F.IMAI's pages:
Go to ONLINE AsifSound to Spelling - American Dictionary (a2spelling dict.)
Go to Home page: AsifSound vs. Spelling - American Dictionary
Japanese Portal ( from Nov, 2007. )
How to A2Spelling interface [in outline]
How to A2Spelling interface [in detail]
|------- Input Pronunciation Key Set
ONLINE Nichiren's Mantra Counter Visual Tool "Sho:dai sama" (for Lotus Sutra)
Nichiren's Mantra Tricks. ex. Nam Myoho Lenge Kyo. --- Alphabetacal sequence law providence etc.
|------- Sanskrit (Bongo) vs. English examples --- under construction.
Nichiren's Mantra Tricks on Sep, 2007
Chanting Counter on Nov, 2006
Online edition started from Oct, 2005
Last Version= R3.02 on Aug, 2005
-- R2.02(Feb, 2004) is added "Etymology site" to R2.01
-- R3.02 has A2Spelling interface (R3.0 or R3.01 were in problem for Netscape support)