sister) あま  甘孜丹巴の計2地区のみ
c. 他の98% の地区は、「あた、あや、あじゃ」系である。
【蛇】דּוֹדָה dôdâh /do-daw'/ (= aunt, uncle's wife, father's sister) シシ、シ

【有】kumtesë (= paper, message, commentary) かみだぜ
【民】cITTu (= 1. note, letter, scrap of paper or ola containing a memorandum, pass, ticke; 2. voucher, bond, document, promissory note; 3. association chit fund where the sum total of the premiums in each instalment is assigned either to the lowest bidder or to one whose name is decided by drawing lots; 4. playingcards; 5. list)
c. インド弁に「かみ」は、無い。多分。 -- no
【賛】kArpAsa (= mf(%{I} L.)n. (fr. %{karpAsa} ; g. %{bilvA7di}) , made of cotton , cottony A1s3vS3r. ; (%{as} , %{am}) m. n. cotton , cotton cloth , &c. ; ★paper W. ; (%{I}) f. the cotton plant Sus3r.) かみサ (p-m)
【チベ】skyem shog /kyem shok/ (= Tibetan paper of the best quality 最高品質の紙 [RY] ) けむ しょく、かみ
【羌】ləɤz/ / / khɕuχu/ / / lehhrr/ / / ləɤʐ/ / / zufu ʨhi/ / / ʂux ʂux/ / / zə də (= paper) しゅく しゅく、すく すく
【ギャロン】♪ ʃɔ33 ʃɔᵏ55 (= paper, @马尔康草登) しょうしょ(証書)??
【ギャロン】♪ ʃok ʃok (= paper) しょくしょ

room, chamber
ta'um (= "inner room" OAkk, OB esp. term.-adv. ) つま
【民】muRi (= 03 1. piece; 2. half; 3. broken half of a cocoaunt; 4. deed, written bond; 5. receipt written on a piece of ola; 6. piece of cloth; 7. rough cloth; 8. sprout, shoot; 9. tender leaf; 10. leaf; 11. part of a village or town; 12. room; 13. corner;) むろ
【民】tAzaRai (= small room, nook 人目に付かない所、隠れ場所、避難所。〔部屋の〕片隅、引っ込んだ場所) シツ (R 無音)
【民】pAvuL (= a room in the inner part of the house (TLS)) へや
【賛】sthAna (= ; ; place of standing or staying , any place , spot , locality , abode , dwelling , house , site (%{sthAne@sthAne} or %{sthAne@sthAneSu} , `" in different places "' , `" here and there "') RV. ; place or room , stead (%{sthAne} with gen. ; ) つま
【賛】vara (= 1 m. (fr. 1. %{vR}) , `" environing "' , `" enclosing "' , circumference , space , room RV. (%{va4ra@A4@pRthivyA4H} , on the wide earth) ; stopping , checking RV. ) いえ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665778363/room 無
c. チベット語の room には、「シツ、むろ、へや、つま、いえ」の全て、無かった。

autumn, fall, harvest
haraptum (= "autumn" Mari; < hardpu I ) 秋の田の (p-k)
harpu pi. tant. (= "(early) autumn" Ass.; < hardpu I ) 秋の田の (p-k)
【賛】meghAnta (= m. `" coming at the end of the rainy season "' , autumn L.) めかんた、秋の田 (m 教無音)、あき (m 教無音)、あきだ
c. 消去法で行くと、コレ以外にない。 autumn のスペルの痕跡にも附合する。
【賛】titha (= m. fire Un2. Sch. ; love ib. ; time L. ; autumn Un2. ) シュウ
【民】ezukaLam (= concultion誤字 conclusion of the annual harvest (TLS)) あきの
【賛】triyuga (= n. (= %{-puruSa}) 3 generations (Nir. ; `" spring , rainy-season , and autumn S3Br. ) ; mfn. appearing in the first 3 Yugas (Kr2ishn2a) MBh.) とき
【チベ】a ka ma (= dry dung 乾いた糞 [collected as fuel, best at the end of autumn, on mountainsides] [IW]) あ き ま、秋の、秋

漢字ペディア   週
【有】javë (= week, sennight) ぢゅふ/ヂュウ、しゅう
【箍】linggo (= week, sennight) りんご、めぐっ (l-m)
【尼】minggu (= week, hebdomad, sennight) みんぐっ  
【民】cupayOkam (= 1. conjunction 《言語学》接続詞 of a week-day with a particular naks2atra of titi , considered auspicious; 2. rare luck) 週間
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668924227/week 無
【羌】ɕiŋʨhi/ / / zdis/ / / ɕin ʨhi/ / / li pɑi ɕin ʨhi/ / / ɕinʨhi (= week) しゅうちんちー
【ギャロン】 sin ʨʰi しんちー (= week)
【蛇】שָׁבוּעַ /shavua/ (= week) しゅう  
【蛇】שְׁבֻעָה /shaw-boo'-ah, shaw-boo'-ah, sheb-oo-aw'/ (= week) しゅう  
c. 「めぐる」は、完全にポリネシア系の言葉である。

cf. file tibet #a.22 spring
【有】burim (= source, fountain 泉, spring, wellhead, origin, wellspring) はるの
【尼】per (= spring, pear 《植物》西洋ナシ, light bulb 電球) はる
【民】vEn2il (= 01 1. spring season; 2. heat; 4. mirage) はんる、はる
【賛】surabhimAsa (= m. `" fragrant month 香る月"' , spring Va1s. Ka1d.) しゅらぶひまーさ、シュンブンサ (r-n)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/spring/page/2  無   [p2/8]
c. springtime という単語も表示されていたが、日本語似は、皆無。
【ウズベク】bahor (= spring) はる
【トルコ/アゼルバイジャン】bahar (= spring, springtime, spice, flower, May, youth) はる  

absinnu(m), absennu (= "furrow" O/jB [AB.SIN] also j/NB astr. constellation Spica, eastern part of Virgo [MUL.AB.SfN; NB also MUL.ABSIN]; < Sum.) あずま
sadu II, saddu, OAkk sadium (= "east; easterner; east wind" [IM.KUR.RA; KUR-≪; IM.3]; NB bit s. "east wing" of a house; < sadu I + -i; > saddanu ) トウ、とうの
【民】aTitirumpu-tal (= to turn eastward 東を向く, as the sun's shadow) あずるむぷ、あずま
【賛】prAguttara (= a. north-eastern 北東; {-reNa} & {-ratas} north-east of (abl. or gen.). f. {A} the north-east.) ひらがしら、ひがしの (r-n)
【賛】prAkzas (= adv. eastward.) ひがし
【賛】pUrvadiz (= f. the eastern region 東側領域.) ひがし (v-g)
【賛】sthANudiz (= f. `" S3iva's quarter "' , the north-east VarBr2S.) トウヌてぃず、トウ  △
【賛】zArva (= , f. {I} relating to €arva (€iva); w. {diz} f. the north-east.) トウあ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/east 無
c. チベット語には、「トウ」「ひがし」「あずま」、全て、無い。
c. 2022/12/20 【】の east に「日本」が有った。大昔、f20 で既出だった。
niphu(m) (= "(the act of) lighting, flaring (up)" Bab., M/NA 1. "rising, shining" [KUR; MU] of fire "burning, blazing"; of celestial bodies "rising", nipih Samas "sunrise, ★east"; MA fDN Sarrat-niphe; in PNs 2. om. "(blazing, flaring up of) anger, quarrel" [IZI.GAR]; "row, fight"; pi. f. "dispute" among seers 3. "controversial omen", i.e. sign which will produce unclear results 4. "(sun) disc, ornamental boss"; < napdhu) 日本(にほん)、のぼ る
漢字ペディア 西
cf. file tibet #a.24 west
turishi (= "west" Nuzi; < Hurr. ) セイ、サイ、スイ  △
【民】nAytticai (= south-west 南西) なーぃてぃせい、にし
【賛】nIcya (= 1 m. pl. `" living below "'N. of certain nations in the west AitBr.) にーちぃや、にし
【賛】sApara (= mf(%{A})n. together with the west VarBr2S.) セイ、サイ、スイ  △
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/west 無
【羌】mun əsy thæxɕæ/ / / muʑəχ aʁ thekhʂe/ / / mə nɑ ɑʁɑ sæxɕi/ / / məjiɑ ɑʁ stɑ/ / / zewɑxɑe/ / / ɕi/ / / ɦəȵipu/ / / mə ȵi ɑdɑ stə/ / / χlez (= west) にし
c. 他国は無いのに、どうしてチャン族だけに「西(にし)」が有るのか、実に不思議。【ギャロン】語にも有った。
【ギャロン】naᵖ44 ʃɔ54 ねぷしょ、にし (p 無音) (= west)
【ギャロン】ɬo そ、西(セイ、サイ、スイ)

south, southern
【民】maNamali (= southern-wood 南方の木・材木) みなみ
【民】ten2 (= 1. south, southern region; 2. beauty; 3. chastity; 4. harmony, music; 5. song; 6. seetness; 6. coconut tree; 7. right side) タン、ダン
【チベ】mon gling (= region in southeast 南東地区 Tibetan on the border with Bhutan [JV]) みなみ
【チベ】mon (= Mon. Name for lands to the south and southwest of Tibet [RY]) ナン
【チベ】'dzam bu gling (= Jambu Continent. Our known world. The southern of the four continents, so called because it is adorned with the Jambubriksha (rose apple) tree [RY]) ダン ぶ ぐりん
c. 【ギャロン】south 未登録。

【趣】kiš, keš (= : totality, entire political world (name of the powerful city in the north of Sumer that first bound together and defended the cities of Sumer) (places + many)) きた
c. シュメールの北側に「きた」という都市があった。北という言葉の発音は、それが由来。なの?。
【民】kazutaitticai (= north west direction 北西方向) きたたさい、きた
【民】koTikkAlmUlai (= lit., betel-garden quarter. the northwest corner of a village 村の北西端) 北上村(きたかみむら)
【賛】prAguttara (= a. north-eastern; {-reNa} & {-ratas} north-east of (abl. or gen.). f. {A} the north-east.) 北東(ホクトウ)
【賛】naikata (= mfn. (fr. %{naikatI} f. N. of a village in the north of India) Pa1n2.) にげた
【民】mucaRRicai (= north-east) にげるぜ (c-k-g)
【賛】saumyagola (= m. the northern hemisphere 半球(体)、脳半球[◆【語源】hemi(半分)+ sphere(球体)]。範囲、領域 Gan2it. Gol.) そむくの (l-n)
【チベ】phyogs snga ma (= northern side, left side, second part of an argument, the reply [JV]) ホク すんが ま
c. チベット語、見ていて非常に疲れる。素直に north の形容詞、名詞のの基本定義の語彙が無い。バカ言語か。バカ編者。
【トルコ】kuzey (= north) きた
【羌】kengi/ / / ku ʨhɑxɕi/ / / mowu lypu/ / / pe/ / / ʥnpu/ / / pɑi (= north) き ちゃかち

earth, ground

cf. file f2 #earth [#209] 大地、なゐ
cf. file f11 #earthquake なゐ、sirsimoye (シrシモイェ)
mahahu(m) (= "to soak, steep (in liquid); dissolve in liquid" O/jB, M/NA G (a/u) [DIR] of earth, clay, excrement; clay figurines in urine; of plants; stat. of fog; "cause" eyes "to swell" (through rubbing) Gtn iter, of G D = G ? N pass, of G; > mihhu I, mihhatu ) なゐ
【賛】Ta (= 2 m. sound L. ; a dwarf L. ; a quarter , 4th L. ; n. = %{karaGka} L. ; (%{A}) f. the earth L. ; an oath , confirming an assertion by ordeal &c. L.) チ、ジ
【民】takar (= 05 1. elevated ground; 2. earth; 3. palas tree) ところ
【民】tutti (= 1. sacred earth; 2. sacred sandal (TLS)) つち
【賛】dhAtu (= ; primary element of the earth 地球・大地の基本要素 i.e. metal , mineral , are (esp. a mineral of a red colour) Mn. ) つち
【賛】digdha (= a. smeared, anointed, soiled, covered; poisoned (arrow).) つち(土)、土壌
【民】tUci (= 02 1. ★dust; 2. trifle) つち
【賛】tusta (= m. n. ★dust (= %{tUs-}) L. Sch.) つち
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657910991/earth 無
c. このチベット語 online 辞書、page 管理乱れている。 疲れる。
c. earth は、Nic の辞書に有った。
【チベ】earth: ས (sa) /sa/ さ × 、地(ち) (s-t) 〇 [Nic]
cf. file tibet #g.95 earth

【賛】jmA (= f. the earth (only {jmA3} instr. & {jma3s} abl. gen.).) 地面 (+ん)
【民】jnAlam (= 01 1. Earth; 2. World, universe; 3. the great, the wise; 4. ballast of a dhoney, as sand) 地面
【羌】/ / / sse ɑ/ territory grounds/ / / ssi/ / / zə a/ territory grounds/ / / zə atʂhi/ territory grounds/ / / zə e/ territory grounds/ / / zə ətʂhe/ territory grounds/ / / zəp/ / / zətʂhi/ territory grounds/ / / zəp eʂpe/ territory grounds/ / / ʐuə pə/ / / ʐuə ɑtshe/ territory grounds (= land) つぁ、ち(地)
【羌】mu/ / / mə/ / / buʐ/ / / bəzæ/ / / qepəɹ jikue/ / / tobi/ / / xləp/ / / zəp - mə/ / / ʥynu/ / / dzu ʐe kuɑ/ / / puʐ (= earth)
【羌】zə təɹm/ / / sse beɑ meɑ/ / / təwəi/ / / zə təm/ / / zəʐən/ / / ɤzemi/ / / mə zəi mə/ / / zəʐmə (= earthquake) 地震(じしん)
【ギャロン】 ʈʂe (= earth) チ、ジ  
【ギャロン】 tə' pje (= earth) テピエ、--- ダヒチ  △◯  @小金八角    70% 地区

【賛】mahI (= 1 f. (cf. 2. %{ma4h}) , the great world "' , the earth (cf. %{urvI} , %{pRthivI}) RV. (in later language also = ground , soil , land , country) ; earth (as a substance) Mn. ; the base of a triangle or other plane figure Col. ; space RV. ; a host , army ib. ; a cow RV. VS. (Naigh. ) ; du. heaven and earth 〜) なゐ
c. まひー → なひ → なゐ or なえ or ない
c. 「地震」の方言。古く奈良時代では、大地、のことだった。「なえゆる(なえが揺れる)」等との表現が簡略化され、なえ、が、地震、に転化したとのこと (by NHKラジオで解説していました。九州・沖縄等の方言で未だ残っているとのこと。)
cf. なえ <名>[古]地震(ない、なえ)[意]地震。 (大分弁基礎講座。豊語林)
ex. 地(なゐ)動(ふ)りて舎屋(やかず)悉(ことごと)く壊(こほ)たれぬ。 紀22
ex. 朔(ついたち)己(つちのとの)丑(うしのひ)に、地(なゐ)震(ふ)る。 紀13 ---- 岩波文庫注:地震の記事の初見。ナヰのナは、大地の意。ヰは、しっかりとすわっているところ。フルが、地震の意。後世、ナヰが地震の意と見られるに至ったのは誤解に基づく。

c. 尚、 earthquake でのインド辞書引きの中には「なゐ」に近いものは無かった。
→ ウソ。インド弁の earthquake にモロ有った。 2019/10/11
【賛】mahIkampa (= m. `" earth-tremor "' , an earthquake VarBr2S.) なゐカンパ
【賛】kampa (= m. trembling, shaking, esp. earthquake.) カンパ

tea, brown, beverage
cf. file tibet #a.25 tea
【有】çaj (= tea, char) チャ
【箍】tsaa (= tea) チャ、サ
【尼】teh (= tea, char)
【民】cA (= 05 tea-plant) サー、チャ (c-ch)
【民】cAya (= tea) チャ
【民】TI (= 02 1. tea leaf; 2. tea, the beverage) てぃー
【チベ】ja (= tea, tea leaves [JV]) チャ
【チベ】ta ja (= chinese tea [JV]) チャ
【羌】tʂhɑ/ / / phutʂhɑ/ / / tshɑ/ / / tʂha/ / / pho ʨhe (= tea) チャオチャ
【ギャロン】ɽʰa チャー
【ウズベク】choy (= tea, tea) チォイ
【カザフ】шай /şay/ (= tea) チャイ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】çay (= tea, stream, creek, brook, tea party, watercourse) チャイ
c. 【賛】に tea は、皆無で有った。信じられないので、他のサンスクリット語辞書もチェックしたが、tea は、ほぼ未登録であった。辞書作者がバカ。なので、tea のことをサンスクリット語で何と言うかも不明。--- 許されない、と思う。

lightning, thunder
【賛】vilasana (= n. gleaming , flashing (of lightning) Megh. ; play , sport ib. Das3.) いなずま (l-n)
【賛】vinadin (= mfn. roaring , thundering , grumbling MBh.) いなずま
【民】irAtin2i (= 1. a tree; 2. a river; 3. Indra's thunderbolt 雷; 4. lightning; 5. thunder(TLS)) いなずま (r-n)
【賛】vajravega (= m. `" having the swiftness of a thunderbolt or of lightning "'N. of a Ra1kshasa MBh. ; of a Vidyl. dhari Katha1s.) いなびか、いなびかり (+り)
【賛】dyotana (= mfn. id. Dhu1rtas. ; n. lightning S3am2k.) デン、テン
【賛】taDinmAlA (= f. flash of lightning.) デン
【民】sautAmin2i (= lightning) デン、テン
【チベ】gres ma /dre ma/ (= 1) flashing, lightning, shining; 2) gres ma med. herb [IW]) デン、テン
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】yıldırım (= lightning, thunderbolt, flash, bolt, streak of lightning) いなずま (l-n)
c. 「雷(かみなり)」も当然有る。
c. チベット語の lighting, thunder に「いなずま」「かみなり」は、今は無い。 ---- 大昔は有った。
【チベ】gnam rdo /nam do/ (= 1) hail, 2) thunderbolt [RY] ) かみな りだ
【民】kamaRu-tal (= 1. to roar, as thunder; 2. to weep bitterly, cry very loud; 3. to be excessively heated, to become dry and hard; 4. to feel a pungent sensation as that produced by chillies on the fire) かーなり、かみなり
【賛】karmavajra (= mfn. `" whose power (thunderbolt) is work "' (said of S3u1dras) MBh.) かみなり (v-n)
【賛】vRka (= ; a thunderbolt Naigh.) ピカ
【賛】akSaja (= m. a diamond ; a thunderbolt ; N. of Vishn2u.) いかずち
berqu, hirqu (= "lightning (flash)" M/jB, NA [NIM.GIR]; also "(symbol of) lightning"; < hardqu herteli ? ? birti ) ピカッ
cf. file tibet #g.359 thunder

cf. file tibet #g.339 sword
【民】tATi (= 02 hilt 〔道具・武器などの〕柄, as of a sword) トウ、太刀(タチ)
【民】tArAgkam (= sword) つるぎの
【賛】tarivAra (= sword; {-dhArA} f. sword-blade.*) つるぎら (v-g)
【賛】khaDgapANi (= a. sword in hand.) かたはーな、かたな
【民】kaTuttalai (= sword) かたらい、かたな (l-n)
【チベ】gri 'dzing (= fight w knives/ swords/ bayonets/ hand to hand [IW]) かたな
【チベ】sgrol gri (= - [ritual sword of deliverance 儀式の解放の剣 [RY]) つるぎ
【チベ】dpa’ dam (= long Tibetan sword [IW]) た ちの、トウ
【羌】χɑ/ / / lhez/ / / ʨuex/ / / χtʂi/ / / χtʂə/ / / χɑsɑ/ / / ɕʨepi/ / / ʨɑ ʥo (= sword) か、かた・かた(な)ちうぎ・つるぎたち、トウ
【ギャロン】 tɕe’ngi ちゃんぎー、つるぎー (= sword)
【ギャロン】 rtɕa³ngi⁵ ちゃんぎー、つるぎー  @金川马奈  --- 日本の「神奈川県」と親戚かも?。
【ギャロン】 za’tɽə ざつー、たちー、トウ (= sword)
【ギャロン】 zaɣri’kəsre ざぐりくつりー、つるぎー (= sword)
【ギャロン】 sca’pe すちゃぺー、たちゃ ぺー (= sword)
【ギャロン】 ta⁵raw⁵ たーろぅ、トウ (= sword)
【賛】kartari (= f. scissors , a ★knife , or any instrument for cutting Sus3r.) かたな (r-n)
c. つまり、「かたな、は、 cutting カッティング → かたな (g 無音)」である。on 2021/09/10 鳩摩羅童子

【趣】dirig, diri, dir [SI.A] (= : n., addition; excess; overdraft; trouble; amount by which credits of an account tablet exceed debits - appears in the credits section of the succeeding period's account tablet; intercalary month after either 11th month or 12th month (based as much on whether the winter crop will be ready for the harvest month as on the need to reconcile the lunar year with the solar year, which required an average of 7 intercalary months in 19 years) ) トウ、冬至(とうじ)
【賛】sahas (= mfn. powerful , mighty , victorious (superl. %{tama}) RV. ; m. the month Ma1rgas3i1rsha or Agraha1yan2a (November-December) , the winter season VS. Sus3r. Pur. ; n. strength , power , force , victory (%{sahasas@putra} or %{-sah@sUnu} m. `" son of strength "'N. of Agni in RV. ;) トウ、季冬(しはす)、冬至(とうじ)
【チベ】dgun dus (= winter; winter, wintertime [RY]) トウ、冬至(とうじ)  △  スペル滅茶苦茶バカ言語
【羌】/ / suq/ / / muʂu/ / / moso/ / / məso/ / / sudu/ / / sugv/ / / so ko (= winter) トウ、冬至(とうじ)
【蛇】סְתָו sethâv /seth-awv'/ (= winter) トウ、冬至(とうじ)

冬(ふゆ)は、ルーツ不明。 → 有った。サンスクリット語

c. 多分、下記カモ。冬至 solstice で攻めた。
【賛】pArvAyanAntIya (= a. relating to the changes of the moon and the solstices 《天文》至、〔夏至・冬至の〕至点.) ふゆなったちや、冬に成ったヨ
c. 【英】solstice レベル12、【発音】sɑ́lstəs、【カナ】ソルスティス 、の、スペルが、「冬至(トウジ) (l 無音)」そのまんま東である。
c. それじゃ、同じ論理で、夏(なつ)は、どうた?。
【賛】rAtri (= or (older) %{rA4trI} f. (prob. `" bestower "' , fr. %{rA} ; or `" season of rest "' , fr. %{ram}) night , the darkness or stillness of night (often personified) RV. (%{rAtrau} or %{-tryAm} ind. at nnnight , by nnnight ; %{rAtrau@zayanam} , a festival on the 11th day of the first half of the month A1sha1d2ha , regarded as the night of the gods , beginning with the summer solstice 夏至, when Vishn2u reposes for four months on the serpent S3esha) ;) なつり/なつ (r-n)
cf. #n.183 夏 なつ summer

place, area
cf. #n.199 所(ところ)
【有】shtëpi (= home, house, property, household, chalet, place) ジョウ
【箍】bahay (= house, home, residence, place, dwelling, establishment)
【賛】babara (= m. N. of a man TS. ; of a place 場所の、場所の関係の Cat.)
【民】puvi (= 1. earth; 2. place)
【賛】bhU (= 2 a. becoming, being, sprung from (---); f. becoming, existing, the universe (pl. the worlds), the earth, land, country, place, ground.)
【賛】dAya (= 2 m. share , portion , inheritance RV. (%{dAyAd@upA7gata} , obtained through inheritance , Mit. ; %{dAyam@upai9ti@pitus} , he obtains his father's inheritance Br.) ; division , part (ifc. = fold cf. %{zata4-}) ; dismembering , destruction L. ; irony L. ; place , site L.) ジョウ
【民】tuRai (= 1. place, location, situation, space, position; 2. way, path, as of virtue or justice; 3. branch; section, category; 4. method, means; 5. seaport, harbour, roadstead; 6. sea; 7. river; 8. place where washermen wash clothes; 9. ghat, bathing ghat; 10. frequented place, place of meeting, rendezvous; ) ジョウ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664533193/place 無
【羌】zəp/ / / dʐəmu/ / / qæɹ/ / / sseger/ / / yiuve/ / / zəkəɹ/ / /zəpɑ/ / / ʐuə pə (= place) ジョウところ/そこ
【ギャロン】sacʰe たち/さち、場(ジョウ) (= place)
【ウズベク】joy (= place, place, spot, premises, terrain, terrain) ジョウ

inside, within, private, informal, during
漢字ペディア   写真
【有】privat (= private, personal, particularistic) プライバト、うち
【有】i vetmuar (= lonely, lone, solitary, secluded, lonesome, private) イ うちの
【有】personal (= personal, private, individual, personalized, esoteric, nominative) パーソナル、うちなる
【賛】udara (= n. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) belly, womb, cavity, interior, inside; loc. within, amidst (---).) うち
【民】uLLiTai (= 1. inner space; 2. private affair, secret) うち
【賛】niNya (= a. inner, private, secret, n. a secret or = prec.) ナイ
【民】tuRavu (= 02 1. private affairs, secrets; 2. favourable juncture;) ダイ
【民】tuRavu (= 02 1. private affairs, secrets; 2. favourable juncture;) ドウ
【民】vaLLal (= 1. person of unbounded liberality, liberal donor; 2. benevolence; 3. ability; 4. private affairs) いる
【賛】nirhAra (= m. = %{-haraNa} BhP. ; setting aside or accumulation of a private store , a hoard Mn. ; evacuation or voiding of excrement (opp. to %{A-hAra}) MBh. ; deduction S3ulbas. ; completion L. ; diffusive fragrance W. (cf. %{-hArin}).) ノウ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664863659/private 無  [p3/8]
【ウズベク】xususiy (= private, own, privy) うち
【トルコ】özel (= special, private, specific, particular, exclusive, personal) うちの
【アゼルバイジャン】fərdi (= individual, private) うち

color/ colour
cf. file f20 #hund.40 百人-40 、色
cf. file tibet #g.61 color (of dying)
【賛】svaccha (= mf(%{A})n. very transparent or clear , pellucid , crystalline R. ; bright-coloured Katha1s. ; clear , distinct (as speech) ib. ; pure (as the mind or heart) ib. ; ) ショク、シキ

half, odd, semi-
漢字ペディア   はん
ba'um, bu(m) (= "half OB lex., math.; b. hepum "to halve"; ana bd "in half; < Sum.; ? > batu) はん、は
【尼】hampir (= almost, nearly, about, close, practically, half ) はんぶん (r-n)
【民】pErpAti (= exactly half, just half) はんぶんち(r-n)、はん (r-n)
【民】nAkavam (= a division of time, the latter half of the new moon day 新月の後半部, one of eleven karan2am , q.v.) なかばの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660186027/half 無
【蛇】מֶחֱצָה mechĕtsâh /mekh-ets-aw'/ (= half) なか つ
【蛇】פְּלַג pelag /pel-ag'/ (= dividing, half) はん あく (l-n)

kurangu, kuraggu (= "rice" jB, NA ) こめこ (r-m)、こめ
【民】paRRu (= ; 7. paste, glue; 8. particles of boiled rice adhering 付着する、粘着する、接着する to the cooking pot; ) ベイ
【賛】mahAvrIhi (= (%{mahA4-}) m. large rice TS. ; %{-maya} mfn. consisting of large rice Hcat.) マヒ、マイ
【賛】vanavrIhi (= m. wild rice L.) よね
【民】vIyam (= 1. seed; 2. rice) よね
【民】veLLarici (= grains of rice used in benediction 祝福[◆【同】blessing]。〔食前・食後の〕感謝の祈り。《キリスト教》祝祷) ウルチ
【タガログ語】kanin (= rice, cooked rice) こめの
【ベトナム語】cơm (= rice) こめ
【民】kuLanel (= wild rice, oryza mutica, growing spontaneously in the bed of a tank) こめ (L 無音)
【賛】kaNAnna (= mfn. one whose food consists of grains (of rice) ; ) こめの
【賛】kalama (= m. a kind of rice.) こめ (l 無音)
【民】kumai-ttal (= 02 1. to tread down, tread out into a mash; 2. to beat or pound in a mortar; 3. to over-boil boil soft reduce to a mash by boilling; 4. to annoy, affict vex; 5. to destroy) こめ
【中】米 // みー  【方言】粤语:mai5  潮州语:bhi2
【民】mATTuppogkal (= festival of ceremonial boiling of rice performed on the second day of the month or tai in order to ensure prosperity of cattle) 餅ポッコリ/フックラ/食うか
【チベ】glum (= boiled barley, wheat or rice [RY]) こめ  △  /lum/
【チベ】chum (= rice, cause to shudder, SA 'jum pa [JV]) こめ  △  /chum/
【チベ】dkar mo /kar mo/ (= white, SA dkar po, mutton, sheep when slaughtered, epithet of the goddess durga, white rice, gauri (purity of universal basis) [JV] ) こめ
【チベ】skyo ma /kyo ma/ (= quarrel, litigation, thin gruel, gruel of rice and tea, thin paste of wheat or oatmeal, one convicted, penitence, smaller transgression, porridge, very thin tsampa gruel [JV] ) きょめ、こめ
【チベ】khog ma /khok ma/ (= earthenware, pot, earthen vessel (for cooking rice, meat, broth) [JV] ) こめ
【チベ】'ba’ byi (= parched paddy beaten out and used by indians as food instead of cooked rice, cake of parched rice or maize meal [JV]) ベイ
c. チベット語の rice には「マイ」「よね」系が無い。
c. 【ギャロン】語 DBに、rice, rice bowl, riceplant の3単語が登録されているが、発音は、完全に別世界の言葉。

direction, way, square, just
【賛】pari (= ind. round 周り, around , about あたり、約、大体, round about ; fully , abundantly , richly (esp. ibc. [where also %{parI}] to express fulness or high degree) RV. ; as a prep. (with acc.) about (in space and time) RV. ; against 対抗, opposite to , in the direction of 〜の方向へ, towards , to 〜へ ib. (cf. Pa1n2. ; also at the beginning of a comp. mfn. ; cf. ib. and %{pary-adhyayana}) ; beyond 向こう, more than 〜よりも AV. ; to the share of (with %{as} , or %{bhU} , to fall to a person's lot) Pa1n2. ; ) ホウへ、ホウ、へ
【民】kATTai (= 1. direction, point of the compass; ) かた
【民】kaTavu (= 02 1. way 道, path, foot-path; 2. direction, region 領域、方面; 3. whirling nut) かた、かたく (v-k)、かく
【賛】sadhryaJc (= mf(%{sadhrI4cI})n. turned in the same direction or to one centre , converging , associated RV. ; leading in the right direction , right , correct BhP. ; tending towards , flowing into (comp.) HParis3. ; ) 正しい
【民】nErcci (= 1. tendency, direction; 2. adaptation, fitness 適切, appropriateness; 3. consent, agreement 同意, harmony 調和; 4. vow; 5. friendliness, amity 友, love) まさい、まさに
【チベ】phyogs (= 1) direction, place, region, cardinal point, to direct, turn to, directing. turning to. aspect, respect, side. 2) factor, part. 3) opinion, side, position, tenet, thesis, alternative, subject [of a syllogism], aspect, respect. 4) v. to direct, turn to. 5) party, faction, opposition [in debate etc]. 6) class, category, position, type. direction; spatial relationship; (sectarian) prejudice, bias, faction; biased extreme; side; circle of friends; sphere/ brink; {lho'i phyogs} to the south of; inclined to; aspect, side; part, factors; the area around [RY]) ほうがく (s-k)、ほうこう
【チベ】kha lta ba (= to face towards the front kha lta ba - to face towards the front direction [RY] [RY]) かた ば
【チベ】thad bsgyur (= change the direction [JV]) ただす、ただしくやる
【チベ】nod pa (= keep 保持, take, obtain, receive, receive instruction, directions, favors 好ましい, get favors お気に入り、ひいき、好き [JV]) まさ べ
【ギャロン】 k‘a33 pʃɔ44 かちょ (= direction) かた  --- しかし、Maerkang Caodeng(B) 马尔康草登 Tsho bdun一地区のみ、なので、説得力 zero
cf. file tibet #g.83 direction

sadadu(m) (= "to drag" [GID(.DA)] G (alu, M/jB; pret. occas. irdud) 1. "tow" chariot, cart, ship, yoke; sa sa(d)dddi "rickshaw" 2. "stretch" a rope, ellipt. "survey" house, field etc. 3. "draw" line, boundary; "draw" curtain etc.; ) すじ
zittu(m) usu. f.; pi. zizdtu(m), NB also zindtu (= "share" [HA.LA: also OB yA.LA.BA; OA HA.LA] "share, portion" of estate, other assets; "division, total to be divided"; "dividing line" between pairs of organs etc.; Ug. "due, proper deserts"; Bab. bil z., NA also sa z. "shareholder, partner"; < zdzu; ? > ziztu ) すじ
【有】tojë (= fishing line, line, fishline) すじ
【有】vizë (= visa, line, dash, vise, pothook) いと
【賛】sruti (= f. a stream , flow or effusion of (comp.) Ka1v. ; fall of (snow &c. ) Ragh. ; a course , road , path RV. ; a line drawn round the Vedi S3a1n3khS3r.) すじ(筋)
【賛】sUtra (= n. thread, cord, esp. the sacred cord worn by the first three classes; string, wire; line, brief rule or a book of such rules.) スートラ、すじ
【民】irAci (= 01* row, line, range, file) いと
【賛】sIman (= m. parting of the hair on the head, boundary-line, frontier, (also {sIma3nta} m., p. {-vant}A); vertex, zenith; the scrotum.) せん
【賛】sImantita (= mfn. marked by a straight line , parted (as hair) Kir. Katha1s.) せんした
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662237347/line 無
【羌】dɑʁɑ/ / / dəgəɹ/ / / dəkə/ / / jil/ / / tətʂhu/ / / yer/ / / æχtʂi/ / / ɑeji eɑzhuɑ/ / / hɑtshun/ / / phɑ thɑ/ / / sɑ ʑi/ / / ɑdʐɑ (= line) すじ、いと
【ギャロン】 tə22 ri22 mp22 ra44 sco22 たりながらすと → 垂れ流すと (= line)
【ギャロン】 ta-rji たりー (= line)
【トルコ】satır (= line, cleaver, chopper, chopping knife, setting-rule) すじ
【アゼルパイジャン】sətir/ cizgi/ cız (= line) すじ

【趣】ki-šár (= : horizon; everywhere ('place' + 'totality'). ) ごと
【有】çdo (= every, everyone) ちーと、ごと
【賛】katidhA (= (adv. interr.) in how many places or parts? how often? w. {cid} everywhere.) ごと
【賛】mArutavrata (= n. `" the having wnwind-like duties "' , penetrating everywhere (as a king by means of spies) ) むさぼるだ
【賛】meDhIbhUta (= mfn. being the central point round which everything turns 回るたびに BhP.) むさぼーた
【民】mAtavazi (= every month, monthly (TLS)) むさぼち
【賛】sima (= a. all, every; {si3mA} adv. everywhere.) つね
【賛】muhur (= = {muhu} ({ñA3}); for a moment, awhile; every moment, repeatedly (also doubled); on the other hand, however. {muhur-muhur} at one moment-at another, now-now.) マヒ、マイ
【賛】paryRS (= 1. P. %{pary-a4rSati} , to flow round 全方向に流れる, to procure 〜を入手[調達・獲得]する、得る、もたらす from every side by flowing RV.) バイあーず、バイ
【チベ】kun tu (= 1) all the time, at all times, always, ever. 2) in / at / to all places, everywhere. 3) emphasizes the verb it precedes, very, completely. fully. excessively. etc. 4) in any way. 5) before, forward, in front of, forth. 6) from all sides. around, throughout [RY]) くん つ、ごと
【チベ】mtha’ bzhi (= the four sides/ extremes/ ends (of impermanence)/ directions *, four year old horse etc. *, everywhere [IW]) むさ ぼって
【チベ】nang par (= in the/ the following/ every morning [IW]) なん はる、マイ  △ or × 発音不明
c. もし、「毎」が、毎回、というよりは、everywhere ならば、どこでもの ユビキタス ubiquitous 【ラテン語】も、そうなる。ubiquitous は、インド弁辞書に載っていた。チベット語辞書には未登録だった。
【賛】viSvaJc (= mf(%{-SUcI}) n. (fr. 1. %{viSu} + 2. %{aJc}) going in or turned to both (or all) directions , all-pervading , ubiquitous , general RV. ; going asunder or apart , separated or different from (instr. or abl.) RV. TS. Up. ; getting into conditions of every kind Gaut. ; following in inverted order S3a1n3khS3r. ; (%{-SUcI}) f. the cholera (= %{viSUcikA} q.v.) Sus3r.; n. the equinox W. ; (%{vi4Svak}) ind. on both (or all) sides , sideways RV. ; in two AV.; in all directions , all around , everywhere RV.) むさぼにゃく (v-m)

woman, female
【趣】[SAL] (=: n., woman; female (this pronunciation of the sign found in compound words and verbs or in enclitic or proclitic position, Hallo & van Dijk, p. 85) )
【趣】munus[SAL]; nunus[Emesal](= : female; woman (this pronunciation found in absolute inflection, cf., mí) (mí, 'woman', + nuz/nus, 'egg') (cf., mí/mu10, nunuz, and etymology of nitaḫ). ) メス、なんじ
【趣】um-ma (= : elderly lady; witch ('old woman' + 'to bind'). ) おんな
【趣】mí-ús-sá-tur (= : son-in-law ('woman' + 'to come near to' + 'to equal in value' + 'young, little'). ) めあわせる
nasaru(m) (= "to guard, protect" G (a/u)れ; 4. "preserve" a woman's virginity; "keep" secrets ) むすめ
【民】ammaNi (= 01 a term of respect used in referring to or calling a woman) あっまに、おんな
【賛】vAma (= f. {I3} & {A} dear, pleasant, lovely, beautiful; fond of, eager or greedy for (---). m. E. of €iva, a man's name. f. {vAmA} a (beautiful) woman; f. {vAmI} a female or she- (ass, camel etc.); n. anything dear or precious, wealth, goods, etc.) ヴぁーま、あま、をんな
【賛】varAnanA (= f. a lovelyfaced woman R. ; N. of an Apsaras VP.) おーんな
【民】min2 (= woman (TLS))
【賛】menA (= f. a woman (also the female of any animal) RV. ;)
【賛】mugdhavadhU (= f. a young and lovely woman Ragh.) むすめだ (v-m)
【民】nirmUTi (= stupid woman) なんじ
【賛】nArIya (= Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to become a woman 女になる Kpr.) にょ
【民】terivai (= 1. woman between 25 and 31 years of age; 2. woman; 3. virgo in the zodiac) じょ
【賛】mAnava (= ; (%{I}) f. a daughter of man , a woman RV. ;) にょう、女房
-- marry --
【賛】vivAhita (= mfn. caused to marry , married (said of men and women) Pan5cat.) めあわす (v-m)
【賛】vivah (= P. %{-vahati} (rai-ely A1.) , to bear or carry off , remove RV. ; to lead away (the bride from her father's house) , take in marriage , marry AV. ; (also A1. , with or without %{mithas}) to marry or form a matrimonial alliance together Gobh. A1past. BhP.: Caus. %{-vAhayati} , to marry (a girl) to (gen. or %{saha}) MBh. ; (A1.) to lead home , take to wife Katha1s. ) めあは (v-m)
c. チベット語には、皆無。 → no
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669077400/woman 無  多分。
【チベ】mo (= lady, female, woman. 2) divination, prophecy [RY])
c. 「乙女(おとめ)」等も有る。
(w)ardatu(m) (= "girl, young woman" OAkk, (w)ardatu(m) "girl, young woman" OAkk, Ass., O/jB [(MUNUS.)KI.SIKIL]; ardat lilt (a demoness) (? ≫ lilium); < wardum ) おとめ
suhartu(m) (= "girl; young woman; female servant" OAkk ?, O/MA, O/jB [MUNUS.TUR (also = sehertum ?); OB also MUNUS.LUTUR.RA ?]; < suharu) 少女(しょうじょ)
c. 【ギャロン】の 80% 地区は「てみー」だった。「てめー、女だろ」の意味?。最初「たま、玉」かと思った。「いい、玉だ」の玉。「ちみ(君)、歳は幾つだね」にも聞こえる。
【ギャロン】tə ' mi てみー tə' mi ちみ、君
【民】taruNi (= 1. young woman; 2. the period from the 16th to the 30th year in the lifetime of a woman) てみー、てめい
【賛】taruNa (= , f. {I} young, tender, new, fresh; just begun (heat), just risen (sun, moon, etc.). m. young man, N. of sev. plants, also a man's name; f. {taruNI} young woman, girl; n. cartilage; sprout, stalk.) てめい
【賛】tanu (= ; (%{vI}) f. a slender or delicate woman S3ak.) たま

distance, village
【趣】uru(2)(ki), iri, ; iri11 (= : city, town, village, district )
【賛】sadvasatha (= m. a village L. (w.r. for %{saMv-}).) さどヴぁさと、さと
【賛】saMvasatha (= m. an inhabited place 居住地, settlement , village , dwelling , house , Kas3i1kh.) さばさと
c.  距離の「里(り)」は、不明。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668715081/village 無  [p1/10]
【羌】mitshuɑ/ / / nɑzu kɑ ki/ / / ssidɑ/ / / tʂhuɑ pɑ/ / / ɑtshuɑ/ / / ɕann tshun/ / / ɕuk ʨæn/ / / tʂɑits ʁɑ/ / / zuo he (= village) さと
【ギャロン】sa’tɕa (= village @Maerkang Dangba Geerda 马尔康党坝郷格尔达 Dam pa) さちょ、さと(里)   他の 95% の地区は違う。
cf. file tibet #a.18 village

truth, agreement, logic, reason
-- agreement --
【賛】kRtapratijJa (= mfn. one who fulfils a promise 約束 or agreement 承諾、合意.) ことわりしたにゃ
【賛】sAhitya (= n. (fr. %{sahita}) association , connection , society , combination , union with (instr. or comp. ; %{ena} ind. `" in combination with , together with "') Ka1m. ; agreement , harmony Prab. ; literary or rhetorical composition , rhetoric , poetry Sa1h.) すじ
【民】oTTam (= 01 agreement (TLS)) おさめ
【民】rAci (= 02 1. collection; 2. heap; 3. kind, sort; 4. aggregate; 5. sign of the zodiac; 6. luck; 7. disposition; 8. agreement, harmony 調和; 9. product of terms, used in the calculation of interest, etc.; 10. coin) りし、り
【チベ】kha chad byed pa (= to make a verbal agreement 口約束する [RY]) ことわった べ
【チベ】chad so (= limited time, term, buy on time, agreement, time-purchase, agreement [JV]) すじ
【チベ】‘cham po (= in agreement, amiable; friendly, sympathetic, congenial, amicable, convivial, warmhearted, neighborly; pleasant and friendly: easy, agreeable, cordial, genial, good-natured, easygoing, affable, complaisant, good-tempered [RY]) おさむ べ
c. チベット語辞書の original が、'cham - の内容が、途中ギレしている。つまり、orignal 辞書には、bug がある。'cham で検索し直して、別 route で捜してきた。
-- truth --
wussum, mussu, mussu D (= "to identify; distinguish" OAkk, Bab. 1. "identify" people, animals, star 2. "discriminate, distinguish" good and evil; "ascertain, find out" truth; NB "clarify, verify" law case 3. M/jB(Ass.) "(re)locate, identify" site of building, city Dt pass, of D "be told apart"; > muwassum; ? ≫ messutu ) おさむ
【箍】katotohanan (= truth, fact, reality, credibility, deserts, truthfulness) こととわもの
【尼】ketepatan (= accuracy, exactness, fidelity, exactitude, pertinence, truth) ことわったの
【賛】sasatya (= (%{sa4-}) mfn. accompanied with truth MaitrS.) すじ
【賛】Rta (= a. right, true, honest, fit, proper. n. & instr. {Rte3Na} adv.; n. as subst. right way. established order, divine law, pious work; righteousness, faith, truth, oath.) 理だ
【民】kaTaippiTi (= 02 1. determination, resolve; 2. certainty, established truth; 3. doctrine, truth firmly believed in as necessary to salvation; 4. attachment, predilection; 5. having in mind what one has learnt with certainty, one of the four kinds of a1t2u1u-k-kun2am ;) ことわった
【民】vAstavam (= reality, truth) おさむ
【チベ】kun tu 'jug bral (= the truth of cessation 休止、停止、中断、中止[◆中止や中断をした後に再開しないことを含意する。] [one of the four noble truths [IW]) ことわりの
c. チベット語の truth には「リ」「すじ」「おさめる」が見つからなかった。
【羌】wɑstu wəi/ / / ləts/ / / mæzlæ/ / / ɦəɹmæk/ / / ʁaʨhi/ / / ʁɑʨhi/ / / sti sti du/ / / ʁɑŋdie (= truth) おさむ (w-m)、すじ
【ギャロン】 kə22 ta44 かた (= truth) こと --- 「ことわり」の「こと」対応
【蛇】קְשֹׁט qeshôṭ, qeshôṭ /kesh-ote', kesh-ote'/ (= true, surely, truth) ことおって
-- logic --
【賛】hetuvidyA (= f. `" science of causes "' , dialectics , logic (also %{-zAstra}) Das3. Buddh.) ことわり (h-k, d-r)
-- reason --
【賛】liGga (= ; inference 推論、三段論法, conclusion 結論, reason (cf. %{kAvya-l-}) ;) りっが、りくつ
【賛】sukhasambodhya (= mfn. easy to be taught or explained or to be reasoned with  易しく教えてあげる。理由付け、説明 Katha1s.) 筋道や(すじみちや)、筋道立て
c. その他、補足。
【民】kaTaiparappu-tal (= 1. to arrange 手配、調整 a show of goods in a bazaar; 2. to make a show; to exhibit one's work in an attractive manner with intent more or less to deceive) ことわるっぷ
c. 一言、断(ことわ)りの電話を入れる、の、断り
c. 【英】arrange アレインジ、アレンジ 配置する、手配、調整、仕切る、アンジョウやる(手抜かりなく、処置)、---- arrange と アンジョウ、が、ソックリさん。

load, luggage, burden, lotus
【趣】gùr, ga6 (= : to bear, carry; to be full, loaded, laden (Umma reading for íla sign, cf., mir) (circular container + er, 'to bring'; cf., gur, kùr, 'basket'). ) カー、カ
hatu(m) III mng. unci. Bab. G OB (= "to load" ship ?; NB "apply" rosettes ? St Mari "decant" wine ?; > hatu I; mahtutum 1 ) はす、はつ
【有】peshë (= weight, load, plummet, heft, dolly, caliber) はす、へしゅ  【名詞】
【箍】karga (= cargo, charge, load, burden, freight, interest) カ、カーゴ
【民】kA (= 01 load or pack, hung at either end of a pole and carried on the shoulders (TLS))
【賛】kAca (= m. (%{kac}) glass Sus3r. Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; (pl. glass pearls) S3Br. ; crystal or quartz (used as an ornament) W. ; alkaline ashes , any salt of potash or soda in a crystalline state W. ; a class of diseases of the eye (especially an affection of the optic nerve or gutta serena) Sus3r. ; a loop , a string fastened to each end of a pole with a net in which burdens &c. are held or suspended , a yoke to support burdens &c. (= %{zikya}) L. ; )
【賛】pauruSa (= 1 mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{puruSa}) manly , human S3Br. ; belonging or sacred to Purusha RPra1t. Mn. ; = %{puruSa-dvayasa} , %{-daghna} or %{-mAtra} Pa1n2. ; m. a weight or load which can be carried by one man Mn. ;) はす
【民】poti (= 02 1. fullness, perfection; 2. pack, bundle; load, as for a beast; parcel tied in a cloth; 3. miscellaneous goods; 4. treasure; 5. meaning of a word; 6. pack-load, a measure of weight varying with the locality; ) はち、はす
【チベ】khur po (= load, burden, backpack [RY]) カ ぽ
c. 「に」「になう」は、load/ burden 系に見つからず。shoulder, bear/ carry/ load にある。cf. f17 #1.152 担う
c. lotus の蓮(はす)は、下記。インド弁とチベット語以外に無かった。 why?。趣、赤、チャン、ギャロン lotus 未登録。仏教用語だからか
【賛】pAthoja (= n. lotus-flower, {-jinI} f. the lotus plant.) ハスじゃ
【賛】padma (= m. n. lotus, esp. the flower (which closes at evening), fig. an army arrayed in the form of a lotus or a cert. posture of the body in religious meditation; one of the treasures of Kubera, a cert. high number (1000 billions).) はすま
【民】pAtOcam (= lotus, as water-born) ハトスの
【チベ】pad ma (= lotus [RB]) ハス ま

China, chinese, man
【民】cIn2A (= china) しーな
【賛】cIna (= m. pl. the Chinese.) しな、ちーな
c. インド弁に、china で「かん」「から」系は無い。「はん」も無い。「しなソバ」「しーなの夜」系のみ。
【チベ】rgya mi /gya mi/ (= Chinese person, a Han [JV] ) ぎゃ み
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】çini (= tile, china, faience, encaustic tile) ちに
c. 中国を「カン」「から」と呼ぶ国は、無い。

kinunu(m), M/NA kanunu; pi. f. (= "brazier" [KI.NE; NB also KI.NE.NE] of copper, silver etc.; ) ギン、かね
talhu (= (a vessel) Alal. of silver ) しろひ、しろ
【民】tErAgkuNi (= whitebait 《魚》シラス, silvery, attaining 8 in. in length, ngraulis commersonianus) しろがね
【民】turuvarNam (= silver) しろがねの (v-g)
【賛】tArahemAbha (= n. `" shining like silver and gold "' N. of a metal Gal.) しろがね (h-k-g)
【チベ】r]kyan (= 1) brass, silver etc. vessel, jar, pot [for coffee tea etc]; 2) vessel [w spout]; 3) pot-belly, paunch [IW] ) /kyen/ ぎん
【チベ】gser dngul (= 1) gold and silver; 2) expense $ [IW]) /ser ngül/ しろ んがね (l-n)
【ウズベク/カザフ】kumush /kümis (= silver, silver) ギンしゅ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】gümüş (= silver, argent, Luna) ギンしゅ
c. 【羌】、【ギャロン】の silver は、全く似ていない。

section, district
【趣】gún, gú (= : land, region, district (gú, 'edge' + ùĝa, un, 'people, population').) グン、ク
【有】qark (= circuit, round, region, county, district, circle)
【民】kURu (= 02 1. section, division, classification; 2. part, portion, lot, share; 3. broken pieces of anything; 4. half; 5. properties, as of heat; effects; characteristic symptoms, as of disease) ク、くわり
【賛】gocara (= m. pasture ground for cattle A1pS3r. ; range , field for action , abode , dwelling-place , district (esp. ifc. `" abiding in , relating to "' ; `" offering range or field or scope for action , within the range of , accessible , attainable , within the power 勢力圏"'))
【チベ】kha'o (= section, department [IW])
【チベ】khag cig (= a part, a section, some [RY]) 区画(くかく)
【蛇】חֵל chêyl, chêl /khale, khale/ (= poor, wall, walls, rampart, trench, host, ramparts, district, army, bulwark) 

【賛】kim (= , what sort of king? i.e. a bad king Pa1n2. ) ; ) きみ
【民】kOn2 (= 01 1. king; 2. master, lord) クン、きみ
【賛】kRkin (= %{I} m. N. of a mythical king Buddh.) クン、きみ
【チベ】 རྒྱལ་པོ (rgyal po) /gyel po/ (= king) ける ぽ
【チベ】gong ma /gong ma/ (= 1) great king, emperor [of China]; 2) high lama of former times; 2) [the] former, previous, above, higher, superior, imperial, eminent [ones]; 3) forefather; 4) superiority [IW]) きみ

【賛】kaccha (= m. the margin of a river or lake; marshy or watery ground.) かっちゃ、コ
【チベ】mtsho (= 1) lake, ocean; 2) at the fingertips sha ris sgor sgor; 2) four)/ [IW]) みず
【チベ】mtshe'u (= pond, small lake; lake [RY]) みずウー   /tseu/  ちゅう
cf. file f17 #on.44
c. チベット語のスペルは、滅茶苦茶なので「mtsho」が「みず」と読むか否かは、なんとも言えない、素直には「むちょう」「あちょう」と読める。ギャロン語の実発音では、水戸、津(、土佐) だって。
【羌】ɕigu/ / / ɕiɤu/ / / ɕue/ / / ʂu/ / / ɕu/ / / ɕy (= lake) コ、チク、ちゅえ
cf. file tibet #g.189 lake
【ギャロン】 mtsʰu つぅ、津 (= lake), mtsʰo みとっ、水戸 (= lake), tsʰu つぅ、津 (= lake), mts‘o55 みとっー、みと/水戸 (= lake), ᵐtsʰo’ʃpʰa とすぱ、とさ/土佐, ᵐtsʰo’ʃpaʔ みとすぱ (= lake)
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン、ウズベク、カザフ】göl (= lake, loch, mere, lough) コ (l 無音)、こる

name, nickname, appellation
【賛】gRha (= ; a name , appellation L. (cf. %{anti-} , %{bhumi-} , %{zayyA-} , %{su}) (cf. Zd. {geredha} ; Got. {gards} ; Lat. {hortus}.)) ゴウ
【賛】samAkhyAkhyAna (= n. naming , mentioning A1past. Ka1m. ; report , narrative MBh. ; appellation 〈文〉名称、呼称、称号, name Ka1tyS3r.) さけびな
【賛】vyavahriyamANa (= mfn. being named or designated 〔改まった場面で準公式な形で〕指名する、指定する。ご指名の (%{-tva} n.) , Kusum.) よびな
【民】tokutippeyar (= 1. noun of multitude, collective noun; 2. slang, cant, conventional〔社会的〕慣習の、慣習として認められた name; 3. aggregate, total) さけび、たけび
【チベ】ming 'dogs pa (= MG: nickname (pejorative 〔言葉などが〕軽蔑的な、非難の意を含む); va.) /ming dok pa/ なまえ たく べ → さけ び  △
c. tumblr のチベット語辞書に bug がある。name の結果の中に、nickname の結果が全て含まれるべきなのに、そうなっていない。name の検索 data 量が多過ぎて捨てられたもよう。44440 entries から、name を検索していたら、100 page を超えた (102 page) ため、100 p 分以降が無視された。集計 page が 2 桁までの配慮しか無い。tumblr の検索機能 bug. 完全な bug. 元 data は、有るので、tumblr の検索でなく、自分で検索集計しなおせば、正しい結果が得られる。そこまで、やる気は無いので、放って置く。
c. なぜ「号」を訓読みで、「さけび」と呼ぶのか web 検索したが、載っていなかった。漢字ペディアは、どこからこれを入手したのか知りたい。
c. 辞書の 3 桁ページが無い bug は以前、 "body" でも発生。cf. file tibet #g.35 body

comb, to thresh/ winnow
漢字ペディア   くし
c. 「けずる」は、「髪を梳く(すく)」で、脱穀するの to thresh/ to winnow の動詞。
【趣、シュメール語】ĝiš...ra (= : to thresh 脱穀する ('stick' + 'to beat').) かち/串(くし) (re 無音)、けずる
--- cf. 【十津川弁】むぎかち (= 麦の脱穀)。
【有】krehëse (= comb, card) くし
【尼】sisir (= comb, bunch, cam, hand, harrow, rake) シツ
【民】kozi-ttal (= 1. to sift in a winnowing fan 団扇で脱穀しながら篩(ふるい)にかける;) かち、けず
【賛】kaTAha (= m. (rarely %{I} f. n.) a frying-pan ;; ; a winnowing basket 脱穀用かご W. ;) かち、けず
【民】kaTTaTi-ttal (= to thresh 脱穀する、梳く or beat out the grain from sheaves of paddy 稲穂の束から粒を梳くか叩き出す (TLS)) かち、串(くし)、けず
【賛】kaGkata (= m., {kaGkatikA} f. comb.) くし
【民】cUTu (= 05 1. hair-tuft; 2. crest, comb) シツ、くし (c-k)
【民】ciTukkuvAri (= forked comb for disentangling the hair) シツけずり (v-z)、くしけずり (c-k)
【民】cIppuccaraTTai (= a kind of fish witth comb-like fins on the back 魚の背骨状態, malacanthus) くしけずった (c-k)
【民】kuzaicci (= 01 comb of white ant's nest 白アリの巣のようなスカスカの形の櫛) くしけず (c-k, c-z)
【チベ】gshad pa (= comb [IW]) くし べ
【チベ】gshad pa (= to comb [RY]) けず べ
【チベ】shad pa (= comb, curry, brush, stroke [JV]) シツ べ
【羌】qusɑ/ / / gvuxiu/ / / kuɕy/ / / qusu/ / / qəsi/ / / qəɕi/ / / ɑusu/ / / kə ɕy/ / / xdʐu qəsi (= comb) くし  
c. チャン語は、スバラシイ。
c. 「髪を梳く(すく、とく/とかす、けずる)」の地域差がある。
【有】kërkoj (= ask, request, seek, ask for, demand, comb) けず
【箍】suklayin (= comb, dress, do) すく
【尼】sikat (= brush ブラシ, comb, scrubber, scrub, scrubbing brush, rake 〔庭を掃く〕熊手、レーキ) すくだ
【ウズベク、カザフ】taroq (= comb, comb, hackle) とく、とらく
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】tarak (= comb, card, dredger, drag, scollop) とく、とらく
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】sorguç (= crest, panache, aigrette, tuft, comb, hood) すく
【ギャロン】taʃot (= comb) たしょと、とく

verse, poem
cf. file f17 #1.148 唱・歌う song
【有】vjershë (= poem, verse, canto) うた
【賛】sivasa (= m. a verse L. ; cloth L.)
【賛】utsara (= m. a species of the Ati-s3akvari1 metre (consisting of four verses of fifteen syllables each 15 音節の 4 行詩) ; N. of the month Vais3a1kha L.) うた
【チベ】tshal bcad /tsel ché/ (= verse [RY])
【チベ】tshigs bcad /tsik che/ (= verse, stanza, composition, poem , lines [JV]) しいか(詩歌)
c. チベット語 verse, poem に「うた」は無い。song にも「うた」は無かった。
【チベ】གཞས (gzhas) /zhé/ (= song) シ、ちぇ
【チベ】གླུ (glu) /lu/ (= song) る
【ウズベク】she'r (= poem, verse, poem, verse)
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】şiir (= poetry, poem, verse, song)
【トルコ】ayet (= verse) うた

