平成の常識:日本の方言は 100% 古代インド語です。 from 2017/04/17 by 鳩摩羅童子(くまらどうじ) 注意: 日本の地域 local な古い言葉は、100% インド色ですが、記紀/万葉/百人一首の中の言葉はインド色だけでは有りません。ボヘミアン/スラブ言語系..の色が混じっています。この辺の住み分けに関し、誰かハッキリさせて下さい。 |
なきじん、と、発音する。慣れないとすぐに忘れる。 my 覚え方: 沖縄のご先祖様は英語ができた。「今」は now ナウ なので「な」つまり、ナウきじん → ナキジン。難しくも何んともナイ。
durgaha(= n. ★dangerous place or way, ★danger.)
aziva(= mf(%{A}) n. unkind , envious , pernicious , ★dangerous RV. ; m. N. of a demon causing disease Hariv. ; (%{am}) n. ill-luck RV. )
am(= 3 %{amati} , to go L. ; to go to or towards L. ; to serve or honour L. ; to sound L. ; (Imper. A1. 2. sg. %{amISva} ; aor. %{AmIt} ; cf. %{abhy-am}) to fix , render firm TS. ; (perf. p. acc. sg. %{emuSa4m} for %{◆
emivA4Msam}) to be pernicious 有害な、悪質な or ★dangerous RV.) ◆
vipAka(= ; %{-dAruNa} mfn. terrible or ★dangerous in results Prab. ;)
mahAsArathi(= m. `" great charioteer (of the sun) "'N. of Arun2a or the ★Dawn L.)
vAsAtya(= mfn. relating to the ★dawn , dim 薄暗い, dusky たそがれ TA1r. ;)
ニーシてィ (v-n)
vyuSTi(= f. shining up, growing bright, ★dawning; reward for (gen., loc., or ---), requital, retaliation; grace, beauty.)
ミてィ (v-m)
saMdhyAMsa(= (%{-dhyA7M-}) mfn. having the ★morning and evening twilight for shoulders MBh.)
pratyUSa(= s. ★dawn, day-break ({mahati pratyUSye} early in the morning*).)
ハーとゥンち (+ン, S-ch)
pUrvasaMdhyA(= f. `" earlier twilight "' , ★dawn , day-break W.)
avyuSTa(= mfn. not yet shining (as the ★dawn) )
アカチチ (v-g-k)、あかつき
ucchvaJc(= (%{ud-} %{zvaJc}) A1. (Impv. 2. sg. %{u4c-chvaJcasva} RV. ) to ★gape , cleave open.)
いちハくー (J 無音)
dA, dadAti, datte, dadati, -te (dAti, dadmi)(= ; undertake 企てる、始める、〜に着手する、〜に取り掛かる, begin. {apA} M. take off. {abhyA} M. (A.) appropriate, put on, take up ({vAkyam}). {upA} M. accept, receive, acquire, appropriate, take, seize, choose, employ, mention; undertake, begin. {samupA} M. obtain, get, take, rob, put on, employ. {pratyA} M. receive or take oack, recall, repeat 反復する. {vyA} M. (n{mukham}) open the mouth, ★gape. {samA} A. give, restore;)
kilAsa(= a. ★leprous ハンセン病; f. {kilAsI3} a kind of spotted deer; n. leprosy.)
zipiviSTa(= mfn. (accord. to Sa1y.) pervaded by rays (applied to Rudra-S3iva and Vishn2u ; cf. RTL. ; bald-headed A1past. ; `" ★leprous "' or `" having no prepuce "' L. ; superfluous Ka1t2h. ; %{-vat} mfn. containing the word %{zipiviSTa} TS. Br. ; (%{vatI}) f. a verse containing the above word Br.)
kilAsatva(= n. the state of being ★leprous Ta1n2d2yaBr.)
anapasara(= a. having no escape or ★excuse.)
ゑンミサ (p-m)
vyapadiSTa(= mfn. pointed out &c. ; informed W. ; tricked ib. ; pleaded as an ★excuse ib.)
pratyanunI(= P. A1. %{-nayati} , %{-te} , to speak friendly words , induce to yield , persuade MBh. ; (A1.) to beg a person's (acc.) ★pardon for (acc.) ib.)
Azraya(= m. that to which anything is annexed or with which anything is closely connected or on which anything depends or rests 何かが付属しているもの、または何かが密接に接続されているもの、または何かが依存または依存しているもの Pa1n2. ; ; ; a plea 口実、言い訳。嘆願、弁解、懇願, ★excuse L. ;;(in Gr.) the subject , that to which the predicate is annexed 述語が付加されている主題; )
kacchapa(= ; a cutaneous disease , ★wart いぼ, blotch 《病理》できもの、おでき、かさ Sus3r. ; )
クッちビ、【徳之島】クジマ (p-m)
namana(= mfn. bending 曲げること, ★bowing (ifc.) S3is3. (cf. %{nR-}) ; n. bowing down , sinking Ma1rkP. ; bending (a bow) 弓を曲げる Sa1h.)
ajambha(= m. `" toothless "' , a ★frog 蛙(カエル) .)
アミナー (ja 無音, b-n)☑
ajihma(= mfn. not crooked , straight ; honest , upright Mn. ; m. a ★frog (perhaps for %{a-jihva}) L. ; a fish L.)
darzayAminI(= f. the new ★moon night 新月の夜 L.)
dazama(= , f. {i} the tenth; n. adv. for the tenth time; f. {I} the tenth day of the half ★moon, the tenth decad of the life.)
manasija(= m. `" heart-born 心の誕生"' , love 愛 or the god of love 愛の神 Ka1v. ; the ★moon Ra1matUp. ; %{-taru} m. love conceived as a tree Ma1lav. ; %{-bRsI} f. the ★moon Alam2ka1rav.)
ののさま (j-jn)
darzayAga(= m. a new ★moon sacrifice 新月のお供え物.)
dArzika(= mf(%{I})n. and mf(%{A})n. relating to the new ★moon or the new moon sacrifice Comm. on A1pS3r. )
aSTaka(= a. eightfold; m. a man's name; f. {A} the eighth day after full ★moon 満月から八日後の日 .)
pRthivInAtha, -pati, -pAla(= , & {bhuj} m. prince, ★king 王様 (lord of the [[-,]] earth 土地の領主).)
フスガナーシー (v-g)、おーさまダ (p 無音, v-m)
utsarga(= ; handing over , delivering ; granting , ★gift , donation MBh. ; oblation , libation ; presentation (of anything promised to a god or Bra1hman with suitable ceremonies) ; a particular ceremony on suspending repetition of the Veda Mn.)
satpratigraha(= m. acceptance of ★gifts from virtuous men 高潔な男性からの贈り物の受け入れ Mn.)
sadAsukha(= n. eternal ★bliss. 永遠の至福。)
anurAgeGgita(= n. gesture ★expressive 表現 of passion. 情熱を表現するジェスチャー)
nirvam(= P. %{-vamati} , to ★vomit 吐く, spit out , eject MBh. )
vamana(= n. ★vomiting, ejecting, giving forth.)
ムヌ (v-m)
pracchRd(= ( %{chRd}) , Caus. %{-cchardayati} , to ★vomit Sus3r.)
パかー だ、パちュ だ、吐き気 だ
supragupta(= mfn. well hidden , very ★secret Ka1v.)
サナーガーち (r-n)
sunibhRtam(= adv. very ★secretly.)
サナーガーちに (b-g)、シヌービだの、シヌービンだの (R-n)
pracchanna(= a. covered, veiled, hidden, ★secret; n. adv.)
vakrIbhUta(= mfn. bent 曲がった, crooked W. ; dishonest ib. ; ★inauspicious , hostile , adverse Ca1n2.)
sthAnadIpta(= mfn. (in augury "' , ★inauspicious on account of situation (see %{dIpta}) VarBr2S.)
cAlana(= n. shaking, wagging, loosening, pushing away; f. {I} ★sieve, strainer.)
シーノー、すいの (l 無音)
vAra(= 1 m. tail-hair, esp. of a horse; m. n. sgl. & pl. a ★hair-sieve.)
vipRc(= mfn. isolated 孤立化, ★separate 分離 VS.)
paricchid(= ;; to ★separate , divide , part Siddh. ; to avert , obviate MW.)
phalIkR(= P. %{-karoti} (Ved. inf. %{phalI4-kartavai4}) , to ★separate the fruit or grain from the husks , thresh , winnow Br. Gr2S3rS.)
vaThara(= mfn. stupid , ★dull , a fool , blockhead Hcar. ;)
mUra(= 1 mf(%{A})n. (either = %{mUDha} or fr. %{
mRR}) ★dull , stupid アホ, foolish RV. Pan5cavBr.)
viyuj(= ; to be ★relaxed のんびり, yield , give way R.: Caus. %{-yojayati} , %{-te} , to cause to be disjoined , separate or deliver from , deprive of (instr. or abl.) MBh. ; to rob MBh. ; to subtract Li1l.)
unduru(= m. a ★rat , ★mouse.)
vRza(= m. a partic. small animal (L. `" a ★mouse or ★rat "' ; cf. 1. %{vRSa}) MaitrS. ;)
えンちュー (R-n)、あヂー
ajita(= mfn. not conquered , unsubdued , unsurpassed , invincible , irresistible ; m. a particular antidote ; a kind of venomous 《生物》〔生物や器官が〕有毒な、毒を持つ[出す] ★rat ; )
pAGktra(= m. a kind of ★mouse.)
jAla(= 1 n. net, web, springe 〔小動物を捕らえるための〕わな, ★snare 罠(わな), coat or helmet of wire, grate, lattice, (lattice-) window, the membrane between the toes of waterbirds (supposed also to exist between the toes and fingers of godlike personages), mane (of a lion); collection, multitude.)
ヤマー (l-m)
upasAntvaya(= Nom. (fr. %{sAntva}) P. %{-sAntvayati} , to appease , tranquillize , soothe , coax , ★persuade Ka1s3.)
いマーシミ ル (p-m, v-m)
upacchandita(= mfn. ★persuaded , coaxed , enticed S3ak. (Pra1kr2it {uba-cchandido}.))
いマーシミた (p-m)
sthita(= mfn. standing (as opp. to `" going "' , `" sitting "' , or `" lying "' ; %{parasparaM@sthitam} , `" standing opposed to each other "' ; %{
sthitaM@tena} , `" it was stood by him "' = `" he waited "'; ; fixed upon , determined S3ak. ; firmly convinced or ★persuaded MBh.; )
たしなめる (t 無音)
praskhal(= P. %{-skhalati} , to ★stagger 〔倒れそうなほど〕よろめく、ぐらつく、ふらつく。〔自信などが〕ぐらつく、くじける、たじろぐ forwards , reel , totter , stumble , tumble MBh.)
ピけール (s 無音)
vicar(= P. %{-carati} , to move in different directions 反対方向へ動く, spread , expand , be diffused RV. ; to rove , ramble about or through , traverse , pervade RV. ;; ; to doubt , ★hesitate 躊躇する ib. ;)
tharatharAy, -yate(= reel, ★stagger, shake, tremble. [[-,]])
たじろぐ (y-ki)
saMdigdha(= ; %{-nizcaya} mfn. one who ★hesitates to hold a firm opinion R. ;; %{
-lekhya} n. a writing or document of doubtful meaning or authority W. ; %{-dhA7kSara} mfn. having indistinct utterance MW. ; %{-dhA7rtha} mfn. having doubtful meaning , dubious in sense ib. ; m. a doubtful or disputed matter Ya1jn5. ; %{-dhI-kRta} mfn. made to present a doubtful resemblance Ba1lar.)
rAhu(m. (fr. %{rabh} ; cf. %{graha} and %{grah}) `" the Seizer "'N. of a Daitya or demon who is supposed to seize the sun and moon and thus cause eclipses (he is fabled as a son of Vipra-citti and Sin6hika1 and as having a ★dragon's tail) 太陽と月をつかむために日食を引き起こすと考えられているダイアティアまたは悪魔の名前. (彼はVipra-cittiとSin6hika1の息子として、そしてドラゴンの尻尾を持っているとして話されています;)
jhaTiti(= adv. instantly 即座に、瞬間的に、即席に, on the spot; {jhaTiti} -- {jhaTiti} no ★sooner--than すぐに.*)
ちューちェイ (j-t)
jAtanaSTa(= mfn. (nc誤字 [no] ★sooner) appeared (than) disappeared Bhartr2.)
たちまち (j-t)
nipAda(= m. (fr. %{pA4da}) low ground 低地、底, a ★valley 谷 RV.)
nivat(= f. depth , any deep place or ★valley (opp. to %{ud-va4t} q.v.) RV. ; (%{-tA}) ind. downhill , downwards RV. )
マたー (v-m)
droNi(= f. trough 飼い葉おけ、餌入れ。〔気圧の〕谷。〔大地や海底の〕溝, tub 風呂桶 L. ; a ★valley Nalac. ; N. of a country L.)
mandAkinI(= f. (fr. %{manda} + 2. %{aJc}) `" going or streaming slowly "'N. of an arm of the Ganges (flowing down through the ★valley of Keda1ra-na1tha in the Hima7layas) and of other rivers MBh. ; (esp.) the heavenly Ganges MBh. ; another river in heaven BhP. ; N. of a metre Chandom. ; (in astron.) N. of a partic. conjunction.)
sudharSa(= or mfn. (prob.) ★easy to be got at or laid hold of Vop. -1.)
sudRSTa(= mf(%{A})n. well seen (acc. with %{kR} , `" to look at well or earnestly "') MBh. R. ; ★easy to be seen (compar. %{-tara}) Ja1takam. ;)
laghu(= (f. {laghvI} & {laghu}) swift, quick, light, ★easy, soft, gentle (sound), pleasant; insignificant, small, low, mean; short (prosod.), young or younger. -- n. adv., w. {man} slight, despise (w. {kR} mock, scoff*).)
vizada(= mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. 1. %{zad}) `" conspicuous "' , bright , brilliant , shining , splendid , beautiful , white , spotless , pure (lit. and fig. ; %{am} ind.) MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; calm , ★easy , cheerful (as the mind , the eye , a smile) Ka1lid.)
prapAtin ,or, prapAta(= m. a rock , ★cliff 崖, mountain L.)
フチ、バンタ (p-m-n)、フサーバンダ (r-s, +ン)
sUSaNA(= f. `" the ★genitals 性器、生殖器、交尾器、外性器"' or `" a parturient woman 産婦"' AV.)
saMgrah(= (or %{grabh}) P. A1. %{-gRhNAti} , %{-gRhNIte} (Ved. generally %{-gRbhNAti} , %{-gRbhNIte}) , to seize or hold together , take or lay hold of. grab , grasp , gripe , clasp , clench , snatch RV. ; to take , receive (kindly or hospitably) , encourage , support , favour , protect Hit. ; to seize on , attack (as an illness) MBh. ; to apprehend , conceive , understand BhP. ; to carry off ib. ; to gather together , assemble , collect , compile ib. &c. ; to include , comprehend , contain Gaut. Pat. ; to draw together , ★contract 契約する, make narrower , abridge S3Br. ; to draw together (a bow in order to unstring it) 一緒に引くこと(問題を解くために弓を)MBh. ;)
paridhAna(= (and %{-dhAna4}) n. putting or laying round (esp , wood) , ★wrapping round , putting on , dressing , clothing Ka1tyS3r.)
samAsaJj(= P. %{-sajati} , to fasten or stick together , join or attach to , fix or place on , ★wrap or suspend round MBh. Hariv. ; to impose , resign or deliver over to (loc.) Mn. : Pass. %{-sajyate} , or %{-sajjate} , to cling or adhere closely together , cling or stick to , become attached to MW.)
チチムンち (m 無音)、ちちにゃち
mAdhavI(= f. the ★earth (also with %{devI}) R. ; `" spring-flower "' , Gaertnera Racemosa Ka1lid. BhP. ; honey-sugar L. ;..)
mahIlatA(= f. an ★earthworm , dew-worm L.)
ミミジャー (l-m)、みみず
soSa(= a. mixed with alkaline ★earth.)
sthiti(= f. standing upright or firmly , not falling Ka1vya7d. ; ; ; that which continually exists , the world , ★earth BhP. ; any situation or state or position or abode Ka1v. ; station , high position , rank Mn. ; maintenance , sustenance Ma1lati1m. ; )
psA(= 1 cl. %{
psA4ti} (Impv. %{
psAhi} , %{psAtu} AV. ; pf. %{papsau} Gr. ; aor. %{apsAsIt} Bhat2t2. ; Prec. %{psAyAt} S3Br. ; or %{pseyAt} Gr. ; fut. %{psAsyati} , %{
psAtA} ib. ; ind. p. %{-psA4ya} Br. ; Pass. impf. %{apsIyata} ib.) , to chew , ★swallow , devour , eat , consume ; to go Naigh. (For %{bhsA} = %{bhasA} = %{bhas} + %{A} ; cf. %{mnA} and %{man} , %{yA} and %{i} &c.))
pA(= 1 cl. %{
pi4bati} (Ved. and ep. also A1. %{-te} ; ;%{
pA4tavaI4} RV.) , to drink , quaff, suck , sip , ★swallow 【動詞】〜を飲み込む[下す]。【名詞】ツバメ。 (with acc. , rarely gen.) RV. ;;: Intens. %{pepIyate} (p. %{-yamAna} also with pass meaning) , to drink greedily 貪欲に飲む or repeatedly 反復的に Up. )
saMpiba(= a. ★swallowing.)
つばめ (b-m)
piNDitArtha(= m. the condensed i.e. ★abridged meaning , the chief point or matter Ma1lav. )
svAmin(= ; sometimes ★abridged from names ending in %{svAmin} 尻・後半を略す e.g. for %{kSIra- 尻(けつ)} and %{zabara-svAmin 尻窄み(しり - つぼみ)}) Cat. ; (%{inI}) f. see next.)
taGg(= cl. %{-gati} , to go Dha1tup. ; to ★stumble ib. ; to tremble ib.)
pracchRd(= ( %{chRd}) , Caus. %{
-cchardayati} , to ★vomit Sus3r.)
パランちョーだ (+ン)、パランちョーだやち (+ン)
gahana(= mf(%{A})n. (g. %{kSubhnA7di}) deep , dense , thick , impervious , impenetrable , inexplicable , hard to be understood MBh. ; (%{A}) f. ornament Devi1P. ; (%{am}) n. an abyss , depth (`" water "' Naigh. Nir.) RV. ; an inaccessible place , hiding-place , thicket , ★cave 洞窟, wood , impenetrable darkness ,)
dara(= (Pa1n2.) mfn. ( %{
dRR}) ifc. , cleaving , breaking see %{puraM-dara4} , %{bhagaM-} ; m. (g. %{ardharcA7di} , %{uJchA7du}) = %{-rI} R. ; a conch-shell BhP. ; m. the navel Gal. ; `" stream "' see %{asRg-} ; fear MBh. ; n. poison (v.l. %{dhara}) L. ; (%{I}) f. a hole in the ground 地面の穴, ★cave MBh.)
paryApta(= mfn. obtained , gained Uttarar. ; finished , completed , full Up. ; extensive , spacious , large Hariv. ; abundant , copious , many Ka1v. ; sufficient for (dat. or gen.) ; adequate , ★equal to 〜と同等, a match for (gen. dat. ; loc. or inf. )
samakakSa(= mfn. having ★equal weight 同じ重さ (%{-tA} , f. ; %{-tva} n.) Sa1h. ; (%{A}) f. equilibrium (%{-kSAM-tul} P. %{tulayati} "' , to balance one another 互いにバランスしている、等価"') MBh.)
samakakSa(= a. of the ★same weight or importance 同一重要性、等価; f. {A} = {-tA} f., {-tva} n. as abstr.)
vIrya(= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) manliness , valour , strength , power , energy RV. ; heroism , heroic deed ib. ; manly vigour , virility , semen virile MBh. ; efficacy (of medicine) Kum. ; ★poison BhP. ; )
sagara(= 2 mfn. (fr. 7. %{sa} + %{gara} , `" ★poison "' , 2. %{gRR} ; for 1. %{sa-gara} see above) containing poison , poisonous (n. `" poisonous food "') R.)
prasArita(= ; %{-bhoga} mfn. (a serpent サーペント、蛇) with expanded ★coils Pan5cat. ; )
ハブサリーた (r-b)、ふらさーりた
zalya(= m. n. the point of a spear or an arrow, i.g. ★thorn, sting (lit. & fig.); blemish, fault, obstacle; m. also = seq.)
ヂー (l 無音)
sitAgra(= m. or n. a ★thorn (for %{zil-}) ib.)
sazalya(= mf(%{A})n. pierced by an arrow or dart , stung , wounded (also fig.= `" pained , afflicted "') R. Ka1lid. Katha1s. ; ★thorny 棘っぽい, connected with pain or sorrow , troublesome , difficult HParis3. ; m. a bear L.)
ヂー (l 無音)、ヂーるや
zalyaka(= m. an arrow , dart , spear , ★thorn &c. (= %{zalya}) ; a porcupine VS. ; a scaly fish Vajras. (cf. %{sa-zalka}) ; Vanguieria Spinosa L.)
kaGkaNa(= n. (%{as} m. L.) , (%{kai} Comm. ) , a bracelet , ornament for the wrist , ring MBh. ; a band or ribbon (tied round the wrist of a bride or bridegroom before marriage) Mcar. ; an annual weapon MBh. ; an ornament round the feet of an elephant MBh. ; any ornament or trinket ; a ★crest ;)
koTIra(= m. (= %{-Tira}) long entangled hair Naish. xi , 18 ; a ★crest , diadem Pa1rs3van. )
カンヂュイ (+ン)
kUpAGka(= m. ★bristling 〔毛を〕逆立てる or erection of the hairs of the body L.)
キープくガー◎ 100 点
samprahRSTa(= mfn. excessively rejoiced , rejoicing , joyful MBh. ; erect , ★bristling 〔毛を〕逆立てる (or `" standing on end "' , as the hair of the body) , thrilling ib. ; %{-tanUruha} mfn. having the hairs of the body bristling with delight MBh. ; %{-manas} mfn. overjoyed in heart R. ; %{-mukha} mfn. having the face radiant with joy MBh.)
とりばだ (mp 無音)、さむぼろした、さむけぼろした
vAzImat(= (%{vA4zI-}) mfn. having a sharp ★knife , armed with an axe RV.)
viSANa(= ; a sword or ★knife R. (v.l. %{kRpANa}) ; )
ハたーナ (S-t)
parzumaya(= mf(%{I})n. shaped like a curved ★knife Nir. )
varaNDa(= m. (Un2. ) the string of a fishhook (cf. %{-lambuka}) Mr2icch. ; (only L.) a multitude ; an eruption on the face ; a rampart separating two combatant elephants ; a heap of grass ; a packet , package ; (%{A}) f. (only L.) Turdus Salica ; a dagger ダガー、短剣, ★knife ; the wick of a lamp.)
ヤマーナヂー (r-m)
suradhanus(= n. `" bow of the gods "' , a ★rainbow Ka1v. ; %{
-nur-lekhAya} , to resemble a rainbow (%{-yita} mfn. ) Ka1v.) ティンとーノーヂリ (s-t, r-n)
sendrAyudhapurogama(= mfn. preceded by the ★rainbow ib.)
ティンとーノーヂリがま (s-t, r-n)
putrotsaGgA(= f. ★pregnant with a son MBh.)
ハシギン (+ン)、プー シちュンが (+ン)
kIla(= & {-ka} m., {kIliMkA} f. a pointed piece of wood; ★peg ペグ, bolt, wedge 楔、クサビ、ウエッジ, etc.)
dhura(= m. yoke , ★pole 竿(さお), burden , peg of the axle (esp. ifc.) MBh. ; mfn. having anything as chief (foremost) part or ingredient , distinguished by (ifc.) Ba1lar. ; (%{A}) f. burden , load Pan5c. ; ★pole , shaft 柄 Pan5c.)
peru(= 1 mfn. drinking VS. (Mahi1dh. ; perhaps rather = 3. %{pe4ru}) ; (%{pe4ru}) , thirsty (?) TS. ; m. (only L.) the sun ; ★fire ; the ocean ; the golden mountain (cf. %{meru}).)
mantrazrutya(= n. following counsel , obedience RV. ; ★tradition 伝統 respecting the correct use of sacred texts MW.)
pitRmAtRhina(= mfn. destitute 全くない、完全に欠けている。極貧の、貧窮した。 of father and mother , ★orphan 孤児 MW.)
ペーヂュリン (m 無音)
paricayavant(= 2 a. acquainted よく知っている間柄, ★familiar 親しい.)
ハナーガナーとゥ (r-n, v-n)
mlAyin(= mfn. fading 色褪せる, ★withering away しおれる, languishing 〔人や動植物が〕衰える、やつれる、しおれる Bhartr2.)
valina(= mfn. ★shrivelled 縮む, wrinkled , flaccid 〔筋肉・茎などが〕しおれた、ぐにゃぐにゃした S3a1n3khS3r.)
ネールン (v-n)
garbhamokSa(= m. ★delivery 出産、分娩 VarBr2.)
くヮーナシー (k 無音)
sajjIkR(= P. %{-karoti} , to equip , ★prepare , arm , make ready MBh. ; to string (a how) Katha1s.)
samAkR(= P. A1. %{-karoti} , %{-kurute} ; %{-kRNoti} , %{-kRNute} , to bring together , unite RV. VS. ; to gather , collect RV. AitBr. ; to make ready , ★prepare RV. : Caus. %{-kArayati} see next.)
スーガイ /スガイ (m 無音)
sthA, tiSThati, -te(= , pp. {sthita3} 1 (q.v.) stand, stay, stop, [[-,]] remain, wait; stand by (loc.), declare for (dat.); hold out or bear up against (gen. {npuras}); continue in a condition or action (nom., esp. of a pp.; ger., instr. or loc.), exist, be present;; ★prepare for (dat.); )
シたーくシタ (h-k)
yuj(= 1 (cf. 2. %{yu} cl. ) %{yuna4kti} , %{yuGkte4} (ep. also %{yuJjati} , %{-te} ;; ; to make ready , ★prepare , arrange , fit out , set to work , use , employ , apply ib. ; )
ヨーイ (j-y)
saMdhi(= mfn. containing a conjunction 接続部 or transition 変換 from one to the other &c. ; m. (exceptionally f. ; once in MBh. loc. pl. %{saMdhISu}) junction , connection , combination , union with (instr.) 連結 Kat2hUp. ; association , intercourse with (instr.) MBh. ;; ; the ★vagina or ★vulva L. ; )
シムディー → シムー△
vAmin(= 1 mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) vomiting , ejecting from the mouth TS. ; (%{inI}) f. (with %{yoni}) a vulva 女性器 ejecting the semen virile 精液 Sus3r.)
ポーミ、ポー (min 無音)
puSpapadavI(= f. (Ha1sy.) `" course of the menses メンスの通り道"' , the ★vulva.)
kSava(= m. sneezing AV. ; ★cough , catarrh L. ; black mustard 黒胡椒 (Sinapis dichotoma) L.)
サフイ (k 無音)、くっさめ (v-m)、こしょう
tAdathrya(= n. the being ★intended 意図的 for that.)
シこイ (y-ki)
dvitaya(= mfn. consisting of two , twofold , double BhP. ; pl. (%{e} or %{As} , i ) two , both (each thought of as a plurality e.g. mountains and trees) Ragh. ; n. a pair or ★couple Ya1jn5. )
saMsic(= P. A1. %{-siJcati} , %{-te} , to ★pour together , ★pour upon , sprinkle over RV. ; to cast , form AV.)
sic, siJcati, -te(= , pp. {sikta3} 1 ★pour out, sprinkle, scatter (also [[-,]] semen); ★pour in or upon (loc.),)
svaira(= a. moving on gently or cautiously; n. adv. of one's own accord, spontaneously, freely, easily, ★carelessly (also --- & instr.); gently, slowly, cautiously; as subst. in pendence, free choice.)
nirmama(= a. unselfish, disinterested, ★careless about (loc.); abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n.)
suvizvasta(= mfn. very confiding , quite unconcerned or ★careless Pan5cat. ; very trusty , confidential W.)
ソーソー、そそっかしー (v-k)、ちャくちャくダ (v-k, v-k)
bahirbhUta(= mfn. being out , expelled or excluded from (ifc.) Pa1n2. ; expired (as a period of time) MW. ; inattentive , ★careless ib.)
sAdhAraNa(= mf(%{I} or %{A})n. `" having or resting on the same support or basis "' , belonging or applicable to many or all , general , common to all , universal , common to (gen. dat. instr. with and without %{saha} , or comp.) RV. ;; (%{I}) f. a ★key L. ; a twig of bamboo (perhaps used as a bolt) MW. ;)
kuJcikA(= f. a ★key. )
paridhi(= m. enclosure, ★fence, wall; cover, garment; circumference, compass, horizon; fire-frame (r.).)
vATa(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vaTa}) made or consisting of the Banyan or Indian fig-tree or its wood ; m. an enclosure , (either) a ★fence , wall , (or) a piece of enclosed ground , garden , park , plantation MBh. ;)
praccchanna(= mfn. covered , enveloped , shut up S3Br. ; ★hidden , ★concealed , unobserved , private , secret , disguised (ibc. and %{am} ind. `" secretly , covertly "') Mn. ; n. a private door ; a lattice , loop-hole L. ; %{-gupta} mfn. secretly ★hidden Bhartr2. ; %{-cAraka} and %{-cArin} mfn. acting secretly or fraudulently R. ; %{-taskara} m. a secret thief Mn. ; %{-pApa} m. a snsecretly sinner ib. ; %{-vaJcaka} m. a snsecretly rogue or rascal ib. ; %{-vRtti} f. a snsecretly manner or way S3ukas. ; %{-cchannI-bhU} , to ★hide or ★conceal one's self. L.)
paryUrNu(= A1. %{-UrNute} , to cover or ★conceal one's self MaitrS.)
ハくリン/ ハくルン (y-ki)
manmazas(= ind. ★each according to his heart's desire 各自の心の要求どおりの分 RV.)
ナー (zas 無音)、銘々(めいめい) (zas 無音)、まま (zas 無音)
anu(= 3 ind. (as a prefix to verbs and nouns , expresses) after , along , alongside , lengthwise , near to , under , subordinate to , with. (When prefixed to nouns , especially in adverbial compounds) , according to , severally , ★each by ★each , orderly , methodically , one after another , repeatedly. (As a separable preposition , with accusative) after , along , over , near to , through , to , towards , at , according to , in order , agreeably to , in regard to , inferior to Pa1n2. As a separable adverb) after , afterwards , thereupon , again , further , then , next.)
kaya(= (only gen. sgl. m.) w. {cid} ★each, every.)
かく (y-ki)
tathaiva(= ★exactly so , in like manner ; (with %{ca} or %{api} following) likewise.)
たしか (v-k)
peTAka(= m. a ★basket L.)
kulAyikA(= f. a ★bird-cage 鳥かご, aviary 〔大きな〕鳥小屋 L. )
praplAvana(= n. flooding with water 水で洪水, ★extinguishing 消火、消して・消して (a fire) AitBr.)
parihan(= P. %{-hanti} , to wind round Ka1t2h. ; to ★extinguish (fire) S3Br. ; Pass. %{-hanyate} , to be changed or altered MBh. (v.l. %{prati-h-}) ; to cease 止める, perish 消滅 Pan5c. (v.l. %{-hIyate}).)
vahvi(= m. beast for draught ドラフト用の獣, team; conveyer, esp. who brings an oblation to the gods (Agni); the rider or charioteer (sev. gods), the flowing one (Soma); in l. l. mostly ★fire 主に火。殆ど火。 or the god of ★fire 火の神.)
hastavApa(= m. scattering or shooting a ★shower of arrows with the hand 手で矢のシャワーを散乱または射る MBh.)
varSapAta(= m. pl. ★showers of rain.)
varSaugha(= m. a torrent , sudden ★shower of rain Ka1v.)
ハたンギー (+ン)
vinirvam(= P. %{-vamati} , to vomit or ★spit 唾が出る out R.)
