- Part-236 autumnal tints
more autumnal tints
American sycamore and a redstart(female)
a tree in the park, avocado leaf, et cetera
(Updated: Feb. 11, 2025)
- Part-235 "Gardens-visiting", a Columbine, Bridalshowers (hydrangea)
Potatoes, Swallow chicks
a Cicada, Swamp rose mallows, Crape myrtles
Three kinds of butterflies
(Updated: Oct. 20, 2024)
- Part-234 Stork's bill, Japanese Witch hazel, war between two male swallows
@ Toyono town, Myoken area
A bee that came and helped vegitables to polinate @ Toyono town, Myoken area
The cherry blossoms blooming around us, in Toyono town, Myoken area
How beautiful the cherry blossms are! Can you tell where thy are? @ Toyono town, Myoken area
(Updated: Apr. 30, 2024)
- Part-233 Japanese@Waxwings have been staying in our town. @ Toyono town, Myoken area"
Plants in my garden and the white plume blossoms showing themselves elegantly. @Toyono town & Kawanishi, Myoken area
Mountains aflame with red and yellow in 2023 autumn @ Minohshimmach town, Myoken area
How surprising! Such a thing, in our residential area.(March 23) @ Toyono town, Myoken area
(Updated: Mar. 6, 2024)
- Part-232 Crepe myrtles (In Japan they are named "making monkies slip down from ."
Because the trunks of the tree look slippery.), Oh,No! the cicadas @ Toyono town, Myoken area
Mitsumata plants which used to be grown in these areas to produce papers. @ Toyono town, Myoken area
Cherry blossoms on the mountain chain @ Minohshimmach town, Myoken area
a kind of orchid named Ehbine, A Butterfly, A kind of Caterpillar @ Toyono town, Myoken area
a kind of orchid named Kumagaisou, Pyracantha (blossoms), A butterfly named Komisuji @ Toyono town, Myoken area
(Updated: Sept. 7, 2023)
- Part-231 Japanese Waxwings, a Bohemian Waxwing @ Toyono town, Myoken area
a Rustic Bunting @ Fureai Park, Inagawa town, Hyogo Pref.
Great Cormorants, a Herring Gull, a Northern Goshawk @ Yodo River, Osaka Pref.
a Black-faced Bunting, a Pale Thrush, Bramblings @ Arimahuji Park, Hyogo Pref.
Yellow-throated Buntings @ Arimahuji Park, Hyogo Pref.
Oriental Storks @ Kameoka city & Nantan city, Kyoto Pref.
a Japanese Green Woodpecker, a Eurasian Jay @ Myoken area
(Updated: Mar. 31, 2020)
- Part-230 Oriental Storks @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
a Common Buzzard, thrushes @ Myoken area
Northern Lapwings, an African Stonechat @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
a Hawfinch, a White-bellied Green Pigeon @ Kawanishi city, Hyogo Pref.
Oriental Bullfinches, a Coal Tit @ Minoh area
(Updated: Jan. 3, 2020)
- Part-229 Red-necked Phalaropes, a Chestnut-eared Bunting @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
a Bush Warbler, a White-eye @ Myoken area
a Night Heron (Juv.), a flying Kite carrying a snake @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
a Hawkowl and the chicks @ Myoken area
an Oriental Stork @ Aridagawa town, Wakayama Pref.
Kestrel chicks, a Lotus bud with a dragon on top of it @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: Sept. 3, 2019)
- Part-228 a Pheasant @ Kawanishi city, Hyogo Pref.
a Brown-headed Thrush, Grey-headed Lapwings @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
Narcissus Flycatchers @ Myoken area
African Stonechats @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
Japanese Waxwings, an Eurasian Skylark @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
Pacific Golden Plovers @ Nantan city, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: June 9, 2019)
- Part-227 The Cherry Blossoms Viewing @ Myoken area j
African Stonechat @ Kameoka ciry, Kyoto Pref.
a Red-flanked Bluetail, a Brambling, a Black-faced Bunting @ Arimafuji Park, Hyogo Pref.
a Goldencrest, an Olive-backed Pipit, a Red-billed Leiothrix, Yellow-throated Buntings @ Arimafuji Park, Hyogo Pref.
an Oriental Stork @ Aridagawa town, Wakayama Pref.