【趣】mu-mu-a (= : among all names = among known persons (reduplicated 'name' + locative). ) もの(物、者)
【趣】zi-du (= : a good person ('good' + 'to walk'). ) シャ
mimma, Am., Nuzi, NB also mimmuli and sim. (= "anything, something; everything, all" [NIG. NAM] 1. "something"; m. + subst. "any"; m. Id, m. ul "nothing; not at all"; adv. m. Id m. "somehow" 2. "every(thing), total(ly), all" rarely of persons; m. annim "all this"; m. sa "all that" 3. as rel. pron. "all that"; m. sumsu "anything", m. s. ul(a), Id "nothing at all" 4. Nuzi, Am., Ug. mimmu/i/a sumlnsu often with second pron. suff. "all that belongs to"; < min(u) I + -ma; > mimmu; NA ? ≫ memeni ) もの
sehru(m) I, sahru(m) (= "small; young" [TUR(.RA); bAn(.DA)] of things, animals, persons "small"; of animals, persons "young"; of persons "minor, under age"; of brother, sister "younger"; of king "the Second"; of persons "lowly"; of scribe, merchant etc. "junior"; as subst. "child; servant"; saleher rabi "young and old, small and great"; Bab. (ak)ki(ma) sehri "in short order, quickly"; < seheru ) シャ(者、小/少)
【有】njeri (= man, person, human, human being, dog, creature) もの (r-n)
【箍】tao (= man, person, human, guy, somebody, individual) しゃ、たお
【賛】mohama (= m. a partic. ★personification 化身、典型◆あるものの典型となるまたはそれを体現化した人。美術や文学における〕象徴◆抽象的な概念や思考を表現するための役割としての登場人物。 Sa1mavBr.) もの(者)
【民】maNNan2 (= 1. clodhopper, dullard, stupid ★person; 2. a kind of chicken-pox) もの、もん
【賛】sya (= 1 pron. base of 3rd person 三人称代名詞の基 (= %{sa4} ; only in nom. m. %{sya4s} , %{sya4} f. %{sya4} ; cf. %{tya4} , %{tya4d}) RV.) シャ(者)
【チベ】mthong ba po (= person [JV]) もの べ ぽ
【チベ】dra (= person, personage [JV]) シャ(者)
【チベ】rnam (= attribute 属性, [h] term for 2nd/3rd person 二人称・三人称に対する用語 [rnam gnyis] [IW]) 者(もの)
【羌】/ mi/ / / ese/ / / ete/ / / eɑ ssi/ / / me/ / / miə/ / / mæ/ / / nə/ / / æ/ / / ædʐi/ / / ɑtʂ/ / / mə (= person) もの、も、しゃ、あしゃ
【ウズベク】shaxs (= personality, person, person, individual, persona, donatory) シャ
【トルコ・アゼルバイジャン】şəxs (= person, individual, personage, character) シャ

master, host, owner
【趣】um-mi(3)-a (= : schoolmaster; scholar; artisan ('wise or skillful teacher' + 'offices, functions' + nominative or genitive). ) おも
mute"imu, muta'imu (= "master, ruler, prince" NB(Achaem.); < tu'umu II ) ぬし
suwa'um, su'u (= "lord, master" OAkk, jB; > sudtum ) シュ、ス
【有】mjeshtër (= master, workman, nailer, artisan, old hand, artificer) ぬし
c. 【英】 master マスター、は、元々、「ぬし」 (m-n, st-s) でした。
【箍】amo (= boss, master, employee, landlord) おも
【尼】ndoro (= master) ぬし
【賛】sUri (= m. impeller, inciter; sacrifice-master (= {yajamAna} q.v.); chief, lord i.g.; a great scholar or sage.) シュ、ス
【民】turai (= 01 1. chief, lord; master, ruler; gentleman, nobleman; 2. european gentleman) シュ、ス
【民】aNNal (= 1. master, lord; 2. father; 3. preceptor, spiritual guide; 4. the buddha; 5. siva; 6. arhat; 7. elder brother (TLS)) おも (l 無音)
【賛】namata (= 1 mf(%{A}) n. bent , crooked Un2. ; m. master , lord ; actor , mime L. ; a cloud W.) ぬし
【賛】virAj (= P.A1. %{-rAjati} , %{-te} , to reign , rule , govern , master (gen. or acc.) , excel (abl.) RV. ;) あるじ
【賛】svakSatra (= (%{sva4-}) mfn. master of one's self , independent , free RV. ; possessing innate strength , self-powerful , innately strong MW.) つかさどる
【チベ】rje // (= 1) king, lord, majesty, master, chief. sovereign; abbr. for rje btsun; Lord; (foremost) lord; 2) to change. p.{brjes} f.{brje} imp.{rjes} to change, exchange [RY] ) ジェ  △
mnga’ mdzad /nga dzé/ (= lord, master [JV] ) んが つぇ、ぬし  △
c. チベット語 master 「おも」「あるじ」「つかさどる」ナシ。全般的に似ていない。
【羌】/ / ʨip/ master (of servant)/ / / jetɕip/ master (of servant)/ / / kənpu/ master (of servant)/ / / qokɑqu/ master (of servant)/ / / ɑnnwɑ me/ master (of servant)/ / / ʨil/ master (of servant)/ / / ʨilpɑqu/ master (of servant)/ / / ʨi mə/ master (of servant) (= master) おも
【トルコ】ana (= main 主な, master, parent, primary, key, principal) おも  【形容詞】
【蛇】אָמוֹן 'âmôn /aw-mone'/ (= artisans, one brought up, master workman) おも
【蛇】מָשַׁל mâshal /maw-shal'/ (= really going to rule, obtain dominion, power, ruler's, rule, ruled, governor, ruled over, reign, ruler, had charge, rulers, wielded, ruling, govern, gain control, indeed, dominion, master, have authority, rules) ぬし
【蛇】שָׂרַר śârar /saw-rar'/ (= lord, rule, ruled, make prince, altogether, master, appointed princes) シュ、ス

【趣】da (= : n., arm; side; nearness (to someone)
   v., to hold; to be near; to protect.
   prep., comitative suffix, 'with'; copula, 'and' (mainly in Sargonic date texts). ) 手(て、シュ)、シュ、ス
【有】mbroj (= protect, defend, plead, assert, keep, shield) もり、もろっち
【尼】memelihara (= maintain, keep, preserve, nurture, care, protect) まもりはる  【動詞】
【賛】suUti (= f. good protection or assistance RV.) ス、シュ
【民】maRai-ttal (= 02 1. to hide, conceal, keep back; 2. to cover; to shroud; to shelter; 3. to protect, as from harm or danger) もり、まも (R 反復)
【民】munnIr (= sea, as having the three qualities of forming, protecting and destroying the earth, or as consisting of three waters, viz., river water, spring water and rain water) まもる、まもり
【賛】kam (= 2 cl. 1. A1. (not used in the conjugational tenses) %{cakame} , %{kamitA} , %{kamiSyate} , %{acakamata} Dha1tup. xii , 10 to wish , desire , long for RV. ;; [cf. Lat. {comis} ; also {amo} , with the loss of the initial , for {camo} ; {cA7-rus} for {cam-rus}: Hib. {caemh} "' , love , desire ; fine , handsome , pleasant "' ; {caomhach} , `" a friend , companion "' ; {caomhaim} , `" I save , spare , protect "' ; Armen. {kamim}.] かみ、神(かみ)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664962363/protect 無
【蛇】גָּנַן gânan /gaw-nan'/ (= defend, protect) かみの

province, sandbank
【有】krahinë (= province, region, country, district, place, shedding) くに
【賛】svaviSaya (= m. one's own sphere, province, or country.) シュウ
【賛】deza (= m. (1. %{diz}) point , region , spot , place , part , portion VS. ; province , country , kingdom R. ; institute , ordinance W. (%{dezam} %{A} %{vas} , or %{ni-viz} , to settle in a place Mn. ; %{-ze} , in the proper place ) ス、す
【民】cImai (= 1. boundary, limit; 2. country, territory テリトリー province, district; 3. western country especially; 4. impertinent person) しま
【民】tEcam (= 01 1. province, territory, land district; 2. place; ) しま
【賛】cakrin (= mfn. having wheels L. ; driving in a carriage Gaut. ; ; a sovereign of the world , king HParis3. ; the governor of a province (%{grAma-jAlika} ; ) くに、けん、かぐらの
【チベ】sde srid /de si/ (= governor, province under the rule of a ruler, province, kingdom, ruler, administrator, regent [JV] ) で し、シュウ、ス
【チベ】zhing /zhing/ (= 1) region, country, province; 2) object of …; 2) [buddha] field; 3) source of; 4) place something is; 5) universe (6) and [nga na ma ’ ra la mtha’ med rnams kyi mthar sbyor rgyu mtshams sbyor tshig phrad gzhan dbang can zhig [IW] ) しま
【アゼルバイジャン】sahə (= field, area, sphere, space, branch, province) シュウ

shining, bright, luminous
【趣】šuba(2/3)(= : n., a precious stone - agate (?); a priest (cf., sipad).
   v., to be bathed, clean ('licked clean' ?).
   adj., pretty; shining.) ショウへ
sarrihum (= "shining" OB epith. of Istar; < sarahu II; ? ? musarrihtum ) ショウの
【民】viLagkoLi (= arhat, as the shining light) あきら
【賛】vibhrAj (= 2 mfn. (nom. %{T}) shining , splendid , luminous RV. ;) あきらっち
【賛】tejiSTha (= (superl. 最高級) most sharp, hot, shining, bright, strong, or violent. n. adv.) ショウ
【賛】tAra (= a. all-pervading, esp. of a sound, i.e. loud, high, shrill; or of light, i.e. shining, radiant. ) 照る、ショウ
【チベ】'od bkra ba (= brilliant, dazzling, shining [RY]) あっきら べ
【チベ】'tser ba (= - 1) apprehensive shiver; 2) neigh; 3) shining; 4) be lazy/ weary of [IW]) ショウ べ

【賛】sthala (= m. a chapter , section (of a book) Cat. ; ) しょう (l 無音)
【賛】AzvAsa (= m. breathing again or freely , taking breath ; recovery Sus3r. ; cheering up , consolation ; relying on Katha1s. ; a chapter or section of a book Sa1h.) あや (z 無音)
【賛】sarga (= m. (ifc. f. %{A} ; fr. %{sRj}) letting go , discharging , voiding (as excrement) MBh. R. ;; ; a section , chapter , book , canto (esp. in an epic poem) ; ) しるし (g-j)
【賛】sargabandha (= m. `" chapter-construction "' , any poem or composition divided into sections or chapters (esp. a Maha1-ka1vya or great poem) Ka1vya7d. Sa1h) しるしばんだ
【民】pirivu (= 1. separation, severance; 2. division; 3. partition; 4. disunion, disagreement, dissension; 5. section; chapter, as of a book; paragraph; 6. loosening; ripping, parting; 7. secession, schism; 8. distinction, difference; 9. gap; interspace) ふみ (v-m)
【チベ】sa bcad /sa che/ (= chapter, section, subject, division, outline, stages {don tshan} [IW] ) しょう
c. チベット語に、あや、しるし、ふみ、はナシ。

matu(m) I, OA matium (= "small, little; insignificant, low-value" [lal]; plam m. sakdnum "to speak humbly 謙虚に話す" (to s.o. = ana); < matu II ) もうす
【賛】tan (= ; to (spread i.e. to) speak (words) Das3.) シン
【民】noTi-tal (= 01 to say, tell, speak, declare) もうす
【賛】nivac (= (only aor. %{-avocat}) , to speak , say BhP. ; = Caus. %{-vAcayati} , to abuse , revile L.) もうす
【民】cARRu-tal (= 01 1. to publish, announce; 2. to explain in detail; 3. to speak, mention; 4. to praise; 5. to beat, as a drum; 6. to fill with water, as a tank; 7. to form) さる
【民】kazaRal (= 1. speech, word, speaking; 2. exhortation, admonition) かさねる (R-n)、かたらい、かたらう
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666874399/speak 無
【羌】/ / mælæ ʥi/ (to) speak/ / / dʐawa ʥe/ (to) speak/ / / dʐəwe ʐo/ (to) speak/ / / melu di/ / / miel ʥe/ / / mɑlu ətɑ/ (to) speak/ / / xxi mi rrɑ/ / / xximi hhrrɑ/ (to) speak/ / / zə mə du/ / / zəq ʥi/ (to) speak/ / / zəqtʂəi/ / / zətɑ/ / / ʥowɑ ɦoɹ/ / / ʥuwɑ ʐuo/ / / ʐowuɑ ʥe/ / / ʐuwɑ ʥe (= speak) もうす
【蛇】מָשַׁל mâshal /maw-shal'/ (= compare, quotes proverbs, use it as a proverb, speaking, like, use proverbs, will quote this proverb, utter, become like, proverb, using, speak, use, become) もうす
c. 「がたがた」言う、も有る。
【民】kaTan2kaTTAyppEcu-tal (= to speak rudely or uncivilly 不作法または不unc慎・野蛮的に話す) がたんがったいふふっち
【民】kaTukuTu-ttal (= 1. to gabble, rattle in speaking, to speak rapidly and indistinctly; 2. to speak angrily) がたがた
c. 「しゃべる」も有る。
sabaru I (= "to twinkle; blink; mutter" M/jB, NA G (u/u) of star; of eye "blink, wink (maliciously)"; of demon, bird "twitter, chirp"; of snake "rustle" or "hiss"? Gtn iter, of G Gt (infin., stat., imper. tisb...) "speak" D MB "be startled"?; jB lex. of intestines "suffer contractions"? S "cause to spread" news, instructions Nt ~ Gt ?; > sabru, sabaris; sabburltu; → muzzapru; sapdru ) しゃべる、駄弁る(だべる)
【有】shpreh (= express, phrase, extend, say, put, speak) しゃべる
c. インド弁の speak に「さる」があり、猿ではない。 say と関係する、多分。

【趣】 (= : self; body; one's own)
【民】mEn2i (= 1. body; 2. form, shape; 3. colour; 4. beauty; 5. good condition, healthy state; 6. average crop or yield of harvest; 7. Indian acalypha)
【民】mey (= 01 1. truth, reality; 2. soul; 3. consciousness; 4. body, used euphemistically 婉曲的に; 5. breast; 6. consonant) みぃ
【賛】nipur (= f. the subtle 微妙な、繊細な。わずかな body VS. AV. (= %{sUkSma-deha} Mahi1dh.)) にふる、み (p 無音)
【賛】sena (= 2 (?) n. the body L.) シン
【民】tEyam (= 04 body) シン
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59653426653/body 無
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】cisim (= object, body, matter, substance) シン
【蛇】מֵעֶה mê‛eh /may-aw'/ (= own 自分, spirit, within, feelings, abdomen, stomach, heart, belly, children, body, bowels, soul, womb, offspring, stomachs, inward parts)

god, spirit, deity, divine
漢字ペディア   ~
c. deity ディーアティー・ダイエティ、神・女神、神聖な・神の、のスペルは、tiety で無い。「ダイエット」になってしまうから。
【賛】kAraNa (= ; `" the cause of being "' , a father W. ; `" cause of creation "' , a deity W. ; the body L. ;) からな、かみ
【民】teyvam (= 1. God, deity; 2. divine nature; 3. that which is divine; 4. fate, destiny karma; 5. one of as2t2aviva1kam , q.v.; 6. year; 7. fragrance; 8. newness 新) シン(神)、シン(新)、ジン、たま
【賛】tAmasa (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{ta4mas}) dark L. ; appertaining to or affected by the quality %{tamas} (q.v.) , ignorant , various Mn. (%{-sI@tanU} , the form assumed by the deity for the destruction of the world "' ;) たましい、たまさ
【賛】ka (= 2 %{kas} , %{kA} , %{kim} , ;; ; %{yasyai@kasyai@ca@devatAyai} , to any deity whatsoever ; ) か、こう
【民】tEvatai (= 1. deity, god; 2. evil spirit) たヴぁしい、たましい (v-m)
【賛】tuvizuSma (= mfn. high-spirited (Indra , IndraVarun2a) ,) たましいな、魂入っとるやんけ
【民】tamiyam (= toddy, spirituous liquor 焼酎) たまんねー
【民】tattuvatarican2am (= a spiritual experience of the soul, one of tace-ka1riyam , q.v. (TLS)) たまらんのー、たまらねーな
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/god 無
c. ニラメッコしたが、チベット語の辞書の「god」には、素直な発音の「かみ」は無い。バカ言語である。
【チベ】ka ki ni (= 1) n. of a mountain. 2) n. of female deity [RY]) か き に、かみ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666919065/spirit 無  [p4/21]
c. ニラメッコしたが、チベット語の辞書の「spirit」には、素直な発音の「たましい」は無い。バカ言語である。
【チベ】dkon mchog (= - highest spiritual principle [RB]) どこん むちょぐ  発音不明。滅茶苦茶・スペル。でおます。
【チベ】ka pi (= 1) divine language 聖なる言語 in which the Bon history was compiled. 2) monkey [RY]) カピ、かみ (p-m)
c. チャン族(羌属)の古代宗教、ポン教って、Pon だが、Bon のボン、梵語(ぼんご)と関係有るの ?。
cf. 「チャン族 ボン」Google 結果。
原始宗教、チベット仏教、ボン教. 関連する民族. チャン族、チベット民族. プミ族(プミぞく)は中華人民共和国の少数民族のひとつ。
プミ族 プミ族(プミぞく)は中華人民共和国の少数民族のひとつ。中国語では「普米族」と表記する。主に雲南省の蘭坪、維西、麗江市永勝などの県に住む。【言語】言語はシナ・チベット語族チベット・ビルマ語派チャン諸語(英語版)に属するプミ語(英語版)を使用する。プミ語は南と北で2つの方言に分かれ、その差は大きい。
c. 「その差は大きい。」だって。

cf. file tibet #g.150 god 神  下記に copy した。
【ギャロン語】[@ Maerkang Dangba Geerda 马尔康党坝郷格尔达 Dam pa]kə’ᵐceⁿ̪ けんちゃーん、かみさま
【ギャロン語】[@ Jinchuan Hedong 金川河東 Ho tung] kə³mtɕʰen⁵ こんちゃ、かみさま
【ギャロン語】[@ Maerkang Baiwan Muerji 马尔康白湾 Brag bar] ʒə’βdak̚ じゅぴた
【賛】kAma (kAma) (= m. wish 願望, desire, longing for 乞い願う、切望 (gen., dat., or loc.); love 愛, inclination, lust, pleasure 喜び; pers. as the 【god】 of desire or of love 願望と愛の神;) かみ
【民】kAman2 (= 01 1. the indian cupid キューピッド; 2. the buddhistic 【god】 of evil;) かみの
【賛】kAmajyeSTha (= (%{kA4ma-}) mfn. having the 【god】 Desire at the head 頭の中での神様にお願いすること, led by Ka1ma AV.) かみさま (+ま)

true, genuine
【趣】nanam (= : n., true measure (na4, 'token, counter', + nam, 'destiny' or just reduplicated nam).
   adj., reliable, true; honest, decent. )
【箍】magkatotoo (= true) まこと
【賛】sanmaNi (= m. a true jewel.) シン
【民】mey-ttal (= 02 to be true)
【民】nAkkuRuti (= being true to one's word) まこと
【民】nikaNTAyiru-ttal (= to be true, just, exact) まこといる
【チベ】'khrul med /trul me/ (= 1) unmistaken, undeluded. 2) authentic, genuine, true, unerring. 3) certainty, authenticity, faultlessness; undeluded, without delusion [RY] ) シン
【チベ】nges /nge/ (= 1) ascertain, understand, determine, be certain about, remember, recollect, recall, keep in mind, memorize; 2) be recorded/ registered [in one’s mind], stick [in the mind; 3) true, real, definitive, definite, actual, certain, sure; 4) will/ would certainly) ま、まこと  --- スペルの方が近い。→ウソ。 ng なので、nag は、不可。
c. つまり、チベット語では、「ま」は有るが、「まこと」は無い。
【カザフ】шын /şın/ シン

world, society, lifetime
【趣】šár, sár (= : n., totality, all; world; horizon; ball, counter, token; the number 3600 = 602 (many, much + àr, 'ring, coil').
   v., to be many; to multiply or mix (with -da-); to make abundant; to slaughter; to request, implore (reduplication class).
   adj., numerous; innumerable.) セイ、セ
【有】shoqëri (= society, company, association, fellowship, guild, world) せかい、せけん (r-n)、セイ
【有】sferë (= sphere 球、地球, area, field, domain, range, world) スフィファ、セイ
【有】shoqërim (= accompaniment, concomitance, attendance, tracking, society, convoy) せけん
【賛】saMgaNikA (= f. society , the world DivyA7v.) せけんかい、せけん、せかい
【賛】saMsAra (= m. going or wandering through , undergoing transmigration MaitrUp. ; course , passage , passing through a succession of states , circuit of mundane この世の、現世の、俗世の。退屈な生活 existence , transmigration , metempsychosis , the world , secular 〔来世や死後の世界ではなく〕この世に関する、現世的な life , worldly illusion (%{A@saMsArAt} , `" from the beginning of the world "') ) セイ、セ
【民】uyiravai (= the world with all its life)
【賛】eva (= 2 mfn. (%{i}) , going , moving , speedy , quick TBr. ; m. course , way (generally instr. pl.) RV. ; the earth , world VS. ; 5 [Mahi1dh.] ; a horse RV. ; (%{As}) m. pl. way or manner of acting or proceeding , conduct , habit , usage , custom RV. ; [cf. Gk. ; Lat. {aevu-m} ; Goth. {aivs} ; O.H.G {e7wa} and Angl. Sax. {e7u} , {e7o} , `" custom "' , `" law "' ; Germ. {ehe}.])
【賛】sabhAcAra (= (%{sabhA7c-}) m. the customs 慣習、しきたり or usages of society , courtmanners ib.) せけん (r-n)、しゃかい、セイ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669113033/world 無
【チベ】srid (= worldliness, height, length, extension, dominion, government, till, during, world, phenomena, society, temporal, cosmic, “possible” auxiliary verb, it might be, may arise, is produced, may occur, produces the existence of [JV]) セ、セイ /si/
c. チベット語発音 converter によると、srid は /si/ だって。完全なる滅茶苦茶スペル言語でおます。「よ」は無い。「せけん」「よのなか」も無い。
spyi tshogs は、/chi tsok/ だって、キチガイ言語だわ。 tsok も発音し難い。 ts 「つ」なら、 tsok は、「つぉく」、もう、完全に、バカ言語。
【チベ】spyi tshogs (= society, community, society [JV]) ち つぉく /chi tsok/
【チベ(by達磨辞書)】spyi (= universal [thd]
whole [RY]
universals; fx: tshogs spyi - collection-universal, rigs spyi kind-universal, don spyi - object-universal [ggd] [RY]
common, general, usual, universal, public, common [IW]) /chi/
c. 日本人から見ると、spyi の意味が univerasal/ whole なら「すべて」で、そのまんま東。なのに、今のチベット語は、/chi/ 全(ぜん)→チ。only。日本語は、訓読み・音読みの2本立てで行った。チベット語は、強引に一本建て、で、失敗作と成った。中国の影響が強過ぎて、スペルと発音が非同期状態のまま現在になった。そんな、印象。ワン。
c. 【羌】【ギャロン】に world, society 未登録。
【トルコ】yeryuzu (= earth, world, earth surface, terra) よよつ  △
-- lifetime --
【民】Ayu (= * 1. lifetime; 2. the karma which determines the length of time which a Ji1va must spend in the form with which another of his karma has endowed him, one of en2-kur6r6am , q.v.)
【賛】kalpa (= 1 mf(%{A})n. (%{klRp}) , practicable , feasible , possible S3Br. ;; ; according to the MBh. , twelve months of Brahma1 constitute his year , and one hundred such years his lifetime ;) カルパ、かりのよ

【賛】saMsthA (= f. (ifc. f. %{A}) staying or abiding with (comp.) MBh. ; shape , form , manifestation , appearance (ifc. `" appearing as "') Up.; ) ソウ
【賛】AbhA (= 2 f. splendour , light ; a flash ; colour , appearance , beauty MBh. ; a reflected image , outline ; likeness , resemblance MBh. ;) あひ、あい
【賛】svAkAra (= mfn. (for %{svA7kAra} see p. ) of decent or respectable appearance Hcar.) さが
【賛】tadAkAra (= mfn. having that appearance W. ; %{-parijJAna} n. N. of an art Gal.) たすける
c. 「たすける」って何だ。どこから、こんな言葉が出てくるの?。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59650883417/appearance 無
【羌】bə/ / / gves/ / / khχseɕ/ / / kəs/ / / qəs/ / / χpɑχpu̥/ / / χəɑχ (= appearance) 無 ×
【羌】bə/ / / gves/ / / khχseɕ/ / / kəs/ / / qəs/ / / χpɑχpu̥/ / / χəpɑχ/ / / χəɑχ (= shape) 無
【ギャロン】うんだ (= shape)   無 ×

another, other
cf. file f20 #s.21 other in Swadesh 207
cf. file tibet #g.248 other
【有】tjetër (= other, another, next, different, further, second) たた、た
【賛】samasyA (= f. junction , union , the being or remaining together with (comp.) MBh. ; a part of a stanza given to another person to be completed Sin6ha7s. ; %{-pUraNa-vidhi} m. %{--rNava} (%{-syA7rN-}) m. %{-saMgraha} m. N. of wks.) その他
【賛】sthAnapAta (= m. occupying (another's) place Nya1yam.) 他の場所
【蛇】זֶה zeh /zeh/ (= other side, these, which, both, another, one while another, what, one thing, either side, where, one and another, this one, one side and the other, today, this side, thus, very, these to this, same, each side, this is what, hence, first woman, there, why, itself, similarly, daylight, such a thing, this woman, other on the other side, one, side and on the other, here, follows, really, now, side, then, this and these, this, so, one out to another, how, origin, one as well as another, morning, those, one side, this way, other, this thing, such, completely, ever, therefore, purpose, both sides, hath, just) 他(た)
【トルコ】başka (other, another, different, alternative, distinct) 【形容詞】 外(ほか)、他(ほか) (ş 無音) ◎
【トルコ】başka (except, save, but, saving) 【接続詞】 (〜の)外(ほか)、他(ほか) (ş 無音) ◎
【アゼルバイジャン】başqa (= other, another) ほか
【ウズベク】boshqa (= other, other, another, different, fresh) ほか
【カザフ】басқа /basqa/ (= other, another) ほか

pair, facing
sutahu(m) (= "paired (off), arranged in pairs" O/jB "identical, matching", of triplets, of column, door-leaves; < ahu II St) ツヒ、タヒ
ser r a tan, serretdn du. (= (a pair of wooden objects) jB lex.; < serretu I ) そろってんだ
kapizzuhhu (= (an object) Am. in pairs; of gold; < Hurr. ) こたへ、こたふ
【有】çift (= couple, pair, two, couplet, twosome, double) チヒだ、ツヒだ
【賛】tulAvant (= a. having a pair of scales.) つれあいだ、そろいだ
【民】cErppUTTu (= well-matched pairTu) つれあいだ、そろいだ
【民】nukappiTi (= match, as a pair of oxen, a couple of persons) むかいだ
【民】kUTTALi (= 1. associate, companion; 2. partner in trade, coparcener; 3. agent of a money lending business; 4. equal, compeer; 5. fellwo, one of a pair, as oxen horses) こたーる
【民】tuyam (= 01 1. pair couple; 2. a mantra of two sentences propitiating Vis2n2u) タイ/ツイの
【チベ】dor (= 1) 'Dor ba!; 2) a pair [of plow animals 鋤をする動物、2頭立て] * [p {'dor} rejected, discarded, abandoned, renounced [IW]) /dor/ ツイ、タイ、つれ
c. チベット語には、「むかう、こたえる、そろい」は見つから無い。
【羌】tue/ / / e tue/ / / guɑ/ / / tsɑ/ / / æʐgue/ / / ɑe dueɑ/ / / tsi (= pair) ツイ、
c. 「つるんでる」も有る。意味深な言葉?。共謀、sex 中。
【チベ】zung 'brel (= as a pair, both together/ coupled, combined, conjoined, full combination, union, unity, joining, joint- [IW]) /zung drel/ つるん でる
【蛇】שְׁתַּיִם shenayim, shettayim /shen-ah'-yim, shet-tah'-yim/ (= 32, twelfth, both, two, thirty-two, 822, 12,000, thirty-second, forty-two, 2,322, 642, 62, twice 2倍、2回, two things, 22,273, second time, both of them 2個の, 22,034, sixty-two, 112, 172, twelve, 52,700, 1,052, 212, 42,000, twenty-two, 1,222, twain, 32,000, twenty-second, 372, twos, double, 72, 20,000, 32,500, each other, second, 32,200, 232, misc, 62,700, 12, couple カップル, 52, 2,172, pair, few, two on opposite 対向, 392, 22,000, 22,200, 122, 42, 120,000, two-tenths, 72,000, 652, 2,812, 832, 242) ツヒの
【トルコ】çift (= double, pair, couple, yoke, dyad, duet) チヒだ

sequence number, ordinal, serial, series
c. どこから、「ついで」とか「やしき」って単語が出てくるのか、不思議。予想もできない言葉だ。でも、インド弁にあるかも。series が本命でした。
【民】tattuppuraTci (= irregularitie by gaps or otherwise in the sequence of planetary regnal periods in the method of ka1la-cakkaram) ダヒ、タヒ、つひで。通番(つうばん)の親戚。
【賛】zredhI (= f. (cf. %{zreTI} &c.) any set or succession of distinct things W. ; (in arithm.) progression ; sequence ib.) やしき (z-y, h-k)
【賛】zata (= ; or the comp. becomes an ordinal 序数 e.g. %{dvi-zata} , the 200th ; ) デー、つーつー、ついで
【賛】yAvatitha (= mfn. (a kind of ordinal of %{yAvat} ; cf. Pa1n2. ) `" the how-manieth "' , `" as manieth "' , to whatever place or point , in how many soever (degrees advanced) Mn. ) やしき (h-k)
【チベ】'jug pa (= application, practice, descent, entrance, regular sequence, setting out on, {dbu ma la 'jug pa} usage, regular sequence [one of the 10 non-concurrent formations] skad cig dang bar chad pa la de mi rung bas rgyu 'bras kyi gnas skabs kyi rgyun bar mi chad par 'byung ba'o] establish [others on the path], ) あちき べ、やしき
【チベ】dus (= (verb)-dus - when. at the point that. once.; 1) time, period of time, season, age, period, occasion, timely. 2) [vb.+?] at the time of, while, when. temporal sequence. day, date;) つで (s-d)  △
【チベ】tar tar po (= a shape of the embryo during the early stages of gestation; the sequence being: nur nur po, mer mer po, tar tar po, gor gor po, mkhrang gyur [RY]) つー つー ぽ、ダヒ
【トルコ】dizi (= sequence, series, range, set, string, serial) でぃつぃ、ダイ、ついで
-- series --
【民】toTai (= 02 1. discharging, shooting, one of pan1ca-kiruttiyam , q.v.; 2. braiding, weaving; 3. unbroken succession or continuity; 4. fastening, tying; 5. kicking stroke; 6. series, train, succession; ) ダイ、タイ
【賛】yathAkramam (= adv. according to order, in regular series.) やしきらまん
【賛】saMhita (= mfn. (1. %{dhA}) put together , joined , attached RV.; fixed , settled AitBr. ; composed of (comp.) ib. ; placed together (%{pArzva-s-} , `" placed side by side "') La1t2y. ; uninterrupted 割り込み無く (as a series of words) RPra1t. ;) ついで (s-t)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666287523/series  スペル滅茶苦茶で判定不能
c. 【英】series シリーズ、は、ダイ (s-t, r-y) に見える。「ついで」にも見える (s-t, r-i, s-d)。

title, subject, agenda, theme
【民】cAhIp (= a honorific title) ダヒ (c-t-d, p 無音)
【賛】sAra (= ; a compendium 概要、大要、抄録, summary 要約, epitome 概略、あらまし、要約 (often ifc. in titles of books) ; ) ダイ (s-t-d)、テイ (s-t)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667820671/title 無
-- theme --
【民】tuRai (= ; 12. subject or theme, in akam and pur1am ; ) ダイ、テイ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667683121/theme 無

piece for cake, fourth in rank, street, even, cut/ slice
c. この漢字は、深い。豆腐を一丁(いっちょう)、和歌山市では「町」の漢字が「丁」だった。記紀万葉では「丁(よほろ)」で、労働力の人手の民衆を指した。漢字ペディアの『A働きざかりの男。一人前の若者。「丁男」「壮丁」 』に対応。 popolo, people だと思う。漢字ペディアに「よほろ」が無いのは、遺憾。馬丁(ばてい)の馬引きは、若いお兄さん?。年寄りは駄目?
丁(よほろ)とは。: 意味や解説、類語。《「膕 (よほろ) 」と同語源。「よぼろ」とも》古代、公用に徴発されて使役された人民。律令制では正丁 (せいてい) がこれにあてられる。
「丁度」just は、豆腐の数の一致 の feeling。「ひのと」「あたる」って、初耳。 what is this? 「あたる」、半・丁が当たる? のか。博徒用語か?
ひのと: the fourth of the ten Heavenly Stems --- 丁(てい、ひのと)は、十干の4番目である。
【民】tERu (= 04 a piece) チョウ、テイ、トウ
【民】cUtu (= 01 1. gambling; 2. conical pieces 円すい(形[状])の in dice-play サイコロ遊び; 3. means, device; 4. victory, success; 5. secret; 6. trick) チョウ
【民】cArvAy (= palmyra fruit sliced and cooked (TLS)) ちょうり、ちょう
【民】coTTu (= 02 1. drop; 2. small piece, slice) チョウ
【民】piLAccu (= 1. lath; 2. fire-wood; 3. slice of edible palmyara root) ひのと (L-n)
【賛】paryavado (= P. %{-dyati} , to cut off or slice all round TS.) ひのと (r-n)
【賛】vimath (= (or %{manth}) P. A1. %{-mathati} , %{-te} , %{-mathnAti} , %{-nIte} &c. (in Veda generally A1. ; inf. %{-mathitos} AitBr. ; %{-tum} BhP.) , to tear off , snatch away TS. ; to tear or break in pieces , rend asunder , bruise ib. ; to cut in pieces , disperse , scatter MBh.; to confuse , perplex , bewilder BhP.) ひのと
【賛】haritAla (= ; the fourth (or third).day in the light half of the month Bha1dra L. ; ) ひのと (r-n)
【民】pijncu (= 1. young, tender fruit; 2. that which is young and tender; 3. cf. pin1ccha small bud-shaped work in an ornament; 4. quarter, one-fourth) ひにょと
【民】utir-ttal 02 (= 1. to cast leaves or fruits, as trees; to cause to drop or fall in numbers or succession to shake off, beat off, peel off 皮を剥く, strip; to knock out, as teeth; to shed, as tears; 2. to break in pieces; 3. to shake out, as a cloth) あたる
【民】yAvarum (= each and every person) よほろの
【チベ】tshal ba (= pieces [JV]) チョウ べ
【チベ】'thar ba (= piece into [IW]) あたる べ
【チベ】bam po'i tshad (= volume, piece of a text w 300 shlokas, each shloka w 30 or 32 tsheg bar; the number of/ all the divisions [IW]) ひのと
c. チベット語の fourth には「ひのと」似は、近いが、皆、今一。疲れる。
c. チベット語で 「よほろ」は、捜したが見つからなかった。person, people --- 先頭が y の単語が、そもそも無い。アホ言語カモ。
ex. 夜、夕(evening)、弓、やさしい、屋根、ゆっくり、嫁(よめ)、よすが (= cause)、横、よそおう (= dress)、結う (ゆう)bind、
有ったもの: rmi (= dream) ゆめ、yang po やこい、ral gri やり、やじり、yog khang (= ground floor, cellar) ゆか、g.yul ka (= threshing-floor) ゆか (g. 無音))、rlangs (= steamy; steam, vapor) ゆげ、rags pa (= approximate) 約(やく)、ra gu (= kid young goat, kid) ヤギ (r-y)、rgyun chad pa (= stopped; {so nam sogs las thams cad rgyun chad pa} everyone stopped working, even the farmers and the other laborers [RY]) やめ ちゃった べ、bar seng (= not busy, idle, recess) 休む (b-y) △、sreg pa (= fry, smelt, burn, consume, destroy with fire, roast, bake, tan, make swarthy, capacity to burn [JV]) やく べ (s 無音, r-y) △、】

curtain, screen, partition
【尼】tabir (= curtain, screen, sunblind, jalousie) とばり  
【民】tiraippu (= 1. wrinkling; 2. rolling; rippling; 3. place screened by a curtain) とば
【民】tiraiccIlai (= curtain cloth; veil; cloth of a tent) 仕切り (ccI-ki)
【民】tuyyA (= 1. a kind of lace-braid stitched on to the border of curtains; 2. braided cord) チョウ
【民】kUTarakkaTTil (= bed with tester and curtains) 几帳(きちょう)カーテン
【チベ】dra ba dra phyed (= laced curtains or ornamental silken frills, hangings embroidered and with pendant strings [JV]) とばり フェート △
【チベ】sgo yol (= curtain, screen door [JV]) 仕切り

【賛】dhukkA (= f. (in music) a kind of flute.) テキ、ジャク
【賛】jaya (= ; a kind of flute ; (in music) a kind of measure ; ) ジャク (y-ki)
【賛】vivara (= ; %{-nAlika} f. a fife , flute L. ; ) ふえ
【チベ】pi pi (= fife, flute, nipple, teat [RY]) ふえ、ピッピ
【チベ】zhal gling (= flute [h] [IW]) テキ
【チベ】smyug gling (= 1) bamboo garden; 2) bamboo flute [IW]) ジャク(尺)
【羌】/ / fudeɑzi/ / / thil/ / / ʂpul/ / / ʂpulu/ / / ʂpuɤli/ / / ʨhil/ / / tie tsə phə/ / / ʨhile (= flute) テキ (h-k)

degree, measure, whenever
(w)atru(m), Ass. freq. utru(m), Nuzi also (w)atru(m), Ass. freq. utru(m), Nuzi also mat(a)ru, NB also ataru; f. (w)atartu(m), utartu(m) (= "huge 巨大; excellent 優秀; surplus 超過分" [DIRI] 1. of quality "superior 最大級, excellent" OA, OB of metals, wool 2. of degree, e.g. Atram-hasis, jB Atar- hasis "Exceedingly wise"; OA esp. in damqum w. "very fine" 3. (in adj. and nominal use) of quantity "surplus, additional" [also Si], of silver, objects, goods, animals etc., "extra" tribute, offerings, tablets, persons, houses; days, months 4. "too much" work OB; of part of body "extra, superfluous"?; of speech "extravagant" OB 5. "additional" fee (a tax) NB 6. OB ina watrim, Nuzi ana atri, ana matrimma etc. "in addition, over and above 超えている"; < watdrum; > atris, watrissu, watrum, watartum ) わたる
【賛】samApana (= a. & n. accomplishing, performing 実行; f. {A} the highest degree 最高の度合い、最高確率.) たびに
【賛】tati (= 2 f. extension, spreading, offering (of a sacrifice); multitude 多数、数の多さ, abundance, high degree.) ド、ト、ていど(程度)
【民】niRai (= 04 1. weighing; 2. scale 目盛り, balance; 3. libra in the zodiac 天秤; 4. standard weight 基準重り; 5. weight of 100 palam ; 6. measure 計り、測定, standard 標準, degree) めもり (R-m)、のり
【民】pAkai (= 02 1. part 部分, division 分割, section; 2. degree; 3. a division of time) はか
【民】prastAra (= m. spreading, extension 拡張, high degree;) わたる
【賛】saMvega (= m. agitation, flurry 急変; intensity 強度, high degree.) タク (s-t)
【チベ】du'u (= KW hour, degree [IW])
【チベ】tu'u (= degree [JV])
【チベ】tig ku ris (= degree [of longitude 〔地球の〕経度/ latitude 〔地球の〕緯度] [IW]) たくくり、タク  △
c. チベット語には、同じ degree で、訓読み単語は無かった。また、それでは「はかる」等は、 measure に有るか調べたら、他の単語も含め、全て無かった。 --- チベット語さんには悪いが、話にならない。
c. このサンプルは、教育的である。
漢字ペディアの「度」と言う漢字に複数の日本語が割り当てられている理由をインド弁は少し説明している。「度」は degree に 1対1 対応している。チベット語では、説明できない。
つまり、インド弁の単語構成は、日本のご先祖様の feeling に合致している。チベット語は、合致していない(あるいは、今のチベット語は、古代人の feeling を継承していない、等)。
-- measure 追跡 --
【趣】šu-da (= : hand and forearm, as a unit of measurement, ell/cubit (cf., kùš) ('hand' + 'arm'). ) ド、ト

agriculture, farming, farmer
cf. file f17 #1.9 耕す cultivate, till, plow
【民】nAgkar (= cultivation, agriculture) 農業(のうぎょう)
【賛】nirvap (= P. A1. %{-vapati} , %{-te} (pf. %{-vavApa} R. , %{-uvApa} Bhat2t2. , %{-Upe} RV. ; fut. %{-vapsyati} TBr. , %{-vapiSyati} Hariv. R.) , to pour out , sprinkle , scatter , to offer , present (esp. sacrificial food , the funeral oblation or libation to deceased relatives) ; to choose or select for (dat. or gen.) , to distribute (e.g. grain for sacrif. purposes) ; to perform (a sacrifice or a funeral oblation &c.) RV.; (with %{kRSim}) to practise or exercise agriculture MBh.: Caus. %{-vApayati} , to sow out Pan5c. ; to choose or select (for the gods)) ノウ、ノホ
【賛】sItA (= f. (less correctly written %{zItA} ; cf. %{sIma4n} , %{sIra}) a furrow , the track or line of a ploughshare (also personified , and apparently once worshipped as a kind of goddess resembling Pomona ; in RV. , Sita1 is invoked as presiding over agriculture or the fruits of the earth ;) ドウ
【チベ】zhing las (= agriculture work in the fields, agriculture, farming operations (rmo ba, rko ba, phrul rlog pa, bong ba, sa sgong, sa bon btsugs pa, bskrun pa, btab pa, gtab pa, bskyed pa), agricultural work [JV] ) たが らす  △
c. 「百姓」も有る。
【民】puRakkuTi (= 1. farmer of field-labourer, not being a regular tenant under a landlord; 2. ryot who farms in neighbouring villages, dist fr. ut2kut2i , a class of farmers in Salem district) ひゃくしょう
【チベ】'brog (= highland 高地 pasture 牧草(地)、牧場、穀物飼料, dairy farmers 日雇い農夫, highlands, nomad’s camps, solitude, wilderness, uncultivated land; highland [RY]) 部落(ぶらく)、ひゃく

twice, double, multiply
sanu(m) III, sand'u(m) (= "to do twice, do for a second time" G (Hi) often in hendiad. before second vb. (Am. after or without other vb.); OAkk PN Isni-ilum "God repeated" D "repeat 反復, report" speech, fact, dream to (= ana; dat.) s.o.; "repeat" an action, "do again" also in hendiad.; "remeasure" s.th. (and make payment) OA cloth, Bab. grain Dtn 1. Mari "repeat (request) yet again" in hendiad. 2. OB "measure out again, severally" Dt pass. OB of grain "be remeasured" (and paid out); jB "maintain o.s."? St O/jB "duplicate" action 1. "double" in hendiad. (pay back etc.); of parts of body "be duplicate" 2. "repeat, do again"; also in PN Ustasni-ilum (1 or 2?); < small, sanul denom.: > sunnu; tasna, tasnitu, tasnu; sutasnu; masna ) そむ   ---- 「そむく」は、無い
nasu(m) II, OAkk, Ass. nasd'u(m) (= "to lift, carry" G (;'//) (M/NA stat. 1 sg. nassdku, 3 f. sg. nassat, 3 pi. vent, nassuni etc.; perf. 3 pi. ittassii, 1 sg. vent, attassa, 3 sg. ittassa; imper. issd(ni) etc.) [i'l; j/NB also GURn] 1. "lift up, raise 上げる" object, part of body (? > also 5); transf. "raise s.o. up", "install" in an office, "induct" priest(ess); "raise" s.o. from poverty; math, ana X n. "multiply by X"; ) 増す、ます
【民】pAvu (= 02 1. warp; 2. measure equal to double the arm's length; 3. a measure of weight equal to two palam) バイ、ハイ
【賛】pAyam (= (ger., doubled) drinking or sucking continually.) バイの、ハイの
【民】maTi-ttal (= 02 1. to fold, as the arms; to fold up, as cloth, as paper; to double up, shut up, as a folding knife; 2. to bend, turn down, turn in, curl; 3. to baffle in speech, confound by artifice, as in an argument; 4. cf. math to kill, destroy; 5. to trample down; to throw into confusion) ます
【賛】saMguNaya (= Nom. (fr. prec.) P. %{-yati} , to multiply Su1ryas.) そむくなや
【賛】dvirukta (= a. twice said, repeated, doubled, reduplicated; n. = seq.) そむくだ (v-m)
【チベ】snyim gang (= double handful [IW]) そむく
c. チベット語、他は無し。スペル判定不明。そもそも、「バイ」が無い。

depart, expose
sltu(m), setu(m); pi. -* sidtu (= "exit; (sun-)rise; issue" [e] 1. "exit, issuance" of abscess, spring- water, "place of origin" 2. "(new) growth" of plant; 'that originating from': trees from mountain, person from womb (ru); sit libbi "offspring"; word from mouth sit pi "utterance" 3. "(sun-)rise" [ d UTU.E(.A); E] (-* si samsi), also as time of day; "the east" 4. "issue" of commodities, "debit, loss" [ZI.GA]; "departure" of person; 5. rasu(m) "to make off, decamp" 5. OB "exit tax"? [BA.ZI]; jB lex. sit kisddi "neck opening"; < wasum; > sitan, sitis; sidtu, sidtis) たつ
【賛】pareta (= mfn. departed , deceased , dead RV. ; ) ハツ、ホツ、はなつ (r-n)
【賛】pareti (= f. departure.) ハツ、ホツ
【賛】sthA, tiSThati, -te (= , pp. {sthita3} 1 (q.v.) stand 立つ, stay, stop, [[-,]] remain, wait; ; ; M. be up or awake, (A.) set out to go, depart from (abl.), betake one's self to (acc. {nprati} or loc.). C. send out, dismiss, banish, put away. {atipra} rise above (acc.), be prominent. {anupra} set out after (acc.), follow;) たつ
【賛】apAya (= m. going away , departure ; destruction , death , annihilation ; injury , loss ; misfortune , evil , calamity.) あばよ
【賛】apagam (= to go away , depart ; to give way , vanish.) あばくの
【賛】parAcar (= P. %{-carati} , to go away. depart RV.) ひらく
【チベ】phebs (= go, come, arrive, go depart, SA pheb pa, to come, to go [JV]) /pep/ ヘプ、ハップ、ホップ、はぶ(波浮)
【チベ】thar (= departure {yun ring nas thar te 'gro ba} - it was a while before his departure was discovered [RY]) たつ (r 反復)
c. チベット語の depart で「はなつ、ひらく、あばく」は、発見できず。
【アゼルバイジャン】fəraq (= departure, separation, parting) ひらく

c. アッカド語に「はぶ」って言うのがある。「波浮(はぶ)の港」かも。チベット語の pebs もそうみたい。「あばよ」の変化にも見える。
babu(m) I (= ; pi. m. & f. "gate 玄関、門, door" [KA] 1. of house, temple, palace, oven etc.; "city gate" as administrative authority; "sluice gate"; bdb zlqi "air vent" 2. transf. "entrance" to marsh, to apsti.; "opening, outlet" of objects; of parts of body; ext. bdb ekalli(m) (a part of the liver) [ME.NI] 3. NB "item" of accounts (< Aram.?) 4. "point of departure 出発点", esp. in pdna(m) u ) はぶ(の)
【民】puRappATu (= 1. coming forth, sallying out; 2. appearing outside, protruding, jutting out; 3. setting out, departure, as of a traveller; 4. procession of an idol; 5. eruption, boil, abscess, carbuncle) はぶつ、あばよだ

ice, freeze, congeal
cf. file f20 #s.145 凍る、to freeze
cf. file f20 #s.165 氷、ice
cf. file tibet #g.179 氷、 ice
cf. file tibet #g.137 氷る、 freeze(v)
qarahu (= "to freeze" NA G (u/u) in qarhu q. "frost freezes"; > qarhu ) 凍る
【小結論】 世界で日本だけが snow を雪、(ice を氷、)という。freeze (項番 145)はみんな「凍る」という。トルコ系は、snow「こーる (or トルコ語&アゼルバイジャン動詞 こーるゆき)」, ice 「不統一 buz/ akull/ muz」、シュメール系は snow/ ice 「しぐ(れ)」、アッカド系は snow/ ice 「しぐれ・しも」, ice「こーり」、インド系は snow/ ice 「ヒマ(ヒマラヤのヒマ)」、ヘブライ系は、snow ≠ 「こーる」, ice 「こおり」。
--- つまり、日本語は、トルコ系(特に、トルコ語 or アゼルバイジャン語)の血が混じっている。そうでないと、雪の名前の説明が出来ない。∵ トルコ語の部分的パクリ。こおりは、 freeze の名詞化から作ったとしてもとしても、雪(ゆき)は作れない。
c. かき氷に、「しぐれ」って有りますね。シュメール語ですね。
c. つらら: 語源は「つらつら」の転。古くは「たるひ(垂氷)」と言った。この言葉は東北地方方言の「たろひ」。--- 氷(ひ)って、インド系?。「つらつら」って sirsira @アゼルバイジャンと、そのまんま東。
【賛】satuhina (= mfn. accompanied by frost or ice , wintry S3is3.) たーひの
【賛】tuSAra (= a. cold; m. frost, rime, dew, ice, snow.) つつら、つらら
【チベ】dar lam (= path on ice [IW]) つららの、つるるの、つるつるの

【チベ】khyag rum (= ice, floating blocks of ice [JV]) こやぐらの、こおりの
【チベ】dar lam (= path on ice 氷の上の道 [IW]) つららの、つるるの
【羌】tsəpɑ/ / / tsupɑ/ / / tsəpa/ / / tsəpi/ / / tsəpu/ / / zuibɑ/ / / tsuə pe/ / / tsəp (= ice) すべ、すべすべ
【ギャロン】ta’rpam たるぺん、たるひの(垂氷の) (= ice)     
 70 % の地区で共通使用。
c. 氷柱 (hiragana ひょうちゅう, rōmaji hyōchū, alternative reading つらら, rōmaji tsurara) 水滴が次々にこおって垂れ下がり、棒状になったもの。垂氷(たるひ)。icicle
【チベ】pi pi (= flute, nipple, icicle [JV]) ぴぴ、ひ(氷)

second, ear
【民】naLukkal (= second pounding 何度も強打する、激しく[ドンドン・バンバン]打つ[たたく]、〔もちなどを〕つく of paddy 稲) のぎ
c. 稲の第ニ強打。
c. 秒(のぎ) = 字源
c. 漢字表記
c. 「のぎへん(禾偏)」の禾(のぎ)。
cf. Q0405   「禾(のぎへん)」に「重」と書いて、どうして「種(たね)」という意味になるのですか? (漢字文化資料館)
【民】vikalai (= 1. the Indian hour of 24 minutes; 2. second of a degree=1/60 kalai) ビからい
【賛】viliptA (= or f. a second (= 1/3600 of a degree) Gan2it. - 1.) ビりぷたー
c. 語頭の vi 「ビ」が、秒(ビョウ)に、引き継がれた模様。 ???。
【チベ】nyin lag /nyin lak/ (= 1) minor/ secondary limbs/ members/ divisions [of the body] [IW] ) にん らく、のぎ
【羌】mɑu/ / / mesh/ / / qəɹ steje/ / / stæxe/ / / thɑmɑsɑ tə ɦĩ/ / / ɤuəɕuq/ / / ɦenedʐe/ / / ɦĩze ʐa/ / / mɑw/ / / nei gu/ / / stæki/ / / ɑmiɑo (= second) ねい ぐ、のぎ??
c. 「わずか」のことを「のぎ」と言うかチェックする。 little で攻める。
【民】naccu (= 05 little, small) のぎ (c-k-g)
【民】nacukku (= 02 1. bruise 打撲(傷)、あざ; 2. that which is small little) のぎ
【賛】manAk (= ind. (prob. fr. %{manA} + %{aJc} , `" perceivably "') a little , slightly , in a small degree (%{dAnam@manAgapi} , a gift however small ; %{kAlam@manAk} , a little time ; %{na@m-} , not at all ; %{manAg@asmi@na@pAtitaH} , I was all but thrown down) Ka1v. ; shortly , immediately , at once Prasannar. ; only , merely Ratna7v.) ななーく、のぎ
a 李氏朝鮮時代の脱穀風景。稲束を材木に叩きつけて籾を落とす。
 拡大図 (別tab)
cf. 英英語源辞典 ( (C) etymonline.com)
second (n.1)
"one-sixtieth of a minute of degree," also "sixtieth part of a minute of time," late 14c. in geometry, from Old French seconde, from Medieval Latin secunda, short for secunda pars minuta "second diminished part," the result of the second division of the hour by sixty (the first being the "prime minute," now called the minute), from Latin secunda, fem. of secundus "following, next in time or order" (see second (adj.)). The second hand of a clock is attested from 1759. つまり、1分の 1/60 の時間単位。第2の、短い・小さい部分、の意。プライムじゃ無い、の意。
cf. 秒【中国語辞書】 /miǎo/ 発音= /ミィアオ/
【英语】 beard あごひげ of grain or corn; a second
1. 谷物种子壳上的芒,引申为细微,微小:~忽(喻细微)。
2. 时间的计算单位,一分钟的六十分之一:~表。~针。
c. 中国語辞書は、second は、セカンド、と、「すこンし」は、親戚だと、間接的に言っている。
【民】nAkku (= 1. ear of corn トウモロコシの耳・穂, ear of grain 穀物の穂; 2. blade of an oar) のぎ
【チベ】na gu /na gu/ (= black ear [of corn] [RY] ) のぎ
【羌】/ / / negu/ / / nək/ / / nəku/ / / nəkuɑ/ / / nəku̥/ / / nəʂke/ / / ȵiku̥/ / / nə kɑ/ / / ȵiku/ (= ears: Type: verb, noun;Third-person singular simple present indicative form of ear.) のぎ

古代史掲示板 投稿 の写し

[10724] 禾(のぎ)偏(へん)の「のぎ」は、タミル語 かも。  【国語・中国語・インド語・英語、のお勉強】

投稿者: 鳩摩羅童子 投稿日:2020年 1月17日(金)08時07分38秒 

小学校教育漢字 1000 個の中に「秒(ビョウ)」という漢字がある。
秒  ビョウ、のぎ


英語で second セコンド、である。
「のぎ」とは、「のぎへん 禾」 と関係有るらしい、と判明。
漢字の偏(へん)の「のぎへん」の 禾= 「ノ」+「木」、木の上にカタカナの「ノ」のちょん、が乗っているので「のぎ へん」と言うと思っていた。

ここから先は、日本初のお話。 長くなるのでは、詳細は下記をご覧下さい。

【タミル語】naLukkal  (= second pounding 何度も強打する、激しく[ドンドン・バンバン]打つ[たたく]、〔もちなどを〕つく of paddy 稲)  のぎ (L 無音)
c. 稲の第ニ強打。

c. second は、すくねーだ(少ない) とも親戚。
【タミル語】nAkku (= 1. ear of corn トウモロコシの耳・穂, ear of grain 穀物の穂; 2. blade of an oar) のぎ

[10726] 秒は蘖(ひこばえ)のようです

投稿者: 秦野北斗 投稿日:2020年 1月17日(金)15時32分27秒 

404 写真

どうも、二番穂のようだな、『山海経』海経巻九 第十四 大荒東經に、扶桑木の文章がある。

『山海経』海経巻九 第十四 大荒東經に、扶桑木の文章がある。
大荒之中 有山名曰孽搖頵羝 上有扶木 柱三百里其葉如芥 有谷曰?源谷
湯谷上有扶木 一日方至 一日方出 皆載於烏


現在の秒は英 second、時間で関係は不明

[10727] Re [10726] 秒は蘖(ひこばえ)のようです

投稿者: 鳩摩羅童子 投稿日:2020年 1月17日(金)21時38分57秒 

秦野北斗 さんへのお返事

追加調査 ありがとうございます。 ear で 「ひこばえ、ひつじ」 系があるかの確認をしました。 有りました。

【タミル語】pacugkAy (= 1. immature paddy or other grain in the ear 耳の中(耳状)の未熟な水田または他の穀物; 2. unripe fruit 未熟果実; 3. a kind of arecanut アレカナッツの一種) ひつじ (c-t, g-j)、ひこ

【タミル語】pITTai (= 1. rudimentary stage in the formation of grain 穀物の形成の基本的な段階; 2. tender ear of grain after the first harvest 最初の収穫後の穀物の柔らかい耳) ひつじ

c. 【英】paddy (= パディ、@米、稲◆【同】paddy rice。 A 稲田、水田◆【同】paddy field) ひつじ  --- 英語のお勉強も兼務。

詳細は 下記インド弁辞書 で、 ear   、オプション exact 等、指定で、確認して下さい。
ear の部分を黄色ハイライト表示させるために ctrl+F で、 ear 検索させると、Google Chrome では見易いです。


division, part
【民】pAl (= 02 1. part, portion, share, section, fraction; 2. dividing, apportioning; 3. moiety; middle; 4. side; 5. line; row; ) ブ、ホウ、ホ
【賛】pela (= m. a small part W. ; going W. ; n. = next L.)
【民】pagku (= 01 1. share, portion, part; 2. moiety, half; 3. side, party; 4. sixteen acres of dry land and two or two and a half of wet land) わく、わける
【民】tuvar-tal (= 01 1. to divide, part, as the hair in the middle; 2. to dry, wipe off moisture; 3. to smear; 1. to become dry; 2. to be clear, distinct; 3. to be parted, divided; 4. to be mature; 5. to be complete, whole) すべる
【賛】devatAtas (= ind. on the part of a deity 神の側で S3a1n3khS3r. i ) つかさ
c. 【英】division ディヴィジョン、つかさの (v-k)  カモ ??。
c. くみ、は、インド弁 part からは、誘導できなかった。 why?
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664157508/part 無
【羌】/ / aχ/ / / aχu/ / / exɕiqhuɑ/ / / æpæn/ / / æɕgu/ / / ɑχʂe/ / / ɑlo/ / / ɑχʂɑ (= part) わけ
【羌】/ / aqaɹ/ (to) part from/ / / dɑqɑdʐ/ (to) part from/ / / qæɹi/ (to) part from/ / / təqətʂhi/ / / æqæʐæ/ (to) part from/ / / zɑ dʐei/ / / ɑqəɹ (= part from) わける、わけた