マンヌミ (v-m, v-n)
cal, calati (-te)(= ; be perplexed or ★disappointed 失望した. )
skhalitavIrya(= mfn. one whose heroism has been frustrated or ★disappointed Ragh.)
ちーダイや (sk-t)
klAnti(= f. ★fatigue , weariness Bhartr2.)
クランダイ → チルダイ (k-t)
cal, calati (-te)(= , pp. {calita} (q.v.) get into motion, stir, budge; [[-,]] tremble, quiver, totter; set out, start, depart, pass away; walk, march; spread, be diffused; be troubled or ★disappointed;)
piz(= 1 (%{piMz}) cl. 6. P. (Dha1tup. xxviii , 143) %{piMzati} , Ved. also A1. %{-te} (pf. %{pipe4za} , %{pipize4} %{-zre} RV. ; ; to form , fashion , ★mould RV. :)
kuNapa(- 2 a. rotting 腐る, ★mouldering 朽ちる.)
pAta(= 2 m. (for 1. see under 3. %{pA}) flying , mode of flying , flight MBh. ; throwing one's self or falling into (loc.) or from (abl.) , fall , downfall ; ; alighting , descending or causing to descend , casting or throwing upon , cast , fall 落ちた (of a ★thunderbolt) , throw , shot MBh.)
kapAlavajrin(= mfn. bearing 耐える a skull and a ★thunderbolt 頭蓋骨と落雷 Hcat.)
くヮーギヌ (v-g)、くヮーギヌヒちャー
pratibaddha(= ; %{-prasara} mfn. hindered 妨げる、妨害する、邪魔する、遅らせる、された。 or blunted 刃がとがっていない in its course (as a ★thunderbolt) , Mallin.)
kacchura(= mfn. (fr. the next) , scabby , ★itchy , affected by a cutaneous disease Ka1s3. ; unchaste , libidinous ; (%{as} , %{am}) m. n. a species of turmeric L. ; (%{A}) f. Alhagi Maurorum Sus3r. ; Carpopogon Pruriens L. ; a species of turmeric L.)
ゴーちゃ、ゴーセン (r-n)
satRSa(= having ★thirst , ★thirsty , desirous L.)
vijala(= mfn. waterless , dry Hariv. ; n. ★drought AdbhBr. ; m. n. and (%{A}) f. sauce &c. mixed with rice-water or gruel , W. )
ぴャイ (j-y, l 無音)
bhAgika(= mf(%{A})n. relating to a part , forming one part Sus3r. (with %{zata} n. one part in a ★hundred i.e. one percent. ; with %{viMzati} f. five percent. Pa1n2. ) ; m. N. of a man Ra1jat.)
pura(= a fortress , castle , city , town (a place containing large buildings surrounded by a ditch and extending not less than one Kos in length ;; ; the body (cf. 3. %{pur}) BhP. ; the ★skin L. ; )
chavi(= f. ★skin , hide TBr.)
bharadvAja(= (%{bhara4d-}) m. `" bearing "' speed or strength (of flight) "' , a ★skylark R. ;)
vyAghrATa(= m. a ★skylark L.)
vArdhra(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vardhra}) fit for straps (as a hide) Pa1n2. ; consisting of leather , leathern 革製 Pa1n2. ; n. and (%{I}) f. a leather ★thong ひも)
うイルー(d-y),ウー、カーウー (v-k)、ムてィー (v-m)、ひも (r-m)
yathAsambhava(= mfn. accordant with ★possibility 可能性的には, as far as possible もし可能ならば, compatible どっちもどっち、互換的、何とも言えない Sa1h. ; (%{am}) ind. compatibly 互換性, accnaccording to the connexion , respectively 各々 VPra1t.)
ユー サヌバ
brahmANDa(= n. `" Brahma1's egg "' , the universe 宇宙, world (also pl.) 世界 Hariv. Su1ryas. (also %{-kaTAha} m. A1ryabh. Sch.) ; N. of a Pura1n2a and an Upapura1n2a ; %{-kapAla} m. the ★skull 頭蓋骨 or hemisphere 半球(体)、脳半球 of the world , the inhabited earth Hcar. ; )
poDu(= m. the parietal bone , the bone forming the upper part of the skull 頭蓋骨の上部を構成する骨 L.)
upaplu(= P. %{-plavati} , to overflow あふれる, inundate ; to assault , invade , afflict ; to eclipse Kaus3. ; to rush upon , assail MBh.: A1. %{-plavate} , to swim on the ★surface (as a light object) Comm. )
grAmin(= mfn. surrounded by a village or community or race TS. ii ; pertaining to a village , rustic W. ; m. a villager , ★peasant (%{-miNAM@rati} = %{-ma-caryA} BhP. ) ; = %{-me7za} ; (%{iNI}) f. (cf. %{-ma-NI}) the Indigo plant L. )
のうみん (g-n)
vizIla(= a. bad-natured, ★immoral.)
ニヂャーリ/ミヂャーリ (v-m)
jJAnitva(= n. ★fortune-telling Katha1s. )
ユたー (n 無音)
jJAnazAstra(= n. the science of ★fortune-telling Vet. )
いにゃなしり、ムヌシリー (j 無音)
Adeza(= m. advice , instruction S3Br. ; account information , declaration Mn. ; ★foretelling , soothsaying , Ratna1v.)
vad, vadati, -te(= , pp. {udita3} (q.v.) A. speak, raise the voice [[-,]] ({nvAcam}), sing, sound ({ucai3s} or {bRha3t} loud); speak or say to, relate, communicate, proclaim, announce (acc. {nabhi}, gen. or loc. of pers. & acc. of th.), tell, teach, (2 acc.); counsel, advice, ★foretell, predict;)
sarahasya(= a. with the ★mysteries i.e. Upanishads.)
paramarahasya(= n. the deepest ★mystery ; %{-japa-saMgraha} m. %{-vAda} m. %{-saMhitA} f. %{-syo7padeza-saMgraha} m. %{-syo7paniSad} f. N. of wks.)
viparivartana(= mf(%{I})n. causing to turn round ひっくり返るを引き起こす or to return ; (%{I}) f. (with or scil. %{vidyA}) a partic. ★magical formula 魔法の公式 supposed to be efficacious in causing the return of an absent person Katha1s. ; n. turning round A1pS3r. ; rolling about , wallowing R.)
ぴルーマセン (v-m),ぴンマセン (v-m)
vipriya(= (%{vi4-}) mfn. disaffected , estranged TS. (cf. %{-preman}) ; disagreeable , ★unpleasant to (gen. or comp.) MBh. ; n. (also pl.) anything ★unpleasant or hateful , offence , transgression ib. ; %{-kara} (Katha1s.) , %{-kArin} and %{-M-kara} (MBh.) mfn. doing what is displeasing , acting unkindly , offensive ; %{-tva} n. ★unpleasantness BhP. )
ハマーラ (p-m)
viniyamya(= mfn. to be ★restricted or limited Pat.)
はまーや → ハマーラ
kaSTa(= ; (%{am}) n. a bad state of things , evil , wrong ; pain , suffering , misery , wretchedness ; trouble , ★difficulty ; bodily exertion , strain , labour , toil , fatigue , weariness , hardship , uneasiness , inquietude (mental or bodily) R. Katha1s. Pan5cat. S3ak. Hit. ; )
viraha(= m. abandonment , desertion , parting , separation (esp. of lovers) , absence from (instr. or comp.) MBh. ; ★lack 欠けている, want 不足 (ifc. = lacking , with the exception of) Ka1v. ;)
pidhAna(= n. covering, shutting up; cover, ★lid.)
vArAha(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{varAha}) coming from or belonging to a boar (with %{upAnahau} du. shoes made of ★pig's leather ブタの皮の靴; with %{mAMsa} n. ★pig's flesh 豚肉) Br. Ya1jn5.)
わーらーは、まーさ → わーシ
viDvarAha(= m. ★house-pig 豚の家.)
ヴぃどヴぁらー → わンヤー (v-n, r-y)、ゥワーフール
mRtotthita(= mfn. died and risen ★again to life BhP.)
pratyAzvas(= P. %{-zvasiti} , to breathe ★again , respire , revive , take heart again MBh. : Caus. %{-zvAsayati} , to comfort , console , encourage R.)
ふたたび (s 無音)
garjana(= n. crying , roaring , rumbling (of clouds) , growl , grunt R. Hit. ; passion L. ; battle (%{yudh}) L. ; excessive ★indignation 〔侮辱・不当な扱い・不正などに対する〕憤り、憤慨, reproach L.)
ぐんじゃん (r-n)、グンダン (r-n)
saudhatala(= n. the ★flat roof of a plasterer Ragh.)
paridRR(= (only 3. sg. Prec. A1. %{-darSISTa}) , to break through (the foe) RV. : Pass. %{-dIryate} , to ★peel or drop off on all sides , to become dropsical TS. )
ピヂュン (R-n, R-n)
paripuTana(= n. ★peeling , losing the bark or skin ib. ; %{-vat} mfn. ★peeling or dropping off ib.)
pizAcajambhana(= mfn. ★crushing Pis3a1cas ib.)
piS, pinaSTi (piMSati)(= , pp. {piMSTa3} (q.v.) grind, pound, ★crush, [[,]] destroy. C. {peSayati} = S. --{nis} & {vinis} pound, ★crush, rub (the hands). {pra} ★crush or grind down. {prati} rub or beat against (together), pound, ★crush. {vi} beat asunder, pelt with (instr.). {sam} pound, squeeze, ★crush or grind down.)
ピシンちュ (+ン)
vidhvaMs(= (or %{dhvas}) A1. %{-dhvaMsate} (rarely %{-ti}) , to fall to pieces , crumble into dust or powder , be scattered or dispersed or destroyed , perish S3Br. : Caus. %{-dhvaMsayati} (ind. p. %{-dhvaMsya} , or %{-dhvasya}) , to cause to fall to pieces or crumble , dash to pieces , ★crush , destroy , annihilate MBh. ; to hurt , injure R.)
ぴッくヮース (dh-k)
pRSThatas(= adv. from the back, from behind; at the back of, behind (gen. or ---); with the back i.e. with averted face; behind the back i.e. secretly, ★privately.)
私(わたし)、わたくし (h-k)
pRthakkArya(= n. a separate or ★private affair 私事 Mn. )
へそくり、わたくり、ワたーくシ (r-s)
kuTTita(= mfn. bruised Bhpr. ; pounded , ★flattened ; (%{A}) f. (scil. %{sirA}) unskilful opening of a vein (the latter being cut to pieces by repeated application of the knife) Sus3r.)
cipiTIkRta(= mfn. flattened Ka1d. )
ちーぴャーき (t-k)
pRthukucotpIDam(= ind. ★pressing a full bosom 胸、胸部、おっぱい Prab.)
ぺしゃんこチブサの (+ン)
mUrNa(= mfn. ★crushed 押しつぶす, broken AV. Br. ; = %{mUta} , bound , tied L.)
prakRzita(= ( %{kRz}) mfn. attenuated 〔強度などを〕弱める、弱力化する、衰えさせる 〔電流の振幅などを〕減衰させる。〔液体・気体などの濃度を〕薄める、希釈する, ★thin 薄い, emaciate 痩せる W.)
prAvara(= m. (for 1. see under 3. %{prA}. p.) an enclosure , ★fence (cf. %{mahI-pr-}) L.)
ぴンぷン (+ン, r-n)、めくら (p-m, v-k)、へい
prAvRti(= f. an enclosure , ★fence , hedge L. ; (with S3aivas) spiritual darkness 精神的盲目 (one of the 4 consequences of Ma1ya1) Sarvad.)
ぴンぷンだ (+ン, r-n)、めくらダ (p-m, v-k)、ヘイだ
savizeSa(= mfn. possessing specific or characteristic qualities Sarvad. ; ★peculiar , singular , extraordinary Kum. ;)
apara(= 1 a. hinder, farther, later, inferior, posterior, western; following (in sp. & t.); different from, another than (abl. or gen.), foreign (opp. {sva}), particular, ★strange, extraordinary 普通じゃない. m. {apara} hind-foot of an elephant. n. {a3param} adv. in future (also {apara3m}); further, moreover (n{ca}); west of (abl.). {a3pareNa} behind, west of (acc.).)
いフーナ/いホーナ (r-n)、異風な
alaukika(= , f. {I} not common in the world, ★extraordinary, strange, rare.)
zAlA(= f. hut, house, hall ホール, ★room, stable (--- also {zAla} n.).)
mudita(= mfn. delighted , joyful , glad , rejoicing in (instr. or comp.) MBh. ; m. a partic. sort of servant R. ; (%{A}) f. joy , gladness , complacency Lalit. ; sympathy in joy Divya1v. ; n. a kind of sexual ★embrace L. ; a partic. Siddhi , Sa1m2khyas. ; w.r. for %{nudita} and %{sUdita}.)
マンダち (+ン)
parivR(= ; ind. p. %{
-vArya}) , to cover , surround , encompass , ★embrace (%{bAhubhyAm}) AV. )
jyotiriGgaNa(= m. `" moving light "' , a ★firefly L.)
saMzravas(= n. perfect ★glory or renown Vait. ; )
tejas(= ; spiritual or moral or magical power or influence , majesty , dignity , ★glory , authority AV.;)
viravAda(= m. heroic fame , ★glory Mcar.)
フンブンだ (r-n, +ン)
bahurajas(= a. very ★dusty or having much pollen.)
プくイ (h-k)、ほこりじゃ (h-k)
prAzA(= (%{pra-AzA}) f. ardent ★desire or longing for Ta1n2d2Br. Ma1lati1m.)
prazuS(= P. %{-zuSyati} , to ★dry up , become ★dry , ka1m.)
kRt, kRntati, -te(= 1 ({kartati}), pp. {kRtta3} cut, cut off, cleave, [[-,]] split, divide, destroy. C. {kartayati} ({kRntayati}) the same. -- {apa} & {api} cut off. {ava} cut off, destroy. C. cause to be gashed. {ud} cut out or off, ★carve 彫る, tear asunder, destroy. {ni} cut or hew down, cut or tear off; )
mUla(= n. (adj. --- f. {A} & {
I}) ★root (lit. & fig.), foot, basis, foundation, ground, bottom, immediate neighbourhoud; ★origin, source commencement, cause;)
paramArtha(= m. the highest or whole truth, ★reality (abstr. {-tA} f.). ---, instr., abl., & adv. in {tas} ★really, truly ({-taH saMkalpya} taking for real*).)
vAstava(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. 2. %{vastu} , 5. %{vas}) substantial , real , ★true , genuine , being anything in the true sense of the word Gol. BhP. Pan5car. ; fixed , determined , demonstrated W. ; n. an appointment ib. ; (%{e}) ind. = %{vastu-tas} , really , truly Nalac. )
フンとー (+ン)
satya(= mf(%{A})n. ★true , ★real , actual , genuine , sincere , honest , truthful , faithful , pure , virtuous , good. successful , effectual , valid (%{satyaM-kR} , `" to make true , ratify , realise , fulfil "') RV. ;)
alIkatA(= f. ★falsehood , vanity 虚栄心、うぬぼれ.)
kumati(= 1 f. ★false opinion, folly.)
kuhana(= mfn. envious うらやましそうな、ねたんでいる、うらやましい、嫉妬する、羨望する, hypocritical 〔言動が〕偽善者ぶった[的な] L. ; m. a mouse , rat L. ; a snake L. ; N. of a man MBh. ; (%{am} , %{A}) f. hypocrisy 偽善、偽って善行をすること, assumed 仮定的 and ★false sanctity 〔生き方などの〕高潔さ、気高さ, interested performance of religious austerities L. ; (%{A}) f. envy Gal. ; (%{am}) n. a small earthen vessel L. ; a glass vessel L.)
ガマー--- つまり、もっともらしい、嘘っぱち。
pratIkS(= (%{prati-IkS}) A1. %{
pratikSate} (ep. also P. %{-ti}) , to look at , behold , perceive AV.; to ★look forward to , wait for , expect TS. ; to look at with indifference , bear with , tolerate (acc.) Mn.) マちドゥーセ (p-m, k-t) or (p-m, k 無音, S-t)
pratikSate} は、空耳アワーで、「
AdhA(= ; to ★add (fuel to fire) RV.;)
nimitta(= n. (possibly connected with %{ni-mA} above) a butt , mark , ★target MBh. ; )
parigA(= P. %{-jigAti} (aor. %{-agAt} , %{-gAt} , %{-agur}) , to go round or through , circumambulate , permeate RV. AV. ; to enter (acc.) VS. ; to come near , approach , reach , visit , afflict RV. ; to go out of the way 道の外, avoid , shun RV. ; to disregard , neglect AitBr. ; to fail 失敗する, ★miss 外す、ミスる, not to master or understand BhP.)
パンヂ (r-n)、はずす (g-z)、パンぢン (+ン)
ajinavAsin(= mfn. ★clad in a skin S3Br.)
あちんばしん → アンバチュン
varmaNvant(= a. ★clad in armour 鎧(よろい)を着る, mailed 帷子[よろい]を着けた.)
vItavAra(= (%{vIta4-}) mfn. straight-tailed 真っ直ぐな尻尾の (as a horse 例えば、馬の尻尾) ib.)
マッとーバ/マとーバ (v-m)
garbhamaNDapa(= m. an inner apartment , ★sleeping-room , 77.)
グマーニンビ (b-m, D 無音)
nidrANa(= mfn. ★asleep , ★sleeping Ra1jat. ; shut up , closed (as a blossom) L.)
uttAna(= mfn. stretched out , spread out , lying on the back , ★sleeping supinely or with the face upwards RV. ; )
utpAdazayAna(= m. `" ★sleeping while standing on the legs "' , a species of fowl 家禽。鳥類。《鳥》ニワトリ L.)
Urdhvasvapna(= mfn. ★sleeping upright 立ったまま寝ている (said of trees) AV. )
mizaNa(= n. mixing, ★uniting 〔複数の物が〕合体する、一体化する.)
mithuna(= a. paired, forming a pair; n. pair (male and female), twin couple, couple or pair i.g. (in Veda mostly m. du.); cohabitation, copulation, ★union, junction i.g. Abstr. {mithunatva3} n., {mithunabhAva} m.)
nAppu(= 01 ridicule 冷笑、愚弄、嘲り、冷やかし, mockery 猿真似; ★mimicry 〔人の声や表情などの〕まね、模写)
UrNApiNDa(= m. a ★ball of wool ウールの毬(まり).)
bhaj, bhajati, -te(= , pp. {bhakta3} (q.v.) deal out, apportion, [[-,]] dispense, distribute (w. gen. or dat. of pers.), share, divide (M. among each other);;; content, ★satisfy; divide, distribute. {A} A. (M.) deal out, give a pers. (acc.) a share in (loc.). {anvA} M. make a person share in (loc.) after or along with others. {nis} exclude from (abl.), content or ★satisfy with (instr.); )
prAv(= (%{pra-av}) P. %{
prA7vati} , to favour , befriend , help , protect , promote , comfort , sate , ★satisfy , content RV. )
プガース (v-g)
marmara(= mfn. (onomat.) rustling (as leaves or garments) , murmuring Ka1lid. Ra1jat. ; m. a rustling sound , murmur Ragh. ; a kind of garment L. ; (%{A}) f. coarse ground ★meal 粗挽き粉。食事 L. ; )
nema(= mfn. (fr. %{na@+ima} [?] ; loc. %{ne7masmin} nom. pl. %{ne4me} and %{-mAs} cf. Pa1n2. ) one , several ; %{ne4ma-ne4ma} , the one-the other RV. (unaccented , vi ,) ; (ibc.) half (cf. Nir. ) ; m. N. of a R2ishi with the patr. Bha1rgava (author of RV. ) ; (only L.) portion ; time ; limit ; boundary ; the foundation of a wall (cf. %{nemi4}) ; a hole ; upper part , above ; deceit ; acting , dancing ; evening ; a root ; food 食べ物, ★rice 飯、米 ; n. a partic. high number Buddh. [Cf. Zd. {naima}.])
nAstA(= light ★meals; luncheon; light refreshment;)
sambhAra(= ; property , wealth MBh. ; ★fulness 満タン, completeness ib. ; multitude , number , quantity Ka1v. Pur. Sarvad. ; high degree , excess of (love , anger &c.) Ratna7v. Va1s. ; maintenance , support , nourishment W. ; %{-tva4} n. the state of (being) a requisite 必需品、必要なもの、要件、必要条件 S3Br. ;)
シぱーラ (b-p)
mAlA(= f. a wreath , garland , crown Gr2S3rS. ; a string of beads , necklace , rosary. Ka1v. Pan5cat. (cf. %{akSa-} and %{ratna-m-}) ; a row , line , streak MBh. Ka1v. &c. ; a ★series , regular succession 定期継承 (with %{nAmnAm} , a collection of words arrayed in a ★series , a vocabulary , dictionary ; )
sudhauta(= a. well cleaned or ★polished.)
tuvaritan2(= quick, ★active person 活動的な人) ドゥーガルーセン (v-g)
kurumba(= m. a kind of ★orange (= %{kula-pAlaka}) L. ; (%{A}) f. the plant Phlomis ceylanica (commonly Dron2a-pushpi1) L. ; (%{I}) f. a kind of pepper L.)
クンブ、くニーブ (r-n),くンブ
kuGkumAkta(= mfn. dyed with saffron 《植物》サフラン, ★orange.)
suraGga(= m. the ★orange tree; f. {A} = {suruGgA}.)
kAJcana(= , f. {I} 2 ★golden 黄金色; m. & f. N. of sev. plants 植物.)
muculinda(= m. a kind of big ★orange L. (cf. %{mucalinda} and %{mucilinda}).)
apravINa(= mfn. ★unskilful.)
AzcaryabhUta(= mfn. having a marvellous appearance 素晴らしい外観を持っています, ★wonderful R.)
うガングとゥー (c-g, r-n, y-ki)
Azcaryatva(= n. ★wonderfulness , wonder , astonishment.)
うガングとゥー (c-g, r-n, y-ki)
mUSikam(= 1. rat; mouse; 2. bandicoot; 3. the region between quilon and ★cape comorin キロンとコモリン岬の間の地域)
aparAvRtta(= a. not turned back. {-bhAgadheya} to whom fortune does not return, unhappy, ★miserable ミゼラブル、あー無情.)
あワーリーだ、あー無情 (v-m)
niHsattva(= mfn. without existence , unsubstantial (%{-tva} n.) Vajracch. ; unenergetic , weak , impotent , wretched , ★miserable (%{-tA} f.) MBh. ; deprived of living beings Pan5c. ; insignificant , mean , low W. ; n. want of power or energy , insignificance ; non-existence W.)
みじめ (v-m)
AkSakI(= f. a kind of spirituous アルコールを含む、蒸留した、元気のいい ★liquor prepared from the seeds of Terminalia Bellerica 訳[Google]: Terminalia Bellericaの種子から調製された一種の精神的な酒 Car.)
うンサグ (+ン)、おさけ
madya(= 2 mf(%{A})n. intoxicating. exhilarating , gladdening , lovely RV. ; n. any intoxicating drink , vinous or spiritous ★liquor , wine Mn.)
mAnaka(= n. measure , weight Hcat. (esp. ifc.) ; m. n. Arum Indicum (cf. %{mANaka} and %{mAna-kanda}) ; (%{ikA}) f. a partic. weight or measure (= 2 An5jalis) Siddh. (cf. %{mAnI}) ; a partic. spirituous ★liquor L.)
dRSTi(= f. seeing , viewing , beholding (also with the mental eye 心の目で見よ) Br. ; sight , the faculty of seeing 観る能力 S3Br. ; the mind's eye , wisdom , intelligence 知性 BhP. L. ; regard , ★consideration 思慮、考慮 L. ;)
tryArSeya(= mfn. having 3 sacred ancestors Ma1nS3r. ; m. pl. a ★blind , a deaf , and a dumb person W.)
svatra(= mfn. self-preserving "' , V. ; m. a ★blind man L.)
muS(= ; to ★blind , dazzle (the eyes) ib. ; to cloud , obscure (light or the intellect) ib. ; to break , destroy Ka1vya7d.;)
muSita(= ; ★blinded , obscured MBh. ;)
naSTadRSTi(= mfn. sightless , ★blind BhP.)
mAn2akkuruTan2(= totally ★blind man 完全盲目な人)
vastrAgAra(= m. n. a clothier's shop 服屋 MW. ; a tent テント ib)
マちーヤグヮー (v-m)
vIthi(= or %{vIthI} f. (perhaps fr. %{vI} ; cf. 1. %{vIta}) a row , line Ka1v. ; a road , way , street MBh. ; a race-course S3is3. ; a market , stall , ★shop ib. ;)
みせ (v-m)
mATha(= or %{mAThya} m. a ★road L. (cf. %{mAca} , %{mAtha}).)
suSira(= mf(%{A})n. (prob. fr. %{su} + %{sirA} q.v. , also written %{zuS-}) `" having a good tube or ★channel "' , perforated , pierced , hollow RV. )
garta(= 2 m. n., {A} f. hollow, cave, ★ditch, grave; a water-hole (only m.).)
AlavAla(= n. ★trench 溝(地上に掘った深くて細長い) for water round the root of a tree.)
AghrANa(= n. smelling (the scent of) Gaut. Katha1s. ; ★satiety L. ; (mfn.) satiated L.)
あンくミン (+ン, r-m)
AkIrNatA(= f. or ★fulness , crowd , multitude.)
あンくミンだ (+ン、+ン)
pIDita(= mfn. squeezed , pressed Mn. ; hurt , injured , afflicted , distressed , troubled , badly off ib. ; covered , eclipsed , obscured Var. ; laid waste W. ; bound , tied ib. ; suppressed ; badly pronounced , APra1t. ; (%{am}) ind. closely 蜜に、接近して、隙間なく R. ; )
gADhatara(= in comp. or ind. more tightly タイトに、きっちりと、固く or closely or firmly Pan5cat. )
nAthavid(= or mfn. (3. %{vid}) possessing or ★granting protection AV.)
みとめた (v-m)
khyAtighna(= mfn. destroying reputation 名声を汚す、不名誉, ★disgraceful W.)
mAdhurya(= n. sweetness Ka1v. ; loveliness , exquisite beauty , ★charm MBh.)
ミートゥリル、うっとりや (m 強無音)、みとれる
abhicArita(= mfn. enchanted 魅惑の、魅了するような、恍惚となった, ★charmed.)
saMdarzana(= n. the act of looking steadfastly ★gazing , viewing , beholding , seeing , sight , vision (%{svapne@-naM-gam} , `" to be seen by or appear to [gen.] in a dream "' ; %{-nampra-yam} , `" to show one's self to [gen.] "' ; %{-ne} "' , in view or in the presence of [gen. or comp.] "') Nir. ; a ★gaze , look R. ; surveying , inspection 視察, consideration MBh.)
brU, bravIti, brUte(= ; console a person (abl.) for the loss of (acc.). {A} M. converse. {ud} renounce, give up (acc. or gen.). {upa} M. (A.) speak to (acc.), beg for (dat., r. acc.), invoke, persuade. {nis} pronounce (clearly and singly), explain. {pra} tell forth, proclaim, announce, teach, praise, relate, ★betray 密告する, call, describe as (2 acc.). {prati} speak back, answer; )
nirvyaJjaka(= mfn. ( %{aJj}) indicating , ★betraying (with gen.) Mcar. )
密告(みっこく) (v-k)
vas, vasati, -te(= ; cohabit with (acc.); w. {gurostalpam} commit adultery with the teacher's wife. C. ★harbour ハーバー、港, lodge;)
ナーとゥ (v-n)
vAsayitavya(= a. to be ★harboured or lodged.)
samudvij(= A1. %{-vijate} , to ★tremble greatly , shrink or start back together MBh.)
しむとうヴぃち、シーブとゥミち (m-v, v-m)
saMvij(= A1. %{-vijate} , to ★tremble or start with fear , start up , run away AV. ; to fall to pieces , burst asunder A1pS3r.: Caus. %{-vejayati} , to frighten , terrify RV.)
シーブとゥ (j-t)
parivep(= %{-vepate} , to ★tremble R.)
phurAphurAya(= Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to ★tremble , flicker Mr2icch.)
nRyajna(= m. sacrifice to men, i.e. ★hospitality.)
nivartita(= mfn. turned or brought back , averted , prevented , given up , ★abandoned 放棄, suppressed , removed MBh.)
みはなす (r-n)
mocaka(= mfn. liberating , emancipating Pan5car. ; one who has ★abandoned all worldly passions and desires , an ascetic , devotee L. ;)
みかぎ る
nirdhUta(= mfn. shaken , agitated . (also %{-dhu84ta}) ; harassed , tormented R. ; deprived or bereft of (comp.) Hariv. ; suffered , undergone W. ; m. a man ★abandoned by his relatives or friends ib. ;)
nistuSa(= ; %{-Sita} mfn. (L.) freed 独立 from husk 殻、抜け殻、さや; simplified ; ★abandoned ; )
parizapta(= n. ★cursing, a ★curse 祟り、呪(のろい).)
pratizap(= P. %{-zapati} , to ★curse in return お返しの祟り (with acc. or gen.) R. )
プスーく (p-k)
zApaprada(= mfn. uttering a ★curse MW.)
zApoddhAra(= m. deliverance from a ★curse R.)
sambhaja(= (of unknown ★meaning 意味) Sch.)
sAmbuvAsara(= mfn. (of doubtful ★meaning). Katha1s.)
malmalAbhavat(= mf(%{antI}) n. ★flashing 見せびらかし。〔俗〕(下着や陰部などの)はみ出し[露出], glittering TS. MaitrS. (= %{jvalat} )
メー パンだ (v-n)
meghajyotis(= n. `" drink-light "' , lightning , a ★flash of lightning L.)
sUtrI(= f. (prob.) the ★genitals (of a cow) AV.)
pradyota(= m. ★flashing up, light, splendour; N. of a Yaksa & sev. kings.)
vidyut(= 2 mfn. ★flashing , shining , glittering RV. VS. A1s3vGr2. ; m. a partic. Sama1dhi Ka1ran2d2. ; N. of an Asura Cat. ; of a Ra1kshasa VP. ; f. lightning (rarely n.) , a ★flashing thunderbolt 稲光 (as the weapon of the Maruts) RV. )
vAmin(= mfn. (for 2. see col. 3) vomiting , ejecting from the mouth TS. ; (%{inI}) f. (with %{yoni}) a ★vulva 女性器 ejecting the semen virile 精液を排出する外陰部 Sus3r.)
フォーミン/フォーミー、ポー◎ 100 点
muSka(= m. ★testicle 《解剖》精巣、睾丸, du. the ★vulva.)
niryat(= 2 Caus. %{-yAtayati} , to snatch away , carry off , take or fetch out of (abl.) , get , procure MBh. ; to give back お返し, restore , make restitution Mn. ; to give as a present Lalit. ; (%{vairam}) to return お返し or show enmity , take ★revenge リベンジ、復讐する MBh. ; to forgive , pardon , set free MW.)
ムくイ ス (y-ki)
vaira(= a. hostile, ★revengeful; n. enmity, quarrel with (instr. {saha} or {sArdham} & ---).)
vairapratikriyA(= f. requital of hostile acts , ★revenge L.)
nirvizRR(= Pass. %{-sIryate} , to ★peel or drop off , fall asunder R.)