Western Ospreys @ Nantan city, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: Apr. 30, 2019)
- Part-226 a Hawfinch, Long-tailed Rosefinches, White-cheeked Starlings, Falcated Ducks @ Kameoka City, Kyoto Pref.
Teals @ Nantan City, Kyoto Pref.
a Pale Thrush, Naumann's Thrushes @ Myoken area
an Oriental Stork @ Aridagawa town, Wakayama Pref.
(Updated: Feb. 22, 2019)
- Part-225 a Lesser Cuckoo, a Grey-spotted Flycatcher, an Asian Brown Flycatcher @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
a Japanese Sparrowhawk, a Hawfinch, Bramblings, a thrush @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
an American Wigeon @ Tsurumiryokuti Park, Osaka city
(Updated: Dec. 13, 2018)
- Part-224 Toyono Matsuri, Bunnkatenn Exhibition on Nov.10 & 11
Seikatsu Club 40th Festival at Hanamizuki Hall, Tsurumi Ryokuti Park on Nov.25
(Updated: Dec. 9, 2018)
- Part-223 Red-necked Phalaropes, a Common Sandpiper @ Kameoka City, Kyoto Pref.
a Japanese Grosbeark (juvenile) @ Sanda City, Kyogo Pref.
African Stonechats @ Myoken area, Osaka Pref.
Herons & Egrets at dusk @ Kameoka City, Kyoto Pref.
Variety of Mushrooms @ Toyono town, Osaka Pref. & Inagawa town, Hyogo Pref.
(Updated: Sept. 30, 2018)
- Part-222 Common Kestrels @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
Ural Owls, Brown Hawk-owls @ Okeyaki, Toyono-gun
a colony of herons @ Nantann City, Kyoto Pref.
a Chinese Pond Heron and Cattle Egrets @ Itami City, Hyogo Pref.
Western Ospreys @ Nantann City, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: Aug. 1, 2018)
- Part-221 Pheasants (a male & a female) @ Kawanishi City (Hyogo Pref.)
Shovellers @ Kameoka City, Kyoto Pref.
A Ruddy-breasted Crake @ Kawanishi city, Hyogo Pref.
Western Ospreys nesting @ Nantan City, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: Apr. 30, 2018)
- Part-220 Oriental Storks @ Aridagawa-cho, Wakayama Pref.
Long-tailed Rosefinches @ Kameoka city, Kyoto Pref.
Long-tailed Rosefinches, a Ruddy-breasted Crake, a Japanese Waxwing @ Kawanishi city, Hyogo Pref.
Western Ospreys @ Nantan city, Kyoto Pref.
a Common Buzzard @ Myoken area
(Updated: Mar. 31, 2018)
- Part-219 Eurasian Spoonbills, Common Shelducks @ Kumeda pond, Kishiwada city, Osaka Pref.
A Ruddy-breasted Crake @ Kawanisi city, Hyogo Pref.
Common Meagansers @ Yodo river, Osaka Pref.
a Western Osprey @ Kameoka, Kyoto Pref.
(Updated: Feb. 10, 2018)
Back Numbers Part-179 to Part-218 i from Jan.,2014 - Dec., 2017 j
Back Numbers Part-131 to Part-178 (from June. 2010 to Dec. 2013)
Back Numbers Part-52 to Part-130 (from Jan. 2001 to May 2010)
Back Numbers Part-26 to Part-51 (from June 1998 to October 2000)
Back Numbers Part-14 to Part-25 (from June 1997 to May 19998)
Back Numbers Part-1 to Part-13 (June 1996 - May 1997)