フク、 きもの、きる、したがう、のむ
clothing/ clothes, dress, wear, submit, obey
cf. file tibet #g.57. #g.58 clothe, clothing
【趣】gada (=: flax; linen (clothing) (gu, 'flax, thread', + da, 'to protect')) 着た
【有】veshje (= clothing, dress, clothes, garments, apparel, garment) フク
【尼】pakaian (= clothes, clothing, garments, apparel, dress, outfit) フクの
【尼】baju (= clothes, shirt, clothing, jacket, blouse, costume) フク
【賛】paricchada (= m. a cover , covering , garment , dress , S3a1n3khS3r. MBh. ; paraphernalia , external appendage , insignia of royalty R. ; goods and chattels , personal property , furniture Mn.; retinue , train , attendants , necessaries for travelling MBh. ; ifc. = %{-cchad} S3a1n3khS3r. MBh.) ふくだ、ふくきた
【賛】pAMsukUla (= n. a dust-heap , (esp.) a collections of rags out of a dust-heap used by Buddhist monks for their clothing DivyA7v. ; a legal document not made out in any partic. person's name L. ; %{-sIvana} n. `" the sewing together of rags f-om a dust-heap "' N. of the place where Gautama Buddha assumed his ascetic's dress Lalit. (C. %{pANDu-s-}) ; %{-lika} mfn. one who wears clothes made of rags from a dust-heap Buddh.) ふくきる、ふく
【民】kampal (= garment, clothing) きもの
【賛】vah (= ; to bear 耐える or carry on 実行する or with (Inc. or instr.) MBh. ;; to wear 着る (clothes) Mr2icch. ; ; to bear , suffer , endure 我慢 Ka1v. Pur. ; to forbear , forgive , pardon BhP. ; to undergo (with %{agnim} , %{viSam} , %{tulAm} , `") フク
【民】kaTTu-tal (= 01 1. to tie, bind, fasten, shackle; 2. to build, construct, fix, erect; 3. to establish, as a theory; 4. to hug, embrace; 5. to support, sustain; 6. to tie on, adorn with; 7. to wear, to be dressed in; to put on, as clothes; ) 着た
【民】cittirikai (= 1. a kind of lute; 2. good, valuable clothes 高価な服) したがう
【民】man2n2u-tal (= 1. to be permanent; to endure; 2. to remain long; to stay; 3. to agree 同意する; 4. to persevere; 5. to be steady; 6. to abound; 1. to go near, approach; 2. to pull or tuck up one's clothes, as in crossing a river) のむ
【チベ】bgo ba (= (Tha dad pa bgos pa, bgo ba, bgos,, 1) wear, put/ have on [clothes, saddle]; 2) divide, allot; 3) share, quota; 4) clothing [IW]) ふく べ
【チベ】gu ling (= kind of fine clothing [IW]) き もの
【チベ】gyon (= wear, put on, don, cover oneself, drape, be dressed in, wrap around, drape over one’s shoulders, clothing, dress left [not g.y] [IW]) きぬ、きる
【チベ】stod gyogs (=- kind of divine clothing 神聖な服の種類 [IW]) したがう
【チベ】nang ma (= 1) contents, inside, lining [of clothing]; 2) close friends/ retinue/ attendants; 3) secret; 4) kind of Tibetan song/ zlos gar; 5) confidential, private D; 6) house- wife, lady of the house [IW]) のむ
【羌】phuwɑ/ / / gus/ / / ɸuwɑ/ / / ggus/ / / gguz/ / / guəs phiewæ/ / / phiew/ / / pho ʁu/ / / phoʁo/ / / phubɑ/ / / phu (= clothing) フク
【蛇】בֶּגֶד beged /behg'-ed/ (= robe, clothing, garments, rags, vestures, cloth, very, apparel, saddlecloths, wardrobe, treachery, garment, robes, lap, raiment, clothes) フク だ
【蛇】כְּסוּת kesûth /kes-ooth'/ (= clothing, covering, vindication, garment, vesture, raiment) 着たった
【蛇】מְכַסֶּה mekasseh /mek-as-seh'/ (= clothing, awning, cover, covering, that which covers, attire) めかし、おめかし
【ウズベク、カザフ】kiyim (= dress, dress, clothing, clothing, apparel, dressing) きぬ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】giyim (= clothing, dress) きぬ
【民】maTikaTTu-tal (= 1. to ★dress in ceremonially pure cloth; 2. to dry a washed cloth; 3. to tie betels and fruits in the cloth of a bride; to take in large quantity) めかす (T 無音)
【賛】nivAsa (= m. clothing , ★dress (ifc. = prec.) Hariv.) めかす (v-k)
【民】veLiccagkATTu-tal (= 02 1. to appear; 2. to put one off with empty words; 3. to be showy 〔見た目が〕人目を引く、印象的な, gaudy 〔衣服・装飾・色などが〕派手な、けばけばしい in ★dress) おめかし (L-m)

bless, luck, fortune
【尼】hoki (= hockey, luck) ホキ、フク
【賛】svastyayana (= n. good progress, success, welfare, blessing, benediction; a. (f. {I}) producing happiness.) さいわいな
【賛】sabhAgya (= mf(%{A}) u. having good fortune , fortunate Hariv.) さひわい
【民】pogku (= 02 1. prosperity; 2. good luck, fortune) フク、ホキ
【民】paziccu-tal (= 01 1. to praise, extol, eulogise; 2. to adore, worship; 3. to bless; 4. to announce, tell) ホキ
【チベ】shis par byed pa (= make blessed, bless [JV]) さいわいだ べ
c. チベット語、 luck 「フク」判定不能。 --- 多分、下記@、 インド弁からの類推、等。
【チベ】phya (= lot, fortune, prognostic, chance, luck, fate [IW]) フク、ほき (y-ki)    @

duty, soldier
【有】tatim (= tax, cess, impost, duty, charge, ratio) つとめ
【有】vergji (= impost, duty, tax) ヤク、エキ、いくさ
【有】funksion (= function, work, role, running, duty, assignment) いくさの (f-y)、ファンクション
c. 【英】function ファンクション、関数、は、いくさ(戦)の義務、で、同源だって。
【賛】deyadharma (= m. `" the duty of giving "' , charity Buddh.) つとめ
【賛】devadharma (= m. religious duty or office MW.) つとめ
【賛】Avazyaka (= mfn. (fr. %{avazya}) , necessary , inevitable Comm. on Kum. and Ragh. ; (%{am}) n. necessity , inevitable act or conclusion Pa1n2. ; religious duty Jain. ; a call of nature Mn.) ヤク、エキ
【民】aracukkAval (= * general police duty, as distinguished from village police duty) やくわり(役割)
【民】AcArajncey-tal (= to perform one's duty sincerely, to perform duty'y sake) いくさ (c-k)
【賛】anukarSa (= m. attraction , drawing ; invoking , summoning by incantation ; the bottom or the axle-tree of a carriage , grammatical attraction (including a subsequent in a preceding rule) ; lagging behind in a ceremony , delayed performance of a duty.) いくさ (n 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657851192/duty 無
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】vergi (= tax, duty, excise, assessment, dues, imposition) ヤク、エキ

cause, reason, just
【趣】níĝ-si-sá (= : equity 公平さ、公明正大、無私無欲、公平、公正, justice, fairness ('thing' + 'straight'). ) なおあごとし、まこと
misarutu in m. aldku (= "to obtain justice" jB [NIG.SI.SA- ]; < misaru ) なおごとし、まこと
【有】arsye (= reason, why, cause, justification, account, matter) よし
【箍】makatarungan (= just, fair, righteous, rightful, lawful, justifiable) なお ごとし、まこと
【賛】yatas (= ; wherefore , for which reason , in consequence where of R. BhP. ; as , because , for , since AV. (often connecting with a previous statement) ; ) よし
【賛】avaruh (= to cause to descend , take down from (abl.): Pass. %{-ropyate} , to be lowered or lessened MBh.) よる
【賛】muktasUryA (= f. (with %{diz}) the quarter just quitted by the sun 丁度太陽の四分の一の終了時点 Var.) なおごとしや
【賛】vyUha (= 2 m. reasoning 理由, logic 論理 (= %{tarka}) L. ; %{-mati} m. N. of a Deva-putra Lalit. ; -2. %{-rAja} m. a partic. Sama1dhi SaddhP. ; N. of a Bodhi-sattva ib. (%{-je7ndrA} f. N. of a Kim2-nari1 Ka1ran2d2.)) ユ、ユウ、ユイ
【民】nikaNTAyiru-ttal (= to be true, just, exact) なおごんとく
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59654682063/cause 無   [p57/66]
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665294746/reason 無  [p7/26]
【ウズベク】asos (= basis, foundation, basis, base, base, cause) よし
【ウズベク】vaj (= excuse, dodgery, motive, plea, pretence, reason) よし
【アゼルバイジャン】əsas (= basis, base, grounds, foundation, reason, principles) よし
【アゼルバイジャン】məhz (= exactly, just, namely, only, specially) まこつ、なおごとし
【蛇】יָטַב yâṭab /yaw-tab'/ (= better he made, reform, better, seems best, glad, pleases, seems, shown, very small, pleased, merry, stately, bless, go well, well you prepare, pleasing, treat you better, very, seemed reasonable, makes...acceptable, found favor, do well, do it well, diligently, joyful, pleasant, make, done well, thoroughly, well, amend, please, happy, seems good, good reason, do good, do them good, adorned, misc, do, surely prosper, good, treated...well, seemed good, trims, please the better, makes a cheerful, accepted, good that i do, does...good, does, prosper, do...good, deals well, done good, truly amend, goes well, skillfully, celebrating, do you good) よし
【蛇】אֲשֶׁר 'ăsher /ash-er'/ ( these, which, if, whomever, wherein, as when, what, although, wherever, though, much, storehouses, as if, when, where, whilst, where you how, whereby, whose, which he and how, anyone, everywhere, unless, while, why, because, that, whatever, who, inasmuch, concerning, whenever, reason, whosoever, whose remains when, while those who, set, whoever, deadly, powder, wherewith, steward, since, soon, whom, this, before, so, how, whereas, everything, whichever, such, therefore, than, until, just) よしゃー

sun/ sunlight, explicit
【民】veyil (= 1. sunlight, sunshine; 2. heat and glare of the sun, as on a tropical day; 3. the sun; 4. lustre, brilliance) ヨウ、昼(ひる)
【賛】papI (= m. (nom. %{s}) the sun or the moon Un2.)
【賛】himadruh (= m. `" dew-dispeller 露・散らし/一掃"' , the sun MW.) ひなた(日向)
【賛】iddha (= mfn. kindled , lighted , alight ; shining , glowing , blazing RV. ; clean , clear , bright ; wonderful L. ; (%{am}) n. sunshine , light , heat ; a wonder L.) いつは
【賛】vIdhra (= mfn. (accord. to Un2. fr. %{vi} + %{indh}) clean , clear , pure L. ; n. (only in loc.) a clear sky , sunshine AV. Ka1t2h. ; wind L. ; fire L.) いつわる
c. 「いつわる」なんて秘密の言葉を説明できるのは、ご先祖様しか居ないと思う。つまり、サンスクリット語は、ご先祖様の言葉、かも。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667304284/sunlight 皆無
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667297043/sun 皆無
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667297713/sunbeam 皆無
c. チベット語は、発音 converter に掛けて、黙字を落とすと、ほぼ日本語似は無くなる様な感触アリ。古代の痕跡を捨てているようなものだから、遠くなる。のカモ。
黙字しなくても、無かった。sun に関する限り、チベット語は、日本語に全く、似ていない。
【羌】/ / khue/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / mun/ / / phɑ/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / jipəß/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / meqi/ / / meɕɑq xkhuæ/ (to) sun/ / / mun dʐə/ (to) sun/ / / mun kue/ / / muɕi/ / / məjiq/ / / mənæ/ / / məsæq bəɹbɑ/ (to) sun/ / / mətshax/ / / pha tytɕyʐ/ (to) sun (clothes)/ / / ɦæki ətə/ (to) sun/ / / dʐei tə ʐe kuɑ/ sun (clothes)/ / / / sun (clothes)/ / / mujɑq/ / / mə ȵi/ / / məʂqɑ nipel/ / / ʨe tshə he dʐei (= sun)
cf. file tibet #g.333 sun

both, two
不明   −−→ 下記カモ。
c. both, two, double, another, each, divide, pair, half, couple 全て、ハズレ。
【民】iyaRpeyar (= noun common to both uyartiNai and aHRiNai (TLS)) りょうほうや、りょう (iya 無音)
【民】iruvAm (= we both) りょうの (i 無音)

cf. file f20 #s.173 緑 in Swadesh list 207
cf. file tibet #g.154 green
【趣】ninda-àr-ra (= : pulpy パルプの、どろどろの dish 料理 (prepared) of green-malt 緑麦芽 ('bread' + 'to chew' + nominative). ) みんどり
【有】ngjyrë jeshile (= green) みじょり ジェシーレ  【名詞】
【尼】muda (= young, light, early, junior, pale, green) みど  【形容詞】
【トカラ語】motartstse* (= (adj.) ‘green’ --) みどりダゼ
【賛】rAhucchattra (= n. green ginger 緑の生姜(しょうが) L.) リョクっトラ、みどり (r-m)、にしきだ (r-n)
【蛇】מַתְחִיל /mat'chiyl/ (= green) まっちる、みどり

commodities, goods, products, cuurency, article
taklu(m) (= "reliable, trusty" O/jB, M/NA "delegate(d)", of goods "of dependable quality"; < takdlu ) たから
【民】carakku (= 1. goods, articles of merchandise; 2. gold; 3. solid worth, ability; 4. curry-stuffs, spices, etc.; 5. medicinal substance, especially arsenic, alkalies and acids; 6. arrack, liquor, toddy; 7. venereal disease)
【民】tIrvaiccarakku (= dutiable goods 課税品) たからか
c. バカ Google 翻訳機は、dutiable goods 免税品。 だって。アホ丸出し。
【賛】saMskAraka (= mfn. preparing , making realy , Ka1tyS3r "' Sch. ; purifying , consecrating (%{-tva} n.) MBh. Jaim. ; producing or leaving an impression on the mind Jaim. Sch. ; serving as an article of food or for cooking 食料品の蓄え MW.) たからか
【民】tIvuccarakku (= foreign articles 外来品) たからっく
【チベ】ka ca /ka cha/ (= goods, things, articles, effects, property, furniture [JV] ) か ちゃ
【チベ】bca’ chas /cha che/ (= things, goods [IW]) ちゃ ちゃ、か か
【チベ】rta khal /ta khel/ (= horse laden with goods 荷を積んだ馬 [RY] ) たから

impose, assign, allocate, lesson
c. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/課、の lesson 等の英語は間違っている/不適切、だと思う。lesson は、戒め(いましめ)で、第一義では無い。この wiktionary を作ったのは、どこの誰だ?。
【趣】ĝiš...ĝar (= : to assign ('tool' + 'to deliver'). ) か、かす
【趣】bala éš-kàr (= : fraction of an assignment ('term, portion' + 'work assignment'). ) わりあて かる
【趣】éš-kàr, éš-gàr (= : task; one man's daily work assignment; the oxen or plows which perform a task; to be assigned for someone's benefit ('measuring tape' + 'something round and upraised').) あてがい
gesu(m) (= "to assigngesu(m) "to assign to, confer on" O/jB G (pret. iges); > gisu to, confer on" O/jB G (pret. iges); > gisu ) 課す
isihtu(m), esihtu(m) (= "allocation" O/jB of commodities allocated to s.o.; OB tuppi i. "allocation document"; < esehu; ? ? isiktum) 位置する
【有】caktoj (= assign, appoint, set, designate, allocate, make) かくすっち、かす
【民】kaipuku-tal (= 1. to come within one's reach or grasp; 2. to be assigned, to be made over, as a document)
【民】vArattiTTam (= 1. adjustment of the shares of the produce, as me1lva1ram and kut2iva1ram ; 2. a register kept by the village accountant of the respective shares of the produce assignable to the cultivators and proprietors) わりあての
【民】vaku-ttal (= 01 1. to separate; to divide; 2. to apportion; to distribute; 3. to classify; to allot under different heads; 4. to divide; 5. to assign, appoint; 6. to narrate categorically; 7. to expend methodically; 8. to create, as for a special purpose; 9. to daub) はか
【賛】kArya (= mfn. (fut. p.p. 1. %{kR}) , to be made or done or practised or performed , practicable feasible AV. ; to be imposed (as a punishment) Mn.)
【賛】vipratArita (= mfn. (fr. Caus.) imposed upon , deceived S3atr.) わりあて
【民】poRukkavai-ttal (= 1. to place, lean against; 2. to run aground, as a vessel; 3. to impose a duty or expense upon; 4. to overload; 5. to cause to bear) はか
【民】kuRRampOTu-tal (= to impose a fine, mulct) こころみつ
【チベ】khral (= 1) tax, to impose a tax, punishment, chastisement, visitation. duty, toll, tribute duty, forced service. 2) sorrow, worry, concerned, upset, grief [RY])
【チベ】'geld (= load! impose! [IW]) かす  △
c. チベット語の impose, assign には、ともに、「わりあてる」「はかる」「こころみる」が無い。話にならない。
【トルコ】atamak (= assign, appoint, commission, deputize, ordain, accredit) あてマク
【トルコ】vermek (= give, yield, grant, serve, deliver, assign) わりマク

device, trick, fraud, instrument
cf. #n.218 機 キ、はた、からくり、きざし、はずみ、おり apparatus, device, machine, gimmick
kakkaltu, kalkaltu (= (an irrigation device) jB ) かかかせ、かせ、からからだ、からくりだ
zuruqqu(m), Ass. zaru(g)gu (= (a wooden device, phps.) "shaduf" Bab., M/NA; < zaraqu; -≫ ziriqu ) しかけ
【有】kurdisje (= hatch, device, wind, frame-up) かせ
【箍】katha (= fabrication, fiction 作り話, story, contraption, device, invention) かせ、がせ/がさ
【箍】sagisag (= symbol, emblem, embodiment, pseudonym, standard, device) しかけ
【賛】chalakAraka (= mfn. practising fraud 詐欺の練習 W. ) からくりか
【民】ceykaiccUzcci (= stratagem, trick, secret, device) 仕掛け(しかけ)、かせ
【賛】cakraka (= mfn. resembling a wheel or circle , circular W. ; m. a kind of serpent (cf. %{cakra-maNDalin}) Sus3r. ; Dolichos biflorus L. ; N. of a R2ishi MBh.; n. a particular way of fighting Hariv. (v.l. %{citraka}) ; arguing in a circle Pat. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of plant having great curative properties (white Abrus L.) Sus3r.; (%{ikA}) f. a troop , multitude Ra1jat. ; a crooked or fraudulent device , v.) しかけ、からくり、かーくり
c. ブッチャケた話、車や歯車がクルクル、回っていたら、「クルクル」なので「カラクリ」なんです。
【民】kArakakkaruvi (= (gram.) that which is instrumental in bring about an action) からくり
【民】cUtu (= 01 1. gambling; 2. conical pieces in dice-play; 3. means, device; 4. victory, success; 5. secret; 6. trick) かせ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657049074/device 無
【羌】nyibe nɑzɑ/ / / phə læ/ / / phəɹ/ / / weʥe/ / / ɸɑ tʂuɑ/ / / pɑn fɑ jo/ / / qhəqqhe (= device) 機械(きかい)  △ 中国語 ?
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】cihaz (= device, apparatus 装置, appliance) かせ

complete, accomplish
gamrim (= "whole-heartedly"; of lawsuit, accounts, work "completed"; OB as subst. "totality", "all (of ...)", analadi gamrisu "in its entirety", ana gamrim "totally, finally"; < gamaru II ) カン
naslamtu (= "complete payment 完済, final instalment" MA; MB PN Naslandu ?; < saldmu II ) まっとう
【箍】matapos (= end, complete, expire, conclude, terminate, fulfill) まっとうす
【民】kan2i-tal (= 1. to ripen, as fruits; to turn mellow, luscious, sweet; 2. to be overripe; 3. to become complete perfect; 4. to be mellifluous, to be full of sweetness; 5. to melt, grow tender, become soft, as the heart by affection, love devotion; 6. to be red-hot, to glow; 7. to become red-hot, as a metal; 7. to become red-hot, as a metal; 8. to get suddenly angry, to be irritable) カン
【賛】ghana (= mf(%{A4})n. (%{han}) a striker , killer , destroyer ;;; deep (as sound ; colour) ; complete , all ; ) カン
【民】muTi-tal (= 01 1. to end, terminate; to be complete, as in sense; 2. to be effected or accomplished; 3. to be destroyed; to perish; 4. to die; 5. to appear; 6. to be possible, capable; 7. to incite persons to a quarrel; 8. to make a marriage alliance; 1. to tie, fasten; to make into a knot; 2. to put on, adorn) まっとう
【賛】niSThita (= (%{ni4-} , sometimes for %{ni4H-}) mfn. being in or on (loc.) R. ; fallen from the hand , HPar. ; grown forth RV. ; complete , perfect , consummate S3Br. ; attached or devoted to , conversant with , skilled in (loc.) MBh.; firm , fixed ; certain , ascertained W. ; %{-cIvara} (?) mfn. ) まっとう
【民】nITTi-ttal (= 1. to lengthen; 2. to delay; 3. to finish, complete; to be prolonged; to endure long) まっとう
【賛】vinirdagdha (= mfn. completely burned up 完全燃焼 or consumed , utterly destroyed MBh.) やりとげた
【賛】vRtta (= mfn. turned , set in motion (as a wheel) RV. ; round , rounded , circular S3Br.; occurred , happened (cf. %{kiM-v-}) A1past. R. ; (ifc.) continued , lasted for a certain time MBh. ; completed , finished , absolved MaitrUp. ; past , elapsed , gone KaushUp. Mn. ; quite exhausted TBr. (= %{zrAnta} Sch.) ; ) やったー、88888...
【チベ】kun (= 1) all; 2) entire, every, everyone, everything, everywhere, ever-omni, each, whole, round about, wholly, thoroughly, 1. all, completely ..Don kun,..) カン
【チベ】mdzad pa sgrub pa (= fulfillment of the activity, to accomplish the activity [JV]) まっとう べ する べ
【チベ】rang mgo rang 'don (= without depending on others 一人で accomplishing one’s purpose 目的完遂 by oneself and take independent control of it, take responsibility for myself [Notes you’ve escaped and made it with your head, you’re safe now] [IW]) やりとげ たの

official, government
【趣】 [ZAG-ḪI-A] (= : tax assessment 資産 official. ) つかさ
takurassu (= (a functionary, official) Nuzi; < Hurr. ) つかさ
【有】ofiqar (= official) おおやけ (f-y)
【賛】vyAvahArika (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vyava-hAra}) relating to common life or practice or action , practical , usual , current , actual , real (as opp. to , `" ideal "') Mn. ; (in phil.) practical existence (opp. to %{pAramArthika} , `" real "' , and %{prAtibhAsika} , `" illusory "') IW.; sociable , affable Ka1m. ; belonging to judicial procedure , judicial , legal Mn. ; m. a counsellor , minister , official R. ; N. of a Buddhist school ; n. business , commerce , trade BhP.) おおやけ
【賛】saukhazAyika (= m. id. or an official who asks a prince whether he has slept well 王子に良く寝れたかを聞く役人 R.) つかさいいか
【民】carkkArtaTTi (= lit., screen put up on official sanction screen, awning 〔窓や店舗の入り口などの〕オーニング、日よけ of a shop-window) つかさ
【賛】carkkAr (= 1. government; 2. veranda under a sloping roof) カン、カンリ
【民】koRRam (= 1. victory, success; 2. heroism, bravery; 3. power, strength; 4. sovereignty, kingship, government) かーん、カン
【民】rAjAkaram (= government officials or authorities) やくにん、おおやけの
【チベ】gung (= 1) (CH rank of CH emperor; 2) middle, center [noon or midnight]; 3) kind of Tibetan leopard; 4) earlier and later stages; 5) high title in Tibetan government; 6) communist [IW]) カン
【チベ】rgya gzhung (= Indian/ [CH] root text/ scriptures [of philosophy], Indian/ [CH] government [IW]) おおやけの、やくにん
【チベ】tang srid (= party and government [IW]) つかさど
【チベ】sku drag (= 1) nobleman, aristocrat, gentleman, high official; 2) nobility, aristocracy, officials (/ [h] [IW]) つかさぐ
【チベ】che rigs (= high officials [RY]) つかさ

deliberation, discussion
【有】kujdes (= care, caution, diligence, guard, regard, deliberation) ギす
【箍】pag-aaral (= study, learning, education, training, acquiring knowledge, deliberation) はかる
【賛】kAryAkArya (= n. what is to be done and not to be done ; %{-vicAra} m. deliberation on what is to be done or not.) ぎぎ
【賛】vicAra (= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) mode of acting or proceeding , procedure (also = a single or particular case) S3rS. ; change of place Gobh. ; pondering , deliberation , consideration , reflection , examination , investigation RPra1t. ; ) はかる
【賛】prakR (= ; to put forward , mention first , make the subject of discussion ib. ; ) はかる
【チベ】bka’ gros /ka drö/ (= discussion, talk, confer[ence], consult[ation] [IW] ) ギ する
c. チベット語に「はかる」系は、ナシ。

fish, fishing
cf. file f20, #s.45 fish in Swadesh 207
【賛】gUka (= m. a fish Gal.) ぎょ
【賛】grAha (= (Pa1n2. ) mf(%{I})n. ifc. seizing 捕獲, holding , catching , receiving Ya1jn5. ; taking (a wife) Ya1jn5. (cf. %{karNa-} , %{gila-} , %{dhanur-} , %{pANi-} , %{pArSNi-} , %{vandi-} , %{vyAla-} , %{hasta-}) ; m. a rapacious animal living in fresh or sea water , any large fish 大型魚 or marine animal 海洋生物 (crocodile , shark , serpent , Gangetic alligator , water elephant , or hippopotamus) Mn.) ぎょ
【賛】samudrAru (= m. `" sea-torment 海の苦痛、苦悩"' , a large fabulous fish 大きな素晴らしい魚 (= %{grAha-bheda}) ; also = %{setubandha} L.) すなどる
【民】aTaLai (= a marine fish 海洋魚) あさり
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659004902/fish 無
【ギャロン】ɟokɟok ギョギョ、魚々 (= fish) --- 1地区のみ。他の 98% の地区は、違った。

together, common
【趣】tab (= : n., companion 友; pair; sting; fever.
  v., to hold, clasp; to bind; to burn; to tremble, shake; to make haste; to join (with -da-); to be/make double (sometimes reduplicated) (side + open container).
  adv., together (precedes the modified verb). ) たぶ、とも (b-m)
【有】së bashku (= together) ともしゅく、とも (b-m)
【箍】sama-sama (= together, in concert, jointly, teamwise) とも-とも (s-t)
【尼】sama (= together, equally, alike, jointly) とも (s-t)
【賛】khyA (= ; illuminate, make visible, show. C. make visible or known, proclaim, tell, confess. {abhivi} look at, behold. {sam} appear together with と一緒に現れる, belong to 同族、配下 (instr.);) キョウ
【民】tun2n2al (= 02 1. being near 接近状態 or close together; 2. small drops of water) ともの、とも (l 無音)
【チベ】ko - (= =.1 liter, 121, expletive meaning the same, very, all, whole, quite, entirely, altogether [JV]) こ、キョウ
c. チベット語の together に「とも」系ナシ。
c. 【羌】の together に「キョウ」「とも」ナシ。しかし「一緒」はある。
cf. file tibet #g.363 together

army, military, forces, soldiers, troops
ikkillu(m), killu(m) (= "lamentation; clamour, uproar" Bab., NA [AKKIL] of army, child, mourner; of thunder, earthquake; "cry" of animals, birds; < Sum.; -? angillu ) いくる、くる、グン、イコマ、コマ
【賛】akSauhiNI (= f. an army consisting of ten anikinis , or 21 , 870 elephants , 21 , 870 chariots , 65 , 610 horse , and 109 , 350 foot. (Since an anikini consists of 27 va1hinis , and 27 is the cube of 3 , %{akSauhiNI} may be a compound of 2. %{akSa} and %{vAhini} ; or it may possibly be connected with 1. %{akSa} , axle , car.)) いくさひにー、いくさ
参考 【賛】vAhinI (= f. an army , host , body of forces AV. ; a partic. division of an army (consisting of 3 Gan2as i.e. 81 elephants , 81 cars , 243 horse , 405 foot ; cf. %{akSauhiNI}) MBh. ; a river ib. ; a channel Ka1tyS3r.; N. of the wife of Kuru MBh.) ぶぁひにー
【賛】gulma (= m. (rarely n. MBh.) a cluster or clump of trees , thicket , bush , shrub VS. ; a troop or guard of soldiers , body of troops , division of an army (consisting of 45 foot , 27 horse , 9 chariots , and 9 elephants MBh. i , 290 ; or of 135 foot , 81 horse , 27 chariots , and 27 elephants L. ; cf. MBh. v , 5270) Mn.) 軍(グン) (l 無音)、群馬
【民】kumutam (= 01 1. esculent white water lily; 2. red indian water lily; 3. elephant at the south west quarter, one of asta-tik-kacam , q.v.; 4. a mineral poison; 6. an army consisting of 9 elephants, 9 chariots, 17 horses and 45 infantry; 7. an army consisitng of several thousands of akkuroni ; 9. abundance, as of produce; largeness, as of income; 9. a kind of moulding; 10. a disease of the pupil of the eye) 軍団
【民】tevvarmun2aippati (= camp of an invading 侵略, hostile 威嚇、《軍事》敵の[に属する・が所有する] army) つわもんあいぱっち
【民】tuvaitIpAvam (= 1. dividing one's army into small groups for encountering a superior enemy at different points; 2. keeping apparently friendly relationship with two of one's enemies who are fighting with each other) つわもん (v-m)
【民】turuppu (= 01 troop 〔人・動物の〕群れ、一団。 《軍事》中隊◆騎兵部隊または装甲機動部隊を構成する単位。 《troops》《軍事》部隊、軍隊、軍勢。 army) トループ、つわ
【チベ】cun (= army, corps [IW]) クン、グン
【チベ】dmag tshogs (= army, military forces, troops, assembly of many military units [IW]) いくさ
【チベ】dpung (= 1) army, force, troops; 2) support, backing, prop, reinforcements, reserves [Rgyab dpung bzang po]; 3) shoulder; 4) host, great number, crowd; 5) sleeve, upper arm [IW]) つわもん
【チベ】dmag 'bangs gcig mthun (= civil and military/ army and people united [IW]) 幾千万(いくせんまん)
【チベ】g.yul 'khrug (= army, battle, battle, war[fare], fighting, a battlefield [IW]) かんこくかん、函谷関
cf. 「かんこくかん」の feeling は、下記に近い。関所というよりは、大軍隊。兵隊。だったりシて。

箱根八里 歌詞

歌:童謡・唱歌  作詞:鳥居 忱  作曲:滝 廉太郎  copyright (c) 1998-2019世界の民謡・童謡 All rights reserved.

第一章 昔の箱根

箱根の山は 天下の険
函谷関も 物ならず
万丈の山 千仞の谷
前に聳え 後に支う
雲は山をめぐり 霧は谷をとざす
昼猶闇き 杉の並木
羊腸の小径は 苔滑か
一夫関に当るや 万夫も開くなし
天下に旅する 剛毅の武士
大刀腰に 足駄がけ
八里の岩根 踏み鳴らす
斯くこそありしか 往時の武士

第二章 今の箱根

箱根の山は 天下の阻
蜀の棧道 数ならず
万丈の山 千仞の谷
前に聳え 後に支う
雲は山をめぐり 霧は谷をとざす
昼猶闇き 杉の並木
羊腸の小径は 苔滑か
一夫関に当るや 万夫も開くなし
山野に狩する 剛毅の壮士
猟銃肩に 草鞋がけ
八里の岩根 踏み破る
斯くこそありけれ 近時の壮士
cf. 森繁久彌 箱根の山 歌詞&動画視聴 - 歌ネット
【チベ】mi dmangs drag dpung (= people’s army/ armed forces [IW]) 武士(もののふ)の
【羌】gue/ / / guɑɹ/ / / guə/ / / guəɹ/ / / gæn/ / / ʐue/ / / dʐuɑ/ / / guɹ (= army) グン、つあもの

province, county, country
c. county カウンティ は、インド辞書に未登録。country カントリィ とは、違う。
【有】krahine (= province, region, countrykrahine province, region, country, district, place, shedding, district, place, shedding) グン、クン
【賛】cakra (= ; a number of villages , province 地方, district L. ; (fig.) range , department VarBr2S. ;) こおり
【民】kURRam (= 01 1. species, class; 2. lit., one who separates soul from body yama; 3. that which ruins, destroys; 4. division of a country 国の区分, in ancient times 古代における) グン、クン
【チベ】kong (= concave, excavated, crooked, bent, warped, cup, crucible, country of ravines, province of tibet SE of lhasa [JV]) グン、クン
【チベ】ku ru (= city in ancient india near delhi インドのデリー, also a province [JV]) こおり

mould/ mold, model, type, style, pattern
-- mould/ mold --
【尼】cetak (= mold, form, mould) かた
【民】kaTai-tal (= 2 1. to churn with a churing rod; 2. to turn in a lathe; to form, as moulds on a wheel; ) かた
c. チベット語に鋳造の「型(かた)」は、無い。
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】kuf (= mold, mildew, blight, moldiness, mouldiness, mould) かた (f-t)
-- pattern --
【民】cauttu (= 01 pattern, sample, model) かた (c-k)
【チベ】kun rtog (= all-consuming/ all-absorbing concepts/ thinking/ thoughts/ thought patterns [RB]) くん るとぐ、かた  △
-- type --
kezretu(m), kazratu (= "woman with (special kind of) hair-do ヘアスタイル、髪形、調髪、結髪" O/jB, NA [MUNUS.SUHUR.LA] a type of cultic prostitute カルト売春婦の種類・型; OB wakil kezretim "overseer of the prostitutes"; jB issur kezreti (a bird); < kezeru) かた
【箍】klase (= class, kind, type, assortment, sort, form) クラス、かた
【尼】contoh (= example, instance, sample, model, sampling, type) かんた、かた
【民】kUrccari (= a specific melody-type) かた
【チベ】gto (= bon po rite of ransom, magic ceremony for the purpose of averting misfortune, rituals, beneficial rite, general name designating various types of rites in which the officiant relies on the power of his protective deity after having satisfied the deity with offerings, to eliminate disturbances and subjugate negative forces, rites, SA gto nag po, gto dmar po, gto dkar po, gto khra bo [JV]) かた
【アゼルバイジャン】qisim (= part, portion, piece, kind, sort, type) かたの
-- style --
【趣】gú tar...lal/lá (= : to style or dress hair; to bind an animal's mane ('neck' + 'to cut, determine' + 'to lift'). ) かた..の
tukrisu(m), Qatna tukrashu (= "of Tukris(-style)" O/MB of metal items, wool; < PIN Tukris ) かたな つるぎ(トルコ風)
c. 剣(つるぎ)と型(かた)と、ツルク(トルコ)は、親戚だと言っている。
【賛】kaizika (= ; (%{I}) f. (scil. %{vRtti}) one of the four varieties of dramatic style (graceful style , suited especially to the passion of love) Bhar. ) かたか

【賛】khyA (= ({khyAti}), pp. {khyAta} (q.v.) see, appear; P. {khyAyate} be called or known; C. {khyApayati, -te} make known, proclaim; show, betray; praise, celebrate. -- {ati} survey, overlook, neglect, abandon. {anu} behold, view. {antar} descry, find out. {abhi} behold, look at;) ケイ
【民】kATci (= 1. sight 景色, view; 2. form, apperance; 3. vision of a deity, sight of a great personage; audience; 4. exhibition; 5. attractive object of sight; ) 景色(けしき)(c-k)
【賛】abhivipaz (= %{-pa4zyati} , to look at , view RV. ; to look hither 〈古〉こちら(側)へ RV. ) エヒ/エイ (z 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668702812/view 無

art, skill, rue (the herb)
意味 @ミカン科の多年草。香草で、書物の虫よけに用いる。ヘンルーダ。かおりぐさ。「芸香」「芸帙(ウンチツ)」 Aくさぎる。草を刈る。「芸夫(ウンプ)」類耘(ウン) (参考)もとは「」という形で、「芸(藝)(ゲイ)」は別の字。 なりたち出典『角川新字源 改訂新版』(KADOKAWA) もと、埶(ゲイ)(土に植物のなえを植える)に同じ。旧字は、会意形声で、(うん)(くさぎる)と、埶(ゲイ)とから成り、草木を「うえる」意を表す。ひいて、技術・才能の意に用いる。教育用漢字は、省略形の俗字として用いられていたものによる。
【民】cakA (= 02 rue) げい
【賛】krIDAkauzala (= n. the art of joking Das3.) くさぎる
pending 少し難。後でまたやる。

experience, test, examine, inspect
【有】kontrolloj (= control, check, examine, search, inspect, review) 検査するっち
【民】tErcci (= 1. examination, investigation; 2. learning; 3. discernment; ascertainment; 4. deliberation, council; 5. experience; 6. success in examination) しるし、ためす (r-m)
【民】tarumattiyAn2am (= knowledge of the nature of the soul, its experiences of good and evil, the impediments in its progress, and its final attainment of eternal bliss) ためしやもん
【民】akattiNai (= love, as a mental experience of lovers, of seven forms viz.,) あかしの
【賛】vicakSaNa (= mfn. conspicuous , visible , bright , radiant , splendid RV. AV. Br. Gr2S3rS. ; distinct , perceptible Pa1rGr2. ; clear-sighted (lit. and fig.) , sagacious , clever , wise , experienced or versed in , familiar with (loc. or comp.) RV. ; ) あかしの
【民】kAN(Nu)-tal (= 01 1. to see, perceive, view, descry; 2. to gain sight of as a deity, a great person, the new moon; 3. to discover, find out; 4. to make, create; 5. to perceive by the senses; 6. to consider investigate; 7. to experience; 8. to regard; 9. to worship, venerate, reverence; 10. to put to flight, drive away as seeing the back of enemies; 11. to attain, obtain, get; 12. to tell, say; 13. to look like, resemble; 14. to befit; 1. to accure, result; to appear, to be found, to become visibel evident; 3. to be sufficient) ケン、ゲン
【民】kaikAN(Nu)-tal (= to find out by experience) 経験(けいけん)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/experience 無
c. チベット語、スペル滅茶苦茶で判別不能。ケン、ためす、あかし、...全て無い。
【チベ】'dem pa (= prove, examine [JV]) ため ば  △ ためす、じゃ無い。
【賛】saMzuddha (= mfn. completely purified or cleansed , pure , clean Ya1jn5. ; removed , destroyed , expiated (see comp.) ; cleared off , defrayed , paid Katha1s. ; searched , tried , examined Mn. ; acquitted (of a crime) W. ; %{-kilbiSa} mfn. one whose offences are expiated , purified from sin Bhag.) ためす
【民】teriviTu-tal (= 1. to choose, select, cull; 2. to examine) ためす (r-m)、しらべた、しるし
【賛】vicIrita (= mfn. (fr. Caus.) examined or investigated accurately Pan5cat.) あかし
【民】kiNTu-tal (= 1. to poke; to stir with a ladle; to scratch, as a fowl; to peck at, as a crow; to dig up as with a stick or iron bar; to burrow in as rats, as worms; to penetrate, as beesinto flowers; 2. to excavate, as a pit; to hoe, up hollow out, dig out as a hoel in a wall; 3. to probe scrutinize, investigate, inquire, pry into seacrch examine; 4. to remind, prompt; 5. to incite, as to a quarrel) 検査・検証
【トルコ】denetlemek (= supervise, examine, control, superintend, audit, inspect) ためする メク
【ウズベク】tanishmoq (= meet, acquaint, examine) ためし モク

healthy, peaceful
【賛】kalya (= a. well, healthy, ready, able, capable. n. health; dawn, daybreak; an intoxicating drink. {kalyam, kalye3 & kalya} (---) early.) コウ
【賛】vArtta (= mfn. (fr. %{vRtti} and %{vRtta}) having means of subsistence , practising any business or profession L. ; healthy , well Sarvad. ; ordinary , middling A1s3vGr2. ; worthless , vain Sarvad. ; right , correct (see %{-taraka}) Pat. ; m. N. of a man MBh. ; (%{A}) f. see below ; n. health , welfare Ka1v. ; chaff W.) やすい
【民】viccA (= 01 1. without purpose; 2. without occupation; 3. quietly; 4. healthy, in good health) やすい
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660346759/healthy 無
c. 「すこやか」「そくさい」も有る。それじゃ、「無病」も有る?。 → 有る。しかし、「けんこう」は、無かった。「達者」は、有った。「元気」も有った。
【賛】sahArogya (= (?) mfn. possessing freedom from disease 無病息災, healthy L.) すこやきゃ (h-k)
【賛】svastha (= a. being in one's natural condition, healthy, well, comfortable; abstr. {-tA} f.) そくさい (v-g-k)
【賛】nirvyAdhi (= mfn. free from sickness , healthy , strong MBh.) 無病だ
【賛】sustha (= mf(%{A})n. well situated , faring well , healthy , comfortable , prosperous , happy (compar. %{-tara}) Mn. ; %{-kalpa} mfn. almost well or at ease S3ak. ; %{-citta} mfn. easy at heart , feeling happy or comfortable MBh. ; %{-tA} f. health , welfare , happiness R. ; %{-tva} n. id. ; %{-mAnasa} mfn. (= %{-citta}) R.) 達者(たっしゃ)
【賛】kalya (= a. well, healthy, ready, able, capable. n. health; dawn, daybreak; an intoxicating drink. {kalyam, kalye3 & kalya} (---) early.) げんき (l-n, y-ki)、げんきぃや
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン、ウズベク】sağlam (= healthy, sound, strong, salubrious) すこらむ
c. 【ギャロン】語の生発音はオモシロイ。healhy は、十人十色。もう、滅茶苦茶な無法地帯でオマス。

wood, log, timber, material
sa'irru, sa'erru (= (a wooden object) jB ) ザイ、サイ
mandittu (= (a wooden object) jB; < naddnu II ? ) まんた、まるた
manza'tum (= (a wooden implement) Early Man) まんたの、まるたの
【賛】svaru (= m. (of doubtful derivation) a large piece of wood cut from the trunk of a tree , stake , (esp.) sacrificial post or a strip of wood from it RV. ; a sacrifice L. ; sunshine L. ; a thunderbolt L. ; an arrow L. ; a kind of scorpion L.) ザイ、サイ
【民】muNTu (= 02 1. petulance, obstinacy; 2. vehement attack; 3. stupidity; 4. knot, as in a tree; 5. bulging or protuberance; 6. short log 丸太ん棒; wooden prop; 7. joint of the body; 8. hump) まんた、まるた (n-r)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669086592/wood 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662319272/log 無
【羌】si/ / / liao/ / / sətʂu̥/ / / səʂu̥/ / / tupæ/ / / dobɑe/ / / lə/ / / sɑʁlu/ / / luʐmu/ / / luʐmə/ / / te (= wood) ザイ、サイ

【尼】kemarin (= yesterday) きのりん
【賛】hyastya (= mfn. hesternal , of yesterday Pa1n2.) きぞ (h-k, y-ki)
c. 馬鹿ALC に、【英】hesternal は、未登録だった。 昨日過去、語源: 「昨日過去」を表す英語の hesternal は、ラテン語で「昨日」を意味する hesternus に由来する形容詞である。英語の yesterday の yester も同じ語源を持つ。
【賛】gatadivasa (= m. the past day , yesterday W. ; (%{am}) ind. yesterday W.) きぞ
【賛】tiroahvaya (= a. having lasted beyond a day; left from the day before yesterday.) サク (t-s, h-k, v-g, y-ki)
【チベ】mdang /dang/ (= yesterday evening, last night [IW] ) サン  △, ×  ng 単独は「ク」ではなく「ン」に近い
【チベ】khas nyin /khe nyin/ (= yesterday [RY]) きのうの
【ウズベク、カザフ】kecha (= yesterday, yesterday) きぞ

examine, investigate, notice
【趣】igi...kár (= : to look upon; to examine, inspect; to select (often with -ši-) ('eyes' + 'to illuminate'). ) あき かる、あきらか
marum III (= "to examine"? Mari G ) みるの
salu(m) 1, la'dlu(m) (= "to ask" G (pres. OB and occas. jB isdl, pi. ilallu; otherwise isa"ai, pret. isdl, il'al) "ask, question (s.o.)"; "ask about, inform o.s. about" esp. lulum X s. "ask after s.o.'s health"; Mari, Am. "call to reckoning, punish" Gtn iter, of G "ask around, repeat- edly"; "interrogate, cross-examine" Gt "ask o.s., consider, reflect" about s.th. (= ace); "consult, take advice"; "cross-question" s.o. about s.th. (= 2 ace.) D "(cross-)question" N "be questioned"; > Idltum; Id'ilu, Id'iltu; litulu; litultu; mas alu, mal'altu, mustdlu, mustdlutum) しる、しるの
【賛】Akal (= (impf. %{A7kalayat}) to tie , fasten S3is3. ; (ind. p. %{-kalayya}) to surrender , transfer BhP. ; to observe , notice , examine , take into consideration , reckon , consider , suppose , take for BhP.) あきら
【賛】Acar (= %{-carati} , to come near to (acc.) , approach RV. ; to lead hither (as a path) TS. ; to address , apply to (acc.) Pan5cat. ; to proceed , manage , behave one's self. RPra1t. ; to use , apply A1p. ; to examine (a witness) Mn.) あきら
【賛】nirUp (= ; to investigate , examine , search , try , consider , reflect upon Ka1v. ; to state , define Pan5c.; ) みるっぷ、みる
【民】nirUpi-ttal (= 1. to prove, demonstrate; 2. to examine, investigate, investigate, search) みるべ
【賛】mImAMsya (= mfn. to be thought over or reflected upon , to be examined or considered Gobh. KenUp. (cf. %{a-m-}).) みますや、みます
【賛】mita (= 1 a. measured, defined, limited; scanty, succinct, small, concise; examined, known.) みた
【民】tEr-tal (= 01 1. to examine, investigate, inquire into; 2. to understand, know; 3. to consider deliberate, ponder well; 4. to elect; 5. to seek; 6. to ascertain, form a conclusion; 7. to acquire, obtain; 8. to doubt, question; to be well versed, proficient in) しる
【賛】tul (= cl. 10. %{tolayati} , or %{tul-} (only %{tul-} also fig. ; A1. MBh.) to lift up , raise Hariv. (fut. Pass. %{tolayiSyate}) ; to determine the weight of anything by lifting it up , weigh , compare by weighing and examining , ponder 熟考, examine with distrust MBh.; ) しる
【賛】saMzuddha (= mfn. completely purified or cleansed , pure , clean Ya1jn5. ; removed , destroyed , expiated (see comp.) ; cleared off , defrayed , paid Katha1s. ; searched , tried , examined Mn. ; acquitted (of a crime) W. ; %{-kilbiSa} mfn. one whose offences are expiated , purified from sin Bhag.) サツ
【賛】zuddha (= a. pure, clean, stainless, faultless; true, fair, simple; mere, whole, complete; tried, examined. m. = {zuddhapakSa}.) サツ
【チベ】myul ba (= 1) (Tha dad pa) search and resolve, examine closely, search into, scrutinize (Tha mi dad pa) wander [through], roam, spy, explore [IW]) みる べ
【チベ】sad (= 1) awaken[ed]; 2) frost, cold [air], coldness; 3) test, examine, try [IW]) サツ
【チベ】sher (= 1) wt = 2.06 lb. [p bsher],, compare, examine, investigate, discuss, argue about [IW]) しる
【チベ】ma gzhal (= immeasurable 測定不能, cannot be examined 検証不能、検証不要、自明 [IW]) ア きら
【羌】/ / tetse/ / / tsæʂɑ/ / / təsə/ / / yɑnzi gvɑ dɑ/ / / ɑʂ tsæ/ / / æʂtse/ / / ʂə ȵiɑn (= examine) サツ、しっちょ

samaru(m) (= 1 "to rage, be furious" Bab., NA G (ulu; stat. samur) of deity, demon; sorcerer, warrior; horse; snake; river Gtn ? iter, of G Gt OB ~ "be troublesome"; M/jB "be furious, attack furiously" D as G NA in PN of Adad S jB "make rage" weapon; heart; "put (horses) to gallop"; > samru 1, samris; sumru; sammaru; sitmuru, sitmuris, sitmdru) さむらい
【賛】suvIrya (= n. manly vigour or deed , heroism RV. R. ; abundance of heroes 豊富なヒーロー, host of warriors or brave men 多数の戦士または勇敢な男性 RV. ; mfn. having great strength or power , very efficacious (herb or drug) Hit. ; (%{A}) f. wild cotton L. ; the resin of the Gardenia Gummifera L. ; n. the fruit of the jujube L.) さぶらい、さむらい (v-m)
【賛】ta (= 3 m. a tail (esp. of a jackal) , any tail except that of Bos gaurus L. ; , the breast L. ; the womb L. ; the hip W. ; a warrior L. ; a thief. L. ; a wicked man L. ; a Mleccha L. ; a Buddha L. ; a jewel L. ; nectar L. ; n. crossing L. ; virtue L. ; (%{A}) f. Lakshmi1 L.) シ (t-s)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668869060/warrior 無
c. 「武士(ぶし)」も有る。「武者(むしゃ)」も有る。
【賛】bhaTa (= m. (fr. %{bhRta}) a mercenary , hired soldier , warrior , combatant MBh. ; a servant , slave Ka1vya7d. ; ) ぶし
mutussu (= (a warrior) jB lex. ) むしゃ
cf. #n.293 候 コウ、そうろう、うかがう、まつ、さぶらう ---- 侍ふ(さぶらふ)
cf. まかたち
【趣】 níĝ-ZUM-DIM4 (= a temple servant. ) 侍者(まかたち)
【趣】subur (= [SLAVE] (6x: ED IIIa, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. subur "slave, servant" Akk. ardu) 侍ふ(さぶらふ)
【賛】mahAzUdra (= m. a S3u1dra in a high position , an upper servant Kaus3. ; ) まかたち
【蛇】 servant - מְשָׁרֵת /me-sha-ret/ 侍者(まかたち) (r-t)

clan, tribe, family
【賛】sajAti (= mfn. belonging to the same tribe or caste or class or kind , similar , like Mn. ; m. the son of a man and woman of the same caste W.)
【民】cAti (= 06 1. family, clan, race; 2. hindu caste.; 3. birth; 4. attribute common to a class; 5. kind, class, species; 6. that which is superior, genuine; 7. group, multitude;)
【賛】viza (= mfn. see %{dur-viza} ; w.r. for %{bisa} q.v. ; m. N. of a man g. %{zubhrA7di} ; n. and (%{A}) f. = 2. %{viz} , a tribe , class , people (see %{manuSya-v-}) ; (%{am}) ind. (ifc.) g. %{zarad-Adi}.) うじ
【チベ】sto /to/ (= tribe in tibet [JV] )
【チベ】sde // (= community, [sub-]section, division, practitioners, teaching, scripture, faction, order, unit, department, set, domain, district, [sub-]class, [sub]group * collection, kind, tribe, enclave [IW] )
【チベ】tsha /tsa/ (= hot, salt, 1 of 4 brothers, SA mgur lha mched bzhi, figure 18, SA tsha ba, for tshwa when preceded by a qualifying word, tribe of tibet, feel hot, heat [JV] )
【チベ】she /shé/ (= mere, only, nothing but, number 117, tribe [JV] )
c. チベット語に「うじ」は無い。

history, describe, record
【賛】purANa (= , f. {I} former, ancient, old; n. things of the past, ancient history or legend, T. of a class of sacred works.) ふみ
【民】purANam (= antiquity; 2. ancient tale or legend; old, traditional history; 3. sacred books ascribed to vya1sa, dealing with primary creation, secondary creation, genealogy of manus, kings, etc., one of ar6upattu-na1ly-kalai , q.v.; ) ふみ
【賛】saccarita (= n. good conduct S3ak. ; history or account of the good A. ; mfn. well-conducted , virtuous Ka1v. ; %{-mimAMsA} f. N. of wk.) さっちゃりた、シ
【チベ】byung (= history, (indicates past tense), come forth, become, SA 'byung ba, arising, got, auxiliary verb for first person involuntary constructions, is only [JV]) ふみ、 /jung/ ジュン
c. 現代チベット語の発音は /jung/ である、byu の痕跡は、もう無い。
【チベ】byung tshul (= history, story, particulars of any event, occurrence [JV]) ふみ シ (l 無音)、/jung tsül/ ジュン ツュル

baby, child, infant
cf. file tibet #g.54 child
【趣】di4-di4-la (=: children. ) ジジラ
(w)ildu(m), mildu (= "offspring, young" Bab. (w)ildu(m), mildu "offspring, young" Bab. [U.TU] 1. of human "child" 2. esp. OB (w)ilid biti(m) "house-born (slave)"; also Hid PIN "native of PIN" MB 3. "young" of animals, esp. sheep and goats; < waladum) わらじ(わらじ)
babu II (= "small child, baby" jB lex. ) べべ
sissiru II (= "child" jB lex. )
qallalu; NA f. phps. qal(las)su (= "very small" NA, NB; of child, object; silver "of low value"; NB pi. qallalutu "slave boys"; < qallu I ) こら
【有】kalama (= nipper, kiddy, tyke, chit, child, moppet) こども (l-d)、くらま
c. 【英】 child チャイルドこど (l 無音)children ちるどれんこども (l 無音, r-m)
【箍】walang isip (= silly, senseless, unthinking, corky, harebrained, infant) わらじべ
【賛】zizu (= m. (fr. 1. %{zU} = %{zvi}) a child , infant , the young of any animal (as a calf , puppy &c. ; also applied to young plants , and to the recently risen sun ; often ifc.) RV. ; a boy under eight years of age W. ; a lad under sixteen ib. ; a pupil , scholar ib. ; N. of Skanda MBh. (cf. %{kumAra}) ; of a descendant of An3giras (author of RV.). Anukr. ; of a son of Sa1ran2a VP. ; of a king Buddh. ; mfn. young , infantine L.)
【民】noLLai (= infant, bady (TLS)) ニ (L-n)
【民】karu (= 03 1. foetus, embroyo; 2. yolk of an egg; 3. egg, germ; 4. body; 5. birth; 6. child; 7. the yong of an animal; 8. mould, matrix; 9. efficient cause; )
【チベ】skye'u /kyeu/ (= child, kid, infant, baby [RY] )
【チベ】byi bo /ji bo/ (= little child, infant [RY]) ジ ぼ
【チベ】nyog /nyok/ (= infant, child [IW] ) ニョク
【羌】χtʂɑ/ / / jjiu xiɑe/ / / tʂjy/ / / tʂumi/ / / xiɑe/ / / xtʂa xtʂəm bəl/ / / ælæ/ / / ȵuχuɑ/ / / ʨiːmi/ / / ʨyʨy/ / / tsexi/ / / tʂu tʂuə tʂuə/ / / ʨi bʐi tʂuə (= infant) チューチューチュー
【羌】jiu yi/ / / tseɕi/ / / tsəhĩ/ / / æly ȵiχuɑ/ / / ɕɑ/ / / ʨiwe/ / / ʨiːmi ȵɑχu̥/ / / tsixe/ / / ȵu ȵu thie ʨi bʐi (= baby) 乳児(にゅうじ)
【羌】jiu yi/ / / tsetsekə/ / / tʂumi xtʂa/ / / tʂuəmi/ / / ælæ/ / / ʨemi/ / / ʨiːmi/ / / ʨi bʐi/ / / ʨymi (= child) チビ

漢字ペディア   alt
【民】toTu-ttal (= 02 1. to connect, join; 2. to frame one after another or weave, as an argument; 3. to bind, fasten, enchain, tie continue, as a series; 4. to set, fix, as the arrow in a bow; 5. to discharge, shoot, as an arrow or other missile; 6. to link together; to string, as beads; 7. to store, preserve; 8. to surround, hem in, besiege; 9. to seize by surrounding; ) シュウ、ス
【賛】samAvR (= P. A1. %{-vRNoti} , %{-vRnute} , to cover all over , conceal , veil , envelop , encompass , surround MBh. ; to fill , pervade MBh. ; to obstruct , hinder , stop ib.) シュウ
【賛】nivRta (= a. surrounded, enclosed, stopped; n. covering, mantle.) まわりだ、めぐるだ (v-g)
【民】muRRal (= 1. maturing; 2. anything that is fully grown or developed; 3. hardness, as of the core of a tree; 4. fruit almost ripe; 5. completing; ending; 6. strength; 7. old age; 8. surrounding, encircling; 9. hating) まわる
【賛】anuparihAram (= ind. surrounding TS.) あまねくらむ (r-n, h-k)
【賛】avanah (= (ind. p. %{-nahya}) to cover with (instr.) Ka1tyS3r.) あまねく
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667356460/surround 無

pine tree
【民】maTi (= ; 26. fragrant screw-pine; ) まつ
【賛】sarala (= ; m. a species of pine tree , Pinus Longifolia MBh.; ) ショウ
【チベ】mtshan shing (= torch of pine wood, pine tree [JV]) まつの しん

thus, too, likeness
【箍】sa ganito (= thus) しかんと、しか、しかと
【賛】tathAkAram (= ind. thus (correlative of %{yath-}) Pa1n2.) しかりの
【賛】tathAkRta (= mfn. thus done or made W. ; made true 事実を作った VarBr2S.) しかりだ
【賛】tena (= 2 ind. (instr. of 2. %{ta4}) in that direction , there (correl. to %{yena} , `" in which direction , where "') SaddhP. ; in that manner その方法で、同様に, thus (correl. to %{yena} , `" in what manner "') , Pa1rGr2.) ゼン、だね
【チベ】'di tsug (= thus, so, in this manner [JV]) しか、たしか
【チベ】dug ti (= so, thus, in this manner [RY]) しかし
【チベ】de bzhin (= like that so, thus, accordingly, similarly, respectively, in the same way, thus it goes ahead, in fact, likewise [JV]) ゼン
【羌】athəi/ / / atsəi/ / / jikən ʨu/ / / kəȵi/ / / theze/ / / thəmu/ / / tseze/ / / tsəkən ʨu/ / / tsəmu/ / / ɑwɑji/ / / ɑwɑti/ / / hætsəi/ / / jəwtsəi/ / / thɑ pɑ ʨi/ / / tsə pɑ ʨi (= such) こん/こんな、そん/そんな/ゼン、しかんと/しかと
c. 【羌】に thus 未登録だったので、such に変更した。ギャロンには、thus/ such 共に未登録。
【蛇】דְּנָה dên /dane/ (= these, thus, that, hereafter, misc, one another, this, therefore) ゼン、だね
【蛇】זֹאת zô'th /zothe/ (= thus, herewith, herein, that, her, the same, this, such) しか (the-k)
【ウズベク】shunday qilib (= so, thus, thereby, ergo, according, consequently) そんだや け
c. 【英】such サッチ、しか (ch-k)

grandchild, grandson
【民】maka (= 01 1. child, infant; young of an animal; 2. son or daughter; 3. young age) ぬご、まか、まご?、あか(ちゃん)
c. どの辞書にも gradchild, gradson, grand-.. は、未登録で、調査不能。→ ウソ。 ground でやっていた。アホ
【賛】nRga (= m. N. of an ancient king MBh. ; of a ★grandson of Ogha-vat ib. ;) まーが

team, line
漢字ペディア   写真
qinnazu(m), qi(n)nanzu (= f. "whip むち" O/jB, NA [KUS.USAN)]; OB transf. (an agricultural work team 耕作作業チーム) ) 組(くみ)
【賛】suvahni (= mfn. having a good team (as a chariot) AV.) たいに
【チベ】tu'i (= line, team [JV]) タイ、ツイ
-- line --
【賛】dhArA (= 2 f. edge, blade (p. {-vant}): margin, circumference (esp. of a wheel); continuous line or series.) タイ、ツイ
【民】kainilai (= soldiers lines, military quaters in a camp) くみ
【民】aTi (= 01 1. supreme being; 2. lineage, descent; 3. sediment (TLS)) おち
【民】aTivaralARu (= lineage 血筋、血統; ancestry 〈正式〉先祖、祖先◆集合的 (TLS)) おちる
【賛】atilihA or %{aThillA} (= f. N. of a Pra1kr2it metre 長さの単位 (of four lines each containing sixteen Ma1tras).) おちる

