Citizens' Biotechnology Information Center (CBIC)
English Archive: 2004
(Selected articles from Bio Journal in English)
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From Bio Journal - December 2004
Trend: Developments in GM soybean cultivation in Hokkaido
Non-food GM corn field-trials to be held in Shizuoka
Attitude survey on GM food in Hokkaido
MAFF approves a further three GM crops for cultivation
Work begins on guidelines for the handling of genetic data by corporations
Serious moves towards enactment of personal genetic data protection law underway
MHLW, MEXT review gene therapy guidelines
Closeup: Background to Hokkaido's GM regulation bylaw
From Bio Journal - November 2004
Trend - GM soybean cultivation in Hokkaido
Result of GM rice trial in Iwate
Monsanto's GM OSR long-term trial in Tsukuba
Gene expression occurs in second-generation chicken (Nikkei Biotech 2004/9/27)
MAFF approves two new GM crop varieties
MEXT establishes a working group on the human clone embryo
Closeup: Developments and Problems Concerning the formulation of the Law on Personal Genetic Data
From Bio Journal - October 2004
Trend - Hokkaido puts forward a concrete plan for "GM crop cultivation restriction bylaw"
Detection of GM genes in 60% of NON-GM labelled tofu products
Shiga Prefecture announces "GM crop cultivation restriction" guidelines
Suspension of overall testing for BSE
Basic line on use of cells from aborted fetuses unchanged
Three ministries hold joint meeting on the handling of personal genetic data
Closeup: The Dow Chemical cultivation trial suspension as an example of serious GM contamination
From Bio Journal - September 2004
GMO compatible herbicides affect children's brains
MAFF approves 7 GM plants/crops for cultivation
JA vows to bail out of GM R&D
Final report on use of human embryo comes before Cabinet Office Council for Science and Technology Policy
Use of cells from aborted foetuses - unofficial activities
Closeup - Background to the allegations of transfer of unlisted stock by university-based venture businesses
From Bio Journal - August 2004
Serious GM canola pollution in Kashima port, Ibaraki Prefecture
GM blue rose by Suntory & Florigene
Current situation on GM wheat
Japan Society of Obstetrics and Gynecology panel grants first approval for preimplantation diagnosis
Closeup: Railroading of approval for production of human clone embryo
From Bio Journal - July 2004
Trend: Increased GM crop field trials, but cancellations continue
Monsanto's GM soybean cultivation again?
Meeting held to oppose worsening of the organ transplant law
Council for Science and Technology Policy postpones conclusion on human embryo
MEXT and MHWL set up committee to look into the handling of genetic information
MEXT approves experiment on GE human ES cells
Closeup: Cedar pollen allergenic GM rice
From Bio Journal - June 2004
Feature: The Situation with GM Wheat in North America (Part Two)
Trend: GM crops field trials begin in various locations
Closeup: National Institute of Animal Health (NIAH) Prion Disease Research Center Holds Open Day
From Bio Journal - May 2004
Feature: The Situation with GM Wheat in North America (Part One)
Nippon Paper Industries to go ahead with GM eucalyptus field trial (Nikkei Biotech, 2004/3/29)
Assessment on biodiversity impact starts in Japan
MHLW, intensive discussion regarding the use of aborted foetuses
Heated discussions over human embryo in Cabinet Office Council for Science and Technology Policy
Closeup: Problems with the interim report on human embryos
From Bio Journal - April 2004
Allergenic GM rice to be tested on animals (Nikkei Biotech 2004/02/16)
Japanese laws concerning biosafety take effect
Japan to ratify FAO International Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture (ITPGR)
Japanese CRO Association to formulate guidelines for clinical tests on food (Nikkei Biotech 2004/2/2)
NIAS opposition to GE planting regulations (Nikkei Biotech 2004/2/16)
LDP Investigation Committee completes revised law on organ transplants
Council for Science and Technology Policy holds symposium for interim report on human embryo
MEXT fast-tracks a new program using human ES cells
Closeup: Prospects for local authorities' regulations and guidelines concerning GM crop cultivation
From Bio Journal - March 2004
Ibaraki Prefecture announces GM crop cultivation restriction guidelines
MHLW reports on three serious cases in gene therapy
New GM food safety evaluation standards approved
Two further GMO-GMO varieties approved
Gene inserted into fish sperm
Resumption of gene therapy using retrovirus
Tokyo University Professor Yusuke Nakamura refuses debate with citizens
From Bio Journal - February 2004
Trend: Lifting the import ban on bovine embryo from BSE-affected countries
300 cloned cattle on the table!
StarLink contamination still continues
Suntory Ltd. strengthens GM flower business
Discussions begin on amendment of guidelines for human ES cell research
Interim report on handling of human embryos issued
MHLW holds hearing on handling of deceased fetuses
Increased dependence on GM for biodegradable plastics
Closeup: New GM food safety evaluation standards
Closeup: Guidelines for GM crop field trials
From Bio Journal - January 2004
Trend: Outlook for GM crops and food in 2004
"Substantial Equivalence" denied
Draft standards presented to of Food Safety Commission GM panel
MHLW establishes committee to appraise environmental impact of gene therapy
Closeup: Recent developments concerning GM crops in Japan
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