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Yes, I said, Critias; but you come to me as though I professed to know about the questions which I ask, and as though I could, if I only would, agree with you. Whereas the fact is that I enquire with you into the truth of that which is advanced from time to time, just because I do not know; and when I have enquired, I will say whether I agree with you or not. Please then to allow me time to reflect.

Reflect, he said.

I am reflecting, I replied, and discover that temperance, or wisdom, if implying a knowledge of anything, must be a science, and a science of something.

Yes, he said; the science of itself.

Is not medicine, I said, the science of health?



Yes, I said, Critias; but you come to me as though I professed to know about the questions which I ask, and as though I could, if I only would, agree with you.

悪いが、この欄を書くのに飽いてきた。当分お休みということで……。 Whereas the fact is that I enquire with you into the truth of that which is advanced from time to time, just because I do not know; and when I have enquired, I will say whether I agree with you or not.


Please then to allow me time to reflect.


Reflect, he said.


I am reflecting, I replied, and discover that temperance, or wisdom, if implying a knowledge of anything, must be a science, and a science of something.

「今考えているよ。 Yes, he said; the science of itself.


Is not medicine, I said, the science of health?

「医学は、健康の科学ではないのかい」 True. 「そうです」


ソクラテス: いいだろう、クリティアス。君は、私がした質問の答えを私自身が知っていて、私が君の意見に賛同する気があれば、すぐにでも賛成できると考えているようだね。一方で、我々は時折り突っ込んで真実を探求してきたね。それは、単に私が答えを知らないからだ。吟味してみて、納得できたら賛成と言うし、納得できなければ反対と言うよ。だから、どうか私に考える時間をくれないか。
クリティアス: では、よく考えてください。
ソクラテス: 今考えているところだ。節制や知性が、何らかの知識を必要とするならば、それは科学に違いない。そうだ何らかの科学に違いないと思うよ。
クリティアス: ええ、科学そのものです。
ソクラテス: 医学は、健康の科学ではないのかい?
クリティアス: そうです。

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