漢字ペディア   alt
【趣】sá...dug4/du11/e (= : to reach, arrive, overwhelm (often with -ni-); to provide regular offerings (reduplication class) ('to equal in value' + 'to effect'). ) とどく、タツ
【趣】šu...lal/lá-lá (= : to defile; to reach; to bind (the hands); to wring the hands ('hand' + 'to pierce, penetrate; to stretch; to bind; to hold'). ) たっする
saddihu (= "far-reaching" jB(lit.) of s.o.'s arms; < saddhu ) たっす、タツ、タチ
【有】shtrirje (= stretch, extension, extent, range, expansion, reach) タチ
【民】taTTikkoL(Lu)-tal (= 1. to grasp anything within reach 掌握範囲内; 2. to steal; 1. to be exhausted; to be in want; 2. to strike against; to ve resisted by an obstacle; to run aground, as a ship; 3. to be obstructed, hindered, as in reading, speaking, etc.; 4. to fail, prove inadequate) とどく
【賛】sad, sIdati (= 1 ({-te}), pp. {satta3} & {sanna3} (q.v.) sit, seat one's [[,]] self (esp. for a sacrifice) on, at, or in (acc. or loc.);; reach, attain. {upA} sit down upon (acc.). C. approach, obtain, receive. {nyA} sit down near 近くに座る, in, or upon (loc. or acc.). {pratyA} be near or imminent. {samA} get to, reach, attain;) タツ、ダチ、タチ、たち、たし
c. 友達は、「近くに座る sit down」 する関係。なので 「だち sit 」 と言う。だって。カモ。
【民】tERu-tal (= 01 1. to be accepted as true; ; 4. to be thorough, accomplished, mature, as the mind to reach perfection;) とおる
【賛】tRR (= ; %{tAtarti} , 92 Sch.) to reach the end by passing or running or living through RV. ; [cf. %{ta4ra} , %{tira4s} , %{tIrNa4} ; Lat. {termo} , {trans} ; Goth. {thairh}.]) とおる
【チベ】mthar gtugs /tar tuk/ (= pha rol tshu rol gyi bar mtshams, reach the end, end, final, last, ending w, final, ultimate, conclusive consequence, completion of an act, to the very limits, sooner or later, in the end/ long run [IW] ) とどく
【チベ】mthar son pa /tar son pa/ (= reach the other side/ end/ goal [IW] ) たっ する ぱ  △
c. チベット語の reach に 「たつ、たち」系は、無い。
【羌】dænkə/ / / dæȵi/ / / ebeɑle/ / / kepe/ / / kəpel/ / / təje/ / / dɑnkək/ / / tə phɑi (= reach) タツ/タチ
【アゼルバイジャン】çatmaq (= reach, achieve, frown, arrive, attain, gain) タチ マク

relationship, intimate
【賛】sajAtya (= mfn. being of the same race or family RV. ; n. like origin or descent , brotherhood relationship RV.) チュウ
【賛】mAkha (= (prob.) n. (fr. %{mabha}) any relationship based upon an oblation offered in common Hariv. (v.l. %{maukha}).) なか
【チベ】bcar /char/ (= 1) near, intimate; close, dear [relationship]. 2) {bcar ba} va. to go to, call on someone high in status (h). 3) to get close to, come in close contact with. 4) squeeze, press, crowd, throng. 5) to interview, visit ( a lama) [RY] ) チュウ
【チベ】nang po /nang po/ (= intimate, bosom friend 懐友、親友[IW] ) なんぐ ぽ
【羌】dui du guer/ / / dʐudʐu/ / / getɕi/ / / ɦəthe/ / / χʨeχʨe/ / / χʨiχʨi/ / / pɑ nə/ / / χɕiq χɕi (= intimate) チュウ

intestines, sausage
cf. #n.548 臓 (ゾウ、ソウ、はらわた)も参照。
【趣】šag4, šà (= : n., intestines; gut; heart; stomach; abdomen; entrails; content; womb; body; interior, midst, inside; bed of a river; will, volition; mood; meaning, significance (grain/excrement + water/urine + chamber) 腸、臓器、癪(しゃく)臓(ゾウ、ソウ)
simatu (or simattu) (= mng. unkn. NA lex. (part of simatu (or simattu) mng. unkn. NA lex. (part of intestines) simatu (or simattu) mng. unkn. NA lex. (part of intestines) ) ぞうもつ
【有】zorrët (= intestines) ちょうだ、ぞうもつ (r-m)
【賛】vaniSThu (= m. a part of the entrails of an animal offered in sacrifice (accord. to Sch. either `" the rectum "' or , a partic. part of the intestines near the omentum "') RV. ) わんた、わた
【民】veLivizutal (= ruptured 《医》破裂性の、破裂した intestines, hernia) はらわたの、はれつだの
c. インド弁に「ちょう」は、不明。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59661282288/intestines 皆無  [p1/2]
c. チベット語には、「ちょう」「わた」ともに皆無。
【羌】bu/ / / piə/ / / tsueȵi/ / / tʂu/ / / tʂuȵi bɑlɑ/ / / ʨinʨi pɑlɑ/ / / ʨiȵibɑlɑ/ / / tsuə/ / / tʂuibɑlɑ (= intestines) ちょうにはら c. チャン語って、一味違う。

stay, park, halt, suspend
cf. file f17 #2.80 止・留 とま(る)、#2.81 留 とど(まる)
【賛】stheya (= mf(%{A})n. to be stationed or fixed or settled &c. ; placed (as water in a jar) S3a1n3khGr2. ; (%{am}) n. (it is) to be stood still R. ; (it is) to be stood firm (in battle) BhP. ; (it is) to be stayed or remained in (loc.) R. ; ) テイ
【民】tAz-tal (= 01 1. to fall low; to be lowered, as a balance; 2. to be low, as a roof; 3. to flow down, descend; 4. to decline, as the sun; 5. to sink in water; 6. to sink in circumstances, in repute; to diminish in splendour or power; to decrease, decay, degenerate, deteriorate; 7. to despond; to be dejected; 8. to delay; to be behindhand, indolent; 9. to prove inferior; to fail in comparison, competition or battle; 10. to stay, rest, stop, halt; 11. to hang down; to be suspended, as the arms, as locks of hair; 12. to be deep; 14. to be engrossed in an object or pursuit; 15. to sprout; 16. to bend, droop; to be bowed down; 17. to become low or subdued, as a sound; 18. to be ruined; 1. to bow, to worship; 2. to desire; to be eager for) 停止(ていし)
【賛】saJj (= , be attached to (loc.). {vi} A. hang on, suspend; ) さにゃっち、ていし、とまっち、さがっち
【賛】sadana (= , f. {I} causing settlement or stay. n. seat, place, abode, home, house (adj. --- living in); settling down, coming to rest.) とどま
【賛】sthAna (= n. (also said to be m. Siddh.) the act of standing , standing firmly , being fixed or stationary AV. ; position or posture of the body (in shooting &c.) R. ; staying , abiding , being in or on (loc. or comp.) Das3.;) とま
【チベ】bsdad pa /dé pa/ (= [will] stay[ed] [f p sdod pa], remaining to be done [bya bsdad: reamining to be done] [IW]) テイ ぱ
【チベ】'then /ten/ (= stop, halt; 1) to push, to pull, drag, pulled. 2) to smoke. 3) to subtract, deducts [RY]) とま
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667363289/suspend 無

document, law, ceremony
pu(m) I, OAkk, OA freq. pd'um, pium (also OB)(= ; pi. f. "mouth" [KA; Ug. also KAXU; jB also MURUB] 1. of deity, human; as speech organ, ina p. qabu(m) "to speak", ina p. sakdnu(m) "to put" words "into s.o.'s mouth"; of words ina p. (w)asu(m) "to be uttered", ? ≫ situ 2; OA sa pd'e - "informant"; sa pi "word, statement", also sut pi "oral tradition" of interpretation 2. "muzzle, beak" of animal, bird 3. "statement, command"; pa isten sakdnu "to make unanimous, achieve consensus", p. itti X sakdnu "to reach agreement with" s.o.; ? ? matii I.II; p. naddnu "to promise"; ana p. X (w)asdbu(m) "to dwell obedient to" s.o.; "talk, rumour", ina p. nisi "in popular report", NB ana pipi sa X "according to X" 4. om. pu(m) (Id) kinu(m) "(un)reliable statement" 5. "word- ing" of tablet; analki p. "in accordance with text" of document; ) ふみ、ぶん
【民】piramANam (= 5. proof, testimony, evidence; 6. oath, solemn declaration; 7. document; 8. royal authority, sovereign command; ) ふみの
【民】mUlam (= document of title (TLS)) のりの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657535271/document 無 ----まるで、外国語。
-- ceremony --
難  --- skipp したい。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59654753778/ceremony 無
【羌】tsoqu/ / / tsu/ / / ȵi ə tiɑn li (= ceremony) 式(しき)
-- document --
c. 式典と辞典は、どうして同じ「典」なの?。
dannu(m) I; NA f. also da (= " atu "strong, powerful, mighty, great" [KALAG(.GA)] of god, king, people, country; animal; of city, fortress, building, building material, implement, weapon, cloth; of mountain; "firm" of statement, command; OA tuppum dannum, MA dannutu "binding 〔本の〕装丁、製本 document 文書をとじたもの、縛ったもの"; "strong" of oath; "urgent" of business, message; "hard, difficult, severe" of terrain, weather, disease, distress, onslaught; "high" of prices; NA "big"; < dananu II; > adannis, dannis, dannisam, dannatu, dannutu; -* d. II ) てん
【有】dëshmi (= evidence, testimony, proof, witness, testimonial, document ) てん、とじみ
【民】tastaram (= 1. Bundle of documents and papers tied in a cloth 布で結んだ文書や紙のバンドルしたもの; record, register, account; the whole body of papers pertaining to an office or to the records of a case; 2. the office in which the public records are kept) とじるの、てん
c. デジタル大辞泉 - 綴じる(とじるの用語解説 - [動ザ上一][文]と・づ[ダ上二]1 重ね合わせた紙などに糸を通したりして、一つにまとめる。「原稿を―・じる」2 縫い合わせる。
c. 【英】document ドキュメント、は、綴じものだ(トジモノダ)、なんだ。

building, magnificent (building), hall, temple
saqu(m) (= I "high, elevated" [LAL; jB also AN.TA. GAL] of god, place, mountain, building; "in high place" of city; ground; "of high rank" of tribe; "prominent, sublime"; < saqu H ) たか
sumu(m), jB occas. semu, NB also su'u; pi. m., also -dnu (= ; NA pi. also f. "name 名前; son 息子; line of text" [MU] 1. "name" of person; s. satru "written name" in inscription; of statue, building, mountain; "word for" stone, plant etc.; kunuk, aban s.-ya "seal, stone with my name" 2. "(good) name, repute, fame"; s. sakanu(m) "to establish reputation"; .f. tabu, damqu etc. "good repute" 3. idiomatic usages: ana sum(i) ?* assum "on account of; mimma sumsu ) 殿(との)
sursudu, sursudu, sunsudu, sulsudu (= "firmly founded" M/NB of buildings; throne, boun- dary; "well-equipped"? of boat, troops, god; < rasadu 5 ) ドウ、トウ
【賛】Dhakka (= m. a large sacred building 大きな神聖な建物 Ra1jat.; ) たか、でっけー
【賛】dhUma (= m. (%{dhU} or 1. %{dhvan}) smoke , vapour , mist RV. ; smoke as a sternutatory (in 5 forms) Sus3r.: a place prepared for the building of a house Jyot. ; wheat L. ; a kind of incense L. ; a saint W. ; N. of a man g. %{gargA7di} ; (%{A}) f. a kind of plant L. [Cf. Lat. {fumus}.]) 殿(どの)
【賛】sadman (= 2 n. seat, place (esp. for a sacrifice); dwelling-place, building, house, temple; du. heaven and earth.) との、たてもの
【賛】siddhArtha (= ; n. (scil. %{vAstu}) a building with two halls 〔講演会・式典・コンサートなどのために多くの人が入れる〕ホール、会館、公会堂、集会場、大広間 (one to the west , and one to the south) VarBr2S. ; ) ドウ、トウ
【賛】saMgItavezman (= n., {-zAlA} f. concert-hall コンサートホール.) たかとの
【チベ】thog 'dam (= mud/ concrete [to be] put on the roof of a building [IW]) たかどの
【チベ】thog khang (= a multi-storied building, terrace [JV]) たかかの、たかとの (t-k)
【チベ】tshogs khang chen mo (= auditorium, hall of feast offering, large hall [IW]) たかとの、たかちの

plum, apricot
c. plum には、plumb, plump, plumage 等関係の無い単語も結果に混入。 exact option で絞り込み必要。
【民】nALin2i (= hog-plum 《植物》タマゴノキ) むめ、ウメ (m 強無音)
c. インド弁の plum では、「バイ」は判定不能。近いのは有る。apricot は桃と梅の中間。インド辞書に apricot 未登録。アンズ。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664585047/plum 皆無
c. この単語は、難解。 誰かもっと調査してください。

abundant, wide
【有】bollshme (= abundant) ひろしめ
【賛】prAjya (= mfn. (?fr. %{pra} + %{Ajya} , `" having much ghee "') copious , abundant , large , great , important MBh. ; lasting , long Ra1jat. ; high , lofty A.) ひろい
【民】pUri (= 02 much, many; abundant; numerous; great, important; 1. abundance; 2. gold; 3. the total; 4. a quintillion) ひろい
【民】hagkAm (= time, season, period at which anything is most abundant or prevalent, as business) ハクの
【民】piRagku-tal (= 01 1. to shine, glitter, glisten; 2. to be high lofty, elevated; 3. to be great, exalted, dignified; 4. to grow full, complete, abundant; 5. to overflow, inundate; 6. to be densely crowded, close together; 7. to grow large in in size; 8. to change, move; 9. to sound) ハク、ひらく
【賛】bhavIyas (= mfn. (compar. ; cf. %{bhaviSTha}) more abundant or plentiful RV.) バク (y-ki)
【チベ】bel po (= rich, abundant, ample, abound, affluent, bountiful, exuberant, plentiful, plenty, temperate, saving, economical [JV] ) /bel po/ ひろ ぽ
【チベ】lhug pa (= natural; alert relaxation, alertly relaxed; 1) natural, relaxed, loose, free, naturally at ease, relaxed with presence, alertly relaxed, relaxation. Syn {ma bcos pa, lhug ge, rang babs}. 2) loose, unrestrained, abundant, suffuse, looseness. 3) prose [in poetics]. Syn {tshig lhug} uninterruptedness; naturally; prose [in poetics]. Syn {tshig lhug} [RY] /lhuk pa/ ハク パ (l 無音)
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】bol (= plenty, plentiful, abundant, ample, copious, rich) ひろ、ほろ
-- wide --
【蛇】הָלְאָה hâle'âh /haw-leh-aw'/ (= wide, onward, forward, further, back 1 henceforth, yonder, aside, beyond, abroad, hitherto) ひろい 21019/12/05
【蛇】פָּעַר pâ‛ar /paw-ar'/ (= open, opened my wide, gaped, opened) ひろい 21019/12/05
cf. file tibet #g.397 wide
cf. file f20 #s.29 wide 広い
c. wide で「おぎろ」をチベット語で精査したら、有った。
【チベ】hrig ger (= vividly, widely awake [RY] ) /hrik ger/ おぎろ (h 無音)
c. 「おぎろ」は、【趣】にも有った。を見つけてしまった。 2019/12/05
【趣】igi-daĝal (= : wide seeing eyes ('eyes' + 'wide'). ) おぎろ
【有】i gjerë (= spacious, wide, broad, extensive, large, vast) オ ぎろ  【形容詞】
【ギャロン】 ' ʒəro ぢぇろ --- オギロ? ---- 1地区のみ。
c. ギャロンの他の多くの地区(70% 位)は ke' la 系で、先頭の母音が欠落。

meal, food
【趣】mun-du (= : emmer groats; morning meal (time); an acceptable food offering for the dead (Akk. mundu). ) めし、ままだ
【有】miell misri (= meal, cornstarch, cornflour) まま めし
【尼】menepung (= flour, meal) まんま
【民】nAstA (= light meals 軽食; luncheon; light refreshment;) めし
【賛】mantha (= m. stirring round , churning Ka1v. ; shaking about , agitating Ragh. Uttarar. ; killing , slaying Ba1lar. ; a drink in which other ingredients are mixed by stirring , mixed beverage (usually parched barley-meal stirred round in milk ; but also applied to a partic. medicinal preparation) RV. ;) めし、まんさ
【賛】marmara (= mfn. (onomat.) rustling (as leaves or garments) , murmuring Ka1lid. Ra1jat. ; m. a rustling sound , murmur Ragh. ; a kind of garment L. ; (%{A}) f. coarse ground meal L. ;) まま、まんま
【賛】mauDI (= f. coarse ground meal L. ) めし
【民】Avi (= 02 1. breath; 2. sigh; 3. yawn; 4. soul; 5. mind; 6. strength, power; 7. vowel; 8. steam, vapour; 9. kind of meal cake, a prepared in steam; 10. smoke; 11. tobacco, as the leaf smoking; 12. fragrance, odour) いい、いひ
【賛】yava (= 3 m. barley (in the earliest times , prob. any grain or corn yielding flour or meal ; pl. barley-corns) RV. ; a barley-corn (either as a measure of length = 1/6 or 1/8 of an An3gula VarBr2S. ; or as a weight= 6 or 12 mustard seeds= 1/2 Gun5ja1 Mn. Ya1jn5.) ; any grain of seed or seed corn Bhpr. ;) いい、いひ
【賛】phANi (= f. ( %{phaN}?) unrefined sugar , molasses L. ; flour or meal mixed with curds (= %{karambha}) L.) ファン、ハン、ボン
【賛】kalyavarta (= (*m.) morning meal, breakfast; n. a trifle 些細, a little 一寸.) くらふ、くらいよった、くらいよるだ
cf. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/飯  「くらう」「くらはす」の用法が載っている。
【民】kUTTAjncORu (= 1. common meal, as at a picnic; 2. rice boiled with vegetables, etc) 食ったにゃそれ
【チベ】bun bun (= piece meal, dispersed [JV]) フン フン
【チベ】mgyogs zas (= quick meal [IW]) めし   △
【チベ】nyin gung (= midday, noon, noon meal, noon [JV]) まんま  △

voting slip
cf. #n.125 札 ふだ
c. vote は 皆ハズレ。投げる feeling と tip 切れ端、の image が必要。なので、 slip が正解。滑る、放り投げる、蹴っぽる
【民】paRivu (= 1. discharge, sudden dislodgement, slipping out; 2. snapping, explosion; 3. giving way, as a post; 4. sinking, falling in, as of the belly) ヒョウ
【賛】pAdU (= f. a shoe or slipper スリッパ L.) ふだ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666667450/slip 無

simtu(m), simtu(m), Nuzi Sind/tu (= "mark, token; colour, paint" OAkk, Bab. [(KUS.)SE.GIN; KUS.SE.GIM Mari, lex.; MA also SE.SEN] 1. "ownership mark", S. sakdnum "to put a mark" on animal, field, brick; ) しめす
【有】shenjë (= sign, mark, token, indication, target, signal) しめっち
【有】simptomë (= symptom 示すの, sign, token, diagnostic, mark) しめすの
【箍】tandaan (= remember, keep in mind, mind, bear in mind, keep, mark) しめすーん
【尼】tanda (= sign, mark, signal, alert, token, symbol) しめし
【民】poRi (= 03 1. stripe, as of a tiger; 2. line on the palm; 3. spot, as on an elephant's forehead; dot, point, speck; 4. mark, impression; 5. sign, token; 6. letter, character, writing; 7. seal, signet;) ヒョウ
【賛】prarad (= P. %{-radati} , to scratch or cut in , dig out (as a channel) , mark out (as a path) RV.) ヒョウす
【賛】sulakSa (= mf(%{A})n. having good or auspicious marks , fortunate GopBr.) しるし (k 無音)
【賛】sacihna (= mfn. having marks , marked , branded (%{am} ind.) Ya1jn5.) しめ
【民】tiruppoRi (= auspicious mark 吉兆, as of sovereignty 主権、統治権、支配権に関しての) しるべ
【賛】kASThA (= f. race-course, course (esp. of the winds and clouds); mark, goal, limit; summit 頂き, top 頂点、天辺, height 高い所 (fig.); cardinal point or quarter of the heaven; a cert. measure of time.) こずえ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662669331/mark 無
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】işaret (= mark, sign, signal, cue, marker, indication) イしるし
【蛇】צָרַעַת tsâra‛ath /tsaw-rah'-ath/ (= leprosy, mark, leprous) しるし

【賛】vi (= 3 ind. (prob. for an original %{dvi} , meaning `" in two parts "' ; and opp. to %{sam} q.v.) apart 分離, asunder 散り散り, in different directions 異なる方向, to and fro , about , away , away from , off , without RV. In RV. it appears also as a prep. 前置 with acc. denoting `" through "' or `" between "' (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i ) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs , to express `" division "' , `" distinction "' , `" distribution "' , `" arrangement "' , `" order "' , `" opposition 反対、対抗"' , or `" deliberation 派生"' (cf. %{vi-bhid} , %{-ziS} , %{-dhA} , %{-rudh} , %{-car} , with their nominal derivatives) ; , `" deviation from right "' (cf. %{vi-zIla}) , `" negation 否定形"' or `" privatlon 誤字 "') フ、ブ、ず、非(ヒ)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663438201/negation 皆無

husband, spouse 配偶者, man, that
cf. file tibet #g.177 husband
ahazu(m) (= "to take; marry; learn" G (a/u) 1. of demons, diseases "seize, grasp" 2. of husband, also father-in-law "take (a woman in marriage), marry" 3. "take notice of, learn") おつ、おっと
【有】burrë (= man, husband, male, mate, chap, fellow) フ、フウ、ブ
【箍】asawa (= wife, husband, spouse, mate, hubby, partner) おっと
【尼】 (= wife, spouse, woman, consort, housewife, mate) おっと
【賛】vara (= 2 a. choosing (=-); m. suitor, lover, bridegroom or the b.'s friend, husband, son-in-law.) フ、フウ、ブ
【賛】vettR (= 2 m. husband.) おっと、おっとー
【民】vETTAn2 (= 1. one who desires; 2. husband; 3. married man; 4. friend) おっとの、おっちゃん
【賛】asusama (= m. `" dear as life "' , a husband , lover L.) おとーさま
【民】AttukkArar (= * 1. owner of the house; 2. husband) おとこら
【民】attAn2 (= 02 elder sister's husband 姉の旦那) おっちゃん
【賛】vadhU (= f. (fr. %{vadh} = %{vah} ; cf. %{UDhA}) a bride or newly-married woman , young wife spouse any wife or woman RV. ; a daughter-in-law HParis3. ; any younger female relation MBh. ; ) おと、おっと
【賛】tAra (= ; of one of Ra1ma's monkey generals (son of Br2ihas-pati , husband of Ta1ra1) MBh. ) つれ、それ (t-s)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660719257/husband 無[p3/6] c. 馬鹿チベット語に「夫(おっと)」系は、皆無。「フ」も皆無。「グータラ」がチベット語かもしれない。
【チベ】gtan zhal (= husband and wife [IW]) ぐたん つぁる、ぐーたら
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666949712/spouse [p1/6]
【チベ】mdza’ bo (= 1) friend, boy-friend; 2) spouse; 3) mdza’ bo astr conjunction *) [IW]) おっと ぼ (m 強無音)
【チベ】zla'i (= companion, spouse, helper [IW]) つれあい
【チベ】zla (= companion, spouse [R] [IW]) 連れ(つれ)、それ
【蛇】אִישׁ 'ı̂ysh /eesh/ (= husbands, another, oppressor, idiot, man's are the men, one's, himself, prime, manchild, own, each one by another, men at one, Benjamite, each, mankind, fellows, each person, male, troop, every man, people, one, husband's, expert, each man, misc, some, counselor, friend, none, one of men, swordsmen, men's, all, certain, any one, men, husband, whoever, soldiers, eloquent, any man, sailors, every, any, man your husband, this one, man, steward, man of each, each one, man's, man the men, warriors, son, friends, slanderer, no, each his man, every man's, each man's, every one, each had another, deserve, this one and that one, keepers, archers, liar, champion, fellow, persons, those, respective, father, counselors, any man's, hunter, farming, traveler, those who, tradition, high, marry, person, together, ordinary, anyone, man against another, adulteress, marrying, Ishi, traders, everyone, tiller, rank) いーしゅ、おっと (sh-t)
【蛇】בַּעַל ba‛al /bah'-al/ (= master's, charmer, adversary, babbler, due, married, confederate, captain, leaders, men, lords, have, husband, dreamer, schemer, man, citizens, archers, relative by marriage, owner, masters, husbands, bird, dominant, bound, misc, creditor, case, who practice, possessors, master, man given, wrathful, who has, allies, bridegroom, owners) フ、ブ (l 無音)
【トルコ】 (= spouse, wife, partner, husband, match, mate) おっと

prefect, capital
【賛】purAdhipa & {purAdhyakSa} (= m. governor of a city, prefect of police.) ふらーどやくしゃ、フ

Pending → 疲れるので、もう止めた。 インド弁にある、でいい。

-- 都、宮 --
【賛】nirAkula (= mfn. not too much beset , little frequented Katha1s. ; not disarranged Gi1t. ; unconfused , clear , calm , steady (%{am} ind.) Var. ; n. perspicuity , clearness , calmness Var. ; %{-dvAra} mf(%{A})n. (city) whose gates are not too much crowded Katha1s. ; %{-lA7rtham} ind. for the sake of clearness Var.) 都(みやこ)
【民】nivEcan2am (= 1. place, site; 2. house, dwelling; 3. town, city; 4. a ground, a piece of land measuring 2, 400 sq. ft.) 都の
【民】niyamam (= 02 1. close, end, finish; 2. town, city; 3. temple; 4. bazaar street; 5. street; 6. place, location; 7. a hall) 宮門

【民】vARcakam (= 1. herd of calves; 2. herd of cows) ボクの、モクの(v-m)
【賛】mRgayUtha (= n. a herd of deer R. ; %{-pa} m. lord or the herd of deer MBh.) まきた (y-ki)、モク
【賛】go (= %{gau4s} (acc. %{gA4m} instr. %{ga4vA} dat. %{ga4ve} , gen. abl. %{go4s} loc. %{ga4vi} ; du. %{gA4vA} [Ved.] , %{gA4vau} ; pl. nom. %{gA4vas} acc. %{gA4s} [rarely %{gA4vas} TBr. ] instr. %{go4bhis} dat. abl. %{go4bhyas} , gen. %{ga4vAm} [once at the end of a Pa1da RV.] and [in RV. at the end of Pa1das only cf. Pa1n2.] %{go4nAm} loc. %{go4Su}) m. an ox f. a cow , (pl.) cattle , kine , herd of cattle RV.) かう
【賛】vrajanAtha (= m. `" lord of the herds "'N. of Kr2ishn2a MBh. ; %{-bhaTTa} m. N. of an author Cat.) やしなった
【民】tokuti (= 1. assembly, collection, aggregation; 2. series class, as of persons or things; 3. society; 4. company, association; 5. flock, herd swarm 〔混乱している人や動物の〕群れ、群衆; 6. genus; 7. volume, as of a journal; 8. section, as of a book; 9. elision; 10. aggregate, total) つかさ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660427452/herd 無

yet, still, unreach
cf. file tibet #g.412 yet, still
nahu(m), OAkk, Ass. nudhu(m) (= "to rest" G [HUN.GA] 1. "be at rest, become restful"; of celestial bodies "be still"; of fire "bum steadily";) まだ
【有】ende (= yet) いまだ
【尼】masih (= still, yet, just, as yet) まだ   【副詞】
【民】iruntum (= for all that, yet, notwithstanding) いまだに (r-m)
【賛】nItamizra (= mfn. not yet entirely made into butter  未だ完全なバターに成っていない TBr.) まだまだ
【賛】puTadhenu (= f. a not yet full-grown cow with a calf 未だ成乳に成っていない子牛 Hcat.) ひつじの
【民】mElvin2ai (= 1. karma 《ヒンドゥー教・仏教》カルマ、業、宿命、因縁。 〔善い・悪い行いに対する〕報い which is yet to come) ミ、ミビ、ビ (m 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59669198812/yet 皆無
c. チベット語、yet は皆無だったが、still にあった。疲れる。
【チベ】mjal du yod pa (= that still 未だ can be seen [RY]) /jel du yö pa/ ジェル ドゥ ユ ぱ、 まじゃ だ やだ べ
c. 現代発音は、痕跡が消えている。
【ギャロン】ma'ʃaŋ まーしゃんグ、まだma’ɟu まじゅ ◎ (= yet, still)
【トルコ】yine de (= still, yet, but then) いまだ  【接続詞】
【ウズベク】yanada (= yet) いまだ
c. 「既に」も有る。
【尼】sudah (= already, yet, by now) すで

person, nation, people, citizen
cf. file f20 #ss.18 person   in スワディシュ 100
cf. file tibet #g.251 person, man in general
dannu(m) I(= ; NA f. also da " atu "strong, powerful, mighty, great" [KALAG(.GA)] of god, king, people, country; animal; of city, fortress, building, building material, implement, weapon, cloth; of mountain; "firm" of statement, command; OA tuppum dannum, MA dannutu "binding document"; "strong" of oath; "urgent" of business, message; "hard, difficult, severe" of terrain, weather, disease, distress, onslaught; "high" of prices; NA "big"; < dananu II; > adannis, dannis, dannisam, dannatu, dannutu; -* d. II ) たみ
【有】të afërm (= people) たふぁみ、たみ
【賛】sajana (-mfn. together with men or people Ra1jat. ; having men , frequented or inhabited by men (%{e} ind. among men , in public) S3Br. ; m. a man of the same family , kinsman MW. ; %{-nA7mAtya} mfn. accompanied by men and ministers 男性と大臣を同伴 ib.) たみ
【賛】nija (= mf(%{A})n. ( %{jan}) innate , native , of one's own party or country (with %{ripu} m. an enemy in one's own country Hit. ; m. pl. one's own people Ra1jat.) ; constant , continual AV. (in later Sanskr2it used as a reflex. possess. pron. = %{sva} , my own , his own , our own &c.)) みん
【民】nATavar (= countrymen, people of the country) みたから (v-k)
【民】naTTAmuTTikaL (= common 普通の, vulgar 下層・低俗 people) みたから、みたみたから
【賛】AnartIya (= mfn. belonging to the country (and the people of) 国民 A1narta.) おーみたーきや (ya-kia)
【チベ】mgo nag mi (= people [IW]) みん、みぐ まぐ み
【チベ】mgo nag (= lay people; black-headed (Tibetans); black-headed 黒頭 [RY]) みん
【チベ】tha mal pa (= ordinary, mean, coarse, vulgar, common, general, usual, people, vulgar people [JV]) たみ べ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664294178/people  [p16/51]
【羌】 mi/ / / miə/ / / ʐen min/ / / lonbɑq/ / / me lɑvv/ / / metipi/ / / mæ təpi/ / / nə/ / / ʐənmin/ / / mə ŋɑ/ / / ʐmə/ / / ʐəmu/ / / (= people) たみミン
【ギャロン】 tə' rmi てるみ 民(たみ) (= person, man in general 一般人)

nothing, not, no
【趣】níĝ-nu-mu-da-sá (= : nothing is comparable with it ('things' + 'not' + conjugation prefix + 'with' + 'to equal in value'). ) 何もねーだ
memeni, also mimilenu, menimeni (= "somebody, who(so)ever" NA for ? ? mamman; with neg. "nobody"; more rarely for mimma "something, any(tfiing)"; with neg. "nothing" ) 何もね−、ム
【尼】nol (= zero, nil, nothing, naught, cypher, cipher)
【賛】nu (= 1 (in RV. also %{nU4} ; esp. at the beginning of a verse , where often = %{nu4} + %{u}) , ind. now , still , just , at once ; so now , now then RV. ; indeed , certainly , surely RV. ; cf. Pa1n2. (often connected with other particles , esp. with negatives e.g. %{nahi4@nu4} , `" by no means "' , %{na4kir@nu4} , no one or nothing at all "' , %{mA4@nu4} なんも, `" in order that surely not " ; ) ム、ない
【民】pUrai (= 1. fulness; 2. sufficiency; 3. end, finish; 4. nothingness, naught; 5. worthless person or thing)
【チベ】me[d (= does not exist as something, there is not, not, have not, without, non-existence, negative quality, transcending, beyond, haven’t, negative existential verb, with verbs to convey “whether or not”, there is nothing substantial, neither [JV]) /mé/ ム、なしろ、ない
c. チベット語の nothing に 「ブ」系はナシ。
c. me[d の表記は、Wylie 表記の med の私のココだけの silent Wylie 表記の結果である。
【羌】/ / mɑŋ/ no (negative answer)/ / / mam̥/ no (negative answer)/ / / mɑngu/ no (negative answer)/ / / mɑɦũəj/ no (negative answer)/ / / ȵyŋu/ no (negative answer)/ / / mi jo/ no (negative answer)/ / / mɑɦũ/ no (negative answer) (= no)
【ギャロン】 mak̚ / nə’mak̚ / kə’mak̚ ま、なま、くま (= not)
【蛇】מָעַט mâ‛aṭ /maw-at'/ (= least, less, small, reduce, few in number, dwindles, diminish, make so small, minished, get a few, fewness, nothing, seem insignificant, give less, pay less, little, had little, take less, few, decrease, bring to nothing, diminished)

【趣】lú-zi(-d) (= righteous, good man ('man' + 'faithful, true'). ) りょうつ、りーつ
yarahhu, yaruhhu, uriyahhu jB 1. (= (a kind of good quality grain) [Se.LUGAL; SE.SAG] 2. (a brownish precious stone) ) よい、やや、ウリョウ
【賛】rayi (= m. or (rarely) f. (fr. %{rA} ; the following forms occur in the Veda , %{rayis} , %{-yi4m} , %{-yibhis} , %{-yINAm} ; %{rayyA4} , %{-yyaI4} , %{-yyA4m} ; cf. 2. %{rai}) , property 性質、属性, goods 製品、良いもの, possessions , treasure , wealth (often personified) RV.) リョウ、よい (r-y)、やや (r-y)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659824417/good 皆無
【羌】/ / nɑ/ / / na/ / / yiɑe/ / / ʐəsɑ/ / / ʂei (= good) いい
【トルコ】iyi (= good, well, decent, fine, great, okay) いい
【トルコ】yararlı (= helpful, useful, beneficial, advantageous, good, handy) よい、やや
【アゼルバイジャン】yaxşı (= good) よし、よかし

fee, quantity, measure, estimate
cf. file f17 #2.14  測・計・図・量  はか(る)
cf. #n.88 量 りょう quantity
c. fee の関連には皆無であった。 quantity or measure で攻める。
【賛】rAzi (= m. (L. also f. ; once m.c. in R. %{I} , f. ; derivation doubtful , but cf. Un2. ) a heap , mass , pile , group , multitude , quantity , number RV. ; (in arithm.) a sum or the figure or figures put down for an operation (such as multiplying , dividing &c.) Col. ; a measure of quantity (= %{droNa}) S3a1rn3gS. ; a sign of the zodiac (as being a certain sum or quantity of degrees) , one-twelfth part of the ecliptic , an astrological house MBh.; a heap of corn L. ; N. of an Eka7ha S3rS.) らーし、りゃーし、りょう
【賛】lAji (= m. a quantity of parched grain VS. (accord. to TBr. %{lAji} is voc. fr. %{lAjin} = %{lAjo7palakSita}).) らーち、りゃーち、りょう
c. rA, lA の「らー」が「りゃー」「りょー」「りょう」に化けた模様。zi, ji は、子(つ)、の、数の意味だろう。
【賛】pUga (= m. (ifc. f. %{A} ; cf. %{puJja}) any assemblage or combination or body of persons , a multitude , number , mass , quantity (in one place n.) S3a1n3khBr. ; country court or an assembly of townsmen IW. ; disposition , property , nature W. ; the Areca Catechu , called betel-nut tree (n. its nut) Var. ; = %{kaNTaki-vRkSa} L. ; = %{chanda} , or %{chandas} L. = %{bhAva} L.) はか
【民】pAkkaLavu (= an insignificant quantity) はかあるわ
【民】pAkku (= 03 estimate, estimate of the crop) はっか、はっけ
【賛】paricchedya (= mfn. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured Ragh. (%{a-paricch-}) Pa1n2. ) はりっちぇどや、はかっちゃたや、はかった
c. 動詞の「測る、計る、量る、図る」は、 made in Japan みたいだ。インドでは、少し違う。
c. 「八卦(はっけ)」は「はかる」の親戚の様だ。
cf. 当たるも八卦、当たらぬも八卦 ----- 中国語も、インド弁 base?
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/quantity 無
c. チベット語の quantity に「りょう」は、無い
c. 世界中で、quantity を「リョウ」というのは、日本だけみたい。

wheel, ring, circle, circular
【趣】ḫar, àr, ur5 (= : n., millstone; ring; link (in a chain); coil or spiral of silver or other precious metal that can be worn as a ring or bracelet and was used as money (cf., kín, kikkin, ḫara, ara3,5, ur5) (many small explosions + sliding motion)
   v., to chew.
   adj., small; young. )
erru(m) II, eru ~ (= "ring, band" OAkk, Bab. 1. "ring, washer" for peg 2. also am, "headband" in metal, cloth (-> waruml); jB also pi. f. erret qaqqade 3. Nuzi "(animal) enclosure, pen" 4. (enclosed plot of land); < Sum.; > erretu II )
【民】uruL (= 02 1. car wheel; 2. wheeled vehicle, cart; 3. the fourth naks2atra) うわ、わ
【賛】vara (= 1 m. surrounding, stopping (dat. as infin.); circle, extent, space.)
【賛】uccAcakra (= (%{uccA4-}) mfn. having a wheel above (said of a well) RV. ) わっか、わ
【民】villai (= 01 1. that which is circular; 2. scented tablet; 3. patch; 4. metal badge on a peon'e belt; 5. a kind of head-ornament) わ、まりぃ (w-m)
【賛】rathanemi (= f. the rim of a chariot-wheel.) リン
【チベ】phang (= spindle, whirl, wagon wheel, accumulate, pile up, save up [IW]) わ (ng 無音)
【チベ】phol mig (= 1) skin disease boils? w round sngo nag gya’ za mi bzod pa, in succession wounds arising and virulently contagious and two [arch] circle, wheel, disk [IW]) わの
c. チベット語辞書に ring 未登録。ボロ。circular は、登録されているが「わ」は皆無。
c. チベット語には「リン」も当然、無かった。 spin を引いてダメ出し check したが、チベット語は、「まるでダメ夫」さんでした。
【民】nUlviTu-tal (= to form or spin cobweb; to sound a person's ideas) まわった
【民】vala-ttal (= 01 1. to encircle, surround; 2. to spin, as a spider its thread; to plait; to weave; 3. to string in a series; 4. to tie, bind; 5. to bend) わ、まわ (v-m)
c. チベット語は、やはり、馬鹿だ。 circle の中に「輪(わ)」は見つからない。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655151213/circle 無
c. しかし、チベット語の wheel には、「くるわ」が有った。郭(くるわ)は、#n.128 城 も参照
【チベ】skor ba /korwa/ (= encircle, surround, move round, turn, turn a wheel, revolve, wheel, rotating, fill with, enclose, besiege, come again and again, traverse, ride round a thing, reverential ceremony of circumambulation, to walk around something [JV] ) くるわ
【賛】cakravat (= mfn. furnished with wheels , wheeled Pa1n2.; armed with a discus W. ; circular W. ; m. an oil-grinder Mn.; N. of Vishn2u W. ; a sovereign , emperor W. ; N. of a mountain Hariv. ; n. a chariot Baudh. ; ind. like a wheel , in rotation W. ; (%{-vad}) %{-gati} mfn. turning like a wheel MBh. ) くるわ (t 無音)

order, command, decree
【有】urdhër (= order, warrant, command, commandment, decree, injunction) おさ
【箍】utos (= command, commandment, order, mandate, direction, decree) おさ
【尼】orde (= order, forced labor) おさ
【民】atikAram (= * 1. public office power, authority; 2. rule, dominion, sove-reignty; 3. order 命令, regulation 規制; 4. claim, right, privilege, ownership; 6. fitness, worthiness, eligibility; 7. section of a book, chapter, governing theme or rule; 9. context; 10. aspect of god in which action is predominant, one of three avattai , q.v.) いいつけの
【民】ARRezukku (= 1. flowing of a river, current of a river or stream; 2. the most natural order of words which clearly brings out the meaning, one of four cu1ttira-nilai , q.v.) いいつけ
【賛】astuMkAra (= mfn. `" one who says %{astu} "' , conceding , assenting unwillingly "' , or `" ordering "' Pa1n2.) いいつけ
【賛】astu (= (3. sg. Imper.) , let it be , be it so ; there must be or should be (implying an order).) おさ
【民】atar (= 01 1. way, path, public road; 2. order; 3. fine sand; 4. dust; 5. lengthened excavation for a hedge or foundation) おさ
【民】yAppu (= 1. binding, tying; 2. tie; 3. poetry; 4. ligature stretched across the pot-like portion of ya1l6 ; 5. graduated serial order of treatises to be studied, one of 11 cir6appu-p-pa1yiram , q.v.; 6. afection, as binding persons together; 7. resolution, steadiness, firmness; 8. counsel; 9. fitness; 10. snake) よひ、よい
c. チベット語の order は、馬鹿スベルのため判別し難いが、多分下記。
【チベ】rgya (= 1) CH/ india; 2) extent, area, width; 3) enclosure, trap, net, web; 4) seal, stamp, sign, mark the'u tse dang rtags; 5) symbol, mudra; 6) vast, extensive, extent; 7) law and order; 8) passage; 9) mudra; 10) a kind of tree; 11) a kind of wild animal; 12) 'gram pa'i spu; 13) Phyi thum mam skogs [IW]) りょう
【チベ】'jog (= put; p. {bzhag} imp. {zhog} 1) to leave, put, applied, place, put down. 2) to keep [in mind] 3) to put an end to, cease, stop, halt, 4) fix, establish, arrange, place, lay, order, categorize, group as, included in, under ) いいつけ   --- 良くない。「'」が「いい」の母音に対応。本当は、× にしたい。
【チベ】'thebs (= /; 2) series order; 2) plant [crops]; 3) monastic endowment [IW]) おさ。 ×
【羌】/ / dal/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / dædʐi/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / ebbɑ/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / ger gusu/ / / jɑ/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / mɑk mɑptshi/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / qəɹ stege/ / / tiːq stækæ ʐgæq/ / / ədzɑ/ / / ɦɑzdɑ/ give command/ (to) bid/ / / min lin pu/ give command/ / / qəɹ steki/ / / tshə ɕy (= order) 指示/お達っし、おさ

history, experience, undergo
【民】vARu (= history (TLS)) へる
【賛】purANa (= , f. {I} former, ancient, old; n. things of the past, ancient history or legend, T. of a class of sacred works.) へるの、ヒーローの
【賛】rAjakathA (= f. history of kings , royal history Ra1jat.) らーじゃかた、れきし、レキ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/history 無

cf. #n.533 誌 シ、しるす
sitirtu(m), sitertu(m) (= "writing; document" Bab. s. tuppi "writing on tablet"; Bogh. "document, written record"; transf. s. samel samdmi "(writing in heaven =) stars" (-≫ sitru); < satdru II ) )しるす
【賛】lekhyaprasaGga (= m. a written contract record , document MW.) ロク/リョク・やぷらさが
【賛】smR, smarati, -te (= , pp. {smRta} (q.v.) remember (gen. or acc.); [[-,]] recollect, call to mind; hand down, record, declare, teach (esp. P. {smaryate} be recorded or declared as a law or custom, pass for (nom. or loc.). Caus. {smArayati} & {smarayati} cause to remember, remind (2 acc. or gen. of pers. & acc. of th.). -- {anu} remember, collect;) しるす
【チベ】sgra 'dzin /dra dzin/ (= ear, record sound [IW] ) しるしの
【トルコ】rekor (= record, high, possible) ロク、リョク
c. 「記録」も有る。
【趣】kur7-aka (= : inspection record 検査記録. ) きろく

cherry tree
cf. file f12 #nara 奈良県桜井市
suqlu II, suqulu (= "marsh 沼地。《marshes》沼地帯、湿地帯" jB, also (a marsh plant)?) さくら
【賛】cikhalla (= m. (g. %{pRSodarA7di} Gan2ar. ) mud mire L. Sch. ; (used in Pra1kr2it.)) ちかっら、さくら
【民】catakkal (= marsh, mire) さたっかる、さくら
【民】takkALi (= 1. Indian winter-cherry; 2. Tomato) たっかーり、さくら
【民】koTukilai (= common cherry nutmeg (TLS)) こつきらい、こさくらい、こざくら
【民】viLLal (= 1. separation 分離; 2. unfolding 開花, as of a flower 花の; 3. embracing; 4. wynaad coffee cherry-nutmeg 《植物》ナツメグ、ニクズク) おう (v-w, l 無音)

permit, possible, should
【趣】ĝala7, ĝál; ĝá (= : to be (somewhere); to be available; to place, put (with -ni- or bi-); to place into (with -ši-); to be with someone (with -da-); to have on one's person (with -da-); to be possible (with -da-); to take an oath; to dwell (ĝá, 'storage basket' + íla, 'to be high').) カ、可能 (l-n)
kima (= "like; when, as, that" [GIM] 1. "like", in similes; "according to" measure, word, decree etc.; math, "equal to", "equal in rank to"; "as" of person's role, number's function 2. "in place of, instead of, sa kima PN "PN's repre- sentative^)"; kima kunukki "instead of a seal" 3. OB klm(a) inanna "right now", kima kima' 158 kinitu II saldsisu "just three times", kima pdnisu "at once"; Am. + adv. "... as possible", e.g. kima mddis "as much as possible" 4. before infin. "in order to", kima libbika Id mardsim "so that you should not feel insulted"; OA kima itappulim ittanapulunidti "they will pay us as far as possible"; ) カモ/カナ、可能性、可(カ)
【民】kaligku (= 1. sluice 〔余分な水を流す〕排水路 or water weirs for surplus vents; waterway constructed in the bund of a tank to permit the escape of surplus water so as to prevent the bursting of the tank from over-fulness of water, now usually set with upraigth stones to admit of partial binding up of water; 2. calingula) コク
【民】koTu-ttal (= 1. to give, grant, supply; 2. to bring forth; 3. to divide, distribute, as a sum of money; 4. to sell; 5. to allow, permit; 6. to lose by death, as giving to yama; 7. to abuse roundly; 8. to belabour, thrash; an auxiliary verb 助動詞, as in) カだ、カ
【民】viTu-tal (= 01 1. to leave, quit, part with; 2. to remove; 3. to get rid of; 4. to split, separate; to disentangle, as hair; 5. to abandon, forsake; 6. to let go; 7. to despatch, send away; 8. to liberate, set free, release; 9. to leave off, discontinue; 10. to omit, leave out; 11. to end, finish, conclude; 12. to emit, issue; to give out, let out; 13. to send forth, discharge; 14. to throw; 15. to pour; 16. to give, bestow; 17. to say, tell; 18. to describe in detail; 19. to publish, expose; 20. to permit, let, allow; 21. to indicate, point out 指摘; 22. to express, give out; ) べし、よし、カだ (v-k)、ゆーす(ゆるす)
【賛】varivasya (= Nom. P. %{-sya4ti} , to grant room or space , give relief. concede , permit RV. ; to show favour , wait upon , cherish , tend Bhat2t2. (p. %{-syamAna} = %{varivacyita} Das3.)) よっしゃ、よし、ゆるす
【チベ】bka’(= 1) speech [h]; 2) prefix 接頭辞 [h] [Bka’ chos, Bka’ bris, Bka’ mol]; ; diploma, missive, permit 許可, a proclaimed order 命令, ) /ka/ カ
【チベ】bka’ sgo (= 1) public order, command; 2) permission, permit; 3) secret instruction; 4) precept [IW]) /ka go/ コク   「ぶか すご」 と発音シナイ。
c. チベット語の permit に、「よい、べし」系は無い。
【羌】/ / ɤʐə/ (to be) possible/ (be) possible/ / / ese/ (be) possible/ / / hvɑeti/ (be) possible/ / / / (be) possible/ / / low/ (to be) possible/ / / meɑi qi/ (to be) possible/ / / mɑ/ (to be) possible/ / / ɤʐæ/ (be) possible/ / / ʁu/ (to be) possible/ / / bɑ/ (be) possible/ / / (be) possible/ dʐɑ - ɤʐɑ - wɑ (= possible) カ、よし(ɤ は、ウとアの合いの子、いいぜ、ヨイ
-- should --
【民】varcciyam (= that which should be excluded or avoided) べきやの
【賛】varttavya (= n. (impers. 《言語学》〔文構造が〕非人称の◆It rains.のように人称代名詞が特定の対象を指さないもの。) it should be acted or behaved R) やってよ、べき (y-ki)
c. チベット語の文字は、馬鹿システムであることが良く分かる。黙字の接頭辞を漢字の偏(へん)や旁(つくり)の様に付けている、しかし、 flat に表記すると、二次元が一次元化されるため、情報が消える。Wylie は翻字システムである。
私が Wylie さんだったら、一次元化するとき、旁と語根の境目が見える印を付けただろう。例えば、bka’ sgo は、b/ka' s/go or b.ka' s.go or b)ka' s)go とか。b)ka' s)go or b]ka' s]go or b^ka s^go が、見易いカモ。
c. 英語も、climb は、clim(b 、 high は、 hi(gh と隠れ表記スべきかも。小括弧() 記号は、説明の中で良く使用されるので、混在を避けるため、[] 括弧が良いかも知れない発音記号表記の括弧とも連想されるので、また良い。カモ。更に、 ] は) よりキーボード操作が楽( shift key 不要)。^ (hat) も帽子の意味なので良いかも(でも方向が不明)。
cf. Wylie (wikipedia) , Extended Wylie
cf. 黙字 (wikipedia), silent letter
c. 【英】should シュッド、〜スべき。は、「〜するだ」の silent letter version である。(sh-s, l 無音、 d-d) そのまんま東、です。should は、大昔は「するだ」 と発音していたのです。
would ウッド、未来・仮定の動詞。 も、大昔は「やるだ (w-y, l 無音、d-d)」 と発音していたのです。--- つまり、英語のご先祖と、日本語のご先祖は、遠くない。のです。

congratulat (congratulate/ congratulation)
【有】përgëzoj (= congratulate, felicitate) うれしやっち
【有】uroj (= wish, congratulate, felicitate) うれちー
【賛】vardhAya (= ind. having congratulated Hariv. (v.l. and prob. more correct %{vardhApya}).) よろこびや (h-k)、うれしーや、めでてーや (v-m)
【賛】vRdh (= cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. ) %{va4rdhate めでてー (v-m)} (Ved. and ep. also %{-ti} ; pf. %{vava4rdha} , %{vavRdhe} RV. [Ved. also %{vA7vR-} ; %{vavRdhAti} , %{-dhItA4s} , %{-dha4sva} RV. ; %{vAvRdhe4te} RV. ; p. %{vA8vRdha4t} RV.; aor. Ved. %{avRdhat} , %{vRdhAtas} , %{-dhAtu} ; p. %{vRdha4t} , %{-dhAna4}] ; %{avardhiSTa} MBh. ; Prec. %{vardhiSIma4hi} VS. ; fut. %{vardhitA} Gr. ; %{vartsyati} Ka1v. ; %{vardhiSyate} Gr. ; inf. Ved. %{vRdhe} [`" for increase "' , `" to make glad "'] , %{vRdha4se} , %{vAvRdha4dhyai} ; Class. %{vardhitum} ; ind. p. %{vRddhvA} , or %{vardhitvA} Gr. ; in MBh. %{vRdh} is sometimes confounded with 1. %{vRt}) , trans. P. , to increase , augment , strengthen , cause to prosper or thrive RV.; to elevate , exalt , gladden , cheer , exhilarate (esp. the gods , with praise or sacrifice) RV. ; (intrans. A1. ; in Ved. P. in pf. and aor. ; in Class. P. in aor. fut. and cond. ; also P. m. c. in other forms) , to grow , grow up , increase , be filled or extended , become longer or stronger , thrive , prosper , succeed RV. ; to rise , ascend (as the scale in ordeals) Ya1jn5. Sch. ; to be exalted or elevated , feel animated or inspired or excited by (instr. loc. gen.) or in regard to (dat.) , become joyful , have cause for congratulation (%{vRdhaH} , %{-dhat} in sacrificial formulas = `" mayest thou or may he prosper "' ; in later language often with %{diStyA}) RV. : Caus. %{vardha4yati} , %{-te} (in later language also %{vardhApayati よろこびやって、よろこぱしー} ; aor. Ved. %{avIvRdhat} , %{-dhata}) , to cause to increase or grow , augment , increase , make larger or longer , heighten , strengthen , further , promote (A1. `" for one's self "') RV. ; to rear , cherish , foster , bring up ib. ; to elevate , raise to power , cause to prosper or thrive AV. S3Br. ; to exalt , magnify , glorify (esp. the gods) , make joyful , gladden (A1. in Ved. also= to rejoice , be joyful , take delight in [instr.] , enjoy RV. ; (with. or scil. %{diSTyA}) to congratulate Ka1d. ; (cl. 10. accord. to Dha1tup. ) `" to speak "' or `" to shine "' (%{bhASA7rthe} or %{bhAsA7rthe}): Desid. of Caus. see %{vivardhayiSu}: Desid. %{vivardhiSate} or %{vivRtsati} Gr.: Intens. %{varivRdhyate} , %{varivRdhIti} ib.) ガーだ (v-g)、イーだ、うれし、よろこびだ/ウレシーダ
c. (v-y), (v-g), (v-k), (v-m) なので、インド弁の vRdh は、good 賀、イーだ、めでてー, glad ウレシイ, congratulate 完ウレシイだ, joy (g-j/y) ヨーイ, 等と親戚。
【チベ】dga’ dar (= scarf presented for pleasing or consoling, scarf of congratulation [JV]) いかっ たー
【チベ】mtshams 'dri zhu (= send regards, ask about someone’s health, congratulate [h] [IW]) めでてーぜ
【羌】/ / dɑxtʂɑ/ to congratulate/ / / nalu/ to congratulate/ / / nɑlus/ to congratulate/ / / koŋ ɕi pu/ Congratulations(!) (= congratulations) いかった (d-y)

c. コレ、難しい。rank, dignity, level, quality, position, value  皆、「かく」が出ず、イマイチ。「格が違いすぎる」。 base 「土台」で攻める。NG。やはり、position にする。

Anutu (= "position of An; divinity 尊厳、品格" j/NB [ d 60- ; d AN- ]; < Anu I ) うんつ、うつ
isdu(m), elusdu(m), OB also istum, M/NB also ildu, irdu, NA issu (= ; pi. f. "foundation, base" [SUIJUS (-+ sursu); OAkk, OB also DU; UR; DUR] freq. du. 1. "foundation" of ? building; transf. of throne, reign, land, city etc.; ref. to persons, "discipline" of troops, bel isdin "disciplined person"; "position, situation" of s.o. in life, esp. in PNs 2. "base" of vessel,) いた
【有】pozitë (= position, status, footing, standing, capacity, stance) うつ (p 無音)
c. 【英】position は、 pose で、「うつ」 (p 無音、s-t) だって。
【箍】kalagayan (= condition, situation, status, circumstances, state, position) カクやん (l 無音)
【民】kagku (= 01 1. ridge to retain water in paddy fields; 2. dam, anicut; 3. side of a bank or ridge; 4. limit, border; 5. row, regular order; 6. base of a palmyra stem; 7. cinder, glowing coal; 8. shred, piece) カク
【賛】kaGgula (= m. a particular position of the hand PSarv.) カク、コウ、キャク、ゴウ
【賛】itara (= mf(%{A})n. (the neuter is %{ad} in classical Sanskr2it , but %{am} [%{ad} S3Br.] in Ved. ; comparative form of pronom. base 3. %{i} ;) いたる
【賛】SaTpad (= (%{Sa4T-} ; strong base %{-pAd}) mf(%{padI})n. six-footed AV. ; ) ただす
【賛】Artha (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{artha}) , relating to a thing or object ; material , significant (opposed to %{zAbda} q.v.) Sa1h. ; resulting from or based on the possession of a thing Pat.) うつ
【賛】viSThA (= 3 f. place , position , station , form , kind RV. ; a rope (?) DivyA7v. ; %{-vrAji4n} mfn. remaining in one place , stationary S3Br.) 位置(いち)、いた
【民】uccam (= * 1. height, elevation, altitude; 2. extreme top overhead; 3. zenith, meridian, position overhead; 4. excellence, superiority; 5. treble; 6. exalted position of a planet; one of five kiraka-nilai , q.v.; 7. extreme limit) うつの
【賛】susthiti (= f. an excellent position Ragh. ; good condition , wellbeing , welfare Bhadrab. ; health convalescence W.) ただす
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664682949/position 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59651830289/base 無
【チベ】skye mched /kye che/ (= 1) ayatana * “ the sources, bases [of cognition], faculty, sense fields/ factors/ spheres/ mediums/ bases, constituent[s of experience, arising expansion [as in {mu bzhi} entrances; 2) perception, state of mind; 3) source [of perception]; 4) six objects and six sense powers/ sense bases [IW]) きぇ ちぇ  ×  「かく」では無い。意味も、感覚、で違う。
【ウズベク、アゼルバイジャン】vaziyat (= situation, status, circumstances, position, posture, posture) うつやと

publish, periodical, carve, scrape
c. この問題、少し難問。答えは、 clock で、「時を刻む」。「コク」、時間の「カン」。
【民】cARRu-tal (= 01 1. to publish, announce; 2. to explain in detail; 3. to speak, mention; 4. to praise; 5. to beat, as a drum; 6. to fill with water, as a tank; 7. to form) カン (c-k, R-n)
【民】kaTTaLaicol(lu)-tal (= to give or publish an order, a notice) けずらっしょる、きざむしょる (l-m)
【民】kozi-ttal (= 1. to sift in a winnowing fan; 2. to waft ashore, as fine sand by the waaves; 3. to carry or wash away, as a river or flood; 4. to emit, as rays; to send forth, as showers; 5. to criticise, expose faults; 6. to test, closely examine details of evidence, facts, etc.; 7. to proclaim, publish; intr. 1. to sound, resound; 2. to come to the surface; to rise up; 3. to be on the increase, flourish) けず
【民】kUrcIvu-tal (= 1. to sharpen, make pointed; 2. to scrape, slice off, as areaca nut; to incite, as to a quarrel) きざむ (v-m)
【賛】kaS (= cl. %{kaSati} , %{-te} , to rub , scratch , scrape Pa1n2. : A1. to rub or scratch one's self ChUp. (pr. %{kaSamANa}) Vait. ; to itch (A1.) BhP. ; to rub with a touchstone , test , try Ka1s3. ; to injure , hurt , destroy , kill Dha1tup. ; to leap ib. : Caus. P. %{kASayati} , to hurt ib.) けず
【民】kAntu-tal (= 1. to burn, smart, as a sore; 2. to feel burning sensation in the body; 3. to be scorched, charred, reduced to cinder; 4. to be hot with indination; 5. to shine, give out lustre, emit rays; 6. to burn with envy; 7. to burn without use, as over; 1. to be angry with; 2. to heat; 3. to absorb, exhaust by evaporation, as water, rain; 4. to bite off, scrape out with the teeth, as a cocount) 噛んだ(カーン だ)
【民】keTAram (= clock (TLS)) 刻む(きざむ)
【賛】ghaTa (= mfn. intently occupied or busy with (loc.) Pa1n2. ;; ; cf. %{-TI-ghaTa}) a period of time (= 24 minutes) Sch. on Ya1jn5. ii , 100-102 and on Su1ryas. i , 25 ; the Ghari1 or Indian clock (plate of iron or mixed metal on which the hours are struck) L. ; a particular procession PSarv. (cf. %{dur-} , %{bhadra-}.)) けず
【賛】ghaNTa (= m. (for %{hantra}?) N. of S3iva (cf. %{ghaTin}) ; a kind of dish (sort of sauce , vegetables made into a pulp and mixed with turmeric and mustard seeds and capsicums ; cf. %{matsya-}) W. ; N. of a Da1nava Katha1s. ; (%{A}) f. a bell MBh. (ifc. f. %{A} MBh. ) ; a plate of iron or mixed metal struck as a clock W. (cf. %{ghaTI}) ; ) カンだ、カッチン
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665006419/publish 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655298026/clock 無