ムちュン (R-n)
nirluJcana(= n. ( %{luJc}) pulling out or off , tearing off , ★peeling Ka1tyS3r.)
mUrchana(= a. stunning; strengthening (---). n. increase, growth; f. {A} fainting, swooning; swelling or rising of sounds, intonation, note, tone or semitone (in the scale), melody.)
mucukunda(= m. Pterospermum Suberifolium L. ; N. of a Daitya L. ; of an ★ancient king(or Muni) MBh. ; of a son of Ma1ndha1tr2i (who assisted the gods in their wars with the demons and was rewarded by the boon of a long and unbroken sleep) MBh.)
momutha(= a. ★crazy 頭がおかしい[変で・どうかして]、気が狂って[違って]。〔〜に〕熱狂する、夢中になる、熱中する, mad.)
vyartha(= a. useless, ★vain (n. adv.); unmeaning, contradictory; destitute of wealth or money, i.g. destitute of (instr.).)
vRthAjAta(= mfn. born in ★vain (i.e. `" one who neglects the prescribed rites "') Mn. )
mogha(= (or %{mogha4} MaitrS.) mf(%{A})n. (1. %{
muh}) ★vain , fruitlets , useless , unsuccessful , unprofitable (ibc. and %{am} ind. in vain , uselessly , without cause) RV. ; left , abandoned MBh. ; idle ib. ; m. a fence , hedge L. ; (%{A}) f. Bignonia Suaveolens L. ; Embelia Ribes L.)
ナー、もが/ナー (g-n))
viphala(= a. fruitless, useless, unsuccessful, idle, ★vain 無駄な、無意味な; having no testicles.)
mahAbIjya(= n. the ★Perinaeum L.)
viTapa(= 2 m. n. (g.
%{ardharcA7di ありとわたち} ; of doubtful derivation accord. to Un2. %{viT} ; for 1. %{viTa-pa} see under %{viTa}) , the young branch of a tree or creeper , twig , sprout , shoot , bough MBh. ; a bush , shrub , cluster , thicket , tuft ib. ; expansion , spreading L. ; the ★perinaeum or the septum of the scrotum Sus3r. ; m. N. of a man g. %{zivA7di} = %{viTa} or %{viTA7dhipa} L.)
bhaga(= m. (ifc. f. %{A} and %{I} g. %{bahv-Adi}) `" dispenser "' , gracious lord , patron (applied to gods , esp. to Savitr2i) RV. AV. ; N. of an A1ditya (bestowing wealth and presiding over love and marriage , brother of the Dawn , regent of the Nakshatra Uttara-Phalguni1 ; Ya1ska enumerates him among the divinities of the highest sphere ; according to a later legend his eyes were destroyed by Rudra) ib. &c. &c. [743,3] ; the Nakshatra UnUttara-PhnPhalguni1 MBh. vi , 81 ; the sun ib. iii , 146 ; the moon L. ; N. of a Rudra MBh. ; good fortune , happiness , welfare , prosperity RV. AV. Br. Ya1jn5. BhP. ; (ifc. f. %{A}) dignity , majesty , distinction , excellence , beauty , loveliness RV. AV. Br. Gr2S. BhP. ; (also n. L.) love , affection , sexual passion , amorous pleasure , dalliance RV. AV. Br. Ka1tyS3r. BhP. ; (n. L. ; ifc. f. %{A}) the female organs , pudendum muliebre , vulva Mn. MBh. &c. ; (%{A}) f. in %{bhagA-nAmnI} below ; n. a partic. Muhu1rta Cat. ; the ★perinaeum of males L. ; m. n. = %{yatna} , %{prayatna} , %{kIrti} , %{yazas} , %{vairAgya} , %{icchA} , %{jJAna} , %{mukti} , %{mokSa} , %{dharma} , s3ri1 L. [Cf. Zd. {bagha} = Old Pers. {baga} ; Gk. $ ; &226046[743 ,3] Slav. {bogu8} , %{bogatu8} ; Lith. {bago4tas} , {na-ba4gas}.] ,)
jRR(= 1 (cf. %{jur}) cl. ( %{ja4ranti} ; Impv. 2. du. %{ja4ratam} ; p. %{ja4rat} see s.v.) to make old or decrepit RV. ; to cause to grow old ,; (1. %{jR}) to humiliate L.: cl. 4. P. %{jI4ryati} (AV. ; also A1. %{-te} ; p. %{jIryat} , rarely %{-yamANa} ; once cl. 1. A1. Subj. %{jaranta} RV.; %{jRNAti} Dha1tup. ; cl. %{jArayati} , ; pf. %{jajA4ra} , AX , ; once %{jAgAra} , v , ; %{jajarur} and %{jerur} Pa1n2. ; aor. %{ajarat} and %{ajArIt} , ; Subj. %{jAriSur} RV. ; fut. 1st %{jaritA} and %{-rItA} Vop. ; ind. p. %{-ritvA} and %{-rItvA} Pa1n2. ) to grow old , become decrepit , decay , wear out , wither , be consumed , break up , ★perish RV. ; to be dissolved or digested Ya1jn5. ; Bhat2t.: Caus. %{jarayati} (ep. also A1. %{-te} ; p. %{-ra4yat} RV. [once , %{jar-} , ) to make old , wear out , consume RV. ; to digest MBh. ; to cause to be digested MBh.)
zUnya(= a. empty 空(くう、から), void, desert 荒廃、砂漠, unoccupied, vacant; wanted, missing, absent, wandering or ★absent in mind 思慮に欠ける、無分別な; lonely, solitary; deprived of, free from (instr. or ---); unreal, vain 無駄. n. void, desert, solitude, vacuum, blank, absence of (---); nought, a cypher; as adv. without, except (---). -- Loc. w. {ru} howl in a desert, cry in vain.)
sudurAcAra(= mfn. very ill-conducted , very badly ★behaved 振る舞う、態度 or wicked , a profligate 放蕩者、道楽者、浪費家 W.)
car, carati (-te)(= , pp. {carita3} (q.v.) & {cIrNa} move, go, drive [[-,]] (w. instr.), walk, roam, wander through or along (acc.), pervade, explore (only pp. {carita}); ★behave, conduct one's self, act or deal with (instr. or loc.), be engaged or busy with (instr.), have sexual intercourse with (instr.); continue doing or being (pp., adj., ger., or adv.); exercise, perform, produce, cause, effect, do, make, render (2 acc.); consume, eat, feed, pasture.)
pratoda(= m. a goad or long ★whip AV. (also %{-yaSTi} f. DivyA7v.) ; sg. (with %{aGgirasAm}) and du. (with %{kazyapasya})N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr. ; %{-yantra} n. N. of wk.)
ブちー、むち (p-m)
dRDhakANDa(= m. `" strong stemmed "' , a ★bamboo L. ; (a1) f. a kind of creeping plant L. ; n. a kind of fragrant grass L.)
paTAJcala(= & {
paTAnta} m. the ★edge of a garment.)
paTa(= ; (%{I}) f. a narrow piece of cloth , the hem ヘム or ★edge of a garment Ba1lar. Hcar. ; the curtain of a stage L. (cf. %{apaTI}) ; n. a thatch or roof (= %{paTala}) L.)
Izvara(= mfn. able to do , capable of (with gen. of Vedic inf. , or with common inf.) , liable , exposed to AV. ; (%{as} , %{I}) mf. master , lord , prince , king , ★mistress , queen AV. ;)
tulAmAna(= n. ★weights 重さ and measures 計り、測定.)
ちンミ (l 無無音)
makSuNa(= n. a partic. measure of ★weight (= 7 Ma1shas) L.)
pravirala(= a. ★rare 珍しい、稀有, isolated, very few.)
ぴルーマ (l-m)、まれや (p-m)、まれな (p-m)
mahAsAra(= a. solid, pithy, strong, ★precious.)
mahAtaila(= n. any valuable or ★precious oil , (or perhaps) N. of a partic. kind of oil Katha1s.)
vArya(= 3 mfn. to be chosen Pa1n2. ; ★precious , valuable 価値の有る、高価な RV. ; n. treasure , wealth , goods ib.)
まれ/まれや (v-m)
nAthamaNi(= m. a royal gem or ★precious stone VarBr2S.)
nirviz(= P. %{-vizati} (inf. %{-veSTum}) , to enter into (acc. or loc.) 籍を入れる; (esp.) to settle in a home 家を構える, become a householder (also with %{gRheSu}) 戸主に成る; to ★marry Ka1v. ; )
bhrama(= ; giddiness , ★dizziness Sus3r. ; confusion , perplexity , error , mistake (ifc. mistaking anything for) Hariv.)
めまい (b-m, r 無音)
Azcarya(= 1 mfn. (said to be fr. %{car} with %{A} and a sibilant inserted Pa1n2. ) , appearing ★rarely 稀有, curious , marvellous , astonishing , wonderful , extraordinary Kat2hUp. ; (%{am}) ind. ★rarely , wonderfully Nir. ; (%{am}) n. strange appearance ; a wonder , miracle , marvel , prodigy ; wonder , surprise , astonishment R. )
あイグルー (z-y)
virala(= mf(%{A})n. (perhaps from %{vira} = %{vila} for %{bila} + %{la} , `" possessing holes "') having interstices , separated by intervals (whether of space or time) , not thick or compact , loose , thin , sparse , wide apart MBh. ; ★rare , scarcely found , unfrequent , scanty , few Ka1v. (ibc. and %{am} ind. sparsely , ★rarely , seldom ; %{viralaH} with or without %{ko} "' %{pi} , one here and there) ; n. sour curds (= %{dadhi}) L.)
グルー (v-g)、まれ (v-m)
nidhA(= 1. P. A1. %{-dadhAti} , %{-dhatte} , to put or lay down , deposit , lay up , preserve 保存価値アリ (A1. for one's self) ; to intrust , commit , present to (dat. or loc.) ; put into , fix in (loc. , or loc. with %{anta4r} , or %{antar} ifc.) RV. ; put or lay before a person (dat.) KenUp. ; (with %{bhUmau} Hit.] or %{avaTe} [R.]) to bury ; with %{
zirasi} , ★rarely %{-sA}) to esteem highly 高く評価 R.)
kalyANasUcaka(= a. indicating fortume ★auspicious 幸先の良い、縁起の良い、吉兆の.*)
kAlya(= mf(%{A})n. timely , seasonable Pa1n2. ; being in a particular period g. %{aig-Adi} ; ifc. g. %{vargyA7di} ; pleasant , agreeable , ★auspicious (as discourse cf. %{kalya}) L. ;)
tiSya(= m. N. of a heavenly archer (like Kr2is3a1nu) and of the 6th Nakshatra of the old or 8th of the new order RV.;;mfn. ★auspicious , fortunate W. ;)
ちッちュー (S-ch)
niHzeSa(= ; %{-bhagna} mfn. totally ★broken Hariv. ; %{-muSita} mfn. totally robbed out Katha1s. ; )
ムンヂャイ/ムンヂャー (H-n)
saMcUrNita(= mfn. completely pulverized or comminuted , cut or ★broken to pieces MBh.)
khaNDita(= mfn. (g. %{tArakA7di}) cut , torn , ★broken in pieces , scattered , dispersed , destroyed , removed Vikr. ; injured (esp. by the teeth) Pan5cat. ; ★broken as allegiance , disobeyed against , rebelled ;)
vyavadIrNa(= mfn. ( %{dRR}) burst asunder , ★broken to pieces , distracted R. )
ヤンヂャーな (v-n)
parArdha(= m. the other or more remote side or ★half 片方、又は、半分; the highest number (also n.).)
sthAvira(= & {
-virya} n. ★old age.)
ドーマ (v-m)、ドー バギルや [= sthAvira-virya] (v-b, r 無音, v-g)
pariNAma(= m. change, alteration, transformation, development, evolution into (instr.), transformation of od i.e. digestion; fading, decay; course (of time), advancement (of age), ★old age; consequence, result, end. --- & loc. finally, at last.)
vivRt(= A1. %{
-vartate} (rarely P.) , to turn round , revolve RV. ; to roll , wallow MBh. ; to writhe in convulsions , ★struggle R. ; to turn hither and thither , move about (as clouds) Hariv. (v. l. %{vi-vardhante}) ; to turn back or away , depart , part , sever RV. ;)
ヌバーちリル [vivRt-vartate]、ヌバーちリてて
viparIta(= ; %{-gati} mfn. going ★backwards or in a reverse direction のけぞる W. ; f. inverse or reverse motion ib. ;)
ヌバーち (v-n)
vRt, vartate, -ti, vavartti(= 1 ({vartti}), pp. {vRtta3} (q.v.) turn, [[-,]] revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time);; undertake, begin. {vi} roll, run, turn, wallow, ★struggle; sink (sun); turn or run away, part with (instr.); )
くルーヂュ (v-k)
saMnimajj(= P. %{-majjati} , to ★sink entirely under , ★sink down , be immersed MBh.)
puSpacAmara(= m. having flower for a chowrie "' , ★Artemisia Indica or Pandanus Odoratissimus L.)
プチかまら (S-ch)
pavitraka(= m. a small sieve or strainer Ka1tyS3r. (see also under %{pavitra}) ; m. Poa Cynosuroides L. ; ★Artemisia Indica L. ;)
jAmbava(= 2 mfn. coming from the Jambu1 tree Sus3r. ; n. N. of a town Pa1n2. ; a Jambu1 fruit Sus3r.; (= %{-bUnada}) gold L. ; (%{I}) f. ★Artemisia vulgaris , Alpinia nutans L.)
よもぎ (j-y, v-g)
nimitta(= n. (possibly connected with %{ni-mA} above) a butt , mark , ★target MBh. ;)
vedhya(= mfn. to be pierced or perforated VarBr2S. ; to be cut open or punctured (as a vein ; %{
-tA} f.) Car. ; to be fixed or observed (cf. 2. %{vedha}) Gan2it. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of musical instrument L. ; n. a mark for shooting at , butt , ★target Ma1rkP.)
ヌちハや (v-n)、ミハーてィー [vedhya-tA] (v-n)
mUDhatA(= f. bewilderment , perplexity , ★confusion 混乱, simplicity , folly , ignorance Ka1v. Pur. ; the gathering or drawing (of a tumour) Sus3r. ; degeneracy , morbid condition (of the wind in the body) ib.)
madAtyaya(= m. `" passing off of wine "' , ★disorder 乱れ resulting from intoxication (as head-ache & c.) Sus3r. (cf. %{pAnA7tyaya}) %{
-tyayita} mfn. suffering from this ★disorder Car.)
[madAtyaya-tyayita] ムドゥールちュ
AstAra(= m. spreading , strewing , ★scattering 散乱、飛び散る.)
prayAc(= P. A1. %{-yAcati} , %{-te} , to ask for , ★beg 乞う, solicit 押し売り、勧誘, request 求める (with acc. of pers. and thing) MBh.)
vR(= 2, {vRNIte3}, {vRNAti}, {vRNoti}, {vRNute}, pp. {vRta3} choose, esp. in marriage 求婚, woo, ask for; prefer, desire, wish, like. C. {varayati, -te} choose, ask, ★beg (2 acc.); esp. choose in marriage ({patim} or {patnIm}), )
vijJA(= P. A1. %{-jAnAti} , %{-jAnIte} , to distinguish , discern , observe , investigate , recognize , ascertain , know , understand RV.; ; to apprise , teach , instruct , ask , ★beg (with acc. of pers. ; and dat. of thing , or with %{artham} ifc. , or %{prati} and acc.) S3Br.)
niHsukha(= mfn. joyless , ★sad 悲しい, unhappy MBh. ; disagreeable , distressing W.)
AmnAta(= mfn. mentioned , quoted , committed to ★memory , handed down in sacred texts ; taught ; celebrated Ka1tyS3r. )
manuSyayajJa(= m. `" man-offering "' , the act of devotion due to men (i.e. %{atithi-pUjana} , the honouring of guests or ★hospitality , one of the 5 %{
mahA-yAjJas} q.v.) S3Br. )
[mahA-yAjJas] まはーやーちにゃす、ムてィナス
vItihotra(= a. inviting 招待 to ★feasts ごちそう or meals; m. fire or the god of fire.)
ムてィナス (v-m, h-n)
nRyajna(= m. sacrifice to men, i.e. ★hospitality.)
マかネー (y-ki, j 無音)
vAyana(= or %{-naka} n. sweetmeats or cakes which may be eaten during a religious ★feast ごちそう, presents of sweetmeats &c. (forming part of an offering to a deity or prepared on festive occasions , such as marriages &c.) L. ; a kind of perfume.)
マかネー/まかない (v-m, y-ki)
variSThaka(= mfn. = prec. , ★most excellent or best Pan5car.)
vedhastama(= (%{vedha4s-}). mfn. ★most pious or religious , best , wisest RV.)
いッちン、もっとも (v-m)
maMhiSTha(= (superl. 最上級) ★most liberal or generous.)
mahattara(= mfn. greater or very great or mighty or strong MBh.; m. the oldest , ★most respectable , chief , principal R. (%{A} f. Mr2icch.) ; the head or oldest man of a village L. ; )
mandratama(= and mfn. ★most or more pleasant or charming RV.)
vamana(= m. hemp L. ; pl. N. of a people Ma1rkP. ; (%{I}) f. a leech L. ; the ★cotton shrub 低木 L. ;)
ムミン (v-m)
mASa(= m. ★bean; a small weight of gold (also {mASaka} m. n.).)
vyAsaGga(= m. excessive attachment , close adherence Bhartr2. Ma1lati1m. ; devotion or addiction to , wish or desire of. ★longing or passion for (loc. or comp.) MBh.)
paryutsukatva(= n. an ardent ★longing 熱烈な憧れ Ragh.)
maNinAga(= m. N. of a ★snake-demon 蛇鬼 MBh. ; m. or n. (?) N. of a sacred bathing-place MBh.)
marka(= 2 m. ( %{mRc} cf. %{marc} below) seizure i.e. eclipse (of sun) RV. (%{ma4rka})N. of the Purohita of the Asuras (held to be a son of S3ukra) VS. ; a ★demon presiding over various sicknesses of childhood 子供の頃のさまざまな病気を主導する悪魔 Pa1rGr2. ; )
ムンヌき (+ン, r-n)
augrya(= n. (fr. %{
ugra}) , horribleness , ★dreadfulness 恐ろしい、怖イ。ひどく不快[嫌]な、忌むべき。〈話〉〔程度などが〕ひどい、ものすごい, fierceness Sa1h. )
bhISma(= a. ★dreadful, horrible;)
rudradarzana(= mfn. of ★dreadful appearance , terrific R.)
viDambya(= n. an object 対象、的 of ★ridicule or ★contempt BhP.)
ムヌワレー (D 無音, y-r)△
vAya(= 1 m. (fr. %{ve} ; cf. 1. %{vApa}) `" ★weaving 機織り(はたおり)、付け毛技術"' or `" a ★weaver "' (see %{tantu-} , %{tantra-} , %{tunna-} , %{vAso-v-}) ; a thread 糸, strap (see %{tirazcina-v-}).)
あヤー,ムヨー (v-m)
samAve(= P. A1. %{-vayati} , %{-te} , to ★weave or string together S3Br.)
saMvat(= 1 f. side, stretch, ★streak 縞.)
subhaGga(= mfn. easily broken , ★brittle W. ; m. the cocoa-nut tree L.)
sambhRSTa(= mfn. ( %{bhrajj}) thoroughly fried or roasted , parched , dried , dry , ★brittle Sus3r.)
vibala(= mfn. having no strength , ★weak)
ヨーベー (l 無音)、よわい
vaihvalya(= n. exhaustion, ★weakness.)
tomaradhara(= m. a ★lance-bearer 槍持ち L. ; fire L.)
tomaragraha(= m. a ★lancebearer Pa1n2. ; ★lance-throwing やり投げ)
irikAvana(= n. a ★grove of such trees L. )
marAla(= mfn. (said to be fr. %{mR}) soft , mild , tender L. ; ; a celestial 空[天空・天国・天上界]の[に関する]。〈文〉非常に美しい ★grove (= %{nandana-vana}) L. ; a garden L. ; )
mAla(= ; a ★forest or wood near a village L. ; )
grAma(= m. an inhabited place , village , hamlet RV. ; the collective inhabitants of a place , community , race RV. ; any number of men associated ★together , multitude マルチ化, troop 〔人・動物の〕群れ、一団。《軍事》中隊 (esp. of soldiers) RV.)
グンナー (r-n)
granthana(= n. (ifc.) stringing , tying or connecting ★together (as a chapter or book) , arranging , composing Pa1n2.)
もろとも (g-m)
nirmanthana(= n. rubbing ★together 一緒に擦る (esp. for kindling fire) , churning , friction Vait.)
vyAlIna(= mfn. ( %{lI}) clinging or sticking close ★together , clustering , dense , thick W.)
グンナー (v-g, l-n)
vyAkruz(= P. %{-krozati} , to cry out aloud , ★complain , lament R)
モーくンドー (v-m, r-n)、託つ(かこつ) (v-k)
granthi(= ; ; a ★complaint , (knotting i.e.) swelling and hardening of the vessels (as in varicocele) R. Sus3r. ; )
vara(= ; ifc. f. %{A}) `" act or object of choosing , election , wish , request ; ★boon 〔時宜にかなった〕恩恵、恵み。〈文〉〔かなえられる〕願い事, gift , reward , benefit , blessing , favour (%{va4rAya} , %{va4ram@A4} , %{pra4ti@va4ram} or %{va4raM@varam} , `" according to wish , to one's heart's content "' ; %{mad-varAt} , in consequence of the boon granted by me "' ; %{va4raM-vR} , to choose a ★boon "' ; %{varaM-yAc} or %{A-kAGkS} or %{brU} or Caus. of %{pra-arth} , `" to prefer a request "' ; %{va4raMdA} , `" to grant a ★boon or blessing 恵み・祝福の認可"' ; %{varam@pra-dA} or %{pra-yam} id. ; %{
varaM-labh もらふ} , to receive a ★boon or reward "') RV. ; )
もらう (v-m)、【沖縄弁】ユン (r-n)
mUlya(= mfn. being at the root Ka1tyS3r. ; to be torn up by the root Pa1n2. ; = %{mUlenA7nAmyam} and = %{mUlena@samaH} ib.; to be bought for a sum of money , purchasable W. ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) original value , value , price , worth , a sum of money ★given as payment (e.g. %{dA7tum@mUlyena} , to part with for a certain price , sell ; %{dattvA@kiMcin@mUlyena} , having given something in payment ; %{mUlyena} %{grah} , to buy for a price , buy ; %{mUlyena} %{mArg} , to seek to buy) Mn. ; wages , salary , payment for service rendered Ra1jat. ; earnings , gain Pan5cat. ; capital , stock Katha1s. ; an article purchased W.)
varadatta(= mfn. ★given as a boon 〔時宜にかなった〕恩恵、恵み。〈文〉〔かなえられる〕願い事, granted in consequence of a request R. ; ★presented with the choice of a boon ib. ; m. N. of a man Cat.)
もらっただ (v-m)
priyavinAkRta(= mfn. ★abandoned by a lover , deserted by a husband MW.)
apAkRR(= 1. to throw any one off ; to ★abandon , to contemn.)
アッパンガレー (+ン)
vivRkta(= mfn. ★abandoned , left ; (%{A}) f. a woman disliked or deserted by her husband (= %{dur-bhagA}) L. (v.l. %{vi-viktA} and %{vi-riktA}).)
やけくそ (v-k)
yuGg(= cl. 1. P. %{yuGgati} , to desert , relinquish , ★abandon Dha1tup.)
vyapaviddha(= mfn. ( %{vyadh}) thrown about 投げ散らす, broken to pieces 壊す (%{-bRzI-maTha} mfn. with ★abandoned seats and cells) MBh. ; cast away , rejected MBh. ; pierced , transfixed MBh.)
やけっぱち (y-ki)
vAkku(= 05 1. mouth, the organ of speech, one of five karume1ntiriyam , q.v.; 2. word, speech; 3. voice from heaven; 4. ★promise; 5. word of praise, encomium;)
カーきー (v-k)
vAGniSThA(= f. abiding by one's words , punctuality in fulfilling a ★promise , faithfulness ib.)
ヤくーシく (n 無音, h-k),ヤくーヂョー (n 無音)
vAgdatta(= mf(%{A})n. `" given by word of mouth "' , ★promised W. ; (%{A}) f. a betrothed virgin Kull. on Mn.)
メーグち (v-m)
kaTa(= m. (perhaps for %{karta} fr. 3. %{kRt}) a twist of straw of grass , straw mat , a screen of straw TS.; ; a ★burning-ground or place of sepulture L. ; )
savyApAra(= mf(%{A})n. having an ★employment , occupied , busily engaged Megh.)
タヌミ/タルミ (s-t, v-n, p-m)、シかーマ (v-k, p-m)
yuj(= 1 (cf. 2. %{yu} cl. ) %{yuna4kti} , %{yuGkte4} (ep. also %{yuJjati} , %{-te} ; Ved. %{yojati} , %{-te} ; %{yuje} , %{yujmahe} , %{yujata} Impv. %{yukSva4} ; Pot. %{yuJjIyAt} R. ; pf. %{yuyo4ja} , %{yuyuje4} RV. %{yuyojate} RV. ; aor. Class. P. %{ayokSIt} , %{ayaukSIt} or %{ayujat} ; Ved. also A1. %{a4yuji} ; Ved. and Class. %{ayukSi} , %{ayukta} ; fut. %{yoktA4} Br. ; %{yokSyati} ib. ; %{-te} AV. ; inf. %{yoktum} Br. ; %{yuje4} RV. ; ind. p. %{yuktvA4} ib. ; %{yuktvA4ya} RV. ; %{-yujya} MBh. ) , to yoke or join or fasten or harness (horses or a chariot) RV. ; to make ready , prepare , arrange , fit out , set to work , use , ★employ , apply ib. ; to equip (an army) R. ; to offer , perform (prayers , a sacrifice) BhP. ; to put on (arrows on a bow-string) MBh. ; to fix in , insert , inject (semen) S3Br. ; to appoint to , charge or intrust with (loc. or dat.) MBh. ; to command , enjoin BhP. ; )
sAvana(= mfn. (fr. 1. %{savana} , p. : 190) relating to or determining the three daily Soma libations i.e. corresponding to the solar time (day , month , year) VarBr2S. ; m. an institutor of a sacrifice or ★employer of priests at a sacrifice (= %{yajamAna}) L. ; the conclusion of a sacrifice or the ceremonies by which it is terminated L. ; N. of Varun2a L. ; n. scil. (%{mAna}) the correct solar time Nida1nas.)
シかーマ (v-k)
vRthA(= ind. (prob. connected with 2. %{vR} at will , at pleasure , at random , ★easily , lightly , wantonly , frivolously Br.; in vain , vainly , uselessly , fruitlessly , idly TBr. (with %{kR} , `" to make useless "' , disappoint , frustrate ; with %{bhU} , `" to be useless "' , be disappointed or frustrated) ; wrongly , falsely , incorrectly , unduly MBh. )
vRthASah(= (strong %{SA4h}) mfn. one who ★easily overcomes or conquers RV.)
avahela(= %{am} , %{A} n. f. (%{hel} for %{hed}) , disrespect L. ; (%{ayA7}) instr. ind. without any trouble , quite ★easily Katha1s. (cf. %{sA7vahelam}.))
容易に(ようひに) (l-n)
agnipravezana(= n. entering the fire , self immolation of a ★widow on her husband's funeral pile. 火に入ること、夫の葬式の山の上の未亡人の自己犠牲。)
ヤグーサミ (中間部無音化)
amena(= m. having no wife , a ★widower RV. )
saJj(= , or {
saj, sa3jati, -te}, pp. {sakta3} (q.v.) A. trans, hang on or together; M. intr. hang on (acc.), cleave or stick to (loc.); P. {sajya3te} hang on (loc.), {
sajjate} ({-ti}) be hung on or attached to (loc.); cleave, stick; lag, tarry; be intent upon or devoted to (loc.). C. {saJjayati} attach, connect with (loc.); {sajjayati} fix on, attach to (loc.); copulate i.e. ★prostitute. -- {vyati} mix or join mutually. {anu} hang or stick with (instr.), add;)
vasUrA(= f. a harlot , ★prostitute W.)
vezavAsa(= m. a house of ★prostitutes , brothel Mr2icch.)
吉原(よしわら) (s-r)
preta(= mfn. departed , deceased , dead , a dead person S3Br. ; m. the spirit of a dead person (esp. before obsequial rites are performed) , a ★ghost , an evil being Mn. )
majjanonmajjana(= m. du. `" Majjana and Unmajjana. "' N. of two ★demons 2つの悪魔の名前 Hariv.)
yajJameni(= f. sacrifice compared to an angry or malicious ★demon S3Br.)
nizATa(= (%{-zA7Ta}) m. `" nnnumeral-rover "' , an owl L. ; a demon , ★ghost W. ; %{-ka} m. bdellium L. (cf. %{kauzika}). )
manaHparyAya(= m. (with Jainas) `" the state of ★mental perception which precedes the attainment of perfect knowledge "' N. of the last stage but one in the perception of truth 完全な知識の達成に先行する精神的知覚の状態 "'最終段階のN.しかし真実の知覚の1つ Sarvad.)
tUrvi(= a. victorious 勝利的, ★superior.)
ティーガ (v-g)、つよい(強い)
vacasyA(= f. readiness of speech, ★eloquence.)
ベンサイ (+ン)
abhiprasad(= (p. %{-sI4dat} ; perf. 3. pl. %{-seduH}) to sit down or settle along (acc.) RV. : Caus. %{-sAdayati} , to cause to be well-disposed or ★gracious , pray for ★grace or favour MBh. )
surasa(= mf(%{A})n. rich in water Bha1m. ; well-flavoured , juicy , sapid , savoury R. ; sweet , lovely , charming Katha1s. ; ★elegant (as composition) W. ; )
vI(= 4 mfn. (weak form of %{
vye}) ★covered 〜で覆われる (cf. %{hiraNya-vI4}).)
vivAsana(= 2 n. (for 1. see %{vi-} 2. %{vas}) being clothed in or ★covered with (instr.) MBh.)
abhyupe(= ( %{i}) , %{-upai9ti} (3. pl. %{-u4payanti}) to go near , approach , arrive at , enter RV. ; (with %{apaH}) to ★bathe 浴びる(あびる) Ka1tyS3r.)
(p 無音)、あびっぺ
udgAra(= m. (Pa1n2.) the act of discharging , spitting out , ejecting (from the mouth) , ★vomiting 唾, belching , eructation R. ; relating repeatedly Hit. ; spittle , ★saliva よだれ MBh. ; flood 満潮、洪水, high water 高波、満潮 R. ; roaring , hissing , a loud sound MBh. )
kavAri(= mfn. (fr. 2. %{kava}) , selfish , ★stingy RV. )
クメー (v-m)
kRpaNa(= 1 a. pitiable, miserable, querulous (n. adv.); poor, ★stingy. m. a poor man or a miser.)
timi(= m. a kind of ★whale or fabulous fish of an enormous size MBh.) さめ
an2uviSam(= ★whale (TLS))
kilAsa(= a. ★leprous ハンセン病; f. {kilAsI3} a kind of spotted deer; n. leprosy.)
クンチャー (l-n)
kilAsatva(= n. the state of being ★leprous Ta1n2d2yaBr.)
クンチャー (l-n)
kauzika(= ; N. of a Buddhist female ★beggar Ma1lav. ;)
khAditR(= m. an eater , ★devourer 貪り食う、ガツガツ食べる MBh. )
kSunnivRtti(= f. cessation of hunger , appeasing 緩和 of ★appetite 食欲旺盛、大食漢 W.)
ガチマヤーっち (S-ch)、くいしんぼーだ
kaTumpaci(= extreme hunger, ravenous 〔望みを満たすのに〕貪欲な、強欲な ★appetite)
caraNapAta(= m. = %{-patana} Pan5cat.; ★tread , kick Hariv.)
grahila(= a. accepting of, inclined to (---); sensible, irritable, crazy, ★mad. )
ゲレン (l-n)、狂いら(くるひら)
kilAsa(= mfn. leprous ハンセン病 VS. ; (%{I4}) f. a kind of ★spotted deer 斑点のある鹿 (described as the vehicle of the Maruts) RV. ; (%{am}) n. a white leprous spot AV. ; (in med.) a species of leprosy (resembling the so-called white leprosy in which the skin becomes spotted without producing ulcers) Ka1tyS3r.)
kacchU(= f. ( %{kaS} Un2.) , ★itch , scab , any cutaneous disease Sus3r.)
pUrNakakud(= mfn. `" fullhumped "' ★humpbacked Pa1n2.)
