Updated: Feb. 11, 2025

Hi, I'm Walt, a beardie boy. Welcome to my homepage.

Click Walt and view his pic.

Welcome to Yoshimi's Homepage! I'm Walt, A BEARDED COLLIE (a BEARDIE). I used to live in Northern part of Osaka Pref. Central Japan with my humans. I left for the Rainbow Bridge on 26th of October, 2010. However, I appear in this site for you.
Enjoy Nature, beardies, pets, Japan's Culture and my big brother, Moomin, who left for the Rainbow Bridge in 2004.
Thank you for visiting.

Cherry Blossom 2002

Cherry Blossom 2001

MOVIE THEATER : Walt's Jump in Winter! (466Kb) (2001.Dec.16)

"Walt's DIARY (2002, Aug.11)

Moomin Pictures (2001, Apr.10)

Pet-Friends (2001.Oct.10)

Robin & Musashi & Skipp

News: Won BDN New-Year-Card Contest! & The Prize! (Jan.24, 2000)
News: Won BDN New-Year-HP Contest! & The Prize! (Jan. 1999)

Walt's mother, Daisy's Homepage
At this site you view
Baby Walt

"Nature in and around Osaka Pref., Japan (now only in Japanese)( Feb. 11, 2025 ) New!

Poems, Writings (Some in English) (Aug. 20, 2001 )


A bowl of Green Tea (Things Japanese)(June 13, 2001)

Ohuchi-juku, a stage in the old days (2000.Oct.08)

Goshiki-Numa Ponds, Fukushima Pref. (2000.Sept.03)

SPECIAL: PEONY 2000, 6 pictures (May 26, 2000)

SPECIAL: The Peonies ... May 1999

SPECIAL: The the alpine flora of Mt.Yokodake (Sept.1999)

SPECIAL: Tottori Dune under a burning sun...Aug. 1999

SPECIAL: The Allium Giganteum ... May 1999

SPECIAL: Tango-no-Sekku decoration "Oh-Yoroi"
or A set of armour ( May 04, 2001: since 2000)

 (Furniture Close-ups!)

SPECIAL: Nakamura's Hina Dolls (Close-ups!) (Mar.1, 2000)

SPECIAL: OHINASAMA, March 1999 -->

Special: Noh Mask "Dohji" Finished (Jan.05, 2000)

Special: Noh Mask "Dohji" in Process (Oct.1999)

to Yoshimi Kobayashi


All rights reserved.