【民】caRukkukkaTTai (= 1. inclined plane set before the front wheels of a car to regulate its course; 2. wedge くさび。くさび状[V字形]のもの) き(c-k)、きせい (c-k)
【賛】suzAsita (= mf(%{A})n. well governed or regulated , kept under good discipline Hit.) ただす、ただした
【民】muRainIr (= water allowed to irrigate fields, in turn or in a regulated manner) のりのり
【チベ】rgyas bcad byed /gyé ché jé/ (= having resolved, decide/ be convinced, regulate/ set prices/ taxes/ schedules/ interest rates etc [IW] ) 規制じゃ
【チベ】tshod 'dzin /tsö dzin/ (= do in the right amount/ whatever is appropriate, limit, control, grasp, regulate, restrict[ion], limit[ation], not exceed the proper limit [IW] ) ただすの
c. チベット語 regulate, regulation に「のり」は、無い。 #n.527、 #n.512にも、チベット語の「のり」は、無い。

skill, ability, technique
【趣】usu (= : skill; strength. ) わざ、うで
asutu(m) (= "profession of physician; medical skill" Bab., NA; < asu I ) わざ、うで
【有】aftësi (= skill, aptitude, ability, capability, proficiency, capacity) わざ、うで
【有】art (= art, workmanship, skill) アート、うで、わざ
【有】teknikë (= technique, technics, equipment, skill, engineering) たくみけ、匠け
【尼】kriya (= skill) 技量(ぎりょう)
【箍】husay (= good quality, skill, efficiency, arranging, arrangement, kindness) わざ
【賛】vaiduSI (= f. science 科学, skill S3ri1kan2t2h. ; learning W.) わざ、ギだぜ (v-g)
【チベ】bzo ba (= skilled craftsman, ask for, make, do, produce, manufacture, put up, build, put over, violate, commit, construct, create, generate, render, 1 of rig gnas bco brgyad, creator) わざ べ  △  子音がナイので、◯ではナイ。
【チベ】khyad rtsal (= special skill [IW]) くやど るつゃる、 ぎ   △ 滅茶苦茶でおます。
c. 「たくみ」も有りそうで、ズバリのスペルは無い。バカ言語である。「匠」が見つけられる人は、探してみて。
---- 私としては、こんなスペル滅茶苦茶な、規範性も無いバカ言語に付き合いたくない。
【羌】lhu gueɑ/ / / ququ/ / / qyqy ギギ/ / / te tshem pa 匠べ/ / / quqqu/ / / ʑi tsɑ わざ (= skill)
【ギャロン】♪ ˈrɡidədə てきざざ, ♪ də ʂuᴇ だっすー, ♪ kǝ22 nǝr44 ɟʝim44 lam42 かねじゅらん, ♪ ka33 pjaŋ44 かぴゅーん, ♪ karapjaŋ からびゃん, ♪ lak nʥək kə-ɡ ラじっくごう (= skilful)  総評 ×
c. ギャロン地区の結果: 十人十色。他と同じ発音地区が皆無。完全無法地帯。どうやったらこうなるのか不思議な位。
【蛇】חָכְמָה chokmâh /khok-maw'/ (= wisdom, skilful man, wits', wisely, skill, wits) きく まう、ギノウ
【アゼルバイジャン】vərdiş (= habit, practice, skill) わざ
【トルコ】ustalık (= mastery, craftsmanship, skill, mastership, knack, proficiency) 腕利き、わざきき

justice, righteous
【民】kaRki (= 02 1. the future incarnation of Vis2n2u, when he is to assume the form of a horse, to restore righteousness, one of taca1vata1ram , q.v.)
【民】aRavai (= righteousness (TLS)) よい
【チベ】dge ba'i las /gewé lé/ (= good actions, righteous work [JV] ) ギ れ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665681374/righteousness 無
c. チベット語の rightious に「よい」は無い。

old, former
【賛】jAra (= 1 mfn. ( %{jRR}) becoming old RV. ) キュウ (j-k) ★珍しい音通
c. (g-j) は、良くある (ex. hungry ひもじい、)が、 (j-g-k) は、初めて見た。 k〜 の中に「きゅう」似が無いので、残る可能性としては (j-k) 化け以外考え難い。
【賛】pUrvaja (= a. born or produced before, former, previous, ancient, very old, the elder or eldest; m. forefather, ancestor; eldest (elder) brother.) ふるいじゃ、ふるびっち
【民】mUtai (= 01 1. ground cleared of wood and prepared for tillage; 2. old, past, ancient) もと、むーたい
【チベ】rgas pa /gé pa/ (= aged, old, exhausted, infirm, an old man [JV] ) げ ぱ、キュウ  △
c. チベット語の old には、ふるい、もと、ふる、ふるびる、は、無い。→ 話にならない。英語の方が近い、ex. 【英】pre- の接頭辞は、「ふる (p-p, r-r)」である。
【蛇】בָּלָה bâlâh /baw-law'/ (= decaying, spend, wasted away, enjoy, waste, waste away, non translated variant, become old, wear, consume, worn, wax old) ふるい

phrase, curve, clause
【民】coRRoTar (= phrase; clause; sentence) クだ、コウだ
【民】vArttai (= 1. word, phrase; 2. reply; 3. promise; 4. news, intelligence, tidings; 5. a figure of speech;) あったい
【民】veTTippATu-tal (= to compose a poem in retort 〔鋭く〜と〕言い返す、切り返す, without using the opponent's phraselogy) あてっぱつ
【民】nin2RuvaRRu-tal (= to be wanting in significance 有意義になりたい, as a word or phrase in a sentence) まがる (v-g)
【チベ】bka’ /ka/ (= 1) speech [h]; 2) prefix [h] [Bka’ chos, Bka’ bris, Bka’ mol]; 3) ancient clan; 4) Buddha’s words/ teaching [vs. the shastras the subject is dharma having meaning/benefit dang ‘brel and, the function abandoning the kleshas of the three realms, the fruition showing the beneficial qualities of nirvana, its intrinsic predominant condition is the arising of the teachings in dependence on the Buddha. syn: bka’ lung dang, nges bstan, rjes gnang, nyer bstan, nyer blangs, bstan pa]. command, request, directive, commandment, precept,, kagyu (in proper name), teachings, word, phrases and compounds, publication, leave of absence, diploma, missive, permit, a proclaimed order, mark, seal, maxim, command, order, speech, utterance, pronouncement, edict, the canon, buddhist scripture, advice publish, proclaim, reprimand, rebuke, consult, deliberate, dismiss, obedient] [IW] ) ク、コウ
c. チベット語の phrase に「あたる」「まがる」は、無い。

case, matter, subject
【賛】kRtAnta (= a. causing an end, finishing (f. {I} perished, vanished*); m. matter, cause, conclusion, dogma; fate, destiny, the god of death.) くだんだ、くだん、こと
【民】kiTakkai (= 1. recumbent, posture; 2. bed, couch; 3. sleeping place; 4. earth; 5. broad expanse; long stretch of land; 6. place; 7. subject matter, contents) くだっかい、くだり (k-r)
【賛】kAraNa (= 1 n. cause , reason , the cause of anything (gen. , also often loc.) Ka1tyS3r.; instrument , means ; motive origin , principle ; a cause (in phil. i.e. that which is invariably antecedent to some product cf. %{samavA7yi-k-} , %{asamavA7yi-k-} , %{nimitta-k-}) ; an element , elementary matter Ya1jn5.) ケン
【賛】kArya (= a. to be done etc. (v. {kR}1). n. affair, duty, business, work, matter; lawsuit, dispute; an operation in grammar; effect, result; purpose, object. {kiM kAryam} to what purpose? {na kAryamasmAkam} we have no business with or need of (instr.).) ケン (r-n)、ケンや (r-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662738220/matter 無
c. 本件、チベット語の辞書が、お粗末君で、調査不能。


check, examine
salu(m) 1, la'dlu(m) (= "to ask" G (pres. OB and occas. jB isdl, pi. ilallu; otherwise isa"ai, pret. isdl, il'al) "ask, question (s.o.)"; "ask about, inform o.s. about" esp. lulum X s. "ask after s.o.'s health"; Mari, Am. "call to reckoning, punish" Gtn iter, of G "ask around, repeat- edly"; "interrogate (人)に問いただす、根掘り葉掘り尋ねる、詮索する、質問する、尋問する, cross-examine" Gt "ask o.s., consider, reflect" about s.th. (= ace); "consult, take advice"; "cross-question" s.o. about s.th. (= 2 ace.) D "(cross-)question" N "be questioned"; > Idltum; Id'ilu, Id'iltu; litulu; litultu; mas alu, mal'altu, mustdlu, mustdlutum ) しらべ (m-b)、あらたむ (+あ)
【有】kontrolloj (= control, check, examine, search, inspect, review) けんさらろっち
【有】përputhen (= dovetail, check, check out) あらため (p 無音)
【民】caripAr-ttal (= to compare, check, as a copy with its original; -- intr./tr. to plot one's ruin) しらべる
【民】teriviTu-tal (= 1. to choose, select, cull; 2. to examine) しらべた
【民】kaimmaRi-ttal (= 1. to check or resist with the fore-arm; 2. to wave the open hand as a sign of disapproval) ケン
【民】kiNTu-tal (= 1. to poke; to stir with a ladle; to scratch, as a fowl; to peck at, as a crow; to dig up as with a stick or iron bar; to burrow in as rats, as worms; to penetrate, as beesinto flowers; 2. to excavate, as a pit; to hoe, up hollow out, dig out as a hoel in a wall; 3. to probe scrutinize, investigate, inquire, pry into seacrch examine; 4. to remind, prompt; 5. to incite, as to a quarrel) ケンさ
【賛】pratisaMhR (= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} , to draw together , contract (with %{AtmAnam} , `" one's self "' i.e. to shrink , return to its usual bed , said of the sea) Hariv. ; to draw or keep back , withdraw (as a weapon , the eye &c.) MBh. Ka1v. ; to take away , put off A1past. ; to absorb , annihilate , destroy MBh. Pur. Ja1takam. ; to check , stop , repress MBh.; to change MW.: Caus. %{-hArayati} , to retract R.) あらためる
【賛】virodhana (= mfn. opposing , fighting MBh. ; n. checking , restraining Nir. vi , 1 (Sch.) ; quarrel , contest , resistance , opposition to (gen.) Ka1m. ; harming , injuring R. ; (in dram.) either `" angry altercation "' (e.g. in S3ak. the dialogue between the king and S3a1rn3garava) Bhar. ; or `" consciousness of the risk of an enterprise "' (e.g. Ven2is , 6 , 1) Sa1h. ; incongruity , inconsistency W. ; investing , blockading ib.) あらため
【民】urucipAr-ttal (= * to taste, examine or ascertain, as the nature of a thing by tasting it) あらためる (p-m)、あらたぱる
【チベ】zhib bsher byed pa /zhip sher je pa/ (= to check, examine, inspect [RY] ) しらじゃべ (zhip 無音)
【チベ】bsrab pa /sap pa/ (= will bridle keep under, restrain, check, curb, refrain. [f srab pa] [IW]) しらべ ぱ、さぷ ぱ
c. 現在発音は、崩れ過ぎ。 wylie の方が似ている。 examine と現在発音がことなり、内部矛盾アリ。
【チベ】bsher ba /sher ba/ (= [will] discuss[ed]/ argue[d] true and false, compare, examine, investigate [p f sher ba] [IW]) しらべ
【チベ】skyon zhib /kyon zhip/ (= check up, examination [IW] ) ケンサ (p 無音)
【チベ】par zhu gtong ba /par zhu tongwa/ (= proofread, check [JV] ) あらためわ (p 無音)
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】eleştirmek/ ayırd etmək (= notice, put down, criticize, damn, review, examine) あらたメク

individual, respective
【民】kaivazi (= 01 1, lute, as an instrument held in the hand; 2. that which is sent by a person; 3. individual, person; 4. footpath; 5. small branch of a river) カ、コ
【賛】vaizeSin (= mfn. specific , individual Sa1m2khyak. Sch.) 個人、個々人 (v-k)
【チベ】gcig gcig (= separately, individually [RY]) ココ ココ
-- respective --
【箍】kapwa (= respective ) カプワ
【箍】kamkanya (= respective) コンコンヤ
【賛】kakubh (= %{p} f. (cf. %{kakud}) a peak , summit RV. ; space , region or quarter of the heavens BhP. ; N. of a metre of three Pa1das (consisting of eight , twelve , and eight syllables respectively ; ) ココ、各自
【民】eNmayam (= the eight kinds of pride begotten respectively by) おのおの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665566237/respective 無  [p1/4]
【トルコ】sırasıyla (= respective) それぞれ
【トルコ】herkes kendi (= respective) ここ こんじ

support, backup
漢字ペディア   alt
cf. #n.299 衛 エイ、エ、まもる guard, protect
cf. #n.393 守 シュ、ス、まもる、もり、かみ protect
ne'raru(m), na'rdrum, ne/drdru (= "aid 支援, help" O/jB; M/NA in PN [ERIN-TAtf/TAtf] esp. military support, "reinforcements"; from deities, in PN; jB also "ally"; Am. bel n. "helper"; < na'arruru; > nerdrutu, ne' rdrdnum ) まもる/まもり (r-m)
【賛】kAca (= , a yoke to support burdens. )
【賛】nivah (= P. A1. %{-vahati} , %{-te} , to lead down , lead or bring to (dat. or loc.) RV. ; to flow MBh. ; to carry , support (see below): Caus. %{-vAhayati} (Pass. %{vAhyate}) , to set in motion Hariv.) まも (v-m)
【賛】manobhRt (= mfn. supporting the mind S3Br.) まもりと
c. 「支援」「支え」、「援護」等も有る。
【賛】sthApana (= mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to stand &c. ; maintaining , preserving (see %{vayaH-sth-}) ; fixing , determining Sa1h. ; (%{A}) f. the act of causing to stand firmly or fixing , supporting (as an attribute of the earth) MBh. ; storing , keeping , preserving Campak. ; fixed order or regulation ib. ; establishing , establishment , dialectical proof (of a proposition ib. ; ) 支援、支えの
【賛】anugrah (= to follow in taking or plundering MBh. , to support ; to uphold ; to receive , welcome ; to treat with kindness , favour , oblige ; to foster.) 援護(えんご)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667332445/support 無

mine, mineral, ore, metal
alningu, alnikkum (a spice) OAkk, OB (= ; also a mineral ? ) ありんがね、あらがね
gurru(m), gurru (= (a metal object) O/jB, MA ) コウ、かね
【民】aracan2 (= 02 1. blue vitriol; 2. a mineral poison; 3. a prepared arsenic) あらがね
【民】Ayakkal (= a kind of caustic stone or mineral (TLS)) あやかね (l-n)、あらがね
【民】urukkin2am (= 1. that which facilitates the fusion of metals, as borax; 2. a mineral poison) あらがね
【民】kuru (= 01 1. brilliancy, lustre, effulgence; 2. a flaw in pearls; 3. blue vitriol; 4. philospher's powder a compound of various metals; 6. a mineral poison) コウ
【民】kappi (= 02 grits in flour comminuted imperfectly; coarse gifts; grain half-ground; 2. gravel, road-metal, concrete of brick, dust and broken pieces of brick used for foundations or flooring) コホ、カッパー
【チベ】ka mig (= 1) mineral substance; 2) square enclosed by four pillars; 3) measure about 12 square ft [IW]) かね
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/metal 皆無
c. チベット語には、「かね」は有るが、「あらがね」「コウ」は無かった。というか、チベット語は、スペル滅茶苦茶で判読不能なバカ言語。

speak, lecture
漢字ペディア   alt
【賛】kAhala (= mfn. speaking unbecomingly HYog. ; speaking indistinctly L. ; ) コウ
【民】kURu-tal (= 01 1. to speak, say declare, assert; 2. to cry out the price, as an auctioneer; 3. to cry aloud, promulgate, proclaim) コウ
【賛】kavara (= mf.(%{A})n. (3. %{ku} ) mixed , intermingled , variegated S3is3.; m. a lecturer L. ; ) コウ、コウワ
【チベ】kha gdangs /kha dang/ (= 1) to open the mouth. 2) to speak out, complain. 3) wide open [RY] ) コウ たん
c. speak で「こう」は、あまり無い。が、親戚は、沢山居る。連続性が有る。
【趣】gaba(-na)...dug4 (= : to speak against (someone) ('rival' + 3rd person with locative + 'to speak'). ) がば つく
【趣】kúr...di (= : to speak hostile words 威嚇の単語を言う ('hostile' + 'to speak'). ) クル し
qabu(m) II, OAkk, Ass. qabd'u(m) (= "to say, speak, command" G (i/i) [DUn; DUn.GA; E] 1. "speak" (absol.) to s.o. (=dat.); esp. before dir. speech, or ki am ("thus");) かぶ、かぶつ
【有】kuvendoj (= powwow, speak) くべんどっち
【ウズベク】gapirmoq (= speak, speak, say, tell, refer) がびるモク
【トルコ】konuşmak (= talk, speak, talk to, speak to, discourse, have a talk) こぬしゅ マク

investigate, search
【民】turuvu-tal (= 01 1. to seek, enquire into, search out, trace, pursue; 2. cf. to bore, drill, perforate; 3. to scrape, as the pulp of a coconut; 4. to churn; 5. cf. durv to harass) しらべ
【民】tETu-tal (= 01 1. to seek, search for, enquire after; 2. to acquire, earn, procure; 3. to take care of, cherish, foster, provide for to seek, try as to do a thing)
【チベ】bsher ba /sher ba/ (= [will] discuss[ed]/ argue[d] true and false, compare, examine, investigate [p f sher ba] [IW]) しら べ
【チベ】sher /sher/ (= 1) wt = 2.06 lb. [p bsher],, compare, examine, investigate, discuss, argue about [IW] ) サ (sh-s)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666177547/search 無
【羌】kɑidʐæ/ / / kədʐ - tsæ/ / / tekel/ / / tsæ/ / / zɑe/ / / dʐɑ dʐə/ / / tse (= investigate) 
【蛇】תּוּר tûr /toor/ (= merchantmen, spied, follow, espied, spy out, guide, explore, descry, search out, traders, explores, explored, spying, spy, search, chapmen, investigate, excellent, selected, seek)

exist, reside
【賛】sthAyin (= mfn. standing , staying , being or situated in or on (comp.) Nir. ; being in a partic. place , resident , present Ka1v. ; being in a partic. state or condition Ka1v. ; permanent , constant , enduring , lasting (as a feeling or state ; cf. %{sthAyi-bhAva} above) A1s3vS3r.; persevering , steadfast S3is3. ; faithful , trustworthy Bhar. ; having the form of (comp.) VarBr2S.) ざいの
【民】uRai-tal (= 02 1. to reside, dwell; 2. to live, conduct oneself; 3. to thicken, curdle; to coagulate, congeal, freeze; 4. to be close, dense, as trees in a forest) おらい、おる、ある、いる
【賛】nAthavasati (= f. dwelling in a knkind's court MBh. ; a royal residence , palace ib.) まします (v-m)
【賛】anuvAsin (= mfn. residing , resident.) いますの
【賛】AvAsa (= m. abode , residence , dwelling , house MBh. ) います (v-m)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658590622/exist 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665552307/reside 無
c. 馬鹿チベット語には基盤単語「ザイ」も、「ある」も無い。これは、完全にルーツ失格です。つまり、日本語とは、毛色が異なる別言語である査証です。

sour, acid, vinegar, tart
【有】i tharbët (= sourish, sour, mad) イ すえた
【賛】suvIra (= mf(%{A})n. very manly 人間的、人情味, heroic , warlike RV. ; ; %{-rA7mla} n. sour rice gruel L.) すいな、すい、つらい
【賛】svAdvamla (= m. `" sweet 甘 and sour "' , the pomegranate tree L. ; %{-tikta-tubara} mfn. sweet and sour , bitter and astringent L. ; m. sweet and sour and bitter and astringent taste L.) すいもあまいも、すいあま
【賛】tIkSNAmla (= a. bitter-sour.*) サン
【チベ】star bu (= [Hippophae rhamnoides] sour taste [RY]) すた ぺ
【チベ】co re (=- 1) short, rngub pa, blug pa'i sgra; 2) sour [chang] [IW]) つれ、すれ
【羌】/ tsue/ / / tshæq/ / / tʂɑqe/ / / zueɑ/ / / ʨæ/ / / tsuæq/ / / ʨy (= sour) す、ちぇ
【ギャロン】♪ kə-tʂuər くつー(苦痛) (= sour)
【アゼルバイジャン】turş (= sour) すえ、つらし

money, resource
【民】tastu (= money on hand; revenue realised by the headman of a village but not remitted to the treasury; any collection of money) シ、たち
【民】tagkacAlai (= mint, place where money is coined) たから
【民】mutal (= 1. beginning; 2. first, as in rank, place, etc.; 3. cause; 4. God, as the First cause; 5. one who is first or oldest; 6. best, that which is superior; 7. that which is qualified; 8. principal, fund, capital, money yielding interest; 9. root; ) もとの
【民】tastIk (= grant or allowance in money to temples in lieu of the ma2n6iyam lands resumed under the Muhammadan rule) たすく
【賛】dRz (= ; to produce (money) i.e. pay Mn.) たち
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663130082/money 無
【トルコ】tıkır (= money) たから

【趣】zu, sú (= : n., wisdom, knowledge.
   v., to know; to understand; to inform, teach (in marû reduplicated form); to learn from someone (with -da-); to recognize someone (with -da-); to be experienced, qualified.
   adj., your (as suffix).
   pron., yours. )
【有】di (= know, can, wot, have, come to know, ken)
【有】shquaj (= discern, descry, distinguish, espy, individualize, know) シキっち
【有】dalloj (= differ, distinguish, discern, differentiate, trace, know) しるっち
【賛】SaDaGga (= ; %{-vid} mfn. knowing the six Veda7n3gas Mn. ) しき
【賛】sa (= 4 (only L.) m. a snake ; air , wind ; a bird ; N. of Vishn2u or S3iva ; (%{A}) f. N. of Lakshmi or Gauri1 ; n. knowledge ; meditation ; a carriage road ; a fence.)
【賛】sarvalokavid (= a. knowing all worlds.) ショク
【民】tI (= 05 knowledge, understanding, intellect)
【民】tERRu-tal (= 1. to make clear, convince, assure, relieve from doubt; 2. to know, understand; 3. to swear, take an oath; 4. to clear, clarify as with the te1r6r6a1-n3-kot2t2ai ; 5 to refine; 6. to comfort, console; 7. to cure, give relief; 8. to communicate strength; to nourish, cherish, invigorate; 9. to encourage, hearten) しる
【民】teruTTu-tal (= 01 1. to inform, make known; 2. to convince, persuade, enlighten the mind; 3. to pacify, make up a love-quarrel; 4. to confirm assure; 4. to confirm, assure; 5. to rub and test the tone of a lute string) しるす
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59661817502/know 無
c. チベット語、 know に、そもそも、「しき」が無い。話にならない。Dharma Dict. に Nic Dict. の下記が載っていない。
ཤེས (shes) /shé/ (= know (v)) 
c. チベット語は、スペルも滅茶苦茶だが、辞書も滅茶苦茶。
【羌】/ / nɑ/ (to) know/ / / jiulɑe/ (to) know/ / / lutæ/ (to) know/ / / na/ (to) know/ / / nəpiɑ/ (to) know/ / / təȵi/ / / (= know) ちる
【ギャロン】ta'səʔw (= know) つつっ、知っつ

inn, hut, lodge
【賛】sahoTaja (= m. a kind of hut made of leaves (sometimes but with the body of an ascetic 苦行者、禁欲(主義)者) L.) シャたじゃ、シャ
【民】tokkaTi (= 1. a kind of ola covering to protect fruits on the tree; 2. a small ola-basket for fruit; 3. a small hut for watchers in a field) セキだ
【賛】vATa (= ; the site of a house L. ; a hut L. ;) やど
【民】vATi (= 02 1. garden; 2. wall; 3. courtyard; 4. house; 5. fish-curing yard; 6. village, hamlet; 8. hut of bamboo and grass, of ka1n2i-k-ka1rar ; 9. enlosure, fenced place; 10. yard, shed where firewood is stored for sale) やど
【賛】pakkaNa (= m. n. the hut of a Ca1n2d2a1la or any outcast , a village inhabited by savages or barbarians MBh.) おくの (p 無音)、おく (p 無音)
c. 「家(いえ)」は、 house にある。
cf. file tibet #g.173 家 house.
【民】il (= 01 1. place; 2. house, home; 3. domestic life; 4. wife; 5. lady of rank in towns or forest-pasture tracts; 6. family; 7. constellation, zodiacal sign; 8. clearing-nut) いえ
なので、 hut の下記も「いえ」であろう。
【賛】zAla (= 2 a. being in a hut, house, room, hall etc.) いえ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/hut 無
c. チベット語の hut には、「シャ、セキ、いえ、やど、やどる、おく」全部無い。
【羌】khʂəpʨi/ / / kungi jeɑwer xiɑe/ / / phəntsə/ / / tɕi xtʂa/ / / wɑɹkhæɹ/ / / ʐqæz/ / / phoŋ tsə/ / / phənzu (= hut) チチャ、おくは
c. ギャロン、inn, hut 未登録。

quasi-, second
【趣】tur (= : n., child; young (of herd animals); second in rank (tu, 'to be born', + uru, 'to watch, guard, protect')
   v., to be/make small; to be insufficient; to reduce.
   adj., small, little, young. ) ジュン (r-n)
sanu(m) I, OAkk, Ass. saniu(m); f. sanitu(m) (= "second, next" [2.KAM(.MA)] of officials "deputy" [Ltj.2- ]; "next, the following" day, month etc.; "second (in quality)", "second (in size)"; < sina II; = s. II ?; > Sanidnu; Sanis I, sanitu I; sanuti; sanuti- ; sand'iyu; ? ? Sani) III ) シュン/ジュン (s-j)
【民】mutirpiRai (= the second quarter 満ちていく月 of the waxing moon ワックス月の第二四半期) なぞらへらい
c. なぞら・える〔なぞらへる〕【▽準える/▽准える/▽擬える】 の解説
1 ある物事を類似のものと比較して、仮にそれとみなす。擬する。なずらえる。「人生を航海に―・える」
2 まねて作る。にせる。なずらえる。「正倉院に―・えた造り」
【賛】sazAstra (= mf(%{A})n. having or containing an invocation Ma1rkP. ; %{-marutvatIya} m. the second Graha (q.v.) at the midday libation VS.) セツ
【民】tuviyam (= second in office, deputy 代理の、副〜) ジュン、シュン
【チベ】thun smad /tün mé/ (= second/ ending part of the session [IW] ) ジュン め、シュン め
【チベ】rjes ma /je ma/ (= 1) last, final, latter. 2) later, next, afterwards. 3) [of two] the second; afterwards, later [RY]) ジュン
c. チベット語の second に「なぞらえる」系は、見つからない。

preface, prologue, introduction
【賛】pUrvaraGga (= m. the commencement or prelude of a drama , a prologue , an overture S3is3.) はしがき (r-s)
【民】pan2ampAran2Ar (= a disciple of agastya, author of a treatise on grammar and of the preface to Tolka1ppiyam) まなびやの (p-m)
【賛】purastAdvadana (= n. preface , introduction S3Br.) ぷら・ついでの
【賛】zeSAryA (= f. N. of a metrical introduction to the Veda7nta by S3esha-na1ga ; %{-vyAkhyAna} n. N. of wk.) ジョ
【チベ】mdor bstan /dor ten/ (= summary, synopsis, introduction, preface, brief explanation, briefly stated [IW]) ついでの
【トルコ】başlangıç (= start, beginning, onset, origin, inception, introduction) はじめがき、はしがき

stripe, paragraph, article
【有】shirit (= tape, stripe, ribbon, tapeworm, band, bar) すじ、ジョウ
【賛】cIra (= n. (%{ci} Un2.) a strip , long narrow piece of bark or of cloth , rag , tatter , clothes TA1r.; the dress of a Buddhist monk (cf. %{cIvara}) W. ; a necklace of 4 pearl strings L. ; i crest (%{cUDA}) L. ; a stripe , stroke , line L. ;) ジョウ
【民】cArai (= 02 long, straight, direct course or line; stripe) ジョウ
【民】paTTai (= 02 1. plate, slab, tablet; 2. flatness; 3. lace-border; 4. painted stripe, as on a temple wall;) えだ
【民】cuTTi (= ; 4. short striped border of a cloth;) すじ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667162983/stripe 無 or イマイチ
【トルコ】çizgi (= line, bar, stripe, mark, drawing, score) すじ

form, appearance, report, announce
qatu I (= "ended, completed" j/NB of work, object; of education, training; "final" of result 最終結果, report; < qatu II; > qatutu ) かた、かたち
ta"ittu(m) (= "information, report" OA, O/jB; < na'ddu D) ジョウ
qiritu (= "announcement" MA; < qeru) かた
sudutu, Nuzi also susutu (= "announcement, edict" jB, Nuzi; Nuzi arki s. "after the official announcement"; of palace (ekalli), new (essu); < edu II S) ジョウ
【民】kATci (= 1. sight 見所、名所[◆通例、sights]。意見、見解, view; 2. form, apperance; 3. vision of a deity, sight of a great personage; audience; 4. exhibition; 5. attractive object of sight; 6. perception; 7. knowledge; 8. theme describing the first sight of a maiden by a man who falls in love with her; 9. theme describing the choice of a suitable stone for a memorial of a warrior, or of a virtuous wife who chose not to survive her deceased husband; 10. theme describing the actual sight of the memorial stone; 11. place, site, where something the was once seen or found; 12. beauty; 13. nature) かたち
【賛】kath (= cl. 10. P. (ep. also A1.) %{kathayati} (%{-te}) aor. %{acakathat} (Pa1n2.) and %{acIkathat} (Vop.) , to converse with any one (instr. , sometimes with %{saha}) MBh. ; to tell , relate , narrate , report , inform , speak about , declare , explain , describe (with acc. of the thing or person spoken about) MBh.; to announce , show , exhibit 表示, bespeak , betoken Mn.; to order , command Pan5cat. ; ) かたち
【民】kaivItu (= detailed 詳細な account or report) かきつ (v-k)
【賛】saMzru (= : Caus. %{-zrAvayati} , to cause to hear or to be heard , proclaim , announce (%{nAma} , `" one's name "') , relate or report anything (acc.) to any one (acc. or dat.) Ya1jn5. ;) じょう
【民】taptar (= 1. record, register, account, official statement 公式文, report; bundle of written documents tied together in a cloth; 2. record office) じょう (p 無音)
ex. 「表彰状」 --- あなたは、... 、よってここに(その栄誉を)表彰します。
【チベ】go thos (= hear [of] [and understand], learn, be told, understand [w the ear], news, things heard, information, reports [IW]) か たち (s-t)
【チベ】skad cha shod (= - ; 1) talk, discuss, converse, speak, chat, discourse, remark, negotiate; 2) tell message, news, report, rumor [IW]) すがたかたち、姿・形
【チベ】gsar 'gyur 'tshol mkhan (= - news reporter, news correspondent [IW]) か き つ むけの
【チベ】tshor la (= - report, rumor [JV]) ジョウ ラ
【羌】/ / ji/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / heje/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / kuəɹtʂə/ / / kuɹtʂi/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / kəitʂə/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / rrɑwɑ/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / ʑə/ (to) inform/ (to) announce/ / / du (= announce) かた、ジョウ

restrain, restrict
【賛】tiraya (= Nom. P. (fr. %{-ra4s}) %{-yati} , to conceal , hide , prevent from appearing Ma1lati1m. ; to hinder , stop , restrain Ma1lati1m. ; to pervade Ba1lar.) セイ
【賛】suyata (= (%{su4-}) mfn. well restrained or governed or guided RV. ; well bound or fettered AV. ; %{-tA7tma-vat} m. `" having the mind well controlled "'N. of a R2ishi ) 制す
【賛】Asiddha (= mfn. put under restraint , imprisoned Comm. on Ya1jn5.) おさえ
【チベ】sri ba /si ba/ (= (tha dad pa bsris pa, bsri ba, sris,, 1) scrimp save, be thrifty, not waste; 2) stop up, restrain [IW] ) セイ べ
c. チベット語の reastrain に「おさえる」は無い。スペル滅茶苦茶で判定難。発音 convereter では、皆無

【賛】surASTra (= a. having a good government; m. N. of a country, pl. N. of a people.) セイ、ショウ
【賛】saurAjya (= n. (fr. %{su-rAjan}) good sovereignty , good government Ragh. Katha1s.) 政治や
【賛】nagararakSA (= f. government of a town.) まつりごちゃ (g-t)
【チベ】srid /si/ (= worldliness, height, length, extension, dominion, government, till, during, world, phenomena, society, temporal, cosmic, "possible” auxiliary verb, it might be, may arise, is produced, may occur, produces the existence of [JV]) セイ  △
【チベ】srid jus /si ju/ (= * governmental plan, strategy, policy [IW]) ショウ、セイジ  △
【チベ】mi ser spel yul phyed tsam /mi ser pel yul che tsam/ (= semi- colonial [country] [though there is at least nominal self-rule, government, economy, ideology and so forth are controlled and repressed by imperialists] [IW]) まつりごとの (ch-k-g)
【羌】tʂənɸu/ / / meɑji/ / / tʂenfu/ / / tʂəŋɸu/ / / ʐmeʨi/ / / tʂen fu/ / / tʂənfu (= government) ちぇんふ、せいふ  △  中国語?
【蛇】מִשְׂרָה miśrâh /mis-raw'/ (= government) まつり

vigor/ vigour
c. 漢字ペディア: @しらげる。米などを白くする。「精白」「精米」
c. インド弁辞書は、英国英語なので vigor のスペルは、 vigour 。
【賛】svAyus (= n. full vigour or life VS.) セイ、ショウ
【賛】sArabhaGga (= m. n. destruction or loss of vigour W. ; deprived of substance or strength ib.) しらげ
【賛】manastejas (= (%{ma4nas-}) mfn. endowed 授けられた with vigour of mind AV.) もののけ (j-k)、ものさじゃす
【賛】haras (= 1 n. grip; draught (in drinking, also = drink, beverage); vigour, energy, strength, power; poss. {-ha3rasvant} & {harasvi3n}.) くわし (h-k)、くわしいんだ、くわしいの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668706273/vigor 無

make, manufacture, produce
cf. file f17 築く、造る #1.23
cf. file f17 造・作 つく(る)。造る、作る #2.25
【賛】taSTa (= mfn. ( %{takS}) pared , hewn , made thin L. ; fashioned , formed in mind , produced RV. ; cf. %{su4-} , %{sto4ma-} ; %{vibhva-taSTa4}.) セイ、しょうず
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664886808/produce セイ はナシ  [p3/10]

spin thread or yarn
tawum, tamu, temu (= "to spin, plait" Bab. G (i/i) [NU.NU] textiles, threads; > tamu, tamutu?; timu, timitu; tumanu; tamitu, tamutu ) つむ
【有】vërtit (= grind, swing, spin, flip, twist, span) いさお
【賛】sUtrIkR (= P. %{-karoti} , to make or spin into thread A1pS3r. ) セキ
【賛】sUtrakAra (= m. a weaver or spinner (see %{paTTa-s-}) ; a carpenter R. ; = next MBh. ) セキ
【賛】tantukriyA (= f. spinning work Ha1r. on A1pGr2.) つんつぐ、つむぐ
【民】uruL(Lu)-tal (= 01 1. to turn about, as dice; to roll, tumble over and over, revolve on a plane, as a wheel; to spin, whirl round, as a discus; 2. to become round, to grow globular; 3. to perish, die, as in battle or by an epidemic, to become extinct; 4. to go, proceed) うむ (L-m)
【民】izai-ttal (= 02 1. to spin; 2. to make, do, construct; 3. to turn over in one's mind, deliberate, calmly consider; ) いさお
【民】izaiyOTu-tal (= 1. to wind thread on a spindle; 2. to breathe very gently, as when nearing death) いさよーつ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666912779/spin 無
【羌】khəj/ / / tɕetɕes/ / / tʂhe/ / / tʂhejy/ / / se pu dɑ gu (= spin) 無 → 有った。 セキ
【トルコ】dönme (= rotation, turn, turning, spin, swing, conversion) つむ
c. 「績」を何故、「いさお」と呼ぶかを web で調べたが、無かった。インド弁辞書の方が優秀。

panu(m), Ass. pdniufm) (= adj. "first, earlier; front" [IGI] 1. "first" arrival, ship, messenger; OA isti pdnimma "with the first (messenger)" 2. "earlier, previous" king, creditor; period of papahhu 264 parahsitum duty; consignment, tablet, words, property; NB "(born) first, older"; OB pi. pdnutuni "our ancestors" 3. "front", of part of body, locks of hair; < pdnu I + -i; > pdnd, pdnltu panushu ? ≫ penushu ) はなの、はじめの、はじめての
【有】stërgjysh (= progenitor, ancestor, grandfather, forefather, forbear, father) じじ
【賛】susvadha (= m. pl. N. of a partic. class of deceased ancestors 《a 〜》この世を去った先祖 ib. ; (%{A}) f. welfare , prosperity 繁栄、栄光 Ma1rkP.)
【賛】ajAda (= m. `" goat-eater "' , the ancestor of a warrior tribe Pa1n2.) おや、あじゃーた
【賛】cedi (= m. pl. N. of a people; sgl. their ancestor.) じじ
【民】nAti 1. agnate; 2. relations; 3. distant kinsman, one who does not participate in the oblations of food or water offered to deceased ancestors 【賛】paitAmaha (= mf(%{I})n. relating to or derived from a grandfather AitBr. MBh. ; relating to or derived from or presided over by Brahma1 MBh. ; m. BnBrahma1's son (patr. of Manu) MBh. ; (pl.) forefathers , ancestors MW. ;) はじめ
【民】pATTan2 (= 01 1. grandfather; 2. ancestor, grandsire) はじめ
【賛】sumedhas (= mfn. (acc. sg. %{a4sam} or %{A4m}) having a good understanding , sensible , intelligent , wise RV. ; m. N. of a R2ishi under Manu Ca1kshusha Cat. ; of a son of Veda-mitra ib. ; pl. a partic. class of gods under the fifth Manu Pur. ; a partic. class of deceased ancestors VP. ; f. Cardiospermum Halicacabum L.) 先祖(せんぞ)
【チベ】phar 'dzin pa /par dzin pa/ (= esteem, respect one as a father, one who knows his ancestors [JV] ) はじめ ぱ
【チベ】mtshun /tsun/ (= ancestors, tutelary deities of a family from the time of its ancestors, meat for the manes of the dead [JV] ) ソの
【ウズベク】ajdod (= ancestor, ancestor, predecessor, ancestry, ancestry, parent) おやだ、あじった、おやじじ
【トルコ】dede (= grandfather, grandpa, granddad, progenitor, ancestor, grandpapa) じじ

element/ elementary
saplu(m), Ass. sapllu(m), once siplu (= "lower" [KI(.TA)] "lower( -lying)" (opp. to elu "upper") of buildings, objects, parts of body; land, sky, world; "of lower quality"; of plots of land "lower" side (mostly south and east), also math, of figures; "suffixed" of Sum. gramm. elements; < saplu II ) しろ、ソ、ス
md'lsu (= (desig. of gold, textiles); of other liquids: "(body) fluid(s), secretion 分泌(物)、隠匿", "amniotic fluid", me marti "gall"; "sap" of plant; me seri "meat broth"; in representations as a decorative element; ? * mdmu ) もと
【箍】salik (= factor, element) しろく
【賛】dhAtu (= 1 m. layer, part of a whole, ingredient 成分. esp. element or elementary matter (ph.), mineral, metal, ore; a verbal root (as the primary elements of the earth and the language). ;; ; a constituent element or essential ingredient of the body ) ソ、ス
【賛】mAtrA (= f. measure, limit (in sp. & time), quantity, size, duration (also {mAtra} n.); unity of measure, foot; prosodial instant, moment i.g.; particle, atom; element, matter (ph.); wealth, money, utensils; ) もとり、もとより
【民】noTi-ttal (= 02 1. to say, tell, speak, declare; 2. to snap, as with the thumb and the middle finger; 3. to call by signs; 4. to insinuate so as to stir up ill-will; 5. to make unfavourable allusions; to use sarcasm; 6. to destroy, annihilate, reduce to primitive elements or atoms; ) もと
【民】tiraviyam (= 1. substance; 2. property; 3. gold; 4. elementary substances, numbering nine, viz., pirutuvi, appu, te1yu, va1yu, a1ka1yam, ka1lam, tikku, a1n6ma1, man6am) しろいや
【チベ】bstu /tu/ (= bring together discordant elements, gather in a heap [IW]) ス、ソ
【チベ】dwa /da/ (= metal element, 1 of spar kha brgyad [JV]) ソ、ス
【チベ】bsdus grwa /dü dra/ (= collected topics, elementary class [in logic] [RY]) つろ、しろ (d-sh)
【チベ】ma gzhi /ma zhi/ (= 1) [original] [ground/ foundation/ basis]; 2) underlying seat, ground-work, original copy, elementary principle, component part, prime color, principal thing/ point, subject matter; 3) actually, really, of course) [IW] ) もと
【チベ】gzhi rtsa /zhi tsa/ (= foundations, bases, origin, primary cause, source, elementary, fundamental root, rudiment, basis [JV] ) ソ、ス
【羌】ʁat laxæ/ / / jɑo su (= element) ソ、ス
c. チベット語の Nic 辞書、element 未登録、 basic 未登録、 base は有った。
【チベ】| base: རྨང་གཞི (rmang gzhi) $ /mang zhi/ もと

shape, state, phase, attitude, mode, condition
【賛】sAmatva (= n. state or condition of (being) a SnShad2vBr. S3Br.) さまとぅヴァ、さま
【賛】vaizyatA (= f. the state or condition of a VnVais3ya (acc. with %{gam} , to become a VnVais3ya)) AitBr. ) わじと、わざと
【賛】vastutA (= f. (ifc.) the state of being the object of Pan5cat. ; = next BhP.) わざと
【賛】tathAtA (= f. true state of things , true nature Vajracch.) タイ、テイ
【チベ】bar chad (= obstacle, interruption, hindrance, interruption, obstruction, interference; obstacle (inanimate); obstructer (animate); intermediate 中級の、中間の、中間にある state, 2) accident 事故, mishap, danger, problem [RY]) ばー ちゃっと、わざと
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667040571/state  [p10/63]
c. チベット語の state に「さま」、「タイ・テイ」は無い。多分。

multitude, mass, cluster
【民】kuzumal (= 1. assembling, crowding; 2. assembly, crowd) かたまり
【賛】melA (= f. an association , assembly , company , society Pan5cat. ; a musical scale Cat. (perhaps %{mela} , m.) ; a partic. high number Buddh. ; any black substance used for writing , ink L. ; antimony , eye-salve L. ; the indigo plant L.) まるい
【民】tumpai (= 01 1. white dead nettle, leucas ; 2. bitter toombay, a common weed, leucas aspera ; 3. flower toombay; 4. black gaub, l. tr., diospyros tomentosa; 5. a garland of flowers worn by warriors when engaged in battle, as a mark of their valour; 7. battle; 8. assembly, crowd) ダン、トン
【賛】samana (= n. meeting, encounter, intercourse, assembly, embrace; contest, fight.) サム、ダン、トン
【チベ】'doms /dom/ (= p 'doms f gdam,, 1) teach[!]/ explain[!]/ show[!]/ instruct[!]; 2) assemble[!]/ gather[!]; 3) exhort[!]/ urge!; 4) select[!]/ choose[!]; 2) crotch; 4) genitals/ penis [IW]) ダン/トン
c. チベット語の assemble/ assembly に「まるい」「かたまり」は無い。

car^ry, lift, submit
cf. file f17 #2.171 提 さ(げる)* 提げる hang, suspend
c. 何故 wiktinary に submit が未登録なのか、見識を疑る。submit って、basic/ business 英語だろ。
suka"unu(m) (= (pres. also uskan); Am., Nuzi, Bogh., Ug., Emar *suhehunu (? ? GAG §109i-j) "to prostrate o.s." [KI.ZA.ZA] before god, king; before freq. = dat. suff.; MA in introduction to letters (n)ultaka"in "I/we bow" (before my/our lord); OA "submit to" document, functionary; ? ? muskenu ) さげ
【箍】ipasok (= submit, put into, bring inside, enroll in school, propose, help a person get a job) ひさげ (i 無音)
【賛】sAdh (= 1 (connected with 2. %{sidh}) cl. %{sA4dati} , %{-te} ; accord. to Dha1tup. %{sAdhyati} , cl. 5. %{sAdhnoti} (in JaimBr. also %{sadhnoti} ; pf. %{sasAdha} ; aor. %{asAtsIt} ; fut. %{sAddhA} , %{sAtsyati} ; inf. %{sAddhum} , in later language %{sAdhitum} ; Ved. inf. %{sa4dhase} q.v.) , to go straight to any goal or aim , attain an object , to be successful , succeed , prosper RV. ; to being straight to an object or end , further , promote , advance , accomplish , complete , finish ib. ; to submit or agree to , obey ib. ; (%{sAdhyati}) to be completed or accomplished Dha1tup.: ) 提示
【チベ】sgur (= p {bsgur},, 1) bend down, submit to; 2) bear [hunger] * [sgur ba!] [IW]) さげる
【チベ】bsgur ba (= {f p {sgur ba} bend, submit, bend down, bear [IW]) ひさげる べ
c. submit とは、レポート提出、の、提出、に相当。本来の語源は sub 下、mitt transfer 運搬・伝達、で、負けて、服従する、の意である。提出に化けたのは、ご命令に従い謹んで提出します。の用例が慣習化された。(?). インド辞書は、辞書なので、他の同意語の単語もウジョウジョ出てきて、英語の常識を知るには非常に良い。
yield 譲る、割譲 or submit 服従、降参 surrender 降伏 obey 従う to submit to an order, follow, bend down, overthrow, subdue.

agannu, NB aggannu (= ; pi. usu. f. "bowl, cauldron" Qatna, M/NA, M/NB, Am., Nuzi for liquids; of copper, stone, clay) あっかんぬ、あかかね
akkullanu (or aqqulldnu) (= (a copper object)? jB lex.; NA as PN ) あっくらぬ、あかがね
【民】arukkam (= 01 1. copper; 2. crystal (TLS)) あるくかね、あかがね
【賛】arka (= m. ( %{arc}) , Ved. a ray , flash of lightning RV. ; the sun RV. ; (hence) the number , twelve "' Su1ryas. ; Sunday ; fire RV.; crystal R. ; membrum viriIe AV. ; copper L. ; ) あーか
【賛】dviSTa (= 2 n. (for %{dvy-aSTa}) copper L.) どヴぃた、どー
【民】tarA (= 01 alloy of 8 parts of copper to 5 of tin, used for making metal vessels) たらー、だー
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59656014736/copper 無
銅(ドウ)は不明? → 有った。
【ギャロン】 zoŋ (= copper) ゾン  △
c. ギャロンの「ゾン」を目安にすると、下記も該当。
【羌】dʐəhĩ/ / / dʐəxi/ / / hænn/ / / xomu/ / / χɑɸi/ / / thoŋ/ / / χɑdʐmu (= copper) ザヒ ◯、ゾン △
【チベ】zangs /zang/ (= copper; a copper (pot); cauldron [RY] ) ゾン  △
【チベ】bse // (= SA se ba, bse ru, bse khrab, shield or buckle of rhinoceros skin, a demon, leather treated and painted a golden yellow color, copper, a dark type of copper, prized leather [JV])
【民】turA (= 1. mixed metal of copper and spelter; 2. earth smoke, i. sh., fumaria parviflora) ツラー、ドー  --- 当初、イマイチと判定したが「ゾン」より、遥かにマシ。
【民】tarA (= 01 alloy of 8 parts of copper to 5 of tin, used for making metal vessels) ドー
【賛】saurASTra (= mf(%{A} , or %{I})n. (fr. %{surASTra}) belonging to or coming from the country of Sura1t VarBr2S. ; m. the resin of Boswellia Thurifera L. ; pl. the inhabitants of Sura1t AV. Paris3. ; (%{A} or %{I}) f. a sort of fragrant earth found in SnSus3r. Sus3r. L. ; (%{am}) n. a kind of amalgam of zinc or copper , bell-metal , brass L. ; a kind of metre Col.) ドードー
【趣】dardarah, tartarah (= "buckle 〔靴などに付いている〕留め金"? MB, of gold, copper etc.; on shoe ) ドードー  ◎ 100 点
【趣】su(3)-ḫé[GAN](= : a type of copper; slag; borax (?) powder ('to stretch' + 'to support').) ゾーヘ
【趣】šen[SU×A] (= : n., a copper pan, pail, vessel; mirror (?) (liquid + stone)
   adj., clear, pure; polished, shiny. ) シェン、スー  △

virtue, benevolence
【賛】sukRta (= 1 n. a good deed, virtue, (moral) merit; kindness, favour, service.) とくだ
【賛】sukha (= mfn. (said to be fr. 5. %{su} + 3. %{kha} , and to mean originally `" having a good axle-hole ; possibly a Pra1kr2it form of %{su-stha} q.v. ; cf. %{duHkha}) running swiftly or easily (only applied to cars or chariots , superl. %{sukha4-tama}) , easy RV. ; pleasant (rarely with this meaning in Veda) , agreeable , gentle , mild (comp. %{-tara4}) VS. ; comfortable , happy , prosperous (= %{sukhin}) R. ; virtuous , pious MW. ; m. N. of a man g. %{zivA7di} ; (scil. %{daNDa}) a kind of military array Ka1m. ; (%{A}) f. (in phil.) the effort to win future beatitude , piety 〈古〉〔家族に対する〕忠誠、忠義。信心深さ、敬けん。, virtue Tattvas. ;) トク
【民】takavu (= 1. suitability, fitness, worthiness; 2. similitude, resemblance, comparison; 3. quality, state, condition, manner; 4. eminence, greatness; 5. mercy, kindness; 6. justice, equity, impartiality; 7. strength, ability; 8. knowledge, wisdom; 9. clarity; 10. chastity; 11. good behaviour, morality, virtue) トク
【賛】tathAguNa (= a. having such qualities or virtues.) とくな、とくのう
【チベ】dge ba (= virtue; good, happiness, welfare, happy, propitious, positive, merit, deeds, virtuous, wholesome, goodness. {las dge ba} [RY]) トク べ
https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668747653/virtue  [p1/15]
c. 趣、赤、蛇、羌、ギャロンに virture 未登録。

judge, stamp
puqqu(m) D (= "to pay attention to" OAkk, Bab., NA "be attentive, obedient" to s.o. (= ace; ana, term.-adv., dat.), esp. in PNs to deity; to king, to brilliance (of god), to judgement; OB "respect" deadline; "observe" instruction Dt stat. "regularly attends to"; NB ana epesi ...pituqqdk "I am assiduous to build ..."; ? ? pidqum D ) わけ/わか  ×。没。違う
【有】vendos (= decide, put, set, establish, lay, judge) はんてい 【動詞】
【箍】humatol (= judge, referee, pronounce, sentence, doom, decide) はんだん 【動詞】
【箍】hukuman (= judge) わけまん 【動詞】
【賛】prami (= 1. P. A1. %{-minoti} , %{-minute} , to erect , build KaushUp. ; to judge , observe , perceive Sa1h. Nya1yad. Comm. Sus3r. (ind. p. %{pra-mAya}). 2.) ハン、バン
【賛】prapaz (= P. %{-pazyati} (ep. also A1. %{-te}) , to see before one's eyes , look at , observe , behold RV. ; to judge , discern MBh. ; to know , understand R. ; to regard as , take for (two acc.) MBh.) ホウ (z 無音)
【賛】vic (= (cf. %{vij}) cl. (Dha1tup. ) %{vina4kti} , %{viGkte} (2. sg. %{vivekSi} RV. ; pf. %{viveca} AV. %{vivikva4s} RV. aor. %{avaikSIt} Gr. ; fut. %{vektA} , %{vekSyati} ib. ; inf. %{vektum} MBh. ; ind. %{-vicya}. %{-vecam} S3rS. Ka1v.) , to sift , separate (esp. grain from chaff by winnowing) RV. ; to separate from 分離, deprive of (instr.) Bhat2t2. ; to discriminate 〔微妙な差を〕判別する、識別する。差別。, discern 〔はっきりとしないものを目で〕見つける、見定める, judge RV) わけ/わか
【チベ】bsam pa (= thought, idea, plan, intention, spirit, trend, motivatedness, think, feel, realize, intend, 1 of 6 stobs, having thought, mentation, attitude, deem, suppose, 1 of 10 stobs bcu, concentrate, concept, to judge, contemplate [JV]) ハン、バン (s 無音)   △
c. チベット語の judge に、「わける」系が無い。
【羌】/ / gvzzn/ (to) judge/ / / kɑʐɑ/ / / kəthi/ (to) judge/ / / tʂuəɹtʂə/ (to) judge/ / / ʐə ʥe/ (to) judge/ / / ʐə ʥæ/ (to) judge/ / / phɑn thɑ nə/ / / ʐɑlʨi wu (= judge) 決定、断定(+ん)、判断
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン、ウズベク】hakim (= judge, ruler, justice, adjudicator, Solon, savant) わけむ

edition, version, plate
ahazu(m) (= 8. occas. ~ D "inlay はめ込む、象眼する" with metal Gt "be connected with; well versed in" D (OA infin. also ehhuzum) "mount, plate, inlay" with metal, stone (< ihzu denom.) [GAR(.RA)]; )) いたの(板の)
【有】pjatë (= plate, dish, course, cymbal, paten) いた (p 無音)、ふだ
【箍】ohas (= plate, metal in sheets) いた
【賛】pattra (= n. wing, feather (also on the arrow), any vehicle as chariot, cart, horse etc.; the leaf of a tree or a leaf for writing on, paper, a letter or any written document; a thin plate of metal, blade.) ふだ、いた (p 無音)
【賛】paTTa (= m. plate, tablet; cloth, bandage, ligature, frontlet, turban (cf. {paTa}).) ふだ、いた (p 無音)
【民】paTTai (= 02 1. plate, slab, tablet; 2. flatness; 3. lace-border; 4. painted stripe, as on a temple wall; 5. dapple, piebald colour; 6. flat part of the body, as the shoulder blade; 7. collar; 8. facet of a gem; 9. a particular section in ornaments; 10. palmyra timber; 11. reapers of a roof; 12. flat rod; 13. ribbon;) ふだ、いた (p 無音)
【民】veLiyITu (= 1. publication 〔本・雑誌などの〕出版、発行, as of a book; 2. edition) はんすう(版数) (l-n)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/plate/page/2 無  [p2/4]
c. チベット語の plate には「ハン、いた、ふだ」けいは皆無。
【ギャロン】phan22 tsɨ44 (= dish, plate @Maerkang Bola(C) 马尔康莫拉 mBo la) ぱんつ のお  ---- 板(ばん)、板(いた、いんた)、ふだ、ふんだ。
cf. file tibet #a.17 dish, plate 版、板

negation, deny
cf. #n.462 不  フ、ブ、...ず
【賛】vi (= 3 ind. (prob. for an original %{dvi} , meaning `" in two parts "' ; and opp. to %{sam} q.v.) apart 分離, asunder 散り散り, in different directions 異なる方向, to and fro , about , away , away from , off , without RV. In RV. it appears also as a prep. 前置 with acc. denoting `" through "' or `" between "' (with ellipse of the verb e.g. i ) It is esp. used as a prefix to verbs or nouns and other parts of speech derived from verbs , to express `" division "' , `" distinction "' , `" distribution "' , `" arrangement "' , `" order "' , `" opposition 反対、対抗"' , or `" deliberation 派生"' (cf. %{vi-bhid} , %{-ziS} , %{-dhA} , %{-rudh} , %{-car} , with their nominal derivatives) ; , `" deviation from right "' (cf. %{vi-zIla}) , `" negation 否定形"' or `" privatlon 誤字 "') 非(ヒ)、フ、ブ、ず
【賛】vipratiSedha (= m. checking, restraining; contrariety, discrepancy; negation.) あらず
【民】illatan2apAvam (= * total negation 全面否定, as in 'there is no lie in the mouths of great ones') あらしまへん
【民】uLLatan2apAvam (= * relative negation 相対否定, as in 'we do not find the elephant in the stables') あらしまへん
-- deny --
【賛】sidh, sedhati, -te (= 1 drive off, scare away. -- {apa} & {ava} = S. {A} [[-,]] C. {Asedhayati} cause to be arrested. {vyA} keep off, prevent. {ud} drive aside. {ni} drive away, keep off, hinder, prevent, forbid. C. ward off, keep back, interdict, deny. {nis} drive away. {pra} A.M. drive on. {prati} drive away, ward off, seek to divert from (abl.); omit, suppress; prevent, forbid, refuse, deny. C. ward off, keep back, refuse, forbid, deny. {saMprati} keep back. --Cf. {pratiSiddha, vipratiSiddha}.) そしった、そし
【賛】vRttASepa (= m. denying or non-acceptance of any past occurrence Ka1vya7d. (cf. %{bhaviSyadAkSepa} and %{vartamAnA7kSepa}).) わるし
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59663438201/negation 皆無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59656887401/deny 無

criticise, evaluate, appraise, estimate, measure, assessment, count
漢字ペディア   評価
【賛】agrasArA (= f. a short method of counting immense numbers.) あげつらう     --- 寸評
【民】pArvaipAr-ttal (= 1. to estimate; 2. to examine; to supervise; 3. to look, intently, as an enchanter; to practise magic; 4. to sorcerize) ヒョウヘイ、ヒョウ、ヘイ
【民】pAr-ttal (= 01 1. to see, look at, view, notice, observe; 2. to examine, inspect, search into, scrutinise; 3. to know; 4. to look for, expect; 5. to desire, long for; 6. to search for, seek; 7. to worship; 8. to estimate, value;) ヘイ
【民】pAkku (= 03 estimate, estimate of the crop) はか
【賛】paricchedya (= mfn. to be defined or estimated or weighed or measured Ragh. (%{a-paricch-}) Pa1n2.) はかったや
c. チベット語 ---- スペル、滅茶苦茶のため、判定不能。
ex. https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658431065/estimate