ホーグーだ (N 無音)
sthapuTa(= mf(%{A})n. (of unknown derivation ; cf. %{sthagu} , %{sthaDu}) ★hunchbacked , unevenly raised , rugged , rough Hcar.;)
せむし (p-m)
koTi(= & {-TI} f. the curved end of the bow, of ★claws etc., the horns of the moon; edge or point i.g., utmost degree, highest number (= 10 millions).)
kAkabhIru(= m. `" afraid of crows "' , an ★owl (cf. %{kAkA7ri}) L.)
piGgala(= ; a small kind of ★owl L. ;)
sthUNA(= f. the post or pillar or beam of a house , any post or stake or pillar or column RV. ; the trunk or stump of a tree Ka1m. ; an iron statue L. ; an anvil = %{zUrmi} or %{sUrmi} L. ; (prob.) = %{rajju} , a ★rope , cord Hcat. ;)
zukrasAra(= mfn. having ★semen as essence (%{-tA} f.) VarBr2S.)
シガーヂルー (S-j)
traizRGga(= m. patr. fr. %{tri-z-} Pravar. vi , 4 (%{-gAyana} MatsyaP.) ; n. `" coming from %{tri-z-} "' , (with %{Ajya}) ★semen virile 〔男性として〕生殖能力がある MantraBr.)
sarvAnta(= m. the ★end of everything (%{e} ind. `" at the very ★end of [gen.] "') Divya1v. ; %{-kRt} mfn. making an ★end of everything , Pan5cir.)
sthaviman(= m. the thick ★end 太い端, the broad side 広い側.)
sUda(= m. receptacle of water, well; mud of a dried pool; a kind of ★soup; cook, abstr. {-tA}Å f., {-tva}Å n.)
sUpa(= m. ★soup, broth 〔肉・魚・野菜などを煮出した〕だし汁、スープ。培養液.)
cakraka(= ; a crooked or fraudulent ★device , v.)
suvihvala(= mf(%{A})n. very perturbed or distressed or ★wearied MBh. )
シかーリ (v-k)、つかれ (v-k)
sucarita(= 1 a. well done; n. good conduct or ★work, virtue.) シクーチ
takS, takSati, -te, takSNoti(= , & {tASTi}, pp. {taSTa3} hew, cut, [[-,]] ★work, fashion, make, invent. -- {anu} procure, get. {apa} split or cut off. {A} produce, procure. {ud} fashion out of (abl.). {nis} shape or form. {pra} fashion, make. {vi=apa}. {sam} = S. (ntogether). -- Cf. {vi3taSTa}.)
saMskAra(= m. ★preparing, arranging; cultivation, education; purification, sacrament, consecration, any rite or ceremony, esp. funeral obsequies; impression (ph.).)
saMskriyA(= f. arranging, ★preparing, forming.)
シコイ、しこみ (r-m)
puSpavat(= (%{pu4Spa-}) mfn. having flower or decorated with flower , flowery , blooming RV. ; m. N. of a Daitya MBh. ; of a man Sam2ska1rak. ; of a prince Hariv. Pur. ; of a mountain in Kus3-dvipa MBh. ; (du.) sun and moon Ba1lar. Gan2it. (perhaps fr. %{-vanta}) ; (%{I}) f. (a woman) having the ★menses メンス L. ; (a cow) longing for the bull BhP. Sch. ; N. of a sacred bathing place MBh.)
ヒちーヌだ (S-ch, v-n)
pahiSTai(= 1. woman in her periods; 2. ★menses)
sarajaska(= mf(%{A})n. `" having pollen 花粉を持つ"' and `" having the ★menses "' Bha1m.)
sasyAd(= a. eating ★grain.)
satuSa(= mfn. having husk or chaff Ka1tyS3r. ; n. ★grain which has the husk remaining on it L.)
sItya(= mfn. ploughed Pa1n2. L. ; n. corn , ★grain L.)
suhRd(= m. `" good-hearted "' , kindhearted "' , `" well-disposed "' , a friend , ally (also said of planets ; %{suhRdo@janAH} , `" friends "') S3rS. ; N. of the fourth astrol. mansion VarBr2S. ; f. a female friend Gobh. Kaus3. ; mfn. (only ifc.) ★fond of 〜が好き, liking or devoted to Ba1lar. ; very similar to , closely resembling ib.)
シチー、好いと る(すいと る)
preSTha(= mfn. (superl. fr. %{priya}) dearest , most beloved or desired RV. ; (in address) Kat2hUp. BhP. ; very ★fond of 大好きだ (loc.) RV. ; m. a lover , husband BhP. ; (%{A}) f. a mistress , wife L. ; a leg L.)
vaz(= ; to desire , wish , long for , ★be fond of , like 好き (also with inf.) RV. ; )
svadhAvingrAha(= m. id. Ma1lati1m. ; mf(%{A})n. one who takes or seizes forcibly MBh. ; spontaneous , voluntary (see comp.) ; (%{am}) ind. forcibly , violently Hariv. ; %{-niSakta-bAhu} mfn. putting the arms spontaneously round (loc.) , embracing ardently Kum. ; %{-praNaya} mfn. spontaneously or ardently ★affectionate 自発的または熱心に愛情深い Mr2icch.)
シチガナーサ (v-g)
vatsakAmA(= f. `" ★affectionate towards offspring 子孫に愛情を込めて"' , a cow longing for her calf or a mother for her child L.)
vatsala(= , f. {A} loving her calf, as subst. such a cow; adj. ★affectionate, tender, kind i.g., fond of, wholly given up or devoted to (loc., gen., {prati}, or ---). Abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n.)
sArdra(= a. ★wet, moist, damp.)
svArdra(= mfn. very ★wet or moist Bhartr2. (v.l.))
timita(= mfn. (= %{stim-}) quiet , steady , fixed R. ii f. v ; ★wet L.)
zIk(= (also written %{
sIk}) cl. (Dha1tup. iv , 1) %{zIkate} (pf. %{zizIke} aor. %{azIkiSTa} &c. Gr.) , to rain in fine drops , drizzle , sprinkle , ★wet , moisten Hcar. )
saMkleda(= m. making or becoming ★wet; wetness by (---).)
sikta(= mfn. poured out , sprinkled , ★wetted , impregnated RV. ; (%{A}) f. = %{
sikatA} L.)
parS(= (cf. %{pRS}) cl. 1. A1. %{parSate} , to grow ★wet Dha1tup. (v.l. %{varS} and %{sparS}).)
zvAsahikkA(= f. a kind of ★hiccough (%{-kkin} mfn. suffering from it) )
シッカびー (+びー)
vAtasaMcAra(= m. ★hiccough L.)
hikk(= (Dha1tup.xxi , 1) ik %{hikkati} , %{-te} (Gr. also pf. %{jihikka} , %{-kke} .) , to ★hiccup (hiccough) , sob , make a spasmodic sound in the throat Pat.)
zvAsahikkA(= f. a kind of ★hiccough (%{-kkin} mfn. suffering from it) Car.)
へぐり◆へっくう◆へっくり◆へっそう◆へっとり・けっく (・けっくり しゃっくり。)
hikk(= cl. 1. P. A1. (Dha1tup.) ik %{hikkati} , %{-te} (Gr. also pf. %{jihikka} , %{-kke} &c.) , to ★hiccup (hiccough) , sob , make a spasmodic sound in the throat Pat. %{hikkayati} (aor. %{ajihikkat}) , to cause to hiccup Sus3r. ; (A1.) %{hikkayate} , ate , to injure , kill Dha1tup. (v.l. %{hikk} for %{kiSk}).)
vAtasaMcAra(= m. ★hiccough L.)
ばた しゃっくり
saMstha(= mf(%{A})n. standing together , standing or staying or resting or being in or on , contained in (loc. or comp.) MBh.; ; a fellow-countryman , ★neighbour 近所の、隣の ib. ;)
veza(= m. (1. %{viz}) `" a settler "' , small farmer , tenant , ★neighbour , dependent , vassal RV. (once in VS. %{ve4za}) ; )
vezatva(= n. settlement, ★neighbourhood.)
ヒちャードゥナイ (v-n)△
sauvIra(= m. pl. (fr. %{
su-vIra}) N. of a people inhabiting a district in the ★neighbourhood of the Indus MBh. ;)
ドゥナイ (v-n)、 となり (v-n)
zvazura(= m. ★father-in-law; du. father and mother-in-law.)
シトゥー、しゅうと、しゅうとめ (r-m)
sR, sisarti, sarati, -te(= ;; ; attack (acc.). {ud} run away. C. drive away or asunder, ★cast off 投げて捨てる、放棄する、捨て去る、振り捨てる、振り払う、脱ぎ捨てる、脱却する、脱皮する、脱する。【名】〈話〉捨てられたもの、見捨てられた人、解雇された人。【形】 〔衣類などが〕不要になった[なって捨てられた]、廃棄処分された, remove, dismiss, give up. {prod} go off;)
jihva(= m. E. of Agni; r. = f. {jihvA} ★tongue.)
suhita(= (%{su4-}) mf(%{A})n. very fit or suitable Nir. ; ; (%{A}) f. one of the ★tongues of fire L. ;)
bhram(= to wag しきりに動く、揺れ動く (as the ★tongue))
べろ[ペラペラの親戚 ? 東北弁]
paTIra(= ; the ★belly ; a sieve ; a radish ; a field 畑;)
maluka(= m. the ★belly L. ; a quadruped L.)
おなか (m 無音, l-n)
AmAzraya(= m. the receptacle of the undigested food , the upper part of the ★belly as far as the navel , stomach MBh.)
おなきゃ (y-ki)
phANDa(= n. the ★belly (= %{phaNDa}) L.)
trivalIka(= mfn. (Ra1ma) having 3 folds (on the ★belly or neck) R. (v.l. %{-lIvat}) ; n. the anus W.)
svavidhi(= m. `" own rule or ★method 自分用独自ルール、やり方"' ; (%{inA}) ind. in one's own way BhP. ; in the right wish , duly VarBr2S.)
zravaNavidhi(= m. a ★method or rule of hearing or studying 聴覚または学習による方法または規則; %{-vicAra} m. N. of a treatise 研究論文 on the study of the Upanishads.)
zulkakeza(= a. ★white-haired.)
tRpra(= a. restless, ★anxious 心配; --- & n. adv.)
シワー、しんぺー (R-n)、しんぱい (R-n)
tapa(= mfn. ifc. `" consuming by heat "' see %{lalATam-} ; `" causing pain or trouble , ★distressing 嘆き"' see %{janaM-} and %{paraM-} ;)
sambhartsita(= mfn. ( %{bharts}) much censured 〜を厳しく批判[非難]する, ★abused , reviled 〜を罵倒する、非難する、罵る、〜の悪口を広める R.)
virAddha(= mfn. opposed , thwarted , offended , reviled , ★abused W.)
ghRNita(= mfn. pitied W. ; reproached , ★abused L.)
srava(= m. flowing , streaming , a flow of (comp.) MBh. ; a waterfall L. ; ★urine 尿 L. ;)
vA, vAti, vAyati, -te(= , pp. {
vAta3} 3 & {vAna} (---) blow, blow near [[-,]] or towards (tr. & intr.), spread (intr. of odours), ★smell 臭い. )
【今帰仁】ハヂャー、カジャー (v-k)
sUpatIrtha(= mf(%{A})n. having good ★steps for bathing 入浴の良いステップを持っている。[踏み台 ?]MBh.)
tejana(= n. sharpening, kindling; point or shaft of an arrow 矢の先又は、柄, reed, ★bamboo; f. {-nI}? mat of straw, tuft, bunch, etc.)
cAru(= mf(%{●
us})n. (2. %{can}) agreeable , approved , esteemed , beloved , endeared , (Lat.) %{carus} , dear (with dat. or loc. of the person) RV. ; pleasing , lovely , ★beautiful , pretty RV. ; ind. so as to please , agreeably (with dat.) RV. ; ★beautifully Hariv. ; m. (in music) a particular %{vAsaka} ; N. of Br2ihaspati L. ; of a son of Kr2ishn2a Hariv. ; of a Cakra-vartin Buddh. ; n. (v.l. for %{vara}) saffron L. ; (%{vI}) f. a ★beautiful woman L. ; splendour L. ; moonlight L. ; intelligence L. ; N. of Kubera's wife L.)
cAru(= a. pleasant, lovely, ★beautiful, dear; n. adv.)
saMsRj(= f. ★meeting.)
スリーっじ、スリー (j 無音)、スルイ
samRti(= (%{sa4m-}) f. coming together 一緒に来る, ★meeting 集会、会議, contact 接触 RV. ; conflict , war , fight ib.)
スリーち (m 無音)
sthAlI(= f. an earthen ★dish or pan , cooking-vessel , caldron AV. ; a partic. vessel used in preparing Soma MW. ; the substitution of a cooked offering of rice &c. for a meat offering at the Ma1n6sa7sht2aki (q.v.) ib. ;)
mAtsarya(= n. ★envy うらやましさ、嫉妬、ねたみ、羨望, jealousy, discontent.)
krodhaja(= mfn. proceeding from or engendered by wrath (as the eight vices , hatred 憎む, ★envy , oppression , violence , &c.) Mn. )
くやしージャ (r-y)
sahita(= 2 mf(%{A}.)n. (for 1. see p ) %{-saMhita} (cf. Pa1n2. ) , joined , conjoined , united (du. `" ★both together "' ; pl. [also with %{sarve}] , `" all together "') ;)
dvivarSa(= {-ka} (f. {-rSikA}) ★two years old ニ歳.)
dvaidha(= a. twofold, ★double; n. adv., as subst. duality, difference, division (esp. of the forces), contest, strife.)
samAMza(= m. an equal ★share 等価分配 (as in an inheritance ; %{ena} ind. `" in equal share "') Katha1s. ; mfn. containing equal parts Sus3r. ; entitled to or obtaining an equal share Mn. ; (%{A}) f. Sida Cordifolia L. ; %{-bhAgin} mfn. sharing in equal portions L. ; %{-hArin} mfn. taking an equal portions , sharing equally 等しく配分, a co-heir Da1yat.)
sammukha(= mf(%{I} rarely %{A}) n. ★facing , fronting , confronting , being face to face or in front of or opposite to (gen. or ifc. or ibc.) , present , before the eyes S3Br. ; )
zikSita(= mfn. learnt , studied , practised Baudh. ; taught , instructed or trained or ★exercised in (acc. loc. , or comp.) MBh. ; docile W. ; skilful , clever , conversant ib. ; modest , diffident ib. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a woman (see %{zaikSita}) ; n. teaching , instruction BhP.)
suzikSita(= mfn. well instructed Ma1lav. ; well trained 十分訓練された or taught or disciplined MBh.)
vigAh(= ; to be engrossed by or intent upon , ponder BhP. ; to follow , ★practise Kum. ; to reach , obtain Bhartr2. ; to approach , fall (as night) MBh.:)
けいこ (v-k)
zrutivarjita(= mfn. devoid of hearing , ★deaf L. ; ignorant or unread in the Veda W.)
チーグーじゃった (v-g)、つんぼじゃった (r-n)
sthUlaziras(= m. `" large-headed "'N. of a R2ishi MBh. ; of a Ra1kshasa Katha1s. ; of a Yaksha ib. ; n. a large head or ★summit W.)
チヂー (l 無音)、頂上
candrAgra(= mf(%{A})n. ★brilliant-peaked RV. ; brilliant-surfaced (a liquid) , vi ,)
チーヂー (n 無音)
tuGga(= mf(%{A})n. prominent , erect , lofty , high MBh. ; chief. W. ; strong W. ; m. an elevation , height , mountain R. (cf. %{bhRgu-}) Hit. ii (v.l.) ; top , ★peak W. ; )
zocya(= mfn. to be lamented 嘆かわしい (n. impers.) , deplorable , miserable みじめ MBh. ; %{-tA} f. deplorableness , miserable condition Katha1s. ; = ★next 次 MW.)
suruGgayuj(= m. = ★next L.) チヂー、つぎ
duSTi(= f. corruption , defilement , depravity AV. ; growing ★worse より悪い(比較級) (of a wound &c.) Sus3r.)
saMdUSita(= mfn. (fr. id.) utterly corrupted or vitiated or spoiled Hariv. ; made or grown ★worse (as a disease) 悪化する Sus3r. ; exposed to shame , reviled , abused MBh.)
saMtati(= f. ★continuation, propagation; offspring, posterity; causal connection, uninterrupted line or mass of (---).)
tiryaggata(= mfn. going horizontally (an ★animal 動物) 水平歩行する, ii ; n. an ★animal , vii )
tiryaktA(= f. ★animal nature 気質 Ra1jat. )
zANI(= f. a hempen cloth or ★garment 麻布または衣服 MBh. ; ragged or torn raiment , the tattered ★clothes of a Jain ascetic ボロボロまたは引き裂かれた衣服、ジャイナ教の禁欲行者のボロボロの服。 L. ; a single breadth of cloth given to a student at his investiture 彼の叙任式で学生に与えられた単一の幅の布 W. ; a small tent or screen 小さなテントまたはスクリーン ib. ; gesture , gesticulation ジェスチャー、身振り ib.)
saMvyAna(= n. a cover , wrapper , cloth , ★garment , (esp.) upper garment S3is3.)
dviSTa(= 1 mfn. hated , disliked , ★odious いやらしい、醜悪な、憎むべき、鼻持ちならない, hostile Ya1jn5. )
zrIgunna(= m. N. of a Mi1ma1n6saka (a ★contemporary 【名詞】同時期の人、同年齢の人、同年輩 of Man3kha) Cat.)
チルーミ (g-n)
div(= 2 %{dI4vyati} , %{-te} RV. (perf. %{●
dide4va} AV. ; ; to play お遊び, sport , ★joke 冗談, trifle with 〜をいいかげんにあしらう (acc. AV. ) ; )
sadhI(= (%{sa4-}) mfn. endowed 寄付を受けた、寄贈された。お墨付き。 with ★reason or intellect S3Br.)
tIvra(= mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tiv-ra} , %{tu}) strong , severe , violent , intense , hot , pervading , ★excessive , ardent , sharp , acute , pungent , horrible RV. ; m. sharpness , pungency Pa1n2. ; for %{-vara} (?) g. %{rAjanyA7di} ; S3iva ; n. pungency W. ; a shore (for 2. %{tIra} ?) Un2.; tin (cf. 1. %{tIra}) ib. ; steel L. ; iron L. ; (%{am}) ind. violently , impetuously , sharply , ★excessively W. ;)
kharu(= mfn. white L. ; ★foolish , idiotic Un2. ; harsh , cruel ib. ; desirous of improper or prohibited things L. ; (%{us}) m. a tooth L. ; a horse L. Un2. ; pride L. ; love or Ka1ma (the god of love) Un2. ; N. of S3iva L. ; (%{us}) f. (Pa1n2.) a girl who chooses her own husband Pa1n2.)
tAlaka(= (Siddh.pum2l. 29) m. N. of a venomous ★insect 毒のある昆虫 Sus3r.)
zAlUraka(= m. a kind of ★worm infesting the intestines 腸に寄生する一種のワーム Car.)
トーラーガー、さなぎ (r-n)×
tRNajalAyukA(= & {-jalakA} f. ★caterpillar カタピラー.)
mallipattra(= n. a ★mushroom or ★fungus L.)
ナバー (ll 無音, tt 無音)
karaka(= ; (%{am}) n. ★fungus , ★mushroom L. ; )
きのこ (r-n)
nabhya(= 2 n. the ★centre part of a wheel 車輪の中心部, the nave ヘソ AV.; the middle (%{-stha} mfn. standing in the middle) S3Br. ; mfn. (according to g. %{gav-Adi} fr. %{nAbhi}) belonging to or fit for a nave Un2.)
nAtharaGga(= n. `" royal tin ロイヤルスズ"' , ★silver L.)
ナンヂャ (+ン)
nigu(= (L , ) mfn. pleasing , charming ; m. the mind (= %{manas}) ; dirt (4. %{gu}?) ; a ★root ; painting.)
mUra(= 3 n. (prob. also fr. 1. %{mU} and meaning `" something firm and fixed しっかり固定"' cf. Ka1s3. ) = %{mUla} , a ★root AV.)
piDaka(= m. (and %{A} f.) a small boil 小さなおでき, ★pimple , pustule Ra1jat.)
おでき (p 無音)
matsAdRzya(= n. likeness or ★resemblance 類似性 of me ib.)
samAkAra(= mfn. (ifc.) of like appearance , ★similar , like R. )
そっくり (m 無音)
tacchIla(= (%{zIla}) mfn. accustomed to that Pa1n2. ; = %{sadRza} , ★similar Ka1vya7d.)
nirvapaNa(= n. pouring out すくい出す, sprinkling , scattering Ka1tyS3r. ; ; that by which a libation 〔宗教儀式で〕献酒[献油]を注ぐこと is made (as a ★ladle or vessel 椀) S3Br. ;)
praseka(= m. flowing forth, discharge 排出; the bowl of a spoon スプーン or ★ladle.)
virAgayati(= to estrange , alienate Vishn2. ; to displease DivyA7v. ; %{-gita} mfn. exasperated , ★irritated Vajracch. ; ifc. , feeling aversion or dislike to MBh.)
parivRt(= ; (A1.) to cause one's self to be turned round (in having one's ★head ★shaved all round 丸坊主に剃る) TBr. )
ハーガンター (v-g, R-n)、ぼーず(坊主)◎
pUrvasaMdhyA(= f. `" earlier twilight "' , ★dawn , day-break W.)
avyuSTa(= mfn. not yet shining (as the ★dawn) )
アカチチ (v-g-k)、あかつき
gUtha(= m. (also n. g. %{ardharcA7di}) `" ★feces 排泄物, ordure 糞、くそ"' (in the Pa1ya1si-sutta in Pa1li) see %{karNa-}.)
varcograha(= m. obstruction 障害 of the ★feces , constipation 便秘 Sus3r.)
ナグイ (v-n)
uccAra(= mfn. rising TS. ; m. ★feces , excrement ; discharge Sus3r. ; pronunciation , utterance.)
うんこ (+ん)、うんち (+ん)
viNmUtra(= n. (sg. or du.) ★feces 大便 and urine 尿 Mn.)
babhru(= mf(%{u} , or %{U4})n. (according to Un2. fr. %{bhR}) deep-brown 濃茶色, ★reddish-brown 赤茶色, tawny RV. ; bald-headed L. ; m. a kind of large ichneumon L. ; any ichneumon MBh. ; a man with deep-brown hair 赤毛の人 Mn. (others `" a ★reddish-brown animal 赤茶色の動物"' or `" the Soma creeper "') ;)
pizaGgajaTa(= m. `" having a ★reddish braid of ★hair "'N. of an ascetic 修行僧 Katha1s.)
ハかーギーじゃた/あかーギーじゃた (p 無音, z 無音)
pannada(= mfn. one whose ★teeth have fallen out 歯が抜け落ち切った人 Ka1tyS3r.)
パーモーだ (n-m)/パーモーかー (n-m, d-k)
pAyya(= 3 n. a ★measure 計測器 Pa1n2. ; practice , profession W.)
parvAGgula(= n. a partic. ★measure of length , Amr2itUp.)
vastravilAsa(= m. ★foppery in dress MW.)
bhaGga(= mfn. breaking , bursting (said of the Soma) RV. ; m. breaking , splitting , dividing , shattering , breaking down or up VS. ; ; a piece broken off 壊れ落ちた部分, morse 〔食べ物の〕一口(分)。少量、一片 , ★fragment 破片 Ka1lid. Ka1d. ;)
viyogin(= mfn. separated 離れている or ★absent from 欠席した (instr. or comp.) Katha1s. )
prasaGga(= ; %{-pro7Sita} mfn. happening to be departed or ★absent たまたま不在 Das3. ; )
ハギー (s 無音)
pAzakrIDA(= f. `" dice-play "' , ★gambling Sin3ha1s.)
バクーチ (z 無音)
babhru(= mf(%{u} , or %{U4})n. (according to Un2. fr. %{bhR}) deep-brown , reddish-brown , tawny RV. ; bald-headed L. ; ; (%{u}) f. a ★reddish-brown ★cow , Bhp. ; )
ハコー (h-k)、【東北弁】ベコ (h-k)
prApti(= ; lot , fortune , ★luck S3vetUp. ; )
prazasta(= a. praised, extolled, commended or commendable, good, better, best, auspicious, ★lucky; abstr. )
bhadra(= a. bright, pleasing, good, happy; voc. {bhadra, bhadre}, & {bhadrAs} good sir, good lady, & good people! {bhadra3m} & {bhadra3yA} adv. ★luckily, fortunately. n. ★luck, prosperity, good fortune, {bhadraM te} or {vaH} happiness to thee or you (often only explet.).)
pazumat(= mfn. connected with or relating to ★cattle or animals 家畜、生き物関連のこと, rich in ★cattle or animal RV. ; connected with animal sacrifices Ta1n2d2Br. ; containing the word %{pazu} AitBr. ; m. an owner of herds or ★cattle MBh. ; n. possession of ★cattle RV.)
vibhaGga(= m. bending , contraction (esp. of the eyebrows) Ragh. ; a furrow , ★wrinkle MBh.; )
prajJAvat(= mfn. ★wise , knowing , shrewd 〔批評・意見・推測などが〕鋭い、明敏な、鋭敏な、洞察力のある、賢明な、利口な、抜け目のない, intelligent Katha1s.)
ヒチミャクだ (v-k)
pratibhA(= ; %{--nvita} (%{-bhA7nv-}) mfn. intelligent , ★wise L. ; confident , hold L. ; %{-balAt} ind. by force of reason or intelligence , ★wisely Ra1jat. ; %{●
-mukha マク} mfn. at once hitting the right , quick-witted 機知に富む、利発 L. (confident 生意気, arrogant 横柄 W.) ; )
paTTa(= m. ★plate, tablet; cloth, bandage, ligature, frontlet, turban (cf. {paTa}).)
ヒチャー、いた (p 無音)
paThitAGga(= m. or n. a kind of ★girdle BhavP.)
nIvi(= or {nIvI} f. a cloth or ★girdle worn round a woman's waist.)
にび、おび (n 無音)
bAdara(= a. coming from the ★jujube tree ナツメ, n. its berry;)
ヒチュー (b-p)
vRttaphala(= m. the pomegranate L. ; the ★jujube L. ;)
ひちゅーふぁら、ヒチュービ (la 無音)
guJjA(= f. the Gunja ★berry (used as a weight).)
ぐにゃじゃ → ぐみ (jA 無音)
gulma(= m. (rarely n. MBh. ) a cluster or clump of trees , thicket , bush , shrub VS.; ; ★jujube L. ;)
kuvala(= n. the fruit of the ★jujube tree (f. {kuvalI}); also = seq.)
グヴァ/グバ、グミ (v-m)
paridhAna(= or {-dhAna3} n. laying round, putting on, ★wrapping; garment, vesture.)
paTTavastra(= n. a kind of cloth (%{-trA7ntarI-kR} , to ★wrap in that cloth くるむための布) Sus3r. ; mfn. = next.)
プちューくイすーとら (v-k)
praccchada(= m. a cover , coverlet , ★wrapper , blanket L. ; %{-paTa} m. (L.) , %{-vAsas} n. (Katha1s.) id.)
風呂敷だ(ふろしきだ) (ch-k)
pariSeka(= m. sprinkling over , moistening Sus3r. ; a ★bath , bathing apparatus お風呂の装置 ib. (cf. %{parI-S-}).)
plu, plavate(= ({-ti}), pp. {pluta3} (q.v.) float, swim, ★bathe, sail; [[,]] vibrate, hover, soar, fly;)
vijaGgha(= mfn. having no legs 脚が無い i.e. ★wheels (said of a chariot) つまり、車輪 MBh. ; %{-ghA-kUbara} mfn. having no wheels and no pole ib. (v.l. `" %{-ghA7Gghrivara}).)
vijala(= mfn. waterless 水が無い, dry Hariv. ; n. ★drought AdbhBr. ; )
ピャイ (j-y, l 無音)
vaMzI(= f. a ★flute , pipe Pan5car. ; an artery , vein L. ; a partic. measure (cf. %{vaMzika}) L. ; a partic. weight (= 4 Karshas) L. ; bamboo manna L.)
ペンソー、ビャーソー (M 無音)
picchorA(= f. a pipe , ★flute S3rS.)
suvIrya(= n. manly vigour or deed , heroism RV. ; abundance of heroes 多くの英雄達, host of 沢山の ★warriors 武士 or brave men 勇者 RV. ; mfn. having great strength or power , very efficacious (herb or drug) Hit. ; (%{A}) f. wild cotton L. ; the resin of the Gardenia Gummifera L. ; n. the fruit of the jujube L.)
サムレー (v-m)/さびれー
vijigISu(= mfn. desirous of victory or conquest , wishing to overcome or surpass (acc. or comp.) , emulous , ambitious Mn. ; m. a ★warrior 武士, invader 侵入者, antagonist 〔敵意を持っている〕競争[闘争]相手、敵対者 MBh. ; a disputant , opponent Sarvad. ; %{-tA} f. (Katha1s.) , %{-tva} n. (Ka1m.) desire of conquest , emulation , ambition.)
pArzvopapArzva(= m. du. flank 〔動物や人間の〕横腹、脇腹 and ★shoulder-blade 肩甲骨(けんこうこつ) Nal.)
ピラゲーブニ (v-g, v-n)
paryaGkabaddha(= mfn. sitting with the ★legs bent ★crossways under the body , squatting Buddh)
pravaNa(= s. ★slope, ★steep 急勾配 descent, precipice, gulf, depth; a. declined, bent, sloping towards (---); prone, inclined or attached to (loc., dat., gen., infin., or ---).)
pravat(= f. slope of a mountain, ★sloping path, easy or rapid course; instr. sgl. & pl. downwards or rapidly.)
ピャンタ (v-n)
pra(= ; in nouns of relationship 交際関連の名詞の接頭辞 = great- 偉大な cf. %{pra-pitAmaha} , %{pra-pautra} ;)
sakhya(= n. friendship, fellowship, ★relationship.)
付き合い (s-t, y-ay)
pragur(= (only aor. %{-gUrta}) , to ★cry aloud RV. (Sa1y. `" to make great efforts "').)
vyAkruz(= P. %{-krozati} , to ★cry out aloud , complain , lament R.)
bhambha(= m. or n. the mouth or aperture of an ★oven or stove Car. ; m. smoke L. ; a fly L. ; (%{A}) f. a kettledrum HParis3.)
ファーマ (b-f)、フかーマ (b-w, h-k)、ワハーマ (b-w)
kandu(= %{us} mf. (%{skand} Un2.) , a boiler , saucepan , or other cooking utensil of iron Sus3r. ; an ★oven , or vessel serving for one W. ; a kind of fragrant substance L. ; (%{us}) m. N. of a man.)
かま(窯) (d 無音) or かまど(竈) or くど(竈)
vikRti(= f. change , alteration , modification , variation 変化、変動。多様性, changed ★condition 変わった状態 (of body or mind 体調変化 ; acc. with %{gam} , %{yA} , %{vraj} , or %{pra-pad} , to undergo a change , be changed) MBh. ; sickness 病気, disease L. ;)
phalakoza(= (Sus3r.) or (L.) m. sg. and du. `" seed receptacle 種収容器"' , the ★scrotum.)
プグイ (l 無音, z-y)、ふぐり (l 無音, z-r)
parAga(= m. sgl. & pl. the pollen of a flower 花粉 (poss. {-gin}), ★dust ダスト i.g.)
プクイ (+イ)、ほこり (+り)
pravah(= P. %{-vahati} , (Pa1n2. ) , to carry forwards , draw or drag on wards RV. ; to carry off in flowing , wash away RV. ; to lead or bring to (acc.) MBh. ; to bear Bhat2t2. ; to exhibit , show , utter BhP. ; (A1.) to drive onwards RV. ; to flow along Katha1s. Ra1jat. ; to rush , blow (as wind) MBh.: Caus. %{-vAhayati} , to cause to go away , ★send off 送り出し、見送り, dismiss A1s3vS3r. ; to cause to swim away (Pass. , to be washed away) Ma1rkP. ; to set in motion or on foot Hariv. R.)
