Chick Tack 英語5文型  >  ある英語学習者の英文解釈日記  >  カルミデス022



I am glad to find that you remember me, I said; for I shall now be more at home with you and shall be better able to explain the nature of the charm, about which I felt a difficulty before. For the charm will do more, Charmides, than only cure the headache. I dare say that you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but that if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated; and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height offolly. And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together. Did you ever observe that this is what they say?


I am glad to find that you remember me, I said; for I shall now be more at home with you and shall be better able to explain the nature of the charm, about which I felt a difficulty before.

for I shall の shall は、will と同じ。これが書かれた当時は、一人称(I, we)が主語の場合は、shall が使われた(ようだ)。
at home with you で「君のことをよく知る」「君と打ち解ける」という意味になるはず。more は、この句を修飾していると考えると分かりやすい。「君のことをもっとよく知る」。
and shall... でも、better は、able to... を修飾していると考えるといい。about which の前にはコンマがあり、継続用法だが、後から訳すより、制限用法のように訳したほうが分かりやすい。I said は無視。


For the charm will do more, Charmides, than only cure the headache.

do は、〔動詞〕の使い方。「仕事をする」「役に立つ」「損益をもたらす」などの意味を表す。Charmides は呼びかけの挿入。

I dare say that you have heard eminent physicians say to a patient who comes to them with bad eyes, that they cannot cure his eyes by themselves, but that if his eyes are to be cured, his head must be treated; and then again they say that to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also, is the height of folly.

dare は〔助動詞〕。「あえて〜する」「思い切って〜する」。あまり訳さなくてもいいような気が……。
say の〔目的語〕は、that以降だが、heard と eminent の間にも that が省略されている。heard の〔目的語〕は、eminent physicians を〔主語〕とする〔節〕。
さらに、その〔節〕の動詞say の〔目的語〕は、かなり離れた that they cannot cure...。to a patient という〔副詞句〕とその句中の名詞patient を修飾する〔形容詞節〕が割り込んでいる。
(1)I(S)dare say(V)that you...(O)
(2)you(S’)have heard(V’)eminent physicians...(O)
(3)eminent physicians(S”)say(V”)...(M”)that they...(O”1),but that...(O”2)
are to be cured は、“be+to不定詞”。〔予定〕〔運命〕〔義務・命令〕〔可能〕〔意志・意図〕を表す詳しくはこちら
〔to不定詞〕の部分が受動態になっているので、〔可能〕に引かれるが、if節中で使われており、主節中に must も使われているので、〔意志・意図〕が妥当。内容を見て〔可能〕に再び引かれるが、〔意志〕に追いつかなかった。
セミコロン以後の〔目的語〕は〔that節〕だが、その〔that節〕の〔主語〕は、to think of curing the head alone, and not the rest of the body also,。〔動詞〕は is。

And arguing in this way they apply their methods to the whole body, and try to treat and heal the whole and the part together.

arguing in this way は、コンマはないけれど〔分詞構文〕であろう。

Did you ever observe that this is what they say?




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Chick Tack 英語5文型  >  ある英語学習者の英文解釈日記  >  カルミデス022

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