woman, lady
【趣】um-ma (= : elderly lady; witch ('old woman' + 'to bind'). ) うんな
【趣】umu, um (= : old woman; nurse; wise or skillful teacher. ) うな、うね
【尼】babu (= maid, housemaid, maidservant, servant girl, servant maid, woman) フフ、ばば
【尼】bu (= mom, mother, mum, lady, ma, mammy)
【民】pAvai (= 1. puppet, doll; 2. image, picture, portrait; 3. pupil of the eye; 4. woman, lady, damsel 〈古・詩〉乙女; )
【民】ammA (= 1. mother; 2. matron, lady 1. an exclamation of pity or surprise 2. an exclamation of joy an expletive) おんな
【賛】ananvaya (= m. want of connexion , (in rhetoric) comparison of an object with its own ideal , (as , `" a lady-like lady. "')) おんなや
【チベ】a nu /a nu/ (= address for a noble lady, mother of thonmi sambhota [JV] ) あ ぬ  △
c. チベット語の lady に「フ」は無い。中国語も使わないのか?。
【チベ】a ma /a ma/ (= 1) mother [somewhat h]; 2) old woman who owns a house; 3) white mustard fruit; 4) main, principal [IW] ) あ ま  △
【チベ】bud med /bü mé/ (= woman, concubine, mistress, women, female [JV] ) フュ め

military, martial
【賛】vyUha (= m. shifting, dislocation, distribution, disposition, arrangement, military array; totality, a whole or complex; host, troop, multitude; detailed explanation or description.) ヴゥ、ム
【賛】sAdbanAdhyakSa(= m. superintendent 〔施設・組織・場所などの〕管理者、監督(者)、最高責任者 of the military forces Pan5cat. (B.)) さたなーたけし
【民】maRavan2 (= 1. inhabitant of the desert tract; 2. inhabitant of the hilly tract, hunter, one belonging to the caste of hunters; 3. person of mar6ava caste; 4. warrior, hero; 5. commander 司令官, military chief; 6. cruel, wicked person) もののふの (R-n)
【チベ】dpung sde (= 1) troops, military force/ unit; 2) assembly of many people; 3) ranks of [IW]) たけし
c. チベット語「たけし」以外不明。
-- commander --
【民】taLakarttan2 (= captain, general, marshal, commanderin-chief) たけしの
【民】mAn2avan2 (= 02 1. man of honour; 2. king; 3. commander of army; 4. hero; champion) もののふの
【民】mILi (= 02 1. lord, chieftain; 2. chief of a desert tract; 3. king; sovereign; 4. commander of an army; 5. strong man; 6. great man, worthy; 7. strength; 8. valour, bravery; 9. greatness; 10. merit, distinction; 11. yam; 12. devil; 13. youth, young man; 14. period of life between the seventh and tenth year) ム、ミリ
【民】paTaikkarttar (= commander of an army) ぶたけし、はたかつ
-- command --
【趣】dug4, du11 (= : n., speech.
   v., to speak; to order, command; to sing; to speak with, converse (with -da-) (singular hamtu form, cf. also, g); to do (as auxiliary verb preceded by a noun) (nonfinite form = di) (to make a motion in the throat).) たけ
dagalu(m) (= "to see, look" G (a/u) 1. "look, (be able to) see", Id dagdl mi "blindness" 2. Bogh. "experience" 3. stat. NB "has at his disposal, owns" 4. OA "look upon (as security), reserve to o.s." 5. "wait" 6. "obey" 7. NA ene X d. '"look at s.o.'s eyes', attend to s.o." S.pdn(i) X d. "await" s.o.; "obey" s.o.; Am. "show reverence"; pan X d. NA, NB of property "belong to s.o." 9. ana pan X d. "wait for X" Gtn iter, of G of eyes "look repeatedly"; "aim" a bow "repeatedly"; pan X d. "constantly obey" Gt "belong to henceforth" S caus. of G "make see, look", esp. in pdn(i) X s. "cause to wait for; make subject to"; NA (inalana p.) s. "hand over, transfer ownership of s.th. to s.o.; put under s.o.'s command"; "entrust" with a task N in jB ana X iddagil "attention was on X"; > diglu; dagiltu; ddgilu; madgaltu, madgalu; musadgilannu; sudugultu ) たける、たけし
nannu(m) (= "command, behest 〈古〉命令、依頼" 0/jB(poet.) with loc.-adv. + pers. suff. "at" s.o.'s "command") ものの
【民】tAkkItu (= injunction, command, order) たけし
【チベ】dmag spyi (= highest military leader/officer, generalissimo, commander in chief [IW]) たけし、たまく スパイ

transport, send, defeat

≒ move
漢字ペディア   ゆそう
【趣】ús, úz [](= : n., side, edge; distance; in geometry: length; height; vertical; perpendicular.
   v., to follow; to drive; to come near to, reach; to let reach; to transport, bring; to join; to be next to, border; to moor, dock; to lean against (cf., ĝíš).) うつす
magulu (= (a big raft 大きな筏(いかだ)) jB [GIS.MA.GU.LA] to transport bull colossi ; < Sum. ) まける、まくら  ----- 草枕の親戚
【有】ngazëllej (= elevate, vibrate, enrapture, hearten, elate, transport) まけたるっち
【箍】maghatid (= serve, deliver, relay, convey, transmit, transportmaghatid serve, deliver, relay, convey, transmit, transport) まけただ
【賛】vah (= ; ; %{-u4hya} AV. cf. 1. %{Uh}) , to carry , transport , convey (with instr. of vehicle) RV. ;)
【賛】uttRR (= (%{ud-} %{tR});; ; to cause to pass over ; to convey or transport across , land , disembark Pan5cat. ; to vomit up: Desid. %{-titIrSati} , to wish to cross MBh.) うつす
【賛】atyRj (= to convey across (towards an object) , admit to AitBr.) いたす
【賛】vAhaka (= mf(%{ikA})n. one who bears or carries , bearer , carrier , conveyer Ya1jn5. ; (ifc.) causing to flow , carrying along Ma1rkP. ; setting in motion Prab. ; stroking (in %{aGga-v-/}) MatsyaP. ; m. a partic. venomous insect Sus3r. (cf. %{vAhyakI}) ; a driver or rider W. ; w.r. for %{bArhataka} q.v.) おく る、まけ (v-m)
【民】cavAri (= 1. ride, drive; 2. circuit, tour; 3. conveyance, vehicle) シュ  △
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667966797/transport 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655972516/convey 無
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】nakil (= transport, transfer, conveyance, transfusion, removal, move) まける、まくら

plan, omit, plunder, strategy, abbreviate, invade, brief, approximately, trick, deceit
【趣】sá...sè(-g/k) (= : to plot; to plan ('advice' + 'to apply; to compare'). ) 策、さく
sibqu pi. tant. (= "scheme, plan; trick, plot" Bab. esp. with se'uG(in) "to initiate hostile schemes"; ? ≫ sibqatu; siqpu ) さく
siqpu; pi. siqpetu (= "trick, stratagem" jB lex.; < sibqu metath.? ) さく、さくし
riqu(m) I, Ass. rdqu(m) (= "empty; unemployed" [SUD] 1. "empty" container, house, hand(s), "unloaded" donkey, boat; transf. "empty" word(s), letter 2.jB gramm. "omitted, lost" consonant etc. in Sum. 3. of days "free of work, unoccupied"; astr. umu r. "moon-less day"? 4. of person, animal "unemployed, free"; NB "work-shy"; < riaqu; > riqittu )
【有】program (= program, software, schedule, agenda, plan, platform) はかるの、プログラム
【有】projekt (= project, design, blueprint, plan, venture, scheme) はかった、プロジェクト
【有】rreng (= kicker, prank, hoax, trick, rig, practical joke) リャク
【有】shaka (= joke, prank, gag, hoax, jest, trick) さく
【有】heq (= remove 削除, take away, omit, scratch, take off, delete) はく
【箍】panukala (= proposal, proposition, schema, plan, purpose, scheme) はかる
【箍】pagdaya (= trick, trickery) はかったや
【尼】rang (= plan, draft) リャク
【民】pAcAgku (= 1. dissimulation, hypocrisy, pretence, humbug; 2. trickery 〔人をだますために〕策略(trick)を使う[用いる]こと, deception 〔ごまかすための〕策略、手口) はか
【賛】phakkikA (= f. a previous statement or thesis to be maintained (= %{purva-pakSa} , %{codya} , %{dezya}) L. ; logical exposition W. ; a sophism こじつけ、詭弁、屁理屈, trick , fraud ib. ; a collection of 32 letters , a Grantha L.) はか
【民】valakkAram (= 02 1. wile, trick; 2. falsehood) はからむ (l 無音)
【賛】vaJcita (= a. deceived, tricked, cheated of ごまかす (instr., abl. or ---); deluded, imposed upon, surprised; escaped (acc.); f. {A} a kind of riddle.) はかった、はにゃしった
【賛】vyapadiSTa (= mfn. pointed out &c. ; informed W. ; tricked ib. ; pleaded as an excuse ib.) はぶいた
【民】vEzampam (= . deceit, trick; 2. ridicule, mockery) おさめる
【賛】vRjana (= ({vR3jana}) n. enclosure, either sacrificial ground or enclosed settlement, dwelling or the dwellers; also = f. {I3} crooked way, trick, cheat, art, stratagem.) おさめ、おじゃーな
【賛】rekhA (= ; deceit , fraud (= %{chadman}) L. ; ) リャク
【賛】parikalkana (= n. deceit , cheating Dha1tup. (cf. %{kalkana}).) はかりこな
【賛】vakrayodhin (= m. `" fighting deceitfully "'N. of a Da1nava VP.) はかりよったん
【賛】paribhraSTa (= mfn. fallen or dropped off ; fallen from (often = omitting , neglecting) ; deprived of (abl. or comp. , rarely instr.) Mn. ; fallen , lost , ruined ; sunk , degraded MBh. ; escaped , vanished MBh. Katha1s. ; %{-satkarman} mfn. one whose virtuous acts are lost or in vain BhP. ; %{-sukha} mfn. fallen from happiness MBh.) はぶいた
【賛】sArya (= mfn. that which may be dropped or omitted (in pronunciation) Ma1n2d2S3.) 省略(しょうりゃ)
【賛】utsargin (= mfn. leaving out or off Ka1tyS3r. ; omitting , abandoning 放棄, quitting 廃止、終了.) おさめ
【賛】laGgh, laGghati, -te (= leap 跳ねる、跳ぶ; mostly C. {laGghayati (-te}), pp. [[-,]] {laGghita} spring over, go beyond (acc.); travel over ({adhvAnam}); mount, ascend, enter; get off, escape; overstep, transgress; violate, offend; excel, surpass, outstrip. -- {ati} C. transgress. {abhi} C. leap or step over, transgress, offend. {ud} C. the same + pass by, escape; pass or travel over (way). {vi} C. leap over, pass by パス; transgress, violate; neglect 無視, omit; surpass, excel; wrong, offend.) リャク、略
c. 略 の漢字は、計画の「はかる」というよりは、「策略」して、「ちょろまかす」の feeling の様だ。trick が近い。しかし、チベット語は、 plan からでも攻められる。しかし、チベット語では、 trick からは、皆無であった。面白い。チベット語では omit も、略す、省く 等皆無で有った。「はかる」もよく見ると、はかる、には見えない。「ぶこっど」である。やはり、チベット語は、バカ言語である。
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664541266/plan  [p5/11]
【チベ】bkod blta (= scheme, plan, design, plot 陰謀 [RY]) はかった るだ、ぶかった...、ばかだ..  △
【チベ】bkod sgrig byed (= 1) lay out, arrange, deploy, organize, plan; 2) adjustment [IW]) はかりごと
【チベ】bkod pa (= mentioned, designed, transferred, composed, form, plan, frame, array, trace on paper, arrange, display, displays itself, set up, is arrayed, placement, spread, distribute, arrangement, order, method of arranging, meditation, build, plan, ground-plan, outline of a building, delineation, sketch, shape, figure, sample, copy, building, edifice, structure, created, dimension, to establish, abides as, abides in, manifestation, manifests as, sceneries [JV]) はかった べ
【チベ】lkog jus (= plot, secret plan, intrigue [IW]) リャク  △
【チベ】gral 'grig pa (= arrangements, plan, preparation, make everything ready [JV]) 計画 べ  △  スペル滅茶苦茶なので、ドウとも読める。
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/trick  皆無
【チペ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/omit  皆無
【羌】/ / bedɑvv/ (to) plan to/ / / gæ tha/ (to) plan to/ / / susu/ (to) plan to/ / / suɑ/ (to) plan to/ / / æχɕue/ (to) plan to/ / / ʨɑχtʂɑ/ / / bugu/ / / bɑi dʐu/ (to) plan to (= to plan) はか
【ウズベク】reja (= plan, plan, design, scheme, layout, syllabus) リャク

eaves, house
c. eaves は、軒先(のきさき)で、のき、では無い。軒は、実は roof である。従って、wiktionary に roof が入っているのは正しい。
【趣】ùr (=: roof; entrance; mountain pass; beam, rafter (cf., ur(2,3,4)) )
uru ? ≫ also uru II Qru(m) I, NB also urru (= ; pi. f. "roof [UR] of house; palace, temple; OAkk is urim "roof- beam";)
【民】vaLavi (= sloping roof, eaves) ウ、のき (v-n, v-k)
【民】iRavAram (= eaves of a house) いえの
【賛】nIdhra (= n. (%{ni+dhR}?) the eaves of a roof Ra1jat. ; ) のき (dh-k)
【賛】navacchadi (= (%{na4-}) mfn. having 9 roofs TS.) のきだ
【民】neRRikkai (= 1. van of an army; 2. couple or chevron of a roof) のき
【民】maccu (= 01 1. terraced roof, flat-roof; 2. wainscot ceiling; 3. upper story; 4. board partition for the gable of a room or boarded enclosure of an upper room; loft under the roof of a house) のき
【民】mUlaikkai (= beam from a corner to the ridge of a roof) のき
【賛】vali (= (cf. %{bali} and %{valI}) f. (once m.) a fold of the skin , wrinkle MBh. (cf. %{tri-v-}) ; a line or stroke made with fragrant unguents on the person L. ; the edge of a roof. VP. ; )
【民】vavvu (= 02 1. snatching, taking hold of; 2. the space between the wall and the sloping roof on it)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657930493/eave 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665776095/roof 無
c. 「ひさし」も有る。
【民】vAttATu (= ★eaves) ひさし

self, ego
【趣】ĝe26, ĝá (= : I, myself; my. )
【有】vete (= self, oneself) わて
【箍】kaakuhan (= ego)
【賛】kava (= 2 mfn. (1. %{ku}) `" miserly "' (perhaps originally `" provident "') , `" selfish "' , in %{a4-kava} q.v. , and %{kavA-sakha4} below ; [cf. %{kavatnu4} and %{kavAri4}.) )
【民】kiRukku (= 02 1. scribble; 2. scoring out anything written; 3. digdiness, dizziness; 4. craziness, ecentricity, lunacy; 5. passion, as for a thing; 6. egotism, self-conceit arrogance 自己欺瞞、傲慢) ガー
【賛】vavra (= mfn. (fr. 1. %{vR}) hiding or concealing one's self. RV. ; m. `" hiding-place "' , a cavern , hole , cave ib.) われ
【賛】vad, vadati, -te (= {pari} express one's self about (acc.), ) わたし
c. チベット語 「われ」系ナシ。
【羌】m̥yʨu/ / / nəʨ ʨæ/ / / qaȵi/ / / qaʨi/ / / / / / qɑn/ / / qɑnu/ / / qɑqej/ / / qɑqəj/ / / qɑȵi/ / / zush/ / / æny/ / / ɑ nyi nguɑ/ / / ji men ʨe ʨe/ / / ji mə ʨən ʨe/ / / ȵiʨʨu/ / / ȵʨiʨu (= self)

chamber, pavilion, cabinet, shelf
c. chamber 【名】
・We visited the king's main chamber in the castle. : 私たちはその城の中にある王の間を訪れた。
【賛】kakSa (= m. (%{kaS} Un2. ; cf. %{kac}) , lurking-place , hiding-place RV. ; ; ; a surrounding wall , a wall , any place surrounded by walls (as a court-yard , a secluded portion of a building , a private chamber or room in general) MBh. ;) かくしゃ
【チベ】khang pa (= building; 1) house, mansion, building. 2) floor, story. 3) hall, room, chamber. {‘og khang} downstairs, {bar khang} middle floor, {steng khang} upper floor; house, building, room [RY]) かんぐ べ、かく  △
【賛】zAlAra (= n. (perhaps connected with %{zAlA} ; only L.) a bird-cage ; a ladder , flight of stairs ; the claw of an elephant ; (also written %{sAlAra}) a pin or peg projecting from a wall , bracket , shelf (cf. %{zalAka}).) 棚(たな) (l-n)
cf. #n.456 堂 ドウ、トウ、たかどの building, hall, ...

漢字ペディア   ク、alt
【賛】kulAya (= n. (in later language also %{as} m. Pan5cat. ) a woven texture , web , nest (of a bird) , case or investing integument , receptacle , home AV. ; the body as the dwellingplace of the soul AV.;) キョウ
【賛】gRha (= m. an assistant , servant RV. ; (m. sg. and pl. , in later language m. pl. and n. sg.) a house , habitation , home RV. (%{mRn-ma4ya@g-} , `" house of earth "' , grave ,) ゴウ
【賛】sadhastha (= a. being here, present; n. place (of union); seat, abode, home; space i.g.) さと
【賛】sadana (= mf(%{I})n. causing to settle down or remain RV. ; n. a seat , dwelling , residence , house , home (often ifc. = `" abiding or dwelling in "') RV. ; settling down , coming to rest RV. ; relaxation , exhaustion Sus3r. ; water (= %{udaka}) Naigh. i , 12 ; the abode of sacrifice , sacrificial hall MW. ; the abode of Yama ib.) さとの
【チベ】rten gzhi /gé gyé/ (= basis, foundation, residence, home, source, base [JV] ) キョウ
【チベ】khyim du bskur /kha/ (= sent it back to her home [RY] ) ゴウ
c. チベット語の home に「さと」は、無い。
【羌】quɹ/ / / ʨi/ / / jigvdɑ/ / / jiudɑe/ / / jjudvdɑ/ / / kin/ / / kintɑ/ / / qo ʑi/ / / quo/ / / quːɹ/ / / təʐus/ / / tʂhæ/ / / tʂæ/ / / ȵəʨæ zəp/ / / ʨi tɑ/ / / ʨiw/ / / ʨok/ / / ʨu ta/ / / ʨuta/ / / ʨi ko/ / / ʨi ko ʐuə pə/ / / ʨuw/ / / ʨuwu thɑ/ / / ʨuəw (= home) きょうさと
c. 邦(くに)も有った。
qinnu(m) (= "nest" [GUD] of bird, snake; transf. of human home; f., human "family, clan"; > qandnu) くに

drama, radical, severe
【民】kataikaTTu-tal (= 1. to fabricate a stony誤字, construct a fable, romance or other fiction; to form the plot of a story, or drama; 2. to concoct a slander) げきだ
【賛】prahAsin (= mfn. laughing , derisive , satirical AV. ; shining bright Ja1takam. ; m. the buffoon of a drama (= %{vidUSaka}) L.) はげしいの (h-k)、ばかばかしい
【賛】prarocana (= mf(%{I})n. exciting or inciting to love (as a spell) , seductive Katha1s. ; (%{A}) f. highest praise Ba1lar. ; (in dram.) exciting interest by praising an author in the Prologue of a drama Das3ar. ) はげな、はげちーな (r-k)
【チベ】gar 'cham (= lama dance, dance, dancer, dramatic or stage dance [JV]) げ きの
【トルコ】kök (= root, stem, radical, origin, base, radix) げき

constitution, law, rule
kinu(m), Ass. kenu(m) (= "permanent, true" [GI(.NA); GIN, esp. in PNs; ZI.DA] 1. "permanent" of health, life etc.; of part of liver, station of planet, temple 2. "reliable, true" of word, command; of person, servant, partner "honest"; "loyal", "righteous" of king 3. "legitimate" of son, ruler, math, "correct", also of standard measures; < kdnu; > kina, kittu I; kinis; kinutu ) ケン
niru(m) (= 1 "yoke, crossbeam" [GIS.SUDUN/ SUDUN4; GIS.GIS; ext. AL.TI/TE] 1. "yoke" for animal teams; sa muhhi n. (ornament for a yoke) NA; transf. "(political) yoke, domination, rule" 2. "(door) lintel" 3. O/jB (part of the liver, lung) 4. "yoke-star" = Arcturus (and parts of Bootes) [MUL.MU. BU(.KES.DA)] ) のり
【有】normë (= rate, norm, standard, rule, regulation, precept) のり、ノルマ
【民】kAn2Un2 (= rule, regulation 規制, statute statute) けん
【民】neRi (= 03 1. bend, curve, turning, as of a road; 2. curliness of hair; 3. way, road, path; 4. religion; 5. precept, rule, principle; ) のり
【賛】naiSThya (= n. (cf. %{-SThika}) constancy , adherence to rule , firm belief MW.) のっと
【チベ】bskyang /kyang/ (= practice, maintain, nurture, rest, sustain, lengthen, continue, preserve, practice, care for, help, keep [to], take care of, look after, cherish, guard, protect[er]; 2) enjoy; 3) rule, govern, foster, tend, defend, save, support, attend to, defender of religion; 4) act do [h] [IW]) ケン、キャン
c. チベット語の rule, constitution, law に「のり」「のっとる」は無
【チベ】khams /kham/ (= dhatu, materializing forces, elements, essence, essential nature, individual constitution, constituents, disposition, psychological makeup of individual, atmosphere, interactional fields, sensory fields, world plane, psycho-physical heritage, field, space, world, world sphere, area, realm, tonus, man’s nature, existentiality, total make-up, gzugs to reg bya, chos 6, mig to lus, yid shes to yid kyi rnam shes 6 for total of 18, SA yid kyi khams [JV]) ケン
【トルコ】kanun (= law, code, act, statute, rule, canon) ケン
【ウズベク、アゼルバイジャン】qonun (= law, law, enactment, establishment, principle, decree) ケン
【蛇】מַעְצָר ma‛tsâr /mah-tsawr'/ (= rule, control) のっとる

filial piety
漢字ペディア   -- 漢字ペディア、ボロイ。「たかし」が無いのは、国際的に見て、アホ丸出しでオマス。
c. filial 【形】子どもの、子どもとしてふさわしい ; piety 【名】 信心深さ、敬けん
Go-on: きょう (kyō)
Kan-on: こう (kō, Jōyō)
Nanori: たか (taka); たかし (takashi); のり (nori); よし (yoshi)
【有】devocion (= devotion 献身, piety, devoutness, consecration) たかしの (v-k)
c. 【英】devote デヴォート、たかし (d-t, v-k, t-sh)
・I plan to devote summer vacation to my study. : 夏休みは研究にあてるつもりだ。
【尼】takwa (= piety) たか
【賛】carya (= a. to be done, practised, kept, etc.; f. {A} going, wandering, visiting; behaviour, conduct, morality, piety; practice, performance, occupation with (instr. or ---).) キョウ、コウ
【賛】dAkSiNya (= mfn. belonging to or worthy of a sacrificial fee L. ; n. dexterity , skill , officiousness , gallantry , kindness , consideration , piety (with loc. gen. or ifc.) Hariv.; the ritual of the right hand Sa1ktas L. ; N. of a Tantra.) たくしんや、たかし
【賛】vedhasyA (= f. (instr.) worship , piety RV. ) よし
【チベ】khrel (= kind of millet, shame, diffidence, bashfulness, modesty, piety, disgust, aversion [JV]) コウ/キョウ (l 無音)
【チベ】dge shis (= piety and blessedness (dge ba dang shis pa) [JV]) たかし
【チベ】dge ba (= good & wholesome, merit, virtue, healthy, positive, virtuous, 1 of 27 coincidences in astrology, SA sbyor ba nyer bdun, 1 of 11 astrological diagrams, SA byed pa bcu gcig, happiness, welfare, happy, propitious, 2 kinds (zag bcas dge ba, zag med dge ba), fasting, abstinence, alms, charity, piety, good and auspicious action, propitious [JV]) たか べ
【チベ】rab zhi (= serene, perfect peace, heaven, piety & righteousness [JV]) よし (r-y)
【ウズベク】taqvodorlik (= piety, godliness, righteousness) たかし リク
【カザフ】тақуалық /taqwalıq/ (= piety) たか リク
【トルコ】dindarlık (= piety, religion, godliness, devoutness) たか
【アゼルバイジャン】təqva (= piety) たか
c. チャン、ギャロンは、piety 未登録。
c. 「孝(たかし)」のお名前は、アジア圏の国際語でおます。

crimson, vivid red, rouge
cf. file f20 #s.172 赤 red in Swadesh 207
cf. file tibet #g.262 red
kalgukku(m), kalguqqu (= (a red mineral paste) O/jB, M/NA [KAL.KU7.KU7; IM.KAL.GUG] in glass-making, as drug; < Sum.) コウ、ク、グ
【有】i kuq (= red, pink, carmine, apoplectic, pinko, gules) イ コウ/ク/グ  【形容詞】
【民】kulAl (= 02 1. redness; 2. red powder thrown about at the ho1li festival) コウ、ク、グ
【賛】manohvA (= (fr. %{AhvA}) f. red arsenic 《化学》ヒ素 L. (cf. %{mano@'bhidhA}).) もみ
【賛】manaHzila (= m. n.) & {-zilA} f. red arsenic.) もみじ、紅葉(もみじ)
【チベ】ku ra ba ka /ku rawa ka/ (= crimson amaranth 《植物》アマランス, purple or yellow barleria, blossom of the amaranth or barleria [JV]) く らわ か、くれない (w-n)、コウ、ク、グ
c. チベット語の red に「あか」「べに」皆無。話にならない。
【チベ】dmar ser /mar ser/ (= crimson, red gold, orange [IW]) もみ じ (r 反復)
【羌】/ / / minn/ / / ɕi/ / / ɕize/ / / ɕizi/ / / ɕopu/ / / ɕəʁar/ / / hȵi/ / / xupu (= red) もみ、コウ
【蛇】כַּרְמִיל karmı̂yl /kar-mele'/ (= crimson) くれない
【アゼルバイジャン】kürən (= red, chestnut, ginger-colored, chestnut-colored, ginger-coloured, reddish-yellow) くれない

stratagem/ strategy, scheme, plan, tactics, conspiracy, plot, cane
【民】taTTukkoTTu (= 1. playing of drums and pipes; 2. empty show; 3. bauble, gewgaw; 4. trick, stratagem) さくす、サク
【賛】nItha (= m. leading or a leader L. ; N. of a man MBh. ; (%{nI4thA}) f. way , trick , art , stratagem RV. ; also= (%{nItha4}) n. a mode in music , musical mode or air , song , hymn ib. ; water L.) むち
【民】muTiccu (= 1. tie; 2. tuft of hair; 3. small bundle; 4. knot in wood; 5. an ear-ring worn by women; 6. deep scheme, cunning plan, stratagem) むちっす
【民】toTuppu (= 1. dischargeing; 2. continuity; 3. fastening, chaining, linking; 4. tie, bandage; 5. chain; 6. sowing; 7. plough; 8. stratagem;) つえ、つっふ
【賛】vyapadeza (= m. representation , designation , information , statement RPra1t.: a name , title Uttarar. ; a family , race S3ak. ; summons (of an army) R. ; appeal to (gen.) Pan5cat. ; talk , speech MBh. ; a partic. form of speech MW. ; fame , renown (see comp.) ; fraud , stratagem , pretext , excuse (%{ena} , under pretext or excuse [also %{-tas}] ifc. = under the pretext of) MBh.;) ふだ
【民】karukkUTTu-tal (= 1. to scheme, contrive, plan) かりこっつ、はかりこっつ (+は)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/search/strategy/page/1  [p1/3]  tactics"}strategy"}scheme"}
--- このチベット語の中に、多分、「たくらむ」がある。他は、無い。(?)

【趣】ú-rum (= : private, personal (property); possession (cf., ùru[-m], 'to watch, guard, protect'). ) おれの
parsu(m), NB also parasu (= "cut off [KUD] of building, place "separate"; NB of fields "lying apart"; of baby, animal "weaned"; OA "confidential, private"; jB "rare, exquisite"?; < parasu I; ? > paras; parasrab; paras sefyru ) ひそ(ヒソヒソ)
【有】ushtar i thjeshte (= private, ranker) わたし イ てして  【名詞】
【有】vetiak (= personal, personalized, private, proper, one-man) ひそか  【形容詞】
【賛】steya (= n. theft , robbery , larceny RV. ; anything stolen or liable to be stolen BhP. ; anything clandestine or private MW.)
【民】uTkaTTu (= 1. inside of a house, private apartments; 2. a kind of necklace, worn especially by Parava girls) わたくし
【民】vaLLal (= 1. person of unbounded liberality, liberal donor; 2. benevolence; 3. ability; 4. private affairs) われの
【賛】vadhUdhana (= n. a wife's private property A1pGr2. ) わたくしの (h-k)、わたしの
【賛】vizvAsa (= m. confidence, trust in (loc., gen. instr. {?saha}, or ---); private communication, secret.) ひそかじゃ (v-g-k)、わたし
【賛】pRthakkArya (= n. a separate or private affair Mn.) ひそか
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664863659/private 無

word, language
【有】gjuhë (= language, tongue, spirt, idiom) くちへ、ことば
【尼】kata (= word, term, syllable) こと
【賛】kadvat (= mfn. containing the word %{ka} S3Br.) ことば
【賛】ghRtavat (= (%{-ta4-}) mfn. abounding in fat , greasy , mixed or smeared with ghee RV. ; containing the word %{ghRta4} (a verse) , i f. ; (%{tI}) f. N. of a river MBh. ) ことば
【賛】sI (=1 a word used in learning letters (?) DivyA7v.)
【チベ】skad cha /ke cha/ (= language, words, talk, remarks, topic, conversation, dialogue, speaking, news, report, discourse, conversation, topic, verbal utterance, conversation, talk [JV]) けちゃ  × 近いが、違う。
【チベ】skad sdeb /ke dep/ (= language primer 言語入門 [IW]) け てぷ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】söz (= promise, word, talk, say, saying, voice)
c. インド弁の language に「ことば」が無いのは、なぜか。 → 有った。
【賛】chandobhASA (= f. (g. %{Rg-ayanA7di}) the language of the Veda TPra1t. ) ちゃんどぶはーしゃー、ことばさ
【民】coRpazuttavar (= persons with great power of speech or command of language, as poets) ことば、くちよい
【民】kIznOkkittiTTu-tal (= to abuse with obscence誤 [obscene 節度を欠いた、常識から外れた、道理にかなっていない] language わいせつな言葉で虐待する) 言語道断(ごんごどうだん) (+ん)
c. 「言語道断」は、タミル語にありました。

【趣】dub (= : n., (clay) tablet; document (motion into open container)
   v., to store, heap up; to pour out; to move in a circle; to shake; to sprinkle off, strew (with -ta-); to dye (fabrics) (reduplication class ?). ) シ (d-s, b 無音)
sipru II (= "document" NB; < Aram.; -? seperu ) シ (r 無音)
sitirtu(m), sitertu(m) (= "writing; document" Bab. s. tuppi "writing on tablet"; Bogh. "document, written record"; transf. s. samel samdmi "(writing in heaven =) stars" (-≫ sitru); < satdru II ) しるす
c. 文(ふみ)も有る。
pu(m) I, OAkk, OA freq. pd'um, pium (also OB); (= ; 5. "word- ing" of tablet; analki p. "in accordance with text" of document; OB ezub pi tuppisu "not counting what is recorded on his tablet";) ふみ、ブン
【尼】surat (= letter, mail, note, document, writing, epistle) しるし   【名詞】
【民】cITTu (= 1. note, letter, scrap of paper or ola containing a memorandum, pass, ticke; 2. voucher, bond, document, promissory note;)
【民】ciruSTi-ttal (= 01 1. to create, make, produce; 2. to fabricate, as a document) しるす
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657535271/document 無

sabitu (= 1. "recipient" 2. NB (a tool for gripping) 3. 'holding', i.e. magnetic, as epith. of saddnu stone; < sabdtu) ジびつ
sadanu(m) (= I, OA sadudnum, NB saddanu "haematite" Bab., OA, NA [(NA 4 .)KA.GI.NA; NA4.KUR-nw]; s. sdbitu [DAB(.BA)] "magnetite, lodestone"; < sadu I ?) ジの
【箍】pang-akit (= inducement, magnetism, lure, grace, enticement, magnet) 半焼だ
【賛】sUcI (= f. (prob. to be connected with %{sUtra} , %{syUta} &c. fr. %{siv} , `" to sew "' cf. %{sUkSma} ; in R. once %{sUcinA} instr.) , a needle or any sharppointed instrument (e.g. `" a needle used in surgery "' , `" a magnet "' &c.) RV. ; the sharp point or tip of anything or any pointed object Ka1v.;) シ、ジ、ヂ
【民】Uci (= 01* 1. sewing-needle; 2. iron style for writing on palmyra leaves; 3. needle of a balance, magnetic needle 磁石針;) ウチ、ヂ゙、ウシ、シ
【民】arakkukkAntam (= * magnetic iron-stone, used medicinally) やきもん、やきんたむ
【チベ】rdo khab lan (= magnet [RY]) やどかぶ らん、やきもん (l-m)  △
【チベ】chags (= Passionate, means semi-wrathful just like a deity for the increasing or magnetizing activities [RY]) チギ、チジ、ジ、シ
【チベ】'gugs (= - 1) summon/ [re]call/ send for; 2) invoke [wind horse]; 3) interest/ attract/ magnetize, turn on; 5) bend/ force [IW]) ジジス、ジ、シ
【英】magnet やきもーた (m 無音)

measure, ruler
【趣】šu-da (= : hand and forearm 手又は前腕, as a unit of measurement 測定単位, ell/cubit (cf., kùš) ('hand' + 'arm').) さし
【趣】šu-dù-a (= : length measure of 10 fingers = 16.666 cm. ('hands' + 'to stack'). ) さし
cf. (wikipedia) 〜人体の前腕にある尺骨は、かつて古代ローマでその部位が身体尺として使われた(キュービット)歴史から、〜
【趣】sá-dug4/du11 (= : a capacity measure, = 24 sìla in Presargonic Girsu and 40 sìla starting with Akkad period; regular "tithe" or "offering" important to the temple economy ('to equal in value' + 'to effect'). ) シャク、セキ
【有】shkallë (= rate, scale, degree, staircase, level, measure) シャクの
【箍】sukat (= size, dimension, measure, measurement, tract, area) シャク/セキ (t 無音)
【賛】SaDguNa (= m. pl. the qualities perceived by the five senses and Manas GarbhUp. BhP. ; the six excellencies or advantages Hariv. ; the six acts or measures to be practised by a king in warfare 戦争行為[状態]、武力衝突 (viz. %{saMdhi} ,) シャクの、セキ、さしの
c. 【英】ruler ルーラー、支配者、定規(じょうぎ)。 ---- インド弁では、王様による6つの行動規範、判定基準
【民】taraku (= 02 1. brokerage, fee, commission to a middleman; 2. discount allowed in cash payment; 3. a measure=nearly 2 pat2i 単位 ) シャク、セキ
【民】teyvikam (= 1. that which is divine; 2. divine act or injunction; 3. a lineal measure of nine ta1lam 直線単位; 4. chance; 5. transcendence, magnificence, super-eminence) シャクの、尺貫(しゃっかん)
【民】stAti (= stadium, a linear measure 線形計り、定規, approximately 600 feet) さし
【賛】SaTtAla (= m. a kind of measure Sam2gi1t.) さし
c. 富山弁では、ものさし、を、ものさし、と言わない。「さし」という、最初、職人用語だと思った。
【賛】vaMzika (= mfn. belonging or relating to a bamboo 竹に関与, pertaining to a family &c. , lineal , genealogical W. ; m. a measure of 4 Stomas L. ; ) わずか
【民】vaitIkappaTi (= a measure of weight) わずかばっち、わずかぼっち
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662797651/measure 無
【羌】/ / ze/ (to) measure (rice)/ / / ʁzəʁz/ (to) measure (cloth)/ (to) measure (rice)/ / / ʁəʁze/ (to) measure (cloth)/ (to) measure (rice)/ / / liam̥ thas/ / / təʁze/ (to) measure (rice)/ / / ʁzeʁze/ (to) measure (cloth)/ / / ʁzəʁzi/ measure (rice)/ measure (cloth) (= measure) さし
【蛇】סְאָה se'âh /seh-aw'/ (= measures, measure) シャク、セキ (h-k)
【蛇】סַאסְּאָה sa'se'âh /sah-seh-aw'/ (= banishing, measure) さし

tree, plant
【趣】ĝiš, ĝeš (= : n., tree; wood; wooden implement; scepter; tool; organ; plow; natural phenomenon (describes a trunk that goes out into many branches and leaves).
   adj., describes an animal assigned to the plow (sometimes ĝiš-šè). ) きしゅ、き、ジュ
【賛】sutuGga (= mfn. very lofty or tall 大変背の高い W. ; m. the culmination or culminating point of a planet L. ; the cocoa-nut tree L. ; N. of a place MBh. (B. %{sa-t-}).) ジュ
【賛】kuruha (= m. `" growing from the earth 大地から育つ"' , a tree L.) き、くるは
【民】koyyA (= guava グアバ, a tree, psidium guyava)
【民】Un2Ru-tal (= 01 1. to be fixed, settled, gain a firm footing, become established, strike root; 2. to stop in a place; 1. to fix, place firmly, as a pole in fixing a boat; 2. to plant, set firmly in the ground, as a post; 3. to establish, as fame, position; ) うんえる、うえる
【民】tAzttu-tal (= 1. to bring low, lower, let down, deepen; 2. to reduce, diminish; 3. to keep under control, compel obedience; 4. to degrade, disgrace; 5. to delay, waste time; 6. to make a person or object stay; 7. to implant, plant, as seeds; 8. to set; to bury, inter, sink; 9. to immerse, submerge) たて
【チベ】ka pha /ka pa/ (= a tree [JV] ) き ぱ
c. Nic のチベット語辞典の現代語、の tree 結果は、下記。「き」とは無縁。毛色の全く異なる言語です。「木」なんて、基本語彙が、途中から、ガラッと切り替わることなど、普通無い。なので、日本語とは、完全に別言語と考える方が自然。似ている単語が時々有るのは、近くにインドがあったから。
| tree: ཤིང་སྡོང (shing sdong) $ /shing dong/ しん とん
| tree: ལྕང་མ (lcang ma) $ /chang ma/ ちゃん ま
【羌】phuq/ / / phəq/ / / ewe/ / / oggu/ / / oʁu/ / / phu/ / / pu/ / / si/ / / səf/ / / ɑ wo/ / / ɑʐgu̥/ / / əgu/ / / pho (= tree) ×
c. チャン語も、基本的には、別言語。似た基本語彙が少ない。たまにあるのは、インドが近くに有ったから。

【民】tITcai (= 1. vow, solemn resolution; 2. initiattion of a disciple into the mysteries of the Saiva religion, of three stages, viz., camayati1t2cai, vice1t3a-ti1t2cai, nirrva1n3a-ti1t2cai ; 3. ways of religious initiation and purification of disciples by a guru, of seven kinds, viz., nayan6a-ti1t2cai, parica-ti1t2caai, ma1n6aca-ti1t2cai, va1caka-ti1t2cai, ca1ttira-ti1t2cai, yo1ka-ti1t2cai, auttiri-ti1t2cai ; 4, allowing the hair to grow for a specified period, as after marriage, during wife's pregnancy, etc.,) シュウ、ソウ、ちかい (c-k)
【民】tITcaikkuRai (= intiation into the mysteries of saiva religion (TLS)) 宗教(しゅうきょう)
【民】caivam (= 01 1. the religion which regards Siva as the supreme being and is exclusively devoted to is worship, of sixteen sects,) シュウの/ソウの
【民】neRi (= 03 1. bend, curve, turning, as of a road; 2. curliness of hair; 3. way, road, path; 4. religion; 5. precept, rule, principle; 6. path of virtue, righteousness; 7. style of poetic composition; 8. order, row, series; 9. line, lineage; 10. method; means; 11. state of mind, temper; 12. rule, sovereignty; 13. pace, as of a horse; 14. salvation; 15. temple) むね (r-n)
【チベ】chos /chö/ (= dharma, elements of existence (general non-critical term), factors of reality, knowable factors, phenomena, mental objects, phenomenal existents, events and meanings, what is experienced, spiritual teachings, truth, message, teaching, doctrine, law, aspects of experience (the range of yid’s activity), meaning, qualities, meaning of life, make, build, gnaw off, law, order, sustenance, manifestation, presentation, prepare, make ready, SA 'cha’ ba, 'cho ba, 'chos pa, draw up, religious doctrine, religion, particular doctrine, tenet, precept, system of morality, ethics, manner, method, custom, usage, thing, substance, property, 1 of gnas pa dgu, grammatical predicate, topics [JV] ) シュウ/ソウ (ch-s)
c. チベット語に「むね」は無。

mass, crowd, majority
【民】parappu (= 02 1. expanse, extension, space, surface, area; 2. diffused or extended state of a being, corporeal or incorporeal; diffusion; overspreading; 3. world; 4. multiplicity, variety of forms; 5. mass; 6. range, compass, extent of a subject; 7. land measure, of two kinds, viz., ner6-parappu, nilai-p-parappu ; 8. sea, ocean; 9. ceiling; 10. lintel; 11. bed, couch) おおい (p 無音)
【賛】tati (= 2 f. (Pa1n2. ; cf. %{tanti4}) a mass , crowd 群衆、集まった大勢の人。人の群れ、混雑 S3ak. (cf. %{tamas-}) ; the whole mass (of observances , %{dharma-}) ;) シュウ、シュ
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/mass 無
【チベ】'du tshogs (= crowd, many people [JV]) しゅう、しゅ (g 無音)  △。 スペル滅茶苦茶。バカ言語、良くない。
c. スペル滅茶苦茶の為、判定困難。非常に疲れる。多分、まだ有る。見たい人は見て。
【羌】/ / ketse/ (to) crowd/ / / stisti/ / / tʂhətʂhe/ (to) crowd/ / / tʂhətʂhə/ (to) crowd/ / / ʨi ʨi/ (to) crowd/ / / ʨithɑ/ (to) crowd/ / / ɕʨe/ / / ʨi thɑ (= crowd) しゅう、シュ
【ウズベク】to'da (= boodle, clump, flight, flock, group, crowd) しゅう
【トルコ】sürü (= herd, flock, swarm, pack, horde, crowd) しゅう、しゅ

place, spot
cf. #n.199 所(ところ), cf. #n.371
【趣】aka, ak, ag, a5 (= : to do, act; to place; to make into (something) (with -si-)) おく、置く、奥
ali I, ale, al, NB alu (= "where?" OAkk, Ass., O/jB 1. "where?" 2. conj. "where(ever)" OA, OB(Iit.) 3. prep, "at the place of OA before infin.; > alumma ) おる
eli, elu, el, Hi, OAkk al (= "on, over, above; against; more than" OAkk, Bab., rarely NA [UGU] "on; on to" a place, a thing;) おる、いる
【有】shesh (= square, esplanade, ground, place, field, platform ) ショ、ソ
【賛】stha (= (or %{STha}) mf(%{A})n. (only ifc.) standing , staying , abiding , being situated in , existing or being in or on or among (see %{agni-} , %{garbha-} , %{jala-} , %{naraka-} , %{rAjya-stha} &c.) ; occupied with , engaged in , devoted to performing , practising (see %{dhyAna-} , %{yajJa-} , %{yoga-} , %{savana-stha} &c.) ; a place , ground (ibc. = %{sthala}) L.) ショ、ソ
【賛】aGga (= 2 n. ( %{am} Un2.) , a limb of the body ; a limb , member ; the body ; a subordinate division or department , especially of a science , as the six Veda1n3gas ; hence the number six ; N. of the chief sacred texts of the Jainas ; a limb or subdivision of Mantra or counsel (said to be five , viz. 1. %{karmaNAm@Arambho7pAyaH} , means of commencing operations ; 2. %{puruSa-dravya-sampad} , providing men and materials ; 3. %{deza-kAla-vibhAga} , distribution of place and time ;) おく、あこ[ = あそこ]
【賛】Aruh (= 1 P. %{-rohati} (aor. %{-rukSat} and Ved. %{-ruhat} ; Inf. %{-ru4ham} %{A4-rohase} RV. ) to ascend , mount , bestride , rise up RV. ; to arise , come off , result Katha1s. ; to venture upon , undertake ; to attain , gain RV. : Caus. %{-rohayati} & %{-ropayati} , to cause to mount or ascend ; to raise RV. ; to string (a bow) MBh. ; to cause to grow ; to plant Katha1s.; to place , deposit , fasten MBh.) おる
【賛】vAra (= 3 m. good, treasure; appointed time or place, one's turn, alternation, succession, change, time (w. numerals, {vAraM vAram} many a time, often); day (of a week). -- f. {vArA} courtezan.) おる
【民】tagkal (= 1. stopping, halting, resting; 2. delay, procrastination; 3. halting place, rest-house; 4. stage in a journey; 5. persistence, stability; 6. precipitate; sediment) ところ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664533193/place 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666947555/spot 無
c. チベット語の他の辞書には、ショ、ソが有る。DharmaDictionary.net がボロイのか。
【チベ】place: ས་ཆ (sa cha) /sa cha/ さ ちゃ、シャ、ソ
【ギャロン】tʰejsɑtɕɑ てーゆーさきゃ, ʨʰu wa ちゥょわー, sǝ22 cçʰǝ44 さっちゃー, sa44 ʧ‘e55 さち, sacʰe さち, sɐ ʧʰɐ (= place) サちゃー (= place) 「そこ」の成れの果て。ショ、ソ、じょうも親戚  △
【ウズベク、カザフ】o'rin (= place, point, position, stead, quarter, seat) おるん
【トルコ】sıra (= order, sequence, queue, row, turn, place) ショ、ソ

sign, bureau
saddu(m), sddu, saddu (= "(wooden) signal, sign" Bab.; lex. sa s. "man with sign(board)"?; as divine symbol, astrological sign, portent ) ショ
teltu(m) (= "saying, proverb; pronunciation" Bab. [KA.KA.SI.GA] "syllabic writing" (of Sum.); lex. esp. in sa t. ~ "only syllabic value of sign"; < telu ) しるす
【賛】cha (= 3 mfn. pure , clean L. ; tremulous , unsteady L. ; (%{a}) f. covering , concealing (cf. %{chad}) L. ; a mark , sign L. ; cf. %{chA} "') ショ (ch-sh)
【賛】cihva (= n. sign, mark; adj. --- = seq. pp.) ショ
【民】tiruvezuttu (= 1. king's handwriting or signature; 2. writ or warrant of the kings of cochin and travancore; 3. sacred mantra of five letters) しるす
【民】tirarAci (= the four signs of the zodiac, auspicious for works of long-standing nature, viz., it2apam, cirikam, viruccikam, kumpam) しるし
【民】avakkuRi (= * signs of coming calamity 災難、厄災、悲惨な出来事, portents 前兆、先触れ、驚異的なもの) やくわり  △
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666526131/sign 無

【賛】mAlA (= f. a wreath , garland , crown Gr2S3rS. ; a string of beads , necklace , rosary. Ka1v. (cf. %{akSa-} and %{ratna-m-}) ; a row , line , streak MBh. ; a series , regular succession (with %{nAmnAm} , a collection of words arrayed in a series , a vocabulary , dictionary ; cf. %{nAma-m-}) ; a kind of Krama-pa1tha (cf. %{krama-mAlA}) ; N. of various metres メーター、計量器、計器、計測器 Col. ; (in rhet.) a series of epithets or similes W. ; (in dram.) a series of offerings for obtaining any object of desire (S3ak.); (in astrol.) a partic. Dala-yoga (q.v.) VarBr2S.; Trigonella Corniculata L. ; N. of a river MBh. ; of a glossary.) もろ
【賛】nAnAvarNa (= m. pl. various colours いろいろな色 R. ; mf(%{A})n. many- coloured , variegated Var. Sus3r. Hcat. ; %{-tva} n. MBh. ; %{-nA7kRti} mfn. pl. of different colours or shapes Bhag.) もろの、なないろの
【賛】sucitra (= a. manifold, various; distinguished.) ショ
【チベ】so sor /so sor/ (= asunder, distinctly, apart, in detail, that everybody has, into their various elements, separate , distinct [JV] ) ショ
【チベ】rnam par /nam par/ (= various, in parts, selectively, full, complete, all, fully, completely, to the uttermost, perfectly, completely, in the form of [JV] ) もろ (p 無音)

commander, general,
【趣】šár (= : a military officer = commander of 3600. ) ショウ
【賛】mahAsena (= (%{mahA4-}) mfn. having a great army RV. (Sa1y.) MBh. ; m. the commander of a large force , a general W. ; ) まさに、まはさに
【賛】pArSNigrAha (= mfn. attacking in the rear ; `" heel-catcher "' , an enemy in the rear or a commander in the rear of an army (applied also to hostile planets) Mn. ) ひきい、ぱーるしゅにぐらーは
【民】paTaikkarttar (= commander of an army) ひきーとる (t 無音)、はたいかっとる
【賛】sahasrin (= mfn. numbering a thousand , thousandfold RV.; ; m. a body of a thousand men W. ; the commander of a thousand ib.) ショウすりん
【賛】sAMgrAmika (= mf(%{I})n. relating to war , warlike , martial (with ratha m. `" a war-chariot "' ; with %{mRtyu} m. death in battle "' ; with %{vitta} n. spoils of war "') Gaut. ; m. a commander , general W.) ショウグンか
【チベ】bkod 'doms pa (= commander, administrator, person in charge [IW]) ひきいてます べ
【チベ】mda’ dpon (= provincial commander [RY]) まさ はに
【チベ】se ling yon (= commander [JV]) せ りん よん、しょうぐん
【蛇】שַׂר śar /sar/ (= heads, captain, leaders, lords, prince, princes, chief, charge, governor, general, ruler, rulers, Prince, officers, commander, misc, officials, taskmasters, commanders, prince of princes, officer, keeper, leader, leading, captains, official, principal, quartermaster, chiefs, chief and commanders, overseers) ショウ

benevolence 博愛
【賛】sAdhu (= ; gentleness , kindness , benevolence S3Br. ;)
【賛】RNa (= 4. benevolence to mankind and 5. hospitality to guests are added MBh.) ニ/ニン (R-n)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59652093576/benevolence  判別不能

short, scanty, bit, little
c. en.wiktionary. の作者はバカである。日本語の説明の中に short の単語が無いのは、オカシイ。
【賛】sIma (= 2 in comp. for %{sIman} (or sometimes a mere shortened form of 1. %{sImA}).) スン、ソン
【民】ciRpamciRpam 03 fewness; shortness, as of duration (= 03 fewness; shortness, as of duration) スン、ソン
【民】patukkAy (= 1. that which is short, stout or stocky, as a person or an animal; 2. a kind of snipe) わずっかー
【賛】hrAsaka (= mf(%{ikA})n. shortening , diminishing , decreasing MW.) わずか
【民】muzakkaTTai (= anything short of the full measure, as a piece of cloth) みじかたい
【民】kULi (= 02 1. dwarfishness, shortness; 2. fault; 3. unchaste woman) き (L 無音)
【民】kuRukku-tal (= 01 1. to shorten, curtail, reduce, contract, lessen, retrench; 2. to abbreviate, abridge, epitomise, abstract; 3. to cause to draw near, to bring with easy reach; to be bear, close by) き、くく
【チベ】thung (= Syn {'thung} adj. comp. of {thung thung} curtail, short [RY]) /tung/ スン、ソン
【チベ】phu thag thung thung (= short-sighted [IW]) /pu tak tung tung/ わずか すん すん
【チベ】khi'u (= 1) of long and short animal hair short soft hair; 2) a cutting out knife, small knife [IW]) /khiu/ き
c. 「みじめ」も有る。---- 「みじか」は、無い。バカ言語です。
【チベ】mi 'dang ba (= lack, be short of [JV]) /mi dang ba/ み じめ ば
c. 攻め方を間違えた。 short だと、「少し」「短い」が全面に出るので、「わずか」のみを攻めるために、 scanty の「短い」に切り換える。
【民】paicalkammi (= partial remission of revenue on account of scanty crop, etc.) わずかに
【賛】vAtakuNDalI (= f. (Sus3r.) scanty and painful flow of urine.) わずかだり
【賛】dIna (= a. scarce, scanty, weak, feeble (abstr. {-tA} f.); depressed, sad, wretched, n. as abstr. & adv. (also {dInakam}).) スン、ソン (d-s)
【賛】virala (= mf(%{A})n. (perhaps from %{vira} = %{vila} for %{bila} + %{la} , `" possessing holes "') having interstices , separated by intervals (whether of space or time) , not thick or compact , loose , thin , sparse , wide apart MBh. ; rare , scarcely found , unfrequent , scanty , few ) 希/貴(希薄、貴重 rare の、き)(v-k)
【チベ】'dang tsam (= scanty [JV]) /dang tsam/ スン ソン
【チベ】‘khos ka chung ba (= inadequate, insufficient, scarce, scanty [RY]) /khö ka chungwa/ き き ちゅんわ
c. チベット語の scanty に「わずか」は無い。
c. scanty/ scant の「乏しい(とぼしい)」も、インド弁には有る。チベット語には、無い。
【賛】durbhRti (= f. scanty maintenance or subsistence RV.) とぼしい
【民】tAn2iyappazam (= matured grain marked with black spots, indicative of the next crop being scanty) とんぼしいの

sincere, honest
漢字ペディア   写真
【箍】nagtototoo (= sincere) まことととー
【賛】vaktR (= mfn. one who speaks , a speaker , proclaimer of (Ved. gen. ; Class "' gen. acc. , or comp.) RV. ; croaking (said of frogs) Subh. ; speaking sensibly , eloquent L. ; learned , wise W. ; honest , sincere ib. "' ; loquacious , talkative ib. ; m. a speaker , orator MBh. ; an expounder , teacher Sarvad.) まことの (v-m, R-n)
【賛】nirvyAja (= a. deceitless, honest, sincere, pure, genuine; n. adv., abstr. {-tA} f.) まこと (v-k)、まごやっち
【賛】satya (= a. real, true, genuine; serious, valid, effective, sincere, faithful, honest, good.) セイ、ジョウ
【賛】svavyAja (= mfn. thoroughly sincere or honest MBh.) ジョウ
【チベ】ma khyog pa (= not crooked or bent, straight, sincere [JV]) まきょく べ、まこと べ  △
c. チベット語に「セイ」「ジョウ」ナシ。

virtue, goodness
【賛】sadguNa (= 1 m. good quality, virtue.) ゼン、セン
【民】aRavi (= 1. virtue; 2. that which is holy; 3. female ascetic; 4. public place) よい
【賛】sujana (= m. a good or virtuous or kind or benevolent person (man or woman ; often confounded with %{sva-jana}) R. ; N. of the author of the S3a1n3khS3r. ; %{-tA} f. goodness , kindness , benevolence Ka1v. Sa1h. ; ) ゼン、セン
【民】vaikAri (= goodness or virtue) よいかり
【民】tiRam (= 02 1. firmness, stability; 2. strength, power; 3. ability, cleverness, dexterity; 4. goodness, excellence; 5. chastity; 6. moral conduct; established order; 7. uprightness ) ゼン、セン
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59668747653/virtue 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659825275/goodness 無

injury, originate
【民】kETu (= 1. ruin, destruction, annihiation; 2. loss, waste, damage; 3. adversity, indigence, destitution; 4. death; 5. evil, injury; 5. evil, injury; 6. elision, omission; 7. ugliness, deformity) きず
【賛】kilbiSa (= n. fault, guilt, sin against (---), offence, injury; p. {-Sin}Å.) きず
【民】pATAvaRuti (= 1. very heavy or severe damage, great loss; 2. bed-ridden condition after a severe injury) はじまった (v-m)
【賛】paridharSaNa (= n. assault , attack , injury ib.) はじめたの (r-m)
【民】tIgku (= 1. evil; injury, harm; crime; 2. misfortune, calanity, distress; 3. faault, defect, blemish) つく る、ズキズキ
【賛】svAGga (= n. a limb of one's own body , one's own body , limb or body in the strict (not metaphorical) sense Ka1v. ; m. a proper N. ; %{-bhaGga} m. injury to onone's own body Ml. ; %{-zIta} mfn. cooled in all parts Bhpr.) つく
【賛】sArti (= mfn. suffering from some pain or injury Bhpr.) ソウ
【チベ】b]so[s (= live, feed, graze, nourish, SA 'tsho ba, gso ba, gsos pa, indemnification, damages paid for bodily injury, recreate [JV] ) /sö/ ソウ
【チベ】kha chag (= 1) broken / chipped edge. 2) harm, injury, damage. 3) abuse, recrimination. 4) oral agreement [RY] ) /kha chak/ き ずか
【チベ】tshug[s (= 1) firmness, firm, settled, established, steady. {rang tshugs}, stability. 2) to stand, withstand, bear, resistance. 3) [+ neg] - unharmed, never hurt / harmed, inflict injury. 4) to make up, form, constitute; [+ neg]} unharmed, never hurt / harmed, inflict injury; imp. of {'dzugs pa} [RY] ) /tsuk/ つく
c. チベット語の injury に「はじめる」系はナシ。
c. 「怪我(けが)」もある。
【民】cAkkATu (= 1. death; 2. injury, ruin) けがす (c-k)
【チベ】kag (= 1) mischief, harm, injury, danger, obstacle having a certain time; 2) [arch] sudden[ly], immediate[ly] [IW] ) /kak/ けが

entrails, internal organs, viscera, guts
cf. file f20 #s.86 腸(はらわた guts)
cf. #n.453 腸 (チョウ、はらわた、わた)も参照。
【趣】su (= [FLESH] (495x: ED IIIa, ED IIIb, Old Akkadian, Ur III, Early Old Babylonian, Old Babylonian) wr. su "flesh; body; entrails (omen); body" Akk. zumru; šīru) ゾウ、ソウ  by Pen 辞書
【趣】šag4, šà; (= : n., intestines; gut; heart; stomach; abdomen; entrails; content; womb; body; interior, midst, inside; bed of a river; will, volition; mood; meaning, significance (grain/excrement + water/urine + chamber) 癪(しゃく)、臓器、ゾウ、ソウ
【趣】máš (=: n., extispicy (divination based on the entrails of a sacrificed animal); sacrificial animal
   v., to scrutinize, inspect. ) 内臓
samddim (= "grinding work"; jB stat., transf. of part of entrails Gtn iter., OB; > samdu; simdu; samldu I; sumlddtu; sdmidu ) ぞうもつ
【賛】vaniSThu (= m. a part of the entrailsvaniSThu m. a part of the entrails of an animal offered in sacrifice (accord. to Sch. either `" the rectum "' or , a partic. part of the intestines near the omentum "') RV. of an animal offered in sacrifice (accord. to Sch. either `" the rectum "' or , a partic. part of the intestines near the omentum "') RV. ) わんた、わた
【賛】ziGgi (= n. or %{ziGgI} f. (perhaps) a partic. part of the entrails of a sacrificial animal VS. (cf. next).) ゾウキ、ゾウ、ソウ、しゃく(癪)
【チベ】nang cha (= internal organs, entrails [IW]) ないぞう
c. チベット語に「ゾウ」「はらわた」は無い。