フクイ (v-k)、ふくひ (v-k)
pakvavAri(= n. ★sour rice-gruel 酸っぱい粥 (= %{kAJjika}) L. ; boiling or distilled water 沸騰している又は蒸留した水 W. (v.l. %{paGka-v-}).)
おかゆ (p 無音)
pazcA(= (instr. adv.) ★behind, afterwards, later, westward.)
pRSTha(= n. (prob. fr. %{pra-stha} , `" standing forth prominently "' ; ifc. f. %{A}) the back (as the prominent part of an animal) , the hinder part or ★rear of anything 後部、背部 RV.)
praharSa(= m. great ★joy 偉大な喜び, delight, rapture 歓喜、狂喜。《raptures》歓喜の状態[声・表情].)
フクラサー (h-k)、うれしー (p 無音)
plutagati(= f. moving by leaps 跳ねて移動 Dha1tup. ; m. a ★hare 野ウサギ L.)
フサーヂ (l 無音)、うさぎ (pl 無音)
sarira(= n. (cf. %{salila}) the heaving sea , flood , ★tide VS. ; = %{bahu} Naigh. ; the universe (= %{loka} or %{tri-loka}) VS.)
vaiSayika(= mf(%{I})n. relating to or denotative of a country or district (as a suffix) Pat. ; having a partic. sphere or object or aim (in gram. the %{AdhAra} is called %{vaiSayika} when it is the aim or object of the action , Siddh on Pa1n2.) ; relating to , concerning (comp.) Car. ; belonging or relating to an object of sense , sensual , carnal , ★mundane Pan5car. ●Google 訳:感覚的、官能的、肉欲的、平凡なものに属する、または関連している; m. a sensualist , one addicted to the pleasures of sense or absorbed in worldly objects L. (also %{-jana}) ; (%{I}) f. a voluptuous or unchaste woman 官能的または不貞な女性 L.)
フチーユか (S-ch)、うきよカ (S-k)
kRmi(= m. worm, esp. silk-worm, mite, ★spider, insect i.g.; a man's name; f. a woman's name (also {kRmI}), N. of a river.)
クーバー (m-b)、くも
paryApta(= a. got, obtained, finished, complete, ★large, copious, sufficient to, enough for (gen. or dat.); n. adv., w. {etAvatA} this is enough for (gen.).)
pIvara(= mfn. fat , stout , ★large , plump , thick , dense , full of or abounding with (comp.) MBh. )
vrIhimaya(= a. made of ★rice.)
フミー、こめ (v-k)
prasahya(= ind. having conquered or won Ma1lav. i , 2 ; using force , forcibly , violently Mn. ;; %{-caura} m. `" violent thief 暴力泥棒"' , a ★robber 強盗、追いはぎ、泥棒◆暴力によって物を奪う強盗, plunderer L. ; %{-haraNa} n. forcible abduction , robbing , plundering MBh. ; %{-hyA7DhA} f. married by force ib.)
purudasyu(= mfn. (people) , consisting chiefly in ★robbers BhP.)
vihartR(= m. ★robber; roamer, sporter.)
pAripanthika(= m. (fr. %{pari-pantham}) a highwayman 追いはぎ, ★robber , thief. L. )
おいはぎ (c 無音, n 無音)
tRpu(= m. a ★thief (cf. %{asu-} and %{pazu-tR4p}) Naigh. (v.l. %{●
moSTR(= m. a robber , ★thief L.)
kArucaura(= m. `" mechanical ★thief "' , burglar バーグラー、住居[建物]侵入窃盗、押し込み強盗犯 L.)
強盗(ごうとう) (c-t)
apahAraka(= mfn. one who takes away , seizes , steals , &c. ; a plunderer 略奪者, a ★thief (cf. %{AtmA7pahAraka} , %{●
vAlavIjya(= m. a wild ★goat 野生のヤギ L.)
pRkSa(= a. ★spotted, dappled; m. such a horse.)
ペーヌクスー (R-n)、ペークス
pArpara(= m. (only L.) a handful of rice ; consumption or some other disease ; a filament of the Nauclea Cadamba ; ★ashes ; )
prapA(= f. watering-place, ★well 井戸, cistern.)
prapApAlikA(= f. female ★well-keeper 女性の井戸番.)
ペーフガー (li 無音)、ペーフりがー
pAjika(= m. = %{prA7jika} , a ★falcon VarBr2S.)
ペンサーか (+ン, j-s)△
pRSThazRGga(= m. `" having horns over the back "' , a wild ★goat L. ; %{-gin} m. (L.) `" id. "' , a ram ; a buffalo ; a eunuch ; N. of Bha1ma.)
payasvala(= mf(%{A})n. rich in milk Hariv. (v.l. %{-vin}) ; m. a ★goat L.)
prajval(= P. %{-jvalati} (ep. also A1. %{-te}) , to begin to ★burn 焦げ始め or blaze , be kindled (lit. and fig.) , flame or flash up , shine , gleam TBr. : Caus. %{-jvA8layati} , to set on fire , light , kindle , inflame Gr2S3rS. ; (with Buddh.) to illustrate , explain DivyA7v.)
ホーベー (l 無音)
vA, vAti, vAyati, -te(= , pp. {
vAta3} 3 & {vAna} (---) blow, blow near [[-,]] or towards (tr. & intr.), spread (intr. of odours), ★smell 臭い. )
【今帰仁】ハヂャー、カジャー (v-k)
parzu(= 1 f. rib; curved ★knife, sickle 鎌.)
pAcala(= (only L.) m. a ★cook 料理人; fire ; wind ; %{-rAdhana-dravya} n. dissolving or a dissolvent.)
ポーチュー (l 無音)
bhuji(= 1 f. (for 2. see col. 3) clasping , enfolding (others `" ★sweeping "') RV.)
vyudUh(= P. %{-Uhati} (Pot. %{-uhyAt}) , to push apart or asunder , move away or out TS. ; to ★sweep out 一掃 or away S3Br.)
vAtadhrAjigati(= mfn. ★sweeping along like wind TA1r.)
pratUrti(= a. rapid, ★violent; f. haste, hurry.)
pratirambha(= m. ( %{rabh}) = %{pratilambha} L. ; passion , rage 激怒、憤激、逆上、激しい怒り、激情、憤怒。〔嵐や病気などの〕猛威、大荒れ, ★violent or passionate abuse W.)
ボーチラー/ボーちリ むば
kSottavya(= mfn. to be mashed つぶされる (as a ★louse &c.) Pat. )
ぎしゃーみ (v-m) → ギサーミ
likSA(= f. (also written %{likkA}) a nit 《昆虫》シラミの卵, young louse , the egg 卵 of a louse (as a measure of weight = 8 Trasa-ren2us) Mn. (m.c. also %{likSa} VarBr2S.))
vakrabhAva(= m. curvature 曲げる[曲がっている]こと、屈曲、湾曲, crookedness 湾曲した、曲がっている、屈曲した、ゆがんだ、ねじれた。蛇行 (?) Pin3g. ; cunning , craft , deceit 欺瞞的 Prab.)
マーガーピーガー (v-m, v-g)
nAga(= ; mf(%{A} , or %{I})n. formed of snakes , relating to serpents or serpents-demons , ★snaky 蛇行, serpentine , serpent-like MBh. )
pAnnaga(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{panna-ga}) formed or consisting of snakes , having serpents , ★snaky Hariv.)
ビーながー → ピーガー
mahAbila(= n. deep cave or ★hole 穴.)
まいびー → マイミー (b-m)
vakra(= mf(%{A})n. crooked , curved , bent , tortuous , twisted , wry , oblique AV. ; ★curled , curly (as hair) AV. ;)
マグイ (v-m)
arthAnvita(= mfn. possessed of wealth , rich ; possessed of sense , ★significant 重要な、意義深い、大きな影響を与える.)
うすまさ (v-m)
maSijala(= n. ★ink インク、墨 L.)
kAla(= ; (%{I}) f. black colour 黒色, ★ink インキ、墨 or blacking L. ; )
vATa(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vaTa}) made or consisting of the Banyan or Indian fig-tree or its wood &c. Mn. ; m. an enclosure , (either) a fence , wall , (or) a piece of enclosed ground , garden , park , plantation MBh. ; a district Das3. ; a road Va1s. ; the site of a house L. ; Panicum Spicatum W. ; the ★groin 股間、グローイン W. ;)
マター (v-m)、バシー
niveSya(= m. a whirlpool , a water-spout S3Br. ; a ★whirlwind 《気象》つむじ風、旋風。〔激しい〕突進、回転、混乱 or any similar phenomenon VS. ; hoarfrost Mahi1dh. ; (%{-Sya4}) mfn. whirling , belonging to a whirlpool or eddy VS. )
vAtAlI(= f. a ★whirlwind , gale 《天文》強風。〈米〉《気象》疾強風 Katha1s.)
マチー (v-m)、うず
vAtyA(= f. storm 嵐, ★whirlwind.)
マチー (v-m)、うずや
sanirghAta(= mfn. accompanied by a "' hurricane ハリケーン or ★whirlwind MW.)
mahAnagna(= m. `" quite ★naked きわめて裸"' , a paramour AV. ; an athlete Buddh. Lalit. ; (%{A} f. A1pS3r. ; or %{I4} AV.) , a kind of harlot ハーロット、〈古〉売春婦 (= %{●
mahatI@ca@nagnI@ca} Sa1y. on AitBr. ; w.r. %{mahA-NagnI} and %{-naghnI}).) ●
mahatI@ca@nagnI@ca= ●マッパダーカーぬぐのか、マネキン (h 無音, g-k)
vyanzuka(= mfn. unclothed , ★naked ib.)
nagnI(= w. {kR} make a person ★naked i.e. a mendicant.)
nitya(= mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{ni} ; cf. %{ni-ja}) innate , native MBh. ; one's own (opp. to %{araNa}) RV. ; continual , perpetual , eternal RV. ; ifc. constantly dwelling or engaged in , intent upon , devoted or used to (cf. %{tapo-n-} , %{dharma-n-} , %{dhyAna-n-} , %{zastra-n-}) Mn. ; ★ordinary , usual , invariable , fixed , necessary , obligatory (opp. to %{kAmya} , %{naimittika} &c.) Br. (with %{samAsa} m. a compound the meaning of which is not expressed by its members when not compounded Pa1n2.)
vArtta(= mfn. (fr. %{vRtti} and %{vRtta}) having means of subsistence , practising any business or profession L. ; healthy , well Sarvad. ; ★ordinary , middling A1s3vGr2. ; worthless , vain Sarvad. ; right , correct (see %{-taraka}) Pat. ; m. N. of a man MBh. ; (%{A}) f. see below ; n. health , welfare Ka1v. ; chaff W.)
zRGga(= ; = %{zazazRGga} "' , hare's horn "' , anything impossible or extra ★ordinary , Kusum. ; )
vyavahAra(= m. doing , performing , action , practice , conduct , behaviour MBh. (%{vyavahAraH@kAryaH} , with instr. , `" it should be acted according to ) ; commerce or intercourse with (saha or comp.) Nir. . ; affair , matter Ni1lak. ; usage , custom , wont , ★ordinary life , common practice Pat.)
良くある (v-k)
vyavahAradazA(= f. the state of common ★everyday life or reality Sarvad.)
ふだん (+ん)、ふふふらだだん(+ん)
vedAdhyAya(= or mfn. one who repeats or is ★constantly repeating the Veda A1past.)
普段どおりや (+ん, y-r)
maitrI(= f. friendship 友情, friendliness , benevolence , good will (one of the 4 perfect states with Buddhists Dharmas. ; ) MBh. ; Benevolence personified (as the daughter of Daksha and wife of Dharma) BhP. ; close 緊密な ★contact 〔物と物の〕接触、接点、密着(性)。〔人と人の〕接触、接点、つながり、コネクション or union Megh. ; (ifc.) equality , similarity Prasannar. ; N. of the Nakshatra Anura1dha1 L. ; N. of an Upanishad (cf. under %{maitri}).)
マヂワイ (r-w)
paryAya(= ; opportunity , occasion L. ; formation , creation L. ; point of ★contact L. ; )
ISA(= f. (said to be fr. 1. %{IS}) , the pole or shafts of a carriage or plough ; (%{e}) f. du. the double or fork-shaped pole RV. ; a plank 厚板, ★board VarBr2S. ; a particular measure ,)
nirmama(= mf(%{A})n. unselfish , disinterested , (esp.) ★free from all worldly connections (特に)すべての世俗的なつながりから解放されている。無束縛。 MBh.; regardless of , indifferent to (loc.) ib. ; m. (with Jainas) N. of 15th Arhat of the future Ut-sarpin2i1 ; N. of S3iva S3ivag. ; %{-tA} f. (Ksv.) , 1. %{-tva} n. (Pur.) complete unselfishness or indifference (see %{ni4s}) ; 2. %{-tva} mfn. free from selfishness , indifferent Kull.)
vaha(= a. = prec., also intr. flowing towards or through (---). m. n. the shoulder of the yoked animal or the part of the yoke lying on it.)
nayanacchada(= m. eye-covering , an ★eyelid L.)
nayanapuTa(= m. or n. the ★eyelid Var.)
vyasanin(= a. active, exerting one's self; intently attached to, ★fond of (loc. or ---); having evil passions, vicious, wicked; unlucky, unfortunate. Abstr. {-nitA} f., {-tva} n.)
ミーヂネー (v-m)
madhvApAta(= m. honey at ★first sight 一目で蜂蜜。一目惚れ (?) Mn.)
ミーヂネーはーた (v-n)、ミツバチ
vadhUvara(= n. sg. or m. pl. bride and bridegroom , a newly-married ★couple HParis3. ; m. pl. brides and bridegroom ib.)
ミートゥンバー (v-m, +ン)、ふうふ(夫婦) (d 無音)
samithuna(= mf(%{A})n. together with the pair or ★couple (or , with the mate "') S3Br.)
stambh(= or {stabh, stabhnA3ti, stabhnoti, stambhate} ({-ti}), pp. {stabhita3} & {stabdha} (q.v.) prop, support, uphold, make firm or steady; M. become firm or rigid. C. {stambhAya3ti} & {stambhayati, -te} = S., the latter also = make stiff or ★lame, paralyze, stun, obstruct, suppress.)
uru(= , f. {
urvI3} spacious, extensive, wide, broad, great. --n. adv. widely, far; as subst. space, ★room, wide scope, freedom 自由度, w. {kR} give room, liberty, opportunity. )
余裕(よゆう) (u-y)
j¤Atra(= n. ★capacity of understanding, intelligence.)
sIraka(= m. a ★plough MW. ; a porpoise L. ; the sun ib.) すき(鋤、犂)
uSita(= a. passed, spent (day), dwelt (n. imp.); having stopped, ★stayed, dwelt, lived, passed the night, fasted.)
vAsa(= 2 m. ★staying (esp. over night), abiding in (loc. or ---), abiding-place, house, home, state, condition; adj. --- living or dwelling in.)
sadana(= , f. {I} causing settlement or ★stay. n. seat, place, abode, home, house (adj. --- living in); settling down, coming to rest.)
とどまる、とま る
viparivRt(= A1. %{-vartate} , to turn round , revolve Bhag. ; to roll (on the ground) Mn.; to move about , roam 〔当てもなく〕散策する、うろつく、放浪する, ★wander MBh. ; to turn round or back , return MBh. ; to be transformed , change , alter ib. ; to visit or afflict continually ib.: Caus. %{-vartayati} , to cause to turn round or revolve , turn round or away La1t2y. )
samitpUla(= m. a ★bundle of firewood Ma1nGr2.)
たば (m 無音)、詰め(つめ)
kUrca(= m. n. ★bundle, bunch, brush; n. beard.)
AstAra(= m. spreading 拡散, strewing , ★scattering 飛び散る、散乱.)
vidruta(= a. run asunder, fled (n. impers.); ★scattered, destroyed; agitated, alarmed.)
乱れし (v-m)、アザレし
abhikrand(= (aor. 2. sg. %{-kran}) to ★shout at , roar at , neigh or whinny at RV. : Caus. (aor. %{-acikradat}) , id. , 1: Intens. (p. %{-ka4nikradat}) id. )
アビクルス (n 無音)
samabhigarj(= P. %{-garjati} , to ★shout or cry at defiantly 挑戦的に、反抗的に、ふてくされて, challenge with a ★shout (acc.) MBh.)
どなるっち (g 無音)
vivAc(= mfn. crying aloud , screaming 金切声, yelling , roaring RV. ; f. opposing ★shout , contest , battle , war , fight ib.)
わめく (v-m)
Akampita(= mfn. caused to tremble 転覆誘導, shaken , ★agitated 煽動、そそのかす VarBr2S.)
ayAcitavrata(= n. the obligation of eating such food only as has been obtained without ★solicitation 勧誘、ソリシテイション、ソリシット; (mfn.) , keeping the above obligation A1p. (quoted by Kullu1ka on Mn.))
アギーマース (y-ki, v-m)、おしうりだ
samIr(= (only impf. %{ai4rat}) , to join together , bring about , create RV. ; to effect , promote ib.: Caus. %{Irayati} , %{-te} , to cause to move , set in motion , impel , ★agitate , urge on , send forth RV. ;)
saMkSubhita(= (MBh.) mfn. tossed together , violently shaken or agitated.)
upAdru(= P. (Impv. 2. sg. %{-drava}) to run or ★hasten near to RV.)
abhidhAvaka(= mfn. running up , ★hastening towards Ya1jn5. ; assailing , an assailant.)
あわてふためく (+た, v-m)
avabhaGga(= m. breaking off (as of the shaft of a bow) 離脱(弓のシャフトの時点で) Sa1h. ; hollowing or ★sinking (of the nose) (鼻の)くぼみまたは沈み込み。 Sus3r. )
アブンキ (+ン)
avabhR(= P. (impf. %{a4vA7bharat} , or %{-bharat} , 2. sg. %{-bharas} , Ved. Imper. 2. sg. %{-bharA}) to throw or push or press down or into RV. ; to throw or cut off RV.: A1. %{-bharate} , to ★sink down or disappear (as foam 泡) 沈んで消えた RV. , to lower RV.: Pass. (Subi. %{●
-bhriyAte} aor. %{-bhAri}) to be pressed upon or in (acc.) RV. (see %{ava-bhA}).)
saMsIdana(= n. ★sinking DivyA7v.)
しずんだな (+ん)
sAMdIpani(= m. (fr. %{sam-dipana}) N. of a Muni (accord. to VP. he was the tutor of Kr2ishna and Bala-rama , and requested as his preceptor's fee that his son , supposed to be ★drowned 溺れた in the sea but kept ズーっと海の下に居た under the waters by the demon Pan5ca-jana , should be restored to him ; Kr2ishn2a plunged 〔水や場所などに急に〕飛び込む、突っ込む into the sea , killed the demon , and brought back the boy to his father) Hariv. )
土左衛門(どざへもん・どざえもん) (s-d, d-z, +ん)
amatra(= mfn. ★violent 乱暴, strong , firm RV. ; (%{am}) n. a large drinking vessel RV. )
アマースン (r-n)
amavat(= (%{a4ma-}) mfn. impetuous 激しい、衝動的な、性急な、せっかちな、猛烈な, ★violent , strong RV. ; (%{vat}) ind. impetuously RV.)
vinininda(= mfn. mocking (= surpassing , exceeding) Pan5car. ; (%{A}) f. ★reproach 非難する、責める、叱責する、叱る、とがめる, abuse (人)を罵る、(人)に暴言を吐く VP.)
vinI(= P. A1. %{-nayati} , %{●
-te} , to lead or take away , remove , avert RV. AV. ; to throw off , drive away , dispel , expel (a disease) Car. ;; to chastise 〔むち打ちなどにより人を〕罰する、せっかんする。〜を厳しく非難する、〜をひどく叱る, ★punish 罰する Ya1jn5.; )
anuzAs(= to rule , govern ; to order ; to teach , direct , advise , address ; to punish , ★chastise , correct.)
Adezya(= mfn. to be said or ordered or ★commanded Pan5cat.)
vyapaviddha(= mfn. ( %{vyadh}) thrown about , broken to pieces (%{-bRzI-maTha} mfn. with abandoned seats and cells) MBh. ; cast away , rejected MBh. ; ★pierced ピアスした, transfixed 〜を突き刺す MBh.)
イープガース (v-g, dd-s)
Agam(= ; %{●
-gamayati} , to announce アナウンスする the arrival of (acc.) Pat. ; (Pot. A1. %{-gamayeta} ; perf. P. %{-gamayAm-Asa}) to obtain information about (acc.) , ascertain Gobh.)
viprApavAda(= m. ★abuse 悪用、不正使用[利用]、乱用、誤用。〔人や動物の〕虐待、酷使。罵り(ののしり)、嫌がらせ of a Brahman.)
イーヤンビだ (+ン)、いやみいうだ (p-m)
AnuSaGgika(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{anu-SaGga}) , closely adherent , following , concomitant , inherent , implied BhP. ; consistent ; lasting , enduring Ra1jat. ; necessarily following , necessary as a result or consequence , inevitable ; occasional , unimportant , secondary Sa1h. ; (in Gr.) elliptical , including or agreeing with ★words not comprised in the sentence.)
AnuSak(= ind. (fr. %{anu-saJj} [gan2a %{svarA7di}]) , in continuous ★order 連続的注文, uninterruptedly , one after the other RV.)
viparyAsa(= m. overturning , overthrow , ★upsetting (of a car) Gr2S. ; transposition , transportation MBh. ; expiration , lapse (of time) MBh. ; exchange , inversion , change , interchange S3rS. ; reverse , contrariety , opposition , opposite of (e.g. %{stuti-v-} , the opposite of praise i.e. blame) MBh.)
イッケーラス/いッかラース (p-k)
viparyAvRt(= A1. %{
-vartate返した} , to be turned back Kaus3.: Caus. %{-vartayati} , to cause to turn away from , cause to be ★overturned TS.)
イッケーリンだ (p-k, v-n)/ひっくりけーす(p-k, v-k)
zRGgAra(= m. (prob. connected with %{zRGga} as %{vRndAra} with %{vRnda}) love (as `" the horned "' or `" the strong one'?) , sexual passion 性的情熱 or desire 欲求 or enjoyment Ka1v. ; (in rhet.) the ★erotic sentiment エロティックな感情 (one of the 8 or 10 Rasas q.v. ; it has Vishn2u for its tutelary deity and black for its colour ;)
イラームゲール (z-y, G-m)
sahAva(= mfn. employing ★amorous gestures , wanton みだらな、ふしだらな (%{am} ind.) Bhat2t2.)
助平(スケベー) (h-k)
zRGgArabhASita(= n. a love-story ラブストーリ MW. ; ★amorous talk A.)
viniSpat(= P. %{-patati} , to fall out of , fly forth from , rush forth , issue MBh. ; to fly or run away Mn. `" to double or ★flee or move crookedly 2倍の速さで逃げる, as a hare 野うさぎ、みたいに"').)
ウーミカース (S-k)
anavastha(= a. unsteady 不安定な, ★fleeting いつしか消え[過ぎ]去る、つかの間の、はかない、あっという間に過ぎ去る[◆時間の短さを強調する言葉。].)
ウーミカース (v-k)
dru, dravati(= 1 ({-te}), pp. {druta3} (q.v.) run, hasten, ★flee; ; run away, ★flee, escape. {vipra} run asunder, also = {saMpra} run away, ★flee. {vi} run asunder or away, ★flee. C. drive away, chase, put to flight. {sam} run together. -- Cf. {vidruta}.)
nivRt(= ; to turn away , retreat , ★flee , escape , abstain or desist from , get rid of (abl.) ib. ; to fall back , rebound R. ;)
逃げた (v-g)、逃げる (v-g)
atijava(= m. extraordinary speed 普通では無いスピード; (mfn.) , very ★fleet.)
いちもくさん (v-k, +さん)
ac(= 1 (connected with %{aJc} q.v.) cl. %{●
a4cati} , %{a4Jcati} , %{-te} , %{AnaJca} , %{-ce} , to go , ★move , tend ; to honour ; to make round or curved ; to request , ask L. ; to speak indistinctly L. see 2. %{●
acita} , %{●
aGga, aGgati(= ★move.)
AtRR(= P. (impf. %{A74tirat} , 2. sg. %{-ras}) to overcome RV. ; (impf. %{A74tirat} , 2. sg. %{-ras} "' , 3. %{-ranta}) to increase , make ★prosperous , glorify RV.: Intens. A1. (3. pl. %{-ta4ruSante}) to pass through or over RV. )
pattrala(= mfn. rich in leaves 葉がいっぱい, ★leafy 《植物》葉の多い。〔木や植物がたくさん植えられていて〕緑の多い、緑豊かな HParis3. (cf. g. %{sidhmA7di}) ; n. thin sour milk L.)
オータリルン (p 無音, l-n)
kSip, kSipati, -te(= , pp. {kSipta3} 1 (q.v.) throw, cast, send; put, [[-,]] place, direct, turn (esp. the eye or mind);; strike, attract (the mind). {samA} throw together, ★pile up;)
ガヂミ (p-m)
kASThamaThI(= f. a funeral ★pile 葬式の山 L.)
kASThakuddAla(= m. a kind of wooden shovel or scraper (used for baling water out of a boat , or for scraping and ★cleaning its bottom) L. ; (vv.ll. %{-kudAla} and %{-kUddAla}.))
kavaca(= m. n. armour, mail, jacket, the ★bark of a tree.)
かわか、皮(かわ) (c 無音)
kaThora(= mf(%{A})n. (Un2.) hard , ★solid , stiff , offering resistance BhP.;)
karmAnta(= m. end or completion of a work, ★management of 〜の管理 (---); occupation 従事.)
ghana(= mf(%{A4})n. (%{han}) a striker たたき屋, killer 殺し屋, destroyer 破壊者 RV. ; compact , solid , material , hard , firm , dense , i (%{ghanA4} for %{●
-na4m@A4}) Sus3r. ; ; an iron club 鉄の棍棒, mace 〔儀式で使う〕職杖, weapon shaped like a ★hammer , i )
tADaghAta(= mfn. beating or ★hammering ib. )
トンカチ (+ン, D 無音)、たたくだ
kSINazarIra(= mfn. one who has a thin or ★emaciated ガリガリ body W.)
ガンドーリン (r-n)◎ 100 点
ghaTT, ghaTTate(= (only ---) & C. {ghaTTayati} stroke, touch (also with [[,]] words = mock), shake, set in motion. --{ava} C. touch, stroke, set in motion. -- {ava} C. touch, stroke, rub; also = {ud & upa} C. ★stir about. {pari} C. rub or touch on all sides. {vi} C. break asunder, burst open, ★stir about, shake, open. {sam} rub or crush to pieces, bruise. C. cause to rub against (instr.), ★stir about, touch, collect, meet.)
kRSisaMzita(= (%{-Si4-}) mfn. ★stirred up by ploughing 耕すことでかき混ぜる AV.)
khedita(= mfn. disturbed 邪魔する、妨害する, annoyed MBh. ; injured (as by arrows) VarBr2S. ; afflicted , distressed R. )
kSubhita(= mfn. agitated 〜を扇動する。〜かくはんする、〜をかき混ぜる。〔人を〕動揺させる, shaken , tossed , set in motion MBh. R. Sus3r. Vikr. Katha1s. ; agitated (mentally) , ★disturbed , frightened , alarmed , afraid (mostly in comp.) R. Pan5cat. Katha1s. ; angry , enraged W.)
kArAgupta(= mfn. `" prison-★confined 投獄"' , imprisoned.)
クイクミた (p-m)
kalpa(= 1 mf(%{A})n. (%{klRp}) , practicable , feasible , possible S3Br. ; proper , fit , able , ★competent 競合、競争的、並び称す、太刀打ち可能, equal to (with gen. loc. , inf. , or ifc. ; e.g. %{dharmasya@kalpaH} , ★competent for duty ; )
クナーベ (l-n)
karNin(= mfn. having ears AV.; relating to the ears ; (ifc.) having (a ring &c.) attached to the ear MBh. ; furnished with flaps or anything similar (said of ★shoes) 靴を備える、身に付ける、履く(はく) Ka1tyS3r.;)
kramaNa(= m. ★step; n. ★stepping 踏むこと, walking, crossing.)
saMzayakara(= , f. {I} causing danger, ★compromising (---).) 妥協(だきょう)
dugdhavaTI(= f. a partic. mixture against ★diarrhoea (med.))
サギトゥバース◎ 100 点
samuddhAra(= m. drawing out , extraction from (abl.) Ma1rkP. ; ★extrication 〔困難な状況の〕解放、解決。〔卵からの〕孵化 from any danger , rescue , delivery S3atr. ; removal , destruction Ka1v. ; N. of a prince (for %{hari-kRSNa-s-}) , Kshi7s3.)
シダース (m 無音, r-s)
sudhiti(= mfn. = %{svadhiti} , an axe , ★hatchet 手斧, knife L. )
samuddhAra(= m. drawing out , extraction from (abl.) Ma1rkP. ; ★extrication 〔困難な状況の〕解放、解決。〔卵からの〕孵化 from any danger , rescue , delivery S3atr. ; removal , destruction Ka1v. ; N. of a prince (for %{hari-kRSNa-s-}) , Kshi7s3.)
シディル (m 無音)
sAdhyasiddha(= mfn. to be still accomplished and ★already accomplished R.)
siddhasAdhana(= m. white mustard L. ; n. the performance of magical or mystical rites (for acquiring supernatural powers &c.) W. ; the materials employed in those rites ib. ; the proving of anything ★already proved Kap. ; %{-doSa} m. the mistake of doing so MW.)
siddha(= 2 mfn. accomplished , fulfilled , ★effected , gained , acquired MBh. ;; ★effective , powerful , miraculous , supernatural Ca1n2. ;)
vidhA(= ; to perform , ★effect , produce , cause , occasion , make , do Mn. (like %{kR} to be translated variously in connection with various nouns e.g. with %{siMhatvam} , to change into a lion ; )
siv(= cl. %{sI4vyati} (Ved. also %{-te} ; pf. %{siSeva} Gr. ; aor. %{asevIt} ib. ; fut. %{sevitA} , %{seviSyati} ib. ; ind. p. %{syUtva} or %{sevitvA} ib. ; %{-sI4vya} AV.) , to sew , sew on , ★darn 〔衣類などのほころびを〕繕う、かがる。〜を呪う[◆damnより穏やか], stitch , stitch together , (fig.) join , unite RV.: Caus. %{sIvayati} (Lalit.) or %{sevayati} (aor. %{asISivat} Gr.) , to sew , stitch: Desid. %{siseviSati} or %{susyUSati} Gr.: Intens. %{seSIvyate} ib. [Cf. Gk. $ = $ ; Lat. {suere} {sutor} ;{s8iti} ; Goth. {siujan} ; Angl. Sax. {seo4wian} ; Eng. {sew}.])
シック (v-k)
saMdhA(= ; to be reconciled , agree with (instr. , rarely acc.) , Pan5cav. ; to ★mend 修理する, restore , redress AitBr.;)
そそく (h-k)
saMgrathana(= n. tying 〜を結ぶ、縛る、くくる [to tie] together 一緒に, ★repairing 修理する or restoring 復元する by tying together Ka1d.)
saMcUrNana(= n. the act of grinding to powder , comminution , ★crushing or breaking to pieces 粉末に粉砕、粉砕、破砕または粉々に砕く行為 Alam2ka1rat.)
