[ 1015] TOP GUN Saturday ,September 3 ,2005

TOP GUN will be opened in the theater today .
Of course ,TOP GAN is an old movie ,this film was first showed in 1986 .
But I haven't watched this movie in the theater - only on video .

Now ,this film was remade by digital technology .
I really really really want to watch this film in the theater !

[ 1014] Matchan's illness Friday ,September 2 ,2005

According to Beach House Saseco Web , Matchan( right ) is in the hospital .
I don't know the name of the disease he is sick with . I feel like he is same age as me . So I worry he drank too much . I hope he will leave the hospital soon .

If Teddy hasn't recovered from the illness yet , I'm afraid he will never recover .

The picture is of the gate that blocks the the stairs so he can't climb up .

[ 1013] Over 140,000 kilometers Thursday ,September 1 ,2005

My car (Diary) recorded over 140,000 km the other day .
( 111,111 km was recorded two years before .
Diary )

Even though , my car is old ,I'm not ashamed of the car .
Of course , a new car is better , but my driving is rough , so I hurt my car . And I'm not rich ! (^_^)

I want to drive this car for one or two years more .
How long will my odometers record before my car is broken ?

Well ,today is September 1 .
Let's start a new month !

[ 1012] Teddy's illness Wednesday ,August 31 ,2005

Teddy (Diary) caught a disease last Monday ,August 22 .
He was in the hospital and came back yesterday ,

I don't know the name of his particularly disease but the germ enterd into his brain and his brain nerves were attacked and was they were damaged .
He can't stand up normally and can't walk straight .
(His left eye is strange .)

But he believes he is well ,so he wants to go outside and he cries all day long .It's very noisy .
So I wake up early this morning (midnight?) by his cries .

When will he realize he is sick ?

[ 1011] A happy birthday Lexus ! Tuesday ,August 30 ,2005

Lexus is a new brand of TOYOTA .
Today ,Lexus opens 143 stores in the premium car section .

However ,I didn't like recent Japanese automobiles .One reason is because of the typical sharp head lamp design .
I think it's a great thing that Lexus is established a new business model .

I'll now watch how Lexus competes on a par with Mercedes Benz and BMW and how consumers react to Lexus .

I think the challenge like Lexus is the only way to survive .

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