exist, present, keep, survive
【趣】an-ĝá (= : and yet (affirmative prefix ? + 'exists'). ) あんがー  -- まるで、富山弁、みたい。
【民】uRu-tal (= 01 1. to be, exist; 2. to happen, occur, befall, as good or evil; 3. to dwell, reside;) おる、ある
【民】uyal (= 01 1. living; 2. escaping; 3. being, existing) およる
【賛】vRt (= ; ; to be , live , exist , be found , remain , stay , abide , dwell (with %{Atmani@na} , ;) おると、あると
【賛】vidAna (= or mfn. (A1. pr. p.) existing being , real RV.) あったーな
【賛】sanavitta (= (%{sa4na-}) mfn. long since existing or obtained RV.) たもつ
【賛】sanojA (= a. existing from of old, eternal.) たもっちょ
【賛】sthA (= (or %{SThA4}) mfn. (nom. m. n. %{sthA4s}) standing , stationary (often ifc. = `" standing , being , existing in or on or among "' cf. %{agni-SThA} , %{RtasthA} ) RV. ) とう
【賛】saMdhR (= P.A1. %{-dhArayati} ; %{-te} (impf. ep. %{sam-adhAram=-adhArayam} ; pr. p. P. %{saMdhArayat} ; A1. %{-dhArayamANa} , or %{-dhArayANa} ; pf. %{saM-dadhAra}) , to hold together , bear , carry MBh.; to hold up , support , preserve , observe , maintain ib. ; to keep in remembrance Pan5cat. ; to hold back , restrain , withstand MBh. ; to suffer , endure ib. ; to hold or fix the mind on (loc.) BhP. ; to promise MBh. ; to hold out , live , exist Ma1rkP. ;) ソン/ゾンする
【賛】sammil (= P. A1. %{-milati} , %{-te} , to meet or assemble together , be present , associate with Katha1s.) ソン/ゾン
【民】nirvikaRpakkATci (= indefinite knowledge in which only the bare existence of a thing is apprehended 物の裸の存在だけが捕らえられる不明確な知識) ながらへかっち
【賛】nigraha (= m. keeping down 身を低くしている、身を伏せている、下げておく、しゃがんでいる、座ったままでいる or back 後ろに下がっている。〔涙・ため息などを〕こらえる, restraining , binding , coercion , suppression , subjugation Mn. ; defeat , overthrow , destruction Ka1v. ; seizing , catching , arresting , holding fast MBh.;) ながらへ
【賛】aram (= adv. suitably, conveniently, sufficiently, enough; {-kAmAya} according to one's wish. -- {-kR} make or get ready, serve (dat.), {-bhU} & {-gam} be present or at hand.) あらむ
【賛】arh, arhati (= ({arhate}) deserve 価値がある, merit, have a right or be worthy to [[,]] (acc. or inf.), be liable to, capable of (acc.) 能力が有る; dare, be obliged or able to (inf.). C. {arhayati} honour or present with (instr.).) ある、あるはっち
【チベ】gson /sön/ (= gsan pa! gson pa! live, survive [IW]) ソン、ゾン
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59658590622/exist 無
【チベ】nga rgyal bzung /nga gyel zung/ (= keep the pride of .. [RY]) な ぐいぇる つん △。 発音も、意味もイマイチ?。
c. present には「贈る」が有る。
【民】pAkuTam (= 1. gift, present; 2. royal revenue, impost, tribute) おくったの、あげたの

home, dwelling
【趣】dag (=: n., resting-place, dwelling, chamber (motion as in traveling + throat-like chamber) .
   v., to add; to stretch (out); to roam about.) タク
【民】vEcakam (= 02 dwelling place 居住地, house) やけの
【民】vaikal (= 1. dwelling; staying; 2. passing; 3. day; 4. cf. day that has passed away; 6. instant, moment) やけ
【賛】vAsagRha (= or n. `" dwelling-house "' , the inner part of a house , sleeping-room , bed-chamber MBh. ) やさけ、やけ (s 無音)、やさか
【賛】sevaka (= 1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 2) dwelling in , inhabiting (comp.) MBh. ;) タク
【賛】sukSiti (= f. a good abode , secure dwelling , place of refuge RV.) 宅地
【チベ】gzhis ka /zhi ka/ (= one’s native place, country, home, fixed dwelling, estate, town, farm, estate [JV] ) タク
【チベ】shag /shak/ (= 1) house, dwelling, cell cubicle [usu for monks]; 2) greater than what there is/ 1 has; 3) past participle particle [IW] ) シャク、タク
【チベ】yul ljongs /yul jong/ (= 1) place w many villages/ dwellings; 2) setup of the region, landscape, scenery, countryside; 3) land; 4) world; 5) cultivated region [IW]) ヤケ、ゆる じぉんぐ
【チベ】'jug bya /juk ja/ (= road, dwelling [JV] ) やく じゃ、やけ
【トルコ】ev (= home, house, place, housing, residence, dwelling) いえ

stair, step
【民】kevin2vAcal (= companion 対の一方[片方]way staircase 階段・階段部屋 leading to the cabin キャビン・小屋・堂) きヴぃなはしの、きざはし
【民】ketaparivirutti (= the number of synodic revoultions of a planet deducted as the first step in the use of the parivirutti tables) きざはし
【賛】sopAna (= n. stairs 階段, a ladder 梯子(はしご); abstr. {-tva} n.) ダン、タン (s-t, p 無音)
【賛】catuSpad (= (%{ca4t-}) m. (nom. sg. %{-pAd} ; pl. %{-pAdas} , irreg. %{-padas} BhP.; loc. %{-pAtsu} AitBr.; abl. %{-pAdbhyas} f. (%{-padI}) n. (nom. %{-pad} RV. 4 times , or %{-pAd} RV. twice). quadruped , (m.) a quadruped , (n.) quadrupeds (collectively) , animals RV. ; having made 4 steps A1s3vGr2. ; divided into 4 parts Ma1n2d2Up. ; (in prosody) consisting of 4 Pa1das RV. ; having 4 staffs (a ladder) MBh. ; (a judicial procedure) consisting of 4 processes (viz. plea , defence , rejoinder , and sentence) Ya1jn5. ; (%{-padi}). f. `" a female quadruped "' , in comp. , %{-dI-gamana} n. intercourse with a female quadruped Sus3r. ) きざはし、クウォータ・足(1/4の足、4つの段)  
【チベ】them pa (= 1) door/ gate’s ya them and ma them, threshold [of door/ gate]; 2) stair-case, stairs, flight 階段の〕一続き◆階と階(または踊り場)との間の一続きの階段。〔大気中や宇宙を〕飛ぶこと、飛行 of steps; 3) [rungs of a] ladder [IW]) だん べ、たん ぺ

space, universe
tarsu III (= "extent, duration" M/NA, M/NB [LAL] in space "extent"; dna t. "towards", "opposite, against"; ina t. "opposite"; istu t. "from" a place; in time (sa) t./ana t.lina t. "at the time of; istu t. "since the time of; < tardsu I ?; ? ≫ tersu ) ちゅう
【賛】svRr (= 2 n. the sun, sunlight, light i.g., the light space i.e. the sky or heaven.) そら
【賛】urujrayas (= and mfn. moving in a wide course , extending over a wide space RV. (said of Agni and Indra).) うちゅう、うるちらやす
【民】uvAti (= 01* limitation; condition, as of time or space) うちゅう
【賛】truTi (= f. a little bit, atom; a very minute space of time.) ちゅう
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59666855157/space 無  [p8/44]
【羌】tiuɤu/ / / gui/ / / tigu̥/ / / tu/ / / zugv/ / / ʐew/ / / ʐəgu̥/ / / guo ko/ / / ɦəɹgu (= space) チュウ
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】fəza (= space) 宇宙
【蛇】תֹּהוּ tôhû /to'-hoo/ (= meaningless, formless, emptiness, chaos, waste, vanity, confusion, nothing, empty space, nought, futile, wilderness, vain, empty place, without form, meaningless arguments, waste place, futile things, desolation) ちゅう

government office, bureau, agency
【有】zyrë (= office, bureau, work, department, unit) チョウ、テイ
【賛】dUtya (= n. the state or office of an ambassador ; an embassy , message RV.) チョウ、テイ
【賛】dhuryatA (= f. the state of being a burden-bearer , the office of a minister &c. ; first place , leader-ship S3is3.) 庁舎(ちょうしゃ)
【チベ】cu'u /chu/ (= bureau, board, office [IW]) チョウ

rent, hire
【民】carAyam (= 1. land held on a progressive rent for a term of years; 2. additions, made to the assessment, of a sum equal to the amount of temporary remissions) チン、かりもん
【民】jamA (= 1. pleasure party, company, club; 2. amount, aggregate, total, especially the total rental of an estate, village or district, receipts, collections, proceeds of land (R.F.)) ジン
【民】vATai (= 04 rent) やとう
【民】vATakai (= 01 rent, hire) やたかい
c. 雇買い(やたかい、やといがい)?。
【賛】vidal (= P. %{-dalati} , to break or burst asunder , be rent or split asunder レンタルまたは分割する Naish. ; to open , rend or tear asunder R.) やとう (l 無音)
【賛】vetana (= n. (accord. to Un2. fr. %{vI} , but rather connected with %{vRt} ; cf. %{vartana}) wages , hire , salary , subsistence , livelihood Mn.; price Ra1jat. ; silver L.) やとうの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665497593/rent 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59660512507/hire 無

extend, stretch, exhibit
【賛】tan (= ; aor. %{atAyi} Br.) to extend , spread , be diffused (as light) over , shine , extend towards , reach to RV. ; to be protracted , continue , endure RV. ; to stretch (a cord) , extend or bend (a bow) , spread , spin out , weave RV. ; to emboss S3Br. ; to prepare (a way for) RV. ; to direct (one's way , %{gatim}) towards Nalo7d. ; to propagate (one's self or one's family , %{tanUs} , %{tantum}) Hariv. ; to (spread i.e. to) speak (words) Das3. ; to protract RV. ; to put forth , show , manifest , display , augment Ragh. (Pass. to be put forth or extended , increase Bhat2t2.) ; ) テン
【賛】pRthUkR (= to extend , expand , enlarge , spread out MW.) ひろつげる、ひろげる
【賛】vyApta (= mfn. spread through , pervaded , extended , covered or filled with , thoroughly occupied or penetrated by (as the universe by spirit) , filled up , full S3vetUp.;) のびた (v-n)、のばす (v-n)
【賛】tripauruSa (= mf(%{I})n. extending over 3 generations 3世代以上連続 Ka1tyS3r. ) つらなった (r-n)、トリなっしゃ
【チベ】bsring (= extend, prolonged, extend, SA sring ba, send to or cast to a distance, to be increased, prolongs [JV]) ひろげ (b-p)
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/extend  総評 × [∵ テン、のべる、つらねる 皆無

discuss, chastise, punish
c. 【英】chastise /チャスタイズ/ 1. 〔むち打ちなどにより人を〕罰する、せっかんする 2. 〜を厳しく非難する、〜をひどく叱る 3. 〈古〉〜を浄化する、〜を清める
sadadu(m) (= "to drag" [GID(.DA)] G (alu, M/jB; pret. occas. irdud) 1. "tow" chariot, cart, ship, yoke;;; "endure" anger, "bear" guilt, punishment; ) トウ、たずね
sertu(m)I, sirtu(m) (= "guilt, crime; punishment" OAkk, Bab. [NIR.DA] often "guilt and penalty"; "vice"; "offence" against (=gen.) king, god; heavy, great; impose (emedu, sakdnu), bear (w/iabdlu), release (patdru, tabdlu) etc.; -≫ nertu ) トウ、たずね
uznu(m) (= f. "ear; wisdom, understanding" [GESTU; GESTU; GESTU] 1. "ear" of human, animal; for ornaments; cut off, wounded, esp. as punishment; med., blocked, deaf etc.; ) うつの
【賛】uS (= 1 cl. 1. P. (connected with 3. %{vas} q.v.) %{oSati} , %{oSAM-cakAra} , and %{uvoSa} (Pa1n2. %{USuH} Ka1s3.) , %{oSitA} , %{oSiSyati} , %{auSIt} Dha1tup.(p. %{uSNa4t} RV. ) to burn , burn down (active) RV. ; to punish , chastise Mn. ) うつ
【賛】tADita (= mfn. struck , beaten , chastised R.) トウ
【賛】sidh (= 2 (Dha1tup. ) %{se4dhati} (in later language also %{-te} ; pf. %{siSedha} , ep. also %{siSidhe} ; aor. %{asedhIt} Gr. also %{asaitsIt} ; fut. %{seddhA} or %{sedhitA} Gr. ; %{setsyati} or %{sedhiSyati} MBh. ; inf. %{seddhum} Br.; %{sedhitum} Gr. ; ind. p. %{-si4dhya} AV.) , to drive off , scare away , repel , restrain , hinder RV. ; to punish , chastise Bhat2t2. ; to ordain , instruct Dha1tup. ; ) たずね
【賛】tuSAnala (= m. id. Dhu1rtas. ; a capital punishment consisting in twisting dry straw round a criminal's limbs and setting it on fire W.) たずねる
【民】toTTi (= 04 fine punishment) トウ
【賛】vadha (= m. slayer, murderer, destroyer; deadly weapon, esp. Indra's thunderbolt; capital or corporal punishment; place of execution; stroke, blow, hurt, injury, destruction, death.) うつ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665035653/punish 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59657316233/discuss 無
【羌】/ / ʂke/ (to) punish/ / / bes/ / / dɑʂkɑse/ / / eʂke/ / / fɑ tɑ/ / / fɑthɑ/ (to) punish/ / / tshæzdi/ / / əʂkə/ (to) punish/ / / ʂkɑj/ / / fɑ the/ / / fɑ thɑ (= punish) うつたず
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】cezalandırmak (= punish, penalize, castigate, sconce, dish out, discipline) たずねたるマク
【蛇】יָסַר yâsar /yaw-sar'/ (= chasten, reproveth, disciplines, taught, take warning, admonished, sore, corrects, discipline, instructs, correct, chastens, chastise, trained, reformed, punish, chastised, turned, disciplined, bound, gave instruction, disciplined me severely, disciplining, warned, instructed, chastise 21 instruct) うつ

sadidu(m) (= "raiding party 《a 〜》奇襲部隊" O/jB; < sadadum II ) サディドュ、トウ
【箍】tao (= man, person, human, guy, somebody, party) トウ
【賛】devadatta (= ; %{-ttaka} m. pl. the party led by DnDeva-datta Pa1n2.;) トウ、デヴァダッタ
【賛】madvargINa (= or mfn. belonging to my class or party , connected with or related to me Siddh.) なかま (v-g-k)
【民】tarappu (= 1. party, faction, side; 2. office-rank; 3. government lands) トフ
【民】namar (= 02 1. our relations; 2. persons of our party) むら
【チベ】do zla /do da/ (= comrade, consort, fellow, party in a lawsuit [JV]) トウ
【チベ】snga rgol /nga gol/ (= challenger/opener/ former party/ questioner [in debate] [IW] ) なかま (l-m)
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】taraf (= side, party, hand, part, way, end) タラフ、トウ (f 無音)

【尼】uang (= money, cash, currency, funds, silver, sugar) あめ、あま
【民】alvA (= * a confection made of milk, sugar, etc.) あめ (v-m)
【賛】svAdu (= mf(%{vI4})n. sweet , savoury , palatable , dainty , delicate , pleasant to the taste , agreeable , chirming (also as compar. `" sweeter than &c. "' , with abl.) RV. ; m. sweet flavour , sweetness L. ; sugar , molasses L. ; ) さとう、トウ

branch, division, dispatch
【趣】(ĝiš)pa (= : leaf, bud, sprout; branch; wing; feather)
【有】përrua (= stream, torrent, brook, creek, watercourse, branch) ハ、ハイ
【有】zgjeroj biznesin (= branch) つかいろっち ビジネスん  【動詞】
【有】degë (= branch, offshoot, bough, arm, brushwood, department) つげ  【名詞】
c. ツゲ(黄楊、柘植、樿)の木の語源かも知れない。 〜葉が次々と密になって出てくることから「次ぎ」とするもの、〜
【箍】duklay (= drooping branch, branch) つくらい
【賛】vayA (= 1 f. bough 大きな枝、大枝、ワカ、バウ, branch; race, family.) ハイ
【賛】vigraha (= m. separation, division; isolation, analysis (g); discord, contest, quarrel, war with (instr. {nsaha, sAkam}, or {sArdham}, loc., gen. w. {upari}, or ---).) わかれ
【賛】vi (= 2 adv. apart, asunder, away, out (mostly --- in verbs & nouns, to express division or distance).)
【賛】saMghabheda (= mfn. causing division among the brotherhood (one of the 5 unpardonable sins) Dharmas. 60.) つかわす
【賛】saMghAta (= ; N. of a division of the infernal regions (cf. %{saMhAta}) Ya1jn5.) つかわし
【民】tukkaTi (= 1. division of a district) つかわし
【チベ】rtogs pa brjod /tok pa jö/ (= The 9 branches of the scriptures + narratives ?? [IW] ) つかわし
【チベ】rtogs pa brjod pa'i sde /tok pa jö pé dé/ (= biographical narratives, one of the {gsung rab yan lag bcu gnyis} twelve divisions of the teachings [RY] ) つかわす
【チベ】ber ka /ber ka/ (= branch [JV] ) わけ
【チベ】'bog rwa /bok ra/ (= deer’s horn when the second branch newly arises [IW] ) わかれ
【蛇】פֻּארָה pe'ôrâh, pôrâ'h, pû'râh /peh-o-raw', po-raw', poo-raw'/ (= bough, branch, sprig, branches, boughs) ハ、ハイ
【ギャロン】 ʃe' gɑ (= branch) しぇーが
【ギャロン】 ʃi5ga3’waj35gjək̚ (= branch) しがおぇぎゅ、つかわっちぐじゃく

【趣】gàr-du (= : a class of persons ('hair lock signifying slavery' + 'to go'). ) かえす
【民】pAn2mai (= 1. nature, quality, property, state; 2. division, portion, class; 3. fitness, propriety; 4. order, regularity; 5. excellence, greatness; 6. fruit of good deeds) ハン
【民】paku-ttal (= 02 1. to distribute, apportion, allot; 2. to classify; 3. to explain analytically; 4. to give; 5. to divide, cut into pieces; 6. to root out, tear off; 7. to remove impurities) わけ
【民】pakkal (= 1. side; 2. one's class or tribe) わける
【民】kURupATu (= 1. division, sub-division, classification; 3. quality, nature) かへす
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59655227390/class 無  [p33/39]
【蛇】peqûddâh /pek-ood-daw' / (= class) わけただ
【トルコ】kurs (= class) かーす、かえす

criticise/criticize, criticis.., accuse
halapu II (= "to accuse"? OB G not attested S "indict" s.o.; > halpu I, haliptum, halputum; halipu)
【有】padit (= sue, charge, indict, accuse, arraign) うつ
【箍】pumuna (= criticize, comment, remark, notice, observe, censure) 批難(ひなん)  【動詞】
【賛】doSatas (= ind. from a fault or defect ; %{-tobrU} , to accuse of a fault R.) ただす
【賛】parivad (= P. %{-vadati} , to speak out , speak of or about (acc.) AV. ; (also A1.) to speak ill of , revile , slander , accuse MBh.) ヒす、うつ (p 無音)
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59649905187/accuse 無
【チベ】spobs /pop/ (= criticize, to dare [ to criticize]; self-confidence/ courage [RY])
【チベ】zur za /zur za/ (= to criticize, insult, criticism, bad feelings Syn {khong khro}; criticize [RY] ) ただ す (r 反復)
c. チベット語に「うつ」は無い。

tip, side, slice, one of pair
kidu(m) (= "exterior" O/jB of part of geometrical figure; "external" of plaster on wall; astr. of moon's halo; MB as fPN "(Woman) from outside"; < kidu + -i; > kiditu ) かた
pemu(m), penu (= "(upper) thigh" Bab. [{JAS.GAL}; (UZU.)UR] of deity, person; sheep, horse; as meat; OB bdmatp. "half, one side of thigh" ) ヘン
【箍】gilid (= side, edge, rim, verge, margin, border) かた、きれだ
【箍】panig (= side, party, hand, part, way, face) ヘン
【箍】paligid (= vicinity, surroundings, circuit, grounds, confines, side) ひれかた
【民】pAl (= 02 1. part, portion, share, section, fraction; 2. dividing, apportioning; 3. moiety; middle; 4. side; 5. line; row; 6. caste; 7. point of the compass, quarter; 8. place, region, location, situation; 9. quality, property, condition;) ヘン (l-n)
【賛】pAli (= or {-lI} f. the tip of the ear; edge, margin, side i.g.; row, range, line; raised bank, dike; pot, boiler; an oblong pond (only {pAlI}).) ひれ
【賛】kaTa (= ; a glance or side look BhP. (cf. %{kaTA7kSa}) ; ) かた
【民】katuppu (= 1. cheek, side of the face; 2. human hair locks of hair; 3. herd of cattle; 4. fleshy part of a furit on each side of the seed in the centre) 片方(かたっぽ、かたほう)
【民】kUTTALi (= 1. associate, companion; 2. partner in trade, coparcener; 3. agent of a money lending business; 4. equal, compeer; 5. fellwo, one of a pair, as oxen horses) 片割れ
【賛】kali (= 1 m. the One-side of a die; the last and worst of the 4 ages of the world; quarrel, strife (personified in all mgs).) きれ
【チベ】kha thad (= opposite side, rival, opponent [IW]) かた
【チベ】glo (= girth of a saddle cough, side, side of the body, cough, lungs, 1 of don lnga [JV]) きれ
c. チベット語の side に「ヘン」「ひれ」は見当たらない。
【羌】/ / tsexɕi/ / / bɑe bɑe lɑ/ / / dʐuk tɑ/ / / dʐux ta/ / / kuʂpe/ / / thuə ita/ / / tsɑ/ / / tsɑtʂɑ/ / / tunɑe/ / / zikɑ/ / / zəkæ/ / / ɑtʂhɑ/ / / ʨu/ / / be tɑ/ / / piængɑ/ / / tshuə he (= side) ひれ、片方、ヘン
side, flank
【箍】biyas (= limb, internode, flank, leg) わき (y-ki)
【尼】panggul (= pelvis, hip, flank, rear, behind) わんきの
【民】pAgku (= 01 1. side, neighbourhood; 2. place, location; 3. equality, likeness; 4. goodness; 5. beauty, fairness; neatness; ) わき
【民】pAkan2 (= 03 1. person who has anything at his side 脇役; partner; 2. agent; 3. pimp) わきの  
【賛】pakSa (= m. wing, feather, flank or side, half, esp. of the month, a fortnight; party, faction, troop, class; one of two cases, alternative ({pakSe} on the other hand, --- with regard to); supposition, statement, thesis, the subject of a syllogism;) わきじゃ
【賛】pArzva (= n. (m.) the region of the ribs, pl. the ribs; flank, side, immediate neighbour-hood. Acc. near to, towards, loc. close to, near; abl. away from, on the part or by means of.) 脇 (v-g-k)
【賛】kazya (= mfn. (g. %{daNDA7di}) deserving the whip L. ; (%{am}) n. a horse's flank L. ; a spirituous liquor (cf. %{kAzya}) L.) キョウ (z-y)
【民】kIzppuRam (= 1. lower side 脇腹の下; 2. the leeward 風下の or the leaning 〔垂直な位置からの〕傾き、傾斜 side of a vessel) かたわらの
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59659043038/flank 無
【トルコ】böğür (= flank, ilium, side) わき
【アゼルバイジャン】böyür (= side, flank) わき (y-ki)
【蛇】יְרֵכָה yerêkâh /yer-ay-kaw'/ (= flank, far, within, remotest parts, inner recesses, rear part, hold, border, rear, remote part, quarters, remote parts, extreme rear, side, innermost part, coasts, parts, recesses) わき
c. 【英】flank フランク、脇 、わんき(l 無音)   そのまんま東 モドキ  frank とは違う。。

pole, bar, stick, staff, rod, cane
【賛】bAhu (= 1 m. and (L.) f. (fr. %{bah} , %{baMh} ; for 2. %{bAhu} see col. 3) the arm , (esp.) the fore-arm , the arm between the elbow and the wrist (opp. to %{pra-gaNDa} q.v. ; in medic. the whole upper extremity of the body , as opp. to %{sakthi} , the lower extnextremity) RV. ; the arm as a measure of length (= 12 An3gulas) Sulbas. ; the fore-foot of an animal (esp. its upper part) RV. ; the limb of a bow S3Br. ; the bar of a chariot-pole Gobh. ; the post (of a door ; see %{dvAra-b-}) ; ) ぼう
【民】pAr (= 02 1. expanse; 2. central platform of a chariot; 3. long bar of the body of a cart;) ぼー
【民】pollu (= 03 1. cane, walking stick; 2. prop) ぼう
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664620744/pole 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59651762813/bar  無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59667079768/stick 無
【チベ】spa (= cane [RY]) スパ、ぽー (s 無音)  △、滅茶苦茶スペル、バカ言語

sheet, flat, number-counter, tip, piece, chip
【民】nun2ai (= point, tip 片, end) マイ
【賛】pAli or {-lI} (= f. the tip of the ear; edge, margin, side i.g.; row, range, line; raised bank, dike; pot, boiler; an oblong pond (only {pAlI}).) ぱり、ひら
【賛】pAra (= ; a small piece or quantity of anything Nalac.) ひら
【民】nAy (= 1. dog; 2. game-pieces, used in dice) マイ
【民】muRi (= 03 1. piece; 2. half; 3. broken half of a cocoaunt; 4. deed, written bond; 5. receipt written on a piece of ola; 6. piece of cloth; 7. rough cloth; 8. sprout, shoot; 9. tender leaf; 10. leaf; 11. part of a village or town; 12. room; 13. corner; 14. alloy of a superior quality, especially bell-metal) マイ

translate, interpret, reason
【有】hak (= revenge, vengeance, due, reason, remuneration) わけ
【有】arësye (= reason, why, cause, sense, account, motive) えき (y-ki)
【有】shkak (= cause, reason, account, occasion, motive, root) とく
【尼】akal (= mind, reason, intellect, intelligence, wit, idea) やく
【尼】pokok (= subject, point, fundamental, core, base, reason) わけ
【賛】vyAkhyAna (= mf(%{I})n. explaining , expounding commenting Pa1n2.; (with gen.) reminding of. i.e. resembling Pa1n2. ; n. explaining , exposition , interpretation 通訳, gloss , comment S3Br. ; narration S3Br. ; recitation ib. %{prakriyA} f. %{-mAlA} f. N. of wks. ; %{-yogya} mfn. deserving exposition MW. ; %{-ratnA7valI} f. %{-vivaraNa} n. N. of wks.) 意訳(いやく)やね、わけやね
【賛】vyah (= (only 3. pl. pf. %{-AhuH}) , to explain , assign a reason AitBr.) やく、えき、わけ
【賛】tarka (= m. conjecture 〔不確実な情報に基づく〕臆測、推測 MBh. ; reasoning 理由付け, speculation , inquiry Kat2hUp. ; doubt W. ;) とく(解く)
【チベ】yig sgyur ba (= interpreter, translator [RY]) やく すぐやる べ
【トルコ】hikmet ( wisdom, reason, profundity, mystery, the divine wisdom, profoundness) わけメット
【蛇】יָכַח yâkach /yaw-kakh'/ (= chasten, offer reproof, plead, adjudicates, rebuke, argue, refuted, argument prove, correct, reproves, reproved, reason, misc, make a decision, appointed, complained, render decisions, decide, cleared, rebukes, arguing, surely reprove, prove, reprove, chastened, reprover, dispute, rendered judgment, umpire) やく

post, hotel, staying, place
【趣】sig5,9; šeg5; si (= : n., silence.
   v., to stay silent; to silence (si, 'to be still' + throat for vocalizing).) 宿(しゅく)
【賛】sthAyuka (= mf(%{A})n. disposed to stay or last 留まるか最後に処分される, staying 滞在, tarrying , stopping , abiding in (loc.) Bhat2t2. ; lasting , enduring , constant Pan5cavBr. ; m. the overseer 教区の民生委員 of a village L.) 宿(しゅく)
【賛】bhU (= 2 a. becoming, being, sprung from (---); f. becoming, existing, the universe (pl. the worlds), the earth, land, country, place, ground.) 場(ば)
【賛】bhAga (= 1 m. part, portion, share, property; lot, esp. happy lot, good fortune; place, spot, region, side.) 場所(ばしょ)
【民】vali-tal (= 02 1. to be hard; 2. to be stressed, as words; 3. to become hard in sound, as a soft consonant; 4. to be strained, as an interpretation; 5. to act of one's own free will; 6. to exert oneself; 7. to survive, revive; 8. to abide, remain, stay; 9. to venture; 1. to force, compel; 2. to transgress, transcend) ゆう、幽閉(ゆうへい、の、ゆう)
【チベ】'jog pa (= postulate, take as, propound, charge, put energy in, fix, put, place, lay, remain, stay, dispose, set, make a place for, settle, assign, leave, leave behind, cut, hew, square, carve, chip, to predispose, maintain relaxed presence, to integrate into, to remain, to let be [JV]) しゅくば
【チベ】zhag sdod (= travellers staying for the night, way station for a night’s rest on a journey [IW]) 宿(しゅく) しとっと
【チベ】yun du 'grogs (= stay forever 永久残留・滞在 [JV]) 居付く、ユウ  △
【蛇】שָׁכַן shâkan /shaw-kan'/ (= dwell, dwelling, living, rest, settled, pitched, lie, settle, lies down, staying, lived, establish, abide, settled down, nest, abides, inhabit, misc, remain, dwelt, dwells, remains, dwellers, stands, set, stay, lying down, inhabited, inhabitants, remained, live, lay, continue, place, stationed, rested, lives, camping キャンプ) 宿(しゅく)の

next, follow
漢字ペディア   写真
c. next の引き方不明。 pending。 →  攻め方変更 follow で攻める。追っかける、後ろに続く。の意。
【賛】vigAh (= A1. %{-gAhate} (ep. also %{-ti}) , to plunge or dive into , bathe in , enter , penetrate , pervade , betake one's self into (acc. or loc.) RV. ; to pierce AV. ; to agitate , disturb Ragh. ; to be engrossed by or intent upon , ponder BhP. ; to follow , practise Kum. ; to reach , obtain Bhartr2. ; to approach , fall (as night) MBh.: Pass. %{-gAhyate} , to be plunged into or penetrated , to be entered into or engaged upon Ka1v.) よく
【チベ】'jug pa /juk pa/ (= 1) put/ establish/ bring in; 2) do/ practice[!]/ apply[ication]/ function four begin/ undertake to; 5) follow/ accompany/ succession/ proceed; 6) avatar [of Vishnu]; 7) descent; 8) enter[rance]/ set out on/ go into [9 usage; 10) be penetrated; 11) 1 of the 10 non-concurrent formations: instantaneous unfailing unbroken succession of cause and effect; six avatars of Vishnu [IW] ) よく ぱ (j-y)
c. 【英】「following」のお勉強。
【賛】adyAzva (= n. the present and the following day 翌日 TS.) あした(明日)

look at, perceive, behold
cf. file f20 #s.101 見る in swadesh 207
【趣】ME (= behold!) あれを、よ!
nitlu(m) (= "look; view") 見る(みる)・見つめる(みつめる)
【有】vë re (= remark, overlook, notice, cognize, behold, reck) み れ
【賛】mi (= 1 (cf. 3. %{mA} and %{mI}) , c , (Dha1tup. ) %{mino4ti} , %{minute} (pf. P. %{mimAya} , %{mimyu4H} RV. , %{mamau} , Gr , ; A1. %{mimye} Gr. aor. %{amAsIt} , %{-sta} ib. ; Prec. %{mIyAt} , %{mAsISTa} ib. ; fut. %{mAtA} , %{mAsyati} , %{-te} ib. ; p. %{meSyat} [?] AitBr. ; ind , p. %{-mitya} ib. , %{-mAya} Gr.) , to fix or fasten in the earth , set up , found , build , construct RV. ; to mete out , measure VarBr2S. ; to judge , observe , perceive , know Ma1n2d2Up. MBh. ;)
【賛】miS, miSati (= ({-te}) open the eyes, look, behold (only the pres. pp. [[,]] {miSa3nt}, esp. in constructions as {miSato bandhuvargasya} before the eyes of the friends). -- {ud} = S. + blossom, expand. {ni} close the eyes, wink, fall asleep. --Cf. {unmiSita}.) みてちょ
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59662351411/look 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664300186/perceive 無
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59652029399/behold 無
【蛇】נָבַט nâbaṭ /naw-bat'/ (= see, look about, gaze, behold, looks, observed, looked, pay attention, consider, beheld, regard, look down, look back, depend, observe, respect, gazed, beholds, depended, look) みはった
c. 「ラン」が見つからない。 why?。「ごらん」も捜したが、無かった。

rule, law, discipline
niru(m) (= 1 "yoke くびき, crossbeam" [GIS.SUDUN/ SUDUN4; GIS.GIS; ext. AL.TI/TE] 1. "yoke" for animal teams; sa muhhi n. (ornament for a yoke) NA; transf. "(political) yoke, domination, rule" 2. "(door) lintel" 3. O/jB (part of the liver, lung) 4. "yoke-star" = Arcturus (and parts of Bootes) [MUL.MU. BU(.KES.DA)] ) のり
rubutu(m), OA rubd'utum (= "rulership" Bab., OA [NUN- ]; of humans, gods; OA ;■. sabdtum "to seize the kingship"; umi rubuti "days of rule", samne r. "oil of kingship"; < rubu ) リツ
metellutu(m) (= "rulership, power of a ruler" O/jB; < etellu ) のっとるだ
【賛】Rta (= mf(%{A})n. met with , afflicted by (with instr.) TS. v ; proper , right , fit , apt , suitable , able , brave , honest RV. ; true MBh. ; worshipped , respected L. ; enlightened , luminous L. ; m. N. of a Rudra MBh. ; of a son of Manu Ca1kshusha BhP. ; of a son of Vijaya VP. ; (%{am}) n. fixed or settled order , law , rule (esp. in religion) ; sacred or pious action or custom , divine law , faith , divine truth (these meanings are given by BRD. and are generally more to be accepted than those of native authorities and marked L. below) RV. ) リツ
【賛】rAj, rAjati, -te, rASTi (= 1 reign, rule, direct, be master of (gen.); [[-,]] shine, glitter, be illustrious or eminent, distinguish one's self, appear as ({iva}). C. {rAjayati, -te} rule, govern. -- {anu} imitate. {nis} C. cause to shine or glitter. {pari} shine all around. {vi} = S. +excel, surpass (abl.). {ativi} shine very bright. {anuvi} follow (acc.). {sam} reign, rule (gen.). -- Cf. {irajy}.) リチ
【民】neRi (= 03 1. bend, curve, turning, as of a road; 2. curliness of hair; 3. way, road, path; 4. religion; 5. precept, rule, principle; 6. path of virtue, righteousness; 7. style of poetic composition; 8. order, row, series; 9. line, lineage; 10. method; means; 11. state of mind, temper; 12. rule, sovereignty; 13. pace, as of a horse; 14. salvation; 15. temple) のり
【民】mErai (= 1. boundary, limit; 2. manner, way; 3. rule of propriety or decorum; limits of propriety; 4. gravity, sobriety, modesty; 5. the portion of the crop, given as a perquisite to holders of ka1n2i-y-a1t2ci or to hereditary village officers and servants, out of the common stock on the threshing-floor ) のり
【民】nATTu-tal (= 01 1. to set up, fix, plant, place in the ground, as a pole; to erect; to insert; 2. to establish, as laws, customs, rules, fame, reputation; to lay down, as a theory, an opinion; 3. to establish one in life; 4. to create; 5. to write, inscribe, as placing a style upon a palm leaf) のっと
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59665855968/rule 無
c. そもそも、チベット語の rule には、頭が「り」「の」の発音の単語が無い。
c. 【羌】【ギャロン】に rule, law 未登録。
【蛇】רָדָה râdâh /raw-daw'/ (= subdued, rule, ruled, had dominion, reign, ruler, prevaileth, scraped, take, ruling, dominion, subdues, dominated, have dominion, prevailed) リツ
【蛇】מַעְצָר ma‛tsâr /mah-tsawr'/ (= rule, control) のっとる

discuss, argue
【有】diskutoj (= discuss, canvass, confer, dispute, debate, negotiate) とくだっち
【箍】pag-usapan (= discuss, communicate, confer, chat, deliberate, converse) あげつはん (p 無音)
【賛】vAgyuddha (= n. war of words , controversy コントラヴァーシィ、論争、論議、議論、多義争論, vehement debate or discussion MW.) あげっつあ、あげつらひ、あげくのはて
【賛】zuSkavAdavivAda (= m. idle or useless discussion BhP.) あげつらった、あげくのはて
【民】vazakkuppEcu-tal (= 1. to argue a case) あげあし、あげつらう、あげくのはて
c. 【英】argue アーギュウ、あげつらう  ex. 数学の関数の引数アーギュメント、argument
cf. 評 あげつらう #n.516 (= to count 等)
【賛】agrasArA (= f. a short method of counting immense numbers.) あげつらう     --- 寸評
・No argument. : 問答無用です。/言うとおりにしなさい。
・There's [There is] no argument. : 議論の余地がない。
【賛】tarka (= m. supposition, conjecture, opinion; meditation, discussion, philosophical doctrine or system, refutation.) とーく、とく
【民】tarukkam (= 02 1. reasoning, arguing, discussion, debate, disputation; 2. controversy, dispute, contention, wrangling) とっかん、とく
【民】tarukki-ttal (= to dispute, debate, argue, reason) とく
【チベ】bka’ bsdur (= conference, discussion [h] [IW]) あげ つら (b 無音)
【チベ】gleng (= converse [ation], talk, discuss[ion] [IW]) ぎろん
【チベ】lhan cig kha spya zer (= [arch] 1) discuss together; 2) speak pointless talk [IW]) 論蓄を交わす
c. インド弁には、「論(ロン)」「議論(ギロン)」系は無い。 why?
【アゼルバイジャン】ağzı qızışmaq (= blab, discuss, get carried away by a conversation) あぎつらう マク
c. 「あぎつらふ」は、「あぎとふ」の親戚ですね。 talk。お口パクパクの意。「顎(あご)」の親戚。

漢字ペディア    写真 写真 写真 写真 写真 写真
cf. file f20 #mountain1
cf. file f20 #s.171 mountain
cf. file f20 #ss.86 mountain
【賛】vAmana (= ; of a mountain MBh. 山の、山状の、山関連;) やまの、みみの (v-m)
【民】yAn2aimalai (= 1. a rock near madura; 2. a range of mountains 山脈) やまなみ (l-m)
【賛】azvakarNa (= m. the ear of a horse Ka1tyS3r. ; (mfn.) `" resembling the ear of a horse 馬の耳に似ている"' , said of a particular fracture of the bones 骨の欠片 Sus3r.; (%{as}) ; m. the tree Vatica Robusta (so called from the shape of its leaves) R. ; N. of a mountain Buddh.) あしびきの
【賛】adribhid (= mfn. splitting mountains or clouds 山や雲の分裂 RV.) あしびった、あしびきだ
【賛】sAnu (= m. n. (accord. to Un2. i , 3 fr. %{san} ; collateral form 3. %{snu}) a summit , ridge , surface , top of a mountain , (in later language generally) mountain-ridge , table-land RV. (L. also ) , a sprout ; a forest ; road ; gale of wind ; sage , learned man ; the sun "').) サン、セン
【チベ】ya gnyag (= mountain’s ya gnyag [IW]) やまやま 馬鹿辞書の結果。ya gnyag は、地名みたい。/ya nyak/の発音。没です。
【羌】vudɑ vbbu (= mountain pass 山道) あしびき (b-k)
-- heap --   山盛り。
【民】ampAr (= heap of paddy or other grain (TLS)) あむぱー、やま
【賛】vapA (= f. a mound or heap thrown up by ants (see %{vAmika-v-}) ;) ヤパ、やま
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/heap 皆無
c. heap のインド弁は、少し今一、だったが、チベット語では、かすりもしない。
【トルコ・アゼルバイジャン】yığın (= stack, heap, mass, pile, bulk, batch) やま、やまの (g-m)
【ウズベク・カザフ】uyum (= heap, amassment, huddle) うやむ、やま
【蛇】עֲרֵמָה ‛ârêm, ‛ărêmâh /aw-rame', ar-ay-maw'/ (= heap of corn, sacks of grain, heap, sheaves, rubble, heaps, heap of grain) あう やね、ある やま
【蛇】נְוָלִי nevâlû, nevâlı̂y /nev-aw-loo', nev-aw-lee'/ (= refuse heap, rubbish heap, dunghill) もる、もり
c. 上2つ、で、「山盛り(やまもり)」成立。
【蛇、ヘブライ語】עֲרֵמָה /aremah/ (=  【名詞】 heap) やま

Biglobe ニュース > スポーツ > ゴルフ
(c) 2019、 9月15日(日)6時1分 スポーツ報知
c. 渋野日向子の言葉は、岡山弁である。岡山弁の方言は日本語の中でも古代の特徴を良く残している。
cf. ポンコツの意味と語源は?ポンコツの特徴とかわいいと言われる理由
◆女子プロゴルフツアーメジャー第2戦 日本女子プロ選手権コニカミノルタ杯第3日(14日、兵庫・チェリーヒルズGC=6425ヤード、パー72)

c. 取り敢えず、「useless」で攻める。
【民】vINcORutin2n2i (= useless person 役立たずな人) ポンコツな (c-k)、ポンコッチンんな (c-k)
【賛】vRthAghAta (= (%{-thA7gh-}) m. striking uselessly 無駄に打つ, killing unnecessarily 不必要に殺すこと W.) ポーツコーツ、ポンコーツ (th-n)
c. 渋野さんは、サンスクリット語の「striking uselessly, killing unnecessarily 」の意味そのまんま東の意味で、無駄にボールを叩く、の意味で話しているのだろうか。だとすると、「岡山弁って、スゴーイ。」、--- ワン。
【チベ】http://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/tagged/useless 無
c. このサンプルは、インド弁辞書が、日本語の語源解明に役立つことを示した良い例である。
【賛】mUla (= n. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) root (lit. & fig.), foot, basis, foundation, ground, bottom, immediate neighbourhoud; origin, source commencement, cause; the chief person or thing, e.g. text (opp. commentary), capital (opp. interest), also capital = chief city, holder (opp. owner); N. of a lunar mansion (also m.). -- {mUlaM kR} or {bandh} take root; {mUla} (---) sprung from, rooted in, resting on; (---) original, chief, first, also = ({nA}) {mUlAt} or {mUlatas}, & {mUlAdArabhya} from the bottom or the beginning.) なら、奈良
c. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) の{A} の変化が mAla を指しているのか、mUlA を指しているのかが不明。バカ辞書。
cf. 2010-11-08
奈良の語源が朝鮮語だと主張したのは柳田國男の弟   松岡静雄
c. 均す(ならす) flatten のインド弁に「ならす」系の発音は無い。flatten で「ならす」発音は、アッカド語系である。
nalu(m) 寝る, nidlu(m) 寝てる (= "to lie down (to sleep)" G (pret. indl, pres. indl, inel; stat. OA, Nuzi ndl) [NU] "lie down" to die; stat. "is lying down" sick etc. D (pret. unil, MA una"il) "lay, strike down" soldiers S 1. "lay s.o. down" [NU]; "lay out" for burial; "spread out" substancesfor mag. purposes; lex. "lay, spread out" com for cleaning ? 2. "flatten" a city 3. "preserve" s.th. in salt or sand; > riilul; nayyalu I; mayydlu, mayyaltu; ? ≫ itiilu 逝ってる (? ≫ GAG §107i-m)) 奈良(なら)、宮(みや)、京・都(みやこ)、街(まち) ◎
hope, wish
【参考】「令和」はチベット語で”希望”の意味? ダライ・ラマ日本事務所「とても良い言葉」
レイワ 【チベ】re ba (= 1) {re ba, re ba, re ba} intr. v. . to hope, aims; hopes, expectation. 2) woven cloth/ goat hair [RY]) れ わ
【賛】rAgAru (= mfn. one who raises hopes of a gift which he afterwards disappoints L.) れーがーる
【賛】labh, labhate (-ti & lambhate) (= , pp. {labdha} (q.v.) catch, seize; meet with, find; obtain, get, receive; be capable of or able to, succeed in (dat. or infin.); possess, have, enjoy; perceive, know, learn, understand. P. be caught etc., be allowed or permitted; result, follow. C. {lambhayati} cause to take or receive (2 acc. or acc. of pers. & instr. of th.); get, obtain, find out, learn. D. {li3psate (-ti)} wish to catch or obtain. -- {anu} catch or seize from behind. {abhi} seize, touch, get, attain. D. wish to catch or seize. {A} catch, seize, touch, take hold of (esp. the sacrificial animal to kill it); undertake, begin; gain, acquire, get, attain. C. cause to seize, touch, or begin. D. wish to touch or kill. {anvA} seize or touch (from behind);) れいわ
【賛】rAdhas (= n. favour , kindness , bounty , a gift of affection , any gift 贈り物 RV. ; munificence , liberality ib. ; accomplishment of one's wishes 切望の完遂, success 成功 BhP. ; striving to accomplish or gain ib. ; wealth , power ib.) れーだす
libbu(m) (= "inner body 体の中; heart 心" [sA] A. 1. "inner body, internal organs" of human, animal "womb", sa l.-sa "foetus"; sit libbi "offspring" of father 2. "heart" of human; of animal, in extispicy, as meat portion; (parts ? ? duru I 3, papdnu 2, resu) 3. /. Ini "iris"? 4. as seat of emotions, thought, memory "mind, mood, spirit"; joyful, angry, sorrowful; of loyalty ? ? gamdru II Gt, D; peaceful, fearful; ina I. basu "to be in" s.o.'s "thoughts", ina I. sakdnu "to take to heart" 5. as seat of will, summa I. "if it is wish of s.o. もし何かを願うならば, kl I. "according to wish" of s.o., asar 1. "where" s.o. "wishes"; ) れいわ、リブ
c. https://glosbe.com/en/bo/hope の結果の一つ。 cf. Tibetan transliteration
【チベ】རེ་བ re ba (= belief that something wished for can happen 切望されたことは起こるという信念)
Wylie 表記のスペル re ba の発音は、発音 converter ※ に掛けると /rewa/ だって。
※ THL’s Online Tibetan Phonetics Converter


pray, wish

志 こころざし
-- pray --
【趣】ù-gul...ĝar/ĝá-ĝá (= to pray to; to entreat (with dative) (prospective modal prefix + 'evil' + 'to take oaths'). おがむ、キ
enenu IV (= "to pray" jB lex.; -? utnenu II ) いのの、アーメン
【民】Amen2 (= * verily 〈古〉本当に, so be it, used by christians usu. at the close of prayer お祈り、礼拝 and hymn 聖歌、ヒム) いのる (A-i, m-n, n-r)、おいのり (A-oi, n-r)、アーメン
c. 【英】hymn ヒム、《カトリック》聖歌、《プロテスタント》賛美歌 も、「いのり (hy-i, m-n, n-r)
【民】kuvi-ttal (= 02 1. to heap up, to pile up conically; 2. to accumulate, hoard up, as treasure; 3. to join hands 両手を合わせる, as in prayer; 4. to close, as a flower; 5. to draw in, as the sun its rays in setting; 6. to round the lips, as in kissing or in pronouncing 'u' or 'U') こふ(乞ふ)、キ
【賛】avighnamangala (= n. prayer 礼拝者 for undisturbedness 邪魔されない、乱されない or quiet 静かに.) おひのり (g-n, g-n)、おがまんがら
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59664762927/pray 無 → 有った。
【チベ】yid smon bya (= I pray that [RY] ) /yi mön ja/ い のるん じゃ
-- wish --
【趣】ḫé-àm-me-àm (= : [that] is our wish ('wish' + î + 'to be') .) いの
【賛】vAJchA ( =f. (ifc. f. %{A}) wish , desire , longing for (acc. with %{prati} loc. or gen. ; %{vAJchAM-kR} with loc. , `" to desire or long for "') Ka1v. ; statement , assumption Sarvad.) いにょち/いのち、いのっちょるがー
【チベ】kha 'gog (= wish, request [RY]) キ、キガン (+ン)
c. チベット語の wish に「いのる」系は、無い。
【趣】áš (= : n., wish; curse (abbreviated tàš ?, ašte ?)
   v., to desire; to curse. ) 意志
【趣】á-áš (= : what one needs ('strength' + 'to wish, desire'). ) 意志
【有】uroj (= wish, congratulate, felicitate) 意志
【賛】AzA (= 1 f. wish , desire , hope , expectation , prospect AV. ;) 意志(いし)
【チベ】yi bzhin (= wish-fulfilling [IW]) 意志の (b 無音)  △
【羌】/ / ʨhe/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / dəpi ʐbɑj/ / / depies/ / / que/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / tʂhi/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / uəɹty/ / / yiulus/ / / ʨhi/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / ʨhi ɕɑʐbæ/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / ʨhɑ/ (to) wish for/ (be) anxious to/ / / χɕueq/ / / bɑi dʐu/ / / mɑ mɑ bɑi dʐu/ / / æzi pe/ / / ʨhæ (= wish for) 意志
【トルコ、アゼルバイジャン】arzu (= desire, wish, want, will, request, craving) 意志
【賛】kAGkSa, kAGkSati, -te (= desire, long for, strive after, expect (acc.), [[-,]] wait (absol.). -- {anu} M. & {abhi} wish for, strive after (acc.). {A} the same+long for (gen.), turn to (acc.) require as a complement (g.). {pratyA} M. expect, watch. {samA, pra, & prati} desire, long for.) こころざし(志) (+ろ)
【箍】kagustuhan (= preference, likes, will, choice, want, wish) こころざしの

bring about, cause
c.【英】bring about 〔徐々に〕〜をもたらす、〜を引き起こす。高校英語です。about: 周囲に。 動き回って、流行して。 bring: 持ってくる。 の feeling.
> いずれにしても、古墳時代人の全ゲノムが解析されるのを楽しみにしましょう。日本のルーツ・マニアすべてがガツーンとされる結果が齎されます。
なんて、文章を書く人が居まして、「齎されます」という漢字をいつも使っていまして、私は、読めなくて、毎回 Google していますダ。「もたら」と読む。疲れる。
museribtum (= 'that brings in 〔金額や利益などを〕もたらす、生じさせる。〔新しい制度などを〕導入する、取り入れる。' (desig. of a feeder canal) OB; < erebu I S inuseriduni 'that conveys down' OB; muserittu "oesophagus" jB; < warddum S ) もたらすの (b 無音)
【賛】niHzreyasa (= mf(%{I})n. `" having no better "' , best , most excellent MBh. ; m. N. of Siva L. ; n. the best i.e. ultimate bliss , final beatitude , or knowledge that brings it KaushUp. Mn. ; belief, faith L. ; apprehension , conception L. %{-kara} mfn. conferring final happiness or emancipation W.) もたらやす、もたらす
【賛】niSpad (= A1. %{-padyate} , to fall out (Subj. %{-padyAtai}) S3Br. ; to come forth , issue , arise , be brought about もたらす or effected 影響する, become ripe 熟れる、生む, ripen Mn. : Caus. %{-pAdayati} , %{-te} , to bring about , accomplish 達成, perform , do , make (with %{rAjyam} , `" to reign "') , cause to ripen MBh.) もたらす (p-r)
【チベ】mthar sdud pa (= to bring to an end/ a finish [RB]) もたら すだ べ
【民】turkkuRi (= 1. evil omen; bad sign; 2. unfavourable symptom; 3. person of such ill-luck as to bring misfortune 不幸を持ってくる wherever he goes) たから、たかり
【賛】sutyA (= 2 f. (for 1. see above) bringing forth a child 子供を産む, parturition 分娩 MW.) サイ
【賛】su (= 4 (= 2. %{sU}) , (only in 3. sg. %{sauti} see %{pra-sU}) to beget 〈古〉〔父親が子を〕もうける。〈文〉〔結果的に〜を〕生じさせる、引き起こす、来す, bring forth.)
【賛】saMvah (= (cf. %{sam-} 1. %{Uh}) cl. %{-vahati} , %{-te} (inf. %{-voDhum}) , to bear or carry together 一緒に運ぶ or along or away , take , convey , bring AV. ;) セイ
【民】AyvA(varu)-tal (= 01 to bring good luck 神の御加護を与えたまえ) ああ
【蛇】מָטַר mâṭar /maw-tar'/ (= rain, send rain, bring rain, sent rain, rained down, rained, send) もたら
c. 斎藤茂吉、の、難しい漢字の「斎藤、齋藤、齎藤(さいとう)」と思っていたが、漢字ペディアで「斎」を引くと、また違っていた。中が、貝(カイ)で、お金に関係。示すの「示」とは違う。
broken piece
【民】kURu (= 02 1. section, division, classification; 2. part, portion, lot, share; 3. broken pieces of anything; 4. half; 5. properties, as of heat; effects; characteristic symptoms, as of disease) かーら、かけら (R 反復)、こわれ
【民】kuRaipaTu-tal (= 01 1. to be wanting; to diminsh; to become scarce; 2. to be broken in pieces; to be shivered into fragments) こわす
【チベ】https://english-tibetan-dictionary.tumblr.com/post/59653828305/broken 無
c. チベット語には、break, broken に「欠ける(かける)」が無い。
c. 【ギャロン】DB には、break, broken 未登録。【羌】の broken には、「かける、こわれる」系は無い。「めちゃめちゃ」が有る。
【蛇】גָּרַס gâras /gaw-ras'/ (= broken, break, crushed) 壊す(こわす)、かけた (r 反復)
【羌】/ / da tʂa/ (be) broken/ / / de ʁəi/ / / debbi/ (be) broken/ / / dev xiɑe/ / / deɑv/ (be) broken/ / / dotshu/ / / dæqæ/ (be) broken/ / / jeʐu̥ dəwe/ / / meje/ (be) broken/ / / mæje/ (be) broken/ / / mɑeyiɑe/ (be) broken/ / / mɑnɑ/ (be) broken/ / / mɑɹpi/ (be) broken/ / / məi/ (be) broken/ / / stənphæ/ / / tæqhəɹ/ (be) broken/ / / təɹkəɹ/ (be) broken/ / / təʨhy/ / / æʁhi dæʁə/ / / ɦəɹp dewu/ / / ʂə khuɑ lɑ (= broken) メチャ

音]チョウ、 訓]あさ、 外]あした
sunrise, morning, daybreak
【趣】utu'e (= [SUNRISE 日の出] wr. utu-e3 "sunrise" Akk. şīt šamši ) 朝(あさ) (u-a, t-s)
【賛】auSasa (= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{uSas}) , relating to dawn 夜明け、暁、曙、黎明, early , matutinal 朝の[に関する・に生じる・に行う] TBr. ; (%{I4}) f. daybreak 夜明け◆[【同】dawn], morning 朝 S3Br.; ) あさ
【マオリ語】ata (morning, image, reflection, icon, semblance) @New Zealand (Maori) ニュージランド・マオリ族語
【賛】uSa (= 1 m. (for 2. see s.v.) early morning , dawn , daybreak L. ; ) あさ
【シンハラ語】udǣsana (= morning) あさま
【羌チャン語】etsu/ etsue (= ★morning) えつ
【羌】ɑʂuɑ (= daybreak )   ◎ 100 点
c. チャン語で daybreak 夜明けのことを「朝」って言うのに、チベット語では、言わない、のは、何故だ?。チベット語は、腐っている。
【宮城弁】あさま 【朝のうち。 ex. 「その・すごどは・あさまぬ・かだづくっちゃ」:その仕事は朝のうちに片付くよ。】
【賛】ni (= 1 ind. down , back , in , into , within 〜以内 (except AV. always prefixed either to verbs or to nouns ; in the latter case it has also the meaning of negation or privation )
380. sunrise - utu'e [SUNRISE] wr. utu-e3 "sunrise" Akk. şīt šamši 朝(あさ) (u-a, t-s) ◎
c. 尚、シュメール語の太陽 sun は、ud と言う。熱い・暑い(あつい)の「あつ」である。つまり、熱源 の feeling。
ud [SUN] (29106x: Lagash II, Ur III, Old Babylonian) wr. ud "day; heat; a fever; summer; sun" Akk. immu; ummedu; umšu; šamšu; ūmu
cf. 漢字の語源を一緒に学ぼう♪ --- なかなか良い。  sun, sunrise の楔形文字 (cuneiform script) の形と似ている ? 。
朝= , sun= sun, sunrise= sunrise
    ↑ 朝の漢字のこの写真の著作権は、喜多方を漢字のまちにする会長、氏にあります。
(IE 以外のブラウザーの方は  または、 元サイトを見て下さい。)
Jump to この表の頭 (ここは、〒 noun_end)

〒Altaic  ここはアンカー名 = Altaic  又は A です。

アルタイ諸語 語彙対応比較表 [(C) wikipedia]  106 単語(14 列)
  (アンカー名は、 #al.nnn である)