シドーリン (c-d)
saMzRR(= P. %{-zRyAti} , to smash to pieces , ★crush Br. : Pass. %{-zIryate} (aor. %{●
-zAri} ; pf. %{-zazre}) , to be ★crushed , break down RV. ; to be dissipated or routed , fly in different directions MBh.: Desid. see %{saM-zizariSu}.)
varadAna(= n. the granting a boon 〔時宜にかなった〕恩恵、恵み or request MBh.; the giving ★compensation 弁償 or reward A1s3vS3r. ; N. of a place of pilgrimage MBh. ; %{-maya} mf(%{I})n. caused by the granting of a request , arising from the bestowal of a favour or boon R. ; %{-nika} mfn. )
ワンチュメー (r-n, +ルン)、弁償の(べんしょうの)
pratipRR(= P. %{●
-pRNAti} (only 2. du. Impv. %{●
-pRNIta4m}) , to bestow in return RV. : Caus. %{-pUrayati} , to fill up 満たす/充たす、満足させる, make full A1s3vGr2. ; to fill (said of a noise) MBh. ; to sate , satiate 飽和, ★satisfy ib. ; to fulfil , accomplish R.)
ワンチュメール (r-n, p-m)、弁償 (p-b)
vyavasthA(= A1. %{-tiSThate} , to go apart , separate from (abl.) S3a1n3khSr. ; to differ respectively S3am2k. ; to halt , stop , stay R. ; to ★prepare 準備する or make ready for (dat.) ib. ;)
ワンヂャ (v-n)
vidhura(= 2 mf(%{A})n. bereft , bereaved (esp. of any loved person) , alone , solitary Ka1v. ; (ifc.) separated from , destitute of , wanting BhP. ; ★suffering from want , miserable , helpless , distressed MBh. ; perplexed , troubled , depressed , dejected (%{am} ind.) Ka1v.)
varcobheda(= m. diarrhoea 下痢 Car. ; %{-din} mfn. ★suffering from it ib.)
かかった (v-g)、下痢(げり)だ (v-g)
subIbhatsa(= mfn. very ★disgusting or hideous 〔外見が〕非常に醜い、恐ろしい。〔光景・考えなどが〕恐ろしい、おぞましい。〔音などが〕非常に不快な、気味の悪い。ひどい MBh.)
virasa(= a. juiceless, flavourless, insipid, ★disgusting, repugnant; n. adv.)
atipraviddha(= mfn. ( %{vyadh}) , ★frightened away , scared R.)
uttrAsaka(= mfn. ★frightening , alarming Sa1h.)
verukkoL(Lu)-tal (= to be afraid, ★frightened) びっくり
saMvij(= A1. %{-vijate} , to tremble or start with fear , start up , run away AV. ; to fall to pieces , burst asunder A1pS3r.: Caus. %{-vejayati} , to ★frighten , terrify RV.)
たまげっち (v-g)、為五郎(ためごろう) (v-g)
kAtara(= mf(%{A})n. (etym. doubtful , perhaps from %{katara} , `" uncertain as to which of the two "' BRD.) , cowardly , faint-hearted , timid , despairing 絶望, discouraged , disheartened , confused 混乱, agitated , perplexed 当惑, embarrassed , shrinking , ★frightened , afraid of (loc. or inf. or in comp.) )
仰天(ぎょうてん (r-n)
vAzin(= mfn. (also written %{●
vAsin}) ★howling 吠える(ほえる), croaking &c. Ka1m. (cf. %{ghora-v-}).)
ワウミ (z-w)、カースン (v-k)
sampramuc(= P. A1. %{-muJcati} , %{-te} (ind. p. %{-mucya} q.v.) , to ★loosen entirely , set quite free , deliberate S3a1n3khBr.: Pass. %{-mucyate} , to free one's self from , get rid of (abl.) GopBr.)
vyuparama(= m. coming to ★rest, cessation, end.)
vizramita(= mfn. made to ★rest , allayed Gi1t.)
ユフマス (r 反復)
vRt, vartate, -ti, vavartti(= 1 ({vartti}), pp. {vRtta3} (q.v.) turn, [[-,]] revolve, roll, run off, pass away (time); ; act, proceed, deal with (loc.); work, be valid, cause, effect; ★rest or be turned upon (loc.); )
dhAv(= 2 cl. 1. P.A1. %{dhAvati} , %{-te} (pf. %{●
dadhAva} Bhat2t2. ; aor. %{●
-adhAviSTa} RV. ; ind. p. %{dhautvA} Prab. [v.l. %{dhUtvA}] and %{-dhAvya} , Kaus3) to ★rinse リンスする, cleanse , wash 洗う, purify 浄化, polish , make bright (A1. also to rub one's self with , rub into one's own person) RV.)
{●-adhAviSTa}ユスーヂュ/ユシーヂュ、ゆすぐダ (v-g)、{●dadhAva}すすぐ (v-g)
uttAnazIvan(= mf(%{arI})n. lying extended , ★stagnant 停滞 (as water) AV. ) ユドゥマン、ユドゥミン、よどむジーバン
stiyA(= f. standing or ★stagnant water.)
uJcha(= m. gleaning , ★gathering grains Mn. )
uJchana(= n. gleaning , ★gathering grains of corn in market-places &c. BhP.)
zApagrasta(= mfn. seized by or suffering from a curse 呪(のろい) W.)
ヤマーサ (z-y, p-m, +リ)、たたる
varazApa(= m. du. blessing and ★curse BhP.)
のろい/のろひ (v-n, z-y)
viD(= 1 (cf. %{biT} and %{viT} ; prob. artificial and of doubtful connection with the following words) cl. 1. P. %{veDati} , to call , cry out , ★curse , swear Dha1tup. ; to break W.)
vaJcanapravaNa(= mfn. ★inclined to fraud or deception 欺瞞への傾斜 Katha1s.)
ユガーミン、かたむくの (v-k, v-k)
vinipAtita(= mfn. thrown down 投げおろす、投げ捨てる, killed , ★destroyed 破壊された R.)
vinirdagdha(= mfn. completely burned up or consumed , utterly ★destroyed MBh. )
vRtrakhAda(= mfn. consuming or ★destroying (others `" plaguing 疫病にかからせる。悩ます、苦しめる"' , fr. %{khid}) Vr2itra RV. ; m. `" devourer 貪る人 of enemies "'N. of Br2ihas-pati MW.)
varAhavapuSa(= n. the body of a ★boar ib.)
ヤマンシー (r-m, v-n)
vanacchAga(= m. a wild goat 野生の山羊(ヤギ) L. ; a ★boar , hog 〔動物の種としての〕ブタ、イノシシ L.)
mUrNa(= mfn. ★crushed 押しつぶす, broken AV. Br. ; = %{mUta} , bound , tied L.)
prakRzita(= ( %{kRz}) mfn. attenuated 〔強度などを〕弱める、弱力化する、衰えさせる 〔電流の振幅などを〕減衰させる。〔液体・気体などの濃度を〕薄める、希釈する, ★thin 薄い, emaciate 痩せる W.)
abhilIna(= mfn. ★adhering to 粘る, clinging to (acc.) しがみつく Megh. ; `" adhered to "' , chosen (as a seat by birds or bees) Hariv.)
vAhana(= 1 n. (for 2. see col. 2) the act of making ★effort 努力する, endeavouring エンデバー, exertion W.)
ヤッパン (h-p)
upAp(= (%{upa-} 1. %{Ap}) P. %{-Apnoti} , to arrive at , reach , obtain TS. : Desid. P. %{upe7psati} , to ★endeavour to win over or conciliate MaitrS.)
mithunin(= m. `" going in ★pairs ペアで出かける"' , a wagtail L.)
ムチーニン → ムチーリン、むつまじく(睦まじく) (+じく)
mithunecara(= m. `" going or living in ★pairs "' , the Cakra-va1ka Hariv.)
RNodgrahaNa(= n. recovering a debt in any way from a creditor (by friendly or legal proceedings , by ★strategem or arrest) W.)
vakrAGghri(= m. a crooked foot ; %{-saMgrA7ma} m. (prob.) a ★treacherous 裏切りの fight Ra1jat.)
ムクルミ (v-m, r-m)
vizvaspRz(= mfn. ★all-touching 触りまくる, all-reaching (applied to Maha-purusha) Hariv. (v.l. %{diva-sp-}).)
ムタービ (v-m) 、ぅたぶー、あそびスポーツ、いじる
mAthitika(= mfn. ★dealing in buttermilk (%{-mathita}) Pa1n2.)
vaizeSika(= mf(%{I})n. (fr. %{vi-zeSa} , p. 990) special , peculiar , specific , characteristic A1past. ; distinguished , excellent , pre-eminent MBh. ; relating or belonging to or based on or ★dealing with the Vais3eshika doctrine Bha1sha1p. Madhus. ;)
ムチャーシケ (v-m)、あつか
nimiSita(= n. ★shutting of the eyes Pat.)
vardhita(= 1 mfn. cut off L. ; carved or fashioned (as timber for a building) ; fabricated , built Va1stuv. ; ★filled , full L.)
ミチャース (v-m)
parikrIta(= mfn. ★purchased 購入, bought , hired MBh. (applied to a son = %{reto-mUlya-dAnena@tasyAm@eva} [i.e. %{●
bhAryAyAm}] %{janitaH} Ni1lak.))
{●bhAryAyAm} ホールン
viparihR(= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} , to transpose , ★exchange 交換する Br.)
ヘール、かへる (v-k)
vibhrama(= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) moving to and fro , rolling or whirling about , restlessness 〔人が〕じっとしていられない、せかせかする、そわそわする、落ち着きのない, unsteadiness Ka1v. ; violence , excess , intensity , high degree (also pl.) Ka1v. ; ★hurry 急ぐ, rapture , agitation , disturbance , perturbation , confusion , flurry MBh. ; )
ペーミ (v-p)
saMtvarita(= mfn. greatly ★hurried , hastening MBh. R. ; (%{am}) ind. in a hurry , in great haste 大急ぎで, quickly ib.)
paTapaTen2al(= onom. expr. signifying (a) throbbing, quivering; (b) speaking in haste, as through fear, anger; (c) shaking, quaking, tottering; (d) bursting, breaking, falling with a rattling noise; (e) ★hurry, as in preparation for a journey 旅支度(たびじたく); (f) exhaustion)
iSTi(= 1 f. impulse , acceleration , ★hurry ; invitation ; order ; despatch RV.)
upatApa(= m. heat , warmth ; heating Sus3r. L. ; pain , trouble ; paining S3ak. (v.l. for %{anu-tApa}) Sus3r. ; sickness , disease , hurt A1s3vGr2. ; haste , ★hurry L.)
vyaparuh(= Caus. %{-ropayati} , to lay aside , remove , take off R. ; to ★deprive of. expel from (instr. or abl.) MBh. ; to root up , eradicate , extirpate (see next).)
avaruh(= P. (p. %{-ro4hat} ; ind. p. %{-ruhya} ; also A1. e.g. MBh. ) to descend , alight , dismount RV. ; `" to descend from "' i.e. to be ★deprived of (one's dominion , %{aizvaryAt}) BhP.:)
vyardhuka(= mfn. . ( %{Rdh}) being ★deprived of (instr.) , Maitr. )
vyAvRtti(= f. turning away, getting rid or being ★deprived of (abl.); exclusion, removal; separation, distinction, difference; conclusion, end.)
nalinI(= ; the ★fermented 醗酵した and intoxicating juice of the cocoa-nut ココナッツの発酵させて酔わせるジュース。 L. ;)
SThIva(= a. ★spitting (---).)
viparyAsa(= m. overturning , overthrow , ★upsetting (of a car) Gr2S. ; transposition , transportation MBh. ; expiration , lapse (of time) MBh. ; exchange , inversion , change , interchange S3rS. ; reverse , contrariety , opposition , opposite of (e.g. %{stuti-v-} , the opposite of praise i.e. blame) MBh.)
ヘーラス、イッケーラス/いッかラース (p-k)
vibhU(= mf(%{U4} or %{vI4})n. being everywhere , far-extending , all-pervading , omnipresent , eternal RV. ; abundant , plentiful RV. ; mighty , powerful 強力な, excellent , great , strong , effective , able to or capable of (inf.) RV. ; firm , ★solid 硬い, hard L. ; m. a lord , ruler , sovereign , king (also applied to Brahma1 , Vishn2u , and S3iva) MBh.;)
paribRMh(= (2. %{bRMh} , also written %{vRMh} in verb. forms and deriv.) P. %{-bRMhati} (or %{-bRhati}) , %{-te} (p. pf. A1. %{●
-babRhANa} , prob. ★solid , strong RV. ) , to embrace , encircle , fasten , make big or strong Br.: Caus. %{-bRMhayati} , to make strong , strengthen MBh.)
viSAda(= m. (ifc. f. %{A}) ★drooping 〔物が〕垂れる、垂れ下がる、下垂する。〔人が〕気持ちが沈む、気落ちする、気力がくじける、しょげかえる、意気消沈する。伏し目になる。 state , languor , lassitude Ma1lati1m. ; dejection , depression , despondency (esp. as the result of unrequited love) MaitrUp. MBh. ; disappointment , despair (one of the Vyabhica1ras q.v.) Das3ar. Sa1h. ; aversion , disgust Bhartr2. ; fear , weakness MW. ;)
フッチンチュ (+ン)、うつ
vidAra(= m. tearing or rending asunder , cutting , splitting Ka1v. ; war , battle L. ; an inundation , overflow L. ; (%{I}) f. see below ; a ★swelling in the groin L.)
visraMsraMsin(= mfn. falling or ★slipping down (as a garland) 落下または滑り落ちる(花輪・栄冠) Ragh.)
プットゥイミカースン (s-t, s-k)
sRpra(= a. ★slippery, fatty, smooth.)
hoDa(= m. a raft , ★float , boat L. ; a title of a partic. class of Ka1yasthas and of S3rotriya Bra1hmans in Bengal L. ; (%{A}) f. g. %{ajA7di} (Ka1s3. %{hoDhA}). )
veda(= 3 m. (perhaps connected with 1. %{ve} , to ★weave織る or bind 結う together) a tuft or bunch 束 of strong grass (Kus3a or Mun5ja) made into a broom 箒 (and used for sweeping , making up the sacrificial fire &c. , in rites) AV.)
vorapaTTi(= f. a sort of ★mat マット、むしろ、ゴザ or mattress マットレス for sleeping on (perhaps made of the straw 藁(わら) of the Vora) L.)
piz, pizati, -te(= , pp. {pizita3} 1 & {piSTa3} (q.v.) cut up, carve [[-,]] (esp. meat), arrange, prepare, adorn, shape, ★form; M. also refl. adorn one's self, be brilliant or beautiful. -- {abhi} & {A} adorn 飾る, embellish. --Cf. {pepiza3t, pe3pizAna}.)
piz(= ; to ★form , fashion , mould 鋳型、型にはめる RV. :)
vAyugranthi(= m. a lump 塊 or ★swelling 膨張している、張れている caused by disturbance of the air in the body Ma1rkP.)
プッキンだ、むくんだ (v-m)、フクリユンだ、フクラマス、膨らんだ
procchUna(= (%{pra-ucch-}) mfn. ★swelled , swollen up W.)
プッキン、むくみ (p-m)
prativIra(= m. opponent 対戦[競争]相手、対抗者、敵、反対者, ★match.)
フチャール、ふさわしい (r-s)
pratiprati(= m., n., {-ti3nI} f. counterpart 好敵手; ★match for, equal to (acc.).)
visarga(= m. cessation, end; loosening, letting go; dismission, evacuation (of the body); gift, ★donation 贈与、資金提供; hurling 投げること, throwing, casting, shooting off; production, creation (abstr. & concr.); a kind of aspiration & its sign (g.).)
pratiyAga(= a sacrifice 〔神へ〕ささげものをすること、〔神にささげられた〕いけにえ、人身御供。貢物 ★offered with an aim towards anything A1pS3r.)
フチューキ、貢ぐ(みつぐ) (p-m)
vyatIpAta(= m. = %{vy-ati-pAta} A1ryabh. (here also = %{●
vaidhRta}) Hcat. ; a great calamity or any portent indicating it L. ; ★disrespect 〜を尊敬しない、軽視する、見下す、軽蔑する, contempt W. ; the day of new moon (when it falls on Ravi-va1ra or Sunday , and when the moon is in certain Nakshatras) ib.) ●
vaidhRta フセールだ△
prAtarNAdin(= m. `" crowing in morning 朝の鳴き声"' , a ★cock 雄鶏 Bhpr.)
フタールンちん、おんどり鳴いたの (r-n)△
vAz(= cl. 4. A1. (Dha1tup. ) %{vAzyate} (ep. also %{vAzyati} , Ved. and ep. also %{vA4zati} , %{-te} ; pf. %{vavAze} , %{●
-zire} ; in RV. also %{vAvazre} and p. %{vAvazAna4} ; aor. %{avAziSTa} Br. ; fut. %{vAzitA} , %{vAziSyate} Gr. ; ind. %{vAzitum} ib. ; ind. p. %{vAzitvA} , %{-vAzya} VarBr2S.) , to roar , howl , bellow , bleat , low (as a cow) , cry 鳴く, shriek , sing 歌う (like a ★bird) , sound , resound RV. ;)
vAz●-zire フタール、フたー ス
vad(= ; (with or scil. %{●
vAcam}) to raise the voice , ★sing , utter a cry (said of birds and 9.) RV. ; )
●vAcam フてン
parizrAnta(= mfn. thoroughly fatigued or worn out , (ifc.) ★tired of , ★disgusted with 〜にうんざり Mn. )
フターサリンだ (r-t)、うんざりだ (p 無音, r-n)
vicar(= P. %{-carati} , to move in different directions 反対方向へ動く, spread , expand , be diffused RV. ; to rove , ramble about or through , traverse , pervade RV. ;; ; to doubt , ★hesitate 躊躇する ib. ;)
フケール、ピけール[= たじろぐ/ 関連語彙:/ 〔気おくれしてたじろぐ〕ピけールン]、ひける
AzaGk(= A1. %{-zaGkate} (seldom P. %{-saGkati}) to suspect , fear , doubt , ★hesitate MBh. ; to expect , suppose , conjecture , think , imagine Ragh. ; (in grammatical and philosophical discussions) to object , state a possible objection ; to mistrust Bhat2t2.)
dvaMdvIbhU(= to become joined in couples BhP. ; to engage in single combat MBh. ; to ★hesitate or be doubtful (cf. %{-dva-bhUta}).)
躊躇(ちゅうちょ)、どんびき (b-k)
saMklRp(= ; to think about , ponder , ★hesitate R. ; to perform obsequies ib.)
しむごみ/しりごみ (R-m)
saMkalpajUti(= (%{-pa4-}) mfn. ★urged or impelled by desires TBr.)
nud(= cl. %{nuda4ti} , %{-te} (pf. %{nunoda} Ka1v. ; %{nunude4} , 3. pl. %{-dre} RV. ; aor. P. %{anautsIt} Gr. ; A1. %{anutthAs} RV. ; %{nudiSThAs} AV. ; Prec. %{-nudyAt} Bhag. ; fut. %{-notsyati} MBh. ; %{-te} Br. ; %{nottA} Gr. ; ind. p. %{-nudya} S3a1n3khGr2. ; inf. %{-nu4de} RV. ; %{-nudas} Ka1t2h. ; %{-nodam} RV.) , to push , thrust , impel , move , remove RV.: Caus. %{nodayati} (Pass. %{nodyate}) , to push on , ★urge , incite 〔人や感情を〕あおり立てる、奮い立たせる、駆り立てる Up. MBh.: Intens. %{nonudyate} , to push or drive away repeatedly 反復的に駆動、押す AitBr.)
pravibhuj(= 1. P. %{-bhujati} , to ★bend back , Susr.)
ピンマギっち (r-n, v-m, b-g)
pRSThabhaGga(= m. `" breaking or ★bending the back "' N. of a mode of fighting MBh.)
へしまげ (b-m)
prANiNiSu(= mfn. (fr. Desid.) wishing to ★breathe 呼吸したい or live Bhat2t2. (cf. Pa1n2.))
ピミーチュ、ヒミチ (S-ch)
viniHzvas(= (cf. %{vi-ni-zvas}) P. %{-zvasiti} , to ★breathe hard 呼吸困難, heave a deep sigh MBh. ; to hiss (as a serpent) R. ; to snort (as an elephant) ib.)
prANadRh(= mfn. (nom. %{-dhRk}) sustaining or ★prolonging the breath Ka1t2h.)
pratRR(= P. A1. %{-tarati} , %{-te} (Ved. also %{-tirati} , %{-te} ; inf. %{-ti4ram}) , to go to sea , pass over , cross S3Br. ; to set out , start RV. ; (A1.) to rise , thrive , prosper RV. ; to raise , elevate , augment , increase , further , promote ib. AV. ; to extend: ★prolong (esp. with %{A4yus} , `" to promote long life ; A1. `" to live on , live longer "') RV.: Caus. %{-tArayati} (aor. %{prA7tItarat}) , to extend , widen MBh. ; to ★prolong (life) AV. ; to mislead , take in , deceive Mr2icch. ; to lead astray , seduce , persuade to (dat. or loc.) Ragh. )
ピマードゥ (r-m)
vRddhi(= 2 f. (for 1. see p. 1010) growth , increase , augmentation , rise , advancement , extension , welfare , prosperity , success , fortune , happiness RV. ; elevation (of ground) VarBr2S. ; ★prolongation (of life) Pan5cat. ;)
ぐずぐず (v-g)、もたもた (v-m)
prasruta(= mfn. flowed forth , oozed out , issued MBh. ; discharging fluid , humid , moist , ★wet MBh.)
vyutta(= mfn. well sprinkled or ★wetted , drenched TS.)
parAgA(= 1. (only aor. %{-gAs} , %{-gAt}) , to go away , fly , ★escape RV. )
ピニギ (r-n)、逃げ (p-n)
nivRt(= ; to turn away , retreat , flee , ★escape , abstain or desist from , get rid of (abl.) ib. ;)
逃がす/逃げた (v-g)
pradviS(= P. A1. %{-dveSTi} , %{-dviSTe} , to feel ★dislike or repugnance for , hate , show one's hatred against (acc.) MBh.)
vidveSa(= m. hatred , ★dislike , contempt 軽蔑, aversion to (loc. or gen.) AV. (%{-SaM-gam} , to make one's self odious ;)
parihAni(= f. ★decrease , loss , deficiency Ragh. )
ピナールン (r-n, +ル)
paT(= ; %{-ti} or (MBh.) %{-te} , to split , burst (trans.) , cleave , ★tear 〜を引き裂く[ちぎる], pierce , break , pluck out , remove Up. Ya1jn5..: Pass. %{pAtyate} , to split , burst , open (intr.) Sus3r.)
bhedana(= a. breaking, ★tearing, piercing, porforating; n. the action of breaking etc., disclosing, betraying, disuniting; bursting, opening, breach, rupture, disunion, discord.)
pATIra(= m. (only L. ; cf. %{paTIra}) , the sandal tree ; a radish ; a ★sieve 篩; a cloud ; a field ; the pith or manna of the bamboo ; tin ; catarrh.)
vidhvaMs(= , to cause to fall to pieces or crumble , dash to pieces , crush , destroy , annihilate MBh. ; to hurt , ★injure R.)
viz, vizati, -te(= , pp. {viSTa3} 1 (q.v.) enter, go in or into, sit or [[-,]] settle down on (acc. or loc.); go home or to rest, set (of the sun);; follow, conform one's self to (acc.). {abhyA} enter, ★penetrate 貫通させる (acc. or loc.). {upA} the same, get into;)
tud, tudati(= ({-te}), pp. {tunna3} strike, push, prick; pound, crush, [[,]] C. {todayati} goad, prick. -- {A} goad, urge on. {ni} pierce, ★penetrate. {pra} strike at, prick at; C. urge, impel. {vi} pierce, strike, tear.)
gAh, gAhate (-ti)(= , pp. {gADha3} (q.v.) dive or enter into (acc.). -- [[-,]] {ati} emerge from, overcome (acc.). {abhi} ★penetrate into (acc.). {ava} or {va} plunge or enter into, be absorbed in (loc. or acc.). {ud} emerge, rise. {upa} enter. {pra} ★penetrate, pervade. {vi} dive into, bathe in, enter, ★penetrate (acc. or loc.); get, attain (acc.);)
貫通(かんつう) (+ん)
prataD(= P. %{-tADayati} , to ★strike down 殴り倒す, knock down ノックダウンさせる MBh. )
saMdaMzaka(= m. (or %{ikA} f.) a pair of tongs or pincers or nippers , small shears or tongs , a vice Das3. ; (%{ikA}) f. biting , ★pecking (with the beak) Lalit.)
vyutseka(= m. ★pouring out in different directions A1pS3r.)
samAseka(= m. ★pouring out together 一緒に注ぐ Kaus3. )
pratyujjIv(= (%{-ud-jIv}) P. %{●
-jIvati} , to return to life , revive Ratna7v. : Caus. %{-jIvayati} , to restore to life , revivify , ★resuscitate 〜を生き返らせる、蘇生させる。〜を復活[復興・再興]させる、立ち直らせる Pan5cat.)
ヒチゲー (v-g)、●ヒチゲーった (v-g)
pratikR(= ; to repair 修復, mend , ★restore 戻る Mn. ; to pay back (a debt) Gaut.:)
viSazRGgin(= (L.) m. `" having a poisonous sting 毒のトゲ(棘)をもつ、棘を刺す"' , a wasp.)
ヒチークヂルン (+ル)
vizrAva(= 1 m. (fr. 2. %{zru} = %{sru} ; for 2. see col. 2) flowing forth , ★dropping W.)
ヒタールン (+ル, v-n)
tuz, tozate(= 1 ★drip (intr.). -- {ni} ★drip down (tr. & intr.); C. [[,]] grant, distribute.)
saMskand(= P. %{-skandati} , to ★drip or trickle しずく、滴り off S3Br.)
しずく ンダ
viziSTa(= a. ★separate 分離, distinct, marked by (instr. or ---); peculiar, special; distinguished 区別, eminent, excellent at 特別視 (instr. or ---), best of (gen.); different from i.e. better or worse than (abl. or ---). Abstr. {-tA} f., {-tva} n.)
vidUra(= a. ★distant 距離あり, remote. n. {vi3dUram} far off, {●
vidUrAt} or {-ratas} from afar, also = {-re} far away.)
●vidUrAt ピダーティ、へだて(隔て)
padAti(= a. going on ★foot; m. pedestrian, foot-soldier.)
ピダーティ、足だ (p 無音)
vaziman(= m. the supernatural ★power of subduing to one's own will 自分の意志に服従する超能力 Ma1rkP.)
vazin(= a. having will or ★power, either self-control or command over others, ruling, ★powerful; m. ruler, lord of (gen.), f. {●
{●vazi3nI} ヒチーミ、念(ねん) (z 無音)
paN, paNate (-ti)(= , pp. {paNita} (q.v.) bargain, barter, buy; bet, [[-,]] wage, stake, ★risk 〔障害や損害の〕危険(性)、恐れ, play for (gen.); win a thing (instr.) from (acc.) at play. --{vi} sell; bet, stake (gen.).)
vidaMz(= P. %{-dazati} , to ★bite to pieces , ★bite asunder Pa1rGr2. )
ハンチンず (+ン)
vyad(= P. %{-atti} , to ★bite through or on all sides , gnaw , nibble , eat R.)
ハンチ (+ン)
kharpara(= m. a thief L. ; a rogue , cheat L. ; the skull 頭蓋骨 L. ; the half of a skull W. ; a beggar's bowl or dish L. ; an ★umbrella 雨傘 or parasol 日傘 L. ;)
カンビン (r-n)、頭(こうべ)、かぶる
paribhavin(= mfn. injuring , despising , ridiculing Inscr. ; ★suffering disrespect W.)
ハンブン (r-n)
parAbhU(= P. %{-bhavati} (fut. %{-bhaviSyati} ; Ved. inf. %{-bhu4ve}) , to perish , disappear , be lost 失う, succumb , yield AV. ; to overcome , conquer R.; (Pass. p. %{-bhUyamAna} BhP.) to harm , hurt , injure MBh. : Caus. %{-bhAvayati} , to overthrow , destroy AV.; (A1.) to vanish , perish , sustain a ★loss 損失 BhP.)
ハンブ (r-n)
paunaHpunika(= mfn. ★frequently しきりに reiterated , repeated again and again 反復、繰り返しVop.)
pratyavahR(= (only Ved. inf. %{-hartos}) , to ★lessen , shorten , diminish AitBr.: Caus. %{-hArayati} , to suspend , interrupt , finish MBh.)
pANi(= m. hand 手, hoof 蹄(ひずめ); adj. --- carrying in the hand 携える、持つ. {pANiM grah} or {dA} take or give the hand i.e. ★marry (the former of the man, the latter of the woman).)
vAhas(= mfn. carrying , ★conveying 運搬, bringing , offering (cf. %{uktha-} , %{nR-yajJa-v-} &c.) ; n. an offering , worship , invocation RV.)
prahita(= mfn. urged on incited 勧誘, stirred up 煽動 RV.; hurled 放った, discharged at Hariv. ; thrown forward i.e. stretched out (as an arm) MBh. ; imbedded (as nails) Sa1h. ; (ifc.) directed or turned towards , cast upon (as eyes , the mind &c.) , Kalid.; conveyed 運搬した, sent 送られた, procured Das3)
pUrNacAttra(= n. a ★spindle wound round with yarn 紡績糸で巻かれたスピンドル Gobh.)
はーなくったら、ハラークン (N 無音, tt 無音, r-n)△
kR(= ; {kArayati, -te} cause to act or do (2 acc. or acc. of th. & instr. of pers.), have something put in (loc.), also = S. D. {ci3kIrSati, -te} wish to act or do. I. {karikrati} (3 pl.) do ★repeatedly 反復する、繰り返す. ;)
クル、クン (R-n)
parizoSin(= mfn. becoming dry or ★withered , shrivelling Ra1jat. ; v.l. for %{-zoSaNa} MBh.)
glA, glAyati(= ({glAyate & glAti}), pp. {glAna3} (q.v.) be loth, [[,]] displeased, averse to (loc. or instr.); be wearied, exhausted, fade away. C. {glApa3yati & glapayati}; pp. {glApita} wearied, faded, ★withered. --{pra} fade, wither. --Cf. {pariglAna}.)
parivarga(= m. avoiding , removing , ★omitting 省略、はしょる RV. (cf. %{a-parivargam}) ; dependance VarBr2S.)
vyAhRta(= mfn. spoken , uttered , said , told , declared , stated VS. ; one who has uttered a sound R. ; eaten , ★devoured Ja1takam. ; n)
ハバーチュ (h-b)、はばーちゅはばーちゅ/むしゃむしゃ/むさぼった (v-m)
pravA(= P. %{-vAti} , to blow forth , blow RV. ; to ★smell , yield a scent MBh.)
ハミ (v-m)
valg(= cl. 1. P. (Dha1tup.) %{va4lgati} (m.e. also %{-te} pf. %{vavai4ga} MBh. ; aor. %{avalgIt} Gr. ; fut. %{valgitA} , %{-giSyati} ib.) , to ★spring , bound , leap , dance (also of inanimate objects) VS.;)
ハニギ (l-n)
vivalg(= P. %{-valgati} , to leap , jump , ★spring Mr2icch. ; to burst asunder 飛び散る MW.)
ハニギ (v-n)
parimlAyin(= mfn. ★stained 染み, spotted Sus3r. ; m. a kind of disease of the lens or pupil of the eye (%{liGga-nAza}) ib. ; %{-yi-tva} n. falling , sinking ib.)
samala(= a. ★stained, soiled, troubled.)
visrAvaNa(= n. (fr. Caus.) causing to flow (blood , matter &c.) , ★bleeding Sus3r.)
にじむ (v-n)
pravartin(= a. coming or streaming forth, moving on, flowing, active, ★busy; causing, effecting, applying, introducing.)
パネーチュン (v-n)
nerukkaTi(= 1. ★busy time; time of preoccupation; critical time)
pratisRta(= mfn. met , ★encountered , pushed back , removed Sus3r.)
vicRt(= P. %{-cRtati} , to ★loosen , detach , untie , open , set free RV.)
vighaTTana(= mfn. opening Hariv. ; (%{A}) f. striking against S3is3. ; rubbing , friction Ba1lar. ; separation Nalo7d. ; n. rubbing , friction S3is3. ; moving to and fro , stirring , shaking (also pl.) Ba1lar. ; striking against S3is3. ; striking asunder , forcing apart , hewing in pieces Inscr. Vcar. Ka1d. ; ★loosening , untying Ragh.)
visarga(= m. cessation, end; ★loosening, letting go; dismission, evacuation (of the body); gift, donation; hurling, throwing, casting, shooting off; production, creation (abstr. & concr.); a kind of aspiration & its sign (g.).)
