Chick Tack 英語5文型  >  ある英語学習者の英文解釈日記  >  カルミデス027



Critias, when he heard this, said: The headache will be an unexpected gain to my young relation, if the pain in his head compels him to improve his mind: and I can tell you, Socrates, that Charmides is not only pre-eminent in beauty among his equals, but also in that quality which is given by the charm; and this, as you say, is temperance?
Yes, I said.


Critias, when he heard this, said:

The headache will be an unexpected gain to my young relation, if the pain in his head compels him to improve his mind:

the headache と the pain in his head は、同じもの。同じ言い方を避けたのか。本当は違いがあるのかも。
compels him to improve his mind は「彼に彼の精神を無理やり改良させる」。“force+O+to不定詞”“compel+O+to不定詞”“oblige+O+to不定詞”で、「Oに無理やりto不定詞させる」という〔使役〕の使い方ができる

and I can tell you, Socrates, that Charmides is not only pre-eminent in beauty among his equals, but also in that quality which is given by the charm; and this, as you say, is temperance?

not only...but also... については、もう述べない。さすが古い文章。also が生きている。
his equals は、「彼の同年輩の者たち」であろう。also と in の間には、pre-eminent が省略されている。
this は、pre-eminent in that quality given by the charm。

Yes, I said.「『そうだよ』と私は言った」



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Chick Tack 英語5文型  >  ある英語学習者の英文解釈日記  >  カルミデス027

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