横長で、はみ出ていて見難いのが、玉に瑕。→ 落ち着いてニラメッコも出来ない。 ----  耐えられないので、直した。

【目的】 この表は、高句麗 base の日本語似語彙とアルタイ言語圏の比較表である。この表に、インド弁単語を追加し、如何にインド弁単語が日本語単語に似ているかを検証する。

c.【作業完了の件】 2019/10/21 記。 丸一日以上掛けて、 table を縦長に直した。また、丸一日掛けて、インド弁を割り当てた。インド弁辞書引きは、 100% 存在すると思っていますから、作業としてはそんなに難しくなかった。今までの経験則どおり、やっぱりほぼ 100% 有った。 ワン。
(尚、インド弁での、仏法僧のコノハズク、と、斧(おの)の金太郎の歌の歌詞 の発見が面白かった。)
--- 本結果を見て、インド弁への認識を新たにしてもらえたら、作者としては幸いである。

cf. Tableタグで作成した表の縮小: HTMLのTableタグで作成した横長の表があるのですが、画面を横にスクロールしなければならず、見づらいので、全体を縮小したいのですが、何か方法はあるでしょうか?
My comment.---- ↑ このやり方は、本 table には、駄目でした。∵元の造りが悪い (?)。

 table 内の項番 i のアンカー名は #al.i。 ex. 項番 10 の項目は、#al.10 という名である。 つまり、<a href="#al.10"> の html で参照可能。
↓ この table の尻へ飛ぶ
モンゴル語族 ツングース語族 朝鮮語族 扶余語族 日本語族
英語 モンゴル語 全般 女真語 満洲語 エヴェンキ 語 新羅語 中期朝鮮語 現代朝鮮語 高句麗語
百済語 古代日本語 現代日本語
han ᡥᠠᠨ ( "king, hong taiji-sure han")


kɯm(" Gojoseon languages ")
kʌi / kai(皆)
kai-sɐ (皆次)



kami1(かみ 上)
ki1mi1(きみ 君)
kami(かみ 上)
kimi(きみ 君)
【民】kAraNan2 (= 1. one who is the first cause, as the supreme being; 2. chief, ruler, lord; 3. a mineral poison) かみ
【賛】kim (= 〜 To this sense may be referred the %{kim} expressing inferiority , deficiency , &c. at the beginning of compounds (e.g. %{kiM-rAjan} , what sort of king? i.e. a bad king Pa1n2.) きみ
royal family
kəsə-kan ("king")
kəsɯl-han ("king")
kɯ,kə, kɯn ("big")
kitsaki(きさき )
cf. #n.160 后・妃、きさき queen, empress
【賛】kAzya (= m., {A} f. king & queen of the Ka1‡i.) きさき (y-ki), 皇帝(こうてい)
【賛】kausalyaM (= a. belonging to the Kosalas; m. a prince of the Kosalas, f. {A} a princess of the Kosalas, esp. one of the wives of Da‡aratha.) きさきの (y-ki)
i( possess
nushi(ぬし 主)
【賛】netR (= ; a master , owner W. ;) ぬし
【民】ATci (= 1. lordship, proprietorship, ownership; 2. government, rule, reign; 3. use, usage, esp. classical usage; 4. possession, enjoyment; ) うし
【賛】Arya (= ; a master , an owner L. ; )
title of honor
~ ji / ki /di(支,智,至)
~ ji
~ ji / ki
~ ji / ki(支)
-shi(-し -氏)
【民】SRI (= 1. Laks2mi1; 2. wealth; 3. felicity; 4. beauth; 5. a title of respect 尊敬の prefixed 接頭辞 to the names of deities, eminent persons, sacred place and thing) すり、し、ち、き (s-k)
【賛】sUri (= 1 m. a learned man , sage (often ifc. after names 名前の後ろ, esp. as a title given to Jaina teachers) Ka1lid. ;) 師、すーり
excellent shooter
jəmə ("noted bow")
"hunting expert")
yɯmi/yɯ(ゆみ 弓)
【民】uvan2i-ttal (= * 1. to clean, as the bow before shooting; 2. to begin to shoot 射る an arrow 矢 from the bow 弓; 3. to grow moist when exposed to dew; to become damp, as the ground, clothes, furniture) ゆみ、うゆみ
【民】vENu (= 1. bamboo; 2. reed-pipe; 3. hollow tube; 4. bow; 5. sagittarius of the zodiac; 6. sword;) ゆみ(弓)
sigūn ("sun")
so-miuən/ so-mun
saɸi1(さび 錆)
sabi(さび )
【賛】sauvarNa (= f. {I} & {A} golden.) さびな
【民】cAmpu (= 06 gold) さむび、さび
tʃiεu-ʃιi/ so-l
ʦuʣu(すず 錫)
【賛】saudha (= mfn. (fr. %{sudhA}) having plaster or cement , plastered , stuccoed R. ;; n. silver L. ; ) すず
namari(なまり 鉛)
【民】min2n2aRRazukku (= lead ore 原鉱、鉱石) なまりつっく
【賛】maGgalya (= ; a kind of Agallochum L. ; gold L. ; red lead L.) ながり、なまり (g-m)
【賛】mahAbala (= mf(%{A})n. exceedingly strong , very powerful or mighty ,;; ; n. lead L. ;) なばり、なまり (b-m)
recover territory
tabu-(to divide,to tear)
taɕi ("again")
tø- ("re-")
muli(tsi)- ("repel")
mol-(" expel")
ta mul
tamu(たむ 手向)
tamuk(たむく 手向く)
temuka-(てむか- 手向か-)
【賛】saMgam (= ; to go away , depart (this life) , decease , die La1t2y. ; (P.) to visit (acc.)) たむけの
c. 「たむけの言葉」って、旅立ち、お別れ、の departure でしょ。
north (back)
hoina (ダウール語 huain[ə])
juleri(" front, south")
amasi( "back")
("back, behind")
tʃe>se(せ 背)
se(せ 背)
【賛】sada (= 〜; n. a partic. part of the back of a sacrificial animal AitBr.)
south (front)
kət(" surface, look")
kasira(かしら 頭)
kaɸo(かほ 顏)
kashira(かしら 頭)
kao(かお 顔)
kana-(かな- 叶-)
【民】kuccuL (= room in the front portion of a house (TLS)) かしら
【民】kaN (= 〜 16. place, site; 17. front; 18. protection, support; 19. body; ) かん
【賛】kula (= 〜; the front , forepart W. ; ) くら、かな (l-n)
【賛】kazA (= f. (Naigh. ) a whip RV. (also written %{kaSA} R. ) ; a rein , bridle S3is3. ; whipping , flogging W. ; a string , rope , thong L. ; face , mouth L. ; quality L.) かを (z-w)、くち  △
east (left)
doğu, sol(left)
źeü ,
jəgin(" left")
a-dʒuma/a-duma(あづま 東)
azuma(あずま 東)
【賛】aizAna (= , f. {I} the same+north-eastern; f. {I} (sc. {diz}) the north-east 北東) あづま
west (right)
ürüne ,
anŋū (right)
or[ɯ]n ("right")
par[ɯ]n ("right")
ini-si(いにし 去にし)
nishi(にし 西)
【民】nAytticai (= south-west 南西) にし
【賛】nIcya (= 1 m. pl. `" living below "'N. of certain nations in the west AitBr.) にしや
【民】varuNaticai (= the west) いにし
cila[ɣ]u(n) (Classical)
culuu (ハルハ方言)
šuluu(n) (ブリヤート語)
isi(いし 石)
ishi(いし 石)
【趣】išme いし , 【賛】adri, aSThIlA いし
rock, cliff (巌,峴, 岑)
pax (石・崖)
pa-・ιəi/ pua-・ιəi
pua-ɣei/ paxe
i[ɸ]a / i[ɸ]a[ɸ]o(いは/いはほ 岩/巖)
mama(" cliff")
iwa / iwao (いわ/いわお 岩/巌)
【民】maNimalai (= rocky hill 岩の丘 (TLS)) まま  --- cf. [八丈島弁: ハチ42] ◆おりまま  (石垣。石垣の面。『まま』は崖のこと。)
【賛】alaghupala (= m. `" heavy stone "' , a rock L.) いわお
land (壌,壤)
na ("land")
na(土地), noro(-n)

nuri(" world")
nu/no(ぬ/の 野)
na(な 奴)
no(の 野)
【民】mA (= ; 8. field; 9. land, tract of land; ) ぬ、の、な
hulu-s<* bulu-s)
guru-n( < * buru-n)
guru-n( < * buru-n)
(nua) > na
nu/na(ぬ/な 奴)
【賛】mah (= 2 (f. {ma3h} & {mahI3}) great, mighty, powerful, strong, abundant; old, aged. f. {mahI3} the earth (as the great one), ground, soil, land, country, kingdom 王国; space; host; cow; du. heaven and earth; pl. rivers, waters.) な、ぬ
【民】kURRam (= 01 1. species, class; 2. lit., one who separates soul from body yama; 3. that which ruins, destroys; 4. division of a country, in ancient times) ぐるの、郡の (r-n)、国の (r-n)
c. 国家 nation は、インド辞書は、今一、国家 country で引いた結果が、上記。
c. guru は、「クルガン」の親戚。とすると、群、国も「クルガン」の親戚。
walled city, fort, castle
küri-yen 'fence, hedge, device',/ qol-γan
kur ~kur ~kuran
kuran~ kuren (城, 柵: "castle, citadl")
golo (省: province)
kol / hol
kuru / kolo
(溝婁,屈, 骨)
ko[ɸ]ori(こほり 郡)
ki2(き 城)
kōri(こおり 郡)
-ki(-き 城)
cf. #n.128 城、しろ (castle, fort, fortress)
【民】kaRpi-ttal (= 02 1. to create; to construct; to invent, as a term; to compose, as a poem; 2. to direct, command; 3. to prescribe ordain; 4. to arrange; 5. to imagine, build castle in the air) こおる、き、曲輪・郭(くるわ)、がわ
c. 富山市内の商店街の名前の総曲輪(そうがわ)は、モロ、castle と関連。と、判明。
c. kur は、クルクル、車、「クルガン」の親戚。
【民】kulam (= 1. family, lineage; 2. noble lineage, high birth; 3. caste, tribe, nation; 4. son; 5. class, sort, species, genus; 6. community; 7. herd, flock, shoal, collection, assemblage; 8. house, abode; 9. royal palace; 10. temple; 11. the 27th nakSatra . -> irEvati ; 12. goodness, benevolence; 13. beauty; 14. cf. kulaparvatam . mountain; 15. bamboo) くにの
【民】kuru (= 04 1. a prince of the lunar race after whom his family was called kuru-kaulam ; 2. a certain continent; 3. the country of the kurus, one of 56 te1acam , q.v.) くる、グル
capital's names
čolbaŋ( "Venus")
solbon (率本)
puru-na (不耐,平壤)
middle (中)
dulimbai ᡩᡠᠯᡳᠮᠪᠠᡳ ("middle")
kapa>kaɸa(かは 側)
kawa(かわ 側)
【賛】garbha (= m. (%{grabh} = %{grah} , `" to conceive "' ; 2. %{gRR} Un2.) the womb RV.; the inside , middle , interior of anything , calyx (as of a lotus)) かひ、かは
so big, best
maŋga (" strong ")
mangga ᠮᠠᠩᡤᠠ ("difficult; tough, strong; somewhat more, somewhat better")
maŋa (" strong ")
mat 맏("first; eldest;
ma-(ま 眞)
kara(から "birth, parentage")
makari(まかり "genuine")
ma-(ま 真)
gara(から 柄)
【賛】nirvyAja (= a. deceitless, honest, sincere, pure, genuine; n. adv., abstr. {-tA} f.) まかり (v-k)
【民】meykkiLai (= genuine sprout in jack-trees パラミツ、ジャックフルーツ(jack fruit)) まかり
【賛】mahAzarIra (= a. big-bodied 図体.) まはーつぁりーら、まかり?
【賛】mukhya (= a. being in (on) the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head or at the beginning, best, principal, original, primary, first among (---). m. chief, leader.) まかり
【賛】nikara (= m. ( %{kR}) a heap , pile , a flock or multitude , a bundle , mass , collection (mfn. ifc. f. %{A}) MBh. ; (L.) pith , sap , essence ; suitable gift , a honorarium ; a treasure , the best of anything , a treasure belonging to Kubera , 1.) まかり
tribal elder
mahala(" hat, cap")
makta-ra- ("to prise")

kan-ki/ kanji

~ji("title of honor")
~ji("title of honor")
har-abə-ji(" grand father")
~achi ("legation staff's title")
makha-ha- raji
~ji/ki("title of honor")
兄 laji / haraji(
kakar-(かか- "devolve on, to depend")
-dati(-だち "patriarch")
ukara(うから "tribe")
-ti(-ち "title of honor")
muraji (むらじ 連)
-tachi/-dachi(-たち/-だち -達)
【民】mUppar (= 1. elders in age; superiors; 2. deacons) まっぱー、ま-
【民】kAkkA (= elder brother) かっか、かか-
【民】tattai (= 02 elder sister) だち、たち
【民】akkiran2 (= elder brother (TLS)) うからの
【民】mERputti (= counsel, advice from elders or superiors) むらじ
leader ,chief
Marip-gan ("king")
Mae-kɯm ("king")
mari ("head")
məri ("head")
makari(まかり "true, genuine")
【賛】mukhya (= a. being in (on) the mouth or face, coming from the mouth; being at the head or at the beginning, best, principal, original, primary, first among (---). m. chief, leader.) まかり
【民】mukkiyan2 (= chief, leader (TLS)) まかりの
summit (峰)
soni hon( "singular, odd")
sukdun(" air")
[tɕəŋ]suri (
"top of the head")
sone1(そね "continuous mountain ridge")
one(おね 尾根
【賛】sAnu (= m. n. (accord. to Un2. i , 3 fr. %{san} ; collateral form 3. %{snu}) a summit , ridge , surface , top of a mountain , (in later language generally) mountain-ridge , table-land) そね
【賛】anusAnu (= ind. along a table-land or summit , from ridge to ridge 尾根伝い.) おねそね
mountain (山)
a[ɣ]ula(n) (Classical Mongolian)
ūl (ハルハ方言)
ūla (ブリヤート語)
aul[ə] (ダウール語)
mulu(" ridge of mountain")
督 t[ɔ]r[ɔ](山),
tang,tal ("land")
orɯm (Jeju dialect)
tat / tar
take2(たけ 嶽)
mure(むれ "mountain")
take(たけ 岳)
yama(やま 山)
【賛】tuGga (= mf(%{A})n. prominent , erect , lofty , high MBh. ; chief. W. ; strong W. ; m. an elevation , height , mountain) たけ
【民】malai (= 04 1. hill, mountain; 2. collection, aggregation; 3. abundance, bigness, as a mountain) むれ
【民】taram (= 04 1. hill, mountain; 2. flock of cotton) たらの
【賛】vAmana (= ; of a mountain 山の MBh. ; ) やまの (v-y)
c. 「山」は、無い、と思っていたら、 simple に存在していた。何で今頃気がつくの?。難しく考え過ぎていた、みたい。 on 2019/10/20
high mountain
"mountain peaks")
jama(やま 山)
take(たけ 岳)
yama(やま 山)
c. #25 と同じ。
su(す 洲)
【民】cavaTu (= fuller's earth; earth impregnated with soda; alkaline soil; 2. sediment; 3. crumpling) しつ、つち、す
jugūn(" road")
【賛】sa (= 4 (only L.) m. a snake ; air , wind ; a bird ; N. of Vishn2u or S3iva ; (%{A}) f. N. of Lakshmi or Gauri1 ; n. knowledge ; meditation ; a carriage road ; a fence.) ち、じ
knot, joint
pusi(ふし 節)
mutsu-(むす- 結-)
fushi/bushi(ふし/ぶし 節)
musu-(むす- 結-)
【賛】parvAvadhi (= m. a joint or knot L. ; a partic. period , the end of a Parvan ) ふし
【民】muTippu (= 1. tying, fastening; 2. tie, knot; 3. bundle; 4. that which is worn on the head; 5. money wrapt in a cloth and tied up; 6. remittance of kist into the treasury; 7. money, wealth; 8. total sum; 9. decision; 10. end, result) むすび
【民】muTipOTu-tal (= to tie into a knot; 1. to be pre-destined or ordained to be married to each other) むすぶだ
tree, wood
斤:nal(訓)/ kɯn
kɯru ("stump; unit for counting trees")
namu 나무 ("tree; wood")
k[ιə]nul, naro?
ki2/ ke2/ko2(き/け/こ 木)
ko2nara(こなら 小楢) 
ki(き 木)
konara(こなら 小楢
cf. #n.4 tree 木
c. 唐突に「こなら」と言われても困ってしまう。インド弁辞書の tree, wood にコナラは無い。
【民】kAn2Rai (= a kind of tree) かーんらい、こなら   △
willow tree
yana-ki2(やなき 揚柳)
【民】vajnci (= 03 1. glabrous mahua of the malabar coast; 2. four-seeded willow;) やなゃじ、やなぎ (c-k|g)
no2(の bamboo arrow)
si-no(しの 篠)
【賛】satIna (= mfn. real , essential (see comp.) ; m. a kind of pease , Pisum Arvense Ka1t2h. ; a bamboo L. ; n. water Naigh.) しの
【民】muLai (= 03 1. shoot, tender shoot of trees or plants; seed-leaf; 2. tenderness; 3. young tender plant; seedling; 4. bamboo;) のらい、の (l 無音)
pine tree(松)
bahiya(" pine cone")
busi/ pιu-sie
matu(まつ 松)
【賛】paTamaTakki (= fragrant 芳香性 screw-pine 《植物》タコノキ) ふしまつっき
【民】maTi (= ; 26. fragrant screw-pine; ) まつ
c. インド辞書に pine tree 未登録。 screw pine (写真付)は、パイナップル、バナナのような実を付ける木。
toti(とち 栃)
tochi(とち )
cf. とちもち本舗 大福城/栃(とち)の実とは
セイヨウトチノキ(フランス語名:マロニエ) 原産:ヨーロッパ セイヨウトチノキは、日本のトチノキと近縁種です。日本のトチノキとの違いは、葉が やや小さく果実にトゲがあります。
c. chestnut とは、。しかし、インド弁の chestnut の中に「とち」はない。「くり」は有るが、少し、今一。
十津川弁の「いがぐり」を調べたときは、トゲ thorn から攻めたら、有った。
【賛】vaGkila (= m. a thorn 棘(とげ) L.) いげ (l 無音)、いが (l 無音)、 ---- 実は、いがぐりも隠れていた。
【賛】kiyAha (= m. a chestnut-coloured 栗色の horse 馬 L.) くり (y-r)  △
c. 結論として、栗、栃、両方とも、thorn に有る気がする。
【賛】khara (= ; a thorny plant (sort of prickly nightshade or perhaps Alhagi Maurorum) L. ; ) くり
【民】kiLai-tal (= 01 1. to remove, purge; 2. to wash, as rice; 3. to put off, as garments; 4. to pry out, as a thorn from the fiesh with a needle) くり
【賛】taraTa (= N. of a medicinal plant Npr. ; (%{I}) f. N. of a thorny plant (cf. %{tAr-}) L.) とらた、とち、しし
【賛】sitAgra (= m. or n. a thorn (for %{zil-}) ib.) とちいがら、とちくり、とげ、ししくり
poksuŋ-a, poksa (桃)
【民】nellAn2i (= guinea peach (TLS)) モモ
【民】vammi (= guinea peach, s. tr., sarcocephalus cordatus) モモ (v-m)
c. 「バーミアン」って言葉も親戚。スカイラークチェーン店、中華(pink のモモの絵の看板)の名前
maca ("garlic chives")
mi1ra (みら 彌良)
nira (にら )
【民】veLLuLLi (= garlic) みら (v-m)、にら (v-n)、ひる(蒜)、ゆり
【民】malAjnci (= garlic) にんにゃく (m-n, l-n, c-k)、ニンニク
【民】nIruLLi (= onion ネギ) みら、にら
【賛】nRpapriya (= m. (only L.) `" dear to kings "' , a kind of parrot ; Bambusa Spinosa ; a species of Saccharum Sara ; rice ; a species of onion ;) 野蒜(のびる)や
【民】pal (= ; 7. the inner tooth-like piece, as of garlic; 8. small piece of cocoanut pulp) 蒜(ひる)
nad ("grain")
nad ("grain")
nuy("grains of unhulled rice amongst hulled rice")
narak("rice plant; unhulled rice; grain of rice")
nabar /niəŋ-biuʌt
nape2>naɸe2(なへ 苗)
ina-ɸo(いなほ 稻穂)
mi2(み 實)
mame(まめ 豆)
inaho(いなほ 稲穂
mi(み 実)
mame(まめ )
【民】nARRu (= 02 seedlings 苗付け reared 〔子どもを〕育てる、養育する for transplantation 移植) なへ(苗)
【民】An2aivAzai (= 1. stunted plantain not more than four feet high, and having its bunch of fruits hanging down like an elephant's trunk; 2. a species of paddy cultivated in the bed of a tank) いなほだ
【賛】nam, namati, -te (= ; change, develop, ripen, fade, be accomplished. C. ripen, bring to an end, pass (time). {pra} bend or bow before (dat., gen., loc., or acc.). C. bow (tr.);) み、まめ、みち る、みのっち
【民】mun2i (= 03 1. saint, sage; 2. the buddha; 3. west Indian pea-tree 《植物》エンドウ、豌豆◆中央アジアから中近東原産で、温帯地域で広く栽培されるマメ科エンドウ属の一年生のつる性植物。) まめ
tʃamγ (根株)
tsʌm (斬)
【賛】nema (= ; (only L.) portion ; time ; limit ; boundary ; the foundation of a wall (cf. %{nemi4}) ; a hole ; upper part , above ; deceit ; acting , dancing ; evening ; a root ; food , rice ; ) ね(根)
【民】nEmam (= 02 1. time; 2. evening; 3. share; 4. fissure; 5. root; 6. upper part; 7. hedge, fence; 8. cheating)
plow (犁)
kerci- ("to cut, to dig trenches")
gerbe-("break, snap")
halhan ("plow, hoe")
gerbe-("break, snap")
karai(木[杴]・鍬, kal- (plow)
ka-ʃιi/ kar
kar-(か- 刈-)
kuɸa(くは 鍬)
kar-(か- 刈-)
【民】kaLai (= 01 cut with hoe (TLS)) かる
【民】koTTuvAn2 (= hoe with a long handle (TLS)) くったはの、くはの (t 無音)
【賛】TaGka (= (m. n. L.) a spade , hoe , hatchet , stonecutter's chisel) すき(鋤)
c. チベット語のチャン語(羌族)も近い。
【チャン語】kuɑ (= hoe) くわ(鍬
c. インド辞書に、plow 未登録。英国スペルなので、plow は不在。plough。有った。
【民】kalappai (= 01 1. plough, ploughshare; 2. parts, as of a sacrifice) くは (l 無音)
【民】kAr (= 01 1. rat; 2. ploughshare 〔農具の〕すきの刃◆【同】share (TLS)) か-
anjikū ("hatchet")
(烏子蓋) ("ax")
n[ɔ]lh ("blade")
nal ("blade")
nas ("sickle; scythe")
tōkki ("ax")
・ιo-sie, nərə-si
wono2(をの 斧)
ulmu (= ; pi. m. & f. (a weapon, phps.) "★axe" M/NA, M/jB, of iron; Ug. for a ship) 斧(おの)
【民】uLi (= 01 1. chisel; 2. battle-axe; 3. burin, engraver's tool; 4. barber's instrument for paring nails) うり、おの (l-n)  △
【民】vaNTAlam (= 1. pick-axe; 2. battle-axe) おの (T 無音)、金太郎の(きんたろう の) (v-k)

c. 「鉞(まさかり)」も有る。
【民】mazuvALi (= he who is armed with battle-axe マサカリをかついだ人 1. Siva; 2. Parasura1ma) まさかり (v-k)、あしがら (m 強無音, v-g)、またがり (v-g)
【民】kaTTagkan2 (= Siva who carries a battle-axe) かつぐの
【民】kuntAli (= 1. pick-axe with one prong, pick axe; 2. battle axe) 金太郎
【賛】svadhitihetika (= m. `" axe-armed "' , a soldier armed with an axe L.) さかたのきんとき (v-k, h-k)
【賛】kAlaparazudhAra (= m. executioner 死刑執行人 (lit. bearer 運ぶ人、運搬人、担う人 of the axe of Death).*) くまにまたがり (l-m, h-g)
【民】kaNai (= 01 1. cylindrical or globular shape; 2. arrow; 3. arrow-head; 4. the 11th naks2atra ; 5. wooden handle of a hoe, of a pick-axe, or other tool; 6. curved pole of a palanquin; 7. sugar-cane) くま
【民】kuTAram (= 01 axe, hatchet) けだもの (r-m)
【民】tiruNacigkam (= axe) すもうのけいこ の
【賛】parazvadhAyudha (= mfn. armed with an axe L.) はっけよい (v-k)、はいしぃとうどう
【賛】parzvadha (= m. = %{parazvadha} , an axe , hatchet ハチェット) はいどうどう
【民】mIn2kutti (= 1. . crowbar, pick-axe) のーこった
まさかりかついで きんたろう
くまにまたがり おうまのけいこ
ハイ シィ ドウ ドウ ハイ ドウ ドウ
ハイ シィ ドウ ドウ ハイ ドウ ドウ
あしがらやまの やまおくで
けだものあつめて すもうのけいこ
ハッケヨイヨイ ノコッタ
ハッケヨイヨイ ノコッタ
c. 「きんたろう」の この歌 (www.uta-net.com/movie) は、もう完全に、日本の古代人の言葉のお遊びの結果で、オマス。
c. まだあるかもしれない。 興味のある方は、下記インド弁辞書の 英語部検索枠に「axe」を指定し、ニラメッコして探して下さい。[この辞書は England 英語スペルなので、気を付けて。]
cf. Eケルン大学、インド語辞書検索 tool
c. hatchet ハチェット、ハイ ドウ ドウ (h-h, tch-d, t-d)。だって。
【民】kaNai (= 01 1. cylindrical or globular shape; 2. arrow; 3. arrow-head; 4. the 11th naks2atra ; 5. wooden handle of a hoe, of a pick-axe, or other tool; 6. curved pole of a palanquin; 7. sugar-cane) くま、鎌(かま)
【民】mazu (= 01 1. axe; 2. battle-axe; 3. red hot iron, used in ordeals 神判、神明裁判; 4. sea) なた(鉈)、まさ
c. 「まさかり」の「かり」は、 cutter カッター、切った、刈る。 の親戚。
写真 2021/11 404
c. 怖い漢字の成り立ち漢字「王」の成り立ちは権力と金を誇示し人々を支配した形 (C)怖い漢字の成り立ち
c. 金太郎の腹掛け: 王の文字はマサカリの象形文字で、腹掛け姿は鍛冶を象徴することから、いち早く鉄文化を手に入れた豪族と考えられている。  ---- 奥が、深い。   cf. 王の象形文字、中国辞書 Copyright © 国学大师 古典图书集成
c. 「熊にまたがり」、「牛や、鹿や、虎」で無くて、何故「くま」なのか?。
basin (盆)
sara("cap, lid,
sora (盆) ("basin")
s[ɐ]r/s[ʌ]l (西)
sara(さら 皿)
【賛】sthAla (= n. plate お盆, dish , vessel, tooth-hole; f. {sthAlI3} (earthen) pot, kettle.) さら
c. お盆も、あるだべ。
【民】AvaNam (= flower-tray 花トレイ (TLS)) おぼん(お盆)
water (水)
mören (江, 海)
müren (沐漣) /moron (木連) (Khitanese)
mu 沒
mū ("water")
mi1/mi1du/ mi1n-(み/みづ/み- 水)
cf. file f20 #s.150 water in Swadesh 207
【賛】mezI (= f. (v.l. %{meSI}) N. of water in a partic. formula TS.) みず
【民】mazai (= 01 1. rain; 2. cloud; 3. water; ) みず
【賛】mih (= 2 f. mist 霧、かすみ、もや, fog 霧、もや、濃霧, downpour 〔短時間の〕土砂降り(の雨)、豪雨 of water (also pl. ; %{miho4@na4pAt} , the demon of the mist) RV.)
spring water (泉井)
bul-a-q/ bul-a-γ(" fountain, spring")
[ɯ]s (水"water")
eri〜erri(" small river")
ula ("river")
ula ("large river")
umɯl ("well")
umul ("well")
wi (ゐ 井)
ura(うら 浦)
i(い 井)
ura(うら 浦)
【民】vAvi (= 1. tank, reservoir of water; 2. well 井戸 with a flight of steps down to the water; 3. stream of water running in a river bed) ゐ(井)
【民】URal (= well (TLS)) うら (l 無音)
dike (堤)
do-("to stop")
take2(たけ 嶽)
tutumi(つつみ 堤)
tum-(つ- 積-)
take(たけ 岳)
tsutsumi(つつみ 堤)
tsum-(つ- 積-)
【賛】taTinI (= f. (g. %{puSkarA7di}) `" having a bank 土手"' , a river Ra1jat.) つつみ
【民】taTam (= 02 1. bank, shore 岸; 2. tank, bathing-ghat;) つつみ、つ-
【民】takar-tal (= 01 1. to be broken to pieces, as skull bone, earthen vessels; 2. to be shattered, demolished; 3. to be crushed, bruised; 4. to be scattered, as the ranks of an army; 5. to be breached, as a dam ダム, a bank; 6. to be uprooted) たけ
namug ("marsh, swamp")
namu, lamu ("sea, ocean; lake" 海)
mūsa (
? n[ɛ]nmul ("stream") mos ("pond") nɯp[ʰ] 늪 ("swamp")
nami / naymi
nami1 (なみ 波)
nada(なだ 灘)
【民】maTu (= 02 1. pond 池, pool; 2. deep place 深み in a river or channel) なだ
【民】nIrnilai (= 1. tank, lake, pond; 2. place where water stagnates, marshy ground; 3. depth of water; 4. flaw in a pearl) なみ (l 無音)
【民】nin2ai-tal (= 01 1. to think; 2. to consider, reflect, ponder 熟考する、深く思考する、ポンダー; 3. to remember; 4. to meditate; 5. to know, understand; 6. to intend, design, have in view; 7. to imagine, fancy, suppose) なみ
kar[ʌ]i (派)
kal[ɛ] (派)
kai (改)
c. 【参考】インド弁は、奥深、なので何でも有る。?
【民】kappi-ttal (= 01 1. to fork, as a branch; 2. to grow in size) かい、かひ
【民】kalai (= ; 16. branch of a tree) かり、かれ、かる
【民】vAtu (= 02 branch of a tree) えだ
【賛】viTapa (= , the young branch of a tree or creeper , twig , sprout , shoot , bough ) えだは
bira ("river")
kaɸa(かは 川)
【民】kavar (= 04 1. bifurcated 分岐した branch 枝, as of a tree of river; 2. divergence 多様化 of branches, roads, rivers; 3. prong 突起, tine(櫛、フォークなどの)歯, as of a trident; 4. cone shaped white clay 泥 for marking the forehead 額; 5. groove 溝・水路 of a kind of mortise ほぞ穴 on the top of a gate or door-post to receive a beam; 6. deception騙し; 7. plantain プランタン tree) かは、川・河(かわ)
波珍 pad[ɔ]l
padah〜 parʌl
patan/ padal/
wada-tsu-mi(わだつみ 綿津見/少童神/海神)
【民】paTaittalaitteyvam (= a sea-god worshipped by fishermen of the pat2t2an2avar caste before setting out on a fishing expedition 釣り遠征に出発する前に、pat2t2an2avarカーストの漁師が崇拝する海の神) わたつみ
【賛】pAthis (= n. = %{pAthas} KapS. (%{-thas} MaitrS.) ; = %{kIlAla} L. ; n. the sea or the eye Un2.) わた
【民】pAzi (= 01 1. desolation, waste; void; 2. space; 3. sea; 4. cf. pratha1 expanse, wideness; 5. greatness, superiority, eminence; 6. power; 7. fight, battle) わた
castrated cow")
[ʃ]ιəu/ *su
usi(うし 牛)
ushi(うし 牛)
cf. #n.251 cow
【賛】aditi (= ; a cow , milk RV. ;) うし
pig (猪)
*doŋuz > domuz
ulgiyan ("pig")
ulha(" domestic animal")
[ʰ] 돝
tw[ɛː]ji, toyaji (dialect), tochi( dialect)

usi (うし 牛)
wi (ゐ 亥)
ushi(うし 牛)
i(い )
【民】eRuzi (= pig) うし  △
【賛】varAha (= m. (derivation doubtful) a boar , hog , pig , wild boar RV.) ゐ、い
【民】ari (= ; 12. hog, pig;)
【民】pOttiri (= hog, pig) ぽっちり、ブタ
water deer
kandahan ("a kind of deer")
Manchurian elk")
kōr[ɛŋ]i, kor[ɛ]i (Gyeong-sang dialect)
ka(か 鹿)
shika(しか 鹿
【賛】karAla (= mfn. opening wide , cleaving asunder , gaping (as a wound) Mr2icch. Pan5cat. R. &c. ; having a gaping mouth and projecting teeth BhP. R. Prab. ; formidable , dreadful , terrible MBh. R. Sus3r. ; m. a species of animal , musk-deer Sus3r.)
【賛】sAraGgaja (= m. a deer ; %{-dRt} f. a deer-eyed woman Bha1m.) しか
mori〜 muri
uma(うま 馬)
uma(うま 馬)
【民】un2n2i (= 03 1. horse; 2. sage-leaved alangium; 3. Indian lantana, l. sh., lantana indica ;) うま
swan (鵠)
gaha("bird, raven")
gasha("big bird")
kuguɸi1(くぐひ )
【民】vAvippuL (= swan) ヴヴひの、くぐひの (v-g, v-g)
【トルコ】kuğu (= swan, pen, cob swan, pen swan) くぐい
c. 沼海岸、って、漢字読めるか?。駅名。「くげぬま・かいがん」。
kuma(くま 熊)
【民】karumayir (= black bear) くるまいや、くま
【民】cegkaNmA (= 02 bear, as red-eyed beast) くんま (c-k)
owl (鵂鶹)
tuku(つく 木菟)
ʦu(す 巢)
tuku(つく 木菟
su(す 巣)
【賛】zuzulUka (= m. a small owl , owlet Sa1y.) つーつく、す (z-s)
【賛】nizAcara (= mfn. numeral-walking , moving about by numeral R. ; m. a fiend or Ra1kshasa MBh. ; a jackal Sus3r. ; an owl L. ;) にーつぁーから、 → ミミヅク?
c. 「仏法僧(ブッポウソウ)」コノハズク、は有るか?。--- なんとなく、有る。
【賛】bahusvana (= mfn. `" much-sounding "' , making many sounds ; m. an owl L.) ブッ・ポウ・ソウ な
c. このインド弁辞書がいつ出来たか知らないが(でも、少なくとも 100 年前より前)、インドでは「仏法僧」を an owl と認識している、 --- 日本は、遅れている、ということか。
c. 「フクロウ」はあるか。 当然、有った。
【賛】piGgala (= mf(%{A4} and %{I})n. (cf. g. %{gaurA7di} and %{kaDArA7di}) , reddish-brown , tawny , yellow , goldcoloured AV. , ; (in alg. also as N. of the 10th unknown quantity) ; having reddish-brown eyes Ka1tyS3r. ; m. yellow colour W. ; fire. L. ; an ape L. ; an ichneumon L. ; a small kind of owl L. ;) フクロウ
【民】pigkalai (= 1. a principal tubular vessel of the human body, one of taca-na1t2i , q.v.; 2. breath through the right nostril; 3. a kind of owl;) フクロウ
gurmahai ("rabbit")
wosagi1/ usagi1(をさぎ/うさぎ 兎)
【賛】zazaka (= m. hare, rabbit.) うさぎ (z-w)、つき(月)
c. インド弁の moon 月の中に、「うさぎ」の発音がある、「望月、餅つき、もちつき」もある。
【賛】aSTaka (= a. eightfold; m. a man's name; f. {A} the eighth day after full moon.) うさぎ
c. 上の 【中・朝】の rabbit の中にも、「つき」がある、ネ。
cf. file f20 #moon
weasel (狌)
yezi ~ yez[ɣ]-
yəu ("fox")
yia-ʃιi/ yar
itatʃi(いたち 鼬)
itachi(いたち )
【賛】pUtizArijA (= (?) f. a polecat 《動物》ヨーロッパケナガイタチ, civet-cat ジャコウネコ L.) ぷーちざーりじゃ → いったち (p 無音)  ----【十津川弁】いったち(= いたち)
tuno(つの 角)
【賛】ziroruha (= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) id. MBh. ; a horn VarBr2S. ; (%{A}) f. Leea Hirta L.) つの (r-n)
アッカド語・赤si-mu (= : to have horns; horned [can indicate a 'male' animal if only the male sex grows horns] ('horns' + 'to sprout, appear'). ) つの (s-t)、すみ
*älig > el
nar[ɛ], nalg[ɛ]
əji, nərəgi
atʃi(あし 脚)
【民】aTi-ttal (= 01 1. to emit fragrance, blow, as wind; 2. to flap 〔翼などが〕羽ばたきする、上下に動く, as wings;) あし
foot (足)
γwi/ kwai
kuw-(く- 蹴-)
ker-(け- 蹴-)
koe-(こえ- 越え-)
【民】kAl (= 01 1. quarter, one fourth of a whole; 2. the symbol to denote 1 2 in tamil; 3. keg, foot, of a person, animal or thing; 4. stem 茎 of a flower; 5. lower part, base bottom;) けり、くり
qurc( Khalka)("skewer, spit" 串)
k[ʌ]l-(曰: "to say")
koc ("skewer, spit; promonto-ry" 串)
kulrε (Jeju dialect)
kul (South Jeolla dialect)
kar-(曰: "to say")
kutu〜kuti < *kutui(くち 口)
ko2to2(こと 言)
koto(こと 言)
【賛】kuSTha (= ; (%{A}) f. the prominent part of anything , mouth or opening (of a basket) ) くち
【民】kaTi-ttal (= 01 1. to bite, bite off; to bite and eat; to crop, gnaw, nibble; to grasp, hold in the mouth; to champ;) こと、くち
funiyehe ᡶᡠᠨᡳᠶᡝᡥᡝ ("hair")
təl (毛)
təl(毛乙) >tiəl(鐵)
tar-u("trail, hang out")
【民】taLai (= ; 9. hair of the males 男子; 10. paddy field, as divided into plots;) たれ
decay (朽)
korh-( "decay")
korm-( "fester")
kut-(くち- 朽ち-)
kutsar-(くさ- 腐-)
kuti-(くち- 朽ち-)
kusar-(くさ- 腐-)
【賛】kSiti (= 2 f. destruction, decay, end.) くち、くさ
【民】keTu-tal (= 01 1. to perish; to be destroyed, annihialted; 2. to decay, rot; to beblight worn, out;) くち、くさ
ki1 (き 牙)
【民】kOraippal (= canine tooth 犬歯 (TLS)) きば (l 無音)
huhun ("breast, bosom")
kogäŋi ("core") / kas[ʰ][ɯ]m ("chest, heart")
kor/ kasi/
kokori 上代東国方言 (こころ/ここり 心)
【民】kuRikkOL (= 1. single-minded devotion, concentration; 2. cherishing in memory, remembering; 3. comprehension or power of understanding; 4. ideal; 5. wisdom, good sense, sagacity; 6. acts needed to play upon, a violin properly, numbering 8 viz; 7. the state of being distinguished or illustrious) こころ
【民】kuRikkoL(Lu)-tal (= 1. to grasp, seize, hold; 2. to comprehend, understand; 3. to guard carefully; 4. to fix the mind steadity on one object, to concentrate; to be remarkable, distinguished) こころ、ここり
c. 「気持ち」「感情」もある。
【賛】kantu (= mfn. id. ib. ; (%{us}) m. (fr. %{kam} Un2. ) , love , the god of love ; the mind , heart Comm. on Un2. ; a granary L.) 気持ち、感情
transverse (横)
・ιo-sie/ *es
yo2ko2(よこ 横)
yo2k-(よけ- 避け-)
yoko(よこ 横)
yoker-(よけ- 避け-)
【民】vilagku-tal (= 01 1. to lie athwart; to be transverse;) よこ、よこぎ
【賛】vajrAkRti (= (Vop.) mfn. shaped like a thunderbolt or Vajra , having transverse lines (see %{v-}) ; a cross-shaped symbol (formerly used in grammars to denote Jihva1mu1liyas).) 横切って
【民】varcci-ttal (= 1. to abandon; 2. to reject; to avoid; to exclude) 避け(よけ)
tʌn~tuʌn ("valley") təŋg[ɛ] ("valley")
tan /tuən/t‘ən
tani(たに 谷)
【賛】droNi (= f. trough , tub L. ; a valley Nalac. ; N. of a country L.) たに
side edge
kaja-("to cut")
huwesi-("cutter, small blade")
kado1(かど 角)
【賛】koTi (= f. the curved end of a bow or of claws , &c. , end or top of anything , edge or point (of a sword), horns or cusps (of the moon)) かど
【民】kaTTu (= ; 23. surrounding; forcing into a corner, as in chess; encirclement) かど
cap (冠)
(冠 : "cap")
(笠, 帽, 冠 : "hat, cap")
(弁 : "conical cap")
kat (K笠)
kwot-su (骨蘇)
katsa(かさ 笠)
kasa(かさ )
【民】kUrccukkullA (= conical shaped cap 円錐形の帽子) かさっから、かさ
ball (丸)
[ə]nduh[ə] (ダウール語)
umhan ("egg")
muheren ("circle")
muheliyen ("circle")
【民】uNTai (= 1. ball, globe, sphere; anything round or globular, commonly rather small; 2. ball of stone or earth shot from a bow; 3. food in the shape of a ball, a mouthful; 4. a kind of sugar; 5. dice; 6. woof, weft; 7. a form of array of an army; 8. group, collection; 9. ball of ganja1 mixed with jaggery) うんだい
【民】uNNiyappam (= small, round, sweet cake (TLS)) うむやはん
【賛】val (= (cf. %{bal} , %{vall} , and %{vR}) cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. xiv , 20) %{valate} (oftener P. %{valati} ; cf. Vam. ; pf. %{vavale} ; ind. p. %{valitvA} Ka1v. ; aor. %{avaliSTa} ; fut. %{valitA} ) , to turn , turn round , turn to) ヴぁる、ある、ぼーる
【賛】vRttavat (= mfn. round MBh. ; of virtuous or moral conduct Ya1jn5. ) あんじっぷ (r-n, v-p)、まっとうだ (v-m)
layer (重)
fe("ex-, past, former")
【民】pAr (= ; 12. stratum 地層、階層、層(◆【同】layer), layer, bed; ) へー
c. 七重(ななへ)、八重(やへ)の「へ」。
neighbor (隣)
imiya-("to gather together")
ib[ɯ]t (隣)
iut (隣)
ιi-bιuʌt/ iboc
ipa>ipe1>iɸe1(いへ 家)
【民】ayal (= 01 1. neighbourhood, adjacent place; 2. outwardness, being foreign or alien) いえの
c. 「となり」も有る。
【賛】samaryAda (= mfn. bounded , limited , keeping within bounds or in the right course , correct Va1s. ; respectful MW. ; contiguous , neighbouring L. ; (%{am}) ind. decisively , exactly Bhartr2. ; m. contiguity , vicinity L.) となりだ (s-t)
sat-ɣan/ sal-han
sim-("to frost up")
("icicle, ice")
【賛】zaityamaya (= mf(%{I})n. consisting in coldness , causing frost (%{-tva} n.) Sa1h.) しもや
【賛】tuSAra (= a. cold; m. frost, rime, dew, ice, snow.) さい・せいぇ・つぁい・つぁいぇ
lush (菁)
kūkə ("blue-green,
cyan blue")
kis- ("lush, overgrown with weeds, overrun with plants")
kati(かち 褐)
kachi(かち 褐)
c. lush (lʌʃ) adj 1. (of vegetation) abounding in lavish 豊富な、過分な、ぜいたくな、豪華な growth   なので、 grow で攻める。 ALC は、「〔植物が〕繁茂した、青々とした」
【民】kati-ttal (= 04 1. to hasten, move rapidly; 2. to go, move, proceed; 3. to rise, to be high, to grow high; to start; 4. to become large, to grow big; 5. to attain final bliss; 6. to abound; 1. exceed in quality; to outweigh; to be superior to; to qutdo outstrip, outmatch; 2. to know understand) かち
group, tribe
uruk (
ulus ("people, nation, tribe, horde")
urse ( "people")
uce( "entrance")
ul ("relations; relatives; kinsfolk; clan")
uri ("we, us; the Korean people, Koreans")
udi (うぢ 氏)
【賛】vrajyA (= 2 f. division , group (= %{varga}) Sa1h.) うち、うぢ、うじ
a ja
어ㅿㅣ əzi
əmi ame, ema(north dialect)
ya chi
ya pa
[ɸ]a[ɸ]a(はは 母)
oya(おや 親)
haha(はは )
oya(おや )
【民】peRRatAy (= own mother 自身の母親) はは (R 反復)、ははたーい
【賛】varAraNi (= m. a mother R.) ははらに (r 反復)
【賛】bahuprasU (= f. a mother of many children L.) ははらす
【民】AyAL (= 1. mother; 2. grandmother; 3. old woman) おやの (l-n)
koto( "son"
kız ("girl; daughter ")
kuŋa ("child")
gιəu-sie / kus / kyus
ko1(こ 子)
ko(こ 子)
【民】karu (= 03 1. foetus, embroyo; 2. yolk of an egg; 3. egg, germ; 4. body; 5. birth; 6. child;) こ、がき (r- 反復)
kak-(か- 書-)
kuk-(くく- 括-)
kak-(か- 書-)
kukur-(くく- 括-)
【賛】kuc (= cl. 1. P. %{kocati} , to sound high , utter a shrill cry (as a bird) Dha1tup. ; to polish ib. ; to go ib. vii , 2 ; to connect , mix ib. ; to bend , make curved ib. ; to be curved or crooked ib. ; to oppose , impede ib.: to mark with lines , write ib.) かく、くく、く る
【シュメール語・趣】gagara (= [TOTAL] wr. gar-gar-ra; ga-ga-ra "capital; total" Akk. kumurru) 括り(くくり)
【シュメール語・趣】gu gur (= [PILE UP] wr. gu2 gur "to pile up" Akk. garānu) 括る(くくる)
kusɯl ("jewel")
【民】kaiccari (= a kind of bracelet worn by women) くしろ
c. 「釧路(くしろ)」似は、jade には無かったが、bracelet には、モロ有った。
cool wind, clear wind
san[ʌ]l ("cool")
s[ə]n[ɯ]l ("cool")
same-(さめ- 冷め-)
same-(さめ- 冷め-)
【賛】saumyatA (= f. the state of being cool and moist MBh. ; gentleness , placidity ib. R. Ma1rkP. ; benevolence MW. ; beauty ib.) さめた、さむいぜ
hole (孔)
dunggu ("cave")
s[ʌ]zi ("interval, gap")
("interval, gap")
dzei-ts‘ii/ tsei-ts‘ii/cic
tʃuk-(すく 透く)
tʃuki(すき 隙)
suki (すき 透き/隙)
【賛】saGku (= (?) m. a hole W.) すく、すき
hole (穴)
qapca( "gorge, ravine"), qapi¨γ( "Gate")
kul (穴)
kapi1>kaɸi1(かひ 峽)
kubomi (くぼみ 窪み)
【賛】kUpa (= m. hole, cave, well.) くぼ
【賛】kUpya (= a. being in a hole or well.) かひ
【民】kuppamaram (= vertical peg with a hole to fit in the rounded centre in the left end of the web beam) くぼみの
셋 sʰet̚
mi1(み "3")
mi(み "3")
cf. file f20 #s.22 in Swadesh 207
【民】mU  み
tasul (打戌)
닷 tah
uc/uca/ uchha
itu(いつ "5")
itsu(いつ "5")
【民】iTAyam いつやむ
nana(なな "7")
nana(なな "7")
【民】nayapOcan2am なやぽさなん
chɯmun (1000)
to2/to2wo(とを "10")
tō(とお "10")
【民】tacam とーさむ
mōjir- ("harsh; severe; cruel")
ma- (まあ-)
mata-(また- 全-)
matta-ku(まったく 全く)
【民】muRai-ttal (= 01 1. to become stiff, hard; 2. to be stiff-necked, haughty) まあ-
【民】muTTiyaTi-ttal (= to struggle hard) また-
【賛】nistriMzakarkaza (= a. cruel 残酷な、むごい、残虐な、無慈悲な、非情な and hard.) まったく
den ("high")
dekde- ("to rise")
tarak- ("high")
tarak ("loft")
taka-/daka-(たか-/だか- 高)
taka-/daka(たか-/だか 高)
cf. file f17, #a.43 高い high, tall
【賛】Dhakka (= a large sacred building 大きな聖なる建物) でかい、でっけー、たかっ
kata-("to become hard, to become rough")
kəc[ʰ]ɯl- (荒)
kata- (かた-)
kata- (かた-)
【賛】kaSTa (= a. bad, evil, painful, rough, constrained, affected, unnatural. n. evil, grief, pain, difficulty. ---, abl., & instr. with difficulty, hardly; n. {kaSTam} the same, as interj. ah! alas! often after {dhik} or {hA dhik}.) かた-、こちこち、がさがさ
round (圓)
torho-("to roll,to circle")
tubura(つぶら 圓ら)
tsubura(つぶら 円ら)
【賛】suvRtta (= mf(%{A})n. well rounded , beautifully globular 球形 or round) つぶらっだ
【賛】samavRtta (= mfn. uniformly round or equal and round ; n. the prime vertical circle) つぶらだ
c. タンブラー、玉(たま)、粒(つぶ)とも親戚。
say (새)
[ʃ]ιəu/ *su
zu("new, present, developing, a gleam")
【賛】sarasa (= a. juicy, moist, humid, fresh, new, tasty, pleasant, charming, passionate, enamoured; n. adv. with rapture.) つ、す-、さ-、さら
kiph u˙n
puk ("deeply, completely, fully")
puka-si>ɸuka-si(ふかし 深し)
fuka-i(ふかい 深い)
【賛】vigADha (= ; deep , excessive 奥深い ib. ; ) ふかし、ふけーだ
【賛】baMhiSTha (= mfn. (superl. 比較級 of %{bahula} Pa1n2. ) strongest , most abundant , most RV. MBh. ; very low 非常に低い or deep Ba1lar. ; ) ふかいだ (b-f, h-k)、ひくいだ、深し
【賛】vavra (= a. hiding (intr.); cavern, deep.) ふかい (v-k)
c. 初めて deep を調べた時、「ふかい」が無くて「ふけーだ」形のみばかりで、やぼったいな、と思っていたが、古代日本語が「ふかい」では無くて「ふかし」なので、納得した。 (d-s) している。
【有・アルバニア】i fshehtë (= secret, secretive, hidden, confidential, undercover, deep) イ ふけーだ (sh-k)、ふかし
flat, level, shallow
ba("field, district")
pile-("to confirm, to criticize")
tehere-("to flat, to be equal")
pi1ra->ɸi1ra-(ひら- 平ら-)
pisi(ひし 菱)
hirata-(ひらた- 平た-)
【賛】prastAra (= ; a flat surface , plain Hariv. (v.l. %{-stara}) ; ) ひらたい
【賛】paTTa (= m. (fr. %{pattra}?) a slab , tablet (for painting or writing upon) MBh. ; (esp.) a copper plate for inscribing royal grants or orders (cf. %{tAmra-}) ; the flat or level surface of anything (cf. %{lalATa-} , ) ひし(菱)、べったい
c. 「たいら」も当然有る。
【賛】sthala (= ; a flat surface , roof (of a palace) Megh. ; ) たいら
wide (廣)
osy/esy 阿斯(ェ大: gererous, tolerant)
očo 我撮(ェ)
onco ᠣᠨᠴᠣ(廣:wast)
(< *어쉬)
nəlb 넓- (廣)
n[ə]g[ɯ]r[ə] (ェ)
[ə]dzi (仁, ェ)
nərə-si, ə-si
naras-u(ならす 均す)
os-u(おす 押す)
narasu(ならす 均す)
osu(おす 押す)
【民】vaTi-ttal (= 02 1. to cause to flow out; to shed, as tears; to drain; 2. to strain, as conjee from cooked rice; to filter; 3. to squeeze out; 4. to distill, as oil; 5. to refine, polish; to perfect; 6. to express in choice language; 7. to win over; to bring under control; 8. to tame, train, as wild elephants; 9. to practise; 10. to cook, as rice; 11. to sharpen; 12. to comb and fasten, as hair; 13. to flatten out; 14. to lengthen; 15. to stroke with the fingers over, as the string of a lute in playing; 16. to quip, as a horse; 17. to investigate, examine; 18. to select, choose; 19. to pluck, nip) おす、押す
【民】vilAccuzi (= rapid respiration producing flattening of the chest-walls in flanks, a lung disease 肺疾患である側面の胸壁の平坦化をもたらす急速な呼吸) ならす (v-n)
abreast, both (並)
k[ʌ]rb- (並: "abreast")
k[ʌ]n (斤)
kan-("to combine")
【賛】kUN (= cl. 1. %{kUNati} , to contract , shrink , shorten Kpr.: Caus. P. A1. %{kUNayati} , %{-te} , to draw together 一緒に, contract , close Dha1tup.) くん、かん、共(きょう)
bent (曲)
"to bend")
kub- (曲-), kub[ɯ]l (曲)
kub[ə]l, kutkwa
kugu-/kaga-(くぐ-/かが- 屈-)
kubi(くび 首)
kuguma-/kagam-(くぐま-/かが- 屈ま-/屈-)
【民】kulAvu-tal (= 02 to be bent, curved; 1. to bend, as a bow; 2. to cajole, coax, wheedle, entrap) くび
【賛】nikRta (= a. bent down, humiliated, injured; mean, vile.) まがった
【賛】kuvakra (= mfn. slightly bent S3a1n3khBr.) かがむ
【民】kEkayam (= bow (TLS)) かがめ
【民】kun2n2A-ttal (= to shrink 縮める and crouch クラウチ with cold, to contract limbs and look small) かーむ、かがむ
【民】kukku-tal (= 02 to sit on one's legs, squat) 屈曲(くっきょく)、くぐ
ex. クラウチングスタート。
kʌm 검
kəmur/ kəmhək(今勿)
kuro1(くろ K)
【賛】kAla くろ 【民】kaLar (= blackness) くろ
šara-("to become white")
šeyen( "white")
[ʃ]je-("to become white") hʌy-(白)
nun (雪)
nə γei
sira(しら 白)
siram- (しらむ- 白む-)
shiram (しらむ 白む)
【民】teLi-tal (= 01 1. to become clear, limpid, transparent, as water by the settling of sediment; 2. to become serene, as the mind; 3. to be bright, as the countenance; 4. to become white, as cloths by washing; 5. to clear away, disappear, as faamine, as an epidemic;) しろ
*hula[ɣ]an > ulaan
fula gian( "red")
šušu( "purple")
fulgiyan( "red")
붉은 pulgɯn 시뻘건 sippəlgən ("deep red")
s^a-bιuk/ sa(i)puk
so2po>so2ɸo(赤土 : "red soil")
sabi(さび 錆)
sabi(さび 錆)
【趣】sa5 (= : n., red ocher.
   adj., red, red-brown. )
【趣】saḫar (= : silt, dust, sand, earth, mud, loam; rubbish; sediment (cf., kuš7) (sa5, 'red-brown', + ḫara, 'crushed, pulverized').) さほー
sarpu(m) (= ; NB f. also sarriptu "burnt, reddened, refined" Bab., M/NA "fired, baked" of pottery, brick, tablet [AL.SEG6.gA (or = baslu ?)]; "dyed (red)" of water, skin; "refined" of metal; MA also as subst. "silver" (→ surpu 3); < sardpu I; → Zarpdnitu) さほ
【民】cEppu (= 02 1. red, redness; 2. red gem;) さび
【民】ceppal (= 02 red, rosy colour, as of dawn) そほの
【民】tuppu (= 07 red coral; 2. gum lac; 3. red, redness) さび
【民】tuvar (= 05 1. coral; 2. red colour, scarlet; 3. red ochre 黄土色、黄褐色、オーカー) さび
【ベブライ・蛇】סוּף /sûph soof/ (= Suph, Red) さほ
ki2-~ ku-(き/く 黄)
ki(き 黄)
【賛】gaura (= mf(%{I4})n. (in comp. or ifc. g. %{kaDArA7di}) white , yellowish , reddish , pale red RV. ; shining , brilliant , clean , beautiful Caurap. ; m. white , yellowish (the colour) W. ;) き、く、こ、コウ、きーろ
blue ()
səri 昔里
so1ra(そら 空)
sumi1re(すみれ 菫)
【賛】sitetara (= a. black, dark, blue (lit. opposite of white).) そら
【賛】sunIla (= mfn. very black or blue 非常に黒いあるいは青い, dark W. ;) すみれ
【アゼルバイジャン】şəhla (= dark blue, blue) そら
green ()
phɯrɯn ("green, blue")
phurɯn ("green, blue")
pharan ("blue")
mido(みど )
pa>ɸa(は 葉)
tura/tuta(つら/つた 蔦)
tsuru/tsuta(つる/つた /
【民】muNTIram (= kind of greens) むんどりの、みどりの
【チベ】mon cha ra (= himalayan oak, ever-green oak 常緑樹の《植物》オーク:ブナ科コナラ属の総称;常緑樹カシの類も含む(▽大木となり, 強靭きょうじんさの象徴;雷が落ちやすいとされる;実は acorn), acorns of evergreen oak [JV]) もんちゃり → みどり
【趣】pa (= leaf), 【賛】pa (= leaf)
【民】toRRu-tal (= 01 1. to attach, tack; 2. to affect, as a contagious disease; 1. to spread, as a vine 《植物》〔つる植物の〕つる; 2. to climb) つる
【民】tottu-tal (= 01 1. to cling, adhere; 2. to hang; 3. to be obtained; 4. to climb up, spread, as the vine ; 1. to hold, grasp, as a stick; 2. to follow, pursue; 3. to catch, as a disease; to infect) つた
【民】karamarttikai (= common grape vine (TLS)) からまっちかい
【民】kazali (= square stalked wild vine) かずら
【民】koTiyAL (= 01 woman, slender and beautiful as a ★vine) かずやーる
to meet
bak-("to see, to look; to find")
baka- ("to look for, to seek, to search")
baha-("to get, to obtain")
baka-("to find")
poizʌp- ("to humbly show oneself, to meet (an honored person)")
po-("to see, to look")/ poyp-("to have an audience with, to meet (an honored person)")
pʌk/ *pak
wakar-(わか- 分か-)
wakar-(わか- 分か-)
【賛】abhIka (= 3 n. (fr. %{abhi-aJc} ; cf. %{a4nUka}) , meeting together , collision RV. ; (%{e}) loc. ind. in the presence of (gen.) , near , towards RV. ;) わか-(分か-)
【賛】abhiyuj (= : Caus. to furnish with , make anybody share 共有化、分かち合い in (instr.) MBh. ) 分かち (h-k)
【賛】abhijJa (= mf(%{A})n. knowing , skilful , clever ; understanding , conversant with (gen. or ifc.) ; (%{A}) f. remembrance , recollection Pa1n2.) 分かっちにゃ (h-k)
to swing
bula-("to stir")
büle-("to shake")
fori-("to strike")
"tremble, shake")
pur->ɸur-(ふ- 振-)
fu-(ふ- 振-)
【民】viciRu-tal (= 1. to fan; 2. to wave to and fro, brandish; 3. to fing, hurl, cast, as a net; 4. to whirl round; 5. to pour forth; to sprinkle; 7. to remove; 8. to swing, as the arms in walking; 9. to append the symbols of i and i1 to the consonants; to fan) ふる、ゆする
【民】pari-tal (= ; 9. to shake down;) 振る
to enter
(to come)
ibe-("to get forward")
ir-(to arrive; to come)
・ιi/ *i
ir-(い- 入-)
hair-(はい- 入-)
【賛】vI, veti (= ; strive on or after, enter into (acc.); ) い、はい、いった
to get (取)
tor ("trap")
duri-( "to get")
t[ɯ]l-("to take, to hold")
tor-(と- 取-)
to-(と- 取-)
【民】toTu-tal (= 01 1. to touch, come in contact with, feel or perceive by the touch; 2. to handle 手に取る, take hold of use;)
【賛】cUr, cUrayati (= steal 盗む(ぬすむ)、奪い取る.) 取る、盗る(とる)、とりよった
【民】tElu-tal (= 1. to get rid of 取り除く、取り外す to escape danger, as a ship) 取る
【賛】sAdh (= ; to gain 手に入れる, obtain 獲得, acquire , procure S3Br. ; )
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