ほどく (s-d)
prajvAra(= m. (%{jvar}) the ★heat of fever 〔病気などによる〕熱、発熱、熱病 (sometimes personified) 発熱の熱(時には擬人化) BhP.)
pradAha(= m. burning 燃焼中, ★heating , consuming by fire 火消耗済み Br. Gaut. ; destruction , annihilation S3am2k.)
vivastra(= mf(%{A})n. without clothes 服なし, unclothed , ★naked MBh. ; %{-tA} f. ★nakedness MBh.)
vyavahartR(= a. occupied or ★dealing with (instr.); m. judge.)
vaidhurya(= n. desolation Katha1s. ; bereavement , deprivation , absence (%{-yaM@vi-dhA} , `" to deprive of "' , `" ★remove 取り除く"') Ba1lar. ; misery , wretchedness , desperate plight Katha1s. ; agitation , tremulousness MW.)
AcAravyapeta(= mfn. deviating 〔進むべき道筋から【徐々にではなくて】極端に〕それる、外れる、逸脱する、道を踏み外す、落ちこぼれる from established ★custom Ya1jn5.)
pRznimantha(= m. a drink made by ★stirring and mixing ingredients coming from a speckled cow 斑点のある牛の成分をかき混ぜて混ぜた飲み物 Kaus3.)
vicRtta(= (%{vi4-}) mfn. loosened , untied , ★opened , spread RV. AV. (%{-cRta} w.)
vivRtta(= mfn. turned or twisted round &c. ; whirling round , flying in different directions (as a thunderbolt) RV. ; ★opened (see comp.) ; uncovered カバー無し, shown , displayed Lalit. ; (%{A}) f. a kind of eruption Bhpr. (cf. %{vi-vritA}) ; %{-daMSTra} mfn. with ★opened jaws , showing the teeth)
vihastita(= mfn. confused , ★embarrassed Katha1s. - 1.)
vrID, vrIDate(= , pp. {vrIDita} be ashamed or ★embarrassed. )
pratistabdha(= mfn. ★leaned against , pressed , M Bh. ; stopped , checked Bhat2t2. ; obstructed , constipated Sus3r. (cf. %{●
ハタンチュ (+ン)
pattrakAhalA(= f. the noise made by the ★flapping of wings or rustling of leaves L.)
はためかハーラ (r-m)
vazyatva(= n. (MBh. R.) the being under the ★control of (gen. or comp.) 自己の制御下にある, fitness for subjection , obedience , humility.)
ハチーカ (v-k)
nimitta(= n. (possibly connected with %{ni-mA} above) a butt , mark , ★target MBh. ;)
pariSavaNa(= n. ★grasping , bunching together ib.)
ハチーミン (v-m)
saMgrahaNa(= mf(%{I})n. ★grasping , seizing , taking AV. Gobh. ; (%{I}) f. = %{saMgraha-grahaNI} Bhpr. ; n. the act of grasping or taking (see %{pANi-s-}) ; receiving , obtaining , acquisition R. ; gathering , compiling , accumulating Ka1v. Katha1s. ; )
つかむ (N-m)
manograhya(= mfn. to be ★grasped by the mind 心で把握する Bha1sha1p. ; = prec. MBh.)
parigam(= P. %{-gacchati} (aor. %{-agamat} AV. ; %{-gman} RV. ; pf. %{-jagmatuH} MBh. ; p. %{-jaganvas} RV. ; ind. p. %{-ga4tyA8} RV. ; %{-gamya} MBh. ; inf. %{-gantum} R. ) , to go round or about or through , circumambulate , ★surround , inclose RV. ; to come to any state or condition , get , attain (acc.) MBh.: Pass. %{-gamyate} MBh.: Caus. %{-gamayati} , to cause to go round , to pass or spend (time) Ragh.)
parikR(= 1. P. %{-karoti} &c. (cf. %{pari-S-kR}) , to ★surround MBh. ; to uphold DivyA7v.)
kSip, kSipati, -te(= , pp. {kSipta3} 1 (q.v.) throw, cast, send; put, [[-,]] place, direct, turn (esp. the eye or mind);; strike, attract (the mind). {samA} throw together, ★pile up;)
カサーニ (p-n)、ガヂミ (p-m)
vyavahR(= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} , to transpose , exchange 交換 Nir. ; to have intercourse with (instr. or loc.) Gr2S. ; to meet (as foes) , fight with (instr. with or without %{sA7rdham}) MBh. to act , proceed , behave towards or deal with (loc.) 扱う ib. ; to be active or busy , work Ya1jn5. ; to carry on commerce , trade , deal in (loc. instr. , or gen.) A1past. ; to ★bet at 賭ける, play for (gen.) Pa1n2.)
ハキル (v-k)、賭ける(かける) (v-k, v-k)
vyavadhAna(= n. lying or stepping ★between, intercession, mediation, separation, distinction, interruption; also = seq.)
pathin(= m. (strong stem %{pa4nthan} , older %{pa4nthA} ; ★middle 中間 %{pathi4} ;)
vivRtta(= mfn. turned or twisted round &c. ; whirling round , flying in different directions (as a thunderbolt) RV. ; opened (see comp.) ;; %{-ttA7sya} mfn. ★open-mouthed (m. c. for %{vivRtA7sya}) Hariv.)
ぱくりと、ミカースン (v-m, v-k)、パクミカースン
vRttavaktra(= mfn. ★round-mouthed L.)
vikasita(= mfn. (Pa1n2.) opened , open , expanded , budded , blown MBh.; %{-kumude7ndIvarA7lokin} mfn. looking like the expanded white and blue lotus MW. ; %{-nayana-vadana-kamala} mfn. opening (her) lotus-like eyes and mouth Pan5cat. ; %{-vadana} mfn. with opened ★mouth 開けた口で BhP.)
prakarSita(= mfn. (fr. Caus.) drawn forth or out &c. ; ★exceeded 超過 in profit (as the interest of a loan) W. ; n. profit on a pledge beyond the interest of the money lent upon it W.)
prakRS(= P. %{-karSati} , to draw or stretch forth , drag along or away Kaus3. ; to push off , ★remove from (abl.) R. ; to lead (an army) MBh. ; to draw or bend (a bow) MBh. ; to distract , trouble , disturb R.: Caus. %{-karSayati} , to cause (a field) to be ploughed A1s3vGr2.)
nivadh(= (aor. %{-avadhIt}) , to ★strike down , kill MBh.; to fix in , hurl down upon (loc.) RV. )
ミカース (v-k)
niSpracAra(= mfn. not moving , ★remaining in one place , fixed or concentrated (as mind) MBh.)
ノホースン (S 無音, r-n)、のこり (Spr 無音)
parisaMsthita(= mfn. ( %{sthA}) standing together on every side MBh. ; standing i.e. stopping , ★remaining (in %{a-paris-}) R. )
vitRS(= 1 P. %{●
-tRSyati} , to be ★thirsty VS. : Caus. %{-tarSayati} (aor. %{-tItRSat}) , to make ★thirsty , cause to ★thirst TS. )
ハーキ (S-k)
dhAv(= 1 cl. 1. P. A1. %{dhA4vati} , %{-te} (pf. %{dadhAva} , %{-ve} Gr. ; aor. %{adadhAvat} RV. ; %{adhAvIt} Br. ; Prec. %{dhAvyAsam} Gr. ; fut. %{dhAviSyati} Ka1v. , %{-te} and %{dhAvitA} Gr. ; ind. p. %{●
dhAvitvA} and %{-vya} Ka1v. ; {dhautvA} Gr.) ; to run , flow , stream , ★move , glide , swim RV.; )
{●dhAvitvA} ドーきバ (v-k)
mark(= (prob. invented to serve as the source of the words below) , to go , ★move.)
mlAyin(= mfn. fading 色褪せる, ★withering away しおれる, languishing 〔人や動植物が〕衰える、やつれる、しおれる Bhartr2.)
valina(= mfn. ★shrivelled 縮む, wrinkled , flaccid 〔筋肉・茎などが〕しおれた、ぐにゃぐにゃした S3a1n3khS3r.)
ネールン (v-n)
nipatita(= mfn. flown or fallen down 落ちる, descended (%{nabho-n-} , from heaven) , fallen upon or into (loc.) MBh. ; decayed 腐敗した, sunk , withered Dhu1rtas.)
pratiraJjita(= mfn. ( %{raJj}) coloured , ★reddened 赤くなる、〜を赤くする MBh.)
ハーマス (t 無音, r-n)、ぷらちらにゃじ\ーた△
vahnivarNa(= mfn. fire-coloured 火の色; n. a flower of the ★red water-lily L.)
muSita(= mfn. stolen 盗まれた, robbed , carried off RV. ; plundered , stripped , naked S3Br. ; bereft or deprived of , free from (acc. ) RV. ; removed , destroyed , annihilated Ratna7v. ; blinded , obscured MBh. ; seized , ravished , captivated , enraptured MBh.; surpassed , excelled Ka1vya7d. ; ★deceived , cheated Ratna7v. ; made fun of Ra1jat.)
sumuSita(= mfn. well cheated or ★deceived DivyA7v.)
nimIv(= (only pres. p. f. %{-mI4vantI}) , to ★press on , ★press down AV. )
ネーミン (v-n)
ApID(= Caus. %{-pIDayati} , to press against or out ; to ★press , crush A1s3vGr2. ; to ★press hard , give pain , perplex MBh.)
nivartin(= mfn. turning back , retreating , fleeing (mostly %{a-niv-} q.v.) ; abstaining from (comp.) MBh. ; ★allowing 許可 or causing to return (%{a-niv-}) Hariv. ; w.r. for %{nir-v-} q.v.)
ヌガーラスン (v-g)
arhat(= mfn. deserving , entitled to (acc.) RV. ; used in a respectful address for %{arhasi} Pa1n2. , able , ★allowed to (acc.) RV. ; worthy , venerable , respectable S3Br. (see %{arhat-tama} below) ; praised , celebrated L. ; )
mIlita(= a. having closed the eyes, ★sleepy or ★asleep; closed, shut; vanished, disappeared, gone; also = {milita}.)
眠てー(ねむてー) (l-m)
mudrita(= mfn. sealed , stamped , impressed , printed , marked Ka1v. ; contracted , closed , sealed up Ka1v. (%{●
nidrA-m-} sunk in ★sleep Das3.) ; )
%{●nidrA-m-} まどろむ(微睡む)
vidrai(= (or %{drA} , only A1. pr.p. %{-drANa}) , to awake from ★sleep Ka1t2h.)
うつろ、うつら ?
niHsRta(= mfn. gone out or forth (with abl. or comp.) , depaned Up. ; ★prominent 〔周囲より〕高くなった、突き出した。目立つこと、卓越、有名 (eyes) Hariv. ; prolapsus (yoni) Ka1v. ; v.l. for %{niH-stRta} q.v. ; n. a kind of sworddance (in which a sword is drawn out of a person's hands) Hariv. )
mahAsAdhu(= a. very good, ★excellent; f. {-sAdhvI} = {mahAsatI}.)
macarcikA(= f. (ifc.) ★excellence 優秀, anything ★excellent or good of its kind (cf. %{go-m-}) g. %{matallikA7di} (Gan2ar.))
matavat(= (%{mata4-}) mfn. having an ★aim 〔銃や矢などで〕〜を狙う。〔言葉や行為などを〕〜に向ける。〔的などを〕狙うこと or purpose 目的 ib.)
ヌチハティる (+る)
must(= (prob. artificial) cl. %{●
mustayati} , to gather , ★collect 収集する Dha1tup.)
ヌチュ、{●mustayati} ヌチャース
pratyArdrIkR(= to moisten again , refresh agnagain Ka1d. ; to ★wipe out , efface 〔絵・文字・痕跡などを〕こすって消す、削除する。〔記憶などを〕消す、拭い去る Kir.)
ふきとるカラ (t-k)
proJch(= (%{pra-uJch}) P. %{pro7Jchati} , to ★wipe out , efface Mr2icch.)
nirIha(= mfn. motionless , ★inactive , desireless , indifferent , unanxious MBh. ; (%{A}) f. (BhP.) = %{tA} f. (MBh.) , %{-tva} n. (MW.) , %{-hA7vasthA} f. (Sa1h.) absence of effort or desire やる気なし, indifference 無頓着、無関心.)
ニリル (+ル)、ニリーハ
Agrasta(= mfn. ★bored , perforated by (in comp.) Comm. on Ka1tyS3r.)
vell(= (cf. 1. %{vel} and %{vehl}) cl. (Dha1tup. ) %{vellati} (pr. p. %{vellat} , or %{vellamAna} Va1m.) , to shake about , tremble , sway , be tossed or agitated Ka1v.: Caus. %{vellayati} , to cause to shake &c. ; to ★knead (a dough 〔パン・ピザ・ケーキなどの〕生地、練り粉) Bhpr.)
ニン (v-n, l-n)、練る(ねる) (v-n)
dhAv, dhAvati, -te(= , pp. {dauta3} 2 (q.v.) rinse, wash, cleanse, [[-,]] purify; M. also refl. C {dhAva3yati} wash. -- {A} ★knead, press out, cleanse (esp. the Soma-stems).)
つく (v-k)
nirAkaraNa(= n. separating (in %{a-nirAk-}) Sarvad. ; driving away , turning out , expelling , removing , repudiating (of a woman) , opposing , contradicting , denying Ka1lid. ; forgetting (in %{a-nirAk-}) TA1r. ; ★neglecting the chief sacrificial or religious duties W.)
ナマーキン (r-m)、怠けルノ
mus(= (cf. 2. %{muS}) , d. 4. P. %{musyati} , to break or ★cut in pieces , destroy Dha1tup. )
nindaka(= mfn. ★blaming 非難する、とがめる、責める、〜の責任にする、〜のせいにする、責任を〜に負わせる, abusive , censorious ; (mostly ifc.) a ★blamer or scorner (cf. %{brAhmaNa-} , %{veda-}) Mn.)
vacanIkRta(= mfn. made an object of (reproachful speech 非難のスピーチ, exposed to censure 〔厳しい〕批判、非難 or ★abuse けなす R.)
なさにーがす (v-n) → ナサーガス
ghRNita(= mfn. pitied W. ; reproached , ★abused L.)
virAddha(= mfn. opposed , thwarted , offended , reviled , ★abused W.)
nikRS(= 1. P. %{-karSati} , to draw or drag down TS. ; %{-kRSati} , to plough in (%{phalaM@kSetreSu}) AV.: Pass. %{-kRSyate} , to be borne down by the ★stream 流れ of a river MBh. )
mokS(= cl. 1. A1. %{mokSate} (rather Desid. fr. 2. %{muc} ; fut. %{mokSiSyate} MBh.) , to wish to free one's self. seek deliverance Ka1t2h. ; to free one's self from (acc.) 自由にさせる, shake off MBh. ; to shed , cause to ★flow (blood) Sus3r. ; to cast , hurl , fling Dha1tup. ;)
mArgavinodana(= n. ★entertainment on a journey Katha1s.)
mahAnuzaMsaka(= (%{-hA7n-}) mfn. being of great ★comfort 〔人を元気が出るように〕慰める、安心させる。〔人を精神的・肉体的に〕楽にする or advantage DivyA7v.)
なぐさめスカ (h-k-g)
muc(= 2 cl. %{muJca4ti} , %{-te} (RV. also , %{muca4nti} , %{mucasva} ; p. %{muJcAna} MBh. ;; ; to send forth , shed , emit , utter , discharge , ★throw , cast , hurl , shoot at (`" or upon "' loc. dat. , or acc. with or without %{prati} ; with abl. and %{AtmAnam} , to ★throw one's self down from) Ya1jn5.)
muc(= ; to relinquish , ★abandon 放棄する, leave , quit 終了, give up , set aside , depose ib. (with %{kalevaram} , %{deham} , %{prA7NAn} or %{jIvitam} , to quit the body or give up ギブアップ the ghost i.e. to die) ;)
ujjhita(= mfn. left , ★abandoned ; free from MBh. ; left off , discontinued ; emitted , discharged (as water) Kir. )
ujjhiti(= f. ★abandoning (the world) Ta1n2d2yaBr. )
うっちゃて、よすて (u-y, jj-s)
camatkRti(= f. ★astonishment , surprise.)
トンミカース (c-t, +ン)
citravRtti(= f. any ★astonishing act or practice W.)
こしぬかーす(腰抜かす) (c-k, r-n, v-k)
naiHsvya(= n. (fr. %{nih-sva}) absence of property , destitution , ★poverty 貧乏 Var.)
ナイチリル (s-ch)、ないちり (s-ch)
mahAphala(= n. a great fruit 偉大な果実 Bhartr2. ; a testicle 睾丸 Vishn2. ; great reward Mn. ; mf(%{A})n. having great fruits , bearing much ★fruit 実が沢山なる L. ; bringing a rich reward 沢山の報酬をもたらす Mn. ; )
ナイカンビン (h-k, +ン, l-n)△
vigulpha(= mfn. (cf. %{vi-phalka}) ★abundant , plentiful Gr2S3rS.)
ナイカンビ (v-n, l-n)
Adarza(= m. looking-glass, mirror; reflected image; illustration, ★copy, commentary.)
saMcal(= P. %{-calati} , to move about or to and fro , waver , oscillate , quiver , tremble MBh. ; to move away , set out or depart from (abl.) Hariv. ; to start or ★jump up from (a seat))
トゥンヂュン (s-t, l-n)
samutplu(= A1. %{-plavate} , to ★jump or leap up together , move by jumps Bhat2t2.)
トゥヌーヂュン (l-n)
tvang, tvangati(= , pp. {tvangita} ★jump, leap, gallop.)
zIghralaGghana(= mfn. springing or ★jumping quickly , moving rapidly Ghat2.)
トゥンクイルががーな (+ン, r-y)
saMvarga(= ^ mfn. rapacious , ravenous RV. ; m. snatching up or sweeping together for one's self , gathering for one's self TS. (with %{agneH} and %{prajApateh}N. of Sa1mans A1rshBr.) ; devouring , consumption , absorption , the resolution of one thing into another MW. ; (?) mixture , ★confusion 混乱[当惑]させる[させられる]こと。《心理学》精神錯乱 (in %{varNa-s-}) Vas. ;)
ドゥマンギ (v-m, r-n)
saMmugdha(= a. strayed, erring; ★perplexed, ★bewildered; ★confused (pers. & th).)
ドゥマンガス (+ン)
ThetkRta(= n. the ★roaring (of a bull) Alam2ka1rat.)
トゥドゥールチュ (k 無音)
dRDhavajra(= m. `" having a strong ★thunderbolt "'N. of a king of the Asuras L.)
とどゆちや、とどーきじゃ/とどろきじゃ (v-k)
subhara(= mf(%{A})n. well compacted , ★solid 硬化 RV. ; dense , abundant ib. ; easily carried or handled S3Br. ; well practised , Maha1vy. ; = %{su-poSa} (%{-tA} f.) ib.)
saMkSNu(= A1. %{-kSNute} (Pa1n2. ; pr. p. %{-kSNuvAna} ind. p. %{-kSNutya}) , to ★sharpen well or thoroughly (lit. and fig.) , whet , point , stimulate , excite , intensify Shad2vBr.)
トゥガーラスン (s-t, +ラ)
tIvra(= mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{tiv-ra} , %{tu}) strong , severe , violent , intense , hot , pervading , excessive , ardent , ★sharp , acute , pungent , horrible RV. ; m. ★sharpness , pungency Pa1n2.)
トゥガール (v-g)
tIvrIkR(= to make ★sharp , strengthen S3Br. )
とんがる (v-n, r-n)
sudhAra(= 2 a. ★sharp-edged or pointed (arrow).)
susanna(= mf(%{A})n. ★completely finished or done with , frustrated , foiled Mr2icch.)
dhR(= ; (with %{samaye}) to hold to an ★agreement , cause to make a compact Pan5c.)
sadhura(= (%{sa4-}) mfn. harnessed to the same yoke 同じヨークに利用, ★agreeing together AV.)
cud(= cl. 1. %{co4dati} , %{-te} (Subj. %{co4dat} ; Impv. %{-da} , %{-data} , %{dasva} , (2. du.) %{-dethAm} ;; Pan. %{codyamAna}) , to sharpen , ★whet RV.)
トゥヂュ、けず る (c-k)
saMzo(= P. A1. %{-zizAti} , %{-zizIte} (once %{zyati} RV.) , to ★whet or sharpen thoroughly (A1. `" one's own weapons "') RV. ; to tirge , excite , speed. make ready , prepare RV.)
zA, zizAti, zizIte, zyati(= , pp. {zAta} & {zita3} (q.v.) sharpen, [[,]] ★whet; excite, make eager, strengthen, promote; communicate, impart; present with, help to (acc. of pers., instr., dat., or gen. of thing). --{ati} strike at. {ava} rid of (acc.). {A} help to, cause to partake of (loc.). {ni} sharpen, whet; offer, present; lay down, spread. {sam} sharpen, ★whet; excite, make eager or ready for (dat.). -- Cf. {ni3zita, sa3zita}.)
dhAtR(= m. establisher , founder , creator , bearer , supporter (cf. %{vasu-}) , ★orderer 注文, arranger RV. ;)
sasaGga(= mfn. adhering , ★attached (%{-tva} n. `" adhesion , contact "') Kap.)
satkArya(= mfn. that which is effected L. ; deserving of honour or hospitality R. ; one to whom the last honours (i.e. cremation) are to be paid ib. ; n. (in Sa1m2khya phil.) the necessary existence of an effect (as inherent in a cause) Sa1m2khyak. ; %{-vAda} m. (or %{-siddhA7nta} m. Kap.) the doctrine of the actual existence of an effect (in its cause) Ba1dar. ; %{-vAdin} m. an ★adherent of the above doctrine ib.)
sadgraha(= m. a good or auspicious planet VarBr2S. ; mfn. clinging or ★attached to what is good or true (with %{kRSNe} , `" ★attached to Kr2ishn2a as to the really true "') BhP.)
saGga(= 1 m. (adj. --- f. {A} & {I}) sticking to, hanging upon, contact with (loc. or ---); meeting, encounter; near relation to, intercourse (also sexual) with (gen., instr. {nsaha}, loc., or ---); ★attachment or devotion to, propensity for, desire of (loc. or ---).)
saMchardana(= n. ★spitting out , vomiting forth , ejecting (one of the ten ways in which an eclipse is supposed to end , cf. %{rAhu-grasana}) VarBr2S.)
トゥーミカースン (s-t, M-m, ch-k)
dattAdara(= mfn. showing respect ; ★treated with respect. 尊敬待遇)
sAdara(= a. having or ★paying respect 敬意を払う, considerate, careful; devoted to or intent upon (---); n. adv.)
dhRS, dhRSNoti, dharSati(= , pp. {dhRSita3} & {dhRSTa3} q.v. be bold, [[,]] dare or venture to (inf.), ; destroy, lay ★waste 廃棄する. )
dah, dahati (-te)(= , pp. {dagdha3} (q.v.) burn, inflame (l. & f.), [[-,]] ★consume 消費, destroy. P. {dahya3te (-ti)} be burnt, burn (intr.), suffer, pine.)
marditavya(= mfn. to be crushed or trodden down or laid ★waste 押しつぶされるか、踏み潰されるか、廃棄物を置く MBh.)
無駄使い(むだつかい) (v-k)
cittakalita(= mfn. `" calculated in one's mind "' , ★anticipated 〔起こるかもしれないと思って〕〜を予測する、〜を見込む。〔技術や思想などで〕〜に先んじる、先駆けて〜に着手する W.)
ティーガチュ/ティガーチュ (c-t, l 無音)
saMdRSTa(= a. seen, foreseen 予見[予測・想定]された, ★anticipated; permitted, allowed.)
dravyasiddhi(= f. acquirement of wealth 富の獲得; ★success 成功 by wealth W.)
ディカース (y-ki)、でかした/できゃした (y-ki)
siddhAbhISTa(= a. having attained the desired object; ★successful, satisfied.)
でかした (h-k)
abhipUrva(= mfn. following in regular order PBr. ; (%{a4m} [AV. S3Br.] or %{eNa} [PBr.]) ind. in regular order , ★successively.)
abhivRddhi(= f. increase, plenty, ★success.)
dakSa(= a. ★able, ★capable, appropriate, suitable, fit for, ★clever in (loc. or ---); strong, mighty; ★intelligent, ★wise, right (not left). m. ability, power, fitness, cleverness, intelligence, energy, will, disposition, (evil) design; N. of an Aditya, also identif. w. Prajapati.)
siddhikara(= (f. {I}) & {-kAraka} a. causing ★success or felicity 至福、無上の喜び.)
sAdguNya(= n. (fr. %{●
sad-guNa}) the having good qualities 品質良, excellence , ★superiority 上等 Car.)
jalArdra(= a. ★wet with water; f. {A} a wet cloth.)
sajala(= mfn. possessing or containing water , watery , ★wet , humid R. ; %{-tva} n. wateriness MW. ; %{-nayana} mfn. watery-eyed Megh. ; %{-pRSata} mfn. containing waterdrops ib.)
vyAsaJj(= (only 3. du. impf. A1. %{vy-A7-sajetAm} ; and ind. p. %{-sajya}) , to adhere separately or severally (see comp.) ; to ★begin to fight hand to hand S3is3. )
parisaMhA(= 2. (only pr. p. %{-ji4hAna}) , to ★start or spring from (abl.) RV.)
prathama(= a. ★first, primal, foremost, earliest, principal, best, chief. --- & n. ★first, before (n. as prep. w. gen.), for the ★first time, just, now, immediately; often also adj. pro adv. -- m. the ★first (third) person; f. {A} the ★first or nominative case and its endings.)
samparivArita(= mf(%{A})n. (fr. Caus.) ★surrounded , encompassed ib.)
チンミグラス (s-t, p-m, v-g)
samparivR(= 1. P. %{-vRNoti} , %{-vRNute} , to ★surround , encompass (see below) ; Caus. %{-vArayati} id. MBh. R.)
チンミグル (s-t, p-m, v-g)
nivR(= 1. (only pf. %{-vavAra} , 3. pl. %{-vavrur}) , to ward off , restrain R. Bhat2t2. ; to ★surround Bhat2t2.: Caus. %{-vArayati} , %{-te} (inf. %{-vAritum} ;)
廻る(めぐる) (v-g)
cal, calati (-te)(= , pp. {calita} (q.v.) get into motion, stir, budge; [[-,]] tremble, quiver, totter; set out, start, depart, pass away; walk, march; spread, be diffused; be troubled or ★disappointed;)
チルーダ (c-ch)、がっかりだ (cal+ calati: l 無音)、チルタイ
samAvezita(= mfn. (fr. Caus.) made to enter together , brought together , caused to enter , ★inserted , placed , fixed , absorbed , engrossed Ka1v. )
チンインつた (v-n) → チンインル
Ar(= 2 (%{A-R}) P. (Subj. 2. sg. %{-RNo4s} RV. ; %{A4-RNvati} RV.; but also Impv. 2. pl. %{i4yarta} RV. ; aor. %{A74ratAm} , &c.) A1. (3. sg. %{A4-RNve} RV.) to ★insert , place in RV. ; to excite ; to bring near , fetch RV. ; to come ; to reach , obtain , fall into (misfortune) RV. ; to inflict AitBr.: Caus. %{A7rpayati} , to cause to partake of S3Br. ; to fix , settle , annex ; to inflict , injure.)
インル (+ン)、入れ る(いれる)
saMcAraNa(= n. bringing near , conveying , mixing , adding , transmission , ★insertion Ka1v. ; delivering (a message) Ja1takam. ; (%{I}) f. (with Buddhists) N. of one of the 6 goddesses of magic Dharmas. 13.)
つっこむ (c-k)、チンインルン (c 無音, +ン)
samarabha(= m. `"★ equal-embrace 〔人と〕抱き合う、抱擁する"' , a kind of coitus コイタス。〈ラテン語〉〔人の〕性交 MW.)
チルービ (m 無音)
saMzleSa(= m. junction, connection, union, immediate contact with (instr.); ★embrace.)
シきラス (z-k)
saMgrAhya(= a. to be ★embraced, attracted, or won.)
samavalamb(= A1. %{-lambate} , to take hold of. clasp , ★embrace MBh. )
つるむ (m 無音)
saMmagna(= a. ★immersed 浸した, sunk into 浸す、沈める (---).)
viSad(= ( %{sad}) P. %{-SIdati} (impf. Class. %{vy-aSIdat} , Ved. %{vya-SIdat} , or %{vy-asIdat} Pa1n2. ; pf. %{vi-SasAda} ib. ; inf. %{-Sattum} or %{-SIditum} MBh.) , to be exhausted or dejected , despond , despair MBh. ; to sink down , be ★immersed in (loc.) R. (perhaps %{vi-SeduH} w.r. for %{ni-S-}): Caus. %{-SAdayati} , to cause to despond or despair , vex , grieve , afflict MBh. ;)
tud, tudati(= ({-te}), pp. {tunna3} strike, push, ★prick; pound, crush, [[,]] C. {todayati} goad, ★prick. -- {A} goad, urge on. {ni} pierce, penetrate. {pra} strike at, prick at; C. urge, impel. {vi} pierce, strike, tear.)
刺す、たたく (+く)
sthApana(= mfn. (fr. Caus.) causing to stand &c. ; maintaining , preserving (see %{vayaH-sth-}) ; fixing , ★determining Sa1h. ; (%{A}) f. the act of causing to stand firmly or fixing , supporting (as an attribute of the earth) MBh. ; storing , keeping , preserving Campak. ; fixed order or regulation ib. ; establishing , establishment , dialectical proof (of a proposition ib. ; arranging , regulating or directing (as a drama &c.) , stage-management (cf. %{sthA-paka}) W. ; )
きるーただ、きめーただ (r-m)、きめーたぜ (r-m)、決定だ
vinizcita(= mfn. firmly resolved upon (comp.) MBh. ; ascertained , ★determined , settled , certain ib. ; (%{am}) ind. most certainly , decidedly Amar. ; %{-tA7rtha} mfn. having a decided meaning Bhartr2.)
きめつちた (v-g-k)、きめちゃった (v-g-k)
saMrI(= P. %{-riNAti} , to join together , restore , repair RV. ; to wash , ★purify VS.)
チユミ (s-t-ch, r-m)
parApU(= P. %{-punAti} (ind. p. %{-pAvam}) , to ★purify , cleanse away VS. )
paGktipAvana(= a. purifying or adorning 装飾する、飾る a society.)
おきよめ (p 無音, t 無音)
saMnirudh(= P. %{-ruNaddhi} , to keep back , restrain , hinder , check , stop , obstruct , ★suppress 〔好ましくないものを力ずくで〕鎮圧する、抑圧する MBh. ; to shut in , confine S3vetUp. ; to withdraw (the senses from the outer world) Ya1jn5.: Pass. %{-rudhyate} , to be kept back &c. MBh.)
sambhinna(= mfn. completely broken or divided &c. ; interrupted , abandoned (see %{-vRtta}) ; contracted (see %{-sarvA7Gga}) ; joined , combined , mingled TS. ; come into contact with (comp.) Bhat2t2. ; close , ★tight Pan5car. ; solid , compact Ma1rkP. ; )
チブーミ (m 無音)、つぼむ/しぼむ (m 無音)、シバーミ、狭め(せばめ) る
チブーミ、つぼむ/しぼむ、シバーミ、狭め(せばめ) る
susaMhata(= mf(%{A})n. firmly joined or combined , closely united , pressed against each other MBh. ; well compacted , well knit together (acc. with %{kR} , `" to close very ★tightly "') R. VarBr2S. )
saMhAna(= mfn. ★narrow MaitrS.)
paTa(= ; (%{I}) f. a ★narrow piece of cloth , the hem or edge of a garment Ba1lar. ; )
samAhR(= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} (ind. p. %{-hR4tya} q.v.) , to bring together , collect , assemble , ★contract , combine , unite AV. ; to bring back , restore to its place (loc.) Mn. ; to draw back , withdraw Hariv. ; to ravish , enrapture ib. ; to take off , put aside BhP. ; to crush together , destroy , annihilate Bhag. ; to Perform , offer (a sacrifice) R.)
saMzyAna(= mfn. id. ; ★contracted , shrunk or rolled up together , collapsed Ka1s3. on Pa1n2.)
saMvah(= (cf. %{sam-} 1. %{Uh}) cl. %{-vahati} , %{-te} (inf. %{-voDhum}) , to bear or carry together or along or away , take , convey , bring AV. ; to ★load (a cart or car) R. ; )
チミ (v-m)、積む(つむ) (v-m)
samucci(= (%{-ud-} 1. %{ci}) P. A1. %{-cinoti} , %{-cinute} (ind. p. %{-cayitvA}) , to heap or ★pile up together , accumulate , add together MBh. ; to collect , gather , arrange in order Baudh.: Desid. see %{sam-uccicISA}.)
dAnucitra(%{dA4-}) (= mfn. brilliant with ★dew しずく(雫、滴) or moisture RV.)
チョンミカースン (+ン, c-k, r-n)
tuSArakaNa(= m. a ★dewdrop 雫の一滴, icicle つらら(氷柱), flake of snow Katha1s. )
sthAnyAzraya(= mfn. ★depending on the primitive form (said of an operation in gr.) MW.)
たよってるヨ(頼ってるヨ) (n 無音)
sRta(= mfn. (cf. %{sUrta}) going , running &c. (see %{bhujaga-zizu-sRta}) Hariv. ; gone , passed away (see comp.) ; (with %{bahis}) one who has slipped or come out Katha1s. ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) going , moving ; flight , ★escape MBh.)
muc, muJcati, -te(= 1 & {muca3ti, -te}, pp. {●
mukta3}, ger. {mukttA3} [[-,]] (q.v.) release 開放, deliver from (abl. or {tas}) unloose, open; let go, set free, relinquish, abandon, forsake, quit, put off, lay aside, give up, grant, bestow; discharge, shed; emit, utter; send forth, shoot, throw, hurl against (loc., dat., gen., or acc. w. {prati}). P.M. {mucyate} ({mu3cyate, mucyati}) be released from, get rid of, ★escape (abl. & instr., r. gen.), be deprived of, want (instr.);)
{●mukta3} にがす(逃がす)
saMnaddha(= mfn. bound or fastened or ★tied together , girt , bound RV.; armed , mailed , equipped , accoutred RV. ; harnessed AitBr. ;)
samAroha(= m. ascending , ★mounting , riding upon W. ; agreeing upon ib.)
tud, tudati(= ({-te}), pp. {tunna3} strike, push, prick; pound, crush, [[,]] C. {todayati} goad, prick. -- {A} goad, urge on. {ni} pierce, ★penetrate. {pra} strike at, prick at; C. urge, impel. {vi} pierce, strike, tear.)
tUSNIka(= mfn. (Pa1n2. ) ★silent R. ; (%{am}) ind. silently Ma1nS3r. ; (%{Am}) ind. )
tUSNIka + %{am} チグミ、しずかな
saMgrah(= ; to gather together , assemble , collect , compile ib. ; to include , comprehend , contain Gaut. ; to draw together , contract , make narrower , abridge S3Br. ; to draw together (a bow in order to unstring it) MBh. ; to hold in , restrain , check , govern MBh. ; to constrain , force Mn. ; to keep together , close , ★shut (as the ★mouth) 口を閉じる Ka1tyS3r. ;)
チグミ (r-m)
tUSNIMbhAva(= m. the being ★silent , ★silence MBh. )
zirovedanA(= f. ★head-ache.)
ヂーミカースン (r-m, v-k)
ziraHzUla(= n. violent ★head-ache.)
ヂーミカースン (r-m, H-k, l-n), 頭痛(ずつう) (l 無音)
zaravya(= mf(%{A})n. (fr. %{zaru} below) capable of wounding or injuring MW. ; (%{-vya4}) f. `" an arrowshot "' or `" a shower of arrows "' RV. ; an arrows , missile , an arrows personified MW. ; n. a ★butt 突き当たる、角で突く、ぶつかる。〔嘲り・冷笑・批評・怒りなどの〕的、標的、対象 or mark for arrows , aim , target Ka1v. ; %{-tA} f. the condition , of a target Ka1d.)
saMdas(= (only pf. p. P. %{-dadasva4s}) , to die out or become ★extinguished (as fire) RV. )
sthA, tiSThati, -te(= , pp. {sthita3} 1 (q.v.) stand, stay, stop, [[-,]] remain, wait; stand by (loc.), declare for (dat.); hold out or bear up against (gen. {npuras}); ★continue in a condition or action (nom., esp. of a pp.; ger., instr. or loc.), exist, be present; belong to (dat. or gen.); serve for (dat.); )
sthAtavya(= mfn. (n. impers.) to be stood or stayed or remained or ★continued in or abided by (loc. , rarely instr.) MBh.)
つづくヨ(続くヨ) (v-k)
sR(= (cf. %{sal}) cl. ;; to run away , ★escape R. Ma1lav. BhP. ; to run after , pursue (acc.) RV. ; to go towards , betake one's self to (acc. or %{tatra} &c.) MBh. BhP. ; to go against , attack , assail MBh. ;)
sRta(= mfn. (cf. %{sUrta}) going , running &c. (see %{bhujaga-zizu-sRta}) Hariv. ; gone , passed away (see comp.) ; (with %{bahis}) one who has slipped or come out Katha1s. ; n. (ifc. f. %{A}) going , moving ; flight , ★escape MBh.)
sRj(= 1 (cf. %{sarj}) cl.; ; to cast or let go (a measuring line) RV. ; to emit , ★pour forth , shed , cause to flow (rain , streams &c.) ib. ; )
saMsthA(= ; to put or ★add to (%{uparI}) Ya1jn5. ;)
seka(= m. (fr. %{sic}) ★pouring out , emission , effusion (as of the seminal fluid ; also `" the fluid itself "') RV. ;)
samAseka(= m. ★pouring out together 一緒に注ぐ Kaus3. )
sahasA(= (instr. of %{sahas}) , forcibly , vehemently , ★suddenly 突然、急に, quickly , precipitately , immediately , at once , unexpectedly , at random , fortuitously , in an unpremeditated manner , inconsiderately (with instr. `" together with "').)
saMviz(= P. %{vizati} , (ep. also A1. %{-te}) , to ★approach near to , associate or attach one's self to (acc. or instr.) RV. ; to enter together , enter into (acc. , rarely loc.) Kaus3. ; to merge one's self into (acc.) MBh. ;)
チカーユ (v-k, z-y)△
samAsAsAdya(= ind. having ★approached &c. ; according to , by means or on account of (acc.) MBh. )
pratiprAyA(= P. %{-yAti} , to come near , ★approach RV.)
suga(= a. easily passed; easy to ★approach or attain n. good access or progress.)
近い (s-ch)、ちけー (s-ch)、すぐ
Dhauk(= , cause to ★come near , )
でこ (= 来なさい)【八丈島弁】、近こー(ちこー)寄れ
saMsad(= P. %{-sIdati} (Ved. also %{-te} and %{-sadati}) , to sit down together with (instr.) or upon (acc.) , sit down RV. ; to sink down collapse , l's ★discouraged or distressed , pine away (with %{kSudhA} , to perish with hunger "') Mn. : Caus. %{-sAdayati} , to cause tc sit down together RV. ; to meet , encounter (acc.) BhP. ; to weigh down , afflict , distress R.)
sad, sIdati(=1 ({-te}), pp. {satta3} & {sanna3} (q.v.) sit, seat one's [[,]] self (esp. for a sacrifice) on, at, or in (acc. or loc.); lie down, around or in wait for (acc.); sink beneath a burden, feel ill, become feeble, tired or languid, be overcome, fall into trouble, distress, or ★despair 絶望、落胆;)
vAgAru(= mfn. breaking promise or faith , ★disappointing , a deceiver L.)
がっかり/がっくり (v-g)
sumadana(= m. `" greatly ★delighting "' , the Mango tree L.)
タルシミ/タヌシミ (m-l)
samupasev(= A1. %{-sevate} , to make use of together MW. ; to be addicted to , ★enjoy R.)
タルシミ/タヌシミ (m-l, v-m)
anvAhR(= to make up 〔損失・不足の〕埋め合わせをする, ★supply S3Br.)
補う(おぎなう) (n 無音, v-g, R-n)、うめる、うめあわせ (R-s)
dhArayatkavi(= (%{-ya4t-k-}) mfn. supporting or ★cherishing sages RV.)
タンキ (r-n)
dayita(= mfn. ★cherished , beloved , dear MBh. ; protected Bhat2t2. ; m. a husband , lover S3ak. ; (%{A}) f. a wife , beloved woman Ragh.)
iSTa(= 1 mfn. (for 2. see s.v.) , sought S3Br. ; wished , desired ; liked , beloved ; agreeable ; ★cherished RV. ; reverenced , respected ; regarded as good , approved Mn. ; valid ; m. a lover , a husband S3ak. ; the plant Ricinus Communis L. ; (%{A}) f. N. of a plant L. ; (%{am}) n. wish , desire RV. ; (%{am}) ind. voluntarily.)
bandha(= (ifc.) conceiving , ★cherishing , feeling , betraying Hariv. Ka1lid. ; )
poSaNa(= mfn. nourishing , ★cherishing 大切にする (cf. %{pakSa-p-}) ; n. the act of nourishing , fostering , keeping , supporting 大切に大切に育てる MBh. )
ほんそに (+ん)
sutrAman(= a. well ★protecting 充分に保護する; m. E. of Indra.)
たしなむ (s-t, t-s)
sacanas(= (%{sa4-}) mfn. being in harmony with RV. ; %{-ca4nas-tama} mfn. (superl.) ib. ; %{-canasya} Nom. A1. %{-yate} , to treat tenderly , ★cherish 大切にする, foster ib.)
たしなむ (s-t, c-s)
poSitavya(= mfn. to be ★cherished 大切な or protected W.)
いとすぶい (p 無音) 【富山弁・魚津弁 = いとおしい】
dhArayatkavi(= (%{-ya4t-k-}) mfn. supporting or ★cherishing 大切にする、愛情深く、慈しみ深く sages RV.)
samprArth(= (%{-pra-arth}) P. %{-prA7rthayati} , to ask for earnestly 真剣に求める, ★request , entreat MBh. )
タボーリし (s-t, m 無音)、たまわりし
saMhR(= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} , to bring or draw together , unite , compress , ★collect , contract , abridge RV. ; to throw together , mix up S3rS. ; to close , clench (the fist) MBh. ;)
たまる (s-t)
saMvR(= 1 P. A1. %{-vRNoti} , %{-vRNute} &c. (inf. %{-varI8tum} ep. also %{-vartum}) , to cover up , enclose , hide , conceal MBh. ; to shut , close (a door) MBh. ; to put together or in order , arrange Katha1s. ; to gather up (snares) Hit. (v.l.) ; to ward off , keep back , restrain , check , stop Bhat2t2. ; (A1. %{-varate}) to gather (intr.) , ★accumulate , augment , increase RV.: Caus. %{-vArayati} (ind. p. %{vArya}) , to ward off keep or drive back , repel MBh. ; Desid. see %{saM-vuvUrSu} , col.)
dA(= 1 cl. 3. %{da4dAti} (pl. %{-dati} RV. ; ; pf. %{dadau4} , %{-du4r} , %{●
-da4thur} , %{-datur} , %{-do4} RV. ; ; %{●
dA4tavai4}; %{upamAm} , to ★compare with [gen.] Ca1n2. ;)
%{●-da4thur} タトゥール、{●dA4tavai4} たとえ・たとへ
vikAravuvamai(= a kind of simile in which the object of ★comparison is represented as a variation of that to which it is ★compared)
比較ヴァマイ (v-k)、よーくらべヴァマイ
vinihan(= P. %{-hanti} , to ★strike down , slay , slaughter , kill , destroy MBh.)
majj(= cl. (Dha1tup.) %{majjati} (Ved. %{ma4jjati} , ep. also %{-te} ; pf. %{mamajja} [2. sg. %{mamajjitha} , or %{mamaGktha}] MBh. ; aor. [%{mA}] %{majjIs} ib. ; %{amAnkSIt} Bhat2t2. ; Prec. %{majjtAt} S3Br. ; fut. %{maGkSyati} , %{-te} Br.; %{majjiSyati} MBh. ; %{●
maGktA} Gr. ;; %{ma4jjya} AV.) , to sink (into) 沈める, (acc. or loc.) , go down , go to hell , perish , become ruined RV. ; to sink (in water) , dive , plunge or throw one's self into (loc.) , bathe , be submerged or drowned Shad2vBr. %{majja4yati} (aor. %{amamajjat} Gr.) , to cause to sink , submerge , drown , overwhelm , destroy S3Br. ; to inundate MBh. ; to ★strike or plant into (loc.) )
%{●maGktA} なぐった
nighAti(= f. an iron club or ★hammer ハンマー L.)
sudhAra(= 2 a. ★sharp-edged 鋭い刃 or pointed 尖っている (arrow).)
dA, dAti, dyati(= , pp. {dina3} 3 & {dita} ★cut, mow. --{ava} ★cut off, [[,]] divide (esp. the sacrif. cake). {nis} distribute, among (2 acc.). {samava} ★cut in pieces and collect them. {A, vi}, & {sam} cut up, bruise, crush. --Cf. {a3vatta, sama3vatta}.)
tApaka(= a. heating, ★burning 燃焼, purifying.)
parivRt(= A1. %{●
-vartate} (ep. also %{-ti} ; ind. p. %{-vRtya} , or %{parI-vartam}) , to turn round 転がす、回転, revolve , move in a circle or to and fro , roll or wheel or wander about , circumambulate (acc.) RV. ; (with %{hRdi} or %{hRdaye}) to run in a person's mind MBh. ; ; to overthrow , ★upset (a carriage) Hariv. ;)
ひっくりダ (v-k)、parivRt-vartate ひっくりけーす (v-k)
dRDhIkaraNa(= n., {-kAra} m. making firm, ★confirmation.)
satakSan(= mfn. (i.e. 7. %{sa} + %{t-}) together with an ★artisan Ka1tyS3r.)
dhIvan(= mf(%{varI})n. ★skilful , clever AV. ; m. ★an artisan Un2. Sch. ; a fisherman L. (cf. next).)
たくみ (v-k)
tarkin(= a. supposing, thinking, reasoning, ★skilled in speculation or philosophy.)
tuviprati(= mfn. ★resisting powerfully (Indra) , i )
タゲールだ (v-g)、さからうだ (v-k)
samuddhAra(= m. drawing out , extraction from (abl.) Ma1rkP. ; extrication from any danger , ★rescue 救助, delivery S3atr. ; removal , destruction Ka1v. ; N. of a prince (for %{hari-kRSNa-s-}) , Kshi7s3.)
タシカン (s-t, h-k, r-n)、たすかる (s-t, h-k)
sArdra(= m. fn. ★wet , moist , damp MBh.)
ダースン (r-n)
prakRS(= P. %{-karSati} , to draw or stretch forth , ★drag along or away Kaus3. ; to push off , remove from (abl.) R. ; to lead (an army) MBh. ; to draw or bend (a bow) MBh. ; to distract , trouble , disturb R.: Caus. %{-karSayati} , to cause (a field) to be ploughed A1s3vGr2.)
sRprakarasna(= (%{-pra4-}) mfn. having ★smooth or supple arms 滑らかでしなやかな腕を持っている RV.)
スルミカースン (p-m)
tvakkaNDura(= m. a skin-wound , ★sore L.)
スンクミン (v-n, r-n)
valaya(= m. n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a bracelet , armlet , ring (worn by men and women on the wrist) MBh. (also applied to waves as compared to bracelets) ; a zone , girdle (of a married woman) MW. ; a line (of bees) S3is3. ; a circle , circumference , round enclosure (ifc. often= `" encircled by "') Gol. ; m. a ★sore throat ヒリヒリ喉、カラカラ喉。喉の痛み、喉頭の炎症, inflammation of the larynx Sus3r. ; )
ひり、から (v-k)
sarvahara(= a. seizing or taking ★all 全部ある、全部掴んだ; m. E. of Yama.)
スルール/スリール、すべてある (+て)
sarvatAti(= f. ★wholeness, completeness, integrity; loc. {-tAtA} on the ★whole, at ★all.)
pravAla(= m. n. (prob. fr. %{val} , but also written %{pra-bAla} ; ifc. f. %{A}) a young shoot , ★sprout , new leaf or branch (to which feet and lips are often compared) MBh.)
生える(はえる、はへる)、萌芽(ほうが) (v-g)
saMpUrNa(= a. full, replete, filled or richly furnished with (instr., gen., or ---); whole, entire, abundant; ★finished, accomplished.)
sanAla(= a. ★furnished with a stalk 茎付きで〔家・部屋などに家具などを〕備え付ける.)
samparivRt(= A1. %{-vartate} , to turn round , roll round (with acc.) , revolve , roll (as the eyes ; with %{hRdi} or %{manasi} , to turn over in the mind "') MBh. ; to exist MW. ; to turn back , return R. ; to turn back 反回転 or desist from (abl.) BhP.: Caus. %{-vartayati} , to lead round R. ; to ★wring (the hands) DivyA7v)
スブルン (m 無音, v-n)、しぼりかえす (m 無音, v-k)
sev(= cl. 1. A1. (Dha1tup. ) %{●
sevate} (rarely %{-ti} ; pf. %{siSeve} , %{●
-va} MBh. ; fut. %{sevitA} Gr. ; %{seviSyate} ib. , %{-ti} MBh. ; aor. %{asiSevat} , %{aseviSTa} Gr. ; inf. %{sevitum} MBh. ; ind. p. %{sevitvA} , %{-sevya} ib.) , to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) S3Br. ; to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (acc.) Mn. ; to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey , worship ib. ; to cherish , foster (a child) Katha1s. ; to present with (instr.) Ragh. ; to enjoy sexually , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. ; to refresh by soft ★breezes , fan (said of the wind) R. ; )
{●sevate}スヂュ、そよ、{sev}+%{●-va} そよぐ (v-g)
savarya(= mfn. endowed 〔神・自然などが人に資質・才能などを〕授ける、与える。裏打ちされた with ★excellent qualities 優れた品質を備えています TBr.)
スグーリや (v-g)
mukhyatva(= n. pre-eminence , ★superiority , highest rank or position MBh. )
ぬきんで (+ん)
pradhAtA(= f., {-tva} n. preeminence, ★superiority.)
saMgraha(= ; drawing together , making narrower , narrowing , tightening , making thin or slender , the thin part of anything Car. ; ; drawing together , making narrower , narrowing , tightening , making thin or ★slender 痩せる、スレンダー, the thin part of anything Car. ; )
saMskR(= 1. (cf. %{saM-kR} ; %{upa-s-kR} and %{pari-S-kR}) P. A1. %{-skaroti} , %{-skurute} (impf. %{sam-askurvata} TS. ; pf. %{saM-caskAra} Nir. ; aor. %{sam-askRta} ; Prec. %{saM-skriyAt} , %{saM-skRSISTa} ; fut %{saM-skariSyati} MBh. ; inf. %{saM-skaritum} DivyA7v. ; ind. p. %{saM-skRtya} S3Br. , to put together , form well , join together , compose RV. ; (A1.) to accumulate (%{pApAni} , to add evil to evil "') Mr2icch. ; to prepare 準備, make ready , ★dress 着る, cook (food) MBh.; to form or arrange according to sacred precept , consecrate , hallow (in various ways ; cf. %{saM-skAra}) Mn. ; to adorn 飾る, embellish , refine , elaborate , make perfect , (esp.) form language according to strict rules (cf. %{saM-skRta}) Sarvad. ; )
スガール/スーガン (R-n)
sev(= cl. 1. A1. %{●
sevate} (rarely %{-ti} ; pf. %{●
siSeve} , %{-va} MBh.; fut. %{sevitA} Gr. ; %{seviSyate} ib. , %{-ti} MBh. ; aor. %{asiSevat} , %{aseviSTa} Gr. ; inf. %{sevitum} MBh. ; ind. p. %{sevitvA} , %{-sevya} ib.) , to dwell or stay near or in (loc.) S3Br. ; to remain or stay at , live in , frequent , haunt , inhabit , resort to (acc.) Mn. ; to serve , wait or attend upon , honour , obey , worship ib. ; to cherish , foster (a child) Katha1s. ; to present with (instr.) Ragh. ; to enjoy sexually , have sexual intercourse with (acc.) Mn. ; to refresh by soft ★breezes , fan (said of the wind) R.)
すが (v-g)、{●sevate}スガース (v-g)、{●siSeve} 涼む(すずむ) (v-m)
vitud(= P. A1. %{-tudati} , %{-te} , to pierce , tear , strike , ★scourge 〔懲罰の〕むち。〜をむち打つ, sting , prick RV. ; to strike i.e. play (a musical instrument) BhP.: Caus. %{-tudAya4ti} , to prick , sting AV.)
むち (v-m)、むちうつ (v-m)
saMghaTT(= A1. %{-ghaTTate} , to ★strike or clasp or rub together , knead , crush to pieces , bruise 一緒に打ったり、留めたり、こすったり、こねたり、砕いたり、あざをする R.: Caus. %{-ghaTTayati} (ind. p. %{-ghaTTayya}) , to cause to rub against (instr.) Ragh. ; to stir AgP. ; to strike against , touch MBh. ; to cause to sound by striking 殴ったときの音 R. ; to bring together , collect , assemble MBh. ; to meet , encounter Naish.)
klez(= cl. 1. A1. %{klezate} , to speak articulately Dha1tup. ; to speak inarticulately (cf. %{kliSTa}) ib. ; to ★strike , kill ib.)
prativeST(= A1. %{-veSTate} , to shrink back TS.: Caus. %{-veSTayati} , to ★strike or drive or turn or bend back ib. Pra1t.)
vadh (vadhati)(= , P. {vadhyate (-ji)} ★strike, slay, kill, destroy. C. {vadhayati} = S. -- {apa} cut off, cleave; drive away. {abhi} & {samabhi} smite upon (acc.). {A} crush down, dash to pieces. {ud} tear out or in pieces. {upa} ★strike on (acc.), slay, kill. {ni} fix or fasten in (loc.); knock down, kill. {nis} frustrate, annihilate. {parA} cleave, tear asunder. {pra} beat. {vi} destroy.)
secana(= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) the bowl お椀 of a ★spoon スプーン or ladle しゃもじ A1pS3r. ; %{-vat} mfn. having a bowl or spout 〔ティーポットなどの〕注ぎ口、吐水口 (for pouring out fluids) A1pS3r.)
スクール/シくール (n-l)
TaGka(= (m. n. L.) a ★spade スペード, hoe 鋤, hatchet , stonecutter's chisel Hariv.)
strIveSadhArin(= mfn. ★wearing a women's garments L.)
シリチリルン (+ル)
stanadveSin(= mfn. ★rejecting the breast Sus3r.)
シンカスン (v-k)
SaDaGga(= ; %{-pAnIya} n. an infusion or ★decoction of six drugs W. ; )
煎じ(せんじ) (+ん)
nirghRS(= P. %{-gharSati} (only ind. p. %{-ghRSya}) , to ★rub against or on (loc.) R.)
ヌグル (S 無音)
samunmajj(= (%{-ud-majj} .only ind. p. %{-majjya}) , to ★dive under , bathe MBh.)
vyavagAh(= A1. %{-gAhate} (rarely %{-ti}) , to ★dive or plunge into , penetrate MBh. ; to set in , begin (as night) ib. %{-avagaDha} mfn. ★dived or plunged into , immersed (%{-vat} mfn.) ib.)
sahela(= a. ★playful, careless; n. adv.)
シベール (h-b)、そばえる (h-b)、じゃれ/ざれる
madakhela(= a. ★playful, wanton.)
無邪気な(むじゃきな) (l-n)
vilAsin(= mfn. shining , beaming , radiant MBh. ; moving to and fro , fluttering ib. ; wanton , sportive , ★playful , dallying with or fond of (comp.) R. )
ハレンチな (+ン, s-ch)
savilAsa(= mfn. acting coquettishly , wanton , amorous , ★playful (%{am} ind.) Ka1v. )
じゃれあって、戯れて(たわむれて) (+む)
saMzudh(= P. %{-zudhyati} , to become completely pure or purified MW.: Caus. %{-zodhayati} , to purify or cleanse thoroughly , ★clear MBh. ; to ★clear (expenses) , pay off R. ; to clear , secure (as a road against attack) Mn. ; to subtract VarBr2S. ; to divide Gan2it.)
samprahR(= P. A1. %{-harati} , %{-te} , to hurl or throw together , hurl upon (dat. or loc.) MBh. ; to ★attack , assail 襲撃、奇襲, strike at , rush upon (acc. or loc.) ; A1. (m.c. also P.) to strike at mutually , come to blows , fight together )
シミルン (R-n)、攻める(せめる)
samanuvraj(= P. %{-vrajati} , to go after , follow or ★pursue 〜を追跡する、〜を追い掛ける with others MBh.)
sthAvara(= mf(%{A4})n. standing still , not moving 移動しない, fixed 固定化, stationary , stable , immovable (opp. to %{jaGgama} q.v.) TS. ; ★firm 固定、堅固, constant , permanent , invariable A1past. R. ; regular , established W. ; vegetable , belonging to the vegnvegetable world Sus3r. ; relating to immovable property Ya1jn5. ;)
シミール (v-m)、締める(しめる)、しっかり (v-k)
vardhravyuta(= (%{va4-}) mfn. intertwisted より合わさる、結び付く with ★bands バンド、帯 or thongs ヒモ S3Br.)
ヒちュー˹ビ˹ ス
saMcUrN(= P. %{-cUrNayati} , to ★grind グラインド to powder , comminute , pulverize Sus3r.)
kSottR(= %{ttA} m. a ★pestle , any implement for grinding グラインド Comm. on Un2. )
sopasveda(= mfn. having perspiration or moisture , moistened , ★wetted 湿っている MBh.)
samartha(= a. corresponding, ★suitable, ★fit for (gen. or ---); a ★match for (gen.); able to, capable of (infin., loc., dat., or ---); having the same sense or meaning (g.).)
シネンだ (r-n)、シナールだ
pAtra(= n. (ifc. f. %{A}) a drinking-vessel , goblet , bowl , cup , dish , pot , plate , utensil &c. , any vessel or receptacle RV. ; a meal (as placed on a dish) TS. ; the channel of a river R. ; (met.) a capable or competent person , an adept in , master of (gen.) , any one worthy of or ★fit for or abounding in (gen. loc. , inf. or comp.) MBh. ; an actor or an actor's part or character in a play Ka1lid. ; a leaf L. (cf. %{pattra}) ; propriety , fitness W. ; an order , command ib. ; m. or n. a measure of capacity (= 1 A1d2haka) AV. ; a king's counsellor or minister Ra1jat. ; (%{I}) f. see 1. %{pAtrI}.)
saMgara(= 1 m. agreeing together 互いに同感・同意, agreement , assent AV. ; conflict , combat , fight , battle with (instr.) or for (gen.) Mn. ; a bargain , transaction of sale L. ; knowledge L. ; %{-kskama} mfn. ★fit for combat or war Ka1m. ; %{-stha} mfn. engaged in combat or war R.)
sadRz(= mfn. (nom. %{●
sadR4G} or %{sadRk} ; n. pl. %{sadRMzi}) = %{sadRkSa} (with instr. or ifc.) RV. ; ★fit , proper 適度な, just 丁度(ちょうど), right 正に MW. )
{●sadR4G} 最適(さいてき)
samApA(= P. %{-pibati} , to drink in entirely , ★suck in , absorb MBh.)
シプール (+ル)、吸ふ
cUS(= cl. 1. %{-Sati} , to ★suck , ★suck out 吸い出す Dha1tup.: Pass. %{-Syate} , to be ★sucked up or dried up (by internal inflammation) Sus3r. if.: Caus. %{-Sayati} , to ★suck up , iv ; cf. %{saM-}.)
soDha(= mfn. (fr. 1. %{sah} ; cf. %{sADha}) borne , suffered , ★endured , tolerated MBh. ; patient , ★enduring W. ; m. N. of a minister of Some7s3vara (king of S3a1kambari1) Cat. ; n. see %{avi-soDha}. )
samatikram(= P. A1. %{-krAmati} , %{-kramate} , to go or pass by entirely , cross or step over MBh. ; to step out of (abl.) R. ; to transgress , neglect , disregard , lose ib. ; to ★surpass , excel exceed MBh. ; to pass away , elapse (as time) Vet. ; to let pass by or elapse (%{dvau@mAsau@samatikramya} , `" after the lapse of two months "') R.)
samadhigam(= P. %{-gacchati} , to go towards together , come quite near , approach MBh. ; to acquire. obtain Mn. ; to go completely over 打ち勝つ, ★surpass Ragh. Kir. ; to go over, study , read Mn.)
ric, riNakti(= reach beyond, ★surpass, excel, differ from (acc. or abl.). {A} cede, yield (dat. of pers. & acc. of th.). {ud} & {pra} M.P. reach beyond, exceed, preponderate over (abl.). {vi} )
{ric} 凌駕(りょうが)
parigrah(= ; to ★surpass はるかに凌駕する, excel Mn. Prab. ;)
dhArApatha(= m. `" rim-path "' i.e. the rut (of a wheel) Dharmas3. ; the reach of a blade ; %{-tham@prA7pay} , to cause to ★perish ペリッシュ by the blade of (gen.) Ven2is.) しにはて (r-n)、消滅(しょうめつ) (p-m)
ninaGkSu(= (Desid. of 2. %{naz}) , wishing to ★perish or die Bhat2t2.)
みなこーし、皆殺し、みんな殺せ (?)
tUSNIm(= adv. ★silently, still; w. {bhU} be ★silent.)
saMzam(= 1. P. %{-zAmyati}. to become thoroughly calm or pacified , be comforted R. ; to be appeased , make peace with (instr. with or with out %{saha}) MBh. ; to be extinguished S3Br. ChUp. ; to be allayed , cease MBh. ; to be or become ineffective BhP. ; to calm , allay S3Br.: Caus. %{-zamayati} , to ★tranquillize , calm , pacify S3a1n3khS3r. )
シヂーマ、しずめ る
nidhA(= ; (with %{manas}) to fix or ★direct the thoughts upon or towards i.e. resolve , determine to (dat.) Hariv. ;)
nyAdhR(= only pf. A1. %{-dadhre} , to be ★directed towards or fixed upon (loc.) RV.)
mukha(= n. (m. g. %{ardharca7di} ; ifc. %{A} , or %{I} cf. Pa1n2. the mouth , face , countenance RV. ; the beak of a bird , snout or muzzle of an animal Gr2S. ; a ★direction , quarter (esp. ifc. cf. %{diG-m-} ; mfn. turning or turned towards , facing cf. %{adho-m-} also %{am} ind. cf. %{prAn-mukham}) ; )
saMklRp(= A1. %{-kalpate} , to be brought about , come into existence ChUp. ; to be in order or ready ib. ; to wish , long for , be desirous of (see %{saM-kalpanIya}): Caus. %{-kalpayati} , %{-te} , to put together , arrange AV. ; to produce , ★create BhP. ; to move or rock to and fro (the head) R. ; to determine , fix , settle MBh. ; to destine for (loc.) MBh. ; (with or without %{manasA}) , to will , purpose , resolve , intend , aim at , strive after AV. , to imagine , fancy , take for , consider as (acc. with %{iva}) Das3. ; to think about , ponder , hesitate R. ; to perform obsequies ib.)
シコールン (p-n)